#and usually for a day or two you dont gotta worry about that being an issue but still. ppl treat you like you're gross anyways so whatever
snekdood · 1 year
theres something very frustrating about ppl shaming me for being gross all the time and then i do everything to Remain Clean so they leave me alone and then ppl act like im a neat freak. which one do you fuckin want?
0 notes
petertingle-yipyip · 6 months
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Pairing: matt x wife!reader
Word Count: 2, 156
Summary: After a very tense argument about a misused name, your apologetic husband ends up getting looped in by your students.
//follow-up to three empty words but can probably be read on its own. i realize i lost the original plot so if it’s too bothersome, i’ll rewrite it//
The next morning, you refused to dilly dally your morning routine. Your shower was quick, your hair and makeup remained simple. Even your outfit was more or less the first thing you grabbed from your closet. You gathered all of your papers - which you hadn’t gotten around to grading the night before - and your laptop before Matt’s alarm had even gone off.
You skipped making breakfast, deciding to stop at a coffee shop on the way to work instead, and hustled out the door. You ignored the still sleeping figure of Elektra on your couch even though your brain wanted to soak her with cold water and kick her out. You did slam the door on your way out but that was just to satisfy your own anger.
You walked into your classroom and let out a loud sigh as you dropped into your deskchair. You were thankful to be out of the house, in your own space for the time being. As you began grading the papers and piling them according to the hours, your mind wandered back to the night before. You wondered if Elektra would be out of your apartment when you got back. You wondered if Matt would tell Foggy and Karen that you two got into a fight last night. You then found yourself wondering if Matt was actually going to go to work that morning.
You realized you were staring blankly at the student’s worksheet in front of you so you shook the thoughts and focused on the daunting stacks before you.
Most of the hours were business as usual. Your normal rowdy students were a bit extra, but that might’ve been due to your already grated nerves more than their own behaviors. It wasn’t until the hour before lunch that you found some of your students more huddled and secretive than usual.
“What are you doing in the corner?” You called, peaking over your computer at the small group. “There’s, what, five minutes till the bell?”
“Mrs. Murdock, what’s your husband’s name?” One of the girls, Liv, asked with an innocent expression. The same one she gave you when she explained her lacking assignments.
“Matthew.” You titled down your screen to see them better. “Why?”
“What does he do again?”
“Lawyer. Why?”
“Is he handsome?” Another girl, Nicole, asked with wiggling eyebrows.
You had to refrain from rolling your eyes at your middle schoolers.
“Yes, very.” You smiled slightly. “I wouldn’t have married him if he wasn’t.”
“And if he’s a lawyer, he’s gotta be smart, right?”
“Again, very. He went to Columbia.”
“So like… Is he why you’re so sad today?” Blake, the only boy in the group, chimed in with a nonchalant shrug.
“Guys.” You frowned slightly. “I’m not sure what you’re doing, but I’m not sad. Me and Mr. Murdock are fine. We’re happily married. And you should be worried about your own relationship drama, not mine.”
“So you admit there’s drama?” Nicole countered quickly.
“Between Blake and Emmy? Yes.” You nodded and Emmy’s jaw dropped while her friends poked her teasingly. “Between me and Mr. Murdock, no.”
“Mhmm.. So why is the photo face down?”
“The photo by your computer.” She came across the room and lifted the frame near your laptop that was in fact, face down. “You told us on the first day that this was one your favorite photos and you have it on it’s face… There’s drama, Mrs. Murdock.”
“You’re very observant, Nicole. Thank you.” You said flatly as you took the frame from her hands and set it in it’s rightful position. “I must’ve knocked it over when I was trying to find you and Liv’s missing portfolio project.” “You can’t deflect, Mrs. M.” Liv added from across the room. “It’s all over your face.”
“Y’know what.” You announced, standing from your desk. “The bell rings in less than two minutes. You guys can all go to lunch early.”
A chorus of questions arose while you heard the door being pushed open.
“They can’t write you all up.” You shrugged and dropped back in your chair while the meddling group made their way into the hall.
The girls continued to whisper to themselves and glanced back at you, to which you shooed them away. When you were finally alone in your classroom, you let out a heavy sigh and rubbed a hand over your eyes.
Usually, you adored having open communication with your students because that meant they trusted you. But at the same time, that meant they felt entitled to know your life story whether you like it or not. The bell echoed in your ears so you spun your chair to the small fridge under your desk that held your lunch.
You clicked play on a playlist from your laptop and began eating your lunch, typing away to enter in grades. You knew you should just do nothing, scroll mindlessly on your social medias instead or maybe even call Foggy to ensure Matt made it to work, but the busy work for your eyes, head, and hands felt better. Plus, you weren’t exactly sure what you would’ve said that could’ve gotten your question answered without being a dead giveaway. So you kept working instead.
“MRS. MURDOCK!” Liv nearly yelled as she burst through your door, maybe halfway through the lunch hour. “OHMYGODYOULLNEVERBELIEVE-”
“Liv!” You said in shock, nearly dropping your water bottle. “What is going on? Is everything okay?”
“Look at this!” She hurried across and showed you her phone screen. Oddly enough, it was a photo of the back of a man exiting a taxi. What stood out to you was the white cane in his hand.
“It’s a guy getting out a cab.” You tried to reason, gently pushing her phone away. “That’s what you ran in here to tell me?”
“But he’s blind!”
“So it seems.”
“Don’t you know what this means?” She insisted with a small stomp.
You simply shrugged and raised your brows.
“It’s Mr. Murdock! He came to apologize!”
“Liv, I appreciate your concern for my marriage but we’re fine, okay? It’s not like he and I are heading towards a divorce. We’re just in a bit of an argument. It’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure? Because I’ve never seen you so…” She gestured vaguely to you.
“Yes, I’m sure. Now go back to your lunch, please. I have to finish these.”
“Mrs. M, just-”
“Liv, boundaries, please.”
“Just listen!”
“No.” You said firmly. “Go back to your lunch.”
She huffed slightly but retreated to the door. As she was heading out, she nearly ran into one of the monitors.
“Sorry to intrude, Y/N.” The monitor said as she popped her head in. “I have a visitor for you.”
“Another one of my kids being a problem?” You sighed and wheeled yourself a bit further from your desk. “Send ‘em in. They can sit in the corner till next class.”
“Actually, I think you’ll be glad to see this one.” She smiled knowingly and reached for something outside the doorframe.
Before you could voice another question, she ushered Matt through the door. He said his usual thanks for being guided and the monitor gave you an approving nod and thumbs up. She mouthed a very not subtle ‘He’s very handsome’. You smiled awkwardly in agreement but once the door closed, you rolled your eyes and went back to your gradebook.
“Could’ve called.” You said simply.
“I didn’t think you would answer.” Matt replied honestly.
“Probably wouldn’t have… Shouldn’t you be at work?”
“I couldn’t focus.”
You heard the clicks of him folding his cane as he wandered around your classroom. You peaked up to watch him manueaver the desks with such ease that for a split second, you forgot he was blind. You watched him run his fingers along the bulletin board you had on one wall, leading into the standards and other required signage you had up.
“Did she leave?” You asked and returned to your prior task. You knew if you watched him for too long, he’d know and he’d show you that stupid lopsided smirk that he did.
“She was still pretty weak when I left.” He said and there was a slight sadness in his voice. Though if someone asked if it was for Elektra or your argument, you wouldn’t have been able to say. “But I did ask Stick to find somewhere else to take her to recover if she can’t leave on her own by the time someone gets home.”
“Chivalrous.” You made a face behind your computer screen. “You didn’t have to come all the way here to tell me that.”
