#and we have the car that shawn stole
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thoughtfulfelony · 3 months ago
ok I'm just gonna elaborate on my opinion that the remake of "Cloudy…with a chance of murder" is The Most Evil And Fucked Up Thing Psych Creators Could Ever Do Because Of The Bike Scene Removal y'all remember the "I've been thinking about getting a car" speech right. But let's take a step back and talk about the bike.
The bike symbolizes Shawn's freedom, independence, and in the "Cloudy…" it is implicitly taken by his own father ( which I'm letting go. for now), and in the end a bunch of people prepared to get it back for Shawn, but who gets there first? Lassiter. And it would be SO easy to play it off by having Lassie say something like "I got you your bike back so you could drive the fuck away from my police station", or "you helped me out before so I feel obligated to repay you, now we're even", but no. Lassie's reaction is genuine embarrassment when people found out he got the bike, because it was purely a nice gesture. A nice gesture for Shawn, whom he "hates". So what I'm saying is. metaphorically. Lassiter gives Shawn back all the independence and freedom, because despite all Shawn's antics, he sees him and accepts him for who he is, with all his bullshit, doesn't fall for his lies and literally embraces the deception and rolls with it for eight more seasons, with occasional Gotta Call Him On His Bullshit To Keep Him In Shape. This scene encapsulates the progress of the dynamic between Lassie and Shawn and it's the foundation for their future relationship, where they know they can trust and rely on each other, despite everything. So again, removing it in the remake was a literal crime against humanity and me specifically because it basically erases part of Lassie's character
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mer-acle · 4 months ago
Okay not to be talking more about alisha but I kinda wanna mention the mortal side of her family for a sec. I will explain more but like. Alisha has a father that had to let her grow up without him as a child bc demigods can be dangerous and he had a menace of a son who would definitely get himself killed by following her. So he gave her to the best orphanage in town and made sure she was well taken care of. He planned to take her back once shawn grow up and left the home (he is a decade-ish older than her) but before he could do that Alisha got lost and the case went cold. He thinks his neglect got his child killed and its his biggest regret ofc. (Would he do this in canon idk. But he is not the best dad either. (Understatement) (I think the whole idea of alisha came to mind bc I saw that man and thought "look a shitty father that actually tries!!")(Alisha is the result of my daddy issues and mommy issues combined and...)) There is gonna be a plotline about him and shawn but like way later. If I get there.
Anyway I saw this scene and. Could not leave it alone.
Alisha's dad, henry: what if gus's dad is guilty
Alisha's brother, shawn: are you out of your mind how could you even say that?
Henry: see thats what I mean right there Shawn. You've already made your decision irrespective of the facts. You have already compromised this case.
Shawn: compromised why? Because I'm not afraid of my emotional attachment? I'll have you know that I have you dad as a tool in my problem solving not a lifeline.
Henry: Its that exact kind of lame ass thinking that I can see why you were never a detective.
Shawn: And I can see why you ended up a divorced detective.
Just. Woah. That was brutal. Go get him shawn. (Btw henry raised shawn to be the perfect detective, he was a detective himself, but when shawn acted out as a teenager to piss him off and stole a car to make out with his girlfriend he delibaretely found him and arrested him, thus ending all of shawn's chances of becoming a detective. Like. *gestures wildly*)
Anyway yeah alisha will get a parent that is trying. She just has to find him first.
Henry and Shawn being like in a different genre almost gives me life. Like gods and monsters? Hell no get me a cigar and a case on my table XD
Shitty dad who actually tries is such a thing we would do lol it's like what I do with Triton RN the guy's a mess but at least he tried
Wait hang on Henry knows Alisha is a demigod? Don't tell me Athena communicated properly for once?
I cannot wait for Shawn to understand it too (maybe a case for him hehe and then he starts looking for her and pieces together the entire hidden world bc he's stubborn like that ahhh sorry writer brain happened lol)
Nice! Get Alisha a good parent! She needs them desperately!
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ruuufus · 9 months ago
Ugh I rarely make posts anymore but something from Pretty Little Liars Summer School just gets me so upset.
Because in season 1 I really liked Noa. I thought she made a lot of dumb decisions, but she always seemed to have good reasons. And even if she didn't I understand their kids and gonna do stupid things anyway. But I feel like I'm being gaslit into liking Noas new girlfriend, Jen. Both on and off of the show.
And I didn't hate Jen to start. I was initially excited that Noa was queer. I dont like that we had to have another bi character discover her sexuality through cheating. But thats an issue with the writers and societies perception of bisexual people as a whole.
But the show is called Pretty Little Liars so I give Noa so much leeway in liking Jen. When Jen first stole money from their job I was like "Noa do better!" But I thought if thats the worst of it, eh not too bad.
But when Noa asks Shawn for $2000 to bail out her mistress the show started to lose me. But even then I was like okay they gotta have some drama for the end. But that also wasnt the end of it!
While Shawn is getting cheated on his mom finds out about the $2000 and rightfully demands it back. (Which Jen should've been making an effort to pay it back anyway, not just when his mom gets mad). And Shawn loves and trusts Noa so much that he gets angry with his mom. So Noa asks Jen to come up with the money. And what does Jen do? She robs Shawns house?????? Not only is that awful, but also incredibly stupid! You couldnt find any other persons house to rob?
And even when Shawns mom tries to tell him that Noa robbed the place, he doesnt believe her. He cant fathom that Noa would ever betray him like that. And yeah it was Jen not Noa, but Noa staays with Jen so as far as I'm concerned her name is cosigned to that robbery
And side note I don't even love Shawn all that much. His steroid arc in the first season was annoying, but he did not deserve this.
Finally Noa realizes this has gone too far and breaks up with Shawn. But she doesn't confess the cheating, manipulation for the bail money, or the robbery. Shawn at least figures the cheating part out (im not sure about the other two things) and goes to confront Noa, but finds Jen.
Jen, who he paid all of her bail. Then she "paid him back" by robbing his fucking house! According to Jen, Shawn yells at her and punches the wall. And for arguments sake we'll believe Shawn did everything Jen claimed (even though Jens a proven liar and manipulator).
No Shawn should not have punched the wall. But could you imagine discovering your partner, who you love. Who you defended time and time again to your friends and family. Who you gave a huge chunk of your savings to to help her mistresses with bail. And then that mistress breaks into your house and violates your home. So he has every right to be fucking pissed. And yeah he shouldn't have punched the wall (if he did), but he is also 16. Everyone keeps saying the girls are just 16, well so is he. Hes 16, and just found out the person he loves lied, cheated, manipulated, and stole from him.
And then Noa finds out right? And she absolutely destroys his car. Which is stupid! You have a criminal record girl. His mom hates your guts! But even then Shawn doesnt call the police. And by the way when confronted about the hole in the wall, the first thing Shawn says is "you're a liar."
But fine okay the show is called Pretty Little Liars, drama is the name of the game. I resign myself to holding out hope Jen will be less prominent or written off next season. Because I actually still don't hate Noa. I think she's being mad dumb, but I don't hate her. I do hate Jen (no hate to the actresses though).
Also the girls are supportive of Noa and Jen, only because they dont know everything! If Faran knew that Noa had stayed with Jen after she robbed Shawns house. After stealing from their job. Faran would be like "what the fuck, this isnt smart or good for you."
But where Im really feel like Im being gaslit is on social media. Because first off this isnt good representation to start. Another bi character who has to cheat to learn shes bi isnt good rep! So lets not act like it. But also The creators are working overtime to demonize Shawn on twitter to make me like Jen. And Im not ride or die for Shawn, but he was a lot better than Jen. Jen didnt have any reedeeming qualities. I was waiting for one. But the only time she is a help to Noa is when she saves her from bloody rose, and when Noa needs to hotwire a car. Which are both crisis situations. And if all shes good for is a crisis, then shes not a good partner!
My hope if we get a season 3 is that these problematic aspects of Noa and Jen are acknowledged and explored more until they break up. Cause I just can't see a way to salvage the Jen character. And no that doesnt mean I want Noa to get back with Shawn. Honestly, I want Noa to stay far away from Shawn and either be single for a while or get a new girl.
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15ktherapy · 5 months ago
Oh also my busia talked about my other brother. Other brother. Only talked about one of em cuz apparently one of his daughter’s birthdays was yesterday and he asked about us??? Crazy. Yeah hi SHAWN. haven’t seen you in like a decade. half brothers. pah!
Anyway we were gonna get dinenr but we couldn’t cuza dads car yada yada. Deciding what to eat…. Instant Ramen…. Ramen I got from the grocery that my sister said sucked…. instany mashed potatoes I bought months ago…. More Annie’s Mac and cheese…………………I could make a sandwich but I’d have to get the bread from my sisters room . And do I really want a sandwich? I stole some eggs. Maybe I could make eggs. But. Naaaaah
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thebisexualdogdad · 3 years ago
Hi can I request a Smut prompt of Noa Olivar from pretty little liars original sin where Noas ex boyfriend Shawn Nobel wants to get back with Noa after breaking up knowing she is dating someone else and when they get to Noas house after school they have really steamy kinky sex
also Noas still has her ankle monitor and her mum is at work
“Could he make you feel as good as i do?”
“You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad.”
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"Come on Noa you know I love you," Shawn says, leaning up against the lockers giving her his best attempt at puppy dog eyes while she packs her bag with textbooks.
"If you really loved me you wouldn't have dumped me when I got into trouble, I really needed you and you abandoned me," she huffs, slamming her locker shut.
"I know I messed up but we can pretend like it never happened," he states.
"Some of us aren't lucky enough to just forget when difficult shit happens," you say walking up to your girlfriend and glaring at the jock, "is he bothering you again Noa?"
"Back off Y/N she was my girl first," Shawn says, pushing your shoulder, "you're just a rebound."
"Seriously Noble, you want to act tough when you know I could kick your ass?" You say getting in his face.
"Y/N, stop he's not worth it," Noa states, tugging on your arm.
"She's right about that," you scoff, stepping back.
"Get lost Shawn," Noa tells him and turns to you, "I need to get home soon or else my ankle monitor will go off."
"Let's go," you say, wrapping your arm around her waist, glaring at Shawn as you walk to your car.
You're still mad about the whole thing when you get back to Noa's apartment.
You may have had a bit of a temper which is what landed you in juvie over the summer when you stole and then destroyed your shitty step dads car, but if anything good came out of it you did meet Noa.
Well, you guys knew of each other from school but you certainly weren't friends and got close when you were assigned laundry duty together.
"He said he had his own reputation to think of," she told you while you folded jumpsuits one afternoon when explaining why they broke up.
"It's his loss Noa, any guy would be lucky to be with you," you replied.
That was the first time you kissed.
"He's lucky I can't get into anymore fights or else they'll send me back to that hellhole," you say dropping your backpack to the floor and plopping down onto the couch.
"I wish he would just leave me alone," Noa sighs, sitting next to you, "he's been texting me for two weeks begging me to take him back."
"Hey, if he keeps bothering you I'll take care of it alright," you tell her, "even if it means going back to juvie for beating the shit out of that douche."
She smiles and leans in to kiss you, "you know you're really fucking hot when you're mad."
"What am I when I'm furious," you ask.
"The sexiest man in the world," she chuckles and climbs into your lap, putting her hands on your neck and kissing you more intensely.
Noa tugs on your bottom lip with her teeth, grinding her center down onto your thigh.
"Let's go to my room, my mom's shift doesn't end until seven," she says, breathing heavily.
You nod and she gets off of you, taking your hand and leading you to her room, your lips only leaving each other's to remove your clothes.
Both of your shirts are gone when you reach her bed, she lays back and you tug her jeans down her legs before getting rid of your own.
"Shit I don't have any condoms with me," you say.
"Second drawer to the left in the bathroom, after my mom found out I was having sex she insisted on keeping some around to be safe," Noa informs you.
You hurry to the bathroom, digging around in the drawer for the condoms and return to her room to find Noa completely naked besides her ankle monitor.
"God you are so beautiful," you say, dropping your boxers and rolling the condom on.
You get on top of her, kissing her neck and she moans when your hand cups her.
"Could he make you feel as good as I do?" You ask, easing a finger inside her and moving it slowly.
