#and you don't have to like it but to refuse to recognize its different than whatever abuse you were put through and changes the meaning...
acelessthan3 · 2 years
Always been fascinated by the folks who go and ask other people to tag "f slur" because it's implied then that they don't actually have "faggot" itself on their block list.
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left-reminders · 2 months
People who will be voting for Harris as a vote against Trump, people who will be voting third party (Green, Socialist, Communist, etc), and people who will not be voting for anti-hegemony philosophical reasons need to stop strawmanning each other. The case can be made for each of these, and I am not going to begrudge principled individuals who arrive at different conclusions from me.
I mostly wanted to make this post because I get annoyed when I see people in the first camp condemn people in the latter two camps — accusing them of "valuing their abstract moral purity over domestic lives" (because most actually-principled first-campers will concede that lives abroad are destroyed either way). There's always this strawman of a white, straight, middle-class brocialist/anarchist who refuses to vote for the establishment candidate out of some privileged crusade, rather than the reality of the situation (people of all demographics having valid and nuanced opinions on the topic of not voting or voting third party). In order for the strawman to work, you need to ignore the millions of people — of diverse backgrounds and identities — who don't fit the mold of a sheltered obstinate brocialist non-voter.
By the same token, most people in my life fall into the first camp and I'm not comfortable assuming that they (and everyone else doing the same) are just shills capitulating to imperialism. People are free to vote defensively (especially in a heavily-constrained "democratic" system where voting offensively so rarely bears fruit) and I don't think that compromises their anti-capitalist principles. So long as they're not spending their energy blasting people in the latter two camps, people in the first camp ought to be respected.
Whatever the case, I hope we can all recognize the flaws in the camp that enthusiastically votes for Harris and the Democratic Party. The camp that acts like they're The Resistance™ and yet can't be bothered to conceive of a world beyond the limits of the neoliberal imagination. The camp that will sweep genocide-enabling and corporatism and climate change acceleration under the rug if it means Their Team can win the next election. The camp that thinks Trump is some aberrant force outside of the American system, rather than a natural outgrowth of its injustices and imperial histories.
Let's all at least agree that that shit is worth condemning. This bullshit, and this bullshit, in other words.
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This bullshit ☝️👆 is neoliberal brain rot
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Replay | ateez x reader
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Pairing: pirate!ateez x adventurer!reader
Genre: adventure, fantasy, time travel, poly
Warnings: mention of a panic attack, mention of a sharp object.
Word Count: 1475 words
Summary: You're given a second chance to change things. But will you go or stay?
a/n: hello hello! welcome to my first one-shot! (but not really hehe) if you're new and found my account for the first time, I hope you enjoy my stories and it's really wonderful to have you here! :) In an update a while ago, I mentioned that I currently have a plethora of story ideas that I would love to develop into a full-length series one day, but for now, in order to not overwhelm myself, I will be posting these stories as one-shots/imagines so that I can share it with all of you and come back to it later on! This is my first one inspired by Marry My Husband and set in a world like the Choices' game Blades of Light and Shadow! Let me know what you think and happy reading! <3
You're standing at the plank, back against the sea, tears streaming down your face. You refuse to look up at your lovers. There's a rollercoaster of emotions going on inside you, ranging from pain, hurt and betrayal to anger. 
They chose her over you, believed her melodious and cunning lies, and expect you to apologize to her. You're not looking up but from under your eyes, you can see her figure cozying up next to Wooyoung's. He's telling her not to cry, wiping away those crocodile tears in contrast to your real ones. 
Raw rage is slowly thrumming through your veins and resentment is coiling in your stomach as a vortex of anger gradually swirls inside. You've had enough honestly and you were no longer going to bend to anyone.
"Just apologize Y/N." Hongjoong remarks in a cold and distant voice.
His sword is right in front of you, barring you from getting off the plank.
"For what?" you respond icily,  "I've done nothing wrong."
Hongjoong grumbles under his breath and another person steps in, you recognize its Seonghwa by his boots.
"Please Y/N, don't be childish. Aera is younger than you, she needs us to look after her. You can't get jealous so easily."
Jealous. Such a funny word coming out of your lover's mouth. It's hypocritical rather, because your eight lovers lose it over the slightest glance someone casts in your direction.
You find it ridiculous.
The girl weasled her way onto the ship, and you had a bad feeling about it since day one. But you didn't think it would come to this. 
Love. That's all you ever wanted, and you found it in these eight men, who you had been with since the age of 16. They loved you more than anything, at least, that's what they said.
The only thing you want more than anything right now is to go back and choose differently. 
"I—" you declare, "I hope in my next life, true love finds me."
"Y/N what—" Yunho begins but you cut him off.
"I hope I meet someone who truly loves me and I hope it isn't any of you." 
You raise your head and look at Hongjoong directly in his eyes. He's taken aback at that cold and empty look in yours. He can see the wheels turning in your head but he’s not sure what you’re planning.
"Traitor." You verbalize before running into his sword.
"NO!" All eight voices ring out.
Shouts and screams erupt from all eight men as your blood begins to stain Hongjoong’s sword.
"Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Hongjoong screams.
You pull away and stumble backward towards the edge. San tries to reach for you but you pull your hand away and fall into the sea.
You're thinking this is where your story ends but actually dear one, this is only the beginning.
You startle out of your trance. You're in the fortune teller's shop. Blinking around haphazardly, you try to zero-in on your surroundings. Memories flood into your mind as you recognize where you are. This is the shop you visited when you were in the town of Maverick - it would be a month before everything happens.
You're dumbstruck by what just happened. Just moments ago, you were on the plank, ran yourself into Hongjoong’s sword and fell into the cold raging sea. Now, sitting in front of you, the elderly tarot reader draws some cards and gives you a reading.
"You're in for a big change dearie. I see the wheel of fortune is in your favour but be warned, the justice card reversed suggests there is dishonesty somewhere. "
“And this one?” you ask, pointing to the death card.
“In its upright position, it reveals that beginnings and change is expected. You’re nearing the end of a cycle.”
You don't ask for a further explanation, you pay and leave, walking back to the tavern where the boys are currently in. But as you walk out the shop's door, it begins to rain.
Immediately, memories rush into your mind as you recall the timeline of events. It will rain and then the dam that's near the town will break, unleashing a flood. Aera is already with you all, the boys bringing her back home to her father after she got herself caught up with some misfits. But when the flood hits, everyone will scamper and she will come back with you all, joining the crew and then ruining everything you had with the boys.
Reaching the tavern, you watch from outside: all the boys are sitting around a table while Aera's father brings another round of drinks, and says something to Hongjoong. Aera stands at the far back of the room but you can tell there is something on her mind, that dubious and suspicious glint in her eyes. Her father walks back, she asks him something and then he scolds her before walking away. She balls her fists but then regains her composure before hopping over to your boys.
Previously, none of this had happened, as far as you remembered. After visiting the tarot reader, you waltzed into the tavern, pecked San and Jongho on the cheeks before placing yourself next to Yeosang who drew you closer to sit on his lap, his arm around you bringing you in closer. Aera did not come and sit with you all.
This time you hesitate entering the tavern, wondering if wandering around, accidentally getting lost or going the other way would be better. 
