#andor countdown
onetruechromosome · 9 months
Start 2024 off right.
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oceanusborealis · 2 years
Awards - My Top 10 TV Shows of 2022
Awards – My Top 10 TV Shows of 2022
Our previous end-of-year best lists mainly focused on films because there is too much TV to get even close to a definitive list. However, this year there were too many good shows out there not to engage with them.So this year, we will look at all the shows we reviewed last year, SEE HERE, and pick our Top 10 of the 34 shows we reviewed. For a show to count, it needed to end its run or season in…
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killsandthrills · 2 years
What kind of work do you think uncle Harlo will get Syril?
honestly idk, it could be anything, but i kind of get the impression that since eedy said that harlo thought syril was never cut out for police work that he doesn’t work for the isb or anything related to security. i also have a crazy theory that harlo might be involved in the mob (or whatever the star wars equivalent is lol) because the way eedy talked about him was kind of strange… “he’ll respect that i waited so long to ask him” just seems like a odd choice of words to talk about your family. but tbh harlo could just end up being a well connected guy who knows somebody who knows somebody who could give syril a job for all i know🤷‍♀️
the point though i think is that syril will be unhappy regardless because his mom is making these decisions without his say, which is why i think their relationship is strained to begin with. he basically has no control over his own life (when at home at least).
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talaok · 1 year
Since all the nominations for Emmys, I need one fic where reader is either video calling or with Pedro when nominations are announced. Somethig fluffy and full of emotions cuz Pedro deserves all of this 😊
a/n: this ask skipped the line just cause I felt that if I posted this next week it wouldn't have made as much sense, so yeah here it is (also, I’m so happy for him and Bella, like omg man)
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Today was the day.
Pedro was never usually one to care about this stuff, yes he was grateful, and yes he was happy, but no other time had he felt this electricity in the air, this buzz telling him that something was about to happen... something good of course.
He had set up his tablet on the coffee table in front of the couch, waiting for the announcement to start, but he hadn't even managed to sit- he was too nervous, too excited.
A ringing sounded through the room all of a sudden, and after an initial scare, he smiled, glad you finally could call him.
You were on set. In Vancouver. A thousand miles from him.
"Is it on yet?"
Your eagerness spurt through the screen.
And he thought he was exited
"what? How much longer?"
He glanced at the screen, feeling a tiny goosebump traveling up his back at the countdown.
"two minutes"
"Oh my god!" You squeaked, smiling so wide your cheeks almost hurt "how are you feeling?"
"nervous" he chuckled drily
"Oh c'mon, what about? We both know you're gonna crush it"
"I hope so" he sighed "God I don't know why I care so much" he laughed "The only important thing is that Bella and the show get nominated"
"And you, of course" you chirped in
He tried to fight a smile, but it still pulled at his lips "Well if there's room..."
"There you are" you nodded, your smile fading ever so little after a brief moment "god I wish I could be there"
"Me too" he agreed "but at least w-" a noise in the direction of the coffee table caught his attention
"Oh shit, it's starting"
"shit, go go go go" you mumbled, feeling all too powerless in your position.
He sat down in front of the screen as the announcers appeared on it.
"what are they saying?"
"uh- just their names and stuff"
A moment passed 
"what about now?"
He laughed, ever so thankful for your presence "Still that, sweetheart"
"fine, just- tell me when they start telling the categories"
"ok ok here we go" 
"what is it?"
"talk series"
"Bo-ring" you huffed, making him chuckle "I want the good stuff"
"they're doing reality programs now"
"oh my god! it's like they want to torture us"
"Oh shit" 
A pit created itself in Pedro's stomach
"lead actor in a drama series"
"oh my god" you screeched, doing a poor job of trying not to freak out "C'mon baby I know believe in you"
"jeff bridges... Brian cox... Kieran Culkin... Bob Odenkirk..."
come on come on come on
His mouth widened as he let out an incredulous breath.
"baby?" you called, already knowing but wanting a confirmation "baby pl-"
"I got nominated"
"I told you!" You basically screamed, jumping out of your chair "I told you, baby! I'm so happy for you! You deserve all of it babe, all. of. it." 
