#and vampire irene
luxora · 4 months
Red Velvet -> {Vampire AU} -> Drinking from you for the first time
Requested: No
Group: Red Velvet
Genre: Fluff. Angst. Some Smut.
Warning: Blood. Some nsfw.
A/N: First vampire au with Red Velvet. Let me know what you think!
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For as long as she has lived, Joohyun has learned to master the skill of patience.
One thing which has has learned about humanity is that they are remarkably, or rather unremarkable, an impatient kind almost making rash and impotent mistakes which would have been entire avoidant if they had simply waited for the right moment.
Alas, man is stupid. And man has been control far too long.
One should realize that while there is a big lion, there is still a bigger bear, a bigger tiger, and a bigger shark. Predator after predator, one must not become too complacent unless the bear decided it wanted to become the new king of the jungle, and in the capacity of which Joohyun is concerned, she could quite so easily become that new era in humanity in which the bigger predator takes control of the pond and the ocean, rendering man incompetent and complacent under her thumb.
But then again, would she truly want to have the headache that is guaranteed to be given if she decided to act upon her intrusive thoughts?
People don’t like being chained up and they will fight back, and while that will be fun in the beginning, it will become tedious and Joohyun is a rather intimate lover when it comes to boredom since she is so used to it in the first place.
Its just living for this long is both a blessing and a curse, and yet it has become more and more of a close, akin to the tragic tales of Dracula of which is constantly reboot through the ages.
She wishes that there was simply an end to all that she is. That there was something to look forward to, and yet she has been repeatedly disappointed through the ages. She has lost a lot of thing through her lifetime, people, family, friends, and her own humanity.
Joohyun considers herself unable of feeling, her humanity long gone for how isolated she has become. There is no point in her befriending others as they will succumb to death eventually while she will forever be living in the perfect shell of her body, displaying absolute perfection and yet living through flaws.
Hunting for blood was nothing new to her, akin to have a walk in the park for a normal human.
Only this walk in the park led her to a rather confounding discovery, a human who has caught her interest.
When she had pounced on you, she had thought that she had found a weak link. You were alone in the park, a cigarette in your hands while you were gazing up at the night sky, an acquaintance to your thoughts, not realizing the danger you were in until you suddenly felt hands in your throat and your body forced to the ground where teeth were suddenly latched to your neck.
Your blood waved into her mouth in multiple currently, making Joohyun growl beastly as she reveled in the taste, but then she was met with a unsounding reaction.
You not screaming.
While she held you tight in your arms, you had yet to utter a single word. From all her experiences, her preys always scream. They squirm and cry, begging for her to release them and to spare them from their oncoming death but they always fell upon death ears.
But you - you were compliant in her arms.
Yes, she felt you stiffen in her arms - but you didn’t fight back. In fct, you seemed to just submit to your fate, unknowingly knowing that escape was impossible. Between a human and a vampire, the victor was most obvious and Joohyun would have continued to revel in her victory if you hadn’t been so different.
She was not yet sated to be full but Joohyun pulled away from your neck to look at you, her eyes glowing in the deep night and perfectly reflecting your gaze as you stared up at her. Like usual, her eyes were red from the fresh feeding, but she saw no fear in your eyes.
Instead - she saw calm serenity -  a bitter smile on your face as you continued to gaze at her.
“Am I not to your taste?”
Joohyun cocked her head, confounded by such a reaction.
“Sorry about that, I did down a decaf coffee which I sorely regret, maybe that has had a negative effect on me. Sorry.”
An apology.
She has never received an apology from a little lion before.
Joohyun simply stared at you, and you stared back, neither of you responding to the blood which was steadily escaping the puncture wounds from your neck. You just continued to smile at her, a reluctance in your eyes which made her eyebrows furrow.
Why were you so odd?
She should have just continued feeding, to simply finish up her meal and dispose of your body like she did so many times, but - something prompted her to change her usual routine.
Instead of ending your life, she spared it. She had covered your eyes and then carried you to the closest clinic, leaving you outside and then escaping before she would be noticed by any other humans. While there was a commotion to your arrival, you did not utter a word when the nurses tended to you, instead lazily staring out into the streets, almost wanting to catch sight of her in the shadows, contemplating the interaction between the two of you.
And similarly, Joohyun contemplated the same, watching from a roof and being hidden in the shadow of night. You had sparked an interests - and Joohyun was to see of what was to come from such a little lion, who has been capable of making her feel after such a long time.
She was not quite sure of what it was - but it was something.
Time was on her side, she had plenty of it to find out,
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While Seulgi has been in control of her instincts for a long while, she couldn’t help but fear for the moment playing out in front of her, her stomach tying itself into complex knots despite the trusting look you were giving her.
The moon hung high in the midnight sky, casting a silvery glow over the quiet town below. Seulgi had her arms tightly wrapped around you as if she was capable of providing you warmth against the cool evening air, and yet both of you knew better than to believe there was anything she could do to combat the cold against your body. She could feel you tremble, and yet you were doing nothing to get out of her grip. Despite her cool body, you nuzzled closer into her, nose playfully pressing against her jaw, Seulgi’s breath hitching as she felt a tender kiss to it.
