#and z is funny and good at staying positive
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feeling a lot like ichika in that one 4koma rn
#all my friends are good at something and im. not#c is good at talking to people and m is an amazing artist and s is also good at art AND incredibly funny and creative#and k and l are both really good at being encouraging and kind and c is really smart and t always knows what to sag#*say#and w is really wise and good at giving advice and m always gives her best no matter the circumstances#and z is funny and good at staying positive#and h is good at analyzing things and m is so passionate about what he likes and a is so supportive and sweet#and m is such an amazing person to be around and l is silly but smart at the same time#and k y and t are all completely fluent in two separate languages AND they're all such amazing and creative people#and meanwhile im just sort of. here. not particularly good at anything.#not particularly talented nor do i have any specific good trait that sticks out about me#idk i don't feel like i deserve to be friends with them
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How to comment 101
A fandom is the subculture inherent to a group of fans. It touches anything related to the field of predilection of such a group of people and is organized or created by these same people. And, like everything that comes from people, it is alive and requires exchanges to continue to exists.
People who receive no comments have often and at length express how lonely it can feel to be shouting alone in the void and how discouraging such silence can be.
I have found after asking around that readers aren’t unwilling to comment, but mainly don’t have the energy or know what to say.
Some readers have also expressed a fear of annoying the author, as they are clumsy with words, or feeling intimidated in front of an author who has such a talent with words that the reader's own words feel too embarrassing. Or not feeling that their own five word sentence is worth the bother.
Every word matters.
Every comment is worth its writing to the author.
I refer you to this post if you doubt the importance and impact of comments on fanfics.
To help those willing to comment, I have done a very modest survey of roughly 20 persons, writers and readers alike, and here is what I have come up with.
For writers:
Write in your notes, at the end of the fic, clearly what type of comment you do not want.
Clearly stating your limits and preferences helps readers who are uncertain or not very verbose to write in a relaxed way.
If they do not have the anxiety of offending, vexing or annoying the author, they will be more comfortable and therefore more inclined to write.
If you have repeated commenters, try to reply to their comments, even with just a few words. Some people who do not receive replies to any of their comments take the lack of response to mean the author is not reading comments at all, feel discouraged and stop commenting in turn.
If you do read the comments, but don’t want to reply for whatever reason, do say so at the end of the fic, in the notes, so that readers know what to expect and not be disappointed.
For readers:
About the story:
You can write about a particular line that you liked, the themes, parallels with canon or within the story, the characterisation, a character’s exploration, a/several character’s motivation, a/several character’s mindset/thinking/emotional reaction, a/several characters’ interaction, the plot, the action happening, the worldbuilding, emotions within the fic, subtext, pacing...
If you liked everything and are overwhelmed on how to narrow it down, you can just say exactly that. “I loved everything!”
You can also focus on pointing out just one moment, one line, one specific thing and why you liked them, specifically. What matters is not that you wrote a novel but that you communicated to the author what made you happy, what you enjoyed.
About you:
What emotions the fic made you feel, what you think is going on in a wip or what you (think you have) figure(d) out, what you are doing in real life while reading the story, afterward, because of it, and/or how the fic impacted your life (yay! motivation to make art!), how the fic is meaningful on a personal level because x, y, z, what it made you think of, like another fic, a book, a song, a movie, what subject/fact it prompted you to discover more of…
You can write an essay, a prose, or some serious, meaningful, impactful words but you can also joke with the author as long as you stay mindful or polite. A lot of authors have said they love when people make jokes or break the fourth wall.
Unsure about your sense of humor? Here is an example: do not write "I hate you! How could you do this to me!” Write "How could you do this? The betrayal! die offscreen.”
Making a parody of what is going on with the characters with a few lines can be funny! Keep it positive. Not everyone has the same degree of sarcasm. But levity and good humor are always welcomed.
Small fics vs longer fics:
Emojis, keysmashing and incoherent yelling are very often correct comments for small fics or drabbles. (Unless otherwise specified.)
They are also loved in longer fics, (unless otherwise specified,) but people who have been writing a story for literal years appreciate you taking at least five minutes to say a bit more than that.
Try to go through all the “about the fic” and “about you” points above, methodically, and choose just two or three of them. Then write just one sentence per point.
If you really don't know what to say, look at other people's comments. Sometimes, you will recognise something you liked too or that you thought was really good. It can help and be the starting point of your own comment.
Long WIPs:
For long fics that you follow while they are being written, people have said they have at first a lot of enthusiasm for commenting, but find it harder and harder to know what to say as the number of chapters accumulate, and so does the number of comments they feel obligated to give in turn.
Please, keep commenting! Love keeps the writers motivated and helps creativity. It’s like shouting in the void and getting a high five back.
Even one line about something specific (a dialogue bit, a reaction, a plot maneuver) can make an author happy.
Writers are not really looking for length or details. They are looking for care. If you read something you liked, just point out what you enjoyed. That's engagement enough.
Comments aren't really about the act of a compliment. They are about the shared joy of a fandom or a ship or a character.
Example: “'X character diving headfirst into the sea like that is so like him!”
It’s good. It’s fun. It’s nice.
Some people have said to “save” a chapter, give a kudo and say “looking forward to reading this when I have time!” and wait until they do have time and energy to comment more at length, sometimes two or three chapters at the same time.
It let the writers know their fic is still being read. You just have to be mindful to not let months go by, otherwise, it goes back to leaving the author the impression they invested hours, weeks, months, into something no one interacts with. You can alternate strategies, lengthy comments, short comments, and commenting on several chapters saved.
If all else fails, go back to the tried and true. Choose one of the points above, choose just two or three of them and then write just one sentence per point.
If you are not a native speaker:
Google can help with the bare minimum. It's not great, but it lays the foundations. Write what you think in google translate and the translation will help guide your answer. You can always ask for help from someone else or warn the author that the fic’s language is not your native language, if you are unsure if your words come off in a tone not intended.
At the start of your comment, say “I am not a native speaker”.
Do not apologize. It’s not necessary. Just provide context. Use your words. Be clear.
The writer isn't what they write. They do not necessarily headcanon what they write, nor do they necessarily approve of it in real life. Be mindful to not approve or disprove of x, y, z going on in the fic as if they do. You do not know that.
It’s not about the length or the wording or the quality of your comments. Of course authors love that. But what they love most of all is to hold hands, jump up and down with you and squee and gush about the fandom, ship or character.
It’s about the sharing of the joy.
Do not ask for another chapter and for the author to finish a fic.
Do not threaten the author to put their fics in an AI if they do not finish the fic.
Do not say "I didn't like it" or "I liked but not that" or "It would have been better if x, y, z." If you want to talk about what you didn’t like, whether it’s part or all of the story, discuss it with willing friends. The author is not responsible for you reading something you didn’t enjoy (how it made you feel) and persevering.
Do not “offer” to correct typos, grammar, vocabulary, facts, canon facts, characterisation, ect. unless you know the author and know they are fine with it or they say so explicitly in the notes.
Do not make demands. Do not.
Like that tumblr op said, “this is not the bespoke zone.” This is off-the rack. If the free suit is not to your liking, look for another free suit rather than demand to speak to the manager for "adjustments."
Tags are not owed to you. Ao3 is not a safe zone. Not everyone agrees on what degree of content merits each tag. Or what qualifies for a tag. So, if you found a fic that was more angsty than you expected and it broke your heart, comment on a part that was good and didn't make you sad, without saying you want a happy ending to the angst fic that was written for angst purpose. Off-the rack, remember?
"I found x,y,z to be upsetting. Would you consider tagging it?"
Vs "Your work is totally x,y,z triggery. You ought to tag it."
Vs "Hey, you do know some people find x,y,z, triggery, right?!? Because they do! So tag it!"
One of those answers is correct. The others aren't. No demands in the comments.
Your emotional well being while reading fic is your responsibility. If your expectations have been disappointed, do not say so. Talk about a point that was positive for you. If your expectations have been exceeded, do share!
Also, if you're mad, I have found that it helps to write your comment, leave it to decant, and wait a week or so to see what it looks like when you're in a different emotional mindset.
Some elements of fics can be very upsetting unexpectedly. It is not the responsibility of the writer to answer that. Nor comments are the place for it.
Once some time has passed, if you still want to talk about it, try to communicate in a way that is neither demanding nor negative. If you can't, talk about it with someone who is not the author.
My own personal opinion:
It can be so easy to focus on the fic and your own inner imaginary garden/cinema, that we sometimes forget to switch from "inner life" to "outer life" and exchange actively with people on both sides of the fence.
But it can also add so much more to the experience <3
Clear communication is always good. Even if you disagree. At least you know where you stand.
Say thank you. Fanfics are a gift. You have been given one. Say thank you.
#comments#commenting#how to comment#comment 101#ao3#ao3 comments#fic writer#fic reader#comment culture#fandom#fandom etiquette#fandom culture#fandom interactions#fandom things#fanfics#fanfic#fic#fics#writing commentary#writing comment#guiding comment#comment guide#comments guide#comment tips#life tips
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This brilliant little backstage scene deserves to be shared with the world and because i am who i am i also have to add my thoughts- once again, ignore them and just watch the vid if you so please :)
Tim casually sprinting away, what a delightful man :)
The way they have like… feet on either side of the stage, lots of space, but Tom and Sam are sitting right next to each other, absolutely not even an inch between them, legs and arms touching, talking about best first dates??? My heart😭
“Mainly… balance.” Both Tom and Sam’s shoulders moving in the same way when they laugh-
The way Tom is looking at Sam while listening-
“That would be amazing!” “that sounds awful.” the dichotomy lmaooo
“One of us? There's four of us?” Sam i love you so much- he automatically thinks of the other two not present they are like so close i'm gonna cry-
“I always think of the collective.” 😭💗💗
“How do you not understand how basic conversation works?” ribbing each other, the way true friends do, beautiful
Sam: *makes unidentifiable noises back to mock him*
“Tom!” The way Tom’s head snaps over to look at AJ, and Sam peters out to look over too. So responsive 😭
“I'm so glad we’re committing to that.” Tom i love you-
AJ just being the Tech King while Sam casually helps. Idk its domestic and cute ok leave me alone..
Tom’s “oooooh.” as AJ changes the lights- while casually not helping and being on his phone as Sam and AJ figure out the lights (jk hes probably doing admin stuff but its funny)
Joe: *slams into a chair* ow. Sam: *snickers* its a bit dark in the room AJ: *scoff laughs back*
The way they debrief is just amazing idk why but its so cute to see, they're supportive but still critical, but like constructively critical, and still supportive of each other. Plus the metaphors are great, and the laughing at each other
“Each of their… utterances.” The way AJ is smiling at Tom i cant-
“JAMES was a good man before we lost him.” “killed him.” XD
Gotta be honest maybe they were just showing the best clip, but the A-Z game is pretty fucking good. I think its the audience’s fault tbh, they're not hype enough
The explanation of how games come to be and how they figure it out is sooo good, im always nerdy and want to learn the thoughts/plans/processes behind it all so thank you!!!
“He says softly. Lets go get you onto a mechanical bull.” Sam contemplating what on earth to do with that. “NI HAO!” aaaand there comes AJ out of left field, perfect. Sam now utterly baffled, glorious
“That was joyous! That was good!” Sam coming in saying it was good when AJ and Tom were just complaining- but the way he immediately catches that they didn't feel exactly as confident about it as he did and going “no?” to just check and make sure, looking between both and not just one- brb crying they're such good friends he picks up on that-
Aj’s look at the camera lol “👀do you see this man?”
“Did that go alright?” the immediate reassurance they gave him-
“It feels like you have to start fucking-” “rowing.” finishing each others sentences and a good metaphor- i'm fine
AJ and Sam arguing as DaVinci and Michelangelo gives me life-
“It turns out i just made up a word.” idk who cameraman joe is, but i love him. Real
“Thats the straight white guy philosophy. Say it with confidence and keep walking.” I love how they address it and yet can joke about it, really refreshing 💗
“Stay safe, stay sexy.” thank you Sam, thats my life moto from now on
“And AJ anything from you?”... “I had a really fun time!” Yay!!!
“I’m pissed off. My clues.. were fucking genius. And the audience.. didn't get ‘em” Yes Aj, you tell ‘em!
