#and yet i talk about unions and he's immediately SO against them
louisdelac · 7 months
the thing about work is that it's so so so important to have a coworker you can recommend anticapitalist books to. i'll get this union formed yet.
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txttletale · 1 year
so when Palestine fights back by killing civilians, including children, you go: it's justified
but when Russia invades Ukraine and kills civilians, including children, and Ukraine fights back in defense, you go, Ukraine should settle for peace
and you say Israel can just stop the occupation, they have that power and then they could avoid their civilians dying by simply deciding to that, yet you don't see that the Ukraine war stop just as "easily", by Russia stopping the invasion. They invaded, they started the war, just like Israel occupied Palestine, they are the one who can stop it
I know these are two different situations but I cant help but notice how different your approaches are, like adjusting your theory according to who is attacking who.
also, you said it would be strategically impossible (im paraphrasing you) for Russia to stop their invasion, well, wouldn't it also be strategically impossible for Israel to stop their occupation.
Also, if Ukraine settle for peace (I want them to, I generally agree with your points on the topic) and Russia gains something from it (as their peace treaty will most definitely assign a lot of Ukraine land to Russia), then Russia gets the message that invading other countries is successful and a good way to go about things. I mean, obviously the peace work will begin after they settle for peace, preferably working with Russia, im just curious to hear your thoughts.
English isnt my first language but I hope you understand
volodymyr zelensky might have something to say about this comparison. obviously to be clear his comparison is fucking ridiculous, but is illustrative of a key difference--that all of the force of NATO are arrayed behind ukraine (a privilege not enjoyed by palestine) and that the government of ukraine is aligned with NATO rather than its own people--which is why it's selling everything that's not nailed down to the predatory west.
i do of course think that russia should stop the invasion! i respond flippantly to most people asking this because they rarely ask in good faith, but let me say it unequivocally--i'm a communist, i think that the fall of the soviet union was a tragedy and the oligarchic mafia state that rose from its ashes is an insult to everything it stood for. putin is a far-right anticommunist and the oligarchs that he represents are scum. in the case of russia vs. ukraine, russia is straightforwardly the agressor and it would be a good thing if russia withdrew immediately.
but when i talk about the need for a peace settlement, i'm not (no matter how much nationalists and the NATO fandom will yell that i am) advocating for an unconditional ukrainian surrender. i'm talking about the maximalist positions about 'punishing russia' and ensuring some imaginary total defeat that the NATO bloc advocate for and push the ukrainian position towards. the US and their allies have made no secret of they fact that they seek to prolong the war, use it as an opportunity to open ukraine up to US investors, and don't care about ukrainian casualties:
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& ultimately, there is the fact that i (and almost all my followers) live in the imperial core--as communists there is nothing any of us can do to push russia towards peace. that's a task for the russian communist and peace movements. what we can do, however, is obstruct and protest NATO's involvement in the war. this is what the union of ukrainian communists have said in their statement on the war:
We appeal to the Russian workers as a fraternal class, bearing all the burdens of war on its shoulders, also suffering from impoverishment, unemployment, and the elimination of fundamental rights and freedoms: seek the defeat of the bourgeois power in Russia, turn your weapons against the Russian oligarchs and their political acolytes. We are ready to fight with you to turn the imperialist war into a class war against the power of capital and for the communist revolution. We appeal to the workers of the countries belonging to NATO: To stop the threat of the destruction of humankind in the nuclear clash of imperialist war is only possible in a struggle not for abstract peace, but for the overthrow of the power of the bourgeoisie of their countries, who are waging these wars and profiting from them. Work for the defeat of the bourgeois governments and the NATO bloc in this war, put forward the task of turning the war between nations into a war between classes, turn the weapons produced by workers' hands not against the workers of other countries, but against the capitalists of your own countries, against their power.
—Union of Communists of Ukraine, On The War And The Tasks Of The Working Class
so--people in the west are powerless to do anything to prevent or weaken russian imperialism, short of supporting their own imperialist powers--which, if you care at all about human life or the working class, is robbing peter to pay paul. however, those same bourgeois western governments are the ones supporting the israeli genocide--this is a case in which the Western proletariat can and should mobilize to suppress the imperialism and colonialism of the aggressor, because they live in countries that directly support it.
of course, there are also massive differences in the actual circumstances of the relations between russia and ukraine--russia is not, for example, built on stolen ukrainian land, nor is ukraine an open-air concentration camp whose water and electricity are provided by russia only sparingly, nor has ukraine seen in peacetime regular brutal massacre, invasion, bombing, and murder as palestine does every single year of so-called 'peace' that passes between israel and palestine. the situation of 'peace' between russia and ukraine before 2022 was not one of totally intolerable one-sided massacre, as the situation of 'peace' between israel and palestine has been.
as such, there are in fact multiple parties who can pursue peace in ukraine, including parties that we, communists in the West--who are the people i blog as and for--can pressure and organize against effectively. there is only one party that can pursue peace in israel. the situation is not comparable, either on its face or in the relation the West and as a result communists in the West have to it.
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
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@ellakas I'm so glad you asked!
Zachary Taylor is one of those presidents that no one talks about in history class. But the thing is, in the 1840s, everyone was talking about him. He was the war hero of the Mexican-American War. The war itself (a blatant land grab by President Polk) was unpopular, but Taylor emerged as a beloved hero, because was a really good military commander, and because stories emerged about how humanely he treated Mexican prisoners.
Taylor was so popular that both political parties asked him to be their candidate in the next presidential election. He had never held political office. Never shown interest in politics. He had never even voted in a presidential election before! (His reasoning was that, as a military man, he didn't want to serve a commander-in-chief that he had voted against). Yet he was eventually persuaded to run--and win--as the Whig Party candidate.
(Fun fact! His wife, who had no interest in being a politician's wife, prayed that he'd lose the election. Taylor also showed his religious convictions by refusing to be sworn in on a Sunday, so his inauguration was delayed by a day, leaving the US president-less for twenty-four hours).
Even after he was president, Taylor had no interest in playing politics. He wanted to serve the country, not the party. He refused to play political games, purposely not appointing some of the big names of the party to his Cabinet so he could have more diverse voices representing a wider swath of the country. Still in the military mindset of "I give orders and people obey", he was frustrated that he was constantly questioned by Congress, and was very much at odds with them.
The big issue of his presidency was the fact that the US had just gained a ton of land from Mexico, and they had to decide if they'd enter the Union as slave or free states. Since Taylor was a slave-owning Southerner, the Southern Democrats hoped he'd side with them. But Taylor didn't want to expand slavery. First, because it's dumb--it's not like we can grow cotton or sugar in New Mexico or Arizona, so why would we even need plantations? But also because he was coming under the influence of some of the most vocal anti-slavery New York Whigs. To the great anger of the Democrats, Taylor said he wanted California to enter immediately as a free state, and would prefer all the territories to be free states. Before the issue could be resolved, he died. He got violently ill after Fourth of July celebrations in 1850 (because the White House water was still contaminated by human feces), and died five days later, after only a year and a half in office.
A year and a half isn't much time to make an impact. But I'm still fascinated by this president. He was a wonderful mess of contradictions. He was a Southern slave-owner who joined the Northern anti-slavery party. He was against all talk of secession--on the grounds of "I spent forty years serving this country and I want it to stay in one piece"--even though his son-in-law was (I'm not kidding) future president of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis. As a slave-owner and US military leader in the 1800s, he logically can't be a totally good guy, yet I get the sense that he was genuinely trying to be, in the context of his time. And he was showing signs of further character development. If he had lived, who's to say what he could have become, what he could have done?
But we'll never know, because his death left the country in the hands of Millard Fillmore, possibly the most aggressively mediocre man ever to become president (though I have high hopes for Chester Arthur). He actually has a pretty amazing origin story. He was the son of a dirt-poor farmer who apprenticed him to a cloth-maker in what became an indentured servitude situation. He scraped up enough money to buy his freedom and return home. Growing up, the only book he had to read was the Bible, until he turned 17 and bought himself a dictionary. At 20, he started taking adult classes to finally get the education he'd been denied; his teacher was a woman two years older than him who he eventually married. He became a lawyer, and then went into politics, serving in the New York State Legislature. He authored no significant bills. Made no big impact. The main traits people noticed about him were "tall" and "good-looking" (Queen Victoria did later call him the most handsome man she'd ever met). He was just kind of... there.
He was picked as Taylor's vice president for much the same reason Taylor was recruited as presidential candidate--he was moderate enough to appeal to both sides of the polarized political spectrum. New York was the home of the most vocal anti-slavery Whigs, but Fillmore was moderate on the slavery issue. As vice president presiding over the Senate, people mentioned he was "very fair" in how he let both sides speak. And that's like...the best people can say about him.
The question of the slave states eventually produced a bill that came to be known as the Compromise of 1850. Taylor--the enemy of compromise--was against it. Fillmore, a few days before Taylor's death, stated he would support it. After Taylor died, his entire Cabinet resigned rather than serve under a president who supported the Compromise. When the bill passed, Fillmore signed it into law.
The Compromise stated 1) California would enter the union as a free state; 2) the slave trade would end in Washington D.C.; 3) The other territories would decide for themselves if they wanted to allow slaves or not. Most importantly, it put the Fugitive Slave Act into effect, requiring all citizens, even in Northern states, to help return runaway slaves to their owners. The North was outraged over the Fugitive Slave Act; they wanted nothing to do with the practice of slavery and now the government was forcing even free states to support the institution. This law was meant to bring together both sides and prevent war, but it probably had the opposite effect, deepening the divide and hastening the plunge toward armed conflict.
This has led historians to speculate--if the more forceful, principle-driven Taylor had lived, could the path to Civil War at least have been delayed? No way to say, of course; maybe Taylor's solution would have made things worse. But the contrast between these two presidents is so fascinating. In Taylor, you have the apolitical war hero who sticks to his guns--the increasingly anti-slavery slave owner. Meanwhile, Fillmore is a bland politician from the most anti-slavery state who refused to speak against slavery--a man who never really achieved anything because he never really stood for anything. They're such complex characters, full of irony and contradictions, and I'm outraged that my history classes completely skipped over them on the way to Lincoln.
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daddy-bradley · 2 years
Honeymoon Blues
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Summary: It’s the night of your wedding with Bradley and you both celebrate your union together after your ceremony and after-party.