Love. That's all you ever wanted and you thought it would be with these eight boys. Now, you weren't so sure.
Little did you know, this moment of hesitation will change the course of your life. As you continue to think about your next course of action, a figure runs into you, bringing you down with him.
"What the—" Before you can even question, the figure jolts up, ready to run again. But you're quick on your feet too, and you grab the person by their wrist.
"Now wait a minute Mister," you begin but you're cut off by shrill shouts.
"There he is! Get him!"
You turn to the voices but before you can look at the person, he grabs your hand and pulls you with him. 
You have no idea why you're even running with him. You're strong enough to break free and go your merry way but as you study his back, you're intrigued — this black hair guy has a pretty feathered twist in his hair and silver dangle earrings. Something about him entices you.
He leads you down an alleyway, over a wall and then into an open field. The next thing you knew, you are on top of a hill that overlooks the town. He brings you behind a tree and you rest against the bark, trying to regulate your breath. The stranger crouches down attempting to do the same.
"You're insane." You remark.
"Yeah well, you were slowing me down so I had to bring you with me if I wanted to get away."
He doesn’t seem dangerous but rather, very amiable. The rain has stopped and there is only a slight drizzle, but from on top of the hill, you can see the dam that’s about to burst.
"No...the dam..." you mutter in-between breaths.
The stranger turns to the dam’s direction and his eyes widen. The dam erupts and rains down like a waterfall. You watch in fear and fright at the sight and your mind races to the boys, but deep down you know that they'll escape. 
But this time, you're not with them. You're with this stranger, now apart from them. 
"Hey are you okay?"
There's a wave of emotions and you feel yourself spiralling into panic. Your heart pounds in your chest and a familiar grip of fear tightens your chest, each breath of yours shallower than the last. Suddenly, the stranger holds you gently, looking at you with a reassuring calmness.
"Hey, don’t look there, look at me okay? Deep breaths, you can do it, take your time and follow me."
You do as you're told, the stranger running soothing circles on your forearms provides a sense of comfort and relief, and after a few minutes you finally compose yourself, staring out at the now submerged town. It's heartbreaking. 
"Where are you going to go?" he asks.
"I don't know." You answer.
The stranger hums and thinks for a minute before getting up and stretching out his hand for yours.
"Let's get going together then."
You're taken aback by his boldness but fascinated and captivated at the same time.
"I don't even know your name." you voice out.
He helps you up and gives you a polite smile, one that is soft and heartfelt.
"Yoonghoon. My name is Kim Yoonghoon."
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I am a different anon than the one who did the last cat ask but may I please get the love interests, Winter, Bailey (and ivory wraith if you do then) with PC who has a massive black cat always follow them around? There is the fae creature from Ireland/Scotland (I seen both online) called the Cait-sith/cat sith which is a dog sized black cat with a white patch of fur only on its chest. It acts pretty similarly to the grin reaper, has human intelligence and sometimes plays tricks on humans. PC's cat isn't nearly as big but looks pretty similar and seems to understand human language and is too clever to be your run of the mill cat. Maybe even like helps them escape from places like the underground farm and brothel. Bailey has tried kicking it out but always seems to come back but when Bailey wants to try and do something he can never reach the cat. Probably even gives Bailey a glare every time he tries to come and collect rent, always laying on a peacefully sleeping PC.
Sorry if it's too much or like uninteresting because all the other cat asks
I love this and I'm so sorry it took me so long to get to this <3
Whitney often tries to fuck with it, like a lot. After one particular time, he stops and refuses to talk about it. He respects the cat and gives it distance.
Kylar doesn't like how close you are to the cat. He tries to get rid of the cat in many ways, but it always comes back. It takes a long while but they come to an understanding, they both want to help keep you safe.
Robin is scared of them to be honest. There is just something about the cat that puts him off, but he knows how attached the two of you are and doesn't say anything.
Sydney sees it for what it is, this cat is special....
Alex knows something is off but doesn't question it. When the cat is around Remy's goons don't attack the farm overnight. That a win for him.
Avery knows there's something special about this cat and he wants it but it evades him every time
Eden knows what the cat is. He's heard stories from Winter about the cat sith and knows he should respect the creature.
Bailey says there are no pets allowed and he's pissed that this damn thing keeps coming back. He stops trying after a while, it's obviously never gonna work and it's keeping his best moneymaker safe so fuck it. He still has stare downs with it at night when nobody is around, maybe he tries giving them a treat. Who knows....
Winter sees the resemblance to the cat sith and is very interested. He offers you a few books about it and makes sure to keep treats at the museum for when you come with it. He asks all kinds of questions that you have zero fucking answers for but he's not upset.
IW recognizes the cat when they come for you during the blood moon. They kinda stare each other down before IW backs off. They have a past....
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Can we talk about Five who gets jealous? I mean, everyone can see it (4.06) and I love that 🫢
Five never had to share his wife with anyone ever. He was alone for decades with Delores and didn't like other people handling her in season one. He doesn't talk about her much either with the others. We see how he treats her though. How he acts with her. Five is soft and sweet and disgustingly romantic. He's that dopey old man at brunch who cannot stop making heart eyes at his wife of 50 years and smacks her ass for a greeting in that way that immediately makes her smile.
And he'll be so quick to violence if anyone disrespects her.
Then we have Lila. She's not like Delores. Delores was a piece of Five that he developed from his 13yo self's idea of a companion that evolved over the years as he changed. Think about some of the imaginary loves you may have played around with over the years. Or not necessarily loves. Imaginary friends or versions of yourself to put into situations as a kid. If you ever actually found yourself on a date with one (or equivalent) it'd be completely different. Lila is a full person. Not a coping mechanism or a fantasy. She's as messed up and lonely and complicated as Five is. She has her own shit and her own life and it's not inherintly tied to Five's. We see how Five went out of his way to give Delores friends and interests outside of him, but he still had to make those for her. He was still talking to himself.
Five for the most part didn't even recognize how much he was growing to care for Lila. There's a lot of bad blood between them and the fact that they're so similar deterred them as much as it brought them together. And with her pursuing Diego, even if Five recognized an attraction it wouldve been moot. With him not being able to trust her at all, he wasn't interested in giving her the time of day.
But they were family by the time we start season 4. That trust is long established. That care is familiar. They don't run off with the idea of an affair because they love Diego and have refused to recognize their romantic potential due to outside forces. Its just too late. Neither of them wanted to hurt Diego like that and they're both in denial anyways.
And then they were stranded in time for six years. They didn't just have each other now. They only had each other. Five has been down this road before. Lila knows that Five has been down this road before possibly more than anyone else in this show. He suddenly has Lila all to himself and its getting less and less likely they'll ever have anyone else. It's natural that things that were always possible did happen in those circumstances and once again, Five has a wife who he literally never had to share with anyone else in any way.
I don't think he'd ever consciously try to limit his partner's life due to his own jealousy, but it is not a skill he's ever had to learn. Add onto that all the tangled mess of Diego and Lila's marriage and Five not ever wanted to betray his brother like that...
And on top of it all, he's pushing 70 and he's tired and surrounded by world ending dysfunction again.
