#and y'know. get to do more than standing around while other people argue about whether they should get to date her or not.
dominonary · 2 years
Diva/Aigami and Alexis/Asuka for the bingo! - @chaosmax
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crossdressingdeath · 10 months
durge questions for kyvir: 3, 6, 14, 17, 20, 27. is this too many. i dont even know i just Love Him. -@veilkeeper
(Durge asks!)
No such thing as too many, I love talking about Kyvir. I answered 20 here, but as for the others:
3. What would your Dark Urge consider to be their greatest skill? Is this accurate? His ability to pass completely beneath the radar. When he was younger (and more foolish) he hated how small and pretty and innocent he looked, but as he got older and grew out of that teenage need to puff himself up and look and act tough he realized that not only was he a lot happier leaning into the soft and pretty thing, it meant that even on the rare occasions when suspicion fell on him he was usually dismissed immediately as a suspect. Similarly, when he's on the hunt for prey or trying to charm someone into giving him something they always underestimate him. And it's not that he doesn't stand out! It's just that he comes off as... y'know, your standard pretty, foppish, somewhat overconfident bard. Not a killer. There are other skills that you could argue are greater than that, but he's not wrong in his assessment.
6. How does your Dark Urge react to waking up with memory loss? He's freaked out. He spends the whole nautiloid with a feeling like when you're going down a staircase and miss the last step, and that feeling never really goes away. He's still determined to get his memories back at the end of the game; the fact that it's supposedly impossible is a minor inconvenience. He's already an impossible existence, a drop of Bhaal's divine gore that broke divine cosmology to free himself from his father's power. Why shouldn't he be able to undo his memory loss?
14. How good of a liar is your Dark Urge? How do they feel about lying? Oh, he's a phenomenal liar. He's a bard and an assassin; lying is like 80% of his job! And he loves it, too. It's an absolute joy, watching people fall for every lie he tells for no other reason than because he's the one who told it. Also, it's funny to tell really obvious lies and watch people trying to decide whether or not to call him on something that he clearly doesn't believe but is still saying with absolute confidence (this is where things like him claiming to be seven feet tall while very obviously being 5'6 come in).
17. What is your Dark Urge’s greatest regret? Pre-amnesia, it was murdering the woman who taught him music (I. haven't figured out a name for her yet but shh). She caught him mid-kill when he was around eleven or twelve, but instead of turning him in to the Fist made a deal with him: she'd teach him the skills of a bard, and in exchange he'd play her little spy and saboteur, stealing from, spying on and humiliating her rivals. She could be a little cold at times and wasn't above holding the fact that he was a murderer and she could have him arrested at any time over his head (when she learned he didn't have a name she straight up called him Atonement) and she never hid the fact that she was using him from him, but he never doubted that she cared for him despite that; she was combination older sister and mother to him, and he loved her with all his heart. So naturally when he was sixteen and he'd learned all she had to teach him Bhaal forced him to kill her. Post-amnesia—and more specifically post-game—it's failing to save Gortash, of course.
27. How does your Dark Urge feel about giving and receiving orders? He's used to giving orders, and he's good at it. He has the sort of charm and confidence that makes people want to listen to him, and the experience to know exactly how to take charge of a situation. While he doesn't remember being High Primate of Bhaal's temple, it turns out that if you can wrangle a gaggle of Bhaalists and draw out their loyalty you can manage a whole lot of leadership situations. However, while he knows he's got the leadership skills to manage he doesn't trust himself; whenever he's in charge he's worrying about whether he'll lose control and lead the people who are relying on him into a terrible situation specifically to get them all killed. So he's good at giving orders and tends to take charge automatically, but he finds it exhausting to do for any length of time. He keeps taking charge automatically and then stopping to think "Oh gods, why have I done this to myself again?" In terms of receiving orders, it depends? With most people he takes it extremely badly. He might not trust himself to lead well, but he definitely doesn't trust other people! And besides, he's a damn demigod. Why should he take orders from some random mortal? But once someone's earned his respect and trust, he'd much rather take orders from them than give orders himself. He'll still play at fighting them for control, of course! It would go against his nature (and more importantly his father's will) to do otherwise! But he'll fold pretty quick once they fight back if he's decided he can trust them. The trouble is that people who win this level of trust for him tend to be... morally flexible at best? Generally not the sort of people you'd want having power over a demigod.
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kimoralov3 · 4 years
That's Immortality, My Darling
Requested by: Anonymous
Word Count: 2010
Pairing: Loki x fem!black!reader
Warnings: Odin
(Y/N)'s POV
I groaned as I rolled over, trying to block out the light filtering through the room. It wasn't going anywhere, so I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "Loki, I thought I told you to close the blinds before you went to bed last night."
"Sorry darling, it must've slipped my mind. Did you have a good slumber?" Loki asked as he pressed gentle kisses along my shoulder. I nodded, letting out one final yawn before standing up and stretching. "I'll make breakfast while you shower. Waffles sound good?"
"Yeah, waffles would be perfect. Thanks, Love." I bent down and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
Gods that shower really woke me up. I thought to myself as I brushed my hair into a bun. Good, it's growing. Maybe I should get it locked up so I don't have to do much to it anymore.
"Darling, you've been in here for a while. Is everything alright?" Loki called from the other side of the door.
"Yeah, everything's fine." I said as I opened the door. Loki was standing there, his hair still a mess, but he was wearing sweatpants and a black t-shirt. "Breakfast ready?"
"Yep." Loki wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked to the kitchen. The smell of vanilla and coffee filled my nose, causing me to let out a long sigh. "Sit down, I'll make your plate." I nodded and sat down at one of the bar stools in front of the island. Loki sat a plate of waffles, strawberries and bacon in front of me, as well as a steaming cup of coffee.
"I thought you didn't know how to use the coffee machine?" I joked as I took a sip of the coffee. Perfect. 
"I don't, I don't have the patience to learn various Midgardian technologies. I made it using my magic." He explained as he sat beside me. I rolled my eyes, flicking a strawberry at him.
"Y'know, if we're gonna spend the rest of our lives together, you should probably stop shitting on one of my people's greatest achievements." I said as I took a bite out of a piece of bacon. Loki's face fell for a split second before going back to normal. I still saw the look he gave me at my words. "What's wrong?"
"We won't be together for the rest of our lives. At least not for the rest of mine. You'll die before me." He said softly as he traced random patterns on the island counter. I sighed, turning my body so I was fully facing him.
"Loki, look at me." I said as I lifted his head so our eyes met. There was pain hiding behind those beautiful blue orbs, but there was a lot of doubt as well. "You know that that doesn't bother me. I've come to terms with the fact that I'll die before you. Don't let it bother you too much. As long as I get to spend the rest of my days with you, I'll have lived a fulfilled life. Understand?"
"I understand (Y/N), but it still hurts that I'll have to live without you. You've made me a better person. I'm sure this is probably selfish, but I don't think there's such a thing as a life worth living without you."
"I know, but there's nothing we can do about it." Loki looked down, not saying anything before nodding and cleaning our plates.
Loki's POV
There's nothing we can do about it. 
(Y/N)'s words from breakfast that morning had been playing in my head for about a week now. There is one thing we can do. If only I didn't have to ask him for permission.
"Loki, Thor should be here any minute. Are you ready to go?" (Y/N) asked as she walked into our room. 
"Ready as I'll ever be." I said as I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the living room. It was time for Thor and I's annual visit back to Asgard, and this time I decided to bring (Y/N) with me. She'd always wanted to travel, and there is no place better to start than my home planet.
A knock on the door alerted us to my brother's presence. (Y/N) opened the door to reveal standing there, an annoyingly large smile and traditional Asgardian armor on. "Lady (Y/N)! It's great to see you again! I do hope that my little brother is treating you well." Thor said as he hugged (Y/N).
"Of course he is, if he wasn't you know I'd beat his ass." (Y/N) said as she pulled away from the hug.
"Are you two done? Because we need to get going so mother doesn't worry." I said as I wrapped an arm around (Y/N) again. Thor nodded, and we made our way to an empty field so Heimdal could open the bifrost for us. I hope he's become kinder than the last time I saw him. 
"It's good to see you Heimdal." Thor said as we stepped out the bifrost. 
"Good to see you too, Thor. And you must be (Y/N), Thor and Loki have told me so much about you." Heimdal said as he turned towards (Y/N).
"Nice to meet you."
"You as well. The three of you should get going, the king and queen are waiting for you." 
As we walked along the bridge, I noticed (Y/N) looking around in awe. So adorable. I tapped her on the shoulder, causing her to look up at me with the most amazing sense of wonder. "I told you that words couldn't do this place justice."
"I knew it would be beautiful, but this is just… I can't even find the words to describe it." She said as she continued looking around. 
"If you want, later I can take you on a walk to explore the villages. They all have their own signature thing, whether it be food or clothes. You'll absolutely love it." I explained as I placed a kiss on her knuckles. She giggled and held onto my arm, laying her head on my shoulder. 
The guards opened the gates to the castle, mother and Odin waiting there for us. (Y/N) let go of my arm so I could properly greet them. I walked up to my mother and gave her a hug.
"Oh how I've missed you Loki. Have you been eating enough, you seem thinner than usual." Mother scolded as she looked over my body, shaking her head at my supposed weight loss.
"Mother, I'm fine. I assure you that I have been eating properly, (Y/N) makes sure of that." I said once she released me from the hug. (Y/N) walked over to us, bowing slightly towards my mother.
"Oh dear, there's no need for formality. Anybody who can see behind Loki's cold exterior shall be considered family." She said as she pulled (Y/N) into a tight hug. Hopefully she will be soon. I left the two of them to talk while I talked to my father. 
"Father, can I speak to you for a moment? Alone." I asked quietly. (Y/N) doesn't need to hear this conversation if it doesn't go in my favor.
(Y/N)'s POV
"So you and Loki have been together for 3 and a half years, correct?" Frigga asked as we sat on one of the benches in the entryway.
"Yes ma'am."
"So you started dating him even after everything that happened in New York?" 
"Yeah, but he's changed so much since then. He seems more… at peace with himself. He's a lot nicer to other people, and he's more willing to help the Avengers."
"Well, I'm glad that he's changed for the better. He seems to be very happy with you. I won't keep you long, let's go find the boys so they can show you around." She said as she stood up. I nodded, following her in the direction I presume the boys went in. The farther down the hall, 2 voices got louder and louder. What's going on?"
"... This one thing! Just the one! After all you have put me through, this is the least you could do." Loki yelled. "Why don't you want me to be happy?"
"You knew the consequences of falling in love with a mortal! It is not my responsibility to right your wrongs, Loki. You made your bed, now lay in it. That is my final word." Odin yelled back. Are they talking about me?
"But I love her! I've finally found someone that I want to spend the rest of my life with, and you won't let me. Why?"
"Because you-"
"Enough, both of you! You two have been so caught up in your arguing, you haven't realized that Mother and (Y/N) walked in!" Thor interrupted, pointing at me and Frigga. Loki turned and gave me a sad look, but Odin didn't move a muscle.
"What is all this fuss about?" Frigga asked as she looked between the 3 of them.
"Loki is being a foolish child." Odin finally said, finally turning his attention towards his wife.
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize wanting to marry the girl I love made me a foolish child." Loki shot back with all the venom he could muster. Marry?
"Odin, if Loki wants to marry (Y/N), you should let him. They are clearly deeply in love."
"How do we know that this will last? This could easily be another one of his tricks in search of power."
"Father, I can promise you that those are not Loki's intentions. He's proven time and time again that he loves (Y/N) very much. Please, grant him this one happiness." Thor attempted to reason. Loki looked at his brother, giving him a small smile. Over the past few years, they had finally built a proper sibling bond, so I'm sure that Loki was very grateful for his brother's input.
"Father I promise, I have no ill intentions attached to wanting to marry (Y/N). Please, give us your blessing." Loki pleaded. 
"Fine! But if anything happens, it'll be the three of you all's fault!" Odin shouted as he pointed at Thor, Loki, and Frigga. 
"I'm so sorry that you had to hear that darling. I was hoping he would say yes, but I should've known he would be difficult." Loki had been apologizing to me the whole way back to our room, but I kept assuring him that it was fine. 
"Loki, I told you it's fine. It's not your fault." I said as I gave his cheek a quick kiss. He nodded and sat on the bed. "However, it would've been nice to know that you were proposing." I joked as I sat next to him, laying my head on his shoulder.
"Oh don't act so surprised, I know that you knew. You always know what I'm thinking before I have the chance to think it myself." Loki said as he rubbed my shoulder.
"You're right, but I still want you to ask me officially. And give me a ring." I held up my hand, turning it over. A small one would be nice.
"Once we get married, you can have all the jewels and rings that you want." Loki kissed me on the forehead, laying us down on the bed.
"I don't need jewels to be happy, love. All I need is you."
"And we'll have the rest of both of our lives together."
"What do you mean?" I asked as I looked up at him. 
"Us getting married means that our lifespans are connected. That means that when one of us dies, the other one won't fall far behind." He explained as he pushed my hair out of my face.
"I should've known that you would find a way for us to be together for as long as possible." 
"For you my darling? I'd search all 9 realms and beyond to find the answer."
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vaguely-concerned · 3 years
Okay so, i kinda can imagine how and why graves fancies tf but what is it for tf that intrigues him about graves? "Why" did he fall in love
Hm. Well, I feel like one of the really big ones is that Graves is just... astoundingly honest and unapologetic in being exactly who and what he is. I think that's one area where his character is frequently misunderstood -- Graves isn't stupid (I'd even argue that he's frequently got a sort of shrewd clarity to the ways he thinks), he's simply incredibly straightforward and stubborn. He's not interested in expending energy on hiding or obfuscating himself which, for ol' Tobias 'Smoke and Mirrors & Find the Lady' Felix, must be almost like having a window into a fascinating yet perfectly alien world haha. I feel like meeting someone who’s so fundamentally on the same wavelength (lest we forget they did meet because they were trying to pull literally the exact same con just in opposite directions fadskhsajfa) yet so different from you in other ways would be incredibly intriguing.
For T.F., who's pretty explicitly on some level always running away from something, it must be something indeed to have a partner whose first instinct is instead to fight, to plant his feet and stand his ground against the world come hell or high water. (Which tbf he probably survived so long only because T.F. was around to be his common sense and/or watch his back lmao between them they make one reasonable-ish man.) It makes him this sort of… evidence on a nearly existential level that there is an alternative to fear and helplessness, especially if you’re not alone, handily encapsulated in one grouchy cigar-smoking Bilgewater boy.
I suppose what I’m trying to get at is that Graves has this very real, solid, grounding presence in his brash and heedless way, and I think T.F. is drawn to that as someone who floats along unmoored in the world a lot on his own. What can I say, he’s so reassuring to have around, it’s a great part of my enjoyment of him too haha. Also he's funny, whether intentionally so in a hilariously frank offhanded way or, quite often, unintentionally lol what more can you ask for from the love of your life than to provide endless entertainment either way.
AND I think it’s something about parts of Graves very few people – honestly, probably only T.F. in a few cases – get to really see. Look at the way Graves' rage deflates immediately in Burning Tides the moment he sees T.F.'s honest distress, or the sense of fondness for T.F. you get through his POV in the short stories. There is something warm and sweet and instinctively protective still there at the bottom somewhere that somehow survived a Bilgewater upbringing and everything that happened since (and perhaps survived precisely because he met T.F. when he was still quite young, so there's a little bit of, y'know. That mutual sense of realizing someone saved something fragile and small but invaluable inside you just by being there with you and not just not breaking it but protecting it without even realizing it.) The cheerful amorality he has in his hm. professional life doesn’t really translate into how he deals with interpersonal stuff. My sense is that there was always a spark of attraction there for T.F. right from the start – his bio calls them ’kindred spirits’ straight off the bat, which like :’) aww -- but what made him fall slowly and miserably deeper and deeper in love with no end in sight oh god oh help why are feelings and why do I have to have them are these things that become apparent only with time and as the trust between them grows – like the immense capacity for loyalty and… not devotion in the usual sentimental sense, but the way Graves is so unflinchingly ride or die once he’s actually found something worth it, and the one thing in his life he seems to feel like that about is their partnership. (No better evidence of this than the sheer immediacy with which he offers to work together again at the end of Burning Tides; he really got the truth of what happened back in the day like fifteen minutes ago and that was long enough for him to decide he’s willing to try for what they used to have again despite everything.) That way Graves has of immediately and instinctively thinking in terms of ’us’ and ’we’ that offers a camaraderie of equals so freely and… wholeheartedly?, the glimpses of vulnerability you get simply from how desperately he clearly wants connection with T.F. even if he’s not quite self-aware enough to name it or know what to do about it... things about him that could only shine through and grow in the context of a safe and stable long-term relationship (not necessarily a romantic one, though personally I of course always see at least romantic elements there) because where he grew up I can’t imagine there’d be many places it would be safe to show them.
And lastly I feel like some of it is about these innate qualities about Graves, and some of it is in the dynamic/energy they make between them. Have you ever had a friend where it doesn't really matter what you're doing, because while it's the two of you together everything, the whole world, seems funnier and bigger and more interesting? They've got that, that 'greater than the sum of our parts' joy not only in the other person, but in who you become with them and what you both become together. (Just look at them towards the end of 'Double Double Crossed'; these two idiots have more fun when they're together than all the rest of Runeterra put together. If you get that with only one person in your entire life I think that’s enough.)
Also, I mean, on a shallower note he's uh. he's hot hahaha. He's a big strong dude and from how TF has taken time out of his day to point out this obvious fact several times now across different forms of media I have to assume that that Does something for him.
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snapdragon-mina · 3 years
Enchanted Pt. 1
Kuroo Tetsurou x GN!Reader
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A/N: UHHHHH, here's my late entry for ✨the newest✨ POCuties Sever Collab Based on the movie version of Ella Enchanted
Warnings: No beta we die like men, a couple swear words here and there, mentions of death, attempted murder, and this is a Crack fic treated seriously. Part 2 will be out within a few hours of this.
Word Count: 2.8k
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
It all starts with a baby. A beautiful baby named (y/n) was born into a comfortable family. This baby cried a lot, wanting to be held by their mother constantly. She took good care of her baby alongside kiyoko, a household fairy. Everything worked out beautifully until a particular fairy godmother appeared. As desperately as the mother and kiyoko tried, they could not hide the baby from Satori (the only fairy godfather who gave god awful gifts).
As much as Satori tried to quiet the baby's crying, it would not stop. This gave him the perfect idea for a gift. He gave the child the "gift" of obedience. (y/n) would not be able to disobey a command given to them no matter what. Kiyoko absolutely hated the gift that Satori gifted the baby and begged him to take it back but he refused.
Despite the gift they were given, (y/n) grew up to be strong willed and determined. Once they discovered a girl being bullied for something as stupid as a name, they quickly took to standing up for her. The girl introduced herself as Yachi and they became best friends very quickly.
When (y/n) discovered the gift, they asked for Kiyoko to take it away, only to be told that she couldn't. But despite this, (y/n) always fought against the gift whenever they could.
When (y/n) was still a child, their mother grew very ill. As she laid in her bed, she told (y/n) to never reveal their gift to anyone. She didn't want her child to be taken advantage of. Before she passed away, she gave them her necklace to remember her by.
Getting dressed, (y/n) put on their mother's necklace only to be interrupted by none other than Kiyoko. "(Y/n), your father wants to speak to you." She said before taking her leave.
(y/n) walked to their father's study only to receive shocking news.
"What?! You're married??"
"Look, she has money. It was either marry her or sell the house. She has two sons, so there's no doubt she's a wonderful mother-figure." He let out a sigh before continuing. "I'm sure you'll all be the best of friends, just... give them all a chance."
The next morning, three people arrived in a carriage. They were *not* pleased at the sight of the house.
(y/n)'s father greeted the three with a warm smile and two kisses to the woman's cheeks. "Welcome, my dear. These must be your sons?"
She nodded with a fake smile. "Yes, this is my dear Tooru, and my... other son, Tobio." The brunette just stared while the black haired one did an exaggerated bow. Just as this occurred, (y/n) walks out of the house to meet the three new people who were supposedly living with them now.
"You must be (y/n)." The woman said, giving them a once over. (y/n) bowed and greeted them with a polite "pleased to meet you."
After a short, awkward pause, the woman returned her attention to the father. "You have a wonderful home, but I recall you saying that you had a castle." she hissed out.
He shook his head. "No no, you must be mistaken, I said "A man's home is his castle"."
While their father and the lady talked, (y/n) introduced themselves with a smile only to be almost completely ignored.
Inside the house, the two brothers began setting up. Tooru putting up posters of a prince while Tobio explained.
"Tooru's president of Prince Tetsu's fan club." They grinned at each other only for their faces to fall into a scowl when (y/n) spoke.
"You must be aware that Tetsurou and his uncle are responsible for the segregation of the kingdom, right?"
With a judging look, Tooru spoke. "so? He's hot."
After looking around a bit the two were getting increasingly displeased with their surroundings. A small room, damn near nonexistent closet space, etc. "This won't work." The brunette spoke in a clearly disgusted tone. "We'll use yours. Show it to us."
Unable to disobey the command, (y/n) led them towards their room. Tooru narrowed his eyes and seemed to file that bit of information for later. Upon reaching the room, He was immediately disgusted. "It looks awful. There isn't any room here either. We're throwing out some of your clothes."
"what?! No. Get out of my closet." They went to attempt to force him away only for him to immediately demand that you get away from him.
As they backed up, He noticed the necklace and demanded that it be given to him. Unfortunately, (y/n) was forced to hand over the necklace.
Not a moment later, (y/n)'s father announced his business trip. They needed money and his work was the only thing keeping them afloat.
During a heated debate in class is when Tooru figured it out. They'd been debating on whether king Kei had been a fair ruler or not. (y/n) was vehemently arguing in favor that he was not. He'd enslaved every other race and forced them to work in little stereotyped boxes. He'd made laborers and entertainers out of anyone non human. (y/n) *hated* it.
