#and yes i know there's protesting boycotting etc
singinginthecar · 4 months
i still remember being a teenager and the first time i saw pictures from abu ghraib prison from the iraq war. i thought it was despicable. unfathomable the levels that the american military had gone to physically torture and dehumanize prisoners of war and to murder them. then, i remember growing up and seeing pictures from sri lanka's genocide of the tamil people (or as western media likes to call it, "sri lanka's civil war"). i'll never forget seeing those pictures and videos of tamil civilians bombed, murdered, raped, mutilated. i'll never be able to erase the cries i heard in those videos. pictures of innocent children bombed in schools. civilians bombed in supposed "safe zones". international media and western countries did nothing. and when i think nothing could possibly get worse... i see pictures & videos from gaza day after day... for the past 7 months. i've seen mutilated bodies. bombed bodies. bodies crushed under rubble. bodies flattened by tanks. burned bodies charred beyond recognition. i didn't know what shrapnel injuries looked like until now. compression injuries. i didn't... know... that things like this could be done to human beings. and they are. i hear stories and see pictures that are worse than the day before. the depravity and the moral apathy continues to worsen. and in moments like this, it's hard knowing that the ones who have all the power to stop these war crimes are only enabling it. and i'm consumed with so much rage that the world somehow keeps spinning despite it all. i'm mad at our governments. i'm mad at anyone who has any power to say or do something about it and chooses to do nothing or straight up enables it. there's got to be a better way. we can't keep living with these systems in power who inflict such pain into entire generations of people and never face any consequences for it.
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skyethewolfwizard · 5 months
I feel it within me that the world will see freedom.
Well, no. I know it. Yes we see horror and evil, atrocity and seemingly endless sin. And yet, so many, and I mean the vast majority of the earth fights against it.
Like with the climate, we make big changes and continue to do so. Don't get me wrong we're not fixing it fast enough, but the world is turning to fix it more and more.
Shutting down coal plants, investing in nuclear, wind, solar, geothermal, etc.
Same with all the atrocities. Whether it be genocide in Gaza or Tigray, the world sees it and have been protesting and fighting. The journalists on the ground in those places, the workers bringing food and aid, and the Palestinians, Sudanese, and others themselves being so persistent against evil.
We won't stop fighting, and as long as we stand the evil can't endure for much longer.
There will be a day when the final coal plant is closed, the final law against persecuted people is removed, and the final death is done.
Yes there are people more evil than anything we can comprehend, where they seem so ignorant and disgustingly blood thirsty. But we out number them, we have the power to take away theirs. And have shown it.
A single reblog starting a chain to raise awareness, a single post spreading to multiple social circles, a single voice bringing more to protest alongside them, a single person boycotting making many more and hurting the corporations, a single strike spreading around the world.
No matter how small, or large, we make impacts. Do everything you can. Keep yourself healthy to continue doing so. And we will see freedom for all
Boycott for Palestine, the Congo, Sudan, and the persecuted people of the world
Boycott for the climate, nature, worker's rights
Protest, organize.
Organize unions, organizations, research. Get power by coming together. Start organizing with peers.
And most importantly, we are all in this together. Fight exclusion. Whether it's exclusion of our fellow queer, by race, by religion, fight it.
Understand that you are not immune to being bigoted. Unity, solidarity is what gave us the power to fight.
So don't lose it.
If it isn't harming you, then let it be.
Live and let live, is something I fear many need to hear. Though I know the exclusionists are small in number. And even the ones seen are radfems on anon
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splatoon-countdown · 7 months
Today (February 18th) to the 25th, I will not be posting countdowns or countdown art.
Remember January 21st, the beginning of a week-long global strike? We are doing that again. Yes, we. If you do not even try to participate in any way at all, you are complicit in genocide. It is understandable if you cannot skip school or work, but there's nothing stopping you from sharing more posts about Palestine on your blog. "But, Side Order releases in that timeframe! And there's a Splatfest going on!" I know. But something like that shouldn't stop you from trying to support people suffering from a genocide any way you can. You can play the game, obviously- but try to focus on Palestine, and DON'T post about it during the strike. It's just a video game. You can wait. Skip school and work if you can. Don't buy anything, don't stimulate the economy at all. Only buy what is necessary for survival (✅: toilet paper, food, medicine, etc. 🚫: video games, fast food, merch, etc. If you don't need it, don't get it.), and ESPECIALLY don't buy anything being boycotted. https://bdsmovement.net/ is a great resource for seeing what people are boycotting, and I will reblog information posts the whole week. Participate in protests near you. Donate to Palestinians and Palestinian support funds. Make yourself heard. Visibly support Palestine.
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mielwriting · 2 months
I'm all for the support/boycott of Hoyoverse over the Natlan issue but... When does it end? What's the end goal of all of this? For Hoyo to say "We screwed up" and to make the skin tones of the Natlan playable characters darker? And that brings up the quest of HOW dark should each character be. What's the "correct" skin tone?
(I know this post is about fictional characters but I did talk more about real-life horrors in this post. Be warned).
Yes, the goal IS for Hoyo to make the Natlan’s characters skin tones darker. And also for their clothes and accessories to look more culturally accurate and less like a Spirit Halloween (though I realize whole new character designs are much harder than just making the skin darker. Especially in the 6 week deadline).
That said. My country is facing a very real threat to democracy in 4 months, and millions will die if Trump is elected.
And that’s just MY country. Many countries around the globe have seen a spike in wannabe-autocrats becoming leaders (Italy, India, Philippines, Argentina, etc). Not to mention the worldwide trend of Islamophobia.
Most recently, there’s the student-led protests in Bangladesh that aren’t getting enough attention.
Representation is important. I firmly believe in the power of stories and their ability to carry hope to those who need it. That’s a message I believe Genshin Impact’s story echoes.
Part of why I get so much hope from seeing Genshin Impact’s popularity is that my minority groups are represented in the game more than in other stories I’ve seen (Queer and Neurodivergent). I am speaking from a place of bias.
But in the end, I have bigger issues to focus on and am in dire need of some escapism. Having spaces where you can ignore the real world’s problems and relax is an essential part of your health. Traumatizing ourselves “in solidarity” helps no one.
