#and yes i know they're prolly going to explain it in the new show because they were noxusbaiting hard.
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valzhangism · 3 months ago
i know i said i was happy about how mel's story went, but the more i think about it the less i'm sure about that. this is very much connected to how the themes of classism and wealth disappeared in s2, but mel in the beginning was the epitome of piltover. she wanted to advance piltover to prove herself to her mother. to "put piltover—" and by extension herself, "—on the map."
she wanted wealth just to have it. and i'm not blaming her for anything that happened, especially with hextech! she, just like jayce and viktor, could not have known what it would lead to. i mean yeah heimerdinger said so but who the hell listens to heimerdinger? but anyway i think mel changed throughout s1, much in thanks to jayce. by the end she's become more cognisant of the mistreatment of zaunites. she's the first to vote for their peace. she was a good person all along but now she knows how to act on it. it's also seen more in s2 act 1. when she covers her painting with gold, it's symbolic—she won't act according to what her mother might think. she won't let her desire for approval dictate her anymore.
so somehow i wish those themes were. continued, somehow? like again they were dropped not just with mel but the whole show and it makes her story a off to me. there's no meaningful commentary on war or classism or how her ideology stands opposite to her mother's. like some people have said, it feels like she doesn't have much agency, even if she is really cool. and that to me is a shame because agency felt like her thing. "to shape your own destiny" as she says to jayce in s1. i know her collaborating with the black rose (but not fully joining them) and learning magic is supposed to represent becoming independent from her mother, taking her own path, but some other aspects of her character were thrown away... the more i think about it the more i'm thinking they kind of #girlboss-ed her a little bit. maybe to sell another champion. i can't help but feel like even though i enjoyed seeing her on screen, the payoff didn't feel proportionally satisfying compared to her setup in s1.
#mel medarda#her characteristics; the whole point of her dichotomy with her mom;#is that she does not use violence. she fights and controls with words.#with her intelligence. with her knowledge of people and their minds.#so now thinking about it i'm a little :/ that not only#did we not get to see a lot of that in s2#but she just. became another fighter?#i also know there was that whole thing about how mages aren't accepted in noxus but#honestly? kind of stupid. magic violence is still violence.#and i know arcane retcons a lot of things but.#the lore noxus. was not like that iirc. and it feels like a strange thing to just make up.#done in service just to make mel a Cool Badass Mage™ while still saying#hey guys! she's still different from her mom don't worry!#also. hey. hey. why is she going back to noxus. can someone to explain that to me#like ok i know it's her only connection left. i kinda understand.#but at the same time...? what. is she gonna do there#i know sevimel is a crackship but i kinda wished she stayed in piltover to help#better things for zaunites. and help sevika on the council#(god knows she needs it)#that might have been a fitting conclusion to her character. to me!#look i cant lie and say i hated watching mel be all badass like. she's awesome.#but character writing wise... kind of let down?#we didn't even get to know more about her past or where she's from.#and yes i know they're prolly going to explain it in the new show because they were noxusbaiting hard.#but man... i don't know...#sorry holy shit that's a lot of words.#if anyone has any opinions would love to hear them. still very conflicted on this whole thing.#it just feels like i'm missing something.#arcane
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bigmack2go · 6 months ago
Polyamory soulmate au but its spralbert
Okay i’m BEGGING for someone to write this!!!!!!!!
Like where you get marks on your skin that your soulmate has
So when you write on your skin and think you’re writing with one person but its actually two people, both of which also think that they’re talking to one person (this could be so hilarious lmao)
And spot and race find out their soulmates (bc their marks are identical obv)
Well one day race is looking into the mirror with a huge black eye and he is furious at spot like “what the HELL did you do this time?!” And spot who was really worried about race after seeing the same thing is like “I WAS GONNA ASK YOU THE SAME THING” because it isnt from him???
