#and we do know that cuddy ships it lol
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starlightseraph · 6 months ago
can we talk about how wilson’s office is right next to house’s?
isn’t he supposed to be the head of oncology? babygirl, why aren’t you, idk, stationed in the oncology department? why do you just happen to have an office adjoined to your boybestfriend’s? why do your two offices have a connected balcony? why are you the only people in the whole hospital with a setup like that?? who put you guys together? cuddy? that’s like a teacher sitting students with crushes on each other at the same table. why does she let you stay there when she’s seen the situations it produces? does she ship it too? we know she does enjoy the insanity, to an extent. does the entire hospital have a betting pool on when house and wilson will finally get their shit together? probably.
these two dumbasses are so the main characters, its blatantly obvious that the entire world is built around them. i love it.
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hypertechnica · 6 months ago
i just finished watching season 3 of house. eric foreman is the best and most underrated character and i will not be taking questions on this.
like yeah, im a huge Big Three (house, wilson, cuddy) fan too, and the shipping aspect is obviously going to be the biggest thing people talk about (it’s tumblr) but if we can look beyond shipping for like one millisecond foreman is such an interesting character and i don’t see anyone talk about him!!!!! he’s an analytical ‘straight man,’ he’s friendly and desires human connection yet pushes people away the moment they start to get close. he doesn’t outwardly care about what people think yet still craves to be the best because if he’s not the smartest person in the room he’s worthless.
he’s morally grey. he’s pinned between his strong sense of justice and his desire for cold scientific problem solving. he’s primarily ethical yet not afraid to prioritize himself over others, even if callously. he has principles. he’s horrified at the side of his personality house brings out in him. he has a complicated relationship with religion and his family. he has imposter syndrome due to racism and classism in the medical community. he has internalized so many biases and when they show, it’s not pretty. he spends 3 seasons simultaneously loathing house and envying him. cameron wants to fix him, chase wants to be him, wilson (and cuddy) want to fuck him, but foreman? he wants to study this man like a lab rat. and possibly strangle him. he’s the ideological bridge between cameron’s ethics and chase’s fuck-all attitude. he tries so hard to be a healthy functioning adult and in many respects he succeeds but he will always be haunted by his chronic loneliness and inferiority complex (one which he hides well with his ego.) he’s just like house and he hates it. he’s a vindictive jerk, but he’s a really good person at heart. he tries very hard to be, anyways. and he’s the only one of his colleagues who actually took the initiative to stop enabling house and just quit. the others will bitch and moan about it but he was the one who actually prioritized his mental health over remaining psychologically obsessed with him. (will that last? no idea, i know he comes back later but shh. spoilers. him folding and coming back would be great though lol)
his character arc so far has been amazing and i hope seasons 4-8 do him justice 💥💥💥
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thechy-fychannel · 28 days ago
researching (i gained research skills thru studying history at university, sue me) medical homophobia. Will send another ask later about hilson Repression and That. Terrible horrible depressing yet fascinating.
Anways, brain rotted with house md dr house,
I only recently discovered the popular Artic Monkeys song Do I Wanna Know? And the sad horny-romantic-depression haunts me. I found it out only recently via the much more hopeful Hozier cover of the same song. Totally different vibes but im focusing on the original and trying to organise my thoughts a little.
Great song, very emotion, my brain drifts to a sad house pining for like, romance and intimacy (with wilson, or anyone really. Bro is not good with letting himself do feelings, especailly with other people involved) and not really getting it or letting himself pine or like, fantasise in a non-loathing way.
What's cool/interesting about house is that he like, likes intimacy and romance as well as sex, but he doesn't let himself have the former. The latter we see all the time. All. The. Time. (Sexual harassment cringe, makes me pause the episode and cringe and groan in annoyance. Love house md but holy fucking shit)
Anyways, he's like that image. Two figures from the shoulders up, one is blushing and red and sweating, and thinking about hand holding and romance. The other figure has a chill, normal expression on their face and is thinking of blured out, obviously nsfw things. Thats house
(I also hc him as bi cause i hc characters i like as bi (im bi) but also that scene w/ that patiwnt and 13 being like "I'm as straight as any of you" and it changing to a confused 13 and house. Lol)
this + existing and growing up in a way more homophohic society than today + parental abuse fucks you up man.
I want to bundle house's bum leg in bubble wrap then shove him in a giant paint can mixing machine. Strange interesting "gentle"man
I leave you with that angst idea: pining while hating yourself for it, but in that special House way. Can work with any ship, but i like to imagine Hilson.
