#and yes the flowers are forget-me-nots and white lilies
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crismakesstuff · 16 days ago
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“What could he do? Should’ve been a rock star. But he didn’t have the money for a guitar
What could he do? Should’ve been a politician. But he never had a proper education
What could he do? Should’ve been a father. But he never even made it to his twenties”
Rex Splode : The Hanged Man
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literatureloverx · 27 days ago
I went to the church where I was baptized on my grandma's birthday and look how pretty the flowers were. I love nature but flowers are such interesting and beautiful creations^^, by far my most favorite thing in the world is looking at them or reading about them(I do have a hard time recalling about what I read, not remembering things is a regular occurrence to me, unfortunately:-/). Also random fact but I was baptized 3 weeks after I was born, which to me is still very crazy to know.
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Anyway, What's you favorite/s flowers? Mine is plain and simple jasmine flowers, hibiscus and forget-me-nots. They're such pretty flowers. Jasmine and hibiscus comes with different kind of lovely appearances, jasmine flowers is one of my favorite smell and though I would love to smell hibiscus flowers(not that I haven't) but unfortunately they're mostly scentless😞.
P.S I might actually be Lilia Vanrouge at this point cause: short height+ long hair turn short+ pale+ vampire thing
From your fav vamp baby(which I'm probably the only vamp baby you have)—🧛🏻‍♀️🫀
Yes, you are my only baby vampire. And the only vampire, for that matter.���️
Your story is quite entertaining, and I find flowers very satisfying to look at as well. They feel almost refreshing to me, aside from being calming. I have talked about my favourite flowers a few times in your absence, as well as long before that, but I suppose I can talk about them again. My favourite flowers are white lilies, along with white azaleas. A close second to both lilies and white azaleas would be forget-me-nots. But the flowers you listed are also very pretty and nice-smelling (hibiscus aside, of course). I understand your fascination with them.
Thinking of Lilia… I can see it. You are my Lilia now, hahaha. ♥️
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tanukified · 2 years ago
hey hey hey! i made a lil something....that I couldn't finish unfortunately.
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Shinobu hated surprises.
She didn't like anything that wasn't planned or carefully thought out. She lived by a routine. Wake up, get ready, work, get ready, go home. It relaxes her. The steady and rhythmic routine she has developed ever since she finished med school and landed a job at the local hospital in their town made her function like a proper human being. So when Kanae had asked her to get into the car for a small run to the grocery store, she hadn't thought much about it. She should have remembered they just had done grocery the other week.
"You could at least try to be interested."
Shinobu have her sister a glare as people passed by, chatting and murmuring to themselves, in the busy exhibit. What was supposed to be a quick trip to the grocery store suddenly turned to a spontaneous trip to the art exhibit that she had not plan to go to.
"You could at least ask your sister on what she wants before diving into a random art exhibit on her day off," she snapped, no real bite into it. Kanae just chuckled and waved her hand, "Relax, Shinobu. Your veins are already showing and while it makes you look cute, I doubt that passes as art."
"Damn you."
"Tsk, tsk," Kanae wiggled a finger, "Language."
Seeing as they were already there they decided to explore for a bit and go home after. Kanae had squealed and ran over to a group of people huddling infront of a young boy who had an interesting scar on his forehead. He was accompanied to whom he introduced as his sister as they happily answered the viewers question. Shinobu wasn't that interested although she admits their art piece wasn't too bad. A sort of lily from what she could make out. Now that she looked around carefully, the exhibit's theme seemed to center around flowers.
There was another painter's artwork that looked to be inspired by forget me nots, another was a landscape featuring water lilies. There was even one that had a small white snake slithering on a branch.
She stopped to look closer at one piece of artwork that didn't seem to have much of a crowd.
Wisteria flowers.
It was a landscape of a garden with Wisteria trees and a figure was situated stranding next to it, her hand reaching out as if to catch one. The woman, after closer inspection, looked similar to...her? Her eyebrows furrowed. They had similarities for sure. Short, black hair with purple dyed tips except this woman was wearing a traditional kimono and had on a butterfly patterned cape around her.
A squeak from behind her snapped her from her thoughts.
"O-oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to disturb you!"
The woman's eyes widened as her blush intensified which made Shinobu's eyes widen. Did she say that outloud?
"The painting! Yes, uhm, the painting is p-pretty?" The woman spoke, her eyes looking at anywhere but Shinobu.
She felt her own self blush at the cuteness infront of her. She smiled, putting on her usual confidence she reserved for work, "Yes. The painting is pretty." And so are you, she added silently.
The woman beamed at her and Shinobu wondered if the sun had suddenly disappeared and came to her in the form of this woman. She held out her hand, "I'm Shinobu Kochou. And you are?"
"Mitsuri Kanroji!" The woman, Mitsuri, replied cheerfully as she shook her hand gently.
Mitsuri Kanroji. Even her name was pretty.
"So, you like this artwork too?" She glanced at the different crowds and didn't see her sister. She must've moved to a different piece.
"Oh," she gave a shy smile, "T-that's actually my piece."
yeah....I don't know where to go from there 🥹
Wait aaah this is such a cute concept 😭💖
Oh oh maybe they could continue talking a bit about the piece? Like Shinobu could ask Mitsuri what inspired her to paint it and that could lead to her asking who the woman in the painting is? Mitsuri would give her explanation and come to realise that the woman she painted and Shinobu look surprisingly similar or something!
Mitsuri could maybe even ask if Shinobu would be willing to pose for a painting/her next piece even and they could exchange numbers! (Inserting my HCs directly into this now lol)
I’m not much of a writer myself but just throwing some lil ideas out there 🫶
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lilmissnatcat24 · 8 months ago
hey 👋 # 3 and 7 from the fic ask meme, from a fic of your choosing
raaahh thank you!!! I LOVE ASK GAMES! i'll do from my wip Electric Sheep, i have a bout three chapters written of it :)
3. what's your favorite line of narration?
honestly, the opening paragraphs of my fic is something i really love. i had it planned out for months, so when i finally wrote it down i was like yes yes this is going swimmingly (turn left spoilers)
On the day that Garrus Vakarian died, he had bought Shepard white flowers. Lily of the valleys, to be precise. She always remembered; because despite his corpse on the ground, his eyes staring unfocused at the ceiling as if he were praying, she could still smell them through all of the blood and bile and decay. They were so drenched in Garrus’s blood that there was not one trace of white left on the petals, dripping rancid blue. Even now, when Shepard saw pictures of sweet little forget-me-nots, or sparkling lakes, or pristine sunny skies, she felt the inexplicable urge to vomit.  Kaidan brought a bouquet of flowers to their quarters that night to commemorate the anniversary. His face, slightly flushed and chapped from the harsh winds of a Horizon evening, a collection of weeds plucked and hastily tied together with a spare wire. Shepard smiled, but only for a moment. It fell off her face when she remembered the way his congealed blood dripped from the bouquet onto the floor, so loud it was deafening. Kaidan let the flowers fall to the ground, instead rifling through his footlocker to the expensive bottle of whiskey his mother sent him-- red wax seal, for special occasions only. 
