#and yams is the only other person who knows this and who will ever know this.
caifanes · 10 months
the version of hq!! i’m watching has a far better quality of translation than the one i saw in 2015 so i have a better handle of the game logistics but as far as interpersonal dialogue, it’s much more committed to translating the emotion of the vocal performance rather than just the words, but it’s still not overly westernized that it’s scraping to equate certain cultural signals
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Summer 2020 - The Hard Deck
Chapter 8 Part 1 of You Are My Soulmate
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Reader
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Description: Two months. Sometimes you can't believe you've already been dating Bradley Bradshaw, the most perfect man you've ever met and your soulmate, for that long. But with the pressures of being officers in the Navy and everything your jobs entail, you haven't taken your relationship to the next step. When a night at The Hard Deck has you seeing green, you decide enough is enough. Bradley is your soulmate and you're going to make sure he knows just how much you love him.
Disclaimers: Misogynistic speech. Mentioned Homosexual Relationships. Angst. Flagrant disregard for protocols or Authority. Angst. Anguish.
This content presented in this story is for audiences age 18 and over only. MINORS DNI. I will not be accepting tag-list requests from Blank or Ageless Blogs for this story.
Warnings: Female!Reader
Word Count: 4051
A/N: Hiya lovelies! I'm back with yet another chapter of YAMS! My muse sort of went into hibernation between March and now, but never fear, this fic is not on hiatus! I hope you all love this chapter as much as I do!
AO3: Cross-posted Here!
Wattpad: Cross-posted Here!
My Masterlist
Previous Part | Series Masterlist | Next Part
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It’s been only a little under a year since you came to North Island. So much has changed over that time. The biggest change? Finding Bradley Bradshaw. You can’t believe you once wished anyone else could be your soulmate. Now, you’re not sure you could wish for anyone else. It feels like your entire outlook on life has changed, because you’re not sure you could go back to the person who wasn’t quickly falling in love with their soulmate.
Bradley Bradshaw is different now, too. When he’s not on base, he’s sweet and kind, considerate in a way you’d agreed he wouldn’t be when you were on duty. A part of the reason why is because nobody on base (except your best friends) knows that Bradley Bradshaw is your soulmate. Neither of you is in a rush to put a label on what you are either. Jake and Javy have both asked you, repeatedly, whether you're together, but you can’t tell them not when you’re not sure what is going on between you and your soulmate. After your contentious first few months at North Island, you’re a little afraid to ask Bradley, as well. What if that question makes everything devolve between the two of you? What if you go back to the fighting? You’re not sure you can go back to how it used to be between the two of you, with tension rising in the air between you. You think Bradley feels the same as you do. You hope he does. While you can still see the disbelief on his face sometimes when you kiss him, like he can’t believe he’s yours, you’re still not sure.
The rumor mill around North Island hasn’t helped anything. It’s obvious the newest Top Gun class has heard the rumors of the last few months. It should be a blessing they haven’t focused on the events leading up to Hawk’s inquiry and its aftermath. Instead, they’ve chosen to focus on what is going on (or may be going on) between you and Bradley. No doubt they’ve heard from Calypso, who was as gossipy as could be, before coming to North Island. You’ve witnessed it yourself, how the LTJG gossip network works. How else would news of the great Maverick’s latest brush with the Admiralty become the next talked about thing when you’re on board a ship for months at a time? Now every interaction you have with the Dagger Squadron is examined with a fine-toothed comb when superior officers aren’t present. You’ve heard some truly ridiculous things at this point, just by walking past the lounge.
“Have you seen how Tinkerbell is with Phoenix and Bob? I’m pretty sure she’s fucking both of them in addition to Bradshaw. The question is if they know or if she’s cheating on each of them with the others?”
As if that wasn’t ridiculous enough, it seems like you’re rumored to be romantically linked to almost every Dagger you speak to.
“Okay, but have you seen how she acts with Coyote and Hangman? If she gets any closer to them when they’re off duty, she’d be on top of them.”
“I bet you 50, she is!”
“I’d take that bet, but Hangy’s too buttoned up for that!”
If only it were just the Dagger Squad you’ve been rumored to be in a relationship with.
“She’s totally got an April-September thing going on with Admiral Mitchell! You’ve seen him napping on the sofa in front of her desk! Why else would an Admiral be in the AMDO hangar?”
Your favorite rumors of all, though, are the ones about Bradley and you. 
“Bradshaw has to be who she is dating! He smiles so much when she’s around him! There’s this tension between the two of them all the time! If they’re not head over heels for each other, then I think I need a vacation (or my radar is broken).”
“That’s a shame, Jiffy! Are you a WSO or aren’t you?”
“Fuck you, Toast! Anyways, like I was saying, they’ll be fucking before we graduate from Top Gun!”
They’re your favorite rumors because they’re the ones most likely to come true, not that any of the class will come to know, especially not Toast and Jiffy, from whom you heard that last parlay. 
It’s the turmoil of being known as Bradley Bradshaw’s soulmate which has had you in a tailspin since the aftermath of that all too successful first date. Can you be known as his? Yes. Do you want to be known as his? Yes and no. That’s about where your feelings and thoughts get complicated. You’d love to scream “Bradley Bradshaw is my soulmate” from the rooftops. But you’re also tired of the double standard. You get enough of it as is, being a successful female, AMDO Lieutenant Commander in the US Navy. The words Bradley had flung at you that first night on North Island (the ones he has apologized for a hundred times)? You’ve heard them more times than you can count. You’re sure you’ll hear them again. But you’re also sure that if the news of you and Bradley being soulmates gets out, every achievement of your career will be in question.
Despite all of the leading research in the world, nobody fully understands how far and deep soulmate bonds go. After all, it’s difficult to, when there are as many types of bonds as there are and even more types of soul markers. You and your soul shared dreams, centered around different objects integral to your soul's identity. Your parents only heard the music the other was listening to until they met. Jake and Javy hold each other’s names on their skin, written out in each other's handwriting. It seems like each type of bond holds a different type of connection, too. In the two months since you and Bradley crashed together, opening the bond, you’ve begun to feel his emotions, get a sense of what he's thinking. Nobody knows how the bond will evolve, but you’re sure it could evolve into a full telepathic bond given time. If anyone were to know, they’d assume your talent with fighter jets came from your soul. They’d find it hard to believe you knew anything of your own. The thoughts have you questioning yourself just a little, too. Before you met him, who knows how much of the bond was open? How much of your success was due to him and how much of it was due to your own hard work?
Thankfully, you have Mav and Ice to confide in and counsel you. Their advice and reassurances have gone a long way in helping you sort out exactly how and when you want your bond publicized. As it turns out, you weren’t the only person to be shocked when they found out Ice and Mav are each other’s soulmates. It’s probably the US Navy’s best kept secret, to be clear. Very few people know, mostly family and commanding officers. You’ve even had the chance to view their public files. There is only a singular line mentioning their bond in each file, stating the words Soulbound, Married followed by the other’s initials.
The way Mav tells it, keeping each other hidden, keeping their bond quiet, has been the biggest help of their careers. Ice would have never been able to protect Mav over the years if their bond had been widely publicized. Of course, like most things in life, it wasn't easy. But it's the price they've each paid time and again to be with each other in spite of their dual need to succeed in their chosen fields.
Bradley and you've talked about it, too. It wasn’t a unilateral decision on either of your parts. You both have goals in your careers you are trying to achieve. So you're trying to follow the same precedent and example. But despite Mav’s warnings, you weren’t expecting keeping your distance from Bradley Bradshaw to be quite so difficult. At work, it's not as big a deal, staying away from each other. It feels like you couldn’t behave in any other way, honestly. Every motion is choreographed, governed by the muscle memory of bodies conditioned by the US Navy into holding themselves a certain way, responding in a certain way.
Unfortunately, the two of you act the same way when you're alone. When you're at home or at Mav and Ice's house, you melt into him, kiss him, hold him like you've been aching to for your whole life. But when you’re out and about in San Diego, he keeps a constant distance between you. He doesn’t slip his arm around your shoulder or your waist, kiss your cheek or shoulder or any of the hundreds of little ways couples you see on the street show their love for each other. You know it’s part and parcel of your pact. But it still makes you feel like a dirty little secret when you know you’re anything but. At least Bradley still kisses you like he believes you are going to disappear if he blinks. Each embrace, each brush of his lips against your skin sparks an inferno. But that is it. As soon as his lips meet your skin, they're gone again.
For weeks you've been feeling the itch under your skin, begging you to get closer to your soul. You're craving intimacy, a need to imprint yourself on his skin so deep he'll never forget who he belongs to. You might not be able to show it publicly, but privately, you’re ready to stake your claim. You know how gorgeous your soul is, inside and out. After all, you have eyes. You would never have noticed him the first night at the Hard Deck all those months ago if it weren’t for his charisma and looks. If only there was a way you could show him, in front of anyone who matters.
It doesn’t help that you can’t even kiss him when you’re off duty most of the time, because you inevitably find yourselves at The Hard Deck with the rest of the Dagger Squadron. There are too many eyes on you, on the Dagger Squadron when you’re there. They’re practically famous, and with Naval personnel other than the Daggers around, you can’t risk anything. When the Daggers are involved, things always seem to get turned on their heads. They are an affectionate squadron, closer to family than colleagues, preferring to hug each other with impunity. After all, you’ve seen the puppy-pile the lot of them turn into after a particularly rough training session at the behest of Mav. So it’s no wonder the rumors fly as fast and furiously about them as they do.
Anti-fraternization regulations are one thing. The badge bunnies and the odd bachelorette parties who wander into the Hard Deck for fun with some men and women in uniform are something else entirely. With enough alcohol, they flirt with anyone in sight. It’s no wonder they flirt as much as they do with your soulmate. They fall over themselves when he sits at the piano at the end of the bar, a flirty smile on his lips as he tickles the ivory keys and sings with his gorgeous voice. He’s your soulmate. You know it in your soul, just as you know all the reasons why Bradley would never pick one of them. But logic and reasoning don’t keep you from seeing red whenever other women flirt with your man.
