#and while this card was more on the light side it still ate to me idc <3
celestialrealms · 3 months
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Anyway, this is giving me thoughts about both Mephisto and Diavolo being talented swordsmen, presumably because of their upbringing as a nobleman and the Devildom's prince. Like, do you think they used to practice together? That they still do?
Tbh, if you asked me I'd say they probably do it less now, (if at all) because with Mephisto's characterization around Diavolo as it is, I'm not even sure if he'd be capable of not going easy on him... Which is something I think would make Diavolo uncomfortable. and that makes me sad lmao. Idc I just want them to repair their friendship 😔
.............Also Mephisto says this if you make MC more confident about throwing him the bottle in this card. What are we............? 🏳️‍🌈❓
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restinslices · 1 month
Believe Me
Gwayne Hightower X Female!Reader
Word Count: 2792
Summary: Gwayne bumps into an old flame and smut ensues (from his pov)
Content Warning: Smut (so minors dni), fingering, handjob, cheating, light hair pulling, light degrading and praising, vaginal sex, public sex (I hate this but we move on😭)
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Gwayne Hightower was only human, and as a show of this, he had made plenty of mistakes in his lifetime. “It is not worth the stress to beat yourself over what could have been” he'd always remind himself. “What could've been if you chose the right card, woke up earlier, listened more, aimed a little to the left, ate breakfast…”. 
The list went on and on because humans make mistakes all the time. He had vowed to himself that he would never stress over these mistakes. What good would it do? The mistake was already made. 
That's the thought process he tried to keep as he made his way inside the Sept. He was not afraid of the gods deciding to punish him for the sins he was sure he had committed, or of the building crumbling down and burying him underneath. The current war going on wasn't even on his mind. 
What was on his mind was a singular person. And as he got closer and closer to the room he knew they'd be in, the thick fog covering their face in his memories started to move to the side. 
His steps began to falter when he finally saw them. When he finally saw you. 
You were sitting on the bench, back to him, candles aplenty in front of you. Just as he thought about turning around and leaving, you took off your cloak and set it next to you, revealing the open back to your dress. 
You were inviting him. Discarding your defenses and showing that you were open to being around him again. Or mayhaps he was delusional. Either way, he found himself sitting on the other side of you soon enough. 
“Is that really a dress appropriate for the Sept?” he tried to joke with you as he lit a candle. If it was a different time, you would've lightly shoved him and said something like “oh fuck off” while laughing. Unfortunately, that time had been long forgotten. 
You looked over at him at once, and he wondered if for a moment you thought all this was a dream. You looked him up and down, and must've realized this was all real. “Gwayne…” how could you say his name in such a delightful way? 
The surprise from your eyes soon fell, and instead it filled with resentment. “Gwayne” you said more lifeless. “Anyone is welcome here. A common whore could come, wearing hardly any clothes and she'd be welcomed”. 
“I'm sure common whores do lots of cumming”. 
You simply rolled your eyes at him and looked in front of you. “A jest, dear friend-”
“We are not friends”. 
He had known it, but fuck did it hurt to hear. It was said so coldly and cruel, like you wanted it to sting. It definitely had, though he wouldn't show it. 
“We have not talked in some time” he said with his eyes still trained on you. How could you sit there and be so beautiful? Even with a scowl and pinched eyebrows, you looked marvelous. “When I heard my sister had summoned you here as well, I admit I was a bit surprised”. 
“Why? Alicent is in need of a friend. And I am her friend”. 
Well you really knew how to rub something in, didn't you? “I tried writing to you-”
“Years too late” 
You snapped, eyes glancing over at him. Okay, mayhaps you were right. Mayhaps he should've wrote to you sooner, but he eventually did! That had to be worth something! “Why are you here?”. 
“I thought anyone was allowed here”
“It is the gods you should be speaking to. Not I”
“It is not the gods I crave” he spoke honestly. You simply scoffed in return and looked away again, causing him to sigh. “I should have wrote to you sooner, but I did eventually. And I am here now-”
“To do your knightly duties” you said dismissively. “Not to speak with me”. 
“I can do both!” his hand found your arm and he pulled you close to him, making your legs press against each other. He could hear how your breath hitched. He could see the way your chest rose and fell as a reaction to his touch. 
His fingers inched closer to your chest. “What are you-” you began to say, but the words got caught in your throat when he wrapped his fingers around the long necklace that fell in the long V neck of your dress, right in between your breasts. 
“You've kept this?”. 
Years ago, Gwayne gifted you a necklace with a large green pendant, and while the chain was completely different, the pendant was still the same. “Did the chain break?”. 
You shook your head. “No. My husband gave me a new chain. Said gold fit better”. 
He frowned. 
Your husband. Some boring guy with brown hair, brown eyes, patches in his beard and a voice that was far too high for a man. He had no real talents or skill, besides money and luck. That's how he landed you after all. 
“It is best for both of us that you do your praying and then leave. I imagine I will not be ready to leave anytime soon”. 
The moment his hand fell from your arm, he felt cold. He forced himself to look away from you and focus on the candle in front of him. So what was he to do now? Just let you go? Go off to war and accept that he'd likely never see you again? Accept you'd hate him forever?
“No” he answered himself out loud. “No. I am to just accept that your husband messed with a gift I gave you?”. 
“I beg your pardon?” You asked in disbelief. “That is what you are focusing on? That your gift was ruined?” You scoffed again and rubbed your temples. “Selfish as always. Nevermind to ask how I feel or how I have been. No. It is just stupid jokes and being offended. Did my gift put a dent in your pocket? Here then!”. You unclipped the necklace, grabbed his hand and shoved the necklace on his palm. “Take it!”. 
His chuckle afterwards was filled with bitterness. Here he was, trying to patch things up, and you kept making it difficult. “This resentment you hold towards me is ridiculous. I took too long to write to you after your marriage, but I'm here now. And this-” he set the necklace on the table. “This is a gift I gave to you”. 
“My husband gives me plenty of gifts. I do not need anything from you”. 
As if his gifts were anything special. Probably cheap and terrible material. You deserved more than that. You deserved more than some husband that probably couldn't even make you laugh the way Gwayne had. 
“Husband this. Husband that. Does shoving him in my face excite you?”. Maybe he had no right to be angry, but he was anyway. 
“I wouldn't be able to if you vied for my hand when you had the chance!” You snapped. For once, Gwayne had no response. No witty comeback or complaint. He just watched you as you realized what you said. You huffed, grabbed your cloak and got to your feet. “Good day Gwayne”. 
You managed to make it a few feet away before he finally spoke. “I should have”. Regret had gnawed at him for years now. He let you slip away. Why? Because he wasn't sure he could be committed. Did he love you? Yes. Was he a young man that wasn't fond of becoming a husband and a father? Also yes. 
“You have to understand,” he began as he rose to his feet. “Marriage was not something I wanted at the time”. 
“And you think I did?” You asked in disbelief. “Marriage was not something I wanted either. It was forced upon me. Marriage terrified me, but I knew that if I was married to you, marriage wouldn't be that bad. You were my best friend and lover. And what did you do, Gwayne?”. He couldn't make the answer leave his lips. The words felt like they were stuck in his throat and refused to go anywhere. “You left me” you answered for him. “And once I was married, you avoided me. Then years later you decided you wanted to speak again. What were you too busy doing? Drinking and fucking whores?”. 
That made him laugh. Drinking? Maybe a little. Fucking whores? It's not like he truly wanted to. It made time pass and got an orgasm out the way, but he didn't want painted whores. He wanted you to be under him. He wanted to feel your soft skin on his fingers. He wanted to hear his name pass your sweet lips over and over again until that was all he heard. 
“I made mistakes-”
“I made terrible choices” he corrected. “Awful ones. But you and I both know that I have always wanted and will always want you”. Those words seem to catch you off guard, which he assumed because you didn't push him away when his hands found their way to your hips. 
His face inched closer and closer to yours until your lips just barely brushed against each other. Unbeknownst to the both of you, your hearts beat as one in that moment. Both hearts erratic but somehow managing to be erratic together. 
“I want you desperately. And I know you want me…”. 
The remaining bit of space was broken and your lips finally met. Your lips responded to each other immediately and your arms wrapped around his neck. Finally… after so long you both were able to taste each other again. 
Reality came crashing down faster than he wanted it to. 
You shoved him away, making him stumble. You breathed heavily and wiped at your lips. “Won't change what happened” he said to your displeasure. 
“You are selfish” you spoke through gritted teeth. “You are an asshole” you shoved him again. “And a liar” another shove. 
Each insult you gave was followed by shove, and instead of feeling insulted, he felt something else. 
That desire is what led to him grabbing you, switching your positions and pushing you onto the table where no candles were. 
Your expression was full of shock, but not disgust or fear. Good. He never wanted to frighten you. What frightened him a little bit though, was his growing erection. Something that made no sense since all you had done recently was insult him. Gods, he was way more desperate than he realized. 
“Get all your insults out” he said as his thumb traced your lower lip, “tell me how much you hate me”. 
A request you had no problem fulfilling. 
“You are a vile man. Seducing a married woman in a Sept. Is there a line you're not willing to cross?”. 
There it was. Just like that. 
He began leaving open mouth kisses down your neck, eagerly awaiting what you'd say next. 
“You are a defiler full of sin”
“I am, aren't I?”. He held you in place as he bit and sucked at a particular spot on your neck, and a small smirk formed on his face when he heard you moan in response. “It seems you enjoy my sins” he taunted. 
“I hate you. No. I despise you. Even that word can't describe how I feel for you”. 
Gwayne untied your dress strap and unbuttoned the buttons in the front, allowing him to free your breasts. 
“I loathe you”. 
“I'm sure” his words dripped in sarcasm. Loathe him yet you allow him to undress you. Loathe him, yet you allowed him to fondle your breasts, then lick and suck at one of your nipples. That's how your little game continued. You'd throw insults at him in between your gasps, and he'd lick and suck harder at each breast, showing them both proper attention. His erection pressed against his trousers, it becoming almost painful. 
You lifted your leg up in response to him twisting your nipple, and your knee brushed right against his erection. He moaned around your breast before he even realized what had happened. His own eagerness being exposed only dawned on him when he felt your palm fully press against him. 
Your other hand pulled his head back by his hair, causing a sharp but welcomed pain to burn at his roots. “I always knew you were pathetic Gwayne, but this?”, a soft breath slipped past his lips when you pressed harder against him. “You like when I insult you?”. He nodded. No point in lying. Still though, he didn't just wanna hand you all the power in your game. 
He hiked the bottom of your dress up and kept eye contact with you as his fingers pushed your undergarments to the side and made contact with your soaked cunt for the first time tonight. He watched you try to keep a stone face, but you couldn't hide the sharp inhale you did. “Seems like you've enjoyed our little game too. What does that say about you?”. 
