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bngtanah · 5 years ago
I’m (not) With The Band. | o7
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summary: Adrienne is an indie producer who is hired to help co-produce BTS’ next album alongside their resident producer; Suga. Despite the initial opposition on both ends, the pair spend time together, share a few stories, dreams and aspirations and begin to hit it off really well. Wrapped up in the whirlwind of late nights and heated disagreements and reconciliations, Min Yoongi and Adrienne Rolle find themselves growing closer and closer. One night they decide to cross the barrier between personal and professional and do their best make a relationship work against all odds.
pairing: idol!Yoongi  x OC
word count: 4.5k genre: drama, romance, smut(eventually)
chapters: prologue| o1| o2| o3| o4| o5| o6| o7| o8| o9| 10| 11|
warning: fluff, workplace relationship, slow burn, sexual attraction, ambw, developing relationship, light angst, making out.
a/n: hey. sup. it’s been forever lmao.
"No, no, I want there to be a subtle kind of...sexiness even without the lyrics"
"But I thought we agreed to go for a different feeling?"
"We did...then I changed my mind"
"So, I guess what I want doesn't matter?"
"For this song- no. No, it does not."
Yoongi wanted to be annoyed by her dismissal and deep down he mostly was, Andy was being unnecessarily difficult with the direction of their latest music-related venture, and although she had shot down nearly all of his ideas today, Yoongi still found himself bowing to her will instead of arguing with her like he usually would whenever she batted those big green eyes at him. He was fairly certain that she wasn't doing this on purpose, enticing him so that he would continue to remain entranced by her attractive features and intoxicating smile, even if she wasn't aware of what she was doing, the results were still the same. She already had him wrapped around her finger without even realizing it and Yoongi hated being so damn malleable. 
Today was another day off for the group but with the limited time and amount of preparation they still had to go through t in order to be ready to release their album on time, no one in the group had the luxury of lounging around doing nothing  like they had been doing the past few days. Everyone was either practicing, giving interviews or helping out with lyrics for the few songs that were already completed and approved leaving Andy and Yoongi alone in an empty dorm to get some actual work done. They opted out of working at the studio since it was already crowded with Namjoon, Jimin and Hoseok using the computer and mic, Yoongi knew that the dorm would be empty for most of the day, so it gave them a chance to work in peace.
"Look," Adrienne sighed and leaned back on her elbows, they were seated on Yoongi's bed and much closer than they needed to be "I'm sure whatever you're thinking is great but if you guys really want to go for a more mature image with this album you need a song like this. The kind of song that will give you the confidence to strip and give your boyfriend a lap dance even if you can't dance for shit." Adrienne exhaled sharply and glanced up at the ceiling, looking wistful. She wasn't looking at Yoongi, and she hadn't been since she started speaking, but if she was she probably would have noticed the way his eyes ping-ponged between the slight amount of cleavage peeking out of the top of her v-neck and her plump lips that curled into a seductive smile when she spoke that last sentence.
Something about the way she said the previous sentence, however, must’ve given too much of her desire away, because he froze when she exhaled, just to stare her down. When Adrienne finally did glance to the side she flinched slightly under his intense glare but didn't back away.
"Sorry, was that too much? I talk without thinking sometimes..."
"No... that's not-"
It seemed Yoongi hadn’t truly been paying attention to what she was saying before, but now he would have been hanging on her every word if she had the courage to say anything else, instead, they just stared at each other, neither one moving an inch until one of Adrienne's braids fell into her face and Yoongi raised his fingers and brushed the back of his knuckles across her cheek to put it back in place.
His movements were gentle, so gentle that Adrienne could barely breathe– the moment stretched out for so much longer than seemed appropriate, allowing Adrienne to become lost in her thoughts and the realization of just how much she wanted his lips on her to hit her with a heavy awareness. Andy broke under the thought and found herself leaning forward to just do it, to just kiss him like she had wanted to for so much longer than she cared to think about. Yoongi leaned forward as well, the hand that was caressing her cheek moving down to her neck to securely keep her head where he wanted it to be. Eyelids hooded and lips just a few inches apart, their breathing intermingled as they drew closer and closer to their intended goal. Weeks of flirting and mutually explosive tension bubbling just under the surface was just seconds from reaching its peak....until hearing the door handle jiggle broke apart their fantasy.
Suddenly the front door opened, and the sound of Jin's voice blending together with Jungkook's caused the enamored pair to spring apart, quite literally, with Yoongi rolling further into the center of his bed and Adrienne tumbling from the bed to the ground, landing flat on her ass.
"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked quickly, peering over the edge as Adrienne nodded and rubbed the sore spot on her hip where she landed.
"I'm fine, just a little bruise-" She responded with a groan then looked up, the moment between them was long from being forgotten and that was evident in the way Yoongi still peered down at her like he wanted to devour her right then. But, Jin and Jungkook making their presence known in the hallway outside Yoongi's bedroom made them break contact and swiftly pretend to be working, Andy grabbing her notebook off the edge of the bed and Yoongi mindlessly pressing keys on his laptop as the two young men hovered around the entrance and inquired about how their work was going.
"Yoongi's being stubborn, and I am making amazing music, so it's just like always," Adrienne commented from the floor, earning a chuckle from both Jin and Jungkook and an agitated smirk from the target of her jeer.
"Ah, well we won't distract you, keep working hard!" Jin stated as he began to usher Jungkook out the door, who was on the verge of complaining.
"Oh no! You can stay!" Adrienne replied, too quickly, and shot out her hand to stop them from leaving "It would be nice to hear some feedback." She wasn't too certain about being left alone with Yoongi after what had almost happened just a few seconds earlier, even with her sitting on the floor now there was no guaranteeing she wouldn't lose her senses again and do something stupid like try to kiss her coworker.
"Are you sure won't we be in the way?" Jin asked in part, allowing Jungkook to finish off the question even though he was already walking back towards Jin's bed and sitting down. Both of them glanced back and forth from Adrienne to Yoongi for an answer, before finally settling on Yoongi.
"It's fine," he grumbled from behind his laptop screen, "Just try not to make too much noise."
They, of course, did the opposite of what he asked.
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Yoongi slammed the door of the Bangtan room so hard Adrienne swore she could hear the frosted glass crack and shatter when he entered the room. She didn't even bother swiveling around in her chair when she heard him come in since she already knew what was bothering him. Yoongi had a meeting with the boss today about a few songs he'd submitted on his own for approval and, judging by his reaction, it probably hadn't gone well.
It was always interesting (terrifying) to see Yoongi so genuinely angry, he was usually so calm and unconcerned by small or big things, but when it came to his music he quite literally wore his emotions on his sleeves and it barely took much to ignite a blaze of fire within him.
"Yoongi-ssi?" Adrienne called as she heard his pacing back and forth behind her.
No answer.
"Are you alright?" Adrienne decided to ask once again when he took a seat on the couch and began running both of his hands down the length of his face. 
"Do I seem alright to you?" Yoongi snapped with his face still buried in his hands, his knee was bouncing up and down so quickly it warbled his voice and Adrienne couldn't even find herself becoming offended by his curt reply.
"You don't," Adrienne answered as she spun around to face Yoongi, "That's why I'm asking if you are. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, but don't come in here disrupting my time with your bad vibes if just going to be an asshole."
Yoongi puffed up almost immediately, his chest inflating with arrogance and his lips twisting into an aggravated scowl. He looked up, ready to dispute his right to be an asshole whenever he wanted to be, but once his eyes met Adrienne's he deflated and glanced to the side with a heavy sigh. He shouldn't be putting his anger off on her, she wasn't the reason he was upset.
"He said no- again!" Yoongi finally replied with an answer that Adrienne already knew, but she nodded anyway, her gaze never leaving his as he began to rant about not being taken seriously. 
"They still look at me and talk to me like I'm still the same kid that auditioned here three years ago, it's fucking humiliating!"
"Did he at least give you some constructive criticism?" Andy asked, trying to remain positive.
"That's not even the point," Yoongi huffed, rising up from his seat, "If it was just about my song not being good enough, I could change that. I can always make better songs but I'm not growing as an artist if I'm constantly being told to write about the same thing in a slightly different way! There are only so many similes and metaphors you can write about someone not loving you the way you love them."
Adrienne frowned and nodded because she understood how he felt. Even when she felt like she didn't know Yoongi as well as she wanted to, it was always very obvious to Adrienne how much his music meant to him, that was something they had in common and it was probably the reason for most of their music-related disagreements. Neither of them would put their name on a project that they didn't know was their absolute best effort.
Yoongi was still pacing  back and forth the length of the small studio room in an attempt to work off all the anger that was building up inside him. He stopped abruptly once he felt Adrienne's arms embrace him from behind and her cheek rest against his shoulder, she was wearing platform sneakers that made her as tall as him.
"Do you really think your boss doesn't respect you?" She asked after a few seconds passed and his harsh breathing had calmed some.
"He's not acting like he does," Yoongi muttered over his shoulder.
"You know that's not what I asked, do you honestly think he doesn't respect you? Would he have given you the responsibility of producing an entire album for your group if he didn't appreciate your talent?" Adrienne inquired and picked her head up off of Yoongi's shoulder.
"...Technically he didn't, he hired you to produce it with me." He said quietly, followed by a pained hiss when Adrienne flicked his earlobe.
"Yah! We're getting along, don't ruin the moment!"
Yoongi smiled, it was small and short-lived but it was the first time he hadn't been scowling since he walked into the room and Andy counted that as a win.
"In all seriousness, I know for a fact that he doesn't think you're still the same kid you were when you were training. You should hear the way he talked about you before I met you guys, it was nauseating. I think he recognizes that you've grown which is why he allowed this opportunity, he also knows what's going to sell so try not to take the rejection too personally."
Yoongi exhaled and pressed his lips together, he knew she was right. He may have been taking this a little too personally, but his music was an extension of him, how could he not? After a second of contemplation, Yoongi turned so that he was facing Adrienne and looped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her close to him in a tight hug.
"Thank you," He said gently as they pulled apart and Adrienne smiled widely in response, her grip on his forearms reluctantly growing slack. A moment of charged silence passed between them once again when they were no longer hugging, and Adrienne felt a fleeting sensation of recklessness pass through her once again. They still hadn't talked about what had happened a few days earlier in Yoongi's room, Adrienne was waiting for him to bring it up while being too cowardly to do it herself and Yoongi felt the same way. 
"You should do something," Adrienne spoke first.
"What?" Yoongi asked, clearly confused.
"Your song," Adrienne clarified and backed away to save her own sanity. "You should do something with it if you really like it that much. Maybe you can't put it on an album, but you can always release it for free? Your fans would like that"
"Ah, I don't know about that" Yoongi shook his head and returned to his seat on the couch, "The big reason it can't be included on the album is because of the subject matter....it's kind of suggestive."
Andy shrugged and leaned against the back of the office chair "But it would be nice! Think of your fans."
Adrienne pouted and Yoongi caved.
"Fine, but I need you to sing the chorus, and we can't release it anywhere."
"Me? Why? Can't you use Jimin?"
"He's busy, and I doubt he would be comfortable singing some of the lines."
Adrienne's curiosity was piqued but understood what he meant once they actually began recording the song. The word 'suggestive' would have been the last adjective on Adrienne's mind as she read the lyrics as well as she could and sang along with Yoongi's direction; explicit would have been her first choice. It was a catchy song, that was definitely true, but Adrienne understood immediately why it couldn't be included on the album. They finished the song in just a few takes and quickly got back to working on the album like they were supposed to be. It was well into the night before either of them left for home and Adrienne made a quick stop to one of the few cubicles that were still occupied with someone working. It was an assistant name Soo-Bin whom Adrienne wasn't overly friendly with, but she still knew her by name. She quickly asked to post the cover she'd mixed and arranged for Jungkook before she left for the night since she was going to be there a lot longer than Adrienne was. Soo-Bin agreed, reluctantly, and once it was time for her to go home quickly published the first song that seemed to match the specifications Adrienne described.
She wasn't in the mood to double check.
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The next morning Adrienne got ready for work with a heavy heart after waking up to a message from Bang Sihyuk requesting her presence in his office, the second she got to work. She hadn't had a one on one meeting with him since she was hired, and she honestly couldn't think of anything they needed to talk about. She wasn't finished with the latest batch of songs and there was still time for her to send them in, so she knew he couldn't have been moving up the deadline, and anything else pertaining to the album was usually just relayed to her through Yoongi or one of the other staff members. There was only one logical reason Andy could think of for him wanting to meet with her alone and that was to tell her that she was fired. The thought alone nearly made her hyperventilate.
Slowly, Adrienne trudged her way towards Bang Sihyuk's office when she was finally inside the Big Hit building. She paused once she was a few feet away from the office door and noticed a familiar face leaning against the door frame.
"Ah, I was wondering when you'd get here, you're late today."
"It took me a while to get ready..why are you here? Do you have a meeting today too?"
Yoongi nodded, "Yeah, right now. He wants to talk to both of us."
Adrienne sighed a small breath of relief once Yoongi turned and entered the room before her. If he wanted to talk to both of them at once, then the chances of her being fired seemed to be a lot smaller. Andy soon followed after Yoongi and immediately bowed at a complete 90 degree angle once she was inside, the rules of engagement when it came to her superiors were still foreign to Adrienne, and she wasn't sure if she had to bow once she entered his office, but she didn't want to run the risk of possibly offending her boss.
Bang Sihyuk was in the middle of a phone call when they walked in but motioned for them to side down anyway. Andy and Yoongi exchange a short confused glance but their attention was brought back to their boss once he hung up and cleared his throat.
"I'll be quick about this, I'm sure you're both wondering why I called you here," Andy and Yoongi both nodded simultaneously, "The reason is simple really, I need to have a conversation with you about the nature of your relationship and the easiest way to do that is if you're both here together."
Adrienne was confused, she was sure she heard him correctly but the way he said 'relationship' didn't make sense to her. 
"Now while I suppose I can't outright stop you, I can strongly discourage you from openly dating so early into Yoongi's career. The group is finally gaining some ground in the music business and a scandal like this could derail all the hard work that-"
"I'm sorry, did you say dating?" Adrienne interjected, trying to sound as respectful as possible but she just had to stop him before all his words began to blur together.
"PD-nim, we're not dating" Yoongi spoke up once Bang Sihyuk answered Adrienne's question with a firm nod.
"Are you sure about that? The song that you put up on the blog yesterday seems to very explicitly suggest otherwise. You don't have to lie to me,Yoongi. Honestly, it's better if we get it out in the open now that way I can protect you if I need to in the future." Bang Sihyuk countered with genuine concern in his tone.
"Song? What song?" Adrienne muttered underneath her breath before the wheels in her head finally started turning "Aish! Soo-Bin must have uploaded the wrong song last night, I asked her to upload Jungkook's cover. She must have gotten the files mixed up" She said to Yoongi who nodded and shook his head.
"That song was never meant to be released to the public, sir" Yoongi explained, "It was just something we recorded for fun but I can promise you that we are not dating or anything like that."
"Truthfully, we are not. I don't have a reason to lie to you" Adrienne tacked on.
Bang folded his arms across his stomach and leaned back into his comfy office chair "Good," he said after a few seconds of tense silence "We've already taken the song down but both of you need to be more careful in the future, you can't afford a mistake like this."
"Yes, Sir."
They both thanked him for understanding before he excused them and allowed them to leave. Adrienne dramatically sighed and slumped into the sofa once they reached the studio.
"I can't believe I thought I was going to be fired today."
"Why would you think that?" Yoongi asked from hovering over the computer console.
"I didn't know you were going to be there, I thought he wanted to talk to me alone and that could only mean one thing."
"You shouldn't take things so personally" He snickered, proud of himself for being able to use her own words against her.
Adrienne rolled her eyes, "This not the same thing, my reason is totally valid" She scoffed "Can you believe he thought we were dating, though? There's no way that would ever happen."
Yoongi stopped fidgeting with the keys on the keyboard just long enough to look back at Adrienne who seemed to be lost in her own thoughts, her statement had struck a chord in him "No way, huh?"
"Hm? Oh! It's nothing against you I just....I don't think I'm your type" Adrienne said with a humorless laugh as she got up to take a closer look at the books on the shelf against the far wall.
"What does that mean?"
"It...means what I said, I'm not your type," Adrienne answered over her shoulder, completely unaware of the utter disbelief written all over Yoongi's face.
