#and we'll never know the rest :(
buggachat · 6 months
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dream i had last night
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spirk-trek · 11 days
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Organia Fanzine | Merle Decker, 1982
“We used to come here all the time when we were kids,” Jim told him, flopping down on his back on the grass, “because nobody ever bothered us.” Spock followed his lead more gingerly, making sure there were no nettles or honeybees beneath him before he allowed himself to sit.
Curiously, he examined the strange vegetation around them: white filigree Queen Anne’s lace, exotic milkweed pods bursting with silky down, thistles with their soft, shaggy indigo flowers. A yellow butterfly drifted by on effortless wings. For once, Jim knew the variety, he did not. 
Jim reached up and stroked his cheek fondly. “You never stop being a scientist, Spock.”
“The vegetation here is extremely rich,” he muttered, studying the drops of white fluid that seeped from a broken milkweed stem.
“I’ll bet you could spend a lifetime studying it.” Jim took his hand gently and lifted it from the grass to hold it in his own.
The cool, firm touch struck a chord of pleasure within him, and he looked at Jim, an eyebrow raised. “At least a lifetime.”
Jim squeezed his hand. “The hell with Starfleet, then. The hell with the Admiralty, the Lexington, the Outer Rim -- Let’s stay right here.”
Spock’s heart thudded ridiculously, so hard he had to turn his face away, afraid his expression would betray him. “It is warmer here than in San Francisco,” he said irrelevantly.
Jim nodded. “Almost as warm as Vulcan. But you’d have to hibernate in the winter.”
“Actually, I should prefer to stay awake,” Spock answered drily. 
Kirk pulled himself up by Spock’s hand and leaned toward him. “What would you do without your computers?” he asked lightly, trying to sound mock-teasing. But the undertone of sadness in his voice betrayed him.
Spock shook his head ruefully. “My computers. And your command.”
He had not meant to sound bitter, but Kirk’s eyes clouded over, and he was silent for several moments. Finally, he spoke. “I need you, too, you know.”
Spock nodded, looking down at his hand, still holding Kirk’s. “I know.”
“You’re probably going to tell me now that both needs are illogical.”
The words pricked a schoolboy memory somewhere deep in the recesses of Spock’s mind, and a corner of his mouth curved up infinitesimally.
“Why’re you smiling?” Kirk asked, puzzled. Spock looked at him quizzically. Only Jim would read that gesture as a smile.
“You have reminded me of a well-known problem…”
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ministarfruit · 8 months
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hq doodle pages because I'm reminiscing ✌️
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sastielsfandom · 1 year
So, we have money set aside that we cannot touch for a place to live. We have incomes coming our way. We are simply trying to survive until we can secure housing. But we don't have the funds yet because we're waiting on approvals and such. We're going to try and stay at hotels until then, because sleeping in parking lots is scary with a car full of girls.
Especially when we break down and have to push the car. One of those nights we managed to get to a parking lot and most people kept their distance even with greetings. But while I was getting something out of the trunk, bend over looking for something, someone was trying to talk to me and calling me beautiful and it was gross. Saying things to me and my sister but she didn't notice. The only reason he left us alone was because some other guy shooed him away which I grateful for. But a lot of the times there aren't people willing to do that you know? And that was like at two a.m. or something, not an hour of politeness.
Plus it's been raining and that in itself has made me want to curl up in a ball and stay away from cars. Got too much car trauma for that shit.
Basically, trying to avoid more trauma for myself and my siblings, and my mother. If anyone could please help, whether it's a dollar or five, just whatever you can!! We appreciate it greatly!!
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mobius-m-mobius · 2 years
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How do you take it? Do you take it with a little, uh - Do you have any soda? Yeah, we have soda water right here. And a little lime?
DANIEL CRAIG on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (21.11.22)
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tlgtw · 3 months
Man that DLC's final boss has got me feeling kinda fucked. I'm kinda depressed about it now that I'm done. Everything else is, was, so good. But I do not like that plot development. I honestly think it is bad. Why did they choose not to foreshadow this in literally any way? Why did Miquella attempt to resurrect Godwyn at all in the first place, then? Practice? Was this really what was originally planned? There's no actual evidence to the contrary so you gotta assume it must've been.
So yeowch...
