#andrea831 metas camlijah
andreal831 · 1 month
So, I know you're a Haylijah shipper, but what you have thought if the show had ever decided to explore Elijah and Cami as a couple? I think that would've been very intriguing and compelling to see. They were among one of my crack ships when I was into TVD/TO. Definitely would've been an interesting dynamic to see play out.
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I've gotten to asks about this so I'm going to answer them both here.
I've seen people ship Cami and Elijah, but I'll be honest I haven't given them much thought. I'm all about being a multi-shipper. I love most Elijah ships, even the crack ones. Before considering this, I had always thought Marcel and Cami were my third favorite Cami ship (haymille being the second of course). But I might have to reconsider. I think Cami and Elijah would have been interesting together and I wish we could have seen them interact more. I would definitely have gotten behind this ship. I just love them both so much.
They have a lot of similarities. They both feel responsible for their families and have a lot of guilt for their perceived failures. They both attempt to fall back on logic rather than emotions, although Cami is definitely more emotional mature than our poor, stunted Elijah.
They would have long, intellectual conversations and would challenge each other. Cami would encourage Elijah to go back to school and actually do something with his life and Elijah would encourage Cami to enjoy aspects of life outside of work and school.
The only time we ever see Elijah really open up is with Cami. I wish we could have seen more of Cami being vulnerable with him. We know it happened to an extent as Elijah later tells her he was in her head just as much as she was in his. I wish she would have talked about her brother and uncle or even the trauma she went through of Klaus' compulsion. They both know how it feels to be used by Klaus and lose those they love.
I was trying to think of a downside to this ship and my initial instinct was that they both are too reasonable and need a partner to be a little more combative to deal with them. But then I remembered Cami is that person. I think the reason Haylijah works so well together is because Elijah tempers Hayley's impulses and Hayley is stubborn and aggressive enough to pull Elijah out of his head. Cami is also that person. Hell, she had a harder challenge of doing that with Klaus. At least with Elijah, he's slightly more reasonable than Klaus.
I adore their friendship but I think they would be a solid ship had the show given them a chance.
Thanks for the ask!
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andreal831 · 11 months
What do you think about Camlijah?
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One of my favorite underrated friendships.
We don't see Elijah have a lot of friends. Or really any friends. But with Cami, he lets his guard down.
One of the very first scenes in the entire show is Cami and Elijah's meeting. Right off the bat, they seem to have an understanding. They are both mature and intelligent characters. This is something that Elijah notices very early in Cami. We don't see them interact too much in Season 1. But then season 2, we truly get to see a friendship unfold.
In season 2, Elijah is in an incredibly vulnerable state. He has been tortured by his mom and forced to relive some of his worst memories. In season 1, we see him form a bond with Hayley and then lose a lot of that connection/support in season 2. Elijah is very isolated in season 2.
Cami is also going through a very difficult time as she has recently discovered the supernatural world and Esther and Finn are targeting her.
They live together for about two weeks and in this time, they play games, drink, and talk. They leave the safe house with a deeper understanding of each other. The fact that Cami was the first person Elijah tells about the truth of Tatia's death shows just how much he grew to trust and respect her.
We also see Elijah lose control a couple of times at the safe house but Cami doesn't run away. She continues to stay and try to help Elijah because she also trusts him.
I hate that they deleted the scene with the tshirt. They deleted it and then made it a klayley scene two seasons later.
While the show doesn't give this friendship enough on-screen time, we get moments of understanding throughout. One thing I wish is that Cami was a little more understanding with Elijah at the end of season 2/beginning of season 3. The only time I was a little upset with Cami's character was when she pretty quickly dismissed Klaus killing Gia and pushed aside Elijah's grief.
I love Elijah's support of Cami throughout her transition. He was the one who respected her decisions and autonomy the entire time. While he didn't want her to die, he knew it had to be her choice. He stood up to even Klaus in order to ensure she was given dignity and respect until her very last breath.
Cami was one of the very few people outside of Elijah's family that he truly invited into the family. And Cami was one of the few people who truly tried to understand Elijah outside of the demeanor he attempted to portray.
It truly was one of the biggest faults of TO that they didn't have more scenes together.
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andreal831 · 1 month
You keep mentioning how Elijah will sacrifice any and everyone to keep his family safe, which I fully agree with.
1. Would he have sacrificed cami to save his family? We see him do it to Davina, but he is also a lot closer to Cami than he was to Davina. But then we also see him do it to Marcel.
2. Hayley was very clearly way more important to him than any other woman he had ever been with. When/why/how did Hayley become basically the only person outside of his blood relations that he would A. never sacrifice and B. do absolutely anything in order to save her? I would say it’s partially to do with her having a baby with Klaus, but I definitely wouldn’t say that’s the only reason either.
Sorry for the delay in responding to this. It took me a minute to find the post I wanted to refer to.
A while back I answered an ask about how Elijah has different "tiers" of families, here. So when we talk about Elijah doing anything for family, we have to remember these tiers.
Elijah would sacrifice himself/the world if his entire family was in trouble, but he would also sacrifice Finn to save Klaus and Rebekah. Kol, he would struggle a bit with but at the end of the day, he puts Rebekah and Klaus over Kol. Klaus and Rebekah, it depends where we are in the series who he would choose.
Cami was one of the few people that Elijah allowed to fall into the family tier. I do think Marcel did, but again, he was not as high as Klaus. So when Marcel viewed Marcel as a risk to Klaus, it was a no brainer. I wish the show would have allowed Elijah and Marcel to have a more familial bond which would have really complicated the decision for Elijah. But I digress, back to Cami.
