#4x03 the wicked day
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cabbageheadss · 1 year ago
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You're a loyal friend, Merlin
MERTHUR WEEK 2023 | Day 4: favourite parallel + green ↳ @merthurweek2023
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dont-let-me-eat-pears · 10 months ago
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dude’s such a terrible liar it’s a wonder the whole of camelot didn’t know his secret by the end of the first episode.
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starrieisdelusional · 11 months ago
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(gif from merthurdaily)
oh i feel sick
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astraea802 · 6 months ago
Merlin Rewatch w/ Mom, 4x03
Aaaaand it's Uther's death episode.
Me: (ranting about how everyone decides to forgo logic in this episode just to make everything as awful and tragic as possible) Mom: It's just a show, sweetie. Me: Yes, I know, but I can still be mad when stupid things happen just to further the drama, when there were other ways to have them respond more in character. Or at least tell people stuff they should know! Mom: Well, you'll just have to write something better. Me: Mom. There are over 64,000 fanfics on one site alone that try to change various parts of the series and make the decision making make more sense, including this episode. So people have written stuff that's better. I am not alone in this frustration.
So essentially,
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I think I might be getting to the point where I'm annoying Mom with my commentary, I may need to back off and let her form her own opinions...
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merlin-knights · 2 years ago
The Wicked Day
(Merlin, 4x03)
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arthemrys · 2 months ago
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Merlin 4x03 | The Wicked Day
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godmerlin · 8 months ago
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Merlin 4x03 The Wicked Day
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merlin-gifs · 1 year ago
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MERLIN | 4x03 "The Wicked Day"
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sword-wielding-sapphic · 1 year ago
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Recall the tale of Icarus.
Choose to be Icarus.
Linda K. Hughes, Text and Subtext in "Merlin and the Gleam", p.166 /// Alfred Tennyson, Merlin and the Gleam /// BBC Merlin, The Last Dragonlord (2x13) /// Natalie Wee, Patroclus Dreaming /// Hozier, I, Carrion (Icarian) /// BBC Merlin, The Wicked Day (4x03) /// Hozier /// Natalie Wee /// BBC Merlin, The Disir (5x05) /// Alfred Tennyson /// Hozier /// BBC Merlin, The Diamond of the Day: Part 2 (5x13) /// Natalie Wee /// Alfred Tennyson, The Passing of Arthur /// BBC Merlin, The Diamond of the Day: Part 2 (5x13) /// Hozier /// Alfred Tennyson /// Natalie Wee
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adhd-merlin · 2 years ago
merlin's personality type (mbti)
Post inspired by my own poll, which was in turn sort of inspired by a post calling Gwaine and Merlin "extrovert bisexuals". This baffled me at the time because, to me, Merlin was obviously an introvert. But when I stopped to think about it, it wasn't actually all that obvious. 
As I mentioned previously in my own tags, I think you could make a decent argument for either Extrovert Merlin or Introvert Merlin. After some flip-flopping, I think I've gone back to my original position (for now). Introvert Merlin still feels right.
Why, you didn't ask?
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Below I ramble about MBTI types despite actually knowing very little about the whole system. Read at your own risk.
(I want to clarify that I don't think there's anything scientific about MBTI classification. I like to think about it in the same way I would try to sort a character into a Hogwarts house. It's just fun.)
Since it was proving tricky to pinpoint Merlin's position on the Introversion/Extraversion spectrum, I decided to first narrow it down to a few MBTI types that might suit his character.
The 16 MBTI personalities can be divided into four “macro-categories” (known as “temperaments”):
To me Merlin obviously belongs in the "Idealists" group, which would make "NF" the "core" of his type (xNFx). This leaves us with two orientations still to be defined: "Extroversion vs Introversion" and "Judging vs Perceiving".
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(The 4 MBTI dimensions)
Potentially, Merlin could be an:
INFP – The Mediator
ENFP – The Campaigner
INFJ – The Advocate
ENFJ – The Protagonist
Judging vs Perceiving
One thing I find interesting about Merlin is his decision-making process.
There are some momentous decisions that Merlin spends a considerable time agonising over – for example, whether to kill Morgana or, later on, Mordred – but once he's made a choice, he tends to actually be quite inflexible about it.
Seriously, good luck stopping the little guy once he's decided that something Must Be Done.
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“Don't try and stop me, because...you can't.” (The Wicked Day, 4x03)
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(That's right, Gaius. Fucking deal with it.)
Merlin will BULLDOZE his way to his goal regardless of anyone's opinion, sometimes even in the face of actual evidence suggesting this might actually be a Bad Idea™.
There is one significant occasion in which Merlin backtracks after having made a huge choice, and it's when he resolves to save Morgana's life after an accident he involuntarily caused (her fall down some stairs) left her deadly injured.