So I will not be boycotting Hoyo or sending in bad reviews. I would rather devote that energy and passion to writing speeches convincing people to vote for Biden instead of throwing away their voice for a protest vote.
As we learned in 2016, there are plenty of psyops to combat on this website. I plan to do my part to help my country remain a democracy past January 2025.
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space-specs · 6 months
Your Guide To Voting in 2024
Yes, you may feel like everything is horrible and hopeless, and you don't want to vote. I'm here to not do that, and give you tips and info on why. Ultimately, I do not care what you actually vote only that you try to go and fill out something.
Make Sure You Are Registered to Vote
Check your registration status. This site has a drop down to select your state, which will link you to the website to check and see if you're registered.
Not registered? Go here. This site will tell you how to get registered in your state and will link you directly to the online registration if your state offers it.
Make sure you have a government issued photo ID. Driver's license, state ID, passport, etc. Many states require to you to present some form of ID to vote. Find out what counts in your state (and exceptions and provisional ballot rules) here.
Know you'll have difficulty making it to the ballot box? Check the rules for voting by mail/absentee voting in your state and see if you qualify.
Look up your sample ballot ahead of time! Lots of places provide a sample ballot which allows you to see what all the issues are ahead of time. Since this will vary by local elections, the best way to this is to look up "[your county name] sample ballot", possibly with the year tacked on to the end of the search. This may not be available until closer to election day, but it is a great way to get prepared for voting.
Other Voting Tips
This is where I get into the bit where it matters more to me that you vote than who you vote for. This is a personal principle of mine: everyone has the right to vote regardless of if I agree with what you choose to do with that vote.
You do not have to fill out every box on the ballot. You can leave some blank! Don't want to vote on President this year? Fine! Only want to vote on President and don't want to research other issues? Also fine. In fact, you can turn in a completely blank ballot if you want, and that is a political action, too. (Tip: parties note a blank box on issues because it indicates to them you were dissatisfied with your options)
You can bring notes with you! Too many issues to keep track of? Write yourself a note, print out a sample ballot and fill it out in advance to copy over, finding a voting guide and print it. As long as it is ON PAPER, you can bring it with you. (I verified this is universally allowed here)
Don't know where to start on research? The sample ballot is a great place to start just looking up candidates, but I also recommend checking out your local chapter of League of Women Voters. They put out a voters guides for each election that list pros and cons to various issues on the ballot.
The most important and most neglected elections are your local ones. Real grassroots change might be possible in your city, if you pay attention. Too overwhelmed by all this? Pick a few local issues to focus on, like the school board or city council. My city passed a trans-inclusive non-discrimination ordinance in a red state because people rallied around a handful of progressive city council members that swayed the vote. Even if everything feels hopeless, you make things better for yourself and your loved ones by actively engaging in your local politics.
Remember it's voting AND not voting OR. I know a lot of people are extremely dissatisfied with their options for this year's election, especially at the national level. Don't stop doing what you're doing. Don't stop protesting and boycotting and donating and talking about the things that matter to you. Get involved in your community. Find ways to make a difference. But also, go vote. Please.
Thank you for reading this. I hope something in here was helpful for you, and if it was, please consider reblogging this so that others can find it as well. If I've forgotten anything important, I welcome any helpful additions and will do my best to reblog those or add them to the original post as needed!
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augustisnotonline · 4 months
Currently typing this whilst pissing so if I can do it so can you, and I should have posted this sooner.
I stand with Palestine and have since I first heard about what has been happening. At first I was unsure of boycotting companies as I wasn't sure it would work, but I know it does and I've been doing what I can to help out.
This is through boycotting companies that are on the boycott list (I use the No Thanks app to see if a product is safe), donating when I can (charities, go fund me etc), daily clicks ( https://arab.org/click-to-help/palestine/ ), sharing and boosting posts on social media, mainly tiktok as I have a bigger following there and I use it the most. There are organisations like operation olive branch who are helping families escape and get to a safer place. Educating yourself on this has been the biggest thing you can do, If you're still unsure of what is going on, go to tiktok or search for it, information is there and easy to access
If you can, attend protests. Protesting is so important as it gets the message across to governments, and it shows we want change and we're angry. It also gives you a voice, yes posting on social media does, but attending s protest also gives you a voice.
If you can't donate or attend a protest, boycotting, educating yourself, daily clicks and boosting Palestinian voices on social media and any video talking about the genocide.
Ill link the sites I know, but there are so many out there. Please do what you can 🍉
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hainethehero · 8 months
I’m not mad about Starbucks and Mcdonald’s being boycotted. I’m mad about the fact that y’all are just focusing on these TWO companies. A lot of people think that these two companies are the only ones that should be boycotted while having no idea about the actual main targets because y’all are loud as hell about these two companies only. There was a tweet with thousands of likes that goes “all palestinians asked yall to do was boycott 2 places and yall cant even tho that bc ure caffeine and grease addicted fiends”. Like all along these people think that there are only two companies to boycott because yall are focusing on them way too much when you can just use that time to spread awareness about the Actual main targets. Y’all are pissing me off because this is doing more damage than help. This just causes people to disregard other selected companies that should be boycotted because y’all are just focusing and being loud on these two.
Starbucks reported 12 billion losses and Mcdonald’s is rebranding? Then what? Did that help Palestine in any way? Israel didn’t lose anything by that because they aren’t being funded by these companies in the first place. You know what could actually help? Boycotting companies that actually fund them if that isn’t obvious enough.
Have I posted about it? Multiple times already. Have I donated? Not only donated but also encouraged everyone to do so by sharing donation links from Palestinian organizations. And yes I do participate in boycott and some of the companies in the list don’t even exist in my country. How about you? Did you do any of that? Have you posted about the companies that actually fund israel?
And I don’t know who the fuck Simone is. I’m mad about the fact that you said tgar those two are the main targets completely disregarding the other ones because for you they are less popular. This isn’t some popularity competition. This is about which ones will have more negative impact to Israel when boycotted. The fact that you’re taking this as something like I’m a Starbucks and Mcdonald’s defender says a lot. Anyone who actually cares for Palestine would be pissed off if people are just boycotting these two companies. The few qrts of the tweet i mentioned were mad as fuck about the tweet too. That’s because we actually do care and not just do things for clout. We don’t want israel to be funded by these big ass corporations while your priority is to appear morally righteous, follow the crowd, and bring more clout. If you're not mad that people are boycotting these two companies only, then do you even care about palestine in the first place?