“What does it say about you that you like being called pathetic?”. 
Gwayne chuckled. He looked you over, watching as you tried not to react to his fingers sliding in between your folds. “You're marvelous…” he said almost as if in a dream. 
You yanked on his hair again and pushed his trousers down, freeing his erection. “Is this when I say you're disgusting?” You taunted. Your hand wrapped around him and shamefully he almost came from that minor touch alone. 
“If it pleases you”. 
His middle and ring finger slowly but surely made their way inside you, all while he whispered praises in your ear. 
“You're so pretty like this”
“You're taking my fingers so well”
“Open up for me. Just like that. Good girl”. 
Your head fell on his shoulder and his fell on yours. The Sept filled with both of your noises as you both continued to pleasure each other with your hands. It was clear that that wouldn't be enough. The question was just who would bend first. 
“I've got you” he whispered before placing a gentle kiss under your ear. You lifted your head off his shoulder to meet his eyes, and while there was still lust behind them, there was clearly something more. 
“Do you really?” You asked. 
He answered at once, “yes. I swear to you on all the gods in every religion that I'm never leaving you again”. 
You swiped at his hands and pulled him closer to you until his tip was lined up with your entrance. “And what about my husband?”. 
Damn your husband. He'd cause an “accident” to happen if he had to. He wouldn't let a man like him keep him away from the one person who truly wanted in this whole world. “I will deal with your husband and I swear you will never be able to get rid of me. Do you believe me?”. 
He asked his question as he began to push inside you. Your answer got stuck in your throat, so instead you nodded in response. Your nod wasn't enough for him, but he'd address that later. For now, he kept whispering encouraging words to you to soothe the stretching he knew you'd feel. He kept telling you that he had you, that you were okay, that you were safe with him and always would be. 
When you finally seemed adjusted, he spoke again. “Do you believe me?”. You nodded. “Out loud”. 
“I believe you”. 
That was all he needed hear. Once he got confirmation, his lips found yours and he moved inside you. Was this an all around terrible idea? Absolutely. Was there a chance of getting caught? Yes. But neither of you could care less about that. How could that possibly be at the forefront of your minds when you were finally feeling each other in the way you both craved?
You both enjoyed each other, ultimately hitting your peaks while you were still connected, mouths swallowing each sound the other made, and foreheads pressed against each other so you could catch your breath. 
His hands cupped your face and he pressed a softer kiss to your lips. Of course there was still that sexual desire there, but he wanted more than to just fuck and be rid of you. He wanted to hold you forever. He wanted to tell you about his tales of knighthood over dinner, and hold your hand as you went on walks in the garden. 
“I swear-”
“I believe you”. 
You believed him. That was all he needed. 
For you to believe him and for you to give him another chance.
Bitch I hate this shit but I haven’t posted in awhile soooooo here we are😭😭. Also the way I forgot about that necklace-
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a-tiny-thing · 8 months
break in pt.2 // m.l
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burglar!mark x rich!reader
pt.1, pt.2, pt.3, pt.4
he's never coming back...
you already told yourself that multiple times, but you were still standing on front of your dining room's window, looking around for any signs about mark's arrival.
"honey, what are you looking for?" your mom sweetly called out your name, making you halt your actions.
"oh, nothing, just nothing" you shook your head, but it's not convincing enough for your mom to believe you.
'clearly, there's something going on' your mom thought. but she just doesn't want to bother you more.
her and his husband's jewelries went missing a few nights ago, but it didn't bother them that much since those were actually old and boring to wear now.
they also planned on going on a trip to a another jewelry shop someday to buy more.
"well, just sit down for a while and eat 'cause dinner's ready"
you walked over to a chair with a slumped back, sat down with a defeated sigh, and ate.
he's never coming back...
he already got what he wanted...
you told yourself again, just to make you let go of him already.
meanwhile, mark is back on the streets.
stealing phones and wallets as usual, with his best buddy haechan.
"yo dude, you should get that guy" haechan held onto his left shoulder, came close to his ear and pointed at a middle-aged man in a luxurious white suit, busy typing on his phone as he stands in the middle of a sidewalk.
"why can't you?" mark looked at him and asked.
"'cause i'll be handling that poor old lady right there" haechan pointed at the lonely granny on the other side of the street, waiting for the green light turn into red so she could walk, using their walkers.
"and if i helped them cross the street, she would give me lots of money!" haechan smiled at the thought.
"and if she doesn't?"
"i'll steal their purse" haechan said, as mark shakes his head.
"whatever, i'm on that guy.." mark said before walking towards that middle-aged man.
he ignored haechan's "good luck" behind him as he thinks of a way to rob that guy without being caught.
mark then, stands too close to him, but seems to be unnoticed. he looks around the area, pretending to admire it to avoid suspicions from other bystanders.
his hands slowly reach up to the man's left pocket, the fat wallet with credit cards and cash are coming into his view.
holy shit...
mark cautiously dipped his hand into the man's pocket, his fingers finally coming in contact with the leather texture.
'i got it! i got i--' mark slowly lifts up the wallet until
"huh?" he muttered as he turned his head around quickly to spot a familiar girl running up to him fastly.
"hey wait! no!" he said, but you already hugged him.
it was you.
you thought that maybe going around the city with your parents can take your mind off him.
and oh boy, it didn't.
you stilk think about the kiss with him, every now and then.
it's driving you insane.
"do you like to buy something, sweetie?" your mom asked, sat beside your father on the driver's seat, looking at you through the rear-view mirror inside the car as she applies her lipstick on.
"yeah i guess so, i'm planning to get new shoes, my classmates already saw my old ones multiple times" you told them, thinking about the time your other rich classmates made fun of you for wearing the same shoes in school thrice.
"okay! me and your father will just be hanging out at the jewelry shop right there" your mom said, pointing at a jewelry shop you didn't even bother to look at.
they dropped you off to the side, as the car you were just in drives away to another direction.
you strolled around the city, finding some nice shops to shop in, and thinking of mark as well...
hmm, i wonder what he's doing right now
you thought to yourself, until you spotted that oh so familiar black beanie.
you couldn't believe it!
"MARK!" you screamed before running up to him. the people passing by suddenly stopped to look at you until continuing to walk again.
the middle-aged man was nudged a little, so he decided to move away from what's happening.
mark frowned at him leaving, and then looked down at you, still hugging him.
"oh my god, i thought i'll never see you again" you said to him, basking in his warmth.
his hands mindlessly went to hold onto your waist and push you gently, hoping you'll get the signal from him to let you go.
"don't you know i've waited for you for so long to come back?!" you looked up at him with some cute puppy eyes. you hope.
"I..." mark clearly doesn't know what to say as he looked to the side and spotted haechan watching them, sporting a beige purse on his arm with a smirk on his face.
"help me" mark mouthed at haechan, but he just laughed at him.
mark looked down on you.
"uhh, okay, it's nice to see you again too, but i have to go" mark said to you, finally making you let go of him.
"huh? where are you going--" you asked as mark quickly leaves the area. you couldn't find him anymore.
he left you confused and dumbfounded.
"so you're telling me, you kissed this girl so you won't get snitched out, and now she's in love with you and stalking you around the city?" haechan says to him, his ass sitting on the poor and abused sofa with his feet propped up against a wooden table as he pulls out the contents of the old lady's purse one-by-one.
they're currently at their secret hideout, haechan's basement.
"yeah, I clearly didn't know what to do next, it was so stupid of me. fuck!" mark says back, pacing back and forth on front of haechan, his hands on his hair.
"well, that's good because you will now be able to get closer to her and her family. they will let you in their mansion, and if you got in, you can steal everything you want and just leave immediately like you were never there" haechan reasons, suddenly pulling out an inhaler from the purse, then throwing it aside.
"what? no way, i would never do that!" mark replies to him, stopping to look at haechan's face in a disgusted way.
"geez, it's just an idea" haechan said, putting his hands up to tell mark to calm down and let it go.
"well, whatever, she's your problem anyway and not mine..." haechan chuckled as he pulled out a bundled cash from the purse counting it immediately, ignoring mark.
mark sighed and plopped down beside haechan, watching him count the money.
"yo, you have to give me a share of tha-" mark says as he feels up his now empty pocket.
wait, huh?
mark quickly checked his pockets to make sure he's not crazy, but he's really not and his wallet totally gone!
it only has $16 in it, plus his old school ID and his family picture that he cherishes.
where could he even dropped or misplaced that.
better yet, who even stole it?
"yo dude, did you take my wallet?" mark nudged haechan's shoulder to ask him.
"i would never steal your empty and ugly-ass looking wallet" haechan stated to him, still looking at the huge money he's holding in his hands, counting it over and over again.
"i'm serious dude!"
"i really didn't!"
if it's not haechan, then...
oh no.
after mark left you alone again in the city, you were not really disappointed with it.
you were on your bed, kicking your feet up in the air as you look at mark's old school ID and family photo.
oh he looks so damn cute.
you really didn't think mark wouldn't feel you taking his wallet while hugging him.
you laughed at the thought, guess he wasn't the only one with robber skills after all.
'i hope he tries to get his wallet back from me'
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xxlady-lunaxx · 2 months
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Sanemi hated sunny days. Everyone was always in good moods, happily going about their daily lives like idiots. Their irritatingly lively chatter and the intoxicating scent of nectar filling the air. How could they be so ignorant? The weather was only deceiving. The forecast of sun hadn’t prevented his whole life from turning upside down that one night. It was all just a ploy. Some game the world played to get them all happy and unsuspecting then playing the next card and completely destroying their lives. He detested sunny days.
That is, until he met Kanae. She was, as a whole, perhaps one of the sunniest people he had met. All bright smiles and shining eyes. At first, it disgusted him. Playing the typical optimistic protagonist wasn’t going to change anything. There was no plot armor to save her in the real world. Pair her happy-go-lucky attitude with this god forsaken, hell of a bright day? Unbearable.
Sanemi found, however, that it wasn’t quite as bad as he had anticipated. For one thing, Kanae was mostly quiet today, gazing at their surroundings. They were having some sort of post-training picnic thing that Kanae had dragged him on without his permission. As they settled down, Kanae handed Sanemi his food and they began to eat in silence, perched on benches that sat conveniently by the side of the road. This place was relatively isolated today, leaving them in blissful peace.
While eating, Kanae pointed out small things Sanemi hadn’t bothered to pay attention to in years. The birds, flitting from tree to tree, their chirping filling the air. A gentle breeze, swaying the trees and the grass. A lone butterfly that circled a bush, landing on a blooming flower, its wings opening and closing lazily. The distant sound of voices that were swept towards them through the air. The clouds that seemed to avoid the sun, never once obscuring the light.
