auspex · 1 year
luke tell me about mark (knife emoji):
🤥, 👪, 💐, 🌙, 🙈, 🙊, 🙉, 🌌, 📣, 🪤, 👑, 🖍️, 🌠, ☄️, 💔
sorry im sending u a ton bc i want to Know also bc these quesitons make me INSANE and i want to make you have to contemplate them in you head.
HIIIIIII this got relaly long and also i am so so tired so hopefully this coheres also sorry it got out of order cause i had to find ones i answered already! anyway enjoy.
OKAY first the ones i’ve answered before:
Bouquet answered here!: www.tumblr.com/blood-bound/724128649517858816/and-for-porphy-and-for-mark
💐 [BOUQUET] If you could send your OC a bouquet, what flowers would make it up and what is the overall message? “White lilies - mourning, but also purity and rebirth. Blue star - admiring determination and endurance Begonias - thank you Zinnia and forget-me-nots - a reminder never to forget absent friends the message is: STAY STRONG, STAY HUMAN, YOU CAN DO IT + THANKS FOR ROTATING IN MY BRAIN I know nothin abt flowers so i used this link https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/gardening/g2503/surprising-flower-meanings/?slide=85” I still like this answer :) Manages to have a coherent color scheme too. -
Milky way and Megaphone answered here: www.tumblr.com/blood-bound/731196362845241344/megaphone-milky-way-clover
“The first thing I decided was clan - Tremere - and the second thing was that he would be an adjunct professor who was a closeted gay man. he was my first OC and first VTM OC and i was new to EVERYTHING so that is mostly what I had. :) He did Much Expanding from there.”
But I will expand: So after that I used making his character sheet to expand him. His street racing backstory came from me wanting him to have SOMETHING in the physical skills category. Then I wanted his more immediate backstory to be that he saw his bf getting drank from and it made sense for him to be a touchstone, and then I decided that his family and him were distant so I didn’t want any of his touchstones to be family; thus ex boyfriend and faculty advisor. I also picked his predator type of sandman, because I didn’t want him to be evil but I did want him to actually drink blood from humans so sandman made sense to me and it ALSO let me get an auspex dot :D cause I wanted all three disciplines in clan to start. -
Megaphone: “Mark's voice is somewhat on the quiet side. It's solidly masculine but it is higher pitched. It's kind of what you would expect from a nerdy dude. When he is intentionally speaking more quietly it has a bit of a scratchy quality to it. If he was in the year 2023 he'd prob have a gay lisp but he Hid That Shit cause closeted.
I am Desperately seeking a voice claim pleaseee if anyone has ideas send.” -
Shooting star (Make a wish with no consequences)was answered here: https://www.tumblr.com/blood-bound/726830818058797056/train-cloud-shooting-star-for-mark
But due to plot developments his answer changed! Now it would be: That Julius dies :) YAYYYY. I’m not sure if he would actually be able to make himself wish that though : ( if he’s not able to it would be to get out of the Kyle contract still. -
Comet and See-No-Evil answered here: https://www.tumblr.com/blood-bound/731194724679090176/lol
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right? “-That he's a nerd: Yes - That he is a neonate: yes in the sense he is independent from his sire, but certainly not in age. He seems older due to his sire making him Politically Safe but he's a baby. -That he has Many Secrets: Yeah but not the type they think for sure -That he has someone powerful protecting him: Yeah <3 There are prob other things that I'm not myself aware of cause im bad at recognizing such things but… those are some!” - 🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people? “Both before and after embrace: His romantic side . Teehee. That's a short answer so lemme expand: He really is romantic and believes in true love and stuff but that goes against his Professor Persona and is not Cool so unless u actually are that person who is romantically into, u aint gonna waterboard this one out of him. After embrace: He doesn't want to show his sympathy for ghouls to most, out of fear they would start questioning him about his own. He's a bit more open about some of his other kindness but NOT that” - Family answered here: https://www.tumblr.com/blood-bound/724397820458778624/for-mark 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 FAMILY — how many people are in your oc's immediate family? how many people are in your oc's extended family? do they have aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc? who in their family are they closest with? are they close with their birth family, or do they have a found family? But I will redo my answer: Just his mom and dad are in the immediate family. I still haven’t really considered extended family - i think when he was younger his grandparents would visit but they died while he was in college. I think his dad had a sister that he’s seen before but Mark didn’t like her so doesn’t care that he doesn’t see her anymore. So he didn’t get close with his cousins either (he had 2). If he HAD to say who he was closest with it’d be his mom but he’s distant with mom and dad. He wants to see them again before he fakes his death but thats about the extent of it. He still has