#and while i really love the ones that end up being so goofy theyre literally not scary at all. namely the anatomy class one
larnax · 9 months
the thing with the radio drama horror podcasts is that i fucking hate that every single one of the classic ones i tried like the magnus archive the black tapes archive 81 whatever the other popular ones were is that they all started with the anthology format where every one of them is an unconnected Wouldnt It Be Fucked Up If structure which is mostly pretty good but then they choke because they CANNOT RESIST the urge to have all of it be connected to an apocalypse. like the thing about demon apocalypse stories is that they are almost completely incompatible with "this really happened" horror becaue No It Fucking Didn't. if there's a story about what if a fucked up guy was in your apartment that's presented as if it really happened thats fucking scary because it feels like it could be real and if they give you a fake or vague location/time it's impossible to disprove. on the other hand if i'm reading a diagetic series of recordings from a supposedly real paranormal investigations institute and they start talking about the apocalypse that immediately punches me in the face with a visceral reminder that this is fake because i live in the world and i know the demon apocalypse did not occur when john scarystory read the evil poem, which murders my suspension of disbelief.
because the thing is that i actually think a lot of early-middle magnus archives stuff is really strong cheesy horror! the book of death is one of my favorite horror stories, "what if there was a book that foretold your death and every time you read it and tried to avoid it your death got closer and more brutal" is good! it's really nasty and taps into a very visceral fear and the "it's already too late for you" being present for the protagonist gives it an ending of inescapable doom without overplaying its hand by pretending it can escape to the audience bc like then i would know its fake. the thing about "what if you were looking at your neighbor who you kind of knew's window and a creepy thing crawled through it and killed him and took his place and nobody noticed except you?" very strong! that's scary! sure neither of their concepts are that original but they don't NEED to be! the series' eventual lore relies on the scariest things being the things everyone is afraid of! the idea of the world being eaten by an all-consuming eye would be scary if it like. happened to me. but it's not scary to hear about. what IS scary to hear about is what if there was a monster you spent your entire childhood thinking had rules you could learn but one day it just appeared right beside you and said "the rules never mattered" before Fucking Getting You.
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awphooeey · 24 days
if the mickey being donalds old super supportive college roommate who donald couldn’t stand who eventually became a famous hollywood actor is still canon in DT17 universe, I’d assume that they lost contact after college and mickey wasn’t there for the downfall of everything. :( CONTEXT BEFORE I START YAPPING!!!
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ANYWAYS cringe headcanon but I like to think maybe donmicks friendship was a little fruity back in college ….and it made donald question everything . Maybe mickey was unknowingly leading donald on while he was already in a relationship w minnie (hee hee theyre college sweethearts love u mickmin) BY LEADING ON i dont mean like Mickey being like I Want You Donald 👅I think maybe because he was just so freaking nice to donald. he believed in him, he always took care of him when he was upset, took him seriously despite being a bit oblivious at times, and like daisy, he was one of the only people who could understand him just fine, and mickey would probably say some crazy homosexual shit that you wouldn’t normally tell ur male roommate and friend (just think mickey shorts mickey but 40% gayer) and he’d think it’s completely normal and platonic and donald would be going nuts because JESUS CHRIST!:$:!:$/! Why is my “straight” homie with a whole ass girlfriend treating me like this. and why do I like it So Much. emotional edging challenge idk . donald thought he was annoying but he really really really rely rlly rlly had a huge crush on him to the point where his feelings became more annoying and an inconvenience than mickey himself
so he I think he stopped actively trying to contact him after they graduated and since mick got famous shortly after which pretty much made it impossible to reach him. Donald probably told himself it was because mickey was annoying and clingy and a loud theatre kid who was too full of himself and he lowkey hated him, but it was also because he didn’t wanna get played by MICKEY MOUSE of all people. lol
OMG I LIKE TO THINK GOOFY WAS A ROOMMATE TOO!! They were like a trio. I have quite a few headcanons of them in their college days and maybe I’ll share it later. doesnt even have to relate to ducktales I think its just goof don and mick in college being silly
(ALSO kinda unrelated but i think goof and don stayed in contact but only really started talking again once they had kids to take care of)
( Sorry if this makes no sense I’m tired and I’m thinking about Disney yaoi )
(Edit I wrote this at 1 in the morning yesterday sorry if its super OOC I think I was going thru it LMFAOOO)
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The scene with Shadow falling to earth was funny at first and it all happened so fast i was still trying to wrap my head around it. Ppl talk about that scene a lot which theyre so right for, but i need to talk about the scenes after because oh my god they broke me!?!??!
Sonic, coming back onto the ark, completely silent. Everyone asking if Shadow made it back and he just slowly shakes his head without a word.
The scene where Sonic gives Rouge Shadow's inhibitior ring hold so much more weight to me after actually playing the game: In the short time they knew each other, Shadow saved Rouge's life. Twice. This is the only possession she has to remember him by. Knuckles asks her what shes going to do now and she actually stops to reflect and remarks how shes thinking of changing jobs, something else on her mind now(What exactly shes referring to in this moment isnt stated but theres a fair few connections to draw there). After almost getting killed during a heist and never getting a chance to thank the guy who saved her from it, that's a pretty good and strangely mature call to make from a writing standpoint. This whole scene has a similar feeling like that, like the jokes and the extravagance thats typical of the cutscenes have really been toned down with intention.
This one genuinely shocked me, and im really surprised i havent come across anything about it yet because the scene between Eggman and Tails was actually super deep?? There are a lot of different Sonic medias as far as I im aware that have touched on the paralells between Eggman and Tails: their small similarities and how well they work together when they have to, but the scene here really stuck out to me. Eggman is talking about how much he admired his grandfather as a child, how much his work inspired him to learn and create and strive to be great like him, drifting off to question whether or not he really wanted to see them all fall. Tail's response is very chipper and optimistic, but i really like the idea of Eggman having almost this turning point here, having to face something so saddening as watching someone you love curse the world and everyone on it(including you). After arguably some of the most dangerous and threatening feats have been accomplished by Eggman in this game as the story's primary antagonist, is this moment a nod to him maybe stopping to think about what he's done? Im amazed by how much meaning can be taken from these few seconds of dialogue!!
Finally, the last two moments. Amy, despite having had her own short heart to heart with Shadow before the final battle and ultimately being the one to spurr Shadow on to fight alongside Sonic and the others, doesn't seem as upset by Shadows death as Sonic is. This is genuinely, in my limited knowledge of Sonic media, one of the only instances i have seen Sonic be thoroughly shaken up by something and brushed it off when someone asks him whats wrong. In most cases, he's just relatively unfazed from an emotional standpoint like that, so theres nothing to brush off in the first place. But here, the ever-yapping blue blur remains silent for a while, just staring at Earth in a similar paralell to how Shadow used to. It isn't until Amy comes by that he looks away. Its the really subtle details here that get me: Sonic doesn't look or respond to her right away. There's a prominent pause of silence before he turns to her and says its nothing, switching the topic immediately to rush her along. Sonic, typically impatient and eager to move to the next adventure, slows down and is the last to leave the deck, delivers the farewell line to end the game. Again, the contrast in how slowly and soft he speaks here in comparison to literally anything else he says in the game is insane. The pause between "Shadow" and "the Hedgehog" is still very funny to me and im not lost on how the delivery does end up being chopped up quite goofy like that, but if that isnt an absolutely insane way to end off the game with such a somber, emotional moment...
Sonadow or no sonadow, take it as you will, its undeniable how impactful this adventure in particular is to Sonic. How much Shadow meant to him by the end of the game. How much his sacrifice meant. I really see his discussion with Rouge as both a way to comfort her, and to comfort himself. To say out loud how heroic and brave he'd seen Shadow to be, regardless of the intention that came from his creation. Sonic is big on freedom and giving people the opportunity to live how they want to, and Shadow's sacrifice in that regard means even more to him. He had just come to understand what he had truly promised Maria he'd do, joined Sonic whole-heartedly to help save the planet, and never got to experience anything beyond that. Given Eggmans continuous antangonistic streak at that point (I'm not fully aware of the other villain's Sonic had faced up until that point), it's rare that Sonic actually gets to see someone who opposed him change for the better!! And not only was Shadow one of the first to do so, but he was a speedy teen hedgehog!!! Just like Sonic himself!!! Its like Shadow said, there was so much more to them that they never got to find out about each other!! The fact that Shadow gave up all of that possibility, all of his own personal freedom to help Sonic save the planet and the freedom of all the people on it? That hits. HARD.
Im not familiar with the full canon of how Sonic actually managed to get one of Shadow's inhibitior rings to give to Rouge, as he's actually not shown in any scene taking them off during the final battle(i actually dont even think their mechanics are properly explained which is more confusing but yk), but getting into more headcanony, sonadow adjacent space for a second? I like to think Shadow actually took two of his rings off/had two break off before he fell. Sonic gave one to Rouge, and secretly kept the other for himself. He obviously didn't want his friends to ask him more questions about how he was feeling, so he hid it in his quills before he greeted them back on the ark. Shadow ended up meaning a lot to Sonic, and it's really interesting to think about what was running through Sonic's mind when all was said and done.
Uhhh anyways good game very very infuriating at times but very good game i have a true taste for the appeal of Sonic games now and i want to play them all. If you actually made it this far, thank you for reading my silly sonk rant! If you have any information you know of to patch the spaces where I'm lacking or just want to discuss your own thoughts on the ending feel free!! Have a good day or night wherever you are :]
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m1ckeyb3rry · 3 months
Hello there!! OMG you don’t know how I just sped to read the Saturday date I think I’m actually in love with your writing. Also 7K WORDS?!?! Guys I’m being fed too well omg chefs kiss a million times over <3 Found another piece to burn into my brain and reread over and over again I was kicking my feet reading this THEYRE SUCH DORKS ITS SO CUTE AHHJDKSHD This has to be some witchcraft because I can’t even express in words how good this was!! Reading this made my week omg! The beach aspect incorporated his fear of water PERFECTLY he’s such a gentleman and a menace at the same time this is literal perfection!!!
