#Jacian (OC)
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 1 month ago
jacian post tomorrow i promise
in the meantime take a doodle as compensation (you will see this again on the post but like. it goes hard)
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daily-rubbersoul-redux · 3 years ago
i've had this lineart finished and sitting in my blog folder for like 3 weeks at this point
so uh
take it now ig lmao
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deltarune au was inevitable
yes i will be making more designs, no not all of the characters in the au are mine-
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 3 years ago
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i hand you my son
have fun with him lmao
Ayo, friends…wanna drop me an OC I can draw? It’s for something…
Hell, man, if you’re one of the fellas that always likes my dumb posts, I’mma count you, too. Go ahead and show me! I’ll draw them for that something. Just DM me, or submit it, or reblog this post. Whatever, man.
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 4 months ago
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oops! got burnt out and disappeared anyways happy halloween ft. the return of Them
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 1 month ago
Re:Shook’s Weekly OCs: #004
Jacian Von Rittedel (Modern Vers.)
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definitely haven't been putting off writing this post because I know it's gonna be a long one
Ahem. Anyways. Were I making this post like, 3 years ago, then I could confidently say that this glorious goofy man needs no introduction.
However I haven't really done anything with him in a LONG ass time, and he and Taiana have been overthrown as my most well known OCs (probably) by the other blue-and-blonde-haired-duo that I've become completely obsessed with, so. There's no escaping it.
This is gonna be a LONG ass post, only saved by the fact that technically this is an AU version so I can skip some stuff and save it for later, haha.
...But also kinda not. Anyways I should stop dragging my feet and just start huh-
Also, this is the fist of these with trigger warning! So, minor self harm/attempted s*icide tw; I'm not gonna do anything more than just briefly mention The Thing That Happened, but y'know. Better safe than sorry and all that.
So, Jacian is a character made intentionally to be a parody of the Camus archetype from hit game series Fire Emblem, because he was initially made for a FE fangame idea I had (which has since then just become it's own thing, and my pipedream video game that I would like to make some day but probably never will). He can be boiled down to being a charismatic and overly dramatic knight who values loyalty to his lord above all else, and refuses to fight anything but fair duels 99% of the time. This version of him specifically is just one I made so that I could use him in my other OC stuff, since y'know. It's kinda hard to just plop a Ye Olde Times guy into the modern day without adapting him a bit lol.
That said, a lot about him is still the same; even the way he talks (bro does NOT know what a contraction is), and dresses, and he's still a knight because like. What right do I have to take that away from him, look at him he was BORN to be one. He's generally a very sociable and likeable guy, and despite being a certified oddball with the whole noble-knight schtick, he has an undeniable charm that typically wins over most people who meet him. In other words, bro has a maxxed out charisma stat. That isn't to say he's incapable of being serious though, he very much is, but he really only drops his usual charm when things actually get serious, and becomes more reserved as time goes on.
That said, this version of Jacian specifically is also from further along story-wise than the normal/base version of him (those who know now probably get why that tw is there (assuming they didn't before. they probably did)), so it's prrrrobably gonna be easier to just run through his whole background/backstory than to effectively explain basically two different characters just to show how he's different? (which like. base Jacian is getting his own post at some point anyways so i can just go into detail about how he is at that point of his character development there anyways)
So, Jacian always had wanted to be a knight. Like, ever since he was a kid. Even though it's like. Modern day. Specifically, he wanted to be someone's 'evil' rival, with his definition of evil being solely shaped by goofy, non-threatening antagonists from Saturday morning cartoons. You know the type, causing Mild Inconvenience at worst and all that stuff. Unrealistic as it may be though, he was determined, and stuck with the whole bit through most of his childhood (up until around middle school). Around that time though, his world view started to shift a bit; he both was just naturally maturing, and at the same time having to deal with the sudden loss of his father, who had always been the one most willing to indulge his fantasies, going as far as to actually teach Jacian to use a sword (he's a whole other can of worms i could get into, but he'll probably get his own post some day so. I'm gonna refrain from going more into his whole deal so that this doesn't become even more of a barely comprehensible stream-of-consciousness ramble than it already is lol), as well as his mother getting incredibly sick shortly after (she had to leave the country to get the medical treatment she needed, and would end up passing away years later). However, rather than the reasonable outcome of him just dropping the whole knight thing altogether coming to pass, he instead doubles down, just with a much more serious attitude about the whole thing. He's still definitely a goof, but now he's a lot more thoughtful and mature about the whole thing (which has the unintentional effect of him becoming actually really well liked by his peers, instead of being seen as a weirdo). Fast forward a few years (again, glazing over some stuff for the sake of keeping this coherent, and also because I don't have all of the details smoothed out yet since this whole version is kinda a square peg in circle hole type situation), and he is both A. somehow actually working as a knight, for a man I am NOT getting into here because it is, again, a WHOLE other thing that's best to be explained in a different character's post (if he comes up again in this post, which. he definitely will. I'll just be referring to him as 'his (Jacian's) lord', since that's what Jacian calls him because he's just. Like That.) and B. has actually become someone's antagonistic rival; with that person being his 'Eternal Rival', Taiana (you'll hear more about her next week, but the long and short of it is that she's the blue-haired lord to his Camus archetype. ...For anyone who doesn't know jack shit about FE, she's the protagonist of the thing they're both from). And though he's only fighting her because he has been ordered to, (again, a story for later) he very much enjoys having someone who both takes him seriously, and is an even match for him swordplay-wise. Which is to say every duel that they have ends in a draw, which then motivates them both to train even more, and then the whole thing repeats. The two of them do end up becoming quite close though, with Jacian even developing feelings for her, which he is not very good at hiding, to say the least (Taiana is, however, a social brick wall so she doesn't realize At All despite that) and which only serves to further complicate things when Jacian receives the order to either kill her, or die trying.
