#and whenever the topic changes to someone else’s interests they immediately stop giving all fucks
apothheosis · 4 months
learning once again why i had told myself i wasnt gonna join servers again and then i did it and like. i need to stop fr no more discord servers for me it never ends up being fun in the end i just feel frustrated
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lemonjoonah · 3 years
The Garden Thief (M)
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader Word Count: 9.3K Genre: Hybrid AU, romance/drama/comedy, enemies to lovers Warnings: Unprotected sex, oral sex (fem. rec.), they get down and dirty outside but no one else is there to see them, cum play? (just a little), there’s also a bit of mud (sorry, but also not sorry, they’re outside what do you want from me?!?!), referenced hybrid neglect and oppression (hybrids are wrongfully deemed as pets by law and the majority of society).  
Summary: Your beloved vegetable patch has once again been victimized by a hungry thief in the night. The prime suspect? Jeon Jungkook, your neighbour's rabbit hybrid. But when you finally confront him, he pleads innocent, and proposes a plan to clear his name.
A/N: I wrote this fic’s premise and opening scene for the ‘A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words Game’ that I played oh so long ago and now I’ve finally finished the tale!
“Oh for fuck’s sake, not again!” You swear upon seeing the leafy green remains of several carrots lying in your garden, inches from where they used to be buried. This maddening mystery of the vanishing vegetables has been playing out all summer. You’ve set out deterrents for every possible garden pest, rolling out chicken wire and spraying natural remedies to repel anything from bugs to small rodents. Yet you still wake to find that your garden has been robbed in the night. The only possible suspect you haven’t been able to protect against resides just next door, in fact—
You squint up at the boarded fence, spotting a pair of long dark ears peeking out over the posts. “Jungkook, is that you?”
The ears immediately disappear, ducking down behind the barrier. The sound of his hurried footsteps trailing away are followed only by the slamming of a door.
You rush into and through your own house carrying the wilted carrot greens. Exiting out the front, and over to the house next to yours, where you repeatedly press the bell.
The entry whips open on the fourth ring to reveal Jungkook. His face is flushed, beads of sweat racing down his brow, and a shirt that one would normally use to cover their chest, is instead thrown over his shoulder. “Something wrong neighbour?” He asks with a carrot stick in hand. Bringing it to his mouth, he taunts you with a bite and crooked grin.
“Is-is your caretaker home?” You stutter trying your best to swallow your nerves. Concentrating hard on his face, you plead with your eyes not to wander down. That’s exactly what he wants, a reason to put you off your mission, to make you so flustered that you have to walk away. He’s always trying to use his allure against you, and you hate how often he succeeds doing just that...  
“No, he’s at work.”
“When will he be back?”
“Not sure, maybe a week, or two? He’s on a business trip.”
Your gaze falters in it’s determination for a brief second as a drop of sweat descends from his neck to his chest. Holding your breath you watch it’s path, tracing the valleys between his muscles. When Jungkook finally wipes it away your brain catches up and scolds you for your weakness. “And he left you here, alone?”  You ask, while trying to recollect your dignity, reminding yourself of how much grief he has put you through.
“Of course.” Jungkook’s smile grows. “I’m not just some common pet. I know how to behave myself.”
The statement makes your brow twitch, enraging you enough to overcome his tactics. “I know you haven’t been here long, but you should know, people typically don’t like it when someone steals from their yard.” You lecture him, waving the carrot tops in front of his face. “So stop treating my garden like your own personal snack bar!”
“Now why would I take from you? I have plenty of food here, even got another delivery this morning.”  The hybrid kicks at a box next him filled with a vibrant collection of fresh produce and grains.
“I don’t know why. I just know it was you.”
“Prove it.” He prods, while taking the last bite of the vegetable from his hand.
The loud crunching gnaws on your composure, stripping you of any patience you may have had for the hybrid. “This all started when you moved in, and I’ve ruled everything else out!” You shout, but as good as it might feel to finally vent your anger, you feel as though you’re somehow playing into his hand.
“That doesn’t seem like very good evidence. It’s circumstantial at best. If you want to find out who the real culprit is you should have a stake out.”
“A stake out?”
“Yeah, you know, watch over the garden for the night, catch the criminal in the act. I could even help if you’d like.”
You scoff at the ridiculous notion. “You really think I should invite you over to guard my crops?”
“I do, so I’ll come over tonight? Say around seven?” You open your mouth to object, but the rabbit hybrid jumps from one statement to the next casually inviting himself into your own home. “Perfect. See you then.”
“I didn’t-no wait, that was sar-” The door closes between you before you can finish. Leaving you baffled and alone on the doorstep. You ready to knock but stop just before your knuckles hit the wood. Trying again right now is a lost cause, it’ll just play into his game. So why waste your breath when you know it’ll just end the same way? Tonight then, as he suggested, that’s when you’ll be ready to hit him with some hard evidence that he won’t be able to refute.
Admitting defeat for now, you retreat back to your garden to pick the surviving vegetables and contemplate the encounter. You wish your could have just spoken to Jungkook’s caretaker—fuck what was his name again? You’ve only seen the man a couple times since they took the house, but at least he doesn't give you a nervous knot in your stomach, or leave you confused and speechless like his hybrid does.
It’s been three months since they moved in. You were excited at first, to have new neighbours in your almost vacant cul-de-sac. Buyers don’t seem to be interested in the old houses with large lots in your area. Too much work to maintain, and not enough good job prospects to go around. So when you saw the sold sign go up you were beyond thrilled. Greeting the new residents with a fruit basket and a smile.
The rabbit hybrid you now know as Jungkook appeared rather shy at first, you did your best to welcome him. Always greeting him when he was outside, trying to engage him in small chat, but the first time you caught him during his workout everything changed. Until that point you had not considered him as anything but a prospective friend. You were stunned to see him in such a confident state, throwing around his weights like they were nothing. In that moment, with you too nervous to admit that you found him attractive, you became the anxious and blubbering fool in his presence, and he, unfortunately, took note. The once quiet and cute rabbit, became a flirtatious and bratty bunny.
And since then, whenever you would work in your garden he’d be on the other side of the fence grunting and panting. Staying close to the gap in the divider, a missing panel you had yet to replace. On days like today you would often look up from your radishes and accidentally lock eyes with the hybrid, drenched in sweat and showing off his skills.
Out of respect and self preservation you tried your best to not to pay attention, to keep your nose buried in your garden, but as the weeks went by the vegetables under your care started to disappear. The ample crops you tended to in the evening, lessened by morning, with only the refuse remaining to indicate it’s former presence. You didn’t want to point fingers immediately, but today was the final straw, and tonight no matter how hard he tries to distract you, you will find him guilty.
After harvesting the choice crops for the day and watering the rest. You dust yourself off, settling inside and in front of your computer; opening the visitors page for your place of work, the city's greenhouse conservatory. To help promote the centre in the community the staff all take turns writing articles revolving around their own projects or home gardens, and you’re up next in the rotation. You stare at the blank document for several minutes trying your best to concentrate on the task, but you are unable to think of anything other than the mischievous hybrid next door.
Embracing the topic of your aggravation, you start the post off with a title sure to catch the eye of any reader, ‘Garden Thieves.’
‘We’ve all been there, finding a tomato just about to reach its peak ripeness. We give it another day to grow into perfection, only to find it missing later on. In your absence something else has taken it into its own clutches. I myself have been dealing with a vegetable thief for several weeks, so if you are struggling like I am, here are a few things that might help. ’
You proceed to outline several garden pests uploading photos of their damage, along with quick remedies to deter their presence. Netting to block the sparrows, raised beds and fences to keep out most rodents or mammals, and a caffeine solution to stave off slugs.
‘I hope this may help you all in your efforts to keep your plants safe, but I must add a disclaimer. Unfortunately nothing here is completely foolproof. Even if you do follow all of these steps you still might lose some of your crops to a crafty critter. But I wish you the best of luck on all of your backyard battles. I myself plan to face off with my own long-eared menace tonight.’
You finish your post with a smile. Sending it off to your coworker Namjoon to get his approval before you make it public.
He calls a few minutes later, his laughter carrying through the speaker. “That was easily the best article you’ve written all year. You should definitely post it.”
“Thanks.” You chuckle, hitting the submit button. At the very least feeling a bit relieved to have one less task weighing on your mind. “I really appreciate it.”
“No problem. I take it you’re still having trouble with that hybrid neighbour of yours?”
“Yeah,” you groan. You’ve complained to Namjoon about the issue several times in the past month. It must have been all too easy for him to read between the lines and see what set you off to create this specific entry.  “But he refuses to admit it was him. It’s like he’s trying to make me question my skills as a gardener and I hate it! I went over to talk to his caretaker but he’s away on business for a couple weeks.”
“He left him alone for that long? What about food?”
“He’s been getting deliveries. By the looks of it, he has a healthier diet than I do.”
Namjoon pauses on the line giving you only a simple, “Huh...” in a long break.
“Well it’s just-” A loud buzzing sound erupts through the phone line cutting off his answer. A noise you know to indicate someone is at the back door. “That’s weird. I didn’t think we were supposed to get anything delivered today. No one else is here.... did you have anything scheduled to come in?”
“No.” You double check the calendar sitting on your desk. “I shouldn’t have anything until next Monday.”  
Namjoon puts you on hold while he checks on the reason for the interruption, returning only a minute later. “It’s a delivery all right, but are you sure these aren’t yours? I’m seeing a lot of tropical species on the invoice. Combretum rotundifolium, Heliconia angusta, Myrciaria dubia-”
You mouth a swear as Namjoon carries on with his list. It’s obvious they are indeed the specimens of your expected batch. You're in the process of redesigning one of the tropical habitats. The lead director was adamant that the conservatory host a butterfly exhibition in the next coming year, and in order to support the grandiose endeavour you are required to introduce a vast amount of new flowering species over the next few months. “How many in total?”
“About two dozen. Looking pretty rough from the journey too.”
You’re not surprised by their current state. This summer is already one of the hottest and driest on record, and all the stock you had received this season was excessively wilted and near death because of it. “Do we have any holding houses with humidifiers available?”
“Not at the moment,” There’s a clatter in the background as Namjoon sorts through what must be the slack of clipboards. “But I’ve got the inspection chart here and your last delivery did just finish it’s quarantine. No signs of pests or illness, so they’re clear to plant. That should free up some space for you.”
“That’ll have to do. Thanks for checking.” Standing up from your desk with a sorrowful sigh. You mourn the loss or your afternoon off as you start to dress for a day of hard labour. Throwing on your work-issued overalls over your t-shirt and shorts. Unfortunately you can’t just leave the new stock to sit out under the beating sun. With little humidity outside and no protection they’ll be burnt to a crisp if you delay too long. But the worst part is that your planting staff isn’t scheduled until later in the week, and that volume of work will put you well into the middle of the night before you complete it. “I’ll be in soon to deal with it.”
“That’s a lot of planting to do on your own. I can help if you-”
“I can’t take you away from your trees, isn’t there a bonsai exhibition next week you have to prepare them for?” He’s been agonizing over this showcase for so long you couldn’t possibly inconvenience him now with your own troubles. “It’s fine, really. I’ll call to see if anyone else is willing to come in today.” You hang up letting Namjoon return to his tasks, and work your way down the contacts for the gardening staff as you prepare yourself to leave. Though as expected, all of those who answer have prior commitments and won’t be able to assist.
Grabbing your badge and plans for the updates to the garden you slip back out into the noon-day sun, so strong it’s turned your car into an oven on wheels. You’re just about to pull it into reverse when you spot the blinds shift in your neighbour’s window. Prompting you to recall the plans he had made for tonight.
With all the work you have, it’s doubtful you’ll be back home for seven. You return to Jungkook’s door to give him the news. He has it open before you can even knock, his usual smirk crawling across his face as he greets you.  
“About tonight... something has come up at work and I really don’t know how late I’ll be.”
His ears perk up. “You’re going into the conservatory?”
“Yeah,” you respond, somewhat shocked that he remembered where you work. It’s been a couple months since you mentioned it while introducing yourself to him and his caretaker. “An order came in earlier than expected. I’ll likely be planting all day and night.”
“I can help,” he offers, already stepping out to join you, and locking the door behind him.
“You want to help?”
“Of course, isn’t that the neighbourly thing to do?”
“Yes, but I wouldn’t want it or expect it from someone who terrorizes my own garden.”
“Allegedly,” Jungkook corrects. “And wouldn’t you rather have me with you, under your supervision, than here, all alone with only a measly fence between me and your impressive bell pepper harvest?”
“Stay away from my peppers!” You scold, pointing your finger at him. “Even if I wanted to take you, what about your caretaker? Don’t you need his permission to leave and work?”
“He’s never paid attention to my whereabouts before, and it’s not work if you don’t pay me. I’ll just be a volunteer. You have people volunteer all the time right?”
“Yes but-”  
“I’ll be on my best behaviour.”
“Alright, fine.” You finally agree though with a heavy dose of reluctance. Namjoon often brings his own hybrid in so it shouldn’t be a problem. “But if I see you nibble on even a single leaf, you’re coming straight back here.”
“Deal.” He rushes past you straight to your passenger seat and buckles himself in. Practically bouncing with excitement beside you as you pull out and head towards the conservatory.
The minutes pass and you try your best to focus on the road but you’ve never been so close to Jungkook in such a small space. And with his built frame taking up most of the car, he’s hard for you to ignore. His ears folded against the roof and his shoulders so wide they brush repeatedly against yours.
“Ever been to the conservatory before?” You ask, trying to divert your mind from the battle which builds inside you. A wavering war between frustration and attraction, with the former trying it’s best to pin down the latter, a move which only arouses the latter more...
“No, I’ve wanted to go ever since you mentioned it but my caretaker hasn’t had the time.”
“Oh.” A sense of pity joins the ranks of your emotions, nudging at you as you pull into the lot. “Sorry, I didn’t-”
“Why are you sorry?” Jungkook asks in a low whisper, snapping back to his flirtatious behaviours. His mouth turns up at the corner as he leans into you, so close that his drooping ears graze the top of your head.  “Would you have taken me earlier if I had mentioned it?”
“N-no,” you choke out. Placing your hand on his solid chest, you push him back and away. As tempting as his advance might be to accept, you know his forwardness to be nothing more than an act to make a fool of you. Why else would he try to both seduce you, and steal from right under your nose?  “You’re only here today because I am in desperate need of help, and I can’t trust you to be alone.”
You lead him through the unoccupied greenhouses. The conservation is closed to the public today (as it is every Monday and Tuesday); which usually allows for some time off, but at least now it’ll give you a chance to work unimpeded by visitors. Your own curated section is located in the most humid of all the houses, set in such a way to mimic the tropical environment you are attempting to represent.
The first stop is the holding house where the carts of new stock wait just outside.  Grabbing an empty trolly you enter and start to load up those that are ready to plant. Jungkook following your actions does the same, easily lifting the heavy planters that you yourself struggle with. “Thanks,” you whisper as he relieves you of a particularly burdensome tree. To which he smiles in return.
After making the switch, by placing the recent delivery in the house for it’s quarantine, you lead him to the supply closet. Where you collect a couple shovels, trowels, and two pairs of gloves. As you continue to scan for anything else you might require, Jungkook pops in behind looking at the shelves with a sense of curiosity. He reaches up and over you to a spray bottle labeled ‘slug repellent.’
“We won’t need that, it’s for the outdoor gardens,” You explain. “It’s just a mixture of ca-”
“Caffeine and water?”
You snap your gaze to him. “How do you know that?”
He bites his lip as a snicker starts to escape. “Just a bit of morning reading. I found an interesting article with that particular tidbit. One which also happened to reference the exploits of a long-eared menace.”
“Y-you read the conservatory blog? You read my post? No one reads that, there can’t have been more than ten views!”
“Which is such a shame.” He goads you. “I’ve found your work to be both informative and comical. You really have me rooting for you in your quest to catch your thief.”
You groan in utter fury. “Why must you be so-so-”
“Handsome? Funny? Caring?”
“Because you seem to take more notice when I am.” Jungkook answers, with a turn of his heel, his tail poking out from under his shirt as he starts to walk away with the cart. “And I like seeing that perplexed look of yours. Your nose is cute when you scrunch it up like that.”
You remain in the shed, your traitorous heart beating erratically over the fact that he called a part of you cute. While your more sensible side grabs your nose and smooths out the wrinkles he referenced.
“Should we get to work?” He calls out after you. “The sooner we finish, the sooner we can go home and expose that bandit of yours.”
You roll your eyes and follow him out, before taking the lead to your tropical glasshouse. The air sticks to your skin the moment you enter. Jungkook lets out a long exhale behind you tugging on the collar of his shirt. “Is it always like this in here?”
“It’s a bit warmer today, but not by much. Are you already regretting your decision to help?” You tease him.
“Nope,” he answers, slinging a shovel over his shoulder. “Show me where to dig, and I’ll get to it.”
Pulling out your plans for the new exhibit arrangement, you select a couple species placing them on the empty plots of garden as directed, careful to allow for future growth. Jungkook follows behind digging out their new homes faster than at least three of your staff members combined.
You stare at him for a second, unable to believe the pace at which he’s going. “Something wrong?” He asks, pausing to lock eyes with you.
“No, I just didn’t think you’d be so quick at digging.”
“I’m part rabbit, what did you expect?” Jungkook boasts with a chuckle and a raised brow. “I share their strengths. Especially when it comes to burrowing and fu-”      
His words are cut short when a fresh breeze from the outside washes over the both of you, a  sure sign that someone must have entered the greenhouse. Your neighbour goes rigid, his nose lifts into the air and his ears fall back flat against his head. “Jungkook what’s-” Leaping up he closes the gap and grabs you. Tucking you into him with his chin resting on your head, where a  warm and earthy scent envelopes you.  His breaths are quick and deep, causing his chest to rapidly rise and fall against your back.
Namjoon’s voice calls out to you. “... are you in here?”
“Over here!” You yell out in reply, before turning back to the hybrid who still has you locked in his clutches. “What the hell Jungkook? Let me go! Now’s not the time for your games.” Sure it might feel nice to be wrapped in his arms, to get lost amidst his aroma. At any other time you might even consider taking a moment before chastising his boldness. But here? Now? And with Namjoon coming to greet you? No, this is too much.
You try to push him away like you have before, but this time it’s as if he’s set in stone, and not registering you at all. He focuses only on the direction your coworker's voice hailed from. “That scent, he smells like-”
“There you are.” Namjoon interrupts stepping around a flowering bush and into view, looking surprised by your guest. “Oh, hello there.”
The point of Jungkook's chin rubs against your head as he grips you even tighter. Embarrassed and confused by the hybrids embrace. “Jungkook, this is Namjoon.” You introduce your coworker while delivering an elbow to Jungkook’s gut. He finally snaps out of his trace and lets you go though he continues to hover behind. “He works with the bonsai of the conservatory.”
“You must be the neighbour I’ve heard so much about, it’s nice to finally meet you.” Namjoon extends his hand to the hybrid, but Jungkook ignores the gesture, choosing to glare instead, with his nostrils flared and his ears pinned back.
“Jungkook?” You whisper trying to chase him from his mood.
Namjoon gives him a nervous smile. “You probably smell my hybrid, on me don’t you?”
“A hybrid?” Jungkook confirms, his eyes narrowed at Namjoon.
“Yeah, sorry, I didn’t intend to scare you. I’m sure the scent of a predator, especially a tiger, is a bit of a shock. He’s harmless, I promise.”
“Is Taehyung here?” You ask, hoping to see his affectionate part-feline companion.  
“Nah, he’s with a friend today. I needed to get some work done and he’d be more of a distraction than a help... but it would seem that didn’t stop him from scenting my shirt before I left.” Namjoon explains, and then turns to your neighbour again. “Jungkook would you mind if I borrow her for a second? I need help with one of my tropical species.”
Jungkook gives a solemn nod. For the first time since you’ve known him, he looks frightened, and somewhat hesitant to release you over to your coworker.
Worried by his current disposition, you reassure him with a squeeze on his arm. “Just keep digging where I’ve placed those pots and I’ll be right back.”
Namjoon leads you into the adjacent greenhouse where you can continue to keep watch of Jungkook through the pains of glass. But the instant the doors close between you, Namjoon starts bombarding you with questions. “Why didn’t you tell me? How long has it been going on? ”
You take a step back having been caught off guard. “Tell you what?”
“About you and Jungkook! Is the feuding neighbours just a cover story?” Namjoon’s eyes are wide and hopeful as he carries on, not letting you fit a single word in. “Don’t worry, I won’t inform anyone you're together. I know it’s not easy having a human-hybrid relationship out in the open. But I think you should be careful about going out into public because he’s far too obvious about it.”
“We’re not- we’re not a couple. Why would you think such a thing?”
“Because the way held you, he looked like he was marking you with his own scent. That’s what rabbits do isn’t it? They rub their chins on what they want to claim as their own.”
“They do what?” You ask, stunned by the possibility, before the realism settles back in. It must just be Jungkook’s idea of a joke. “No, that’s not what he’s doing, our connection is nothing remotely like that. Don’t get me wrong he’s very attractive, and he knows it.” You mutter the last part under your breath. “But-”
“But you really are having trouble with him. It's not a cover?”
“You think I would keep something like that from you?” Namjoon over the years has come to be your closest confidant. A good friend and coworker, you would never dream of hiding something like that from him.
“I suppose not.”
“Is that why you brought me back here, to question my relationship status?”
“Not entirely.” Namjoon shakes his head with a small dimpled smile and changes the subject. “I do actually want to get your help with one of my new acquisitions.” He points out an unusual tree on his work bench, much too big for the pot it’s currently situated in. It’s extensive roots spill out over the top and threaten to swallow the pot whole. “A Ficus microcarpa, far from the most sought after species when it comes to reputable bonsai, but I couldn’t pass this one up. It has such good character.”
“What made it grow in such a way?” You examine the plant and it’s container with care, prying between the roots and taking note of cracks starting to form in the terracotta.
“The last owner neglected it for far too long. It sat hidden in the back of a commercial greenhouse, still under the watering and fertilizing system, but since it was confined to such a small space it tried to root it’s way out. If I were to guess, it probably hasn’t seen a new pot for at least five years.”
“It’s a miracle it survived.” You nod impressed by the tree’s determination. “What’s your plan for it?”
“Give it what it wants, let it leach out. I doubt I would be able to pry it out entirely without causing significant damage to the roots that are gripping the sides, so instead I want to put another bellow to catch it and give it the fresh soil and room it needs.” Namjoon lays the tree and pot down on the table, and asks you to hold and support the trunk, while he taps and pokes at the bottom of the vessel with a metal trowel.  Enlarging the cracks, but not breaking the pot fully. It’s a tedious process. The small chunks of clay are removed piece by piece, giving him access to see and free some of the tightly bound roots inside.
While your coworker continues his task, your eyes are free to wonder. You check on Jungkook through the glass, as he kneels in front of the garden bed digging even faster than before.
Namjoon appears to notice your distracted state. “How's he doing?”
“Fine I guess.” You whisper. “He’s acting stranger than usual today though. He stole from my garden again. Invited himself over to my house, then here, and you saw what he did back there.”
“Huh...” Namjoon mutters, trailing off the same way he did on the phone.
“What is this ‘huh’ you keep giving me? You know I don’t like games Namjoon. If you have something you want to say, say it.”
“It’s about what you said earlier, how his caretaker leaves for extended periods of time. Usually if an animal is alone for too long they look for ways to stimulate themselves and resort to their natural instincts, scavenging and such. But he’s a hybrid and therefore part human, so if you were isolated and restricted to your house what would you do?”
“Probably look for the closest person I could find. So he’s acting out in my garden and teasing me, because he’s lonely?”
“I think so.” Namjoon responds as he extracts another root, freeing it from its confines.
“But why?” You ask, worried for the answer to come. “Why wouldn’t he just say something?”
“There could be a number of reasons. He might not understand what he’s doing on a conscious level, or he might be afraid to show any sign of weakness to you or anyone else. Jungkook is part prey animal, and humans are all too often predators.”
“If that’s the case...” You curse yourself for not realizing it sooner. The fury you held for him slowly fades away as you replay every encounter in your mind. He was literally jumping at the chance to spend time with you, to help you with your work, and you were to blind to see it. Your anger over your missing vegetables is so trivial in comparison to what he must have been going through. The loneliness he must have felt, and the inability to admit it, you can’t imagine how he suffered through it alone. “What can I do to help him? I have no legal claim to him Namjoon. What can I do within such limitations?”
He looks down at his work in progress. “The way I see it  you and he, like this small tree, have three options. You could maintain the status quo, leave him be, but how long will he be able to survive like he is? Creeping over the edge but grasping on to nothingness?”
You shake your head vehemently rejecting the idea while Namjoon continues.
“You could report his caretaker for neglect, breaking the container entirely, but that too could be very damaging to him, tearing him away entirely could put him in a state of shock, and in a home that is no better for him, while the legal battle is decided. Or...” Namjoon grabs another container, slightly wider than the one in which the plant is seated. Filling it with substrate he takes the tree clinging to it’s partial pot and places it on top. Pressing the newly freed roots down into the soil.
“You could support him, give him a better home just outside of his own where he can be himself and access what he needs. I personally think it’s your safest option for now.” Namjoon leads over inspecting the bonsai and lowers his voice to an almost inaudible whisper. “Until the day, when it is possible to fully cast the pot aside.”
You nod, though now left to grapple with what you could possibly have to offer the hybrid.  “I’m not sure I would be the best person to care for him.”
“I think Jungkook would disagree. He was already trying to scent you. That to me, implies his desire for something more in the realm of an intimate relationship.” You choke on your breath as Namjoon comes to an additional conclusion. Upon seeing your distress he makes a suggestion. “Of course you could keep it strictly to friendship between the two of you and I’m sure that will improve his situation, but his other needs will need to be met for him to feel completely at home...”
“His other needs? You think he wants to be with me? Intimately?! No! Surely he would have acted differently if that was his intent! He’s done nothing but tease me when he catches me even remotely looking in his direction.”
“So you have been looking at him!” Namjoon taunts you with a massive grin. Apologizing a second later when you proceed to glare at him. “But to answer your question, no, not necessarily. You have to remember most of society deems him a lesser being. He could be feeling a lot of guilt and pressure not to engage with you in that way. Though he might not outright say it, I bet his instincts will continue to shine through. I’ll even prove it to you.” Namjoon takes off a glove and rubs your head. “I bet this rabbit of yours will take less than a minute before he tries to replace the smell of my hand with his own again... trust me.”
You shake your head in disbelief. “I should probably get back to him.” You are just about to step away when your thoughts return to the long neglected plant. “Where do you plan to house that when you’re finished? Ficuses naturally belong in a more tropical location don’t they?”
“They do, especially if I want to give it a better chance. It’s going to need a place far more humid than this space.”
“Was this all your calculated way of guilting me to store it in my greenhouse too?”
“The thought might have crossed my mind.” Namjoon gives you a sly grin.  “But my logic is still sound in regards to Jungkook. He needs someone, he needs a better home... and it would seem he’s chosen you.”