And SAME we can be (blue) locked in together HAHA I seriously can’t wait for him to be animated!! Speaking of, you saw the Epi Nagi movie, correct? If so, what’d you think?? Just in case I won’t spill my thoughts quite yet hahahaha but would love to hear what you think
Also I LIVE for the hilarious interactions between Karasu and other characters too!! I completely forgot to mention before but I think I died laughing with the Hiori cameo you added in the first part of the Karasu piece - it was so on brand and so goofy of him I love how you added that! And the Hiori mention this time too was gold, you’ve captured the essence of their characters and relationships so well!!! Otoya interactions with Karasu are also a fav of mine so IM SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT YOU HAVE IN STORE!!!
On that note, I’m not sure if you’ve read the EpiNagi manga either but there’s some great interaction content in there if you’re looking!! Their dynamic is also so goofy and I love them too!!!!
You’re also a GENIUS I hadn’t even thought of Karasu interacting with Yukimiya for the first time that’d actually have me rolling omg I can imagine him just glaring at him and sizing him up all the time doing his analysis and just muttering insults like “he’s just an mediocre dude” etc LOL
Once again, thank you so so much for entertaining my thoughts and requests you didn’t just deliver you ATE and DEVOURED, above and beyond truly!!! If you’re ever lacking Karasu writing ideas or just thoughts generally I’ll always have some handy for you o7 HAVE A LOVELY DAY!!!! THANK YOU FOR FEEDING THE KARASU COMMUNITY HSHSHSH I have a feeling I’ll be in your inbox quite often LOL (esp when he finally gets fully animated!!!)
On my way to go reread that piece again orz
-Karasu anon :)
OMG YAYYY I’M SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT!! hehehe smth abt karasu always gets me rambling…both times i’ve written for him the pieces have ended up being almost double the length i intended them to be 😭 I LOVEEEE HIS AND READER’S DYNAMIC they’re so stupid and they truly match each other’s freak so well LMAAOAO i think the whole “Why do you think he’s so interested in me? It’s because of the kindness that radiates off of me in waves!” ~ “That’s not kindness radiating off of you, that’s the scent of your hair gel.” exchange is one of the funniest things i’ve written in a WHILE i was giggling coming up with that whole convo 😫
i think his fear of water is so interesting!! since it was established in the first part that y/n loves swimming i thought this was the best way to include that without it feeling too random 👆🏻 HAHA i really wanted to show that despite his snarkiness he truly is a green flag at heart!! him being a bit of a jerk is so integral to his character but at the same time i am 100% confident that he would be sooo down bad if he liked someone and he would absolutely treat his gf like a princess (even though he’d simultaneously be a jackass abt it)
YES i did watch the epinagi movie last thursday when it came out in the us!! ofc nagi is my fav so i liked it but i do think they cut out a lot from the manga which made it feel a teensy bit rushed. i almost wished they would’ve waited until the manga finished up w the second selection and then animated that too (biased because i want to see more karasu + barou) overall though it was good!! the tabieitaken + kurona cameo at the end was sweet if not a bit crunchily animated 💖 also i distinctly remember there’s a scene (i think at the end) where they show reo and nagi like standing next to one another and THEY DO THE FUCKING PRIDE AND PREJUDICE PINKIE THING LMAOAOAOA i hope you know what i’m referring to it had me dying 😭😭😭 i fear reonagi is not a ship i care much about (LOVE both characters, find them kinda boring together tbh) so it wasn’t emotionally impactful to me i just found it hilarious…like ok wyd here mr darcy ⁉️ but i’d love to know what you think!! i am caught up with everything blue lock so feel free to talk about anything related to it in my inbox 😤
I LOVE HIORI IN THIS SERIES TBH he’s like karasu x y/n’s biggest shipper (besides y/n’s bff) but also kind of their weird little freak child?? idk how to put it but karasu + y/n both feel like they are probably role models of some sort for hiori (which will be shown a bit more in the next continuation i hope) so he kinda just follows them around as he has been so far and at some point they just give up and pretty much adopt him. like yeah that’s their son what abt it (this is based on that one scene of karasu and hiori in the epinagi movie where karasu looks like he’s taking his child [hiori] to the doctor’s office for the first time because his wife [y/n] is busy 😭)
OTOYA AND KARASU ARE SUCH A FUNNY DUO I LOVE THEM TOGETHER!! i’m so excited to write otoya meeting y/n i think it’s going to be entertaining for sure!! and PLEASE karasu meeting yukimiya in blue lock has been on my mind since you requested him going into the program…he does his stupid little analysis for the first time and immediately has a breakdown because yukimiya is canonically 1cm taller than him 😭 otoya has to tell my man to stand tf up HAHAH i bet the trash talk after they won/after karasu got ranked third and yuki got ranked fifth for third selection was VILE (on karasu’s part. meanwhile yuki is like “great game 😄 you’re super talented bro 👍🏻” because he’s unproblematic and also has 0 idea why this random crow boy holds such a deep hatred for him)
i loveee the epinagi manga i wish it was updated weekly because i’m so impatient i need to know what happens next!! the current match going on is making me sooo happy because it has my top three bllk boys (nagi, karasu, and barou) in it…plus my bestie chigiri 💖 the art style of the manga is so pretty though so i don’t mind waiting longer for chapters…perfection takes time after all 🤩 the way karasu especially is drawn in epinagi is so hfdkskjs like bro is ASTOUNDING. the panel where he’s first introduced in it and his name is written and he’s all smirky…lives were changed dare i say!!
i have so much fun reading your thoughts!! and once again i’m glad you like the way i’m taking your requests 🫶🏻 i will hopefully get the next ones done soon too and you can lmk what you think of them!! always proud to serve the karasu fandom 🫡 i’m like that one video of justin bieber that goes “hey. just working. working hard so i can please you.” but it’s me writing for minor bllk characters instead of just the itoshi bros typical suspects.
come into my inbox whenever you want!! i will always be happy to read whatever you want to talk about (even if it’s not karasu related hehe)
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robotsafari · 5 months
i will literally never be over the kh pilot. everyone has already moved on. wow what a cool novelty. sucks that it got canceled. okay im just going to never think about this ever again lalala~ (or its weird. or the art is bad. or its got too many inaccuracies. whatever.)
but me? no. im insane. this thing is too insane and amazing to just end the conversation about it. i will always think about this thing. i will always think about the massive loss the kh community never even knew they had until recently.
while i will never know what the full creative vision was. this pilot tells us that THEY. WERE. COOKING. they lean into the fact that sora is just a kid, (SOME FANS FORGET THIS) and he now faces this burden of being a hero when all he really wants is to see his friends again. the !! even though its just a pilot and riku was probably put in agrabah just so they can introduce him to the audience. i would’ve LOVED more riku encounters. traverse town, neverland and monstro were great. but in my opinion? not enough! though the only thing i would fear riku’s more frequent appearances would do is distract from some of the disney stuff (you dont wanna get rid of it. but you dont want it to take over. its a delicate balance) so maybe use him a lil sparingly but god. put him in more situations, okay?
while kairi plays a more proactive role in kh1 and thats fine (shes not useless. i hate when people call her that) i still would’ve LOVED more scenes with her. whether it was in destiny islands or near the end of game. im just liek YES !! you go girl. prolong the heartless sora segment if ya have to. do it for her. it would’ve been fun to see kairi and sora hollow bastion hijinks. waauughh please kairi my good friend kairi. liek. what we’ve seen of kairi in the pilot was already awesome. kh2 hadn’t even come out but the energy has always been there guys. she wants to take an active role and she hates sitting back!! love that the pilot wanted to give you a glimpse of this by having her kick a damn shadow in the faceee!!! you will always be famous forever kairi god bless.
my good friends donald and goofy. wtf did nomura do to you. one liek = preyer for teh toons /silly. yeah so liked how their fighting was actually toony in the pilot. goofy literally beating all the heartless while knocked out and donald getting messed with by a shadow like a typical donald short is just perfect (THINKS REAL HARD ABOUT HOUSE OF MOUSE.) and ofc!! the heart’s there too!! donald and goofy are so sweet to sora!! THEYRE HIS DADS. they’ve done playful ribbing to sora in the games, and thats not exactly a bad thing.. but sometimes i feel like it gets TOO MUCH. ESPECIALLY IN KH3 GOOD LORD. donald and goofy are sweet. yes donald. hes only gets mad because people mess with him. if you’re nice to him hes super sweet. some playful teasing from donald is okay, but too mean or too much and then its not him. mickey has a pretty minor appearance in kh1 unfortunately but omfg. if i rant about how nomura writes him then we’d be here for a while. the real mickey would not have left aqua in the realm of darkness. just know this, okay? idgaf if you don’t believe me.
it’s confirmed maleficent possessed riku in that scene. you know the one. someone said riku was lying.. NUMBER ONE. his eyes turned completely white and idk about you but thats liek. the textbook sign of being fucking possessed. riku didnt know wtf was going on!! just just grabbed the lamp and suddenly things happened! im sure it was supposed to be interpretive, yes, but the dialogue and visuals suggested possession and also kearsley confirmed it himself on deviantart. (you can search it up yourself) NUMBER TWO. maleficent asks riku if sora believed him. implying that she wants to use riku to manipulate sora. imagine if she used this possession again, in more subtle ways. riku sounds like a sopping wet sad cat too, whatever he does anyway is just so that he can get everything back to normal and undo his mistakes. maleficent doing MORE active villainy would’ve been. SO GOOD. god bless.
oh wait this is the part where i start talking about ansem huh? teeheeeee weheheheee. yo imagine if he was in house of mouse. OKAY THATS NOT A JOKE BUT THIS ISNT SUPPOSED TO BE WHAT THIS PART WAS ABOUT. ERM. i just hope he would’ve still been voiced by billy zane thats all ask for. in this awesome alternate timeline where the cartoon wasn’t cancelled. i think ansem was perfect in kh1 i dont think they needed to add or change anything really.
in short. i have autism. goodnight.
