#and we'll be starting from the top here soon if anyone wants to join me!
threepige0ns · 2 months
While I'm waiting for my friends to catch up with the finale I wanted to share my personal most terrifying silt verses experience
I was solo camping, 18 hours driving distance away from my nearest friend, having spent the last 16 straight hours on the road and listening to my latest podcast obsession, The Silt Verses. I arrive to my campsite at 2 am, no cell phone service. Totally expected and normal. To not wake the other very asleep campers, I pitch my tent far enough from everyone else to where the sound of me getting settled in won't bother anyone. Right by the river. After 16 hours of River Horror Podcast. I'd never been scared to sleep outdoors in my life before, but I think I tried to send texts to multiple people that if my phone was found somewhere and I'd gone missinf firever that the damn trawler man had gotten me. 10/10 would recommend
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carionto · 10 months
The spirit never dies, but please watch over it
"What are you doing, Captain?"
"What? Going outside of course. Uncharted lands and all that. You said the atmosphere is mostly harmless and I even put on my suit. You can't stop me, Zhao. I outrank you. So there!"
Captain Knoslark of the crash-landed Radiant Dusk at Everest made this declaration pretty much the moment the chief engineer said we weren't going to be flying anytime soon. Something about the warp jump frying all quantum-based computers and connections. Oh yeah, can't contact Earth or anyone really.
Turns out going through a hole in space-time really does breaks quantum entanglement, so that kinda sucks. Or perhaps even that has limits on distance, the furthest anyone tested was from one end of the Milky Way to the other. Or maybe there is something in the physics of space between galaxies that we don't understand yet.
Regardless, we're totally alone and roughly 12 to 30 billion light years from home, depending on if we landed in the target galaxy or one that moved into its place from the time when the light from it reached us. Every celestial body being unknown leaves a lot of room for guessing.
Now, given the circumstances, a normal ship and crew would not permit this and simply declare the captain unfit for duty and his second would take over. However, we are a crew of 27 civilian engineers, researchers, scientists, and technicians, and only a third have some military training, the captain not being one of them, and all of us are... a bit on the odd side.
In short, three people eagerly volunteered to join the captain on his expedition outside - Engineer Emily Halliday, Physicist/Botanist/Microchemist/(and like five other PhDs) Haespar Kraus, and Trisha, no last name, she just appeared aboard a few years back and is generally helpful and real fun to hang out with, she knows so much random trivia.
The world outside was... flat, but layered. Some areas only had very small types of vegetation, think like a grassy field, but orange with grey flower-like clusters everywhere. Then there is basically a hard cut wall of this deep red and brown bushes and small trees with super wide trunks that suddenly jut out in their area. And the tall spindly trees? that kinda resemble stretched out cobwebs and have this hazy transparent look to them except at the top where it's a really rich green field of dense foliage.
There's some variations further out, but that's the general idea. Almost like someone haphazardly painted with only base colors on a canvas and refused to mix or gradient them.
"We are entering the red bushes now. I feel a tingling sensation, Zhao. This is fun! I wonder if we'll encounter animals here. If we're stuck here for too long we'll have to start farming. I've always wanted to be a rancher, you know, but space beckoned me!"
"Yes, captain, I know. Please be careful and return from your trip soon. Trisha, knock him out if he tries to bring back a pet."
"I heard that, Zhao!" "I know, don't make Trisha knock you out." "Hmmph. You're no fun." "I am paid to not be, sir."
There was a bit of grumbling before Knoslark ended the call on his end. Thankfully, the other three kept their channels open, as you are meant to do, so the onboard crew always knew what was going on. Unfortunately, drones are one of the things that utilize quantum connections to operate, so it'll take time to refit them to receive radio signals.
Suddenly, nearly all of the scanners and receivers on the ship noticed a variety of new signals and distant sounds - explosions. Repeating ones. And... are those fireworks? Since the Dusk was grounded it couldn't really properly scan the whole planet, just the area immediately around them, so they had no idea if this was inhabited by anything resembling a civilization.
Not long after that, there were physical impact signals coming from the North-East side of the ship. Cameras revealed there were several groups of quadrupedal creatures not unlike rhinos with giraffe necks mounted by smaller bipedal ones that sorta resemble moths, but made of jelly and fish scales?
"Captain, Emily, Kraus, Trish! Get back to the Dusk right now, there's natives on this planet and they don't like the ship." Sergeant Zhao shouted into the comms.
"Gonna be a moment, Ying." Trisha replied, "The Cap'n got himself stuck on a tree. Some kinda sticky fungus lives on the higher branches, we're working on choppin' it down."
"Well hurry, the density of the heightened vegetation makes it impossible to see with our scanners what's inside. You might not have much time."
"We'll be done in a-
The words got cut off by the whole cobweb-tree area rapidly ascending, revealing a titanic creature of fur, mud, and countless short but lumbering limbs coming out of the ground, just as the local star began to set over this world. All other similar patches did the same. The shorter red bush areas then began to glow a faint blue releasing little clouds of dust just above. The titans made their way over these hazy spots, and remain stood there for the time being.
The assault on the Dusk by the locals had ceased during this commotion. Aside from the hum of the single active reactor, everyone was silent for a few minutes, broken by Trisha coming back on:
"Ying, we're fine it looks like, but you got a better view than us, what are we on?"
"Uhh, a giant... headless moss turtle thing? It's not the only one and seems did not act because of you, so you should be fine, but hurry back here." Sergeant Zhao then addressed the onboard crew:
"Drop whatever it is you're doing and get a shuttle working NOW. I don't care how basic, I'll fly it manually if need be. We are not leaving anyone out there!"
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1moremilgram-enjoyer · 11 months
Play-by-Play Analysis of HARROW
Hello members of the jury! Since I only recently joined the Milgram fandom, I feel it'd be nice to have most of my thoughts on each MV so far in one big analysis for each. I'm starting with HARROW because Kotoko's second trial MV is coming out relatively soon, so I want to get my thoughts about her in order before then!
What? Double? MeMe? What are you talking about?
(Translation: Mikoto's giving me a headache so I've decided to hold off more in-depth analysis until Double actually releases)
Anyways, let's see what our local furry vigilante has for us!
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CW Death and murder, child kidnapping and torture, vigilantism, online radicalization, self-loathing and grief, mention of cannibalism, sexual harassment (upskirt shots)
Theoretical Basis
(For anyone not yet familiar with the prisoner's situation)
There's not much debate over what Kotoko's murder is. She killed someone to "protect the weak", so vigilante justice.
[TASK (First Voice Drama)] Kotoko: I did kill someone. This is the one reason why I believe in the power of MILGRAM. But, the murder is only to protect the weak ones being bullied from the extremely evil ones. I became a shield for the weak, the result of becoming a fang for the weak.
The exact nature of her murder is... complicated, but we'll get there in the analysis.
Alright, let's see what kind of incredibly subtle symbolism this video has in store for us-!
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Or maybe we just get punched in the face by the symbolism! The opening lingers on a shot of Kotoko wearing a blindfold because "justice is blind." You get it? The lyrics in this scene are:
Let’s end this! “HARROW” “HARROW” I can’t forgive the evil hurting the weak It’s unforgivable, I won’t allow it, I sweared
(I'm using the English subtitles transcribed in the wiki btw, though I might change a bit of formatting for funsies)
So basically setting up the main message HARROW wants to communicate; Kotoko wants to protect those she considers weak. She cannot possibly forgive any offense, that she... "sweared." The past tense of 'swear' is 'swore' but alright.
However, it's worth noting that this is a biased showing of the events, as we're seeing them through Kotoko's eyes. She considers her justice as "blind", but I'm not entirely sure that's true. We’ll get to it when we get to it.
‘Harrow’ means to cause distress to (because I’m pretty sure we’re not referencing any farming equipment). In context, I believe it means Kotoko feels distressed by the evil in the world, which will make more sense as we look at other lyrics.
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Kotoko is in her investigation room, for lack of a better name, and is pondering her investigation board. Now, if you think I'm insane enough to try to figure out what she's doing in that board... you're right, but I couldn't figure out anything too interesting. She seems to just be narrowing down suspects and figuring out murder routes.
Kotoko is seen wearing a white jacket with red streaks, as well as a black tank top of despair and white shoes. I've explained how I view the symbolism of her clothes in this other post (which you should probably read before this one because I reference it quite a bit), so I'm not gonna go too deeply into it here.
The interesting thing about this scene are all the wolves staring into the camera there. I believe all these wolves represent people online who do similar things to Kotoko and influencing her, which is gonna make slightly more sense as we go further. Note that there are many wolves here, too many to just be her family in my opinion, which is an interpretation I've seen around.
However, it's notable that there is also one other wolf which is seen directly next to Kotoko, not to mention the two wolf pelts (a white one where Kotoko is sitting, a brownish-grayish one next to her). We see the wolf sleeping for a moment, before waking up with a close up of its eye. By the way, in case anyone's concerned, the wolf is not different from the wolves we see in the pack later. It only looks white momentarily because of the lighting, but you can actually see it has the same "white under - gray top" as every other wolf.
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I hope it's clear enough.
So why is this wolf important? I believe this is another person, but one who is working alongside Kotoko directly. We unfortunately never really see who they might be, but I do think they exist, and they're not the serial killer with the white hoodie. Again, things in these MVs make more sense the longer you go on.
One interesting thing is that the close-up of the eye looks like a camera lens. Currently, the theory I'm going with is that Kotoko is working alongisde this "wolf", but they don't meet in person often; they mostly speak through video chats. Thus the wolf's eye, the one which can stare at Kotoko, is a camera. I have very little basis for this, mind you, but without Deep Cover, this is the best I can come up with for now.
Finally, the lyrics, which are repeated several times over the course of the MV.
How heavy “HARROW” “HARROW” Is the damage to get in the way of someone’s dream. I’ll gouge you out with my fangs
I think the placement of the word 'harrow' is sort of confusing the lyrics a bit. I think "how heavy is the damage to get in the way of someone's dream" makes one full sentence, so the way I read this is
"It's so horrible (it's harrowing, it distresses me) the damage evil people cause, that gets in the way of people's dreams. I'll destroy the evil, gouge them out like a wolf's fang."
Does that make sense? I hope it does. It's not like the exact meaning is too important; the main thing to take away here is how much Kotoko hates people who get in the way of other people's lives.
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Alright watch out this one's important. Kotoko's out on the street, and looks at a sign which speaks of an accident, asking the public to call the police if they have more information. Meanwhile, this lyric plays:
Stained emotions, what is winning or losing Feeding on food so I don’t burn out
The important thing to note here is how unsure Kotoko seems here; she sounds lost. She can't tell what she wants, "what is winning or losing", her emotions are "stained" because she's in despair. For one reason or another, she seems distraught.
The reason for the stained emotions is likely that accident sign we see. It appears repeatedly throughout the MV, as you're going to see. Why it's so important is up in the air, but for now, I'm going with the idea that the person who died in this accident was someone Kotoko knew personally.
Well, "accident." We'll get there.
The moment Kotoko stares at the sign, the lyric "feeding on food so I don't burn out" plays. Presumably, "feeding on food" refers to her vigilantism, the thing she does to feel alive, to keep the flame inside her burning. This isn't the only reason she does the things she does, but it is an important one. Kotoko is sad over this "accident", so she feels she has to do something about it so as to not break down entirely. In fact, it’s very possible it’s after this incident occurred that Kotoko dropped out of university.
(T1) Q7: What did you study at university?
KY: For a while, I studied at the faculty of law. There's something I want to do, so I'm currently taking a break from studies, though.
For the flower symbolism fans, I believe the flowers next to the road sign are white lilies, pink roses, and I think baby's breath (the tiny ones). They are all suitable funeral flowers.
White lilies in particular are apparently pretty popular funeral flowers in Japan, representing purity, elegance, virtue, that kind of thing. Pink roses are also used in funerals, representing love (though explicitly not romantic, I think), appreciation, gratitude, gentleness, etc. Finally, baby’s breath represents purity and innocence, and important to note, are usually used for the funerals of young children.
This is a surprise tool that will help us later-
Another thing to note is the name on Kotoko’s cap and jacket, Jacques Roulet. I’ve talked about it in this post, but if you don’t want to read the full story of Jacques Roulet, it’s about a man who claimed to be a werewolf, killed a child to eat him, and only stopped when two wolves scared him off. I couldn’t come to any definitive conclusions, but I think the best answer here is that Kotoko is one of the wolves who scared off Jacques, who in this case would be the serial killer Kotoko ends up killing. This would entail she had a partner in vigilantism, which is part of what gets me to believe that wolf buddy in the beginning is an actual person.
Finally, a fun fact about that stop sign to our left, that’s actually outdated lol. Stop signs in Japan used to be like that, but apparently from 2017 onwards they now display “stop” in Japanese and English, not just Japanese like in the MV. I doubt this means anything other than ‘the artist who drew this probably grew up with the old stop signs all their life and didn’t think much about it’, but it’s there. Oh, and if you want to really look at the symbolism, Kotoko could be said to be turning away from the stop sign, implying this is her “start.” Get it? Like the opposite of “stop.”
(And listen, I have to draw a line somewhere, I'm not talking about the trash bags and vending machine, etc)
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(Girl do you want a chair)
Here we start to see how Kotoko spirals down, and begins to form more and more radical ideas in her search of justice. The articles she's reading are all speaking of different crimes, as these lyrics play.
Becoming light-headed again, it all becomes crazy The normalcy sought for, fading away, everytime death comes The soul moves forward
She's "becoming lightheaded" as she looks at these reports, sickened by the evil in the world. The status quo she's searching for, a world without evil, disappears as horrible people keep killing and hurting.
Yet, "the soul moves forward." Kotoko must find a way to keep going, must find a way to deal with the death and the evil. Both for the sake of "the normalcy sought for", and for the sake of her own feelings. And that is her vigilantism.
Let's go over what exactly she's seeing. I won't post full translations for most of these, you can go to this post by Maristelina which is nothing short of a God-send for that, but I'll give summaries. In order of appearance:
A man and a woman in their twenties stole a bag from another woman and drove off. They were caught on camera, so they were arrested and admitted to the police they sold what they stole to pay for food and drinks. They had a prior record of theft.
(Note: I've seen some theorize this could be Kotoko and someone else, and while it's an interesting possibility, I don't see much evidence for it, and the fact Kotoko is 20 in Milgram makes the timeline a bit wonky imo)
A man in his 30s deceived an 80 year old woman out of 500.000 yen by pretending to be a bank employee. Keep this one in mind.
A 46 year old man took over 200 upskirts photos of high school girls in public transport. One of his work colleagues claimed he'd been saying he was going to pick up his kids, and had no idea what he was actually doing. The man himself claims to have done it to escape the stress from work. Below the article, there are two comments... which Maristelina didn't translate, so I did my best but take the following two translations with a massive grain of salt because my ass does not know Japanese.
何やわんこいつ = What is this guy? 同僚のコメントおかしぃだろwwww = Your colleague's comment is funny hahahaha
Additionally, we later see two anonymous comments which follow the same style as these two, and thus I believe they're talking about this. These ones Maristelina did translate!
Anon on Top: It’s just stress, cut him some slack. Anon on bottom: People like this will just do it again.
(Note: That last one is one of the things which make me believe Kotoko was at least slightly influenced by the comments of other people online)
A man in Tokyo was arrested for stealing luxury bikes by figuring out their combination locks. The police will charge him with theft and other crimes soon.
A group of people have pulled off something called the "It's me" scam over 40 times (FNAF reference?). Basically they call someone, disguising their voice, claiming to be a family member or someone they know and asking for cash for an emergency. The article specifically talks about a 23 year old woman who lost a million yen to this scam.
Point is, there's a lot of crime going on.
Anyways, as the camera pans out, we see a tripod, which can be assumed to have a camera pointed at the investigation board. Since it's not a very good idea to record yourself planning to commit crimes and posting it online anywhere, my best guess for what Kotoko is doing with that is videochatting with someone specific? Maybe? That's why the wolf's eye sort of looks like a camera in the beginning? I'm trying, cut me some slack here. This is very possibly wrong, but I don't know what else to do with this tripod.
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If you don't get what's going on here, basically these images flash on screen very quickly, in the order I put them in.
Let's start with the lyrics, which are easy:
I hate all the evils in this world I feel like I’m about to break The surrounding net covered with poison
Kotoko hates evil, she's this close to breaking down, she feels trapped in a net of poison. You get it.
The image flash is important, though. We see the "accident" I said was important before, alongside two things: a TV report I'll call the Street With Bushes Report (SWB report), and an article about white hoodie guy. The SWB report says:
Body Found near the Home of Another Female Victim. Possible Connection to Series of Murders of Girls The body was found near the home of another female victim, and the police are investigating a possible connection to a series of murders of girls committed by the same perpetrator.
And the article:
Shocking revelation: The heinous criminal behind the crime is the privileged son of a high-ranking official! Killed 10 people in just about 2 years. Victims are elementary school students. Hidden by a cover-up.
Presumably the SWB report is of one of this guy's murders. He killed 10 elementary school girls, dumped their bodies near their home, and it was hidden because his father was a high-ranking police officer. I imagine this is probably why Kotoko lost faith in the police and the judicional system as a whole.
However, you'll notice an interesting detail. We maybe actually get to see this victim, somewhat. That person with the white dress laying on their back on a wooden floor. The only other time we see them is at the very end, so I think it's possible they really are related to the SWB report.
But why are we getting so many details about this one murder? It's not connected to the "accident", since the street is different. Well, it's not something I can answer now, but take this idea that there's a second murder which Kotoko isn't necessarilly related to, but one she knows more in-depth than some of the other white hoodie murders.
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I put a lot of images here because I gotta properly illustrate this. This scene, where we see a representation of Kotoko's mind, starts with her literally opening her eyes or "waking up", sort of similar to the wolf at the beginning. She's surrounded by wolves, looking around hesitantly. Like I said before, at the beginning of HARROW, Kotoko is still very unsure of herself, but here, surrounded by the wolves, she seems to finally find a purpose. That's why the scene ends with her focusing on the foggy path ahead and starting to run with the pack.
What I believe is happening here is that Kotoko believes she is beginning to understand just how much evil there is in the world, with the guidance of the wolves (again, possibly people online with radical views), and decides to follow them into the foggy path of vigilantism. Essentially, this is a representation of her radicalization. And it's scarily accurate, isn't it? Someone lost and vulnerable, who literally starts by being framed as the wolves' prey, thinks she finds an answer to her 'harrowing' situation. Even the imagery of "waking up" is pretty common for some of these types of communities.
This also vaguely mirrors the scene in Little Red Riding Hood where the titular character first meets the wolf, which presents itself as friendly while getting information of what the girl is doing. This imagery of Little Red Riding Hood will come up again, so.
One note is that the trees are dead, which not only shows how grim Kotoko's views on the world are, but can also see as symbols of death and rebirth. That's going to come into play later, though you could argue Kotoko's already been reborn by becoming radicalized. Additionally, the fog can represent a twisted or limited view on the world, cloudy thoughts, that sort of thing.
The lyrics aren't anything special, since they're the same as in the beginning.
Let’s end this! “HARROW” “HARROW” I can’t forgive the evil hurting the weak It’s unforgivable, I won’t allow it, I sweared How heavy “HARROW” “HARROW” If it damaged someone’s dream to the points of stopping it I’ll gouge you out with my fangs
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Well that escalated quickly.
We actually see a lot of articles between when the chorus ends and when the verse begins, but they're mostly the same ones we've already seen (or Maristelina didn't translate them). However, that one I put in the collage is interesting. It talks about how a wanted thief named Mikio Oshii was beaten in the face, stomach and other areas by someone in a hood and using men's sneakers. Oshii was taken to the hospital, but there's no mention to whether or not he died.
And in the next scene, Kotoko scrolls through an article describing Mikio Oshii, which explains he had been the one to steal money from the elderly by pretending to be a bank employee.
Note that this guy has a face, possibly signifying importance. This is because this is the first big act of vigilantism Kotoko performs. Note she uses men's clothing because it throws off the police; the first article actually says the police narrowed down suspects only to men, so it clearly works.
However, Kotoko isn't looking to stop after one. She's still walking forward, the evils always lurking in the background. The lyrics as she beats up Oshii are:
I’ll teach you the pain you caused It’s a tie after saying sorry? What are you hoping for?!
And when she's walking along:
Shall we replace the poor soul, and the miserable delusion “I didn’t mean to offend”, “I won’t do it again” How many wins in a row?
It's evident something's changed in Kotoko. Before, she was asking herself "what is winning or losing?", now she seems to speak with authority on what a "tie" and a "win" are.
And what is a win in her eyes? Well, I believe it's when she "replaces the poor soul and miserable delusion." In other words, when she can get an evildoer to stop their acts of evil by "teaching them the pain they caused." That's why after they say "I won't do it again", Kotoko adds a win; how many in a row? Saying sorry isn't enough, of course, it's not even a tie; she needs to make sure they never engage in evil ever again.
So here's how I read this line:
Let's replace the evil monster with a respectable citizen. Saying sorry isn't enough, we need to teach them the pain they caused so they never do it again. And we hear them promise to stop over and over; how many times have we done this in a row?
Maybe there's other ways to interpret that, but we ball.
(This really makes me wonder what she would consider a "win" in Milgram, though. She doesn't even know what the people she attacks did, how would she know they would stop after getting beat up by her? Unless she straight up aimed to kill, which would stop them, but I believe she was probably going more for an incapacitation thing, otherwise I don't think Mahiru would have survived at all. Whatever, we'll presumably get an explanation in her second VD)
One question that comes up is what are the other "wins in a row"? However, we have genuinely no way to tell, so it's just an unknown for now.
Now, let's ask the big question of the scene. Did Oshii die in the hospital, or did Kotoko intentionally let him live? Well, I believe he survived. One, because there isn't much of a point to specify he was taken to the hospital if he did die. Two, because there is precedent of Kotoko being able to control her strength as to not kill her victim provided medical attention is adminestered (Mahiru), and if she didn't kill him in the moment, she presumably didn't want him dead. Three;
[TASK] (First VD) Kotoko: I did kill someone. [...]  what I did is, "facing an urgent and illegal infringement, an action taken out of necessity to protect the rights of myself and others".
Even beyond the wording of someone implying only one victim (and she most likely did kill the guy at the end), Kotoko was not facing an urgent infringement when she found Oshii, since he seems like he was just minding his bussiness when she got there. So it wouldn't be justifiable defense as she claims her murder was. Yes, it's possible she's lying, but I genuinely think there is at least an argument her murder was justifiable defense, as she's usually paired up with Yuno, Fuuta, Mahiru and Kazui (long story), and the most straightforward connection there is "their 'sin' would not be considered murder in a court of law." The other four didn't outright kill a human with their own hands, and Kotoko's would be considered "justifiable defense." Get it?
Undercover prisoner card? What are you talking about? Let me cope and ignore that.
Anyways, for now we can't be sure whether Oshii died or not, but I think he didn't. There's really no way to confirm though.
Finally, the scene ends with Kotoko finding the warehouses we'll see the serial killer take a victim into later. And yes, warehouses, plural. Go back and check; there are two warehouses connected to each other. I believe the warehouse complex might even be referenced in the whiteboards of the investigation room.
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I have zero way of checking the Japanese, but none of the other marked locations in her whiteboards match multiple buildings being circled as one complex, which seems to be what these warehouses are.