It’s late, half-past 11 at the very least, with the time ticking closer to midnight with every elapsed second. All the regulars have mostly cleared out tonight, leaving only the Daggers, you, and a few scantily-clad girls in the bar. The Daggers are often the first to enter the bar when it opens and the last to leave. Right now, they’re all arrayed at the pool tables, talking shit and taking shots with the cues in turn. Penny’s behind the bar, like always, though even she seems less than pleased by the high-pitched giggling from the bachelorette party tottering about on too high heels. You hope she’s at least getting good tips from their repeated squeals for shots.
Bradley’s the only Dagger not at the pool tables. Even Bob with his ever-present can of soda and cup of peanuts is over there. If you focus, you think you can hear him roasting Jake in that quiet understated way of his. But most of your focus is on the badge bunny draped across Bradley’s broad chest. She stinks of cheap tequila, you could probably smell her from a mile away, and only the sash draped around her proclaiming her to be the maid-of-honor explains why she’s in this bar. What’s pissing you off just a little more than how this slut is draped over your soulmate is how she barely seems to care how you’re right there. You’ve been standing next to Bradley all night long, closer than is proper for colleagues. His hand’s been looped through one of the belt-loops on your jeans all night too, hidden behind the high table, palm scorching as it rests just over the swell of your ass. What part of your posture screams “This man is single”? If that wasn’t enough, he’d been leaning into your face as you chatted in intimate whispers barely audible over the music. 
She’d barged right into the middle of your conversation, tossing her hair and batting her eyelashes. Even now, she’s flirting and giggling, the high-pitched noises making you wince, putting you so thoroughly on edge that you feel like you’re seconds from snapping. You sigh when she finally stumbles away, her heels clacking clumsily over the sticky floor. You could do without the come-hither eyes she sends Bradley’s way, but at least Bradley doesn’t seem to notice. His attention is on you, like it has been all night.
“Fuck,” His voice is rough, the sound wrapping around you in a way that makes your panties just a little wet. “I’m sorry about that, sweetheart.”
He tugs you in a little closer by your belt loops, the motion soothing the ragged edges of your nerves as the Sandalwood of his cologne drowns you.
“She just wouldn’t go away!”
He drags his hand, the one with his US Naval Academy ring with its garnet gem through his curls as he downs the last few sips of his beer. You track a droplet as it drips down his cut jaw, and desperately want to kiss your soul once again. Of course, that feeling is drowned by more rage as you catch the cow-eyes little miss Maid-of-Honor is making in her sparkly hot pink dress on the other side of the bar. 
It makes you a little reckless as you spit words out, trying to provoke an argument, something to make your soul realize little things like a woman flirting with him, touching him, bothers you.
“Hmm… I wonder why, Roo?” You roll your eyes and stamp your foot a little. “Maybe it’s ‘cause you looked happy to have her wrapped around you?”
He recoils at your words and vitriolic tone, a puppy-dog pout dragging the corners of his mouth down for just a few seconds before resettling his lips into his most charming grin. It’s too charming for words, eroding at the edges of your anger just enough to make her flirting seem less troubling than it is.
“Is everything okay, Tink?” His hand slides up, rubbing at your hip in slow circles, but you’re not willing to give in. “C’mon baby, tell me what I did wrong. I can’t fix it if I don’t know.”
You gulp the last bit of your margarita in response before shoving the glass into his chest.
“It’s nothing, Roo. I’m fine. Just a little thirsty, that’s all.”
Your excuse is slim at best. You know it. So does he by the quirk in his brow as he looks at you. 
“We’ll talk about this when you’re ready.”
Maybe it’s the bond working to let him know when you’re not ready to talk. But when he grabs his empty beer bottle and your martini glass and turns around to walk back to the bar, your irrational anger rears its ugly little head again. Because there she is in all of her glory, whispering with one of her friends, waving him over with red-taloned fingers while seductively staring at your soul. She’s obviously noticed the swagger in his hips just as much as you have. If only she’d noticed your glower in her direction, a gaze which is quickly turning into a piercing glare. You’re not trying to pick a fight, tonight. It's not Bradley's fault that women find him irresistible. You just want your soul to know she bothers you. And you want her to know he’s not hers to seduce into her bed just because he’s hot.
So your tone is artificially light as you call out, just loud enough over the din that Bradley hears you.
“You don’t even know you’re doing it, huh?”
“Doing what?” He sounds confused, adorably so.
“I mean, it’s obvious you haven’t spent any time on a farm.”
You grin from ear-to-ear, fighting the urge to fist-bump the air, when he turns around, out of the line of sight of little miss Maid-of-Honor at the other end of the bar. He thuds the empties down and crosses his arms across his chest, the muscles bulging mouth-wateringly in front of you. It’s obvious he knows what you’re up to based on the amused quirk to his lips, but he’s playing along regardless.
“And you have?”
There’s a sparkle in his eyes as he looks down at you. Your grin could be called positively wicked in response.
“Sure I have! Seresin Ranch is an awful lot of fun at Christmas-time!” You tug one of the chairs over and sit down in it, keeping the high table between you and your soulmate. “You know what else they have at Seresin Ranch?”
“Lemme take a quick guess here…” 
His eyebrows raise as he pretends to think. 
You relish in the shape of your lips as you pop the ‘p’ in your too cheeky response to him.
“And there is one ole Rooster in the flock, too. And you know how he walks? Especially when he’s got a hen he’s wooing?”
“Just like I do?” Your lips quirk at the disappointment on his face, destroying the mock thoughtful pout you'd sent your soul's way moments before. When a smile sneaks onto his lips unwillingly, you giggle. He looks fondly exasperated at the sight of your glee, but takes a step closer to you.
“God, Tinky! If I hadn’t been right here all night, I would’ve been asking you just how much you’ve had to drink tonight!”
You can’t find it in you to respond, the thoughts flitting past at lightning speed. It feels like you’re magnetized to his presence. One of his big hands wraps around your hip as he comes to stand between your open legs. He’s a lot, all of a sudden, standing there so close. It’s a little overwhelming. You can’t keep your eyes off of his face, eyes straying repeatedly over the little laugh lines stamped at the corner of his eyes and the way his lips are spit-slicked and a little chapped. You’re so close to him, you’d be kissing him if you pressed upwards just a little more. But somehow, you can’t bring yourself to.
“You’re jealous.”
Everything in you screams you should deny the statement. But you can’t lie. The bond would tell him what your face hasn’t already.
“C-can you blame me?”
The words leave you in a puff of breath, barely audible over the clinking glasses and the whir of the jukebox in the corner.
“Why would you be jealous? I promise there’s no reason for you to be jealous. I promise, sweetheart.” There’s something almost knowing in his face.
“I - I should believe you, Bradley, but I don’t. There's no reason why I shouldn't be jealous of the girls who flirt with you who look like that.” You want to believe him, but the words aren't reassuring in the slightest. “E - especially when I know I’ve never once looked like that on my best days, forget my worst.”
He cups your cheek in his big hand, his skin hot against yours.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful, sweetheart.” He sighs, then, pressing his forehead against yours. “And you don’t even know it, do you? That first night? When you were chatting with Penny at the bar wearing that sundress? I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you. I was tracking you all night. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you ever since. You have a way of taking over the room with your presence. You’re so sure of who you are and what you’re capable of. You’ve never shied about going after what you want. I admire that about you. I adore that about you.”
“So trust me, beautiful, when I say you have nothing to worry about. You never have and you never will. I know it in my very soul.”
This? This is exactly why it took less than two months for you to fall head-over-heels in love with your soulmate. He always seems to know what to say to make you see things in a different way. All of a sudden, it feels like there isn’t anyone else in the room. The noise of the jukebox, of the Daggers squabbling in the background fades away. All you want in that moment is your soul. But just before you fling yourself into his arms, the shattering of glass jolts you out of your feelings. You're too close to Bradley Bradshaw - too close for a pair of colleagues sharing a late night drink after a long day. Were you both anywhere else, you would have kissed him already, given your preoccupation with the taste of him, the scent of him, the feel of him.
Instead, you murmur, “I'm heading out, Roo. I've got this terrible headache and I should probably turn in early for the night.”
You know he's looking at you with those big, deep brown eyes, trying to get you to meet his gaze, convince you to stay for another drink, another chat, another laugh. But you can’t. You're at the end of your rope. If you were to fall now, loosen your grip on the chains keeping you in check, it would result in the destruction of your efforts. The Daggers barely acknowledge your goodbyes, too absorbed by the game of pool happening before their eyes. Penny wraps you in a motherly embrace as you pay your tab, enquiring fussily if you need her to call a cab. With every move you make, you feel eyes on you. You know exactly who it is, your soul, watching eagle-eyed as you collect your bag and walk out to your car. You know it’s that old Bradshaw chivalry rearing its head, something Mav told you Goose had exhibited with Carole his whole life.
So, of course, you're not alone in the sea-perfumed night air for long. Footsteps disturbing gravel follow you as soon as you step out of the pool of light cast by The Hard Deck’s lamps, hints of sandalwood scent curling around you on the breeze.
“C'mon, sweetheart. Don't I even get a kiss goodnight?” He's wheedling, enticing. Damn him, because you ache for his skin in a way you're not sure you could ever voice. He’s weakening your resolve with every step in your direction.
“There isn't even anybody watching!”
“Who said I was saying goodnight, Roo?” 
The shell-shocked look on his face makes you giggle as you start your car and drive away from The Hard Deck. The roads are deserted, but not for long. Only seconds later, you hear the growl of an engine and smile at the sight of a blue truck pulling up behind you. Your phone chirps with a text as you idle at a stoplight.
This time, I'm not letting you go.
This time, you muse as the light changes, you don’t intend to let him walk out the door so easily.
