#and yeah she's holding Ava's necklace
afriendlygoblin · 2 years
to celebrate the 3M tweets with the SaveWarriorNun tag, here’s a quick sketch i made last night of Bea
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I love love love the idea of Bea getting a divinium tattoo so she knows when Ava’s near and well, a little divinium Halo seemed fitting
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cookiesupplier · 5 months
Every Rose Has Its Thorns - Part Forty-One
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pairing: Ricky Olson x ofc x Chris 'Motionless' Cerulli
warnings/tropes: slow burn, soulmates, strangers to enemies to lovers, betrayal, angst, fluff, smut, language, online bullying, panic attacks, stalking, mental health issues, conspiracy theories.
summary: In a world where soulmates inexplicably receive a tattoo that will match that of their soulmate the moment they turn eighteen years old, being famous and covered in very visible tattoos can make finding your true soulmate a questionable fate. For everyone involved.
author’s note: Unbeta'd as usual, enjoy!
To read from the beginning, check out the Masterlist Here!
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tags: @faceless-mirror @missduffsblog @tamtam-elizabeth @witchyweeb34 @tearfallpixie
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Talia was in her room, well, the guest room. She knew she’d been staying here for weeks now, but she still felt so iffy calling it her room, despite what Ava and Vinny said about considering it her home while she was staying here with them. The bed was covered in multiple different outfits, and none of which she felt like was worthy of anything date like. The last thing she had expected when coming here to support Ava with Vinny, was to actually end up going on a date with Ricky with the way things had been at the time. Hell, when she had been packing in the first place, she hadn’t known how long she was going to be here at all, so most of her clothes were items that she could wear repeatedly in so many ways. Yes, she had a basic nice sundress, she had some nice pants, even a slight dressy top. But was any of it actually date worthy? Was it worthy for a date when it came to two soul mates where her heart had been leaping into her throat all day just thinking about either of them?
Nothing that she was looking at did she feel like was remotely worth wearing. They might as all be rags. Not really, not really, she knew her clothes weren’t rags, she worked hard for everything she had now. Ever since she washed her hands of her family, and that money, she worked hard for everything she had, and the thought of anyone telling her she didn’t appreciate everything that she had, destroyed her. Just when she decided to go with the dress and would try to dress it up with a necklace maybe, and some leggings, Ava appeared in her doorway.
“Oh, no, you don’t, you are borrowing this one.”
Holding up the striking red dress that she’d bought the other day when they were in town together. The day they’d gone to the spa, the day that Talia hadn’t known that Vinny and Rick were back here doing the live stream that would blow up their lives. It almost felt like it had been forever ago, it hadn’t even been a whole week, had it? Looking at Ava, she thought back on the days. No, not even a week, almost, but not quite. It had felt like a lifetime had been jam packed into the days as they had passed them by, and if she was honest, the emotional toll, it might as well have been. Sitting down on her bed with the realisation, the sound that escaped her must have worried Ava right then.
“T, are you okay?”
“Huh? Oh, oh yeah, I just.. I’m just thinking about how much has happened in this last week. It hasn’t even been a week since the live stream, have you even worn that dress? I refuse to be the first person to wear that lovely dress, Ava!”
Talia looked up from the dress to Ava in surprise at the laugh that bubbled out of her best friend, it was a little nervous from the sounds of it, that of course confused Talia to no end.
“Okay, so I have a little bit of a confession to make about this dress.”
The way Ava smiled to her then had her raising an eyebrow curiously, a little warily because oh boy, that smile could say so many things, wondering what this so-called confession was exactly.
“I didn’t buy the dress for me exactly, I never did.”
When Ava sighed and sat by her on the bed, careful of the dress as she held it out over her arms carefully. It was going to be stunning on, Talia was not even sure she’d be game enough to wear it though, despite Ava’s insistence. The moment Talia had seen it while they were shopping, she’d known that Ava had had to have it, considering that day they had been talking about her date night with Vinny while they were out shopping, she’d just known. It was perfect, Ava would stop him dead, and she’d told her as much when they’d gone into the store to buy it, Ava hadn’t even wanted to try it on, insisted on buying it outright.
“So, remember how I knew about the live stream?”
Sighing, that was a different subject. Talia tried not to think about the live stream, it was still kind of a sore spot for her, the moment she sighed, Ava cringed and continued, not even needing Talia to reply.
“Yea, there it is. That is why I bought the dress. It’s an apology dress. I knew you were going to be upset, but, I just didn’t know how to talk to you about it beforehand, so I thought it would be better to ask forgiveness? Still, I didn’t expect it to blow up the way it did, you weren’t supposed to come into it at all. When everything with Grace happened, the dress, kind of, fell by the wayside. I figured I could keep it for a special occasion, a surprise, or your birthday, whatever came first, and here we are!”
Talia glanced down at the dress that was draped over Ava’s knees, the vivid red material, off the shoulder, with a cross front bust, the knee-length dress had a short slit up one side allowing a peek up the thigh. It was simple, elegant, just simple and stunning as far as Talia considered it.
“Oh, it’s too much, for all I know they’ll probably be wearing jeans and, I don’t even know where we’ll be going, I can’t.. I can’t wear it..”
She felt her face flushing warm at the thought of going out tonight in that dress, going out and Ricky and Chris seeing her in that dress. From how warm her face was, she could swear that she was probably just as bright as the dress itself right then, which just seemed to make Ava giggle for a moment.
“Honey, with the look on your face right now, there’s no question about it. As much as I’m still pissed right the hell off at Richard Olson over the shit that he’s pulled with you, you have to. You are going to wear this dress to show him how badly he will fuck himself over, and exactly what he’ll be missing out on if he ever screws up again.” Talia shook her head slightly, hearing Ava laugh, oh, this could be so bad. She’d never been one to do something like this, maybe because going all out on dates had always felt, painful, painful for how it always ended. Disastrous. Dates only ended one way for her, with her soulmate situation what it was in the past. The thought of how this one could end, and her tattoo all tingly, just a kiss with either of these two was…
Swallowing even as Ava continued, unaware of where Talia’s mind had gone.
“Show him what he has to look forward to.”
Nudging her slightly with her elbow, or maybe she knew exactly where her mind had gone, tattoo and all, considering her confession the other night.
“And Chris? What is going on there, exactly?”
Right, when she’d come home after having dinner with them yesterday at Chris’, to tell Ava that she was going on the date tonight, with both of them, she had been all over the place, and now, well..
“I know, I know you said there were things you couldn’t tell me, but-”
“Okay, okay, well, Ricky and Chris sort of had a bit of an exploring thing, you know, like we sort of used in college.”
The grin she gave Ava, then, said everything.
“So when I started getting closer to Chris, apparently it affected Ricky, and his tattoo’s reactions. We’ve been talking between the three of us since the live stream, since my break-down, trying to work out what's happening between us. This date, I guess, is sort of a way to try to figure out if there could be something more between the three of us.”
Talia felt bad telling her this much without telling her the complete truth,
“But your Ricky’s soulmate, what about Chris’, I know there was that incident but-”
“Ava, his soulmate is gone.”
Talia took in a sharp breath as she exclaimed at the interruption from the doorway, Vinny speaking up about Chris’ soulmate, something she had been avoiding talking about because it wasn’t her choice to tell her. Maybe she could ask Chris if she could talk to Ava, but she hadn’t yet, and here Vinny just brought it up himself, and she didn’t feel right about it.
“That’s not for us, Vinny, it’s Chris’ choice not ours, after everything that he’s been though…”
Swallowing, Vinny looked over to her,
“I talked to Chris already this morning, he said I could talk to Ava, the band knows, and he said she’s important to both of us, so he’s okay with her knowing about what happened with his soulmate.”
Nodding slightly, if Chris gave him permission, that changed everything, and Vinny being the one to talk to her felt better. Talia sighed softly.
“Chris soulmate died, babe, shortly after his fiancé left him, and everything with the stalker, well, he’s known his soulmate has been gone for years.”
A complete hush fell over all three of them as Vinny finished explaining what he meant about Chris’ soulmate being gone. 
“So his mark, it’s white?”
Talia sighed,
“That’s personal Ava-”
“And he doesn’t let anyone see it, for good reason. Keeping people at bay, protects him when it comes to the fans that try to accost him for his soulmate. All this means, is Chris is a free agent, if he wants to be with Ricky and Talia, and they want to be with him, then get it girl.”
The way he said that then, coupled with the wide cheeky grin on Vinny’s face, caused Talia to laugh.
“Oh my god..”
Ava laughed with her, reaching for her hand, squeezing her fingers,
“This is perfect, you in this sexy dress, two sexy men, I mean, sorry Vin, but I’m not going to lie, they are-”
The drummer pushed his shoulder off from the door frame
“I’m not going to argue with you.”
Vinny just grinned as he turned to go,
“I will leave you, ladies, to get her ready.”
And with that he was disappearing down the hall leaving her in his soulmate’s eager clutches. Talia turning her head back to face Ava, whose excitement over her date was bubbling over obvious with the way she was bouncing where she was sitting on the edge of Talia’s bed. So giddy.
“Please, oh please, let me help you with your makeup, your hair! Please Talia! It’s been so long since you’ve gone on a real date, and not one that you’ve just felt like was a throwaway because you always kept assuming that they would go nowhere. Don’t think I don’t know. We’ve had enough sessions with Ben and Jerry’s over the years after those disaster date nights.”
Talia had to laugh, she wasn’t wrong, whether blind dates or singles speed dating, it always felt like they went the same way. She’d hated it, going home miserable at the end of the night, wondering why she kept torturing herself. She knew why she did it, she did it because everyone kept convincing her she needed to at least try to have a life, so, she did. She tried. Talia tried and as she always knew it would, it imploded the moment they asked about soulmates. There had been nights that were supposed to be limited to anything involved without a soulmate connection, but did that help? No. Somehow the question still came up, it was beyond frustrating.
Right now, that didn’t matter, what mattered was this date, this night. She was going out with Ricky and Chris, wearing that dress. When she thought about Ava wearing it for Vinny, she’d known she’d drop dead, but, the thought of wearing it herself.
“Don’t tell me you’re second guessing the dress, it’s perfect for you, T, you will look gorgeous in it. I saw the way your eyes lit up when you saw it.”
Talia didn’t even realise she’d just been staring at the dress for a moment until Ava spoke and snapped her out of her thoughts.
“Alright, fine, you’ve got me, let’s get ready.”
The way Ava jumped up with a squeal, she felt like she might already regret this, but at the same time, she laughed, also excited. Hair, makeup, if anyone knew how to doll her up for a date night, it would be Ava, and Talia was by far out of practice. 
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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olliewritesometimes · 4 months
The Ferin’s Have a Talk - JRWI
May lays in the backroom, in her bedroom healing from using her magic for gillion. Jay sits at her feet rubbing her knuckles with her thumb, looking out the window to the ocean of Featherbrook. Wondering around the room, finding a family album and looking through it. Finding multiple photos of Ava. Her birth. First day of school. Getting her uniform for the first time.. and then her death certificate. The older woman lets out a groan rubbing her eyes. Jay looks over to her mother and stands up, placing the album on the bedside table, grabbing her mom’s arm and rubbing it. “How are you doing, mum?” Jay talks in a low voice. A look of nervousness over her face. May grabs Jay’s hand and speaks in her normal voice “I’m okay, JJ. Don’t worry..” she smiles and then releases Jay’s hand. Jay sits back down on her bed and rubs her leg. “Thank you.” she thanks her mom for helping her save Gillion. Jay still speaks softly whispering. “Anything for you JJ..” the older woman examines her daughter, the sun burn mark on her left eye, a scar across her nose, a deep gash under her right eye, and multiple of little red stab marks across her arms. The new outfit. Her googles from before she left now being cracked from her adventures, her bright red hair puffy & curly just as before half of it being up with the underside shaved. Her skin was darkened from the time in the sun. Her neck holds beads/rock representing her co-captains colors, a hand-made pearl necklace by the fish man sitting unconscious on the table in the bar outside. A white tang top dirtied by oil and grime from her projects on the boat. Dark blue, magical wings swoop down her arms to the ends of her elbow. A tight brown corset with a dark brown leather crossbow holster, empty leaving it in the house back on Zero. Her navy uniform jacket tighted around her waist with more pearls. Fading into her puffy light brown pants and black combat boots. “looks like you’ve been having some fun JJ..” the mother grabs her face and rubs her cheek back and forth. Caressing the sun shaped scar that spread from the top of her hairline to the beginnings of her right cheek. Still red & swelling definitely a permanent scar from the looks of it. “this one seems… newer.” May makes eye contact with her, with a glare. Jay looks uncomfortable and averts her gaze. Knowing that glare. A small chuckle comes out before she says “not really..” placing her own hand on top of her mothers. “It looks like… it was burnt into your face…?“ Jay begins to sweat, not wanting to tell her mother the bazar explaination of how it happened. How does she explain to her mom she had jumped into the sun? How does she explain how painful it was to receive it? Why did Drey have the same dream? How does she-..! “JJ..?” Jay snaps back. Her mother looks even more concerned that before, watching her daughter zone out at the thought of an explanation. Ms. Ferin lets out a sigh. “I understand, JJ.. wanting to just have fun with your friends. Out on the sea, by yourself.. I know you’re an adult.-“ Jay groans. “BBUTTT-“ she says while tugging on her daughters cheek in her motherly tone Jay had heard her entire life.. “just- be safe please.. I don’t need another letter.” A sorrow expression on both of their faces. May continues- “I trust, Chip and Gillion I really do..” Jay interrupts with a laugh. “Maybe you shouldn’t.” May makes a expression that can only be explained as motherly anger. “Just… are they helping you stay safe?” She smiles remembering all the times she had saved them, and the first time she had left the tavern. The freeing feeling of being on the boat for the first time. Chip’s bizarre stories as they sailed. Finding a humanoid fish man nearly dead.. and taking on the ship. Jay smiles softly. “Yeah.. they are, mama.” We leave the scene of May leaning up and kissing the top of Jay’s head leaving a lipstick kiss on it. Before laying down and holding Jay’s hand. “I missed you Jay-Jay..”
We zoom out the window and turn to see the water quietly flowing onto the beach and out pushing the small wood rowboat the pirates came from. As a wet, soggy, raccoon scurries away into the forest until needed again.
- I did this to add context to a drawing so- enjoy :-)🎀
- May & Drey are literally my favorite NPCs so be warned ig☕️
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gingersnappe-9 · 1 year
In a Crowd of Thousands: Beskar vs. the Dark Saber (16)
Din Djarin/Mando X Fem!OC || Star Wars/The Mandalorian Universe
Series List || #star wars anastasia || PREVIOUS || NEXT
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Warning: canon violence (lethal weapons use), near death experience(s)
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A/N: chapter banner art by @followwhereshegoes​ & myself
The plan was to announce her reunion to Leia and reaffirm their family’s legacy of fighting for the greater good of the galaxy. 
Ava tried convincing herself that it was for the best. No, that it was her rightful place to be by her sister’s side fighting the good fight with the Rebellion and serving as a diplomatic attache to underprivileged reaches of the galaxy. It’s what they talked about at least, but the more Ava experienced it, the stuffier she rediscovered it all was. She recalled how much she disliked wearing dresses that she could potentially trip over and fall on her face in front of some important foreign dignitary – she actually remembered doing that once when she was younger – She had forgotten how most of the individuals in law and diplomacy were decades older than her and never quite appreciated her humor. Ava accidently scandalized a maid when she dropped a book on her toe while practicing her walk – like he did back on the Crest – and swore like a spice runner. 
Try as she might, Ava was just having a far more difficult time fitting in to her birthright. She’d watch the maids flit around and coo about the fine jewelry and dresses she and Leia would be wearing to the event. She had to agree though, the gowns and finery were stunning. The material felt like starlight across Ava’s fingertips. The bright colored gemstones of her necklace were as red as sand stone. A pair of crowns, however, remained in their storage boxes. Leia suggested they hold off on donning their headdresses until they arrived at the venue. 
“They’re gorgeous but I’ve knocked mine off my head getting out of a cruiser or two.” The sisters shared a good laugh. Ava wasn’t sure what being a “someone” should feel like but only deep down in her subconscious did she consider that she really only needed simple things… perhaps a simple person. 
Sooner, rather than later, everyone was dressed and being ushered into sleek, black cruisers. Leia and her secretary or personal assistant immediately began chatting about her schedule and future events. They didn’t seem to need her attention so Ava allowed herself to gaze out the tinted windows and onto the passing by cityscape. The light had already begun to bleed from the sky as dusk settled over Canto Bight. The lights streaked by not unlike the stars at lightspeed, though they paled in comparison.
They arrived at the Starfield Legacy Center far earlier than even the ravenous reporters who were always far more interested in capturing the glitzy regalia or a moment of weakness between a supposedly madly in love couple. Ava and Leia calmly walked through a side entrance with grand capes covering their ensembles with ushers following closely on foot with the crowns, locked away in protective boxes. One of the event coordinators brought them up to a secluded room where they could freshen up and wait in privacy before the speeches and press rounds. Ava sat down quietly on a plush chair tucket into the corner. She fiddled with her opera length gloves to keep herself from messing up her hair or makeup or her dress. She watched as Leia moved through the motions with ease. How her sister handled unexpected questions with ease and firm command. Leia was a natural born leader and Ava adored watching her in her element. If Ava had been left to her own devices, she would’ve shown up with a smear of grease on her cheek, a pair of work coveralls all rumpled and disheveled only to say, “Hi, I’m her. So, yeah that’s it”. 
Lost in thought, Ava didn’t even notice that Leia had approached her with one of the large lock boxes balanced in her arms. She had already placed her silver crown neatly on her head. It resembled a solid halo that sat across the center of her head with five slender peaks jutting out. Alderaanian jewelry was rather simple, but in its simplicity they were always striking. The necklace – small squares of Alderaanian silver linked by delicate jump rings – was a piece that their mother wore often. The necklace must’ve been stored off-world at an embassy for it to have been saved from the destruction of Alderaan.  
“I believe it is time.” 
Ava stood up slowly as Leia rested the box on the nearby side table. When the cover was lifted, the light in the room seemed to shift to a golden hour. The halo-shaped crown was fitted to her scalp with a tapered point resting just below the center of her hairline. Teardrop shaped pearls rested across her forehead. The thin bands that reached out were like rays of the sun with even more pearls inlaid in between. Ava let herself adjust to the weight of it, glad that Leia suggested she hold off wearing it until necessary. There was music beginning to play from the hall, though muffled it signaled the evening was beginning. 
The two of them walked over to a large full-length mirror on the other side of the room. They looked very much like the sun and moon – Ava in her striking gold crown, cream colored dress with a deep green sash; and Leia in her midnight purple gown, silver jewelry, and similar sash made of a maroon satin – Their father used to call them his sun and moon. Leia placed a hand on each of Ava’s shoulders and allowed her cheek to rest on her sister. They stood there taking in the sight of one another. Taking in the other’s presence and the reality that against all odds they were together again. Family. 
Leia squeezed Ava’s shoulders and took a step back. “You look so much like her.” 
“Who?” Ava responded quietly. 
Leia only smiled. “Mama. You have her presence.” 
The younger of the two sisters smiled right back. “You remind me of Papa. You’re always so sure, and just as fair.” 
“You’ve done well, you know,” Leia spoke calmly, “I know none of this has been easy. But you’ve done really well with handling everything that’s come your way.” 
“The journey was interesting to say the least.” Ava quipped. 
The two of them stood silently together for a moment more. But only a moment before Leia took Ava’s hands and helped her slip her gloves on. For some reason, when she focused on the gloves, she thought of Mando and how his gloves slipped on and off his hands. 
Leia half smiled. “But I can't help but wonder if it’s what you really want.” 
Ava pulled her hands back while Leia regally collapsed hers together. “What does that mean?” 
“I just mean… You were born into this world. It was your destiny from birth to wear that crown and carry on the legacy of house Organa as much as it is mine to carry on the Organa and Skywalker legacy,” Her voice never waivered, never accusatory or disappointed, just very truthful, “But I can’t help but feel that it might not be meant for you after all.”
The pair of them stood in the room alone in silence for a moment after Leia finished. Ava had similar thoughts float into her mind but she’d always dismissed them as trivial since everything the Mandalorians had told her was a lie to get her sister’s money. “Whatever happened, happened. I can’t change it and I will not go back to it.” 
Leia gave her a look only older sisters could make. “He must have been special then for you to be digging your heels like a ton-ton.” 
After she had to throw back a lighthearted grimace at being called a ton-ton, Ava didn’t know what to feel. No, she knew exactly how she should feel. It was a lie for money. A cash grab. Nothing more, nothing less. Ava knew Leia could sense her feelings so there was no point delaying the obvious. 
“They did what bounty hunters do. They delivered their quarry and now they’re probably halfway to a new sector by now.” She said with more sorrow than intended. It hurt to put power into her fears. Out of the corner of Ava’s eye, she caught her sister with a somewhat hesitant look. “What?” Leia’s face shifted rather quickly to one with a soft, knowing smile. 
“Aurie, he didn’t take the money. And I can’t imagine their withholding information makes you feel better, but for what it’s worth, they brought you back to me. But this is the life that I have chosen for myself. I supposed, now, it’s your turn to choose.” 
Leia let go of Ava’s hands and began to walk towards the door and didn’t turn back to see if her sister was following until she opened the door. When Leia turned back, she truly looked like their mother. Though Ava knew the two weren’t blood related, it was in the way Leia carried herself. Her poise, the way she tilted her head and said, “Ava, Aurelia, it makes no difference to me. You are mine and Luke’s sister. We will always love you.” And then she calmly walked out into the world Ava was uncertain of reentering. 
It felt as if the world had spun off its axis and was floating farther and farther away from its sun. So Ava decided to go outside and take in some fresh air. 
The gardens were large and expansive – but most importantly empty – on a large earthen terrace that overlooked Canto Bight. From its vantage point, Ava could see the city cresting out towards the bay. The calm waters glittered in the early moonlight. Distant sounds of life were carried in on the wind. Below, each and every person walked their own path. Difficult ones. Easy ones. Some that were hard one day then a breeze the next. What path will I take now? She’d found her family. More than she was expecting, two whole siblings who expressed their unconditional love for her. What was next? 
What indeed?
A foreign voice echoed in her mind and all of a sudden Ava’s body stiffened. She turned around quickly and found the path empty. But something or someone was out there. A new energy swirled in the air. Ava felt like her nerves were on fire as her blood began to pound behind her temples. The energy, the presence, she’d felt it before crawling in the back of her mind. It was cold and filled with a quiet and dangerous rage. 
“I know you.” Her voice wavered as she spoke out into whatever darkness was drawing closer. 
A man appeared. The same stern face and severe eyes. His hands were placed behind his back as he walked with precise steps. In a word, elegant, or more accurately, predatory. His dark eyes stared her down, hungrier than his demeanor gave off.  
“Yes. We’ve met before. In a manner of speaking.” He continued to stalk forward. 
She put her hand out – as if the gesture would protect her – “Who are you?” 
“My name is Moff Gideon, your Highness.” He gave a short nod after her title. 
A chill ran through her spine. “You have me confused with someone else.” No sooner did Ava try to turn around, a powerful feeling wrapped around her mind giving her a splitting headache. It nearly made her drop to her knees. 
“Oh, I’m not confused at all. You are the lost daughter of Senator and Queen Organa,” His voice was cold and seemed to strike with a blunt edge with each word, “Though my plans need a little adjusting you’ll do just fine.” 
She turned around to face the man and slowly backed away with each step he took; but even so, she felt like she was being backed into a corner. “Stop.” 
He kept advancing with a ceaseless gaze. 
Her head hurt.
Everything seemed wrong and her hands twitched. 
Ava thrust both of her palms out towards him and felt a surge of energy release. It was like a pulse, her pulse, magnified outward. It was not unlike what she experienced at the opera with Mando. 
She opened her eyes, not even realizing she’d squeezed them shut. Ava saw Gideon down on one knee, huffing to try and bring air back into his lungs. Ava channeled whatever courage she could muster, and tried to remember Luke’s lessons. But it felt like her memory was failing. A few stints in force sensitivity training did not a Jedi make. 
In her mind she asked for help from the cosmic forces of the universe, the Maker, Luke… Mando… anyone. 
A terrible sound came from his throat. It was strained laughter, or at least some form of it. “Excellent. Most excellent.” Gideon pushed himself up with visible struggle but quickly regained his footing. He moved his cloak to the side and revealed a hilt clipped to his belt, took it in hand, “You do indeed have what I want, Princess” and ignited the blade. 
It was unlike anything Ava had ever seen. It mimicked the way Luke’s lightsaber emitted light, but it was dark. The blade was black with white edges. The energy surrounding the weapon was just as dark. Ava sensed how it wrapped around Moff Gideon’s mind and body, twisting and warping what was already malevolent to begin with. It was consuming him. Alarm bells screamed out in Ava’s mind. Run. 
She took off in an instant without direction or awareness. Ava gathered as much of the dress into her arms as she could, but the weight of the fabric still seemed to slow her down. It didn’t help that she’d lost sight of the building between the impossibly tall greenery. Ava figured her best bet would be to hide where he wouldn’t expect to look or would be least likely to find her. So Ava ducked into a nearby cluster of trees. 
The more she pushed her way through, however, the sleeves and hem of her dress caught and snagged on branches and twigs. It ripped the delicate overlay of her dress and muddied her heels. Finding they only got stuck in the dirt and undergrowth, Ava kicked them off and daringly threw them away in hopes it would possibly fool Gideon into going a different direction. 
It felt like her heart was going to burst from her chest. The more time she spent in suspense, the harder her blood pounded. The greater the ringing in her ears became as the sky grew darker and the shadows became more and more menacing. Her mind felt cloudy. She couldn’t hear anything or anyone. They must’ve been deeper into the garden than she’d realized. Despite her mental haze, Ava gently tried closing her eyes and reaching out to feel for presence. She’d barely touched the surface when something came screaming into her mind. It felt like claws digging into her nerves. Her skin became so cold so quickly it felt as if it were burning. And despite her best efforts, she couldn’t help but scream out in agony. 
I found you. 
Before she even knew it, a deep reverb echoed in her mind alerting her not a moment too soon before a blade struck out just millimeters above her head. 
Ava scrambled to her feet and ran back out onto the path. Her body still cried out in pain, and her breach into energy opened like a flood gate. Gideon was still gaining on her. She reached out and felt the finely laid stone beneath her feet; she focused on the craggy surface and motioned with her hand as if she were clawing it out from the ground and flung it back with all her strength. A large chunk flew up and back at her pursuer. Ava heard rock crumbling, and when she looked back, saw the slab sliced in two. 
“No, not impossible, my dear.”
Somehow the lunatic was in her head. He was the clawing in her mind, like a poison slowly creeping into her bloodstream. 
“Why are you doing this?” Her voice felt hoarse and her body was only growing weaker. 
“Why does anyone do anything? Power. Power is the way of the world. It always has been. It brings the greatest change and is the strength of the longest lasting empires. And with the dark saber and you, my goals for the galaxy are well within reach.” 
“You’re forgetting that most power-hungry madmen are spineless cowards who use others to get what they want.” Her voice was horse and growing strained. 
Gideon chuckled with a false humor. It was cruel and mocking. Ava could feel it pulsing behind her eyes and the pain brought her down to her knees as he skulked closer. 
“You’ve just never seen true power before. This,” He brandished the blade up towards her face. So close, Ava could feel the cold energy pulsing off it. “This is what power really is.” 
She’d never seen energy like it before. The blade both emitted light and yet somehow seemed void of it. As such close proximity, she felt it draining her energy even more. Only one sort of thing in the known universe drew in energy like that – a black hole. The dark saber was some sort of contained black hole. It had to have been. It appeared to be the antithesis of a lightsaber which projected the wielder’s energy. The dark saber fed off it. It pulled in the life force of its wielder, even those around it. 
“That thing is killing you.” Something flashed quickly across Gideon’s face. He wasn’t expecting her to say something like that, and Ava caught it. “But you didn’t know that, did you? How could you, you don’t know anything real about power you-” 
He quickly slashed the blade through the air and swiped Ava’s cheek. It burned. It was cold and yet burned hotter than anything she’d ever felt in her life. The pain rendered her speechless as she was knocked to the floor grasping her cheek. 
“I know more about this power than anyone else in the galaxy,” The tip of the blade hovered precariously close to her face, “Pity. You could’ve been something great. But you’re just like all the rest of those feckless fools in the Resistance. You’re just standing in my way.” 
Ava’s world suddenly came to a screeching halt. She’d heard those words before spoken in that very same voice. Out of nowhere she recalled crouching behind a hallway corner, then a hand falling to the floor. It had been her father’s hand. Ava could hear her mothers scream before her body hit the floor with a sickening, and lifeless thud. “It was you…” Her voice caught in her throat, “You killed them.” 
When Ava looked up at Moff Gideon his face was twisted into a mad grin. He relished in her horrifying realization. 
His eyes were wide and wild, “I’ll take what I need. But don’t worry, you’ll be with them soon enough.” Gideon raised the darksaber to dish out what could only be a mortally wounding blow. 
A blaster shot rang out, as if from thin air, struck the flat side of the saber blade, ricocheting off into the ground. 
A feeling swept over Ava, it was good and young. Grogu. And where the tiny green creature found himself, another was never far behind. 
Ava turned her head in the direction of the shot and saw a familiar silhouette slip into the shadows. She sensed how he stalked through the dark and cover of the greenery ever closer. His watchful gaze never left hers. Ava could feel in her own muscles the way his pulled and strained against his bones. The strength in his hands as he gripped his blaster artfully. Teeming with energy and an overwhelming urge to seek and destroy. 
Without realizing, Gideon slashed down again.
Ava’s body reacted before she could even think. Her palm extended outward just as the saber came down. The scene around her became perfectly clear in her mind. The stone surface of the pathway through the soft and tearing material of her dress; she became one with the plant cells slowly blooming while others had fallen to the ground and went through the final stages of decomposition. The air molecules surrounding the blade snapped and popped as it moved through the air. And just before the saber made contact with her flesh, it stopped. 
