#and y’all are ruining one of my favorite pieces of media that has been one of the most important things to me for years now
pissfizz · 1 year
Fans have been slowly making me hate project sekai
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birbhouse-doodles · 3 years
Some post-project ~thots~ re: my first big dive into horror movies in general, some favorites and reviews, and what I learned in boating school from finishing an inktober-type art challenge is
So the ~stats~ of this thing were, I did 29 drawings covering 31 pieces of halloween-related / horror-ish media, 28 movies, 2 series’ and 1 podcast episode. Of the 31, this was the first time I’d seen/heard 25 of them.
On the art:
1. The big lesson that I got from this is exactly what this podcast episode has to say about how executing an idea is its own skill that you have to practice. Like separate from the skills of actually drawing a thing, the mental skill of following an idea through from start to finished product (and being able to call it done and pull the trigger on sharing it) is also a thing you have to learn. And boy howdy does finishing one post-able drawing a day give you plenty of practice at that, and boy howdy did I get pretty good at it this month. I’m kind of floored by how this Just Get It Done Bootcamp of making a shit ton of art in very little time got rid of so many of my hang ups related to like, getting stuck partway through a piece because I'm scared to ruin it, or not being able to get past a thumbnail sketch because I can’t find the ~perfect idea~, etc. Especially this last week I barely even recognized this confident ass person who was planning and banging out these cool little paintings with almost no hesitation. That’s very unusual for me and I really hope it sticks
2. I’m glad I did this but the debate on whether or not I’d ever do it again is ongoing. Like, I’m insanely proud of myself, (whatever)tober challenges were something I always thought were super cool and wanted to do as a little baby artist but was I never in the right place to be able to stick to a project like that, so I’m very impressed with myself. I am, also, however, so fuckin tired oh my god. I spent most of weeks 2 and 3 swearing up and down that I’m never doing anything like this again. But I also spent the last week really loving it and I already have a list of movies I didn’t get to that I could use if I did this again next year... we’ll see I guess. (Also I never would have had time for this if I wasn’t in an awkward limbo of post-graduation-pre-real job right now where I have literally no responsibilities, so I have a feeling that if I do this again it’ll be like. a movie every 3 days for 10 total, something more sane like that.)
3. Deciding I was ok with it when my motivation fluctuated and planning the day’s drawing accordingly was super powerful. Low standards got the job done y’all
4. Sorta related, but I noticed especially for movies I really liked/ rewatches of things that I already knew I loved I would get this weird mental block about wanting to Do Them Justice, and have this struggle of wanting to do whole ass super complicated big awesome tribute pieces instead of something I could actually finish in a day. Was tough to reign that in sometimes and remember that this had to be a quantity > quality type game.
5. I’m glad I started with the markers because they did force me to keep things simple at first and avoid that ^ problem, and it was neat to actually get sorta good at them and test exactly what I can get done with them. Less neat that a few markers that I was really relying on started dying around day 17 or so. Overall my review would be that they’re great for sketchy stuff, darkest gray and lightest gray are the best ones, love that they don’t warp or soak through the paper, but there are a few of the more complicated marker pieces (Alien, The Ring) that would have been way easier and probably turned out better in ink.
On the movies:
Man I hate that it took me so long to realize that I really love horror movies. I remember not enjoying them at all as a kid/tween, I think I just had to grow into it? I have a whole separate essay on why I think that is but we’ll save that one for later. The point is this was my first time seeing most of these and it was really awesome to dig into the, like, ~popular classic horror canon~ like this, 12/10 very fun. (Not that I covered all of it by any means, there’s already a big list of ones I didn’t get to that just keeps growing, and now that I have a better idea of what I like I can be smarter about picking them next time, and I didn’t even scratch the surface of some subcategories of horror that I’d be really interested to check out, especially international stuff/ not just american big screen stuff, and, and, )
I can’t just pick favorites like a normal person so here’s way too many words about some that stood out for me, I have many opinions and no one can stop me so buckle up
I’m having a really hard time picking a scariest movie, but I the things that I ended up finding scary sort of surprised me. Like the super heavy gore/violence stuff wasn’t so much scary as just gross. A few that did stand out as scary for me were Us (jesus christ Lupita please have mercy you’re too good at this) and It Follows (I was so on edge just Watching the background extras trying to guess where the monster was, I thought the amount of tension in that was really impressive). Actually, anything that leaned on crafting tension in a skillful way and letting the horror come from Wrongness and Anticipation instead of just straight violence was chefs kiss, lovely, totally my jam. If I could build a house and live in the 3 seconds between the moment you know a jumpscare is coming and the moment when it actually hits, I would.
Prettiest movie award goes to Suspiria (1977). I would print out almost any frame of this thing and hang it on my wall, I’m just head over heels for the whole ~look~ and the architecture and the sets and the cOLORS oh the colors I’m in love. I actually watched it really early in the month, it might have even been September? but I didn’t want to draw it yet because it would have been a  crime to do anything related to that movie in black and white and I was kinda intimidated by including full color paintings for this project at the time. Runner ups for prettiest go to Caligari (which was like finding an old picture of a great-great-grant-relative and being like holy shit that looks exactly like my uncle I see where the rest of the family gets those looks, but in this case your uncle is like. Every Tim Burton/ Henry Sellick / whimsical-gothic aesthetic thing ever) and Coraline (Laika Studios owns my entire heart).
Best special effects is probably The Thing. GOD why did we as a society ever move away from super detailed hand crafted practical effects gore. You just know some assistant's whole job was to lovingly mist all the gooey bits down with a spray bottle to get it absolutely perfect. That shit is a work of art, I would want the two melted together faces as a sculpture to have in my house if the effects weren’t so good that I genuinely felt a little sick a few times watching this. Honorable mention to Alien for the same reasons.
Award for “didn’t scare me much but did make me deeply sad” goes to Carrie, with The Witch (VVitch?) as a runner up. Making me sad is also like, a valuable emotional response for a piece of art to cause and these were cathartic in their own way, but fuck man. A story that goes “young girl did not sign up for nor deserve any of this and does not catch a single break” are such downers for me. Something something I too was (am?) a weird little girl (tm) and these are My People, so I’m adopting them all as my baby sisters now and taking them out for ice cream and driving them to therapy
Best theme song/ soundtrack goes to Reanimator. This is a controversial choice by the judge (me) when the other nominees include Us, The Shining, and two entire John Carpenters, but I have not been able to get Reanimator’s funky little woodwind bop out of my head for days now. It has absolutely no right to fuck so hard. I rewatched the opening credits like 3 times just so I could hear it again, it ended up on my On Repeat playlist on spotify this week, girl help it’s literally still stuck in my head as we speak
Anyway the more I talk about this the more confident I feel in saying, see you next year for this again. But almost definitely on a smaller scale because jesus I am so tired
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The First Article
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Part 11 of Seventy Percent
Series Summary: When you left on your trip to Vegas, you’d planned on letting loose for one last weekend before heading back to reality and getting your affairs in order so your best friend wouldn’t be left cleaning up your mess when your cancer finally ended your life. What you hadn’t counted on was waking up married to a celebrity who has a knight-in-shining-armor complex, connections with an oncologist, and amazing insurance…
Chapter Summary: You wake up after the big fight with Sebastian
Word Count: 1941
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When you woke up, the first thing you noticed was a new glass of water, your morning pills, and a banana on the bedside table.
You’d been so caught up in your fight that you hadn’t realized you’d forgotten to take your medicine. Sebastian, apparently, had noticed. And if he laid them out for you, it would seem he wanted you to continue your treatment.
Because he was a decent person. Because it was his fault you were here. Because he pitied you. As soon as people found out you had cancer, they immediately pitied you.
But that’s all it was.
As soon as the treatment failed, or succeeded and you were recovered from surgery, he was sure to drop the divorce papers in your lap, give you a one way plane ticket to Salt Lake City, and tell you he hopes you have a good life.
It’s what any sane person would do.
It’s more than you deserved, to be honest. After everything you’d done in your life…
As you stared at the pills, you debated with yourself.
On one hand, you promised to fight. You promised to see this to the end.
But on the other hand… you knew your track record in life. If you were being honest with yourself, you knew how this would end. And it wasn’t going to end with surgery. It wasn’t going to end with you being cancer free. It wouldn’t even end in remission.
So who were you fucking kidding?
Carefully, you swung your legs out of the bed, ignored the pills, and quietly exited the room. Your bladder was insistent, and, much as you wanted to, you couldn’t hide out in the guest room all day.
As you washed your hands, you stared at yourself in the mirror.
You look like hell, he’d said. And he was right. You lost so much weight that your cheeks were sunken. Sure, cheekbones were sexy, but not like this.
You looked like death. That’s what he should have said. It would have been more accurate. More predictive.
Walking out of the bathroom, you wondered if you should start packing up your shit. Maybe when you told the nurses that you would see them on Monday, that would be the last lie you’d ever tell. From now on, you could tell the truth. You wouldn’t be around long enough to see the fallout that blunt truth would have.
“Hey,” Sebastian greeted, startling you. He was sitting on the guest bed. “You take your medicine yet?”
“No,” you stated, beginning your new truth-telling life. Besides, he could very well see you hadn’t taken the pills, since they were untouched on the bedside table.
He swept the pills into his hand, grabbed the glass of water, and walked over to where you’d frozen in the doorway. “Take ‘em. I grabbed some takeout. It might need to be heated up a bit, but I thought it’d be easy on your stomach.”
“And I’ll give you my lawyer’s number so he can help you draw up whatever papers you need to give you peace of mind that I can’t be responsible for your debt. That way you can focus on your treatment.” He shoved the glass of water in your right hand and dumped the pills in your left.
“I’m not arguing with you, Y/N. Take your medicine.”
His eyes were unrelenting, so you huffed a deep sigh and downed the pills.
“Sorry for jumping on you this morning,” he said quietly.
“You don’t—”
“Shut up and let me apologize, Y/N. You were right. I didn’t really understand what I signed up for, but I don’t regret anything. I should have tried to talk to you before I yelled. I shouldn’t have made assumptions.”
“It’s okay,” you murmured.
“No, it’s not. I was wrong, Y/N. I just… When I saw all that, I got scared, okay? And I took it out on you. It wasn’t fair of me.”
What could you say to that? You nodded, hoping he’d accept that response.
Luckily, he did. You let him lead you out to the kitchen and sat on a stool while he set to work heating up the takeout.
“There’s something else we need to talk about,” he hedged.
“Okay,” you whispered.
You’d expected him to explain, but he didn’t say another word until your food was in front of you. Even then, he gave you an expectant look and waited until you took a bite. Once you swallowed, he was satisfied enough to pull out his phone and click around for a bit. “I’m surprised we’ve kept it a secret for so long, but word’s out. Someone saw us in Vegas and took a picture.”
He slid his phone across the counter to you. Right there on Entertainment Weekly’s website was a grainy picture of you, Sebastian, and Elvis in what was unmistakably a Vegas wedding.
“At least they didn’t get a picture of your face, so no one knows who you are.”
“Yet,” he agreed.
Sebastian reached across the island and tucked your hair behind your ear before cupping your cheek with his hand. When he nudged your face up to look at him, he offered a small, genuine smile. “I’ll get you through this, okay? I’ll take care of the media and whatever shit comes our way from that. You just focus on the treatment.”
All week long, the only time anyone else touched you was when the nurses hooked you up to the machines. So, to feel Sebastian’s hand on your cheek was jarring in a way. It felt good.
You covered his hand with yours and gave him a weak smile.
With a decisive nod, he withdrew his hand and pushed your food closer towards you. “Good. Now eat.”
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Your first mistake was telling Sebastian you felt better than you had all week.
It was a mistake because he had interpreted that as I’m definitely feeling up to leaving the apartment on a Saturday night.
And that was how you found yourself sitting in a booth at his favorite diner. No one asked any questions when he asked to be seated at the booth in the back. It was the one that had the most privacy.
As your waitress, Selena took your orders and made small talk, you kept second guessing everything you’d ever said to her. With how often you and Sebastian came here, you’d spoken with the employees here quite a bit. Outside of the hospital staff and Sebastian, they were the people you interacted with the most.
What did they know about you? What had you told them? What could they tell the media, if asked? What details about you did they remember?
“Hey, Y/N.” Sebastian waved his hand in front of your face. “Where’d you go?”
From across the diner, Selena’s laugh drew your attention momentarily.
A quick look around assured you that no one could overhear you, but you still kept your voice low. “Selena has a two year old son who had a cold two weeks ago, which is why she missed work on Wednesday and Thursday. His dad is a slime bag who bolted as soon as Selena found out she was pregnant and she works over 60 hours a week just to give her son, Timothy, what he needs. Timothy likes to be called Tim and his favorite animal right now is the elephant.”
Sebastian raised an eyebrow, clearly not expecting you to say that. “Okay?”
“If I remember all of that about her, what does she remember about me? What could she tell someone else about me? Especially someone who knows how to dig into people’s pasts? I’ve talked to so many people here, and what if they remember something that helps someone figure out who I am—who I was. I know you said you’d take care of the media, but I can’t stop worrying. I’ve told you I have a shitty past and I really don’t want it to ruin your career because trust me, if the gossip in my hometown is anything to go by, people won’t understand what I did.”
Hell, people didn’t even know half of what you did.
Just as he opened his mouth to respond after a moment of considering your words, Selena came back with your food. Besides your orders, she placed two slices of pie on the table. “On the house. Gwen says you look like you need some more meat on your bones and if you don’t want the pie, tough shit.”
Sebastian laughed, and you forced a smile on your face as well. Gwen was the owner of the diner and she was a charming old lady. In the few weeks you’d been here, you realized quickly that she considered Seb like her own family and was very generous towards him. And, by extension, you.
“We wouldn’t dream of saying no to Gwen,” you said, trying not to sound as weak or anxious as you were.
“Good. I don’t want to see her come over and give y’all a piece of her mind along with that pie.” With a wink, Selena turned to take care of her only other table of the night.
When she was out of earshot, Sebastian motioned to your plate and you took a bite of your salad while rolling your eyes. You’d nearly forgotten about his insistence that you eat while he was gone.
“Marvel’s got a great PR team, Y/N. Whatever the media vultures dredge up, they’ll spin it in a good way. When I told you not to worry about the press, I meant it. And if you want to take preemptive action, we can let the PR team know what might come up and they can have a plan in place if people do dig that deep.”