His hand latching onto her wrist took her by surprise and Adrienne gasped softly as she was suddenly being pressed against the wall next to the bookshelf, her body sandwiched between Yoongi and the plaster. His knuckles softly grazed over Adrienne's cheeks just like they had days before but this time, there were no braids obstructing her view to excuse his actions. His move was deliberate, and he made that notion clear as his gaze never left Adrienne's face as his hand moved down to her jawline and the pad of his thumb lightly traced Adrienne's' sharp features.
Yoongi only wanted to make a point; that there was no possible way she wouldn't be his type. However, being so close to her. Feeling her chest rise and fall against his body each time she drew a shallow breath he found it hard to stop himself once he'd started. As if of its own accord his head dipped, and he pressed his lips to hers. His free hand cupped the back of her head, holding her there gently. His kiss was soft and almost chaste to start off with, not forcing Adrienne to give any more than she wanted to, but she soon found herself getting lost in their kiss, her lips returning his actions with as much vigor as she could muster. She couldn’t quite explain the feeling that she had right now, it was as if all the blood had rushed from her head and that she was flying, she felt light and grounded all at the same time. Whatever it was she definitely knew she had a word for it now; right.
As much as she tried to ignore it and push her feelings to the back burner for the sake of her sanity and now career, kissing Yoongi felt right and Adrienne could no longer deny that fact. Her arms gripped tightly around his back as she pulled her head back momentarily to catch her breath, she looked up into Yoongi’s eyes and it was as if she was seeing him for the first time. The slight redness in his cheeks made her grin playfully as she sent her lips plunging back to his, her head shifted to the side with precision as she snaked her tongue past his lips. Yoongi no longer felt the need to be gentle, he put his all into the kiss now, and he let her in, tongues massaging and bodies wrapping up in one another as his hand slid down Adrienne's torso to firmly grasp her hips and hold her steady.
The feeling of her fingernails dragging across the skin of his neck ignited a five-alarm fire within Yoongi and just as quickly and unexpectedly as their kiss started, he ended it. Detaching his hands from her waist and immediately backing away like Adrienne was radioactive.
"I'm sorry," He said breathlessly with his hand covering his slightly swollen lips. "I shouldn't have done that" Yoongi croaked, that one moment was validation of something he'd wanted for such a long time, but he couldn't allow himself to completely abandon his self-control.
"Please, don't apologize," Adrienne answered, still trying to catch her breath "You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to kiss me."
"No, I have to because I can't.....we can't...we can't do this Andy!" Yoongi frantically exclaimed, pushing the hair away from his face roughly.
The strength of his response made Adrienne flinch slightly, he wasn't yelling but there was a temper behind his words that she didn't fully recognize, "Okay." She nodded and adjusted her top so that it laid flat over her stomach again. 
"I don't want to sound desperate but why?"
"We just can't," Yoongi exhaled and hung his head low.
"I-is it because I'm black?"
He spun around quickly to face her with his expression contorted in confusion, "What? No!"
"Then what is it?"
Yoongi sighed heavily and took a seat on the sofa then patted the seat next to him and gestured toward Adrienne "Come here."
Adrienne followed his command and occupied the seat next to him, he took both of her hands in his once she was seated.
"You heard what PD-nim said today." He started softly, his thumb gentle caressing the back of her palm. "I have a very demanding job. It's not that I wouldn't want to be with you, but I also want to have a successful career and I don't know if I could handle doing both. I know that seems selfish but I've given up so many things in my life to make sure that I can do this to the best of my abilities and I can't become lenient now, no matter how tempting the thought of this is." He accompanied his words with another gentle stroke against Adrienne's cheek.
"If we got together I wouldn't feel right unless I was giving you every part of me and I can't do that and be good at my job, Andy" He frowned and cradled her face with both of his hands "I have so many goals to accomplish before I can give my heart away and I can't just ask you to wait for me...that wouldn't be fair."
Adrienne bit down harshly on her bottom, she understood where he was coming from. Honestly, she did but still didn't stop her from feeling like he was just admitting to being too afraid to take a risk. She didn't voice her opinion, however, he was bearing his heart to her and accusing him of being a coward would undoubtedly only ensure that he would never do that again.
"I understand," She responded with a tight, forced smile; her palms smoothing up Yoongi's forearms until the rested over his hands "I don't totally agree but I understand, your job is important to you and it wouldn't really be fair for me to ask you to put it on hold." Adrienne leaned forward and pressed her lips against Yoongi's cheek long enough so that her lipstick transferred to leave an outline of her lips against his pale skin.
"If you change your mind you know where to find me."
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issuewire · 6 years ago
Laid-Back Hip-Hop Lyrical and Rhythmic Creativity in Yung Mozip's Song 'INWTBS' Is A Splendor
0 notes
bngtanah · 5 years ago
I’m (not) With The Band. | o6
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summary: Adrienne is an indie producer who is hired to help co-produce BTS’ next album alongside their resident producer; Suga. Despite the initial opposition on both ends, the pair spend time together, share a few stories, dreams and aspirations and begin to hit it off really well. Wrapped up in the whirlwind of late nights and heated disagreements and reconciliations, Min Yoongi and Adrienne Rolle find themselves growing closer and closer. One night they decide to cross the barrier between personal and professional and do their best make a relationship work against all odds.
pairing: idol!Yoongi  x OC
word count: 4.8k genre: drama, romance, smut(eventually)
chapters: prologue| o1| o2| o3| o4| o5| o6| o7| o8| o9| 10| 11|
warning: fluff, workplace relationship, slow burn, sexual attraction, ambw, developing relationship, hand holding, mentions of alcohol, karaoke, jealousy.
a/n: so i’m still not sure if anyone’s actually reading these multichapter fics. I may stop uploading them if there’s no interest but I’m not sure at the moment. hmmmm, anyway here’s the latest!
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Yoongi never knew what to do with himself on his days off.
Any amount of free time he ever had was always spent in a studio, practice room or curled up in his bed trying to allow his body to catch up on hours of missed sleep. So in a sense his days off were never really 'his', there was always an interview to be given, a meeting to go to or some song or dance move to tweak that required his attention. Today, however, was different. He and the rest of his band members genuinely had the entire day off to do whatever they wanted within reason and Yoongi was drawing a blank on just how he was going to spend the 10 hours he had to indulge himself. Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook all suggested the seven of them do something together while the older boys seemed content with doing nothing but lounging around their dorm with the option of having dinner together later that day. Yoongi was unusually on the fence about his decision; had this been any other day he would have jumped at the chance to stay in bed all day but if he made the choice to stay at home he wouldn't get the chance to do the one thing he knew he wanted to do today which was see Andy.
He hadn't seen her in person in almost a week since she accompanied them to the commercial shoot and he almost lost control of his senses. They spoke over the phone or through text messages to exchange ideas and demos of new tracks but Yoongi didn't trust himself to be alone with her in his current state. He could still vividly remember the sensation of her touching him, her soft palms pressing against his biceps and gently moving over his skin. The memory took hold of him at the most inopportune times and made him lose focus on whatever he was doing at that moment. More than once he found himself being stirred awake in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat and a hand he didn't remember moving in his sleep wrapped around his shaft. Needless to say, he had it bad for Adrienne and his desire for her was only getting worse by the day.
"What do you think Yoongi?"
Jin asked and Yoongi's eyes went wide. He hadn't been listening to any of their conversation, even though he was sitting in the circle with everyone else. Once again the thought of Andy had taken over his thinking process. The way everyone was looking at him he assumed that he was meant to be the tie breaker in some sort of resolution that probably decided what they were going to do for the day.
"I really wasn't listening" Yoongi finally answered and scratched the back of his neck, "What's the question?"
"Ah, hyung if you're spacing out already maybe you should just go back to bed," Namjoon said with a small chuckle, although he was probably just trying to garner support for his choice of staying home.
"They want to go to Lotte World, for god knows what reason," Jin started.
"They've added new attractions!" Taehyung and Jimin interjected simultaneously.
"Whatever, the rest of us just want to stay here, what are you going to do?"
Yoongi ran his fingers through his fringe and pretended to be deep in thought, he personally had no desire to be surrounded by a bunch of strangers and children today but going to an amusement park seemed like something Andy would love if he knew her as well as he thought he did. He was certain that she hadn't been any farther than a few blocks away from the BigHit building and her apartment since she moved here and that was almost six months ago.
"If you guys are going to the amusement park, why don't you take Andy along with you? She mentioned something about wanting to explore the other day didn't she?" He replied flippantly, just gauge a reaction without making it obvious that he wanted her to come.
"She did say something like that," Jimin nodded "Would she want to go to an amusement park though? I thought she meant something like exploring the city."
"I think she would like it, she seems like the type to enjoy places like that doesn't she?" Namjoon responded hastily before Yoongi had the chance to answer and everyone else nodded in agreement, "Y'know...if you're going to invite her shouldn't we all go?" Namjoon didn't have a convincing reason for why they all should go just because Andy might be coming along but after his suggestion, Hoseok begrudgingly agreed to tag along and Jin complained about not wanting to be left alone in the dorm to clean.
That left only Yoongi, who shrugged and turned his head away from the group to conceal the small hint of a smile that attempted to fight its way onto his lips. Taehyung and Jimin cheered, loudly, and shared a hi-five once it was decided that everyone would be going just like they originally wanted and Yoongi was already standing to his feet and backing away from the group to call Andy before Namjoon had the chance to steal that opportunity from him as well.
This time, Yoongi allowed himself to smile and duck his head down just slightly at the sound of Adrienne's voice which he always found amusing. Her Korean skills were slowly getting better, and she had a marked improvement compared when he first met her,  but due to her accent, the way she pronounced certain words always sounded like she was singing a song. It was cute.
"Andy? Are you busy today?"
"Hello to you too Yoongi-ssi, I'm doing well thanks for asking," She replied dryly, " Uh, no I don't think so...I'm at the studio right now so that's all I planned on doing today.," Andy paused, "Why?"
"Well the kids want to go an amusement park and I'm being dragged along, so I wondered if you might want to come as well...? It would give us a chance to talk about some of the songs, right?" He quickly tacked on at the end to avoid seeming eager.
"An amusement park? That sounds so fun but someone might have to come get me, I got lost trying to find my apartment last night" Adrienne laughed and Yoongi grinned silently.
"I can do that," He offered while moving from the common room of their dorm into his bedroom to get dressed, "And you should be more careful going home in the night, why didn't you call someone?" He meant to sound concerned but his words only came off as chastising which made Adrienne groan softly.
"I found it eventually, leader-nim" She teased and snickered when Yoongi imitated her groan, "I'm a big girl I can take care of myself."
"Well, you should have no problem finding the amusement park by yourself then? I can leave you to it?"
"Hey...don't joke about that I'm really looking forward to going now."
"Don't start whining, I'm coming for you."
Adrienne squealed and hung up, allowing Yoongi to slip his phone into the pocket of his jacket and step back out into the common room. The boys were currently arguing about whether they should eat at the park before the rides or after instead of making preparations to leave, Yoongi informed them that he was leaving to guide Andy to park and glided out the front door before they had the chance to question him.
It only took him about ten minutes to reach the BigHit building but once he was  a few blocks away he could clearly see Adrienne standing on the sidewalk, impatiently bouncing back and forth on the balls of her feet.
"Andy!" Yoongi called out once he was closer, and then immediately remembered that he was out in public and in front of the office building where he worked and at any moment some crazy fan could descend upon him and ruin his day. He adjusted the snapback on his head and kept his head down until he was standing next to Adrienne.
"Are you alone? I thought everyone was coming?" Andy commented as she peered around Yoongi's shoulder and noted the lack of people behind him.
"They are, but it's easier to travel if we aren't all together" Yoongi reassured, "I told them to meet us at the park."
Adrienne nodded and quietly followed after Yoongi as he lead them away from the BigHit building and towards the nearest subway station. The amusement park was about an hour away from where they were by train so they needed to spend less time they spent loitering around if they wanted to make it to the park before it got too crowded.
"So did you lose a bet and have to come pick me?" Adrienne probed offhandedly as they rounded a corner.
"What? No, I offered to come didn't I?"
"Yeah....I just thought that maybe someone put you up to it."
Yoongi scoffed under his breath and glanced to the side, he assumed that she was joking around like usual but the neutral expression on her face seemed to suggest otherwise.
"Why would you think that?" He finally asked.
"No reason...." She lied, "Okay that's not true I sort of thought that you didn't like me? Like we get along fine as coworkers but I feel so close to the other boys and whenever I try to get closer to you it feels like you pull away from me a little bit? I'm probably just being silly."
Yoongi was flabbergasted but didn't allow the shock to show on his features. Her assumption was so far off from what he actually felt towards her it almost made him laugh.
"You are being silly" He retorted with a huff, "Why wouldn't I like you? Do you want me to start showing you aegyo every five minutes like Jimin?"
Adrienne shrugged, "It wouldn't hurt."
She laughed out loud when Yoongi turned to glare in her direction but stopped abruptly when his hand latched onto hers and he pulled her close to his side.
"Stay close to me" Yoongi instructed while they descended the set of stairs that lead to the subway tracks, "When it's crowded like this it's easy to get lost so try not to trail behind."
Adrienne nodded and reaffirmed that she understood what he said by squeezing his palm between her fingers twice, once again testing Yoongi ability to restrain his base desires. He knew he was playing a dangerous game by grabbing her hand in the first place but he genuinely didn't want her to get separated from him while they waited for their train.
Curious eyes followed the pair as they waded through the crowds to get to their platform. Yoongi's first thought was that someone might have recognised him which made him feel self-conscious, then he remembered that he was holding hands with Adrienne. The self-consciousness he had been feeling suddenly turned into annoyance at the thought of so many people staring at them for no real reason.
"Hm?" He grunted, unaware of the scowl currently forming on his lips
"Are you alright? Because you're kind of squeezing my hand real tight."
"Oh.." Yoongi relaxed his grip on Andy's hand but didn't let it go "Sorry."
When their train finally pulled to a stop in front of them Yoongi lead Adrienne forward and gestured for her to stand in front of him since the car was crowded. When she did he put his hand over hers once she held on to the metal bar to steady herself and caged her in with his body. Doing his best to ignore the crackling of sparks that buzzed throughout him when she leaned back. Yoongi was a protective person by nature, he looked out for the people he cared about in small, simple ways. Yet, with Adrienne everything he did seemed so over the top to him. The fact that she thought he didn't like her still shocked him when he thought he was being so transparent.
The train made quite a few stops before Adrienne and Yoongi reached their own, allowing them to take a seat once the crowd thinned out. They made good use of the hour-long commute by sharing a pair of headphones and critiquing a new song that Yoongi had spent the past few days preparing. There was a rumour spreading that one of the songs they submitted last week had no chance of being approved so their workload didn't seem to be getting lighter any time soon.
Before they realised it, their stop came up and they exited the train car with the earbuds still connecting them. The park was only a short walk from the subway station and after a small altercation about Adrienne wanting to pay for her own ticket, they finally entered the amusement park. It was just as busy and crowded with children and families as Yoongi thought it would be.
Adrienne, on the other hand, seemed immensely amused by everything she set her eyes on. All the bright flashing lights and intoxicating loud music would probably be enticing to see for the first time for someone who enjoyed that kind of thing but Yoongi was already looking forward to leaving. The euphoric look on Adrienne's face was the only thing keeping him from complaining.
"So, everyone else isn't here yet," Yoongi said as they weaved in and out of the groups of people pooled near the popular rides. "What do you want to first?"
"I don't know! I have no idea what's here, you pick something."
Adrienne was practically bouncing with excitement and Yoongi wished he could share her enthusiasm. He had only been here once before so he wasn't familiar with the attractions either but one did catch his eye as he glanced around.
"Let's try this one," He gestured to his left and took Adrienne's hand once again. The crowds weren't nearly as thick in the direction they were heading but, Yoongi still felt it necessary to hold her hand. Adrienne didn't mind the action one bit.
"We can use this to see what's worth riding," Yoongi commented as the came to a stop in front of large balloon shaped ride with a basket attached. If Yoongi had been more perceptive in that moment he might have noticed how unusually silent Adrienne had become. She was almost frozen in place while Yoongi handed over the tickets then pulled her forward without even noticing the resistance. Yoongi assumed she was too excited to speak up.