"Fuck no, he never even once went down on me," Noa says, "I always had to finish myself off when he left."
"Now that's no way to treat a woman," you say taking the hint and kissing down her body, settling between her legs.
Noa groans when your tongue replaces your finger, moving through her in the pattern you found turns her on the most.
"Fuck," she cries out when you play with her clit, flicking it with your tongue.
After a few minutes she's nice and wet so you get to your knees, raising her hips in the air and slipping your cock inside her.
Noa grasps at her bed sheets so tight her knuckles start to turn white while you start roughly thrusting into her.
You're firmly holding onto her waist, nails digging into her skin sure to leave a mark.
"Just like that, just like that," she moans when you hit the right spot over and over again.
Soon she squeezes her own breasts, looking for additional stimulation which clues you in that she's close to the edge so you reach down and rub quick circles over her clit.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, Y/N!" She shouts when she cums so hard her walls pulsate around your cock.
"Noa," you moan as this makes you cum as well.
You ride out your releases together, bodies moving in time with each other.
You still your hips, taking a moment to catch your breath before pulling out of her and throwing the full condom in the trash can next to her bed.
Rolling over onto the mattress next to her she kisses you sweetly.
"I was serious Y/N, no one could make me feel like you do and I'm not just talking about during sex," she says.
"I love you Noa," you say without thinking, "shit I didn't mean to say that out loud I-"
"No Y/N, I love you too," she smiles and kisses you again but your stomach growls.
"Do you want to order a pizza, I may or may not have stolen some cash from my step dads wallet," You ask, suddenly realizing how hungry you were.
"Absolutely… you want to see if you can make me cum again before it gets here by eating me out?" She teases.
"Baby I bet I can make you cum before you even finish ordering the damn pizza," you say happily accepting the challenge.
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thebumblecee · 2 years ago
Real life is stranger than fiction. Some of the instances in 9-1-1 Lonestar plots with real life examples.
The examples have been fictionalised and sensationalised and made to fit Texas even if they’re from across the world.
Season 2 of Lonestar
02x01 Back In The Saddle - a man steal a tank and goes on a rampage
Real life: the story of Shawn Nelson who stole a tank and went on a rampage in 1995
02x02 - 2100° - Pilot Knob volcano erupts
Real life: The volcano that erupts in this episode, Pilot Knob, is a real (although extinct) volcano located south of Austin, Texas. (IMDb) obviously it’s never erupted but others have and fiction doesn’t that’s to be realistic, it has to be believable. I believed there was a volcano so I’m going to let it pass.
02x03 - Hold The Line - wildfires spread across Texas
Real life: they’re wildfires they happen everywhere. Here is a resource if you’re Texan or really into statistics.
02x04 - Friends With Benefits - a wedding suffers terrible food poisoning
Real life: (there were so many examples)
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02x05 - Difficult Conversations - Grace helps a woman in a domestic abuse situation who ordered ‘pizza’
Real life: this is very common and we’re told to do it if we need help. Here is the domestic abuse helpline for the UK for those that need it and here is an org for the USA.
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02x06 - Everyone and Their Brother - a conspiracy theorist tries to protect his property with land mines.
Real life: I won’t lie I struggled here and read some heart breaking statistics about landmine deaths. I also found a Reddit where men argued they should be allowed to put landlines on their property so it’s out there, I just can’t find a specific source.
02x07 - Displaced - a stowaway fell from a plane into a funeral
Real life: this happens more than you expect. The latest case happened in London where a man fell from a plane and landed in a residential garden. Article here
02x08 - Bad Call - a man with a fake bomb robs a bank and claims he was forced to do it
Real life: this happened in Scotland (again)
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02x09 - Saving Grace - Grace and Judd’s car go over a bridge and into a river below.
Real life: this happens almost every day all over the world.
02x10 - A Little Help from My Friends - teenager gets hands caught inside an ice cream machine
Real life:
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02x11 - Slow Burn - serial arsonist
Real life: they talk about this in the show but John Orr
02x12 - The Big Heat - again arsonist plot and Charles aneurysm
Real life: here is how to spot an aneurysm but I hope you never have too.
02x13 - One Day - A man starts a hostage situation to save his son on life support
Real life:
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02x14 - Dust To Dust - A dust storm envelopes Texas (also known as a Haboob)
Real life: again freak weather is a common thing across the world but here is the USA weather guide to dust storms
Season one here
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Psych Anniversary Celebration
Day Five: Favorite Episode
Anyone who knows me knows that my favorite episode is Season 4, Episode 9 “Shawn Takes A Shot in the Dark”. 
Part of this is because--even though the focus is on Shawn--we’re actually not with Shawn for most of the episode. We’re following Gus & Jules and Henry & Lassie.
It is also a little cathartic to see Shawn finally face some real consequences for his “follow literally every impulse with ZERO regard for protocol” attitude, and the episode does a good job at giving us the tension of having Shawn kidnapped and in danger with us as the audience acknowledging that he’s the main character of the show and isn’t actually in danger. And, y’know, I really just have a thing for my favorite men in physical and/or emotional distress, and we get a little of both in this episode. That scene in the forest where he goes to see how bad it is and winces and bites his jacket? That’s some good shit!!!
But seeing that Gus is actually just as good of a detective in his own right, and that he’s one of few people who knows how Shawn’s brain works, he’s really able to hold his own in this episode. Gus doesn’t draw the eye the way that Shawn does, but Gus really shows his detective chops in this episode and shows that even if he doesn’t know everything (like the kind of car Garth drives being “good”), he can hold his ground. Also, it’s so good to see Gus freaking out over Shawn.
And Juliet. Juliet, my beautiful girl. Juliet who is dealing with her feelings for Shawn, Juliet who is worried because it’s personal, Juliet who feels so much and doesn’t hide it well. Juliet also really gets a voice in this episode, because she’s able to take the lead with Gus, and one of the best scenes is when Gus tries to argue with her about her driving his car. She has to hold so much in, and she’s able to keep working.
Lassiter in this episode is so good. It’s one of the few episodes where we see how much he actually cares about Shawn. It’s one of the few episodes where he refers to Shawn as “Shawn”. Henry becomes “Spencer”, and Lassiter really shows his respect for Shawn. “Nice shooting, Detective.” 
And Henry. Henry, who is so hard on Shawn, who pushes Shawn, who has a lot of not great moments, gets to just...be a concerned father. Henry is a good detective in his own right, and we really see a lot of how Shawn becomes Shawn in this episode by watching Henry. And we see that Henry will not stop, either.
Highlights of this Episode:
~*~ The phone call where Shawn tells “Abigail” that he loves her, but it’s Jules on the other end of the line, and she thinks that he’s that injured and delusional by the end of it.
~*~ Gus spending a lot of time in his PJs with a coat because that’s how he rolls.
~*~ Gus realizing that Shawn’s been stealing his clothes, and then the way that Shawn just “is that my shirt?” at the end before disregarding it, because it’s apparently been so long since he stole the shirt that he doesn’t realize that it was Gus’ to begin with.
~*~ “Did you just call me detective?”
~*~ Shawn mentioning his ADD!
~*~ Listen, this episode just has so many things that I like, and it’s just a well done episode.
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softboywriting · 5 years ago
Love Drunk | Shawn Mendes
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Summary: Shawn gets drunk at Brian’s birthday party and you take him home, but not without him getting a little goofy on you. [drinking] [established relationship] [drunk shenanigans]
Word Count: 1.6k
|Masterlist In Bio|
Dealing with drunk Shawn is always a bit of a headache, but depending on what kind of drunk, it's more or less bearable. Tonight it's tequila drunk. That means forgetful, clingy and emotional. It's Brian's birthday and you're all out at a club in downtown Toronto. Drinks have been flowing all night, partying and rowdiness is at an all time high and you are sober as can be. Why? Because you're pregnant, still very early, only two months, but pregnant nonetheless.
Initially Shawn wasn't going to drink. He said he wanted to have a few beers and just hang out with the guys. Then one friend after another began buying rounds of shots, and Shawn being the fun loving guy he is, took said shots. He did check in with you though, asked if you were alright with him getting fucked up with Brian for the night. Of course you were fine with it. It's his best friend's birthday, a once a year type of thing. No problem. Until the tequila rounds started flowing.
Three hours into the party and you've lost Shawn. It's not hard, the club is packed. It's after midnight and you're feeling tired, wanting to go home and curl up, but you know you can't leave Shawn without notifying him. So you wade out onto the dance floor to find him.
A solid three minutes passe before you find Shawn, Brian and Matt dancing with a group of women. You aren't worried in the least, Shawn is loyal to a fault. He'd die before laying hands on another woman and you know that, no matter how wasted he is.
"Shawn!" You shout, voice lost in the pounding music.
Shawn flips his hair and laughs at something Matt says, clearly not having heard you.
"Shawn, hey!" You grab his shoulder and he turns, cheeks flushed and eyes glazed. "Oh buddy."
"H-hey." Shawn smiles and you raise your eyebrows. It's not just a 'hey I'm happy to see you" smile, but his flirty little smirk-y smile. He's toasted.
"I'm gonna head out okay? Get a ride with one of the guys’ Uber if you want to stay." You lay your hand on his arm and he twists his finger around a bit of hair laying across your shoulder, the other rests on your hip and he steps in, eyes raking over you. It's been ages since he's pulled these sort of moves on you.
"So soon? Can you stay a little longer? I just wanna talk." He steps in even closer and gives you that look. The one where you know he's blitzed out of his mind and trying desperately to flirt.
"I'm very tired. We can talk at home?"
Shawn's eyes go wide. "You wanna take me home? Damn."
"Shawn. You're flirting with me. Are you alright?"
"I'm perfectly fine."
You raise your eyebrows. "Uh huh. What's my nickname?" This is a test, to see what he comes up with. If it’s Honey then he’s completely plastered, if it’s Princess then he’s drunk but mostly cognizant, if it’s Sweetheart then he’s just tipsy.
"Baby?" Shaw furrows his eyebrows and sighs with a shake of his head. "Honey. You're Honey."
You let out a little chuckle. "Oh boy, you're really smashed."
"You're really pretty."
"Yep you're gone." You wrap your arms around him and he snuggles into you. "Sorry guys I'm taking him with me."
Matt and Brian protest briefly but are distracted by their lovely lady friends.
"You smell good." Shawn buries his face in your neck. "Like sunshine."
"Thank you big guy." You try to walk him toward the bar away from the crowd but he doesn't move. "We gotta go, you have to walk Shawn."
"I can't. I'm so dizzy." He grips your back and you struggle to support his weight. "I wanna go home."
"I'm trying to do that." You sigh and pull his head up off your shoulder. "But you're being difficult."
Shawn stares at you, eyes struggling to focus. "I love you."
"I love you too bud."
"I wanna marry you." He pets your cheek haphazardly. "You're so pretty."
You stifle a giggle and grab the hand on your face. "You've already done that, see?" You wiggle your fingers around his hand and he glances at the ring around your finger.
"You're married?!"
"To you!"
Shawn steps back and you reach out to catch him as he stumbles back into a group of people dancing. "Holy shit I'm married." He turns to a guy on his left and he grabs his shoulder. "I'm married! That's my wife! That's my fuckin' wife!"  
You wave awkwardly and pull Shawn away. "Come on, you're way too wasted."
"You're my wife." He coos and leans on you. "I'm so lucky."
"Mmhmm." You guide him to the exit and out to the car.
Shawn slumps down in the passenger side and you close the door. When you get in he's playing with your mirror ornament that is a crystal on a chain.
"Wanna know the best part of being married?" You ask as you make your way toward the apartment.
"Mm?" He grunts, focusing on the crystal in his hands.
"You're gonna be a dad."
Shawn is silent for a full five minutes. It's as if he's processing what you said, like it's the first time he's heard this although it's definitely not. Just as you pull into the parking garage he speaks. "Is...is it my baby?"
"Yes, it's your baby."
"Where is it?"
You park and he is staring at you. "It's still in my tummy."
"But you're not pregnant?"
"I am." You laugh and rub your stomach. "It's still just small, like a tiny grape so I'm not showing yet."
Shawn leans back and you reach over the console to grab his hand.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm so fucking drunk." He closes his eyes and he's got tears running out of the corners of them. "I need to lay down. I have too many feelings."