Why is this important? It probably isn't. But my insanely deranged murder theory sorta requires the possibility there are multiple warehouses connected together in the same complex, so I'm introducing it now so I don't have to convince you of too many things at the same time.
Speaking of not important things, there's a 40 km/h speed limit sign, and a 'no parking' sign. Nothing too wild there, though I guess you could try to read into some kind of symbolism that Kotoko needs to slow down, but she's not gonna stop. That's insane even for my standards, but it's there.
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Before we deal with the images, the lyrics are:
Whose fault is it This is getting ridiculous What should the punishment be?
Considering the fact all the images here are connected to the serial killer dude, that's probably referring to him. "Whose fault is it" that he keeps getting away with it. "This is getting ridiculous" because come on, how have the police not caught him yet? "What should the punishment be?" because if the police isn't gonna do anything about it, then she will, and she gets to decide how he'll be punished.
So what are we seeing? Let's ignore the TV report for now, because what is probably the most important article in the MV shows up here; the article with the serial killer that shows up.
“Since he was young, he has been aware of his environment, and his parents are satisfied. His thoughts are unknown,” according to the voices around him. He lives in a tower apartment located in the city. It seems that the suspect’s name (A) was not revealed, and no investigation was conducted based on his bodily fluids. According to sources, there may have been concealment due to his father’s pressure. The victim may have been run over by a car or killed by hand. However, due to the fact that suspect A is his son, there is a lack of consistency in the handling of the case.
Did you spot it?
The victim may have been run over by a car or killed by hand
In case you missed it, the police should be able to easily tell whether someone was ran over by a car, or they were killed by hand. This should not be difficult, though I can't confirm with sources, I'm pretty sure just looking at the injuries should be enough. And yet, they're unsure. But as the article says, there could be some foul play going on, since the guy is the son of an official.
Do you get it? If there's doubt of what happened, that's because the victim wasn't ran over. The police are trying to cover up a murder by claiming it was simply an accident, that way the killer can get away with simply a slap on the wrist. Which is interesting, because we already know this guy killed ten children, why is this murder and cover up so important?
Well, we do know of another "accident", don't we? And if you remember what I said about baby's breath the flower, you'll remember it's possible the victim of said "accident" was a child, which fits the profile of this guy's victims.
Thus, I believe if we're bringing attention to this murder in particular, that's because it's connected to the "accident" Kotoko is so fixated on. I believe the serial killer murdered someone close to Kotoko, and the police covered it up as an accident. And this is what kickstarted Kotoko's path to vigilantism.
This brings up the interesting possibility that Kotoko may have killed him out of a personal grudge, rather than simply to protect someone else. Don't get me wrong, she definitely wanted to protect the weak, that's her thing, but she could have done that without killing him, in theory. She hurt him to protect others; she may have killed him for revenge. At least, that's what I think.
Her justice isn't as blind as she makes it out to be, is it? Unreliable narrators, gotta love 'em-
And speaking of, subconciously twisting a supposedly strict moral system to justify killing someone for personal grudges? That reminds me a lot of another prisoner, but I will not allow Amane Momose to consume this post.
Anyways, that aside, there is actually another murder referenced in this scene. The one referenced in the TV, what I'll call the Highway report (not entirely sure it's a highway actually, but that's what it looks like to me).
New evidence in the case of the abandoned and murdered girl’s body? Report: Police (this afternoon) The same tire marks found at the scene where the victim’s body was discovered were found near the scene of the crime. The perpetrator likely abducted the victim in a car, killed her, and then abandoned her body in the vicinity of her home.
Note that the police are sure this one's a murder, presumably because there's no way to connect the white hoodie guy to it, so there's no need to cover that up. Because of that, and because again the street shown doesn't match either the "accident" street or the SWB report, this is a third murder Kotoko is oddly fixated on. Although we don't see the victim for this one. However, the whiteboard shown here doesn't actually match the whiteboards on Kotoko's room.
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It's possible, then, that each of these whiteboards represent a different murder. And once again, we have the theme of three murders Kotoko has more knowledge of than the rest. Presumably, these are the murders Kotoko investigated deeply to figure out where the killer was taking his victims. Keep this idea of 'three important murders' in mind, with what Kotoko knows about them.
>She may have known the victim of the "accident" personally.
>She remembers seeing the victim of the SWB murder, the one with the white dress.
>She doesn't seem to know what the victim of the Highway murder looked like.
Anyways, the scene ends with Kotoko running forward, as we cut to another forest scene.
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This one doesn't have much new stuff in terms of imagery, though there's three things worth noting. First, by now Kotoko is firmly running in front of the pack, so she's firmly one of them, unlike in the first chorus, where she was still figuring stuff out. Two, the waning moon is still there. Three, Kotoko's clothes haven't changed despite how much she's changed, which I talked about in the clothes' post and I believe represents how Kotoko doesn't realize how much her views are shifting as she hangs out with the "pack of wolves."
Timelines - 20/6/18 Kotoko: Treat you [Amane] like a child? Hah, you’ve got to be kidding. Back when I was your age, I was already the person I am today.
However, the lyrics are quite interesting.
Want to find “HARROW” “HARROW” I feel like I’m going crazy after straining my nerves The person that can’t be saved, is now understanding the abnormality How heavy “HARROW” “HARROW” If it damaged someone’s dream to the points of stopping it I want gouge you out with my fangs
I've already talked about the second part, but the first one is new. At first it doesn't seem like anything special; we already knew Kotoko was "going crazy after straining her nerves", again becoming sickened by the evil in the world.
But then there's "the person that can't be saved, is now understanding the abnormality." Which seems to mirror the earlier line:
The normalcy sought for, fading away, every time death comes.
As stated before, Kotoko sees a "normal" world as one without evil. But as she saw more and more crime happening around her, she "begun to understand the abnormality", she begun to understand how much evil there was in the world.
But the person who begins to understand the abnormality "can't be saved." Which seems to imply Kotoko considers herself impossible to save. She's far too sickened by the world to feel anything but awful, she feels nothing will ever make her feel good with her life.
Friendly reminder that Anti-Beat, her Trial 1 cover song, is extremely depressing. CW suicidal ideations
[Anti-Beat] Anti Beat I just want to die already, So I can finally be at ease Anti Beat But all I know is pain And there’s nowhere to run Anti Beat
CW over
So yeah, she's extremely sad, and doesn't think anything will make her feel good. That's why she clings so hard to vigilantism; as we'll soon see, it's the only way she's found she can feel good about her life. Yeah, it's sad.
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As the bridge plays, we get to see the last few investigative actions Kotoko performs. She shows some dude possibly named "Kaneshiro Ken'otoko" something on her phone, then pays him 10k yen (around $100) for him to... do something. He works for "Shoko Newspaper Corporation" (Shoko is just a woman's name), and is an external director. Well, that's not a real term, but it's probably meant to mean outside director? A member of a company's board of directors who is not an employee or stakeholder in the company. I don't know how important that is, though. Point is, it seems he's pretty high up in a newspaper company, and thus likely has some kind of information Kotoko finds useful. Presumably that's how she found the warehouse complex in the first place.
And then, Kotoko sees the killer take a child with orange overalls into one of the warehouses. I'm going to ask you to pay attention to three things (at this point I'm starting to feel like a Playmaker from Yugioh kinnie). First, the guy has put up a sign to seemingly close down the entire complex, either implying it's completely abandoned or he owns the entire place. This implies he can be relatively confident no one will enter the complex until he's done with his victim. Second, the walls have verticals lines on the walls and vertical bars on the windows. Third, Kotoko is wearing her blue and yellow jacket + cap, and the girl's hands are unbound.
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We'll get to why these things are important (to me and no one else) later.
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And this is a really weird thing to put here. Although we just saw Kotoko witnessing a crime, we see her slowing down, getting tired and discouraged. It's almost like she's going back to doubting herself, see the lyrics:
Newly born “HARROW” “HARROW” It’s ok to dislike, right? Losing it, losing it. What should I hope for?
She's 'newly born' since she recently underwent some pretty big changes, but she's still distressed. She's doubting whether or not she's allowed to hate evil/the hoodie guy as much as she does, and questions what she even wants to do, what outcome she hopes for.
But the doubt doesn't last long. One of the wolves, possibly the one from the beginning she's particularly close to, smiles at her as this line plays:
Goodnight “HARROW” “HARROW” Laugh and I can get to like myself
Goodnight, because something's about to end, there's a big change looming. She will now "laugh" to "get to like herself." As stated, Kotoko feels deeply dissatisfied with her life, and her vigilantism is the only thing she has which makes her feel good about herself. Kotoko literally laughs after she says that, because her vigilantism is about to reach a climax. She will now kill the man who caused so much suffering, to others, and to her, by killing the victim of the "accident."
So what was up with that hesitation at the beginning? Well, uh. I'll get there in the murder theory. Let's go to the final scene.
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Lyrics first since it's the easier part, as most of them are repeated.
Let’s end this! “HARROW” “HARROW” I can’t forgive the evil hurting the weak It’s unforgivable, I won’t allow it, I just can’t let it go How heavy “HARROW” “HARROW” If it damaged someone’s dream to the points of stopping it I want gouge you out with my fangs
The only notable thing is the addition at the very end.
I want to be drowning in the knowledge that I am right
Basically what we've heard before. As Kotoko is very unhappy with herself usually, she finds worth in herself by protecting the weak, which requires "the knowledge she's right" to do the things she does. She wants to feel sure of herself, which as stated is one of the reasons she engages in vigilantism.
As for the visual symbolism, I talked in the clothes post about how Kotoko undergoes a pretty big change here. She's reborn. Remember how the forest scenes always had a waning moon? Well, this one has a full moon, representing the end of a cycle, rebirth. The same sybolism is found by the fact dawn breaks there, again showing rebirth. This also connects to Red Riding Hood symbolism, etc.
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This idea of rebirth is even further implied by the fact we see a wolf with her neon pink smile take its place in the investigation room. Kotoko, with the full moon like a werewolf, has become just like the rest of the wolves. She's changed for good.
One other note, you see that one shot where we see the killer's smiling shadow? Doesn't it look like his mouth casts a shadow like a wolf's snout?
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If you squint, yeah, I think so. This, and the fact he kills children, is what makes me think he's "Jacques Roulet" getting chased off by the two wolves (Kotoko and wolf buddy) in that metaphor. Not entirely confident I know what the deal with this is, but you know.
Okay so the symbolism is all good, but now we have to get to the really weird part of all of this. Which is, what the fuck is actually happening in her murder? Let's get to the most speculative part of this post, the one which will most likely be outdated by the time Deep Cover releases lol.
(Unhinged) Murder Theory
First Problem: The Time Gap
So it's pretty well known that Kotoko's clothes mysteriously change between when she sees the kidnapping outside, and when she actually goes attack the dude. She sees the kidnapping happen with her blue and yellow jacket, but she kills the dude with her red hoodie. This isn't even the only indication that some time has passed. We can also see the girl's hands are bound and her shoes are off on the floor, so there were at least a few minutes the killer had to do that. Additionally, the lighting slightly changes between Kotoko seeing the event and the murder ending.
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Okay the change is actually subtle enough I could believe it just took her a few minutes to finish off the guy, but it is there.
So I believe some time passed. Clearly not much, since the lighting shift isn't too radical, but there's at least a few minutes between when Kotoko sees the kidnapping and when she rushes in.
And I believe we can get a vague idea of what happened, by looking at the scene in between these two things. Which you'll remember, is the scene in the forest where Kotoko slows down and hesitates, before being encouraged by the wolf again. Essentially, after seeing the guy commit a crime right in front of her, Kotoko briefly hesitated, and maybe rushed back to her investigation room or somewhere else. Perhaps she considered just calling the police, perhaps she was paralyzed by the trauma of the "accident", whatever the case, Kotoko couldn't get herself to immediately rush in. However, maybe she called her partner in vigilantism, that wolf she seems particularly close to, and they encouraged her to go in and do her thing.
Is this a good answer? Fuck no, but it's undeniable some time passed, so until we get Deep Cover, this is the best explanation I can come up with as to why that happened. The point is, there's a time gap between the kidnapping and the attack. Keep that in mind.
Second Issue: Different Warehouse
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The warehouse Kotoko kills the guy in has bricks which form both vertical and horizontal lines on the walls, and the window has a horizontal and diagonal bars instead of just vertical. It's a different warehouse. Thankfully, though, this is pretty easily solved by what I mentioned before; the killer didn't block off access to just one warehouse, but to the entire complex.
Thus, it's perfectly possible he just took the kid through one warehouse and into another one. This is simply more indication that there really was a time gap between the kidnapping and Kotoko's attack.
However, there's a huge problem. Not only is the girl nowhere to be seen in the last shot, this isn't the room the kid was in. That one's a lot smaller.
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Biggest Issue: The Nonsensicality of the Attack
The first thing I want to address; I don't think Kotoko ever worked with this killer. It goes against pretty much her entire character, and as mentioned, I'm pretty sure she has a personal grudge agaisnt him. There is reason to believe otherwise, you can find other posts around talking about it, and you can actually see two hammers on the floor in that scene, which I don't have a great answer for. However, it just doesn't seem like it makes much sense. And yet, there's so many weird things about Kotoko's initial attack in this wooden floor room.
>As mentioned, the room of this scene isn't where the guy actually died.
>The guy is standing on one of the hammers, seemingly not doing anything.
>He doesn't react to Kotoko entering at all beyond simply turning his head a bit, which doesn't seem appropriate even if he was working with her.
>The girl also doesn't react to Kotoko slamming the door open.
>The toolbox appears to be empty, though this isn't too big of an issue.
>Kotoko reaches for him with her right hand, but later we see her grabbing his hoodie with her left hand.
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You could argue she turned him around with her right, then grabbed him, but that doesn't make much sense. Why not tackle him to the floor while his back is turned?
Well, to answer what's going on here, I think we need to look at the other scenes where this room appears, and notice they also don't make sense.
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How does Kotoko remember these events? As I said, it doesn't make sense for her to have been working with the killer, but that's not all. The last one in particular is extremely impossible. Kotoko is nowhere to be seen in the room (unless she's the girl there, but I don't think so), and there's nowhere she could be where she doesn't cast a shadow or show up on the shot.
Well... I have an answer, but it's sort of insane. Kotoko shouldn't remember these events, so she doesn't.
Unhinged Hypothesis #1: These Scenes Are All Kotoko's Imagination
Alright hear me out. I think Kotoko saw this room at one point, but only when she went to rescue the orange overall girl. The rest of the scenes are her filling in the blanks with what she knows. When she saved the orange overall girl, she saw what the room looked like, the toolbox and weapons the killer was using to torture the girls with, and just imagined the rest.
And why do I say this? Well, apart from the aforementioned nonsensicality of the situation, remember those three murders I mentioned earlier? The ones Kotoko knows the most about?
>She may have known the victim of the "accident" personally. >She remembers seeing the victim of the SWB murder, the one with the white dress. >She doesn't seem to know what the victim of the Highway murder looked like.
Does this ring a bell? Because it matches the scenes of the room with the wooden floor, aside from the occassion with the orange overall girl obviously. We have:
>One shot of the killer attacking a victim out of frame, a victim Kotoko knows exists, but one she can't visualize. This would be the Highway victim, the one Kotoko never saw.
>The girl (because the report specifies it's a woman and it may be connected to the murder of other girls) with the white dress, as stated is likely the victim of the SWB murder. It's possible Kotoko got a glimpse of her corpse being carried away, which is why she only remembers a portion of her body covered by a white dress.
>And finally, the last shot of these we get, book-ending the image flash which starts with an image of the "accident" sign, is of a girl which Kotoko remembers in full. And it's a girl who looks like she could be elementary school age if you look at her at the right angle, so she likely is one of the dead girls. And it's a girl who looks suspiciously similar to Kotoko, perhaps a younger sister, a cousin? This is the victim of the "accident", I believe.
With this, it's possible Kotoko is simply imagining these things based on what she knows after seeing the murder room when she went to rescue the orange overall girl.
Am I confident in this claim? Not really, I'm decently sure it will be deconfrimed in Deep Cover, but for now I'm running with it so I can have something.
But why is this important? Well, apart from explaining how these scenes would be in the MV without having to assume Kotoko worked with the murderer, it also throws into question anything we see in these scenes. If you've been paying attention, you'll have realized Kotoko is not a particularly reliable narrator; see the "justice is blind" thing from the beginning, the non-changing clothes in the mind space, etc. And now, we're wondering if maybe, just maybe, that scene where she enters the wooden floor room and attacks the killer didn't play out how she's presenting it to us.
Unhinged Hypothesis #2: When Kotoko Found the Girl, the Killer Wasn't in the Room
Let me draw your attention to the distorted quote in her Trial 2 Voice Reveal.
"From the beginning I've never asked for your understanding! My actions, one by one, are bringing earth closer to peace. Useless weaklings should just shut up and let me protect them!"
Going by the pattern these things follow, this should be something Kotoko says before her murder. But, who is she saying it to? Looking at the context, it really seems like she's talking to an 'useless weakling' who is pushing against Kotoko's decisions. But, with the information we have so far, the only 'useless weakling' Kotoko could be talking to... is the orange overall girl. None of the other characters shown in HARROW really fit that description.
But how the hell would that happen? By the time Kotoko gets close enough to talk to her, she's suppossedly already attacking the serial killer. And yet, if you hear the quote, she doesn't sound winded or anything during the quote, she doesn't sound like she's fighting the dude. This implies there may have been some time before the murder when Kotoko could talk to the girl, but the killer wasn't there.
So we go back to what we have. The killer has no reason to think anyone will enter the warehouse complex, so he could perfectly leave for a moment to do something. By the time the killer is dead, the girl is nowehere to be seen, it's possible she's been untied and has ran away. And Kotoko's views of the events in the wooden floor room are not to be trusted. She sees herself as saving the girl from an immediate threat of danger, but that may not have been the case.
Heavy Speculation Incoming
My vision here is that Kotoko, after changing and coming back, found the girl in the wooden floor room alongside the toolbox and stuff, and untied her. After getting a bit of an explanation, she hears the murderer will probably come back soon, and decides to wait for him, so she can enact justice. Remember, this is personal; she doesn't just want to save this girl, she wants the guy dead.
Upon hearing this, the girl tries to convince her not to do that. It would be better to call the police and let them deal with it, right? But Kotoko obviously doesn't expect that to work, so she tells her she needs to kill the guy herself. The girl tries to talk her out of it, saying she doesn't understand, and that's where we get the Voice Reveal line. Kotoko never asked for her understanding; her actions are bringing Earth closer to justice, so 'useless weaklings' like the girl should shut up and listen to her.
At this point, you'll notice I'm practically just writing fanfiction. I have very little evidence for most of this, it's more just me trying to come up with some kind of explanation for all the seemingly contradicting evidence we have.
Though there is one more thing Kotoko being in the final warehouse before the killer would... somewhat kinda explain if you squint; the cap on the floor.
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Listen. There is, like, no good explanation for why the fuck that's there. People don't just leave caps on the floor, no matter what they're doing. However, ignoring for a moment the why it's on the floor, let's look at the how. If the killer was already in the warehouse when Kotoko went in, there's no real way the cap would end up there. Kotoko has her hood up during the entire attack until the guy's already dead, so it couldn't have fallen off if she was wearing the cap under the hood for some reason. If she came in with it in her hand, for some reason, she would have to drop it before attacking him (see: grabbing him with her left hand then hitting him with her right), but she would drop it before reaching him; the cap wouldn't end up so close to them. Putting it in her pocket would be insane, and also wouldn't exactly explain how it would fall off and land upright either.
Thus, the only way I can think of to explain how it ended up there, is if it was already on the floor, then the killer went to inspect it or something, and that's when Kotoko attacked him. Again, no idea why Kotoko would just leave the cap there, but it's what I think makes the most sense, physically speaking.
Thus, Kotoko was in that warehouse before the killer, or like I'm claiming, the killer went away, Kotoko went in, waited for him, he returned, got distracted by the cap and went to investigate, got attacked by Kotoko.
Closing Argument
+Kotoko sees the man taking the orange overall girl into the warehouse complex, with him having put up a sign to close off the complex to the public.
+For some reason, she becomes discouraged and goes away for a moment, doubting what she should do. She's encouraged by her wolf buddy to go kill the dude, she changes into her murder fit, and goes back just a few minutes later. Meanwhile, the killer takes the girl to a small room in another warehouse connected to the first one, binds her hands and takes her shoes off... for some reason.
+The killer leaves for a moment for God knows what reason, Kotoko comes back and finds the girl, unties her. Thanks to what she sees in that room, she forms a mental image of what the other murders looked like.
+Kotoko decides to wait for the killer to come back, leaving her Jacques Roulet cap on the floor... as bait or something I don't know. The girl tries to convince her not to do that, but Kotoko refuses to listen. Cue T2 Voice Reveal line.
+The killer comes back, sees the cap on the floor, and gets closer to investigate. Since he's distracted, Kotoko takes the chance to run up to him. He turns around right before she reaches him, and before he can react, Kotoko grabs his hoodie with her left hand, and punches him with her right. He falls to the floor, and Kotoko starts beating him to death as the girl runs away. However, since he arrived while the girl was still in the scene, Kotoko can claim it was justifiable defense of either the girl or herself.
... Yeah this is completely fucking insane. This is most likely wrong, so don't be surprised when Deep Cover comes out and deconfirms it. However, I do think some of what I said has a chance of being accurate, so I'm putting it out there so I can pretend to be smart and stuff if it turns out some of this is right.
(Can you believe that's not even the most insane murder theory I've ever done? Like, at least I didn't bring in an accomplice and several pulley systems, or made a wire circuit extending throughout the entirety of a room, both things I've done for another fandom. Yeah, my brainrot runs deep)
Well that last part was a bit of a mess. I hope you can forgive my insanity, and that you still took something out of the rest of the analysis if not the murder theory. I'm really excited to see what Deep Cover has in store for us, Kotoko is a very interesting character. Anyways, if you made it this far, then I think you deserve your own wolf buddy! Though be careful, and don't listen to it when it tells you to kill. Take care!
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pickinglilahs · 9 months
Blackeclipse for the soul
Part 26; Part 27; Part 28; Part 29; Part 30
The excitement of stealing from Grimmauld and freeing Kreacher buoyed James out of the bath and into pants.
Regulus chucked off his robes and button-up, sitting back against the headboard. His brother joined him, notebook and biro in hand.
Just as Siri was about to start plotting, his eyes caught James standing in front of the open wardrobe. Regulus turned to look as well and sighed.
"Sunshine," James looked to him slowly, eyes big and watery without his glasses, "Come here, mon amore." Regulus held out a hand, pulling James up onto the bed.
The older boy sat between Regulus' legs, slouching so far, he was almost lying on his back. He went limp, eyes closed and breathing slow. Regulus wrapped his arms around James and dropped a kiss to his hair. Looking up at his brother, he nodded for Siri to continue.
"Right, so-"
The dorm door flung open as Remus and Kingsley rushed in. They both paused and visibly relaxed as they saw the three boys lounging on the bed.
They came over, dropping their bags, robes, and shoes.
"You didn't come back." Kingsley didn't sound upset, so much as concerned.
"James needed a bath," Both an apology and an explanation.
Remus had rounded the bed and was brushing the wet curls from James' forehead. James leaned into the touch but didn't open his eyes. Remus looked up at Regulus who just shrugged.
