#and when I told my friends they obviously recognized it and freaked out
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hammerhead-jpg · 1 year ago
A little more of Alexandar cuz I luv him so much
It's oc time
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Love it how he looks like a different person in each doodle
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internet-kid-kenna · 1 month ago
So obviously at least one of the foxes is gonna shovel talk Jeremy sometime soon. Like when Kevin (and I'm assuming at least Andrew and Neil but maybe also Renee and Wymack?) comes out for the interview with Jean, someone is gonna pick up on the dynamic.
(honestly I have to bet Neil noticed something when he picked Jean up to go meet with the FBI, but Neil would never assume it's attraction LMAO, he just would have noticed something was *up*)
But when someone notices something between Jean and Jeremy when they come, someone is gonna pull Jeremy aside and be like "if you hurt Jean I will slice you six ways til Sunday." But there's so many options of who could do it and which one would be funniest.
Like if Kevin comes alone when he notices, is he gonna be jealous of Jeremy and/or Jean? happy for them? Upset and all "it'll be easier if you're straight" on them? If he does shovel talk Jeremy what does he say? It's not exactly like Kevin is the biggest fighter, like does he threaten to send Andrew and Neil after him? Or does he steel up and say he'd kill Jeremy himself and that's how Jeremy knows he's serious bc he knows Kevin wouldn't hurt anyone himself without a good reason?
But like other people doing the shovel talk is good too and I can see them so clearly (and have probably read fan fic about them but I've been reading so much fanfic it's all melting together in my brain so forgive me if you recognize this)
Like Neil, he probably would freak Jeremy out the most because of the whole his dad being a serial killer thing and if it's after Jeremy finds out how gr*yson really dies and knows Neil can order actual hits still, it'd actually freak him out. But also Jeremy is 100% the kind of guy who would be like if I ever hurt Jean like that please actually do order a hit on me because I deserve it.
But Andrew, Jeremy wouldn't be expecting it to come from Andrew. However, I think Neil definitely told Andrew that Jean compared gr*yson to dr*ke and that he had him killed. Therefore, I think Andrew's shovel talk would be not because Andrew is friends with Jean (cuz I don't think they are) but because Andrew wants Jeremy to know he will kill him if he touches Jean in a way he doesn't want to be touched. There may or may not be knife involved, either pressed against a throat or casually being twirled.
However, if Renee and Wymack come with, there's even more options.
Renee would definitely give Jeremy a shovel talk, Jeremy would not be expecting it and she'd probably scare him with how calmly she describes how easy taking apart a man is and that she'd have to borrow her knives from Andrew or something like that. But it's very clear that she loves Jean and wants him to genuinely find happiness.
Wymack would shovel talk even though he barely knows Jean, it would just be like that kid doesn't need to be hurt anymore than he has been and I don't care how good at exy you are or how far apart we live, if you don't take care of him I will fly here myself to rip you a new one.
I don't think we'll get more than one of these if we do get one, but I also think it'd be hilarious if literally everyone pulled Jeremy aside and is like do not hurt him or you will die and he is like, message received loud and clear, thank you.
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musickgeek · 1 year ago
Trust [Angel Dust x Reader]
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Warning: This chapter is a bit heavy. Implications of sex/sexual assault. If Ep4 is rough for you, this chapter would be too. About 2k words
Everyone in Hell knows who Angel Dust is. Famous porn star, stripper, partier. An overlord's pet. Many thought his life to be exciting, or maybe fun. I thought it was sad. I know that life doesn't exude happiness. So when I saw him in the street, I couldn't help but approach. He quickly eyes me up in down, taking in my somewhat timid stance. He smiles, and immediately goes in for the kill.
"Hey gorgeous, can I help you?" He gets close, sliding one of his hands up my arm, one playing with my hair. "Oh...no thank you..." I lift his hand by his finger and give it back to him. "Oh come on, baby cakes, no need to be shy." He insists. "I'm not interested in that, I just wanted to ask...are you okay? Do you need...a hug?" My voice becomes less sure by the second. He immediately scrunches up his face. "What? What kind of weird kink is that?" I can't help but laugh. "Why are you kink shaming? Down here? No, that's not my kink." He crosses his arms. "Then what? You think I need your pity?"
"Then what?"
"I think you need a little care is all." He just stares at me like I grew three more heads. "You don't have to say anything, I just thought I'd ask, see if you just wanted to talk to someone." I tell him. He looks over me again, much more skeptically this time. "Not to be as forward as you, but what did you do to end up down here? You seem a little too, uhh...soft...to be hanging around here." I smile sadly. "Up there, I was exactly what you are down here." He frowns at the weight in my words. "I hope you have a good day, Angel." I say meaningfully, walking away before he can respond.
The next time I run into Angel is a complete accident. I'm not paying attention to what's in front of me, and I barrel into someone. "Ah shit, what's your prob- oh... it's you." He recognizes. "Yeah, sorry. I was lost in thought. But how are you? How's it going?" I ask politely. He scoffs. "Small talk don't pay the bills." He mutters to himself. "It could."
"I-What? Gonna pay me to talk you? How sad are you?" He deflects, obviously flustered that I'd heard him. "I'd pay if it meant you were safe for a little while." I elaborate. He looks like he's going to make a snarky remark, but stops himself. He sighs, and sits on the curb. I take the place next to him. "How much would you have given to get that offer?" He asks. "Everything." I admit. "I'm sure you can handle yourself, you have to to survive this life, but doesn't mean a break can't help." He shrugs. "You talk like you stopped doing all this."
"... No, I didn't. It's just not so...aggressive? I just don't know anything different. I think I've been getting better. I don't seek it out anymore. I just...don't turn it down. Well except alcohol, but everyone's gotta have a vice right?" He smiles, understanding in his eyes. "You're not like most people are you, sweet cheeks?" He asks. "No. But neither are you. I mean we're pretty similar aren't we? I also would have thought I was a freak." He frowns. "At least your didn't sell your soul for this shit."
"Not down here, no. But I still sold my life away." I shake my head. "You're a good guy, Angel. I hope you find the way out. I'm certain there is one." I get up to go, but he grabs my wrist. We both look at his hand like we're surprised it's there. He blushes a little before letting go. "Sorry, I just-uh, I'd like to see you more."
"I'm good company, huh?" He rolls his eyes, but smiles. He hands me his phone, and I put my contact in. He stands, and wraps four long arms around me. "You were right. I did need a hug." I hug him back, needing it as much as him.
We were fast friends, and didn't wait long to admit we wanted more. On the first date, Angel wanted to come home with me. I told him I was tired. On the second date, I was too busy. Months went by without any action. I didn't want him to think that's all I wanted from him. I wanted him, and myself, to build a relationship built on comfort, trust, and innocence. Not to mention how nervous I am to be that close someone. I could tell he was getting frustrated, and not just sexually. He was a lot more willing to share intimate information then I was. He told me about Valentino, about his time alive, and readily shared his problems. I always answered his questions as vaguely as possible. I'm not used to someone wanting to know, nor am I used to sharing in general. I've always lived with my cards close to my chest. While he had friends that helped break those walls down a bit, I did not.
One night I was waiting at the bar of the hotel for Angel to get home. Valentino had him late. That moth fucker makes me so mad, I could kill him. He'd deserve it for everything he's done. I'm broken out of my murder plans by Husk's voice. "So you and Angel haven't exactly 'consummated the marriage' huh?" I nearly choke on my drink. "Huh? That's random. What-what gives you that idea?" My voice gets all squeaky, my face feels hot. "I'm the bar tender, when people get drunk, they give their problems to me. And right now, his biggest problem is you. He thinks you aren't attracted to him, or he's doing something wrong. Says you don't trust him."
"I didn't mean for him to feel bad, I just wanted him to know I care about him beyond sex! We've both lived lives where that was all there was. And I'm just so scared. I don't want to mess it up, and I want us to be in a place of complete comfort with each other. Obviously I'm attracted to him, have you seen him? There's not exactly a guidebook for all this. I just don't know how to trust, I guess. But that's not his fault." Husk smirks, looking behind me. I turn and find my lover. He's looking at me, mouth agape, through his bedazzled sunglasses. "I...think we need to talk." He says seriously. I simply nod, embarrassed. He takes my hand gently and leads me to his room, away from prying ears.
"Why didn't you just talk to me, (Y/n)? If you just weren't ready, I would obviously understand. Did you seriously think I of all people wouldn't understand?" He throws the glasses on the vanity, and paces anxiously. Okay, he's mad. "Angel, it's not like that."
"Then explain it to me! You don't want to trust me?"
"I do!" He comes over and grabs my hands, he looks at me with the most sincerity I've ever seen. "Then do it. Please." I'm overcome with emotion. "Angel?" He cups my face. "Yes?" I smash my lips to his. It's intense, passionate, incredible. This isn't our first kiss, but it's the first with so much heat. I slide my hands down to the hem of his shirt. He breaks away. "Are you sure?" I nod wordlessly. "Is that okay?" I ask. "Absolutely." He kisses me again and again and again, every action eager. We move to the bed, separating as little as possible
"Fuck, Angel, that was..."
"Mind blowingly amazing?" He says excitedly, almost giggling. I laugh, winded. "Oh yeah. It's been so long since I was really into it, you know?" He pulls me into his arms contently. "Yeah, I get ya, toots."
"(Y/n), can I ask you something personal? I mean, I feel like I share a lot with you, but you're so closed off." He's not wrong, but I don't admit it aloud. "Go ahead." Maybe it's the endorphins, but after all this, I know I can trust him. "How did you die?" I can't help but laugh. "You don't hold back, do you?" I can feel the tears burning in the back of my eyes, and the panic rising within me. I haven't spoken about it since I died, and I never thought I would. Angel senses my oncoming attack, and holds me tighter. "I'm sorry, you don't have to-"
"I was on my own leash. Told me who to sleep with, told me how, controlled what I got out of it. He used me, I was at his beck and call. And one night, I... I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up to him, and he got so mad. He-He started to hit me, throw me around. I was already so weak and sore from the days work, I couldn't fight back." I'm crying, my grip tightening on Angel. "He said I needed to learn my place, said he'd fuck me into place if he had to. He trapped me between himself and the floor, and kept beating me. I was helpless, I was caged. He took his pants off, and it went dark-" I can't take it anymore. I yell out angrily and rip myself out of Angels grasp.
"Don't touch me!" Gasping and breathing erratically, I sit on the edge of the bed clawing at my chest and throat. I refuse to look at Angel, but I can feel his shocked gaze. "Shit! He probably fucked my corpse and threw me in a gutter! He's probably walking around here somewhere." I feel like air is being squeezed out of my chest rather then going in. Am I going to puke? That's be embarrassing. Angel's voice sounds far away until I hear my name.
"(Y/n), stop! I'm here, he's not. You're safe. Listen to me." He doesn't touch me, but slides off the bed to rest in his knees in front of me. He looks so beautiful and innocent. "Breathe for me, darlin. Follow me, okay?" I copy his deep breaths and slow exhales, struggling at first, but eventually I stop shaking. Even more exhausted now, I slump over, and he grabs me. He moves us back to a more comfortable position in the bed, and I nuzzle into him like a lifeline. "I'm so sorry." He whispers. I don't know if he means for asking or for what happened, but I don't ask. He kisses the top of my head, and whispers sweet nothings. "I trust you, Angel."
"I trust you, too."
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cigarettesaftersae · 19 days ago
cream puff - 04 spring snow
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Series: shidou ryusei x f!reader | contains : fluff, (slight)angst, a bit suggestive(its shidou.), highschool au, troublemaker shidou, reader loves baking, spring :P, warning is shidou
dear diary, or dear ryusei you better not steal my little sister away from me!
Oh spring— what’s more better than spring where the crops grow fresh, the vegetables are anew, and every aisle of fruit are overflowing with sparkling ripe juice. A season of wonderland for bakers. And your sweet little sister, smily ol’ Summer, a sunshine of joy just as happy as a vibrant red apple ready to set off in the supermarket. Her little hand in yours slips away as she dashes towards the strawberry section “Summer— don’t go off without me!” You pick up your feet, catching up to her as her eyes were honeyed to the lush strawberries in front of her. “Y/n please oh please!— you said you’d make the strawberry cake”
“Yes Summer but it’s only for the Spring festival remember?”
“….mm..so none for me…” She pouts and crosses her arm, turning away her head from you. Full of moody childish anger
“Oh baby sister, there will always be some for you okay?” Her one eye peaks at you, looking for the truth all over your face then like the balloon she is, surprises and all, made of fairy dust and possom she jumps at you with a lunging hug
“Okay! But you have to promise” she extended out her pinky, curled as it waits to be intertwined by yours. You fall along with her childish habit and kneel down to link your pinky to hers and she smiles brightly, pearly teeth showing with one tooth missing whom you told that would be collected by the tooth fairy.
With your basket growing heavier, you scan the shelves. One by one, you grab flour, many strawberries, packets of matcha tea, bags of milk and white chocolate and—
“Oho? Shopping for the spring festival buzz?” The most lushish smile formed on his face as he greeted you. “Whose that y/n?…” Summer looks up at you, slightly tugging at your shirt for answers
“He’s a…friend” you lightly tread on your words, almost calling him out as classmate. What's even more bizarre is that you didn't even recognize him at first for his soft meadow hair was down. You slightly blush, he’s good-looking. Everyone knows. But when he looks at you like that—head tilted, lips curled into that infuriating smirk—you forget how to function
“It’s Summer, not chipmunk, you eyeliner freak,” your little sister snaps back, unfazed.
Shidou chuckles at her bluntness.
You clear your throat, desperate to ground yourself. “Um… what are you doing here?” You curse how unsteady your voice sounds. How can he be anymore hot?
“Right. Of course.” Obviously.
He tilts his head slightly, a lazy grin tugging at his lips. “Mind if I shop with you, Buzz?” Then, his gaze lowers to your five-year-old sister. “And you too.”
“Yes—yes, of course.”
Shidou hums, clearly amused. “You sound a little nervous. Is it because of me?” His voice dips just enough to make your pulse stutter.
“What—? No,” you stammer, nearly stepping back. “It’s just… I’ve never seen you with your hair down before.” You quickly avert your gaze, pretending to be deeply interested in whatever’s on the shelf in front of you. Before you can protest, Shidou plucks the basket from your hands like it’s his job. His fingers brush against yours, warm and confident, and for some reason, your brain forgets how to process basic motor skills
“Oh, you don’t have to—”
He ignores your protest, casually dropping a pack of cookies into the basket.
“Ah—wait, that’s my…basket,” you huff, narrowing your eyes. “And I’m already baking cookies later.”
His ears perk up at that, a spark of interest flashing in his eyes. “You are?”
You nod firmly, knowing full well your baking skills are unmatched.
Without hesitation, he places the store-bought cookies back on the shelf. “Well then, we better hurry, I’m ready to taste your cookie too.”
Your eyebrow twitches. Without thinking, you take a step in front of Summer, instinctively shielding her as if you were protecting her from the boogie man (which, in a way, you were).
Shidou chuckles at your reaction. “Relax. I was kidding.” A beat passes before he smirks. “Maybe.”
Despite your initial wariness, it doesn’t take long for Summer to warm up to him. To your horror, she actually seems to like him—laughing at his dumb jokes, smiling up at him like they’ve known each other for years. And now, the three of you move through the store like a mismatched little trio, gathering ingredients for your upcoming spring festivities. Moreover and after, Shidou held most of the grocery bags. You’ve heard plenty of rumors about him—rude, childish, ungentlemanly—but right now, he’s proving to be the exact opposite. Or so you hope.
As you approach your home, Summer tugs at your sleeve, her hands clasped together as she sways side to side.
“Y/n, Y/n! Can Shidou stay over for a bit…” Summer intertwines his hands together, pleading with puppy eyes as she sways.
“Uh… I don’t know,” you hesitate. “What if he’s busy?”
Summer immediately points at him. “Look—he’s not.”
You glance over and—sure enough—Shidou is absentmindedly picking at his ear, completely unbothered by the conversation. Noticing your stare, he flashes you a lazy grin.
You exhale. Come on, Y/n, you can do this.
“…Ryusei?” you start, shifting on your feet. “Would you like to stay for a bit?”
His grin widens. “Thought you’d never ask.”
There’s a boy. In my house. Right now. No, not just any boy. It’s Shidou Ryusei. Ryusei. The one whose just bad, bad, bad, bad—
“So this is where you live huh?” Without a second to waste, his eyes takes inspections of every so thing in your house. The pretty pink to yellow and white flowers in the clear glass vase, the wooden pillar upholding the house, and even the coffee table. Suddenly, before anymore inspections, Summer takes ahold of his hand. Only grasping a few fingers of his manly hand and setting off to the living room to play. “Shidou shidou! Look at what I drew.”
As they set off, lost in their own little world of fun, you retreat to the kitchen, rolling up your sleeves and tying an apron securely around your waist. With a deep breath, you take in the array of ingredients before you—flour, sugar, fresh fruit, and rich chocolate—all waiting to be transformed into something delightful.
Alright, you think, time to get to work.
Your hands move with practiced ease, measuring, mixing, and kneading, fully immersing yourself in the comforting rhythm of baking. The kitchen hums with warmth, the air soon filling with the sweet, inviting aroma of something truly special.
Humming softly, you carefully slice a small piece of strawberry melody cake and place it on a plate for Summer, watching as her eyes sparkle with excitement. She takes it eagerly, already completely charmed by your unexpected guest—and, unsurprisingly, he seems just as amused by her.
Shidou tilts his head, watching you with a lopsided grin. “None for me?” His voice carries an easy playfulness, but there’s something almost expectant in his gaze. “I’ve been looking forward to trying your baking, y’know.”
You blink at him, momentarily caught off guard by how effortlessly he says things like that. Does he even think before speaking? With a quiet sigh, you cut another slice—a little bigger this time—and slide it toward him.
With a soft awkward smile you place down his plate.
He eagerly picks it up, inspecting the cake with exaggerated appreciation before glancing back at you. “Looks amazing. But…” He leans in just slightly, lowering his voice as if sharing a secret. “I bet it’d taste even better if you fed me.”
You freeze, fingers tightening against the your shirt. Feed..him?
“…W-what? Why?”
Shidou’s grin widens, completely unashamed. “What? You do it for Summer.”
“That’s different!”
“My hands are full, Buzz. Pretty please?”
You glance at his hands—one resting idly on the table, the other twirling a pencil between his fingers. Your brow twitches. “Its a pencil.”
Summer, ever the voice of reason, tilts her head. “Just put the pencils down and eat.”
“See?” You gesture toward her, relieved to have backup. “Exactly what Summer said.”
Shidou sighs dramatically, clutching his chest. “Ouch. And here I thought you’d be nice to me.”
“You’re perfectly capable of feeding yourself Ryusei”
“What if I start crying?”
“…You can cry?”
“Of course.” His expression shifts into an exaggerated pout. “But maybe… just maybe… I wouldn’t have to if you gave in. Pretty please? I promise to be an extra good boy for you.”
“Ok-ok fine…” He was so embarrassing you, with his erotic words and smooth sexy tone. Not to mention how fine he was with his hair down. Hair gel was an enemy to you. You take the fork and delicately place the cake into his mouth, once then twice.
Shidou hums in delight as he chews, closing his eyes like he’s experiencing something divine. “Damn, Buzz… you’re spoiling me.”
“Is that enough?” You say nervously “I’m sure you can feed yourself now”
“Aww, but it tastes better when you feed me,” he teases, and summer giggles beside him, clearly entertained. “You’re so weird.” Summer comments
Shidou gasps, placing a hand over his heart in fake offense. “Weird? Me? No way, I’m just a simple guy who enjoys the finer things in life.” He gestures toward the cake. “Like this masterpiece.”
He only smirks, taking another bite—this time on his own. But the mischief in his eyes tells you he’s far from done teasing you. He continued to chowed down on your recipe and was left with a makeup of cake mess around his lips. Leaving Summer with a cheeky smile and a giggle as she looked at the smeared art painting across his face. “What’s so funny kid?”
Her giggle only grows more contagious “You’re such a messy eater! you have cake all over here” She points at herself as a demonstration while laughing like a mad man
“Mm right here?”
“No here!”
“Oh here?”
You softly swipe away the remaining cake on his lip, your thumb brushing against his soft lips— just now could you really smell him. Did he always smell this good? Maybe it’s his shampoo. The world around you fades, the distant laughter of Summer barely registering as you catch the faint scent of him—warm, clean, and something else entirely intoxicating. The air between you stills, your breath hitching as you murmur, almost absentmindedly, “It’s right here…”
Just then, snapping out of your thought, you heard a small girl’s gasp looking over to Summer as her hand covered her mouth with smiley eyes peaking at you. “I’m gonna tell mommy you have a boyfriend and he came over!”
“W-what! No Summer he’s not my—”
“I’m gonna tell daddy too!”
“You’re the one who begged him to stay over!” you protest, flustered.
Meanwhile, Shidou leans back, arms crossed, watching the scene unfold with barely concealed amusement. “Damn, Buzz, already introducing me to the family? Didn’t know we were that serious.”
“It’s not like that!” Your face heats up, and judging by his smug grin, he knows exactly what he’s doing.
But before you can argue, Summer bolts.
“SUMMER—!” You immediately lunge forward, but she’s already dashing out of the kitchen, giggling wildly as her tiny feet patter against the floor carrying your phone.
“Summer do not call our parents!”
You take off after her, weaving through the living room as she squeals in delight, dodging around furniture like an expert escape artist. Just when you think you’ve got her cornered by the couch, she slips past you, cackling like a tiny evil mastermind. To your horror, Ryusei steps in with that damn smug grin. Before you can react, he hoists Summer over his shoulder like she’s weightless, spinning in place as she shrieks with laughter.
“Ryusei..what are you doing?”
“Protecting my ally.” He smirks, spinning in place while Summer shrieks with laughter.
“You traitor!” you huff, stomping toward them. But before you can reach them, he takes a step back, teasingly holding Summer just out of your grasp.
“You gonna work for it, Buzz?” he taunts, eyes twinkling with amusement.
Your brows twitch. Oh, it’s on.
Without warning, you lunge straight for him, catching him off guard as you grab onto Summer’s waist, pulling her toward you. The sudden shift in weight makes Shidou stumble slightly, and for a brief moment, the three of you are tangled in an awkward, chaotic mess—until you all crash onto the couch in a fit of laughter.
Summer clings to your arm, breathless from giggling, while Shidou, still sprawled out, shoots you a lopsided grin. “Gotta admit, that was kinda fun.”
“You suck,” you mutter, trying to catch your breath.
“Nah,” he counters smoothly, “I think you just like playing with me.”
Your face burns, but before you can argue, Summer—oblivious to your embarrassment—cheers, “Let’s play again!”
“No, you’re going to give me back my phone.”
“Why not?” You grumble, breathlessly tired
“Because you’ll make Shidou go away…”
“I will if you don’t give me back my phone.”
Hesitantly, she hands out the rectangle object to you. Slowly inching it towards you, “You promise?”