"Are you gonna be sick?"
Ten minutes later you get Shawn up to the apartment and in bed. He's still clothed but it's a start. He passes out as soon as he hits the mattress and you pull off his shoes and go to get cleaned up for bed.
An hour or two passes and you've showered, cleaned yourself up for bed, made some snacks for Shawn when he wakes up, and folded some laundry. The snacks are just peanut butter and celery and some carrots with cheese cubes. It may seem ridiculous but it's easier to make those and put them in the fridge where Shawn will see them than it is to deal with him rummaging the fridge and inevitably ending up with a carton of ice cream he leaves out or a bag of chips he leaves open somewhere.
You turn and look up from where you're loading the dishwasher. Shawn is leaning on the kitchen island. "You're awake." He only calls you princess when he's sobered up a bit. The nap has done some good.
You cross the kitchen and cup his cheek. "You feeling okay?"
"I was just about to go to bed."
He closes his eyes.
You lean forward and give him a little kiss. "Come on, back to bed."
"You stole a kiss!"
"What?" You laugh, tugging his hand. "I stole it?"
"Give it back."
He stumbles forward and you wrap your arms around him as he backs you into the wall. "Give my kiss back."
"How do I do that?"
"Unkiss me."
You pet his hair back and he looks so distraught. "You're serious? I can't unkiss you."
Shawn groans. "Yeah huh." He purses his lips and you give them a peck. "See?"
"Okay?" You giggle and he smiles. "Happy?"
He nods.
"Will you go to bed now?"
He nods and you lead him to the bedroom. He flops down in bed, letting out a long sigh. "I'm sorry I got so drunk."
"Why?" You sit beside him and pull back the blankets. "It's alright to get a little crazy once in a while."
"But you can't drink. It's not fun taking care of me."
"I don't mind. Like I said, it's not like this is a regular thing."
Shawn crawls up the bed and you cover him with the blankets before you get in. "I love you."
"I know. I love you too."
He traces his finger over your lips and you smile, which makes him smile in return. "How did I get so lucky?"
"I don't know," you giggle, "but I do know you need to go back to sleep. Enough talking."
He strokes your hair and pulls you against him. Now comes the clingy part of his tequila drunk mannerisms, and arguably the best part. He tangles his legs with yours and holds your chest and head flush to his body. You just curl into him and let him get this out of his system.
"We're really having this baby huh?"
You nod and he noses your hair. "We sure are."
"I hope it's a boy....no, a girl. I don't care as long as it's a human."
"A human?" You laugh. "I'm not having an alien baby unless you have a secret I should know about."
"Oh no, I've exposed myself." He chuckles sleepily. "My plans are for nothing now."
"You're such a weirdo."
"Mmm your weirdo." He rubs his hand up and down your spine. "You wouldn't change a thing."
"I sure wouldn't."
Shawn goes quiet after that, seemingly having passed out again. You're exhausted as well. In the morning he will be hung over and he will probably feel guilty and want to spoil you to make up for it, but you won't let him. He already treats you enough, it's his turn to be the one who is spoiled and you'll make sure he is.
Thank you so much for reading. Please reblog and share if you read/enjoyed it. Shout out to delicateshawn for making my header pic! -A
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics.*****
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locke-writes · 4 years ago
1.5k Writing Challenge
Sign Ups Start: Jan 1, 2021 6am PST (Open)
Sign Ups End: Feb 1, 2021 11pm PST
Writings Due: Apr 30, 2021 by midnight (extensions granted if needed)
You must write for a character I’m familiar with. Here is the list of Fandoms that I know! Go ahead and ask if there’s something you have in mind but don’t see on this list
Choose up to 2 prompts from any category (you may choose from the same category or mix and match). Prompts will be considered closed once 3 people have chosen the same one
If you’d like to sign up more than once you must choose a new character each time
There is no minimum/maximum word count but please use a Read More if it gets long
Feel free to post at any time, you do not need to wait for the due date
Tag me and DM me a link when you post so that I can read/reblog your work
If you’d like to sign up and submit your work rather than post it on your blog, you may do so!
Any other questions you may have, let me know!
Prompts Below:
Dialogue Prompts:
“You come here often?” “Well, I work here. So I think I’d have to say ‘yes’.”  ( @myriadimagines x Jake Peralta), ( @fanficsfromtheupsidedown x Steve Harrington)
“Okay, so maybe I didn’t see that coming.” ( @randomfandomimagine x Nick Miller)
“Please say you love me” ( @thereagles x Nick Miller)
“Are you leaving me?” ( @fatelessimagines x Billy Hargrove)
“Just one date. I promise you won’t regret it” ( @fangirlings-things x Arthur Shelby), ( @joyfullymulti x Sirius Black)
“I can walk you home, if you’d like” ( @beautifultypewriter x Wayne) , ( @joyfullymulti x Sirius Black)
“The food is not burnt, it’s lightly toasted” ( @thereagles x Nick Miller)
“How about we never mention this again?” ( @randomfandomimagine x Nick Miller)
“Don’t you think that’s a little extreme”
“It’s not your job to protect me” ( @alittlesugaorspice x Tom Riddle) ( @kaunis-sielu x Steve Rogers)
“I’m sorry, did you just say you...stole these?” ( @cinemasenpai x poly!Bill & Ted)
“I’m flattered you would seek my advice”
“I’m the happiest I’ve ever been and I blame you” ( @lxncelot x Dimitry)
“I’m trying really hard not to blame you for this”
“You could have just told me” ( @johnnyshellby x Matt Murdock), ( @emcon-imagines x Finn) ( @fatelessimagines x Remus Lupin)
“You’re going to be okay”
“How long has it been since you’ve slept?” ( @musicallisto x Anya) , ( @emcon-imagines x Finn)
“I should have listened to everyone, they were right about you” ( @fangirlings-things x Arthur Shelby) ( @fatelessimagines x Billy Hargrove)
“Don’t you dare lecture me about loyalty” ( @myriadimagines x Poe Dameron)
“How’d you get that scar?” ( @fatelessimagines x Remus Lupin)
“I wish you’d let me help you”
Song Prompts:
(I Just) Died In Your Arms - Cutting Crew
Killing Me Softly With His Song - Fugees
Sk8er Boi - Avril Lavigne
Mr Brightside - The Killers
Fast Car - Tracy Chapman
No Children - The Mountain Goats
Like Real People Do - Hozier
Redundant - Green Day
Can I Be Him - James Arthur
Mercy - Shawn Mendes ( @alittlesugaorspice x Tom Riddle)
She Looks So Perfect - 5 Seconds Of Summer
Jessie’s Girl - Rick Springfield
Last Caress - Misfits
Can’t Fight This Feeling - REO Speedwagon
Grow As We Go - Ben Platt
Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want - The Smiths
Would You Be So Kind - dodie ( @musicallisto x Anya)
Everything I Wanted - Billie Eilish
Lost In You - Khai Dreams
Hungover In The City of Dust - Autoheart
New York, Paris - Slowly Slowly
TV Prompts (you pick the episode)
Based on a New Girl episode
Based on a Friends episode
Based on a The Good Place episode
Based on a Brooklyn Nine-Nine episode
Based on a The Twilight Zone episode
Based on a Community episode
Based on a IASIP episode
Based on a HIMYM episode
Based on an IT Crowd episode
Based on a The Office episode
Based on a Parks & Recreation episode
Based on a That 70s Show episode
Based on a Cheers episode
Based on a Schitts Creek episode
Based on a Scrubs episode
Based on a 2 Broke Girls episode
Based on a Frasier episode
Based on a Modern Family episode
Based on a Will & Grace episode
Based on a Boy Meets World episode
Based on a The Mindy Project episode
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rason-rodd · 4 years ago
The Night(wing) Before Christmas
Summary: Damian tries to convince Dick to come to dinner for Christmas. But duty calls and a weird surprise awaits Dick. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
Warning: No pairing. Just a family Christmas-themed OS.
Author’s note: This would certainly be the last Bat-Christmas one shot. I decided not to make it a Dick x Reader (though it was initially the plan) because I wanted to give Dick and Damian the chance to reconnect. Hope you will like it. 
Blüdhaven was never quiet. Blüdhaven was always restless. Lively. Noisy. Blüdhaven was like him. In shades of jet-black and neon-blue. Shining. Glowing. Like a beacon by the ocean.     But tonight, Blüdhaven was not blue. Blüdhaven was red. Blüdhaven was green. Blüdhaven was yellow. Blüdhaven was merry. Blüdhaven was childish. Blüdhaven was a little boy waiting for his gift in a small circus trailer, counting days and eating chocolate. Blüdhaven was getting ready for Christmas.       But Dick Grayson was not.   “You know Father still insists that you come celebrate Christmas with us at the manor this year.” Slumped on the chimney, feet hanging and swinging in the air, Damian Wayne was playing with a birdarang like a bored child waiting for action, demonstrating nonchalance and casualness that could have almost seemed natural and sincere if it hadn’t been for his little green eyes peeping at his brother’s every reactions. “I still have to think about it, Damian.”     Damian clicked his tongue and crossed his arms over his chest to sulk in silence. “Todd said he was coming.” Dick snickered at the boy’s remark – which sounded more like a reproach - finding certain amusement in seeing Damian’s childish disappointment. “So who are you going to spend Christmas with? The poor waitress you used to date?” Those last few words were enough to erase the smile on Dick’s face. “Bea and I are over, Damian. I told you, didn’t I?” Damian shrugged and jumped from his perch to come and kneel by his brother by the edge of the rooftop they were on. “She wasn’t good enough for you, anyway.” And that was a lame attempt at comforting by Damian Wayne, ladies and gents.             “Well, if I listen to you, Damian, no one is ever good enough for me. You said the same thing about Shawn when we broke up.”         “Shawn? Oh right the mediocre artist/ villain you thought you had got pregnant. Almost forgot about her. What a lousy list of conquests you have under your belt, Grayson.” Dick’s jaw clenched to prevent any hurtful commentary to come out of his mouth. There was no point in debating with Damian in that situation. Dick knew well than to take his words seriously. After all, they were just part of a clumsy technique to attract attention, not ill intentioned at all and not to be taken seriously.
Police sirens suddenly screamed in the avenue under their feet, flickering blue and red. A code of alert. A perfect way to escape Damian. “Got to go.” And without any other word, Dick leaped over the edge of the building, grapple gun in hand, ignoring his little brother yelling at him “See you next Thursday at 6.” and his classic “Grayson, you fool.” when he didn’t get an answer.
Dick wasn’t a huge fan of car chases. Though appearing as simple and routine at first sight, he found them to be the most dangerous and scariest of a superhero’s everyday (or night) missions. They needed an extreme vigilance that was hard to fully have: requiring his attention to be sharp and focused on both the criminals and the police as well as the road and especially any citizen who were unfortunate enough to be on the way. But full vigilance didn’t mean no light-hearted commentary.     “Where are you guys going with an organ recovery vehicle? The hospital is the other way. Might wanna update the GPS and reconsider the music. Last Christmas I stole you your heart would be more fitting for organs traffickers”     “Nightwing!” The driver exclaimed as his partner in crime pulled his gun from his holster to shoot him. “Yeah that’s me.  And you might wanna give me that.” Dick said as he quickly seized the gun to throw it through the car window. “Now pull over before Santa hears about what bad boys you two have been this year.”   “Screw you, punk!”   “As you wish.” Dick rolled his eyes, acting dramatically annoyed, and grabbed the wheel, taking the two men by surprise. “What are you doing?” They asked, screaming at him. “Checking the airbags.” He declared as he voluntarily led the speeding car towards a barricaded construction site knowing perfectly that there were no workers in there tonight. ”Hang on.”
The car hit the metal fence, bending it as if it was a mere piece of paper. Then it left the ground and flew right towards a hole of fresh concrete. When it landed, all the bodywork crashed like a can of tomato soup and the windows broke, leaving the two criminals screaming in fear. But their yells were brief, chocked by the airbags that suddenly inflated due to the powerful noisy impact.             “Airbags, check. MOT test, over. You may get down of the vehicle gentlemen.” Nightwing said as he opened the door. But the two men were so stunned and terrified they couldn’t move. “Or you can wait here. That’s fine as well.”
