#and we come back inside to watch karaoke
alluralater · 1 year
got into it with this table full of white people at the bar a few minutes ago and my friends are training me to be more of a bitch, but truly THE ENTITLEMENT OF THESE PEOPLE to think a table at a bar (that we FREQUENT every other day) is RESERVED for them when they all leave for 15+ minutes. the audacity of this white man to condescendingly tell me that “there are five of us here but you can stay for now” while the bar is LITERALLY filled with nearly a hundred people and their group had been gone and not returned for 15 minutes. are you insane?? is your privilege really THAT grotesque?? have you never been in a bar before?? if you leave and literally no one is at your table, people TAKE the table. this is not a sit down restaurant. there was enough time between that me and my best friend didn’t even SEE them at the bar or even leaving the karaoke area so wherever they were, they had BEEN gone for a bit before we got there. ugh. white people behavior. wanna plant a flag in the fucking floor and tell me how much this belongs to you?? do you wanna fuck this table right in front of me?? do you really feel SO inconvenienced with the idea that something you perceived as YOURS, actually never was?? is that reality inconvenient to you??
oh whoops i ran out the tags giving a play by play recollection. damn. well, just know it was some extreme bullshit and white people make me uncomfortable and i have prejudice against them, sorry not sorry, i don’t feel bad about literally fearing you if you are white. my fear is experience based and like… disgust cause a lot of them don’t know how to act. the entitlement to SPACE, things that don’t even BELONG to anyone, is disgusting and so constant. needed to vent about this lmao, sorry i couldn’t finish it
#both my friend and i had ordered a pizza next door bc we were drunk and having a great time#and we come back inside to watch karaoke#and there are like three empty tables and we go to the one closest to the doorway bc we plan to leave in like 20 minutes to go get our pizza#and maybe 5 minutes later this white guy comes over and awkwardly looks me up and down#looks at my best friend#looks at me#and says the thing about us being able to stay for now. not in a kind way#truly in a way where this man who wasn’t there#hadn’t been there#all five people… somehow GONE#tells me that shit as if he OWNS the table and he’s being charitable while being fucking gross about it#remind you this is a literal lgbt bar.#anyways so none of his supposed friends show up to the table for another like 8 minutes or something#and by that point only one guy comes over#and they CLEARLY are so shook that someone#standing at ‘their’ table.#btw these are not booths or sit down chairs. these are wobbly waist high tables that get moved around constantly#because SO many people filter in and out#and eventually one other woman comes over#all white. all clearly over 30#and she’s SO taken aback she’s literally pointing at us… from less than a foot away. facing us. pointing at us. talking to her friend#and my best friend and i have been talking this entire time about how insane this is. the entitlement these people have over public spaces#like they’ve never been in a bar before#like they had reservations#like they’re just white people who consider us people of color ‘infiltrating the space’#so of course. she says nothing TO us. she just keeps craning her neck to look around for her other friends who still aren’t there#and exasperatedly pointing at us and what not. basically doing the karen thing.#and look. look. i had like 5 drinks over the course of three hours. i had a fantastic day and was not in the mood for this shit but i#thought it was funny regardless.#anyways so FINALLY one more person comes to the table. and get this. there is STILL room for every single person
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dark-night-hero · 4 months
Imagine being Yoichi Isagi's older sibling.
"Who's that?" In the middle of their gathering as this happened to be their first week off at blue lock, Chigiri was the first to notice the presence of other from afar. "Yeah, who's that? They've been looking at us ever since we got here." This time it was Bachira whom have been long aware of the other person presence ever since they have gathered in the cafe. "And they're good looking too." Eita spoke that causes everyone to look at the person they were talking about. It was a person wearing shades and a mask, so how could Eita tell they were good looking? "Who- ah. That's my older sibling." This time it was Isagi who spoke. "Who-?! What?!"
Imagine, as far as you are aware of. Your younger brother Isagi was supposed to be on that so called project, blue lock? Was it? So now that you have seen him in the midst of the crowd in the middle of your agenda. You cannot helo but to observe him in the far distance, was that really your younger brother? Come to think of it, your mother has been urging you to attend some game just a couple of days ago as well as making you come home last time. But you cannot, you are busy nowadays.
Imagine, just a couple of seconds ago you are pretty sure they were all looking at you. And now, they are all in front of you with Isagi at front leading them in tow. "It's really you kiddo." You spoke in awe once he was in front of you. "Are these your friends? That quite... a lot." With all sorts of hair color variety too causing you to sweat drop. "Well... things happened. But! These are my friends from blue lock, and this is my older sibling, Isagi (First name)." "It's a pleasure to meet my younger brother's friend." You chuckle, removing your mask as you throw your arm around Yoichi's shoulder and making a two finger salute towards his friend that have their jaw dropped. "You bastard! You never told us you have an older sibling let alone a them being a model!"
Imagine tagging along with them. Sure you were in the middle of your agenda butttt that could wait, you haven't hangout with your brother for a while now. Besides, it was fun to have them around, youths have their own ways of enjoying and it's really fun. So you tag along, paying things on their behalf as the oldest among them despite those punks being loaded as fuck. Damn, they even have the Mikage heir among them and that young model you have seen before. Still, the point is that you are the oldest, and you have taken a liking on these punks so it was your treat. Not that you played with them though, you just watch them from the side. Looking at your brother fondly with a smile on your lips.
Imagine having a smoke break, a piece of cigarette yet to be lit up on your lips as you lean against the wall on an alley when you heard a footsteps coming towards you. "You smoke?" You shake your head, finger reaching out for the cigarette on your lips before signing your brother to come closer. "Why are you outside? Aren't there more time left at the karaoke?" "Oh, I just went outside for a breather." You nod once again and silence take over the place. Suddenly you really want to smoke but held it in as you open your mouth. "So.. How's blue lock?" It was an unexpected question coming from you, at least for Isagi. You have never taken interest when it comes to such things after all. But now that you asked, his eyes sparkle unknowingly. You on the other hand listened as your brother rant about his life inside the blue lock.
Imagine in the middle of their bowling match, in the midst of fun, you receive a text message from your manager causing you to bid your goodbye to them. "Oh." You look back at them that was watching your departure. "It might be too much to ask but please take a good care of my brother." You bow before standing up straight again. "And Yoichi." Before he knew it, a card was thrown in his face. "Feel free to treat your friend and buy whatever you want, you're at home till the end of the week right? I'll come home tomorrow." You spoke looking at him. "Well then, goodbye." With a silly as salute and a wink, you turn your back at them.
Imagine, Isagi always found you intimidating. Maybe it was the age gap between the two of you or the difference in your personality but you were quite hard to get along with to be honest. But now that he think about it. "Woah, you have such cool sibling, Isagi." His friends- his team mates exclaimed, even Aiku and his team could only agree. And with a laugh, "Yeah, so cool, right?" Isagi said smiling.
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2024°
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talktonytome · 2 months
11 please!
11. how you pause when you talk, when you’re trying not to laugh (also on ao3)
Tommy’s walking over to grab another beer from the cooler, when Evan comes sauntering up to him with an absolute shit-eating grin on his face. He smiles and shakes his head, ready for whatever his soon-to-be husband has for him. He wasn’t kidding back when he told Hen and Karen that he was just trying to keep up. 
“So,” Evan chirps, rocking on the balls of his feet. “ I have it on good authority you like me- like, like me, even,” he smirks. 
Tommy raises an eyebrow, looking over Evan’s shoulder, to where Chim is suddenly pretending to look busy. “Hm, wonder where you got that from,” he says, the corner of his mouth twitching. “Surely, you didn’t gather that from months of us dating, moving in together, getting engaged or anything.”
Evan laughs, like he does every time Tommy makes a dumb little quip and it makes his heart do a little flip every time. “I dunno,” Evan pouts, shrugging his shoulders and sighing exaggeratedly. “A guy sits here, unkissed for long enough and he starts to wonder.”
Tommy brings him in by waist with one hand and uses the other to tilt his chin up. “Oh, well we can’t have that, now can we?” He says, even though it’s been forty minutes tops since they made out a little in Evan’s jeep, before joining Bobby and Athena’s barbecue. “They revoke my hot firefighter pilot boyfriend license for that sort of thing, you know?” 
“Exactly,” Evan nods solemnly. “I’m glad you you understand the gravity of the situation.” His serious expression lasts all of two seconds before he breaks into a cheeky grin- the one where his tongue darts out from between his teeth when he’s smug or trying not to laugh, one of the many expressions Tommy loves. 
“Brat,” Tommy mutters, voice entirely too fond to sound anything close to chastising. He thumbs Evan’s bottom lip, before leaning in and kissing him for it. They’re both smiling into the kiss, and even if it weren’t sunny outside, that would be enough to warm him from the inside out. 
Evan’s still grinning when they break apart, because he got what he wanted and he knows it. Tommy suspects he also knows by now, that there’s practically nothing he will deny him. 
“Alright, what lies and slander did Chimney feed you?” Tommy asks, leaning in for another quick kiss.
“Hmm, not sure I should say,” Evan pretends to think. “It’s confidential information.” 
Tommy snorts. “Oh yes, because Howie’s famous for keeping secrets, the epitome of confidentiality, really."
They both burst out laughing at that. 
“Ok, ok, he might have said something about you drunkenly waxing poetic about me last karaoke night.” Evan smiles a little in disbelief. God, he’s adorable.
“That… sounds about right,” Tommy shrugs. “I stand by it.” 
“Oh yeah? So you think it’s cute that I tilt my head when I flirt with you?” He proceeds to demonstrate just that. “And that you just can’t tell me no when I do that?” He bats his eyes for the full effect.
“Oh, I’ve created a monster,” Tommy groans. Then, because two can play at that game, “you know, I had an interesting conversation with Eddie myself, the other day. 
It’s Evan’s turn to sweat a little, his eyes grow a little wide and there’s a flush growing on his cheeks. “Y-yeah? What about?” 
“He said he picked you up from Hen’s after you two got into the tequila bottle…”
“Ha, yeah good times,” he laughs nervously. 
“Mhm,” is all Tommy says. He likes watching him squirm a little. Then, he pulls him in, wrapping his arms around him and nuzzling his cheek, mouth hovering right by his ear. 
“I wish I could put a baby in you, too, sweetheart,” he punctuates with a kiss to Evan’s cheek. 
He cackles when Evan gasps, going red in the face. "Wow, betrayed by my own best friend?" He pulls away from Tommy, to scan for Eddie across the yard. 
“When I catch you, Edmundo!” 
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stormblessed95 · 17 days
Watching Are You Sure?! EP 5
A reminder of how I do these reaction posts as I watch things. I just write my reactions and thoughts down literally they happen. Think more of a bullet point format. I'll include links when I can to videos, thanks to the people who twt who upload clips. And at the end, I'll do a better wrap up of all my opinions. I hope everyone enjoyed the show so far!!
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Chef JK! Salt bae JK! Absolutely smitten and endeared Jimin!
Jimin absolutely indulging and encouraging JKs cooking enjoyment by asking him questions about his process was so cute. Tae giving such earnest compliments
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The way Jikook chugged their Soju lmao damn guys
Jimin making ssam to feed the staff and JK saying no perilla leaves was Hysterical only because of the whole perilla leaf history he has 😂🤣
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JK popping open the Soju in increasingly silly ways while Jimin watched absolutely endeared and smitten once again. Until Tae accused him of teaching JK that and he had to defend himself lol
Jimin calling JK very handsome 🥰
Only 2 months until their service 🥺
Them talking about how they don't think they will fight at all when enlisted together..only help each other. And JK saying he hopes they even sleep right next to each other. No one can say they both didn't desperately want to do this together!
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Jimin never letting JK elbowing him in his sleep go!
Jimin so demurely petting and loving on the cat while JK runs, jumps, playing and acts crazy while loving on the puppy is so them and so funny 😂
Vminkook car karaoke 😍😍😍
Jimin sneaking out of the pool to go spray JK who was still inside on his phone lol
Vmin teaming up on JK as soon as he gets in. Lol pretty sure Jimin probably pinches his butt behind that wall 😂 and his nipples at one point too lol
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Taking turns sleeping on the bottom of the pool 😂
Poor Jimin got water up his nose lmao!
JK pulling Jimin to the top of the pool by his hair was a CHOICE lol he pulled it knowledgeably at least 😅😭😂🤣 I know too much about them at this point. Honestly
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Too many fun under water games 😂🥰💜
JK playing a prank on Jimin and locking him out of the house lmao and him signing that he is annoying and to open at him 😂🤣
JK saying he is cold and Jimin starting to open his arms like he is going to hug him 💜
Not them having a towel fight 😂🤣🤣
Tae fully just claimed Jimin's bed and made Jikook choose the other two. Lmfao and the way they fought over who had to take the lower bed, but in a "no no, I'll do it's way 😍
Jimin waking up and first thing going to snuggle JK 😭🥰😭🥰
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And then we cut and somehow Jimin lost his shirt and is waking JK up very obnoxiously lmao
Tae leaving early in the morning to go golfing with the Wooga squad! Look at him splitting his time so effectively and probably taking a break from the jikookery lol
JK photosynthesizing 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Jimin taking forever to get ready and JK trying to hustle him along was peak domestic behavior lmfao
Jimin wearing the perfume because JK said he likes it 🥰 cuteeee
Tae getting dropped off for their next meal all together and the Vmin hug 💜
Jikook telling Tae they were up till 4am and Jimin fell asleep phone scrolling?! Lol what were y'all doing all night?? You need more sleep! I say, typing this at midnight my time lol
I need my babies to stop counting calories 😭
Tae ruffling JKs hair and him trying on Tae's glasses is soooo cute! Jimin trying them on too! They all look so good in everything.