Sighing, Remus kissed Regulus' cheek before stripping out of his jumper and crawling up to lay on top of James. He gave a soft huff but wrapped his arms around Remus all the same, burying his face in Remus' curls.
Remus smiled as Regulus' Marked hand found its way under his cheek, and the other came around to brush his hair back.
After a moment, Remus asked, "What are we plotting now?"
Siri clapped, "Yes! Plotting! So. We are going to break into Grimmauld, trick Papan into freeing Kreacher, and raiding Reggie's closet."
Remus sat bolt-up, causing James to groan in protest. "What?" He looked to Regulus, hoping for contradiction, or a sane explanation at the very least.
Regulus shrugged again. "I don't like the idea of leaving Kreacher there with... her and if Siri wants to break in anyway, might as well kill two crups with one spell."
Remus sighed and laid back down on James. "Alright. What have you got then?"
Sirius paused, daring anyone to interrupt him this time, then began, "So, Kreacher would know Maman's schedule best. Which means we need to ask him to alert us when she leaves. Realistically, we'd only need her gone for 5 minutes, but the longer, the better."
Siri was writing as he talked, bulleting ideas as they came.
"We can do it any evening- well, not Monday or Wednesday night since Reggie has practice."
"I can skip if we need." At Siri's raised eyebrow, he shrugged. "What are they going to do? Kick me off?"
Kingsley snorted. "They can't afford to. You're the only reason Slytherin isn't at the bottom of the bracket."
Smirking, "Exactly. They can survive one practice without me."
Siri eyed his brother almost... proud. "We really are rubbing off on you. We'll make a Marauder of you yet."
Groaning, Regulus took his hand from Remus' hair to shove his brother. Laughing, Siri fell into Kingsley, who caught him with an eyeroll.
"Boys," Remus called. "Save your sibling squabbles for later. How do you plan on actually getting to the house?"
"Kreacher." Regulus sounded as if the answer should be obvious.
Remus, however, lifted his head to look at him with a furrowed brow.
"Elf magic," Sirius clarified.
"Ah." Remus relaxed to lay his head on James' chest once more. "How do you plan on tricking your father into freeing Kreacher?"
Siri looked to Regulus, who sighed. "Papan is ill, which is why we have to do this as soon as possible. Depending on how lucid he is, it may be as easy as putting a sock in his hand, asking him to hand it over, and having Kreacher be the one to take it."
"And Kreacher is okay with being freed?" Remus didn't know much about house elves, not having had one growing up, but judging by the ones in the kitchens, he couldn't imagine Kreacher would leave willingly.
"I told him that James' parents would take him. That way he can still serve Siri, who's adopted now, and I, who am SoulBonded to James. He would still be our elf; he just wouldn't have to serve Maman anymore. That's the important thing."
Remus lifted his head to look down at James. "Have you told your parents they're getting a house elf?"
James blinked up at him.
"I'll take that as a no." When James' eyes unfocused and started to water, Remus kissed his brow and gently asked, "Would you like me to write them?"
James shut his eyes tight against the welling tears and nodded. Remus accepted the notebook and biro from Siri, setting them on James' chest. He propped himself up and wrote a quick note to Maan and Dad, explaining both Kreacher's situation and why he was the one writing instead of James.
Not two minutes later, Remus gently tore the page from the notebook and passed it up to Regulus to review. Pushing the notebook back onto Siri's lap and chucking the pen at him, Remus laid back down against James.
Regulus nodded at the note and passed it to Siri, who folded it without reading it and tucked it in the notebook like a bookmark.
"Right. Now, Reggie, you get a message to Kreacher and let him know to come get us whenever he's sure Maman will be away. We're going to go post this and find Peter to see if he wants in. I say we all hang and sleep here until operation New Wardrobe is over."
"Operation New Wardrobe?" Remus raised an eyebrow without raising his head.
"Well, yeah," Sirius slid off the bed after Kingsley. "If it weren't for me wanting to raid his closet," he gestured at his brother, "This one wouldn't have even thought to free Kreacher."
With a flip of his hair, Siri spun on his heel and dragged Kingsley from the room.
Remus turned to look at Regulus and found him grimacing in shame. "Starshine?"
James' eyes fluttered open as he too tried to look up at Regulus. When Regulus avoided both their gazes, Remus moved off of James to sit bedside him against the headboard. James flipped over to nuzzle into Regulus' neck so that his face would turn toward Remus.
"Starshine?" Remus pushed a curl back from the boys' face. "Can you talk to us?"
Regulus opened and closed his mouth, shaking his head more to shake the thoughts than to say 'no' to Remus. Finally, he managed to say, "He's right."
"Who's right, Baby?" James' voice was muffled against Regulus' neck, and he shivered at the goosebumps James' breath left on his skin.
"Siri." Regulus' voice was soft, almost as if, if he could say it quiet enough, it wouldn't be true, "He's right. I didn't think about freeing Kreacher."
James pulled back to look at him. "Of course, you didn't. Kreacher didn't want to be free. He loves that house and your ancestors and all that stuff. You couldn't have freed him if you tried."
Regulus knew he was right, but he couldn't ignore the fact that the thought hadn't even crossed his mind.
"You were a bit preoccupied with your own safety, love." Regulus looked up to Remus. "Kreacher's a big boy. He's clearly been taking care of himself. And James is right, he wouldn't have let you free him before now."
A single tear rolled down Regulus' cheek and he closed his eyes. "I know... It's just... He was the first-"
He choked on a sob and Remus and James wrapped him tight in their arms.
"He was the first to-to call m-m-me Reg-" He collapsed into full-body sobs that wracked all three boys.
"Oh, love."
Both boys understood the significance of that. That Kreacher, who served his parents, was the first to recognize him—the first to call him by his chosen name—was monumental.
Remus felt a tear roll down his own cheek in empathy. To be recognized, especially in that house...
"We'll get him out, love. Don't you worry."
James was crying too, more from the sheer overwhelming flood of emotions that came at him in waves, only to leak right out of him again. By the time the three of them had settled, he was numb once more.
They wiggled and adjusted until they were all lying down. Remus pulled the covers up and closed the curtains before placing a kiss to both boys' heads.
"I love you."
"Love you."
"I love you, two."
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mha-shiz · 5 months
Con. From part 3
Shoto asked Izuku to meet up under a Sakura tree at the park (Mina says that the mystical powers of the tree would help him confess and get a yes), so he went there.
Izuku, managed to get out for the day on good behavior, he is at the point where none was going to accompany him this time. He left Eri in the coutody of Iida because who else should this man trust there? And went to see the two toned boy.
"Hey Shoto, why did you ask me to come out here?"
"Well- I wanted to ask... would you like to go on a date with me?"
"Shoto- I-" this was soon- too soon- he hadn't iron out his plan for this situation- so- he started to panic, and didn't notice the tears streaming down his face
Shoto was shocked, but went to toutch Midoriya to comfort him, only to be met with shock and fear. Something he knew all too well
"...who hurt you "
"W. H. O."
"Just-" he sighed, this was all too much "I'm a Vilain Todoroki, who hasent hurt me?"
That stunned Shoto into silence, sweet little Izuku, a villain? Impossible.
"Please, listen to what I have to say-"
Shoto nodded in confusion
"I can't be with you- if you're a hero... you're the only one out of us who has that choice. Don't make it just for me tough- make it for yourself-"
"Why are you a villain?"
"Do you know of any quirkless heros? Have you ever met someone who was quirkless outside of me"
Shoto only shook his head, thinking on it, there really wasn't ANY quirkless heros, many villains have been quirkless or had revered in the quirkless being the best of anyone.
"Well, a common experience for them is to be ostracized from those with quirks who think they're the best, and of course, not having any kind of quirk would be useless in a fight, according to them. They are wrong- and I've proved that... never needed to be one of the top heros- just... to be one for those like me- and what I got for it? Give up. Kill yourself. Useless. Stupid stupid Deku..."
Shoto went to Izuku, and held him, close and tightly
"Your not useless or stupid... I think you're quite smart..."
Izuku sniffles and chuckled weakly "so yeah- villain origin- bullied to death and couldn't even die in peace..."
That clicked it all together for Shoto
"Let me join you..."
Izuku looked at Shoto, confused and a bit worried
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, we both have flaming assholes in our lives. Let's make it so that they can see true hellfire"
Izuku giggled, then laughed "alright- alright- I'll give you the organization for you to join, and we'll be able to stay in toutch and we'll uh-" he blushed a bit, but he didn't need to say a word, Shoto knew what he was thinking there, so he gave him a peck on the cheek.
"Alright, I'm going to go now ok? I'll see you soon"
Shoto decided, that he needed to do things, the way Touya did them. If the weak and the strong are hurt, who else is actually safe?
So, why not show how things have failed again. Another masterpiece appearing to be up in flames.
News Report
Pro hero Endeavors son, after failing his hero exam, burnt down half of the Todoroki estate, it seems that his quirk malfunctioned while training causing half the bounding to burn down, while the other half froze over. There have been no casualties within the home due to the elder children being out of the house, his mother in a mental asylum, and Endeacor doing pro hero work. Frozen ashes were found at the scene belonging to Todroki Shoto, the instigator of the whole thing. More at 11.
"Well, looks like the ol man has done it again, nice job at copying me kid-"
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
Special Bond || 6. Made for Each Other
Paring: Paul Lost Boys x Original female character Emerson cousin!
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: none
Last: Peer Pressure | Next: Won't Hurt You
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"Afternoon sleepyhead." Katherine smiles as Michael comes downstairs wearing sunglasses. "Want to tell me what happened last night?" He sits at the table. "You gave into peer pressure. You drink from that bottle on the first offer... I've been denying it for three months. Now I can't help you remember what you did after leaving the cave because I stayed with Star and she brought me home." She explains to him. "What did I even drink?" He rubs his head. "Star told you. And I told you, you should've waited." She huffs messing with his hair getting a vision of him becoming a full-blown vampire after going out with the boys and killing the Nazi surfers on the beach.
"Kat..." Michael stares at her confused as she looks at him with wide eyes. "Katherine." He says her name again, "You okay?" He asks her. "Yeah. I have to get to work." She grabs the car keys. "You don't have work today." Michael says confused as she heads out the door.
She ends up at the cave going in and sees Star awake. "What are you doing here so early?" She asks confused. "I had a vision of Michael. He'll become just like them." Kat sits down looking at the ground. "He's actually going to kill someone?" Star says surprised. "The boys show him what they are, what he is... They're gonna kill a group of the Nazi Surfers. I mean if it's going to be anyone it's them." Katherine explains rubbing her head. She's been getting random un important visions every time she touches something so her head was killing her. "Try taking a nap. We can share my bed." Star motions her over and they lay down next to each other.
"Do you wish you were normal again? Am I going to make a mistake?" Kat looks at Star. "The moment I became this I regretted that drink but you changed my mind. When you become like us, I won't be alone anymore. I never thought I'd want to embrace being a vampire." Star says so they both laugh. "I always wanted a sister." Kat links her arm with Star as they lay on their backs. "Me too and soon we'll be sisters." Star says before they chat a little more before falling asleep.
Since always being up late every night, Katherine, along with Star slept throughout the rest of the day till it was dark enough for the boys to come out. "Well look at that." Dwayne sees the girls still sleeping and at some point, Laddie joined them on the bed falling back asleep. "I can get used to seeing that everyday." David says as Paul goes over to wake Kat up. "Kitty Kat, time to get up." He lets the top of her head making her and the other two wake up. "Laddie?" Katherine laughs seeing him laying next to her. "I wanted to join." He says making her kiss the top of his head.
"What brought you here so early?" Marko asks walking around. Katherine and Star share a look, "It was about Michael." Star speaks up. "I had a vision." Katherine adds. "Tell me more." David takes his seat. Katherine sighs not really wanting to, "I saw Michael participate in a group activity for blood." She doesn't flat-out say he becomes a full vampire. The boys start to cheer, "Now we just need you." Marko shakes her. "As I told Star, I want to but not yet." She tells him and well the others to. "Well, we're waiting patiently." Dwayne smiles. "I can't be patient for too long." Paul raises his hand. "We know." They all tell him. "I should get back home." Katherine gets up. "Why?" Marko asks. "To keep an eye on Michael. Lucy has a date with Max and Grandpa has a date too. Someone has to watch Sam." She explains to them heading out.
"Where the hell did you go?" Sam asks as she walks into the house. "I don't need to tell you." She playfully shoves him but Michael walks up to her quickly, "Why was David and the others taunting me outside?" He asks which confuses her. She literally just left them so I guess they used their abilities to get here before her. "I don't know. I left to go talk to Star. I haven't seen the boys." She tells the truth but also lies to him as there was a knock at the door. "Sammy, don't answer it!" Michael calls out from the other room but he does it anyways.
"I'm here to pick up, Kat." Paul smiles at Sam. Sam just eyes him before calling out to Kat nervously. Both Michael and Katherine walk over to see Paul standing at the door with a huge smile across his face, "Ready to go?" He asks. "I told you I can't tonight." She gives him a look. "Sammy here looks like he can take care of himself." Paul eyes Sam still holding the door open as Nanook shows up growling at him. "Excuse us." Katherine walks over to the door going outside shutting the door behind her.
"I need to make sure Michael doesn't try to kill his brother. I already told you guys this and you still show up. Not to mention, you four got here before me and taunted him." She pulls him away from the door to talk to him. "You would have seen if Michael tires to kill or kills his brother but you haven't which means we can go out." He gives her a look crossing his arms. She hated how he had a point, "Fine. Just wait out here." She growls going back inside to get her jacket.
"Is he leaving?" Michael asks as she comes back inside. "Yes, after I get my jacket to leave with him." She goes up to her room with him following. "What did he mean by Sam can look after himself?" Michael watches her pick up her jacket. "That he can take care of himself... If you start to feel a certain way, because of last night, just go see Star to talk to." She walks past him and he still follows her. "I have no idea what you are talking about, Kat." He says making her stop at the door turning to face him, "I would explain but you would just think I'm joking. Just don't do anything stupid." She opens the door leaving the house.
Paul takes them to the boardwalk of course but it was just the two of them there at the moment. "What are we exactly doing tonight that we haven't done thousands of times?" Katherine chuckles as they walk around hand in hand. "Well for starters the two of us have never done anything alone. The other three are always with us." He corrects her. "Where are the others?" She looks around. "I don't know probably looking for dinner." He tells her truthfully. Katherine nods her head, "So are we just hanging out or..." She gives a look. "Or what? On a date?" He gives her the same look with a smile. "Well, do Vampires date?" She laughs. "I'm gonna say yes because that's what I want with you." A big smile forms on her face while she stares at him before leaning up placing a sweet kiss on his lips as she still held his hand.
The two spent a few hours going on rides which they've never really done as a whole group. "Turn it down you say. But all I got to say to you is time and time again I say No! No! No! No! Tell me not to play. Well, all I got to say to when you tell me not to play I say No! No! No! No! So, if you ask me why I like the way I play it. There's only one thing I can say to you. I wanna rock!" Paul jams out to the music playing by them as Katherine sat on a railing smiling at him. "You know the Frog brother call you the Twisted Sister one." She laughs at him. "I'll take that as a compliment." He stops banging his head for a second then goes back to doing so.
When the song was over Paul walks up standing between Katherine's legs placing his hands on the rail on each side of her. He rests his forehead on hers just smiling and they stay like that for a few minutes not speaking to each other as Open Arms plays. "Why do you want to be one of us?" Paul was the first to speak. "I don't want to be alone. My grandpa helped raised me but we don't have a super close bond. I don't have that with my aunt or cousins. I've been alone for eighteen years if you get what I mean. I've never been truly happy or felt wanted until I met you and the others." Katherine explains staring into his eyes as he listens to her words.
"I can promise you, you'll never be alone with us... with me. I feel like you were made for me and I was made for you. We were meant to find each other in that video store. You're the soulmate I always wanted when I was human. I should tell you that when you become one of us you can be everyone's mate but you don't have to. It's your choice but our bond it's stronger and will be even more when you become like us." Paul tells her being serious and not his normal unserious playful self. "I have special bonds with the others but none of them make me feel like I do with you, Paul." She wraps her arms around his neck pulling him into a kiss. "Hearing that makes me even more happier. Let's get out of here." He helps her down and they go over to his bike. 
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the-orangeauthor · 2 years
👻 ghost and 🍬 candy
Thank you for the asks Rie ❤️
👻 can you tease some wip ideas that have been haunting you/ something you want to write in the future?
Oh the stories haunt me *drapes myself dramatically over a lounge seat* where do I even begin???
Of course, something I’ve been mentioning in a couple posts recently, is The Wand and the Wolf book 2 - currently titled The Warlock in the Shadows!!! I’m currently thinking about the story line of this book, I know how I want the first half to go but I need a dramatic ending as this is probably the last we will see of Kyda and Ibhan in the Raynorverse until the cross-over series.
The Scale of Dragons is another story that is taking place in the Raynorverse in about the same timeline as The Wand and the Wolf, but focuses on the Dragonborn empire over on The Isles of the Winged on my Raynor map! If I take a break from Kyda and Ibhan I’ll probably start work on this one as the plot is extremely juicy and will start to feed in to the cross over aspects of Raynor!!
🍬 share a sweet or fluffy scene from your wip!
This one is from pretty close to the end of The Wand and the Wolf but I just love it so much 🥺 Ibhans POV
"We did indeed," Kyda said, leading me over to a large armchair. She helped me get comfortable, giving me an extra cushion for support, before gently pushing back my hair as she left the room.
"You're so whipped," Riaz murmured, catching my gaze following her out of the room. I whacked his arm, hard as the wolves in the room laughed.
"They're werewolves, smartass, there's no secrets in here," I hissed and he joined the laughter. I would never be rid of the red again at this rate. Kyda returned a few moments later, and I did my best to look occupied by the conversation the others were having, but all my focus was caught as she sat on the arm rest of my chair, one arm draped over the back, the other in her lap. I looked up at her, and a she smiled down at me, her hand finding its way from the chair into my hair.
"How you doing?" she asked, and I cleared my throat as the feeling of her nails on her scalp overwhelmed my brain.
"I'm fine," I said and she raised an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes, "I'm a little tired, but I'm okay," I said and she leant down, pressing her her lips to the top of my head.
"Have dinner, and we'll get you settled in your room," she said softly. It felt like my body moved on autopilot as my hand caught her chin, pulling her just a little lower, letting my lips brush over hers. I smiled against her lips as I gave her one more chaste kiss before letting go of her chin.
I was vaguely aware of silence in the room as I looked up at her, aura pulsating with hues of green and wisps of yellow. The moment was broken as her mother came from the other room to announce dinner. They brought me a little table out and Remus, Damien, and Riaz kept me company in the living room as the kids beat them to the table.
"Eliza got through to your mother by the way," Damien informed me, "she said she'll be here by tomorrow with your father," he said, trailing off at the end.
I sighed heavily as I ate. God her parents were phenomenal cooks, the meat in the stew was deliciously soft and I realised how little I had eaten in recent weeks. Knowing my father was coming certainly helped work up an appetite.
"So," Riaz said, "you and Kyda?" Remus almost choked on his food, growling at Riaz who waved a fork in surrender.
"We haven't been over any details yet but I don't plan on letting her go any time soon," I said, looking over to Remus. He narrowed his eyes at me, unwilling to trust anyone with his sister after what she had been through. But I wasn't just anyone, and he knew that.
"We'll, she's not living in Ravenvein," he said as he sat back. I scoffed as I reached for my water.
"I think we're all wanted criminals in Ravenvein," I said and Riaz and Damien laughed as Remus eyed the three of us.
"I don't wanna know, I refuse to be complicit in whatever crimes you committed," he said, "but your brought my little sister home, so I'll be on your side."
The for now at the end of his statement was silent, but I felt it longer in the room. The tension diffused as two of Kalinas pups came flying back into the room, leaping over furniture as they ran. I caught one, mid shift in my hand as he pushed off from the coffee table and tried to make it across my chair, falling short. I held him up to my face and the little wolf wriggled and nibbled on my fingers.
"I hate that you're all so cute," I muttered, turning him over in my palms. Spotting his sibling he promptly flung himself from my open grasp to continue the chase.
"When are you starting your litter?" Riaz asked and I waved my hand, a mist of shadow smacking the back of his head and he spluttered, Remus and Damien laughing across from us.
I love when Ibhan sees the pups and just needs to hold them because he doesn’t want them to hit their silly little heads on anything 🥺
These questions are from this ask here!
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the-night-writer1 · 2 years
When there's too many monkeys
A sequel to Amnesia rules except when you're pregnant. Enjoy.
Wukong went pain stakingly quiet after Tang told him what went on the past couple hours. He found himself curling into the sleeping Macaque for comfort. None of this was going how he hoped.
Wukong didn't blame the baby for any of this though. They had no choice in any of this. Poor little one. Gods Wukong hated hormones, he was so close to crying as he buried his face in Macaque's chest.
Tang got up and joined Pigsy in the front seats. He was about to ask about looking for the others when guess who crashed into the van. Jolting Mac awake and into protection mode. Shadow bubble as the two monkeys fell out of bed thanks to the impact. Rough wake up call.
"hey guys! We got the first ring!" Mk said as he pulled himself away from the wind shield. Tang automatically noticing he had the first ring. Grabbing Mk's wrist to look at it. Tang was excited as Mac who hadn't been spotted by Mk yet rubbed Wukong's back.
"you okay? " Mac asked softly as he laid on the floor with Wukong on top of him. The protective bubble vanishing. Wukong still had his face in Macaque's chest. Physically he was fine emotionally though? No not in the slightest and Macaque was quick to realize that as soon as Wukong didn't look at Mk and his friends. He wrapped his arms around Wukong's upper body and rubbed his back. He spoke softly,"it's going to be okay I got you. You're both going to be alright -"
"What's Macaque doing here!?" Mk yelled in a panic as Mei got her sword out. To be fair the last time they saw him, he'd tried take them directly to LBD. Tang slide in front of them while Pigsy just sat there.
He wasn't even a fan of Wukong but now there's another monkey here. One that tried to kill them before. Then there was Wukong's bun in the oven which made things more complicated as they now couldn't rely on him to come to their aid. Pigsy was in a bit of a sour mode since he felt kinda of bad for shoving that pepper down Wukong's throat. Now he had the knowledge of that poor developing baby.
"wait he's on our side now no need to fight him!" Tang said as he put his arms out to block an attempted monkey murder. MK and Mei had skeptical looks but Sandy was convinced when his cat jumped on Wukong's back and looked back at them. Mo was a smart kitty if he backed up Tang clearly they could trust Mac. At least in Sandy's eyes.
"But he tried to kidnap us earlier with a fake van! How is he suddenly on our side!? This could be a trick-" Mei stated before Mk pushed past Tang. He heard light whimpers that definitely weren't Macaque's. Wait the monkey king was crying? What was going on here!?
"monkey king?" Mk asked softly as Macaque gently scooped Wukong up and got off laying on the floor. He had moved Mo first.
"I'm going to take him outside for a couple minutes. we'll work this out after.Be back in five" Macaque said as he portaled out of the van before anyone could protest. He sat down on the sand with Wukong in his lap. He spoke gently as he rubbed Wukong's cheek,"deep breaths okay? I know you don't handle panic attacks well so just let me help you through it okay."