He is deeply in love with his brother's wife and has essentially been her husband for years too and nobody else even knows he's been gone that long and Diego is acting like nothing has changed and they're finally in a room with their family again and it's both everything Five wanted and everything that is tearing his life apart
And that doesn't even touch how Lila is visibly struggling as well.
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strawberryblondebutch · 3 months
So I read Britta Curl's apology.
Emphasis on read, because no way in hell am I listening to that whole thing with my shitty auditory processing. So please acknowledge that this means I'm potentially missing out on tonal cues and body language.
I don't think she's changed. A good apology recognizes what you've done wrong and how you'll improve in the future. She seems to think that her posts are the problem, not the beliefs that motivated said posts. Her improvement plan is to "grow in humility, and grow in love." I'm not sure where most marginalized groups would rank that in their restorative justice plans.
Even if the apology's content is lackluster, the fact it exists is good. That Curl felt she needed to say something, for her own and the league's reputation, means she knows that eyes are on her. There are degrees of harm in public figures. Among baseball players, you can trace a line down from Curt Schilling (actual Breitbart personality) to Jason Adam (refused to wear a pride cap in a game) to Brad Hand (likes Trump tweets on Twitter in silence). I have no respect for the beliefs Hand's social media activity suggests that he has, but he's not saying on the record that being gay is a bad lifestyle choice, nor is he tweeting about how awesome that Capitol riot was. My personal respect may be nonexistent, but Hand's actions are less directly harmful.
I would love if Britta Curl changed her beliefs. I don't engage in moral Puritanism. I believe that people can change, and I want them to. If she came out with an apology tomorrow where she said, "I understand that my words and actions have hurt members of the trans and Black communities, and here are the steps I am taking to understand why this is so harmful so that I can improve, I would support her. But that's not what happened.
Whether we like it or not, this shit does matter. Arguably, it matters even more in women's sports. I don't like it. I would love if the WNBA, PWHL, or any other league were one where you could shut up and play, and you weren't expected to be a role model for young girls everywhere (which, that's a rant all of its own). But at the end of the day, you can't cater who you are to a hypothetical ideal. You have to cater it to the world that you're in. And yeah, that sucks.
The increased scrutiny on female athletes will always affect marginalized groups more. I'm not going to speak too much on racism in the WNBA, because I don't consider myself an expert on it (I'm only a casual basketball fan, no matter the gender), but I've seen the scrutiny leveled on Angel Reese compared to Caitlin Clark. I also remember Hilary Knight being fucking terrified to come out as queer because of all the outside pressure on her. Having to hide what you believe is different than hiding what you are.
She's not going to get top-six minutes this coming season, and the discourse is going to be insufferable. Yeah, Curt Schilling's a terrible human being, and although his beliefs got worse after retirement, he was an outspoken conservative when he won the 2004 World Series. Compare that to Trevor Bauer, whose shooters claim that he's being blacklisted by the Woke Mob, when he's really just... not a good pitcher, and he's also managed to piss off every manager he's ever had. Britta Curl will not be one of the six best players on Minnesota unless something goes terribly wrong - she's not a better center than Heise or Pannek, and she's not a good enough sniper to move to the wing. The worst people you know will claim she's being punished for her beliefs, because they do not understand how sports work. Block and move on.
It is still very funny that she blocked me on Twitter. Block and move on goes both ways, but I didn't tag her in the post or anything, which means she name searches.
Once again, if you read this far, please consider giving to Prevention Point or Savage Sisters. Harm reduction is important. Those two organizations are why I'm still alive, and the city of Philadelphia wants addicts to die.
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itskynn · 6 months
My take on Adventure Time's Breezy.
I originally posted this on Twitter but decided that since Tumblr lacks a word limit I can expand on what I mean and basically go more in depth on my personal analysis of my favorite show.
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The rest of this post will be dedicated to expanding on, not only Breezy is an important episode for Adventure Time, but why the view of this episode as "ableist" entirely misses the point the episode was trying to make. Final reminder this is just my personal opinion and you are free to disagree. Let's get into it.
The shortest description I can give of Breezy is Finn pursuing countless princesses while being aided by a bee called "Breezy" that really just wants the flower growing on Finn's arm.
The episode ends with Finn's missing arm regrowing completely, with a thorn sticking from his palm, a remnant of the grass sword.
(Sorry for very low quality video.)
"Wake Up" (AKA: The Citadel episode) has to be one of Adventure Time's most talked about episodes so I probably don't need to give the entire explanation of the plot to you.
Finn losing his arm in this episode represents a "new normal" for our hero, where he has to accept that his positive mindset doesn't always result in success, specially in this episode where his father not only is revealed to be deeply uncaring about Finn (at least from what the characters and the audience knows at this point in the story), but that his father would abandon him AGAIN.
From this point on and for the rest of the series, Finn's arm (or lack thereof) represents his willingness to accept what happened and move on from the situation as a new person.
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This is a especially touching scene when the already established liquid that can heal any wound touches Finn's arm, but instead of healing the missing limb, it creates a flower in its place.
This matters because it shows that Finn's "true self" has fundamentally changed, and the liquid recognizes that Finn is no longer who he was before (arm included) and that he grew as a person in that very moment.
Now, what the glob does this have to do with Breezy? Well, a few episodes later Breezy happens, meaning that Finn's arm is completely regrown.
While I get that in the short-term this might feel unrewarding, I actually think that this is a very important part of Finn's growth, representing shallow coping.
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The entire episode revolves around the concept of Finn attempting to get with every princess he can as a way to distract himself. The entire point of the episode is to represent how Finn is avoiding the issue entirely with meaningless relationships.
I think this is why it confuses me so much when people seemingly think Finn's arm regrowth is "unearned"... because it being unearded is the point, it's a shallow solution.
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The regrowth of his arm and the thorn it leaves behind is suppose to represent how Finn's way of coping with the situation was to completely ignore it.
The new arm represents unhealed wounds and the refusal to accept the past. Finn's refusal to accept what happened manifested as the arm he had BEFORE the Citadel.
But no wound no matter how covered up it is can truly be forgotten. And so, the thorn remains on his palm.
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FINAL THOUGHTS: What this means about Fern and Finn's "final arm".
Let's talk about the easiest part first.
Finn's final arm represents emotional growth and the willingness to accept the reality that he's an entirely different person and that's okay.
Finn accepts that his true self is without his arm and he's happy with that outcome. It took him a while to get there but that's what makes it so rewarding.
This is why I feel like the "ableism" comment is so vapid, the show makes the effort to tell the audience that no matter how much Finn attempts to hide it, living his true self is better than any fake solution.
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And for the final-final little side note, Fern.
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Fern is directly born out of what remains of Finn's fake arm.
He is similar to Finn but unable to feel like himself, even wanting to replace Finn entirely. Fern has repressed trauma, anger issues, deeply depressed with who he is.
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In other words.
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Fern represents a Finn that never grew out of his fake arm, a Finn that kept ignoring what had happened and grew bitter because of it.
The end of Adventure Time with Fern's death represents a death of the old self, it represents Finn (and Fern) choosing to let go of the past and to focus on making a new future.
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Fern's seed being planted on the treehouse in the final episode is really touching when you see it through my prespective.