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@roosters-girl @infamous-reindeer @caitsymichelle13 @mattyskies
@cosmic-psychickitty @mygyn @julesclues @greenbaby12
@bubblegumbeautyqueen @briseisgone @soulmates8 @meganlpie
@captain-fandomwriter58 @caidi-paris @mazzbarnes @super-btstrash-posts
@eli2447 @chaoticassidy @kmc1989 @abaker74
@marvelouslyme96 @faithiegirl01 @shanimallina87 @harrysgothicbitch
@zombicupcake3 @djs8891 @bellaireland1981 @tsumudoll
@scoliobean @desert-fern @horseshoegirl @dakotakazansky
@sarahsmi13s @teacupsandtopgun @roosterforme @cherrycola27
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lostcauses-noregrets · 5 months
Why is the answer always "Levi said this Levi did this" whenever one asks about the signs of Eruri in canon? Levi's side is pretty clear, but every time I talk to an Eruri and I ask "but why do you think Erwin loved Levi" the answer is very long but it's mostly empty and just "I am sure he did" or "but Levi loved him so Eruri is canon". Sorry this isn't a "hehehe your ship is one sided it's not canon" type of question. It's more of a writing-wise question, since you are a writer yourself I thought you'd give the best answer to this.
I am wondering, is this because of lack of Erwin's pov in aot manga or anime? I know Erwin is important and plays an important role and story revolves around him in s3 p2 and all that but when you look at the bigger picture he's mostly just there. He's in the story but you don't see his pov. We don't get to see the inside of his head until the end. Is this why "does Erwin love Levi" question is a hot topic in aot fandom always? Or are there any side stories like smartpass aus that suggest Erwin had feelings for Levi? I'm sorry I don't know those very well I only know the manga and the anime.
Lastly, I am sure you answered this before but my question is very specific, do you actually believe it was mutual? After all it's fiction and you don't need their love to be mutual to ship them. People ship characters who barely interact. It's what fandom is and that's totally normal and valid. I guess I am wondering if you ever doubted, th ship or even yourself which I do a lot (in a "oh I love this so much and I read so much fics I made myself believe" way) Thanks I hope this doesn't sound rude or offensive, my English isn't very good so if I sound rude that must be it it's not my intention :)
Ooof there’s  a lot of different questions here but I think they boil down to the following: 
Are Erwin and Levi’s feelings for each other mutual? / Does Erwin reciprocate Levi’s feelings?
Why do people question Erwin’s relationship to Levi? 
Do I personally believe their relationship was mutual, and have ever “doubted the ship”?
I’ve answered the first question many, many times over the years. You can read all my various answers here.  In short I do think that Erwin reciprocated Levi’s feelings and I think the evidence is there in the manga, the official guidebooks, the Smartpass stories, and the side content for anyone who cares to see it. I’m not going to list all the side content here, but there’s a very old post by @erbeansandravioli that links to a lot of it: Eruri receipts.
As to why people question Erwin’s relationship to Levi, well that’s an interesting one.  Some people clearly just don’t get Erwin’s character (see the previous ask I just answered), they don’t understand his role in the plot or the significance of his relationship to Levi.  For example I’ve seen people arguing passionately that Levi’s vow had nothing to do with Erwin, which is just mind boggling to me. It’s certainly true that Erwin is a much harder character to read than Levi who very much wears his heart on his sleeve.  Erwin is more reserved, and holds his cards closer to his chest.  However the fact that Levi is the only one who he reveals his true self to is significant. Daisuke Ono put it beautifully when he said in an interview that the amplitude of Erwin’s feelings is so great that it can be hard to see.  
It could also be that some, perhaps younger, readers just don’t recognise their relationship for what it is. It’s certainly not a typical shounen romance, but it is a deeply believable adult relationship; one that is based on mutual trust, respect and understanding. This is from a previous ask I answered on the subject:
It frustrates me enormously when people deny their canon relationship, despite Yams being at paints to explain it repeatedly in the guidebooks. I want to shake them and ask what the hell they think a relationship looks like when you’re an exhausted 30 + year old war veteran who has spent their entire life fighting for survival.  It looks like this; finding someone who you can trust with your life. If you were to ask me what characterizes a successful adult relationship I would say it’s exactly this; mutual trust, respect and understanding, and when push comes to shove, the willingness to do everything in your power to help the person you hold most dear, even if that means letting them go. 
And as to whether I’ve ever doubted the ship, the answer to that would be no, never.  Sure we’ve never seen them swear undying love in canon (though some would argue with that and point to Erwin’s "Arigatō Levi".) I wrote this in response to an ask about Eruri canonicity: 
Do you mean that you don’t believe they’re canon because we never see them kiss? Because they never marry?  Because the main focus of the story isn’t romance?  All those things are true, but in my opinion, they’re also not the only things that make a relationship canon.  Particularly when that relationship is between two war-weary 30 year old men who have been fighting for survival almost their entire lives. The irony is that, in some ways, Erwin and Levi’s relationship is actually quite conventional. They really do behave a bit like an old married couple.  They have a long standing relationship that has matured over many years, they have their own weird sense of humour, they’re not afraid to challenge each other, but they care about one another deeply, and they also trust each other unconditionally.  That’s all the canon evidence I need tbh.
Having said that, you are absolutely right that you don’t need any canon evidence to ship a couple.  Hell, I’ve had great fun written Hanji and Petra as a side ship and I don’t think they ever even interacted in canon.  In Erwin and Levi’s case though there is more than enough evidence in canon to attest to the significance of their relationship. 
Hope this answers your questions.
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kamisama1kiss · 3 months
Hey! I hope you are well ♡
Here's my suggestion: Some characters in Haikyu have a foreign reader (like an exchange student), and they kind of end up falling in love with this fascinating "characteristic" of the reader
I can't elaborate further on this, and sorry if there are spelling mistakes (English is not my mother tongue). AND I LOVE YOUR WRITING, the world needs more writers like you 🎀
This is definitely an interesting idea! 🤔 hmm, I look forward to writing this one!! Thank you 🧡 To start off, easy i did first years of Karasuno, for this one. If people are interested, I could make for the other characteds too!^^
{Haikyuu Headcanons} Admiration comes in all forms
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~Hinata Shoyo~
° Having never seen someone like yourself only caught his eye even more, practically having shiny eyes when you made eye contact.
° Looking at you between lessons, the first few days. Finding it hard to focus, but he already did have troubles focusing in class.
° Eventually coming up to you for some small questions for class or trying to get to know you.
° He easily communicated, and a friendship quickly blossomed between the two.
° The next few months could be very easily him slowly falling in love with you and your admiring features.
~Kageyama Tobio~
° His focus wouldn't be on you to begin with as he was more focused on other things.
° After a few small exchanges in the hallway, a more intrigued feeling grew with him.
° Doing minimum effort to try to reach out but eventually would come to full sentences of conversations.
° He found the characteristics of you to be more and more loveable as time flew past, as if he would ever tell you.
° There would definitely have to take years for him to confess, maybe in 3rd year? Close to graduation when he felt the most comfortable.
~Tsukishima Kei~
° Wouldn't bat an eye to your direction, mostly seeing you as someone else who could potentially annoy him.
° Bickering back and forth was the only sort of communication between the two, nothing too major.
° He has an eye for details, so he definitely would find you stricking to the eye in the best way possible, he'd never admit it.
° Would occasionally have his gaze roll back to you in class. If he was caught in the act, simply tell you that you're in the way. Even if you sat next to him.
° His bickering or mocking would go down to minimal has his interest as you in a person, individual only grew.
~Yamaguchi Tadashi~
° Sweet little yams didn't know what hit him. It was love at first sight for him, his eyes would constantly wonder off to you I'm different classes or the school hallways.
° Would come up to talk to you if he ever saw you struggle in class. He didn't have the best grades in class, but he did well off enough to surpass a handful of others.
° Smiling nervously with a small wave whenever he saw you around, not even sure of his own feelings yet so low profile it was.
° Once he had gotten to know you over, maybe a few months later, he could recognise the feeling called a crush. When it was noticed, gosh, his face would often be dusted with a pastel pink.
° Asking you out definitely took him until 2nd year, he was nervous but got a lot of encouragement from others around him.
Hope you enjoyed!!♡
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lunamochii · 2 years
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NYCTM: So close yet so far || part II
neteyam x human!freader
Synopsis; Weeks turn months, months turns a year. Neteyam is left with a year before becoming the new Olo’eyktan but the person he wants to be his Tsahik is not beside him.
content warning; angst, neteyam being out himself, timeskip, age up Neteyam, Lo’ak, Kiri and Tuk
author’s note; the italic words are Neteyam’s flashback. Feedbacks and reblohs are highly appreciated! Enjoy reading!🤍
part 1, part 3, part 4, part 5
1,4k words
How many days has it been? Neteyam lost count already. Pulling the string of his bow, he made a perfect kill and he can hear his people hoorah for him. Riding to his ikran again, he came back to where his family are
“Back so soon? I thought you’ll be coming home late”
Kiri said as soon she saw her brother enter their hut but she didn’t hear a single reply from him. She shrug and place down the leafs they’ll be using to eat. Soon after all of their family members have gathered, in the past it would be full of laughters and jokes but tonight it’s pretty dull
“I’m done” Neteyam declared and quickly got up, grabbing his things and took big steps towards the exit of their hut
“Neteyam, you shouldn’t ever forget that you will be the Olo’eyktan” Jake said in a stern voice and Neteyam grip the strap of his bag, tight.
“Yes sir”
That’s what he only replied before calling his ikran and ride it, he arrived immediately to the lab. As he got inside, he saw Spider sleeping comfortably on the couch. Norm and Max are nowhere to be found, he just let him self in and grab a mask to help him breathe inside then went to where your body is laying
Your features have change, it grow more mature so as your avatar, Neteyam can only stare at you. Eywa knows how much he just wants to go inside and hold your hand but he can’t. If he goes inside he might destroy something and it will be the cause of delay of your health restoring
He sat across the window that is separating you from him, he can feel all of his strength go away as the darkness consume him but before he can slip to his dreams he uttered something but his eyes are already close that he didn’t notice your finger move
Morning came and Neteyam bid his goodbye to you but promises that he’ll be back, promising he will be telling lots of stories
“I understand your grief son but you must choose your own tsa—“
Jake couldn’t finish his words as Neteyam punch the tree, glaring at his father. Baring his teeth. The oldest Sully couldn’t believe what his father just suggested, he knows how your father have always taken care of you. He was even the one who push Neteyam to confess his feelings to you
“I want Y/N.”