Tooru, on the other hand, thought that he was a wonderful ruler. He gave us free enterprises, humans don't have to work hard at things that *they* should be doing. They disagreed and when (y/n) insulted the prince. Tooru demanded that they apologize and admit they're wrong and when (y/n) did, it all clicked. (Y/n) couldn't obey a single command they were given.
"Do I really have to go to this mall opening?" Tetsurou asked his uncle as they sat inaide of an extremely expensive looking carriage.
"As heir to the throne, it's your responsibility. You're a public figure. You have to be seen." Kei told him simply.
"Yeah but you're the one in charge."
"Not for long. Your coronation is next week and you need to be out there with your people, Tetsu."
Seated next to Kei was Tadashi, who was something like Kei's closest companion. You would rarely ever see Kei without Tadashi.
Kei advised Tetsurou that keeping a good public image builds trust within a kingdom before telling him of the things that where apparently going on within the kingdom.
Of giants and ogres wanting to rebel against them and take them down but none of this sounded right to him.
"The giants have always been peaceful." Tetsurou said, confused as to why he was being told otherwise.
"The ogres were once peaceful as well. Until they killed your father in cold blood." His voice held a certain edge to it. "Before your father's gruesome death, I promised him that if anything happened to him, I would take care of you and the kingdom." Pushing up his glasses, a glare formed on the glass, shielding his eyes from view. "I have kept my promise, haven't I?"
Tetsurou remained silent for the rest of the ride, turning to face the window instead of his uncle.
(Y/n) sat in the crowd next to Yachi, surrounded by hundreds of adoring fans of the prince as king Kei made an announcement.
"Thank you. It's wonderful to be in your... charming town of... Frell. Prince Tetsurou and I-" He was immediately cut off by the sounds of hundreds of people screaming at the mere mention of the prince's name. Kei decided to get the announcement done and over with. "And now it's with great pleasure that I introduce Prince Tetsurou."
Screams broke out again as the prince stepped into view. He waved as he walked out.
This was their cue.
Immediately, (y/n) and Yachi stood up on a fountain holding banners that read Say No To Ogrecide! and Stop Giant Land Grab!. The began chanting these words at the prince, catching his attention.
Tooru did not like this. He immediately ran over to the two protesting. "You're embarrassing us!" he hissed. "Go Home. Now."
Immediately, (y/n) began apologizing to Yachi as they left her there.
"Prince Tetsu, are you a fast runner?" A girl in the front asked him. He shook his head with a smile.
"Not really, why?" He immediately regretted those words. Because as soon as they left his mouth, the crowd charged at him; forcing him to flee.
He ran as quickly as he could until he ran into someone walking down a pathway. Quickly, he pulled them down and behind a stone wall.
"Prince Tetsurou."
"Please, call me Tetsu..." He trailed off, looking at the person he had just pulled down. "Sorry about that." He attempted to help them up, only to immediately be shot down.
"I don't need your chivalry and I definitely don't intend on bowing to you, either." They dusted themselves off and began walking away.
"Bow or not, that's your choice. Can't really do much about that other than have you beheaded, but that's a bit too much" he joked.
"Charming. Why don't you do what your people usually do? Steal my land and destroy my livelihood. Now if you'll excuse me." They continued walking away only to be forcefully stopped by him commanding them to wait and come back.
Groaning, (y/n) turned around and walked back to him, standing directly in front of him.
"What's your name?" he asked.
"(Y/n) of Frell."
"(Y/n)... You're one of the first people I've met that hasn't immediately melted at the sight of me." He sounded astonished.
"It might've done you some good." They rolled their eyes and went to turn around and leave again.
Tetsurou paused and looked offended. "Wait, I've never stolen anyone's land nor their livelihood. I want peace in the kingdom as much as anyone."
(y/n) turned around with a scowl on their face. "So you have a new plan once you take the crown?"
"Well... Sorta... I can't reveal it though."
They scoffed in his face. "Yeah, thought so. Y'know you're all the same. You care more about your fancy club and next jousting tournament."
"I- well I've never been comfortable with having a fanclub. In fact... Your obvious hatred of me is kinda refreshing." He grinned.
"Obvious? I was trying so hard to hide it." They rolled their eyes and continued on their walk home. As they were walking they suddenly remembered leaving their bag. Any attempt to go retrieve it was immediately stopped by a simple "wait right there."
They were stuck in place as Tetsu rushed back to get it. Unfortunately, a carriage was rushing towards them. They called out his name but was only saved as they were inches away from getting hit.
"Are you insane?! Why didn't you move?" Tetsurou asked.
"Yeah... I would've... were it not for your apparent fascination with knocking me to the ground." They sat up. "This is the second time today."
"Yeah well I'll try to be more considerate next time you're about to get ran over."
"What makes you think we'll see each other again?" They raised an eyebrow.
"Won't we?" he asked.
Before much else could be said, Tooru stood in the middle of the path, seething. "Get over here."
Immediately, (y/n) got up and walked over.
"Shouldn't you be at home cleaning the fireplace?" Tooru let out a forced laugh before whispering to them. "Stop flirting. I'm going to be at his coronation."
"Yeah in the center of the table with an apple in your mouth." They muttered in response.
"Go back to the mall with Tobio."
(y/n) stormed off with Tobio in tow as Tooru stayed back to try to flirt with his royal highness.
At the mall, (y/n) met back up with Yachi. "Where were you?" the girl asked. (y/n) explained their meeting with the prince and went on to say that Tobio and Tooru were there.
"Why do you always do what Tooru tells you to?" She asked.
"No I don't."
"Yes you do."
"No I don't."
"Tell the truth."
"Guess I do..."
A moment later the two were spotted by Tobio and Tooru. "(Y/n). take that for me." Tooru asked, pointing towards something on a stand. The moment they took it, something lit up in Tobio's eyes. It quickly devolved into demanding them to steal various items against their will until they got caught taking a pair of glass slippers.
It resulted in (y/n) getting chased throughout the mall by a guard.
The moment their new step mother learned that (y/n) had been arrested for theft, she flew into exaggerated hysterics. "A felon in my own home!" she cried.
Kiyoko immediately came to their defense. "They were probably put up to it. The (y/n) I know, would never do this." She glared at the brothers. However, as Tooru looked out the window, He got an idea.
"Kiyoko's right, we were there. They were forced to and it isn't poor (y/n)'s fault at all." He sighed to his mother, leaving (y/n) and kiyoko confused.
"So, Who put you up to it?" The woman demanded as she looked away.
A devious smirk graced Tooru's face. "Tell her it was Yachi." He whispered.
"Y-" They quickly covered their mouth but that wasn't enough. "Yachi."
Kiyoko closed her eyes and let out a sigh. The woman immediately forbade (y/n) from ever speaking to them again.
It was then that Yachi approached the door with the intent to ask (y/n) about what had happened at the mall. (y/n) was forced to answer the door and tell their best and only friend that they never want to see her again.
Later that day, (y/n) cried to Kiyoko about how awful the experience was until they came to the conclusion that they absolutely had to find the fairy that cursed them and Kiyoko offered something that would help them.
She held a book in her hands and present it to to them.
"I'm not... The most talented fairy... But this book is my boyfriend, Ryuu..."
The book was a light pink and gold with a magic mirror in the center. It showed a face in it and the moment he was revealed, he greeted (y/n).
"I've never seen anyone like it."
"Well, It was an accident. I wanted to practice a spell that would trim his hair since it had grown out, but it... didn't go well. So now he's in a book." Kiyoko explained.
Kiyoko allowed (y/n) to take Ryuu along with them on their journey.
They walked through a forest, holding Ryuu in their hands when they heard screams. An elf was stuck to a spinning wheel as a couple of people threw darts at him. The elf told them to kick their asses and they did just that.
He began commentating as they fought off the guys and eventually, they won the fight with the men retreating.
Immediately (y/n) helped the elf down and checked on them quickly. Fortunately, the elf was completely uninjured.
"I'm Shoyo!"
"I'm (y/n). Nice to meet you. Now if you're okay, it was nice to meet you but I have to leave."
That didn't sit well with Shoyo. He immediately began arguing and trying to convince them to eat with him until he succeeded. Convinced that (y/n) wouldn't make it through the woods alone.
Eventually they made it to a bar in an Shoyo's home town with only a minor distraction.
Inside of the bar, they both sat down to eat and so (y/n) decided to ask a question. "Why don't you like music?"
"Right because all Elves are supposed to love singing and dancing. I wanna be an athlete, not an singer or dancer."
(Y/n) nodded sympathetically. "Yeah I understand that. I'd forgotten all about the laws that restrict elves from being anything other than singers and other occupations like that."
After convincing Shoyo to come with them, (y/n) walked alongside him calmly until they were caught up with a couple of ogres. (y/n) tried to convince the ogres that that they were on their side only for that to backfire horribly and end up with them being steadily lowered into a pot with Shoyo tied to a tree.
Extremely conveniently, Prince Tetsurou found them and fought off the ogres, freeing (y/n) and Shoyo. He backed one of them against a tree with a sword pointed at the ogre's neck. "Are you one of the monsters that killed my father?"
The ogre looked confused. "What? No no, you've got it all wrong. King Koutarou was a good man! We lived in peace during his reign, why would we ever want to kill him?"
Tetsurou pulled the sword away from the ogre but didn't seem to believe his words. "Leave. Find breakfast somewhere else."
The ogres agreed and quickly left the area. Tetsurou turned towards (y/n). "What are you doing here w with an elf for protection? Do you get off to near death experiences or something?"
"No. I had things under control." They lied.
"Yeah, sure you did. I see the score stands Chivalry: 2, Gratitude: 0." He said, back facing them.
They apologized and thanked him for the help before cleaning dressing a wound he'd gotten from protecting them.
"So... Where are you heading?"
"A giant's wedding. I have to meet my godfather."
"That's on the way back to me home, I'll come with."
"No thanks."
"Too bad."
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sketch--booked · 4 years
It's 6am, I just woke up from another dream--
--about Echo returning.
And it's another island adventure dream but FAR MORE OOOHHH OKAY THAN OWWIE OH NO. It had the same energy as Nya trying to figure out who Samurai X was. And Echo was not a villain this time.
Actually the dream had the S14 guy as the villain, the one with the mask, spoilers.
It started with a fight between masked man, who's name I neglect to remember, and the ninja. They barely even get a chance to fight him before someone in a hodded cape swoops in and kicks him clean off his thone/podeum. They guy lands poorly and his leg gets messed up but continues fighting while the ninja just s t a r e at them.
The ninja only make a real reaction when they see the mystery man use the element of wind, and they're all utterly bewildered.
The mystery man can't hold them all off and is knocked far into the forest, presumably dead considering how far he went, and the rest of the ninja are separated into groups (Kai and Cole, Nya and Zane, Jay and Lloyd with Wu and Misako).
It followed Kai and Cole mostly, just discussing the possibility of two elemental masters of wind (they recalled Krux and Acronix) and that this guy could be dangerous. While they're talking, they bump into the motionless body of that cloaked person and Kai literally nearly pukes. Cole manages to get close to the guy and with prompting from Kai, pulls back the hood to see, not a man, but a nindroid! And a nindroid that looked eerily like Zane.
That's when it cut to Lloyd and Jay, they're talking with Wu and Misako about the mystery man, and this is where Wu info dumps that, after an elemental master passes without any heirs, the elements will take an unknown amount of time to present itself in a new host. It depends on that persons destiny and whether or not they're fit to use it and yada yada.
Lloyd understands that this would mean morro would no longer be the elemental master of wind, since after the DotD, he legit died and is gone for good. Which resulted in the element passing on. Wu comments that this is the fastest he'd seen an element passing on and presenting itself, and says that whoever this person is, must have been picked for a very good reason.
Jay then starts making a ridiculous list of people that he thinks could be the new master of wind, despite Wu telling him the probability of Jay knowing this master, is near impossible (Jay gets a kick outta this r e a l soon).
Then we hop back to Cole and Kai, who are freaking out over the rusty version of their friend who somehow has elemental powers too??
Kai says they should leave him here, saying it could be an evil nindroid, since they were also based off of Zane's prints. Cole argues and says they should take him back for questioning, and that Cole would be very happy to carry him.
While they're arguing, the fake Zane starts to wake up, and in a comedic way, screams at Cole and Kai, who in turn also start screaming. The mystery nindroid awkwardly chuckles and remarks that this was not particularly how he wanted to introduce himself, but anything works...
Kai and Cole begin questioning him and he answers their questions, starting with his name, telling them his name was Zane, but upon seeing their reactions, he says they can call him Echo.
Echo tells them they need to get into shelter, since at night, the island becomes unbearable and deadly. Kai and Cole reluctantly follow, continuing to ask questions while the three of them walk away, Echo limping from his earlier fight.
"Why are you on a random island?" Kai asked
"My raft washed up in a lightning storm." Echo replied.
"So did Julien build you too?" Cole continued.
"Yes, I would reluctantly say he is, in essence, my Father"
Echo did not answer.
Cole broke the silence "Where did you come from?"
"There is a lighthouse, in the-"
"-middle of the ocean between ninjago and the dark islands. You were there?" Kai interrupts.
"You know of the lighthouse? You were there?" Echo wondered "How come you did not know of my presence?"
"Your father never said anything, neither did Zane." Cole answered his question, giving the earth ninja even more of his own.
"Oh, no. My brother would not know of me, I was built in the lighthouse, not--wherever he was built" Echo confirmed "How did you get past the leviathan?"
"Zane swam to the chains and broke them with those star thingys" kai shivered, recalling those star shaped demons--
"Oh, you mean the Starteeth!" Echo begins laughing lightly "You know, one time, a bunch of them washed up and ate through the window in the basement. The basement was flodded and made me all rusty. I couldn't move for a week!" He walked slightly ahead while laughing hard.
He suddenly stopped laughing and looked serious "Looking back on it now, it was probably not funny."
Kai and Cole shared a look before Cole jumped up, realising something, and whispered close to Kai.
"Hold on a second, we completely forgot about his powers!"
"Oohhh, you're right! Hold on, I'll ask 'em."
Cole was going to pull him back to explain how shouldn't just--ask--but Kai had already begun running to catch up.
"So how did you end up an elemental master?"
"An ele-mento-who-what?" Echo fumbled his words.
"An elemental master? Y'know, with the crazy wind powers."
Cole was ready to punch Kai out, the man couldn't be subtle to save his life, which it just might right now.
"Oh! Honestly, Red, I have no idea." Echo had called Kai, Red, as the other two masters had not given their names. "I just remember the lighthouse getting nearly blown into the sea after weeks of strong winds. I had not realised the strong winds were the cause of my emotions. It was--new and scary. Gizmo was there to help me."
"The little cleaning robot? You brought that little guy with you too?" Cole caught up with Kai and the second wind master.
"Of course, he is my only friend! I would not abandon him the way I was. That is too cruel of a punishment for any being, organic or metallic." Echo yelled, a breeze shook the trees. Cole stayed quiet, but silently apologised to the nindroid.
Their questions were ended as they came across a half-cave-half-hut-like shelter. Where the settled and only prayed for their respective brothers.
There was a lot more small talk in the dream but I cut it down to the funnier and more important parts.
The next bits of the dream is fuzzy, but I know it revolves around the ninja reuniting and accepting the mystery person into their group while they defeat the evil and escape the island.
Kai and Cole agree to Echo's pleas to not tell Zane for the time being, as he doesn't want Zane to see his brother for the first time looking like--how he looks.
Each of them get some interactions with Echo, with his identity hidden, remaining mute as to not throw them off with his voice. He even has an interaction with Zane where Zane politely asks Echo not to keep staring at him, as he's been doing that since they came together. Zane pegs his curiosity to "he's never seen a nindroid before" and Echo confirms that for him. (unknowing the truuuuth aaaaa)
I'll write Jay's interaction with Echo another time maybe, and how he figures it out, since hoooo boy it hurt. Echo didn't remember Skybound so Jay's just mentally torturing himself for the rest of the journey.
The ninja that find out its Echo is Nya, Jay, Cole and Kai.
I'm gonna jump to the end, because my dream also jumped to the end? Rip. But the end what what gave me the Nya and new Samurai X vibes, but less fighting and more chill chat.
He was on a real boat. Not a makeshift raft constructed out of his father's old bed, table, chairs and shelves, not pushed forward by his newly explained "elemental powers". A real boat, one that would take him away from tiny islands that kept him prisoner, away from the existential dread of loneliness. He'd be free. Free from fearing his last day would be solitary and sad. In one day alone, he'd made a literal boat load of friends. They wouldn't abandon him, not as his father once did.
He was happy, he felt really, truly happy. But he didn't smile. Yes he had friends, but what he wanted more than anything else, was his brother. He was right here on the boat, but Echo's own worries about how his brother would perceive him, how his brother would react to seeing him in such a state (Upon first meeting too! Talk about first impressions), persuaded him to otherwise say nothing.
Deep down, Echo knew he had nothing to fear, he'd heard stories from his father, before he'd locked him away, about Zane and about what it was like--just the two of them. Happy. And from what Echo had seen, Zane was more that strong. Not just physically, nindroid and all, but mentally and emotionally. Echo only wished he had that confidence, the ability to say nothing but be so loud at the same time.
It would make talking to him a lot easier, if he had to say so himself.
Echo, however, had his thoughts interrupted by the sound of footsteps he hadn't even registered, and a soft, yet firm, hand on his shoulder. He tensed just slightly, preparing himself to pull his hood down further.
"It's nice, is it not?" That voice, it was Echo's voice. No, Echo had his voice. His brother was standing right next to him. So close and yet so far, just one swipe of his hood would bring them together, finally. But he resigned himself to simply nod in response. He hadn't come this far to give up now.
A comfortable silence covered the two like a thin layer of snow, fitting considering who was standing next to him. It would almost make him laugh.
"You fought well, out there," Zane started, Echo had thought he was done and nodded again, a small smile forming on his face. Zane may not have known who he was complimenting, but Echo took every moment of it with pride. But then his world span at Zane's continuation.
"For a nindroid."
Zane looked down with a small smirk. Like he'd told the best joke in history. Echo tightened his grip on the wooden railing of the bounty, crushing the paint under his permanently short nails. Zane must've noticed, but didn't say anything. Either in respect for his privacy or because he wanted to hear the confession himself.
In Echo's mind, he was obviously panicking. He didn't want his brother, someone who he'd heard stories from his father, the bot he was built off of, his singular role-model, to find out who he was, like this?
Despite the fear in his ticking heart, he did something probably really stupid and something that would likely result in his downfall. He thanked him.
"Thank you... How- how did you know?" Though, he lowered the pitch oh his voice. It would not be difficult for Zane, or anyone really, to rase the pitch and find out who he was, it still calmed him down just a bit.
"A nindroid knows a nindroid. A brother knows a brother."
Oh I'm f*ucked...
There was only panic, in his systems. The ticking of his clockwork had never sounded louder in his ears. It'd drowned out the sounds of water, the automatic breathing he for some reason had, the cracking of wood underneath his palms was the only sign that ticking was not the lone sound in the world.
He fell out of his anxious trance when the hand left his shoulder and those footsteps came back. No. They were moving away. Echo looked back, moving his fingers to clutch his hood tight against the unintentional winds that now followed him and his emotions. He could see Zane walking towards the steps of the bounty, but halted at the top of them, his hand instead lazily laying on the banister.
"Don't worry, I won't tell them-" He called, just loud enough for Echo to hear over the breeze.
-about what? That he knows who I am? That he'd practically lied to them? That he knew everything all along, because of course he knew, this was Zane, how could he not know, he-
Echo ceased all thoughts from his head. Cryptor? What was that? Was that some kind of fruit? Or a vegetable?
Echo turned his body in the direction of his brother to ask him or at least say goodbye, but he was gone. He'd walked off and down the stairs. Leaving behind not so much as a sheet of frost.
The clockwork child stayed standing there, pure surprise, fear, relief, confusion--actually a lof of emotions he didn't know how to process--flooding his brain. If it weren't for the distant voice of Nya yelling about the sudden gusts of wind changing their direction, he would likely not have moved from that position until they landed.
Cryptor. He thought, it must be a nickname. There was no way he couldn't have figured out Echo was his sibling. He'd said, "a brother knows a brother", they didn't have any other siblings. Right? No. It was just them, just the two of them. The only two nindroids in Ninjago.
His father had said so himself. Although, his father had also buried him under scrap metal and kept him hidden from his family.
Anything could be truth now.
Although Zane had left, and there was no one to hear him, he still felt it necessary to acknowledge what happened. Quietly and sadly, he spoke with a smile.
"Good guess, brother."
SO Uhh I'm gonna assume this was because i watched DotD last night,,, and so both Cryptor, and Morro were on my brain hense wind and Cryptor calling Zane "brother", but I always have Echo on the brain man,,, so uhh. Echo for the new master of wind? Anyone? I think it's cute,,,
I probably missed something, other than writing Jay and Echo's interaction, Jay was so sad throughout the rest of the dream, man. And Echo didn't even know why, it was heartbreaking---but it was also a dream and like all my dreams, they never get made into real things.
But I did like the Zane and Echo bit at the end though. There was a second ending, but it relied on the reveal of echo to the audience at the e n d of the dream. Zane still says Cryptor and Echo turns with the camera getting close to him. And as he turns his head to the camera, you see its Echo and then he says "good guess, brother" BUT NGL I THINK IT HURS MORE WHEN WE KNOW FROM THE BEGINNING SOOO.
My dreams are whack dudes,,,
Also this took nearly 3 hours to write its actually 8:50 now Soooo ilya
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Tell me about Sam. The dude who is awesam. What's his deal
Say no more, Blocks. Say no more.
- He is very much not human. There are two design ideas I have, one being that he looks mostly human but with green hair and a gasmask (the anime design) and the other being that he is covered entirely in mottled green fur and has a mouth shaped somewhat like a cat's but filled with teeth like an anglerfish. Both designs are creeper centaurs, however, because that is simply Too Badass of a design to NOT use.