no found family :( - Crown answered here (what does ur OC want to be rememebred for): https://www.tumblr.com/blood-bound/728760375815946240/for-mark “He wants to Not Die and thus not need a legacy because he will Live Forever. But seriously uhmmm lemme think. I think he definitely wants to be thought of as 'one of the good ones' as in he wants to meet final death before he loses his humanity. Beyond that he's kind of having a crisis because he Doesnt Know. He had a goal in life - professor of Roman history, be famous in that field - but now that seems like Not Enough as a kindred. If he wasn't dealing with more immediate crises he would be dealing with an identity crisis for sure… he does want to reexamine all of history and, if it doesnt already exist, write stuff regarding how kine influenced kindred history and vice versa. So we'll see how that goes for him, if it ends up being anything he'd wanna be remembered for that work and for helping kindred appreciate the kine more :D (GOOD FUCKING LUCK W THAT MARK LMFAO)”
- Now the new ones! - 🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying? Mark has 2 manipulation and 1 subterfuge. So. A dice pool of three, which to me means he is below average but not god-awful. He usually talks around things or refuses to answer.
If you know him well a tell that he has is he will make a point to NOT fidget with his glasses because he feels like that WOULD be a tell but. He always fidgets with his glasses so it is actually notable when he doesn’t for an extended period of time. He also def does the thing where his eyes look up while he is thinking of the lie. -
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it? Mark wants a lot of things right now. His greatest wish though… hmm. IDK I’m indecisive. Have a bunch: -To be free of Julius -To make Sampson happy - which means he has to let him go. -To be able to let Sampson go - he is kind of worried how he’s gonna react when he actually gets to that point. He’s trying not to think about it. -Someone, just one person, to both know him very deeply and love him deeply. Someone who also believes he is good, and someone he believes is good as well. He does not want to stop caring.
He’s willing to go quite far because they are all interrelated and, the only things he has to lose are the hope for those wishes. So, so long as it won’t ruin one of the above, he would do a lot and risk a lot. He has a lot of resolve and will certainly push himself beyond his limits. -
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about? Uhm. He’s quite willing to stay quiet for his own safety buuuuuuut probably someone wantonly attempting to kill innocent humans he could not stand for, he would HAVE to try to do something to stop it, and also his hatred of Sabbat - he would not accept someone saying the Sabbat aren’t so bad. Which sucks, but that was his experience.
Oh also he cannot accept Julius slander at this time. He will argue about it. Yes he’s trying to kill Julius. Look. Blood bonds make things complicated. -
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
Other than being informed of stuff that would mean he’s fucked (‘Julius knows you want to kill him” for example), it would be someone he cares about and trusts telling him that Sampson was right, he’s just pretending to care and there isn’t hope for him, that he’s not capable of really loving anyone anymore. :( He’s holding on to hope of true love, ok??? -
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
All of the above and more. Mark has become kind of arrogant - his sire makes him close to untouchable politically, and he’s also just arrogant due to his Beast’s influence + Julius’s influence (Julius’s fatal flaw is his arrogance). And he is also desperate. Teehee. -
🖍️ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them?
I think i had actually answered this one before but I can’t be bothered to find it and my answer wasn’t that good… because it’s still not good. I DONT KNOW. Mark’s situation is so tough and I’m doing my best to RP him accurately while making the best decisions for survival. I think I would tell him that he’s gotta keep his hunger managed, dammit, do NOT let yourself get hungry or it’s going to go really bad. I would also give him the advice that he should be really, really careful about the nosferatu on his territory cause while he’s being careful already i OOC know it is even more dangerous than he realizes. Otherwise. IDK. -
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart? HEEEEEEEEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Yeas. this is a funn question. Okay. So Mark is gonna have a lot of baggage that his next boyfriend would have to navigate. Other than something like I wrote above about the worst thing he could hear from someone, which would of course break his heart… a partner saying that he took advantage of Mark opening up would break his heart too - sharing his secrets with someone else for gain. Or really just sharing things about Mark that he keeps private without his consent would really hurt his trust due to what he’s been through. Or his partner beginning to stop caring about humanity/think little of kine, cause then Mark would really struggle with which conviction he should follow…
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