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A quick explanation of the different types of outherine qualities, with some changes.
What's outherinity?
Anthrine (be that qualities that have no connection to things that exist outside the concept of gender, different from xenine qualities that refer to object, animals, emotions, etc in connection to a person's gender experience) are typically categorised into four+ main categories:
Nevertheless, there are forms of categorisation that defy this classifications while still being non-xenine. This group of anthrine qualities that can be described as "something else" are known as outherine.
Because outherinity is diverse and can refer to a number of different and very distinct gender qualities and categorisations, it has its own internal classification. In the coining post, its coiner Oltiel explained that outherinities can be divided into three main groups:
entirely new, apart from those other four, yet not exactly xenine;
entirely new, but can be compared to the overall four qualities;
unique combinations among the other four.
My intention here in explaining this concepts, their extension, common gender experiences within them and giving names to them when needed.
I'll also add two more categorisations that, by logic, would enter in this "something else" category but weren't taken into consideration in the coining post, probably due to the lack of vocabulary to refer to them:
combinations between new qualities;
combination between new qualities and pre-existing ones.
Category 1: entirely new, apart from those other four, yet not exactly xenine.
[PT: Category 1: entirely new, apart from those other four, yet not exactly xenine]
This refer to any gender, quality, presentation, alignment, dynamic, etc that exist separately from the main four and its completely dissimilar from them.
There isn't, as of yet a name for this category, but I was thinking on forine [PT: forine], from for-, meaning "away, off". But I'm not sure, so i'm open to suggestions.
It can be further subdivided into:
[PT: itherinities]
All qualities that can be described as “other”. They exist separatedly from pre-existing gender concepts, having no relation or similarity to them.
Etymology: Scots word for "other".
Some itherine qualities are:
Aliusine (from aliagender)
Péraine (from péragender)
[PT: ipsinities]
All qualities that can be described as “unique to the person”. Intead this quialities are defined around one’s personhood or an aspec of one’s identity.
Etymology: Prefix Ipsi-, from Latin Ipse, meaning "self".
Some ipsine qualities are:
Autonine (egogender), relating to the person's own self;
Alterine, relating to the person's alterhumanity;
Qulities relating to being a system, like Effective, tubuhive, etc.
Gender qualitoies relating to the person neurotype, disability, etc;
Gender qualities relating to the person intersex status if they do not relate to any pre-existing concept;
[PT: preterinities]
All qualities that can be described as existing beyond pre established gender concepts, but not beyond the concept of gender itself, which distinguish them from yonderinities. This qualities may exist in a diffent plane from the main ones, but that’s not always the case. They may experience the sense of eeriness or othewordlyness kenochoric genders have without the feelings of genderlessness, gender apathy, (semi)-xeninity, etc that are common to kenoinity.
Etymology: From Latin Praeter, meaning "beyond".
Some preterine qualities are:
Luxine (when non-xenine)
[PT: ineffaline]
All qualities that defy any form of classification without it being questioning, unspecific or yonderine.
It might seem contradictory to put qualities that defy classification under outherine, but outherine isn’t a classification, but rather a way to categorise all the qualities that do not fit the pre-existing gender categories. Ineffalinities go beyond this, also rejection the internal categories that exist within outherinity, like itherine, preterine, umbine, ipsine, etc.
Ineffaline coining post.
Category 2: entirely new, but can be compared to the overall four qualities
[PT: entirely new, but can be compared to the overall four qualities]
This is called UMBINITY [PT: umbinity] and includes all quallities that, while distinct to the pre-existing qualities, exist in connection to those. This connection can be born from opposition, derivation or proximity.
Etymology: From umbe-, meaning around or about.
Originally I was limited "umbine" to midbinary-connected outherine qualities and coined "preterine" for the abinary ones, but I find this division unnecessary, so I decided to use "umbine" for this type of outherine qualities regardless if they relate to miderian or aphorian pre-existing qualities.
It can be further subdivided into:
[PT: disinities]
All qualities that can be defined as being the opposite of a pre-existing quality, while not being any of the other existing ones, or any quality that can simply be defined as just being "not X" or "the opposite of X".
For example, an antineutral quality that's not inherenly androgynous, feminine, masculine, etc but rather just "antineutral", can be said to be disine.
Etymology: From the prefix dis- Meaning "not" or "separation/removal".
An example of a disine quality is altraenine as its exist in opposition to both masculinity as femininity. It can also be considered to be simultaneously circumine (see below), as it also exist beside the two in the gender spectrum, like forming a triangle.
[PT: circumities]
All qualities that can be defined as existing around or near a pre-existing quality, being similar to it but a thing of its own. Circumine qualities exist in proximity to a given quality or can be compared it, while existing on its own. They can also feel as evolving from pre-existing qualities.
It's different from Esquinity, the quality of proximal gender that can still belong to one of the main gender categorisations. Nor it is the same as Juxtrinity, which refers to miderian extrine qualities, most of which aren't outherine.
Etymology: From Circum- meaning "around".