Warning(s): Smut (18+), Minors do not interact, oral (male and female receiving), fingering, penetration (p in v), descriptive foreplay, cum play, intimacy x10, major flufffffff 
Super long (Sorry not sorry)
You couldn’t stop hearing the phrase from repeating in your head over and over-
“I now pronounce you husband and wife..”
You couldn’t stop thinking about the feeling of content that you currently feel. This signified that you and Bradley were not brought together as one. No longer individuals, and who now share the last name Bradshaw. 
Bradley and you were now husband and wife, and as you currently lie on your hotel bed before you guys officially kickstart your honeymoon, you couldn’t help but reminisce your most memorable day. 
----------------------------Flashback to earlier that day--------------------------------------
The feeling of your heart pounding out of your chest as you wait behind the backdrop to open up so you could see the aisle was making the anticipation worst. The only thing that was keeping you grounded was the tight grip you had held onto Pete as you both prepared to walk.
“Relax honey, you’ll be fine, I won’t let you fall.” he reassured you as he tried to keep your nerves at bay. 
Taking a deep breath, you decide to take his advice, because knowing you, if you continue to worry, something bad will surely happen. Taking multiple deep breaths, you calm yourself. It wasn’t until the sound of the music started to play that you realized that this was it-
You were about to marry the love of your life. 
And soon as the backdrop opened, everything suddenly vanished. The people that were currently standing to witness your union completely blurred out. Your bridesmaids and groomsmen suddenly disappeared. And all you saw was Bradley. Your Bradley.
The smile that was evident on his face was so big, that his cheeks were red. You couldn’t see it, but the tears that were forming in his eyes were trying their best not to fall. He knew he was making the right choice in marrying you. That he was sure of because if he wasn’t then he wouldn’t have heard Goose and Carol’s voice in his ear whispering,
“Good job son, we’re proud of you.”
“What are you thinking so hard about over there?” the sound of your newly husband’s voice whispered in your ear as he interrupted your thoughts. you couldn’t help but smile and turned to look back at him taking in his handsome, chiseled, yet scarred face. 
“Today, you, us.....” you replied back as you turned your body over to face him, immediately his arms wrapped around your back pulling you closer. You both just took the time to stare at each together, taking it all in that this was real. 
You could feel his faint breath on your lips and if you could forever hold onto this moment, you would. 
“I’m so glad you married me...” he whispered as his arms traced your back, setting shivers across your body. 
“I’m surprised you married me.” you chuckled. He lightly pinched the open skin on your back in retaliation to your comment. 
“Don’t talk like that. You knew how much I wanted to marry you from the start babe.” Bradley explained as his fingers trailed across your back.
“It’s just hard to believe that were married, that this is real. It doesn’t even feel like it to be honest. I just feel that I’m in some sort of dream and going to wake up one day, and this was all fake.” sighing he brings his hands up to your face and pulls you towards him. He softly presses his lips against yours and relish the feeling of them. 
It wasn’t until he pulled away after a moment that he pressed his forehead to yours, caressing your cheek with careful tenderness.
“This is real, baby. You’re my wife, I’m your husband. You’re stuck with me for the rest of our lives. So, suck it up Mrs.Bradshaw, cause you aren’t ever leaving me.” he stated in a serious tone. Part of you wanted to laugh, but the other part of you knew that Bradley was dead serious. 
“I could never leave you, even if you annoy me and I want to duct-tape your mouth shut sometimes.” you laughed as he began to lightly tickle your sides.
“How rude of you Mrs.Bradshaw.” he whispered and proceeded to bring you into another kiss. 
“Get used to it Mr.Bradshaw.” you tell him back once you slightly broke away. 
Your language of love continued on, and you could feel your skin becoming hotter, as the pace of your heartbeat began to beat faster. You could feel his hands lowering down past your stomach. 
The kiss you two were currently sharing was becoming deeper and eventually you felt his moist tongue collide with yours. Automatically you could feel your most sensitive area between your legs become wet. That tongue of his was a weapon itself. You knew what it was capable of, and you were eager to get to it.
Your hands ran through his hair, messing up his slight messy curls until eventually you felt one of his hands get to your inner thigh and squeeze it. You couldn’t help but let the moan that caught in your throat escape. He was making your whole body feel as if it was on fire, and you two have barely done anything yet.
Pulling away from the kiss, which made you slightly pout you watched as he began to slide your nightgown up. He was careful in taking it off, making sure not rip any of your clothes. You guys have seen each other plenty of times, but this was different now. You were seeing each other as husband and wife. This was forever, and that is how you both wanted it to remain. 
Once you were ridden of your night gown which left you in nothing but your lace panties, Bradley took this time to admire you. The feeling of his eyes staring at you was so intense, the vulnerability was almost unbearable, but it didn’t last long once he snapped out of his trance. 
“You are so fucking beautiful.” he stated as his hands reached out to touch your body. He couldn’t believe that he had a woman like you in his life. If anything, he thought he was the one dreaming. 
He let his hands smooth across skin, your eyes had closed in relaxation, but it wasn’t until you felt a pinch on your bare nipple that you let out a surprised gasp.
“So damn sexy, baby.” he groaned as he watched your reaction.
As he continued to play with it, he let his other hand trail down to your panties. His fingers began to play with the edge of your panties which caused a spike in your breathing. He smirked at your reaction and continued to tease you some more. Only this time, he switched his attention to the other nipple while still teasing you with your panties.
“Bradley..” the moan you released was pure sex to his ears, and if he thought that was the sexiest thing ever, then he just had to wait and see once the real fun began. 
“Please stop teasing me.” you had begged him as his fingers kept toying with you. 
“What is it you want baby? You gotta tell me.” he cooed at you as he continued his little game of torture. 
“Your fingers.....your tongue.....anything Bradley please.” It was like a never-ending song that he wanted to replay over and over again. Deciding to show you some mercy, he took his hand away from your boobs, and pulled down your panties. 
The cold air the blew on your intimate area had you shivering in anticipation. But what Bradley currently saw had his boxers becoming tighter. The way your lower lips glistened in arousal had him dying for a taste. 
Spreading your legs apart you braced yourself against your pillow as you anxiously waited for what was about to happen next. You bit your lip as Bradley leaned down closer towards you leaving a loving kiss on your forehead and trailing it down past your face, your neck, collarbone. 
Your body was melting at his physical display of love for you. You’ve never felt this kind of raw emotion before. It was euphoric, something you never wanted to forget. It wasn’t until you felt his hot mouth capture one of your nipples in his mouth when your senses exploded.
“God..Bradley.” you whimpered as you let him continue his sensual act of love. Becoming a little antsy you grab his free hand and trail it down to between your legs. Where you wanted him to touch you most. Your body twitched in pleasure once you felt his fingers come in contact with your most sensitive spot. 
“Jesus, your soaking baby. Do I make you feel that good?” he continued to put pressure on your clit and rub it in tight circles. Your eyes were closed, mouth open wide in pleasure that you couldn’t even respond. You could barely even nod due to what you were feeling. 
“S-So good Bradley.” you panted out as his circles got tighter and the feeling of his mouth on your chest intensified. If he could make you orgasm just from this, then this man was truly a saint. 
Releasing his mouth from your chest, he moves his mouth back onto yours. Only this time, this kiss was becoming pure dirty. His tongue wrestled with yours, and while you were too focused on making out with him, you decided to move your hand and hover right over his covered, hardening length. 
Bradley let out a deep, guttered groan as he felt you squeeze him. The feeling of his boxers becoming tighter was starting to make him uncomfortable but right now he wanted to focus on you. 
As you continued to take your turn teasing him, Bradley decides that enough is enough and goes ahead to push one finger into your tight opening. Forcing you to pull away from the kiss as you gasp out his name in a breathless chant. 
“Fuck Bradley.” you moaned out loud as his long finger pumped in and out of you. Stretching you for what was to come. Your inner walls clenched in pleasure which made you both groan simultaneously. 
“Fuck baby, you’re so tight. You feel so fucking good.” His lewd praise had you becoming even wetter and while you tried your best to continue teasing him you couldn’t focus on anything else other than the hot pleasure that was pooling in your stomach. 
“More.” you begged as your body began to slightly convulse. A true-tell sign that your orgasm was slowly beginning to approach. 
“Shhhh...I got you baby.” Bradley cooed as he placed a kiss on your lips and entered another finger into your entrance. The stretch causing your eyes to roll back and this time you didn’t care about what you sounded like. You let the moans out not caring who could possibly hear.
“That’s it baby, God, you’re so fucking sexy.” he praised you as he fastened his pace. His fingers grazing against your walls back and forth, back and forth. Your stomach began to tighten even more at the penetration of his fingers. His finger pads brushed over your g-spot continuously, making you clench even tighter around him. 
Your breaths turned into heavy pants as you felt the coil in your stomach getting ready to pop. 
“Oh fuck.” 
“You gonna cum for me baby?” Bradley decided to pick it up a notch and add a third finger, this time making you see stars. Each time he pushed his fingers into your tight warmth, the squelching sound that your lower region was creating permeated through the air. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck Bradley, I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum!” You wailed out as you got closer and closer to the verge of your orgasm.
“Cum for me baby.” Bradley muttered and attached his mouth back on your nipple to add more stimulation which sent you right over the edge. The coil snapped and you released your orgasm right onto his fingers. 
The moans ripped from your throat and your eyes were closed in intense pleasure. This feeling was amazing, you didn’t ever want it to end. You continued to embrace your high as Bradley slowly continued to thrust his fingers in you. the slight overstimulation becoming a bit intense as you came back to your senses. 
“God, I fucking love you Mrs.Bradshaw” Bradley proclaimed and proceeded to smack his lips against yours. When he pulled away is when he decided to remove his fingers from you. Your essence was coated right on the pads of his fingers, and what you didn’t expect was for Bradley to pop them right in his mouth. 
You watched with lustful eyes as his thick lips sucked on his own fingers, tasting you. Suddenly, you could feel the dampness between your legs getting even more messier. 
“Taste so fucking good baby.” he says. Leaning up towards his mouth, you kiss him, and in return you get a taste of your own arousal. It should be sinful with how much you liked the taste of you and the taste of his mouth together. 
Pushing him down against the mattress, you continue your assault on his mouth as your fingers trail down his chest. You took in every muscle detail that he had, appreciating his strong arms that keep you safe. It wasn’t until you lowered your hand further to where you were hovering over the edge of his boxers that Bradley noticed what you were trying to do. 