And then they realise that there’s a third one
And then they hear rumours or like,,, idk, read a news article or whatever about this fight that happened that exact night
Obviously they have their suspicions but they dont wanna get their hopes up bc it COULD be a coincidence
Anyway so just days later, spot meets this guy and finds out he’s actually one of the people from the fight but he doesn’t have the black eye so he frantically asks him who the other person was and the guy is just like “o-..okay wtf” but gives him the name and shit. spot calls race and they immediately go to the guy (his name is albert) because the bruise is already healing and they may not have much time (obv they could just make another mark. But they are way to dense to think of that)
And the door opens to this abnormally gorgeous ginger guy who’s only current visual imperfection is this bruise. His eyes widen in realisation and then go back to pure confusion when he realises there’s two of them and suddenly everything makes sense ahhhhhh
And optionally (they already know what albert looks like in advance. In this scenario)Albert could have an identical twin who opens the door and for a second they think it wasn’t him after all. After a few seconds of not saying anything, tommy (who would be alberts twin) is like “yes?” Like these two guys -who r obviously soulmates (but he does reckognise that black eye from somewhere)- just show up at his apartment fir some reason and then not say anything?
So race and spot apologise and explain the situation and tommy just grins and lets them in. And they’re like “????” And tommy facetimes albert and they’re just more confused and tommy just says “you got the wrong dasilva twin!” And then they understand. Albert, who doesn’t know who tommy is talking to or what he’s talking about, has the same reaction that tommy had when spot and race show up (but prolly with more anger issues lol) and he’s like “you fucking idiot why di you call me and then not talk to me” and then tommy just hands over the phone to race and spot and albert just blinks like “and you are??” But then he notices something “WAIT THATS MY—? Wait but you—“ and he’s just rly confused and spot and race explain and they agree to meet up and then tgey lived happily ever after
Okay so i did try chat gpt but it didn’t get me much. However id DID get me to alter some parts of the promt to the level i might as well have just written it /exg
Anyway idk if you care but here it is
where you get marks on your skin that your soulmate has.
So it’s like a universally acknowledged truth that you share any body marks you soulmate has. Any mark, writing, mud stain, scar, bruise, cut or whatever other marking you can get appears and disappears on each others skin at the same time. but in this case its polyamorous.
SO these three guys (Race, Albert, and Spot) write on their skin to communicate with each other. but the catch is that they think they’re writing to one person but its actually two people, both of which also think that they're talking to one person (this could be so hilarious because sometimes they would confuse each other when saying things that disagree with ‘itself’ when in reality it was simply another person that said that stuff. Or sometimes they would respond to ‘their own’ messages)
This goes on for years without them realising it.
And Spot and Race find each other first. After years of only knowing each other from the writing on their skin. They start living together But they still have no clue that theres actually three of them.
After they met they stop writing on their skin. Albert thinks he’s said something wrong because his soulmate isn't responding anymore to written stuff. After a while he gives up though.
All three STILL dont know that they have two soulmates.
Well until one day race is looking into the mirror with a huge, nasty black eye and he is furious at spot like "what the HELL did you do this time, conlon?!" And spot who was really worried about race after seeing the same thing is like "I WAS GONNA ASK YOU THE SAME THING" because it isnt from him???
race tells him “well it isnt from me!”
And spot goes “well then who is it from?”. And its meant to be a sarcastic reply but then theres a silence as they realises that it might ACTUALLY be from someone completely else.
And then they realise that there's a third one
And then they hear rumours or like, read a news article or whatever about this fight that happened that exact night before they both woke up with the bruise.
Obviously they have their suspicions. Is this the person who gave them this bruise? But they don’t wanna get their hopes up be it COULD be a coincidence that it happened at the same time.
Anyway so just days later, spot meets this guy, Spider (who’s a lot older than them), and finds out he's actually one of the two people were in the fight but he doesn't have a black eye so that means he isn't the one. he frantically asks him who the other person was and the guy is just like "o-..okay what the hell…?" but ends up giving spot the name (albert) and all that (address and age etc) and shows him an older picture.
spot calls race less than two minutes later and they immediately go to the adress. because the bruise is already healing and they dont have much time.
The guy that opens the door is definitely albert. Maybe a bit older but he looks exactly like in the picture. But he doesn’t have a black eye. So it was a coincidence after all:(
After a few seconds of not saying anything, he is like "yes?" Because these two guys he doesnt know -who are obviously soulmates judging by the identical black eye they have (but he does recognise that black eye from somewhere)- just show up at his and his brothers apartment for some reason and then not say anything?
So race and spot apologise and explain the situation telling him that they had this bruise and that neither of them got it so they think theres someone third as their soulmate. And since they heard that ‘he’ had gotten in a fight that exact night, they thought it was him but apparently it wasnt *sigh*
When they mention the fact that ‘he’ was in that fight, tommy (alberts twin. This was never alebrt, it’s actually his identical twin) realises that they think that he’s albert. Because he wasnt in the fight: Albert was. He just grins and lets them in.