The police car who had been chasing the two men suddenly parked on the site and a couple of officers ran to the accident car, guns in hands. Among them Detective Elise Svobada, Nightwing’s own Jim Gordon except that Jim Gordon had never kissed Batman. A memory that still made Dick want to puke. “Good job, tights.”             “A compliment? Christmas makes you soft, Svoboda.” Dick smirked as he let the woman pushed the driver out of the car. “Don’t get used to it.”   “Detective, the heart must be delivered in less than 15 minutes. We won’t be there on time. Not with this traffic.” Svoboda’s partner declared, panicking and trembling like a Chihuahua.           “Damn it!” Svoboda kicked the tire of the car, angry and wondering what to do now. “Nightwing, do you think you can…” But there was no need to finish the sentence as the vigilante was already far away, swinging from building to building, the box containing the precious organ in his hand. “Thanks, kid… Nelson, call the hospital. Tell them there’s a special delivery.”
There’s nothing more gratifying than knowing you saved a life, except maybe knowing that you saved a life on Christmas. Makes you feel like some heroic caped Santa Claus in a way.           But Dick never chose to become a vigilante for gratification or fame. He never wished for a thank you or some sort of admiration. Dick chose to become a vigilante to help people, to see the smiles on their face, that glimmer of hope shining in their eyes when they thought all hope was gone. Dick chose to become a vigilante to make the world a better place.            
“That girl owes you her life.” The white-bearded doctor said as he shook Dick’s hand with a gratitude that was making the happy tears in his eyes sparkle like stars. “She doesn’t owe me anything.” And no one could doubt his sincerity. “Still what you did was very noble, boy. Thanks to you this young lady will be able to spend Christmas with her loved ones. And I hope you will as well. After all there’s nothing more important than family.”           “We’ll see about that. Merry Christmas, Doctor.” He said as he headed towards the exit. “Merry Christmas, Richard.”
Dick froze and quickly turned around, wondering if he had heard right or if it was his fatigue playing tricks on him. But the old doctor was already gone and nowhere to be seen. Did he know the Batman’s disappearance act, too? “You really need to sleep, Nightwing.” “Indeed you look awful.” The nonchalant voice of Damian Wayne suddenly made Nightwing jump. That little demon could be so stealthy sometimes. “Would not want you to look like a walking dead at dinner. We already have Todd for that.”           “How did you find me?”       “Heard the police radio. No need to be a genius to do so.” He clicked his tongue as he crossed his tiny arms over his small chest. “So you saved the mayor’s daughter. Congratulations. What now?”           “The mayor’s daughter?”   “Yes. The two criminals wanted to use her as a way to corrupt the mayor.” Dick frowned. “What? Did you really think there was some sort of organs trafficking in Blüdhaven? Hello! It’s Blüdhaven not Gotham! You know the place where you’re expected on Thursday.” Dick laughed and tousled his little brother’s hair to annoy him. “Alright, little guy. I’ll be there.”   “Thank you.” Damian sighed deeply.         “Don’t thank me. Thank Santa.” Dick corrected him, still thinking about that weird old doctor. “Don’t try to choke with some cheesy Christmas spirit.” Damian declared as he pointed his fingers at Dick who were chuckling. “Alright.” He complied, gently grabbing Damian by the arm. “Wanna go drink some hot cocoa at my place?”           “Are you sweet-talking me?” Damian glared at his brother, not really knowing how to take the offer. “Maybe.”             “Would there be marshmallows in the cup?” Dick grinned and hugged his brother. “Of course.”    
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Hey! Can you do a thing in which all the voldy shit never happened and everyone lives happily (Peter drifts away from them because ugh I don't like reading about him). Basically Sirius' kids are with Harry and reader is Sirius' wife. Reader is pretty chill and all up for pranks. They have twins together of Harry's age. In second year when Harry, ron, and twins go to Hogwarts by car,James, Sirius, and reader send howlers telling them DAMN YOU DID A GOOD PRANK RIGHT THERE.
dude I don’t like writing about peter so it’s fine lmao (also with no voldemort the sorcerers stone wouldn’t really have been an issue so when I say their first year happened fine that’s what I mean lmao)(also I know that the concept of howlers is that the letter just yells what you write but I like the idea of James and Sirius just butting in and ruining it so there you go)
Being the wife of Sirius Black, the master of chaos, came with lots and lots of headaches. You’d known him since you were in school together, and he never disappointed when it came to pranks. Whether that meant (probable) arson, or just a simple dungbomb in someone’s water glass, something was always up with that man, and you’re not sure why you thought his children would be any different.
Sirius had definitely raised them on mischief, as did James with Harry, so you were quite nervous sending them off to school together. Your twins and Harry would definitely wreak havoc on the school, you just prayed you wouldn’t have to pay for property damage. 
Their first year went by relatively smoothly. Of course, there were the occasional detentions, letters written home about the strange spells that your children had used, probably taught to them by their fathers. As always. The worst thing that had happened that year was that your two little monsters, along with James’ troublemaker, had managed to jinx Hagrid’s (already massive) pumpkins to be ten times their size, which proved to be an issue, as the grounds had then been constantly covered in either giant pumpkins, or their remains, for a month. 
You’d sent them off to the Weasleys’ house, thanking Molly for taking care of your children until the school year began. Harry went along as well, leaving you, Sirius, James, Remus, and Lily alone in your homes, finally able to breathe for a moment. 
It was now almost eleven o’clock on the first of September, and you wondered how your kids were doing, probably already buying out the sweets from the trolley. You hoped that they’d help out some lost first-years, or prove helpful to their professors as they now knew how the school worked. 
The clock struck eleven and you sighed, peering over at Sirius who was lazily flicking his wand around the air where he sat, sending a flurry of snowflakes gliding down from the air and into his hair. You giggled, standing and walking over to his chair, feeling the cold flakes land on your head and tickle the back of your neck. Sirius grinned, watching as a snowflake landed on your nose and laughing when you scrunched your face up in discomfort. He flicked the snowflake off, leaning in to kiss you before a loud crack was heard and your heads both jerked to the side.
There stood Molly and Arthur Weasley, slightly disheveled, and frowning deeply. 
“Molly? Arthur? What’s wrong, what is it?” Your heart began beating in your chest, envisioning a freak accident involving your twins or Harry.
“Our car is gone, and none of your kids made it onto the platform.” Arthur mumbled, eyes wide with worry and alarm.
To say that you’d been worried would have been an understatement. Your children were missing, you had no idea what to do. You hadn’t slept at all that night, and you had written the school a very lengthy letter, begging them for updates if they had any. You know that Lily had done the same, having apparated to their home just after Molly and Arthur had left.
So, when you received an owl with a letter clutched in its beak, the Hogwart’s wax seal brightly stamped on the front, your heart leapt in your chest. There was hope.
You tore the letter open, nearly tearing the parchment inside in your haste. Sirius grabbed your hands, steadying them and taking the letter from you. He began reading out loud.
‘Sirius and Y/N,
Your children are safe. They arrived here last night, not on the train, but by flying car, and though they crashed several times, including into the whomping willow, they seem to have escaped unscathed. I will never understand how they do it. I have decided to reject the idea of expulsion, they did go above and beyond to make sure that they got to school, even if it was slightly destructive. We’ve sent word to the Potters, as well as the Weasleys. I hope you weren’t too worried, 
You felt yourself breathe a sigh of relief, though white hot anger flared in your system only moments after. 
“They stole the car!” You looked up at your husband, mouth falling open as you watched him laugh.
“Sirius! This is not funny, they could have been killed! And��‘Grand Theft Auto: Twelve-Year-Olds’?! Sirius, what are we going to do with them?!”
“It’s fine! They’re okay, the school is okay, they’re not being expelled, everything is fine. It was a pretty good prank, don’t you think?”
Now, each child involved knew that they’d be sent an angry letter from their parents. That was inevitable. But none of them had expected two bright red, smoking howlers to show up the next morning, like ticking time bombs sitting in front of their cereal.
“You go first, Ron.” Harry nudged Ron forward, wishing that he could avoid his own howler altogether.
Ron gulped, slitting the envelope open, though he threw it down on the table when the booming voice of Molly Weasley rang throughout the great hall.
‘Ronald Weasley! 
How dare you steal that car! Your father is facing an inquiry at work, and it’s entirely your fault! If you put another toe out of line, we’ll send you straight home! Oh, and Ginny dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor, your father and I are so proud.’ (I just had that mEmoRIZedGJNSKGN)
Ron was shaking as the envelope tore itself up, leaving only the one other remaining. Harry reached for it, peeling the envelope open and cringing when his mother’s voice began shouting.
‘You three are in big trouble! What in the world were you thinking? Poor Molly and Arthur were left without a car, and we were all worried sick!’
‘If you had done something like that from outside the safety of those walls, I guarantee that we would have-’ Remus’ voice was cut off midway through his sentence.
‘Son!’ Another voice made itself known over the letter, and the children recognized it as James’.
‘Son, I’m so proud of you. That was amazing! You’re on our level of genius now, I can’t believe you got there so young!’ 
‘And I can’t believe you all managed to escape unharmed! This is by far one of the best things I’ve ever seen, you have to fill us in on the details later-’ Sirius’ voice cut in, the sound full of happiness and pride for his children.
“Sirius no!’ Your voice was heard shrieking throughout the great hall before the letter self destructed, smoke and little bits of ashy paper flying everywhere. Harry snorted, shaking his head while envisioning the absolute chaos that must have been the creation of the Howler. 
From the staff table, Mcgonagall smirked, hiding her face behind a napkin as she shook her head, even after they’d graduated James Potter and Sirius Black were still creating mischief.
(This was kinda long and icky and I’m so sorry if it’s bad kjgdafnds I’m not doing great but I hope you still like it :’)   )
Taglist: @knowledgeisthebomb @moonyswolf @astertist @accio–zoe @wutheringweasley @crispyfrenchfriescrisis @set-phasers-to-cuddle @thecurlyhairedwinchester @snazzy-posts @huffle-homie24601 @celestialdiamandis @queen678900 @gryffindor-girl420 @ilostcount-helpme @Dedellis @ellie-emb @nervous-shawn @fcavalerro @dorcasmeadoweslupin @chloe-geoghegan1 @lostnliterature @remusfreakinglupin @marvelouspottering @fcavalerro @xmoonylupinx @swansong321 @xinyourdreamsx @spideymood @marauders-trash-forever @khaleesiclifford @thisismysecrethappyplace @gabiatthedisco @writing-red @stardust.and.glitter @sly-vixen-up2nogood @biatheintrovert @mamarhee @spiderman-n @wonder-worlds @honeymalfoy @dumbass-sandwich @emliy-antognoli @raavkans @maraudersandco @lilaccoveredteapot @potterhead-of-ilvermorny @spencer-is-too-perfect @blackpinkdolan @my-babies-are-ash @whysoseriouspadfoot @i-padfootblack-things @mysticalsandwichseeker @yallgotkik @lilmissmoony @keey-lime-pi @elenawhatonearthisthis @margotblackburn @chrisstabme @itsanarttodie @siriusly-sad @addibug1014-blog @galaxyoffangirls @just4muggles @everything-s-comin-up-aces @sedanleystanley @starryeyedsupernova @mcu-potter-pirate @mublood-blog @svtwit @parkersingfinitywar @onthebroadway @the17resa @thefullbullpen99 @snoploop @johnnycadeissocute @all-thegayships @briisasinamonroll @lady-of-lies @ardentmuse @blueivysuniverse @dark-night-sky99 @ilovetvshowsblog @s0cial-retard @savethehoneeybees @luna-xxxxx @bvmakk @deathofthethrones @humblemei @myfriendsaremypowers @broken-and-alone12 @fandomnerdsarecool @stardust.and.glitter @hopewithadashofglitter @lazydiabetic @killerbumblebee @angeld82300 @alisoncdariel @brungun @marvelismylifffe @iluvmesomemarvelndc @beutiflybybri @stephie-senpai @heartbeats-wildly @em-aesthe @godisreal @vibhati123 @miracleoflove @classypursefarmphysique @cncno @itsshelbygates @majesticavenger @jellyfishwriter @ikbrenda @righttide @marvelousmarauderstrash @hero-ically @itshelaodinsdottirbitch @behindthebook @sewarner @themarauders-headcanons @bloomingonmay @songforhema @rose-aesthete @blueberrytiger01 @i-want-my-name-back @lumonva @unfortunatekiwitrash @smilexcaptainx @oldschool-hoee @kiwi-nonspecificgender @shymagicsworld
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wholesomemendes · 5 years ago
Always Gonna Love You
Badboy Shawn Au
Summary: The town’s known bad boy, Shawn, shows up at your room at midnight, wanting to take you on a date. How could you possibly say no?