7. where did the title come from?
it comes from the book Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick. full disclosure, I have not read it. which I guess makes me a poser. BUT it is the inspiration behind the Blade Runner movies. I wanted to bring almost a cyberpunky vibe to this fic, because i always felt like that was lacking in the trilogy (and because cyberpunk 2077 is my other favorite video game). and when we see what's come of our lovely Garrus, it'll make more sense ;)
Thank you for asking m'love :)
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giantchasm · 1 year ago
🕸️🦋🥀 for Peony (no i'm not evil wdym)
HEHEHE. Don't worry, I'm evil, too. You've no need to hide.
🕸️ (Spiderweb) - Create a bouquet inspired by your OC! It can be based on their color palette, flower language and symbolism, whatever they like best, or any combination of the three.
Well, obviously there have to be peonies. That one's just kind of a given. As I mentioned in my design for her all grown up, tulips (blue ones, specifically) and crocus have sentimental meaning for her— having originally had sentimental meaning for various members of her family, so they'd have to be there too!
But aside from the more obvious ones... I think she'd also have forget-me-nots (With her seeing it as her duty to remember and honor those that have passed), white lilies, lotus and asphodels (for similar reasons), hydrangeas (representing family roots and persevering love but also arrogance and boasting, which... yeah), and hollyhocks (for ambition).
Is that too many flowers for one bouquet? What's the like... standard for this sort of thing? I suppose going over-the-top in that regard just makes sense considering where she comes from, though.
Interestingly, Peony is moreso associated with dead flowers than living ones, though. So perhaps all of these would be a little bit withered!
🦋 (Butterfly) - Does your OC ‘fear the reaper’, so to speak? If they fused with Morpho Knight, what sort of form would they take on?
Peony has a... complicated, abnormal relationship with death. Not only did she have a near-death experience she blocked out and got superpowers from, giving her the impression that she's some kind of invincible magical girl who can do whatever she wants and escape unscathed, but she's also surrounded by dead people. Death isn't a concept to her in the same way as it is to us, because, "Oh! My friends over there are dead and they're still hanging out with me :)." She sees it as just another stage of life.
That said, her disregard for death's severity also leads to a blatant misunderstanding of its permanence. Not only does she believe she'll never die- or that if she does she'll "find a way out of it," but one of her main goals in life is to find a way to resurrect the ghosts and bring them back for Realsies. She will not listen to anyone when they tell her that is not going to happen.
She's met Morpho Knight a few times. Mostly because of her stubborn defiance and insistence on spitting in death's face.
The first time she ever met it was shortly after her near-death experience. It was extremely angry with the ghosts for intervening in that and threatening to whisk them away to Hades for daring to interfere with the mortal world, but Peony overheard, barged into the conversation and said that if Morpho Knight should punish anyone it should be her, since she was the one who was supposed to die!
It went "okay" and tested her resolve, but when she didn't back down ultimately it didn't have the guts to kill the kid. Stupid Kirby made it go soft. It left, merely giving the group a slap on the wrist and a firm warning to "never break the rules again."
...However, this was Peony's first lesson in learning that she could get away with breaking the rules and only steeled her resolve. She hasn't known the meaning of the word "no" since.
Morpho Knight watches her from a distance, simultaneously admittedly curious about her powers and also wanting to make sure she doesn't get up to too much trouble with them. Occasionally it'll intervene and go "HEY. DON'T FUCKING DO THAT." if she like. Rips someone's soul out of their body and nearly kills them, but for the most part it actually leaves her be.
That said, if she were to ever try and actually go through with her plan to resurrect the dead people, Morpho Knight can and would stop her by force. For all it's softened over the years, it still has a job, and that job is maintaining the balance of life and death. If she were to attempt to undo that balance it would show her none of the same mercy it showed her as a child. It could and would kill her, and eventually it makes this ultimatum known. It's something that very much frustrates and depresses her, because she loves the ghosts a lot and feels like they they're depending on her
But they tell her she's already done so much for her and that she doesn't need to feel bad. Really... they never had the same hope that could ever happen that she did. They had their chance. They lived their lives. They made their mistakes and there's not much they can do about it now. They're lucky to even have a way to communicate with people. They wouldn't ask for more.
I think, in part, the reason Morpho Knight is relatively lenient with Peony is that it's 'training' her. When her own death eventually arrives it thinks her powers could certainly be put to interesting use as a minor grim reaper. She's an apprentice of sorts, even if she doesn't realize it.
I'd love to draw you a Morpho!Peony, but I have like 800 things to illustrate and art has been taking me a ridiculous amount of time to finish recently so that will not be happening. Just have to use your imagination, I suppose.
🥀 (Wilted Rose) - Do they have a Soul form? What would it look and act like? How much control over themselves do they have? Is it still possible to save them, or are they too far gone?
I actually already answered this one! Something-something great (evil) minds think alike ahahaha.
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calronhunt · 1 year ago
For Canary, Lain and Mariner!
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
Mariner - Famously says pseudo intellictual garbage in most cases. Can barely hold a normal conversation, and he telegraphs his annoyance VERY clearly by flicking his ear constantly
Canary - not a "habit" but she snores. Very loudly.
Lain - you kinda have to dig to make him have a conversation. Trying to get water from a stone sorta deal. He also often defaults to just agreeing with the person ordering him around, which makes it hard to decern what his ACTUAL feelings are
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
Mariner - Bluebells (for secret reasons), water lily meaning birth and resurrection, white rose meaning young love and innocence, and forget-me-nots for. You know.
Canary - Daisies for innocence and joy, sunflower for happiness, red rose for love, and poppies for sleep, peace, and death.
Lain - Dandelions because they're weeds, black rose for despair, and holly for endurance
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
Mariner - that he's miserable. And in current story yes, but before canary and after meeting her, he was entirely content with his life. They also assume hes a freak which is also true
Canary - that she's positive and happy all the time. And to a degree, yes, she is like that, but there is a big part of her who doesn't know where she belongs in the world or who she really is. She struggles with that terribly and sometimes thinks she shouldn't be in the world at all.
Lain - that he's mean and grumpy which like. Yeah. Fair.
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abyssmalice · 1 year ago
* muse favorites:   preferences.
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Animal: Spiders; birds.
Flowers:  Sunflowers, roses, (white) lilies, forget-me-nots, leyline blooms—but practically all kinds of flowers.
Scent:  Natural scents such as flowers and petrichor; the scents of a kitchen in use during cooking or baking.
Coffee:  Switches between black or with milk and some sugar.
Tea: Green or white teas such as jasmine.
Drink:  Tea.
Alcoholic Beverage:  No preference. (Might be inclined towards sweet, fruity ones such as cider and wine, but generally does not drink.)
Food:  No preference. She can't be picky. (Might randomly swing between hearty meat dishes and simple vegetarian ones, but she really isn't picky anymore these days.)
Dessert:  Pies and tarts.
Article of Clothing:   Loose-fitting dresses and robes.
Candy:  Toffee.
Left or Right Handed?:  Ambidextrous.
Sloppy or Neat Writing?:  Neat handwriting.
Clean or Messy Home?:  Very organized. Gets mildly messy when she's in the middle of any particular projects, but she always likes to be tidy.
Shower in Morning or Night?:  Whenever-showers more like it. (There is no day-night cycle down here...)
Tasks Done Early or Last Minute?:  Done prudently, which tends to be early, but can also be whenever.
Love Language?:  Words of affirmation; acts of service; quality time. Very, very occasionally physical touch i.e. hugs.