Jake look at his son before motioning Neteyam to sit down, Norm and Max have inform him that if you don’t wake up in 3 months, they’ll be taking you back to earth as the technologies back there will help you
“Son… in three months if Y/N doesn’t wake up..” He look at his son reaction and he can see how his eyes widen
“They will be bringing her home. To earth, to where I came from the technologies back there can help her. If she stays here longer then she’ll die.”
His ears rang, he couldn’t hear the voice of his father anymore. He looked down, his hand to his chest. Neteyam can feel his heart racing, memories of you with him flash before him.
“Hurry up, ‘Teyam!”
You would pull his larger hands as you show him your new found spot, you may be aloof to the others but he will always manage to drag you out of the lab
“You’re hurt..”
Your eyes full of worry as he savor the feeling of your palm against his face, he loves seeing your get worry for him
“I see you, Neteyam”
You said as you lean your head to his chest, his arms wrap around you. You don’t know how happy he is after you said yes to his courtship
He can feel his tears run down to his cheeks. He can’t lose you. He can’t! You are the light, the warm, the balance of his life!
Fist full of mud as he continue to punch the ground, one moment you were cage in to his arm then one moment you are so far to him, he doesn’t want the memories of you together with him to be just a fleeting moment
Just by hearing your name, Neteyam move so fast and riding his ikran as fast as he can. When he and Jake arrived he saw the people inside packing, Norm and Max are dragging the bed you’re in to a vehicle he have always seen the sky people ride
“Where… Where are you taking her?!”
Neteyam shouted and ran inside, the people together with Spider is trying to calm him down
“It’s okay bro! She’ll be back! Trust me!”
“No! She’ll stay here! Give her back!”
Neteyam shouted again and before he can lash out, Jake got in time and hold his son back
“What the hell happened?!?!” Jake shouted and Max came back to explain everything
“Y/N woke up but she started having seizure, we manage to calm her down but he heart beat went flat and it took us 5 minutes to get her heartbeat back” Max explain
“Then why are you taking her back?!” Jake ask still holding Neteyam to his arms
“The tools we have here isn’t enough. I’m sorry Jake but we’ll have to take her back.” Max said then his gaze shift to Neteyam
“I will bring her back.” Max promise and immediately ran to the vehicle and the only one who’s left is Norm as he was task to look after your avatar and Dr. Grace avatar
“No! No! Please! Give her back!”
Neteyam breakthrough from his father grasp and went outside but his too late, the vehicle is too fast. He rode his ikran but he can’t catch up, his tears drying on his cheeks, mind blank that he didn’t even sense his falling luckily Jake is there to catch him. You were so close yet so far
“Don’t take her away… please…”
“Pinky promise?”
Neteyam look at you, his eyes full of questions. You are teaching him some sky people do. Thanks to Max you always have something to teach him
“Yeah! That’s what you do when you want to seal a promise!”
You beam and Neteyam look at his hands, he look at you again and raise his pinky finger.
“Be always at my side?”
He ask and he watch you smile sweetly and lock your pinky to his
— 5 months later, 12:51 pm. Earth —
Max knock on the door before entering and as soon he got inside, he saw you standing at the window. He cleared his throat to catch your attention, he have been checking your health ever since you woke up 2 months ago
“How is your day, Y/N?” You smiled and sat down on the bed
“Good, I don’t know why but looking at my diary makes me wonder if the stories you have told me are true”
Max look at the notebook laying on the desk beside the bed, it was filled of your drawings on the pandora forest
“Well.. as soon you regain your health back. If you are really good, we can go back..”
You couldn’t hide your excitement, you hates how the smell of the medicines and the treatment you have been receiving but in order to see with your own eyes, the drawings on your notebook you complied
“Yes, as I really feel I don’t belong here”
You muttered and once again your head ache again making you almost fall off of your bed
“You okay? Don’t push yourself, we have a lot of time”
You reassured Max and sat properly this time, you always hear this strange voice but you don’t know who it belongs to.
“I’m good, just I keep hearing this voice” you replied while shaking your head softly
“What does it say?” Max ask
“I see you…..”
You replied and you can’t help but glance at the notebook, you know you have to get better. You can only have your answers when you go back to the place where you were born
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lucaaazd · 4 months
Ymir’s death is one of the most frustrating plot points in AOT. She does not deserve it and here’s why.
Yams builds up her character to go from living solely for others to living solely for herself, only to spring this random guilt on her out of nowhere.
Like okay, she ate R & B’s friend and that sucked, but think about the context and the life she lived before then.
She was captured by Marley as a little girl, tortured and punished for something that was not her fault, turned into a monster to roam the desert for 60 years, and then these Warriors FROM MARLEY came along (admittedly they weren’t exactly working for Marley by choice, they were also children in difficult circumstances but still) and she accidentally ate one.
Like, so what?!!
Every Warrior had to eat SOMEONE to inherit that power, INCLUDING MARCEL.
Who did Marcel eat? We do not know, but we know he ate someone, not by choice, just like Ymir.
Plus even if Ymir didn’t eat him then, the best case scenario for him was if he succeeded in the mission and came back to Marley and eventually got eaten by someone else.
Ymir knows all of this.
She’s been through way too much, having had to learn the hard way to say fuck you to those who try to manipulate her for their own protection & gain, to live for herself and show others to do the same, like Historia.
Like sure, deep down she’s still a caring & self-sacrificing person, as we’ve seen in the tower episode, but she tore the whole damn thing down when Hisu yelled at her and said “What do u think ur doing?? Being noble, trynna sacrifice yourself to lend us more time? What about all that ‘living for yourself stuff’, is that all talk too you idiot?”
Ymir has been through TOO MUCH to leave Hisu behind, to leave this new life that was the only thing she ever truly owned in her entire miserable existence, even though it was only borrowed time, for these marleyan warriors who had made it clear that they wanted her as a prize to present to the government so they wouldn’t get killed right away. Like, come. On.
Yams was so quick to kill the most visibly queer characters (Marco, Ymir) in the most rushed & undermining ways.
Edit: Ymir has also vocalized her despise for Historia’s martyr complex numerous times throughout the show, so it makes even less sense that she decided to throw her life away over the guilt of accidentally eating a Marleyan warrior.
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tricodekus · 26 days
Hiiii I'm watching the Tsukki omegaverse poll on Twitter and wow it's neck and neck!! Personally I voted alpha but the alpha Hinata and omega Tsukki has me all 😳 I keep imagining Tsukki all blushy and uncomfy with his omega status dealing with alpha Hinata... would Hinata be all smug and >:3 and be all kabedon-y with Tsukki? Or be more intense and get that really focused stare he gets sometimes, like... you know, the one when he asks Ushijima, "if Seijoh is fertile ground, then what is Karasuno?" or whatever? Just unsettle Tsukki with his intensity ^_^
I wouldn't change my vore or anything because I'm more a tsukkiyama with omega Yama type, but... if you ever drew alpha Hinata omega Tsukki I'd probably go feral, LOL.
Hi there!! So I was thinking about this really hard and I just have to put a disclaimer: I LOVE alpha tsukki! Alpha tsukki who takes care of yama (or hinata) and covers them in his scent. He's a little posessive but his mate certainly doesn't mind. Now. With that being said. Let's psychoanalyze omega tsukki.
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HAHA just kidding. Well sort of. LIKE just think about it.
Tsukki who grows up taller than all the other kids. He's prickly, yes, but only because he doesn't really like socializing with anyone that's not yamaguchi. Everyone's like, OKAY this guy is for certain an alpha!!! And then his first heat hits like.... Would that not be an amazing read? I know I would read that. And what's more, is that Yamaguchi could be the first to notice his scent sweetening, into something sugary like lemon cake. (This is my choice of his scent ofc)
Omega tsukki who hates hates hates his status because not only does it kinda contradict him, but people also treat him far differently than when he hadn't presented! Let's be honest he probably uses scent blockers like 24/7 and it's probably super unhealthy for him. But he's not going to let anybody know that he's an omega. Especially in front of people like Kageyama and Hinata.
But let's fast forward to when everyone knows that he is an omega, (And now we're getting into more shippy territory.)
TSUKIHINA: I feel like especially when Hinata grows up,, he's like a very NEEDY alpha but he's very playful as well. He's the type to bite constantly. Everywhere. It probably pisses Tsukishima off that he's so wild but at the same time it gives him comfort. I also feel like Hinata is the only one to treat Tsukishima like an equal despite his omega status. I mean, both middle blockers, but also he recognizes his talents off the court, etc etc normal tsukihina stuff. With everyone else, tsukishima would just be waiting to be teased for not looking/acting like a traditional omega. And I don't think Hinata would act super intense with him. More playful, because he knows Tsukishima is "his'" lol.
TSUKKIYAMA: And ofc with tsukkiyama, I think someone on twitter mentioned that Yamaguchi does become the captain and order everyone around. And this just came to me, but I just realized that Tsukishima always thought that he would always get ahead of him in that regard. (So really, Tsukki would be submissive to Yams all along, lol.)
And those are my thoughts! Thanks for the ask!!! I quite enjoyed talking about this. :)
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 4 months
That's correct, and you know what that means! It's time for me to start posting my little drabbles/oneshots every day!
The first one is
"Actually, I'm not straight"
and we will meet a certain character that I personally have thought of as straight for a while... but my sexuality hc has shifted a lot. So... she has something she likes to tell her friends.
Read on ao3 or under the cut.
It was a great day outside and the friends were preparing to go to the pride parade together. 
Right now, Luna, Jim, Yam, Simón, Matteo and Ámbar were in the Benson Mansion, sitting in the living room to paint some pride flags on their faces and decorate their outfits.
“We need to bring our skates!” Simón said.
“Definitely,” Matteo said, “Although it’s annoying to carry them around.”
“What, are you weak?” Ámbar asked teasingly.
“He’s weak for Ramiro!” Yam exclaimed, causing everyone to burst out laughing.