Not them arguing over if it's ham or pink sausage. Lmfao JK getting so upset about it that he asked the waitress and his "hah" back at Jimin over it! Lmfao Jimin being like whooo hey. It's just food. And their "apologies" to each other. Lol! They are so extra over everything lol How come Tae started this argument and it ended up mostly between Jikook 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Jimin basically telling JK he is happy if JK is happy 🥰 he loves him ❤️
"JK drinking soda means round 3 has just begun" lol Jimin showing off his JK knowledge 😂
Tae spent most of this episode when not actively playing with Jikook on his phone. Part of me wishes we got to see more of him with his other friends too, but I'm glad he made time to hang out with Jikook before they all enlisted too 🥰
Tae baby was so sleepy! He slept through the whole car ride basically and then came back to nap fully too. Jimin woke him up so softly 🥰
JK at a restaurant in NY while doing Golden promo alone with staff and immediately thinking about how he wants to make it for Jimin because "Jimin would love it" is so freaking cute and precious and sweet
JK didn't just cook stew for Jimin or Vmin, but for the entire staff. And I love him so much for that. The sweetest human he is
Jimin napping while JK cooks too 🥰
Jimin somehow lost his shirt at some point while everyone was coming to get food. Lol who knows why, maybe it's just titties out as appreciation for the cook? 😂😂
Both Jikook expressing that they loved having V there and that he helped make it so fun and that a maknae line trip made them feel really young again. And you could tell too. They were so silly! I love these 3 so much!!
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Wrap up Thoughts:
So Jikook knew by the end of September that they would enlist together. And the palpable relief they both clearly felt over that was so so clear. This 100% made the experience way more tolerable for them. I'm so glad that they have each other. The difference in the way they talk about military service, especially JK, in the US and in Jeju is striking. In the US, JK started playfully smacking Jimin when he would bring it up, it caused him tension and anxiety and he clearly didn't want to talk about it, especially on camera. While here in Jeju, they know they will be together and they are relaxed, making jokes, expressing their happiness about getting to go together. Expressing their surety about how nice and helpful it will be to have the other there and their faith and trust in each other. How they want to wake up to each other. It's beautiful
I don't like calling any of the members 3rd wheels unless it's stupidly obvious it's a joke, but this episode Tae was third wheeling a bit at times. Jikook seem to have a tendency to hyper focus on each other at times during conversation. When they were all playing and being silly, I never once got 3rd wheel vibes. Only during times of heavy conversation while they were eating. Tae also kept pulling out his phone. He was clearly in touch with amother group of friends during that time as well who were also in Jeju, and him trying to split so much of his attention also probably fed a bit of those third wheel vibes a bit too. I'm so glad he was there with them though. Jikook also were as well. They all had such a good time together and seeing them and sharing in the love they all share is so healing for me personally. I hope Tae had the best time on Jeju with them and his Wooga Squad too! 💜💜💜
And that's all I've really got for this episode. It was a lot of mostly just sleeping and eating and playing this episode! Lol I can't wait to see what Sapporo brings!
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seijorhi · 7 months
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Etched in Red: Ruby (Part One)
Event Masterlist
Hinata Shoyo x female reader
Part Two
w.c 1.3k
tw: stalking, yandere themes, implied dub/non-con.
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“I… have to go,” Kenma sighs. “Bye, Shoyo.” The last part’s tacked on like an afterthought, his attention already drawn over his shoulder, fixed on something Hinata can’t see. The source, no doubt, of those two loud thumps. 
Hinata doesn’t bother hiding his smile, signing off with a wave. It’s not the first time their video chats have ended this way, he’d wager it won’t be the last. Come to think of it, he had mentioned something about a stray a few weeks back. Maybe…
He shakes himself free of the thought, glancing down at the time on his open laptop and– shit. He’s gonna be late. 
It takes all of fifteen minutes for him to throw on some half decent clothes and bike across town. These days, with the sponsorships and all, he doesn’t have to work so hard, riding over town delivering food all night. 
He doesn’t have to, but he chooses to. 
On Friday nights, at least. Usually around six-thirty. He waits on the sidewalk, flicking through the app, declining, declining, declining, until he spots an all too familiar order. His face lights up. 
Being that he’s already parked out front of the restaurant, it means he’s got a little time to kill, but that’s cool, too. The staff know him by name, share knowing, vaguely amused looks when he pokes a head in to see where everything’s at. 
“Won’t be long, Shoyo,” one of them tells him, clapping a hand on his shoulder as he walks on by. They never actually ask which order he’s there to pick up.
And it’s habit, more than anything else, that has him checking said order when it’s called. Normally, a quick glance is all it needs, but… his smile fades, head tilting a little. There’s too much food. Almost twice the usual. 
The girl at the counter shrugs before he can even ask. “That’s the order we got. Girl’s probably got a friend coming for dinner.” Her eyebrows waggle, telling Hinata exactly what kind of friend she’s thinking of. “Either that or she’s real hungry.”
A wave of unpleasantness creeps under his skin, his insides twisting. He thanks her all the same, quick to bundle the food in the carry case and settle on his bike. By now, he knows the route like the back of his hand, he’s ridden it so often. He could do it blindfolded, in the dark–
… Were you having friends over? 
You don’t usually, not on Fridays. Sometimes you come back to the apartment tipsy and late, but you haven’t ever brought anyone back with you – aside from that one time, with the tall, loud girl who wouldn’t stop trying to drag you into impromptu karaoke. He’s never seen anyone else though. You’re like him, aren’t you? A creature of habit, routine. Six-thirty every Friday, the same order. 
Is it the tall girl again? Another of your girlfriends? 
Someone… else?
That uncomfortable feeling returns. Would it make a difference if it really was just a friend?
Before he knows it, Hinata’s out the front of your apartment, heart thudding away like his chest’s full of lead. Normally, you’re already there on the steps, waiting for him, because he knows you watch the tracking app like a hawk, because that’s what you do. That’s the routine – your routine; six-thirty, Friday night, you and him, on these steps. It’s his.
Hinata doesn’t realise his hands are shaking until he goes to grab your food.
He whirls, expression bright. There you are. Lovely and beautiful in the golden light of dusk, smiling back at him like nothing’s wrong. The sight alone should ease the static beneath his skin, loosen the knots in his stomach, but it doesn’t. His smile feels too tight, his cheeks aching with it. 
Who are you having dinner with?
He doesn’t realise he’s actually spoken the words aloud until you blink at him, offering a somewhat sheepish reply. “Oh, you noticed that, did you?” How could he not? “A friend from back home. She’s staying with me for a few days, and since I apparently never shut up about this place, and it is a Friday night tradition…” you trail off, shrugging easily. “Here we are.”
Right. A friend from back home. Robotically his arm jerks forward, holding out the food for you to take. 
“Thanks for this,” you continue, blissfully unaware of the absolute, chaotic mess currently wreaking havoc inside of him. “It’s kinda weird, right, how you’re always the one picking up the order? They should really just cut out the middleman and hire you on retainer.” You’re joking, of course, the giggle tells him that much, and Hinata forces himself to chuckle along with you. 
“Same time next week, then?”
Do you hear the same faint tinge of desperation he does? He really, really hopes not. 
“You betcha,” you shoot back with a wink that seizes his heart with an invisible fist, already turning to make your way back inside to the warmth of your apartment. To the friend from back home who’s no doubt waiting for you.
From up above, a shadow moves across the window he knows is yours.
Not a date, Hinata reminds himself, just some nameless, faceless girl she used to know. One who’ll be gone soon enough. Back home, away from you. 
Honestly, it should be a relief. 
So why does it feel like his blood’s about to boil? Like the floor just opened up beneath him and everything’s falling apart? Standing on the sidewalk, hands flexed at his sides, his breath comes out in short, choppy pants. 
On wooden legs, he stumbles back to his bike. Kicks a leg over the frame and settles himself down, hands wrapped around the handlebars in a white knuckled grip. And still, he doesn’t move.
He can’t even think over the deafening roar in his head. 
This – Fridays – they’re his. Yours, yes, but his, too. And this girl, she’s… she’s intruding. She doesn’t belong. She shouldn’t be there.
And if she’s up there, what’s to stop others from stealing as well? 
Across the street, there’s a sudden banging noise, and Hinata turns just in time to see a scrawny looking tabby dart through the mouth of an alleyway. A stray.
For a while, longer than he’d probably like to admit, Hinata stares after it, his brain ticking over.
With one last, lingering glance up at your window, he huffs out a sigh and pushes off.
One thing Hinata learned during his stint as a delivery driver is that if you buzz the wrong apartment and someone’s home, more often than not they’ll let you in anyway. 
It’s only Wednesday. He’d been good, waited the four agonising nights while your friend took up space in your apartment. But she left today, and Hinata knows you, knows that you’re probably exhausted from having to put up with her, that you don’t have any plans tonight other than curling up on your couch and watching TV. 
You won’t mind him showing up instead, even if he maybe – probably – should’ve waited ‘til Friday. 
The food he’s got isn’t from your favourite restaurant, either, it’s from his, and he’s pretty confident you’re gonna love it. He brought flowers, too. Just in case. 
Excitement thrums through his veins, jittery and bright, and, unable to help himself, he bounces on his toes.
You answer the door wearing pyjama shorts and an worn, faded tee and Hinata beams because you’ve never looked prettier, even when that cute little crinkle scrunches between your eyebrows, “Shoyo, what–”
Right now, he’s supposed to say something charming, or funny, maybe. Something to smooth out the confused expression he doesn’t wanna call a frown. He should be a gentleman – he got the flowers and the food, he even went out and bought the fancy, expensive cologne Heitor recommended because Nice goes nuts for it. 
There was a plan. Or, sort of a plan.
It didn’t involve him dropping the flowers and the food on the floor, lurching forward like a man possessed to haul you into a scorching, life-altering kiss, pushing you back into your apartment and kicking the door shut behind him, but holy shit–
It absolutely should’ve.
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wileys-russo · 1 year
lessi blurb: lessi having a headache during/after a game - r being protective and looking after her/shushing people on the bus so she can sleep
headaches II a.russo
"are you alright?" you sat down beside your girlfriend at her cubby with a concerned look, the blonde not joining in with the celebrations despite having scored the match winner in their latest WSL win.
"i've got the worst headache." the taller girl admitted quietly, massaging her temples with a wince as you placed your hand on her knee. "did you drink much water today baby?" you asked softly, the guilty look sent your way being all the answer you needed.
"lessi-" you sighed, forever on the blondes back about her water consumption given her tendency to forgo it in favour of iced coffees, protein shakes or wellness shots. "i know, i know. i've already finished this since we came back to the change rooms." your girlfriend sighed holding up her empty bottle.
"i'll go refill it and grab you some hydralite and advil for on the bus." you kissed her cheek sweetly as the blonde nodded and squeezed your thigh in a silent thanks.
"WINNERS ONCE AGAIN BABYY!" you yourself winced at the loud outburst from the obnoxious irish woman who slung her arm over your shoulder before your hand quickly smacked over her mouth.
"inside voice mccabe." you patted her chest before yanking your hand away with a grimace, wiping her salvia onto her shirt. "katie!" you smacked her shoulder at the juvenile action as the older girl simply grinned before collapsing onto the bench beside caitlin to take her boots off.
"ONE MORE FOR THE BOOKS GIRLS! THREE POINTS THREE POINTS-" beth stood up and began to chant encouraging everyone to join in as your eyes flickered worriedly to your girlfriend who was once again massaging at her temples.
"meado!" you interrupted her chanting, hands coming down on her shoulders as she paused and raised an eyebrow. "shut up. please?" you smiled hopefully, the blonde only laughing and resuming her chants with a pump of her fists.
"beth! less has a headache, please lower the volume." you nudged her and spoke quietly, the older girl simply grinning in amusement. "ah young love! what a good little girlfriend, always looking out for your blondie aren't ya." the girl pinched sharply at your cheeks with a coo, jen quick to join in and ruffle your hair as you pushed them both away with a scowl.
"just shut up!"
on the bus things only seemed to worsen, the girls of course arguing over what movie was being put on to watch for the three hour ride back while beth and steph belted out strawberry kisses on the karaoke machine.
you'd sat with your girlfriend right toward the front of the bus in hopes it would put as much distance between you and your team mates as possible. lotte and viccy had both sat behind you though keeping quiet and content to nap weren't the ones attributing to your blonde lovers ongoing headache.
unfortunately an upgrade to the karaoke machine had meant it now went hands free, and beth was dancing her way down the aisle toward you belting out the chorus at the top of her lungs.
alessia's head dropping onto your shoulder with a pained sigh you frowned and kissed her forehead gently. "i'll be right back." you promised quietly, prying her off of you and slipping out of your seat.
"meado!" you started toward her with your fists balled, the blonde pointing toward you and shimmying, singing louder as a point to wind you up before sprinting back down the bus.
"I'VE BEEN MISSING YOUR STRAWBERRY KISSES!" you were almost toward the back when a pair of tanned arms wrapped around your waist, dragging you back. "steph!" you whined and struggled in her grip as she belted out her favourite song in your ear.