You wander back to your greenhouse, still full of doubt. Finding Jungkook to have finished most of the required digging.
“Sorry for leaving you.”
“You-you okay?” He asks, upon seeing the dazed look on your face and then scowling in the direction that Namjoon led you.
“Fine, he just needed help with one of his plants. Sorry about earlier, I didn’t think you’d be affected by the scent of his hybrid, Taehyung is rather sweet though, you’d like him.”
“You trust him then?” Jungkook grumbles as he pierces his shovel into the ground. “You trust Namjoon and his hybrid?”
“Of course, why shouldn’t I?”
“Because it wasn’t just a tiger that I smelled. He’s been around a lot of hybrids. Every scent on him told me to run, all of them put there by dangerous predators.”
“Oh,” you shoot back in surprise. “I’m sure it’s nothing. Taehyung is rather popular, he has a lot of friends and Namjoon often caters them at his place. You don’t need to worry, you're safe here.”
“It’s not myself I’m worried about.”
Jungkook inches closer as you crouch to place the plants in the holes he dug. His nose twitches as he takes a deep breath, his eyes watching while you bury the root ball in the warm soil, firmly securing the trunk of the young tree.
While you are leaning down, Jungkook reaches across to the other side of you. Grabbing the trowel to your right despite the fact that the same tool can be found on his left. The bottom of his chin grazes the top of your head and lingers for a spell. Your heart stops in that moment while questioning his motives. Though Namjoon said he’d do just this, you still can’t be entirely sure that it proves him correct; Jungkook might just not have seen the other option available to him, and he’s never bothered about invading your space. This could be nothing, though there’s a small growing part of you that wants it more and more to be something.
“He’s a good guy,” you promise, returning to the conversation so as to not dwell on his actions. “He even suggested that I should bring you along more often, if you’re interested in spending some of your days here.”
“He did?”
You nod.  A small white lie, but not entirely incorrect, and if it gets him to accept Namjoon easier you’ll all be better for it. “I wouldn’t expect you to work, but you're more than welcome to just hang around. The staff here could always use some company and I’m sure it would beat staying at home alone all day.”
“I would like that. I would like that a lot, but would you want me to keep you company too?”
“If that’s what you want to do.”
“No, I need to know if that’s what you want.” He looks over to you pinning you down in his line of sight.  
“I suppose I would....” You answer and turn your head, unable to bear the nerves that his gaze brings. The both of you fall quiet. Knowing what you know now, being free of your anger for him leaves you vulnerable, open to his persuasion, and now you are no longer certain of how to act. So you start to rely on what has made him comfortable in the past, and interject with a new condition to bring an end to the awkward silence. “As long as you treat this garden better than mine back home.”
Jungkook lets out a long laugh. “I have nothing but the highest respect for your garden.”
When planting is finished your clothes are entirely saturated in sweat and your muscles aching from use. It’s hard to believe how much you’ve both done in such a short amount of time. While carting up the supplies, Jungkook’s eyes catch on something behind you. You look around spotting the newly potted bonsai on a back table. Namjoon must have dropped it off while you both were busy.
Looking at it now you can’t help but notice how even the shape of its leaves remind you of the hybrid’s ears, long, pointed, and reaching up to the sky. You consider your friend's words one more time and while Jungkook leans over to inspect the tree. Reaching out to his back, your hand shakes with hesitation before setting down on a spot just below his shoulder. He softens under your touch, a low hum leaving his lips. His attention turns from the plant to you. With your hand still in place, your arm is now wrapped around him, leaving only an inch between the two of you. You stand there fixed and unmoving, but content in the knowledge, that you seem to have left him speechless this time. His eyes darting away from yours, to your lips, your neck, and finally the hand you place upon his chest.  
Only to have the moment broken when you can hear and feel the rumble from his stomach. His nervous laugh follows as he reaches up to scratch behind his ear.
He nods in response, his eyes wide as he remains unusually silent.
“Come on, I’ll buy you dinner.” You offer as you turn him around to head to the car.
You both settle on a take out spot, and return home to wash up and eat.
After finishing your meal and tearing off your overalls, you both settle down on the hammock in your yard. With Jungkook’s legs long enough to touch the ground, he slowly rocks the seat back and forth.  He’s been near silent since that close moment together. He’s never had a problem with banter and flirtation, but now you’ve come to notice that any attention which can’t be passed off as a joke causes him to flounder.
Laying back in the hammock, both full and content, your eyes threaten to close after the long day as Jungkook continues to sit beside you. The sound of crickets lulling you to sleep. “Keep an eye out for that thief of mine will you?” You may not like games but if it makes him comfortable, and keeps him talking, you’ll continue to play this ruse with him.
“You trust me to keep watch without your supervision?”
“Are you suggesting I shouldn’t?”
“No, it’s just a lot more credit than you usually give me.”
“I think you’ve earned it.” You whisper as you finally drift off.
It feels like only a few minutes of rest before the sun sets and the air turns cool. Jungkook’s chin comes to rest on the top of your head like it did back in the greenhouse. He shifts his weight, burrowing his arms around and behind to cover you as he takes deep breaths. You lean into him seeking the warmth of his chest. No longer restricted by your childish anger to enjoy his company is a welcome relief, you only wish you could relinquish him of any of his own troubles and doubts.  And then, you feel it, a drop of cold rain hitting your neck. The hammock moves again as he adjusts, the back of his fingers running across the damp spot. Another finds your cheek and he wipes that away too, your skin shivering in response.
But when a speck lands your mouth he stops. You wait, a second, then two. Your anticipation grows with face heating up and your chest tightening as you continue to crave his touch. You want him to wipe it away, to touch you, to act on whatever desires he might be keeping. You part your lips with the desperate hope that he will take the hint. Rejoicing when the warm pad of his thumb spreads the drop across the delicate skin.
He comes down on to you, his mouth catching any and all remains of the droplet as he encases your lips. Jungkook places a hand on your neck while the other grabs the ropes of the hammock, his legs straddle your hips. The scattered rain turns to a downpour as he remains fixed to your mouth, even his form isn’t enough to shield you from the current washing down from the sky.
As your hands reach up to his own damp and curling locks entwining your fingers in the strands he moans and nips. But as quickly as it started, so too does it end. When Jungkook snaps up as though jolted from a dream. His ears point back as an apology flows from him. “I-I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Jungkook,” you call out to him but he ignores you as he tries to detangle himself. When one foot hits the ground. You grab his waist and try again. “Jungkook, you don’t have to be sorry.” But instead of stopping he merely pulls you off and along with him, sending you both to the muddy ground, but this time with you on top of him.
“Are you okay?” He asks the loud pouring of the rain forcing him to raise the volume of his voice.
You chuckle at his concern considering he’s the one flat on his back. “I think I should be asking you that question instead.” You pause as he mirrors your grin. “Why did you stop? Did I do something wrong?”
“No.” He looks up at you, his brow furrowing. “You did nothing wrong. It was me. I was the one acting on my instincts. I shouldn’t have done that when I know how much you hate me.”
“I don’t hate you...” You explain, trying your best not to be drowned out by the water cascading down. “The things you did might have annoyed me, but I get it now. I’m just sorry it took me so long to notice.”
“Notice what?”
“How fucked up your situation is. For not realizing how alone you must have been. How caged you must have felt. I’ve been so focused on my own little world that I didn’t realize what was happening or why you were acting the way you were. I like you, a lot, but I was too wrapped up in my frustration to say how I felt...”
“It’s not your fault.”
You shake your head. “I am not innocent in this. I should have been paying more attention.”
“Then pay attention to me now.” He begs with his round eyes shining up at you.  
“But in what way? As a neighbour, as a friend, or maybe something more?" Your voice cracks in desperation, trying to find his needs while also hoping they are the same as yours. “Is that why you were always teasing me the way you did? You wanted something more?”
“You really want to know?” Jungkook’s tone is low as it grips on to his every word. “I did it because it was the only thing that could distract me from my incessant need for you. Seeing your reactions and having your attention kept me in check. I’m very different from you and I’m aware it could cause a problem. I wasn’t sure if you could ever fully want me because of that.” He reaches to rub around the base of his ears. “But every day that I looked over I wanted to hold you, to claim you, to take you right here on this very spot. So often I dreamed of jumping the fence and coming for you instead of...”
You smile down at him, noting his near admission. “Instead of?”
“Instead of watching from a distance.” He smirks, catching and narrowly fixing his statement. Pleading guilty only to his longing for you.
“Then do it.” You demand of him.
He groans from his position beneath you. “Don’t tease me like that.”
“I’m not. You weren’t the only one peeking through the fence Jungkook.” Reaching up to your collar you tug off your shirt. He follows your lead with his own to reveal his sculpted chest he’s taunted you with so many times. “I don’t care if we’re different from each other. I don’t care if it causes a problem.” You shift back on his body traveling from your seat near his stomach down to his hips, his clothed dick firm and pressing against you. A moan escapes his lips, confirming that you’ve made your point. “There’s no one else nearby, so if you want me so much that you’re willing to fuck me out here, in the rain and mud-”  
His hands come to grip your waist, and in one swift motion, he lifts you off, maneuvering out from underneath, to fall into place behind you. From there he pushes you down to your hands and knees, his body bent over yours. “You have no idea how much I want to.” He whispers with a kiss to your bare shoulder damp from the rain that continues to pour.
He takes off your bra before his face moves down your back, nose trailing against your skin and pausing at your shorts. Unfastening the button he pulls them down, freeing you of your underwear too before they are both cast aside. “I want to smell you, and taste you.” Jungkook takes in a deep breath, wrapping an arm around your legs, and barring your thighs. He buries his face between your legs, his tongue reaching out to deliver a long lick to your folds pausing after every lap.
Your palms dig into the ground, the cool mud coming to the surface to meet them. You buck against his tongue but the forearm holding you remains firm, sending your squirming downward to bury your elbows in the soggy grass too.
Jungkook chuckles as you inadvertently give him a better angle. From behind you can hear the zipper of his own shorts. Rubbing the head of his cock against your damp folds, he covers it with the slick of your slit, and with a long groan he eases it inside. He’s slow at first, letting you savor the girth and warmth of him. So you start to edge back and forward on his cock. Taking the time to enjoy every inch, along with the sounds that leave him. But when he returns to take control, the first thrust is so powerful, his thighs hit your ass with a loud clap, and every jolt of his hips after, drives you further down each time.
A stuttering groan escapes him as he fills you. Thinking he’s finished you lean forwards and until his cock pulls out, but in response he grabs your waist. Turning you over, back to the ground on top of the discarded clothes and facing him.
He lowers himself pressing his chest against yours. His fingers reach to grab your chin and take a kiss. His cock, despite having come only moments before, is hard once more and poised to enter once again.
“How are you-” You manage to squeeze a few words in the gaps between his kisses as he draws breath. “Ready for more-” Another pass of his tongue. “Already?”
“You have my hybrid traits to thank for that.” He moves to nibble on the side of your throat. “I have more to give you, if you want it.”
You nod unable to emit any noise other than a gasp as his mouth finds a sensitive spot on your neck. His dick forges in again, your slick and his cum dripping out of you as he fills you with himself instead.
You’ve avoided touching him with your own hands as they are patched with mud, but as his thrusts grow more powerful than even before, you’re forced to grab on his arms and chest. Leaving behind streaks of dirt which display the path of your grip. Jungkook doesn’t seem to mind though, in fact looks rather encouraged by your touch, and the marks you leave him.
“What a dirty woman you are, and getting me all messy too.” He scoffs while admiring your handiwork. “Can I return the favour?”
“Help me come first and you can do whatever the fuck you want.” You gasp on the brink of your climax.  
His ears perk up and a grin streaks across his face. “Close are you?” He grabs your calf and wraps your leg around his back, the other follows suit and his hand comes to rest on your lower back pushing you up and into him effectively grinding your mount against him.
You gasp and flinch with the sudden pressure, but he holds you firm as your back arches to meet him.
His hips beat on at a rapid pace, a small whimper escapes him as you reach the peak, tipping you over the edge. The chilling rain can in no way can douse the searing heat that spreads through you. You're still gasping when his jaw clamps down hard, his teeth poised upon your skin. The first pulse of his cock comes inside, but on the second he pulls out to splatter your chest and stomach with the rest. His hand comes to clutch his shaft, spilling more out and on to you with each stroke.
After every remaining drop has been cast on you he smiles, dragging his fingers across the rain drenched mess of mud and cum on your skin. “Never thought I’d ever see you so thoroughly soiled.”
You giggle at his remarks through your deep breaths. “And now that you do, what do you think?”
“I think it suits you, the dirt, the rain, and me...” He lowers himself down onto you, with his head now resting upon your shoulder. “It’s too bad though. Now I just want more, but we’re both far too filthy to carry on like this.”  
You turn to whisper at the base of his ear. “Who says we can’t continue in the shower...”
You wake early the next morning with the sun spilling into the room, lighting up your bed, and the hybrid sleeping next to you. His ears and nose twitching as he continues to rest. Slipping out from the covers, and into a set of clean gardening clothes, you exit the room with as little sound as possible.
On the tile floor of your hall, muddy footprints trail from your backdoor to your bathroom.  A smile pulls at your lips as you recall the events which brought them there. Jungkook had been so excited to keep going he picked you up and rushed you inside.
The feeling from the warm water and hands in contrast to the cool rain was enough to bring back the waves of pleasure. He was so thorough in washing you down, you might have to ask him to join you for another this morning and repay the favour.  
Outside in the garden you find all your harvest from the day before present and untouched. You’re pleased by this new development, but it’s not the fact that your crops are intact which makes you happy, it’s the comfort in knowing that Jungkook didn’t feel the need to take them.
A few minutes later the hybrid in question comes up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist pulling with him a blanket he took from the bed to cover the both of you. “Morning.” He mumbles, as his nose finds the crook of your neck where he exhales with a deep and relaxed sigh.
“Morning.” You respond, enjoying the tickle of his breath before you turn around to better see him. “It seems the thief didn’t strike last night. ”
“I guess they found a new garden to plunder and devour?” Jungkook suggests, giving you a sly grin, before he opens his mouth again. It’s easy to see that he’s getting ready to confess, his face shifts to a stern expression as he looks down at the ground, the guilt weighing heavily upon his brow. Placing your index to his lips you stop him. No longer needing to hear those words of admission, you offer a new proposal instead.
“Maybe, but that was just one night. The thief might still come back. So if it’s alright with you I would like you to stay here. Until we can be sure they won’t return.”
Jungkook lets out a satisfied chuckle, pushing aside your finger and pulling you tighter into his warm embrace. “You’re right, I suppose it would be safer if I stayed.” His lips plant a kiss on the top of your head where he then rests his chin. “A temptation as enticing as this, shouldn’t be left alone and unattended.”
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mysticalrambling · 3 years
Hi!!!!!!! I have a request for you😋
Its something to do with the recent Chris and Lizzo interaction(no hate to her). Can you write something about their recent interaction, like chris and lizzo talking about the baby joke and the internet goes nuts. But what chris doesn't know is that his girlfriend feels hurt, that he is disregarding her feelings, like its kind of humiliating to the reader, that chris her boyfriend is talking about baby with other person when he has his own girlfriend and she is hurt by him. She confronts Chris but he just gets mad and calls her jealous and insecure, which hurts her further and she just gets mad and leaves his house. Later when Chris mom sees the news she scolds him about joking of having a baby with someone else and hurting his partner then he understands how his girlfriend must have felt and they recincile. I hope you're getting what i m saying sorry if it sounds confusing, but can you write it? 🤗
Facing Realities (C.E)
A/N: Thank you so much lovely and I loved the plot line. I loved writing about it and I made a few additions to the story. Hope you like it and I am open to more requests.
Chris Evans Fanfiction (Fanfiction Master List)
Summary: You feel unimportant when Chris can easily discuss about having a child with Lizzo in public but will always dismiss you when you bring up the topic. Getting in to a fight, you leave him and he eventually realises his mistake because of his mom.
Warnings: Angst but eventual fluff.
“The fans want to know about the Instagram dms between the two of you.” The reported quizzed Lizzo and Chris as they both sat in front of him on the couch.
“Well, our baby is going to be the best.” Lizzo spoke with amusement clear in her eyes.
“The world is going to have a little Captain America at their hands soon, right Lizzo?” Chris chuckled.
“Right. And how is your new movie coming along?” The interviewer started asking different questions and soon it was all over.
“Will see you soon Cap. Say hi to (Y/N) for me.” With a quick hug, she left the studio with her usual power walk. Chris just shook his head slightly when he heard all the fans asking her about the baby. They were all truly something and Lizzo just went through them without giving a response.
You didn’t have anything against Lizzo because you knew that everything between her and Chris was platonic. The fact that Chris was so open to discuss about having a baby was what bothered you. He always dismiss you when you wanted to talk about your future and extending your family. It felt like you were the only one in this world that Chris did not want to talk to regarding this topic. This made you feel worthless and pathetic.
You knew that jealousy wasn’t the right word to describe your emotions right now but that’s what it felt like. Confronting people was never your thing and you always did what they asked instead of arguing. It was much easier but you knew that you couldn’t get away with this. This was in regards to your future and so when Chris was going to come home from his interview, you were going to talk to him about it.
“Honey, I am home.” Losing his jacket on the love seat, he made his way towards the kitchen because it was dinner time and he could smell the delicious food from the hallway.
“Hi babe. I am making your favorite. Just go and freshen up.” You stated not turning back because you knew you would break the instant your eyes landed on your boyfriend.
He came to the dining table in his sweats and dived into the food immediately because he was starving. “So…” You tried starting up a conversation but backed down when you saw his questioning gaze trained on you. “Um how was the interview?”
“It was nice. Lizzo and I talked about the baby. God, I just love that woman.” The self doubt in your mind was growing by the minute because he was casually talking about a baby with another woman. He didn’t realise that he was hurting your feelings and he just kept on talking about how amazing it would be to actually have a baby with Lizzo.
“So have you ever thought about extending our family?” You finally mustered up some courage to ask him the question.
“No, I haven’t. We can talk about it another time. So what did you today?” The dismissal in his tone was enough to break your heart into tiny pieces.
“But we have too, Chris. We have been in a relationship for the past three years.”
“I do not want to discuss it today so just drop it (Y/N).” The stern look would have made you back down in a normal situation but not today.
Dropping your fork on the plate, you spoke with irritation, “You never want to have this discussion with me but you would gladly do it with Lizzo.”
“I knew it had something to do with her. Why are you so jealous?”
“I am not jealous. It’s just that you are willing to discuss about your baby with everyone except me.”
“There is nothing going on between Lizzo and I, if that’s what you mean.”
“I know that. I just want to know if you have ever thought about having kids with me or am I just a fling to you?” You we’re absolutely done with him at this point and you dreaded his answer.
“(Y/N), I have told you a million times that you are not a fling. What are you on about?���
“It just seems that I am no longer the person that you want to discuss things with. It’s just not about the whole kid thing but you didn’t even tell me that you are starting in a new movie. I had to find it from the fucking paparazzi.”
“I was going to tell you and I am just not ready for a family yet.”
“Well instead of ignoring me every chance you got, you could have told me about it.” The frustration in your eyes was clear but Chris chose to ignore it. It was as if he was totally immune to all of your emotions.
Whenever the topic of children came up, Chris didn’t tinker why he acted like a jerk. He had always thought about expanding his family but when you came in to the picture, he was so terrified of losing you that he couldn’t even think what a baby would do to your relationship.
“I am not good with all this and you need to be patient with me.”
“All I have ever been is patient for you. Not anymore.”
“What do you mean?” Sudden realization dawned upon him and he was left speechless.
“I need a break from you. Call me when you figure everything out.”
“(Y/N), you are doing this because of Lizzo. Stop acting like an insecure and jealous bit-” Stopping mid sentence, he looked at you in horror.
Tears sprang in your already damp eyes, “Why are you stopping now? Finish the sentence, Chris.”
“(Y/N), I-”
“Good bye, Chris.” Walking out of your once shared home was the most difficult thing that you had to do in this life but there was no other choice. You both were at an impasse and you needed time to sort it all out. Hailing a taxi, you went to your friend, Scarlett’s house. She was a mutual frond of you both but she had become your best friend in the past three years.
Meanwhile, Chris downed a whole bottle of scotch and sat in your shared bedroom with your picture in his hand. He didn’t want to lose you to a stupid argument but he failed to see that he was at fault. Sleeping without you proved as a heinous task and he gave up after two hours. He just sat in the bed alone and hoped to God that you will come back to him. A life without you wasn’t a life at all. However, Chris would not be the one to apologise because in his opinion, he didn’t do anything wrong.
The passing few days, you absolutely refused to get out of the house and stayed holed up in Scarlett’s guest bedroom. “(Y/N), you need to eat something.” Your friend barged in with a tray full of food and you instantly felt nauseous.
“Not in the mood, Scar.” Your eyes had been red and puffy for the last week but you didn’t care. Chris was the only one that you cared about. However, you could not be in a relationship that had no future. You deserved better than that.
“You need to eat and get out of this mood. It’s making me depressed.”
“I don’t care. Leave me alone.” Snapping at her was never your intention and you instantly regretted it. “I am sorry. I am just not in the right frame of mind.”
“It’s okay. You want to watch something.”
“Yeah, F.R.I.E.N.D.S.”
Chris was no better than you or maybe even worse. He hadn’t changed out of his sweats for the past two days and had a slight scruff covering his face. Empty bottles of alcohol laid around the whole house and rotten food was placed on the kitchen counter. The whole house was a mess and he didn’t care about anything. Except you. Everything in this house reminded him of you and he hated it. From the bedroom walls to the well groomed garden.
The phone rang for the millionth time and he picked it up from the nightstand. It was his mom. Sighing, he finally picked it up. “Christopher Robert Evans, where the hell have you been?”
“I was at home, mom.” The loose thread on your pillowcase suddenly seemed more interesting than the phone conversation.
“With (Y/N)?”
“She left me, mom.” Chris didn’t want to talk about it but he figured that his mom wouldn’t leave him alone otherwise.
“Serves you right. You left her no other choice.”
“How can you say that? I haven’t done anything.”
“I saw the interview, Chris. Have you ever talked with (Y/N) about extending your family?”
“No but I was just joking with Lizzo.”
“It doesn’t matter. She would have felt unimportant because this is a very private matter and she was not a part of it.”
“Imagine if the roles were reversed.” Realisation dawned upon him and he quickly said goodbye to his mother because he had a girlfriend to win back. Every second spent without you was agonizing and he never wants to experience it.
“(Y/N), Chris is here to see you.” Peeking her head through the door, Scarlett informed you about your boyfriend. You quickly untangled yourself from the sheets and ran to the washroom. You wanted to look presentable but Chris could see the dark circles under your eyes and your thin figure. There was a sudden pang in his heart because he knew this was all his doing.
“I am sorry, baby. I shouldn’t have said anything. I am a fool. Please forgive me.” He started ranting as soon as Scar left the room.
“Chris, have you thought about what I said?” Your calm aura was scaring his wits so he quickly answered with a yes. “Please elaborate.”
“I have realised that I was at fault and I am going to be more open about the future of our relationship from now on.” The sincere look in his eyes was hard to miss.
“Promise?” Gone was the calm and collected exterior, and stood before him was a vulnerable young woman.
“I promise, baby. Now, will you come back home? I have missed you.”
“Yes and I missed you too.” Kissing him on the lips, you sighed because this was your heaven and you wouldn’t want to leave it for the world.
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!
A/N: I love Chris Evansand I was happy to write a fanfiction about him. If you guys have any more request, I will be happy to write about them and message me if you want to be added to the tag list.
Taglist: @justile 
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tenthgrove · 3 years
Hello, I just saw that you opened your request. I'm the one who ended up writing a whole prompt! Imagine this for each member from La Squadra: they had an one-night stand with a random woman, she accidentally got pregnant and decided to have the baby without telling them. After a while, the woman got ill and passed away, but not without before sending her child with their father (let's imagine she has the direction of their hideout even if it's ooc, or she knew where they hang out). So, one day someone knocks the door and introduces themselves as the kid of one of the members/if it's too young, someone left them on the door with a explainatory note... How do you think each member would react by discovering that they have a child and they're supposed to take care of them from now? You can make each kid with different ages if you want, it would be funny to see Prosciutto or Ghiaccio dealing with a rebellious teenage son or Risotto trying to take care of a toddler, but I guess not all of them would want to keep their children. Sorry if it's a lot, haha.
La Squadra did a Diavolo
La Squadra x Reader, Platonic/Familial, SFW
A/N: your idea about mixing up the ages got me thinking, and I ended up using randomisers for the children’s ages (though I did consciously change some of them) and genders. It added a fun bit of chance to this prompt.
Formaggio, with an 8 year old daughter
The whole thing feels surreal to him. There's a little girl on his doorstep calling herself his daughter and by all evidence, it's true. He doesn't really know how to feel about it at first. On one hand it's kind of cool he had a kid all this time and you're clearly a lovely girl, but on the other hand, what the fuck? Still, not being the practical sort, his sense of sentiment far outweighs any question of how he's actually going to look after a child, so without much deliberation, Formaggio agrees to let you stay.
Formaggio isn't too experienced with kids but he doesn't exactly dislike them either, so he figures he knows what to do. At your age you can at least do the basics of looking after yourself, so he isn't too worried. The only problem is that if you ask him to cook for you or help clean your room, his eyes go very wide. He never quite picked up those skills himself, he's afraid, so you're going to have to ask someone else for that one.
The good news is that Formaggio is a very easy-going, fun sort of dad, who is a natural at playing with you and lets you do what you want when he can't be around. He quickly gets used to showing affection to you, letting you cuddle up to him on the sofa in front of the squad and even carrying you around once in a while. He gives amazing piggy back rides.
The bad news (or more good news, depending on how you are) is that you have to leave school. Risotto says that at your age you can't be trusted not to tell anyone your new family is a bunch of assassins, and taking you to and from school each day would be too much of a hassle. Nonetheless, you're welcome to continue your education from home, though Formaggio will hardly push you if you don't keep up with it. Melone is much better on that front.
Despite the risk, Formaggio can't bring himself to force you to lose all your friends, so he lets you keep meeting with them. Furthermore, he knows a few guys in other squads who have kids about your age, so he's happy to introduce you to them if you want a friend you can be more honest about your home life with. Formaggio might not have a clue what he's doing, but he's doing pretty good.
Illuso, with a 3 year old daughter
He's been fearing this day would come for years. A small child knocking on the door of the hideout, holding a note in hand addressed to him, just as a shady looking car drives away. Yeah, Illuso remembers your mother pretty well and he remembers the distinct lack of precautions they took during their encounter. Now, the consequences of his actions are here at his house, and Risotto is currently standing in the doorway of the office looking ready to give him the biggest dressing-down of his life.
After his tongue-lashing, Illuso frantically agrees to take responsibility for what he's done and see to it that you're well cared for, and begins the task of looking for relatives who might take you. Unfortunately, none of your mother's family can be traced, and Illuso can't exactly call up his own right now. Leaving you on the door of an orphanage isn't an option because you're old enough to say where you've come from, so it looks like for the time being, Illuso is stuck with you.
