#{smh Tadashi no}
transkrunkler · 8 months
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specterthief · 1 year
Tadashi for the character bingo perhaps?
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TADASHI... i didn't think all that much about him on my first watch but the more time goes by the more he ends up consuming my thoughts. he's such a messy, complicated character who carries SO much of the plot despite him having what seems like a small, insulated role on paper. the layers of subtext in his whole story are so rich and end up being so integral to the entire heart of adam's narrative (which is itself the heart of the whole show - "sk8 is the story of adam searching for his eve", in utsumi's own words) and i'm constantly finding new things to pick apart about him and it's so interesting to me. he has so, so many problems and i can't wait to see how he develops now that he and adam are moving in a hopefully more positive direction
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sweetbunpura · 1 day
Celiné really ain't gonna be beating the old maid or grandma allegations with this either, but... She also has an antique collection.
She really loves antique tea cups in particular, since she also really loves tea (and hates coffee, much to Rollo and Jehan's dismay, the coffee addicts smh 🙄).
She loves running around antique stores and garage sales looking for some.
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I love to imagine that all of the Flamme children have one antique item they love, all gained thanks to their father. For Jehan, it's pocket watches and for Tadashi it's antique keys.
Yuu can't take any of them to an antique shop or they'll be going home with so many items. (Yuu says as she has a jukebox in the main room of the house)
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megabigfourfangirl · 1 year
tadelsa: two sides of the same coin
I've lost count of how much I've talked about this with friends so it's about time I finally write a post about it because boy oh boy how I love these two
(but first thing's first: I personally hc Tadashi as 21 years old during BH6 with him and Hiro having a 7 year age gap based solely on their dynamic as siblings bc you cannot convince me that they have a 3-4 year age gap)
Both Tadashi and Elsa were thrust into grief and responsibility at such a young age (parents dying / isolation AND parents dying)
Both have younger siblings to guide / protect and they want the best for them (and both would dive head first into danger if their family/friends were in trouble, lack of self-preservation smh)
Both wanting to do their family and friends right (see: self-imposed perfectionism)
It's just that while Tadashi was surrounded by a good support system, Elsa was all by herself (and pushed out whatever help she could have had)
It's such an interesting dynamic to have in a ship, I think, to have a similar past/situation yet contrasting personalities and contrasting ways of showing love:
Elsa pushes people away to "protect" them from her (hurting them in the process but she's so convinced that this is for the best and for their safety that she doesn't even hesitate to push them away anymore)
Tadashi pulls people in, wanting them to thrive, feel loved, and belong. Helping people out without them even asking (which could lend itself to a savior complex or self-worth = usefulness belief typical first-born Asian behavior, source: me, a first-born Asian)
But despite this, they're attracted (platonically or romantically) to each other because Tadashi is the first person (outside of her family) to not cower or shy away when she pushes him away and/or when he finds out her secret. And Elsa is the first person not to be immediately charmed or drawn in because of Tadashi's empathy and compassion, the first to be skeptical of this perfect persona he subconsciously built for himself.
Their differences make it hard for their similarities to be apparent but when they realize their similarities, it's hard to ignore (acknowledging their own traits by recognizing it in the other)
These differences could honestly bring out frustration in the beginning (immovable force = Elsa's walls vs unstoppable object = Tadashi's warmth) but these differences could ultimately, once they've gotten to know each other, bring out the best out of each other (it could also go incredibly wrong but that's a scenario for another post/fic 😆)
Tadashi inspires Elsa to come out of her shell, to trust people, to trust herself, to love openly and fiercely while Elsa inspires Tadashi to put on some gaddamn boundaries for once, to take time for himself, to not spread himself too thinly in order to help everyone, to let go of things out of his control, to let himself be helped when he needs it
One does not save or change the other but their presence in each other's lives inspire them to look at a different perspective and take a step towards a better self
<3 <3 <3 hehe
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cobaltfluff · 4 years
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Adam is lucky that Langa only cares about one sunshine boy because I would have taken the opportunity to punch him
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sk8thereki · 3 years
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I've had this in my head for so long I had to make it a reality
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oohmymyang · 5 years
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asjfhkjlasf??/!?!??? it’s faster!!! omggggg

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transvalkilmer · 3 years
"I get hurt all the time, it's part of the sport."