Finn is burying his past trauma, and from where it once was, a beautiful everlasting tree grows.
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Well, that was just me rambling about a show I like. Thank you for listening, I'm deeply sorry.
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
need the fandom to understand that 'character who is the soft one who cries is not equal to the character who is in the right'
it makes sense for a show that's primed it's audience to think abuse is just limited to obvious cruelty and insults (but only when the show says it counts, HB cared about Blitzo being a jerk to Moxxie for all of one conversation) but it's frustrating to see this show touted as 'sooo deep' when it could have done a lot more to show the different types of manipulation and abuse with the material it already has
like, a character that's soft and weepy and constantly rewrites reality to favor himself? that's A grade PSA material for how abusers don't always look like Stella or Crimson and make their targets feel like they're the ones who are crazy or in the wrong
Oh yeah, and for the contingent who says Stolas would be treated way more sympathetically if he was a woman - I kind of doubt it, personally. I think a character like Stolas if he was genderswapped would be judged far more harshly for what he does in the Stol/tz storyline, not less
like the audience would probably jump to 'he reminds me of my mom/girlfriend/other female friend who also uses crying and looking pathetic to get people to take her side despite treating me like dirt', 'this or that trait is such a narcissistic thing to do'.
the show already expects its audience to treat the female characters with way more scrutiny and suspicion after all, but I feel like people are more inclined to recognize the figure of the 'narcissistic woman who's only emotional reality is her own' or the image of 'mom who neglects kid for new beau' than they are when it's a male character
and that's not a bad thing, to be clear! it's good the fandom can recognize abusive behaviors in women, probably most often their mothers (though it is disturbing how little they can acknowledge the emotional landscape of the female characters - there's any number of reasons for Stella to feel disenchanted with her life and the fandom cares about none of them)
the problem is they can't extend that logic to Stolas. they can't see how Sad Owl Twink is distorting reality around his relationship with Blitzo and refusing to treat him like a person, or how he's a subpar dad to Via. it feels like the bar for male characters is being set way lower as long as there's a convenient excuse. and it seems part of the reason is more than just Stolas being male, since logically Blitzo wouldn't be getting it in the neck from Stolas fans so much
it seems like it's also because they seem him as soft and harmless that on top of the extra credit male characters get for doing nothing, they've decided he can do no harm. men already deserve a medal for being connected to their emotions, so if Stolas appears soft and sensitive it means he can't possible be abusive or neglectful at the same time. which is just not true
sorry if this is rambling, kinda thinking out loud
Thank you for sharing these thoughts aloud. It's absolutely true...Viv and her fandom seem to have it in their heads that abuse looks like screaming and insults, that sexual abuse looks like being held down (also that it doesn't count if you "get away,") and that is so, so unbelievably dangerous it genuinely chills the blood. It's going to get someone hurt.
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kiragecko · 29 days
hi I think that post about the not like other girls thing you reblogged might be a trans-exlusionary radical feminist thing? Not a guilt trip just in case you didn't notice you know
It had occurred to me that TERFs might like that kind of post. I decided to reblog anyways, because:
1. It described an experience that I had, and I'm not going to deny my own experiences out of fear. Sometimes we share experiences with hateful people, and pretending that we don't causes all sorts of problems.
2. I mentioned being nonbinary in the tags, so it seemed unlikely that the post would signal I was unsafe for trans people, even if it did contain dogwhistles I was missing.
3. I reblog posts, not blogs. I would not be able to use Tumblr if I checked the blogs of every post's OP. I can't even keep track of close friends' names! I'm also not using an algorithm that will suggest other posts by this person to me. I am not contaminated by touching a useful post, even IF the person who created it had bad intentions.
4. It was actually important for me to detangle my 'depictions of women in media make me feel GROSS' feelings from my 'the people around me act really differently than I do and that's alienating' feelings. I'm ADHD, aroace, and possibly nonbinary and autistic. I didn't act like allo, neurotypical girls. I also had some internalized sexism from how everything from classic kids' lit up to early 2000s media depicted girls and women. It was important to let go of the sexism AND validate the differences, which meant I had to recognize that they weren't the same thing! I want other people to get that chance, as well.
5. I refuse to contribute to the current culture of attacking other bloggers for thoughtcrimes. Purity culture is not healthy, and harms both the people doing it and its victims.
Messaging me about a specific dogwhistle I missed is fine. I will delete posts if I agree after a bit of research. More vague messages like this will be ignored. I don't think they're helpful, and they have the possibility of being extremely harmful. Not an attack on you, Anon. But this is important to me.
We're still allowed to think things, even if hateful people think them as well. Moral contamination is not real.
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goldfades · 5 months
angsty blurb w/Trevor🤭
you asked and you shall receive…
─ warnings | angsty asf, don’t say i didn’t warn ya! cheating, trevor is a fraternity ASSHOLE, just mean ass shit
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you’d heard the stories about trevor but you’d chose to ignore them — and now, tears streaming down your eyes you really wish you hadn’t. giving him the benefit of the doubt multiple times after he’d shown you exactly who he really was, trying to ignore the warning signs.
as you sat there on his couch, tears cascading down my cheeks, you replayed every moment, every warning sign you had chosen to ignore. it started with little things, subtle remarks that cut deeper than they should have. each time, you brushed them off, convinced that beneath his rough exterior lay a heart of gold. the lies, oh the lies! they wove a web so intricate, so deceptive, that you found yourself trapped before you had even realized. he promised change, redemption, but now you realized it was all just another layer of deceit.
"her, trevor?" your voice came out quiet but fuming. "her?"
she was the complete opposite of you — looks, personality and everything else. and yet, despite the glaring differences between you, trevor had chose her. the realization cut like a knife through your already wounded heart. how could he betray you with someone so unlike you in every aspect?
her presence haunted you, her image etched into your mind like a scar you couldn't erase. you couldn't help but compare yourself to her, picking apart every flaw that made you feel inferior in trevor's eyes.
"i-i didn't mean for it to happen," he pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation. "it was a mistake, i swear. you know you're the one i love."
"you don't fuck other people when you're in love, trevor!" you shouted, your voice coming out shaky as you watched his expression change from emotional to slightly agitated, as if you were the one who was inconveniencing him.
"come on, don't be so dramatic," he scoffed, his voice laced with contempt. "it was just a mistake. you're blowing this way out of proportion."
his words hit you like a slap in the face, his lack of remorse fueling the fire of your anger but also deepening the wound. how dare he dismiss your pain so callously, as if his infidelity was something trivial?
"you did it more than once, trevor. you're a fucking traitor," your voice broke as you spoke, feeling all the emotions from the last 8 months come down on you. how did something so perfect, become something so terrible?
eight months of love, laughter, and shared dreams now felt like a cruel joke. the memories of happiness now tainted by the bitter taste of betrayal.
his expression remained indifferent, as if your pain meant nothing to him. it was a cruel realization that he was never the person you thought he was. the man you loved had been nothing but a facade, a mask hiding the true nature of his deceitful character.
with a deep breath, you squared your shoulders, meeting his gaze with determination. "i'm done, trevor," you declared, each word dripping with finality.
