atruehiro · 8 years
I know it’s been like 5 months already since I last replied to an RP thread. I’ve just been finding it so hard to find inspiration/motivation lately. Especially because most of my RPing is done on Twitter lately.
I do would like to get back into RPing on here too, though I will probably be a bit more selective than I used to be. Because otherwise it will just feel like a chore all over again and I’ll quickly lose any motivation I ever had.
For the people I @’ed down here. I still have some of our olds threads in my drafts and I was wondering if you guys would like me to reply to them or just delete them, so we can start fresh with new threads?
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luckycasscafe-blog · 9 years
selflessbrother started following you
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“Don’t spend all day down at the university Tadashi.” Cass teased placing a Lucky Cat Cafe to go bag down on the counter for him. “Though I guess a hot date for Valentine’s day could be in a lab.” She said leaning on the counter. “Did Hiro go out again or is he still messing with his bot up in his room?”
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fistsandwit-blog · 9 years
En la union está la fuerza @selflessbrother
“Pero Papí-” “No buts, mija. Your father isn’t going to budge. Now go help your sister unload the truck. Manuel! Ayudame!”  Audrey knew that tone a little too well. Ana Ramirez was famous for having the last word because of this very tone. It meant what she said was final. Even Nena wouldn’t go up against this tone, and she lived for a good fight more than anything else.  And so the youngest Ramierz hung her head in defeat, sulking silently as she headed back to the moving truck. She peered into the bed of the truck, looking at the remaining boxes neatly tucked away. Her entire life- or at least what she had been able to fit into a few cardboard boxes- tucked away in tidy brown squares. The rest she had left back in Los Angelencia, along with everything else she had ever known. Ten years. Friends. Family. Most of the boxes had already been moved into their new house, a small townhouse settled in between a row of identical ones. The street the lived on wasn’t too busy, but was fairly close to the main ones. San Fransokyo seemed to busy. Back in LA, Audrey had grown up in the suburbs with a yard and a neighborhood and friends. What would she do now? "Aye, Audrey, will you hand me another?” Nena had returned, her tall form towering over her younger sister as she leaned against the bumper. “C’mon, this won’t be so bad. Besides, Papí got a really great job here. Big mechanics lab or something. And they have one of the best boxing clubs on the coast. I’m sure you’ll find something.”  The oldest gave the younger a sympathetic look, ruffling hair before giving her a boost into the back of the truck. Despite their rough exteriors, the Ramirez sisters were quite sweet to each other. The young mechanic let out a heavy sigh, refusing to admit that her sister was right. She only offered her a small nod before collecting one of the final boxes and handing it off to her sister. She grabbed the last one, scrambling off the back of the truck and wobbling to catch up.  She made it a few steps before running smack into some unexpected obstacle. She stumbled backwards, the box  f l y i n g  out of her hands before she landed square on her bottom on the hard sidewalk. Pain shot up her back, but it was nothing compared to the embarrassment she felt. Heat flushed her cheeks as she glared up at the thing that had been in her way.  It was a kid.  “ V A L E , watch where you’re going!” She huffed, her accent growing heavy with passion.
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givesadvice-blog · 9 years
✌ What is the easiest aspect of playing this muse?
Already answered!
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saccharinisms-blog · 9 years
@selflessbrother​ || Continued from {x}
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“Course, friendly racing game, bro.” A smirk peeking through his innocent facade. Great minds must think alike, especially Hamadas it seems because Hiro had the same bright (cheating) idea to pick up his pace without any official start, but what Hiro wasn’t expecting Tadashi to do was break out into a run so soon.
Hey, NERD!” Hiro shouted back, willing his legs to move faster. He may be small, but hat didn’t mean he couldn’t pack a punch when it came to running! 
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atruehiro · 9 years
"Make sure you bring a jacket"
Cold Starters
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“No need to remind me.” Hiro groaned, rolling his eyes. “I’m not a little kid anymore, you know. I can take care of myself.”
He’s trying so hard to hide the fact he indeed almost forgot his jacket.
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fujitagirls-archive · 9 years
“Where is he?” Chika asked for hundredth time and slammed the front door. She’d been waiting outside for Dashi since he’d been taking so long to get back to the hide out. Just like Junko and Hisa, she was worried he might have gotten himself captured by the super hero team, Big Hero 6.
“Ugh! Those damn vigilantes probably got him. Dammit!” Chika cursed and throw her jacket at the wall.
“Chikako, throwing a tamtrum isn’t going to solve anything.” Junko pointed out as she walked into the room from the lounge where she’d been taking care of the wounds some of the other girls had gotten that night.