Some examples of Circumine qualities are:
Ainuline (when nonneutral);
Ainemine (When nonneutral);
This are also aporine, which isn't necessarily outherine as it can be neutrine.
Altraenine (also disine, see above);
Gender ambiguity and ambiguinity;
Pandrogyny in its original meaning.
As you can see, I haven't mention maverinities and ilyaginities yet. I'll include them last when I explain auto(no)minities, as they require a more in depth explanation.
Category 3: Uncommon combinations. This includes not only the "unique combinations among the other four", referring to in the coining post of outherine, but also the combination between this entirely new, "something else" qualities, and the combination between those and the main four.
[PT: category 3: uncommon combinations. This includes not only the "unique combinations among the other four", referring to in the coining post of outherine, but also the combination between this entirely new, "something else" qualities, and the combination between those and the main four]
I haven't think of a name for this category, and honestly it's complicated so I'm open to suggestions.
It can be further divided into:
[PT: anderinities]
Qualities born from the combination of two or more brand new qualities, or that sit between these qualities in the gender spectrum.
Etymology: From ander, meaning other.
Some anderine qualities are:
Solusine (some cases);
[PT: dipherinities]
Qualities born from uncommon combination of pre-existing gender qualities or that sit between them in the gender spectrum.
Etymology: A combination of diphy-, meaning "two", and the word "different".
Some dipherine qualities are:
Droxinine (between masculine and neutral);
Troinine (between feminine and neutral);
[PT: ectinities]
Qualities born from the combination of one or more pre-existing gender quality with one or more brand new gender quality, or that sit between pre-existing and brand new gender qualities in the gender spectrum.
Etymology: From ecto- , meaning outside.
Some solusine qualities can be categorised as ectine.
Where do autonomine genders and qualities fit in all this?
[PT: where do autonomine genders and qualities fit in all this?]
Gender autonomy, also known as autonominity, refers to gender experiences that are:
independent from outside governance as well as,
a sense of freedom regarding one's actions, wills or desires.
In a post, the coiner explains that:
Autonomous genders are fully defined by oneself, without the imposition of outside structures and authorities (systemic or interpersonal)
And mentions autonomique (a concept coined by thon), maverique and egogender as example of autonomous gender experiences.
it makes sense for autonomique to be autonomine, because it's just a gender characterised by a sense of gender autonomy, but what makes each of the other two belong in this category and are there any other qualities that may fit here?
Starting with maverique, it's a maverine gender. maverinities can be defined as:
Strong inner sense of gender. There's no genderlessness or gender apathy.
Independent from femininity, masculinity or neutrality. They aren't similar, in between nor derive from any of this concepts.
Unorthodox. It subverts, conscientiously or unconscientiously, pre-existing gender expectations. In the case of maverique it's a passive unorthodoxy, there's no delibarate desire to subvert gender expectations it only occurs naturally as part of the characteristics of the gender. Meanwhile, gendermaverick, is actively unorthodox, deliberately subverting them.
The last two characteristics are what put maverinities, including and specially maveriquinities, inside the autonomine umbrella.
Egogenders, also known as autonine genders, are autonomous because by definition they, being unique to a person exist free from outside governance. In general all qualities under the first category could be considered autonomous, expect maybe itherinity.
Another outherine quality that I personally think fit into it is ilyagine.
Ilyagine is the quality of ilyagender and similar gender. it's characterised by:
A tangible presence of gender;
A gender experience that isn't masculine, feminine, neutral, null, genderless, nor between or a combination or derivation.
A passive resistance to pre-existing gender concepts, a chill indifference. Here is what the coiner of ilyagender had to said:
ilya feels like sort of a chill, not even gonna bother with all those holes, I’m just existing, thanks.
I feel like this "I won't even bother, I'm just existing" attitude ilya has certain level of gender autonomy to it as this indifference from categorising one's own gender beyond "I sure have one" makes for gender experiences that are independent from outside governance and unique to the individual.
Let's remember that Some individuals with autonomous gender elements may say that their gender simply just is, and that they are best described as themselves.
Lastly, autonominity refers to "individualistically redefined preexisting, heteronomic roles, identities and/or presentations"
The relation between outherinities and autonominities
[PT: the relation between outherinities and autonominities]
Outherine and autonomine intersect, but aren't exactly the same. There are many qualities that are both outherine and autonomous, but outherine heteronomous qualities and non-outherine autonomous qualities exist too. to quote the now delated blog gender-resource:
However, one who is otherine has gender that is entirely new, but can somehow be compared to the aforementioned quadranary of masculine/feminine/androgynous/neutral.
Some differences:
Outherinities are entirely new, while gender autonomy can be experienced through the recontextualisation of pre-existing gender qualities.
Outherinities can be comparable to pre-existing gender qualities, while being distinct from them. Autonominities, when not redifinitions of heteronomic gender roles, exists independently from all them.