"oh trust me, you'll be back. like you always do," trevor's voice came out so bitter, you almost didn't recognize him. is that all you were to him? a mug, a girl who always came back? who was always there?
for a moment, doubt threatened to creep in, whispering its insidious lies in the nooks of your mind. had you really been so blind, so naive to believe in his empty promises over and over again?
but then, something inside you shifted. anger surged forth, fueling the flames. you refused to be reduced to a mere afterthought, a pawn in his selfish games.
"no, i won't," you countered, your voice firm. "i won't be, i deserve more than being treated like an option, like a backup plan for when it's convenient for you."
with that, you turned away, leaving trevor standing there, his words hanging in the air like a bitter echo.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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pienhime · 11 months
Ten Under-Recognized Jirai Kei Characters!
Ive been meaning to make a post on some jirai kei characters that i think are underappreciated by the overseas landmine community! Mostly i think its bc they don't wear girly kei, cybercore, or other fashions associated with us on SNS, and bc their media came out before 2020. So ive compiled a list and an explanation for why i think they're jirai! I have another list for pien kei characters who arent jirai in my opinion too. If u have any characters u think the western jirai comm sleeps on, comment/reblog and tell me who & why!
1. Celestia Ludenberg
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Celestia (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc) has screamed landmine to me for like, ever! She's wrapped up in her appearance and at first glance makes the effort to come off as regal and formal. But she frequently lets that disguise slip and shows her sadistic side at the slightest inconvenience, threatening violence and screaming in peoples faces. She's got both a superiority complex AND inferiority complex, and has an unhealthy obsession with gambling, her super high school level talent.
2. Nijimin Anazawa
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Nijimin (Mahou Shoujo Site) is super popular in the japanese jirai comm, and its easy to see why. She's easily lovestruck and a borderline yandere (dependent type), murderous and hellbent on revenge, and her magical power literally revolves around manipulating others. She's a beloved idol and a symbol of cuteness, but she's a murderous magical girl? How much more jirai can you get!
3. Mayoi Ayase
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Mayoi (Ensemble Stars) is a very interesting character! From his obsession with the occult to his self depreciating behavior to his obsessive and stalkerish tendencies, he's an overall offputting yet charming guy. As an idol, he has fans who have a totally different image of him than the creep (affectionate) he can be at times behind the scenes. Also, not to stereotype, but his favorite sanrio character is kuromi, whos super popular within jirai.
4. Yuri
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Yuri (Dokidoki Literature Club) being a landmine seems a little self-explanatory to me. She's a yandere character who's probably the most unassuming of the cast at first. She's shy, smart, kind... and a self-harming yandere with a knife fetish who will literally kill herself if you get involved romantically or reject her.
5. Yoosung
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Wow, when's the last time I thought about Mystic Messanger? No idea, but Yoosung feels pretty jirai kei to me in retrospect. In the beginning of the game, hes the adorkable self-conscious junior with an unhealthy online addiction. But, by the end, he's a self-harming yandere who refuses to let the player character go, and is willing to do whatever it takes to secure a happily ever after.
6. Kusokawa-chan
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While I have an immeasurable hatred for her creator, Kusokawa-chan (Menhera-chan spin-off 4komas) is a comfort character of mine... for some reason. With a name that means "kawaii trash", her personality is probably predictable. She's human trash, a sadistic asshole with no respect for others who will insult and berate you at the drop of a hat, and turn on a dime on her fans. She tries to cover it up by putting on an exaggerated innocent act and kawaii-fying herself and her life, but she just cant stop herself from exploding on others with no remorse.
7. Azusa Mukami
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Admittedly, everything I know about Diabolik Lovers is through its fandom as I've yet to cave and buy the games. But from what little I know, Azusa seems pretty jirai. He seems innocent, fragile even- but has the typical amount of yandere tendencies for the series. He has a self harm addiction, and if you peruse his route you're in for a toxic time.
8. Satou Matsuzaka
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This might be cheating because she's so popular on yandere tumblr, but Satou Matsuzaka (Happy Sugar Life) is ultra jirai kei. It's no wonder she's such a popular choice of pfp on japanese jiraitwt! She's obsessed with living out a fantasy saccarine-sweet life with the object of her desire, and given her full-blown yandere nature and her lolicon status, its no doubt shes a toxic partner. She's beloved at her school and workplace for her seemingly sweet nature and cute looks, but her kindness is only for the purposes of manipulation.
9. Kosame Amagai
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Again, I'm no expert on Diabolik Lovers! But based on what my friends on yandereblr tell me, this guy is definately a jirai danshi. He's a lover of all things cute, who uses his cute shota-like appearance and polite manner of speech to lure others in. In reality, hes an abusive partner in his route, and takes his anger out on others verbally. He's willing to cry, scream, and threaten over the smallest of transgressions. Of course, he's also a yandere as per series standard.
10. Momonga
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Okay so this is only half-serious, but there's a reason Momonga (Chiikawa) is so beloved by jirai girls and often depicted fitting the visual jirai stereotype in fanart. She's ultra cute! But she uses her appearance and acting vulnerable and innocent to try to get away with shithead behavior. She's loud, erratic, and self-obsessed, and often cries when she doesn't get her way. She's obviously the worlds cutest little manipulator, and she knows it.
I hope you enjoyed this list! There's a list for non-landmine pien kei characters coming soon, so feel free to send me asks with recommendations! And feel free to add on to this list in reblogs and comments!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
I'm so sorry for coming back so quick with another ask, I just really liked the one you wrote for me! I really liked the head canons you put down and how you wrote the bishops apprehension around the reader.
This isn't exactly xreader eccentric, but you you do red crown follower!reader meeting the bishops again as followers?
I would love more reader making the bishops uncomfortable, having that the bishops tried everything in their power to destroy everything in relation to narinder, and besides lamb being proof that they failed, the reader is even bigger proof.
(red crown follower is just an easier way to call the ex narinder follower, now lamb follower that I requested last time)
Awh thanks! I'm glad you loved that fic!
He thought all followers of the Red Crown was eliminated..or at the very least chased out of the Old Faith.
He strongly recalls burning entire villages that had even the smallest tribute to Narinder, hoping his name and deeds would be forever lost to time.
Even when the final sacrifice failed, he thought destroying Lamb would be easy.
But he was wrong, and after being brought into the cult...he notices you again. Your voice alone fills him with nothing but dread.
You were the living proof--the bigger proof--that Narinder's legacy hadn't died.
"So we meet again, Leshy..the youngest and most reckless of your brethren." You tease. "You thought setting a torch to my home would stop me from following the might of the Red Crown? I have served it for ages, and you're a fool to think I'd ever convert to your blasphemy overnight."
"S-Silence, you!!" He hisses. "Our qualms were not with the Red Crown..but its bearer. HE was the blasphemous one! HE didn't deserve to wear it!! We tried having a civil discussion about his teachings...and look what he did to us...to me!"
"It's a pity that my lord took your eyes...but you all took his freedom." You scowl, yanking on one of his branched antlers. "There is no greater treachery than what you've committed that night."
Fortunately, you decide not to snap off any of his antlers that day..but he remains wary around you nevertheless.
He's always been so afraid of the Red Crown, probably because his abilities to cast both sickness and health would have been rendered useless if Narinder's resurrection doctrine was implemented.