“Baby you don’t have to.” he reassured you, but you wanted to. You wanted to taste him so badly. I mean, it was only right that you return the favor. 
“I want to. I want to taste you.” you tell him as your hands pull his boxers down to let him spring free. You watched as his hardened length snaps up and hits his stomach. You couldn’t help but lick your lips at the sight of him. 
He wasn’t huge per say, but the thickness was there, and he had a good 5 1/2 inches to him. But to you size didn’t matter, he always got the job done with or without it. You take him in your hands and notice how the tip is an angry red with bits of pre-cum spilling out. 
You slowly start to move your hand up and down, using his pre-cum as lubrication and watch his face begin to contort in pleasure. 
“That feel good baby?” you asked him as you kept your movements nice and slow to which he let out a moan in response to your question. 
“So damn good baby, keep going.” 
You continued to pump him with your hands, your speed slowly getting faster. Deciding to take it the next step further, you take him by surprise by leaning your head down and taking his length into your mouth. 
Bradley gasps in both shock and pleasure as he felt your warm and wet mouth engulf him. His thighs clenched as you began to suck on him and slowly start to bob your head. 
“Fuck baby, that feels so good, You’re such a good girl.” he praises you and uses one of his hands to gather up your hair from getting in your face. He watches you go up and down, while occasionally hallowing your cheeks to take him further down your throat which made him a noisy mess. 
“Just like that baby, holy fuck.” he groaned out as you took him even deeper without straining your throat so much. You wanted him to feel good too and you knew exactly how to get him to do so. 
Picking up the pace, you bob your head faster, while simultaneously pumping him. Up and down your head went as you felt his legs begin to shake, a sign that he was nearly close. You use your cheeks to suction him tighter and Bradley couldn’t help but thrust his hips up into your mouth. 
His grip on your hair tightened and if it wasn’t for you rubbing soothing circles into his thigh, he would have taken that as indication to slow down. Continuing to thrust his hips into you, you do your best to relax your throat so you don’t choke or gag. 
Bits of spit was escaping your mouth, but you both didn’t care. Giving head was never a cleanly act to do. Taking all that he was giving to you, you felt his tip starting to throb, so you sucked even harder and moved your free hand down to squeeze one of his balls, and just like that his released spilled down your throat. You gladly swallowed it with pride and couldn’t help but moan at the taste. 
“Fuck baby, you did so fucking good. I’m so proud of you.” 
He slowly pulls his hips away to not cause you any distress and slumps against the pillows. you couldn’t help but giggle at his post-orgasm smile. 
“I love you baby.” you whispered as you lied on top of him and kissed his chest.
“I love you too.” he replied back and then proceeded to flip you over, so you were the one on your back. 
“Now let’s get to the real thing.” he said with an evil smirk, your stomach fluttered with anticipation as you watched reach down to feel between your thighs again. 
“God, I love how wet you are. So good baby, just for me.” the constant praising he was giving you made you feel good. You had your fair share of insecurities just like everyone else in society, but Bradley always made you feel good about yourself. 
You feel your body start to get hot again as you feel him circling your clit, re-igniting the pleasure within you. The wetness between your legs began to pour out like a river and this time Bradley couldn’t help himself. 
“I’m sorry baby, but I gotta have a quick taste.” swiftly, he swooped his body towards the end of the mattress and pressed his mouth right on your wet cunt. His tongue automatically flicking at your clit causing your eyes to close, and your body arch off the bed.
“Oh shit Bradley!” You exclaimed as his tongue continued to dance all over you. Up and down, side to side, clockwise and counterclockwise. His tongue was a goddamn sin. It wasn’t until he thrusted tongue deep inside you, truly tasting your arousal that your hands yanked at his hair causing him to let out a pleasurable groan. 
“Right there baby, oh my god fuck.” you panted as you felt your second orgasm approaching for the night. He flicks his tongue inside of you one more time before taking it out and pulling away, a slight disappointment to you.
“You taste so damn good baby. I could eat you all day.” He reaches up to kiss you, your arousal still lingering all over his mouth and tongue. He positions himself right in between your legs and grasps his hard length. Sliding up and down your folds.
“But I need to be inside you now.” he panted as he continued to move against you. 
“Do it Bradley, please. I need to feel you so bad.” you begged. the pleasure you were still feeling was there and you wanted to cum so badly. As you felt the pressure of him entering you, your arms wrap around his neck. Pulling him closer so that you guys were now chest to chest. 
“Jesus your fucking tight baby.” he stated as he continued to slowly push himself farther. Igniting a deep stretch amongst your inner walls. It was only a slight pain each time he entered you. But once he was settles, you felt a content fullness that soon would turn into hot, raw pleasure. 
“You’re so big Bradley.” you panted once he was fully sheathed inside you, and he gave a cocky smirk at your comment. His hands lean down to grip both sides of your hips. He pulls out slowly, and when you start to feel empty, the fullness returns when he thrusts back in. 
You sigh in pleasure as he continued to test the pace. Hips meeting yours in a slow rhythm. It wasn’t until the pleasure started to build when you signaled him to move faster. 
“More Bradley.” You pleaded as you let your legs wrap around his waist, causing him to go in deeper when he went back to thrust into you. His hips begin to speed up, his grip on your hips getting stronger, though not painful. 
The sound of his skin slapping against yours could be heard throughout the room, but it only added to the pleasure you were feeling. 
“Fuck, just like that baby.” you praised as he continued to thrust into you at a quick pace. The feeling of his length pressing against your tight walls made you see stars. You could feel that you were starting to get to the edge of cumming. 
“You like that baby? God, you feel so fucking good.” he groaned out as he spread your legs wider and placed his hands firm on the mattress. The angle causing him to go deeper and brushing against your gspot. 
“Oh fuck, don’t stop Bradley, don’t stop!” you cried out as he smacked his hips into yours. His heavy panting was loud next to your ear, and you could see the sweat dripping down his head, but only made you wetter. 
Bradley was a true symbol of sex on legs, and what you were feeling now was him owning that title. Your nails begin to dig into his back, leaving crescent moon shapes as he continues his pace. 
“I’m getting close baby.” he choked out as he leaned down to take a nipple into his mouth. Your eyes rolled back, and you couldn’t begin to see straight. 
“Make me cum Bradley please. Make me cum.” you beg.
He moves his body up and then proceeds to move your legs on top of his shoulders so he was still in between you and begins to set a brutal pace.
“Fuck! Bradley I’m gonna cum!” the position he had you in was making you see real stars up close. the feeling of his length pounding into your gspot repetitively was overtaking your mind and all you could think about was cumming. 
His hips smacked into yours over and over, his length just barely kissing your cervix as you both get closer to your orgasms. After one particular thrust, you felt him twitch inside you, indicating that he was close. Deciding to help get there you clench your walls together causing him to stutter his pace.
“O-oh fuck. Baby I’m gonna explode if you do that again.” he panted as he kept his brutal pace. Fucking into you so deep, your orgasm getting closer and closer to that edge. 
“Cum for me Bradley, I want you to cum in me.” you moaned loudly. 
You move your hand down to your clit. rubbing at it furiously to help you get there in time with him. He was fascinated with watching you touch yourself, as he watched his length moving in and out of your wet folds. It made him officially loose it and let go of that intense pressure he was feeling in the pit of his stomach. 
“Oh fuck I’m cumming.” he exclaimed and released his cum inside you while still continuing his thrust. The feeling of his release triggering your own orgasm as your body twitched in pleasure. You couldn’t scream, you couldn’t moan. Your orgasm was so intense that you could barely breathe. 
After a minute, the overstimulation began to subside, and Bradley took that time to slowly remove himself from you. 
“You are so amazing baby, so lucky to have you.” he said breathlessly as he tried to recover from his own orgasm. He takes this time to clean himself up and as he walks to the bathroom real quick to grab a cloth for yourself, he made sure to grab you a t-shirt of his. 
He helped clean you up, gave a nice massage on your thighs, cause lord knows they’ll be sore tomorrow, and helped you into his shirt as a nightgown. 
“I’m so lucky you married me.” he said softly as you both lie in bed, holding each other close and admiring one another. 
“I’d say I’m the lucky one, but I don’t feel like arguing with you right now.” you chuckled quietly as your eyes began to slowly start to droop, 
“I wish my mom and dad could have met you, they would have both loved you so much.” he stated sadly in which you comfort him by placing a chaste kiss on his lips. 
“Me too baby, but just know that they are happy for you, and that they are really proud of you for where you are in life. That’s all that matters,” you tell him. 
“What would I do without you Mrs.Bradshaw?” he chuckled as he watched your eyes slowly close. 
“Not be able to have the best orgasms of your life ever again.” you joked one last time in which you got his deep laugh in return. 
“I love you y/n.” he said, which in other words, meant him saying goodnight. 
“I love you too Bradley.” you responded back, saying your goodnight as well. 
A/N: Soooooo, yeah. Went overboard but oh well, I like it.  Let me know what you think.
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So I've seen Alec accidentally courting Magnus before but would you be interested in doing Magnus accidentally courting Alec? Well. accidentally as in he wasn't aware he is hitting all of the traditional requirements for courtship, not that he hasn't desperately trying to work out how to get Alec to respond while non-stop flirting happens. I just think it would be funny if every assumes that with Magnus's age he is fully aware of Nephilim/Lightwood/Trueblood courtship when in reality, no clue!
so this is actually super funny because in my kelpie!au, magnus accidentally courts kelpi!alec for like 40 years without knowing it and then when he finds out he immediately goes to ragnor and cat for help because he's not letting alexander know it was a misunderstanding!
here is what i went with. i'm super focused on when alec goes to magnus to help with the trial for izzy and magnus goes 'you' and exploring the different ways that could go so i hope you enjoy!
“What?” Alec asks, because he’s not sure he heard right and suddenly Magnus’ incredibly confusing actions make a bit more sense. “Magnus, I’m engaged. To be married.” He adds, because he’s already taken and Magnus just raises his eyebrow.
Alec swallows, unsure exactly how to deal with this because Magnus offering him a different political marriage after disparaging his first never crossed his mind. Unless this is what Magnus wanted all along and Alec just… missed the signs. 
“You’re not her’s yet.” Magnus mutters and the look he gives Alec makes it very clear that if he has his way, Alec won’t ever be bonded to Lydia. 
Alec swallows because he’s really not sure how to handle this now that he realizes Magnus isn’t just playing with him. Magnus can’t be teasing him or just cryptically playing with him, not if he’s saying he wants to magically keep Alec.