His assumption changed when the balloon began to rise and he heard an almost silent and shrill scream come from beside him. When he looked over Adrienne's eyes were shut closed so tight there were beads of tears pooling in the corners. Her fingernails nearly pressing deep enough into her thighs to break the skin.
"Andy? Are you okay?" He asked softly but she shook her head vehemently, refusing to open her eyes.
"I should have mentioned this before" Andy stuttered in a hoarse whisper "I am t-terrified of heights."
"Shit," Yoongi sighed and looked around, it was too late for them to get off since they were already connected to the ceiling and he doubted the conductor would hear him over the music playing. When he look down at Adrienne again he could see that she was visibly shaking and Yoongi quickly did the only helpful thing he could think to do which was reach over and pull her against his chest.
"You don't have to-" Adrienne protested initially, "If I stay still it's not so bad, I can deal with it."
Yoongi only shook his head and shushed her as he held her body even tighter to him. "I'm sure you can but I'm here, you don't have to suffer alone." His voice was gentle and took on a tone that he hadn't used with Adrienne before, he was generally kind or unintentionally judgmental when they spoke. But the cadence of his voice at that moment was comforting and soothing. He even took it upon himself to stroke the back of her head a few times, the way she seemed to nuzzle into his touch made him stop before he got carried away.
Adrienne exhaled a shaky breath and relaxed in his embrace after a few minutes, leaning her full weight against him. She was still tense and trembling for the duration of the ride. Yoongi could feel her body jolt with fear whenever track made a turn or started to creak as he rested his chin gingerly on the top of her head. He made sure to talk the entire time; his voice soft and low as he pointed out random and incorrect facts about the park and other tourist attractions, hoping that the sound of his voice would distract her enough to put her mind at ease.
He wasn't sure if it was working but by the time they were nearing the end of the track, Adrienne had stopped trembling and Yoongi swore he heard her giggle at one of his terrible jokes. The machine jerked slightly when they began their descent and this time, Adrienne wrapped her arms around Yoongi's waist. Holding on to him tightly before the basket finally touched the ground and she practically jumped out of the contraption.
Yoongi trailed behind and frowned deeply when he watched her grab a nearby fence with both hands to catch her breath. He hated seeing her like this, especially knowing that he was partly to blame for it.
"Are you alright?" He asked from a few feet behind her, not wanting to crowd her space.
"I'm fine now, nothing to worry about" Adrienne answered, turning to face Yoongi with a brave smile. She definitely seemed to have calmed down but somehow Yoongi could tell that she was still shaken.
"I should have asked you before pulling you on that thing,"  Yoongi apologised and cleared some of the space between them by stepping forward and placing a hand on her shoulder.
Adrienne responded by nodding and staking a step forward. Her hand resting over his, curling her fingers around the back of his palm. "It's alright, really. You didn't know and it wasn't as bad as it normally is, thanks for holding me and sorry about the makeup on your shirt."
"Don't worry about it," Yoongi said, his voice still sweet as honey as he moved his hand up to cup her jaw between his palm. His thumb gingerly grazing over the swell of her cheek with care. "I'm just glad you're okay."
Adrienne nodded again and they shared a moment of tacit silence before the unmistakable sound of Taehyung and Jimin both yelling out 'noona'  made them separate and drop their hands.
"We've been looking for you everywhere!" Taehyung exclaimed once they were closer.
"Don't lie, we just got here," Jimin reminded him.
Adrienne giggled at their small squabble as the rest of the group soon joined them and they began moving forward to find one of the new attractions. Yoongi fell behind the group when Adrienne somehow ended up in the centre and Hoseok ended up walking with him since he wanted to be there even less than Yoongi did.
"Hyung.....is that makeup on your shirt?"
"Yeah," Yoongi replied nonchalantly.
"....What happened before we got here?"
"Not today, Hobi."
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"Yah! You're cheating, there's no way you could have scored a perfect score on that song!"
"I'm a professional singer, what did you expect?"
Jungkook's smug expression made Adrienne scowl but she didn't have a good excuse to debunk him or enough evidence to prove that he actually was cheating. So she kept her mouth shut and leaned back into her couch as Jungkook ticked one of his eyebrows upwards and handed the microphone to Jimin.
All seven of them were piled into Adrienne's one bedroom apartment and crowded around her small dining table. Originally this was supposed to be a small gathering for Adrienne to get to know them better musically. If she was going to be writing songs for them to sing she wanted to make sure that they, at least, enjoyed what they would be singing. Somehow that reasonable meeting turned into a potluck dinner when she offered to make them a dish from her home country and Jin offered to make a Korean dish she'd never tried before. One thing lead to another and the karaoke machine Adrienne bought on a whim a few weeks ago was dug out of her storage closet and a competition began between the rappers and singers. With Adrienne joining the rappers to make it even.
The initial goal of the evening was long forgotten after they all shared the first two bottles of soju and once Adrienne whipped up a batch of her specialty cocktail to go along with her dish any hopes of actually making music was thrown out the window. She didn't mind, however, she wanted to learn more about their musical preferences and there was no better way to do that than watching everyone sing karaoke. Despite the fact that they were slightly inebriated and gave up singing seriously a long time ago.
"Ah, oppa, I didn't expect you to like this kind of song" Adrienne chuckled at Jin's next song choice, which was the Korean version of a Spice Girls song.
"Wait, you call him oppa but not me? We're both older than you!" Yoongi berated from beside Adrienne.
The slight slur in his words made Adrienne wonder if he was drunk already but he always sounded like that. His eyes were glossy and the apples of his cheeks were a faint red hue but he was still in control of himself.
"Jin-oppa treats me well, you haven't earned that title yet Yoongi-ssi." Adrienne playful replied, making Yoongi scoff and roll his eyes.
"I'm nice to you," Yoongi gasped and leaned closer "I even made a special Korean food for you to try."
"You don't cook," she teased, watching as Yoongi grabbed one of the unopened containers from the end of the table.
"I can cook! Here try this," Yoongi exclaimed and picked up one of the red-orange oblong shaped foods out of the container and held it towards Adrienne. She attempted to take it from between his chopsticks but Yoongi pulled away and shook his head.
"Not with your hands, your mouth."
"I can feed myself, y'know."
Yoongi exhaled and gave Adrienne a pointed look.
"What did you say you wouldn't do today?"
Adrienne pressed her lips together and glanced towards the floor like a child "....Complain."
"And, what are you doing right now?"
"Complaining....." Adrienne answered with a heavy and dramatic sigh.
Yoongi grinned widely, he was enjoying the fact that he was annoying her, even pulling his hand back a few times when Adrienne leaned forward to take a bite. It wasn't until Andy tapped him on the knee that he stopped playing around and scooted closer to her.
"Okay seriously, this time. I won't pull it back." He said as he brought the chopsticks close to Adrienne's mouth, "Open," Yoongi instructed as he gently held her chin between his thumb and index finger to keep her head in place. Almost as if out of habit Adrienne closed her eyes and opened her mouth, allowing Yoongi to slide the rice cake between her parted lips.
"Good girl," he growled in a deep and almost primal whisper, making Andy's eyes pop open. She'd never heard his voice go that deep and the way he looked at her once she finally looked in his eyes made a jolt of arousal run straight through her body.
"Should we leave you two alone?" Hoseok asked, as quietly as he could over Adrienne's shoulder with an innocent grin.
"Shut up," Andy and Yoongi replied, so in sync that it made them both laugh gently.
Over by the television, however, Namjoon wasn't so amused. He had been watching them for most of the night, flirting and stealing glances at one another when they thought no one was paying attention. The way Yoongi always managed to make sure Adrienne sat next to him and how Adrienne always found some excuse to touch Yoongi while they spoke. Namjoon wondered how he hadn't noticed it before but any doubts he had about whether something was going on between them had been disproved that night. He hated that he couldn't feel anything but jealousy when his friend looked happy. 
They were both his friend but Namjoon still couldn't muster up the effort to pretend like he wasn't hurting inside. To save himself from heartache as Adrienne began cackling at a joke that could not have been that funny, Namjoon got up and silently slipped out the door. He hoped that a walk in the fresh air would clear his melancholy thoughts, he hadn't been drinking as much as everyone else did since he had to be responsible. Like always. Even on their days off his role as leader never left him.
"Hyung! Where are you going?" Jimin, who had followed Namjoon out almost immediately after he left, called from behind him.
"Uh, just for a walk. It's getting a little loud in there."
"Ah I see, do mind if I join you?"
Namjoon did mind but he shook his head anyway and started walking forward with Jimin next to him. They walked in silence for a while, the sounds of the city being their only ambiance until Jimin looked over at Namjoon and sighed.
"You know there's nothing you can do right?"
Namjoon paused and tilted his head to the side "What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about Andy-noona and Yoongi-hyung," Jimin replied in a matter of fact tone, "That's why you came outside isn't it? You like her."
Namjoon thought about lying but there was no point in lying to Jimin, he was always so good at reading people. "I don't want to feel like this but I just can't stop myself."
"That makes sense" Jimin nodded, "But I don't think they're dating, I could be wrong but we would be able to tell if they were actually dating."
Jimin was hoping to be reassuring but Namjoon didn't reply.
"I can't tell you that what you feel will quickly pass but eventually, it won't hurt anymore. Try channeling all that energy into just being her friend. There isn't anything you can do about what she feels." Jimin capped his words with a gentle hand on Namjoon's shoulders.
"Thank you, Jimin" Namjoon answered, accompanying his gratitude with a playful ruffle of Jimin's orange tresses.
They circled the block one more time before heading back to Adrienne's apartment where everyone save for Hoseok, Yoongi and Adrienne were passed out.
"I think it might be bedtime," Adrienne said to the pair once they were back inside.
It only took a few minutes to wake everyone up and herd them out the front door, even with Jin offering to stay and help clean and Taehyung offering to spend the night so he wouldn't have to get up. Before long they were all walking down the alleyway that lead away from Andy's apartment and headed home, except Yoongi who was still lingering around the front door.
"Did you forget something?" Adrienne asked when she noticed her front door was still open.
"No, I... wanted to ask you something."He looked uncomfortable, like he already regretted what he was bout to say.
"Why won't you call me oppa?"
Adrienne guffawed, thinking he was joking but she stopped once she noticed that he was seriously expecting an answer.
"I....dont know? At first, I didn't because I liked annoying you but now I guess I'm just used to saying Yoongi-ssi," Adrienne explained as she folded her arms and leaned against the door frame, "If it bothers you I'll try being more respectful-"
"It's okay, I just wondered if there was a different reason." Yoongi waved her off.
"Are you sure? I don't want to offend you."
"You're not...I like the way you say my name." Yoongi smiled and patted the top of Adrienne's head before running down the alleyway to catch up with the rest of the group who were not waiting for him.
Adrienne beamed, unsure why having him pet her like a puppy made her heart flutter so much as she closed the door behind her. She assumed she was overflowing with happiness with the thought that he might be feeling the same pull that she was. That contentment filled her with joy until she turned and laid eyes on the platters and plates of leftover food that all required her attention.
"Nope, I'm going bed."
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bngtanah · 5 years ago
I’m (not) With The Band. | o3
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summary: Adrienne is an indie producer who is hired to help co-produce BTS’ next album alongside their resident producer; Suga. Despite the initial opposition on both ends, the pair spend time together, share a few stories, dreams and aspirations and begin to hit it off really well. Wrapped up in the whirlwind of late nights and heated disagreements and reconciliations, Min Yoongi and Adrienne Rolle find themselves growing closer and closer. One night they decide to cross the barrier between personal and professional and do their best make a relationship work against all odds.
pairing: Min Yoongi  x Named OC
word count: 2.6k genre: drama, romance, smut(eventually)
chapters: prologue| o1| o2| o3| o4| o5| o6| o7| o8| o9| 10| 11|
warning: light angst, smut, fluff, workplace relationship, slow burn, sexual themes, ambw, enemies to friends to lovers, developing relationship
a/n: still a fool. still re-uploading.
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"I already know the direction we should take, we have to continue the theme of youthfulness from our last album but I don't want to repeat the same kind of songs again because that would be boring. We still have to talk about youth but we can do it differently than our last album was hopeful in a way even though some of the songs seemed sad on the surface, underneath that there was still a feeling of hope and finding happiness in the sad parts of your youth. I think we should focus on the dichotomy of feeling sadness in moments that should seem happy, right?"
There were very few things Adrienne knew about Suga at this point; he was 23 years old; he had about four inches of height on her; he was from a place called Daegu and though he was mostly quiet, when he found a subject that he was interested in he talked about it.
A lot.
Adrienne slowly nodded once he finished his speech, feigning agreement but the blank look in her eyes made it clear that she did not understand any of what he'd just said. Well, that was an exaggeration; there were a few words she knew but there was no way to connect the dots and decipher what he meant when he moved on to the next sentence so quickly.
Yoongi exhaled deeply and buried his face in both of his hands, his latest fear happening right before his eyes. They had only been in the studio working (attempting to) for about four hours but the haggard look on both of their faces made it seem like they hadn't left the room in weeks.  
"You don't understand?" Yoongi asked through his hands.
"I don't understand," she repeated, "You talk a lot."
"How do you expect to make music with me if you can't under-" He stopped himself before he said something harsh and dropped his hands to his lap. Tired eyes looked over at the girl seated across from him and Yoongi honestly wondered how they would make it through the next few months without verbally attacking each other let alone creating a body of work that he could be proud of.
"Maybe you could play me something?" Adrienne asked in an attempt to get them on the same page.
"Fine," Yoongi agreed flatly as he swiveled in his chair and hit play on a song he had already started working on.
"I started working on this a few months ago,"
When the song started Adrienne's eyes closed like they always did when she wanted to immerse herself in a song. It was a simple melody, still in the early stages as far as she could tell and even though it was sweet to listen to Adrienne couldn't help but feel that an enormous part of it was missing. When the melody finished playing Yoongi looked at her expectedly, like Adrienne often looked at her sister when she required an outside opinion.
Adrienne's thoughts on the piece were a lot more complex than her limited Korean vocabulary allowed her to communicate and she knew saying it in English would get them nowhere since Namjoon wasn't around to translate for her. So instead of struggling through the painful process of trying to explain herself Adrienne replied with the only sentence she could think of that could succinctly express how she felt.
"I don't like it."
"... What?"
"I'm sorry, Suga. It's cute, but it's.... boring?" Adrienne nibbled on her bottom lip before speaking again "It's too heavy."
"It's not finished-" Yoongi argued.
"I get that but- um...." Adrienne's mind went blank as she completely forgot how to continue her thought in Korean.
She wanted to say that if the base melody is too simple and heavy, then it will make it harder to build something more complex and gentle around it in the long run. She wanted to say that but Andy only heard herself groan with annoyance and lean back deeper in the office chair.
She knew that trying to collaborate with someone she didn't share a language with would be hard but Adrienne never expected problems so early. 
Yoongi rested his elbows on the edge of the console, pressing his thumb against the center of his forehead and closed his eyes together tightly to keep himself together. He always preferred working alone for reasons just like this, there was no one around to judge his work before he was done with it.
He huffed and gave Adrienne a sideways glance then shrugged his shoulders and scooted forward, "What do you know, anyway?"
"I'm sorry?" Adrienne asked incredulously.
"You can't be any older than I am and I've never heard of you before this so why should I care if you don't like my music?"
Yoongi spoke slowly and with no energy, he wasn't even looking in Adrienne's direction by the time he was done insulting her. Which seemed to be a foolish idea because he may have stopped himself once he saw the agitated expression on Adrienne's face.
"I may not be someone famous but I wouldn't be here if I didn't know anything," She replied and pushed herself backward from the desk.
"Okay but-"
"Don't interrupt me," Andy said swiftly, holding her index finger out to her co-producer as she stood up.
"I have been making music since I've known what music is and I’ve worked with people who have more talent in their right butt cheek than you so if I say I don't like something, take that into consideration instead of becoming defensive like a child."  
She was speaking in a mixture of English and Korean at this point but Adrienne really didn't care if he understood her or not. All she wanted right now was to be away from Yoongi who was red in the face and looked like he wanted to respond with a few choice words of his own. Before he got the chance to Adrienne spun on her heels and headed for the door, keeping her neck stiff as she heard it slam behind her.