#sote spoilers#elden ring#tlgtw ooc#literally actually nothing from the base game is resolved. Except where the Land of the Numen were.#That in itself is fine tho--actually. It's clearly a statement: Marika's hair talisman from Shaman Village confirms this for me.#Some things are lost to history or just plain out of reach. And there's nothing anyone can do about it.#We'll never ACTUALLY know who the Gloam-Eyed Queen was--just that all signs pointed to Miquella.#But there's no way to confirm it: Nobody's alive to tell the tale.#So like. THAT part. The extancy of all those unanswered questions. I actually am not gonna lie I kinda really like that. Despite everything#But I think Radahn Consort of Miquella is fucking terrible. “Miquella saw how kind Radahn was” I'm sorry HOW kind was Radahn?#The fucking infinite warmonger who literally explicitly made himself a copy of Godfrey?#There are literally ZERO examples of Radahn being kind in any way. Outside of having one (1) pet horse.#It should've been Godwyn. I'm not even kidding. Godwyn at least is someone who has explicitly succeeded in diplomacy.#Since he befriended his mortal enemy Fortissax and spared the Ancient Dragons by creating the Dragon Cult.#THAT'S something you could point to as an example of kindness. Especially since that's Godfrey's direct heir.#WHAT the FUCK does RADAHN do?????#He doesn't do anything!!! He just kills people!!#We never even get to see what weapon Godwyn used to use!#I don't like it. I think it is not very good.#Rest of the DLC is astounding but how can it all lead up to that? Ah...#Nothing like I had imaged: There's a lot I have to figure out now.
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camellcat · 7 months
you ever realize you never properly learned how to say a character's name, so by the time you finally HEAR it, you have no idea who they're talking about? cause I feel like I keep doing this and it's very confusing to keep being corrected like that
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jopzer · 1 year
okay. i have finally finished my rewatch and i think i've finally made sense of my thoughts vis a vis ted and jamie's relationship.
i think it's very interesting that the exact moment ted pulls away from being directly involved in jamie's development is when he realizes that what jamie needs is a father. like in season one and arguably the first half of season two he is very hands on in trying to get jamie to realize his potential/the error of his ways but like. things are noticeably different after he sees him and james through the door, and then after wembley they do not really interact again in a meaningful way until mom city. roy literally picks it up as ted sets it down, like. he can't be what jamie needs he doesn't Want to, he can barely even handle what he feels for henry like we see in mom city, he's not picking up a bonus son you know
i really do think it's a very interesting way to handle their relationship specifically. they're so so intertwined in their character arcs and they're constantly setting each other's off but they can't really meet in the middle because ted can't/won't connect with him on that level. they're a son without a father and a father without a son and they can't click into that relationship because ted pulls away from him the minute it becomes clear that's what jamie needs, and we see it come full circle and see why in his monologue during mom city
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mewkwota · 10 months
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November 2013 → November 2023
Boo-haha, sorry for the Twink Simon Jumpscare. I can't believe it's been 10 whole years since I started drawing this vampire hunter. And all because of a little bond he had with two other platformer boys.
Though I only got into seriously looking into Simon and his series 4-5 years ago, he had always been a character of interest to me. Just, not as much back then as he is now, but I'm glad I gave him that chance.
I've always wanted to redraw this scene from a super old comic I made, it's pretty much the first uploaded comic I ever drew of him.
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cookinguptales · 7 months
I know that I've mentioned several times how I had to go through a period of relearning once I got out of the religious environment in which I'd been raised, and like... A lot of the things I had to research and learn about all over again were fairly obvious, like climate change. My parents and teachers told me that man-made climate change wasn't real, so I believed them. Once I got to college, I realized that I'd been misled, and I had to relearn the whole topic.
But not all of these things were obvious! I went through this period where I didn't even know what part of my education I should be questioning. Like... what do I even research?? Do I actually understand weather? What about history?
One of the reasons I bring up history is because one of the things my parents told me wasn't real was radiocarbon dating. And I don't just mean "well, these are estimations, can't be used for precise dates, and might be somewhat off due to atmospheric conditions." I got the whole "well, this is unprovable* and goes against the history the Bible gives us so you shouldn't trust carbon dating at all."
(*I was taught that anything that wasn't like... observable in real-time was not provable.)
Let's just say... a lot of my childhood was adults around me hedging their bets like "I'm not saying this is fake, I'm just saying it can't be proven and they're asking us to take this hypothesis as fact! I'm just saying you should question things! And not believe those liberal scientists!"
(carbon dating, evolution, the big bang/quantum physics, whether humans and dinosaurs coexisted, climate change, how hiv works, etc.)
And uhhh I went into archaeology (among other things) when I first started college, so you can imagine how this impeded my studies. lmao
idk, I guess I'm not going anywhere in particular with this. I was just listening to a podcast that's currently talking about the paleolithic period and I still had a gut instinctual reaction of "well, you don't know these things are that old" that I had to squash like a fucking bug.