Initially, Illuso is not thrilled. He pawns you off on Melone, Sorbet and Gelato whenever possible and tries to live his life as before. But increasingly, he can't help finding himself visiting your room whenever he's stressed or has had a bad mission. There's something so pure about gently stroking your hair as you sleep. He can't help but feel... attachment, as he rubs his thumb against your tiny palm.
From then on, Illuso starts to make a point of spending more time with you. You're at the age where you just want to touch and explore everything you're given, so letting you make a mess with his makeup and beauty creams is an easy way for him to observe and learn about you. He even starts doing the more practical things like washing and feeding you every so often.
Eventually, Illuso becomes an actual father to you. He loves you as a father should and puts his time into making you happy. Illuso is glad he didn't give you away, as you've opened his eyes to so many things. For the first time in many years, he feels human. He feels redeemable.
Prosciutto, with a 13 year old son
As you tell him your story Prosciutto racks his brains. He didn't have many one-night-stands in his youth but the ones he did have were so far back he barely remembers them, so your mother's name doesn't immediately ring any bells. If it weren't for the striking resemblance between you, Prosciutto probably would have thrown you out for a liar there and then. But as you are, it's clear you're being honest. He lets you in.
After a short interrogation by Risotto to make certain you aren't acting on behalf of some third party looking to infiltrate the squad, it's agreed you can stay, so long as you keep quiet about it to your friends. At your age you can largely look after yourself and all you really needed was a roof over your head, so there's no problem with you moving into the spare room as long as you stay out of the others' way.
Education isn't much of an issue either, since you're likely well settled in your current school and can get yourself there and back. Just whatever you do, don't go telling anyone you live with a bunch of gangsters now. Prosciutto means it, you could seriously put yourself in danger if you do that.
Much to your father's ire, you end up befriending several members of the squad, especially the younger ones like Melone, Ghiaccio and Pesci who have some generational overlap with how you were raised. Prosciutto would rather you didn't do this but at the end of the day, he can't really stop you. God forbid you call him an old boomer again.
Your relationship is overall positive- Prosciutto makes a point of taking you on outings when he has the time, and giving you parental advice when you need it. However that doesn't stop you from making fun of his stuffy, old habits, and playing the moral high ground in regards to his work.
On that note, the problem comes when you develop an interest in the squad's work. It's only inevitable, given how pervasive the topic is in conversations around the house, and the fact you're more than old enough to know what a gang is, but the day you first ask him about it is no less welcome. What's scary is that you're about the same age as Passione's youngest recruits and, well, if you ended up joining them because of him, Prosciutto might never forgive himself.
Pesci, with a 6 month old son
He knew it had been a mistake. Not long after his 18th birthday he'd given in to the squad's pestering about his virginity and finally gotten rid of it just to shut them up. Now he's ridden with guilt. Not only did the poor woman get pregnant because of him but now she's died. He can't help but wonder, the letter attached to the basket you came in was very vague after all, was your mother's death at all related to your birth? If so, Pesci doesn't know how he'll forgive himself.
Pesci immediately panics and stumbles into his Fra's bedroom crying louder than you are. Prosciutto remains calm, advising him to first make sure this actually is his baby through Melone, in case this is somebody trying to trick him, and to then think through his options rationally. As far as Prosciutto sees it, he has two. He can either see to it that you're taken in by a caring, reliable individual, or he can keep you for himself. Surprisingly, Prosciutto's actually okay with the second one, since in his eyes duty to one's family is absolute.
Pesci stammers a bit and asks if he can wait a few days to make his mind up, which Prosciutto permits. But it isn't long at all until Pesci is far too attached to you to ever let you go, and it becomes clear you'll be staying for the long-run. Risotto is hardly happy about this but agrees with Prosciutto's sentiment of family, so he doesn't try to insist you be sent away.
Pesci is an incredibly loving father. He'll dash from the other side of the house at a moment's notice if he hears you crying. That said, being so young himself it's inevitable he requires some help with raising you. Sorbet and Gelato chip in quite regularly, as does Melone when Pesci is desperate enough to fall on using him. Prosciutto helps out too, being your uncle, and occasionally you've even had Risotto answer your cries.
La Squadra can only hope their situation improves somehow in the coming years, since Pesci has no idea how he's going to deal with an older child in a house full of assassins. At very least, being so young it's a long time before he has to worry about things like school. For now, what's important is that you are loved very dearly. Pesci has discovered a new protective streak in himself, something he discovers every time he looks in your eyes.
Melone, with a 4 year old son
When you arrived you were frightened and confused. You struggled to babble out the story you were told to tell as the strange men crowded around you in the front room of the house. Then, a bizarre looking man with purple hair pushed to the front of the crowd, insisting he knew what to do in a situation like this. He carried you somewhere quiet, and gently asked you to repeat your story again. You told him you were looking for your father, Melone.
Melone is elated. He's always wanted a child, but getting into a relationship stable enough to produce one has never been an option with the life he lives. Now the happy accident he never new he had has come home to him! Carrying you back to the living room, Melone introduces you as his son and announces to the team that he will be keeping you.
This is met with some protest. Not only are you of the age where you'll need constant supervision, but quite frankly, nobody trusts Melone to take care of a kid. Melone refutes their accusations harshly, making it absolutely clear he will not be giving you up without a fight. Finally, Risotto surrenders, on the terms that if he catches any signs of abuse or neglect, he will see to it personally that you are re-homed elsewhere.
Melone's parenting style is relatively laid-back. He believes parents should be a 'safe base' from which children should explore the world, coming back when they need advice but ultimately following their own whims within reason. He encourages you to play as you wish and does not stop you from bonding with the rest of the squad. Finding supervision for you while he's on missions proves to be a non-issue, since his stand's massive range means he can often do most of a mission's work at home.
When the time comes to educate you, Melone decides against the risks of enrolling you in school. He is an amazing teacher and can teach you everything you'd need in half the hours of a typical curriculum. Beyond the essentials of literacy and simple maths, Melone largely encourages you to follow you own interests rather than stick to some boring, arbitrary list of useless things a normal curriculum for some reason expects you to learn.
That said, he knows the importance of making friends, so he frequently takes you out to meet with neighbourhood children. All-in-all, the squad is surprised at his sensible parenting choices, and the happy child you are turning out to be.
Ghiaccio, with a 2 year old son
It's almost comedic the lengths Ghiaccio goes to to avoid the problem. As the others crowd around you in Melone's lap, Ghiaccio cowers in the corner insisting that you absolutely cannot be his. It's very obvious you are, of course. You look almost exactly like him, and have a cry to match. You've even inherited the same, mild visual impairments that earned him his glasses. There's no getting away from the truth.
After accepting the truth, Ghiaccio takes you away to his room to 'clear his head' before deciding where to send you in the morning, but when morning comes, that deliberation time quickly turns into a few more days, then a month, then never. It's clear Ghiaccio's become attached to you, and he cannot bring himself to give you away.
Unfortunately, he doesn't have the foggiest clue in hell how to look after a toddler. He has a hard enough time understanding what it is adults want from him, let alone small children. There are times he even considers giving you away again, but they never last long enough for him to go through with it. Bit by bit, he slowly learns how to be a father.
Melone is his primary co-parent. As cautious as Ghiaccio is about letting him around his baby, it soon becomes clear Melone can understand your needs far better than he can. The pair have many sessions together teaching Ghiaccio how to do things like wash you or cook your food. It's honestly a massive help, and probably the main reason Ghiaccio doesn't completely melt down within a month of having you.
These issues aside, Ghiaccio is a person who is very genuine in his affections. He would break the shins of anyone who even looked at you threateningly, and every fibre of his being wants you to be happy. He even learns to control his temper, as he knows from experience just how damaging an angry parent can be for a child. He's going to give you a better childhood than what his parents gave him, and that's a promise.
Risotto, with a 6 year old daughter
Well, perhaps this ought to have been expected. In his early 20s Risotto was really far less careful than he ought to be in regards to his encounters, so he probably had this coming. You are at a difficult age, old enough to understand your father is a criminal but young enough to still need his care. If he takes you in, there will be many challenges. And yet he cannot bring himself to turn you away. Looking at you he feels... obligation.
In the early days he tries his best to shelter you. He keeps you in his room and tells the others not to talk to you. But that's no way for you to live, and he knows it. Eventually, he swallows his fears and lets you explore your new home, even taking you out to the park a few minutes each day so you can run around. He talks to Melone about continuing your education, and asks Sorbet and Gelato if they'd let the spare room next to them be turned into a bedroom for you. He's going to make sure he raises you right.
Risotto may be quiet and introverted, but do not mistake that for emotionally distant. He does not underestimate his vital role in your emotional well-being, and is quick to pick up on when you are feeling sad or lonely. He makes sure to pick you up in his arms and ask what's wrong when that happens.
Though he didn't know her well, he mourns your mother with you, and is very watchful for the signs of attachment issues that may result from losing a parent at such a tender age. Being all you have left, Risotto gains a new instinct of self-preservation. For the first time in years, his life has meaning.
In terms of bonding, he prefers calm activities that allow him to passively observe your interests, such as watching movies or reading you books. When he's working in his office and doesn't need his camera on, he's happy for you to sit in his lap as long as you're quiet. He would ask if you don't read what's on his screen, though, at least not while you're so young. He'll give you a better explanation of what he's doing some day, but not just yet.
Sorbet and Gelato, with a 12 year old daughter
First of all, let's make clear that regardless of which one is biologically your father, they both feel equal responsibility for you. No doubt they were both present for your conception anyway, so as far as they're concerned, if one of them has a secret kid from a hookup, they both have a secret kid from a hookup.
Having always wanted children, they are happy when you appear on the doorstep and introduce yourself as their daughter. Though they don't say it out loud to avoid upsetting you, they kind of wish your mum had kicked it sooner so they could have raised you from a younger age, but they're more than happy to make do with what they've got. There's no hesitation in welcoming you to live with them permanently, and anyone who has a problem with this isn't brave enough to say it.
Right from the get-go they are very permitting parents, awarding you a generous helping of their cash each week and having a rule list that pretty much starts and ends with "don't talk to the police." Despite your age they don't expect you to be independent, and are happy to cook for you and help you out with other things when you ask. It seems parenthood was made for them.
Despite all this, there is one problem in your relationship that is making things difficult. That of your fathers' work. You're 12 years old and you aren't stupid. You know they kill for a living and you know they enjoy it. When you stumble into the bathroom at 1am to find them covered in blood and laughing together, there's no making excuses. No matter how good they are with you, this is going to make you afraid of them.
Sorbet and Gelato are incredibly stringent in solving these early issues. After all these years they've finally got the family they wanted, and they aren't going to let it slip away from their own cruelty. They are honest with you about their occupation, since they want you to know you can trust them, and make absolutely clear it won't affect their care for you. You are welcome to ask questions and receive honest answers, but other than that Sorbet and Gelato will make a point of not accidentally causing you to witness something you shouldn't.
With them, you are welcome to continue your old life in terms of school and friends. They want to spend time with you, but they don't want to overtake your existence completely. When you are up for it, they are keen to take you on outings that interest you so you can spend time together as a family. They hope you know how happy you make them.
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cocoswriting · 3 years
lee wilbur, ler techno? maybe smth where wilbur’s being chaotic so techno takes him down a peg? you dont have to tho— /gen
Chaotic Mf
Summary; Basically what the ask says; Wilbur was being chaotic/creepy and needed to be taken down a peg. [PLATONIC. DO NOT TAG AS SHIP.]
Warning(s); This is a tickle fic! If you don’t like that kind of stuff, then I recommend you just scroll past.
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“You put ecosystems in jars?..”
“Yeah,” Wilbur responded casually, laying upside-down on the couch opposite Techno. He had his legs curled over the back of the couch and his head was dangling off the edge—it was a wonder how he hadn’t gotten uncomfortable enough to shift positions yet. Wilbur seemed to have a strange habit of never sitting correctly when he was in one of his “chaotic” moods, always finding some weird way to rest instead. “I go out and collect mud, rocks, soil, and I put them inside the jar.” he explained, and Techno scrunched up his face both in confusion and mild disgust.
“And... this is a normal thing?” Techno asked disbelievingly, flipping a page in the book he had in his hands, though it wasn’t as if he was paying much attention to the text anymore. Wilbur nodded happily from across the room, grinning as he opened his mouth to continue explaining, only to get cut off by Techno. “Wil, I don’t really care. I’m tryn’ to read right now.”
Wilbur huffed and crossed his arms over his chest, pouting in fake dismay and staring at Techno almost expectantly, even though the piglin was very clearly no longer looking at him. “Well, you should care,” the brunet replied with a sassy tone of voice, sounding akin to an annoyed child. “I swear I’m not the only one who does this! Ranboo does it too, or at least he did...”
“Ranboo did that—?... No, Wilbur, really, just talk about literally anythin’ else. I do not care about your jar ecosystems,” Techno was already used to dealing with Wilbur’s chaotic moods. They’d come in at random times, last a couple hours, and then eventually he’d lose all the excess energy he had and go back to “normal.” So it wasn’t as if he actually expected Wil to stop when he was told to—Techno knew he wouldn’t—but he figured he might as well try to change the topic that Wilbur would ramble on about. Honestly, Techno just wanted to read his book. “Can’t you bother someone else? It isn’t that late, Phil and Tommy are still up.”
Wilbur let out a loud, dramatic sigh followed by a shake of his head and a couple tutting sounds. “You’re no fun,” his tone was playful, indicative of the grin that was on his face, despite his words suggesting otherwise. “But fine! I’ll talk about something else.” Wilbur rolled himself over on the couch, sitting upright and then standing up to make his way over to the man sitting across from him. Techno tore his eyes away from the book and glanced up when he realised Wilbur had approached, raising an eyebrow and glaring half-heartedly at the musician.
“What?” Techno’s voice sounded tired, more tired than usual, but bore no real malice as he impatiently awaited Wilbur’s response.
“Have you ever seen Doctor Who?”
“Oh my god,” Techno looked down and rubbed his temples, dropping the book beside him and running one of his hands through his hair, groaning loudly. He heard Wilbur’s shrill laugh at his reaction, which was shortly followed by the sound of shuffling as he sat down next to the piglin and crossed his legs, seemingly prepping himself to start telling whatever story he wanted to tell Techno about. “Please.”
“I already told Phil about this one,” Wilbur began, biting back another laugh at Techno’s long sigh which came straight after. “So, there are these things called ‘weeping angels—!” Wil was quickly cut off by a rough jab to his side. He managed to force back any verbal reactions he might have given to the sudden electric tingly feeling that spread all throughout his side, but he couldn’t conceal the very obvious flinch and curling of his lips.
“You good?” Techno asked, having removed his hands from his face to shoot his brother a concerned glance. Wilbur felt heat rush to his face, but he couldn’t tell whether he’d paled, or gone red. “Did you...” He shifted closer to the brunet, cocking his head to one side. “You flinched,” The elder stated quite obviously, expression a mixture of curiosity and interest.
“You caught me off-guard,” Wilbur quickly stammered out, a sheepish half-smile spreading over his face. Techno frowned—and it was clear from just that gesture that he wasn’t buying it.
Techno placed one hand on his side and left it there, unmoving. Wilbur didn’t flinch that time, but he wanted to, his flustered state having raised his hypersensitivity to the point where he wanted to squirm even just imagining that Techno might find out. “I was just tryin’ to shut you up, you needa’ tell me what happened or I’ll assume that you’re hurt,” Techno said, beginning to slowly rub two(2) fingers in small circles on Wilbur’s side. The last part of his sentence came off as more of a threat to his brother—he didn’t want to worry Techno, but at the same time, getting found out like this would be so embarrassing.
“I-I’m not—“ Wilbur was cut off by a quiet gasp, but not quiet enough for Techno to let slip. One of Techno’s ears twitched at the sound and he made a gruff huffing noise, now reaching down to tug up the hem of his brother’s sweater, exposing the bottom half of his side. “Hey, I’m not hurt, okAY—!” Techno, being the oblivious bastard he was, began to rub gentle circles on Wilbur’s bare side, which elicited a comical noise sounding like a mix between a squeal and a yelp from the man. As Wil managed to squirm away from the tingles, butterflies erupted in his belly when he thought; there’s no getting out of this now.
Silence filled the room for a couple seconds, the gears turning in Techno’s head before it finally clicked, and he couldn’t help the smug expression that formed on his face when he realised what Wilbur had been trying to hide. “You’re ticklish,” he emphasised the ‘T-word’, causing Wilbur’s face to heat up even more, and the fact that Techno’s hand still remained hovering just ever-so-slightly above his side, was not helping. “How come I didn’t know this before? You keepin’ secrets from me, hm?” Techno shoved both of his hands up Wilbur’s shirt and gently ran his nails up and down his skin, eliciting a few snickers along with squeaks and he tried to muffle his giggles.
Wilbur frantically shook his head ‘no’ and looked down, his hair falling in front of his face and (thankfully) hiding his bright pink cheeks. Tingles and shockwaves of tickly sensations shot up his sides, the feeling only increasing the longer Techno’s fingers lingered in the same spot. “Well— you’re definitely much quieter now,” Techno remarked, and Wilbur opened his mouth to give a sassy response, only for a loud squeak to come out instead as the gliding nails began to gently scratch at each side of his back. He arched forward but shifted backwards, resting his back against the armrest and laying down. Wil had hoped this would quell the sensations at least a little, but it only made them worse, the little scratches becoming rougher as Techno’s fingers got trapped. “This seems like a good way to take you down a peg whenever you’re in one of your ‘chaotic’ moods.”
“N-no—hohahahaa!” As Techno moved his hands up to Wilbur’s ribs, he couldn’t hold it back anymore. High-pitched giggles flooded from Wilbur’s lips as he wriggled and squirmed, throwing his head back as his hands switched between trying to protect the targeted spots and trying to push Techno away. It wasn’t exactly working out for him, and eventually he just curled up, hoping to drown out the tickles somehow. It only got worse once he felt Techno begin to drill his thumbs into the spaces between each of the bones. “NOHO! DOHohon’t dohoho thahahat, plehehehahase!”
As Techno gazed down at the giggling boy, he’d be lying if he said his heart didn’t melt at the sight of his bright, carefree smile. “Why not?~” His tone of voice was still deadpan, but it had a sing-songy edge to it this time. If Wilbur had the guts to muster up insults at the time, he would’ve called him every name in the book just as revenge for the horrible teases. “Does it tickle too much? Surely you can’t be that ticklish, right?~” Every time the T-word was mentioned Wilbur felt the pit in his stomach fill with more butterflies, and his blush began to slowly spread out to his neck and ears. “It’s your own fault for bein’ annoyin’.”
“Ihihihi wahahasn’t beheheing ahahannoying!” Wilbur insisted, his giggles slowly increasing as Techno’s fingers danced their way up his ribs, heading for his armpits. But before they could reach the spot, he instinctively slammed his arms down to protect himself, blocking the offending hands just in time. It seemed that Techno took this defensive action as provoking, because his immediate response to that was to sigh disappointedly and start skittering around Wil’s neck and shoulders, causing him to scrunch up like a turtle and begin to wriggle side-to-side in a weak attempt at escaping the tickles. “Nohohoho! Fuhuhuahahack ohohoff— yohohou’re sohoho mehehehehahan!”
“Mean? This isn’t mean,” Wilbur could hardly make out Techno’s words anymore, considering he was much more focused on the shocks of tickles and his own embarrassment. But once he heard those words leave his brother’s lips, he couldn’t help but start squirming even harder on top of squeezing his eyes shut. He couldn’t process what the words meant in his state—but he’s heard that tone before. And that tone means ‘you fucked up’. “You wanna see mean?” Techno asked rhetorically and Wilbur began frantically shaking his head, letting out giggly little “nononono”s as he tensed, prepping himself for the inevitable attack that would come next.
“AAAHAA!” Wilbur shrieked as he felt Techno’s lips make contact with his tummy, quickly followed by an explosion of tickles as he blew a raspberry, shaking his head during it to make it even worse. Wil bucked, cackled and squealed, only for his hips to get held down and mercilessly drilled into by two(2) of Techno’s fingers. All of his nerves felt like they were on fire, and he felt everything—every last pinch to his hips, every raspberry that was blown, and it was almost too much for him to handle. But he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t loving it. “NAHAHAHAAA! TEHEHEHAHAHAHA—!”
Even after Techno ceased the raspberries, he still seemed fully intent on being as merciless as possible. He continued to drill right into the dip of Wilbur’s hipbone, using his other hand to rapidly squeeze his tummy, never letting up and never slowing down. Wilbur had completely given up on trying to fight back, his arms were too tired for that now and he knew it was no use, so instead he began using his hands to cover his bright pink face with. “Oh, poor Wilbur,” Techno began, a very obviously feigned sympathetic tone in his voice. “Being tickled is just such a hard job.”
“SHUHUAHAHAT UHUHUHUP!” Wilbur forced out through his hysterics, helplessly rolling his torso back and forth, attempting to focus his attention on literally anything else other than the tickles he was receiving. He couldn’t decide if he loved or hated it—it was unbearable and maddening, he felt like he was being driven up a wall, but at the same time he had to admit that he was having fun. He was soaking up all the attention like a sponge. It didn’t take much longer before his laughter became wheezy and strained, though, and he’d decided he had enough. “O-OHOHOKAHAY! STOHOHAHAHAHAP, THAHAHAHAT’S ENOHOHOHOUGH—!”
Techno listened straight away, ceasing the tickles and backing away as Wilbur curled in on himself, hugging his midsection while trying to rid of the after-tingles that still remained. “You alright?.. was it too much?” Techno asked, reaching over to deliver a couple, comforting pats to Wilbur’s head. He would’ve leaned away if it weren’t for how exhausted he was from all his laughter. “...sorry,”
“N-noho, noho... it,” Wilbur knew he should be careful with his choice of words there. He didn’t want to give away how much he’d actually enjoyed himself, but at the same time, he was well aware he’d likely given that fact away while being tickled. He supposed there was no point in lying—especially if it would risk making Techno worry over nothing. “...wahas nice.”
There was no response for a couple seconds, but then the silence was interrupted by a snort coming from Techno, and Wilbur instantly knew what he would have found amusing. But as Techno gently ran his fingers through his hair, practically soothing Wilbur to sleep, he found he didn’t care as much as he did before.
They should do this again sometime.
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whattheflameo · 4 years
Lin healing the bonds with her family hc?
Ohhhhhhhhhh anon you have opened up a WHOLE can of worms I have extremely strong feelings on this topic and most of them can be summed up with Lin Beifong is the Epitome of the older sibling parent trope. RANT INCOMING
Lin choosing to forgive Suyin has almost nothing to do with Suyin’s “apology” (or lack thereof). It occurs solely because Lin actively decides to be the better person in their relationship. She decides that having her sister and her niblings in her life is worth more to her than her grudge and her hurt. Which is saying something, because damn can Lin hold a grudge.
Su isn’t going to apologize; its not in her nature at all. She genuinely doesn’t recognize the need for apologies in anything. She doesn’t give them and never expects them from others. Lin knows this and decides to move on anyway.
Su did write Lin a letter asking her to come talk. Actually, she wrote several. Lin never opened a single one, determined to keep herself from getting hurt again. Its easier, especially when Su isn’t in front of her, to convince herself she doesn’t care.
Despite everything, Lin still hopes the best of her sister. Finding out that she changed her ways after being sent away, stopped with the petty crime and actually made something of herself, built an entire city and raised a pretty great family, comes with a level of relief- even if it wasn’t her to help Su see the error of her ways, at least Su was able to do so.
Lin doesn’t trust Su as far as she could throw her, especially after Su lies to her face to send Korra after Aiwei. She doesn’t trust Su to choose her to save over literally anyone else, and to be honest she has the older sibling complex that she just doesn’t have as much faith in Su’s bending skills as her own. That’s why her “I love you,” before drawing P’li’s fire sounds so much like a goodbye.
Speaking of differences in skill level, that fight between Lin and Su? Buckle your seatbelts motherfuckers I have THOUGHTS. Yes, its one of the most badass fights in the entire series, imo, but I’m gonna be real here. Su was winning. She had Lin on the defensive almost the whole time. But Lin was also at about 40% health- run down, emotionally strained, off-kilter from acupuncture treatment (which I agree with @dont-blame-it-on-the-kids was DEFINITELY not in Lin’s best interest that doctor was 100% paid off by the red lotus), and Su is taking advantage of it. If Lin had been at 100%, even like 60%, she would have WIPED THE FLOOR with Su and Su’s dancy-ass bending style. But she still held her own, even though she was literally breaths from passing the fuck out. Did you SEE some of those hits? There’s one in particular where Su hits her in the gut with a rock mid-air that physically couldn’t not have broken several of her ribs. Su’s behavior in this fight absolutely incenses me like how dare she fucking do that I JUST
All this being said I do really love Su as a character I promise.
Su’s base character hasn’t changed, but after going through the Red Lotus and Kuvira together, Lin does recognize that she’s changed in some important ways. She’s still self-oriented, but she’s not the selfish, bratty teen she was when she scarred Lin for life.
Likewise, after seeing the permanence of Lin’s scars and spending more time with her sister, Su realizes that she’s really hurt Lin. She sees how terrible she’s been to this woman who is willing to give her own life to protect everyone around her, Su especially, and actively tries to make up for it. Like I said, she doesn’t apologize with words, but tries to prove to Lin through her actions that she is going to be there for her. And the fact that Lin’s arm flickers toward her weapons whenever Su loses her temper? Su is so disgusted with herself over it that she nearly throws up the first time she thinks about it.
They’re not best friends, but they do become close. Both of their personalities mellow out with age, and they’re more understanding of each other. Su becomes someone Lin is able to talk to about some personal things, if not the extremely deep stuff. They have wine nights and Su sometimes sleeps over if she gets too tipsy. They both act a lot younger with each other, and Su is one of the only people who can snuggle up to Lin and get away with it.
Unless one of them is actively concealing their emotions (its usually Lin), they can read each other like an open book.
Lin remembers all of Su’s favorite foods and colors and activities and songs from childhood. Su realizes that she hardly remembers any of Lin’s and has a guilty meltdown to Bataar over it. He suggests that she pay really close attention to remember them now, and Su makes it her personal mission. 
Despite having confronted her feelings of abandonment by Toph ages ago, Su can see that Lin not only feels abandoned but also feels like she’s the one who let their mother down, that the break in their relationship is her fault, not Su’s or Toph’s. She knows how glad she was to have Toph back in her life, even if inconsistently, and sees how much Lin wants their mother’s approval and marches into the swamp (and that’s saying something for Su, who isn’t exactly fond of gross swampy things) and drags Toph out to force her to some of Lin’s award ceremonies or other events, including her wedding to Kya. Lin doesn’t know it was Su’s doing.
“Mother Lin may have said she doesn’t hate you but she deserves more from you and spirits help me you are going to say the words “I am so proud of you” to her or I WILL tell Wing and Wei where to find you-”
Basically, Su’s main apology to Lin for all the years of pain and hurt she’s caused is to kick Toph’s ass into repairing at least some of their relationship. Its the most truly selfless thing she’s done in possibly her entire life, because she never tells Lin.