It stopped the same way two magnets of the same polarization repelled one another. The blade held against nothing in midair. The two of them stared at each other with a look of awe but even during that moment, Ava could feel her control slipping. 
Another blaster shot, this one straight to Gideon’s hands, knocking the saber from his grip. The next thing Ava saw was the bulk of Mandalorian armor hurdling out from nowhere and tackling Gideon to the ground. The two men grappled on the ground for the upperhand. They seemed to match each other blow for blow. Though Mando was strong, Ava could sense something in Gideon had been altered by the blade. He fought back like an animal possessed, clawing and punching and the soft points between Mando’s armor. Gideon somehow managed to rip off one of Mando’s thigh plates and used it to completely slap Mando clean across his helm. 
The sound of pure beskar striking beskar was loud for Ava, so it must’ve been somewhat deafening for Mando. The Mandalorian stumbled back and Gideon managed to reach for a blaster hidden on the opposite side of his hip. Ava cried out just as Gideon pulled the trigger, striking Mando in the shoulder, just below his pauldron. She barely registered the distressed sounds coming from Grogu’s pram just a few meters away. He tried to come forward, but Ava intentionally held his little craft back. 
In the moments afterwards, it felt like the shot kept ringing in her ears. 
“There is a reason his kind is all but extinct,” Gideon’s voice was wicked and chilled, “Too noble for their own good.” He took aim again, this time, where the hollow of Mando’s throat would be. She could feel his pain rippling throughout his arm, she felt his racing pulse slow. Mando fought to maintain his composure as his thoughts grew fuzzy till they all disappeared into unconsciousness. 
Ava’s hands twitched again. They needed to hold on to something. They needed to defend. Her mind reached out, and no sooner could Gideon place his finger on the trigger did the dark saber skitter across the ground and fly into Ava’s hand. She surged forward with a speed she didn’t know she had. The blade sliced up through the barrel of the blaster as if it were nothing. The force of her attack was strong enough to knock Gideon back a few paces. 
Something took Ava over. She felt a thrum of electricity coursing through her. She felt like a star about to explode, just teeming with potential power and energy. So she took off. 
Gideon barely had enough time to react. The saber came down hard against the plate. It was beskar versus the dark saber. Blow after blow, Ava continued to swing with every ounce of her strength that she could muster, and the blade responded in kind. She let her anger roll through her like the undercurrent of a torrent river. It was a rage she’d never felt before, or had only become aware of the moment she realized Gideon was the man who slaughtered her parents. Ava slashed and punched and kicked and all he could do was use his small shield against her. The ground beneath them quickly bore the marks of their opposing efforts. Scorches here, slashes there, the concrete and stonework ripped from the ground. Sweat crept down Gideon’s brow, the weapon he once envisioned himself conquering the galaxy with had been turned against him. It drew on his fear. 
He was responsible for her suffering. He was the one who’s greed had led to the deaths of so many innocent lives. He’d nearly killed Mando. He had tried to kidnap and do Maker know what sort of horrible things to little Grogu, and possibly even her. Ava’s hands grew hot from the fury surging through her body. It felt as though her eyes glowed in anger. The dark saber responded, it hummed and sang in her mind to the very same tune of revenge. It craved it as much as she did. Moff Gideon needed to pay for his crimes, and they decided he would. 
With a swift punch backed by the force, Ava swiftly knocked the air clean out of Gideon’s lungs. He lay on his back atop the wreckage they’d both created. Ava hadn’t even realized how far they’d traveled till she caught a glimpse of herself in some sculpture. The polished metal reflected back an image of herself that Ava didn’t recognize. Her dress was torn and mottled with dirt and debris. Her crown was long gone and her hair was coming undone. What startled her most was her eyes. They weren’t brown anymore, they seemed brighter with flashes of red on the outer edge of her iris. She was changing before her eyes. The blade sang out in protest of her stalling. 
Ava paused and looked for a moment at the strange sword. She listened to it with a more careful ear, and what she heard was different from her initial judgment. 
The blade wasn’t inherently evil. It wasn’t anything much at all. Energy was constantly flowing through the crystal within. Raw potential. It called for revenge because she had wished for it in her mind. Standing there and witnessing how quickly hate had made her change frightened Ava. The potential had always been there, but it took the blade to make herself realize how much of her emotions she had been ignoring. It stung. The hilt grew heavy with doubt, and it was in that split second Gideon acted. 
He lunged up from the ground like some feline creature with his teeth bared ready to sink into the soft flesh of its prey. 
His hands wound around her own on the hilt of the dark saber. The two of them grappled with strained muscles. Ava nearly bit into her lip with the amount of effort it took to keep the blade away from Gideon’s effort to drive it into her throat. The man’s eyes were as wild and feral as her own, but Ava felt her anger slipping away. It pained her to look him in the face – the man responsible for her mother and father’s deaths – but a new sensation began to whisper in the back of her mind… 
We will always love you. 
We are with you.
It was Leia. Luke. Her parents. Everyone who cared for her, near and far, alive and gone. Their essences melding together like a balm that soothed her soul. Their love and spirits were with her. They would remain in and all around her. No matter how angry she was, how hurt and betrayed by fate she felt, Ava realized that would never die. It would sustain her, it had thus far. She’d traveled clear across the galaxy for a feeling she did not have a name for… but it was the love for her family, found or otherwise. 
In her hands, she could sense the saber mirroring her conflicting emotions. How it cried out in confusion from her influence as well as Gideon’s. It was the oldest song in the galaxy: one of struggle, light and dark. Only Ava seemed to be listening to it.  
“Why don’t you seem to understand?” He hissed, close enough Ava could feel the heat of his breath against her face, “The only way to exist is to take and maintain order.” 
Ava was close. Even with her limited knowledge of sabers, she felt for the housing unit within the hilt. She could feel the power circuits and the wiring leading to a central unit. All the while, Gideon’s grip had become so fierce he pushed her palm so hard into the hilt they’d begun to bleed against the detailing. His fingernails bore into her skin leaving red crescents dribbling. 
The image of it came clear in her mind. It was no bigger than her thumb, deep like onyx and vast as a moonless night. 
“For take, there should be give. After death, life should grow,” She planted her feet and dung down deep, “The galaxy will continue forward long after any of us leave this world. Any attempts to out last it are foolish.” 
She bore down on the housing unit. Felt it break and warp under her pressure. Release. Gideon sensed it too. He began to yell and scream in vain. Ava had already cracked in, uncontained energy had begun to spill out. 
“The way of existence is balance.” 
It broke and like a supernova, energy poured outward. The saber sparked and burst, sending out white hot particles. Ava and Gideon were knocked back with scorch marks across their exposed skin. 
Ava landed hard on her back, the wind knocked clean out of her. In her attempts to pull air back into her lungs, she struggled to look around. Gideon lay in a smoldering pool of his black cloak. Unmoving. The crystal lay amongst the debris of the destroyed hilt, calm. She pulled it into the palm of her hand with little effort. It was indeed as black as the void of space, so much so, it seemed her hand had developed a blackhole. Vengeance no longer silently plagued her mind. That part was done and over. It was time for growth. 
Ava whipped her head back to see if Grogu had avoided the flair. The doors of his pram opened with a soft hydraulic hiss and sweet eyes gazed down at her as he floated in her direction. 
“Where’s your dad?” She wheezed. 
Grogu hovered off in a direction and Ava stumbled behind as if she were a babe just learning to walk. When Mando came into view the adrenaline had begun to wear off. From the distance, Ava couldn’t even tell if he was still breathing.
All of her strength gave out leaving her no choice but to crawl the last few feet to Mando. His beskar was scorched and scored from the saber. Bits of his flight suit were singed and the place beneath his right pauldron was soaked in red. Panic seized her heart and muscles. Her once steady hands shook uncontrollably as she lifted the pauldron up and off. The site was black and oozing. Knowing she didn’t have enough strength to see if the shot had gone clean through his shoulder, Ava had to lean her entire upper body weight to apply pressure. His breathing was shallow, his heartbeat slow. The bleeding had been prolonged without any intervention and his body was showing the toll. Her entire body shook. She was beaten and aching. Shrapnel had certainly lodged itself in various points of her body, but none of that mattered. Ava reached for whatever energy she had left. 
She felt the dimming hum of Mando’s life. It was slipping away. 
“No,” Tears fell across the motionless helmet, “Not you too.” Her voice was barely there. Desperation and despair thick enough that she practically choked on it. “Please… I need you… I… love… you.” 
Grogu appeared beside her. His small hand reached for the site. Ava wanted to pull his untainted fingers back, no child should have to witness and partake in such misery. But something washed over her. Energy pooled in a different direction the closer Grogu came. 
She rested her hand atop Grogu’s significantly smaller one. Ava allowed herself to follow the gentle current. Beneath her trembling fingers, Ava could feel Mando’s skin shifting. Torn cells joined again. Layers of epidermis repaired itself slowly as the current flowed from hers and Grogu’s hands. Mando’s heartbeat rose. But Ava’s dipped. She was giving so he could take. 
Slowly but surely, with their conjoined effort, the wound was mended. The viscous remnants remained, but the bleeding had stopped. He took a deep breath which meant Ava could finally take one herself. 
By then, there was shouting and disturbance from the crowds above. Ava sent off a brief moment to her sister and to Luke. Whether or not they sensed it, Ava didn’t care. Her eyes were heavy and her body had already slumped across Mando’s chest. The coolness of the beskar soothed the heat from the mark across her cheek. Grogu had already succumbed to his much needed rest. Whoever would find them would be in for a surprise. 
A princess, a bounty hunter, a small child all together. 
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ohhgingersnaps · 2 years
We Didn’t Start The Fire (SDV Superhero AU)
Ch. 23/32 — Nine In The Afternoon T+ | Sebastian/Female Farmer CW: Slight mugging, superhero battles
Given the amount of effort she’s put into looking nice for their little outing, she’s a little disappointed (and, if she’s honest, more than a little offended) when, upon her arrival at the mountain house, Sebastian takes one look at her outfit and visibly cringes. She crosses her arms, a little defensive. “What?” “No, you look great,” he rushes to reassure her. “It’s just… Motorcycle safety. The boots and the jeans are good, but if we slide, it’s a lot safer if you’re wearing a sturdy jacket or something, you know? Something protective?” “Oh,” she says, deflating a bit. “Right.” “Sorry, I should’ve thought to mention it beforehand.” “I mean, it’s fine? As long as you’re not planning on throwing me off, or anything—” “Absolutely not. You’re not getting on this bike without half-decent protective gear,” he says, frowning. “I have an idea. Wait here.” He goes back into the house, and she waits, fidgeting nervously with her necklaces. After a minute, he emerges with a dark, fleece-lined jacket. He holds it out to Ava, and she takes it, arching an eyebrow. “That’s my old biking jacket, from high school,” he explains, answering her unspoken question. “I never got around to donating it, so it’s just been hanging in the back of my closet for ages. It’s made of Kevlar-reinforced denim, so it should hold up pretty well.” She takes off her bag, which Sebastian kindly holds for her, and tugs the jacket on. It’s just a little big on her, but the material is comfortable and sturdy. She can move her arms pretty easily, and… Hang on. She sniffs. She holds the collar to her nose, then inhales again, because it smells like pine and cedar and tobacco, but under it, there’s a really nice smell, almost familiar, very comforting— Sebastian gives her a weird look, and she freezes, mortified. “Yeah, sorry, it probably smells like old cigarettes.” It smells like you, she absolutely can’t say, after very obviously going out of her way to take as deep a whiff of the jacket as possible, like it’s a three-wick candle at Bath and Body Works.
Read the rest on AO3!
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annab-recs · 4 years
Can’t Be Trusted - JJ Maybank
Kooks have never really trusted pogues, but you have gained the trust of some as you babysit and dogsit for them. After inviting JJ over as you are dogsitting, a necklace goes missing and who else would have taken it other than the infamous kleptomaniac, right?
Warnings: some curse words
Word Count: 2.9k+
"I think someone's mom is home!" You shout from the back door. After playing little game of hide and seek, Austin and Ava wanted to play in their treehouse, so you went inside and chilled out until their two-year-old sister, Aubrey, woke up.
"Okay! We will be out in a minute!" Ava shouted to you as she poked her head out the treehouse window. You rolled your eyes playfully before returning to Aubrey who was still a little groggy from her nap. All she wanted to do was lay in your arms and watch Trolls.
"How were they today, y/n?" Sadie asked you when she walked into her home.
"Absolute angels as always. This one is a little sleepy from her nap, but she just needs cuddles and she'll be fine. The other two are in the treehouse," you tell her as you walk over to where she was standing by the kitchen counter. Aubrey makes grabby hands at her mother and you lean forward to hand her off.
"Hey, I meant to ask you this when you were here last week but how would you feel about dog sitting?" You shot her a weird look as she did not have any dogs, but nodded, nonetheless.
"My sister, Savannah, has three dogs and she and her husband are going on vacation for a week. She just needs someone to let the dogs out and feed them and stuff. I told her about you because you are so great with the kids and I knew that if I can trust you with them, she can trust you with her dogs," Sadie finished.
It was nice to hear a kook say something so kind about a pogue. The adults don't seem to have as big of a problem with pogues as the teenagers do. You were happy to hear that she trusted you so much with her children because you love her kids so much and would do anything for them.
"You can tell her I'm interested," you tell Sadie and she nods.
"Okay, I'll send her your number. Thanks again y/n," she spoke as she handed you some money for your service and you walked out after hugging each of the kids goodbye. 
"Okay, so that's all that you really need to know. You can stay here if you want so that you don't have to travel back and forth across the island. Let me show you the guest room." You follow Savannah through her house and to the guest room.
"You can invite your friends like Kiara or Sarah to stay with you, so you aren't too lonely. You can literally do whatever as long as you clean up after yourself, but I know I don't have to worry about anything with you. Sadie talks very highly of you." You blush at the comment and send her a smile. "Do you have any questions?"
"No ma'am. I think I got it all." She smiles at you as Bo, her golden retriever, licks up your leg. The two of you chuckle as you head back to the kitchen.
"Okay well here's the key and the code for the alarm system is 1742. I'll turn it on when we leave and when you get here, just turn it off and then turn it back on at night. Once again, thank you so much for doing this. I could not find anyone and the girl who normally keeps the dogs is going to be gone as well."
"No problem, Mrs. Savannah. I'm extremely excited to get to be with these pups all week next week," you say as you ruffle your hand through Bo’s fur. Her other two dogs, Bleu and Bailey, have been chilling but Bo has been following you everywhere. You said your goodbyes before heading over to The Wreck where your friends were.
"Hello everyone," you announce your presence as your friends greet you. You take the only empty seat at the table that sits between JJ and Pope and sneakily snag a fry from JJ's plate.
"Hey!" He shouts and attempts to grab the fry back, but it is already in your mouth. A giggle escapes your lips as he pouts about his stolen food.
"You owed me that one after all the food I share with you. At least, I have Pope. You'll share your fries with me, won't you buddy?" Pope grins at you before nodding.
"Of course." He slides his basket of fries closer to you and you gladly take one before Kie offers to get you some. You decline, saying you just wanted to tease JJ to which he frowns before ruffling with your hair playfully. After you fix your hair, the pogues ask you about your day.
"I was actually at Savannah's house, Sarah." She shot you a confused look before telling you to continue. Savannah and Sadie are cousins with Ward, so they are related to the Cameron’s. That's how Sarah knows her.
"I thought you babysit for Sadie," she wonders, and you nod.
"I do but Sadie recommended me to Savannah as a dog sitter, so I'm going to be staying there next week while they're on vacation."
"You're basically a kook now, y/n," JJ jokes as you roll your eyes at him.
"No, but I'll be living in the house of one for a week. I'm a full-on pogue right here and you know it." You say as you point to your heart. You had too many responsibilities to look after and pay for to be a kook. You have to help out your dad with money because your mom left you two when you were seven. Things would be a million times better if you were actually a kook but living like one for a little bit would be nice.
It was not long before you were living that dream. Savannah left a few days ago and you have been waking up to Bo’s adorable face next to you every morning. As you watched the dogs run around in the backyard, you decided to invite a friend over. You were getting kinda lonely and Savannah said you could invite someone like Kie or Sarah, so you shot Kie a text first.
Y/n: what are you doing tonight? I'm kinda lonely and wanna sleepover with my girl
Kie: my dad has me working all night and then Sarah and I are going to the mainland early in the morning
Y/n: okay I'll ask one of the guys, thanks though
You can't ask John B because you don't want Sarah to get the wrong impression and Pope has work early in the morning with his dad, so your only option is JJ. There is nothing wrong with JJ. You love him to death, but he tends to slip things away without anyone noticing. You want to make a good first impression so that Savannah will want to use you again in the future. You let out a sigh before calling JJ.
"Hello?" His voice sounded through your ears.
"Hey, are you gonna be busy tonight?"
"No, what's up?" He asks as he makes sure to pop the 'p' at the end of his sentence.
"Well, I'm kinda lonely and Savannah said I could invite a friend to stay with me, so I was wondering if you wanted to." You were kind of nervous he would say no but he didn't.
"Yeah sure. I'll be over at like seven and I can bring a pizza."
"Ooo, sounds good. I'll see you then," you said as you salivated at the sound of pizza. You two ended the phone call and went on about your days until he came over. You showed him around the house and introduced him to Bo, Bleu, and Bailey. You made sure to keep a close eye on him the whole night to make sure he didn't snag anything without you knowing.
"Okay I'm stuffed," you announce as you set you unfinished pizza slice down.
"Well, I'm not so..." he trailed off as he grabbed your slice and finished it. You playfully rolled your eyes as you hopped off the barstool and threw the pizza box in the trash. As he finishes, you let the dogs out one last time for the night before bringing them back in, locking the door, and turning on the alarm.
After a while, the two of you both get showered and ready for bed. JJ takes one side and you take the other before turning to face him.
"Thanks for staying with me tonight," you whisper, careful not to wake the sleeping Bo that laid between the two of you.
"No problem, y/n. You know I'd do anything for you." His words bring a smile to your face that he can barely see in the low light. You mutter another 'thank you' and then a 'goodnight' as you press your lips to his cheek before turning around and falling asleep.
Though the two of you fell asleep separately with Bo between you, you woke up snuggled into JJ's side, your head resting on his bare chest. Bo laid on the other side of him by his leg. You smiled down at the dog as you slid out of JJ's arms. After admiring his sleeping form, you turned off the house alarm and let the dogs out to do their business.
While they were out, you found some eggs and decided to scramble them for breakfast and serve them with some toast. A shirtless sleepy JJ appeared in the doorway as you cooked the eggs. He rubbed his tired eyes before leaning against the counter next to you.
"Whatcha cooking?" He asks as he looks out the window to watch the dogs run around.
"Some eggs. If you want to help, there's bread over there that you can pop in the toaster," you tell him, pointing in the direction of the bread. He nods and does as you asked of him. He looks around in several cabinets before finding the plates and he pulls out two for y'all. He places them down next to you as you finish the eggs and put them on the plates. As soon as you finish with that, the toast pops up.
"Do you want grape or apple jelly?" He asks as he holds the two options up for you to see.
"Grape please." He takes care of the toast as you get two forks and set the plates down on the counter where you two ate last night. You grab two cups and fill them both with some orange juice to complete your meals.
"We do pretty well together," he boasts looking down at the finished product of your work. You laugh and agree before sitting down next to him. As you eat your breakfast, you look around and really take in the beautiful home you have been staying in.
"This place is really pretty," you say softly, still looking around at everything.
"One day, I'm gonna get you a place like this," JJ says as you giggle. He's always joked that you two were going to end up together and that y’all would go full kook. You had always liked JJ but never tried anything. He never initiated anything either, so you just stayed friends. You nodded at him in agreement.
"One day, we will have a huge house and we'll have dogs too," you add on to the dream. JJ wanted to add kids to the dream too but was not sure how you would feel about it, so he kept quiet.
"Yep," he spoke before filling his mouth with eggs again.
"Hey y/n! Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you had anyone over," Savannah asked you through the phone. You felt tense and unsure about what she was getting at.
"Kiara and Sarah stayed with me one night, but that was it. Do you mind me asking why?" You weren't completely lying. After JJ stayed with you, Kie and Sarah spent the night two nights later.
"Well, I can't find one of my necklaces that I thought I had left in the living room on accident before leaving. It was worth a lot of money and my husband gave it to me. I was going to ask if you had seen it and if you had anyone over, would you please ask them if they had seen it too?" JJ's name ran through your mind constantly as she spoke. That little kleptomaniac probably stole it.
"No ma'am. I didn't see it, but I'll ask the girls and get back to you. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. Just please let me know as soon as possible," she said before hanging up.
"Fuck," you mutter as your mind races. She probably thinks you stole it and she'll probably tell her sister and you won't be able to babysit anymore which is your most steady and good-paying job. You don't even bother asking the girls. Your first priority is JJ.
When you walk up to the chateau, you notice JJ laying on the hammock in the back.
"Hey y/n! What's up?" He asked happily but his face changed when he caught sight of yours. "What happened?"
"I'm going to ask you something and I want you to be completely honest with me." He nods, waiting for you to fill him in on what is bothering you.
"Did you steal anything from Savannah's house?"
"What the hell, y/n?" He asks, anger lacing his voice.
"That wasn't a no."
"No, y/n! I didn't steal anything. Why would you ask me that?" He seethes. He's stood up from the hammock now, too angry to sit.
"Because she can't find an expensive ass necklace and you normally like to steal things. Sorry for automatically thinking it was you," you speak sarcastically.
"I didn't steal it, y/n. I never saw a necklace the whole time I was there. You were with me the whole time. The only time we weren't together was when I was in the shower and when you were in the shower, I was in bed. I promise I didn't leave or go anywhere while you were gone." He stops for a minute as he thinks.
"Is that why you watched my every fucking move while I was there? Because you thought I would steal something?" You stayed quiet which gave him the answer he was looking for. He let out a scoff before continuing to speak.
"You know what? Fuck what I said. That whole dream of you and I getting together one day and living like that. I can't do that with someone who doesn't trust me." His words hurt but you shrugged it off as if it did not matter to you.
"That's fine with me. It was a dumb dream anyway. Like we could achieve that." You scoff before turning around and walking home. Tears streamed down your cheeks. You probably just lost your favorite job and your best friend. Could life get any worse? Your phone buzzes in your hand. Reluctantly you look down at it, hoping it was Kie or Pope or Sarah. Someone who could make you feel better, but it wasn't. It was Savannah.
Savannah: hey just wanted to let you know I found the necklace
"Shit," you muttered under your breath as guilt washes over you and you bolt back to the chateau. You had royally screwed up everything and have to fix it. When you walked to the back where JJ was, you saw him sitting in the hammock with his hands behind his head. He glances over at your approaching figure before returning his gaze to the tree above him.
"You here to accuse me of some more shit I didn't do?" He asks bitterly. You deserve it. You were a shit friend.
"Um, no," you whisper as you shake your head and more tears prick your eyes from all the guilt and shame you felt, "I'm so sorry JJ. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions and I should've believed you. I know you wouldn't lie to me. I was just scared that I would lose my job with Sadie. You know how much I love those kids. I thought I'd never get to be with them again. I know that doesn't justify me accusing you of stealing but I love you and hope you can forgive me."
You wipe away the last of your tears before JJ stands up to pull you into a hug. You wrap your arms tightly around him, glad he seemed to forgive you for your crappy actions.
"I couldn't have stayed mad at you if I tried. I just wish you would trust me more," he whispered in your ear before pulling away from you.
"That's the thing JJ. I trust you so much, with my life and everything, but the things just added up and you'd be lying if you said stealing isn't something you would totally do." The two of you laugh together before JJ pulls you down onto the hammock with him and you lay together, looking up at the sky through the tree branches. A comfortable silence fell over the two of you before JJ decided to speak.
"You stole first," he said softly. You turned to look up at him with a questioning look upon your face.
"What? No, I didn't. What do you mean?"
"You stole my heart," he smiled goofily at you before you roll your eyes and cuddle into him.
"Oh, shut up." You feel his laugh vibrate through his chest.
"I love you, y/n," he whispered as his fingers ran through your hair.
"Love you too JJ," you hummed.
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The Best Present - A Little Christmas Story
I wish we were kissing under mistletoe
The stars on the sky just can't match your glow
Now I can't wait 'til you're by my side
We'll be warm by the fire all night, oh
I wanna hold you while the bells are all ringing
Want you to be here while the angel's singing
Days are perfect when I got you near
My only wish is you here
Christmas Without You - Ava Max
The snow was slowly falling in big white flakes to the ground and covered everything with a beautiful thick coat. The streets were empty and everything was peaceful silent. Percy was shivering from the cold and pulled his scarf a bit tighter. He was running late as usual. Leo invited all of them for Christmas eve to his home like he did every year. He loved the tradition. And the food. And the decorations. And the fact that mostly everyone of their friends was able to come. It was far too seldom that all of them saw each other.
Percy went a bit faster which wasn't easy because the floor was icy and slippery and he was carrying his Secret Santa present for Annabeth in both hands and balanced the blue homemade chocolate chip cookies from his mother on top of it.  
He almost made it safe to Leo's front door. Almost. On the path to the house was ice under the snow and Percy slipped, pressing the gift and the cookies to his chest, trying to catch himself. "Woah! Watch out!" Jason shouted before he grabbed him in the last second and made him standing still again. "Gotcha" he chuckled.  
"Oh gods thank you. You saved me and the cookies." Percy said breathless.
"For the sake of the cookies look where you're going the next time." Jason joked.
"Yes... You're right. The next time I just fly to the door. No big deal." Percy replied sarcastically looking into Jason's bright blue eyes. They sparkled in the Christmas lights and reflected all the different colours. Percy can't help it and a goofy grin spread over his face which Jason mirrored. The snowflakes has covered Jason's blond hair, which made it look white and his cheeks where light red from the cold. This was one of these moments Percy got totally lost. He just want to take a picture and framed it that's how beautiful Jason looks in these light.
He was shaking his head to clear his mind, he was getting creepy again. He really had fallen for Jason in the last year. There were these moments when they looked at each other a second too long or when they touched accidentally. But it never happend more than this. They never cross the line that would end their friendship. Percy still waited for the perfect moment to confess his love. He was to afraid that he just interpreted too much in their interactions. Maybe Jason was just too dense to get the hints Percy dropped time by time. Maybe Percy was just wishing that Jason always seemed to making excuses to touch him or be in his near.
Jason cleared his throat. "Maybe we should go inside."
It took it's time till Percy realised what Jason said. " Yeah I guess so." But both didn't move. They still locked their eyes, smiling like idiots and no one want to look away first. It hit him like a sudden and blinding realization and it dawned to him. This moment seemed to be perfect. "Uhm, Jason? I have to tell you something." Suddenly he was getting really nervous. What if Jason didn't feel the same? Would he believe him? What if he even laugh at him? What if Percy was about to destroy their friendship right now? Maybe he should wait with it after the party. Then he wouldn't ruin it by make it awkward at least. He felt like a coward. He just was searching for excuses.
"What now? Say what's on your mind." Jason face turned serious.
He got an urgent feeling of throwing up. "It's freaking cold and I'm freezing. Let's go inside. Why doesn't the cold bother you too?" He said laughing. Hopefully Jason didn't hear that it was forced. Yep, he definitely was a coward.
They knocked at the with ornaments decorated door and Hazel opened it. The smell of pine, cinnamon and hot chocolate filled the cold evening air and Christmas songs are played in the background. "Ah there you are, we're finally complete. You two are late. What happened?"
"Nothing" Percy said a little bit too fast as he entered the house, hoping that everyone attributed his red face to the change from the cold outside to the warm inside.
"Percy's just being clumsy not more", Jason laughed and entered the house as well.
Both took off their thick coats and scarfs and hang them on the wardrobe. "Nice sweater Percy" Jason teased him.
"I can only give that back." Two years ago Jason had Percy as his secret santa and he got the ugliest sweater Percy could found. It was baby blue with lighting bolts on it which actually can blink. The next year Percy got his payback. Jason bought him a green sweater with tiny waves on it. There were also a button which caused an awful sung christmas song when it was pressed. Percy secretly loved it.
Hazel led them to living room. They were welcomed by 'Merry Christmas Everyone' that was blasted by Leo's sound system. Percy couldn't stop to be surprised how much efford Leo put in the decorations every year. And he tops himself year by year. There was a huge christmas tree with every kind of decoration you could put on. The whole room had it's own christmas themed light installation and Percy really become worried that all of this would end in a short circuit.
The whole crew was spread out in the room. Frank, Reyna and Piper were sitting on the couch chatting and eating from the with sweets filled plates in front of them. Leo and Annabeth standing in the corner bowed over some cables and it seems like he was explaining how he managed the power distribution. Grover, Will and Rachel were standing in front of the music system singing along. Only Thalia wasn't there. She was on the other side of the country and didn't make it this year.
Jason and Percy put their presents under the tree while Hazel took the cookies and put them in the kitchen. As she came back she shoved Nico in the room with the words "You can't stay in there forever." "But there I don't have to deal with all these happy people." He mumbled, but everyone knows that Nico secretly was enjoying the Christmas Partys.
"I'm going to grab us some hot chocolate" Jason declared and vanished in the kitchen. He came back with two steaming cups. Percy has joined their friends on the couch and so did Jason. As he recognized that there were only blue marshmallows in his cup, a smile stole on his face again. He was always smiling when Jason was around.
And so the time passed away with a lot of laughter, crooked sung songs and many happy faces. Even Nico smiled from time to time and everyone was filled with love for their friends.