- Sam really only ever uses one weapon, and it's his trident. Firstly, it's useful for more than just fighting, as he can use it to move avross the server faster than anyone else wwho doesn't have a trident. Secondly, a trident can be both thrown for long-range and used for fighting close-range, meaning that he only ever has to carry one weapon instead of multiple. Third, given how freaking tall he is (dwarfing pretty much everyone else on the server given that most are human and not gigantic creeper hybrids), he needs a long weapon just to be able to reach that far down, which a trident is great for. Fourth and arguably most important, he IS a creeper, and holding a trident enchanted with Channeling 'charges' him, making him faster, stronger, and tougher by far. No need for a beacon when you're carrying a trident.
- Why he is more intelligent than the rest of his brethren, has arms, and can respawn is mostly dependent on what story fits best, but I like to think that he was a small creeper that a baby Dream accidentally made a player before he had any handle on his powers and was subsequently raised by very confused adoptive parents. Who are those parents? I dunno, make it up
- He can explode. Under normal circumstances his explosions are stronger than normal creepers (being around the same strength as TNT), and when he's charged via Channeling Trident, that explosion size/power doubles. He respawns after he explodes, of course, but he hates doing it for various reasons, including but not limited to it feeling too similar to sui/cide.
- Sam has pharyngeal jaws (basically a second set of extendable jaws that come from the throat). It is physically impossible for him to talk while eating, because he has to chew and swallow with his second set of jaws extended. It freaks most humans out, which is why he usually eats only with people he knows and trusts.
- Sam definitely feels most at home with the Badlands, as they're his oldest friends and none of them are completely human. However, he feels somewhat conflicted on some of their founding ideals. Gaining more power on the server was cool, yeah, but did people really need to die for it? Not to mention the whole issue with the Crimson and the entire rest of the Badlands essentially being consumed by it. He sticks with them, of course, but lately he's been spending more and more time with Dream and Punz and even Tubbo.
- Sam sucks at making potions. He's terrible at it. He knows the recipes, sure, that's not nearly as complicated as the redstone circuitry he does on a daily basis, but brewing stands are so small and fragile that he keeps accidentally breaking them. Not to mention that he's always covered in redstone dust no matter how much he swims through the ocean, meaning that it's not uncommon for some to get into the brewing stand before it's meant to and mess up the entire potion. Eventually, he just got other people to make potions for him.
- Sam's eyes (whether he's humanoid or full creeper) are completely black without a visible iris or sclera. However, if he's feeling extremely emotional (whether that be happy, angry, sad, etc), his eyes will start to glow red, starting from the middle and spreading outwards the more emotional he is. It makes for a terrifying sight when he's pissed off and hissing, but also an unnerving one when he's excited as hell. Sam hates that he scares people even when he's happy, but it's not anything he can change.
- Sam has a short little duck-like tail. It wags. Everyone agrees that it's cute.
- This creeper man really just hates fighting in general. It's too bloody and painful and cruel. So he tries to be kind to everyone on the server, no matter who they are or what they've done. This includes Dream and Punz, who he's begun to side with more and more after Dream explained that all he wanted was to end all wars on the server. It made sense. Besides, Dream was his close friend, and so was Punz, and while George and Sapnap and Tubbo and Tommy all argued that they were the bad guys, they were also less rational than Dream and Punz tended to be, he knew. Sam values relationality and doing the thing that will be best in the long run rather than be the most immediately gratifying, so siding with the two that he knows think the most like him only makes sense. Not to mention the mkney he's getting out of it.
- And oh, the money. While he doesn't openly flex his riches like Punz does, Sam does greatly value material goods. The dude walks around wearing nothing but golden armor and a crown made of pure gold and emeralds, gives people expensive tools for free, and mentions the sheer number of tridents he has pretty regularly. It may not be as obvious as Punz, but he does like to flex his wealth. Can't blame a guy for taking what he can get, y'know.
- He's a very touchy person. If you are someone rhat he cares about and have expressed that you're okay with it, you WILL be getting clung to whenever he's around. Friendly hair ruffles and shoulder pats, sudden hugs and soft cuddles... Yeah, it's pretty great. If you stay near Sam long enough, you WILL end up using him as a pillow, whether you intend to or not, and that's just the way he likes it to be.
- Some more tomorrow most likely if people like these enough, Sam is a great dude and we all love him, he deserves all the recognition
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Buddy’s Problem part 3
And here's the last chapter! And if it feels kinda incomplete, that's cause it kinda is. I wasn't able to fit everything I wanted to into this fic, so there will probably be another fic later, focusing on Buddy solving his problems with the help of the others.
But that will be in a while, cause I've got other stuff to do first, and other fics to write. Until then, enjoy this fic, maybe check out my other fics, and definitely check out Left Behind, written by my friend @colorfulcollectordragon-2f8ee55c.
Filbo was having fun. Everyone, was having fun as far as he could tell. While they had, originally, gone to Gramble's place for the party it ended up that Gramble practically lived out of an animal shelter. Fitting, for the short Grumpus, but not very good for a party. So they had ended up moving to Wambus and Triffany's house instead, which meant they could be as loud as they want.
Which Chandlo took as a challenge, of course, after he had had a few beers. As it turned out, the bodybuilder was a lightweight, and Snorpy was currently trying to make him be quiet.
Beyond that, everyone else seemed to be having a great time, chatting among themselves or dancing to the music. Though Cromdo and Wiggle had gotten into a bit of a singing competition, it seemed to be all in good fun.
"Man, this is a great party!" Filbo commented to himself as he sipped at his own beer. He didn't get drunk easily, but he still wanted to be able to drive home. He could easily stay the night, but he didn't want to intrude.
He looked out the window, which had a good view of the driveway. No little red car yet, but it was still early. They'd left a note on Gramble's door, so Buddy would know to come here instead.
Hopefully, he'd be able to make it.
But, as the night went on and the party ran down, Buddy never showed up. And Filbo couldn't stop the hard, cold ball of dread from forming in his stomach. Finally, he went to where Wambus was arguing with Snorpy on whether he should continue growing and selling sauce.
"Hey, uh, Wambus?" The farmer turned to face the new Mayor fully, ignoring Snorpy even as he kept talking. "Can I use your phone?"
"Why?" He asked, reaching out to shove Snorpy's hat over his eyes. The poor guy must have drunk more than Filbo'd thought, as he immediately tripped over his own feet and onto the couch.
"Uh, well, Buddy told me he'd come. But, y'know, he never showed up. So I wanted to give him a quick call, and make sure he was okay."
"Sure." He gestured for Filbo to follow, and led the smaller Grumpus to the phone on the wall. He then leaned against the other wall nearby to watch as Filbo dialed in the number he'd memorized, and held the receiver up to his ear.
Nothing, just a dial tone. He hung up, then tried again to be greeted with the same result. He was about to try a third time when Wambus snatched the phone and did it for him instead, frowning at he dial tone.
"Does he usually call people at this time of night?" He asked as he hung up, and Filbo shook his head.
"Not while I was there." He shrugged helplessly, and watched the farmer's frown deepen.
"I don't like this." He said. "We should go check on him."
"What, now?!" Filbo rushed after Wambus as he headed for the door. "But half of us are drunk!"
Wambus paused, then changed direction to where Triffany was talking with Floofty. "Triffy. I need ya to drive me to, ah, to Buddy's house. He's not answering his phone, and he was supposed to be here." He told her.
Oh dear." Triffany put down her glass of water, worry already creasing her features. "Of course I'll drive ya, Wamby. Gotta make sure he's okay, after all."
"I will accompany you." Floofty spoke up, setting their own glass of water down.
"Oh, you don't have to do that, Floofty." Filbo told them. "You can stay and enjoy the party."
"Nonsense. You have been drinking as much as anyone else. You need someone to drive you." They reached over and plucked Filbo's keys from his paw. "And besides, our friend may require medical assistance, and I am the most qualified to give it. It's the least I could do for all the help he's given me."
"Oh, uh, okay then." Filbo followed them out and to their car, watching as Wambus and Trffany got in Wambus' truck. He had to give them directions, as Floofty had never been to Buddy's apartment before. But, they did exactly as he told them, and Triffany followed close behind.
They made it there quickly, and parked in front of the old brick building. Filbo climbed out of Floofty's car as soon as they got it parked, and bypassed the intercom system to head straight for the stairs instead. A few seconds later, he heard the others following behind him.
He stopped at the door to Buddy's apartment, and knocked quickly. "Hey, Buddy? You in there?" No answer, and as Filbo went to knock again Wambus elbowed in front of him and banged on the door instead.
"Open up!" He growled out, and Triffany and Filbo rushed to make him stop.
"Wamby! We don't want to scare the poor dear." She scolded.
"O-or wake everyone else up." Filbo looked around, in case anyone tried to come out and yell at them. When he turned back, Floofty was crouched by the door, something in their hands. "Uh, Floofty? What are you doing?"
"Picking the lock, of course." Floofty suppressed a sigh of annoyance. "Whether he's actually in there or not, it's clear he has no intention of answering. Thus, the only way to gain entry is to do it ourselves."
"But isn't that illegal?" Filbo asked. Floofty paused for a second, then chuckled darkly and finished picking the lock. They stood up and to the side, letting Filbo be the one to actually open the door.
Filbo didn't hesitate to enter the apartment, calling quietly as the others followed. "Buddy? Are you in here?"
"Absolutely disgusting." Floofty nudged an empty bottle with their prosthetic. "Was it this bad the last time you were here?"
"Not really." He looked around the room. "I mean, it was kinda messy  a couple of weeks ago, but not this bad."
"Hmm." Floofty approached the Wall of Paper, reading through each article thoroughly.
"Filbo? Ya might wanna come look at this." Filbo went to where Triffany was standing by the door to Buddy's "spare room". The room itself was filled with file boxes, one of which the archeologist had opened. It was filled with more folders full of paper, each one with a large red REJECTED stamped on the front. Triffany was looking through one, and Filbo, against his better judgement, grabbed one up himself.
It was an article, one written by Buddy if the writing was any indication. He closed the folder and looked at the REJECTED stamp again, before turning back to the stacks and stacks of boxes in the room. Some of them were regular cardboard boxes labeled with things like KITCHEN or PHOTOS. But the vast majority, Filbo was sure, held more rejected articles.
"Looks like our journalist has been busy." Triffany observed quietly. "Maybe too busy. Has he ever mentioned any other friends?"
"I... no. Not to me, anyways." Filbo admitted. He stared at the folder in his hands as he  stood up. "We gotta find Buddy."
"Found him!" Wambus called from the bathroom. The two hurried that way, to find Buddy passed out in the bath tub, Wambus standing over him and reading a bottle. "Looks like he drunk himself into a stupor."
"My respect for him has lowered considerably." Floofty commented dryly as they approached to check his vitals. "At least he didn't try to drive anywhere, or I would have killed him myself."
"Floofty, please." Triffany scolded. "Now is not the time."
"Hmph." They stood up, drying their now damp hands on a nearby towel. "Well, he's still alive, at least. But it would be highly dangerous for him to remain here alone."
"I could stay here with him." Filbo volunteered, and Wambus snorted.
"Not gonna happen." He said, leaning down and grabbing Buddy, hefting him up over his shoulder in a firegrump carry. "We'll bring him back with us."
"Wamby, no. That's kidnapping." Triffany chased her husband down as he power-walked out of the apartment. Floofty and Filbo exchanged a look, then quickly followed them out, the scientist grabbing the keys from the small dish by the door as they passed.
The way back seemed to take less time, though that might've been the alcohol finally taking hold. Filbo tried to focus on what he could see of Triffany and Wambus in the truck in front of them, watching as they apparently argued.
As they pulled up, Filbo noticed that most of the cars were gone. 'Oh. I guess the others left when we did.' He felt a little guilty about that, but it had been quite late already. 'I hope they all got home okay.'
Him and Floofty watched as Wambus climbed out of the truck, the grabbed Buddy and carried him into the house. Triffany followed, wringing her paws together worriedly. Beside him, Floofty sighed.
"I'd better go collect my brother and his partner." They said and left the car. Filbo followed and they went inside, where Triffany was checking up on Chandlo and Snorpy, who were laying on the couch. They approached, but when they got close their face twisted into an expression of disgust.
"Really, Snorpington?" They muttered, but settled onto the floor near the couch anyways. Filbo took the chance to go to where he knew the guest room was, where Wambus had set Buddy onto the bed.
"... Do you think he'll be okay?" The smaller Grumpus asked, watching from the doorway. Wambus just shook his head, turning to leave the room.
"No clue, Filbo. But I think it's time for everybody to get some sleep." He said gruffly. "We've got another couch, if ya need it."
"Oh. Thanks Wambus." He was feeling pretty tired, as it had been a pretty eventful day. And, with what they'd found, he didn't really want to leave Buddy alone. He followed Wambus to the second couch, and settled in for the night.
"Ngh." Buddy threw an arm over his eyes as light streamed in through the window. 'Wait, the bathroom doesn't have any windows! Or a bed!' He sat up quickly, then fell back against the pillows as his head throbbed and his eyes burned. 'Mistake! That was a mistake! Ow!' Carefully, he rolled away from the light and slowly opened his eyes, looking around. 'Yeah, no. This isn't my bedroom. I don't know where this is.' He huffed a quiet laugh that made his face hurt. 'Snorpy was right, there is a Grumpinatti.'
As the ex journalist considered whether he was up to fight hordes of possible cultists, the door creaked open, then shut again as someone entered the room. They stopped by the bed, and Buddy managed to turn his head back enough to see Wambus standing there, a mug of something steaming in his paws.
"... How the grump did you get in my house?" Was all he said. Wambus gave a low chuckle, setting the mug down on the bedside table.
"Filbo showed me." The farmer told him. "Drink that when you can. It'll help with the hangover." There was thud from another room, followed by begging and then yelling, thought both were indistinct. "... I gotta go separate those two again. Triffy'll be by to check up on ya soon."
Time passed. Buddy wasn't sure how much, as there wasn't a clock and he didn't have his watch, but he did eventually manage to sit up and drink the... drink that Wambus had brought him. It was absolutely disgusting, so he didn't drink much of it, even if it did help his headache. But eventually, Triffany did come in with some food.
"Hey there." She said, quietly but cheerfully, holding up the plate. " I brought ya some breakfast. "
"Oh, uh. Thanks?" He accepted the plate, but she didn't leave. "Um, why am I... here?"
"Oh, Filbo got worried when you didn't show up at the party last night. And then him and Wamby got even more worried when you wouldn't answer your phone."
"Uh, yeah. I kinda... stopped paying the bill on that." He told her sheepishly. "I wasn't sure I'd be able to afford it without a job, y'know?"
That was a lie, of course. He'd actually taken the receiver off the hook so none of them could call him. But he wasn't going to tell her that, not when she looked so worried about him already.
"Oh honey. That's terrible." She told him, but he just shrugged in response, feeling guilty.
"I mean, it's not the first time. I get paid for the articles that go out, so if that doesn't happen..." He sighed. At least that part was true. "I just hope Beffica has an easier time of it than I've had."
"I'm sure she'll be just fine, dear." Triffany told him. "Say, if you're feeling up to it, why don't you come eat at the table? Filbo and Wambus should be back soon, and they'll be happy to see ya up and about."
"Sure. Why not." Buddy sighed, and followed her to the dining room. He looked out the windows as they passed, but couldn't see his car. 'I guess they went to go it. I hope they went to go get it.'
Buddy stayed mostly quiet while him and Triffany ate breakfast, though a look at the clock showed it was actually closer to lunchtime. Ah well, wasn't the first time he'd woken up late with a hangover. When he did talk, he kept it away from his personal issues, keeping it on more lighthearted topics instead.
Finally, though, Wambus and Filbo showed back up, with the smaller Grumpus driving Buddy's tiny red car. 'Finally!' He thought as he watched them climb out and head for the house. 'Now I can get out of their lives.'
The two at the table stood as the others came in, Buddy just barely restraining himself from snatching his keys out of Filbo's paw. "Did ya boy get everything done.?" Triffany asked.
"Yep." Wambus adjusted his hat. "Threw out all those bottles."
"What?" Buddy deadpanned, then took a deep breath. "You, uh, you only threw the empty ones out, right?"
"Nope." He answered bluntly, and Buddy felt a brief, burning rage before it dissolved into depressed acceptance.
"Fine. Okay." He sighed and turned to grab his keys from Filbo, who held them back. "... Give me my keys, Filbo."
"I think we need to talk, Buddy." He said instead, and Buddy gave an angry huff before just snatching them and stalking out of the house. Triffany and Wambus exchanged a look, while Filbo ran after him.
"Buddy, wait!" He grabbed his arm before the orange Grumpus could reach his car.
"What, Filbo?!" He snapped, turning and yanking his arm away. "What do you want now? Cause what I want is to go home, and try and find a paper that will take me! If Clumby hasn't blacklisted me, of course."
"I..." What to say in this situation? Buddy had never looked so angry before, and Filbo wasn't sure what to do. He swallowed thickly. "That doesn't sound like too big of a problem-"
"Oh no, that's not my problem." Buddy said with false cheer. "My problem is that no matter what I do, I get thrown out like a piece of trash!!" He had started shouting, and wasn't sure when. Filbo looked taken aback, having drawn away when the yelling started. "So now, I'm gonna leave before I get thrown out! Again!" He yanked his car door open and got inside, slamming it shut. Unfortunately, when he tried to start the engine, nothing happened.
"Piece. Of. Shit." He groaned before letting his head fall to the steering wheel. A second later there was a knock on the window, and he turned just enough to see Filbo staring worriedly at him through the glass. Buddy ignored him, so he walked around the front of the car and got in the passenger seat. Buddy cursed his broken door locks.
"Get out of my car, Filbo." He growled, not lifting his head up.
"No. Not until you tell me what you're talking about!" The strength in his tone surprise the orange Grumpus. "... What makes you so sure we're gonna "throw you out"?"
For a long moment, neither of them spoke. Then Buddy sighed and leaned back, pressing his paws into his eyes. "Why wouldn't you throw me out. Everyone else I've ever met has."
"That can't be true!" Filbo protested.
"Really? Then tell that to my parents. And childhood "friends". And every single job I've ever worked." He sighed and glared out the windshield. "I'm a terrible Grumpus, Filbo. Everything I try to do, I screw it up somehow. Even when I do something right, I end up doing it... wrong. And if it doesn't go wrong, then it ends not mattering either way."
"That's not true!" Filbo insisted. "You helped everyone in Snaxburg-"
"And fed them all parasites! I fed you all so many you started to turn into them!" He smacked the wheel, frustrated. "If we didn't find Liz when we did, none of us would be here right now!"
"Hey, hey, it's okay. We all- Most of us made it out okay. The Snax wore off, and we're all fine." He tried to give a reassuring smile, but Buddy just turned away. "Nobody blames you for that. Heck, I don't think they even blame Liz. So, it's fine. Right?"
"No Filbo, it's NOT fine." He tried one more time to start the car, and was rewarded by the engine finally sputtering to life. "Now, get out of my car. I have job applications to fill."
Instead, he heard the click of a seat-belt locking into place. He looked over to see Filbo had instead buckled himself up, and was staring at Buddy with his arms crossed.
"Oh. My. Grump." He deadpanned. "Just get out."
"Nope! If you leave, I'm leaving with you." He gave Buddy a hard look. "I am not letting you go and drink yourself back into a stupor."
He barked out a short, humorless laugh. "Beffica was right, you really are a squeeb."
"Hey, she said I was the good kind of squeeb!" The tone was light, and kept Buddy from feeling too bad about it. A not uncomfortable silence descended on the two, as Buddy messed with the switches on his dashboard. "... Did you ever think about coming out here?" Filbo finally asked.
"I mean, I could. I don't really know what I'd do, but I could."
"I'm sure we could find some sort of job for you. If nothing else, you could, uh, be Floofty's assistant?" Filbo scratched his head. "Or I could give you a job in office. At least until the next election."
"Sure, why not." He snorted. "What could go wrong with putting me in leadership position."
"... You could be a file clerk or something?" He suggested, and Buddy gave a real laugh this time.
"We'll see." He told him. "Now, get out of my car, for real. I gotta go home, take a shower." He sighed. "Buy groceries."
"Oh, uh. Yeah." Filbo let himself out of the car, but didn't close the door. "Just, uh, don't do the whole drinking thing again, okay? You made everyone really worried."
A pause, and then Buddy gave a reassuring smile. "Sure, I think I can manage that."
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layce2015 · 4 years
The Last of Us Part 2 (Joel x Reader)
Chapter 10: I Know You Wish Things Were Different
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Chapter 9
*2 Years Earlier*
"She hasn't changed the strings." Joel said as he looks over the guitar. "I'm sure she didn't know." I said as I stir the stew in the pot, keeping it from burning. "Hmm, maybe..." he mutters and I give a small smile at him. 
We were out in a cabin, just for lookout and patrol. It was just me, Joel, Tommy and Ellie out here, Aiden and Ethan were back at Jackson with Maria, who wanted to watch over them. Right now, Tommy took Ellie out to find any infected around while Joel and I got back in the cabin from our patrol and I decided to cook dinner as it seemed we might be out here for awhile.
"I just don't know about her." He said and I look back at him. "It just...it seems she doesn't want to talk to me anymore. Has she talked to you?" Joel asked me. "No, she hasn't. But in all honesty, honey, she's at that age where kids don't want to be around us old people anymore." I explained then we heard some gunshots off in the distance and both of us look out the window, towards the mountain.
"Must've found some infected nearby." I remarked and I lower the heat on the small portable stove and let the stew simmer. I look over at him as he looks a bit sad while he strums his guitar.
I go over to him then placed an arm around his shoulder, lean down and kissed the top of his head. "She'll come around. I promise." I said then he looks up at me and gives me a small smile. I smiled back at him then I lean in and kiss him on the lips, he places his right hand on my neck then he slides it to the back of my head so he could hold my head in place as our kiss became deeper and passionate.
"I love you. You know that, right?" Joel said, softly, once I pull back from the kiss. "Of course I do. I love you as well." I said as I smiled, gently. I stand up and he removes his hand off of me and I make my way over back to the food.