WHERE did I say people were ONLY boycotting these 2 places?
I said they're the most popular to boycott, but people have been boycotting other brands. If YOU don't know that ppl are boycotting other companies other than these 2, then that's YOUR PROBLEM for living under a rock. Because people ARE boycotting more than just Starbucks and McDonald's.
You getting irrationally mad makes absolutely no sense because I've already explained to you that it is a PROCESS.
Of course it's not going to be cut and dry. Of course boycotting is a complex process but the important thing is that IT IS HAPPENING. There have been protests at BlackRock, people have been boycotting Disney and Warner Bros. People have CANCELLED SUBSCRIPTIONS TO NETFLIX, HULU, APPLE TV ETC. They ARE targeting other funders of genocide! Not just Stabucks and McDonald's.
So you getting "mad" over YOUR assumption that "people are only boycotting sb & mcd's" is hella pointless cos we've been boycotting more than that.
Maybe you haven't.
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waitingforeddyneddy · 11 months
Hollywood is literally blacklisting people who speak out about Israel being a genocidal state which is why many actors/musicians etc are staying silent.
Boycotting paramount won’t do shit. The only thing that will help Palestinians is pressuring the people who have political power to help save them. Y’all’s slacktivism is really insane and annoying.
As for JB traveling to Israel - people in the west, particularly the US and UK are not taught about Palestinians, Nakba, etc. From an early age they’re all taught that Israel is the one being oppressed. You’ll see many people who have traveled to Israel prior change their stance once they educate themselves.
I will take an actors silence over the over Zionism of other Hollywood stars. Bella Hadid is getting literal death threats for speaking out. And as someone who works in Hollywood, I know for a fact, as I said earlier, people are being blacklisted for even being pro “ceasefire” which is the bare minimum.
People are bringing up simone because you’re a stan of hers, which is fine, but she also hasn’t said shit about Palestine or Israel, as is her right, because people are being fired left and right for standing on the right side of history.
Hate JB all you want, I literally don’t care, I’m not even a huge fan of him at this point but people are calling out your hypocrisy and jumping to conclusions about who is a Zionist and who is not. JB went to Israel years ago, yes (I didn’t even see the pictures tbh that’s how far removed I am from celebrity socials), from all accounts was called out for it. Deleted the pictures and who is to say that he DIDN’T educate himself? He hasn’t posted any pro Israel shit since then and has smartly kept his mouth shut for now because he knows his project was produced by Zionists. I guarantee most of these people are terrified to say anything.
Major kudos to Nicola since she is the ONLY one in the bridgerton cast who has been unabashedly vocal about #freepalestine. Which is funny since most of you freaky kathony Stans HATE her. (And before you start I literally hate Penelope and Colin so don’t even try to paint me with a stan brush)
Your comments are irresponsible trying to paint JB as a Zionist when we have no fucking clue where his position lies. Much like we don’t know where simone’s, charithra’s, Rege’s, Luke’s, Luke’s, etc lies. Instead check out that list of actors who signed no hostage left behind - those are the real people you should take issue with.
Start protesting and calling your politicians. Boycotting paramount won’t do shit to help Palestinians. The US’s President is co-signing genocide right now and he is only gonna give a shit if he thinks he’s in danger of losing the next election. (Not saying you’re from the US - just giving this as an example).
I was about to respond to each of your points but then I saw you wrote “you freaky kanthony stans” and I honestly can’t take you seriously.
I also don’t believe you when you say you’re not a huge JB fan cause you sound pretty angry and out of breath. Your constant saying “boycotting Paramount won’t do shit” is ridiculous cause nobody here is saying it will end the conflict. It’s just a way to get back at them by not providing money for their subscription and going for 🏴‍☠️ if you really are interested in the story and if you just wanna watch your fave’s new project
Also LMAO at you for saying JB wasn’t educated about Israel, fucking stop saying a privileged white man who comes from money doesn’t know. Every fucking western country supports Israel in the media that doesn’t mean we are mindless robots. I live in southern Italy, I’ve been against Israel since the moment I started to develop critical thinking skills despite my humble upbringing and social status 🤡
It’s pathetic, stop with this bullshit
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kingorgan · 2 years
Just asking... why do you criticize JKR but also reblog Harry Potter gifs? I'm saying this as a someone who's reread the books every two weeks in my preteen years.
Giving platform to her work contributes to her presence on this website, and the presence and popularity are a way to endorse products that give royalties to her. And you know what she uses all that money for.
Harry Potter was literally my childhood, and yes, it was hard to let it go completely at first...but she's really not worth it. You can't separate the work from the creator when it still gives the creator money.
Hey! Just to start, I wanted to firstly thank you for being kind in your question asking, and secondly to set the tone for my answer since obviously tone can be hard to read through text. My tone throughout this entire answer is one of kindness and sincerity. I am not at any point mad or upset.
I do not support JKR in any financial way. As soon as her twitter rant made its way to my side of the internet, I made the decision to stop purchasing anything official to do with HP. I was in the middle of collecting those 20th Anniv edition books with all the houses. I stopped. Previously I would have bought merch, I wanted to go to the theme park etc. I do not do or plan to do those things anymore.
I own merch that I do not wear outside my house, because I don't want to make people feel unsafe. I have a tattoo that I can't do much about, but when people take notice of it (and I feel I'm personally safe to do so) I say thanks but fuck JKR, right? So far, no one has disagreed with me, but I am armed with gentle arguments if someone ever does.
But I do still engage with fan content. I listen to a few podcasts that have openly distanced themselves from JKR (Harry Potter and the Sacred Text, and Witch Please), I still reread the books, I still watch the movies (which I have on dvd and bought long before any of this), I still read and write HP fanfic, and I still reblog HP content on tumblr alongside JKR criticism which I tag the same.
What I feel like your question is implying though is the idea that there is a right and a wrong way to respond to and/or boycott something like JKR's transphobia.
As a person who has been active politically for a good long while now, something that you learn quickly is that you can't do everything. For example, I love make up and I boycott brands that aren't cruelty free. But different people have different ideas about what cruelty free means. There's kinda three levels to it. 1) that the brand has a cruelty free certification 2) has a cruelty free cert and doesn't sell on mainland China where their gov can require animal testing on any product whenever they want, though historically this is rare 3) all of the above plus their parent company is also cruelty free.