"I can't believe this" he smiled, his eyes glimmering with that spark in his eyes he only got whenever he was truly happy "This is crazy"
"Well believe it baby, you're an Emmy nominee"
"I just-" he interrupted himself as the next category was announced "shit it's best actresses"
You nodded, trying to cool down while really just mindlessly pacing around your trailer 
"Bella Ramsey!" he laughed "Bella Ramsey! They did it! I knew they fucking would"
"oh my god!" you grinned "What a power couple"
"I know right?" he chuckled "I'll have to call them I-" and once again, the announcers interrupted his train of thought.
His gaze moved from you to the tablet again.
"best drama series?"
He only nodded, clearly all the anxiety coming back.
"Andor... Better call Saul... the crown... House of the Dragon..."
he fell silent as his eyes came back to you, and this time... this time they shined with tears of joy.
"yeah?" you asked, feeling your heart beating out of your chest.
"yeah," nodded.
You felt your heart and chest and body fill with pure joy as you let some tears fall from your eyes.
"you did it baby" you sniffled "I knew you would. You deserve it, all of it" you smiled, wishing with all your heart you were there to hug him and kiss him and whisper in his ear
"How are you feeling?"
He laughed "I don't even know, I just- I think I need time to process this" he smiled, his hands slightly shaking "A-Are you ready to go to the Emmys?"
"are you?" You laughed, quite literally quivering from the excitement
"As ready as I'll ever be"
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jynersq · 1 year
thinking about how essentially the very first things we're informed of in the very first episode of andor are cassian's location (preox-morlana corporate zone), and the year (5 bby, before battle of yavin) and how the latter both helpfully situates our main character in time and space, but also starts a timer, starts a countdown, immediately and viscerally quantifies the time he has left, because the end of the story is already written and therefore we know his life is already forfeit: we just don't know the middle bits between here and there. immediately establishing the date reminds us from the outset that no matter what follows, try as we might to pretend that extending the known story means we'll have access to the character forever, try as the show might to distract us with close calls, near-misses, and new characters, there's always a countdown running in the background ticking down down down to zero. from the jump the story is a requiem for a character who is both still alive and already dead
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faceofpoe · 7 months
1, 3, 40, 42 😉
hello friend! <3
What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
I'm actually gonna dig back a bit for this one and say Freight Car. This one came about during my brief (and probably final) phase with MCU when Falcon&the Winter Soldier came out, but it's based more around Endgame. But I think it's a good demonstration of my tug-at-any-last-thread-to-jam-some-coherency-out-of-this fic approach to some projects. Or as I put it: 'author uses Falcon and the Winter Soldier to pry closure from the jaws of Endgame' LOL
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
Lately, I think there's a certain undercurrent of destiny that gets teased at, which is the delightful result of Andor's 'start us on the countdown of this character's death' setting. And show choices like pulling Melshi into Cassian's story years before the setting in which we knew of their connection. And the show giving us banger prescient dialogue constantly.
40. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
Mostly one-and-done but there are always exceptions and I'll bookmark things that I think I might want to revisit.
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
Oh gosh. "Yes" is the short answer. You and your comments that led to Sipo/Mimban fic happening LOL. Any comment that notes a parallel or theme I did not intentionally include where then I'm faced with the 'pretend I knew what I was doing all along' vs 'well that was lucky' response choice. XD One of my old Hamilton AU universes will about once every 18 months get someone who really dives in (it is a beast) and makes my entire life discussing the parts that stood out. And a shoutout not to a comment, but to someone who bookmarked a Hamilton AU where I added a 3rd part (to a forgotten series in a dead fandom lol) 5 & 6 years respectively after parts 1 & 2 with the note that it was the most "humane" thing they'd ever read on AO3. That one will live rent-free in my head forever.
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Andor and the unease of evolution
A breakdown of the 6th episode of Andor
Spoilers ahead!
There is a certain sense of morose novelty -
That we get to spend this much amount of time with a person whom we know will die. 