As you fixed your baked potato and took a bite, you considered his words. It made sense. Didn’t mean you wouldn’t worry, though. “I’ll think about it.”
He was curious, you could tell. But you appreciated that he didn’t ask you to tell him what you were so scared of in your past. Maybe he would bring it up again when you were home, in private, but for right now, he changed the subject.
Dinner passed quickly, and when Selena came by to grab the payment, her face was more serious than you’d seen her before. “Thought I’d warn you there are some cameras out front. Brett just came back from his break and said the back way is clear if you wanna avoid them.”
Seb’s eyes darted to yours and you saw his brain turning over as he thought of the best course of action.
“I’ll run your card and be back. Let me know what you wanna do then and we’ll make it work for you.”
She left and Sebastian leaned forward. “What do you think?”
You scraped the last of the apple pie filling from the plate. While your first instinct was to consider every variable and come up with a course of action, you made the conscious effort to push down those thoughts. “You told me not to worry about the press. That’s your job, so I’m going to leave it up to you.”
In the end, you did end up sneaking out the back. Sebastian kept his arm around your shoulder as you walked through the back alley to where Sean was waiting with the car on a side street. As you got into the car, you noticed a camera flash on the other side of the street.
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So they patched things up... but can this shaky relationship stand up against the media? And what is she so worried about the media finding in her past? 
Chapter 12: The Second Check-In
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weirdlyokaywithit · 4 years
Kiss the Girl Pt 3
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
This is the last part of my piece for @valkyriesryde ‘s writing challenge, this has been so much fun to write and I honestly can’t wait for another one! Rylee, you are such a gift in this world and I’m so thankful to be your friend! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this challenge and totally be an awesome person and understanding of me dropping off the face of the planet. I love you and seriously you’re the best!
Warnings: swearing, Disney princess (y’all I think this is hilarious as a warning), smutty thoughts and smut at the end
You weren’t exactly sure how you got to bed that night but you presume it had been Bucky that had carried you, the two of you had ended up watching another few episodes of Criminal Minds before staying up for a while just talking. No nightmares tonight, you just couldn’t sleep well and this was not new to you since a good night's sleep seemed a milliion miles away at all times. You glanced over at the clock and 4:23AM glared back at you in neon green, Bucky was probably up already anyways and it had become almost routine for you to be together before everyone else woke up. 
You really didn’t feel like sparring or working out this morning but you wanted to be around someone else, you crawled out of bed and pulled on some lounge clothes before crankily wandering to find Bucky. You quietly asked JARVIS where he was after you didn’t find him in the kitchen or in the gym, JARVIS responded that Mr. Barnes was on the roof.  A small smile found its way to your lips, Bucky went to the roof when he was thinking and you knew he didn’t know why he found his way up there. You always guessed it was a way for him to find higher ground, he was a sniper at heart and that was where his head would start to clear itself. You took the elevator to the top floor and then walked up the cement stairs and pushed open the heavy door that let out onto the roof. 
Bucky was bent over with his forearms resting on the ledge looking over the city, he didn’t turn to look to see who was joining him. You walked to stand next to him, your hand finding his shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze. Bucky went silent sometimes and he didn’t need you to distract him, he just needed someone to weather the storm with him and you were good at that. Steve had said once that you brought a peace that he never could to Bucky, you had reminded him that it was because you had suffered in nearly identical horrors while you were in captivity. You stood like that for a long time, the sky started to turn pink when he turned to you and your heart ached for what you saw in his eyes: pure agony, regret, loss, anger. You slowly reached for his face, he closed his eyes when your palm cupped his cheek and he leaned into the touch. This man was broken but so were you.
“Thank you.” 
It was so quiet that you almost missed it, and if you hadn’t been touching his face you doubt you would have heard it at all. Your thumb stroked his cheek softly before you let your hand drop.
His eyes opened and his baby blues searched your face and whatever he saw there seemed to make him believe you. 
“Did you have a nightmare?” he asked softly.
“No, I just coudln’t sleep,” you murmured back. 
Bucky nodded and you both turned back to watch the sun rise, you wanted to hold his hand but you were too chicken. You could walk in a room full of guys with guns and make a smart ass comment and not even be slightly scared but the thought of holding Bucky’s hand absolutely terrified you. Not that you weren’t content with how things were now, you were and if he wanted things to stay this way then you would be okay with that. Deep inside of you there was this voice that kept shouting that this man would be the one, the one who always understood, who would always be there for you, the one who would never judge you, who would always be there to turn your frown into a grin. The one. You constantly told that voice to shut the fuck up because you weren’t about to ruin the best friendship you had with this man, and you wouldn’t be able to bear if he didn’t feel the same way. 
“You want breakfast, doll?” Bucky asked, glancing over with a small smile pulling at his lips. 
“If you’re cooking then absolutely,” you grinned cheekily at him. 
He rolled his eyes and placed a hand on his chest dramatically, “I see how it is, you’re using me!” 
“You’re damn right I am, those chocolate chip pancakes don’t make themselves!” You replied with a laugh.
Bucky couldn’t help but return the laugh and you both made your way downt to the kitchen, it was still early enough that no one else was awake. You sat at the bar and watched Bucky start pouring things into a bowl and just whisk away at the batter, he seemed to enjoy making breakfast and you figured it was because of his mom and sister. He never talked about them and you respected that because you didn’t want to talk about your family either, although yours was still alive. 
“Hello? Earth to Y/N!” Bucky waved his hand in front of your face.
You snapped out of your head and smiled sheepishly at the man in front of you whose face was now concerned. 
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“No sorries, remember? I just asked if you want to add your own chocolate chips,” Bucky said, motioning to the bowl. 
“OH, yes that's my favorite part!” You exclaimed and jumped off the barstool. Bucky chuckled and poured the batter into the skillet and you dropped a handful of chocolate chips on the batter expertly. 
The two of you managed to make about twelve pancakes that were exploding with chocolate chips, he took a stack of six and you took a generous three although you knew you probably wouldn’t finish them. You and Bucky were stuffing your faces when Steve walked into the kitchen, Steve chuckled at the sight of the two of you. Bucky flipped him off and pointed to the rest of the pancakes sitting next to the stove and Steve grabbed a stack from the plate and dug in at the bar next to you and Bucky. 
“What the hell is this?” Sam asked when he wandered in shortly after.
“Shut your face or stuff your face, birdbrain,” you said between giant bites of chocolate gooeyness. Bucky snorted at your quip and offered his fist which of course you pounded with yours and Sam narrowed his eyes at the two of you. 
“I don’t like this. I don’t like this at all,” Sam said, pointing at you two. 
“I believe the lady already so eloquently said ‘Shut your face or stuff your face,’” Bucky grunted at him. 
Sam made an exasperated sound before grabbing the remainder of the pancakes and sat down to eat. 
“We’re watching the last movie tonight, I say we do an early showing and then grab dinner and discuss the movies and then Bucky can give his decision,” Steve suggested. 
“Sounds good to me,” you said, getting up and clearing your dishes off. 
You started to load dishes and clean the kitchen, the boys started chatting about something Tony was working on. You turned to grab the dishes from them and Bucky caught your eye and he gave you a pointed look that you knew he knew you understood. You don’t have to do that. And you sent him one back with a small smile and a slight shake of your head, because of
course you didn’t have to but some of what your mother had instilled in you remained. 
Later that afternoon the four of you gathered in the media room, you had grabbed some snacks because you were starving and you knew Bucky would munch on them with you. You perched in your normal spot and Bucky plopped down next to you and shoved his hand into the bag of chips you had in your hand. 
“You read my mind, doll,” he grumbled around the chips in his mouth. 
You grinned at him and popped a few in your mouth, Steve and Sam were bickering over something on the other couch. You called for JARVIS to start the Little Mermaid and almost immediately the Disney music cued up and the scene was set. Bucky was dialed in almost immediately, you smiled softly at him being so focused on the movie. You watched him smile at Sebastian’s drama and he chuckled at the hidden adult humor, and you forced yourself to watch Ariel sing about her knick knacks. Bucky stretched suddenly and his arm found its way around your shoulders, your heart pounded and you shifted so that you were pressed into his side. 
Butterflies in your stomach were going absolutely bezerk, your palms were sweating and the warmth radiating from the man next to you was lighting your blood on fire. You cautiously peered up at Bucky and he seemed focused on the movie, feeling your gaze he peered down at you and smiled softly. 
“I can’t focus on the greatest Disney princess movie of all time if you’re staring at me, doll,” he whispered. 
You flushed and whispered back, “Sorry.”
Bucky turned back to the movie and you forced yourself to do the same, you watched the movie distractedly, Ariel was currently singing her voice away to Ursula. Your brain was going a hundred miles an hour thinking about his arm around your shoulders and what it meant. You watched Ariel make her way through the kingdom with Prince Eric, your favorite scene was coming up. As Kiss the Girl started pouring through the speakers, you sensed Bucky tense slightly and you glanced up to see him peering down at you. You offered a smile and he returned it, his eyes flicked down to your lips and lingered there for a second, Your heart was now thundering out of your chest and you knew he could hear it, his baby blues found yours and he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. You shut your eyes and relished as his lips parted and his tongue swept throught your mouth, you felt an almost indescribable pleasure sweep through your whole body. 
Your hand wrapped around the back of his neck and pulled him further into you, your lips moved with his and your tongues tangled lazily. Bucky caught your lip between his teeth and your breath caught and you instantly got wet, you couldn’t help but let out a whimper. 
“Seriously, y’all? We are right here!” Sam cried, gagging and making wretching sounds.
You pulled away and Bucky looked like he wanted to do murder because it ended, and you gave him a reassuring smile. For the rest of the movie, you snuggled into Bucky’s side as close as you physically could, his arm was wrapped tightly around you. Your body felt like it was humming with energy and you were sick of not having your lips on him, you turned your head and tasted his neck. Bucky’s hand tightened on your hip and you gave a teasing nip, he made a gutteral sound in his throat and you couldn’t help but trace the area with your tongue. 
“Doll, you gotta stop, I can barely keep myself in check,” Bucky whispered into your hair.
You pouted and pulled away, forcing yourself to patiently watch the rest of the movie. The credits finally rolled and Bucky swept you off the couch and into his arms, you were out of the media room and in the elevator before you knew it. His lips crashed into yours and you moaned into his mouth as your tongue teased his, Bucky groaned as your hands tangled in his hair and pulled. The doors dinged upon your arrival and Bucky carried you into his room, he tossed you on his bed and pulled his shirt off before crawling over you. 
“God, I’ve wanted to do this for so fucking long,” he groaned before his lips grazed yours. 
His hands roamed your body and pulled at your clothes, you pulled your shirt over your head before you yanked his lips to yours. A fire started deep in your belly and you savored the feeling of his body on yours, Bucky caught your bottom lip between his teeth and the nip of pain made your core clench. The whimper you let out seemed to make him go even wilder, he literally ripped your pants clean off your body. 
“Fuck,” you whispered.
“I’m trying, baby,” he teased as he kissed his way down your body. 
The first touch of his tongue between your thighs was your undoing, you were a mess and writhing on his tongue. His large hands slid under you and held you to his mouth, he sucked on the bundle of nerves at the top of your core. Wave after wave of pleasure rolled through you and you couldn’t hold your moans and whimpers in as Bucky kept pleasuring you with his sinful mouth. Your fingers tunneled through his hair and you gently pulled so that he finally relented, your body collapsed against the sheets. 
“I need you,” you moaned, tugging sharply on the strands of chestnut hair in your grasp. 
His blue irises were nearly black because his pupils were so big, his lips were glistening with your slick and the sight of him like this made your heart clench. Bucky hurriedly shoved his pants until he could kick them off and you pulled him in to kiss you by the nape of his neck. His lips hungrily melded with yours and you could taste yourself on his tongue, he groaned into your mouth when your hand wrapped around his member. You pulled Bucky gently into you and guided his member into your sex, you hissed at the sheer size of him but the fullness was heavenly. Bucky lowered his hips until he was fully inside of you and you could feel your channel adjusting to his shaft.
“Fuck, baby, you feel fucking amazing,” he groaned. 
“Bucky, I… I need you to move,” you moaned.
He slid out and then slowly back in, you felt electric as he started to pick up rhythm. Your tongues tangled, you were on fire with feeling as he kept a tortuous pace slamming into you. You wrapped your legs around him and then proceeded to flip the both of you so you were on top of him, his blue eyes darkened as he watched you roll your hips in a way that his shaft was hitting that spot inside you. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you whipped your body as fast as you could, Bucky’s jaw was clenched so tight you thought it might shatter. His large hands covered your breasts and he rolled your nipples and that sent you tumbling over the edge. You couldn’t hold in your moans and cries, Bucky flipped you onto your back and his hurried thrusts prolonged your orgasm. He let out a hoarse shout and cried out your name as his release came and he collapsed on top of you panting hard. 
“That was… incredible,” you whispered while trying to regulate your breathing.
“You’re incredible,” Bucky said into your ear. 
“So… what now?” 
Bucky lifted himself off of you and pressed a kiss to your lips gently, his eyes searched yours and he gave you a reassuring smile. 
“Now you’re mine, if you wanna be, doll.” 
A huge grin spread across your face and you pulled his lips back to yours and kissed him properly. 
“Now I’m yours.” 
Leave me a comment and tell me what you thought. 
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I Smell Snow
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Day Ten: Snowstorm
Part of @panicfob​ 25 Days of Christmas Challenge
Warnings: Fluff, a bit of angst, a curse word or two,
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (First person, nameless)
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson
Word Count: 1793
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A/N: Ten days – has it really been that long? Wow, thank you again to all of you have read this, either from the beginning or just jumping in. Snow is my favorite thing and I loved this prompt. If you have missed any previous writings, you can find them here – Masterlist.
I stood at the stove while I waited for the chicken broth to come back to a boil, hand made pasta was drying on the counter next to me. This morning when I was out for a run, I got the idea to make homemade chicken noodle soup. Growing up my mom would make it every year for the first snow, and her mom did the same. There was no way to explain it, a person either knows what snow smells like or they don’t, and this morning on my run I smelt snow.
“It smells amazing in here,” Bucky observed coming into the kitchen. “Are those homemade noodles?” His eyes lit up when he made it to my side.