I do number two because as much as I want to stop animal testing on cosmetic products, I do not have the bandwidth to work out what everyones parent company is. But there a lot of people who would say I must not care about eliminating animal testing if I don't go all the way. I would disagree with those people.
This is not the only boycotting I do. There are coffee companies I will not buy at because their owners came out as homophobes during my country's same sex marriage debate. I boycott Disney, because they're an evil company which yes, includes Marvel and Star Wars because they are the same company. By which I mean I do not financially support them and find ways to watch what little I do want to watch through other means that doesn't give the mouse any money.
But I also don't judge people who don't do those things.
My priorities are not everyone's priorities. Beyond even boycotting - I am in full support of BLM protests in the USA. But I am not American, and whilst there is a lot I can learn from race discussions the US has, my priority is always going to be my own country's racist history and present. And I'd rather use my time and energy to talk about and learn about what is happening in my country rather than theirs.
All of this is to say that, after paying attention to the trans and non binary people who were speaking about this topic at the time, parsing through my own feelings and thoughts on the subject, and then discussing them with people that I trusted to call me out if I needed to be, I decided fan content was okay. But that I would always engage with the books and movies in a way that was critical of them and their creator.
I don't view reblogging HP gifsets whilst also reblogging criticism as anything different to what HP and the Sacred Text does, or watching the movie with friends who I also have critical discussions with.
Does reblogging gifsets of HP increase her presence on this website, and therefore lead to more sales? It's unlikely. Most people on this website will be aware of what JKR has done and will have made up their mind already on whether they are going to continue supporting her financially or not. Will there be people who follow me thinking I'm a "safe" pro JKR person? Maybe, but they're unlikely to think it for very long given that I also reblog anti JKR stuff. And maybe the post that they see will be one of many interactions that chip away at their terfness.
In the end, it's just as likely that reblogging anti JKR stuff will be seen by a terf who uses that as an excuse to buy more HP stuff because they feel the need to support her more. This is also possible, but unlikely so it won't stop me from reblogging them.
At the end of the day, how everyone has chosen to respond to JKR is personal, and there is no right or wrong way to do it, short of outright supporting and agreeing with her. I don't have to let go of HP completely, to let go of JKR. You might have felt that you had to, and I would not be mad or upset if you felt the need to block me because of this. But not responding in the exact way you did, does not mean that I am boycotting wrong, nor does it make me a bad person or anti-trans.
Maybe one day I will agree with you and stop reblogging them. My opinion is not stagnate. But that's where I'm at right now.
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i would just like to say that a lot of younger queer people need to understand what the political environment was at the time lok came out before you go around saying korrasami isn’t queer rep. you need to understand this show had an audience that comprised of a lot of closeted queer kids at a time where the country it was originally released in had more states ban gay marriage than legalize it. this was a time when kids everyday would see debates over gay rights and anti gay marriage protests on the news. it was cool and ‘edgy’ to have homophobic activists be political commentators. this was a time when it was normal to go into your high school government class and listen to your classmates debate whether gay marriage should be legalized for a grade. this was a time when the very small amount of queer rep in media was comprised entirely of skinny white cis boys. so to be fourteen, knowing i was a lesbian, and having this level of homophobia washed over me everyday - seeing this show was a lifesaver. this was not ‘implied’ queer rep, it wasn’t queer baiting, it was explicitly portrayed and stated by the creators that korra and asami are together. this show paved the way for queer rep not only in children’s media, but for all forms of popular media in the coming years. the creators, actors, even nickelodeon were boycotted, received death threats, etc. all for what you believe to be ‘queer-baiting’. it obviously wasn’t perfect, but to step over all the progress the lok team made because it doesn’t rise to your standard of 2020 activism is taking for granted the steps forward the queer community has taken to get where we are today. so yes, if you are 14-17 please think before you go around yelling about how korrasami isn’t ‘good’ queer rep.
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incarnateirony · 4 years
I get Chaos Machine has a deal with WB. But they are already following the CW too. Kinda bumps in a wrong way..
I mean, there’s been a lot of misinformation about things, and there’s a lot of truth to things here.
There’s rumor, for example, that Jensen was signed on to do a mini series directly for CW a while back. This came from a misinterpretation of a recording someone heard. At the time he was actually discussing a pod-cast-esque thing he was prompted to work on by one of the CW execs as a general encouragement from being career friends, but that never manifest.
On the other hand, yes, Jensen *is* following CW. And I have zero surprise, beyond the fact that he isn’t also following HBO; he’s able to work with both. Which tells me what he’s working on is, in fact, something that’s likely being geared to the CW--which isn’t actually to be mistaken with the first piece of information at the time.
But considering Jensen--and even Kim lately--have been speaking about SPN reboots/revivals recently, I can tell you right now--those are likely fated to go to the CW. Even if their licensing technically lapsed for things like their digital platforms (hence the removal of all their stuff from YT, etc), nothing stops them from trying to grab anything in the works--and they’re the most likely candidate. After 15 years of content (or like 14?) being on CW (before it was on WB before the merger), logic dictates HBO isn’t gonna get in a slapwar with its own sister company to get the rights, as much as we’d all love HBO Supernatural. 
I’ve been meditating on this a lot, actually; any of these details alone wouldn’t mean much. These details together though--following CW and still not other WB affiliates by now; Jensen’s comments about rethinking it; certain details I’ve heard about that I literally can’t talk about in public without burning sources; Kim’s mention of it on the stream; CW moving public-- it would indicate they are, in fact, working on something.
The interesting thing though is if CM is the production studio, it changes the handling to some extent even if it feeds through CW. 
For example, you’ve heard the script draft process:
Writer Draft
Studio Draft
Network Draft
Production Draft(s)
So let’s imagine, I don’t know. Bobo still works on a CM reboot. That means Bobo’s script would go through CM this time, and Jensen’s studio would be the one with fingers in it. Then the only fiddling would be with the network itself, but the studio can actually pitch a bit back against the network depending on its position--eg, it’s also a WB contracted entity, Jensen has pretty solid clout, etc. Especially since he’d also probably end up working Production end, meaning he could look at something he passed at Studio level, see something butchered at Network level, and go “What the hell?” to his own corp pals.