Believe in Love at First Sight?:  Yes!!
tagged by  : yoinks from aid (@sylvctica) tagging  : YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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onlessdev · 29 days ago
Working on a playthrough of That River Lethe!
Seven of Swords. Betrayal, deception, getting away with something, acting strategically
Your ears remember the worst words ever said to you. Who said this to you? Did you need to hear them? How do they feel, ringing in your skull now?
The Wheel of Fortune. Good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point; fortune, success, elevation, luck, felicity.
Optional prompts: Cozy, Peaceful, Energize, Environment
A tall woman was sitting nearby when she woke in the little cave on the bed of poppies. Her hair was silver beneath the long embroidered veil. Her long wool dress was pale and stitched with decorative flowers - white lilies, blue forget-me-nots, purple hyacinths, and orange and pink gladiola. Her face was tilted under the veil to gaze down at the spring of cloudy water that she sat beside, stirring it with a long silver ladle. With every turn of the ladle, mist rose up from the rippling water. She listened to the sound of it and breathed in the scent of the poppies.
“Do you want a drink of the water, Hafsa?” asked the woman. “I have permission to give it to you if you wish for it. It will bring memories back to you.”
“I need to get out of here,” she muttered, sitting up with effort. She thought of the Seer’s words. “I think I need to drink. The Seer said.”
“Think it over. This is a place of rest,” said the woman. “Do you remember me?”
“No.” The answer was short and easy. She was less disturbed now than she had been at Corbinian’s words. Someone sent him. Someone had given this woman permission. Someone wanted something from her - would she remember it if she drank from the spring?
“I am Mnemosyne, mother of memory. My children are the muses. The spring is the investiture of my power - the well-spring of memory. Just as the Lethe will cleanse you of memory, the spring will restore it.” The woman stirred the water with each sentence.
“I have to remember everything?”
“Yes. Few come here and visit, fewer drink from the spring.” The mist swirled up around her face, a second veil, hiding the shape of her nose and brows and lips. “But every now and then, a shade comes here who has lived many lives, and is done living. They drink and then take their rest in the Isles of the Blessed.”
A wavering image formed as she stirred the water. Fields of golden grain, sprouting from dark rich soil. An orchard of golden apples, and figures moving freely to gather the fruit. Foot-races down brilliantly flowering paths. Golden deer and white pegasi grazing in a green pasture. Above, clear blue skies and a tall white tower trimmed with gold. Each house under its aegis a palace, each shade a god. All was peace. There was no hunger there.
She looked away. “I do not think that is where I will go.”
“You can stay here as long as you need,” said Mnemosyne. “There are other rivers besides the Lethe that you can follow too.”
She sank back down into the bed of poppies as the goddess spoke of the other rivers - the Styx, the Acheron, the Phlegethon….
“It’s been five hundred years.” They sprawled together companionably on the hillside, beneath a spreading oak, its leaves rustling in the cool wind. Winter would come in a matter of weeks. Her face was turned upwards like a heliotrope, following her dark eyes as if they were the sun. “Hafsa, you know my time is short. I have to leave soon.”
“Elskede, we fought hard to get time,” she said. “It can’t be over.”
“It’s not over. Not yet. But it’s going to be soon. I’m not going to hide that from you.”
“You could just stay here with me. You could choose that.”
“I choose you every day.” Her voice was soft. Her blue eyes held a banked fire. The dappled sunlight turned her muscled arms as gold as the autumn leaves. She ran her hand through her hair and then stood. “Come on, the children will be waiting.”
“Don’t let them hear you call them that.” Hafsa fingered the end of her long white braid and the rune-carved cuff that held it together. Charms of protection, of strength, of secret knowledge. Her eyes followed her beloved’s steps down the hillside, back towards the U-shaped temple complex, the haven that they had built together. The temple shrine itself sat in the center of a sprawl of gardens, fields and courtyards, with the two sides of the complex being formed by humble blocks of the living quarters. The walls had been covered with ivy and moss when they had first taken possession of the old property, and the temple interior had equally been inhabited by mold and vermin.
Today the complex was bright and lively with decorations over the walls, columns and statues - braids of ribbon shaped into snakes, wreaths of grape leaves, pink flowers arranged into the shape of pig’s heads, even thyrsus staffs made of sticks and pine cones placed into the statues’ hands, festooned with purple and red ribbons. The local nymphs lounged in the gardens with flowers wound in their braids. A herd of brown and grey pegasi browsed in the closest field.
Her boots stopped at the edge of the field. She watched as Elskede entered and greeted some of the “children” practicing in the outermost courtyard. A woman with white streaks in her hair and patches of white scales on her arms was steadily gaining ground against her shorter sparring partner in a green embroidered tunic. Clara and Flora, they had just returned from an excursion outside of the valley. In the opposite end of the courtyard, a red-faced youth with curly blonde hair was summoning vines from the earth, while three lounging nymphs fixed the tilework around it with the occasional wave of a hand. Flavian. He was new, a refugee from imperial territory. They all paused to chat, showing Elskede their progress - a quick flurry of staffwork and magic. She smiled proudly. Clara pulled her aside to speak further, likely a report about the excursion.
Hafsa moved to the shadow of the gates without an eye catching her silhouette. “No, I won’t be here in the spring,” Elskede was telling Clara quietly. “Can you take care of things for me? They’ll leave this valley alone even after I’m gone, but someone will have to keep showing people the way here.”
She moved on. “I think I have it down,” Flavian was telling Flora. “Can you show me the thing you do with the deep roots?”
The nymphs were whispering to each other in their own tongue, but all tongues were clear to her these days. The whisper of chaos brought their words reverberating into her mind. “Next week it’s going to get really cold, after the festival.” “I may just hibernate!” A laugh that didn’t need any translation. “No, no, stay with us!” “No, I feel that chill. I have to leave soon!” Their eyes passed over her without seeing.
I have to leave, Hafsa thought. It was the worst thing anyone had ever said to her.
The words ringing in her head, she woke with a jolt and threw herself away from the bed of poppies. “Give me the water,” she said. “I need to remember everything.” The goddess gave her the ladle silently. The water was shockingly cold.
She stumbled away, wiping her mouth on a sleeve, following the river onwards. The cold filled her belly, and her mind was awash in memories both bitter and sweet.
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mylahrins · 9 months ago
forget-me-nots, 02.
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dear club vice president,
hello! yes, i know who you are. we had english together in our first year, you sat next to my friend hotaru! since you’d always eat in a different room, i’d always borrow your seat during lunch to sit next to her. we hardly spoke to each other, but you’ve always given off the energy of someone who’s passionate and works hard! i wish you lots of luck with the tournament! 
it’s great to hear about kiyoko being so involved with her club! i’m not really close to her, but we’ve talked a few times. i’d be happy to provide a bouquet for her, don’t worry about paying or cutting any deals! we’re just a gardening club after all.
as for the bouquet, i would recommend an arrangement of blue hydrangeas, white tulips, and white wax flowers. the blue hydrangeas would be the focal point of the bouquet, symbolizing the deep gratitude towards her. the tulips would be a supporting flower in the bouquet, symbolizing the team’s respect for her. it’s also a way of saying “good luck” to the start of the new volleyball season! wax flowers are a filler flower, intended to add volume to the look, but that's not to say they don't hold importance as well! when added to bouquets, they convey good luck and lasting success. truthfully speaking, i don't actually make big bouquets that often, but since this is kiyoko, we should give her the very best! don’t you think?
that flower arrangement is my own suggestion, but the bouquet is welcome to be changed. feel free to down to our club room (room 1-8!), you can find me there afterschool. i might also be outside in the courtyard checking on the plants, but don’t hesitate to come up to me to talk or ask questions! please do visit before your tournament so we can discuss and get your bouquet arranged, i can get it done anytime. i appreciate you reaching out sugawara, you’re very thoughtful!
with care, y/n
p.s. yes, tanaka is an old family friend of mine. he was no problem, and was very excited to give me your letter!