"I mean, who else is gonna deal with your grumpy ass." I said, teasingly, and Joel chuckles as he strums the guitar. I went back to stirring the stew again when Joel starts to play a song that I recognized. A song that I remembered we danced to so many years ago at our wedding.
I turn to him and see him smirking at me as he starts to sing the song.
You may think that I'm talking foolish
You've heard that I'm wild and I'm free
You may wonder how I can promise you now
This love that I feel for you always will be
But you're not just time that I'm killin'
I'm no longer one of those guys
As sure as I live, this love that I give
Is gonna be yours until the day that I die
Oh, baby, I'm gonna love you forever
Forever and ever, amen
As long as old men sit and talk about the weather
As long as old women sit and talk about old men
If you wonder how long I'll be faithful
I'll be happy to tell you again
I'm gonna love you forever and ever
Forever and ever, amen
"Joel..." I said, my eyes tearing up a bit, and his smile grew wider at me when we heard footsteps and voices. I wipe away the oncoming tears, just as Tommy and Ellie come in. "That was y'all shooting out there, right?" Joel asked them. "Oh, just some stragglers. Ellie got to try out my scope." Tommy said as he and Ellie go to sit down at a table near us.
"Really? How'd you like it?" I asked Ellie. "Yeah. Feels good." She said, rushed. She sits there and looks away while Tommy sits down and starts to kick back. 
"I see you, uh...haven't got around changing the strings yet." Joel said as he stands up and walks over to Ellie, still holding the guitar. "I didn't know I was supposed to." Ellie said as she looks up and chuckles, awkwardly. "See? I told ya, Joel." I said. "Well, we'll get you some new ones." Joel said and he leans the guitar against the table and walks over next to me as Tommy picks the guitar up.
"There's that music store down there. I bet they got guitar stuff." Tommy suggests and Joel, Ellie and I all exchange awkward looks. "I mean that area is long overdue for a sweep anyway. I can keep watch." Tommy said as he looks over at us and Joel looks over at Ellie.
"What do you say, kiddo?" He asked her. "Sure." She said, shrugging, then Tommy begins to play the guitar. "And that's our que." I said as Joel and I walk out while Tommy chuckles.
Joel and I go to one horse while Ellie follows us. "Alright. Let's go." She said. "Okay. Follow us, kiddo." I said and Joel gets on his horse and helps me up as I sit behind him and Ellie mounts her horse. Then we began to gallop away. 
"So, you and Tommy cross anything when you was out?" I asked her. "Just a few we saw from the ridge. You?" She said. "Uh, you know....found two runners in a house." Joel said to her then it went silent again.
"Jesse tells us you're handling your own quite well on the group patrol. He's even recommended you for paired patrols." I said. "Though I still think you're a bit young for it." Joel said. "I'm a better shot than almost all of them. And I have more experience than most of the new recruits who've..." Ellie started to argue but Joel talks over her.
"Look...if you think you're ready, (y/n) and I trust you." He said. "Okay. Thanks." Ellie said, a sound of relief in her voice. "Just do us a favor and start with the shorter routes for awhile, Y'know. See how you handle them." I said to her as I turn to her and see her smile. "Alright." She said and we keep trotting on.
"You remember those Savage Starlight comic books that you're into?" Joel asked her. "Yeah?" Ellie said. "Tommy, (y/n) and I found some when we were moving through that school the other day." Joel said. 
"Did you guys like 'em?" Ellie asked us, curiously. "Oh, you know, it's not really my cup of tea. But (y/n) seemed to enjoy them." Joel said and I rolled my eyes. "Hey, what can I say? My inner child came out when I read those books." I said.
"I didn't know you were into that kind've stuff, (y/n)." Ellie  said, shocked. "Oh yeah. When I was a kid, a bit younger than you, I was really into reading comic books, science fiction being the big thing for me." I explained.
"Really? What made you stop reading them?" Ellie asked. "Life, honestly. It just started to get really hectic once I hit 18. Got a job, having to help my mom out while my brother was in the army, trying to decide whether I wanted to go to college or not, went out with a few friends." I explained and Ellie nods.
"Then I met this weird guy, who came in at my workplace one day, fell in love and married him." I said and Ellie chuckles a bit. "Yeah and I married a clumsy waitress that spilled iced tea on me." Joel said and my face heats up in embarrassment. "That was one time!" I exclaimed while Ellie laughs outloud at this and I hear Joel chuckling.
"Anyway...Dr. Daniella Star, I mean, she's pretty..." Joel started to say before Ellie talks over him, after recovering from laughing. "She's a savage." She said. "Yeah, what she does to Captain Ryan in that Death Match..." I said, chuckling, and Joel nods at this.
"Yeah, I mean, he definitely deserved it but..." Ellie started to say but she stops before Joel talks. "Well, it was a nice twist on how they escape, though." He said and Ellie giggles. "You're funny." She said and I smiled at her just as we make up to a fence and the old motel building. 
"Music story's up that way...we're gonna have to leave the horses here." Joel said as we come up to the fence. "Yeah...sounds good." Ellie said and we stopped then got off of the horses and jumped the fence.
"There's that music store." I said, pointing at the tall sign a few miles up ahead. We walk up to two large vehicles blocking the road before Joel turns to Ellie. "Need a boost?" He asked her. "I got it." She said and she climbs up the old moving truck and gets on top of it then gets on the other side.
"Uh, I don't think we can go this way." We hear her say. "What?" We said, confused, and Joel and I climb up on top of the truck and see that the area was dried out and the road was sunken in. "Well, damn. Used to be able to swim across this...." Joel said, disappointed. "So now what?" Ellie asked us and I looked at the motel building next to us.
"Well, if you're up for it, we can try cutting through that hotel." I said and Ellie nods. "I'm up for it." She said as she climbs back up on the truck then we head over to the hotel building.
We make it to the front door and Ellie tries to open it but it wouldn't budge. "Damn it." She grumbles and I sighed. "Of course." I said. "Oh, that might be something." Joel said and we turned and see him staring at a crawlspace under what looks like a collapsed roof.
"Think that you girls could fit in there?" Joel asked as I kneel down to look at it. "Hmmm...maybe. Worth a shot, though. I'll go first and then Ellie can follow me." I said and Joel nods then picks up part of the collapsed rubble and I crawled through into a room then looked around.
"I'm through, come on, Ellie." I said then I hear her crawling through and I turned and hold my hand out to her to help her up. She takes my hand and I help her stand up. "Made it!" She said. "Hang on, big guy. We'll let you in." I called out. "All right." He said and both of us walk out of the room and look around to make sure no infected were nearby then I see the front door.
"Ellie, keep an eye out. I'll go let him in." I tell her and she nods as I head to door and began to unlock it. I open the door to see Joel standing there, leaning to the side as his left hand was braced against the doorframe. "Well, hey there." I say to him and he gives me a small grin. "Howdy." He said, making my heart flutter.
Even after all these years, he still knows how to make me feel this way. Make me feel like that young woman he met all those years ago. Then an old memory came to me and an idea popped in my head and I smiled.
"Damn, if being sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged!" I said and Joel lowered his head and shook it as he chuckles. "Cheesy pick up lines? Really?" He asked me as he raises his head up to me, but with a smile still on his face and his cheeks were turning a bit red.
"Why not? I mean...we used to share cheesy lines when we first got together." I said and he chuckles then he starts to walk pass me. "I'm too old for this cheesy shit..." he mutters and I rolled my eyes. "Uh-huh...sure you are." I said, sarcastically, and he chuckles then he pushes a strand of hair away from my face, leans in, then kisses me.
"Hey, guys. I think I've found a way through. But there are spores". Ellie said as Joel and I break the kiss. We smiled then we head over to Ellie as she stands in front of a snack machine, that was covering a giant hole.
"Okay, well girls, put your masks on." Joel said and we started to put ours on but Ellie looks over at us, annoyed. "Do I have to? It's just us." She said. "What if we run into someone?" I pointed out to her and she sighs. "Okay. Fine." She said and she pulls out her mask and puts it in while Joel pushes the machine aside.
He goes through the hole in the wall then me and finally Ellie. "You gotta be smart about this. You stop wearing that mask, kiddo, and eventually you're gonna slip up in front of someone you shouldn't." Joel tells her. "I never slipped." Ellie said, firmly, as we walked through some rooms. "You haven't told anyone new, have you? Like Jesse or Dina or --" Joel started to asked but Ellie shakes her head. "Of course not!" She said. "Okay, good." Joel and I said and we continue on.
"You guys ever been in here before?" Ellie asked us after climbing through a hole and landing into another room. "No. We've just patrolled the streets." I replied. "Feeling like a bit of an oversight now..." Joel said. "Maybe." Ellie mutters and we see a dead Clicker that's stuck to the wall.
"Looks like it was shot here awhile back." Joel pointed out as he looks at the Clicker. "When'd did the last patrol go through here?" Ellie asked us and I shrug as Joel said. "Not sure."
"Is it one of us?" Ellie asked and I sighed. "Only people went missing from Jackson are them teenagers from last year. This one's too old. Probably just roamed in." I pointed out then Joel stands up and we continued through until we come up to these large double doors.
Joel opens the door, slowly, and we could hear some infected and Clickers inside. "We are on patrol, right?" Ellie said and Joel and I share a look before I nod. "Alright. Let's take 'em out." He said and we head in what is the lobby area and, quietly, take out the few infected and Clickers inside.
"Guys, I think we did it." Ellie said after a few moments of silence. "Yeah, I think so, too." I said, breathless, and Joel nods. "Good job, kiddo." Joel congrats and Ellie nods. "Yeah, you too." She said. "So, what do you guys say we give up on those strings for today?"
"Couldn't said it better myself." Joel said as I look around the room. "I think our only way out is forward now." I said and we go through another set of doors then through some more rooms.
"This looks like something." Joel said as he comes up to a crawl space in the walls. "Following you." Ellie said and Joel squeezes throught then me and Ellie. Joel and I duck down under this pipe and kept going when we heard something break. 
We look over and see that the pipe broke and Ellie stared at it for a moment and we stopped moving, looking towards the wall. We could hear a noise and then a roar before there was a crash and a Bloater burst throught the wall and grabs Ellie. "Ellie!" Joel and I screamed and we get out of the crawl space just as the Bloater tossed Ellie on the floor. 
Joel and I pull out our shotguns and fired at the monsters. "Leave her alone, you sonuvabitch!" I shouted and the monster started coming at us but we back away. Ellie threw a molotov at it and it roars in pain then turned to her. The flames died down in it and more infected started coming at us.
I went and shot at them while Joel shot at the Bloater until it grabbed Ellie. It pulled off her mask and tried to grab her face until Joel pulls out his machete and sliced at it's arm, making it let Ellie go, then stabbed it, repeatedly, until it died. I run over to Ellie and help her up to her feet.
"Shit." She whispered, shocked. "You okay?" I asked her and she nods. "That was too close." Joel said. "Sure....but we fucking did it." Ellie said and Joel and I chuckle a bit. "We sure did." Joel said and we started to continue on. "You guys good?" Ellie asked. "Other than being really old, ain't nothing a solid night of sleep won't shake off." I said and Joel nods. "I wanna get outta here." Ellie said, exasperated, and we agreed and continued on.
We make it to another set of doors and Joel and I move the couch that was barricading the door. "Wait, what if there's like two Bloaters on the other side?" Ellie asked, worried. "It'll be fine." Joel assured her as we move the couch out of the way then we opened the door, our guns drawn and we look around to see nothing, not even spores.
"Spores are clear." Joel said and Ellie shuts the door behind us as Joel and I take off our masks. "Quiet the fight we had back there, huh?" Ellie said as we walked down the hallway. "Not often we get a Bloater around these parts." Joel said.
"Yeah. Jesse and Dina are going to lose their shit when they hear about this." Ellie said. "What's the deal with them two, anyway? They're dating, right?" Joel asked her as walked through the old kitchen area. "Uh, on and off. Why?" Ellie asked. "(Y/n) and I hear the way Jesse talks about you." Joel said to her.
"No. Jesse and I are just friends." Ellie said. "Now, now, now, I've got a pretty keen eye for these sort of things." Joel said and I rolled my eyes. "Not so keen with this one." Ellie said and Joel chuckles. "We'll see." He said and I scoff.
"Keen eye, huh? Remind me again, honey, who was the one that took months to ask who out?" I asked him. "Well, I had to make sure...get you warmed up to me and then I'd ask you out." Joel said and I snorted. "Really? That was the plan? And not, Sarah coaxing you to ask me out after you were too nervous to ask?" I asked and I hear Ellie chuckling under her breath. "Yeah, that's exactly right." Joel said and I scoffed. "Mmmhmm, okay....Whatever floats your boat." I said, sarcastically, and we head up to this door and Joel goes to open it but it only opens a few inches.
"Think you can squeeze through there?" Joel asked Ellie and she nods and goes through the door. "See what it is?" I asked her. "Yeah." She said and I hear her move something. "Okay." She said and Joel opens the door wider and we walk into an old coffee shop as Ellie walks to the middle of the room and sees a dead body.
I hear a noise then look over to see a Clicker, with no legs, start crawling towards Ellie. "Ellie!" I shout and I run over to the Clicker, put my foot on it's back and shoot it in the head, killing it. "Thanks." Ellie said and I nod at her as Joel comes up to me. "You okay?" He asked me. "Yeah." I said.
"Hey, guys. I think it's them. The couple that ran away last year." Ellie said as she points at the dead body. Joel and I kneel down to the body and look it over. "Think you're right." Joel said. 
"Jackson is a wonderful place....but we got tired of hearing the stories of people suffering everywhere else..." Ellie said and we look up to her to see her holding a note. "We wanted to save lives, we had good intentions...we didn't make it an hour before running into a horde. Now we're bitten. We've decided we're gonna end our lives instead of turning. Please tell our family and friends that we're sorry. Love Adam and Sidney." Ellie said and I lowered my head, closed my eyes and shook my head at this.
Joel and I stand up and look back at Ellie as she flips the note to the back and reads some more. "I shot her. I can't take my own life I'm a fucking coward. Adam." She reads and I place my hand over my mouth in shock. "Jesus." Joel mutters, horrified. 
"If only they were immune, right?" Ellie said as she sets the note down and looks at the body. I lower my hand and Joel and I exchange a nervous look before Joel clears his throat. "Well, let's...let's go get Tommy, and we can take thse bodies back to Jackson." He said and he pats my arm and we start to walk towards the front door.
"After you guys took me out of the Firefly hospital...you two said that there were dozens of people like me." Ellie said, making us stop in our tracks then turn to her. "Yeah. Yeah, that's what they told us." Joel said to her. "I've never met another immune person before. Have you?" She asked us then Joel and I share a quick look before I turn to Ellie. 
"They could be hiding it. You do." I said, shrugging. "Do you guys believe that?" Ellie asked, questioning, and I raise an eyebrow at her. "Is now really the time for this?" Joel asked her. "We traveled across the entire country to bring me to the Fireflies....I had so many questions for them." She said and I could tell she was getting angry.
"Why did you guys pull me out of there while I was still unconscious?!" She asked, loudly. "Because we let them run their tests, and when (y/n) and I saw that they were useless, both of us got all three of us out of there...." Joel said.
"How do you know they were useless? Maybe if you guys woulda given them more time, they could have figured something out--" Ellie yells as Joel walks over to her and stands in front of her while I was standing behind him.
"Ellie. There was no cure." Joel said to her, firmly. "There's nothing that could've helped these people or anybody else. I know you wish things were different--(y/n) and I--we wish things were different. But they ain't." He said and the two stare at each other, my heart beating like a jackhammer, before Ellie, her eyes welling up, looks away then down.
"We need to get these kids back to their families." I said and they look over at the bodies before Joel looks back at Ellie. "Is there something else you like to rehash?" Joel asked her and Ellie looks back at him. "No." She said. "Good. C'mon." Joel said and we start to head out.
That night, we made it back to Jackson and brought those bodies back for the families, which of course they were sad about, then we made it back home. Ellie was in her little shed in the backyard and I had already tucked Aiden and Ethan into bed for the night.
Joel was already passed out but I couldn't sleep so I sat up on the edge of the bed and ran my hands through my hair.
This lie we keep telling Ellie just tears me up inside the more time goes on and the more times she keeps questioning it; I know she knows that we're lying, she just doesn't know exactly what it is.
"(Y/n), honey?" I hear Joel groan behind me and I turn to him to see him waking up. "Everything okay?" He asked, softly, as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes. "Yeah...just couldn't sleep." I said and he starts to sit up then sits down next to me and places an arm around me. "What's wrong?" He asked me and I sigh. 
"I'm...I'm just thinking..." I replied. "About what?" He asked and I bite my lips. "This lie we're telling Ellie." I replied and I hear him sigh, heavily, at this. "Oh Lord, not this again." He grumbles. "Joel, she's already questioning our story. Whether you like it or not, she's gonna find out. She's a really smart girl..." I said and Joel looks down.
"She's not gonna find out." He grumbles. "Yes, she will. And that's what's heartbreaking, Joel. Cause I can see this go either way. Either we tell her and she has her heart broken about it, maybe lose her trust or she finds out herself, still has her heart broken and not only we lose her trust, but also we lose her forever." I said.
Joel frowns at this, knowing I'm right about the potential consequences of holding back the truth from Ellie. He sighs and pull me close, resting his chin on my shoulder. “I know honey...but it’s for her own good.” he said and I frown then sigh as he kisses my shoulder.
"I know it's for her own good...it's just...I'm just worried and scared of what's to come. I don't want to lose her." I said. He pulls me closer to him, his arms wrapped around my shoulders, and I place my hands on his arm as tears rolled down my face. "Neither do I." He mutters and we sit like this for awhile before both of us get tired and fall asleep.
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touchmycoat · 3 years
OP!Anon for Leverage!HX/LQG: *SCREAM* oh I adore how you wrote this - HX is so good at reading everyone and understanding how to motivate/manipulate them, except for lqg. I love how angry he got at the idea of lqg seeing him in the same light as swd, and also how lqg's just like, yep, swd's gotta die when he heard the full story. I love the idea of HC coming in like the king he is and laying down the law about XL. ahhhhhhh!!!! just imagining hx and lqg getting close after lots of shenanigans!
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teamwork baby
"Xue Yang must die" is literally one of my favorite WWX quotes of all time LMFAO time to pay homage
so you know how in book 3, during the Black Water arc, HX is there trying to push his whole scheme forward? It's well-timed, well-thought-out, but the only fucking spanner that keeps jumping back into his work is XL-and-therefore-HC? Yeah I imagine working with grifter!HC is pretty much like that. He's always late or never shows up at all to briefings, or he shows up to the very end to hear the conclusion and goes "Nope, that's fucking stupid, change it." SQQ's like "Why??" and HC's like "oh, lil boy can't figure it out?"
and whenever they have an actual plan going, HC sometimes just shows up and starts doing his own thing in the middle and forces HX to keep up. This is often motivated by one of XL's jobs, and XL would ask if HC knows a little piece of intel, and HC would be like "oh you know what, I actually have a hostage right here to ask about that, one moment please :)" and utterly prioritize XL's thing. HX has to change the job on the fly so many times, and it's so fucking annoying, but it's not like HC leaves him at a dead end, so he always does find a way out.
(this got fucking long, but HX/LQG under the cut)
Bingliushen are also annoyed as fuck, but while they're godtier at their own things, none of them are mastermind-level (yet—Binghe's gonna get there, isn't he), so they just have to put their faith in HX and keep chugging forward. This is how the foundation builds, y'know? HX insists to both others and himself that he's being honest and faithful to his team because that's just the best way to handle them, not 'cause he's actually a team player and not 'cause he cares for anybody at all. And LQG's a simple guy—you save my life, I'll save yours. You act in good faith, I'll be loyal in turn.
It starts with something small. HX's suffered tremendous loss, and has been on his own for a very, very long time. He's used to taking care of himself, but we all know LQG's love language is "here, you dropped this. I've been quietly paying attention to everything you like and do, no big deal." So maybe it happens on a mission. HC has three marks to dupe in succession, and they're playing a nasty Big Pharma group, so it's hitting close to home for HX. At the last minute though, HC says over the comm, "the CEO & CFO made me. Must've recognized me from speaking to the secretary earlier. He Xuan."
"Can you still do the COO?"
"I'm not about to waste this outfit, am I."
and HX has to hop in and do 2/3rds of the grifting himself, which is fine, he's completely capable of this, he's a goddamn prodigy at hiding his murderous tendencies. but out of nowhere LQG is on the line, "Shen Qingqiu, you said you can hack the finances, right?"
"Yes, but nothing else."
"Then He Xuan doesn't have to talk to the CFO. Give me 2 minutes, I'll knock him out."
and HX doesn't stop him because sure, why not? It was more efficient for HC to do three of them at once, but now that it was HX doing it (and HX still has his own part to play), it would save them more effort if LQG goes for the blunt force solution. But it rubs HX the wrong way—what the fuck? Yeah, HX may not like grifting as much as HC, the stupid drama queen, but hasn't he proven himself every bit as capable of it? Why did LQG think it necessary to, what, bail him out?
So that night, after debrief, HX pulls LQG aside to give him a piece of his mind. "Don't ever try to override my judgment again." "What are you talking about?" "I made a call, I did not need your 'help' on the grift." "That wasn't help." "Then what was it." "You hate talking to guys like that!" "???" "You didn't need to talk to him, and I was right there. It was the obvious thing to do."
and HX still doesn't get it, not until the next day, when SQQ and HX are quietly setting up for the morning, and SQQ says out of the blue, "that's just how he cares. Liu Qingge, I mean. It's never an ego thing once he's your friend."
"I don't need friends," is HX's automatic response.
"No," SQQ snorts in agreement. "You need revenge. That's fine. Then I'm sure he'll get over it."
Which—okay—no? Bastard. That's just a passive aggressive attempt at a guilt trip, and it's not going to work. HX has already made it abundantly clear from the get-go that this was simply a job, he was the pointman, once they were done everybody will go on their way. It's not his fault SQQ dragged in a hitman with the loyalty instincts of a german shepherd, and it's certainly none of his business whether LQG treats him as friend or a colleague.
