#and youve come to terms with that over the years but it doesn't stop you from hoping he puts HIMSELF first for once.
seiwas · 4 months
home by daughtry reminds me of deku in the most he-wouldn't-do-this-but-it's-the-life-i'd-want-for-him kinda way 🥲😭
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#my 'if only' song for him#can you just imagine.#if he chose to be kinder to himself and dropped everyone else#if he chose to be SELFISH#if he just CHOSE HIMSELF for fucking once#'i dont regret this life i chose for me'#bc he doesn't and he never will but just. imagine him throwing the towel in and saying aight im done like#he's done enough. IMAGINE IF HE FINALLY FEELS LIKE HE'S DONE ENOUGH. if he finally BELIEVES he's done enough#'these places and these faces are getting old' to every passersby every civilian every new person he's met for those few fleeting minutes#loving deku is knowing and accepting that you'll never be first#and youve come to terms with that over the years but it doesn't stop you from hoping he puts HIMSELF first for once.#you dont mind being third or fourth or WHATEVER#then you get the call#and he tells you he's coming home#it's not something unusual; he usually does that at the end of a shift or a trip or a mission or a meeting#but this one sounds different. a little more emotional. a little teary and sentimental. he sounds like he's gonna cry#and you can't tell if he's happy or sad but he tells you he's coming home#he doesn't say until later on that it's from signing closing contracts and retirement papers#bc after all this time he FINALLY feels like he's done enough. and that he can come home now. to you especially#and he's still a little sad don't get me wrong!!!!!! but it's relief and excitement and sorrow and guilt all in one and#GOSH IF ONLY#this is why deku is at the top of the list of writers i am HELLA reluctant to write for lmao#characters*****#there's SOOOO much to unpack#i talked so much again#TRULY MADE MYSELF SAD#anyway back to writing atsumu
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the-algebra-thing · 1 year
god. god. this book is off the fucking wall. listen to me rn.
book two of the original percy jackson series introduced one of annabeths most integral character traits: hubris, or in broader terms, pride. and while it was perfectly functional to observe how this affected her from outside, we get our first look into her point of view in the mark of athena. this is huge for several reasons; we've already seen percys point of view, the old main character, for 5.3 books. annabeth is the only other main character that carries over in importance to the plot and to us into heroes of olympus. we get to see the internal workings of the mind that has orchestrated at least 50% of the successful gambits pulled off in the entire percy jackson universe so far. the longer the book goes on the more we are drawn in by her skill and ingenuity. literally everyone in the goddamned world looks up to this kid, and we come to understand even better how right they are to do so.
her challenge in the mark of athena is, by design, one she must ultimately pursue alone. it gets hyped up the entire story and we finally get to it when she separates from the last member of the group two thirds of the way through the book. she uses all the tools she's proven herself to be in command of to get all the way to the final obstacle, and then it cuts off terrifyingly and we leave her point of view for several chapters. when we come back, she keeps going and pulls off the greatest trick of her fucking LIFE by exploiting arachne's weakness: pride. then, when she's succeeded and she's home safe—she doesn't know it, but we even know that her friends are coming to pick her up—she pulls the most fucking CLASSIC blunder in mythology EVER. she rubs it in. it almost feels out of character until you remember that youve only been tricked into thinking annabeth is op as hell, and this is actually one of the most in-character moments she's ever had. arachne is stuck in her trap, subdued, and annabeth is so mad at her for fucking with her family for so many thousands of years that she spits acid about her clever trick and how athena will always triumph over arachne in every way, every time. arachne is so fucking mad she has a fit and manages to use her silk and her command over her children to try to kill both of them and bring annabeth down with her to stop her from winning athena's ultimate power back. it eventually leads to annabeth dragging her best friend in the entire world down with her into tartarus.
the themes previously developed throughout the book through characters like octavian and hercules about demigods not being immune to the vices of the gods that cause everyone so many problems all crop right up to bite you in the ass with incredible force. you finish the book, and they achieve their goal of recovering athena parthenos, and they fall into real, actual hell, and it is devastating, and it is exactly what the entire book spent so much time and care telling you was going to happen. when I started the mark of athena a few days ago I got the feeling that the two times I had read it previously, it was my heroes of olympus favorite, and it is proving its place so fucking successfully
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msmarvelwrites · 4 years
Season Of The Witch - Part 3
Summary: Your witchy abilities get you in quite a bit of trouble from time to time… But this time you don’t mind so much. 