Wukong nodded as he held on to Mac's hand. He didn't want things to go this way. He just wanted to collect all the rings. Including separating Mei from her's and get the flame. Not find out he's pregnant and that plan was partly out the window. Baby be burned out of him if he went with his original plan. He didn't know what to do now.
"what am I going to do Mihou?.. I can't use my original plan now...but they're counting on me" Wukong asked softly as he choked on tears. Macaque kissed his forehead softly as he rubbed the King's cheek.
"we'll figure something out...but for now we need to calm you down okay? Kid start losing his mind if he sees how panicked you are" Mac said sweetly as he went on with the soft comfort. He had a feeling the kid was watching them with the golden vision. Kid couldn't hear them though so he could talk cleanly,"let's try focusing on something else for now okay? How far do you think you are?"
"about 10 weeks" Wukong said he rubbed his eyes, and took some deep breaths. Definitely Mac's then. Mac pressed a gentle kiss between Wukong's eyes as he wrapped his arms around his invisible bump.
"think it's too early for nicknames?" Mac asked playfully as he nuzzled Wukong,"sunshine or fruit seed be fun"
"pfft... Sunshine be nice" Wukong said softly as he nuzzled Mac back. Just taking in the sweetness.
"so what's he doing to the monkey king MK?" Mei asked her sword still out and ready to fight.
"just talking but monkey king looks like he's having a panic attack." MK said as he stared through the wall," so why is Macaque suddenly on our side?".
" well the monkey king is -" Pigsy started to say before Tang covered his mouth.
"That isn't our news to give Pigsy! However I am going to say Macaque let us know why he's been attacking us in the first place" Tang said after scolding Pigsy for a moment. The pig rolled his eyes after crossing his arms," he's in debt to LBD. He'd only have his freedom handing Mk and the Monkey King over to her"
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Part II
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Pairing: Steve x reader, Bucky x reader, Thor x reader, Loki x reader, Peter x reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, stalking, possessiveness, theft, all characters are adults.
Words: 1891.
Part I
Summary: Transferring to Stark Academy that has only allowed to take in female students last semester, you realize you are just one of three young women among hundreds of students. Your things are constantly being stolen, and soon you begin fearing for your safety.
P.S. To avoid any confusion, I changed the name Savages -> Vicious.
The next day you spent doubting your own decisions. Was it really wise to leave everything to Steve? How could he find those students all by himself and deal with your problem? Could he really stop them from acting like that? You thought once again it would be so much easier to ask for a transfer, but you had already given him your word to meet him today at 5. It would be very inappropriate not to come when he was trying to help you.
When the time came, you were sneaking in the student council room as if you were some petty thief. You were afraid people would start talking: if everybody knew who stole your things, they would understand you came to Steve for help like a little girl. It was embarrassing - even in a situation like this. Besides, somebody could be following you since at 5 pm the academy was almost empty.
By the time you reached the right door, you heart was beating as if you had just run a marathon. You really, really hoped Steve found some solution, and you wouldn’t have to be humiliated by the student advisor for wanting to leave the school.
Opening the door, you saw a couple of students on the sofa and quickly stepped away, afraid the student council was still having a meeting, “Ugh, sorry!”
“Come in, please,” Steve said calmly behind the door, and you shyly got in again, watching four other guys staring at you with interest. “We’ve been waiting for you.”
“What, they too?” You were so perplexed by his words you forgot your manners, speaking of others as if they weren’t in the same room. “I’m sorry, I mean, I didn’t know you were involved.”
Wait, were they the ones who stole your things? Did Steve bring them here for you?
“No need to be so nervous.” One of them, a guy with long, jet black hair forming waves around his shoulders told you, motioning you to come closer and sit in one of the chairs opposing the sofa where he sat. “We’re here to help you.”
You remembered his name was Loki. A mathematic genius, he was considered one of the top students of the academy.
“That’s right! Come, come!” Seeing Peter among others was surprising, but his smiling face made you calm down a little, and you smiled at him in return. 
No, they weren’t those guys who stole your underwear, for sure. Apparently, Steve asked them to join you because they knew something and could give you a hand in finding those bastards.
“Thank you for agreeing to see me.” Feeling a little self-conscious among five different men you'd barely known, you landed on one of the chairs and saw that the other two were Bucky and a captain of the academy’s basketball team, Thor. “Did you find out anything?”
“Yes,” Steve said with a loud sigh, “I know exactly who they are. I can hand them over to the school’s officials and get them expelled by tomorrow, but that’s not the real issue here.”
You felt the chills ran up your back. What did he mean by the real issue?
“Is there something else?”
When you saw Loki smirking at you, you suddenly realized you were among five strong men in the student council room on the fifth floor where most classrooms were already empty. If you screamed, nobody would even hear you.
“Stop it.” Bucky’s angry voice cut through the silence, and you saw him literally burning a hole in Loki’s face. “Don’t make her scared, freak.”
Obviously, he wanted to say something offensive to Barnes in return, but Steve silenced them both with his icy glare. Loki sent him an innocent smile while Bucky snorted and rolled his eyes in irritation. It felt like they were in the middle of some school play, and you bit down on your lower lip, having a feeling something was going horribly wrong.
“The thing is, even if we got those ones expelled, it probably won’t stop the others from doing something similar.” Steve leaned up against a desk with his arms crossed over his chest. “I feel terrible admitting it, but many of our students are completely wild. I’m afraid they might keep harassing you.”
You averted your eyes, realizing your attempts to find a solution were futile. Obviously, Steve could do nothing - he wasn’t a knight in shining armor, ready to protect you day and night from those delinquents who followed you everywhere. As you thought before, the one thing that could help here was leaving the school for good.
Shit, you didn’t know how to explain it to your family, Even your friends thought it was too bizarre to be true and laughed at your worries, saying you probably lost your things yourself. You would have to find a better excuse for a transfer in the middle of the semester.
“Well, anyway, thank you for trying,” you nodded and smiled apologetically at him as if it were your fault, “tomorrow I will talk to the student advisor about my transfer. Sorry for the trouble!”
“I don’t think it’s real to get transferred by now. It’s passed all the deadlines.” Shaking his head, Bucky raised his voice, and you felt suffocating.
Apparently, you would really have to skip a whole year of school. Explaining everything to your family, looking for some garbage job to have enough money to rent a room and pay your bills... Fantastic.
“You don’t have to do that. I’ve found another way.” 
Immediately, you raised your head, your pupils dilating.
“You see, the reason they are doing that is because you have no one to protect you. They know the administration won’t take it seriously because they’re a bunch of old misogynists, and you also have no means of protecting yourself. It would be better if you started dating someone, someone strong enough to make these guys back down.”
Steve looked deadly serious for someone saying such nonsense. A boyfriend? Now? Was he for real? Did he think you'd be using someone like your personal shield? Besides, even if you chose the strongest guy at school, it didn’t mean he would be stronger if several people attacked him.
But when you shared your thoughts with Steve, you saw others smiling at you as if they knew you would say that, and you felt uneasy.
“That’s true. That’s why you need more than one boyfriend.”
“What do you mean? How can somebody have more than one boyfriend?" Puzzled, you stared at him wide-eyed as if he said something stupid.
What on Earth did he mean by that? Were you to have your own squad of bodyguards at all times while you were in the academy? This was so foolish you couldn't believe someone like Steve said it out loud.
But then you caught glances of five men in the room and forgot how to breathe for a second. They weren't serious, were they? Steve didn't assemble all these guys here to make them into your boyfriends. It was preposterous even thinking of that, right?
"Please tell me it's not what I think it is." You muttered, crossing your arms over your chest as if trying to protect yourself.
"Why are you being so nervous?" Baring his teeth, Loki smiled at you. "Some other girl would be happy if five men were to be her boyfriends."
"It's a joke, right? You're all joking."
You hoped to see any of them laughing and nodding their heads, saying they simply wanted to cheer you up, but all you saw was a guilty expression on the faces of Bucky and Thor and the excitement of others. They really gathered here to offer you this.
"All of us here," Steve looked upon others, becoming a little displeased when his gaze fell upon smiling Peter, "are perfectly capable of helping you. If each of us were to accompany you one day a week, others won't be so brave. I'm sure they will no longer be a nuisance to you if they know what we can do to them."
There was something very dark in the way Steve said that, and for a couple of seconds you weren't sure whether you have to be more scared of him rather than those who was stealing your things.
"But it would be very uncomfortable for everyone, wouldn't it? I mean, going with me everywhere, not using your own time as you'd like. And, well, surely, others will see that we won't act like a real couple, so they might still keep harassing me. I don't think it would work."
Apparently, Loki was bored with this talk, you thought as you heard him clicking his tongue in annoyance.
"Then don't pretend. Act like a real girlfriend. Kiss in public, hug, go to the cinema together, what else girls do?"
"Wait, you mean, with ALL of you?"
"Yeah? Do you think anyone gonna be against it?"
You very much hoped they would be. Being followed by someone like your bodyguard was one thing, but having a real boyfriend was very different. Did they really want to pretend to be lovey-dovey with you? Act like you were close to them?
Oh. Of course, they would. They belonged to the same kind of touch-starved barbaric men they were trying to protect you from. They would do all those things to you, too.
You realized you were crying only when Peter flew off his seat in a hurry and squatted down beside you, taking your shaking hands in warm his.
"Please, don't cry. Nobody's gonna force you into doing anything, I promise. You will only do things you're comfortable with, ok?" Handing you his pearly white handkerchief, he smiled to comfort you. "No one of us gonna say anything."
"And if she starts dating one of us for real? What's then?" It was Loki again, cocking his head to the side and obviously provoking Peter to yell at him.
"We'll be ok with that, too."
The silence felt heavy. As you opened your eyes, Peter's handkerchief in your hands, you realized it was Thor who spoke for the first time, and the way he looked at you softly made you feel a little better. Despite the fact you knew little of him, for some reason, it felt like you would be safe with him - certainly safer than with Loki.
"Naturally, if any of us will bring you discomfort or do something unacceptable, you need to let us all know, and we'll decide what to do with that person." Raising his voice, the head of the student council made everyone to turn their head to him. "We will be meeting here, in this room, if anything happens. Each of us will give you our phone numbers. We will also make a schedule who accompanies you every day of the week."
It seemed he no longer asked for your opinion if you even wanted it to happen.
"Bucky will be with you on Mondays, Loki on Tuesdays. Wednesdays are Thor's, on Thursdays Peter will be following you, and on Fridays it will be me going with you. Of course, if you need any of us to watch over you on weekends, feel free to contact whoever of us you like more."
Part III
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherub @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @buckybarnesplumwhore @jaysayey @megzdoodle @gotnofucks @lux-ravenwolf @ximebebx @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sourpatchspinster @biiskuitx @iheartsebandchris @lovelydarkdaydream @soleil-dor @illyrianprincess @vampirestrawberries @stupendouslovegarden
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Not My Yacht" *Chapter 1?*
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So this is interesting:
So "Not My Yacht" was my very first fic. Like, I'm talking VERY VERY first.
So when I started asking around about ideas for a new series, a few of my lovelies went through my one shots and this story and "Doodling" got some good votes.
So, I decided to include the one shot and just added to it for a POTENTIAL new series. We'll see how this chapter goes over.
Also I'll be including Rita Calhoun in this for the FIRST time ever, so I may need assistance from @storiesofsvu to get her voice right. I did my best here. I'll be honest I've never really watched her, just that one where that guy blackmailed her or something.
Also Also, if it wasn't obvious enough this is obviously the beginning of the SVU episode "Her Negations".
I don't want to give anything away because I haven't even really thought that far, but I'm 95% sure this is going to turn in a William Lewis situation fic. So...pretty dark. I'm just warning you NOW.
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And yes, the results are in. There is a part 2!
You breathed in the salty air of the sea of the sunny South Hampton shore; It was a beautiful day for a yacht party.
You walked along the pier as you got closer to your boss’s boat: The Crime Wave. Her husband’s idea of a funny name she claimed as she had invited people from the office to this soiree. You were lucky to even get an invite, just being the assistant to the owner of the law firm. “Who else is going to help me dodge boring conversations with men who just wanted a "free ride” on the bosses boat?“ She had teased you; or at least you hoped she was kidding.
You really wanted to just relax and mingle among the elite lawyers of NYC, seeing as you wanted to be one of them someday.
You saw your boss, Rita Calhoun waving you down as you reached the dock space.
"Ah! There you are, for a minute I thought I’d have to mix my own drinks!” She laughed with a wink. You laugh nervously, unable to discern if she was kidding.
“Calm down sweetie, I’m a big girl. Besides, I like to make them myself, strong,” she laughed again, patting your shoulder. Crap had your face looked that panicked? Keep it cool!
“Go ahead, enjoy yourself. I’ll be here, making sure none of those damn punks tries to sneak on here for free booze,” she scoffed, nodding to a group of highly dressed teens playing chicken on the shoreline.
You nodded with a half laugh, stepping onto the yacht. It was a decent size, a second level deck and a very spacious main level. Not a lot of people had arrived yet, so you decided to pick a spot on the yachts back bench area before all the seating was taken. You began removing your over clothes revealing your swimming wear when you hear Rita greet someone else.
“Ah, Barba. You know we have flare guns on board,”
You turn to see the ADA of New York, Rafael Barba. He’s dressed in a windbreaker and what could be either a dark red or salmon polo. You realize Mrs. Calhoun is referring to the almost neon yellow color of the windbreaker, and you can’t help but giggle. It must have been way too loud because they both turn to you which caused you to immediately shut up and go back to undressing and laying out your towel, but ever so slightly still honed in on the conversation.
“You can never be too careful Rita, who knows how many enemies I’ve made in this town; someone might throw me over,” he smirked.
“And anyone here could make it look like a very convincing accident….even my aspiring protege over there,” Rita nods over to you, knowing full well what you were doing.
Barba turned and looked at you, your body frozen in mid towel thrust. You didn’t know whether to throw it over yourself or just run off the boat right there.
“I know it’s an awful jacket dear, you don’t have to keep staring at him.” She called over to you. God why did she have to be so….her.
“Jesus Rita give the girl a break, or did you invite her just to torture her on unbillable hours?” Barba scoffed with a half smile, walking over to you.
“Is it really worth the minimum wage to put up with her?” He asked.
“Mmm…it’s more for the experience, honestly.” You replied surprisingly smoothly.
“Oh….well I mean I could give you the experience without–” He started but was interrupted by your boss’s loud exclaiming.
“Yeah I’ll BET you’d give her experience Barba! Stop hitting on my intern and mingle with the adults.”
If you could dig a hole straight through the boat into the ocean you would do it right then and there.
“…..Without THAT.” He rolled his eyes, lightly flipping her the bird behind his back. You see her respond with a laugh then turns her attention back to the guests boarding.
“She’s probably been drinking since she got on the boat, yeah?” He asked you.
“I…I don’t know I just got here….” You managed to squeak out as your towel strayed from your hands. Barba grabbed it and helped you reposition it on the bench.
“Kinda windy for a yacht party, but Rita will take any chance to celebrate anything remotely resembling a boost to her ego. Am I right?” He chuckled, before sitting down on your towel.
“Just to keep it from blowing away, do you mind?” He asked, gesturing for you to join him. You nodded a boisterous “NO”, plopping next to him on the bench.
“I’m Rafael Barba,” he extended his hand to you, which you took and shook gently, praying to God he didn’t notice you were literally shaking. You had probably had the biggest crush on him since you started working with Mrs. Calhoun, he was constantly in her office challenging her with warrants and favors.
“Oh yeah I know,” you blurted out, mentally facepalming immediately.
“I see….” He raised an eyebrow. “And you are….?”
You were about to answer when his phone went off. He answered it putting one finger up and mouthing the words “one second.”
“Barba. Yeah….what? Seriously, Olivia? On a Sunday?!” He groaned into his phone with an exaggerated eye roll. He raised his hand and ran it over his face begrudgingly as he talked.
“Yeah….alright, fine. Yeah I’ll be there, give me an hour. I’m in the Hamptons. Because it’s my day off, Liv! Do you think I lock myself in my office over the weekends like a vampire in a coffin? Yeah…I’m sorry, I just…” He glanced at you.
“I was enjoying my Sunday.” He gave you a small sad smile.
“Yeah. Ok. See you soon.” He hung up the phone with an exasperated sigh.
“I’m sorry, I gotta go back to the city. Don’t let Rita push you around too much, okay?” He chuckled, rubbing the top of your head like a puppy. You felt your face scrunch up in annoyance, seriously? He thought of you as a kid?!
He obviously noticed, and quickly held out his hand again very sternly.
“Sorry, future counselor.” He said in an overly serious tone, and you couldn’t stop yourself from giggling. Again. Like an idiot.
Relieved he had fixed his faux paux, he gave you one last beautiful Barba grin as he jogged over to Rita and told her something before nodding to you once again, then walked off the boat and disappearing down the pier.
Your boss sauntered over to you, a shit eating grin across her face.
“Well Cinderella, you sure kept that cool.” She gestured for your phone beside you.
“Be sure to tell him your name this time,” she winked, handing it back to you. You glanced down at it as she walked away; she had added a number to your contacts.
“BHole Barba.” You laughed out loud. Nice. Maybe she wasn’t such a horrible boss after all….
By Monday you still hadn’t had the balls to text Rafael Barba. You had just stared at the number in your phone, imagining all the possibilities contacting him would lead to. You may have gotten so far as planning your summer wedding in the Hamptons, but nobody needed to know that.
But you had chickened out and left it alone, and now you were sitting at your desk typing up a memo for Rita when you saw him come waltzing through the door.
“Ah, Cinderella!” He smiled at you.
“Hey…” Your mind went blank, you couldn’t think of words. Wait, had he already given you a nickname?
“Cinderella?” You blinked in confusion.
“Well I never caught your name-- But I guess I shouldn’t even push it, you’ve clearly moved on and I must seem like a creep,” His train of thought proceeded out loud as he realized you hadn’t taken his number and here he was still flirting with you. Rita had given it to you, he had seen her type it in your phone. Obviously you weren’t interested, why was he pushing this?
“What? NO!” You said a little louder than you intended, actually a lot louder than you intended. You slapped your hand over your mouth after your little outburst, but to you relief he was still smiling.
“Oh? Well I suppose that’s good…” He was obviously fishing for your excuse as to why you had waited until he popped back in your face to talk to him.
“No, I um--” You racked your brain for an excuse that wasn’t “I was busy planning our lives together”.
“I….couldn’t think of something interesting to say,” You finally admitted with a pitiful sigh. You were not a good liar, and under pressure, forget about it.
Again, he still smiled-- but this time he laughed along with it.
“I mean, ‘Hello’ is always an option,” He chuckled. “Or...your name?”
“Oh!” Idiot. You hadn’t even given him your name, how was he supposed to fall madly in love with you without a name?
“Y/N,” You stuck your hand out awkwardly, Was this a ‘shake hands’ moment? Hadn’t you already met before? You stared at your hand as you moved it slightly back and forth, arguing with yourself whether or not this was necessary. Luckily, Rafael settled the argument by taking your hand and shaking it firmly.
His hands were so soft, his long fingers enveloped yours in them. You lost yourself in the moment, and before you knew it he was making an uncomfortable cough, snapping you back to reality. You dropped his hand and snapped yours back into your body like a zip cord, your face in a horrified stare.
“Oh God, I’m so sorry, that was so weird. I’m weird. I’m--”
“Well I don’t know what you were so worried about Cinderella, you’re clearly a chatterbox,” He gave you a tongued smile, referring to the word vomit you just couldn’t help spill all over him.
“Oh yeah, I’m a total word machine,” You laughed nervously. A word machine? What the fuck was that?
“...Word machine. Right,” He nodded in amusement. “Well word machine, would you mind shooting some words to my phone, or do you just enjoy this face to face thing?”
“With that face? Definitely the latter. But you can have my number anyway,” You typed a quick message and sent it to his number. Damn that was smooth! How did you do that?
Rafael made an impressed face with your line, but when he opened his phone his brows furrowed.
“Hit?” He gave you a curious look as he read the text out loud.
“Fuck it was supposed to be ‘hi’-- stupid autocorrect,” You muttered angrily. Yeah, that was more like you.
“Oh yes, the dreaded autocorrect,” He nodded while saving your number. “Turning fucks into ducks since 2011,”
“Oh I didn’t have a phone in 7th grade but I’ll take your word for it,” You laughed, but stopped when his face twisted into a mix of horror and discomfort when he realized how young you actually were.
Dammit. Why...why would you do this?
“....Right, is Rita in?” He quickly shoved his phone back in his pocket and headed into Rita’s office before you could answer.
“...Idiot!” You yelled at yourself as your hands went over your face and your face planted into your desk.
Well, that was nice while it lasted. All 2.5 seconds of it.
“Well Barba, about time,” Rita smirked as Rafael abruptly burst into her office trying to get away from you. “Done flirting with the intern are we?”
“Shut up,” He rolled his eyes, though his face was a deep shade of red.
“Oh no, what happened? Did your dentures fall out in front of her?” She smirked.
“I’m younger than you!!” He scoffed.
“Yeah but I’m not the one trying to boff a 25 year old,” She smirked harder, making Rafael angrier.
“Can I just get the warrant I came here for, Rita?” He huffed.
“Oooh, struck a nerve there, did I?” Rita chuckled as she grabbed some papers from her desk and started to hand them to him. “Barba, for the record I’m really not judging you. If I were 20 years younger, I’d hit it too,”
“Excuse me?”
“I had a lot of ‘cats’ in college,” She winked.
“Wow,” Rafael held up his hands. “Rita, we really don’t need to be that personal.”
“Fine, but all I’m saying is if you like the girl, don’t let a stupid thing like age deter you. Don’t tell her I said this, but she’s actually very competent and organized. I would almost prefer her not to graduate, unless she'd come work for me. She’s going to be a hell of a lawyer,” She gestured outside to your desk.
Rafael looked at the ground as he mulled over what she was saying, a small smile crawled across his lips as she complimented your potential.
“I’ll take that under advisement, Mrs. Calhoun,” He nodded as he walked towards the door with the papers in his hand, a huge smile across his face now.
He walked out to find you cursing at yourself and whimpering in embarrassment at your desk. When you heard the door shut you snapped to attention and stared at him, shocked he hadn't sprinted out of the office like Usain Bolt. Even more shocking was that Cheshire cat grin now upon his face.
“I-I’m sorry, I totally meant I was--” You tried doing math trying to make yourself reasonably older.
“It’s fine,” He chuckled as he put a hand over your counting fingers. You blushed at the touch of his skin on yours again, but quickly shoved your hands under the desk nervously as you tried not to look him square in the eye. His eyes were so gorgeous you were positive staring straight into them would actually get you pregnant.
“So does Rita ever unchain you from this desk?” He smirked as he was now very aware and very amused at how nervous he made you. He may be old, but clearly he’s still got it.
“Oh yeah, if I ask very nicely she let’s me--” You tried to think of something witty, but it wasn’t coming with him staring at you with those eyes. “....Yes,” You wanted to put your hands over your face but you didn’t want it to be a ‘thing’.
“Well, maybe if you’re an extra good girl she’ll let you off your leash early tonight,” He winked.
“....Am I a dog or a toddler in that situation?” You were genuinely asking, but Rafael clearly realized how insulting that must have seemed.