With an exhausted sigh, you reply “yes, I promise.” And again, link your pinky to her little one. Then another one joined in, more bigger, manly, Ryusei's
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peoniesnro · 5 months ago
In Another Universe
#8. The Burning Pit of Fire
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Synopsis – When you are just another iteration of Park Jimin’s girlfriend in a different universe.
Park Jimin × Reader
Genre – parallel universe / kind of fantasy/ strangers to ??/ SMUT/ maybe romance/ angst/ fluff /Infidelity
Warnings- Language/SMUT- Making out/ Dirty talks/ Very brief Oral (F.Receiving)/ Brief breast play/ Protected sex/ Missionary/ Doggy/ Word 'slut' and 'whore'/ Angst / INFIDELITY
Word count- 16k+
a/n- I apologize for the delay in updating—life has been a bit overwhelming and hectic lately. I’m doing my best to bring you new chapters as quickly as I can. Thank you so much for your patience, and I hope you’ll enjoy this one!❤️
Chapter Index
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“Are you fucking kidding me bitch? What do you take me for? A fucking joke?” Key puts her coffee cup on the dirty table in your booth. Harshly. And loudly. Three students next to your booth look at you with judgmental looks on their faces. You hush your best friend with furrowed brows.
“Yah! Don’t cause drama here.” You put your own coffee cup down the table as well.
“Drama? Fucking drama?” She scoffs. Looking away from you for a second before looking back at you. Bewildered. “For fuck’s sake…. You just told me the most fucking insane story I’ve ever heard, and you want me to act calm. No, fucking scratch that, do you expect me to fucking believe you?” Key nearly laughs. Picks up her coffee to down the remaining in one go. Places the cup back again before pointing a finger at you. “Well, guess what my friend? If you want to come up with stupid lies and if you have things to hide, come prepared.” Almost gets to her feet but you prevent that with a loud ‘fuck you’.  
You’re beyond frustrated at this point. Just at the moment you figured out a way to have the most possible way of living a normal life, it all started to come crashing down. Just like that. You’re still heartbroken after your last conversation with Park Jimin. It still pangs to think that he asked you not to ‘ruin his life’.
Fucking bastard.
He came onto you like a horny teenager first. Acted like he was a dumb pervert who thinks with his dick while forcing your mouth on his dick. And asked you to leave quietly? Like you’re a match struck in the darkness. Brightened his world for a moment and then tossed away when you’re no longer needed. You’ve never felt this used before.
To add a little more frustration and pressure to your current problems, there came your best friend. Maybe it’s not just your best friend but the whole ordeal. The fact that she didn’t recognize you for a moment this morning adds a whole lot of weight to your current burden. Oh, how scared you were. To stand in front of her near your lecture room. Crowding the entrance while she just gaped at you. Tilting her head to the side and thinking hard about who you were. It was only for a fractured second, but in that second, blood drained out of you. Your heart sank down. Cold beads of sweat started to form in your skin, and you felt an unexplainable fear. And then she had recognized you when you mumbled her name with a cracked voice. Making you breathe out a sigh of relief. Not for long though. That relief didn’t have much lasting impact. It was stolen from you when your best friend had started to freak out. Fair though.
What’s the possible explanation of forgetting someone who’s been a part of your life for so long?
See, you could’ve easily manipulated her to believe that it’s her fault. But you’ve already messed up so much. You didn’t need any more guilt. Besides she had firsthand witnessed how you started calling your family like a lunatic. And explaining that you were their daughter. Younger sister. There was no explanation except the truth.
So, here you are glaring at your best friend who obviously wants nothing but to leave. Here you are daring her to leave if she can, without words. Here you both are participating in a staring contest while the other students gaping at you.
“Fuck.” Key gives in first.
“Fuck indeed. So, what? You’re going to leave like that?” You ask.
“What do you expect me to do then? Believe you?” She counters back. You’re running out of patience. Well, of course you know what you’re saying is unbelievable. Even Jimin who experienced this mess with you from the very first moment didn’t believe you. Not that easily. Now though, you don’t have the energy to fight for your arguments. You just want her to believe you blindly.  
“Yes. I want you to believe me Key, because what would I get from lying to you?” You stop glaring at her. Shoulders slumping down as you sigh heavily. Eyes closed as you pray for the strength to keep going. Key interrupts you before you can continue.
“How? How am I supposed to believe some bullshit about two worlds and what? You’ve been travelling there like every other day? And that happens every time you sleep? Do you even hear yourself?” She rants. You groan.
“Listen Key…. I know… gosh of fucking course I know. I know I sound ridiculous.”
“You sound fucking insane.”
“I know, I know all right? But that’s the fucking truth. I don’t know how to prove it to you but that’s what has been happening to me. You know, when you asked me why I go MIA, why I keep missing my lectures and due dates, why I look so tired and shit, it’s all because of this.” You try to keep calm. It won’t take you anywhere to act like she is your enemy. Because she isn’t. Key shakes her head slowly. Still in very much disbelief. Maybe offended even.
“So, let me guess… that fucking stupid letter…. Your fucking fatigue thing? They were all lies, weren’t they?” She leans forward. You were wrong to think she looks offended. No, she looks hurt. Betrayed. Well, fuck!
“Yes,” You admit. Feeling extremely guilty. Nibble on your bottom lip for a moment. “But I had no other option, I didn’t know what else to tell─” You start explaining yourself when she stops you with another scoff.
“What else to tell? You should have told me the truth. What, am I that untrustworthy, that you couldn’t share your prob─” It’s your turn to stop Key.
“That’s not that shit Key. It’s not about a fucking trust… it’s because I knew you wouldn’t believe me. Look at you. You don’t believe me, do you? I didn’t tell you because I fucking knew this is how you’re going to act.” That really got Key closing her mouth shut. And for the first time since you start this conversation, she starts to look guilty as much as you do.
“Okay, yeah, I don’t believe you but… like how can I? How am I gonna believe such a stupid story?” She resonates. You sigh again as you just stare at her. Thinking of words or reasons to make her believe you. Only to find you have none. Words aren’t believable. Words aren’t enough. But maybe solid proof will be enough. Just like the time you took the same approach with Park Jimin.
“Well, think about all the times I acted odd and maybe try to connect the dots. And I have something I can show you. Let’s go to my place.” You stand up. Ignore Key’s stuttering. Just start walking out of this café with one goal in mind. After all, you thank Park Jimin for buying you a phone. And for the party where you just snapped hundreds of pictures without knowing how handy they’ll be in the future.
A sudden jolt wakes you up. A soft groan escapes your lips as you close your eyes again, then open them slowly. Letting your brain register that you were just sleeping, not dead. Reminding you that you’re not in your apartment. Which is no longer a shock nor scary. You fully expect it to happen this way. You’re used to it. That, however, doesn’t stop you from snapping your head to Jimin’s side. Finding him peacefully still asleep next to you. On his tummy, cheek flushed against the soft pillows. One hand draping over your stomach.
Oh, great! Just fucking great
On another day, where he hadn’t hurt your feelings that way, this might have been a nice morning. A morning where your heart would try to leap away from your ribcage. Where you would get that uncontrollable urge to smooch his lips which are pouty as he presses his cheek into the pillow. Today, however, what you feel is a new wave of bitterness. Paired with a heavy heart. And a lingering anger. You feel humiliated. To think that he just discarded you like that. You want to get away from him as fast as possible. You want to act like he doesn’t exist. Act like he doesn’t matter the same way that you don’t matter to him. Like you’re not hurt at least a bit. Your ego is what speaking when you take another minute before deciding you need to put him in his place. You shrug his hand off your stomach with inconceivable speed. Your movements are so harsh that it makes Jimin awaken with a startle. A whimper escapes his mouth. His droopy eyes closing back instantly to avoid the ache of looking at light suddenly.
Great!!! Now you feel like a narcissistic bitch. A fucking asshole.
Jimin looks like an innocent cat. So out of this cruel world. Certainly not deserving such harsh treatments. No. Nope. He does. He fucking does. He asked you to leave quietly after using you to satisfy his horny desires. He treated you like a worthless slut. He deserves a slap across his face.
“I absolutely don’t fucking need your hands over me Park.” You hiss before getting out of bed at blistering speed.
“What?” Jimin raises his head. Asks groggily. His hair sticking out funnily. Looking at you with his eyes still half closed. You don’t intend on answering his questions. You’re not obligated to do so after all. Hence, your silent departure from the room. Not even minding the next ‘what?’ he throws at your retreating back.
See, you promised yourself that you’re going to show your middle finger to him when you leave.
On your normal days, you use his kitchen like it’s your own. Floundering around and making breakfast. For both of you. You don’t do that on this day, however. Jimin loudly reminded you that you’re indeed no one. That this is not your place. How stupid of you to get so comfortable around him. Fuck, you need to slap yourself. Yes, Jimin deserves a slap, but you deserve two. For being a stupid and desperate bitch.
You just sit there on the kitchen island. Both of your legs are bouncing up and down fast. Your thumb is trapped between your front teeth. For a fact, you know this is going to get awkward. It’s always uncomfortable to face someone after a fight. Even though it wasn’t really a fight you had with Jimin, it’s still very uncomfortable. You don’t know how to act. Feel helpless. Gosh you’re stuck with him here despite how much you want to escape. He’s the one who fed you while you were here. Bought you a phone. Made you stay safe. And everything else. Come to think of it, you’re in fucking debt. And that worsens the situation. God, how frustrating to be dependent on him. True, it was your deal for him to help you find a job. It’s no longer an option. First, you can’t ask Jimin to help. Second, even if you find a job there would be no way you’ll earn something enough to pay him. You should never have allowed him to buy you stuff. Should’ve starved to death.
The sound of approaching footsteps is what snaps you out of your reverie. You have to bite back the annoying groan that is about to leave your mouth. What did you do in your past life that you’ve to put up with this? Why don’t you have an escape?
You stay very still. Not wanting to look at him. But your attempts come in vain when he walks to the refrigerator, which is right in front of you. He’s in sweats and white T like always. Hair still wild and he makes it worse by running his fingers through it. Looks fine in a godly way. How annoying.
“Did you eat anything?” Jimin’s sudden voice make you whip your head away. He isn’t looking at you. Is asking that while rummaging through his refrigerator, where he stupidly keeps instant ramen. See, so fucking annoying.
“Why the fuck would you care?” You ask back. Burning holes in his back. Jimin straightens up at your question. Turns around. Is burning holes back into your face. Takes a moment before sighing while tilting his head slightly.
“Lil─” He starts to say. And you snap.
“Don’t fucking Lil me. Just don’t. We’re not that close for you to give me nicknames, are we? You were fucking loud and clear when you told me I’m no one but a stand-in for your girlfriend. And I really understand that you don’t want me to ruin your life. So, that’s what I’m doing right now. I’ll make sure I don’t ruin your life for the remaining week- no it’s not just a week- it’s just three days─” You take a deep breath before continuing. “─ for the remaining three days.” The last words leave your mouth as a hiss. Due to how hard you’re grinding your teeth. “So, let me be that way, Park.” The anger you feel is enough to crush this entire apartment down to dust. Still, even with that you don’t feel any satisfaction after you throw those words at him. If anything, you can feel that lump in your throat once again. Well, that’s your cue to leave this scene. Jimin doesn’t let you, however.
“That’s not what I meant, Lil. You were the one who said you wanted to tell my fucking friends that you’re not Liya.” Jimin steps away from the fridge. Leaves the door open and walks forward to stand across from you. On the other side of the counter. His expression is stern.  “I only asked you not to do just that.” Jimin grits his teeth too. You scoff. Very bitterly.
“Of fucking course, it’s my fault now─”
“I never fucking said it’s your fault. Stop making this shit bigger than it really is.”
“Then what are you saying, Jimin? What exactly are you saying? I fucking know I’m equally at fault for what happened between us and I’m fully aware it was for one day. So, listen, Mr. Park Jimin, I didn’t expect anything more either. I. FUCKING. DID. NOT. Do you hear me?” You scream this time. Get to your feet, feeling your eyes begin to sting. Your vision blurs.
“Then why did you want to tell them? What’s your fucking purpose?” Jimin rounds the kitchen island as he asks that. Standing tall before you. Well, you don’t know the answer to that. Don’t think that everything has a reason. Hell, you might’ve not told his friends the truth in the end. It was just a suggestion.
“I don’t know, Jimin. Maybe because I’m a person. Maybe because I’m not a fleshlight you can use or a fucking robot at your service. Maybe because I, seek self-worth like any other person. Good job Park. Good fucking job, making me feel like a useless, pathetic slut.” You throw your head up to keep the tears inside your eyes. “I thought we were fucking friends.” Oh, how much you hate the way your voice cracks. And the way Jimin’s face contorts into something painful from the anger. Feel like he is pitying you. That’s not what you want.
“Gosh, fuck. Listen I- I... uh...” Jimin rubs his face frustratingly. Stuttering over his words. You have no idea what he is trying to say. Not that you care either. You want to escape. He makes you want to cry. Your heart is aching. At least you expected him to apologize. But all he does is make it worse. You want to stop him by doing so. Don’t want to leave while hating his guts despite everything. So, you’re glad when your phone suddenly vibrates, interrupting you. You and Jimin both snap your head towards where your phone is. On the countertop. Screen has lit up and the caller ID reads, ‘Kookie’.
You catch the way Jimin furrows deeply for a brief moment before you pick up the phone from the counter. Answering the call and pressing the cold surface of the phone into your cheek. Clear your throat.
“H-Hello?” You will yourself not to sound annoyed or sad.
“Noona? Gosh, why couldn’t I reach you? I tried so many times.” Jungkook bellows from the other side. Well, he probably couldn’t because you were not in the coverage area. You don’t wish to tell him now though. Instead, you just ask him why. Throwing another swift glance at Jimin. He is still furrowing his brows, clearly disliking the interruption.
“Ah, I was just worried you know? Or maybe just dying in curiosity like fuck, Noona, I feel like I dreamt, and I wanted to make sure it was real…” Poor Jungkook is obviously very oblivious to the mood you’re in. Not that you can blame him. Under very different context you would’ve laughed at his small joke. Make fun of it. Not now. Not when you’re hurt. When you still feel the burning gaze of Park Jimin on your face. But you force a chuckle.
“Very real, unfortunately.” Mumble. Jungkook chuckles on the other side and you know his one is very genuine.
“Yeah? Then if I can remember correctly, you promised me an explanation… I mean... if you still want to. It’s not like you’re obligated, but I’m still fucking dying of curiosity.” You can hear some ruffling on his side. It’s impressive how he’s not losing his shit right now. If you were him, you might’ve had a stroke after hearing all that and then seeing someone just vanish in front of your bare eyes. Jungkook really is a one of a kind. It seems. And when you said you’d explain, you meant it. The thing is though, you’re not in a mood to do so. Maybe you should ask him to do it another day, but before you can, he speaks again.
“We can meet if you’re free. Where are you? I can pick you up.”  Jungkook sounds hesitant when he says that. He’s sweet. But this is not the time. Right? This is not the time unless you’re desperately looking for an escape. Of fucking course─ here’s the escape you’ve been looking for. Jungkook is your guardian angel. And then maybe he could help you find enough money to pay Park Jimin back. You’d do that even if it meant selling your kidney.
You look at Jimin once again. Take a moment. Force yourself to smile. “Of course, Kookie, I can. I mean I’m always free─ not like I have anything to do. Like I don’t really matter at this moment, ─” Keep your eyes on Jimin. Unwavering.
“Nothing. I’m free, that’s what I mean.  I’m at Jimin’s─ I’ll send you the location, pick me up.” You state while you can actually hear Jungkook’s excitement. He says something about being there within ten minutes, even though you haven’t sent him the address yet. He says some more but his voice is annoyingly drowned out when Jimin suddenly grabs your wrist. Nearly yanking the phone away from your ear. You don’t let him. With a glare at Jimin you mutter a ‘bye’ to Jungkook. Hang up the call. Eyes never stop glaring at the man in front of you.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Jimin yells the moment the call has been disconnected. His fingers still tightly wrapped around your delicate wrist. You wrench free your hand. Harshly as you could.
“What the fuck does it have to do with you?” You nearly turn around to leave when you’re trapped in his grip again.
“Fucking answer me, Lil… Where the hell are you going?” Jimin shouts in your ear. His grip is so harsh that it pains you. You grit your teeth as you try to free your hand again. Twisting. You’re not able to do so this time. If anything, he tightens the grip even more.
“None… of- your con─ cerns… Park Jimin. Let me fucking go….” You manage through your clenched teeth.
“Not till you fucking tell me.”
“Don’t act like you don’t know─ you fucking saw who called me. Get your damn hands away from me, Park. Fucking let me go.” You seethe. Clenching your teeth so hard that they ache. “I don’t want you to touch me.” You sound desperate. Trying one more time to free your hand. This time, it works. Not because you’re the Wonder Woman, but because he lets go. Jimin’s entire expression morphs into a pain from anger this time. As though you hurt him. Well, you didn’t. It’s not like he cares for real anyway. Just using you again because he isn’t on good terms with Jungkook. Not your problem anymore. Jimin doesn’t say anything else. Nor do you wait to hear if he does. You just spin around and leave. Without another single word.
It’s really exhausting and frustrating to recite the same story repeatedly. After Key wanted to hear the same thing from A to Z for ten fucking times, now you’re ready to faint after explaining it for the eleventh. This time, however, the listener is much more bearable. Out of only three people who know the truth, Jungkook is the easiest to convince. Or he was already convinced. All you had to do was tell him how it happened. And he, unlike some people, just accepted what you said. Key was the most difficult. Even after using the same approach, you did with Park Jimin, she was adamant you’d lost your mind. Hell, she even promised you that she’ll find those people in your photographs. And a phone of the same brand. Well, you wished her good luck.
“Holy fuck!” Jungkook exclaims once you stop talking. Telling him everything – or the things that can be said- up to where you and him both met that woman.
“Right?” You agree with him.
“I feel so special right now.” Jungkook mutters dreamily. “To know such thing and fuck, Noona, I know an alien. You’re a fucking alien.” He gasps as he looks at you with wide eyes. As if he’s inspecting to see something different from humans. Then shakes his head in disbelief. Reaches a hand to your head. Starts touching your head with furrowed brows.
“Okay, what the fuck are you doing?” You ask while trying to dodge his touches. Jungkook snorts. Amused for a reason you can’t fathom. “What?”  So, you question again.
“Nothing. Just checking if you have antennas.” He states causally, making you whine and swat his hand away.
“Too bad dude. I don’t have antennas, nor do I have any special powers. Just a human girl like you. And yah! don’t call me Noona anymore, I’m younger than you.” You remind him. Jungkook just clicks his tongue. Dismissing your demand.
“I like Noona better. Let’s make that your name.” You are about to protest when he disrupts you with another question. “So, beside Jimin, am I the only person who knows?” He inquires. Picking up the cup of coffee, now probably ice cold. Takes a sip. Contorts his expression into pure disgust. Starts scanning the small café where you’re in. Presumably searching for a barista to ask for a second cup. You shake your head making sure he notices that.
“No, my best friend knows. I told you about her, Key. But then you’re the only one who knows beside Jimin in this world.”
Jungkook nods in understanding but doesn’t get to ask anything else when the searched barista reaches your table. “You need another one too Noona?” He asks instead, to which you shake your head again. Despite you having an escape. Despite Jungkook being an exceptionally good companion. Despite this little café feels like a cozy dwarf house. You’re still not in the mood to enjoy anything. It doesn’t matter how much you’ve talked until now. Or if you’ve smiled and snorted here and there. You’re still very heartbroken. Can still taste the bitterness of your own words on your tongue. Can feel the piercing pang in your heart.
Why the hell do you feel this hurt? Why do you feel so lonely? You’re not supposed to. Why are you hoping Jimin will barge in here like the time he did that day. The day you sat under the Gingko tree. Just wishful thinking. How ridiculous? Now why he would do that? He wants you to leave quietly after all. Besides, it’s been hours since you’re here with Jungkook. Jimin isn’t coming. Fuck him.
“So, did she believe you?” Jungkook’s voice brings you back to the earth. Saves you from piercing pain in your chest.
“No, not really.” You give a simple answer. He nods again. He nods a lot. A beat of silence falls while Jungkook waits for his coffee. It arrives fast. Making the boy next to you giddy. He takes the cup from both of his hands. Bowing to the cute barista repeatedly. See, if you weren’t so drained, you might’ve snorted at that. You watch as he takes a sip from the hot coffee. Hums in delight. Using the cup to warm his hands. And then his attention is back on you. Not asking anything right away but just curiously staring. His keen eyes piercing through you. Like he’s trying to read you. You’re just about to ask him ‘what now?’, when he beats you to it.
“Are you okay?” Jungkook puts the cup back on the table. Momentarily drawing your gaze before you look back at his face.
“Are you okay Noona? You don’t look like you’re okay. Are you sick? Is that because we smoked that day outside? It was quite cold…” Jungkook ponders. You chuckles. Yet again a forced one. You wonder if you’re really that obvious or Jungkook is just that observant. Decide it’s the latter in the end.
“Of course, I’m okay. Why wouldn’t I be?” You chuckles again. Looking away through the window. Avoiding those keen eyes.
“Maybe because you’re sad that you’re leaving?” Jungkook can be really annoying with his questions sometimes. You turn to him again, waving your hand in the air.
“Hah, that’s the most hilarious thing you’ve ever said. I was literally dying to find a way to stop─”
“You and Jimin weren’t just acting right? You two… uh… I mean you kissed like… I don’t know, like you were starving. So, I’m guessing there’s more?” Jungkook interrupts your ranting so rudely. But it’s not the interruption that got you wide eyes and open mouth. It’s the words. Fucking hell, he’s so observant. You gulp harshly, getting ready to deny his accusations, when he starts again. “Sorry for saying it like this but you... uh... did you cheat on real Liya? And fuck, are you in love─”
“Fucking NO… of fucking course no. Are you crazy? What makes you even think I’m in love with that asshole?” You really couldn’t bear to listen to him complete that sentence. Unbelievable.
“What about the first part? You said no to being in love with him, but what about the cheating part?” Jungkook asks softly. Making you shut your mouth tight. Oh, how hard this is. You knew it would be embarrassing and humiliating to be confronted about such matters. But this? This is exceeding your expectations in a scary way. You can’t even look Jungkook in the eye. Guit and shame burning you up. Hell, you can’t even bring yourself to defend. Even your eyes are beginning to sting. You want to run away. Well, who else is to blame but your stupid self. You dug this pit of shame for yourself. There’s nothing you can say or do but to downcast your eyes. Avoid his pitch-black ones.
This is fine. He can judge you. All he wants. It’s not like you’ll be here to endure those judgments for long anyway. You brace yourself to hear him saying how much of a lying and shameless bitch you are. Only for your eyes to go wide again. This time in surprise though. Jungkook wraps his hand around your shoulders. Bringing you pressed to his side in one swift moment. Gives you a reassuring squeeze.
“It’s okay Noona, I’m not judging. I just asked. I’m pretty sure I’ve done far worst shit than that─” Jungkook quietly laughs. Body rumbling. “─ gosh it’s so fucked up. Once I fucked this woman knowing very well, she was married with kids. I couldn’t care less. Was so fucking horny.” That got you snapping your eyes to him. Not judging. No. Just curios. “Fucked up, aren’t I? And I fucked her couple times after as well.” He asks you with a second squeeze. You’re curious like a cat now.