LQG will just have to be disappointed.
BUT OF COURSE WHAT GOES ON TO HAPPEN IS THAT HX sees more and more of the things LQG does, the ways LQG manages to be thoughtful. The way LQG handles visitors during HX’s mealtimes despite how much LQG hates talking to randos, bc HX has bad food days and can’t really stand eating with others. The time they had some time to kill undercover in a consultant’s office, and HX passed the time by pointing out all the things wrong with the office’s mini-aquarium set-up, so when SQQ brought up something inane about decorating their headquarters, LQG made HX draw up specs for a saltwater tank of their own. HX and everybody else kept insisting it was a waste of time, but LQG still went ahead and got it made anyways, and now it’s HX’s favorite thing in the entire HQ.
But HX wasn’t about to owe anybody anything. If LQG insists on this game, then fine, HX was going to play to win. He requisitions new toys (read: weapons) for LQG, he builds heists around the sole purpose of giving LQG a room of satisfying bad guys to beat up, he goes to the gym and spars with LQG, he even tries to give LQG’s weirdly famous younger sister’s novel a read—which was a lot. Ahem. But LQG loves his younger sister, so surely this would be the ultimate “hah! I’ve given you more than you’ve given me! I win! move.
...turns out LQG’s never read the damn thing, and just takes everything HX gives him in total stride. “We still on for tomorrow?” “...Yes.” “Cool. See you.” And HX’s over here totally overthinking EVERYTHING while LQG’s just chilling, super matter-of-fact.
Fuck, were they friends???
HX rage-panics, because he does. not. need. friends. And it has nothing to do with how everyone he’s ever loved dies, it has nothing to do with the careful balance of vengeful fury and self-hatred inside him that’s about to tip over any day now, once they take down SWD. It has nothing to do with HX being too traumatized and grief-stricken to imagine moving on from revenge, to ever imagine being simply content again.
His eating habits get worse. One day he snaps at LQG for pining so much after SQQ. “You already know he’s never going to return your feelings. It’s embarrassing to watch you insist on giving so much when he’s not going to give anything back.”
“Shut up,” LQG snaps, “it’s not about getting anything back.”
But that makes it worse. Of course HX wasn’t actually talking about SQQ, though sure, that’s annoying too. LBh obviously knows, so why can’t they take their infernal flirting somewhere private, instead of flaunting it in front of LQG all the time?? But the fault’s with LQG too, what with all the giving. He should find someone more worthy of his affections and stop wasting his time here.
HX cuts everything he and LQG has built up in one fell swoop—completely gives him the cold shoulder. Only ever talks about work, no more dry quips, no more infodumps on niche hobbies. HX wishes he could destroy the tank at HQ, but that would be way too confrontational at this stage.
Until one mission, when LQG knows HX is not in a good place, and keeps trying to argue HX out of doing something excessively risky. HX rounds on him and says, “you’re just a hired gun, so shut up and shoot where I'm pointing, or you can pack your things and get out.”
LQG goes red, then white, and storms away.
“Nice sucker punch,” HC comments idly where he’s lounging on the side. Who knows when the fuck he showed up. “Right where it hurts.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Don’t tell me you don’t know. His five-year stint with the Sha City Demons?”
Of course HX knows about that. He’s looked thoroughly into everybody’s backgrounds. But what does that have to do with this?
“Gege is the best at this, after all. See you and I, we stopped asking questions once we knew the name, because we don’t think people are ever as pure and good as they pretend to be. But you know what Dianxia said, after I mentioned Liu Qingge’s old gig to him? ‘Five years, hm? I wonder what they had on him. In my experience, men like Liu Qingge don’t work for crews like the Sha Demons. And in order to sink their claws deeper into men like him, the Demons always make them do the worst jobs.’ Just a hired gun indeed.”
That’s right. LQG gets a Moreau backstory of his own. HX feels his heart sink to the pit of his stomach.
“I don’t know why you’re so stressed out about it. He is just a hired gun—”
“You know why. Fuck.”
“So get out of my face and do something about it already. You know where he’s gone, I know you’ve put trackers on your entire team.”
“You didn’t? No, you didn’t put one on him? My god, you do care.”
While HC’s busy sounding disgusted, HX is reeling. He just sent the best hitman in the field packing, and was an absolute dick about it. He was not a kind man, but he also wasn’t a cruel one. He believes in fairness, and everything he said simply had not been fair. It had all been his own guilt and issues talking; if he really didn’t give a damn, then he wouldn’t have...done all this.
“How much are you willing to pay?” HC says, swiping at his phone.
“Because I don’t trust any of you, and did put a tracking device on Liu Qingge.” He sure has—HC is waving the loading tracking app in HX’s face. “So I’m asking, how much are you willing to pay?”
...And that’s the reason why HX owes HC so much damn money.
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softboywriting · 5 years
Haven Port | Chapter Four | Shawn Mendes
Summary: Shawn and his pack have moved to your tiny town of Haven Port. You’ve never met werewolves other than your dad before and you’re infinitely curious. You may be only half werewolf but you and Shawn have a connection that will send you on a wild romantic journey in this small town you call home. [hybrid reader] [werewolf shawn]
Word Count: 2.7k
|Masterlist In Bio|
You and Shawn stay up for hours talking about everything and nothing. You find out he has two brothers who have their own packs. You tell him about your dad and what it was like growing up in Haven Port. Shawn tells you about his parents and how they moved far into the Canadian wilderness when the pack he grew up in disbanded just two years ago. 
Around one in the morning you find yourself slipping into unconsciousness, laying with your head on Shawn's lap. It's easy to drift off when he is talking, voice soft and level as he strokes your hair and ears. You're not sure what he's talking about currently, you've been so out of it for several minutes now.
"Why don't some packs like hybrids?" 
"Genetic impurity." Shawn sighs heavily. "Some people think humans shouldn't be allowed to taint the bloodlines our people fought hard to keep alive. It's stupid really, because if we hadn't cross mated with humans we would all be dead by now. The ones who argue for purity disgust me because even they have human ancestors whether they want to acknowledge it or not."
"We're all mutts in the end." You yawn sleepily. "Such a stupid term." 
"Mutt?" Shawn brushes his thumb over your ear gently. "That's a terrible word. It's a pretty low blow to people who are hybrids like you."
"I've heard it before, I don't take it personally." 
"Someone called you that directly?" 
"In school. It's been a long time, and teenagers are mean."
Shawn hums. "I've only heard other werewolves call hybrids that, not human kids. Interesting."
"It's fine."
"Can I ask you something?" 
"Mmhmm." You close your eyes and he stills his hand in your hair. "Yeah?" 
"While you were distancing yourself, did you feel anything?" 
You peek one eye open and he's looking out across your room. "Feel something? Like what?" 
"Heartache." He looks down and his eyes meet yours. He looks overwhelmingly sad. "Sadness, longing, sleeplessness."
"Yeah, all of those things actually."
He closes his eyes and cradles your head against his stomach. Tears fall on your nose and forehead. 
"Shawn?" You reach up and touch his cheek. "Why are you crying?"
"I'm relieved." He sniffs and wipes his face before taking a deep breath. "I was worried that you didn't feel the pull of a mate. I was scared I was wrong about us, that things were very onesided."
"The heartache and stuff is because we're mates?"
"Yes. When mates get separated without knowing they'll come back to each other, they will feel heartbroken and lethargic." Shawn twists his finger around your hair. "It's a bit extreme, but it's how mates work. We love very passionately."
You turn your face into his stomach. "I haven't been sleeping, and I've been so upset and vulnerable lately. It makes sense now. Did you feel like that? Was it really bad?" 
"I felt like I was going to fall apart. I was moody and angry. I didn't sleep, I went for late night runs instead. I tried to come see you at first but I couldn't find you and so I figured you didn't want to see me, which made things hurt more. I don't want to feel like that again."
"I'm sorry." You whimper, fingers curling into your bedspread. "I caused so much grief."
Shawn strokes you ear and brushes back your hair from your face. "Look at me," he says gently and you look up from where you've turned your face mostly into his stomach. "You didn't know. It wasn't intentional. You thought you were doing the right thing. I understand, and I forgive you."
You nod. 
Shawn leans back and you position yourself so you're laying against his side, head on his shoulder. A few minutes pass and you think of how you felt without him versus how it feels now. There is nothing like feeling comfortable, safe...loved. 
"Do you think the pack will try to get to know me?" You ask softly just as Shawn's breathing slows down as if he were going to sleep. 
"Yes." He mumbles.  
"What if they don't like me?"
"Then they can leave."
You look up and he's got his eyes closed. "But they're your pack. I can't come between you and them."
Shawn slides his hand up the back of your shirt and traces your spine tenderly. "You're my pack too. Everyone was new once. If they choose not to get along with you then they can choose to get along elsewhere. I'd expect the same if I brought in anyone else."
"You want me in the pack?" 
"How could I not? You're my mate, believe it or not, I have no plans to leave your side any time soon." 
You close your eyes and lay your hand over his heart. It beats steadily, and he brings his hand up to lay over it. "Thank you."
"For what?" 
"Coming to Haven Port. I thought I'd be alone with Parker until I died, then you walked into my shop and changed my whole world. So thank you."
He hums softly. "I was supposed to come here. It was meant to be, and I'm glad I did. I didn't expect to meet you but when I did I knew why I chose Haven Port."
"So you're saying it was fate?"
"Well, I'm glad fate came through." 
"Me too." 
Two days later and you go to Shawn's place for the second time. You're nervous, hands shaking as Shawn pulls into the driveway. It's reminiscent of the first visit, same time of evening and everything. 
Shawn reaches over and holds his hand out, palm up for you. "I've talked to them. There is no need to be nervous."
"Tell that to my gut. I feel like I'm going to puke."
"Please don't throw up." He threads his fingers between yours and brings your hand to his lips. "They respect me, they know what I expect from them."
"Okay. If...if I'm uncomfortable can I leave?" 
"Yes. Always."
The house is empty when you walk in. There is no one at the door, no one in the main room. There isn't so much as a peep from anyone or anything but the heater in the corner of the living room under the window. It's much less of a greeting than before and you're not sure if it's better or worse. 
"Guys! I'm home!" Shawn announces and walks up behind you, arm wrapping around your waist. "They're here somewhere."
Ryan jogs down the stairs and his steps falter when he sees you. "You brought company?" 
"No, I brought a member of the pack." Shawn says firmly. 
"Right, yeah. I forgot." Ryan looks up where Lindsay and Jo are both standing at the top of the staircase. "Shawn's home."
Jo turns and goes back to where ever she had come from. 
Lindsay walks down slowly until she's a step above Ryan. "Hey, long time no see."
You raise your hand in an awkward wave. "Yeah, I have been...uh...busy."
Shawn looks past the two of them and scowls. "What is Jo doing?" 
"I don't know?" Ryan shrugs and Lindsay shakes her head. 
Shawn releases his hold on you and pushes past the two wolves on the stairs to go find the youngest member of the pack. You're left alone, staring down two people you don't know how to approach. 
Ryan steps down until he's in front of you. "So, what do you do?" 
"I run a tea and coffee shop. I make gift baskets that I sell online." You pull a sample of a chamomile blend from your pocket. You brought some with you to hopefully give as peace offerings. "You can try one?" 
Ryan takes the bag from you and turns it over in his hands. "You made this?"
"Yeah, the flowers are from-" 
"Who cares." Lindsay says as she walks past and into the living room. 
You clench your jaw and look down as you feel yourself flush with anger. 
"Thanks." Ryan says and follows Lindsay, leaving you alone in the entryway. 
Shawn comes down the stairs and looks around for the other two. "Where'd they go?" 
"I don't know." You swallow thickly. "I don't care. I want to leave."
"What? What happened? I was gone for a minute." He holds your shoulders. "What happened?" 
"They don't like me Shawn. They don't even want to try to like me." You flatten your ears back and take a deep breath. "They hate me because I'm a hybrid. You said it yourself that their old pack didn't like hybrids. I'm pretty sure they didn't grow out of an idea that was ingrained in them as children." 
Shawn growls. "Lindsay! Ryan!" 
Both of the wolves appear and you go up the stairs to Shawn's bedroom. You don't want to be around when he lays into them. You don't want to be the center of attention. 
You take a seat in Shawn's room near the door.  No sooner than you get sat down then the door opens. It's Jo. She looks down and then closes the door behind her.  
"I'm sorry." She says softly. "I'm sorry I made fun of your ears and upset you. That was insensitive and rude. I thought because Lindsay and Ryan were talking about them it'd be okay, that it was just a joke, y'know? Looking back on it now I was so mean for no reason. I don't think your ears are weird or stupid. I'm so sorry I was a bitch." 
"O-oh. Thank you for apologizing." 
Jo sits down across from you. "Can I tell you a secret?"
"Yeah, but why would you want to tell me?" 
"Because it sort of involves you. The truth is that I was upset when Shawn brought you home." She picks at the rug under her legs, eyes focused on it instead of you. "I thought Shawn and I had a connection. I thought maybe because I'm a few years younger than him that was the reason he didn't want to pursue it. But I was wrong, I was jealous and angry." 
You remember what Ava told you, how she suspected this all along. "Oh, that must have been rough when you found out. I'm sorry."
"No, you don't have to be sorry." She looks up. "I made a mistake, I mistook feelings of brotherly love for the wrong thing. I-I should have gone with Peter probably."
"Shawn's brother, one of his brothers. He invited me to go with him, and I liked him too, but I chose Shawn." She scoffs. "Now I have no idea how to find Peter even if I did want to leave."
"Are you unhappy here?" 
"No. Well, sort of. I love Shawn to death and Ava is like a sister to me. It's just that without Shawn, I'm not sure if I'll ever find someone. I held on to the hope that he was the one for so long." Jo wipes her cheeks and you realize she's crying. "I played myself, I should have known. Now it just hurts."
You reach out and tentatively lay your hand on her leg. "You'll find someone, maybe Shawn knows how to get ahold of Peter. Have you asked him?" 
"No. I don't want to ask. I don't want him to think I want to leave."
"But if you're unhappy..."
Jo sighs. "I'll be fine. Besides, Lindsay and Ryan are leaving. They haven't said it to Shawn yet but they are, I overheard them talking a few nights ago." 
Your stomach churns. "Why are they leaving?" 
"They think Shawn isn't a good alpha, that he's too soft and doesn't care about the good of the pack. Which is wrong, he's incredible and he has always taken care of us. They're just angry."
"Because of me."
Jo nods. "I think they have a problem with you. I don't know why, there is nothing wrong with you."
"It's because I'm a hybrid."
"That's stupid. You're Shawn's mate, you're still a wolf even if you're a hybrid." Jo leans back and braces herself on her arms. "I actually think you're very interesting."
"Thank you?" 
"I mean it. I've never met someone who has wolf ears. Do you have a tail too?" 
"No!" You laugh and Jo giggles. "Do you see a tail?" 
She shrugs and leans over as if looking for it sticking out behind you. "You could hide it, but no, I don't see one. Too bad, I'm sure Shawn would be into it." 
"That's so weird."
"Shawn's weird." Jo says softly and goes quiet as if reflecting for a moment. "He's weird but he's also one of the best men I've ever met. You're very lucky."
"You'll find someone like him." 
"I know, one day right?" 
"Yeah. One day."
Shawn takes you home later that evening. Lindsay and Ryan both disappeared, you've no idea where they went but they were not around when you crept down the stairs with Jo after talking for a while. You're sure Shawn must have come to find you and heard you and Jo talking and left you alone. It turns out that Jo has a lot in common with you. You both love cats despite your wolf nature, you both like to knit and sew, she loves coffee and you obviously do too. It's great, and she gives you hope that maybe you could be part of the pack one day.
Shawn turns the Jeep down your street and he reaches over and lays his hand on your leg. "I'm proud of you today."
"You talked to Jo. You let her apologize to you for what she did. I knew she would, that she doesn't think like Lindsay and Ryan." He pulls into your driveway and kills the engine. "I'm sure it's not easy for her to see us together."
"You know how she feels about you?"
"Yes." He sighs. "I've never lead her on, and I tried to always keep everything as platonic as possible. Still she always had that look in her eye. It kills me to break her heart but she knows that mates are not a choice."
"Yeah, she knows."
"Can I come in?"
You lift his hand from your leg and press your palm to his. It's so warm, and so big. "I'm just going to go to bed, but if you want to, I won't say no."
"I'd love to."
You and Shawn go into the house and he goes to the kitchen to make a cup of tea with the chamomile bags you brought with you. You go to the bathroom and clean up, wash your face, put on some lotion before bed, the usual things.
"You're so beautiful."
You shut off the sink and look over at Shawn leaning against the door frame. He's smiling, soft and gentle, just a slight turn of his lips. "Thank you."
"Everything about you is so inviting." He steps into the small bathroom and sets down the mug of tea he's cradling in his hand. He walks you back against the counter after you turn around to hang up your hand towel. "Your eyes, your smile...your voice." He trails off, eyes heavy on your lips. "I'm so lucky."
"I'm lucky, not you."
"No, I'm a hundred percent sure I'm the lucky one." He brushes back a bit of stray hair that's fallen in your face. "Y'know... we're mates and we haven't even kissed."
"Yeah?" You smile playfully. "So what?"
"So maybe I could change that."
"Or maybe you can wait." You press two fingers to his lips and he kisses them. "Let's let it happen naturally. There's no fun in just doing it for the sake of doing it."
Shawn smiles and scratches your ear briefly before stepping back just a bit. "I'll wait forever if I have to. I know it'll be worth it."
You grab his hands and walk backwards toward the doorway. "I know it will be. Now, are you going to stay again?"
"If you're comfortable with that, yes."
"I'm very comfortable with it."
Shawn breaks one hand away and he grabs the mug of tea from the counter. "Alright then, lead the way honey." 
Please send feedback in asks, replies or reblogs. Let me know if you’d like to read more of this story. Thank you so much -A
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics.*****
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a-simple-complexity · 3 years
Things about the creepypasta improv thing my close friend and I have been doing since 4th or 5th grade (maybe longer):
- My character doesn't really have a cp name yet but has been around for 401 years
- My character, when not at the mansion, is roomies with JTK (and he steals cheese its)
- Vivian's (the close friend) character is close to Slenderman and has a older sister bond with Sally
- Aside from the Jeff The Cheeze Itz Snatcher gag we have more running gags
- Such as Masky locking Toby in the closet when he's annoying only to turn around and see Toby standing there.... MENACINGLY (lol)
- LJ punts Mr Widemouth across the mansion weekly
- EJ is no longer allowed to cook for others after the barbeque of 2017. We miss you, Butler Bill
- Tuesdays and Thursdays Viv's character takes pets and children out the mansion for a playdate while everyone else has some fun
- Viv's Hidden Stash of Tuna TM
- My Hidden Stash of Vodka and Rum TM
- My character might have a problem but then again immortals aren't really affected by alcohol like most mortals are
- Speaking about my character: Holy. Pets.
- They have a bunch of guard dogs (despite them all being guard dogs they are pampered like you wouldn't believe)
- Pastas respect COVID stuff. Slender ordered everyone to scatter until it's mellowed out alot. Slender caught it at some point. They say get the vaccine and wear ya damn mask.
- There's a "Community Garden". It's just a few pitcher plants, some Butterworts, a killer cow plant (courtesy of Ben pulling some strings), a small patch of wither roses (courtesy of Herobrine), and a oran berry plant (courtesy of a few poke-pastas), rose bushes, etc
- Holidays are fun too
- Christmas time is filled with my character and Viv's taking Sally, Jane, Clockwork, and Nina out for a "girls" night
- Granted Nina only gets taken along bc despite the love-hate relationship between my character and Jeff, Jeff deserves time away from Nina during the holidays at least
- Also despite Jeff hating Nina he appreciates the knives she gives him (and return he gives her some sort of card)
- Due to staying in the vents constantly and stalking everyone my character gets everyone what they think they like would like
- Christmas lights everywhere. Splendor always gets Offender to put the star on top the comically large tree just bc
- Despite it not being Christmas music, everyone listens to Hotel California by The Eagles
- and watches Christmas movies (what was that Christmas movie with Tim Allen?)
- Everyone plays in the snow. Jeff decides to start a snowball fight and Sally makes a snow man.
- Everyone wears something festive and it's normally an ugly sweater thanks to Trender
- Spiked nog anyone?
- Thanksgiving includes everyone gathering together and having fun
- A small hunting trip is planned instead of a football game (the hunt takes place the day prior bc no one wanna miss the parade)
- Sally's favorite float is the Charlie brown float
- You know how the president pardons a turkey? Slender pardons a victim (and has been doing it since meeting Viv's character bc of a joke Viv made)
- My character makes mashed potatoes or some sort of really outdated dish from the 1700's
- The Slender Bros, Viv's character, Sally, Toby, Smile Dog, Jeff, and Nina all watch the dog show after the parade
- Nina is kinda allergic to dogs and doesn't really like them but bc of her lingering obsession with Jeff she puts up with it
- Offender and Trender argue over what dog they think should have won (funny to watch to grown immortal-ass men argue over this)
- Slender carves the turkey
- The pardoned victim is allowed to stay for dinner granted a majority of memories get changed (not really erased, just changed)
- My character, Jeff, and Ben all walk through the woods before dinner and get fucking plastered (and think no one notices....everyone notices)
- the week of Thanksgiving the tree gets put up (acceptable if it's the week of Thanksgiving, any other time then it's just weird)
- My characters mom, (considered the co-founder of Hell) pops in, steals a couple slices of pie, and leaves
- Halloween is celebrated kind of like Thanksgiving and Christmas
- My character decorates the mansion with various bones
- 31 Days of Horror Movies (at some point it's decided to watch Earnest Scared Stupid and some of the serious dog lovers opt out)
- The Slender Brothers dress up as the three musketeers. Splendor is Porthos, Offender is Athos, Slender is D'artagnan and, Trender is Aramis
- Jeff and my character do a duel costume by dressing of as Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer from Cats (musical not movie, duh) alternatively they dress as Rum Tum Tugger and Mr. Mistoffelees.