Keep in mind--while there’s the boycott against the CW, this is in essence a boycott against both of the parent companies: WB and CBS. They use the CW as a vehicle for a lack of accountability. This fandom has a lot of power, but taking WB or CBS head on would be like kicking water uphill. 
At current, we can actually shake down WB pretty directly if SPN fandom actually onboards #IStandWithNadria (check my pinned post, reblog if you can), because we basically built an alliance with wider non-CW comic book fandom, the word spread like wildfire because of the nature of Superman, meaning we have diverse support. If you want to actually kick WB directly in the shins right now, please, PLEASE consider joining #IStandWithNadria. Personally I’d prefer people join because they actually are mad about what they did to her, but even if it’s pure gay petty spite, we need every hand on deck we can get.
CBS is a different beast, and also has its bullshit, but right now we can only dump ice on them proxy of the CW.
Breaking down the CW’s value and ad space depresses their ability to draw revenue and basically causes a chain reaction up the ladder where if the network is going to recover, it’s going to have to tell mommy and daddy to stop instead of just protecting them. CW is an LLC with no stocks, and difficult to hold accountable, and smokescreens for the larger corps. But crush out their ad value and suddenly, CBS and WB have to consider how to keep this vehicle for their content delivery alive--they’ve already lost the netflix deal that came by proxy of it, which is why CBS shows are even getting vaulted onto HBO Max now.
Now this is a very LONG aside from Chaos Machine following CW but a very necessary one to understand why, for example, things might be different if it went by way of Chaos Machine. The IP would still belong to WB (which is why an exclusive contracted studio would handle it) and Kripke (duh), but the studio standards would be different. They aren’t the same sort of accountability issues that we’re protesting by rocking the CW boat.
It will leave an interesting question on ethical consumption/boycotting: would one give it a chance knowing the CW/WB would still profit from it to show support to the individual studio, or would we still stay walked away until results happened that showed they learned from their errors? Would Chaos Machine alone even be enough to reinstill trust, or would we need to see it from more WB studios and works (and CBS?). 
Personally, I lean towards the latter end of that rather than buying in right away, but that’s a long horizon away. Just a lot to think about.
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runephoenix6769 · 6 years
Boycott Adam 2018
Heads up, this might be triggering to some, I briefly discuss a rape trial that occurred recently in Ireland, no details, just a heads up.
Adam (2018) the book and the problematic film that is about to be released, is already causing waves, with it being claimed that is an lgbtq movie must see, and members of that community calling for it to be boycotted due to its content and damaging message of rape, and all lesbians just need a good dick, conversion therapy
And in this house, it is also causing arguments. 
Was discussing it with my male gay friend of 15 years, telling him about the plot etc, and we come to the point in the discussion about the straight man, pretending to be a trans man, fucking his lesbian girlfriend, claiming its a toy when actually its his real penis. 
I said it is rape,
Imagine my surprise when my friend says, “No it’s not.”
Me, “Yes it is!”
Him “No its not! she consented to sex!”
Me “She consented to sex, and penetration with a toy , not a real dick.”
Him, “She consented to sex and penetration, it doesnt matter what she was penetrated with, she still consented.!”
I was taken aback by his lack of empathy, bearing in mind Ireland just witnessed an horrific rape case consisting of 2 very well known Rugby stars, multitudes of derogatory and filthy text messages claiming to be ‘banter’, deleted messages, wiped phones, stories not collaborating and a victim that was grilled for 9 days in the box, whilst under character assassination on a national scale. 
The country watched with bated breath as this wasnt just a rape case, this took on a different face entirely, on the back of the #metoo movement, about men in power getting away with whatever, about women in this country being treated like second class citizens.  
Its was polarising, 
It has become about gender. about man v’s woman.
But also it was about consent, what constitutes consent, saying yes and then saying no means guys can carry on regardless, if one thing is consented to then app EVERYTHING is consented to, regardless if the woman says no. 
When the verdict came down, less than 3 hours of deliberation...  most women felt it was a huge blow, some even wept, women arent worth anything. abuse victims/survivors, its not worth going to the cops. To rapists, you can keep raping and abusing, there shall be no consequences.... 
Our bodies are not protected by the law or by police, but if you steal from a shop you will go to jail, yet steal a womans autonomy and you will get off scott free!
Our bodies are worth less than bread. 
Some men used it as a way of keeping score, as if somehow they had won a victory. 
An Irish Times reporter witnessed a man approach a woman holding #i still believe her, sign, outside the court house. He yelled at this woman 
“Ha! We won! Get back in the kitchen!”
The vitriolic hate spewed online towards the victim was sickening! This case caused protests. 
I am stunned at my friends reply,  esp with this so fresh in our minds an news cycle. 
so i said to my friend.. 
Me, “What if Adam came in her, she ended up pregnant and had no idea how it happened?” 
Him, “How would she not know how it happened?”
Me, “She has slept with a trans man, using a toy... She hasnt had sex with a real penis. So now she is pregnant, realising that some where along the way she has been raped, no doubt her mental state is gonna be messed up, and now she has to make the choice between having an abortion or carrying her rapists child.”
Him “She cant have an abortion, thats just wrong! She should have the child and give it to him, or put it up for adoption!”
Ireland , this week is voting on Repeal the 8th law, the fricking Abortion law..
 It is yet another issue that is polarising, women and men screaming at each other. 
 women have died because of this law. Women with cancer refused treatment.
 Savita left for two agonising days whilst the fetal heartbeat died and she followed not long after due to infection, which could have been avoided. 
170,000 women forced to travel to England in order to have one, some too young, some too old, some too poor, some too ill, some having been raped.
How can a gay , white man stand there and tell me, a woman, what I can and cannot di with MY vagina!
A gay white man, who is never going to be forced to make that choice.
And what if I , his queer friend of 15 years, was raped, that I should carry it to term?????
Me “So i guess youre voting no on the referendum.!”
him, “Yes! its against my religion, all life is life!”
Me, “Dude, you’re the biggest screaming queen I know, and you voted yes for gay marriage.. GAYS are against your religion!
Him, “Thats different love is love!”
He went to get a drink as I sat there numb, yet shaking, I realised TWO things..