“What are you talking about?” Matteo asked. “What does Ramiro have to do with anything?”
“Oh, we have eyes,” Luna said. 
“And ears,” Simón added. 
“And noses,” Jim said, which caused everyone to look at her. “What? I thought we were listing parts of our bodies?”
“Anyway, the point is, every time you and Ramiro talk, something is going on between you,” Yam said.
“Where is Ramiro, even?” Ámbar asked.
“In the closet!” Yam exclaimed dramatically. 
“Yeah no, duh, but I mean where is he literally right now?”
“I think he wanted to buy some things,” Luna said, “We’ll meet him at the parade later.”
“Do we know anyone that is actually straight?” Simón asked. 
“Our family members, maybe,” Jim chuckled. “Not that I’ve asked them, but still.”
“Yeah, also for the past 3 monthly visits, my godmother has spoken a LOT about a woman who pushed her stepdaughter down some stairs, and at this point I don’t think it’s friendship,” Ámbar admitted.
“She’s even mentioned her to me,” Luna said, “And I see her only like every six months and all we talk about is what I do for work and then she gives me one story about my biological parents. And then we take each other’s hands for a moment and I feel a bit sad about the whole situation that made our relationship be this strained, and then I leave. But the last time she literally mentioned this woman? What is going on? My aunt wants to tell me stuff in her life?”
“No, she never told me anything either! Something is going on!”
“I’m still confused as to how you two are cousins when that woman is Luna’s aunt and your godmother,” Jim admitted.
“Ámbar is adopted by her, but due to some unclear reason they pretended that they were godmother and goddaughter and now that’s what Ámbar calls her,” Luna explained. “Sorry if I explained it without your consent, Ámbar.”
“No, it’s ok,” Ámbar assured her. “Also, it was a safety thing. Madrina was afraid if people knew I was her daughter, they’d use it against her and put me in danger. So, by pretending I was a goddaughter, I was kept out of danger. Now I don’t feel comfortable calling her mom, ever, and I have to go to therapy because she refused to, and now here we are.”
Jim blinked. She was probably still confused, but decided not to question it anymore. 
“Anyway, before we’re turning this into a therapy session,” Matteo said, “We can’t say for certain our relatives are straight either, even if it might seem like they are.”
“I wanna say I never thought madrina was straight,” Ámbar said as she raised a finger, “I didn’t think she really had any sexuality whatsoever, because she just turned off that part of her.”
“I wonder if I inherited my asexuality from her,” Luna said, “You do often inherit sexualities from aunts and uncles for some reason. Seriously, it’s a thing.”
“But Luna, I don’t think she’s ace either, I think she literally does not have a sexuality at ALL.”
“What about friends?” Simón asked, “Do we have any token straight friends?”
“Nico?” Jim suggested.
“I wanna say yes,” Simón said. “But… okay, yeah, he’s pretty… he’s pretty straight, haha. But he’s not outright said it, so I don’t wanna assume!”
They thought for a little more.
“Delfi!” Matteo exclaimed.
“I’ve seen Delfi kiss girls at parties too many times,” Ámbar said.
“Yeah, but she’s drunk then.”
“Maybe, but it’s happened too many times for me to not wonder if it’s something more than just a ‘curiosity’.”
“What about Jazmin?” Jim asked.
“NO!” Everyone yelled.
“Ok, you were very sure about that…” Jim said.
“Jimmy, I love you, but you have the worst gaydar,” Yam admitted. 
“What about Nina?” Simón asked. He turned to Luna. “Has she ever told you anything?”
“We don’t really talk about sexualities like that…” Luna admitted. “But she does talk about boys. A lot. She’s always been obsessed with boys.”
“Yeah, there’s a lot of boy talk with her,” Yam chimed in, nodding to herself.
“I think it’s safe to say she’s straight?” Matteo said. 
Right then, the doorbell rang. They went to open, and welcomed Gastón and Nina inside.
“What’s up?” Gastón asked. “Can I get my face painted?”
“You sure can!” Yam said, holding a paintbrush. 
“What were you talking about before we got here?” Nina asked.
“We were trying to figure out if we knew anyone who was straight,” Ámbar explained.
“Nico was the only one we were sure of,” Simón said.
“Yeah, and you,” Jim added.
“Me?” Nina asked.
“Yeah, you know. You’re so boy crazy, it’s pretty safe to say you’re straight!”
Nina and Gastón looked at each other. 
“You wanna tell them?” Gastón mumbled.
“Tell us what?” Luna asked. “Are you pregnant?”
Nina shook her head. She smiled shyly. “It’s just… another thing.”
“What?” Yam asked.
Nina glanced at Gastón, who nodded and whispered “go tell them”. She took a step forward.
“Uh, so… I understand why you think I’m straight. I’ve been thinking so myself ever since I first learned what sexuality was. But… after I’ve reflected a bit, and… well, I guess it’s kind of because of all of you guys, I’ve thought about my sexuality deeper. And I… well…” She took a deep breath. “I have come to the conclusion… I’m not straight.”
The room went silent.
“WHAT?!” Jim shouted. Then it was silent again.
“I don’t know exactly how I would label myself just yet,” Nina admitted, “But I… I just know that, I’m not! And… I wanted to tell you guys this! So you know!”
Luna smiled and ran up and hugged her. 
“This is what happens in queer friend groups, eventually it turns out no one is straight!” Yam chuckled, as she also went to hug Nina.
“We just need to convert Nico,” Simón joked. 
“The second he’s back from New York, we’ll shower him with queerness,” Matteo chimed in.
“I don’t think I even would have thought so much about it if it wasn’t for all of you being so openly queer and making me think about the topic in general more,” Nina admitted. “So I have you guys to thank!”
“You’re so welcome!” Luna exclaimed, kissing her on the cheek. 
Nina turned to Gastón, who gave her a proud smile and a thumbs up. She grinned. 
She wondered what her mom would say if she told her this, too. But maybe she should wait until she knows more definitely what she would label herself as. Although, as Gastón especially had told her, she didn’t need labels. But Nina liked putting stuff in boxes, so she’d like to figure it out. 
Maybe that day will come sooner or later.
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amekonocternia · 2 months
Something something toxic yaoi
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I don't know where the post is, but a while back there was a post that talked about all the guilds "bad end" esc costumes all being a connected au and since I saw it I've been kinda rotating that around in my head so heres the result of the rotations.
Choco merges and takes control of the SJS and essentially becomes the embodyment of destruction, very much revenge motivated his main intent is to inflict suffering on those who've wronged him, specifically the COD, while not wanting to bother anyone else he will if they get in his way.
Dino joins Longans army under the promise to bring back the dinosaurs to a thriving state, he's kinda similar to cannon red velvet where he doesn't really care about the whole ordeal just taking care of the animals he loves and is passionate about.
Mala works alongside pitaya whom made a deal with her to give the tribe extra protection as a trade off, she's sorta a wild card because she doesn't seem like a big deal until you end up on her wrong side and she turns your life into a living hell.
Yam (who I did my own thing with because we don't talk about ovenbreaks costume) works with fire spirit, usually hiding in the shadows and observing things the only times you'll ever see him is either if you're trying to negotiate with FS or if you've walked too far into his personal area. People talk of a hostile location with purple flames so hot they can cause burns from a distance, many enter the area believing it to hold the source to great power inside, few if any are aware that the area is gaurded by someone as most who enter never come out.
As everyone else in the guild fell into their place Milk's attitude began to change, growing gradually more pessimistic and hiding those negative feelings and thoughts less and less eventually after everone else fell Milk himself broke. He was always meant to be the harbringer of death so what was the point in waiting any longer? He gave up on his final motivation and gained the title of angel of death by others, people speak of seeing a humanoid figure following those who're soon to pass and people that expirenced near death situations told of a unknown voice ordering them to wake back up. When a fog sets into a village and people speak of hearing bells toll the only thing they can do is stay indoors and pray the angel will be merciful.
The guild will have rare meetups/get togethers, its usually a couple years in between though and even then Dino and Yam tend not to show up because they're busy, they are still friends its just not the way it used to be, I'll probably go over that later but this is already pretty long
Milk and Choco meet when Milk wanders into the area Choco took over due to the strange spike in deaths in the area, seeing Milk in his human form Choco just assumed he was some unfortunate milk villager that ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time and decided to lock him in a safe place temporarily and relocate him at a better time. Milk did not appreciate this as you'd expect and it became a quarrel between the two who would just fuck with the other out of spite. Neither of them can die so eventually it gets to a point where they just do it for the adrenalin kick, scenanigans ensue and it goes from "I hate you want you dead" (serious) to "I hate you and want you dead" (affectionate)
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cosmicjoke · 1 year
Why did Levi choose to stay behind with Yelena when the alliance was battling the Yeagerists? I know he was left behind at first because of his wounds, but then Levi put himself forward when the Beast Titan showed up. And likewise in chp 136, Levi got stuck on Falco's Titan while the Alliance was battling the giants, but then when he saw Zeke he showed up. I see most people use these to prove that Levi doesn't care about anything but Erwin's promise. Sometimes I can't help thinking that Yams reduces him to an obsession with killing Zeke because he doesn't know what to write about him after Shiganshina and he thinks his role is over. And as a Levi stan, I'm sick of being shown this way in the finale and having fans making these statements.
You have to remember that when the alliance went to retrieve the plane before getting into a battle with the Yagerists, it had only been about a day since Hange found Levi and treated his wounds. He was SEVERELY injured. He didn't yet have the strength to fight, and would have only gotten in the way of the action had he attempted to do so. If people are really trying to float this ridiculous notion that Levi didn't participate because he didn't care about the fight, or his comrades, then I'm sorry, they're either brain dead levels of stupid, or they didn't read the manga. Levi's entire character is centered around how much he cares about his comrades.
