#and ugh. i just. i should have said something earlier but i think it stressed my mom out last night (she dyes my hair)
jahnavisurenda-21 · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel||Alastor X Reader||Stress Relief
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Take a deep breath, before you yell at some poor face who just happens to have the misfortune to walking in to one of your days, where everything seems to be going south.
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This seemed to have taken one of the most bizarre turns you could have ever imagined, you had no idea why you had agreed to such a trivial, petty matter.
Oh! Now you remember it was Charlie, who had clasped your hand looked at you with the doe eyes which reminded you of some of the Korean shows you watched as a teen and young adult.
You would admire the eye makeup, the most because once your dad who had been a makeup artist had told his philosophy of makeup to look absolutely flawless, the eyes and lips should be standing out the most.
Totally irrelevant, you didn't understand the point of recalling this faint memory of your dad. You wished you could just go back to your suburban house, in the mountainside feel the spring flowers touch your skin again, you can't believe you once hated them.
Well, you always, miss what you once never cherished and lost.
"Coming this far, can't believe all the messed-up hotel mess is on Y/n." Angel dust once told Alastor, "The civil examinations study there and study even after your dead!"
"A what now?" Alastor questioned, "Oh! you didn't know? Not very bad now, are you?" Niffty asked, climbing on Alastor.
"What exams?" Alastor had asked once again, pushing Niffty from his shoulder,
"You always are the last person to know about anything are you? Don't you have like special powers or something which you can spy on anyone?"
Alastor looked at them like he was just about to lose his smiling grin, but of course smile is the best makeup.
"So, you know right Heaven is facing some economical crisis they spent so much time providing the 'perfect after life' guess the angels forgot money doesn't exactly grow on trees." Angel said sarcastically. But some hints of satisfaction could be made out.
"How exactly is this related to Y/n now?"
"You seriously don't know anything." Vaggie interjected, "When you had mysteriously run of in one of your 'expeditions' Adam the asshole came to the hotel, not for the execution apparently in the weekly magazine or something in heaven there was about a mysterious economist, or a business manager who was really good at managing expenses and could stabilize the afterlife."
"Well that turned out nicely did it not?"
"Ugh!" Vaggie hit her head, "No you egocentric, piece of shi--"
"Don't try that with me." Alastor warned,
"Yeah yeah she's really good." Angel finished, "It was tracked to Y/n, now heaven knows that Y/n is still choosing to be in hell, Now they want her there in heaven."
"To help them manage there life."
"Y/n has to write a civil exam the hardest one, or else they would attack the hotel."
"Well they don't know who they are messing with."
You sniffled, "Can't do this anymore." You murmured, "Want to die."
"Now my dear, is that a word you should use when you are literally saving the hotel?" Alastor appeared like the shadow, like always.
"Alastor?" You slowly poked your head from the blanket, "Why dear you're a mess!" Alastor said moving next to you on the bed,
"Can I put my head on your lap?" You asked, he nodded cheerfully.
"So why did you agree to this my dear?"
"I didn't want to fail everyone the extermination is already scheduled earlier than expected I didn't want to crush Charlie's dream."
"You're working really hard, without sleeping, isn't that concerning? It's concerning me."
"Thank god your here!" You said,
Alastor put a hand on your tear-stained cheeks.
"It's time for a little rest. Dear."
"I can't the exam is in three more days I think, I don't know how time works in hell."
"If That Adam guy keeps bothering you, I'll just remind him why I am here."
You laughed, "I'm sure you will."
You kissed his cheek, "Thank you."
"Never forget to smile my dear, and now take care."
He switched of the lights, and saw you instantly hold him close before cuddling up to him, he really knew how to make you loosen up a bit.
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kitsuvil · 2 years
[Reverence] — Scaramouche SMAU
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vi. (unarchived) high all the time ft. y/n & kunikuzushi
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Ring... Ring... Ring...
Caller: Divine Asshole (Kuni)
I twist and turn in my bed until I find a comfortable spot, avoiding the phone before finally succumbing to it. I know I was the one who brought up calling over the phone, but I didn't actually think about it until we ended stream. I wanted to get a proper apology from him, as well as get to know him without thousands of peoples eyes on us... But that's exactly the problem. Without anyone watching us talk, I wasn't sure how the conversation would go exactly. Was he any different off stream? The most I'd done was text him.
"Oh— Yeah, sorry, hi!"
"Did you wanna talk about anything specific?"
"I never got a genuine sorry from you, Kuni."
"I thought this was over already, come on."
"I won't actually be satisfied until you apologize and don't pull anything inconsiderate again."
"Fine, but I'm not good at this whole promise thing. I'm... Sorry, that I brought up an uncomfortable topic for you and joked about it. I'm also sorry that I acted rude with the whole sub tweet thing. Are you happy now?"
"Y/N... Ugh. Okay, I'll try my best to not do anything like that again. I'll be considerate of your feelings."
"Thank you, was that so hard?"
"Yeah. It was."
"I'm sooo sorry I had to put your through that treacherous journey."
"Cut the sarcasm."
"Fine then, what else are we supposed to talk about to get to know each other?"
"I'm quite curious about your choice of questions earlier?"
"Don't you think the chat would want the inside scoop? It'll get you plenty of reactions, it's obvious."
"Yeah but it feels a little unprofessional, at least for me, I wouldn't do something like that in my community."
"I didn't see anything wrong with that, I guess people have their differences."
"No wonder we're getting into a petty argument already."
"But we're still getting out of it, at least?"
"I would hope so, I wouldn't even allow for us to stay in the argument. I like to talk things out."
"I see..."
Both of us sit in silence for a minute or so, not sure what to bring up next. We got our questions out of the way, but then comes the hard part of actually... Talking. I knew this would feel awkward, but it's even worse than I thought.
"How has streaming been? That's something we can talk about. You're a pretty big streamer, I've seen you growing from afar for a while now."
"Stressful. I don't know how you've done this for so long. It's great being at the top of it all, but it feels repetitive and that's why I tried to take the opportunity to find new people to stream with."
"I get that, it feels more like second nature to me by now, I think. Being a bit less popular comes with it's perks. Of course, there is the money situation, I do earn less than those of you with 1 million or more subscribers. Regardless, I would say I'm satisfied with what I have now."
"You're getting pulled into more popular people now and getting more interaction now, aren't you?"
"I wonder who's fault that is... But honestly, I guess I don't mind it from the time being. It feels pretty new and makes me excited to stream."
"In that case, I'll make sure to invite you to all my upcoming collabs, help you out, like a good new friend should?"
"Kuni, please, that's... maybe a bit too far for me."
"Rejected. I see how it is."
"Don't take it like that, I'm just joking~ But really, I don't really need the sudden influx of fans."
"Yeah, yeah, have it your way. I don't need you in my streams anyway."
"I'm happy to be in your streams if that's what you really want?"
"Who said that I wanted your constant presence?"
"You did, do you not remember?"
Silence on the other end. I took the chance to get up, seeing this was going to last longer than I expected. We talked as I rummaged through the kitchen in search of the wine bottle I bought a few days ago. But upon opening it and pouring myself a glass...
"Are you drinking? Your speaker definitely picked up the noise of a wine bottle popping open, Y/N."
"It seems I've been caught red-handed, I thought I'd have a drink to accompany us and to celebrate our new friendship."
"That doesn't sound like a bad idea, I think I'll get myself a glass too."
"Maybe we can come up with games to play together and share our hobbies or interests in the meantime, who knows what we could have in common."
"Sigh... I would say no, but if you insist, how could I?"
"Don't try and hide it, you have to think we could have some common interests too. That's natural curiosity."
"Whatever you say, Y/N."
It seems to me that mission: fix friendship with Kuni is a success. I guess he's not as bad as I thought. Maybe we'll have less petty arguments and more getting along now, at least I hope.
summary; kunikuzushi only became a streamer to follow in his idol's footsteps. but now, he’s ahead of the person he idolized and they have no idea who they are or what they mean to him. due to his ego, instead of explaining the situation in natural ways, kuni has to show his affection with… different methods.
aka: the guide on how to romance your favorite streamer, y/n. 
please reblog, like, and comment!! thank you<3
taglist; @blurr3db3rry @snakeenthusiast @lovely-scaramouchie @yukiipc @monochromaticelliot @griseoo @zannivrs @yukkitosposts @linn-a-a @beriiov @llghtsnoww @shizunxie @meowlumi @mafukissu @mariaaagoesblank @gimenaverde @lxry-chxn @cherrybeomgyu @saoiirsee @plinkuro @kunikuzushiit @almoundtofu @skimm0nzz @dee-zbignuts @frzenhans @dandelion-star @sashiette @ei-ei-ou @l-l-u-x-x @layla240 @moon-z0ne @thenightsflower @p1utto @mammon-s-ring @cloudxemoji @r0ttenhearts @bluebelony @purpl3bo1 @lleoll @angryhope @valeriele3 @nymphsdomain @qwnelisa @elysiasbae @n3r0-1417 @cookichuu @dazaisfavgf @kairxse @kalims @scaranaris-lil-niko
a/n; this chapter was so difficult to write im sorry if the quality isnt as good as the rest 😭💔 i hope you all enjoy it regardless!!
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fateinthestars · 6 months
No doubt it's already been 2024 for a bit for some of you and for some of you it's still 2023 but it's just gone midnight here so Happy New Year, may this year bring forth everything you could wish for!
*eyes the Gods* Are you going to wish everyone a Happy New Year as well?
Ichthys (grinning): Happy New Year! Make it a fun one!
Huedhaut: Is there not a tradition of making resolutions for New Year on Earth? Perhaps your resolution should to be to pull less pranks, Ichthys.
Scorpio (scowling): Only less? Tch he shouldn't damn well be doing any of that shit!
Huedhaut (smirking): I wanted to give him an achievable goal. Not an impossibility.
Ichthys: Hey!
Huedhaut (beaming): ... Oh? Are you saying you could stop entirely?
Ichthys: ...
Scorpio (smirking): Well played, Smart Guy...
Aigonorus: What is this New Year celebration thing anyway?
Karno: As I understand it people stay up until midnight and see in the New Year to celebrate the one just gone and usher in the one that's just coming, often watching a fireworks display.
Aigonorus (frowning): People deliberately stay up that late?! Ugh... sounds like a right pain...
Tauxolouve: It's only once a year, Aigo.
Aigonorus: Can't I just say Happy New Year now and go back to sleep?
Tauxolouve: I think you just have -
Aigonorus: ...
Tauxolouve (Laughing): On both counts. Although you know, Karno, if you said people normally see in New Year with a drink he might have been a bit more up for this...
Leon (Grinning): I think Karno's avoiding drinking after last time.
Karno: Leon!
Leon: Not my fault you're a complete lightweight, Vice Minister.
Dui: Everyone keeps getting distracted don't they? No doubt this place will be just as lively next year as it is this. Happy New Year.
Zyglavis: Indeed... though on Huedhaut's topic of resolutions: if you make any make sure you try your best to adhere to them. There is no point in trying to better your year if you do not try your best to fulfill your wishes.
Leon (Frowning): Pfft, seems like a massive hassle to go to. Goldfish are so simple they'd be better off not making them in the first place. Then they won't be dissapointed.