To be clear: NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF LIN HAD NOT ACTIVELY CHOSEN TO SET ASIDE HER PRIDE AND HURT AND FORGIVE HER SISTER. LIN WAS THE CATALYST- SU WOULD NOT HAVE PUT IN WORK TO EARN HER FORGIVENESS IF LIN HADN’T GIVEN IT TO START WITH. Su’s behavior in Zaofu was utter bullshit, it was not worthy of Lin’s forgiveness. She literally showed up and immediately drove a wedge between Lin and some of the most important people in her life, said horribly mean things to Lin, and used Lin’s illness as an advantage to beat the shit out of her. But Lin, strong, selfless, badass, incredible Lin who is so much more empathetic than anyone in that show gives her credit for, looks at all of that and forgives Su anyway. Its not unconditional, like I said the level of trust isn’t bone deep, but she does the legwork. And you know what, Lin deserves to have family that cares about her in her life. Her niblings adore her, and she eventually believes that Su is genuinely there for her. I will die on this hill.
I know this probably came across as incredibly disorganized and rambly. I’ll talk more about Lin’s relationship with the metal clan kids and/or Toph in another post because I recognize that I’ve gone down a fuckin rabbit hole but I have extremely strong opinions on Lin’s relationship with her sister.
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Beginnings (1/9)
Mammon x ace gn!MC x ace!Leviathan
Words - 12,000ish (total)
Content warnings - angst, some internalized acephobia, insecurity, polyamory, asexual relationship, lots of cuddles and fluff and comfort
NOTE - Mammon and MC have a 100% consensual sexual relationship. No details beyond that are given.
Prompt/inspiration - a new take on my existing headcanons and previous stories
Summary - One day you suggest a polyamorous relationship with Levi to Mammon, and he loses his cool. Will Mammon be able to make things right? And will Levi ever get a chance to tell you how he feels?
[ AO3 | Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 ]
You and Mammon were practically inseparable.
From your first day in the Devildom it seemed, the two of you were always together. Of course, those first few weeks weren’t exactly while you were on the best of terms with each other. But soon your choice to spend time together came from a genuine interest in one another. And after awhile, you both had even fallen in love.
You just fit so well together. You shared a similar sense of humor, you enjoyed the same sorts of movies, you both even had a mutual love of spicy food. Physically, you felt the two of you were quite compatible as well. You loved how good he was at taking care of you, and nothing made him happier than having you shower him in affection and praise. And sure, his sex drive was definitely higher than yours, but you both were figuring things out and making it work.
Mammon wasn’t the only brother you were getting close to, however. While you enjoyed cooking with Beel and swapping book recommendations with Satan, your time with Levi in particular was special to you. He always had a way of helping you relax, and his desire to stay in the comfort of his room gave you an excellent place to unwind and decompress. Despite the fact he could barely contain himself when speaking about one of his special interests, he typically kept to himself when immersed in whatever activity had caught his attention in that moment, which made him excellent company when you needed peace and quiet.
For the longest time, you thought friendship was all you wanted from Leviathan. And Levi made it pretty clear on numerous occasions that he considered you his best friend and nothing more. Well, at least that’s what he said. In the past few weeks you had caught him staring at you more than once in a way that was reminiscent of the love struck look Mammon often got when he didn’t think you were looking either.
You had heard from Asmodeus pretty early on in your stay that monogamy wasn’t the usual practice for demons. He had made sure you were well acquainted with certain aspects of demon relationships, partly to gauge your interest, and partly to stop you from inadvertently making a move on a random demon at RAD. You and Mammon had never talked specifically about the idea of an open or polyamorous relationship, and you got the dinstinct impression that he would have trouble sharing, but the more you thought about Levi, the more you wanted to see if you could make it work with both of them.
One evening after dinner, you were relaxing in Mammon’s room, doing nothing in particular. He was reading some magazine about Devildom fashions (and where to buy them), and you were reclined with your head in his lap as you scrolled through Devilgram.
“Got somethin’ you wanna say?” Mammon finally asked with a light blush on his cheeks. Apparently you had been staring at him for the past few minutes and it was making him a bit self conscious.
“Wha? Oh, sorry,” you replied, giving him a soft smile before you nuzzled against his leg. You looked up at him again, only to find that he was now attempting to hide his face behind the pages of his magazine, hoping you wouldn’t catch sight of the smile that was tugging at his lips.
“Hey, Mammon. Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah sure,” he was glad to have something to talk about that he could distract himself with.
“What do you think of polyamory?” you asked, raising one of your hands to comb through what you could reach of his hair. You just loved how soft it was, and it had quickly become a habit whenever you two were talking that you would run your fingers through it as you were doing now.
“Eh? I dunno. Why?” Mammon sat his magazine down to give you his full attention. This was definitely an odd conversation topic, if there ever was one. He thought maybe Satan had given you some weird book recently, because it never would have occurred to him what you were about to ask.
“Well...I was wondering if you’d be open to trying something like that…?”
“Pfft, like you’d need anyone else with the Great Mammon to keep ya company!” he teased with a cocky grin. It was simple - there was no reason for you to be close to anyone else like that, because he was so good at making you happy...right?
“Oh,” you tried to shrug it off and turn your attention back to your DDD. This wasn’t how you had hoped this conversation would go, though you weren’t sure exactly how you had hoped it would go either.
But Mammon noticed the look on your face, and a small seed of doubt had started to take root in his heart. Just a tiny twinge of pain. The thought of you being any less than satisfied with him was one he spent a considerable amount of effort avoiding, but now it was creeping up on him.
“Why? Didya have someone in mind?”
He had only meant it as a joke, really. He wasn’t expecting you to answer. Or rather, he was hoping you wouldn’t. And when you didn’t respond immediately the sinking feeling in his gut only grew.
You looked up at Mammon and could see the strain in his smile. He was trying hard to look unaffected, but it was obvious to you that he wasn’t too keen on this idea. So you sat up, tucking one leg under yourself as you turned to face him on the sofa. You were having second thoughts now about bringing this up, but you knew that if you tried to back out of the conversation now, Mammon would surely only get more anxious and panicked.
“Well, I was thinking about Levi…” you answered, cautiously, carefully studying Mammon’s face as you tried to gauge his reaction. You knew he never would have entertained the idea if you had said Lucifer, but a small part of you hoped since he and Levi were pretty close, he’d be more receptive to the possibilities.
You would, of course, be wrong.
In fact, you saw the exact moment Mammon’s heart broke and his emotions shifted from insecurity, to hurt, to anger. You went to open your mouth, to try to explain, but he did not give you the opportunity.
“Him? Why wouldya wanna go out with that weeb?” he asked, his voice dripping with disdain.
“Hey! If you don’t like the idea just say so! You don’t have to attack Levi!” you stared at Mammon, shocked at his reaction. Hurt and tears wouldn’t have surprised you, but this anger was something else and you weren’t sure where it was coming from.
“Oh so ya gonna defend him?”
“Of course I’m going to defend him. He’s my best friend,” you snapped back, your eyes narrowing.
“And what am I then? Huh?”
“Mammon, that’s…”
“What, ya got one Avatar so you thought it would be easy to snag another? Who ya gonna go after next? Lucifer?!”
“Don’t. You. Fucking. Dare.” by now, angry tears had started to gather in your eyes, and you could feel your hands shaking, your palm still stinging from the contact, “If you don’t like the idea, fine. But don’t you dare belittle my feelings for you or your brother.”
You glared at Mammon for another moment before swiftly pushing yourself off the sofa and heading towards his door. When your hand touched the door knob you paused, giving Mammon an opportunity to take back what he said, but all that was to be heard was a deafening silence.
Without another word, you left, slamming the door behind you.
In the days that followed, you made a point to avoid both Mammon and Levi. Even though Levi wasn’t at fault, you knew spending time with him right now would only muddy the waters further, and that was the last thing you needed. So, if you saw one of them coming, you were quick to adjust your course and head the opposite direction.
And you knew avoiding them both wasn’t exactly the mature thing to do. But you didn’t know what else to do either.
Was this it? Were you just supposed to break up with Mammon?
The memory of what he had said to you still made your heart ache whenever you thought of it, even if you knew he had been speaking from a place of hurt. You wanted to believe he didn’t really see you that way; that he knew how much you loved him, even if he didn’t know anything else, because you didn’t think you’d be able to stay with someone who thought so little of you.
So what was the alternative? Trying to talk to him again?
The thought was enough to make you laugh. You were certain that would go over like a lead balloon. It’s not like anything would have changed since the last time you had spoken to him. You still felt how you felt, and he was opposed. Which would have been fine had he been respectful about rejecting the idea. But he hadn’t, and instead lashed out at you in his typical tsundere fashion, just dialed up to 10.
You let out a sigh as you flopped on your bed, finally back in the safety of your room after an exhausting day at RAD.
Just what were you going to do?
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legoshi-plz · 4 years
Cynic (Legoshi x Reader)
Legoshi x Canine! Reader
Warning: NSFW (+18), minor mention of Rape/ Sexual Assault
Summary: Maybe you and a certain Grey Wolf are more alike than you thought.
A/N: So I decided to change up these requests just a little so that I could combine them ! I hope you guys like it! These started off as Headcanons but i got a little carried away lol also Characters are all over 18 in this fic
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You weren’t exactly what people would call a ‘happy’ animal.
Okay that was an understatement, you could be downright depressing at times. It’s not like you actually meant to be such a downer, you just considered yourself a realist and being a Carnivore in today’s society was the farthest thing from a ‘happy’ existence.
People profiled Carnivores wherever they went, always quick to see your kind as natural aggressors and when they weren’t clutching their purses ready to call animal control on you all for just being alive, they were quick to go over the top to prove they saw “all animals equally”, which usually was just a ploy for ‘progressive points’.
Being a Domesticated Dog, you recognized your privilege was a double edged sword in one of the worst ways possible. You had Herbivores constantly in your face telling you “You’re one of the good ones” while other Carnivores mostly saw dogs as ‘sellouts’ who were willing to whore themselves out (socially and in... other ways) for even the slightest scrap of attention. It was infuriating just living in such a society and you constantly felt on the verge of snapping but if you did, you’d just prove to be everything they already thought you were.
So needless to say, you kept to yourself. You just couldn’t bring yourself to put on the false pretense of cheerfulness that domesticated animals were expected to uphold so you tried to keep to yourself. No one understood you nor did they try. They were too caught up in their own charades and you were beyond the point of explaining how screwed up this world was. They knew, they didn’t care.
You were convinced you would spend your entire high school career in the shadows, not making an impression (good or bad) on anyone or anything and for a while it seemed that way. Until your final year.
For the most part, keeping to yourself gave you a lot of time to observe others, rarely were you the one technically being ‘observed’. Which is why you couldn’t understand why a certain Grey Wolf couldn’t keep his eyes off you.
He was painfully obvious, his awkward attempts to hide his little obsession whenever his eyes met yours was almost comical.
You chalked it all up to him probably being another sick fuck with a fetish for submissive animals. It was more common than most people like to address and Domesticated female dogs were the leading demographic of rape/ sexual assault victims from wolves. It was mainly the close proximity of their biology that made it so hard for wolves to control themselves (if you could say they had any control to begin with.) They preyed on smaller dogs because in comparison to them it was the closest they could get to defiling a Herbivore without the internalized shame and disgust. Also female Carnivores were often not believed when it came to these crimes because they were perceived as stronger/ more aggressive and should have been able to defend themselves. Yet another flaw in this fucked up animal judicial system.
You decided to ignore the Wolf and hope he just moved on. There weren’t many dogs at Cherryton but there were a few others who would probably be more than happy to tame the beast that lie within him. Or between his legs.
But weeks turned into months and his interest in you failed to cease. You decided to confront him. You decided to do so after class once the rest of the class filed out. He usually drug his feet so it wouldn’t be hard to catch him. Best case scenario, he was embarrassed about getting caught and promised to stop. Worst case scenario, he can’t control himself and takes you right then and there. You were apathetic either way, there were worst things out there than fucking a Wolf right?
You approached his desk as he was scrambling to shove his things into his shoulder bag, the rest of the class had long filed out by now.
“H-Hi,” he said looking up at you, his ears tilted downwards.
“You got a problem with me or something?” You can tell by the way his ears tugged down even further that your voice came off a little harsh but that was just the way you were.
“W-Why would I have a problem with you, YLN-san?” He was avoiding your cold stare. He was a Grey Wolf for crying out loud, what was wrong with him? Wolves were a lot of things but skittish wasn’t one of them.
“Drop the formalities. You stare me down day in and day out but now you’re afraid to look me in the eye? What are you playing at?” Okay maybe you did sound a little harsh but you didn’t believe in skipping around the topic.
“I just... noticed we were kind of... the same, y’know....” he grimaced. You left out a dry laugh. He knew nothing about you but he thought the two of you were the same? This definitely had to be some sort of ploy. He wanted something from you and sooner or later you’d find out what that something was.
But that later never came. He began to explain himself, explain how he was pretty bleak too and that he couldn’t help but notice that someone else seemed just as paused in life as he was. At first you thought he was just churning out bullshit but the more you sat and listened to him, the more you hung around him, you began to see the undeniable similarities between you two.
He would express the struggles he faced with his own existence as a Wolf, how he felt like he could never truly be himself, or even know what being himself actually meant because he was so busy trying to make people unafraid of him. It was like you had met your other half. He understood what had been gnawing at you from inside for years now because he was going through the exact same thing. And so the two of you became fast friends, nearly inseparable from one another.
You tried to deny it but you were slowly becoming more and more infatuated with the Grey Wolf every day. Legoshi was so kind and reserved at times but you found those traits all the more endearing. He showed such vast wisdom and maturity despite his own social awkwardness and you found yourself overwhelmingly comfortable in his presence. Comfortable and safe, his naturally huge physique and protective instincts which should give you every right to fear him actually proving to do just the opposite.
Speaking of Physique, you had to admit that Legoshi was undeniably attractive. Tall, beautiful coat, all lean muscle, a thick healthy tail you had found yourself drooling over near-constantly. He was any Canine’s kryptonite and you couldn’t believe you hadn’t noticed it before now. Maybe it was just because you were so enamoured by his mind that your attraction to him physically was inevitable. Either way, you found yourself daydreaming about mounting him more times than you’d like to admit.
You thought that perhaps what you felt for Legoshi might be mutual until you found out he used to date a tiny Herbivore . And not just any Herbivore, a rabbit. The daintiest of them all. So he was just another sick psychopath with a fixation on innocence. You were heartbroken to say the least. What probably hurt the most was that you were no where near his type if Rabbits were his thing. You never stood a chance. But then again that wasn’t a surprise. You were nothing special prior to meeting Legoshi so why would yo expect anything to be different now.
That being said, it didn’t make you want Legoshi any less physically. You might not be his ideal mate but you knew there was still a part of him in there that had a desire for sexual release, a desire that Canine felt especially compelled to with other Canine, and you were going to capitalize off of that.
You found him in his usual spot in the art department after dark. He was always the last to leave.
“Y/N! Where’ve you been? H-have you been avoiding me?” He asked his tail tucked between his legs. You hadn’t seen him in about four days and giving the nearly inseparable friendship the two of you had over the past few months, it was out of character.
“I was,” you said bluntly. His ears lowered immediately.
“O-oh... did I do something wrong?”
“... what was-”
“You fuck rabbits, Legoshi.” You saw his fur visibly stand on end and his eyes turn wide as saucers.
“Y/N I-”
“Look I’m just gonna cut to the chase,” you deadpanned, stepping forward, “I wanna have sex with you.”
“You WHAT?!”
“I’m attracted to you Legoshi. I might not be your type but I am small and I can make you feel good.” You didn’t wait for his response as you dropped to you knees in front of him.
“Y/N wait please,” he was tense all over but you were already unbuckling his belt and unzipping his trousers. Surprisingly, he went commando.
You pulled him out of his pants to see his knot was already beginning to swell at your touch and he was painfully hard. You licked your hand and began to stroke his impressive length. Guess it was true what they say, the thicker the tail, the thicker the-
“Y/N please just give me a second!” Legoshi asked cupping your face between both his large hands. You craned your neck up to meet his gaze but continued to pump his aching cock.
“Just relax, Legoshi. It’s okay if you have to pretend I’m a rabbit, I don’t really care. I know I’m not much to look at anyway,” you said, wrapping your mouth around his angry tip that was currently streaming out pre-cum. You moaned at the flavor as Legoshi shuddered above you.
“Y/N please stop, this can’t happen like this, okay.” He said slightly more forcefully as he pulled you off of him and began to tuck himself into his pants, his cock straining against the fabric defiantly creating an enormous bulge.
“Really? That unattracted to me, huh? Well, I guess it is what it is,” you said in your usually monotone voice while standing up and brushing off your skirt. You turned, about to make your exit when Legoshi grabbed your arm.
“Wait, Y/N, look I didn’t- it’s not that- I just-” Legoshi was flustered and looked as if he was ready to pass out at any moment.
“Spit it out, Wolf boy,” you said , trying to hide the fact that your feelings were pretty hurt.
“I just- I like you Y/N, really I do but-”
“You just don’t like me in that way. I heard you loud any clear. It’s whatever, Legoshi. Don’t stress it,” you said attempting to shrug out of his grip.
“Hold on, can we talk about this?!”
“There’s nothing to talk about, I wanted to have sex and you don’t.”
“I- I do w- of course I want to have sex with you, Y/N. I like you, a lot. You’re actually all I’ve been able to think about for a long time. But you’re so.... so.... indifferent towards even the slightest romantic implications, I didn’t think I had a shot in Hell...” he sighed.
“If you like me then why’d you stop me?” You asked evenly. You weren’t about to get your hopes up, that just wasn’t your style.
“Because I like you. If there’s even a chance you feel how I do then I wanna do this right. Ask you out properly, ask you to be my girlfriend, ask if I can kiss you, y’know the right steps before...”
“I suck your dick?” You offered, a small smirk playing at your lips. His still very much present hard-on twitched visibly at its mention.
“God, Y/N,” Legoshi groaned attempting to cover himself. You fought back the urge to giggle at his shyness despite the fact he was in your mouth less than two minutes ago.
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I want to do it. Don’t you want me to?” You bit your lip in what you hoped was a seductive way.
“So fucking bad,” Legoshi groaned again unable to avert his eyes. You took this as an opportunity to step forward once more.
“Then why don’t we let this one slide, huh? And then we can do things your way?” You whispered palming him through his pants. He unconsciously began to grind lightly against your hand.
“Y/N, I’m in.... Male mode.... if we start, I might not be able to stop,” Legoshi voice was straining from trying to keep his own pleasure at bay. You dropped back down to your knees, once again pulling him out.
“Then don’t. Do you know how long I’ve been wanting to ride you, Legoshi? Let’s allow this one free-pass then you can start all the courting processes you want,” you said before taking him into your mouth. Legoshi felt his eyes roll back into his head as he thrust softly into your warm, wet throat.
“W-Wait, one more thing” he moaned, once again taking away what was quickly becoming your new favorite treat.
You were about to protest when he kneeled down to your level, again cupping your face in both his hands in order to place the sweetest kiss imaginable on your lips. He rested his forehead against yours for a moment, before pulling away to see you with the dopiest grin on your face.
Yeah, you were definitely going to be the death of him.
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makeste · 4 years
I’ve just realised it’s been over a year since you last listed your top 10 characters! Has anything changed since then?
a lot has changed! actually, every single ranking has changed from last time except for one (which you can probably guess, lol).
1. Bakugou (previous rank: 1)
yes, believe it or not, Bakugou is still my favorite. I’ll understand if you all need a moment to recuperate from the shock of this.
2. Deku (previous rank: 4)
hi, so. I really love Deku a lot. I think he is a great character and there��s a lot of subtlety and complexity to him that he doesn’t always get credit for. he is loving and kind, but he’s not a pushover. he has moments of deer-in-headlights anxiety when he’s in the spotlight or talking to celebrities (or girls), but then he’ll go and launch into a five-hour speech if someone mentions a topic he’s interested in. he’s very much aware of the huge burden that’s been placed on his shoulders, and is struggling to figure out how to become his own person (which is fucking hard, you guys; how many sixteen-year-olds do you know who have a solid, firm idea of who they are as a person and what it is about themselves that makes them unique individuals?) while still living up to All Might’s legacy. he’s smart and determined and capable of extraordinary things, but second-guesses himself and has a tendency to overthink everything he does. he is interesting!! and he doesn’t always get credit for being interesting! but he is! anyways Deku ilu.
3. Aizawa (previous rank: 2)
still the best. still so tired. the manga is tripling down lately on highlighting how awesome he is. childhood angst and guilt and trauma?? yes. kicking lots of ass?? hell yes. being outrageously sexy with his floating wavy hair and glowy red eyes and spending almost this entire arc in Eraser Mode while Horikoshi hopes to god no one remembers how he made it a Whole Thing after USJ that Aizawa supposedly couldn’t hold his quirk for long periods like that anymore?? oh, you bet. who is even gonna complain about it. you?? I sure am not. and last but not least, being the greatest dad in the world who’s willing to stab god in the face in order to stay alive to protect his children and continue to watch them grow?? fam. you goddamn know that is a YES WITH CAPITAL LETTERS. how can one character honestly be so great. how can he even contain it. he’s so powerful.
4. Todoroki (previous rank: 5/6)
Ochako slid all the way off my top ten list and I feel so bad about it. but she hasn’t had the spotlight for a long time, and meanwhile Shouto has had what feels like ARC AFTER ARC of being awesome and doing awesome things like becoming Bakugou’s Undisputed Best Friend, having the longest and purest canon romantic relationship in the series (I am of course talking about him/soba), and playing a key role in one of the most beautifully executed family arcs I have ever seen, with his conflicted feelings about his father that are so layered that THEIR LAYERS HAVE LAYERS. and meanwhile his quirk kicks as much ass as ever. remember that one time Shouto almost burned Tetsutetsu alive. remember that other time he fucking annihilated Ending (“GIVE ME BACK MY BROTHER”)?! and meanwhile he remains the goodest and purest child in the entire series, making sure Mt. Lady’s heart is okay, and offering his two friends internships without a second’s hesitation because THAT’S WHAT FRIENDS DO. it’s just what they do you guys.
5. Hawks (previous rank: n/a! welcome to the top ten kiddo.)
OH NO I LOVE A MURDERER WHAT A STUNNING INDICTMENT OF ME. send me off to jail. anyway so I have always liked Hawks, but the latest arc has sent him skyrocketing up through the ranks of my heart. not because of the murder thing, but... okay well but actually, it is because of the murder thing though. NOT BECAUSE I’M HAPPY HE KILLED A GUY WE ALL LOVED, jesus, but because of how well Horikoshi portrayed his struggle over it. he didn’t want to do it!! but he ended up having to in the end, and he paid one hell of a heavy price for it. and listen, but if you give me a character who is smart, who is compassionate, and who is one of the most mentally and physically capable characters we’ve seen in the series and yet simultaneously does not have even the slightest ounce of regard or self-preservation for his own mental health? a character who is tired, who is willing to make sacrifices up to and including the ultimate sacrifice for what he believes is the greater good? a character who is achingly alone and isolated in so much of what he has to go through, who doesn’t dare drop his guard ever, who’s not able or willing to share his burdens with anyone else? if you give me a character like that, and then ask me not to love him, it’s like. I am very sorry but I truly have no say in it at this point. he’s adopted. I’m sorry it’s the law.
6. Tomura (previous rank: n/a)
OH NO I LOVE TWO MURDERERS WHAT EVEN IS WRONG WITH ME. hahaha. so in between the time of now and when I last did a character ranking, Tomura had a flashback! and it was very traumatic! he was little and sweet and his dad was a dick and there was a lot of blood and gore and a dog died!! and then AFO was all “HELLO IT’S ME COME TO SWOOP IN AND ADOPT YOU AND ENCOURAGE YOU TO KILL STUFF AND ALSO HERE ARE YOUR DEAD FAMILY’S SEVERED BODY PARTS TO ADORN YOURSELF WITH SO YOU NEVER STOP FEELING MISERABLE.” and everyone sitting there reading was all, “well I’ll just come out and say it, I can sort of understand why he became a murderer now,” and we all agreed that yes, it did indeed make a great deal of sense, when you put it that way. anyway, so obviously you can’t not feel empathy toward the kid after all that, even if he is going around killing A WHOLE LOT MORE people now, and has basically gone batshit insane actually. I remain steadfast in my conviction that Tomura is not the actual final villain -- AFO is. and call me crazy, but in spite of everything, I still think this kid has a shot at redemption. it won’t be pretty, and it’ll be a long, long path, and he might not ever fully make it all the way, but he’s someone who’s been manipulated and used as a puppet his entire life, and I want him to have the chance to finally break free from that. hopefully he’ll get it.
7. Mirko (previous rank: n/a)
so previously this section just said “MIRKO!!!!!”, which I honestly think sums it up pretty well. I honestly can’t think of any other character who has come along and just slapped me straight across the face with their sheer awesomeness as much as her, though. every time she’s onscreen/on the page my face is just a huge grin the entire time. she is fearless. like, she’s the type of person who actually does laugh in the face of danger -- like that’s not just an expression, she will LITERALLY LAUGH. she is Peter Pan with a dagger to his throat, smiling and saying “to die would be an awfully big adventure.” she is someone who’s found her purpose in life and is thriving. Mirko has no time for your existential angst; she’s too busy kicking ass every minute of every hour of every day. I love her so, so much. thank you so much Horikoshi for being obsessed with her and making her the biggest badass in the whole series.
8. All Might (previous rank: 3)
I still adore him! he just has had next to nothing to do for what seems like forever, so the other characters who are still getting steady development are kind of just sneaking past him one by one. but he is still the absolute best. he cares so much. so, so, so, so much. he’s not always the most natural when it comes to being a teacher or a mentor, and he stumbles and makes mistakes, but he loves his kids. he cares about them so fiercely. and that’s far and away the most important thing, and it’s not even close. and he’s also just so endlessly self-sacrificing and constantly putting everyone else before himself, and it’s insane. he’s someone who is just constantly thinking, “how can I do more, how can I help more, what else can I do to try and make the world better” even as he stumbles along with half a lung, and struggles with his feelings of inadequacy and helplessness and feeling like it’s just still not enough. I want to give All Might the biggest hug in the world and tell him that it’s all right, that he did good, that the kids are going to be all right. when Aizawa told him “you being alive is enough” I almost had a breakdown tbh. anyway if I keep going I’m gonna talk myself into moving him back up the list and then I’ll have to rearrange this whole thing lol so suffice it to say, fuck yeah All Might.
9. Momo (previous rank: 7)
when is Momo gonna do more stuff, Horikoshi?? huh??! he does realize that whenever she does stuff it’s always amazing?? so why is she not just constantly doing amazing, awesome stuff all the time?? I don’t know, and frankly I’ve had just about enough of this. let Momo do stuff 2020. but I won’t talk about this anymore for now because I haven’t ready any chapter 278 spoilers and I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
(ETA: I HAVE READ CHAPTER 278 NOW AND ALL I CAN SAY IS YESSSSS!!! MOMO!!!! also I swear to god I genuinely had not seen any spoilers when I was writing this post lol, it was a total coincidence. I’m glad the “let Momo do stuff 2020″ campaign was so immediately successful though.)