Pairing: Bucky x reader 
Warnings: Swearing, Anxious reader, implied smut but still 18+ pleasee! 
Word Count: 2.7k
Author's Note: Hey you guys! Hope everyone is having a good week so far! It’s been a long couple few days here, but I’m feeling productive today so here we are. Happy reading! Please like and reblog if youve read, your support means so much to me! 
Thank you forever to @cutie1365​ for all her help and advice on this fic. She’s killing it and you should definitely go check out her work! 
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You sat, defeated and mentally drained in the wreckage that was your bedroom floor. After you ripped almost everything out of your closet it was decided, you simply could not go tonight. All you wanted to do was sink into the floor and let the miss-matched fabric swallow you whole without surrender. It could be the idea of spending the night surrounded by screaming thoughts… It could also be the frigid rejection you had received earlier from Bucky, but either way your fate was sealed. It was better if you just bailed. Peter would be disappointed he wouldn't have someone to escape the ‘adult-ier adults’ with him, but he would understand. Wanda, however, would not be so forgiving. 
The knock on your bedroom door sufitialtly pulled you from your own daydreams. 
“Miss Y/L/N, Miss Maximoff is here to see you. Shall I let her in?” The A.I. spoke. You rolled your eyes, a groan slipping from your lips as you hawled yourself off the floor and onto the bed. “Yes, thank you, Friday.” You mumbled. 
Seconds later, Wanda was skipping into your room with a shy grin smoothed over her pink lips. You knew that look all too well, and to this day, it worried you. 
“Hello there friend.” She chimed, swinging the fabric bag she carried onto the bed and taking a seat beside you. “I can see I’ve interrupted your existential crisis.” She chuckled, gesturing to the mess you had made. 
“I’m not going, Wan.” You stated, watching her carefully as she rolled her eyes.
“Like hell you're not going. What’s Bucky going to do without you to shadow?” He chided, eyeing you carefully. She was watching for a reaction, anything to confirm her suspicions. She had probed you for information this time last week. You couldn't hide from her, she knew you too well. Not only in her gifts, but also in spirit. She was one of the first people you really opened up to, and she often used that against you. Especially when trying to discover why you andBucky seemed to be in a much better mood lately. ‘Antidepressants’ was your final answer. 
“I actually don't care what Bucky does. Maybe he’ll get lucky with Steve tonight.” You joked. God you hoped you were joking. 
“Shut up, Y/n. I know somethings going on with you two.” 
“Who two?” Peter inclined striding into your room and flopping onto the bed, his head sitting between you and Wanda as he looked up at her. 
“Y/n and Bucky are doing it.” She indulged him as his face fell. He crawled around so he could look at you dead on, his face contorting into that of disgust. 
“You and- and… Mr. Barnes? No…” He grimaced, shaking his head like he had tasted something sour. 
“No! There is nothing going on between Bucky and I.” you insisted, glaring at Wanda. 
“Don’t listen to her, Peter. She’s a filthy liar. And she’s totally banging Barnes.” Wanda giggled as you shoved her into the pillows. 
“Banging? Oh god no- I’m picturing it… Make it stop!” Peter gagged sarcastically, toppling over onto Wanda as they both fell into a fit of laughter. 
“I don't know why I tolerate you two.” You chuckled, watching your friends writhe on the bed. In a moment of distraction, Peter grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you down on top of him. 
“You know you need us. What would you do, huh? hangout with Steve the ninety year old virgin? And I know you avoid Natasha like the plague because everytime you see her she drags you to the gym… No, no you need us.” Peter smiled, tucking one of his arms under his neck as he shifted onto his back. You laid there on the bed between him and Wanda as you all contemplated that. 
“If I tell you, you have to promise it stays between us. I’m looking at you, Parker. Stark canNOT know about it.” You signed, glaring at him until he nodded. “So… Maybe it's possible Bucky and I might be… I don’t know what you’d even call it… I guess we're trying to…” 
“Is bump nasty’s still a term?” Wanda asked, false innocence in her eyes as she looked at you. Both you and Peter threw your heads back laughing and he elbowed her. 
“That’s awful.” Peter giggled, pointing his finger in his mouth and gagging. 
You spent the next hour explaining what was really going on between you and Bucky. How you were definitely not ‘bumping nasties’ and that it was just pure and new and so, so incredibly hot. 
“You have to go tonight.” Wanda sighed, holding up a little black dress infront of the floor length mirror.