A Greek tragedy.
The Fates have already written his story, and we can't pull or change the thread.
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Cassian barely has any agency in this story. He is doomed to die in 5 years. Which means that he is doomed to survive all events before that. No matter if he wants to or not.
When I saw BBY 5 in the very first episode, I seriously got chills. But mainly because Cassian's whole path leads to the destruction of the Death Star and the Battle of Yavin. BBY 5 in this context says: This man has five years left to live. It's a countdown to his death and one of the greatest sacrifices the rebellion has ever seen. 
Before the Heist, we see a very specific and context-driven Cassian. He has already lost the lustre for the Rebellion. He is like Jyn when we meet her at the beginning of Rogue One.
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For him, the lofty ideals and goals of Rebellion are basically like fairy tales - fake bullshit fed to kids to shut them up. Meeting Nemik, he is mostly amused by him (before Nemik proves him wrong and showcases just how smart, capable, and valuable he is to the mission). He thinks he can recognize the kind of ‘revolutionary’ Nemik is, and he is keen on proving Nemik wrong - the tiny group of 7 is no match for the might of the Empire, and it’s wrong for Nemik to think that he is of any value or thought to them.
For Cassian to come clean about his motivation to complete the Heist is another character-driven moment for him. When Karis Nemik was trying to accept and rationalize “not playing by the rules” and accepting a mercenary’s help at the beginning of the episode from an ideological standpoint.
Choice vs action -
For Cassian, it was never a choice. We see that in Rogue One itself. He was colonized when he was 6, (we don’t even know what happened to his parent figures). He has been in this fight without his autonomy. He was stolen from his homeworld, was propagandised to kill the wrong people, and finally deserted to survive. He did not have the luxury to choose when and where he cared about things - whether it be his survival or his hatred for the empire.
We don’t know much about Nemik’s background, but we can guess. Clearly, this is Karis’s first bit (and last bit) of actual action as a Rebel, at least on this scale. We knew that he had been collecting ways to take down the empire, we knew that he had been writing and thinking about Freedom, Liberty and Justice. To equate, he could have been a college-going armchair revolutionist, who finally decided to join the protests after one too many innocent people had gotten killed. 
He’s an intellectual who was finally radicalized, whereas Cassian had no choice but to be radical, and yet conservative in how to express and visualize his own distaste for the empire.
Cassian knows the value and even importance of anonymity. Like he said to Luthen, the very reason why he was so good at stealing from the empire was his ability to disappear, and of course, the Empire’s utter arrogance and ignorance. 
For him, staying anonymous is key for both his survival, and for his success in the future.
The importance of perspective -
One of the favourite things I liked about Karis and Cassian is that they allowed each other to be challenged by their own perspective - they both knew and acknowledged that the reasons behind why they believed what they believed was because of lived experience and circumstances.
For Karis to swallow his perspective of Cassian from ‘true believer’ to ‘gun-for-hire’, by spinning it as a ‘necessary step forward’ for the Rebellion, and for Cassian to admit to Karis that yes, idealism was important for the movement, is why Nemik insisting that Cassian got the manifesto is a key moment.
Karis is trying to accept and rationalize “not playing by the rules” and accepting a mercenary’s help at the beginning of the episode from an ideological standpoint. He’s trying to work backwards from a new conclusion: that allowing mercenaries to fight the Imperials is important for success. 
For Cassian to tell him the truth about the Empire - that they not only don’t care to learn about those who oppress, but they don’t even learn about those who stand against them - and for Nemik to genuinely listen and absorb this vital insight into who Cassian is (at this moment, a gun-toting merc), still insists that the Rebels must blow the horns and alert the Empire.
We know from trailer footage that Cassian eventually does go back to Ferris, and I think that’s where he’ll finally realize why it’s actually a good idea to show the Empire a face to attack - otherwise, innocents might get caught in the crossfire. Not only are his friends and family now under Imperial Rule, but so are the Dani people - already broken and struggling to fight in their own way. All these people got affected, but without their consent.