“I don’t mind Seulgi.” You whispered to her, a hand moving to cup her cheek and force to gaze into your eyes, even though she could easily escape it. “I trust you.”
“I know but...” Seulgi trailed off, unable to stop the quivering of her bottom lip as she gazed into the dark abyss of your eyes, drawing her in like a black hole would to meteorites. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I know you won’t hurt me.”
“I might lose control.”
“I know you won’t.”
“How are you so confident about that.”
“Because I know that hurting me is the last thing you will ever do.”
Despite living for a centuries, seeing all the surprises that one might expect from humans, Seulgi was always stunned by your words. You just saw the good in everything, even in something like her, a creature of the night which required the blood of others to sustain herself. Seulgi never asked for a life like this, if she was capable of traveling back in time, she would have stopped her maker from biting down on her neck, condemning her to a life where she could not make life long connections due to the fact that she was to outlive everything and everyone.
Just getting involved with you, Seulgi was aware that she was setting herself up for heartbreak. Humans are so incredibly fragile and you were no exception to this rule, and Seulgi knew that the years will eventually blink away and Seulgi will remain the way she is now while you will age, grow old, and eventually pass on to the other realm, the one which Seulgi will never be able to follow you to.
Her hand trembled as she moved to cup your cheek, watching your own eyes flutter shut as you leaned into her touch, completely trusting of her to not inflict any pain onto you. Despite being a human, you have bewitched her entirely, and Seulgi couldn’t help but feel her dead heart warm at the sight of you and the obvious adoration you have for her and the relationship between the two of you.
The world was cloaked in darkness, and yet Seulgi could see you so clearly. Your beauty astounded her, and despite of the life evident in the town below the mountainside, Seulgi couldn’t help but feel that the two of you were the last two creatures in the entire world, uninterrupted and blissfully happy in one another’s presence. The soft glow of the moonlight reflected off your skin, making it look to tantalizing that Seulgi had to swallow the venom which seemed from her fangs, attempting to get control over herself. She moved her hand from your cheek to the side of your neck, gripping it gently as she closed the distance between the two of you, her lips gliding along the column on your neck before setting on a spot.
"Are you sure about this?" Seulgi whispered, her lips hovering over your neck, pressing a gentle kiss to it. She felt you nod before your fingers gently tangled themselves in her dark locks.
"I trust you, Seulgi. Always."
With that unspoken consent, Seulgi' took a deep steadying breath before descending her fangs descended into your delicate neck, opting to get it over with before building up the anticipation to give her nerves the chance to convince her to back out of it. She felt your body shiver as she took her first sip, the exchange between the two of you becoming intimate, emerging your respective essences in the physical act.
As Seulgi drank, she felt the pulse of life coursing through your body, a connection that went beyond mere sustenance. The experience was profound, the mingling of love and primal hunger merging into a tapestry that bound the two of you together on a deeper level. While she has heard from others of her kind that a great sense of intimacy was made through the act of drinking between vampires and their human lovers, she could not quite believe its significant effect on her as she continued to drink. She almost felt like she was promising a side of herself to you which she knows will be always be protected, and the fact that you have trusted her throughout the process proves to her that you have also given a side of yourself to Seulgi which she will only cherish and love.
When she finally withdrew, she gazed into your eyes, her own irises softening with gratitude as she gently smile at you, feeling the air around of the two pulse with an intimate serenade. You responded with a similar smile, both of your hands cupping her cheeks and tugging her close.
"I love you, Seulgi," you whispered whispered before sealing her lips with a tender kiss, prompting Seulgi to close her eyes and wrap her arms tightly around your body while the moon served as the only observer of each other’s adoration and trust for one another.
Seulgi was truly setting herself up for heartbreak with falling for you, but she admits that feeling love is better than never feeling love at all. She can only hope that she can have a long time with you before nature takes its natural course of life, death, and its many other complexities.
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The moon cast a gentle glow over the darkened room as Seungwan grappled with her internal turmoil. She was a rambunctious vampire with a penchant for falling in love easily, having living in the world for more than a century. She has met plenty of people and have had many encounters with humans and vampires alike, and yet for the first time in her entire existence, she found herself becoming settled. Ever since falling for you, something deep has settled in her heart, something only tales of love and romance would depict over the times.
Despite being a mortal, you were incredibly dangerous when it comes to seeking for a thrill.
Their playful exploration of Wendy's vampire powers had been a source of joy, but the request for her to drink from Y/N had left Wendy conflicted.
For a while, Wendy had avoided Y/N, unable to face the fear that her true nature might terrify the person she cared about the most. Y/N, relentless and understanding, had pleaded with Wendy to embrace this intimate act, wanting to support her vampire lover in the only way she could as a human.
After much hesitation, Wendy finally agreed, her unease evident in her every movement. They decided to keep it controlled—Wendy would drink from Y/N's arm, a compromise that both hoped would satiate Wendy's hunger without causing harm.