“And the guys.. *voice crack/half sob* didn't even bother to try and like- *near tears* fucking- make a thing like-” *laughs* oh AJ, poor baby XD
“They just looked at me and then went: “i have a different clue!” Great!” sadness AJ, its ok, they still love you lol
Tom and Sam both in the same position watching AJ’s “genius clues” -Sam’s face of utter confusion and Tom just watching in interest trying to understand it at all
“You know, I also have a clue-” AJ’s slight smile. “I’m very glad because I have no idea what the fuck that was-” AJ having to laugh slightly at that
“Fucking shit im out of here!” *tries to do the cool storm out, but is also checking to see if he left anything behind, kinda ruining it XD*
“I have to know about the Nazi chinchilla-” firstly its wonderful explanation??? I guess, kinda makes sense- but let me just point out to you lovely people that Aj, in the background, downs his beer, steps up right behind Sam, and then takes his beer and also drinks his, and Sam just watches and nods- they’re too fucking cute what the heck-
Also AJ’s face mocking Sam in the background as he starts to explain- idk what prompted it, but it was hilarious
“What was the rant about?” “My clues were fucking great-” Sam: *starts cackling like ‘sure buddy, sure’*
“I got that one! I said that!” defending that he understands his friend- 😭
“I got it. I appreciated that one.” Calms AJ down slightly, so cute
Sam: *slips in advertisement as AJ casually blames the audience*
Aj and Sam’s hug at the end😭 cuties
Anyway thats it :) they're cute and yeah.
also! where was luke??????
#shoot from the hip#sfth#sam russell#alexander jeremy#tom mayo#luke manning#besties#platonic soulmates#Youtube
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K I N G - S I Z E D B E D
warnings: and there was only one bed, unintentional voyeurism?? (does that even make sense?) a.k.a suguru is fucking someone on the room next to yours, they're already in love and the declaration brings passion to the night, mutual masturbation, oral (f! receivingg), use of petnames as "love" (mostly love), you keep hearing suguru during some of the scenes, 17k words, author's not good at smut, fem!bodied!reader
Neither you nor Satoru can sleep.
The idea of all the friend group sleeping at Suguru's after the party wasn't good from the start, but now, sharing room and a king-sized bed with Satoru Gojo, even though you've been in the same friend group for ages, makes things quite awkward. Because all this years, you've held a massive crush towards him. Satoru clears his throat, looking at the ceiling, in the very same position as you.
The party started early, but no one thought you would be still on it at five a.m. That's why Suguru - owner of a big penthouse. - offered you all to stay. The rooms were quickly decided: Utahime, Shoko and some of your friends use the living room, while Nanami and Haibara share another one. Suguru was clearly sleeping on his room, although you surprisingly saw how your friend followed him upstairs, giggling and taking his hand to let him guide them towards his room. The only ones left were you and Satoru.
"I can sleep with the boys. They can make room." he says, yawning softly. You've been outside, sharing a soda and taking some fresh air, and when you came back all the rooms were occupied but the guest one. For some reason, both Kento and Yu quickly turned his offer down. You're not really sure on why, but still, they all smiled to Satoru before closing the door in your faces.
And now, when you thought maybe sharing the second floor room with him wasn't that bad, you start hearing how Suguru and that friend of yours break the bed in the room next to you, which makes things even harder. You can hear the headboard slamming against the shared wall of your room, the way his name comes out in yelled moans from time to time and, of course, the sound of the bed moving along with their bodies. Satoru clears his throat again, and you cover up to your cheeks with the sheet. He speaks softly, but his words are clear towards you.
"Wanna play truth or dare?" The innocent question intrigues you, as you sit in bed, back against the headboard while you nod. Satoru sighs and sits as well, facing you, blue eyes focused on your face. "Do you wanna start?"
Although you have a hundred questions in mind for him, you seem unable to ask none. What if the answer isn't what you wanna hear from him? Taking a lot of courage, you keep your eyes on his while asking, trying to ignore the noises the other room still make. For some reason, you feel like Satoru's funny grin isn't about the noise, but about the game.
"Truth or dare?"
During the first rounds of the game, you've learned a lot about him: he's single, he's interested in someone of your group and he doesn't like alcohol, although the last one is known by all of you. He loves sweets and has a hard time sleeping. He likes science and he has also took off his socks and sent a DM to Mei Mei asking for money as part of the dares. The game pace is quick and the noises seem to be muffled by your laughs and voices, and the ambience is way more comfortable now. You two even sat closer when he dared you to tell him a secret on his ear.
"Truth or dare?" he asks. You think a couple of seconds, before answering. "Truth."
"Would you have something with me?"
Your cheeks feel heated as your eyes find his fun ones, looking directly at you with a side smile. He raises a brow softly, still mocking you, or so you think. He gets a bit closer, nothing too extreme, to brush his thumb on the soft blankets under your bodies. You clear your throat. You might not have another opportunity like this one. The noises and moans from next room are audible again while you stay silent, meditating about telling Satoru how you feel about him. Not able to stand your silence a bit more, Satoru speaks.
"If it helps to make you think, I would gladly have everything with you."
Your heart skips a beat and he keeps looking at you with those shiny, blue eyes, still smiling, teasingly, towards you. The ambience feels a bit heavier, hotter, more intimate than before.
"I would too." Both of you feel as if a heavy burden was took off your shoulders when you speak again. "I would love to." His cheeks blush softly as he smiles towards you. You feel your body trembling from emotion, and you take air before asking him.
"Truth or dare?"
"Can I kiss you?"
He has sat a bit closer, body tingling, aching to touch yours. His feelings have been buried deep down for so many years, his fear to rejection bigger than his hopes to be reciprocated. He doesn't know if it was the fact of sharing a whole bed with you or the lovely show his best friend is giving you, but his brain couldn't handle it anymore. You smile, changing from your sitting position to kneeling on the bed, closer to him. Your eyes are fixed on his lips as you lick yours, right before speaking.
"Dare, then."
His lips collide against yours with necessity, and his hands search your waist to take you closer to him. His touch is soft on your skin when his hands graze your naked skin between your t-shirt and your pajama shorts. His kiss feels too good, and the way you've been craving it makes you kiss him more fiercely, deeper, needier. Satoru answers back with the same passion, hands still gripped on your waist as yours rub his nape slowly, fingertips dancing on the start of his undercut. When both of you part for air, heavy breaths mixing and hands still on the other, the movements of the bed next door get more and more noisy, as the pace of the knocks on the wall gets faster. Satoru smiles before pecking your lips again, and again, and again. He catches air before speaking. The air of the room burns your skin and your body moves closer and closer to him.
"Should we show them we can make much more noise?"
You peck his smile, the strap of your t-shirt falling down your shoulder. He hums as he takes it on his hand, about to rearrange it, when your hand stops him. Your fingers tangle around his large palm, taking his hand to the other strap of your pajama. Satoru keeps his eyes on yours, locked, and his voice leaves his mouth as an exhalation.
"Are you sure you want this?" he asks. He has been madly in love with you for a long time, but maybe it's recent for you. He doesn't want to rush things, although his bulge starts to be uncomfortable under the pajama. You nod, because you want him, no, you need him. Since his lips touched yours and since his fingers found the bare skin of your waist, you've desired to get more and more of him.
"I do." your voice doesn't sound like yours. It's tinted with lust and neediness, and Satoru could hear it for hours. His whole body tingles while he takes you second strap away from your body.
As soon as the fabric is not in your body, his lips replace it. He drags a long, wet kiss from your shoulder up to your neck, slow, soft, tender. He speaks against your jaw. "Ask me to stop if needed, and I will, alright?" you only can nod to his words. His lips find your jaw again, the corner of your mouth. And, finally, your lips again. Your kneeled body gets between his legs, and your hands caress his skin under the t-shirt he's using. He feels the same tingle again when you touch him, as if he can't get enough of it. Your hands touch his shoulders and his neck, his clavicle and his chest, before you part with a sigh. His hands grab your ass softly, inviting you to sit on his lap. Taking both legs to his sides, you sit, feeling something pressed against you as soon as your body rests on top of his. He blushes. So cute.
"Take this off." you whisper to him, and he does, obediently, taking the corners of his t-shirt and pulling from his neck. His upper body gets on display for you, and your lips easily access his neck. He plays distractedly with the ribbon of your trousers, needing more and more of you. You quickly take your top away, skin exposed to his hands and his lips, and he's eager to kiss and touch you. One of his hands sneaks towards your thighs as his tongue is occupied in your nipples. Your hands wander over his body, his abs and his sides, until you caress him above his trousers. You're nothing more than two bodies tangled, almost naked, caressing each other, kissing each other, finding all the spots to make the other feel good. His fingers pinch your nipple while he licks his lips. "Could you take off your bottoms?" he asks. You show him a smile before kissing him again. His hands are still wandering over your clavicle when you take them, using them as balance to stand in front of him. He lies back in bed, supporting all his body on his elbow as his other hand finds quickly its way to his own pajama waistband. You take the corners of yours, and his voice stops you when you're about to take them off.
"Do it slowly. I wanna get every detail." in his eyes you find adoration, and you crawl towards his body, leaving another kiss on his mouth, whispering against it.
"Then, why don't you take them away yourself?" your tone is a tease, and your smile an invitation. Satoru takes your lips in his as he takes your body closer, hands sneaking inside your shorts to take them down slowly, caressing every curve and every inch of skin. You moan against his kiss when his hand grips your ass softly, and he wants to make you moan again. Goddess, he wants to make you feel so good.
He parts, taking your body again in his embrace, his chest against your back and a kiss on top of your head. His hands wander free over your body, squishing your breasts and caressing your tummy, before he speaks against your ear.
"Are you really sure?" he asks in a whisper. You nod twice, thrice, showing his hand the trail to your panties. While his soft palm slides down, you make yourself comfortable, legs open and knees flexed, when his hand arrives to your underwear. He slides a lazy finger over it, pressing on the right points, caressing on the wet spots. Your whole body trembles when he does so, moving closer to him, hand on your mouth to keep inside the moans you wanna release when the soft fingertip of his index enters from the side of your pantie and touches you directly. Your body moves against his finger when he shushes.
"Love, don't keep them inside. I wanna hear you."
You've imagined this for so long, alone in the dark of your room, with a pillow under your body and erratic movements of your hips, moaning his name in low voice as you imagined it was him who was making you feel that way. But nothing compares to the feeling he's growing in your with a simple touch of his fingers. "So wet... were you enjoying what they did, hm?" his voice is raspy against your ear, sending shivers and making you drunk in it. "I bet you'll feel amazing." his finger probes your entry, slowly, softly, tenderly. He lets a growl escape when he feels how your wet hole sucks him in easily, juices shinins around his long digit. "So wet and good aroun me..."
Your legs tense when two of his fingers make their way into you. You can hear the noise of the room next to yours again, hard, loud. Your cunt pulses around his digits and Satoru giggles. "Patience, my love. I'll make sure you enjoy every single second of it." his free hand roams around your waist, fingertips dancing in your skin as butterfly touches. "And for that, I need to see how your body answers to me. To my lips, to my fingers, to my touch." he drags his hand lazily above your tummy. "I want to make sure you won't get hurt." His words move you and his fingers get buried deeper, slowly, curved, touching places that bring sighs to your mouth. He doesn't know how much time he'll be able to sit behind you, feel your body rubbing against his and hearing the wet sounds and moans coming from you without coming in his underwear, but he's trying his best to resist. Your hips move violently against his fingers, riding them until his hand stops your body. "Patience, love." he repeats. Taking his fingers away from you, glistening and wet, he observes the liquid that covers his digits. Then, he looks at you, tenderly, but also full of lust. He spreads his long body in the bed, cock twitching against the fabric. Only the view makes your pussy clench around nothing. Asking for permission as you get closer to him, and getting a nod from his part, you slide both the thin pajama and the underwear. Your eyes are attentive to his facial expressions, to the way he bites his lips with his blue eyes fixed on you, to his hips needly thrusting up against nothing, to his grunts when your cold finger accidentally touches his shaft. Again on fours on the bed, crawling until his lips are a milimeter away from yours and your hand wraps around his cock, starting subtle movements he easily reflects sneaking a hand inside your panties. Your hands move at the same pace, follow the same rhythm and your shared kiss only breaks from time to time to take air. The image is more than explicit: you, balanced on your knees, with one hand on the blankets and the other subtly moving up and down his shaft, and him, lying on the bed, leaning on his elbow, all his height making possible for him to reach your lips and, also, your panties, that are tight due to the intrussion of his hand, and his knuckles show the pace against the fabric. He parts softly to let a loud groan escape, forehead against yours, his body thrusting against your fist lazily. "Do it harder, faster. Please." he asks in a whisper. You obey in silence, pecking the corner of his mouth as an answer when he lets a long moan escape. His hand soon adapts to your movements, a bit quickier but still pleasurable. Your lips search his desperately again, only to find you moaning against each other, breaking the kiss every single second to let know the other how good it is feeling. Mixed words of "more", "deeper" and "harder" can be heard in the room, and at this point, if someone walks through the corridor, they wouldn't know to what room do they belong.