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about the flowers!
➤ blue hydrangeas: like many others, these flowers have multiple meanings! in the past, they were sometimes associated with apologies, rejection, and regrets. recently, however, blue hydrangeas have been found to be associated with feelings of gratitude and appreciation. there are many other flowers which could represent gratitude like orchids or yellow lilies—but i felt as if hydrangeas fit best! (also they're my favorite flower hehe)
➤ white tulips: so, white tulips range a lot when it comes to symbolism. in this case, they symbolize respect and honor. white tulips are often also associated with hope and new beginnings, so i figured it'd be appropriate as this is the start of new volleyball season with karasuno's new team!!
➤ white chamelaucium/wax flowers: originally, i was going to use baby's breath in the kiyoko bouquet, but i felt like that was too overdone and romantic. while wax flowers are commonly used in wedding bouquets, they most often represent good luck, happy memories, and new beginnings (similar to the white tulips). while it may be interpretated as romantic as well, in the case of kiyoko's bouquet, i deem it as a way to convey genuine appreciation rather than romantic feelings.
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a/n: so i've decided that im going to be making an "about the flowers!" listing w/ every chapter that mentions a flower species. if you do read them, just expect general facts about the flower's meaning/symbolism!! this is mainly for myself LOL so don't feel bad or pressured to read them. btw, if any of the info you see in those listings is wrong, PLEAAAASE let me know, i will fix it. anyways, thanks for reading the first chapters/letters of forget-me-nots. i'm excited to show you guys what else i have planned!!
taglist: @yenonnoff @softpia @ryeyeyer @shoyosh @wqnsho
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bethestaryouareradio · 11 months ago
April Powers Earth Day
April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.” William Shakespeare
StarStyle® Empowerment is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Gardeners refer to April showers bringing May flowers, and that is a truism. As an avid gardener, I believe in April powers as gardens burst into life with abundant floral reveals marking the beginning of a vibrant growing season.
In late 2023, the United States Department of Agriculture updated hardiness zones based on weather conditions between 1991-2020. The upward trend in warming temperatures is no surprise, yet our area has remained at zone 9b. The zones are a recommendation for hardiness when planning your planting. To find specimens that will thrive in our gardens, I advise buying local at your preferred nursery as you’ll find natives and plants that are acclimated to our climate. Also, local nurseries employ knowledgeable garden gurus who can answer your questions to help you be more successful. Wherever you are making your purchase, keep in mind that our 9b hardiness zone is only one factor when you are searching for the best plants for your yard. Your garden may experience a micro-climate different from your neighbors. Always familiarize yourself with the light, soil, and water requirements of your garden.
Intentional use of native plants that have formed symbiotic relationships with native wildlife over millions of years creates the most productive and sustainable wildlife habitat according to the National Wildlife Federation. Entomologist, Dr. Douglas Tallamy, and his team have identified what we call keystone plants, the 14% of native plants that support 90% of butterfly and moth species. Our ecosystems suffer without these keystones. You can search by zip code for necessary natives at www.NWF.org. Our live oak trees alone can host 275 species of caterpillars! Consider scattering seeds of sunflower, aster, fleabane, and lupin. Plant strawberries, trillium, goldenrod, dogwood, roses, and berries as well as fruit trees including apricot, cherry, peach, and plum as hosts to moth and butterfly caterpillars and pollen for bees. When broadcasting seeds either by hand or hydroseeding, don’t cover the seeds or rake them. Do a light compression either with pieces of cardboard, a lawn roller, or even your feet. Yes, the birds and squirrels will consume some of your seeds. Sharing is caring. These seeds require light and air to germinate properly. Seeds that are buried too deeply struggle to access necessary nutrients and may die.
Nature awes me as I walk around my garden. Wildflowers are in glorious abundance. So much is in flower that I don’t know where to point the camera. Western redbud, sour, choke, and sweet cherries, prune, horse chestnut, tulip magnolia, mock orange, and crabapple are just a few of my trees that showcase stand-out blossoms, many intoxicatingly fragrant, and all of them populated with pollinators. My camellia has been repeatedly blooming since December. It was planted as a one-gallon plant several years ago and is now seventeen feet tall and twelve feet wide. When planting anything, make sure you understand how large the plant will be at maturity so that you dig the hole in an area where it will grow and thrive.
My roses, which I heavily pruned in February, are also blooming. Not to be overlooked, forget-me-nots blanket shaded areas while woodland hyacinths, also known as English bluebells and sea foam statice have naturalized in sunny locations dressed to impress the garden in shades of blue and purple. Supporting the butterfly and bird population, the white clusters of viburnum flowers provide nectar for the flitting butterflies while the forming black berries feed the birds. California poppies, calendula, tulips, daffodils, potato vine, anemones, Dutch iris, bearded iris, Calla lilies, periwinkle, a variety of succulents, and masses of weeds carpet my meadow hillside and orchard. I’ll be busy for months to come!
The wisteria is budding and by the time I write my next article, I imagine a glorious gauze of lavender pea flowers cascading over the pergola. When growing wisteria, it is essential to consider the sturdiness of the structure where your vine will twine. Wisteria forms a thick trunk with stems that become woody as they seek climbing support. Arbors, fences, trellises, and even trees become their ladder. To maintain its shape and size, as well as to encourage flowering, wisteria needs regular pruning.
One of my favorite edible wild species that powers on in April is allium triquetrum, wild ramps, also known as the three-cornered leek. Foragers are fond of this delicious triangular onion stem, yet it can be invasive. If you cultivate it, make sure it doesn’t escape. These wild onions closely resemble the lance-shaped leaves of Lily of the Valley which is not an allium and non-edible.  Lily of the Valley is poisonous with white, bell-shaped flowers, whereas the ramps produce umbels of small white flowers. All alliums have a very distinct onion smell. If you think you are gathering ramps but there is no onion smell, do not taste it. Always be certain of what plant you are eating as there are many plants poisonous and toxic to humans that resemble edible ones.
Although it’s early, I’m experimenting with growing tomato seedlings. I started with a couple of plants in March and will continue adding to my plot through June to determine when the best time is to grow this favorite fruit. As you plant your tomatoes, peas, and beans, support them with strong cages or wire. Tomatoes need six to eight hours of sunlight daily and are best spaced two feet apart. They will do well in large containers or pots of fifteen gallons or more.
Our mild weather, warm sunshine, occasional showers, diverse plant species, wildflower displays, lavish blooms, plus the humming, buzzing, singing, crowing, croaking, cawing, and hooting of wildlife make this gorgeous month a time of vitality, color, and renewal as youthful April powers!
Happy Gardening. Happy Growing.
Happy Earth Day! Celebrate Nature!