As Wendy bit down gently, a moment of serenity washed over her. The taste of Y/N's blood was different from any she had experienced before—familiar, comforting, and warm. However, as Wendy lost herself in the sensation, a surge of hunger overwhelmed her, and her instincts threatened to take over.
Panic seized Wendy as she quickly pulled away, her eyes wide with fear. Y/N, feeling the shift in Wendy's demeanor, reached out to reassure her, but Wendy's unease escalated.
"I-I need to get you to the hospital," Wendy stammered, her voice trembling.
Y/N, still holding her arm, was taken aback by Wendy's sudden urgency. "Wendy, what happened? Are you okay?"
Wendy's eyes were a mix of desperation and fear as she gently lifted Y/N into her arms. "I almost lost control. I can't risk hurting you."
Determined to keep Y/N safe, Wendy moved swiftly, carrying her to the nearest hospital. The journey was a blur of panic and concern, but as they arrived, Wendy carefully placed Y/N on a hospital bed, worry etched across her features.
"I didn't mean for this to happen," Wendy whispered, her voice barely audible. "I wanted to protect you, not put you in danger."
Y/N, reaching out to cup Wendy's face, smiled despite the circumstances. "Wendy, I asked you to do this because I trust you. We'll figure this out together."
As the medical staff attended to Y/N, Wendy felt a mixture of relief and gratitude. Y/N's unwavering support, even in the face of danger, made Wendy realize that she wasn't alone in this struggle. They were partners, navigating the complexities of their love in a world that sometimes seemed determined to tear them apart.
In the dim hospital room, Wendy and Y/N found solace in each other's presence. The incident had deepened their bond, reinforcing the idea that love, even in the shadows of supernatural challenges, could endure with the strength of trust and understanding.
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Sooyoung had internally agreed with herself that it was to be better suited for her to be able to have that intimate taste of you during a might of intimacy, because not only would it strengthen a bond between the two of you, but because she will be able to distract from the pain of it by completely send you to the next realm of pleasure without thinking of the consequences of such an agreement.
Despite her usual demeanor towards you and humans, it actually took a while for the two of you to become intimate because Sooyoung feared that she would be unable to control herself. She feared that she would somehow harm you during moments of pleasure. It would be so easy for her to break your body while losing herself, crushing your head with her thighs, puncturing your skull while she gripped at your head, and even tearing your flesh away as she clawed at your back.
It terrified her. To the extent that she was unable to truly let go when you tended to her, her body stiff as a statue as you attempted to bring her to the edge.
It was humiliating, and actually resulted in her hiding away for a week, which resulted in an absolute scolding from you when she eventually returned. But then you cradled her into your arms and comforted her, claiming that she had nothing to be ashamed about. But it was not herself that she was ashamed about, but rather the dejected expression which had crossed your face, believing that your skills were lacking.
That she could not forgive herself for, for making you doubt your skills.
And so Sooyoung persisted in ensuring that both of you reached your satisfactions, which had improved significantly and has gradually led to daily inclinations which started and ended both of your days with smiles and delight.
But now another factor was being added to an equation, upon your own insistence stemming from both curiosity and desire, wanting to aid Sooyoung in maintaining her blood levels.
Sooyoung almost felt transcended to the first night the two of you became intimate, the similar level of fear that she experienced back them coming back. But also a sense of animalistic tendency, yearning and reveling in the submission you offered to her, particularly in a moment of extreme trust you had for her.
Your glorious body was already so open to her. Her lips continued to pressed open mouthed kisses to the column of your neck while your nails dug into her shoulder as she pleasured you, hand massaging your inner body, continuously receiving your warmth while she knelt above you, trapping you with her own body.
You voice was so raspy, courtesy of the previous rounds the two of you had. Sooyoung did not want to rush such a delicate process. She wanted to revel in your body, to ensure that your ultimate pleasure was maximized because she took pleasure for herself. She refused to let you touch her before she needed to be in full control of this.
She loved watching you, seeing you crumble, watching your eyes flutter closed and to arc so beautifully off the bed as she made you fall apart. It was the most beautiful thing she could ever have the privilege in seeing. She has seen Picasso himself create his artwork, and she has been a first witness to many mother artistic creations in the World’s History, but all of it paled into comparison when she gazed at you.
You were a phenomenon created for her to see, and to create and extend to a further lifetime with her, when you were ready, of course.
Sooyoung worked against your meticulously, teeth teasingly gripping some of your skin as she doubled her efforts in getting you to the final destination, resileince and preparation built within Sooyoung as she ready herself, her tong pressing against the bullied skin until she felt you tighten around her fingers and then let out a scream, arching your body into hers as you finally found the end.
And then Sooyoung bit you..
It was as simple as a hot knife dipping into butter and Sooyoung immediately growled in delight at the taste of your blood on your tongue.
Perhaps it was her own imagination, but it tasted so sweet to the extent that it was almost laced with wine, a drink so easily able to get drunk off, which Sooyoung found equivalent to her drink of you.
Maybe it was because of your own pleasure, it was being transferred into your very blood as it got consumed by her. If that was the case, then she was going to make it a habit to drink off you in this state. So delectably under her, preening under her lavish attention, arms tightening around her as if wanting her even closer than she already was.