“Then what? Are you like um… are you still….”
“No, No. I stopped that shit when J found out. She found out pretty soon to be honest. And ripped my ear off.” His free hand reaches to his ear to rub it. As he could still feel the pain. A ghost of a smile dances on your lips. “It’s not like I’m into married woman or something you know. It just happened and then I stopped. You don’t have to feel so shitty Noona. People always fucking up and if anything, Jimin should feel double fucked.” He justifies the situation. You know what he’s trying to do. But then it’s not exactly the same. Is it? You want to tell him that. Your mouth feel dry, however. How can you tell him when you don’t know for yourself?
You nod your head anyway. Let Jungkook know you understand. So, he gives you some more reassuring words. Justifies the situation to the best he can. Changes the topic subtly to the ways you’re going to make this work. Obviously, you still have no idea what you’re supposed to do after five days. Either way, you feel glad that he changes the subject. Glad that you at least have him here to talk to. Feel less lonely. Your little chit chat flows through. Making you regain your composure. Act normal.
Funny, how you never paid this much attention to the muscular ‘bunny’ beside you. Who’s now talking animatedly about a sci-fi he watched about parallel universes. Applying the same theories to your situation. Funny, how he is so nice to you, even when he thought you were Liya. Funny, how you only now realize that this man will be the one who you will miss the most after Jimin. Funny, how he is the only one who will miss you for who you are. Since he only ever knew you. Never knew Liya. There are few other people who probably haven’t met real Liya yet either. But Jungkook is the only one who knows you.  And to know that you feel at ease. Feel touched. See, you’re a human just like you told Jimin. Maybe deep down you wish you found something in this world. Connections. Relationships. Friends. People to miss.
 Of course you’ll miss everyone. Even Seoyeon. Even Hoseok. Then, oh, you will definitely miss Jungkook. You will. So, you let him know. Interrupting his interesting explanation.
“I’ll miss you.”
Jungkook’s head snaps toward you. His words fade as he takes you in. “Yeah?” Mumbles. After silently staring at you for more than a second. You stare back and then nod. “Me too─” He puts his hands on yours. “─I’ll miss you too.” Voice turns so soft. That cheesy, sheepish grin adorning his lips. Makes you smile.
“How come? You don’t know me that much.” Ask knowing very well it’s just the same as for you.
“Doesn’t matter, I kinda liked you the first day I saw you and when I knew you were taken─” Jungkook laughs heartily. “I was like damn man maybe you are into taken woman.” You both laugh at that. Shake your heads. Jungkook leans against the backrest before speaking again. Entwines his fingers with you. “But then you’re not. And you’re leaving? Fuck, Noona, why does this feel like a damn tragedy?” Those keen eyes are watching you again. He’s being silly.
“It’s not Kookie, I’m just someone you knew. And you’ll forget me pretty soon.”
“What if I don’t? I mean c’mon, you’re an alien. How many people do you think get to meet aliens in their life?” Jungkook questions very seriously. Earning a punch to his arm. “No but seriously, I don’t think I’ll forget you. And if you really think I will, maybe you could do something unforgettable.” Adds. You roll your eyes.
“Yeah? Like what?”
“I don’t know, like hanging out for the remainder of your stay?” Quirks his brow smugly. Typical Jungkook. You take a moment to answer. You could’ve said no. On different situation. Now, however, you really like the idea of having someone to spend your days with. Or rather three days. Without needing to spend them in the presence of Park Jimin. Constantly being reminded of your heart break and humiliation.
“Only if you help me to find three fucking million Won in like three days.” You raise your brow as well. Trying to ease your own heart. Jungkook gives you an incredulous look.
“Three what?”
“Three million Won Kookie.” It’s fun teasing Jungkook. Only if you can really enjoy this.
“For what?” His eyes are bulging out of his skull.
“I’m kind of in debt to someone.”
“Well, I would’ve to sell my balls then.” Jungkook mumbles, matter of factly.
“Oh yeah?” You smirk. “How much will it worth?” Give him a very serious look.
“Change of plan, I don’t want to hang out anymore. Goodbye Noona.” The way he gets to his feet is comical. Covering his crotch. Makes you chuckle. This time for real.
You’re partially in pain and partially in shame, when you return to Jimin’s apartment. To find it empty. No sign of him. Good. Brilliant. You don’t want to face him anyway. It’s well past midnight. Jungkook dropped you here after you traumatized the poor guy for an entire day. Bringing horrible ideas about how you can sell his male parts. He took you to his workplace. A restaurant where he works part time. Told you he rents one of the two apartments in the upper flat. Rent free. Namjoon’s parents owns the building. And they love Jungkook more than their own son. How you’re regretting not finding that place earlier. The lovely Kim couple or rather Mrs. Kim graciously offered you a job. Obviously, not knowing a Liya. Jungkook introduced you as you. By your real name. As a fellow college student. Too late, though. What’s the point if you only have three days. Especially when you’re not going to make three million within three days. So, you turned it down. In hindsight, you had a good day. From outside. Smiling and laughing. Nodding and agreeing. Talking and listening. Then from the inside there has been no change.
All day along, your mind has been swirling around one person. It’s frustrating because even you don’t know what you’re expecting from him. Is that really an apology? Is that it? Or just to know he cares? Then what difference would it make? You’ll still leave. He’ll still go back to his life. A happy one. You can have your miserable one. Then why the fuck are you so mad he didn’t even call you once. Why are you slumped on his couch raging with fury that he isn’t even here worrying about you. Why are you sad in the first place. He isn’t your boyfriend. Then why?
You groan loudly. Grabbing a couch cushion and throwing it across the spacious lounge. Repeat the mantra you’ve been saying to yourself the whole day in your mind.
He doesn’t care. He doesn't care. He doesn't care……
Fuck, it hurts. Hurts, hurts and hurts.
Jimin is sitting in the kitchen. His face is buried in his laptop screen. That’s how you find him when you get down after getting ready. You know he heard your footsteps but is ignoring you on purpose. Fuck him. Fuck his adorable, puffy face and messy hair. Fuck his rude ass. You consider just disappearing out the door. Postponing the much-needed conversation once more. The case is; however, you’re running out of time. You only have one more day in this world. And according to your calculations, you’ll not be here on the destined day. It’s Key who give you the idea that you’ll have to stay here. Since you are required to do everything in reverse order. After all, she had no other options but to believe you when she failed to find a phone from the same brand. Failed to find the people she bet she could. Then you and she teamed up to find answers.
To make her idea work, however, you’ll have to spend another sleepless night. Then to add a pinch of salt to your wounds, you just realized this morning you can’t just make that decision by yourself. Park Jimin has been involved in this mess from the start. You’ll have to talk, whether you like it or not.
Well, to hell with it!
“Jimin.” You finally find your voice after standing here for more than one minute. Cringing at your own voice. It’s too loud. Jimin must’ve gone deaf since he doesn’t even flinch at the sound. Doesn’t acknowledge you at all. Oh, you’ll give Lee Seung a lap dance for a single chance to slap Park Jimin. Unfortunate that you can’t. All you can do is try again. “Jimin.” You call him again. Even louder this time. Still nothing.
For fucks sake! You practically storm toward him. Bridging the gap by just three long steps. Your palm hitting the countertop next to his laptop loudly. Harshly. That it hurts like a bitch. Then Park Jimin doesn’t even blink at that. Yet briefly glance at you.
“Will you fucking stop acting so immature.” You shout. Not that you intended to. It’s out of control now. In the end, it takes Jimin’s full attention to you. Incredulous look on his face as he snickers.
“Immature?” Questions. Finally closes his laptop.
“Yes. Stop acting so immature because we need to talk.” You take a step back. Hands crossing under your chest. Jimin tilts his head to the side.
“Immature...” Mumbles to himself. Stands up. Takes a step toward you. You’re proud at how you don’t budge. “Says the one who avoided me for an entire day.” Looks sharply in your eyes. You hold that eye contact. You hate how your breath hitches and heart skips a beat at his stare. Hate how your mouth goes dry. Ridiculous how you have to force yourself to stay still when he takes another step. Trying hard not to show that you’re affected right now.
“I wasn’t avoiding you.” You hiss through gritted teeth.
“Yeah? Then what were you doing? Staying away purposely for no reason, because everything you do has no reason?” Jimin isn’t shouting like the last times. And for some fucked up reason, to know that you don’t even make him frustrated, makes your heart ache even more.
“No. I don’t know what’s that even supposed to mean but I wasn’t avoiding you, Park. I was hanging out with a friend.” You answer his question. Feeling really annoyed. Earning another scoff.
“Friend? Good. Now you have lot of friends.” He rakes his eyes over you. “Looks like you’re about to do the same today.” Irony in his voice is clear.
“None of your business Park.”
“You’re the one who wanted to fucking talk, Lil. Don’t give me the fucking attitude after you reached me.” Jimin snaps. Finally. Sickening how you feel a bit better.
“I did and you’re not letting me.” You point out. He says nothing, just stares you down. You take that as a hint to continue. “We- uh I need to find what I have to do… To stop this.”
“What’s that got to do with me?”
“Every fucking thing. She wanted me to do everything in reverse order, which means I have to be here. Another night and- uh and you know Li─” God her name seems to get tangled in your throat. “─Liya won’t be here then, and I wanted to ask you whether if it’s okay or not?” You let down a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Jimin takes a moment. That pissed off expression softens. Sinks his teeth into his plump bottom lip. Funny how there are no wonderings anymore. You know how that feels. Those lips.
Okay fuck, focus.
Jimin sighs. Shrugs. Takes a step back. “Yeah whatever, I mean do what you have to do.” Gives you, his opinion. Turns around and grabs his device. Leaves.
“You’re absolutely not going to do such thing Kook.” You rub the plate on your hand particularly hard.
“Why not? It’s not a huge sum. I can totally manage.” Jungkook looks alien in this kitchen. Doing the dishes even though it’s not his job here. He is just helping the new hire. Fucking sweet. Too sweet for his own good. That’s why he is about to lend you three million Won, which he doesn’t have yet. Will borrow from Namjoon. Ridiculous since Jungkook knows that you’ll not be here to pay it back. It’ll be on his account. Why would someone do that? Is he some kind of an angel?
“Because I’ll not be able to pay it back Jungkook. I don’t think there’s a way to transfer money across two different worlds.” You point out the obvious. Placing the dried plate on the pile of plates next to the sink. Jungkook didn’t want you to work. But of course, you do. You’re here since you’ve no other place to be. Besides Jimin, Jungkook is the only person you know. You're lucky to have met him. Don’t know what you would’ve done if it wasn’t for him. Today when you reached him, he let you know that unfortunately he can’t ditch the work but said you’re welcome to join him here. Not that the owners mind at all.
“I don’t want you to pay back Noona. It’s just... you look stressed.” He thinks, giving you another washed plate. You take it. Feel fucking awful.
“Well, I’m no one you should care that way Jungkook.”
“But I do. I mean… I’m helping an alie ─”
“Oh, shut up!” You nudge him with your shoulder. He giggles.
“But I’m serious Noona... I can manage, trust me.”
“But I don’t want you to─”
Your protest is interrupted by the sound of the kitchen door slamming against the wall, followed by an enthusiastic voice.
“Kookie─” You and Jungkook both spin around at the same time to face Namjoon, who stops in the middle of the track after his eyes land on you. “Oh! Liya?” He questions. A grin spreading across his face. Before you can respond, a second voice echoes from behind Namjoon’s broad figure.
“Who’s Liya?” Mrs. Kim soon appears to be the owner of that voice. Smiling. You, however, feel your blood freeze inside your body. Eyes wide and panickily snapping toward Jungkook.
When you and Jungkook introduced you as you last time, you didn’t really hope to come back here. Today wasn’t planned. And now, you’re fucked. Yet again. What’s so new? You try to open your mouth with an excuse when Namjoon turns to his mother.
“Her? I mean this is Liya. Holy fuck what are you doing here?” He says to his mother first and asks the latter from you.
“Will you mind your language? And that’s no Liya.” Mrs. Kim happily states, already turning away to mind her own work. But not without telling your name. Saying that’s how you introduced yourself. “You guys know each other?” She asks while peering over a pot. Namjoon, who is utterly confused, looks between her and you. Blinks.
“Uh… that’s her nickname.” Jungkook butts in. Quickly. Oh, you’re glad. Nod furiously agreeing.
“Yeah? Okay...” Namjoon nods to himself. Smiles with his dimples on display before it disappears again. As if a sudden realization hit him. His gaze averts to Jungkook. “Wait? Did you fucking make her do the damn dishes? Bro? Did you make the fucking CEO of The SE wash dishes in our restaurant?” The disbelief in Namjoon’s eyes is comical. “Seriously?” He deadpans. You hear Mrs. Kim gasp. Have no time ponder that though. You chuckle awkwardly.
“Ah no… Namjoon-ah, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You mumble through your smile, gesturing to his mother with your eyes. Namjoon takes a moment. Looking at you like you’ve grown two heads. Not taking your hint at all. Jungkook to the rescue again. Throwing his hand around your shoulder and squeezing.
“Yeah, Hyung, what are you talking about? He is weird these days, Eomeoni.” Says to poor Mrs. Kim, who looks at all three of you. Jungkook gives a stern look to Namjoon. Namjoon opens his mouth again. Yet couldn’t utter a single word when Jungkook lets you go, only to walk around and grab Namjoon’s shoulders. “It’s time you should take a break Hyung. You’re delusional these days. I’ll escort him away.” Gives you a brief glance and says to the old lady in a very dramatic way. Practically drags Namjoon away, leaving you alone to keep smiling awkwardly.
You don’t like so many things. Among those so many things, you specifically don’t like how fast the days are passing. You’re just a day away from the fateful day now. According to your plan, you won’t leave today. Yet, you still have no idea what you’re going to do. It could very well be a special dance around a fire pit. A mortal sacrifice. A bond in blood. Or literally anything.
The other thing you specifically don’t like is how you haven’t seen Jimin. Not even once after your not so civil conversation last time. He is at it again. Ignoring. Avoiding. Being a fucking prick. You’re tired after staring at your phone. Hoping it will light up with a single text. With nothing much but perhaps with a request to talk before you leave. Then there’s nothing. He wasn’t there when you returned to his place that night. He wasn’t there when you woke up this morning. There’s a possibility that he won’t be there when you leave as well. You’re fucking restless. You can’t even hear what Jungkook is saying now. As you’re both sitting on the floor of his cozy little apartment. Your first time being here. If the saying that a person’s place reflects their personality holds true, it doesn’t apply to Jeon Jungkook. This place doesn’t reflect him whatsoever. Except for the mattress on the floor. A fucking mattress on the living room. Single size. For no apparent reason. He claims it’s for sitting purposes. Makes no sense. He sits on either floor or on the couch. Typical, random Jungkook.
“Okay, now you’re going to tell me what exactly you did that day one by one. And we’ll find what opens the wormhole to this parallel universe.” Jungkook shows you his tablet where he has drawn two circles. He erases a little part of the lines on both circles. Indicating the opened doorways between two worlds. You force yourself to pay attention to that instead of your phone. He continues after you hum in acknowledgement. “And then since that creepy lady said you need to do everything you did, in the reverse order, we gonna do it that way.” He opens a new page. And then writes number one on the top. “Go on tell me.” Urges you on.
You take a minute to gather your thoughts and concentrate. Then think about everything. There’s a reason you haven’t done the same with Key. You didn’t want her to know you were heartbroken that day. Not that you want Jungkook to know either, but what other options do you have?
“Um like what? Do we need to go through everything I did that day? I don’t think I remember everything.”  You let him know. He shakes his head.
“I don’t think so. It obviously has to do something with sleeping, so let’s focus on that. What did you do before you went to sleep?” Jungkook bends down, ready to write down what you say. You take a deep breath before answering.
“I cried.” Mumble softly. Jungkook perks up. Head snapping toward you.
“Ah, nothing special, you know young heartbreaks. I’m fine now though.” You brush him off. See now, you and Jungkook just clicks so well together. Not just with age but you really like how he doesn’t push you. He does that most of the times but when you really don’t feel it- like now, he doesn’t. He just nods instead. Writes down what you said.
“Then?” Asks.
“I texted the college fuck boy.” How embarrassing to say that aloud. He doesn’t look at you this time, however. You watch him add the second point. “And he stood me up. I mean he was invited to my place, and he didn’t… and I cried myself to sleep and─” You don’t want to drag out the conversation. Want to get it all off away fast. Jungkook interrupts you though, eyes now back on you.
“What a stupid motherfucker to miss that.” Says nonchalantly. You gape at him.
“Yeah? You think so?”
“Are you kidding me, Noona? Oh, c’mon I’d sell my soul to fuck you.” He is very serious. Got you blushing at the blunt word. You roll your eyes to hide that. Punching his muscular arm.
“Don’t fuck with me Kookie. Focus.” Turn his face away from you with his chin. You think you like how he giggles. And snort. And being annoying. Like how he doesn’t let go of the conversation. Even get you whining in complain. Yet does his job all the while. In the end, you have a list with only five points.
Texted the fuckboy. (Stupid Motherfucker.)
Got ready. (Shouldn’t have)
Cried again.
“Now what?” You ask, staring at the screen.
“Good question. It doesn’t make sense. Like okay, so you will not cry, obviously.” Jungkook crosses that point away.
Will you? Will you not cry? Well, you can’t cry, that’s the point.
“And you won’t be texting any fuckboys, so no get readying, waiting, or crying again.” He scribbles all the points away. Sighs. “Ah, this is so frustrating…” Groans. Puts the stylus on the table. You watch it roll away. Feeling equally frustrated. Or even more frustrated. A tense silence fall between. Both of you torturing your brains for an answer. For a moment where something special has happened. You can’t think of anything at all. Jungkook speaks again. Lazily and unsurely turning his head toward you.
“What if it’s something like a wish?” Asks with wide doe eyes. But they aren’t glistening. So, you know he isn’t excited about his idea.
“Really?” You peer at his eyes with a deadpan expression. “Easy like that? What is this? A fairy tale? Besides I don’t think I wished to be transported into a different world no matter how heartbroken I was, Kook.” You shake your head for more emphasis.
“I know but look─” Jungkook gestures to the tab again. “─those things don’t make any sense and since you’re so sure that’s all you did; it has to do something with your thoughts obviously. And I’m positive that halmeoni said something about miracles and shit.” Argues. When thinking about it that way, it makes sense in a certain way. Not that you can remember what exactly the lady said. It was like a dream to you
“I don’t know Jungkook, it feels funny to think it was wish.”
“I completely get it Noona, but what if it is? It’s not like we have other options anyway. Maybe, you should try that way.”
“Okay,” You straighten up. Fixing your posture and locking your eyes with him. “Let’s say it was a stupid wish. Then I can’t remember what I wished for. She asked me to do the opposite. How am I gonna do that when I don’t remember it?”
Jungkook fixes his posture as well. “Maybe uhh... because you were so hurt you wished to disappear?” Raises one of his brows skeptically. Oh, Jungkook sure does make sense.  Theres a huge ass possibility you wished for that. But you certainly didn’t wish to be transported into a parallel universe. You take a moment to think it through.
“Well, it’s not like we have other options now, do we? But what if we messed up, like I make the wrong wish? Then what will happen? Should I go like, I wish to appear in my world again. It’s not really like I completely disappeared; I’m shifting.” You make your point, watching Jungkook shakes his head before turning toward you completely. Crossing his legs after he is facing you properly.
“I don’t think that is the case. If it was a wish, I think all you have to do is wish for what you want. Like this─” He closes his eyes. Hands in prayer. “─ I wish for my life back or I wish I would live my normal life again. Something like that. In the end, I think that’ll be the opposite of your initial wish either way.” Teaches you how to do it. This is a very serious situation, yet you couldn’t help the chuckle that escapes you.
“Oh, this is ridiculous but yeah whatever, I’ll chose the first.” You say with an eye roll.
“Good choice Noona. And if it doesn’t work?” He looks you straight in the eye. Smiles softly. “I’m sorry but I’ll be glad.”
The grin on your face falls. A pout replacing it as you take Jungkook in. At least there’s one person who thinks that way. You wish you could have some more time. Wish you can actually get to know Jungkook more. Wish you can have a happy life without anything messing up. Wish you can forgive Jimin and meet him for one last time. He doesn’t want to, however. Doesn’t even want to see you. Jungkook does and you need him to know you appreciate it. Without a single word you throw your hands around him. Placing your chin on his shoulder.
You and Jungkook stand in Jimin’s apartment building’s lobby. It’s getting dark. And is pouring down. Not it’s a common occurrence. Yet at the very moment it occurred, you knew how special the day is. How it is the day you look forward to. It’s exactly like the time you stormed out of this same lobby couple of months ago. A little colder than that. But it’s the same. You and Jungkook are slightly wet. It has been an exhausting yet exhilarating day. A day where you spent it to the fullest. Or at least try to do so. Still, despite Jungkook’s best effort you checked your phone more than a hundred times. Every time your hope was shattered into tiny million pieces. Jimin hasn’t sent you a single message. At this point, you think you should give up. Know he won't be home. Maybe, you should’ve given up and talked to him first. Then the last time you tried that; it went awfully wrong. All you can do is accept. Resignation.
You sigh heavily. Staring into Jungkook’s face. He isn’t smiling anymore. He was throughout the day. If he ever wondered why you don’t hang out with Jimin, he never asked. You’re glad. Know he just doesn’t think it’s because you and Jimin did something wrong. Wrong or not you and Jimin were close. This might raise questions, but Jungkook doesn’t bring it up. You know he can be stupidly annoying, running his mouth and asking things without any prior thoughts. But now he doesn’t. Is simply here for you without expecting anything in return. That breaks your heart. Jungkook made sure you have memories to cherish.
Starting from the last night spent watching movies and drinking beers on his couch. To every single place he could take you. You even have another plushie in your hand. See, it’s never about the time. 
“I really don’t wanna do this.” You mutter in a hoarse voice.
“Neither do I. Is it so selfish to ask you to stay? I mean keep going.” Jungkook smiles, sadly. You chuckle. Just a way of hiding your pain. So many painful things.
“It’s not just about me you know?” You remind him about Liya. True, you did so many horrible things to her but still nothing will compare to stealing her life. Besides, you don’t want to hear Jimin confront you. Ask you to fucking leave. No. You’ll never put yourself in that terrible position. You’ll leave with your head held high. Jungkook nods again.
“In that case….” Sighs. “Noona, I really enjoyed your company, and I really do like you... I mean not in that way, but I do. If I knew you, as you from the first place, I might really have kept you here but yeah… so…” Gulps down his own words. Just bridges the distance between you and pulls you into a warm hug. “I’ll miss you Noona.” Mumbles into your hair. You wrap your hands around his figure. Squeezing him back with a same kind of fervor.
“I’ll miss you too, Kookie. A lot.” You ignore what he said. Partially because you don’t know what to say. Partially because it’s getting harder to talk. Your eyes back to stinging. This time though, you don’t hold back. You let the tears soothe the sting. Allow those tears to roll down your cheeks. “I’ll fucking miss you Kookie. Thanks for being with me for these couple days.” You pull away from him. Peering at his glassy eyes. “I’m kind of homeless, you know. So, it means a lot to me that you helped.” You chuckle through your tears. He does the same.