He sighed slightly and you mumbled a short complaint to yourself before scooting away from your desk and spinning in your chair to face him, just as he appeared at your side. You folded your hands over your stomach and leaned back in your chair, giving an exaggerated sigh and nod for him to talk.
“Y/N, last night, I said something I shouldn’t have.” He began carefully, as if he was following a carefully rehearsed speech. For all you knew, he had rehearsed it with Foggy that morning before he showed up. “I let Stick push me and I just said the first thing that came to mind.”
“But she shouldn’t be the first thing, right?” You said softly with a small shrug. “Stick shouldn’t be able to push you into saying that, whether you meant it or not.”
“You’re right.” He admitted and your brows went up slightly. “I shouldn’t have said that. You are the only woman that I want to be with. I married you, without any hesitation. I never had second thoughts or second thoughts or anything. You, Y/N Murdock, have my heart.”
You nodded slowly but said nothing as you stood. You crossed your arms and looked up at him, him offering a hopeful expression in return. You broke into a small smile and nudged him with your shoulder before moving past him. He followed you almost instantly and you took him to the wall on the other side of your desk near the window.
“The kids started calling this the Sweetheart’s Spotlight.” You said quietly with a small smile. “They keep a polaroid camera in one of the cubbies and every Friday, they rearrange the couples in order of their favorites… They made me put a photo of us on here, too.”
“Where do we rank?” He smiled slightly.
“We’ve been number one since it started.” You laughed. “They tell me that you’re the best by default since I’m their favorite teacher.”
“Lucky me.”
“You know I’m still upset, right?” You said carefully when the air was too light between you two.
“I know.” He nodded. “I can hear it in your voice.”
“But I also don’t want to hold onto this fight. So here’s an idea. Elektra’s out of the apartment today. You two finish whatever crusade you’re on. You make sure you don’t get yourself killed. She leaves New York and it’s all put to bed.”
“Consider it done.” He nodded. “And I know better than to get myself killed. I’ve got it too good to die.”
“Yeah because then I’m a widow and there’s not much life insurance to cash in on.” You joked as the lunch bell rang.
“I should get going.” He nodded before gently taking your hand. “I love you. So much.”
“I love you too.” You said softly as your students started filing in.
“OHMYGOD.” One of your students yelled and you closed your eyes tightly, quietly groaning in embarrassment. “IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS?”
“Yes, Luna.” You said, feeling the blush across your cheeks. “This is Mr. Murdock and he’s leaving.”
You pulled Matt towards the door as he laughed. Your kids yelled questions that you tried to ignore until Matt stopped, pulling you to stop with him.
“It’s career week!” One of the boys yelled. More so a demand.
“I’m aware, Jack.” You nodded. “What does that have to do with this?”
“He’s not here to talk to us about lawyers?” The boy’s head cocked as he asked his question.
“That’s exactly why I’m here.” Matt grinned and you groaned again. “Let’s give Mrs. Murdock a break, right?”
“You’re so dead.” You threatened quietly with a laugh before heading back to your chair. 
“Okay, kids.” You announced. “He’s blind and can’t write. I’m not getting up. Take your own notes and keep your questions relevant to his career, okay?”
“Yes, Mrs. Murdock.” They all answered.
“All yours, Mr. Murdock.” You gestured before returning to grading and the personal questions started flying.
“How did you guys meet?!”
“What’s her favorite color?!”
“Did you see the wall?!” “He can’t see!”
“Are they always this rowdy?” He asked you with a slight laugh.
“You’re new and exciting.” You shrugged. “Take it as a compliment.”
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https-milo · 14 days
Would u mind doing a tamaki amajiki Instagram
my glorious anxious king, yesyesyeysyesy!
instagram posts w/ comments while dating Tamaki Amajiki
sunnysidey/n · 15w
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1.5k likes Liked by suneater, lemirio, nejirechan
sunnysidey/n me and my fave went to a butterfly garden!! Tamaki my goat (or like octopus, clam, chicken - he's never eaten a goat (I don't think))
Tagged: suneater
suneater it was so fun. it was quiet too. also I've never eaten a goat... sunnysidey/n suneater GAH IKR! It was such a cute little gardennnn ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ I wanted to fall asleep! And I hope you haven't eaten a goat (´∇`) suneater sunnysidey/n well if you fell asleep, id have to wake you up and you don't usually wake up right away... so we would've been late to fatgum's agency... so I'm glad you stayed away lemirio suneater HMMMMMMM maybeeee its because you liked talking to herrrrrr ★⌒ヽ( ͡° ε ͡°) suneater lemirio well uh you know... sunnysidey/n suneater don't worry, tama!! everyone likes talking to me so obviously!! >3< nejirechan suneater DMSDMSDMSDMS
lemirio Lets gooo!! Tamaki was telling me all about it! He was so excited to take you! sunnysidey/n lemirio I was so excited to go!! Tama is so fun to be around! (´。✪ω✪。`)
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lemirio replied to your story: 😏😏😏
sunnysidey/n: he's still gonna deny my attraction 😞😞
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nejirechan replied to your story: hmm i wonder who this is about!! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
sunnysidey/n: sighhhh we'll never know ✧٩(•́⌄•́๑)و ✧
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suneater replied to your story: !!!
suneater: uh who is this about?
suneater: sorry you probably dont want me to know
suneater: I wouldnt want me to know
suneater just forget I said anything
sunnysidey/n: tamaaa what did I say about that (╥_╥)
sunnysidey/n: you can talk to me about anything, and you *dont* need to apologize!! ٩(●ᴗ●)۶
suneater: ok im sorry
sunnysidey/n: -_-
sunnysidey/n: anyways! To answer your question; I think you know who I'm talking about (we're in the same class, after all) you've just gotta admit it to yourself ¯\_(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)_/¯
suneater: ok...
suneater: im not ready for that yet
sunnysidey/n: i know tama! dont worry (っ´▽`)っ
suneater: (.づ◡﹏◡)づ ⊂(・▽・⊂) sunnysidey/n reacted "❤️" to this message
sunnysidey/n: AHHH ITS LITERALLY US!!
sunnysidey/n · 12w
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2.1k likes Liked by lemirio, yuyu.haya, nejirechan, suneater
sunnysidey/n being 18 means we can buy fireworks whenever(▀U ▀-͠) happy random day of school guys!!
Tagged: suneater, yuyu.haya, lemirio, nejirechan
nejirechan the way amajiki is looking at your sparkler in worry ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ) sunnysidey/n nejirechan he does have an anxiety disorder, but I can totally be delusional and think he was looking out for me!! ( ˘ ³˘)♥ suneater sunnysidey/n but I was worried... what if it got in your hair? sunnysidey/n suneater UBIUBREIBVLKSDBLIVUHJB sunnysidey/n suneater I mean!! thanks!! <3 lemirio sunnysidey/n he just blushed and put his face in the wall( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
yuyu.haya me you and nejire need to hang out more. it was super fun being with you today nejirechan yuyu.haya OOOO SHOPPING TRIP SOON?? sunnysidey/n nejirechan IM SO DOWN!! TEHEHEH (≧◡≦)
suneater it was so fun. i'm glad you didn't catch on fire sunnysidey/n suneater did you doubt me o(╥﹏╥) suneater sunnysidey/n only a little. you can be forgetful. I was worried you'd forget it was in your hand then scratch your head T_T sunnysidey/n suneater well then I'm glad you were looking out for me <3
suneater · 8w
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302 likes Liked by sunnysidey/n, nejirechan, lemirio
suneater y/n just... barged into my room and is making me watch her favorite movies while she pauses every few seconds to analyze the scene (this is our third movie)
sunnysidey/n YOU?? POSTED?? ME?? OH MY GOSH. YOUR FIRST POST IN TWO YEARS AND ITS ME??? suneater sunnysidey/n well, you're the one who's hanging out with me right now. I thought this was worth posting. sorry if thats weird. I'll go home. sunnysidey/n suneater NO SHHHHH ofc its okay!! Im overjoyed rn!! and you cant go home, i'm in your home =^ v ^=
sunnysidey/n no one else listens to me yap like you. mirio always has his own opinions he wants to say, and Nejire changes the subject SOOOO fast. You just listen (^ω^)人(^ω^) suneater sunnysidey/n i'm glad you like talking to me lemirio sunnysidey/n thats cute and all, but why are we catching strays -_- sunnysidey/n lemirio IM SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO LIKE INSULT YOU TWO, I WAS JUST SAYING!! I LOVE YOU BOTH VERY VERY VERY MUCH, YOU AND NEJIRE ARE VERY MUCH MY BEST FRIENDS TOO!