As she spoke, Kanae’s eyes flicked from one thing to another, a smile gracing her lips. Sanemi found himself losing focus on her words, noticing smaller things about her in their proximity. The barely-there gradient of purple in her eyes, the way her eyelashes curved subtly forward instead of towards her. Little dimples that accompanied each smile, strands of hair that flew astray in the gentle wind. Her bangs bumping against her cheeks as she moved her head, the slightly crooked way she had clipped on one of the butterflies. Then he realized she had turned towards him, tilting her head slightly, eyebrows quirked.
He started, face heating up. “Uh- What?”
She gave him a bemused smile. “You were staring.” Then, as an afterthought, she added, “at me. Is something wrong?”
He cleared his throat, scrambling to save his food that had almost slipped off his lap and turning back to her. “No. No, uh, I was thinking.”
“About?” She rightened herself, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear and placing her now-empty container of food beside her, offering him her full attention. “You haven’t eaten much,” she noted.
He frowned, looking down at his own container. He realized that he had, in fact, eaten very little. God, how long had he been staring? Feeling his cheeks burn, he averted his eyes, hoping his hair covered the worst of his blush. “Not hungry.”
“Ah! I’m sorry, is the food not good? I made it in a rush, so it may not be-“ she started. Sanemi interrupted her, raising a hand.
“No—it’s just that we were training recently and the adrenaline is still there,” he said quickly, making a show of beginning to eat again. Then he ate more quickly, deciding he liked Kanae’s cooking.
She let out a relieved breath. “Okay, then!” She turned, wrapping the cloth back around her container. “I’m glad you don’t mind it.”
“Mhm. Er, are you leaving?” he asked awkwardly, after a moment of contemplating if he should ask.
“What? No, not yet. Unless you’d rather eat alone,” she said apologetically.
He shook his head a bit too quickly. “No! I mean—it’s fine. I don’t… mind. Really.”
She nodded slowly. “Alright!”
As he finished eating, Kanae idled around, walking around the scattered flowers and somehow looking ethereal with the forest framing her, rays of sunlight that streamed through the trees making her eyes shimmer more than usual. Putting his container aside next to hers, he joined her, crouching down beside her to where she was looking down at something beyond his view.
“What’re you doing?” he asked. He didn’t understand why he was being so casual with her, but supposed he never understood her either so that was fine.
She looked up, smiling, and lifting her hand to place something in his hair. He frowned, reaching up and batting her hand away. Removing whatever the hell she had put on him, he found that she’d tucked a small flower there. Its petals were white with a gentle gradient of lavender. He raised an eyebrow and glanced back up at her.
“The hell?”
She laughed, a sound perceivable to music, really. “It reminded me of you. You know, you have white hair and purple-ish eyes.”
“Hm.” He turned, searching the ground and the field of random assortments of plants, looking for the right one. He stood, circling around. Spotting some roses that skirted around the edges of the forest, he strode towards the bushes, finding one in full bloom and returning back to her, offering her the rose. Its petals curved outward and down in a bright pink, the stem a green much more vibrant than it should be allowed. “Like your clip.”
Her cheeks warmed a rosy bloom and she smiled. “Thank you,” she said, delicately taking the flower.
For a moment, Sanemi didn’t understand her reaction. Then he realized he was giving her a flower—a rose, out of everything!—after eating lunch alone with her—which could basically pass off as a date—and he panicked. He was sure he would catch fire what with the temperature suddenly rising and he shifted. “Uhm. Anyway, thanks for lunch, I guess,” he said stiffly. “Bye.”
Kanae laughed. “I’m glad you came. It was fun.”
He decided to mention he hadn’t had a choice, nodding. He turned to leave, following the path they had taken earlier. She would probably follow later. As he reentered the forest, he turned once to see her still standing there, gazing at the flower in her hands with an expression he couldn’t make out from here. He continued into the clusters of trees, deciding that maybe—just maybe—he may enjoy sunny days now.
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margotoo0 · 4 months
Warning : Cannibalism, very boring and dry, bad english, gn!reader, fanon!Sukuna , silly fiction ♡
There was almost no light in the big room, except for a couple of torches and wax candles on the table. Smell of fried meat, tart wine and incense. Usually you always arrive later than the king, since, of course, according to the classics of the genre, it was he who initiated all your meetings and shared meals. But today the cards were in your hands. And you, with great respect and admiration, decided to throw them to your master. Fear? No way. Excitement and thirst to see the reaction to such a gift burned inside you. You hoped he would take it right. He must understand you.
Like a tiger, a graceful predator, he walked to the table, to this huge table, which was bursting with the succulent flesh of his prey and other delights from the East. Sukuna is known to have a monstrous appetite. The king sat down, straightening the thick fabric of his black kimono. The contrast between him and you immediately caught his crimson eyes. More precisely... Your plates.
Your plate was empty while there were two plates next to his. One was also empty, but the one that stood closest had amazing content. A small piece of meat, no more than 2 centimeters thick... So small, one tooth, but sufficient for an ordinary person. But we should separately note the aesthetics and beauty with which the dish was served. Graceful burgundy lines and drops, and...small bloody-red flowers with figs. Why flowers? New Uraume style?
– What is this? A compliment from the chef? – Sukuna's voice was rough, hoarse and harsh, with a hint of sarcasm, breaking the dead silence in the room.
– Not really. But I beg you, my Lord, – you bowed, – taste this first, and then I will explain everything to you. – You glanced at Sukuna.
The huge man shrugged, his gaze relaxed, bored and tired. Taking a piece of meat into his mouth, the man tensed. This taste..Uraume never used this. This is something completely new. What's sweet and sour...Cherry? Cowberry? Slightly spicy at the end. It was surprisingly tender, not as fibrous as other meats he usually ate. It wasn't greasy but Uraume really managed to cook it..Perfect as always. But the question remained open: is this really a new introduction? Or is there something behind this new product? More precisely... Someone.
– This is.. Something new, – the man took a sip of thick wine, – What is this? New Uraume recipe?
– I must say that Uraume cooked this meat. But this is not their recipe.
– Whose?
You stood up from your chair and walked to the middle of the table so Sukuna could see clearly. Lifting the hem of your kimono reveals your thigh, wrapped in a thick layer of bandage, slightly stained with dried blood. Everything fell into place. You returned to your seat, without saying anything. Silence. Sukuna glanced at the empty plate.
Quiet snort.
The corner of Sukuna's lips twitched slightly, but you didn't notice it. The expression on his face became calmer, his muscles seemed to relax. In his own head, he gave the most sincere, childishly insecure smile, with a satisfied grin. His eyes narrowed, and he was already thinking about whether he should throw this table on its side right now and take you on the cold floor. Or maybe throw the contents off the table and use it for own purposes? Tonight, on this table, you were the main dish.
– My lord, this... This is my recipe. Ans my flesh. I asked Uraume to make it for you. This is the least I can give you. This is a tribute to you, this.. – you sighed, muttering quietly, – no matter how you deny it, this is my act of love. Only for you. Thank you for everything you have given me. Thank you that I'm still alive. Thank you for helping me find someone that I am truly...capable of loving. I understand that you think this is useless... I agree with you, but now I have to step back from this view. If it had been anyone else, he would have been abandoned long ago. Of course, my nature is to resist having someone over me and ruling me, but... You have become an exception. – Your voice dropped to a whisper. – You yourself know how difficult it is. Almost impossible... This is the first time I'm willing to give something without asking in return. This is the first time I'm giving anything at all.. This is the first time someone has been so close to me. It's scary and exciting at the same time. Sorry for being stingy. This is a big event for me. – you put your hand on chest, tilting your head down, waiting for Sukuna’s further actions.
– Great taste. This is... beautiful. – the man laughed. – Most beautiful. Thank you. – for the first time, he couldn't help but smile. So soft that it twists your stomach and compresses your your lungs and chest.
Gratitude will not keep you waiting. You might also discover a new taste. Special taste. Favorite taste.
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can i participate in the event? number 4 please <3, the character i'd like is oikawa tooru from haikyuu, I would like hurt/comfort (enemies to lovers) thank you!!
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it took soooo long, i’m so sorry; but this is the last event request which came in in time; thank you to everyone who participated!! ♡
i couldn’t do enemies to lovers though bc that was a trope in and of itself+ combining it with “baking” didn’t give me any great ideas
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Flours for you ゚☾. ࿐
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trope: baking [space nr. 24]
pairing: post-timeskip oikawa x gn! reader
genre: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
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You were disappointed, to boil it down. But it wasn’t like you could openly show it, not on this day, which somehow only made it hurt worse.
It had been weeks since you and your boyfriend could spend some quality time together, most of your conversations being held over text or post-its on the fridge, asking to add butter to the grocery list or saying leftovers from yesterday were still stowed away. You knew what you were agreeing to when choosing to date Oikawa, knew his job took a lot of his time, yet, you couldn’t help but miss him anyway.
A small, hopeful voice in your head almost convinced you that today might be different, it was your birthday after all. His next match was a home game and Oikawa wouldn’t have to travel far away this time. So, no matter how selfish the thought was, you went to bed alone the night before in hopes of waking up to two strong arms wrapped around you and a warm body pressed against you.
When you opened your eyes, his side of the bed was messy but cold. While getting ready for work without much of a spring to your step, you saw his practice bag and keys gone, confirming your suspicions.
As you went about your day with no card, no post-it, no flowers and no text in sight, your shoulders couldn’t help but slump. While really grateful for friends, family and colleagues wishing you a happy birthday, you felt a deeper pang and more unease settle in your heart and gut. 
One thing about Oikawa, he was attentive in any part of life, there was no way he wouldn’t at least shoot you a cheeky message, unless for the first time he actually forgot…
By the time you came home, you were ready to curl up on the couch with a movie and maybe order some take-out, still in disbelief you didn’t hear from the one person you really wanted to see today. There was that same tiny voice telling you the day wasn’t over yet but there was also your best friend on speed dial, ready to see you through the evening.
To your surprise, when you opened the front door, your heart soared as you were greeted by lights, the sound of dishes clinking and… the scent of cocoa?  Popping your head into the kitchen you indeed found the source of the noise to be your boyfriend, whisking something together in a mixing bowl with a look of utmost concentration. 
It was almost comical, the speed at which his head whipped around and his fluffy hair bounced with the movement. For a split-second, his features fell in shock before beaming at you brightly. Before you could move from your spot, the arms you had missed this morning were slung around you as Oikawa twirled you around. 