After everyone had handed over the presents, Percy just leaned back and enjoyed the scene which was chaotic as usual. Annabeth already has started to read in one of the books Percy got her, while Leo was leaning over her shoulder and pointed at something in the book. His socks he got from Grover were flashing like a Christmas tree. Frank with his new purple sweater from Reyna was about to put a necklace around Hazel's neck. Jason gave Nico a new necklace as well and Rachel got a new sketchbook set from Piper and was about to draw her sitting under the Christmas tree. She was reading the voucher she got from Will and Reyna got a new pair of dog leashes and collars from Annabeth. Will was presenting his new shirt from Hazel which fits the one Nico was wearing. Rachel's gift for Grover was a new pair of shoes she has customized. Leo tried to get Thalia home for Christmas but it wasn't possible so he organized a video call for Jason as a compromise solution. And Percy has to keep himself from starring at Jason who was laughing with his sister. Little tears of joy in the corner of his eyes. He himself received new gloves and a matching scarf from Nico.
He was so happy that he can count so many people as his friends. No they were more than friends. This was his second family. And he knew that everyone was feeling the same.
After some time has passed, Jason ended the call and looked a bit sad for a moment, but quickly recovered. His sister was the only one left from his family and it was the first time he was supposed to be alone on Christmas and new year. Percy leaned over to Jason and whispered: "Don't tell anyone but remember me to give you your Christmas gift when we are leaving." Maybe it was against the rules of Secret Santa but he couldn't stop himself to get Jason a present as well.
"That's not fair! I haven't a present for you." He whispered back.
"Nah it's fine. It didn't cost anything so it's totally okay"
"So you made it by yourself? Now I want to know what it is."
"You will see." Percy made his troublemaker smile and looked into Jason prying eyes.
"Hey you two lovebirds, " Reyna interrupted their eye contact with a snap and both turned their heads towards her, "I've asked if you want to play charade with us but you seem to be busy."
"No no. I would love to play! What about you Jase?"
"I'm in!"
Laughter filled the house and in the end nobody knew who won.
It was late. Very very late. Well past midnight. Maybe Percy fall asleep once or twice, he wasn't really sure by himself. "Maybe I should go home soon", he declared with a yawn, his head resting on Jason's shoulder.
"Yeah me too." Jason shifted a bit, so he can look in Percy's tired eyes. "I drive you home. It's cold and dark outside and I don't accept a 'No'."
Percy knew he didn't have a chance to deny. Jason could be very stubborn when it come to situations like this. So he didn't resist and as a bonus he has time to give Jason his gift. After a lot of hugs they were driving to Percy's.
"So the present I was talking about... You still alone on Christmas?" Percy asked softly.
"Yeah but it doesn't matter I'm fine, just having myself a little Merry Christmas you know" Everybody would believe him but not Percy. Jason's voice was a tiny bit rougher than normal.
He could feel his heart nervously beating in his chest. "You can stay with us. I asked mom already and she said she would be very happy if you would join us."
"No I can't." Percy felt his heart stutter. He planned this since he knew that Thalia wouldn't make it. Nobody should be alone. Especially not Jason.
"Why not?"
"It's your family and I don't have any presents. I can't crash Christmas without presents."
Percy let out a released laugh. "That's what you are worried about? Well than you can come with me. I bought too many gifts anyways. We just change the tags. And for me it's really enough when you celebrate with us. How about that?"
A defeated smile stole on Jason's face. "Only if I can give you your money back."
"Alright. If you want to drive home first, you need to pack your things, you can stay at my home. It's already late and so you can't oversleep. " in the joy of Jason saying Yes he invited him spontaneously but regretted it right after saying it. He didn't want to overdo it so hopefully it wasn't a big deal for Jason.
"Unlike you I never oversleep but I would love to stay at your's"
Percy looked with a wide smile outside the car window. This was one was on it's best way to be the best Christmas ever.
As they were finally parking by Percy's mom it's started to snow again. Luckily they didn't have to drive anymore. His house wasn't decorated like Leo's but at least there were Christmas lights and one look at Jason was enough to be reminded of earlier this day. His eyes, it were always his eyes that made Percy fall in love with him a little more. And the way he was smiling at this moment brightened his heart. “You know this is one of the best presents I ever could get? I thought I would be lonely on Christmas." There were tears in his eyes and without thinking Percy hugged him.
"Nobody deserves to be alone if they doesn't want to. And I am so happy you are here with me."
"Thank you." Jason voice cracked and he cleard his throat. Percy let go and before he could start a second try to confess his love he pulled out his key awkwardly and said: "You don't have to thank me. But I'm freezing, let's get inside." At which point in his life he turned in this little coward? The problem was Jason was way too important for him and he didn't want to lose him.
"I guess my family already fall asleep, so we have to be silent." Percy whispered as he opened the door. They entered the house and walked as quiet as possible through the hallway till Jason suddenly stopped.
"You okay?" Percy turned around an looked at him. He seemed to be a bit nervous. Maybe he was afraid what his family could say.
After not answering his question Percy tried to calm Jason. "Hey, you don't have to be afraid or something. My family knows that you are coming with me. And especially Estelle is glad to see you."
"Yeah I know, that's not the problem."
"Then what is it?" Percy started to getting nervous too. What if Jason didn't want to be here and was just too polite to deny and now he regretted it? But Jason seemed so happy to be here a few seconds ago. So what was making him so nervous?
"Look up." He didn't suspect this reply at all and look at the ceiling in confusion.
A mistletoe. There was a mistletoe above him and while Percy still was wondering why it was there, because his mom never hung up one, Jason take a step towards Percy. Percy slowly look back to Jason. He could feel his heart beating in his chest. Jason was starring on his lips. He couldn´t breathe. He couldn´t think. With a glance in his eyes Jason made sure if Percy was okay with this and finally overcome the last few centimeters. Cross the line of their friendship. 
And then he kissed him. 
Once, twice and then a third time. They couldn´t stop and soon it happend that Jsaon was pressing Percy against the wall. It taste like Christmas and chocolate and it felt like finally coming home. 
They only broke away from each other to catch a breath. Jason leaned his forehead against Percy's, while their hearts were racing, both with a big smile on their face and a little bit of disbelive in their eyes. Like this was a wonderful dream. "Merry Christmas, Percy." Jason whispered.
Percy was way too overwhelmed to reply but one glance was enough to know this wasn't just a kiss under the mistletoe. This kiss was the certainty that his feelings wasn't one-sided. This kiss was all he ever wanted. And this kiss was the best present he ever could get for Christmas.
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The Name Written on My Heart
Sequel to Name on a Coffee Cup  requested by Anon. Happy Valentines/Galentines Day my darlings! 
Modern!Tommy and Ava continue their relationship outside the cafe.
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             After his first date with Ava, Tommy felt like his heart was slowly being restarted. After Grace passed, he assumed that the rest of his love would be given to Charlie. But even then, he felt like he was failing.
            Oftentimes his son would much rather go spend the day with his aunts or uncles or have playdates with friends. Polly assured him that it was natural for the young boy to want to be independent as he got older. But still, Tommy felt like he was always the second pick for Charlie and he was afraid it was because he just wasn’t enough for the boy. 
            When Ava began to spend time at Tommy’s flat, Charlie gravitated toward her like a magnet. Not that Tommy could blame him. She was much better at interacting with him. She wasn’t afraid to get down to his level to play and go along with his wild imagination. Still, Tommy was a bit dismayed he wasn’t the kind of father Charlie needed.
            Until he subconsciously took cues from Ava to relax a bit. He wasn’t as strict and felt like his relationship with Charlie was getting better and more natural.
            On the other hand, Tommy was easing back into a serious relationship. There were a few roadblocks along the way. Around Halloween one year, Ava came over to carve pumpkins and bake some sugar cookies in the shape of bats and ghosts. Charlie had a ball and demanded that Monster Mash be played over and over again as he darted around the living room on a sugar high. When he finally crashed, Tommy carried him to bed before helping Ava clean up the mess in the kitchen.
            “It’s late.” She noted.
            “Yeah, I’ll drive you home. Don’t want you taking the tube this late.”
            “Oh.” Ava glanced by the door where she’d left her bag. The bag that she had packed a change of clothes and her toothbrush in. Her face went red as she realized how stupid it was that she thought it would be the first night she might sleepover.  
            Tommy read her expression and paused. They’d been dating for quite some time. Almost two years at that point. He was even beginning to think that maybe they would spend the rest of their lives together. He could certainly see it happening, even if it was a bit soon to know for sure. And yet, there was always that hesitation that he felt. The protectiveness he had for Charlie. The thought that Tommy didn’t deserve love. The fear that he would lose someone else that he cared so deeply about.
            “I understand, it’s alright,” Ava said as if she could read his mind.
            Tommy didn’t move for a moment. Half of him wanted her to stay, half of him wanted to just drive her home so he could be by himself. Something he thought he deserved. She was far too kind and forgiving for him. Far too sensible. Far too sweet. Far too understanding.
            “Stay.” The word came out before Tommy could realize what he’d said. “I want you to stay. You belong here…you’re perfect with Charlie and you get him better than I do. I know I don’t deserve you but I would do anything to have you here, even if it’s just for a night.”
            Ava hugged him close and kissed his cheek. “I think you’re selling yourself too short.” She murmured. “Charlie adores you and so do I.”
            Tommy took a deep breath and held her for a moment before she slipped away.
            “C’mon, let’s take care of this mess so we can go to bed.” She smiled at him.
            It was what Tommy loved about her so much. She made having emotions so much easier. There was no big spectacle of it, she never called him out for feeling upset or depressed. She always knew exactly what to say.
            The next year, once Ava’s lease was up, she moved into Tommy’s flat. Charlie was overjoyed that he had there every day. And she meshed perfectly with their schedules. On the days that she was opening the café, she woke up early, around the same time Tommy did. They went about their morning routines and welcomed in Charlie’s nanny who would wake up the boy for school. When Ava worked later shifts, she took care of getting Charlie to school on time. It worked exceptionally well.
            Almost to a point where Tommy expected things to go wrong. Everything was going too well and he became very suspicious. About a year after Ava moved in, Tommy self-sabotaged.
            One night, Ava had gone out with friends from uni that she hadn’t seen in a while. Tommy was up late working at the flat when she came home. Although a little tipsy, she was coherent as she kissed his cheek and wrapped her arms around him from behind.
            “I take it you had fun then.” Tommy chuckled.
            “It really was. Of course, we didn’t close the pub like we did back in those days. My ex-boyfriend wanted to stay but we were all so tired.” She laughed softly.
            It set off a trigger inside Tommy. “Didn’t know your ex would be there.”
            “Our whole friend group was. We’ve been planning a little reunion like this for a while.” Ava didn’t immediately pick up on his icy tone.
            Tommy set down his pen and leaned back in his desk chair with his arms crossed over his chest. “Just something I thought you’d tell me.”
            “I didn’t think it would matter.” She frowned and withdrew her arms. “It doesn’t bother you, does it?”
            He didn’t answer, looking ahead at his laptop on a home screen.
            “Tommy, honestly.” Ava tried again to make him talk with no avail. “We dated years ago. I’ve been dating you longer than I’ve ever dated anyone else. You really think I’d throw that all away?”
            Tommy simply shrugged.
            She scoffed at his attempt to be blasé to the issue when she knew he was stewing inside. “You’re impossible.” With a huff, she stormed out of the room and went to the bedroom, locking the door behind her.
            The next day was even worse. After spending the night on the couch, Tommy felt like an ass for what he’d done. Although it wasn’t an argument like they’d had before, it still cut deep. He had basically spelled out that he didn’t trust her. It wasn’t entirely true. Tommy trusted Ava because it was unlike her to be unfaithful. But he didn’t trust the world. He’d seen what could happen to good people. In his eyes, Ava had a target on her back because of her tendency to be so warm-hearted and vulnerable.
            That morning, Ava had left before Tommy could even get a word of apology in. She didn’t answer his texts throughout the day and it drove him insane. He had to settle for the breakroom coffee because he couldn’t gather up the courage to go down to the café and face Ava.
            The rest of the office picked up on the fact that he was in a sour mood. All but Arthur, who walked in whistling to himself.
            “So, what’ve you got planned for Valentine’s Day?” The eldest Shelby asked.
            Tommy looked up from his paperwork, then to the calendar on his desk. Indeed, Valentine’s Day was that weekend. He’d ordered a custom bracelet for Ava and had it hidden in his desk drawer. But other than that, he’d completely forgotten. “I’m not sure.” He mumbled. “I upset her last night.”
            Arthur sighed. “Tom, we’ve talked about this. You don’t think you deserve happiness so you ruin your own life. You can make it up to her. Just put on the ‘ol charm, aye?”
            Ava was giving Tommy the silent treatment for most of the week. He felt it was deserved and just prayed Arthur was right and that he could redeem himself.
            Come Sunday, Ava came home from work. She still felt hurt, especially since Tommy appeared to have forgotten it was even Valentine’s Day. But then Charlie rushed to the door.
            “Ava, Ava!” He was bouncing up and down. “C’mon!” He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the kitchen.
            Tommy was chopping up vegetables. He glanced up and smiled sheepishly.
            Ava looked a bit confused. “What’s all this?” There was an array of items all laid out on the counter. Balls of dough were resting on cutting boards next to little bowls of toppings.
            “I asked Charlie what we could do special for Valentine’s Day.”
            “And I wanted pizza!” The little boy piped up. “Look, he climbed up onto a stool and patted the dough.
            A small smile formed on Ava’s face. “Well, that looks fun.” She said and walked over.
            “Here, Charlie,” Tommy handed his son the rolling pin. “Try to flatten it, but not too thin.” Then he turned to Ava.
            “So, you were scheming today, huh?” She asked.
            “Av, I’m sorry.” He took her hands in his. “Whenever I have a good thing, I never think I deserve it. And you’re one of the best things I’ve ever had.”
            “I don’t want you pushing me away.” She replied quietly. “If you have an issue, tell me. I’m here to be your confidant.”
            Tommy nodded and took a deep breath. He kissed her softly.
            “Daddy, s’a square pizza!” Charlie exclaimed.
            The two pulled away and chuckled. Indeed, the little boy had rolled the dough out into a square.
            “I guess it’ll taste the same.” Ava smiled and went over to help him.
            Tommy lingered to the side a bit, watching her with Charlie. The two laughed as they made a mess with the sauce and cheese.
            This was a good thing. He would hold onto the good and keep it close to his heart. Everyone deserved love. Tommy was just thankful that he had Ava and Charlie.
            “Daddy, look,” Charlie called.
            Tommy chuckled when he saw a smiley face made of pepperoni on the pizza. “Why don’t you make it a heart? It’s Valentine’s Day.”
            His son made a face. “That’s yucky.”
            “Oh, Charles, you won’t be my Valentine?” Ava pouted.
            “No, gross. Girls are gross.”
            “Are they, then?” Tommy raised an eyebrow then went to give Ava a big dramatic kiss.
            “EW!” Charlie pulled his shirt over his head to hide his face.
            They laughed. “Alright, alright. I guess your dad will be my Valentine. And maybe we can add a nose to the smiley face.” Ava put another piece of pepperoni on the pizza. “Go on and add some peppers and onions. I’ve got to get your Valentine gifts.” She washed her hands and went down the hall.
            Tommy took the cue and grabbed Ava’s necklace from his briefcase.
            Ava returned with two wrapped gifts. “Charlie, love, this is from dad and me.” She gave him a box which he happily tore into to find an art supply kit.
            “Wow, cool! Thanks!” He beamed.
            Ava and Tommy exchanged gifts as well. He opened his to find a photograph of his newest racehorse with his name, Kingsman, carved into the silver frame.
            “To add to your collection.” She smiled knowing that Tommy kept a photo of all of his winning horses in his office.
            “I love it.” He remarked at the stunning picture of the pure black stallion.
            Ava didn’t answer. She had opened the jewelry box to find the silver necklace with a teardrop diamond pendant. She had never owned anything so beautiful before. “Tom…” Her eyes welled up with tears.
            “D’you like it?” He asked hesitantly.
            “Of course.” Her voice shook. “It’s gorgeous, thank you.” She touched his cheek and kissed him deeply.
            “Daddy, I don’t like mushrooms, I’m not putting mushrooms on the pizza.” Charlie interrupted them.
            “Alright, it was worth a shot.” Tommy sighed and went back over to the counter.
            “That looks very nice, Charlie.” Ava praised. “Why don’t we let dad put it in the oven and we can check out your new art supplies.”
            “Okay!” Charlie hopped down from the stool and carried the box to the kitchen table.
            Ava kissed Tommy’s cheek. “Happy Valentine’s Day.” She said softly.
//It felt so funny writing the tube. Like I feel like it’s some sort of slang that Americans think British people use but they don’t? In my city we call the subway the T. That’s also stupid but our subway lines are bastards who don’t deserve full names or loving nicknames. Fuck you T. 
Permanent Tag: @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @biba3434 @kimmietea @karmezii @enrapturedbythemoon @vampgirl1997 @tarafaithe @evelynshelby
PB Masterlist
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shewritestheblues · 4 years
The Elevator Bae x Chapter 5
Chapter FIVE
Erik x Black OC (Phoenix)
Phoenix checks her phone. It’s a little after midnight. She has a few notifications from her social media but nothing important. This is her third day in a row that she’s been in the studio. She hadn’t been home except to sleep and shower and she’d be right back in the studio. Thank God for DoorDash because leaving for food was out of the question. All she could do was make music. Trap, R&B, Soul… she was making some of the best music she’s ever created. This was the most she’s used her own voice to sing on some tracks.
Her and Coby were currently working on their fourth song of the night. As Phoenix sings along to the beat, it feels like the base is moving chills through her soul. It takes her over and she does something she’s never done before. She opens Instagram, swiping right. Her tired, yet satisfied face pops up on the camera. Holding the screen to record, she lets her voice ring out. Without a care that maybe someone would disapprove. She didn’t even bother to listen back. She posted the video on her story and got back to work.
Whenever she would get stuck writing, her mind would wander off to her last moments with Erik. Their talk, their small moments of touching, that feeling, the look in his eye. He would be just what she needed to find the words needed to make her music. Coby would add a few bars in and Phoenix took note every time. She was waiting until she had used all of her inspiration to ask him about her best friend.
As the night continued and more music is being made, Phoenix saved a few songs to keep just for her. She wasn’t sure just yet what she’d do with them but she felt way too connected to them to send them to some other artist to sing. Anything else was fair game. She let one song play. It wasn’t one she’d keep but she still liked it. She played it on repeat trying to figure out who she could picture singing it.
“Yo, you know who would do right by this?” Coby asked. He leaned back, sitting on the table that sat next to Phoenix. She was so into the song, she didn’t notice he had moved from his seat on the other side of her. She stops the song, relaxing into her chair.
“LaShay. The one with the purple hair.”
“Yeah, I like her. She’s out of Atlanta right?”
“Yup. I’m cool with her manager. I could send it to them and see what they think.”
“Cool.” Phoenix hit play on the song again. Just listening and trying to picture the new singer’s voice. A thought hit her. Her and Coby make some amazing music together. They have never made something that flopped. Every song, every beat was always a hit.
“Coby,” she stops the music, turning her chair to him. “Have you noticed that whenever we work together, we don’t miss? Like we both have made some shit songs on some solo shit, but together, it’s always good.”
He definitely noticed. “Yeah. We’re like a dynamic duo or some shit like that. It’s funny you mention this because I was just talking to Ava about how I think we could become like a producing team. Me and You.”
JACKPOT! Phoenix’s smile grew at the sound of her best friend’s name. he brought her up so this was her moment to ask him about it.
“We could definitely pull that off. We could have a cool ass name too, like--- Or like-- Okay, I can’t think of nothing right now but we can put a pin in that. What we can talk about is Ava.”
“Oh my God, Philly! Don’t do this.” He walks over to get water from the mini fridge and sitting back in her chair on the side of her.
“We’re doing this. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“What was there to tell?”
“Umm, I don’t know Coby. Maybe tell me that you like my best friend and that y’all are hanging out.” She makes quotes with her fingers.
“I’m sorry, Phoenix. I’ve been hanging out with your best friend.” he says very sarcastically.
“You are such an ass.” He shrugs. “I don’t care to know about those other girls you mess with but Ava.. that’s my girl. You know how I feel about her.”
“Yeah, I do. Which is why I was trying to wait to tell you. I already knew you were gonna be on ten about it. I wanted to see how serious this was going to be.”
“Serious? So wait, like y’all are dating, dating?”
“To me, we are. I mean, we’re still getting to know each other but so far, I like what I know.”
Phoenix squeals, pinching at Coby’s arms. Coby shakes his head, trying to hide the small smile on his lips.
Erik sits in his office, staring at the book in front of him. It was his father’s book. He studied this book, front to back. He sat here, doing it again for the second time this night. He moved the ring on his necklace around his finger as he read. His breathing picked up and he could feel his anger rising quickly as he sat there. His thoughts taking him back to the very day he saw the bright lights in the sky. The day he ran upstairs to find his father dead. That day was why he is who he is today. Everything he’s done up to the point and going forward was because of that day and because of who he KNEW killed his father. It’s not everyday that someone is killed with panther claws in Oakland. He knew. Never speaking of that day with anyone. He silently planned how he would handle it.
He slammed his fist on the desk, pushing the book on the floor. Breathing heavy, he got up and headed into the kitchen. He drank a bottle of water in what seemed like one gulp. He needed air. Stepping out onto his balcony, he sat in one of the black, cushion chairs. They were modern rocking chairs and the motion of the chair moving back and forth as he closed his eyes, soothed him for the moment. The breeze hitting is bare chest cooled his hot blood. The small sounds of the night life filling the air. He rocked and rocked, until his phone buzzed in the pocket of his joggers. An unknown number texted him.
Unknown: Next Tuesday two weeks. Heading out 600hrs.
His jobs were becoming longer. Before he would be able to handle his work in a matter of days. Now, they were lasting a week and now two weeks.
With his phone now in hand, he absentmindedly goes to Instagram. At the very top of his screen, Phoenix’s profile picture glows red and orange. He taps to watch her story. He was expecting a cute picture or maybe even a boomerang, because damn that girl loves making boomerangs. But his eyes caught her in all black, her face so clear in the video as she sings. This was a few hours ago. The next part of her story was, of course, a boomerang. She was sticking her tongue out as Coby laid back against her chest, not paying any attention to the camera. Erik bit his lip and tapped the screen to go on to the next story. He couldn’t identify the slight tightness of his chest when he watched the short video. Was this jealousy? Why did this nigga have to be all up on her like that? Why was this even bothering him? Phoenix wasn’t his girl. They were just scratching the surface as neighbor friends. Erik wasn’t too familiar with jealousy. He never cared what the women he involved himself with were doing after him. He took what he wanted and that was that. There were never any feelings left for him to feel. Maybe that one time in high school, his crush had a crush on someone else but that only lasted a few hours because he found himself having sex with her friend by the end of the day. This was a new one for him and he wasn’t trying to feel that shit again.
He put his phone away, going back inside his place. Sleep wasn’t on the menu but he needed it. He took two melatonin pills and made himself get the rest he needed.
The bright clock sitting in the studio read 3:45. Cobi and Phoenix were wrapping up their session. Phoenix sat on top of the large speaker, swinging her feet.
“Are you coming out to Camren’s birthday party?” she asked Coby.
“Yeah, I’ll be there.”
“Are you coming with Ava?”
Coby cuts his eye at her, catching her making kissing faces.
“See, this is why I didn’t tell you anything. But NO! Y’all coming with Ava.”
Phoenix jumps off the speaker and gathers her backpack and making sure she has everything. “Will you be coming to my show Sunday?”
“Didn’t know you had one. Where is it?”
“It’s at X again. I guess they loved me that much.” Phoenix follows Coby out of the studio, closing the door behind her.
“Yeah, I’ll be there. You know I got you,” He puts his arm around her shoulder, walking her out to her car. “You make sure you text me when you get in.”
“Okay. Night.”
He closes her car door and makes sure she’s good before getting into his own car. Being so late, Phoenix was able to get home in record time since there’s no one on the road. 15 minutes to be exact. When she made it into her apartment, she wasn’t sleepy at all. It’s after 4 am and she wasn’t sure what to do with herself. She scrolled up Instagram, she couldn’t find any interesting YouTube videos to watch. She was just up and bored. Well, until she thought about what she was going to wear for Camren’s party. She searched through her closet but she wasn’t focused on that at all. Her mind wandered to thinking about her hair. She looked at herself in her full length bedroom mirror at her curly ponytail. It’s been three days since she last touched her hair. She’s been sporting this pony under a dad hat since the night her and Erik went to the studio. She forgot to put on her scarf that night and woke up to dry, matted curls but refused to do anything to them.
What if I straightened it? She thought. It had been over a year since the last time she’s put any heat on it. Her curls had grew long and she was definitely curious on how it looked straight now. That’s what she was going to do. She headed to the bathroom, turning on the shower. She finally set her hair free of the ponytail and got in. She washed and conditioned her hair. She left the conditioner in while she washed her body and got out. She put on some fresh clothes before rinsing the conditioner from her hair. Now it’s time for the toughest part of straightening her hair… blow drying it. Having so much hair and it being so thick, Phoenix had to part her hair into six sections to properly spray her heat protectant in and fully blow dry her hair. This alone took an hour.
The sun was coming up now and Phoenix’s arms were ready to fall off. She still had to actually flat iron her hair. The went out to the kitchen to get some water and a few Oreos to push herself to finish. Coming back into the bathroom, she looked at her wild hair in the mirror and smiled. “We’ve come a long way hair.” She picks up her phone and takes a picture. She sends it to her friends group chat. ‘Ya girl got inches.”
She swings her hair around, dancing in the mirror, practicing what twerking would be like with her hair swinging around. She had to admit to herself how goofy she looked doing this. Once getting that out of her system, she finally began flat ironing her hair. It didn’t take as long as she thought it would. About another 45 minutes. Phoenix wrapped her hair as best as she could. It’s been over a year so her hair wasn’t really having it with her trying to comb it into a circle. But she combed and combed until she ended up with her head tilted to the side and using her whole left arm to hold most of it down. She used her right hand and front teeth to hold her scarf in place so she could slip her left hand from its secured spot and tie it around her head.
Finally getting that done, it was now well into the morning and her phone was barely surviving on 1%. She did her face routine and headed into her bedroom. Putting her phone on charge on her nightstand and climbing into bed. She laid in the middle of her six pillows and her casper mattress seem to engulf her body. This was heaven. She curled up under her thick comforter and rubbed her feet in bliss. Within minutes, sleep had taken over her.
Phoenix is woken up by the sounds of construction outside. At the same time, her phone starts to ring. It’s Mica.
“Hello.” Phoenix says into the phone. Her voice is raspy and low.
“I know you’re not still sleep.” Mica’s voice sounds like she’s standing on top of phoenix.
“I’m up. I just got up.”
“What time are you going to pick up the cake?”
“Damn it!” Phoenix sits up, rubbing her face. “It’s supposed to be ready at 4.”
“You know it’s 3 o’clock right?”
“No, it’s not,” she takes the phone from her face, looking at the time. It’s for sure 3 o’clock. “Oh, it is. Shit! Okay, I'm gonna leave out now.”
“Okay. Just take it to the restaurant. Don’t worry about anything else. Me and Ava got it. I know you probably got in late. I want you to have enough time to get ready.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, dinner starts at 8. We’ll be there around 7 to pick you up.”
“Okay. I’ll text you when I got the cake.”
Phoenix ends the call and jumps up from her bed. She changes into some leggings and a cropped t-shirt, completely forgetting her scarf on her head. She rushes out and magically the elevator was just opening, letting someone off on her floor. She gets in, hitting the garage button. The cabin stops and she rushes out, getting into her car and driving out.
Traffic is ridiculous as she tries to get to the bakery. Her patience is running thin and the feeling of having to rush is triggering her anxiety. Phoenix has been doing well for months with managing her anxiety. She has learned ways to keep herself calm but moments like this where she isn’t able to grasp some type of control over how things are going for her, she doesn’t do well. One second she’s hot as hell and turns her air on blast and the next minute, she’s freezing.
She been in traffic for 3o minutes, but the bakery is only 20 minutes from her apartment. Just when she thought she had come to terms with LA’s traffic, she realizes, she never will. She can feel the tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Her palms are sweaty. Phoenix doesn’t want to be the reason that tonight is a fail. But she can’t help but think that she will. Her thoughts are moving a million miles a minute. She should have set an alarm. She shouldn’t have stayed at the studio that long. If things don’t go right, Camren will hate her. Phoenix takes a few deep breaths. “Relax, Phoenix, relax.” she says to herself.
Traffic began moving a little bit faster and Phoenix could finally catch her breath. She made her way to the bakery and picked up the cake without any more issues. Thankfully, Phoenix knew a back way to the restaurant to drop the cake off.
Ava and Mica did their best to keep Camren out of the loop by having her girlfriend, Tiana, take her out for a spa day. Camren kept texting the group chat asking questions. What are yall up to? What are we doing tonight?
Phoenix, Ava and Mica all ignored her, keeping the plans for the night in a separate text.
Ava and Mica were at the restaurant setting up decorations when Phoenix walked in with the cake. Phoenix let the hostess know she’s there to drop off the cake for later. The hostess took the cake in the back and Phoenix lead herself up to the rooftop where the dinner will take place. Walking up the stairs, she could hear Ava and Mica laughing.
“What y’all up here laughing about?” she yells, catching their attention.
“Phillyyyy!” Mica sings, walking up to her and hugging her. They rock back and forth before Ava yells out. “Cut the lovey dovey shit and help us finish so we can all go get ready.”
“Damn girl, you literally rolled out of bed didn’t you?” Mica pointed to Phoenix’s scarf.
“Yeah. I forgot I was wearing it.”
“I can’t believe you straightened it.”
“IF Y’ALL DON’T BRING Y’ALL ASS!” Ava yelled out.
An extra set of hands helped get the decorations done quick with enough time for the three of them to have time to get ready.
Phoenix made her way home. She came in and immediately connect her phone to her bluetooth speaker. Music blast through her apartment as she went into the bathroom and started the shower. She raps along to Flo Milli’s x Beef as she undresses herself, stepping in the shower.
I like cash and my hair to my ass
Do the dash, can you make it go fast?