Read Lamorinda Weekly: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1804/Digging-Deep-with-Goddess-Gardener-Cynthia-Brian-April-Powers.html
Nonprofit of the Year: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1804/Moragas-Business-and-Nonprofit-of-the-Year.html
Cynthia Brian amongst the weeds and the blooms of Earth Day!
For more gardening advice for all seasons, check out Growing with the Goddess Gardenerat https://www.CynthiaBrian.com/books. Raised in the vineyards of Napa County, Cynthia Brian is a New York Times best-selling author, actor, radio personality, speaker, media and writing coach as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3 which was just honored as the 2024 Nonprofit of the Year by the Moraga Chamber of Commerce. Tune into Cynthia’s StarStyle® Radio Broadcast at www.StarStyleRadio.com. Her newest children’s picture book, Books in the Barnyard: Oh Deer!, from the series, Stella Bella’s Barnyard Adventures is available AT A DISCOUNT now at https://www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store.
Hire Cynthia for writing projects, garden consults, and inspirational lectures. [email protected]  
Thank you for reading StarStyle® Empowerment . This post is public so feel free to share it.
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carlepalumbo · 1 year ago
The Alluring Appeal of Blue and White Bouquets: Capture Your Special Moments with a Seaside Charm
The allure of the blue and white bouquet speaks volumes about its intrinsic aesthetic appeal. The trending blend of these two calming colors is not just soothing to the eyes, but also sets a tranquil tone for any occasion. Is it the elegant color scheme you're looking to buy for a special event? Would you love to know more about these floral beauties? Let's dive in and explore the intriguing aspects of the blue and white spectrum of bouquets.
A Glimpse into the Attraction of The Blue and White Bouquet
A blue and white bouquet is a harmonious fusion that gravitates toward tranquility and class. The blend of these colors projects a serene yet vivid image, infusing grace into any special event like weddings, anniversaries, and more.
How to Choose Your Bouquet Color?
Making a color choice for your bouquet could be based on several factors. The season, personal color preferences, event themes, and even the symbolic meanings of colors are common factors that influence your decision. However, a blue and white bouquet is versatile and can fit into any event or season due to its timeless elegance.
Unveiling the Bridal Bouquet Palette
When it comes to weddings, the bridal bouquet can span from classic whites and vibrant colors to elegant pastels. Yet, a bridal bouquet in blue and white stands out due to its soft and serene vibe.
Do you remember the royal wedding of Kate Middleton? Alongside the traditional myrtle, her elegant bouquet was comprised of the classic hues of Lily-of-the-Valley, Hyacinths, and Sweet Williams, signifying love, trust, and gallantry, respectively.
While your bouquet doesn't necessarily need connections to the royal lineage, blue and white flowers could add a touch of noble elegance to your big day.
Are Blue Flowers Available for Sale?
Yes, indeed. Blue flowers, known for their rarity, are available for sale. These exotic hues can be found in variations like hydrangeas, delphiniums, and irises. They can be combined tastefully with white flowers to curate a gorgeous blue and white bouquet.
We must inform you that the colors and flowers may vary due to seasonal availability and regional delivery restrictions. In case of such variance, our expert florists will substitute with other blooms of similar style and value. Likewise, sundry items, like vases or baskets, may be switched with an apt alternative if necessary.
Blue Blooms: Finding the Rare Gems
The notion that blue flowers are rare makes them all the more attractive. The unique charm of these exotic blooms are sure to leave a lasting impression. From the delicate and charming Forget-Me-Nots, capturing the essence of mystery and anticipation, to the striking and subtle Periwinkle, embodying desire and early affection, the magic of blue flowers will never fail to captivate you.
Experiencing the world of blue flowers is much more than a simple escapade into nature's beauty. It lets you unlock and explore symbolic meanings that carry personal significance. Whether you are after a flame of passionate love symbolized by a blue rose, or a guiding light in seeking the truth mirrored by a blue iris, our bouquet designs have it all.
White Blooms: A Purity Perfection
White flowers in a bouquet are a versatile classic. Symbolizing purity, innocence and elegance, they effortlessly find their place in any event. Imagine a radiant spray of white peonies nestled in your wedding bouquet, or a pristine white orchid centering your dinner table arrangement. The pristine beauty of white blooms can bring a fresh and elegant vibe to any setting.
Adding a sprinkle of white blossoms into your blue flower bouquet can amazingly balance the color palette. It elevates the ensemble, giving it a cloud-like appearance that is both dreamy and calming.
From Selection to Delivery: We're with You All the Way
With us at your side, you're not just purchasing flowers. Instead, you are weaving a bond with nature, carrying bits of the wild into your cherished moments. From picking the most exceptional blooms to arranging them with artistic precision, and finally delivering them with utmost care, we ensure your floral journey with us is pleasant and fulfilling.
Moreover, don't get daunted by the thought of choosing from so many spectacular options. Our proficient team of florists, well-versed with the E-A-T (Expertise, Authority, Trust) strategy, create informative descriptions for each bouquet. Feel free to chat online with our team, who are more than happy to assist you pick the perfect floral arrangement matching your need.
Let our world-class delivery service handle the rest as we ensure your beautiful bouquet arrives promptly and in prime condition at your doorstep.
Wrapping It Up
Incorporating a blue and white bouquet into your occasion is a vessel to symbolize calmness, unity, and sophistication. As you embark on this flowery journey, remember that every stem and color has a story to narrate. So, when you hold that bouquet, know that you're interwoven with its charm and grace.
Explore our range of locally sourced, specially curated bouquets, and elevate your occasion to new heights. Step into our world of serene colors, and let's bring happiness one petal at a time.
Get Indulged in a Floral Shopping Experience Like No Other
As you browse our impressive range of bouquet designs, you can anticipate an immersive shopping experience like never before. Understand the beauty of each flower, appreciate the consolidation of colors, and join a memory that is uniquely ours.
Whether it’s for a grand ceremony or an intimate gathering, to express love or convey condolences, flowers have been an age-old way of expressions. Our blue and white bouquets are a gracious addition to your occasion, infusing elemental elegance with a burst of tranquil charm. With these bouquets, you have not only a perfect accompaniment for the day but also a keepsake memory forever. So, why miss the chance? Step into the mesmerizing world and shop your heart out – because moments are fleeting, but memories stay, especially those marked with nature's charm.
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auspex · 1 year ago
luke tell me about mark (knife emoji):
🤥, 👪, 💐, 🌙, 🙈, 🙊, 🙉, 🌌, 📣, 🪤, 👑, 🖍️, 🌠, ☄️, 💔
sorry im sending u a ton bc i want to Know also bc these quesitons make me INSANE and i want to make you have to contemplate them in you head.
HIIIIIII this got relaly long and also i am so so tired so hopefully this coheres also sorry it got out of order cause i had to find ones i answered already! anyway enjoy.
OKAY first the ones i’ve answered before:
Bouquet answered here!: www.tumblr.com/blood-bound/724128649517858816/and-for-porphy-and-for-mark
💐 [BOUQUET] If you could send your OC a bouquet, what flowers would make it up and what is the overall message? “White lilies - mourning, but also purity and rebirth. Blue star - admiring determination and endurance Begonias - thank you Zinnia and forget-me-nots - a reminder never to forget absent friends the message is: STAY STRONG, STAY HUMAN, YOU CAN DO IT + THANKS FOR ROTATING IN MY BRAIN I know nothin abt flowers so i used this link https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/gardening/g2503/surprising-flower-meanings/?slide=85” I still like this answer :) Manages to have a coherent color scheme too. -
Milky way and Megaphone answered here: www.tumblr.com/blood-bound/731196362845241344/megaphone-milky-way-clover
“The first thing I decided was clan - Tremere - and the second thing was that he would be an adjunct professor who was a closeted gay man. he was my first OC and first VTM OC and i was new to EVERYTHING so that is mostly what I had. :) He did Much Expanding from there.”