“Mi amor! Feliz cumpleaños!” When he rested his head on your shoulder and basked in your embrace, your hands tightened the grip on the back of his shirt. A sob choked you up as bottled emotions bubbled to the top and your throat closed up. Alarmed at the tears spilling from your eyes, Oikawa pulled back and cupped your face in his hands, a worried look creasing his forehead. “What is wrong? Are you okay? Please talk to me, love.”
“I- I can’t believe I thought– I thought you didn’t remember,” you sniffled past the weight in your chest. The guilt about not trusting him ate you up inside and made you avoid his eyes. “But when you weren’t there this morning and didn’t talk to me and I hadn’t seen you in forever… I just missed you so much, Tooru.”
“I missed you too, angel. I’m so sorry I’ve been so busy with work lately.” He gently wiped your tears and placed a sweet kiss on your temple, his touch lingering just a little longer than usual. Slowly his hand ran up and down the length of your spine until he could feel your sobs calm down. “I really wanted to congratulate you in person, so that’s on me. That was really stupid of me.”
“It was,” you agreed, making him chuckle.
“But you ruined your own surprise, that wasn’t so nice either,” Oikawa said, a soft grin tugging at his lips. “Guess you’ll have to help me finish it to make it up to me.”
The raise of your brow was interrupted by your boyfriend picking you up and sitting you down on the counter. With a clear look at the mixing bowl, you finally saw where the scent of cocoa came from as Oikawa went to preheat the oven.
“Watcha making?” you chimed, making some room for him to stand between your legs as he smoothed his hands up your thighs
“What a question… A birthday cake, of course,” he said, booping your nose.
As your house filled with the smell of chocolate and the sound of laughter, the cake lost a substantial amount of batter before even seeing the oven and it became clear there’d be a lot more clean-up to do than usual but you didn’t mind. After all, spending time with your favourite idiot far surpassed everything else you could’ve wished for.
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tagging: @mccnstruck @ukaishin @silentmoths
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poledancingdinos · 1 year
A Very Merry Unbirthday
Pairing: Captain Syverson X OFC
Word Count: 1179
Warnings: Fluff
Taglist: @amberangel112 @utterlyhopeful-fics @marantha @kebabgirl67 @littleone65 @omgkatinka @luclittlepond @elizabetharegina @enchantedbytomandhenry @narnianaos @geralts-yenn @peaches1958 @avengersfan25
A/N: Another one from the forgotten WIP file
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At oh-five-hundred on the dot, Sy’s eyes cracked open to find sunny rays beginning to light up the bedroom. It was Saturday and he had no obligation to be up so damn early but it seemed that his body had yet to register that he was now a civilian. Instead of staying in bed a while longer like he normally would have, he slowly slipped out from between the sheets and gathered some fresh clothes before exiting the room.
He showered and shaved then went downstairs to get the plastic shopping bags out from the under seat storage at the back of his truck. He’d hidden the contents there, knowing that if he were caught with them in the house, his girlfriend would have his hide.
You wouldn’t think that wrapping paper and ribbon would be the worst kind of contraband he could sneak into his home but it was something she felt very strongly about.
After retrieving the scissors from the kitchen and letting Aika out in the yard, Sy sat in the den and began meticulously wrapping the small box. He marked and folded each side of the paper, ensuring the edges were crisp and neat before placing the box in the center and taping everything in place.
Finally, he pulled out the card he’d had printed specifically for the occasion. He’d been agonizing all week over what he wanted to say and what words to use. He wasn’t very good at sharing his thoughts or emotions, being more of a “show don’t tell” type of guy, but the woman sound asleep upstairs deserved that he at least make an attempt.
By the time he’d finished it was only a little past six. He still had at least two more hours to kill so he made a pot of coffee and kept himself busy by cleaning the kitchen, living room and dining room before setting the table and heading out the door.
It was a quick drive to his chosen restaurant where he placed an order to go. The enticing smells perfuming the place made his stomach rumble, reminding that he’d forgone breakfast in order to eat with his girlfriend once she woke up. Luckily, the restaurant was mostly empty still and the hostess quickly returned with two full bags of food.
Now came the hard part: waking his girlfriend without getting too many pillows thrown at his head.
The door creaked as he pushed it open and his sleeping beauty stirred. He knelt by the bed, pecking her nose and cheeks.
“Mornin’ Sugar.”
She hummed but didn’t open her eyes as she sought his lips for a deep, slow kiss.
“Hey handsome.”
Her eyes darted open and she gave him a stern frown. “If you know what's good for you, you will not finish that sentence.”
Sy chuckled, giving her another peck between her tightly knit eyebrows.
“Come on…,” he coaxed. “Birthday girls get coffee and food from the good breakfast place.”
He’d hoped the promise of her favorite food would pull her from the bed and he’d been right. She pouted comically as she stood, wearing only underwear and one of his old shirts. Sy watched shamelessly as she walked to the dresser to retrieve a pair of soft fleece shorts, pulling them up her legs.
He followed her down to the dinning room where their breakfast awaited. Though she continued to pout out of principal, the little satisfied sounds she made as she ate let Sy know that she was very much enjoying her surprise breakfast.
When they both finished their meals, Sy cleared the plates and replaced hers with the card he’d prepared.
“Sy…” she warned.
He pulled her chair closer to his and placed his arm around her shoulders.
“I just want to celebrate my woman and know she's as happy as she makes me.”
“Happy would be no special attention,” she argued, leaning into his side.
“What are ya gonna do when it’s our kids wakin’ ya up first thing in the mornin’ by jumpin’ up and down on the bed and screamin’ that it’s their birthday?”
“Our kids?” she repeated, pursing her lips as she pretended not to smile. Sy only shrugged, like it was no big deal that he’d just assumed with so much certainty the two of them would have kids one day .
She focused her attention on opening the card, ignoring the way her stomach fluttered at the thought of her and Sy trying for a baby.
“A very merry unbirthday to you. Yes, you,” she read aloud. She turned the front of the card towards Sy, pointing at the image from the movie Alice in Wonderland. “Okay, I have to admit that’s pretty funny.” She opened the card, reading the inscription.
After a few seconds, she looked up at Sy. “I don’t get it.”
“Maybe this’ll help.” He placed a box on the table which his girlfriend hadn’t even noticed was on his lap.
“Open it.”
Her eyes flickered between Sy and the box as she reached out and gently peeled back the clear tape until she revealed the black velvet box. She slipped the cardboard sleeve off and slowly lifted the cover.
“Sy…” She didn’t know what else to say. Well, “yes” might be an appropriate response but he hadn't actually asked a question yet.
“I know ya hate birthdays but this is the first time I’m not overseas on the day of… I hope you’ll forgive me, I just wanted to make it special this one time to celebrate the amazin’ woman I’m hopin’ will be my wife.”
If you say one word, I will promise you a lifetime of very merry unbirthdays, the card read.
“So,” Sy continued, taking the ring from the box and getting down on one knee. “Sugar, you are the light of my life. I love you and all your quirks, even if it means I don't get to spoil you on this one day of the year. I am incredibly grateful to wake up by your side every day and I never want that to change. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
“Yes,” she quickly answered, tears beginning to pool in her eyes. “Of course I will, yes!”
Sy couldn't hold back his smile at her answer, nor did he want to. He ran his thumb tenderly over her knuckles as he took hold of her left hand and slipped the ring onto her finger. When it fit almost to perfection, he made a mental note to thank his future brother-in-law for the insider tip.
She let herself be pulled onto Sy’s lap, cupping his face as she locked her lips with his.
“Thank you for waitin’, Sugar. I know I put you through Hell these last few years. I’ve got a lot of time to make up for.”
She shook her head, her nose brushing against his as she remained wrapped in his embrace. “I don’t need you to make up for anything. Having you here now is all I need.”
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farity · 1 year
In the Red of Night, part 5
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Aemond’s loft was on the top floor - of course - of the building across the street from the coffee shop.  When he opened the front door, your determination to not be impressed by his wealth went right out the window.
“Oh wow.”
The door opened to a wall of floor-to-ceiling windows, with the colors of sunset filling the expanse of glass.  There were large light fixtures hovering over the large living area, and your first impression was of a refuge, a welcoming space for someone who had most likely seen much of just about every style of living and wanted peace and quiet.
The wall across from the wall of windows was filled with books, and you smiled, shaking your head.  “Have you read of all those?”
You turned to Aemond and realized he’d been watching you.  “Yes.  Do you approve?”
You let out a breath.  “Of course I approve.  This is amazing.”
“Let me show you around.”
You followed as he took you around the place, smiled when he took your hand and grabbed the bag off your shoulder.  When you reached his bedroom, you were again surprised by how normal it seemed.  Luxurious.  Expensive.  But all in all, pretty normal.
"Are you hungry for some food?”
* * * * * 
She did not want to go out, so they went over a dozen delivery options before they decided on Thai food.  
“Can you subsist on food or do you need to drink blood?” she asked halfway through her bowl of soup.
He looked at her, amazed that such a question could sound so casual coming from her.  “Do you really not care?”
She dabbed at her mouth with a napkin.  “Of course I care, I’m just curious.  I want to know everything.”  She smiled and he felt comforted, realizing how much he had needed that.
“Yes, I can subsist on either.  I like food, and there is so much variety of it nowadays,” he nodded at his plate.  “Back home it was meat and something on the side most days.  We had great cooks but basically ate the same most of the time.  Alys was into stews, she always made stews for us.”
Aemond took a sip of his water.  “The one who turned me.  Alys Rivers.”
He saw the immediate change in her eyes.  From sweet to wary, from curious to fearful, and she went completely still.  “What is it?”
“How do you spell her name?”
Aemond tensed.  No one would ask that unless they’d seen some strange version of the original name.  “Do you know her?”
She took a deep breath while a thousand possibilities went through his head.
“A very posh woman came into the shop yesterday.  Her credit card said Alys Rivers.  A-L-Y-S.”  Her lips pressed together, as if she already knew the answer, “is that her?”
Aemond rubbed his face, the familiar dread heavy on his shoulders.  “Brunette, posh as you said, expensive everything, looks like she’s in her thirties?”
“More like forties with a lot of Botox and visits to a spa,” she smirked but her eyes were filled with fear.  
“I will not let her hurt you.”
“Would she?”
He wouldn’t lie to her.  Not when it could mean her death.  “If she knows who you are, and I don’t think her going to the shop was a coincidence,” he stared at her with sorrow in his soul, “yes, she would hurt you to get to me.”
She said nothing and Aemond cursed Alys, cursed himself.
“I am sorry.”
“What does that mean, Aemond?  I need to know.”  He saw how her fingers shook when she put down her glass of water.  “I have people I’m responsible for, my entire life is in that shop, I can’t disappear.”
“I can staff it with people who can defend themselves, give your employees a few weeks paid vacations-”
She ran a hand through her hair.  “Aemond, you can’t just throw money at things and expect them to be fixed.”