“I’m glad I helped an alien.” Bites on to his bottom lip coyly. This time you both laugh. Nod. Then you’re back in his embrace. Pass some more things you feel like sharing. Have no idea how long you take for this goodbye. When you finally find the strength to move away, you simply pat his arm. Wipe your tears. Silly.
“Well, then don’t forget you met an alien.” You say as the last thing. Jungkook just nods. “Okay.” You nod too, clutching the plushie in your hand tightly. “Then it’s g-good─” Gosh your voice is cracking again. “Goodbye Kookie.” You take a step back. Then before you can turn around and leave for good, he stops you again. Pulling out an envelope from his jacket pocket. Holding it to you. You look at it with your brows furrowed. Confused.
“Take it, I know you want to pay Jimin back.” He mutters softly. Your eyes widen as you realize what’s inside the envelope. Your head begins to shake involuntarily. You really thought he wouldn’t really do it. You already gave up on finding money.
“No Jungkook, I said no. I can’t take your money.” You take another step back in protest.
“Hey, I know… Listen, I don’t know what happened between you and Jimin but if you want to pay him back you should do it. This is not a lot Noona, I can manage. Joonie isn’t going to send me to prison because of this. Trust me.” Jungkook grabs your hand, trying to place the envelope in. You try your best to free yourself and walk away. Then of course, he is Jungkook. So, you find yourself waving to him, the envelope in your other hand. Eyes teary again. While you stand inside the elevator. He waves back at you. You wave and wave and wave. Until the elevator door closes.
The beeping sound of the keypad echoes through the empty hallway as you enter the passcode to the apartment. Since the day you locked yourself out of this place, Park Jimin has made sure you have access to every single thing inside this building. Everything he and Liya have, you share with them every other day. See, it makes perfect sense to repay him for what he did. Nothing to do with your ego. It’s just that you are being nice. You can keep saying the same thing.
You opened the door to the darkness. Until the sensors pick up your presence and the threshold lights up. In a gloomy yellowish light. You shed your partially wet jacket and step out of your wet shoes. Clutching the envelope tightly as you walk inside. Everything is still dark. There’s no sign of anyone else. The heaviness you already feel in your heart is becoming intense. Unbearable. Even when you knew this is what will happen, you’re disappointed. You stand up in the entryway, steeling yourself. Jimin isn’t here to say goodbye. All the rage and fury you felt has melted away into sadness. You’ll blame it on the goodbye you wished to Jungkook. It played a part truly. There’s no denying that you’re sad to part ways. Forever. You kind of wish you could say goodbye to each and every person you met in this world. But you can’t. Then among everything, you can’t even say goodbye to the person who matters the most.
Park Jimin.
After a deep breath, you step into the dark longue. Hand blindly touching the wall next to you. Searching for the switch panel. The moment your fingertips graze over it; the darkness disappeared. Bringing the world into light. Bringing a figure on couch into your sight. Making you jump and hit the wall accidentally. A low curse leaving your mouth.
Park Jimin.
Just sitting there. His hands entwined together, placed on his knees. Bended forward. Eyes on you. Doing nothing but staring. He really scared the life out of you. What the fuck is he doing like that? He must’ve heard you entering. Then he decided to stay quiet? What a freak? Oh, here comes that rage again. Why are you getting mad when this was what you wanted? You wanted Jimin to be here. Shouldn’t you be happy? Well, that’s the case after all. You’re getting mad because of the satisfactory bubble you feel on the pit of your stomach. That heavy feeling started to ease away. You’re mad because you shouldn’t be this desperate for his fucking attention. So, you let your mouth decide what to do next instead of your brain.
“Why are you here?” You step forward finally. Jimin straightens up, crossing his hands over his chest.
“Why? Do I need your permission to be on my own house?” Asks cockily. Of course, it’s his place.
“Well, you weren’t here all this time?”
“Why should I be here?”
“You shouldn’t, that’s why I’m asking what are you doing here today? Could’ve easily avoided me until I’m gone. Why bother being here?” You take another step forward. Jimin just keeps his eyes on you. Just like you, he’s attacking you with his words. But something in those chestnut eyes tell you he isn’t really mad.
“I didn’t avoid you Lil. You did. And I’m fully allowed to be anywhere I want to. Here, there, anywhere I want.” He shrugs. Your chest tightens again at the nickname. Should you have talked to him first? Why should you? You just nod. Once. “So, you figured how you gonna end this?” He asks again.
“Kind of yes.”
“What do you mean kind of?” Jimin knits his eyebrows. You shoot a glare at him.
“Kind of mean kind of Park. I think I know a way─”
“You think? That means you don’t know Lil.” He finally stands up. This time, it’s he who takes a step forward. “I thought you were working on solving this shit with that kid, but it looks like you’ve been having fun.” He scoffs. Oh, maybe you were wrong to think he wasn’t really mad. He was mad. And he still doesn’t care about you. Is just worried you’ll mess this and stay. Fuck that. Yes, you’re sad but you’ll never let him know. You’ll still say good fucking bye and show him your middle finger. You grit your teeth, preparing to counter back when he doesn’t let you. “And you cried? You’re that sad to leave him?” Laughs with his head tilting to side. “I’m sorry, I might be the villain of your story, demanding you to leave because I want my girlfriend back.” Looks straight in your eyes. You can see the fire in them. What did you do that suddenly he hates you this much. That’s the conclusion you can draw. He might be hating you from his guts. That’s why he looks so furious.
You’ll not cry. You’ll not cry.
You gulp down the lump that is creating on your throat. Cloud your pain with anger. “I fucking did my best Park. I fucking did. And guess what? No, I’m not just thinking. I know. I know how to stop this shit and I’ll be out of your hair by tomorrow morning.” You like the look of confusion on his face as you stride toward him fast. You’re not sure at all. Like you told him. A wish? Jimin will double down with laughter if you tell him that was the idea you came up with. So, you won’t tell him. Instead, you’ll leave him in the darkness and pretend like you know everything. Then you’ll hope everything will work eventually. “Then you can live happily ever after, you fucking asshole.” You screech, inches away from his face. Stare furiously into his brown eyes for a minute before pushing the envelope into his chest. Your movements so harsh that it makes him take a step back. One of his hands involuntarily comes up to grab the thing you’re showing against him. Confused. Looking at you with wide, doe eyes.
“Here’s the things I owe you. I know it’s not enough but that’s something and keep this as well. Not that it’ll be useful anyway.” With your other hand you push your phone into his chest as well. “GOOD. FUCKING. BYE! Park Jimin.” You wait a minute as you grit the words out. Wait till he catches the phone too before you step away. Turning around to leave. Not completely knowing what’s the next step but you’ll just make a wish while you’re on the bed. Looking to your side to stop the tears from rolling down. Biting inside your lip.
You’ll not cry. You’ll not cry…
You nearly storm away for once and for all hopefully, when your arm is suddenly stuck between firm fingers. “What the fuck are you doing? What are these?” Jimin hisses in your ear. His fingers firmly and tightly wrapped around your forearm. This is fucking annoying. You need to get away before you tear up in front of him. You’ve put you through enough humiliation in your life already. Don’t need another one. You slightly turn around, making sure you shoot the same glare at him.
“That’s fucking money Park. Are you dumb? You can’t see that’s money? Why are you asking things that are so obvious?”
“I know that’s…. Why the fuck are you giving me money?” Jimin sighs before yanking from your hand to turn you properly to face him. Making you wiggle your hand. He lets you go. You’re still standing a mere inch away from him. Only if this is a different situation.
“Because I don’t want to leave as a debtor to you.”
“I don’t want your damn money Lil. What do you take me for? A fucking beggar?” Jimin pushes the envelope and the device back towards you. Which you don’t take in your hands. Instead, you take a step back.
“Well, I don’t care what you want Jimin. I told you; I won’t be in your debt.” Throw your hand in the air. “You’re so fucking rich, I know that. You don’t want the money, do whatever you want with it Park. Burn it for all I care.” You yell. Throw a murderous glare. Attempt another failed escape when Jimin grabs your arm again. Harsh. Hard. His other hand cups your cheek. Brings his face closer to you. So fast that you can’t even comprehend what’s happening until he is breathing on your face. You gasp. Surprised by his sudden actions.
“I don’t want your money. I won’t take it.” Grits against your mouth. His hand on your cheeks squeezing you tightly. Like he wants to break you. Or wants to make you realize he doesn’t want your money. You’re not someone to back away, though.
“I don’t fucking care Jimin.” You grit back. Still glaring. Not giving up.
“You’re taking that with you.” Jimin demands. Gets you laughing but failed since he is squeezing your cheeks. If you weren’t so furious and hurt, this might’ve been enough to get your knees buckling. The proximity. His breath. Warmth. Every single thing about him is enough. But you know better than that. So, you push him away at the same time you swat his hand. Failed. Yet again.
“You think you can demand me? Well, too bad Jimin.” You grab from his wrist. “I won’t take it back. I’ll make sure I pay you back even if it’s the last thing I do.” Try your best to push his hand away. Not working. If anything, he pulls you closer with your arm. Never stop abusing your cheeks.
“Then I’ll make sure you don’t even if it’s the last thing I do.” He growls. You don’t know how but somehow; he has inched his face even closer to you. His lips graze over yours when he speaks. Something changed. It’s not just stubborn anger anymore. It’s not the need to win this stupid fight anymore. And of fucking course, your breath hitch. Despite all the hurt and anger inside you, your body instantly start to react to Park Jimin. Because everything about him is just enough. All it takes is a light touch of his lips against yours. You’re breathless and speechless. Jimin shakes your face. Asking you to reply.
“Just take the fucking money Park. Burn it down like I said.” You weakly mutter this time. Trying to hide the beating of your heart. And your uneven breathing.
“I don’t want that Lil. Why are you stubborn always?”
“I already told you.”
Jimin doesn’t say anything to that. Just keeps his hold on you. Still harsh. Still hard. Then sighs.
“You want to pay me that bad?” Asks. You feel small under his intense gaze. Your heart is beating violently inside your poor rib cage. “Hm?” Pushes.
“Yes.” You’re glad you said that sternly. Jimin takes another silent moment.
“Fine…. Let me fuck you then.” Free your cheeks, only to curl that hand around your waist. Pulling you flat against his chest in one swift motion. Eyes burning into yours. The fire is visible. Wasn’t that anger? Your breath tangles in your throat. Yet again. Your tummy does a flip and heart stops. A shudder engulfs you. Still, you look at him with disbelief. Despite the wave of heat washed over you, you stare at him with wide eyes. Did he just?
No words escape your dry lips. “Let me fuck you Lil.” He repeats. “Let me have my way with you.” Whispers against your lips. Sending tingles all over your body. “You wanted to pay. Pay in this way.” Tilts his head to the side, so his lips are touching your cheekbones now. You can’t speak still. Speechless. Spellbound. You should slap him. What a fucking filthy, shameless…. “I know I’m an asshole to say this, but what’s new Lil… I am an asshole. You know that. I know that too. I’m a fucking selfish prick.” He presses a kiss to your cheekbone. Is touching you without your consent? Or is he? You’re not stopping him once again. You’re making the same mistake all over again. Isn’t this what they call taking advantage?
If you know that you should stop him. He should repulse you. Not this weak when his hands slips down to your hips. Grabs your flesh hard. Mumbling against your skin. “Baby please.” Whines. Park Jimin fucking whines. Breathless. Hands go past your hips to your ass. Molding the flesh roughly. You can’t suppress your uneven breathing anymore. “Just want you. Can’t keep this damn thing inside me anymore baby. I… I fuck, Lil please…”  Presses your body hard against his, hands squeezing your ass cheeks relentlessly. Voice dark and low.  You don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s the damn plead. To hear him beg. For you. In that raspy voice. Dear god, it does things to your body that you can’t even bring yourself to explain. “Fucking please...” It’s the last straw for you. You find words.
“You are so shameless Park Jimin.” You should add your name to that as well.
“I know.” Jimin presses another kiss to your cheek. Pulls away to look at your face. “But I tried Lil. I really tried but fuck I can’t.” His lips meets yours. You stay still. Don’t kiss him, don’t stop him. He doesn’t mind that apparently. Kisses you hard.  “I know how wrong and shameless I am. But guess what baby? I don���t care. Just want to fuck you. Say yes Lil. You wanted to pay. So, pay me for everything I did.” Kisses your jaw. “I’ll make sure I get everything you can give.” Kisses your neck. You absolutely don’t intend to touch him but that’s what you’re doing. Your fists bunched up in his black T-shirt. His hands are everywhere now. Touching you. Holding you close. Lips exploring the skin which is exposed to him with your long sleeve top. You don’t really think you said yes. Not verbally at least. In the end, however, you always give up. That’s how you find tilting your face to the side. To meet his lips which he keeps busy on your skin. There’s an uncontrollable, feral desire building inside you. And it snaps when Jimin latches on to your lips.
You really can’t understand how he gets you shamelessly moaning just with one flick of his tongue against yours. Can’t understand how your back suddenly ended up meeting the couch leather. Can’t understand what devil possessed Jimin that he is kissing you like he went mad. Hovering over you. You spread your legs so he can slot between them perfectly. His bulge can align with your cunt comfortably. He doesn’t break the kiss for a good long. Keep it messy and filthy. Sucking and licking. Teeth clanking. Until he can’t take it anymore. Until your already swollen and bitten lips aren’t enough. He wants more. So do you. That’s why you’re bucking your hips upward to create that familiar heavenly friction on your dripping cunt.
Jimin is attacking your neck now, propping on one arm to tug on your top with the other. In vain since he can’t tug the neckline down enough. Enough to reveal what he wants to see. You’re covered too much for his liking it seems.
“Off Lil, shit, I’ll rip it otherwise.” He makes space between your smushed bodies. This time tugging at the bottom. You nod and allow him. Not because you care about your cheap clothing but because now, you’re impatient. Just like him.
“Jimin.” A whimper leaves your mouth as Jimin get rid of your top. He groans.
“God, I missed this.” Mumbles. Makes you giggle. Not for so long when he is unhooking your bra. Giggles turn into another shameless moan when you feel his warm tongue on your hardened nipples. “Fuck baby, I missed this. Missed you.” He confesses. Almost as if he’s in an entrance. Doesn’t belong to this world. That makes your heart explode. You’re worried it’ll really explode. It’s too much. Everything is too much. His words. His hot tongue, sucking on your tits, making them drenched. His breath hitting your cold skin. His hands roaming over your exposed body, molding the flesh and rubbing. You’re in an entrance too. Brain’s empty and fuzzy.
“Me too. Missed you..” You hear yourself mumble groggily. That voice can’t belong to you now, can it? Your fingers go to thread in his silky blonds without your knowledge. Back arching and pushing your wet nipples more into his mouth. Jimin nods to your chest, acknowledging your words. Kissing every inch of your skin. Biting and sucking. Fucking worshipping your body. Kisses the underside of your boobs, kisses your cleavage, kisses your tummy. You’re moaning so loud now. Desperate and needy like always. It’s your turn to tug on his T-shirt now. Jimin isn’t difficult today, surprisingly. Relent without a single word. Throws it away somewhere in this spacious space. Apparently, doesn’t have the enough patience to be a little tease and make you suffer. Is unbuttoning your jeans the moment his torso is naked. Your jeans and panties face the same destiny. They are thrown somewhere in a second. He gets you bare in record time. You whimper watching his breath hitch at your naked figure. Pupils dilated and face flushed. Pure sin. The Park Jimin. Even his hungry stare is enough to make you cum. Odd.
He places his hands on your knees to spread your legs. Harsh and fast. Revealing your glistening pussy to his sight. Curses. “Fucking hell.” Groans. “You’re soaking.” Wets his lips, greedily. Oh fuck, he is going to be the death of you. “Wanna taste you so bad.” Gulps. Brings his fingers just to graze them over your sloppy slit. Over your sensitive clit. Making your thighs twitch.
“Do it please.” You plead with your sight hazy. Jimin dips down at light speed. His tongue taking a one long stripe over your slit. From your clenching hole to your clit. Feral. Moans into your cunt as he tastes you. You expect him to suck on your clit. But then after that one taste he is pulling away like all he wanted was a taste. Much to your dismay. You look at him with confused eyes. He is spreading your legs even more, however. Eyes glued on your cunt. Groans. Whimpers. Restless. Peeks at your face. “I- I can’t anymore Lil….” He doesn’t complete his sentence. There’s no need to. You know what he wanted to say. Simply he doesn’t know what to do first. He wants all. He, like you, is turned on in a humanly impossible way. Doesn’t know how to satiate that burning desire. Ache. You want to be helpful.
“Fuck me. Jimin fuck me. I can’t either, want you inside me. Now.” Your grabby hands reach him to pull him forward. Kissing him hard. Let him go when he abruptly stands up. “Condom.” He mumbles as he storms away. Isn’t it comical how his brain isn’t functioning properly? It should be but all it does is make new waves of arousals pool between your thighs. Now dripping down into his expensive couch. Jimin reappears in the lounge even before you can blink. Already tugging on the drawstrings to lose his sweats. You act on your instincts, spreading your legs wide to present yourself to him. To the furthest you can with the backrest limiting your space. Impatiently. Jimin lets his sweats pool around his ankles. Kicks it away. His boxers are the next to follow. Is completely naked when he reaches the couch. Foil package already tucked in his teeth when he is sitting between your spread legs. Rips the package and takes the latex out. Eyes darting from your swollen cunt to your fucked up face. Watching you biting down on your bottom lip. Eyes pleading and hips sneakily pushing up in search of anything.
“You don’t need prep baby?” Jimin questions. Concerned. Eyes now fixed on your face and his movements halted. “Can you take me?” Looks at your cunt again. As if he is assessing your abilities. The thing is you can’t wait anymore. Just like him. You nod furiously. “I can, I’m positive. Please.” Push your hips forward. Jimin takes a moment to make sure you’re telling the truth. When he is, he nods, going back to resume his work. Giving few pumps to his throbbing and aching member. You watch in awe how he does that swiftly. Pumping. Making pre cum spread across his tip with his thumb. You’ll always think he’s the most beautiful. No difference to his dick. Hard and swollen. Veins running down. Oh, you want him inside you now. You’re clenching around nothing violently. “Jimin please.” You hurry him up. Urging him to quickly roll down the latex on his pretty cock. What a shame! No time to brood when he is finally hovering over you again. One hand place next to your head and the other still holding his dick. Aligning it with your cunt. Rubs the tip along your slit couple times. Those blown out eyes looking sharp in your eyes.
“Ready?” Asks. You nod. Another push from your hips for more emphasis. Jimin doesn’t waste time. Places the tip against your tiny entrance. Doesn’t break eye contact as he slowly start to push inside. His swollen tip intruding your walls. Stretching you up. The initial burn hits you hard. How long it has been after all. Should’ve asked for preparation. Good thing you’re so needy and dripping. And Jimin taking it slow. “Shh... it’s okay Lil. Slow. You can take me. I know you can.” He coaxes you. “Take me Baby. Like that..” Soothes you while his hard member is sneakily entering your warmth. His teeth almost draw blood on his plump lip. Looks like it’s a war inside him not to accidentally hurt you by pushing forward hard. You try to relax as he keeps pushing. His dick perfectly sliding against your warm walls. Pleasurable inch by inch, he pushes forward completely. Finally, filling you to the brim as his hips presses against you. You both moan loudly. Your hands finding purchase in his hair again.
“Fuck, like that.” Jimin balances himself by bringing his other hand on the other side of your head. Eyes closed tight. You can feel his dick twitch inside you. What a feeling. That is. What a sight. Jimin hovering above you. Struggling internally because of you. “So fucking tight Lil….” Groans. You moan. Allowing your walls to adjust to his perfect size. To get use to the pleasurable burn. And it’s subsiding fast. Replacing only with pleasure. Pleasure that makes your blood liquid fire. You grind your hips against him. Languid. “Jimin.” Call. Jimin grabs your waist tight.
“A moment baby, give me a moment.” He is still closing his eyes. Basking in the feeling. You would’ve liked to do the same, but he feels too good. You can’t control yourself. So, you buck your hips again.
“Please.” Show your hands around his neck. Clutch him tightly. Holding on to him for your dear life. Jimin presses his forehead against yours. Groans.
“You’re so tight baby. I’ll come if I move now. Give me a minute princess.” He rasps. You shivered. Partially due to the pleasure. Partially due to his nickname. He called you what? And then to know he is affected that much. Going crazy. Makes your brain goes haywire. Makes you much more desperate. Hence, you’re doing the complete opposite of what he asked you to do. Instead of giving him the minute he wanted you’re pushing more into him. Your walls spasming around his rock-hard dick.
“God Jimin please, please. Please move. Fuck me.” You nearly cry. Jimin kisses you hard. Just to shut you up.
“God dammit Lil. Don’t plead... fuck, don’t do that.” Grinds his hips. You clench around him. Yet again. Involuntarily. Do it again. Then again and again. Until Jimin is whining. Breathless. Your foreheads are still touching. “Ah… Please baby, don’t. Stop it.” Pleads. This is how you’ll die.
“Can’t help it.” You slur. He accepts that. Takes a breath before finally composing himself. Giving you what you want. Drags his hard member out till only the tip remains inside. Looks at your face when he rams back. Not slow, not hard either. Just sensual and enough to let you feel every inch of him drags against your sensitive walls. You’re reeling. Moaning. Nails digging into his biceps. He does it again. Setting up a pace, thrusting in and out of your soppy cunt. Moaning when your needy hole sucks him up greedily.
“Fuck Lil. You feel so good.”
You can only nod. Mind completely full of the sensation between your legs. It’s pure pleasure now. Only that and Park Jimin. Covered in sweats. Placing occasional kisses on your lips as his hips slam against yours. Peering into your eyes. He looks otherworldly. Lost in the heat of your cunt. And the tightness. But then he looks like he is still struggling. That war is still going inside him. Holding back. You don’t want that. “Jiminie….” You breathe against his lips. Sniveling. He looks at you. Questioning with his eyes. “Harder please.” Request. Jimin tremble. His hand on your hips squeezing you so tight that you’re worried you’ll break.
“Harder?” Jimin repeats. You nod. “Yeah?” He is just asking for the sake of it. “Like this.” Stops his thrusting only to ram his hips against you so hard that your back leaves the couch. You moan, nodding. Eyes getting teary. “More?” Asks. Why should he even bother. You don’t even realize that you’ve nodded when he snaps his dick inside you harder than before. “Fucking hell, princess, take it like that.”
Within a minute he is fucking into you fast. Pounding. Desperate. And when he snakes his hand under your ass to push you up a little you know you’re wrecked. For now, and forever. The change of angle making his dickhead presses against your sweet spot. Your thighs shaking. Each hungry thrust brings you closer to your edge. You prepare yourself for that feeling. Eyes closed and scratching Jimin’s back. Only for his hand to disappear from you ass and grab your jaw instead. Making your eyes snap open.