Cami had a special place in his heart, not only because of how she cared for him, but how she cared for his family. Elijah held her in high regard and made sure she had respect until her very last breath. It would have taken a lot more for him to sacrifice Cami, but at the end of the day, if it was her or the family, I could see him doing it. He would look for every other possible option, like they did with Davina. He would even try to sacrifice himself first, but if it was Cami or Klaus or Cami or Rebekah, Elijah always chooses family. But like he would be sticking all of them in Chambres to buy time before he resorted to that. He would also spend the rest of his life feeling guilty about it and trying to find a way to bring her back. Knowing Cami, she would have told him to sacrifice her and told him she understood. She would have tried to be brave to the very end. Honestly, I'm going to cry just thinking of the scene.
I don't think he would sacrifice her for Kol or Finn. He would just try to find a way to bring Kol back... maybe. Not Finn though.
Now Hayley was a special case and it would be naïve to say it wasn't in large part because of Hope. But I view it a little differently than just because she had Klaus' baby. I think it was more to do with her having a Mikaelson baby. Some people disagree, but to me, Elijah loved Hope from day one. He wanted to be a parent for so long and this was the closest he would ever get. Once he found out about Hope, especially once she was born, she became the number one priority for Elijah. We see Elijah prioritize Hayley's safety over Klaus in season one. Yes, he was already falling in love with her separate from Hope, but he had the excuse of prioritizing the baby as well as her. It allowed him to view her as family without being scared Klaus would harm her like he had in the past.
So since Hope moved to top spot in the family, that moved Hayley up too by necessity. Rebekah and Elijah especially understood the pain of losing their mother at a young(ish) age and wanted Hope to grow up with that love that they never did (partially cause Esther just wasn't that type of mother). It allowed him to feel like he was still honoring "always and forever" because he was protecting the most precious Mikaelson by protecting Hayley.
All of this to say, I don't necessarily think Hayley was more important than any of the women in his past, it was just the story we were watching. Again, I think he was able to treat her differently because she had more protection in his family than any of the other women. I think Elijah is very specific with words and he told us that he's only found love like that twice before Hayley. We know he is referring to Celeste and Tatia. He deeply cared for other women, but was not in love with them the way he was for those three.
Elijah never had the chance to choose Tatia over his family. But we do know he had a falling out with Klaus over her, so he did to an extent. If she had lived, we don't know what that would have looked like. Same with Celeste. I would love to read a story where, instead of pretending to be dead, Celeste goes to Elijah immediately after Klaus has her killed and she body-jumped. Elijah was livid and we don't get to see how that anger manifested or how long it took them to recover their relationship. Celeste and Elijah could have been such a great team going up against Klaus, which is probably why the show didn't allow it. Klaus wouldn't have stood a chance.
So no, Elijah would never sacrifice her the way he did Celeste. But he knows Hayley would always be acting in a way that was best for Hope. They both wanted the same thing, Hope to have the best possible life. He also never would have left her behind like he did Katherine or Aya, but again, she was family in a more solid way. He also knows Hayley for much longer than he knew the others, or at least that is the impression I get from the flashbacks. Yes, Elijah will do anything for Hayley, even sacrifice members of his family to keep her safe, even Klaus. But it's not just because of how much he loves her. It's also because of how important she is to Hope. He finally has an excuse which allows him to honor "always and forever" in a selfish way.
I feel like my point is just getting circular at this point. But thank you for the ask!
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andreal831 · 21 days
Update Tags
I've had a few asks that I wanted to refer to old posts and had trouble finding them, so I went through and added tags to all of my metas and thought I would share if anyone wants to find specific metas I've done:
Main Tag: #andrea831 metas
Mikaelson Tags: #andrea831 metas elijah #andrea831 metas klaus #andrea831 metas rebekah #andrea831 metas freya #andrea831 metas kol #andrea831 metas finn #andrea831 metas mikaelson
TO Characters: #andrea831 metas hayley #andrea831 metas cami #andrea831 metas celeste #andrea831 metas davina #andrea831 metas jackson #andrea831 metas aurora #andrea831 metas josh #andrea831 metas antoinette #andrea831 metas hope #andrea831 metas esther #andrea831 metas mikael #andrea831 metas dahlia #andrea831 metas hollow #andrea831 metas lucien #andrea831 metas tatia
TO Ships/Relationships: #andrea831 metas haylijah #andrea831 metas celijah #andrea831 metas camlijah #andrea831 metas gilijah #andrea831 metas haymille #andrea831 metas klamille #andrea831 metas haylope #andrea831 metas klope #andrea831 metas haybekah #andrea831 metas klarcel #andrea831 metas jayley #andrea831 metas klaurora #andrea831 metas klelijah
TVD Characters: #andrea831 metas bonnie #andrea831 metas elena #andrea831 metas stefan #andrea831 metas damon #andrea831 metas caroline #andrea831 metas enzo #andrea831 metas katherine #andrea831 metas matt #andrea831 metas tyler #andrea831 metas lexi #andrea831 metas kai #andrea831 metas heretics
TVD Ships: #andrea831 metas forewood #andrea831 metas bonenzo #andrea831 metas stelena #andrea831 metas carenzo #andrea831 metas elejah #andrea831 metas kalijah Legacies Characters: #andrea831 metas lizzie #andrea831 metas josie
Anything Related to my stories has this tag: #long live the mikaelsons
My Ongoing Stories: #haylijah in every episode #elijah ships song series
Essentially if you are looking for something I've posted, put my tag and then what you're looking for.
Hope this helps!
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