He smiled at her.  “You’d be surprised at how well it works.”  He stood and walked around the table. He realized he was far more afraid of her deciding he wasn’t worth it and leaving than he was of Alys, which might be incredibly stupid of him but at least Alys was a known quantity.  This brand new thing was so fragile, so tender, and he wasn’t completely sure he was indeed worth it to her.  “I really am sorry.  I never meant for you to be involved in this.”  
She touched his face, her smile soft, and he knew he had to offer, he had to give her an out even if it tore him apart.
“I can leave,” he began, “I can be gone by tomorrow, and Alys will follow my trail and never bother you as long as I am away from you.  You can have your life and your shop and not fear-”
She pressed her mouth to his, wrapped her arms around him, her tongue tracing his lower lip, and he opened for her, let her sweep in and taste him and then he was hauling her up in his arms, carrying her to his bedroom because whatever it was she was promising, he would take, however long she chose to be by his side.
“I don’t want you to go” she murmured between kisses.
“Then I won’t.”
When he placed her on the bed, she rose up onto her knees and pulled him down onto his back, straddling him while she pulled his shirt off.  He let his arms fall to his sides, letting her do as she willed.  
When she kissed his neck, he shivered, and she pressed her teeth against his skin.  “What does it feel like?”
He opened his eyes, “biting someone is power.  Cruelty if you hate them, possession if you love them, and when the blood flows, it’s the heat of them becoming part of you.”
“Show me.”
* * * * * 
You regretted the words the moment they came out of your mouth.  He might think it was all too much bother to deal with Alys and you and your worries about the shop.  Was he thinking he was just trading one needy woman for another?
“I’m sorry,” you said, “I shouldn’t ask-”
He lunged towards you, flipping you so it was you on your back now.  “I feel far too much for you.  I do not remember the last time I was this enthralled with someone,” he ran his hand under your shirt, “if you are offering willingly, then I will drink your blood, but know what that means to me.”
You watched him as his fingers cupped your breast and you sighed.
“Sex can be casual.  Drinking someone’s blood can also be casual, a different kind of exchange.  Since Alys used me and turned me, I have never done both with the same person.”
“Will it hurt?”
He smiled at your endless curiosity.  “I will not let it.”
You nodded, then, your mind made up.  You could understand what he meant, this was such an intimate act, but when he began kissing you, you stopped thinking and simply felt.  
It was so ironic that you felt safest in Aemond’s arms, when so much danger seemed to surround him, but as he pulled your shirt up over your head you closed your eyes, your trust in him complete.
There was a moment when you felt his lips brushing against your wrist that you felt a momentary panic, the human instinct to protect yourself strong even as you said you wanted this, but Aemond moved on, up the silky soft skin of your arm and over to kiss your neck and you arched back, fighting that instinct.  
He was pulling off the rest of your clothes, and you kicked off your pants and underwear, reaching down to undo his jeans with trembling hands.  He continued sucking and teasing your neck while you tried to distract yourself.  You wanted to know, you wanted to share this with him.  You were also kind of terrified.
“If you don’t want me to-”
“I do,” you said quickly, before he could change his mind, and he kissed you, gently and slowly while he kneed your legs apart, his hands tender on your face.  
When he began pushing inside you, you pulled your knees back, wanting him to have you completely, wanting him as deep as possible within you.  
“Tell me,” he whispered in your ear, “do you fear me?” 
He pulled back and then slammed back inside you, and you gasped, “no.” You wrapped your arms around him, your eyes on his.  “I don’t fear you, Aemond.”
He snapped his hips again, one hand fisting in your hair to keep you facing him.  “You terrify me,” he said, lips curved in a gentle smile, and then he sank his teeth into your neck.  
It did not hurt, as he’d promised, but instead it was a new awareness of him inside you, and as he drank, you felt yourself floating, the bed beneath you dissolving and there was only you and Aemond, his hands on you, the warmth of him against your skin.
* * * * * 
He wouldn’t take too much.
He would show her what it was like, he would be quick in drinking from her and give her so much pleasure she would know he meant it when he said there would be no pain.  For he meant this to be only the first of many.
When she came the first time, she cried out, her body straining with both pleasure and the new sensations coursing through her, and he held her, his lips now a comfort as he kissed her cheek, her temple, and then moved down to kiss the valley between her breasts.
As she tried to get her breathing back to normal, he kissed past her belly, her hip, and settled between her thighs.  He would have every taste of her, savor every moan and whimper and pleasure her until she knew nothing but him.
She reached down to grab his hand, to anchor herself, he knew, to hold on to something.  The taste of blood and the taste of her mixed on his tongue as her cries filled his head.  He made her come again, twice, three more times, until she was sobbing and he moved back up to taste her tears, too.
“You are mine,” he whispered as he filled her again, as she reached up to touch him, her fingers brushing against his chest.  “Mine.”
He rocked his hips, seeking his own release, and grabbed her hand to kiss her fingertips.  His last coherent thought before he came was that he would let nothing and no one hurt her.
* * * * * 
You awoke to find Aemond wrapped around you, his face against the back of your neck, arms around you, one long leg over both of yours.
In case you hadn’t realized it yet, the man was possessive.
You turned in his arms and nestled your head under his chin, and he stirred.  “Are you okay?” he murmured into your hair, his voice still gravelly with sleep.
“Mm-hmm.”  You wrapped your own arms around him and closed your eyes.  You didn’t feel any pain where he’d bit you, and at one point when you’d gone to the bathroom you’d looked at your neck, and other than two indentations, there was no sign of what he’d done.  Of what you’d asked him to do.  There was no discoloration, no tearing.  He hadn’t taken a lot of blood, and you felt no different.  
“I love waking up with you in my arms,” he added, “we should make a habit out of this.”
After you showered and dressed, you were looking out of the windows to your coffee shop.  There was a steady stream of customers, and you’d called in to make sure Bailey and Katie were.
“Don’t bother us, we’re very busy,” Katie had said and hung up on you, and you thought maybe she didn’t quite understand the dynamic of an employee-boss relationship.  Bailey had texted you later, letting you know all was well and to take as many days as you needed.
“I need to know everything-”
“I am well aware,” Aemond replied, raising an eyebrow.
You sighed, smiling.  “about how to deal with Alys.”
He nodded, and pulled you down to sit on the sofa with him.  “I know there are things that can be done to protect yourself from her.  From any of us, really.”  He looked at your hand in his, so much smaller.  “As long as you are human, you’re starting off at a disadvantage.”
He turned your hand over, kissing the center of your palm.  “I need you to think about this.  Because I’m in love with you, and if it means you start turning, then we start now, before-”
“You don’t gain everything the moment you are turned, which is why older vampires are far more powerful-”
“No,” you looked at him, feeling your heart pounding in your ears.  “what you said before that.”
Aemond thought back and then looked back up at you.  “That I love you.”
“Yeah, that.”
He smiled gently.  “I do.  I have for a while.  You don’t have to say it back, you don’t need to feel obligated to anything.”  He waited while you took in his words and when you went into his arms, he simply held you.  “You are precious to me, so incredibly precious.”
“Aemond, I was in lust with you from the moment I first saw you,” you said quietly, pulling back.  “Then I thought you were so kind and funny, and then I wondered why the hell wasn’t there someone with you.”  You laughed, “I couldn’t imagine someone like you not having someone, you know?”
He caressed your cheek, but said nothing.
“And then I realized I wanted to be that someone, but then the whole mess with that guy happened and I found out what you were, and I thought, well now there is really no way this is happening.”
“But you are that someone.  You are the someone.”  He bit down on his lip, and looked at you nervously.  “I was fascinated, at first.  I kept waiting for you to decide it was too much work to open the cafe, and you didn’t, and then I walked in and you were so good at it.”  He laughed.  “And then you gave me sweets and I was ready to kneel at your feet, but I wanted more.  I wanted you.  And the more we talked, the more I wanted you, but I thought this was a burden I would not place on anyone.”
“And then ‘the whole mess with that guy happened’“ he smiled, quoting your words.  “I whether you wanted me back or not, I decided I would watch over you.”
You caressed his face, “I’ve slept with two other people in my lifetime.  The first because I was curious,” you explained, giving him a look when he laughed and nodded, “and the second because I thought I was in love.”  He took your hand from his cheek and kissed it again.  “And I wasn’t, and he was nice enough but I decided to not make that mistake again.  And I haven’t.”
He watched you, not moving, his eyes wide. 
“I love you, too.  And I don’t care what you’ve had to do to survive or how you’ve dealt with people before.  And if she comes for you or for me, we’ll deal with her.”
* * * * * 
Aemond thought that if it came down to killing Alys, he would do it, and then, as she finally stopped existing, he would say a posthumous thank you to her, for it was being turned that had allowed him to be around and meet the woman he now held in his arms.  
He explained a lot of what he knew, which granted, wasn’t everything because it wasn’t like there were a lot of others he could ask.  Many times he was the oldest one around, as was the case now, and he was the one who would get the questions.
He would not let Alys take this from him, too.
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* * * * *
This fic
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putschki1969 · 7 months
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2024/02/27 Blog post by Wakana 気温差に振り回される毎日〜閏年のおかげで締切が1日増えてます〜
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Constantly At The Mercy Of Temperature Changes〜Deadline Extended Thanks To The Leap Year〜
Lately, there have been extremely hot days, and then all of a sudden, the temperatures are dropping again so I often find myself being dressed inappropriately when I go out. Yesterday for example, I was wearing clothes that weren't suitable for the weather😇Flimsy pants made of thin material without tights underneath and just a thin, short down jacket😂My legs were freezing😂 Why did I choose a short jacket? I kept blaming myself all day as I was struggling not to be blown away by the strong wind😇 Well, I somehow survived yesterday, so today I made sure not to make the same mistake again. I wore a thick long wool coat, tights underneath my pants and a huge muffler wrapped around my neck. Best choice, it was perfect \\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// I didn't feel the cold at all! ! I was so happy that I ate yakiniku for lunch all by myself at my favourite small restaurant. (I should have taken some pictures😅)
Anyway, today it was even colder than yesterday in Tokyo, also, it was extremely windy😱 There were a lot of things lying on the main street that had been blown around by the wind... I wondered what it was. When I looked closely, I noticed that it was garbage bags which had been blown around😱There was even one garbage bag lying around in the middle of the road 💦 The wind is way stronger than expected...