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You replied to suneater's story: ≧⁰,⁰≦
sunnysidey/n: are you ready?
suneater: i think so...
suneater: im nervous, like more nervous than usual
sunnysidey/n: oh its okay!! i'm super nervous too
sunnysidey/n: we can be nervous together
suneater: okay... can you go first?
sunnysidey/n: ofc
sunnysidey/n: I've liked you since our first year. you just came into my life so naturally I couldn't help it. At first I wanted to tell you right away, but I knew you'd panic and I didn't want to upset you in any way. So I waited and waited until it felt like it was going away, but I guess it never did. I reallyyyyyy like you, Tama.
sunnysidey/n: but are you ready to like me?
suneater: um I've liked you since the autumn semester of our second year... the day you stayed behind with me while everyone went and watched a horror movie because I was too scared. Even though it was a rerun of your favorite... I was so scared to ruin what we had so I didn't say anything.
suneater: this is so embarrassing...
sunnysidey/n: nothing to be embarrassed of ✧٩(•́⌄•́๑)و ✧
suneater: you knew I liked you, but you never outright said it... why?
sunnysidey/n: i didn't wanna make you anxious :]
sunnysidey/n: i wanted you to be ready and not have a forced hand in admitting your feelings for me. buttt i couldn't stop myself from posting and admiring you ( ˘ ³˘)♥
suneater: you're effortlessly make me happy without even knowing it... you're so special to me, n/n sunnysidey/n reacted "❤️" to this message
suneater: will you be my girlfriend?
sunnysidey/n: obviously!! <33
suneater: <3
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© https-milo. please do not repost, steal, copy, or modify my works!
incase I lost the plot: Y/n liked Tamaki first, Y/n knew Tamaki liked her back but didn't say anything, Tamaki knew Y/n liked him but was nervous so he didn't say anything.
alsooo y/n's quirk in this is smth to do with eggs i guess, hence the "sunny side" (cause yk a sunny side up egg) ((im so creative))
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angelanderson · 1 year
I really want an Ellabs x reader fic of fem reader really needing comfort bc she's sad/overwhelmed but she tries to hide it from ellabs but obv they notice smth is off, so they tell her they noticed smth is wrong and she kinda breaks down at that, then they comfort her thru it, listening to her problems or insecurities n'stuff <33 Sorry if it's confusing and/or too long, u dont gotta do it but i'd appreciate it tons <33 (Im totally not self projecting)
ur projecting = supported. 🫢 100% sfw/comfort fic but still no men or minors. type of relationship between them is up to u! this ended up a semi- full length fic oops ? enjoy!
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sometimes it just feels too hard. being the newest member in jackson means you feel like you have to prove your worth 24/7. and it’s exhausting, really. abby is just so strong, ellie has the best patrol work, and you? you feel… weak. you (falsely) feel like nothing you’ve done has proven you’re worth the space in jackson.
so when monday rolls around, you tell ellie and abby you have plans with someone else so you can just go home and hide. they don’t question that, why would they? tuesday you tell them you wanna go to bed early. okay, fine. but then it’s wednesday, and they’re starting to get that something is going on with you.
the worry starts to kick in wednesday night after maria tells the two women you asked to go home early, citing that you’re not feeling well. abby all but drags ellie to your tiny place immediately after hearing maria’s words. you always tell each other everything. so why didn’t you now?!
it’s easy to know abby and ellie are knocking at your door simply because of the sheer force of it. five minutes you try to pretend you’re not home. you don’t want them to see you in this state; you’ve been ugly crying for two hours now. however, they don’t give up. it’s not like you could expect anything else from them.
“baby, we know you’re home. let us in, yeah? we’re worried about you,” abby shouts out after another two minutes of knocking.
you respond back with a sickly voice from the sofa, “no, go away. ‘m busy.”
you can just feel the attitude enter ellie’s body now. you know how stubborn she can be. “no, we know you’re lying. i will find a way in if you don’t let us in within the next thirty seconds.”
you know she isn’t joking as you move to open the door. the sight of you upon opening the door is not a pretty one— your face is red, covered in tears. ellie takes a deep breath before she pushes in. she won’t let you shut them out anymore. abby shuts the door before them before heading you back onto the sofa with them. each other is on either side of you within the matter of seconds.
as per usual, abby is the first one to break the silence. “oh, honey, what’s going on? we could’ve helped you sooner if we knew.” the way she sounds sad just makes you feel worse.
insecurities once again bubbling over, you do the only thing you can think of: you try to shove abby away. being significantly stronger than you means it didn’t feel like a single thing. however, abby won’t put up with you lashing out right now. she knows you can be their sweet girl even in the toughest of moments.
ellie watches like a hawk as abby grabs both of your wrists to stop you from trying to push her away again. “just because you’re upset doesn’t mean you can act out. are you going to be the big girl i know you are now? or do i need to keep you here?”
the concerned sternness of her voice makes you whimper in reply. fresh tears leak down your face as you try to find the words to explain. “i- i just don’t think i deserve to be here! everyone, especially you two, carry your weight around here! and what do i do? i’m just a stupid girl working in the bar!”
and, well, neither of them could say they were expecting that response. sure, you were newer to Jackson, but so was everyone at one point. you were also one of the most popular Jackson residents— everyone loves the energy you bring to the bar after a long day of work. so it just makes sense that both women are beyond shocked to realize that this is why you’re so down. how could you not know how loved you are here?
as yet another round of tears starts to fall, you feel abby’s big arms quickly pull you into her chest. your body starts to shake with each inhale as you start to sob into abby’s chest. while ellie rushes to rub your back, abby starts to tilt your head up so you can see her.
“angel, angel, no. let’s take some deep breathes and then we’ll all have a talk, okay?”, abby coos as she wipes away the falling tears.
ellie puts your right hand over abby’s heart when your breathing doesn’t start to slow any. she speaks in the softest voice she can muster up,“deep breaths with me and abby, baby. feel abby’s heart beat. we’re all going to just relax together before anything else.”
two minutes between your favorite people is all it takes to reduce you to just sniffles. you slouch back into your seat once you’ve finally caught your breath. you look up at abby and ellie with wet eyes before letting out a long sigh. no one is sure who should speak first.
ellie decides she’ll be the one to start, “it’s not true, you know? everyone here loves you. helping run the bar is important. you create a space where we can all relax for once. emphasis on the relax part.”
abby grunts in agreement with ellie. “you know ellie’s right, don’t you baby,” abby questions before looking over to ellie, “our favorite girl’s always making everyone feel happy, isn’t she?”