But I will expand: So after that I used making his character sheet to expand him. His street racing backstory came from me wanting him to have SOMETHING in the physical skills category. Then I wanted his more immediate backstory to be that he saw his bf getting drank from and it made sense for him to be a touchstone, and then I decided that his family and him were distant so I didn’t want any of his touchstones to be family; thus ex boyfriend and faculty advisor. I also picked his predator type of sandman, because I didn’t want him to be evil but I did want him to actually drink blood from humans so sandman made sense to me and it ALSO let me get an auspex dot :D cause I wanted all three disciplines in clan to start. -
Megaphone: “Mark's voice is somewhat on the quiet side. It's solidly masculine but it is higher pitched. It's kind of what you would expect from a nerdy dude. When he is intentionally speaking more quietly it has a bit of a scratchy quality to it. If he was in the year 2023 he'd prob have a gay lisp but he Hid That Shit cause closeted.
I am Desperately seeking a voice claim pleaseee if anyone has ideas send.” -
Shooting star (Make a wish with no consequences)was answered here: https://www.tumblr.com/blood-bound/726830818058797056/train-cloud-shooting-star-for-mark
But due to plot developments his answer changed! Now it would be: That Julius dies :) YAYYYY. I’m not sure if he would actually be able to make himself wish that though : ( if he’s not able to it would be to get out of the Kyle contract still. -
Comet and See-No-Evil answered here: https://www.tumblr.com/blood-bound/731194724679090176/lol
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right? “-That he's a nerd: Yes - That he is a neonate: yes in the sense he is independent from his sire, but certainly not in age. He seems older due to his sire making him Politically Safe but he's a baby. -That he has Many Secrets: Yeah but not the type they think for sure -That he has someone powerful protecting him: Yeah <3 There are prob other things that I'm not myself aware of cause im bad at recognizing such things but… those are some!” - 🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people? “Both before and after embrace: His romantic side . Teehee. That's a short answer so lemme expand: He really is romantic and believes in true love and stuff but that goes against his Professor Persona and is not Cool so unless u actually are that person who is romantically into, u aint gonna waterboard this one out of him. After embrace: He doesn't want to show his sympathy for ghouls to most, out of fear they would start questioning him about his own. He's a bit more open about some of his other kindness but NOT that” - Family answered here: https://www.tumblr.com/blood-bound/724397820458778624/for-mark 👨‍���‍👧‍👦 FAMILY — how many people are in your oc's immediate family? how many people are in your oc's extended family? do they have aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc? who in their family are they closest with? are they close with their birth family, or do they have a found family? But I will redo my answer: Just his mom and dad are in the immediate family. I still haven’t really considered extended family - i think when he was younger his grandparents would visit but they died while he was in college. I think his dad had a sister that he’s seen before but Mark didn’t like her so doesn’t care that he doesn’t see her anymore. So he didn’t get close with his cousins either (he had 2). If he HAD to say who he was closest with it’d be his mom but he’s distant with mom and dad. He wants to see them again before he fakes his death but thats about the extent of it. He still has no found family :( - Crown answered here (what does ur OC want to be rememebred for): https://www.tumblr.com/blood-bound/728760375815946240/for-mark “He wants to Not Die and thus not need a legacy because he will Live Forever. But seriously uhmmm lemme think. I think he definitely wants to be thought of as 'one of the good ones' as in he wants to meet final death before he loses his humanity. Beyond that he's kind of having a crisis because he Doesnt Know. He had a goal in life - professor of Roman history, be famous in that field - but now that seems like Not Enough as a kindred. If he wasn't dealing with more immediate crises he would be dealing with an identity crisis for sure… he does want to reexamine all of history and, if it doesnt already exist, write stuff regarding how kine influenced kindred history and vice versa. So we'll see how that goes for him, if it ends up being anything he'd wanna be remembered for that work and for helping kindred appreciate the kine more :D (GOOD FUCKING LUCK W THAT MARK LMFAO)”
- Now the new ones! - 🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying? Mark has 2 manipulation and 1 subterfuge. So. A dice pool of three, which to me means he is below average but not god-awful. He usually talks around things or refuses to answer.
If you know him well a tell that he has is he will make a point to NOT fidget with his glasses because he feels like that WOULD be a tell but. He always fidgets with his glasses so it is actually notable when he doesn’t for an extended period of time. He also def does the thing where his eyes look up while he is thinking of the lie. -
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it? Mark wants a lot of things right now. His greatest wish though… hmm. IDK I’m indecisive. Have a bunch: -To be free of Julius -To make Sampson happy - which means he has to let him go. -To be able to let Sampson go - he is kind of worried how he’s gonna react when he actually gets to that point. He’s trying not to think about it. -Someone, just one person, to both know him very deeply and love him deeply. Someone who also believes he is good, and someone he believes is good as well. He does not want to stop caring.
He’s willing to go quite far because they are all interrelated and, the only things he has to lose are the hope for those wishes. So, so long as it won’t ruin one of the above, he would do a lot and risk a lot. He has a lot of resolve and will certainly push himself beyond his limits. -
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about? Uhm. He’s quite willing to stay quiet for his own safety buuuuuuut probably someone wantonly attempting to kill innocent humans he could not stand for, he would HAVE to try to do something to stop it, and also his hatred of Sabbat - he would not accept someone saying the Sabbat aren’t so bad. Which sucks, but that was his experience.
Oh also he cannot accept Julius slander at this time. He will argue about it. Yes he’s trying to kill Julius. Look. Blood bonds make things complicated. -
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
Other than being informed of stuff that would mean he’s fucked (‘Julius knows you want to kill him” for example), it would be someone he cares about and trusts telling him that Sampson was right, he’s just pretending to care and there isn’t hope for him, that he’s not capable of really loving anyone anymore. :( He’s holding on to hope of true love, ok??? -
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
All of the above and more. Mark has become kind of arrogant - his sire makes him close to untouchable politically, and he’s also just arrogant due to his Beast’s influence + Julius’s influence (Julius’s fatal flaw is his arrogance). And he is also desperate. Teehee. -
🖍️ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them?
I think i had actually answered this one before but I can’t be bothered to find it and my answer wasn’t that good… because it’s still not good. I DONT KNOW. Mark’s situation is so tough and I’m doing my best to RP him accurately while making the best decisions for survival. I think I would tell him that he’s gotta keep his hunger managed, dammit, do NOT let yourself get hungry or it’s going to go really bad. I would also give him the advice that he should be really, really careful about the nosferatu on his territory cause while he’s being careful already i OOC know it is even more dangerous than he realizes. Otherwise. IDK. -
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart? HEEEEEEEEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Yeas. this is a funn question. Okay. So Mark is gonna have a lot of baggage that his next boyfriend would have to navigate. Other than something like I wrote above about the worst thing he could hear from someone, which would of course break his heart… a partner saying that he took advantage of Mark opening up would break his heart too - sharing his secrets with someone else for gain. Or really just sharing things about Mark that he keeps private without his consent would really hurt his trust due to what he’s been through. Or his partner beginning to stop caring about humanity/think little of kine, cause then Mark would really struggle with which conviction he should follow…
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mayullla · 3 years ago
Title: Cecilia Tea
[ - Cottage (fem!reader) + Roses (yandere) + Albedo + Peanut butter cookies (love potion au) - ] - Anon's Ask
Summary: You visited Albedo's workshop to have tea with him. Unknowns to you when you talked about flowers he placed a love potion inside your tea.