Zyglavis (Scowling): And this is exactly the kind of problem I have come to expect from you! Honestly, you...
Partheno: I think their resolution should be to get on better, don't you?
Krioff: Yeah. But are you going to tell them that?
Partheno (Smirking): Oh absolutely not. Besides if Zyglavis didn't get distracted by Leon from time to time, we'd barely have a chance to breathe.
Teorus (Pouting): .... I'm glad to see you're all enjoying yourselves!
Huedhaut: Teo? You're normally one of the first to be happy to have something to celebrate.
Teorus: I'm the God of Time. This is very stressful!
Karno (Smiling): Come on, Teo. I'll accompany you back to the Heavens. You should have voiced your concerns earlier. Happy New Year, everyone.
Zyglavis: I shall come as well. It is not as though work has stopped. Do not get too carried away now, everyone. Have a Happy New Year but do not neglect your duites.
Leon (Grinning): ... Ah good, they've gone. It'll be easier to relax without Minister Ponytail worrying all evening. Hue?
Huedhaut (Smirking): I suspected you were going to ask that.
*snaps fingers, pours out his wine for everyone still present*
*Tauxolouve nudges Aigonorus to wake him. The other seems a little annoyed until he sees why and sits up*
Ichthys, Dui, Partheno, Scorpio, Krioff, Leon, Huedhaut, Tauxolouve, Aigonorus: Happy New Year!
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enha-hype · 1 year
maeumi & me - ch 21 : something love
a/n : this chapter alternates between written parts and tweets/texts so be sure to read them in order!
w.c. : around 1.5k
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Even though Jungwon brushed off Jake's concerns, the truth is that the pain is starting to really bother him now. But he doesn't want to trouble anyone and besides, it isn't so bad that it's unbearable, so he decides to just put up with it until the morning when he could go buy himself some pain relievers. The late nights and work stress must be getting to him. He presses his fingers to his temples, massaging himself, which helps a little. He puts on some light music and leans back against the couch, closing his eyes and hoping to maybe fall asleep, but to no avail. It's partly because of the pain and partly because his mind is still buzzing with the image of you from earlier in the evening – the way your eyes lit up upon seeing him, your wide grin that made his heart skip a beat, the way you complained that you had missed him in an almost accusatory tone like you somehow knew he'd been avoiding you on purpose...
His thoughts are interrupted by Maeumi licking his ankle. Smiling, he bends down to scratch his ears. “Oh hi Maeumi, what's this you've got here?”
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You don't know why, but you find it hard to not smile every time your phone pings with a text message from Jungwon. Especially since they've been a rare occurrence these past few days.
Won : Why is Maeumi suddenly so determined on bringing me every sock he can find?
You chuckle, thinking about all the times Maeumi's done that with you as well, ever so diligently. And then you remember why he does it and frown.
You : He used to do it with me whenever I was sick or upset about something.... Are you okay, Won?
Won : Ahhh
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A couple of minutes pass and there's no other reply.
You : Won???
Won : Hi sorry. Um, would you believe me if I told you that I'm completely fine and he just started doing it out of nowhere?
Nonetheless, that is so freaking sweet 😩 I feel all warm knowing he cares about me enough to want me to feel better (even though I'm fine, really). I thought I was just some dude he liked hanging out with but he's truly accepted me 🥹
You : 1) Nope I don't believe you one bit
2) I think he accepted you long back when he marked his territory by peeing on your carpet
He chuckles, absentmindedly massaging his throbbing forehead. The light from the phone screen makes it worse but he wants to talk to you.
Won : Damn Y/n, you didn't even hesitate 💀 So it's his bark word over mine huh? 😔
And lmao yayy me
You : In certain matters I trust Maeumi more and it's not surprising as to why – you were lying, weren't you?
Won : Okay yeah but it's just a little headache so I was practically right
Ugh, how did it not strike you earlier? You were so happy to see him that you didn't even pause to question why he was home on a weekday. Or how tired he had looked.
You : Is it bad? Did you try taking any painkillers?
Won : Nahh, it's nothing really. And no, I ran out of Ibuprofen like a month ago and forgot to restock lol. But it's fine like I said, I can hardly feel it.
You : You want me to believe that you took a day off over nothing? Really Won?? Fine have you had your dinner at least?
Won : Umm I'm not really hungry rn
You : It's pretty late, you should still eat something
Won : I'll feel nauseous if I eat
You : Alright that's it
When you didn't say anything else after that last message, Jungwon just assumed you had gotten tired of trying to be helpful while he dismissed all your questions, and had gone on to do other work that was actually important. The last thing he expected was for you to show up at his door.
And yet here you are, less than 10 minutes later. Jungwon stands in the doorway gaping at you. You wait for a while, and when it doesn't seem like he's going to unfreeze anytime soon you decide to just let yourself in.
It's impossible not to smile when you hear the tap tap tap of Maeumi's paws hitting the floor as he comes running to greet you, wagging his fluffy little tail excitedly. “Hi babieee!” You crouch down to pet him and let him lick you to his heart's content, because God knows he's not gonna calm down until you give him the attention he needs.
You sneak a glance at Jungwon and gosh, there's that confused bunny face again. It's so insanely cute you want to walk over to him and squish his cheeks. Your cheeks turn red at the thought, and you immediately brush it away. Straightening up, you head to the kitchen. You fill a glass with water and walk back to Jungwon, handing it to him along with the Ibuprofen you'd brought with you.
“I've ordered Jjajangmyeon for the both of us, it'll be here in ten,” you announce as you turn towards the kitchen again, with both Jungwon and Maeumi trailing behind this time.
“Wha– what are you doing?”
You fill the kettle with water halfway through. “Making chamomile tea. It helps with headaches,”
“You came all the way here at 10.30 pm for this when you have an assignment due tomorrow???” His eyes are wide with incredulity.
Seriously? He's not well and your stupid assignment is what he's worried about? “The assignment can wait. You clearly don't know how to take care of yourself because at this rate you'll only end up making the pain much worse,”
“I can take care of myself just fine! I am fine!!” he protests, trying to take the kettle from you.
“Sure, you look it Won. Those dark circles and your ghastly pale complexion are truly the epitome of pink health,” you retort and he sulks. You have to resist the urge to smile because God, why is he so adorable? “Now come here,” you grab him by his arm and drag him back to the living room. The contact makes his skin tingle, and he tries not to give it too much thought. “No moving from here until I say so,” you sit him down on the couch and head back to get the tea ready, ignoring his whines of protest.
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After dinner, he assures you that he’s feeling better already. He tells you he’ll be fine if you leave, and he's so convincing you almost believe him. That is, until he goes to fetch your bag and stumbles and almost falls flat on his face. Needless to say there was no getting you to leave after that. Jungwon wasn't too happy about it but he sure wasn't upset either.
Fortunately, you had brought your laptop with you, predicting that you might end up staying over. You look at the time – it's just a little over 11, which is not too late, at least not by your standards. If you stay up for an hour or two, you should be able to finish the assignment. You honestly don't mind - you're just happy you were able to help Jungwon in some way. And selfishly, you kind of like that you get to spend time with him at least this way, especially after not seeing him for so long. Well, it felt long anyway.
* * *
“No offense, but I’m really more of a coffee person,” Jungwon says, scrutinizing the beverage in the cup he’s holding.
You sit on the opposite end of the table, your gaze stern. “I don’t care. You’re drinking it.”
He sighs and takes a tentative sip. Scrunches up his face. “Nope, definitely not my cup of tea,” he confirms, and then laughs at his own unintended pun.
You have to suppress a laugh of your own but don't let it show. “Plug your nose if you have to. Finish it.”
He rolls his eyes. “You’re no fun,” he mumbles but does as he’s told.
* * *
After a lot of fussing and arguing, Jungwon finally concedes to letting you sleep on the couch. There's no way you would have him sleep anywhere but on his own bed, where he would be most comfortable, especially when he's not feeling his best. Besides, you remind him, you need to stay up late to finish your work, and the couch would be more practical. He starts apologising again for inconveniencing you, and you threaten to make him drink more chamomile tea which effectively shuts him up.
So it's no wonder that when he's all settled in bed and turned off the lights, he's a little surprised to see your silhouette walk in. He watches curiously as you pull up a chair next to his bed and take a seat.
“Where exactly does it hurt?” you ask.
He frowns, touching his forehead. “What are you– holy crap that feels good...”
You chuckle, relieved that he can't see or feel the way you hands are slightly trembling from nervousness. The side of your palm brushes against his warm forehead as you gently press the ice pack onto it – you had brought that along with the tea packet and the pills. You hadn't thought much of it before, but now that you're actually here doing it, it suddenly feels so intimate. But weirdly, it feels natural too. You brush some of his hair out of the way so you can cover all the spots - temple, forehead, temple. You alternate between the three, a comfortable silence settling over the two of you.
“I can do it myself you know,” he says quietly.
“I know. I also know that it feels better when someone else does it for you.” You're glad you waited until he turned the lights off to do this, because you get the feeling you would've been a blushing mess otherwise.
Jungwon is glad too, not just because the darkness helps alleviate the pain, but also because for some reason his eyes have gotten a little misty now, and he's glad you can't see it.
“Thank you,” he sighs, his pain and consciousness drifting away soon after.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SR Vil Schoenheit Lab Coat Personal Story: Part 2
"More accurate than any scale"
(Part 1) Part 2
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Kitchen]
Trey: Sorry to keep you waiting, Vil. Here's your herbal tea.
Vil: Thank you, Trey. …What a nice fragrance.
Trey: I also brought some cake, just in case. I just baked it today.
Vil: I can certainly see that it is something for you to be proud of. However, I'll refrain and simply have the herbal tea.
Vil: …Mm, it's delicious. Where did you get these tea leaves?
Trey: At the Mystery Shop. They seldomly get tea from this long-standing brand in stock, so.
Trey: If you like it, do you want to take some with you? I got a lot of it, and I feel like the flavor will fade before I can finish it all.
Vil: Then, I suppose I shall. Will you wrap it up for me later?
Trey: So… what were you saying earlier? What did Rook do?
Vil: It wasn't really anything. If I must tell you, I guess I'd just say that he just watches me too closely?
Vil: I guess it's more or less convenient that he can sense changes about me faster than I can.
Vil: But don't you think he's absolutely the worst to just ask me point blank if I've gained weight?
Vil: Honesty and lack of tact are two separate things. Perhaps he left his tact in the forest.
Trey: Ah… Yeah, he probably shouldn't have said it that way.
Trey: Rook's the type to say whatever's on his mind, for better or worse, so it's surprised me from time to time, too.
Vil: Hm. It should have been obvious, but I see he's like that during club, too.
Trey: Like, just the other day, he said that the experiment that our advisor set up for the club to do would be "boring as it is now"…
Trey: So, we ended up having to do a real complicated experiment. All the first years were pretty much unable to do anything at all.
Vil: I can definitely picture that happening.
Vil: And I'm sure you were there helping out those first years, weren't you?
Trey: I don't know how much help I was, but yeah, I guess.