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jenoutof10 · 6 months
Thanks for answering my ask before. If you don't mind me asking (again), can I ask, who are your top 10 favorite characters (can be from books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......
HAHHA don't worry these asks are fun and i enjoy them so don't apologize for giving me a good time. i do apologise for taking such a long time w these asks, im actually horrible at articulating my thoughts (which is why i am not a writer HA) i think i might be forgetting some characters, or maybe i just dont have alot of faves
1. itoshi rin (blue lock)
i feel like he sticks out like a sore thumb here but he's very much no. 1... something about him being an antisocial introverted hater with abandonment issues, but also has skills to back up his arrogance and (besides all the hate he lets fester within him) actually has a pretty healthy lifestyle.
2. itadori yuuji (jujutsu kaisen)
everything about yuuji is so inherently GOOD and it both interests + pains me to see him being put through all these trials and tribulations of a dark shonen mc 😭
3. gojo satoru (jujutsu kaisen)
i think, like rin, what makes him so interesting is that he has this arrogant and disrespectful personality but then again he's literally the strongest so you cant do jack shit about it. but on the other hand he's this playful goofy (incapable) teacher who spoils his students. i also love OP (to the point it dont make sense) characters.
4. dazai osamu (bungo stray dogs)
i find his inability to be truly happy in any universe fascinating.
5. tachihara michizo (bungo stray dogs)
if i explained it would be major spoilers for s4 and s5 of bsd so i'll just say that his contribution to the plot in the recent seasons really did it for me. the jump from s1 to s4 was a KICK.
6. mikage reo (blue lock)
he's a sopping wet sock. i think this is what people call a gap moe... this perfect, highly capable and charming individual turns into the most pathetic instance of man when his best friend leaves him.
7. giorno giovanna (jojo's bizarre adventure: golden wind)
his birth origins are alr wild. his stand is wild. his battle strategies are wild. his ending is wild. he (alongside jotaro) is probably the least expressive but his personality is so unique lol. a lil rascal.
8. kita shinsuke (haikyuu!!)
its been a while since anyone has mentioned haikyuu for me but kita remains as one of my fav characters LOL i think he's just very refreshing since the cast is full of hungry teenage monsters eager to win and he's almost like a breeze of calm HAHA. the inarizaki team is also very dear to me bcs theyre packed w such cool and strong characters that interact dynamically lol
9. tsukumo yuki (jujutsu kaisen)
honestly, she was the most interesting female character in jujutsu kaisen (for me) until gege decided to trash her. her appearances from todo's flashbacks to her in shibuya were all so badass, plus shes a good example of a character type i really like that radiates strong-confident-fighter aura but isnt really the brooding/dark type... but fun! ykyk. (oot but i REALLY wanted yuki at #9 bcs of her name LOL, realistically she wouldve been at #7)
10. raiden ei (genshin impact) + raiden shogun
again, another insanely OP character that it doesn't even make sense. her lore is crazy. the second raiden quest was what got me hooked (best story quest ever lol), i honestly can't pinpoint what it is from that quest since its been a while but it changed my whole perspective on her and i've been a raiden fan since. a combination of design, personality, lore, and strength (and additionally the raiden ensemble)
honorable mentions:
kaedehara kazuha, zhongli (genshin)
higashikata josuke (jojo's bizarre adventure: diamond is unbreakable)
lelouch lamperouge (code geass)
oda sakunosuke (bungou stray dogs)
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stabberghost · 2 years
how did you come with your ocs??? i lov all of their designs and concepts and would love to hear your thought process behind it all hehehe
OHH WONDERFUL QUESTION. Ohh man this post is gonna be really long I'm sorry.
i usually come up with what they teach first and then go on trying to imagine what they'd look like. its usually a somewhat long process for me
for b. happy, he wasn't really supposed to teach about emotions at first. i almost considered making him teach about fame and comedy but something in my head was like "comedy = laughter = happiness = emotion" and I was like OH MY GOD. IM A GENIUS. if I didn't come up with him being an emotions teacher he wouldn't exist at all really. instead of happy I wouldve made mic take his place and teach about being a famous comedian instead. Good god can you imagine
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yeah I'm also showing concept art idgaf
after i made happy i had an idea for another oc but this time they would teach about acting and drama. you already know this is about comedy and tragedy but they were originally one person, with tragedy being the host and her having comedy as a seperate mask on his head that would occasionally talk to them. basically some kind of evil parasite. Although I ended up splitting them into two different people as i felt like it would be better
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AND FINALLY PERI!!!! It took me a while to design her honestly ! I came up with the idea of a character that taught about how dangerous the world can be, without realizing THEYRE a danger to the world itself. I wanted something related to caution and hazard signs so she was gonna be a really tall stop sign at first... But i thought that was basic as hell so THANK GOD you guys don't have to deal with stop sign peri. Not pictured because i didnt draw it but after I trashed her stop sign design she was gonna be an armadillo! I thought it made sense since she's a really skittish and nervous character, she could curl up and hide in her shell. Buuut I immediately scrapped that idea Rest in piece armadillo peri
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out of all of them peri was by far my most favorite one to conceptualize and design. she was such a fun character to work with
little fun fact. I've definitely said it before but they had other names! After i posted b. Happy for the first time, I thought his name was goofy and was gonna rename him to Mr. Smiley, but the post was gaining a lot of notes and so I thought. Why even bother with the name change!
comedy and tragedy also had names at first, those names being connie and tracey. Comedy and tragedy were originally placeholder names but i ended up settling on those ones because it just. Fit yknow
It took me about a day to come up with peri's name. I wanted her to be named after dangerous chemicals and whatnot, and i told myself that if i couldn't find a name for her i would have to name her methyl bromide. Literally. But I ended up naming her after the periodic table itself
ANYWAYS SOOOOO SORRY FOR THE RAMBLE!!!!!!!! I definitely went off topic but yeha
And oh god i feel like drawing my ocs now. What have you done to me
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last July I decided to record my thoughts on the miraculous ladybug movie
, here you go
(prepare for the most massive text block of your life)
Why is the lighting so harsh all the time????Marinette's speaking v singing voice is soooo. Different
And also? Why do they have a ginormous portrait of them in MOURNING CLOTHES.
careless whisper playing as chat takes ladybug's hand is the most correct ever
Also, Adrian is me coded fr
Chat is chaos incarnate
Adrian get your life together why does a girl make you smile this much you JUST met her
stHAP WHY DID THEY MAKE ADRIAN SO BBGGabriel????? Singing?????
STOP it right now (his whole villain song is sendingggggg meede)
You know what I love how Marinette loves her dad
Marinette's emo song goes hard
I know this is, like, a show about magical powers and whatnot but I really like how they show the destruction of the fight and how, even while helping, damage is done
The banter as they fight is killing me oh my god
And before people ask who I ship in the weird love square, it's just the two of them with the banter ladybug and chat noir have.
IDK WHY IT GOT SO COMPLICATED BUT IT DID AND IM CONFUSED. they are LITERALLY the same people, different fonts.
*breath has been stolen from my body* THE WALL OTS LITERALLY FANFICTION WRITING ITSELF
Also, /gen, how old are they? Because I know in the series they're like 14-15, but in the movie the animation really does make them look younger idk. I think it's around the same?
GEEZE when Marinette claps back she does so brilliantly
$$$picture of dead spider, could have been spiderman$$$
If a) chat noir gets akumatized or b) they don't end up together I will riot I have seen both happen and I have already suffered!!!! I've paid my dues!!!
Also the earbuds?? As a symbol for Adrian's mental state??? Pretty smart ngl
There's only half an hour left Marinette needs to stop singing and get this fixed!!!
Why is hawkmoth like that???? He went from some silly goofy villain with a dark past to me angst machine who only cares about joining his wife like, yes that's his motive in the series but it's much more sane? I guess?
adrian oh my god stop being angsty AND DO YOUR JOB
Plagg has my whole heart fr
Sad we didn't get to see a slow transformation for chat tho
the suspense oh my god stop it
damn got them with the force
what the heck oh my god OH MY GOD THE REVEAL ITS TIME
literally only half of the mask is gone when he recognizes adrian this man needs to spend more time with his child.
If hawkmoth has a redemption arc I will be waiting in line to punch him. Take a number I will gladly do so. Just lemme at him.
How does his cat ears stay on?
why is the wife not in her glass case she's gonna decompose!!!!
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
Hi Cereal!! For the ask game, maybe 41, 42, and 43? :]
hi sand!!!!
41-Who’s your favorite character you’ve written?
pours one out for donut rvb he was my fave to write about for so long... most of my early fics were about him before i Didnt Write For A While lol. i also loved writing tango omgcp... whether or not they were accurate is another story sdfjlkfes... and then my brain fell asleep for a while
in my CURRENT ERA of fic writing. well. 🤔 lol it kinda goes hand in hand with my doodles actually lol my fave characters to both doodle and write are twst boys... cater diamond + jamil/azul <- those two are a SET. caters fun and i Love Him, but also writing jamil and azul like, it's DIFFICULT bc theyre very smart and complex characters [everyone in twst is complex and it's intimidating to write LOL] BUT in my silly ha ha nonserious [usually] realm of things, they are VERY fun to write together for bouncing off Funnies... they make me literally audibly laugh in the actual game and i try to harness that energy a lot of the time when i write for them. but they have a lot of potential for jokes, and genuine soft sweetness, but also some angst? like theres a lotta ways to go with them and it's fun exploring them TOGETHER!!!!!!!