Otherinity and gender autonomy are both comparable and dissimilar. Gender autonomy can be combined with otherine elements, but it isn’t necessarily an otherine element itself. Otherine gender can indeed be autonomous, but not all autonomous gender are otherine. However, I would certainly say they are in the same ballpark, or one adjacent to it.
Maverine genders are, for example, both outherine and autonomine (although the identification with the first one varies depending on each maverine individual), while neutriquinity is autonomous but non-outherine, as it's neutral.
Why isn't aporine listed?
[PT: why isn't aporine listed?]
Aporine refers to any no-xenine comgender quality that's different from femininity, masculinity and anything in between them. It includes both outherinities and neutrinities (comgender neutralities).
Because it encompasses but it's not limited to outherinities, it cannot truly be considered to be part of the outherine umbrella, but rather a separate concept that intersects with it. All outherinities are aporine (regardless if they are autonomous or heteronomous), but not all aporinities are outherine.
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I want to dig my little claws into some complex gender concepts and discuss them for videos. Ilyagenity, outherinity, anderinity. Give me entirely abinarine concepts and those that run parallel to the binary. Give me androgyny that doesn't stem from midbinarity. Give me maverinity without the focus on maveriqueness. I want it all! I love learning! 💙⚡️
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also yesterday when i was watching my friend play veilguard i kept speaking elvhen in a bad southern accent and ill tell ya......its really fucking fun....
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Fourth up - some of my oldest OCs, the Guardian Siblings! All of them are Gods in their own rights, and a bunch of silly gooses that love each other lots. I miss drawing Black Anderin! He's so. Shaped[tm].
#black anderin#fydra#crystal sans#abnormel#dubaku#mimi#meme#starr69#original character#oc#guardian#spirits#gods#doodle dump
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Gender-Jargon GIN Terms Masterlist
[pt: Gender-Jargon GIN Terms Masterlist ./. End PT]
I said I would do it, so I went ahead and did it.
[PT: I said I would do it, so I went ahead and did it. ./. End PT]
Tagging @imoga-pride and @in-nature-archive.
Here is a list of GIN ([Gender]-in-nature) terms that I used on my old blog (Gender-Resource) for tagging. I have also included more recent GIN terms that either I have coined or has been coined by others that I currently use or likely will use in the future for tagging.
If anyone has any questions about the terms here, just let me know and I would be happy to answer them :-)
Fin: (Feminine-in-nature)
Unfin: (Unfeminine-in nature)
Troin: (Troinine-in-nature)
Min: (Masculine-in-nature)
Droin: (Droxinine-in-nature)
Unmin: (Unmasculine-in-nature)
Lin: (Androgynous-in-nature)
Unlin: (Unandrogynous-in-nature)
Femain: (Femasline-in-nature)
Ambiguin: (Ambiguine-in-nature)
Altrin: (Altraeninine-in-nature)
Nin: (Neutral-in-nature)
Unin: (Unneutral-in-nature)
Neuin: (Neutrine-in-nature)
Epin: (Epicene-in-nature)
Trinin: (Trinterine-in-nature)
Amin: (Ambiguous-in-nature)
Perin: (Peraine-in-nature)
Ilyin: (Ilyagine-in-nature)
Mvin: (Mavriquine-in-nature)
Auin: (Autonomous-in-nature)
Othin: (Other-in-nature)
Nuin: (Null-in-nature)
Vin: (Void-in-nature)
Agin: (Agender-in-nature)
Glin: (Genderless-in-nature)
Gein: (Generic-in-nature)
Kein: (Kenochoric-in-nature)
Luxin: (Luxine-in-nature)
Inbin: (Inbissiec-in-nature)
Enmin: (Enmitiec-in-nature)
Shocin: (Shocking-in-nature)
Uin: (Undescribable-in-nature)
Din: (Describable-in-nature)
Apin: (Apathetic-in-nature)
Usin: (Confused-in-nature)
Main: (Male-in-nature)
Fein: (Female-in-nature)
Lein: (Femache-in-nature)
Buin: (Butch-in-nature)
Sobin: (Soft Butch-in-nature)
Fuin: (Futch-in-nature)
Femin: (Femme-in-nature)
Bufin: (Butchy Femme-in-nature)
Genoin: (GNC-in-nature)
Qin: (Queer-in-nature)
Ain: (Aporine-in-nature)
Ouin: (Outherine-in-nature)
Diasin: (Diastine-in-nature)
Xin: (Xenine-in-nature)
Oriein: (Orientation-in-nature)
Lexin: (Lexcial-in-nature)
Gsrin: (Gesneriad-in-nature)
Aesin: (Aesthetic-in-nature)
Coriin: (Coric-in-nature)
Whilin: (Whilom-in-nature)
Roin: (Neuroine-in-nature)
Iin: (Intersex Exclusive-in-nature)
Altin: (Altersex-in-nature)
Yin: (Yonderine-in-nature)
Cuin: (Culturally Exclusive-in-nature)
2sin: (Twospirit-in-nature)
Amplin: (Amplusian-in-nature)