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Haikyuu Boyfriends  Karasuno Part 3
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Hinata, at first glance you would think that he’s just a simple minded fool who has nothing but volleyball on his mind. To some extent that may be true, Hinata truly is selfish about his own growth and when it comes to volleyball. However, with you he tries hard to be a good boyfriend, one who wants to be your source of happiness.
Hinata is an energetic ball of sunshine. Before you he had never been in a romantic relationship, so when you come along and start dating him, he becomes a mess. The thoughts of you fill his mind just as much as the thoughts about volleyball. All he ever knows is you and volleyball.
You become a source of encouragement for him; the thought of you cheering for him always pushes him forward and becomes his motivation.
He’ll be your sunshine, always bright and always positive. He’ll never let you feel down, he’ll be there to encourage you and always push you to improve yourself. 
Hinata will take you out on dates that are, most times than not, related to volleyball. He’ll try to teach you the basics so he can play with you and he’ll definitely pout when you become better at receiving than him. Having said that, not all dates will be about about volleyball, Hinata wants to know you and your passions and will be excited to try out things that you want to do, he’ll be eager to learn from you the things you’re good at and the things that you like.
You’re most likely going to be his first real relationship so he is going to get nervous just holding your hand. Your first kiss would be clumsy but it will be innocent and short, both your faces would be blushed red.
He will ask you to come to all his games. Every successful spike he does he’s going to look up at you at the stands with a toothy grin and flash you the victory sign. When they win their games, you’d be the first person he’d want to celebrate with; and when they lose he’ll seek you for comfort.
Hinata will give you his entire heart if you love his little sister like your own and make efforts to spend time with her and get to know her.
When you two reach that point in your relationship where you’ve passed all your first time jitters, Hinata will truly let lose. He will pick you up, cuddling will turn into tickle fights, he’ll chase you around the room and hold you tight once he catches you.
When the time comes when he has to travel to other side of the world for his dream, he’d want you to go with him but if you decide to stay and fulfill your own dream then he will support you fully but he will never ever give up on your relationship. Throughout his stay abroad he’ll collect small gifts that remind him of you and hold on tight to them until he can see you again and shower you in all the love he wasn’t able to give you while he was gone.
All in all, Hinata will teach you to become selfish but in a good way where you will learn to put your dreams and goals above all else. You’ll learn to believe in yourself and your presence will teach him how great his capacity to love is. He will be your sunshine, always there to cheer you up and make you happy. You will be his foundation, always there to support him and remind him that he is enough as who he is. Your relationship will be full of fun and love and positivity.
Kageyama is seen as one with arrogance, he is a perfectionist and quick to anger. Around you though, he is quite and calm. You bring him peace and he will forever be grateful for your presence in his life.
He is an awkward guy having only known volleyball his entire life and not much else. So when you two start going out he makes quite a lot of mistakes. He will accidentally ignore you in favor of spending more time at practice, he will lose his temper around you sometimes and startle you, he might even forget to take you out on dates. However, it is up to you to teach him to put the effort into his relationship, he is quite simple minded and dense so he will never understand if you drop hints but if you talk to him and use your words then he will slowly start to see the wrong in his ways and strive to become a better boyfriend.
Kageyama sees you as perfect, he will never ever see you in a wrong light. Everything you do is flawless, every word you say is absolute. He holds a very high opinion of you but he can never truly express it as he is not good with words and is too shy to show it physically. In time though, he learns that small compliments are enough, that a light squeeze to your hand is enough. Little by little as time progresses he learns to become at ease around you.
In the beginning he’d have trouble planning your dates, he’d begrudgingly ask for his team mates’ aid. Your dates would be text book dates, you’ll go out for movies, dinner and amusement parks. But that changes as he gets to know you more, he’ll slowly start to plan dates that both of you will enjoy.