"'Toru... Please..." Your voice sounds fragile as it breaks in another long moan, your hips rocking against his fingers in search of a deeper caress of them inside you. Your hand moves faster on him without you even noticing, Satoru's teeth clenching. He doesn't think he'll be able to restrain himself more. Your hand feels so good on him, the way your body searches his, the way his name comes out of your mouth as a trembling moan. He wants to hear you, to treasure you and to make you feel good every single day of his life. He takes his fingers away from you just to rearrange your position, spread on the bed under his body before he takes your legs with his big hands, spreading them, making room for him between your thighs. What you weren't expecting was him to lower his head until his tongue ghostly touches your already stimulated cunt. A long moan fills the room as one of your hands tangles on his hair. You can feel how he keeps jerking off while his other hand keeps your leg to a side. You're amazed by him, by his skills with every single part of his body, so far, all of them making you see stars. He hums against you, the vibration sending a shiver down your spine as his tongue keeps making circles, slow, going up and down on you. His hand on his cock gets quicker when his tongue does so on you, working hard to bring you close to the edge, when your hands pull his white locks. Still, he doesn't part from you.
"'Toru, I'm so close." your voice breaks half sentence. "Please."
"Then cum, love. Don't contain yourself." His movements are erratic on himself, and you feel you might not be the only one near. "So, so wet... And you took everything I gave you.. That's so sweet, you deserve it... Come on, cum on my tongue, yeah?"
His words are the last step, as you loudly moan before trembling against his mouth, feeling how he keeps working on you, kissing and licking, even through your orgasm. "That's it, that's it. So, so good." His own hips smack hard against his fist while he leaves sweet, little pecks that travel from your inner thighs to your core, sweet, soft, muffling the moans and the groans he releases when he cums. "Fuck." With a last kiss on your body, before resting his white messy locks on your lower belly, both of you too stunned to speak.
"That was..." you start, but you're unable to find the words to keep going. Satoru sighs before supporting himself on his elbows, crawling towards you until he's able to pull you in for a passionate, long kiss. The way you can taste yourself on his lips makes you a bit horny again. He parts slowly.
"Amazing. It was, definitely." he whispers. The room seems in calm now, without any noise, any disturb. Satoru lets his body meet the bed, and he opens his arms for you. Cuddling against him, he puts a blanket on top of both of you, your skin tingling with every caress of his hands on your waist.
"Do you think they heard us?" Realization hits when the calm arrives back. Satoru chuckles, leaving a soft kiss on your forehead.
"I hope they did." His hug gets tighter when he hums. "Know what? I hope they didn't. You sound too lovely to be heard by others." You snort to his words.
"You're gonna gatekeep my moans?" they way you expressed yourself makes Satoru giggle. You part from his embrace to face him, eyes against his blue, infinite ones. He pecks your lips.
"Of course not, love. I'm gonna keep you whole."
#gojo x reader#gojo x you#gojo satoru x reader#gojo satoru x you#satoru x reader#satoru x you#gojo smut#gojo satoru smut#satoru smut#jjk smut#jujutsu kaisen smut#jjk x reader#jjk x you#jjk x y/n#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen x you#minors don't read#minors don't interact
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love language
jamie drysdale x fem! reader
warnings?: cursing, smut!😝 (loss of v card, fingering, unprotected sex) fluff!!!!
positions fics masterlist
~teach me how to love you, i’m not learning what ain’t right~
another morning waking up in jamie’s spacious anaheim apartment was a strange feeling to you. you’d grown incredibly fond of him over the past few weeks of staying with him. you were just trying to get on your feet and were looking for a place of your own. trevor, a childhood friend of yours, introduced you to jamie some months ago and jamie was willing to help you while you sorted everything out with your move, trevor’s house being full and your urge to stay with that many guys was at a minimum, but jamie has a place to call his own which was something he always wanted and was willing to share his space with you.
“good morning.” jamie greets you from the couch with a mug of hot coffee.
“morning.” you reply rubbing your eyes and walking into the kitchen to make your morning coffee.
“i bought you a new bottle of creamer because i saw you were almost out.” he says once you open the fridge door.
“oh thank you.” you smile appreciating the small gesture.
“yeah you’re welcome, oh by the way, z, mase and leo are coming over tonight. we have like two days off so i figured you’d want to see them.” he says getting up off the couch and leaning on the tall counter.
“yeah that sounds awesome,” you smile taking a sip of your coffee, locking eyes with jamie. it was always hard for you not to stare for too long at his big, beautiful, blue doe eyes.
“great, i’m gonna get to cleaning the place.” he says drinking the last of his coffee and setting his mug in the sink.
“i’ll help?”
“no it’s okay, didn’t you say you had homework or something?” he says towering over you, standing a little too close.
“oh yeah, i do. we’ll just let me know if you need any help.” you say smiling awkwardly, exiting the kitchen with your coffee, quickly shutting the door behind you. you open your macbook trying to shake the funny feeling he left in your stomach during your short lived conversation in the kitchen. his proximity, his eye contact, his demeanor. it made you overthink, or so you thought.
“what the fuck?” you swear, blinking a few times after seeing how much time had past. it was already reaching 3 pm and you had spent the last 5 hours working on homework and an essay for your english class.
“i think i just got stuck in an alternate dimension, no way i was at my desk for five hours.” you say swinging your door open to jamie sitting on the couch watching tv.
“i didn’t want to interrupt you, when i opened your door you were locked in. i got you lunch tho, i put it in the microwave so it wouldn’t get too cold.”
“oh thank you, you didn’t have to.”
“well i felt like i should because you were drowning yourself in work and you needed to eat something.”
“i appreciate the gesture.” you say pulling the chipotle out of the microwave.
“they’ll be here at 5.” he says.
“okay, let me eat and shower and ill be out here.” you smile walking over to the couch to hug him, “ you’re the best.”
“yeah of course.” he says hugging you back gently. you took your meal into your room and ate it while you picked an outfit and let the shower warm up. right before you step in, your phone buzzes on the counter.
“hey z.” you say picking up.
“hey y/n, can’t wait to see you tonight. it’s been a while since we caught up.”
“yeah me too, i’ve missed you.”
“still a virgin y/n/n? i feel like it’s been long enough since i last checked in.” he asks.
“yes trevor, i told you that you’d be the first to know once i lost my virginity.”
“yep i’m waiting for that text that says ‘harmonica’.”
“oh yes, the code word.” i laugh.
“alright well i’ll let you go, ill see you at 5.”
“bye trev.”
“bye y/n.” he says, ending the line, finally allowing you to step into the shower. you longed for it to finally happen, you’re 20 how has it not yet? once you wrap up your shower you step out, flipping on your hairdryer, humming while you dried it almost completely. you slip on your leggings, throw on your crewneck and spray yourself generously with perfume. you walked back out into the bedroom and heard trevor’s familiar laugh. you slipped on your slippers and walked out into the living room, seeing all the boys sat at the table.
“y/n!” trevor says standing up and walking over to you, hugging you tightly.
“it’s good to see you too trevor.”you laugh as he lets you go. he brings you to the table where you sat directly across from jamie.
“wine anyone? mom got me a wine fridge and i just stocked it.” jamie says and presents a bottle of red wine proudly.
“sure.” you reply smiling, happy to see how proud he is of his wine fridge. he grabs you all glasses and pours one for each of you.
“cheers to being reunited.” mason says raising his glass and everyone following suit, jamie and i locking eyes for a brief moment before looking away, feeling occasional glances in my direction.
“how about some truth or dare?” trevor offers, setting his glass down.
“sure.” mason says with a smug smirk on his face.
“i’m in.” leo replies looking in your direction.
“yeah, yeah let’s play.” you say taking your last sip and setting your glass down.
“i’ll go first.” mason offers, “jamie, truth or dare?”
“truth?” he replies hesitantly.
“how many bottles of wine did you buy for that fridge yesterday?”
“seven.” he quickly replies.
“oh damn ok.” mason laughs, taking another sip.
“trevor, truth or dare?” jamie says turning to look at the clueless boy.
“call terry and tell him you still wanna walk his dog.”
“god, fine.” he says pulling his phone out and calling him.
“hey troy, what’s up?” he says followed by silence.
“yeah i was just calling to ask if i could walk your dog tomorrow? no? oh, okay. great, well thanks for the trust terry.” he laughs hanging up.
“tell you no?” leo asks.
“hahaha yeah.” he replies.
“it’s your turn.” you say cutting him off.
“jeez okay, y/n.” he says smirking looking at you.
“truth.” you say hoping it’s the safe route. trevor looks at you then looks at jamie, then to mason and leo before coming back to you.
“is it true that you’re still a virgin?” he asks with a smug look on his face, causing you to choke on your second sip of your new glass of wine.
“really dude?”
“it requires an answer.”
“yes trevor. i am still a fucking virgin.” i say, face flushing red now that jamie knows.
“alright your turn.” he smiles.
“last round. leo?”
“did you wanna get drafted by the ducks?”
“honestly…… no but i’m glad i am here now.”
“wow didn’t expect that one.” you say expecting a much more underwhelming reply. you finish your wine and rinse your glass out in the sink, finding your way to the couch leaving the boys at the table. they continue their conversation and you sit scrolling through your phone, thinking it would be rude to go to your room with guests over.
j: you good?
y/n: yeah i’m fine
j: okay, talk later?
y/n: sure
you reply one final time, turning on the tv and putting on a movie, distracting yourself from the elephant in the room. not to long after the boys join you on the couch watching the movie as well. jamie sat close to you, arm draped around the back of the couch where you sat. no one said a word to each other for at last 30 minutes. you scoot closer to jamie, leaning your head on his shoulder, eyes drooping with sleepiness. he rested his arm around your shoulder snuggly, his thumb gently caressing your arm.
“boys i think it’s time we head out.” mason declares standing up. it had been a few hours and it was starting to get late.
“i’ll see you guys tomorrow.” jamie says fist bumping them all as they filed out of the apartment. he olaced his arm back around me, this time more snuggly and boldly.
“you okay?” he asks, brushing his thumb in your bicep.
“yeah i’m just embarrassed. he always finds a way.” you admit to the brunette.
“he has a way of rubbing people the wrong way, i’m so sorry y/n.” he replies honestly.
“yeah he does.” you sigh
“so is it true?”
“is what true?” you ask fearing his question.
“are you actually a virgin?”
“yes, i am.” you sigh, embarrassed all over again.
“i mean is there like a reason why?”
“jamie i’m 20, there’s obviously not a good reason. i mean no one’s ever wanted me like that or been attracted to me in that way.” you say picking at your cuticles.
“that’s crazy.”
“how has no one been attracted to you in that way?” he repeats and i turn to look at him.
“i mean they just haven’t.”
“they’re crazy.”
“what do you mean?”
“have you looked at you?”
“well yeah but-“
“no buts, come here.” jamie says moving you onto his lap, your hands locking behind his neck.
“what are you doing?”
“giving you the attention you deserve.” he smiles, pulling your chin to his, pressing a short kiss to your lips, sending butterflies through your stomach, leaving an anxious look on your face.
“jamie-“ you start.
“if you don’t want to do anything with me, tell me now and i’ll stop.” he says interrupting you.
“no it’s not that i don’t want to do anything with you, i’m just scared.”