He fought against Eren because the situation was dire and desperate and they needed all the help they could get. But the truth is, Levi shouldn't have ever even tried to fight. He was barely alive at that point, and was in no sort of fighting condition. He took a thunderspear to the face, basically, and people complain that "he didn't do enough". Like, get the fuck outta' here. It was an incredible act of courage that he took up arms in the final battle at all. He was further injured while saving Connie's life. He was coughing up blood, bleeding internally. Why anyone would criticize Levi for needing to sit out after that is beyond me, unless they're just a callous, cruel person. He took Zeke out because he was given a clear and easy shot. Zeke let himself be killed. It required little effort on Levi's part. That's hardly comparable to having to battle dozens upon dozens of spawning titans actively attacking, something Levi attempted to do before his leg nearly got bitten off. Levi also knew if he took out Zeke, it would end the Rumbling, full stop. What, was he just supposed to sit there and stare at Zeke waving him down, giving him a clear shot to kill him? That would have been stupid. Zeke specifically called out to Levi. Nobody else probably even realized Zeke was there, or if they did, they had their own hands full battling against the dozens of titans spawning on Eren's back.
Isayama never reduced Levi to any such thing as an "obsession" with Zeke. That whole notion comes from a bunch of idiots who don't know how to read properly, and have no grasp of Levi's character or what drives him. Levi was pivotal in organizing and rallying the alliance in the fight against Eren, and in gaining the victory. Without Levi's leadership in that final fight, who the hell knows what would have happened. I don't understand how anyone can read the manga and come away not seeing how greatly Levi contributed, and how much he gave in the final push against Eren and the Rumbling. He nearly died fighting alongside the others, protecting them and doing what he could to save what was left of humanity, despite being grievously injured. If all he cared about was Zeke, he would have killed Zeke any of the numerous times he had the chance to beforehand. In Shinganshina, during the raid on Liberio, in the forest, etc, etc... He didn't because he was always trying to do what was right for humanity. It was never about revenge, it was about honoring and giving meaning to the sacrifices of his fallen comrades. Not Erwin, but ALL of his comrades. I don't know why this is so hard for people to wrap their pea brains around. If all Levi cared about was killing Zeke, he wouldn't have acted as the de facto leader when Armin became indisposed and rallied everyone to keep fighting. If killing Zeke was all Levi cared about, he wouldn't have gotten Mikasa and Pieck up onto Falco's back after the fact, and whipped Mikasa into shape to deliver the final blow to Eren. WTF is so hard about understanding this for people, I wonder? Every action Levi takes is proof positive that he cared about humanity. The only explanation is that people are looking for ways to discredit Levi. Probably because they're butthurt that everyone hates Eren and loves Levi. Oh fucking well.
Anyway, I'm sorry if I sound pissed with this reply, but I'm sick to death of answering these types of questions. Like, Jesus Christ, if anyone feels that insecure about being a fan of Levi because a bunch of morons on the internet keep screaming about him not caring about humanity and being obsessed with Erwin or Zeke, then maybe they should take up a different interest. It's plain to see by reading the manga or watching the anime how much Levi cares. It's OBVIOUS. It's easy to debunk and counter these fools, because everything they claim is a falsehood to begin with.
Whatever. Again, sorry, I'm just so sick of this shit.
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tqmlecherocuki · 2 years
Milkyam headcanons that make the most sense to me:
Yam for me uses He/him, it/it's and they/them. Milk uses he/they. They are both trans masc.
I think it's highly probable that Milk never had a plush toy as a kid since Cacao citizens outside the citadel probably didn't have time to think about luxuries as such, he did have soft things like animals and pillows, not as elaborate as a teddy bear though.
What if Yam, not knowing what else to give him, got him the bear plush without it knowing it was Milk's first-ever stuffed animal and it just immediately becomes special. And Yam's just like “😧 (that... worked?)”
Bonus: Milk finds use for the bear in his pediatrician costume, the bear that Yam had and the bear in Milk's costume look nothing alike, I know, but, still, for continuity's sake!!
There's more below, if you are interested.
When Yam spends enough time away from Milk, little things remind them of him, like, white dogs, sheep, everything and anything cute and energetic. He doesn't know whether to feel weird at himself or happy, so, he just gets frustrated and just mentally clenches his fist at the sky while thinking “why did i let it get to this........”.
Speaking of spending time apart, perhaps they get “homesick” easily because they've just spent so much time together. Yam misses Milk's rambles and Milk misses looking to Yam to see his reaction to whatever he was rambling on about.
Yam likes to use Milk as a blanket on cold days, Milk was more than happy to be a source of warmth (and because his love language is mostly physical), eventually they did it so often it just became the norm, they each don't mind anymore.
Milk is always conscious of Yam's back, where it's burns are, they pat softly in that area and are just overall very careful. Yam positively weeps on the inside because of their thoughtfulness. He is just overall very thankful that Yam allows and shares the affection.
Due to it's outfit, Milk was curious about Yam's chest scars, Yam caught them staring and they were rightfully weirded out by where he was choosing to look, Milk realized this and panicked a little and to not completely mess it up, he also removed his shirt, revealing his scars and Yam was like “oh.” and they just had a moment where they complained about boobs and how they were relieved now that they didn't have them.
(in other words, same hat: the headcanon, trans edition).
Milk eventually stopped bringing up Choco (sorry for mentioning their name... 😔) when they realized how little they were paying attention to Yam's demands and finally put themselves in his shoes and how it could've come across to Yam that Milk didn't care about him at all and how they were talking about someone that wasn't there instead of chatting on about things that happened throughout their day. Milk is very afraid of being seen as weird and/or annoying due to past experiences, but, he was more frightened about losing Yam, the only person who reciprocated the “best friend” feeling in his life. Milk knew Yam disliked small talk, so, it was extra hard for him, luckily he got some other topics and eventually they would only occasionally talk about Choco (sorry. 😔😔)
Because I hate the fact that the devs wrote Milk to be this “nice and understanding guy” while making him ignore his partner's demands (that most likely started as requests).
Anyway, please devsis stop separating the boys so much, it's v homophobic 🙄🙄 /j
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dzmoot · 7 days
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Yam Yam, believe it or not was created long before the likes of Zappy, Hampire, Siobhan and the rest came onto the scene. In fact, I would go as far to say that he was the first Tuun ever created. As an abstract 7-8 year old obsessed with things like Harry Potter and Pokemon and passing his time by drawing in notebooks of all things, I concocted a character that has stuck with me for more than 20 years as well as a villain that accompanied him in his transition to MOT lore. Yam Yam Embers, the original iteration was a student at the Kingdom of Death Elementary School (proto Pigpimples), a magical school with humans and animal students alike. His brother Dil, his friend Samson and his love interest Shelly were also present as was Yam Yam's mentor Dr. Homer Funny, the Potions master. During his time at the school, Yam Yam has a run in with a villainous professor, a dark practitioner of magic named James "Uno" Richo. As a baby, Yam Yam unknowingly unleashed a plethora of glass on the evil Uno, severely disfiguring him.
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In a nutshell, Yam Yam was Harry Potter and Uno was Voldemort, it couldn't be more obvious and while some of these Pottery elements did carry over into the main MOT universe, I did tweak a few things. Instead of the potions teacher being a curmudgeon like Snape was to Harry, he would be Yam Yam's kind hearted mentor, the Dumbledore or Gandalf if you will. Instead of a train to take the kids to school, it was a flying double decker bus. The Kingdom of Death was a magical parallel dimension apart from Earth whereas the wizarding world and the real world in Potter were within the same realm. And of course, Harry has his owl while Yam Yam has his pterodactyl of all things (I still don't know what I was thinking with that one).
Yes, the origins of Yam Yam are certainly an interesting case but his true beginnings can be traced back a little bit further than that, even before I was a fan of Potter and seen the first movie. The impetus to Yam Yam's creation took place around mid 2001 when popular and even obscure arcade games were making their way onto the web via MAME. An obscure Korean puzzle game caught my eye one afternoon, one featuring what appeared to be a bear pushing diamonds into small pits. The game was spliced with cutscenes featuring this bear fighting in a boxing ring and brandishing a sword while protecting his fair maiden.
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Yam! Yam? is probably one of the most obscure video games ever made but something about it lit a fuze in my mind and shortly therefore, I created the character and some of his companions. Way early on, Yam Yam was the son of a King and Queen who ruled over the kingdom and he and Dr. Funny were tasked with finding a dragon named Charlotte, another element that eventually carried over to MOT. However, once Harry Potter blasted to extreme levels of popularity and I became mesmerized by the first movie, Yam Yam somewhat became a parody of that. Hey, give me a break, I was only a wee lad, I didn't know any better! I continued to come up with stories for Yam Yam until about 2007 when I got into other things like Star Wars and Marvel superheroes. Nevertheless, the character stuck around, living rent free in the nether regions of my brain.
Not anymore of course. Today, Yam Yam is a pivotal member of the Moon of Toons character roster, a benevolent bear with quite a personality and a knack for magic wands! Because of taking place in the MOT universe with all it's wackiness and weird stuff, I can truly do things with the character that probably wouldn't have made much sense in the old continuity like having Yam Yam's parents be a chinchilla and a butterfly respectively and his brother be a rabbit.
One thing's for certain, Yam Yam is here to stay!
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agro's oc master list (1/?)