- Sally dresses as Carrie or a fairy princess
- Jane, Clockwork, Nina, Viv's Character dress up as four of the five muses from Hercules (Viv changes last minute to a cat due to her character having cat ears and a cat tail)
- Toby, Masky, and Hoodie originally wanted to dress as the three musketeers but after slender took that idea they decide to dress up as separate things. Toby dresses as Masky. Masky dresses as the phantom of the opera and Hoodie is a ghost.
- Smile dog dresses as a hot dog :P
- A small hunting trip is planned and Jane and Clockwork take Sally trick or treating
- Everyone finishes the month with A Night are Before Christmas (a classic)
- Not many celebrate Valentine's day
- It's really only the Slender Bros, Viv's character, My character, Nina, Toby, Masky & Hoodie, and Sally
- and by Sally I mean she just leaves candy from the candy bowl everywhere
- Masky and Hoodie make a day of it since Slender gives them holidays off. They eat cheesecake in the woods and just spend the day together.
- Toby spends the day alone but still celebrates in his own way. Eating waffles.
- Offender (in our improv thing he's not....yeah....he's just a hopeless romantic that does consensual hook ups) and my character spend his their leaving roses out at restaurants and going to bars for hookups. They have a bunch of stuff worked out.
- Viv and Slender spend the day in bed or lounging in the living room watching some cheesy comedy.
- Trender spends the day as a self care day seeing as he's alone at the moment. Every day is self care for him but it's even more on Valentine's Day. He goes all out and even treats himself to a fancy restaurant.
- Splendor likes going to neighborhoods and leaving cute little poems on people's doors then heading to the zoo for personal time.
- Nina harasses Jeff who, in return, leaves the mansion and heads to the apartment him and my character share.
- New Years is something everyone celebrates. While some have resolutions others have new quotas they're trying to meet.
- Sally tries to stay up and watch the ball drop (she's only seen it drop twice before falling asleep)
- My character and Viv's character get shit faced
- Jeff normally sits there with a beer in one hand and Smile Dog beside him
- that's really all that consists of New Years
More about our two characters:
My character:
- a 401 year old demon thing
- in our universe hell is ran by the 7 devil's as well as my characters mother. Hells more of a city than a pit.
- Has lived with Jeff as a roommate since late 2018
- Use to be with Herobrine but broke it off with him for unknown reasons.....they're civil and still good friends. He's one of those people that could make a good boyfriend but is best as a close friend
- On their 400th birthday a crackening happened in Hell that enhanced their powers and they were hunted by Zalgo. Luckily a truce was established.
- Has been by Viv's character side since her characters soul was first created. More in Viv's Character's section
- Y'know those dogs that were talked about in the beginning? They primarily stay at their mothers mansion in Hell.
- Also all cats go to hell but they don't get hurt. They like to watch. Sometimes if you're lucky you might get a celebrity's cat. That's how my character got their lovely (and kinda douchy cat) Delilah. She likes to pee all over people's suits just bc she's like that.
- They were born in 1620 but are progressive
- Still liked fashion through the ages
- Maybe not the health damaging ones
- Is able to fly and teleport but due to back pain and migraines prefers to stay grounded and rarely use teleportation
- Doesn't actually kill much but has had souls sold to them (job as a demon....doesn't really need one though....is Crossroads Demon)
- Had a one night stand with Trender about 240ish years ago
- Does have proxies....it's those souls they take and barter around for
- Souls in hell can be used for currency depending on whether or not they sold their soul
- Anyways, was at some point known for having an obsession with chainsaws and hoodies...still has a bunch of hoodies and a chainsaw but doesn't really use them much (is more of a flannel and gun person now)
Viv's Character:
- her character managed to get everyone's favorite dwarfed rag doll cat from the internet
- Her character use to be with Entity 303 and ended up Slenderman
- that makes two of us who were with a Minecraft pasta and ended up with a slender brother lol
- I think her character is called Kat or KC so for now imma call her character Kat
- Kat has an addiction to tuna and milk
- Also has cat ears and a cat tail which are both very sensitive
- when Kat's soul was created my character was created. Even though Kat has been through many many reincarnations my character has always been alongside her. Even though my character doesn't die they act as a guardian towards Kat.
- Has a tendency to sit up in the cat walks and within the walls of the mansion alongside my character
- Gets lost in the forest from time to time and needs help getting out
- Despite being with Slender she has her own room to store her weapons and stash her plans.
- If I'm not mistaken Kat also was with Toby for a short while but doesn't talk about it much. Imagine dating your ex-lovers boss lol
- Disappears for up to a week sometimes without saying where she's going and when she comes back she acts as if nothing happened
- When both Kat and my character started living in the mansion they shared a room for about a year.
- Kat had a personal garden that was completely wiped out by Zalgo before a treaty was established and she still hasn't forgave him
- The garden mostly had marigolds and a few small plants. The only one that really mattered was Audrey the Venus fly trap.
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emo-potato-virgil · 4 years
Desert road
Daryl Dixon X Male Reader.
Angst fic, character death.
I wrote this years ago for a challenge and found it again recently, decided to throw it out there.
Summary: Y/n picks Daryl up from a bar in town, miles from their home. Shitfaced drunk, Daryl experiences the most traumatic event in his life.
Warnings: Drunk Daryl. Verbal fighting. Daryl being an asshole. Injuries. Death.
Setting: Right before season 1 of twd.
It happened on a Saturday, late at night, or maybe early Sunday. Not that it mattered. It was a memory that haunted him every night, every single night. It didn't matter whether he was asleep or not, the dark sky, the side of an abandoned road at night, a walker with bloody flesh hanging off its dead mouth, it all reminded him of that one night. If only he had known what would happen, if only he had listened, he could've stopped it. But he didn't know at the time, couldn't have known. And he didn't listen, too absorbed in other things to even cast a glance to the side. And he couldn't stop it, because it had already happened before he had the chance to turn around. He beats himself up over it every night, every single night. 
"Daryl, c'mon, we gotta go home!" The voice calling for him was familiar, but Daryl's drunk mind couldn't process who it was or where it came from. When did the music get this loud? He turned his head to the left, and then to the right, searching the sweaty, dancing bodies around him, trying to find the person who the voice belonged to. A hand on his shoulder caught his attention, and he whirled around to see the face of his lovely boyfriend. He tried to smile at him, but it faltered as soon as he saw the glare directed at him.
"Y/n? We, we can stay here! It's f-fun!" His words were slightly slurred, but he sobered up just by looking into his boyfriend's angry eyes. Y/n was never angry at him, annoyed, sure, but never angry. It's like Y/n wasn't capable of being angry, always smiling, trying to cheer people up or solve a problem. Y/n hated arguing, and often didn't see the point in getting mad. But this was different.
"We are leaving, right now." His voice was a bit lower than usual, just a tad bit intimidating to get through to Daryl. Daryl's mind barely had time to process the hand grabbing at his sleeve, and he soon felt the cold air hit him outside the bar. When did he start walking? His boyfriend was talking, probably to him, but he was distracted by the bottle in his hand that he hadn't noticed before. When did he get this? He took a careful sniff at it, and once he knew what it was, he took a sip. The alcohol burned his throat, but it felt good. Life had been cruel to him for too long, the only good thing about it being Y/n, and he needed a break.
The walk to the car was long and awkward and cold, and Daryl disliked every second of it, but so did Y/n. This was the third time in a month that Daryl had gotten so drunk he could barely walk, and Y/n was getting sick of dragging him out of a random bar in town before he could start a fight. Daryl got drunk often, started fights in bars, and seemed to have little to no respect for Y/n while in this state, but he loved the man, and he won't let such a thing ruin them.
Y/n slowly guided them down the sidewalk, making sure Daryl didn't trip over his own feet, and unlocked the car once they got to it. He lowered Daryl into the passenger seat and got into the drivers seat himself, glad he didn't drink that night. It was then that he noticed the already half empty bottle in his boyfriend's hand, and sent him a questioning glance.
"Seriously? You're still going at it?" He started the car, not really expecting Daryl to answer, and drove out of the parking lot. They drove in silence for a long while, stuck between not knowing what to say and not wanting to say anything at all. The longer they drove, the more tense the air became, until Daryl had had enough of it. He leaned his head against the cool window, watching the scenery pass by as he blurted it out.
"Y'know, I don't need you to babysit me. I can take care of myself." If he had been sober, he would've slapped himself for saying that, but in that moment, he couldn't think.
"Oh, well, I'm sorry for wanting to look out for my boyfriend. And I also sincerely apologize for keeping you out of fights, and for taking care of you when you have a hangover, and for driving miles through a goddamn desert to come get you, and for driving miles through a desert again to take you home. Wow, yeah, I'm such an asshole, and so unreasonable, and oh my, I think you should just get out now and walk the rest of the way, or maybe back to the bar seeing as you can't get enough of that whiskey." His voice was even, calm, and nothing like the tone Daryl's past partners have used in an argument. That's a thing Daryl loves about Y/n, he never raises his voice unless absolutely necessary, and he always listens to Daryl no matter how unreasonable he's being.
Daryl is about to snap back at Y/n, to say something he doesn't mean and will regret later, but he doesn't get the chance. His boyfriend slams down on the brakes, causing the car to make a screeching sound and stop in its tracks. Y/n's arm shoots out to stop Daryl from smashing into the window, and he turns on the mist lights, dark, scared eyes scanning the empty road around them. Daryl takes a few long seconds to process the sudden halt, and his drunken mind tells him to be angry.
"What the hell was that?! You can't just do that!" His angry roar breaks the silence, and Y/n visibly flinches. Oh. He didn't mean to scare him, but he doesn't realize that now, his temper worsened by the high percentage of alcohol and his reason nowhere to be seen. Y/n doesn't answer him, doesn't even spare him a glance, as his eyes search the road and desert around them, for what, Daryl doesn't know.
"What the fuck are you looking for? Hey, Y/n! Why’d ya stop driving?" He couldn't stop himself from snapping again, his words landing like a blow to the face. Y/n curls in on himself, eyes going impossibly wider.
"I, I just.. There was, I think, and I saw-" He takes sharp, uneven breaths, and points a shaking hand at the road.
"There was someone, a, a person, I think." Daryl scoffs, shaking his head as he looks where Y/n is pointing.
"There's nothing there, you're just seeing things." He leans back against the seat, expecting Y/n to start the car again, which he does. The car rumbles for a few seconds before it starts, and they continue to drive down the road. After a few, silent minutes, Y/n takes a longer inhale and tightens his grip on the steering wheel.
"Yeah, you're right. I think I'm probably just seeing things."
Dead trees and bushes flash past them, illuminated by the bright lights of the car. Y/n still hadn't turned off the mist lights, too shaken up by the strange, stumbling figure he had seen about a mile back.
"What if it was someone in need of help? What if they got stranded in the desert, injured, alone and without food? Why didn't we get out of the car to look? To ask them?" Daryl sighed as he listened to his boyfriend's rambling, sitting up a bit and turning to him.
"Look, Y/n, I know that you tend to worry about others, but we ain’t going back. If they need help, another car will come by sooner or later. And what if it was someone on drugs? Or a serial killer waiting for their new victims? Just take us home and forget about it."
"What if I can't?" Daryl's eyes snapped open at that, and he glared fiercely at his boyfriend.
"Don't you fucking dare." His warning didn't do anything, as Y/n turned the wheel and changed the car's direction, driving back the way they came too fast.
"Y/n! Y/n stop! You're gonna cause an accident!" Daryl tightly grabbed at his seat, desperate for something to hold onto as the car sped down the dark road.
But no one was prepared for what happened next.
It happened in mere seconds, but both of them felt as though it lasted minutes. The car slipped, the brakes stopped working, the car slid over something on the road, it spun around, three, four, five times, before it came to a halt, lower to the ground than it was supposed to be. The airbags had shot out, softening the impact of Y/n's head hitting the steering wheel. Daryl had been somewhat lucky, his hands clamped so tightly to the seat and window that he hadn't crashed into anything.
"Daryl?" He took another sip of the whiskey, which had also survived the almost crash, before he looked to his left, seeing Y/n with a bloody nose and a forming bruise on his right cheekbone. He wanted to worry, to wipe away the blood and place a soft kiss over the bruise, but his rage won the battle, settling deep into his core as he realized what had happened, and who had caused it.
He stepped out of the car, rounded it, and noticed that the two front tires were flat. He cursed loudly, opening his boyfriend's door and almost yanking him out of the car, pointing at the damage.
"You fucking idiot! Are you kidding me? You ruined our car! How are we getting home now, huh? How are you gonna fix this?" His voice was like thunder, and Y/n flinched out of his grip.
“I’m sorry, I really am! But I swear, there was something on the road!” He wiped at the blood on his face, this was the first time he was truly afraid of Daryl. But his boyfriend would never hit him, he never had and he never would.
It was quiet then. They didn’t know what to say or what to do. What could they do? Their car was ruined, and Daryl was so drunk he could barely keep standing.
“I’ll call Merle to pick us up, he’s probably still in town anyway.” He turned away then, leaving Y/n to himself. He muttered something about Merle probably being drunk as well before turning to the car and looking at the reflection of the window.
“Fucking great, lovely, it’s not like I have a goddamn job interview in two days.. Nope, not at all.” He hissed as his fingers brushed over the bruise, quickly pulling away. Daryl had walked to the side of the road, sitting down on a fallen tree as he tried to reach his brother.
“What did we hit in the first place, anyway?” Y/n wondered as he took a few steps away from the car, rounding it and searching the road for anything that could’ve caused the car to crash. He took out his phone and used it to shine a light on the road, noticing some red, sticky substance.
“Okay, well, that’s unsettling. Look at me, talking to myself in the middle of the night, looking at blood, sounds like a goddamn horror movie!” He sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair as he inspected the blood. But a long, vicious groan cut his train of thought off. It came from under the car.
“Okay, what the actual fuck. Daryl?” His boyfriend was still on the phone, apparently now arguing with his older brother, and he didn’t look up at the mention of his name. Y/n was about to walk over, when another groan came from under the car. His gaze snapped to the source of it, and he kneeled down.
“Please don’t be a poor dying cat, please don’t be a poor dying ca- WHAT THE HECK?!” A hand shot out, but not a normal hand, it was rotten, with flesh loosely hanging around it while black blood coated its fingers. It grabbed a hold of Y/n’s wrist before he could pull away. Y/n screamed, a loud, distressed sound which had Daryl drop his phone and jump up immediately.
Then a head came from under the car, dead and rotting and the stench was unbearable. It released another groan before diving its teeth into Y/n’s arm, biting through the flesh and muscle. But it didn’t stop there, it tore off the skin, turning the arm into a bleeding mess.
Y/n screamed again. A long, agonizing sound ripped through the air as he yanked his arm back, cradling it against his chest and staining his shirt with blood. His breaths came out fast and short as he struggled to move away, the pain in his arm so overwhelming he could barely sense Daryl’s hands on his shoulders.
“Y/n! Y/n, look at me, it’s okay, you’re gonna be fine.” Daryl’s face came in his vision, the familiar warm eyes and worried expression soothing Y/n’s incredibly fast beating heart. Their eyes locked for a brief moment before Daryl’s attention was on the wound, his hands hovering over it as he tried to figure out what to do.
“Okay, it’s, it’s not that bad. Let me just, grab s-some spare bandages from the trunk, okay?” He made sure to place a reassuring kiss on Y/n’s forehead before standing up and heading to the car.
“Wait!” Y/n’s hand shot out, catching Daryl’s wrist.
“Please don’t go, I don’t feel so, so good.” A sweat broke out on his forehead and his cheeks flushed.
“What’s wrong, how can I help?” Daryl’s worried tone did little to no good as Y/n slumped backwards, too weak to sit up anymore. Daryl quickly fell to his knees beside him, putting his hand of Y/n’s forehead to check for a fever.
“You’re burning up!” His mind shot into panic, he didn’t know what to do. Things like this normally didn’t cause an instant fever. But normally, a not-so-dead corpse wouldn’t bite into someone’s arm..
“I’m so sorry, I’m sorry, Y/n I’m so incredibly sorry!” He cradled Y/n as he spoke, afraid that this would be it, that this would be the last time he could look into those beautiful eyes.
“For what?” Y/n’s weak voice hurt his heart, this is really it.
“For everything. For drinking so often, for yelling at you, for blaming you for everything. I love you, so so much, I never wanted to hurt you.” Tears streamed down his face as he cupped Y/n’s cheek, stroking it with his fingers.
“First of all, I forgive you. It’s okay, I stayed, didn’t I? And second, you act like I’m dying! C’mon Daryl, I’m fine!” He coughed then, long and hard. His vision blurred a little as he tried to sit up. What in the world was happening to him?
“Let me call an ambulance, please?” Daryl knew how stubborn Y/n could be, especially when it came to injuries, but he was just so worried. He could be dying for all he knows! Y/n sighed but nodded, watching as Daryl walked towards his phone.
His head hurt, his vision was blurred, he felt dizzy and the pain in his arm spread through his whole body, but he still smiled, because he had a reason to smile, he had Daryl. With that thought, his consciousness faded and his body slumped on the ground.
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bngtanah · 4 years
I’m (not) With The Band. | o6
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summary: Adrienne is an indie producer who is hired to help co-produce BTS’ next album alongside their resident producer; Suga. Despite the initial opposition on both ends, the pair spend time together, share a few stories, dreams and aspirations and begin to hit it off really well. Wrapped up in the whirlwind of late nights and heated disagreements and reconciliations, Min Yoongi and Adrienne Rolle find themselves growing closer and closer. One night they decide to cross the barrier between personal and professional and do their best make a relationship work against all odds.
pairing: idol!Yoongi  x OC
word count: 4.8k genre: drama, romance, smut(eventually)
chapters: prologue| o1| o2| o3| o4| o5| o6| o7| o8| o9| 10| 11|
warning: fluff, workplace relationship, slow burn, sexual attraction, ambw, developing relationship, hand holding, mentions of alcohol, karaoke, jealousy.
a/n: so i’m still not sure if anyone’s actually reading these multichapter fics. I may stop uploading them if there’s no interest but I’m not sure at the moment. hmmmm, anyway here’s the latest!
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Yoongi never knew what to do with himself on his days off.
Any amount of free time he ever had was always spent in a studio, practice room or curled up in his bed trying to allow his body to catch up on hours of missed sleep. So in a sense his days off were never really 'his', there was always an interview to be given, a meeting to go to or some song or dance move to tweak that required his attention. Today, however, was different. He and the rest of his band members genuinely had the entire day off to do whatever they wanted within reason and Yoongi was drawing a blank on just how he was going to spend the 10 hours he had to indulge himself. Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook all suggested the seven of them do something together while the older boys seemed content with doing nothing but lounging around their dorm with the option of having dinner together later that day. Yoongi was unusually on the fence about his decision; had this been any other day he would have jumped at the chance to stay in bed all day but if he made the choice to stay at home he wouldn't get the chance to do the one thing he knew he wanted to do today which was see Andy.
He hadn't seen her in person in almost a week since she accompanied them to the commercial shoot and he almost lost control of his senses. They spoke over the phone or through text messages to exchange ideas and demos of new tracks but Yoongi didn't trust himself to be alone with her in his current state. He could still vividly remember the sensation of her touching him, her soft palms pressing against his biceps and gently moving over his skin. The memory took hold of him at the most inopportune times and made him lose focus on whatever he was doing at that moment. More than once he found himself being stirred awake in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat and a hand he didn't remember moving in his sleep wrapped around his shaft. Needless to say, he had it bad for Adrienne and his desire for her was only getting worse by the day.
"What do you think Yoongi?"
Jin asked and Yoongi's eyes went wide. He hadn't been listening to any of their conversation, even though he was sitting in the circle with everyone else. Once again the thought of Andy had taken over his thinking process. The way everyone was looking at him he assumed that he was meant to be the tie breaker in some sort of resolution that probably decided what they were going to do for the day.
"I really wasn't listening" Yoongi finally answered and scratched the back of his neck, "What's the question?"
"Ah, hyung if you're spacing out already maybe you should just go back to bed," Namjoon said with a small chuckle, although he was probably just trying to garner support for his choice of staying home.
"They want to go to Lotte World, for god knows what reason," Jin started.
"They've added new attractions!" Taehyung and Jimin interjected simultaneously.
"Whatever, the rest of us just want to stay here, what are you going to do?"
Yoongi ran his fingers through his fringe and pretended to be deep in thought, he personally had no desire to be surrounded by a bunch of strangers and children today but going to an amusement park seemed like something Andy would love if he knew her as well as he thought he did. He was certain that she hadn't been any farther than a few blocks away from the BigHit building and her apartment since she moved here and that was almost six months ago.
"If you guys are going to the amusement park, why don't you take Andy along with you? She mentioned something about wanting to explore the other day didn't she?" He replied flippantly, just gauge a reaction without making it obvious that he wanted her to come.
"She did say something like that," Jimin nodded "Would she want to go to an amusement park though? I thought she meant something like exploring the city."
"I think she would like it, she seems like the type to enjoy places like that doesn't she?" Namjoon responded hastily before Yoongi had the chance to answer and everyone else nodded in agreement, "Y'know...if you're going to invite her shouldn't we all go?" Namjoon didn't have a convincing reason for why they all should go just because Andy might be coming along but after his suggestion, Hoseok begrudgingly agreed to tag along and Jin complained about not wanting to be left alone in the dorm to clean.
That left only Yoongi, who shrugged and turned his head away from the group to conceal the small hint of a smile that attempted to fight its way onto his lips. Taehyung and Jimin cheered, loudly, and shared a hi-five once it was decided that everyone would be going just like they originally wanted and Yoongi was already standing to his feet and backing away from the group to call Andy before Namjoon had the chance to steal that opportunity from him as well.
This time, Yoongi allowed himself to smile and duck his head down just slightly at the sound of Adrienne's voice which he always found amusing. Her Korean skills were slowly getting better, and she had a marked improvement compared when he first met her,  but due to her accent, the way she pronounced certain words always sounded like she was singing a song. It was cute.
"Andy? Are you busy today?"