She pulled away too soon, far too soon for her liking. But it was necessary. You were already so disillusioned from the passionate night, sensitive and overwhelmed, and drinking from you would only add to the effects. She licked at your neck before moving to kiss you, uncaring of the blood on her lips as she thanked you for the opportunity - no, then gift that you bestowed upon her/
Yes, you will require some sort of medical attention as she could not leave you bleeding on the bed.
But - just for the moment- let her revel in the intimacy created between the two of you from the single sip of life.
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Yerim trailed her cool digs along your collarbone, gracing it along the column of your neck until she was gripping you firmly by the jaw, forcing you to look up from your place on the floor, so perfectly compliant to her rough actions and desire most obvious in your eyes as you locked eyes with her.
Yerim kept her eyes expressionless as she stared down at you, almost inwardly daring you to act out so that she could deny you of what you wanted, something which she both enjoyed and disdained due to your tendency to not realize that sometimes biting the hand that feeds you can be most consequential to one’s very being.
“You test me.” Yerim quipped, her voice cutting like a blade while she stared at you, prompting a smile to your face.
“I apologize.”
“Do you truly meant that?”
“Insolent fool.”
But Yerim pulled you towards her by the jaw, wrapping an arm around your waist as she had you settle in her lap, both of your legs on either side of her with your hands going to her shoulders to rest peacefully while she clawed at your back, jaw still gripped tightly and held away from her face. Yerim glared up at you.
“I have half the mind to punish you.”
“I will accept whatever you give me.”
“If I didn’t know any better, I would say you were drunk with how slurred you are.”
“I cannot help myself. You are a drug on its own.”
Yerim leaned forward to press a small kiss to your chin, a sweet token of chastity from her before she moved her lips to your pulse pointed and then sucked.
She had yet to pierce the skin but you arched in her arms, your chest pressing against your own as you attempted to close the distance between the two of you. Yerim smiled as she pulled away, prompting a whine out of you.
“The things I could do to you...” Yerim started, dark eyes gazing at your delectable presentation before she moved back to your neck, teeth teasing your skin while her hand moved down to cup your backside, forcing you closed to her with a strong pull. “I could ruin you.”
You gasped at her rough touch but easily wrapped your arms around her head, hands tangling itself in her locks as you attempted to pull her more into your neck.
“Please do.”
“You have no self-preservation.”
“I don’t need to with you. I know you won’t hurt me.”
It was a confession which always brought a smile to Yerim’s face and saturated any lingering guilt that Yerim would possible have if she was capable of it when she sank her teeth into your neck, eagerly taking what you were always willing to offer. her.
You gasped sharply at the pain but continued to hug her closely as she held onto you, drinking the profuse amount of blood which was being offered to her.
Your blood always tasted delectable and now was no different. A single taste from you was capable of almost making her lose control but she was far too dignified for such a thing.
No, she has never lost control of her thirst, and it never will happen if she had a say of it, but she did enjoy reveling in the pleasures of life and the most ultimate pleasure consisted of you. Both your body and blood, she simply became lost in it. While there are many supposedly better individual of which she could pluck, she chose you simply because you made her smile.
Many could prompt a smile from her, but the way she felt when she smiled around you was different. You made her feel almost human again, perhaps because you almost reminded her of a friend she had in her past life, but unlike her friend in the past, you have her heart in your hands, of which she trusted for you to keep safe, less you wanted to be yet another count of feedings she has off other humans.
But that is not a thought she lingers on.
She knows it will not happen.
You were far too in love with her to ever betray her, just as she was far too in love to ever end your life.
In fact, if you played your cards right, you may just spend eternity with her. But she will not spoil too much of the present with the future. She will simply see how time decides to be a mistress and play with the two of you.
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elryuse · 2 months
Can u do a yandere fic vampire Red Velvet x Male Reader?
Details: YN is a hematologist and a certified nutritionist, he has rather a normal if not boring life, well, successful to be exact, but almost 24/7, his life is just work and work.
One day he thinks about life and tries to get out of his usual life, he doesn't like dating apps, but his friend insists him on trying one of those.
He then meets Park Sooyoung (Joy), he doesn't know why but he is captivated by her eyes and they match, they talk and go out, soon YN asks her out for a dinner date. After the dinner, Joy tells YN to take her home and, guess what, she then says sorry and traps him there.
There he'll meet her sisters, Joy apologizes 'cause her she and her sisters can't just go around and feast on people's blood or steal it from a hospital so they need a perfect (unlucky) candidate to fill their thirst.
The girls are not those who just know take but not give, having lived for a few centuries they have built up a big fortune so Irene gives him a deal, a hefty price a month, and YN is only allowed to go home under their supervision.
Why YN but not the others? During YN and Joy's time before that fateful night, Joy learns of YN's blood type and he has a mutation in his gene which makes his blood more rare and it can help them stay full for a long time, longer than usual compared to other people's or animal's blood.