1) I just realised a great script idea,lurking in the pages of Adam, It will be much more interesting set in Ireland!
2) I need a new friend!
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absentkidposts · 4 years
Peformative Activism
Hey there! As you may have noticed, this week has been quite a fun time for the Youtube community, this week Shane Dawson (pedophile, racist, liar, abuser) has been boycotted by pretty much everyone, he lost brand deals, his youtube videos got demonitazed, etc. After a lady called Tati (??) exposed him or something,  I don’t know the story properly but nothing feels better than seeing a dickhead getting what he deserves, specially someone who’s musty (he didn’t shower for like a week for a video and his teeth are yellow, gross) and disturbed. Over here in the south, social media, rather than messy, has been, let’s say, comedic, because, yet again, people are participating on some dumb hashtag to pretend they actuallly care for minorities. This week Laura Tobon posted a picture of her “perfect” eurocentric face split at the middle, the other part of the picture was the face (covered with her hands) of a native woman, people praised her, she got a bunch of social media traffic, went trending, gained followers and then 15 minutes later she posted some IGTV about her make up... Do you the problem? Peformative activism. 
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What’s that?
The example that I gave with Laura is the perfect example, a beautiful privileged woman that believes she’s a hero for dehumanizing a native woman and using her as a way to gain fame. Peformative Activism means taking cases of rape, police brutality, sexism and racism to gain fame and maintaining your image as a political correct influence, when you’re doing the complete opposite. Many deffend those who are a part saying that they are starting a conversation and being vocal, but, if you post a picture, are you really starting a conversation or just grabbing the chance to gain more attention? 
What’s wrong with it?
Peformative Activism, rather than starting a conversation, buries it by making people feel comfortable with that type of activism, if you try to start a conversation people will be eager to silence you since they think a movement has already started and ended by posting a picture. People think with a hashtag you save lives and make them matter when there’s so much more to do, and that’s just a result of us being used to see minorities as less than us and believing that’s correct (racism pretty much); Look at the #BlackLivesMatter movement, yes, it’s a hashtag, but a hashtag that inspires action, it inspires marches, protests and even riots when needed in deffense of legal violence (like the ESMAD). If you participate in this, you’re silencing those who are truly in need to be heard, actual activists that deserve to be heard, you think you’re starting a conversation by making natives objects, images, pictures, rather than people, you continue to feed the standard that native culture means illiteracy and dated believes, rather than it being a whole other culture WE are MEANT to respect since our ascendants invaded their land. 
Then how can you help?
I just wanted to make clear that if you don’t have a big platform yet you still want to be part of a movement and just post a pic, then there’s no problem, since it’s your own social media and you don’t have any influence on the masses, it’s your own small platform and you have the right; but famous people, without real struggles, have a responsability, wether they like it or not, specially white people, like Laura and many others who seem to have beans for brains. 
If you want to help, post a letter that exposes your believes and states facts, make your platform a way to educate and make native voices be heard and respected, apply some real social pressure to the government, share content and post speeches of natives (specially native women, the biggest victims of colonization and segregation) to make them be heard, beacuse guess what, at the end of the day, we don’t care abou you as a famous individual, we care about the public, the followers, the masses one can move by just posting some actual piece of activism, we don’t care about your dumb little fake tears. Another incredible way of helping is donating, because in a capitalist and consummist world, money matters a lot, and since the government keeps on stealing, handing a small percentage of your wealth wouldn’t affect the rich, but help the poor and the vulnerable. Open your wallets, not your mouth ;)
But don’t get too political!
Why not? Why souldn’t we get political? Why should we just ignore this abuse? and why should we feel comfortable when those with power make the bare minimum? We get that celebrities have no real political impact, but they can move people, they can reach out to a larger audience WE DON’T CARE IF IT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE, literally the only way you should skip this conversation is beacuse you’re a victim of it and can’t psychologically combat it, but if you’re sitting at home, doing nothing, why can’t you start a conversation, educate yourself, learn and be an active help for those in need. Colombia is a country that’s been built on violence and crime and we believe that’s alright, we believe that’s how thing should be, but can we at least try to change it? Kids, Mothers, Brothers and many more are being killed, abused, raped and robbed because of what? and why are we ok with it? why do we dehuminize minorities so much? CUT THE CAMERAS AND TURN THE VOLUME UP, silenece is compliance so SPEAK UP 
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indiealt · 8 years
Unpopular Opinion: Exclusion in A Day Without a Woman
On March 8th, International Women’s Day, women across the globe were told to resign from a day of work in an effort to show the world what it would look like if women were suddenly not around. Along with this request, there were two “easier” options to show support for those who could not afford, quite literally, to take the day off. The options included wearing red and simply not shopping or only shopping at local, women-owned shops. And the affirmation for the day? “A day without a woman reaffirms our commitment to the principles of unity which were collaboratively outlined for the women’s march”.—Women’s March on Washington
There are two parts to this request that can be seen as problematic. The first being that while this was a day to show unity amongst women, it excluded a large number of them. I consider myself to have a decent job, with somewhat decent benefits regarding paid days for vacation or sick time. I work at a liberal university, in a liberal office, with very liberal colleagues. The majority of my office participated in the Women’s March. Several of us regularly wear “pro-feminist” hats, pins, and t-shirts to work without a second-thought as to what others would think. We share news articles with anti-trump, pro-abortion, and general “wtf is happening” messages. If any office were to be expected not to show up on March 8, it would have been us.
And yet, everyone showed up. In fact, there wasn’t even a discussion about whether or not any of us would take the day off. Two of us wore red, and that was that. And quite truthfully, I can’t explain why i didn’t skip. I just didn’t. I could have, but i didn’t. I think somewhere in the back of my mind I decided I wanted to save those vacation days for travelling, not walking around Minnesota in the middle of winter, or sitting at home “protesting”.
Now, given the fact that I come from such an office who held the silent understanding that we wouldn’t be participating, I was sure that this day would be less than successful as far as turnout goes. My Facebook feed was full of women posting about their inspirational mothers, people had changed their profile pic to adorn a pro-lady message, etc., etc.. But, I didn’t see a single post, from women who I actually knew (not just a link to an article of some random woman), that had actively skipped work that day. I saw images on Facebook of women who I didn’t know in NYC and Washington D.C. carrying signs and marching and the first thing that popped into my head was — I wonder what they do for work. Did they work a job in which they just happened to have the day off? A job in which they could have easily called their boss and let them know they’d be participating? Are they themselves bosses or women with positions “in power” that meant they could make their own rules for the day? Really, what all these questions are getting to is just one thing — did they risk their job by attending? And if yes, is this job vital to their well-being?