Chin: (Changing-in-nature)
Plasmin: (Genderplasmic-in-nature)
Cinn: (Choice-in-nature)
Idin: (Fluid-in-nature)
Uxin: (Flux-in-nature)
Flin: (Fluix-in-nature)
Aporin: (Nonspecific-in-nature)
Porin: (Specific-in-nature)
Unrelin: (Unrelated-in-nature)
Relin: (Related-in-nature)
Plin: (Partial-in-nature)
Poin: (Polygender/Omnigender/Pangender-in-nature)
Antin: (Antigender-in-nature)
Novin: (Novel/New-in-nature)
Infin: (infinite-in-nature)
Doxin (Paradoxical-in-nature)
Oposin (Opposite-in-nature)
Contrin (Contradictory-in-nature)
Vain: (Vague-in-nature)
Vasin: (Vast-in-nature)
Win: (Weak/Disconnected-in-nature)
Reclin: (Reclaimed-in-nature)
Rin: (Rejected/Repulsed-in-nature)
Contrin: (Contraversial-in-nature)
Polin: (Political-in-nature)
Sucuin: (Subcultural-in-nature)
Cocuin: (Countercultural-in-nature)
Quesin: (Questioning-in-nature)
Virin: (Virine-in-nature)
Lierin: (Eraine-in-nature)
Commin: (Commidine-in-nature)
Ithin: (Itherinine-in-nature)
Andin: (Anderine-in-nature)
Diphin: (Dipherine-in-nature)
Umbin: (Umbinine-in-nature)
Pretin: (Preterine-in-nature)
Bin: (Binarine-in-nature)
Nobin: (Nonbinarine-in-nature)
Enbin: (Enbinine-in-nature)
Midbin: (Midbinaraine-in-nature)
Nomidbin: (Nonmidbinarine-in-nature)
Abin: (Abinarine-in-nature)
Noabin: (Nonabinarine-in-nature)
Trin: (Trinarine-in-nature)
Midtrin: (Midtrinarine-in-nature)
Atrin: (Atrinarine-in-nature)
Noatrin: (Nonatrinarine-in-nature)
Tin: (Trans-in-nature)
Cin: (Cis-in-nature)
Trisin: (Tris-in-nature)
Ipsin: (Ipso-in-nature)
Ultin: (Ulter-in-nature)
Iptin: (Ipter-in-nature)
— Gent (link)
[PT: -- Gent (link) ./. End PT]
#GIN#in-nature#gender nature#nature of gender#term#list#masterlist#taglist#tagging#gender-resource#gender-jargon#gender coining#made by gent#mogai#liom#liomogai#for archivists#umbrella term#transgender#gender theory
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#artist on youtube#art youtube#youtube art channel#youtube artist#art video#worldbuilding project#worldbuilding stuff#artists#dark fantasy#fantasy world#fantasy worldbuilding#artist of twitter#artist on twitter#tumblr recommendations#recommend#recommendation#youtube#youtube content#youtube recommendations#youtube channel#youtube link
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Worldbuilding Accounts
I didn't realize how many great worldbuilding channels there were on YouTube. From illustrators, authors, d&d players, clothing makers or just anyone who likes to make and tell stories.
Wanted to share this list with anyone who might've been like me who didn't know them earlier. A lot of these channels have been really inspiring for me to start one myself :)
I haven't consumed every piece of content they've created, so I'm no expert on them or anything-- I just like to watch their videos from time to time!
Lily's Illustration
Nakari Speardane
Rick's Creations
lynn d. jung
Mariah Pattie Worldbuilding
sincerely, vee
The Templin Institute
Mystery Flesh Pit National Park
Gabriel Z Quinn
Feel free to recommend or add other creators!!
Worldbuilding can be daunting and so easy to get it "wrong."
Seeing other creatives' processes has eased some of my worries, and of course, it's fun to listen to new stories.
#worldbuilding creators#worldbuilding#worldbuilding youtube#worldbuilding youtubers#worldbuilding channels#youtube#youtubers#writing#storytelling#illustration#illustrators#dungeons and dragons#dnd#lore
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Emma wrapped her hand around a weed, and yanked. It popped out, roots and all - she might not have magic here, but she still had a touch with plants that few could rival. The weeds weren’t going to choke out her carrots, not while she had two hands and the disposition of a particularly persistent patch of ivy.
She'd nearly won the argument with the weeds over who got to use the vegetable patch when she heard a noise from her nightmares. A kind of ringing whistle, like the hum of a wineglass mixed with the sound of storm winds under the eaves.
A Portal.
And she hadn't heard Sam's voice in the last few minutes. Her child was loud, especially when playing.
"ANDERIN!" she hollered, and her feet were drumming against the kitchen tile, and when had she run into the house?
Her spouse, startled by the utterance of his birth name – the name he hasn't used since they both left that fairyland hellhole – fell off the couch and onto the rug.
Emma barely noticed. "Andy, the Wizard's got Sam. And probably the neighbours' kids too. I need you to hold the Portal until I can get everyone packed and ready to go."