And they're like "????" Because they dont understand why he would ask them in if things aren’t what they thought they were.
Tommy facetimes albert and they're just more confused and tommy just says "you got the wrong dasilva twin!" And then they understand.
Albert, who doesn't know who tommy is talking to or what he's talking about, has the same reaction that tommy had when spot and race showed up (but a little bit more aggressive on account that they’re siblings) and he's like "you moron why do you call me and then not talk to me" and then tommy just hands over the phone to race and spot and albert just blinks like "and you are??" But then he notices the bruise that looks like his own "WAIT THATS MY-? Wait but you—" (but they are also have the same marks as each other so they’re either each other soulmate, but they also have HIS bruise so one of them is his soulmate, OR…) and he's just rly confused and spot and race explain and they agree to meet up and then they lived happily ever after
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rurifangirl · 4 years ago
ayy i finally woke up, so have oc asks💃
Kayn's opinion of higheals? would he ever wear them? if so, what kind of heals would he wear?
if Syndra could dropkick onw person, who would it be👀
would Rui or would they not try to choke me to death for eatin their gems askin for no reason👁
why did ya give Lyva such pink vibe👁👁 i luv her she's a fave
Shou's opinion on this lil shit
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does Qiran hate anyone? like trully hate? is it justified from Qiran's pov?
Naexi's opinion on this fuck. specifically.
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Evelyn's opinion on gore👀
Hakdkskk bestie now I understood shit so Imma reply Ig🙄/j
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Ahkeosk If anything he kinda likes them. Like probably wouldn't wear those but that's more because of uh, bitch Is a tree n if he ain't gettin help he's gonna trip with them 😭😭 And I'm sure that since some members of the gang still wear em he'd still find them aesthetically pleasin. I feel like rather than buyin em for himself he'd probably give his opinion on which are the cutest onto others tbh. All I'm seeing Is him helpinh out 7/Ruri w choosing them and being the himbo he is
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Ywjekdk surprisingly so not really anyone that Is currently alive I mean other than ti annoy someone she doesn't really have anyone in particular. For It so much time passed that even if she still holds grudges it's usless for it to get mad at them, since she was the one to do many, shitty and questionable things during its life.
If she could get back it would absolutely kick the shit outta of someone, but they're still not introduced so imma leave this ask with some sort of interpretation.
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Yes. 100%. No question asked 😭😭 Why would ya even steal em from them, ya wanna get killed or somethin? Know your place you swine 🙄/j
Agdjkskw on a serious note they're extremely attached to their gems and would do anything to prevent them getting touched/stolen/broken, even going after you till the day you die (/hj)
They'd even change paths if that meant the safety of their gems tbh
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Bestie i have no idea but sameee 😭😭 Even tho she ain't my fav she's one of em, but good news Is that Myst (my upcoming oc that idk when to upload honestly) Is gonna be kinda important for everyone and specifically Lyva, so you'll prolly get more content of them 😍
and also because i want to make more content id die for them too
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"What in the lord- Qiran, are you even sure it's my ask? ...You didn't get mixed up? Very well then. I have no knowledge nor want to know what that thing Is, rather than you shall keep It the more distant from me, if that is not a difficult task. Thank you in advance. :)"
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Remember when I said that they lost their friends because of something? Well let's just say that they didn't lose em because of natural causes, rather than something had brutally killed them.
Now I initially intended to make this one of the main members of the Cult, as they do have their reasons to take them down (Alias some of Qiran's friends knew too much), but now I'm kinda torn whether to make that another own character or not.
Or even giving the fault to some character I've already mentioned that Is kinda tied to Qiran too👁️👁️ (yes im now having doubts whether to make that a group of people or shous dad yes im serious).
But either way, they not only resent them BUT THEY ALSO resent their older brother, which again Is the other oc I gotta introduce, but everything Is gonna be explained better in his own post👀.
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"what a... wonderful creature! is it tied to any human practice or tradition? it seems like a fun way to seek for comfort too, I suppose? thank you for showing me this :>."
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"Man that shit's nasty, I 'on like it and thinkin bout that makes me wanna curl up onto Naexis carpet or somethin n 'ucking vomit, and Shoe bein fuckin disgustin in their other shitty form ain't helpin 🙄 Damnin Weirdos" ( They actually care but are too much of a prideful bitch to admit It)
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