“Eyes on me baby. Keep looking at me.” He picks his pace a notch up. Relentless. Brutal. Pulls away from the heat of your body so he can look at you properly. Keeps his hand on your jaw. “Keep your slutty eyes on me when you cream my cock.” Takes his hand away. Places that on your sensitive nub. Starts to rub it harshly. What more you could ask for. “Go on Lil. Cum. Squeeze my cock like the desperate slut you are.” Grits through his clenched teeth. And you comply. Of course, you do. Without a single word. The tension inside your body snaps so fast. White spots appearing on your vision and ears ringing.
“Jimin. Jimin…. Fuuckk.” His name is the only thing you can mutter. The orgasm hits you long and hard. Jimin prolongs it to the best he can. When your vison becomes clear again you can see how pleased he is. Wicked smile on his lips. Overstimulates you with his hand and hips never stopping. You believe he will keep pounding till he follows you. But then he pulls out. Confusing you. Yet again.
“Turn around. On your knees. Want to fuck you harder.” Commands. Doesn’t give you enough time to follow it though. Already manhandling you on to your knees. You place your hands on the arm rest. Grab it tightly since you can’t trust your legs. Your body is weak after the intense pleasure that washed over you. Pussy still spasming.  Legs shaking. Jimin grabs your hips, pulling up so your ass is perked up perfectly. Your already ruined, throbbing hole full on display. Presses your head down. Back arched. You can hear him groan.
“You’re such a sight princess. Fucking slut.” He mumbles more to himself before you can feel his hot tip back on your entrance. This time he enters you in one hard thrust. You cry as he splits your cunt. “Jimin…” Back to chant his name. He sets a merciless pace without further ado. Fingers digging into the supple flesh of your ass. Smacks it. Not hard enough for you to hurt. Just enough to sting a little. And how you like the feeling. So, you wiggle your ass. Earn another one. Making him chuckle darkly.
“You like that?” Asks. Doesn’t wait for your answer when he does it again. And again, with his hips striking against your ass in a brutal pace. “Fuck. Fuck. Cunt sucking me in so good Lil. You feel so tight and good. I don’t want to stop fucking you, I can’t fucking stop.” Moans.
“Then d-don’t J-Jimin.” You say into the leather of the couch. Eyes now rolling back and drooling. He mutters something incoherent to that. Bends down to mumble in your ear. One hand snaking around your throat.
“Say you wanted this too baby. Just like me. Say you wanted to have my cock splitting you up.” Tightens his grip on your throat slightly.
“I did. I do. J-Jimin... I wanted it so bad... I want you. Want you to keep ruining my cunt.” A much-dignified version of you would’ve buried yourself alive to hear you say that. But that’s worthy when Jimin grunts. Parises you.
“That’s a good slut. C’mon baby make me cum. You need to pay me after all.” He straightens up. But takes you with him. Now your back plastered against his chest. Hand still on your throat and spilling filth against your ear. “But I’ll be generous. Cum one more time for me hm?” His cock keep massaging your inner walls. Hitting the spot repeatedly. “Be a useful whore and cum one more time princess. C’mon.” Squeezes your throat. Free hand starts assaulting your sensitive clit again. “One more for me.” Kisses your face. Messily. It doesn’t take much. Of course, it doesn’t. It’s Jimin after all. Even before you know it, your head is falling back on to his shoulder. You grab on to his hands for strength. Him being the only thing that keeps you upright as your second- even more intense orgasm hits you. Your whole body going feral as Jimin fucks into you through that.
“Like that. Yes, fucking like that baby. Squeeze me. Milk me dry.”
You do as he says. It’s out of your control anyway. He makes your body do whatever he wishes. Your cunt is gripping him tightly. How heavenly Jimin moans in your ear.
“Fuck yes.”
You know he is close. The way his grip tightens and how he is losing the precision of his pounding are the signs. “So close baby. Gonna cum so hard for you.” Promises. And all it takes is another pathetic beg from you. A beg for him to cum. To cum so good for you. He does. With a loud groan and teeth painfully sinking onto your shoulder. His hand around your throat leaving its position to wrap his arms around your petite body. Holding you close as his hips stutter and stills against your plump ass. Releasing his seeds to the latex wrapper. You keep clenching around his pulsing dick, milking every last drop like he wanted. Jimin keeps you in that position for a minute. The lounge which was filled with lewd sound of your cunt against his cock and the slapping of skin, now fills with the ragged breathing. You both trying to calm down.
Jimin lets you go after a moment. Your limp legs instantly give up and fall forward. His softening member slipping out of your cunt. He follows you. Putting his weight on your body as your face meet the leather again. Another peaceful moment passes. Then he is pulling away. You lazily turn your head to catch him removing the condom. Tying it up and placing it somewhere that’s hidden from your sight. Turning his gaze back to you. You don’t know what’s next. You never knew that from the first place. Not that it matters anyway now, is it? This is the last day and there’s no tomorrow to be worried about. Whatever he does, you’ll accept it. Only that you don’t expect him to reach for your face. Trace your cheek softly before looking at you with glittery eyes. Sparkling. Full of adoration. Affection.
Your heart is back to beating fast. “You okay?” He asks softly. Voice like honey. Music. Soothing. You nod. “Sure?” Always needs reassurance. “Yes, Park.” You mutter. He gives you a firm nod. Gently turns you around with your arm. You just let him, not having any strength. Stare into his glistening eyes when you’re fully turned around and comfortable. Jimin wipes your cheeks with his palm. Says nothing when he suddenly stands up. Searching for his discarded clothes. Finds his sweats and pull it up. Asks you to stay put as he leaves. You just keep lying there. Still stark naked. Wondering what he is doing. Get your answer when he is back with a wet towel in his hand.
Double fuck!
This is bad he is doing this after care shit. It’s bad he makes you believe he cares again. You’re already fucked up anyway. Because of this man. It never was about sex. Or burning, unrelenting desires. If it was just that, you wouldn’t have been that much of an emotional mess. Now him doing this, makes it all worse.
“Wh-what are you─” You don’t get to finish your question when he pries your legs open.
“What does it look like?” He gently places the warm towel on your sensitive pussy. You wince. Wipes down the slick that is covering your nether parts and thighs. He is so gentle that it almost makes you lull into sleep. Throws the towel away and holds his t-shirt for you. You lazily take it from him. Hiding your nakedness with it. Don’t have enough strength in you to protest. Are lying down again the moment you’re covered. Eyes never leaving his careful glance. You keep staring at each other for a long couple of minutes. As if this is the first time you saw each other properly. In deep down, of course, you’re beginning to worried. You finally did it. Committed the crime. So, now what? Just parting ways after a good fuck. Apparently, no. There’s more to it. Jimin sighs heavily. Makes you slightly wince in surprise when he leans down over you again. Back to caressing your cheek while you watch him with wide eyes. Halts his actions. “Fuck.” Curses softly. In a way of regretting.  Closes his eyes and opens them again. You have no idea what’s going on inside his head. And you don’t expect it to be this when he finally speaks.
 “I’m sorry.” He says. Catches you off guard. “I’m fucking sorry Lil.” Repeats. Voice wavering. Touches your face again. Brushes your hair out of your face. “I’m such a fucking jerk. I’m sorry.” Nudges your nose with his. Ever so slightly. Touch barely there. Says it again. Over and over. Mumbling an apology after an apology. You’re beyond surprised.
Is he sorry for breaking your heart? Or is he sorry for fucking you?
“I’m so sorry baby. Sorry for saying those shitty things to you. You don’t deserve… I… I... don’t deserve to have you like this.” He solves your problem. You keep staring at him. The worry in his eyes. Regret. And you swear you can see fear. You hesitantly raise your hand to touch his cheek. Don’t know what’s happening. You want to say something, but he doesn’t let you.
“But please don’t leave.” Says out of nowhere. If you were surprised earlier, now you are dumbfounded. Jimin looks down at you with panicked eyes. “Don’t leave Lil. I’m sorry and I’ll make it right. Just don’t go.” Rambles. Lenas into your touch. Pecks your lips. Looks like he is on the verge of crying. “Don’t go.” Hides his face on your neck.
What’s happening?
You stare into the white ceiling now. Keeping Jimin top of you. Pondering. Thinking. Not believing what’s happening.
He wants you to stay.
“That’s such a selfish thing to ask.” Mutter into his ear finally.
“I know.” He chuckles. Bitterly. “I’m selfish. I don’t even know what I want. But maybe there are other ways. I owe you, don’t I? I don’t want you to leave like that. Give me a chance to make it right. Please?” He says to your neck. You have millions of questions to ask. Why would he want to make it right at all. What’s the point? What’ll happen to Liya.
“What about Liya?” You voice out your concerns. You did what you did. No use of sugar coating the bitter truth anymore. “You want her to keep vanish like this.” You’re not accusing him. Just curious. Jimin is silent for a minute.
“No. But I don’t want you gone Lil.” Admits honestly. You don’t know if you’re fully on board with him. Don’t know what you’re doing. What will happen the next day? Still, you find your hands curling around his back tightly.
“Maybe, there are ways.” Say to yourself more than to him.
Jimin holds you close while his eyes are droopy. You’re already fast asleep but nothing has happened yet. You’re still in his hands. Safe and sound. Peaceful. Jimin doesn’t think he has been this sleepy in his life before. Yet he can’t find it in himself to rest his eyes. Doesn’t want you out of his sight. What if you don’t stay true to your words. What if you lied and never come back. He would deserve it then, wouldn’t he? For being immature. For not knowing how to deal with his own feelings. Figures out shits like an adult. He would deserve to lose you forever for treating you like trash.
When he begged you to stay. He didn’t plan that. He was so sure the best thing is to let you go. When he finally had you. He didn’t plan that either. Was just here because he couldn’t resist the urge anymore. Would’ve regretted it for his whole life if he had never said goodbye. At least didn’t see you for one last time. Nothing had been planned. But here you are. Back in his arms. Snuggle perfectly into his chest. As if that’s the place you should be. He told you half the truth earlier. He blamed you because he was scared of his own mind. What a fucked-up situation it was for him to be jealous of Jungkook, when you said his girlfriend will be permanently erased from this world. He should lose his mind over it. He did lose his mind that day. Not because of that. Because you’re leaving. And that scared the shit out of him.
You were his priority that moment. Not Kim Liya. That’s scary. It’s still scary. You are the priority. What is he going to do now. You agreed to stay. And no matter how stupid it sounded when you said that thing about the wish. There’s a possibility it could work. Then you agreed to use that wish to try and see if you could make everyone’s life better. You agreed to wish for Liya’s normal life while this situation keeps happening to you. Not either of you know if it could work. You and Liya can’t exist in the same world you said. But who’ll know. That’s the final decision you came up with.
Maybe he is jumping on to that pit of fire again. Choosing the wrong path. And he is dragging you with him. See, selfish. Selfish enough to be happy that no matter how hard the future will be, you’ll be in it. Through roughs and softs. Jimin has you. How comforting. To hold you back again after days in hell. Rotting inside his own body. Restless. In pain. Breaking. Going crazy. Hating Jeon Jungkook with passion. Just because he got to have you when Jimin couldn’t. Jimin doesn’t know why he’s being so possessive. What does he want from you? Sex? You? Or is it something else? It doesn’t matter in the end. All that matters is, he has you again.
It's okay if he’s jumping on to fire pits. As long as he can have this. As long as he can have you. He’ll keep choosing the wrong paths. Keep burning in fire pits.
He’ll gladly choose this torture.
The burning pit of fire.
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olderthannetfic · 3 months ago
https://www.tumblr.com/olderthannetfic/768756274786631680/what-are-some-less-gendered-ways-of-talking-about?source=share you didn't answer this ask, but i (not anon) kind of wish you had because i know you've talked before about the broad patterns you've noticed in terms of communication among AMAB vs. AFAB people, regardless of their actual genders. and i was wondering if you had suggestions in general for how one can talk about that and other gendered-socialization broad patterns (not universal - i'm a cis woman who had a more "male" socialization in some ways along some of these parameters, just bc of who my parents were, and obviously gendered socialization varies a lot from culture to culture) without suggesting that trans women aren't women or trans men aren't men. i get that terfs have completely poisoned the discourse by using socialization to suggest that trans women lack some Essential Universal Female Experience (TM), but i feel like someone should be able to talk about how socialization affects people without using it to invalidate their identity. and before people point out that a lot of trans people don't have a typical AAB gender socialization because they always know that they're their true gender - yes, i know that. but plenty of trans people don't know they're trans until later in life, too. that's not a universal. nothing about socialization is a universal, but there are broad patterns. it also requires you to consciously recognize particular aspects of your socialization as "male" or "female." i have a lot of trans female friends who have talked about how certain ways they talked and acted that they never even registered as "female" were things they were rewarded for pre-transition and punished for after. also, it just feels like denying reality to ignore that some trans people continue to act in patterns that correspond to assigned-at-birth gender socialization even when they figure out their identity, especially early in transition. it's not like the realization comes with a magic pamphlet. i feel like most people who've had sufficient trans friends have noticed that some newly out trans women are still a bit mansplainy toward other women (both cis and trans), for instance. and i've noticed in spaces that are heavily AFAB, there's a big premium put on communicating with extra attention to everyone's emotions and a tendency to judge people more harshly for being blunter or more matter-of-fact and not constantly checking in on feelings, and IME there hasn't been any distinction between cis women vs. transmascs in terms of who enforces that the hardest. And as an autistic cis woman who struggles with that stuff, some of my biggest defenders were trans women. to be clear, I don't think that this anon should go around using terms that reference socialization to this trans women they know. but it also just seems weird to act like you don't think that that could've played any factor in why this person's behavior is reminding you of the way cis men have talked down to you!
I didn't have a good answer for them because when I talk about it, I do put it in terms of AFAB and AMAB.
I think it's far easier to talk about this in generalities than to address a specific friend.
People usually freak out or blow their tops when forced to notice that their behavior patterns resemble those of some group they don't like or don't want to belong to. It's true of trans women upset that they're not fitting in socially due to talking down to people and not understanding a bunch of unspoken social rules about being the feelings babysitter. It's true of ex-fundie types when they're told that their nominally pro-queer but toxic views still stink of the bad flavor of Christianity. It's true of women who think of themselves as feminist but who pull NLTOG crap, nominally pro-trans fans who engage in the fujocourse, US freshman year socialists who wouldn't know socialism if it bit them on the ass, etc.
Nobody likes being told that their stated ideals and/or identity clash with their actual behavior. You can say it in ways that are less "You're a man, hur hur", but it's only going to hurt a little bit less.
True, you can try to address it in complete isolation and just say "When you did X, I felt like you were assuming I'm an idiot instead of wondering if I had already looked up those statistics rather than guessing." (If I had a nickel for every time some dude looked up said statistics and then was shocked, shocked to find out that my "guess" was backed up with data...) That might work for a limited set of specific situations with a friend.
But even with a friend, if the pattern is constant and widespread and highly gendered, it's going to be hard to talk about it without referring to unconscious assumptions that exist in society along gendered lines. Mansplaining is often not really different from autistic nerdsplaining. (Let's be real: every member of every one of my social circles is bad about lecturing.) But a lot of "Why am I not gelling with this group?" stuff really is hard to talk about without this element.
There are also things that a person can easily absorb from the culture around them—like the massive quantities of body hate imposed on women—but there are others that usually come from an active teaching process. A lot of the feelings babysitter stuff is the latter. Learning to constantly monitor and manage the social scene is a pain in the ass, especially for the sorts of nerdy weirdos I know and am. Those hard-won skills didn't come from knowing we were women internally (if we even did think that): they came from family members very actively rewarding and punishing specific behaviors based on perceiving us as women. And because these learning processes are a pain in the ass, people who didn't have that inflicted on them in the past (or who weren't able to learn it back then) often don't go out of their way to conform as adults. That's the piece that I find most often creates drama around who's acting enough ~like a woman~ in some social space. Maybe this would be different if I mostly knew super socially savvy people, but I mostly know awkward nerds.
As you say, female social expectations are not kind to the cis autistic woman either.
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o0opumpkino0o · 8 months ago
Here’s a Demon twins AU that I will never write. I feel like the best crossover fics are written by people who enjoy and have a good grasp on the shows/comics/whatever they are combining and my DC knowledge is severely lacking. So this will mostly be focused on Danny. Feel free to take inspiration and make whatever changes you want, if you feel like taking a swing at it. Originally, this was supposed to be a comedic prompt that took advantage of Danny having ghost powers. But that quickly changed. 
-I’m not the biggest fan of Ghost King!Danny so I’m not writing this with that in mind but if you like it then feel free to add it in. 
-I feel like this AU would work better with Danny and Damian as rivals or having a love/hate relationship but you do whatever you like best.  
-In this AU they are not identical twins. 
-While on a mission, Danyal and Damian were separated at age 5. Damian stayed with the league while Danyal was found by the Fenton’s. 
-Danyal was seriously injured during the mission and the Fenton’s thought it would be irresponsible to leave him on his own after patching him up. And any parents that allowed their child to get so grievously injured obviously shouldn’t be incharge of raising a kid. So they decide to adopt him. 
-The league assumes that Danyal was killed on the mission. Even though a body was never found, there weren’t reports of a child matching Danyal’s description in the surrounding cities or even states and a five year old can only go so far on his own, even one with League training. 
-Did Danyal want to leave the league? Did he want to stay and protect Damian/prove himself worthy of the title or heir? You decide! Either way he ends up living with the Fenton’s, has his accident at 14, and the Danny Phantom series continues as normal.
-Over the years of living with the Fenton’s Danny starts to lose touch with his league training. Some of the knowledge sticks with him, like what specific poisons can do, etc. But most of the physical training fades away. He was five when he was taken from the League, by the time he became half-ghost, he’d spent most of his life out of it. 
-He also starts to feel invincible after avoiding the League’s radar for so long. As long as he doesn’t bring too much attention to himself, there’s no way they could find him. They probably think he’s dead anyway. And even if someone from the League showed up in Amity Park, for whatever reason, what are the chances they’d even recognize him?? As long as he lays relatively low his past will never catch up with him. 
-At age 10/12/whatever age Damian was sent to live with Bruce, the “scandal” was broadcasted across national television. While Danny knew he and Damian were the sons of the Bat, he had no idea who Batman was. It did not take long for Danny to put 2 and 2 together. 
-Unfortunately for Danny, the broadcast was airing while he was with Sam and Tucker. Any training he had to hide his emotions eroded in the 5 to 7 years he was living in Amity. His friends, understandably, wanted to know why he suddenly started freaking out and weren’t going to take nothing for an answer. 
-While he could have lied, he wanted to trust his friends and told them everything. For the most part. He did leave out what the cult of assassins he was born into was called along with most of the names of the people in the League. And the parts where he was responsible, whether directly or indirectly, for the deaths of dozens of people. But, pretty much anything else was told.  
-Miraculously, they believed him and still wanted to be friends. Danny was sure Sam would have had an issue with him being raised to kill people for the first few years of his life. But she actually thought it was pretty cool! Mostly because he didn’t actually kill anyone himself, as far as she knew. Was he responsible for slipping some poison into a target's drink? Yes, but that couldn’t be proven. Did he and his brother lower the guard of targets with their ‘lost-children-trying-to-find-their-mommy’ routine so that another member could come in for the kill? Also yes, but he wasn’t directly responsible so it didn’t count. 
-Yes, Danny did mention that his father was Batman and that the newest addition to Bruce Wayne’s family was his twin brother. So that does mean that Sam and Tucker also know the identities of a good portion of the Bat’s and Bird’s. But Danny was young at the time, thought nothing could hurt him, and didn’t quite understand the severity of having a secret identity. Once he had his accident and became personally aware of the risks and consequences of that, the trio had a meeting and got rid of anything that might have had that secret in it. Old diaries, computer journals, text messages. Everything was burned or wiped. They agreed they would never mention that secret directly, especially once Vlad entered the picture. 
-Everything was as good as it could be until about two years after the accident. Casper High won a competition for the Juniors to tour Wayne Enterprises. The Fenton’s refused to let Danny skip on the opportunity. When else would they get the chance to measure Gotham’s ambient ectoplasm or pitch their inventions to Bruce Wayne himself? Danny tried to explain that Bruce probably wouldn’t even be present for the tour and that the TSA would confiscate any Fenton Tech his parents would try to make him bring. But they didn’t listen. 
-As nervous as he was, Danny insisted that everything would be fine. Bruce/Batman was a busy man, he probably had a case he was working on that was way more important than some stupid tour. Tim was CEO and was too important to be a part of a tour. It wouldn't make sense for anyone else in the flock to be there. Gotham itself was so big that the likelihood of him running into anyone was slim and, even if he did, he and Damian weren’t identical twins, any resemblance could be passed off as coincidence. And if he noticed any stares or double takes, well, it wasn’t like it was hard for him to get lost in a crowd.  
-Sam and Tucker weren’t confident in his defense and made sure he had enough makeup on to subtly hide his face shape and any notable facial features at a glance. 
-Danny was right about the TSA forbidding most of the Fenton’s tech on the plane, the only things they allowed were the fenton phones, the emf reader to monitor Gotham’s ambient ectoplasm levels, and some gas masks his parents made in case their trip was interrupted by one of Batman's rogue. Danny was able to sneak some things on board by phasing them past TSA beforehand, but the only things the trio brought with them was the thermos and a few disguised blasters, just in case. 
-The trip actually went pretty well, the hotel wasn’t in the wealthy part of the city, nor was it in Crime Alley. It was in a safe enough area where the students probably wouldn’t be at risk of being shot if they were to wander off. But far enough away that the elites wouldn’t get annoyed at some midwest tourists. 
-Danny was also right about Bruce and the others being too busy to run into him. It turns out most of the bats probably weren’t even in Gotham. According to the guide, Mr. Wayne and co were on a “family vacation” and weren’t expected to be back for another week, days after the student’s would return to Amity. 
-Of course it would be after Danny lowered his guard that things took a turn for the worse. They were just about to board their flight back. Everyone was lined up to go! Only for the terminal to start filling with fear gas as Scarecrow and, if you were to ask Danny, an excessive amount of goons entered the building. Danny had an idea what the Bat’s were focused on during their “vacation”
-Thankfully, the trio was prepared. So, while their classmates were unfortunately swept up in the chaos; Danny, Sam and Tucker were able to slip on their gas masks and find a place to come up with a plan. Even though Danny didn’t need to breathe, even in his human form. He still slipped on his mask to keep up appearances.
-It didn’t take long for the Bats to show up. Specifically Batman, Robin and Nightwing. Batman went after Crane while Nightwing and Robin took care of the henchmen. 
-Batman seemed to be pretty evenly matched with Crane but the goons managed to separate Robin and Nightwing. Both were starting to get overwhelmed with the number of goons they were fighting. 
-Danny couldn't continue to sit back and do nothing. He was a hero, he could do something to even things out. 
-Sam tried to convince him to leave it alone, that there were other heroes who could help but she knew it was hopeless. Tucker put a hand on Danny’s shoulder and told him to be careful before the two went off to find a better place to hide. They made sure they kept their Fenton Phones on in case Danny needed their help. 
-Danny found a place to transform, went invisible, and joined the fight.