“I—” Alec starts, because he’s really not sure if he should be accepting this or if he should be trying to talk Magnus around to a different price.
The thing is, despite the rather mercenary approach, it’s exactly how Alec got himself engaged the first time and he finds that a part of him likes his now second option much better.
Magnus isn’t sure what part of his little act hooked Alexander, but he’s not upset.  His shadowhunter is looking contemplative and serious, thinking about this honestly.
Which is good. 
Because Magnus wants Alexander more than he can bear to admit and while he knows he won’t, every hour Magnus is increasingly tempted to destroy the Institute.
If there is nowhere to be married, then surely the wedding can’t take place.
Except Alexander is being so sweetly receptive to the idea that Magnus teased him with and Magnus is tired of trying to catch shadows in his hands.  This may be his last chance and Magnus feels selfish and hungry as he reaches out to trail his fingers down Alexander’s arm.
“You still have a choice, Alexander.”
Magnus pauses intensely confused because he knows that magic.
He’s felt that magic multiple times when overseeing dozens of various ceremonies through the shadowworld.
That’s binding magic, the kind that ties souls together in a magical union.  Alexander is gasping against him, looking wrecked and trying hard to keep on his feet as Magnus holds them both up.
If Magnus wasn’t expecting it, he can’t even imagine how intense it was for Alec.  It’s with careful hands and magic that Magnus lowers Alexander to his floor and carefully soothes him with magic.  His body eagerly accepts the touch and feel of Magnus’ power and his magic is quick to flood Alexander’s body with it’s own possessive claim.
Magnus gets his boy’s head into his lap, running fingers through sweat-damp curls as he hushes Alexander who is whimpering into his thigh.
“There you are,” Magnus soothes and he pets Alexander’s hair and murmurs sweetly to him. “Hush darling, just let it pass.”
Alexander whines, teeth clamping through fabric and into skin and Magnus bites back a hiss as he lets it happen.  Whatever ritual activated and tied their souls together, Alexander’s was not prepared for it. 
His eyes are glassy and he’s whimpering, soft pained little noises as he tries desperately to get more comfort and warmth from Magnus.  It means that Magnus isn’t sure how he’s supposed to leave Alexander to go try and help his boy’s sister. 
It’s with annoyance that Magnus has to summon several potions and while he hates doing it, he coaxes Alexander’s mouth open with gentle force.  The potions take affect quickly and Alexander grumbles, eyes blown but finally clear again. 
“There you are.” Magnus murmurs, relieved despite himself when Alexander leans into his touch. “Good boy.” He says without thinking and Alexander nearly collapses further into his touch.  He’s shivering from the simple praise and Magnus has to remind himself that they don’t have the time. “Tell me what happened for you?
“You didn’t mean it?” Alexander asks, voice soft with a pain that has no business being near him.
“I’m just wondering if it means the same thing, darling.” Magnus soothes him, using magic to lessen the sting of his words as he presses cool, healing magic to Alexander’s temple.  “Nephilim change their ways sometimes and us warlocks don’t always notice.”
“You—” and Alexander stutters on his words with a groan. “You challenged the relationship between Lydia and I. You offered the better advantage. If I marry Lydia, I keep my Institute. If I marry you, I might save my sister.”  Alexander looks up at Magnus with a deep, aching longing, “my grace decided for me, Magnus. Family will always be more important to me than power. I thought I could protect them through Lydia, but I can’t.
Magnus did not know this was a thing but he croons in a proud, preening way that he knows drives Ragnor and Cat nuts.  It also settles Alexander, who looks calmer now that Magnus is acting so pleased.
“That’s exactly what I wanted.” Magnus murmurs and he lets his fingers play with Alexander’s hair as he slowly eases him to sleep with magic. “And you, Alexander, need sleep.”
And to also not be aware when Magnus storms the Institute. Because Magnus is not going to let something like the hubris of the clave interrupt his unexpected but completely necessary honeymoon.
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steel--fairy · 10 months
inspired by @a-tale-of-legends talking about the striaton triplets a bit ago, heres some facts about them in my verse : )
i am going with the striaton triplets = shadow triad theory lol
(yes the theory has been disproved by canon but i think you can make a genuine argument that it was canon at one point in production)
by god these boys need therapy
idk the concept of ghetsis repeatedly kidnapping impressionable, prodigal children in order to have blindly loyal followers who will never doubt him just feels accurate
anyways. the triplets are from kanto. from the same ninja clan as koga and janine!
ghetsis went looking for mewtwo who happened to be hiding near where they lived. the boys showed him the weird cave (or whatever, idk where i'm putting the ninja clan yet) where some strange but powerful pokemon had taken up residence. ghetsis got his shit wrecked, resulting in his injuries. (yea, not the usual hydreigon backstory here)
immediately used the situation into guilting the like. 8 year old boys into becoming his personal ninjas. all "oh its your fault i'm injured you led me to it"
they were 8. they didnt know better and swore an oath of loyalty before being whisked away (kidnapped) to unova.
if n and his sisters were told they were a king/goddesses, these 3 had the opposite. constantly degraded and dehumanized. their matching uniforms came about bc ghetsis couldnt be bothered to remember who was who so he made them look identical
them being gym leaders was a stint to help team plasma's goal of destabilizing the league.
even if n won the title of champion, there would still be some people wary of releasing their pokemon. if, oh idk, a trio of well respected gym leaders all put their support behind n however, then even more people would do as he says without a fight.
however, similar to n, them being out in the real world and interacting with normal people kinda made them slowly realize how fucked up their situation is
it took them far longer to break free though--they didnt have a group of dedicated friends trying to break them out of their mindset, not until b2 era and concordia and co came across them
they were kept separate from the other 3 kids. ghetsis didnt want them to unionize against him. but concordia had gotten out and she wanted to help them. by the time of bw2 they wanted out, but also had sworn an oath to protect ghetsis and those ideals caused a lot of conflict between the three.
however the final straw on the camels back was when they stole the dna splicers from drayden. by then, the other gyms leaders knew their identity and drayden told cress 'im disappointed in you' and it was downhill from there lmao
some non backstory tidbits:
each are a sort of double type specialist. one for their gym leader personas and one for their shadow triad self
cilan - grass and poison. simisage, leafeon, crobat, lilligant, roserade, amoongus
--amoongus was his starter. crobat was a golbat for the longest time until he became a gym leader. several months after they quit, it evolved into a crobat.
chili - fire and ghost. simisear, magmortar, chandelure, cofagrigus, darmanitan, banette
--banette was his starter. cofagrgigus was spawn of ghetsis' own cofagrigus.
cress - water and dark. simipour, krookodile, bisharp, absol, crawdaunt, lapras
--absol was his starter. lapras was one of the pokemon stolen by team plasma and given to him
all three were well versed in ninja tactics, but they each sort of specialized. cilan, obviously, had poisons. chili, despite having the loudest personality (or perhaps because of it), focused on spying and infiltration. and cress specialized in strategy and information gathering (of all kinds........).
their memories pre ghetsis are kinda hazy as a trauma response.
cilan, chili, and cress are not their birth names. they were picked when coming up with their gym leadersonas. however, they grew kinda attached to them and eventually chose to go by them permanently once they're away from ghetsis
however the red, green, blue hair is their natural colors. the white hair of the shadow triad are wigs.
cilan and chili were the ones who were more aware of ghetsis being the worse. cilan just chose to ignore it because what other choice did they have? meanwhile chili would make comments and pick fights with cress over the subject.
which made it all the more shocking to the other two when cress showed up like 'drayden said he was disappointed in me i cant do this anymoreeee'
they are eventually forced into therapy alongside the other harmonia kids.
good luck to that therapist lmao
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litcityblues · 1 year
'Last Argument of Kings' --A Review
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I didn't understand why this trilogy got tagged with the 'grimdark' label until I got to the end of the final book in the trilogy, Last Argument of Kings. I took them more to be a hyper-violent, highly realistic, pulpy, blood-spattered fantasy until we got to the end of this book, and hot damn is it kind of bleak.
I also- freely admit- that I looked ahead at the summaries for the next trilogy in the series (The Age of Madness) and thus spoiled some of it for myself-- but figuring out how it all came together, in the end, was interesting to watch (or to listen to, rather.)
At the end of the last book, our heroes had reached their destination only to find that The Seed they were looking for is no longer there, so faced with no other choice they return home and go their separate ways. Logen returns to the north, Ferro sticks with Bayaz to see if his promise of revenge comes through and Jezal goes back to Ardee West.
In short order, things change rapidly: Jezal is on the verge of resigning his commission to marry Ardee when he's given new orders to go out and put down a peasant uprising. He does this- just in time for the old King of the Union to finally die. With both Crown Princes gone, a succession struggle immediately begins and Glokta is thrown into the middle of it by Archlector Sult, who charges him with making sure the candidate they prefer wins. Bayaz, however, has other ideas and reveals Jezal to be a bastard son of the old King, places him on the Throne, and marries him off to Terez, the daughter of Duke Orso of Styria.
Logen returns to the north and reunited with his crew, offers the Union an alliance to finish off Bethod once and for all. The Northmen bait a trap for him and his armies come and while they're fighting off and waiting for the Union, Marshall Burr, West's mentor and friend finally dies and neither Marshall Polder nor Kroy are going to a damn thing until they find out who is in charge, which leaves the Northmen hanging. Agonizingly, it takes awhile for news to reach Adua and then return but Jezal, now King, gets irritated at his advisors and puts West in charge. West gets the army moving and comes to the aid of Logen and company just in time. Bethod is left besieged in the city of Karlium.
The long hinted-at Gurkish invasion of Middleland begins and before the Union army is pulled from the North, West gives Logen a day to sort the problem of Bethod once and for all-- he defeats the Feared in single combat and kills Bethod and is proclaimed King. He gathers the Northmen willing to go and heads back to fight the Gurkish.
Glokta in the meantime, has been put to work figuring out the true motives behind Bayaz's behavior and plans and doesn't seem to be coming up with anything much at all. He is, however, developing a certain amount of companionship/friendship with Ardee West as both are cynics and completely open with their own foibles and failings and willing to if not forgive each other for them, then certainly understand them. Ardee won't leave, even as the Gurkish begin the siege, and gets caught up with Glokta as things come to a culmination.