“Mmhmm, it was my grandma’s recipe.” I smiled at him.
He bent down to kiss me. “I can’t wait to taste it.”
“Oh, it’s not for you.” I joked.
“You’re awful sassy today,” He smiled heading to the fridge.
“I had a good run and it’s gonna snow.”
“Doll, we watched the news last night. The weatherman said bitterly cold and dry.” He mocked the forecaster.
“Snow is coming and a lot of it.” I beamed. “I can smell it,” I replied certain in my answer.
“Um, sweetheart, I don’t want to hurt your feelings. But as a super-soldier with enhanced everything, I can say with absolute certainty you cannot smell snow.”
“Wanna make a bet?”
Bucky looked at me clearly hesitant, “What do you want?”
“You already know what I want.”
He sighed heavily, “And if I win?”
“Whatever you want,” I replied.
“I guess I’ll have to think about that.”
“You do that, but it won’t matter. There will be snow on the ground before we go to bed.”
“Barnes, let’s go,” Sam called from the other room.
This piqued my interest, “where are you going?”
“Just over to the gym, we’re gonna spar.”
“That’s a fantastic idea,” I responded sarcastically. “Go easy on him.”
“I will.” He kissed me cheek before disappearing.
Stirring the pot, it still hadn’t returned to boil which was normal for this large of a pot. I grabbed the tea kettle from the stove and filled it to make a cup of tea. Waiting for either of them to boil, I sat at the kitchen island with my book and read.
Things around the compound were going well, the boys seemed to be getting along and Bucky and I had fallen into a natural routine, the comfort level between us was as if we had been together for years. Our relationship was a combination of an old married couple and hormonal teenagers; one minute we could be sitting on the couch and the next, be in compromising situations kissing until we were breathless. Sam would come into the living room, groan and leave most of the time.
Nights were the worst and each one seemed to end the same way. It started in the late afternoons, we’d have dinner together, then watch a movie or binge watch something on Netflix or Disney + and end it with late-night local news; spending hours cuddled up on the couch and oftentimes whatever was on in the background was ignored in favor of heavy make-out sessions. Sometimes one of us would fall asleep, it was usually me something about his super-soldier body heat and the way our bodies molded together made me so comfortable it was hard to stay awake. No matter what we did, the night would end, and we would go to our separate rooms.
It took another hour for the water to boil and the noodles cook all the way through, the biggest downfall of homemade pasta – it took longer to cook. It didn’t help that my grandma’s recipe was big enough to feed a small army. I pulled the pot off the stove and put it on the cooling stand, I could hear the chatter between Bucky and Sam in the hallway.
“That smells so good,” Sam commented walking in.
“I’m not sharing,” Bucky replied, pushing him playfully.
“She could feed a small country,”
“I prefer army,” I replied. “I can use an army for my will, not so much with a country.”
“If you brainwash them you can,” Sam said grabbing a bowl.
Bucky grumbled.
“You’re gonna wanna wait on that Sam. I just pulled it off and it’s been boiling for forty-five minutes.”
“I’ll be fine,” Sam replied with a shrug.
“Suit yourself.”
Bucky pulled a water bottle from the fridge before turning back to me. “Aren’t you proud, I brought him back in one piece?”
I laughed, “Very proud.”
“Now you know I can go easy,” He smiled, “when are you going to spar with me?”
“Let me think about this,” I tapped my chin, “Probably four days past never.”
He laughed, “never say never.”
“Ouch!” Sam shouted, “That’s fucking hot.”
Bucky and I both laughed.
“I tried to tell you,” I said.
“I know what I want when I win.” Bucky declared.
“Weren’t you just outside?” I asked, “It’s gonna snow. But, just in case, what do you want?”
“Spar with me.”
I thought it was a terrible idea, I had never been a field agent for many reasons, but my clumsiness and fragility were huge pieces of that. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust Bucky, I did, with my life; I didn’t trust myself.
“Okay,” I replied.
He leaned forward and kissed me.
“Y’all seriously gotta get a room.” Sam groaned.
I couldn’t help but laugh, we did need to get a room but one of us was still very hesitant. It was stupid really; you’d think that I was trying to steal Bucky’s virtue. In all reality, I just wanted to sleep next to him, wake up to wrapped in his arms. I craved him in the simplest ways, but I understood his fears and concerns. He had night terrors like most soldiers, sometimes they were violent, and he woke up out of sorts. When we would talk about staying together, Bucky would voice his concerns about the night terrors and follow it up with a joking statement about not being able to control himself. The conversation without fail would end with Bucky kissing me senseless.
“We should The Mandalorian tonight,” Sam said leaning with his back to the counter, his steaming bowl abandoned next to him.
“Um, someone’s gonna have to explain it all to me,” I said. “The only thing I know about it is from all the baby Yoda memes I’ve seen.”
“There’s a baby Yoda?” Bucky grinned.
“Uh, where have you been?” Sam asked sarcastically.
“Not on social media.”
“Fair, he doesn’t see memes unless I show them to him.” I looked over at Bucky who showed no obvious signs of objection. “Everyone change and meet in the theater room in five?”
Both the boys nodded, and we all headed to our separate rooms to change. I changed into my cozy fleece red and black plaid sweats and pulled on a blank tank top. Passing by Bucky’s door I nocked not waiting for a response before opening the door. He looked up at me with a smile standing in his black sweats and white V-neck t-shirt. It was my favorite combination; I couldn’t explain why it just did something for me.
“Are you here to steal my clothes again?”
“Do you really have to ask?” I smiled.
“You could just keep it.”
“No, then it wouldn’t smell like you.”
He laughed, “You’re about to lay on the couch with me and you need my shirt for the smell?”
“No, it’s warm too.” I shrugged, “And since you refuse to sleep with me it’ll be a nice preheat of the shirt to keep me through the night.” I grabbed the shirt from his drawer.
He shook his head, “You make me sound like an awful person.”
“Not awful,” I smiled pulling on his shirt. “Come on, Sam’s waiting.”
Bucky took my hand and led me down the hall. We made it down the stairs and into the foyer, I looked out the window to the side of the door in a typical quick glance and continued walking. Then it registered what I saw, I stopped and pulled away from Bucky to skip to the door. I threw it open with a grin that split ear to ear, cold crisp air rushed in with the fresh smell of snow.
“Damn it,” Bucky mumbled. “How do you smell snow?”
“It’s beautiful,”
He came to stand behind me, arms wrapped around my front, kissing the crook of my neck.
“It’s cold, doll. I know it’s beautiful, but we can see it with the door closed.”
“Is the winter soldier complaining about the winter?” I joked.
He laughed; it was a musical noise in my ear.
The snow was coming down hard, there had to be at least three inches on the ground already, I was disappointed in myself for missing it on the way upstairs.
“Holy crap,” Sam said coming down the stairs. “Guess that explains the message I got from Maria.”
“What’s going on?” Bucky asked, turning to look at him.
“City of New York just issued a Blizzard Warning.”
“So why did she text you?” I asked closing the door.
“Making sure we were all home safe.”
I nodded, “I should check on Pepper, she was talking about going out to the cabin sometime this week.”
“Wrong time of year for that cabin,” Sam stated.
“It needed to be closed up for the winter,” Bucky explained.
I headed to the kitchen and found my phone shooting her a quick text. Bucky and Sam both joined me and dished up the soup that had finally cooled enough to eat. I won the bet, but I wouldn’t rub it in just yet. Bucky knew what was coming, there was no sense in giving him more anxiety about it.
Pepper text me back quickly letting me know she and Morgan were home safe she had gotten to busy to make it to the cabin. She sent a picture of Morgan staring out the window at the snow, she looked as mesmerized as I usually am.  
“Babe, Pepper asked if we could try and make it to the cabin for her this week. Just need to close things up and winter prep for it.” I said looking up from my phone.
“I don’t see why not. Obviously, we have to wait for the roads to clear up.”
I nodded, “Thank you.”
“Okay,” Sam grumbled, “this snow is not ruining my night. Let’s go.” Sam started out of the kitchen.
“Think he’d notice if we didn’t follow?” Bucky asked.
“Yes, he would.” I laughed, “We should make a blanket fort!”
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Aw Hell No - Ch VIII
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TW: Swearing; Gays being cute & oblivious; Social media mention; Mention of food. Let me know if I should tag anything else.
*~ One Month Later: School Cafeteria ~*
Connor chuckled halfheartedly at what Tyler had said, because he had only been partially listening, his main focus being on the text message he was about to send to Daniel. He paused for a second, realizing that ever since that first library trip he and Daniel had been talking almost non-stop. Whether they were hanging out, texting each other, or sending ridiculous selfies over Snapchat. The only times that they weren’t talking were when they were sleeping, while Connor was at football practice, or while Daniel was at work and even then they would still sneak in some quick messages or jokes during Daniel’s breaks or when Connor’s coach wasn’t looking. It had been wonderful. 
They talked about everything; from books to movies to music to different types of food. Connor even got Daniel into some music from the 21st century and onto some social media (Daniel was a fan of Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram) while Daniel introduced Connor to some of his favorite music; like the Beatles and Elvis Presley and some of his ‘nerdy’ shows (Connor enjoyed Doctor Who and the original Star Trek the most). Things had been going fantastically in his opinion. 
Connor found that he was able to talk to the other boy about things he had never been able to talk to anyone about before. How he sometimes felt like he had the weight on his shoulders because everyone expected him to be so perfect. He was able to tell the other boy about all of his insecurities and all of the things that kept him tossing and turning at night. 
Daniel never said much on those subjects, Connor noticed. He had offered his sincerities and been an attentive listener but never talked about his own burdens. He was very private and Connor wished he would open up more. He wanted to know everything he could about the grey-eyed boy.
Of course, there was still the knife hanging over their heads. They were no closer to figuring out how to get rid of their glows than they had been on their first library venture. And obviously, no one could know about what was going on between the two of them - Connor had made Daniel swear to keep their secret after they had dinner that first night. He had also decided that to keep people from getting suspicious, he and Daniel couldn’t hang out in public where people might be able to recognize them. And despite Connor’s best efforts, his teammates and classmates would still pick on Daniel and every time Connor would try to apologize on their behalf, Daniel would always give him a tight smile and shrugged it off like it didn’t matter. Connor knew different. He could see how Daniel carried himself on and off campus, it was like the second he stepped on campus his entire body tensed and he would always be continuously scanning the areas, preparing for the next attack. 
Connor was knocked out of his thoughts by Tyler punching his arm and half-yelling, “Come on, Connor! You always have your nose in that damned phone, man. Who the hell are you texting so much? We were just talking about the upcoming season! Who could be more important than that?”
“Nobody, man. It’s just my mom, I failed that Physics test. Y’all know how she is.” Connor said, shrugging as he placed his phone on the table. 
“We all know that’s a pile of shit, Connor. You’ve been obsessed with that phone of yours for the past month, so out with it. Who is it? Is it a girl? Has our Captain finally found a girl?” Tyler teased, wiggling his eyebrows like a creep as he made a grab for Connor’s phone, but Connor grabbed it first. 
“No, you moron. I haven’t been texting anybody! You all are just imagining things.” Connor argued as Tyler began to wrestle him for his phone, but there was a reason that Tyler was the best defensive lineman in the State. He was a beast at six feet four and 250 pounds of pure muscle - he made Connor look puny.
After managing to get Connor’s phone from him, Tyler unlocked it and began scrolling through his messages, cackling. “You’re such a liar, man. You weren’t texting your mother. Who’s this ‘Short stack’? You’ve been texting them a lot. Is it a girl? Is she cute? Can we meet her?”
“C’mon, Ty, just give it back. I don’t want to talk about it and it’s none of your business, anyways.” Connor pleaded, struggling with the taller boy to get his phone.
“I’m your best friend, Connor. You gotta at least tell me about her.” Tyler said, his tone no longer filled with teasing or humor. He actually looked hurt. This was when the rest of the team decided that it wasn’t their business anymore and talked amongst themselves, awkwardly. 
Connor huffed with defeat, hating how well Ty knew him and realizing that he was right. The two of them had been best friends since they were in diapers because their moms had been best friends throughout high school and college. They had told each other everything since the moment they could talk and his situation with Daniel had been the only secret Connor had kept from him. He’d been feeling bad about it for a while now.
But Connor knew that he wasn’t going to tell Tyler about Daniel and him because there was no way that it would end well and he didn’t want to jeopardize any aspect of his life. His life would be ruined if their secret got out to anyone. But Connor also knew that Tyler wouldn’t let it rest until he was given something - some piece of information. 
“Alright, I met someone new. I can’t tell you who it is or else we’ll both get in trouble. We’re not romantically involved or anything like that, just really good friends. Happy?” Connor asked, raising an eyebrow expectantly, a look he had picked up from Daniel. “Can I have my phone back now?”
“Yeah, sure, man. You know we meant nothin', right? We were just messing around.” Tyler said, giving Connor his phone back with a frown. 
Connor grabbed his phone and put it in his pocket, giving Tyler a reassuring smile. “Yeah, man, of course. Listen, I gotta go. Need to get some air. I’ll catch y’all later.”
He grabbed his lunch tray and bussed it, leaving the cafeteria. He walked to the gym, pulling at his hair, his head spinning with thoughts. Connor knew the only way to clear it was to work out until his muscles couldn’t take it anymore.