Adrienne was halfway down the hall and still fuming when she heard a screeching voice call her name from behind.
It was Namjoon; he was sweating and nearly out of breath for reasons Adrienne didn't really care to ask about, but he still smiled and asked if she was all right after jogging closer to her.
"I'm fine, I just... needed to take a walk," She sighed and glanced at the ground.
"Oh. I was just about to go to the convenience store for water, I can walk with you."
Adrienne nodded, and they began making their way out of the BigHit building.
"So how are you enjoying Korea? Homesick yet?" Namjoon asked once they were outside, and he began walking toward the nearest convenience store.
"It's okay," Adrienne smiled "I miss my sister, but I didn't really have much else to miss. My apartment here is bigger than the room I had back home, even though the language is so difficult I'm enjoying the challenge. The only I'm not looking forward to is winter, I don't think I own any winter clothing."
"It doesn't get cold in your country?"
"Not really, the lowest it might go is like 52 but that's not enough to snow. Other than that it's pretty much summer year round."
"Really....Where are you from? If you don't mind me asking because your English sounds a little..."
"Weird?" Adrienne finished his sentence for him and they both laughed while Namjoon nodded and buried his head into his palm.
"You don't have to be embarrassed," Adrienne answered with a smile "It's a country made up of islands that are actually pretty close to America. I still have an accent so that's probably why my English sounds so weird to you." Adrienne stressed the word weird and Namjoon croaked with embarrassment again.
"I didn't want to say weird!" He cried with his head thrown back and eyes closed.
"I'm only kidding," Adrienne grinned and tapped him on the arm "Now I have a question for you."
"Why are you so sweaty?"
"Dance Practice, we already have our title track and the choreographer is making us run through a possible routine for it."
"Have y'all been practicing since we got here?"
Namjoon nodded and ran his hand through the front of his hair, still damp with sweat "It's only been a few hours, we usually practice for longer but the routine isn't finished, and we can't do much without Yoongi-hyung in the formation."
Adrienne grumbled at the mention of Yoongi's name and the weird noise made Namjoon look down at her and raise an eyebrow. She was shorter than he was so it was difficult to see her entire face from this angle but he could tell there was something bugging her even if she said she was 'fine'. He chose not to bring any attention to it, though and allowed her to continue talking and asking questions about their practice hours and schedule while they milled around the convenience store and ended up buying a lot more than just water for the group. It wasn't until Yoongi's name came up again on the walk back and Namjoon could clearly see Adrienne roll her eyes that he decided to ask about it.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
Adrienne paused and nodded quickly but soon stopped nodding and sighed. 
"I'm not okay," Andy answered and paused for a second to collect her thoughts "What's wrong with your bandmate?"
"Who? Yoongi-hyung?"
"Yes, I don't want to be dramatic but I feel like he doesn't like me. Which is weird because I'm very likable?"
Namjoon snickered at her blunt answer and looked forward.
“Well, Yoongi is a little... difficult to get close to if you don't know him. He's blunt and direct and sometimes that can seem cold but he's not nearly as mean as he pretends to be.” He chuckled softly and shook his head, looking over at Adrienne. “Just be patient with him, he usually works alone and I don't think he's happy having to share half of his work with someone else.”
Adrienne nodded, genuinely taking to heart Namjoon's advice. He knew Suga much better than she did so it only made sense that he would know how to get along with him. Perhaps if she took his advice they might even become friends? Adrienne may have been getting ahead of herself but it couldn't hurt to dream.
By the time they returned to the studio Yoongi was no longer stationed at the computer desk pressing keys, instead he had joined the rest of his members in the dance studio while they waited for Namjoon to return. All six heads swiveled towards the door when it swung open and Andy and Namjoon began walking in with both of their arms full of snacks and bottles of water. The younger members and Jin smiled with affection when they saw Andy trailing behind their leader but Yoongi's lips fell into a flat line and his attention returned to his laptop on his lap.
"Are you guys hungry?" Adrienne asked sweetly once she was close enough and immediately regretted her choice of words. The group swarmed her and Namjoon in an instant and a flurry of hands appeared from every direction to grab the items out of their arms while they (mostly Namjoon) yelled for everyone to calm down. 
Adrienne laughed as they all eventually just pooled the snacks and drinks between them and sat down in a circle in the middle of the practice room. She thought about joining them, the comradery and pleasant conversation appealed to her but the sight of Yoongi sitting against the mirror made her do something else. Silently Adrienne prayed for patience, blindly grabbed a few bags and bottles from the pile and headed over to where Yoongi sat.
"Can we talk?" She asked, not bothering to start with awkward small talk.
Yoongi looked up for a moment then went back to his laptop.
"Because I have something I want to say to you," Adrienne answered through gritted teeth.
"You can't say it here?"
"Oh my god, will you stop being so stubborn and come with me?"
Adrienne's voice was strained and firm but she managed not to yell and make it too obvious that there was tension between them. 
Yoongi sighed and closed his laptop, groaning as he got up and motioned for Adrienne to lead the way; which she did. Silently they left the noise of the practice room and made their way back to the studio they were previously sitting in. Once inside Adrienne closed the door behind them and Yoongi took a seat on the couch and placed his laptop on his knees. He eyed Adrienne with a questionable gaze when she grabbed one of the office chairs, set it in front of him and sat down with her legs crossed underneath her.
"I have snacks," She said after they shared a short staring contest, each one daring the other to speak first, and tossed him one of the plastic bags which he allowed to land on his stomach and gently fall to his lap, still silent.
“Okay, look I will not apologize for what I said because I don't think I was wrong but I will apologize for saying that you weren’t talented... I didn’t mean that.” Her words were timid and careful as she spoke and attempted to relay all of her thoughts. “I've been told that you might not be used to having to work with a partner which I can understand. I've never worked with anyone like this before either but, at least, I like people. You and I don't seem to share that trait.”
Yoongi raised and eyebrow with her last sentence, his curiosity piqued, "Who told you that?"
"Doesn't matter just listen."
Adrienne wanted to get all the words out before she no longer knew what to say. "I don't think we have to be best friends to make music but we will get nowhere if we don't, at the very least, understand each other. The language thing will be a problem for a while but we don't have to speak the same language to get along. This might be my fault, I get overly familiar with people and treat them like we're already friends so I think we should start over."
Yoongi tilted his head to the side and pouted his lips just slightly, clearly confused and Adrienne kept her comment about how puppy-like he looked doing that to herself.
"Like this," She said before clearing her throat. "Hello! My name is Andy Rolle I'm going to be your new co-producer. I hope we can make wonderful music together, I feel like we can learn a lot together!"
Adrienne followed her words with a playful bow by inclining her upper body forward and then extended her right hand towards Yoongi who looked at her like she was mental.
This was silly, and Yoongi knew that but he couldn't help but admire her for making an effort, even if that effort was lame and cringe-worthy it was moderately charming. 
"Nice to meet you," he replied after a moment of contemplation, the faintest hint of a smile hiding on his lips, "I am a rapper for Bangtan Sonyeondan, producer, genius. Min Yoongi."
Adrienne smiled and stifled a giggle that bubbled up in her chest.
"Nice to finally meet you, Yoongi."
"Hm. I think you should call me Yoongi-oppa, don't start off being disrespectful."
"You don't know how old I am!"
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13 notes · View notes
bngtanah · 5 years ago
I'm (not) With The Band. | Prologue
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summary: Adrienne is an indie producer who is hired to help co-produce BTS’ next album alongside their resident producer; Suga. Despite the initial opposition on both ends, the pair spend time together, share a few stories, dreams and aspirations and begin to hit it off really well. Wrapped up in the whirlwind of late nights and heated disagreements and reconciliations, Min Yoongi and Adrienne Rolle find themselves growing closer and closer. One night they decide to cross the barrier between personal and professional and do their best make a relationship work against all odds.
pairing: Min Yoongi  x Named OC
genre: drama, romance, smut
chapters: prologue| o1| o2| o3| o4| o5| o6| o7| o8| o9| 10| 11|
warning: light angst, smut, fluff, workplace relationship, slow burn, sexual themes, ambw, enemies to friends to lovers, developing relationship
a/n: still a fool. still re-uploading.
"It's good money, Adrienne."
Adrienne rolled her eyes quickly underneath her eyelids and switched her attention away from the woman sitting next to her.
"I get that but there is no way I'm moving to Korea, I can't even find Korea on a map!"
Adrienne and her older sister had been having this roundabout conversation for at least an hour and a half with no end in sight since neither side seemed interested in giving in.
"So what are you going to do? Just stick around here and make amazing songs for shitty rappers and musicians that don't wanna pay you?" Danielle's voice was monotone and completely lacking any tangible emotion but Adrienne could understand that this was her sister's way of trying to appeal to her common sense. "An opportunity like this doesn't knock twice, little one."
Adrienne bit back a witty remark because despite how much she didn't want to admit it she knew that her sister was right. She was barely making ends meet with the seedy pool of customers she had now and the select few that actually paid her on time only wanted to shell out pennies for what Adrienne considered high-quality work. There were times over the past few months when the money wasn't coming in and reactions from her clientele had her seriously doubting her talent that Adrienne genuinely regretted not going to college. There was no a guarantee that she would have been any better off than she was now but the constant 'what if' always made her second guess her choices when things weren't going her way. Her life now wasn't perfect but it was comfortable, she rented an efficiency from one of her sister's friends and worked a few odd jobs here and there to keep up with the bills. It was a simple life that she enjoyed and Adrienne wasn't so sure she had the courage to give it up.
"Alright, let's say I go for it" Adrienne stated in a softer voice.
"What happens if I can't keep up or they hate all my songs or they hate me? I wouldn't be able to come back here as a failure and honestly, Dani I don't know if I have what it takes to do this." Her voice wavered with raw insecurity as she nervously she began pulling on the ends of one of her long braids.
If Adrienne was being honest with herself, her own self-doubts were the main obstacle holding her back from just accepting this job. She was reasonably excited about the thought of moving to a different country and Danielle; who was married and expecting a child of her own, was the only family she had left. It was time for her to stop depending on her for so much and start carving out her own place in the world.
"Do you really think they would have contacted you if they didn't think you were more than good enough?"
"To be honest, I don't know why they reached out to me in the first place. All the music on my SoundCloud is in English and I've never heard of this company before they emailed me."
"Because it's good, dumb-dumb!" Danielle exclaimed while tugging on one of her sister's braids. "What's the name of these people again, you know I have to google," She asked with her phone already in hand.
"BigHit, I already looked them up. It's legit"
Danielle nodded but dismissed Adrienne's statement with a flick of her wrist, she needed to research everything for herself if she was going to send her baby sister off to some strange company for a job that may not even be real.
"Seriously, Dani I've looked it up they are an actual music company" Adrienne leaned forward to snatch the phone out of her hands, "They told me that if I decide to work with them I'd be working with a boyband called BTS."
"Boyband? Those still exist?"
"Yes! I was so confused at first but they're the real deal...which is another reason I don't want to go. I've been researching their songs from last year and the year before that and I don't know who's doing their music now but it's really good. Here, listen to this-"
Adrienne tossed her sister's phone back onto the couch and pulled her laptop off the coffee table and onto her lap, "It's all in Korean so ignore the words and just pay attention to the melody like I did" she informed as she pulled up 'Let Me Know', one of the recent tracks she'd been replaying.
Her eyes fell closed gently once she hit play and the first note rang out and Adrienne allowed herself to become lost in the music once again, she couldn't understand the lyrics but even without knowing the language Adrienne knew too well the feeling of heartache and desperation this song was meant to make you feel. That was always something she appreciated about music, no matter where you were from or how old you were a good song could bring people together in ways that words often couldn't. To Adrienne music truly was a universal language.
Once the song finished Adrienne put her laptop aside and looked up at her sister with a childlike stare, anticipating her reaction. "What? It's pretty" Danielle responded and Adrienne's shoulders immediately slumped downward.
"Pretty? Is that all you have to say?" 
"Yup. That's my review, it is a pretty song." 
"You sicken me, do you know that? If you weren't carrying my niece we would be pillow fighting right now." Adrienne grumbled and leaned down to pressed a kiss to Danielle's rounded tummy. She wasn't big yet but she was definitely beginning to show. 
"I keep telling you not to get your hopes up, Lloyd's siblings are all boys."
Adrienne pursed her lips and ignored Danielle then whispered to her stomach. "Shhh, I can tell you're a girl." 
"Stop talking to my fetus and get back up here, I'm not joking with you Andy I really think you should go for this job"
Adrienne bit the inside of cheek and slumped back against the cushions, she was silent for a few minutes as she tried to collect her thoughts and recall all the points that were made in their previous conversation.
"How am I supposed to fly half way around the world and tell these people that I can make better music than what they have now?"
Danielle sighed, her fingertips grazing over Adrienne's shoulder to gain her attention before pulling her into her arms to hug her and rest her chin against the top of Adrienne's head. 
"Do you think you're talented?"
"Butts are for ashtrays, Adrienne. You are talented and that's the end of it, when you worry too much about comparing yourself to other people then you start in with the doubts. You didn't go to them they came to you, that wouldn't have happened if they didn't know that you were more than qualified for this." 
"I don't want to leave you."
"Oh little one," Danielle cooed and kissed Adrienne's scalp, threading her fingers through the younger girls braids, "I am going to be fine, I have Lloyd! And you're going to be making so many new friends you won't even have time to miss me."
Adrienne sniffed and wrapped her arms around her sister in a tighter hold, "You better not have this kid until I can come back and visit" She replied through the few tears that were falling from the brim of her eyes.
"Does that mean you're going?"
"I guess I'm moving to Korea."
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"This isn't a joke, right? There aren't any hidden cameras, you're really going to let me do this?"
The excitement in Yoongi's voice was as foreign and authentic as the short happy dance he did in the middle of Bang Si-Hyuk's office before he caught hold of himself and regained his cool composure. 
"Yes I'm being serious" Si-Hyuk answered with a tiny grin "You've been showing a lot of improvement lately and I think you should take the lead on producing the group's next release."
Pale pink lips spread into a wide and almost child-like grin, those were words that Yoongi never thought he would hear. He always appreciated being able to contribute a song or two to their albums but to have the control and relative creative freedom over an entire body of work for his group was a professional goal that he never thought possible so early in his career. It really was too good to be true.
"Of course..." Si-Hyuk spoke up again and Yoongi came crashing back down to reality. 
"With your schedules and other responsibilities, it wouldn't be ideal to leave all the work on your shoulders alone."
"I assumed the producers here would be assisting me"
"Most of them are busy with other projects, we've decided to contract someone from the outside to co-produce along with you."
Yoongi nodded and leaned back in his seat, pressing his index finger against his lips in thought and to prevent himself from speaking out of turn. He didn't like this idea one bit and the previous feeling of excitement he had was dulled significantly by the thought of having to collaborate with someone he didn't even know. He wanted to speak up, voice his opposition before he was saddled with the dead weight of a co-producer who probably had no idea what they were doing. But he knew it wasn't his place to say no to a plan that was already in motion and he didn't want to jeopardize the opportunity he was being granted. 
"Okay, when do we start?"
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bngtanah · 5 years ago
I’m (not) With The Band. | o5
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summary: Adrienne is an indie producer who is hired to help co-produce BTS’ next album alongside their resident producer; Suga. Despite the initial opposition on both ends, the pair spend time together, share a few stories, dreams and aspirations and begin to hit it off really well. Wrapped up in the whirlwind of late nights and heated disagreements and reconciliations, Min Yoongi and Adrienne Rolle find themselves growing closer and closer. One night they decide to cross the barrier between personal and professional and do their best make a relationship work against all odds.
pairing: idol!Yoongi  x Named OC
word count: 7k genre: drama, romance, smut(eventually)
chapters: prologue| o1| o2| o3| o4| o5| o6| o7| o8| o9| 10| 11|
warning: light angst, smut, fluff, workplace relationship, slow burn, sexual themes, ambw, enemies to friends to lovers, developing relationship
a/n: still a fool. still re-uploading.
"No, I've got today off, technically. My partner and his band mates have a super packed schedule today and I can't finish the two songs we have without him so I'm just working on stuff at home, personal things."
"You're going to stay at home all day? Why not explore, make some friends?"