Fuck the fame, all I want is them bands
If she keep on muggin', I'ma steal her man
She made her shower quick to make sure she didn’t sweat out her hair. She got out still singing along to her music. She covered her body in shea butter and danced around her her towel. She made her way into her room, going through her closet. Phoenix wasn’t feeling any of the items she had until she noticed a shopping bag on the floor, all the way in the back. Grabbing it, she pulled out an orange, latex dress. She had completely forgotten that she bought this dress months ago and it was perfect for tonight. She paired it with some clear, strappy heels. She struggled for a moment trying to get the dress to move over her thick thighs but being that she has had these thighs her whole life, she has a few stretches and tricks to get them to act right.
Ari Lennox - BMO starts playing on the speaker as Phoenix begins doing her makeup. She stops to sing her heart out in the mirror.
“Break me off
And gitchi gitchi yaya
When the lights is out
I'm summertime crushin' put that game on pause
And do it how I like it
Baby, nice and slow
Break me off--”
Her singing was cut short from her phone ringing. “Yo, who in the hell is this? Messing up my song.”
Picking up the phone, it’s Mica.
“Hello!” Phoenix barks into the phone.
“Damn, what’s wrong with you?”
“You calling me and interrupting my song.” she walks back into the bathroom to do her makeup, putting the phone on speaker.
“Well, excuse me. I was calling to tell your dusty ass we’re on our way.”
“Ya’ mama dusty.”
“Oh, bitch. I’m telling her that when I see her.”
“She won’t believe you.”
“Whatever,” Mica laughed. “You got 20 minutes. Be ready.”
“I’m doing my makeup now. I’ll be ready.”
They hang up and BMO starts blasting through the speaker again. Phoenix moves her hips as she finishes her makeup. She didn’t do too much. A simple beat with mink lashes and a glossy, nude lip. She finished her look with some large, gold hoops, a few layed, gold necklaces and a gold watch. Satisfied with her final look, she unties her scarf, combing down her tresses. You could never go wrong with a middle part, so that’s what she did, pushing her hair behind her ears. Phoenix was more than feeling herself. She walked into her bedroom to get a full view of herself in her full length mirror… taking a few pictures of course.
Ava text her.
Ava: We’re pulling in the garage.
Phoenix: Coming down.
Phoenix puts her necessities into a small, nude clutch and heads out the door. She pushes the call button for the elevator and hums as she waits.
The doors slide open and standing before her is Erik Stevens. Phoenix couldn’t contain the smile on her face.
“Hey Erik.” she waves at him as she steps into the cabin.
He smiles and nods, “Sup, Philly,” he looked her up and down. Taking note of how the orange dress hugs her curves in all the right ways. “Damn.” slips from his slips. Phoenix pushes her hair back behind her ear, blushing at his reaction.
“You looking good tonight. You got a date or something?” he asked.
She looks up at him, “Thanks. But I wouldn’t wear this on a date though. It’s my friend’s birthday.”
“I wouldn’t mind you wearing that on a date.”
“Where could we go with me wearing this?”
Erik smiles at the thought of them going on a date. He shrugs, “A nice dinner or something.”
“You wanna take me out to a nice dinner, Stevens?”
“If you want me to.”
The elevator stops and the doors open. Erik motions for Phoenix to step out first. She does and her follows. There’s a Jeep Wrangler parked near the entrance of the garage with Ava and Mica waiting.
“You have a good night, Philly. Have fun.” Erik starts walking to his own car.
“Hey, Erik,” he stops and looks back to Phoenix. “Are you busy Sunday?”
He smiles at her and starts walking closer to her. “That depends. What’s going on, on Sunday?”
Ava and Mica are watching from the truck. “Ain’t that Erik?” Mica asks.
“Yeah. What you think she just said, ‘cause you can see all this nigga teeth from across the street?”
“Shit, i don’t know. But we’re gonna find out when her ass get in this car.”
Erik holds one hand in his other in front of him waiting for Phoenix’s answer. She tries to avoid making eye contact with him by looking around him and at the floor. “Well… I have a show Sunday night, if you would like to come. If you’re busy, you don’t have to worry about it. Just figured I’d ask--”
He cuts her off, “I’m free.” He holds his hand out and motions to her phone in her hand. She looks confused, looking at her phone and back at him. She gives it to him, not fully sure of what he’ll need it for.
“Unlock it.” he laughs, handing it back to her. She unlocks it and gives it back to him. He types in his number and saves it as ‘Erik😛’ and gives it back to her. “You can send me all of the details later.”
She looks down at his contact name, eyebrows raised. “Tongue out emoji?” she asks. She was curious.
“I have my reasons.” he licks his lips as Phoenix watches him. He smiles, showing off his golds.
Ava honking her horn, scares Phoenix. She almost jumped into Erik’s arms. Ava and Mica laugh hysterically at her reaction.
“That shit ain’t funny. Fuck y’all.” Phoenix holds her chest.
“I don’t wanna hold y’all up. Have fun, baby girl.”
Phoenix walks to the car cussing Ava out for her bullshit. “Y’all get on my damn nerve.”
They were still laughing as she got into the backseat of the Jeep. Ava starts the car and pulls around and as they pass Erik’s car, Mica rolls down her window, “Byeeeee, ERIK!”
He waves at them, laughing.
“You bitches are annoying.” But Phoenix had to admit, it was funny. She found herself laughing with them.
“You gave him your number didn’t you?” Ava looks back at Phoenix.
“Nope, he gave me his.”
“Wait… what happened?” Mica says turning her whole body to face Phoenix in the back.
Phoenix tried to hide her blush, covering her face with her hand, “I invited him to my show, Sunday.”
“BITCHHHH!!!” Ava and Mica screamed. “Just wait until Cam hear about this in the morning.”
Mica put on their ‘Hot Girl Summer’ playlist and they all rapped along as they set out on their way to pick up Camren and Tiana and make their way to Camren’s surprise dinner.
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afy2018 · 4 years
The Legends Awaken
Ava bowed and nodded, waiting for the guards to unlock her necklace and handcuffs before turning around and hugging Sara. She collapsed against her girlfriend, placing many pecks against her cheek and forehead before finally landing one on her lips. Sara stutter-stepped back for a moment, laughing as Ava clung onto her.
“Thank you.” Ava sighed, holding her tightly. “Thank you, thank you, thank you so much,” she gasped out, holding back joyous tears.
“I will do anything to protect you, Ava, I love you. To be honest, I don’t know what I would do without you.” Sara confessed against her ear. She sighed and stepped back away from her, “Now, we still have a job to do. You ready for my drama?”
“How bad can it be?”
“Oh, you’ll be surprised.”
Ava rolled her eyes and wrapped Sara’s arm around her hip, tugging her close, as they made their way to the Waverider. She had only spent a small amount of time away from her but had almost forgotten how Sara made her feel. The way she made her laugh and smile and even when they fought, they still reconciled and loved and trusted one another. She felt like a stronger and better person. When they trained or meditated, she could feel their souls entwine and enhance one another. It felt like a dance; an intense tango that always ended with them both prepared for a fight.
Sara strapped herself into the pilot’s seat, waiting for Ava to lock herself in the chair adjacent to her and took off for her home planet. They blasted off into hyper speed, stars zipping past them in a glittering and strobe tube of lights. In a moment, they stopped and jutted forward.
Ava gazed upon this solar system. She had surprisingly never been to Mandalore- because she was never allowed- and had been amazed by the beauty of this tan and olive planet. She could see the green cracks and lines of rivers that scratched across the surface of Mandalore; the way they spread out and littered it like a heat cracked window. It was a cloudy day across the lower left corner of the olive planet and there was a flash of light over the clouds.
She glanced at Sara, unsure why she was flying through a thunderstorm. Sara twisted the Waverider through the clouds, passing by bright objects that seemed to tangle themselves in the clouds. Ava glanced back at Sara, watching as a small smile appeared on her face. She cocked her head and smiled as well.
“What’s the smile about?” She asked.
Sara shrugged as they lowered into their spot. “It’s just that I forgot that the Festival is this week.”
“There’s this festival they have every year that celebrates the Civil War”
“Oh, I heard about that. When I was learning to be a sentinel, we had to learn about some of the biggest wars. It was our job to stop them, be peacekeepers.” Sara almost rolled her eyes, simply turning her head away and unbuckling her seat belt. “What, what is it?”
She sighed, sucking her teeth before curtly responding, “Nothing.”
“Oh, my god, Sara, what is it?”
“We’ll talk about it later, babe.” Ava quickly followed her out of the ship and onto the war-torn planet. Sara turned back to her, shocking Sharpe with her sudden stop. “Just don’t mention anything about being a Jedi. Mandalorians hate them.”
“Oookay, why?” Ava asked as she walked around Sara.
“Oh, you’ll probably see when we go out to the main square.” Sara cryptically noted. “We just have bad blood with you guys.”
“Is that why your people sided with the Sith?”
“Mm, uh,” Sara stuttered, thinking for a moment, “That’s why our leaders sided with the Sith.”
“Wait, why are we recruiting them then?”
“Because from what I heard, a lot of young Mandalorians are neutral with our cause, they just don’t like the Jedi. Look,” Sara pivoted, following the old path to her family’s plot, “I can explain why we’re not big fans of you guys later, I should first clear some stuff up with my family.” she explained, waving her hands in a nervous manner.
Ava had to admit that seeing this side of Sara was very interesting. She watched her body position change as they walked closer and closer to her house. They must have been on her street because she was almost hiding her face behind Ava while they briskly walked down the crosswalk. Ava slipped her hand into Sara’s, stroking the back of her hand with her thumb.
“It’s gonna be alright,” Ava comforted.
“God I hope you’re right. If you’re not then I blame you,” she nervously joked.
Ava gave her girlfriend a quick squeeze before Sara turned off to one of the largest lots in the area. She gazed at the house that rested in the middle of the metal fenced off area, following Sara up the cobblestone road to the front door. Ava’s eyes followed the curve of the dome roof as it covered a circular house.
“Well, while we’re taking our sweet time, why don’t you tell me about this place?” Ava offered.
“Oh… well, it’s just… an old piece of land my dad inherited from… I honestly don’t know how many generations have owned this, but it was first bought about… 4000 years ago to train the Mandalorian Knights.”
“Who were they?”
Sara stopped in front of the front door and took a deep breath before knocking. “They were Mandalorian Jedi.”
“I thought you said-”
Suddenly the door opened. An older looking man stood in the doorway, his tall frame taking up the entire entrance. His face was scarred and wrinkled. His hair was shorn short enough to reveal his scalp below. Ava looked at his dark eyes that just darted up and down Sara’s body and face. His eyes began to water and his face broke into a warm smile as he lunged out from his spot to embrace Sara. He lifted her up off of the ground, holding her tight.
“Oh my god, you’re still alive,” he whispered.
“I learned to survive from the best.” Sara smiled as he let her down again. “This is my dad, Quentin,” she introduced.
“Hi, Mr. Lance,” Ava nervously greeted, reaching over to shake his hand.
“You gotta name, youngin?”
“Oh, yeah, Ava… Sharpe.”
Quentin nodded shortly and stepped out of the way. “It’s just me here, which is probably for the better. Why don’t we talk in the kitchen, I’ll grab a few drinks.”
“Thanks, daddy.” Sara smiled, following him into the old home.
Ava watched him limp through the house and behind a wall into what must have been the kitchen area. She tightened the buckle on her black jacket as she followed them in, a nervous rush flashing through her veins. This was something that she had never done before, she wondered if Sara could tell if Mr. Lance could tell. They turned the opposite corner to the kitchen and into the dining area. Sara sat down in one of the chairs, pulling out another one adjacent to her for Ava to have. She turned to watch her father’s actions, smiling at the old memories she still had.
“So,” Quentin asked, “I don’t even know where to begin.”
“Neither do I.”
“I guess… how’s Ben been?”
“When I last saw him, he was an old and still sassy man.”
“Hmm,” he chuckled handing them the opened bottles, “He’s always been like that, a stubborn old man who only wanted things his way. What else… what did you do after your training?”
“I lived on Tatooine doing what we do best.”
“Becoming a bounty hunter,” she proudly nodded, taking a long drink from her beer.
“So, I take it your her partner?” He asked Ava.
“Yeah, but not in bounty hunting.” She noted.
“Just in life then? Good for you two.” Quentin smiled.
“A bit more, dad.” Sara nervously began. “We’re actually here for the Alliance to Restore the Republic.”
“What are you talking about… I guess that explains why you’re back.” He thoughtfully admitted with furrowed brows. “It’s not safe for you here, both of you, but especially you, Sara. I’m guessing you know?”
“She’s actually a former Jedi.”
“Oh, then you’re even more at risk.”
“Why isn’t it safe?” Ava asked.
“Well, Mandalore has aligned with the Empire.”
“Yeah, so we’re getting ready to move more Empire soldiers here in two months.”
“What happened?”
“We had to protect our planet.”
“What’s happened since I left.”
“You’ve been gone for almost twenty years, a lot’s happened. Things haven’t been going to well and when the Empire came to take over Mandalore, we decided to help them instead. Our mercs are getting ready to ship off soon. I don’t know where, though.”
“We have to tell the Alliance,” Ava told Sara.
“Yeah, umm… we should,” Sara nodded.
“Sara, why don’t you stay a little longer. Diana and Laurel are coming by soon, and we’d like to know how it’s been.”
Sara nodded, looking over at Ava before giving him a small shrug, “I used to work for Jabba.”
“He still has a place on Tatooine?”
“Yeah,” she smirked.
“What happened after you left?”
“Well, four years ago, I joined the Alliance. I now have a ship, a crew, and a rank.”
“Your own ship?”
“Yup, the Waverider. She’s old but reliable.” She joked.
“I wish I was still young enough to do that stuff,” he reminiscently smiled.
“What did you used to do?” Ava asked.
“After Kryze started her reconstruction, I served as one of her guards until this one was born,” She smiled gesturing to Sara. “After she was born, General Kenobi of the Jedi Order came to Mandalore. He saw my daughter and told me that I needed to protect her. I honestly didn’t understand until Order 66 happened. I knew I had to protect you, so I sent you with him.”
“Yeah, I remember.”
“Wait,” Ava interrupted, “You never told me it was General Obi-Wan Kenobi. I thought he was dead.”
“Never.” Quentin smiled, taking another long drink from his bottle. “Now, how did you survive the Purge?”
“I abandoned my post.”
“Six years ago, but now I help the Jedi with Sara. It’s a more important cause than pretending to have power while not protecting their own people.”
Sara glanced between Quentin and Ava, watching as the tension slowly faded and he backed down, “At least you two are doing something. I still don’t really understand, but you’re doing something.”
“The Empire is trying to kill off any opposing power and trying to keep the power with the old Senator Palpatine. They are against people like us, people who want a fair democracy or republic. They’re already running their current land as Tyrannies and Oligarchies.”
“That’s not good.”
“Exactly,” Sara nodded.
Quentin nodded and shrugged. “What can I do, sweetie?”
“Inform us on whatever you know so we can give all planets a choice.”
“Hey, Dad, I brought some kri’gee and an orange tart.” A voice called through the quiet home.
“Is that-” Sara asked.
“Yeah,” He began in a hushed tone before calling, “Great, we’re in the kitchen.”
“We,” Laurel laughed, setting the food on the counter. She looked up, spotting Sara’s reflection in the mirror. Her face stuck in a single confused glazed look. She opened her mouth but then closed it as she looked at her. “I thought you were-”
“Dead, surprise.” she tried to joke.
Sara stood up and turned to her sister, taking a few tentative steps towards her. Quentin finished off his beer before taking the kri’gee his daughter brought and cracked it open.
“She’s been in hiding,” he explained, pouring out four glasses, “Now she’s back on a mission.”
“I can’t even… I don’t even know what to say.”
“Then don’t just listen.”
“Okay,” Laurel nodded, taking a glass out off of the counter and instantly taking a few swigs of the harshly tart liquor. Her face twisted for a second and then relaxed.
“This is gonna knock you off your ass,” Sara nodded as she moved the glass from Ava’s reach.
“What mission?”
“To fight the Empire.”
“Wait, really?”
“Yes,” She firmly told Laurel.
“I agreed to help,” he nodded.
“Good, because I’ve actually been working on a case against them.”
“A case? This is an empire, not a court, Laurel.” Sara scoffed.
“I know, but this helps recruit people to my cause.”
“Your cause?”
“Well, I’m a part of the Alliance,” Laurel confessed.
“You, too?”
“Me, too? What do you mean?” Sara pulled out a badge from her back pocket and showed her sister. “Oh, you, too. When?”
“Four years ago, you?”
Laurel pulled out an old rusted badge from the inside of her jacket, “When they initially went around the galaxy five years ago.”
“How have you been able to live, dad said that it’s too dangerous for rebels?”
“Just a sec,” Laurel nodded, walking past Sara and to their other guest, “Hey, Laurel Lance, and you are?”
“Ava Sharpe.”
“Ex-Jedi,” Quentin explained, almost finished with his glass.
“Ex? What do you do now?”
“Recruit with Sara.”
“Hm, okay, good. We need more people. Did you two hear what happened with Alderaan?”
“No, what happened?” Ava asked.
“It was destroyed.”
“Four days ago.”
“Oh my god,” Sara muttered.
“We were going to go there last week and still would have been there now,” Ava explained, wrapping an arm around Sara’s shoulders.
“How did it happen?” Sara asked.
“The Empire’s Death Star destroyed it.” her sister told them.
“What’s going to happen next?”
“I don’t know. The Rebels have gone quiet. I’m trusting that they have a plan, so I’m still giving them what they need.”
“Me, too.” Sara agreed.
“Death Star?” Quentin asked.
“A large ship that can destroy anything.”
“So you’re recruiting,” he said pointing to Sara, “and you’re gathering secrets, what if you guys had a secret base here?”
“You mean turning this place into a Rebel’s base? Isn’t that a bit dangerous?”
“Well, yeah, but no. When this place was rebuilt, my dad made sure it could still train and contain soldiers in secret just like Old Dorjander did.”
“He was a Mandalorian Knight,” Sara explained.
“He was the Mandalorian Knight.” her father corrected with pride. “He’s why you have your lightsaber.”
“The orange one,” Sara told Ava.
“One of a kind.”
“We should probably go update our commander before he gets worried.”
“You’re already leaving?” Laurel asked, hugging her.
“A Rebel never rests.”
“Please stay in contact,” Quentin asked, embracing his daughters.
“Okay, before I cry, I should go.” Sara joked, pulling out of her family’s grasp.
Sara backed away, looking over her shoulder as they walked out of the old house. She glanced back forward to Ava, reaching for her hand and catching up with her. Sara had to admit that while she was nine when she left Mandalore, she still missed playing and fighting with Laurel, watching her father work, and listening to her mother’s stories. Leaving that house again, felt like too much. For the first time in her life, she just didn’t want to be a part of the Rebel Alliance. She just wanted to stay here and live a normal life. Listen to her sister’s life and help her parents, but as she looked up at Ava, she realized that this was their destiny. Fight until they die, recruit until they drop. Sara rested her head against Ava’s shoulder and kissed the back of her hand.
Ava slowed down and turned back to face Sara, “Do you want to go back?”
“I shouldn’t or else I won’t want to leave.”
“Nothing, I just wanted to let you know I love you.”
“Aww, I love you too.” Sara nodded, knowing there was still something on Ava’s mind.
As they finally got onto Waverider, Sara went to her study, pulling out a small green velvet box from a locked drawer. She sat down in her chair, flipping the box opened and closed. A soft knock on the sliding door broke her thought. Sara quickly shoved the box back into the drawer and locked it again, turning around in her chair.
“Come in.”
The door slid open and Ava walked into the room, resting against the brown oak desk, “Hey.”
“Hi,” Sara smirked, raising a brow. “What’s on your mind, babe?”
“I thought about it for a moment, and while we’re airing our dirty laundry, I should at least be honest with you.” Sara nodded and pulled Ava onto her lap. Ava rolled her eyes and just lifted herself onto the table, letting her legs dangle off the edge. “I’m actually not completely human. I’m a clone. I’ll just let that sink in for a moment.”
“A clone? How are you force sensitive?”
“Sensitivity is a bit random in genetics and rarely occurs in clones.”
“How’d they know?”
“I was originally trained to be a clone trooper, but when I was 13, a very attentive commander pulled me out and sent me to train as a youngling. After that, the only place I knew was the Imperial Palace.”
“I thought the Jedi no longer trusted Clones?”
“They trusted me because I wasn’t one of the clone troopers, I was a clone Jedi.”
“Did they ever try to kill you?”
“That was one of the other reasons why I left the Jedi. I couldn’t be trusted, so why fear for my life every day? You don’t have a problem with me not being human?”
“You are still human, there may be others that look like you,” Sara began, emphasizing her words carefully, “but they are definitely not my Ava.” she smiled, pecking the back of her hand. “Now, I have something for you,” she nodded, pulling herself between Ava’s legs.
“What, a quickie?”
“No, well if you want, but you might like this more.” Sara pushed Ava’s legs out of the way to the locked drawer and pulled out the green box, handing it to Ava. “Open it.” she offered.
“Sara.” Ava smiled, her eyes getting teary.
Sara chuckled to herself and wiped away the small tears, “I don’t know what you think it is but-”
“Shut up.” she retorted, opening the box.
She took out the silver ring embellished with yellow red and orange jewels. In the center was a fiery stone that reflected the colors of a flame, glittering and flowing. She looked at the small yellow stones that encircled one of the double bands, and the orange jewels that covered the other ones. Ava smiled and pulled Sara in closer, leaning down to kiss her. Sara chuckled and took the ring out of its box, holding it out for Ava.
“Oh, my god,” Ava tearily laughed.
“Oh my god yes or oh my god no?” Sara asked.
Sara smiled as Ava cupped her jaw up and kissed her cheek, then her nose, and finally her lips. She slipped the ring onto Ava’s right ring finger, enjoying the color it added to her hands. Her hands slipped around her new fiance’s hips and pulled the chair until it clicked against her desk.
“Wait, let me put this thing into auto-pilot to Dantooine,” Sara muttered against Ava’s lips.
She stood up and programmed the coordinates into her ship’s navigation before going back to her current task. Sara stood up, wrapping Ava’s legs around her hips, leaning against her until she rested on her elbows, one hand up to hold her chin.
A loud beeping broke Sara slumber. She glanced around, pushing up onto her elbows to turn off the alert. After a glance at the notification, Sara pressed the red button labeled, “Stop”. The room fell silent before Ava began to stir awake. She tugged Sara back down, placing a few kisses on her bare breast.
“My lips are up here, you know?” Sara joked, watching as Ava’s tongue glanced over her nipple. “Not that I’m complaining. We landed, so we should leave soon.”
“God, I just want to stay in bed with you,” she softly whined, placing a few more pecks against her chest and shoulders.
“Me, too, but we need to get going, baby-girl.” Sara slid out of Ava’s grasp, pulling on her uniform and locking her belt in place. “Something to get rid of your lady boner, I was gonna propose to you on Alderaan.”
“You’re right, it did kill my boner,” She sighed, pulling the sheets off and walking to their wardrobe.
“Ms. Lance, Ms. Sharpe?” They heard Cracken call out.
“Who’s gonna take who’s name?” Ava asked.
“Ava Lance?” Sara offered.
“Sara Sharpe, though.”
“I don’t know. Not big on alliterative names.” Sara shrugged.
“Sara?” He called again.
“Indecent!” She answered.
“Oh, when you’re dressed, I’ll be in the meeting room.”
“Thank you,” Ava called through the door.
Sara buttoned up her blouse and pecked Ava, quickly fixing her tucked shirt before escaping to the office. She jogged down the hallways, hearing Cracken’s footsteps through the corridors.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“I’ll wait until Ava joins us.”
“She’ll be out in a minute.”
“How were your planets?”
“Mandalore isn’t safe anymore, but I have some plants who can help with spying.”
“Good. The others?”
“Neutral or on our side.”
Ava joined them on the bridge, resting against the map in the center of the room, cheeks slightly flush from trying to catch up.
“Everyone on Scarif died.”
“Was that you suicide mission?”
“How many?”
“We’re still counting.” He sighed, pulling out a drive. “We did get something out of it though, a flaw in the Death Star.”
“A flaw in the Death Star. Here, take it. Your next mission is going to be taking down the Death Star.”
“Now that is a suicide mission.” Ava laughed in disbelief. “You’re joking right?”
“No. We lost too many people for me to joke around anymore.”
“Are we having any help?” Sara asked.
“Our squads have been training for this mission the past few days. This is our last shot, ladies, we need you. The galaxy needs you.”
“You and your fucking speeches,” Sara hissed, grabbing her jacket and swinging it over her shoulder. “Let’s get started.”
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Daybreak Academy: Chapter 90
Summary: In which Brain and Anora go shopping for Christmas gifts. Word Count: 1,596 First | Previous | Next ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆
“So you wanna go home for Christmas, huh?”
Anora gave a small nod of agreement. She and Brain were out in town, looking for Christmas gifts to give their friends. At least, that was what Anora was doing; Brain was acting as her escort. 'Rebound duties', he called it. Anora couldn't really protest- she didn't quite want to be alone in this endeavor.
“I'll go with you, if you want.” Brain offered. “It'll be fun getting to meet the people you came from. Maybe I could get some answers too.”
Anora blinked before looking over at him in confusion. Brain saw it and let out an amused snort.
“I'm sure you're aware of how not very talkative you are.” he mused. “So, if I'm not going to get answers from you, I'll just ask your relatives. I have yet to meet one that doesn't hold back embarrassing information.”
He looked over at her, cocking a flirty grin before leaning a bit closer to her.
“That is, unless you just wanna spill all your secrets now...”
Anora shook her head, a small smile crossing her lips in amusement. She put a hand on his shoulder to make him bend down slightly so she could kiss him. Brain let out a short scoff of amusement, returning her kiss without a second thought. Knowing that she had him distracted, Anora raised her hand in an attempt to snatch his fedora, but he stopped her almost a second too late. He pulled away from their kiss just to smirk at her.
“Nice try, girlie.” he teased. “As the resident lady killer, distractions of the kissing variety do not work on me.”
Anora let out a little pout before a new thought occurred to her. The grin on her face nearly made Brain recoil.
“What are you thinking?” he inquired with a raise of his eyebrow.
But Anora did not answer him at first. Instead, she moved close to him again, taking one of his hands with both of hers. She lingered incredibly close to his face with her teasing grin still present. Brain tried to figure out where exactly she was going with this. Almost being able to feel her heart beat was a tad distracting though.
And then, just like that, she jumped away from him. Her smile unwavering as she held up a watch. Brain's heart jolted when he realized that it was the very watch he had been wearing until that moment.
“You're a weird little klepto, you know that?” Brain teased before making a reach for his watch. But Anora moved out of his grasp. He cast her an almost annoyed glance, reaching for the watch again. Anora stepped out of his way just slightly each time. This back and forth went on for awhile before Anora finally spun on her heel and started to run away.
“Hey!” Brain shouted at her. “Get back here!”
The only answer he received was a mischievous cackle.
“This girl...” the young man mumbled under his breath before starting to follow her. Too bad Anora was a lot faster than she looked. Was she laughing too? It sure sounded like she was.
When Anora reached the bookstore, she stopped and turned to him. She openly laughed at him before heading on into the store. Brain did not stop is momentum in the slightest as he followed her- barreling inside the bookstore like an elephant in stampede. The bookstore seller operating the cashiers near the front gave him a rather dark glare.
“Sorry.” Brain apologized, almost halfheartedly, as he tipped his fedora at them. He then started to look around for that pink haired kleptomaniac. She had a watch to return.
“Anora.” Brain hissed as he went down the aisles. “Where did you go?”
The young man went up and down every aisle with little luck. As he made the turn to the children's books, Anora suddenly appearing in front of him. There was little Brain could do to hide the strangled noise of surprise he made.
“I'm going to buy you a bell collar.” he informed her with a huff. “Who taught you how to walk so lightly?”
Anora only laughed at him. The young man gave another annoyed grimace before noticing that Anora was holding a picture book.
“What's that?”
Anora smiled as she held the book out to him. It was a children's storybook titled 'The Raspberry Princess and the Snow Prince' with a cover that featured the titular prince and princess. The two stood on two different hills, but they were facing each other with faces that depicted melancholy smiles.
“Who's that for?” Brain then asked, giving Anora a rather bemused raise of his eyebrow.
“Ephemer.” came the happy answer as she held the book close to her chest.
“But it's a kid's book.”
Anora's smile faded a little before she telling him, “It's about friends, and leaving them behind.”
Suddenly, something in Brain seemed to click. His mini revelation came out in a small, “Oh. I didn't know that.”
“This series is one of my favorites.” Anora admitted as the two started to head toward the check out. “My cousin used to read it to me all the time when I was younger.”
“Sounds like a great gift.” Brain smiled. “I'm sure he'll love it. With some context, of course. Do you want me to pay for that?”
Anora shook her head. She patted her little side pouch to indicate that she planned on buying what she wanted today. With the book secured, Anora and Brain went to their next store. It was a rather charming boutique that held a few winter ready dress gowns and jewelry on display. Anora tried to drag Brain in, but he wasn't budging.
“I'm not going in there with a ten foot pole.” Brain stubbornly told her. “Good luck finding Skuld something nice in there- you're going to need it.”
Anora let out a small laugh before reaching to give him a kiss on the cheek- a quiet little promise that she'd be back as soon as she could. He smiled at the gesture. The cool air around them making the humble gesture even more memorable as Anora entered the boutique alone. Now alone, Brain placed his hands into the pockets of his jacket as he gently shifted from side to side to keep his body warm.
Across the street was a higher end jewelry store. Even from where he was, Brain could see how brightly glittering the necklaces near the display window were. Brain had been quietly contemplating what he was going to get Anora for Christmas before someone came out of the jewelry store. A part of his spiked with surprise and unexpected anger when he realized it was Ephemer. He must have been staring for too long because the younger student looked up as well, looking around as if he were looking for something. When the two boys locked gazes, an almost electric charge passed through them.
Ephemer visibly shrunk. He hesitated for a moment, but he eventually made the choice to come over to Brain.
“Hey.” the white haired young man warily greeted.