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demansiabites · 5 years
So, the 2010′s are over, what the fuck is up with that one? I spent more time in video games during the 2010′s than I probably spent in school, so I’ve naturally been trying to rank 10 games as my favorites of the decade. Of course, I’m a dumb bitch so I couldn’t think of anything past four or so games that I loved during the decade. So under the cut, here are my top 10 games that I played during the decade ranked in idunno an order I guess:
Number 10: Far Cry 3 (November 29th, 2012), aka the worst fucking game I’ve ever enjoyed. Far Cry 3 is a video game, that’s one of the few things I’m certain of, so naturally it has video game elements. Story, gameplay, characters, some vague semblance of doing something. If someone asked me to describe how well it did any of those things, it’d probably go something like this: “The story was fucking garbage, there was one good character that they killed halfway through, there was like one good mission in the entire game, and the gameplay was passable for a first person shooter”.  So then what the fuck, why is it this high up? I don’t know, but for some reason I kept playing this god damn game at least once every year for the past few years. Even though I had to use uPlay, even though the characters are unlikable as fuck, even though the story feels like it was written in one night long bender including some combination of Vodka and Red Bull that probably resulted with at least one person in the hospital, I kept playing this fucking game. And I think I might have figured out why, it’s just fucking stupid. There are very few games I would consider a “survival” game where it doesn’t actually have survival elements, and Far Cry 3 is one of them. The entire map itself wants you dead honestly. Including a cast of tigers, giant birds, pirates, bears, giant cliffs, and sharks, there’s no safe place on the map. Getting from one end of the map to the other will include at least one fight, no matter what you do. The game gives you the stupidest tools I can think of to get you across the map. There’s literally no reason for them to give you a flare gun, but they do because why not. A wingsuit? You get that shit like, 60% of the way through the game, and that last 40% is mostly me fucking around with the added mobility they should’ve given me from the start.  I fucking hate this game so much, purely because I enjoy it more than this game has the right to make someone enjoy. I give it a 4/10. If someone asked me of any good survival games, I would recommend something else then remember Far Cry 3 a couple hours later when taking a shower. Then I would probably play it myself, because it’s the guiltiest of pleasures.
Number 9: BioShock (August 21st, 2007), aka I never said all the games came out this decade, I just said I played them. BioShock is one of those games people consider a “masterpiece”. It’s got an amazing story, revolutionary gameplay, fantastic characters. I may agree with that, but that’s not why it’s here. I bought this game and for the following three days I stayed up playing it from 8 PM to 7 AM because I kept getting so fixed into the game that I lost my passage of time. If that’s not top 10 material I don’t know what the fuck is. BioShock is a 9/10 game, play it if you know you’re not doing anything for the next 3 days because you probably won’t realize how long you’ve been playing it. Also it’s actually pretty scary sometimes, so be warned.
Number 8: Mount and Blade: Warband (March 30, 2010), aka the game where I said I was going to take over the entire map then spent 60 hours getting 33% of the way through that goal. Mount and Blade: Warband is a perfectly accurate simulation of the days under the feudal system, because everything takes 8 years to fucking happen. Travelling across the map takes minutes at a time, battles take minutes, starting a castle’s siege takes 3 in-game days, then the siege itself takes anywhere from 10 real life minutes to an hour based on how mean the game is feeling. Do I dislike this? No, not at all, I love how large scale this game. As a matter of fact, it’s one of the largest scale games I’ve played ever. Battles can have hundreds of troops at a time, the world is dominated by kingdoms with actual politics, there are hundreds of named NPCs in the game almost every single one of which you can fight or ally with. It’s fucking insane. Mount and Blade: Warband gets an 8/10 from me, it’s not at all for everyone but it’s certainly for me.
Number 7: Resident Evil 4 (January 11, 2005), aka “wait the same person that played Leon Scott Kennedy also voiced the Merchant?” I don’t think I have anything new to say about Resident Evil 4, so I’m not really going to bother trying to critique this game. I will say I beat it at least 4 or 5 times throughout the decade, having only owned it for a few years, and that I also played it with my significant other during that time and after that they bought it to play it themselves. The only other thing I feel worth mentioning is god damn did they make Leon Scott Kennedy fucking THICC. You may think the artillery are the guns you’re carrying around anymore, but nah, them cheeks could fucking fracture a skull. Resident Evil 4 gets an 8/10 from me, I would buy it at a high price. Also I love Ada Wong.
Number 6: Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls (September 25th, 2014), aka the reason I would never recommend somebody to follow me on this fucking website. Danganronpa is by far, the best series I’ve ever seen have so many crippling flaws in it. Thankfully, Ultra Despair Girls manages to avoid those flaws by being just straight up a different game entirely. Most of Danganronpa’s flaws comes from how many characters they have. Ultra Despair Girls manages to fix that by not having as many characters, but expanding heavily on the characters that it does have. The motherfuckers literally made the hyperactive serial killer my favorite character in fiction, I don’t know what y’all expect of me at this point. Also, the game manages to have gameplay that is actually suited for someone such as myself. I absolutely adore the class trials in Danganronpa, but visual novels aren’t my thing most of the time. Danganronpa is certainly an exception, but Ultra Despair Girls’s third person shooter gameplay holds my attention like a vice, that shit was made for me. Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls gets a 7/10 from me, it’s certainly not the best game but god damn if it didn’t ruin me.
Number 5: Plants vs. Zombies (May 5, 2009), aka the sentiment from the memories I have playing it is enough to put it on here. I played Plants vs. Zombies one time in the past decade, and that was just last year. But, I played it with my significant other while I was in England visiting them. We bought it for 1 pound from a game store, and played it almost every. single. day. after we bought it. We beat the main story at least three times, and one of those times I played. Honestly, it’s still a really fucking fun game, and I wouldn’t go back and change a second of the time I played it. Plants vs. Zombies gets a 9/10 from me, it’s an incredibly polished game and the memories I have of it means it’ll hold a special place in my heart for a long time to come.
Number 4: Fallout: New Vegas (October 19, 2010), aka 234 hours of my life I will never get back. Fallout: New Vegas is a special experience that I’m certain will never have a replacement. It’s reached a place in my mind where if I ever want to experience a game like it again, there is no “other game” to go to, I just go back to New Vegas and play through it all again. I give Fallout: New Vegas an 8/10, it’s incredibly buggy, but I’ll never be able to escape its grasp.
Number 3: The Outer Worlds (October 25th, 2019), aka wait there’s another Fallout: New Vegas, damn that’s rad The Outer Worlds was introduced to me through this trailer, upon which everyone was hyping it up. The game was made by the developers of Fallout: New Vegas, it looked like it had way more polish, and it was a space adventure. So naturally, with all of these positives, I was fucking horrified at what we were going to get. I was so unbelievably afraid that Obsidian was going to release the game and it was going to be bad. Well, I bought it a couple weeks after release, and let me tell you what the days after were like: BioShock, it was fucking BioShock again, god DAMMIT. The Outer Worlds is a fun, amazingly written, anti-corporation, fuck you Bethesda, space adventuring, really fucking fun game. I’m pretty sure I did almost every side quest, only missing on a couple companion quests, and I did everything I could to get the ending I sought after the most. I wanted nothing more than to topple the Capitalist Assholes, so I did. Not only did the game let me do that, but it has LGBTQ+ characters, and holy shit are some of them comparable to the UV Rays the sun is trying to fucking end me with.  The Outer Worlds receives a 9/10 from me, and I should play it again.
Number 2: Fallout 2 (September 30th, 1998), aka wow this game is the most dated piece of media, can I play it forever? I honestly have no fucking clue why I fell so in love with Fallout 2. It’s got some real problematic elements, homophobic NPCs, some of the worst parts of society, literal slavers? Literal slavers? But for some reason, I’m happy playing a game with them, because there is almost no consequence to just wiping them the fuck out. Every time I play through this game, it’s just routine for me to kill the slavers, the drug producers, the Scientologists. It’s like, the most selective experience ever, I could probably do quests for these people, but nah, I wipe them out and the game just stands there with its hands in its pockets not saying a word. It doesn’t try to stop me, it doesn’t give me some stupid negative trait for what I did. So long as I survive the encounter, I’m free to just move on with my day. On top of that, it’s also got amazing characters, and an amazing story. You can tell the story’s amazing, because in Fallout 3 Bethesda tried to do it again, and failed miserably. Fallout 2 gets an 8/10 from me, it’s a buggy piece of shit, but with a mod that fixes it it’s a way for me to spend another 90 hours.
Number 1: OneShot (December 8th, 2016), aka the best video game experience. OneShot is one of those special game experiences where I have nothing that I dislike about it. The main character is one of my favorite characters ever, they are an absolute baby. Every other character in the game is likable, as well. I have honest to god tried to come up with something I dislike about OneShot and I just can’t think of it. I may not replay it multiple times, but I don’t need to. I’m so in love with OneShot, I don’t need to play it multiple times. As a matter of fact, I don’t need to play it. I don’t own OneShot, my significant other does, they bought it at my recommendation. OneShot will never stop being one of the most special experiences to me.  OneShot is a 10/10 game, and I genuinely, with all my heart, recommend anyone who has even slightly similar tastes to me to play it. It’s one of the most lovable games in gaming, has exclusively likable characters, and I will always adore Niko from it.
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problematiq · 5 years
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@reneetaleenaisnotvicious it’s just a place full of assholes.
in the last couple of weeks, i had to explain to them why you can’t use the n-word when you’re not black, thinking it was common knowledge, only to be met with “well, it’s not universally agreed upon” (like, no shit, of course white people won’t agree that they can’t use it and since when does every single person have to agree that something is wrong in order for it to be wrong?) and “saying i can’t say the n-word is reverse racism”, causing me to dig into 2012 discourse on how reverse racism isn’t real.
people will defend the actions of every single human being billie joe has ever had contact with. the allegations of the former (jewish) employer against kat von d about her writing an antisemitic note to him are dismissed as “just a cry for attention from an unhappy employee” even though experts have concluded that it was 99% her handwriting - but yeah, kat von d never said she wrote it, so it must just be fake, since we all know and trust her??
in the discussion over billie’s collaboration with morrissey, people have defended that dude at every turn so they could feel better about their collaboration and completely dismissed everyone who showed concern or disappointment with it. i’m not gonna list everything morrissey has done and i’m not gonna debate it with anyone anymore since i’ve seriously had it up to here with that topic, but the gist of it is that morrissey is a racist UKIP supporter who said that “chinese people are a subspecies”. people have routinely and adamantly attempted to downplay the racism and rationalize his fucked up behavior, saying “well maybe billie just didn’t know about what he did, why should you research everything your collab partner has done” which turned to “morrissey not a racist, he’s just a dumb idiot with no influence who wants attention” which turned into “he’s not even a ukip supporter” which turned into “well actually ukip / nigel farage aren’t even xenophobic if you think about it”. then, a user on the forum who is half-chinese voiced her disappointment in the forum for defending that scumbag tooth and nail and said she was done with the forum and wouldn’t visit anymore. people backpedaled a bit but still tried to tell her that it’s “not really that bad” and “there are worse forms of racism you should focus on” like lmfao really? so that’s when i said “you know what fuck y’all” and left the forum too and with that, the green day fandom really because i am sick and tired of people worshipping the ground billie walks on like fucking catholics, incapable of criticising him or admitting any flaws or mistakes.
for some reason i decided to join the discord server for the old gdc people who used the chat a lot because i thought, maybe i don’t have to cut contact to everyone and can still enjoy talking to people about my favorite band?? and for a while we had fun and i really liked them.
so on april 1st, they announced that the forum would be shut down forever by the end of the week because it was too much work and too expensive to continue keeping it up or whatever. of course only gullible people believed it and nobody else really took it seriously while the mod team desperately tried to convince everyone that it was not an april fools joke like “omgz i’m so sad” and “i dont understand why everyone would think THIS IS A JOKE wow i am so UPSET” and it was ridiculous really because they tried so hard with the joke and nobody bought it.
so then someone posted the link to the discord server in the forum so more and more people joined and i was like “oh” because suddenly every person i hated on the forum and who was the reason I left gdc in the first place joined the discord server, even the gdc mods (who can all suck a fucking dick). those people don’t like me either so it already felt restricting to post there and i was getting pissed that i joined there first and then they all came and forced me to communicate with them again. and i’m serious, i’m fucking done with that place and i want nothing to do with these people either.
then on april 2nd (AFTER april fools) the site was down but some people still didn’t believe it was gone forever because WHY WOULD THEY? that april fools joke was a fucking pathetic attempt to upset the community who loved the forum, and they were salty nobody gave a shit so they had to take extreme measures. i would’ve been happy to believe it and see the forum fucking rot but other people who had found friends and loved the community were genuinely upset about this (one person even started a gofundme).
then, some minor mod joined the discord and complained about us “talking shit” about the mods because it was all the admin’s fault and he gave us some bullshit story about how he was angry with him too, that the admin had given the mods a chance to back up their shit before they closed or even gave them an opportunity to take over the forum but nobody wanted to blah blah blah and some shit about green day’s management wanting to restrict the forum because people were talking about their private lives or that they had planned a dookie tour but it was cancelled because of trés baby or some shit??? whatever. and i believed it because he was convincing and not someone who usually lies and trolls people but who put in a lot of work into the media section and would have been upset if it were gone, so i was actually sorta understanding towards him.
then a couple of hours later the site was back online, the admin made some stupid joke about “lololool i’m a mastermind you can go fuck yourselves i’m so happy with myself!111!!”, they made a social media post about it having just been an april fools joke while directly quoting something i said on the discord server, and that one unimportant mod who lied to us and some other dumbass mod i’ve always hated posted on the discord that they “had a lot of fun lying to us” and how fucking hilarious our reactions were or whatever and how good it was to see how many people cared about gdc like???
and i was fucking mad because I HAD LEFT THAT PLACE!!!!! i had literally left that place and they come to the place i kinda found refuge hin after leaving that shithole (a place i actually liked being on and where i had fun to communicate with the other members and could actually see myself staying and maybe not leaving the fandom entirely), infiltrate it with their fucking presence and make it my fucking business what happened to GDC, lie to me and everyone and laugh to themselves about the things i said or how they had fooled us. so they ruined everything for me again just so they could have a laugh and i’m not kidding when i say i hate every single fucking person who keeps this dumpsterfire running with a passion. and what’s almost more frustrating is how every single person who was mad at them for the joke now runs back to them like “oh wow that was a mean joke but now i’m just happy i can be back, i’m ready to put this behind me” lmfao.
i don’t give a shit about the forum, I. LEFT. i want nothing to do with them, i don’t want them around me, i don’t want them to talk to me or about me. i want them to ignore my fucking existence and leave me THE FUCK alone. and now i can’t even visit the discord anymore because they don’t even have the fucking decency to leave the server after their bullshit stunt. so thanks for fucking nothing you absolute dumbass fucking dick-eating pieces of horseshit.
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charmed- · 6 years
Hey Charmed Fandom
Hey guys, long time no post (sorry, life has hit me like a bus, I hope I can make it up to you guys soon)
So, I'm sure a lot of you, if not all of you, have seent he trailer for the reboot of our greatly loved and cherished show by now.