You used that fear against him when he was brought into Lamb's cult.
"I-It's you!!" He shrieks, recognizing your garb as the type Narinder's followers used to wear.
You don't have to say much to get him to kneel at your feet, begging for forgiveness and trying to justify himself.
"P-Please understand..I didn't want to cast out the Red Crown! I told them it was bad idea-!!"
"Yet you did nothing to stop them from imprisoning Lord Narinder...and you delivered cholera unto my village when we refused to turn over our commandment stones." You scorn.
He gulps nervously, shocked you remembered that.
"I-I did..but they told me-"
"And you obeyed them like a cowardly dog. That makes you no better than them..you don't get a free pass just because you felt sorry and they didn't."
Your cold words are enough to make the squid weep as he clutches the hem of your robes, asking what he could do to redeem himself.
All you say to him is to cherish this new life Lamb has so generously given him.
For if the Red Crown was atop your head instead...it'd be a different story.
This frog might've had her throat taken, but she still had spiteful words for you in particular.
You were one of the followers she summoned in front of Lamb, vividly remembering how you didn't keel over when she sapped all the hunger from your body.
You stood tall and defiant--just like her heretic brother.
She's convinced that you caused Lamb's execution to fail, believing that because Narinder had at least one believer left, that gave him enough power to bring them into his realm.
After joining the cult, she only ever addresses you as "Narinder's Pet" (despite you reminding her that you're only loyal to the Red Crown..and he wasn't your master anymore).
She hates your guts, and doesn't just express that verbally.
When it's her turn to cook one day, she serves you a Deadly Dish.
And by "serve"...I mean she tackles you and shoves the red mush down your throat.
Your fellow followers are horrified, and are about to get Lamb....yet you swallow the food without even flinching, pushing her off and calmly standing up.
"If that's your attempt at assassinating me...then you need a new strategy, Lady Heket. In Narinder's cult, sometimes that vile concoction is all we have to eat. So I can stomach it."
"Huh.....freak..." She grunts.
But she's left you alone since then.
Knowing how much the spider cared for Narinder and how they gave him ideas...you were just a tad bit softer in their presence after they became indoctrinated.
They admired and respected the following he fostered, especially as you preached his name and became his messenger, although your one true master was the Red Crown itself.
It's no wonder why they couldn't foresee you ever becoming its vessel, no matter how far they looked into the future.
You can tell it genuinely pained them to imprison the sibling they adored most, and being the catalyst for his eventual undoing.
That doesn't mean you weren't bitter about it, though.
So when you saw them as a follower, you came off as cold, reminding them how they brainwashed three of Lamb's followers into attack them.
"You couldn't have possibly understood, [y/n].." They whisper, frowning. "It was the only way for Lamb to see what I saw...feel what I felt...hurt like I hurt when he betrayed us-"
"Those situations are in no way comparable." You huff. "He trusted you...and you backstabbed him and sent your acolytes to kill us and loot our homes. And for what? Because you were scared when he had an idea for the doctrines that you didn't like? You may have forgotten, but it was your teachings that inspired him. Inspired us."
"I have not forgotten..and I deeply regret it. The blame falls upon me, not my siblings."
You were surprised at how humble they were, but you accept their apology.
It seems their guilt was more effective than any words you could have spoken.
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cakesepticlove · 28 days
Okay so I have an idea for a fluffy Poly!Lost Boys x Reader Oneshot where whether or not Religious Objects work against vampires entirely depends on what Faith the vampire followed as a human. And yes I know thats a facet from Cassandra Clares Shadowhunters Universe (and perhaps others) but I would love to see it applied to The Lost Boys.
The basic rundown is as follows;
Y/n is a relatively new addition to the Lost Boys pack, having joined up after wandering into their territory (Which for the oneshot we'll say is the Boardwalk and Hudson's Bluff, as well as everything in between) already a full vampire, (If you want to impliment some kind of Fated Mates thing by all means go for it) which was maybe 6-8 months ago. Since then the boys have gotten to know their new packmate (or mate) by a fair amount, the only subject Y/n refuses to talk about is religion. Dwayne suspects some kind of religious trauma, and he's partially correct, but he's under the incorrect assumption that it hasn't been addressed or even acknowledged by Y/n.
Marko and Paul, on the other hand, decide to get a little sneaky, and David, genuinely curious himself, just lets them. Thus begin the subtle shenanigans.
The Terror Twins begin leaving seemingly random religious symbols around the cave, trying to see which ones would have a negative effect on Y/n, but Y/n either doesn't notice them or Marko (who I headcanon as a Jewish/Italian Immigrant because Alex Winter is Jewish. Also because I can 100% envision Marko PARKOURING over walls n' shit to evade Nazi Footsoldiers during the Holocaust and laughing while doing so simply to taunt them. Footnote; I stan the Italian Stallion. If you recognize that from Tumblr you are now my new best friend. No you don't get a choice, have a snack and take a seat) and Paul (who isn't Jewish and thus handled the Jewish Symbols because Marko cannot touch them or he risks burning/injuring himself) forgot to include objects accosiated with a particular religious faith or multiple thereof. Dwayne is off in the corner with this 'disappointed dad friend' aura about him directed towards Marko and Paul's less-than subtle shenanigans. David is (maybe) lounging in his wheelchair, but is watching Y/n just as closely, but leagues more subtly than Marko and Paul (as David is a smooth SOB and not a mildly unsophisticated chaos gremlin like Marko nor a rambunctious golden retriever like Paul.)
Eventually Y/n gets fed up with coming across random religious symbols and very lpudly asks what the hell is going on. Before showing immense amusement in some way at the response they get and confusing the four boys even further and divulging that they're an athiest.
The boys are all stunned, before realization sets in, that explains why Y/n is so good at ignoring religious symbols and can even set foot on Hallowed Ground. They're basically a "perfect predator". Prayer and Religious symbolism wont deter them in the slightest.
Y/n is visibly tense, waiting for the boys to either shun or belittle them for their lack of faith, and getting a vastly different response.
----end of rundown---
Basically its a Regilious Faith -or lack thereof- acceptance/comfort prompt.
If someone wants to make this into a FULLY FLESHED-OUT oneshot or even make it into a series of oneshots or a full story, by all means go right ahead all I ask is that you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tag me in it.
If there are copyright issues preventing this then just ignore this entire prompt I guess.
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Halloween prompts no. 14
Danny gets thrown into the Blue Exorcist universe, saw how Rin was being treated and straight up kidnapped him when no one was looking and took him to another dimension/reality/whatever to keep him safe.
Rin, as you can imagine, doesn't take kindly to being kidnapped and tries to roast Phantom. The fact neither understands the others language did not help. Danny, taking a gamble, dropped his phantom form and raised his hands in surrender.
Rinse eyebrow twitched and he asked wtf he thought he was doing. Danny got an idea and raised a finger ask if asking one moment please before bringing out his phone and typing into Google Translate.
Things go better after that, Rins still kinda mad and demanded to be taken home but Danny refused, saying he wasn't going to send him back to a place that would treat him like that! The fight escalated until Danny confessed he died because people ignored the abuse and neglect from his home situation and he terrified Rin will face a similar fate. This finally took the wind out of Rins sails. Rin comforts Danny who may or may not be crying.