Just real quick side note here - I swear this all makes a lot more logical sense in these two's original setting, however pigeon-holing plots into places that they have no write being is kinda just what I have to do sometimes to make characters work in alternate settings (because I can't just. change the plot, no that would make too much sense) so like. Just suspend your disbelief or whatever, or if you wanna see this shit in context feel free to go dig up my old OC ask blog (no I will not link it here, it's embarrassing) and read through the whole saga there (because yes, this is the SECOND time I'm adapting these two to a modern setting). It's definitely a bit rough, but like. It's also kind of peak I wrote like 20 pages and made a lot of people mad at me it was awesome (still not as good as the William stuff though, that was genuinely the peak of my comedic writing and the only overarching plot I did there that didn't lose steam and fall apart at the end).
Anyways back to the two 17 year olds dueling to the death.
Naturally, this... Doesn't end well. It doesn't really matter who wins, because either way the outcome is the same: Neither of them are willing to kill the other, and both would rather sacrifice themselves for the others sake. Despite being, well - rivals, they honestly understand each other perfectly and care a LOT about each other. And so once the duel ends, and the inevitable comes, Jacian chooses to try and take his own life via stabbing himself through the chest with his rapier rather than kill Taiana or force her to kill him herself.
Now, he doesn't die (though the how + why of that makes more sense to be explained in Taiana's post, so lookf forward to(?) that next week) but that doesn't necessarily mean things are great now either. Not only is he now dealing with the inner conflict resulting from him pretty much breaking his own code of honor and loyalty, but there's also now the bigger issue of needing to deal with/take down his lord, which is again. A Whole Thing I'm not gonna get into here. Just know that the situation is a lot more complex than either he or Taiana realizes, and that they have a big fight that then leads to all three of them pretty much going missing for a year, and most people assuming that they're dead (Jacian and Taiana aren't but his lord definitely is (they did not kill him, some other shit happened, It's Complicated).
And now, we finally get to the point that this version of Jacian is at, having finally come back from wherever the hell the two of them had been and acting as if nothing had ever happened! Though he definitely has become noticeably more reserved and less bombastic, only really going full ham when him and Taiana are goofing off and/or dueling (because yes they still do that, they are Eternal rivals after all, and just because they're dating now doesn't mean that that has changed. Oh yeah they finally got together, and it changed literally nothing about their dynamic.)
He takes his swordplay very seriously, and has two primary weapons; his trusty rapier, which is just. A standard rapier, he has it on him pretty much almost always, and his big-ass fuck-off great sword that has been passed down through his family for generations, and that may or may not have been blessed by/contain the power of a God of Lightning. (regardless of if it does or doesn't, it sure does have lightning powers regardless. And also since there's not really a better place to put this, Jacian is completely immune to electricity. ...He's still scared of thunderstorms, though. Though he's mostly gotten over that fear at the point of development that this version of him is at. Mostly.) He also usually wields it with one hand, which is impressive because again. It is Stupidly Big, but also he's just that cool. I mean come on, look at the doodle of him holding it (in the wrong hand because, even though I made sure to position his rapier on his design in a way that would make sense for him to unsheathe it with his right hand (despite it definitely being easier to just draw it on the other side so that most of it would be covered) I somehow then immediately forgot that he was right handed while drawing the doodle. Just. Pretend he's kinda ambidextrous or something (he actually kinda is) idk I'm just kinda stupid sometimes). He's so cool.
Aside from his friendship/rivalry/enemies-to-lovers with Taiana, he has quite a good number of other close friends (nearly all of which have been better adapted to the setting than him, because yes, they are ALSO all from the former fire emblem fangame, and a majority of them form his Squad in that universe. However the modern versions of them are honestly the main/base ones, so that checks out tbh. for them at least.) The 'main' four are Merridith, Chiuji, Kaitso and Kyō, all of whom, drumroll please, will get their own posts at some point, and all of whom get along with each other to degrees varying from besties (Merridith + Chiuji/Kaitso + Kyō) to actively beefing (Merridith + Kyō, though it's really just Merridith). There's also Gabbrielli, who is childhood friends with both Jacian and Taiana, and also may or may not be a actual prince. Allegedly. He has his own shit going on, only some of which is related to the Jacian and Taiana shit.