Same with cater ive just had jami/azu on the brain for like a day
also writing normal was fun, ive only done it once but in terms of doodles he fits the blorbo slot that donut/tango/cater have for the dndads realm, so i could see him being my fave to write for if i get more dndads fic inspiration in the future!
^ questions that literally require like one word to answer and i gave multiple paragraphs LOL SORRY
42-What’s your favorite title that you’ve come up with?
ough. i dont like most of my titles LOL JSKLFJDS they are always SO last minute and the part i think the least about. i think i'd go with "The Comfort of Familiarity" [twst, jami/azu] or "New Memories in Good Company" [twst, riddle&cater friendship fic]. those are also i think some of my fave fics ive written in general so maybe thats why i also have titles i like more than others LOL
43-Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
OOH. thats a good one hmmmmmmMMmmmm. ok so two sides of the spectrum here - on one hand i LOVE LOVE FOREVER LOVE my usual silly cute fluffy goofs. i love those. i wish to keep writing those forever. HOWEVER. i also sometimes get embarrassed about being Too Cliche so maybe sometimes i feel like im holding myself from doing More Of That Full Blast kfldsjfel i dont have a specific rn bc my brain is static but. sometimes i want MORE corny cheesiness.
BUT ALSO. that doesnt really answer the question jkslfj AND on the other hand i do think i also want to like... sometimes i want to try writing more charged serious drama w/some angst? nothing too crazy serious and heavy bc still At My Core im a goofy lil guy who likes to feel good and i wanna make people feel good. but like that lovesong [dndads] fic idea i talked about a while ago... that one would be a bit more 'serious' in tone and a lil more steamy [but in more of like a fade-to-black way jsklfd im still not into writing explicit things] themed thing. it would be very different than what im used to which is why im SCARED to try lol. im afraid i wont pull it off and will look silly for trying >.>!!!!!
but one of my more recent [twst] fics was a lil more serious in tone so i am trying to branch out a little!! it still had a mix of some goofs and was overall a comfort fic at the end of things so im like, easing my way into different things klsfjfls
[fic asks!]
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spacedhead · 1 year
homestuck reread #12: act 6 p3
this is so funny to me im giggling in call and my friends are asking but im not brave enough to say it
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john is fighting jack?? OKAYYYY WIN THIS SHIT THEN
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HI ROSE OMG HI ROSE . it sucks how they cant like communicate with each other at all during the three years. like you guys dont have multi dimensional service? get the iphone plan
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bro shut up LOLLLLLL
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TRUE we love a dumb motherfucker
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due to speculation???
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john looks so goofy here. also drunk rose was silly but also a bit sad
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holy shit this is a lotta trolls
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stop pretending. we all know you want attention stop trying to deny it. AND ANOTHER THING. the stuff that is going on with caliborn? WRDGAF. the meenah intermissions were fun though. some funny dialogue in there. i liked them :) . unfortunately it just made me wanna get back to what the beta kids and trolls are doing... even though i see them every so often i feel like i miss them. like i used to see them all the time! and now... i see them once a year....
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yeah you really screwed the pooch on that one lil bro
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okay this dialogue is actually painful to read BUT it is interesting how a common theme of the alpha kid session is just. Waiting . they have to wait for the beta kids to come to actually make their session winnable and it keeps telling us that . so theyre just sitting around stewing in their juices. also cool that theyre called nobles instead of heroes and their planets each have a noble gas in the title
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this doesnt really make sense over text BUT i see what is happening and. yes jake is the worst. jake you suck we all hate you sorry girl maybe stop being flop city
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yeah okay jane is actually based right now. i cant remember why i stopped liking her. in this conversation jake is ragging on dirk for being too self indulgent and having zero self awareness while talking to jane about his issues. jane is literally trying to plan her own birthday party . jake you are being so fucking stupid and rude and honestly a pos rn bro. get OVER yourself
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cool panel.... a bit scary though! man i love roxy. calliope is good too
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holy shit i did not know that your dreamself has to be alive for you to ascend to god tier on your quest bed. that is interesting.
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YOOOO HI ROSE. I MISSED YOU SO MUCH YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING THAT HAS HAPPENED WHILE YOU WERE GONE. and by gone i mean not the center of the story i guess? but either way
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bro is like are you serious right now. is this really happening. also hey equius . long time no see. i guess
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ahahahahaha oh man this guy is a riot. also look at dirk this is huge for the dirk profile picture community which could be me soon
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oh man i really hate this part. i hope it isnt too long i dont remember if its really drawn out or short
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he is about to die
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he deserved this
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gahhhhhhhhh its too much PLEASE let this end soon
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOO fefeta :( best character you will be missed on this grand adventure. but alas we will have to carry on without you. how will we cope? how will we survive?
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i think you are giving him too much credit there . at this point he definitely IS an asshole
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okay well trickster mode is over and things are about to get even worse but i do appreciate the kids talking out their problems albeit in a very non direct way to where they arent actually really solving anything BUT they are at least talking now!! so thats good!! next part things take a turn for the worse somehow see you then
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teenandbeyond · 2 years
Okay this is kind of dorky but could I maybe have some mikey hc where he meets I guess Casey's cousin or little sister or whatever (the reader) and they're like super quiet and shy at first but after awhile they surprise everyone bc theyre almost just like Michelangelo? Can be super goofy and loves video games, just not very feminine? Idk it sounds kinda silly XP if it doesn't spark anything dw about ignoring it
Michelangelo x Fem. Reader
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I have a lot of requests for the same thing so they're a little delayed due to disinterest, but when I finally saw something different, I almost cried. I was so ready, I like diverse requests. I assumed it was a female reader since you mentioned a sister and not being very feminine, but let me know if I'm wrong and I'll re-write it.
Want more from me? Check out my Masterlist!
🍕Dudette🍕 (TMNT or Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Warning: Fluffy as a perfect pizza slice, like, 2 curse words, low-key became a one-shot bc I got into the zone
As far as Casey was concerned, you were off-limits to the boys, but...Mikey always had that little rebellious streak.
One day, Casey let it slip that he had a sister
The guys were literally so confused because he never mentioned a sister before
Mikey immediately wanted to meet you
"Don't even think about it. She's off-limits."
But due to April being eager to meet you and the woman wanting her family to meet you, he relented.
He definitely was cool about it as he awkwardly leaned against a wall, thinking he looked badass
He didn't.
"Hey, sis. My girlfriend really wants to meet you...and her brothers..."
You groaned at your hand, wiping some pizza grease on your sweats, holding your game remote in one hand to continue playing for a moment, "Uh...sure. That's pretty normal at this point, right? You've been dating her a while. Why d'ya you look like you're preparing for a battle royale game? Are her brothers bigger than you or something?
As you stood in front of a group of gigantic turtles crowded together after meeting April, you realized, that, yes, they were much bigger than Casey.
Now you realized why the couple seemed to be trying to ease you into meeting them.
Now, you thought they were exaggerating. You were expecting much worse, like evil ex-convicts that eat brains or something.
But you supposed giant turtles with weapons should've been more concerning to you.
While on the other hand, the brothers were concerned themselves.
Were you nice? Would you be scared of them? Were you just like Casey? Were you like the girls they saw on TV, in the magazines, or like the typical eccentric New-yorker?
But turns out, you were dressed pretty simple, oversized hoodie with a bold pattern, shorts, and combat boots, seemed you weren't a total fashion-crazy girl.
You didn't look like a girl in the typical media, but you were still pretty.
They were confused about whether or not you were scared because you didn't say anything and just barely made eye contact.
Mikey decided to be the ice-breaker, hoping to make you feel a little more comfortable by complimenting you about your look.
"Thanks...I'm [N-name]."
Despite your brother writing you off as shy, Mikey didn't truly think you were at heart. Your fashion sense said differently.
"Mikey, back off."
But telling Mikey something is off-limits is like telling him to do it.
As Mikey decided to introduce everyone and be your tour guide, he ended up hogging most of your time, showing off his art, hoverboard, and anything else he could find.
Until Casey finally found you and dragged you away, but you didn't mind, you wanted to meet April, too.
Then you wanted to come back again.
And again. And this would be the fifth visit.
But this time, there was Pizza and Mikey was playing your favorite game.
"Dude, Pizza and Party Crasher 2? I'm in literal heaven!"
They all were quite surprised by the sudden change in personality, usually, you were much less...talkative.
Mikey snapped out of it first, "You like meat lovers, Dudette?"
"Hell yeah."
"You're totally free to grab a slice."
"Hey, is that Vileior? You unlocked him? Wicked, takes mad skill."
He offered a second remote and a few minutes later you were playing. The playing field was even, you both were good at that game.
Mikey groaned as you both joint-battled a superhero, "Mr. Cool is totally relentless!"
You scoffed, "Jeez, with a name like that, he really needs to get laid.--That's like a username a twelve-year-old playing as fifteen would have."
A totally pretty girl who loves pizza, video games, and isn't afraid to get dirty?
Sorry, Casey. Mikey won't be able to keep you off-limits for long.