Day by day, they (except Irene) fall in love with him more and start to hate and compete against each other more. Irene tells her sisters that he is just food, no more no less. Irene hates YN for turning her sisters into love craving maniacs, her words, her physical tortures, they hurt him a lot. Gradually, the girls start to resent Irene more. Irene then knows that she is losing her sisters, YN knows their history, what they've gone through together so while doesn't want to, he still helps her, at least for the sake of his love for the other girls.
After that, Irene spends nights thinking about her actions, she wants to redeem herself but not knowing that she will join the circle and compete against them to get YN.
The Cost Of Immortality
Red Velvet X Male Hermatologist Reader
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The fluorescent lights hummed overhead, casting a sterile glow on the endless rows of blood bags. My world, for the most part, resided within these pale confines. Dr. Y/N, hematologist extraordinaire, by day. Sleep-deprived researcher, by night. The monotony was a steady thrum in the background of my life, a rhythm I barely noticed anymore.
Until her. Park Sooyoung, or Joy as she insisted, was a splash of vibrant crimson against the beige canvas of my existence. Her laughter was like wind chimes in a gentle breeze, a stark contrast to the sterile silence of my lab. We swiped right on a whim, two lonely souls seeking a spark in the digital abyss. Our dates were stolen moments of whispered secrets and stolen glances, a world existing outside the confines of my workaholic routine.
One evening, after an intimate dinner bathed in flickering candlelight, her smile faltered for a fleeting moment. "Take me home," she pleaded, a tremor in her voice that sent a shiver down my spine. But 'home' wasn't the cozy apartment I envisioned. It was a sprawling mansion that loomed out of the darkness, an unsettling air clinging to its ancient bricks.
Inside, bathed in an eerie moonlight, stood two other women, the same captivating crimson eyes staring back at me, framed by raven hair in shades of red. Introductions were swift, clinical even. Wendy, the eldest, with an aura of quiet authority. Seulgi, the playful one, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. And lastly, Irene, the epitome of stoicism, her gaze as sharp as the glint of silver moonlight on a blade.
The facade they'd meticulously crafted crumbled in that instant. They weren't human. A cocktail of fear and morbid fascination bubbled in my gut as Irene, her voice devoid of warmth, revealed their true nature. Vampires.
Relief, a fleeting emotion, washed over me only to be replaced by a cold dread that coiled around my heart. Irene then explained the reason for the charade - my blood. A rare type, a euphoric feast for their kind. The offer they presented was a gilded cage - a hefty sum deposited into my account every month in exchange for my…companionship. Leaving was an option, but only with armed guards as my constant companions.
Trapped, I became their prisoner, their provider. Nights were spent in opulent rooms, my blood sustaining them. Days were a monotonous blur of tests conducted by Wendy, their resident physician, and guarded outings with Seulgi, whose playful demeanor couldn't quite mask the possessiveness simmering beneath the surface.
But it was Joy, with her intoxicating gaze that seemed to see straight into my soul, who held the key to my heart. As weeks bled into months, a twisted dynamic began to take hold. Wendy craved my intellectual sparring sessions, dissecting medical journals with a fervor that both scared and intrigued me. Seulgi sought out my laughter, our days filled with playful banter that often teetered on the edge of something more. Joy… Joy craved something deeper, a yearning that mirrored the burgeoning affection I felt for her.
Irene, ever the pragmatist, remained aloof. I was a source, a necessity, but never an equal. Their affections, fueled by my unique blood, twisted into a possessive love that bordered on obsession. One night, sleep evading me, I found myself wandering the cavernous halls, drawn by a sliver of light filtering from beneath a closed door. Straining my ears, I caught the tail end of Irene's scathing words, calling my presence a curse.
A flicker of hurt ignited in my chest, a silent plea that resonated with the others. A shift, subtle yet undeniable, began to take place. Wendy's once objective demeanor morphed into veiled defiance. Seulgi's playful banter took on a tinge of possessiveness, her playful swats laced with a silent threat. They began to resent Irene's cold control, their love for me blossoming into a silent rebellion.
I, aware of their history, a dark secret Irene guarded with an iron fist, found myself playing a dangerous game. I helped Irene, not out of fear, but for the sake of the fragile connection I had with the others. This unexpected kindness sparked a flicker of something in Irene's eyes - a flicker I dared to hope was redemption.
But redemption rarely comes easy, especially for creatures of the night. One evening, while Seulgi and I were returning from a guarded outing, a tense silence hung heavy in the air. Suddenly, the car swerved, tires screeching in protest as we veered off the deserted road. The world lurched, and then… darkness.
As weeks bled into months, the opulent mansion I was confined to became a gilded cage. The initial thrill of being around captivating vampires dulled, replaced by a gnawing sense of longing for freedom. Yet, a strange sense of camaraderie started to blossom between me and my captors.
Joy, with her fiery spirit and infectious laughter, was the first to chip away at the walls I'd built around my heart. Our late-night conversations, fueled by stolen glances and whispered secrets, transformed into a silent understanding that transcended the boundaries of our situation.
Wendy, the stoic doctor, surprised me with her curiosity about the human world. Our discussions, initially clinical and scientific, evolved into philosophical debates that stretched into the wee hours. There was a spark of intellectual intimacy that ignited a warmth within me.