“why are you scared y/n? tell me.” he replies, pushing strands of hair behind your ears.
“i’ve never felt beautiful like other girls so maybe ive just been afraid to ever put myself out there. that’s why im scared. that im not good enough.” you admit to him, never even wanting to admit that to yourself.
“well you should put yourself out there. sure there’s “beauty standards” but who gives a fuck? look at you. you’re so beautiful.” he says with his hands placed delicately on your waist.
“it’s just hard.”
“i’ll make sure you know how beautiful you are love, i promise.” he says running his hand lightly up and down your thigh.
“okay.” you say caving into his words. you grab onto his cheeks and pull him in for a kiss again. this time trying to assert yourself, showing him the direction you want the kiss to go. he puts his arms beneath you, picking you up bridal style, carrying you to his bedroom. a place you’d only entered a handful of times. delicately, he places you on the bed, removing his shirt and climbing over you, reconnecting your lips once again. you began to feel more comfortable, even thought him being shirtless was intimidating to you, you never realized just how toned he actually was.
“you’re so fucking fit jamie.” you say as he backs away to look at you.
“don’t make this about me honey, this night is all about you.” he says running his hands up your legs to the waistband of you leggings in which he assists you in removing. he tosses them in his hamper, clearly having no intentions of giving them back tonight.
“if i need to slow down or stop please tell me.” he says staring down at you, our faces mere inches apart.
“okay.” you reply, face turning rose. he connects your lips once more before assisting you shimmy out of your crewneck which you wore no bra under.
“no bra around the boys? bold move.” he giggles taking your breasts into his hands and kissing you as your hand found their way around his neck. he pulls away standing up again, removing his sweatpants leaving him only in his boxers. delicately, he runs his middle finger over your soaked core on top of the fabric of your lace thong.
“wow so wet huh?” he smirks.
“can’t help it, just want you.” you say boldly, encouraging him more. carefully, he removes your underwear tossing it aside as he runs two fingers through your folds. you were unsure what you were feeling, but knowing it was good was enough. suddenly he finds a sweet spot, kicking your feelings into high gear, unleashing a moan you’d never heard from yourself.
“oh my god jamie.” you say and he giggles.
“you like that?”
“yes fuck yes.” you huff out, never wanting the feeling to end.
“what about,” he pauses, inserting one finger into you, “now?”
you jump at the sensation, it doesn’t hurt too bad but definitely doesn’t feel great.
“a little uncomfortable but not bad, you can keep going.”
“okay.” he says beginning to slide his second finger in, causing a sting.
“okay that hurts a little bit.”
“well good thing i decided to do this first.” he smiles leaning up to kiss you, moving his fingers in and out of you carefully. it still felt weird but you didn’t want to get off on his fingers so you decided to let him go until you felt good enough.
“jamie?” you say opening your eyes and he lifts his head off your shoulder.
“i’m ready.” you say and he removes his fingers, sucking them clean.
“are you sure baby, like 100% sure?”
“i’m 100% sure.” you reply.
“okay,” he says kissing you once again. he pulls down his boxers allowing his dick to spring free, your eyes directing right to its leaking tip. anxiety trying its best to hold off as he pulls you closer to him as he kneels on the bed, running his tip through you folds just the way his fingers had.
“tell me when it’s too much.” he says pushing in the tip warning a hiss from you.
“you okay?” he asks and you simply nod. he pushes in a little further, feeling your walls stretch out.
“okay wait stop for a sec please.” you say pressing your hands to his chest.
“whatever you need.” he says stopping abruptly. you nod signaling for him to continue and you even hold on and let him bottom out.
“god you’re so big, i feel so full.”
“you’re doing amazing baby.” he says kissing you sweetly on the lips trying to distract you from the sensation you felt between your legs. he retracts his hips slowly and carefully not wanting to hurt you before pushing back in at the same speed, gritting your teeth, trying to find pleasure in this sensation.
“you okay?” he asks.
“yeah i’m okay.” you reply and he continues, the discomfort finally beginning to subside.
“you feel so good around me y/n, so fucking good.” he smiles kissing you passionately. this thrust into you changed everything, pleasure washed over your body quickly, pushing a moan out of your throat.
“there it is, that’s my girl.” he smiles, thrusting a little faster and deeper.
“fuck jamie, that feels so good.” you say wrapping your arms around the back of his neck as his chain hung in your face, hair covering his. he continues his paces, brushing your sweet spot with every thrust, tightening around him.
“you gonna come for me baby?” he asks and you nod quickly, releasing the built up pressure that had built in your abdomen.
“fuck.” you say, the sensation making your legs shake.
“fuck i’m getting close.” he says, his thrusts getting sloppier and pulling out spurting his warm seed onto your stomach. quickly, he runs into the bathroom so wet a rag and wipe your stomach clean before throwing the rag in the hamper and going back into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
“jamie?” you ask. no answer. the feeling of regret beginning to rise in your chest. you grab your crewneck and underwear off the floor and, prepare to leave the room and lock yourself away.
“jamie?” you say again, tears threatening to form in your eyes.
“sorry i had to pee and then i had to answer an email i forgot abo- why do you have those?” he stops mid explanation.
“oh i uh, i figured you weren’t gonna come back out so i was just gonna go back to my room. i’ll hopefully have a place soon so i can get out of your hair.” you reply, scratching your head wondering why you even did this, “i’ll just go ahead and leave now.” you say starting to stand up and he stops you.
“woah woah no stop, did you really think i was gonna just dip after that?” he asks stepping in front of you, grabbing onto your arms.
“well….. kind of.”
“no baby, you’ve got it all wrong, come here.” he says climbing back into bed pulling you to his chest instantly.
“what do i have wrong?” you ask, placing your chin on his chest.
“do you honestly think i just had sex with you so you’d lose your virginity and stop being embarrassed by it?” he asks rubbing your back softly.
“that’s kinda what i assumed once you shut the bathroom.”
“well that’s not what happened and i’m so sorry i did that, i couldn’t have picked a worse time to remember i had an email to answer, anyways, the truth is that i like you, and i have for a long time. you’re beautiful, funny and smart. you’re you and i literally cannot get enough of it.” he says smiling locking eyes with you.
“wow, you like me?”
“yes i do, a fucking lot. i had sex with you because i wanted to and it felt so special being your first. guess i couldn’t pass up the chance.” he chuckles.
“it was amazing jamie, i don’t think i could’ve asked for a better first.” you reply, smiling from ear to ear.
“of course my love, you were so amazing, it seemed so natural to you.” he pauses, “also i want you to stay.”
“stay? what do you mean?”
“like i don’t want you to find an apartment for yourself, please just stay, i love having you here.”
“jamie you don’t have to-“
“i’m offering, it will save you a lot of money and i love your company. please stay.”
“okay i will if you want me to. i just don’t want to inhibit your space.” you say picking at your nails
“you won’t be don’t worry. and besides, we may sleep together eventually if we really truly to give us a chance, but you still have your own room when you need space.” he says.
“i- did you mean like share a bed with you?”
“i mean eventually if you want to share we could, no pressure at all.”
“well i guess we could give this a go couldn’t we.” you nod, sitting up on his lap looking down at him.
“if you’d like to give it a go, i would also like that… quite a lot actually.” he laughs and you lean down to kiss him.
“is that you asking me out?”
“more so asking you to be my girlfriend.”
“wow popped the question so soon.” you teased.
“i know we’ve only had like this night but having you around has made me so crazy about you.” he says scooting back to sit up a bit, keeping you on his lap, placing his hands on your waist.
“hey i’m joking babe, i would love to be your spontaneous girlfriend jamie.” you laugh, smiling widely.
“thank god.” he says, his arms wrapping around you and kissing you passionately. the rest of your night was filled with the pleasures of exploring your romantic connection. you talked, you cuddled, you started a new tv show, you fucked, you made out. you used one night to make up for all the time you spent living together, unknowingly pining for each others affection. eventually, the two of you fell asleep entangled in each other, completely obsessed with one another. you woke up the next morning to jamie pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“good morning my love.” he says talking into your cheek before kissing your it a few more times.
“good morning jamie.” you laugh opening your eyes to face him, allowing yourself to get lost in his gorgeous eyes.
“i slept so good.” he giggles.
“oh yeah, best sleep ever.” you giggle wrapping your arms around him and kissing him on the lips.
#jamie drysdale#jamie drysdale x reader#jamie drysdale smut#jamie drysdale imagine#nhl imagine#nhl#turcs’ talk
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Kyra Cooney-Cross NSFW Alphabet (18+, minors DNI!)
A: Aftercare
Kyra, despite her teasing jokes, is so sweet after sex. She’ll do anything you ask her and will get you anything you need
B: Body Part (their favorite body part of themselves and their partner)
Kyra’s favorite body part is her arms, being able to keep you in place while she fucks you gives her such an ego boost
Her favorite body part of yours is your legs, having them wrapped around her is one of her favorite things
C: Cum (anything to do with cum)
Kyra loves tasting you and will go down on you immediately after she made you cum and will make you cum again with her mouth
D: Dirty Secret
Kyra likes the risk of having someone potentially hearing you, especially knowing how loud you can get
E: Experience (Are they experienced? Do they know what they are doing?)
Kyra is experienced but she learned your body really quickly which made sex even better from the get-go
F: Favorite Position
Kyra doesn’t have a favorite position, she just loves having her hands on you and her head between your legs
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous?)
Kyra doesn’t have a serious bone in her body until It comes to having sex with you. She’s so focused on you and your body in the moment (she will crack jokes after though)
I: Intimacy (How intimate are they during the moment?)
Sex with Kyra isn’t super intimate, most of the intimacy is after sex
J: Jack off (Masturbation HC)
She doesn’t have an opinion on it, if you or her need to get off and you’re not together, then she’s not going to say you can’t
K: Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Kyra loves marking you, for a few reasons like she likes people being able to see you’re taken but also because she finds it funny when you yell at her the next morning for how much you have to cover up
L: Location (Favorite place to have sex)
Kyra will try to initiate sex wherever she can, she doesn’t care where the two of you are if you’re both feeling needy then expect her to pull you somewhere private
M: Motivation (What turns them on?)
Making out with you is such a turn on for Kyra but also she loves just being close to you so everything you do turns her on
N: No (Something they wouldn't do)
Kyra is open to anything you might be open to trying
O: Oral (Preference on giving or receiving)
She says she doesn’t have a preference but she does, Kyra loves going down on you whenever she gets the chance
P: Pace (Fast & Rough? Slow & Sensual?)