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bimbosupreme · 3 years
mephistopheles love post
the equivalent of a mental breakdown tangent is all going under a read more
yes believe it or not that freaky ass literally not even human clown in fgo gets love, and love from who? me and like 3 other people
first off
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ok and with that out of the way,
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i’m not even familiar with their lore. Reason why i stopped caring about the lore behind faust and mephistopheles is that an interlude happens that shows that mephistopheles is just some homunculi made by some mage nobody named faust. and even then the interlude doesn’t talk about the lore behind the novel, its just you helping mephy kill faust
that being said though i would hope the developers expand on their origins more and potentially even release a “true” mephistopheles (a girl can dream)
So, they’re not even the real deal demon known as Mephistopheles in the first place, and i can hear u going “well that’s lame” and like, no, we just need to redirect our feelings from appreciating a demon to appreciating a homunculi who has a weird characterization in the fate universe
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Design tangent:
Fgo was actually my first gacha, and so when I came across this servant I kinda instantly fell in love with their design, I love the colors used in their final ascension and overall appearance. The hat that has horns but they're not quite horns, theyre these weird colorful pointy twisty things, the large garish butterfly ornament on their chest (which isnt ugly at all and somehow works so well with their everything on them) is cool, the tights are so cool to look at, i mean look -- a checkered pattern with golden lining on the shorts portion, the tits out look like yes we get it youre insane, the gloves??? purple and also cool, plus theyve got this gradient thing going on? and the fingers have this line going through them, thats so cool. actually the only other servant that comes close to this in terms of “out there” colorful designs is probably final ascension kama and qsh ( i love them both). Also, mephy has this scissor weapon?? thats so cool lol i dont see any other servant wielding giant scissors (for the love of god give mephy an animation update i need to see them use the scissors while doing flips) and they also have this bomb obsession going on? cant relate, but the bombs designs are so so cool i mean its a fucking centipede -- no idea if centipedes are a thing in the original faust but thats something Ill have to look up at some point. ALSO mephy is wearing heels oh my god anytime people wear heels is an automatic win. No clue whats going on with the hair but its kinda cute (dont question me on that) and it has curls and the hair colors are cool i mean its like a lavender thing with darker purple highlights? i love colorful things and i love people with wacky personalities so. Oh my god their tail how could i forget that its so cute and dumb i almost forgot it was there, like what is that even a whip? i dont.. but its got these little purple tips to them that are kinda cute/cool but more cool because tails are fucking up there alongside heels in terms of cool stuff on characters. and of course their fluffly cape -- again no idea what the designers were going for i mean look its a mess of a design i have no fucking idea what any of it means and i hope they explain it someday because that hair and the butterfly and the tail and the hat and the fluffy garb and a bomb obsession?? and this got the go ahead - yeah lets add that to the game like what
appreciate these with me for a second
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oh and the blue lipstick and face paint god thats a cool design ugh
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they can be normal too or at least as normal as possible i mean they even trimmed their eyebrow here lol but you can see the not so well hidden insanity/goofiness peaking through with the inside of the suit at the bottom being highlighter purple and a green shirt with gold accents underneath the black coat at the front <3, fuckin hate that hairstyle tho bro we gotta get that middle part hairstyle outta hereeeee--
anyways this is me going off all about why i like their design! but we haven’t even touched the nitty gritty of it all. their personality! what personality you may ask? havent they always been some weirdo laughing a lot and saying dumb shit all the time? well yes and no
True to their dumb little clown design mephy also acts like one.
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Some servants bond 1 lines are like “fuck off” and some actually talk to you, nah this bastard mephistopheles’ just laughing. and for the second bond line it seems to imply theyre fuckin with you more (showing up and dissapearing and saying ‘afterimage’) so thats nice that theyre actually making some effort to mess with you in a way? some servants take a long time to actually interact with you so this shows theyre not afraid of interacting with you and thats just at bond 2. and of course the third bond line implies they were probably trying to betray you, its stated in more than 1 place that mephistopheles (actually isnt this a caster class thing?) will betray you or attempt to do so. So the third bond line seems to imply that their attempts have been stopped by you and that’s what they say after some failed attempts. So after stopping this freak from doing some shit their next bond line is actually doing a confession! a jester being honest who couldve seen that one coming but theyre 100% not lying, they really arent a demon but a homunculi made by faust
speaking of faust we’re going to backtrack a little into their interlude that i brought up at the start of this post, its one of those dream interludes and it starts with mephy asking you to help him plant bombs for their eventual reuinion/showdown with faust -- in the meantime faust keeps sending golems in an attempt to kill both you and mephy
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When you track faust down, it’s shown that faust was your typical mage, inhumane and uncaring. It’s also pointed out that this faust killed innocents, but this typical mage behavior is boring to mephy, and they say that boring typical behavior is why they wanted to kill them
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 so i really cant blame mephistopheles for being the way they are, being raised by this type of guy, even if mephy was always messed up and wacky from the beginning its no reason for faust to attempt to kill him.
Mephistopheles also shows up in salem, cu alter’s interlude, and of course the knk crossover event, and some other things im most likely forgetting but those 3 are ones that i find notable
anytime they show up theyre actually helpful, in salem mephy points out that the nature of the being responsible for the salem epic of remnant is something alien rather than a typical foreign god, mephy also tells you that time is also being sped up and in their weird way they try to cheer you up by spouting some nonsense at the beginning (guda needed some kind of distraction from the grim events that had just transpired at that point in the story), i cant quite remember what mephy did in the knk event but they were a part of your group and were helpful the whole time, actually @/zeravmeta does an amazing analysis of their role in the knk event as well as some extra character analysis here
mephistopheles is kinda cryptic in a weird way though,
like overall i mean theyre a jester homunculi in appearance so yeah its to be expected but come on i love morally gray characters, despite their supposed betrayal hints scattered around here and there
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they have this one line that always gets to me
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and this line is said with a completely serious face too
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the rare serious mephistopheles face! its kinda grim to see that line, no laughs, no nothing, their voice is kinda serious and monotone too. of course this could be just to get you to lower your guard but its still kinda out there that they have this rarely used portrait and that line, so i like to take it as being said to you when youre by yourself and with sincerity
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and at least sei (with her wacky outfit and all lol) seems to get along with mephy and thinks theyre nice woohoo
so at the end of the day you have this guy that laughs a lot and gives mixed signals
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and they fuck with you
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and will most likely try to kill you more than once but hey thats just another tuesday at chaldea
Before I finish last thing I want to point out is this snippet from the fgo source material book which provides more information on servants, and this specific translated bit under mephistopheles
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at the core of it all this homunculi....can be your friend! you just need to not go into despair i guess
of course this entire post is an overanalysis into an underwritten character, quarantine + all online college classes have done this to me, i have a douman icon what did you expect
i cant believe they drew mephy
twice !
and for those of you on twitter check out @cuz_pb and @L0VEYAMA003
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soulwillower · 4 years
heather • richie tozier
(richie tozier x reader)
[based off the song heather by conan gray]
warnings: swearing, mentions of underage drinking, themes of cheating but no actual cheating, angst, fluff at the end, unedited.
thank u guys so much for being so patient with this fic <3 love u all so much!
[losers + reader are  18+ in this.]
4.4k words
(also, this fic starts with a flashback and idk if i like this style, but lmk if it works) 
the persistent beat thudding in your ears seems to do nothing more than dim your already low mood as you sip on lemonade by yourself in someone's basement bar, sitting on an uncomfortable metal barstool and leaning your head heavy against your chin.
these days, it seemed as though the world was painted in gray.
you look around almost lazily; bev and ben went outside in the snow a couple minutes ago, stan just took a girl upstairs - you're left alone now, because mike and eddie had to study for their exam and bill was feeling under the weather. and richie, as usual, was late.
there's almost twenty other people in the room right now, but you have no desire to speak to any of them. you've been trying to have fun tonight, but you're just having a hard time, feeling distracted and unable to stop thinking about wire framed glasses and a certain bright smile.
your wandering eyes halt your thoughts as a girl in your class - heather perez -  catches your eye from across the room, her hair falling in natural curls that makes you sigh in envy. she smiles and waves at you warmly, gesturing for you to come and sit with her. you swallow and look down into your cup of dreary, graying lemonade as you try not to think about how you look in comparison. she's so fucking pretty. you look back up and shake your head with a friendly smile, faker than a plastic flower, and nod to the bathroom. she shrugs and smiles, turning back around.
she was too sweet, it hurt.
her naturally dark hair, long and wavy, her smooth dark skin, her laugh.... but suddenly, your head snaps back up after recognizing a familiar sight on heather's figure.
-is that richie's sweater?
your heart thumps and churns in the most unsavory way as all the breath leaves your lungs in one swift exhale. you feel sick to your stomach and your hand falls to hit the counter to stabilize yourself, the lemonade sloshing out of the cup slightly. but you pay no mind. heather's wearing richie's sweater...
you know that sweater really well. it's definitely his, and for some reason that makes you want to cry.
you blink and force yourself to suck air into your lungs as you look around quickly, anywhere but at heather perez wearing richie tozier's sweater, with all the stripes and patterns and the rough polyester material. you're not sure why you're so caught off-guard, you knew that heather perez was maybe-kinda-sorta seeing your trashmouth. he'd mentioned it in passing a few times and you've not been able to keep it off your mind as bev and bill whisper to richie about it in the halls or during hangouts when you were laying in stan's lap pretending not to hear it.
it hurts, though. holy hell, does it hurt when richie turns the corner and the typical, 'hey, richie!' choruses through most of the people in the basement - and yet his eyes are just set on her.
it hurts even worse when you make eye contact with him and he smiles at you, nodding in greeting and calling a "hey there, toots!" over the thumping of the noise before turning back towards heather.
your heart thumps erradically as you eye him sliding an arm around her shoulders easily, pulling her into his tall lanky frame,  crushing your chest and deflating your trembling heart. heather's head falls onto richie's shoulder and you shiver, feeling colder than you've felt in so long. the lemonade you force to your lips tasting like stale water as the sight of richie pinching heather's shoulder and thumbing his own sweater on her frame make you feel empty.
even now, weeks later, you remember how it felt. you sip on the boiling tea and immediately burn your tongue, making you swear as you stare out your window, the snow falling around your house in the dark making you feel an odd, empty kind of peace. that fucking sweater.
you haven't talked to richie in almost a week and a half - he got in trouble the night after the party and his parents took his phone away - at eighteen years old, his parents took his phone - so that he could 'spend time with family' (a task that made you chuckle to yourself when bill had explained it to you about twelve days ago).
it's winter break, though, and you've been missing the last piece of your eight-person puzzle the last few times you've hung out with your friends. it feels empty without richie's boisterous shenanigans, snarky looks and goofy comebacks... you feel really embarrassed for missing him so deeply.
tears well up in your eyes as you think again about his damn sweater, the one that heather was wearing, the same one he'd given you not even three weeks prior.