I know a lot of you are not happy what what we've seen (so far) and that's totally fine and I can respect that. I get exactly where you're coming from. I have a few things I want to say about the whole situation.
But I have also seen so much hatred towards the new cast members. Especially for the fact they are not white. And I am seriously disappointed. You have every sing right to be mad the original cast is not back and that the networks did not listen to your views and opinions, but a lot of you need to chill the f**k out.
I've seen so many racist comments and sh*t about these ladies. That's not cool. Honestly, f*ck y'all for that. As a latino, I am so sad that so many of you will weapnize these girls skin colors and ethnicities into your anger and outrage over a damn show to. It's bullsh*t and I am sick of it.
Most of y'all are bitter the original cast/story is not in the reboot, I get it and tbh I was too at first, but c'mon, who wants to watch the same story over again. Besides, we all know, as of 2018, no matter what the og cast as said, they are not on good terms and a revival/reunion is just not going to happen. These girls are not to blame for it.
And another thing. Being a latino, I know first hand, that not all latino people look the same. Hell, my siblings and I look NOTHING alike. We come in all colors. So for you people saying Macy is "too black", y'all need to chill the f**k out alright. Alyssa is most definitely not the same shade as Shannen/Holly/Rose but y'all never complained about that. Shannen literally has nearly black hair and blue eyes, nothing like the other women on the show. And again, I heard no complaints? Not all races and ehtnicities look the same. As someone who has gone through life hearing people tell me I am "lying" that my siblings are my siblings because they have darker skin than me, it makes me sad that you'd imply that people cant look different and be related. Also, that you would use something such as race as a weapon against someone. That’s royally f*cked up.
Btw, for you folks who think this show is "propaganda" and "pc" because the cast is not white, shut up, white is not the default. Everyone deserves inclusion. A story can be told through different races/genders/sexualities/etc. Get a grip.
It just makes me super angry that these girls, WHO HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG BY THE WAY, are being targeted with racial slurs and sh*t. Stop, be respectful, and don't be a racist, it's not that hard.
Now that is out of the way.
You can hate this new show (though let's be real you have yet to see it, a trailer cannot do an entire show, that hasn't even been filmed yet, justice), that is well and fine. You have every right. Do you. But don't attack these girls for doing their job. They are all clearly really excited about it, give them a chance to show you what they come up with.
I also want to ask that charmed fans out there, be respectful of others who have a different opinion of the new show. You don't wanna watch it? Don't. You don't like the new story? Cool, great for you. You wish they brought the old cast back in some way? Me too, but sorry guys, it's not gonna happen. But don't go telling or charmed fans they are fake or disrespectful for wanting to check the new show out or supporting it, that's childish adn you aren't some snowflake for being "OG CHARMED ONLY!!! THE ORIGINAL POWER OF THE THREE IS THE ONLY POWER OF THREE!!! THIS IS SJUST A BAD COPY!!!" Ya, cool for you, go eat a snickers and watch the original show.
This show does not negate/erase the old show. Let me repeat, THIS SHOW DOES NOT NEGATE/ERASE THE OLD SHOW. The original show will still be there. It always will be.
If this reboot sucks and crashes & burns, guess what? The original Charmed will still be there.
If the new show does great and gains a great group of fans, old and new, guess what? THE ORIGINAL CHARMED WILL STILL BE THERE.
Let's at least give this show a try. It is a new and fresh spin on the original story.
I've also seen a lot of you complain about the trailer, and cool, you can do that, but don't claim these girls are "terrible" actresses from ONE teaser trailer of a PILOT. Give them a chance The original pilot for the original show was awful, not just some of the acting. Don’t base an entire show off of a pilot trailer, or even a pilot for that matter.
As for people saying the cgi is “bad” and was better in the 90′s version, lmao y’all are just salty and lying let’s not even front. But still, they JUST got a budget from being picked up, give them the opportunity to impress you. CGI has come a long way, I’m excited to see what the magic looks like in this one.
One thing I don't like the "feminist" angle they are pulling with the new show, that is no fault of the actresses, blame the cw for that choice of wording, because we all know damn well that the original show was all about feminism for it's time. This is a new time, feminism changes with time, I hope people understand that. Many will argue the original show wasn't as feminist as it could have been, of course, I agree, but in the time that it was, if was very much feminist. Don't let these new headlines about the new show being big on feminism, diminish the fact the original show was all about strong and powerful women that supported other women.
I know some of the old cast is not on board with the show, that's fine, they have every right. But you don't see them attacking these ladies for telling their charmed story with this new show, so you shouldn't either. Wish them well. Shannen and Holly both have, despite Holly not being in very big support of the show, she wished them well. It's called respect you guys, c'mon.
Let them have their shot. Shannen/Holly/Alyssa/Rose got their shot, let these ladies have theirs.
Be respectful. If you don't like something, or even everything, about the new show. Totally cool, 100%, but don't attack these women on twitter and be d*cks about it. The original show didn't go anywhere, it is not erased. Just say your piece, respectfully, and move on.
And I'm not here to start up arguments. Nobody is right and nobody is wrong, everyone has right to opinions. But even still, you don't need to be cruel about it. Don't go trying to make these girls lose their jobs they are really excited about and their show cancelled, y'all are being petty.
And a lot of people are angry that the new cast said they haven't seen the old show. Though I'm sad they haven't, mainly because I want them to feel the magic I felt growing up watching it, which I'm sure a lot of you can relate to, it doesn't mean they are being disrespectful to the original because guess what? This is  a new show (WAHH, OMGGG??? WHO KNEW) These new characters have nothing to do with te characters from the original show. I don't see what people are so stuck on that. It's like you cannot grasp the point of the show being "another take" on the original story, it's not that hard to understand.
I mean let's be honest, if they  tried to be too much like the original, y'all will roast and complain. If they don't make them anything like the original, y'all will still complain. It's a lose/lose situation when you're bitter about it. If you go into it with an open mind, you might like it. And might not and that is okay.
If you love the original charmed so much, great, go watch it, tweet about, tweet the stars about it and tell them how much you appreciate and love these characters (without attacking the new characters/show). But don't belittle these new ladies and tell them they are "ruining" the og show, because they are not. And be respectful to them, wish them well, if you'd like, and move on. Don't have something nice to say to them, don't say a god damn thing at all to them.
Also, if these ladies block you on social media, I'm about 98% sure you deserved it. The charmed fans I have seen, are being cruel to these ladies, without any reasoning and it's not cool. Don't be a brat because you didn't get your way with how things turned out. Wish them well and move along.
BTW This blog is and always will be about the original Charmed, that won't ever change. But I hope that you guys welcome this new show and it's cast with an open mind and open heart, I know a lot of fans will. But I also know some won't. I hope they do though because hey, they just may surprise you.
Please don't reblog this and start to argue, I'm not here for it, I just wanted to state my word on the negativity and hope that we can all be respectful. This isn’t a  “you’re wrong, I’m right!!” post, I’m just asking you guys be open and be respectful.
Now, I'm excited for this new show and I hope you guys are too. I'm sure these ladies will work hard, along with the rest of the cast, to bring you something magical. I wish them well and look forward to what they have to offer to the Charmed universe.
I think Macy will be my favorite sister, what about you guys? :)
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theheaps · 7 years
Hey all~ I’m going to be taking a step back from this blog. I’m not shutting it down completely but I’m going to stop going through the Septimus Heap tag which means that most of my activity will stop. I will still occasionally post things but reblogs will be few and far between. My explanation for this is under the cut but first I want to say that there are a lot of other great Septimus Heap blogs that you can follow if you want more content. But if you’re here then you probably already follow them. But if you don’t, then I suggest going through the blogs tab of the Septimus Heap tag and following them.
The Septimus Heap series has been my favorite book series since I was about eight or nine and for years Magyk was my favorite book. I absolutely adore these books and therefore don’t want to ruin them for myself. I want to keep enjoying them for as long as possible and  I worry that if I keep going down this path it’ll be spoiled for me forever. 
The fandom has been upsetting for the last few months. There was drama in the fandom a few months ago and as much as I’d like to pretend that things are back to normal, they’re not. People are still upset because this is not something that one gets over quickly. And of course people are allowed to be upset; I don’t want to imply that people shouldn’t be upset. It’s just that the knowledge that people are still upset means that if I think too long about any post from half the fandom I will overthink it until I come up with some malicious intent behind the post. But on top of perfectly innocent posts that I overthink there are undoubtedly malicious posts that I can’t seem to avoid.
I’ve tried my best to stay out of the drama; I took a huge step back from the fandom when it all started but I still haven’t been able to avoid it all. Obviously malicious things get posted to the main tag, I also see it on my dash, it gets sent to this blog and another blog that I mod for, and I receive it through DMs and asks. And while, again, I understand why people from both sides would still be upset, I really don’t want to see it. Because now when I think of my favorite book series and some of my favorite characters of that series I think about the negative aspects of this fandom.
I would like to be able to separate the series from the fandom but unfortunately I’ve never been able to do that with any piece of media. I want to keep enjoying my favorite book series, but I don’t think I can do that while still actively participating in the fandom. The negative aspects will seep into it and stain it forever. This is by no means a call out nor is it directed at any particular members of the fandom. Y’all can keep doing what you’re doing if you want. I just wanted to explain my reasoning for leaving.
As I said, I want to keep producing content for the series. The amount of it will probably decrease because I get my motivation to create from interacting with the fandom, but the amount of it had already decreased significantly in the last few months. If you want to talk to me you can send me an ask or a dm. I can’t promise that I’ll answer because I’m not great at conversation but that’ll be my only interaction with the fandom from here on out. My only request is that you please do not bring up the drama around me anymore.
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violet--minds-blog · 7 years
Awesome Queer Media to Check Out!
Piper Gibson | March 20, 2017
Sorry for the absence (school is kicking my ass but what else is new) but I’m back with another list! This time, I’m cataloging some of my favorite pieces of media with LGBTQ+ characters and plotlines. Of course, nothing is perfect, and all these shows/books/movies/etc. have their problems, but I still think they’re pretty damn cool.
1. Check, Please!
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What is it: A webcomic
Who makes it: Ngozi Ukazu 
Why you should read it: Queer boys who play hockey! Lots of pie! Discussions of mental illness and drug abuse! An ensemble cast! Comedy and drama in one! Slow-burn, healthy, communicative, gay relationship!! Confirmed happy gay ending!!! Most of my friends know that I love this comic with my whole heart, and it’s really easy to see why. There’s a character in it for everyone, and they’re all easy to relate to and care about. Personally, I relate so hard to Jack having anxiety and trying to navigate his life and career in the intersection of being mentally ill and queer. No spoilers, but this comic includes the best queer relationship I’ve ever seen portrayed. Don’t get discouraged by the hockey-- I knew nothing about the sport going in and it really doesn’t stop you from enjoying the comic at all! Currently in Bitty’s third year and gearing up for more spring updates, Check, Please is a master of storytelling and will make you laugh and cry. Read it here!
2. The Get Down
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What is it: A Netflix Original series
Who makes it: dir. Baz Luhrmann
Why you should watch it: Almost the entire cast are people of color, it’s set in the 1970s and focuses on both the dying out of disco and the arising hip-hop scene, and the performances are incredible. You see this world through young Zeke’s eyes, a complex and talented kid looking to be a part of something bigger than himself and for a community to fall back on. No matter what’s going on, the story never lets you forget these characters are in the middle of the South Bronx in the seventies, fighting for a way out of poverty, strict religious family, or gangs, all while holding on to their passions. The music and the performances of these young actors are what sold me immediately. The queer relationship in it (I won’t spoil it) is lovely and gentle and blooms very naturally. The story, the characters, and the music are the focus, and if you’re like me, you’ll be hooked immediately. The second season just came out this month and it’s incredible but holy shit so intense. Catch it on Netflix!
3. Carry On
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What is it: A young-adult novel
Who makes it: Rainbow Rowell
Why you should read it: Did you read Harry Potter and think: “Wow, Harry is super bi. Wow, he’s pretty obsessed with Draco. Wow they could be friends if Harry was sorted into Slytherin WOW THEY COULD EVEN BE MORE THAN THAT!” ...Okay, well this is the book for you. Set in a magic school more different from Hogwarts than you’d think, Simon and Baz are roommates that hate each other. But things are complicated when you’re the chosen one and you think your roommate might be a vampire and there’s an evil something out for you. It’s like Harry Potter except different and more queer people and people of color. Plus a happy ending that’s so, so much better than that “17 years later” shit. If you like gay magical boys and ass-kicking best friends and plot twists, you’ll definitely enjoy this.
4. Fourth Man Out
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What is it: A 2016 movie
Who makes it: dir. Andrew Nackman
Why you should watch it: If you’ve been searching your whole fucking life for a queer rom-com like me, this’ll make you immensely happy. The story centers around Adam, who comes out to his mostly clueless friends in his twenties. They’re all a little uncomfortable and shitty at first, but they all grow and learn and by the end of the film have created the kind of caring and casual atmosphere any queer person hopes for when initially coming out to friends. The movie explores those awkward first steps after coming out, including online dating and homophobic neighbors, in a comedic yet respectful way. It’ll make you laugh and it’ll make you care a lot about Adam-- his puppy-dog face just makes you root for him from the beginning. Watch this if you hate that more comedies don’t center around queer themes, and then please recommend me more!!
5. About a Girl
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What is it: A young-adult novel
Who makes it: Sarah McCarry
Why you should read it: Okay, maybe you should read the first two books in this series first, All Our Pretty Songs and Dirty Wings, but I read this one first and I think it can stand alone pretty well. There is an abundance of queer people of color in this, a beautiful, mythological storyline, a girl/girl romance, and a main character you’ll fall in love with. This book is so gorgeous to read and so rewarding, and I couldn’t put it down. In fact, I’m due for a reread... good thing I just impulsively bought all three of these so now I OWN THEM. Please, please give at least About a Girl a read, though-- the lyrical, soft nature of it was so incredibly healing and I can’t tell you how much I loved it.