“And do what?” You huffed, falling back on the bed and worrying on your bottom lip. “Bucky basically ran out of the room the moment I brought up the idea of-”
“Bumping Nasties?” Peter piped up, to which Wanda rocketed a pillow at his face, the crimson current sizzling around it. 
“Yeah, that.” You chuckled, letting your face drop in your hands. This was just embarrassing. You’d never been so hung up on a guy before. But then again, Bucky wasn't just some guy. 
“If only you could know what he was thinking…” Wanda smirked, turning on her heel and silently asking Peters approval of the dress. He shrugged in response, gaining a frustrated eye roll from the redhead. 
“Contrary to popular belief, I don’t mean to listen in… It’s an invasion of privacy.” 
“That's never stopped you before.” Peter argued, a goofy smile plastered on his lips. 
“Listen, read his mind- don't read his mind. It doesn't matter. The guy is obviously crazy about you. He’s always so dark and gloomy but lately the guy actually smiles. I heard him laugh the other day,” Wanda smirked, sitting beside you on the bed. “At one of Sam’s jokes.” She finished. 
“Yeah, Y/n. You gotta go. Do it for us. Also because you're the only one who will sneak me booze under the table.” Peter chuckled, his bottom lip wobbling as he pleaded with you. 
“Fine. But only because drunk Peter is the better Peter.” 
Wanda nodded her head in agreeance, grabbing the fabric bag off the bed and throwing it in your lap. “Perfect. Wear this, I picked it out specially for you…”
The thumping sound of music vibrated through the hallway as you tangled yourself in the orange and black tassels hanging from the door. You always liked Halloween as a rule, but Tony’s parties were starting to put a damper on your fun. 
You had thought that Bucky would have met you at your room to escort you to the event. He knew how badly you dreaded going, but he never showed. Maybe you had read him all wrong, you thought. Maybe this was all in your head, piecing together his thoughts into something you wanted to hear rather than the truth. Maybe the dress that Wanda had picked out for you was starting to cut off the circulation to your brain because it was getting harder and harder to think straight… Or was that just the music drowning out your mindless babble. 
“Good evening, beautiful.” Peter hummed from beside you. His presence startled you as you hadn't heard him coming. He held out his arm offering it for you to hold. “Are you going in?” 
The question hung in the air for a moment before you finally nodded your head, swallowing hard and taking his arm. It was moments like this that you were thankful for Peter. Truthfully you knew if he wasn't standing right there you might have ran for your life, bunkering down in your room in a blanket fort. 
“Such a gentleman.” You cooed, resting your head on his shoulder as he walked you into the party. 
“Nah, just a friendly neighborhood spider man. It’s good for my street cred, nothing more.” You brushed you off, pulling you into the buzzing room. 
Voices filled your head, swirling around you as you tried to concentrate on just one. There had to be at least a hundred people here tonight. They crashed over you, swarming in your mind like bees in a hive. It had been forever since you had been in a crowd like this and the anxiety was starting to coarse through your veins. 
“Hey. You're alright.” Peter assured you, pulling you across the room and over to the bar where Sam and Nat sat, laughing at something Tony had said. 
“Well if it isn't the wicked witch of NewYork.” Sam called, pulling you into his chest. “Your shadow is around her somewhere. Probably off staring longingly at Steve.” He chuckled. You rolled your eyes, gnawing at your bottom lip as you scanned the room. Lo and behold, Bucky stood in the corner of the room with Steve, his eyebrows fused into a knot as his friend spoke something you couldn't make out over the booming music. 
“He’s looking more pissy than usual.” Nat snorted, watching you as you gawked at the man. You didn't notice the small smirk that had appeared on her lips as she pieced together your frustration. 
“Nah, that's just his resting face.” Tony quipped, pouring a tall glass of liquor and sliding it across the bar to you. You picked it up, lifting it to your lips and downing it seconds later as you clanked it back on the counter. 
“Keep em’ coming. You guys are loud tonight.” You mumbled, your brain already beginning buzz as you forced your friends on ‘mute’. It was like a constant sit-up, you liked to describe. Eventually your body would cave and their thoughts would rush in, but the alcohol helped numb the ache and kept them at bay. 
With another double in hand, you decided the liquid courage was exactly what you needed to confront the ‘gentleman’ he so eloquently had put. 
As you closed in you noticed Steve elbowing Bucky, altering him of your presence. At the sight of you, his face fell, his eyes darting to the floor. 