I'll come back to the reasons behind Merlin's change of mind later. What's interesting to notice is that, even in this case, once Merlin’s made his decision he sticks to it quite stubbornly.
He has to ask Kilgharrah for help to heal Morgana and his exchange with him, in case you don’t remember, goes something like this:
Kilgharrah: Merlin don't this is a terrible idea
This stubbornness – or better yet, inflexibility – makes me lean towards Judging rather than Perceiving as Merlin's preferred mental function.
While it's true that Merlin sometimes defers making a decision until it's no longer possible (see: freeing Kilgharrah), which is superficially similar to the way Perceivers prefer to keep their options open for as long as they can, Merlin doesn’t do it to see if new information might come up and help him make a better choice. He only needs time to internally evaluate the decision and consider how it aligns with his moral values.
Once a choice is made, Merlin can act very impulsively – as I've joked about here – and is very reluctant to deviate from the plan, which is typical of "Judger" types.
I also think this becomes especially apparent during the whole Mordred situation. Merlin never really pauses to take Mordred's actual actions into account when deciding whether or not he poses a threat to Arthur – despite Gaius trying to at least make him consider that Mordred might not mean the king any harm. Once Merlin decides that Morden is dangerous and needs to go, there's no turning back (not until it's too late).
Extroversion vs Introversion
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(A typical introvert, according to most people.)
Merlin tends to make decisions based on his own values and feelings first. Yes, he will consult others in moments of doubt – like Gaius or Kilgharrah – but his first instinct and tendency is to do what feels right to him even when it's not the wisest or most logical course of action based on the facts at his disposal.
(Incidentally, I find this interesting when compared to Arthur, who – in my opinion – turns to others for counsel far more readily [Merlin, Gwen, Agravaine] and gives more weight to the advice he receives. Arthur’s actually more open and flexible than Merlin when presented with evidence that contradicts his worldview – see his attitude to magic at different points in the show, perhaps most notably in episode 5x05, when he decides to return to the Disir.)
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Merlin's decision-making progress is very much inward focused, which makes me think of an Introvert rather than an Extrovert.
I'm thinking of Introvert vs Extrovert (or Extravert) in a Jungian sense here, which is to say, not (just) how someone interacts with others and how social interaction might drain or energise them – quite a subjective metric* – but rather whether they have a tendency to turn inwards or outwards to process information and react to external stimuli.
Or, in Jung's own words, whether someone is "more influenced by environmental influences or more influenced by subjective factors".
An introverted consciousness can be well aware of external conditions, but is not motivated by them. The extreme introvert responds primarily to internal impressions. (x)
In this specific sense, I think Merlin acts more as an Introvert than an Extrovert, which would make his MBTI personality type “INFJ”.
INFJ – The Advocate
INFJs are also known as Advocates, Protectors or (rather aptly, in Merlin's case) Counsellors.
I won’t go into a description of this personality type here – like I said I’m no expert, and you can Google it just as easily as I can. 
I’ll just highlight a few INFJ traits that I think are very relevant to Merlin.
Once they have formed an intuition about something, INFJs tend to stick to it very tightly, often to the point of being single-minded in their focus. INFJs are sometimes viewed as stubborn and unyielding. (x)
Because the INFJ has such strong intuitive capabilities, they trust their own instincts above all else. This may result in an INFJ's stubbornness and tendency to ignore other people's opinions. (x)
Something typical of INFJs is also having strong "hunches" (what Arthur would call "a funny feeling"). They are very much a "mystic" or "visionary" type.
INFJs have uncanny insight into people and situations. They get "feelings" about things and intuitively understand them. (x)
Of course, much of Merlin’s intuition is based on magic, but that isn't always the case.
When Gwen Comes Back Wrong™ from the Dark Tower, Merlin can sense she isn't quite the same. When Gaius asks him to elaborate, however, he is unable to articulate exactly why he feels that way, because there is nothing obviously different about Gwen.
MERLIN: Have you noticed anything about Gwen of late? GAIUS: Nothing unusual. Why? MERLIN: I'm not sure exactly. GAIUS: Something she’s said? Something she's done? MERLIN: No. It's nothing in particular. (A Lesson in Vengeance, 5x07)
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I'd like to point out that 1. Merlin looks especially hot in this scene, 2. his "funny feeling" has nothing to do with magic here. In fact, it takes him stalking Gwen and digging for evidence to discover that she is conspiring with Morgana.