For Nemik to insist that Cassian get his manifesto is essentially his way of recruiting Cassian to the Cause - he sees and recognizes Cassian’s true identity - beyond who he has made himself to be to survive and skim away from the Empire. 
Idealism vs survialism -
To lose Nemik and to kill Skeen in the same episode is to show how Cassian is going to 
evolve from the nameless mercenary we see in the first episode to the Rebel Captain we see in Rogue One.
One showed him that idealism is good. Important. Different perspectives away from himself are key for his growth.
By killing Skeen, Cassian has finally evolved from the need to raise above by pulling others 
down. He recognizes the idea that he was the closest to Skeen in his actions; that’s why Skeen decided to try and rope him in before just simply killing him or even leaving him behind along with Vel.
By losing Nemik, he now has the responsibility to imbibe his idealism within himself. 
The Eye heist is a key experience for Cassian. For him to lose the idealist Nemik, who we might guess was someone who didn't really need to bother himself with ideas of Rebellion on such a large scale and to inherit his idealism with the manifesto.
And him so coldly and ruthlessly killing Skeen - the mercenary who thought the only way to lift yourself up is by standing on the heads of others. Cassian essentially killed that part of himself. The final crumb of calculated survivalism that he was holding on to. Because, as Luthen said in 1x4, he knew that if he loses that last bit of self-preservation, he is gone. He will die fighting the Empire.
Where are we flying next?
But, inheriting Nemik's manifesto, and thus inheriting Nemik's idealism, Cassian is now on the road to not dying fighting the Enemy, but dying fighting for the Rebellion. For hope.
The change is an internal one, not an external one. That is why we are going to spend so much time with him.
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I am extremely invested to see how he is going to change further.
Onwards to the next arc!
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rabbittstewcomics · 2 years
Episode 372
Comic Reviews:
Black Adam: The Justice Society Files – Dr. Fate by Bryan Q. Miller, Cavan Scott, Marco Santucci, Jesus Merino, Ulises Arreola, Michael Atiyeh
Dark Crisis 5 by Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere, Alejandro Sanchez
Dark Crisis: The Deadly Green by Alex Paknadel, Dan Watters, Ram V, Tom Derenick, Brent Peeples, Daniel Bayliss, George Kambadais, Matt Herms
Gotham City Year One 1 by Tom King, Phil Hester, Eric Gapstur, Jordie Bellaire
Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing 1 by Matt Rosenberg, Carmine Di Giandomenico, Francesco Francavilla, Arif Prianto
A.X.E.: Starfox by Kieron Gillen, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Frank William
A.X.E.: X-Men by Kieron Gillen, Francesco Mobili, Frank Martin
Edge of Spider-Verse 5 by Dan Slott, J.M. DeMatteis, Steve Foxe, Phil Lord, Bob McLeod, Kei Zama, David Lopez, Brian Reber, Jim Campbell
Miracleman 0 by Jason Aaron, Mike Carey, Neil Gaiman, Zack Davisson, Ty Templeton, Mick Anglo, Ryan Stegman, Peach Momoko, Leinil Francis Yu, Paul Davidson, Mark Buckingham, Zak Davisson, JP Mayer, Sunny Gho, Jordie Bellaire, Sonia Oback, Antonio Fabela
Spider-Man 1 by Dan Slott, Mark Bagley, John Dell, Edgar Delgado
Spider-Ham: Hollywood May-Ham OGN by Steve Foxe, Shadia Amin
Infinity Comics
Who is Daredevil?