Seulgi, the playful prankster, brought a lightness to my captivity. Her days were filled with teasing jabs and playful challenges, a subtle shift from her initial possessiveness. There was a sense of innocent affection in her touch, a camaraderie that soothed the ache for human connection.
Even Irene, the enigmatic leader, began to show a flicker of something akin to…gratitude? Her cold demeanor softened a fraction during our bloodletting sessions. The way her eyes lingered on me for a beat too long, the hesitant brush of her fingers against mine while administering the numbing agent – these subtle signs hinted at a transformation within her.
However, Irene's possessiveness manifested differently. Unlike the open affection of her sisters, hers was a veiled control. She dictated the terms of my captivity, monitored my interactions with the others, and treated me more like a valuable possession than a person. This dissonance between her actions and the subtle shift in her eyes created a confusing dynamic.
One evening, after a particularly draining bloodletting session, I found myself alone with Irene in the dimly lit library. The silence stretched, thick with unspoken emotions. Finally, I gathered my courage. "Why, Irene?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper. "Why do you keep me here like this, a prisoner in your own home?"
Irene's gaze snapped to mine, crimson eyes blazing with a flicker of something I couldn't decipher. "You are…different," she finally said, her voice laced with an emotion I couldn't place. "Your blood…"
"It sustains you," I finished for her, a bitter taste in my mouth. "Makes you stronger, keeps you from succumbing to the sire bond completely."
She looked away, a muscle clenching in her jaw. "That's not all," she muttered, her voice barely audible. But before she could elaborate, the library door creaked open, revealing Joy, her face flushed with anger.
"There you are!" she exclaimed, her eyes flashing between me and Irene. "We need to talk." The air crackled with unspoken tension, and I realized with a jolt that the night was far from over. The delicate balance between affection, possessiveness, and a shared captivity was about to be tested.
Joy's anger crackled in the air, a stark contrast to the usual warmth in her eyes. "What did you do to him?" she demanded, her gaze fixed on Irene. Seulgi, her playful demeanor replaced by a cold fury, stepped forward, her voice trembling with barely contained rage.
"Don't play dumb, Irene," Seulgi spat. "We know. The bruises, the flinches… you've been hurting him!" Wendy, her stoic facade crumbling, placed a calming hand on Seulgi's shoulder, but her eyes held a newfound suspicion directed at Irene.
The accusations hung heavy in the air, shattering the fragile peace that had settled within the mansion. Irene, cornered and defensive, finally spoke. "It's not what it seems," she said, her voice strained. "I…" She faltered, the carefully constructed mask of control slipping.
"You what?" Joy pressed, her voice laced with hurt and betrayal. For the first time, I saw a flicker of fear in Irene's crimson eyes, a vulnerability that sent a jolt through me.
Taking a deep breath, Irene confessed, her voice barely a whisper. "I was afraid," she admitted. A collective gasp filled the room. Fear? From the ever-stoic, ever-in-control Irene?
"Afraid of what?" Wendy asked, her voice gentle but firm. Shame tinged Irene's cheeks as she met their gazes. "Afraid of losing you," she said, her voice cracking. "All of you."
Confusion clouded their faces. How could their fear of losing them translate to the way she treated me? Sensing their bewilderment, Irene continued, her voice thick with emotion. "You've never needed me before," she explained. "The hunt, the sire bond… I was always the one who protected you from it all."
Her words hung heavy, revealing a truth I hadn't considered. Irene, the eldest, had always shouldered the burden of leadership, of protecting her sisters. "But now," Irene continued, her voice trembling, "he does it all. He gives you what you need. Makes you stronger. And suddenly… I'm not needed anymore."
A heavy silence descended upon the room. The revelation painted Irene's actions in a new light. Her possessiveness, her cruelty, stemmed not from malice, but from a deep-seated fear of abandonment. For the first time, I saw Irene not as a captor, but as a woman grappling with her own insecurities.
Seulgi, the first to break the silence, stepped forward, her anger replaced by a newfound understanding. "We need you, Irene," she said, her voice soft. "Just… differently." The other sisters murmured their agreement, their gazes softening towards their eldest sister.
Tears welled up in Irene's eyes, a storm of emotions battling within her. "But what about him?" Joy asked, gesturing towards me. "He doesn't deserve the way you've treated him."
Shame flushed across Irene's face. She looked at me, her gaze filled with a mixture of regret and something… hopeful? "I can change," she whispered. The night that followed was a turning point. We talked, all five of us, sharing our fears, our desires, and our newfound understanding.
Irene apologized for the pain she'd inflicted, her voice raw with remorse. I, in turn, confessed the strange mix of fear and affection I felt for them all. As the night wore on, a fragile truce formed, a new chapter beginning within the walls of the mansion. The future remained uncertain, but a flicker of hope, a tentative promise of a future built on trust and something more, flickered between us.
The aftermath of the confrontation was a whirlwind of activity. Wendy cleaned my wounds with practiced efficiency, her gaze carrying a silent apology. Joy hovered nearby, her touch hesitant but comforting. Seulgi, ever the pragmatic one, made plans to reinforce the mansion's security.