-Danny tried to stay in between Nightwing and Robin, picking off goons in their blind spots. If the other two noticed anything off with the number of goons decreasing faster than they were fighting, it didn't show in their body language.
-Just as Danny thought he would be able to get out of this fight undetected, one of the henchmen was able to rip off Damian's gasmask. Nightwing hadn't noticed yet, in the middle of his own huddle of goons. Batman was still focused on Crane. Danny was the only one who could help.
-Time slowed. It was subtle but he could see his brother's shoulders rise and fall as his breathing was starting to speed up. The fear toxin was setting in. Danny did not spend the first 5 years of his life training to protect Damian just to fail now. 
-In an instant, he flew over to his brother. Knocking out the goons surrounding him, Danny loses his touch on his invisibility as he slipped the gas mask on to Damian’s face. He mentally pleads to every Ancient he knows that his brother won't recognize him. 
-Danny realizes that the domino masks the Bats and Birds wear doesn't give away much emotion wise. But he doesn't think Damian's eyes widen or anything along those lines. Maybe one thing will go Danny's way. After all, he’s in ghost form right now. What are the odds, after all this time, his brother would recognize him?
-”Akhi?” It came out more like a breath than a whisper. If Danny’s hearing wasn't so sensitive he wouldn't have heard it. 
-Well, fuck. Maybe if he bails out now everyone will chalk it up to a fear toxin hallucination. 
-He allowed himself to fade from view but stayed close in case any goons tried to take advantage of his brother's disoriented state. 
-Nightwing was finally able to break out of the goon huddle and come to Robin’s defense just in time for Batman to take down Crane.
-Danny took that as his cue to leave and found Sam and Tucker before anything worse could happen. 
-Once they were able to regroup, Danny quickly filled them in on what happened before Mr. Lancer ushered them away to be checked over by some medics while their plane was rescheduled. 
-It isn't until the trio are back at the hotel that Danny realizes he left his gas mask with Damian. 
-Bad news, Danny’s ghost form was caught on the airport’s security cameras before Tucker had the chance to try and delete it. Good news, the cameras being out of date added with Phantom’s ectoplasm means that the footage was too distorted to make out any discernible features. Bad news, the students of Casper High know full well it was Phantom, the ghost boy. And have no problem saying it to every reporter who comes across them. Good news, most people dismiss the ghost explanation as nonsense and assume its a meta trying to encroach on Batman’s territory. 
-Casper High ends up needing to stay in Gotham for a week longer than intended. Bruce Wayne returns from his ‘vacation’ a few days after the attack and offers to pay for the extra nights and any medical bills that students might have gotten as a result of the attack. 
-During that week, Danny can’t bring himself to sleep. He keeps on expecting his brother or one of the others to burst through the hotel window and whisk him away to an interrogation. Thoughts he’s managed to keep pushed down for years are suddenly rising back to the surface. This whole time Danny assumed that, since Damian’s been living with Father for years, Damian was out of the League. Everyone knows about Batman’s no killing rule, there is no way that Batman would let Damian continue his training. But what if that was all a ruse? What if Batman was working for the League but wanted to keep his own hands clean? What if they were going to send Danny back? What if they thought Danny was a spy or wanted revenge? What if they find out he’s half ghost and believe his parents research that all ghosts are evil?
-Sam and Tucker try to calm him down. It was just his ghost form that Damian saw, whose first thought when seeing your brother’s ghost was to assume he’s still alive and living a double life? Plus, for all Danny knew, his brother could have been reacting to the fear toxin instead of Danny himself. Danny appreciated their efforts but he was still on edge. 
-Instead, nothing happens. He can’t find anyone or anything out of the ordinary during his invisible perimeter checks. There’s no attempt to communicate with him. According to Tucker, no one has tried to gain access to Casper High’s student files. Danny’s parents haven’t mentioned that Bruce Wayne has shown any interest in their inventions during any of their phone calls. Nothing.
-He doesn’t know if he should be relieved or disappointed. Batman was supposed to be the world's greatest detective. How could he not look into all of the loose ends Danny left behind, no matter how unintentional it was? Sure, most people brushed off the ghost thing. But an entire class, from the most haunted city in America, saying their hometown hero came in to save the day is something to look into. Even if it’s just to find proof to write them off. He left behind a Fenton branded gas mask for Ancients sake! A new thought started to crop up. What if they didn’t care? What if Damian already explained everything? Maybe the bats knew about Damian’s long lost/dead brother and thought his sudden reappearance, alive or dead, wasn’t worth looking into? What if they- what if Damian- wanted nothing to do with him? Can Danny even be upset? It‘s not like he ever tried to get in contact. Maybe Damian thinks Danny wants nothing to do with him. Does Danny want his brother back in his life? Every time he thought about it, it was either too good to be true or his fantasies ended with Damian stabbing him through the chest. 
-Either way, they were able to board the plane with no issue. The plane landed and his parents picked him up with nothing of interest happening. His parents dropped him off at the house, they wanted to do a quick patrol since the ghost attacks have been rising the last few weeks. There were no surprise attacks in the living room or the kitchen. No signs of anyone in the Lab. (Or any signs of a ghost getting caught while he was gone, that was a relief.) Jazz’s room looked like it did the day she left for college. The house was completely clean. 
-Now there are a few different ways I think this could go. One, Damian is waiting for Danny in his bedroom, sees Danny phase into the room and immediately has a sword to his throat. Maybe Damian was able to get away from the Manor without having to give away too much information and takes it upon himself to look into his brother’s reappearance. Maybe Damian was forced to tell his family about his late brother. Does Damian miss Danyal? Does he feel betrayed that Danyal left? Maybe Damian told his family once they earned his trust when he first moved into the manor? It’s hard to say how this goes from here or how the DC characters react since I don’t know enough about them but if you want to add on to this, please do!
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daisynik7 · 2 years ago
Give You Blue
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Chapter 6: Gravity
Set me free, leave me be, I don’t want to fall another moment into your gravity. 
Pairing: Eren x f!reader, Reiner x f!reader (past relationship)
Rating: Explicit (for mature content)
cw: switching POVs (reader is in 2nd person, Eren is in 3rd), underaged drinking, language, suggestive dialogue, kissing, angst
Word Count: ~5.0k
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Summary: You attend a party with Annie, only to run into Reiner unexpectedly. Mistakes are made and once again, Eren is to your rescue, this time more than ever before. Author’s Notes: Thank you for your patience with this! Sorry this took a while to get out. What do we think of this chapter? Juicy? Messy? Let me know! Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are always appreciated, thanks so much for supporting this slow burn of a story. I promise, next chapter is (finally) spicy! Enjoy! 
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You’re already dreading tonight as you walk beside Annie towards an off-campus party house. Your roommate managed to coax you into going out tonight, the first time all semester. You were reluctant at first, unsure if you’re truly in the mood for booze and mingling. Then they told you it’s a party for Armin’s birthday, which piqued your interest. That’s because you’re certain that Eren, Armin’s best bud and your special friend, is going to be there.
He came to your door in tears about two weeks ago after telling his parents about changing his major. Obviously, it didn’t end well. Since then, his father hasn’t reached out to him. His mother said that he, “Needs time to come around.” How cruel can a parent be, to discount their child’s emotions all to live out some legacy they think is worth pursuing? And for what? Money and notoriety? 
You held him in your arms that night, only letting go when Annie returned to the room, making all types of snide remarks. Eventually, the two of you retreated into his room, where you ate leftover pasta while Eren recounted exactly what happened. You stayed with him until he fell asleep on his bed, watching him from the desk as his eyelids fluttered into a peaceful slumber, one that was well-needed and deserved after the emotional night he experienced.
The fallout has him freaked out, naturally. He’s put a pause on his plans, even reconsidering the whole thing. While he knows in his heart that it’s the best option for him, he can’t escape the never-ending need to please his father. For now, he’s prioritizing his upcoming exams and projects to get himself through the semester, one day at a time. Baby steps, you tell him. Baby steps.
As the two of you approach the door, the bass of loud music already reverberating through the exterior, Annie turns the handle, entering the house. It’s already packed with other students, a few you recognize, most of whom you don’t. As you make your way through the crowd, Annie stands on her tiptoes to see if she can spot the birthday boy. “He’s in the kitchen,” she announces, leading you into the next room. 
Armin stands against the counter beside a girl with black hair, sipping on their drinks. You walk up to them, Armin exclaiming, “Annie! You made it!” He launches forward, wrapping her in a snug embrace. Her cheeks flush from the unexpected affection. 
You wave at his friend, introducing yourself. She eyes you curiously, returning your greeting. “I’m Mikasa. I recognize your name. Do you know my brother, Eren Jaeger?”
“Yes, I do. He’s my RA, actually.”
She smirks. “I see. He told me about you.”
“Me?” you ask, caught off guard.
“Yeah. Says you’re a really good friend. He’s been keeping you hidden like some sort of treasure, so it’s nice to finally meet you.”
Before you can respond, Eren’s voice rings out, “Mikasa! What are you doing?!” He’s at the other side of the room, hastily pushing his way through the party goers. When he arrives, he nudges her. “Don’t embarrass me in front of my favorite resident.”
“You’re the one who’s embarrassing yourself! We were only talking..”
He looks at you, laughing. “I hope my sister wasn’t harassing you.”
You smile at him, flustered by him calling you his favorite resident. “She’s not.”
She pokes her elbow into his ribs playfully. “See? I’m being good. Now, if you really want to know, I’ve got almost fifteen years of dirt on him.”
With a brow raised, you reply, “Oh, I’m all ears.”
“There’s no way I’m letting this happen unsupervised,” Eren teases, moving to stand next to you, his arm pressed to yours.
They share stories about their childhood, including how the two of them met Armin on the school playground, saving him from bullies. You enjoy this glimpse into Eren’s life; it makes you feel closer to him. A few times during the conversation, his hand slides over yours for emphasis as he elaborates on a tale. It sets your skin ablaze, alarming and exhilarating all at once. Annie hands you a drink that you don’t bother consuming it, too enthralled by Eren’s overwhelming presence. You almost want to pull him into a private room and keep him all to yourself. 
It switches in a flash when you hear the familiar voice and that dreadful nickname. “Coco?” Reiner stands by the fridge, staring at you with a bottle of beer in his hand. “What are you doing here?”
How reckless of you to forget that Reiner and Armin are in the same fraternity. Of course he’s here. They’re brothers. All the elation you felt up until this point sinks into the floor, along with your feet heavy on the tiles, unable to move. You despise how helpless you are around him, body shutting down or reacting in ways beyond your control. He’s got a firm grip on you without physically touching you. 
Eren clears his throat, readjusting his posture to stand straight. “It’s a party. So she’s here to party.”
Reiner glares at him. “Who are you?”
“I’m her friend.”
“I thought you were her RA.”
“Sounds like you remember me then,” Eren replies, smirking. 
There’s tightness in your chest as you hold your breath, anticipating his next move. Sensing your panic, Eren brushes his hand across yours, squeezing. This doesn’t go unnoticed. Reiner lunges forward, shouting, “Hey, hey! Don’t touch her!” He grabs you by the arm, pulling you towards him and away from Eren.
Mikasa grasps your other side, tugging you back. “Reiner, what the fuck?”
The commotion has gotten the attention of the rest of the room, hushing their own conversations to check out what’s going on. Reiner pleads, “Coco, we have to talk. Let’s go somewhere private.”
Still speechless, you try to keep your feet planted to the floor, unwilling to follow. Your knees give in as he drags you with him. Another hand holds you; it’s Eren, who’s staring at Reiner with an expression you’ve never seen before on his otherwise happy-go-lucky face. “You’re hurting her. Let her go.“
“Stay out of our fucking business,” he growls, fingers digging deep into your flesh. 
You do your best to yank yourself from his clutches. “Reiner, that hurts.”
As soon as you say it, he lets go, apologizing. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Mikasa shoves him, separating you farther. “What is your problem?”
Bertolt appears, towering over everyone, standing behind his friend. “Hey, let’s go get some air or something.”
Reiner ignores him. “Coco, please. I just want to talk,” he begs. 
Annie huddles beside you, immediately in fight mode. “What the fuck are you doing?”
Everything is moving in a blur. The only thing clear to you is Eren’s soothing voice in your ear, his lips grazing your skin. “Hey, you’re okay. It’s going to be okay.” 
And you believe it, too. You don’t want to leave his side, but as the tension continues to escalate, the only solution is out. You grab your drink and rush out of the kitchen, maneuvering past prying eyes and nosy whispers. Thankfully, the music is still playing, and by the time you’re up the stairs, locked inside a bathroom, the typical party commotion resumes.
Your phone rings in your pocket; you ignore it, switching it to silent without checking who’s calling. Inspecting your reflection in the mirror, eyes swelling with tears already, you can’t help laughing at yourself, alone in this random bathroom, crying once again over Reiner. It’s ridiculous. You’re so mad at him for ruining your night, for letting him ruin your night. All you could do was stand there, helpless. And when it became too much, you ran away instead of facing it head on. It’s so typical of you to act this way. That’s why he hasn’t left you alone yet. You’re too afraid to deal with it once and for all. Too scared of cutting that string that connects the two of you since you were five years old, the one holding together all your precious memories of a life before all this. At this rate, you’ll never move on, coiled by it until it you’re too tied up to break free. 
Sitting on the closed toilet seat, you wipe your tears, noticing the drink you carried in here with you. Without giving it a second thought, you chug it, deciding that tonight, you’re going to resort to alcohol as temporary relief. It’s sickly-sweet sliding down your throat, the liquor hardly noticeable in whatever concoction some frat boy brewed. However, it’s there, and you crave more of it, desperate for an escape.  
Eren doesn’t chase after her. And it’s not because he doesn’t want to; if it were his choice, he’d be right beside her, consoling her, holding her. Before he does, Mikasa grabs him. “Give her space. She needs space.”
He opens his mouth to protest, but doesn’t speak, knowing she’s right. The last thing he needs is to screw up their friendship by making dumb, rash decisions like this. He isn’t supposed to be involved; it’s an issue between her and her ex, something he shouldn’t get in the middle of. It’d be easy to avoid if they were just friends, if Eren didn’t have any stake in this. That’s the problem, though: Eren has fallen for her. And hard.  
It’s only now that he realizes Reiner is still being restrained by Armin and Annie, struggling to surpass the two bodies to get to him. “I just want to talk; I’m not going to hit him!”
Eren steps towards them, not intimidated, feeling bold. “You’re hurting her.” The words tumble out of his mouth easily, as if he’s been itching to let it out. 
Reiner’s eyes narrow, upset. “Excuse me?”
Eren mentions her name, repeating, “You’re hurting her.”
Annie and Armin glance nervously between the two, maintaining a firm grip on Reiner. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“If you really love her, you’d let her go.” 
“Eren,” Mikasa warns him, tugging at his sleeve. So much for not getting involved. He’s aware of the line he’s crossing, though he can’t help himself. Not when he’s picturing her, crying in the corner of a room because this asshole won’t leave her alone. Of course he’s going to try and protect her. 
Reiner glares at him. “What’s your deal?” 
Eren struggles to answer. After all, who is he in all of this? The random RA who lives down the hall? A concerned friend? Above all, he’s someone who cares for her immensely. Isn’t that enough of an excuse to intervene? 
When he doesn’t respond, Reiner continues. “You have no idea what our relationship is like. We’ve known each other since we were – “
“Five, yeah, I’ve heard the story,” Eren interrupts. “Maybe it’s time for you to grow up.” 
This elicits another aggressive response from Reiner, to which Bertolt joins in on restraining him. 
Armin, in a commanding voice, demands, “That’s enough. Calm down, okay?!”
“I’m not gonna to let him talk to me like that!” Reiner argues, reaching is arms out towards Eren, who remains nonchalant. This guy doesn’t scare him, not one bit. Reiner is a selfish coward; greedy for more, afraid to lose what he has. She’s a safety net to fall on. The back burner for when he needs warmth he can’t find anywhere else. It isn’t fair to her, being the last resort. She should be loved always, not only when it’s convenient. 
Mikasa sidles up to him, whispering, “We should go before he really explodes.”
He runs his fingers through his hair, sighing. “I’ll leave. Just…keep an eye on her for me. Make sure she’s okay.”
Annie gives him a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry, Eren. I’ll tell her to call you,” she says, using her strength to stave off Reiner, who’s red in the face.
He nods. “You don’t have to tell her anything. If she wants me, she’ll find me.”
Reiner threatens, “I don’t know what you’re trying to do with Coco, but I’m warning you. Stay away from her.”
“If you really cared about her, you’d stay away from her too.” Eren pivots on his heel to leave. Back turned, exiting the kitchen, he adds, “By the way, she hates that nickname.” He smirks to himself, listening to Reiner curse at him on his way out the door. 
With your cup empty, cheeks warm with a gradual buzz, you finally leave the bathroom to find more liquor. When you reappear in the kitchen, Reiner and Bertolt are gone, thankfully. Annie spots you, relieved. “Are you okay?”
You nod at her, giving her a timid smile. “Yeah. As long as Reiner is gone, I’m okay.”
She sighs, frustrated. “Unfortunately, he’s outside.”
Focused on the obnoxiously large Gatorade tub on the countertop, you shrug with your cup in hand. “Fine. Let’s hope I get drunk enough to pretend he isn’t here.” You dispense the reddish liquid till your cup is filled to the brim, carefully tipping it into your mouth. Annie watches, concerned and impressed, as you continue to gulp it down until it’s empty. “Whoa. Easy there, you don’t want to get too fucked up, right?”
Already tapping more into your cup, head starting to get hazy with a buzz, you respond, “Actually, that’s exactlywhat I want to do right now.” You finish it, Annie monitoring you nervously, not saying anything.
Soon, the two of you join Mikasa and Armin in the living room, which has been converted into a temporary dancefloor. You’re smooshed by bodies and engulfed in heat, the intense bass from the speakers drowning out whatever thoughts remain in your mind. This is exactly what you needed, to be lost in something, having fun without worrying about anything other than yourself. An escape. 
As luck would have it, this only lasts for a few minutes. From your peripheral, you catch Reiner making his way to you, Bertolt trailing behind. “Coco!” he shouts over the crowd. 
Annie glares at him, shielding you. “Fuck off.”
“I only want to talk. Please.” 
It’s only now that you can properly study his complexion. Dark shadows under his eyes, facial hair unkempt as if he hasn’t properly groomed it. There is some pity, seeing the boy you grew up with and loved with all your heart look like a shell of himself. More than anything, though, you’re fed up. Liquid courage surging through you, you decide that tonight, you’re going to end this exhausting game he’s playing once and for all. The long-winded back-and-forth you’ve had to endure this past semester. You won’t allow him to ruin you, destroy the both of you. Not anymore. 
“It’s okay,” you tell your friends, stepping around them towards Reiner. “I’ll deal with this.”
Annie utters your name, loose grip on your wrist, a last-ditch effort to stop you. You pass her a confident grin, patting her hand. “It’s okay. I’ll be okay.” 
Standing tall, you face him. “You want to talk? Fine, let’s talk.”
You lead the way upstairs, past the bathroom you were previously hiding in and into the nearest unoccupied bedroom, shutting the door. Once you switch the lights on, you’re suddenly extremely aware that you and Reiner are alone, enclosed in this small space for the first time since that day you said goodbye. There’s a sense of déjà vu, filling you with an uneasiness you can’t quite explain. You’re teetering on the edge, a risk of falling at any moment.
“Coco,” he starts. 
Before he can continue, you interrupt him. “Reiner, you can’t keep ambushing me like this. It’s not fair to me. I’m trying my best to move on, I can’t do that if you’re always pestering me!”
“I know, I know. But – ”
“I already told you why we can’t be friends, so stop trying.”
“Please listen to –”
“I’m finally getting used to not having you around anymore, so just leave me alone –”
“I want to get back together.”
You stare at him, stunned, slowly processing what he said. 
“Coco, I want to be with you. I want it to be us again. I was a fucking idiot for breaking up in the first place.”
Still, you’re speechless, astounded by the words coming out of his mouth. It doesn’t help that the alcohol in your system is taking its effect, head dizzy and balance wobbly. 
Reiner reaches for your hand, holding it in his. His thumb brushes across your knuckles, the way it used to all those times in the past. “I’m a fucking mess without you. I can’t sleep, I can’t think. Every day I miss you. I don’t want this anymore. I want you.”
You finally find the will to speak, voice trembling. “You can’t take back what happened.”
“Why not? This semester has been the worst without you. Why can’t we forget about what happened and go back to the way it was?”
“I don’t think I can do that.” 
His hands cup your cheeks, forehead pressed to yours. And while your mind is screaming at you to stay strong, to push him away, your body stays still, melting into his touch. “Coco, I love you. I’ll always love you. I realize that now. I’m sorry it took all of this to realize it. I’m sure of it now. Please, baby. I need you.” 
Your confidence is dwindling. You came into this room, intending to end it. Now, you find yourself wavering under his words. The words you so badly wanted to hear ever since he broke up with you. It’s your weakness: to be needed, to be wanted. It’d be easy to forget, to go back to the way it used to be. Wouldn’t it? 
It will never be the same. You can’t forget what he did, no matter how badly you want to block it out of your memory. That paranoia will always be present. He’s already broken your heart once, what makes you think he don’t do it again? How can you trust someone who so easily crushed you without a fair warning? Who toys with your fragility because of his own selfish desires? 
“Reiner, I don’t know,” you whimper, tears filling your eyes, overwhelmed with emotions. 
“We’ll figure it out together. You and me. Like old times.” The past. Carefree and in love, in your own little world, just the two of you. Sheltered from the unknown, reliant only on each other. Were you happy in this life? Or did you only convince yourself that you were?
“It’s you and me, Coco. Forever.” He inches forward, lips almost touching. You can smell the harsh aroma of alcohol on his breath, pungent and bitter. When you don’t pull away, he closes the gap, kissing you. His tongue slips inside your mouth, desperate for a taste, and you welcome it, starved for affection after being deprived of it all semester. The once familiar facial hair is foreign on your skin; it’s like he’s a completely different person now, a stranger. And maybe that’s why it makes it easier to kiss him, to imagine him as someone different than the same Reiner you once knew, the one who broke your heart. He’s different this time. He has to be. 
What if he’s not?
Suddenly, your body reacts, hands to his chest, shoving him away. “No,” you state, recoiling from him. “No, I can’t do this.”
Grip on your hips, he tugs you in again, scattering kisses along your neck. “It’s okay. It’s going to be okay, baby.”
You force him off once more, with more aggression, surprising him. “Stop, Reiner. It’s not okay. I can’t do this. I don’t want to do this. We have to move on. It’s over.”
He grasps you by the shoulders, pleading with you. “I don’t want to move on, Coco. I want us to go back to the way it was, like when we were kids.”
“That’s the problem. We’re not kids anymore! We have to grow up.” Your voice trembles, hands shaking with anguish. You’re saying it as a cruel reminder for the both of you.