It always changes, sex with Kyra is always different each time
Q: Quickie (Thoughts on quickies)
Kyra likes them, any chance to have her hands on you she’s going to take
R: Risk (Are they open to experimenting)
She is! If you want to try something then she’s down to try it at least once
S: Stamina (How many rounds)
You and Kyra usually go for a few rounds, they’re on the longer side
T: Toys
You do use a strap sometimes but Kyra loves just using her mouth and her fingers
U: Unfair (Do they like the tease)
You both tease each other often but in the bedroom, Kyra teases you so much
V: Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make)
Kyra isn’t super loud, you’re the loudest between the two of you
W: Wild Card (Random HC)
You two had sex in a hotel room during an away game with Arsenal and you could hear some of your teammates in the hallway and you had to try your hardest to stay quiet but Kyra wouldn’t let that happen and did everything she could to get you to moan super loudly (and it worked)
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It’s high, Kyra would spend all her time having sex with you If she could
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Kyra usually falls asleep pretty quickly after she knows you’re good
#woso x reader#awfc x reader#auswnt x reader#matildas x reader#kyra cooney cross x reader#kyra cooney cross
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not a soul asked for this but here you go gay people (me)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
makes sure you’re comfy before leaving and will MAKE you drink fluids. and if you’re staying over at hers she will not let you leave. cuddling before after and in between is like part of the deal.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
arms arms armsss sam loves her arms. so proud of them. but she’s always been super into hands. likes holding them, playing with them, sucking on your fingers. everything to do with hands.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
it’s like nectar to her. likes to makes sure you’re taken care of first. and then again and again and again. will suck you dry if you let her.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
loves hickies. pretends she doesn’t but loves when you mark her neck and thighs.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
moderately. but she’s learned your body and your sweet spots so she knows every way to get you off
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
doesn’t really prefer one over another, but likes seeing your face. seeing how well she’s doing.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
bro is goofy as hell 😭 sam can’t take anything seriously and it’s funny watching her try.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
she likes to stay trimmed. refuses to get rid of her happy trail.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
super gentle and sweet when she’s not being silly. loves being close to you and making you feel good
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
in the shower >>>> everything. and lovess handies.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
mommy kink but you didn’t hear that from me
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
your place since you live alone. but the risk of getting caught excites her a little.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
grinding and dry humping. over the clothes stuff. LOVES it.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
can’t handle restraints. or knives. the one place she won’t go.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
prefers receiving, but gives expert level head it’s INSANE
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
likes to go slow when she’s topping. making sure you’re okay and enjoying yourself. but will ride you like there’s no tomorrow.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
she’s okay with them. sam prefers taking her time, though.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
she’s iffy about it, but since it’s you it doesn’t take much to convince her.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
sam’s stamina is high as the heavens. can easily go three rounds without breaks. you’re genuinely baffled at how she never seems to get tired.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
she has a few. you like to use them on her sometimes.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
she’s less of the teaser and more the tease-ee. you love watching her get restless.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
relatively quiet. small gasps and whines in your ear. the occasional plea when you’re being a tease.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
she loves talking to you in spanish. pet names and praises.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
all i’m gonna say is homegirl is PACKING
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
not too high. the hormones definitely lowered it, but is down for it anytime.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
she has trouble sleeping. will hold you for hours listening to your breathing until she finally does doze off.
and yes i stole this from @finalgirlmeeks mind your business
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Grace Of My Bloodline
[Once I’d fed, I sealed the wound and thanked Z for the vein offered and curled up in the fetal position on the bed. I felt an enormous amount of guilt for taking the vein of @sullivanmag’s hellren. I felt someone touch me and I lashed out. It wasn’t until I locked eyes with my father that I eased up a bit.
“Easy, it’s just me and the cop. I wanted to see how you were feeling.”
I bared my fangs and let out a low hiss. A lot was going on in my head but the heavy footfalls of the king made me smirk.
“V, two things, number one, you know she hates Butch, why would you even think it would be okay to bring him in here? And two, get the fuck out your mahmen is here.”
My eyes grew wide and I eased a bit as the Scribe Virgin herself appeared by the side of the bed.
“My sweet Merciless you have such a warrior’s heart. Darius was so proud of you. I know you are angry that he is in the Fade, but not feeding will not gain you the reward of my sanctuary. There is someone in this house that understands your pain. That is why I have given you the gift of staying here. Now, I know you are friends with Tehrror are you not?”
I took a breath and nodded before answering the question I was asked.]
Yes, I am.
[My eyes closed as The Scribe Virgin ran her fingers through my hair.
“Good, then you will thank me for your gift. Wrath, do bring Tehrror in.”
I was confused by the order given because the last time I’d seen John Matthew, he was a skinny pre-trans male. The male that walked into the room was very different. A startled gasp left my mouth as I took in the sight before me.]
John, you’re fucking huge! How did that happen?
[The laughter out of Wrath made me glare at him and he turned to look at me.
“Don’t look at me that way, Mercy, it was funny.”
I didn’t find it the least bit funny. What happened next made me tear up. John crossed the floor to stand on the other side of the bed. He leaned down and kissed my hair.
“Hey, Mercy.”
I blinked because John had just spoken to me. My hands moved at a rapid speed to communicate with him. He chuckled and smiled softly.
“Speaking hurts, but I wanted to show you that I can do it. I want to stay in here while you rest, would you be okay with that?”
I nodded and The Scribe Virgin smiled.
“You’re welcome my child now sleep.”
My eyes closed as The Scribe Virgin disappeared from the room. Sometimes it pays to be her bloodline.]
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Sigh. I found another bad Zuko/Azula take once again:
"Azula was a better sister to Zuko then he was a brother to her! He only joined the crystal catacombs for his honor and not because he wanted to help her. She gave him a choice for his honor back, approached him when he was didn't seem happy in the beach episode, and she warned him about meeting Iroh! Zuko only went to her if he wanted something from her. Zuko kept betraying people and was never a brother to her. He should've told her the connection to Avatar Roku to change her mind! He's a bad brother and Azula's a good sister!" My apologies if this is really long by the way 😭I just thought it was really funny to see and wanted to hear your thoughts lmfao. However no need to answer this if you don't want to, I understand you've already answered one of my asks from not long ago lmao-
I'm gonna say some of the same things I said before because a lot of this stuff can be immediately addressed by the fact that Azula imprisoned Zuko in the crystal catacombs. By the time she gives him an opportunity to join her, it's either that or going back as a prisoner. Which is why it's not a real choice, it's coercion. What she says about honor is all bullshit meant to appeal to what she knows he wants. She's not really giving him a chance at honor, she is manipulating him, the same as when Ozai tells Zuko he needs to do x, y, or z to restore his honor.
Side note: I've seen many people here credit Azula for giving Zuko the idea that honor is something you can choose for yourself rather than having it bestowed by someone else, but what they miss is that even though Azula is telling Zuko that "he restored his own honor," he isn't really the one making the choice. There can't be said to be a real choice if the other option is imprisonment. And the second part of that that Zuko learns later is not just about choosing honor for yourself, but about choosing what is right. Zuko cannot restore his honor by choosing to side with the fire nation, and that's something he comes to understand later. And even at the end of book two, he is aware that the choice he makes is not really the right one, and is going against his own judgment. So he's not really choosing it for himself, what he thinks is right, he's choosing what Azula has convinced him is right.
The fact that Azula was the one who imprisoned them in the first place is also why warning him about visiting Iroh isn't really her helping him. Visiting Iroh would not be dangerous for Zuko if Azula had not imprisoned Iroh in the first place. But, you see, she could not offer Iroh the same "choice" she does Zuko. First of all because Iroh cannot be manipulated, but second because Azula needs to get Zuko away from Iroh in order to control him. This is something she realizes at the beginning of book two. So warning him to stay away from Iroh isn't about Zuko's safety, it's about keeping him under control.
It's much the same when Azula approaches Zuko at the beach and tries to cheer him up. I actually do think this scene is one where she is rarely genuine towards him, but she's still being manipulative in ways she may not realize because manipulation and control is normalized in the household she lives in. But if we focus on what she actually says, we see a theme continuing from her telling him to stay away from Iroh. She tells him to stay away from the old house because it's "depressing" and come down to the beach with her. Again, she is telling Zuko to stay away from those things that might make him question the abusive and imperialistic environment he is in, to be complacent with things the way they are. She doesn't want him to follow his own line of thinking, especially when that thinking leads him away from her control.
And about those scenes where he goes to her when he wants something, this happens because she positions herself as an authority figure over him, because she wants that control. Every time he goes to her she acts annoyed, but absolutely enjoys dressing him down and talking him in circles. This is also a hallmark of an abusive person. They will often make it seem like you are such a burden on them, but that's all farce because they want you to be dependent. Remember that although Azula acts like Zuko is being irrational for questioning why she lied to Ozai about him killing the Avatar, she created that situation. She forced Zuko to maintain this lie and didn't even tell him she was going to do that. He is right to be suspicious about this and confront her about it. But she sets it up on purpose to keep him confused and then makes it seem like his confusion is him being irrational. This is textbook gaslighting.
As far as "he should have told her about Avatar Roku to change her mind," he does try to. He even asks her when he realizes the history they were taught is not true (and the fact that he goes to her about this is a sign of how much she has gaslit him, because even when he knows the truth, he goes to her and views her as an authority, trusts her over himself.) And she responds by mocking him and insulting his intelligence. She's not going to be willing to listen to what he has to say. And if he had further tried to have a conversation with her about it, she would have done what she always does, and tried to talk him out of it, made it seem like he was the one who was wrong. He realizes this and this is why he's stopped listening to her, by the end. This is also why talking to Azula would not have worked at the last agni kai. Azula is still justifying herself and making excuses in the end, still blaming Zuko for her actions, but he makes it clear he isn't listening anymore because he has learned that this is what he needs to do to protect himself.
Which is sad, but it's not Zuko's fault, and it never was. It is the fault of the people who thought that they could take advantage of him. And Azula was one of those people.
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Yuto from A to Z
one of those nsfw alphabets finally finished onf series!! all thanks to their spectacular comeback, yey
pairing: Mizuguchi Yuto x female reader
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Yuto is one of those who gets hazy afterwards. He usually takes his time admiring your beauty while having nothing in mind, then he regroups himself and tries to guess what you need. The odds of him getting it right are extremely high. Food, a shower, cuddles, anything.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He is quite confident about that pretty sculpted face of his.
On you, it's your back. He loves to guide you by landing one hand on your lower back or to observe you from behind when you are oblivious.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
I can't see him coming anywhere but inside, he hates the idea of this kind of dirtiness. Sweat and a bit of spit are okay but not his seed everywhere.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He sometimes tries to speculate what lingerie you are wearing underneath your clothes. His brain does this to him and he won't ever say it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
This is funny but he is more experienced than you thought (since you won't see him openly talking about sex) and less experienced than he would like to be. He will make you scream anyway.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
You laying on your stomach, him pushing back and forth with his hands on your back. This is absolutely beautiful to him but he won't stay much in the same position. Boy turns you over all of a sudden.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Definitely serious. He pops some words here and there but nothing unnecessary. "Is it good?" "Can I go fast?" are sentences you hear quite often.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
I have to say he is romantic in his own way. it means he won't speak cheesy words but the way he cares for you and genuinely wants to bring your climax up is so romantic of him TT
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Not very often. He usually prefers it in the shower because it's easier to clean up and all.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Top 3:
Making you beg blindfolds (on you) strip tease (receiving)
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
On a comfy bed, I mean, good mattress. It can be his own or in a hotel room.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He goes from 0 to 100 when you touch him in a certain way. Like, you slowly rub on his abdomen, lifting his shirt, and nuzzle against his neck.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He hates being teased in public places.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers giving! One thing about him is that he loves how you arousal feels, the way his fingers slide easily inside when you are in a mood is like magic to him. He likes to feel your clit throbbing on his tongue and the soft taste of it.
When it comes to receiving, please don't save your saliva and use your hands. He likes it noisy, thus, when his eyes roll back, he doesn't feel like missing something.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Moderate pace, Yuto doesn't want it to end fast. He might edge himself here and there, he stops all the way inside you to postpone his orgarm.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He prefers denying quickies so you all will be more worked up later hehe. But sometimes his cock can't obey.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He is unexpectedly experimental! He loves how creative you can be about sex. When you are excited to suggest something, give him details, babe. Yet, he isn't a reckless guy then you all are always safe.
When it comes to the risk of getting caught, he doesn't gamble. He always swears that you two will get nasty when you come home. "Please, be patient. I want you bad too, sweetheart" *takes your hand away from his weak spots*
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Yuto can fuck all night long, especially if it was a prolonged wait. He usually prefers two rounds with a pause to cuddle though.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He owns handcuffs and blindfolds to use on you but he is not against wearing them himself. He enjoys your toys too, he would like to know where you hide them or when you purchase new ones.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He won't go for the deed without teasing you beforehand, by calling you naughty or not giving you permission to take his clothes off. In any case, he gives up pretty soon and the two of you get nasty freely.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
labored and noisy breathing is his thing along with broken low pants. I would say he sounds pretty classy and collected, it's quite charming, especially when you are blowing him.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He asked you to record yourself using your sex toys just to feel a perv right after. Though he really wants this kind of video from you...
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He is not really big, but the thickness is just right! He hides a pretty and straight dick inside his boxers. It gets hard so easily when you touch him.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
3 or 4 times a week. But sometimes it's just cock warming or mutual masturbation.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Most of the time he will doze off before you. But always wakes up in the middle of the night to check on you and hold your body closer.
Thanks for reading!