And then there was Irene. Shame seemed to cling to her like a shroud. Her apologies, though heartfelt, felt hollow in the face of my visible injuries. They were a stark reminder of her cruelty, the bite marks and scars a map of her failings.
Suddenly, a commotion erupted in the hallway. Guards bustled about, their voices raised in urgency. Apparently, there was a malfunction in the security system. They needed someone to manually reboot it – a job usually reserved for Irene.
With a resigned sigh, Irene turned to me. "I need someone to watch you," she explained, her voice strained. "It shouldn't take long." The others exchanged hesitant glances, but in the end, I volunteered. The tension in the room was thick, but the prospect of some alone time with Irene, however awkward, was strangely appealing.
We were escorted to a small, book-lined room that served as Irene's private study. As the heavy door shut behind us with a resounding thud, the air crackled with unspoken emotions. Irene approached the control panel, her back turned to me, her fingers flying across the keypad.
The silence stretched, broken only by the rhythmic beeps of the security system. Finally, unable to bear the tension any longer, I spoke. "It's okay, Irene," I said softly. She froze, her body taut. Slowly, she turned around, her crimson eyes filled with a mixture of shame and disbelief.
"You… you forgive me?" she stammered, her voice barely a whisper. I reached out, my hand hovering over the intricate web of scars marring her arm. Scars older, darker than mine. "We all make mistakes, Irene," I said, my voice gentle. "The important thing is we learn from them."
A single tear escaped her eye, tracing a glistening path down her pale cheek. The sight of it, of her vulnerability, broke something within me. In that moment, I saw not the stoic leader, but a woman burdened by fear and insecurity. A woman who, despite her actions, had always been fiercely protective of her sisters.
Taking a step closer, I cupped her face in my hand, wiping away the stray tear with my thumb. Her eyes, wide with surprise, met mine. Slowly, hesitantly, I leaned in, bridging the gap between us.
The kiss was a revelation. It was raw, desperate, fueled by a desperate need for connection, for forgiveness. Irene clung to me like a lifeline, her initial hesitation melting away into a torrent of passion. It was a kiss that spoke of unspoken apologies, of a newfound understanding, and of a hope for something more, something real.
When we finally broke apart, breathless and flushed, a fragile peace settled between us. Irene, her gaze searching mine, whispered, "I don't deserve you, Y/n." "Maybe not," I replied, cupping her cheek once again. "But maybe, together, we can learn to deserve each other."
The future remained uncertain. But as we held each other close in the dimly lit study, a flicker of warmth ignited within me. It was the glimmer of a new beginning, one built on trust, forgiveness, and a love that bloomed in the most unexpected of places.
The following weeks were a whirlwind of stolen moments and whispered promises. My relationship with each sister blossomed in its own unique way. Joy's fiery spirit ignited passionate encounters, fueled by stolen kisses under the moonlight. Wendy, with her intellectual curiosity, discovered a new kind of intimacy in late-night discussions that morphed into explorations of touch. Seulgi's playful demeanor evolved into a playful possessiveness, her playful nips replaced by gentle love bites.
Surprisingly, it was Irene who turned out to be the most possessive. The initial shame of her actions morphed into a fierce determination to prove herself worthy of my affection. She'd watch, a flicker of jealousy in her crimson eyes, whenever I spent time with the others. But when it was her turn, her touch was the most hesitant, the most tender. It was as if she was constantly afraid of breaking something precious.
One evening, as the six of us sat nestled together by the fireplace, a comfortable silence settling between us, Irene surprised us all. "He's ours," she declared, her voice laced with a possessiveness that sent a thrill down my spine. The others, instead of protesting, simply chuckled, a knowing look in their eyes.
"Ours?" I echoed, feigning confusion. Wendy, a playful glint in her eyes, clarified. "Yes, ours, Y/n. Our lover, our provider, our… family." A warmth bloomed in my chest at the word 'family.' It was a concept I hadn't dared to dream of, not with these extraordinary creatures of the night.
The following months were a blur of shared experiences and deepening affection. We explored the hidden corners of the city under the cloak of darkness, their laughter echoing through deserted streets. We spent lazy afternoons curled up with dusty tomes in Irene's study, their thirst for knowledge rivaled only by their thirst for me.
The nights were a symphony of touch and whispered desires. We explored each other's bodies with a newfound reverence, the boundaries between human and vampire blurring with each passing night. The sire bond, once a source of fear, became a bridge, a way to experience each other's emotions with an intensity that defied explanation.
Our unorthodox relationship wasn't without its challenges. There were moments of jealousy, of possessiveness, but we learned to navigate them together. We were, after all, a coven, bound not just by blood, but by an unconventional love that defied definition.
One starlit night, as we lay tangled together in the sprawling master bedroom, Irene spoke, her voice barely a whisper. "Thank you," she said, her crimson eyes reflecting the moonlight. I smiled, pulling her closer. "For what?"