5. Moonlight
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What is it: A 2016 film
Who makes it: dir. Barry Jenkins
Why you should watch it: First of all, if you haven’t been following the mess that happened at the Oscars with La La Land being announced incorrectly and this film winning Best Picture, where have you been? I saw this rather recently, I’ll admit, but it blew my socks off. This film is so completely centered on the experience of black queer men, and allows them to be so honest and tender, so complex and multi-faceted, in a way we haven’t much seen in mainstream media so far. We know why this is-- mainstream media is overwhelmingly white, overwhelmingly straight, and wants to put down and silence differing experiences as much as possible, making Hollywood a boring and homogeneous space. But Moonlight has broken through and shown that when these stories are told, and they are listened to, something incredible can happen. 
6. Ask the Passengers
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What is it: A young-adult novel
Who makes it: A.S. King
Why you should read it: Holy shit, y’all, I loved this book so fucking much. I reread it a little while ago and it still punches me in the gut just as hard. The book centers around Astrid, a teenager navigating her sexuality, her family, and suffocating small-town life. She’s a philosopher at heart, so nothing comes easy, especially not love-- it’s not as clear-cut as her other queer friends may think. This is a really honest portrayal of figuring out sexuality and Astrid is such a lovable narrator that you just want to bundle her up and let no one else hurt her. The book hit close to home as a queer girl who spent a lot of time figuring out my identity and what it meant to me personally. If you have a similar story, prepare to get emotional.
7. One Day at a Time
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What is it: A Netflix original series based off Norman Lear's 1975 series of the same name
Who makes it: Too many directors & executive producers to name! But if you’re a Norman Lear fan, he stayed on to be an executive producer for the remake.
Why you should watch it: The show centers around a Cuban-American family living in California and tackles topics like immigration, religion, sexuality, PTSD, divorce/separation, and more. Elena’s coming out storyline is beautifully and respectfully done and I really appreciate how realistic it is. This show will make you laugh and make you cry, but mostly, you’ll just fall completely in love with the Alvarez family and their story. And they’ve just been confirmed for a second season!! (GET ELENA A GIRLFRIEND!!)
8. The Real O’Neals
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What is it: An ABC comedy series
Who makes it: Executive producer Dan Savage
Why you should watch it: Okay, I’ll admit, I have more problems with this show than the others-- namely its consistent biphobia and very few characters of color-- but besides the problems, it’s still hilarious and honest. In the very first episode, Kenny comes out to his conservative, Irish Catholic family in an... explosive way, and what follows is them all trying to figure out how to navigate his identity while still being religious. It’s important to see representation of queer people who keep their faith after coming out; it reminds us that religion and queerness aren’t mutually exclusive. Plus, I love Kenny’s relationship with his siblings, and the fact that his younger sister Shannon is the smartest and most put-together of them all. The show just finished its second season, and as of yet there has been no announcement of a renewal for a third season.
9. The Raven Cycle
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What is it: A young-adult novel series
Who makes it: Maggie Stiefvater
Why you should read it: Holy wow, this book series is fantastic. I had no idea what it was about when I read it (because I read it for the gays...), but the story is complex and fascinating. Blue is our narrator most of the time, the daughter of a psychic who has no psychic abilities herself and who lives in a house with a bunch of other awesome psychic ladies. Her life has always been surrounded by magic, but it gets even more magical when she meets Gansey, Ronan, Adam, and Noah, four boys who go to the near Aglionby Academy and are dubbed “Raven Boys” because of the raven on their uniforms. I’m pretty sure shit starts to get Really Actually Gay in the last book, but the entire series is fantastic and well worth a read. If you like ghost boys, dead kings, magical dreamers, and weird curses, this series is for you. It’s recently been announced that there will be a TV show based on the books, and there will also be another book series just about Ronan, so I’m super pumped for those cool things... Unless they ruin the TV show, in which case I will be incredibly disappointed. (In the meantime, though, you can read the first chapter of the first book, The Raven Boys, here!)
10. Yuri On Ice
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What is it: An Japanese sports anime series
Who makes it: Creator Mitsurō Kubo, dir. Sayo Yamamoto
Why you should watch it: LISTEN, I’ve never finished an anime before this, because I’m not really that into anime. But this series is about figure skating, has twelve episodes, and is hella gay, so it’s not hard to binge it. (For the love of God, please watch the subbed version if you can, the dub voices give me nightmares.) The story is beautifully done, Viktor and Yuuri’s relationship is stable, loving, and realistic, and the portrayal of Yuuri’s anxiety is so important and made me cry in spots. Plus, it’s really funny and the competition scenes are thrilling as all hell. You can watch the series in literally a day, so what are you waiting for?? Binge it and then listen to the soundtrack on Spotify on repeat while crying, like I did.
11. Brooklyn Nine-Nine
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What is it: A Fox-produced police sitcom
Who makes it: A million directors and producers, it’s a comedy sitcom
Why you should watch it: A diverse ensemble cast, comedy that isn’t at the expense of any marginalized group, complex characters, a stable gay relationship, Andy Samberg??? I love this show so much, y’all. To be fair, the main relationship is between a man and a woman, but the captain of the 99th precinct is an openly gay black man who’s in an amazing, loving relationship with his husband. And the relationship between Jake, the main character, and Amy (Spoiler! But you’ll see it coming from a million miles away, promise.) is one of the most delicious slow-burn plotlines I’ve ever seen. And as far as I know, the writers have no intention to break them up for “conflict” (cough cough New Girl cough). In an episode from the current season, a character called something transphobic, which was the first time I’ve ever heard that word on television, and I had to pause and look at my girlfriend in wonder, like “Did he just really say that? Oh my God??” Anyway. Please watch this show. It’s currently in its fourth season, just recently back from its haitus, so go binge it now!
There’s so many more to add to this list (Legend of Korra! Rock and Riot!! Etc etc etc!), but since you now have 11 new (or not-so-new) pieces of queer media to consume, I’ll leave you with that. Till next time!
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valyheart · 7 years
Entry: Fuck face. (7)
It happened.
I did it again.
The past called.
I answered. I’m dead.
Before going to bed one night... ring ring… “Ms. Valerie, this is Mr. Knight. Your placement has gone through! We will be seeing you in Japan on January 8.” There it was the phone call I had been waiting for before I made all those mistakes, before all the heartache and headaches. The next few days were bright and filled with hope. I’d soon go to Vegas and Hawaii. While driving home one day, still on a Japanese high…. [Incoming email….] he knows exactly when to ruin peace. I’ve tried reaching you. When are you leaving to Japan?
[Outgoing] I changed my number and blocked you from everything. Japan? That’s my life. You decided not be a part of it so you can’t ask any questions. What do you want?
[Marcus] I’m sorry. I’m a piece of shit. I don’t know why I do this to you.
He has been my heart for two years. I’m stupid, I know.
[Stupid me] You are. But hey, I’ve always known that. You regret what you did?
[Marcus] Yes, instantly. But at that point, I was blocked from everything and your number had changed.
We exchanged emails throughout the weeks. Something about Marcus, or any guy really, when they’re in the dog house, they are charming as fuck. He complimented me constantly, called all the time and texted back quickly. He wanted me back on hangouts, snapchat and in my phonebook. Before you knew it, we were FaceTiming all the time. It was great, honestly. And then, it happened- he wanted to come visit me.
Meh. I put that idea on hold and instead went on my two trips. Vegas, well it was Vegas. Drank most of the time, ate even more. While in Vegas, Marcus decided to go out with friends and when that liquid courage kicked in, he called. “Can you marry me already? I want to marry you.” “Well Marcus, I am in Vegas that can happen at any hour here so feel free to hop on an airplane and come meet me. Haha. Call me in the morning. I’m out with my friends.” Can y’all guess what happened in the morning? Oh yes, he did.
“You can’t trust a drunk person. I mean, yeah, I think about it often, you know marrying you, but I haven’t fully come to a decision. But Val, I do think about that with you.” That sound you heard, yes it was my heart breaking even more. Can that even happen?!
Vegas ended and off to Hawaii, I went.
Fucking A, that place isn’t real. I felt I was in a dream the whole time. My sister met up with me and my buddy. The whole week was filled with tours, unbelievably beautiful beaches, snorkeling, visiting where Jurassic Park was filmed <3, we hiked a freaking volcano, I TOUCHED A VOLCANO!, we zip-lined, we also visited the Dole Plantation and attended a traditional Luau. And guess what?! I SKYDIVED. Oh my god! It was amazing. We shopped, visited bars and met rad people. Ah, like my mom says, “En el mar, la vida is mas sabroza.” or “Life is more beautiful by the beach.” I, for sure, want to live in Hawaii at some point in my life.
Marcus and I, of course, kept in touch and it was decided he would come visit me when I was back from vacation.
My week in paradise was over so I came back and awaited his arrival. Now it was my turn to wait for him at the bottom of the escalator. Damn, I never again want to wait for anyone else.
Our weekend was great. Filled with love and laughter. My friends finally met him. I took him to my favorite spots around town. He liked my city. He always talked about how boring my city seemed but I think this mini vacation proved him otherwise. Our weekend came to an end. I didn’t want to leave the bed. When I rolled over, he was already awake with the biggest smile on his face.
“This stuff doesn’t affect me. Not instantly.”
“Are we getting married?”
“I don’t believe in love. Not anymore. But I do think about marriage. I know that’s something you want so that makes me think about it. I don’t know the future, Val. I can’t say no. I can’t say yes. You’re moving to Japan and you already know I’m not doing long distance, so with that; we’ll have to wait and see when you decide to come back. What if you find someone? What if I find someone?”
Man. I don’t know. He’s cryptic. He’s mean. He’s selfish. I just don’t know. I don’t. He left and I packed up and left for Japan.
It was a cold Thursday afternoon when I landed in Tokyo. I obtained my residence card and made my way into the city to finally meet my sister! After two years, we were on the same side of the world. For two and a half weeks, we hung out and I got to see Tokyo. Again, this can’t be real right?! The world is so big. The world is so beautiful.
Time isn’t forgiving. Not at all. It was time to make my way to my placement.
I moved to Yokohama.
Life is about compromise, right?
But what does it mean, when you have to give up everything you ever wanted? A title? Marriage? A family? Someone saying I love you to you daily?
What if the person you are willing to give all this up for is the person who makes you laugh the most? Smile the most? What if he’s the one that makes you want to push yourself? Makes you not afraid? What if he’s the one the makes you realize you can accomplish anything?
That my friends, has been my constant battle for over two years now.
I came to Japan unafraid because my sister is here. But as soon as I got my own apartment, two hours away, I was afraid. I cried for two days. My apartment was tiny, cold and empty. The city I live in is small. I can’t speak Japanese so communication with anyone was impossible. My days were spent pointing at things and not knowing what was said to me. Setting up the simplest tasks like Wi-Fi took hours and even then I couldn’t fully set it up. For the first week, I spent my days at convenient stores (in Japan they are the most amazing thing) using their free Wi-Fi and eating their inari. I’d sit there checking emails, social media and FaceTiming my girlfriends. Although, I had accomplished everything I worked for, for years, something seemed to be missing.
My finger dialed that familiar number in Texas. He answered. When I saw his face, I could not stop crying. I cried so hard, I could not breathe. No words were needed. He stayed on the phone and watched/listened to me cry. When I finally stopped, “I miss you so much. Where are you? Why are you crying?”
“I’m in Japan. I can’t communicate with anyone. I know no one.”
Our 2 hour long conversation is one I/we needed.
Talking with Marcus is dangerous. I feel I can accomplish anything. We hung up and I unpacked. I set my apartment up. Made my futon. I did laundry. I cleaned and grasped that stupid Wi-Fi I couldn’t grasp. He’s my person.
Although he’s hours away and I`m out here living out my dream, I know someday, we`ll be together. I know why he did what he did.
If I had lived with him, I would’ve never wanted to leave... If I had married him, I would’ve never left.
He did it for me because he knew I would’ve given up my dream for him.
And I will tell you, living here; living out my dream is something I can’t describe. It’s wonderful. While I’m teaching, I can see Mt. Fuji out the window, it’s breathtaking. Every time I get out the train and notice my surroundings, I can’t help but stop and stare. I’m so fucking lucky.
He’s there. I’m here.
I’m happy.
A friend a while back re-twat a meme making fun of dumb girls who post about how fucked up their exes are and then post how amazing it is to be back together and then how they break up and that never ending cycle.
I was a little hesitant to keep posting about that turd because it’s true it’s embarrassing.
So here it is again, you guessed it.
This time, I have no idea what happened. And that’s the truth. Since he left, (I have no idea what that fucking means. He was never present; here nor there) I feel I lost a little bit of my shine. But I truly think that loss was necessary. It feels as if my emotions/actions are a lot more genuine and not so overdone.
He left and I grew up. Not everything is rainbows, not everything is sugary sweet and not everything is easy. Love is hard. Although it should be patient, love is fucking hard. Not everyone wants to do it. I’m super pro-love but damn, sometimes, even I don’t want to do it. The love I experienced with him was exhausting, draining, self-loathing and torturous. Little by little, I’m letting go of that shit and getting better. He was toxic and it is now that I can breathe.
I came to Japan for a new life, to experience new things and not live in the past. But Japan, I have struggled with you. Struggled to stay warm, struggled to get my hands on some tacos, struggled to communicate, struggled to make friends but damn, whenever I set foot on any train, I know I am where I’m supposed to be. My heart smiles every time I see the city.
Although, it’s at times hard to get out of bed, and although sometimes I hate myself, little by little, those feelings are vanishing.
I’m surviving for me.
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
ADD TO PLAYLIST SUMMER 2020: Megan Thee Stallion, Buju, August Alsina, Roots Virtual Picnic, Toni Braxton, DaBaby & MORE!
2020 has been hell, but we JUST officially made it to the summer. And there’s new music to add to your playlist to continue getting us through the most foolish year to date. New bops from Megan Thee Stallion, Buju, August Alsina, Toni Braxton and more inside…
Hot Girl Summer 2020 is HERE! And you can thank Head Hottie Megan The Stallion.
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A post shared by Hot Girl Meg (@theestallion) on Jun 25, 2020 at 9:08pm PDT
  It’s the official first weekend of the summer and the Houston Hottie made sure to give her hotties something to turn up to – even if we are in quarantine. Well, some of us.
After landing at the No. 1 spot on Billboard for her "Savage Remix" with Beyoncé, the Stallion returns to the music scene to kick off summer 2020! The 25-year-old rapper released her new track "Girls in the Hood" at midnight and the hotties are already cutting up. The beat samples Eazy-E’s classic track “Boyz-n-the-Hood" and it's the perfect vibe to turn up with your girls while doing hood rat things.