10. Kaminari (previous rank: 8)
last but not least, my five-and-a-half-year-old traitor son, Kaminari Denki. he is just such a shining beam of light and life and goodness and chaos. there is this amazingly buoyant energy whenever he’s on the page that just fills me with love for him. I constantly just want to ruffle his hair, just, all the damn time. he is everybody’s friend, he loves them all so much, and he fearlessly calls Bakugou “Kacchan” heedless of the repercussions (OF WHICH THERE WERE NONE!!), and he sincerely tells Jirou that he’s in awe of her musical talents, and he wrecked his fingers learning to play guitar for her but he was happy to do it, and he was afraid to fight in the big ALL THE VILLAINS VS ALL THE HEROES battle because DUH!?! but he still did it anyway because he had to protect his friends. and his quirk and its side effects are constantly used for comic relief and not taken seriously at all (even though it’s actually insanely powerful holy shit), but he doesn’t care because he’s happy to make his friends happy. he’ll willingly be the butt of the joke if it means he gets to see them laugh. he just has such a big heart, and in all seriousness, if you think he’s the traitor I just don’t even know what to say to you.
so that’s it! Tokoyami, Ochako, Shinsou, Iida, and Sero would probably be the next five, with Endeavor, Toga, Mina, Jirou, and Mirio rounding out the top twenty. maybe not in that exact order but it’s close enough. really there are only like three characters in the series I actually truly dislike, so I’m honestly glad “top ten” is the general standard otherwise I’d be here all night running through them all lol.
120 notes · View notes
spaceskam · 3 years
14 maria deluca
i’m sorry this took so long, I am indeed a distaster
tags: friends with benefits, fluff (mostly), pre-relationship, POV Maria DeLuca
14. Casual [ao3]
It started out as a good idea.
Maria needed an outlet and Kyle needed a distraction. It was fitting, honestly, because they both worked weird schedules. It wasn’t anything serious, just something they did when they needed to blow off some steam. One of them would go to the other’s after a long shift at work, they’d hook up at three or so in the morning, and then they’d make a respectable walk of shame at around six.
It was only when it became rather recurring and they started running into issues of keeping it a secret between them that the good idea part seemed to fade.
“Okay, so, maybe we should talk,” Kyle said one morning as they both laid in his bed, his questionably expensive sheets draped over them. They’d caught their breath already and the sweat on their skin was drying. Maria, personally, felt nice and floaty still.
“About what?” she asked.
Kyle shifted onto his side and looked down at her, gaze warm and welcoming in a way that made her heart beat a little faster. That was all new. She still wasn’t quite sure how to handle that feeling. That or the fluttery feeling she got whenever she showed up at his door smelling like alcohol and sweat and he looked at her like he’d be willing to lick the ground she walked on.
“Rosa is coming home soon,” Kyle said, “And she’s gonna be staying with me. New environment, a non-alien environment. No offense.”
“None taken,” Maria said as she moved to prop herself up on her elbows.
She’d gone to see Rosa a few times in rehab, but things between them were still a little off and none of it was made better by Isobel monopolizing Rosa’s visiting hours. Maria was hoping to fix that after she came back home. They were best friends at one point and she knew they could figure out a way to get that back, even if times had changed and they now had nearly a decade of age difference. The alien thing was just a fork in the already bumpy road.
But Maria was looking forward to putting in the extra effort.
“I’m not exactly sure how to navigate this with her in the house,” Kyle said.
“I mean, I don’t mind coming over when she’s here. I want to start hanging out with her more, two birds, one stone,” Maria said. Kyle made a face. A small one, but a face nonetheless. “Okay, then you can come to mine.”
“Then she’s going to ask where I was.”
Maria searched his face, trying to find anything that would give away whatever he was thinking. Kyle was usually pretty good at saying what was on his mind all the way up until he was sure it was going to get a negative response.
“Oh. So… you want to stop.”
“I don’t want to,” Kyle insisted, sitting up a bit more, “I just don’t know how else we can keep going without her noticing something is up.”
“I mean, we’re all adults here, it’s fine if she knows.”
“Yeah, but she’s my little-big sister and your friend and I’m her sister’s ex, that’s weird, right? If she knows about our sex life? Like, honestly, I don’t want to stop, I have a lot of fun with you, but you don’t think she’d think it’s gross or awkward or something?” Kyle said. Maria huffed a laugh, tilting her head as she sat up completely alongside him.
“Do you really think she’s going to care? After seeing her big-little sister dating one of the guys that literally covered up her murder, I don’t think me and you are going to be that big of an issue,” Maria said. Her tone was colder than intended, but she couldn’t help it when bringing up the topic of Rosa’s murder. 
God, that still pissed her off to an unmatched degree.
“I just don’t want to make her feel uncomfortable around me or in her own house,” Kyle said, a little pout on his ridiculously handsome features.
Sometimes, when she let herself think too much, Maria couldn’t fathom why Kyle was interested in her of all people. He had a good, stable job and had the face of a fucking god. It wasn’t even that she thought low of herself, it just didn’t make sense that he would settle for anyone in this town. And yet, here he was, trying to think of a way to make his sister feel welcome in his home.
How perfect could he get?
“I know her pretty well, I think,” Maria said. And she did. She felt like she knew Rosa better than she knew most people. Granted, there was a possibility some of it wasn’t as accurate as she would like it to be, but time causes a lot of fuck ups. “And I don’t think she’d be uncomfortable. I mean, she might make fun of us and make it awkward for us, but for the most part, I’d think she’d be fine.”
Kyle bit down on his lip hesitantly.
“Are you positive?” he wondered.
“If it would make it easier, I can talk to her about it,” Maria offered. That didn’t seem to bring him any kind of solace. “Or we can not tell her anything and just act normal? Like this is totally casual and not worthy of a discussion?”
“Casual,” Kyle repeated, nodding his head. Maria didn’t know whether that was a good thing or a bad thing to hear. “Right. Um. Okay. What if we go somewhere in between?”
“What the hell is in between?”
“Okay,” Kyle said, shifting towards her with so much enthusiasm that the sheets shifted and she got a very distracting glimpse of the length of his torso down to his upper thigh, “What if we just tell her that we’ve been hanging out more? Like, as friends. No details necessary.”
Maria searched his face, feeling almost guilty at the way he seemed so convinced that was a great idea. Rosa was going to see right through it and she was going to call them out immediately. But, if that’s what he wanted, she would do it.
“Okay. I’ll tell her that we’re just hanging out.”
“Okay, cool,” Kyle said, shoulders dropping with relief. He then blinked at her twice before throwing himself back onto her, pushing them both back into the mattress.
Maria laughed as he did so, smiled as he kissed her again, enjoyed every second as he fit himself on top of her effortlessly.
It was definitely worth trying to come up with something to tell Rosa.
Or. That was going to work well in theory.
It’d been two weeks since Rosa had started staying with Kyle, two weeks since Maria was hanging out with her more whenever she could. She and Kyle decided not to risk anything sketchy, but they’d both been getting a little antsy and, truthfully, phone sex just wasn’t cutting it when the real thing was right there. 
So, Maria found herself at 3:30 AM standing on Kyle’s porch and tapping her foot against the ground. The plan was she was going to be quiet, slip into his bedroom, get their fix, and slip out before Rosa woke up.
But, when Kyle opened the door with wide eyes and a tilted head, she knew something was up.
“She’s still awake,” Kyle whispered. Maria couldn’t even find it in herself to be shocked. She was more annoyed that she had been so blindsided by horny brain that she forgot Rosa was borderline nocturnal.
“Do you want me to leave?” Maria whispered back.
“Well, I already opened the door, so‒”
“You’re going to let bugs in and I’m not killing any of them, I’m just going to push them into your bedroom!” Rosa called, “Just tell Maria to come in!”
“I guess you’re coming in,” Kyle said. 
Maria took a deep breath and tried not to feel weird about it as she stepped inside. Kyle, however, had apparently never learned to hide any of his facial expressions and his disappointment was written clear across his face. Maria carefully swatted his stomach and headed into the living room.
“Hey!” Maria said, reaching out to give Rosa a hug where she was sitting on the couch. She had a bowl of popcorn in her lap and her eyes were trained on the gory scene in front of her, but she still managed to give Maria a hug.
“Hey, how was work?” Rosa asked, glancing over at her just to show she was paying attention before looking back to the TV.
“Fine. Didn’t have to throw anyone out and I got tipped pretty well, so I can’t complain,” Maria said, her eyes following Kyle as he went to sit on the other side of Rosa.
“That’s good. Kyle over here didn’t even save a life this evening, so I’m glad one of you did something productive,” she said. Kyle glared at her like he was personally offended.
“The fact that we didn’t have any extremely pressing surgeries tonight is a good thing,” Kyle said. Rosa shrugged.
Maria found herself laughing quietly at their casual bickering. It was a weird, yet welcome change. She had gotten so used to hearing it from Liz and Rosa that it was strange hearing it from someone else, but it was also a new way to see Kyle. Maria quite liked each new version of him she saw.
Still, they lapsed into silence as they watched the movie. Maria had no idea what the plot was or what was even happening, she just knew there was a lot of screaming and a lot of blood splatter, and Rosa seemed invested. So Maria tried to get equally invested, but she produced a less than stellar performance.
Instead, she found herself glancing behind Rosa’s head to look at Kyle. Half the time he was already looking at her. The idea that he couldn’t stop looking at her had her shifting in her seat and feeling a bit warm. She wanted him more than her logical brain could even make sense of and she didn’t know how to feel that not even Rosa’s presence and her movie of choice could turn her off.
What the hell was Kyle doing to her?
“Oh my God,” Rosa said suddenly, groaning and grumbling in Spanish as she leaned forward to grab the remote. Maria jumped, eyes wide as if she’d been caught doing something she shouldn’t. But she hadn’t. All she did was look at Kyle. That wasn’t illegal. Still, Rosa shut the movie off. “Can you guys stop eye-fucking over my head? I’m going to vomit.”
“What are you talking about?” Kyle asked, but his face gave it away. He was the worst liar Maria had ever seen. 
That made him all the more endearing.
“I know y’all are seeing each other or whatever the fuck,” Rosa said, pushing off the couch and putting the bowl on the table, “I don’t care, by the way, but I’d rather you never make me sit through that ever again. That was disgusting.”
“We didn’t even do anything,” Maria defended. Rosa rolled her eyes.
“I know you well enough to know what you do when you’re flirting and you’re totally flirting with my brother right in front of my eyes,” Rosa said. Kyle took a sharp breath in. “So gross. I’m going to my room and playing my music loudly. Call me when you’re not waiting for me to go to sleep so you can bang like I’m a child.”
Rosa saluted and walked to the guest bedroom. Sure enough, loud music started coming from her room and Maria let out a disbelieving laugh. She didn’t have enough time to turn to Kyle before her phone alerted her of a message.
Rosa<3: It’d be a lot less gross if I wasn’t related to him, but at least he isn’t ugly and he’s also a doctor. So gross but also good job, proud of you, make him buy us a yacht once he pays of his student loans
Maria laughed, a bit of weight lifted off her chest. She didn’t really think Rosa would mind, but Kyle’s nerves about it had rubbed off on her. She looked up to let him know that she was all for it and saw Kyle still staring straight forward, lips parted in shock.
“Hey,” Maria said, eyebrows pulling together as she slid closer. She put her hand on his shoulder. “You okay? She doesn’t mind, like, she’s not mad or anything.”
“That’s the first time she’s called me her brother to my face,” Kyle said, turning his head, “She’s never said I was her brother.”
Maria smiled softly, “Well, you are.”
“Yeah, but… she never says it. I don’t know, I feel like that was some kind of milestone or something. Like I should celebrate,” Kyle said, huffing a laugh. Maria shook her head fondly and slid her hand across his shoulder blades.
“I know a couple of ways we can celebrate.”
“I was kinda thinking of grabbing a beer with Alex, but that’s good too,” Kyle said honestly. Maria laughed and tugged him closer. She felt his breath on her lips and wondered how the hell she went two whole weeks without it.
“You can do both.”
“I like your thinking,” Kyle murmured, and then he was on her, leaning in and kissing her as it’d been forever. And it sort of had been.
Kyle didn’t break the kiss as he shifted around and grabbed her thighs, lifting her off the couch. Maria gasped softly in response, but she held onto him and let him take her to his bedroom. Rosa’s music was still clear despite it being muted by his bedroom door closing.
They fell back onto his bed, pulling each other closer and closer and it seemed impossible to get enough. Even as they started stripping and touching and things heated, none of it seemed like it would be satisfying enough. She wanted to do this for hours. Days. Weeks.
And suddenly it didn’t feel so casual anymore.
And, for some reason, Maria didn’t even mind.
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Librarian [Namjoon x Reader]
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credit: littlemeowmeowschimmy
Requests opened // m.list 
Warnings: Daddy Kink, wolf in heat, creampie, etc 
Genre: Smut 
Werewolf:  Kook - Tae - Jimin
Summary:  you should write a fic where joon is a librarian and at first he is all dorky and shy but behind closed doors he's a total daddy 😳😍❤
WC: 5.7k
A/N: I started this at 9 pm. It’s past 3 in the morning. Christ almighty fml i didn’t expect it to be this long nor did I expect to be writing werewolf smut 
He strolled in around the corner of the back desk. His white shirt tightening around his muscles as the end was tucked into his dress pants. He wore his hair up with gel and thick black frames around his eye. One hand was stuffed in his pocket while the other held a book. Namjoon was ready to start teaching his first-class about the library as he was extremely excited. 
Everyone knew there was a new faculty member in the building, but they didn’t exactly know what he looked like. It had been a while since this girl’s academy got someone knew. To hear that it was a male, the whispers started. They all seemed to stop when he stood in front of the class. 
“Hello, my name is Kim Namjoon,” he starts looking at the class filled with girls who were all over themselves over the new librarian. “It’s a pleasure to be your librarian this school year.” It was then that every single girl’s mission was to get under the sheets with the new hottie. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
This was your senior year, and all you wanted was to get the fuck out of there. You went to an all-girls academy simply because your parents didn’t want you to go to the public school just a few blocks from your house. So, you drove for half an hour to deal with girls who most of them thought they were better than everyone around. 
While your parents were hunters, you were a hunter in training. What does a hunter mean? A hunter is a person who hunts supernatural beings. Anywhere from demons to werewolves. You grew up most of your life traveling around the country, fighting monsters with your parents. When you got old enough, they settled down in a small town. 
Which was mostly filled with supernatural beings, but they weren’t harmful. Most of your friends didn’t believe that any of these things existed, and that was how you were going to keep it. But it was soon going to change once they found out that their librarian, was in fact, a werewolf. 
Mr.Kim Namjoon was the talk of the entire school. Every girl wanted to get with him and the friends he tagged along with. Namjoon was old enough to be someone’s brother, but most, if not all, the girls didn’t care. Instead, when he walked in on his first-class, every single phone was blowing up. Talking about how handsome in his tight shirt, he looked, how his ass was perky enough that they could stop staring, and everything else in between. 
Your friend Leana was all over that shit when it was happening. You were politely trying to stay away from such topics. You could tell Namjoon was a werewolf just by how he acted around other girls. On top of that, his pack couldn’t stay away from him. Meaning, he must have been the leader. Starting your senior year was just as crazy as when you started your freshman year. Only this time, it was filled with werewolves and stupid girls who drooled over them. 
You soon learned that the babies of his pack were just regular teens. Park Jimin was the eldest, Kim Taehyung, the middle, and Jeon Jungkook, the youngest. There were three others above him, as you heard from Leana, but you weren’t going to ask for names. Instead, you were simply listening through the grapevine. 
Park Jimin and Taehyung were around your age as Jungkook was just a little younger. You already knew Taehyung had mated because of how he acted on school campus. They mainly came when their classes were over and spent most of their time in the library. 
You kept an eye on them at all times, which brought some attention your way. Especially when Jimin found himself bouncing towards you one afternoon. Your head was stuck in one of your books your mother told you to read on. She was hunting ghouls with your father down in Florida and needed as much information as possible. 
“What’s a pretty lady like you doing here?” Park Jimin pipes giving a small grin. You glance up at him, noticing that the ring around his eyes wasn’t golden. Thank god, because if he lustful, you would probably have to stab him or something. 
“Reading about the supernatural.” You mumble flipping a page in your book. Jimin’s eyebrow furrowed for a second, curious as to why you were reading such a thing. You minded your own business as you continued to read. Taking notes down for your mother. 
“Don’t bother her, Jimin-ah,” Taehyung calls from the front desk, where Namjoon was scanning a few books. Your eyes crept over the spine to watch the interaction the two where having. Taehyung seemed just a little antsy being around this many girls. You could tell that he was itching to get out of here, considering that he already mated. He even looked down at his phone to see if his mate would text him or not. 
“You should shut up,” Jungkook pipes up, taking a bite of his cookie. 
“How many times have I told you not to eat in the library?” Namjoon jabs narrowing his eyes at the smaller one. Jungkook simply shrugs his shoulders and goes back to eating the rather large sweet. Jimin seemed unbothered by this all and turned his attention back towards you. 
“You know it’s not real, right?” he lies. This was the first time you were pleasantly surprised. You set your book down on your lap, eyes moving back towards his. You gave him a kind smile, one you’d typically wouldn’t give to people who bothered you. Even though your mother told you to never admit to anyone you were a hunter, you couldn’t pass this opportunity up.   
“Just like the fangs you pretend to hide aren’t real.” You muse, noticing his jaw drop. Namjoon’s head snapped almost immediately, and he found himself right in front of you. His eyes were dark, and his muscles tensed. Maybe you should have said something different if this was the reaction you were going to receive... 
Looking at him closely, you had to admit, Namjoon was pretty attractive for a werewolf. The way his body was tall and muscular, fluffy hair, and pale skin. His dark eyes and dimples stood out to you the most. But the idea he held himself now, kind of terrified you. You hadn’t been this close to a wolf in years, and frankly, you wanted to run as fast as you possibly could. Maybe if your mother were here, then you could feel slightly calmer, but this was just too much. 
“Mr.Kim,” You start clearing your throat as you sat there with as much confidence as you possibly could. 
“Ms.L/n,” he says, his jaw coming forwards. A small tick that he seemed to have when concentrating. 
“Is there something you need?” 
“How did you know?” 
“You know what I’m talking about.” he pauses to look around to see if anyone was paying them any attention. You took a deep breath in and then out as you were closing your book. You noticed all eyes were on you, and now you couldn’t run away from it. Then you reached down into your backpack and pulled out a knife your mother gave you. 
“I’m a hunter, okay?” You managed, slipping it back in. Then quickly stating without trying to cause any panic. “I’m not investing your pack. Jesus, I’m just trying to live a regular life while my parents go out and hunt. Unless you do something wrong, well, I’ll be the one to end you.” 
»»————- ★ ————-««
Months had passed since you learned that they werewolves. Or more so, confirming your already growing suspicion about them. You and Mr.Kim were playing roles like you never knew that the other could kill if need be. However, he seemed more protective around the three whenever they came to visit. That didn’t stop you from talking to them, or them talking to you. 
Namjoon was an overall caring guy. He mentioned dropped out of college when the boys were starting their junior year. Which meant he was just a little older than you, but you weren’t complaining. It wasn’t like he was dating you, so you were beautiful with his age. And even if you were dating, which again will never happen, you wouldn’t have a problem with it in the first place. 
You and Jimin became somewhat close to one another. You shared a lot of the same interest, and you joked around with Jungkook a lot. Especially after learning, he mated his best friend after being a heat like a cycle for almost a week. You were still curious as to what Seokjin’s reaction was to Taehyung and how he found his mate, but the others didn’t want to share. 
Even rule-abiding Namjoon wasn’t going to share what happened. Today, you were researching werewolves further as your parents were once again on a hunt. Thankfully, you had some wolves around you, so it was easy enough to ask for their help. Namjoon was the first to jump in since he knew the most, Jimin playing along as well. 
“Isn’t the full moon coming up?” You mentioned glancing at the four wolves around you. Namjoon was in the back, putting a few books away while the two youngest were glued to their phone. Jimin’s eyes perked at that small mention, and he waggled his brows in your direction. 
“What? You wanna become my mate Y/n?” he purrs a crooked smile seeming to grow out of thin air. 
“Seokjin would destroy you,” Namjoon mentioned without turning his back around. You were interested in what he was going on about, but you already assumed that mating a hunter wasn’t the best idea. 
“C’mon Joon, live a little,” Jimin mentioned shrugging his shoulders as he places his hands behind his back. You turned to look at your friend again, noticing that his eyes were darker than usual. Which could only mean that he was breaking the one rule you heard them talk about. Since the younger two had mates to help them through their time of need, it would be difficult for the others. 
Namjoon usually took a few days off when his time came. It seemed like he had found other ways to deal with it, while the others were craving human touch. At Jimin’s mention, Namjoon just shrugged his shoulders. He didn’t respond back to him, which left the curious cat purr in the back of your mind. You turned your attention back to the younger wolf, leaning forwards and asking, "What? He doesn’t go out often?” tilting your head a bit to the side. 
Jimin just shrugs his shoulders at your question. Namjoon tenses when you mentioned him, but he doesn’t do anything else. Instead, he simply minds his own business as he gets ready for tomorrow. It was the end of the week, and the full mon was starting to approach. You couldn’t remember if it was supposed to be tonight or the next night. 
“For as long as I’ve known Joonie,” he says, smiling at the little nickname. “I’ve never seen him have fun outside of the pack.” 
In reality, Namjoon had “fun.” For the most part, the pack usually didn’t notice it because they were enjoying one another. Outside of the pack, his life was pretty dull. He went to work every single day, hung out with some of his acquaintances, read a lot of books, and genuinely enjoyed your company. When the full moon came, Namjoon locked himself in his apartment and sweated the rut away. Jimin’s definition of fun was utterly different from Namjoon’s, and he wasn’t going to correct him. 
You noticed the small tint in his eye once again, and you didn’t say anything at all. Instead, you assumed that he was probably going to find a way to get through his own cycle. When you turned to look at the younger two, it seemed like they were already gone. Due to how jumpy they were from the beginning, you could only assume they both ran to their mates. 
Jimin started to tap away at the table before stretching and pushing his chair back. “I should probably start to get ready for tonight,” he mumbles, scratching the back of his head. You scrunched your brows together but didn’t ask him anything. Because Jimin brought a hand up to his mouth and shook his head. It seemed like he wasn’t going to answer whatever question was burning at the back of your mind. 
“Ah, let me finish up a few things, and I’ll take you home,” Namjoon mentions pushing a few of the books to the side and finally grabs a small jacket. He places it in the folds of his arms, then turns to look at you. “Well, Ms.L/n,” 
“Namjoon,” you said, pushing your chair out. “I’ve asked you to call me by my first name,” you said, shaking your head. 
“I apologize, but I’m simply trying to be a proper gentleman,” he answered, flashing you a smile. That’s when you knew, if you continued down this path, you wouldn’t make it out alive....or even single at best. The way his dimples showed, and his eyes creased, had your heart already pounding for him. 
“Proper my ass,” Jimin grumbles, then grunts when he yearns a huge thump to the back of his head. Jimin complains, rubbing the end of his head, then pushes the doors to the library open. You quickly follow after him, hiding your flushed face from the wolf you told yourself you weren’t going to fall for. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
Namjoon paces back and forth in his apartment. It had been two weeks, and it hasn’t passed at all. He still had to deal with Jimin and his dumbass idea to mark a vampire, while also trying to figure out what he was going to do with himself. None of his other tricks were working, and he couldn’t only find a female wolf to release himself into. 
He was only in his sweats, and his hair was all over the place. Some of it was sticking to the side as beads of sweat dripped down. His phone was already blowing up with text messages from the pack, trying to figure out where he was. He had to call in and make up some bullshit lie to get him some weeks off. He just started a new job, and this was the bullshit he was receiving only five months into working?! 
Namjoon growls low as he pushes some of his things off the counter. He slams his fist into the marble, cracking it just a little as he does so. These entire two weeks have been hell for him because your face kept popping up at random times. The fact that he was attracted to one of his students, who was just a little younger than him, and all he could think about was you, was completely insane. Namjoon could get fired if he tried anything with you, and hell, he didn’t want to be known as the librarian who fucked one of his students. 
But his wolf had other ideas. His wolf wanted to take you on all fours, with his hands wrapped around your neck. He wanted to see your face covered in his seed, your pretty voice begging for more. God, his wolf wanted to demolish you, and all Namjoon wanted was a healthy relationship with you. He didn’t want to make things awkward because he was two years older than you. Nor did he want to get fired from a job he worked hard on receiving. 
There was a faint knock at the door, and Namjoon could only think of Seokjin coming to check on him. He leans against the counter dragging his nails through his hair. Loudly, Namjoon calls out to Seokjin, telling him to go away. He didn’t want anyone to bother him because he was going to figure out what was going on. 
“Actually, it’s Y/n,” your voice came from behind the door. “Jimin kind of told me where you lived and said maybe I could help you...?” Namjoon’s head instantly popped up from where he stood. He turns around, glancing at the door and shaking his head. His wolf demanded that he opened the door and took what he was yearning for. 
“Since when does Jimin know what’s best for me?” Namjoon mumbles under his breath as he was pacing back and forth once again. “You know the repercussions here, right?” Namjoon questions as he wasn’t even considering opening that door. He didn’t know what was going to happen if he did or not. From in front of the door, you leaned against it. Then you placed a hand on the handle, groaning as you did so. 
“Of course I do,” you answered honestly. “I’m a senior in high school, and you just started working there. Hell, you’re two years older than me and could instantly get fired.” you continued licking your lips. “Plus, I’m a hunter, so that doesn’t mix well with being a wolf,” you added in laughing at that last part, but it was silent on the other end. 
So much for trying to lighten the mood Y/n. You rolled your eyes as the thought passed your mind. Namjoon had barely known you, and even if he did know anything about you, it was surface-level things. Yes, your small acquaintance turned into somewhat of a friendship, but you viewed him as the sweet librarian in your school. 
You were still a senior, and hell, he could lose his job. But, you wanted to help him more than anything. Honestly, it didn’t really excuse the fact that he was still an employee getting with you. Under the law, you were a legal adult. You could make decisions for yourself, but most people don’t consider that part. The school board certainly wouldn’t believe that part when discussing what to do with his job. 
What you didn’t expect was for Namjoon to move closer. You heard the unlocking of the apartment door, and you instantly moved back. You watched as he slowly opened the door, wholly shirtless and sweating. You noticed how golden his eyes were, due to how long it was going to be. You gulped hard, your cheeks flushing a bright red. 