"For showing us that love can exist even in the darkest corners," she replied. And in that moment, under the watchful gaze of the moon, I knew that our love story, born from captivity and fear, had blossomed into something beautiful, something extraordinary. We were a family, bound by blood, by love, and by a shared eternity.
The End
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eyuulas · 4 months
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i kiss your brother
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event prize for @daddldee
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ningstars · 12 days
EU DE NOVO! sério, sua ask já virou meio que minha segunda casa, né? então, aqui vai! 🫂🌌💖
sugestão para ti, ning-estrelas: uma capa de algum shipp do red velvet inspirada em uma vibe meio vampiresca. o título pode ser inspirado numa música deste mesmo estilo.
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🥀 Fate. (SeulRene)
▪︎ Disponivel para doação; Adote Aqui♡
♡ Hii Despacita, suas asks têm me salvado do bloqueio criativo e só tenho a agradecer! 🫂💞
💭Trouxe uma capinha bem vampiresca por assim dizer... junto a essa musiquita do Enha que na minha sincera opinião poderia ser sobre uma pessoa que corrompeu o próprio destino pelo poder e foi amaldiçoada...
❤️Sinto que embora a capa seja simples, ela tem seu charme, e acho que definitivamente amo editar com a cor vermelha, sinto que ela ativa o melhor do que posso fazer.
Enfim, espero que tenha gostado e até a próxima❣️
▪︎ Psd e alguns pngs usados na capa por @colour-source♡ no devianart.
[Abra, para melhor qualidade♡].
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poemsforay · 5 months
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星々 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀⠀ ͏𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗉𝖾𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗇𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾 カード
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jihyocentric · 3 days
vampire jihyo who's in irene's coven and has a relationship with her (sort of) but keeps going to the rival werewolves' territory to sleep with the leader of the pack nayeon... but of course she pretends she hates nayeon and the entire time she's with her she's huffing and acting as if nayeon's forcing her when in reality she's basically presenting herself as an omega would do
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wasted-women · 8 months
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Cause of Death & Propaganda Under the Cut:
Jenny Calendar
Cause of Death: Neck snapped
Jenny is so beloved to me. She was sent to Sunnydale, California to watch over the vampire that killed her family (Angel), told that he was supposed to suffer for all eternity, but after he saved her life + after she spent some time with him and the people who cared about him, she realized that she'd changed her mind and didn't want anything to do with continuing a mission of vengeance -- especially since Angel's girlfriend Buffy was also the mentee/surrogate daughter of Jenny's boyfriend Giles! Messy! Despite this, when Angel lost his soul and it came out that Jenny had been sent there to watch him, Jenny was immediately blamed, even though she'd had no idea that Angel would turn evil and TOLD everyone as much! She decided to try and find a way to resurrect old magic and give Angel his soul back, and Angel killed her in retaliation. Parts of the fandom talk about Jenny's death like it was necessary/a good thing/a good writing choice, but I don't think it was. Jenny's death is talked about by the showrunners as "proving that anyone could die," and her dead body was placed in Giles's bed, surrounded by red roses, subsequently inspiring him to try to go on a suicide mission and kill Angel. When the kids are looking at a drawing of her dead body, one of them says, "Wow. Poor Giles." Her death is very clearly engineered to raise the stakes by emphasizing how sad it is for Giles to lose her, and before her death, nearly all of her scenes centered around being Giles's girlfriend/love interest. She was never given a chance to develop as a character, and the only backstory they gave her was designed to push her towards death.
Irene Adler
Cause of Death: Poisoned
[No Propaganda Submitted]
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rarepair-competition · 2 months
Round 1, Matchup 19
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Iren Horrors
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blackberries45 · 2 months
Currently on a small Tumblr break but I can't get this out of my head...
I just watched the BBC Sherlock special The Abominable Bride again because it's back on PBS and I have this idea.
What if what's in Sherlock's slipper is not his solution but instead is an relief or a cure because Sherlock is...wait for it...a vampire. I know, I'm so sorry but wait!!
What if his and Irene Adler's deal is that she likes kinks and one of them being bitten. She lets him be himself. He doesn't have to hide it with her because she enjoys it. She's aloof and doesn't want to be tied down (relationship wise because the BBC Irene most certainly does indeed want to be tied down) so he has found getting high or perhaps the solution he takes nulls the drive to need or want blood.
Ok, that's it, I feel better. If anyone ever sees this and gives something a go, please tag me because I'd love to read it 🦇🖤
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twovampswalkintoa · 4 months
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how much trouble could three women really cause
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dove-da-birb · 10 months
you saw vampire hunter!rook and his vampire s/o
now imagine:
vampire!rook and his vampire hunter s/o
bonus point if he becomes morticia addams
He's a mix of Morticia and Gomez; definitely not normal about vampire hunter s/o
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rosie-tyler · 1 year
I have never seen Buffy the vampire slayer and everything i know about it is exclusively from tumblr gifsets but Spike radiates the same energy as Skull
Please you have to understand
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thefreakyfun · 1 year
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villanelle x irene x katherine x ezgi
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sputnikstars · 1 year
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God turn me into a flower
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beaglebabe1 · 11 months
Okay, something before the day is over!
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