I definitely understand exactly how the "it's good to be curious and read sources critically" to "question everyone, especially experts" to "those liberal scientists are trying to trick you" to "fake news!!" pipeline comes about. ;;
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miharuhebinata · 1 year
the thing about jackie is that i LIKE that she's dead
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youssefguedira · 1 year
luca marinelli character FIGHT submissions open now!!
submit your favourites for an entirely hypothetical cage match tournament. you can submit who you think will win, or just your favourite (even if you think they're getting eliminated immediately). form will stay open for roughly a week or until i have a good number of submissions, whichever comes first. interpret the conditions of the fight however you choose and have fun with it
rules for submission:
the following characters will be automatically entered (by me), though feel free to still submit relevant information for them (i'll use the data for the bracket): gabriele (waves 2012), milton (una questione privata), diabolik (diabolik) and nicky (the old guard)
for reasons that will be revealed later, primo nizzuto will NOT be included in the bracket (initially), but i WILL still take submissions for him. however consider also submitting other characters in addition (the more obscure the better. the point of submissions is to avoid me keeping it biased to only the movies/show i have seen, and also because it's funny)
characters that are portrayals of real people (fabrizio de andre, mussolini) will also not be included. we're keeping this fictional thank you
this is specified in the form but if you're okay for me to quote your responses for the "relevant information" sections in the post, please say this in your response! otherwise i'll paraphrase without specifics or not quote you at all (e.g. if you mention a relevant thing the character does in canon i might include it in the poll post but i won't use what you said. this is all for fun. in the same vein everything will be anonymous unless you want it to be, in which case add your url to your response and i'll tag you when it comes up!)
this is all for fun please keep this in mind/i won't necessarily include all responses/characters submitted (for example if the numbers don't work out, no submissions, etc)
let me know if you have any questions!
as this will be temporarily replacing my pinned post but i have to stick to my brand, watch waves 2012 on vimeo today and talk to me about it
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spockandawe · 2 years
Silver! Box!!!!
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Lined with purple leather!!!!!!!
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I'm still not good at this, but I really, really love jewelry class!!!
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trans-xianxian · 4 months
I've really really loved this season of d20 but I do agree with the criticism that the combats have felt a little bit too low stakes. all of the battles have been really Fun and creative and d20 is first and foremost a comedy show, and especially with this season in particular, the conflict and stress wasn't supposed to be coming from the combats but I do feel like at times brennan gave the pcs some crazy insane advantage without matching the difficulty, so the battles often felt like there were no stakes
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softquietsteadylove · 10 months
A little spicy request for the runaway bride!
Gil comes home very exhausted and Thena decides to give him a massage and a little handjob as a bonus😳
Gil groaned as he sank into the bed. What a day it had been.
"Are you okay?"
He looked beside him with a soft smile. There she was, the woman he so loved and adored, the low light from the fireplace making her seem to glow like an angel. He found her hand with his, "I'm okay. Are you?"
Thena sighed, unwinding her hair from its braid as she also prepared to settle down for the night. "It was quite a scare to hear the hoof beats again."
He could imagine it was. It was a nightmare he had often, and he wasn't the one they were here to drag away. He squeezed her hand, "it's over for now, at least."
Thena looked at him again, smiling more, "you've had quite the day."
Gil sighed, not complaining (much) as she pulled him to sit up again. "Wasn't what I expected to come home to after work. And I dropped the flowers I found for you."
"Never mind that," she whispered gently, her hands on his shoulders, pressing and kneading like how he had showed her to do with the bread. "My poor Lumberjack."
Gil blushed, but he sank into her touch as she tried to work the knots out of his tired flesh. "You're here, that's all that matters to me."
"My valiant Lumberjack."
He shivered, her whisper far closer to his ear this time. He started leaning again, Thena following him. "You should get some rest."
"As should you," she agreed, lying down with him, her hand still on his chest.
They usually slept as solitary as possible in the bed, not that he was complaining. He tried to keep to himself because she was a lady, after all (a princess!). But he supposed one hand couldn't hurt.
"Relax, Gil," she whispered like a siren song, her hand moving over his chest.
Ah, what a dream to have the beautiful princess whispering in his ear to lull him to sleep. Her hand moved over his chest until it pressed over his nipple, pulling him back into wakefulness.
The hand moved lower still, delicate and almost meandering in its direction.
"Thena?" he whispered into the darkness.
"Sh," she whispered back, her hand still travelling lower until she found the trail of hair departing from his naval.
"Thena," he grunted, already starting to react to her teasing. He didn't want to consider himself this excitable, but he supposed that it had been a very - very - long time since he had indulged himself like this.
Perhaps a few mornings he would take care of the problem in solitude, as a gentleman should.
But Thena's soft, warm little hand slid down until she secured him in her palm. Her lips brushed against his ear, "let me."
Gil squeezed his eyes shut, his hears burning. Her hands were so soft, and she handled him so delicately. It only took a few strokes for him to quickly harden into her touch. "Thena, please."
She shushed him again, this time kissing and even nipping his ear as she lay beside him. She stroked him more firmly, letting the heel of her palm drag up the length of him. "Is this how you do it?"
He flushed bright red up at the ceiling.