“I don’t think you understand the full intensity of this Y/n,” he whispers, his knuckles turning bright white due to how hard he was grasping the doorknob. You noticed that if he held on any harder, then he could potentially break it. Maybe even - 
“You mean to tell me that you might mark me?” You ask, scrunching your eyebrows together as he didn’t say anything back. Just simply turned his head to the side and proceeded not to look in your direction. You watched with curiosity at how he held himself. Namjoon, a college drop out, your librarian, someone who seemed to have himself put together, was now acting like a teenage boy. You chuckled at the thought of it, but it was soon replaced but his harsh stare. 
Namjoon glanced back and forth, then reached out to take your hand. He moves you in, slams the door and presses his back against it. You looked at his body once again. Noticing with every small movement, some muscles twitched and moved as well. You had to admit, you were smitten entirely for this man. Or was it his body? 
Or was that your hormones speaking? You couldn’t really decide, considering you were in a trance. It seemed like Namjoon was doing a rather great job of holding himself together. You wanted to applaud him for working so hard. But then, you saw his eye twitching. You gulped, biting your lower lip, a habit in which you needed to grow out of as soon as possible. 
“Are you really just here to help me?” he questions again. You noticed that the gears were starting to turn, and you couldn’t help but nod your head. 
“Yeah, Jimin mentioned that you were in a heat like cycle. I figured maybe if -” you paused again then cleared your throat as you were getting your words together. “I know there’s a lot of risks that go into it, but if it helps you pass it then...I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try, right?” 
Namjoon looks back, wets his lips and walks over. He stands in front of you, his tall frame making you feel small. You took a sharp breath, watching as he leans down to cup your cheek in his palm. Without warning, he does the same to the other and pulls your face close. Kissing you with such a gentle touch, you almost forgot he was ----. 
When he pulled back, you were about to say something. However, you were out of breath and found yourself panting too much. Only for him to take you once again, this time losing any sort of control. Namjoon held your cheeks tight in his grasp, making sure you were close. Then one hand drops and presses itself the back of your waist. 
Pushing you as close as you could get. You didn’t know what to do with your hands, and where they landed, you were mortified with yourself. Right at the brim of his sweats as you curled the fabric in your fingers. Namjoon noticed this right away and pulled back. You couldn’t tell if his cheeks were flushed from the heat or if they were from the kiss. 
“What're your hands doing down there, Y/n?” he muses, bringing his head forward to rest against your forehead. 
“You just can’t wait, can you?” he questions, pushing his waist into your grasp. You wanted to say that it was an accident because clearly, you didn’t know what the hell you were doing. Instead, he simply took this and used it against you. Namjoon brings his hands down to yours, merely pressing them together. He then moves one of yours down in between his legs. 
You flushed at how hard he felt under the fabric. This was totally wrong in every sense, but you couldn’t help but feel like a rebel. The rational part of your brain was telling you to stop it, but the irrational part was screaming at you to continue. Then Jimin’s words rang from the other day “You should live a little.” 
“No, I can’t,” You boldly mention looking back up at Namjoon. At first, he was taken back by the confidence you showed, but it quickly faded. He leaned back, still pressing your hand against his cock. 
“Well, I’m sorry to say, but bad girls don’t get the sweet reward of my cock,” he mentions. Now, this was a surprise to you. Who knew Namjoon would have a daddy kink, considering how sweet and gentleman like he was at the academy. 
So you played along with it. “And what do bad girls get, daddy?” this earns a growl from Namjoon. His actions only furthered your point while you took a step back. You placed your hands behind your back and stood tall. Looking at him as you were waiting for his answer. 
“A spanking.” he snarls, reaching back out to grab you by your elbow. He drags you to the nearest piece of furniture. Proceeds to sit down, then swing you over his knee. Namjoon’s hand moved up the back of your calf and across your thigh. Bringing to the nape of your ass. There, he curls his fingers around the muscle, molding it and playing. 
Since you were wearing a skirt, it was much easier to gain access. When you least expected it, Namjoon smacked your ass. With the force of the hit, your body moved against his lap. Your nails raked into his sweats, trying to find something to grasp. 
What surprised both of you was the moan you let out. You more than anything else was taken back by how much you enjoyed this. Namjoon simply tucked that thought away and continued to smack your ass. With each hit, you felt his length twitch against your stomach. 
“T-ah!” You cried, not even getting the number out. Namjoon wanted you to count how many times he spanked you, and you were already messing it up. He had reached twenty, and it was like you forgot how to count. Your throat was already getting somewhat dry, between the moaning and the counting, as your ass felt like it was on fire. 
But the whole point of it all was that you were enjoying yourself. This wasn’t much of a punishment as it was a turn on. It made you want Namjoon more and more each time he smacked his hand against your ass. 
“I didn’t hear you, sweetheart,” he purrs, smacking you again. 
“Twenty!” You cried bowing your head as your hips subconsciously moved themselves up. Sticking your ass more in his line of vision. 
“What a pretty bitch we have here,” Namjoon purrs, smoothing his hand across your ass. “You come to my apartment, sweet and innocent,” pausing as he gives a light tap, which sent a small whimper escaping through your lips. “Only to turn out to be a complete and utter slut on the inside.” 
You could only nod in response since the words weren’t coming to you. Namjoon huffed at such, rolling you over, then set you up. He quickly maneuvers your body, spreading your legs, so they were pressed against his. While your now dripping core was pressing against his twitching dick. Namjoon places two large hands on your waist, his own starting to roll against you. 
The small friction was enough to send sparks throughout your body. He wasn’t even touching you directly in between your legs, and you were already moaning. ��I’d never thought I’d meet such a submissive bitch,” he muses, leaning inwards to press a small kiss on the nape of your neck. “I quite enjoy it.” 
“I..I do to daddy..” you whisper this earning you a nice smack to your ass. Once again, with the force of it, your body moves forward. Your hands were bracing the couch behind Namjoon as your chest press against his. He chuckles at your little accident and simply rubs your ass once more. 
His hips never do stop, even as he basically dry humps you. Your body bouncing up now, as his eyes were watching your breasts. Then, he grumbles a few sentences under his breath and rips your shirt open. You gasp, watching him easily tear through the fabric and yank your bra off afterward. He takes your breast in like he was an animal. No pun intended. 
His teeth rank against your nipple, then against your skin. He leaves large love bites all over as if there was no tomorrow. Namjoon took one breast in hand and locked eye contact with you. He was sucking on your nipple, rolling the hard nub around his tongue. 
Then give the same treatment to the other. He was heightening your senses more, watching you completely melt under his eye. When Namjoon pulls away, a string of saliva connected you two together. He swipes his tongue, disconnecting it and then moving to stand you up. 
“Can you do daddy a favor?” he questions, spreading his arms across the back of his couch. You were so stimulated the words instantly fell from your mouth. He grins, patting the side of your leg as he asks you to go into the kitchen. There, a bottle of lube would be hidden in one of the drawers. At first, you were beyond curious as to why he had a bottle of lube in his kitchen. 
But you weren’t going to question anything. Instead, you did as you were told and went straight into the kitchen. You started to panic as you realized he only spanked you and fondled with your breast. You weren’t at all prepared for him in any way, and you had no idea how huge he was going to be in the end. As you walked back, Namjoon still had his sweats on and was sitting in the position you left him. 
He told to hand over the lube, and you did so. You watched as he lathered his fingers up and set it down next to him. He pulled you in by the belt of your skirt, then moved his other hand in. After pushing your underwear to the side, Namjoon inserts two fingers inside. Your knees buckle at the feeling of his index and middle scissoring themselves inside. 
He fingers you like this, eventually moving his thumb up to press against your clit. Eyes still locked on yours as he was giving you as much pleasure as he wanted. You weren’t even close to your orgasm when Namjoon pulled his fingers out.
“H-Have I been good enough yet, daddy?” Your question, your hands coming down to your skirt and unzipping at the side. You didn’t want him to wreck this piece, because you didn’t know what you would go home in. Namjoon watches you strip for him, and his mouth gaped slightly. 
Since it seemed like he was out of commission, you decided to throw something his way. You got down on your knees, spread his legs, and reached inwards. There, you took the hem of his sweats and pulled them down. Namjoon wasn’t wearing anything underneath, so when you saw his length, you gasp. He was large, thick, and his tip angry red. 
You licked your lips slowly, noting that beads of precum streamed down the sides. Namjoon was still in a state of shock when you lean in and grasp him. He groaned at the touch, then seemingly snapping out of it reached forwards to grab your hair. He stopped you, shaking his head and then removing your hand. You sat back on your knees, watching him grab the bottle. 
In a few seconds, you were sitting on his lap again. Namjoon’s hands gripped your waist tightly, then looked back up at you. “There’s no going back, sweetheart,” he says, watching you closely as you glanced in between his cock and his gaze. 
Not another word came from your mouth because you were already lifting yourself off his lap. Then position yourself, so you were hovering right above him. Namjooned reaches in between your bodies, nods his head and watches you lower yourself. 
It didn’t hurt as much as you thought it would. Maybe it was because of the amount of lube he used on you, but whatever it was, you felt like you were in heaven. The way his length stretched your walls, his thickness filling you to the brim. “Daddy,” you mewled, placing your hands on his shoulders. 
“Fuck,” he says in response, then smacks your ass. It was your cue to start moving, even as you were slowly adjusting yourself. Your body bounces against his, this new sensation you’d never felt before. Namjoon helps you by holding your waist tightly, moving you along with his own hip thrusts. 
Namjoon moves his head in, planting open-mouthed kisses along your skin. He digs his nails into your waist, the pain of it, causing you to moan louder. You reach in between, your fingers moving slowly against your clit. Namjoon noticed, however, he wasn’t going to do anything about it. Instead, he wanted you to experience the long drawn out orgasm. 
Because Namjoon was too sensitive and you were overstimulated, you both felt your ends starting to creep up on you. This caused Namjoon to flip you over onto the couch and plant his hands on either side. He digs his nails into your waist, pushing you back against him as his thrusts became harder and faster. He was fucking you into the couch as the animal inside took over. 
Making sure he was hitting your sensitive nerve endings over and over again. This brought your moans into cries as you were praising him with every bit of sound. Your fingers move quickly as you could feel your own end getting closer and closer. You closed your eyes, allowing your body to ride the wave, that was until a sharp pain erupted. 
What Namjoon didn’t realize was he took one of your breasts in hand. Moving it up to his mouth as his canines sunk deep into your flesh. Breaking the first layer and ultimately marking you. In doing so, your orgasm hit you like a wave as you felt your walls clenching around him. 
Then you felt his seed erupt inside. Filling your core to the brim with his essence as he held his grip on your breast. You panted harshly, watching as Namjoon pulls away from you, blinks a few times, and then pulls himself out. 
“Shit shit shit,” he grumbles, scurrying to grab his sweats as he was now back to his senses. You lay down, chest still rising and falling, but processing everything. You did not just have sex with your librarian, who marked and came inside you, did you? 
“I’m on birth control..” you start rolling yourself over and glancing at the tattered fabric you called your favorite shirt. “I think I’m more worried about you marking me than anything else.” 
“Yeah, me too.” Namjoon answers glancing back in your direction. You looked down before glancing upwards. Only to notice that he was still rock hard, and his eyes were still golden. This piqued your interest as you were sexually interested in everything he had to offer. 
“Maybe we can discuss that after you fuck me again alpha,” you purr positioning yourself in an erotic pose. Namjoon stops his pacing and glances at you once more. His eyes go straight for the mark on your right breast, then to your ass. He gulps as now his instincts were taking over. Namjoon was drawn to you, everything about you. 
He walks over, bending down, so he was eye level. Then proceeds to say, “I don’t really like the term alpha. It doesn’t suit me,” smirking as he finishes. “You know what to call me, sweetheart.” 
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v-hope · 5 years
Someone speaks badly about you on a show
—and they defend you, ofc.
Pairings: OT7 x Reader
Genre: I guess fluff for default, angst
Request by @ally22042000: "Hey, I saw that request for reactions are open. Can I have one with the boys ( just Yoongi and JK if all of them are to much), where they are at an award show or interview or something like that and someone talks disrespectfull about the reader? Thx so much💜 and have a nice day."
A/N: I hope this is what you had in mind, I enjoyed writing these 💕 Also, you're an idol in a couple of them and in the rest you're not. I hope you like it!
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Kim Seokjin
Your boyfriend absolutely lived for whenever he got asked to be an MC at award shows.
So, naturally, he was very hyped up once he was handed his lines and had to go up on stage with two other idols – one of them being his good friend of many years, and the other one being a new artist who had debuted last year.
It was simple. Read the cards. Just read the goddamn paper notes you had been given and that was it. But, apparently, the idol by his side was way too new to this whole thing, for instead of reading what he had been handed to, he fixed his eyes on Jin to his side.
"Thank God I got to be with the fun one of your relationship".
Seokjin's eyes went to lock with his out of instinct, having not really processed what had just happened yet.
"The fun one?" his eyebrows furrowed.
"Yeah" the idol nodded his head. "Y/N would've made this so boring".
Jin glanced for a brief second to his friend, as if to verify he had heard just the same and his mind wasn't making it up – his awkward expression itself doing that for him.
Nonetheless, as much as he wanted to snap at him, he decided to be the better one, maybe just because he knew he was still live and didn't want to make a scene right in front of everyone.
That didn't stop him from putting him in his place though.
"Then you clearly haven't had the pleasure to meet her and witness her high class humour" Jin spoke into the camera, later placing his eyes on his friend. "Don't you think, hyung-nim?"
"I have never laughed harder than with her, Seokjin-ssi" he replied immediately.
And then out of nowhere, Jin dug his hand in his pocket, throwing multiple heart shaped red papers that had everyone screaming in a second. "Love you, baby. Don't let anyone tell you you're not funny".
What's the saying? Kill 'em with kindness? Well, Seokjin had just slayed that poor guy's soul.
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Min Yoongi
"Hey, it's BTS!" the MC greeted cheerfully once the seven guys came on the shot.
One by one, they went up to her to give her a quick hug before they took their place standing next to her.
Up until then, everything was fine, and maybe things would've remained that way if she had just said nothing after Yoongi hugged her. Instead, she laughed, catching him off guard.
"At least you are polite" she shook her head in amusement.
Yoongi pouted naturally because of his confusion. "Who of us hasn't been polite?"
"Oh, no. Not you" she shook her head one more time, only to clarify: "Your girlfriend".
"Y/N-ssi?" Hobi was the one to ask on his hyung's behalf, being just as puzzled as everyone else by that statement.
At the nod of confirmation coming from the MC, Yoongi brought the microphone up to his lips. "But you've never even met her, where'd you get that from?"
"The video of her not even looking at the paps taking pictures... when you were at the airport the other day".
Yoongi's hold on the mic tightened, suddenly becoming protective of you. "So just because she's a private person she's impolite?"
"She didn't even acknowledge your fans. Come on, that was just very–"
"She's not an idol" he cut her off. "She doesn't have to put up with all of this, especially when she's not comfortable with all the attention".
"She should've known this would happen when she decided to date you".
"Guys…" Namjoon tried to stop both of them from arguing any further, for they had apparently forgotten they were still live.
But Yoongi was already done, slightly shaking his head before he put an end to it for once and for all: "She's given up enough for me already, I'm not asking her to be all bubbly around paps or our fans when she clearly isn't comfortable with it. If that's impolite to you then go off, I guess, but I'm the one dating her and I know better".
On to the next topic now.
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Jung Hoseok
"Hoseok!" the girl interviewing them read effusively on her phone.
They had been interviewed person by person that day, since a few influencers had gotten the chance to record short clips with BTS to upload to their social media. This one, so far, had been one of their favourites, for its dynamics consisted in nothing but the young woman going through her Twitter reading fan questions or just letting them know about cute comments they had made.
However, that was soon to change when she caught Hobi's attention, continuing: "I loved you in the concert last week, I got to meet Y/N and she was the cu– oh, irrelevant much?" she mumbled with a small, breathy laugh, before dismissing the topic and scrolling down in search of another tweet.
Hoseok's eyebrows knitted together. "Wha–"
"Oh, here's a good one" she smiled as if nothing had happened, as if she had not heard him; having the seven men exchange uncomfortable glances. "Jimin, you and your girlfriend are such couple goals, I can't w–"
"Um…" Hoseok cut her off, stealing a quick glance to Jimin, who looked just as out of it, before his eyes fell back on the girl's. "How come Jimin's girlfriend is worth talking of and mine isn't?"
"She's an idol" she answered as if it was evident.
His jaw tightened. "So people are only worthy when they're famous now?"
"Well, no..." she uselessly tried to fix it.
"Then I believe you should respect her enough not to call her irrelevant or skip comments at the mention of her".
"But there's nothing interesting about Y/N anyway, so…"
That was all Hobi needed to turn his head to look at his members before he shook his head in defeat. "We're done here, guys. I'm not listening to any more of this nonsense".
Neither were they, which is why they were all soon to follow your boyfriend out of there.
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Kim Namjoon
"So, Namjoon-ah" the entertainer's eyes focused on him, "I watched a few pictures of you at your girlfriend's graduation the other day" he smiled. "You guys looked so cute!"
A big smile spread over Joon's lips, recalling the pride he had felt that day because of you, being the happiest to have been able to be there for you.
"Aw, thank you" he said truthfully, his dimples making their appearance. "I'm really proud of her".
"You are?" the man asked.
Now, there were two ways to say those words. One with a genuinely intrigued tone, and one that was looking to offend. In this case, given not only his tone but also the way his eyebrows had raised in impression, it had been clear to everyone present that his intention had been the latter.
"I am" he stated simply, hoping that would be as much as the host would say about the topic before he moved on to the next one.
It was not.
"Don't you ever wish you were with someone more successful though?"
Namjoon's jaw tightened visibly, his eyes turning colder. "What does that even mean?"
"I'm just saying, you're Kim Namjoon" the man shifted on his seat. "Worldwide known idol, producer, rapper… whereas she's just… ordinary".
The way he had said that last word made it seem like being like that was the worst of things, and Namjoon did not like it one bit.
"Her achievements are just as important as mine" he was fast to talk in your defence. "Just because she isn't a part of the idol industry doesn't mean her dreams and passions are any less worthy of recognition than mine".
That alone had the interviewer apologising in a second, realising then how bad he had messed up. Because, in all honesty, Namjoon couldn't really care any less about you being famous or not – he would always be proud of you and your achievements no matter what.
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Park Jimin
"Ah, Park Jimin!" the host exclaimed after a picture of you had popped up on the screen in between them. "You really got lucky with this one, didn't you?"
That sure did bring a bright smile to his lips, for he absolutely lived for these moments, when people acknowledged how beautiful you were.
Nonetheless, that smile of his was soon erased when the same guy added: "You should control her more, though".
With that and a frown adorning your boyfriend's face, the picture previously displaying on the screen was gone and replaced with one of you in a night dress from two days ago instead.
"Control her more?" Jimin asked through gritted teeth.
"Yeah" he nodded his head. "She has a boyfriend now, she can't go around looking that hot, it might get the wrong attention".
Now, Jimin himself hadn't really liked it when you went out dressed like that, but he was your boyfriend, so he did have some kind of right to feel a little jealous of other guys thirsting over his girlfriend when she was out alone with her friends, didn't he?
This guy, however? Neither what he said was appropriate on so many levels, nor did he have the right to talk about you and your outfit like that.
"I think you should think before you speak and induce people to have unhealthy relationships" your boyfriend spoke in a low, calm voice.
Controlling you? What kind of bullshit was that?
"Come on now, I was joking" the man brushed it off with a laugh, and a very nervous one at that.
"Were you really?" Jimin raised one of his eyebrows, not believing a word. "Even if you were" he went on before the guy could open his mouth to reply, "you should maybe reflect on yourself and, instead of telling me how to treat my girlfriend because of how provocative she looks, think of why you, a guy who's over his forties, thinks that way of someone who could easily be his daughter".
He had not been rude. He had not raised his voice. Yet he did somehow manage to look so fucking scary to the man in front.
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Kim Taehyung
"Y/N?" the interviewer asked in disbelief, only to scoff after receiving a nod of confirmation from Tae. "Of course she'd end up with one of you guys".
Not only did Taehyung's eyebrows furrow in that moment, but so did everyone else's – his members exchanging dumbfounded looks as your boyfriend looked to the guy in front dead in the eye.
"One of us?"
"Mhm" the guy replied simply. "She always seems to be with whoever is the most famous at the moment, so..." he shrugged.
"She's only been with other two people?" Taehyung raised one of his eyebrows.
"Who just so happened to be the moment's sensation" he reminded him. "And now she's with you".
"You can't help who you fall for" your boyfriend's stare became colder by the second.
"She's just going to break things off with you as soon as your moment of fame passes".
That was it.
"Okay, no" his voice came out like pure venom. "If she broke up with them, it's merely because they were both complete assholes to her".
"Taehyung…" Namjoon discreetly squeezed his wrist from his side.
"No, hyung" he shook his head before fixing his enraged eyes back on the interviewer. "She's the sweetest person there is, it's not her fault us guys fall for her. And it's not her fault either to have dated guys who don't deserve her. She did well to dump them, and I know she won't leave me just because of my fame's status".
And then, as everyone in the room remained silent, being absolutely perplexed by such situation, he shook his head in disappointment once again at the sight of the guy's desperate attempt to come up with something else to say.
"You know" he beat him to it, "for such an overrated interviewer, you are so goddamn misinformed".
Good thing this would get bleeped out by the editors later, that if they ever wanted this to air at all.
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Jeon Jeongguk
"It's been a while since we last were together, hasn't it?" the host spoke after they had all sat down on the sofa placed in front of her. "A lot has happened since then…" a cheeky grin curved up her lips when her eyes fell on Jeongguk, "like the maknae finally getting himself a girlfriend?"
A shy bunny smile didn't wait to part Guk's lips, meanwhile his six hyungs started being chaotic like they, by this point, always were.
"He did" Namjoon was the one to answer for him, fondly patting his shoulder.
"Well, congratulations! It was about time you got someone" the woman said with a smile. "Though I must admit I never thought I'd see you with someone like her".
Your boyfriend's previous smile was replaced by slightly parted lips. "Someone like her?"
"I mean" the woman tried to get her point across, "you've said multiple times that IU is your ideal type, and Y/N's just…" she scrunched her nose in a displeased manner, "she's not exactly…"
Oh, no. There was no way in hell Jeongguk was letting her finish that sentence; the idea itself making him mad. That was the reason his shy side was long gone, being replaced by his protective one instead, which had quickly taken over him.
"She's stunning" Guk spoke in a low, determined voice. "IU is just a celebrity crush. Y/N's the woman I am in love with" he established without hesitation. "I really don't understand why you're bringing this up".
Although taken aback by Jeongguk's sudden way with his words, not having expected such outburst coming from the quietest member when it came to interviews, the woman went on:
"I'm just sayin–"
"No" Guk cut her off, shaking his head hastily, "you have nothing to say about my preferences, you don't get a say on us".
End of conversation.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
I bet you probably got this ask before but what about a scenario where kin brings her boyfriend to meet her parents and brother for the first time?
Im gonna make Kai suffer. Is Kin's destiny to be with someone just as equal as Kai 🤣 (poor baby)
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"Birdy?" You called, snickering at his eye twitch whiel he let go of his papers.
"I thought this nickname was dead woman." He sighed in irritation while standing up with a huff.
"Sorry. Never gets old seing that expression of yours" you giggled before whinjng at his pinch on both of your cheeks "Fine fine! I take it back! I take it back!"
He scoffed while letting go of your cheeks, smirking a bit at the way you whined and rubbed then with a pout.
"Spill it out. You cane here for something, right?" He asked sarcastically while crossing his arms and staring you down.
"Yeah, I did." You stopped rubbing on your cheek and looked up at him "Forst you have to promise that you're not going to freak out okay?"
"Who do you take me for?" He asked in irritation while lifting one of his eyebrows up.
"Just promise. Please." You pleaded and he only rolled his eyes at your qords, but still hesitantly followed them. "Ok. Kai, our daughter is with 15..."
"No shit. I thought she had one year." You deadpanned at his monotonous sarcastic comment before you frowned and piked your tongue out at him.
"Anyway smartass." He pinched your waist for that, makimg you yelp but shortly after continue the topic "She was... interested on someone lasy year and he sounds like a good bo-"
You already let out a hopeless sign at seing his muscles tensed and his glove was already gone while his eyes narrowed dangerously.
"Anyway, she has a boyfriend now sweety."
Silence. You absolutely hated it when he got silent. It showed you the absolute storm that was passing through his brain, and you could see the hints of it by seing the hives appearing on his face and the way his eyes seemed to emit flames of rage.
"Kai.. you promised you were not-"
"Who and where is that kid?" He growled, making even you shiver a bit.
"Kai what the hell you're planning to do?" You asked a biit hesitantly, already praying for the poor soul and your daughter when you heard his answer.
"I just want to talk."
"Sure! He even accepted it!" Your daughter answered while showing her phone, the boy had simply writed a 'K, will be here in a couple of minutes'
You made a worried face while your daughter laughed a bit.
"Geez mom relax! Is not like dad is going to kill him!"
"... do you even know your father?" Kin just simply snickered and got up from her caahir to walk along sides you.
"Mom, chill! Trust me, I got a lot of tastes from you, besides... I thinki it will be fun if dad tasted his own venom for once?" You arched a eyebrow at the way ger golden eyes shined a bit but the devilish smirk was still there.
"What do you mean by that missy?" She merely looked at you and shrugged her shoulders with a smile, greeting with a sweet wave at Mimic passing through.
Oh god, if mimic discovered this you were having TWO killing machines.
For your luck at least your older son was with his girlfriend on somewhere else...
Although when you saw Kin getting smiley and giddly at seing at THAT boy getting out of the car, you looked at her in astonishment and let out a laugh along with her.
The boy had raven hair with the undercut style, had one blue eye while the other was brow as the wood of a tree and by god that stoic face he carried was equivalent to your husband and your sons!. He was wearing the typical black jacket and some boots with jeans as he got out of the the passenger seat, smilling for a fraction of seconds at seing Kin greeting him.
"Ya are the girl's mom miss?" The man ridding the car asked with a cigarate on his mouth, the boy already glared daggers at him.
"Sure am." You giggled while getting closer "Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?"
"No one in special, just that midget's older brother. Wanted to see that cutie of his. Got a good fabric huh?"
"Shut your damn mouth pig." The boy spoked blantly while Kin hushed him a bit.
Oh fuck that was so nostalgic and gave you so many memories of you and Kai your heart did flips.
"I take it ya from the yakusa? Badass as hell since you don't look like the type, but i respect your husband." The man took the cigarette out of his mouth to threw in a nearby trash can "Im going to pick that shrimp later, if he does something wrong I will beat him up."
"P-Please dont do that." You smiled in worry while the man let out a laughter and got out without any words left.
"Mom, this is Naoko. The one I've been gushing about it!" She smiled while the boy scoffed, his skin dusting with the pink blush.
"Apologies for that fucker Daisou. He has no fucking manners." He stoicly said after without a care, widening a bit his eyes when you let out a laugh at his boldness.
Oh god this was going to be so fun.
"Is a pleasure meeting the boy that has got my daughter's attention and love sweety." You bowed before holding his hand, which btw were covered in bruised what the hell child? And gave hin one of your warmest smiles.