“Baby, please,” he begs, surrounding you in a scorching embrace. You can’t breathe, the air too dense in his presence, suffocating you. “I need you. I need you.” He kisses you again, fingers gliding beneath your shirt and along your skin, pulling you to the bed. You succumb to it, the past flashing in your memory like a movie playing in fast forward. Your first kiss, clumsy and awkward because you were only kiddos who had no idea what you were doing. The first time you made love, crossing that line from best friends to lovers, also clumsy and awkward, but it was yours. All the moments when the two of you were in sync with each other, strolling through life glued to the hip. The breakup doesn’t erase the precious memories the two of you share; it’s shown you that maybe this relationship has run its course. Because now, it’s nothing like it used to be. You’d be fooling yourself thinking it can ever go back to the way it was. 
Before you go any further, you break apart from him, tears streaming down your cheeks as you stumble to the door, gasping for breath. “I’m sorry, Reiner. We can’t. We can’t do this.” When you open it, the cacophony of party sounds filling you with relief, as if you’ve returned to steady ground, away from whatever orbit he’s attempting to suck you into. You won’t let yourself revolve around him any longer. 
You ignore his voice calling for you as you sprint down the stairs, rushing through the crowd, not bothering to check in with Annie in the living room. You can’t face her, not now. Not after you betrayed yourself by kissing your ex. Shame envelopes you as you speed walk your way across campus, heading to your dorm. Halfway on your trek, you send Annie a quick text, explaining that you left the party and that you’re fine, although it’s not entirely truthful. As you swipe your ID at the door, your feet automatically lead you to your safe space.
Eren lays in bed, gazing up at the ceiling, contemplating. It’s been a while since he left the party, annoyed from his confrontation with Reiner, more so worried about her and how she’s doing. He can’t sleep without knowing whether she’s okay or not. 
Phone in hand, he sends Mikasa a quick message, asking for a status update. His sister’s reply has him immediately sitting up, frantic:
Mikasa: She’s talking to Reiner
He hops out of bed, pacing around his room. Talking to him? What could that mean? He attempts to call Mikasa, the suspense eating away at him. When she picks up, he can barely hear her, the background noise of the party too loud. “Mikasa, what’s going on?”
“Don’t worry,” she yells on the other end of the line. “I think she’s trying to end it. She told us she’s dealing with it.”
“I told you to keep an eye on her.”
“I’m not going to stand there in the middle of a private conversation! She’s a big girl, she can handle this.”
He sighs, frustrated. “I know, I just –”
“Eren, you can’t keep protecting her. She’s got to deal with this on her own.”
He doesn’t answer. She’s right; it’s not his battle to fight, no matter how much he wants to. 
“Oh shit,” Mikasa curses. He can hear Annie and Armin’s voice murmuring, though he can’t make out what exactly they’re saying.
“Mikasa, what’s going on?!” 
“She texted Annie a few minutes. She said she’s fine, but she left. We don’t know where she is.”
He panics, squeezing the phone between his ear and shoulder, slipping into a jacket, scrambling for his keys. “Okay, I’m going to look for her. Stay there in case she comes back.”
“Eren, I’m sure she’s going to the dorms! Don’t freak out!”
“Well, I’m going to look for her anyways! Please, Mikasa. Do this for me – ”
There’s a knock on his door. Eren sets his keys down, heart racing. “I gotta go,” he quickly mutters into the phone, hanging up. He approaches the door, unlocking and turning the handle slowly. 
She stands in front of him, eyes puffy, biting her lip as if to suppress her crying. He pulls her into a hug, surrounding her in his arms. She relaxes into him, nestling her face into his chest, sniffling. “Hey, you’re okay. You’re okay,” he chants.
In between sobs, she cries, “I’m not. I fucked up, Eren. I really fucked up.”
“Hey, I’m sure it’s not that bad,” he reassures her. 
“We kissed. Reiner and I kissed.” 
Dread settles in the pit of his stomach as he listens in silence, anticipating what else she will reveal to him. 
“We were touching and we almost, I almost…But we didn’t. I stopped it.” She swallows hard, collecting herself before continuing. “I’m so ashamed of myself. I spent the past three months trying to get over him, and I tossed it all aside for one stupid kiss. I’m weak. I’m weak.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” he consoles, rubbing her back. “You’re not weak.”
“I am, though. I’m so fucking desperate to be held, to be touched. Tonight exposed it. I can’t do that again. I just can’t.”
He’s not proud of what he suggests next. Maybe it’s jealousy that makes Eren propose what he’s about to. He justifies it as a friend helping out another friend. It’s a mistake. Not because he’ll hurt her; in the end, it’ll hurt him. He lets his selfish desires overtake the usual logical thinking in his brain. All he can focus on is this, right here, right now. This might be their only chance, his only chance. “How about me?”
“Use me. I want to help you.” This is a bad idea, a very bad idea. As soon as he crosses this line, there’s no turning around. He’s all in. It’s the point of no return, and with as much risk as there is in it, there’s no question in his mind that it’s worth it. To have her like this, even for a fleeting moment, is better than not having her at all. 
“Eren,” she whispers, peering up at him.
“Rely on me,” he says with a small smile, caressing her cheeks, wiping away her tears. 
“Eren,” she repeats, closing her eyes. “I don’t want this to change anything between us. I’m scared I’m going to mess this up again.”
He leans down, pressing his forehead to hers. “I’m always going to care about you, no matter what. I promise. Don’t worry about me.”
They need this, a temporary escape. Him and her, no one else. Cherishing one another, loving each other the way they deserve. It doesn’t matter what the past is or what the future holds. He wants to be lost in this moment with her. She opens her eyes, gazing at him. He bows down, lips close to hers, pausing to wait for her. She kisses him softly, electrifying every nerve in his body. 
it’s over too soon; she pulls away, distancing herself. “Eren, I can’t do this to you. I’m all fucked up in the head right now and still a little drunk. You don’t deserve this. I’m so sorry.” Without another glance, she leaves, her hasty footsteps pattering down the hall, Eren listening until he hears her shut the door to her bedroom. 
He traces his mouth with his fingers, her essence lingering on his lips. He stands in place for a few more minutes, waiting and hoping for her return. When it doesn’t come, he goes to bed, staring up at the ceiling, unable to sleep. 
You fucked it all up, with Reiner, with Eren. As always, you ran away, unable to stand up for yourself, to face the truth. 
With Reiner, you crumbled, allowing him to enrapture you with empty promises and longing for the past. He almost convinced you that everything can go back to normal, which you know it can’t. And with Eren, you pushed him away, too scared to repeat the same mistakes despite your heart yearning for him more and more each day. 
His offer to you sticks in your mind as you lay in bed, focused on the ceiling, intoxication completely worn off after a hot shower and much-needed hydration. Rely on me. Use me. It wasn’t fair to take advantage of him while you were in such a fragile state, drunk and in tears after your confrontation with Reiner. Hours later, with a clearer head, you can’t stop thinking about him. I’m always going to care about you, no matter what. It’s the only promise of the night that you actual believe. 
You check your phone for the time: 4:17 AM. Glancing to your side, Annie sleeps peacefully in her bed, having arrived a few hours earlier. You explained to her vaguely what happened, leaving out the details about both kisses, not ready to deal with her blunt reactions. As quietly as you can, you slide into your slippers, sneaking out of the room. Halfway down the hall, you second-guess yourself, almost turning on your heel to go back. However,  Eren’s soothing voice replaying in your head entices you. One moment of unadulterated bliss together wouldn’t be so bad, right? 
Before you change your mind, you knock quietly on his door, nervous and excited. It doesn’t take long for him to answer. He stands before you, wide awake, a comforting smile upon seeing you. And while this whole night was a blurry, fucked up mess, this is the most certain you’ve been. Even if it is for a short while, a temporary escape from the unkind realities the both of you have to eventually face, it’s clear as day: You want to be with him, and he wants to be with you. 
“So,” you say, stepping towards him. “Does your offer still stand?”
His smile widens, reaching his arm past you to shut the door. “Absolutely.” 
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fang3d4 · 4 months ago
Anya’s *actual* worst fear
So throughout the series, Anya consistently references a fear of hers, other than bunnies. Gerascophobia. Which is a very long, fancy word, for the phobia of getting old. She sings about it in omwf (twice,) and she has a whole monologue to Xander about it in season 5.
It makes sense that Anya is freaked out by this. She lived for thousands of years being practically indestructible, her physical body not aging a single second. And all of a sudden she’s thrust head first back into humanity. Sure, she’s young, but while seventy years might sound like forever to us, to her it’s a blip.
Not to mention, she’s in a relationship, with a man. Now, before you come at me, Anya spent a millennium reining vengeance on men who had wronged women. The idea she has of the male sex in her mind, is almost definitely skewed to the negative. And we live in a society that is obsessed with aging. Women are expected to stay looking as young and as youthful as possible, and we are told that that is what men are attracted to and desire. Anya isn’t just scared of aging because she won’t be as mobile, or recognize herself, but because she’s scared Xander won’t want her anymore.
And unfortunately, this fear is something Xander reinforces. I’m not a Xander fan, but I understand why he left her at the altar. I don’t necessarily think that it was a mistake. But looking at it from Anyas perspective- ouch. Ever had your friends tell you a partner is wrong for you and defended them with your life, only to be publicly proven wrong? That, times a thousand. But also, Anya knows that Xander was shown a version of their future. She knows Xander saw a version of her, years from now, aged. And now he’s leaving her. I’m not saying that that’s *why,* (it wasn’t) but if I was in her position, that question would definitely be in my mind. 
I also find it interesting that Anyas vengeance demon face, almost resembles a very dramatic version of being aged/wrinkles. Anya has to have this face to have her power, but Xander finds it ugly, scary.
Through her relationship with Xander, Anya never feels adequate for another reason. We see her often trying to live up to the crush Xander never got completely over- buffy. Anya wants Buffy’s clothes, her hair. And then, who does Xander end up with? dawn summers. I know, I’m sorry, but I have to talk about it. I, like most people, ignore the comics as much as I can. But specifically the first series of comics, was originally supposed to be season eight of buffy- on the screen. And he who shall not be named, definitely knew aspects of said season before hand.
Anyas ex fiancé, who didn’t feel able to marry her, was able to take that leap with dawn. Who is, not only the younger sister of the girl she could never lived up to- and, as buffy said herself, *her* in a way- but also the youngest person he could legally be with. She was only 18 to his twenty-three when they started dating. Which, while doesn’t sound like the MOST insane age gap at first glimpse, becomes a lot more concerning when you think about the fact that Xander used to babysit her.
Joss is known for foreshadowing- he does it all the time in buffy. And knowing that dawn and Xander end up getting married in the comics, all of the “I’m gonna marry that girl- what that’s my sister she’s 15-“ “wdym dawn has a crush on spike, she’s supposed to have a crush on ME” ‘jokes’ feel like some kind of sick joke. Which, knowing wheadon, they probably were. But in season seven, that foreshadowing takes on a less ‘jokey’ tone. Obviously there’s the bronze scene in him, but I also noticed that in a handful of scenes in this season, the shot is set up to show dawn and Xander together, while Anya is being pushed to the sidelines. In one of these, Xander is hugging Dawn, while Anya stands alone at the side.
The most heartbreaking instance of this, is in the finale. Anya’s death is already so tragic- the fact that it was so fast, so close to the end, so unnoticed. But the last clip with Anya in it is set up like this: Anya is in the foreground- dead. Xander is looking for her, but dawn takes his hand and drags him away. This irks me so much, because I hate the narrative of the other, younger woman ‘stealing’ the guy away. It’s an idea that fuels society’s huge push for women to compete against eachother, to be the most attractive, or, more accurately, most desirable to men.
So, Anya is scared of Bunnies. A symbol of innocence and fertility. A symbol of her life with Olaf, a marriage she likely went into very young, and based on her attempts to postpone physical relations with him, she wasn’t entirely comfortable with. She, more than most, should understand that the standards women are set to are harmful, that they were never attainable- even in the fantastical world of buffy, you can’t be human if you don’t age. But just like most of us in the real world, that didn’t stop her from desperately clinging to those standards, forever trying to meet them, eternally scared of the privilege of growing old. One, that in the end, she never got to have. 
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robinsno1lesbian · 2 years ago
Hehehe i thought of a way older!nancy would fit into the neighbor!robin AU and im thinking like nancy is friends with both readers parents and Robin, I’m thinking like readers mom is also a journalist and works with nancy and well Robin obviously knows nancy.
But like she starts coming around to readers house more and accidentally walks in on Robin and reader🫣🫣 and Robin is like freaking out because her best friend just walked in on her and her neighbors daughter, but instead Nancy points out something Robin is doing wrong, like reader is possibly bound/being choked and Nancy points out some safety issues and well…the rest is history 🫣
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neighbor!robin x nancy wheeler x fem!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1079
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+ mature content! (MDNI), implied age gap (reader is 18+!!) , makeshift handcuffs, implied threesome, fingering, strap-ons, idk if that's a tw really but reader and robin get caught
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: literally screaming right now vix OH MY GOD- idk if this is still considered a drabble but enjoy <33 (also smut right below the cut so beware of that)
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robin loves to make you scream.
and with how she’s pounding into you right now, you’ve got every reason to.
your arms are tied to your headboard, right above your head. you can’t move and you can hardly see, tears streaming down the side of your face. trails of mascara run down your cheeks, all because of how good it feels to be fucked mindless by robin buckley.
her belt has been wrapped around your arms multiple times, before she has tied it to your bed. you can hardly move like that, with no other choice left but to take all she’s giving you.
and god, she’s giving you plenty.
“oh my god robin, fuck”
her skilled fingers flick your clit before they return to your entrance, meeting no resistance at all as she dips them into you. your head falls back and your back arches when two of her fingers penetrate you. her digits are slim and long -much longer than yours- reaching depths you could never reach on your own.
you’re quite literally squirming beneath her, your body moving against her hand while she’s fucking you into literal oblivion.
you have lost all track of time, that’s how good she is making you feel. it must have been hours since she first entered your room and the aftershocks of your previous orgasms are still rippling through you.
and now your third one of the afternoon is about to flood your veins. the hot coil is already tightening in your lower abdomen, the sensation so good your eyes roll back in your head.
“f-fuck robin i’m almost- i-“ you cry. “you’re- you’re gonna make me cum again robin-“
but before she can push you over the edge by just one more thrust of her fingers, the door to your room flies open and you’re completely taken aback.
you're on the edge of cumming and yet your brain is no longer foggy with the build-up of your orgasm. you are thinking crystal clear now, fully capable of understanding that you and robin have been caught.
robin notices right after you do. she immediately jumps back and throws a blanket over your exposed lower body, leaving your breasts on full display to whoever has walked in on you.
“holy shit i- i’m so sorry”
the voice causes your head to spin; it is one you recognize. a voice you know all too well.
the person standing in your doorway is nancy wheeler.
of course, it is nancy: the two of you were supposed to meet up today. realization dawns on you, it truly must have been several hours of this.
and now you're spread out on your bed, hands still tied above your head, without a chance to cover yourself or robin. truth be told, there is no way to excuse what you've been doing.
"nancy oh my god" robin jumps up to stand in front of the bed, trying to get in the way of nancy's gaze. "this isn't- i can explain"
the sound of robin's voice is so unfamiliar. you've never seen her this freaked out, this scared. "look we- i mean i-" her voice is trembling now and even though you can't see her face from where you're laying, you know fear must be written all over it. never has she ever been this way around you.
"jesus buckley" you could be mistaken but is that amusement in nancy wheeler's voice? "don't worry about it" nancy's heels click against the floor when she steps closer. something in robin's posture changes too, like tension is released from her body. "i-" "shh" nancy hushes and cuts her off. she's standing right in front of robin now, staring up at here calmly. "i wanna show you something" her gaze meets yours for a second. "is that okay?" your throat has gone dry and it takes all your strength to speak up. "y-yeah" immediately, she looks back up at robin. "see the way you've tied her to the bed?" something about her words, about her being here and not minding one bit, does things to you that you can't seem to wrap your head around. you want robin, you know that now. but nancy? you didn't think your little sexuality crisis could get any worse than this. and yet...the way she's looking up at robin and her eyes keep glaring over at you...it makes you want her in ways you've only ever wanted robin before.
the question seems to catch robin off guard, as if she had expected something entirely different.
"uhm-yeah" she nods after giving your makeshift handcuffs a quick glance. "fun but...you can do better than that robin"
"what?" "listen" she crosses her arms. "i can walk out of that door and pretend this never happened. i can forget about this if that's what you want. pretend like i don't see the way you've looked at each other before..." nancy taps her index finger against her chin as if in thought.
"or you allow me to help" you don't even bother to stop yourself from nodding, causing both robin and nancy to look at you. "you want this?" robin questions. she grins sheepishly and you know she has already made up her mind. "y-yeah"
nancy steps next to robin and leans forward, her arms resting both of her palms on your footboard. "what is it that you want?" you watch when robin crosses her arms, tongue pressed against the inside of her cheek. she wants a show and you're willing to give her that.
"ruin me"
that is how you end up on your front, with your head pressed against the many pillows on your bed. both of your hands have been tied behind your back by nancy who is now kneeling right behind robin. robin, who is currently pounding into you at a brutal pace, both hands on your hips. you can't see either of them, but you can hear their voices. "see? that's much better isn't it?" nancy mumbles. "she's taking it so well too, god-"
"isn't she?" robin leans forward, causing the strap to sink even deeper into you. her front is pressing down on you, her lips the closest to your ear they could be. "such a good girl" "please" you babble. "please please please" all while you're throwing your hips back against her over and over again, fucking yourself on the strap. "i think she wants us" nancy chuckles. "and i think we should give her what she's begging for, don't you robin?"
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sunyandmony · 4 months ago
Hello! I'm on a mission to ask different creators what their DCAs in their AUs would do if MC got dollified (turned into a doll) or just over all shrunk! Of course, you don't have to do this, or acknowledge this at all, I just like to think of different shenanigans with different people's DCA AUs- XD
(Also, hello, Mother! Pretty sure that just gave my identity away, but screw it- Love ya!/p)
And it's fine dw, btw I have a lot of AUs so I'll use the ones I still remember ehsjssjs!!!
I'll use Y/N but everyone can go with anything<33
Yap yapp yaapyap ⬇
Demon VS Vampire AU(collab AU!!!)- Sun would definitely be having a tea party with Y/N just to annoy them XD
Moon on the other hand would absolutely just wrap them in a blanket burrito and use the opportunity to fix Y/N's sleeping schedule a little bit.
Eclipse is just freaking out because they do NOT know what to do 💔
Demon trio AU- They would all fight over Y/N and whoever wins gets their first turn on cuddling with Y/N.
Shapeshifters duo AU- Sun would become small with Y/N and start a ridiculously long adventure for nothing
Moon would smother Y/N in affection, cuz obviously it's by instinct 👏
Eclipse (if it was to be around, cuz it's been gone for a long time), it would absolutely like to toy with Y/N and trick them, making them believe it wants to eat them or hurt them, or anything believable enough it can come up with.
Statues & Angels lost to time (OLDEST AU ever made)- Sunny would definitely snuggle with Y/N cuz he's been touch starved for a LONG time<33
Moon would be hesitant at first to approach you, because he thinks it has something to do with the building's curses and dark aura. But he'll reluctantly agree to hold you.
Eclipse- Oh boy.... he has a lot of things in mind. But for OGs that know this AU or for friends, y'all can guess...
Perhaps another time, on a sunny day AU(the one AU where it's Y/N deciding to save all the ruin animatronics and live with them, again, another older AU. Happens after the escape from the Pizza Plex)- Sunny would be over Y/N the moment he sees them, and would be sobbing as much as a broken machine can and asking Y/N almost incomprehensible sentences with no sense whatsoever.
Moon would pretty much just have a sleepover during the middle of the day with Y/N in a pillow fort, cuz why not!!
Eclipse would take the utmost care of Y/N, treating Y/N like the most important thing he's had to do. He will also try his best not to scratch them cuz yeah, the body hasn't been fixed yet</3
Seas, and otherwise, fishes for you AU (big fish AU. The one I told pooks ( @st4rryk1tten ) about :3)- Sun would definitely be scared when he comes from underwater, surfacing, only to find you as such a small, fragile doll instead of your human vessel that he got used to seeing. After he'd calm down, he'll swim out of sight of the open beachside and take care of Y/N in a more private place. (Yes that includes smooching the fish)
Moon on the other hand, would be a little confused, especially given the time of day it is. But when he acknowledges it's Y/N, he simply takes Y/N and does just about the same as Sun. (Except he's more eager for kisses and smooches. He's a very affectionate fish<33)
Eclipse (haven't decided what they'll be or if they'll even appear) will be a little more confident and immediately recognize Y/N, taking them before they get seen together, given their humongous size.
Other then these, I just have a lot of random AUs I absolutely forgot about, but I think you got the idea 👏
( pssssttt @galaxytree66 !!!! 🔥🔥🔥🦅🦅🦅🦅)
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Also, if you have more things to ask.... Go on ඩා
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lettingthoughtsflow · 7 months ago
season 1: episode 1 (crush, chop, & burn pt. 1)
alright y'all I'm bulletpointing as I watch so let's go!!
the whole "mrs. and mr. davenport" beginning scene is literally seared into my brain from childhood-i think it's funny how clearly i remember it
when we meet the team they're in these mission suit esque things and seeing as all they do is train, is that what they live in????
davenport saying "i don't want to brag, but i am incredibly smart" when introducing the kids is so wild when you consider the fact that he probably didn't have anything to do with making the kids
i love how offended they get when tasha calls them robots
tasha and leo have such a cute relationship i freaking love it
i know we hate donald, and rightfully so, but this episode really amps me up bc dude you are literally introducing them to your wife and you keep talking about them like plants you're growing
when donald is introducing the kids, tasha's the only one recognizing that they're children
"i wanna go upstairs" 😭
they literally never leave the room, it's not just because of filming and set design, they don't even have a place to run THERE'S A RAT WHEEL
@fairytalesociology said that davenport feeds the kids glorified dog food and they're so right
you can't just feed them food??? even preordered????
they eat, sleep, and bathe in their capsules no one can convince me the man was just looking to be cost effective in getting these inventions perfected (they were not children to him AT ALL)
bree is just a girl and i love her for it bc thinking about breaking into song/dance numbers is so real
If you pay attention to the background you can see chase playing with a random locker for a while and I think it’s so funny/cute
Honestly I with it opened and he was just using his bionic hearing to unlock the locker
i just noticed leo has brown paper wrapped around his textbooks and it reminds me of when my mom and i use to make book covers out of trader joes bags and decorate them 💗
baby chase was insterested in chess club and taking med school courses, he deserved more extracurriculars and hobbies in the show
the early heat vision graphics 😅
"i know a chiropractor in the phillipines" is so cute
davenport is awful but the freaking out performances are great
30 grand for a situation to go away is insane bc what really happened??? like yeah the mascot's head caught on fire but it wasn't like they destroyed the building. and even if it was a bribe to get rid of witnesses, you'd have to adress the entire school bc it was a pep rally
tasha being a mom to the kids is so cute like yeah, they're just kids
bree immediately getting excited about the party with tasha is freaking adorable, we deserved more Tasha fr
honestly i think she was more freaked out about the kids than their bionics
lecturing them about how they were designed for missions is so disheartening bc 1. you've probably told them all about how they're top sercret their whole lives and 2. they are superHUMANS
it honestly feels akin to when a parent tells a child they have to be perfect or pushes them into a career they never wanted
yes bc having no contact with the outside world will prevent their glitches and train them for missions (not to mention real life)
obviously it's the perfect solution
honestly if they socialized they would probably have better emotional regulation and control over their glitches. like you could have at least brought them to a company party (and told everyone to treat them as humans) so they have practice talking to people.
chase really was always in blue plaid from the start huh?