“Evening geriatrics.” You chuckled, downing your drink as mustering every fiber in your body to make eye contact with the ethereal man before you. To your dismay, he was staring back, his eyes a violent thunderstorm you were on the verge of losing yourself in. You swallowed hard, clearing your throat and attempting to calm your nerves as you scanned him over. 
“Bucky. You look… Nice.” You choked out. His navy blue dress shirt was tucked neatly into his dark washed jeans, his hair perfectly placed in a way you knew had taken him forever before he was content to leave his room. The idea made you smile, but only for a moment as the sinking feeling crept back into the pit of your stomach. 
“I’ll leave you two, to… Talk.” Steve waved his goodbyes, pulling you into a side hug and whispering in a hushed tone, “Take it easy on him.” 
With that, Steve was gone, leaving you alone and vulnerable. 
“You look incredible.” Bucky hummed, his eyes falling down your form, but his face remained unreadable. 
Don’t just stand there, do something… Apologize… Kiss her… God, just stop staring and- 
“I should apologize- for earlier. I shouldn't have run out on you like that. It won't happen again.” Bucky mumbled, his hands, vibranium and flesh stuffed in his jean pockets. You were caught off guard to say the least. You were ready, guns drawn to defend yourself, but there stood the infamous Winter Soldier, cowering before you like a lost puppy. Your eyes softened as a small smile pulled at the corner of your lips. 
“Why did you leave?” You finally spoke, “I didn't mean to push you… Bucky, rushing is the last thing I wanted to do. If you want to-”
“No!” He blurted. 
“You're not rushing me. Damn, doll. I’m trying my best here, but you're walking around in that dress, with those lips and all I want to do is…” He trailed off, his eyes falling on your best as he worried on his bottom lip. 
“So its my fault?” You gawked. 
“No!” He almost shouted, lowering his voice when he caught a few unwarranted eyes at his tone. “It’s my fault. Y/n, I’m trying so hard to be respectful. I have no idea what I’m doing, I’m completely out of my depth here. This used to be so easy and now… The rules have changed and I can’t keep up and all I know if I want to throw you over my shoulder right now and haul you back to my room and make you mine. I just… It’s just that I’ve never…” 
You gaped at him, caught off guard by his confession as you waited for his next words, but his thoughts broke through the air before he could speak. 
Never used my arm as anything but a means to an end… You’re going to kill her with it… How can she see you as anything but a monster…? Doesn't she know how easy it would be to lose control…? It would take minutes… Seconds… 
“Bucky…” You hummed, your hand resting on his metallic arm as you pulled him from his self destructive thoughts. His eyes pleaded with you, boring into your soul. “Dance with me.” 
He stared at you, opening and shutting his mouth, trying to speak. It wasn't a question, but he nodded anyways, allowing you to pull him into the crowd of people swaying back and forth to the lulling music. 
You took the lead, lifting his metal hand and placing it on your hip. You intertwined your fingers with his flesh hand, stumbling forward as he pulled you in, his strength startling you a little. 
Oh, god…. Be gentle… Don’t break her, you ass. 
You chuckled, resting your head against his chest as you relaxed into his form. His heart beat drawing out the incoherent thoughts around you. You swayed back and forth like that, until Bucky’s breathing returned to normal again. Your hand trailed down from his shoulder to his cool metal fingers. They tightened around your waist at your touch as he stiffened, holding in a breath. 
“I’m not afraid of you…” You hummed against his chest. “That’s what you said to me… ‘I’m not afraid of you.’” You recanted the conversation you had had those weeks ago outside your room. 
“I’m pretty afraid right now.” He admitted, resting his chin on top of your head as he breathed you in. 
“You won’t hurt me, Bucky.” You assured, running your fingers up and down his arm, listing to it whirl as he moved. “See? We’re dancing. You're holding me, and I’m not broken. I’m right here.” 
Gently, you placed your hand on the side of his cheek, meeting his eyes. He swallowed hard, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth as he stared back at you. You would have given anything to kiss him right there, to melt into him and ease his mind like only he did for you. 
“I don't remember how to dance.” He signed, pain dripping from his words. 
“I can teach you.” You smiled into him, the smell of his cologne enveloping your senses. 
“And can you teach me what you like?” He asked, his voice a low gruff in your ear. “Where you crave to be touched, and kissed and moved.” 
His voice sent a shiver down your spine, the hairs on the back of your neck standing as his lips trailed down the shell of your ear. His words sent a heat straight to your core as his breath fanned across your cheek causing a blush to creep up your chest. 