Author’s Note: This one’s a little over 1.8k words which is a lot shorter than my other pieces but it just feels right. So enjoy this pure fluff I wrote because I’m obsessed with Shawn in a leather jacket. As always, please let me know what you think, I love hearing your feedback!
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Tap. Tap. Tap. After the 6th tapping noise was sounded on your bedroom window, you placed your laptop off to the side and flung the covers off of you with a huff. You peered out the window to find the source of the repetitive noise, letting out a startled gasp once you saw the shadowy figure on the ground below. Unlocking your window, you pulled it open and leaned your upper body out to look down upon your unexpected visitor. “Shawn!” you whisper-yelled, “What do you think you’re doing here?”
“I wanted to see you,” he told you like it was the simplest thing in the world to be throwing pebbles at your window at midnight, “Now you gonna let me in or what?” You rolled your eyes at his actions, but backed away from the window to allow him access nonetheless. Climbing up the tree, Shawn scaled his way into your two story bedroom and squeezed his body through the small window, a routine he had become quite familiar with. Once he was fully in your room, you took the time to admire him, the white shirt that adorned his chest, the small scar on his cheek from a past fight years prior, the single curl that fell on in his forehead in the most adorable way, and his signature leather jacket that was worn around the edges from years of wear. “Hey.”
“Hey,” you wanted to be mad at him for showing up so late, but you couldn’t help the small smile that tried to show on your lips. Crossing your arms defensively, you stared him straight in his honey eyes trying not to crack your annoyed expression, “What are you doing here, Shawn?”
“You already asked me that honey,” he came closer to you, pushing a stray piece of hair behind your ear and smirking when he noticed the light blush on your cheeks, “And I told you, I wanted to see you. Aren’t I allowed to miss you?”
You averted your eyes to the ground, trying to hide the ever-growing blush on your cheeks, hating the way his words and presence made your body react. “Doesn’t matter you shouldn’t be here. If my father found out about this, he would...” Your thoughts were cut short by Shawn lifting your chin and connecting his lips to yours, soft lips a contrast to the rough persona he put on for the rest of the world to see. You relaxed into the kiss, always intoxicated by his lips on yours, until he pulled away slowly, making you wish for more.
”You worry too much, babe,” he smirked at you, pulling lightly at your bottom lip with his thumb and watching it fall back in place, “Gonna take you out tonight and I don’t want a single worry in that head of yours.”
“Shawn it’s midnight, where would we even go?”
“That’s for me to know and you to find out,” he tapped the tip of your nose, smiling at the eye roll he received in return.
“My father will kill us both if he finds out you sneaked me out,” your father never approved of you dating Shawn, too focused on the bad reputation he had rather than the way he treated you. The two of you had been together for almost a year, but had been forced into meeting in secret outside of school by your father even though you were both 18 years old and fully capable of making your own decisions on who and who not to date. 
“Then he better not find out,” he replied nonchalantly, pushing you towards your closet, “Now go change, it’s getting cold outside.” 
You looked down at your comfy attire, a pair of booty shorts that were hardly seen due to the large sweatshirt of Shawn’s that swallowed your body whole. Face bare of makeup and hair in its natural form, you opted for just pulling on a pair of sweatpants over your shorts, not too concerned with how you looked. Shawn, on the other hand, thought you looked like an absolute angel and loved how you felt comfortable enough around him to not care about your appearance. He was so used to girls trying to get his attention, faces caked in makeup, that it felt like a breath of fresh air every time he saw your beautiful, natural face. And seeing you in his clothes, damn, he was so whipped. “I’m ready,” your words snapped him out of his thoughts, and his heart swelled seeing your smiling face, arms wide open as to show off your outfit. He would never admit it to anyone, but he loved the way you made him so soft. He claimed that he wasn’t into emotions, though you knew that he had a loving heart inside of that bad boy demeanor that was saved just for you and his family. 
“That’s a cute sweatshirt you got there,” he smiled at you cheekily, pulling you closer to him by your top.
You giggled at his antics, hands coming up to play with the curls on the back of his neck, “Thanks, it’s my boyfriends.”
“You think this boyfriend of yours would be ok with me taking you out on an impromptu midnight date?” he teased, large hands finding their way under the sweatshirt to rub soothing circles on your the skin of your waist.
“I don’t know, you’d have to ask him,” you smirked at him, “but I’d be careful, he’s been known to throw a punch or two when someone messes with him or someone he loves.”
Shawn threw his head back in laughter and you basked in the beautiful sound you only got the chance to hear when the two of you were alone and he felt truly free. He regained his composure and stared at you with a teasing smile on his face, “And who said I loved you, missy?”
“I believe you did when you were sitting on my bathroom counter looking like a lost puppy while I cleaned up all of your cuts from that one fight.”
He scoffed, shaking his head in denial, “I did not look like a lost puppy.”
“Yes you did, my badboy turned soft puppy,” you cooed as you took his face in your hands and kissed the tip of his nose, “but it’s ok cause I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love it.”
He blushed, hiding it by surging forward and catching your lips in a quick, but passionate kiss before pulling away and grabbing your hand, “Now stop distracting me, woman, we’ve got a date to go on.”
You giggled as he pulled you out the window, helping you down carefully and leading you to his black jeep he had parked on the street, hidden from view of your home. Once inside, he intertwined his fingers with yours, looking over at you with a small smile and a look in his eyes that could only translate to love. He brought your hand up to his lips, kissing the back gently before releasing it in favor of placing his hand on your thigh, rubbing small circles on the soft fabric of your sweatpants. You rolled down the window and looked out, enjoying the feeling of the breeze as you watched the trees pass. 
Shawn stole small glances at you as he drove, smiling to himself at how carefree you appeared to be. He hated how stressed you got with school and trying to be enough for your father, so he always tried his hardest to get you to relax and focus on yourself. He squeezed your thigh lightly, catching your attention and diverting your gaze from the window into his eyes. “Did you know you’re gorgeous?”
“Shut up,” you mumbled, looking back out the window as Shawn chuckled and focused his eyes back on the road, “You’re not too bad yourself, pretty boy.”
“Yeah?” he asked, taking your hand in his to hold it up to his lips, “’M nothing compared to you, babe.” Shawn began to pepper light kisses to the back of your hand before placing it on the center console, still intertwined with his. A small smile graced your lips and you watched the bright moon follow the two of you to the unknown location. You didn’t bother asking Shawn where you were going, knowing he wouldn’t budge on his secrecy.  
15 minutes later, Shawn turned his jeep into the destination, turning off the engine with a satisfied smile on his face, “We’re here.” Looking around, you noticed the two of you were parked on top of the hill leading down to the beach, with a perfect view of the calm waves crashing into the shore. You couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face and you gave Shawn a quick kiss on the cheek in gratitude before he began to get out of the car.
“Where are you going?”
“You didn’t think we were sitting inside the car, did you?” he asked, raising his eyebrow at you as he opened up the trunk. Reaching inside, he grabbed multiple blankets and placed them on the hood of the jeep before opening your door for you. Shawn helped you to sit up on the hood, hopping up after you and pulling you to sit in between his legs, back against his chest. The two of you arranged the blankets until you were both satisfied and you leaned back into his warmth, loving the comforting feeling of his arms around you. The night was silent apart from the soothing sound of the glistening waves crashing into the smooth sand, and the clear night sky allowed for the perfect view of the moon and stars that were shining down on the two lovers.
Shawn pulled the neck of your (his) hoodie down slightly, placing feather soft kisses onto your warm skin. You bathed in the feeling, tracing the outlines of his tattoos that you knew by heart on his arms as he continued to calm your body. Laying his head on your shoulder, he intertwined his legs with yours and kissed the outer shell of your ear softly. “I love you,” he whispered so only you heard it, like it was a secret only the two of you shared. And in a way it was. You knew it was hard for him to say those words, so when he did, it meant a thousand times more to you and caused your heart to swell. 
“I love you, too,” you breathed out, turning your head to place a loving kiss on his lips, leaning back into his embrace once you pulled away slowly. 
“‘M always gonna love you,” the words were spoken so quietly that you failed to hear them, but nature listened as the town’s bad boy professed his love to the good girl that tamed his heart. 
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wondershawns · 5 years ago
Blurb 9 with Raul please! 😍
A/N: Hi, took me long enough to get this out, the prompt was “Strip.” I’m dead tired so sorry if this sucks.
Word count: 539
           Raul’s frustration was at its highest. You had just come back from a work trip that lasted two weeks and he still hadn’t gotten time alone with you. Shawn and Peter were happy that you were back and the youngest decided to organize a little family barbecue in his garden now that you were home.
           It all started from good intentions, you couldn’t say no, but you had landed in the middle of the night and slept your way through the morning before it was time for you to go. That meant Raul only had a little bit of cuddle time with you, not even a few minutes to talk, and not the hours he had hoped for to keep you in bed.
“Come on, we won’t stay too long, okay? I’ll just say I’m tired soon after we’re done eating,” You promised Raul in the car.
“It’s been two weeks,” He complained, turning onto Peter’s street. “We could have said no, or at least gone late,”
“Keep it in your pants, Mendes,” You teased him, he’d been trying to convince you to stay home since you got up, and it almost worked.
“You’ll stop joking when you won’t be able to walk in the morning.”
“Probably, yeah,” A shiver ran through you at the thought. You knew he meant it.
“Two hours.” Raul said as he got out of the car. That was how long he could stand being around everyone before he’d drag you home.
           He stole glances at you anytime he wasn’t next to you. His arm was almost constantly around you, he had to find a way to keep touching you, and Peter and Shawn exchanged a look. The triplets knew everything about each other, and from the way Raul was acting they both knew planning this had been a bad idea.
           Peter received a glare from Raul when he mentioned he was glad to see you as soon as you were back, and you discreetly elbowed him. He always had an attitude, but this was unfair. You couldn’t wait to be alone with him either but being polite to Peter wasn’t that hard.
“Don’t speed,” You reminded Raul on the way back, seeing the way his knuckles whitened gripped the steering wheel. Knowing he’d be doing that on your hips soon sent a shiver running through your body.
“Finally,” He parked in the driveway and huffed as he unlocked the door to pushed you in first.
“That bad?” You chuckled, knowing how worked up he already was. Raul wasn’t in the mood to play into your little games. You kicked your shoes off and hurried towards the bedroom, him hot on your heels.
           The door slammed close and you half expected him to grab you and push you against it to kiss you like he had done so many times, but none of that happened.
“Strip.” Was his only order.
           He didn’t need to say it twice.
           Your clothes were left in a bundle on a floor in a few seconds, and you found yourself under Raul’s body on the bed an instant later. Any noise that might have left your mouth was muffled by his lips crashing onto yours in a passionate kiss.
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connordavidscamera · 5 years ago
Summer Break | Connor Brashier
College (B)Romance part 4
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A/n: we’re two chapter away from the ending. I hope we’re all enjoying it! Also the majority of this is from me and @elvisp521 throwing angst back and forth at each other for like an hour straight lol
Summary: Finals are over and it’s time to for a much needed break. Of course, this isn’t exactly the break you thought you’d be taking.
Warnings: angst, I’m sorry. But also, no I’m not. Jealous!Connor (for real this time), lowkey possessive!Connor, asshole!connor (since I didn’t give you that in the first one like I said I was going to) Told in both POVs (not really a warning, but you know)
Word count: 3.5k
iMessage from Vance L.: hey… How’ve you been?
iMessage from Vance L.: I’ve been thinking bout u… miss u.
I furrow my brows but look away from her phone when she reaches for it. Who the hell is Vance and why is he texting my girlfriend that he misses her?