I'm going to stop there and give a strong SPOILER ADVISORY from this point on because I have to talk about the end and I don't want to spoil the end of these books for anyone who hasn't read them yet. So, consider this your SPOILER WARNING and SCROLL AWAY.
Okay, the end: this is where I truly brought in to the grimdark of it all. Do the Gurkish win? No, of course not-- but everyone pays a price for it in one way or another in the end. Ardee, pregnant with Jezal's baby, gets married to Glokta and they honestly seem if not the happiest, then certainly the most content at the end. Her brother, West, however, is affected by the wasting sickness unleashed by Ferro and Bayaz's use of the seed against the One Hundred Eaters of the Gurkish- it doesn't seem as widespread as it was when they revealed it was used on the ruined city of Alcus in the far west, but it's still out there.
Jezal's wife, Terez is blackmailed into sleeping with her husband. Jezal, not knowing this, cannot understand her sadness and realizes that he, like the Union is under the thrall of the man behind the curtain himself, Bayaz.
I loved this, because, in fantasy, the powerful wizard tends to be virtuous, if occasionally bad-tempered (see: Gandalf) or powerful with a fondness for drink and not dressing the part (see: Belgarath) but I haven't actually come across a wizard in fantasy that so thoroughly embraces the role of all-powerful manipulative prick as Bayaz does. He's behind everything as it turns out. He is the Bank of Valent and Bolk that lent Glokta a million marks he can't repay. He arranged for Jezal's ascension. He makes it clear to both that they govern and do things the way he wants them done otherwise he's going to come back and he won't be happy about it.
Ferro, forever altered and driven slightly insane by the use of The Seed realizes that she has powers that make her more or less immune to the Eaters and very hard to kill. She sets off south to get her vengeance. (She too, might be the happiest of all the characters.)
Logen, who basically tells Bayaz to take a hike, despite Bayaz's warnings of what will happen if he does, returns home to find that a few people have other ideas about who should be King and winds up bringing the trilogy full circle by crashing through a window and dropping down below into a raging river.
Overall: The Bayaz Heel Turn I did not see coming and honestly, it almost undid the entire trilogy for me. Everything else is fine-- Logen has bad luck and wouldn't make that good of a King anyway. Jezal seems to be heading toward being a competent King- but not all marriages have to be happy, so that felt in keeping with the overall tone of the books. Glokta getting all the power only to find that he can't really use any of it is the perfect ending for that character- and honestly, remains amongst my favorite characters of this trilogy if not in the genre as a while- and his marrying Ardee works too. Even Ferro going off to get her revenge is fine.
But the Bayaz Heel Turn... almost cheapens the entire trilogy. Because what does it all mean if Bayaz has been manipulating everything the whole time? Why should we care? We get hints of Mamoon and Kalool and we don't actually see the big fight we should have seen. Don't get me wrong: it's an interesting subversion of what you usually see in fantasy, so I appreciate it for that- but it doesn't stick the landing. Therefore, I will have to say: My Grade: *** out of ****. (Those are stars, not censored curse words.)
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🎵 Whirling in Rags, 8 AM
4. "I liked that. Good start. Let's take it a step further -- armed uprising. What are the Union's plans?"
+1 Communism
ELIZABETH - "Look -- a comedian." Her expression stiffens. "Do your *job*. Ask your questions. Then get out of Martinaise."
DRAMA [Easy: Success] - Strange. It's as if people don't believe a cop could be a socialist revolutionary.
6. "I should talk to Titus then!" [Leave.]
ELIZABETH - "You should."
Titus is the only one of the Hardie boys we can talk to. Now that it's light, however, we can also look out the window:
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CAFETERIA WINDOW - Behind the dockworkers: a ceiling height window. The hawthorn branches scrape the glass like bony fingers.
INLAND EMPIRE [Challenging: Success] - The men are talking, but you swear you hear those black limbs tap on the window as the wind blows outside.
[Perception (Sight) - Heroic 15] Look out the window.
[Revert your gaze.]
CAFETERIA WINDOW - There's a little slide panel up there, to let some air in. No need to open it in spring. It's still too cold outside.
INLAND EMPIRE - You're not so sure about that. Somehow you just *know* -- there's something out there, behind the glass.
2. "There's something out there."
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SHANKY - "Yeah -- your mother."
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - It's not a very good mother-joke, but the room still laughs. Something about those mother-jokes just *works*.
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3. [Perception (Sight) - Heroic 15] Look out the window.
-12 It's not time yet. +1 Inland told you... +1 Mysterious door seen.
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Against all odds, we roll boxcars.
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Heroic: Success] - Nothing. Even though you *know* you should see it -- you don't. Just branches like black tangles of hair. Motionless. The wind in the yard doesn't reach the hawthorn. Maybe come back later and you can try again?
INLAND EMPIRE [Trivial: Success] - It wasn't time yet. You have to know of the girl... Return when you know more.
3. [Revert your gaze.]
Let's talk to Titus.
New task: Interrogate the vigilantes
TITUS HARDIE - "This is where you say your bit." A broad-shouldered man points at you with a beer can.
AUTHORITY [Medium: Success] - He's used to giving orders and having them obeyed immediately. You should not indulge him.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Detective." The lieutenant acknowledges you with a sharp note. He's leaving it to you.
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Medium: Success] - Precinct 57th's finest scans the room, leaving the speaking to you: He trusts you -- maybe against his better judgement, but he does.
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notsocheezy · 2 months
Brain Curd #133
Brain Curds are lightly edited flash fiction - practically first drafts - posted daily (haven't missed one yet!) and sometimes written with the express intention of being terrible… but, you know, in an endearing way. Please like and reblog if you enjoy - the notes keep me going!
“Alright candidates, your next challenge is an oldie but a goodie. The situation is this: ‘West Dakota’ has seceded from the Union and you must find some way to bring them back. President Trump, your handicaps from the previous rounds are still in effect.”
Trump stood at his podium wearing a kennel cone on his neck, his left hand tied behind his back. “This is an unbelievable humiliation, folks.”
“And the same is true for you, too, President Biden.”
Joe had a very long dowel attached to a hard hat strapped to his head, precariously balanced on top of which was a bowl of Corn Pops - with milk. “I can take it, Jack. Bring on the fire.”
The host, whose name was not ‘Jack’, but rather Alton Brown, clapped his hands. “Your time starts… now!”
Trump limped to his replica of the Oval Office, trying not to think about the rock in his shoe, and sat at the desk. He immediately picked up the phone. “Get me the governor of West Dakota!”
Biden sat at his own replica - slowly so as not to spill the cereal - and hit the intercom button. “Jill, can you send in my diplomatic advisors?”
“What do you mean he’s not picking up?” Trump fumed. “No, no, that’s an excuse! You’re fired!”
Biden and his advisors discussed options quietly. As a reflex, he nodded at what one of them said, which of course spilled milk on the desk. As per the rules, he had to clean it up before continuing, so Kamala brought him a roll of paper towels.
“Hand it to the other guy then! What do you mean there is no other guy?” Trump looked over at Biden’s Oval Office and saw that they were making progress. He growled and got up from his chair, stumbling around looking for something. “Aha! Take that, Sleepy Joe! I found a sabotage chip!”
Alton addressed the camera. “I will take this opportunity to remind the American people that a sabotage chip can be redeemed for a surprise inconvenience to inflict on his opponent.”
“Host man! Host man! Mr. host man!” Trump waved the chip around in the air. “I want Joe to have to do a crossword puzzle!”
Alton took the chip from Trump’s greasy hand. “Pleasure making a deal with you, sir. President Biden, before you continue, you must complete today’s New York Times crossword.”
A production assistant placed the newspaper and a pencil in front of the octogenarian.
“Oh, hell. I can barely read this…”
“Ha! Take that, grandpa!” Trump said moments before throwing out his back and yelping as he fell to the floor.
Biden put on his reading glasses. “What in God’s name is a six letter word for tomato?”
Alton made an aside to the audience as he washed his hands. “This is actually not the New York Times crossword, but rather a prank puzzle cooked up by our writers. Some questions are so easy, they’re hard not to overthink.”
Trump crawled back into his chair and picked the phone back up. “I want to talk to my war guys. The war guys! You know what I mean! They’re genius at war - those guys! Almost as smart as me. Get them on the phone!”
Biden chewed on the eraser end of his pencil as he looked over all the clues. His head tilted forward a bit and the bowl spilled more milk.
Trump pulled a sheet of paper from his desk and began reading the numbers from it to the person at the other end of the phone. “I’m in charge so don’t argue with me, okay? Okay. What? I can’t hear so good from this ear after a few weeks ago…”
“Candidates, you have two minutes remaining on the clock.”
Trump smirked and leaned back in his chair. “I’m done!”
Alton looked at him, puzzled. “But you haven’t even talked to the governor yet.”
“I think he’ll get the message.”
An emergency alert siren played over the studio intercom. “This is not a test. Nuclear arms have been deployed against territory of the United States.”
“What?!?” Alton shook the PA. “Is that real?!?”
“I don’t think that’s one of our recordings…”
“How was he able to do that? He’s not even President right now!”
Trump wore a shit-eating grin. “I’m just that good, Mr. host man.”
Biden was deep in thought. “Tomato… tomato…”
Alton thought of how he might never see his family again. A deep wave of sadness, anger, and confusion crashed over him, eroding everything away but his TV persona. He turned to the camera.
“This has been the first ever - and I suppose, last ever - Cutthroat Debate Stage. Thank you for tuning in. So long, America.”
The feed went black.
Thanks to @charlesoberonn for the, uh, "prompt," and shout-out to @wilty-lettuce-brain for encouraging me.
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itskristal · 3 months
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<<Hey, I'm back.
I went after Kurt like I promised. He had fallen down the Well, and a Slowpoke was guarding him. I didn't expect there to be so many Rockets down there, but they were all talking about 'business' and 'profits' and none of them were even helping Kurt. Some of them were even laughing at him, and one of the grunts was preparing to attack the guardian Slowpoke...
Still, the Slowpoke stood his ground like a royal knight, protecting Kurt--I'd never seen one act like that. And I don't really know what happened next, but we started battling against the grunts together. Me, my team, and this Slowpoke, our little prince of the Well.
Even while we battled, I was scared. I kept thinking about Trouble, but I was also afraid to lose Kurt, especially after all he's done for me. I couldn't go through that again, and we all just kept fighting. Until we reached the final two Rockets. I could tell they were the leaders of this group, but I had no choice but to challenge them, especially since we came so far.