Marvel’s Voices: Werewolf By Night
It’s Jeff
Dark Horse
Leonide the Vampyr: Miracle at the Crow’s Head by Mike Mignola, Rachele Aragno, Dave Stewart
3 Keys 1 by David Messina
Dark Ride 1 by Joshua Williamson, Andrei Bressan, Adriano Lucas
Junkyard Joe 1 by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson
Kaya 1 by Wes Craig, Jason Wordie
Revolvers 1 by John Zuur Platten, Christian Dibari, Simon Gough
Book of Evil 1 by Scott Snyder, Jock
Earthdivers: Kill Columbus 1 by Stephen Graham Jones, Davide Gianfelice, Joana Lafuente
TMNT: Saturday Morning Adventures 1 by Erik Burnham, Tim Lattie, Sarah Myer
Garbage Pail Kids Origins 1 by Hans Rodionoff, Adam Goldberg, Jeff Zapata
Sirens Gate 1 by Shannon Maer
Sweetie Candy Vigilante 1 by Suzanne Cafiero, Jeff Zornow
Unbreakable Red Sonja 1 by Jim Zub, Giovanni Valletta, Ceci de la Cruz
Red 5
August Purgatory Underground 1 by Benjamin Morse
Mystery Brothers 1 by Quentin Lee, Elis Zill
Pink Lemonade 1 by Nick Cagnetti
Monster Bar Mitzvah by Josh Anderson, Dustin Evans
Side Effects by Ted Anderson, Tara O’Connor
Kings of Nowhere by Soroush Barazesh
Ray’s OGN Corner: Pumpkin Heads by Rainbow Rowell, Faith Erin Hicks
Additional Reviews: Andor 5, She-Hulk, Werewolf by Night, Hellraiser (1987), Disney’s Chibi-Verse
Longbox of Horror 2022 part 2: Dark Knight Strikes Again
Ray pitches the Nintendo-Verse
News: Mike Marts takes over Mad Cave, NYCC shenanigans, Slott’s Who Special delayed, Night of the Ghoul optioned, Snyder re-ups at ComiXology, Cunningham and Ryall take over AfterShock, Spawn movie writers, El Muerto director, Five Nights at Freddie’s movie, Stephen King’s Fairy Tale optioned, Lazarus Planet, Owl House, Dragon Prince, Velma, Milestone 30th Anniversary plans, Joe Q doing DC covers, Mike Hawthorne arc of Zdarsky Batman, Keanu out of Devil in the White City, more Cartoon Network upheaval, Superman revamp, Flanagan no longer involved in Something is Killing the Children adaptation, Marvel’s Voices and Women of Marvel, titles of next Marvel events, Red Goblin series, Omninews, Rogue and Gambit by Stephanie Phillips, Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain by Tini Howard, X-23 mini, Guardians series coming, Sana Starros series from Marvel
Trailers: Wakanda Forever, Mario, Violent Night, Velma, Power of the Doctor, Picard s3
Comics Countdown:
Dark Ride 1 by Joshua Williamson, Andrei Bressan, Adriano Lucas
Spider-Man 1 by Dan Slott, Mark Bagley, John Dell, Edgar Delgado
Batman 128 by Chip Zdarsky, Leonardo Romero, Jorge Jimenez, Tomeu Morey, Jordie Bellaire
Ant-Man 4 by Al Ewing, Tom Reilly, Jordie Bellaire
Kaya 1 by Wes Craig, Jason Wordie
Time Before Time 17 by Rory McConville, Declan Shalvey, Eric Zawadski, Chris O’Halloran
Side Effects GN by Ted Anderson, Tara O’Connor
Junkyard Joe 1 by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson
Undiscovered Country 21 by Scott Snyder, Charles Soule, Leonardo Marcello Grassi, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Matt Wilson
 Minor Threats 2 by Patton Oswalt, Jordan Blum, Scott Hepburn, Ian Herring
Check out this episode!
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mceproductions · 2 years
Better Late Than Never (2022 Countdown Recap)
Hi, never did this 2 weeks ago but here are the countdown results. 