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
Are you also worried about what to wear this spring season? ? It's really difficult 😓
Well, I know it's a little late but I am finally dine with my gifts for those whose messages I read during this month's "Talk Garden"! ! This month's theme was Valentine's Day so of course I had to choose cards with hearts on them ♡ All of them are cute and I love them! 😍 This month's Shark-chan is chocolate coloured and sparkly✨🦈 I also tried adding a heart but I wasn't used to drawing them so the lines turned out kinda blurry😂Sorry😂 Please wait a little while longer until my love letter gets delivered to you~♡ ~・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+ [OMG, so excited to receive my love letter from Wakana. She chose two cards with German on it, how cute! I guess I will be getting the one with all the different stamps featuring little angels]
Speaking of which!!. . . . Everyone 😊 I think you all know what I am about to say😊
The next talk theme is "Graduation Memories"♡ Certainly you would have some memories, right? ♡ I am sure you just forgot to send your messages, right? ♡ Once again, I have barely received any submissions! 🤣🤣Please everyone, do your best ! 😂 Think of something! *laughs* Be sure to submit your stories! ! 😂 I'm eagerly awaiting all of your messages😂
On a more or less related side-note, I've recently been thinking a lot about wanting to "graduate"! ! The truth is, I want to graduate from my super unhealthy habit of using my smartphone before sleeping🥺📱It's really bad for me 😭 In my case, it's not a matter of my sleep becoming too light, but rather that I fall asleep later and later.😭 After getting ready and heading into bed, it's best to turn off the lights and focus on falling asleep. That way I can get in a lot more hours of sleep! I am aware of all of that but still...it's tough... So that's why I would really like to move past this bad habit! ! 🥺💐
Anyway, please send me all of your stories related to graduation! ! \\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// The deadline is the 29th since this is a leap year!
Well then, that’s it for today! Until next time~ ☆( *'▽'*)/
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astralisbelle · 1 year
Dead Man's Hand EXTRA - Unexpected
Dead Man's Hand Masterlist summary: It's been a few years, but that doesn't mean the adventure is over.
notes: I think I'll start writing Silk For Armor soon because MAN we need some good Din Djarin content now, my loves. Snow White is still coming along though so that should be uploaded soon. xoxo
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The Mandalorian saunters through the crowd, letting his tall stature intimidate the people into parting a path for him.
In this dimly lit room, the overhead lights flicker a sickly yellow color and a sweaty odor permeates through the air; it’s a hive if he’s ever seen one, and he has seen many. He comes up behind someone with their feet propped on the table, totally unaware of his presence.
“I call,” she says, tossing some credits on the table. “Actually, now that I think about it? I’m all in.” She shoves even more.
Din crosses his arms, looking down at his partner, who has still failed to notice him.
“Hm.” The Mon Calamari in front of her scratches his head. He looks side to side, as if questioning what to do. She smirks.
“Tick-tock.” The Mon Calamari shakes his head and puts his cards down, folding. She sighs and tosses her hand, revealing… “Hah! I got nothing!” She lunges forward to grab the pot while the onlookers rant and rave.
“I told you to wait on the ship,” says Din.
Her eyes nearly pop out as she turns around, a guilty grin on her face. “Heeey, handsome.” She shovels the credits into her pockets. “Sorry about that, I just—” As soon as she starts to stand, her skin pales. She wobbles and nearly falls over if it isn’t for him catching her shoulders.
“Hey. Are you alright?”
“Mm? Mm! Yeah, I’m fine.” She shakes her head. “I was just dizzy. Must have stood up too quick. Anywho! Gentleman, it was a pleasure, but we must go!” The crowd hollers at her as Din holds her bicep, pulling her through the crowd. “Sorry, Din. Are you mad at me?”
“This is a dangerous place. You know that could have gone worse.”
“Of course I do. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had a blaster in my face, you know that.” She takes her arm back, rubbing where he held her. “Did you get your guy?”
“Already in carbonite.”
“Thought so.”
When they reach the Razor Crest and Din is busy preparing the ship, she goes to Grogu’s pram and peeks in, his sleeping face bringing a soft smile to her face. She reaches in, petting his head before closing the cover and making her way back to the cockpit. Just as she crosses the threshold, she feels another wave of dizziness that makes her pause. One hand flies to the wall as the other rubs her head. “Mgh…”
Din turns around in the pilot seat. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m… I just feel a little queasy.” She plops into the nearby seat. “Might just be the smoke from the den.”
“...Yeah.” Din goes back to the controls. “Tell me if it gets worse.”
“I will. You don’t need to worry so much.” Oh, but how wonderful it is to have someone that worries about her. A few minutes pass and they’re already flying through space, watching the stars go past. The lingering sickness doesn’t go away anytime soon, despite having left the den a while ago now. She tries to think back on anything that she ate, but she had the same food as Din and Grogu. Something she drank? Unlikely, she refused to drink the swill from that den.
“I… I think I’ll go lie down,” she says, voice quiet.
Din slowly turns to her. “...Alright.” She stands up and takes one step back before she grips the chair. He darts to his feet as soon as she starts to lean over and lose her balance. Din shouts her name, catching her in his arms. Her skin is devoid of color and her eyes are hazy. Din curses under his breath, lifting her up and bringing her to the cabin.
This can’t be good.
The Mandalorian doesn’t pace inside Greef’s office, but he does lean against the wall, his arms tucked in with his foot slowly tapping. To an old friend, however, he may as well be pacing. The High Magistrate watches him with a smug expression. “Just relax, Mando,” he says with a light chuckle. “Your girl’s tougher than that, ain’t she?” No response. “Well I’m sure she’ll be out of the med bay soon.”
Grogu tilts his head up towards him, giving him a babble of incoherent words meant to sound encouraging.
Din starts running ideas through his head. If it’s an illness, then she’ll be just fine. If it’s anything more serious… well, he has the credits and a ship. He can take her anywhere, even Coruscant if that was what was needed.
The door slides open and she steps in, her expression tentative. Greef stands up. “Ah, you’re on your feet! That’s good. What did the medic say?”
“Uh…” She twiddles her thumbs and looks towards Din with a… guilty look? What does that mean? “Can… can we talk outside?”
Greef’s eyes dart back and forth between them. He senses the gravity of the situation, whatever that may be, and he immediately stand. “No need. I’ll step out.” He swiftly exits the office, but remains out the door… and calls over a droid to help him eavesdrop.
Din pushes himself of the wall and walks over. “Is everything okay?” He takes her hand. “What do we need to do?”
“Um. E-Everything is fine.” She lets out a small laugh. “No, I’m serious. I’m fine. It’s just… I’m…”
“...You’re…?” He can’t take the suspense.
She breathes out through her nose and drops her shoulders. “I’m pregnant,” she whispers.
“You’re—” Din’s hands fall to his side. He stares at her blankly, his mind devoid of any thought for a good minute. His visor tips down, facing the floor before turning to Grogu, who emits a curious sound. Pregnant? Pregnant? The word repeats over and over in his head. How did this happen — scratch that, he knows but his brain is having difficulty making the connection. Should he be surprised? They’ve been partners for at least a few years now; now he’s surprised that it didn’t happen sooner.
“I know,” she says, rubbing the back of her neck. “I thought I was careful. I guess I must have slipped up somewhere, I-I don’t know.” She sucks in her bottom lip. “D-Din? You haven’t said anything. You’re kind of scaring me.”
“I…” Pull yourself together. “I don’t know what to say.”
She laughs. “I guess that says it all. Okay.” She breathes. “If… this isn’t a path you want to take—”
“Wait.” He lifts his head. “I didn’t say that. No, that’s not what I…” He holds up his hand. “What is it that you want?”
“Well.” She straightens her back. “If it were all up to me, I’d be… super happy.” Then she smiles. “I’d be excited. I would give you and Grogu a big hug. And then freak out and figure out what to do.” He nods in agreement. “But this is kind of a two-person job, so I kinda need to know if you’re on the same page.”
Din shuffles in place. He knows he’s as lousy with words as he is with sabacc (even after all these years of tutoring). Thankfully, he has always been of the mindset that actions speak louder than words. He bends down and picks up Grogu from the pram. “What do you think, kid? Ready to be a big sibling?”
At that, a cough comes from the other side of the door. The clan of three whips their heads around to see Greef standing in the open doorway, his droid clanking as it scurries away. “Ahem.” He clears his throat. “Everything is okay, I hope? I didn’t hear… anything.”
She snorts into a laugh, hiding behind her hand.
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ejzah · 1 year
In Miss Blye’s Class, Part 20
Since neither of them had planned on spending the whole day together, Kensi and Deeks decided to part ways for a few hours. Kensi knew she needed to finish some prep for next week, just in case they ended up spending tomorrow together too.
As she walked back into her apartment, her phone buzzed with a text from Nell.
Hey KayKay, wanna grab lunch?
Sorry, I already ate.
I know, I’m a terrible friend. I was with Deeks.
Oh, then say no more. Actually, say lots more!
Kensi rolled her eyes at the winking and kissing emojis Nell added to her response.
Seriously, I feel bad I’ve barely spent any time with you recently.
Hey, a good friend never steps in the way of true love. Besides, you can pay me back by giving me all the dirty little details.
You’re awful.
And you love me for it. So when will my best friend be available again?
Kensi dipped ducked her head sheepishly, even though she was all alone, debating what to type back.
Um, maybe tomorrow evening? Caleb’s visiting with his grandma so we’re probably spending most of the weekend together.
Kensi Marie Blye! Nell responded and Kensi could almost hear her delighted shock through the screen.
Not like that.
Well why the hell not? Climb that gorgeous lawyer like a tree.
Nell Jones! That’s it. You’re out of control.
You know you want toooo!
Ok I’m putting you on silent.
Shaking her head, Kensi grabbed the binder of paperwork she brought home with her yesterday, and started in on the most intense grading session of her career.
While Deeks did had a few contracts to finalize, the real reason he’d suggested taking some time at home to prepare for their dinner. Given the late notice, he knew there was no way he’d get a reservation for one of the nicer restaurants.
Kensi wouldn’t care where they ate, he was almost certain, but he wanted their first real dinner together, alone, to be special. He’d decided on cooking dinner, but that required a trip for supplies.
When he got back three stores later—the first two were all out of bed tips—he started prepping potatoes, carrots, and onions and seared the beef tips. He hadn’t made this recipe in quite a while. Probably at least a couple years, so he had to actually pull out the stained cookbook his mom had passed down to him when he moved to college (the particular page he needed had actually fallen out years ago). He probably should have preserved all the recipes on index cards, but there was something special, almost sentimental, about squinting at the faded type and trying to interpret his mom’s handwritten notes.
Singing under his breath, he peeled several cloves of garlic, imagining Caleb’s reaction if he found out he’d missed out on one of his favorite meals. Of course, Grandma Deeks would almost certainly be filling him with a combination of her own home cooked delights and his favorite junk food, so he’d call it even.