"SHUT UP!" you eventually snapped, snatching her mic and yanking her arms off of you before advancing toward beth and snatching hers, the bus falling silent. "some of us are tired and would like to be able to hear ourselves think over this tone deaf nonsense!" you huffed, making a point of taking the batteries out of the wireless mics and tossing them onto the lounge where manu and frida were playing cards.
the silence after your outburst was almost as deafeningly loud as the ruckus beforehand. that was until jen made a whipping noise and motion with her hand, beth loudly filling everyone in on the real reason you were so wound up about keeping the noise down.
"oh thats so thoughtful, why didn't you just tell us?" steph replied kindly and you looked to her grateful for the lack of teasing from at least one of your team mates.
the rest however ripped into you relentlessly as you flipped them off and headed back to the front of the bus, but with a few shoves and stern looks from kim they quietened down and you dropped into your seat.
though not before you sneakily snatched katie's noise cancelling headphones from her lap, shooting her an innocent smile as she tried to get up to take them off you but caitlin pulled her back down with a shake of her head.
"here lessi." you gently nudged the tired blonde whose head had slumped against the window, grateful for the cool glass resting against her throbbing forehead, holding out the headphones which she hung around her neck.
"medic said take two now and then if its still bad in two hours you can take another two with some food." you rummaged around in your backpack, pulling out the small satchel of advil and dropping two pills into the strikers outstretched palm.
"and finish this if you can, please." you requested softly, dumping a satchet of orange flavoured hydralite into the blondes water bottle, giving it a shake and tucking it back into her lap.
"thank you baby you're the best, i love you." the taller girl smiled tiredly, kissing your cheek appreciatively and slipping the headphones over her ears, head resting on your shoulder as she tucked herself as much into your side as she comfortably could.
turning around with the occasional protective glare toward one of your friends as they laughed too loudly or yelled a protest about an outcome of a game, they all rapidly got the hint you weren't to be messed with today and left you be.
and that was how the two of you sat together for the whole journey home, alessia falling asleep after half an episode of hijacked as you tucked her phone into her backpack and stretched your stiff neck.
it felt like you'd only just drifted off when the lights flicked on and you realised you were back at colney. glancing beside you toward alessia your face softened seeing her curled into herself now, cheek smushed against the glass window as she remained dead asleep.
"shut up cait!" you hissed a warning as your team began to file out, smacking the australians leg as she let out a loud belt of laughter right beside you, the girl holding up her hands and continuing on her way.
"oh look at the sleeping baby." beth cooed sarcastically before steph shoved her to keep walking and sent you a wink, gently nudging lotte who was also dead asleep behind you as the brunette blinked sleepily and rubbed her face, waking viccy beside her.
once the two of them had also tiredly dragged themselves off the bus you gently slipped katie's headphones off your girlfriend and shook her gently. "lessi baby, we're back." you murmured quietly, running a hand through her hair as she squinted and nodded.
pausing for a moment to check back in the taller girl sighed deeply and pulled herself to sit up, taking your outstretched hand as you helped her to her feet, carrying both of your backpacks.
you knew the girls headache hadn't eased when she wordlessly handed you the keys to her merc and dropped into the passenger seat, closing her eyes and folding her arms over her chest.
you joined her once you'd placed your bags in the back, settling into the drivers side with a small grin. the blonde beside you cracked one eye open as you started the engine, seeing the obvious joy plastered on your face at the rare thrill of being on the opposite side of where you normally sat.
"don't get used to it, passenger princess."
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elitekook · 1 year
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•pairing: jungkook x f!reader; established relationship
• waring: fluff (to leave you with diabetes) jungkook is silly, you love his silly way, alcohol consumption (brief), jealous!jungkook (if you squint) a very hard attempt at humor
• word count: 475 (contains errors!)
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Opening the door to the establishment, the two of you can't help but let out another laugh remembering minutes earlier at karaoke when some of your friends were so drunk they didn't know anymore what were singing
The breath of fresh air passing through you and jungkook makes the mood even more pleasant and serves as an excuse for your boyfriend to become even more attached to you. Why, this is not a complaint.
"Don't you think we should go back there and help? Hoseok looked kind of bad after so much soju" you say, feeling a hand intertwine in yours and being directed to the pocket of jungkook's jacket.
"Nah, he'll be fine. The others are still there to take care of him and yoongi won't let anything happen" your boyfriend says quietly "I think we should watch the street performances"
"Wait, right now?"
"Yeah, why not? Let's go" that's enough to feel jungkook pull you towards the nearby park.
The truth is that you two are in the center of the city, in the part where the fun is, where the food markets are and of course the karaoke where you and your friends were.
Turns out jungkook's imperative part doesn't let him stay in one place, what was supposed to be just a night of singing and going home has now turned into a mission to find someone performing. Luckily, it's not difficult.
From afar, you can already hear the music coming from the speakers and some groups of people standing in a circle so they can appreciate the art. Watching new talents can also be fun.
"That guy dances well" jungkook says, putting you in front and hugging you from behind. "Can you see?"
"Yes, but not when it goes right" It had a lot more people than you'd expect for a Wednesday night.
"Good, he also seems to be very handsome. I wouldn't want you to fall in love with him" you can't help but laugh at your boyfriend's line. That would never happen.
"I don't know, he could take me dancing with him and I would be in love" With a shrug and a chuckle, you turn to see the disgusted face and a pout forming on Jungkook's face.
"Oh come on, he wouldn't be like me"
He's right, he couldn't. Nobody could.
"Aww my baby is jealous" squeezing his cheeks is enough to get a laugh out of his reaction, leaving you and him warm inside. "I love you kook"
You love him so much
Jungkook's gaze softens, they always say that Jungkook carries the entire galaxy in his eyes. "I love you too"
He loves you so much
"So does that mean you won't dump me for the handsome dancer?" jungkook says and you bite your lip holding back the loudest laugh you could muster.
• this is an original work by @elitekook, please do not copy, translate or anything like that :)
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badgerbl00d · 2 years
drinking with the one piece boys pt.2
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☆ characters: law, crocodile, mihawk
☆ up next: one piece boys getting jealous pt. 2
☆ summary: getting a lil drunk w the above characters who definitely don't have a thing for you ;) ..., suggestive content
☆ a/n: part 2 is finally up! let me know which characters you'd like to see in part 3... and please enjoy!
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It was a relatively small victory. 
The Polar Tang had sprung a minor leak after nearly 3 weeks without resurfacing, and somehow, amidst the general panic, Penguin’s constant reminders that dying by drowning was arguably the worst way to go, no shipwright, and Law’s inability to keep everybody anybody calm, the leak was patched. It took two and a half hours and there would be a significant clean up job but it was a victory nonetheless. The crew hadn’t seen a fraction of excitement for the past month and it was such a relief to have fixed it that within minutes alcohol was being passed around. 
Law snuck back into his office, barely avoiding the spray of opened champagne and shaken beer bottles, groaning and mumbling about ‘behaving like children’ and ‘unprofessionalism’. 
You sat with the others for a while, playing cards with Jean Bart as Bepo and Shachi looked for the karaoke machine. 
You dismissed yourself quickly when they found it, grabbing a bottle of expensive looking alcohol before you left. 
Knock. Knock. 
“Come in,” Law sighed. 
He didn’t look up from his paperwork and was sorting out different kinds of coins on his desk. 
“You left the party too early,” you teased, “My Heart Will Go On has a third person part in case you wanted to join in!”
A small smile spread across Law’s face and he looked up, perking up slightly when he saw the amber bottle in your hands. 
“What’s that?” he raised an eyebrow at you, opening his desk drawer to pull out two glasses. 
“Bourbon,” you popped off the seal, smelling the liquid inside before pouring some into each cup, “I figured we might enjoy it better than they would out there. Cheap beer seems to do the trick for them.”
Law nodded his head in thanks and clinked glasses with you as you both took a sip.
“Good god,” you gagged, “That’s strong.”
“Looks like it might be cheap beer for you too.”
“You just want the whole bottle to yourself.” 
He shook his head, “You know I’m better behaved than that. This glass should be enough for me.” 
He finished it with a second sip.
“C’mon don’t make me drink alone, Captain.”
With little protest from the pirate, you poured him another drink, and capped off your own glass when you had finished.
An hour later and somewhere between your fourth and fifth glass of stolen bourbon and Law’s sixth or seventh you realized how completely gone you both were. The bottle was half empty and with every sip you took you felt the man across from you’s eyes watching how your plump lips hugged the rim of the glass with every sip. 
Overcome by both boldness and drunken impulse you leaned forward, laying your head down on the table and softly ran your fingers over his.
You traced the tattoos that painted them, and placed your hand on top of his when you had finished. 
You slowly sat back up, and looked at your Captain. His cheeks were a hazy pink and his hair tousled and messy. His eyes were half lidded and his voice seemed to have dropped an octave or two. He’d undone the top two buttons on his shirt and it took the entirety of your hazy minded willpower to not start drooling. 
“Y’know,” Law started, his words blending into one another, “You’re ver’pretty.. ‘n I might have a crush on you.”
His hands made their way towards yours and you toyed with each other until your fingers seemed to naturally tie themselves together, your hands resting comfortably in his. You softly laughed, it was airy and beautiful. 
Law continued, “Like that. S’pretty.” 
“Y’might not remember this ‘n the morning,” you slurred, your cheeks a furious red. 
“Then kiss me now.”
You both stood up much faster and more suddenly than your condition allowed and nearly fell over.
You giggled your way towards each other, Law placing a surprisingly gentle hand on your back, guiding you towards the side of his desk, his hand guarding you from any sharp edges. 
He sat you down after sloppily clearing away all the papers, leaving a mess on the floor. 
He pushed your hair from your eyes, clumsily tucking it behind your ears. 
Everything was suddenly very warm, the palms of his hands seemed to radiate an ebbing heat onto your back. One on the small of your back and one supporting your neck.
Despite your drunkenness, you locked eyes, and there was a startling sincerity in both your stares.
You closed your eyes as a soft pair of lips were gingerly placed on yours. 
Your lips closed around his, softly sucking and nibbling at each other, giggles littering the space in between each attachment of your lips. You brought your arms up around his neck and he pulled you closer into him, situating himself between your thighs. 
Your desperation grew and you sunk yourself fully into him, your tongues slipping back and forth into each other's mouths, sloppy strings of saliva connecting your lips every time you pulled away. 
“Law, Law, wait,” you said, gasping for air, “Wait.” 
You swallowed, your chests both heaving.
His brows furrowed and his hands rubbed your back.
“Are you okay?”
You nodded, still breathing heavily. The dim light in the room was making your head spin and you suddenly felt very overwhelmed. 
Law pulled you into his chest and pressed kisses to the top of your head. 
“What do we say tomorrow morning?”
“Does it matter?”
You were silent. 
“I suppose that depends. Are you drunk?”
You shook your head, “I’m not, no. Are you?”
“Not anymore,” he laughed. 
You looked up at him. 
He smiled. 
“Then we say nothing.” 
If there was one mistake in your life you’d regret, it would be this one. 
He’d make sure of it.
Had you really, in all your laughable idiocy, convinced yourself you could double cross a warlord? 
And you probably thought you’d been clever about it. Like he couldn’t recognize when he saw a sheep in wolf’s clothing. 
You were, he had to admit, better than most. 
You were cunning in a wickedly creative way and he had no doubt that had you not shown your hand, he would have been in serious trouble. But did you really think he wouldn’t find out? 
You’d been so careful that it astonished him you’d chosen the worst possible confidant to help carry out your planned assassination. Mr. 2, aside from being notoriously big-mouthed and unaware, was- more than anyone- loyal. 
Surely you had to have known that.
But that was no concern of Crocodile’s, and he’d have dealt with you before morning.
‘Ten o’clock, Hasting’s Bar on 2nd’ was what the card had read. 
It was beyond you what he could have possibly wanted to do with you at a bar but you weren’t left with much choice. 
You waited for an hour before he cared to arrive, sitting next to you. 
You sucked on a cherry stem, and tapped your cigarette out onto the ashtray in front of you. 
He said nothing, but you felt his eyes swallowing you whole.
It was threatening, of course, but enjoyable. Your red dress looked good and his attention felt even better.  
“Two whiskeys,” he ordered, slapping a hand down on the bar, breaking the silence.
“Oh- I don’t drink.”
Crocodile raised a hand to stop you talking, “You do tonight.” 
He was visibly upset and you shifted in your seat in discomfort. 
The bartender placed two glasses in front of you, each containing a dark gold liquid. 
You grabbed your glass by the rim, swirling it around.
It smelled like gasoline and wood. 
“What’s the occasion?” you asked. 
“Company is doing well. Marginal increases, international buyers and sellers, and most importantly, we’re now operating completely legally. Well, we will be in three weeks. Once we’ve wrapped up all the licensing paperwork.”
You looked at him, not completely understanding why he’d be giving you all that information. Your position at the company most definitely had nothing to do with legality of operations. 
It made no sense for a man of his secrecy to tell you anything. Unless��� 
You felt your stomach start churning and the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. 
Bon Clay had said something. 
He knew. 
His expression remained completely neutral, disinterested almost. 
You slowly stood up, “Why are you telling me this?”
“What is that proverb,” he asked, standing up with a startling speed and stepping behind you, a leg on each side of yours closing you in, “About traitors?”