Best of 2022
 1. Everything Everywhere All At Once
2. Top Gun: Maverick
3. Nope
4. The Batman
5. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
6. Avatar: The Way of Water
7. The Bobs Burgers Movie and Sonic the Hedgehog 2
8. Black Adam and Turning Red
9.  Elvis
10. Jurassic World Dominion
11. Uncharted and The Woman King
12. Jackass Forever
13. Scream
14. Thor Love and Thunder and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
15. Marry Me
  Runners Up:
The Bad Guys
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore
Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers
Weird: The Al Yankovic Story
 1. Morbius
2. Firestarter
3. Pinocchio
  Honorable Mention:
   TV Shows
  Best New Show Nominee* Winner ^
  1. The Orville (Hulu)
2. Stranger Things (Netflix)
3. Yellowstone (Paramount TV)
4. Better Call Saul (AMC)
5. The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (CBS)
6. My Hero Academia (ADULT SWIM)
7. Attack on Titan (ADULT SWIM)
8. SNL (NBC)
9. Abbott Elementary (ABC)^
10. House of the Dragon (HBO)*
11. Late Night with Seth Meyers (NBC)
12. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) and The Boys (Amazon Prime)
13. Spy X Family (Crunchyroll)* and The Daily Show (Comedy Central)
14. The Good Doctor (ABC) and Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
15. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Disney+)
16. Moon Knight (Disney+)
17. 1883 (Paramount+)
18. RWBY: Ice Queendom (Crunchyroll/Rooster Teeth)
19. Peacemaker (HBO MAX)*
20. The Simpsons (FOX)
21. Bridgerton (Netflix)
22. LOTR The Rings of Power (Amazon Prime)
23. Arthur (PBS) and Andor (Disney+)*
24. Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi (Disney+)
25. Young Sheldon (CBS)
  Runners Up:
Hawkeye (Disney+)
The Book of Boba Fett (Disney+)
Lycoris Recoil (Crunchyroll)
Halo (Paramount+)
Grey’s Anatomy (ABC)
  Honorable Mention: South Park (Comedy Central)
 1. And Just Like That… (HBO MAX)
2. Fairview (Comedy Central)
3. Housing Complex C (ADULT SWIM)
   1. Encanto Cast “We Don’t Talk About Bruno”
2. JungKook “Dreamers”
3. Gen Hoshino “Comedy”
4. Lady Gaga “Hold My Hand”
5. Rihanna “Lift Me Up”
6. Harry Styles “As It Was”
7.  Kate Bush “Running Up That Hill”
8.  Ed Sheeran “Celestial”
9.  Taylor Swift “Anti-Hero”
10. Kylie McNeil and Millennium Parade “U”
11. Lizzo “About Damn Time” and The Weeknd “Nothing Is Lost (You Give Me Strength)”
12. Sim “The Rumbling”
13. Weird Al Yankovic “Now You Know”
14. OneRepublic “I Aint Worried”
15. Jennifer Lopez and Maluma “Marry Me”
16. Porter Robinson “Everything Goes On”
17. Shawn Mendes “Top of The World”
18. Beyonce “Break My Soul”
19. Bobs Burgers Cast “Sunny Side Up Summer”
20. Adam Pascal, Ty Taylor, Rory Donavan, Derek Klena and Rogers The Musical Cast “Save The City (I Can Do This All Day)”
21. Elton John And Britney Spears “Hold Me Closer”
22. Ed Sheeran “Shivers”
23. Void_Chords “Beyond Selves”
24. Kevin Bacon and Old 97’s “Here It Is Christmastime”
25. BTS “Yet To Come”
26. The Weeknd “Out of Time”
27. Jack Harlow “First Class”
28. Charlie Puth “Left and Right”
29. Coldplay and Selena Gomez “Let Somebody Go”
30.  Charli XCX “Beg for You”
 Runners Up:
Jennifer Lopez “On My Way”
Son Lux and Randy Newman “Now Were Cooking”
JIN “The Astronaut”
Tems “No Woman No Cry”
Jessica Darrow “Surface Pressure”
 Honorable Mention:
Tommee Profit And Fleurie “Chasing Cars”
 1. RuPaul “Smile”
2. Post Malone “Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers Theme Song”
3. Kid Rock “We the People”
   Game of The Year
 Nominee* Winner^
 Elden Ring^
God of War: Ragnarok*