“for real though, you really do play a big part here. you know ellie and i started arguing less when you came around? pretty big deal there, you know. even joel commented on it,” the dirty blonde continues on the conversation.
and that makes you giggle for the first time all day. “even joel? really?” while you knew they had a previous history of more frequent fights, you didn’t know even joel was over it back then too.
“yeah, it’s really true,” abby starts before taking a breath to think about her next words. she exhales, “strength isn’t everything, you know? you add just as much as we do here. creating a space where people can relax while we live on this hell on earth is just as important as what we do. we all do the best here because we are better with each other. our system can’t function without others.”
you’re sure you’d be crying tears of happiness right now if you weren’t so exhausted from all your previous crying. your previous anxieties start to slip away as you start to truly internalize both of their words from today. you are important. you matter here. just like everyone else.
no one is given a chance to speak before you’re pulling ellie and yourself on top of abby. “i love you, i love you, i love you both,” you whisper out. “you’re right. i promise i’ll come talk to you next time i’m feeling down, okay? know you’ll make me say that part next!”
“okay smarty pants, you better. also, we always are, darling. love you the most,” teases ellie before she presses a kiss to the back of your head.
“hey! what if i love you both the most? then what?” you’re sure you can feel ellie roll her eyes as abby whines out playfully.
“okay, okay. how about we all love each other the most? can we just agree so i can drink some water now? my head is killing me.” a major post-crying headache has just started to come on for you.
ellie rolls her eyes playful at both of you. “i’ll get us all some water”, she commands as she walks to your kitchen, “and get comfy with abby. we’ll watch a movie, and yes, you can choose today.”
yay! end note to say ur important and i’m glad ur here + love that we all each add our own special things to this earth 🫂
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
Can we have a Drabble of take care Jk just being exhausted and having a little anxiety so he goes to YN to find some relief moment by just seeing her ?
I’m at work and I’m annoyed 😔
I'll provide some comfort until you're free from work 💜
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Sometimes, things can get way too much. And today, he just feels like what he needs is to see at least some proof that he's not a total failure at his job.
There's been a mix up in two patients- nothing bad, but he should've checked twice. The name alert sticker was there, but somehow, he's been so stressed that he really overlooked it.
He barely caught the mistake before disaster.
But one look into your room tells him that his plan was a good one- because you're currently in your bed, but sat up, a small micro puzzle on the bedside table that you're still working on. He's brought a few of them in yesterday to both occupy you, and see how you work them out.
"Hey." He greets you, your tail happily wagging as you watch him walk closer, before he drags a small chair closer to your bed to look at your progress. "Do you like them?" He asks, and you nod.
"...I couldn't.. I had to put them back though." You admit, and he's thoroughly relieved to hear you speak a lot better than yesterday. He'd been a bit worried that you stayed quiet for so long- but you seemingly only needed a bit more time than usual to recover.
He notices quickly how strategic you go at the puzzle- having finished the outside border before you begin to finish it. It's a very interesting sight, and it just shows that there's so many deeper layers to you that just have been undiscovered until now.
"Which one's did you finish?" He wonders, and you show him three little boxes that have clearly been opened. "Already? You're fast, I gotta get you more difficult one's." He laughs, and you smile along, feeding off the praise.
But then your tail falls limp again, as you look at the table a bit more sadly.
"I'll.. Jimin said I'll get discharged on Friday." You say. "Do you.. know where I'll go?" You ask, and he feels his heart clench.
He doesn't know.
Currently, there's no clear plan since it's still two days away, but there's been talks with a nearby carecenter who would take you in for now, and have you set up for individual housing with a caregiver. But for now, you've got nowhere to go.
And he himself still hasn't made a definitive decision, paperwork unsigned back home. He really wishes he could give you a clear answer, but he can't- not yet.
"Dont worry about that." He instead tells you, hand on your head for a second before he stands up.
Leaving you behind, even though he really doesn't want to.
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xnchxntmxnt · 1 year
Hey! May I ask for a pt 2 of the "skating in heels" piece you wrote, please? No pressure if you don't want to do it!
WHEW OKAY anon. Love ya. Thank you for the request. I forgot it was there for several months im sorry 😭 forgive me
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Characters: Kojiro Nanjo, Langa Hasegawa
Warnings: above text if needed
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part one
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Kojiro “Joe”  Nanjo 
Small warning: talk of injuries but its in a light hearted and teasing way, nothing graphic
See this guy
He’s gonna think its impressive
Clapping, cheering, the whole bit
You can probably sense a but coming
He’s watching and he’s like
That cant be THAT hard
Ahaha yeah. Sure joe
So you scour the internet trying to find him a pair for 2in heels (start a little easy on him)
They usually dont make heels in his size but dammit, youre stubborn, you find some. Theyre international shipping so you gotta pay the extra money and wait a little longer, but he tested you and now he gets to reap the benefits 
Honestly, i love being petty with kojiro because he wouldn’t get upset he just matches your energy
 So these heels come and you take him to a skate park on a less busy night when there aren’t any teenagers around. And bring a helmet just in case
“I haven't worn a helmet skating since i was sixteen!” “I know, and you got a concussion two weeks later. Wear it” 
So he does, but makes fun of you for it endlessly
Until he falls on his ass coming down off the halfpipe and slams his head into the concrete. So he was happy for it then
Now he just has a bruised butt and ego, but no bruised BRAIN 
(dont get concussions kids, i did and it was not fun)
He gets up, dusts himself off, and grumbles something about how he put his foot in the wrong place and he’ll get it next time
(he’s not used to the gap between the heel of the shoe and his toes. Makes a difference)
After making some excuses he tries again. Falls again, and this time its because “the shoes aren’t broken in”
Several tries and excuses later, he gives up and puts his sneakers back on. He respects your ability a lot more after that
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Langa “Snow” Hasegawa
Shocked pikachu face
Not much more i can say
Langa is a man of few words and i think he’d just stand there staring at you
You decided to show off to him & reki at the skate park randomly one day (they were very curious what the shoes were for) and pull a couple small tricks on the board
Reki’s all sorts of excited and cheering for you because he’s never seen someone DO that before
Langa just. Sits there mouth slightly open
(gets made fun of for it gently lol)
When youre done and skate back over langa begins spinning you around and checking you for injuries or anything because “that can be very dangerous” and he’s worried about you skating in shoes that are not meant to be skated in
But when he’s finally satisfied and knows that youre okay and didn’t pull anything he’s slightly smiley
“That’s very impressive”
“Thanks, langa”
Proceeds to talk about it for the next SEVERAL days with reki, but doesn’t tend to bring it up with you. No one’s sure why, but he just cant stop singing your praises when you’re not around
Not out of malice, he just does that. Talks a lot about the people he loves when theyre not there. Cute habit of his
He thinks youre so cool though and loves to watch you skate when you put your heels on (or just watch you skate in general
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@grays321 @dear-koi @sirimirihiro @momoewn @poeberlyavenue
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uriekukistan · 4 months
Got one for you: top 5 writing pet peeves?