Vil: So hard working, all the time…
Vil: Riddle is quite lucky that you're in Heartslabyul.
Trey: Eh?
Vil: It comes up during the Dorm Leader meetings from time to time, that you're an exceptional Vice Dorm Leader.
Trey: Oh, man… That's the first I'm hearing of it. Honestly, it's a little surprising.
Trey: I just don't want to lose my head, is all. I haven't done anything worth that much praise.
Vil: Don't be so modest. Accept the compliments when they're given to you.
Vil: Those who cannot see your true nature may be completely taken in by your humility.
Vil: Well, if that's the kind of impression you want to leave, that's fine, but… Generally, you'll come out worse for wear.
Trey: That's a bit harsh. But I'm sure you know what you're saying, especially since you're always in the public's judging eye.
Trey: I'll try to slightly change how I do things from now on.
Vil: Please do. That'll also make the one who complimented you feel better as well.
Vil: Besides, you won't pile on so much stress if you just let yourself be happy at least when you're receiving praise.
Vil: Especially since you're usually running around taking care of a spoiled little boy, after all.
Trey: Oh, it’s not like I'm stressing out over Riddle.
Vil: Well, okay. Whatever you say.
Trey: No, it's true. That's because I know the secret to not being stressed.
Vil: Oh, a secret? Now I'm curious.
Trey: Do you want to know?
Vil: Well, aren't you acting all high-and-mighty all of a sudden?
Trey: I'll only tell you once, so listen well.
Vil: Alright…
Trey: Don't skimp on the sweets, especially cake with a ton of fruit on it.
Vil: Ugh. You were putting on such airs, and I got so drawn in. …Heh.
Vil: Fine. I'll have one slice of your fruit cake.
Vil: I'll just have to increase how much I run tomorrow morning.
Trey: Maybe this isn't something I need to tell you, since you're a model, but…
Trey: I don't think a single cake slice will change your figure that much. You're already pretty thin, anyway.
Vil: I'd rather you say I'm "toned," not "thin."
Vil: However, Rook's sharp gaze is more accurate than any scale. And perhaps better than a mirror, as well.
Trey: Wow…
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Vil: Mm, it's delicious. Trey, did your skills increase yet again?
Vil: If you ever lose your head to Riddle, come see me. I'll make you my dormitory's exclusive pastry chef.
Trey: I'll do my best so that doesn't happen.
Trey: I bet it'll be a lot of calorie counting if I had to make pastries over in Pomefiore.
Vil: And that would also be a good way to improve as well, now, wouldn't it?
(Part 1) Part 2
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unrooms · 3 months
This time, you right away find yourself opening the notes app, and the words do come. They feel... a little muddled or confused? But what you get in the end seems right:
We’re basically phone a friend + ask the audience. Not from element world. We’re rooting for you!
Hey, that’s nice! You smile down at your phone.
‘We’, huh? And ‘not from element world’... does that mean you aren’t from my world either? ...You don’t need to answer that. Especially if you can only send short messages. But thanks anyway, for what you did send.
It feels good to have, like, any communication with them.
Hey, I wonder what I should call you? ...Eh, one of us will figure something out eventually.
That done, you save the note and stand up, stretching. You feel an... instruction/urge/desire- you’re really not certain what to call it, now that you’re better at detecting it- from your strange mind friend, to try and recruit the flesh. Honestly, you were thinking about that already. You're not sure how to go about it, though... still, you might as well give it a go? Unless the walls, the floors, the ceilings, and everything within them would object... Ugh.
Would it even be so bad if it did? You... kind of want an excuse to kick another door. ...Or maybe something softer, but which would still hurt it...
You’re just- really starting to feel pissed off at this entity.
Well... after thinking about it for a minute, you decide to ask the flesh about it and see how it goes. Back to the flesh room once again.
“Hi, flesh.”
“Hello, Tyler.”
“So... I wanted to ask- can you, like, change your form at will? Can you take any shape, or are there restrictions?”
“I have a certain amount of mass to work with, and I can only be flesh, but that’s all. I can change shape fairly freely.”
“So, theoretically, you could leave this room- or the walls of the walls, the floors, the ceilings, and everything within them- if you wanted, right?”
It’s hard to tell with the flesh, but you think they seem a little uneasy.
“Oh... I could, but only if I weren’t a part of it. Leaving would break the connection... like severing a limb. I couldn’t reconnect...”
“Would you... mind that?”
A pause.
“I suppose I haven’t thought about it.”
“Does, uh, the walls, the floors, the ceilings, and everything within them, want you to stay?”
“...I don’t think it cares. I’ve served my role as a part of it...”
“Well, um... if you want, I thought maybe you might uh, come and see if you could help with the other puzzles, or whatever. I mean- it would be nice to have some company who’s actually willing to talk to me.”
Various limbs and appendages fidget.
“...I might like that, but... I think I have to think about it for a while.”
“Oh- of course, sure. ...Also... earlier, you said you like me. I wanted to say, I like you too. I feel like we could be friends. -Not to try and sway your decision, or anything, just... yeah.”
You smile at the flesh.
“Thank you.” It smiles back. “Come back in a while and I’ll tell you what I’ve decided.”
“Alright. Bye, then.”
Back in the pool room, you think, that was more stressful than I expected. But I think it went well. You hope the flesh does decide to join you, but of course, it’s its own decision.
...Ugh. You’re tired. ...It’ll be halfway through the ten hours at the end of this hour, and you’ve already got 2 out of 4 keys. Maybe you can afford to take a break. A nap, even. A nap sounds really nice, actually... You check your phone:
Tumblr media
Well... sure, why not? You’ll probably work better on a little sleep, anyway. Although it’s not like there’s really anywhere super pleasant to sleep, but whatever. You set an alarm and then head into the water room. Call it weird, but it feels like the most appealing option to you. You curl up on the floor in the omnipresent brightness, and let yourself drift off...
-You’re woken by the harsh sound of your alarm beeping.
“Uuugh...” You rub your eyes. You feel more tired than when you went to sleep, but you know how this goes for you; you feel like shit to begin with, but the extra energy’ll hit in a few minutes, once your brain has accepted that you’re not going back to sleep. You sit up, then stand up and stretch. Then you lean against the wall and watch the time tick over.
...7:00 am.
What now?
--HOUR 6--
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softsnzstuff · 2 years
I’d love to see more Doctor Eddie sick but being all soft and vulnerable with his patients!
My friend, I love this idea so so much. I think I may have mentioned in earlier fics that Joyce Byers works at a different clinic or something like that - but for the sake of this story, we’re going to say that she also sees Eddie as her PCP. -🤍KB
Letters danced around the computer screen that Eddie was staring blankly at, completely zoned out. A tap on the shoulder jolted him back to reality, the letters returning to their original placement - an email he’d been trying to answer for the last half hour.
“You okay Doc?” The freckles brunette asked, waving a hand jokingly in front of his face.
“Yeah, I’m-” he blinked at her before pulling his arm up to shield his face, “N’xxTCH! ii’xxtchu! H’isSHuhew! I’b fine.”
It was Robins turn to blink incredulously at him as he blew his nose gently a few times. He looked back at her over the tissues.
“Im fine Birdie.”
She sighed, holding out the blue folder with papers clipped to it, “Joyce is in exam 3 for her annual. Should be pretty straight forward. Steve says she’s in good shape.”
Eddie nodded his thanks, taking the chart from her and standing up. He punched at the bridge of his nose, hoping to ease away the tickle that had set up camp early this morning.
He knocked on the door and let himself in, seeing his smiling friend and colleague waiting for him. Although he occasionally worked with Joyce, she was more of a mother figure to the entire office at Hawkins Medical.
“Hi sweetheart, how are you?” She chimed.
He tried to clear his throat but had to turn to cough dryly into his elbow.
“Im doing alright, love. How are you?”
She furrowed her brows. Clearly her mom-senses were on high alert. Especially with two boys of her own at home, Eddie knew Joyce could spot a cold from a mile away.
“Im doing just fine, but you sound a little scratchy. Are you catching that cold that’s going around? Will says half his class is out with it.”
Eddie didn’t like to admit to being less than 100%, but he knew with Joyce there was really no point in trying to hide anything.
“Ugh, yeah. Steve had it a little over a week ago. Think it finally caught up to me. It’s not too bad though, really.”
She looked him up and down with her motherly gaze, “If you say so.” She commented warmly.
“Anyways! Let’s snff skip to the good stuff. Your labwork!” He pulled one of the pieces of paper out from her chart. “Labs look great, Joyce! Sugars are all snfsnff normal. Thyroid is in range. Blood pressure is a little bit high but I think for now we can chalk that up to the stress of the job. It’s not high enough to concern me.”
“That’s great to hear! Jim will be thrilled to know I passed.” She teased.
“You’ll have to tell him I said hhh hello. Excuuuse me- H’ESHuhew! eh’TSCHew! snfsnff ii’KSHiew!”
“Aw bless you, honey.”
Joyce had stood up and walked to the counter Eddie was leaning against. She handed him a tissue, using her other hand to rub little circles on his back.
“I know you love your patients, but you should really be home in bed taking care of that cold.”
Eddie squeezed his eyes shut, again pinching at the bridge of his nose as he sniffled.
“I k’dow. SNF It’s silly. It’s just… doctors can’t get sick. The patients will think I’m weak.”
He winced slightly, knowing it sounded more pathetic once the words had escaped his mouth.
“Sweetheart. No one thinks you’re weak.” Joyce cooed, “And doctors can’t get sick? I think you’re losing the argument against that one.”
“You’re right. At least it’s Friday. I’ll rest up this weekend.”
“Good, I’m glad to hear it.” She smiled warmly before they wrapped up her appointment.
At the end of the day, everyone was heading out the back door. Robin was in the lead, but shortly behind her were Eddie and Steve.
The younger of the two was shouldering both their backpacks, arm around Eddie as they walked out together. His cold had truly drained him and all he wanted was to go home and sleep for 44 years.
Right before they made it to Steve’s car, Joyce came running up from her mini van. Had she never left? She answered her own question as she approached the two men.
“Hi boys! Glad I caught you!”
“Did you forget something inside? I can let you back in.” Steve asked.
“No actually, I was telling the boys at home about the appointment and Will insisted I drop this off with you, Eddie.”
She handed over a piece of paper folded hot dog style. On the front was a decent crayon drawing of what appeared to be Eddie sick in bed. It had scribbled on the front in Will’s handwriting:
DoctOrS gEt siCk tOo
Eddie opened the card to reveal another classic Will drawing. This one was of Eddie holding up a guitar standing next to what appeared to be Will in a wizards hat. The inside of the card read:
DoctOr RocKsTar,
I hoPe yOu fEeL bEtteR.
From Will tHe WisE
A sappy smile crept across Eddie’s face as his heart warmed. He blushed slightly, embarrassed that the whole Byers family knew he was ill, his cheeks matching the pink tone of his nose.
“Thank you so much Joyce. Please tell Will the Wise that he’s healed me! I’m all better now!”
He coughed into his shirt sleeve and Steve rubbed up and down his arm. “Alright Doc, time to get you home I think.”
Joyce nodded in agreement, smiling at them. “Feel better Eddie!”