☆ star people ☆
i'll be adding links when/if i remember, as well as finishing this list.....eventually. just ask if u want some reference images for characters i don't have on artfight or need additional info! anyways, the whole character vomit is under the cut :)
name: angel (formerly, delta) virgo
human?: nope, asteriai (star nymph) 
bday: sep 15
deal: after being born without magic, she became the asteriai vessel of her long-dead titan ancestor, Astraea (Virgo). works as a TA for her friend, an anthropology professor. has more plushies than space on her bed. a pacifist at heart. 
powers: can summon a spear and a pair of golden light wings. can also heal, which she does considerably more. 
likes: animals, sweets, and sleeping. dislikes: bugs, the heat, and christmas music.
songs: Sleep (Conrad Hillis Remix) - Soul Push, Colder Parts - HUNNY, All Will Be Well - Gabe Dixon
name: rose (that’s it) (formerly, demon—not like 😈 but Δήμων, meaning “the people”. it’s important to me that you know that.) 
human?: nope, kimmerian (void spirit) (she’s just here because i couldn’t think of a better place to put her. it makes sense with the lore) 
bday: dec 23
deal: angel’s girlfriend. the last descendant of a long-dead race who spurned fate. an emo shit and a mean lesbian (affectionate). takes no shit. unless it’s from angel. has a dry sense of humor. doesn’t like authority. 
powers: hydromancy! can do a bunch of fuck you magic with water. has weird dream-controlling magic. it’s a long story. 
likes: video games, music, and bodies of water. dislikes: her past, angel’s sister, and rules. 
songs: Ocean’s Deep - Born Ruffians, Talk To Myself - Avicii, Heaven Is Under The Sun - Beta Play 
name: spica virgo
human?: nope, asteriai
bday: sep 23
deal: angel’s older sister/her guardian for the most of her life. impulsive and hot-tempered. loves the people she cares about by being a lil angry about their life choices. a part of the amica ignis—a guild of female pyromancers. would fight you. eltanin’s fiancee! 
powers: pyromancy!!! yeah!!! can also summon a special spear. 
likes: shoes, autumn, and hitting the snooze button. dislikes: paperwork, her alarms, and rose.  
songs: I Don’t Need A Hero - Concrete Blonde, Fake Out - Fall Out Boy, Color Green - New Politics
name: caph cassiopeia
human?: asteriai. 
bday: feb 12
deal: one of apollo’s priestesses. the only surviving cassiopeia clan member. she was a terrible person and now she’s trying to be better. a manic pixie dream girl except she’s just Like That. voted most likely to eat a plant by me. vega and apollo are her best friends. cole’s mom, married to tore. 
powers: has magic henna on her hand (the hand changes because i keep forgetting) that can do some doc ock-esque shit and some other assorted magic. was granted the power of foresight by apollo. 
likes: houseplants, singing, and chai lattes. dislikes: black coffee, snow, and talking about her deep-seated issues.
songs: She’s A Rainbow - The Rolling Stones, Monsters of the North - The National Parks, Riptide - Vance Joy
name: cole cassiopeia
human?: half-human, half-asteriai. descended from a kimmerian on his father’s side.
bday: march 3
deal: cole and tore’s son. genuinely the nicest guy ever. his biggest fault is he thinks swords are cool and owns multiple. a surfer guy majoring in engineering at UCLA. he goes to the beach as much as he can. was taught to swordfight by tore and rose. also rents a room in cynthia’s house. 
powers: inherited his mom’s henna powers and his dad’s dream powers. 
likes: surfing, tea, and being bullied by annoying queers (affectionate). dislikes: having to draw, people who forget sunscreen, and close-toed shoes.
songs: West Coast - Yam Haus, Safe In L.A. - Gold Motel, Verge - Owl City
name: vega lyra
human?: you guessed it, asteriai.
bday: nov 29
deal: one of apollo’s priestesses. her favorite composer is shostakovich. she’s very mean but i think it’s funny. dating apollo, which is definitely a choice. generally has an “overworked and underpaid public servant who has run out of fucks to give” vibe. 
powers: musical magic! the songs she plays/sings can basically do whatever as long as she has the energy and/or an okay instrument. can also pick up instruments in little to no time. 
likes: playing violin, card games, and spicy foods. dislikes: sweets, hot weather, and dogs (nothing personal). 
songs: Nascence - Austin Wintory, Waiting For Love - Avicii, Tender Strength - Yu-Peng Chen
name: eltanin draco
human?: asteriai
bday: june 30
deal: i’ll be real…spica’s everything. he’s just ken. he’s very nice, loves his family, and just wants to grill. he has a soft spot for angel because they’re both relatively chill people with intense s/os…who just so happen to hate each other. 
powers: can turn into a (relatively small) dragon. 
likes: DIY projects, weighted blankets, and trying new foods. dislikes: drama, action movies, and wearing shoes in the house.
songs: 3’s - Nodaway, Dance With Me - Ra Ra Riot, Crystal Clear - Opus Orange
name: sirius canis major
human?: asteriai
bday: april 1 (yes he makes jokes about this) 
deal: a former member of the asteriai island guard who left for earth to find bigger and better things. formed a group of vigilante magic-adjacent people 
powers: can turn into a dog. he has some heightened senses (dog-compliant). 
likes: fast food (the trashier the better), lame puns, and haircare. dislikes: chocolate, reading maps, and rain. 
songs: Wolfdance - The Ceremonies, Don’t Send The Searchlights - Gold Motel, Everyone’s A Guru Now - Saint Motel
name: astraea (more often known as virgo, the maiden of the zodiac)
human?: a Titan/goddess
bday: she just piggybacks off angel’s
deal: the currently semi-dead deity sharing angel’s body. she’s sleeping rn (always). was kind of seeing apollo. is like 9 ft tall. the former leader of the Zodiac, but everyone else is dead. sees warfare as a necessary evil. 
powers: healing! spears! light constructs! fuck you.
likes: sleeping, sweets, and sightseeing. dislikes: fighting, humanity, and doorways. 
songs: i don’t feel like thinking of any for her rn
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iyambinandmeng · 1 year
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hi halo, hari inii aku mau ngetik notes kecil lagi tentang iyam & buat iyaaaam! 💗
don't know why tapi kayanyaaa udah jadi salah satu my current fav things to do buat kayaa gini.
apaaa yaaa, kayanya kalau desc tentaaaang iyam, IYAM NYA JUGA UDAH TAU. kalau fi tentang iyam, IYAM NYA JUGA UDAH TAU. jadi hari ini ngapain dong? (NGAPAIN AJA BOLEH). cerita cerita lagi aja deh ya kayanya.
bulan inii banyaaaaak bangeeet club bola favorite iyaaam yang menang + bikin iyaaaam happy, semaleeem iyam abis beresin laprak tapi seperti biasa SAMBIL NONTON BOLAAA KARENA TADI MALEM ADA BARCA NYAAA (duh maaf banget kalau ngomongin soal bola gw rada SOTOY). teruus yang menang si barca deh. jadi si IYAM, SI FAHRUR, SI KA IYAM, SI COWOKKU PALING KEREN, SI MY #1 LOML SENENG DEEEEEH HEHEHEHEHEH. 😻
jujur, kalau liat iyam happy tuh BERASA BANGET & JADI IKUT HAPPY JUGA. tapi iyam emang mesti. wajib. HAPPY HAPPY TERUUUS KARENA DIA DESSERVE TO BE HAPPY & DESSERVE ALL HAPPINESS IN THIS WORLD. kalau ada yang bilang & ngomongin hal jelek tentang iyam, KAYANYA GW BAKAL NGOMEL BANGET DEH. soalnya iyam tuh bestboy! best boy i've ever seen. kalau ditanyaa hal baik apaaa yang ada di iyam, gw bakal jawab BANYAK. iyaaam tuh super baik, super lucu, supeeeer ganteeeeeeng, super gemes, super GATAU LAGI DEH MESTI NGETIK APA LAGI SOALNYA COWOKKU PAKET KOMPLIT.
iyam tuh ganteeeng nya bukan hanyaaa di fisik aja temen temen, caraaa dia ngetreat aku beneran ganteeeng bangeeeet (PAHAM GAK? GAK YA? YAUDA PAHAMIN AJA YA 😭). ga hanyaaa itu, sifat & sikaap & kepribadian iyam juga beneran cakeeep, okeeeng & super baik. #PROUDGF.
i can't imagine what if i hadn't met my boyfriend. i've never loved someone like this, i've never talked about it with anyone, but this is the first time i've loved someone so much that i always think whatever he does as long as he's happy, i'm happy too (FOR REAL).
i never thought I'd meet someone who could make me feel like i was the happiest person in the world. someone with a wide range of thoughts, someone who understands how to respect each others, someone with a million abilities that make me always proud to be with someone like iyam. everything about his basic manner. he knows how to treat me well and he always put a consent as a excuse to make sure i’am fine with everything he did to me. iyam tuh the only person who can make me fall this deep. he’s just looking too good and his sweet personality kept me warm all day long ❤️🥺.
teruuus, aku selalu SUPER HAPPY tiap dapeet good morning & good night message from iyaaam. it's so f means a lot to meee. beneran bermakna bangeeeet setiap dapet itu semuaaaaa dari iyaaaaam. DUH I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND BANGET DEH!! ❤️🥺
kalau bisa di desc pake 1 lagu iyaaam tuh DAYLIGHT BANGEEET.
setiap denger lagu ini pasti selalu keinget iyam, ngerasa happy banget karena punyaaa iyaaaam didunia ini. I FEEL LIKE I'M THE LUCKIEST GIRL. ❤️🥺
gw kemaren udh bilang kaya gini tapi yaaaaam, let's hold hands for 5372829293 years yaaaaa. terus AYOOOO KEDEPAN NYAAA KITAAAAAA WUJUDIN BAREEENG BAREEEENG WISHLIST & DREAM DATE LO YANG SELAMA INIII LO PENGENIN. gw semau itu buat wujudin wishlist lo bareeeeng bareeenggg. gw mau sama lo terus & gak akan pernah mau buat kehilangan lo. 🥺
kalau sometimes atau what if lo ada mikir kaya "maaf ya bin gw belum bisa ngasih apa apa atau gw belum bisa kaya cowo cowo lain diluar sana" GW BAKAL SEDIH BANGET. yam, lo udah ngasih waktu lo buat gw. lo udah ngasih gw banyaaaaak kebahagiaaaan. lo udah ngasih gw rumaaah ternyaman buat gw pulaaang ke lo & lo juga udah ngasih gw kasih sayaaang yang lebih dari cukup buat gw. makasi banyak ya iyam sayang, gw gatau mau bilang makasi kaya gimana lagi ke lo, tapi MAKASI BANYAK YA IYAAAAAM. GW BANGGA BANGEET PUNYA LO, GW JUGA BANGGA BANGEEET PUNYAAA COWOK KAYA LO ❤️🥺.
makasih jugaaa ka, udah jadi my #1 daily booster, mood booster, mood makeeeer & love booster buat gw. for real, setelah adaaaa lo yang gw butuhin kalau lagi ga okeng tuh cuman lo. beneran lo, cuman sama lo energy, mood & feeling gw jadi okeeeeng lagiii. beneran lo tuh bisa recharge energy & mood gw banget yam, makasi banyaaak ya iyaaam sayaaang 💗
yam, gw udah lama ga bilang ini GW GREATFUL BANGEEEET PUNYAAAAA LO. GW GREATFUL BANGEEET BISA JADI CEWE LO, GW SEGREATFUL ITU YAAAAM. GREATFUL BANYAK BANYAAAAK & GREATFUL SETIAAAAAP HARIIIIIII. (gw gabisa bayangin semisal gw ga kenal & ga ketemu lo gimana 😿. jadi, iyam disini aja yaa sama gw. i will try my best buat jadi binaaaaa & cewe yang baik buat lo & still jadi diri sendiriii PINKY PROMISE). ❤️🥺
i hope good things will always be between him & us, I'm very grateful to have iyam 🍓💌
akhir kata apa ya, kayanyaaaa mau ngasih pick up line aja deh ke kakanya. sebenernya gw bingung sih tapi ka, i have no pick up lines in my mind cause i only have you in my mind rn :) HAHAHAHAHA I LOVE YOU BIG TIME, KA IYAAAAAM!! 💗❤️😻
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boricuacherry-blog · 2 years
The booming music coming from Momma's radio alarm clock suddenly woke me. I could hear Elton John singing about Philadelphia freedom.