You swallowed audibly, sweat beading against your forehead, your knuckles turning white around the glass they were holding. 
“Keep your friends close…,” he whispered as he leant in, brushing his lips against yours, a hook snaking around your waist to pull you closer into his chest as he traced a tantilizing finger up your cheek, brushing a strand of hair back. 
Dragging his lips to your ear you felt a sly grin slowly etch into his face, 
“.. and your enemies closer.”
Your heart was steady, though the beat against your chest was now much stronger. 
How typical of a man in his position. 
Assuming he knew best and you knew nothing. 
In a sudden motion you threw your drink behind you, drenching his head and shoulders in whiskey. 
He stepped back, anger bubbling up from his chest into his face which was turning red. 
“If I’m correct,” you started, “Sand doesn’t disperse when wet.”
You turned around to look at him, smiling at how his eyes widened.
“Playing stupid worked! For a second I thought you’d be too smart to fall for the ‘clumsy assassin’ routine. Accidentally letting slip who I was with by telling Mr.2 of all people? Please.”
You studied his face as he stood unnervingly still, thick drops of golden liquid dripping down his cheeks. 
There was something else in his eyes though, something uncivilized and hungry. He looked at you with anger, yes, but also with a fervent desire. 
He seemed genuinely amused. Not in a condescending way like you were used to from him, but like he had a genuine interest in the turn of events. 
“You know, sweetheart,” he laughed, taking out a cigar and placing it between his lips, “I’m impressed.”
He walked towards you, facing the cigar in your direction, asking for a light, “I should offer you a job.”
You let out a short, dry laugh, bringing your lighter to his lips. 
He bent down, grey eyes locking onto yours and you watched a wolfish smile spread onto his face. 
“There’s a car outside, that will take us back to mine.”
He slipped a coarse finger under the strap of your dress, toying with it, letting it off your shoulder. 
“Good thing you’re dressed for the occasion.” 
You pulled the cigar from his lips, taking a long drag before softly blowing the smoke onto his rigid nose.
You ran a finger under his chin, bringing your lips millimeters from his. 
“Must we leave here? We have it all to ourselves.”
Crocodile smiled, pulling the cigar from your lips and putting it out on the bar.
He pulled you into his lap as he took a seat, letting his coarse hands palm your body.
If there was one mistake in his life he’d regret, it would be this one. You were about to make sure of it. 
“Cariño,” you called out from the tub, “Bring wine!”
You sunk back down into the warm water, listening to your husband chuckle to himself as he ran downstairs to complete his errand. 
Bubbles covered you and floated around the tub as you softly paddled the water underneath. 
A deep sigh made its way out of your lungs and you rested your head back, enjoying the display your husband had arranged for you.
Rose petals littered the bathroom, strewn across the floor and tub, the room dimly lit by candles which casted a warm hue giving your skin a golden glow. 
It wasn’t often the two of you were home together for more than a few weeks at a time, however you’d both managed to finish all your obligations and errands before winter had even set on Kuragaina. 
The swordsman, much to your surprise, had finished nearly a full two weeks before you and had spent the time preparing for your arrival. 
He owned an abundance of different financial assets around the world, most of which you managed. Properties from North to South Blue, millions of dollars in (rigged) stock market exchanges, investments in artworks around museums around the world, and several different savings accounts with banks run by ex-cons and loan sharks. 
Your husband might not have been the most violent type of pirate, but he was a pirate nonetheless and, well, clean money didn’t buy castles. 
You didn’t mind, and were good with the men he dealt with. 
Pirates' morals were pretty simple when they were talking to a beautiful woman with a globally feared husband, so you were never really worried. 
Though, on the rare occasion something did happen you could usually handle yourself. 
Two light knocks at the door woke you back up and you turned to look at Mihawk holding up a wine bottle. 
“I figured we didn’t need the glasses,” he mused. 
You giggled and beckoned him towards the tub, “Butler,” you teased, “The water’s cooling down.”
He smiled and turned the faucet to the left, increasing the temperature of water pouring into the tub. 
He kneeled outside the tub, a large hand bringing your head towards his lips which pressed a kiss onto your forehead. 
“Anything else, hermosa?”
You nodded, sinking into the hold of his hand on the back of your neck. 
“¿Qué necesitas?” he asked, admiring how beautiful you looked.
“Entré aquí y te diré.”
He smiled, more excitedly this time, pressing a rapid flurry of kisses to your face before obliging your request. 
“Help me undress,” he asked. 
You leaned over the edge of the tub, the bubbles clinging to your body acting as a rather transparent cover up, and slowly began undoing the buttons of his shirt, tracing your fingers up and down his exposed skin as you did so. 
The golden light filling the room enhanced his muscles, highlighting the product of years upon years of rigorous training and strength building. 
But he wasn’t hard to the touch, like marble or stone. His skin was impossibly soft and smooth. He bore no scars- a fact that brought him immense pride, and further proof of his title as the world’s greatest swordsman. 
A sinfully soft hand gently grabbed your cheeks, pulling your lips towards his. 
You kissed him, savoring how even now, in marriage, he kissed you with completely unfiltered lust. 
His tongue slipped past your lips, begging entry into your mouth, and you tasted that he’d gotten a head start on the wine. 
“Not fair,” you giggled, pulling away from the kiss.
He stood up, discarding the rest of his clothing, folding it and placing it on top of yours before stepping in. 
He sunk down and you made your way over to him, sitting yourself in between his legs, lying back onto his chest.
He grabbed the wine bottle and handed it to you, from which you happily took a long drink. 
It was surprisingly sweet and you thanked him for accommodating your less refined wine tastes, the bitter stuff just didn’t entice you. 
He laughed, gathering up the hair that had fallen out of your claw clip and redoing it for you. 
“I missed you,” he said, kissing your neck. 
You grabbed his hands and laced your fingers into his, lightly squeezing as you wrapped his arms around your waist. 
“I missed you so much,” you started, “I know we should probably be used to it after five years but…”
You let your thoughts trail off. 
“I’ll never get used to your absence,” he said, “Before you this castle was lonely and empty save for some squatters I momentarily had staying. And now it is only a home when I can find you in it.”
You giggled at his quip before continuing, “It’s so lonely and empty and the floors are so cold and I swear I still get lost sometimes.
And when you’re not here the bed is so much colder and I worry the entire time about you.”
“Worry about me?” he teased, “And what possible pirate or marine out there could possibly have you worried about me?”
You took another long sip of the wine. 
“I dunno,” you said, your head starting to feel hazy. The heat from the bath and the surge of emotions of being back home were overwhelming you. 
“It doesn’t matter,” he assured you, “I’m here now. And I’m staying until spring.”
You hugged his arm which was still circled around your waist. 
“I have to leave for another week,” you’d been hesitant to tell him and had decided now was probably going to be the best opportunity. 
“I’ll be back by next Sunday, I have business in the city. There’s a man who wants to rent part of a property we own for reasons I assume he’ll elaborate upon when we meet.” 
He gently grabbed the wine bottle from your hands, taking a drink from it, saying nothing. 
“I know I just arrived, I’m sorry.”
He gave you a soft squeeze.
“I have no room to complain, amor, I’m constantly leaving you here,” he pressed a flurry of kisses to the top of your head, “But I could go with you.”
You turned around to look at him, adjusting yourself in the tub so you were at the perfect height to give him a kiss.
You pulled away, only for his hand to find its way to the back of your head and pull you back in for another. 
You deepened the kiss, pressing your body against his, as his hands traveled downward palming a good amount of your ass.
It was clear this activity was bound to make its way into your bedroom sooner than later. 
You sat up, running a hand through his hair. 
“Let’s go get in bed. We leave early tomorrow morning.”
He laughed, grabbing your cheeks and pulling you in for one last kiss.
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srjlvr · 1 year
,, Babysitting With A Stranger ‘‘
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PAIRING . . . babysitter!Riki X babysitter!gnReader
GENRE . . . fluff , crack !
WC . . . 1.9k+ !
SYNOPSIS . . . oops! there was a mistake with your babysitter and now you’re stuck with another babysitter…how are you going to survive?
WARNINGS . . . mention of children (again im sorry TT) , mentions of food!
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“so i’ll come around 5pm tomorrow” you held your phone close to your ear, waiting for an answer, “that’ll be great, thank you!” on the line was the mother of the children you’re about to babysit the other day.
“gladly, i’ll see you tomorrow!” you happily replied and hanged up.
it’s your fourth babysitting for this week so far, ever since you heard your favorite group is going on a tour, you’ve been determined to collect enough money to buy a ticket.
“i’ve got another one for tomorrow!” you said to your mom and she pat your head, “im proud of you for starting to work your ass off”
you woke up happily the other day, going to school as usual and rejecting any plans for the afternoon.
“let’s go karaoke today!! i feel like losing my voice today” your best friend requested. “sorry, can’t today, im babysitting” you replied.
“again? it’s like your fifth time this week” “fourth to be exact, but what can i do? i gotta get that ticket” you shrugged as she rolled her eyes.
school ended up faster than you expected, and it was already time for you to get mentally prepared for at least seven hours with two children.
you arrived at the house and knocked at the door, “Y/N? come in!” you heard the mother’s voice calling you in.
you opened the door and saw the mother sitting with her children on the ground, playing with them. “meet minho and minji!” she said and the kids cutely waved at you as you smiled at them.
“it’s nice to meet you! how old are you?” you asked them, “we’re six years old” they both answered, “i was born before you though” minji teased, “only by one minute!” minho said annoyingly.
“i think we’re about to enjoy the rest of the evening together!” you said excitedly.
“i will be back around 12am, of course i will be paying you as soon as i get back” the mother smiled and you nodded, “don’t worry, have fu-“ you were about to continue but a knock on the door interrupted you.
“that’s weird, i don’t expect anyone else” the parent said and opened the door.
“hello! i’m riki,” he said, “we’ve talked on the phone three days ago and we agreed i’ll babysit the kids today until 12am”
you stood there in shock as the mother froze, “oh i’m so sorry! i forgot i talked with you on the phone and i called y/n as well oh my god this is such a mess i don’t know what to say” she held her head down.
“it’s okay ma’am! i can go back and-“ you were about to continue but she cut you off, “no no! i’m sure you two had a long way here,” she sighed, “it’s a bit weird of me to request but, is it okay if you babysit together? i’ll pay you even double as an apology”
“it’s okay really-“ “please, let me do it” she pleaded.
you and riki both sighed and nodded, “great, thank you so much!” she smiled, “i really got to go now, thank you again”
before she closed the door she looked at her kids and blowed a kiss, “bye angels, i’ll give you a kiss when i get back!”
riki got inside the house as the kids’ mother left. “so umm, i’m riki” he introduced himself, “yeah i heard your introduction from before” you awkwardly replied.
“uhhh so um” he awkwardly coughed a bit and you zoned out, “right, um im-“ “y/n, i also heard her saying your name before” he chuckled and you nodded.
“can you two stop being so awkward and play with us?” the two kids, who were watching you two standing there like the other furnitures they have at home, dragged you and riki into their bedroom.
“that is where i sleep and that’s where minji sleeps” they both pointed at their beds and you both nodded.
“minji let’s take them to our play room” minho added and minji nodded.
“let’s pick one game and play!” they said and you all sat down to discuss which game you’re going to play.
“i say we should try monopoly! we can team up and play two against two” you suggested and they all nodded.
“then i want y/n in my team” minho said. “not fair! i wanted y/n to be in my team!” minji angrily scoffed, “but i said it first!” minho teased.
“i’m here too, hello hi” riki waved at minji, “i’m good at this game, i promise we’re going to win” he opened his arms for minji to hug him. minji looked at him weirdly but as she saw that he was not going to give up, she went up and hugged him, “you better be good at this game” she said, almost sounding like a threat.
“then let’s start to play!” you rolled the dice and the game started.
“we don’t have any money left!” riki finally called out after a long game, “the bank cant give you more money than you already took, sorry” you replied teasingly, “which means we win!” you high-fived minho and you both hugged each other.
“‘im good at this game’ you said” minji glared at riki, mimicking him from before, “i didn’t know they’re going to make a good team” he whispered back.
“look at the time! it’s already 8pm!! your mother told me you need to go sleep around 8:30pm” you said.
“did you shower yet?” riki asked and the kids nodded, “have you eaten anything?” you asked and the kids shook their heads.
“let’s make some dinner!” you and riki both said and went to the kitchen.
“their mother told me they usually eat scrambled eggs and a salad before they go to sleep, let’s just do that” you smiled at riki, “i’ll make the salad” he replied.
after something like fifteen minutes, you sat the kids down at the table, and served them the food you made, “eat well, don’t fall asleep on the food” riki smiled at the kids as you both watched them starting to eat.
after a few minor fights and jokes, the kids finally finished eating and it was time to put them into sleep.
“good night!” you and riki said. “riki! can you read us cinderella?” minho requested before you could close the door. you and riki shared a few seconds of and awkward eye contact until he broke it with a sigh, “of course!”
as riki got back inside their room, you started cleaning the kitchen from all the mess they created.
riki got out of the room just when you finished your cleaning, then you both flopped on the big sofa. “it’s been a tiring day” you said. “yeah” he shortly replied and it went back to silence.
“so,” riki started talking, “why did you start babysitting?”
“it might sound funny, but i’m actually collecting money to buy a ticket for a concert of my favorite group” you replied, “how about you?”