“Oh no no no, I just, shit,” He tried to backtrack but if he was being totally honest, you made him nervous. Maybe he didn’t have ‘it’ as much as he thought.
You noticed he was the one blushing now, oh my god were you making him nervous? QUICK, BE SMOOTH. BE SMOOTHER THAN YOU’VE EVER BEEN IN YOUR LIFE.
“Are you asking me out, counselor?” You did your best “sultry “voice with a bat of your eyes. Were you batting them too much? What was too much? Oh god you’ve done it for too long now. STOP BATTING.
“...I don’t know, guess you’ll have to wait for me to text you, future counselor,” He was impressed by the line, and decided to bow out before either of you made idiots of yourselves again. He gave you a wink and sauntered out of the office.
Great. Now he’ll probably make you wait two days for a--
Your phone went off in your desk. You pulled it out to see a text message:
BHOLE BARBA: Dinner? Tonight?
You really needed to change his contact name. But that wasn’t the point right now. He just asked you out. Rafael Barba just asked you out. You stared at in your hands, unsure of what to do. Then you realized you couldn’t do this again, you couldn��t just sit there and imagine things, this required an immediate response.
You nervously typed a reply and hit SEND:
Sire ;)
“DAMMIT!!!” You cursed your autocorrect. You instantly sent another text.
Before you could lecture yourself again, your phone beeped again:
Play? What did that--
BHOLE: Okay** ;)
You typed the word ‘okay’ into your text reply bubble, ‘play’ came up in the autocorrect word list.
He was joking with you. He was flirting with you. RAFAEL BARBA WAS FLIRTING WITH YOU.
This work day could not end fast enough.
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kookie-doughs · 3 years
Percy Jackson X Reader
-Y/N L/N met Percy Jackson and everything is now ruined.
Chapter 22: Then It Ended
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As soon as we came, Annabeth ang Grover tackled me. We were the first heroes to return alive to Half-Blood Hill since Luke, so of course everybody treated us as if we'd won some reality-TV contest. According to camp tradition, we wore laurel wreaths to a big feast prepared in our honor, then led a procession down to the bonfire, where we got to burn the burial shrouds our cabins had made for us in our absence.
Annabeth's shroud was so beautiful—gray silk with embroidered owls— Percy told her it seemed a shame not to bury her in it. She punched him and told him to shut up. Percy being the son of Poseidon, he didn't have any cabin mates, so the Ares cabin had volunteered to make his shroud. They'd taken an old bedsheet and painted smiley faces with X'ed-out eyes around the border, and the word LOSER painted really big in the middle.
As I was still unclaimed, Hermes cabin had made me one. (Just... IDK go crazy with your shroud IG) It was fun to burn. As Apollo's cabin led the sing-along and passed out s'mores, Percy and I was surrounded by my Hermes cabinmates, Annabeth's friends from Athena, and Grover's satyr buddies, who were admiring the brand-new searcher's license he'd received from the Council of Cloven Elders. The council had called Grover's performance on the quest "Brave to the point of indigestion. Horns-and-whiskers above anything we have seen in the past." The only ones not in a party mood were Clarisse and her cabinmates, whose poisonous looks told me they'd never forgive us for disgracing their dad. That was okay with me. Even Dionysus's welcome-home speech wasn't enough to dampen my spirits. "Yes, yes, so the little brats didn't get themselves killed and now they'll have an even bigger head. Well, huzzah for that. In other announcements, there will be no canoe races this Saturday...." Going back to the cabin I finally had time to talk to Luke. Who just expressed his relief of me being fine, and how he was scared when Annabeth told everyone about me. No wonder everyone was so shocked seeing me come back with Percy. On the Fourth of July, the whole camp gathered at the beach for a fireworks display by cabin nine. Being Hephaestus's kids, they weren't going to settle for a few lame red-white-and-blue explosions. They'd anchored a barge offshore and loaded it with rockets the size of Patriot missiles. According to Annabeth, who'd seen the show before, the blasts would be sequenced so tightly they'd look like frames of animation across the sky. The finale was supposed to be a couple of hundred-foot-tall Spartan warriors who would crackle to life above the ocean, fight a battle, then explode into a million colors. As Annabeth, Percy and I were spreading a picnic blanket, Grover showed up to tell us good-bye. He was dressed in his usual jeans and T-shirt and sneakers, but in the last few weeks he'd started to look older, almost high-school age. His goatee had gotten thicker. He'd put on weight. His horns had grown at least an inch, so he now had to wear his rasta cap all the time to pass as human. "I'm off," he said. "I just came to say ... well, you know." I tried to feel happy for him. After all, it wasn't every day a satyr got permission to go look for the great god Pan. But it was hard saying good-bye. I'd only known Grover a year, yet he was my oldest friend. Annabeth and I gave him a hug. She told him to keep his fake feet on. I asked him where he was going to search first. "Kind of a secret," he said, looking embarrassed. "I wish you could come with me, guys, but humans and Pan ..." "We understand," Annabeth said. "You got enough tin cans for the trip?" "Yeah." "And you remembered your reed pipes?" "Jeez, Annabeth," he grumbled. "You're like an old mama goat." But he didn't really sound annoyed. He gripped his walking stick and slung a backpack over his shoulder. He looked like any hitchhiker you might see on an American highway. "Well," he said, "wish me luck." He gave Annabeth and I another hug. He clapped Percy on the shoulder, then headed back through the dunes. Fireworks exploded to life overhead: Hercules killing the Nemean lion, Artemis chasing the boar, George Washington (who, by the way, was a son of Athena) crossing the Delaware. "Hey, Grover," Percy called. He turned at the edge of the woods. "Wherever you're going—I hope they make good enchiladas." Grover grinned, and then he was gone, the trees closing around him. "We'll see him again," Annabeth said. July passed. I spent my daysplanning out strategies with Luke for capture-the-flag and making alliances with the other cabins to keep the banner out of Ares's hands. I got to the top of the climbing wall for the first time without getting scorched by lava. From time to time, Percy and I would walk past the Big House, he'd glance up at the attic windows, and think about the Oracle.
I tried to convince him that its prophecy had come to completion. "You shall go west, and face the god who has turned." "Been there, done that—even though the traitor god had turned out to be Ares rather than Hades." "You shall find what was stolen, and see it safe returned." "Check. One master bolt delivered. One helm of darkness back on Hades." "You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend." Percy recited. "Ares had pretended to be our friend, then betrayed us. That must be what the Oracle meant.... Or maybe Nereid?"
"And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end." He sighed. "I had failed to save my mom and lost you..."
"So why are you still uneasy?" The last night of the summer session came all too quickly. The campers had one last meal together. We burned part of our dinner for the gods. At the bonfire, the senior counselors awarded the end-of-summer beads. Percy and I got our own leather necklace, and when I saw the bead for my first summer. The design was pitch black, with a sea-green trident shimmering in the center.
"This is so beautiful..." I smiled to Percy. "The choice was unanimous," Luke announced. "This bead commemorates the first Son of the Sea God at this camp, and the quest he undertook into the darkest part of the Underworld to stop a war!" The entire camp got to their feet and cheered. Even Ares's cabin felt obliged to stand. Athena's cabin steered Annabeth to the front so she could share in the applause. I'm not sure I'd ever felt as happy or sad as I did at that moment. I'd finally found a family, people who cared about me and thought I'd done something right. And in the morning, most of them would be leaving for the year. * * * The next morning, Luke called me. He gave me a paper, telling me to fill it out, and asked me to meet him as soon as I could. I knew Dionysus must've filled it out, because he stubbornly insisted on getting my name wrong: Dear (WRONG NAME) , If you intend to stay at Camp Half-Blood year-round, you must inform the Big House by noon today. If you do not announce your intentions, we will assume you have vacated your cabin or died a horrible death. Cleaning harpies will begin work at sundown. They will be authorized to eat any unregistered campers. All personal articles left behind will be incinerated in the lava pit. Have a nice day! Mr. D (Dionysus) Camp Director, Olympian Council #12 That's another thing about ADHD. Deadlines just aren't real to me until I'm staring one in the face. Summer was over, and I still don't know what to do. I had no where to go to. The only option I had was Percy's or maybe Hades was not joking about inviting me back to the Underworld. Sighing I decided to just meet Luke before filling it for second opinions. The campgrounds were mostly deserted, shimmering in the August heat. All the campers were in their cabins packing up, or running around with brooms and mops, getting ready for final inspection. Argus was helping some of the Aphrodite kids haul their Gucci suitcases and makeup kits over the hill, where the camp's shuttle bus would be waiting to take them to the airport. I was walking around looking for Luke. I jumped when I felt someone tap me from behind. I instinctively unsheathed my knife and turned only to see Luke with his hands raised.
"Whoa! Calm down just me." He laughed.
"Kinda weird seeing someone laugh at a knife pointed at them." I smirked sheathing my knife.
"I only laugh since its you." He smiled and ruffled my hair. "Are you done with everything?"
"Not really. I don't know whether to leave or not yet. That's why I came. Help me?" I asked him.
He turned to me and to the forest. "How about you hear me out about something... important and private... then decide?" He gestured towards the forest.
"Not planning on killing me are you?" I squinted at him.
He gasped. "Not you. Never. I would never hurt you."
I let him lead me to a shrouded area of the forest.
"How serious is this thing that you can't let anyone see? I am blindly trusting you here Luke." I laughed nervously. But when he didn't reply I felt something was off. "Luke, okay this isn't cool. How deep into the forest do we have to go?"
"Y/N remember when you said... You want to be the person I trust...? How you promised to help me?"
"Luke?" He took my hand and pulled me sharply. I winced at how hard he pulled me. "That hurts! Let me go!"
He snapped back and let go of my wrist. "I-I'm sorry... Y/N..."
As much as I knew I had to leave, I couldn't I was worried about him. I reluctantly placed a hand on his shoulder. "What's happening?"
"I did it..." I said and sat on the ground. "I swear I didn't mean to get you hurt. But, I confess to everything. I  stole bolt and helm, I summoned the hound, I gave Percy the cursed shoes... And just now, I tried to kill Percy Jackson." He looked at me with empty eyes.
I shot up and looked at him in emotions I couldn't put in words. "W-Wh---" I wanted to leave and check on Percy. But once again, seeing him right now... I need to stay with him. "Why are you telling me this...?"
"Join me... please?" his voice was weak. He sounded vulnerable. "Let's serve my Lord together..."
"L-Luke... no. I-I can't do that!" I took his shoulder, "Y-You should stay with me instead. How about that, huh? L-Let's explain to Chiron and the others... come on please. I could help you!"
Nothing was working.
"Come with me..." He muttered.
"Luke, I won't join you. You have to change your mind. You can't do this."
"I can't change my mind."
"I can help you with that? How about you go with me huh? I could spend all my time doing this and that. Please, just change your mind."
He didn't reply for a while until he whispered, "Promise me."
"Promise you what?"
"You'll stay with me."
"What? Luke I wo--"
"You won't join... Just...don't stay here for the year... and stay with me."
"I-If I stay with you... what would that mean?"
"Yo-You... might change my mind."
"I'll go." I replied with no hesitation. "I'll leave camp for the year. And I'll find my parent to prove to you that Gods and Goddess aren't all bad. We'll find my parent together."
"I do my lord's bidding--"
"You can still do it. If you want to. But whatever happens... stays only between us. I'll stay with you until I change your mind. And I'll bring you back to camp."
"I would never do anything to ruin your trust in me." He knelt down. It was kinda awkward but hey... "I need you."
Worry not hero. We shall stay.
We'll meet again. Wait for us, we shall join you soon. Now leave.
I had no idea what happened since when I came to Luke was gone and there was no sign of him anywhere. How were we going to st---
We will meet him once we leave. Now go as our hero needs us.
I suddenly remembered Percy's state that Luke had told me about. So I ran. I ran to the Big House
Percy finally opened his eyes. He was propped up in bed in the sickroom of the Big House, his right hand bandaged like a club. Argus stood guard in the corner. Annabeth and I sat next to Percy, I was holding his nectar glass and she was dabbing a washcloth on his forehead.
"Here we are again," Percy said. "You idiot," Annabeth said, "You were green and turning gray when we found you. If it weren't for Chiron's healing..." "Now, now," Chiron's voice said. "Percy's constitution deserves some of the credit." He was sitting near the foot of the bed in human form. His lower half was magically compacted into the wheelchair, his upper half dressed in a coat and tie. He smiled, but his face looked weary and pale, the way it did when he'd been up all night grading Latin papers. "How are you feeling?" he asked. "Like my insides have been frozen, then microwaved." "Apt, considering that was pit scorpion venom. Now you must tell me, if you can, exactly what happened." Between sips of nectar, he told them the story.
I bit my lip trying to keep what happened between Luke and I private. It was a risky move that would not be approved by anyone after all. The room was quiet for a long time. "I can't believe that Luke..." Annabeth's voice faltered. Her expression turned angry and sad. "Yes. Yes, I can believe it. May the gods curse him.... He was never the same after his quest."
Percy was looking at me as if checking what was my reaction to his story. "This must be reported to Olympus," Chiron murmured. "I will go at once." "Luke is out there right now," Percy said. "I have to go after him." Chiron shook his head. "No, Percy. The gods—" "Won't even talk about Kronos," Percy snapped. "Zeus declared the matter closed!" "Percy, I know this is hard. But you must not rush out for vengeance. You aren't ready." "Chiron... your prophecy from the Oracle... it was about Kronos, wasn't it? Was I in it? Y/N? And Annabeth?" Chiron glanced nervously at the ceiling. "Percy, it isn't my place—" "You've been ordered not to talk to me about it, haven't you?" His eyes were sympathetic, but sad. "You will be a great hero, child. I will do my best to prepare you. But if I'm right about the path ahead of you..." Thunder boomed overhead, rattling the windows. "All right!" Chiron shouted. "Fine!" He sighed in frustration. "The gods have their reasons, Percy. Knowing too much of your future is never a good thing." "We can't just sit back and do nothing," He said. "We will not sit back," Chiron promised. "But you must be careful. Kronos wants you to come unraveled. He wants your life disrupted, your thoughts clouded with fear and anger. Do not give him what he wants. Train patiently. Your time will come." "Assuming I live that long." Chiron put his hand on Percy's ankle. "You'll have to trust me, Percy. You will live. But first you must decide your path for the coming year. I cannot tell you the right choice...." I got the feeling that he had a very definite opinion, and it was taking all his willpower not to advise me. "But you must decide whether to stay at Camp Half-Blood year-round, or return to the mortal world for seventh grade and be a summer camper. Think on that. When I get back from Olympus, you must tell me your decision." "I'll be back as soon as I can," Chiron promised. "Argus will watch over you." He glanced at Annabeth. "Oh, and, my dear... whenever you're ready, they're here." "Who's here?" Percy asked. Nobody answered. Chiron rolled himself out of the room. I heard the wheels of his chair clunk carefully down the front steps, two at a time. Annabeth studied the floor. "What's wrong?" Percy asked her. "Nothing. I ... just took your advice about something. You ... um ... need anything?" "Yeah. Help me up. I want to go outside." "Percy, that isn't a good idea." Percy slid his legs out of bed. Annabeth and I caught him before he could crumple to the floor.
I said, "I told you ..." "I'm fine," He insisted.
He managed a step forward. Then another, still leaning heavily on me. Argus followed us outside, but he kept his distance. By the time we reached the porch, his face was beaded with sweat. But we had managed to make it all the way to the railing. It was dusk. The camp looked completely deserted. The cabins were dark and the volleyball pit silent. No canoes cut the surface of the lake. Beyond the woods and the strawberry fields, the Long Island Sound glittered in the last light of the sun. "What are you going to do?" Annabeth asked us. "I don't know." Percy replied. "I got the feeling Chiron wanted me to stay year-round, to put in more individual training time, but I'm not sure that's what I want. I also don't want to leave you both with Clarisse only." Annabeth pursed her lips, then said quietly, "I'm going home for the year, Percy." He stared at her. "You mean, to your dad's?" She pointed toward the crest of Half-Blood Hill. Next to Thalia's pine tree, at the very edge of the camp's magical boundaries, a family stood silhouetted—two little children, a woman, and a tall man with blond hair. They seemed to be waiting. The man was holding a backpack that looked like the one Annabeth had gotten from Waterland in Denver. "I wrote him a letter when we got back," Annabeth said. "Just like you suggested. I told him... I was sorry. I'd come home for the school year if he still wanted me. He wrote back immediately. We decided... we'd give it another try." "That took guts." She pursed her lips. "You won't try anything stupid during the school year, will you? At least ... not without sending me an Iris-message? Both of you?" Percy managed a smile. "I won't go looking for trouble. I usually don't have to."
"You already know my plans."
"When I get back next summer," she said, "we'll hunt down Luke. We'll ask for a quest, but if we don't get approval, we'll sneak off and do it anyway. Agreed?" "Sounds like a plan worthy of Athena."
She held out her hand. Percy shook it. She gave me a hug. "Take care, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth told Percy. "Keep your eyes open."
"You too, Wise Girl."
Then turned to me, "Good luck on your own quest Droopy."
"Of course Peabody." We watched her walk up the hill and join her family. She gave her father an awkward hug and looked back at the valley one last time. She touched Thalia's pine tree, then allowed herself to be lead over the crest and into the mortal world. "I made my decision." Percy said. "What's yours?"
"I'll be leaving camp... I'm going to look for my parent..." He looked at me in shock. "I'll be back next summer," I promised him. "I'll survive until then."
I smiled at him.
"Don't you want to stay with us? Mom said---"
"I want to find my parent. I need to. I'll be fine Percy."
I helped Percy to his cabin so he could pack and went to mine. To my surprise I see a middle-aged man with an athletic figure slim and fit with salt-and-pepper hair, and a very familiar sly grin. He had bags at his foot.
"Delivery for Y/N L/N."
"Hermes." He said.
I froze and looked at him with wide eyes.
"Personally packed. As a thank you for what you're about to do." He smiled softly and handed me the bags.
"For helping Luke."
Don't forget her mail!
Ooh! And tell her to bring us snacks next time we meet since it'll be often now!
No it wouldn't be often! She'll be with Luke!
"Both of you keep quiet." Pulling out a mail he handed it to me. "Luke... prayed to me telling me about your plan. He asked me to help you. I don't know what or why he did it. But I know he'll change thanks to you. So do guide him."
"Sorry you lost me at the talking air..." I blinked.
Hermes laughed and showed a caduceus. "It's just George and Martha."
"I just wanted to let you know. No god or goddess could see you. No matter how hard they tried. So your secrets.. are really secrets. Good luck on your travel."
Next time we meet you should have snacks.
Then he vanished.
Staring at the letter on my hand, I was stunned seeing it was from... my mom and dad.
You've made quite a friend here.
-Mom and Dad.
I immediately knew where to look. I hurriedly took my bags not bothering to check the contents. I ran to Percy's cabin and helped him out so we could leave.
Percy got a cab and looked at me worriedly.
"I'll write you. Stay safe Arthur Curry." I ruffled his hair and watched him go.
I didn't know where to go so I just went to the first secluded area I saw.
"You have more stuffs than when you arrived." I heard someone behind me.
"You prayed to your dad. I hope he knows how to pack." I sighed turning to him. Turning around I barely made out Luke from the few days I last saw him. "You okay?"
"Do you know where to look first?"
Call upon our hound.
I whistled, I don't know why. But when I did, D/N came out of the blue. Luke looked at me and my dear dog, who was probably bigger than the hound he'd summon back then. "How do feel about L.A?" I said riding on D/N and making space behind me for Luke.
~~~END OF BOOK 1~~~
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @the-natureofme @booknerd-3000 @katara720 @ynfics
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mimisempai · 3 years
Wait for me on the other side 1/8
Mobius, a watchmaker, and Loki, a teacher, realize that they are separated by two years of time when they exchange letters from different years in the mailbox of the house on the cliff where Mobius lives. As the two lonely hearts feel they have found their soulmate, will they ever meet?
or the Lakehouse AU that nobody asked for.
This is my very first multi-chapter AU. I hope you'll enjoy it. Chapters will be released on a weekly basis.
3772 words - rating G
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 (End)
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When two people "connect" the bond between them can be so pure and simple as to stir hearts in heaven.
When they connect in all the right places at all the wrong times, heaven weeps for broken hearts. To heal these broken hearts, heaven breaks time.
—Blithe Spiritus
Loki took one last look through the rearview mirror at the cottage on the edge of the cliff, which was getting smaller and smaller as he drove away.
Shifting his gaze forward, his face slid to the crate on the passenger seat, where Croki, his pet alligator, was sitting.
"I hope you will like your new home..." Loki sighed.
Then suddenly, he braked abruptly, holding back the cage with one hand as it slid forward. Then he backed the car up.
"Shit. I'm sorry Croc'"
He walked over to the mailbox. He put his hand through the window, opened the mailbox and put an envelope inside. Then his long fingers pulled the red flag in a vertical position, to indicate that there was mail. All this under the eyes of Croki who followed with attention all his gestures.
He tapped the top of the cage, "Come on, this time we're off for good."
He rolled, speeding up, refusing to look at the sign for the tiny village his home was in, New Asgard.  Loki rolled east, the cliff behind him, then passed a sign: New York, 35 miles.
The traffic became heavier as he approached the city.
After maneuvering through the various streets and making his way through the New York traffic, he stopped in front of an apartment building on a busy street. It was a very recent building, cold and sterile. The contrast with the tranquility of New-Asgard was striking.
He parked, got out of the car and took a moment to absorb the change in his surroundings. Then with a sigh, he began to unload his things.
Loki stopped at the steps in front of the entrance to the imposing establishment - September High-School. He inhaled deeply to give himself courage before moving forward, climbing the few steps and pushing open the heavy door. He entered and walked to what appeared to be the front desk where a busy looking secretary was standing.
Loki asked softly, "Excuse me?"
"Just a minute, okay?"
Loki waited a minute, politely, then tried to get the secretary's attention again.
"Ahem... Excuse me, I need to..."
She handed him a stack of paper, while saying, without looking at him, "Just fill this out and wait for me there, okay?"
Loki handed it back to her.
"No, I'm Loki Laufeyson. I'm a new teacher. I was told to report here."
The secretary looked sheepish, "Oh, I'm sorry, Professor. You need to find Principal Romanov. She should be around here. A woman with red hair, dressed in black, you can't miss her."
He did indeed find the Principal in the hallway that the secretary had pointed out.
Natasha Romanov may have looked young to be a high school principal, but everything about her demeanor, her head carriage, her attitude exuded confidence and authority. She walked quickly down the hallway and Loki, though tall, had a hard time keeping up with her.
The principal handed him a large stack of files as soon as they arrived in her office.
"You will be in charge of the sophomores, this morning you will have three classes to teach and three this afternoon."
Loki repeated to be sure, "Three?"
"That's a quiet day, for a first day."
Loki looked a little dazed, he didn't think he was going to jump into the deep end and thought he would have some time to adjust.
The principal turned around, as if she sensed his hesitation, "The teacher you replaced let us down without notice, and it took us a while to find the right replacement, the students lost a lot of time for their final exams. We have to do our best to make sure they pass."
They walked past a student who was sitting alone on a bench, looking sulky. Romanov motioned to a supervisor.
"What's he doing here?"
The supervisor replied, "He was grounded because he took apart a computer to prove Professor Banner wrong and has to do an hour of gym under Professor Odinson's supervision. However, I can't leave the place unattended, and I was waiting for my backup to take him there.