There are jobs, in the past, that I’ve held throughout high school or college that I know would have frowned upon me calling in to support this cause. I don’t think I would have been fired from such jobs, but it definitely would have been a bigger possibility than at the job I currently have, and i know for a fact that there are jobs out there that women hold who would have been fired on the spot had they told their bosses they weren’t showing up on the 8th. I also know that some of these jobs would be considered “vital” or in other words, if they had been fired, it would have meant going without food until finding their next job, or not being able to pay rent, or not going to the doctor when they need to, etc.. And I would assume that many of these women, who faced such a decision, weighed their options and felt excluded based on the decision they had to come to. The ultimatum that they had to make was whether or not they wanted to stand with their fellow female force and demand rights, or whether they wanted to go to work and secure their paycheck.
It begs the question of whether or not women who come up with these ideas and decide for us what we are doing, really realize how many women they alienate in the process. And to make that wound a little deeper for the women who are not able to participate, they offer up the secondary choice of wearing red. Really? When we are constantly being told to be active and not passive in this political climate, it’s hard to understand why the message would be to either take this big stance and skip work or simply “wear red”. And I don’t mean to slam anyone who wore red. I wore red. I wanted to wear red. I wanted to see a sea of red when I walked out of my front door and was disappointed when that wasn’t the case. Not even close… And yet, I felt stupid for thinking that wearing red really meant something. That wearing red was an “active” sign of protest and that it would make some sort of difference. Because I really don’t think that it will. I think that taking to the streets, calling up politicians, boycotting, voting, and so much more is what will make a difference. But it will only make a difference if we stop alienating.
This isn’t an easy task. In some way or another we tend to exclude. We don’t think about those who live different lives than ours. Or we consider it the “minority” and therefore push it to the side. We make way for primarily white, wealthy, feminism. We forget about how many we exclude when we use this angle, an angle that is true for a lot of us, but not for the majority of us. We believe that this will be enough. That this will be the change. We need to realize and actively change the way we see feminism. Feminism needs to be inclusive. It needs to include people of color. It needs to include LGBTQ. It needs to include handicap. And, it also needs to include those who don’t hold the same political views. This was, after all, a day to support women, not just liberal women. There is even an argument out there that says it also needs to include pro-lifers. I’m not ready to be that inclusive…
Nonetheless, A Day Without A Woman cannot be an achievement for feminism if we choose to leave our fellow women behind.
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Day 14 (2/1): Trump Said There Would Be A Shake-up in Washington… He Wasn’t Expecting It to Come From #TheResistance
Featuring: - The Resistance Report- Avoid Resistance Burnout Be Strategic- Upcoming Meetings/Actions-
It’s been almost 2 weeks since the inauguration and most of us have been protesting, calling, writing, emailing, and shaming our elected (and, in the case of #PresidentBannon, unelected) officials in the government like our lives depend on it… and they certainly do. Yet it seems like every time we turn on the TV, more and more demoralizing shit goes down which leaves us wondering… is this even working? In the long term will this have any affect? And the answer so far is YES and YES!
This Report Is Dedicated to my Brothers and Sisters of the Resistance Movement. Their Amazing Resolve and Selflessness Inspires Me To Keep Fighting Every Day. 
 The large scale protests are working and we are something #PresidentBannon and co didn’t plan for! And there are some pretty tangible FACTS of how #TheResistance movement is having an impact:
- Trump’s visit to Harley Davidson was canceled because they were afraid we would show up. They were probably wise to do so because we would have been there!
- We’ve woken up the Democratic party, to an extent, and given them the confidence on the Federal and State level to show some gumption and take on Tyranny!
State Democrats are pledging to fight Trump’s Immigration #MuslimBan EO. And Republicans Joined in as well! That’s right, Republicans! If you have a minute this week give them a call, tell them you are a democrat and you support them opposing the ban! We will need them to win.
The Senate Dems boycotted 2 votes of Trump’s Cabinet yesterday and Today they boycotted Scott Pruitt’s EPA confirmation hearing. The Republicans may have so shadily changed the rules to vote them on anyway, but the Dems digging their heels in is a good sign for the #resistance.
However, it’s not all peachy on the Dem side. These senators are still voting through Trump’s Cabinet picks. If these are your senators it’s time to pay them a visit at their offices, jam the phone lines and fax machines, and tell them to get with the program. NYC seems to have gotten Schumer on the right track by holding “What The F$#k Chuck” rallies and protests outside his house and office weekly. Let’s get these others into the fold!
- New York City Yemeni-run grocery stores will shut down from 12pm-8pm tomorrow in protest of the immigration #MuslimBan.
- Federal hiring freeze is reversed for VA (Veteran Affairs).
- Courts order Partial stay of the immigration ban for those with valid visas.
- Green card holders can get back in country… for now. Bannon still wants this in the ban.
- Uber pledges $3M and immigration lawyers for its drivers after #DeleteUber trends on Twitter.
- Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) enrollment ads are still aired despite order to cancel.
- The ACLU raised $24M over the weekend (normally 3-4Mil/year). So we can consider spreading the love now.
- HHS, EPA, USDA gag order is still in place, but EPA contracts and grants were released
- EPA climate data is no longer scrubbed from the whitehouse.gov website.
- More people of different career/religious/economic/race backgrounds are considering running for political office than ever before.
- MOST importantly, since we live in a participatory democracy, the people are engaged.
 THIS IS WORKING! These Mass Protests are amazing, and the show of force that we’ve been able to display nationwide is insanely important when combatting #alternativefacts about: public approval, amplifying our voices, and passing this presidency off as polotics as usual! Continue to fight for what is right out of LOVE for our fellow citizens, LOVE for our neighbors, LOVE for humanity, and LOVE for our country.