The fatigue in Danielle's voice was clear and Adrienne felt guilty for keeping her sister up so late but it was barely mid-morning where she was and they hardly had any time to catch up with one another since Adrienne and the rest of the team had worked even harder in an attempt to finish the album ahead of schedule. They had months until it was due to be completed and Adrienne didn't really see the point in grinding so hard so early but Yoongi didn't seem to share that sentiment since whenever Adrienne brought it up he repeated that he would rather have everything done as early as possible than lag behind. It was annoying but Andy couldn't bother to argue in favour of laziness.
"I have friends, the boys are my friends and they're all busy today," Andy chuckled and slid down further into the corner of the couch she was currently wedged into. 
"Find friends that aren't busy 362 days of the year," Danielle countered with a small yawn.
Adrienne snickered and silently rolled her eyes, just imagining the judgmental look Danielle must have been giving her. "Yeah, I'll get right on that," She replied with heavy sarcasm, earning a small annoyed groan from the older woman.
"You little brat."
Adrienne giggled.
"If you won't go make new friends, at least, tell me about the boy band. Are they as corny as I think they are?"
"They are actually not corny at all..." Adrienne paused as the image of Jungkook and Hoseok improvising a dance that would put her interpretive stretching to shame during their practice the night before came to mind  "They're not as corny as you think they are.... most of the time."
"Mhm, so they're corny as hell. Is your partner still being a dick?"
"Yes... and no? I've been watching him and he pretty much treats everyone the same way, snippy and kinda rude but I don't think he's truly a dick. I think he's one of those people that wants everyone to think their an ass but he's actually kind of sweet and caring, generous-"
"Is he cute?"
"I-What?" Adrienne sputtered and sat up straight.
Danielle cackled as softly as she could and rested a hand against her rounded stomach, "Girl I know you heard me. Is he cute?"
"I don't know..... I haven't really paid attention to that." Adrienne threaded her fingertips through her braids and scratched her scalp in thought "I guess he's not ugly, I'll send you a picture you can judge." Andy pulled her cell phone away from her ear and swiped her fingers across the surface to send a picture she'd taken a few days earlier.
"He looks pissed." 
She heard Danielle commenting as she pressed the receiver back to her ear.
"Yeah... I had to force him to take it with me, I don't know how to make him smile yet."
"Why do you still have those braids in your head?"
Adrienne groaned, "Listen, you can only judge one person at a time me or Yoongi,"
"Is that is his name?"
Adrienne grunted a yes and aimlessly bit down on her fingernails, suddenly finding her sister approval very necessary. 
"It doesn't really matter if I think he's cute, do you?"
"It doesn't matter if I do either! We work together." Adrienne groaned and threw herself back against the cushions.
"Right, because being attracted to someone you work with is something Adrienne would never do."
The sarcasm was noted but ignored for Danielle's sake.
"It is. Besides, you know I'm more attracted to talent and shit than appearance."
"Annnd. I think Yoongi is..... very talented." Andy replied with an immediate smile that spread into an even wider grin when Danielle began laughing at her response.
"Not to totally change the subject or anything but how is my niece?"
"Your niece OR nephew has released the stranglehold on my bladder to rest for a few hours before waking me up at the ass crack of dawn to begin the terror again, I should be in a deep sleep right now."
"Shit, what time is there?"
"A little after 1."
"Seriously? Go to bed Dani."
"No, it's fine we can talk. Lloyd is asleep and I'm in the living room being sneaky."
"Danielle please take your pregnant ass to bed, I'm about to start working anyway so I can't talk anymore."
"... Are you sure?"
"Positive. Good night!"
"Love ya, little one. Wait, one last question, you're still flying in the week of my due date right? Lloyd and I just finished up the guest room."
"Love you too, and of course I'll be there my niece won't be born without me there to welcome her into the world."
Danielle chuckled before bidding her younger sister goodnight one last time and hanging up.
Adrienne pouted once the call was disconnected and tossed her phone onto the coffee table. She missed her sister more than she realised and each time they got the chance to talk it only made Andy feel more discouraged; instead of finding comfort in her older sister's voice she only focused on the fact that she was still so far away from everything she knew and even though her daily life was becoming easier for her to manage alone Andy still had to come home to an empty apartment and leave voice mails for her only family member to return half a day later. It was mildly depressing.
Huffing a brief sigh, Adrienne forced herself upwards and off the couch; she had no plans of letting her momentary gloom take over the rest of her day. Her arms stretched for the ceiling as Andy began searching for her laptop so she could begin tinkering with the few songs she planned on keeping for herself. A faint smile dusted her lips when she found the machine and Yoongi's voice played in her head; repeating his judgmental question about why she had so many stickers on her laptop. Her sister's question had honestly taken her aback, not because she didn't find Yoongi cute but because she wasn't sure if that was the right adjective to describe him with. Puppies and kittens were cute, but Min Yoongi was something Andy just didn't know how to define yet.
Almost like clockwork, just as the laptop booted up and Adrienne felt comfortable with her legs crossed in the couch, there was a series of frantic knocks against Adrienne's front door and she cursed under her breath as she unfolded her legs and got up to stomp towards the door. Her lips were twisted into a scowl while she unlocked the door and pulled it open but the person on the other side made her eyebrow knit closely together with uncertainty rather than anger. 
Yoongi was out of breath with his hand gripping the door frame to catch himself, dressed in a disheveled sweater and a pair of ripped jeans Adrienne had seen him in far too many times and a pair of sneakers that seemed to give him an extra inch of height. Andy smiled brightly as she always did when they met but her eyes still gave away just how confused she was to see him at her door.
"Is everything okay Y-"
"I can't wait anymore Andy, I need you." Yoongi emitted in a hurried reply and Adrienne's eyes went wide with shock, her heart unexpectedly beat faster and the tips of her ears burn with warmth. There was something in the way he gasped her name while still attempting to catch his breath and the look of purpose in his eyes when he stopped looking at the ground and caught her gaze that was inexplicably attractive. Adrienne would deny it if questioned but an instant flush of heat rushed both to her cheeks and between her legs when she returned his eye contact.
"Need me... What?"
"I need you to come with me," Yoongi repeated, this time completing his sentence and giving Andy the chance to breathe a sigh of relief "I don't have time to explain everything but the release date moved up and we now have a month less to finish."
The brief statement brought Adrienne's priorities back to the forefront and her arms and jaw dropped when he was done.
"What?! How do they expect us to finish everything an entire month early, this is bullshit!"
"Yeah, I know. Can you complain on the way to the car? Everyone's waiting."
"Oh... Maybe you can say that first next time? Just give me a second to get dressed," Adrienne replied quickly as she spun around and closed the door in Yoongi's face.
It only took her a few minutes to dress and collect what tools she could carry along with her but for Yoongi, it might as well have been an hour. His foot tapped against the ground impatiently as he glanced down at his watch with every passing second, then ran to the entrance of the alleyway to silence the honking before returning to Adrienne's door just as she was walking out with her laptop and backpack in tow.
"Does it always take you this long to get dressed?"
"It was three minutes Yoongi, you can't show up at my apartment unannounced and expect me to run around on your schedule" Adrienne answered as she locked her front door and began following Yoongi towards the van where she could see the rest of the boys waiting to pull off.
"It wasn't unannounced, I called you five times, but you didn't answer."
Andy perked up to argue but instead pulled her mobile phone from her back pocket and bit down on her bottom lip when she saw that there were multiple missed calls from his number and a few text messages.
"Sorry, I was on a call and it was on silent," She said with a sheepish grin while she shoved the device back into her pocket and fought with pushing her laptop into her backpack.
Yoongi shrugged his shoulders and gestured for her to hand him the bag and laptop so she could walk faster. 
"Learn how you answer your cell phone, this could have been a disaster," He chastised as he swung the strap over his shoulder.
"Of course, Leader-nim," 
"Don't call me that, you know I don-"
Adrienne cut off Yoongi's whining once they reached the open door of the van by greeting everyone in her cheery fashion and taking the first empty seat available, followed by Yoongi who took the seat next to her and pushed her rucksack back towards her once the van pulled forward. Despite their smiling faces when the rest of the boys greeted her, Adrienne could tell that their energy was waning; it was only the middle of the day but she was sure they had already completed a full day's work, with hours of grinding left to go. Andy was already tired just thinking about what they had left to do.
"So where are we headed now?" Adrienne asked, pulling her backpack close to her chest.
"Video and photo shoot, it's probably going to take the rest of the day," Namjoon replied from his seat up front "They're usually really boring but it might not be so bad with you around" He continued and turned around to smile gently in Adrienne's direction. Andy mirrored his grin and opened her mouth to reply before she heard Yoongi's clearing his throat to get her attention.
"We don't really have time for this, I came for you so we could finish working not catch up with everyone," Yoongi said listlessly once Adrienne was looking at him and she nodded without answering. She knew that if she had answered her words would not have been docile so Adrienne found it best just to let him simmer in his attitude if he wanted to do that. Yoongi shot a Namjoon a brief look as Adrienne leaned forward to pull out her laptop and Namjoon took the hint to turn around, for now, he had plenty of chances to talk to Andy for the rest of the day and he knew that Yoongi was always a little testy about his music, it was better for everyone to not disturb him.
Yoongi however, wasn't worried about finishing their work on time at all. He did want everything to be finished as quickly as possible but his desire to stop his friend from getting any closer to Adrienne was much, much larger. They had a rapport that was too easy for Yoongi to fight against without revealing his 'innocent' crush or making it seem like he didn't like Adrienne which couldn't be further from the truth. It was childish and immature of him to basically call ‘dibs’ on her just because he saw her first but.... he had seen her first and just because he didn't want to risk his career by allowing himself to give into his temptations didn't mean that anyone else got to do so.
All of this went unnoticed by Adrienne who was trying to pull her laptop out of a bag she'd only just realised was way too small for it. Once she was done fighting with it, she exhaled and flipped the monitor upwards to allow it to boot up.
"Before you whine, I rearranged the hook on track 2," She said to Yoongi who immediately scrunched up his features and groaned but Andy held up a hand and continued speaking. "No whining! It sounds a lot better now, trust me."
"We spent two hours on that hook last night."
"I know, and it still didn't sound good, so I changed it. Just listen" Adrienne sighed and placed her headphones over Yoongi's ears then tapped the space bar on her keyboard. Yoongi's head nodded along to beat in silence, which Andy took as a pleasant sign since she knew he would be quick to complain if she had made the song worse.
"It's good," Yoongi replied simply as he handed Adrienne back the headphones.
"I know it is. You should trust me sometimes Yoongi, I know what I'm doing."
Yoongi shrugged and pretend to be nonplussed but Adrienne's lips spread into an arrogant lopsided smile that Yoongi hated to find so adorable. Headphones went over both of their heads and the two of them spent the rest of the ride reaching over one another to replay or 'fix' a certain part, silently arguing for the entire hour it took for them to reach the destination. By the time the van had rolled to a stop and everyone inside exited slowly, Adrienne and Yoongi had dissected every single second of their track and they still weren't any closer to being content with it. The squabble over whether to add the water droplet sound effect was being put on hold when Yoongi got out of the van and joined the rest of the boys rushing towards the venue where apparently everyone had already been waiting for them to show up. Adrienne recognised one of their managers as she trailed behind them, looking for a place to set up her laptop, but once he spotted the group approaching the neutral expression on his face soured.
"Where have you been?!" He exclaimed as he stormed towards them "Everyone here has been waiting for you to show up, do you know how much it cost for us to rent this space?"
Adrienne frowned, knowing that they were probably late because they had to come pick her up and then wait for her to get ready. She took a step forward and prepared to relay this information but a hand grabbing her wrist made her stop mid-step, Andy looked to her side and noticed Yoongi's quick head shake and the added pressure he put on her small wrist. She wasn't sure how he recognised that she was planning to say something or why he had stopped her but something about the way his eyes silently pleaded with her made her obey and remain silent. Instead, Namjoon took responsibility for them being late, stating a reason that used a few words Adrienne wasn't familiar with and he accompanied his apology with a deep 90-degree bow that all the boys mimicked. The manager huffed an exasperated sigh and pressed his thumb and index finger to the bridge of his nose.
"Just go get ready, enough time has been wasted already."
Before Adrienne got a chance to question Yoongi's action or ask Namjoon why he hadn't just told his manager the real reason for them being late, all seven of them spread out in different directions followed by the team of stylists and makeup artists in charge of dressing them for the shoot. That left Adrienne standing alone in the middle of the set looking lost and a little out of place, she quickly rectified that by searching for a familiar face from the BigHit staff or a table where she could set up her laptop and charge it; whichever came first.  Eventually, she found both a table with a socket nearby and someone to talk to; a stylist named Hye-Ji that Adrienne became acquainted with during her first week of official work. Once she had everything set up and ready to go Andy asked Hye-ji where she could find the dressing rooms, which earned her a playfully suspicious look but the stylist pointed in the general direction adding a faint “Try not to get caught,” behind her as she moved away. Adrienne planned on asking her what she possibly thought she would be caught doing but she left that where it was; all she wanted to do was apologise to Namjoon for having him take the blame for something she did before he got too busy to talk.
There were three different dressing rooms in the area that Hye-ji had pointed out and Adrienne lucked out with the first one being occupied by Jimin and Hoseok who were already fully dressed since she'd just barged in and completely forgotten to knock. She apologized profusely even though they were too busy laughing to actually notice her apologizing or leaving. At the next door she definitely remembered to knock on and sighed in relief when she heard Namjoon's deep voice answer.
"Namjoon, it's me. Are you dressed?"
A second of silence passed before the door cracked open and Namjoon smiled, revealing his exceptionally deep dimples as he stepped outside completely dressed in winter gear in the middle of the summer for some reason. 
"Something wrong?" He asked while closing the door behind him.
"No, I just wanted to apologise for earlier; you're manager chewing you guys out and everything. You didn't have to take the blame it was my fault you guys were late."
"We decided to come for you, so it wasn't really your fault and truthfully it doesn't really matter who's fault it actually was. I'm the leader which means I've gotta take responsibility regardless, so don't worry about it. We've made him angrier than that before." Namjoon garnished his reassurance with a smile that made Adrienne feel a bit better while she looked up at him.
"You're good a leader, Namjoon."
"Thanks" He replied before catching his manager's eye again, he should have been in the makeup chair already, "Uh, I've gotta go, you'll be around right?"
Adrienne nodded and waved as she watched the tall lanky boy run towards the makeup booth, quickly bowing to his manager again on his way. "Silly boy," Adrienne chuckled as she turned to walk in the opposite direction. She paused in front of the last dressing room since the door was still closed and she was fairly certain she knew who was still inside since she had already walked in on Jimin and Hoseok. Jin, Jungkook and Taehyung were already at the makeup booth. That left only Yoongi who apparently did not rush like the rest of them. After a second of debate, Adrienne knocked on the door and pressing an ear to the door.
A grumbled string of words that vaguely sounded like 'come in' replied and Adrienne hesitated before opening the door and stepping inside. Then immediately regretting that decision once she was behind the closed door and less than a foot away from Yoongi who still was only half dressed. Andy's hand flew to cover her eyes before she squealed softly.
"I thought you said come in!" She asked, sounding slightly agitated.
"I did," Yoongi replied flatly.
"But you're not wearing a shirt,"
"So? Have you never seen a man shirtless before?" He asked and looked over towards Adrienne, slightly chuckling once he caught sight of her covering her face.
"Yes..." Andy said between her fingers as she separated them just slightly before dropping her hand entirely. He definitely was not the first man she'd seen without a shirt but Yoongi wasn't just some man, he was her coworker and somehow this felt... inappropriate. Was it inappropriate? Or was Adrienne just working herself up for no reason, there didn't have to be any reason for it to be improper if she wasn't attracted to him. That fact was becoming harder to deny as she shamelessly allowed her eyes roam over his exposed skin; he wasn't particularly muscular or defined but Adrienne just could bring herself to look away. That is until he moved forward and Adrienne remembered that he could see her ogling him though judging by the look on his face he didn't seem to care that much.
"Is there a reason you're here?"
"Yes! I wanted to apologise for being late, I didn't know how tight your schedule was,"
"Okay," Yoongi answered and took another step forward. There wasn't much space in the room as it was and the more he moved forward the harder it became for Adrienne to focus on what she wanted to say, she hadn't noticed his cologne before in the van but now with his bare skin being so close to her body Andy could easily inhale the scent and it was partially clouding her thoughts.