"Girls In The Hood" is a street-smart ode to the area Megan grew up in and the pride in being a product of her surroundings. A celebration of the lifestyle and energy of her community, "Girls In The Hood" features all the hallmarks of Megan at her finest; playful lyricism, hard hitting delivery, and a self-confident vibe. Using the track to celebrate her culture and her blackness, Megan has created an anthem reminding girls worldwide that just because you’re from the bottom, it doesn’t mean you can’t come out on top and keep it real the whole way.
Take a listen below:
The Savage x Fenty ambassador (who shouted Rihanna out on the new track) has been nominated for five BET Awards, which include Best Female Hip-Hop Artist, Album of the Year, and Video of the Year. She's also set to perform during the awards show which is set to air live on BET and CBS at 8pm EST.
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                  #UPSIDEDOWN2020 AVAILABLE NOW!
A post shared by Buju Banton (@bujuofficial) on Jun 25, 2020 at 9:05pm PDT
  Reggae dancehall artist Buju Banton is back!
The Grammy Award winner just dropped some new bops. He released his 13th studio album titled Upside Down 2020 via Roc Nation. This year certainly has felt like we've been upside down for sure. On the album, he has features from Pharrell Williams, John Legend Stefflon Don and Stephen Marley.
Earlier this year, Buju was featured on the Bad Boys For Life soundtrack, which was produced by DJ Khaled.
Check out Buju's track "Cherry Pie" featuring Pharrell below:
You can listen to the album on YouTube here or download it wherever you get your music.
Another album that dropped today...
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A post shared by Yungin' (@augustalsina) on Jun 25, 2020 at 9:03pm PDT
  August Alsina is back! The R&B singer just returned to the music scene with some new music from his new album, The Product III: stateofEMERGEncy.
Fans were gifted 27 tracks from the singer with features from Lil Wayne, Yo Gotti, Juicy J and Tink. It's been almost four years since he last dropped an album, so his fans deserve all of the tracks he provided. On the album, he shares the difficulties of his lifetime and tribulations he has dealt with up until now. In anticipation of his album, Alsina spent the week prior to his release dropping a new single daily, giving his fans a taste of what’s to come with “NOLA,” “Rounds,” “Work To Do,” “Sincerely” and “Deliver Us.”
August represents so many touch points within Black America right now: healthcare given his struggle with rare auto-immune disease, socio-economic issues, police brutality, and Black on Black crime -- which is seen throughout the 5-part documentary series and heard within his new album.
You can take a listen below or stream it wherever you get your music:
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                  Have y’all caught up on the first 3 episodes of #stateofEMERGEncy? Episode 4 and new music tonight at 12am EST/9pm PST. #TheProduct3
A post shared by Yungin' (@augustalsina) on Jun 23, 2020 at 4:48pm PDT
The New Orleans native dropped a five-episode docuseries on YouTube titled “stateofEMERGEncy: The Rise of August Alsina” — which debuted earlier this week.
“I’ve been working. Been working on myself, my family and my health,” Alsina said. “While on my journey I’ve discovered that life is like one huge puzzle w/ limitless pieces. I’ve been putting the pieces of my puzzle together — with my new music and documentary, stateofEMERGEncy."
You can check out all of the episodes here.
As for more new music....
Toni Braxton teamed up with Missy Elliott for a remix of “Do It.”
On the track, Toni pulls inspiration from her own experiences and shares advice for anyone struggling with the decision to end an unhealthy relationship. Well, she's not singing about her own relationship. Back in April, Toni said she and her fiance Birdman are getting married THIS year regardless of the Coronavirus pandemic. They have been engaged since 2018.
Toni & Missy bring a fast-paced tempo to the remix while reiterating the Grammy winner's encouragement to leave a toxic relationship by rapping “let him know I gotta do it, ‘cause he already done and blew it.”
On collaborating with the living legend, Missy stated, “Toni’s team reached out to my manager and asked if I could produce a remix for her next single. They said, ‘Hey if Missy wants to rap on it we would love that too.’ So they sent me the record and my boy Hannon and I, sped the track up to a mid-tempo and re-arranged the music. To be honest, I was scared to send it because anyone who knows me, knows that I’m a huge fan of Toni Braxton! I’ve worked with so many legends. I’ve even worked with Tamar. But I had never worked directly with Toni before. So I thought, what if she hears it and says ‘oh HELL NAH Missy done messed my record up.’ But thank God when she heard it, she loved it and hear we are! Now I can say I finally worked with the living legend—Ms. Toni Braxton.”
“Do It” with Missy Elliott is the latest single from the "Braxton Family Values" star following her multi-Grammy nominated album, Sex & Cigarettes. Take a listen to her newest musical offering above.
New visuals....
Rapper DaBaby just released the video treatment to his hit single “ROCKSTAR” featuring Roddy Ricch. The Reel Goats-directed visual comes as the single continues its chart-topping reign: earning DaBaby his first #1 on Billboard’s Hot 100 and snagging #1 on Rolling Stone’s Top 100, while approaching #1 at Rhythmic Radio. The song also peaked at #1 on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop, Hot Rap Songs, Streaming Songs charts and in several international markets.
DaBaby is getting it. He also recently released a Black Lives Matter Remix, adding his voice to the conversation surrounding the current hot-button social justice issues. Watch the “ROCKSTAR” video above.
More new music....
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                  6pc Hot EP coming soon... but check your mailbox wed
A post shared by black (@6lack) on Jun 22, 2020 at 12:23pm PDT
  Singer 6LACK just released his new EP, 6 PC HOT, which features production from Timbaland, Fwdslxsh, Gravez, STWO, and more as well as one guest feature from Lil Baby.
Aside from the music, he has some good news to share as well.
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                  6lack on black business starting tomorrow through the weekend, you can order a “6pc hot” meal from atlanta’s black owned @therealgoodfellas and recieve a free bottle of my @600_degrees hot sauce with your order. special thanks to @postmates
A post shared by black (@6lack) on Jun 25, 2020 at 3:14pm PDT
  Fans can enter an augmented reality chicken shop pictured on the EP cover because, COVID-19. It can be found by searching “6pc hot” in the IG filter search menu. A link to the filter is available HERE (to be opened on a phone). Once selected, a 3D shop will launch through the camera to share pictures and videos. The AR shop was created by Jackie Carlise, a 3D motion designer who recently graduated from School of The Art institute of Chicago. She created it using the Spark AR platform.
For Atlanta fans, 6LACK has partnered with Postmates, the leader in delivering nearly anything on-demand, and local favorite restaurant Goodfellas, a Black-owned business, as a part of his 6LACK on Black Business initiative. Exclusively on Postmates this weekend, customers can order a custom 6LACK wing item from Goodfellas for $6. Through Sunday June 28th, customers who order the 6pc Hot wings meal will receive a free bottle of 6LACK’s new hot sauce “600 Degrees."
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                  limited edition 6pc hot merch available now purchase 3 items and you’ll receive a free bottle of @600_degrees shop.6lack.com
A post shared by black (@6lack) on Jun 26, 2020 at 10:18am PDT
  For Los Angeles fans, 6LACK will be sending his new hot sauce directly to their doors starting 6/29 via a friendly robot.
Raptress CupcakKe released her new track "Discounts." And social media is feeling it:
That new cupcakKe pic.twitter.com/MErYHreYto
— Karla (@onlynickilove) June 26, 2020
me after listening to Cupcakke Discount pic.twitter.com/ZUJQttrol7
— nodafuc (@Nodafuc) June 26, 2020
And she already picked out who she wants to be featured on the "Discounts" remix:
I want DaBaby or Nicki on "Discounts" remix ... I'm speaking this shit into existence right now ‼️ We are #16 right now on the iTunes chart I never been this high up . Please keep purchasing this may can be my first #1 on iTunes‼️
— CupcakKe (@CupcakKe_rapper) June 26, 2020
  Craving live music because 'Rona ruined summer festivals?  The Roots Picnic has gone virtual, and we're checking that out tomorrow night!
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                  Most of us are still chillin’ in Club Living Room until the Covid foolery dies down (again). So we’re hitting up the @rootspicnic @whenweallvote virtual experience tomorrow night. You?
A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Jun 26, 2020 at 2:08pm PDT
  First Lady Michelle Obama's When We All Vote teamed up with The Roots to party with a purpose.  Because we're not just staying mad anymore about everything going on.  We're taking action at the polls after the party....
  Here's some more music that dropped today to add to your playlist:
  More new music out now:
Jack Harlow - Whats Popping (remix) ft. DaBaby, Tory Lanez & Lil Wayne
88GLAM - New Mania (tape)
G-Eazy - ESH (album)
Bankrol Hayden - Pain is Temporary (album)
August Alsina - TP3 (album)
Lonzo Ball - BB (album)
Lil Gotit - What it was ft. Future
— HIP HOP FACTS (@DailyRapFacts) June 26, 2020
  Masks On and Happy Summer!
Photo: Megan's IG
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/06/26/new-music-to-kick-off-summer-2020-megan-thee-stallion-buju-august-alsina-toni-braxton-dab
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glenmenlow · 7 years
AE Studio: Customization, Collaboration—and Free Laundry
American Eagle Outfitters is turning 40 this year but it’s still young at heart—a must if it’s going to connect with its youthful target audience. As part of the celebration it’s testing a retail concept in downtown New York, overlooking the youthful hubbub that is Union Square.
It’s remodeling its existing store overlooking Union Square and reopening it on November 10th as AE Studio. While its existing store was quite crowded and chaotic on the ground floor, the AE Studio space, as seen at a preview party on Oct. 24th in New York, is more curated, more minimalist—and more fun.
This right here is legit …40 years of #awesomenesssss est. 11.25.77⭐️#aeonsorocks #aeoteamwork #aeodreamwork #aeofamily #aeofun #aeowoa #AEstudio #WeAllCan #TheNSOexperience.
A post shared by aeoNSOrocks (@aeo_nsorocks) on Oct 18, 2017 at 6:23pm PDT
It’s all about creating a memorable brand experience and customer experience. So AE Jeans are front and center on the ground floor’s Jeans Gallery, where shoppers can try and buy jeans from its denim collections including a new collaboration with Atelier & Repairs, reworking and customizing denim and apparel from AE’s previous collections into new pieces that customers can purchase.
Running around in a few pieces from @AmericanEagle's first ever collaboration with @AtelierandRepairs. #AEJeans pic.twitter.com/3iSaaNfO5X
— Patrick Janelle (@patrickjanelle) October 25, 2017
Co-founded by Maurizio Donadi, the former SVP of Levi’s XX, Atelier & Repairs upcycles denim into works of art, each imbued with a sustainable fashion philosophy that aims to reduce waste and elevate consumers’ consciousness.
The bespoke collection—each new garment is one of a kind—is priced from $48 to $128 and currently sold at 22 AE stores nationwide including Chicago, San Francisco, Dallas, Boston and Miami.
One brand’s trash has become your next treasure via @AEO and Atelier & Repairs https://t.co/w8IyC0yoik
— Nicole Lyn Pesce (@PesceNic) October 5, 2017
AE Studio will also feature denim customization stations and free on-site laundry facilities for neighboring students. The store will also sell NYU produce designed by American Eagle’s sister brand Tailgate, which caters to that cohort.
The overall intent of AE Studio is to create a hub for testing new brand experiences—new kinds of products, and new ways for customers to interact with them, and each other.
AE Studio What an amazing new store concept!!! Love the company I work for ❤️ #aeo #aeowoa #aeowallofawesome #AEstudio #aeostyle #aeostylecommittee #ilovemyjob
A post shared by Andrew Pelimiano (@apelimiano) on Oct 25, 2017 at 10:50am PDT
“As we celebrate the success of the last four decades, we look ahead to create new brand experiences to inspire today’s customer, and broaden our leadership in jeans,” stated Chad Kessler, American Eagle Outfitters Global Brand President. “AE Studio is a perfect example of our evolution where we invite customers to enjoy a unique brand experience, feel at home, and curate their distinct individual style.”
He added, “We’re the No. 2 jeans retailer in America, and our goal is to be No. 1.The goal for AE Studio is to be a lab for us to see the customer reaction firsthand and learn about our new experience.”
Love my job so much☺️☺️Definitely my favorite squad to date ♥️ love all of y’all beyond and the not pictured babes @jordynwoods, @isaaclikes_ & @kittycash #inyourshadows @weareshadow
A post shared by Rachel D’Amico (@rachelrarrar) on Oct 25, 2017 at 4:28pm PDT
Staying relevant is the new bar to scale in experiential marketing as retailers scramble to meet increased demand from consumers who are fickle in their tastes and precious with their time.
Live painting is screen printed on denim shirts at @americaneagle AE Studio event (watch live painting in action in our story) #nyc #art
A post shared by BizBash (@bizbash) on Oct 24, 2017 at 4:46pm PDT
The AE Studio experience includes:
· Jeans Gallery featuring an in-store Maker’s Shop – Customers can shop AE’s extensive jeans collection and create one-of-a-kind pieces. The Maker’s Shop will feature options for customers to personalize their AE Jeans to fit their distinctive style.
· Real-time Social Media Team – AE’s social media team will have an in-store work space to directly engage with customers. Working in the heart of the studio, they’ll create content in real time and keep their finger on the pulse of the brand.
· Complimentary Laundry Wall – Students are offered a free place to do laundry—a boon to students at nearby New York University and the Parsons School of Design. While they wait, they can hang out with friends or study in the studio bar and seating area and enjoy the view of Union Square.
I wouldn’t procrastinate at all if I had to do my laundry here.. // Nope, he wasn’t going to ruin my shot @americaneagle #40Years #AEStudio (Pc: @lecitykitty)
A post shared by Cristian Pena (@cpwears) on Oct 25, 2017 at 6:28pm PDT
· Digital Concierge iPads in dressing rooms – Customers can personalize their shopping experience and engage the brand with the tap of their finger.
· Collaboration Space – The space will feature capsule collections co-created with new brands, emerging designers, and artists.
Abt last night @americaneagle !!! #AEstudio launch party #RickRoss #WingStop #unionsquare #AmericanEagle #nyc #Denim
A post shared by Konquer | New York (@konquernewyork) on Oct 25, 2017 at 12:28pm PDT
“For American Eagle, the store is a reflection of the brand’s larger strategy to experiment with new physical retail models and tap into the burgeoning trend of pop-up shops taking the retail industry by storm,” Glossy comments.