“You have to sneak me out of this party first.” You chuckled, trying (and failing) to steady your rapid heart. 
“Baby, you're hanging with a strained assassin now. Let me teach you a thing or two...” He bragged, his pink lips pulling at the corner of his mouth into a smirk. 
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The early days of a relationship are an exciting mix of texting sprees, fun dates, and the thrill of getting to know a new person. And while, for many couples, that can settle into a steady relationship that lasts for years, it's OK if you lose interest in your partner and decide to break up.
It might happen as the honeymoon period starts to fade and you realize you don't want to invest long-term. But it's also possible to lose interest in a partner at an unforeseeable time for an unforeseeable reason. And you know what's even weirder? It doesn't even necessarily mean you "fell out of love."
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It's totally possible to love someone, but not no longer feel a spark. It's also possible to love someone, but come to the conclusion you aren't a good match. "Ultimately, it can feel really scary to leave a relationship that you've put time and energy into, and people often can use this as a reason to stay," Alyssa Arnol, LCSW, a psychotherapist with Psychotherapy Associates of Chicago, tells Bustle.
But if you relate to any of the 20 signs listed below, and no amount of effort changes the way you feel, you may decide it's best to move on.
1 You Don't Miss Them Think about how you feel when your partner is busy and can't hang out, or when they go when they go on a trip and are away for a week. Do you miss them? Or do you barely notice they're gone?It's really healthy to spend time apart. "But if you find that you no longer miss them, don't want to be around them, or don't wonder what they are doing [while]," Sterling Woods, LSW, a licensed social worker, tells Bustle, "this could be a sign that your interest has faded."
2 You Forget What They've Told You If you struggle to remember important conversations — or worse, important dates, like an anniversary — take it as a sign you've emotionally left the building, Deborah K. Krevalin, LPC, LMHC, a licensed professional counselor, tells Bustle. This is a change your partner will likely point out, probably once they've talked about it for a third time.
3 You View Them As A Friend If you start to think of your partner as a loving friend instead of someone you're attracted to, Dr. Jill Murray, a licensed psychotherapist and author, tells Bustle, it's likely a sign you've lost interest.For example, you might want to spend time together, but when you do there isn't a "spark" or anything flirty going on.Of course, not every relationship has to be hot and steamy. "Some couples are perfectly content with a companionship relationship in which they trust and respect the other," Murray says. But if your thoughts are going elsewhere, you may need to take a step back and figure out what's going on.
4 You Don't Get Excited While you can't expect to feel 24/7 butterflies, one of the top signs you've lost interest is if you don't feel the "turned on excitement" in your body when you're around them, Susan Golicic, PhD, a certified relationship coach, tells Bustle. "It may feel like you love them," she says, "but are no longer 'in love' with them."It might be a phase, or it might be the beginning of the end. After all, "it's difficult to make a committed relationship work when you don't desire someone," she says.
5 You Keep Forgetting To Text Back "Forgetting to respond to their texts and ignoring them in general is certainly a flashing neon sign," Susan Trombetti, a matchmaker and CEO of Exclusive Matchmaking, tells Bustle. If you were interested, she says, you wouldn't be so lackadaisical about communication.
6 You Have No Desire To Argue If something goes wrong and you can't even be bothered to argue your point, chances are you've started checking out, marriage counselor Katherine Shorter​, tells Bustle. A lack of desire to "fight" for what you believe in shows you don't see a future, and thus don't care anymore about making positive changes.
7 Hanging Out Is A Chore Remember when you used to go with your partner to the grocery store, just because you wanted to hang out? "The heart of most relationships is that people generally enjoy being with the other person, regardless of what they are doing together," Heidi McBain, MA, LMFT, a licensed marriage and family therapist, tells Bustle. So, if you've noticed a major change in your desire to be around your partner, take a closer look.
8 You Feel Lonely Around Them Take note if you feel lonely even when your partner is around, as that often points to a lack of connection, Lacarma Minter, LMFT, a licensed marriage and family therapist, tells Bustle. And a lack of connection often stems from a lack of desire to, well, connect.
9 You Don't Know What To Talk About Every relationship will have boring moments. And every conversation will have a lull. But take it as a sign, Winter says, if you have trouble talking about quality topics, or if it feels like the silence is deafening.It's not that you suddenly have nothing in common. It's just that, if you're losing interest, you won't feel the desire to dig up interesting topics or pick your partner's brain for stories.