Why was he so close to her, anyway? 
"Is that all?" Yoongi asked while reaching forward to grab the shirt that was hanging on a hook above Adrienne's head.
She turned her head and quietly muttered the word 'oh' underneath her breath "Um, no I also wanted to ask you why stopped me earlier, it wasn't fair for Namjoon to take all the heat. I just wanted to set the record straight,"
Yoongi chuckled softly, well something between a scoff and a chuckle, as he pulled the shirt over his head and moved towards the seat on the other side of the room to put his shoes on.
"Namjoon is the leader, they would have made it his fault anyway, so taking the blame wouldn't have helped anything because Namjoon would just be asked why he couldn't keep better control of his team by making sure that everyone was ready on time." Yoongi tied his laces and Andy nodded softly "Besides, if I can be completely honest, he probably wouldn't have listened to you. You're new and some of the staff still don't even know your name so you stepping to the front would just have been seen as arrogant instead of helpful."
Yoongi stood up once his shoes were tied and moved towards the door again where Adrienne was still trying to make sense of his words. In some roundabout way, it sounded like he was trying to protect her but that train of thought opened an entirely new world of possibilities that Adrienne didn't want to explore.
"That's it right?"
Yoongi's question made Adrienne look up, and she startled herself when his face was just a few inches away from her own, well the lower half of his face anyway, the gentle half smile on his lips made Adrienne forget that he was trying to get out of the room and not flirting with her.
"Yeah.... that's all I had to say."
"Then can you move out of the way?"
Adrienne looked down at his hand on the door and her body pressed against it then quickly shuffled out of the way, muttering a soft "Sorry" as Yoongi exited the room and left her behind groan and mentally kick herself for coming in here in the first place. If anyone saw her there was no way they wouldn't get the wrong idea about her innocent intentions.
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Adrienne may have been fretting about being misunderstood but on the other side of the door Yoongi was smug with pleasure, on the inside. He was still planning to keep his distance with Andy but there was nothing he could do about her coming to him. Sure, he didn't have to tell her to come in when he knew he wasn't fully dressed and there definitely was no reason for him to get so close to her when she could have easily just handed him the shirt but Yoongi enjoyed the way she reacted to him. It bolstered his ego and since there was no way he could outright flirt with her like Namjoon seemed so comfortable doing so he would have to settle for moments like this. They were good enough to sate his interest for now. The sound of one of the makeup artists calling for him to take a seat made Yoongi shuffle at a quicker pace but he was still trailing behind the rest of the group who were already done getting ready.
"You're moving so slowly today, hyung" Hoseok commented from the makeup chair next to his where he was waiting to be called for his solo shoot.
“I don't think I'm moving any slower than usual” Yoongi answered while the makeup artist dusted a powdery substance over his cheeks, he restrained himself from visibly grimacing. Makeup was always his least favorite part of this process.
Hoseok smirked and shook his head, swiveling the chair to face Yoongi's profile, “No you're definitely lagging, but the question is why?”
Yoongi didn't respond or even look to the side as Hoseok continued to goad him, he would not play along with whatever he was doing to ease his boredom.
"You can't be that tired since when you are you're usually the first one ready so you can nap while the rest of us are getting ready..." 
Yoongi remained stoic and Hoseok's scrutinising gaze became more pointed. "It's probably not your music either because you seem to trust Andy-noona with making decisions and you look.... happy not tired."
Yoongi sighed tossed his head back which made the makeup artist gasp and scold him for moving but Hoseok smiled like he was on the verge of discovering a prize and kept on pestering. 
"Which makes me wonder why she was looking for you earlier, she came to me and Jimin's dressing room thinking it was yours." 
Yoongi tensed just slightly but still refused to engage.
"I think she was looking for Namjoon too but I saw him come out of his dressing room and talk to her, I did not see you—"
Yoongi's one word made Hoseok stop mid-sentence and press a hand to his lips when Yoongi turned to face him (against the makeup artist's wishes again) he didn't glare or scowl at the younger male but the look on his face expressed how little he that he felt like playing games at that moment.
"Do you have something meaningful to say or do you just want to continue rambling bullshit and annoying me?"
His words might have been threatening to anyone else but Hoseok just took that as confirmation that he was hiding something he didn't want anyone to know. "I'll leave you alone as soon as you tell me what the deal is with you and Andy." Hoseok grinned. 
"There isn't one, bye."
"You don't expect me to believe that why was she in—"
"She came to apologise," Yoongi hissed in an annoyed whisper once the makeup artist cleared him to get up and leave, Hoseok trailed after him as he moved away from the makeup booth. "She wanted to say sorry for being late, there's no big secret."
"Oh. Well, why didn't she apologise to us? We got yelled at too!"
"I don't know maybe she doesn't like you." Yoongi shrugged.
Hoseok frowned and stopped walking for a few seconds "Hey... that's not funny we're friends. And that doesn't completely answer my question, her apologising wouldn't make you look happy..."
"You are so annoying, this is probably why she doesn't like you" Yoongi pointed out with a smug grin as he spun around to face Hoseok before walking off again.
"You're not funny hyung! Does she really not like me?" Hoseok called after Yoongi but he didn't answer.
It took three hours to get through the boys individual shots and another two to organise them for the group shots. Yoongi took every break he could to find Andy and continue their work but it was more than difficult for them to make any actual progress when he was pulled away to change his outfit or retouch his hair and makeup every five minutes. Adrienne didn't really mind, though. She enjoyed being able to admire the boys working and as far she was concerned they were done with both tracks. Whether she intended to or not she focused on Yoongi for most of the day, watching the way his expression changed when he was in front of the camera, even the way his body moved was different. He seemed to transform into a completely different person with each click of the camera shutter; he was confident masculine and actually sexy at certain points and Adrienne found herself hard pressed to look away even after being caught staring by both Yoongi and Hye-ji multiple times.
They completed the group photo-shoot in record time; two and half hours, and the crew immediately began setting up for the video shooting which really just meant getting rid of the backdrop and guiding the extras to their marks. That simple task presented a problem when apparently there weren't enough extras hired to fill in the gaps of the background, leaving spaces to be filled by whichever staff members were dressed nicely enough. Unfortunately for her, Adrienne never left her house unless she looked her best which meant she was one of the first plucked up from her seat and guided the video set. Despite her arguing that she didn't need to be there and that she would even cause a distraction, the director ignored her reasoning and countered that she would barely be seen in the back where they placed her, they only needed to fill a space.
The title track that Adrienne knew the boys would promote once the album was finished began playing and Andy followed along with the crowd and swayed back and forth to the beat. They were supposed to look like they were at a party so Adrienne did her best to follow direction but remain inconspicuous, a plan that failed once she saw Yoongi awkwardly shuffling in her direction and a few suspicious eyes turned to look at her.
"Is that how you dance?" She taunted once he was close enough, and he nodded and kept shifting his weight from one foot to another. 
"Sorry," Yoongi leaned over to say after a few seconds had passed. 
"For what?"
"I think I made you uncomfortable earlier, that wasn't my intention."
Adrienne nodded and smiled, biting down on her bottom lip out of habit, "Thank you, but that's not necessary I wasn't uncomfortable just... surprised."
She smiled at him so keenly and Yoongi found himself so entranced by her expression that he almost missed his cue to join the group dance, something that may not have been picked up by anyone else but it definitely did not go unnoticed by choreography leader Jung Hoseok. It took another 10 identical takes for the director to be satisfied with what he captured and Adrienne silently praised the heavens when they could finally leave. Everyone was back into the clothes they arrived in and ready to leave within in minutes, save for Adrienne who had been waiting by the van since they left to get undressed. It felt like it took twice as long to drive back to the studio than before and once they arrived the look on everyone's face read that they would rather be anywhere else than here. But, the boys had to practice and Adrienne and Yoongi had songs to produce. 
A loud and guttural moan left Adrienne's lips once she was walking through the doorframe of the Bangtan room and throwing her body onto the couch. Followed by Yoongi who was quiet as he settled down into the office chair in front of the console. 
"I don't know how you do this every day," Adrienne commented with her face still smothered in the couch.
"You become numb to it after a while... complaining doesn't help so why bother?"
Andy rolled her eyes and sat up to make faces at the back of his head, tossing her backpack on the seat next to her. Yoongi was already opening programs on the computer and could see her in the reflection of the glass monitor but ignored her until she stopped pulling faces and ended up just staring like she had been for most of the day.
"What's wrong with you?" Yoongi commented with his head still turned away from Andy.
"What are you talking about?"
"You've been staring at me all day."
"No, I have-" Adrienne began to lie but him turning around to glare gave her pause, "I didn't think you would notice."
"You didn't think I'd notice your big brown eyes looking at me all day?"
She smirked slightly at his choice of words but shook her head from side to side.
"No? I was just trying to figure something out."
"Figure what out?"
"My sister asked me if you were cute and I didn't have an answer for her so today I was trying to figure it out."
"Hm." Yoongi replied and turned back around as if that answer was completely reasonable. "Did you come to a conclusion?"
"About you being cute? I don't know.... I mean Jungkook is cute, Jimin is cute but you aren’t really like them."
"Thank you" He replied, making Adrienne laugh.
"The results of my study today were inconclusive but if I ever figure it out, you'll be the first to know. I did figure out something else today."
"You're short."
"I'm taller than you!"
"I'm like 158 cm, Yoongi, are you really proud of that?"
Adrienne grinned and Yoongi did nothing to conceal the gum revealing grin that spread across his lips, "Whatever."
"I also just remembered I haven't asked my question of the day yet."
Yoongi made a grunting noise for her to go ahead but Adrienne was stuck.
"Erm, I haven't thought of one yet. You go first."
He exhaled but did as she asked anyway, "What is your favourite BTS song?"
"Seriously? Any question and you want to know that?"
"You don't have to answer."
"No, I do! Those are the rules, it's just a lame question," Andy snickered "Right now I have two; 'Just One Day' and 'Move', it's weird because your kind of the reason they're my favourites."
"What do you mean?"
"When I first started researching all your music, I didn't understand it so I just listened to whatever sounded good, but now I can understand most of what you guys are saying and your verses on Just One Day and Move are....... poetry. Like, the production and whatever are great but it's your words that really make the song what it is for me, you have this way of precisely capturing the subject of a song and putting it all in your verse. Especially Just One Day, when I read the lyrics for that I seriously had heart palpitations it's so good. I want someone to feel that way about spending the day with me." 
Adrienne rounded off her explanation with a momentary burst of laughter and her hands pressed tightly to her heart but Yoongi was left slightly stunned. He always enjoyed being complimented for his work but no one had every really explained what they liked about his music quite the same way she just had. It seemed ridiculous to say but hearing her talk so deeply made his heart melt.
Yoongi's eyes softened as he turned to around to look at Adrienne, not because he wanted to cry but because her words genuinely moved him.
"I think I know what my question is n- are you alright?" Adrienne asked when she looked up and met his eye line.
"I'm fine," Yoongi answered quickly and rubbed a hand down the length of his face, "What do you want to know?"
"Look who's suddenly eager for my questions now that he's been complimented!" She teased "I want to know what your favourite part of making music is."
"Ah, that's easy. When it's done."
"That's such a boring answer, I gave you an analysis."
"I don't mean when I literally finish a song and hand it over, I mean when everything is done, and it's released to the public. There have always been so many people in my ear telling me that I shouldn't be doing this or that I should have pursued some other career so when I finish a song and release it and I can visibly see that so many people all over the world are enjoying something that I made... It gives me a reason to keep doing this and prove anyone that's ever doubted me wrong."
"Wow," Adrienne sighed and leaned back into the couch "So basically you want your entire career to be one giant 'fuck you' to the haters? Nice." 
Yoongi nodded and swiveled around in his seat once again, allowing Adrienne to smile as wide as she wanted without feeling embarrassed by him watching her. He was opening up to her, slowly, but it was happening and that's all that mattered. It felt like they were genuinely becoming friends and that made Adrienne happy because that was all she wanted from the beginning. Of course, her definition of friendship didn't include wanted to see him shirtless again, but that was an issue she would deal with some other day.
"I think I’m going to go home now," Adrienne said behind a yawn as she stood to her feet.
"But we haven't rechecked the music."
"I trust you, and I think both of the songs are good enough to be sent in. If you want to change something, then you can I'm giving you the authority, try not to work too hard," She stated while she stood behind him and rubbed his shoulders with both her hands, then absentmindedly smoothed them down over his biceps before she could stop herself. The sudden contact and proximity made Yoongi shudder in a way that was not missed by Adrienne but neither of them brought any attention to that or the change in the air between them. Yoongi craned his head to look up at Andy over his shoulder and Adrienne's hands were still gently gripping his biceps when a knock on the door broke their momentary gaze.
Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung were stumbling inside, massaging their muscles and complaining about the recent additions to the choreography and Adrienne took the chance to slip out as quickly as she could after saying goodnight to all of them.
Yoongi hardly listened to what his younger members were saying because his mind was still focused on how good Adrienne's small hands felt against his skin. If nobody had walked in at that moment he was sure he would have kissed her and that just wasn't the kind of thing coworkers did. Although Yoongi honestly thought he had the self-control to keep himself from desiring anything other than a professional relationship with Adrienne, he was proving more and more every day that that may not be possible.
What scared him most of all was that he was beginning not to care.
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bngtanah · 5 years ago
I’m (not) With The Band. | o2
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summary: Adrienne is an indie producer who is hired to help co-produce BTS’ next album alongside their resident producer; Suga. Despite the initial opposition on both ends, the pair spend time together, share a few stories, dreams and aspirations and begin to hit it off really well. Wrapped up in the whirlwind of late nights and heated disagreements and reconciliations, Min Yoongi and Adrienne Rolle find themselves growing closer and closer. One night they decide to cross the barrier between personal and professional and do their best make a relationship work against all odds.
pairing: Min Yoongi  x Named OC
word count: 2.2k genre: drama, romance, smut(eventually)
chapters: prologue| o1| o2| o3| o4| o5| o6| o7| o8| o9| 10| 11|
warning: light angst, smut, fluff, workplace relationship, slow burn, sexual themes, ambw, enemies to friends to lovers, developing relationship
a/n: still a fool. still re-uploading.
Adrienne had never been a shy person.
She was always the first to volunteer for school presentations even if she hated the class, she made it her duty to be friends with every single one of her lab partners in science class whether they wanted that friendship or not and she was always ready and willing to offer her opinion when questioned on just about anything.
But it seemed that being in a new country, thousands of miles from home had given her personality somewhat of a timid edge since she was currently surrounded by six energetic and talkative boys and Adrienne couldn't think of words to answer their nonstop questions. The language barrier could excuse some of her silence since she honestly didn't understand a lot of their questions, but for the things she did understand Adrienne couldn't stop herself from looking like a fish out of water; her mouth gaping open then closing quickly when she lost her train of thought.
"Where are you from?" "How old are you?" "Are you older than me?" "Should I call you noona?" "Can you give me a big part in our title track?"
The questions kept coming and Adrienne could barely keep up when a stern voice from the front of the van finally calmed the storm of inquisitive young voices.
"Calm down, kids. At least let her answer before you start asking another question." 
Adrienne sighed a short breath of relief when she was finally able to hear herself think and offered the lanky boy in the passenger seat  a small smile of gratitude.
"Okay, I want to answer all your questions. But I have a few of my own first" She said as she rested the notebooks she'd been clutching tightly against her chest onto her lap. "Well, questions and one request."
"First, I don't speak Korean that well so try to talk slowly because I didn't understand half of what you guys just said." Adrienne chuckled and looked around at the smiling and curious faces of the boys who were still facing her.
"Second, I want to make sure I have everyone's name right so I know who I'm talking to, -Jin?" Adrienne asked and pointed to the boy seated to her left a row ahead who nodded and Adrienne smiled, feeling accomplished.
"J-hope?" She asked of the next member who immediately replied yes and shot her a love bullet which Adrienne pretended to get hit by before laughing and sitting up straight again. "Would you mind if I just called you by your real name?"
"Yes, that's okay" he nodded quickly with a surprised grin.
"Okay, Hoseok. It's locked in."