“Hello.” Brain replied, a finger at the front brim of his fedora. “Fancy meeting you out and about like this.”
“Y-yeah...” Ephemer mumbled.
“You pick out something nice?” Brain asked, motioning to the small bag from the jewelry store. Ephemer looked down at it numbly for a moment before looking back up at Brain.
“I put it on layaway awhile back as a present for…” (Ephemer hesitated for a moment here, something that caused Brain to raise an interested eyebrow) “For someone special. And it just came in today.”
Brain placed a hand at the back brim of his fedora and offered a confident grin. “I'm sure Miss Ava will like it.”
For a moment, Ephemer looked like Brain had shocked him with a taser. It was then quickly replaced with something a bit more sullen.
“Yeah,” the 16 year old mumbled while averting his eyes to the ground, “She would.”
An uncomfortable silence made its way between the two young men. It was Brain who tried to ease a part of it.
“Anora's in the boutique right now.” he offered, gesturing back toward said boutique. “If you wait long enough, you could talk to her.”
Ephemer shook his head. “I have to get back to campus.” he claimed. “I have some assignments I need to finish before break starts.”
“Understandable.” Brain nodded. “It's great to be on speaking terms with you again. See you around.”
The younger of the two only nodded his head before heading on out. Brain watched him for a moment. While their last talk together had ended in a fist fight, that conversation had gone rather well- all things considered. When Anora came out of the boutique some minutes after, he didn't even fathom telling her that he had talked to Ephemer.
“Did you get what you wanted?” he instead asked her. Anora happily nodded her head. Brain couldn't help but smile back before asking her, “So where to next? Strelitzia's the next on your list, right?”
Anora gave another delightful bob her head. “Tea store.” she told him with certainly.
“Just around the corner.” he informed her. “Let's go.”
Another bright smile crossed Anora's lips as the duo continued Christmas shopping. It was a very nice smile. Not for the first time, Brain wondered how much of an idiot Ephemer was to leave Anora behind. She was a pretty cute kid once you got to know her.
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harryandmolly · 5 years
Complicit // 5
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summary: Shawn is under more pressure than he’s ever known. He craves release and comfort, the simplicity of sex. He gets more than he bargained for.
warnings: language, NSFW (my permanent tag for this series), fraying at the edges
WC: 7.3k
The dialing sound Niall’s phone makes is the British one. He tries to feel comforted by it. It reminds him of calling his nan. He could use some comfort, that’s why he’s calling Niall. 
It rings twice more. Shawn’s very sure he’s about to get his voicemail which he doesn’t even think Niall checks and he doesn’t blame him because Shawn mostly texts him anyway, but he really wanted to kind of talk this out and--
“Hey, mate,” Niall greets. It sounds like he’s outside, probably in London. He hears traffic and distant car horns.
“Heyyyy,” Shawn begins casually, pressing his fingers through his hair and striding out to the balcony of his house even though he’s completely alone, “What’s up, man?”
“I’m over in London for a couple meetings and a friend’s wedding. Headin’ out to me local. What’s up?”
Shawn sighs. He squints one eye at the horizon, then the other. “I just did something… really stupid.”
Niall chuckles. His favorite start to any story. “How stupid?”
“Pretty… fucking stupid,” Shawn groans, closing both his eyes, “I just got back from Vegas.”
“I know! Everyone’s buzzin’ about iHeart Summer. Heard you killed it, mate, congratulations! Good craic?”
“Yeah, yeah, it was great,” Shawn mumbles distractedly, “But I brought Penny.”
“Oh,” Niall chirps, clearly expecting him to admit something much worse, “That’s fine, lad, I’ve flown Karina’r out places before. ‘S not a big deal.”
Shawn nods impatiently, “No, no, I know, it’s not that. We just… god, we had the most amazing night. It was… honestly, I really think it was the best sex I’ve ever had. And then I did something completely insane.”
Niall’s brow furrows. He keeps one eye up on the crosswalk signal. “Don’t tell me ya fookin’ married ‘er.”
“I… I bought her a necklace. A really, really expensive, insane necklace. Frank Sinatra gave it to Ava Gardner in like the 1950s. I had it delivered to her.”
Niall guffaws. His cornflower blue eyes dance as he cackles, stepping into the street, unbothered by the eyes he draws. “You’re kidding me.”
“I’m not,” Shawn croaks, slumping a shoulder against the sliding door, angling his eyes down, “I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking. I got carried away. We just… that night… and then the festival, I mean, shit, I’ve never played a show like that before. I’ve never had a night like that onstage. I thought I had and then I played that show and it’s like… god, Ni, she got me somewhere. I don’t even know where. 
“So I got back after the show like, buzzing. We were out all night celebrating after. I got back at like 5 AM and I called the guy that helped me pick out those earrings for my mom for Christmas and he said he had this necklace and Sinatra fucking designed it and, dude, she loves Sinatra, like loves him, and I just snapped and bought it. Put the fucking deposit on my Amex and called La Splendeur to arrange the delivery.”
Niall’s still laughing. “Wow.”
“I’m such an asshole,” Shawn mumbles, letting a short chuckle break through, “I mean, what the hell is she going to think? She’s going to think I’m fucking obsessed with her.”
“It kinda sounds like you are,” Niall prods, shoving his free hand in his pocket as he strides down the busy street.
“I know I am, but I don’t need her knowing that!” Shawn gripes.
“Listen, girls like her get fancy gifts all the time. She’s used to it, mate. It probably won’t faze her.”
That definitely doesn’t make Shawn feel better. If he’s going to be an obsessed asshole, he at least wants to be the only one in her life.
“Or worse, she’ll think I’m just throwing money at her because that’s all she’s worth to me.”
Shawn realizes with a swoop of his gut that that’s his true fear. The idea that Penny thinks he just wants to buy her makes him want to lose his lunch over the railing. He winces and rubs a hand over his eyes. 
“Mate, you’re overreacting. When you’re with her, do you treat her like a hooker?”
Shawn blinks. “No, of course not.”
“No. Because you’re a good lad. She’s spent enough time around you to know that. She’s not going to think you’re trying to reduce her to a piece of jewelry. She’s probably flattered. I’m sure she loves it. It’s a thoughtful gift, too, if she loves Sinatra. Hey, I love Sinatra and you’ve never bought me a priceless necklace that he designed.”
Shawn snorts. “When you fuck me like she can, I’ll get you his whole collection of pinky rings.”
Niall beams. “That’s the spirit.”
“I haven’t even touched it yet,” Penny hisses into the phone, circling the red box sitting dead center on her bed like a snake charmer eyeing a viper.
“Well, you should. It’s been in a box since the 90s. It deserves a little skin,” Silver replies.
Penny purses her lips. “I… cannot believe he did this.”
“Well, not to sound… anyway, it’s hardly the most expensive gift you’ve ever received.”
Penny’s mind jumps to the Aston Martin in her garage and she bites her lip. “No, I know… but… I mean, it’s so soon.”
Silver bobs her head and runs her finger along the strand of pearls at her throat, they themselves a gift from a client long ago.
“It’s the buzz, baby. Everyone’s saying his name after that performance of his. He probably just wanted to show you some gratitude. Several thousand dollars worth.”
Penny perches beside the open Cartier box, still a safe distance. She reaches out with a fingertip, timidly stroking the largest stone at the center, where it would hang beautifully between her collarbones if she weren’t too chicken to try it on.
She swallows. “He can’t… know how much this means to me. He can’t possibly, I’ve only mentioned it in passing.”
She’s referring to her lifelong love affair with Frank Sinatra. The people who know her well, and there are few, know Old Blue Eyes has been the apple of Penny’s eye since she was a kid. So to own something that was once his, that he helped to design, something he made for someone so important to him… 
“I don’t know if I can keep this,” Penny breathes.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Silver nearly snaps, “This isn’t a sweater you can return. This is practically a historical treasure. And it’s yours, he wanted you to have it. And… Pen, it was Frank’s.”
“That’s the other thing!” Penny squeaks, springing up from the bed to launch into another pacing session, “I’m sure he has no idea of the implications of this necklace. He doesn’t know the story. Ava Gardner was the love of Frank’s life. He loved her madly until the day he died. Everything they went through together, everything they put each other through… it’s the stuff of Hollywood legend. It’s the kind of love you wish on your worst enemy.”
Silver quiets. Penny is flying off the handle. The only way to calm her down is to keep head head low.
“You’re right, I’m sure he doesn’t know. Please don’t panic, Penny m’love, it’s a nice gift. Take it as that. And for the love of god, insure it.”
Penny slumps into the vintage 40s armchair in the corner of her sun-strewn bedroom, eyeing the necklace again.
“Peter’s going to die when I tell him.”
Silver smiles. “I’ve got to dash, petal, give me a call tomorrow when you have time to run through our corporation paperwork.”
Penny signs off and drops her phone into the seat beside her. Slowly, she stands, heading for the full length mirror. She focuses on her neck, her unblemished throat, her stately collarbones. She runs her fingertips against her skin. She reaches down and lifts her tank top, tossing it aside. Her breasts are soft and full, more than a generous handful crowned by perky brown nipples. She cups them, massaging her warm skin, enjoying the weight of them in her hands. Then she goes for her pajama shorts, the little blue ones with the fluffy white clouds on them. She pushes them down until they drop around her ankles.
She stands naked as the day she was born in her bedroom. She turns, admiring the swell of her ass in her reflection, the glorious mapping of stretchmarks around her hips and thighs, brushing a hand over the birthmark on her lower back. She takes a deep breath and steps to the bed, reaching for the red box.
The necklace is so heavy. She knew it would be heavy, studded by 159 diamonds (she counted), but it’s even heavier than she imagined. Maybe it’s heavier to her because of its significance. 
The clasp is fiddly. She very gently eases it open, lifts her gaze to the mirror and guides it around her throat, only releasing her hold when she’s very sure the clasp is secure. Her eyes are closed. She adjusts its position until she can feel with her fingers that the largest diamond is dead center in the little valley between her collarbones. She can’t look until it’s perfect.
And oh god, it’s so perfect.
One of Penny’s hands covers her mouth, the other rests against her stomach as she sucks in a gasping breath. Her eyes well. Her bronzed cheeks flush. Slowly, she pries her fingers away from her mouth and takes a closer look.
It’s magnificent. It’s the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen. And it’s hers.
He got it for her.
Penny wets her lips and closes her eyes, overwhelmed again. He can’t possibly know it, but he just gave her her most prized possession. How does she thank him? More importantly, how do they proceed from here?
The latter question seems too much to answer so soon. So she focuses on the former.
Chewing on her lip, staring at the largest center stone like it will show her the secrets of the universe, Penny thinks. After a few moments, her eyes flit to a shelf holding a bulky black DSLR camera with a folded tripod stashed underneath.
An hour later, she’s loading a set of photos onto a thumb drive and planting a pouty berry red kiss onto a piece of cardstock. Both get folded into a padded envelope addressed to a Mr. Shawn Mendes with no return address.
Standing over his suitcase with a hand on one hip, Shawn scrolls down to “Orthodontist” in his contacts and hits “new message,” feeling heat rise in his cheeks.
He hasn’t been home from Vegas for 48 hours yet. He’s unpacking his suitcase only to repack for the next festival, Wet & Wild Summer Fest in Atlanta. He’s calmed down a bit about the necklace fiasco. Niall helped assuage his concerns, as did a little time and space. Not much, but a little. He finds he starts to get twitchy after the 24 hour mark away from her when he doesn’t have another booking lined up.
It should be concerning. It should have him stepping back to reevaluate his priorities. It should mean his dick is fucking exhausted.
But it doesn’t.
Hey Penny, it’s Shawn. Idk if Colette gave you my number. I wanted to see if you’re around before I leave for Atlanta on Wednesday. So… tomorrow I guess lol
He hits send before he can think too hard about it. Thinking too hard is always his downfall. He hopes the message comes off as charming and casual. He shoves his phone in his pocket, on vibrate of course, so he doesn’t stare at it and pick it apart.
After-overthinking. Also one of his downfalls.
Five minutes later, the buzz in his back pocket feels like it gives him a mini heart attack.
Orthodontist: Hi! I wish I could. I’m not available tomorrow. 
Orthodontist: P.S. Received your gift. It took my breath away. I’m sending you a little something to show my gratitude.
Shawn drops the phone on top of the pyramid of sock rolls he’s loading into the suitcase and presses his face into his hands with a groan.
So much to overanalyze.
Admittedly, he had half deluded himself into imagining he was her only client now, that she’d cleared the bench for him. But that was naive. Of course he’s not her only client. Not only is she likely one of if not the most sought after women at La Splendeur, she has an established career with probably plenty of regulars. He’s just been lucky so far that she’s been so available to him.
He shouldn’t be reading into this as a “stay away from me you expensive necklace-buying freak” thing. Right?
Plus, she’s sending him something. What the fuck could she be sending him? His mind floods with possibilities, from the filthy to the ridiculous. 
But, really, the biggest thing is the pang he feels at the idea of going at least another week without seeing her. He would like to imagine their last encounter, as… un-fucking-believable as it was, would keep him on a high long enough to get him through it, but he’s too hooked on her already. He seems to need a fix more frequently than even last week, and even more desperately.
He really should think about slowing this down. Maybe stopping altogether.
… but god, what is she sending him?
She’s got Frank’s Come Fly with Me album spinning on the record player and her favorite Fleur du Mal skin-toned slip on as she brushes some Guerlain highlight on her cheeks, her eyes straying to the stunning necklace against her throat so often that she’s almost running late from the distraction.
Penny is never late.
She huffs at herself and stands back to assess. She catches Pamela’s big brown eyes in the mirror and grins, her shimmery nude-painted lips spreading.
“Stop looking at mommy like that,” she teasingly begs. At the sound of Penny’s voice, Pamela’s tail thumps against the ground. Penny laughs and shakes her head, her flossy curls bobbing around her upper arms as she reaches for her dress, a floaty sand-colored number by Alice + Olivia. In the right light, she looks almost bare. It doesn’t matter. Everyone’s going to be looking at the necklace.
With a final intoxicating spritz of Tom Ford Costa Azzurra, Penny steps outside to greet Gus.
Jamie got asked to a community center dance by a boy. Ty is beside himself, Gus likes to think he’s handling it well. Penny lives for the details.
Christian Becker is already waiting for her under the overhang of the Beverly Hilton. He doesn’t have to -- she wouldn’t have a problem following a young intern in to find him. He’s entirely too famous and important to be standing outside an event like this waiting for her. But he always likes to, so she lets him.
Christian is a thrice-divorced father of four. He’s the editor-in-chief of Vertigo Magazine, a once upstart music blog turned highly respected online publication (Lady Gaga was last month’s cover feature.) He’s also one of Penny’s oldest clients.
Gus rolls down the window as Penny gathers her clutch to step out.
“Evening, Gus,” croons Christian, smooth as ever as he leans into the passenger side with his wire transfer confirmation on his phone. Gus barely checks it. Christian is “good people,” as Gus likes to say.
“Mr. Becker, you’re looking well. How are the kids?”
“Getting bigger every day. How’re Jamie and Ty?” He holds open the door and takes Penny’s hand. Gus doesn’t bother to answer, smiling warmly as he watches Penny emerge from the back of the car. Christian releases a low whistle, looking her up and down as she steps out into the evening.
“Miss Penny, you’ve done it again.”
She tilts her chin coyly, narrowing her eyes. “And what is it I’ve done this time, Mr. Becker?”
“You got more beautiful. We’ve talked about this, Penny. You gotta stop that.”
She laughs, a laugh close to her very own. She shakes her head. “You sound like a grandpa.”
Christian mimes a dagger being driven into his chest, wincing. “I’m only 54.”
Penny nods placatingly, “And your Winnie is almost 16.”
“God, don’t remind me. C’mon, honey, let’s head in. Have a good night, Gus. Don’t worry. I’ll have her home by 10!”
Gus chuckles and pulls away back into the line of exotic cars leaving the event. Christian, head to toe in Dior, holds his flawlessly-tailored arm out for Penny to hold. She takes it and strides forward, matching his springy steps.
They look well together. Christian doesn’t look any older than 45, save for the salt and pepper hair. He’s extremely tall, fit and built, rugged, the kind of man who you can’t quite imagine without his facial hair. 
Christian’s smart. He’d have to be, obviously, to turn a blog screaming amongst the din of millions into a revered and oft-referenced bible of music. But he’s smart about the industry, too. He knows how it looks to walk into an event with a 21-year-old in a mini dress whose only contribution to a conversation is extolling the virtues of Ed Sheeran’s last album.
So instead, Christian brings Penny along as a friend. Truly, that’s all it is, all it has been since after their first night together. He said he liked her too much to continue sleeping with her, muttering something about how “everything my dick touches turns to shit.” Their dates are not sexual, they’re business. Penny can work a room. She can charm anyone into an exclusive interview, into drinks to discuss a potential venture. She’s his most powerful secret weapon and one of his favorite conversationalists. 
Tonight is Vertigo Magazine’s annual “Summer Lovin’” party where guests, exclusively musicians and industry types, gather to mix and mingle. Christian likes to brag that for the last eight years, a hit collab has come out of initial conversations had at “Summer Lovin’.” The bragging works -- it’s one of the hottest tickets in town.
The ballroom is packed. Real palm trees surround them, along with bamboo and waiters serving cocktails in exotic fruit. The theme is Blue Hawaii. Under the Dior, Christian’s in a custom designed Hawaiian shirt printed with Vertigo Magazine’s logo. The DJ is playing Iz.
Penny fixes him with a look. Christian barks a laugh.
“Too much?”
“I just got back from Vegas and I can confidently say, yes. This is too much.”
Christian grins in that boyish, easily forgivable way. “Just like I like it, then.”
He loops an arm around her waist as he surveys the garish decorations proudly, planting his lips on her temple as she swipes a frothy coconut beverage off a passing waiter’s tray.
Christian glances down at her and hums. “Speaking of too much, you’re the one dripping in diamonds.”
Penny only barely tries to hide her bashful smile. She lifts a delicate hand to press against the heavy stones. “Oh, you noticed?”
“Hard not to. A client gift?” he guesses, narrowing his eyes.
“Nobody you know,” Penny lies smoothly.
Christian laughs again, squeezing her hip. He ducks his head to speak into her ear when he gets distracted, waylaid by a passing VIP that Penny doesn’t recognize but probably should. Christian releases her temporarily to schmooze with a crooked smile and she turns to glance around the room.
She bobs her head to an oddly chosen Hawaiian folk song and twiddles the biodegradable straw in her drink. There are famous faces everywhere -- the Little Mix girls, Luke Bryan, Pitbull, Dave Grohl. Penny chuckles to herself. Only Christian could get away with throwing a party like this and still having the who’s who of the industry at his beck and call.
She sweeps a curl off her shoulder, unwilling to let anything get in the way of her necklace’s glimmer. As she does, she feels a gaze. It’s not exactly unusual for her. But there’s heat in it, enough to make her look back.
Head to toe in deep blue, shirt unbuttoned to mid chest, a perfectly placed curl hanging over his forehead is Shawn bloody Mendes staring straight at her, watching Christian Becker’s fingers absently trace over the ridges of the necklace against her collarbone.
Penny swings her head back around so fast her long hair swirls, catching in the scruff of Christian’s beard. She plays it off, giggling and swiping at it as she rests a hand against his upper back and tries not to feel like she’s on fucking fire.
This has happened before, she reminds her rioting body, You have been in this position. 
Of course she has. LA is a small, small town. There are only so many people that can afford her. Of course she’s been at public events and seen former or even current clients. It does not have to be an international incident.
But it fucking feels like one. Her heart is sprinting. Her head feels light enough to pop off her body to float around with the paper lanterns on the ceiling. Her hand on her chest is the only thing steadying her until Christian’s bulky, muscled arm pulls her back in gently by her waist.
Like the professional she is, she snaps in. Her smile is dazzling. Her quippy comment is light but witty, charming. The hand she places on Christian’s upper abdomen when they all laugh is soft but firm. She’s in control.
Shawn flies into a possessive, unadulterated rage for about 15 seconds before cold reality hits hard.
Somehow even before she turned around, he knew she’d be wearing it. She’s wearing his fucking necklace while another man’s hands are all fucking over her. His stomach is in knots. His neck burns hot, he bets even his exposed chest is flushed. He wants to scream, maybe even go full caveman and drag her away from Christian Becker, of all fucking people. He even likes Christian Becker. But Penny, he…
So not the path to go down right now.
Thankfully, the red mist doesn’t last long. He’s immediately disgusted with himself for even letting his mind start to go there. But he still can’t stop staring at her.
She didn’t take the Blue Hawaii theme as literally as he did. She’s radiant in a floaty dress that looks like a beach and he looks like a dopey extra on a movie set. He wasn’t even planning on coming to this party -- he’d much rather have spent the night with her in some hotel he doesn’t care about the name of getting his stupid mind blown. But Andrew convinced him, told him Tiffany had a suit ready, even had blue suede boots. 
So Shawn decided to play dress up and be friendly with industry types even if the only thing he cares about right now, other than Penny screwing his brains out, is the album he’s already written that’s being released in the fall. He’s not in the headspace to think about a collab right now. But that’s what he pays Andrew for.
It didn’t even cross his mind that she could be here. It did not even occur to him. But he knew it was her when he saw her even between throngs of people in dim lighting. It’s her bare shoulder blades. He adores them. He’d know them anywhere.
Once she’s turned back around, her poker face back on, letting Becker pet her and show her off, he slugs back a sip of his rum cocktail. He forces himself to turn around because he will certainly blow their cover if he keeps staring at the call girl he’s obsessed with from across the room.
Now that the rage is gone, it’s replaced by a hollow, whiny feeling. Turns out despite Niall’s sage advice and what Shawn thought were enough self reminders that this is something he could simply walk away from, he aches.
He’s being ridiculous. The truth is, he barely knows Penny. He doesn’t even know her last name. And it’s not like he thought he was her only client. He’s not insane. But… he feels a little lame beside Christian Becker. The man is a legend. He’s done blow with at least 75% of Shawn’s heroes. The stories he can probably tell make Shawn want to pout. 
But he can’t pout. He can’t even talk to her. He has to just deal with this and try to find a way to be a man about it. The best way is probably to ignore her as much as he can. It’s hard when she feels like a magnet in the center of a room, sparkling brighter than the disco ball even without the necklace.
God, the necklace. He had finally gotten to a place of feeling kind of ok about that outrageous gesture and now he can worry about it all over again, he can feel like a desperate young fool trying to get the attention of a sophisticated woman in a garish and heavy-handed way. He frustrates himself nearly to tears.
And then he sees her, in front of him this time, tooling with Christian around the bar. Before he can steel himself, he realizes she’s already watching him. He’s… stunned. He almost picks his hand up and, like, waves like an idiot but then she’s leaning into Christian as he says something.
He looks down. His glass is empty. He’ll wait to go to the bar.
It’s all she can do to keep from planting her feet, locking her knees and screaming “NO!” like an impassioned toddler when Christian suggests a trip to the bar. Shawn has been stationed there for 45 minutes with a couple members of his team and, inexplicably, Brad Paisley. She hopes there isn’t anything fruitful coming from that conversation. But soon she’ll be close enough to listen for herself.
She doesn’t usually drink so much on the job, for obvious reasons. But how she could be expected to get through this fiasco without booze is beyond her, so she keeps the pina coladas coming. Christian doesn’t seem to mind. Her strong desire to focus on anything other than Shawn and his sad, but somehow searingly hot eyes, his bare chest, his fucking blue suede shoes is compelling enough to have her at the top of her game. She’s wheeling and dealing beside him better than even he’s ever seen.
She talks a little louder, a little faster until she has slowly managed to get Christian far enough from the bar that she can breathe again. She still feels Shawn’s eyes every few moments, like he’s checking to make sure she’s still there, she’s still with her date, she’s still wearing the necklace.
As the night wears on, the eye contact grows… reckless. They’re both drinking. They’re both loosening up. They’re both curious. So they’ve made it a sport. They lock eyes occasionally, but never for very long, just long enough to get their pulses racing. Shawn will glance at her, she’ll tuck hair behind her neck, exposing the spot below her ear that gets her gasping his name. She’ll spare him a glance, and he’ll wet his lips before he takes a sip of his drink through a smirk.
It’s childish and irresponsible and it has Penny a little wet.
Finally, Christian takes the stage to thank his guests. Penny stands in the crowd, a beacon of grace despite the gallon of fucking Malibu rum in her system. She’s literally shoulder to shoulder with people like Questlove and Demi Lovato, but the only thing she can think about is where he might be.
And then, without knowing, she knows. She can feel him. He’s standing right behind her. She can smell his fucking cologne. She can feel the testosterone-fueled heat tumbling off him. She can even feel the smirk on his face -- it’s enough to make her want to turn around and force him to his knees. 
The worst part for Penny is knowing he’d go willingly.
She huffs an aggravated sigh and senses him chuckle, unable to hear it over Christian’s corny speech. She folds her hands over her front, nudging at her Cartier ring with her fingers. She tries not to imagine Shawn slowly looking her up and down but her goddamn skin is crawling with it like it’s ready to drag her back into his arms without her permission.
She grits her teeth and fights fire with fire.
Penny reaches back and drags her curls over one shoulder, exposing the shoulder blades he likes to teethe at, the clasp of the necklace he bought her, and the sensual nape of her neck all at once. She turns her face, lips parted, profile backlit by the stage lights. She doesn’t have to see him to feel him go stiff all over.
The night is winding down. Shawn can already feel his hangover starting in his fucking teeth. He didn’t watch Penny leave with Christian. The game they were playing seemed a lot less fun when he realized it had to end without them in the same hotel room. He stayed behind after his team left to catch up with a couple producer friends he hasn’t seen, and to prolong heading home alone to wonder if Penny touches Christian the way she touches him.
He shakes his big, heavy head and reaches for his phone. He wants to text her. What the fuck he would say is of no consequence -- he’s not actually going to do it. He just wants to think about the option.
He doesn’t have to think about it, though. Because she’s there, standing by the pickup line, slouched against a column, probably waiting for Christian.
He’s a fucking masochist, but she already knows that. He strides up casually and stands on the other side of the column.
“Nice night?” he grunts, just hoping his voice doesn’t break.
Penny doesn’t look terribly surprised to see him. Shawn bristles at his own predictability.
“You look… really beautiful,” he murmurs, his eyes holding on hers instead of scraping over her heavenly body, “The necklace looks amazing on you.”
Her eyes show a flash of guilt. She purses her lips and ducks her head. “Thank you. It’s…” She trails off, wetting her lips, “This means more than you know, Shawn.”
The same tingle he got when the jeweler sent him the photo sparks up again from his toes, the one that told him the necklace belongs to Penny. He lets it overwhelm him enough to look over at her, his smile tipping into goofy territory.
“I’m glad you like it.”
Penny runs a finger along the side of her neck. Shawn follows it, swallows roughly. He looks back down.
“Where’s… um…” He can’t bring himself to say his name.
“He left. His kids were waiting up for him.”
Shawn’s head lifts so fast his neck cracks a little. “He’s… you’re not…”
Penny’s nose twitches. She keeps her eyes forward on the cars. “Christian hires me to attend events with him. He enjoys my company. I act as a good buffer. We don’t fuck.”
She spares him one glance. His jaw has dropped.
“You’re… going home?” Shawn chokes.
“I’m going home.” Penny’s voice is smooth and warm like her naked skin.
Shawn takes a deep breath. He reaches behind the column and gently wraps his fingers around her wrist.
The air in Penny’s lungs leaves in a rush. She takes a moment to gather herself before glancing at him. She swallows and lifts her chin, ready to give him his marching orders.
“Stay here. Do the wire transfer. Gus will be here any minute. Show it to him. I’m getting a room. I’ll text you the number.”
He doesn’t have time to comment or argue (not that he would) before she turns on a heel and walks inside. If Shawn’s not totally delusional, she’s hurrying a little.
Gus is comfortable enough around Shawn to openly chuckle at his eagerness now. Another on the long list of indicators that Shawn spends too much time with Penny. Instead of bristling, he grins crookedly.
“Does she drive everyone this crazy?” Shawn asks, tucking his phone back into his pocket after Gus nods at the wire transfer confirmation.
Gus, behind the wheel, bobs his head with a mysterious twinkle in his eye.
“Yeah. But maybe you more than others.”
Shawn licks his lips and nods as Gus pulls away, still laughing. After two seconds of staring at his shoes, Shawn bolts for the elevator.
The party has cleared out, mostly. The only people left to see him bouncing on his toes waiting for the lift are the ones busy breaking down the event. When the elevator doors slide open, Shawn lurches inside. 
As it rises, Shawn grips either end of the mirrored doors, unwilling to look his reflection in the eye. He hears his own breathing, feels the way his heart riots in his aching chest. He closes his eyes. He has to calm down. He’s too riled up for her already, has been all night. The way she couldn’t stop looking at him, the way he couldn’t stop thinking about her -- about how she feels and tastes and sounds when she’s so close to coming that he doesn’t need the verbal warning she sometimes gives, he knows it like he knows his own name.
The elevator dings and he’s burrowed far enough into the thought of her that it actually takes him a second to scramble upright and get himself out before the doors shut. 
He knocks quietly, like he’s aware that the walls of this hotel held a lot of influential people only hours earlier. Tonight, he has to trust those walls with his secrets the way he trusts Penny. He fights not to scrape a hand through his hair -- Anna did it just so, so that the curl dropping over his forehead lands just right.
She opens the door barefoot, dressed but looking and feeling naked. In better light he can see the way the color of the dress nearly matches her skin tone beneath it. He grunts gently, letting his head fall back.
“Jesus, sometimes I just…” His voice wanders. He shakes his head and lifts it back upright to look at her.
“You fucking overwhelm me,” he mutters. His eyes land on the necklace again.
Still standing in the doorway, he wets his lips and shifts on his feet.
“Touch me,” she rasps, her chest filling as she inhales, tilting her chin up slightly as she invites him to her neck.