Other warnings/tags: Alternate universe, fairytale au, drugging, don't think too much about the ingredients and poisons.
[ - Fairytale Picnic Event - closed ]
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You often wondered what was inside those vials and glasses. Some are filled with power or some sort of creature or parts of it. Some were filled with some sort of flowers, twigs and leaves. Some looked normal you thought you recognized some while others you were clueless of and didn't know what they were.
But what particularly drew you in were the vials of liquid all of different colors and vibrant.
“Find anything interesting?” Albedo asked you, tilting his head. You looked at him who was in his casual clothes and a leather apron that held a few plants and herbs in the pockets along with a belt bag strapped on his waist that you knew contained more potions and ingredients he need for whatever he was doing. “You have many interesting things here.”
“Well most of them are ingredients for alchemy and potions after all.” Albedo shrugged, there was a soft smile on his face when you turned to look at the shelves again, “Would you like some tea?”
“Yes thank you.” You looked at the shelves, one in particular, had multiple plant-based ingredients in it some looked like flowers that you somewhat recognize maybe? Herbs of sort and dried flowers and petals. “You have many flower ingredients here.” You mumbled yet big enough for Albedo to hear.
You didn't see Albedo freeze at what you said still looking at the herbs, quietly he placed an empty vail down as he steered the tea cup with a small spoon. He didn't look up to you but instead focused on the cup watching its color. “I find myself using them in potions often.”
You didn't see the liquid slightly glow before returning to its original color. 
“Care to tell me a few?” You asked.
“Hmmm… well of ladies would come looking for those more what they call romantic potions that require flowers in them.” Albedo explained, “One of them is to remember, as years past people would sometimes forget their memories with their lover's whether they like it or not sometimes. So to prevent that they would drink a potion that would help them remember the person in front of them till their dying breath.” Taking the teacups he moved to the table in the middle of the room, where there were many books on top roughly shoved aside so that there was space for the both of you to talk.
“Here is your cup.” You sat on one side of the table while he sat on the other side, the tea was hot as you waited for it cool down lightly blowing the cup. Albedo watched you, also holding the cup near his lips.
The two of you continued to talk about potions, the ingredients that he used some you recognized while others you didn't have a clue what they were, “An ingredient for that particular potion is forget-me-nots.”
“Huh didn't know that flower lives up to their name like that.” You tiled your head at the fact, it was rather funny if not a little cute. Touching your tea again you noticed that it cooled down a bit and took a sip uncaring of the stare that Albedo gave you.
“How do you like the taste? It is a new tea that I made and I am hoping to get your opinion on it.” He asked suddenly, placing his cup down his already half-finished.
“It’s... sweet.” You said looking at your tea “It is a little bitter yet very sweet with a floral taste?” It was a new flavor something you never really tried before. You looked at the liquid in your tea wondering what it was that was giving the rather unique taste that you could not describe.
“Yes. You are correct, I tried making a white lily tea. The flower is actually quite poisonous but with some experimenting, I was able to neutralize the poison for consumption.” You looked at Albedo, surprised at what he said. You wanted to look at your tea again, yet you were unable to do so as you continued to stare at Albedo. why?
“Many ladies had asked me if I could make something called a love potion, while I would not sell such a thing I did try to make one because I became rather curious after some incidents,” Albedo told you standing up he walked over to you sitting on another stool that was right beside you softly taking your hands that held the teacup.
It was strange really that you could never take your eyes off Albedo, how he walked over to you naturally sitting right beside you so near that you could feel his warmth. You did not say anything, you didn't realize how flushed you were as you continued to stare at him, feeling butterflies flutter in your stomach when he smiled at you.
“What I found out was that using roses could make a love potion. I also found out that another flower certainly leaves better results maybe because of their poison that I am not sure yet.” He gently guided your hands and teapot to your lips, slowly tilting the put on your lips.
“Love potions made out of roses are results to something more akin to crushes, light and easily dispelled with time. They work for those who wish to have at least a running start while the rest of progress happiness becomes more... organic.”
It wasn't odd how everything slowly started to become hazy or maybe it was yet you were unable to recognize so when your eyes were trained on Albedo, while the world slowly turned hazier Albedo did not change.
“On the other hand white lilies or their other name ‘Cecilia’ are more… potent.” Albedo smiled a little more at your foggy eyes, unable to listen to what he was saying yet the hands that were holding the cup that was now on his hand empty, you were now holding his wrist tightly unable to let go, clinging.
“They last for a long time and if consumed every day their effects are irreversible. Rather than something soft like roses their effects are more... obsessive.” Moving slowly his hand, the touch was soft almost like feather when he touched your lips and cheeks. The butterflies felt almost erratic in your stomach as he slowly removed the little leftover tea that spilled from the teacup.
“I would like to test its effects... if that is okay with you?” Albedo asks slowly pulling closer. He is quite happy with the results.
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Note: Hope you guys liked this. I really had fun writing this one in particular! Reblog if you like it, I would really appreciate it~!!
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mintmoth · 3 years ago
Ooh, explain the flower language!
I have the flowers I used for the birthday picture mostly either describing Kalim or wishes to him
White Jasmine- Sweet Love
This one is pretty straight forward with regards in general to his very caring and loving nature, as well as a small nod to an event that's happened in the jpn server where you get to visit his home of silk city, and get to celebrate Alaab Nariya
White Camellia- You're Adorable
Another pretty straight forward one lmao come on look at him
Sweet Pea- Blissful Pleasures/Thank You for a Lovely Time
This one has a combo meaning since Kalim does live a rather luxurious life lmao, but also he focuses a lot of that on sharing with others and giving them wonderful experiences and memories, so this is more of a meaning that's shared with others. A token for him for his time, and a token for you, as he's had a wonderful time in your company
Lily of the Valley- Sweetness/Humility
This is also straightforward, and are just generally aimed at Kalim's disposition
Red Salvia- Forever Mine
This one is a little silly, but it mirrors the sweet pea in a well wish I feel to be exchanged by both Kalim and you, in that Kalim truly treasures his friends and loves them so wholeheartedly. You're someone special to him forever. But I also want that kind of feeling mirrored back at him
Yellow Tulips- Sunshine in Your Smile
He's a sunshine boy with a smile that's blinding us all- but also he's lead a heavy life and has burdens he refuses to weigh down on others. So here's a gentle hope to have more genuine smiles then ones covering up how he really feels
Forget-Me-Nots- Do Not Forget Me
Alright this one is a little bit sad, but he does have to live with the constant threat of dying and being killed SOOO this is more of a wish from him I feel. He lives every day in ways to have no regrets and to make wonderful memories with others so please, never forget him no matter what the future holds. He'll never forget you
Basil- Good Wishes
As the general bonus all of the leaves are basil, they're there for general good wishes and positive vibes for a wonderful birthday ☀️
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xkaileo · 4 years ago
So... Analyzing Sakura’s bouquet choice when Sasuke came home, because I’m sappy like that.