"Ny name is Chisaki (Y/n). Call me whatever you feel confortable okay? Welcome to the Shie Hassaikai."
Kin stiffled her giggle at the way Naoko's eyes widened in surprise before he muffled a cough behing one of his bandages fists, muttering a 'thanks' in return.
You were walking a bit until you giggled at the boy's gruff whisper to his girlfriend.
"So is from her that you got all that lovey dovey shit type?"
Yep. This was going to be fun.
Kai and Naoko immediately changed threating glares at each other the moment the boy placed his boots at side and looked at the older man face.
"My dad, Chisaki Kai. Dad, Naoko." Kin got between the two, showing with her hand at both of them.
Both only nodded and continued their glares exchange... until you just interrupted with a offer of tea for the guest.
Naoko's gasp got stucked on his throat before he brought a hand to rub the back of his head.
"Is not necessary mrs. But th-"
"Normally is considered rudeness refusing such a offer." Chisaki's eyes narrowed at the raven haired boy "Got no manners?"
"More less." He sighed in irritation before placing his hand on his pocket before glaring uo at him again "Guess we are on the same boat."
Kai's eye twitched a bit at that and his glove was already gone while he tried to not lose his temper.
Luckily for that midget his wife carresed a bit his back doscretly making him calm down. Pure fucking luck.
"I heard you are quite a troublesome young man Naoko." You cooed while handing him a cup "My daughter said you beated up someone just last week."
"Quite a example for you Kin. Im shocked that your choices were so poorly." Kjn glared at her father while Naoko merely scoffed and stared back at you, a hint of gratitude on his stoic different color eyes.
"Sure. Little shits wouldn't stop bitching about Kin not having a fucking quirk so I beated their asses." He said nonchantly before sipping on his cup.
Chisaki's eyebrow lifted up a bit, both disgust at his poor vocabulary but soon interested on why exactly he beated those kids.
"Kin, I thiught that whenever thise things happened you need to come talk with me and your mother or even Chrono and Mimic." Jai muttered at her while she shrugged.
"I didn't told anyone. Wasn't going to waste mh or others time with a bunch of filth." Naoko znickered at that, still with his lips touching the cup.
Chisaki merely sighed and thanked you through his gaze for giving him a cup of tea and for sitting next to him.
"Your actions remind me of someone I know very well Naoko." You said sweetly, giggling a bit at the way Chisaki glared at you.
Dont compare him with a brat.
"Sure." The boy replied while putting his cup on the coffe table "But I gotta tell. Kin still can kick some ass."
"Vocabulary is quite poor of yours." Chisaki spoked with a eyebrow lifted up while Naoko did the exact same thing.
"My way of speaking. Is just like that, not going to change either." He sighed before looking at Kin with a glare "Little shit beated me up on a match when I met her."
Kin laughed while Kai's jaw tighten in hate at the way Naoko called his daughter.
"Match? Does the school still does that?" You asked, remembering at all teh times you got called to "control your son" because whenever those happened your Kaito always sended one or three to the infirmary.
"Shitty teachers say is because we have to improve our quirks, and told me to go easy on her... although I wasn't going to go easy, this brat knocked me out." He stated simply, smirling at Kin's laugh.
"You were distracted! Is not my fault." She sayed in protest.
"I see that thise training were worth it for something." Kai sighed before glaring at Naoko "So you do have a quirk?" He asked, disgust completely visible on his voice.
"A shitty one, but yeah." He smirked at Kin, more love showed in his eyes "But at least is useful for something."
"He can summon whatever weapon he wants in just one snap of fingers! Kin sayed in enthusiasm "It last for at least fifteen minutes, but is so cool!"
"Is not much, stop gushing about me in front of your parents idiot." She smirked at him before he messed with her dark brow hair affectionately.
You and Kin were just gone for a few minutes, she went to talk to you and gush even more about her boyfriend; leaving both man staring at each other.
Chisaki had to admit that this brat was a brave soul, because he didn't even once flinched at his glares or even got scared or sad from his comments.
"Spill it out. What do you think of daughter?" He growled threateningly, Naoko simply stared at him for a few minutes before the kid closed his hands together with a sigh, laying his elbows on his legs as he lowered his head for the first time that day.
"She is just too good for this world." He sighed a bit as he glared at the coofe table "She gets so fucking teased and bullied for being from here, yet she doesn't mistreat anyone on that cursed place..."
He arched one of his eyebrows... Kin indeed was a oure soul that it was even difficult to believe that she was his daughter...
"Not only that but I came from a shitty family as well. Yet she didn't even looked down at me once, despite her status and all of that shit. Kindness... is something rare in this god for saken world."
He was having fucking chills of his own past and didn't liked that one bit. But he still kept his posture and continued with his judgmental stare at the boy.
"She is just..." he let out a bitter chuckle "Too fucking pure for this world..." he looked up at Chisaki with narrowing blue and brow eyes "I want to protect her and make her happy, and honestly I could give two rat ass about you not accepting me or whatever shit. But I want to make your daughter happy and safe... and I have a feeling that you did the same with your wife somehow."
He made a amusement face before sogji g and crossing his arms, looking at the direction of where his daughter went along with his wife.
"My wife is the purest thing in this world. She is not sick like many I came to know of..." he looked at Naoko "If you wish to protect and make my daughter happy, then I womt stop you... But-" his eyes went murderous as his voice lowered "Dare. Even dare to make one single tear fall from her eyes, that i will give you a punishment equivalent to what we do here with traitors of the yakusa."
"Trust me, if I ever make her cry I will come here asking for you to beat me up."
Chisaki couldn't help but smirk underneath his mask after that.
"I still dont trust you. But my daughter seems to enjoy your presence, so I will tolerate. But change your vocabulary, is disgusting."
"Only by my fucking dead cold body."
Ok this kid is surely going to get on his nerves a lot.
Kin made a happy squeal as she looked at the scene discretly with you.
"He let it mom! My Naoko is the best!"
"Sure. You passed the big boss my bee. But now you got to have lucky with both of your brothers and Iri aka remember?"
Her face fell into a stoic one before looking at you with a face equivalent to her father
"Way to ruin the moment mom." You snickered before she chuckled along.
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cake-writes · 5 years
Six (3/6)
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Chapter Warnings: Angst, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Bucky), Eating Disorder (Reader), Fluff, Slow Burn, 18+
Summary: Bucky knew that there were more important things for him to worry about. Of course he did. He still had to work through the horrors of his past, never mind his present, which was the exact reason why he honed right in on your petty bullshit. You distracted him from the things he didn’t want to think about. You also drove him up a fucking wall.
Part Two / Master List
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The work week continued to drag on, and predictably, Steve didn’t give you any extra time off no matter how much you wished for it. On top of that, you had to make up your time from Tuesday, but that was fine. You finally had something to keep your thoughts occupied. In between the emails and filing, you started to wonder what Bucky’s ulterior motive was. He wouldn’t have just bought you something for no reason, would he? He couldn’t stand you, just like you couldn’t stand him.
Deep down, you knew that was a lie. He was starting to grow on you. He’d remembered – and even though you made him take the truffles back, he didn’t seem offended by it at all. He just wanted to know why. It may have been his version of an olive branch, just like breakfast had been yours.
And, well, you knew him. As much as the two of you didn’t get along, you knew that he was an honest person. He’d always been honest, maybe to a fault sometimes. You used to hate that about him, but now… now you kind of didn’t.
It was sweet.
He was sweet.
At least, that was what you thought until dinner on Thursday night. Around the table sat Sam, Bucky, and Natasha; everyone else was on a mission and for that, you were grateful. Fewer eyes meant less of a chance that someone would notice you weren’t eating.
Conversation was light and breezy, what with the boys discussing the mission they’d just returned from a couple of days prior. Normally you would have been interested, but you didn’t want to know anything about it because you were still stuck on desk duty. You already felt pretty useless as it was, and hearing about the mess they’d found themselves in made you feel even worse. If Dr. Cho wasn’t so stubborn, you could have been there. You could have helped.
Resting your chin on your hand, you pushed around the food on your plate but made no attempt to eat it. Sam had made his mother’s famous meatloaf, which was delicious enough for, well, meatloaf. You had a bite here and there to appease your cramping stomach, but you couldn’t make yourself eat more than that even though you desperately needed to.
Then a foot gently nudged yours under the table, and you glanced up to find Bucky looking at you with his head tilted just slightly to the side, concern evident on his face as he whispered, “You’re still not eating?”
You immediately bristled at the sensitive topic, unable to keep the bite out of your tone when you quietly responded, “I’m not hungry.”
The last thing you needed was for anyone else to pick up on your fucked-up eating habits. The fact that Bucky already had was bad enough, and, quite frankly, it was irritating that he was still getting on your case about it. You couldn’t even have a glass of juice without him asking questions, let alone a meal.
“Not a dinner person either, then?”
His question was innocent enough, but you bristled anyway. He just wouldn’t leave it alone. You loudly dropped your fork onto your plate, metal clattering against china right before you shoved your chair back from the table. “I said I’m not hungry.”
Another day, another argument. Nothing had changed at all.
“I think I’m gonna take that as an insult,” Sam teased in a clear attempt to diffuse the situation, nodding to your full plate.
You knew that he was just joking, but the smile you offered him was tight-lipped and tense. “It’s good, Sam. I’m just not hungry anymore, thanks to someone.”
Then you shot Bucky another look, clearly blaming your lack of appetite on him. It wasn’t his fault, and you knew that, but you needed an excuse – needed someone to blame because you felt guilty for wasting Sam’s efforts. It wasn’t often that any of you had a nice home-cooked meal. With everyone’s weird hours and all the last-minute missions, takeout was far more common around the compound.
Unsurprisingly, your accusation set Bucky off. “What the hell did I do? I just asked—”
“I know what you asked,” you interrupted, crossing your arms. “Take a hint, Barnes. Stop asking.”
“How can I?” He pulled himself to his feet, too, blue eyes heated on yours. “You look even worse now than when you passed out, and you think I’m just gonna ignore that?”
“You passed out?” Natasha asked, brows raised, looking over from Bucky to you. “When?”
You grit your teeth. “A week ago. I’m fine.”
“Bullshit, you’re fine.” Bucky came around to your side of the table, then, but you somehow stood your ground despite his barrage of questions. “Why aren’t you back in the field? Come on, sweetheart, tell me. Why are you still on desk duty? Medical haven’t cleared you yet, have they?”
Why hadn’t you ever noticed how tall he was until now?
“That’s none of your fucking business,” you spat, feeling your face flush – but whether it was from anger or embarrassment, you weren’t sure.
Even you could hear the frustration in his voice when he spoke again, “Sure it is. You make me breakfast one day, scream at me the next, and now you wanna blame me for whatever’s goin’ on in that pretty little head of yours. The hell’s your problem?”
You always knew when you managed to rile him up because his accent came out – and sure enough, there it was. You used to get some sick sort of pleasure out of it, because once upon a time you enjoyed pissing him off. Not now, you didn’t. Now, it bothered you to know that you had, and what’s worse was that you hated feeling this way.
This was Bucky Barnes. Your enemy. The one person you absolutely could not stand.
Those annoying thoughts were what prompted you to shove him hard in the shoulder, hissing, “You’re my problem!”
“Okay, okay, let’s all calm down,” Sam smoothly intervened, stepping between the two of you just like he’d done so many times in the past. Natasha was behind you, too, ready to step in if required. They’d broken up your arguments so many times, you’d long lost count.
You and Bucky glared at each other for another moment or two before you turned heel and stormed out of the room, bitter and angry and on the verge of tears. He just wouldn’t let it go.
He never let it go.
When you started up the stairs, a sob escaped you – one that only Bucky could hear.
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He found you a little while later on the rooftop.
That was where you usually went to cool down after a fight, a fact that Bucky only knew because he liked to go there, too. The fresh air calmed him, made him feel a little more grounded. In contrast, the starry sky was a gentle reminder that he was just a drop in the ocean in the grand scheme of things.
This, too, would pass, just like everything else.
Even in the moonlight, he could see that your eyes were still red-rimmed from crying. That was the exact reason he came up here tonight. The last time he made you cry, he never really had a chance to apologize. No, that was a lie. He had plenty of chances, but he chose not to, and as a result he’d nearly gotten you killed.
Not this time.
What surprised him was that he found you journaling. He’d never thought of you as an introspective person, because he’d always been too focused on what was on the surface: shallow, self-serving behaviour that drove him up a wall. It still did, but in recent days he’d started to believe otherwise. Sometimes you were tolerable, maybe even kind.
Judging by the hasty scribbling of your pen right now, though, you were still angry. That wasn’t a surprise.
After a quiet few moments, you stopped writing. “What do you want?”
The way Bucky approached you was hesitant, almost reluctant. He didn’t know what to say. Food was clearly a sensitive topic for you, a theory he’d tested tonight at dinner. Whenever the two of you argued in recent days, it was always about food – or the lack thereof, and when he really thought about it, he hadn’t seen you eat a full meal in weeks.
“I didn’t mean to upset you,” was what he finally settled on. It was the truth.
At that, you glanced up from your journal and studied him for a second or two. He might have found it unnerving, had he not been so blindsided by the look on your face – complete exhaustion, like you were tired of fighting.
He was too. Six months of it was more than enough.
Then you turned back to your journal. The act was dismissive, almost, but your tone was entirely too quiet, too honest for a dismissal. “Well, you did.”  
Bucky knew he did. The difference was that you weren’t usually this honest with him about it. He certainly wasn’t proud of the way he reacted to your stupid accusation. Personal attacks weren’t his style, but he’d gone right for the jugular about your desk duty. He knew that it would be a sore spot because of how much you enjoyed field work, and he went there anyway.
“I’m sorry,” he acquiesced, and he meant it.
Even still, he was concerned for your welfare. Your reaction tonight told him everything he needed to know: that Dr. Cho really hadn’t signed off on your return to the field. Bucky had a sneaking suspicion that it had something to do with the fact that you weren’t eating, not that it was any of his business because you were right; it wasn’t.
“Do you want to know why I didn’t want those truffles?” you asked suddenly, focusing not on him but on your pen as you rolled it back and forth in between your fingertips. He’d noticed a long time ago that you had a tendency to fidget with things when you were nervous.
Why were you nervous?
“If you want to tell me,” he responded carefully.
Chewing on your lower lip, you pat the spot next to you on the blanket: an invitation to sit.
Bucky swallowed thickly as he took a seat beside you, doing his best to ignore the sound of his heartbeat in his ears. Not only had he never seen you quite like this, but it felt strangely intimate to enter your space like this. The two of you weren’t friends, but you wanted him to join you anyway.
The strangest thing was that he didn’t mind at all.
You sat in silence for a little while, drumming your fingers on the hard cover of your journal – and then you leaned back on your hands to peer up at the starry sky. “Hey, have you ever heard the term ‘eating disorder’?”
A simple, “No,” was his reply. That was the truth, too.
The small, wistful smile you offered him made his heart ache.
“Makes sense. If I was around in the 40’s, I’d probably be in an asylum,” you told him, before you snorted derisively, like that was meant to be a joke. Even he could tell that it wasn’t really. “Basically, uh… I have some trouble with eating, yeah? So whenever you bring it up, I freak out a little. Sometimes more than a little.”
Well, that explained a lot.
“I’m so sorry, doll,” he said again, softer this time. “I didn’t know.”
The gentle tone he used with you made you want to cry – and as a matter of fact, it did. Your vision quickly blurred with tears, and you hugged your knees to your chest, feeling entirely too vulnerable. You weren’t even sure why you were telling him this. It wasn’t like he cared.
“I should be the one apologizing to you,” you sniffled, hugging your legs just a little tighter. “This is my fault, not yours.”
“It doesn’t matter whose fault it is.” His hand gently came to rest on your shoulder, and although you could sense the hesitation in his touch, it quickly disappeared when you didn’t pull away. “We all have problems. What matters is how we deal with them.”
Through the thin fabric of your t-shirt, his hand was large and warm as it trailed down your back, and up again – gentle strokes meant to comfort. It wasn’t often that you were treated so kindly, and by Bucky, no less.
Somehow, you didn’t mind it.
When you chanced another look over at him, his eyes were soft on yours and so stunning in the moonlight that you found yourself wanting to make amends – maybe even wanting to be friends.
“Nice pep talk,” you teased with a watery smile. “I think Steve’s rubbing off on you.”
At that, he laughed. You’d never heard him laugh before, not really, but you loved the sound of it. Even with everything he’d been through, you were kind of awestruck that he still managed to see the humour in things. 
“How do you know I’m not the one rubbing off on him?”
You gave him a deadpan look. “Please. This is Steve we’re talking about.”
When you saw those lovely blue eyes of his twinkling with amusement, there was another unrecognizable flutter in your chest. He didn’t say anything in response; just continued to stroke your back as you rubbed away the tears and snot from your face, probably smearing your makeup but you didn’t care. This was Bucky, after all.
Well, maybe you did care. 
A little.
“God, I’m a mess,” you muttered, cheeks heating up in embarrassment. “Sorry. Here I am spilling my life’s story to you, and you’re too nice to tell me you don’t care.”
His hand stopped, then, and you looked over at him, about to apologize for the umpteenth time over how abrasive that sounded – but he just offered you the slightest hint of a smile and gently tucked a stray lock of hair behind your ear. The pleasant feeling of his fingers against your flushed cheek made your heart race.
“I do care,” he told you, before he slowly brought his hand back to his side.
For some reason, you found yourself missing his touch.
“Why?” you asked stupidly.
He shrugged, before he countered your question with one of his own. “Why do you have trouble eating?”
“I don’t know,” you said honestly, laying down on the blanket for a better view of the sky – a distraction. “My therapist used to say it’s all about control, but I don’t know. Haven’t been in awhile.”
Control. He could definitely empathize. “Why not?”
“I didn’t want to get, uh… What’s the term? 4-F’d?”
Bucky couldn’t help but laugh at that, too – a genuine laugh, and for the first time, you laughed along with him. The sound of it warmed his heart, but that warmth quickly faded away as the somber reality of your situation sank in. You didn’t want to stop working in the field. What he’d dredged up at dinner ran deeper than he could have imagined.
“I shouldn’t have asked about medical,” he admitted. “You’re right. It’s none of my business.”
“Sure it is. I got hurt on a mission with you.”
Bucky frowned and looked away. His guilt was still there. You wouldn’t have gotten hurt if he’d been paying more attention. You shouldn’t have gotten hurt – but because of him, you had, just like all the others over the last seventy-odd years.
He tensed up when your small hand came to rest on his arm, but the kindness behind it made him feel at ease, especially when you echoed his own words from earlier, “We all have our problems, Bucky. Stop blaming yourself, okay? It wasn’t your fault.”
That was something he’d learned in therapy, but never had it sounded so… right.
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Part Four
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(Adj.) the euphoria you experience when you’re first falling in love
The first chapter of five! Enjoy❤️❤️❤️
Sander is confused.
Not five minutes ago, he swears Robbe’s here but now his figure is nowhere to be seen.
“Where did he go?” Sander mumbles as hus eyes scanning the crowd. Ignoring the calls from his other ‘friends’, Sander hurries his way out of the house. The night air feels a little chilly now, means that autumn is almost here—he can almost smell it. The sound of the neighbour’s pet bird chirping in his ears. Somehow the bird—Mario—always chirps everytime he sees Sander.
Even after walking through a few blocks from his house, he still can’t find Robbe. With a mind that starts to panic, Sander accelerates his way along a one-way street flanks by houses.
The last place that crosses between his panic is a small grassy field located at the end of the residential street.
“Maybe he’s there.” He thought hopefully.
Sure enough, Sander finally find Robbe sit on a grass with his back facing the street. His silhouette is clearly display on the ground from the street lights. Sander exhales in relief as he approaches him.
“Hey! Why did you disappear from my house?” Sander demands from behind the shorter boy.
Robbe is genuinely shocks and turns around.
“Why are you here?”
The taller with bleached hair sits next to him. His lips pouts.
“Because I’m worried about you, obviously!”
Robbe’s tongue is locked whenever Sander says something like this. Even though, it isn’t the first time but his heart never stops beating fast whenever it happens. He puts one hand inside of the brown jacket’s pocket; where there’s a small gift for the birthday person beside him.
“Why were you running away?”
“Forgive me.”
“Your answer is irrelevant,” Sander replies. His face isn’t angry but his tone serious, but somehow can manages to sound cheerful at the same time. “Spit it out!” Sander adds when Robbe goes silent again.
“It’s still my birthday, Robbe,” Sander demands. “And you HAVE to obey.”
Robbe finally gives up and chuckles when he sees Sander’s pouting lips. So, he reluctantly pulls a small glass jar which fills with mini sugar cookies from his jacket.
“This is your present. Happy birthday, Sander Driesen.” Robbe says softly as he gives the jar to Sander. He doesn’t even dare to look at the real-life Jack Frost—not sure if it’s because of fear, worry or shyness. Robbe truly hope that his fingers aren’t shaking.
For a second or more, Sander’s only able to stares alternately between Robbe and the jar. Then when he’s finally comes back to reality, he accepts the present. Sander feels Robbe’s hand trembles slightly.
“Cutie.” He thought.
“Thank you.” Sander whispers, still too stunned to say more.
Robbe nods.
“Is it because of this?” Sander asks as he lifts his small present and looks into Robbe’s child-like eyes.
For a solid moment, Robbe forgots how to breathe. These mesmerizing green eyes of Sander has always reminds him of the Aurora Borealis he loves so much. Fortunately, he still have some sanity left, so he nods again. He should’ve known better that Sander’s friends could give way more expensive and better birthday presents than his; something Robbe can never buy even after saving some money for a long time.
“You shouldn’t have ran away.” Sander murmurs.
“I’m really sorry,” Robbe says regretfully. “I was just—“
“You shouldn’t. Everyone knows that I’ll feel uneasy whenever you’re not around.”
“They give you the best presents, Sander,” Robbe says with a resent smile. “And the only thing I gave you was this,” Robbe gestures to the cookie jar in Sander’s lap. “Simple and unimportant homemade cookies which I’m sure taste bad compared the ones at your house.”
Robbe forces a laugh which only greets by a piercing stare from Sander; he immediately goes silent under the stares.
“Dammit! How could he do that?!” Robbe thought.
Sander sighs, “tomorrow morning, I’ll ask my household servants to take home all of the presents from tonight or throw them in the trash—I don’t give a shit about them anyway,” Sander adds before Robbe is about to protest. “They’re not my real friends. They only came because my parents owns a big company. Their presence means nothing. Never have, never will be.”
Robbe lightly punches Sander’s arm.
“But at least you should appreciate their efforts, y’know.”
Sander grimaces like he just saw something disgusting, “the money they spent wasn’t their own hardwork. Therefore, those things aren’t considered by me.”
Robbe feels there’s no point of discussing about this matter any further. Because if Sander already made a decision, even God cannot be able to change it.
“After all,” Sander continues after a long pause while looking at Robbe intensely. “I only appreciate someone else’s good intention based on their own effort.”
Robbe’s cheeks all warms up and rapidly spreads to his neck. Sander notices and smiles broadly.
“The shape’s good,” he lifts the jar and examines the cookies inside. “You’re the only person in the world who knew that I love sugar cookies. Even though I only told you once.”
Hearing this, Robbe can’t help but chuckles.
“How can I forget? Your lockscreen is always the star-shaped sugar cookie!”
“Eh, you’re right.”
They laugh for a while.
Sander isn’t sure what to say this time. His brain give various topic to talk about but his lips remain silent; as if what’s being thought isn’t something interesting to speak of. It’s just that... just by calling Robbe’s name can make him feels good inside. How’s that even possible? So strange.
“You should go home.” Robbe mutters under his breath, hugging his knees and rocking back and forth. “They must be looking for you?”
“Wie?” Sander rolls his eyes. “I told you I don’t give a shit, right? In fact, I’d rather lie here with you until morning.”
Robbe says nothing but flashes a thin smile.
“C’mon. Eat these cookies with me!”
“I can’t do that!” Robbe says, surprised. “That’s yours!”
“You’re not allowed if I’m not allowing it. Now shut up and eat with me!”
“How very sweet of you,” Robbe says sarcastically, but still do what he’s been told, while the bleached-hair guy grins in satisfaction.
They eat the first cookie. Sander’s reaction is immediately apparent after only a half-bite.
“Damn! This is fucking delicious!”
Robbe’s eyes widen happily, “you’re not lying?”
“Why would I?” Sander replies, munching his third cookie. “And also, you just make my night even more exciting now. Thanks, Robbe!”
“Anytime.” Robbe softly says. Now he’s brave enough to look Sander in the eyes.
Sander stops eating his cookie and says in the most serious tone, “promise me that you’ll never run away again. No matter what happen.”
Robbe nods wholeheartedly, “I promise.”
Sander’s lips turns upward. His smile looks very radiant and pure and feels like Robbe’s heart has stop beating for a moment when Sander says, “and I also promise you. Altijd.”
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yandere-daydreams · 5 years
Gotta say, I might’ve enjoyed this a little too much. The very generous @jinnnesta asked me to re-write Persephone’s and Hades’ myth in a College AU, and hopefully, this’ll be satisfactory. And just to clarify, Hades is a really, *really* soft Yandere, but I tried to avoid any out-right tells, as per request.
Word Count: ~6k 
People had never been Hades’ strong suit.
It wasn’t that he didn’t like people, he didn’t mind them. People were interesting, most of the time, and although he didn’t really care for many of them (growing up with two older brothers will do that to a person), he didn’t mind having to co-exist with whoever he was forced to that day, even if that meant playing wall-flower whenever his roommate dragged him to a party in a vain effort to make Hades do something other than study. It still shocked him that Thanatos had a busier social life than him, but that was another matter entirely, for another time when the aforementioned man had got rid of his pocket-knife collection. 
No, he didn’t hate people, he just wasn’t very fond of actually talking to them.
Knowing this, you can understand the panic that initially ran through him when someone tapped on his shoulder.
It was surprising that someone else had gotten to the lecture as early as he had, only a handful of people currently littered through-out the hall. Still, Hades took a deep breath, turning and doing his best to make a scowl look friendly. The least he could do was act positive, even in a morning class on the first day of a new semester.
Luckily, he didn’t have to. Not when he saw who wanted his attention.
‘Stunned’ would be an understatement, no one could just be stunned while looking at Persephone. The girl was radiant, as beautiful as a warm spring day, with a smile that could make the sun bow its head in shame and the kind of personality that made Hades believe in saints. Even in leggings and a sweatshirt, she was godly, long, dark hair pulled into a messy bun and brown eyes suddenly fixed on him. Hades couldn’t stop himself from scowling, more out of habit than any sort of anger, but Persephone only managed to glow brighter. 
Briefly, he wondered if he’d go blind just from looking at her.
“Mind if I sit here?” She asked, pointing towards the seat next to him. Her voice was smoother than he thought possible, sweet as honey and cheery, but not high-pitched or forced. He wanted to ask her to talk more, if only so he could lull into it, but all he could do was nod, attempting not to gape at the girl in front of him. Whether or not he succeeded was debatable, but she thanked him regardless, sitting down and making Hades’ heart skip with every extra movement.