Advocates tend to carry around a sense – whether conscious or not – of being different from most people. With their rich inner lives and their deep, abiding desire to find their life purpose, they don’t always fit in with those around them. (...) Many Advocates feel that their life has a unique purpose – a mission that they were put onto this earth to fulfill. For people with this personality type, one of the most rewarding aspects of life is seeking out this purpose – and then, once they’ve found it, striving to do it justice. (x)
Merlin's search for purpose is one of his main drivers (if not the main one). He almost immediately asks Gaius if he knows why he was born with magic and is quite heartbroken when Gaius can't offer a satisfying answer. After Kilgharrah tells him about the prophecy that concerns him and Arthur, Merlin throws himself into his destiny wholeheartedly, readily adopting it as his life's purpose.
Another INFJ characteristic which I think fits Merlin’s character quite well is that INFJs are harmony-seekers and deeply concerned about others’ feelings.
We see it at times in Merlin’s interactions with Gaius – although the two of them have their disagreements, and Merlin can be quite vocal about his opinion, Merlin's first instinct is usually to keep secret anything that might upset or worry Gaius too much.
For example, when Gaius earnestly pleads with Merlin not to meet with Finna (The Kindness of Strangers, episode 5x10), Merlin gives an evasive answer rather than confronting him, despite having already made his decision.
Being at odds with Gaius is truly distressing to Merlin – as shown in episode 3x09 (Love in the Time of Dragons), where Merlin's dejection after an argument with Gaius is evident enough for Arthur to notice and try to offer his advice.
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Although INFJs rely primarily on Introverted Intuition (their dominant function) this is supported by Extroverted Feeling, their auxiliary function.
Extraverted Feeling is the secondary function in INFJs. Deeply concerned with the energy, moods, and feelings of others, INFJs have deep insights into people and situations and make decisions based on how they will affect people. (x)
In stressful situations, an INFJ might try to rely on emotions when making decisions, especially if it means pleasing other people. (x)
I think the best example of the above trait is Merlin deciding to save Morgana’s life in episode 3x05 (The Crystal Cave) after his initial decision to let her die. He does not do this because of any new evidence or information – he still has every reason to believe Morgana poses a threat to the king and kingdom, if not immediately at least in the near future – but because he's witnessed how her imminent death is affecting those he cares about (in this case, Arthur and Gwen).
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It could be argued that Merlin’s choice not to reveal his secret to Arthur is also partly motivated by his Extraverted Feeling tendencies rather than just self-preservation.
"I didn't want to put you in that position" – he tells Arthur – again, showing a keen awareness of other people's feelings and a desire to maintain social harmony.
You can read more about the INFJ personality type here:
Portrait of an INFJ and INFJ & Relationships
INFJ Personality
INFJ: Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging
*I've stumbled upon this article which elaborates on cognitive Extraversion/Introversion, as opposed to introversion and extraversion as they are commonly understood: Typing Tutorial
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spnmarchmadness · 2 years ago
the official ranks are in. if you want to participate in the bracket contest (its free. the prize will be the valor that comes from a job well done), you can do so here. 
if you just want to make a bracket for funsies, here’s a google sheet with the intial match ups seeded. The full seeding list is below the cut!
1. 5x22: Swan Song 2. 5x08: Changing Channels 3. 6x15: The French Mistake 4. 13x16: ScoobyNatural 5. 3x11: Mystery Spot 6. 2x22: All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2 7. 4x01: Lazarus Rising 8. 10x05: Fan Fiction 9. 11x04: Baby 10. 11x20: Don't Call Me Shurley 11. 2x20: What Is and What Should Never Be 12. 3x12: Jus in Bello 13. 4x22: Lucifer Rising 14. 8x23: Sacrifice 15. 9x23: Do You Believe in Miracles? 16. 14x13: Lebanon 17. 14x20: Moriah 18. 1x22: Devil's Trap 19. 2x01: In My Time of Dying 20. 3x03: Bad Day at Black Rock 21. 3x16: No Rest for the Wicked 22. 4x18: The Monster at the End of This Book 23. 4x03: In the Beginning 24. 5x10: Abandon All Hope... 25. 5x21: Two Minutes to Midnight 26. 7x10: Death's Door 27. 11x09: O Brother Where Art Thou? 28. 2x15: Tall Tales 29. 2x21: All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 30. 4x16: On the Head of a Pin 31. 4x06: Yellow Fever 32. 5x04: The End 33. 6x20: The Man Who Would Be King 34. 8x17: Goodbye Stranger 35. 1x12: Faith 36. 12x10: Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets 37. 5x14: My Bloody Valentine 38. 5x03: Free to Be You and Me 39. 4x20: The Rapture 40. 13x06: Tombstone 41. 14x14: Ouroboros 42. 3x13: Ghostfacers 43. 7x17: The Born-Again Identity 44. 8x11: LARP and the Real Girl 45. 7x20: The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo 46. 15x09: The Trap 47. 12x11: Regarding Dean 48. 6x04: Weekend at Bobby's 49. 12x06: Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox 50. 8x08: Hunteri Heroici 51. 5x16: Dark Side of the Moon 52. 13x05: Advanced Thanatology 53. 1x06: Skin 54. 9x18: Meta Fiction 55. 10x22: The Prisoner 56. 15x18: Despair 57. 14x04: Mint Condition 58. 2x13: Houses of the Holy 59. 9x06: Heaven Can't Wait 60. 15x15: Gimme Shelter 61. 3x08: A Very Supernatural Christmas 62. 10x14: The Executioner's Song 63. 14x10: Nihilism 64. 11x14: The Vessel
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bbcmerlinbracket · 2 years ago
Episode descriptions under the cut (contains spoilers).