Shawn pulls himself into the room, letting the door shut behind them. He cups the side of her neck with one hand and explores with the calloused fingertips of the other, enjoying the way it sits on her, the way the largest stone in the center fits perfectly between the notches of her collarbone in the spot he likes to bite when she lets him.
“It’s perfect,” he whispers, his hand falling away. His smile is wistful.
You’re perfect.
His jaw clamps shut. He looks at her, waiting. Her eyes are hot with anticipation, but she’s not anticipating him -- it’s like she herself doesn’t know what she’s going to do to him, with him when she lets herself move. He revels in her electric indecision, willing and ready.
She throws herself into his body with a weak whine, one kind of like the sounds he’s prone to making around her. He catches her easily, holding her up so her toes skim the ground as she plunders his mouth. She’s still not quiet once she pins herself to him. She moans and whimpers and sighs like she’s never had him before. He’s too stunned to react beyond letting her do whatever the fuck she wants while he holds her.
Soon, she grows restless, unsatisfied by the limitations of standing in the center of the room, wrapping around him like a python. She needs more. Whatever it is, he’ll make sure she has it.
Penny nudges him backwards and wriggles until the tips of her toes meet the ground. She steers him to the bed, shoving him when they get close enough. He collapses into it with a yelping groan, but she swallows it so fast he’s gasping for breath in her mouth like he needs the oxygen in her lungs.
Does he know? Can he possibly know her so deeply already? The panic has been static in her mind for a couple of days since the necklace arrived.
Logically, she understands it -- she’s mentioned Sinatra, has played him a few times in Shawn’s presence. He probably just saw Frank’s name attached to the piece and thought she’d like it. He’s thoughtful. That’s all.
It doesn’t have to be deeper, but it feels so much fucking deeper. Everything did tonight. She’s never been so distracted on a date, even in similar circumstances where she was dodging one client while on the arm of another.
She’s deluded, she’s drunk on the night and his suit and his lips and his eyes and her fucking necklace but it felt… so big. Frank and Ava big. 
It’s just a necklace, it’s just a necklace, she chants in her head, squeezing her eyes shut as she shamelessly ruts against his pelvis, her dress riding up to her waist, the silk of her panties soaked through already. It’s no wonder why -- as she’s been tangling with her own mind, she’s been riding him hard.
She breaks off from his swollen mouth away to his jaw and he gasps an inhale so loud she thinks she was suffocating him. But he doesn’t let her go. He only locks his heavy arms around her tighter, one anchored to her ass, the other stretched between her shoulder blades that he loves so much.
“Fuck, Penny, I’m--”
She knows what he’s going to say. He’s beyond hard. He might even be as close as she is. He walked in the door under five minutes ago and she’s already heading for an orgasm like a train off its tracks.
She doesn’t fucking care. She’s not stopping now.
“No,” she hisses, “Just like this. Keep fucking me just like this.”
His breath stops in his throat. His eyes, glazed and dark, snap up to hers.
It’s just a necklace, it’sjustanecklace--
God, she’s going to fucking come. His cock is so hard against her clit even through their clothes. Her whole body pulses with it. She comes so much better, harder with something inside to clench down on but her body doesn’t care now.
It’s not a whisper or a murmur, it’s just a breath and he says it like it’s his last one.
It’s not just a necklace. It wasn’t just a necklace to Ava. It wasn’t just a necklace to Frank.
Penny comes jerking, hips spasming, thighs clenched around him. It’s short and sizzling hot and she chants his name right through it until she sinks her teeth into his shoulder and he comes too, silent like she’s never seen him, his face going bright red as his voice fails him and his wet mouth drops open in a scream without sound.
It takes him longer to come down than her. As he trembles beneath her, she noses at his earring, the little hoop in his left lobe, peppering it with kisses, tasting and licking the salt from his sweat dripping down from his sideburns.
He’s quiet beneath her like he’s not sure what to say. She has no issue with this -- she doesn’t have much to say either. His hand, the one on her back, traces the distance between her shoulder blades with his fingers like he’s trying to measure without looking.
Slowly, like it’s difficult to physically separate from him, she lifts her head. Despite the circumstances, his hair is still pretty intact. It makes her smile and tug at the forehead curl with a smirk.
“You like it?” Shawn whispers, his voice fucked and broken.
Was he loud while she was on him? She doesn’t know. She couldn’t hear anything over her own frantic thoughts, until he said her name. She’s not even sure he said it. Maybe she just watched his lips form around it and her vivid imagination did the rest.
“Yeah,” she coos, “It’s got me all shook up.”
Shawn snorts appreciatively and lets his hand wander up her back, under her hair to play with the clasp of her necklace.
Penny closes her eyes. She doesn’t want to keep thinking about it right now. About what it means, about what it could mean, about what it meant for the lovers for whom it was made 70 years ago. 
She lets him cradle her in his arms and tip her off him, rolling her onto her back. He ducks his face into her neck, fluttering kisses, a varying pattern of barely-there brushes and firm, wet smacks along her necklace, like he plans to kiss her once for each one of the 159 diamonds in the settings.
Penny relaxes into the bed, closing her eyes and massaging his scalp with both hands like she knows he likes. She’s got him purring like a kitten for her in under 20 seconds.
Through her welcome haze, she feels his hand trail up her arm, reaching for the strap of her dress, then the other. She wriggles free of the sticky, clingy material as he drags it off her, the clinking of the zipper teeth loud in a room only soundtracked by their breathing, which is picking up pace again. He kisses each of her puckered nipples through her satin slip, then pushes that away too, followed by her drenched panties.
He sits back on his knees to stare down at her. She can see his cock starting to twitch under the fabric again. She lifts her arms over her head and sighs loud.
Shawn shivers. He shakes his head and wets his lips to speak.
“Fuck Ava Gardner. Sinatra designed that necklace for you.”
Before he can see the shocked tears in her eyes, Shawn spreads her legs, ducks his head and buries his face between them.
Shawn is awoken in the afternoon the next day by his doorbell. He rolls out of bed and checks the app on his phone to peek at the doorbell camera. He quietly prays to whatever’s listening that it’s not a teenage girl. He doesn’t have the energy.
It appears to be a delivery. He pulls a shirt over his head and stumbles to the door, signing and accepting the padded envelope.
On a piece of off-white cardstock is a red lip print that makes his pulse pound in his ears. He dumps the envelope onto the coffee table. Only a thumbdrive falls out.
He races to his laptop, throwing himself onto the bed as it boots up. He tries to jam the thumbdrive in upside down, winces and flips it over.
The drive has encryption software installed and asks him to create a password. After a few flutters of his tired eyes and a heaved sigh, he types: Sinatra.
The folder opens to tiny thumbnails, about 30 of them, and Shawn’s chest shudders hard before he can even get a close look.
She’s bare except for the necklace. She’s perched at the end of her bed, lying on top of it, on her side, sitting up, standing by the window, facing him, turned away. He gets so overwhelmed by all the images he stops himself and focuses on the first one, lets himself digest it.
She’s sitting on the end of the bed (and his heart skips a beat just looking at it, knowing it’s where she puts herself to sleep at night) with her legs crossed delicately at the ankle like the first time he met her. Her posture is perfect and elegant but not at all forced -- it’s just how she sits. She has a hand lifted to her chest, acknowledging the necklace, and her face is turned, her eyes down. He stares at the photo for minutes on end and can’t remember why he ever regretted buying the necklace, not for a second.
The link to buy me a Ko-fi is in my bio, pals and gals!
Taglist: @smallerinfinities @the-claire-bitch-project @achinglyshawn @infiniteshawn @mendesoft @singanddreamanyway @alone-in-madness @abigfatmess @shawnitsmutual @awkwardfangirl2014 @september-lace @grittyisaho @sinplisticshawn @rollingxstone @yslsaint @randi-eve @fallmoreinlove @heyits-claire @itrocksmysocks @parkerspicedlatte @simpledomain @abeautiful-and-cloudy-day @thecurlsofgod @magcon7280 @bensbuttercup @shawnsmusical @paigeasourous @tell-me-when-ur-ready @softmendesss @searchingunderthestars @buggy-blogs @tnhmblive @greedydevil @tamegray @meltingicequeen @havethetimeeofyourlifee @normalcyisoverrated-beyou @t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o @hannahlouiseee @sarahlauramendes @shawnsmoose @mendezlatte @1dbetch
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brothersgrim · 4 years
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[ 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐄 ] My muse laces their fingers with yours
@wildpawed​ asked:
[ 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐄 ] My muse laces their fingers with yours for the power couple
It’s a quiet kind of day. It’s warm. It’s safe. It’s comfortable.
It’s nice.
He leans back on the porch seat, watching the kids run around the front yard. They were finally getting along. He picked the glass of lemonade off his arm rest and took a sip, feeling the condensation drip down his fingers. It was a nice contrast to the sun’s warmth.
“I got you!” Say yipped excitedly.
“Did not!” Ava snapped back. Kane chuckled to himself. Well, they had been getting along.
The door opened behind him, the quiet, well-oiled hinges keeping the motion smooth.
“Is everything okay?” Kane asked as he looked up. Tail sighed and nodded, one hand trailing along the back of his chair while the other adjusted her necklace.
“Yeah.” She all but collapsed into the chair beside him. “I talked to them.” She frowned, pursing her lips just slightly. “Hopefully it’ll be solved now.” Kane nodded, settling back in his chair. He didn’t pretend to understand all of Tali’s world. He was learning, yes, always learning, but it wasn’t his to know. But he knew about arguments. He knew about infighting. He’d been involved in more than a few scraps in his time. At the end of the day, Tali could keep her pack in order. She was an alpha. The alpha of the valley pack. And she dealt with the issues that arose.
He guessed he was technically an alpha, too. But it wasn’t really his place to be. It didn’t feel right. He’d be willing to talk things over with her, but he didn’t feel  right calling the shots. She was the alpha. She was his alpha.
“Have they been behaving?” Tali asked, tilting her head to the side as she looked at Kane. He shrugs with a smirk.
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“Maybe.” He let his own head loll to the side. “They haven’t hurt each other. No serious arguments.”
“So they’re being angels.” Tali grinned, a hint of a laugh in her words. Kane chuckled as well, leaning over to steal a kiss.
“Something like that.” He agreed. Say yipped as he tripped over a rock, but got up to keep fleeing his sister without a tear, so his parents didn’t worry. Just hold each others’ hands, fingers dangling and entwined in the space between their chairs.
At least, until Tali decided she wanted a lemonade, too.
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Fever’s and Bruised Hearts
Part two???? Hey light you’ve now written over 1500 words for this AU you claimed to not even like.... 😂😂😂
Jace exited the bathroom, brushing eir hands over the leg of eir pants before stepping out of the hallway and into the living room where Stephan had settled himself on the couch with Ava sleeping peacefully in his lap. He looked up, frowned, and shook his head.
“That’s not it, Jay,” he said, wrinkling his nose a bit. “You look like you’re going for a job interview, not a date. Save that for Friday.”
Jace sighed, pulling at the hem of eir dress shirt a bit, ey couldn’t even try to argue that he was wrong. The blue button up and the black slacks were exactly what ey’d worn to countless interviews. And ey looked stuffy and professional… but it was the nicest thing ey owned. Well aside from…
“What else am I supposed to wear, Steph? It’s either this or jeans… there is that dress but—“
“No, no.” Stephan shook his head, rising up from his spot on the couch and carefully laying Ava down in the crib situated in the corner of the room. He turned back to em, glancing em up and down with his mouth twisted into a thoughtful frown. “Not the dress. Unless you are trying to seduce him, save that for later. You never wear dresses, that’s like thirtieth date at least material there. He has to earn that one from you.”
Jace just stood in the door of the hallway for a moment, shaking eir head and trying not to laugh. “As if this is going to turn into anything… it’s hardly even a date… he just wanted to apologize for running into me.”
He ignored em, instead moving past em and heading into his own room. Where half of his closet had been sectioned off for Jace. He swiped through the hangers squinting at everything thoughtfully before moving it aside for the next thing. He pulled out a few shirts that looked promising and tossed them on the bed before turning back to his search.
Jace followed him into the room with arms crossed over eir chest, ey leaned eir forehead against the doorway where ey watched him with a brow raised.
Stephan nodded thoughtfully as he pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans and walked over to the bed. His hand hovered over the shirts as he bit his lip, deciding. After a moment he settled on one. Dark blue and made of a soft loose material. He grabbed it from the pile before holding both garments out to Jace.
Ey stepped forward, taking them both from him with a sigh. Ey tilted eir head to the side and gave him a questioning look.
“Just trust me.” He grinned.
It only took a few minutes for em to go back into the bathroom and change, but when ey stepped out of the room again Stephan was waiting for em with a leather jacket. He held it out for Jace to stick eir arms through and patted it in place against eir shoulders as he slipped it on em.
“It’s Tessa’s, she left it here. So someone might as well make use of it until she remembers it exists again.” He shrugged, giving em one last thoughtful look as ey turned back to face em. “Tuck in the front of the shirt,” he ordered gently. “Oh and pull the necklace out.”
Jace did as he suggested, pulling the chain ey always wore around eir neck from where it was tucked into eir shirt. A simple silver chain with nothing on it but a silver ring styled like a wreath of thorns.
“You’ve been watching too much Queer Eye,” ey muttered with a small laugh as ey tucked in the front of eir shirt.
“Maybe,” he admitted with a grin. Stephan grabbed eir shoulders again, gently turning em and pushing em back into his room. He closed the door and pulled em in front of the mirror hanging on the back of it. “But can you say I, or Tan, am wrong?” he asked as he pulled a hair tie off of his wrist and pulled eir hair back into a neat ponytail.
Jace frowned a little, pulling at the neckline of the shirt. It sank a little low, but Stephan wasn’t entirely wrong… Ey didn’t look bad. And it was definitely better than what ey’d chosen before. “Are you sure about this, really? It’s not too late for me to call and cancel… What if—“
“You’re supposed to be there in twenty minutes, that’s definitely too late to call and cancel. So either stand him up, and let this outfit go to waste. If you’re really that worried about how things will turn out. Ooor,” he hummed, turning em back to face him. “Give the guy a chance and maybe have a decent time.”
“But Ava, I really should stay with her,” Jace said, scrambling for any last minute excuses.
It wasn’t necessarily that ey didn’t want to go. Or that Nyar himself had set off any red alarms in their brief interaction… Just that it went against every promise ey’d made to emself. Even just agreeing to dinner had done that… and really if ey thought about it ey weren’t really sure why ey had.
Maybe it’d been his awkwardness as he’d stumbled through apology after apology. Bright red… and frankly adorable. If ey were being honest. Not that Jace was going to be particularly honest on that small matter. Or maybe it’d been that look in his eyes, so like eir own. Frazzled and just trying to make things work, while everything fell down around them.
Jace sighed as Stephan gave em a pointed look. He didn’t even bother trying to tell em again that Ava would be fine. That everything would be fine, just this once. That things were allowed to work out every once in a while. He didn’t need to. Ey could hear him say it anyways, plain as day, with no words spoken.
“Give it a chance?” He tilted his head to the side. “You might find yourself surprised.”
Ey turned to leave, grabbing eir phone and keys and running a hand over Ava’s forehead. Her skin was still a bit warm, but she slept peacefully. Stephan stopped em before ey could reach the front door of the small apartment, and ey turned to face him. He merely grinned, holding up a pair of black heels.
“Forgetting something?”
Jace glances down at eir feet, still wearing the sneakers ey wore to work. Ey laughed a little. “Right.”
“Don’t be nervous, it’s all going to work out. And maybe now, he won’t tower over you quite so much.”
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phoenix-downer · 5 years
Of Which Reason Knows Nothing - Chapter 2
I’m happy to post the second part of the project @chibiranmaruchan and I collaborated on! (You can find the first part here). They drew the art, and I wrote the fic. Working with them was a lot of fun, and I’m really happy with what we’ve created. I will also be posting this story to FFN and AO3 if those are your preferred reading spot(s).
Length: ~3000 words
Summary: Kairi may have lost someone important, but she isn’t alone, and she isn’t without hope. And her mysterious dreams just might have a clue as to Sora’s whereabouts…
Characters: Kairi, Sora, Riku
Additional Info: Implied Kairi/Sora, Riku and Kairi friendship. Post-Kingdom Hearts III. Referenced Character Death. Guilt, Grief/Grieving, Angst, Comfort, Dreams, Friendship.
That night, Kairi wore Sora’s hoodie to bed again. Maybe it wasn’t related to her dream at all, but it couldn’t hurt to wear it, just in case there was some sort of connection. 
As her eyes flickered shut, she murmured, “Sora, if you’re out there… if you’re trying to reach me… I’m listening.”
Neon lights, flashing colors. An enormous city with skyscrapers pointing towards the moon, trying to reach the heavens but getting pulled back down to earth. Water on the ground in puddles as raindrops splashed into them, disturbing the surface of the water, reflecting the surroundings like a mirror. 
She was back. She was back in the same place as before. 
White paint on the ground. Lots of lines running across the street. Big billboards running dozens of different ads at the same time. Cars with bright lights, too bright in the dark. The sky a strange shade of purple with ominous black clouds. A big white tower with the numbers 104 in neon red letters. 
She glanced at one of the puddles nearby. A face with blue eyes and spiky brown hair stared back. Lifting her hand, she gasped at what she saw. It wasn’t her hand. It was Sora’s, and he was holding a small black pin with a skull-looking emblem on it. He turned it over, and the whole world seemed to go wonky.
“Huh?” He dropped the pin and clutched his head.
“Sora!” she cried, but he couldn’t hear her. His Gummiphone buzzed in his pocket, and he pulled it out. 
The message said: 
Reach 104. You have 60 minutes. Fail, and face erasure. 
—The Reapers.
He put his phone back in his pocket. Pain shot up his arm, and he winced and looked at his hand again. Engraved into his palm were black numbers with yellow outlines and a red background. 
59:49. 59:48. 59:47. They kept changing, kept… going down. Kept decreasing with each passing second. When he looked at the 104 building again, it said YOU HAVE 7 DAYS in big red letters against a black background. 
But the dream was over, and her eyes flew open. Fingers shaking, she grabbed the Gummiphone on her bedside table. The phone rang and rang and rang as her heart raced because of her dream.
“C’mon, Riku, please, please pick up—”
A few moments later, and he did.
“Kairi?” came his familiar voice, if a little groggy. She glanced at the little time display at the top of the screen. A few minutes after six. The video kicked in, and he yawned as he wiped the sleep out of his eyes.
“Riku, I had another dream about him again,” she said, unable to hide the excitement in her voice.
Riku perked up immediately at that. “You did? What was it about this time?”
“He was in that city I saw before, only this time there was more.” She closed her eyes and pictured it now. The busy crosswalk, the building with 104 written on it, all the colorful lights and sounds. And the red and black numbers carved into his palm. “There was a countdown, on his hand,” she added, trying to include as many details as possible.
“A countdown?” Riku repeated, his voice rising.
Her eyes flew open. “Yes. I’m not sure why, but—”
“Kairi, I think I know where he is. I think I know where he is,” Riku said, and his voice had more energy and hope in it than it had since… well, since everything had happened.
She tugged at Sora’s hoodie and sat up straighter at that. “W-what? But how?”
“When we were taking our Mark of Mastery exam, he met this guy named Neku. He told me later on that Neku talked to him about a game.”
“There was a countdown on Neku’s hand that was a part of that game.”
She thought about this for a moment. “So you think he might be playing the same game as Neku?”
Riku nodded. “Yeah. He said Neku was from this place called Shibuya. If we can find that, we can find him.”
This was it, this was their best lead ever since he’d disappeared. She said goodbye to Riku and threw on some clothes. They had to go see Master Yen Sid about this. Their friends all deserved to know.
Kairi waited with bated breath as Master Yen Sid closed his eyes and stroked his beard. Stealing a quick glance at Riku, she wondered if he was feeling as wound up as she was right now. His face was a calm mask, but then again, he’d never really worn his heart on his sleeve the way she and Sora did.
“So, you are convinced Sora is somewhere called Shibuya, playing some sort of game,” Master Yen Sid said.
Kairi nodded. “Yes, Master. I know it may seem a little crazy—”
“On the contrary, where else would a heart go after fading from the Realm of Light? Sora did not die a normal death, and there are legends of the same thing happening to others.”
“Really?” Riku asked. “Like who?”
Kairi knew what he was thinking. If it had happened to someone else before, there might be clues as to how to save Sora. 
“There was a man who called himself the Master of Masters,” Master Yen Sid said. “He had six Keyblade-wielding apprentices, all named after the Seven Deadly Sins. Ava, Luxu, Invi, Gula, Ira, and Aced, with him as their leader: Superbia. Legend has it that instead of dying, he simply faded away, never to be seen or heard from again.”
Kairi and Riku both waited to hear more, but it soon became clear that was all.
“That’s it? That’s all?” Riku said, echoing her thoughts. “This… Master of Masters guy never returned to the Realm of Light?”
“Well, there is more to the story, but it relates to the events of the Keyblade War, and the two of you would be here for days if I were to recount it all to you. I do not think a history lesson is what you want right now. I shared this with you so you would know that the same fate that befell Sora has befallen someone else before, if the legends are to be believed. That was why Mickey tried to warn him against doing what he did, but as the philosophers say, the heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing.”
Master Yen Sid smiled sadly, and Kairi’s heart sank. They had warned Sora not to save her and he still did? Why?
“I know it should be him here with Riku instead of me,” she said. “But if there’s anything I can do to—”
“Incorrect. You are exactly the person who should be here with Riku right now,” Master Yen Sid said. “For if Riku is to dive into realms unknown, who better to keep his heart tethered to the Realm of Light than a Princess of Heart?”
“I can do that?” Kairi said.
“You kept Sora tethered to the Realm of Light, did you not?”
“Well, yes, but… that was different, Master. My powers don’t work on other people the way they work on Sora, and I’m not really sure why, though I do have a few guesses.”
Riku raised an eyebrow but thankfully kept his mouth shut. 
“As I said earlier: the heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing,” Master Yen Sid said. “But no matter; in keeping Riku tethered to the Realm of Light as he descends to the depths, you will be helping Sora. Surely you can see how your powers could still be used in this manner.”
“I suppose…”
“Have some faith in yourself, Kairi,” Riku said. “You kept Sora alive, and that let him save the rest of us. I know you’ll be able to pull this off.”
Kairi’s hand fluttered to her necklace. “But what if I can’t? What if I screw up again? I already lost Sora because I was too weak to stop myself from dying. I can’t… I can’t lose you too, Riku!” 
Riku put his hand on her shoulder. “You can do this, I know you can. You’re not alone. Together we’ll find Sora and bring him back.” His expression softened. “And you know how I know that?”
“Sora believes in us. He believed he’d find you when you were lost. He never gave up on me after all the crap I pulled. So let’s believe in ourselves the way he does.” 
Riku was right. Even though Kairi had trouble believing in herself, she couldn’t deny that Sora believed in her. And she believed in him. She believed in Riku, too. And maybe that would be enough.
“Okay, I’m willing to try,” she said, and Master Yen Sid and Riku both nodded. 
“We must begin preparations at once,” Master Yen Sid said. “There is no time to waste. The sooner we can reach Sora and bring him back to the Realm of Light, the better.”
Finally. They finally had something to do besides sit around at home and grieve. Taking action felt so much better than doing nothing.
As she and Riku made preparations, she couldn’t help but reflect back on those words she’d told Sora and Riku before. This time, she wasn’t just going to protect Sora. This time, she wasn’t just going to fight. This time, she was going to act. She was going to be the one searching for Sora for once instead of the other way around. 
The night before the mission, Kairi dreamed of Sora again. He was still in that same city, but he wasn’t at the big crosswalk anymore. He was on a side street, fighting some strange-looking creatures Kairi had never seen before. They weren’t Heartless or Nobodies, but they did look like large frogs with elaborate red and black tattoos where their legs should’ve been. And even through the dream, Kairi could sense how the atmosphere surrounding them felt. Her skin crawled and her mood dropped, and she could only imagine how Sora felt fighting them. 
When he had destroyed the last of them with his Keyblade, he stumbled against a nearby building, a store with bright red letters. His bangs were stuck to his forehead, and he was breathing hard. How long had he been fighting? How many of those things had he already fought?
But what really drew her attention was when he reached into his pocket and pulled out her lucky charm. Her heart soared at the sight of it. He still had it. He still—
“Why can’t I remember you?” he said, and his voice was anguished. 
Her heart sank. Sora didn’t… remember her? 
Why not? What had happened to him? Were all his memories gone?
“Sora?” she said. “Sora, I’m here!”
But he couldn’t hear her, and he tucked the charm back into his pocket. “Doesn’t matter. Whoever gave this to me has to be someone important to me.” He looked right at her and made a guts pose, even though he couldn’t see her. “Whoever you are, I’m gonna get home to you, some way, somehow.” He smiled, and it was so good to see his smile again. “I promise.”
She opened her mouth to reply, but the dream was over, and her eyes flew open. She rolled over onto her side, still wrapped in Sora’s hoodie, and huddled beneath her blanket as light poured through the window. 
Did Sora really not remember her? Her lower lip trembled at the thought. How could he have forgotten her after everything they’d been through? This was like when she’d forgotten him, and a lump built in her throat when she remembered how awful that had been. The memories slowly slipping away from her. The day she’d forgotten his name. The night she’d forgotten his face. The moment she realized she couldn’t hear his voice anymore. All of that came crashing back to her, and her eyes welled up with tears. 
But she and Sora had gotten through that, in the end. And his promise did make her feel a little better. Maybe the memories were all scrambled up, but they weren’t gone for good. They had to still be in his heart somehow. The bond they shared couldn’t be broken that easily.
The important thing was that he was fighting to get back to her. So she would fight to reach him, too. Whatever obstacles they might face, she and Riku would bring him home.
“You ready?” Kairi asked as she held her hands out to Riku. They were back in Master Yen Sid’s study, and everyone else was here too – King Mickey and Donald and Goofy, Terra and Aqua and Ven, Naminé, of course, and Roxas and Xion and Axel. Even Isa was present. Admittedly, that made her feel a little uncomfortable, but at least he had the good sense not to try to talk to her. 
“Ready if you are,” Riku said with a half-grin. How he was so relaxed about this, she’d never know. Her hands were shaking a little, but when he grabbed a hold of them, a wave of calm washed over her. 
“For Sora?”
“For Sora.”
Her eyes fluttered shut, and she pictured Sora searching for her in Shibuya. Pictured Riku, pictured his heart. 
There. She could see his Station of Awakening now with its stained glass-like panels showing the people that were most important to him. Friends and family and memories spread throughout his heart. Taking a deep breath, she reached out with her light, tethering her heart to his. His memories started flowing through her mind, and she opened her eyes.
“Okay, I’m connected to you now. Whenever you’re ready.”
He looked around at their friends. “Hey, why the long faces? Don’t worry about me. I’ll be back here with Sora in no time, you’ll see.” He looked at Kairi one more time and smiled. “We won’t give up on him, because he never gave up on us. And he’s helped every person here in this room at one time or another. Now it’s time we return the favor.” 
There was a general chorus of agreement and well-wishing at that. Letting go of one of Kairi’s hands, Riku summoned his Keyblade and opened a large portal above them complete with swirling colors and elaborate designs of a bygone age. 
“Stay safe, Riku,” she said. “See you soon.”
And with that a great beam of light shot down and pulled him into the portal. Her hand was now empty, and she rested it over her heart. 
“Well?” King Mickey said. 
She smiled. “He’s okay. I can feel him.”
Everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief. 
“And… I can feel Sora’s heart, too. He may not remember me yet, but I know he will soon.”
“That’s the magic of the paopu fruit!” Goofy said, then slapped his hands over his mouth as Donald tapped his foot.
“Hey, you weren’t supposed to tell everyone that,” Donald scolded, and everyone laughed as Kairi blushed. Great, did all their friends know about the paopu fruit? Well, not surprising. Juicy gossip had a way of spreading like wildfire. 
“Hey, if the Wayfinders can bring me and Aqua and Terra back together again, imagine how powerful the real thing will be!” Ven pointed out. “Especially because you and Sora—”
“Less teasing, more practicing with your Keyblade,” Aqua chided, but she was smiling, and Terra grinned and ruffled his hair. Ven pretended to protest, but it was obvious he liked the hair ruffling and playful scolding. 
As the others started up conversations with each other, catching up on how everything had been going since everyone had last seen each other, one person in particular sought Kairi out. Naminé, still holding her sketchpad and pencil but wearing a cute new dress, blue and yellow and white. 
“Yes Naminé? What is it?”
“I know you’re feeling sad about Sora forgetting you, but I doubt those memories are gone for good. Look at Xion,” she said, gesturing at their friend, who smiled and waved at them. “We all thought no one would remember her, and yet here she is now. Sora’s memories of you will come back, I just know they will.”
“Thanks, Naminé. And when Sora finally comes back, he can thank you properly, too.”
Naminé smiled, and Kairi went over to talk to Axel and Roxas and Xion some more, then to King Mickey and Donald and Goofy, then lastly to Terra and Aqua and Ven. She had something very important to ask, something she wanted to do as Riku searched for Sora and she kept him tethered to the Realm of Light.
“Master Aqua, please take me on as your apprentice,” she pleaded as she bowed low. This was her best shot, her best hope at becoming a better Keyblade wielder after the disaster that had happened at the Keyblade Graveyard. 
When she straightened, her throat dry, Aqua was beaming down at her. “I thought you’d never ask.”
She clasped her hands and thanked Aqua profusely. Here was an opportunity to get better, to improve, to become a better fighter by the time Sora and Riku returned. She wasn’t the weak girl that had gotten kidnapped and killed anymore. She had the heart and will to be strong, and she was going to prove it.
However long it might take, however hard she would have to work, it didn’t matter. Someday, she would fight by Sora’s side again. Someday, she would be able to spar with Riku and give him a run for his munny. Someday, the three of them would be together again and all would feel right in the worlds.
And someday, she and Sora would finally be able to make good on the promise they’d made. They’d be together every day, and nothing would be able to keep them apart anymore. 
For that, she would train and fight for as long as it might take. Now was the time to step forward like she’d said she would. Now was the time to act. The fight was in her hands, and she was ready at long last.