Find more smut alphabets on the tag below :)
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Tf2 Rothena!! Original & redesign!! She became my tf2 si after(under the cut):
I made a whole au where she was on a warp pad & some enemy activated it or destroyed it when she was trying to activate it to help, and she got transported to the tf2 universe (more game and non-story-comics-based one) and gradually gave less shits until she gave up(once she realized there was no way back home) on way more morals than dan vs or tf2 mae, and after busting out of jail one too many times, she accepts a job from the Administrator's corporation for protection of her & some one-sided(on her side)friends, and her fate is cemented there. Also she has the same default scars as tf2 & danvs Mae but i didn't draw them in bc i was focused on getting the new damn 'render' done. Less scars in general tho bc of her unique half-gem-full-human nature, it was easier to incorporate her into the respawn system.
Their team role is officially The Understudy, but she calls herself Cannon Fodder, Expendable, other self-deprecating terms that the team members she didn't gel with went along with(Soldier, Spy, Scout occasionally, Medic bc he thinks it's as funny as she does, same for Sniper) at the beginning. She usually picks or is assigned to(read: the rest of the team draw straws or fight w rock-paper-scissors to determine) one team member throughout the match, assisting them in their job as backup or cannon fodder/actual scouting (its okay bc she respawns & is gets good at not dying eventually). okay discord copy pasting abt her under th ecut
Rothena joins red team starting out being completely herself: adhd, gen z suicide jokes, talking abt how much she loves women, etc, unlike how she usually acts when meeting new people. She figures "it's the 1960s, if i'm gonna get like hate crimed i better do it before i get attached, put all my quirks out in the open" & being so open abt herself actually endears some of the mercs to her (& makes others think she's nuts/has to self-preservation which. true lol) However this makes soldier her worst enemy bc she keeps talking abt how much she hates america. Despite being american rothena: i want free healthcare soldier: you want handouts!? rothena: no, i just don't want to pay 10,000 dollars bc some rando got me sick & i needed to be hospitalized
eventually they settle the fighting with "america could be improved but it's our home & we should stand for it & support it to improvement" but before then, HOO boy they're like in the "can i PLEASE get a waffle" vine: rothena & soldier: *fighting abt america* engineer: can you stand on the point?? rothena & soldier: *get more violent* engineer: can you PLEASE stand on the point?!?
Rothena does godawful at her first day on the field--she's only worked with sitting-duck or inexperienced targets w miss pauling, & the team dismisses her as a liability, so she does her best to stay out of the way bc she thinks so too (and tbh she kind of is, it's like if a casual/beginner jumped into a competitive match in tf2). But heavy takes pity on her and takes her under his wing, having her practice when he has free time he's willing to sacrifice, and having her shadow him during battles!! And the team sees her become more useful and eventually more of them start asking her to shadow them, earning her first positive class-based nickname, (Little) Shadow! Maybe medic sees her potential to learn and observe when she picks up a stray medigun and uses it on him without ever being taught how to!! And from there the trust builds!!
how tf2 rothena started: "blue hair" by tv girl (sad/melancholy) how tf2 rothena is going(canon): "using you" by margo (bittersweet but mostly happy) how tf2 rothena will end up(post-canon): "lifetime achievement award" by lemon demon or smth w similar resurrection themes (driven mad from love and care, unwilling to let go of mortal friends, medic is in on this)
#tf2#tf2 si#tf2 self insert#tf2 rothena#my drawings#my self inserts#i'll paste more stuff abt her from discord later#and edit this to add timeline stuff bc the gravel war here lasts a bit longer than it does in canon#also in every tf2 universe i write/put characters in the tf2 team/team fortress is FRIENDS whether overtly or subtly there is no#'secretly ACTUALLY hating each others gut' here!!!! no offebse to those who write that btw it's always anywhere from hilariou to gutwrenchi#to watch (/pos both)
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Question, do the zeds or stars likes animals? Like who likes dogs? Or cats ?
Also who would keep a dog?
Cause.. there was this fluffy dog I saw down the street and it looked like the zeds mascot. Did they get a dog?

anyways your answer:
Yes! All of them like animals! Like who doesn't? skjakjsak Top Hat, yeah, not even horses are on his good graces... but it's also kinda reciprocal? Animals don't like him and he doesn't like animals, it's been like that since he has memory so they naturally keep each other apart. But you know those long nosed dogs? yeah, those are funny, clean and refined. Top Hat does like those dogsss
On more positive and general note, the Stars are more of bird-watchers kinda fellas Oh back in the day~, Oh back in Scotland, Oh right Up River~! These guys do love some birbs, doves, pidgeons, seagulls and such~ Captain Star has such a good time to looking through window lol
In the similar vein that Donald has a Duck, I'd say Warrior has a bunch of Cats. With garbage comes rats, and with rats comes cats, so Warrior lets them stay, sometimes plays and feeds them, and since he's so nice more cats started to appear!! There were 14 last time I checked, but it could be 16 now
Of course, Grampus is more of an aquatic creatures kinda guy, from the huge whales to the tiniest critters that the naked eye can see. Hercules is also like that... except for dolphins. He doesn't like dolphins. Not since That Day™ (i don't know what happened and he won't elaborate :I)
And Ten Cents. Ten Cents is definitely a dog person, he could get this huge fuckin dog ever to run around and play catch and rough play if we include the his human version aaaaa it'd be the dream come true!
The Z-Stacks do like the typical cats and dogs, but especially the lil creatures that can do favors for them, so be glad that they don't know about the intelligence and loyalty of crows lol. Also Zip is def a bug collector.... and eater
So on that note, the Zs favourite animals are actually any of the edibles. You know, your cows, pigs, chicken and in the water, fish, shrimps, sharks even... If they can eat it, they like it, in and out of the plate xd
There's also a parrot that visits Zero's office and imitates his voice causing ruckus in work hours since the fleet barely sees thei Captain so they think is him and hilarity ensues sjskjskjskjs it's kinda a love-hate relationship cause the parrot sometimes remembers things that Zero forgot so it's not all trouble after all...
And finally, YES THEY HAVE THAT DOG! [nombre pendiente xd], i shamelessly traced over the picture to make this lmaoo:
I bet TC was jealous that the Zeds got a dog before him jskjsk
#ask#this is tugs#star fleet#z stacks#xd#*oportunity to practice animal drawing appears*#*i dont use it 😎*
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For Danny x Robin, i'm totally normal F ─ First time. How was their first time together ? Was any of them nervous ? Did it live up to their expectations ? G ─ Games. Do they play any games involving sex ( like adult board games, throwing dice to decide what’s their next position, engaging in roleplay, food play, etc… ) ? O ─ O’clock. What time do they usually have sex ( mornings, late at night, during lunch break, etc… ) ? Are they usually in a rush, or do they take their time ? How about on weekends / holidays ? V ─ Video call. Have they ever shared a sexy moment with each other during a video call ? What were the circumstances ( long distance, trying to cheer up/tease the other while at work, etc… ) ? Did they enjoy it ? Y ─ Yucky. Is there something they find particular disgusting or unpleasant in regards to sex ? Something they’d absolutely refuse to do, even if the other really wanted it ? Have they already denied the other some kinks because of this ? Z ─ Zones. What are their most erogenous zones ? Does their partner know all of them ? Do they make sure to stimulate each other in said zones ?
Spicy ABCS | Accepting
F ─ First time. How was their first time together ? Was any of them nervous ? Did it live up to their expectations ?
It was probably something spontaneous just sitting on Danny's couch or something, flirting and being handsy until one of them caves and finally eats the other out. I feel like Robin was much more nervous about it than Danny was, because Danny does try to make his partner feel as comfortable as possible. I don't think either of them had any expectations? It wasn't something highly planned or anything, i was just something fun that happened while they were listening to the radio.
G ─ Games. Do they play any games involving sex ( like adult board games, throwing dice to decide what’s their next position, engaging in roleplay, food play, etc… ) ?
Danny would be down for it, but I feel like the only time it'd come up is in off handed jokes. Funny sex board games aside, I know Robin likes being hunted by Danny. The phone calls, the way he stares through the window, pretending to hide when he does eventually unlock the door and go inside and Danny is more than fine with pinning him to the floor and taking him then and there even if it's in their kitchen.
The way Robin chuckles and smiles and pushes his mask away because neither of them can take it seriously is what really makes it enjoyable for him. I don't think he'd be into it if he had to stay serious and pretend like he was actually going to kill him.
O ─ O’clock. What time do they usually have sex ( mornings, late at night, during lunch break, etc… ) ? Are they usually in a rush, or do they take their time ? How about on weekends / holidays ?
Probably mostly at night just because both of them work late especially in modern. There's some days where Robin doesn't get home until 1 am and Danny has plans where he doesn't get home until after 4, but I feel like the moments where they do have time together during the day and do have sex it's usually mixed with something else. Like Danny jokingly telling him he'll fuck him against the window so he can wave at the neighbors or something.
V ─ Video call. Have they ever shared a sexy moment with each other during a video call ? What were the circumstances ( long distance, trying to cheer up/tease the other while at work, etc… ) ? Did they enjoy it ?
I feel like it has happened once or twice. Especially when Danny's working late and he's the only one in the office so he can watch Robin and tell him how good of a boy he is. I don't think it happens often at all, but when it does I'm sure they're both incredibly amused.
Y ─ Yucky. Is there something they find particular disgusting or unpleasant in regards to sex ? Something they’d absolutely refuse to do, even if the other really wanted it ? Have they already denied the other some kinks because of this ?
I know I've said it before, but Danny fucking hates how messy sex is. He's not a neat freak by any means, but he always has to shower and get cleaned up after and even changes the bed sheets. He doesn't care. It's even to the point where if he's bottoming and someone cums on him be gets a bit annoyed, not enough to bring him out of it, but it's just another thing to wash from his skin.
Z ─ Zones. What are their most erogenous zones ? Does their partner know all of them ? Do they make sure to stimulate each other in said zones ?
Danny's neck, right where it meets his jaw especially, and his inner thighs are very sensitive and get him going so easily. I feel like Robin absolutely knows and makes sure to leave his finger prints or a kiss there every time he can.
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Heeseung a-z nsfw !
Heeseung A-Z nsfw
A/N :: Hope you it was worth the wait, have a good day! 🤍
♡ A (Aftercare) ⇸ What they're like after sex
Heeseung is a very thoughtful and caring person, no doubt he considers after care very important. But he also gets really shy after sex, which makes him even more cuter. He usually likes to take a hot bath, watch a movie and cuddle under the blanket, in the order or individually. He prefers to stay home and doesn't really like to go out after sex. He wants a peaceful or cheerful atmosphere, fighting, tickling in the bed.
♡ B (Body part) ⇸ Their favorite body part on them and also their partner's
His favorite part of your body is your lips and your thighs because he loves to kiss them and they squishy. On him, his favorite part is his thighs as well because he loves when you ride them and his hair because he thinks they make him look hotter and he likes when you pull them when he goes down on you.
♡ C (Cum) ⇸ Anything to do with cum basically...
Heeseung is pretty clean when it comes to sex, he usually cums on your belly or in your mouth because it's pretty easy to clean up.
♡ D (Dirty secrets) ⇸ A dirty secrets of theirs
He wants to have a threesome with another girl but he's scared to talk about it with you because he doesn't want you to believe that you're not enough for him or that he wants to fuck another girl. He wants to do it to feel dominant, superior and worshipped like a king or a god. He'd like to control you and the other girl so he can just lay down and let you ride him and suck until cums multiple times.
♡ E (Experience) ⇸ How experienced are they? Do they know what they are doing?
He did have a few experiences but not to much. He only had one or two girlfriends before you but hooking up with random girls is not really his thing. Surprisingly, he knows what he's doing even tho he didn't have a lot of experience before you. He's still learning with you and testing new things out.
♡ F (Favorite positions) ⇸ This goes without saying
His all time favorite position is the Cowgirl, he also like the Reverse cowgirl of course. He thinks you look super hot when you're on top plus this is a comfortable position. He likes to when you're on top even if that's him who guide you and help keep the rhythm. Also, a good doggy style and 69 are always very appreciated during sex.
♡ G (Goofy) ⇸ Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous?...
It depends on the mood of course. He's not too serious but not vert goofy at the same time so yes he'll giggle if something funny happens or idk. But he thinks that's weird to laugh your ass off or make jokes during sex.