He didn't argue, didn't protest that he had no more magic than she did in this world. Andy's eyes looked straight at the Portal, no matter that a solid brick wall was in the way, and his irises took on an oddly reflective effect that turned grey into silver.
She hadn't seen his eyes do that since the day they stole enough of the Wizard's magic to build their own Portal home. It was proof, if she'd ever needed it, that the Wizard was back to his old murderous tricks. Magic was leaking into her world, magic that had no business being there.
Not here. Not now. Not her child.
Mukhtar next door met her before she could even ring his doorbell, backpack settled over his shoulders and talwar resting on his hip. He knew that sound too; he was with her when Arleen died from an illusion-spider bite, and the five of them pledged to find a way to return home.
Only three of them made it. The plant-witch, the young sorcerer, and the swordmaster.
"Zehra was playing with Sam," Mukhtar said briefly. "Inaya is staying here to watch the younger children, but she knows of the Wizard." He cracked a grim smile. "If it came to a fight between the Wizard with all his magic and my wife with a casserole dish, I would bet on Inaya."
Emma let out a laugh that was more of a hiccup. "So would I," she agreed. "We need to tell Valla from next door but one, too."
"Jamie and Siobhán?" Mukhtar asked.
"Jamie and Siobhán. We need to be quick, Andy can't hold the Portal forever."
"I'll tell Valla, you pack for you and Andy. Do you still have the sleeping bags from the camping trip three years ago?"
"We do."
Back in her house, Emma settled a little more into her skin at the reassuring, unwanted familiarity of preparing to move out. Familiar, perhaps, but very different now from when she'd been eight and newly come to a poisonous paradise. Different even from when she'd been fifteen and had spent half her life with everything from the insects to the King trying to kill her. Very different from being eight again with the knowledge of seven stolen years, back on Earth where vines didn't stretch and tangle at her command. Where getting ready for school involved books and a packed lunch instead of knives and dried rations.
Packing as a grown woman, with a waterproof tent and steel pegs and antiseptic cream, felt new and unbalanced, like she was wobbling on the edge of a cliff. (A sensation that, unfortunately, she had firsthand knowledge of.)
It seemed no time at all before she'd packed two rucksacks, guided a distracted Andy into changing into sturdy clothes and hiking boots, and joined Mukhtar and Valla in front of the Portal. The Wizard, for whatever reason, had set it into the window of the off-licence at the end of the road, where lilac and gold magical energy clashed unpleasantly with a buy-one-get-one-free offer on bottled drinks.
Valla, whose strength was measured less in her muscles and more in the fact that she never raised her voice to the two children she was parenting solo, stepped forward. Her tidy cornrows came up to Emma's chin, but there was no doubt that she could draw everyone's eyes. "Emma, I need an explanation. Mukhtar said something about a portal, but there's nothing there."
"No time. Go," Andy said, voice straining under the effort of holding open the portal that should never have been there. Emma twined her fingers with his, half reassurance and half in case she needed to tow him.
"Take my hand?" Emma asked Valla. Valla eyed her measuringly, then slipped her hand into Emma's free one. "Watch Mukhtar, please."
Mukhtar stepped forward, and the whistle-whine of the portal revved higher as he passed out of their world and into the one they had never wanted to return to.
"Emma. Emma, he disappeared." Valla's hand clenched tighter on Emma's.
"Yes. Whether or not you can see it, there's a portal there, and it's going to take us to our children."
Valla inhaled, then nodded. "No-one kidnaps my children and gets away with it. Even people who build invisible portals."
Emma exchanged a firm nod with Valla, then stepped forward.
A few subjective seconds later, the three of them landed on the soft green grass of the world where the Wizard had taken their children. Emma gasped as the magic stung in her veins like adrenaline, the meadow plants reaching eagerly for her. Magic. She had magic again.
Magic she had given up. Magic she had used to kill.
The Wizard had no idea what was coming for him.
a group of children are tasked by a mysterious wizard to complete a heroic quest in a magical land. since this is a form a kidnapping, their middle-aged parents follow them through the portal and precede to wreak havoc in the style of Liam Neeson’s Taken
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thief 4 just generally kind of Sucked but oh my god garrett and basso. garrett and basso.
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Alright missy i got some questions for you ✨
For you - is there an OC you miss that no longer has a story?
For Vincent
#15: what is something about your OC can make you laugh?
For Flint:
#18: what is the most recent thing youve discovered about your OC?
For Graverobber
#19: what is your favorite fact about your OC?
ooooooooooh me likey... I'm gonna do this in two posts however so it doesn't get insanely long so this one is the first two questions only: "For you - is there an OC you miss that no longer has a story?"