Thena changed the angle of her strokes, letting him stand more upright under the sheets. "I woke one morning and you were still in bed, but I could hear you breathing."
Gil felt as if he would ignite. He usually tried to take care of the problem in private, but he had truly not believed he would make it the few steps to the back room if he had tried to rise with that particular...problem.
"I've never seen it," she confessed, and he had to admit he was relieved. "But I would like to."
Gil suppressed another moan as she reached the tip, exploring the new territory. "That's - hn! - more sensitive."
"Sorry," she whispered, practically giggling as she manhandled him very literally. She pressed her cheek to his shoulder as she continued. "I just want you to feel good."
Oh, he felt so good it surely was the worst crime to commit. He surely had something coming if he could experience pleasure like this, and by the hand of his darling Thena at that.
"Do you?" she whispered, and it sounded more like the Thena who was still a little unsure of everyday life, but fascinated by the concept.
"So good," Gil squeezed out. "So good you should stop."
"But you're not done."
He wasn't sure what fancy royal people knew about the body, in that sense. Did she even know what would happen if they continued? Or did princesses get taught that a man and woman would just lie on top of each other and then poof!--a baby would appear?
"Just let go, Gilgamesh."
"Shit," he cursed, which he also tried not to do around the lady. But his hips rose to her touch, trying to help them both achieve his release. She stroked faster, and firmer, wrapping her fingers around him too. "Thena, I'm close, hon."
She inhaled deeply, moving to kiss his neck, "it's okay, darling."
Gil groaned, his hips lifting as he came, his hands barely reaching in time to receive his spillage. Last thing he wanted was this all over the sheets. He panted, his eyes bugged wide. He hadn't had the satisfaction of a really good release in...well, about a year.
"Hm," Thena purred, leaving light kisses along his skin. Satisfied with her service to him, she laid her head on his shoulder. "Consider that a small thanks for my valiant rescue."
Gil blushed still, staring up at the ceiling, finally soft again but far from able to fall asleep. His hands rustled in the sheets, blindly reaching for the water and towel he left next to the bed.
Thena tugged at him, urging him not to move so much while she was trying to sleep.
"Sorry," he murmured, somewhat in a daze as he moved to hold her around the shoulders. He felt lighter than he had in ages. He was completely clear minded, but also exhausted. His skin burned, as if Thena's touch had left still-hot-ashes on his body.
"Night," she sighed, purring against him now that her part was done.
Gil was very far from sleep, but he had to admit: he felt better than he had in months. "Night, sweetheart."
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stillfruit · 11 hours
i love not knowing if i'll ever be healthy again i love all of the time i've used to move my body become nothing i love spending my adulthood wasting away year after year for various reasons baby!
#i know i'm being dramatic and privileged etc etc right now but i hate living like this#i probably had covid in the beginning of august and since then my heart and lungs have just been fucked#so now i'm probably looking at at least 2 years of long covid and maybe permanent neurological damage#could i be lucky and get better in few more months? maybe. do i believe that will happen? no. optimistically maybe next summer id be better#my symptoms are not that bad considering what i know other people have suffered but at the same time that makes it feel not real#otherwise i'm pretty much fine except i feel like fainting alot after standing up or excerting myself and anything beyond walking#spikes my hr to 160 and right now even laying down my hr is around 80. this comes with the associated shortness of breath etc#what fucks me up about this is that my normal hr is low with my rhr being under 50bpm and i'm physically active#so basically i've went from regular running and half marathons being no issue to not being able to jog 1km at the slowest pace possible#without spiking my hr to zone 4#so now with the recovery time of this being however long if properly ever i'll have to basically start all over again with everything#i biked to the grocery store yesterday and that took me out for the rest of the day because my heart rate just didn't go down afterwards#outwards i look fine and i wouldn't be as affected if sports and moving wasn't a part of my life and relationships but it is#i've read studies about recovery times and a lot of them don't feel applicable because the test groups are either very different from me#based on the baseline health info such as activity levels or they're elite atheletes which i am not#some have given me hope that keeping my hr under like 130 by doing activities like walking until maybe someday things get better works#but who knows and even if it does this will be yet another thing that takes the littlest bits of muscle tissue i have on me away once again#because besides deconditioning muscle loss is yet another symptom. so i will be even weaker than i am right now#i don't know how much of what i'm experiencing in terms of mental effects is from anxiety over my physical health and how much is brainfog#but we'll see i'll just have to start walking a lot every day and keep up with simple and slow strenght training so i'll want to die less#i don't think my family will ever properly understand because almost all of them are athletes and the one who isn't never does any excercis#so either i just look like i'm weak but i was always weak so it's not a big deal or my experience isn't really that important#this is so so so pathetic both my reaction and the issue but it's difficult to not feel this way especially with the uncertainty#shit talking
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