I wonder why Momma didn't wake me? I thought to myself.
It was January 1976. Wasn't no school that day. But Momma still had to go to work. So, while Momma was at work, I was goin over to Daddy's house to play with Kelly, the daughter of his lady friend.
I wonder why she didn't wake me? I thought again to myself as I climbed out of bed.
When I passed the dresser I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Boy, was I ugly.
The kids at school always told me I was ugly. They teased me, saying I looked like "Aunt Esther," that old lady from Sanford and Son, the one always calling Sanford a "fish-eyed fool." She was the ugliest woman I'd ever seen. So if the other kids thought I looked like her, I knew I had to be ugly. Besides, everybody knew a black girl wasn't considered pretty unless she was light-skinned with long straight hair. I was dark-skinned with short kinky hair. I hated my complexion. I hated my hair. I hated my skinny legs and arms.
But, my momma thought I was beautiful. She'd say:
"Cup, you're only eleven years old. You will appreciate your beauty as you grow up."
Shoot, I couldn't wait to grow up!
Momma always said things to make me feel better. I loved my momma. She was my best friend and she was beautiful: she had cocoa-colored skin and her long black hair hung way past her shoulders. And, Momma had the biggest prettiest smile you ever saw. People always told her she looked like Diana Ross because of her long hair and wide beautiful smile - all teeth.
I passed the mirror and continued toward Momma's room. The radio alarm continued to blast. I giggled to myself. Momma was like me. She hated getting up in the morning, so she put the clock way across the room and turned it all the way up so it would scare her in the morning. That way, she'd have to get out of bed and walk across the room to turn it off.
I wonder why she didn't turn the alarm off? I thought as I made my way through the kitchen toward the large living room that led into Momma's room. The floor was cold because wasn't no carpet in our house. Still, I loved our old house. It was Victorian style, three bedrooms and one bathroom.
We lived in San Diego in the heart of the ghetto, though I never knew it until I got older. We had our share of dilapidated houses, and run-down apartment buildings, but most of the houses and apartments in the neighborhood were in decent order.
I thought my family was rich because I was the only kid in the neighborhood who had her own bedroom, furnished with a white princess-style bedroom set complete with a canopy bed, matching nightstands, and dresser. There was a pink frilly comforter with matching frills for the canopy overhead. And, I had a closet full of clothes. Unlike other kids in my neighborhood, I never had to share clothes or wear hand-me-downs. Momma loved to sew and made most of my clothes.
The other kids thought we were rich too. Little did we know that we weren't rich - it's just that both my mom and dad worked while the other kids only had one parent trying to raise several kids either on one income or, more commonly, on welfare, though being on welfare was nothing to be 'shamed about. Most everybody was. In fact, I envied my friends on welfare because they got government food that you couldn't get from the store, like this great government cheese. You ain't had a grilled cheese sandwich till you've had one made with government cheese.
The blasting radio brought me back to my immediate mission: finding out why Momma didn't wake me.
I wish she'd woke up, I thought as I followed the sound of the blasting radio. I was excited about going to my daddy's. My daddy was the only person besides my momma who thought I was pretty. He'd hop me up on his knee and ask:
"Who's the prettiest girl in the whole wide world?"
And, in between giggles, I'd say:
"I yam."
But I never believed it. He HAD to think I was pretty. He was my daddy. When we went out he'd ask everyone:
"This is my daughter. Ain't she pretty?"
What were they going to say?
"Actually sir, she looks like shit."
No, they smiled and lied and told Daddy I sho was pretty. I didn't care that they were lyin'. I loved my daddy.
As I continued walking toward Momma's room, I was thinking which outfit I would wear to daddy's, when I looked up and froze. I'll never forget what I saw.
The radio was still blasting in the background. Momma was lying facedown on her stomach. She was hanging off the side of the bed from her waist up. Her long black hair was hanging down, covering her face. Her arms hung limp to the floor.
"Momma?" I asked, walking slowly toward her.
The radio continued to blare. As I got closer, it seemed to get louder.
I thought maybe she was kidding. Momma was always playing with me. Just the night before we were playing house and doing each other's hair, dancing around and acting silly. I thought Momma was just playing another game, so I expected her to jump up like a jack-in-the-box and scream, "Boo!"
But she didn't move.
I touched her arm. She was cool. I didn't know what that meant, but I knew it wasn't good.
"Momma?" I repeated as I tried to lift her up by her shoulders so I could see her face. I didn't know death was so heavy. When I tried to lift her, her body slid off the bed and onto me, and we both hit the floor with a thud. As she landed on top of me I heard a gurgling noise in her throat. She was heavy.
Still I didn't panic.
It took awhile, but I managed to squeeze myself out from under her and turn her over. She was so beautiful - even dead.
I don't know how I knew she was dead. I'd never seen death before. I just knew.
I didn't call the police. Somehow I knew that once they came they'd take Momma away and I'd never see her again. So instead, I went back to her, scooted my little body back under hers so I could put her head in my lap, and began singing our favorite song: "Chains of Fools" by Aretha Franklin. We used to play that song as we sang and danced around the house. In fact, we just been dancing to it and singing it the night before. I hadn't known then that that would be our good-bye party. It was then I began to cry.
And that's how Daddy found me a half hour later: sitting on the floor with Momma's head in my lap, stroking her hair and, through my tears, singing "Chain of Fools."
-Cupcake Brown, A Piece of Cake
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
for scp, are we allowed to rp the docs? cause if so, can i ask for yam dr. bright? maybe the darling is someone whos got no connection to the scp foundation, yet he somehow found ‘em?
Dr Bright is an exception because he's an SCP himself/hj
Concept as not specified.
Yandere! Dr. Bright with Darling not part of the SCP foundation
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Mentioned death, Selfish behavior, Forced relationship.
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- You being found by Bright while not being part of the SCP Foundation would be rare but not impossible.
- The Doctor himself is essentially an anomaly ever since he got in contact with SCP-963.
- He can make infinite clones of his consciousness by just having people touch the amulet he has.
- I theorize Bright collects knowledge somewhat through these clones if they have the amulet to make this concept work even if it's not canon.
- As Doctor Bright is... himself, a clone might have gotten out of the foundation somehow.
- The foundation is quick to hunt it down as breaches can happen, but not before Bright finds you.
- Bright has some issues with growing attached to others due to his immortality.
- Yet when he meets you he forgets that for just a moment.
- He forgot just how wonderful outside the foundation is.
- It's only like this because of what they do, but Bright does miss it just a bit.
- It's a pain to him when he realizes this clone will be disposed of just like the others once they find him.
- He won't have much of a chance to see you again if he dies here.
- This leads to Bright becoming your friend along with being on the run from the foundation.
- He goes by a fake name, changes his appearance, etc.
- The reason all his clones will remember you is because the one that met you had the amulet on them.
- You are completely clueless that this new friend of yours is actually some anomaly who is on the run from a secret foundation keeping Earth safe.
- Bright also hides the amulet from you, too.
- You never know just who will be a spy for the foundation....
- It's not like he's malicious or anything, either!
- He's still getting work done at the foundation through one clone, while this one is staying by you!
- Jack Bright hates how the foundation demonizes him and his family....
- He doesn't plan on using his immortality for anything evil!
- Except for... the little experiments he does with SCPs but-
- Those are just for fun!
- Bright may develop his obsession with you when his runaway clone hangs out with you.
- Yet it may intensify if he is eventually killed.
- The amulet is safely recovered and given to a new host once all others hosts are gone.
- Bright still has the memory of you which makes him think of you a lot.
- You may have no connection to the foundation... but Bright is high enough in power to try and manipulate you into the foundation.
- He misses you... while you two may not be in the outside world, you can stay here.
- Bright will make sure you're brought in as a D-Class, witness to an anomaly, or an anomaly yourself with some convincing of higher-ups.
- Then he'll place you under his care with a smile.
- He calls you in to meet him, standing in front of you in his new host and lab coat.
- A strangely familiar grin is on his face when he looks at you.
- "Nice to see you again, (Y/N)! We've met before, I'm known as Dr. Bright here, but you may know me as [Fake Name]."
- Wrapping your head around Bright's existence is a difficult task for you.
- Then again the existence of this foundation is hard to comprehend, too.
- What may scare you the most is why you were brought here.
- You were brought here because the friend you met, Dr. Bright, couldn't bear to go back here without you.
- With no consideration for you, Bright drags you into this hell for personal feelings.
- If you never met him you wouldn't be here.
- However, he promises no harm will come to you as long as he's here!
- Dr. Bright will be here for a long time, too.
- "Trust me, the foundation can be fun once you get used to it! Plus, I'm here! I'll be sure all your needs are met just as long as you don't leave me here alone. You'll do that for me, won't you?"
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