“Yeah, well neither will sitting on our asses!” Chika snapped back. “If they did anything to him-”
“Would you calm down? And quit talking like that in front of Hisa.” Junko commanded. Chika blinked at her and then turned into the small living room where Hisa had been sitting quietly since they got back.
Chika sighed softly and rubbed the back of her neck. “...You’re right...I’m probably over reacting. I mean, this is Dashi we’re talking about right? He can take care of himself. I bet he was just busy kicking some butt and grabbed a bite to eat or something.”
Junko rolled her eyes and went to sit with Hisa. “He’ll be alright. Chika’s right that he can take care of himself. I’m sure he’ll be here soon.”
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riverborne · 9 years
◎ : Getting into a big argument or fight.
Oh jeez, Mnemosyne doesn’t actually argue with people often, she’s way too passive, she normally backs out the moment there’s contention. If anything there was the time The Day Galaxia Came:
Mnemosyne wanted to leave the planet. Galaxia had already proven that she was far too strong for even the loosely combined forces of their armies. So, she’d reasoned, they should leave planet and instead warn close by planets of Galaxia and that they should prepare. They wouldn’t be able to make a difference on their home more than they ever could, but they could at least help others. She’d long since affiliated being a senshi with being a guardian of all life, and even though it broke her heart to leave, it would protect other planets. 
Lethe Disagreed. Of the two of them she took being a Senshi as a symbol that they were to protect  their planet, their home, that the rest of the galaxy could do whatever it wanted so long as it didn’t drag their peoples into it’s battle. Galaxia was a threat to their home, and so they had to stay and fight. They couldn’t let their peoples die out. 
Normally, Mnemosyne would have backed off and followed Lethe, but the idea of her Sister loosing her life to that terrible invader made her far too afraid to fear her sister’s wrath. 
They didn’t just argue that day, they flat out fought. It was a strange phenomenon to both of them, one neither of them really wanted to experience again after it was over. They shouted, screamed. Mnemosyne called Lethe Bullheaded, Lethe called Mnemsoyne a coward.
They finally reached a compromise that neither of them were very happy about. Lethe Would stay on planet and face Galaxia, Mnemosyne would escape to their river and warn other planets of the woman’s wrath. 
Now, naturally, that didn’t last. Mnemsoyne followed Lethe anyway, and faced Galaxia herself. It killed her, but hey, Her sister won their first real argument didn’t she?
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saccharinisms-blog · 9 years
[famous last words] "Someone has to help." [THIS OBVIOUSLY WASN'T ON THE LIST BUT I JUST. OOPS?]
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The boy stood there frozen with horror, the roar of the crowd and raging crackle of the fire ringing through his ears, consuming his senses, derailing his thought process, Hiro’s hand drooped as the older pulled away from his grasp, dashing away. The young teen stared as the man he knew as his beloved brother, best friend and role model ran into the flaming building. Selfless as always, willing to sacrifice himself for others. Headstrong, bold, brave–reckless.    No. NO. NO. Tadashi shouldn’t have to do this. Tadashi didn’t need to run in there to save anyone, not Callaghan, not ANYONE. THE BUILDING WAS ON FIRE. They were going to get pizza! They were going to celebrate! 
   Anger began to course through the teen, his feet walking forward than dashing on their own, he caught a glimpse of the hat fly off the elder’s head pass him by, but that didn’t stop him from pushing on through the molten-like glass doors after his brother. 
    “T-TADASHI!” Hiro screamed, taking in a breath to scream again only to cough harshly from sudden intake of smokey fumes. “T—T-Tadashi!” 
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littlehiro6 · 9 years
[have another smol lmao] "Hey Hiro?" Tadashi stared at his homework silently for a moment, before he looked up at his brother, old hurt flashing in his eyes. "What did argue with mom and dad about the day you left home? They wouldn't tell me. They just said I'd probably never see you again.You never said goodbye, either."
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Hiro was sitting nearby on his computer, but paused what he was doing when Tadashi spoke up. He froze at the question before slowing trying to continue typing, much slower as it suddenly took a lot more focus to pay attention to what exactly he was trying to type.
“…It was a long time ago…Just leave it in the past.” He simply answered quietly, trying to ignore the subject. It was never one of his favourite memories of his parents, but since their deaths… taking in Tadashi…he’d grown up since that day he left home but had still been too stubborn to return. He had said some things he was sure there was no way to fix. Now they were gone and he was left with his regret and his little brother, who was a constant reminder what a screw up he actually was…
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littlehiro6-archive · 10 years
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