The first leader attacked before we were even ready, and his Elekid knocked out Prince Slowpoke with a Thundershock. I would have switched Pokemon right away, but he was just too quick and not playing fair. I was able to switch in Fabian the Sandshrew, but then he was frozen completely solid by the leader's Smoochum. Thanks to Minerva's quick attacks, we were able to defeat his team before anything else happened. But we couldn't rest, because the second leader demanded a battle as well...
Battling the second leader felt...off. I don't know how to describe it...it's like he wasn't really there? Like some sort of crackling projection or hologram...but his Pokemon were very real. And when he sent out Houndour as his last Pokemon, I immediately thought of Trouble's Growlithe encounter back in Union Cave, and I just started shaking. It felt like I couldn't breathe...
I was the one who fainted. The last thing I remember is Lumi and Sunny popping out of their Balls and evolving into Flaaffy and Skiploom...
I'm at Kurt's now. I just tucked Maizie into bed. They said that Lumi and Sunny finished off the second leader, who apparently goes by Proton, according to the grunts. The first leader, the one with all the baby Pokemon...his name is Eto. Proton and Eto. (Before the police could get there, both Proton and Eto already disappeared. Figures.)
Fabian, Prince, and Kurt were rushed to a Pokemon Center, and I sent the rest of the team over for a rest. According to the Joy there, Kurt is stable, and Fabian just woke up. Prince hasn't moved yet, and I can tell that Joy already knows. He's gone. My brave little protector, gone. Just like that. We couldn't have battled out of the Well without him...
When people like me go on their trainer journeys, do awful things like this always happen? I've read so many stories, watched so many shows...and nobody ever talks about losing anybody. Or the way it makes you hurt. I feel like there's gigantic holes in my heart. Do they heal?
Maizie's asleep now. I don't want to keep going if it keeps hurting like this.
Sorry this got so long. I don't want to wake up Mom, Dad's on a boat somewhere, I feel like I have no one to talk to, so I just keep typing stuff. I'm going to Ilex to sit for a while.
I've got a lot to think about.>>
[PRINCE (Slowpoke) - Electrocuted during battle against Rocket Eto's Elekid in Slowpoke Well. DEATH SAVING THROWS - 16 (✔️), 2 (❌), 8 (❌), and 4 (❌)]
[FABIAN (Sandshrew) - Frozen solid during battle against Rocket Eto's Smoochum in Slowpoke Well. DEATH SAVING THROWS - 13 (✔️), 18 (✔️), and 19 (✔️)]
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theculturedmarxist · 2 years
Putin delivered his annual report to the Duma, Russia’s analogue to the US State of the Union, at noon Moscow time. It was delayed from its typical year end slot due to Putin having a raft of important international meetings then. Some Western commentators are oddly referring to the timing as three days before the anniversary of the Special Military Operation, when it is the anniversary of Putin’s speech on February 21, 2022, in which after a very long preamble, he proclaimed:
I consider it necessary to take a long overdue decision and to immediately recognise the independence and sovereignty of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic.
The US and Europe launched their economic war against Russia, with their shock and awe sanctions, on February 22, before Putin gave his February 24 speech announcing the launch of the SMO.
I normally prefer to work from Kremlin transcripts, since as Alexander Mercouris points out, Russian has subtleties than can be marred in a live or rushed translation, and the official English Kremlin version will most accurately reflect what Putin intended to convey. However, the EU’s Josep Borrell and NATO’s Jens Stoltenberg are holding a joint press conference NATO Sec Gen Jens Stoltenberg with Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba on the heels of Putin’s speech, so they will be working from live translations. And recall also that Mercouris called out a raft of Western officials and the press hyperventilating over what they depicted as China presenting a peace plan later this week, when as Mercouris pointed out, all China said it was doing was presenting a position paper. So as usual, it will be important to watch for cherry picking or other misconstruing of what Putin said * * *
Western hawks and combat junkies must have been enormously frustrated by Putin’s 1 hour 45 minute talk. Even though he discussed the war in Ukraine, and the impact of the war permeated his speech, he announced no new battlefield initiatives, and stuck to reprising old themes: how Russia did everything it could to prevent the war, how the West ignored neo-Nazi assassinations and reprisals, how Russia saw Kiev seeking heavy weapons, planes, and even nuclear weapons. Putin stressed that Western leaders have admitted to their treacherous behavior as if they are proud of cheating and lying, are accustomed to colonialism and hegemony, and played similar deceptive games in Libya and Syria. Russia recognized the next target after Donbass would be Crimea, as the West has acknowledged.
Putin’s one big move on the geopolitical front came at the end of his remarks, that Russia would suspend its participation in the START treaty. This should come as no surprise to Russia-watchers. Putin reiterated the Russian grievances: the US had been withdrawing from treaties and operating in a more openly hostile manner, while in the earlier phases of security agreements, the US and Russia had developed more trust. Specifically, the US was not allowing Russia to inspect US facilities yet was demanding Russia do so. Putin also pointed out that nuclear armed France and UK were outside these pacts, yet had their weapons aimed at Russia (the official translation may be clearer on this issue, but it was clear in context that Putin was pointing out they were acting as US operatives and just inspecting US facilities, even if that were on, now seemed inadequate).
The speech was mainly what I call “pothole Putin”. Putin seems to genuinely relish exercising power in comparatively mundane ways: launching new programs that improve material conditions or security and getting them completed. Perhaps this is a bureaucrat’s version of edifice complex. Perhaps it’s because more elements are under his control and with realistic time frames and competent officials, the odds of success are pretty good.
But the many many plans that Putin described each by each might not seem that significant, all together they represent a substantial commitment to invest in science, technology and education, transportation, housing, hospitals and schools, to manage the impact of the war, from integrated programs for veterans and families of the fallen to reconstruction in the liberated oblasts, to supporting the arts and culture. Putin was explicit that Russia, particularly its elite, had been seduced into thinking the West offered opportunity and security. Even though he noted that ordinary Russians shed no tears for oligarchs who’d had funds and property seized by the US and the EU, and if they decided to remain outside Russia, they’d be second class citizens, he said there would be no witch hunts. He encouraged them to come back to Russia and rebuild.
Mind you, as a non-Russian, I do not know to what extent the raft of initiatives are new, versus extensions and improvements of existing programs. For instance, Putin mentioned meeting target to have all major roads upgraded to national standards, IIRC by 2025; this was an affirmation that an existing target would be met. Ditto another on school building. But most sounded new or upgraded. And they might sound hand-wavey if you hadn’t read the public portions of Putin’s meetings with senior staff. This seems to be the level of detail he uses for directives: a high level sketch with some discussion of key points and problems to be solved.
Putin mentioned up the impact on the rest of the world: the paltry spending on poor countries versus the amounts deployed in Ukraine, a dig at Borrell for depicting the world outside the US/NATO garden as a jungle. But he was clearly speaking mainly to a home audience and stressed the intent of the West end Russia as a country. Despite foreign leaders now casually admitting to those designs, many of the usual media suspects have taken to depicting that part of his talk as the sole/major focus and yet another Russian conspiracy theory. For instance, from the BBC:
President Putin’s speech today was full of patriotic bluster.
The Kremlin leader once again portrayed his country as the victim, claiming it was the West, and not Russia, that had started the war in Ukraine. Russia, said the president, was just trying to stop it.
He reeled off a long list of historical grievances, before announcing that Russia would be suspending its participation in a key nuclear weapons agreement with America.
Ironically, once you get past the Daily Mail headline (US slams ‘absurdity’ of Putin’s national address as Vladimir says Russia will no longer participate in nuclear arms treaty and accuses the West of starting Ukraine war in bid to spark global conflict and achieve ‘limitless power’), the opening para is not too bad:
President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday vowed to continue with Russia’s year-long war in Ukraine and accused the U.S.-led NATO alliance of fanning the flames of the conflict in the mistaken belief that it could defeat Moscow in a global confrontation. Addressing Russian lawmakers in his annual state-of-the-nation address (shown left), he claimed Russia had tried ‘everything possible’ to avoid conflict, before he launched his invasion of Ukraine on February 24. He said he was addressing them ‘at a time which we all know is a difficult’ and vowed to ‘systematically’ continue with the offensive in Ukraine. His speech comes days before the war in Ukraine passes the one-year mark on Friday. Putin ordered his forces into the country on February 24, 2022 in what he calls a ‘special military operation’ instead of a war. Since then, tens of thousands of men have been killed, and Putin, 70, now says Russia is locked in an existential battle with the West. The address came the day after US president Joe Biden made a surprise visit to Kyiv to meet Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky
Putin paid considerable attention to the effects of the war and what the government would do in response. He had a very long section early on thanking the many who had contributed, from children writing to soldiers at the front and pensioners donating to war foundations, to military priests, doctors and medics, construction workers, factory employees working extra shifts, and even journalists going to the front. He also stressed how well Russia had adapted “on the fly” with business and construction lending up more (and more than in 2021 v.2020), banks in the black, unemployment at a record low at 3.7%, GDP down only by 2.1% and inflation expected to reach 4% by second quarter 2023. He particularly praised the productivity of the agricultural sector, with exports hitting a level that would have seemed inconceivable 10 to 15 years ago.
But Putin’s plans are ambitious, for wholesale reorientation and improvement. He said that Russia had fallen in with the Western short-term economic model which resulted in focusing unduly on commodities. Putin wants Russia to focus more on what economists would call value added, with aggressive investment across the board: the development of new logistics corridors and investment in Black Sea and polar shipping, in basic R&D, in vocational schools, in medicine and pharmaceuticals, electronics, nuclear, construction, and administration. He also called a wide range of new schemes, from stronger deposit insurance and pension protections, better access of small companies to capital markets, subsidized loans to encourage factory building, housing subsidies for young scientists, tax breaks for companies that use Russian IT and electronics, modernization of primary health care, free gas for kindergartens and hospitals….and more.
Putin stressed that Russia has everything it needs. His vision is not quite autarky; he expects Russia to trade. But he want to develop internal capabilities across the board so Russia can be more self reliant and self sufficient.
Putin implicitly presented the war as something Russians can manage with effort and some individual sacrifice, as opposed to have dominate their society. And so far, that is how it is shaking out.
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vitrines · 1 year
one more space ausunship story
once again from my au here, about 700 words, kind of an epilogue
   They find a house on a lake.
