
One-pot media noche lang kami. Namit guid! Yaaas marunong na ko! #arrozvalenciana #ilonggostyle
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Wahooooo!!! Thank you, you know who you are :-p. #colorful2016herewego
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Cookies to Fawn Over
Really nice recipes. Every hour.
Show me what you cooked!
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Typewriter necklace, bookshelf, on!
Holiday Wishlist For Writers
Aqua Notes: A waterproof notepad for your shower!
Scrivener: Writers constantly rave about this writing software being one of the best!
A Litograph t-shirt: Graphic t-shirts drawn using the TEXT of your favorite book!
This beautiful calligraphy set: A gift with a lot of thought.
Typewriter Key necklace: A simple, but awesome gift.
Wirelings bookmarks: Simple, elegant bookmarks in the shape of your favorite animal.
Fandlemonium candle: Candles based off your favorite fandoms
D.I.Y invisible bookshelf: Everyone’s books deserve to look this cool.
Custom Penguin Books pillowcase: When your novel isn’t finished yet but you KNOW everyone’s gonna love it…
An membership: Trust me… everyone wants one.
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Why do birds suddenly appear... #diywallpaper #bedroomdecor #dugoatpawis
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Because sometimes I forget who my real "big boss" is 😄💖. #myhomeworkstation #postitnotes
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Have a break, have a Kitkat...Green Tea! #isangupuanlangto #kaadik
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Ang “regalo” themed kong DIY krismas wreath 😂😂 #dugoatpawis #kinderpamore
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SPOILERS A Comprehensive Guide to Why Glenn is Alive.
********SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 3 OF SEASON 6**********
Hey gals, guys and everyone in-between. Hey Glenn fans! I just wanna start by saying I’m sure a lot of you have heard of Team Delusional. You’ve probably heard that we’re insane and crazy and we think Beth Greene is still alive. Well, we’re not insane but we do think she’s alive.
You’re also possibly aware that a LOT of people think Glenn is still alive, too. And most of Team Delusional does. I’ve seen a lot of people say Glenn’s death is obviously fake, and yeah it kinda is, but I’ve also seen loads of fans distraught because they think it’s real. This is for you my dears! Now, maybe you don’t like Team D. Okay. I just wanna extend my hand and say we’re in this together now. We think Beth and Glenn are connected. Read this by @bethgreeneishopeunseen for more on that. This here is mostly what me and my mother thought about this episode and Glenn’s “death”. A lot of the ideas here have also been said by countless others too, not just Team Delusional members but all sorts of viewers. Here we go.
It’s hard to know where to start with this one, so I’ll start with the scene itself and work out.
Keep reading
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“Harry Potter” Coloring Book Available for Pre-Order
So how many other adult fans are definitely getting this?
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My black pond. First try! lilicococrunch
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Moffat Library of Washingtonville It’s not too late to sign up for our coloring contest for adults! Stop by the library between now and August 15th to pick out a coloring page (or pages) from our new collection of coloring books to complete! Hand in your finished masterpiece by Saturday, August 15th for a chance to win a special prize. Winners to be announced Monday August 17th! Call (845) 496-5483 x 324 for details!
Libraries have caught the adult coloring book fever. Tumblarians, are you acquiring coloring books for your collections? How do you handle these types of materials?
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Drool-worthy coloring books
Secret Paris | The Mandala Coloring Book | Color Me Calm | Outside the Lines | The Calm Coloring Book | The Artful Mandala Coloring Book | Enchanted Forest | Day of the Dead
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