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga*
Pokemon Legends: Arceus*
Horizon Forbidden West*
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tvrundownusa · 2 years
tvrundown USA 2022.11.23
Wednesday, November 23rd:
(exclusive): Pitch Perfect: "Bumper in Berlin" (Peacock, spinoff, all 6 eps), Wednesday (netflix, "Addams Family" spinoff premiere, all 8 eps), "Blood, Sex & Royalty" (netflix, historical docu-drama, all 3 eps), The Unbroken Voice (netflix, Colombian singer bio-pic, all 61 eps), Taco Chronicles (netflix, season 3 "Cross the Border", all 8 eps), Marvel Studios Legends (dsn+, "Drax" and "Mantis" specials), Daddies on Request (dsn+, Mexican family dramedy, all 10 eps), Limbo (hulu, all 10 eps), Love Island Australia (hulu, reality airing daily, season 4 opener)
(movies): "Radio Christmas" (AllBlk), "Christmas on Mistletoe Farm" (netflix, family drama, ~105mins), "The Swimmers" (netflix, sports drama, 2hrs+15mins), "Lesson Plan" (netflix, Polish action drama, ~100mins), "Who's a Good Boy?" (netflix, Mexican teen rom-com, 95mins), "Good Night Oppy" (amazon, documentary, NASA's Mars rover Opportunity)
(Friday shows available early): Shantaram (apple+), Acapulco (apple+), Mythic Quest (apple+), The Mosquito Coast (apple+), "Echo 3" (apple+, bilingual action-thriller premiere, first 3 eps)
(streaming weekly): Andor (dsn+, season 1 finale), The Santa Clauses (dsn+), "Sumo Do, Sumo Don't" (dsn+), Mighty Ducks Game Changers (dsn+, penultimate), Ben Gri (hulu|dsn+), Pink Lie (hulu), BlackRock Shooter: Dawn Fall (hulu), Revenge of Others (hulu, thru ep#10), Leverage: Redemption (freevee), Sherman's Showcase (AMC+, season 2 finale), The Real Love Boat (Para+), The NFL Pile On (amazon, primetime)
(specials): "Countdown to Macy's Thanksgiving Parade" (NBC), Andor (ABC, Star Wars "Rogue One" prequel, first 2 eps only, 90mins), "A Saturday Night Live Thanksgiving Special" (NBC, annual classic clips)
(earlier - hour 0): The NFL Pile On (amazon, streaming), NFL Slimetime (NICK, 60mins)
(hour 1): House of Payne (BET) /   / Assisted Living (BET), The Masked Singer (FOX), Survivor (CBS), Nick News (NICK, special time)
(hour 2): Sistas (BET), LEGO Masters (FOX), The Amazing Race (CBS), Chucky (SyFy|USA, season 2 finale, 65mins), "Shaq" (HBO, Shaquille O'Neal docu-series premiere)
(hour 3): Reginald the Vampire (SyFy), Hard Knocks In Season (HBO), Upcycle Nation (FUSE),   / Sherman's Showcase (IFC)
[repeats or preempted: Chicago Med (NBC), The Conners (ABC) /   / The Goldbergs (ABC), DC's Stargirl (theCW), Chicago Fire (NBC), Abbott Elementary (ABC) /   / Home Economics (ABC), Kung Fu (theCW), Chicago P.D. (NBC), Big Sky (ABC), Tooning Out the News (COM) ]
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oceanusborealis · 2 years
Cinematography That Made You Go Wow in 2022!
Cinematography That Made You Go Wow in 2022!
Cinematography is an art form that can be as bold as a gong crashing after a moment of silence or as subtle as the tide coming in. It elevates a film to the heights of accolades or becomes frustrating when it misfires.While at the heart of cinematography is the Director of Photography or Cinematographer, to get something from the script to the final shot takes a whole team of professionals, and…
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louistonehill · 2 years
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Tonight we honour the hero!
Andor countdown: ONE DAY!!!
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annisthree · 2 years
16 days, y'all!
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merrysithmas · 2 years
andor tomorrow!!!