God SO many. The biggest ones atm are basically all of them from Circus of Doom - in particular London, his brother Pierre, and Lonath. They, and the rest of the cast, used to be my go-to comfort oc's in middle and high school but since realizing I didn't REALLY have a story for them [much like almost all of my "stories" at that time], I eventually put them aside to work on new things that I wasn't so stuck in the mud with when it came to details. I miss them something fierce and even incorporated them all into my first story... but that one I also have trouble going back to a lot. [And also miss a lot of those characters too like Black Anderin] I miss drawing them all too. I actually just found the weird ghost dolls of London and Lonath like last month I think? They're on display in my room now. 🤗
"#15: what is something about your OC can make you laugh? [For Vincent]"
This man takes self hate to a whole new level and it's entirely due to the fact that he's one of the most egotistical characters I have. 😂He's so obsessed with himself, but ONLY his current self, that when he canonically meets his younger selves [and even older ones], he's an absolute D I C K to them. The entire first book series he's in he literally just tricks baby him into doing all his bidding and then as a reward? Chucks baby him into the past and takes his place in the story. It doesn't matter that he's literally talking to himself from the past - that's not HIM him, and he hates him. Cuz he's better XD I image he would get into the most serious of contests with himself just to prove whose actually the best version of him. If the protagonists ever wanted to get him to help them they'd just have to convince him he could beat the shit out of a younger version of himself... and yet if you were to ask him his opinion on himself he'd give a glowing review. 😂
Ask me questions about my OCs!
#two parter!!! I know i hate reading huge posts on here so I wanna try and keep them decently sized#friend ask#oc question#aw-life-no
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Ooh I wanna hear about your ideas for a Zelda story please!!
I’m gonna use this ask to describe my ideas for each main character that doesn’t give away a spoiler (so minus like two main characters for right now)
Zelda (or Thea)- Short black hair, she’s got plain clothes throughout the story for the most part, she’s still hiding her identity. Usually has some kinda scrape or scratch somewhere on her, she’s a rough character.
Link- kinda close to your typical link? Debating on keeping his hair blonde, it’s gonna be long for sure, he lives in the woods so it’s always got leaves and sticks in it, he’s also always scratched up, him and Zelda both typically look dirty
Ganon- boy king of the Gerudo tribe, he’s actually treated very well by his people, he’s good to them and they love him. More civilized than Link and Zelda who are rough and tumble kinda kids.
Luka- Zelda’s older brother, tries his best to keep Zelda out of trouble. Next in line to the throne, all around good guy. He wants the best for his people as well, him and Ganon get along very well.
Daine- The older of Zelda’s younger brothers, secondary commander of the guard. He’s taught Zelda how to fight in hand to hand combat and sword fighting, he’s the closest with Zelda.
Anderin- The youngest of Zelda’s brothers, he’s a master at archery and taught Zelda as well as he could with a bow and arrow, he enjoys traveling with Zelda and his brothers
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That thing about abstract qualities and concrete qualities is fucking incredible. We've noticed the same thing and have been trying to put words to it for *years* but haven't been able to; I think this is exactly the thing we've been trying to figure out. Thank you!!
Understanding outherinity
When we talk about outherinity we aren't talking about one strict quality, but rather about a set of different qualities, each with its unique characteristics, that are all distinct from the pre-existent sociegender qualities without being xenogender or xenogender-adjacent nor beyond the concept of gender. This means that all outherinities are:
Not neutral, feminine, masculine, androgynous, epicene, etc.
The term was coined around 2019 here.
Outherine genders and qualities can be categorised in different groups depending on how they can be described. This categories were originally named, but last I've decided to give a name to each of these original outherine subtypes + adding a new one.
Categories mentioned by the coiner and later named by me:
Dipherine: It describes any outherine quality born of the uncommon combination of two pre-existing sociegender qualities. That be, any combination between masculinity, femininity, neutrality, androgyny, etc except androgyny itself and femmulinity.
Dipherine (archived)
Itherine: It describes any otherine quality that can be categorized as brand-new with no connection to previous existing qualities, yet not exactly xenine or anything similar.
Itherine (archived)
Some itherine qualities are:
Autonomous/Autonomine(?): Caracterised by gender independence, freedom, self-determination, etc. The main autonomous gender is Autonomique. It's also an umbrella term that includes other itherine qualities like maverine and autonine.
Aliusine: Describes genders that can be characterised as simply "other", as standing apart from pre-existing social gender constructs. The main Aliusine genders are aliagender and troique.
Maverine: Similar to Autonomine, but with a strong inner sense of gender. Originally it also mentioned gender unorthodoxy and unconventionality. The main maverine gender is maverique.
Ilyagine: An "other" quality with no connection whatsoever to pre-existing qualities. A feeling that there's a gender that's distinct from fem, masc, neu, andro and anything derived, similar or related to them. See post on Ilyaginity.
Autonine: Describes gender qualities that are unique to a person or system. Characterised by individuality and a strong sense of personhood/systemhood. Egogenders are considered outherine and itherine because they're unique to a person or system and have no connection to pre-existing gender categories.
Périne or péraine: Describes genders completely disconnected from the masc/fem/neu trinary. The main perine gender is Péra(gender). See post on Pérainity.