"Peter get up," said principal Romanov in a sharp tone.
The young man stood up, a sulky look on his face.
"Professor Laufeyson, take him to Professor Odinson in the gym and then you can begin your lessons in this class."
The principal pointed to the door of the classroom in question, then turned and walked back to her office, not waiting for an answer.
"Well come with me, Mister...?"
The young boy followed his lead and replied with a pouty tone, "Parker, Peter Parker. »
"Then let's go Mr. Parker, the computer dismantler." replied Loki with a wink.  He knew he couldn't condone what the young man had done, but he couldn't help but find it amusing.
Seeing that the professor didn't look reproachful as he said these words, Peter lost his pout and got a small smile.
"Although I'm curious as to what could have caused you to disassemble a computer."
Peter seemed to come back to life, explained to an amused Loki, that Professor Banner, who taught biology, had said that nothing could compare to the complex construction that was a living being and Peter had wanted to show him the opposite by dismantling the Professor's laptop.
"But I was about to put it back together though, I don't understand why he got so upset."
Loki couldn't help but laugh.
Peter's face frowned because they had arrived at the gym.
They walked through the door and there a giant blonde man came striding in, "Peter Parker, it's been so long! Tell me what you've been up to again." he ruffled Peter's hair who tried to shy away from it, then he held out his hand to Loki who had to hold back a wince at the strength of the professor's grip.
"Professor Odinson, but call me Thor. Nice to meet you. New professor?"
"Yes, I am the new literature professor, Loki Laufeyson, but call me Loki. I'll leave this promising young man to you," He winked at Peter before continuing, "as for me I'll be teaching my first class."
"Welcome here, and good luck!" threw Thor at him before turning back to Peter, "Go change, we'll start with 10 laps running around the basketball court."
Hearing Peter's grumbles, Loki smiled as he walked away.
A few minutes later, he stopped outside his classroom door and took a deep breath.
"It takes a little time to adjust, but most of the students here are exceptional and the teaching staff is really, really nice."
Loki turned to see who had just spoken.
He found himself facing a black man, taller than him, and very impressive. But despite his imposing nature, his smile and eyes were very warm as he held out his hand. "Heimdall, art professor, welcome."
Loki grasped it and replied, "Loki, literature professor."
Heimdall gave a small nod in the direction of the door, "Good luck." then walked away.
Loki, surprisingly relaxed following this little interlude, walked through the classroom door with a confident air, placed his belongings on the desk and with an engaging smile on his lips addressed his first students, "Hello, I am your new literature teacher and I hope we will work well together."
He paused, letting his gaze roam over the entire class before continuing,"O Captain! My Captain! Who knows where that came from? No one? No idea? It's-"
A young boy raised his hand at the back of the classroom.
"Yes Mister...?"
"Keener, Harley Keener."
"All right Mister Keener, I'm listening."
"It's a Walt Whitman poem about Abraham Lincoln. And it's plagiarism of Professor Keating's introduction played by Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society."
Loki didn't lose his confidence at all and replied, "Thank you Mr. Keener. I'm not going to apologize for the plagiarism. I didn't expect anyone to contradict me since this film was released long before you were all born. Thank you, Mr. Keener, for setting me straight. I won't ask you to call me Captain, Sir, or Professor, but simply Loki. Yes, Mr. Keener, Loki, as in the Norse god of mischief... "
The whole class, including Harley, laughed and Loki thought that it wasn't such a bad start.
But he still felt exhausted at the end of the day, and he slumped into the chair at his assigned desk in the teacher's lounge. He leaned in and put his head back, closing his eyes.
"So they've worn you out already?" it was the deep voice, which he recognized as Heimdall's. He opened his eyes to see that the art professor had sat just at the desk next to him.
"Yet the Famous Five keep talking about Loki, the new professor who is super cool. It's been a long time since I've heard a literature professor on such good terms." It was Thor who came to join them and pulled a chair to sit in the space between Heimdall and Loki.
"The Famous Five?"
Thor chuckled before answering, "They're called that because they're always stuffed together, probably five of the smartest minds in this elite school, and as a result always going out on the town to..."
"…the benefit of science." finished Heimdall.
"That's their argument every time they get busted," Thor clarified.
"Who are they?" asked Loki, curious.
"There's Peter who you met this morning, he's in the same class as his two childhood friends Ned and MJ. There's Harley who talked about how you put him in his place, when he thought he had fooled you. Captain my Captain huh?"
Thor chuckled before continuing, "and finally Kamala Khan, the newest one, a little brunette, a ball of energy who always wears a big red scarf, summer and winter and who the other four have taken under their wing."
"Interesting..." replied Loki, thoughtfully.
"Wait until you're the target of their prank and we'll see if you find these kids interesting." said an unknown voice behind him.
"Bruce my friend! Were you able to fix your laptop?" exclaimed Thor with a laugh.
Loki turned around, only to find himself standing in front of a man who was a little older than him. He stood up and held out his hand, "Professor Banner, I presume."
"Am I that famous?" the man asked, raising an eyebrow as he shook the outstretched hand in a firm grip.
"It's mostly that I had the pleasure of taking Peter Parker for his grounding to Thor." replied Loki
"That brat..." harrumphed Bruce. "He's smart... but his habit of proving he's always right..."
The other men laughed in unison.
"So boys? Are we having fun?" a young woman with short blond hair stepped forward and held out her hand, "Carol Danvers, homeroom teacher at this crazy school."
"Nice to meet you," Loki replied, shaking the outstretched hand.
Unaccustomed to being around so many people and especially such friendly people, Loki felt a little overwhelmed and suddenly the fatigue of this first day seemed to fall on his shoulders to the point that he had to stifle a yawn.
Thor patted him on the back and said, "I have an excellent remedy for that."
"What is it?"
Heimdall and Thor high-fived each other and said in unison, "The Bifrost."
At Loki's look of complete incomprehension, Carol explained, "It's a bar two blocks away, good burgers, good beer and for good company, that's us." she finished with a wink.
Loki realized they were inviting him to come with them but he hesitated and finally replied, "Thanks. I better not drink tonight. I'm dead."
Bruce retorted, "We're all dead."
"Yes, but I still have a lot to unpack."
They nodded, and did not seem disappointed by his refusal, even rather understanding. Loki really wasn't used to this kind of company.
Heimdall put his hand on his arm and then said softly, "Next time, then."
Loki, not understanding why his throat was tight, simply nodded.
A little later, they separated in front of the school gates. Loki on one side and the group on the other.
" Bye Loki!"
"See you tomorrow Captain!"
Loki lived only three blocks from the school and soon arrived home. When he entered he realized how sterile and cold his large apartment seemed.
He had not yet had time to unpack all his things and the boxes were scattered everywhere. The first thing he had unpacked was Croki's terrarium, which took up a whole room.
As he closed the door, he heard Croki's typical little paws coming and rubbing against him as usual. He patted his head and headed for the kitchen. Croki was a Cuvier's Dwarf caiman. Loki had once wanted to get a dog, but in the animal shelter he had immediately felt a connection with the animal, perhaps because he was different, like himself.
Loki opened the refrigerator which was desperately empty except for Croki's fish ration. He put it on a plate and put it on the floor while commenting, "Need alligator food. And human too."
He was going to have to do some shopping tomorrow.
After snacking on a bag of chips, exhausted, he took a quick shower before going to his room.
"Good night Croki."
His room was as functional and depressing as the rest of the place. He went to stand in front of the window. Outside it was all stone buildings. It was very difficult to even see the sky. He sighed, "What a view..."
He pulled the blinds and went to bed. Once his head was on the pillow, he fell asleep very quickly, which prevented him from thinking too much about everything he missed.
A red pickup truck passed the New Asgard sign before parking at the side of the path that leads to the house. Its back end was filled with furniture and moving boxes. A mustachioed man with gray hair got out. He walked toward the cottage on the edge of the cliff and stopped, hands on hips, contemplating the view.
He opened the door, looked for the electric power meter. He turned it on and went to turn on the light in the entrance and then in what seemed to be the living room.
Mobius examined the place, satisfied. There wasn't much. A stereo, some books, an armchair. But the bare and cosy furniture matched perfectly with the austere beauty of the small cottage. He looked out the window at the cliff. He was going to like it here.
It took him a good four hours to unload his pickup truck by himself and install just about everything he had brought. Once finished, he grabbed a cold beer that he had put in the cooler and while drinking it quietly walked around the house before getting in the car to go shopping at the local grocery store that he had spotted on his way in.
Once he had gone around the store, with his groceries in his arms, he went to put them on the counter.
The young owner and his wife were behind.
"Hi, are you new around here?" the owner asked him.
Mobius smiled and replied, "More or less. My name is Mobius."
The owner replied, "My name is Clint and this is my wife, Laura."
Laura smiled and added, "You're going to like it. Especially now that the weather is getting warmer." Then pointing to the groceries, she added, "We'll get you some boxes for all that."
"Oh thanks." replied Mobius.
Laura fetched an empty box from a high shelf. Now that she was no longer hidden by the counter, it was obvious that she was pregnant. Clint rushed to her. "No, honey, let me."
Mobius looked at them, feeling moved and at the same time fully aware of his own loneliness. He paid, took his box and left, but not without promising the young couple to return.
He parked in front of the small road with his groceries in the back of the truck and noticed the mailbox with its flag up. He stopped and opened it. There was an envelope.
For the new tenant.
He took in the groceries, put them away, made himself a sandwich tray and taking the letter, he went to sit on the armchair in front of the bay window. He put his tray on a small table next to it, opened the letter and started to read.
Dear new tenant.
Hello and welcome to your new home and congratulations, blah blah blah. You have made an excellent choice, New Asgard is a wonderful place and this house is a gem, as you may have already noticed.
I'm sure you'll love living here as much as I do.
By the way, I'm the former tenant, Loki.
Mobius looked perplexed but also pleasantly surprised.
The post office forwards my mail normally, but if something should happen here, because the post service is what it is and we are never safe, my new address is below. Thank you.
Mobius turned over the letter.
P.S.: Sorry for the pawprints leading to the front door. They were already there when I moved in, as well as the box in the attic. I think it belongs to the owner.
Mobius stared at the letter in amusement and could not help but check the end of the letter.
He went to the front door. The floor was clean. Inside and out.
"What did he talk about?" he scratched the back of his head before heading for the ladder that led to the attic. He opened the hatch, poked his head through and looked around. It was empty. No box.
Mobius went back down, shrugged, crumpled the letter and threw it away.
He finished his meal and went to bed.
The next day, in his clock store, while repairing an antique watch with an extremely complicated mechanism, he couldn't help thinking about the letter and its more or less strange ending when he was interrupted by the doorbell indicating that someone had entered the store.
He put down his tools, wiped his hands, and headed for the store.
"Hey Mobius! I made lunch, shall we share?"
It was the bubbly and somewhat invasive, Sylvie. The owner of the antique gun store right across from him.
He replied, annoyed, because she had interrupted his work that he loved, "I can't, I have urgent work to finish."
"Oh come on Mobius, there's nothing urgent about an old watch."
"It is to its owner."
She made a disappointed pout, "Well, okay..." she sighed and headed for the door, then turned abruptly. "Is it true you bought a house? Where is it? How is it?"
Mobius rolled his eyes, used to Sylvie's chatter.
"It's an isolated cottage, in a small village called New Asgard."
"You're sick to isolate yourself like that!"
"It's what I want and I already feel at home there. And now, if you don't mind, I'm going to get back to my work, which is not urgent." He walked briskly toward his studio, annoyed by the criticism of his choice, and didn't even hear the door close.
In the late afternoon, after his day's work, he decided to repaint the faded fences that lined the small path. The manual work, like his work on watches, helped him to clear his head.
A few hours later, as the day was getting darker, Mobius was kneeling on the steps and applying a new layer of paint to the weathered planks. He finished, satisfied with the result, and began to put his equipment away.
Behind him, a small dwarf alligator trotted along the path. Mobius didn't notice it at first. The alligator sped up and before Mobius could react, he stepped into the paint and left footprints behind him. "Hey!"
Mobius tried to catch the alligator but it ran back inside the house whose door Mobius had left ajar. Mobius was about to follow him, wondering what an alligator was doing here and if he was dangerous, when he suddenly stopped.
On the ground in front of the house, there was a trail of paw prints.
Mobius rushed to the garbage can and searched with determination through his trash when he finally found what he was looking for: Loki's letter.
He stared at it.
Sorry about the footprints leading to the front door. They were already there when I moved in, as was the box in the attic. I think it belongs to the owner.
He remained for a long moment staring at the crumpled note.
Loki went out to have lunch at a place he had spotted not far from the school.
Finding the weather warm, he opened his coat and continued walking.
When he arrived at the place, he sat down on a bench and started to unwrap his sandwich, a book in his hand. He enjoyed this moment of calm, even if the place was crowded on this beautiful day.
Once finished eating, Loki closed his eyes for a moment, letting the sunlight warm him up. Just aware of the surrounding sounds, the water of the fountain, the splashes and laughter of the children playing there, an old man grumbling about global warming, the pigeons landing not far away, hoping to get some crumbs from those who like Loki had decided to have lunch here.
Suddenly, a horrible noise, a high-pitched squeal and a horn made Loki sit up. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked around.
A few meters away, in front of Loki, a double-decker city bus was trying to stop. It was going pretty fast, although you could tell the driver was trying to brake.
Loki registered it all, the noise, the bus, before noticing the gray-haired man standing directly in the path of the bus. There was nothing to be done, it was inevitable and almost immediate, the man was hit by the bus, and Loki, horrified, saw his distant figure fly ten or fifteen feet into the air before crashing to the sidewalk. The faint sound of the impact reached Loki half a second later, due to the distance.
Loki automatically took out his cell phone and dialed 911. As he walked towards the impact point, he gave all the information to the rescue workers, trying to remain calm.
Once he hung up the phone, he started to run towards the lifeless body.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 (End)
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd and english is not my native language I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless🥰
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all-hallows-evie · 3 years
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Chapter 1: Marooned
Rating: T, for language, Canon Typical Violence/Action. Honestly, this chapter isn't that bad, the T rating is just in case I forgot about something lol
Wordcount: 3,776
Warnings: Canon typical violence and adventure, female OC with name × Tech slowburn, but not too slow lol, NOT BETA'D, because if I have to stare at this first chapter again I'm not going to post it.
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There were bad ideas, really bad ideas and then there was this.
The ship hums under her feet as it trudges through the far corner of the mid rim, chugging along on it’s route without any sign of trouble or disruption from it’s preplanned course.
It should have been a routine pillaging, something she had placed firmly in the ‘great ideas’ list but instead it had turned into a routine mutiny and finished the day as a routine marooning. She sighs as she lays her head back against the seamless panel behind her.
Fucking pirates. 
She has been stranded on the old freighter for at least two moons, but it was hard to say with certainty. The droids that man the ship have no need to eat so more often than not they forget to pass along anything to keep her mounting hunger at bay, adding along to the lack of any kind of panel to the outside world, getting her bearings is proving to be more difficult than usual. 
She hisses a swear to drown out the low growl of her belly and focuses her gaze on the far corner of the room. Another day, another chance to count the diamond shaped tiles above her cell, she swears the number changes every other time she counts. She doesn’t get farther than eighteen when the door of the maintenance room blows open. 
The dust fills the room, hiding everything under its grimy shadow. The grit in the air crackles as it’s pushed against the red of the electron walls that keep her prisoner with the ships cooling coils and a water filtration unit that has calcified and has never been fixed.  
"Well look at that, we found it! Lucky break!"
"Luck had nothing to do with it, if you had studied the schematics of this cruiser like I had asked-"
"Yeah yeah yeah." The first figure, a hulking shadow in the doorway brushes off the smaller one as he stomps into the suddenly too tiny room.
"The memory core should be at the end of the-" the smaller of the two figures stops in front of her cell as the big one charges towards the end of the room without stopping. They launch themselves into the piles of junk thrown haphazardly inside, "That's concerning."
"Concerning? You see someone in a cage and you go with ‘concerning’?" She replies as she pulls herself up to standing. She takes in his armor, modified clone armor from the looks of it painted pale with a bright red stripe down his chest, his eyes slightly magnified by the goggles on his face, the rest hidden by the elongated helmet.
"According to the intel we were provided there weren't supposed to be life forms aboard." He seems irritated to see her.
"Good old Republic intel, still living up to its reputation."
The other clone approaches, he rips open the metal box in his hands and yanks out the core as if the casing was made of thick flimsy and nothing more, "I've got the thing, time to go!"
She watches, dumbstruck for a moment as her ticket out starts to head for the gaping maw that used to be a door, "Wait, you're taking the old database?" The two of them stop and turn, "It's not complete! It's missing pieces of the coordinates!" Firefek she didn't want to sound desperate but she was.
"Likely story-" The big one chuckles.
"I was trying to steal it too, I almost got all of it before my crew turned on me!"
"A mercenary or a pirate? No matter, I trust you even less now."
She had never wanted to punch anyone's face as hard as she wanted to punch his, "Check the core Goggles, I swear to you! It's missing pieces!" He hesitates and in that baited pause she knows she has him, "Please, just let me out and drop me off wherever you dock next. You can have my data chip. No harm, no foul, just get me out."
The one with the goggles glares at her, the yellow tinted transparisteel of his visor snapping downl before he turns to the bigger man. Klaxons ring all around as he scans the core with a handheld device, but it's taking up time they do not have.
The two clones share a look, silently deciding her fate.
The bigger one caves first, "Aww c'mon Tech, we can't leave her! You saw what's on this ship, she'll be a goner on some mining planet!"
"Under normal circumstances I might agree but she's caged for a purpose, and I'm disinclined to put any trust in her."
"How much damage can she do? She’s smaller than you are!" 
Tech, the one in the goggles, sighs before he turns back around to face her, "If we spring you, you play by our rules. You follow our orders, no complaints, no rebuttals and if you put one toe out of line-"
"Out the airlock, understood." She nods furiously, hands pressed against the panel as she watches Tech short out the electron wall holding her hostage, the panel shudders and then it spews sparks on to the ground as the red fades and she's finally able to step through. 
"Lets go shortie!" 
"Wait, let me just grab-" She scrambles to the other side of the wall, trying to pull at something from the top of a shelf. The bigger clone reaches over and tosses the crate to the floor. She throws open the top and snatches out a bantha leather bag and a helmet.
Tech doesn't have to tell her twice, the three of them bolt out of the door and into the corridor, the lights above flash in time with the klaxons. There is a low rumble that joins the hum of the hyperspace engine, as whatever security droids are on board begin to activate.
"Back to the ship, short stuff!" 
The three of them book it down the darkened halls, ducking behind walls and crates as the first cluster of security droids pass through.
She tosses her bag across her shoulder, slinging it against one side of her hip, clipping it into place with snaps sewn into her jacket. They watch three more droids pass them by before she speaks again, "My name's Nox, by the way." 
"Doesn't sound like a girl's name." The big one chuckles, so deep and rumbling it almost feels like a growl.
"Well it's the only name I've got. My parents named me a bit of a mouthful, Nox just works better."
"Clear." Tech calls out and they continue on their way heading to the service hangar where their ship hopefully was waiting for them.
"How'd you end up out here?" The big one asks, with every flash of light above them she can see more of the large scary face painted roughly on his helmet, lines thrown on haphazardly only to be scraped away by carbon scoring.
She is about to answer when she is shoved back into a corner by Tech. He slaps a hand over her mouth before she can yelp, the leather slightly singed, it smells of electricity and grease.
"I'm getting tired of all this sneaking around, I say we blow our way outta here!" The big one growls.
"We’re almost there Wrecker, it would be pointless to try now."
She shoves Tech's Hand away, "Blow your way out of here, are you insane? With the amount of baby on board you'd blow us into the next dimension!"
There are a few beats of silence before both helmets turn towards her.
"Baby?" Wrecker repeats but is shushed by Tech.
"You don't mean baradium-"
"Bisulfate? I absolutely do! There were containers of the stuff in the holding bay."
"This Imperial ship is headed somewhere to mine thorilide?" He repeats, tone stressed over every syllable in the word ‘Imperial’.
"That or some unlucky planet is about to be wiped from existence."
"The location of the Republic thorilide mines have been kept under the utmost security for ages, not even the Jedi Council was ever advised of its location."
"Can’t say I blame them, I barely trust them with those glowy sticks of death." She murmurs, making lightsaber sounds with her mouth as Wrecker snickers.
"Stop that. Do you know where this ship was heading? Do you have a copy of the manifest?"
"What, your amazing Republic recce didn't get you that information shiny?" He glares back at her, brows pinching together behind the dark frames of his goggles, "Maker! Did those cloners take your sense of humor? Yes, I know where this ship is going."
"Bet Cid’s contact would pay more for that bit of info." Wrecker’s grin can be heard even through the plastoid of his helmet.
Tech meanwhile has typed something to a com on his wrist, "Hunter, there's been a complication."
"What kind of complication?"
"There is more on board this ship than just the republic database-"
"What do you mean?"
"This ship is a mining vessel, out to mine thorilide."
Tech’s wrist comm goes silent, just quiet static while the voice on the other line thinks, "Ordinance?"
Both clones look at her, she nods emphatically, "Ordinance, med supplies, if there was coaxium on board I wouldn't be surprised, this place is the motherlode."
"Quite a bit of supplies on board, it would seem."
The comm goes quiet again for a few moments, "We don't have time for this, it's only a matter of time before they realize that your cruiser is stolen. Grab what you went in for and leave."
Tech shakes his head, it's so tiny and quick that if she wasn't looking at him in that moment she would have missed it, "Where is it being kept?" 
"Up, five or so floors unless I've miscounted."
"Tech, Wrecker, Get out of there, now!" The voice on the other end grows more and more irritable as they stand around in silence.
"We'll be out as soon as possible." Tech replies curtly as he cuts the comm. He makes it sound so easy like they were stopping by the nearest market to pick up fruit, instead of about to hijack high quality explosives from Imperial custody, "Lead the way."
"What? Just like that?"
"Are there, or are there not these items on board?"
"You swear?" Wrecker leans in close, hovering over her.
Tech nods, "Vital signs are stable, no signs of heightened stress-"
"What if I'm just a really good liar?"
"You can try all you want my dear, but the data doesn't lie."
"Does he do this to you too? I'm finding it a bit creepy-" She asks Wrecker as her eyebrow raises.
"You get used to it."
"Weird, so weird…" she mutters to herself as she turns and peeks around the corner. She looks around for anything that is familiar, when she sees a maintenance lift at the very end of the hall to the right. She motions them forward, and silently they sneak their way closer to the lift. She turns her attention to her side as she digs in her bag, her fingers grasp at the odd collection of junk in her pockets until her hand finally wraps around the cool metal of her code cylinder and she can finally stop holding her breath.
Tech's hand on her shoulder pulls her back to the task on hand as he drags her back a few steps. The catwalk above them from here to the lift is no more than a shoddy looking set of grates that creak as a group of security droids march along their patrol, oblivious to the three of them below. 
“The maintenance lift?" Tech sniffs as they come to a stop at its doors. He raises hand to push his goggles back into place, "Perhaps you have failed to notice but none of us are maintenance droids, the moment you try to access that panel they will -”
“They’ll what?” She asks as she jams the cylinder into the port, the lift clicks open silently and she steps inside. 