This is when the local heros show up because it turns out they landed in the dc universe. They realize they've pretty much melted part of the city they were in during thier fight and scram before anyone can get a good look at them. They're branded as mysterious villains almost immediately.
Danny and Rin take to stealing in order to survive and start teaching eachother thier language so they don't have to keep relying of the translation app. (Also they can't reliably recharge the phone) They're bonding and building up eachothers self esteem. Rin enjoys having someone who let's him protect them as a big brother should and Danny enjoys feeling safe and protected for once in his afterlife. They both start wearing masks and start stealing bigger marks as supervillians in order to survive.
The Justice League Dark is absolutely freaking out because why is a Gahena demon and some kind of Lazarus Pit child working together?? Demons from Gahena never come here cause they shouldn't even be able to and they had no idea Pit People even existed up until now. And why are they stealing such strange things? The bank robberies they understood but the baby food incident? (They stole a bunch of baby food to help the homeless and low income population) The lab thiefts? (Danny recognized the type of machine they were making was designed to be a portal when the press conference about it said nothing about portals. So he stole it and destroyed it cause it was sus.) The JLD knew they were missing something.
Batman himself eventually tracks them down and finds out
1. They are 14 and 15 year olds.
2. Both are traumatized
3. Black hair blue eyes
4. Both have supernatural abilities they can't fully control
5. Both are very sweet and are being more vigilante than villain
Bruce has already mentally signed the adoption papers.
Unfortunately, Danny has bad memories of another billionaire who kept trying to adopt him and is avoiding both him both as Batman and as Bruce Wayne. The boys run in to Harley Quinn and she figured out these kids needed help. She aids in thier language endeavors and if the only reason she knows Japanese as well as she does is from her binging anime for a few months during a quarantine caused by Scarecrow then thats her business.
Anyway, she gives them not-therapy since she can't ethically give them therapy therapy and in exchange they pay her with cash they stole. Neato. Rin eventually gets onto an ADHD medication that suits him and he's doing so much better. He uses a lot of the coping skills aunt harley taught him and its like hes a totally different person. Granted Rin has to take an ungodly high dose for it to work due to his demonic heritage but they make due. They already rob banks, whats a few pharmaceutical companies?
Ivy and Harley pseudo adopt Rin and Danny and sometimes the boys would just come over to Gotham to hang out or play with the pets. Rin loves cooking and has taken over the kitchen in his and dannys safe houses. He does most of the cooking and keeps the kitchen spotless. Danny does the laundry and dusting and they share most other chores. Rins used to having Yukio sleeping in the same room as him so sometimes he sneaks into Dannys room in the middle of the night to sleep on the floor.
Danny keeps waking up and moving him to the bed. Neither say anything about it and Rin assumes he slept walked into the bed and flees before Danny can be woken up and weirded out. Miscommunication! Yay!
Meanwhile the birdie brigade are on thier tails and watching/spying on them every chance they get. They're already making preparations in the manor for two more people.
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yourhighness6 · 6 months
Okay, so, I have talked briefly before about how I do think that Katniss/Lucy Gray were intended to mirror each other but Peeta was meant to be a parallel to both Coryo and Sejanus. There are other parallels between these five characters as well, of course, but they don't really affect what I'm about to say so imma just leave that there. Let me explain.
When you think about the core problems with Snowbiard, they basically all come from Coryo's selfishness (you could definitely talk about certain classism/ a commentary on class there, but again, not really relevant). He COULD have been happy with Lucy Gray, living out in the forests beyond district twelve, but he would never have been happy there because of his core traits. He wants people to recognize him, to see him as someone to both respect and fear, because he feels he deserves more than he was given after his family lost their fortune. That's the hallmark of his character and definitely not new info. But Sejanus was the exact opposite. He felt like he was given more than he deserved after his tough childhood because his family circumstances were the EXACT opposite, coming into money at the same time Coryo's family lost theirs. He could have felt the same way, entitled and like he didn't have enough, but instead, he showed empathy and demonstrated compassion in ways Coryo never did. But that's where the next gen comes in, because Peeta and Katniss shared certain circumstantial similarities that almost certainly reminded Snow of his own teenage relationship with Lucy. But that's where Peeta mirrors Sejanus, because above all, that boy is KIND. He's compassionate and empathetic and his core values are very similar to that of Sejanus. HE was a glimpse of what Coryo could have been, if instead of looking for power, he'd taken Sejanus's advice and followed his example. If he'd chosen to be someone kind and compassionate and empathetic like Sejanus and Peeta and developed a goddamn moral code, he COULD HAVE HAD THAT LIFE. HE COULD HAVE LIVED OUT HIS DAYS IN MEADOWS WITH TWO KIDS AND A LOVING WIFE LIKE PEETA DID BUT INSTEAD HE CHOSE TO BE SELFISH AND VINDICTIVE AND A GODDAMN MURDERER.
Peeta and Coryo foil each other in such an insane and nuanced way that I can't help but obsess over it. These two characters who seem so different but actually maybe share some thematic similarities treating the loves of their lives so differently is just... ugh. Like even if it happened some sixty years apart, Snowbiard really was a guy who had it all refusing to realize that and his narrative foil ending up with the girl of his dreams because he was a good person. Snowbiard fell apart because Coryo's selfishness but Everlark fell together because of Peeta's selflessness.
And, look, that on its own is incredible and thematic and Suzanne is a genius blah blah blah but ALSO, this isn't the most important thing, but I find it absolutely INSANE that Peeta and Katniss found love in a forest while running for their lives and Coryo and Lucy Gray lost love in a forest while running for their lives.
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iblameashley · 7 months
A - to - Z's of Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Made a similar list for Konig a while back, figured it was time for Simon / Ghost. This list is hella gay, FYI.
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A - Aftercare
Simon / Ghost cares a great deal about aftercare regardless if its a one-night stand or a longer term relationship. It will always start with asking how you're doing and what you liked and what you didn't. He'll make sure you're actually okay before he'll ask if you need anything else; water, food or a shower. Though he still struggles with requests for cuddles. Its very intimate for him, but if he likes you, he'll give you a bone crushing cuddle.
B - Body part (their favourite)
Stomach. Simon / Ghost likes guys with a bit of belly fat, something soft and preferably hairy. It's so different from his toned body, and though he'd never admit it to you, it makes him feel happy and calm just laying on it.
C - Cum (anything)
Generally speaking his cum is rather neutral in taste, a hint of salt. But its thick and hot, and he shoots long ropes of it when he cums. Refuses to jerk off while on long missions because he wants to 'save it all' for you.
You don't have to worry about overstimulating him either, he'll do it happily himself until he empties his balls inside you. You'll feel his cock head throbbing inside you as he whimpers and trembles on top of you.
D - Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Really wants to eat your ass out after he's cum in it, but is afraid you'll be disgusted by it and refuse.
E - Experience (how experienced are they?)
On a scale of Virgin Pure – Barracks Bunny? He's a solid 'Took the bloke from the pub home'. He's not adverse to having sex; in fact, he loves it... its the intimacy that people tend to want that freaks him out. Simon / Ghost doesn't know how to reciprocate (or so he tells himself). But he's more than happy to get his rocks off if he fancies a man.