Kageyama never really mentions that he wants you to come cheer for him at his games but secretly he wishes that you would. When you do go to cheer for him and he notices you in the stands you two will smile and give each other a nod, that quickly becomes a thing between you two, just a smile and a single nod, no words or further actions are shared but you know he is happy that you’re there and he knows that you have come to cheer for him.
Out in public Kageyama will only go as far as holding your hand but when you two are alone he will shyly approach you with an awkward look on his face and just silently sit with you, sticking close to your side. Kageyama is very touch starved and unaware of what to do so it will be on you to initiate cuddles. He will be very stiff at first, not knowing where to place his hands, how much force to put in a hug and such but slowly he becomes more and more relaxed and begins to enjoy holding you, hugging you and kissing you.
A little further in your relationship when he learns what you like and dislike, he’ll start giving you small gifts that he feels suit you or you’ll like. He’ll give you your favorite flavored milk every morning when he sees you, he’ll keep a stock of your favorite snacks for when you go over to his house, he’ll buy you cute socks with little cartoons on them and he’ll buy small trinkets he sees when he’s out and about that would remind him of you.
Kageyama is going to be very protective of you. He will not tolerate anyone who would dare put a frown on your face and he will make it known, not violently but his face will show all the disdain he holds for the offender.
Overall, you teach him a lot about expressing himself! Everyday your patience and love teaches him to let people in and be more open. He learns to love himself and learns to express his love for you. He finds that when he holds you close your scent comforts him. You are his home and his dream other than volleyball.
At first glance Tsukishima comes off as antagonistic and arrogant, always ready to mock others and make fun of them. You at first would also be at the receiving end of his jabs but you would retaliate in your way. You would soon learn that the sarcasm, the antagonizing is all a facade to hide his own insecurities. You never call him out on it but soon you start to praise him, discreetly and subtly start showing him that he has nothing to feel insecure about. He slowly finds himself falling in love with you.
With you he will engage in friendly and harmless banter. He admires your quick wit and the moxie in your personality. He will never say words that would hurt you, he will never take a jab at your own insecurities. If he ever does accidentally hurt you then he is quick to retract his statement and apologize.
He always makes sure to walk you home. You’re talking animatedly with Yamaguchi and unbeknownst to you Tsukishima is staring at you with such adoration in his eyes and has a small smile gracing his features. He is quick to hide it when you turn to him, masking it with a look of indifference. He has that sarcastic, bad guy image to keep!
Tsukishima will take you out on dates where the two of can enjoy a quite time together. He’ll take you out to museums whenever there is a new exhibition, he’ll take you to a cafe and share his favorite strawberry shortcake with you(he’ll tease you a lot about stealing his food but never really stop you from taking from his plate). Tsukishima doesn’t mind holding your hand when you two are out in public, he teases you by saying that you’ll get lost if he lets go but you know that he enjoys the warmth of your palm against his.
When you two are within the privacy of either his your home he will not initiate cuddles but he will let you lay on top of him and he will stroke your back. In moments so intimate as these there is no teasing just pure conversations about everything and nothing at the same time. You’ll take this time as an opportunity to tell him just how much faith you have in him and how he doesn’t need to feel inferior as he the best you know. He will pretend he doesn’t hear you but small kisses to the top of your head and his arms tightening around you say otherwise.
Tsukishima will never say it out loud but he worries for you. When you feel unwell he will silently nurse you better, when you’re feeling sad he’ll hold you close in a tight hug, when you feel insecure he’ll scold you and tell you how great you are. 
Your and Tsukishima’s relationship is full of friendly and loving banter, silly sarcasm and witty remarks. You two tease each other and share sly looks when you guys team up against someone else. Yet, you two are close knit, you silently support each other and though you may not expressly declare your love for each other you two find comfort in the small acts of affections for each other; every kiss is a declaration of love, every hug is a blanket of comfort.
Yamaguchi is a shy and docile guy. He tends to stay in the background so he’d be very surprised when he finds that the person he admires likes him too.