“the same reason as you actually” you then popped your head up to see his face to look if he’s serious or not, “what group are you planning to go to?” he added.
“wait let’s say the name on the same time” you both sat up and looked deeply into each other.
“(name of your fav group)!” you both said at the same time. “no way” you said.
“you know them?” he replied shockingly, “they’re like my favorite group”
“you’re lying” you said jokingly, “how much money did you save so far?”
“i have around 200$” he replied, “no way me too!” you cheered.
“what should we do while the kids are sleeping?” he asked and you smirked, “i think you know what i’m about to say”
you both spent a whole hour playing your favorite group’s songs and dancing like there’s no tomorrow. even though he was a complete stranger a few hours ago, you felt the most comfortable around him than you’ve ever felt, and it was the exact same feeling for him.
after a tiring dancing session, you and riki flopped on the sofa again, breathing heavily, trying to catch your breath. “i’m kinda hungry” you said and riki nodded in agreement.
as soon as you said that, riki got a notification, he opened his phone and read the text, “i left you and y/n some extra money if you’d like to buy yourself something to eat :) these kids are tiring so i bet you two are hungry”
“is that…” “the kid’s mom? yeah”
“damn those rich people” you both said at the same time and giggled. you decided to order pizza, it wasn’t too expensive but it’s more than enough for you both.
“y/n look! they have nintendo!” riki pointed out, “are you sure we should play in it? i dont want to touch anything that isn’t ours” you replied.
just then, riki got another notification, “p.s, dont be afraid to touch anything around the house, i know how boring it can be when the kids are sleeping ;)”
“she’s so nice i want her to adopt me” you said. “let’s play mario cart, im not better than you in monopoly, but i bet i can win in mario cart” riki said teasingly.
you nodded and grabbed the remotes, “let the games begin” you gave one of the remotes to riki and you started playing.
“so now we’re even” riki smirked, after something like five rounds, you realized you’re not going to win over him and gave up super fast. “yeah yeah i guess so, next time i’m gonna win though!”
“you think there will be next time…?” he asked. “uh well-“ you were about to continue until you heard a sound of keys outside of the door. you and riki turned off the tv and waited for the person to come in.
“hello!” the mother appeared behind the door with a huge smile on her face. “hey!” you and riki greeted her back.
“i’m so sorry again for the huge mistake! how was babysitting my little angels?” she asked, “it was great, we enjoyed doing it together as well” you both said, “your kids are the cutest!” you added.
“thank you! here’s the promised money” she held out the money for you two and you took it. “thank you so much! hope you have a wonderful night!” you and riki bid goodbye to the lady.
“that was fun” you said as you walked out of the door with riki. “it was” he replied, smiling.
“so i was thinking,” you both said at the same time, “you first” you said.
“um so i was thinking,” he said and stopped for a second to take a deep breath, “maybe i’ll be able to get your number and we could go to the concert together?” he asked, “consider it as a first date” he added.
“i would love to” you smiled at him and handed him your phone.
he put his number in your phone and gave it back to you, “hopefully i’ll get to babysit with you again,” he chuckled, “before the concert i mean”
you nodded and smiled, “that would be nice”
as you both exit the building, each one of you had to go to the other side, but not before you gave each other a short hug.
“i’ll contact you as soon as i get home” you said and he nodded. as soon as you let go from the hug, you gave him a peck on his cheek and ran away, leaving him all blushing.
you smiled to yourself, who would’ve thought that babysitting with a stranger wouldn’t be so bad after all?
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© srjlvr , pls don’t copy/translate any of my works without permission ! | reblogs and comments are very appreciated !
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the-kr8tor · 10 months
Hii this is my first ask, and I was wondering if I could get a hobie x gn!reader who's kind of like pearl from steven Universe? Like something going on with her, but she doesn’t open up because she doesn't have a good handle on emotions of other people, nor of her own? Idk the idea just came to me 😭. Anyways I love all your works and you are such a talented writer. Have a good day/night/afternoon, and remember to rest, eat food, and drink water 🌟
Thank you for requesting, lovely! I'm not quite familiar with pearl's character (I only know her from the few episodes I've watched) so I hope I wrote this okay 💛 😘
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: use of Y/N sparsely, no specific physical description of the reader, cw panic attack, cw drinking, FLUFF
The leather seats squeak under you, Hobie's arm slung over your shoulders, a cold pint in your hand. The condensation drips on your pants uncomfortably, the loud chatter of the pub makes you grit your teeth. Stuck on the inside of the booth, you stare blankly at a random nail poking out of the table. Your fists tighten around the glass of your abandoned drink.
The walls feel like they're closing in on you.
“Oi,” you feel your chest tighten, the air hot against your cheeks. “Love?” there's fingers rubbing softly on your wrist. “Y/N” you blink back to the present.
The entire table has their eyes on you. You clench your jaw together.
“Yeah? Sorry, I guess I'm more tired than I thought.” You chuckle humorlessly. “What were you saying, Hobie?”
Hobie's eyes are soft on you, “I was tellin’ them about that weird lookin’ dog we saw yesterday.” he bracelets his fingers around your wrist. “‘m gonna go out for a smoke, come with me?”
For a second you thought he's addressing someone else, but he only looks at you with a faint smile on his lips. It's enough to make you say yes.
“Okay” you slide out of the booth, blood rushing back to your legs.
Hobie cups your hand unabashedly, his friends hoot and holler. He flips them off without letting you go.
“Where are you lot goin’? Bathroom's that way!” One of his mates comments.
Hobie whispers in your ear, doing his best not to shout despite the roaring laughter behind you and the karaoke echoing throughout the old pub. “Don't mind them, yeah?”
You could only nod, the sweaty bodies you're weaving around makes you hold on to him tighter.
Exhaling, you finally feel like you can breathe again. Unclenching your fist, stretching your fingers, you find the crescent shapes on your palms. Large hands slide to your palm, wrapping your entire hand in both of his hands. He rubs at the skin gently, calloused fingers careful against the angry marks.
Hobie doesn't talk, you watch his face illuminated by the single street light. His brows are furrowed, lips tightly closed.
“You're angry” you break the silence.
“What?” He blinks in surprise, hands paused on your palm.
“I'm sorry, I wasn't listening”
He'd think you were joking if not for the serious look on your face. “Not angry, love. Don't” Hobie surrenders your hand back to you, opting to hold your face in his hands. You let him, leaning on his touch. “Don't apologize. Were you uncomfortable inside?”
“I’m—” he encourages you to continue with his thumb massaging your cheek, his rings are cold against your searing skin, a nice reprieve from the warmth. “Yes, I was. I should've said something, sorry–”
Hobie cuts your unnecessary apology off with a soft kiss on your forehead. Shutting you up completely, skin warm once again but for a different, better reason.
“Works like a charm” he chuckles at your flustered face.
You hold his hands that's still glued to your face, not to take it off, no, but to show your own affection, knowing you won't be able to say a single word after what he did. You'll surely mess it up or get tongue tied.
Hobie beams at you, moving your face gently to the side to pepper your temple with not one or two but seven kisses. Each longer than the last until you laugh quietly in the dingy alleyway.
“There,” he huffs like he's out of breath. “I wasn't letting you go without hearing that laugh of yours.” You tilt your head to face him better. “What do you say we go home?”
“What about your friends?”
You keep finding yourself laughing more around him. “Okay, let's go home”
“They're your friends too.” You smile softly at his words. “Fuck ‘em, they didn't even laugh at the funny lookin' dog I showed ‘em.”
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wordsofhoneydew · 6 months
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fic rec time!! lfg
here i compiled a list of 11 amazing fics under 500 kudos!! you have angst, smut, fluff, pinging, grief, hurt/comfort. you fucking name it, it’s here.
happy reading!
Invisible by @nocoastposts [100, G]
For the Brownstone Discord Server's weekly drabble prompt "invisible".
Total Eclipse by @myheartalivewrites [1k, T]
Alex is not sure what the fuck is happening here.
“And if you only hold me tight…”
A man—probably the most beautiful man he has ever seen—is up on stage in this karaoke bar, absolutely murdering Bonnie Tyler’s Total Eclipse of the Heart and he’s pretty sure the guy is crying and it’s one of the most horrifying things he’s ever seen and Alex cannot. Look. Away.
Be Mine (And Be Yourself) by @itsmaybitheway [9k, E]
It starts with a misunderstanding, the way it always does with them.
Early on in their relationship, when there wasn’t even a relationship to speak of, the misunderstandings used to feed the animosity.
Then they’ve turned into something softer when their relationship turned into something softer. Purposefully misunderstanding each other just to take a jab, messing around for the fun of it or turning an innocent comment into a filthy innuendo and watching the other squirm.
But this? Oh a misunderstanding has never been this delicious, this appetizing. This one feels like the door to fucking sexy Narnia and Alex can not wait to eat those delicious Turkish delights
OR Henry just wants to be Alex's pretty little princess and Alex will make sure he gets his wish! AKA my Valentine's Day fic with housewife!Henry
it's so hard to get to heaven with my head in my hands by @anincompletelist [6k, M]
His mother would have a fit if she could see him now, taking comfort he isn’t owed from men he shouldn’t want it from. But Henry wipes his tears with the back of his hand and Alex begins singing the dulcet tune of a Spanish lullaby and George feels, perhaps for the first time in his life, like he belongs.
the tragic flaw is that they hide the truth (that you’re enough, you’re enough) by srrafoxjournals [6k, NR]
Alex has been staring.
For weeks now, actually.
Henry had originally chalked it up to Alex being, well, Alex. But lately, Henry can’t help but take it in as more than just his boyfriend's usual oddness.
Or: After gaining some weight, Henry feels self conscious. Alex however, loves his tummy.
blurred lines. by seafloor [5k, E]
Henry is a lovesick writer; Alexander a charismatic bartender. They’re still fated to fall into bed at some point.
I will/I will/We will by @tintagel-or-cockleshells [6k, T]
Alex's wedding planning business is going from strength to strength, but if he never has another wedding at Mountchristen Manor it will be too soon. He just can't get along with Henry, the venue coordinator, and the feeling is mutual. But when push comes to shove, the couple's big day has to come first.
I’ll be with him again soon by mymistakesweremade4u [3k, T]
It's sometime in mid-January, just a couple of months shy of his 95th birthday, when Henry finds himself surrounded by family in his and Alex's bedroom.
Or, Alex and Henry grew old together.
beg you on my knees (to stay) by @littlemisskittentoes [13k, E]
“Up.” Henry keeps the tone low. Controlled.
Alex is often frantic to follow commands, his limbs falling over themselves in his haste to obey. There’s no sign of that rushed need now. He takes his time, unfolding himself leisurely.
“You’re bold,” Henry monotones. He takes calculated steps forward, punctuating each slow stride with the unbutton and roll of his shirt sleeves. “I’ll give you that.”
“You’re only now realizing? Thought you were brighter than that, baby.”
keep me up all night / i wanna scratch your surface by @firenati0n [1k, M]
They step inside, greeted by moonlight streaming through the windows, illuminating their living room in a dreamy light; it’s enough to see outlines and shapes, enough to keep everything just a little bit secretive, a little softer around the edges.
Henry moves his hand to flick on the kitchen light, and Alex’s hand shoots out to grab his wrist. Henry looks down at him questioningly, blue eyes sparkling even with the absence of light. Alex always feels a little off-kilter around him, Henry both his center of gravity and his reason for vertigo. He’s stabilizing, and dizzying, and everything.
Alex’s thumb and index finger circle Henry’s slender wrist, exerting the slightest pressure. He feels Henry's pulse jump under his thumb.
“Get on the couch.”
don’t let me get drunk again by @getmehighonmagic [3k, E]
Alex had never wanted to cancel plans as much as he had while watching Henry pull a pair of light wash, tight jeans over his stockinged legs and bare ass.
Christ, he’s getting hard thinking about it now.
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annisassintchaska · 1 year
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FUN DAY: Lewis Hamilton x Black!Reader
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Today is this first day that Y/n would be accompanying Lewis to a race. Y/n and Lewis have been dating for the past three years yet kept it a secret until recently due to how hawking the media could be, knowing that Lewis is a legendary F1 driver and Y/n is known for being a billionaire fashion designer who built herself from the bottom with no help and that caused people to admire and look up to her. the news caused the entire world to irrupt in excitement as they all knew that Lewis is a fashion icon, and that being mixed with Y/n's talent would be a showstopper.
Y/n was schedule to arrive at the paddock any moment now and the other drivers were very edgy because of this. they were in and out of the bathrooms, fixing themselves to look presentable enough to appease her. they went around looking to see if their garages were presentable enough having the mechanics and engineers move anything they thought wouldn't be appealing to her eyes, sighing as they finally finished.
A few minutes later, Lewis' car pulled up into the paddock making everyone stop in their tracks waiting to see their "Paddock Queen" arrive. Lewis got out waving at the crowd that cheered for him some asking for the queen while he just laughed and walked over to the other side of the car opening the door and extending his hand for Y/n to take. As soon as she stepped out of the car, people started screaming as cameras started clicking rapidly as if it were a red carpet. Lewis got the bag from the trunk and came around, giving it to Angela before taking her hand as they walked inside.