okay top5 for myself
the word “shrugged”: i swear my characters shrug more in one chapter than i have in my entire life, but i cant seem to get away from the word…although when i put my work into this thing that counts word recurrence, it never makes the top 10, i still feel like i overuse it sm
proofreading: i hate hate hate proofreading….like reading my own writing is just frustrating to me, especially bc i actually write way in advance of when i actually publish it, so things i may have thought were good a month and a half ago i usually end up hating by the time i actually publish them…idk i think a lot of creators are their worst critics, im sure there’s not as much actually wrong w my stuff as i think
mixing action with dialogue: i dont even mind this much when im reading, but seeing a huge section of just dialogue in my own writing has me foaming at the mouth…and i have a hard time visualizing things so it takes me so long to add realistic actions in between certain lines, otherwise i feel like the scene flows weird if i dont do this…
figurative or overly descriptive language: no one has ever said anything bad abt this so i’m not sure why it but i always worry that parts of my writing will come off pretentious? like i’ll write it and be like “wow i cooked” and then i’ll read it back and be like “who tf do u think u are to be writing like that”
writing environment: i swear i need everything just so to be able to write efficiently, its so annoying. perfect caffeination level (not enough = no brain, too much = can’t focus), perfect playlist, comfy clothes and comfy seating position, not hungry but not full etc etc. i can still write without these things but it ends up being slow af. so annoying
top5 for reading others’ writing (ghhhh hope this doesnt come out mean)
poorly formatted dialogue: genuinely if i see dialogue lumped in with paragraphs of text I CLICK OUT im not reading that i’m sorry. it’s a visual thing like it’s overwhelming to read and makes the story flow weirdly, like pleasseeedseese put your dialogue on a new line
UNDERuse of the word “said”: ik this is contrary to most writing advice, but it bothers me fr when ppl go out of their way to avoid words like “said” “asked” “replied”…like sometimes they’re genuinely the best words for the situation, or the synonym that gets used is just not appropriate. when you get into more specific words like that it’s gotta fit well. i’m a big advocate for using modifiers rather than synonyms, like “whispered” “said softly” “said, a hint of softness creeping into their voice” are all different. anyway i hate when im reading and someone uses a synonym for “said” that doesn’t fit the situation
over reliance on physical description for characters: again like the synonyms- time and place. maybe it’s just me, it just feels kinda depersonalizing if youre constantly using physical descriptions when they aren’t relevant, especially in romance. ex: in dancing with a stranger, megumi notices yuuji’s muscles bc he purposely flexes, or the way his eyes catch the sun as part of the “view” on a sunny day, but the rest of they time, he’s thinking of yuuji as kind, warm, talented, etc. it just makes characters feel shallow, and especially in romance, makes the relationship feel shallow. if all megumi noticed about yuuji were his big muscles and loserboy puppy eyes, it kinda cuts the meaning and intimacy from the relationship. also noah fence but it also comes off as kinda lazy characterization
im a liar i cant come up 5 for this i already feel mean for saying what i said 💀 thank u again for the ask !!!! sorry for rambling so much skdjdk
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kirchefuchs · 1 year
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(I had to scroll down far and wide for this photo lmfao ☠️)
if you were to rate how your current TSP brainrot is going, how would you go about yours (mine is still 1000000/10 because this game has me on chokehold at all times istg /silly)
MORE IMPORTANTLY THO, how has thou been a-doing :]
life has been quite the jerk to you, huh? I'll beat its ass– I mean what who said that damn hahbshsgsyshs /pos
— 🅰️non (heh, missed me?) || 07/02/2023
Yes I missed you a lot 🥺
As for my TSP brainrot......
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It's being drowned out by my Wolfwood Trigun brainrot quite a bit right now, but that's not to say I don't still have TSP brainrot.
I'm still very receptacle to drawing TSP art since I did so just yesterday. Though with both brainrots I'm finding it difficult to use my brain at all, so there is that.
I still absolutely adore TSP and want to draw and make more content ofc. You don't have to worry about that.
As for my general life..... eh. I'll separate things into good, bad, and neutral feelings about the things.
Good: I got to have a sleepover with @dime-smothied (it was her first one ever, which was super crazy, lol). Also I bought I trigun print along with some stickers and a hoodie from my favorite artist ABDIllustraits (I would tag him bit I don't wanna bother him. He is on here though, and I adore his YouTube videos. The way he does them is just ♡♡♡♡♡)!!!! And earlier I got some TSP keychains and and acrylic standee in the mail, so I'm super happy about those!!! I love them a lot and I'm so excited to get the stuff from ABD!
Neutral: I've been temporarily back at work this week since they were severely understaffed due to people vacationing and such, so I'm making money again. So that's nice. I have a pretty set plan for moving out of my parent house, I just need to buy my own car, make doubly sure I have plenty of money saved up so I have time to find a job after I move, and then just get everything packed and double check my housing situation. So pretty soon I'll be able to move out and I'm excited about it, just gotta get all that stuff done.
Bad: Um. My pet snake Theo died two days ago........ I don't know what else I can say right now about it. I hurts and it's frustrating to say the very least. I loved him a lot and I miss him. So, I'm dealing with those emotions right now. I'm doing my best to cope, but we'll see as time passes how I do. Distractions are appreciated.
So yeah. That's pretty much everything I think. Honestly, I'm so happy to be getting asks from you again, you really help brighten my day 🅰️non, so thank you ♡ Right now I think I just need things to draw and fun drawings or rambles to look at. I'm always sad when I can't bring myself to draw or make anything so any ideas or suggestions mean the world to me.
And dont you worry about my health, I've been eating and drinking plenty of water I think. My friends are usually pretty good about making sure I keep up on that. I appreciate the concern though ♡♡♡
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Disney Month: Kidnapped
First review oF Disney Month is a review of an adaption of A Robert Louis Stevenson classic,Kidnapped
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In this 1960 film David Belfour (James McArthur) is kidnapped by  Captain Hoseason(Bernard Lee ) on orders by Davids evil uncle Ebenezer (John Laurie ) to sell David into slavery ,but DAvid joins forces with the Scottish soldier Alan Breck Stewart (Peter Finch ) to escape and reclaim what is his
So I had never heard of this film till a few years ago,no one talks about it......Which is a shame cause it is great ,in fact I like it better then Treasure Island which critics at the time compared it unfavorably to,this might be a new favorite of mine
I like are two heroes.I can see someone seeing David is dull,but while he isnt as colorful as the other characters,he is a likeable heroic character ,I liked when the Captain and Shuan are letting David in on their plan to murder Alan ,David immediately goes to Alan who he doesnt know and is like "The Captain is planning to kill you ,I dont trust him,I'm teaming up with you " .PEter Finch as Alan pulls off being both arrogant but a badass who readdly cares for DAvid
The villains are great,Uncle Ebeneezer is the main antagonist ,played to hammy perfection by John Laurie ,hes definately a somewhat comical villain but still a creepyness and almost despertness to him .I also really like Captain Hoseason,who I think is a very realistic villain ,a shady oppurtunist and I gotta admit,as a James Bond fan ,it was a real treat to see BERNARD LEE AKA M play a man of dubious morals
Now this is more of a dramaperiod piece then an out and out adventure ,but we still meet some fun characters ,and there are some great set pieces ,the best being David and Alan fighting off Hoseasons crew from within a cabin ,that was badass
I have two sets of questions ,lets start with 3 from @ariel-seagull-wings
1-Is the Pirates of the Caribbean ride influenced by the production of this movie?
Honestly no ,I see no connection between the two other then seafaring adventure.The villains arent even pirates,they are just normal corrupt sailors
2-Is Peter O'Tooles role already revealing of his capabilities as an actor?
Oh hell yeah.This is O'Tooles film debut and I was worried hed be just a background character,but he has a whole damn scene where he struts his stuff and he has just such a screen presence .Apparently he was suggested by Peter Finch and they play off each other beautifully
3-Should Disney make more dark movies like this?
First off I wouldnt call it dark ,but mature and honestly I would love them to do more films like this . Like it is rare I have seen a movie where the hero kills a man ,,,,,And has a moment to just fall apart ,like the gravity of the moment isnt lost ,and when DAvid breaks down and Alan gives him a moment is probabbly my favorite scene.I want more films like this
And now 3 questions from @the-blue-fairie
1-Much of the dialogue is lifted verbatim from the book. Is this evident on a first viewing and does it give a different quality compared to other Disney films?