“These spaces — which are optimized for social media with custom artwork and innovative design — help raise awareness for new products and drive foot traffic, particularly as the traditional malls where the company once thrived continue to decline.”
“It’s time for American Eagle to look at the volume being generated on a store-by-store basis and make the decision to close those that are underperforming,” analyst Jim Fosina told Glossy. “They should funnel those dollars into more opportunistic in-market opportunities and become more nimble. We are witnessing the beginning of a strategy that could be the new operating model for American Eagle.”
American Eagle has been challenged by competitors, e-commerce and lower sales, but still beat analyst estimates with reports in August of a revenue increase of 3 percent to $845 million.
The company operates more than 1,000 stores across the United States, Canada, Mexico, China and Hong Kong, and ships to 82 countries worldwide. Along with sister brand Aerie’s current pop-up on Spring Street in Soho, American Eagle experimented with athleisure at a pop-up store in Soho last December.
“All of it is about trying to do new things,” Kessler said. “This is a time of change and disruption within retail. We as a company believe that the future of stores will be relevant — people love touching and feeling and
from WordPress https://glenmenlow.wordpress.com/2017/10/31/ae-studio-customization-collaboration-and-free-laundry/ via IFTTT
0 notes
markjsousa · 7 years
AE Studio: Customization, Collaboration—and Free Laundry
American Eagle Outfitters is turning 40 this year but it’s still young at heart—a must if it’s going to connect with its youthful target audience. As part of the celebration it’s testing a retail concept in downtown New York, overlooking the youthful hubbub that is Union Square.
It’s remodeling its existing store overlooking Union Square and reopening it on November 10th as AE Studio. While its existing store was quite crowded and chaotic on the ground floor, the AE Studio space, as seen at a preview party on Oct. 24th in New York, is more curated, more minimalist—and more fun.
This right here is legit …40 years of #awesomenesssss est. 11.25.77⭐️#aeonsorocks #aeoteamwork #aeodreamwork #aeofamily #aeofun #aeowoa #AEstudio #WeAllCan #TheNSOexperience.
A post shared by aeoNSOrocks (@aeo_nsorocks) on Oct 18, 2017 at 6:23pm PDT
It’s all about creating a memorable brand experience and customer experience. So AE Jeans are front and center on the ground floor’s Jeans Gallery, where shoppers can try and buy jeans from its denim collections including a new collaboration with Atelier & Repairs, reworking and customizing denim and apparel from AE’s previous collections into new pieces that customers can purchase.
Running around in a few pieces from @AmericanEagle's first ever collaboration with @AtelierandRepairs. #AEJeans http://pic.twitter.com/3iSaaNfO5X
— Patrick Janelle (@patrickjanelle) October 25, 2017
Co-founded by Maurizio Donadi, the former SVP of Levi’s XX, Atelier & Repairs upcycles denim into works of art, each imbued with a sustainable fashion philosophy that aims to reduce waste and elevate consumers’ consciousness.
The bespoke collection—each new garment is one of a kind—is priced from $48 to $128 and currently sold at 22 AE stores nationwide including Chicago, San Francisco, Dallas, Boston and Miami.
One brand’s trash has become your next treasure via @AEO and Atelier & Repairs https://t.co/w8IyC0yoik
— Nicole Lyn Pesce (@PesceNic) October 5, 2017
AE Studio will also feature denim customization stations and free on-site laundry facilities for neighboring students. The store will also sell NYU produce designed by American Eagle’s sister brand Tailgate, which caters to that cohort.
The overall intent of AE Studio is to create a hub for testing new brand experiences—new kinds of products, and new ways for customers to interact with them, and each other.
AE Studio What an amazing new store concept!!! Love the company I work for ❤️ #aeo #aeowoa #aeowallofawesome #AEstudio #aeostyle #aeostylecommittee #ilovemyjob
A post shared by Andrew Pelimiano (@apelimiano) on Oct 25, 2017 at 10:50am PDT
“As we celebrate the success of the last four decades, we look ahead to create new brand experiences to inspire today’s customer, and broaden our leadership in jeans,” stated Chad Kessler, American Eagle Outfitters Global Brand President. “AE Studio is a perfect example of our evolution where we invite customers to enjoy a unique brand experience, feel at home, and curate their distinct individual style.”
He added, “We’re the No. 2 jeans retailer in America, and our goal is to be No. 1.The goal for AE Studio is to be a lab for us to see the customer reaction firsthand and learn about our new experience.”
Love my job so much☺️☺️Definitely my favorite squad to date ♥️ love all of y’all beyond and the not pictured babes @jordynwoods, @isaaclikes_ & @kittycash #inyourshadows @weareshadow
A post shared by Rachel D’Amico (@rachelrarrar) on Oct 25, 2017 at 4:28pm PDT
Staying relevant is the new bar to scale in experiential marketing as retailers scramble to meet increased demand from consumers who are fickle in their tastes and precious with their time.
Live painting is screen printed on denim shirts at @americaneagle AE Studio event (watch live painting in action in our story) #nyc #art
A post shared by BizBash (@bizbash) on Oct 24, 2017 at 4:46pm PDT
The AE Studio experience includes:
· Jeans Gallery featuring an in-store Maker’s Shop – Customers can shop AE’s extensive jeans collection and create one-of-a-kind pieces. The Maker’s Shop will feature options for customers to personalize their AE Jeans to fit their distinctive style.
· Real-time Social Media Team – AE’s social media team will have an in-store work space to directly engage with customers. Working in the heart of the studio, they’ll create content in real time and keep their finger on the pulse of the brand.
· Complimentary Laundry Wall – Students are offered a free place to do laundry—a boon to students at nearby New York University and the Parsons School of Design. While they wait, they can hang out with friends or study in the studio bar and seating area and enjoy the view of Union Square.
I wouldn’t procrastinate at all if I had to do my laundry here.. // Nope, he wasn’t going to ruin my shot @americaneagle #40Years #AEStudio (Pc: @lecitykitty)
A post shared by Cristian Pena (@cpwears) on Oct 25, 2017 at 6:28pm PDT
· Digital Concierge iPads in dressing rooms – Customers can personalize their shopping experience and engage the brand with the tap of their finger.
· Collaboration Space – The space will feature capsule collections co-created with new brands, emerging designers, and artists.
Abt last night @americaneagle !!! #AEstudio launch party #RickRoss #WingStop #unionsquare #AmericanEagle #nyc #Denim
A post shared by Konquer | New York (@konquernewyork) on Oct 25, 2017 at 12:28pm PDT
“For American Eagle, the store is a reflection of the brand’s larger strategy to experiment with new physical retail models and tap into the burgeoning trend of pop-up shops taking the retail industry by storm,” Glossy comments.
“These spaces — which are optimized for social media with custom artwork and innovative design — help raise awareness for new products and drive foot traffic, particularly as the traditional malls where the company once thrived continue to decline.”
“It’s time for American Eagle to look at the volume being generated on a store-by-store basis and make the decision to close those that are underperforming,” analyst Jim Fosina told Glossy. “They should funnel those dollars into more opportunistic in-market opportunities and become more nimble. We are witnessing the beginning of a strategy that could be the new operating model for American Eagle.”
American Eagle has been challenged by competitors, e-commerce and lower sales, but still beat analyst estimates with reports in August of a revenue increase of 3 percent to $845 million.
The company operates more than 1,000 stores across the United States, Canada, Mexico, China and Hong Kong, and ships to 82 countries worldwide. Along with sister brand Aerie’s current pop-up on Spring Street in Soho, American Eagle experimented with athleisure at a pop-up store in Soho last December.
“All of it is about trying to do new things,” Kessler said. “This is a time of change and disruption within retail. We as a company believe that the future of stores will be relevant — people love touching and feeling and
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joejstrickl · 7 years
AE Studio: Customization, Collaboration—and Free Laundry
American Eagle Outfitters is turning 40 this year but it’s still young at heart—a must if it’s going to connect with its youthful target audience. As part of the celebration it’s testing a retail concept in downtown New York, overlooking the youthful hubbub that is Union Square.
It’s remodeling its existing store overlooking Union Square and reopening it on November 10th as AE Studio. While its existing store was quite crowded and chaotic on the ground floor, the AE Studio space, as seen at a preview party on Oct. 24th in New York, is more curated, more minimalist—and more fun.
This right here is legit …40 years of #awesomenesssss est. 11.25.77⭐️#aeonsorocks #aeoteamwork #aeodreamwork #aeofamily #aeofun #aeowoa #AEstudio #WeAllCan #TheNSOexperience.
A post shared by aeoNSOrocks (@aeo_nsorocks) on Oct 18, 2017 at 6:23pm PDT
It’s all about creating a memorable brand experience and customer experience. So AE Jeans are front and center on the ground floor’s Jeans Gallery, where shoppers can try and buy jeans from its denim collections including a new collaboration with Atelier & Repairs, reworking and customizing denim and apparel from AE’s previous collections into new pieces that customers can purchase.
Running around in a few pieces from @AmericanEagle's first ever collaboration with @AtelierandRepairs. #AEJeans pic.twitter.com/3iSaaNfO5X
— Patrick Janelle (@patrickjanelle) October 25, 2017
Co-founded by Maurizio Donadi, the former SVP of Levi’s XX, Atelier & Repairs upcycles denim into works of art, each imbued with a sustainable fashion philosophy that aims to reduce waste and elevate consumers’ consciousness.
The bespoke collection—each new garment is one of a kind—is priced from $48 to $128 and currently sold at 22 AE stores nationwide including Chicago, San Francisco, Dallas, Boston and Miami.
One brand’s trash has become your next treasure via @AEO and Atelier & Repairs https://t.co/w8IyC0yoik
— Nicole Lyn Pesce (@PesceNic) October 5, 2017
AE Studio will also feature denim customization stations and free on-site laundry facilities for neighboring students. The store will also sell NYU produce designed by American Eagle’s sister brand Tailgate, which caters to that cohort.
The overall intent of AE Studio is to create a hub for testing new brand experiences—new kinds of products, and new ways for customers to interact with them, and each other.
AE Studio What an amazing new store concept!!! Love the company I work for ❤️ #aeo #aeowoa #aeowallofawesome #AEstudio #aeostyle #aeostylecommittee #ilovemyjob
A post shared by Andrew Pelimiano (@apelimiano) on Oct 25, 2017 at 10:50am PDT
“As we celebrate the success of the last four decades, we look ahead to create new brand experiences to inspire today’s customer, and broaden our leadership in jeans,” stated Chad Kessler, American Eagle Outfitters Global Brand President. “AE Studio is a perfect example of our evolution where we invite customers to enjoy a unique brand experience, feel at home, and curate their distinct individual style.”
He added, “We’re the No. 2 jeans retailer in America, and our goal is to be No. 1.The goal for AE Studio is to be a lab for us to see the customer reaction firsthand and learn about our new experience.”
Love my job so much☺️☺️Definitely my favorite squad to date ♥️ love all of y’all beyond and the not pictured babes @jordynwoods, @isaaclikes_ & @kittycash #inyourshadows @weareshadow
A post shared by Rachel D’Amico (@rachelrarrar) on Oct 25, 2017 at 4:28pm PDT
Staying relevant is the new bar to scale in experiential marketing as retailers scramble to meet increased demand from consumers who are fickle in their tastes and precious with their time.
Live painting is screen printed on denim shirts at @americaneagle AE Studio event (watch live painting in action in our story) #nyc #art
A post shared by BizBash (@bizbash) on Oct 24, 2017 at 4:46pm PDT
The AE Studio experience includes:
· Jeans Gallery featuring an in-store Maker’s Shop – Customers can shop AE’s extensive jeans collection and create one-of-a-kind pieces. The Maker’s Shop will feature options for customers to personalize their AE Jeans to fit their distinctive style.
· Real-time Social Media Team – AE’s social media team will have an in-store work space to directly engage with customers. Working in the heart of the studio, they’ll create content in real time and keep their finger on the pulse of the brand.
· Complimentary Laundry Wall – Students are offered a free place to do laundry—a boon to students at nearby New York University and the Parsons School of Design. While they wait, they can hang out with friends or study in the studio bar and seating area and enjoy the view of Union Square.
I wouldn’t procrastinate at all if I had to do my laundry here.. // Nope, he wasn’t going to ruin my shot @americaneagle #40Years #AEStudio (Pc: @lecitykitty)
A post shared by Cristian Pena (@cpwears) on Oct 25, 2017 at 6:28pm PDT
· Digital Concierge iPads in dressing rooms – Customers can personalize their shopping experience and engage the brand with the tap of their finger.
· Collaboration Space – The space will feature capsule collections co-created with new brands, emerging designers, and artists.
Abt last night @americaneagle !!! #AEstudio launch party #RickRoss #WingStop #unionsquare #AmericanEagle #nyc #Denim
A post shared by Konquer | New York (@konquernewyork) on Oct 25, 2017 at 12:28pm PDT
“For American Eagle, the store is a reflection of the brand’s larger strategy to experiment with new physical retail models and tap into the burgeoning trend of pop-up shops taking the retail industry by storm,” Glossy comments.
“These spaces — which are optimized for social media with custom artwork and innovative design — help raise awareness for new products and drive foot traffic, particularly as the traditional malls where the company once thrived continue to decline.”
“It’s time for American Eagle to look at the volume being generated on a store-by-store basis and make the decision to close those that are underperforming,” analyst Jim Fosina told Glossy. “They should funnel those dollars into more opportunistic in-market opportunities and become more nimble. We are witnessing the beginning of a strategy that could be the new operating model for American Eagle.”
American Eagle has been challenged by competitors, e-commerce and lower sales, but still beat analyst estimates with reports in August of a revenue increase of 3 percent to $845 million.
The company operates more than 1,000 stores across the United States, Canada, Mexico, China and Hong Kong, and ships to 82 countries worldwide. Along with sister brand Aerie’s current pop-up on Spring Street in Soho, American Eagle experimented with athleisure at a pop-up store in Soho last December.
“All of it is about trying to do new things,” Kessler said. “This is a time of change and disruption within retail. We as a company believe that the future of stores will be relevant — people love touching and feeling and
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