A/N: A big thank you again to @chibiranmaruchan! And thank you to everyone who read, reblogged, liked, and commented on the story! Hope you enjoyed :)
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avasharpe · 4 years
It Takes Time
Chapter: Six of thirteen.
Summary: Now that Sara is 22 weeks pregnant and they are in the middle of a pandemic Ava is determined to get the nursery done. Plus, they might not be the only ones planning a family.
Fandom: Legends of Tomorrow.
Relationship: Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Nora Darhk/Ray Palmer, Charlie/Zari Tazari, Nate Heywood/Behrad Tazari, and John Constantine/Gary Green.
Characters: Sara Lance, Ava Sharpe, Nate Heywood, Behrad Tarari, Jefferson "Jax" Jackson, Mick Rory, Zari Tarari, Ray Palmer, Nora Darhk, John Constantine, Gary Green, Mona Wu, Gideon, and Kendra Saunders. 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences.
Additional Tags: Pregnancy, Babies, Domestic Fluff, Legends shenanigans
Read at AO3
Read at FFN
Let me know what you think and please leave a comment!
April 18th, 2020. Week Twenty Two. 
Sara actually smiled as she watched her crew work. “Okay, you’re doing great Ray. I need you to take a left up ahead and Behrad watch your back.”
“Got it,” Behrad said as he turned around and took out the guy who was following him with a blast of wind. 
“Aye aye, Captain,” Ray said as he took a left and reached the door. A displaced young Charlotte Brontë was being kept as a playmate for little princess Elizabeth and her sister Margaret Rose. If they didn’t return her to her time, then the whole of section of literature inspired by her could disappear.
“Hello little Charlotte,” he said, picking her up the toddler. Charlotte let out a scream of protest as she was picked up and taken away from her play.
Her scream alerted the guards, but Ray quickly settled her in his arms, and Sara watched as he reassured her. 
“Hey, hey, It’s okay,” Ray said as he gently bounced her and carried her out of the room. “My name is Ray and I’m here to take you home. Back to your Mom and Dad and your sisters and who has a funny mustache?” 
Ray leaned over to tickle her cheek, earning a giggle from Charlotte after she had reached up to grab his fake mustache that he had worn for the mission and for Nora. Sara had seen the look they had been giving each other all morning. 
Charlotte was still giggling as Ray made his escape with Nora and Nate, keeping the future king and queen occupied. Sara looked back to see that Charlie, Ava, Mick, and Zari had all managed to keep the guards away from Ray, but there were several others headed toward him. 
“Ray time to go. Ava, Mick, I need you to catch up with Ray and head off the guards that are heading towards them. Everyone else get ready to go and head for the jump ship.”
They all split off and Behrad, Charlie, and Zari kept the guards running around so that everyone else could make their escape. Mick and Ava caught the guards and kept them from Ray in a team-up take down that reminded Sara of how far their friendship had come. The four of them made the jump with Ava’s time carrier. 
“Alright everybody, Charlotte and Ray are on the ship,” Sara said in her com watching as the guards gained on them. “Everyone else head back.” 
They all circled back to the Jumpship and soon they were all settled on the bridge. Sara managed to steal Charlotte from Ray and they both cooed over her, but Charlotte leaned over to play with Ray’s mustache. When they walked on to the bridge Nora came over to them and untangled the little girl’s fingers from his hair. Sara passed Charlotte over to Ray and watched them both gaze lovingly at the little girl as Ray put his extra arm around Nora.
“Do you two want to take her back?” Sara offered, seeing how smitten they were with her.
“If it’s alright with you Captain?” Ray said not taking his eyes off Nora and Charlotte.
“Go on,” Sara said, waving them off. “Just make sure you check in when you get back.”
Nora and Ray nodded, never taking their eyes off of Charlotte as Ray continued to bounce her. Nora procured a bit of magic that swirled around Charlotte’s head as she cooed and reached up to chase the wisps of blue. They both stepped through the portal and closed it behind them, and Sara turned around to look at the rest of the team. 
Most of them we’re out of breath, but whole and unharmed. “Well, I’d say that that was a huge success. Good job guys, I’m proud of us!” 
They all smiled and beamed at her praise and Ava came over to put her arm around her waist and gave her a gentle squeeze.
“All right go on get out of here,” Sara said as she turned to hold Ava’s hips and bring her closer, pulling Ava down to greet her with a kiss.
The Legends knew better than to stick around and soon they were all alone, except for little Laurel who moved around like a fish in her belly.
“That actually did go really well,” Ava said, putting her hands on Sara’s belly. 
The sweater Sara was wearing this morning was thick, but it barely hid her bump. At twenty-two weeks Sara was basically the size of half a basketball and her belly now curved out from under her breasts. Sara was still getting more used to Laurel taking over her abdomen.
“I guess I kinda overstepped, trying to take over for you, I’m sorry Sara,” Ava said, tilting her head and looking at her with soft eyes.
“Thanks, but It was nice to have you around, an extra set of hands has been really nice,” Sara said, leaning into her. “Even if you did go rogue and lock up the butler.”
“He was onto us.” Sara set her with a look and Ava looked down and bit her lip, but smiled. “Sorry, Captain Lance.”
Sara reached up and put a hand under Ava’s chin, tipping her head back up so she could kiss her. “You are always forgiven.”
Ava smiled and leaned back in to kiss her again. Their lips melted together and they enjoyed their passionate kiss. Their hands wandered under clothes and lips trailed down necks. Sara moaned and tugged at Ava’s blouse that just had to be buttoned up to her chin.
“Were back!” Nora announced, and she and Ray stepped through the portal and back onto the bridge. 
Ava spin around and groaned, shifting to stand at Sara’s side, but slipping them down to her rest on her waist.
Nora had a knowing and huge smile on her face, but Ray was mortified to know they had potentially walked into something. 
“That’s great, Ava time to go,” Sara said, pulling her away and opened a portal straight into their bedroom.
Nora laughed as she watched them go. “That’s not a bad idea, you know?”
“What is?” 
That was all he got out before Nora’s lips were on his and she was ravaging him. Nora pushed Ray up against the wall and he held her waist and welcomed her lips. She loved the feel of his mustache tickling her cheeks and her cupid’s brow. She loved the feel of his chest under her hands as she ripped open his shirt, letting the buttons fly. She loved the way his big arms wrapped around her, always making her feel safe. She loved the way his pants pressed against her, telling her exactly how much he wanted her.
Nora reached down to Ray’s pants, feeling him moan and melt against her. She had just pulled down his zipper when.
“Hey, your back. Have you told Cap yet?” Nate’s said waltzing back onto the bridge, completely oblivious to their actions.
“Well, yeah, I guess Sara knows we’re back,” Ray said fumbling with his words. All he could think about was where Nora was pressed up against him and what she was about to do. “What did you need Nate?”
“Oh well, Behrad and I were just wondering…”
“Sorry Nate,” Nora said rather curtly. “We’re busy.”
And with that, she pulled Ray away to their own bedroom.
Ava wiped her hands on the rag after setting the pot of soup on a hot pad on the table. She smiled down at the meal she had prepared. She had burned the meatballs, but the rest of the soup was cooked to perfection. Ava put her apron over her chair before heading upstairs to get Sara.
“Sara dinner’s ready,” Ava called out down the hall, walking over to the nursery.
She heard Sara’s broken voice and immediately dashed into the room. Sara was sitting on the floor next to the bookshelf they had put together that afternoon, silently sobbing.
“Sara, sweetie, what’s wrong?” Ava asked, seeing the light tears upon her cheeks.
“Oh, it’s nothing serious,” Sara said, looking down at her lap. “It’s just that my ring doesn’t fit.”
“Oh baby,” Ava said, kneeling down in front of her as Sara broke out in a fit of tears as she held her ring. Ava took a look at the ring that Sara tried to fit on her finger, but it refused to go over her swollen knuckles. Ava took ahold of Sara’s hand and brought it up to her lips, giving Sara a soft smile.
“I just want to wear it,” Sara said, wiping her eyes. “And these stupid hormones are making me cry at everything.”
“I know,” Ava said, pulling her in for a hug, and rubbing up and down Sara’s arms as she hiding her smile behind Sara’s shoulder. The tears were now a daily occurrence and it was all Ava could do not to laugh or cry with her at certain things. Even if it did break her heart. “I’ll tell you what, why don’t we get it resized? I’m sure Gideon or Ray could have it done in a day.”
Sara pulled back, shaking her head as she took the ring off her finger and threading it through the chain of her necklace. “What if my finger balloons up even more and what if it shrinks down after I give birth and I lose it?”
“You won’t lose it,” Ava said, knowing how important the ring was to her. “And I want you to be able to wear it, especially after we announce our engagement.”
“Yeah, we should probably do that pretty soon, especially since everyone thinks you’re a jerk for not proposing already,” Sara said, with a soft smile as she placed the ring and the necklace in Ava’s hand.
“What?” Ava asked, paling at the thought of what the Legends would do to her. 
Sara just shrugged and put her hand on Ava’s shoulder to help her get up because her belly had already put her off balance. “Come on you said dinner was ready and Laurel and I are hungry.”
“Sara, what do you mean the others think I’m a jerk? How long have they known I’m planning to propose?” Ava asked as she pulled Sara down the hall. She had only told Nora and Mona who had helped her pick out the ring and she made them promise not to tell anyone else.
Sara just smiled and giggled as they walked down the steps. “I don’t know I just heard something about Mick and my Dad sitting you down and having a talk with you about your intentions.”
Ava’s face fell as she put her arm around Sara. “Well, maybe I’ll have a little talk with them about biting into other people’s business.”
“Oh come on Ava,” Sara said, patting her arm. “It’s not that bad. I think they’re just excited.” 
“Well they can wait for us to announce it,” Ava insisted as she pulled out Sara’s chair for her. “But I’ll tell Nora to give Ray the hint to drop it.” 
“Uh hum.” Sara took Ava’s left hand and smiled at her thinking of a way that she could get the Legends to drop it.
Sara couldn’t help but think about how Ava’s finger was as empty as her own. She wanted Ava to have a ring of her own. A simple band that Ava could wear at work, perhaps one with a small diamond that would match her own ring. Something that would mean that Ava was her’s forever, something that Sara could give to her in front of everyone they loved as a declaration of their commitment to each other. She knew Ava was a sucker for grand proposals, but Sara loved their little intimate dates. Perhaps she could do both.
Little did Sara know that Ava was thinking of something similar. Ava’s original plan was to ask Sara out and propose to her in a simple, yet meaningful and romantic way. Ava loved being engaged to Sara and she was over the moon that Sara had said yes, but Ava wanted that meaningful moment. Ava wanted to make a declaration about her commitment to Sara and Laurel. Now that she had the ring back she couldn’t wait to do this and it meant the world to her.
“I’ve been thinking,” Sara said, interrupting her engagement planning and having pushed off her own until she could talk to Nora and Mona about a ring. “I think that we should come up with a nickname for Laurel. I love her name, but I just think it might get confusing when we get together with Laurel, and my mom and Dinah Drake.”
“We don’t have to, you and Quentin are really the only ones that call Dinah, Laurel, and technically if we do Dinah Laurel Lance.”
“The third,” Sara added.
“Yes Dinah Laurel Lance III, I want to use roman numerals it will be easier for her, but then Laurel is already a nickname for Dinah. It’s more confusing when it’s your sister Dinah, your mother Dinah and Dinah Drake who I suppose is our sister-in-law.”
Sara laughed at the little family joke about Laurel and Dinah being married. “I guess if it gets confusing we can use a nickname. I just kind of like the nickname Lulu and we need a non-name nickname if we’re going to keep her name to ourselves.”
They had agreed to keep Laurel’s name between the two of them. Mostly to avoid the drama of everyone else having an opinion about her name, but it also felt special. They had a part of Laurel just for themselves. So they had agreed to refer to Laurel as just the baby or little Lance, but it was so hard not to call her Laurel. After putting a name to their baby and calling her Laurel, it felt different in a way that Sara hadn’t expected. Laurel felt more real with a name, more like a person. Suddenly Laurel’s movements inside of her weren’t just that of a baby’s, they were that of her daughters’. 
“Well Lulu is nice and it technically doesn’t give away the name,” Ava said interrupting her train of thought as she helped Sara up. “We still need a middle name as well.”
“Dinah Laurel Ava Sharpe-Lance that’s her name I thought we agreed on this?” Sara said as she put down her spoon.
Ava avoided answering her. Instead, she took a piece of bread and buttered it. Sara sat with her arms crossed and ignored the soup Ava had set at her place. Ava huffed, put the bread down, and looked up at her.
“You don’t want her middle name to be Ava.”
Ava sighed and tried to think of a way to say this to Sara. “I like my name, for me. It fits and I like it, but I don’t want our daughter to have it.”
“Ava!” Sara said with intention, causing Ava to look up at her. “Do you know why you wanted to name our daughter Nicole?”
“Because I love the character. I mean Nicole Haught is amazing and it’d just be fun,” Ava said, blushing slightly at the fact that she originally wanted to name their daughter after a fictional character.
“Yes, because you loved Nicole Haught and you know that I love you. So every time that I say your name, I am filled with so much love for you and for your name. I want our daughter’s name to have the same kind of love. Look, you don’t have to agree with it right now, but just think about it okay?”
Ava smiled and looked down as she bit her lip before looking up at Sara. She reached out to her and came over to sit next to her on the bench. Ava pulled her in and they wrapped their arms around each other’s waist. It was a bit more difficult to press up against each other when it felt like there was a papaya, according to their pregnancy app, in between them. Nevertheless, Ava still managed to pull Sara into her lap like she always did. 
“I’ll think about it,” Ava said, leaning down to drop a kiss to Sara’s lips.
“That’s all I’m asking,” Sara said as she reached up, put her hand on Ava’s neck and pulled her in for a deeper kiss. “Now come on, I was promised dinner.”
Ava smiled and Sara shuffled off of her lap and sat next to her as Ava dished her up. She laughed as she watched Sara’s face lit up with joy. As she took a bite of the soup, Sara moaned as it hit her tongue. “How come you don’t make those sounds for me anymore?”
Ava raised her eyebrow at Sara, who opened her eyes and just looked at her. Sara’s smile grew as she burst out laughing and Ava couldn’t help but join in with her own giggles. Sara pulled her in for a kiss, which was one of the reasons they liked to sit next to each other at Ava’s long table. Sara moaned against Ava’s lips as she tilted her head to let Ava have access to her neck. Where Ava laid soft kisses down her throat as she nibbled on Sara’s skin. 
“How is that for pleasure Director Sharpe?” Sara said, as Ava pulled back to look at her. Ava looked into Sara’s eyes that sparkled with mischief as she ate another spoonful of soup. “Umm, but you’ll have to wait because Laurel and I are really hungry.”
Ava laughed again and putting one arm around her shoulder as she pulled her in close. “For you, I never mind the wait.”
April 25th, 2020, Week Twenty Three
Sara was definitely not hiding. She was just in the parlor hanging out, with the bridge doors locked, at a time when everyone thought she was at the Time Bureau with Ava. However, when you live on a ship with ten people, if Gary sleeps over, having alone time becomes trickier, especially when you’re the captain. Sara could have gone home to Ava’s house, but Sara was still getting used to attaching her name to the place she called home. Besides, she wanted to stay on the Waverider right now, as being home alone at Ava’s always felt too lonely. She wanted alone time not to be lonely.
One of the other upsides to living with a crew was that Sara was never lonely and she missed the little things about living on the Waverider. She missed seeing a friendly face around every corner, she missed eating meals with her family, and she missed being needed by her crew. 
They’ve tried to rely on her less and less in the field these days, but it also seemed to carry over in their personal lives as well. She knew they missed her as their Captain and she missed being a Captain to her crew, and Sara loved being the mom friend. 
Nonetheless, whenever they needed something, they would just start to ask her for help or begin a rant to her, and then they would just say nevermind. They would turn around and walk the other direction, which just made it worse. Sara didn’t mind helping. It was one of the few things she could do, regardless of her pregnancy. She just felt like everybody was treating her differently. Like she was fragile and breakable and one wrong move and they will lose her and Laurel. So for now Sara pouted, hid in her room, and enjoyed a whole box of egg rolls, because she was pregnant and she could.
Sara ate her egg rolls and had put on a horror movie that she was half paying attention to. She tried to get a few minutes of shut-eye, but something or rather someone was making it hard for her to nap. Laurel had decided to practice her soccer skills. While Sara loved feeling Laurel kick against her belly, she knew that soon she wouldn’t be so fond of Laurel kicking against her ribs or bladder.
Yet, for now, each little flutter of an arm or a leg made her smile. Sara closed her eyes again and tried to ignore the little movements in her belly and focused on the sound of the movie playing, letting it lull her to sleep. Her mind began to drift off and she started to slip into dreamland just as Gideon’s voice jolted her awake. 
“I’m sorry to bother you Captain, but I have an urgent call from Director Sharpe.” 
Sara sat up and stretched with a yawn. “Okay Gideon put her on.”
Sara smiled as Ava’s face appeared on the screen in front of her, but that smile quickly fell when she saw Ava’s worried look.
“Sara I need you to put the Waverider on lockdown right now and proceed with decontamination. Then you and your crew need to be tested for COVID-19. There has been an outbreak at the Bureau and so far ten agents have tested positive for the virus. We are on lockdown down here and are currently testing every single agent.” 
Ava took a deep breath as she finished, before looking up at Sara and trying to smile despite the worry that still hung in her eyes. “But I don’t want you to worry about me, okay. Miranda vaccinated us against this when you first got pregnant. So far it doesn’t look like this agent has come into contact with you or your crew, but he could have spread it to others who did.”
“Like Gary.” Sara trailed off as Ava mournfully nodded.
Sara took a moment to take her in. Ava looked so frightened as she spoke to Sara, but her voice never wavered, as she used her Director’s voice. She never did that anymore unless they were fighting, or when she was extremely worried. Sara stood up and took a step towards the monitor as if it could bring them closer together.
“Gideon put the ship on lockdown and began to sanitize the empty rooms. Tell the team what’s going on and that I’ll explain it further to them in a second.” Sara said looking over at Gideon’s halo projection that had appeared next to the monitor. 
“Of course Captain,” Gideon said, before disappearing.
The emergency door to the parlor closed off and Gideon tinted the glass walls black. Sara could hear the rest of the doors closing around the ship. The parlor’s glass walls tinted black to protect her yet, Sara turned away as the beam of UV light cleaned the bridge. Gideon would have to wait until she left in order to sweep the Parlor.
“How did this happen, I thought you were checking every agent as they came in the door?” Sara said, sitting back down on the couch and putting a hand over her belly as if it could add another layer of protection for Laurel. 
Ava huffed and put her head in her hands. She looked like she was about ready to cry. It took everything inside of Sara to hold herself back and not to portal into her office right then and there.
“We were, but apparently some other agents thought it was okay to portal straight into work, bypassing our security. We’ve been so careful. We’re down to the bare minimum of agents and everyone has strict instructions to only go from work to home and back. We’ve been testing everyone as they clock in, but,” Ava looked up at Sara and she could see the tears collect in her eyes. “I’m so sorry, Sara,”
“Hey,” Sara said, tilting her head and trying to comfort Ava as best she could with her words. “It’s not your fault. You did everything you were supposed to.” 
“But I could have been more strict with the check in’s and now I’ve potentially exposed your team and Gary. If he gets sick because of me...” Ava shook her head trailing off and put her head in her hands again. 
“Gary’s going to be fine, okay. Oh Ava, don’t cry. It’s not your fault and it’s all gonna be okay, worst comes to pass and Gary just has to spend a few weeks in the Med-bay being waited on hand and foot by us, he’d love it,” Sara said, trying to maintain her composure and not cry as well.
Ava chuckled as Sara knew she would, and Sara tried to give her a happy smile even though she was filled with worry as well. “You’re testing everybody right?”
“Yes, the medical team is coming through right now and testing everybody and then sending them home. I think now would be a good time to shut down the Bureau for a few weeks. The Legends should be able to handle anything that comes up in the timeline, and I’ll help out as well.” 
“Good,” Sara said with a nod. “You come here as soon as you finish, okay?” 
“I’ll stop by the house and change and shower, just as a precaution. Then I’ll be right over,” Ava said, nodding almost too fast at her. Ava tried to smile and straightened her jacket, a sign Sara knew all too well meant that she was trying to control the situation again. “I should let you address your crew.”
“Okay,” Sara said, reluctant to part. “I’ll be waiting for you to come home. You know Laurel has been kicking up a storm. She hasn’t let me sleep and the only thing that calms her down is you singing.”
Ava smiled, knowing it calmed Sara down as well. “I’ll sing for you both as soon as I get there.”
“Even if we’re in front of the whole crew?” Sara said with a teasing smile.
“I don’t know, my singing talents are just for you.” Ava laughed and seemed to relax back into her chair. "I’ll make sure my employees are tested and treated and I’ll be over there before you know it. Who knows maybe we will get done before you, and I’ll be the one waiting."
Sara nodded, the smile returning to her face. “I don’t know. Gideon is much faster than your crew.”
“Well, it looks like they’re approaching my office,” Ava said, looking past the camera and out her window.
“See you soon?” Sara asked, seeing that the worry had returned to Ava’s face.
“Promise,” Ava said, with a weary smile.
“We love you,” Sara said, feeling Laurel kick against her hand, she had been saying it to Ava for both of them as it just felt right.
“I love you both too.” 
Ava cut the feed and Sara stared at the monitor for a moment trying to get her nerves under control. She sat back down on the couch feeling light headed and took a few deep breaths. As soon as she felt like she could talk again Sara looked up at the monitor where Gideon’s face had reappeared, silently watching over her.
“Alright Gideon, show me the team.”
Gideon pulled up the rest of the team members on the monitor in front of her as Sara stood up again to adress them. As soon as they saw her they all started talking a mile a minute with questions of what was going on.
Sara watched as Ray and Nora just looked at her with their big sad eyes from the lab. She then turned to see Mona in a full-on panic as she paced in the library with the words coming out of his mouth a mile a minute. Nate was also there and was trying and failing to reassure her. Sara could barely catch a word Mona said other than that she was worried for them. Constantine and Behrad were also talking and so was Charlie as she quipped at them in the background, looking uneasy but trying to appear relaxed. Rory was in the kitchen and was yelling about the food fabricator being shut off.
It was dizzying to look at and on top of the worry Sara felt lightheaded and reached back to put a hand on the arm of the chair as she eased herself into it. That was when they all grew quiet as they watched her. 
“Sara are you alright?” Ray asked.
Sara put her head in her hands and tried to find the words to tell them what was going on. There was no easy way to say that they had been potentially exposed to a pandemic.
Sara looked up and took a deep breath. “I’m fine, but Ava just called and said that we have potentially been exposed to the COVID-19 virus.” 
It descended back into chaos and panic after that as everyone shouted in outrage and began talking all at once.
“I just would just like to remind everyone that although the pandemic is very serious and the COVID-19 virus does kill a lot of people in the year 2020. This ship is from the year 2166  we do have a cure for the virus as well as a vaccine to prevent it, which you will all be receiving after you test negative for the virus.”
Gideon’s calming words put them all at ease and Sara smiled as she looked up at Gideon’s face on the monitor. 
“Gideon is right,” Sara said, squaring her shoulders and sitting up straighter. “Now one at a time, you are all going to proceed to the Med-Bay to get tested, then vaccinated. Then you are going to go back to your rooms until Gideon has cleared everyone.”
“You should go first, Sara,” Ray piped up.
The rest of the crew immediately agreed with him in a chorus of voices that made Sara smile. “Guys relax, Miranda already vaccinated me and Ava against the virus at the start of my pregnancy.”
“Oh thank god,” Mona sighed. 
That’s when they all start talking again as they all expressed relief and joy that she and Laurel would be fine.
“I would kill the person that infected you and Ava,” Nora said with a stone expression.
“Well… I… wouldn’t help you!” Ray stated and then continued to fumble over a speech to her against murder.
“I would,” Rory said, nodding at Nora.
“Okay nobody’s murdering anyone,” Sara said, trying to get their attention again and failing. Laurel kicked around inside of her and Sara looked down at her little baby and whispered to them. “I know it’s weird, but it’s just them showing that they love us.” 
“Aw,” Zari cooed, leaning in closer as if she could see it. “Did the baby kick?”
“Oh I wanna see,” Charlie said, leaning in and presumably pressing her face up against the monitor.
“Hey me too,” Nate added. 
“Hey guys wait,” Ray said, turning away from Nora to address them on the screen. “You know how Sara feels about us asking to put our hands on her belly and I’m sure she feels the same way about showing us the baby’s kicks.”
“This is my baby,” Charlie said, reaching out and putting their hand on the monitor. “And ain’t nobody going to touch it.”
The whole crew burst out laughing and even Gideon had a chuckle. After they all calmed down Sara sent Mick down to get tested first as he was in the high risk bracket, due to the years of fire scarred lungs. She wanted so badly to be there, in the Med-Bay, to oversee everyone’s testing. Sara felt like it was her duty as Captain to be there and hold all their hands. Even for Mick and Constantine, who would definitely refuse, but ultimately let her do it. 
Despite knowing she had the vaccine, Sara still felt a twinge of worry. She knew that she couldn’t risk putting herself and Laurel in a position to be potentially exposed. So Sara just watched over everyone as they went and got tested and vaccinated before returning to their now sanitized rooms.
After Nate, who was the last person, tested negative and was vaccinated. Sara lifted the quarantine and had them all gather on the bridge. Their high spirits had returned and they were laughing and joking as they all walked into the Parlor. Zari and Charlie both skipped up to her with wide smiles. Which made Sara feel worse about her most recent decision, regarding their travel to 2020, as she knew it would be hard on all of them.
“Can we please feel her?” Zari asked.
Sara smiled, but didn’t move the protective hand from her belly that had been there since this whole thing started.
“In a minute, why don’t you guys sit down for a second?” Sara asked as she wanted to make her announcement before she let them gush over little Laurel.
“What’s wrong Boss?” Rory said mirroring her worried look.
“Look,” Sara said, crossing her arms and leaning against the table. “You all know that this is a worldwide pandemic. We got lucky that the outbreak at the bureau hasn’t transferred onto the ship and knowing all of this I should have vaccinated you guys sooner. I’m sorry, but I need to keep you all safe and sometimes that means making hard decisions that you guys aren’t going to like.”
“What are you saying?” Nate said putting his arm around Behrad as he looked over at her. Sara knew they were planning a wedding and that a lot of those plans hinged on them being in DC that summer.
“What I’m saying is that from now until the outbreak ends I'm allocating part of the Waveriders Med-bay for use to help find the current pandemic. S.T.A.R. Labs has already transferred over to help fight the virus and Anissa and Jefferson have set up a clinic in Freeland. I've already talked with Kara, Kate, Rene, Jefferson, Barry, and we are going to disassemble part of the Waveriders Med-bay and use it to replicate the vaccine and to treat current patients at a COVID clinic at S.T.A.R. Labs. Those of you who want to can help out, but because Ava has shut down the Bureau we need to be available to handle anything that comes up in the time stream.We keep half of the Med-bay up and running in case any of us need medical care while out on missions.”
Sara let her words settle over them and took in their faces as they processed everything that she had said. She looked pointedly over at Mick. He made a point to take Lita every weekend. 
“What about our families?” Mick asked, his brow furrowed. “We can vaccinate them, right?”
“We can vaccinate them. We will do Lisa, Ali, and Lita, as well as my parents, Jax, Kendra, and their families. Nate, your mom, and Zari and Behrad, your parents.”
"At least we can help some people,” Nate said, looking solemnly up at her. “I’ll help Jax and Barry.”
“Me too,” Behrad said, patting his knee. “I can see no better way to help out our community which is especially important now during Ramadan.” 
“We’ll help too,” Zari and Charlie said.
“Us too,” Ray and Nora added.
“Yeah,” Moan said, standing up.
“It’s not like we can get sick, ah,” Constantine said, with a shrug.
“I’m in,” Mick said.
“It’ll take a few days for the vaccine to work, but then we can all set up shop at S.T.A.R labs,” Sara said, smiling at them, so proud of her team for stepping in and wanting to help. “I know it will be tough, but I think we can do it.”
“Hey,” Ava said as she stepped through a portal and into the Parlor with wet hair. “Gary’s fine and he’s at home. How are you guys doing?”
The second Sara saw her it felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Sara was the captain of her ship, but Ava was her partner and she relied on her so much to help her with the emotional burden. Whenever Ava was around Sara felt like she could take a deep breath and let go, so that’s what she did. Sara took a deep breath and relaxed. She quickly walked over to Ava and wrapped her arms around her to just hold her.
“Can we make this a group hug?” Sara heard Mona ask and nodded into Ava’s shoulder.
“Okay, but not too tight,” Ava said.
“Good, because I really need a hug,” Mona said, going over and hugging Sara and trying to wiggle in on Ava’s side.
“Alright bring it in,” Ray said, grabbing both Nate and Nora, and soon they were all piled around each other, one big happy family hug.
May 4th, 2020, Week Week Twenty Four
“Hey remember that time we watched Constantine chug Rasputin?” Ava asked as she watched Sara eat.
Sara just nodded as she took another bite of her snack.
“Yeah this,” Ava said, gesturing to the mayo, orange juice, lime, and salsa mix that Sara was dipping her Doritos in. “Is worse!”
“It’s not that bad.”
“Babe, I made you a wonderful breakfast. After I burnt the first one, but this one is great. It’s my finest breakfast yet if I might say and you are eating…” Ava’s face was of equal disgust and concern as she watched Sara take another bite. 
Sara just laughed as she took another bite of her snack. She and Ava had decided to join the Legends for breakfast after Ava got distracted and ended up burning the pancakes. So they headed for the Waverider as they waited for the smoke to clear. 