"they are not just science projects, they're teenagers" TELL HIM QUEEN
bro you're going to tell me that you can't reprogram your ROBOT FRIEND to like your WIFE
like he can still be snarky but he literally hates her
i really hope someone gets this, but there are a few scenes where Adam feels more like a regular person than just someone who's core personality is being kind of dumb and reckless, and the ending scene before everyone goes to bed is one of those few scenes
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ups3tti · 11 months ago
Hi hello DR season 2 spoilers CAN WE TALK ABOUT BONZLE. I LOVE BONZLE.
The talk she had with Wu broke me so much. Like she was alone for so long and couldn't even find words to identify it because nobody told her what it was, and because of that she couldn't recognize that it *was* loneliness because it was so familiar yet so unknown and seemingly without cause.
She's also incredible trans-coded and that meant so much to me. watching her choose her own form and her own name, and her worry over explaining her identity to her friends, Cole telling her she's needed and loved?? OW STAB ME ALREADY. The way she told her mom about it was incredibly similar to coming out imo and it was so cool to see.
I also can't get over her saying she's rehearsed how she wanted to tell her friends about her backstory to the point where she had a little show ready for them. Like she appears so chill and easy-going but it feels like she's so genuinely anxious as well, and you see this even more with how freaked out she gets when Ras and the wolf warriors start messing with everything.
She wants to LIVE SO BADLY. you can HEAR it. "I'm not a spell, I'm a person!" OH MY GOD. She sounded so terrified at so many points. I'm so glad she's not alone in the prison, I'm so glad Kai is there and obviously willing to support her and not blame her for anything. I'm so excited to see more of her
Sorry for the nonsensical ramble I just. I love her. So much
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ash5monster01 · 2 years ago
Perfect To Love Part 6
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader!PlusSize
Warnings: fluff, mentions of bullying, body image issues, fat shaming, angst, trust issues.
Summary: Beth Walker was used to living in the shadows. She had only one friend and anyone else who paid her mind usually bullied her for her size. So she learned to keep her mouth shut, her head down, and her heart closed because she had to accept the fact that she would be nothing more than the fat girl to people. That is until Robin decides Beth needs more in life and that might just include a boy who she never would’ve thought could see her for who she truly was.
word count: 2,887
Part 5 ←→ Part 7
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Beth never thought she’d be asked on a date. A real one at that. If she thought she was freaking out the first time she had hung out with the Harrington boy she definitely was now. This time it did have labels, it was a date, at a fancy place that she wasn't prepared for. People in public would look on and be confused as to why she was with him and she'd be dressed up in some frilly dress, feeling entirely not like herself. It almost wasn't fair knowing that not a single person could accept the fact she deserved to be there, they'd just look at her and think she was pretending to be someone she’s not. A big girl brought out on a dare, bet, whatever kind of joke because there was absoltuley no way any self respecting man would ask a girl like her to a place like Enzo's.
Of course Robin didn't see the issue when she dragged her to meet Nancy at the store. Robin could accept her losses when it came to not knowing how to dress for a date. Lucky for her Nancy was nice enough to help anytime she asked. So she dragged Beth along, excited for her, expecially after her talk with Steve. She knew Steve would love her if he got to know her and that was exactly what hapened. He liked Beth a lot and it couldn't have worked out better that she made him spend time with her in the first place. Now she got to watch as Beth experienced happiness and the excitement of first love.
"This is useless, I'm too big to wear a pretty dress" Beth sighed, shoving some outifts down the rack and out of her sight. It was a waste. Any dress she remotely liked either didn't fit her boobs or it clung to her stomach. Something she wasn't exactly willing to flaunt. Then if she found one that worked it didn't have a back and she wasn’t willing to show off her rolls.
"That is not true Beth" Nancy told her as she shook her head. Robin put a comforting hand on Beth's back.
"Nancy is right, you can wear whatever you want. Social norms do not have to be to your standards" Robin told her, hoping one day she would be able to do this when she finally felt comfortable enough to be out with a girl she liked.
"Beth, we just have to find what accentuates you best but we won’t find that if you can’t recognize the beautiful parts of yourself” Nancy told her, eyes searching her own as she hoped Beth would realize there wasn’t a single ugly thing about her. Beth glanced nervously between the girls as they waited for her to answer Nancy.
“My shoulders aren’t bad, not as defined but I’m willing to show them off. I guess my boobs too” Robin giggled as Nancy smiled brightly at the girl, already having something in mind.
“See Beth, we’re going to find you the best outfit in the world” Robin praised and Beth chuckled before shaking her head.
“You know, it’s funny” Nancy said and both girls turned to peer at her, her continuing to grab options off the rack.
“What is?” Robin asked and Nancy looked up, a fond smile on her face.
“The last time I went shopping for an outfit for Steve Harrington was with Barb, she had made a comment to me that day about wishing how she could pick out an outfit for a guy like him one day. In some way it sorta feels like she’s here with us” Nancy told them, heart very obviously still broken for her friend who had so much life left to live.
“I’m sorry Nancy” Beth began to apologize for her loss but Nancy shook her head.
“Don’t be, just make sure you experience it to the fullest. If not for you than for her” Beth knew what Nancy had meant, knew that Barb felt the same way about life that Beth did. It was the first time she realized she could leave this world tomorrow and regret hiding herself from it for so long. So she made sure to nod and agree, so that some part of grief could be relieved from Nancy.
“Alright, give me those before I change my mind” Beth held her hand out to Nancy and the girls smile widened as she handed her the piles of clothes she had picked out. Beth walked off in search of a changing room, hoping she wouldn’t regret this.
To Beth’s surprise she didn’t. Every outfit Nancy had picked had complimented her in the ways she wanted. She didn’t realize fashion or shopping could be this fun. She was proven more and more wrong each time she stepped out to show them just to smile wider every time they complimented her. Once she reached the dress at the bottom of the pile she prayed that it would look okay. Dresses always felt like they hugged her body in places she didn’t want to be seen. But as she slipped the black silk over her head, spaghetti straps holding up the fabric that gave it an off the shoulder look, she let out a small gasp. The dress flowed out from the waist, hiding her stomach and the black color giving her a slimmer look. The off the shoulder neckline accentuated her cleavage and shoulders. All of this and Beth realized it was the first time in a long time she looked in the mirror and thought she was pretty.
"Oh wow, Beth" Robin stood as the girl slowly slipped out the dressing room. The girl lifted nervous hands and brushed down the front of the dress, a teary smile covering her face.
"That's the dress Beth" Nancy smiled, heart warming over at the sight of the girl so happy. A girl who had been nothing but kind the short amount of time she had known her, so deserving of this.
"Is this really what it feels like to be pretty?" Beth questioned and Robin's heart broke in two as she saw the girl with tears streaming down her cheeks. Without much thought she stood to wrap the girl into a hug, squeezing her tight. Robin had assumed Beth at least thought she was worth it, it was just the comments from people like Colin that made her think different. She never really realized Beth believed every word. Because of that she began to cry as she held her friend, happy and heart broken all at the same time for her.
"You always were pretty Beth, just wait until we do your hair and makeup?" Nancy told her, tears of her own burning at the back of her eyes. She had never felt guilty for being confident before, but seeing how tore up Beth was over these feelings she always had made her feel guilty.
"I hope he likes it" Beth chuckled through her tears and Robin pulled back to give her a smile.
"He's gonna love it"
After the short shopping trip and lunch the girls went home to get Beth ready for the date. A very fancy date too. Steve had wanted to make her feel special and as she looked at the small heels Nancy offered for her to borrow the nerves finally set in. This time it was real, the night filled with expectations, and Beth was convinced her chest was going to give out because as Nancy styled her hair and applied lipstick, Beth realized there was a chance that it could be kissed away. That was the scariest part.
Steve’s hands shook as he knocked at the door. This was something he didn’t want to screw up. He had messed so many things up in his life and he needed to make some real changes. In no way would this redeem himself but for the first time Steve realized he was going on a date with a girl because of how much he liked her personality and not just based on her looks. Even Nancy he had noticed her looks first, he always just learned to like the girls for who they were later. Now he realized how wrong it was, now he was going to do it right. Love someone for all of them, not learn to love those pieces later.
“So you’re the boy?” the tone was accusatory, deep, and thundered through Steves ears. His eyes flicked up to spot the burly man, broad shoulders, at least five inches taller than him, with narrowed eyes. Yet he knew those eyes, they were Beth’s, and this was her father.
“Hello sir, I’m Steve Harrington” Steve used all his strength to not let his hand shake as he reached it towards Beth’s Dad for a handshake. His other hand gripping the pink peonies in his hand with a death grip. He was so glad he decided against the roses.
“I know who you are, she isn’t ready just yet” Steve dropped his hand that had been denied, stomach twisting in a knot. He was sure the man was bound to turn him away but he stood to the side, allowing entry in the home and Steve took a nervous gulp before stepping in.
“Oh look at him, so handsome” a much softer looking woman rushed from the kitchen, basically identical to Beth. Her soft brunette curls, face shape, and shortness resembled her like a mirror. It was honestly scary.
“Mrs Walker, so lovely to meet you” Steve put on his million watt smile, hoping to impress at least one parent. Leaning down he accepted a hug from her, almost laughing at the height difference.
“Such a sweet young man, why don’t you join my husband in the living room while you wait. I’ll grab you some ginger ale to help those nerves” she poked lovingly at Steve’s stomach and he chuckled and thanked her before nervously following Mr. Walker to the living room. He awkwardly sat on the couch next to where he plopped into his easy chair, more than likely his designated spot.
“I have a lot of tools” Mr Walker spoke after a moment and Steve gave him a confused look.
“I’m sorry sir, I don’t understand” Steve began to shake his head and he finally turned to look at him.
“You will understand. You so much as hurt my little girl, whether this is you pulling some sort of prank or you know you’ll end up leaving her for someone else. I have a lot of tools that I can do a lot of things with, in a dark mechanic shop, where no one can find you for days” Steves eyes widened and his heart began to pound, close to giving out.
“I understand sir. I promise you this isn’t some prank either, I really like your daughter” Steve finally spit out, throat dry from fear.
“You better, she’s perfect. She deserves to know that, not have some douche picking on her. I know guys like you, I used to be one of those guys. I remember how we treated people who were different. You so much as look at her wrong I’ll end you” Steve frantically nodded, unsure if he was on the verge of tears or heartbroken for Beth. She deserved so much more than all of this. Beth had been hurt so much her own father couldn’t even let his guard down around new people.
“Here you go son, let me go check in on Bethany” Mrs Walker returned with a cold glass of ginger ale. Steve anxiously drank it, looking to soothe nerves no longer from impressing Beth. Suddenly it felt like his neck tie was too tight, maybe it was since he let Dustin tie it. He was trying to teach him after all.
“Wait, Bethany?” Steve questioned and the woman smiled and nodded.
“Yeah, we just called her Beth for short so much it just sorta stuck” she explained before moving up the stairs. Mr. Walker had now turned back to the TV, pretending the boy he just threatened murder upon wasn’t sitting next to him.
“Hey Steve” Steve felt sweet relief as soon as he saw Robin sliding down the banister, stumbling once she jumped off the end.
“Robin, I’m not taking a trip to the ER tonight” Mr Walker said, voice cold and unforgiving but Robin had grown used to it.
“You got it Alan” she saluted and the man rolled his eyes, yet Steve realized the eye roll was one of appreciation.
“Hey Rob” he smiled at his friend, his best friend. Robin plopped beside him on the couch, smile permanent.
“Beth should be right down, Allie stopped her for pictures” Robin explained, clearly comfortable enough in this home to refer to Beth’s parents by their first names.
“Mom, please stop. I’m leaving” Steves ears perked up as he heard the familiar voice and suddenly he was watching an absolute vision rush down the stairs, cheeks flushed from embarrassment and possibly nerves. Fuck, she looked breath taking. Steve froze on the spot, realizing he had never seen her shoulders before. Her hair was framed perfectly around her face, lips red with lipstick.
“You’ll catch flys like that son” Steve snapped out of it, looking at her father with shock as he called him out for being too stunned to speak.
“You ready?” Beth asked with a soft smile and Steve nodded, clambering out of his seat to approach her.
“B, you look. Wow” Steve couldn’t seem to remember a single word in the dictionary and Beth lightly smiled, tucking some hair behind her ears.
“Those for me?” she asked and Steve nodded, almost shoving the peonies he had strangled into her hands. She quickly smelled them, smiling before handing them to Robin.
“Don’t kill them” she told her and Robin nodded before turning back to the TV as well.
“Let’s go” Steve offered her an arm and Beth nervously took it before heading towards the door.
“Curfew is 10, any later Harrington and you know what’ll happen” Steve nervously chuckled and nodded before finally leading Beth outside where he could take a breath of relief.
“Sounds like you and my Dad had quite the chat” Beth teased but what she didn’t expect was the Harrington boy to cling onto her in a hug, wrapped tightly against her.
“He’s so scary, please don’t let him kill me” Steve muttered into her shoulder and she laughed, a comforting hand rubbing his back.
“Come on hot shot, he won’t hurt you” Beth giggled, her hand lacing with his own and leading him towards his own car. She wasn’t sure where this confidence came from but she realized it was more than likely because she felt pretty. Confidence is so much easier when you actually believe it.
Once in the car she had expected him to focus on getting them to the restaurant but Steves hand returned through her fingers after shifting the car into drive. Butterflies erupted in her stomach and for the first time she genuinely felt like Steve wanted to be on this date and spending it with her. So she smiled at their conjoined hands, finally feeling worth something for the first time in a very long time.
“You look fucking gorgeous by the way. That dress is beautiful, you’re so beautiful. I can’t believe you’re even here with me right now” Beth gave him a pointed look and he glanced over just to let out a disappointed sigh. “I’m serious B. Stop thinking everything I say is a lie”
“I um. I’m sorry. It’s just hard to believe when no guy other than my own father has said it before” Beth’s head dropped and she nervously started to fiddle with Steve’s fingers. His body warmed over at the feeling and he quickly gave her hand a squeeze so she would stop.
“I promise I’ll never lie to you. Now say something like ‘thank you Steve, you look extremely handsome yourself if I may add’ and we should be good” Beth allowed a belly laugh to tumble past her lips as he said this and she shook her head with amusement.
“God Harrington, so full of yourself” she teased and he turned and flashed her a wide grin, realizing that in this moment they were more comfortable with each other than ever before. That right now was real. It was so real that Steve wanted to kiss her so desperatley, he wasn't sure he could wait until the end of the date, and the original plan of kissing her outside of her house was now scrapped since her Dad absolutely terrified the shit out of him. He told himself he'd do it after dinner, in the car, that way he won't risk murder.
"You ready?" Steve asked as he parked outside of the restaurant and Beth gave him a small smile before lightly nodding.
"I guess there's no backing out now" she teased and he rolled his eyes, lifting her hand interlocked with his own to press a kiss into the back of it, sealing it with a promise of a real kiss later.
"True, you're stuck with me now B"
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Taglist: @kindablackenedsuperhero @rinarecommends @starryeyedpoet17 @crustless-toast @loverofmarsss @alexa-33 @bethanysnow @middle-of-the-earth @princessadriana4-blog @mochminnie @legendaryhumandiplomatgoop
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ele-sme · 2 years ago
I love you but fuck no
Au where Spider is brainwashed by the RDA, so during the final battle when Spider gets reunited with the others he doesn't go with them, although he doesn't let Neteyam die.
"Father don't!" Spider yells at Quaritch coming to him, he his dressed in RDA clothes and have a rifle tied to him.
Quaritch have Neteyam under his knife, the whole family there. At hearing Spider voice he hesitate for a second.
"Son, go away it's dangerous for you" Quaritch yells at Spider.
"Son? Father? Wtf bro kill that bastard" Lo'ak yells
"Father, please let's leave, don't leave me alone again" Spider begs Quaritch, he is sobbing and his voice craks at his last words.
"Spider?" Tuk say, almost not recognizing the human boy since he had now shorter hair and no blue paint in his body.
He didn't look at her, he just lower his head at the sound of Tuk voice.
"Dad i beg you" Spider said again "leave Neteyam alone, let's go away"
Quaritch seamed to think about that for a few seconds.
"Fuck it" he said and let go of Neteyam, who quickly got returned with his family.
"Spider!" Kiri yells and try to get Spider but Neytiri stops her.
Spider looks back at the confused and scared family.
He could see his once friends scared.
Kiri seemed to the point of run to him with her mother attached to her.
Lo'ak was confused.
Neteyam looked sad.
And,Tuk, oh little Tuk was crying, he couldn't bring himself to look at her for too long.
Great i made Tuk cry!
"I always tolded you! He is a demon" neytiri shouts bringing Spider back to reality.
Now his attention all on her and her mate, Neytiri looked at him with smug, now she was right and everyone could see it.
No,no,no that isn't right. She wasn't right, i deserved better.
"You called me demon for all my life!" Spider yells at her "I always been a good kid, and you always hated me for something i could control, you called me a demon for all my life, if I'm one, then let me act like it!"
Jake ears fall back to that answer, his face was full of guilty, Spider couldn't see that well enough since Quaritch picked him and with cupcake got away.
All of this happened in maybe three minutes but it was burned down on all of the family brains.
When they got back the first thing was that Tonowari kicked them out.
"You have one week Jakesulli then you need to go" he said and obviously Jake couldn't do anything if not accepting.
As soon that all kids were in bed, Jake and Neytiri got on the beach, looking at the beautiful dark sky.
"I always told you" Neytiri begins "he was a demon at this was only a matter of time"
" 'Tiri no" he stops her, couldn't listen to her anymore.
"He was always a good kid, remember? He wasn't like this, they brainwashed him."
"They just reviled what was he hiding" She was trying to continue with her words full of hate.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Jake eyes were now on her " he was the most good kid i ever met in my life, he prepared food for us for the first six months after Tuk was born, he always spented time with our kids!"
"They were the ones to spent time with him-" she tried to speak but Jake wasn't letting her have it
"Neytiri let's be honest, no one in the clan wanted to spent time with our kids! All the kids were convinced our kids were freaks! Spider, that kid, was always there when they needed him." Jake responds harshly to Neytiri
She was silent. Only the waves could be hear, but Jake wasn't willing to stop.
"You can really see only that? Only the skin? I was human too, how can you look at me? Don't i disgust you?"
"Obviously i don't think of you this way, i love you, i see you"
"You can? Can you really see me? Because I'm thinking that you can only see this blue body"
"Neytiri can you please do a thing for me? Stay here and think of all the good memories you can find of Spider, I'm inside" and with that Jake entered the Marui leaving Neytiri alone on the beach.
It took all night, all night for Jake to see Neytiri again.
It was early morning and the kids were now awake.
Neytiri enters the Marui and had tears on her cheeks, her looks made Jake shiver.
Did she?
After a quick hug from Tuk, she toke her arms up for Jake.
He quickly embrace her, she was sobbing on him, all of their kids watching one of the most vulnerable moments of their mother life.
"What have we done? What have i done?"
This is maybe an hard read and I'm sorry if you finded it difficult, I'm actully trying to start writing using the present so maybe for some time i might write difficult stories to read, I'm so sorry.
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sonic-adventure-3 · 2 years ago
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I accidentally drew the same goddamn pose 3 times lmao. Why is posing legs so hard i always fall back on posing them in the shape of a 4. Also, new freak!! Her name is Jerryjack. More about her + individual images + couple other things below the cut vvv
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I don’t think I’ve posted any drawings of her other than her first, but i’ve been drawing rig a lot more like this rather than that first one. More graphic head shape, more upright ears, one eye hidden, mouth hidden by scarf, what have you. I think she looks cooler and is way easier to draw like this, but is a little less sonicy, im sure I’ll find a balance sometime. Rare carrion non-blep, this pose is cool but i did not even try cleaning this up lol.
And jerryjack!! She sucks so bad i love her. They’re Rig’s best friend, known each other since they were kids and learned the trade (killing) under the same mentor. She’s 11 months older than Rig, so she’s about 25ish. She hates consistency, commitment, seriousness, kids, stagnation, compassion, anything boring, and many many other things. She loves anything fun, stirring shit, lying, inflicting blunt force trauma, herself, lockpicking, and money. She’s purely self-interested and does everything she does for funsies. She’s not a part of the postal crew cause she thinks it’s boring and is allergic to commitment but hangs around and ‘helps out’ sometimes. She’s a hitman on her own, and has way more connections through that than rig, occasionally floats jobs her way. Also sometimes places bounties on her when shes mad. Or just cause.
Unlike Jerry, Rig is a very routine and organized person. She wakes up every morning at 6 sharp despite not being a morning person. Miraculously, she and jerry lived together for 2 years and during that time rig ate microwaved oatmeal every single morning and got groceries on tuesdays. All this is to say Rig is very methodical and likes routing and things that are expected. So Jerry lost their shit when rig called them randomly and casually told them that she’s starting a non-euphemistic postal service and also spontaneously took in a couple kids. Naturally, she’s very wary of squabble and carrion, especially the latter. Assassin recognizes assassin, silly recognizes silly, they try to kill each other and then become besties (who still periodically attempt to kill each other). As for squabble, she’s surprisingly fun to interact with, so jerry warms up fairly quick and becomes a truly awful influence on her.
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Here’s the first drafts and base. She’s obviously a jackalope but calls herself a hare for some reason. Is part of that reason because i couldn’t think of a pun name other than jack like jackrabbit and ‘jack the jackalope’ sounded a little too stupid for my taste (as if ‘jerryjack’ isn’t stupider)? Ummmmmmm.
Anyway, i decided to nix the asymmetrical antlers cause theres a limit to how much asymmetry i should stuff into a set of characters, carrion’s already got the lopped off ear and etc. the back and tail marking is supposed to emulate ribs
I’m still super duper undecided on jerry’s outfit and colour scheme. Every outfit ive thought up so far feels way too simple or untethered to reality in comparison to the postal crew’s, however i think the postal crew is a bit too complicated (or way too complicated in squabble’s case) and too grounded for sonic, so. Idk what to do abt that. And as for their colour scheme, as seen above her first drafts have the same red and green of the postal crew, but seeing as she doesn’t work with them it’s definitely the better choice to diverge from that. Saturated orange is the most tense and unsettling colour to me so i think it suits her off putting nature, but the white and orange combo reminds me intensely of like. 1960s egg chairs. WAIT and ulala space channel 5. And various stupid tech startup kitchen gadgets. Just generally a combo with a lot of nonthreatening and safe associations rather than the warning sign i want. Idk man i’ll workshop it eventually.
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Also, cloak rig. Her previous red coat was stupid. Not sure how much smarter this is but it looks cooler. Still doesn’t usually wear it other than in towns to hide her wings or when it’s cold. Also also this is the same fucking pose again
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