Oof oof owie my heart
-ramble anon
hi ramble anon! so sorry I forgot to answer this! I just got your other ask and then remembered this was in my ask box from last week and I never answered it eeekk!! I love your asks bc it rly feels like what is going on inside my head at any given time. Just. Rambling and rotating thoughts of those annoying old men in my mind alfklskf.
I loveeee that you brought up Do I Wanna Know by the Arctic Monkeys! I LOVE that song and I feel like it is a great song for House. Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High is another good one that fits him. I love the overall vibe of their music and I can definitely imagine house drunkenly sulking around and that song playing.
You made really great points about his issues with intimacy vs sex. I think about that allll the time and the way he removes all intimacy from sex by only sleeping with hookers so it's transactional rather than emotional. If he has sex with someone he actually likes, it's almost painfully intimate for him. Ie: having sex with Lydia in s6 and we literally see him in tears and when we see him and Cuddy stripping and kissing before they have sex it's so extremely intimate that it's heart wrenching, especially with the kissing his scar part.
I think there is some very interesting juxtaposition between the way House separates sex and intimacy and the way Wilson can't. Wilson is known for being a serial adulterer and there's this theme of "it always comes down to sex" when he's dealing with his marriage. But for Wilson, I think it's much less about the sex part and much more about the intimacy part. My main reasons for this is when House is giving Wilson a hard time about "looking pretty" at work (bc house thinks he's having an affair) House says "I'm sorry, I know you love your wife. You probably also loved all the women who weren't your wife." And then there's also the scene where Wilson is talking to Cameron about the emotional affair she had with her dead husband's best friend, Wilson says "I met someone who made me feel...funny." That was his reason for cheating. Not for the sex, for the way she (or he— very interesting to me that they went with "someone who made me feel funny" instead of "she made me feel funny") made him feel.
They both have some rly messed up feelings around sex and intimacy and I wish I could crack open their heads and see what's going on in there. (Lovingly ofc)
"Pining but hating yourself for it. But in that special House way" that's it, that's the show 😭😭😭 I love that so much and it makes me think of when House was working with Lucas in s5 to spy on Wilson and Lucas says "You want to know if he's pining [the way you are]" and House looks down and nods bc he just wants to know that Wilson is pining for him the way House was pining for him 😭❤️
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chinaablue · 3 years ago
Found this on my dash. Wasn't tagged. Doing it anyway on House MD.
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?* Uhh I'll weakly say Huddy. I completely get it objectively, I just don't ship it.
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?* Nah. I pretty much ship all the guys. Wilson/Foreman is an underrated af ship I've only ever found like 5 fics.
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? I've unfollowed someone over total nonsense in relation to this show but I don't know if that counts.
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?* See question one.
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?* Nah, I don't let it. It's not that deep.
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?* Chameron grew on me after a while. Used to find them both annoying af but now I think they cute.
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?* No.
Have you received anon hate? What about?* I've avoided it so far, somehow. With the kind of shit I post for SPN these days however I'm sure my days are numbered.
Most disliked character(s)? Why? Everyone in this show is an absolute asshole (bar Cameron and Kutner and maybe Cuddy) and I love them all. I couldn't say I dislike anyone.
Most disliked arc? Why? House crashing his car into Cuddy's home and then the next few episodes telling us why we should feel sorry for House. Plus it was so out of character. That ruined the show a little for me, but then the cancer arc made up for it.
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? I don't think he's unpopular as such but my soft spot for Chase has been challenged on a couple of occasions. I get it, he's awful. But he's also baby and I can't not love him.
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? Hmm don't think so. My favourites are the Tritter and the Dibala arcs and they're pretty popular to my knowledge.
Unpopular opinion about XXX character? Cuddy deserved so much better.
Unpopular opinion about your fandom? Not going there lol
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show? Couid have benefited from shorter seasons here and there but that's American telly for ya.
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? House and Wilson getting married in Vegas, WIlson going into spontaneous remission the next day and then both of them living bickeringly married ever after. Of course.
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen… See above.
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased? Lmao what no obviously not ship whatever the fuck you want
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? I don't hate it but I do mostly avoid it these days because there are a lot of minors around and that makes me a bit uncomfortable re interacting with someone half my age accidentally. Ya'll weren't even born when the show started airing where the hell did you come from. Power to you though I guess.
What is the purest ship in the fandom? I'm going to give the rogue answer of Chouse.