Preterine and Umbine: Both refer to brand-new qualities that are still comparable, while distinct, to pre-existent gender qualities. The different between Preterine and Umbine is that, while the former is for outherine qualities adjacent/comparable to abinary qualities, the later is for outherine qualities adjacent/comparable to midbinary qualities. (I decided to coin two different terms for what was originally a same "descriptor" because I think these are two different experiences, or at least I experience them in a different way)
Some preterine and umbine qualities are:
Aineminine : Gender quality comparable to femininity
Ainuline: Gender quality comparable to masculinity
Altraenine: Gender quality that can be described as a "pure " androgyny that exist in opposition to both femininity and masculinity rather than in between them. See post on altraeninity.
Preterine (archived); Umbine (archived)
Categories added by me:
Anderine: Not originally considered by the coiner. It describes any outherine quality born of the combination or that exist in between two or more outherine qualities.
Anderine (archived)
Peraverinity (combination of perinity and maverinity) is an example of an anderine quality.
Technically the combination of outherine qualities with pre-existent qualities could be considered outherine as they would form brand new qualities too, but no term for them has been coined as of yet. Normally people refer to these genders as simply aporine, but all outherine genders are aporine as aporinity as an umbrella term refers to any comgender quality distinct from femininity, masculinity, androgyny, epicenity, effeminacy/effeminity and femmulinity. I'm thinking on coining something, and when I do this part will be edited, but for now they are just "aporine".
(I'll repost the longer explanation about each outherine quality and link it here in the future)
Differences between outherinity and xenogenders: Why are outherine gender not xenine?
[PT: differences between outherinity and xenogenders: why are outherine genders not xenine?]
The main difference between outherine and xenine is that outherine is a sociegender quality/group of qualities. That is outherinities are defined by themselves and no component on their definition can exist outside the concept of gender.
This is because outherinities, being sociegender qualities, have circular definitions. That it's, all the part of their definition define each other. For example: Maverique. The main quality of maverique is maverinity; maverinity is defined around the quality of being maverine. We could go a bit further and define maverinity around an strong sense of gender autonomy, but we cannot go further than "gender autonomy", which basically means "gender distinct/separated from pre-existed concept".
Maverinity cannot exist or be defined without the existence of things and individuals/systems that are maverique or some other maverine gender; but, simultaneously, these genders wouldn't exist if maverinity didn't exist as a possible gender experience.
I like to refer to sociegender qualities, including outherinities, as "abstract", comparing them to "abstract nouns" as the thing they are defined around cannot exist without genders that are that thing. Femininity, masculinity, neutrality, androgyny, outherinities, etc can only be measure through genders and people who are fem/masc/neu/angi/outher/etc, just like happiness can only be meassure and contained by people and other beings who are happy.
On the other hand, xenogenders, some kenous genders, and other similar qualities are defined by and around things, beings, and concept that have an existence independent from the concept of gender, but are being applied to gender concepts. they have a linnear definition, meaning that the ultimate concept they are defined around does not depend on the others to exists.
If we take soporinity as an example, soporine genders are related to the concept of sleep. Its definition is linnear because while soporinity and soporinity need each other and the concept of sleep to exist and be defined, the latter doesn't need either; it has an independent existence outside the concept of gender.
That's why I like to refer to these type of qualities as "concrete",
because I like to compare them to concrete nouns in that the thing they're defined around exist outside gender as a concept (This does not mean, of course, that xenogenders and adjacent gender categories, are only ever defined around concrete concepts. It's xenine qualities themselves that are concrete qualities, but they can be defined around abstract nouns like emotions).
Derived terminology
[PT: derived terminology]
Just like with any other qualities, outherinities can be used to refer to the nature of gender, the core aspect of gender, presentation, expression, alignment, and more.
A person can have an outherine gender without necessarily having an outherine alignment or presentation/expression or have an outherine alignment or presentation/expression without necessarily having an outherine gender.
Likewise, "contradictory" or "paradoxical" genders that are OUIN but not OUIA/ OUIA but not OUIN exist too. For example: Cettreur (OIUN + MIA) and Faunverique (MIN + MVIA [OUIA])
Genders that are outher-alignment, regardless if they are otherwise outherine, are called "outheric". To refer to both outherine and outheric genders we can use the term "outherly".
That's all for now, I'll keep editing this post to add more information or share link to my other post and/or useful resources on outherinity.
#discussion#outherinity#outherine#comgender#sociegender#long post#dipherine#itherine#gender qualities#autonomous#aliusine#maverine#ilyagine#autonine#peraine#péraine#preterine#umbine#aineminine#ainuline#altraenine#anderine#peraverine#noxin#abstract qualities#terminology#abstract#abstract quality#concrete qualities#concrete
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The sun touched down across the fields of Westfall, the shadows lingering behind the cinderblock and wood piled nearby. Terran gazed upon the sunrise, moving his hand to cover his one good eye.
“Damn, it’s already morning.”
His night had been spent planning, designing, and building. Construction would be starting soon, and then soon enough Terran would have a home all of his own, for the first time in thirty years. He didn’t intend to spend the night working; no, rather, he’d intended to stay in his apartment and sleep.