   Things have changed, in the years since they met. Aimsey still flies, of course: he doesn’t think he could go without it. It helps him breathe, sometimes, when the memories of his brother and the Academy come back, and GUQ holding him close in the late afternoon sun as she naps isn’t enough to dispel the shadows. GUQ understands. She usually comes on the trips, too, checking the simplified AI they’d gotten as replacement and poking fun at it until Aimsey laughs so hard he cries, and then he forgets about the Academy and just burrows himself into GUQ’s side as they hurtle through the stars together.
   It is, all things considered, surprisingly easy to steal a spaceship. The Thrush is quite firmly Aimsey’s. Nobody from H.E.L.L has come looking for it, which is probably helped by the fact that they’ve been staggering in the face of the union membership spike. Their monopoly is fragmenting. Aimsey sits in front of the TV and laughs maniacally sometimes, and GUQ feels thankful that they don’t have any close neighbors. When she’s feeling inspired, she’ll dig through her knowledge base and talk about union and company history, and Aimsey will listen close as a hawk and think about kissing her. 
   But the house. It’s quite lovely. A bedroom with a lake view and skylight, and the morning sun filters in so well through the far wall, a rousing curtain raise beautifully complimented by the sunset view at the end of the day. They fill the room with plants and curtains, small knickknacks from their travels. A screw from Outer Rings Base Gamma, where they’d dropped off the supplies that first time, where it all had started. Wooden utensils from New South Union. A handmade poster from Outer Rings Base Delta, the farthest they’ve traveled so far. (Neither of them are jumping to try the new, farther light jumps, from which nobody has yet come back. They could be safe. But although Aimsey is a ship pilot, he’s not stupid.)
   Various colors and oddities dance before Aimsey’s eyes. It’s very late at night. Moonlight is shining through the skylight, and GUQ, sitting in bed next to Aimsey, is watching the moon while Aimsey half pays attention to a book. He waits, for ten minutes, and then nudges her with his elbow. 
   “Guqqie,” he says. He’s taken to calling her that, sometimes. It’s not a nickname, more an extension of her name, but both of them treat it the same way someone might take baby or sweetheart. Ooh. They’re both big fans of sweetheart, and darling, and love, and a few others. They like taking turns making each other blush. It has been years. And yet every time they are reminded of how lucky they got, it all hits like a light jump.
   “Do you miss the moon?” She considers for a bit, shifting back down into the pillows, and Aimsey drops his book and curls against her, leaning onto his side. His hand finds hers, and she laces her fingers with his, placing her hand gently on top on the bed. 
   “I miss before the merge,” she says quietly. It’s hard for GUQ, having the knowledge of everything all at once. The aftereffects of a merge are still being discovered, and she has violent headaches sometimes. “But not the moon. There’s nothing there for me.” Aimsey tilts his head.
   “It looks pretty.”
   “Not from on the Moon,” she says wryly, squeezing his hand. She pauses. “Aimsey.”
   “Mm. Yeah?”
   “We made it.” Aimsey smiles immediately, as he always does when he remembers. 
   “We did.”
   “I don’t need the Moon,” GUQ murmurs. “I just need you to not get sick of me. Ever.” Aimsey laughs.
   “I wouldn’t worry about that, love,” he smiles. “If anything, you’ll get bored of me.” GUQ looks serious. 
   “No,” she says. “No. That won’t happen. Trust me.”
   Aimsey loves the swoop in his stomach when he sends a ship spiraling. And he loves this just equally, this easy, quiet life, this joy from simple things. Staying up late, taking naps together, traveling and resting and loving. He knows something now that his younger, angrier self didn’t know. Neither of them are gods. They’re both so wonderfully human. And thank God for that. 
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acourtofthought · 2 years
I, too, find this theory bizarre because A) how would Koschei have done that and 2) why would e/riel be a threat to him?
Maeve is the only character who’s messed with a bone, and she did that by breaking into other fae’s minds, with extraordinary skill. Nothing about Koschei is even remotely similar? While we don’t know much about Vassa and the others he has trapped, we know he hasn’t messed with their minds because Vassa is very much aware of him, what he’s doing, and actively working against him/to free herself. If Koschei were messing with Elain, Azriel and Lucien, they why wouldn’t he have a tighter grip on Vassa, too? Why would he allow her to plot and scheme, and live with the BoE? Feysand showed that the mating bond cannot be destroyed, nor even messed with in ACOMF/ACOWAR. If the very present, strong smelling Elucien bond were fraudulent, that would be an extraordinary work of magic which would have surfaced/been tied to Koschei in other parts of the story. But as it stands, it’s just Vassa and the girls at the lake. Brillyan was the one hoodwinking others, and very clearly so. There’s nothing to support the feasibility of Koschei messing with or faking a mating bond. Koschei cursed vassa =/= he’s instilled a fake mating bond for elucien.
And then two, what, exactly, is so threatening about E/riel? We already know Az either doesn’t trust or doesn’t allow Elain to put herself in danger. So how could their pairing be a threat to anyone? Oh no, the spymaster and his lover who he keeps secrets from and doesn’t allow to participate in grave tasks! We’re done for! I’ve seen this theory before (as backstory for how E/riel will get a rowaelin retelling despite the fact that elucien already have it) and it’s just so unserious. E/riel is not a pairing who’ve shown that they can and would work together—and by work together, I mean actually work against Koschei together. Elain couldn’t have given a shit about Azriel’s bloody and broken wings in ACOWAR, Azriel couldn’t have given a shit about her desire to find the trove in ACOSF, and both of them have not shown that they can communicate openly with each other. The closest they got was when Elain said “please” when Azriel tilted her head up in the bonus. Outside of that? Casual jokes, conversations about the garden and…that’s it. Not exactly the type of intimacy a unit would need in combat/on a mission. Certainly not the intimacy we’ve seen in Feysand, Nessian, The Valkyries, hell even Feyre and Lucien were more open with each other immediately after Feyre destroyed the spring court and they were on the run from Lucien’s brothers. Can we be so for real—E/riel have displayed absolutely NOTHING to even hint that their union would or could mean the end for Koschei.
🧼💖 and bc I just cannot ✋🏾
Happy Holidays 🧼💖!!! Are you celebrating with family tomorrow? I was happy to see your tag this morning. I find it a bit baffling when people claim Elain and Az have had all sorts of deep, connecting conversations with one another behind the scenes. A. Why would that make any sense? For them to have these moments that prove they've been falling in love when we, the readers, aren't even witness to those moments? That's the entire point of a romance story, is it not? To fall in love at the same time as the couple. B. If that's the theory they're subscribing too then couldn't we say the exact same about Elucien? That all those times Feyre mentioned she was leaving them alone to "talk", they had a conversation about how she just needs time but after she "sows" her wild oats a bit they'll revisit the idea of their bond? That she told Lucien that she's not ready for anything serious just yet and to give her time? Of course I don't think that happened but we could literally make anything up about what went down "behind the scenes" to suit our narrative. Because if that were the case, Elain wouldn't still be hesitant around Lucien and she also wouldn't be shy or have her hands shaking around Azriel. He wouldn't have mentioned that he purposely avoids spending time with her. He wouldn't have commented that she has no idea the things he does. I don't think anything major has happened off page and the things we need to know right now are the things that we've been able to read about. And you made SUCH a good point. Az has never shown any interest in training Elain, encouraging her to handle dangerous situations, etc. Even Cassian was trying to get Nesta to train as early as ACOWAR. Have we ever seen Az suggest that for Elain? And what exactly do Elain and Azriel offer together that would be a threat to Koschei? Spying on him and torturing information out of him? There's nothing about that pairing that jointly creates a concern for him. And I know Koschei made that comment that "he's spent so many months preparing for you" but to me that is less about Azriel then Cassian ( considering Koschei then says "You fell for it rather easily, though you took your time making contact. I thought you'd rush in for the kill, brute that you are" and then he seizes locks up Cassian's muscles so Briallyn can take him. Then he lets Az free. So to me, Azriel never really had anything to do with Koschei. It was always about grabbing Cassian to use against Nesta. At this point, the connection to Koschei is Vassa which leads to Lucien which leads to Elain based on all the hints in SF. Yet E/riels will create an entire storyline to make it about Elain and Az when there are ZERO hints that they together have ties to Koschei while ignoring the text that it's actually Elucien.
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vhgr · 1 year
pst, tell us about alicent. what drives her? what motivates her? how broke in her when she had to listen to damn otto making her cosy up with viserys? and how does she feel about rhaenyra after that?
so i actually rewrote this twice and both times i stopped at about the same length. problem is, i have different points to make so lets start with the smallest. i think above all alicent wants peace and freedom. being a queen, running a realm, ruling alongside someone, i think that's more of a result than a desire which she personally chased. she takes her responsibilities seriously, and that made her a good queen, adored by the people and respected by many but again, that never drove nor motivated her.
i think what alicent wants, in her core, underneath the layer of need for freedom and peace, is belonging. i think alicent seeks... union, i suppose. not specifically in marriage, i think ideally alicent wouldn't marry. but union as family, as a pact, as friendship. this is what makes her stick to otto, even if what he asked made her feel betrayed*. this is why, even though rhaenyra was once a sanctuary for her, alicent slowly let rhaenyra go. alicent is not a person who can forgive unconditionally. rhaenyra turned her back to alicent, lied to her, during a time which alicent needed her. rhaenyra's attitude through the years made alicent feel more trapped than she already was. but in the end rhaenyra is not her family, she's not her blood. i think a part of her will always long for her, but their fall through was not her doing, by her own reckoning. so there's a strange mix of yearning, betrayal and bitterness, a bridge alicent no longer cares to mend (yes even if in the show we see alicent try to make amends, i don't share that view anymore) after what happened to aemond. and tied to this, i think what alicent could never forgive of otto, was pushing her into a loveless marriage. sure there's respect and affection between her and viserys, but there isn't love. not in the way alicent would like. i'll briefly quote net!witcher here, even though i loathe it, but there's a line which goes 'i wanted to be important to someone'. i think alicent wants to feel like she counts. but viserys, in later years, never showed her that she counts, never showed that their children count. i think that, above all, is the biggest thorn in alicent's side. and i think that is what fuels her, above all else. to survive, to guard her family; and by family, i mean her children. any other personal need or desire evaporates when it comes to aegon, or helaena (or daeron, even tho we haven't seen him yet).
she's come to an age where that is her sole motivation. if someone threatens them, she's not above biting back. if imprisonment meant they'd be safe, she doesn't care for her own freedom. princess rhaenys at some point asks her, do you ever imagine yourself sitting on the iron throne? alicent's answer is presumably no and we're supposed to shun her for that. why? why should lack of hunger for power be a flaw or something to scorn? alicent isn't looking to serve or be the pawn of anyone.
and i'd also like to point out that alicent may be defined by her sense of responsibility, but duty is not her motivation. it's an aspect of who she is, but it's not what drives her.
