maglevs · 10 years
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a fanmix for go go tomago // [listen]
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maglevs · 10 years
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maglevs · 10 years
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❝ Why is Baymax wearing carbon-fiber underpants? ❞
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maglevs · 10 years
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maglevs · 10 years
Like for a starter? 
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maglevs · 10 years
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INDEPENDENT Leiko Tanaka role play blog 
Selective, multifandom,  3+ years experience, OC | AU | crossover friendly 
Mostly SFW, should NSFW occur, it will be tagged accordingly. 
One : Two : Three : Four
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maglevs · 10 years
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Shutting the door behind them, Leiko couldn't help but chuckle herself. ❝Absolutely.❞ She replied, falling into step beside him after double checking that the doors were locked. The last thing they needed was someone breaking in and stealing something from them. 
Playfully, she nudged Tadashi's arm.  ❝Still, it's probably a good thing it's  still open. I wouldn't want to get you in trouble. I hear you're quite the example for your little brother.❞
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          Tadashi caught the keys quickly, and              let out a small sigh of relief. He had total              faith in Leiko’s driving, really, he just wasn’t              a fan. He followed her out of the lab, slipping              the keys into the pocket of his jacket, before              he raised his eyebrows at her.
     ”No, it’s always open at this time -      it won’t close for another good few      hours.” He chuckled quietly. “Though,      you’d probably love it if we had to      jump the fence.” 
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maglevs · 10 years
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❝ Look, kid. I don't chew gum  for the illusion of candy. If I wanted  candy, I'd eat candy. Get it? ❞
❝Y'seem to know a lot more about candy than I do, though. What'cha got? ❞
maglevs liked a thing!
〘 ⋰Ɠ⋰Լ⋰Ɩ⋰Ƭ⋰Ƈ⋰Ӈ⋰ 〙
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                     ”g u m ? gum is gross! wouldn’t you                             rather have some REAL candy?”
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maglevs · 10 years
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Letting her hands fall from her goose-bumped arms, Leiko unwillingly let Aiko cuddle up against her like some over-stuffed prize. Her cheeks warmed with the rest of her body, and she glanced in the opposite direction in an attempt to steady her solid expression. 
‘ Not exactly what I had in mind.’ She teased, but slowly draped her arm around Aiko's shoulders. ‘ But it'll do. Thanks, Honey. ’
"Scoot over. I want to be under the blanket too."
fluffy starters
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◌◌◌  [ℋ ❀ ℒ]                            Aiko considered it for a moment, but then, she grinned playfully, and scooted just a little bit closer to Leiko instead, tugging the blanket with her. She wrapped her arms around her, pulling her in close for a cuddle, so the blanket was able to cover the both of them easily.
"Hoooow’s this?" 
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maglevs · 10 years
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Leiko exhaled, tossing the keys to Tadashi. It was no use arguing with a softie like him; It made her guilty to even think about hurting his feelings. 
She ran the palm of her gloved hand across the tabletop as she made her way to the double doors, pausing to hold it open for him. She popped her gum loudly, folding her arms across her chest as she waited patiently. 
‘ I wonder if it's still open. ’ she said aloud, her snide grin returning as her next sentence slithered through her teeth.  ‘ 'course, we could always climb the fence. ’
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           "I know, I’m a comedic genius. I’ve been told it runs in the family.” Tadashi grinned at her, before he checked the clock himself, and let out a hum. They definitely had a good deal of time free, so he nodded his head.
"Sounds good." He paused. "I’m driving." He really didn’t want to get arrested with Gogo over breaking the speed limit. 
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maglevs · 10 years
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Even for a girl who was fueled by speed,  the swiftness of the kiss caught her off guard. 
She scrunched her nose and instantly swiped at it, her expression twisted with surprise and slight irritation. 
‘ What was that for? ’  she grumbled, dropping her hand from her face after she felt the kiss was removed. 
i want the K B)
Send me 'I want the K' and I'll generate a number
3. Nose kiss
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◌◌◌  [ℋ ❀ ℒ]                            Biting her bottom lip playfully, Aiko couldn’t resist bouncing forwards towards the mechanical engineer, clasping her hands behind her back. “Leiiiiko!” She sang, her smile slowly growing as she planned to put her idea into action. As the speedster turned, Aiko bent down, pressing a kiss lightly against the tip of her nose. 
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maglevs · 10 years
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‘ Yeah, no kidding.
is waking up to a cluster of spiders crawling all over the place considered a norm for you?  ’
  ⊰ ℂ ⊱ —— ;
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                 “Dad said it  was  at  LEAST                         a hundred years old. I seriously                         doubt that. It’s gotta  be  waaay                         m             o             r              e.”
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maglevs · 10 years
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 ‘ Gross .
how old is this place, kid? Might as well be a pile of dust by now. ’
⊰ ℂ ⊱ —— ;
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           “Ugh —— !                 Great, a perfect way to start the day.                 There   are   spiders   everywhere ! ”
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maglevs · 10 years
womxnup ➝ maglevs
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maglevs · 10 years
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"Yeah, yeah. Save it for someone who cares about shoes." Leiko waved off her small speech, an amused grin lingering on her curled lips. 
"But don't think I don't respect the fact you can handle those things without a hitch. I'd probably break my ankles." 
Leiko tugged her hands out of her pockets and stretched her arms behind her head, her fingers clasping against her hair. She exhaled, puffing her cheeks out somewhat as she turned around the street corner; Aiko's apartment began to come into view.  She was thankful they were almost there. It wasn't hot outside, but she if she wasn't able to speed her way across town, she'd at least want to sit down for a while. It seemed like way too much work just to get to one place to another just from walking. 
"You still have your dog? Paracelsus?" Leiko was desperate to change the subject, her stomach turning at the mention of her height. "He was. . . y'know, cute."
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  ◌◌◌  [ℋ ❀ ℒ]                             "I wonder what could’ve given it away.” Aiko teased                            slightly. a small bounce in her step. The walk would                            generally be nice. Typically, when driving with Leiko,                            the chemist was often too concerned about self-                            preservation to strike up casual conversation, but now                            she could chat with the other girl; it was a nice opportunity.
        She wrinkled her nose at Leiko’s words, and held         up the shoes by their straps, pursing her lips. “Let         me tell you something, Miss bicycle shoes. Have         you ever tried walking long distances in heels? I         think not. I wear heels because they look good         and they make me feel confident, not because         I want to go on long walks through the city.” She         offered a smile.
        “I know. Don’t feel bad, though. I’m taller than Fred too.” 
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maglevs · 10 years
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"Yeah, sure.
             I'll admit, I like your confidence, kiddo.                                                   What's your name?"
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»                (  Clearly he did not.  )
                 ❝ Fine, I’ chill, yo.                            But just ‘cause I ain’t feelin’                                it today. That’s it. ❞
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maglevs · 10 years
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"Something like that.                 You're off in your own little world, aren't you?"
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            “Hm … So that’s how you say “Thanks for always                 helping me out, you’re the best friend ever, Tadashi”?
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