The first drivers that they saw on the way in were Carlos, Charles and Pierre as they were all just staring in awe looking like three lovesick puppies that wanted to be petted. "Salut!" Y/n said excitedly but turned confused as they were speaking very fast at the same time. "You guys are confusing my girlfriend you idiots, one at a time." Lewis laughed at them which made it worse as them stuttered while trying to speak. "We just wanted to say that we are very big fans of your work. Carlos here owns literally every piece you've created" Charles rambled but was stopped by Pierre slapping him across the back of his head. "Sorry about them, please come with me" Fernando offered as he took her gently by the wrist, walking off with the others, leaving Lewis standing alone. "They stole my girlfriend" Lewis laughed as he watched the grid crowd her out of excitement.
Throughout the day, Y/n found herself being carried from one garage to the next as from one driver to another, excitedly explain somethings and showed her around, getting familiar with the scene. the race was about to start and may God help those working around the drivers as they shouted in arguments of from whose garage should y/n watch the race; however, let's not forget that Lewis' garage was not an option since in Charles' words "Lewis has Y/n more than anyone here so he shouldn't be a choice since he'll see her after work" the Monegasque driver pouted making the other drivers agree. in the end she ended up watching from the Williams racing garage as she wanted to support Alex Albon who almost started to cry at the confession that Y/n liked his driving.
The race was finally over, and Lewis had finished all his post-race duties and was ready to go home, when he was informed that his girlfriend was once again missing from the Mercedes garage. Walking around, he came to a stop as he noticed that the other drivers were entertaining his girl by hosting a karaoke in the centre of the paddock. he motioned to the crowd to keep silent as he wrapped his arms around her, covering her mouth as his other hand lifted her from the chair while he ran away towards the car.
The guys went into panic mode when they came to realize that Y/n wasn't sitting anymore and starting texting everyone they knew asking if they had spotted the pretty, short, dark-skinned woman; only for Lewis to make a tweet 3 minutes later.
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lewishamilton: She's unavailable at the moments. Thank you for your cooperation in allowing me to steal her back👍
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dontcallmeeds · 2 years
Part 2 of Eddie Making Jewelry For Steve; Part 1 here / Part 3 here / Part 4 here
Steve had figured it out after the second little box that was left on the Family Video counter.
He didn’t see Eddie leave it, he was too involved in his conversation with Robin that happened to be about his panic surrounding Eddie.
See the thing is, he knew there were bisexual people and he knew he liked men for years.
But saying it outloud and falling for his best friend? Well, that was a whole other thing.
The way Steve figured it out was the handwriting on the little notes. It felt a little crazy comparing his Family Video card paperwork to the notes, but Robin was the one who suggested it.
Eddie looped his lowercase Es tightly, to the point they almost looked like Cs. And his Is were always lowercase with a circle instead of a dot.
It really just had to be him leaving the beautiful pieces that made Steve’s heart melt and his stomach fall out his ass. Although, he still had his doubts. There was no way his dream guy was just being that fucking perfect, that wasn’t usually how Steve’s life went.
But oh god did he sure have hope.
Steve thought he was being obvious that he knew, wearing the ring that he had fallen in love with in front of Eddie. He even fidgeted with it and caught Eddie staring at it before the other man quickly looked away.
He couldn’t help but tear up in the Beamer after the outing, asking Robin for advice only resulted in drunken living room karaoke, not a plan.
Steve tried to ask where he got his pieces once so maybe him and Robin could run surveillance like old times, but Eddie ended up being vague and elusive.
When Steve brought Nancy into the secret op, she suggested a stake out which felt like stalking. She started a board with dates and drop off locations and roughly estimated it was every 2-4 weeks on dates Steve was usually busy.
It was coming up on almost a month since the last drop and Steve was practically showing off with the last chain, making sure his polo was just open at top enough for Eddie to see.
The flushing across Eddie’s cheeks into his chest was everything, but still his metalhead said nothing.
It was time for Nancy’s plan.
Steve dropped days he’d be busy, watching as Eddie seemingly made a mental note of them. His feigned disappointment was shaky, Steve hoping he’d just blurt it out without confrontation.
But alas, nothing.
Nancy put on her ‘undercover journalism best’ aka a literally just a black sweater and black pants, borrowing her parents car instead of using her own. And I’m that moment Steve felt—
“Am I crazy? Is this whole thing crazy?” Steve paces the Family Video aisles between romance and comedy, which felt pretty fitting considering his love life was a joke.
Robin places a hand on his shoulder and gives him that all encompassing look between the fact that she thinks it’s completely sane, but also really fucking crazy.
“You want to know for sure, right? Not just the handwriting or little weird glances?”
Steve sighs and then nods slowly, he really did want to know for sure. But the problem is what came after.
“Okay then, we’ll just see what Nancy says then hmm? For all we know it could be a boring—“
As if on cue, the walkie they stole from the kids crackles.
“Steve—it’s for sure him, he just—“
“HE JUST WHAT?! WE NEED ANSWERS WHEELER,” Robin shouts into the speaker before Nancy can even finish, Steve grabs the walk-in out of her hand with a scoff.
“Say sorry to your eardrums for her Nance— so wait, what happened?” Steve tries to shove down his nerves, but his fingers on the device tremble.
“He leave something in your mailbox, do you want me to—“
“Steve, GO!”
He really needs to teach her what an inside voice is.
“Are you—“
“I’ll cover you, if Keith comes back I’ll—I’ll make up a dead aunt or say you ripped your pants, I don’t know! I’m not good under pressure, you know how I get Steve. Goddamnit, just go before I start rambling!”
Steve nods and handing her the walkie, running out the door. He knows he breaks the speed limit on the way home, knows if he gets pulled over he can just use the Hopper card. He normally wouldn’t, but extreme times and all that.
Nancy is pulled into the drive when he gets there, popping out when she sees him pull up next to the mailbox.
“Hey I wanted to stay, for you know, support,” she says with a small smile, seeming to enjoy this all way too much.
“Nance, you didn’t have to—“
“Yes I did, Steve. Now fucking open it before me and Robs burst a blood vessel.”
Steve nervously chuckles, his fingers twitching on the mailbox door before pulling it down to a little red box.
‘Stevie, something different,’ is all it reads.
He shares a glance with Nancy, before pulling it out.
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wooahaeruby · 6 days
Chapter 27: One Eye Open
Chapter Word Count: 5,198
Assumed alcohol consumption and assumed stalking this chapter.
Master List | Prev | Next
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It started with a letter placed in your mailbox. 
You were coming home from a night out with Jeonghan when you stopped to grab your mail, sorting through the bills as you took the stairs up, stumbling upon an envelope with no return address. 
Confused, you read over your typed full name, not even your changed name, your birth name before you changed it, and your address. As you neared your apartment door, you glanced around cautiously, not seeing anything out of place but quickly slid into your apartment. Dropping everything at the front door, you made sure everything was locked and secured before your curiosity got the better of you. 
Though hesitant, you ripped the letter open and removed the single sheet of paper within, unfolding it slowly. Staring back at you against the white sheet was, again, typed black words. 
We are watching
That had you swallowing down your nerves as you continued to read down the list. 
At the top was your birth name, nearly foreign to you after so many years of not hearing it. It was followed by your birthday and age, even going as far as to list your hometown and what hospital you were born in. Your stomach dropped to the floor, seeing your parents’ names printed there as well. 
Flipping over the paper found nothing. Once more you read over the information and shook your head to snap out of the unnerving anxiety that coursed through your veins. 
“This is some sick joke.” You managed to mutter, running a hand through your hair and  crumbled up the paper, tossing it in the garbage. “Probably those fucking asshole aunts that wanted nothing to do with me as a kid.” 
Justifying it was your best answer, knowing the guys in SVT were probably the only ones that knew most of this information outside of your blood relatives, along with your job because they ran a background check on you. A small part of your gut was telling you to take it seriously but a much larger part wasn’t going to dwell on it until it became an actual issue.
It would be stupid to worry about it too much, right? 
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Siyeon had texted you early Friday afternoon, letting you know she needed you at the shop to make sure the dress for the ball fit. Though you did have plans with Joshua, you messaged him, asking to meet later due to Siyeon’s request, which he agreed thankfully due to something coming up at the shipping company. 
When you pulled up to the shop after work, you were surprised to see Gahyeon pulling into the spot beside you. You really only knew her from being another 99 liner with Chan, Wooyoung, and them, and you were kinda excited for the karaoke night tomorrow to actually properly talk to her. 
“Mouse!” She beamed when she stepped out from her car, seeing you join her towards the front of the vehicles. “Did she call you in for the fitting too?” 
“Yeah,” You snickered, following after her and she hurried inside. “You were invited?” 
“Mhmm~ Si and I are going this year since Minji isn’t in the country right now.”
Running through the names in your head, you tried to figure out which one of them was Minji…you remember Siyeon telling you what each of their names were but you frowned… 
“Which one is Minji again?” You whispered, blanking on the name. 
“Our Leader.” She gave you a wink and it came back to you, Countess , Minji. Gotta remember that one… 
“Thanks. I’m still trying to memorize some names but I don’t hear them all the time.” 
“Nah, I understand. You are coming out with us tomorrow, right?” Gahyeon pulled the door open for the two of you, motioning you inside before you nodded. 
“Mmm, Woo wouldn’t let me say no and Chan said he’d throw me in the car.” 
“After so long, I have another woman there with me.” She joked and Siyeon was before the two of you in an instant. 
One look around showed the store was overall empty aside, no other workers present as Siyeon took your arm.
“You’re here.” There was mischief in her eyes when she looked at you and Gahyeon rolled her eyes. “Let’s get you dressed.” 
“Yah, what about me?” 
Siyeon waved her off but the youngest of Dreamcatcher only smirked along with Siyeon. You…didn’t like that too much but you were being whisked away quickly to the dressing rooms in the back of the store. 
“It’s hanging on the hook. Put it on then come out so I can pin it.” And the curtain was closed in your face. 
Turning around, your eyes widened at the deep red gown hanging before you. 
From the front, it seemed like a halter top with a golden chain collar holding the bodice up. The neckline was low, reaching the middle of your sternum, definitely intentional to show off your body. The one thing that you were uncertain about was the body style of the dress, it was more fitted, trumpet style that would hug your waist, hips, and legs. You were unsure if you were going to like the fit but Siyeon already put so much effort into it… 
You stripped down and took the dress down from the hanger, turning it around, only to chuckle at the same golden chains that went from the back of the halter bow, attaching to the side of the collar chain. 
It took a moment for you to figure out how to get into the dress, with the halter top and the low back, you were afraid you’d be showing a little too much but once you managed to slide it on, you were pleasantly surprised. 
While it did hug your body, it wasn’t tight and the velvet material wasn’t scratchy, but rather soft and comfortable. Though the bodice was low cut, it wasn’t flimsy to expose you and had decent structure to properly protect and cover you. The surprise you found as you flattened the dress and went to move was the slit cut into the front of the dress. Looking in the mirror around you, it reached just above the knee, but as you moved your leg out to take a step it rested mid-thigh. 
With the extra material at the bottom to take in for the heels you pick, you made sure everything was secured before pushing the curtain open, meeting both Gahyeon and Siyeon’s eyes. Standing on the pedestal dressed in a gorgeous navy blue dress with silver star patterns throughout the material was Gahyeon, playing on her phone while the older woman worked. Before her, Siyeon sat on the floor, pinning the layers to hem later, but her eyes lit up at the sight of you in the red dress. 
“It turned out better than I expected.” You watched as her eyes ran over your body and you snorted, kicking the slit open some. 
“Had fun with that?” Pointing down to it, Siyeon winked. 
“That was thanks to your boyfriends .” 
“Wait- boyfriends? Who?” 
“Little Miss Mouse has Shua and Han wrapped around her fingers.” Siyeon said dramatically, going back to her work on her youngest member’s dress. 
“I don’t have them wrapped around my fingers.” Taking a seat on the couch to wait for your turn, Gahyeon rolled her eyes, leveling with you through the mirror. 
“You definitely do because whenever Han calls to talk, he can’t shut up about you. Though the Shua situation must have been recent if I haven’t heard about it.” 
“Han told me and I just forgot to tell.” Siyeon added. 
Crossing your arms over your chest, you gave a huff. “Why am I not surprised that you gossip about it?” 
“Because you have Han so whipped that it’s ridiculous.” Siyeon laughed, placing the last pin on the skirt before moving onto the bodice. “Through all the years I’ve known him, I haven’t even heard him talk about the members as much as he talks about you.” 
Despite your denial, your cheeks slowly flushed, “He doesn’t talk about me that much…”
“Just because you don’t hear it, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.”
A pout formed on your face and you couldn’t help slouching down in your seat, flustered. Siyeon was quick to get the pinning done on Gahyeon’s dress before the youngest was set off to change. You were pulled up next, seeing the analytical glint in the oldest woman’s eyes, her head tilting to the side. 
“What?” You asked but she was walking off towards the back, leaving you standing there with no explanation. 
It took a few minutes for her to come back, a short stack of two shoe boxes in hand as she sank down to sit on the floor. Watching her take each told off, you were met with three different sets of golden colored heels. The first your eyes rested on were strappy, ment to wrap up around your calf but Siyeon was quick to move them aside, seemingly not liking them as she gazed at the full outfit. The second seemed more appropriate. These heels, a pair of closed toed stilettos, were similar gold color to the chains of the dress, decorated in a beautiful filigree pattern. 