She moved on to the person with the deep voice who had complimented her hair. Andy didn't quite recognize his face since in the performance videos she studied they all had different hair colors than they currently did. The only reason she managed to remember Suga's name without doubting herself was because she forced herself to, knowing that he would be the one she would most likely be talking to the most. Adrienne was still riding high on the confidence of getting the first two name's correct however so she assumed she would his name right as well. "...Jungkook?" her confidence was shot down when he didn't smile and the other boys began laughing at her mistake.
"I'm Kim Ta- Taehyung Kim" He replied in English, which surprised Adrienne to much for her to remain embarrassed.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" Adrienne apologised quickly "Tae..hyung...V?"
He nodded and offered her a wide and boxy grin which Adrienne couldn't help but replicate, it was infectious.
"I hope you're Jungkook," She said to the next member and instead of smiling and agreeing with her like Adrienne was so sure he would his youthful features fell into something like a glare and the young boy shook his head from side to side gravely. Adrienne felt her eyes open widely and her hands flew to her cover her face in embarrassment, she was never particularly great with names but she was pretty confident that she recognized his face.
"Yah, Jungkook. Don't be like this" The member seated in the same row as Adrienne, on the other side of Yoongi spoke up.
When Adrienne peeled her hands away from her eyes and looked forward again she could see the mischievous smile budding on "Not-Jungkook's" lips before he collapsed into a fit of laughter which made Adrienne gasp when she realised that he was only kidding.
"Oh that's not funny" She replied even though she started laughing right along with him.
"We are going to have problems aren't we?" Adrienne said to Jungkook who replied with a playful quirk of his eyebrow before Jin and Taehyung shouted something about him being greasy.
Adrienne turned to her side and glanced down at the member she'd already spoken to, "I've met Suga," she muttered to the body on her side, he wasn't moving but Adrienne could tell that he wasn't really asleep. Looking up, she prepared to guess the next name but he was already speaking and offering his hand for her to shake before Andy could say anything.
"I'm Jimin" He said with warm and inviting smile "Please take good care of us." 
Adrienne accepted his handshake and found herself staring at his smile for longer than she would consider appropriate.
"Now who's being greasy?" She heard Jungkook chuckle in a murmur and that made her snap back to attention and stop shaking Jimin's hand like an idiot.
"Okay so that just leaves, Rap Monster?" The boy at the front of the minibus nodded and turned slightly to wave in Adrienne's direction "You can call me Namjoon if you want" He replied, also in English which made Adrienne knit her eyebrows together. 
"How many of you speak English?"
Namjoon laughed, making the deep dimples in his cheeks sink even deeper "Just me. V knows some English but he doesn't practice enough."
Taehyung nodded and looked at Adrienne "It's true."
Andy laughed and pulled the ends of her braids over her right shoulder "This is so great, I thought I would be lost the entire time but you speak English! You can help me! This is really really great" Adrienne rambled, her mood noticeably less subdued than when she first stepped into the vehicle.
"If you need to translate anything I'll try to help as much as I can" Namjoon reassured her.
"Good, my tutor says that I shouldn't speak English if I know how to say what I want to say in Korean so I'll try not to use you as a crutch."
"I wouldn't mind."
Adrienne grinned, holding Namjoon's gaze for a moment before glancing down at her lap while the rest of the members simply looked on with confusion. Well, all except V who could make out some of their conversation.
"I actually wanted to talk to someone about a few ideas I had in mind for your next album" Adrienne started, switching back to her cautious and slow Korean "But I'm not sure my co-producer is up for a conversation right now." She said underneath her breath and looked to her side at Yoongi who remained bundled up and still.
"Yeah, you don't want to wake him up. He didn't really sleep last night." Jin said gently as he joined Adrienne in looking down at Yoongi.
"I don't think he's sleeping, though" Adrienne answered back and leaned down to examine his face more closely.
"How can anyone sleep with all this goddamn noise?" Yoongi protested, loudly, from beneath his hood.
Adrienne jumped back and placed a hand on her heart, the sudden sound of his voice when she got closer to him nearly scared her to death.
"I knew it" She whispered once her heart rate had settled, his sudden outburst confirmed Adrienne's suspicions of him being awake. "Sorry about the noise" Adrienne stated in Yoongi's direction but he only shook his head and removed the hood covering his eyes.
He was never going to attain the amount of rest he was chasing so there wasn't any point in pretending that he could.
The group rode out the rest of the commute in relative silence, Adrienne taking the time to make conversation with the younger members while the older ones seemed to be involved in their own forms distraction or trying to rest their eyes. It took them nearly an hour to reach their destination and once the van halted to a stop everyone immediately began pouring out the van leaving Adrienne confused and stuck in her seat.
"Uh, do I need to get out too?" She called out to Yoongi since he was the last to exit the van and closest to her seat.
Yoongi pulled an earbud out of his ear and turned back to face her as if he'd forgotten she was still sitting down and hadn't joined the rest of the group when they got out.
"Yes, you need to get out of the van" He replied bluntly and watched as she gathered up her belongings and soon joined him on the pavement. They both began walking quickly to catch up with the rest of the boys who were already inside the building.
"Someone should have said something," and by someone she meant Yoongi but that didn't need to be clarified.
"It's kind of obvious isn't it?"
"Not really, I'm not being interviewed why would I need to get out of the van?"
Yoongi discreetly rolled his eyes by pressing his palm to his forehead for a few seconds before he began speaking again. This is exactly what he wanted to avoid today; having to explain how and when to do everything on their tight schedule.
"When you're with us, you do what we do," he said after a moment's hesitation, turning his head to look Adrienne full on.
"Okay, that makes sense. That wasn't so hard to explain was it?"
Adrienne smiled as she teased him and Yoongi took the time to secretly appreciate how easily her wide off-centre grin seemed to spread across her lips and illuminate her entire face. She reminded him of Jimin in that way, both of them possessed those kinds of expressions. Smiles that honestly looked painful to be so broad and enticing resting on someone's face.
His name was being called and Yoongi stopped leering just long enough to notice that his members were already in the process of being seated, leaving him the odd one out.
"Find a seat," He said to Adrienne quickly before scurrying toward where the rest of BTS was seated.
Adrienne nodded and slowly turned to find somewhere to sit down and occupy herself until they were done with their interview. The rest of the staff that had walked in with them seemed to be gathering around a  certain table do Adrienne joined them here, offering everyone she recognised a small greeting before she pushed a pair of earbuds in her ears and silently turned to an empty page in her notebook and began scribbling music notes and lyrics over the page.
Listening to the different tones in all of them members voices when they spoke had given her a few ideas for something new. Every so often Adrienne would look up while the boys spoke, laughing at the silly answers to the interviewers questions or to watch them demonstrate a dance move or song lyric from their current album. She would smirk and make faces whenever she caught one of them looking in her direction, she caught Namjoon the most and one of the faces she made nearly made him laugh out loud while Jimin was answering a question.
Truthfully, she only caught Namjoon the most because her eyes tended to gravitate toward him whenever she looked up. If Adrienne had been paying close attention she would have noticed that Yoongi's eyes rarely left her when he wasn't being addressed or answering something. Initially, he just wondered what she was writing down but as the interview wore on and Yoongi became more uninterested in repeating the same answers to the same kinds of questions he began staring at her just to have something appealing to look at. The way Adrienne bit down on the end of her pen cap when she seemed to be stuck on something, and the wrinkle that would form in her forehead when she reread something she wrote down only to realise it made no sense was all, dare he think it? 
The interview finished about an hour after they began and as everyone got up and prepared to leave their manager was informing them that the photo shoot they had scheduled next was cancelled due to the photographer injuring himself. Instead, they would all be returning to the studio so that they could get in a few extra hours of practice.
Adrienne pumped her fist silently to herself because she knew that meant that she would finally be able to get some of the music out of her head before she went crazy.
"He said we're going back to the studio right?" Adrienne asked Namjoon when she stood up to join the group walking outside. Namjoon nodded and repeated the manager's message in English for Adrienne who nodded and struck up a conversation with him on their way back to the van, leaving Yoongi to continue silently gazing from behind them.
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bngtanah · 5 years ago
I’m (not) With The Band. | o4
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summary: Adrienne is an indie producer who is hired to help co-produce BTS’ next album alongside their resident producer; Suga. Despite the initial opposition on both ends, the pair spend time together, share a few stories, dreams and aspirations and begin to hit it off really well. Wrapped up in the whirlwind of late nights and heated disagreements and reconciliations, Min Yoongi and Adrienne Rolle find themselves growing closer and closer. One night they decide to cross the barrier between personal and professional and do their best make a relationship work against all odds.
pairing: idol!Yoongi  x Named OC
word count: 2.9k genre: drama, romance, smut(eventually)
chapters: prologue| o1| o2| o3| o4| o5| o6| o7| o8| o9| 10| 11|
warning: light angst, smut, fluff, workplace relationship, slow burn, sexual themes, ambw, enemies to friends to lovers, developing relationship
a/n: still a fool. still re-uploading.
Adrienne had a certain way of approaching the music-making process, she liked to be completely immersed in whatever she was working on. That meant blasting the sounds she haphazardly blended together as loud as possible until she could think of a way to make them work together appealingly. The sounds of unfinished demos blasting, the scent of lavender incense burning and filling up the interior of the Bangtan work room while Adrienne danced around to get her blood flowing had become a common thing to hear at any hour of the day or night when she was working alone over the past few days. It was a crazy process to look at from the outside but it hadn't failed her yet so Adrienne was planning on sticking with it.
Of course, just because she planned on doing that didn't mean that she would get to.
The incense and loud music worked fine when she was alone but once Yoongi was in the room that all came to a stop. He preferred to work in silence, or as close to silence as he could get. Which meant he had his headphones in to listen and critique every subtle sound effect and background noise that he wasn't sure about adding. Doing that calmed Yoongi but made Adrienne anxious, she was constantly bursting with energy and that seemed to amplify during the nighttime when she was in a pleasant mood and Yoongi just felt like curling up and going to sleep. Adrienne needed the conversation, the back and forth of ideas that could really be the best part about being forced to work with someone else. Their partnership seemed to be in a slightly more stable place than it was last week, even though they still barely knew each other and had definitely not stopped arguing about nearly everything; they were at least willing to communicate instead of shutting down when complications arose. 
It was after twelve on a Tuesday night, or was it after one? Truthfully Adrienne stopped keeping track hours ago, the only thing she knew for sure was that it was dark outside and the halls outside the workroom door sounded empty which meant that it was late enough for people to have already headed home. Adrienne planned on heading out herself as soon as she made some progress on the melody she had been working on for most of the day. It started off with the intentions of being something upbeat and whimsical but over time it morphed into something lighter, more gentle and Andy was having trouble finding a balance between the two styles.
"Are you okay?"
Yoongi's voice yelling over the music from the door made Adrienne stop the strange interpretive dance she was acting out in the middle of the room. With her arms stretched upwards and her neck extended towards the ceiling she kind of resembled a stork preparing to take flight. If Yoongi wasn't so unbelievably tired he might have found the energy to laugh at her.
"Ah, Yoongi-ssi,"
"You said I should be respectful, -ssi is very respectful."
Yoongi grumbled and moved his tired body towards the couch, motioning for Adrienne to turn down her song like he always did. Andy sighed and moved to the computer desk then took a seat.
"What are you doing here? I thought you guys had schedules all day today."
"I wanted to get some work done before I go to bed, and it's two o'clock in the morning; what are you doing here?" Yoongi answered with his head resting against the back of the couch.
"Oh shi-, is it really?" Adrienne gasped and turned to look at the bottom right of the computer screen, it indeed read 2:13 am and Andy groaned and pressed her forehead against the keyboard. She wanted to be in bed hours ago but time completely got away from her.
"I've been working on this song for.... well I'll just be honest, the entire day and I just cannot get it to sound right. That's why I'm still here." She pouted.
Yoongi huffed and looked over at Adrienne, who looked back at him with a slight smile, and made a spectacle of getting up and trudging over to the console where Adrienne sat. He leaned forward and pressed his palms on the edge of the desk then looked at Adrienne like he was waiting for her to do something.
"Let me hear the song,"
"No, it isn't arranged!"
Yoongi frowned and gave her a slightly harsh look, making Andy suck her teeth, hit play and immediately cover her ears so she wouldn't have to listen to the song again. She was getting sick of hearing the reminder of her incompetence.
Yoongi, on the other hand listened carefully to everything that played over the speakers. He could see what she meant about it not being arranged properly since it was still very rough around the edges but there was something there that could be worked out with more time and attention. The corners of his lips turned upwards slightly when the gentle voice that had been harmonizing to the melody switched to sound more aggressive and raspy.
"Is that you singing?"
"What? Oh yes, that's me. I knew which of you I want to sing which part so I tried to imitate your voices with random lyrics,"
"Was that supposed to be me?"
"Yes, I didn't think you would notice," Adrienne chuckled.
"I don't sound like that," He retorted with a playful frown.
"Yoongi, that's exactly what you sound like. My imitation of you is actually the best one."
Yoongi rolled his eyes but didn't disagree and returned to the couch once the song ended.
"You're a good singer,"
"T-thank you," She answered, slightly taken back by his sudden compliment since it was the first one he'd paid her since they met.
"About your song, it has potential but you're making the backing instruments way too loud, it's distracting," 
Adrienne frowned gently and brought her knees up to her chest, his suggestion had crossed her mind earlier but she was afraid that if she lowered the instruments, it would lose the dynamic feeling.
"I don't even want to think about it anymore," She rested her chin on her knees "Thank you though."
Yoongi nodded silently as he sank further and further into the cushions of the couch, his plan was to work once he was here but he was already falling asleep just sitting there.
"Didn't you say you wanted to want to work on something?"
"Yeah, I will" he answered but made no attempt to move.
Adrienne sniggered and shook her head as she got up from the office chair and occupied the empty seat next to him on the couch.
"You should go home if you're just going to sleep,"
Yoongi snorted and sat up straight, his spine becoming rigid when he heard her so close to him.
"I'm okay, I just need a second to wake up,"
"Well, if you want some help, you could answer my question of the day!"
'Question of the day' was something that Adrienne suggested last week in an effort for them both to understand each other better. They each got to ask one question per day that had to be answered honestly by both parties. Yoongi was against it at first but Adrienne soon realized that he would agree to do most things if she pestered him enough. So far it had only been basic questions like 'where were you born?', 'how old are you?', 'who's your favourite artist?' and Adrienne learned that Yoongi was exactly one year older than she was and he had just as much trouble pinning down just one favourite artist as she did. An inaudible rasping noise of displeasure rumbled in Yoongi's throat even though he hadn't moved an inch since sitting up. He didn't have the stamina for a conversation right now.
"Oh, come on you child, it's a simple question!"
"Fine, fine. What is it?" 
"What made you want to become an idol?"
"I didn't,"
"What? I answered your question,"
"That can't be the entire answer," Adrienne pushed.
Yoongi cursed under his breath and ran a hand down the length of his face.
"That is the entire answer. I never dreamed about being an idol, I wanted to make music, I knew there was only so much I could do on my own so I came to Seoul to have the opportunity to make music as well as I could."
Adrienne nibbled on her top lip and studied Yoongi while he answered her question, he looked like he was still sleeping with his beanie pulled down low over his forehead and the back of his head still resting against the back of the couch. He had a certain way of saying a lot while not really saying much at all when they spoke, always giving Adrienne just enough information to satiate her curiosity but never really allowing her to get closer to him. It was frustrating in a way but Andy didn't want to rock the boat again when they'd just started getting along and she wasn't exactly an open book herself. Then again, he never asked her anything that would require her to be guarded, Adrienne was sure that her age and birthplace and other general facts were on file with the company and that was all he ever asked about.
"Do you like it?"  She paused "Being an idol, I mean."
"One question," Yoongi answered and held up his index finger which Adrienne pushed out of her line of vision.
"Fine, what's your question?"
Yoongi shuffled around in his seat and switched his seating position so he was facing Adrienne instead of leaning into the cushions and staring up at the ceiling. It took a second for him to think of a question to ask since he didn't have one ready. Well, that wasn't true, he had lots of questions but none he felt comfortable asking out loud.
"Why did you come to Korea?"
"You know why I'm here,"
"I know they offered you a job, you didn't have to accept it,"
Adrienne smirked and glanced to the side in thought.
"Do you want the proper answer or something thoughtful?"
"I needed money," she laughed softly and Yoongi joined her with a closed mouth chuckle of his own.