♡ H (Hair) ⇸ Basically what's going on down there and their preference on their partner
On you, he prefers totally bare or with not a lot of hair, he thinks it looks cleaner and is a bit uncomfortable to go down on you if it's very hairy, he doesn't like it. On him, he also wax it and keep it bare or very short for the same reasons.
♡ I (Intimacy) ⇸ All the romantic/intimacy aspect
He prefers to keep sex between the two of you, he doesn't want people to know what's going on under the blanket especially the members, friends and colleagues. He would be really uncomfortable if they see you tease eachother, flirt, sext or anything sex-related. With strangers he doesn't care as much. And during sex he's very romantic and sweet, he really want to create a sensual atmosphere.
♡ J (Jack off) ⇸ Mastubation headcanon
He does jerk off often, I think it's because he's horny pretty regularly but doesn't want to tell you because he doesn't want you to think he's weird or that he's using you just for that. He usually hides and does it alone without you knowing. Sometimes you do masturbate together, before penetration or just like that.
♡ K (Kinks) ⇸ One or more of their kinks
I'm 100% sure he has a size kink and breeding kink. He's pretty tall so he'd love a short s/o to protect them or dominate them. He loves lingerie you can't tell me otherwise, he definitely buys you cute sets for Valentines day so you can test it out the same night.
♡ L (Location) ⇸ Favorite places to have sex
Heeseung definitely prefers having sex at home but he's not against quickies here and there. As I said, not when there are friends or family around. He loves having sex in the car, on the couch or while taking a bath or a shower.
♡ M (Motivation) ⇸ What turns them on, gets them going
He's turned on by sexting, kinky messages or when you whisper dirty things into his ear. He also loves when you only wear panties and a shirt when you're at his/your house. When you pass your hand under his shirt when you kiss him or when you sit on his lap for a makeout session. All these innocent-not-so-innocent kind of things.
♡ N (No) ⇸ Somethings they wouldn't do, turns off
He wouldn't hurt you of course, he doesn't like when other men are involved he just wants you for himself. He likes simple things, Heeseung is not into all the role play, bondage, hard-core things. Of course, he's turned off by anything with fluids.
♡ O (Oral) ⇸ Preference on giving or receiving, skills...
He's the type to prefer penetration over oral. He will still go down on you sometimes but most of the time you have to ask for it, otherwise you will have to wait until the desire is really strong or if he spontaneously wants to pleasure you. He prefers receiving but he wouldn't ask, he'll let you give him a head if you want to.
♡ P (Pace) ⇸ Are they rough and fast? Slow and sensual?
Heeseung does a little bit of everything, he bases himself on your reaction and what you ask. He usually starts off slow and finish rough and fast. He's very careful of listening to your demands, your facial expressions and your body language.
♡ Q (Quickies) ⇸ Their opinion on quickies, how often...
He likes quickies, it's easy and since he doesn't have a lot of time because of his job. Of course it's not like a good sex with all the foreplay and everything but it's still a good option.
♡ R (Risk) ⇸ Do they like to take risk? How?
As I said, he doesn't mind taking risk but only when there is no friends or family around, he doesn't want to make anyone uncomfortable because of your intimate life. He's down for fucking you anywhere when you two are alone.
♡ S (Stamina) ⇸ How many rounds? How long do they last?...
He has a good stamina, he can go for multiple rounds if he feels like it. Most of the times, he goes between one and three rounds. He's healthy and fit so it's not hard for him to fuck you for a long time, it also depends on you.
♡ T (Toy) ⇸ Do they own toy? Do they use them on them or on their partner?
He doesn't own toys for him, maybe he has a vibrator for you but that's it. Like he won't buy toys but you have some or you want some he'll definitely use them.
♡ U (Unfair) ⇸ How much they like to tease?
He can be pretty unfair when he wants to piss you off. He won't let you touch him even if you're super horny to see your limits, he'll let the desire grow harder, so in bed you'll be a needy little slut.
♡ V ( Volume) ⇸ How loud are they? What sound they make?
Honestly Heeseung is pretty loud in bed, he's not scared to show that you please him, he wants you to know that you're doing a good job. He tends to moan a lot, he thinks being too silent makes it embarrassing.
♡ W (Wild card) ⇸ Random headcanon
"I said stop teasing and fuck me already." He whimpered again. "You need to speak louder I can’t hear you" you said drawing patterns on his abs. "Can you please fuck me already y/n" he said loud and clear, he was clearly trying to be silent so the person in toilet next to you wouldn't hear. You laughed pulling down his underwear letting his erection jump free. Heeseung looked at you biting his lips you pulled him closer feeling his tip brush against your belly. You kissed him letting your hands roam over his body. He groaned again and grabbed one of your leg to put his member inside of you. Giving his member a few pumps you drove Heeseung crazy. "Please" he hissed and you pulled yourself onto his erection. He filled you up and Heeseung moaned again. You pulled him into a kiss to shut him up just before hearing people coming in.
♡ X (X-rays) ⇸ What's going on in those pants?
He's pretty average in terms of length. He's a bit wider than average tho.
♡ Y (Yearning) ⇸ How high is their sex drive?
The good average as well here. He's not a sex addict but he still wants to fuck his beautiful partner. I would say maybe between 3 and 6 times a week (?)
♡ Z (Zzzz) ⇸ Do they fall asleep afterwards? How quickly?
After sex he's either exausted and is very lazy or super excited and wants to go out, there is no in between. After cleaning everything it depends on his mood and on yours, he always likes to do something after and not directly go to bed.
#kpop#ask#aestehtic#kpop smut#kpop reactions#kpop a z#enhypen#enhypen a z#enhypen smut#heeseung#enhypen heeseung#heeseung smut#enhypen jay#park jay#enhypen jake smut#enhypen jake#jake sim#enhypen sunghoon#park sunghoon#kim sunoo#enhypen sunoo
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𝗝𝘂𝗽𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲𝘀🍀🧡
🌺𝕁𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕟 𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖🌺
i don’t associate a height with this one. i’ve seen all types of heights with these ppl. may be thicc/curvalicious lmao. the guys here may be buff. forehead may be big, or may have a big head in general. laidback vibes. knows how to look on the bright side of things. at first you may be/come off as friendly, annoying, honest, loud, and cheery. chatty, and good at conversating. most likely extroverted. you can be humorous. celebrities:Rihanna, Whitney Houston, Ashton Kutcher, Richard Gere
💸𝕁𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕟 𝕊𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕕 ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖💸
attracts money, fortune, and just lucky in the financial world lol. may win the lottery, or just get rich by luck in someway. may love or hate/dislike foods from other countries, tropical/exotic fruits, wine, alcohol in general, etc. may like fruit based perfumes(strawberries, peaches, etc). may be attracted to nice legs, or thick thighs. athletes may be attractive to you also. you may have a big/thick neck. style may be with what’s popping/trending. the way you dress may be extra lmao. may dress according to a culture. idk why but i see bright colored clothes mainly here. a fan of name brand. you need to make sure to not burn a hole in your pocket, and buy useless things. generous.
celebrities:Madonna, Britney Spears, Jay Z, Robert De Niro
📚𝕁𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕟 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕕 ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖📚
talks with upbeatness. joyful voice. may get lucky chances through neighbors, neighborhood, or siblings. a story teller that’s extra lol(adds details to their stories). may be a foreign student/go to school in a different state/country. may be the class clown, not go to school a lot, or just noisy at school in general lmao. lucky when it comes to school(may miss a lot of work but pass). may be popular among peers. you may have fat hands. siblings may have jupiter/sagittarius/9th house prominent in their chart. you’re most likely the sibling that plays too much, buys your siblings stuff, and your siblings may view you as chill, and happy/positive. has long convos w/siblings, and may have many siblings. driving may be fast, and reckless lol. may get overconfident on the road.
celebrities:Lana Del Rey, Hilary Duff, Jim Carrey, Dwayne Johnson
🧸𝕁𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕟 𝔽𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥𝕙 ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖🧸
i see road trips with the fam here lmao/may have travelled a lot as a kid. may have had a big house or yard, and may have had extras at your house(pools, trampolines, etc). may have moved a lot/lived in many places. probably was taught abt other cultures as a kid. most likely has a huge family. mother may have been spiritual or religious, open minded, fun, free spirited, honest, and probably taught you not to be judgemental/close minded. if negative, she may have been rude, irresponsible/negligent, selfish, and arrogant. mom may have sagittarius/9th house/jupiter energy in her chart. gals here may have big boobies, or guys here may be buff.
celebrities:Miranda Kerr, Kesha, Jaden Smith, Wiz Khalifa
🎲𝕁𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕟 𝔽𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕙 ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖🎲
generous, with little kids esp. may love to buy little kids toys, candy, etc. may have/want many kids. kids may have sagittarius/jupiter/9th house placements significant in their chart. may be too laidback when parenting/may not know when to set rules, may even be lazy with parenting from time to time. but on the bright side, they can teach their kids wise things and open minded ways. i feel like these ppl would accept their kids for who they are and love them no matter what. open minded, inconsiderate, free spirited, immature, and fun in the dating world/beginning of a relationship. your heart may be large lol(literally). may like to share with their partners, weather it’s food, clothes, gifts, etc. may turn up hard at parties, if not then they’re probably socializing with everyone, just knows how to have a good time. you may like dates where you can be outside(picnic, park, hiking, etc) or just have fun in general(amusement parks, beaches, dave and busters, etc)
celebrities:Kourtney Kardashian, Janis Joplin, Elon Musk, Will Smith
🍬𝕁𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕟 𝕊𝕚𝕩𝕥𝕙 ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖🍬
doesn’t stay sick for long, and dodges illnesses. may have a bit of a tummy. big, & energetic pets might be what you want(i want a pet giraffe & this is my placement but that’s illegal lmaoo). so you may want a dog, horse, etc. may have multiple pets. most likely has many hobbies/activities. cares abt others, and doesn’t mind sharing. talented at many things. since jupiter indicates optimism, and 6th house rules everyday stuff, you know how to look on the bright side of things. can also be calm under pressure. we don’t have a routine, whatever happens happens, and we like to live in the moment. routines are too predictable and boring. caring
celebrities:Mariah Carey,Meryl Streep, Ben Affleck, Frank Ocean
🦋𝕁𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕟 𝕊𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕙 ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖🦋
may have a love-hate relationship with ppl that have a lot of jupiter/sagittarius/9th house in their chart. enemies may have jupiter/sagittarius/9th house in their chart or lovers/friends. may attract these ppl a lot. may attract fun, inconsiderate, open minded, immature, spiritual, chill ppl. may attract foreigners. may like to travel with other ppl instead of by yourself. you need to figure out what you want in the romance world. you may be commitment phobic. may have a friends with benefits at some point or a one night stand. you can attract many pleasant relationships though. you may have a big butt
celebrities:Marilyn Monroe, Alicia Keys, Drake, Jimi Hendrix
🐍𝕁𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕟 𝔼𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕙 ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖🐍
may be into mysteries. you may also attract money, or get it easily. may be transcendental. accepts change, and usually open to it. embraces the unknown, and death. intuition may lead you to luck. if you’re a vagina carrier, you may have big labias or clitoris, if you have a penis, it may be larger than average. high libido gangg lol. may like to fuck outside or like it rough, and reckless. doggy style lmao. fun filled sex is also seen here, and may want to have sex often.
celebrities:Taylor Swift, Tina Turner, Michael Jackson, Snoop Dogg
🍄𝕁𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕟 ℕ𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕙 ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖🍄
may major in religion, law, geography, culture, etc in college or university. knowledge refreshes your soul. optimistic outlook on things. values freedom. can either be rlly non judgmental, or judgmental and noisy. you may love to travel, and may have a love for trivia too. debates are fun to you, and you may have a knack for random facts. you may love to learn abt other countries, cultures, environments, etc. may know how to speak many languages, and may love libraries/books. you may have thicc thighs. wholesome
celebrities:Ariana Grande, Gwen Stefani, Johnny Depp, Keanu Reeves
🪐𝕁𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕟 𝕋𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕙 ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖🪐
your reputation may be that your wise, obnoxious, funny, chill, and cheery. pilot, flight attendant, professor, teacher, philosopher, etc may be a career of yours or something you’ve thought of being. need a job where you can either travel or spread/learn wisdom and knowledge. may have bulky knees. ambitious, knows how to get to the top. may be lucky in the career world, and get many opportunities.
celebrities:Angelina Jolie, Lady Gaga, Steve Jobs, Kurt Cobain
👾𝕁𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕟 𝔼𝕝𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕙 ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖👾
friends, and ppl that crush on you often may have jupiter/sagittarius/9th house placements in their chart. may have bulky ankles/calves. may have friends or be the friend that likes to party, is loud, funny, wise, and chill. may have many friends from different cliques, so they may not get along. may have friends from different religions, cultures, and countries. may want/like to travel with friends. gets along with a lot of ppl. may be obnoxious.
celebrities:Zendaya, Anne Hathaway, Prince, Elton John
🐣𝕁𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕟 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕗𝕥𝕙 ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖🐣
you may not have rlly care abt material things. sees good in everything. you may do mediation, if not then you should. you may be spiritual. may have big feet. you may be able to feel vibes off of people, and may be psychic. sees the big picture. you’re thoughtful, and careabt others. might share something and not expect anything in return/genuine.
celebrities:Beyoncé, Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, Barack Obama
#astrology#zodiac#zodiac signs#astro notes#astro observations#jupiter in the houses#jupiter in 1st#jupiter in the 2nd house#jupiter in the 3rd house#jupiter in 4th house#jupiter in the 5th house#jupiter in 6th house#jupiter in the 7th house#jupiter in the 8th house#jupiter in the 9th house#jupiter in the 10th house#jupiter in the 11th house#jupiter in the 12th house
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Bill Skarsgard Alphabet- Your relationship with Bill
Here’s a list from A-Z about what your relationship with Bill would be like.