"Hello to you too Yoongi-ssi, I'm doing well thanks for asking," She replied dryly, " Uh, no I don't think so...I'm at the studio right now so that's all I planned on doing today.," Andy paused, "Why?"
"Well the kids want to go an amusement park and I'm being dragged along, so I wondered if you might want to come as well...? It would give us a chance to talk about some of the songs, right?" He quickly tacked on at the end to avoid seeming eager.
"An amusement park? That sounds so fun but someone might have to come get me, I got lost trying to find my apartment last night" Adrienne laughed and Yoongi grinned silently.
"I can do that," He offered while moving from the common room of their dorm into his bedroom to get dressed, "And you should be more careful going home in the night, why didn't you call someone?" He meant to sound concerned but his words only came off as chastising which made Adrienne groan softly.
"I found it eventually, leader-nim" She teased and snickered when Yoongi imitated her groan, "I'm a big girl I can take care of myself."
"Well, you should have no problem finding the amusement park by yourself then? I can leave you to it?"
"Hey...don't joke about that I'm really looking forward to going now."
"Don't start whining, I'm coming for you."
Adrienne squealed and hung up, allowing Yoongi to slip his phone into the pocket of his jacket and step back out into the common room. The boys were currently arguing about whether they should eat at the park before the rides or after instead of making preparations to leave, Yoongi informed them that he was leaving to guide Andy to park and glided out the front door before they had the chance to question him.
It only took him about ten minutes to reach the BigHit building but once he was  a few blocks away he could clearly see Adrienne standing on the sidewalk, impatiently bouncing back and forth on the balls of her feet.
"Andy!" Yoongi called out once he was closer, and then immediately remembered that he was out in public and in front of the office building where he worked and at any moment some crazy fan could descend upon him and ruin his day. He adjusted the snapback on his head and kept his head down until he was standing next to Adrienne.
"Are you alone? I thought everyone was coming?" Andy commented as she peered around Yoongi's shoulder and noted the lack of people behind him.
"They are, but it's easier to travel if we aren't all together" Yoongi reassured, "I told them to meet us at the park."
Adrienne nodded and quietly followed after Yoongi as he lead them away from the BigHit building and towards the nearest subway station. The amusement park was about an hour away from where they were by train so they needed to spend less time they spent loitering around if they wanted to make it to the park before it got too crowded.
"So did you lose a bet and have to come pick me?" Adrienne probed offhandedly as they rounded a corner.
"What? No, I offered to come didn't I?"
"Yeah....I just thought that maybe someone put you up to it."
Yoongi scoffed under his breath and glanced to the side, he assumed that she was joking around like usual but the neutral expression on her face seemed to suggest otherwise.
"Why would you think that?" He finally asked.
"No reason...." She lied, "Okay that's not true I sort of thought that you didn't like me? Like we get along fine as coworkers but I feel so close to the other boys and whenever I try to get closer to you it feels like you pull away from me a little bit? I'm probably just being silly."
Yoongi was flabbergasted but didn't allow the shock to show on his features. Her assumption was so far off from what he actually felt towards her it almost made him laugh.
"You are being silly" He retorted with a huff, "Why wouldn't I like you? Do you want me to start showing you aegyo every five minutes like Jimin?"
Adrienne shrugged, "It wouldn't hurt."
She laughed out loud when Yoongi turned to glare in her direction but stopped abruptly when his hand latched onto hers and he pulled her close to his side.
"Stay close to me" Yoongi instructed while they descended the set of stairs that lead to the subway tracks, "When it's crowded like this it's easy to get lost so try not to trail behind."
Adrienne nodded and reaffirmed that she understood what he said by squeezing his palm between her fingers twice, once again testing Yoongi ability to restrain his base desires. He knew he was playing a dangerous game by grabbing her hand in the first place but he genuinely didn't want her to get separated from him while they waited for their train.
Curious eyes followed the pair as they waded through the crowds to get to their platform. Yoongi's first thought was that someone might have recognised him which made him feel self-conscious, then he remembered that he was holding hands with Adrienne. The self-consciousness he had been feeling suddenly turned into annoyance at the thought of so many people staring at them for no real reason.
"Hm?" He grunted, unaware of the scowl currently forming on his lips
"Are you alright? Because you're kind of squeezing my hand real tight."
"Oh.." Yoongi relaxed his grip on Andy's hand but didn't let it go "Sorry."
When their train finally pulled to a stop in front of them Yoongi lead Adrienne forward and gestured for her to stand in front of him since the car was crowded. When she did he put his hand over hers once she held on to the metal bar to steady herself and caged her in with his body. Doing his best to ignore the crackling of sparks that buzzed throughout him when she leaned back. Yoongi was a protective person by nature, he looked out for the people he cared about in small, simple ways. Yet, with Adrienne everything he did seemed so over the top to him. The fact that she thought he didn't like her still shocked him when he thought he was being so transparent.
The train made quite a few stops before Adrienne and Yoongi reached their own, allowing them to take a seat once the crowd thinned out. They made good use of the hour-long commute by sharing a pair of headphones and critiquing a new song that Yoongi had spent the past few days preparing. There was a rumour spreading that one of the songs they submitted last week had no chance of being approved so their workload didn't seem to be getting lighter any time soon.
Before they realised it, their stop came up and they exited the train car with the earbuds still connecting them. The park was only a short walk from the subway station and after a small altercation about Adrienne wanting to pay for her own ticket, they finally entered the amusement park. It was just as busy and crowded with children and families as Yoongi thought it would be.
Adrienne, on the other hand, seemed immensely amused by everything she set her eyes on. All the bright flashing lights and intoxicating loud music would probably be enticing to see for the first time for someone who enjoyed that kind of thing but Yoongi was already looking forward to leaving. The euphoric look on Adrienne's face was the only thing keeping him from complaining.
"So, everyone else isn't here yet," Yoongi said as they weaved in and out of the groups of people pooled near the popular rides. "What do you want to first?"
"I don't know! I have no idea what's here, you pick something."
Adrienne was practically bouncing with excitement and Yoongi wished he could share her enthusiasm. He had only been here once before so he wasn't familiar with the attractions either but one did catch his eye as he glanced around.
"Let's try this one," He gestured to his left and took Adrienne's hand once again. The crowds weren't nearly as thick in the direction they were heading but, Yoongi still felt it necessary to hold her hand. Adrienne didn't mind the action one bit.
"We can use this to see what's worth riding," Yoongi commented as the came to a stop in front of large balloon shaped ride with a basket attached. If Yoongi had been more perceptive in that moment he might have noticed how unusually silent Adrienne had become. She was almost frozen in place while Yoongi handed over the tickets then pulled her forward without even noticing the resistance. Yoongi assumed she was too excited to speak up.
His assumption changed when the balloon began to rise and he heard an almost silent and shrill scream come from beside him. When he looked over Adrienne's eyes were shut closed so tight there were beads of tears pooling in the corners. Her fingernails nearly pressing deep enough into her thighs to break the skin.
"Andy? Are you okay?" He asked softly but she shook her head vehemently, refusing to open her eyes.
"I should have mentioned this before" Andy stuttered in a hoarse whisper "I am t-terrified of heights."
"Shit," Yoongi sighed and looked around, it was too late for them to get off since they were already connected to the ceiling and he doubted the conductor would hear him over the music playing. When he look down at Adrienne again he could see that she was visibly shaking and Yoongi quickly did the only helpful thing he could think to do which was reach over and pull her against his chest.
"You don't have to-" Adrienne protested initially, "If I stay still it's not so bad, I can deal with it."
Yoongi only shook his head and shushed her as he held her body even tighter to him. "I'm sure you can but I'm here, you don't have to suffer alone." His voice was gentle and took on a tone that he hadn't used with Adrienne before, he was generally kind or unintentionally judgmental when they spoke. But the cadence of his voice at that moment was comforting and soothing. He even took it upon himself to stroke the back of her head a few times, the way she seemed to nuzzle into his touch made him stop before he got carried away.
Adrienne exhaled a shaky breath and relaxed in his embrace after a few minutes, leaning her full weight against him. She was still tense and trembling for the duration of the ride. Yoongi could feel her body jolt with fear whenever track made a turn or started to creak as he rested his chin gingerly on the top of her head. He made sure to talk the entire time; his voice soft and low as he pointed out random and incorrect facts about the park and other tourist attractions, hoping that the sound of his voice would distract her enough to put her mind at ease.
He wasn't sure if it was working but by the time they were nearing the end of the track, Adrienne had stopped trembling and Yoongi swore he heard her giggle at one of his terrible jokes. The machine jerked slightly when they began their descent and this time, Adrienne wrapped her arms around Yoongi's waist. Holding on to him tightly before the basket finally touched the ground and she practically jumped out of the contraption.
Yoongi trailed behind and frowned deeply when he watched her grab a nearby fence with both hands to catch her breath. He hated seeing her like this, especially knowing that he was partly to blame for it.
"Are you alright?" He asked from a few feet behind her, not wanting to crowd her space.
"I'm fine now, nothing to worry about" Adrienne answered, turning to face Yoongi with a brave smile. She definitely seemed to have calmed down but somehow Yoongi could tell that she was still shaken.
"I should have asked you before pulling you on that thing,"  Yoongi apologised and cleared some of the space between them by stepping forward and placing a hand on her shoulder.
Adrienne responded by nodding and staking a step forward. Her hand resting over his, curling her fingers around the back of his palm. "It's alright, really. You didn't know and it wasn't as bad as it normally is, thanks for holding me and sorry about the makeup on your shirt."
"Don't worry about it," Yoongi said, his voice still sweet as honey as he moved his hand up to cup her jaw between his palm. His thumb gingerly grazing over the swell of her cheek with care. "I'm just glad you're okay."
Adrienne nodded again and they shared a moment of tacit silence before the unmistakable sound of Taehyung and Jimin both yelling out 'noona'  made them separate and drop their hands.
"We've been looking for you everywhere!" Taehyung exclaimed once they were closer.
"Don't lie, we just got here," Jimin reminded him.
Adrienne giggled at their small squabble as the rest of the group soon joined them and they began moving forward to find one of the new attractions. Yoongi fell behind the group when Adrienne somehow ended up in the centre and Hoseok ended up walking with him since he wanted to be there even less than Yoongi did.
"Hyung.....is that makeup on your shirt?"
"Yeah," Yoongi replied nonchalantly.
"....What happened before we got here?"
"Not today, Hobi."
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"Yah! You're cheating, there's no way you could have scored a perfect score on that song!"
"I'm a professional singer, what did you expect?"
Jungkook's smug expression made Adrienne scowl but she didn't have a good excuse to debunk him or enough evidence to prove that he actually was cheating. So she kept her mouth shut and leaned back into her couch as Jungkook ticked one of his eyebrows upwards and handed the microphone to Jimin.
All seven of them were piled into Adrienne's one bedroom apartment and crowded around her small dining table. Originally this was supposed to be a small gathering for Adrienne to get to know them better musically. If she was going to be writing songs for them to sing she wanted to make sure that they, at least, enjoyed what they would be singing. Somehow that reasonable meeting turned into a potluck dinner when she offered to make them a dish from her home country and Jin offered to make a Korean dish she'd never tried before. One thing lead to another and the karaoke machine Adrienne bought on a whim a few weeks ago was dug out of her storage closet and a competition began between the rappers and singers. With Adrienne joining the rappers to make it even.
The initial goal of the evening was long forgotten after they all shared the first two bottles of soju and once Adrienne whipped up a batch of her specialty cocktail to go along with her dish any hopes of actually making music was thrown out the window. She didn't mind, however, she wanted to learn more about their musical preferences and there was no better way to do that than watching everyone sing karaoke. Despite the fact that they were slightly inebriated and gave up singing seriously a long time ago.
"Ah, oppa, I didn't expect you to like this kind of song" Adrienne chuckled at Jin's next song choice, which was the Korean version of a Spice Girls song.
"Wait, you call him oppa but not me? We're both older than you!" Yoongi berated from beside Adrienne.
The slight slur in his words made Adrienne wonder if he was drunk already but he always sounded like that. His eyes were glossy and the apples of his cheeks were a faint red hue but he was still in control of himself.
"Jin-oppa treats me well, you haven't earned that title yet Yoongi-ssi." Adrienne playful replied, making Yoongi scoff and roll his eyes.
"I'm nice to you," Yoongi gasped and leaned closer "I even made a special Korean food for you to try."
"You don't cook," she teased, watching as Yoongi grabbed one of the unopened containers from the end of the table.
"I can cook! Here try this," Yoongi exclaimed and picked up one of the red-orange oblong shaped foods out of the container and held it towards Adrienne. She attempted to take it from between his chopsticks but Yoongi pulled away and shook his head.
"Not with your hands, your mouth."
"I can feed myself, y'know."
Yoongi exhaled and gave Adrienne a pointed look.
"What did you say you wouldn't do today?"
Adrienne pressed her lips together and glanced towards the floor like a child "....Complain."
"And, what are you doing right now?"
"Complaining....." Adrienne answered with a heavy and dramatic sigh.
Yoongi grinned widely, he was enjoying the fact that he was annoying her, even pulling his hand back a few times when Adrienne leaned forward to take a bite. It wasn't until Andy tapped him on the knee that he stopped playing around and scooted closer to her.
"Okay seriously, this time. I won't pull it back." He said as he brought the chopsticks close to Adrienne's mouth, "Open," Yoongi instructed as he gently held her chin between his thumb and index finger to keep her head in place. Almost as if out of habit Adrienne closed her eyes and opened her mouth, allowing Yoongi to slide the rice cake between her parted lips.
"Good girl," he growled in a deep and almost primal whisper, making Andy's eyes pop open. She'd never heard his voice go that deep and the way he looked at her once she finally looked in his eyes made a jolt of arousal run straight through her body.
"Should we leave you two alone?" Hoseok asked, as quietly as he could over Adrienne's shoulder with an innocent grin.
"Shut up," Andy and Yoongi replied, so in sync that it made them both laugh gently.
Over by the television, however, Namjoon wasn't so amused. He had been watching them for most of the night, flirting and stealing glances at one another when they thought no one was paying attention. The way Yoongi always managed to make sure Adrienne sat next to him and how Adrienne always found some excuse to touch Yoongi while they spoke. Namjoon wondered how he hadn't noticed it before but any doubts he had about whether something was going on between them had been disproved that night. He hated that he couldn't feel anything but jealousy when his friend looked happy. 
They were both his friend but Namjoon still couldn't muster up the effort to pretend like he wasn't hurting inside. To save himself from heartache as Adrienne began cackling at a joke that could not have been that funny, Namjoon got up and silently slipped out the door. He hoped that a walk in the fresh air would clear his melancholy thoughts, he hadn't been drinking as much as everyone else did since he had to be responsible. Like always. Even on their days off his role as leader never left him.
"Hyung! Where are you going?" Jimin, who had followed Namjoon out almost immediately after he left, called from behind him.
"Uh, just for a walk. It's getting a little loud in there."
"Ah I see, do mind if I join you?"
Namjoon did mind but he shook his head anyway and started walking forward with Jimin next to him. They walked in silence for a while, the sounds of the city being their only ambiance until Jimin looked over at Namjoon and sighed.
"You know there's nothing you can do right?"
Namjoon paused and tilted his head to the side "What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about Andy-noona and Yoongi-hyung," Jimin replied in a matter of fact tone, "That's why you came outside isn't it? You like her."
Namjoon thought about lying but there was no point in lying to Jimin, he was always so good at reading people. "I don't want to feel like this but I just can't stop myself."
"That makes sense" Jimin nodded, "But I don't think they're dating, I could be wrong but we would be able to tell if they were actually dating."
Jimin was hoping to be reassuring but Namjoon didn't reply.
"I can't tell you that what you feel will quickly pass but eventually, it won't hurt anymore. Try channeling all that energy into just being her friend. There isn't anything you can do about what she feels." Jimin capped his words with a gentle hand on Namjoon's shoulders.
"Thank you, Jimin" Namjoon answered, accompanying his gratitude with a playful ruffle of Jimin's orange tresses.
They circled the block one more time before heading back to Adrienne's apartment where everyone save for Hoseok, Yoongi and Adrienne were passed out.
"I think it might be bedtime," Adrienne said to the pair once they were back inside.
It only took a few minutes to wake everyone up and herd them out the front door, even with Jin offering to stay and help clean and Taehyung offering to spend the night so he wouldn't have to get up. Before long they were all walking down the alleyway that lead away from Andy's apartment and headed home, except Yoongi who was still lingering around the front door.
"Did you forget something?" Adrienne asked when she noticed her front door was still open.
"No, I... wanted to ask you something."He looked uncomfortable, like he already regretted what he was bout to say.
"Why won't you call me oppa?"
Adrienne guffawed, thinking he was joking but she stopped once she noticed that he was seriously expecting an answer.
"I....dont know? At first, I didn't because I liked annoying you but now I guess I'm just used to saying Yoongi-ssi," Adrienne explained as she folded her arms and leaned against the door frame, "If it bothers you I'll try being more respectful-"
"It's okay, I just wondered if there was a different reason." Yoongi waved her off.
"Are you sure? I don't want to offend you."
"You're not...I like the way you say my name." Yoongi smiled and patted the top of Adrienne's head before running down the alleyway to catch up with the rest of the group who were not waiting for him.
Adrienne beamed, unsure why having him pet her like a puppy made her heart flutter so much as she closed the door behind her. She assumed she was overflowing with happiness with the thought that he might be feeling the same pull that she was. That contentment filled her with joy until she turned and laid eyes on the platters and plates of leftover food that all required her attention.
"Nope, I'm going bed."
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imagine-loki · 5 years
Greatest Fears
TITLE: Greatest Fears CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 2 of 3 AUTHOR: MaliceManaged ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki’s wife suffering a terrible nightmare and him soothing her after it. RATING: T NOTES/WARNINGS: This is an older fic. I meant to post it here when this imagine popped up, and then completely forgot to because I am great at planning. Since I’m going through my files trying to rekindle the muse, I figured I might as well post it now, y'know? XD
Bit of violence, but well, that’s bound to happen when you piss Loki off, y'know?
    Loki was on a mission. That much was plain to see both by his expression and the clear purpose in his steps. He barely even noticed as servants and nobles alike hastened to get out of his way, so focused was he; everyone knew that when the God of Mischief was angry, it was best not to find oneself in his path.
      As he rounded a corner he nearly collided with Lorelei; he began to move around her before changing his mind, grabbing her arm and turning her to face him, asking with deceptive calmness, “Have you any idea where I can find your dear sister?”
    The redhead looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. “What did she do this time?”
      “Too much,” Loki replied with an edge to his voice, making Lorelei’s brow rise further.
      “In that case; last I heard, she was looking for your brother, who I think is in the training grounds,” Lorelei replied with a smile.
      It was no secret the temptress couldn’t stand her older sister, Amora; the two had been at odds as far back as anyone could remember, so she was more than happy to point the younger prince’s wrath in the right direction.
      With vague thanks, Loki left, changing course for the training grounds and hoping Lorelei’s information was correct. He had long been at war with the Enchantress, and they had both employed highly questionable strategies against the other, but this went too far; this time she had touched upon the one thing he could not forgive or forget: His wife.
      He knew it had to have been Amora who invaded Samantha’s dreams the previous night, intending to plant the seeds of distrust and fear of him in her mind. There was no-one else it could be; none of his other enemies both knew that his wife was his greatest weakness and had the means and ability to influence her slumber that way. And it would take someone blinded by unfavourable opinions of him to assume that they could harm - let alone break - the bond between them; his queen was as devoted to him as he was to her and nothing short of a personal betrayal would change that.
      Finally he reached the training grounds, where he could hear the sounds of practise battles as well as the loud voices of his brother and other warriors. His eyes searched the room and found his intended target then he narrowed his eyes in hatred and began to make his way to her. The moment he was close enough, he threw a burst of energy at Amora that slammed her against the far wall strongly enough to make her cough up blood as she crumpled on her hands and knees to the floor. Sparring matches ceased as all present looked between the Enchantress and the clearly livid prince in shock.
      “Loki; what is the meaning of this?” Thor asked; he was well aware of his brother’s feelings towards Amora, but he had never known him to attack her so openly and with such ferocity.
      Loki ignored his brother completely, advancing on Amora and snarling, “Did you think I would not know it was you? Or were you simply foolish enough to think I would not retaliate?”
      “It was not all my doing; I simply worked with what was there,” Amora spat, attempting to get to her feet.
      Before she could, Loki rushed over to her, grabbed her by the neck and slammed her against the wall harshly. “Liar!” 
      He conjured his dagger and went to plunge it into her stomach, as Samantha had told him happened in her nightmare, but was stopped by Thor, who rushed to his brother and pried him off the Enchantress with difficulty.
      “Let me go!” Loki growled, fighting against Thor’s hold with all his strength.
      “Not until you tell me what is going on,” Thor said sternly.
      “She attacked my wife,” Loki replied enraged.
      “She what?!” Thor asked, turning to glare at Amora, who seemed to finally realise she’d made a big mistake.
      When Loki had brought Samantha to Asgard, Thor had taken an instant liking to her; not only for the kind and quick-witted person that she was, but it was clear to see her presence had a calming effect on his brother’s much-troubled mind. It was well known that he was almost as protective of his sister-in-law as her husband was.
      “Thor; let. Me. Go,” Loki seethed, eyeing Amora with murder in his eyes.
      Thor was actually more than a bit tempted, but in the end held back, albeit reluctantly. “No, brother.”
      “Why not?” Loki spat, turning to glare at the Thunderer.
      “Because Samantha would disapprove of cold-blooded murder, and you well know it,” Thor replied, trying to reason with him.
      Loki bristled slightly at the mention of his wife then huffed angrily and put his dagger away, knowing that Thor was right. If he just killed Amora, Samantha would (probably) forgive him eventually, but she would certainly be upset with him for some time before that. And while they had argued in the past over mistakes either of them made, he did try to avoid giving her reason to be angry.
      When Thor was sure that Loki wouldn’t try to kill Amora anymore, he let him go and the Trickster turned to him. “What do you suggest I do? Because I am not letting this go.”