"Honestly, I didn't really want to come at first. I knew nothing about this country or the music and it was all so different from what I was used to... if my sister didn't threaten to fight me I wouldn't be here right now. I was so scared to come here."
"Scared of what?"
"Of...." Adrienne paused and raised her gaze to Yoongi's eyes, she wasn't exactly sure how to word what she wanted to say next. "Give me your arm."
Yoongi's forehead wrinkled, but he complied and stretched his arm forward, Adrienne held his hand in her palm and pushed up his sleeve so that his forearm was exposed then she scooted closer and placed her bare forearm directly against his warm skin. Andy's bronzed skin wasn't the deepest shade of brown and she knew that but it definitely stood out compared to Yoongi's fair tone.
"Of being too different."
He was confused at first but after the second glance at their arms next to each other and Adrienne's face Yoongi nodded with a quiet realization and lowered his head and arm.
"Not everyone is... it's not like..." He stumbled over his words in a way was so unlike him and Adrienne shook her head quickly and held both of his hands in her own to reassure him.
"I get it, Yoongi," She smiled and let go, "I'm not that scared anymore but there's always something terrifying about the unknown..."
Yoongi nodded, tilting his head to the side and resting it against his hand. Adrienne wasn't looking directly at him when she spoke and that gave him ample opportunity to drink in her sharp features without being detected. He had taken up the habit of gazing at her when she wasn't looking in an effort to try and figure her out. She was such a strange person to him with her slightly eccentric behavior, bubbly nature, and interesting personality. Girls like this usually annoyed him but with Adrienne Yoongi only wanted to know more about her and that was a feeling he knew he had to keep under control. He was a professional there was no reason for him to allow fleeting emotions to cloud his thinking, no matter if he could physically feel his heart twinge beneath his chest when Adrienne's eyes met his own.
"Anyway, thanks for listening. You can work now sorry for being a bother."
"Don't worry about it," Yoongi nodded and slowly picked himself up off the couch.
"I should go home now," Andy yawned but didn't get up as she watched him move over to the computer desk.
Yoongi nodded and turned to bid Adrienne a good night when the sound of the door swinging open drew his attention there.
"Hyung! We're going to eat are you com-" Jimin paused when he noticed Adrienne still seated. 
"Oh, Andy~ I didn't know you were still here, do you want to come eat with us?"
"Hey, Jimin" Andy greeted with a wide grin "Um... I don't know if I can..." Just at the mention of food, her stomach grumbled and reminded Adrienne that all she'd eaten that day was a packet of saltine crackers and going home alone on an empty stomach wasn't something she wanted to risk.
"I'll come," she laughed "I mean if that's okay with everyone," Adrienne said everyone but really she was looking for Yoongi's approval since as far as she knew he was the only member of the team she hadn't really won over yet. Jimin encouraged her to come but Adrienne still looked over to Yoongi for his answer. 
Yoongi wasn't particularly interested in going since he didn't really want to eat and he still hadn't started his work but when Adrienne looked at him with her silently pleading eyes Yoongi didn't have it in him to tell Jimin to go away so he could work in peace. So instead, he got up, adjusted his beanie and headed out the door without a word while being followed by his oddly energetic youngers.
The seven of them plus Adrienne piled into a booth at a tiny pub not too far from the studio since that was the only place open so late at night. Despite being tired like Adrienne was sure they all were the atmosphere was loud and active as they all ordered and only got more lively when someone, who sounded oddly like Taehyung, suggested that Adrienne treat them to a drink. She objected at first but that only made the requests become cuter and more annoying to ignore.
"Okay! Just this one time" Adrienne finally relented and motioned for the server to come back to their table.
"You don't have to do that,"  she could hear Yoongi almost whisper from his seat next to her but Andy dismissed his concern with a gentle smile. "I don't mind."
The night continued until Namjoon being the responsible leader that he was, informed everyone that they really needed to get some rest before their day tomorrow. Everyone except Yoongi and Jin groaned and complained but made preparations to leave nonetheless, they were undoubtedly feeling the heavyweight of sleep rest comfortably on their shoulders once everyone was outside on the sidewalk since there was a noticeable drop in noise level and general conversation.
"Well, I'm going now!" Adrienne said behind a body-draining yawn as she waved towards the group and began walking backward.
"Are you walking by yourself? You shouldn't catch a taxi so late alone, I can walk with you." Namjoon said quickly and took a step forward but Adrienne shook her head. 
"I live really close to the studio, I can make it by myself. I'll be safe,"
"Okay. Well, you should text me when you get home, so we don't worry." Namjoon said, quickly adding the bit about everyone worrying to save face.
"I will, good night!" She assured him and waved again to the rest of the boys before turning on her heels and heading towards her apartment.
Once she was out of sight Namjoon followed closely by Yoongi who'd gone silent, and the rest of the crowd began their slow trek back to the BigHit building.
"Hey, hyung don't you think you're being a little too obvious with Andy? Since she is a co-worker and everything," Jimin asked in a gentle tone once he'd sidled up next to Namjoon and began walking in stride with him.
"What are you talking about?" Namjoon responded as if he did not understand what Jimin was insinuating "Should I be rude to her just because she's a co-worker?"
Jimin pursed his lips but let the topic die, he knew that his band member knew that wasn't he meant but it wasn't exactly the right place or time to advise Namjoon so he kept quiet. Yoongi who was also still silently walking behind them took notice of the minor exchange and didn't have a reasonable explanation for the way his heart rate spiked or the scowl that crossed his features while he continued moving with his head down. 
Jimin smiled and gently patted Namjoon on the shoulder.
"Of course not, hyung."
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bngtanah · 5 years ago
I'm (not) With The Band. | o1
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summary: Adrienne is an indie producer who is hired to help co-produce BTS’ next album alongside their resident producer; Suga. Despite the initial opposition on both ends, the pair spend time together, share a few stories, dreams and aspirations and begin to hit it off really well. Wrapped up in the whirlwind of late nights and heated disagreements and reconciliations, Min Yoongi and Adrienne Rolle find themselves growing closer and closer. One night they decide to cross the barrier between personal and professional and do their best make a relationship work against all odds.
pairing: Min Yoongi  x Named OC
genre: drama, romance, smut
chapters: prologue| o1| o2| o3| o4| o5| o6| o7| o8| o9| 10| 11|
warning: light angst, smut, fluff, workplace relationship, slow burn, sexual themes, ambw, enemies to friends to lovers, developing relationship
a/n: still a fool. still re-uploading.
Shoulder’s back, big smile.
By now Adrienne had perfected this routine, putting up just enough of a front to hide the nervous jitters fluttering around in her stomach and the small wave of dread that made itself at home in her heart each time she met with a new music exec. Of course, the butterflies disappeared once she got comfortable but the initial fear always made her want to run in the opposite direction. It had been an extremely hectic fours months since she moved to Korea and Adrienne doubted if she was going to feel settled anytime soon. Between moving into a new apartment, her packed schedule of Korean lessons set up by her new company and the struggles of adapting to an entirely new culture, Adrienne didn't know whether she was coming or going. The worst part of it all was that she hadn't even started working on music yet and that was the sole reason for her being here.
To be fair, she understood that the need for her to learn the language took priority at the moment since she couldn't bring a translator with her everywhere she went. That knowledge didn't make the actual learning process any easier but at least she understood why she was learning how to  count again instead of making music like she wanted to. Today's meeting, hopefully, would change that since she was supposed to be meeting the group she'd be working with over the next few months. Starting from her first week in Korea Adrienne had been meeting with the founder of her new place of employment, Bang Si-Hyuk, and although communicating with him and other members of the staff was difficult at first Adrienne honestly felt like she made the right decision in coming to work for them. Currently, her Korean was nowhere near the level she wanted it to be in order to feel comfortable speaking but at the very least she was able to communicate and understand simple sentences. 
Hopefully everyone she met spoke really really slowly.
The petite brunette clutched the notebooks filled with music and lyrics in her arms closer to her chest as she lingered in a small room she wasn't familiar with, she was given a tour of the BigHit building when she visited the first time but this particular room with different kinds of trinkets and toys placed all about was definitely not a stop on that tour. Korea was a far cry from her hometown; common, similar and friendly people and places being replaced with the sharp, unfamiliar and often aloof scenery of the far east. It was…jarring to say the least when she’d first arrived in the city but after being here for a few months Adrienne was certain she would get used to it, eventually.
The sensation of her phone buzzing in her pocket made Adrienne jump and drop the notebooks she was clutching to her chest.
"Yeoboseyo!" Adrienne answered in an overly cheery voice.
The sound of her sister's voice made Adrienne sigh in relief as she bent down to begin picking up the books she dropped.
"You've only been there for a couple months, have you already stopped speaking English?"
"Shut up, my tutor says that I should speak in Korean whenever I have the chance so I can get used to talking."
"Oh, that makes sense. Have you gotten any better since the last time we spoke?"
"I think it does too, and do you mean last week? No, I don't think I've gotten better since last week" Adrienne chortled and shuffled around the pages that fell out of her notebooks "I mean I understand the basics of pronunciation but it's the vocab and remembering how to structure my sentences that's really tripping me up."
"Right, right. Well just keep it up I know you'll get it soon."
"Thanks sis, did you just call to check up on my progress? I know this call is expensive for you."
"No, that's not all I wanted to hear how your meeting went! Were they nice to you? I don't need to fly over there and kick anyone's ass right?"
Adrienne giggled and shook her head even though Danielle couldn't see her "You know it's only a little after two o'clock here right? I haven't met anyone yet. I'm actually sitting on the floor in the middle of a computer room or something. I have no idea when they're going to show up."
Yoongi was tired. 
Actually, tired may not have been an accurate description for what he was feeling at the moment; exhausted, drained, depleted were all good words but still weren't quite enough to cover it. He had been up and on the road before the sun had risen that morning and his day was showing no signs of ending or slowing down anytime soon. The day started off with a fansign event in an area nearly three hours from their dorm which meant they had to get an early start if they were going to do the fansign and make it back to Seoul for the interviews they had lined up to begin promoting their upcoming album which they hadn't even started preparing yet. When his boss informed him that they were contracting an outside producer to co-produce their next body of work Yoongi assumed he meant someone from Korea, not an unknown person from a country Yoongi had never heard of, which meant that they'd have to teach them their language before they even began working together. He hoped that all the effort and expense the company was exerting was worth it for this one person, but being the slightly pessimistic person he was Yoongi highly doubted it.
He was only partially asleep when they pulled up to the BigHit building, he would never be able to restfully nap with all the noise Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook made during their commutes. When they pulled up to the entrance Yoongi was jarred awake, accidentally, by a paper ball that was meant to hit Jimin, who was sitting next to him. 
"Who's throwing things?" Yoongi groaned and sat up, the sour look on his face making it obvious just how annoyed he was. Taehyung's eyes widened when he caught notice of this and he immediately turned around and faced forward.
"You have to get up anyway Yoongi-hyung" Namjoon spoke up from the front seat of the van "We only have a few minutes before our next interview so you have to talk to the new producer now."
Yoongi huffed but got up and quickly exited the van, well as quickly as he could move, he was not looking forward to this at all and that was apparent in his movements. The last thing he wanted to be doing was babysitting someone for the rest of the day on top of the photo shoots and interviews he and the rest of BTS had scheduled, he did enough babysitting with his group members. Unfortunately, the plans for the day were not up for Yoongi to decide so he found himself wandering through the halls of the BigHit building until he stopped in front of the room he, Namjoon and Hoseok spent the majority of their time in when they weren't practicing or on the road. As his hand moved to twist the doorknob he paused and leaned an ear against the frosted glass. He could hear a muffled voice inside that sounded very female and very foreign.
It took him a few seconds to form a gameplan, on the one hand, there was the possibility that the voice could belong to a sasaeng who managed to sneak past security and he'd be risking his safety to go in alone. There was also the possibility that the voice belonged to his new co-producer but that seemed less likely, surely his boss would have mentioned the person he would be working was female at least once. Yoongi realised he was wasting time he didn't have to spare just standing around doing nothing so against his better judgement he twisted the doorknob and walked through.  
The sight he was met with made him stop in his tracks and raise a confused eyebrow skyward; someone he didn't know was sitting on the floor surrounded by pages of sheet music while singing into a cellphone in a language he didn't understand but he guessed to be English.
"Uh-Can I help you?"
The woman's head whipped around and green eyes scanned over his face before meeting his own and Yoongi became frozen in place.
“Can I help you?” The sound of a male voice pulled Adrienne from her acapella and made her head snap to the direction it came from, her eyes bouncing all over the boy's features. It took her a second to recognise the face but once she did Adrienne smiled and moved to stand up.
"Dani, I'll call you back" Adrienne whispered into the receiver before disconnecting her phone call and putting her cell phone into her pocket. "You're Suga, right? It's nice to finally meet you! I'm Adrienne" She spoke slowly and carefully even she had this introduction practically memorised by now, all she needed to do was insert someone's name.
Yoongi was still standing in his place near the front door while Adrienne introduced herself, it wasn't until she bowed and moved closer that he remembered they were on borrowed time and he didn't have the luxury of gawking. 
"Yeah, I'm Suga" He croaked then cleared his throat "What did you say your name was?"
"Adrie- Call me Andy if that's easier. Um, I'm the co-producer? We were supposed to meet today?"
"Seriously?" Yoongi blurted out.
"Yes, I guess no one told you I was a woman....or black." Adrienne chuckled nervously.
"Oh, n-no that's not," Yoongi exhaled and opened his mouth to speak again before his phone began buzzing; it was a message from Namjoon asking what was taking so long. "We have to go now," He said to Adrienne as he gestured toward the door.
"Go? I thought...what about the music?" She asked and gestured toward her notebooks.
"No time," Yoongi answered in halted English "We talk on way."
On the way to where? Adrienne wanted to ask but considering the fact that her partner was already halfway out the door she knew she wouldn't have to time to question everything. So she quickly scooped up her notebooks off the floor and scurried after him before she lost his trail. He was quiet as he led them back out to the van where everyone else was waiting and they made sure to let Yoongi know that they had been waiting for him by berating him loudly and incessantly when the van door slid open. That is until they caught sight of the small girl trailing behind him and the complaints slowed to a halt while their attention focused in on Adrienne as she climbed into the van after Yoongi did and took the empty seat next to his since she assumed that what she was supposed to do.
"Hello," she waved and spoke softly from the back of the van. The driver began to pull off but everyone's eyes were still trained on her, "I'm Andy, the new producer?"
"Oooh," they all sighed collectively and nodded in acknowledgment. 
"Your hair is pretty" Adrienne heard the boy with a deep voice compliment her from the middle row and she smiled timidly as the two boys on the side of him playfully punched his shoulders and chastised him.
"Thank you" She answered through her chuckles as she twirled one of her braids around her fingers. "I'm really excited to start working with all of you," Adrienne spoke up again as she felt Yoongi grumble and sink down into the seat, his beanie being pulled down over his face in a way that signified he had no desire to talk at that moment. 
Which was fine by Adrienne, she wanted to get to know the people she would be making music for anyway. Something told her she was going to enjoy that process more than anything else.
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bngtanah · 5 years ago
I'm (not) With The Band. | M
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summary: Adrienne is an indie producer who is hired to help co-produce BTS' next album alongside their resident producer; Suga. Despite the initial opposition on both ends, the pair spend time together, share a few stories, dreams and aspirations and begin to hit it off really well. Wrapped up in the whirlwind of late nights and heated disagreements and reconciliations, Min Yoongi and Adrienne Rolle find themselves growing closer and closer. One night they decide to cross the barrier between personal and professional and do their best make a relationship work against all odds.
pairing: Min Yoongi  x Named OC
word count: 11k+ genre: drama, romance, smut
chapters: prologue| o1| o2| o3| o4| o5| o6| o7| o8| o9| 10| 11|
warning: light angst, smut, fluff, workplace relationship, slow burn, sexual themes, ambw, enemies to friends to lovers, developing relationship
a/n: still a fool. still re-uploading.
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randalourita · 7 years ago
What songs off Gwens new album did Miranda co-write?
Wing and a Feather, Cadillac, INWTB.
0 notes
randalourita · 7 years ago
Do we have a songwriter's list for Gwen's new album?
I dont but i do know Miranda wrote INWTB and Wing and a Feather with Ashley and Gwen
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