She lets out a deep sigh and tosses her phone back on her bed.
“Everything okay?” I ask. “Who was it?”
She nods and folds another one of her shirts before placing it in her suitcase. “Yeah, it’s just a guy I used to hang out with.”
I nod, “Hang out?” I chew the inside of my cheek, why am I even jealous? She’s with me. “As in you used to date?”
She swallows, “Umm… yeah. You could call it that.”
“Oh,” I say. “Cool.”
“I haven’t talked to him since we ended things,” she tells me, taking another shirt off its hanger.
“Hey, you don’t have to explain yourself to me. It was before we happened. I don’t mind.” Except, yeah I kind of do and I can’t seem to figure out why.
Neither of us bring it up again while I continue helping her pack up her room. It looks so empty with nothing on the walls, and I think it’s just now starting to hit me that in only three days we’ll be parting ways for the summer. It’s definitely not what I wanted to do. Hell, I wanted to spend every moment I could with her, but that unfortunately was not an option for us, living in different cities, at least 5 hours away from each other. We hadn’t really talked about what this summer was going to bring for us, but I knew that I wanted to keep seeing her and being there if she needed me.
Was it a little crazy that I had grown so attached to her already? Yeah, probably, but from what I can tell, she’s grown attached too. And maybe that’s why it bugs me that Vance is texting her.
When I pick her up from her dorm the next day, she’s in my shirt that she stole from me a couple weeks ago. It’s white and you can see the bright red of her bathing suit top underneath it. She wants to ruin me, I just know it. Her shorts barely peek out from under the shirt and I can’t stop the smirk that forms on my lips. She catches me though and rolls her eyes. “Eyes up here, bub,” she lifts my chin with her pointer finger and gives me that look.
“You know, the guys won’t miss us if we show up a little later.”
She laughs and it’s music to my ears. “Cheeky. But my roommate is here.”
“Hi, Connor!” she yells from the bathroom where she’s packing up some of her stuff.
“Hey, Lydia!” she comes out of the bathroom and shoots me a soft smile.
“You taking my girl from me.”
“I am. But you’re still more than welcome to come. It’s just a small get together.”
“Yeah,” she rolls her eyes. “I don’t think your boys know the meaning of ‘small get together.’ So, thank you, but I’ll pass. I still have a lot of packing to do.”
“You leaving Sunday too?”
She nods, “Yep.”
“Well let me know if you need any help. I’m a great packer.”
“No, he’s not,” y/n shakes her head, patting my chest. “He’s good at distracting you. So… I’ll be back later. Have fun packing.”
“I will. Be safe guys. Connor,” Lydia points at me, “you bring her back in one piece.”
“I always do.” I take y/n’s hand and lead her away. “You ready for tonight?”
“A night at the beach with my favorite boy? What could be better?”
I press a kiss to her cheek before opening her door for her. “Did I tell you yet that you look beautiful?”
Her cheeks heat, “Thank you.”
I rest my hand on her thigh as we drive down to the beach. She’s in charge of the music, of course, and we vibe to some Khalid, who she’s been really into the past couple weeks. It’s the perfect music for a ride like this, not a care in the world. Just me, my girl, and the shore.  
I’m about to get out o the car when she stopped me, “You put on sunscreen, yes?”
I frown at her, “No. I never do.”
“Um, sir! You need sunscreen. You’re gonna burn, it’s hot outside.”
“So? I’ve been burnt so many times before, I’m fine.”
“Okay, sure, but I’m not gonna be the one coddling you when you’re complaining about your sunburn.”
I pout, “Awe, come on babe. You’re not really gonna make me put in on, are you?”
“You plan on getting lucky?”
“Well, I mean… I wasn’t exactly planning on it. But if it were to happen –”
“Yeah, see it won’t if you don’t put on sunscreen.”
I gape at her. “You’re kidding. Y/n/n, the sun will be down in like two hours.”
“Does it look like I’m kidding?” she raises an eyebrow at me.
“Wow, you play dirty, baby. Give me the sunscreen.” I hold my hand out for the bottle of sunscreen that I know she packed because she obviously knew I didn’t bring any.
She smiles triumphantly. “That’s what I thought.”
I roll my eyes, “I’m only applying it to my face,” I tell her pointedly.
Y/n shakes her head, “No. Apply it to those shoulders too. I need something to hold on to,” she says suggestively. “And I can’t do that if you’re wincing in pain when I touch you even just slightly.”
“You are something else, you know that?”
“If that something else is your girlfriend, then yes. And I quite like being that, so.”
I hum and lean forward to press a kiss to her lips. “Well, I like you being that.”
“Good. Because I don’t think you’re getting rid of me anytime soon.”
I blush at that, “Good, because I don’t want you going anywhere anytime soon.”
“Finally, the life of the party’s here!” Brian screeches when he spots us walking toward the group.
“You’re talking about me, right?” y/n jokes. “Because this boy over here is kind of a dud.”
I fake a gasp. “Says the girl who threatened to withhold sex from me if I didn’t put sunscreen on.”
Shawn laughs at that, “But did you put it on?”
I look down at the sand and the boys all laugh.
“Fucking whipped,” Brian claps my shoulder and brings us closer to the group that is seemingly growing by the second. For it to be just past noon, there’s so many people here already. The music is loud, and almost everyone I see has a red cup in their hand that no doubt has hot beer from the keg that is only slightly covered by an umbrella only a few feet away.
“Let’s get you guys something to drink,” Shawn wraps his arm around y/n, pulling her from my side and I frown.
“Mendes, get your own girl.”
“Fine, get your own drink. But I’m getting y/n something,” he says, taking my girl with him.
I shake my head at him, though he doesn’t see me. Sometimes I swear he and Brian like her more than they like me… Oh, who am I kidding? I know they like her more than they like me.
“So, did you ask her yet?” Brian nudges my shoulder, causing me to look back at him and away from y/n and Shawn who are laughing about god knows what, next to the cooler.
“Ask her what?” I play dumb. I know exactly what I’m supposed to ask her, but I’m scared.
“You know what,” he glares at me.
“No,” I shake my head. “I haven’t had the chance.”
“You mean in the last four days since you’ve been with her practically every second, you haven’t found the time to ask her to come home with you for a weekend and meet your parents?”
“No, Craigen, I haven’t. We’ve been busy.”
“Busy what? Fucking?”
“No, you ass!” I shove his shoulder. “We were packing up her dorm. And I was helping her study for her last exam.”
“You were helping her study?”
“Fuck off! Yes, I was helping her study.”
“Well, all I’m saying is that you’re gonna have to ask her at some point. If you’re as serious about her as you say you are –”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
He holds his hands up in defense, “All I’m saying is that, you may have her right now, and it may seem like it’s serious, but a girl like that is wifey material. And if you don’t take her to meet your parents so that they can fall in love with her, she’s not gonna stay long. Because the longer you keep her away, she’s gonna start thinking that you don’t want her to meet your family.”
“Of course I want her to meet them, Brian. I just – I don’t know what they’re gonna think.”
“Dude, why are you so scared that they won’t like her? Is that really the problem or are you scared of getting too close to her because getting close with someone last time blew up in your face?”
“Hey, we said that we weren’t going to talk about that anymore,” I grumble, crossing my arms over my chest defensively.
“You’re right, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring it up. But… that’s what it is, isn’t it? It has nothing to do with your parents.”
I sigh and look back down at the sand that’s coating my feet already. “Maybe. I don’t know.”
“You know she’s not like that, right?” He asks.
“I know.”
“Then you shouldn’t be scared.”
He was right. I shouldn’t be, but when I look back up and see a guy I don’t know talking to y/n, I’m not so sure. “Brian?”
“Do you know that guy over there with y/n and Shawn?” He’s gotten closer to her, and she doesn’t seem to be stepping away from him.
“Oh, yeah. That’s Vance. I have him in my chem lab. He’s a pretty cool dude.” But I stopped listening when I heard Vance. As in Vance, y/n’s ex-boyfriend. I swear I feel my heart sink as my blood boils.
Vance is the last person I expected to see at this party. He wasn’t ever really the party kind of guy. That’s kinda what drew me to him in the first place. But in all honesty? I couldn’t tell anything else that brought me to him. He was nice, sure, and he was easy on the eyes. But he was full of himself. Everything was about him. That’s why I ended it when I did. I didn’t need that in my life. He played it off like it was no big deal, so of course I treated it like it was no big deal.
I was shocked when he texted me the other day, probably just as shocked as Connor was. I never even texted him back. In fact, the messages are still left unopened. He hasn’t brought them up yet, which I’m grateful for, but he’s also been talking for a while now and I’d like to get back to my boyfriend. I look around to see if I can spot him anywhere close, hoping he could come and save me from this train wreck of a conversation. I find him sitting by himself near the shore. He has a bottle in his hands and I’m wondering if Shawn did end up bringing him a drink after all.
“Hey, Vance,” I interrupt his never-ending story, “It was really nice to see you again, truly. But uh, I have to go find my boyfriend, so…”
“You have a boyfriend?” he asks, and I try not to be offended by how shocked he sounds by that statement.
“Yeah, so I’m gonna go find him. But have fun,” I pat his arm before rushing to where Connor is sitting. I know something is wrong when I sit down, and he doesn’t immediately say anything. He doesn’t even look in my direction, just stares off at the ocean.
“You okay, bub?” I ask after the silence between us becomes almost as deafening as the crashing waves.
“Fine,” he mumbles with a single nod, still not making eye contact with me.
“Are you sure?” I fidget with the hem of my (his) shirt.
“Mhm…” he takes a swig of his beer and then sets it beside him, leaning back casually. “So that was Vance?”
I deflate. That’s what this was. I knew that text bothered him before. “Yeah, that was Vance.”
“Seems nice.”
“He’s alright.”
“Was pretty close to you.” I don’t like that he’s being so short with his sentences.
“Connor,” I sigh.
“Why’s he here?”
I shrug, “Because it’s a free country?”
He scoffs. “That’s not what I mean.”
“No? Then what do you mean?”
“Did you text him?”
It’s my turn to scoff, “What if I did?”
“Did you?” he asks again, finally sparing me a glance, but I don’t like the look on his face.
“No,” I say. “No, I didn’t text him back. And why should it matter if I did. I’m with you.”
My eyes widen at that. “Excuse me?”
“You’re my girlfriend.”
I scratch carelessly at the top of my thigh, a habit I have when I’m upset. “Okay, but you don’t own me.”
“I didn’t say that I did.”
“Well it sounds like that’s what you think.” I shake the sand off my hands, “I can text whoever I want to, Connor. And if I did text Vance when he messaged me, then that’s my decision. But I didn’t, because I have enough respect for you not to do that.”
“Yeah, okay.”
“Yeah okay? Are you seriously upset about this?”
“I just find it really convenient that he just so happens to show up to a party that the frat is holding, just after he texts you to say he misses you.”
“So you did read the message then?”
“Well it was right there in my fucking face. What did you expect me to do?”
“Maybe ask me about it instead of assuming the worst!”
“Why did I have to bring it up? He texted you, not me.”
“What? So I have to tell you about every guy that I have in my phone? High school friends, cousins, and everything. I thought we trusted each other enough to not have to do that. I don’t ask you about the girls you have saved in your phone.”
“I don’t have girls saved in my phone.”
“Bullshit,” I mutter, looking out at the water. “You’re not a fucking saint, Brashier.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You think I don’t know about some of the girls you’ve been with? The guys may be cool with me hanging out, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t let it slip that you’ve had your fair share of girls coming in and out of the house. And I don’t ask you about them because I don’t care. So why do you care that I had one guy before you?”
“It’s not that you had a boyfriend before me, it’s the fact that he’s still texting you!” he raises his voice a little.
“Once! That was the first time he had texted me since we broke up! And I already told you that I didn’t answer him.”
“Then why the fuck is he here, y/n?!” he stands, throwing his hands up in the air.
“I don’t know! Maybe he’s friends with one of the guys here. Or maybe he heard from a friend of a friend, but it wasn’t from me!” I stand too, crossing my arms. I can feel eyes on us, but I elect to ignore them. “You’re blowing this completely out of proportion.”