He got into the flow of the things, chopping and sautéing that by the time he looked up from dumping a pot of perfectly boiled potatoes into a colander, it was almost seven, which gave him a little over an hour to finish everything up.
The beef tips were just about done, so he covered them with foil, setting them off to the side in the oven, and hurried out back to set up a table with the blue dishes head bought on a whim a few weeks ago because they reminded him of the ocean. Maybe surrounding the perimeter of the patio with lights and miniature lanterns was a tiny bit overkill, but he didn’t believe in doing things by halves.
Decorations and table set, he returned to the kitchen for the finishing touches. The doorbell rang just as he was tasting the gravy he just made.
“Oh yeah, you still got it, Marty,” he muttered to himself, then called over his shoulder, “Be there in a minute!”
He stashed a few dirty pans he hadn’t gotten around to cleaning in the dishwasher and glanced around to make sure there weren’t unsightly messes he’d missed. Though at this point, Kensi had probably seen worse and it didn’t seem to faze her in the least.
Kensi was patiently waiting on the front porch when he opened the door. She wore a red sundress, this one with a halter neck that displayed the defined muscles and lines of her shoulders and collar bones to perfection. Deeks didn’t know if she’d chosen it with him in mind, but the color suited her perfectly.
“Hey.” He kissed her briefly as she stepped over the threshold. “You look amazing.”
“Hi. And thank you.” Her eyes drifted over him approvingly, though she didn’t comment on his appearance. She inhaled deeply, closing her eyes. “What smells so delicious?”
“Wait, you cooked for me? I thought we were going out,” Kensi said, turning in the direction of the kitchen, though she couldn’t see from here.
“Yeah. I, uh, wanted to surprise you.” He shrugged, suddenly overcome with the rare bout of uncertainty that Kensi. “I hope you don’t mind.”
“Are you kidding? I’ve loved everything you’ve made.” Kensi clapped her hands together, her enthusiasm making Deeks grin. “Ok, so I’m ready to be dazzled with your cooking expertise.”
“Follow me,” Deeks said, holding out his hand. She took it without question, letting him lead her out to patio.
“Oh my god, Deeks, this is beautiful!” Kensi exclaimed, turning in a circle to take in the twinkle lights strung around the patio and the table decorated with candles. “You did all this yourself?”
“Yeah, I told you my mom’s a caterer. I used to help her set up when I was a kid. I can turn a napkin into a swan in 20 seconds,” he responded, making Kensi giggle.
“Impressive.” She spun around in a circle, bringing her within reach of Deeks. Settling her hands on his shoulders, she covered his mouth with hers for a brief but sweet kiss. “Seriously though, this is amazing. Thank you, again.”
He smiled, pleased by her reaction. “Here for all your party planning needs,” he joked.
Kensi tipped her head to the side, her expression shifting slightly.
“What are you thinking about?” Deeks prompted, giving her hand a shake.
“Oh, all of this. You. How much my life has changed,” she said, moving her hand around to encompass Deeks and their surroundings. “I didn’t realize how much I was…missing until I met you Deeks. I mean, I was happy enough, but not like this. A few months ago, I would have never taken a day off like this. You’ve made everything brighter, and fun. Carefree. You and Caleb. You’ve changed my life without even knowing it.”
“Kens—” Deeks shook his head, overwhelmed by everything Kensi had just attributed to his influence. It was heady and a little scary.
She leaned up and kissed him, lingering for several moments. When their lips parted, she brushed his hair back from his temple with her knuckles. “Thank you.”
“You know you’ve changed my life just as much, maybe more,” Deeks told her, laughing breathily. “I mean, I was kind of prepared to become a hermit and spend the rest of my life alone. Then this really hot kindergarten teacher walked into my life.”
“Oh my god, you’re ridiculous.” Kensi rolled her eyes, but couldn’t hold back a chuckle. “I meant it, you have changed my life, Marty Deeks.”
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this little mix of fluff, romance, and humor.
I’m sorry if it’s unrealistic, but I can’t bear to write in text jargon.
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bonniebird · 2 years
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dick grayson x Reader
Requested by Anon
December event
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Dick had spent all day putting up lights and different kinds of decorations. The tower was covered in them. Light of all different colours blinked on and off. You, on the other hand, had started prepping for the gift-wrapping station.
Jason and Gar had helped you move a table to one side of the dining room, meaning that you could wrap and pile up the gifts without being in the way. When he was done Dick joined you at the table. You watched him wrap and upon realising that he was doing nothing more than wasting your colour-coordinated paper you assigned him to write out the tags. Which went well. He cut the tape, you cut the paper and wrapped and he stuck everything down where you pointed to. Then he wrote out the tag while you started on the next gift. You’d thought everything was going well until he yelled. “Ahhh!” You looked at him, frowning and trying to see what had happened.
“Are you almost done?” You asked. He was finishing the last tag.
"Ah! I spelled Donna’s name wrong on the gift tag! It was the last one." Dick said and held up the tag. You could see that he’d missed out an ‘n’ in her name. You set down the scissors and rolled up the last of the paper that you’d carefully managed to cut out for Donna’s gift. You set it to one side when it pulled off the tube and turned to a worried-looking Dick. Then you proceed to whack him with the tube as hard as you could.
“Do! You! Know! How! Hard! I have! Tried!” You said. Each word punctuated with a wack. “I had to help Jason do his shopping. I had to teach Connor about all the different kinds of holidays and take him all over the city so he could find which one he’d like to celebrate! I had to help Gar when he turned into a tiger and accidentally ate a string of tinsel! Now you ruin my very last gift tag!” 
“Hey! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Dick laughed a little as he snatched the tube from you and wrestled you into a hug to stop you from yelling and swinging the tube at him.
“The store was sold out of those tags. We can’t get any more.” You complained. Dick sighed and reached for his phone. “What if I phone Bruce and ask him to find some more? I’m sure they’ll have some for him.” Dick compromised. You crossed your arms and waited for him to call. He explained that Alfred had picked up and that he wouldn’t be able to get back to either of you until the next day. 
When Alfred said the next day you thought he’d meant last minute. However, at six in the morning, there was a knock on the door. One of the assistants you’d recognized from a Wayne party. She had a box in her hands that you assumed was a new pack of gift tags. Dick shuffled into the room looking tired. He must have gotten up early as he looked like he’d been in the gym for a while.
“What’s that?” He asked.
“The contract.” The assistant answered.
“We have to sign a contract to get some gift tags from Bruce?” You asked and looked at Dick who opened the box and inspected what was inside.
“No. The gift cards are from Alfred. The gift card and wrapping paper companies are from Bruce. That’s what needs your signature.” The assistant answered. You stared at her while Dick signed the papers and then handed them to you to sign as well.
“He bought the whole company?” You asked, still slightly in shock.
“Well. He couldn’t get the tags you wanted in time otherwise.” The assistant said as if you’d asked a stupid question and left with the paperwork.
“If it makes you feel better last year Jason’s videos kept getting taken down of that stupid app he was obsessed with so Bruce just bought it to fix it… and to make him quiet.” Dick explained. You shook your head and laughed a little before taking the box of tags to add one to Donna’s gift.
“I guess we won't run out next year.” You muttered and tossed the packet of tags to Dick to put away with the rest of the wrapping things.
Dick grayson tags:
@savagemickey03 @zoomdeathknight @pheonix4269 @bloodrose @sarahbullet235 @lovelyy-moonlight @stellasblog @DeanWinchestersgirl87 @thekayarlene @linkpk88 @babypink224221 @lisainhell @spiderwebs-blog @gryffindorqueensworld @rockyrascal @twerp8999 @sairamccall11 @big-galaxy-chaos @onyourgoddamnleft @alexxavicry @multi-fandom5 @justice-for-the-kaldorei @aprilfire18 @ssa--holmes @supernatural-wolfie @devilslilbabysblog @love1deandra @archaeologydigit @im-eating-rn @bucketbunny @littlefreakingfangirl @gatefleet @lucyqueenofthestars @fatherfigured @prettyplant0 @slxthxrxn-sxmp @readingbookelf @gatefleet @elenavampire21
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danosrosegarden · 1 year
dust bunny
{trigger warning: this writing piece recalls my experience with drugs, overdose, self-harm, and suicide.}
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I'm going to pass out in a pool of my own frothy spittle while my bloodshot eyes roll back and my weakened heartbeat withers. Either somebody is going to find my limp, bloodied body on the carpet in enough time to take me to the hospital, or I'm going to die here. I don't care anymore.
What's more freeing than being released of the need to keep going? I was ready to lay down and rest, sink into the infinite black of sleep. I'd had just about enough of swallowing a handful of Benadryl each morning and driving to class, feeling crusted, thorny sleep poke at the corners of my eyes while my stomach gnawed on the pink pills and sloshed its acid around side to side, hungry for anything other than half a bottle of over the counter medicine.
I didn't give a fuck what I had to take, what old, probably expired prescription I had to dig up in the depths of my pill collection. My old bottle of Xanax was probably somewhere at the bottom of the drawer being eaten alive by dust. I'd find it.
When I come to in the dark, moonlit early morning, a short-haired, tattooed nurse is wiping my thighs with something that burns like hell and my parents are staring at me from small chairs across from my cramped bed. They look crunched in and uncomfortable. They look impossibly tired, ashen bags nibbling at the skin underneath their eyes. I burst into tears, and it's like my throat is a skipping record; I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. They say nothing, so I keep repeating it. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
There's no manual on what to say to your heartbroken and no doubt traumatized family after you survive an overdose, and that's all I could think to fill the air with. A thousand apologies soaked through with a warbling voice, salty tears racing down my pink cheeks, a bubble of snot popping from my right nostril.
I don't know what to feel now, recalling that late night/early morning with just a few scars left on my skin to heal and fade. Most of them are a burned, charred memory stuck in the back wrinkles of my brain.
I'm allowed to close my door and be alone now. I've been good. I went back to work at the end of the month. They say they missed me, give me cards filled with glittery, encouraging words and a pretty bouquet of blushing pink tulips.
I like to drive to the activity center and run on the track these days. I like to feel beads of sweat dangle from my hair and my heartbeat race, remind it that it's still here and kicking. Thank it for serving me so well when I cruelly raked it through the mud and carelessly picked at its veins.
I do what I can to remind myself I am alive, I am no longer collected dust at the bottom of the pill box. I am not the blackened rot that once ate away at my flesh, I am not the slashed skin or the chain-smoking on an empty stomach or the hungry acid eating away at my body. I am the cool autumn breeze blowing the tangerine orange leaves onto the yellowed fields of grass. I'm the tears welling in the eyes after a breath-stealing belly laugh. I am the light and the dark and before anything else, I am proud. Proud of where I go and what I do, proud of how I continue to exist despite it all.