In the beginning of your relationship Yamaguchi is shy around you, always stumbling over his words, constantly blushing when you’re around. It doesn’t take long for most of the shyness to fade and he is able to laugh around you and talk to you more comfortably but the first sign of any form of physical affection sends all the blood rushing to his cheeks.
Yamaguchi tends to lurk in the background but he is very hardworking and sometimes he gets discouraged that maybe his efforts are not enough. If you encourage him and tell him how essential he is to the team and how very important he is to you then slowly he will start to gain more and more confidence in himself.
Yamaguchi is a gentle soul, he will never ever hurt your feelings and he knows that you will never hurt his. He tells you everyday what he likes about you, albeit shyly. He will share everything with you, from all his happy days to ones that are not so happy.
Dates with Yamaguchi are actually fun, he enjoys when you share your hobbies with him and tries to learn more about your likes and dislikes. When he shares his interests with you he never forces you neither expects you like what he likes, he understands that people have differences, but he will be elated once he finds that you enjoy his hobbies.
Yamaguchi will get shy even holding your hand but he loves the feeling and the texture of your skin against his palm so despite his blushing face he will hold onto your hand tightly. When it comes to cuddling you would be the first to initiate cuddles but soon he will be addicted to the feel of your body and weight against his. When he’ll drift off to sleep he’ll cling to you like you’re one of his pillows, you find that very endearing even though you’re unable to move in his vice like grip around you with his arms and legs.
Yamaguchi will seek you out before his match, if you’re not physically there then he will call you. He wants to hear your words of encouragement, how you believe that his serves will get his team all the essential points, how you have faith in him. Your gentle voice and kind words will help him get over his nerves.
To Yamaguchi you are his angel, he is utterly devoted to you. He constantly strives to become stronger so you could rely him just as he has been leaning on you for support. Your relationship will be wholesome and soft, you two will always exchange kind words with each other and reaffirm your feeling for each other every single day. You two will lead a very loving, very sweet and peaceful life together.
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deerixiie · 4 years
isn’t it kind of weird how, no matter what you ship, yamaguchi has a thing for blondes
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okapiandpaste · 3 years
finally watched ep 11 of sk8 in preparation for tomorrow. goddammit tadashi my one prediction went down the drain.
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stasammenarchive · 3 years
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@heartsfought​ asked: “i’m so tired but i’ll probably be awake until 3am for no reason.” ;; ( for honey from tadashi ?? )
tumblr text posts ||  ❤❤
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     “ tadashi.. you’re working on a healthcare robot -- so you have to know that’s not good for you, right? ”   honey’s words were gentle enough, but there was a pointed nature to them, too. she gently reached out, softly tapping him on his forehead, lips curling up into a soft, warm smile.   “ look.. you need to rest, okay? let me make you up some relaxing tea.. and you can take a little nap!  ”   she tucked some of her hair behind her ear, moving over towards the kettle as she did so. 
    “ green tea is great for helping you sleep better.  if you’re not sleeping, your brain isn’t working at full capacity, and if it’s not working at full capacity, you’re going to make more mistakes! ”    honey pointed out, a light smile pulling at her lips. not that she had any real room to talk, she often worked herself far too hard, too .. but hey! this wasn’t about her, and she was pretty well rested lately! this was about tadashi! 
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patchworkofravens · 3 years
My day be so fine then BOOM
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I remember people like hyperboren_narcoleptic_sapphic exist.
[context: This was under a memey fanart of Reki and Tadashi]
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minijenn · 5 years
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*blows a kiss to the sky* For Tadashi 
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dulcetgames · 6 years
Takashi, do you have a crush on Alister ?
Alistair is… a friend.
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-Tadashi Nakano
Student Body President
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dasketcherz · 7 years
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SUPER DUPER LATE but here’s a fun tadashi bros fact: Tae’s birthday is September 18 (Virgo) while Dashi’s birthday is October 10 (Libra).
holy molly guys, thank you thank you thank you so much for the support and for the appreciations and for sticking around with me all this time. Ya’ll amazing! I luv ya’ll!! :”D
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