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Does anybody know if it’s been confirmed what flowers she bought for Sasuke? I doubt it, but here’s what I think they are based on a few factors and a little Google magic.
So we know Hanakotoba (Japanese flower language) has been significant throughout the show before. We also know Ino’s definitely fluent in it, and since she’s making the arrangements for Sakura, they’re obviously going to have meaning (going back to when Sakura bought daffodils for Sasuke and Lee when they were in the hospital, and another reference to camellias in Sasuke Retsuden).
So the big flowers I surmise are either lilies or amaryllis flowers.
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Now, lilies (specifically white lilies, as seen above) mean “purity/chastity”, which when you consider how Sakura feels for Sasuke, you could argue her love is ‘pure’ for him. Amaryllis mean ‘shy’, and we know Sakura seems to be a little shy around her husband (we see that’s how she flirts, blushing when he looks at her and sometimes acting like a giddy teenager in love) so that could also fit. Based on the hanakotoba language, I want to argue they’re lilies... because we come to the next flower.
The smaller flowers I think are one of three: anemonies, forget-me-nots, and white poppies. There seems to be two types mixed in there, so here are those three types and their meanings:
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White poppies mean “(to) rejoice”.
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Forget-me-nots mean “true love”.
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Anemones mean “sincere”.
So, let’s break this down again. Sakura’s buying flowers because Sasuke’s coming home, and we know she’s excited/happy about that. By that idea, white poppies and forget-me-nots make the most sense of the three.
In another shot with Ino, we also see... a rose! (It’s fairly obvious by the swirl).
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Now, while red roses mean love/in love, it’s likely that the rose would have been a darker shade if it were red. This means they’re either white roses or pink roses, for two reasons: yellow roses mean jealousy, which makes no sense for the message; white roses mean “innocence/silence/devotion”, and pink roses mean “trust/happiness/confidence”. I want to say if there’s one rose in there, there might be a few others, but when you consider colour balance, I want to say they’re pink roses. We know Sakura trusts Sasuke implicitly, and she’s said so in the past; she’s happy he’s coming home, and she’s confident she’ll see him.
So, in conclusion: I think it’s a bouquet of lilies, forget-me-nots, pink roses, and white poppies, to say “I’m really happy you’re home, my love for you remains pure, and our love is true”, meaning that despite his absence, she still loves him (purity), she will always love him (true love), and she’s really glad (happy) he’s back (rejoice).
Also: I know many of us are sad Sakura didn’t get her moment in the anime, but in that scene when Sarada is holding the flowers, they appear to be just a bouquet of white lilies. (I assume one flower was easy/lilies in general are probably easier to draw for an anime, which makes some sense).
Now, if someone else is more of a flower expert, feel free to correct me! I am by no means a flower expert. I just really like flower language and think it’s a cool expressive thing, and since we’ve seen Sakura use flower meanings in the past, I figured her little bouquet definitely had more to it than just “yay, Sasuke’s home!” and her being cute (not that I’m against that). I could only find limited information on flower meanings, so if you have more, I’d love to hear it! I think an actual florist might have better info on it than I will, in all honesty. Also.... yes this has importance. I may or may not reference this in a fic or two and/or have something else in the works that makes the particular flowers important. Please send help, flower experts!
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smuttyandabsurd · 3 years ago
A Dream of Spring Pt. 1 (Russia x China)
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia Pairing: China/Russia Rating: General Word Count: 698 Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Flower Shop & Tattoo Parlor, Inspired by Hades and Persephone (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Mythology References, POV Alternating, Two Shot, Short & Sweet, Romance, Romantic Fluff, Fluff, One-Sided Attraction
Summary: Ivan delivers a bouquet to Yao who is suffering from art block. Flower Shop & Tattoo Parlour!AU.
A play on the Hades and Persephone relationship dynamic.
Read it on AO3.
Flower arranging is an art in managing death. Flowers die at the point of harvest, and a floral shop a mortuary dedicated to slowing their inevitable decay. This thought would cross Ivan’s mind each time he stepped into the large walk-in fridge in which he stored the bulk of his stock.
He had received a large shipment of white lilies this morning, all bound for a wedding reception that was scheduled for the coming weekend. The flowers stood in long, unbloomed stalks along the walls of the fridge, their thin bulbous heads occasionally nodding in the circulating current of chilled air that pumped in from the vents. A low electrical hum set in as he stood counting them against the delivery note displayed on his tablet – everything appeared to be in order, and he was pleased.
A small ping sounded from his device, and he looked down. He brought up the notification and scanned through the message quickly. Someone had just placed an order for a bouquet and requested for same-day delivery.
Delighted, Ivan rushed out of the fridge towards the array of day flowers at the front of the shop, stowing away the tablet into the front pocket of his apron as he did. The order was for a wildflower bouquet which allowed him a level of spontaneity he loved. He decided to go for almost everything he had on display – honeysuckles, cornflowers, bluebells, daisies, poppies, forget-me-nots…
On impulse, he added a couple of peonies into the mix, too.
It was a little past noon when Ivan arrived at the address he was to deliver the bouquet. He gave the note a final check before pressing on the doorbell and stepping back, his heart racing. Despite working all his life in a shop, the part where he would meet his clients face-to-face always made him nervous.
The door opened a crack, allowing a shaft of light to pierce into the gloomy interior.
“Yes, what is it?” came a low, subdued voice from within.
“Oh, good day! Flower delivery, for, uhh, uhhh…”
Ivan trailed off, panic bubbling up his throat. He had completely forgotten the name!
The figure in the gloom swam into focus as Ivan’s eyes adjusted to the dark, but all he could make out through the crack in the door was a sliver of a thin face framed with dark hair.
“Yes,” he managed to squeak. He extended the bouquet in his hands. “For you.”
A pause. The seconds ticked by. Ivan felt himself lightly deflating under the client’s gaze. Then, finally, the door swung open to reveal a small willowy figure leaning against the doorframe.
Ivan’s eyes widened.
The man – for he was a man, though a very beautiful man – was covered in tattoos. He wore a pair of shorts and an ink-stained tank top which exposed the dark intricate designs decorating his limbs. Ivan’s eyes trailed up the length of his right arm which featured the long scaly tail of a snake – or a dragon, perhaps. The rest of the design was hidden under long brown hair which lay thickly down over the man’s shoulder, as smooth and dark as a brushstroke.
“Flowers,” the man repeated. A statement this time, not a question. He let out a huff of mirth.
Ivan stood awkwardly, his extended arms slowly drooping, as the man in the door peeled away from the frame and hunched slightly to light a cigarette. After taking a puff, he reached one hand towards the proffered bouquet. He traced one pale finger over the petals of a pink peony.
“Thank you, they’re beautiful,” he said. A faint smile curved his lips, softening his expression. Ivan simply stared, entranced.
Somehow, without him realising, the bouquet was transferred into the client’s arm, and he was being dismissed. The client was already turning to shut the door when he blurted, “W-wait, what’s your name?”
The tattooed man turned to fix him a curious look.
“Wang Yao,” he said, indicating with a nod of his head towards the nameplate at the side of his door. Then, after a beat, “Thank you again. For the flowers.”
The door closed behind him with a final click.
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