10 You Don't Share Things Pay attention to a lack of communication, as well as a lack of desire to fill your partner in about your day, share a happy life update, etc. "A sign of a healthy relationship is communication," Trombetti says. So if you don't bother talking — or, if you do talk but it's always with someone else — you've lost interest.
11 You've Packed Your Schedule If you find yourself taking up new hobbies left and right in an effort to feel something, it may be a sign the relationship is no longer fulfilling, licensed psychologist Dr. Wyatt Fisher, tells Bustle.Again, having hobbies and doing things separately is a very good thing. But if it gets to the point where you're constantly booked and busy, Fisher says, it might be because you're seeking novelty due to a lack of interest in your partner.
12 They Do All The Inviting Another telling sign is if you've stopped reaching out to make plans, and instead kind of wait around for your partner to do all the work. While it's true that some people are better at organizing get-togethers than others, Murray says this is also a telltale sign you don't really want the relationship to go anywhere.If this is familiar, she says, you may want to honestly find out “whether you and your partner are content with the relationship as is," Murray says — or if you'd be happier moving on.
13 You've Been Having Secret Chats Don't ignore that strong desire to slide into a cute stranger's DMs. As Stephanie Moir, MA, CRC, LMHC, a licensed counselor, tells Bustle, this is a form of emotional infidelity; one that often points to fading interest.It could also be a first attempt to move on, she says, as "you may be looking for an emotional connection to replace the connection you had with your partner."
14 You Can't Stop Thinking About Your Ex Are you always thinking about your ex, comparing your current partner to your ex, or wishing you could get back together with your ex? If so, Moir says it's a clear sign something's up.In this situation, it can help to talk to your partner. Fun dates and deep conversations can cure a lot of things, so if you'd like to see if the relationship is salvageable, invest back into it and see if it makes a difference.
15 You Compare Your Relationship To Others It's OK to look at a friend's relationship for inspiration, or to acknowledge that they seem really happy. But you shouldn't feel jealous or size your situation up against theirs."Comparing your relationship to other relationships is a red flag," Moir says. "This can mean you recognize something is missing but are not ready to end things."
16 You Don't Think About The Future If you were truly interested in your partner, you'd have an eye on the future. You'd think about trips you'd like to take, apartments you'd like to live in, and how your relationship might look one, to five, to ten years down the road. So if you look toward the future and don't see them as part of it, it may be best to move on.
17 You Hardly Ever Laugh While relationships can't be fun and joke-y all the time, it may point to a lack of interest if you sit around silently and don't seem to enjoy each other's company. As tough as things may have been over the last year, “laughter is crucial towards navigating life these days," therapist Hillary Schoninger, LCSW, tells Bustle. "How much we are laughing with one another is a good indicator of how much we like one another."
18 You "Don't Care" Another top tier sign you've lost interest? Apathy, Krevalin says.When your partner asks where you want to go to dinner, you say you don't care. If they ask what movie you'd like to watch, you tell them to put on whatever they want.Basically, you're no longer participating in the relationship not out of anger or animosity, but because you truly aren't into it.
19 You Aren't As Affectionate Something might be up if you used to hug, cuddle, and hold hands, but all of that has completely stopped, Trombetti says. And the same is true if you're no longer interested in being physically intimate with your partner."There may be other factors involved," she says, "but when that person just isn't sparking you anymore, there can be a decline in intimacy signaling you have lost interest."
20 You Don't Go Out Of Your Way Sure, you hang out with your partner on your way home from work, but it's only because you pass their apartment on the way.You've noticed that, unless it's really convenient, you don't want to get together. And you've definitely dropped the grand gestures, like planning their birthday parties or getting them fun gifts for the holidays.If you were still interested in your partner, these would be things you'd want to do. You may be able to turn things around, especially if you still love them. But don't be afraid to evaluate how you feel, including whether this relationship is right for you.
Alyssa Arnol, LCSW, psychotherapist
Sterling Woods, LSW, licensed social worker
Deborah K. Krevalin, LPC, LMHC, a licensed professional counselor
Dr. Jill Murray, licensed psychotherapist and author
Susan Golicic, PhD, certified relationship coach
Susan Trombetti, matchmaker
Katherine Shorter​, marriage counselor
Heidi McBain, MA, LMFT, licensed marriage and family therapist
Dr. Wyatt Fisher, licensed psychologist
Stephanie Moir, MA, CRC, LMHC, licensed counselor
Hillary Schoninger, LCSW, therapist
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