With a simple ask from Siyeon to try them on, you slid the heels on, gazing in the mirrors before you, nodding at the selection. At your feet, She wasted no time in finding the length needing to be cut off, pin after pin placed in the fabric methodically. Gahyeon emerged from the dressing room beside yours and threw herself stomach first on the couch, phone in hand. 
“Wooyoung won’t shut up in the groupchat.” She muttered, rolling her eyes, seeing her reflection in the mirror scroll almost endlessly on her phone. “Something about the other 99 liners in his group coming with us tomorrow.” 
“I forgot there are four other 99ers in their group…” You pinched the bridge of your nose. “Who all is going?” 
“So it’s Woo, San, Yeosang, Yunho, Mingi, Binnie, Yeonjun, Chan, you, and me.” She typed something out quickly, the sound of her nails against the screen was heard. “We tried getting the youngest of Twice but she isn’t in the country either right now.” 
“So we are entering into a sausage fest?” 
Siyeon snorted before a laugh was bubbling out of her. “You would know, Mouse.” 
“Go fuck yourself.” Glaring down at her, you huffed in annoyance. “I didn’t ask to be brought into the frat house that is SVT. Much to everyone’s perception of them, they are still just men . I am not even sure how any one of them survived this long with only a few of them knowing how to properly cook.” 
In response, Siyeon only laughed again, finishing the work on the skirt before standing up, checking for any issues in the top half of the dress. She shifted the material of the dress here and there, only taking note to change the length of the chains until it rested just above your elbows. 
You were able to change back into your work clothes, handing the dress off to your friend before joining Gahyeon on the couch, taking out your phone to see that Wooyoung did spam the chat just as she said. 
“Bruh, does he do nothing else all day but text?” 
“Sometimes, yeah. He is my friend but kinda obnoxious.” She laughed, “But hey, he said he is paying so I’m down.” 
“Thank god, I’m already at my budget for the week.” You laughed, crossing your legs, taking note of the frown on Gahyeon’s face. 
“Your budget? You guys don’t have a company or group card type thing?” 
You matched her frown. “I mean, I know they do, I’ve technically used it two or three times, but why should I be using it? It isn’t really my money, I can pay for my own things. I’m a big girl.” 
Your explanation only had her looking more puzzled. “That…Okay. Weird. That doesn’t really make sense.” 
“How is it weird-” Cut off by your phone ringing, you sighed, seeing the nickname you have for Joshua, Simp #2, pop up on your phone. You answered, still frowning down at Gahyeon who went back to her phone. “Hey, did you just finish up?” 
“ Yeah,” He sounded tired. “ Can I meet you at the diner on Tenth? Simple tonight?” 
“That isn’t a problem, Shua. I’ll see you there.” 
He hummed out in agreement before the line went dead and Gahyeon was back to glancing up at you. “Why is it weird that I don’t use the company card?”
Pursing her lips, she looked to the side than back at you. “Well for one, you are technically in the business . That is just obvious. For another thing, you are dating two of them. You can’t really back out of this life now.” 
Maybe she had a point, but at the same time, you were fine with how you were living now. You didn’t need the metaphorical handout, hell you were still partially weird about the car, but that was a separate issue from Seungcheol. 
“On top of that, you and I both know that Han is paying for this outfit and everything that comes with it and he paid for the necklace, and the gala dress-” 
“Okay- I get it.” You sighed, pushing your hair back from your face. “I’m fine with how I am. I don’t want to overstep my place or anything, okay? I don’t want to bring it up unless I’m really in need of some help.” 
Once more, she looked puzzled but shrugged. “As long as you aren’t struggling, okay.” 
Gathering your things, you stood up, giving her a pat on the head. “I’ll see you tomorrow night, I’m going to meet Shua.” 
She snickered, “Have fun on your date~” 
“Tell Siyeon I said bye.” 
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“Why do you have that look on your face?” Sitting across from Joshua in the small diner, he tilted his head, eyes showing some concern. 
Furrowing your brows for a moment, you shook your head. “What look?” 
He snickered, reaching across the table with his palms facing up. Slowly, you placed your hands on top of his, letting his thumb run over the back of your hands. “The look where you are both pouting and thinking about something that is bothering you.” 
“When I was at the dress shop, Gahyeon basically asked me why I don’t ever use the company card myself.” 
Joshua hummed, raising his eyes from your hands to your face. “And why is that bothering you?” 
“I…don’t know.”
Honestly, you didn’t know why it bothered you so much. The drive over here was full of the question about why but you couldn’t come up with a relatively good answer for yourself. 
“Are you or Hannie bothered that I don’t use it? Like is it a big deal to you that I don’t?” 
Joshua moved his head side to side, flattening his lips in thought. “I wouldn’t say I hate that you don’t at least use it. I don’t know Jeonghan's opinions, but I know personally that I’d like it if you let me, us , take care of you, even if it’s just Han and I’s money. It’s one of those things where I know I have the money to provide for you and while I do that currently with certain things, I want to be able to do more if needed. However, I also know that you want to take care of yourself and probably won’t admit you were struggling until you really need it.” 
“I hate that you can read my mind with the last part.” Dropping your head on the table, you sighed, giving his hands a squeeze. 
“What was said at the shop that got it in your head though?”
“We were talking about tomorrow night when I got out with the guys and ‘Hyeon, Woo said he was going to pay for everything and I joked about how I’m at my budget for the week so I’m happy he was and she asked why I wasn't using the card.” Lifting your head, you peered through your lashes to see Joshua’s reaction. 
“If you are struggling, you know we don’t mind.” 
Once more, you dropped your head. “I know…I’m not struggling, just so you know. I am within my budgeting, I should hopefully get a raise towards the end of the year, things are okay.” 
“I’m not worried,” He traced aimless patterns with his thumbs against the back of your knuckles. “You have a good head on your shoulders. But you know any one of us will help if you need it.” 
“Stop being sickeningly sweet.” 
“Mm…Nah.” Joshua gave a wink and you rolled your eyes. “That is what boyfriends are for.” 
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Wooyoung messaged the chat to dress comfortably, nothing fancy, he wanted everyone to be normal , emphasis on normal and comfortable. It’s how you ended up in your favorite stretchy, soft ripped jeans, and a very faded band t-shirt you found at a thrift store a few years ago. 
Though…losing rock paper scissors against Chan didn’t make you that upset when you arrived at the penthouse. It just meant you would have one drink and none the rest of the night so you could successfully drive the two of you back later that night. He did rub in it some, bouncing around all happy, bounding down the hall to get something from one of the rooms. 
Jeonghan and Joshua were watching something in the living room, both mindlessly on  their phones until you walked through the door. 
“Wah~ Look at my girl.” Jeonghan was at your side in an instant, encircling you within his arms, tiredly gazing down at you. “As gorgeous as ever.” 
“Hello to you too, Hannie.” Placing a kiss to his cheek, you hugged him tightly, trying your best not to get any of the little makeup you wore on the soft sweater he had on. “You look tired.” 
“Mm~ Nothing a little sleep can’t fix later. I’ll be okay, love.” His reassurance had you placing a chaste his to his lips, watching the smile bloom on his lips. 
Breaking from his hold, you shuffled over Joshua, placing yourself down on the couch beside him, kissing his cheek as you did with Jeonghan. “Hi.” 
“Hey,” He looked just as tired as Jeonghan despite getting decent sleep the night before with him staying at your apartment. “Let us know if you need help getting Chan home later.” 
“I should be fine.” Snickering, you reached up and booped his nose. “But I’ll call if I need a hand.” 
“Mouse! Come on!” Chan, hurrying back into the room, made his way to the door, phone and wallet in hand. 
Though smiling, you rolled your eyes, placing one last kiss to Joshua’s lips and standing up. Jeonghan dropped himself back on the couch as you passed him, kicking his feet up on the coffee table. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” 
“Sure, dad .” Chan stuck his tongue out, throwing the door open and left down the corridor. 
“It’s only going to get worse when I’m the only sober one.” You commented, waving to both of them, following Chan out of the penthouse and down the elevator. 
“Oh you know it, unless you call lover boys and have them pick both of us up and your car.” He skipped to your car once the elevator opened, waiting like an impatient child as you unlocked the doors and got in. 
Since Seungcheol changed Chan’s job within the group, he had been a lot happier, even energetic. After one of your training lessons, he thanked you, apologizing for not saying anything sooner but you waved him off, saying you were just glad to see him be himself. That also led to him actively reaching out more when you weren’t training with him and begging you to agree to go out with the 99 line even when you told him three times you already were going to go. 
The drive over the quiet, both taking the momentary peace to relax before the chaos that was apparently a 99 line get together. Chan’s phone kept going off but he ended up laughing, saying that Changbin got a flat tire and Wooyoung was picking him up. You arrived only a few minutes early, seeing Gahyeon standing outside beside San and Yeosang as you pulled into a spot. 
“Guys!” Chan hollered excitedly, beaming brightly as he clasped hands with San, giving a pat on the back as a greeting. 
“Woo is going to be late with Bin, Mingi and Yunho should be here in a few.” San grinned, giving you a wave which you returned. “Mouse.” 
“Hey, San, Yeosang.” You smiled, feeling Gahyeon link her arm with yours, snickering. 
“None of them are on time. Yeojun should be here in a moment too.” 
“We can head inside, Woo got us the larger room so we can all fit.” 
“Gotta love friends that own a karaoke bar.” Gahyeon fake swooned, pulling you along with the guys following behind. 
“Another thing I really shouldn’t be surprised about but I am.” You laughed, seeing San sidestep the two of you, turning and walking backwards. 
“Nothing should ever surprise you at this point, Mouse~” San’s wink made you scoff at him with a smile. He led the group along, pushing the thick door open and ushered everyone inside. Gahyeon pulled you down onto the nice, rater plush couch.
“All food and drinks are covered.” Yeosang’s eyes beamed. 
“Mouse promised to drive home.” Chan snickered but you hit his arm as he sat beside you. 
“Correction, rat boy, I lost rock paper scissors.” 
“Ah, just have your boyfriends pick you guys up.” Gahyeon threw in.
“Boyfriends?” Yeosang asked curiously.
You threw your head back. “Not this again!” 
Waiting on the rest of the group to arrive, you had to run down the story to Yeosang and San, where Chan would not stop butting in. San was laughing at you with Gahyeon. When Yunho, Mingi, and Yeonjun came in, the room got louder, mainly from Yunho egging on San. It only got worse when Wooyoung and Changbin walked in, sending Chan and Yeonjun into an uproar. 
“This is why it’s a sausage feast.” Gahyeon kicked her slides off and hugged your arm. 
“Oh, it wasn’t the group of seven guys?” 
“You should have seen the first meet up when I joined.” You both watched as the guys shared hugs, laughter filling the room once more. “It was a bunch of wild animals and me.” 
“Guess we are the ringleaders?” 
“Oh, baby, you wish.” Wooyoung winked, tuning into the conversation. “I’m the ringleader.” 
“I want to be the ringleader!” Yeonjun chimed in, throwing his arm over Wooyung’s shoulder. 
“Neither of you should be within five miles of a leader position.” Yeosang rolled his eyes, picking up the laminated ‘menu’ from the coffee table between the couch and the TV screen for karaoke. “ATZ would burn to the ground if Hongjoong wasn’t in charge.” 
“I could only imagine if Yeonjun was in charge of TXT.” 
“Apparently he put a bullet through half of their heads.” You commented, remembering one of his member’s snarky remarks from that gala. 
“Can you guys stop bitching?” Mingi flopped himself down on the couch beside Chan, stretching out his long limbs. 
“Why am I friends with any of you?” Gahyeon questioned, resting her head on your shoulder. 
Rolling his eyes, Wooyoung stared at her unimpressed. “Because you’d be a loser with no friends if you weren’t.”
“Go fuck yourself, Wooyoung.” 
“I’d rather have someone to fuck but sure babes.” 
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Okay maybe you shouldn’t have listened to Changbin and Yeonjun…
Maybe you shouldn’t have taken so many shots because you now really couldn’t drive home… 
“Do not sing My Heart Will Go On !” San whined, face bright red, words slurred the more he spoke. “I don’t wanna hear your screeching!” 
“It’s just the Toad version!” Wooyoung stumbled to throw his arm around Yeonjun, both giggling as the song was pulled up thanks to Yunho who stayed sober with Yeosang. 
Chan was getting up with them, not hesitating as he joined in on the song. It was ear piercing, hearing all of them singing in the worst tone possible to match the infamous Toad version of the song. You and the rest were booing, even throwing napkins – or in Mingi’s case, his shoe – at the three. 
Changbin took his ‘turn’, somehow keeping track of the imaginary list of contestants if they wanted to sing. Gahyeon was just as gone, if not more, than you were currently. She was sitting with San, both snickering, faces flustered. You did manage to get everyone a bottle of water, drinking or not, and have them down some between drinks. You did end up texting your group chat with Jeonghan and Joshua, letting them know that you and Chan would definitely need a ride. All Joshua asked when he ended up replying was to call so they could drive over. 
You head shot up hearing the first note of the song Changbin put on, a well known G note that many might not know if you weren’t in your emo phase at least once in your life. 
“God no!” 
“ When I was…a young boy-” Hearing him start to sing, words jumbled together, you were joining in, grabbing Chan by the arm. 