What are your thoughts on crack ships? Whatever you want
Popular character you hate? I don't hate any of them. I don't like Taub but he's still entertaining. Cameron gets on my nerves a little sometimes but I don't hate her.
Unpopular character you love? I don't think there are any massively unpopular characters?
Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? I'm constantly trying to get ppl who haven't seen it to watch it what do u mean. I even got my friend who has no involvement in any sort of fandom whatsoever shipping Hilson. It was a hard road but after we watched half of season 3 one hungover Sunday afternoon it clicked for her. I was so proud.
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX? See questions 16 and 17.
Most shippable character? My slutty boy Chase
Least shippable character? My pure boy Kutner
tagging @amill22 @decadent-prince @kuk-kuru-kuu @speedingintonowhere and anyone else who wants to do this
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 years ago
I love Cuddy in Help Me so much :’)
I mean I love her in general but that episode is great kdjfhgkdfg she snapped at House, ruined a good relationship and risked a lot to go after him. And I can’t imagine how awful must have been to arrive there like “I just broke off my engagement for you” and see him sitting on the floor around broken glass with a bottle of vicodin in his hand. She must have hater herself for ruin it with Lucas </3
And even tho I don’t like S7 that much, and I think 7x01 is somewhat out of character for House, I do love that Cuddy was happy, even for part of the relationship. I also know that House tried, he tried so hard to make her happy. And in the end, things went downhill because it was Cuddy the one in danger, and we all know how House acts when he thinks he’s about to lose someone he cares about.
Like do I think Cuddy deserves someone more stable, mature and overall better than House? yes, 100% Do I think they work together as a couple? Not at all, they just don’t fit together like that. But do I love Huddy as a concept and would I just die for that ship if they were romantically compatible? YES, in a heartbeat. I’m glad it happened, I’m glad they tried it, and I’m so glad they were happy for a while, but sometimes, relationships are not meant to be, and that’s ok, I just wish they hadn’t suffered at all because I love them so much kfjgkfdg
Ok that was random and uninteresting lol also I have no idea if it makes any sense because I don’t read things once I wrote them lol Anyways I’m gonna stop rambling now
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unsaid-stardust · 7 years ago
We do talk but I’ll send you this anyway. Obviously you know who I am lol. My favorite color is purple. You know my favorite ship lmfao. I’ll tell you my first fave ship tho it still holds a special place in my heart- House and Cuddy from House. My favorite ice cream flavor is either French silk or chocolate chip cookie dough. I do not have a cat, I have a dog.
Omg, Claire Purple is my fav color too! 💜 I haven’t watched house enough to know the ship oops but cookie dough is my fav too. French silk is an interesting choice! I don’t think I’ve heard of that one before lol
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kaprakyjem · 7 years ago
that character thing: max caulfield, gregory house, liara t'soni
ily pal, here we go!
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral (she cute) | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw (idk why but she has ravenclaw vibes to me) | hufflepuffbest quality: the loyalty and devotion to chloe, she can be nice to the girl who is acting like a bitch towards her and help her, she’s just nice.worst quality: nothing really comes to mind... she bailed on her best friend but she feels rly bad about it afterwards but otherwise?ship them with: chloe! actual girlfriendsbrotp them with: warrenneeds to stay away from: jefferson, oh god. misc. thoughts: she’s a great protagonist and pricefield makes my heart warm
greg house 
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them (hes such a great character!! even tho im p sure id hate him irl lol) | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw (i am not sure what is more dominant whether his intellect or the cunning/breaking the rules part... however he hasn’t got much self-preservance so i guess ravenclaw it is) | hufflepuffbest quality: the dedication to his cases and to figuring out the truth. also his endless love loyalty to wilson. no matter how much of an arsehole he is he needs wilson and cares for him. worst quality: oh my where do we start...he is an arsehole. he’s manipulative, rude, selfish and overall a bad person. but i think that i personally would have the biggest problem with his arrogance.  ship them with: his actual husband james jimmy wilsonbrotp them with: cameron, thirteenneeds to stay away from: cuddy tbh. i just...no.misc. thoughts: he is probably the most complex and interesting character i know. and my mind that has tendencies to think black&white sometimes has problems with how to perceive him, but overall a fantastic character and kudos to hugh laurie!
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: she is adorable. and sometimes adorably awkwardworst quality: i was a bit stunned by how...cold she was in ME2. like its true, she was mourning and then i show up like yo waddup but still.ship them with: fem!shepardbrotp them with: i feel like her and tali could be good palsneeds to stay away from: idkmisc. thoughts: my blue wife
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