I couldnt tell it was book dialogue but the film has a diffrent vibe then most Disney films and the dialogue is part of that
2- I've always felt that this film has more of a focus on historical time and place than a usual Disney swashbuckler-type movie. What do you think of that? Do you think this makes the film feel dryer in places or does it add color?
Adds color .This film,while it does have humor (Mostly from Uncle Ebeneezer) doesnt FEEL Disney ,and I kind of like that ,it feels like a solid period piece .I honestly really love this movie
And spoilers
3-"And the question closest to my heart, what are your thoughts on Ransom, the cabin boy? "-"Specifically, what are your thoughts on his interactions with Mr. Shuan and their result, as well as the matter-of-fact way it shows him carrying a knife in hopes of one day possibly killing his abuser? Did you expect the child in a Disney film to be unceremoniously murdered by a drunkard?
Sooooooooo I thought Ransome was gonna be the kid sidekick,or hed be the one to kill Mr Shaun.....I DIDNT EXPECT THE KID TO GET MURDERED IN THE NEXT SCENE .When his death screams are heard ,I screamed "JESUS " and my jaw hit the floor when we saw the body .To answer your question,I did not see it coming.I liked Ransome in his brief moments on screen,and frankly it shows how awful are villains are ,with Shuan just drunknly and casually murdering a child ,and Captain Hoseason is ready to just cover it up to save his own skin
Overall this is a great underrated movie that I highly reccomend
@goodanswerfoxmonster @themousefromfantasyland @filmcityworld1 @amalthea9 @angelixgutz @princesssarisa @marquisedemasque
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talesfromeorzea · 1 year
FFxivWrite Day 9 Prompt Fair
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Erinia’s eyes darkened as she walked along the decks of Limsa near the fishers guild and saw a rough looking Hyur kick a small Quiqrin causing the poor being to fall flat on the deck with a pained squeak.
Erinia strode forward and stepped between the Hyur and his victim snarling, “Was that really necessary?”
The sailor looked sourly at her and growled, “Ship business mongrel none o yer concern.”
She just gave a grim smile, “Oh it is when I see you hurting someone for no better reason that you can, I don’t care if he’s part of your crew or not there's no reason to kick him I could clearly see he was listening to you.”
“Its just a Ratman mongrel, no one cares except for some reason you.  What he remind ye o how folks view ye?  Have te say mongrel or not ye definitely are a much better sight to look at than a ratman.”
She just gave a “hmph” in response then decked him so hard that she sent the Hyur stumbling back and then falling into the water causing him to sputter and flail about.
“I don't care to see anyone being treated like nothing.  So I step in when I see fit gotta problem with it take it up with the Yellow Jackets once you haul your pathetic ass outta the sea.”  she then turned to the Quiqrin and helped him to his feet, “Ye all right,”
“Jalaroon is just fine,” he squeaked, “Thanks to nice adventurer for helping Jalaroon though will make things worse when back on ship” he added, his ears drooping.
Erinia gave him a pat and said, “I wouldn’t worry about that. I know the buffoon is going to go to the Yellow Jackets and when they come after me he will be in for a surprise. Come on lets go to the Bismark and have some food.”
The Quiqrin’s eyes widened, “Treat Jalaroon to fancy food place, but people there wont let Jalaroon in,”
She just winked and motioned for him to follow.  Together they made their way to the Bismark and she gave a wave stating, “The usual table for me and my friend here.”
Without question H’lahono waved her over to a table near the rail and she and Jalaroon sat down.  The poor Qiuqrin was at first nervous but soon relaxed and she and he began conversing waiting for their food to be served.  Once the food was there he happily gobbled it up seeming to be in high spirits.  Erinia just smiled and ate her own meal.  
A few minutes passed then she heard, “There she is officers..”
Looking up she saw the sailor she had sent into the sea standing between two burly Roegadyn Yellowjackets.  She simply gave a wave and continued her meal.
One of the Jackets looked down at the Hyur, “The Warrior of Light was the one that sent ye to the drink?”
“Aye….Wait that mongrel is the Warrior of Light!!” he asked incredulously
“Aye, I am,” she responded, “I struck him once after watching him kick Jalaroon here for no other reason that he was a Quiqrin, if I recall correctly having a Quiqrin aboard a vessel is good luck, no officers?  So why would he be so cruel to a valuable crew member who was listening to every word he said?”
“She’s got a point lad, why would ye be harming him if he was listening?”  The Roe growled down at him.
“He’s just a stupid ratman,” the Hyur snarled, “Who cares what's done to it?  It's into the pot should the ship run aground or get stranded in doll drums.  It's a ratman, their nothing.”
“Be that as it may, ye dont got the right to abuse crewmen simply cause ye think their worthless, ye recall ye aient a pirate no more.  Admirals outlawed it.” the other Roe stated
“And yer daft if ye think there aient pirates no more!” the Hyur snapped, “Do ye honestly think the Admiral’s declaration stopped piracy?”
“Sounds to me gentlemen he just admitted he is a pirate,”  Erinia stated taking a delicate bite of her food.
“That it does Warrior o Light thanks fer leading us to this scoundrel.”  With that the Roegadyn cuffed the Hyur dragging him off the man sputtering the whole  time, “You can't be serious!  This is ridiculous all this over a stinking ratman and a mongrel!”
Jalaroon’s eyes were wide then he squeaked softly, “Nice Adventurer is fabled hero….Fabled hero helps  Jalaroon?”
Erinia nodded, “All people are the same to me, be they spoken or tribal Jalaroon.  I protect those that need it.  Finish up and I will lead you to one of your kinfolk that probably could use another hand at their trading post.”
Jalaroon gave her a huge grin still awed that she had taken the time to help him and nodded vigorously, “Jalaroon would like that,  would make very good merchant for trading post.”  And then he resumed gobbling up his food with a great deal of gusto.
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viola-canadensis · 1 year
Been really aimless for years and recently thought i could maybe go to school to be a therapist and eventually try to help young queer kids have someone safe to talk to and stuff and like get kids the meds and diagnoses they need and whatnot (not that you need a diagnosis to be valid but its good to have especially if youre a kid so people actually believe you) (also part of the plan was to help get meds and stuff to kids who cant afford it cause therapy is so fucking expensive) But ive recently seen a lot of people talking about how therapists are like cops and the system is really messed up and stuff. And like im aware of how fucked up it is and what i had in mind was to try to help kids get around some of the messed up stuff in the system and whatnot but would that be a pointless endeavour? Like I thought maybe i could help people like this but i dont wanna be compared to a fucking cop
I dropped out of school last year and im literally going back in two weeks to do this. But like if its not gonna be helping people what am i doing it for. And if im not doing it then what the fuck do i do. I have nothing other than this in terms of what i can see in my future. I love being a hot smelly transfem who plays games all day but its killing me seeing the state of the world and not being able to do shit.*** I thought this might be something tangible. And theres other stuff i can do like i plan on volunteering more and going to protests and things like that. And engaging in mutual aid and all that. But that doesnt pay rent and if i have no money then i cant help other people cause ill be worrying about myself. And i guess charging decent rates for therapy also wouldnt pay rent but i thought id figure something out. And i can get a different job obviously but again housing is so damn expensive and i wanna be able to support my girlfriend if we end up moving in together at some point and like i dunno i figured if i made more money i would have more to give to people and i could help fund things and stuff.
I dont know. I gotta fucking sleep. Usually dont get any notes on posts i make like this but if anyone managed to read all that shit and has an opinion on it id love to hear it cause i really dont know what to think or do right now.