The long haired man mouthed ‘Thank you’ one more time as he got into the car, holding the card tight to his chest.
Steve got in the car second, and looked over at his partner still staring at the card, smiling. He chuckled to himself.
“That make you feel better?” He asked.
“MmHmm.” Eddie nodded before quickly pulling the neck of his shirt over his face. “M’Ptsch! TsssCH! H’IKSHiew!! … snFF, m’buch better.”
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umbralsound-xiv · 11 months
[Q’kura] I’m beginning to think this entire thing was a terrible idea, and far more than he’s worth! I am exhausted, i haven’t slept or eaten properly in bells, and all because Grym decided at the very last moment he wanted to keep him alive for reasons only known to him!
Maybe it would have been easier if i’d have lied and said there was nothing left to be done for it.
Bah! I should have thought of that earlier!
Quietly, D'khoreh nudged the door open to the infirmary and slipped past, ears a little flat as he passed the threshold and allowed the door to ever so slowly shut behind him - careful not to make too much noise. "... Q'kura..? Are you.. okay?"
"Fine. Just fine." Q'kura huffed, a little disingenuously. A marked frown sat on the Seeker's face, wavering on his heels as he extended a hand over the Viera who laid unmoving on an infirmary bed. "I can't go for too much longer, Eanwin got called away for some other nonsense, and just left me to it. I feel like i'm going to drop." He narrowed his eyes over the rim of his glasses, staring at Eir's bloodied form. "Heal him, he says! As though it was the simplest thing in the world! Especially after bloody Vairg had his way with him!"
D'khoreh's ears lowered and he slowly began to walk over to the bed, gaze falling upon the Viera with a soft "oh" leaving him. "..V-Vairg.. did that..?" The Seeker's gaze diverted, an obvious frown on his features as he kept words unspoken for a moment. He soon extended his hands out over the Viera's body, a gentle surge of aether, dimly lit with a blue glow seeping from his fingers. "..I-.. I saw Eanwin.. hurry towards the cells.. I'm not so sure it's.. nonsense.." The last word left him more akin to a whisper, even if it was still loud enough for the fellow Seeker to hear.
"Mh, probably not, no. But if it stops her yelling at me for half a bell, i'll take it." Q'kura sighs from his nose. One sharp lurch to the side, he steadies himself as he continues healing, eyes somewhat bleary from the focus. "It would have been easier to leave him dead, but here we are. Vairg fully intended to kill him." The wound at Eir's torso had been at least sealed, enough to stop the bleeding, and keep him somewhat stable.
"She's.. probably just.. stressed..?" D'khoreh's ears flattened as he spoke, offering the tiniest of grimaces at his own words - well aware Eanwin was no more pleasant when she wasn't stressed. ".. Did.. Gr-.. the.. boss.. just change his mind..?" Not so secretly, D'khoreh was thankful the Viera had not died that sun.. Yet with his injury, it might've been a kinder thing.
"She's always bloody stressed!" Q'kura chirps back, eyeing D'khoreh over his shoulder. "I don't know. Doesn't look like Vairg knew any different though. I don't feel like asking him, though. Do you?" A raised brow is given, which held long enough for Q'kura to half-faint, catching himself against the bed. "...Ugh. I... I need to sit down. Just for five minutes. You have this, yes? Good." Q'kura does exactly that, moving to a chair a short walk away.
"-- No." The words left D'khoreh swiftly, ears pinning down fully and a sharp shake of his head being given. He absolutely did not want to ask. His gaze flickers up to Q'kura as he sways, a hint of worry in his eyes. "..I-.. uh-.. O-..okay.." His head dipped for his focus to settle atop of Eir, hair falling in front of his face as it normally does - hiding away the tiny frown that clung to his features and the pity that swiftly took to his gaze now that Q'kura couldn't see it. The flow of aether continues in a gentle, steady stream - seeping into the Viera's body with great care.
[Q’kura] ...Just a few moments to sit down. Then we’ll finish up. He won’t just die from nothing; especially not if Vairg can do a number on him and he somehow survives!
I wager it was the ice. Maybe... Maybe it did something. Sealed the wound, stopped him bleeding out. Slowed his heart down... I don’t know. I’ll discuss the finer points of it, maybe, when Eanwin doesn’t feel like ripping my head off.
"D'khoreh." Q'kura called from his chair, head lulled back to hit the wall behind him. His glasses fall askew, and a single finger moves up to right them. "...Just enough to keep him alive, yes? We don't want him running off or attacking someone. He did kill Athilda." Though listening, Q'kura certainly isn't looking, eyes shut as he rested back in the seat.
".. Nelli said it was an accident.. That he's.. not really violent.." D'khoreh's ears drooped and he glanced towards Q'kura.
"Mnnh..." The sound from Q'kura was neither agreement nor protest, simply that D'khoreh had been heard. "Didn't seem... Like..." Half a sentence leaves his lips, before it dawdles off into silence; Q'kura had decidedly fallen asleep.
With Q'kura's voice trailing into silence, D'khoreh fully raises his head to look the Seeker's way. A quick glance shot around the room in search of anyone else.. making him realise he was unsupervised. A deep but mute breath was drawn, as he tapped into his aether to pour more of it out. Rather than just covering Eir's side, the glow wanders his body in search for injuries unseen to the eye, while further trailing to the Viera's broken leg as he began to focus on fixing it while still keeping some of his aether pouring into his side. D'khoreh had, promptly, opted to not follow Q'kura's orders.
Q'kura's exhaustion pulled him into a deeper sleep with every passing minute, allowing D'khoreh to work unobstructed for some time. Bones were mended and healed, the wound lessened, though was still surely tender no matter how much healing was poured into it; too much would have caused aether sickness, and too little would have seen it rupture anew. It's only after several long, long minutes that there's any kind of change. 
Eir takes a far deeper breath than he had; enough to fill his lungs properly. His eyes shift beneath their lids, heralding his wakefulness...
D'khoreh held out, carefully distributing the aether evenly once the desired effect had taken place. The Viera's deep breath is enough to make the Seeker flinch, widened, pale eyes peeking forth between sandy and blue locks of hair to settle its gaze upon Eir's face.
Another deep breath... And another. Eir sputters awake, wheezing as some semblance of life flooded back to him. Silver eyes slowly crack open, blurry in their view... And another gasp steals his breath. His heart begins to race, eyes growing teary as he began turn his head, unable to do little more than barely shuffle in his condition. "No... N-no..." He breathes, threatening a sob.
D'khoreh's draw of aether ceases, settling as he raises a finger to his lips, hushing quietly and softly. "..Please! Don't be afraid.." He whispered.
The swell of Eir's lungs seemed to hover full of air, tearful eyes turned on the Miqo'te who stood so close to him. Already unable to see and impaired further by the emotion that bubbled up and brought forth tears, Eir stares in fear to the man before him, and calls out with a shaky, fearful voice. "J...Juhni'a...?" He swallows, wavering. "A-am i... Dead...?"
[Eir] I... I died... I...
Juny...? Did... Did you wait...? No...
No no... No...  I cannot die now, i cannot! I have to live!
I cannot leave her alone!
".. Shh.. I-.. No-.. My name is D'khoreh.." The Seeker's ears flattened, saddened at the sight. ".. No.. no. You're alive.."
He couldn't see. Not well, and not properly, and the thought of it brought back so much from the last his vision had fled him. It was clear he couldn't fully trust his senses, having been so close to the brink of death, remaining wordless for a little longer. Eir balls his hand in the fabric at his shirt, feeling how the dried blood hardened and cracked between his thumb and hand. "A-alive...?" He began, in disbelief. "How? H-how...? I..." It comes reeling back; the sensation, the shock, the biting pain... The cold. "---Sayuri? Where... Where is she?"
"I-.. I'm not sure.." D'khoreh paused, a quiet sigh leaving him. ".. I'm not sure if I should call you lucky or not.." His brows furrowed, head tilting ever so slightly. ".. Sayuri..?-- Oh. I.. guess that'd be X'llaya..-- In her cell, probably.."
"She... She is--- No...N-no..." Despite his panic, there was little he could do to express it, writhing in some futile attempt to move away. "I... I do not want to go... I... I d-do not want her to be alone..." He gathers himself, turning his head again. "-Juny-." He says, in complete disbelief. "I... I cannot. N-not... Right now. I... H-have to live..."
"..Please! You're alive, but you've also just gone through extensive healing.. You'll hurt yourself.." D'khoreh nigh whimpered, gently seeking to grip Eir's closest hand. "Be still, please.."
The hand D'khoreh held was gripped like iron, squeezing before he finally lets up after a few moments, slumping back into the bed. "I.. I cannot leave her alone... I cannot... I... I..." Tears spill down his cheeks from the grief of it, and the agony sets into his side as the pain before more apparent once again. "I-is she... O-okay?" He whimpers, holding his breath for an answer.
[Eir] I am dead? I am dead... Am i?
...Sayuri. I... I need to know if she is okay. Her eyes... She... She looked so sad...
Did they hurt her? After i had gone?
...Is she okay?
"I-.. I haven't.. seen her.. My-.. my sister said that she was taken back downstairs, though.." D'khoreh offered an attempt of a comforting squeeze of Eir's hand. "..I.. can't tell you more.. I'm sorry.."
His lips curl into a frown at the less than decisive answer, holding the offered hand as though it were the last bastion of comfort, and a long silence follows. Eir manages to swallow enough to still his tears a little, blinking through the blur that refused to shift. "I... I am not dead...?" He asks again.
D'khoreh's head shook gently. ".. No, you're alive." A brief pause, before he continued. ".. S-still in the compound, I'm afraid.." Genuine pity clung to his voice as he spoke, the Seeker clearly emphathetic for the Viera's circumstances.
Eir quietly processed the information given, offering a weak nod of his head as he stifled himself. "Th-that... That is okay." He agrees, refusing to let go of his hand. "Wh... What will happen to me?" Eir asks hesitantly, closing his eyes again.
[Eir] I...  I am alive. Alive...
But not free. Still here.
Here, with her. I... Need to survive. For her.
"..I-.. I don't know.. I'm sorry.." D'khoreh whispered, gripping Eir's hand a little tighter. "..I-.. I don't.. get told things.."
"That... That is okay..." It wasn't much of a comfort, but Eir fought and failed to keep his tears from spilling anew. "I... I a-am..." He swallows his words, shaking with a sob that devolved into a pained whimper, his free hand now settling on the angry red scar that decorated his lower torso. Face contorting into one of horror, he wrenches his hand away, turning his head into the pillow as he squeezed his eyes closed. "H-how... Long have you... Been here?"
".. A-are you in pain..? I.. I can try to lessen it.." D'khoreh's tone held a vast amount of worry, ears flat on his skull. ".. Three cycles, now.."
"Hurts... I-it hurts..." Eir wept, though mentioned no pain in particular. "I... I cannot... Do this. Not for so long. Not for much... L-longer..." The grief threatens to swallow him, jumping from one subject to the next. "She... S-she held me. She held me, a-as i..." He sounds as though he'd scream, but no sound leaves him any more audible than a whisper. "She w-was... So -close-..."