A list of headcannons of what Bill x reader’s relationship.
Note- If one of the letters is flagged with an asterixis * it means it is slightly suggestive or NSFW.

A- Affection
Bill is actually quite affectionate with you, always preferring to have one arm around you shoulders when sitting on the couch together, holding your hand, quick kisses on the head, cheek and shoulder. Warm hugs from behind, with Bill resting his chin on your head. He likes to reassure himself by being in the comfort of your company, and it always feels so strange when he’s away from you filming on set. He likes to cuddle a lot when he wants to relax and unwind, because Bill is a pretty busy dude so whenever he can get the chance to sit back and rest with you, it’s usually on the bed taking a quick power nap before it’s back to it again.
B- Buying gifts
Bill isn’t really big on receiving big fancy gifts, because really, what would he need them for? You are the same. He does make sure to stop at each place on his press tours and pick out a souvenir to bring home to you. He also likes bringing home little props or souvenirs from set. You still have the little Pennywise teddy he got you sitting over on your desk. The little red pom-pom nose and the orange yarn fluffy hair is so adorable.
C- Comfort
When you are feeling down or sad, Bill can nearly always pick up on it straight away. He has a way with reading people’s emotions and then employing the method of comfort that would best suit the situation. If you want to talk, he will listen, and if you want to be left alone, he will do that, but not for too long.
He’ll check up on you every so often through the day just to make sure you’re okay. Bill’s warm, gigantic hugs and reassuring kisses always manage to make you feel a bit better. When it’s Bill whose feeling off, you let him talk. Bill isn’t the kind of guy to be able to keep things bottled up for a long period of time because it tends to make him feel tired and weighed down, and that’s not a fun time for either of you. You always listen to him when he vents everything he’s feeling, usually with his head in your lap and you playing with his hair or his hands.
D- Date
Bill would be a chill, relaxing type of guy when it comes to dates. He knows that you don’t want to be doing something big and exciting every single time, that would be tiring. He loves taking you out for dinner, but he loves making dinner for you and setting up a romantic little dinner date out on the porch or terrace, and surprising you. Often, dates between you two will be completely out of the blue. ‘Hey, want to go somewhere?’ ‘Hey lets go for a picnic by the beach’.
On the days when you guys do feel like doing something more adventurous, the zoo tends to be the fan favourite, and you also like to go skiing, and hiking to see new places and things.
E- Encouragement/Excitement
You are both very supportive of each other and your professions, so much so that as soon as the other person catches a whiff of success, you are there to celebrate with each other by any means. You and Bill like to hype each other up and get all excited when the other person gets excited, almost as if your happiness is conjoined. You are always excited for Bill’s new projects, and support him through it all the way up until it’s completed and ready for the world to see.
F- Fighting
Bill likes to avoid conflict, especially if it involves any kind of yelling and screaming at you, someone he loves. He doesn’t believe that yelling helps at all, infact it only makes matters worse, and instead of actually getting the other person to listen to them, it only makes them more mad and they keep on yelling when no one is actually listening. He doesn’t like yelling at you because it feels almost violent, and he doesn’t want to scare you into listening to him. He’s aware of how intimidating he looks when he’s mad. He encourages the both of you to instead sit down and talk about things maturely, talking about how he feels and why he feels that way, and always attentively listening to what you have to say as well. It’s important in the relationship that you have a sense of equality, that both go heard and your opinions both valued. From then on, depending on the severity of the argument, you move on to figure out the best solution to moving past it or around it.
G- Gestures
Bill is big on friendly, helpful little gestures to remind you that he loves you. You both like to leave little notes in places for each other to find, with quotes or reassurances written on them like ‘You can do this!’ ‘I love you!’ ‘You look amazing today’. It gives you guys a little confidence boost, because sometimes you both need it. In terms of physical gestures, Bill likes to hold your hand a lot of the time when you walk, almost as if you might wander off and get lost if he lets go. He also likes to buy you flowers. If he sees a bunch of flowers in the shop window from the corner of his eye, and he instantly thinks of you, he will buy them for you. You aren’t really sure what use you would have for flowers, but you absolutely admire the sweet gesture.
H- How you sleep
It’s no secret that Bill is a very tall and lanky person. Because of this, sometimes its hard for him to find just the right position to sleep it, however he has learned to adjust and adapt to any position or place to make it feel comfortable. He lays on his back a lot of the time and pulls you close to him, either tucked up beside him with your arm across his torso, or with your head on his chest or heart while he plays with your hair.
You both talk for hours, and will stay up until you fall asleep mid conversation. It’s funny when Bill will be talking, and he goes to ask you a question, and he finds you fast asleep beside him. ‘Seriously? Did you just fall asleep on me? Were you listening to any of that?”
I- Impression
When Bill was first introduced to you, he thought you were so gorgeous and beautiful, with that amazing smile and beautiful eyes. He is a bit nervous at the best of times, but you made him particularly nervous. He always was conscious over the way he spoke to you and how he appealed to you. He’s had a giant crush on you since the day he met you, and knew instantly that if he didn’t do something to make you his, he would never be the same.
Your impression of him was similar. You could not believe such a handsome guy was standing right there talking to you! He made you feel a bit self-conscious, and you couldn’t form a single coherent sentence in your mind without feeling overwhelmingly flushed by him standing next to you, or ‘accidentally’ brushing up against you.
J- Jokes
Are you and Bill a playful or more serious couple?
You two are able to maintain a healthy balance of both playful and serious. You like to tease each other a lot, particularly about the height difference, and Bill’s unholy inhuman tallness. You always joke to him about how secretly Bill must have been born in a zoo to a giraffe and then dropped in Sweden by accident.
You both know when to be serious though, and understand that not everything can be all fun and games. If someone isn’t feeling great, you can learn to adjust and turn the jokes down to make sure they are okay.
K- Kids
Bill would absolutely love to have kids with you, ideally two, not anywhere near as many as how many his parents had. He wants to be able to spread his fatherly love between children and make time for them both equally, and adore them as much as he adores you.
L- Love
What does Bill love the most about you?
Physically, Bill is in love with two things- your smile and your hair. Both of these things are the two things that he thinks are flawlessly, effortlessly perfect every single time he sees you, even if you wake up in the morning with a serious case of bedhead. But Bill loves everything about you, most of all how supportive you are, and how you are always there for him even if you don’t have to be.
M- Memory/moment
Your favourite memory of you and Bill together is how it felt when he kissed you for the first time. You remember all the tingling feelings, and how excited and nervous you were, but happy that this was finally happening.
Bill’s favourite memory is when you said yes to going out with him for the first time. He felt so accomplished and happy with himself, like if he could get the girl, he could do anything. He remembers feeling surprised that you said yes, and how scared he was that you would turn him down and tell him you weren’t interested in him in that way.
*N- Nudes
Usually, if you do send them, it’s when Bill is away in Toronto filming a movie and he’s missing you. You both tend to flirt over text more than you do in real life.
O- Optimist level
You and Bill are both optimistic and realistic. You can see both the good side of things and the bad.
P- Period
When you are on your period, Bill knows instantly that it’s gonna be a pretty crappy time for you, so he tries to make it as least crappy as possible. He has a basket of chocolate reserved just for you on the days when it’s bad, and stays home with you all day cuddling and watching movies. If you are in a significant amount of pain, he will do most practical things for you like house work. He’s very sweet and caring for you, running to the store to get products and shamelessly carrying them. Anything for you, he’s not embarrassed, he knows that it’s a normal thing and it should be normalized for boyfriends to buy their girlfriends products.
Q- Quality Time- how do you spend it?
You and Bill spend all the time you can possibly get with each other. All the time is quality time with you guys, and Bill makes time to set aside his work or script reading to spend time with you. He’s away for long periods of time, so he wants to make sure that he can spend enough time with you to make up for that, and make sure that you know he loves you.
R- Romantic- how much of a romantic are they?
Oh. Bill is romantic. He especially likes to wine and dine with you, making the whole setting perfect just for you. He manages to make everything romantic, everything he does, and you aren’t sure if he’s doing it on purpose or whether that’s just him as a person.
*S- Sex
You and Bill do it often, but its not seen as something at the top of importance between you. You prefer to spend time talking together and just enjoying each other’s company, rather than getting all physical. That kind of intimacy is done in the bedroom every couple of days or so, or really whenever you feel the need to. It’s important to also note that Bill is very respectful about it, and always makes sure that whatever he does you are comfortable with.
Anywhere outside the privacy of the bedroom for him always feels so awkward, and he likes both of you to be comfortable.
T- Trust
You trust Bill with your life, and he trusts you too. You feel safe opening up to him and telling him things that you normally wouldn’t tell people. You know that he would never cheat on you, and don’t get easily jealous by girls that he kisses or fake hooks up with in movies. You know that this is all staged and it is a part of acting, and always makes sure that Bill knows that it’s okay.
U- Understand
You and Bill understand each other very well. There are of course some things that you don’t get about each other, like why you like certain foods that do not go together, why you believe something, things like that. You think alike in terms of the way you look at life, and how you see the world. You feel like you guys just get each other, y’know?
V- Vulnerability
Bill is very open with you about how he feels, and you are to him as well. If he’s sad or upset he will tell you and talk about it. He isn’t afraid that crying will make him seem less of a man, and also doesn’t judge you when you cry around him. Bill is a sap and definitely cries in sad scenes of movies.
W- Wedding- What would your ideal wedding be?
Bill would want it to be fantastic and memorable, as I’m sure everyone would. His family and friends would be there and so would yours. It would be an outdoors wedding beneath the sunshine- provided it doesn’t rain. You would most likely go on a honeymoon to somewhere you have both always wanted to go, and it would be an amazing, relaxing get away.
*X- X-rated
Does Bill have any kinks?
Most likely no, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t down to try new things with you.
Y- Young and beautiful- how long will you guys last?
As far as Bill is concerned, you will have children, grandchildren, and get old together. You are gorgeous now, and you will always be gorgeous to him. He is big on committing to you, and you are to him.
Z- Zing!
How much excitement is there in your relationship?
You guys are always adapting and adjusting to Bill being away and all kinds of things that life might throw at you. It’s pretty exciting dating an actor, isn’t it?
The thrill of secrecy and not getting caught. You often like to make bets on who will be noticed in a crowd first, you or him?
Life is just full of wonders and mystery, and you can’t wait to explore more of those together!
Note- I am aware that Skarsgard is supposed to be written with an accent on the last A, but I write these lists on my laptop and the keyboard does not have an option for that.
Thank you for reading! It took me a little while to put this A-Z list together and I would appreciate if you left a like, a comment or whatever you can to help me out.
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