"well look at you." richie says with amusement trickling through his voice like melting icewater through a calm creek.  you spin towards him with a grin eclipsing your face as you shrug around his sweater, pretending not to smell his strong scent and pretending not to feel the immediate comfort it gives you.
"you know, for as dumb as it looks, i kind of like it." you tease, brushing some hair back from your eyes as the sweater sleeves fall back down past your hands. he laughs, eyes not leaving you for a second.
"shit, doll. keep it." he says, sounding serious. it makes you pull a face at him, starting to lift it slightly over your head to return it to its rightful owner.
but he shakes his head, hands gently gripping your arms and halting your motions, subsequently setting your heart on fire. his lips are set in a gentle grin as he shakes his head again. "it looks so much better on you."
it's spoken simply, in such honestly that it makes you blush nearly immediately. in fact, you're so flustered that all you can do is shove him a bit, stuttering out a quiet, "shut up, richie, you- i - okay, whatever."
it makes him chuckle as he takes the soft blow of your hands against his shoulders, deftly running his hands through his curly locks as he shakes his head. "you're adorable, kid."
you're lucky he'd turned around to gripe around on his messy bed for his laptop, because the stupid grin you're sure is painting your face is enough to make you dig your own grave and then hand him the shovel. if only he knew how much you liked him.
you didn't keep the sweater after that night, though. at the time, you'd told him it was because it was putrid; that the colors and patterns were a sin to man and that you'd never be caught dead wearing it out. he laughed the whole time because you had literally worn it to the store with him it with him that same day. but now, you'd give anything for richie to give you that sweater again, to feel that polyester inseam fall against your stomach and your arms and chest, like a huge richie hug (without all the bones and the cologne and the caffeine-pulsing heartbeat - so not a real richie hug, but as close as you could get to the real thing without actually just having it).
god, you like him too much. you rub your face with your palm, the moisture from the tears that had accidentally escaped your eyes smudging against your face. you're tired, almost - it's like an empty, heartbroken exhaustion that sags your shoulders and chokes your throat and makes you zone out for minutes at a time. one thought overwhelms you right now, so as you see a car's headlights shine out your window through the falling snow, you don't even notice it.
you just wish you were heather.
you've tried to hate her. really, you have - you figured maybe, just maybe, if you were able to rant to bev or eddie about how much of a bitch heather is, how she's terrible to richie and how boring she was, maybe you could justify the heartbreak in your chest.
but god, she's so perfect. heather, with her shiny hair, bright smile, her flawless mind and caring heart. she's, as far as you're concerned, an angel. of course richie would choose heather, who wouldn't?
the other day at that party, you'd tried your hardest to ignore your intrusive thoughts, but you can't help feeling like it would all be better if heather didn't exist. and even that thought alone hurts your heart, because you remember the smile on richie's face when he looked at her, swathed in his sweater and floating around the room like a beacon of light.
and you could never, ever in good conscience take that from richie.
you almost laugh at how absurd it is - now you're talking to yourself while you stare out the window, half asleep, dreaming of freckles placed just like constellations and crooked noses, of jawlines that jut out and long, lanky fingers; of loud, chipping laughter and beat up high-tops with cuffed corduroy pants.
"y/n?" a voice behind your door makes you jump a bit, unsettling your already disconcerted bones. you’re imagining him, now? you laugh into your scalding mug for a second, but after a double-take at the doorway you find the angel himself to be standing there with a perplexed look.
"richie, what're you doing here?" you ask, rubbing your eye to make sure no tears are left. he looks troubled. "i knocked, but nobody answered. so..." he says with a shrug, and you ned, tucking a leg under yourself and nodding.
"what are you doing, toots?" he asks, backlit by the hallway light. and then you finally can see what he's wearing, and you almost laugh at your own misery.
but you don’t laugh, your brain short-circuiting as you feel the knife twist further into your abdomen. the stupid fucking sweater.
“-um, nothing. y- did you get that back from heather?” you try to deliver the line as smoothly as possible, but by the look on his face, you did a real shit job at that.
“what?” he asks in an exhale as he shakes snowflakes from his hair and shoulders, closing your door as he walks towards you and falls to sit next to you on your windowsill seat.
“i thought you gave her that sweater.” you say and he raises a brow, “yeah, like two weeks ago.” he says slowly, eyeing you. he adds, “she obviously didn’t need it after that.”
you frown, “did she need it then?” you didnt try to sound bitter at all, but your voice comes with more of a sting than you’d anticipated.
as always, richie meets fire with fire. “it was twenty fuckin’ degrees out, she was wearing a tank top.”
you don’t know what to say so you just stare out the window with a quick huff, crossing your arms. "why does it matter? it's a sweatshirt." he mutters. "i was just being nice to her."
you nod, pain twisting around in your stomach. he's right, it's just a sweater. but he gave it to her, because he likes heather better.
“what’s up with you, kid?” he asks, gentler this time.
“don’t call me kid, richie.” you say sharply, not meeting his eyes. “and there’s nothing up with me.” you know you’re being difficult, but you really don't have the energy to argue with him right now.
it’s quiet again, and the silence is even more awkward. you take another scalding sip of your tea. 
“um, y/n... is this because of heather?” he says after a bit. you feel the tension that the acknowledgment brings as it hits you in the thick, cold air. richie’s tapping a rhythm on his thigh, so you can tell he feels it too.
"richie." you say weakly, your voice coming out too quiet, too obviously broken and exhausted. "i cannot do this. please don't do this right now"
he blinks at you, eyebrows furrowed. "sugar, i'm so lost right now."
you decide to change the subject. "-why'd you come over?" you ask, actually looking at him then immediately regretting it. he looks hurt and confused, like a lost puppy.
"oh. um, i just need to tell you something.it's about heather, too." he sounds anxious, and you roll your eyes, looking down at the tree outside your room as wind blows powdery white mounds off its branches.
“can this just wait until tomorrow?” you whisper. doesn't he get it?
it's quiet and for a moment you believe that he's going to leave it, to not bring up the obvious jealousy brewing in your chest. but he breaks the silence too soon.
"i tried to kiss her." he says and you immediately look towards the door, the most immediate escape possible. 
your breathing gets heavy; if you have to hear this, you know you'll admit your feeling to richie, and you don't want to do that to him. but you have a suspicion that he already knows.
"richie, i'm so, so glad to see you. and that you like heather. really, i am. but- it's not a good time. i'm not- i'm not okay." you say, voice thick as tears well behind your eyes.
richie’s eyes widen almost comically as you make eye contact and his hands immediately find purchase on your arms, his thumbs rubbing in the way that he has done ever since that one foggy summer you spent in the sewers. "y/n/n, what's wrong, sweetheart?" he asks, watching sadly as a tear slips from your cheek. it breaks your heart when he calls you sweetheart, and you shake your head.
you can't tell him the truth - that you love him, so instead, you mumble, "i've missed you. there's a lot going on, and i just really need you."
he looks guilty as he pulls you into a warm hug, one that takes you off guard but that you return gratefully. "you've been too busy spending time with heather and with your parents, and i understand that, i just - you know, i miss you." you say, voice muffled as your cheek is squished into his shoulder. he sighs shakily, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. “i know i’ve been with her a lot, i’m sorry sugar.” he mutters. 
it feels like you’re both holding something back from the other. 
"i wish i were heather." you say against his shoulder, knowing richie’s completely unaware of the depth of your statement. but he pulls back and stares at you, an unknown look on his face. you open your mouth to say something, but you're cut off before you can get anything out.
and his lips fall against yours lightly, almost as if they’re ghosts against yours. his presence feels fleeting. 
you barely close your eyes and press closer to him before you snap out of it, jerking backwards with wide eyes.
richie’s eyes fall open too as he looks at you questioningly. your heart is thumping heavy as you shake your head, more shocked than you thought ever possible. “what?” he asks, as if he’s surprised you’re not kissing back.
you give him a sad, broken look. you think you’ll cry as you mutter, "why would you ever kiss me? i'm not - i'm not nearly as pretty as her, i'm just-"richie suddenly looks like he might get sick, his face paler than usual as the steam from your tea dwindles idly between you. he cuts you off. "-why are you - why are you saying all these things y/n/n-”
“heather. you like heather.” you say frantically, trying to remind him so you dont have to live through this fresh faced heartbreak twice as painful if he kisses you again. 
but richie shakes his head, and your confusion skyrockets just as much as your heartbeat."no. a-amy asked her out." he says breathlessly. "-she said yes."
you blink, pulling even further away as it dawns on you. "wait. so... so you only want to see me after the girl you wanted finds someone else?" you ask, watching as the smile gets smacked off of richie's face so quickly you think it may give him whiplash. "wait, no-" he starts, but you shake your head.