She didn’t say anything for a few moments, Hades doing his best to keep from staring at her, keeping his eyes focused on his laptop. He didn’t want her to know how much he was panicking, even if he didn’t want to seem to shy, either. But, it was a pointless endeavor, really. When he glanced back to Persephone, she made no effort to hide the fact that she was staring, her chin propped casually on her hand, like her eyes weren’t boring into him. He opened his mouth, ready to ask her what she needed, but Persephone beat him to it.
“I swear I’ve seen you before.” Again her voice was painstakingly sweet, even when she was staring him down. Hades swallowed nervously, but Persephone just laughed, hitting her desk lightly. “You’re Posideon’s brother, aren’t you?” She hardly waited for a response, barely giving Hades enough time to spit out a quick ‘supposedly’ before she cut in. “I knew it! He was my lab partner in chemistry, last semester. Or, he was technically my partner. He wore sandals every time we had to do something… chemistry-y.”
Hades cringed, thinking back to all the times he’d been late to his own courses to give his absent-minded brother something more solid than a pair of Birkenstocks. But, the familial association wasn’t the only reason his cheeks were turning red. “He showed you the baby pictures, didn’t he?”
“Oh, dozens,” She purred, her curious frown fading into the widest grin he’d ever seen. If it was possible for her to pass through the arm-rest between them, she would’ve, leaning over as much as she was able to. “He was polite about it, if it helps. Waited three weeks and everything, I had to ask if he had more.”
“He does, he always does,” Hades mumbled, shaking his head. Persephone giggled, watching as he curled into himself, just hoping beyond hope Poseidon had been merciful enough to skip the ‘tween gallery’. It was a dwindling moment of optimism, though. Desperate to change the topic, Hades attempted to face a still-laughing Persephone, rubbing his neck as he spoke. “So… you’re into Marine Biology?”
“Hell no, the ocean can suck something awful.” She dismissed the idea with a wave of her hand, a look of disgust briefly passing over her features before she shook it off, forcing her eyes to open again. “I’m aiming for a Bachelor’s in Botany, although I’m just working on my credits here. My mom’s supposed to ship me off to some big, fancy, overseas university in a couple of years.”
Hades nodded, pursing his lips. “You don’t sound very excited.”
“Have you ever listened to someone talk about germination for two hours? I can hardly even look at flowers, anymore. If I see another goddamn rose, I’m going to pick a tree and burn something down.” She sighed, but the tension didn’t leave her shoulders, her relaxed posture seeming so more… stressed, then it had been when she first approached him. Without thinking, he reached over, simply resting a hand on her back, giving her a sympathetic nod when she glanced over. With a shaky breath, Persephone forced a renewed level of composure, once again shrugging off anything deeper than a mild complaint. “It’s… it’s stupid, don’t worry about it.”
People were flowing into the hall more steadily, now, the professor taking is position on the elevated stage at the front of the room, beginning to pull up whatever power-point or presentation he’d sleep through for the next few hours. He turned towards Persephone, but she’d already caught on, that dazzling, bright, beautiful smile back in full-force.
“Lunch after class?”
Hades never thought he would enjoy walking to class.
Especially one that wasn’t even his, Persephone seeming to wake up with the sun, her morning schedule earlier and more brutal than Hades thought he could put himself through. He didn’t need to be on campus today, and yet, here he was, torn from his cramped room and watching as Persephone was cornered by two first-year students, both speaking far too quickly while his friend nodded and laughed at panicked, seemingly random intervals. He’d been mad, initially, when they came over, ripping away the girl he was obviously walking with, threatening to make her late for her class and stopping her from talking to the person she’s chosen to spend time with. But, if Persephone herself was bothered by the intrusion, she did her best to hide it, shaking her head when he started to approach the trio.
He’d conceded… for a good three minutes. Then, when he decided the conversation had grown a little too invasive, he pushed his way between the two, grabbed her hand, and made some half-assed excuse before dragging a far too agreeable Persephone back into the crowd of people.
“Friends of yours?” He muttered, lips pressed into a tight, thin line. He didn’t want to seem spiteful, but… he was, to be honest. Anyone would be, if they had their time with someone as flawless as Persephone taken away. “They seem… nice.”
Persephone shrugged, moving to pull him forward, latching onto his arm as she walked. Her touchiness wasn’t uncommon, though. Rather, it was something Hades quickly found himself growing fond of, even if he still gave her hell for it. “In a way. I guess you could say that.” Her voice was nonchalant, as if she’d already explained it a thousand times. “They’re fans, I think. I mean, I had to sign something.”
At this, Hades paused, Persephone barely glancing up, her complexion quickly becoming darker as she noticed the wide, playful smirk he was suddenly wearing. She huffed as he ruffled her hair, struggling to smooth over piles of curls as Hades laughed. “Ah, the rich girl has fans, now? Is there a club?” He let his voice get lower, nearly whispering. “Are they expecting new members?”
The girl pouted, elbowing his arm, Hades only breaking-up more at her weak attempts. It took him a few deep, deep breaths to regain his composure, stifling his laughter down to a half-muffled chuckle, Persephone pouting, crossing her arms in a vain effort to give her companion the cold-shoulder. “Don’t give me that shit, not when your dad is the one putting you through college, too.” With a slip of her hair and another proud, confident stance, she continued. “Besides, I’m a Youtuber. It doesn’t have anything to do with money.”
Again, Hades could hardly contain himself, fighting to keep his hand over his mouth, even if his grin was still peeking over the sides. “Is… is that better?”
“Yes!” She said, defensively. Persephone was walking again, before Hades had time to notice, forcing him to play catch-up. It always caught him off guard, how quickly someone so short could walk. With a glance over her shoulder and confirmation of her embarrassment, she let her pace slow to something Hades could manage, pulling a strand of hair loose and twirling it around her finger, still not facing him. “It’s… it’s a lot of work, and I don’t just upload the raw footage, or film whatever I see. Fuck, editing alone takes a few hours on better days, and I’d like to say I’m pretty good at it. My followers think so, anyway.” Abruptly, her eyes widened as she finally processed her own words, anything Hades could’ve said immediately interrupted by Persephone’s sudden frenzy. “Please, don’t mention it in front of the professors. I’m really trying to be taken seriously, and if the people grading me find out I spend most of my time trying to cry my way through water-proof mascara… they might tell Demeter-”
This time, it was his turn to talk over her, his tone serious, but far from cold. “You said it’s hard work, didn’t you?”
Persephone spared him a glance, short nods coming reflexively. “It is, yeah.”
Hades allowed himself to stare, being the one to move closer this time. He did so rarely, always relying on Persephone to make the first move, but a surge of confidence than through him when she didn’t move away, only looking up at him. Inquisitive, but never scared. That might be why he’d always liked her so much. “And you put effort into it?”
She laughed, tugging on that same loose curl gently. “I think so.”
“Then, there’s nothing to worry about. You should be proud, if anything. Not a lot of people have the work-ethic to keep something like that going, not for very long.” He gestured vaguely, to nothing in particular and if only to alleviate his own anxiety. “You’re doing something you’re good at, and that I hope you enjoy, instead of wasting your time at a dead-end, part-time job. If your professors don’t respect that, that they don’t deserve to see what a wonderful, determined person you are.”
Persephone didn’t say anything, growing quiet for a moment, slowing down until she eventually perked up, noticing the propped open door to her lecture hall. A soft, warm smile blossomed across her features, not dazzling or gorgeous or memorable, but… perfect, all the same. Silently, she pulled him down, kissing his cheek lightly before rushing off, calling a quick ‘thank you’ or ‘see you later’ or something as she left, Hades couldn’t hear her. He couldn’t barely think, only managing to form a single thought for minutes after she’d left.
Persephone had kissed him, him. So sweetly and so excitedly, at that.
God, how could he not adore her?
“I want to go into mortuary science.”
The admission came abruptly, breaking the peaceful silence of the campus garden, Persephone still looking out at a wall of roses and over-grown milkweed as she spoke. Hades looked up, nonetheless, closing his textbook the moment he’d heard her voice. It was always hypnotic, for him, drawing his attention despite all the distractions he could justifiably fall into. Part of him knew that wasn’t the healthiest mindset to have about a friend and classmate, but that would only be a problem if he said these things out loud.
Which he wouldn’t. Ever. He couldn’t. She was Persephone, beautiful, charming Persephone.
And he… he was just Hades, the loser who was lucky enough to have someone so incredible that he wanted to keep to himself.
By the time he finally realized how long he’d been thinking, Persephone was blushing, crossing her arms and focusing on the roses with a concentrated, fixed gaze. It was a defensive position, but an unnecessary one. She knew that as well as he did, really, but that didn’t mean she would drop it any time soon. “I know it’s creepy, and morbid, but…” She bit her cheek, beginning to pace through the small gazebo, hardly seeming to notice the boy sitting on the floor behind her. “I want to. It seems interesting, I don’t know, and the course is less strenuous than most. And do you know how many resources we waste with traditional burial methods? Hundreds of acres, per county-”
“Persephone,” Hades cut in, interrupting her mid-rant. She twisted to face him, eyes wide and lips pulled into a small frown, and Hades shook his head, leaning back into the guard-wall. “You don’t have to justify your interests, I believe you. It doesn’t have to be creepy, not if you don’t make it creepy.” Some of the tension reluctantly left her shoulders, but she remained on-edge, her worried eyes only dropping to the wooden floorboards. Hades persisted, still. She would only back-track if he didn’t encourage her. “How long have you been thinking about this?”
She let herself chuckle, fiddling with the ends of her long sleeves. “Well… a while now, if that makes sense. I’ve always been really invested in funerals and the whole embalming process, but I think I just realized I wanted to be a part of that last year. After I got tired of…” She trailed off, waving a hand through the air, trying to think of the right word. “…plants, I guess. I mean, they’re pretty, but I don’t think I could spend the rest of my life on a farm.”
With a sigh, Hades stood, only moving close enough to stand across from her, leaning on one of the support pillars. The silence that surrounded them was a comfortable one, Persephone eventually ripping her eyes away from the ground, meeting his with that comforting, nervous smile. It took a while for either of them to speak, to think of something to say or ask the next clear question, but luckily Persephone didn’t need to be prompted. 
That was probably for the best. Hades wasn’t sure if he had the nerve.
“It was my mom’s idea. She says it runs in the family.” With another tense chuckle, a few more awkward fidgets and shaky eye contact, but Hades waited patiently, letting her confess on her own terms. “I guess she thought I wanted to be like her. I think I was a pretty sheltered kid, you don’t make very many friends when you live in the middle of nowhere, but I’ve been dreading it since she first brought up my ‘inheritance’. And if she found out I was more interested in corpses than irrigation…” Persephone let out a ragged breath, letting her hair dip over her eyes. “I don’t know if she would ever forgive me.”
“Do you want her to?” He asked, reflexively, instantly regretting it once he had. Her eyes widened, the girl snapping towards him instinctually, Hades backtracking as soon as he realized what he’d said. He stumbled backwards, stuttering over his words, attempting to mumble out something close enough to an apology or an explanation to make up for it, but Persephone only giggled, covering her mouth and finally, finally looking at him.
“She’s my mom, and I love her. Even if Demeter is a bit… overbearing,” She began, releasing some of the tension from her rigid form. He rested a hand on her shoulder, something he could only hope was a comforting gesture, and she nodded, as solemn as it was accepting. “I should tell her. I’m going to tell her. I just have to decide if this is what I really want, first. There are probably a few professors I can talk to, or something.”
“I could go with you, if you’re alright with that,” He offered, not pushing the topic when she shrugged.
“I’ll have to think on it.” The answer was simple, but he took it at face value. It was the least he could do, right now. “I appreciate the offer, though,” She added, brushing back her hair. “It’s just… a lot, right now.”
Hades didn’t argue as she leaned against him, nor did she move away when his arms fell to her waist, Persephone just letting him support her weight. She felt right, there, fitting perfectly in the space between his arms.
He did love her, he was sure of that, now. She was beautiful, brilliant, and so, so strong, but this wasn’t about him. 
His feelings could wait, he would wait. For as long as she needed him to.
“So… you and Hades?”
Aphrodite’s voice was as calm as always, monotone yet so very judgemental. Persephone admired that about her, truthfully, how unbothered her ‘frenemy’ was by the world that seemed to operate at a polite distance from the cosmetic specialist at any given time. Still, she snapped up as much as she was able to while the other girl cupped her chin, attempting to lather the girl in more make-up than was appropriate for a casual afternoon live-stream. Aphrodite had insisted, and Persephone was never eager to do the task herself.
Persephone scoffed, the slight movement quickly crushed under Aphrodite’s ironclad grip. “What’s wrong with Hades?”
“I don’t know, why don’t I start with the fact that a bright light could give the poor boy a sunburn?” She teased, giving her victim a temporary reprieve as she reached for a vial of mascara. “Or the ‘youngest-brother’ syndrome he has going on? Or that wanna-be-lawyer thing-” She stopped abruptly, a wide grin threatening to streak her oh-so-perfect lipstick. “Or the grease.”
“He’s not greasy!” Persephone huffed, crossing her arms, the wand nearly lodging itself in her eyelid. She attempted to lean onto the vanity, her posture quickly corrected by a steady, forceful hand, but she still rolled her eyes… when Aphrodite said she was allowed to, of course. “That’s rich coming from someone dating… who is it? A mechanic? Or is he a soldier, now?”
“Hephaestus is a mechanic, Ares is ex-military,” Aphrodite corrected, momentarily reaching for her phone. Whatever she saw, she didn’t like it, hastily typing out a response before she turned her attention back to the task at hand. “And Athena is being difficult.” Persephone couldn’t help herself, laughing as Aphrodite shot her a glare, nearly slamming the device back onto the wooden surface. “Wipe that look off your face, at least I don’t go… canoodling around on campus.”
“Hermes saw, didn’t he?” Aphrodite only nodded, managing to ignore the high-pitched ring of her phone. She cursed under her breath, reluctantly letting the girl tip her chin up, something light and powdery soon coating her cheekbones, her hold more gentle than before. Persephone took the cue to spill, as long as her torturer was feeling nice. “Look, nothing’s going on, alright? He’s a friend, a good one, and he’s…” She let herself sit a little straighter, squaring her shoulders. “He’s helping me change my major.”
Reflexively, Aphrodite cringed, hiding it quickly but not quickly enough, Persephone’s confidence immediately fading. She looked to the side, trying to keep from shrinking into herself. This wasn’t Aphrodite’s choice. This wasn’t Demeter’s choice.
Aphrodite’s follow-up didn’t help. “Your mom’s not going to ask that, y’know.”
“My mom is going to have to live with it.” Her voice was steady… or she hoped it was, at least. Persephone wanted to be sure, to know this was the right choice and to have some kind of confirmation that she wouldn’t regret this when it inevitably went wrong. It felt terrifying, to go against her own mother for the first time since she was a teenager, but this was something she was passionate about, this was the one thing she knew she wanted.
All she could do was hope it wouldn’t go too wrong, really.
Her eyes darted back to Aphrodite, the slight edge to her voice hopefully coming off as intimidating. “It’s not like she’s going to find out, right? Demeter doesn’t have to know.”
It took a moment of tense, cold silence, but Aphrodite was the first to relent, only sighing as she sprayed a thin mist of setting-spray over the girl. “Demeter doesn’t have to know, even if she should.”
Content with that, Persephone simply stood, thanking her friend and attempting to leave before things got too uncomfortable, only failing miserably. But, Aphrodite only watched as she left the dorm room, pursing her lips, gaze drifting back to the phone so tantalizingly close. She was sure she still had Demeter’s number, from freshman-year, when the woman had cornered Aphrodite and forced her to promise that she’d ‘report’ anything concerning back to the over-protective, really fucking scary mother of one of her closest friends.
Hesitantly, she reached out, managing to avoid Athena’s frantic messages. This was for the best, she told herself, fighting the guilt slowly planting itself in her throat.
She’d find out one way or another, Aphrodite was just… breaking the ice.
Whatever Hades had expected of Persephone’s apartment, it certainly hadn’t been this.
The two weren’t yelling, but it was more than clear both wanted to, voices forced into harsh, low whispers that Hades could hardly make out, the older woman both staring down and glaring at an equally dismayed Persephone. Even from his vantage point, half in the doorway but ready to run at any signs of violent hostility, he could make out an uncanny resemblance between them, the stranger sharing Persephone’s dark eyes, her sharp features, her skin a few shades tanner than Persephone’s own but their complections just as dark. They were related, obviously, possibly a cousin or sister or…
Or Persephone’s mother.
The oh-so-dreaded Demeter.
The Demeter who was now staring directly at him.
Both were, technically, but Persephone seemed more surprised than she was perturbed. Only Demeter looked mad, scowling with lips pulled so tightly he could hardly believe she could still move her mouth. He smiled nervously, the thought of introducing himself competing with the temptation to flee back into the relative safety of Persephone’s lobby. In the end, neither won, Hades just balling his fists into sides and staring forward like a deer in headlights, Demeter’s slight frown quickly morphing into a sneer.
Persephone caught on first, moving to stop her mother but failing, Demeter only holding up a hand, her daughter instantly growing quiet. “You’re the boy who’s been distracting Persephone, right?”
He cringed, fighting the urge to apologize. “Hades’ works, ma’am.”
His voice was barely a whisper, but Demeter didn’t seem to care, only turning back to the increasingly timid Persephone. “You’re dropping out for him? What’s the catch? Rich parents? Did he promise you an easy life?” She let out a laugh, the noise akin to nails on a chalkboard, Persephone flinching at the sound of it. “Did that girl forget to mention you’d gotten knocked up?”
“I’m not dropping out, I’m changing my major,” She growled, her nails digging into her palms. He couldn’t tell whether she was more annoyed or enraged, but he didn’t there was much of a difference, at this point. “Just because it wasn’t your plan doesn’t mean it’s not a plan! And he’s a friend, not like you’d know anything about my life.”
Demeter drew back, her expression remaining disgusted, but her posture stuttering, recalibrating, adjusting. Her movements were nearly methodical, like every reaction was preplanned and drawn-out, surprise something far-beyond her comprehension. “You will not talk to me like that-”
“You don’t pay her tuition,” Hades cut in, instinctually, his own father quickly coming to mind. He didn’t know he could be this angry, so bewildered and confused and mad, just because someone dared to berate someone he cared for. It was like a spark, lighting something he didn’t know he had, pure anger soon burning inside his chest, fueling him as he continued. “Persephone pays were own bills, doesn’t she? She pays the rent for this apartment, she has her own job, and she doesn’t owe you her future. She’s nice enough to not cut you off, but the moment she does something you don’t approve of, you come to her home and insult the friends she chooses. You’re lucky she even considered telling you.”
When neither spoke, Persephone stunned while Demeter only let her gaze fall to the ground, an expression he couldn’t read layered over any one emotion she could’ve been feeling. The need to take it back, to leave or apologize or just so something to diffuse the situation eating away at his resolution, but he attempted to hold strong, only biting his cheek as Persephone shook her head, probably formatting her own excuse and all the platforms she’d have to block him on as soon as she reached a phone.
Shockingly, Demeter was the one to break the silence, firmly refusing to address Hades, instead focusing her attention to her daughter. “You… like the subject you’re going into?”
Persephone’s eyes glinted, shakily nodding before she could muster enough stability to nod. “Mortuary sciences? I mean… I love it.”
“Please, don’t remind me.” She grimaced, but did her best to cover it, her gaze only dropping to the floor. She only shook her head, gracefully sitting down on one of Persephone’s technicolor sofas, rubbing her temples. “We can talk about it-” Her eyes flickered to Hades, for the first time since he’d walked through the door. “-alone.”
Hades didn’t need another excuse, saying something to Persephone before unceremoniously speed-walked out the door, fumbling with the knob and practically collapsing against the door when he managed to get outside. He felt tired, sweaty, overworked yet so energized he could hardly stand to stop moving. All he wanted to do was go home, sleep, run a fucking mile, but that didn’t stop a delirious, relieved smile from finding its way to his lips.
He didn’t think he’d ever seen Persephone so relaxed.
When she invited him back, reaching out two days after the incident and just when he’d managed to lose hope for a rekindling, he might have been over-enthusiastic, momentarily forgetting he had a life outside of Persephone and her family drama.
He wasn’t proud of what he’d done with that time, to say the least, his pathetic search for her channel almost immediately followed by a binge-session of her most popular videos, then her newest videos, then… well, all her videos. There were the make-up tutorials and daily vlogs he’d expected, but a good amount of her uploads consisted of Persephone simply existing, living her day-to-day life and making twenty-minute long rants about whatever was on her mind. Currently, his favorites were ‘Naming All My Houseplants’ and ‘I Know What Evapotranspiration Is And You Will Too’, both of which more than half an hour long and features a whiteboard Persephone seemed uncomfortably affection of.
But, that digital, peppy, manufactured version of her didn’t matter, not when the real girl was sitting in front of him, impatiently guiding him to her room and practically shoving him onto the bed, hastily sitting down beside him. It wasn’t the tranquility he’d expected from a weight being lifted off her shoulders, but she seemed more… active, lacking the exhaustion that’d been weighing her down, recently. He was happy for it, too, her giddy smile and small fidgets as infectious as they’d ever been. More so, even.
“I don’t think I even had to email anyone,” She sighed, the words coming out breathy, rushed but overjoyed, at the same time. “It was so easy, I’m still a little nervous. I feel like this is all just a perfect dream I’m going to wake up from tommorrow morning.”
He fought not to reach out, just letting himself fall into her relief, nodding as he tried to figure out what to say, how to say it. “God, I hope not. If I have to lecture someone else’s mom for a second time, I’m never going to forgive you.” He glanced around the room, like Demeter would crawl out of the floorboards at the mention of her name. “She’s not still here, is she?”
“No, absolutely not.” She had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing, but her eyes seemed to sparkle, doing more than enough to give away how she really felt. “She can’t be away from her farm for more than a week, the thing’s her life-force. I’m just happy she let me drive her to the airport, honestly. At least she hasn’t given up on me entirely.” Persephone paused, her skin paling. “But, she doesn’t know about the dissections yet, either.”
Hades chuckled, resting a hand on her shoulder, equal parts attempting to distract her and display his support, in one of the only ways he knew how. “Either way, I’m still proud of you. Your brilliant and brave and…” He trailed off, watching as she brushed her hair out of her face, the sunlight seeming to radiate off of her. Like a fucking goddess. The slip was unintentional, but… right, the words fitting perfectly on his tongue. “And I love you.”
She didn’t react, not for a second, her eyes staying focused on the floor in front of her. Her gaze was concentrated, but not scared. Not angry. When she broke the stillness, her voice was soft, hardly audible. “You do?”
The idea of taking it back crossed his mind, calling her a ‘close friend’ and just playing it off like nothing had happened, but he couldn’t. It’d already come out, and he couldn’t take it back. He didn’t want to. 
“Yeah, I guess so,” He said, his hold on her shoulder becoming softer, but not falling away. “I love you. I think you’re amazing, and I think I’d like to spend the rest of my life with you, if you’re alright with that.”
“Is…” She grew quieter, gradually turning towards him. “Is there anything else you want to do?”
It felt natural, instinctual, leaning down as she closed her eyes. Their lips barely touched, at first, Hades more nervous than he should’ve been, leaving Persephone to deepen the gesture, her arms wrapping around his as he reached up, cupping her cheeks in an effort to bring her closer. With a small lick to her bottom lip, his tongue was in her mouth in a matter of seconds, the fight for dominance over the moment he pulled her closer, dragging her into his chest and dropping his hands to her waist, something Persephone reacted… positively to, something similar to a purr leaving her lips. That was enough for Hades to pick her up, handling her smaller form a little too roughly as he threw her against the mattress, his lips never leaving hers until he was kneeling between her legs, only seperating to catch his breath. Persephone seemed to need it, too, red-faced and panting, a wide grin spread across her features.
Hades wasn’t much better, the ghost of a smile tugging at his lips as he fought to keep from laughing. Persephone, on the other hand, wasn’t nearly as self-conscious, giggling as he buried his face in the crook of her neck, her fingers soon running through his hair, combing through the messy locks, tugging whenever he nipped or kissed her neck. “Someone’s excited,” She teased, her laughter hitching when he bit down, hard. “Really excited.”
“Can you blame me?” He grunted, straightening his back. He’d never realized how small she was, her head just reaching his shoulders and barely half his weight soaking-wet. The idea made him feel smug, confident, enough to grab at her thigh with one than, letting the other trail down to her chest. With a quick glance up and a hasty nod on her part, he was pushing her shirt up, letting the material pull at her collar-bone before tearing at the pink-lace covering her chest. Her bra fell away with few complaints, leaving Hades free to suck and kiss as he pleased, groping anything and everything his hands couldn’t reach. “I mean, look at you,” He mumbled, his voice mostly muffled by her skin. “You’re fucking perfect.”
She tilted her head to the side, only to let it fall back as her back arched on a particularly harsh grope. The whimper that worked its way past her lips had Hades damn-near salivating, encouraging him to kiss down her stomach, lingering at her shorts before he took a deep breath, the fingers hastily rooted in his hair a good source of encouragement. Even then, it took a minute for him to fall into it, but with a few whines and moans from Persephone, his teeth were latched onto inside of her thigh, the flat of his thumb pressed against her clit, teasing her with so much pressure but so little movement while two fingers worked her open. He operated off of her reactions, his movements hesitant, but hopefully, enthusiastic enough to make up for the experience he lacked. She was so hot, so wet and tight and inviting, grinding down every time he curled his fingers and writing whenever he added another.
He didn’t know why he didn’t do this sooner, if only to feel her around him. She was so beautiful, like this, unashamed and blissful-
“Ha-Hades…” She whimpered, bucking into his fingers. He stilled, glancing up, and she threw her arms over her face, taking a deep breath before she could peak out between them. “If you don’t put something bigger inside me right now, I’m kicking you out.”
All he could do was nod, as overwhelmed by how blunt she was by the throbbing hard cock suddenly calling for attention between his legs. Persephone dragged him into another kiss while he worked, only breaking apart to tear off his shirt as he kicked off his jeans, their lips connected as he pressed her into the mattress, lining himself up with her entrance and thrusting in.
The sensation was nearly orgasmic on its own, Hades’ hands moving on their own, parting her legs to pump in deeper, to feel more of her. She didn’t seem opposed to the idea, grinding against him, whining and keening and moaning, the noises muted compared to the pulse pounding in his ears. Everything felt like a blur, time passing slowly yet too fast, thrusts and gropes mixing together, Persephone’s nails digging into his back and scratching just to ground herself. It wasn’t long before she clamped down, her cunt instantly turning into a vice-grip as she climaxed around him.
He hardly had time to pull out, cumming on her thighs without a breath to spare. Hades could feel himself collapse on top of her, just as emotionally exhausted as he was physically, but her arms only wrapped around his neck, thin lines of warm blood soon running over his skin. It felt right, natural and faultless and…
And perfect.
Because he loved her, so, so much. And she loved him, too.
What could be more perfect than that?
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