Somehow that ended up with a majority joining on, microphones long forgotten as the horrible mix of mismatched vocal keys filled the room. San got up, swaying with each shuffled step but was able to dance around in an uncoordinated fashion that had a majority of you laughing. As more songs were played through, it was evident the energy was getting exhausted the longer the group of you went on. San was half asleep against Yeosang’s side with Mingi mumbling a conversation with Yunho and Wooyoung. Chan was giggly and smiley as he spoke with Yeonjun who was just as gone. 
You had found yourself nestled against Gahyeon, feeling her carding her hands through your hair, even braiding a few strands. 
You felt happy, the alcohol made you feel warm and your head was a little hazy, but you were genuinely happy. It’s been a little bit since you felt this happy having more friends, being able to be a woman in your twenties, going out and just having fun. The last time was college but it felt like ages ago. 
“Channie…” You lifted your head from Gahyeon’s shoulder, seeing the man turn his head to you with wide, drowsy eyes. “Is it okay if we go home? I’m starting to get tired…” 
“Home?” His eyes brightened at the mention, “Are you gonna call-?” 
“Her boyfriends~!” Yeonjun finished his sentence as you fished out your phone from your pocket. 
“Yeah, I’ll call ‘em.” You muttered, pulling your legs close to your chest, dialing Joshua’s number. 
It took a moment of ringing before it connected, hearing the tired hum of his voice. 
“Can you come get us?”  
“ Huh-? Yeah.” He groaned, probably sitting up. You didn’t know how late it was. “ I’ll get Han and we’ll be there in, like, twenty minutes. ” 
“Thank you.” He hummed once more in response before the call ended. 
You ended up closing your eyes for a few minutes, the couch in the room a pile of limbs and drunk conversation. You swore it was only a few minutes… 
“Jeonghan!” Chan’s voice had you rousing from your unintentional slumber. “Shua!” 
“Quiet down, it’s three in the morning.” Jeonghan chided, dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants, tired eyes landing on you. 
“We were waiting for them to get picked up before we left.” Yunho said, “One of Gahyeon’s group will be here in a moment too.” 
“Thanks…” Joshua huffed, looking down to you and Chan with a small, fond smile on his lips. “Come on, both of you, up.” 
Chan stood on unstable feet but steadied himself, grabbing his jacket. You…You were another story.
Peeling Gahyeon’s arms from around you, Joshua took your hands and helped you stand, placing his hands on your waist to keep you steady. You shook your head, trying to clear the fog that clouded your brain. 
“Where are your keys?” He asked. 
“Channie has them.” 
“Let’s get you back to the penthouse.” 
Nodding in agreement, you bid those awake a goodnight, waving the best you could with your heavy limbs, letting Joshua lead you out. Jeonghan was only a few steps ahead with Chan, listening to him ramble about the night, keeping an arm around the youngest shoulder so he wouldn’t run straight into a wall like he almost did, twice. 
Chan and Jeonghan took your car back while Joshua placed you in Jeonghan’s car and trailed behind them. The ride was quiet, mainly because you were tired, and getting you up the elevator was the worst time, seeing as the jolt that started it almost had you falling over. 
Jeonghan took the time to get Chan to bed, it was a struggle since Chan didn’t shut up but when he finally managed to slip out, Jeonghan looked exhausted. You were shuffled into a room and pushed to change in the bathroom by Joshua, hearing quiet murmuring as you got ready for bed. When you shuffled out, both were sitting on the bed in two different states of drowsiness. If either of them lied down, they’d probably pass out. 
“ ‘m sorry I woke you up.” You sat between them. 
“It’s okay.” Jeonghan put his arm around you, pulling you close to his side. He placed a kiss to the side of your head, knocking his head forehead gently against the side of yours. “I’ll let you get to bed.” 
There was a pull in your chest, you didn’t know if it was the alcohol earlier or something else, but you grabbed his hand. 
“Can you…both stay with me?” 
Above your head, Jeonghan shared a look with Joshua from what you could tell before he kissed the side of your head once more. 
“Sure, but I call the little spoon.” 
“You suck.”
Joshua and Jeonghan got themselves comfortable, letting you fall in between them. Joshua didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you snug against his chest. Jeonghan nestled himself between your arms, facing you instead of letting you spoon him. 
Tiredly, you placed an arm over his waist, basking in the warmth both brought. 
“Go to sleep, Mouse.” Jeonghan whispered, getting his arms wiggled around your middle to keep you close as Joshua did. 
You could feel Joshua press his head into the back of your neck, cuddling himself close as he had done many times before when sleeping over or napping. Relaxing in both of their holds, your eyes got heavier, muttering out a goodnight, or what you thought was a goodnight, to both of them before you were out for the night. 
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sourlemonsprout · 7 months
imagine Alphonse going to hang out at Boo’s house and hearing them singing (really well) from inside, which he finds interesting seeing as he can seem to recall them claiming that they don’t sing
𝒮𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒮𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹𝓈
Alphonse x gn!reader
Word Count: 719
"Sorry Boo, I'm running late. I'll be there in about 20ish min?"
Even though you knew this cookie and movie date had been in the books for weeks, of course, you left cleaning to the very last minute. It didn't help that you spent the whole morning getting ready. But to be fair, you felt super cute in your baggy jeans, white tee, and a little red bandana that was tied around your head and matched perfectly with your shoes. You stood in the middle of the living room and sighed, with a sharp twist, you cracked your back before chugging the rest of an energy drink and getting to work. No cleaning session would be complete without some jams, so you threw on your favorite playlist and sang your heart out as you picked up blankets, half-empty water bottles, and pillows around the place.
You had completely lost track of time, unaware that Al was running even later than originally stated. The house was practically picture-perfect in no time, you were incredibly productive, and better yet, you were having fun. Not wanting to lose this streak of productivity, you started prepping for the treats you planned to bake for the day. Mise en place!
Alphonse's lungs were screaming as he ran up the stairs to the front of your house, worried you were mad because you hadn't answered his last few texts. His hand was just inches away from the door when he froze in his tracks. A lively song with an electric melody was audible, but it was the sweet, velvety smooth voice that stood out despite being slightly muffled by the door. He wasn't entirely sure if it was you for a moment, but as he crept closer and held his ear near the door, there was no doubt that it was indeed your beautiful voice. He'd recognize it anywhere.
You typically left the front door unlocked for him whenever he was coming over. As silently as possible, he opened the door a crack and slipped in, trying not to disrupt your enchanting concert. He watched breathlessly as you were lost in your own world.
As you swayed with the melody that filled the room, your eye caught the reflection in the microwave of a pink-haired figure in the room behind you.
Your heart dropped and hands went cold, and you let out a startled yelp as you spun to face the intruder. You froze, mortified, the music carrying on without you in the background.
"Holy shit!" you blurt out. Al's face pulled into a downward smile, and a small huff of air blew from his nose.
"Sorry Boo, I didn't mean to startle ya. I just didn't want to interrupt," he explained.
"How long have you been standing there?!" you squeak, pressing a hand against your chest, with fingers splayed wide as you tried to catch your breath, your heart racing a thousand miles a minute.
"A hot minute. I'm pretty sure when I suggested we do a karaoke date, you told me you couldn't sing. Like, you were adamant you couldn't sing, you wanna explain that?" he smirked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah well, it's embarrassing," you protest, feeling your ears and cheeks burn rosy pink. He sauntered over to where you stood, stopping just before you, and placing his hands on his hips.
"Do you want me to sing for you? Would that make you feel better?" he asks with a chuckle, pulling you into a big hug.
"Nono, that's ok!" you laugh into his chest, wrapping your arms loosely around his waist.
"You ain't got nothin' to be embarrassed about Boo, your singing was gorgeous," He paused, gazing into your eyes, and brushed the hair from your face.
"Just like you."
You looked at him, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. You took a shaky deep breath.
"I love you," you whispered before stretching up on your tippy toes to kiss him. As you broke apart, Alphonse eyed up the goodies lined up behind you.
"Can I please eat some of the cookie dough this time…?" he said with puppy eyes.
"No." you roll your eyes, pushing at his chest playfully, but it was no use you couldn't escape his arms that wrapped tighter around you as he swept in for another kiss.
The End <3
Sorry this took so long, but thanks again for the request!!
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callsign-joyride · 1 year
For SOS..#19 with Bob..beach sex after hangman makes “baby on board virgin Bob” joke
Like a Virgin | Robert "Bob" Floyd
Summary: An insulting joke turns into you and Bob sneaking off/
Content warnings: SMUT (18+), public sex, unprotected p in v, mentions of a threesome
Prompt: "Kiss me."
This was written for my Summer of Smut writing event. Feel free to send in requests!
You and Bob had been dating for a few months, and you were pretty much in love with each other. Trivia nights and karaoke at The Hard Deck let you meet the Dagger Squad, and you had taken to close friendships with Phoenix and Rooster in particular, but you were on fairly good terms with everyone. You were about to lay on the couch and order a pizza when Bob called. It was kind of strange, considering he never really called around dinner, but you didn’t mind. When you answered, he asked what you were up to.
“Just about to order a pizza and watch a few movies, why?”
“Okay. I know it’s last minute but we’re having a cookout and bonfire at the beach. D’you wanna come? Rooster’s gonna grill.”
“Sure! What time?”
“Around six. I can pick you up, if you want. We’ll be behind The Hard Deck.”
“Sure, that sounds good. Okay, I’ll start getting ready. See you in a bit.”
It took a few minutes for you to get a bag ready for the beach and Bob came to pick you up closer to six. You waved to Phoenix as she was passing a ball back and forth with Fanboy. The burgers that Rooster made were delicious, and you went into The Hard Deck with Phoenix and Bob to get drinks for everyone. Payback brought fireworks and everyone messed with those until late into the evening.
“Poor baby on board here is pushing thirty and still a virgin,” a very drunk Hangman said. You glanced over at Bob and saw him put his head in his hands. A beat of silence passed over the group before Hangman cleared his throat and said, “That was supposed to be a joke,”. 
“Who wants to get in the water?” Rooster asked. A chorus of yeses was heard and you got up, taking Bob’s hand and heading to the water. Of course, you knew that Hangman’s attempts at jokes usually leaned more towards cruelty than anything else. But Bob seemed more quiet than he usually was while the two of you swam to a cove.
“You wanna talk about it?” You asked with your arms wrapped around Bob’s neck. 
“Not really much to talk about. I’m the butt of every joke because I’m quiet. Pretty much all there is to it. I’m pretty sure he hasn’t made a woman cum in like five years. Maybe I should’ve used that as a comeback, I don’t know.”
In the distance, you could hear Phoenix shrieking about Rooster throwing her in the water. 
“We could prove him wrong, y’know?” You asked.
“Who, Hangman?”
You hummed a yes before palming Bob through his swim trunks. He groaned and started to grind himself into you. The water was about four feet deep, so no one would be able to see what you were doing to Bob if they swam by. 
“Kiss me,” he said. You obliged and pulled him in for a deep kiss. He tightly wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you as you wrapped your legs around him. You broke apart for air and giggled as Bob started to walk further into the cove with you in his arms. He leaned against the wall so that your back wouldn’t get scratched up from the rocks. You let out a small moan as you felt him grind his bulge against you.
Your legs were tightly wrapped around him as he pulled his swimtrunks down and moved your swimsuit bottoms to the side. The rush of the waves and the current was almost enough to cover up the noises that you were making as Bob ran his hand through your folds.
“Always ready for me,” he said. You moaned into his ear as he slowly slid his dick inside of you. He did most of the work as you kept your legs wrapped around him and he moved you up and down on his cock. You weren’t paying attention as the faint laughter from the rest of the group died down, and you definitely weren’t paying attention when Hangman swam up to the cove.
“What are you guys - oh,” he said. You turned your head at his presence and glared at him. Bob was sill pumping in and out of you while whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
“You gonna join us or just watch?” Bob asked. You were a moaning mess as Bob pounded into you, otherwise you would’ve laughed.
“I think I’m good, man. Was just gonna tell you that we’re headed back to shore. God, I need a drink.”
Hangman swam away and Bob was relentless as he pounded into you and harshly rubbed your clit to get you off faster. You moaned into his mouth as you came and he slowed down before pulling out of you and setting you down.
“You didn’t-,”
“It’s okay. Let’s get home.”
Everyone was staring when you and Bob got back to the shore, and you let out a small chuckle as Bob walked with you to the rest of the group. Everyone was starting to put things away and decide who was going to take the leftover alcohol. You put a few seltzers in the back of Bob’s car and said goodnight to everyone before he took you home.’
“Can you pull over?” You asked after a few songs on the radio played.
You were still close to the beach so there was some sand on the side of the road as he pulled over. As soon as he looked at you, you reached into his swim trunks and pulled his semi hard cock out. 
“You really don’t have to - oh fuck,” he said as you wrapped your lips around the tip of his cock. He leaned his head back and groaned as you hollowed your cheeks around him and he came in your mouth. You looked into his eyes as you swallowed his spend and leaned up to kiss him. Heat was rushing up his chest and he tucked himself back into his swim trunks before starting the car again. He wrapped his arms around you tightly and gave you a hug.
“I’ll text you when I get home, okay?”
“Get some sleep. I don’t want you tired at work tomorrow.”
You give him a quick kiss before heading inside and locking the door behind you. He stayed true to his word and texted you when he got home, joking that he wanted to have a threesome with Hangman being the third person. Of course, you knew that he was joking, but you weren’t opposed to the idea as you started to type a long message to him, but you deleted it before hitting send.
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