***edit: i think my phrasing is a bit off so i wanted to clarify its totally fine to be a gross transfem who plays games all day. Youre hot and i love you
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ray-the-fanatic · 1 year
2k12 tmnt for the fandom asks
(sorry i haven't answered yours yet, been having an off day but i'll get to it soon 🙏)
(lol no worries take your time friend!)
 I’ll tell you:
The first character I first fell in love with:  I feel the answer is well know XD I love Raph! I mean makes sense he was my favorite in 03 but I turly loved what 2012 did with him as well. He such a cocky shit at the start of the show and its not that he stops that trait but you do see how he develops for the better as the shown went on. Him feeling he was better and should be leader to how he more takes to his role in his team. You see him go from someone who cracks under pressure when given leadership to making sure he's always prepared, how he makes sure none of them esp Leo are left behind how he lets his softer side come out more when Chompy comes in. HE's also a little smart ass and people need to let him cuss he's had it u-u
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
Shinigami, I sort of dropped off watch 2012 during season 4 so I didn't see her much outside a few epsiode I caught here and there. I havent quite gotten to when she is in the show now either outside clips and such I have seen. But I expected me to feel as I do Renet shes fine but there. Honestly though? I love her. I like how she isn't the usual gloom and doom but even laughs at Mikey's jokes i dunno I just enjoy her.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
Renet, I wouldn't say I hate her. Much how I just wasn't much for the 03 version I would say gose the same in 12. I like her just fine shes a fun charater for the episodes she comes in for and such mostly love the season 5 monter arch. I personlly love her most for the fact she shares a VA with Terra from Teen Titans so it was like getting Beast Boy and Terra back. She just there she's fine I dont find her annoying but Im not hyped about her personally myself.
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
I wouldn't say he is hated but I do see Casey tends to not get much love or people will makes statments about him I just don't agree with like saying he is selfish and uncaring. When you do see that isn't ture. You learn that he and raph talk about stuff like what happened to spike. You see hes the one April talks when at the time who she thought was her mom wanted to leave and she had to pick to stay or go with her. Casey dose care about the turtles he often right there when they need help, he covers them in their battles and like the nightmare episode from the farm house arch he was ready to beat an old man for possibly being the reason they were going to die. I genuinely just love Casey my re watch has made me love him even more I just can't get over his stupid laugh sometimes XD
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
Slash, NOT that I hate him either I thought he was villain longer though? but he had such a sudden turn around and it felt like such a waste to me. I felt like he could have been good as Raph arch enemy over Xever. Could been used to add to Raph and Casey friendship/partnership. I still like Slash I just wish he had been a villain a bit longer just for all untap story he had to offer.
The character I would totally smooch: 
Give all the turtles smooches on their heads they been through it in this shown u-u
The character I’d want to be like: 
hmmm mr murakami? I dunno dude seems to be enjoying live got hos own businesses willing to make stuff for the turtles he seems chill despite getting dragged into stuff from just knowing the turtles.
The character I’d slap: 
-Raph I love my boy but he needs to be slapped u-u
-Leo also needs a slap sometimes
-Casey he exsits hit em
-Donnie i love him to but smack this boy A pairing that I love:
Rasey uwu I love these two no matter the series I gotta ship these idiots im a sucker for the best friends to lovers trope A pairing that I despise:
hmm I don't think I have any sure theres some I dont ship or personally like much but eh cant say I have a ship I like hate you know? Besides I rather spend time enjoy what I love anyway.
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hereliesbitches--me · 2 years
"ya know, ya gotta stop worrying so much." he teases, wide grin on scarred features as he playfully tugs on a lock of her hair. "i'm fine, came back in one piece - so don't frown." kyle's tone becomes soft, caressing the tender skin of her cheek. "you'll get worry lines at this rate..."
It was only meant to be a week, maybe two tops, that they would perform humanitarian services before they would go back home to their normal lives. That was what the GRE had briefed herself and Erron on before the three of them got dropped into a hot zone And everything that could go wrong went wrong from the moment they touched the ground.
That should have been a telling sign for Rosie, yet the stupid girl held hope.
That was almost 2 months ago, and now communication had become so scarce she was starting to believe the GRE had left them there to die like everyone else. Because Kyle was infected...and they would not leave without him. She would not leave without him.. Not now, not ever. Not even if he fully changed into an infected. It was that reckless undying loyalty that kept Erron chained with her in this hellhole they were trying to save.
   Usually she was one to sleep in, but that morning a restless anxiety woke her up as kyle slipped off the bed from her arms. He threw on his clothes and his gear, and from the corner of her computer setup she watched him from the chair quietly sipping blackened coffee she had learned to tolerate with their scarce resources. She hadn't meant to give away her worries, but Kyle had an eye for detail when her forehead had a habit of wrinkling when she though too deeply. His sudden voice startled her out of her thoughts. She was quick to swivel in her chair and start up the system in an effort to hide the fact that she had been caught,
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" Its not about the fact that you manage to make it back in one piece, its that fact that things seem to be getting worse out there with the gangs, the infected are the least of our worries at this rate..."
The gunfire, the supply shortage being raided by Rais and his people before any other survivor had a chance to take it. She was no runner, she was only the tech, and all that was good for was surveying and emergency escapes. Rais has been a variable that she and Erron had been left in the dark about in terms of what they were dealing with in the quarantine zone. She had high hopes before that dwindled in faded every day, and the optimism she had come in with was nearly all capoot. Fed up with her own helplessness, she'd been scheming how she could be more than just a useless set of eyes to this community. The thought drifted as she shot a bitter look to the charging drone she booted up with the rest of her system,
" The supplies are short, Antizen is practically liquid gold that people are dying for, what if we dont have enough for --, " you Kyle Crane could move like a shadow and not make a single sound for a man his side, a talent he often displayed by sneaking up on her when she was deep in her world of tech. Her words fell short at the sensation of his hands combing through her unruly brown bed head, her anxiety temporarily quelled by a wave of chills that eased her tenses. Rosie couldnt help the soft sound of relief she made, the smallest tremble that rattled through her frame before she collapsed back in the chair and looked up at Kyle staring down from above. Their exchanges could often be entire silent, expressed solely through affectionate gazes and the tender touch of the hand. A touch starved creature she was, the feeling of his hands on her round cheek drew a tenderness from the tech and revived the hope she believed had gone flatline.
"you'll get worry lines at this rate..."
His voice alone makes her heart beat just a little louder in her chest, and stirs an impractical emotion at the core of her gut when he had to leave so soon. Rosie returns a wry smile in response,
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"Worry lines are probably the last thing I have to worry about when there is an army of angry infected people that want to take a bite out of me..." She sighs, but her hands reach up and curl around the palm cradling her cheek. In the back of her mind she muses at the fact his hand alone could probably cover her whole face... at the forefront of her mind, a more glaring issue demands itself to be voiced, " I just feel.. so useless in here. Im tired of being useless. All I do is keep watch, I get you out of situations... but im not really helping anyone but you. The tower people probably think im just some weird tech hermit that eats their supplies and hides behind a screen all day... They probably look at me and think I could feed at least a small platoon of guards for like a week."
Being as plump as she was, becoming a humanitarian didn't take away the self consciousness that came as people looked at her in disbelief that the GRE would send someone like her into a place like his with the expectation to survive. Thinking too long on it caused her expression to screw up bitterly and the girl to pull away from Kyle to return back to her lit up monitor. Rosie hunched forward, allowed her unbrushed hair to hide her face as she rubbed the stupid self conscious water from her eyes and punched her password in the system. The Drone at its station whirred to life with the startup program , Rosie stared pointedly at the screen in refusal of letting anyone see her pathetic tears,
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" I have to be something more than eyes, Kyle... Im tired of being something that everyone has to save or look out for... I'm gonna start making adjustments to my tech to be something that people actually need to.."