“richie, do you understand how hurtful that is?” you say, voice heavy as you try not to let tears fall.
he shakes his head, eyes glossing with tears as he gapes at you, “n-no, y/n-“
“fuck, richie. i know you know about my feelings for you. how could you do this? i’m not heather, i’m reminded that every time i’m in the same room as the two of you. she’s had you completely mesmerized for the last month, you can’t just use me to distract yourself.” you say, your tea completely forgotten as a tear escapes your eye.
he shakes his head, looking at you with an emotion you don’t have the energy to decipher. “leave, richie.” your voice is broken and it shakes as you look away from him.
you’re not sure what you were expecting, but when richie stands up silently you dont even look away from the window. you see him wipe his cheek in your peripheral before he sighs quietly and walks out of your room, shutting the door quietly.
you cry openly as you hear your door shut downstairs, your hands shaking as you cover your face, your shoulders shaking with sobs. you make it under your covers just as you hear a car engine sputter outside, your heart empty and lips still tingling as the feeling of richie’s lips linger on yours. you groan into your pillow and let out another sob, your eyes squeezing in agony as your heart feels like it’s ripping in two.
because even if they’re not together, richie still likes her.
why couldn’t you be heather?
you cry until you’re asleep, your now cold mug of tea resting on the windowsill as your phone charges next to you and snow swirls in the dark sky.
when you wake up the next morning, your headache is nearly blinding. you feel like crying more as you remember last night. you roll over and rub your eyes, unlocking your phone groggily.  
but you check your notifications and your heart immediately stops as you see a missed call from richie at 3:49 in the morning last night, and a voicemail left a minute later.
well, you guess he got his phone back.
your fingers tremble as they hover above the play button, feeling like you may vomit from anxiety - the message he left is two minutes long.
closing your eyes, ready for even more heartbreak, you press play and hold the speaker to your ear.
“um, y/n.” the voicemail starts off, and you’re already tearing up because richie’s voice is full to the brim with anxiety and he’s not using his usual nicknames for you. 
“uh... okay, i- i know it’s four in the morning, and you’re probably asleep - god, i hope you are, and that you’re not ignoring me. not that i dont deserve it, but i just want you to get good rest. uh, a-anyways. fuck,” there’s an awkward pause and you’re holding your breath.
“you know i’m not good with phone calls or voicemails-“ his rambling just adds to your anxious feeling, but you think if you don’t listen to this, your anxiety would eat you alive.
“- fuck, i don’t know how to say this. kind of ironic, i guess, since i’ve been thinking about saying it like every day for probably more than a year- okay, i’m... god, spit it out, trashmouth.” his voice gets thicker and you can hear the emotion as he takes a shallow breath.
“y/n/n, you make my hands shake. i swear, my heart feels like it’s going to backfire and explode when we touch... and it scares me so fucking bad.” you feel your heart halt in your chest, the air leaving your lungs.
you keep the phone pressed tightly to your ear as richie’s recorded voice goes on.
“-fuck, y/n. i’m terrified. sometimes i think.... like, whoever created me... they designed me just to be yours. and... it’s not in the same way i feel about bev, or bill, or eddie-“ his voice breaks as he sniffs on the other end and it dawns on you that he’s crying. “-you’re you. you’re y/n. i tried to like heather as more than just a friend. but...” it’s silent for a second.
“i just kept comparing her to you. i do that with everybody. i think i’m broken. i love you so much that it hurts.” he’s crying enough by now that it’s leaking into his speech; he’s hiccuping, stuttering slightly, his inflection changing as you can almost picture the tears rolling off his thick eyelashes and onto his rosy cheeks.
“-and i can’t sleep right now knowing that i hurt you like this. i can’t believe that i let you think of yourself as lesser than heather in any way-“ he sobs quietly in the recording and takes a stuttering breath. "i can’t believe i put myself before you. i’m such a shitty friend. i should’ve been giving you my stupid fucking sweaters the whole time.” 
tears are pouring out of your eyes as you sit up, ripping the comforter off your legs. you’re pulling on socks and your shoes as you continue to listen to richie’s voicemail.
“i’m sorry that i kissed you, and i’m sorry that i dragged you into this m-mess, that i used heather as an excuse to ignore my feelings for you. i-i love you so fucking much, and i’m just so scared of hurting you. i’m so sorry that i hurt you, y/n.”
you have to see him.
“-and, um, i’m sorry i left this voice message. this is probably the worst way to find this out but i figured that it would be easier for us to ignore if it wasn’t in person- y’know, because you don’t have to respond. just- now you know. that i’m sorry, and that i don’t expect you to forgive me or want to speak to me for a while. i just- i need you to know that you’re so loved, y/n. and that you deserve so much better than me.
“so, um, okay. i’ll let you sleep now. b-bye.” he whispers the end and then the line cuts dead.
you’re left with shaking breath and tears in your eyes as his voice rings in your head. you try to take in what he’s just said, but you think you’re about to pass out.
how can richie love you back?
you brush your teeth almost aggressively as your heart beats erratically in your chest and then you’re suddenly flying down the snowy road towards the tozier’s house.
you realize too late that you look completely awry, hair unbrushed, eyes puffy and swollen, shoes untied as you knock on the front door of richie's house.
went opens the door, richie’s younger sister sat on his hip as he smiles at you, "y/n! long time no see. richie's upstairs in his room."
you smile at him in thanks, too rushed to say anything to him or munch. then you’re all but sprinting up the stairs, only feeling the anxiety as you throw open the door to his bedroom. 
you're relieved that he's laying in his bed, surrounded by pillows and fluffy comforters as he jumps from the noise of your arrival.
when he sits up, neither of you say anything. his eyes are red and rimmed with tears, a heartbreaking sight as his lower lip trembles slightly. you're sure you look the same as you take a step towards his bed, your eyes not leaving each other's for a second.
he looks incredible, still. 
"y/n..." he whispers finally, his eyes wide. "did you get my message?" he says, lips tilting in a stupid, forced smile. his voice holds no humor in it's sad thickness, though, and you sigh as you look down to the carpet.
you shake your head, "can you not joke for a minute, rich?"
he laughs wetly, standing up fully and although he towers at 6'0, he looks so small. "i can try, doll, but then i'll start to cry a lot, and that's just not what anybody wants-"
"richie." you say, effectively ceasing his rambling. it's cold in his room, bright white from the snow outside, and silent. he looks at you with huge eyes and a red nose.
but you don't know what to say. you’ve spent so long wanting to be heather, but now you've found out that richie's loved you this whole time. it hurts, but you can't wait another second being away from richie. 
you launch yourself towards him, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him down to your mouth.
this time, the kiss is warm, unexpected again but much more loving. it's a kiss that tastes like tears and love and trust, and all you can feel is richie as his hands find purchase on your cheek and back, pulling you so close to him that you can feel is rapid heartbeat.
he pulls back to mumble against your lips, "i'm so sorry." you shake your head, pressing another kiss to his and loving the feeling of richie against you finally. "i love you." you say, feeling his grin against your mouth.
"i love you so much." he says, pulling you lightly to fall onto his bed with him and tickling your sides.
you laugh lightly, swatting at his prodding fingers. "please stop crying." he whispers, laying above you with a small smile. you roll your eyes, "you stop crying rich." you retort, and he shakes his head, one of his tears falling onto your cheek. you jump from the feeling and wipe it away, sniffling a gasp and pulling him into a tight hug, his legs tangling with yours.
“i’m sorry.” he mumbles. you cup his cheeks so his lips pucker out and you smile at him, whispering, “i forgive you, rich. i love you.” and then you place a soft kiss to his lips and he kisses you back enthusiastically.  he pulls back and hugs you again, burrowing himself in your neck. 
"i didn't think i'd ever get you." he says, muffled by his face in your shoulder. "thank you for trusting me. i love you so much." he kisses your collarbone lightly and your fingers play through his curls lightly as you smile, eyes closing. you're so tired.
"i love you more, richie."
you fall asleep with richie curled up beside you, his breath light on your chest and arms clutching you against him. you fall asleep with richie’s lips on your neck, his legs entangled with yours. 
you fall asleep contently, knowing that you no longer have to wish you were heather.
tag list: @gabiatthedisco @blisshemmings​ @stenbrozier​ @simplesammyx​   @brxken-heartsclub​ @clownsloveyou​ @moon-shine-baby​ @daughter-of-the-stars11  @trashedfortozier​ @oceandog13​ @finnskindofwoman  @kait-tozier @upamongthestarss @fiantomartell @beverlyparkerr @beauregard-s @diorbubs @leighjaenikhowell @cowbellies @deepestofwaters  <33
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smnthwrd · 3 years
i feel like im the only one who hated pacey and joeys first time?
okay actually no, the scene itself was beautiful, i loved it, but i hate the way it happened. like, they're fighting literally the entire episode and theres this awful tension between them, and i just really hate that it happened on the trip where it was expected to happen. the whole episode (and the episode before it tbh) it just felt like joey was being pressured. like the whole trip was setup to be about sex, and she never once seemed even remotely comfortable with the idea, and there was this looming pressure that we as the audience could feel, like "so, are you gonna do it? you know everyones doing it. pacey wants to do it. everyone expects you to do it." and even though in the end she did want to have sex with him, and the scene itself + the one where pacey turns down that one chick is really sweet, it just ultimately felt kind of untimely to me. i wish it had happened more naturally, without all this "will she/wont she" stuff leading up to it.
like there were almost no positive moments between them in the episode and i just didnt like that. the whole thing just gave me bad vibes. like it wasnt even a buildup of "im ready but im just scared to take the final leap" tension leading to her decision, it was just bad tension. like, the whole world is pressuring you to do something youre not ready to do yet bad. and while i do believe that she did ultimately actually want to have sex with him, i hate that the timing of her decision felt rushed because everyone expected her to do it.
i also hated that pacey seemed impatient? the whole time i was waiting for him to, just once, genuinely reassure joey that it was okay that she wasnt ready, but instead it was a lot of half-assed "whenever youre ready, but uh sooner would be better than later😬" (and he was borderlining nice-guy territory with the "look at me, look at me, i waited a whole 8 months to have sex because im such a good understanding boyfriend" as if he deserved a medal for keeping it in his pants🙄) like i know its realistic for a teenage boy to want sex, but pacey isnt meant to be a realistic teenage boy, hes this fictional fantasy of "the perfect boyfriend" and thats why so many people love him, because watching him be so understanding and sweet gives us hope that maybe, just maybe there are good guys out there. idk maybe its my asexuality talking but i hate the whole narrative that sex is the be-all end-all of every relationship.