Design wise, I was going for basically 'Older, cooler Jacian' and to me that meant coat draped over shoulders like a cape - which actually worked super well, because he usually has a red cape, and I usually make the inside of his jacket red. Other than that, it's kinda a mish-mash of elements from other Jacian designs that I thought worked + the same boots he always has, but the soles are white now wowee; and of course, his signature flower, white lilies. Which fit him both aesthetically AND symbolically :] Oh, and I forgot to mention this earlier, but he goes by the moniker of 'White Lily Knight' because of course he does.
There is almost certainly more, I could say probably, but. I think this is MORE than enough for now, lmao.
...And i get to write just as much if not more for Taiana next week. Fun :']
Anyways. Yeah that's about it, I like Jacian a lot, he's just a goofy guy who also manages to be charming and cool, despite being a total dweebus. Probably (definitely) in my top 10 OCs :]
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 1 year ago
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posting a wip since the oc post will be a bit late this week
a (slightly redesigned) boy :]
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 2 years ago
has jacian finally become real and escaped the white canvas dimension
i feel like answering this with a drawing would defeat the point of the ask ckjvbckv but, in a surprising turn of events
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yes, yes he has.
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 1 year ago
...Umm what is Jacian's association with weed?
...sigh. never thought i'd have to be talking about weed jacian in the year of our lord 2024
so first off, direct all blame to @nubcatnoises (pika) for being the one who paid me to draw him. she knows what she has done.
as for the context though, long story short: there was some joke made while me and some friends were playing jackbox like 3 years ago that eventually devolved (evolved?) into an au where jacian worked at a dispensary because his boss thought it would be a good front for the probably illegal activities they were doing (the joke being that it was a place that sold weed).
that's it that's the joke, i had deadass forgotten about this until i got this ask. tbh it's impressive that someone who didn't already know the context even saw that post, especially like, recently-
anyways have a normal jacian bc i refuse to draw weed jacian (unless i get paid to. again.)
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 1 year ago
What's your OC's favorite beverage?
i'll give a few of the ones who have a specific favorite lol or atleast that have one that i've thought of
Mint's favorite is matcha tea, which Sakura makes jokes about pretty regularly
Jacian's favorite is rose tea. He's just like that
Carmine's is whiskey, or like the blue flavor Calypso lemonade. the name is escaping me atm and i don't wanna look it up lol-
Merridith's is literally any strawberry flavored drink, as long as it doesn't have actual strawberries in it
Kanon's is a tie between grape juice and grape soda (side note: japanese grape fanta my beloved???)
Mira's is Mountain Dew. Gamer (real)
Konaco really likes mocha flavored coffee. It does literally nothing for her caffeine-wise, she just likes the taste
that's a good enough list for now lol
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 2 years ago
What were your design inspirations for Jacian because his hairstyle and expressions look kinda like Narcian from FE while his clothing looks more akin to Camus.
Also does Carmine have a tuxedo?
yes! to the point where i made this like almost a year ago now lmao-
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like literally, the idea for jacian originated from when the taiana stuff was still a fire emblem fangame, and i wanted to make a camus archetype with narcian's vibes (though i moreso refernced zeke specifically, but he and camus are literally the same guy so semantics-)
but yeah he is truly
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and uhh as far as carmine goes i dunno! personally i think the idea of her only having the one suit and nice shirt really funny fjcjfk however i drew her in a tux anyways bc i will take any excuse to draw carmine so here-
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 2 years ago
What’s Jacian’s deadliest duel?
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technically there are multiple answers to this question, but i think this is the funniest
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 2 months ago
making a very loose schedule for the weekly ocs, both so that i can keep track, and so i can have a masterpost of sorts that can link to all of them (this'll be pinned for easy access lol)
so, with that said;
Weekly OC Schedule/Masterpost:
(green = posted, blue = planned (but subject to change), red = not planned)
01/05: Rijami
01/12: Hisato Hanzō
01/19: Soseki Ishiki
01/26: Jacian Von Rittedel (Modern)
02/16: Kokomi Kyōki
03/16: Masumii
03/23: Takoshi
03/30: Hayaki
04/06: Kaikatsushi
04/13: Nayashi
04/20: Konaco Joki
04/27: Kanon Raitoto
05/04: Akemi Komoten
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 1 month ago
writing the jacian post is making me realize just HOW much I'm going to have to say about any of my OCs i've ever actually done stuff with
this shit is gonna be so long dear god
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 2 years ago
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so like
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 2 years ago
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day 5 was roleswap au. of course i had to do The Blorbos jchbjvchv-
honestly? yeah i think jacian moreso fits the role of royalty and taiana the role of dark knight cbhcjbh- I MEAN LOOK AT THEM THEY LOOK GREAT dont worry about the lore for the au shshshshssh that's not important right now-
ok anyways! time to go get back ahead of schedule on these lmao-
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 3 years ago
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why yes, i DO have a favorite type of villain to make, and it's funny sword boys who are goofy and charismatic and nice but also Very Evil
so yknow jacian (right) and jacian's twin from another universe aka naliok (left)
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