5x08 The Hollow Queen
A Druid boy tries to lure Merlin into a trap in the Valley of the Fallen Kings but changes his mind and they go back to Camelot. Meanwhile, Arthur is attempting peace talks with the cruel Lord Sarrum. The Lord plots with Gwen behind Arthur’s back, but they both plan to double cross each other. Merlin arrives just in time to save Arthur’s life.
4x03 The Wicked Day
Arthur’s birthday celebrations are ruined by an assassin and Uther’s death.
3x13 The Coming Of Arthur Part 2
Arthur makes the knights of the round table and Merlin retrieves Excalibur. They take back Camelot from Morgana and Morgause, who manage to escape.
3x02 The Tears of Uther Pendragon Part 2
With Uther losing his mind and Merlin poisoned, Morgana and Morgause team up with Cenred and an undead army to invade Camelot. Arthur struggles to hold down the fort. Merlin saves the day, but Morgana takes the credit for it and Uther believes her.
1x02 Valiant
A knight named Sir Valiant uses an enchanted snake shield to cheat at Camelot's duelling tournament. Merlin gets fired for accusing the knight of magic and has to save Arthur from him anyways.
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dont-let-me-eat-pears · 10 months ago
“the wicked day,” the most bipolar episode. one minute old!merlin’s getting piggyback rides from arthur and kicking him like a horse; the next arthur’s blaming magic for his father’s death and calling it pure evil, and merlin’s blaming himself for turning arthur against magic and ensuring he’ll have to hide his true self from him forever.
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starrieisdelusional · 1 year ago
this will be controversial, free to disagree: I don’t think 5x03 the death song of uther’s pendragon is a good conclusion to uther’s arc, i know he’s a d*** but i find that this ep undo uther’s development(?) that we see in the wicked day 4x03 it’s like he reverted before morgana. he’s not a good character but it’s been shown that time and time again he puts his children first
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cabbageheadss · 1 year ago
rules: link your favourite and/or most popular post from each month this year & tag some ccs you love!
I was tagged by the lovely @amaranth! thank youu <3
I'm going to pepper in some posts from my mainblog (@courtjestermerlin) because I wasn't posting much across some of these months.
— January most popular: BBC Merlin: 2x13 // 2x12 and 4x03: the wicked day favourite: 1x12: to kill the king
— February most popular: morgana in 3x04: Gwaine favourite: 5x10: the kindness of strangers
— March most popular: poor merlin carrying things favourite: merthur x all things end (hozier)
— April (i didn't post anything in april lmao)
— May most popular: morgwen x bottom of the world (emily haines) favourite: merlin in 3x07: the castle of fyrien (he's just sooooo)
— June most popular: merthur x if you wait (london grammar) ^ also my favourite
— July most popular: morgwen x drowning (banks) ^ this was the only thing i posted in June so by default, it is also my fav
— August most popular: merthur x I, Carrion (Hozier) favourite: ineffable husbands x lover, please stay (nothing but thieves)
— September most popular: merlin and gwen snooping favourite: merthur x patience (ama lou)
— October most popular: Merlin “it’s very…swordy” favourite: this edizzy gifset
— November (now realising that i also posted nothing in nov haha)
— December most popular: merthur x fav quotes favourite: merthur x achilles heel
tagging @swanmaids @athousandyearstime @eddiediaaz @singularities @feuxx @pyjamacryptid if you'd like to do this (no pressure ofc, and sorry to anyone who's already been tagged)
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the-king-and-the-druidess · 6 months ago
Two ficlets exploring Morgana and her father/s + bonus: Kilgharrah discusses Morgana with a mystical owl
Set in The Wicked Day. Morgana reminiscents of Gorlois and Uther.
S3. Morgana s visited by the specter of Gorlois. This fic has a couple of oooh plot twists
Bonus: S2. Kilgharrah and the Owl/Morgana dreams about The True Avalon Ending
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