“The alarms-”
“What alarms? According to this," she snaps her code cylinder from the panel and drops it back into her bag, lost again to the chaos of the random junk held within, "I'm a maintenance droid doing routine inspections. How stupid do you think I am?”
"Hey hey, this one's pretty smart huh Tech?!" Wrecker is thrilled.
"Pirate." She reminds, "You don't see many my age that aren't intelligent and I'll give you one guess as to why."
The doors silently click open and before they can step out a team of at least half a dozen well armed sentry droids roll past. 
They all leap from the inside of the lift and fall into a crouch behind a stack of supply crates. They wait for a few moments before Tech quickly peeks over, "They don't seem to have spotted us."
"Fuck, there weren't this many when we tried this the first time." She swears a few more times under her breath.
"We should do this my way." Wrecker offers.
"What's that mean, what does he mean?!" Nox looks nervously over to Tech, "He doesn't mean-?"
"Explosives and violence? He absolutely does," Tech sighs, “ and I'm afraid we are running low on options and even lower on time. Wrecker, what does your ordinance look like?"
“But you said I couldn't bring any?”
“Yes, and when was the last time you actually listened?”
Wrecker, the fun if not absolutely homicidal one, pulls out a couple of detonators, a roll of plastic tape, a half dozen hand grenades and three droid poppers.
“Great, nice to know you could have turned us into a small sun if I hadn't told you about the baby on board.”
"Everything save for the poppers is far too dangerous to use around those crates." Tech hisses, "Any more of those brilliant pirate ideas floating around in your head?"
She chews on her lip for a moment, wracking her brain for anything else that might be useful as she ignores Tech's sarcastic tone. Apart from the crates on this floor littered with treasure, there didn't seem to be anything of any use...except for the busted water filter. “How big of a distraction do you think it would take to get all those sentries away from the haul?”
“It would need to be something quite large or destructive enough to threaten the integrity of the ship.”
“The water filtration system on board is completely calcified, I don't think it was ever fixed since there are only droids on board. If you could flood that with enough pressure the entire pipe should burst-”
“And flood the entire floor, along with the engine room, that might just do it.” He’s on his data pad before the words are even out of his mouth, he scans the room all around and matches it with the wireframe schematics on his screen. He stalks his way backwards until he finds the panel he is looking for. He pops it open easily and then begins to slice into the mainframe of the ship, “On my count, take Wrecker to wherever the baby is, let him handle it. You get your hands on as much of the medical supplies as you can, the security onboard is a little tighter than I would have preferred so I will have to stay here and continue to flood the filter.”
“Oh, easy.”
“Think you can handle all that tiny?” Wrecker’s thundering chuckle threatens to give away their location even with the steady moan of the alarms overhead.
She grins, Wrecker is back to being the fun one, “Try and keep up.”
There is a sound of roaring water all around them as tech funnels every liquid on the ship into the filter, then a sound like an explosion a couple of feet below them rocks the ship like a lightning strike. 
The sound of the alarm overhead changes as every droid on the floor turns away and heads to a lowering platform, all instructed to assist with the burst pipe.
“That’s our cue!” 
She shoves Wrecker forward playfully before they both break into a sprint toward the storage rooms where their bounty is being held. She points to one of the rooms as they approach, "This one's your big boy!"
The door is sealed shut, but not for long. Wrecker doesn't slow, instead he hunches low, bringing his shoulders down and tucking his chin into the collar of his armor before he barrels straight through, punching a hole through the doors with enough force to make even her teeth rattle.
She dips into the storage room across the hall, thanking the stars that her haul wasn't locked away like his was. She rips open any crate within arms reach, tossing open the tops and letting them scatter around the room wherever they land. She snatches bacta patches and hypos by the handful and packs the crate as full as she can, slamming her entire body weight against it to get it to close. She drags it out into the hall, placing it by the door before she bolts into the room right beside the one Wrecker is standing in. 
Wrecker watches her disappear into the room, the four small crates of explosives tucked carefully under his arms, “Wait, where are you-”
His question is answered as another crate hits the floor beside him. She comes running out of the room, grabbing this second crate by the handle and yanking it along, “Perfect! Not a single explosion! Love that for me!”
Wrecker bends down to offer her a hand but she has already snatched up the first trunk and is flying down the hall with them. She's faster than Wrecker would have believed she would be capable of with the two crates almost her height. She almost trips over herself as she stops and with a swift kick, the second crate lands at Tech's feet, “Come on 20/20, cut her loose, let's go!”
“What’s in that- I specifically ordered you to only carry medical supplies.”
“Yeah well, it sounds like you are used to not being listened to so, ship. Now!”
Wrecker races past, hopping off of the side and down to the level below, the halls are empty as all hands are called to help with the floor that is flooding. 
Nox peeks over the side, she watches as Wrecker sets the small boxes of baby down beside him, "Toss your crate!" He calls up. She nods and yanks the crates handle, flipping it up and off of the edge with a nudge from Tech. 
She helps him in turn, as they gingerly haul the crate full of ordinance over the edge before tossing it below. 
Wrecker sets the crates to one side before turning back to catch Nox, but she's already climbing down. Her fingers dig into spots on the wall where she should not be able to have any grip. She finds her own way down and with a little hop, lands right beside Wrecker as Tech lands beside her. The clang of his boots echoes down the empty hallway. "We'll need to make our way through the flooded floor of the ship in order to get back to the hangar." Tech types away at his data pad again before picking up the side of his crate.
Nox follows close beside the two clones, tossing the crate up onto her back to avoid making any unnecessary scraping sounds as they get closer to the flooded area, the sound of pouring water gets louder and louder with every floor. The next floor they walk through has the water barely deep enough to wash over the toes of their boots, but it rises rapidly after that. By the time they are on the same floor as the hangar, the water has risen up to their knees and Nox has a harder time trying to distract her mind from where all of this stagnant water has been hiding this whole time.
“Holding out ok over there tiny?” Wrecker chuckles. 
She turns to answer, when everything becomes...not alright. Her next step slips out from under her and she goes flying forward, crashing face first into the dark disgusting water, the crate on her back keeping her under the surface as she struggles to pull herself back up to standing. 
A hand at the back of her collar pulls her back up into fresh air, slimy water pours from her mouth and nose as she gags. She doesn't need to clear the water from her eyes to know what the dark figures that are starting to line the hallway are. Tech and Wrecker are on either side of her, blasters raised as the sentry droids file in.   
“I'm hoping you can fight better than you can swim.” Tech calls over as Wrecker leaps over them both and charges straight into one of the sentries.  Tech keeps a few of the others at bay, clipping them with bright bolts from his twin deecees, but it's not enough. She rubs the slime from her face and charges right behind Wrecker, using her entire body to check a droid in her path, she grabs the blaster from its hands as it goes tumbling backwards and into the water. Techs shots ring out around her as he stays behind, watching over the crates behind him. Wrecker tears through any droids that get within reach, sparks flying on to the water before they sizzle and die. She concentrates her fire on any droids Tech misses until the hall is clear.
"There'll be a second platoon on their way, we better get a move on." Tech calls back to them, she tosses the almost empty blaster into the water beside her.
"Are you always just, you know?" She makes growling and ripping sounds at Wrecker.
He laughs, "Not often enough." 
She stifles her laughter behind her hand as she walks back to where Tech is to retrieve the case of medical supplies, for a brief moment the last couple of days are forgotten and even the slime on her skin is the last thing on her mind. For a brief moment she was back with her men, waiting for that score of a lifetime, but when she grabs the handle of the crate and looks back it’s the clone armor that reminds her she is in fact alone. The sudden quiet of sadness doesnt last long as the doors behind them open and a new series of drods begin their march towards them. 
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Tag list: @themarvelbunch @agentwhiskeysdarlin @pascalisthepunkest @ashotofspotchka
20 notes · View notes
alloftheimaginess · 4 years
Little Morgan
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Ooc Spencer Reid.
Wordcount : 2727
After filming her latest movie After, overseas for the last year 26 year old Yn Morgan was seen headed to Virginia
I hold my phone in my hand as I pose for pictures with the fans I ran into at the airport even though I look like a literal pile of shit. I work with what I have which is filters and when they are done taking photos on their phone I pull out my phone and I go to my Snapchat and I use my phone to take selfies with fans and I take like 8 before adding them to my Instagram story, getting all of their instagrams so that I can tag them.
"Arrived home to so much love. I love you all 😘💕" I add to my Instagram story as well.
"Thank you so much Yn" one of them says.
"Of course no problem" I say hugging them again before my phone starts going off.
"It was nice meeting you all, I'll follow you when I get home" I say walking off and picking up my phone.
"Hey dad" I say as soon as I pick up.
"Hey baby did you land?" He asks.
"Yeah, are you here?" I ask looking around as I grab my suitcase.
"Yeah, I'm walking up right now. I had to park pretty far" he says.
"Okay, I'm making my way to the entrance" I say putting my suitcase down and wheeling it behind me and when I see him, I run over to him and he catches he, pulling me into a hug and I hug him back.
"Hi daddy" I say kissing his head.
"Hey baby. How was the flight?" He asks and I smile at him.
"To be honest I don't know. I was so excited to see Hank that I slept the whole time because if I didn't I would have exploded" I say and he laughs.
"How long has it been?" He asks.
"I only seen him when he was in the hospital and then I was filming supernatural and then when that wrapped I had to fly out from Canada to London to start filming After" I say.
"It's going to be so good to see him in person and not just over FaceTime" I say and he grabs my suitcase.
"Well he's waiting so let's go" he says leading the way.
"Are you okay?" He asks as he gets in after putting my suitcases in the trunk and I nod.
"Yeah, it's just a little weird if I'm being honest" I say buckling up.
"I haven't seen Savannah in so long and I don't want to feel like I'm intruding" I say and he quickly shakes his head.
"I understand, it's a new place. But take your time it's no rush to get use to things. And it's only two weeks but if it was longer you wouldn't be intruding. She's waiting to get some girl time in with you" he says smiling at me before he drives off.
"A few of my former colleagues are coming over for dinner tonight. So I'm just letting you know so you have time to shower and get ready" he says.
"Thank you for the warning. I need time to get presentable" I say smiling at him.
"Welcome home" he says opening the door and I walk inside happy to finally be here instead of living out of a hotel for the past year and a half.
"You did such a good job with the house, it looks nothing like how it use to look" I say looking around.
"Hey sweetie" I hear and Savannah walks around the corner.
"Hey" I say and she hugs me and I hug her back.
"I just started dinner, so you have time to get ready" she says and I nod and Hank runs around the corner.
"Ynn" he says running over to me hugging me.
"Hi Bubba" I say picking him up.
"You've gotten some big and cute. How old are you now?" I ask kissing his head.
"I'm three" he says holding up four fingers and I put one down, smiling at him.
"That's so crazy. I remember seeing you in the hospital as a little baby" I say.
"You seen me in the hospital?" He asks and I nod.
"Yeah, I was one of the first people to hold you" I say brushing his hair out his face.
"Hank, let Yn go shower" Savannah says.
"We'll finish this conversation later" I say putting him down and holding out my fist and he fist bumps me before running off into the kitchen.
"Everything is pretty much exactly where it was it's just updated so you should have no problem finding your way" my dad says and I turn to him nodding.
"Okay" I say going up the stairs to shower and get ready.
I walk down the stairs and I hear a lot of talking and laughing and I tug on my dress before walking around the corner "hey Yn come here" my dad says opening his arms and I walk over and he hugs me, wrapping one arm around my shoulder.
"This is my best friend Penelope, Penelope this is my daughter Yn" he says introducing me to the first person I see.
"You didn't tell me your daughter was the Yn Morgan" she says and I smile at her.
"Well I feel like I'm the only one" I say laughing.
"But it's nice to meet you" I say going to shake her hand but she pulls me into a hug.
"You are so beautiful" she says and I hug her back.
"Thank you" I say smiling at her.
"This is Matt and his wife Kristy, Hotch and his wife Renae, Luke, Tara, Rossi, JJ and her husband Will, Emily and Spencer" he says introducing me to everyone and I shake all of their hands.
"It's really good to meet you all" I say smiling at them.
"I'm with Penelope here. You didn't tell us who your daughter actually was" Luke says and I turn to my dad.
"It never came up" he says and Renae laughs.
"Never came up? We've known you for like 17 years" she says.
"Geez it's almost like you're embarrassed of me" I joke and he laughs rolling his eyes.
"How long are you with your dad?" Matt asks.
"Two weeks, I'm off from filming for a while so I decided to visit them" I say and he smiles at me and I smile back and Savannah hands me a glass of wine and I sip on it.
"You're an actress right?" Kristy asks and I nod.
"Yeah I am" I say smiling at her.
"What's that like?" She asks.
"When I was younger it was a really hard time for me, I started out on a show and then my mom made me join another cast at the same time and I was doing two shows at once and I wasn't use to it so I was very moody and always tired and then after that I did a season of a show and I was quickly done with that because it sucked so I moved on to movies to let myself relax" I say taking a sip of my wine.
"And you do both now right?" JJ asks.
"Yeah, recently I started doing tv again" I say.
"You were in the Netflix series. I think it was called a Time" Will says and I nod.
"Yeah, that's what made me want to start tv again and then I did a show called euphoria with one of my best friends who is like a little sister to me and then I did supernatural and went to work on a movie" I say.
"My girlfriend and I watched Euphoria" Tara says.
"What did you think?" I ask.
"You were so good. We talked about how you and Zendaya played the roles you got so good that it seemed so real" she says and I laugh awkwardly because for me it is very real.
"She told me the day she started filming that Savannah and I weren't allowed to watch it" my dad says wrapping his arm around Savannah.
"Her parts in the show weren't as bad as others but yeah as her parents I wouldn't watch it" she says and everyone laughs.
"What else are you in?" Spencer asks.
"Im in a new series called the umbrella academy. It came out earlier this year and I occasionally do a show called 9-1-1" I say.
"So you've been busy?" Renae asked and I nod.
"Extremely, but I like it. It helps me stay active so I don’t have rid to start thinking" I say drinking the last of my wine.
"I'm going to get a refill. Does anyone need anything?" I ask and they all shake their head continuing on the conversation and I go into the kitchen and I go to the wine and I pour me a glass and I take the plastic baggie out my bra and I put a little on my finger and I stick the bag back in my bra and I hear the door open so I brush it off and I look up to see Spencer and he smiles at me and I smile back.
"Hey" I say.
"Hi, can you top me off?" He asks setting his cup on the island and I nod pouring him a glass and I sit on the cabinet refilling mine.
"So Spencer" I say smiling at him.
"Yeah?" He asks, awkwardly smiling back.
"What do you like to do in your free time?" I ask.
"I don't really get free time but I guess I would have to say I like to read" he says.
"Oh yeah I can see that" I say and I grab my purse that’s on the far end of the cabinet, pulling the book out.
"You've probably read this but if you haven't you should give it a read and let me know what you thought about it. I just finished reading it on the flight here" I say handing it to him.
"How am I going to do that?" He asks and I pull a pen out and I open the front of the book, quickly writing my number in the top of the front cover.
"There you go. I don't know how fast you read but it took me three days so I'll be waiting on the call" I say.
"It's actually not going to take me that long" he says opening the front page again and he reads the first and second page in like 30 seconds.
"Oh my god I totally forgot you're like a genius" I say and he laughs.
"I'm not a genius" he says.
"Something only a genius would say" I say laughing and he looks up as I'm drinking my wine.
"Are you sure you want to give this to me?" He asks and I nod.
"I mean it's a bit too late, I was trying to be cute and write my number down" I say and he blushes a little.
"Yeah, you're right" he says quietly and I giggle.
"Hey, nothing to be embarrassed about" I say holding up my wine glass and I nod to him and he holds his up.
"Here's to fast friend outside of our careers and good books" I say and he taps his glass against mine at the same time I go to tap mine against his and I fall forward applying too much pressure and I catch myself but I break both glasses and the wine falls out and I instantly start laughing.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry" I say and he laughs with me and I jump down to grab some paper towels so I can clean up and he helps me and I hear the door open and I look up.
"Everything okay in here?" Savannah asks and I look up quickly over the island.
"Mhm" I say.
"All is good" Spencer says and she raises a brow.
"Whatever you heard nothing is broke" I say and she laughs.
"If you need another glass they are in the cabinet beside the stove" she says and the door closes and I finish cleaning and I sit back on the floor, with my back pressed against the island and Spencer grabs us more glasses and refills them and sits beside me handing me one.
"Thank you" I say and he smiles at me.
"Here's to fast friends outside of our careers, good books and extra wine glasses" he says and I snort laughing.
"Here here" I say gently tapping his glass and we both drink at the same time.
"Anyone ever tell you how easy it is to get along with you?" I ask and he quickly shakes his head laughing.
"Never and you only say that because I've had to stop myself from pulling out all the ramblings and unwanted facts" he says and I laugh.
"Don't let me stop you, I'd love to hear some of your best facts" I say and he smiles at me and I smile back and I start to lean in and the door opens and we both quickly pull away.
"And that's when I walked out of the Emmy's" I say and my dad clears his throat and I stand up.
"What's going on in here?" He asks.
"Well I was coming in here to refill my glass" I say.
"20 minutes ago" he says.
"And Spencer came in and we started talking and I gave him a book and then I went to cheers his glass and I broke both of ours and had to clean it up and then savannah came in and told us where the spare glasses were and then we refilled our glasses" I say and Spencer stands up.
"Leave them alone" Savannah says coming in to check dinner and I laugh at my dads face and Spencer's phone goes and he looks at it and he sighs.
"I have to go" he says and my dad nods.
"I'll walk you out" I say.
"You don't have to" he says.
"I know but I want to" I say.
"Be careful and I'll see you Sunday" my dad says hugging Spencer who hugs him back and then he hugs savannah as I walk into the living room.
"There you are Yn" Penelope says and I smile.
"I'll be right back to talk, I'm going to walk Spencer out" I say and she nods and Spencer comes to say bye to everyone and I walk him out.
"It was nice getting to meet you, you are way cooler than what I've heard" I say laughing and he laughs and it dies down and it gets awkward.
"Okay I'm just going to come out and say it because I've learned my whole life to just be bold but I like you, like really like you and the time I've talked to you has been the most fun I've had in like the past year and I know it might be weird because our age gap and the fact that I'm Derek's daughter and you're probably taken because only an idiot would ever turn you down and now I'm regretting even saying anything about liking you but it's true and I'm sorry if things are weird between us now but I thought we were having a moment in the kitchen earlier but I'm an idiot and I don't actually know if it was what I-" he cuts my endless rambling off with a kiss and I kiss him back before he pulls away.
"I'm sorry I don't know why I did that" he says.
"It's okay, I don't mind" I say smiling at him.
"I wouldn't normally do that but there's just something about you" he says and I push his hair out of his face, my smile growing bigger and I clear my throat.
"I should head back inside before they get suspicious but call me when you finish the book" I say and he squeezes my hand and I smile at him running back inside and when I get into the house I watch him pull off and I shut the door.
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writteninkat · 3 years
iv - carnival tickets
word count: 2,246
warnings: mentions of blood and dead animals
"I'ma break you off, let me be your motivation"
Today was the day you and the rest of class 1A can finally try out their hero costumes. You smiled, looking at yourself in the mirror, giving yourself butterflies as you do so.
Your hero costume was a simple black bodysuit type. Garters attacked to the clothing helped keep your thigh high boots up. The top covered your entire arms, hands and fingers- you designed it this way so your palms wouldn’t be littered with callouses given that you deal with weapons like swords and scythes every time you use your quirk.
The bodysuit is a title neck type that showed off your shoulders. Your costume is finished off with a full face black kitsune mask with glowing blue paint around the eyes, it makes up the whiskers as well as a little nose of a fox.
You keep it up on your head, not wanting to put it on unless you're engaging in combat.
You close your locker, joining the girls who are hyping each other up in what they’re wearing. You all step out of the changing area and you can’t help but feel giddy as you approach your teachers, excited with the activities for today.
Everyone begins freaking out at the site of All Might- which you don’t get at all. He’s blond, has a freakish smile and a built body. So what? “Who’s he?” You whisper at Mina who looks at you as if you’ve grown two heads.
You sigh, “Who’s he? And why is everyone freaking out about him?” You ask again and Mina gives you that same look, but much worse. She’s acting as if you’ve just asked a very stupid question. “That’s All Might.” She answers, tone unusually calm and soft.
“I meat who is he?”
“The number one hero.”
You furrow your brows, gaze scanning the man who’s busy talking in front of the awestruck class. You tilt your head to the side, “That’s your number one pro hero?” You ask, pouting.
“You sound a lot of things- underwhelmed? Disappointed? Dissatisfied?” Bakugou says from behind you, the look in his eyes catching you off guard. You pause for a moment, choosing your words carefully to make sure you’re not offending anyone who’s within earshot.
“You look up to him?” You ask and he raises a brow at you as if you’ve just asked the most obvious question in all time. “He’s been my hero since forever. I look up to him more than anyone in the world. He’s my inspiration and the one of the biggest contributors to my dream go being a hero.” Your eyebrows lift in shock, you’ve never heard nor seen Bakugou respect a person so much. And by the looks of Mina, Kirishima and Denki, they haven’t seen this side of him either.
Your heart breaks as you return your gaze to the number one hero in front of you, smiling sadly. You don't know how or why, but your judgement tells you that the seven-footer man in front of you isn't all that powerful- not anymore at least.
"Here's the breakdown. There will be four teams of two- half of them will be heroes and the other half will be villains. The hero team can win in two ways; you can either capture the villains or retrieve the bomb. The villain team wins if the hero team is unable to do any of the tasks within the time limit." He explains quite clearly and thoroughly.
You feel your heart beat against your chest, you're feeling very giddy. Your excitement causes Bakugou's lips to twitch upwards, carving out a soft smile to which he hides almodt immediately so no one can see him.
All Might pulls out a draw lots box, letting fate decide which teams everyone belong to. You end up being teammates with Aoyama and Mina who you happily greet.
Everyone is asked to stay inside a monitoring room to watch and observe their classmates in battle. When All Might announces Bakugou and Izuku's team being up first, you don't think before walking up to the blond and placing a hand on his shoulder. He turns his head to the side, raising an expecting brow.
"Good luck out there." You smile softly to which he scoffs at. "I don't need luck to win." He punches his palm as he sets of his quirk, "I already know I will."
You roll your eyes, walking towards Izuku to wish him good kuck as well before following the class to the monitor room. Your eyes scan over the wall of monitors, finding it closely similar to the monitor room your house has back in the US.
As you watch Bakugou and Izuku in battle, it's clear to see that there's something going on between them. There seems to be a conflict between them that you can't quite point and as much as you wanted to ask Bakugou about it, you decided to wait until he'd tell you.
Why on earth do you think he'd tell you?
You shake your head and clear your stupid thoughts, stepping away into a corner and sitting down to mentally prepare yourself. As you try to meditate, you don't realise how much time has went by until you're being called by All Might for your turn.
You scan the room but don't spot an angry blond nor an angel look-a-like green haired boy. You pout, hoping to at least see thosep pretty vermilion eyes before the activity.
As you take your steps towards the building, a small smile stretches across your lips when you see Bakugou's familiar back towards you, only for it to smile when you see just how upset he looks like.
"C'mon, Y/n! We're the villains right now we can't be late!!" Mina calls out to you, waving her hand up. You look back at Bakugo one last time, your gazes catching each other before you step inside the building, pulling your mask down to cover your face.