D'khoreh's free hand found itself to Eir's side - hovering over it as a gentle surge of aether trickled forth. He sought to soothe the Viera's pain, assuming that was the problem. His head lowers a touch as he considers his next words, uncertain if they will help.. or make things worse. "..There-.. There's some who.. have been here longer.. Who.. don't want to be.." His words left him with some hesitation, a deeper breath being drawn as he anxiously passed a glance to Q'kura to make sure he was still asleep. ".. L-like Vex.. She-.. She's been here a long time.. or Eyja.."
"I cannot.. I cannot..." He repeats, the thought of a lifetime in these chambers enough to wrench a sound of total grief from his lips. The sensation of gentle aether ebbed the pain away, and after a few moments Eir squeezes the hand he still held, desperately unwilling to release it. "Th... Thank you." He manages, staring as he blinks, as some effort to better see. "You... You are...? I--- S-sorry. I...  I have forgotten..." The question was half babbled as words lept into and out of Eir's thoughts.
"They-.. they are members.. by-.. by force.." D'khoreh explained. ".. As-.. as am I.." He added, returning a soft squeeze of his own hand to Eir's. His gaze lift to meet the Viera's, an almost pained but genuine smile on his lips. "..D'khoreh."
[Eir] He... He is a kind soul. I find it difficult to trust anyone beneath this roof, but... I... I think i could trust him.
There is so much still he does not know... So much they do not tell him.
It makes me wonder how many people like him there are.
Eir nods, committing the name to memory even though he opted not to speak it. "...I... I do not know how... How much longer i will be here." He admits, a little bitterly. "I... I do not know what i could possibly do f-for them, now... Th-that they have her..."
"..I-.. I don't know, I'm afraid.." The Seeker frowned weakly. "He-.. Grym, that is- It--.. It isn't easy to tell what he has in mind.. less so, for one of my rank.."
"He... H-he is h-horrible." Eir swallows, but the frown never quite leaves his lips. "I... J-just want to go home. I... W-want to go home, and forget this ever h-happened. I w-want to share persimmons, and r-read, and..." He fills his lungs to dare ask a question. "H-has... Anyone -ever- got out...?"
".. He is.." D'khoreh's agreement was little more than a whisper, an anxious stare being sent Q'kura's way, just in case - certainly not wanting his opinion to be returned to the Sea Wolf. Eir's question makes D'khoreh's head lower, ears flat on his skull. "..Besides.. being sold.. Not-.. alive.." He paused, brows furrowing. "..My friend, Vex.. she.. she has run away several times.. but.. they keep dragging her back.."
[Eir] The girl... Outside the door. I heard her yell at the Viera...
There is no way out of here. Except to be sold. Or to die. I...
Is... Is that what they have planned for me? To become like him, and live here in servitude? Or... Die?
Perhaps they plan to sell me after all.
I... I can not last much longer, here.
...I do not know how Sayuri lasted so long here as a child... I...
I do not want to think about it.
"S-so i... W-will be here." The sobbing begins again, as tears slowly fall down his cheeks. "U-until i die. I... I can imagine that will not be s-so much longer." He traces an index over the scar again, unfamiliar with the new addition. "I... I do not understand why... They made you... H-heal me. Why... Not just let me... Die?"
".. A-after the state you were in.. and people were told to heal you.. I-.. I don't see why they'd kill you.." D'khoreh frowned softly. "I.. was just the last addition.." He glanced to Q'kura once more, before back to Eir. ".. Q'kura over there, and.. Eanwin.. they healed you first.. Q'kura called me, when Eanwin's attention was required elsewhere.." He explained, keeping a tight yet gentle grasp of the Viera's hand. ".. I.. wish I knew.. I wish I could tell you more helpful things.."
"N-no... It... it is okay. I... I am thankful. I... Am alive." He swallows, steeling himself to the realisation even if doubt clawed at the edge of his thoughts. "Does... Does she know?"
D'khoreh gently shook his head. ".. My sister, she-.. she saw it all.. she said X'llaya had.. passed out by the time you could be approached.. Chances of her knowing is.. slim.."
"---Sayuri. H-her name is -Sayuri-." The small sliver of defiance he'd still clutched onto hangs in his tone. "...I will stay alive. F-for her. I... I cannot leave her alone..." Eir's brow knits, squeezing the hand again. "N-not here. Not... Anywhere. Not ever... A-again."
"-- S-Sayuri." D'khoreh corrects, ears flattening. "..S-sorry.. I-.. She's always been called X'llaya, here.." He almost looked ashamed for a moment, returning a small squeeze. "..I-.. I'd tell her, b-but.." A small look of fear took to him, then. "..I'm not..sure she'd believe me.. if I even managed to get to her.. I'm.. usually not allowed down there unsupervised.."
"She... She has to know..." Eir turns his gaze, as best he can, to D'khoreh. "Even... Even if it is not you. Please... She can not believe she is a-alone, here..."
Q'kura takes a sharp breath in and wakes with a start. Sitting bolt upright from the chair, he launches his glasses halfway across the room with a clatter.
[Q’kura] ...I wasn’t sleeping. I... My eyes were heavy.
...But he’s still here and doing as he’s told, i hope.
Eir falls silent, and after another small squeeze, releases D'khoreh's hand.
".. I-.." D'khoreh's sentence cuts out as Q'kura awakens, his attention slipping to the Seeker while his hand offers a final squeeze before releasing Eir's. The smallest of breezes seems to sweep around D'khoreh as he was notably startled, anxiety beginning to creep up on him..
"Mnh." Q'kura rises with a grunt, promptly reaching to dust off his glasses and set them back on his nose. He makes no acknowledgement that he'd even fallen asleep, but the frown told all. "Is he stable, D'khoreh?" He asks, looking over Eir, who had notably kept his eyes closed.
"-- Yes." D'khoreh spoke, lightly fidgeting with his hands. ".. Still unconscious, but stable." He half-lied.
Q'kura gives a cursory glance over Eir; there was nothing amiss, and the thought of sparing even another drop of aether to find out didn't appeal one bit. "...Good." He confirms, moving towards the door, then. "...I'm going to get some rest. And so should you, while you can." He indicates to D'khoreh that he fully intended for him to leave beforehand, as to not leave him unattended.
D'khoreh nodded slowly, casting a final glance to Eir before back to Q'kura. His hands lower, one discreetly shifting over to brush a finger against Eir's hand in a mute farewell before he wandered towards the door.
[Eir] I have to hold on. I have to stay alive, for her.
She can not be alone in this place...
...Even if they make her believe it.
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waheelawhisperer · 1 year
Okay gonna go ahead and watch the entirety of Volume 9 now that the whole thing's been released. I'll share my impressions of each episode. Half this post is out of date because I originally started writing it when the premier came out and then decided I didn't care enough about RWBY to either continue watching it or continue writing about it midway through, so it will probably be a little disjointed. Further episode reviews will probably be a bit more coherent.
Gonna put everything under the cut because honestly I was not impressed with this episode at all. While there were some things I liked, the tone of this post is going to be very critical in general, so I'm putting that warning out there right now so the people who want nothing to do with that can skip over this post and go on with their day.
Before we begin, I'd like to make it explicitly clear that these are my initial impressions based on my first viewing and that I'm well aware that later episodes might reveal information that changes how I feel about choices made earlier on in the Volume. Given the typical pattern that occurs when I watch RWBY, I fully expect that when I rewatch episodes or watch later episodes or see someone else's takes on the show, I will make connections that I didn't before or find that specific writing choices bother me more or less than they did in the initial moment, so I'm not going to waste time saying "maybe seeing what they do with this later will make it feel better to me" every single time I express a negative opinion. Just assume that I'm doing my best to keep an open mind and remain cognizant of the possibility that things I don't like at first can be recontextualized based on subsequent information.
I should also note that there will be several other factors coloring my analysis. I have listed them below:
Volume 8 sucked ass and did likely-irreparable damage to my opinion of the series
It's been two years since the last Volume released, which means we've had time to build up hopes and expectations. There are things that frustrate me now that may well play better if I watch the prior Volumes and then watch Volume 9 in its entirety immediately after.
Between Volumes 8 and 9, we learned that Rooster Teeth hadn't actually improved like they promised and instead did things like not pay their workers, fire their animation department, and call employees coded slurs on camera. On top of that, I personally learned about some of the stuff Miles Luna has said in the past that is just... ugh, so I don't have a lot of faith that a show controlled and written by this awful fucking company founded on dudebro humor will be a) good and b) willing to tackle any kind of sensitive topic with the tact and seriousness it deserves.
I'm working long hours right now, which means I'm stressed, exhausted, and overall not in a good headspace. My temper is frayed, my memory's slipping, and I'm having trouble gathering and expressing my thoughts. Things that bother me are bothering me more than they normally would, and things that normally make me happy are not making me happy right now. This is unlikely to change prior to the end of Volume 9.
All of this together means I'm much less willing to give Volume 9 the benefit of the doubt than I would've been a few years ago, or even six months ago. That's something to keep in mind as I progress through this post.
That said, I actually really like the opening. The first-person perspective was an interesting change compared to what we usually get, and I really like the way it showed how damn fast Yang went over the edge. I've talked about it before, but the way they chose to portray Yang's fall in slow motion, while suitably dramatic, definitely didn't make it clear that the characters had very little time to react. I think we needed to see Yang get knocked off the ledge in real time and then see Blake fail to save her in dramatic slow motion (side note: Blake was booking it when she saw Yang fall)
I also gotta say I love how Neo was totally willing to throw hands with a teenager in midair. Like, she's just been betrayed by her employer and is possibly falling to her death and the first thing in her head is that she's gonna get her revenge if it's the last thing she does. It's so gloriously self-destructive. I think this is a good character moment for Neo.
After a start that I personally felt was pretty strong, the quality... kinda dips a little. I don't like what happens once we start focusing on Ruby. Her initial response feels very dull to me, and it raises a lot of questions. The first is, like... why isn't she freaking out? Why didn't she vocalize any thoughts? Why is the first thing she actually does vocalize frustration, but specifically frustration played for comedy? Why doesn't she go through the basic wilderness survival checklist a Huntress would presumably have learned (if her schooling didn't teach her, I imagine Qrow would've, and it would've been a nice little callback to the way he mentored her if she had remembered receiving that sort of advice and then acted on it)? Why does she not care that her weapon is missing? Why does she just walk off into the woods like she doesn't give a fuck about anything, including her teammates? Is there a reasonable explanation for her behavior? Is she in shock or something? Is it a good decision on the part of the writers if the answer to the previous two questions is yes (i.e. would it have been better to make Ruby react in some other way)?
I don't like the way we just see Ruby get mad that she's perpetually looping through the forest vs. really grappling with all the events of Volume 8. My guess is that she's doing her usual "crush it all down and put up a front and just never acknowledge any fear or insecurity" thing she likes to do, but it feels to me like it would've been a better choice to get something more out of her, even if it's just a little bit of concern about her teammates. I think they're trying for a slow buildup toward Ruby's breakdown, but we've been waiting for two years and I don't feel like this episode gave us much in general. I'm thinking this might be one of those things where I'd feel better about it if I watched all the relevant episodes in a short timeframe, but it is definitely frustrating now.