      “Nor would I expect you to,” Thor assured, “But this is a matter to take up with father.”
      At the mention of Odin, Amora’s eyes widened; she knew the king wasn’t overly fond of her, given all the trouble she’d caused over the centuries, and he was one of the few people she genuinely feared.
      Loki gave it some thought then huffed. “Fine; if we must.”
      When Amora was brought before him flanked by a displeased Thor and a fuming Loki, Odin suppressed a sigh; wondering what discontent the Enchantress had wrought this time. As the situation was explained, the Allfather instead began to wonder how his eldest had managed to keep his brother from killing Amora at all; he knew how protective Loki was of his wife. He himself was rather fond of the young woman, even if she was at least mostly human; in many ways she reminded him of Frigga, and Loki had benefited greatly from having her in his life.
      “You and Loki have been in conflict since you were barely out of childhood, but to employ such insidious spells against innocents…” Odin began, his voice carrying throughout the throne room easily, “Personal feelings for Samantha aside, she is part of the royal family; bringing harm to her in any way is a serious offence.” He let his words sink in for a moment. “Since there was no injury caused, I will be lenient: You will be bound in service to those you have wronged.”
      Amora’s eyes widened. “You cannot be serious!” Odin raised an eyebrow and the Enchantress paled. “For how long?”
      Odin looked thoughtful for a moment then replied, “I think a month should do.”
      The look on Amora’s face alone as she was practically dragged out of the throne room made Loki think sparing her life had been the best call after all. And the knowledge that she was his to command for a month… Loki still had plenty of issue with his father, but he was no fool; he knew perfectly well that lenience was the farthest thing on Odin’s mind with that sentencing. Thor left the room next; feeling somewhat sorry for the Enchantress, knowing that his brother would see to it that she never even thought about so much as offending Samantha again, but of the opinion that she had very much brought this on herself.
      Loki went to leave the room, intending to find his wife and share the wonderful news, when Odin called him back. Loki turned around and faced his father somewhat apprehensively, figuring he was about to be scolded for his attempted murder; instead he was surprised by what the king actually had to say.
      “Whether you tell your wife the full details of what occurred is your choice, but this cannot happen again,” Odin said firmly.
      “It will not, as long as Amora learns her lesson,” Loki replied simply.
      “That is not what I meant.”
      “Oh?” Loki responded, now curious.
      “I understand that you love her, but do not let that devotion turn to obsession,” Odin warned, “You cannot respond to every threat towards her with murderous intent.”
      Loki blinked in surprise. “Would you expect any less of me?”
      “There was a time I would not have,” Odin admitted, “But that was before. I know that you are capable of more, of better; do not lose that over the actions of those who are not.”
      To say that Loki was stunned would have been an understatement. Unless his mind was playing tricks on him; that was as close to praise as he had received from the Allfather in… well, most of his life. Unable to find words, he simply nodded then turned and left; wanting to find Samantha and confirm whether or not he was finally going mad.
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ckret2 · 5 years
Prompt, eh? Hmm, perhaps try a monologue from a character's perspective as they come to the horrible realization that are falling deeper and deeper in love. Bonus points if it starts over something as simple as thinking the individual has a cute sneeze.
So my first thought was “oh Ghidorah” but then I was like “but I’ve basically already done that with Ghidorah in the form of arguing with themselves about Rodan, what other character that we both know could I do that with” and then I was like “oh Gigan?”
And then I was like “well obviously he’s gotta have somebody to be monologuing to” and then it uh turned into a whole fic with a plot arc and a cliffhanger instead of a simple monologue, and also took me like seven hours to write instead of thirty minutes.
I haven’t proofed it because it’s 5 a.m.! Enjoy!!!
The Fissures Between Flesh and Metal
“The first time I saw them,” Gigan said, turned to take in both the bartender and the robot on the stool next to him, “they’d just stolen a million credit job out from under me.”
The bartender rapped the sharp tip of one tentacle against the bar disapprovingly, and the robot let out a low whistle.
“Yeah,” Gigan said. “I was ready to kill them on the spot. The apocalyptic mercenary market’s already crowded enough—there’s practically more people running around who can destroy planets than there are people who actually want a planet destroyed, you know? I’ll put up with professional rivalry, fine, but I’m not gonna take this from some edgy new guys in town who don’t have enough respect for their fellow professionals not to horn in on someone else’s job. Gimme another hit?”
The robot obligingly picked up the battery that it and Gigan had been sharing and quickly pressed the terminals to the side of Gigan’s metal beak. Electricity jolted straight into his brain. He tipped his head back, letting the rush wash through his circuits, his thoughts popping and static flashing in his optical band.
As the power boost sizzled out and he came back down, for a moment he saw a blurry golden shape with three heads and enormous wings. Then his vision cleared and it was gone.
Gigan shook his head. “But as I’m standing in a freshly-leveled village on this planet that shoulda been my job, watching these jerks who undercut me walk strut around and trying to decide the best angle to attack them from, one of them bends over and licks up this smear made out of one of the locals. The other two screw up their faces in disgust, the one that licked it is scraping his tongue off on a rock, the middle one’s biting his horn in revenge—and then the head on the other side takes a taste too, and they do it all over again.” He threw back his head, squawking in laughter. The bartender rattled a couple of tentacles in amusement. The robot just shook its head.
“Anyway,” Gigan went on, “I figured then either they were too damn stupid to realize they’d stolen someone’s job—heck, maybe they were just wild animals that had been dropped off to make a mess—or, they were the most fun guys I’d ever seen. So I let ‘em live.”
“Did you talk to them?” the robot asked. It wasn’t looking at Gigan anymore; its optic was off. A dozen different open tabs in glowing squares and rectangles floated in front of the bot, projected from the computer plugged into its wrist. The robot groped around blindly for the battery and took another hit; the floating screens sizzled and wavered.
Gigan waited for the static to die down before he replied. “Nah, not then. Had no idea what language to start with. I figured if they really were mercs and not someone’s pet planet squashers, I’d eventually run into them again somewhere like this.”
“This” being the bar around them: an illicit pop-up stop clinging precariously to the surface of an asteroid under a makeshift canopy tent, with a smattering of round tables and stools screwed directly into the asteroid’s surface and a bar made out of a row of coolers. Places like this were a dime a dozen in this arm of the galaxy, appearing in a matter of hours and disappearing just as fast, lasting anywhere from a week to five years. All you needed to make one was a force field to keep out nearby asteroids and to keep in enough air to prevent customers’ heads from popping—but providing gravity and breathable air was the customers’ responsibility. The bartender wore goggles and an air filter that snaked around her head to an air tank strapped between three larger tentacles; Gigan had enough internal air storage and a good enough filter in his throat that he’d be fine for hours as long as he didn’t get in a fight. He kept his tail and one leg curled beneath his seat to keep himself from floating off it.
Bars like this were the best place to find odd jobs and the odd guys to do them: hired killers, hackers, thugs, dealers in contraband of all kind. Gigan couldn’t count how many bars like this he and the triple threat had hung out in—either because they’d run into each other there between jobs, or because they’d come together.
“We crossed paths a lotta times over the next, uh…” he waved a scythe vaguely, “dunno. Few centuries, I guess? It’s hard to keep track of standard galactic time when you spend all your time bouncing between different planets with different year lengths. Sometimes we got hired by two different employers to hit the same world—I usually, y'know, got hired as muscle to extort a ransom, but the only jobs they ever did were full mass extinctions. I got to see them in action—wow. They’re a moving force of nature. On the right planets—wet ones, mainly—they create storms hundreds of miles across just by flying.” To the bartender, he said, “You’re from an aquatic world, right? You look like it.”
Rapping on the makeshift bar top with the tips of half a dozen tentacles, the bartender said, “My ancestral world? Mostly aquatic. About four fifths of the planet, I’m told.”
“Yeah, they’d tear your planet to shreds.“  He didn’t have enough appendages to speak the bartender’s percussive language properly—like the robot, he was speaking it by synthesizing the right raps and taps through his speaker—but he added a scrape with one scythe on the bar top to underscore the sentiment.
She shrugged.
"Fought them a few times, too,” Gigan said. “They’re vicious in close combat. It's kill or be killed, no in between. I’d usually have to cut and run, heh, just take the financial hit, cuz there’s no beating them without getting damaged so bad the victory isn’t worth it. They’re probably the best warriors I’ve ever met, but the worst mercenaries to share a market with.”
He thought his tone was admiring, but the robot said, “I thought you got along with each other?”
“We did,” Gigan insisted, and immediately corrected himself, “We do. It just took a while to get properly introduced to each other, you know? Every time I met them, they were in the middle of a job—and they had that whole... intense, mysterious, aloof loner schtick going on. For the longest time, I didn’t even know whether they could talk.” He hooked one of his wrist spurs through the handle of his drink, took a sip through the straw—hated straws, but a lid with a straw was the cheapest way to keep a drink from floating out of a mug and bars like this were nothing if not cheap—and grimaced. Either his drink had gone off in the past five minutes or that battery was messing with his taste buds. Probably the latter. "When we finally met each other properly, it was in—you know that cruddy little strip of solar systems that ended up under no one’s jurisdiction after the 'Rog turf war? Buncha little lawless hellholes?“
The bartender said, "My ancestral home world was in that strip.”
“Sucks,” Gigan said. “Hope it wasn’t one of the ones the 'Rogs asked me to clear out. Anyway, I crossed paths with them in one of the space port cities near the edge of the contested territory. They’d gotten in a bar fight. And lost.”
They’d been thrown across the bar onto their back, legs kicking uselessly in the air, hissing and spitting in the worst Suneri that Gigan had ever heard. Someone had been mad at them because they’d finished the job they’d been hired for even after they'd been told the world had paid the ransom their employer had demanded; they were mad that they’d been ordered to stop when they’d said from the start that wasn’t how they worked. They were twice the height of anyone else in the bar besides Gigan; but they were fighting completely naked—weaponless and defenseless—and consequently got their tails handed to them.
He’d learned a little bit more about them by then. Over past few centuries, he’d asked around about a three-headed, golden, scaled, winged warrior that spat lightning. He'd eventually stumbled on some sparse info about the prize weapons of a conquering empire in some far-flung corner of the galaxy, a race rather like the local Garogas. Their three-headed warriors were some sort of genetically engineered killing machines.
So was Gigan.
The warriors he’d seen were very, very far from their home.
So was Gigan.
Over time, he'd found enough info on the empire to download its dominant species’ language, so when he’d crossed paths with the warriors again and confirmed that they could, in fact, speak—
“I offered to buy them drinks.” In their home world’s language. “And they kicked me in the chest.” He laughed.
It was his fault. He should’ve known that anyone who’d flown that far to get away from their masters wouldn’t wanna hear a stranger speaking their masters’ language. Would Gigan have?
“And this is when you started making friends?” the bartender asked dubiously.
“Sure! It was the first time they didn’t try to kill me,” Gigan said. “And they did let me buy them that drink. They were flat broke. Get this—this is why I kept running into them everywhere—they were snapping up half the jobs on the market because they were doing them for free.”
The robot made a painful-sounding buzz low in its abdomen that Gigan took for a laugh.
“Yeah! Yeah. Remember what I said about that edgy loner schtick of theirs?” He drummed emphatically on the bar top. “They just wanted to watch worlds burn. No money. No rewards. They didn’t turn down anyone stupid enough to hire them, but they don’t take any orders, either. Get what you pay for, huh?”
“What is their name?” the robot asked.
Gigan’s good cheer immediately disappeared. “They don’t have one,” he said sharply.
“Of course they do.”
“No, they said they don’t. They weren’t given one. They wanna be nameless, I’ll respect that.”
“I am in the Xiliens’ military personnel database.”
Gigan leaned over, trying to see the screens from the robot’s angle. “Yeah? You’ve got a connection to their empire from here?”
“A really slow one,” the robot shot back, “patched into the network via a Xilien spy two star systems away who is connected to the home world with the worst ansible I have ever had the displeasure of interfacing with, so I would like to spend as little time doing unnecessary searches as possible. It looks like they have got hundreds of files on three-headed monsters like your buddies. Once I have cracked the security encryption on them, I do not want to open them one by one.”
For a moment, Gigan was silent. Then he said, “They said their home world didn’t name them—it numbered them.”
“Sympathies,” the robot said. “I have still got a bar code on my ass with my factory serial number. Do you know theirs?”
“He said they’re Zero.” He felt like a traitor. They'd only trusted him with that information because they'd believed him when he swore that he'd never call them by their homeworld's label—and certainly that he'd never tell anyone else.
The robot froze momentarily, processing that. “Easy to remember.” One of the screens changed as the robot started searching.
“Just one 'he’ now?” the bartender asked. “You were talking about all three together earlier.”
“Yeah, uh, he as in—as in the one on the left,” Gigan said. He didn't think of the information as coming from them, but from him—the one who'd persuaded the other two to share it, the one who'd leaned in to whisper it to him in the dark while the other two watched for eavesdroppers. “You’ve got lefty, righty, and front-and-center. Totally different people. Lefty’s… probably my favorite. I like them all about the same, but he—makes himself easiest to like, you know? Great sense of humor—the murderous kind—the kind of guy that can find anything entertaining. From explosions to head wounds. That’s rare.”
Although sometimes Gigan had gotten the impression that, on some level, lefty was forcing himself to feel entertained. The more Gigan got to know him, to see under the aloof façade they all put on, the more he got the sense that lefty had this... desperate fragility about him, like he was crumbling apart and looking for something to latch onto—a weird taste or a unique view or a good fight—something to hold him together.
All three of them gave off that impression, truth be told, just in different ways. Righty looked for stability in his other two heads, ever turned inward, to the point he was all but oblivious to life outside of them. Front-and-center held himself together through sheer force of will, and held back anything from getting close enough to touch him and break him apart.
They were all three so very brittle. They had fissures deep in their body and minds, fissures traced along the paths of the invisible scars where they’d been stitched together into a three-headed monster. And whenever Gigan glimpsed that brittleness—whenever they withdrew into themselves at a question about their past, whenever they tried to pretend they weren’t nervous around employers who paraded about mind-controlled thralls, whenever they hesitated in front of a door that said “No Pets” like they didn’t think they qualified as people instead of animals—he felt the fissures between his flesh and his metal, too.
He didn’t like to talk about his fissures. But they liked to talk about theirs even less, so it all worked out neatly—except that, sometimes, he wished he could talk to them about how he kept his from cracking open, in hopes that it could help them too. He hated their brittleness. He hated how it hurt them.
“But they’re all fun,” he said. “Fighting them especially, once you get them to a place where they’re trying to beat you instead of kill you. They don’t mind losing a few body parts, even—they just regrow them. I even saw them regrow front-and-center’s whole head, once. I didn’t take him off, just saw it happen. Fighting alongside them, though—sometimes we'd get hired for jobs together—watching the way they can work a hurricane, wow…” To think that they didn’t think they were people. Had they never heard themselves sing before? Had they never seen the way they danced through clouds and lightning? Had they never noticed how they effortlessly conducted both rain and minds alike like they were symphonies? Didn’t they know that they were maestros in the sky? Their sheer visionary genius, their unsurpassed grace, the beauty of golden scales gyrating through the cloudless eye of a storm…
“Hit me again,” he asked the robot, and he wasn’t sure whether it was in hopes of pushing the images out of his RAM or in hopes of summoning up another hallucinatory vision of them. The robot flicked on its optic long enough to pick up the battery and lean over.
When Gigan came back down, the robot said, “I am not finding any monsters named Zero. Have you got another name?”
“No—what do you mean 'named’? They don’t have names besides numbers, do they?”
“They do. The Xiliens gave them all code names. They are things like 'Death’ and 'Hyper’ and 'Kaiser.’”
Gigan shouldn’t have been surprised that they’d lied about their name, after everything else. But he was. And it hurt. “Well—keep looking. You’ve got the picture I sent you, right?”
“I will have to look through every file individually to find a visual match.”
“I’m paying you for your time, aren’t I? Come on.”
The robot made an irritated buzzing noise, but snapped, “Fine.”
“Why do you have to track them down anyway?” the bartender asked. “If you’re so close.”
Gigan shrugged. “They went and disappeared on me ages ago. I’m just trying to figure out where they went. I figured their home world might be looking for their lost planet-flatteners, so…” Although they’d never said so, he’d always got the sense that they were terrified of their home world—and terrified that they were being followed. Not the vague paranoia that any escaped weapon felt, but like they knew.
“So why’d they take off? You have a fight?”
“No. We didn’t. In fact, the last time we spoke was—was the opposite of a fight.”
The last time they spoke, Gigan had asked them to come with him. For good. He thought they should market themselves as a package apocalyptic deal, let Gigan handle finessing the employers and victims while the triple threat handled the razing. Give the three of them the opportunity to experience the cushy things you can only get when you’re getting paid for your jobs—fine dining, luxury hotels, resort planets—because they deserved those things all the time, not just when they happened to cross paths with Gigan between jobs. Take them to symphonies and operas—he heard them singing, constantly, any time things were still and they thought no one was listening, in languages he’d never learned. Travel the galaxy together. Get as far away from their pasts as they could.
They said they’d think about it.
He’d never seen them again.
He snatched up his drink and irritably stirred the straw, trying to suck up the last drops floating around inside. He slammed the mug back down. "Just trying to see if they tripped and fell in a black hole or something,“ he muttered. "Get me another. Less blood this time, it tastes funky.” The bartender took back the empty mug and opened one of the coolers.
The robot turned on its optic. “I think we have a match,” it said. Gigan immediately leaned over, squinting at the screens. Something in him sparked and simmered when he saw the photo. That was them—far younger, with a near-feral bloodthirst in their eyes that he’d only ever seen when they were fighting for their lives.
“The Xiliens have a database of AWOL monsters where they document their efforts to track them down. It was a lot faster to go through than all the files,” the robot said. “You were right—they are numbered, and they were assigned zero. I believe your friends were the prototype for the others.” It pointed at small text at the top of their file, Monster #0, and then dragged its finger down to the far larger text underneath: KING. “That is their name.”
Gigan wondered why they would rather claim they’d been named “Zero” than “King.” They deserved to be called King. “Well? What’s it say? Do they know where they are?”
The robot pulled up a map of the galaxy. It showed a cone stretching away from their general neighborhood—like the maps that came from trying to predict the path of a hurricane crossing an ocean. It curved counterclockwise in an arc, a little more than half the galaxy’s radius out from the supermassive black hole. The path was thousands of lightyears long and, at its widest point, hundreds across.
“They found faint psychic traces of King’s interstellar path almost a hundred thousand years ago heading roughly along that arc, assuming they continued on the same trajectory,” the robot said. “But that is the most recent data the Xiliens have.”
“It’ll do,” Gigan said. At least it was a starting point. Even if they’d long moved on, Gigan might be able to pick up the trail again if he knew where they’d been. “What are these 'psychic traces’ the Xiliens are tracking? Any way I can track that too?”
“I can look it up, but it will cost you more.”
“Yeah yeah yeah. That’s fine.”
“Hold on,” the bartender said, setting down Gigan’s new drink. “A hundred thousand years ago? You’re looking for someone who disappeared a hundred thousand years ago?”
Gigan winced. “Technically, no. It was—longer than that, actually.”
“How long ago?”
Gigan opened his mouth. And stuck the straw in it so he wouldn’t have to answer.
The bartender tapped out disapproval on the bar top. “They could be anywhere in the galaxy by now.”
“Yeah, if they had any idea how to hitch rides,” Gigan said. “They fly everywhere. With their own wings. They spend long flights inside these things.” He stamped a hooked foot on the asteroid. “And I don’t mean a ship disguised to look like an asteroid, they travel in rocks!”
“This is gross,” the robot said. “Organic brains are gross. But here. I got the unique psychic frequency that the Xiliens are using to track King and blueprints to a machine to do it with. I do not know if they are good blueprints. I refuse to think about brains any more than that.”
“It’ll do. Beam it over.”
The robot mentally transferred over its exorbitant invoice. The instant Gigan transferred payment, it followed up with the files. “Pleasure,” it said, unplugging from its computer and beginning to pack up. It pointed at the battery. “Do you want more?”
“Keep the rest. Consider it a tip.”
“Nice.” It carefully wrapped the battery in a napkin and stowed it with the computer.
Gigan sucked down the rest of his drink, pulled some physical cash out of a compartment in his calf, and slapped it down on the bar.
The bartender put a tentacle over the money and carefully slid it to the edge of the bar so it wouldn't float away. Several taps dragging out into wry scrapes, she said, "Must be a more impressive lay than they look like.“
If Gigan hadn’t already finished his drink, he would have choked. "We never—! I mean—we're—colleagues. Colleague-friend-…mercenaries.” He shifted the leg he had anchored around the bar stool uncomfortably. “Does it... seem like something else?”
Several tentacles rippled in a shrug. “I don’t know anything about your species,” she said. “But in most, no one spends that kind of money, obsesses that amount of time, and crosses that amount of space unless it's for an offspring, a hive mind hub, a nearly-extinct food source, or a mate of some kind.”
Gigan turned that over. In his head, he called up the photo in the file that the robot had sent him. They were so young, so furious, so bestial—so much more broken than they had been even when Gigan knew them. It was a damn pity that the Xiliens kept visual instead of audial files. He wondered if they had sang back then, too.
“Honestly?” he said. “I don’t know much about my species, either.”
His flesh felt icy and his metal felt numb during the few seconds after exiting the bar’s force field as he crossed the asteroid to where he’d parked his junk heap of a ship. He was warm again by the time he’d powered it up and gotten off the rock. He turned toward the nearest proper spaceport that accommodated people of his size and profession. He had a very long search ahead of him, and he had no idea when he was next going to cross paths with a proper spacefaring planet. He had to stock up on supplies.
He needed to buy a ship that wasn’t falling apart, too. Something built for deep space exploration.
Careful not to cut it, he peeled the one picture he had of the triple threat off of his windshield and stowed it in his calf compartment, to transfer to his new ship later.
If you wanna read my other KOTM fics, link’s in the source below. It’s mostly Rodorah, but this fic is canon to that verse.
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