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darth-memes · 2 years
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rabbittstewcomics · 2 years
Episode 371
Comic Reviews:
Batman: The Audio Adventures 1 by Dennis McNicholas, J. Bone, Anthony Marques, Dave Stewart
DC Horror Presents: Sgt. Rock vs. the Army of the Dead 1 by Bruce Campbell, Eduardo Risso, Kristian Rossi
Tim Drake: Robin 1 by Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo, Lee Loughridge
Constantine: Distorted Illusions OGN by Kami Garcia, Isaac Goodhart, Ruth Redmond
Deadman Tells the Spooky Tales OGN by Franco Aureliani, Agnes Garbowska, Derek Charm, Isaac Goodhart, Christopher Uminga, Sara Richard
Wayne Family Adventures Season 2
A.X.E.: Avengers by Kieron Gillen, Federico Vicentini, Dean White
Amazing Spider-Man 10 by Zeb Wells, Nick Dragotta, Marcio Menyz
Marvel’s Voices: Comunidades 2022 by Fabian Nicieza, Alex Segura, Carlos Hernandez, Zoraida Cordova, Hector Navarro, Edgar Delgado, Diogenes Neves, Marcelo Costa, Roge Antonio, Yasmin Flores Montanez, Luis Morocho, Paco Medina, Walden Wong, Israel Silva, Ceci de la Cruz, Manuel Puppo, Frank Williams
Marvel’s Voices: Miles Morales by Mohale Mashigo, Julian Shaw, Manuel Puppo
Dark Horse
Roadie 1 by Tim Seeley, Fran Galan
Brigade Remastered by Rob Liefeld and Friends
Flawed 1 by Chuck Brown, Prenzy
Old Dog 1 by Declan Shalvey
Onyx 1 by Chris Ryall, Gabriel Rodriguez, Jay Fotos
Skybound Presents: After School 3 by Jill Blotevogel, Marley Zarcone, Lisa Sterle, Fabiana Mascolo
Briar 1 by Christopher Cantwell, German Garcia, Matheus Lopes
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 100 by Ryan Parrott, Hendry Prasetya, Eleonora Carlini, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Marco Renna, Francesco Mortarino, Moises Hidalgo, Dan Mora, Miguel Mercado, Matt Herms, Tamra Bonvillain, Walter Baiamonte, Raul Angulo, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino
TMNT: The Armageddon Game 1 by Tom Waltz, Vincenzo Federici, Matt Herms
Hell is a Squared Circle 1 by Chris Condon, Francesco Biagini, Mark Englert
Hollow by Shannon Watters, Branden Boyer-White, Berenice Nelle
Forest Hills Bootleg Society by Dave Baker, Nicole Goux
Ghoster Heights by Corey Lansdell, Kelly Mellings, Lisa LaRose
Pick Head: Bayoo Beasties by Frederic Brremaud, Giobanni Rigano
Steeple vol 3 by John Allison
Ray’s OGN Corner: Speak Up by Rebecca Burges
Additional Reviews: Andor 4, Lumberjanes HC Vol 1, She-Hulk, Door to Door, Night to Night, Hocus Pocus 2, Last Avenger arc of Captain Marvel
Longbox of Horror 2022 part 1: Trouble
News: new Kelly Thompson series from Image, Armor Wars now a movie, AfterShock upheaval, Community movie, new Blade movie writer, Figment movie in development
Trailers: My Father’s Dragon
Comics Countdown:
Superman: Space Age 2 by Mark Russell, Mike Allred, Laura Allred
Hollow GN by Shannon Watters, Branden Boyer-White, Berenice Nelle
Steeple Vol 3 by John Allison
Human Target 7 by Tom King, Greg Smallwood
Nice House on the Lake 10 by James Tynion IV, Alvaro Martinez Bueno, Jordie Bellaire
TMNT: Armageddon Game 1 by Tom Waltz, Vincenzo Federici, Matt Herms
Department of Truth 21 by James Tynion IV, Martin Simmonds
Eight Billion Genies 5 by Charles Soule, Ryan Browne, Kevin Knipstein
Grim 5 by Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi
Ant-Man 3 by Al Ewing, Tom Reilly, Jordie Bellaire
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