F - Favourite position
Generally speaking, as long as he's on top, he's happy. He loves looking down at your handsome face or even the back of your head as he takes you. That being said, Simon / Ghost is also a big fan of you on your knees. The way you look up at him with his cock in your mouth? Fuck... drives him wild.
G - Goofy (Serious of Humorous)
During sex, this man is on a mission. You are both going to have a good time, even if it kills him. BUT, after sex? After you're thoroughly pleased and unable to walk? This man will treat you to the worst jokes in his shitty-joke roster and there is nothing you can do to escape it.
H - Hair (Body / Groomed / Color)
Dirty-bond / Sandy hair in tufts between his pectorals that runs down his abdomen and into this pants. Keeps his pubes trimmed (but never shaved!) Its incredibly soft, too because Simon / Ghost takes care of his hair.
His ass has a nice dusting that trails down into surprisingly hairy legs. Oddly though, has almost no arm-hair at all.
I - Intimacy
He would tell you he'd rather be waterboarded or have his fingers and toes broken with a hammer than be intimate, but he's a Goddamn liar. He doesn't recognize his own intimate moments, thinking that the things he does for you 'just makes sense', but are actually very sweet deep down. But he does struggle with accepting intimacy. He'll tense at hug, pull away for kisses – you've learned to not be insulted – and tries not to let his heart skip a beat when he looks you in the eyes as he's buried deep inside you.
But at the end of the day, even if he fails – real or imagined – at intimacy, he'll never hurt you. He is very aware of your emotional well-being and he'd be damned to ever raise a hand to you.
J - Jack off
Used to mostly just be a form of release between missions and hook-ups. A means to an end, so to speak. But once he met you? Fuck... the way you looked at him, the way you looked at him when you walked in on him jerking off.
He loves to stroke his cock for you. He'll take it nice and slow, building himself up to an orgasm and then denying himself until you give him permission to release – usually on your face – and he's never been more satisfied with masturbation. Its so much better than his two-minute, violently jerking off somewhere on base experiences.
K - Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Loves size difference most of all. He'll be your big-strong man if you'll be his charming short king. There is something about the power dynamic that just gets him going. But again, he'd never use his size or strength to hurt you; he wants to feel like all his power is doing something other than killing... and what better way than to pleasure a charming man sexually?
As previously mentioned, chubby guys too. Loves a squishy body to touch and massage. Loves the soft flesh against the marred skin of his body (how do you not pull away from him?!).
Simon / Ghost longs to let go of his need for control and be dominated by a man; but trust is hard earned and he only reserves bottoming for that special-someone.
Has tried a variety of toys and only has a few select he actually likes. pocket masturbators are great compared to his calloused hands, and he's enjoyed a few butt plugs and dildo's, but he's not be able to venture too far with his exploration; there's still a little bit of shame and embarrassment he feels when he uses them (you'll make him get over it...).
L - Location (favorite places to do the do)
Simon / Ghost is a private man in general, so it would always have to be somewhere he felt safe. This would likely be his flat, your flat, his quarters on base or maybe even his office – locked, of course – if he was feeling a bit more adventurous.
As long as you're in the safety and comfort of a flat, though, any and all surfaces are acceptable. Tables, sofa's, counters, the bed or the shower are all perfect places to drive himself into your prostate and make you writhe for him.
M - Motivation (turn on’s)
Simon / Ghost loves it when you reach under his shirt and just gently play with the small of his back. Instant way to get this man in the mood, followed closely by teasing him by slipping fingers under the waist of his pants.
Can't go wrong with a classic, either; give his thighs some attention. Caress and tease slowly up towards his groin and you'll have this man growling like an animal.
Just seeing you being you. Walk around the flat in your lounging clothes, or his hoodie, or even shirtless. Simon / Ghost just enjoys seeing you in your most relaxed state around him since most people aren't.
N - No (wouldn’t do; turn offs)
Wouldn't hurt you. That should go without saying, but its still a deeply rooted fear that he projects onto you. He's a killer after all, so you must be waiting for the day he looses it on you. He won't. Not ever. Not you... not the one man who looks at him like that.
As for things he won't do in bed or let you do? Handcuffs are a no-go. Ever. Same with blindfolding.
Simon / Ghost also don't enjoy hickies, burns, scars or love marks, but that's due to his feelings regarding his scars and burns. Absolutely no choking either, but that also goes along with not hurting you, though he's not a fan of being choked either.
No scat, blood, diaper play, baby talk, age-gaps or age role-play.
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Simon / Ghost already has a difficult time trying to sub for his lovers, so like hell he's going to deny himself -and you- the pleasure of sucking a man off. He can get lost in the moment as he swallows your cock whole, swirling his tongue around and playing with your foreskin. He will moan and groan over your length and swallow every last drop of your cum.
As for his skill? He's better at killing people for sure, but he'll make sure you get off.
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Generally speaking, Simon / Ghost would prefer a slower, steadier pace. He wanted to enjoy every last moment of pleasure you're both experiencing. He doesn't take leave often and he doesn't have much time between missions as it is, so he leeches every second of pleasure from every encounter.
He sometimes gets a little too into the pleasure though and will go a bit feral. A need to just pound into you deep and hard until you're both a puddle of sweat and semen stuck to each other.
Q - Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Depends on how you define a quickie. Simon / Ghost isn't one to just blow a load into you in five minutes and run, but if he's on a time constraint... sure. He usually saves quickies for jerking off.
R - Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Simon / Ghost already takes enough risk in his military life, so doesn't take nearly as many in his personal life. As long as your risky suggestions don't include high risk of infections or illness, or harm (obviously), he's open to considering them.
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
You'll likely get the best hour of your life out of Simon / Ghost. He'll set a pace and stick to it... If he decides to overstimulate himself in the process, you can get another thirty to forty-five minutes out of him.
T - Toys (Own toys? Use them? on a partner or themselves?)
A few dildo and butt plugs, nothing too fancy or large and owns a few different pocket masturbators.
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Not a teaser, not overly vocal in general. Will grunt and groan, whine a bit when overstimulated, but doesn't really talk outside of a check in. You're safe until he's spent and the bad jokes start.
V - Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Simon / Ghost will grunt rather loudly once he gets into it.
W - Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Would never hurt you or do anything to make you uncomfortable, but loves it when a man beats him off and abuses his foreskin. Beat the man off hard and fast and be ready to take his load when you push him over the edge.
X - X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
6' 4” Tall
Mildly hairy
Curved cock
6.5” Hard and foreskin pulls all the way back over his head
Keeps everything tidy down there
Y - Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Before a mission? Low
During a mission? Low
After a mission? High. So very high... he'll find a nice lad to sate him the day he returns home.
Z - Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Simon /Ghost rarely sleeps more than three hours a night on the best of days, to say nothing of the nightmares he has regularly. So even after a long night of fucking and sucking, he's still not likely to fall asleep very quickly; if at all.
Assuming he likes you long enough to stay the night, he'll only fall asleep after you have, and he'll be awake long before you as well. He'll probably be gone too, if you aren't dating... but don't worry, he'll leave a note.
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