personally think it would have been way better if joey and pacey had an actual conversation (that didnt end up in some weird passive aggressive bitch fight about dawson) where joey explained that yes, she loves pacey, but she just isnt ready yet, and pacey reassured her that its okay, that he loves her, and though he does want to have sex with her, he wants to wait until joey is ready and it feels right. then they go on to cuddle, sleep, whatever, and dont end up having sex on the trip, and thats what makes joey joey realize that she really is ready, and then the exact same scene happens, but after they get back.
but alas, thats just my opinion. idk i just really really really hate when sex seems forced or pressured at all, its an immediate turnoff for me. and joey and pacey just didnt seem like the type of couple to have sex for the first time on a senior ski trip where everyone expected them to, ya know? their whole relationship has been unique, completely unlike the "expected" teenage relationship, doing things on their own terms. theyre goofy, loyal, and they were alone on a boat for 3 months and they just read stories to eachother and slept in hammocks. idk i just kinda expected expected different from such a special couple
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m1ckeyb3rry · 16 days
LMAOOO casually drops 200k wc avg…classic Mira but ooooh yes I’ve def seen some stuff floating on your page about it from the occasional asks! It’d be really funny if the bllk one followed your typical wc projection inaccuracy although reaching orv levels is probably a stretch HAHA
MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH ummm I’ve let myself get too comfy in the crack/stupid loserverse ummm hahahaha ummm wait WHAT??? I did not that fact you really said “let me put my two faves against each ofher” it would go hard tho….
LMAOOO OOPS ok well either way it’s still funny I love the miraverse…..miraverse chigiri >>>>> circling back to the drunk Kira moment it’d be funny if reader was like “huh….when did you shrink….” LMAOOOO
No because niko gives such sidekick vibes it’s so funny but SHSKSJSJ I will shut up about oaeu for the time being to help you resist temptation it’s time for you to do some doom scrolling on tiktok /j
FR SHSHAJA they’re all just ganging up on him and he’s also a first year right??? Damn theyre fr bullying a child IM CRYING THE VISUAL OF KARASU BEING TALKED DOWN stop im imagining that alpha wolf meme I can’t
I’m laughing so hard that was fr my first thought like “they really gave him the extra eye sparkles” ONE MORE GOAL GUYS please I need the match to go faster only because seeing it chapter by chapter with no goal is lowk agonizing (it’s fine all together I’m just impatient when flipping through the panels) PLEASSEEE BARCHA MANSHINE SNEAK PEEK IM BEGGING someone give otoya a little spotlight too kaneshiro please I know you’re reading this
- Karasu anon
LMAOOO it’s so insane because 200k is so long for most people but for me it’s like okay regular that’s calm 😭 and yeahhh for a while my tumblr was solely asks about ship in the harbor tbf it was/is a very interesting story in my humble opinion…that y/n was hollyhock y/n before hollyhock y/n and she was also 10x more interesting somehow?? which is saying a LOT 😰 PLSSS nah imagine the bllk fic ends up at 500k that would be insane i’d have to have crazy plotting skills for it to get that long (or an idea i’m really inspired for 🙂‍↕️)
EEK i always forget that people who joined me in my bllk era don’t know i am FAMOUS for angst!! i neverrrr used to end my stories happy in almost all of them either reader or the love interest died it was literally to the point that pomegranate ink was considered me being kind to my readers since both yuta and mc lived 😭😭😭 nah because it was honestly a really fascinating concept wherein hak was soowon’s guard and shinah was a legend from reader’s province who comes to protect her in the palace after an assassination attempt and when hak kills shinah it’s not because he wants to but because he has to DJFNSJSKSNSN omg it’s a very insane story idk if the bllk fandom could handle it honestly especially if it’s rin killing nagi…like what would they even do
MIRAVERSE ON TOP FR omg miraverse chigiri is such a king i have this vision of may and reo being that really annoying couple that posts cute tik toks and do adorable trends together but then immediately after they post reader and chigiri stich the video recreating it while laughing and making it goofy because they’re menaces 😩 and PLSSS “nagi did the changes in elevation compress you a bit?? your hair is less voluminous too…”
NIKO IS LITERALLY JUST THERE TO RELAX and erm it may be a tad bit late…
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NOOO POOR KIYORA IS A BABY he should be hanging out w hiori bruh free him ‼️ SEISHIRO NAGI SAVE KIYORA ASAP 😭 omg no literally the alpha wolf meme is exactly the vibe i was going for FJSKFJSJ it’s canon dw i’m just going to manifest in there
HAHA we are on the same page idk what that was all abt…anyways agreed i think pxg will be one of the most hype games to read all at once but chapter but chapter is exhausting 😭 OTOYA SPOTLIGHT he literally scored a goal OFF SCREEN??? wtf 😓 and ofc yk i need my man to get his screentime back please it’s been too long since we last saw nagi in the main manga and he’s so hot in the manshine jersey can we get him back kaneshiro please i’m begging on my knees for a return…a mention…even a single panel…😩🙏🏻
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pastelpaperplanes · 4 years
Okay so i kinda lost count- are there multiple couples with the same characters? (Lockdown has two kids with someone i forgot and swindle right?) Gosh i hope my confusion doesn't come off as rude or something but i'm really interested in this AU and i just wanted to know the basics on the relationships. Like who is who's partner etc. (You don't have to tell every single couple jfksbd just how it works. Like past relationships or is making-children not a big deal? :'))
OKAY SO 😅 I know it gets hella confusing with the two AUs—so I’ll make it plain and simple for the Crack AU: literally no two bots who had a sparkling together are in a steady relationship in that AU!! It’s chaos but hey that’s what that specific AU was made for!
As for the Cybertron’s Future AU, I’ll breakdown all the current Creators’ relationships just for context, a handful are unique anyways:
Optimus/Rodimus: (Envoy & Laurel you’ll meet her eventually) Happily Conjunxed together for a long while now. Both know when and where they need to be serious, but they really are a goofy couple no matter how old they are or how busy their jobs get.
Drift/Ratchet: (Reiki) Conjunxed a bit later into their relationship, Drift had some self doubts for a long while and held back from bonding, but those have been resolved with loving patience and reassurance, Reiki is their only sparkling.
Megatron/Shockwave: (Tremor) These two are not conjunxed and will probably never be. Tremor was not planned as their little off and on, mutually beneficial arraignment was supposed to be to blow off steam, ofc Tremor came along and both took responsibility. They had a co-parenting relationship from then on and nothing more!
Megatron/Sentinel : (Shamus) They didn’t even have a relationship to begin with, just a mutually really really bad idea—Shamus was not planned at all. Megatron escaped prison soon after and Sentinel would’ve rather died than contract Megatron and tell him about his condition, the two haven’t spoken since.
Percy/Wheeljack: (Datum) They’ve been conjunxed since they both completed Academy, even after Percy’s incident and being distanced through war all that time, theyre still going strong. Datum is their only sparkling!
Sentinel/Throwback: (Vedette) Pretty much the definition of the booty call relationship with the eventual baby momma situation lmao. The two met while Sentinel was a hired security guard at one of Throwback’s shows, from their they met up every now and then for the fun of it. They’re not conjunxed and probably won’t ever be.
Prowl/Lockdown: (Cozen) Prowl and Lockdown probably would not have gotten conjunxed, but they did have plans to run away after The Uprising to raise their son together, this obviously did not go as planned.
Lockdown/Swindle: (Bunco) Those two don’t have the sweetest relationship even if they do meet up frequently for deals that are NOT intimate. They could possibly bond to each other in the future, but even after having a son together they still find excuses get in eachother’s faces—MAYBE ONE DAY
Blitzwing/Bumblebee: (Katydid & Mayfly) Blitzbee is VERY happily conjunxed, their banter still puts their relationship off as if they’re still in that dumbass flirting stage. May and Di wont likely be their only two.
Blaster/Jazz: (Razzmatazz) Conjunxed after many years of dating, Razz and the Twins (now adults) and on top of their work, they won’t be having another sparkling for some time, Blaster wants a big family!!
Tarn/Pharma: (Rongeur) Pharma was the DJD’s on board medic for a long while, he was replaced by Nickle when he went back to the ‘winning side’ (the Autobots) but quickly found out he was carrying his ex captain’s sparkling not long after. Not wanting to have anything to do with the DJD OR Tarn again, he kept Rongeur’s Sire out of the loop. Rongeur doesn’t know that he’s got the coding of one of the most feared Mechs in Cybertronian history on his side.
Cyclonus/Tailgate: (Whirligig) Happily conjuxed for a long while now, they’ve got one of the strongest relationships by far and they love each other dearly. Cyclonus doesn’t like to socialize with anyone other than his conjunx and their sparkling’s godsire, Whirl.
Ultra Magnus/Master Yoketron: (Satori) They were conjunxed on secret far too early for their own good, both were young and thought it was love until their stark moral differences quickly became apparent as the Great War began. Their relationship ended nastily, but they kept their future interactions civil for the public eye. Yoketron went off the grid for a long while to hide his carriage from Ultra Magnus, fearing that their Sire would twist their sparkling into his same image. Satori ended up being raised by Wing in Crystal City. Yoketron and Ultra’s bond broke when Yoketron was later murdered, Ultra wished that Yoketron could’ve understood his methods of war and eventually stand at his side, this obviously didn’t happen and Ultra regrets everyday he didn’t ask for forgiveness from his mate. Both Creators are now with the Allspark where they can hopefully speak again and let Ultra have that chance.
Knockout/Breakdown: (Wildbreak & Dominiza) They were conjunxed mid-war while still being tied to the Deceptions, they risked their lives to ensure that their first born, Wildbreak, would be given a life far better than one growing up on a ship and born into a set faction, the two are still going strong and now love their two sparklings to death.
Hope that kinda helps anon :D
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