I am here, and I have a life worth living. That's all I've ever wanted.
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theboysfromaustin · 9 months
Their first Christmas.
December 25, 2004
Kazuo rolled over, facing Ian.  He blinked sleepily, a smile crossing his face.  Ian was fast asleep, a gentle smile on his face.  Kazuo stroked his cheek softly.  They'd been together a little over six months now.  And they loved each other dearly.  They had their son, Anders, who they adored.  Ian stirred slightly.  
"I'm here, love."
In his sleep, Ian reached forward, gathering Kazuo into a tight hug.  He sighed happily, rubbing his face against Kazuo's,  "Mine…" "That's right, Ian.  I'm yours.  Forever." Ian stretched, blinking against the morning light.
"Hey, you," Kazuo said softly.  “Hey,” Ian said,  “Today’s Christmas, love.”  “So it is.  Our first Christmas together.”  “Our first of many,” Ian smiled at him, “We’ve had so many firsts this year.  First kiss, first date…” “Yeah...You know, Ian…”  He suddenly felt very nervous,  “When….when it becomes legal, and they start treating us like people, I…”  He hesitated, swallowing hard.
“I want to marry you.”
Ian gasped softly,  “You….you mean it?!”  “I do.”  Kazuo smiled nervously,  “I want to make you my husband.” “Oh, Kazuo!”  Ian hugged him tighter,  “I promise you, one day, I will marry you.  And we’ll be happy.  Forever.” Kazuo leaned into the embrace, laying side by side with his lover, "This is great....I finally have a family at Christmas...and an excuse to cook a proper dinner!" Ian sat up, Kazuo still clinging to him, a smile on his face,  "Turkey, and sprouts, gravy and pudding…" "You cook the best turkey." "Last time you ate yourself to sleep." "It's a compliment.  Should we see if Anders is up?" "Yeah."
Kazuo leaned on him, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed.  They stood, adjusting their sweatpants, and made their way down the stairs. Anders was laying on the couch watching A Christmas Story, "Hey dads, merry Christmas." "Merry Christmas!" Kazuo settled in on the floor while Ian got coffee.  Ian returned, sitting and  handing Kazuo a cup, "Well, shall we start?" "Yeah!" "Alright then…" He handed Anders a thick package.  "Ah, is this…?!" He worked to unwrap it, one-handed, and triumphantly grinned, holding up the thick tome that was the Air Traffic Controller Handbook, "Another step towards college!   Thanks, dads!!"
"We know how hard you're studying." Anders was working towards Texas State Technical College in Waco.  Ian handed Kazuo a small box, "I think you'll like this." He pulled the wrapping off.  "Texas Chili Parlor and Katz's gift cards?  You do know me.  Hang on, I have one for you….here it is!" Ian was handed a small ring back.  Inside was a simple rainbow band.  "I know it's not a wedding ring yet, but…" "I love it!" Ian wrapped his arms around Kazuo, squeezing tight.  They continued opening gifts, laughing and talking, until no more packages remained under the tree.
Ian looked to Kazuo.  "You know...I think we have one more gift.  Isn't that right?" "I think you are right about that...Anders, lean under the couch there…watch your arm." Anders pulled out a flat packet.  He unwrapped it carefully, pulling out a manila folder. "What's…" He opened it, then stopped, staring at the papers inside.  Then he glanced up at his fathers.  Slowly, he put his hand over his mouth.
"....it's finalized?"
"That's right," Ian said softly.  "You're our son.  Officially." "I...I…" He teared up, staring at them.  "My family…" Anders got up, sitting on the floor across from them, holding out his good arm.  Ian and Kazuo embraced him gently.  Anders inhaled shakily, weeping,   "Thank you...thank you…" They each rested their chin on one of his shoulders.   In those early days, when he'd first arrived, he'd been terrified.  Angry.  Now he was happy.
Their family was complete.  
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sarahvisscher · 1 year
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Chapter 1
"Have a nice evening, Juul!", the manager calls out, waving from her office, when I clock out with my card to go home after a long day of work. I throw my bag over my shoulder, put my card away and wave back through the window.
The fresh air greets me when I open the doors and I sigh deeply. What a chaotic day and how much energy customers can demand from you. Fortunately, I can put everything aside. I'm just here to give people advice about the clothing and accessories we sell. It's not my dream job either, but choosing your career at this age is impossible. I always wanted to become a flight attendant, but over the years my interest has waned. I feel at home here in the store and this is fine for now.
It is still very busy in the city and the new hotspot Centrum Diner is packed. The exterior already looks so inviting with the green plants on the wall, lighting above every seating area and I haven't even been inside yet. I hear that you can order really tasty sandwiches there, so it's high time to go there. Another reason to go to this bistro is the nice boy from the motorcycle group. At least, I assume they are here, they always walk in the same direction.
Am I stalking now?
I really need to tell myself more often to stop daydreaming. I'm busy enough with my own life. Besides, I really have to hurry now, otherwise the supermarkets will close and I won't have dinner for today. I run as fast as I can to the parking lot, but when I'm almost at my car, I see a group of parked motorcycles. Are they? I look again and recognize the colors of the engines. This group drives by very often… and yes, there is the nice boy! He is wearing his black, red motorcycle suit and helmet.
The boy is tapped on the shoulder by one of his friends. He looks up from his phone and sees me staring. I quickly pull my head in the other direction and continue walking. This is so embarrassing, he saw me staring from a distance. The more I think about it, the more I blush. Maybe I should have waved? Should I have said something? No…he probably didn't see me properly.
In addition to my job in the clothing store, I also regularly look after the children Liz and Jamie. They live in the same apartment complex and the parents have asked me to babysit some evenings so that they can work extra hours or go to a restaurant. After I ate my own dinner, I went straight here. Liz and Jamie are also two big sweethearts and quite independent for their age. I love coming here and feel so much love for these sweet children. We often watch Disney movies or I read from one of their favorite books. After I put them both to bed, I have to wait until the parents come back.
I sit on the couch and open my phone. While scrolling through TikTok, one video stands out to me.
Is this the friend I saw today standing by his parked motorcycle?
Him who tapped the cute boy?
Out of curiosity I click on his profile R7_offical, I watch other videos, until he comes up on my screen. Something about men wearing helmets or masks makes them so mysterious. And I already have a huge interest in motorcycles.
I think that comes from the family. My father got his motorcycle license when I was just born, so I grew up with it quite a bit. My mother, on the other hand, is not a fan of it.
To pass the time, I made myself a cup of tea and kept scrolling on my phone. After a few minutes I hear footsteps on the other side of the front door. A key goes in the lock and the door opens. Liz and Jamie's parents are home, so my shift is over. After talking to the parents for a moment, I walk back to my own apartment, open the door and sprint straight to my bedroom. I plop down on my bed and fall asleep immediately.
"That looks great on you Juul, just look in the mirror," says my best friend Lisanne. I turn to the mirror and admire the blue and white off-the-shoulder dress I'm trying on. We are shopping together and actually already have bags full, but it is never enough. In the meantime, I see Lisanne diving between the clothing racks to look for more. "You don't think it's too naked?" I ask. "No, you're crazy, it looks sexy like that!", Lisanne shouts from the store. She's right, it looks quite sexy and I already know exactly which shoes and bag I'm going to combine this with. I turn back to the mirror, but stop my head when I look through the store's display windows, I see the motorcycle group walking by and they stop at the entrance of the store.
“Oh my god,” I say out loud. Lisanne looks at me questioningly and then turns towards the shop window. At a small distance is the boy with the motorcycle group, they all wear a one-piece motorcycle suit, gloves, large motorcycle shoes and a helmet. He raises his visor, but wears a balaclava under the helmet, which puts the emphasis on his eyes. The sun shines on his face and I see his bright blue eyes sparkle.
Slowly I see him lift his arm. First he seems to raise his balaclava slightly and then he waves. He waves in my direction.. he waves at me.
Shit.. I'm staring again and this time he saw it. I wave back briefly and then quickly duck into the fitting room. What should I do? Panic sets in and I'd rather sink into the ground now. His beautiful blue eyes in my direction, his attention on me and what am I doing? I'm hiding.
"Are they gone?" I take a deep breath and step out of the fitting room, but when I look up the group has already moved on. I told her that I often see the motorcycle group passing by and suspect that they come here for a drink and then continue on the road. My head is working overtime. I want to know who that boy is.
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year
what's going on? tell me everything. //from sae <3
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Pride and delight seeped into her body after a successful deal. An entertainment that brought up riches none would've expected. Her ambition ate away at everything else, her wish to be entertained continued to bring situations none would've expected to encounter. Her team was already gone to do whatever they wanted as she head back home with a skip in her step, determined to witness the face of her lover when she'd tell him all about what happened on this mission. Who knew she could get more money and get richer? No one! However, Sokolova had to share that story.
It seemed Saeran knew that there was something exciting to share as they both would relax together. Her hints at the events that transpired weren't missed and they piled up one after another. Zarina found it funny how Saeran was reacting to everything she was hinting at, clearly getting more and more curious about what transpired while she was away. It was still a bit too early to bring him with her as she still wanted to make sure he can get along with her team. It was important to not let his emotions become a reason for a future mission's failure. She wanted him safe. She really did. His safety was far more important than her missing him deeply.
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"I won big in LA," she states proudly, giving her lover a cheeky smirk. It was obvious how proud she was to tell that because the prideful and arrogant gleam in her eyes was not repressed or unhidden. She found joy in seeing the faces of those men and women who lose one after another, their wallets becoming emptier by each turn of her cards until the owner of the casino came down himself. "I challenged the owner of the casino after winning almost every game, Saeran. He came downstairs thinking he'll take it all away but instead signed a contact with me that one third of all revenue will go to me for several years. Could be more if he loses in a couple of years," Zarina laughed then, leaning against the man's side. She searched for him warmth and his presence, sharing in this lucky win and future investment with him right away. "I didn't ask for half because that place makes enough revenue as it does in just on third, it was also a reminder to him that it could've been worse. We played for bigger stakes, but I showed him fake mercy because he now owes me."
Perhaps, that's why she brought here the most expensive drinks today. Whatever Saeran wanted, she bought it. There was no problem with materialistic goods and never will be, but she was more happy to be home... in their apartment and with him by her side. He was looking better after health check ups and training. Zarina heard from her mother and Margarita that he was already much better and it delighted her to hear that.
"But I'm more glad to be home now... As much money as I make or get, nothing can be compared to our life here," her hand finds his and gives it a light squeeze. The buzz settles down and she finds herself no longer feeling as empty as before. There's a new sense of warm fullness that she basks in. "I'm glad it was only three days."
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