“Am I? Is it crazy for me to think that he’s here for you?”
“Then why were you talking for almost a god fucking hour?!” he points toward where Vance and I were only minutes ago.
“Because he wouldn’t shut up! I was looking for you to see if you could get me out of the conversation, but you were already over here having your own little pity party for no reason.”
He runs his hand over his face and exhales deeply. “I don’t want to do this here. Let’s go.”
“No,” I shake my head.
“Y/n, people are watching. Please, let’s just go.”
“No, I’m not going anywhere with you. Especially not now. You want to leave, then fine. But I’m not getting in the car with you.”
“You’re being ridiculous.”
“Am I?” I repeat his words from just moments ago. “I’m not getting in the car with you,” I shrug.
He clenches his jaw and rolls his eyes, “Fine. Do whatever the fuck you want. I’m leaving.”
“Fine, then go.”
He stands there, staring at me for a minute, as if he’s trying to size me up, see if I’m serious. But I’m dead serious. If he’s going to act like this then I’d rather stay here and find my own way back to the dorm, but I would not be getting in the same car as him. With yet another scoff, he turns and walks back up the same way we came only an hour earlier.
I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding and turn back to the spot we were just occupying. I will myself not to cry. There’s no reason to. Except, yes there is, because I’m pretty sure Connor and I just broke up. But I’m also so frustrated with him because how could he not trust me.
“Y/n, honey?” Shawn’s voice sounds from beside me, startling me a little. I shut my cloudy eyes and turn to look at him, only to see Brian right next to him.
“Hey,” I breathe out.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” I nod, wrapping my arms tighter around my middle, trying to make myself smaller. The both frown at my answer and that’s when the dam breaks. “No,” I hiccup and Shawn’s arms are quickly wrapping me in a hug.
“Shh… it’s okay. It’s okay. We’ve got you. Let’s get you home.”
I nod against his chest, sniffling. “Okay.”
I wake up to Brian throwing shit around the room and into his suitcase. I furrow my brows at him and the bright sunlight. “Could you be any louder?” I grumble, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
“Yeah, actually, I could.” He says before walking toward the door and slamming it behind him. What the hell is his problem?
I pick up my phone from the nightstand, and open my text messages, going to send y/n a good morning text. But then the events of last night come rushing back to me and I feel like an asshole. Last night got out of control. It wasn’t a big deal, or at least it shouldn’t have been. I sigh and click on her contact anyway.
iMessage to My Girl 😍: Can I come over? I wanna apologize.
Read 9:26 a.m.
I wait a couple minutes for those three little dots to pop up, but they never do. So with a deep sigh, I pull myself out of bed and trudge to the bathroom. I understand that she’s still mad, so I’ll just go over there. I’ll apologize face to face and we’ll be fine. It’ll all be fine.
Or at least… it was supposed to be.
Lydia opens the door when I get there and she does not look at all happy to see me. “Hey,” I say softly, my hands in my pockets.
“What are you doing here?” she crosses her arms over her chest.
“I came to see y/n. And to apologize.” I shrug sheepishly.
“She’s not here.”
“What?” I stand straight, my eyes widening. “What do you mean she’s not here?”
“I mean exactly that. She left early this morning.”
“Connor, I told you to do one thing. And that was to bring her back in one piece. But one, you didn’t bring her back, your friends did. And two, they brought her back with her heart shattered in a million pieces. So, I think it’s best if you go.”
“What? Lydia, hold on. Let me explain.”
“No, you don’t get to explain yourself. She left, she’s not here. Go home.” She slams the door in my face and I can feel my heart shattering. I shuffle quickly to get my phone from my pocket and I call y/n.
She doesn’t answer. So I call again. And again. And again. By the fifth call, it goes straight to voicemail. I’m breathing heavy, worried about her. She wasn’t supposed to leave until tomorrow afternoon. We had made plans to finish packing up her stuff today, go to dinner. But now she’s gone and she didn’t even tell me she was leaving.
I have royally fucked up.
I hope you enjoyed! Like, reblog, and leave feedback!!
Permanent tag: @soyalimoncada-blog @tinycertain​ @magcon7280​ @daisyangei​ @fallinallincurls​ @lovewithanattitude​ @sinceweremutual​ @myyohmyuohmyy​ @perfectly-mendess​ @enchantingbrowneyedgirl​ @baroness-alison​ @lostinmendess​@linanilssonfurberg​ @luvluvxx​ @mariamuses​ @shawnieeboyy​ @divinginfearlessly @mendesficsxbombay @shawnsthighs @zaahidahhh @adelaidestreets @shawnandconnor @shawnsblue @turtoix 
Frat!Con: @honestlyimstilllivinginthe90s @mymanshawn @madison-malfoy@queenmendes 
Connor tag: @gangofhoes @verlaneswiftie13
* bold wouldn’t let me tag
** if you want to be added or removed from any list (permanent, Shawn, Connor,  College(B)Romance, or Not So Brash Brashier’s) just let me know
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londonfoginacup · 4 years ago
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Welcome to Londonfoginacup’s 25 days of Christmas fic recs! The first day of the fic recs is a special day because today is multiple fics all squished into one rec! Here’s a list of advent fics from previous years, so you can choose to read them one chapter a day as originally intended, or you can binge them all at once! Enjoy!
Frankincense-ational     |    Ladylondonderry / @londonfoginacup​
Harry/Louis   |   Zayn/Liam   |   Niall/Shawn   |   31k   |   25 Chapters
Harry Styles works at the Hillsyde Library with his friend Zayn and best mate Niall. It’s December, which means Christmas, which should be the happiest month of the year.
Except Niall just broke up with his boyfriend, Zayn needs to let up on the rules a little, and the library is getting their fire alarm system replaced, which means that for the next few weeks there are going to be firemen patrolling the library ‘looking for fires’ while the system is down.
Harry almost hits one of them with his car right off the bat - and of course he’s the hot one.
Happy Christmas, here’s to many more.
Forget the Silent Nights     |     Ladylondonderry / @londonfoginacup​
Harry/Louis   |   Zayn/Liam   |   Niall/Shawn   |   44k   |   25 Chapters
For years afterward, everyone who lived at 404 E. Redwood referred to that Christmas as The Christmas we stole a baby.
Technically, that wasn’t the strict truth, as Evie had already been five years old by the time she came to stay in their crowded (but loving) home. And technically they didn’t steal her.
Either way, the last Christmas with the seven of them in that broken old house on Redwood all together was probably one of the most memorable holidays each of them had, what with the wedding and the the snowstorm and the raccoons in their attic…
And the baby they stole, of course.
Give A Little Sing To The Singles     |     Ladylondonderry / @londonfoginacup​
Harry/Louis   |   Zayn/Liam   |   31k   |   25 Chapters
Harry Styles is an adult now, with a real adult job (and benefits! Whatever those are!). He spends his days at the copier. Copying things.
That being said, no one told Harry that being an adult came with a confusingly chaotic boss, a copier machine that would be hell-bent on ruining his life, and a coworker so good looking that Harry might just have to quit. After all, Christmas is coming and if their office doesn’t win the decorating contest, Louis has threatened to break several laws and kneecaps in retaliation.
Happy Christmas, here’s to many more.
Hymns for restless stars     |     Turnyourankle / @turnyourankle​
Harry/Louis   |   37k   |   25 Chapters
Every Holiday season Louis has his pupils write down their Christmas wishes for class. He's read almost every wish under the sun, but one girl's wish takes him by surprise. It's for her uncle not to be alone anymore. It's not a wild wish by any means, but Louis had no idea that former teen idol Harry Styles was lonely in the first place.
The Goat Guy of Bethlehem     |     Lululawrence / @lululawrence​
Harry/Louis   |   25k   |    25 Chapters
Every year, Harry and his family attend a church festival called Bethlehem. Harry's freshman year of high school Bethlehem expands, bringing in new vendors, including one that just might change everything for Harry. But first, he has to see if Anne and Robin are willing to part with him for the price of a few goats.
When Half Spent Was the Night     |     Juliusschmidt / @juliusschmidt​
Harry/Louis   |   14k   |   25 Chapters
Hi Harry,
I’ve skimmed your website and am interested in hiring you to be my doula. I’m 7 ½ months pregnant and not keen to do this whole labor and birth thing alone. After looking around, I thought you might be a good fit because you mention enjoying unusual people with unusual birth requests. I can meet up any day this week.
I Just Want You to Stay     |     Sadaveniren / @sadaveniren​
Harry/Louis   |   34k   |   25 Chapters
“Remember the vet job up in Edinburgh I interviewed for right before your rut?” Louis nodded. “She just called me back. I got the job. I start next year.” Harry let out a shriek as he said the word year and he clapped his hands in delight. “Isn’t that great! Full time vet job! New animals to meet! A new environment!” He settled his eyes back on Louis, who was still standing there in front of him with wide eyes. “Isn’t it great, Lou?”
That seemed to jolt Louis out of his thoughts and he nodded immediately, opening his arms up for Harry to dive into. “Holy shit, yes. Congratulations. Come here,” he wrapped his arms around Harry and cuddled him close, pressing his nose into Harry’s neck. “Holy shit,” he whispered.
aka Louis and Harry have been roommates for four years, comfortable in their routine and their relationship. But all of that is about to change.
For more Christmas fic recs: 2019; 2018; 2017
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fallinallincurls · 5 years ago
Heart Searching For Heart
word count: 3.4k
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Shawn's POV
The familiar beep of the Jeep locking behind me sounded through the parking lot as I walked past rows of cars towards the grocery store. Brian had insisted that because I was the last one of the guys to arrive at his place, that made me the person who would run out to the store if we needed anything. And of course, like always, I was sent out to grab two packages of Golden Oreos at Geoff's request.
It took me about twenty minutes to find the store because despite how many times I went over Brian's, I never remembered where anything was around his apartment. But somehow, I was always the unlucky one who had to make food runs for everyone.
Sliding my phone into my back pocket, I walked through the sliding glass doors and noticed the aisles were particularly busy for a Friday afternoon. The store was cool, a complete opposite of the warm spring air outside. Knowing that I was going to get a text from one of the guys to pick something else up, I grabbed a blue basket and started weaving through the aisles.
The goal was to get in and out of the store as fast as possible. I hated shopping which was half the reason the guys always sent me out when we were all hanging out. Nothing about waiting in line for checkout and maneuvering through crowded spaces to pick up items you needed seemed like a good time to me. And once again, here I was.
Spotting the aisle that held the shelves that were neatly packed with endless amounts of different cookies, I turned the corner and looked for the familiar packaging of Oreos. I ran my hand through my curls as my gaze traveled over the colorful items on the shelf in front of me.
My phone dinged with an incoming text message and instinctively, I pulled it out of my pocket to find a text from Mike asking if I could grab a bag of Doritos. Quickly typing back that I would, my eyes returned to the shelf.
Easily finding the cookies, I grabbed two packages, holding them both in one hand. Suddenly while I was browsing over the other variations of Oreos just to make sure I had picked up enough, a soft voice spoke next to me.
"Um, hi." My head turned to my left and my gaze fell on an absolutely gorgeous girl who looked slightly distraught. Her voice was nervous and sweet but the sound of her words was almost like pure music. Her hair flowed over her shoulders and she had beautiful eyes that stole my breath away as a gentle but adorable smile pulled at the corners of her lips. Her cheeks were colored a deep pink with blush and a look of slight embarrassment and happiness crossed her face. She was just wearing jeans and a tshirt but she looked stunning and the longer I looked at her, the more I could feel butterflies flutter in my stomach.
I swear my heart stopped beating for a second and it felt like the whole world stopped spinning. There was always a part of me that believed in love at first but until this very moment, I didn't actually think it would ever happen to me.
"Could you um- get something for me? I can't reach it." She asked shyly, her cheeks burning with an even deeper blush as she met my gaze. A light giggle escaped her lips and I instantly wanted to make her laugh again just so I could hear the beautiful sound again.
"Yeah, of course, hun." I forced the words out of my mouth, trying to think straight and she smiled brightly at my response. "What is it?" As I spoke, she pointed up to the top shelf at a large box of vanilla Teddy Grahams.