For many of us, this is the first time we have EVER participated in activism at this level. Which is great, but, how do we make sure our efforts are actually going to bring about change? This is the million-dollar question groups all over the country are working on. Luckily we don’t have to re-invent the wheel because there are minority activists, LGBTQ activists, environmental activists, etc. who have been doing this for DECADES, and luckily they are on our side.
One thing I’m quickly discovering is that participating solely in events at the Macro level can A) start to fatigue you very quickly and B) bring about some small wins that give us instant gratification, but still fail to address the root cause of the problem (i.e. ACLU was granted a stay for the immigration ban, but it only prevented people with Green Cards from being deported. There will be a larger and longer fight that is needed to get the full ban amended). Local Level/ Grassroots Activist Groups affect policy change long term and allow for you to keep up the energy to fight over the next 4 years.
So how can you prevent Burnout?
1) Prioritize
I know FOMO is real, but you cannot go to every protest, every rally, every meeting, etc. (OMG I sound like my mother). So it’s important to pick and choose what you can make it to, while still maintaining your personal responsibilities and obligations. There are literally Resistance related activities planned every day for the month of February in NYC (full list at end of post). If you couldn’t drop everything and go to JFK or Battery Park, that’s ok! You can make another one that will be equally important.
 2) Join A Local Activist Group
These activist groups are full of experts who know exactly how to mobilize, organize, and connect with surrounding working groups to make a lasting impact. Some groups are set up where they are tackling multiple issues, and some are more strategic focusing on a singular issue (like healthcare, immigration, etc.). Up to you to choose which one suits you best.
Groups can also help keep you apprised of other actions that are going on that you can participate in as well as connect you to other resisters who are taking part so that you don’t have to go at it alone. They also have resources to tap into if you want to take a particular action and need some help. Most importantly, this is a great way to help stay grounded and focused on the mission, and find support from people who are as outraged as you are that want to do something about it.
So how do you find a group? Go to Move-on.org and sign up for notifications or TheIndivisibleGuide.org. I used the indivisible guide to find the group I’m in called Rise & Resist NYC.
 3) Choose 1 Issue to Go Deeper On
Just like with your protest itch, you fight the urge to try and fight every single issue the Trump administration is rapid firing our way! It is impossible. That being said, it is important to focus your energy on the topics you feel most compassionate about while being confident in knowing others are doing the same for the other important issues. Remember we’re all a team and we can divide and conquer.
My Rise & Resist NYC group contains several different working groups designed to tackle specific issues. I joined the “2018 Midterm Elections” action group focusing on New York State Congress! Our goal is to make sure we flip every red district possible in New York, and turn all the “light” blue districts dark blue. If this is something you are passionate about, consider joining Rise & Resist NYC. OR, if you’d rather work on the Federal Level with the national midterm elections, consider joining United Thru Action, as they are working on this right now
 4) Work at Wearing Down Your Representatives
One of the big reasons we’re seeing a shift in the democratic party is because we make it a point to hound our Senators every week. We go to their offices, their homes, and public events they attend to remind them of what we (their constituents) think is best for us, that they work for us, and that we will not go away. From a strategy standpoint this is key! This is how the tea party singlehandedly help win the republicans the House and then the Senate this last year.
So consider joining a rally at your Republican or Democratic Senator’s office. Moveon.org organizes one every Tuesday for #ResistTrumpTuesdays, find out when the next one is by signing up for alerts here. In person visits are the most powerful, but calls are also effective. And if they turn off the phones, you can try writing a letter or faxing them, yes you heard that right, fax them. Find your Senator’s Contact INFO HERE and FAX numbers HERE. When you write or call, state your name and zip code and then question them on their voting records, which you can find here, and let them know if you are disappointed and how it affects you personally.
Also consider rallying at one of your Federal or State Congressman/woman’s next town hall meeting to speak up and discuss issues. This is an angel’s living database of all upcoming Town hall meetings for all Congressmen/women. People with Republican Reps or Senators, it is crucial that you join groups doing this so you can remind the Republicans this is NOT Politics as usual, so stop acting like it. Attend when you can. I guarantee you will not be alone.
 5) Every Little Bit Counts: Donations Will Continue to be BIGLY. This is a 4 Year Fight:
The same logic applies to donations! Again, you cannot donate all your money to every cause, that would be extremely unwise, especially with this administration because you would be poor and they would just kick you to the curb. So consider funding local grassroots movements who are fighting tactically at the local level on your behalf. Some NYC Groups to Consider:
- DRUM (Desis Rising Up & Moving)
- CAIR (Counsel on American-Islamic Relations)
- IRC (International Rescue Committee)
1) Jeff ‘too racist to be an Alabama Fed Judge’ Sessions committee vote is TUESDAY 1/31 at 10AM! ANYONE Dem or Republican who votes yes for this guy deserves to be on your SHIT LIST FOR LIFE. Never forget who thought this was ok. ASK FOR A DELAY! HE wrote some of the language in the Muslim Ban!
2) Betsy ‘Guns should be in Schools to fight Grizzlies’ Devos- Department of Education. WE ONLY NEED 1 MORE REPUBLICAN TO FLIP TO GUARANTEE SHE DOESN’T GO THROUGH. She is unfit to serve.
3) Andrew Puzder- Department of Labor: Hates the Department of Labor, yet wants to run it… to DESTROY IT.
4) Rick Perry- Department of Energy: Vowed he wanted to get rid of it, was nominated for it, had no idea what it did, acknowledges he’ll have a learning curve, but still wants it… hmmmm this position involved looking after our Nukes… hmmm. *Palm to face*
NYC- Cick Here for a Full LIST of NYC events and Trainings. There is literally something every day because NYC is awesome!
Washington DC
1/29 (SUN) 10am: Oppose Betsy DeVos! Columbus Circle, Washington DC
4/15 (SAT): Tax Day Rally to demand Trump turn over his Taxes. Everywhere. Link will show you where your local march is
4/29 (SUN): People’s Climate March
5/6 (SAT) 10am-5pm: The Immigrant’s March on Washington
6/11 (SUN) 10am-6pm: National Pride March
 Podcasts To Follow: (Actively Stay Informed)
POD Save America (Formerly Keeping it 1600)
POD Save the World
Robert Reich Resistance Report Facebook Videos (He posts everyday on his Facebook page so follow it!)
Dan Rather’s new Media Page “News And Guts”
"Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense"--Winston Churchill.
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