"Hey Mina? Can you let me take charge of our group?" You ask as the three of you make your way towards the room where the fake bomb is. "Alright! We'll be at your command!" She salutes to you a little too enthusiastically to which you chuckle softly at, making sure to smile with your eyes to make sure she sees you're smiling despite the mask covering your face.
After All Might makes sure each teams' statuses are a go, he commences the activity. "Alright. What would you like for us to do, captain?" Mina asks. You stay quiet for a moment, summoning two katanas in each of your hands. You move them around, making sure your wrists are loose and flexible before actually using them.
"You guys can stay still and guard the bomb." You say, adjusting your gloves before turning around to face the only entrance and exit of the room. "I'll have to go and hunt me some heroes."
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"It's been a few minutes since they started and when Y/n suddenly disappeared like that. What do you think the villains are planning?" Tsuyu asks, eyes on the screen as the class continues to search for you in every monitor in the wall, but to no avail.
"I've been seeing a few mice here and there. Do you think that's Koda's doing?" Kirishima asks, to which Denki asks back, "Are the mice you see dead or alive?"
Kirishima furrows his brows at the blond, about to explain how the mice are alive but stops himself when he looks back at the screen and sees the mice he was looking at just a few seconds ago was now dead, body sliced in half. He checks the other monitors as well and his confusion rises even more at the sight of multiple dead mice all over the floors.
"Time is ticking, heroes. You better get to the bomb or if this was a real life situation it'd have blown up by now." All Might says into the mic which puts pressure on the two boys.
The class watches in anticipation as the two steps into a wide and open room, somewhere similar to where Bakugou and Izuku were fighting in a while ago.
"No one's here." Sato states, turning around. "Then, there should only be one room left-"
"Leaving so soon, heroes?" You ask, body leaning on the closed door with one foot pressed on it and your arms crossed across your chest.
Sato and Koda raise their guards, stepping into a fighting stance as theylook at you with such focused eyes. You chuckle, "Your little friends running around the building were pretty hard to find. Not to mention there were quite a handful of them which caused me to reach my speed quirk's limit."
"So it was Y/n who sliced all those rats? But we didn't see her at all. There were no movements in any of the cameras." Sero points out, confusion evident in his face. "Well, she did use her speed quirk. And if what she stated was true, then she'll be no longer to use that quirk of hers, at least during this fight." Iida voices out.
"Two guys against one girl? Isn't that too unfair for her?" Mineta asks, receiving a growl from Bakugou. "If you think her being a girl puts her at a disadvantage you're wrong. If you wanna be a hero, it doesn't matter what your gender is, as long as you're strong."
Despite being in a foul mood, Bakugou still found himself wanting to fight for you. He didn't like the thought of people lookibg down at him, but he found it weird how he preferred it when people not look down at you instead.
"Come on boys. I'll keep this quick and short for you so we can end this activity already." Fingerless boxing gloves appear in each of your hands, they're black but with neon blue accents. You get into a fighting stance, "I really hate sweating."
Sato charges at you, throwing a naive punch at your way to which you dodge easily- scoffing. What was he trying to do, intimidate a little child? As you moved your body to the side, dodging his immature punch, you punch him in the gut, eyes on Koda as you do this.
You hear Sato wheeze before his body falls to the ground. You crack your knuckles, walking towards Koda who begins to panic, using his quirk to call in all sorts of birds and squirrels.
"Koda, this is as scary as being chased by a street gang of kittens." You say, stepping towards him. You step to his side, bringing your hand up to his forehead and flicking it, the contact causing him to tremble before losing consciousness.
Your mother's body guard taught you this- it was a skill he said that most assassins he worked with knows about. He never clearly explained to you how to do it, but as long as your opponent had the slightest bit of fear for you, it will end up working. For Koda's case, he looked like he was about to piss his pants, so it worked out a little too well for you.
"Y/n's team wins this round." All Might announces as the rest of class 1A stands behind him, unsure of what they had just seen.
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As the day comes to an end, you learn from Kirishima and Mina that Bakugou has been feeling off since the fight lately. "We tried to stop him from leaving, but he just wouldn't listen. Izuku went and ran after him too. If you go now you should be able to catch up to the both of them." Urataka explains, setting the stack of books she's carrying on a desk.
You run out of the classroom, jumping down flights of stairs to get to the entrance of the highschool as quickly as possible. By the time your eyes finally caught sight of the two boys, they were already talking with each other.
"I wasn't hiding my quirk from you. It was given to me by someone else, recently."
You raise your brows, quickly hiding yourself from the both of them. You place a finger gently on your lips as you stared at the floor, listening as Izuku explained to Bakugou.
The next thing you know it, Bakugou was now yelling at the green haired boy. He sounded so upset, as if he wanted to cry. It was clear as day that the blond didn't like losing, not to anyone and especially not to Izuku.
You took a peak, eyes widening as you see Katsuki Bakugou looking so vulnerable with tears in the corners of his eyes, his brows knitted from being so upset with himself. He walks away, slouching as he wipes his tears with the back of his hand.
You step out of your hiding spot, Izuku's expression growing nervous when he sees you. "O-oh hey, hey Y/n! I didn't... ummm... did you..." He looks down, scratching the back of his head. "Did you hear something?"
You stare him down for a moment, unsure of what to answer before sighing. "I'm not going to say anything to anyone nor ask you about it. But I will tell you this." Your words causes Izuku to look up at you in anticipation. "The second you master that power of yours, you have to fight me with everything you've got. Alright?"
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Bakugou grumbles to himself, kicking at a rock, watching as it rolls into a canal. He huffs, annoyed. "I'd tell you you look ugly when you're mad, but then I'd be telling you you look ugly everyday." You yell at him from behind, causing him to turn around.
"School isn't over yet." Bakugou furrows his brows as he watches you make your way towards him. "And yet here we are." You point out, smiling as you put your hands behind your back.
He sighs, adjusting his bag on his shoulder. "What do you want?"
You take out two pink carnival tickets from your pocket, shoving it at his face and waving it in front of him. "I've always went to this carnival with my mom back in the US and I'm feeling kind of homesick. I accidentally bought two tickets too so now you gotta go with me."
You begin to pull at him to which he pulls back, a bored expression resting on his adorable face.
"No." He grunts.
You smile at him, "I wasn't giving you a choice."
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charliedawn · 3 years
The Joke's on Us part 4
Warning : possessive behavior.
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A dark shadow floats on top you and gently caresses your face.
" Soon..We'll be reunited, old friend."
Penny gasps, recognizing that shadow from the deep confines of his memories..Maturin had mentioned him when they were still friends.
" Shardik.."
At the mention of his name, the shadow quickly turns towards Penny whose breath stops. Shardik's smile widens and he floats on top of Penny to stare at him straight in the eyes.
" Ah..You must be one of the creatures Maturin created. A shame, I really thought you would be more..impressive ?"
Penny only snarls at him before responding with a threat.
" What were you doing ? I swear that if you touch her..I'll kill you."
The entity, far from being intimidated, only laughs loudly at Penny's menace which seems to amuse him more than anything.
" Really ? And how will you do that without your powers, Penny ? Don't forget that I am as powerful as you were and as old as Maturin. Funny, the old turtle really thought you and Pennywise could stop me when he is gone. Imagine how much he was disappointed when he realized that your hatred towards humanity was blinding you. He never got you those powers to use them against humans, or children..He wanted you to protect them. But, now that the old turtle is dead and you two are too weak to stop me. I'll be able to rule over that planet. I'll suck upon its energy until there is nothing left. I'll even start with you little charming town. Derry, is it ?"
Penny glares up at him, but had to admit that he can't protect you like this. Now that he is only human, he is happy, happier than he's ever been..but..The shadow chuckles evilly in the shell of his ear.
" That planet has been without order for much too long..It passed its life expectancy hundreds of years ago..But don't worry, as soon as I will have ate her, Maturin's powers will be in me and I will make sure to bring an end to humanity.."
Penny growls at the mention of you being eaten by Shardik and tries to jump on him with a roar.
" Don't you dare touch her !"
However, he suddenly wakes up, covered in sweat and sees that you are the one who woke him up. Your eyebrows are tensed in obvious worry and, without any words, Penny wraps his arms around you. He had felt fear before..but not like that..never like that..His heart is racing against his ribcage and he is holding onto you like it is the last time.
" P..Penny ? Are you alright ?"
Your question makes him open his eyes and come back to reality. You are running your hand gently on top of his head, smoothing his hair in the process to calm him down. He finally steps back and looks at Pennywise that had woken up as well. The both of them had felt it..He was coming back. You look at the both of them with a confused expression and finally ask, tired by the secrecy of both men.
" That's it. What's going on ? Why do you look so grave all of a sudden ?!"
Penny doesn't answer, he only stands up and gets out of the room without another word. You turn towards Pennywise, hoping for some kind of explanation. He doesn't peep either and only returns to the sofa that had become his bed for the time being. However, you don't let it go and sit in front of him with a determined look on your face.
" Now, you're going to tell me what's going on."
You didn't mean to make it sound like an order, but you couldn't just let them fend for themselves anymore. Pennywise finally turns towards you and sighs loudly before telling you what this was all about.
" Penny and I always had a very deep connection with Maturin, we could feel his presence and so could he. However, Maturin is not the only entity out there. The world has at least 12 entities guarding it. One of them being Shardik..Shardik is one of the twelve guardians of Beams that hold up The Dark Tower. It is a cyborg bear that stands over forty feet tall and one ugly unkillable bastard with more energy than millions of suns. He was pissed to know that I killed his brother and wanted to come and exterminate this planet on which lives his brother's murderer..But like many, he was scared of us. But now that we lost our powers ? He's coming, and with you being the turtle's successor ? We will all die for sure."
You lean against the back of your chair and sigh loudly. You only are a painting teacher..Of course he would crush you. But, that didn't mean you had to give up.
" Well, aren't you the optimist ?! Why don't you show me how to fight instead of complaining ?!"
He ignores you and only turns his back to you as he pretends to fall asleep again. You stand up and suddenly throws his blanket off. That get a reaction and you can hear a growl from him as he stands up to face you menacingly.
" Why ?! You want to know why ?! Because of this !"
He suddenly takes you by the shoulder and digs his thumb in your wounded flesh. You whine in pain and Pennywise immediately retracts his hand.
" Do you really think that you'll ever be able to vanquish Shardik the bear with a human body ?! He would squish you in an instant! Learn how to heal yourself, then we'll talk about your fighting skills.."
You glare at him: deep inside, you know he is right, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating. You humph at him before leaving the room to join your bedroom, but then, you hear someone crying upstairs. You follow the sound and find Penny, sitting on the floor and leaning against one of the corridor's wall. He looks up at you when he hears you approaching and you crouch by his side with a reassuring smile.
" Hey..We're going to be okay..Alright ?"
You try to comfort him, but he only sobs.
" What if..What if you can't beat him ? What if the only solution is for us to get back into who we were ?"
You sigh, knowing that if there were to be no other solution, you would have to break your promise..You would have to hurt them, one way or another.
" I guess I'll have to change you back. I know that I prefer you to have the choice but..If there are no other solution, I'll have to break my promise. I can't let you die. Not when I know I could have avoided it.."
You sit next to him and you both stay quiet for a moment, lost in your thoughts until Penny looks at you with his eyes full of uncertainty.
" And what if I don't want to get back to what I was ? What if I want to stay human ?"
You can't help but smile and tears start to build up in your eyes..Why couldn't the universe leave them alone ? You are so close to them finally accepting their new forms..
" Then, I'll guess it'll be my job to be sure that you don't have to."
He smiles back and before you know it, you are both holding hands. You don't try to get it out, even though you know that at any moment, Penny could come back to his old ways. You're not scared of him, you aren't even sure if you ever really were ? You don't even notice that Pennywise had climbed up the stairs and is now looking at the both of you from afar with a slight frown. He only turns away and waits when he is safe in is bed to grunt.
" What does she find in him..?"
Unaware that his eyes glow a slight orange in the dark for a second.
The next day, you decide that it's grocery shopping time. However, the two clowns are still sound asleep and you take the opportunity to get out alone. Once in the street, you take a breath of fresh air and start walking towards the shop, wondering what you should buy for the two men. You enter the shop and start looking around. You are lost in your thoughts and don't see another person coming in your direction. You suddenly collide with said person and look up to see a man with blue eyes and a nice smile.
" I'm sorry. I didn't see you there."
He extends his hand towards you and you take it with a grateful smile.
" No. It's me. I should have looked where I was going."
His smile widens as you shake his hand. He introduces himself.
" I'm Dan. I don't really know my way around here. I'm the new teacher from down the block."
You smiles politely and introduce yourself as well.
" I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you. I'm the Art teacher of the neighborhood."
His eyes seem to light up at the mention of you being an Art teacher.
" Really ?! You're the Art teacher ? My cousin never stops talking about you. Tom ?"
You seem to remember last time and wince at the memory. Seems like Tom hadn't said anything about the incident..You try your best to keep your composure and automatically feel that you need to make amends somehow.
" Do you want..Do you want a coffee ?"
He smiles again and nods.
" Sure ! Lead the way."
You take your groceries and pay them before getting out. You end up in a small coffee shop and both take what you want before sitting outside.
" I'm sorry. You must think it's weird that I never came before. I just moved in from the States so..Tom isn't even aware that I'm back yet."
Oh. Well, you still hoped that Tom hadn't talked to anyone about what had happened. You smile and shake you head.
" Not at all. Tom is a very nice boy and I always like to meet the families of my students. It helps to understand them better. Although, it's the first time I actually invite a member for a coffee."
" I should be honored then."
He takes a sip of his coffee before winking playfully at you. You blush and let a small chuckle.
" To tell you the truth..Tom and I have been quite distant since our older brother died. I do sometimes feel guilty for leaving him, but.."
You see that he is concerned and put you hand on his compassionately.
" I'm sorry..It must have hurt."
You had heard about Tom losing a brother, he did have a period when he could only draw dark things. Horrible things. It must have been a shock for everyone in his family. Dan smiles gratefully at you before answering.
" Don't worry. It's been a year now. I'm stronger than this."
You smile sadly at him, but then feel two very familiar shadows looming over you from behind. A hand grabs your shoulder and squeezes it in silent warning.
" Hi Y/N. Who is this ?"
Penny..And Pennywise is certainly not far behind. Dan stands up and stretches his hand towards them with a bright smile.
" Oh ! Sorry ! My name is Dan, I'm the brother of one of Y/N's students. And you are ?"
You are about to answer when Pennywise does it for you. He takes his hand and smiles forcefully.
" Pleasure. My name is Robert, and this is Bob. We're her roommates. Unfortunately, she seems to have forgotten about us this morning. You should have woke us up, Y/N. We would have helped you with the groceries."
He may sound calm, but you know better: the way he pronounces the last word makes you understand that he is pissed. Even Dan seems to understand as he retracts his hand and addresses you one last smile.
" Well..I should go. It was nice to meet you, Y/N."
However, he still writes something on a piece of paper and hands it to you.
"Here is my number, just in case."
He then gives one last nod in acknowledgement to the two men before turning and walking away. You have cold sweat running down your back as you can feel the murderous glares of the two clowns behind you.
" Let's go. Shall we ?"
Penny finally ask, more like commands as he grabs you harshly by the arm and drags you towards the house. You just have the time to get your bags. As soon as you are home, you run towards the kitchen and pretend to be busy with putting the grocery items on the shelves and in the fridge.
" W..What do you want for..?"
You don't have the time to finish your sentence as Pennywise suddenly comes behind you and wraps his arms around you.
" Now, princess..You're going to turn around and face us. We're not angry. We just want to talk."
"..Just want to talk..?"
You repeat with a broken voice, making sure that you heard right. Pennywise only nods slowly and you gulp loudly before turning around with your eyes closed tight.
" Come on, darling..You know that we want to see your eyes..Come on."
You tentatively open one eye, then the other in shock. They are not angry..They are very mad. You see that their eyes have changed colors and their skins are white..the same white than a few weeks ago. Suddenly, Penny takes you by the throat and pins you to the fridge while Pennywise presses his nose again your throat. He then inhales deeply and growls perceptibly.
" Looks like your little stunt hurt us more than we thought..I'm smelling your fear, sweetheart. And it smells delicious..One more minute, and we would have surely taken our true appearances back."
You don't understand. You hadn't hurt them, so why are they taking their clown forms back ?! Why are they angry even ?! You try to breathe, but Penny's mouth is against yours in a second..You open your eyes wide 'Everything makes sense now. They are jealous. Pain..They're in pain. You whimper when he bites your bottom lip. But, you don't open your mouth and he groans.
" You are going to open that mouth, sweet thing..Or I'm not sure you'll have a mouth to close at the end of the day.."
You open your eyes wide and tears are falling down your face. You don't have a choice but to open your mouth. But before he could do much, Pennywise gets a hold of him and throws him away from you.
" What the heck, Penny ?! When I said we were supposed to talk, I didn't mean by putting your tongue in her mouth ! Jeez ! Get a hold of yourself, kid !"
For a moment, shame and guilt seem to take a hold of Penny and he shakily stands back. He seems confused himself..Why did he do that ? Pennywise is taken aback by the clown's kiss..Where the heck did he even learn that from ?! Pennywise then returns to you, curled into a little ball on the floor and his heart tightens..Sh*t. They got carried away..Again. He sighs loudly and takes back his human form. Penny also loses his white skin and his yellow eyes. He wants to approach you but, you cry out.
" Don't touch me !"
Penny freezes and tries to nuzzle your neck as an apology, but you frown and push him back.
" No, Penny ! I'm angry ! You didn't have the right ! I didn't want you to be my first kiss ! I wanted someone who loved me !"
He looks up to Pennywise for help, but the older clown just shrugs. He has no idea of what to do..Truth is, he doesn't even know what all the problem is with "first kiss". He knows that a girl had to remain pure in order to marry when he was still alive..But he thought that rule had been abandoned long ago ? However, you seem very upset and Penny doesn't like it when you cry. He tries to think of a solution, of anything to make you forget what happened..He wants to get out the music box, but in your rage, you grab it and smash it against the wall. To your horror, you realize too late what you've done and Penny roars before pouncing on you, his teeths bare and ready to chomp on you. Pennywise tries to make him get off you, but he is too weak and Penny doesn't have any problem pushing him aside. However, Pennywise falls and knocks his head against a nearby table. You can see blood, and so does Penny. Penny quickly gets back to his human form and shakes Pennywise to wake him up.
" Pennywise ! What's going on ?!"
Pennywise only groans in pain when Penny shakes him again. You instantly come by his side and automatically feel the sweat covering his arms and forehead. You then see a strange mark on his neck and blood starts getting out from his nose, eyes and ears. You quickly unbutton his shirt and gasp in horror.
" Oh my God.."
He was covered by black sports that seemed to spread all over him like a..a disease.
" P..Pennywise. Did you have the..?"
" The black plague ?"
He guesses and you nod. He sighs and finally nods.
" Yes. It was not as bad as my family though.."
You bite your lower lip..By how fast it was spreading, he had a few hours at best. The disease seemed to have survived with him. You are about to call the ambulance when Pennywise stops you.
" Don't..Don't call the hospital. Those bastards won't know what to do..They're not prepared. Plus, they could get infected."
You sigh before remembering that..
" Pennywise..You bit me."
Your voice is shaking as you wonder if you will have it too..? Pennywyse's eyes widen and he curses.
" Sh*t. I have no idea.."
You have trouble breathing and put your hands in your pockets as you pace back and force, wondering what you should do ? You suddenly feel something inside your palm and quickly get it out to look at it. Sam's number..Inviting him could maybe break the deal and make them return to what they were ? Save them ? You shiver at the thought. Yes..But at what price ? You look back at Pennywise, his eyes are closed and his breathing very bad..You don't have a choice. You call him. It doesn't take you long to have him on the other side of the line.
" Hello ?"
" Sam ? Hey ! Could you come over ?"
You emphasize on his name, which make both of the clowns groan loudly in disapproval. However, they know what you're trying to do and don't try to stop you.
" Yeah ! Sure! I'll be right here !"
You force yourself to smile, still wanting to sound excited as to see him. However, the clowns seem to slowly change and growl loudly in the background. You hang off and look at them with a small sad smile.
" You know that it's the only way..Please, don't make this even more complicated than it really is."
Both clowns seem to understand your sacrifice and Pennywise slowly takes your hand with, for the first time in forever, tears in his eyes.
" Thank you, sweetheart."
You only nod and then, ask Penny to move him upstairs, as for Dan not to see him. He reluctantly agrees and helps you move the man upstairs. You then ask Penny to go hide in the basement. You prepare yourself and it doesn't take long for the doorbell to ring. You take a big breath before opening the door and letting Dan in. He looks around and finally smiles at you.
" Hi. So, what did you want to talk about ?"
You bite your lip and start thinking of a good reason for his presence.
" I..I just thought that it's been a long time since I've last had company and I wanted to see you again.."
He smiles and nods before sitting down on the couch. You gulp loudly before sitting beside him and looking at everything but him. He seems to catch on your nervousness and gently runs his hand on your back to soothe you.
" Hey, if you're not ready, I understand. I can wait and.."
" No !"
You hadn't meant to sound so desperate, but Pennywise was dying and you didn't know how to save him but to hurt him the only way you could. You take Dan by the collar and suddenly kiss him on the lips. He seems surprised at first, but reciprocates soon enough. You open your eyes and see that his are closed, he is actually enjoying the kiss. You smile. Maybe it wasn't so bad ? Penny and Pennywise would go down to the sewers and you would get to have a normal life back. However, you should have known that things wouldn't be so simple. Dan starts to be more persistent and slowly slides his hand up your thigh.
" No, Dan, wait.."
But he doesn't wait and only deepens the kiss to shut you up. Suddenly, someone pushes you apart harshly and you see Penny that took back his original form. He glares at Dan and growls menacingly before taking you in his arms and running in the basement. When he stops, you call him, nervous and scared that he would hurt you.
" Penny ?"
You ask, afraid that something had gone wrong..But, Penny only smiles with his multiple rows of very sharp teeths before answering you in his familiar high-pitched singing voice.
" ~I'm back.."
You smile in relief, but Penny suddenly takes you by the throat and you only have the time to look at him with widened eyes.
" Don't look at me like that..We wouldn't want Shardik to come and get you.."
When you fall into complete darkness, you barely hear Penny adding something in the shell of your ear.
" Don't worry. When all of this is over, we'll make sure to remind you who you truly belong to..You've been playing with us for too long, pet. With no humanity to abide by, there will be nothing to hold me back.."
Whereas upstairs, Pennywise enters the room transformed as you and takes Dan by the neck to kiss him harshly. However, when Dan opens his eyes, Pennywise is standing before him with a large grin.
" Surprise, shawty ! Not the person you were expecting, huh ? What ? Never kissed a clown before ? Remember that when the girl says no, it means no."
And then, without a warning, Pennywise sinks his teethes into Dan's shoulder. However, he doesn't scream. Pennywise feels something acid in his mouth and quickly steps back with a sour growl.
" You aren't human.."
Dan only chuckles before sitting on the couch in a nonchalant manner. His skin quickly turning to a pale shade of white and his eyes brighten almost mischievously.
" Man..Didn't think it would take you this long to figure it out.."
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