*alicent understood immediately the nature of what otto asked. but you have to remember that, essentially, otto is her only kin within arm's reach. we never see her interact with her brother or talk about him and her mother died when she was young; we often feel like we owe things to our parents, we feel as though they're our protection, the only people we can depend on, our shield against the world. even if alicent disagreed with what otto was planning, she couldn't oppose him. because despite everything, he's her father. and i think part of her always wanted to believe that otto wanted what was best for her, that he loved her, that he wanted to protect her. if she begins to genuinely doubt that and shed it, what point do her sacrifices have? what's the point of what she's done, of her life? does it all go down the drain as one person's poisonously ambitions plans? she can't and will not accept that.
[ i'd like to make one last note in praise of ser criston cole. why you may ask. well, because, although much like otto and rhaenyra he has also committed his own kind of betrayal, he perfectly fulfills what alicent wants and needs in a way that's platonical and no ties to romance or attraction, just to showcast how it can happen with a relationship of different nature. criston sticks by alicent; defends her, protects both her and her children. you have higher expectations from people who aren't your family because no blood binds you; where rhaenyra failed, criston succeeded in relation to alicent. i thought it'd be good to point out since i talked about other dynamics between alicent and different people all in link to her motivations and her perception of them based on that. criston is in no way perfect; but he honours their bond. unlike otto, but he's her father and she can't shun him. unlike rhaenyra, who pushed her away. unlike viserys, who for the love of god calls her aemma and addresses rhaenyra as his only child. ]
people can say that it's a selfish motivation, wanting to feel important. but alicent is not a creature of solitude who thinks or wants to tread through the world alone. and as long as you seek relationships with other people, you'll expect them to treat you like you account for some to them. as a partner, as a friend, anything.
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deathbounded · 2 years
How the FUCK did I not realise you were vargorsol’s alt HFJSKKFNSNFND,,, call me a Margulis kinnie ig bc damn am I fucking blind
Due to some Personal History™️ I have with a very similar concept from an ANCIENT scrapped fic, I am kinda obsessed with Raisal’s whole Deal of. Yknow. Very Specific Parental Baggage©️. Ballas doing the old “bippity bild I am going to abandon my biological child”. The ✨Trauma✨. You know how it is
In other words want to learn more about her >:((( give us the lore. go ABSOLUTELY nuts if you feel like it I will be patiently waiting!! oc infodumps my beloved <3 (speaking of which i will get round to talking abt my little guys in response to that one ask u sent… some day… maybe……)
hehe this ask made me so happy when i saw it, thank you for asking about raisal! i appreciate it a lot C: 💜 (if you also have ballas/margulis child, they should meet up and unionize against ballas to pay for their therapy or something idk)
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there she is!
anyways. raisal lore dump incoming.
[cw: implied child neglect and emotional abuse]
raisal was unplanned and lived primarily with margulis given a) the vague covertness of margulis and ballas's relationship and b) ballas's general disinterest in children (he was mostly just awkward around her and somewhat (very) blatantly jealous over the attention she got from margulis).
when the zariman children were recovered and margulis's attention diverts nearly wholly to them, raisal wasn't unused to being left on her own: margulis had always been busy with her archimedian duties and ballas is generally literal and emotional unavailable, so she spent a good amount of time on her own or with adults who don't care as much about her emotional. but raisal wasn't able to process well why margulis was spending so much more time at work especially with other children!! who she calls her children too!! "but i’m her only child!! >:OOO" and became resentful of the tenno for "stealing" margulis's attention away from her.
...in her defense she was like 6; she's doing her best.
rather than bringing this up - cause, y’know, orokin are culturally emotionally repressed - she thinks “the only way to spend time with my mother is if i play into the things she cares about” and never brings anything up, so margulis didn't really know about this issue (but if she did she’d totally 100% do something to address it).
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enjoy the one scrap of raisal writing i have atm <;:)
when margulis is executed for trying to protect the tenno, it just cements this resentment (raisal knows that margulis doesn’t blame the tenno for it; she wouldn’t want her to either. yet she does, and she feels guilt for it), and she’s very, very repressed about it.
rather than abandoning her after margulis's execution, ballas takes raisal in out of a "this is the last piece of margulis i have i have to make sure Nothing Bad Happens To It" mindset (raisal looks very similar to margulis). which uh. doesn’t lead to a great parenting style; he's both overprotective and emotionally distant, which is a rough time for anyone, especially a child! basically any time he realizes he *gasp* cares for his literal child, he slams the breaks and immediately backpedals.
he also weaponizes raisal's resentment towards the tenno and her attachment to margulis in order to manipulate her into cooperating with his revenge plans, part of it involving contributing to her isolation from others (i say contributes because the stigma of having a parent executed by the jade light and your guardian being an executor makes most people wary to interact with you in the first place), so she's pretty dependent on ballas. plus, since he's one of the executors, so she never even considers running away.
ballas pushes her to become an archimedean, partially to have an insider on the archimedeans and partially so he can influence what gets designed. she later gets the "honor" of having access to continuity - which she drags her feet over as long as she can. so I guess she is blueish?? (i am not a fan of this and neither is she) she does not have a long are Because I Said So. realistically? something along the lines of "i look like margulis who the tenno are attached to, therefore maintaining the resemblance as much as possible will be of great...diplomatic advantage." i also headcanon that once a yuvan is chosen they then modify them to resemble their old body (when it was younger ofc) as much or as little as they want. which is my explanation as to why she still retails her resemblance to margulis.
i'm...not actually sure what raisal's research focus would be, but i do know she has expertise in transference research, infestation, and sentients. she has a pressure to excel at anything she picks up though, largely from orokin societal pressure.
her timeline during the old war is pretty much one big shrug aside from this, but at some point raisal researches into hybridizing sentient and infestation technologies (among other things), and starts prototyping a vessel capable for withstanding long-term deep void exposures (with the vague intention of craft a vessel capable of enduring a trip to a far-away system, not necessarily tau).
when the collapse hits, ballas takes her to this spacecraft and locks her in it in the void (it has a reliquary drive; he fucked with it & the ship's cephalon's precepts so the ship is virtually immobile) and from there she's kept on an information diet by ballas - basically she has no idea what's going on in the origin system other than what he tells her (unreliable source time, baby!).
she always had some amount of doubt regarding ballas's actions, doubts that were drawn into stark relief when he brainwashed natah which developed into feeling a need to do reparations for them. during her time trapped in the void she starts researching a transference bolt modification that could restore some semblance of sentience to a warframe. she's never able to quite verify its success though, given her limited resource access.
following this point, i have two main timelines for her:
one where she takes the lotus's place as guide/leader to the tenno, post apostasy prologue (the margulis constant)
in the other, she crosses over into the canon timeline after shit goes sideways in her own (the fold invariant) fun fact: when i was explaining a certain aspect of it to my friend, it made them remark “this fandom seems ridiculously mean to its characters” which. yeah.
there's also a secret third timeline where ballas's an actually good parent a la tiny-chubby-bird's fic but uh. tbh i haven't though about this much. maybe i should.
her attitude towards the tenno throughout all timelines goes from a wary, holding them at arm's length one to an *exasperated sigh in older sibling* one. they also keep giving her harrow chassis blueprints. why do you keep giving me these please i can't make any research progress if you keep only giving me harrow chassis blueprints.
anyways that's the gist of the raisal lore atm. there's definitely a lot that needs to be fleshed out more, especially timeline/old war era wise, but yeah!! feel free to ask any questions!! :D also here is her playlist if feel so inclined to peruse.
name trivia: "raisal" is from the yiddish name raisel, which is in turn derived from the yiddish word for rose! this was to parallel margulis being from a jewish word for "pearl." i wanted a name with flower meaning in reference to the lotus. i don't know where ballas's name is from, the closest i ever got was an austronesian word for "revenge" which. hm!
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dilesxpressions · 8 months
Laila Mae Canosa
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
Name Laila Mae Canosa Year 5th Year Major Human Biology with a minor in psychology Hometown Union City, California
2. What’s your roman empire?
My boyfriend, Thomas hehe
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
I remember running into my life skills teacher at Walmart with my dad and she was telling him how much of a wonderful person I am and how much I inspire others. She was so kind and was like a grandma to me - I miss her.
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
Drama and Maitreyi Ramakrishan from Never Have I Ever because we are both unhinged and chaotic af.
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
Watch the sunset on top of the parking structure! I still haven’t done this yet so if you’re down, lets get some food and boba and chill!
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
Bee and Puppycat - a very cute an
7. What are your bad habits?
Burping very loudly, cleaning my ears with Q-tips, not fixing my bed, and leaving my clothes on the floor.
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
“Another day goes by And where was I? Didn't think I'd still be here”
From the song Young by Vacations
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
Sonny Angels are weird like c’mon a naked baby that’s lowkey pedo type shit like what the actual ef. Pleaaseee. Collect something more idk, uhhh not weird. Like plushies. And like at least give them some clothes brooooo.
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
When it came to being National Delegate, it was a very difficult decision. It was genuinely something that I wanted to do. I like the idea of being able to represent my chapter and make decisions that can best improve Alpha Phi Omega, but, I was saddened that I had to go all by myself, literally immediately the term that I came back after being inactive for about two years. The thing that made it so difficult was that my parents were highly against me going. I would list out all the pros of me holding the position but they still did not want me to do it. I had a fight with my dad over it the week before both mine and his birthday because he was angry at how adamant I was on going. I had to promise them that I wouldn’t leave the convention venu nor the hotel because I know they would be checking my location frequently. Despite these obstacles, I loved the experience. It felt very rewarding to be a part of something so much bigger than myself and the chapter. I also made some really good friends, some that I know will be lifelong friends - one of them already probably knows more things about me than some of my closest friends. It was such a good experience and I know that I would do it again if I had the chance. My new friends and I have already agreed on going to the 100th year anniversary National Convention in Philadelphia which I’m actually super excited about. I hope that more people can go even if it’s not as a national delegate. I’m also happy to talk to anyone about the experience.
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