In the past week, they had been partially docked at S.TA.R. labs, as they disassembled half of the Med-bay and moved it into S.T.A.R. labs. So far they had been able to replicate the vaccine and we're now in the process of sending it to several clinics all around the world. While they still worked on treating current patients, everyone had taken shifts at clinics set up in Gotham City, National City Star City, and Freeland. This morning everyone had decided to take a break and eat breakfast together, the first time the team had been together in a week.
Ray had made breakfast for himself and Nora, who wasn’t feeling good and was giving Nate a lecture on the benefits of butter in coffee. Charlie and Mona were now arguing with Ava over the requirements for a healthy breakfast. Mick was stealing from everyone’s plate, except Sara’s, as he talked with Lita. Gary was making eggs with Constantine, and Behrad and Zari had a typical sibling squabble over something involving her use of the totem on the last mission.
A normal person would see all this arguing as stressful and annoying, but Sara relished in this lovely bit of normalcy. She loved living in a house with Ava, but it was always just the two of them and things were quiet. Sara missed the non-stop rambunctiousness that came with a big family. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” Gideon said as they all looked up to pay attention to her. “But there is a magical anachronism in a hospital in 1983.” 
“A hospital, then it should be fine for me and Lau.. little one. The little one to tag along,”  Sara said, patting her belly after almost letting slip Laurel’s name as she looked anywhere but at her team. Miranda had okayed a few lighter missions for her, as her health returned and Sara was eager to resume her work.
“Just be safe okay,” Ava said, leaning over to put a hand over Sara’s and to kiss her lips goodbye. 
“I will, I promise,” Sara said. 
“Okay, you heard them, Get going,” Ava said, standing up and moving to put their dishes in the dishwasher. Ava turned around to see that they were all still eating and sighed. Ava had taken over Sara’s Captain’s duties for the heavier missions, but the team was always reluctant to follow her when Sara was there.
“Alright guys let’s roll,” Sara said, rolling her eyes as she got up and the Legends soon followed her. 
“I’m going to stay behind,” Nora said, giving Ray a tired smile when she didn’t get up.
“Call me if you need anything,” Ray said, kissing her head before joining the others. 
Ray sent Ava a glance and Ava nodded, letting him know that she would keep an eye on Nora. 
“I think I’ll stay behind and keep an eye on the ship,” Ava said catching Sara’s arm.
Sara smiled and glanced over at Nora, who was still sitting at the table. “Okay, I’ll keep you updated though.”
“Thanks,” Ava said, leaned in to give her another kiss before she left.
Ava waved as everyone walked away then looked over at Nora who caught her eye and gave her a slight smile. Ava watched her push the oatmeal around in her bowl.
“Ray says you’re fighting a cold or something, is there anything I can get you?”
“I’m not sick,” Nora said with a shrug. “I just...”
“Do you want to talk about it?” Ava asked, getting up and walking over to her.
“No, I think I’ll just go lay down,” Nora said, putting up and putting her dishes on the kitchen island with the rest of the food. Ava frowned as she watched Nora leave. Both Nora and Ray were adamant about rinsing their plates and putting them in the dishwasher before they left. Ava stared at the bowl of oatmeal that Nora left out and wondered what exactly was causing Nora not to feel good. 
Ava knocked on Nora and Ray’s door with two mugs of tea in her hands. She’d admit that she just wanted to check in on Nora, but thought that the tea would be a good start.
“Hey, I thought you might appreciate this,” Ava said, offering Nora the tea when she opened the door.
“Thank you,” Nora said, taking a sip and smiling at the sweet and easy taste of the peppermint tea.
“Hey so whatever’s going on with you, if you want to talk about it I’m here for you,  you know that right?” Ava asked, leaning against the door frame. 
“It’s okay,” Nora said, looking down. “I don’t want to stress you out or anything. I know you’ve got a lot on your plate with Sara and the baby.”
“Nora,” Ava said gently. “That shouldn’t be your reason for not coming to me about anything, when I tell you I’m here for you I mean it.”
Nora nodded and stepped aside just enough for Ava to come in. Ray’s room hadn’t lost any of the nerdiness that it had before Nora moved in, as Nora had only added to his collection of Legos and books.
There was a loveseat pushed against the desk and Ava let Nora set down before taking a seat next to her. Nora just stared down into her tea, Ava patiently waited sensing the heavy topic. 
“So Ray and I bought a house in Star City.” Nora began.
“Oh,” Ava said, pretending to be surprised as she had already known about their real estate venture as it was the house across the street from them. Both she and Sara were thrilled at the prospect of having Ray and Nora as their new neighbors. 
“We have been talking about the future for a while, and we want to settle down and start a family. You know that we always thought about adopting or fostering some of my fairy god kids. That’s why we bought the house, but Ray wants to start trying for a baby as well.” 
That part Ava didn’t know about, but she kept her excitement contained, knowing that this was only a setup for what Nora actually wanted to tell her.
“So we threw all our contraceptives out and I thought I was ready and then this morning when I got my period. I was just so relieved,” Nora said, relaxing back into the couch. “And I know Ray was disappointed, but I couldn’t help it. I want to have kids too, but I just feel so ill-prepared. I’ve never even held a baby before. Let alone raised one. But the older kids, my fairy god kids, I love them and I know I can do right by then. I know what kind of parent I can be for them. I know exactly what kind of rooms I’m going to make for them. I know how I’m going to help them with their homework, and with their emotions, and I’m going to provide a stable house for them and I want that. I want to do all of that, but a baby? It’s just a whole different ballpark.” 
“Have you told any of this to Ray?” Ava said, putting her arm around Nora and scooting over to sit next to her. 
“No,” Nora whispered, looking down at her hands.
“Well maybe you should,” Ava said, trying to be as gentle as possible with her. “Because it kind of sounds to me like you’re saying you’re not ready for a baby.”
“How did you and Sara know that you’re ready for a baby?” 
“Well,” Ava said as she bit her lip. “We had talked about starting a family before and we both agreed it was something we wanted, but to be honest, this baby was a complete surprise. We weren’t trying at all and I got Sara pregnant by accident.”
“How?” Nora interrupted her waving her hands around with a look of confusion.
“Well there’s this toy that we used and basically it created sperm from my DNA and well I’m sure you know how the rest goes.”
Now it was Nora’s turn to bite her lip as she held back her laughter and covered her mouth. “You got Sara pregnant with a sex toy?”
“Technically yes,” Ava said tilting her head. “But that’s not the point. The point is that this was something we had talked about and agreed that we both wanted. So when Sara found out she was pregnant, we both knew that we wanted to keep it. We wanted to start a family and we were ready.”
“But how do I become ready?”
“I can’t tell you that, because that’s not up to me, but when you’re ready, you’re ready and if you’re not, then you should wait.”
Nora gave her a sliver of a smile and she reached out to squeeze Ava’s hand. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” Ava said, returning her smile.
“But if you want to at least get some experience with a baby, I might be able to help. Sara mentioned that Kendra, Jax, and Lily wanted to set up a virtual playdate using the Waverider’s holo system with some other parents. They invited Sara and I. If you want, you can come watch. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind.”
Nora took a moment to seriously consider the offer with a weary look in her eyes as she took another sip of the tea. “Um, I guess I could.” 
“Great,” Ava said with a smile. “If you’re ready, Jax should be by pretty soon to help set everything up?”
“Yeah just give me a second.”
A few minutes later Ava and Nora had cleared all of the furniture in the Parlor to set up for the hologram play date. Ava opened a portal for Jax who stepped through, carrying Martina with her diaper bag over his arm. 
“Hey, it’s good to see you Jax,” Ava said, walking over to greet them.
“Hey Ava, can I leave her with you while I go drop off the rest of the halo projectors?”
“Yeah, no problem,“ Ava said, taking Martina from his arms.
Ava sat down with Martina and got her entertained in a stuffed animal as Jax walked through another portal with the other halo projectors.
“Alright, I just dropped off the halo projectors for everyone and made sure they all got set up. We just need to start the connection here and we’re good to go,” Jax said, returning to the ship and looking around the parlor. “Where’s Sara?”
“Oh well, she had a mission…” Ava began to explain before she heard the telltale sound of a fight and a portal opened up on the bridge. 
They all watched as Mick, with his body behind Sara, guided her onto the bridge before disappearing back into the portal and quickly closing it behind him. Sara stood up straighter and dusted herself off before realizing Ava, Nora, and Jax were all staring at her and gave them one of her winning smiles. 
“Hey great, I’m back just in time for the playdate.”
Ava crossed her arms over her chest and raised one eyebrow at Sara. They had agreed that Sara wouldn’t get involved in any more fights, but with the Legends fights were a daily occurrence. 
“I’m fine,” Sara said, strolling up and greeting Ava with a kiss. “And the Legends are fine and they’re handling it. It’s just a little shuffle, I’m sure it’s already over. Look, I don’t even have a scratch and I got Zari to play Captain.”
“Okay.” Ava dropped her stern demeanor and wrapped her arms around Sara. Relieved to know that she was okay and that she was being safe. Besides, how could she be mad at that smile, especially when she knew that Sara was doing her best to stay safe. 
Sara pulled away from her and went over to greet Jax and Martina, because of the pandemic, they hadn’t been able to see each other for quite a few months. Sara missed her little brother and her goddaughter. Martina let out an excited squeal as Jax handed over the eight month old and she eagerly cooed in Sara’s arms as she greeted her. 
“Hey,” Sara said to her as Martina giggled and patted her face, Sara started making funny faces at the girls, causing her to break out in an ecstatic giggle.
“Hey,” Jax said with enthusiasm as Sara finally greeted him, looking down at her belly. “Look at you, you look amazing.”
“Thank you, I definitely don’t feel the glow, but everyone says I have it,” Sara said with a chuckle. “To be honest, I think they’re just trying to flatter me.”
“We are not,” Ava insisted. 
Ava looked back at Nora who had simply been watching them interact. Ava smiled at her and patted the armchair next to her. Nora slowly walked over as Sara and Jax both got settled with Martina on the floor with a few toys. 
Ava could sense that Nora was uneasy and quickly put her arm around her. “It’ll be fun I promise.”
Nora just nodded as they started. Lily was the first to appear on their right with Ronnie. 
“Hey,” Lily and Ronnie waved to them. 
“Hey guys,” Jax and Sara greeted them. 
“Lily this is Nora,” Ava said as she waved to them. “I think you guys have met before.”
“Yeah, I think we saw you with Ray a couple of times, but it’s nice to finally meet you,” Lily said, waving at Nora. “I guess we’re a bit early Ronnie.” 
“Hey look who it is,” Jax said as Barry and Nora appeared next to Lily. 
“Hey,” Barry said as he greeted all of them. “This is so cool I can’t believe we didn’t think of this earlier.
“Barry, you remember our Nora right?” Sara said, looking up at her with a smile.
“Oh yeah,” Barry said holding up 11 month old Nora West Allen. “Nora meet Nora.”
“Hi,” Nora waved. 
“Hey, I thought that John and Felicity would be joining with their kids?” Lily said as Ronnie tried to pay with baby Nora. 
“They were but little Sara, Connor, and JJ had school work to do and Felicity just got Mia down a nap,” Sara explained as Martina crawled out of her arms. “But Kendra and Hector should be joining soon.”
Martina crawled over and sat in front of them as Ava leaned down to pick her up.
“Here,” Ava said, popping Martina into Nora’s arms. 
Two of them eyed each other warily for a second until Ava tickled Martina’s sides and the little girl laughed and broke out into a wonderful smile. Martina babbled to Nora about nothing and Nora nodded along as if it was the most fascinating thing she had ever heard. 
“See,” Ava said, nudging her shoulder. “You’re a natural.”
“I don’t know about that,” Nora said, not taking her eyes off of Martina. “She hasn’t cried yet.”
“Just take it one step at a time.”
“Oh, I bet that’s Kendra,” Lily said as Kendra and Hector’s holograms came into focus. “Ronnie look, Hector’s here.” 
They all watched as the three year old boys tried to hug each other and simply gasped the open air. Ronnie and Hector were the same age having been born only a few months apart and were inseparable. Although they were disappointed, the boys quickly brought over a few of their own toys to show to each other and quickly became engrossed in their play.
Ava chuckled as they played and looked over at Nora who still seemed nervous. 
“Hey,” Sara said, as Kendra came to sit down next to her, leaned back and held her t-shirt over her stomach to outline her baby bump.
“Hey, look at you,” Kendra said with excitement. “You look amazing.”
“I do not,” Sara laughed.
“Yeah, you do,” Jax insisted.
“Yeah, you’ve definitely got the glow,” Berry added.
“See that’s what I told her!” Lily said. 
They all dissolved into a light-hearted argument over Sara’s pregnancy glow which soon turned into more baby talk. Ava looked over at Nora as Martina babbled at her excitedly. Baby Nora walked over on wobbled steps and waved around a teething ring. 
Martina tried to reach for baby Nora’s teething ring and was getting frustrated she couldn’t hold the hologram toy. She soon began to cry and a flustered Nora put her back into Ava’s arms. Ava gently bounced her and looked around and reached to grab another one of Martina’s real toys, a stuffed giraffe, and waved it around to get her attention. Martina quickly calmed down as she took the toy and immediately put it in her mouth. 
Baby Nora looked up at them and thrust her toy into Nora’s lap.
“Hi,” Nora said to her.
“Hi!” baby Nora excitedly said, before trying to grab Nora’s knee and fell through and just sat on the floor as she half babbled half talked to Martina. 
Ava turned a girl around so she could sit in her lap and talk to Baby Nora and watched as Nora let out a deep breath.
“Are you good?” Ava asked.
“Yeah, I mean holding Martina was surreal and I still don’t feel any more ready, but this is nice,” Nora said, looking away from the girls and over at Ava. 
Ava smiled and leaned over to hug her. “Good, I’m glad you’re happy and I’m so excited for you and Ray to be our neighbors and have a family of your own. You deserve it Nora.”
Nora smiled as she looked around the room at all the kids. “Yeah.”
May 9th, 2020. Week Twenty Five
Sara opened the box for Laurel’s dresser. Why did everything have to come disassembled in a box, she deeply regretted not paying extra for assembly right now. She pulled out all of the little bags of screws before looking over the instructions. Sara soon had everything laid out in front of her, the tools, the screws, the instructions, and the pieces all in sections. She was determined to do things right and build it properly. 
Dressers were a huge danger for babies if not built properly and secured the wall. Sara’s own mother liked to tell the story of when Sara was an infant and had ended up climbing her dresser drawers like stairs. The whole thing had almost fallen on top of her.
Sara took a deep breath. If she could fly the Waverider through time without a navigation system, code Gideon to respond to specific voice commands, and learn the ins-and-outs of how to fix a 22nd century ship, then she could build a dresser.
Ava with everything going on wanted to be extra prepared for Laurel and had gotten a head start on the nursery. They didn’t have everything they needed, but they were putting together most of the furniture and painting the room. Sara loved the fact that her family was able to help her put together the nursery. Even if her original plan was to wait until after the baby shower to do the nursery. 
However, with the current pandemic, she didn’t think she would be able to have the shower. Instead, they had posted their wishlist online for friends and family to order from and have things delivered to their house. Ava and her mom had promised that they would do a shower after the pandemic had ended Sara knew that wouldn’t be until after she had given birth. 
Sara grabbed the front and left side of the first drawer and reached for the screwdriver only to come up empty. “Hey, who took my screwdriver?” 
“Ray has it upstairs. They needed it for the crib.” Zari said, not looking up from her phone. 
Sara sighed and looked over at Charlie and Zari who were given the easiest task of putting together the mobile, as neither of them were very handy. Ava had insisted that the shapes mobile would be educational and soothing. They had all the shapes, wooden hangers, and strings out, but were consumed by the new app on Zari’s phone. 
“Hey,” Sara said, snapping her finger at them. “Please put that together and then you can either go help paint or play on your game.”
Zari rolled her eyes. “I was just showing Charlie this new thing. It’ll only take a sec.”
“Okay, but then can you please get to work? I want all the nursery furniture set so it can go in as soon as they’re done painting.”
“Why?” Zari asked looking up at her phone. “Won’t the walls still be wet?”
“Yes, but I just want to get an idea of what it will look like?” 
“But you can’t even see the color when it’s all wet and stiff?”
“Please you guys,” Sara pleaded, putting her hand on her chest. “This is really important to Ava and I’ve helped you, Zari, redecorate your room four times since you started living on the Waverider.”
“Well one can’t live in the same boring room every season,” Zari said, as if it was obvious.
Sara dropped her hands back into her lap and set them both with a hard look. 
“Okay.” They both quickly agreed and got to work on the mobile. 
Sara smiled as she looked back at the dresser drawer. She located all of her pieces, and all she needed was the screwdriver. Sara looked around but didn’t see it. “Hey, did you two take my screwdriver?”
Charlie snorted as Zari just looked at her perplexed. “Ray just came by and took it a few seconds ago remember?”
“Oh yeah, right, of course,” Sara said, trying to play it off even though she only had no memory of it. “I was just talking about the other one?”
“What other one?” Charlie asked, mirroring Sara’s confused look. “We’re using the Phillips head, remember?”
“Whatever,” Sara said, getting more frustrated as her memory failed her. “I’m just going to go look for another one.” 
It had been happening more often lately. Sara would forget little things like where she put things, like her phone, the jumpship keys, or the remote. She charged up the stairs, determined to get the screwdriver, but was stopped by Mick at the top.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Mick said, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“I need the screwdriver!” 
He gruffed, but didn’t move. “I’ll have Haircut bring it down and help you build the dresser.”
“I don’t need help and it’s perfectly fine for me to be around house paint!” Sara insisted, crossing her arms. “I need a screwdriver.”
“It ain’t about the paint, Pantsuit told me not to let you see the nursery, as she wants to surprise you. So Haircut will bring one to you later,” Mick said, shooing her off with a wave of his hand.
Sara scoffed. “So you’re going to listen to her over me?”
Mick didn’t reply, just gave her a grunt, and stood firm in his place on the stairs.
Sara growled in frustration and stormed back downstairs. All she wanted to do was put together the stupid dresser and while she might not be able to do it here, there were extra tools on the Waverider. Sara tried to bend down to collect the pieces for the dresser, but it was a little more difficult as her growing belly put her off balance and she ended up falling on her butt. 
“Let me help Cap,” Charlie said, taking some pieces from her. 
“No I got it,” Sara snapped at them and jerked back.
“Okay, no worries,” Charlie said, holding up their hands, they looked briefly offended, but quickly school their features.
“I’m sorry Charlie. I didn’t mean to snap at you,” Sara sighed and then tears collected in her eyes. She didn’t want to be angry like that and snap at her friends, but her emotions seem to be getting the better of her these days. It was a crazy roller coaster of highs and lows that she was struggling to deal with.
Charlie and Zari exchanged a look, unsure of how to help, but Zari stepped forward to lay a hand on her shoulder. “There, there, it’s okay.”
“I’m going to go put the dresser together,” Sara said as she brushed off her hand. 
She collected a few pieces of the dresser before quickly opening a portal onto the Waverider’s lab and promptly closed the portal behind her, not waiting for their response.
Once she was on the Waverider Sara took a deep breath and spread out all the pieces. However, she quickly realized that she had only grabbed a few random pieces and not even enough to complete a whole drawer. Sara’s tears finally broke free and she cried into her hands, letting herself truly sob as she knew no one was around. She walked over to the couch and laid down as she cried herself out. 
Sara felt like she couldn’t do anything on her own anymore, and it made her so frustrated. She soon felt a kick in her belly as Laurel started moving around like she always did whenever Sara lied down. Laurel’s kicks had become stronger and more frequent. Sara wiped her eyes and put a hand on her belly and focused on Laurel, but the tears wouldn’t let up and Sara continued to sob. 
After Sara had cried herself out, Laurel decided to do jumping jacks on her bladder and Sara quickly got off the couch and made her way to the bathroom. Afterward, Sara got hungry and went over to the kitchen, opening the fridge door and cruising the available options and quickly grabbed some nuts and berries. 
Sara was about to sit down as she heard another portal opening in the hall and turned to see Ava step onto the ship. Sara smiled at Ava’s cute look. Her hair was tied back in a low bun, there was a hat on the top of her head and she was wearing a dirty old t-shirt and a pair of overalls spotted with paint. Ava looked around before spotting Sara in the kitchen and walked towards her.
“Hey you,” Ava said, returning her smile. “Charlie and Zari said you’d ran off with part of the dresser, after yelling at them and then almost crying?”
“Yeah,” Sara said, looking down at her food and picking at some almonds.
Ava didn’t say anything, she just stepped forward and was about to wrap her arms around Sara’s waist, but then stopped. Ava looked down at her paint covered overalls and Sara’s clean shirt. So she settled for merely putting her hand on Sara’s back and rubbing soft circles over her shoulders. 
“My emotions have just been so up-and-down the past few days.”
“I know,” Ava said, having watched Sara’s emotion flip flop and knowing how Sara struggled to remain composed during such times. “I know you’re trying your best not to lose your cool with anybody and I’m proud of you for trying to do so. So you just take as much time as you need and we are all going to give you the grace you deserve.”
Sara smiled and looked over at her for the first time since Ava stepped through the portal. 
“Thank you,” Sara said, leaning up to give Ava a quick kiss.
“Of course, do you want me to go get the other pieces and help you assemble the dresser in the lab?”
“Is the nursery all painted?”
“Not yet, but I think the others can handle it.” 
“Okay,” Sara said, as she took Ava’s hand and let Ava lead her into the lab. While Ava was getting the rest of the pieces to assemble, Sara gathered all of the tools they would need. Once Ava returned they quickly got the dresser put together. As Sara stepped back to look at the dresser. She was reminded of the time they built the wardrobe in purgatory. She looked over at Ava and knew she was having similar thoughts.
Ava came up behind her and wrapped her arms around her waist, settling them on Sara’s belly. “I’m happy you’re on my team.”
“I’m happy you’re on my team too,” Sara said, resting back against Ava’s chest. 
“And I’m really happy with the life we’re literally building together,” Ava said, as she rested her chin on Sara’s shoulder.
“I hope you’re only talking about the dresser because I’m the only one pregnant here,” Sara said, as Laurel started kicking inside of her again and Ava moved her hands to feel her. 
“I know, I know,” Ava said with a chuckle.
“I hope you know because I just put blood in her capillary blood vessels.”
“Did you now?” Ava said in the tone that was slightly serious, but mostly playful.
“Yep,” Sara said, pretending to be very serious. “And because of that, her skin is turning pink.”
“Wow that is pretty impressive,” Ava said, nodding her head. 
“Yeah, I downloaded an app,” Sara said, pulling her phone out and showing Ava. The app told them how big Laurel was inside of her, what kind of fruit to compare her to, and some facts about how their baby was growing, along with what Sara would expect week to week.
Sara could feel as Ava smiled against her shoulder as she pressed her lips into the skin exposed by Sara’s tank top. Ava just hummed and Sara melted further into her arms. 
“You are amazing,” Ava said, her voice genuine.
“Thank you,” Sara whispered, not feeling the need to speak higher as Ava was so close. “You’re pretty amazing too, you’re just not building a baby right now, so.”
Ava scoffed at her and stood up straighter behind her. “Ah excuse me.”
“Well it’s true,” Sara said, defending her words.
Sara could practically hear as Ava rolled her eyes. 
“I hope your behavior improves before Laurel is born because I do not want our child to be a brat like you are,” Ava said pinching Sara’s hip.
“Ow,” Sara shouted and spun around away from her. “I can’t believe you just pinched your pregnant fiancee.” 
Sara tried to be playful with her, but it had really hurt and she was more sensitive these days. Along with the fact that she had already been crying, it was easy for the tears to slip out. Sara hastily wiped them away with her hands.
“Oh my god, Sara. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was just teasing you.” Ava did a complete 180 and walked around to face her and rub her hands up and down Sara’s arms.
“It’s okay,” Sara said to her sniffles “I was teasing you too. I just keep crying today.”
Ava just shook her head and pulled her in as she continued to rub her hands up and down Sara’s back until Sara was able to calm down and pull away. 
“Are you ready to take the dresser to the nursery and see how the painting is going?” Ava asked when the tears had subsided.
“Yeah,” Sara said trying to smile. 
Ava nodded and opened a portal into the living room again. Sara was surprised to see that no one was there. However, the lovely smell coming from the kitchen told her that the Legends were not very far, as they were not ones to stray far from a fresh meal.
“I’m going to pop upstairs and see how it’s going,” Ava said, squeezing her hand once again before letting go and heading up the stairs. Ava turned back to look at Sara when she was at the top of the steps and Sara gave her a reassuring smile as she wandered over to the kitchen.
Ray must have been the one cooking because there was what looked and smelled like a zucchini pasta casserole in the oven with just a few minutes left on the timer. Sara looked over to the dining room table to see that it had already been set, along with a plate of roasted vegetables. Her favorite, as well as some garlic bread. Sara snagged a spoon from one of the place settings and reached over to steal a bite from the plate of vegetables. Sara closed her eyes as she savored the warm and wonderful taste. 
“Sara!” Ava scolded her as she quickly descended down the stairs. 
Sara just smiled knowing she would get away with it and put her hand on her belly, if only for added effect. “What, we were hungry.”
Her tone was seemingly innocent and Sara accompanied it with a soft smile. Ava saw right through her, but sighed as she approached her and swiped Sara’s nose with her finger. 
“You are too smooth,” Ava said, leaning in to give Sara a quick peck on the lips. “Now come on. We have something to show you.”
Ava smiled as she took Sara’s hand and lead her up the stairs. Sara’s brow furrowed as she wandered what Ava could possibly have in store. They couldn’t have possibly finished the nursery in such a short amount of time, but Sara trusted Ava unconditionally. They reached the door to the nursery and Ava hesitated, but smiled and looked over at her. 
“Do you want to close your eyes or just walk in?” Ava asked her. 
Sara knew that she wanted her to close her eyes, but Sara wasn’t very fond of being blind. Ever since she was blinded after Charlie’s sister Atropos showed her her true form, Sara hated to be blindfolded. Ava knew this and was always gentle with her when it came to her sight. 
“Can I just walk in?”
“Of course,” Ava said as she put her hand on the door handle. 
Sara smiled and bit her lip in anticipation. Although it was quiet, Sara could still hear her family, waiting for them in the nursery. 
Ava pushed open the door and put her hand on Sara’s forearm as she stood behind her. Sara stepped in to get a better look and was greeted with all the Legend’s smiling faces.
“Surprise!” They all shouted and parted to the sides of the room to show her. The white modern crib had been put together and made up with a fresh gray sheet, as the shapes mobile hung above it. There was also the bookshelf and dresser that she and Ava had to put together.
Sara looked around the room, it was painted a shade of olive green. It was still pretty bare with just the few pieces of white furniture, but there were a few books on the shelf that made it look more made up. It was the beginnings of a nursery and now Sara could see more clearly what it would look like. Sara quickly became overwhelmed as tears filled her eyes and she put her hand over her mouth.
“It’s perfect.”
Ava came over and put her hand around Sara’s shoulders to comfort her. Sara didn’t realize she was crying until Ava reached out to wipe away her tears with her hand.
“Here Sara, sit,” Ray said as he stepped aside to reveal a recliner chair and Sara teared up again. It was the exact one that she had been looking at online a few days ago, she didn’t even add it to her wish list, but somehow they just knew. It’s a slim chair with soft tan fabric that gently rocked as Sara sat in it.  
“We thought the bookshelf looked a little empty so Dad and I got you this,” Lita said, handing her a hardback picture book with a painted picture of the Waverider on it. Sara flipped through the pages. It was the story of the Legends, a bit more kid friendly, but with all of their adventures, leading up to the addition of a baby girl, their Laurel. “Dad wrote it and I did all the illustrations.”
Lita beamed with pride as Mick an arm around her shoulder smiling as well. Sara looked up at all of them, her family, as they stood before her in the room that they made for her daughter. 
“Thank you.” Was all she managed to whisper.
“We were happy to help,” Ray said.
“Yeah, of course, anything for you boss.” All of them said, as they nodded and smiled at her.
They’re all distracted by the kitchen timer and everyone filed out of the room eager for food.  Sara took a moment to look around the room once more and Ava hesitated in the doorway, but Sara nodded at her to go. Mick was the last one there and stood in the doorway as well, watching over her. Sara got up and walked over to him, she just smiled.
“Yeah, um, but that wasn’t my idea I was roped into it,” Mick said, looking down at the ground.
“Sure,”  Sara said, just shaking her head. “You know, after watching you be a father to Lita, I’ve never seen you happier Mick and I hope that you’ll be a part of my kid’s life as well.”
Mick just nodded and he didn’t have to say what she already knew. They’ve been friends since the beginning although they had their ups and downs, she knew that he was always there for her, like the big brother she didn’t know she needed. 
He looked down at her belly and Sara nodded as he reached out to place a hand on her stomach. Sara pulled it over to where Laurel was kicking her left side. Mick laughed as Laurel kicked particularly hard against his hand and gave her belly a light pat. It felt like she was being poked from the inside, but it didn’t hurt and Sara smiled as well. 
“Come on we better get downstairs before they eat all the food,” Mick said, heading out of the room, but looking back to wait for her to follow.
“Don’t worry they’ll be hell to pay if they eat all the food before me,” Sara said, giving him a sly smile and pulling a knife out of her jeans, just to joke with him.
Mick let out a full belly laugh and put a hand around her shoulders. “You gonna let the kid keep knives on them?”
“Probably, but only once they get older,” Sara said with a shrug as they walked down the hall. “I mean you let Lita use the heat gun all the time.”
Mick just shrugged. “A girl’s got to know how to defend herself, yeah.”
“Yeah,” Sara said, putting her knife away and settling her hand over Laurel.
When they got down to the dining room Ava got up and pulled out Sara’s chair for her. They had already dished her up a full plate and just as she and Mick had anticipated, the majority of the food was gone as the Legends had thoroughly dug in. Sara watched everybody talk, there was one large conversation going on with little pockets of people turning to talk to each other. 
Ava put her arm around her and pulled her chair closer and Sara smiled. She looked over at her and Ava leaned in to press a kiss to her cheek before she turned back to resume her conversation with Nora. This was her family and Sara wouldn’t trade it for the world.
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