This is gonna be a complaint about the episode in general, but I really do not like the decision to go for such a comedic tone. After the tragedy of Volume 8, it just feels jarring. I developed a theory or two about why the writers made this choice as I watched the episode, but neither of them makes it a good one. RWBY should not be trying to be funny right now. A Kingdom fell. Penny died. The girls were traumatized. Why is the first thing we get a bird mocking Ruby and a one-mouse comedy show? This is the wrong choice of tone, and unless the show does something truly phenomenal with it (it won't), I am prepared to die on this hill.
Little's conception of name as purpose is interesting. I have a feeling that identity and purpose and self-perception are going to be prevalent themes throughout this Volume, and I think there's a lot of interesting exploration of those ideas that can be done with all four of our mains, especially Ruby.
WHY DID WE MISS THE BLAKE/WEISS REUNION????? It feels like this episode tries to speedrun the reunification of Team RWBY and there’s no tension to it. That said, I'm glad someone finally acknowledged that weapons other than Crescent Rose have names. That feels like a big part of RWBY's identity and a major element of its themes of self-expression that's really gone underutilized throughout the show's run.
The dialogue here feels a little stilted honestly, would've been nice to see a hug or something (kind of like it would've been nice to see the actual reunion). Really wish that there was more of a sense of urgency when they decide they should try to find the others. Blake was losing her shit when she thought Yang died, I kind of figured she'd be desperate to make sure Yang's okay (and that Weiss, who fought Cinder to the last with her teammate's weapon in her hands and tears running down her cheeks, would have some sort of overt interest in finding anyone that goes beyond "maybe we should look for them, idk").
I like the way Weiss doesn't want to talk about the battle. Feels like it's actually emotionally affected her.
And of course she goes straight from that to comic relief. At least the choice of tone is consistently bad.
We find Gambol Shroud almost immediately. Once again there is no tension or urgency to the search. It's starting to feel like this episode is just speedrunning the Team RWBY reunion so the show can get to whatever the hell it actually wants to do this Volume.
This whole vine trap sequence just annoys me. Why the hell is Weiss cheerleading like Blake is a high school quarterback about to throw a touchdown pass? Why the hell is this show trying to be funny in-universe moments after a Kingdom fell and all four of our mains nearly died? Why the hell are these fucking vines even an obstacle? Blake, you can literally double-jump. I have literally seen you jump higher than this and wall run like a fucking Naruto character without explicitly using your powers. Just pull some Jackie Chan shit and get your weapon back. Pretend, for once, that you are useful in a situation that does not involve either looking cute or pining over Yang. Weiss, you can also literally double-jump. You can help other people double-jump. Stop trying out for the cheerleading squad and do something useful. You could literally make Blake a ladder if you wanted to. For fuck's sake.
When I first watched the episode, I was thinking that maybe the Ever After prevented Semblance use or something, or maybe that it dulled the mental processes of "intruders" like Team RWBY and that was why the characters suddenly had zero brain cells, but after everything else I've learned about this Volume, I'm pretty sure the writers are just incompetent.
There's no tension to them being captured either. Blake, you have a Semblance. Why are these fucking vines even an impediment to you? This episode has thus far failed to set any kind of stakes or establish any kind of threat at all. I don't feel scared for Monochrome here because their captors are a bunch of fucking mice. Blake could free herself with a thought and literally stomp the mice like cockroaches.
Not that it would matter if I did feel anything but annoyance about this scene anyway because Ruby arrives to solve the problem immediately, thus ruining any chance of the show managing to establish any kind of stakes here. Little starts off by... sleeping. What does this character do? Very useful.
The mice, all of them, are fucking annoying. I don't know why they set this trap to begin with or how they knew to bait it with Gambol Shroud and I don't really care. Maybe this'll be one of those things the Volume expands upon later, idk, but right now I'm just waiting for Monochrome to be freed so we can go somewhere else and do something interesting.
Blake, why are you okay with being referred to as a cat? Isn't your whole arc about how Faunus aren't animals and shouldn't be treated as such? Or did you forget that when you also forgot how to fight? Really not doing a great job defending yourself against the years-long accusations of character regression, hon (most of those accusations are stupid but the fact that she did fuck-all besides stare longingly at Yang and wait to be rescued during the Atlas arc lends them some credence, and this is still not a great look regardless).
Interesting that Blake describes Yang as not scary. Very interesting.
Also interesting that Weiss says Yang could be scary if she wanted to. You're not beating the bottom/sub allegations anytime soon, girlie.
Okay, we finally get our first hint that Ruby has an actual plan instead of aimless wandering. Would've been nice if this was indicated in any way earlier, but at least it's something, and that's more than I expect from this episode at this point.
Eat the mouse, Blake. You know you want to. If you're not going to defend yourself against the catgirl profiling, at least live up to it and make this episode more tolerable. I don't know how I feel about her freaking out about Little climbing on her. I think the show is trying too hard to be funny again.
So glad no one gives a fuck about reuniting with Ruby either. Very moving, very emotional. What a close-knit band of friends, what a wonderful found family. RWBY's always had a problem selling the idea that the characters care about each other and are close to each other in the way the narrative wants us to believe they are (because the show doesn't have enough runtime to build those relationships properly and organically and refuses to adjust its scope to fit its resources) and it's getting noticeably worse this episode.
Little fell asleep again. "I can be your trusty guide" -> immediately fails to do anything useful. I don't like this character.
Blake finally shows some urgency. This should've come several minutes ago, but better late than never, I guess. Would be nice if anyone else showed concern for Yang, but I'm not convinced the writers realize there's a spectrum of goal alignment between "unified hivemind" and "only one character is allowed to want or care about any given thing". I still feel no tension around the search for Yang in the slightest. There is nothing in this world to indicate that she won't be totally fine unless she got caught in another stupid vine trap and eaten by mice.
Nice to see Ruby showing interest in the situation. Finally. Also nice to see someone besides Blake showing concern for Yang, muted as it may be. I like the way Weiss is clearly uncomfortable talking about what happened on Rainbow Road. I hope they actually do something with this, but I don't expect it. I don't have enough faith in RWBY's writing for that at this point.
The Jabberwalker is cool. Really freaky. Unfortunately, my torrent didn't have subtitles, so I have no idea what it's saying, which is really annoying.
The mouse goes from useless to active liability. Love it.
Ruby realizes, apparently for the first time, that she doesn't have her weapon. I want to assume that finding it will be a priority, but none of our current main three seem to have any actual priorities at this point, or at least none they care about enough to show any urgency about fulfilling.
Yang, unsurprisingly, is the best part of the episode, not that this is a difficult achievement in the slightest. She demonstrates her absurd (and sexy) physical strength by carrying a rock, this episode, and the weight of her massive balls all at once despite having one arm. You go, girlboss.
Paying attention during the flanking scene, there's a very visible gap in the formation where Ruby's supposed to go. I bet that not being able to participate in combat is not exactly doing great things to her mental state.
The Jabberwalker runs away pretty quick. It feels more like a warning system, or maybe a white blood cell, than a major threat (or maybe trained and Aura/Semblance-empowered Huntresses are just super powerful in comparison to the Ever After). I bet it'll be a recurring problem in this Volume, maybe getting stronger or smarter with every encounter.
I liked that Ruby was running up to Yang and getting ready to greet her until Yang reacted negatively, and I really like that Yang wasn't happy to see Ruby and her other teammates. First Yang thought she died, then she saw Ruby and the others and thought she'd died for nothing. It makes perfect sense that she's not happy right now.
(Side note: I think the Yang Curse Count is up to 3? all under extreme emotional duress. Still not on board with fanworks that portray her as swearing like a sailor. She'd be a better example for her little sister, I guarantee it)
"If you thought we wouldn't come for you, then you must have forgotten who raised me" Ruby what the fuck are you talking about? Were you just going to yeet yourself into the void if you'd won the battle? There was no possible reason for them to think Yang is even alive. They don't know they're the protagonists of a web cartoon. They don't know they have plot armor. To them, Yang was fucking dead. What could following her on purpose even have accomplished besides introducing them to whatever's at the bottom of the abyss at terminal velocity?
That said, I do like the acknowledgement that Yang raised Ruby. That's very important to both characters and I'm really glad someone finally said it out loud. Maybe this'll finally put the "Yang is a bad sister" allegations to rest (jk the people who believe that could be confronted with all the evidence in the world and it wouldn't change a thing).
The Bumbleby reunion feels kinda weird, I was expecting a bit more than a tackle-hug, but it's sweet overall and I at least dislike it less than the rest of the episode. I took a screenshot here for the sake of making a stupid meme but I don't like this show enough to post it anymore.
Would be real nice to know how Yang got from where she started to where she is now and I think we’ll see some of that, but given how rushed the reunion feels, I’m not confident.
Love the way Yang thinks she’s dead and is still ready to throw hands, really shows us who she is and that she can’t be broken. Truly the Woman Of All Time.
Would be interesting to explore the ramifications of this but I honestly doubt we will.
Weiss is still the one most visibly affected by the battle on Rainbow Road, I like the way this has been very consistently a point of emotional turmoil for her over the course of this episode. Would love to see that continue throughout the rest of the Volume.
Ruby's fainting is interesting. It's nice to see her have an actual emotional response now and just kind of shut down. I've seen debate about whether her team cared for her properly. Some people say that the team did what they should have and put her in the recovery position, but I think they're missing the point a bit. Even assuming I trust the writers to know what should be done for someone who faints (which I don't), that isn't knowledge the general audience can reasonably be assumed to have, so they needed to find a more obvious way to convey that WBY were concerned about Ruby and took steps to make her safe and comfortable. Either have a scene somewhere earlier in the show (maybe back at Beacon, or somewhere in Volume 7) where the team learns first aid or convey the fact that they're taking care of Ruby more effectively.
Notably, it’s Yang who’s right next to her and who shows concern - she immediately asks if Ruby's all right once Ruby starts speaking. Bad sister tho amirite?
Doesn't really help that they start discussing the situation before Ruby wakes up. I can see why people say WBY don't care about her or her input here, but I think this is just clunky pacing more than anything. The fact that the conversation continues while Ruby’s asleep means we don’t see how anyone else reacts to Penny’s death or the events in the liminal zone, which is kind of annoying. This is starting to feel like another "only one character gets to react to things" event like we had with Pyrrha's death almost exclusively affecting Jaune.
Still hate Penny’s death but it seems the narrative wants us to believe that Penny made the right choice and there was no better option.
Like how Blake takes charge, this is a huge bit of development for her, though I worry that seeing Blake essentially usurp her role is going to hurt Ruby when she's already fragile. NGL when I saw that sunbeam hit Blake I thought they'd fucked up the lighting lol.
Blake saying she thinks we’re in a fairy tale would hit better if the Ever After wasn’t based on an Earth fairy tale and also if we knew more about Remnant’s fairy tales. Yes, the spinoff thing exists, but I don’t want to have to do fucking homework to understand a fundamental aspect of the show.
(I've actually heard that this fairy tale isn't even in the fucking spinoff, which means it got introduced last Volume with like 1 fucking conversation that told us nothing useful. This isn't setup, MKEK. Build this element into the story properly if you want to use it, especially if this Volume was supposedly "planned from the beginning" or whatever the fuck.)