Earlier that night Terran left for home, he didn’t linger in the city lest he get caught in it’s chaotic grasp. Terran had a largely normal night, he’d spent time with Cameron, lecturing him and offering him guidance. He’d left Cameron at the LMA hoping he’d get medicine and be able to control his pain long enough for him to work on his actual concerns.
He’d climb up the spires of Dalaran, stair case after stair case, until he arrived at his door. Slinking in he’d make short work of his clothes, and trinkets, no second thought as he slinked into the covers of his bed. Terran’s eye blinked shut, allowing him drift off into sleep, getting the rest he’d not been allowed himself in too long.
“Dear Sergeant.” The voice echoed in his mind as he shot from his bed, sword already in hand ready to fight off the creature. “Emalf eb ereht tel.” “Taeh on.” Terran spoke the simple incantation he’d learned years prior, a small heatless flame appearing in his free hand, bringing the room into the light. Terran’s eye scanned everything, and found nothing. Hourglasses flipped making a fwwt sound as they did. Terran remained there, standing at the ready for the claw that would never come, as his heart’s slow rhythm returned to a rest he breathed a sigh of relief. “Just my imagination.” “Vorain is dead.” He reassured himself as he slipped back under the covers into yet another sleep. This time he re-awoke at Maclure Vineyards. He stood at the edge of the property, watching faces he knew step forward into the field, each being consumed by it. Tendrils grasped at each of them pulling them into it’s dark embrace. Another stood at the edge of the field with him, the Kaldorei Commander, Faeril. Unable to speak he was at least satisfied, she would keep others from entering, she was smart and proactive. The sound of a footstep distracted him from his satisfaction, it was Faeril’s. She stepped forward, into the field.
Terran tried to shout but couldn’t, his hands refused to move as Faeril stepped deeper into the vineyard. The tendrils rose up around her though she seemed not to notice. They gripped at her, and latched to her body dragging her into the ground. She faced Terran for but a moment, an unnatural smile upon her lips. An anger flared up within Terran as he saw so clearly that her mind had been tampered with.
“STOP” His body responded, and as it did he shouted, his sword drawn as he charged forth, slashing the tendrils into chunks of viscera. He now dragged the Kaldorei away, she smiled up at Terran with that same terrifying visage. He slapped her, trying to wake her from what controlled her.
“Dear Sergeant.”
She had spoken, yet it wasn’t her voice. Vorain’s echoed through her lips as Terran staggered back. “Dear Sergeant, they long for my protection.” “Would you strip them of their free will?” She stood now, though her body ceased moving of her own accord, rigid and unfluid. She stared down at him, her smile curving upward and opening to reveal fangs were her teeth had been.
“Dear Sergeant, you don’t have to be alone.” He turned to run, fleeing from Vorain to fight another day. He collided into something he hadn’t expected. Blinking he saw Abighail on the ground in front of him, having slammed her down by mistake. “Ms. Atwater I’m sorry we need to r-” He was cut off as she spoke. “Dear Sergeant, we don’t need to run.”
Taken aback he blinked again, now noticing the gathered crowd. Mary, Cam, Morrowgrove, Keith, and Anderin. They helped Abighail to her feet while he stood eyes widened at them. They all turned to face him again, smiling with horrific sets of fangs. He turned to run again, only to find Faeril gripping his arm.
“Dear Sergeant, would you strip them of their free will?” Terran heart raced uncharacteristically as he jolted from his bed, sword in hand waving it around in the dark room wildly. Minutes passed without bloodshed and he forced himself into armor. He fled his small apartment and made the trip back out to Westfall, if he couldn’t sleep, he may as well work. Mentions: @abighail-atwater @alexandria-morrowgrove @fenril @foxglovethings @easternkingdomer @greeniehorn
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merabaaa canımlarıımm ben geldiim görmiyeli çok oldu kjfsdfhjsk sen nabıyon kurban olduğum anderin hayranı ghjdk.kırmızı.burun
oturuyorum sen
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Got hit by a wave of nostgolia for my very first story, *Starr69, and first drew the single best, most gorgeous head for this shape shifting mischief making God and decided “meh why not do (almost) all of the rest. Throw in his cat form just for kicks”. Can’t get enough Black Anderin in my life.
Then I remembered I hate drawing cats. 👍🏼
#Black Anderin#*Starr69#my very first story#god i miss it#i used to think about it 24/7 when i was a kid#then in middle school i started creating more stories#i still thoight about this one the most tho and they sll became interconnected thanks to it#but by high school i left the sonic fandom which a lot of the characters in this were#and i havent thought much about them since like maybe 9th or 10th grade#im 25 now btw#i miss these characters dearly#especially him#hes my all time favorite out of all 400+ characters i have#and was originally a purple cat spirit#who only showed up to cause mayhem and sometimes help lol#hes#still kinda that but 100% a good guy now lololol
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Anderin-WRA, won at the Tarts’ Fire Festival raffle!
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