"That box Teddy Grahams. I just can't reach them and you're tall so I figured I'd ask." she explained kindly, her eyes dancing with happiness. Suddenly, I was self conscious about everything. From my outfit, which was the usual black jeans, boots and tshirt, to how my hair looked. There was something about this girl that was different and I didn't want to mess anything up.
"Have a thing for vanilla Teddy Grahams eh?" I questioned jokingly, laughing a little and she just shook her head with another giggle. My heart soared with joy and I couldn't help the beaming smile that was blooming on my lips.
"No, my roommate loves them so every time I come shopping I have to make sure I grab them." She replied with a playful roll of her eyes at the mention of her roommate.
Effortlessly, I reached up and took the box from the neatly organized shelf before turning and handing it to her. For a split second, our hands brushed past each other and pure electricity rushed through my veins. I didn't even know this girl's name yet and somehow, I didn't ever want to lose her.
"Thank you so much. You're an actual lifesaver." She gushed, placing the box in her basket before looking up at me with her gorgeous eyes. My heart was racing and nervously, I ran my hand through my curls as my cheeks heated up with blush.
"No problem. Would you mind getting those chocolate chip cookies for me?" I asked teasingly with a laugh, quickly pointing to the blue package of cookies on one of the lower shelves. Without a second of hesitation, she shot me a breathtaking smile before leaning down to grab the cookies for me. Panic clouded my mind before I gently placed my hand on her arm. "No, no. It's okay. I was just kidding." I could practically feel how red my cheeks were with embarrassment but she just laughed adorably.
"Well anytime you need something from the bottom shelf, you know who to call." She joked back, her smile so wide that it reached her eyes which were glistening happily. "Thank you so much again. Can't wait to tell my roommate about the really cute boy who helped me get her Teddy Grahams." She admitted bashfully, her eyes flickering between her basket and my eyes.
"No problem at all, honey." My voice was soft but so much excitement and affection was coursing through my body that it was a surprise my heart didn't stop beating right then and there. With a gentle wave and a radiant smile, she turned on her heel and walked down the aisle to continue with her shopping.
In a complete daze, I slowly walked through the store to pick up the Doritos Mike asked me to get. A million thoughts raced through my mind as I tried to process what just happened. I'm used to people asking me to get things off top shelves because of my height, but something about this girl was driving me crazy. I already wanted to see her again and never before in my life had I felt like this about anyone.
Sighing, I tried to shake the feeling and pushed away the thoughts about the fact that she could most likely be the love of my life and I probably wouldn't ever see her again. The store bustled around me as I grabbed two bags of Doritos and placed them in the basket with the Oreos before scanning the shelves one more time. 
Deciding I had gotten everything I was supposed to, I headed to checkout; my least favorite part about shopping. Almost every register had a tremendously long line because of how busy it was so I randomly picked the one for self checkout and pulled my phone out as I waited.
"Are you following me?" A familiar voice asked with that sweet giggle. My head snapped up from the tweet I was reading on my phone and I almost didn't believe what I saw. There she was. Standing in front of me in line and a happy smile sat on her lips as she teased me. "Must be. Seeing the same cute boy twice in the store never happens to me." She joked, laughing at her words and I couldn't help but chuckle along.
"No, no. I was just trying to checkout but if anything, I think you're following me. You probably changed lines when you saw me coming this way. What are the chances that we run into each other again?" I flirted back and she just shook her head, her eyes sparkling playfully.
"I can promise you that I've been here the whole time and didn't change lines despite how much I was hoping to see you again." She confessed cheerfully, her cheeks becoming rosy again as she carefully forward in line.
"Well lucky for us, huh?" I smiled widely and felt my heart skip a beat. Either the universe was really looking out for me today or this was pure luck, but I was so glad she ended up in front of me in line.
"Definitely. Now I'm really gonna have a story for my roommate." She chuckled, adjusting her basket on her arm while keeping her eyes locked on mine. "What's your name?" The question fell off her lips with pure curiosity.
"Shawn." I stated simply as that warm, tingly feeling touched my heart and her stunning smile appeared on her lips.
"I'm Y/N." She introduced herself with a little laugh and I couldn't help but memorize every little detail about this moment. I was lucky enough to run into her again but another time seemed unlikely.
"That's such a pretty name." I said sheepishly, running my hand through my curls anxiously before Y/N shuffled forward in line.
"Thank you. Your name is also pretty cute." Y/N blushed as she pushed her hair behind her hair and met my eyes again. God, she was insanely beautiful that it was hard to believe. My heart fluttered at the shy smile plastered on her face and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't figure out what about her had me so intrigued and feeling like I was falling in love.
Suddenly, just as I was about to speak again, an employee instructed Y/N to a newly open register. She nodded at them before quickly turning back to me. "Thanks again for helping me get the Teddy Grahams. See you later Shawn," Y/N's voice was gentle and a speck of sadness could be heard under the joy that covered her words. She even said my name perfectly.
"See you later Y/N." I waved as she left the line and shot one last affectionate look at me. My heart soared at what had just happened. Bagging her items, she waved subtly before leaving the store. Walking up to the register after her, I put everything in the bags before paying. I grabbed the receipt and went out to the Jeep to drive back to Brian's. Placing the groceries in the passenger seat, I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot as my mind raced with a million thoughts.
The drive to Brian's seemed longer than the usual ten minutes and when I parked the Jeep on the street, I was still thinking about Y/N. As soon as I opened the door to Brian's apartment, the guys all looked back at me as I placed the shopping bag on the coffee table that they were all gathered around while playing Fifa.
"Bro, did you like meet your soulmate or something?" Geoff questioned with a laugh and even though I shook my head, I knew my eyes gave me away. Whatever I didn't say was always obvious because there was a certain look to my eyes that everyone could recognize. Brian reached for a package of the Oreos and my heart swelled at the thought of what happened at the store not that long ago.
"Shut up," I tried to keep my voice serious but a wide smile tugged at the corners of my lips as blush spread across my cheeks. "This girl just asked me to get her a box of Teddy Grahams because she couldn't reach them and- and I don't know." The words fell off my lips honestly and Brian's eyes widened as I spoke.
"And you fell in love with her, Shawn? Good job." Brian laughed and Mike joined in as he reached for the unopened Doritos bag. Running my hands over my face, I tried to organize my thoughts but the only thing I could feel was the blissful feeling coursing through my veins.
"No, she was just really pretty and I've never met someone so sweet before." I explained softly, my words nothing but affectionate.
"Man, you're in deep and you only saw her at the grocery store." Mike chuckled before crunching on a few chips. The guys all looked at me as I stayed silent and an undeniably happy smile was plastered across my face.
Then the thought hit me. I had to see her again. There was something about Y/N that was tugging at my heart that I simply couldn't let go. And I knew us running into each other twice in the store wasn't just a coincidence. But for now, I laughed along with the guys and played a few intense games of Fifa.
The next day, I drove all the way from my condo to the grocery store that was close to Brian's lace. There wasn't a thing I actually needed from the store but I hoped that if I bought another package of Oreos that Y/N and I would miraculously run into each other again. The store wasn't as busy as it was yesterday and my eyes took in every detail around me, every fiber of my being aching to see the gorgeous girl I met a day ago.
By the time I had the Oreos in my hand and was walking to check out, my heart became heavy at the reality that Y/N wasn't here. I didn't know what I was expecting but as I paid for the cookies, I knew this wasn't the end.
I went back to the same grocery store everyday for a week. Buying the same pack of Golden Oreos and slowly walking through the aisles convincing myself I would catch a glimpse of Y/N. Brian started questioning the small pile of unopened Oreos that were collecting on my kitchen island, but never complained about eating them. The guys all caught on that something was happening whenever I came over and seemed distracted while fumbling with my fingers.
My heart was constantly searching for hers. Heart searching for heart.
Then, one day, just as I was about to give up on buying the Oreos, I turned down the well known aisle and there she was. Staring at the challenging box of Teddy Grahams on the top shelf as she tried to reach it with her fingertips while standing on her tip toes. A happy laugh escaped my lips as I walked closer to her, my heart racing with excitement, and nonchalantly pulled the box off the shelf again.
"You know, I could probably pull some strings so the Teddy Grahams are moved to a lower shelf for you." I said playfully but every word was gentle with adoration. Y/N looked at the box in my hand and then to my eyes as a breathtaking smile slowly spread across her lips and she began to blush. It was really her. I couldn't believe she was standing in front of me again.
"Thanks but I don't think that'll be necessary because I have this super adorable boy that can reach the top shelf and get them for me." Y/N giggled at her joke as she teased me and my heart fluttered at the beautiful sound. "It's really nice to see you again." She confessed bashfully, her cheeks turning a deep shade of pink as she carefully took the box from my hand.
"I'm really glad you're here right now." The admittance fell off my lips before I could even think about what I was saying. But one thought was running through my mind that I couldn't ignore. There was no way I was losing her again, not after finding her in the same aisle of the grocery store a week after we met. I had to ask her out.
A look of slight confusion washed over Y/N's face but her mesmerizing eyes glistened lovingly as she pushed her hair behind her hair and kept her gaze on mine. Her smile was bright and just at the sight of her, joy rushed through my body.
"Well lucky for you, I was hoping to run into you today. I have a question for you." She said excitedly, a small smidge of nervousness evident in her voice.
"I have a question for you too, but is it okay if I ask mine first?" Suddenly, a wave of anxiety surged in my chest with the reality of what I was about to do. Y/N just nodded slightly, adjusting her basket on her arm as she waited for me to speak. 
"Since I saw you last week and helped you get those Teddy Grahams, I haven't stopped thinking about you. I know that's like super forward and everything, but there's something about you that my heart is pulling towards and I've never felt like this about anyone. So um, I was just wondering if you want to go out sometime? If not, it's totally okay, I just-" I explained with every ounce of emotion and love in my body before Y/N cut me off.
"I'd love to Shawn. That was what I was going to ask and honestly, I feel the exact same way. It's like my heart was looking for you since the moment we parted last week. I saw you here the other day you know." Y/N said calmly but there was a sense of complete giddiness in her voice as she spoke, almost as if she also couldn't believe this was happening. My heart felt like it could burst at the fact she had said yes to going out with me and that she felt the same way.
"Really?" I questioned, crossing my arms, intrigued by what she was saying. She nodded as the happy smile already plastered on her face, grew a little wider.
"Yeah. You walked down this aisle, picked up a package of those Golden Oreos like you had the first day we met and then kind of disappointingly looked at the shelf for a minute before leaving." She explained, her eyes danced with love. "I swear I was going to walk up to you but I got so scared about the possibility you didn't want to see me, stupid, I know. But I came back everyday in hopes of running into you again."
"I-I did the same thing. But everyday you weren't here or so I thought," Shock rippled through my body at Y/N's confession. She had been back everyday since we met just like I had because of this undeniable feeling that existed between us. Y/N placed her shopping basket on the ground before wrapping arms around me in a warm hug and a swarm of butterflies erupted in my stomach at the feeling of her in my arms.
"So what do you have planned for this date?" Y/N asked playfully as she slowly pulled away, leaving my arms empty and my heart wanting to hold her again.
"It's a surprise, honey. But it should include those vanilla Teddy Grahams because those damn cookies are the whole reason we met. That's some crazy story." I chuckled heartily, fumbling with the ring on my index finger as I met Y/N's gaze again.
"I love surprises and don't worry, I already told my roommate our crazy story so if there's ever a wedding, she can say she was the first to know." Y/N giggled lightly, placing her hand on my arm which sent sparks flying and my heart into a frenzy.
The warm, fuzzy feeling of love filled my heart and spread through my body. Y/N smiled sweetly and I knew that this was just the beginning of something absolutely incredible. And all because of a box of Teddy Grahams on the top shelf and the guys stupid snack run they sent me out on, I met the girl of my dreams.
taglist: @imaginashawnns​ @ellalynnrose​ @curlsofshawn​ @shawnwyr​ @serendipitousshawn​ @hollandraul​ @particularstrings​ @curiouslycryptic​ @tastebaldwin​ @vinylmendes​ @mendesficsxbombay​ @sunrisebrashx​ @lights-on-mendes​ @enchantingbrowneyedgirl​ @daisyangei​ @shawnieeboyy​ @adelaidestreets​
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