OP is mediocre by RWBY standards which means it's decent but not particularly good by other standards. Say what you will about this series, but the music always slaps.
Overall this episode kind of sucks and in fact made me not want to watch the rest of the Volume until I got fed up with seeing spoilers I had no context for on my dash. This is the first time I can remember that I've watched a RWBY season premiere and not wanted more. That's how bad it was. Can't believe we waited two years for this.
Overall rating: ASS/10
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 Hahhahhhaahhahah It’s done! I finished this earlier than expected, I usually take awhile.. But here it is!  Just a thank you to @clowncatss for the idea! I really enjoyed writing this so thank you again! And i hope you enjoy!
Falling Under
“Yes! Sure! I know he is very busy and being the prince of the spade is hard.. But two whole months, Noelle?!”
Leopold was in the middle of rambling to Noelle about his boyfriend. Yuno has not been Yuno recently.. He has been away in the spade for awhile now, he would come back to the clover every now and then, but a lot of that time would be him in the Golden Dawn drowned in paperwork.
Yuno used to send Leo letters on about how he is doing and when they will meet up next, but that only lasted for about three weeks.. He would come by to say hi and everything but it happened about once a 5 or 6 days.
“I’m sure he-”
“Stop, we all know he isn’t paying and mind to that” Leo interrupted watching Noelle as she took a deep breath.
“Listen, Leo I know how you feel but I think you should see it from his point of vie-”
“He has been so careless lately!” Leo interrupted again
He took a seat on Noelle’s bed, staring down; hands in lap. “I’m not mad at Yuno.. It’s just..” Leo stopped himself trying to find the right words.
He truly wasn’t mad at Yuno! That was pure honestly! He was just hurt and it only grew more as Yuno was away. As a royal he understood the amount of stress Yuno must be under, it’s not something easy to deal with, but it just seems like Yuno couldn’t care less anymore.
Noelle put a hand on Leo’s shoulder and smiled softly towards him. “Hey.. I’m sure he feels the same way as you..”
“He is the one being neglected is he..” Leo mumbled to himself  “What?” “Nothing”
≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫
Leo was walking through the crimson lion kings headquarters, head down thinking to himself.
‘Did I do something wrong?.. Of course being super busy is a thing but it doesn’t me avoid me for a whole two months along with that!.. I mean he came by a few times, but it is only a 30 minute maximum thing. Ugh! Why can-’
Leo whipped his head to the voice from behind him. Thank god they stopped his thoughts, otherwise who knows what conclusion he would have ended up with. He was working on not to overthink things, failing horribly so far..
“Randall!” Leo smiled at the older man as he walked over to him. “Do you need anything?”
“Not me, but the captain wants to talk to you, I’m going on a mission” He smiled back.
“Okay then.. Thanks for telling me and good luck on your mission!” Leo respond waving at Randall walking away from him slowly. 
‘I wonder what he wants..’ Leo thought looking down away.
As he continued to walk he ended bumping his head into the door of his brothers office. He hissed in pain as he brought a hand up to his forehead. ‘Well that’s one way to knock’
“Come in!” His brother yelled from inside the room.Leo took a deep breath as he reached out to the door knob twisting it slowly and pushing it open. 
His brother greeted him with a small smile, Leo gave one back in return.He closed the door behind him and took a few more steps forward.
“Randall said you wanted to talk to me?” He tilted his head.“Oh! Yes, nothing serious I just wanted to let you know we will be having a family dinner today. Which means mum and dad will be there” Fuegoleon smiled.
Leo paused, the words ‘family dinner’ flooding his brain. It doesn’t sound too bad..
“Okay! Thanks for telling me, is there anything else?”
“Actually, I heard Yuno came back from the spade, I haven’t seen you two interact that much, maybe you could go and catch up with him” Fuegoleon turned to him, his expression soon turned into a confused one as he saw the look on his brothers face. 
Leo was looking down, you could see the sorrow expression he was displaying. His brother only looked at him confused and concern for the younger.
“Leo, are you okay? Did something happen between you and Yuno?” Fuegoleon questioned seeing how Leopold’s head shot up.
“Me and Yuno? No we are fine don’t worry! Speaking of Yuno I’m going to go to him! Bye!” Said Leo speed walking out of the room leaving his brother stunned.
Leo closed the door behind him and started to make his way out of the headquarters. 
‘Yuno’s back.. but he hasn’t reached out to me. Maybe I could confront him? No! He is just going to think I’m selfish, what if he doesn’t even want to see me? Argh! Screw it’ Leo stopped his thoughts as he ran out making his way to the Golden Dawn.
≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ Leo stood outside of Yuno’s room debating whether to go in or not. Mimosa had told him where he was but she had also told him he was very busy. Leo would knock but if he did Yuno would probably not respond since he is most likely absorbed into what he is doing. Leopold took a deep breath and slowly reached out to the door knob. ‘come on Leo! It’s not that hard.. Just open the door and go talk to him!’ Leo tried to reassure himself.  He turned the door knob slowly and gave the door a slight push. ‘Leo.. You have already opened the door, there is no backing out now..’ Leo told himself as he fully opened the door and closed it from behind him not daring to look at Yuno.  Slowly turning his head around he sees Yuno sitting down with a pile of papers next to him. Leo sighed and walks over to Yuno. ‘He hasn’t even notice I came in!’ Leo thought as he stood behind Yuno’s chair.  He put a hand on the back of his chair moving to his side to see what Yuno was writing. 
After a few seconds of standing there Yuno finally notices Leopold. “Oh! Leo?! Sorry, I didn’t see you..” Yuno mumbled glancing over at him. Leo just stared at him and smiled softly.  “Hm.. Hi!” He smiles as Yuno gave him a smile back.  Before Yuno was able to go back to what he was doing. Leo shot him a hug wrapping his arms around Yuno’s neck giving him a kiss on the cheek. Yuno was surprised but he hugged back and let out a chuckle.  Yuno was expecting Leo to Pull away but he didn’t so Yuno softly pushed his chest moving Leo away from him. “Sorry Leo..I’m a little busy right now.” Leo moved away from Yuno and crossed his arms turning his head away from him. “You know.. Would it hurt just to spend some time with me?” Leo said then covered his mouth as he didn’t mean to let it out. “Did you say something?” Yuno questioned turning to Leo who was avoiding eye contact. “Sorry I didn’t hear..” Yuno apologised seeing Leopold look down a clench his fist. Yuno put his hand on his and looked at him. “Leo..?” Leo snatched his hand away and took a few steps away from Yuno. Yuno stared at him in shock then back at his work. He didn’t have time to deal with Leo. Yuno sighed and turned in his chair to face Leo.
“what happened?”  “You happened” Leo Yelled putting both arms by his side and turning his head away from Yuno. Yuno stared at him in shock, he was confused. He thought Leo was upset because of something else, he didn’t think that he had done something..?
“Two months Yuno! Two months I have had to deal with you avoiding me! Yes you are in the spade and all but that doesn’t mean you come back and lock yourself in the Golden Dawn, Yuno what about us?! What about our relationship, yes being busy is a thing but how much more longer am I going to have to keep up with this?!” There it was. Leo let everything out and looked down while Yuno stared at him.
“You know, it’s not easy going back and forth between kingdoms? Yes I’m sorry I have haven’t been myself but you can’t be mad at me for that?” “Yuno! I’m not mad at you I’m upset! Yes I understand you don’t have things easy but you’re making things harder for yourself by doing it all at once, you are neglecting our relationship Yuno! Yes I know how you feel you are stressed, tired and you want to get this all over with! But you are letting your emotions effect on how you treat other people! Do you really think that’s fair?!” Yuno looked at Leo then stood up from his chair. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Mimosa put her ear onto the door listening to Yuno and Leo argue. She sighed as she pulled away turning to Klaus. “Neither of them are in the wrong.. They both have their reason, it’s just..” She stopped herself. Klaus lifted his glasses and put an arm on Mimosa shoulder. “ They will make it up soon, hopefully” He smiled at her, she smiled back as they walk away from outside of Yuno’s room.
≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ A family dinner, right after an argument, great! There was Mereoleona, Fuegoleon and his mother and father present at the dinner. He really didn’t feel like eating anything right now..  Mereoleona eyed her brother as Leopold poked at his food head resting on his arm. She threw her fork at him making him shot up. “Mereoleona!” Her mother interrupted shooting her daughter an annoyed look then turning to Leopold. Leopold look down avoiding eye contact with his family. Mereoleona was good and seeing emotions, she is going to figure something out and make him spit it out, he has to be careful around her. "What?! He is obviously upset" She complained turning to her mother. "Can't we have one family dinner where everything is calm.." Their father mumbled looking down. Everyone got back to eating while their Father was explaining some story, Leo had no idea what she was talking about but his mother and Fuegoleon seemed invested. Mereoleona kept eyeing Leopold, she clearly knew something was wrong with him.. Leopold only turned away from her to look at his Father. He could see his brother staring at him from the corner of his eye. Hopefully this would end soon so he can lock himself up in his room. 
‘What did I do? Where did I mess up.. Why did I visit Yuno!? If only time travel was a thing.. But maybe Yuno will think about it and see it from my point of view. God, who am I kidding! It’s not like has enough time to be thinking about me..! Why can’t he just understand that he is messing up things for me and himself! Is it that hard to accept your own mistakes?! Sure yes he is busy and stuff bu-” Leo had to cut his thoughts as he realise he had bent the fork he was holding from clenching his fist. His whole family was now staring at him in confusion.  “Leo.. Are you alright?” Fuegoleon asked looking at his brother. Leo only gave a smile smile and looked away trying to avoid eye contact. “I’m fine! Just been thinking that’s al-!” Mereoleona interrupted Leopold by slamming her fist onto the table giving him a death stare, everyone flinched back staring at her. “It’s that stupid Golden boy isn’t it?! Fuegoleon told me you went to visit him and when u come back you act like this?! Where the hell is he!” She shouted getting up from her chair in an attempt to leave and find Yuno, Although, Fuegoleon stopped her. “Don’t assume things so fast and sit back down, what if Yuno didn’t really do anything?” Mereoleona took a deep breath then turned to Leo. If Fuegoleon wasn’t her brother, he wouldn’t have been alive right now. “Fine then, Leopold.. Was it Yuno who got you acting like this?!” She questioned in an aggressive tone.  “Calm down all of you!” Their father yelled gaining all the attention.