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dawnowar · 9 months
Feeling good
I don't know if I'll remember to do it, but I have found out today that theres a way to cross post from instagram that doesnt take too many more clicks than not cross-posting so I'm gonna try and keep my tumblr up. From the day I first found tumblr in the very beginning, I have always preferred this as a format than any other way to post my stuff online.
No one looks at it but not only is that fine, it keeps me very unguarded here since I don't have to worry about which assholes on my friends list are gonna argue about things I say here or who is going to see my opinion about them or whatever so I've been using it as a place to vent.
Anyway I just got back from my 2nd workout of 2024 and I'm just logging here that my fitness level is much higher than it usually is when I start my January diet. Probably because I just did 17 classes in like 21 days to get my 2023 shirt before the end of the year.
It's good. I'm also a lot flabbier than i usually am this time of year but i feel like its very realistic to think that by Valentines Day i'll be considerably less flabby.
I always do January diet and exercise till Valentines day when i begin celebrating my birthday for way too long. Till im sick of it and then i go back to being normal, meaning some balance of eating and exercising till the holidays when it all goes out the window.
I got sick back in October and then again and again and again 5x till i just gave up and was like ill go back on a diet in Jan. Theres no way to be sick and on a diet. anyway i've been eating whatever for so long im flabby as i was before i got serious and took it off last summer so I gotta do it again. Which sucks but I also feel like I know how and I'll do it.
So i just cross-posted most of 2023 over here and had to take the time to look at everything i did all year.
It's a scrapbook really. I think tumblr started out with that premise. That you should use it as your scrapbook. Ive always seen it that way. its just a public-facing scrapbook.
Only things I really left out were some failed relationships. I started or tried to start or meant to start and i think ultimately all of them, even though they were all completely different, failed because I just wanted to do my own thing. I think I've been on my own a long time, and as much as I'd like someone to fall in love with and live happily ever after with, i also have my own agenda and its hard, after so many years to coordinate time and spending money for other people.
And again, I spent all this time on diet and exercise only to have to do it over again now... but romantic dates = eating for some reason and I'm so stressed out spending time and money on meals. I like company but I need to save money and exercise and this is my priority now.
I do girly exercise so its not like i can exercise with a date and its too damn cold to go for walks or whatever. I hate gyms and i dont think theyre a good place to get to know each other anyway.
I just logistically can't make it work.
Oh im sure there are other reasons I'm not trying to publish that things didnt work out with any of these guys but it really is just so much easier and less stressful to not try to date and to eat right and exercise.
So thats what ive been doing and thats what i intend to do for January and into the first two weeks of February and then i guess maybe ill reevaluate.
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prttyvirgo · 1 year
calling me handsome at this time? 🤭 making me blush right now
isn’t it your last semester? like last last one? I can imagine it’s stressful but you’re doing great. You always do ♥️ don’t forget to rest because uni isn’t everything lmao I see people with no degrees making more money than I’ll ever have so…. at this point i don’t even care that much
please!!! you spamming me was the best part of my day, it used to make me the happiest man alive just to be there for you at the end of the day 🥹 i love your crazy thoughts, there’s so many of them 😂 in so many directions it’s fucking adorable. I was always looking forward to hear you sweet baby
thank for always wishing the best and still seeing the kindness in me, it really means the world.. your opinion of me is really important to me and i hope you know i’d still try my best to be the kind and emotional man you used to know 🥹
sounds like a busy day, I love the two hour nap 😂 sounds like you ngl. How was ramadan? everything alright? you know what i’ve been studying a little bit more about your religion, i felt really dumb with some of the questions I made 💀
my day was ok, I’ve been off work to do my dissertation so that’s good but i’m not doing anything anyway, still trying my best and I know I’ll do just fine. So I did some uni work, went to a cute coffee shop, had shower, came home to watch stranger things like usual and yeah…. that was it baby, thanks for asking ♥️
you know i gotta make sure to make you blush at least once every few days and remind you that you are one handsome fucker so 😌
and no, unfortunately it's not my last senester but tbh it's been going well and isn't as stressful as it used to be bc i think ive become like you in that way since i dont care about it as much since it's like...not that big of a deal 💀 if it works out it works out and if not then so be it tbh so absolutely no worries when it comes to that, my sweetest love
and please you always make me so soft 🥺 i really appreciate you being so excited about my spams, makes me really really happy and of course i know you're always trying your best. i just hope you know it's okay to not always give your best since your best is sometimes 10% and sometimes 129% so you're good either way bc you gave it a try and thats what matters 🥺
ramadan was really good this year, it was like the first proper ramadan without any covid regulations and bla bla so everything was how it used to be pre-covid and honestly i never minded your questions bc 1) i'm used to it and 2) it was/is just nice to see that you were/are interested in it 🥰
im glad you're taking some time off of work even if it's just a day since i know you, sir, like to overwork yourself so a win is a win. and i hope the dissertation is going well and you're trying your best not to lose your mind over it but i know you've got this 🤍
your day sounds lovely and i'm so proud of you for resting and taking some time to yourself, you deserve it so much 🥺 thank you for answering
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happiiest · 5 years
#my neck usually hurts 24/7 but it went up two point on the 1/10 meter since i got sick. my bones achey so my neck....breaky#it feels like it always wants cracked i gotta stop myself from breaking it. good thing my fingers crack pretty often tho#occasional urge to break one once in a while but thats fine. my neck is. a little more important you know?#feel like im on the rebound tho i feel more energy welling up when im resting. yesterday there was next to nothing#but today theres a little. still have trouble. you know standing i feel shakey and weak but i can still move so. ugh if i had paid days off#i tots would have used two of them for today and friday but fuck man idk if i do so i gotta at least be here#my coworkers were really nice i must have appeared alot more exhausted. the girl i share my floor with offered to do all of the bathrooms#today and augh that was really helpful it let me rest. but gosh darn i half refused and did the one pair of bathrooms#i need to work on being able to rely on others for help. but im always really worried that i'm relying too much and never working for myself#but the thing is i never call off and always show up early and! i take care of the entire floor if the girl needs to call off#i wish i would have fully accepted her offer but its fine i guess...#i wish in those moments there was someone to tell me that its genuinely okay for me to accept help. that they're glad to help me#and that they feel that the give and take in whatever kinda relationship it is is still equal and not onesided#also been feeling alot of negativity lately. like with cyberpunk there was a couple critical posts goin around#one less popular one about the gangs and the other was about that poster of a girl with a dick clearly showing thru her tights#and like. i see very clearly why and how that can be problematic and i dont know very much abt the history of projekt red and their stances#but i am aware of the types of people interested in projekt red's games and its not exactly trans rights#i feel like the posts are something i specifically am tired of seeing because i already know the issues and am tired of talking about it#i've been arguing with my friends alot lately about important issues like insanely rich ppl and lgbt issues and racism#feel like i kinda just wanna be. for right now. for a while. talk to people who already understand the issues and were on the same page#but i dont have anyone who are on the same page with everything and thats normal. people disagree yeah?#i kinda wanna explore the community possibilities on pc warframe. i doubt there will be anything too worthwhile but hey yeah#lol the warframe clan leader is on tumblr i messaged them with my main so kudos to them if they read all the above tags to here#love you and i'm looking forward to our clanship and our friendship in the future *holds up wineglass* to pc warframe
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