 “Mereoleona, Leopold will tell you whats bothering him whenever he feels like it, for now sit back down!” He shouted towards the end. “You think I’m just going to let that boy-” “JUST SHUT UP!, I’m tired of all this! I’m not five I can take care of myself, yes me and Yuno got into an argument but that’s between us and you have no right to interfere!” Leo snapped catching his breath, then he realised what he said and covered his mouth. He looked around and quickly lowered his head. “Sorry.. I think I need some air..” Said Leo speed walking out of the dinning room ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ Leopold has just exited the Vermillion estate. Everything was going way too fast. His thoughts couldn’t keep up with him and he couldn’t keep up with his thoughts..  He just kept on walking until he realised he hadn’t brought his grimoire.  It didn’t matter too much as the Vermillion estate was right there. Then again you never know what could happen. Leo took a few more steps until he took notice of a certain someone. “Asta!” Leo shouted trying to gain the attention of the boy. He saw Asta turn around and his eyes widen as he run up to him. “ LEO!” HE yelled throwing his hands onto Leopold’s shoulders. “Leo! Yuno has been looking for you! Where have you been!”  Yuno? Looking for him?! Weren’t they fighting 4 hours ago.. Leo would think Yuno wants nothing to do with him currently, but it seems not.  “He just left! Ill go get him you stay here!” Asta yelled as he ran off leaving Leopold stunned.  Everything was going fast, too fast! Nothing was making sense! Leo just wanted to do nothing but sleep his problems away. If only it was possible..  -- -- -- Asta had brought Yuno to Leo and currently the two were staring at eachother. The last time they met didn’t go so well. So hopefully they will make up! That is.. if one of them will talk first.. They stood there for sometime until. “Um.. Yun- Yuno.. I’m sor-” “No.” Yuno interrupted making Leopold’s eyes widen. “I’m sorry. It is true I have been a total jerk! I should have payed more attention to you and how you feel, it must have been hard for you to have to deal with.. I am sorry! I’m really not good with stuff like this but leopold I really a..m..” Yuno stopped himself, startled. Leopold had went in and gave Yuno a hug. He closed his eyes and laid his head on his chest. Yuno did nothing but hug him back. “I’m sorry.. You didn’t have it easy either.. Like you said, going back and forth... I must have sounded pretty selfish back then..” Leopold apologised moving back to look at Yuno, he gave a small, as did Yuno. “It’s fine, we were bound to get into an argument sometime..” Yuno chuckle. “So, we good?” Leo questioned hesitant. Yuno nodded his head making Leo jump into his arms  “Love you!”.
This went by fast.. Very fast but in the end it turned out alright. People get into arguments time to time, but that is just something normal most people go through! “Love you too..”
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Dream a Little Dream of Me
Inspired by Aceriee’s Art
My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius, I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach and I have always believed, firmly, that I will meet my end staring down the barrel of a gun. 
And, well, not that I haven’t. I’ve had my fair share of death by a gun. Dare I say, more than the average Joe. But those never seem to stick in our family. Anyways, I digress. 
If not a gunshot, then I was absolutely sure that it was gonna be a heart attack! My very unhealthy eating habits aside, I figured there’s only so much stress a heart can take before it gives up. I mean, how many apocalypses would I get to prevent, and/or stop before the sheer terror got too much? 
And then of course, there was the obvious choice. Death at the hands of a monster. This one I always tried to avoid thinking about. First, because it was bad juju, and second, because I thought myself better than that. 
But, here we are! At the age of 41, I have finally met a foe strong enough to defeat me. 
Heart, meet rebar. And just when I had found the perfect dog! 
I mean, really, I blame it on the poor judgment of whoever thought this would make for a good interior design. Who goes around leaving rebars out of walls? I have worked construction before, I know the safety codes, and if it isn’t obvious by my state right now, this is so against most of them. 
SAM: Alright. Let's go find those kids, get them outta here.
Oh boy! Sam doesn’t know yet. As Donna would say, hooftah! Hmm. How to break this to him?
DEAN: Sam...I don't... Mm.I don't think I'm going anywhere buddy.
I should tell him to remember to take Miracle for a walk when he’s done here. Preferably before burning my body to ashes. That takes too long and my boy is too tiny. I just cleaned the bunker. 
SAM: What? What are you talking about?
Dammit Sam. Must you choose this moment to go dumb? 
DEAN: There's something in my...Something in my back. It feels like it's right through my heart man. 
Finally! That gets Sam to stand directly in front of me, still a few inches away and he reaches around to my back. Don’t know about him, but I’m not surprised to see his hand come back bloody. Too much blood. He better not get blood on the bunker floor either. 
DEAN:Oh, God.
SAM: Alright. Um… Hold on. Okay. Uh, I got you.
The fuck does this fool think he’s doing?
DEAN: No, no, no, no, no. Don't... Don't... Don't move me. 
Ugh, how many times do I have to repeat myself before he hears me? I’m literally at my deathbed and the kid still hasn’t learned to listen to me. 
DEAN: Don't move me.It feels like this thing's holding me together right now. Just give me… Just give me a minute.
SAM: Yeah. Um... alright. I'll call for help. I'll get the first-aid kit.
Might be the bloodloss, but time starts to stretch as I watch Sam take out his phone and move to walk away. I do remember what I said to him earlier today. 
The whole “I think about 'em, too. You know what? That pain's not gonna go away.Right? But if we don't keep living, then all that sacrifice is gonna be for nothing.”
The thing is, I lied. I do that. And honestly, if Sam believed that bullshit, it’s on him. Anyways, yeah, I lied and though I always hoped for more dignity in my death, truth is, I don't want him to get help. Not gonna do anyone any good, even if by some miracle they get me to survive this. 
DEAN: Sam, Sam! Sam… Stay wi… Stay with me… Can you stay with me, please?
SAM: Okay. Yeah.
Huh! Can’t believe that actually worked. Maybe he is learning to listen to me. Better put it to use. First thing’s first. 
DEAN: Okay. Okay. Uh... right. Alright. Listen to me. Um… You get those boys and you get them someplace safe, alright?
SAM: Dean...We are gonna get them somewhere safe.
Bless his heart. My little brother. 
DEAN: No. We knew it was always gonna end like this for me. I mean, maybe not exactly like this, not the kinda penetration I’m into really, but It was supposed to end like this, right? I mean, look at us. Saving people, hunting things… It's what we do. What we’ve always done. 
SAM: No, no. Stop, okay? Just... Just stop.
But I’m tired. How do I tell him that I’m so tired? How do I make him understand this is happening because of the sleepless nights I’ve had these past few weeks, escaping images of nothingness taking away all the light in my world? 
DEAN: It's okay. It's good. We had one hell of a ride, man. But I’m done… 
SAM: I will find a way, okay? I-I will find another way.
DEAN: No, man. No. No. No, no, no, no. You’re not hearing me! No bringing me back, okay? You know... You know that always ends badly.
SAM: Dean...
DEAN: Sammy I’m done.. I can’t do this anymore.. Not without him… 
God, please let this be enough for him. Please let this get him to let me go. 
SAM: P-Please… what about the beach? Our feet in the sand, drinks with tiny umbrellas, Dean, you… you said it yourself! You said if Jack… you PROMISED ME!  
Oh Jesus, here come the fireworks… how do I make him understand, if I can’t have matching hawaiian shirts with Cas… What the hell am I supposed to do without his pretty ass there? How am I expected to just go on, when I know Cas is surrounded by darkness? By nothingness? By the empty…
DEAN: I'm fading pretty… I'm fading pretty quickly, so... there's a few things that I need you to hear… Come here. Let me look at you. Yeah, there he is.
Ok, Winchester. Take a deep breath. You can do this. You can make this ok for your little brother. 
DEAN: I'm so proud of you, Sam. You know that? I've always looked up to you. Man, when we were kids, you were so damn smar... smart. You never… You never took any of dad's crap. I never knew how you did that… And you're stronger than me… 
Yeah kid. You lived your life unafraid of what he would say. You dared to love and you … not like me. You never let it get too late to say… I wish I had told him Sammy… I wish I could tell you what really happened that night in the dungeon… I wish I could tell you how Cas was brave, and selfless and the best goddamned thing that ever happened to me and I was a coward, I was scared and selfish and to nobody’s surprise I let both of us down… 
DEAN: Hey, did I ever tell you... Did I ever tell you that night that, uh... that I ca... That I came for you when you were at school? You know, when dad hadn't come back from his hunting trip? I must have stood outside your dorm for hours... because I didn't... I didn't know what... What you would say… I thought you'd tell me to... to get lost or get dead…
I know I could never bring myself to tell you about him Sammy. Even if I wasn’t choking on my own blood, I still would never have enough time to tell you about how he made me wanna stay alive… He was it for me, and I can’t tell you that… But I can tell you about you! 
DEAN: And I don't know what I would've done... if I didn't have you. 'Cause I was so scared. I was scared, 'cause when it all came down to it, it was always you and me…
Sam is crying now, and well, what’s one more thing for me to hate myself for, right? 
SAM: Then don't leave me. Don't leave me. I can't do this alone.
DEAN: Yes, you can.
Because I need you to… 
SAM: Well, I don't want to.
Well, ain’t that a bitch? Kids feeding me my own words from all those years ago. Well, if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s bullshitting. Hunting used to take the first place but after this colossal mess, I can’t really give myself that. 
DEAN: Hey. I'm not leaving you. I'm gonna be with you… Right here... every day. Every day you're out there and you're Li... And you're living and you're fighting, 'cause you… You always keep fighting. You hear me? I'll be there every step. I love you so much. My baby brother.
Oh, man. I can’t believe I’m crying too. Shit. I used to think at least when I die, I’d get to spend the rest of it with Cas… Not that I would ever be caught dead admitting it… Oh, well, doesn’t seem to matter now anyways. 
DEAN: Well, I did not think this would be the day. But it is. It is, and that's… Man... that's okay. I need you to... I need you to promise me. I need you to… To... to tell me... that it's okay. I need you to tell me that it's okay… 
SAM: No! 
Sam don’t look away from me. Please brother, I need you to let me go. Shit, what if I become a ghost? I mean, does never getting to say I love you to Cas count as unfinished business? Sure as hell sounds like it to me! Shit, Sam better burn all my stuff just to be sure. 
DEAN:  Look at me. Look at me. I need... I need to go Sammy… and I need you to tell me that it's okay. I need you to tell me… Tell me it's okay.
SAM: No, goddammit Dean! No. I will never!  
Uh-oh! Sammy’s letting go of me and I just don’t think that’s such a good idea. Should I tell him I can’t really feel my legs? Would be nice if I could be spared the embarrassment of a faceplant pre-death. 
SAM: JACK! Jack, you better get down here and help me or so help me, I will make a way up there and… JACK! You fucking promised this wouldn’t happen! You said you would be a better god! 
Ok, this might be a good time to tell Sammy to stop yelling and get moving, but the light behind him is pretty distracting and shit, man, I used to be able to focus before… 
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“Sam! Sam, I am here. There is no need for you to yell. What’s goin…” Jack finds himself in the middle of a barn, dead bodies of what seemed to be vampires littering the floor, and it’s not until Sam moves towards him that he spots the reason behind his calls. 
“Oh Dean…” Just as he moves towards the older Winchester, Sam gets a hold of his shoulders and Jack feels his heart break for him. His eyes look hollow, as if it was him who was on the edge of death. 
“Please… you have to do something! You have to save him! He’s not… please Jack!” 
“Hey, Sam, Sam! If you let me take a look at Dean, I can try and help.” 
Sam takes a few deep breaths, trying to compose himself, then nods once before stepping aside and Jack finally gets to look at Dean. It hasn’t been long since he left the brothers on earth and went to sort out the universe, but Dean seems to have aged decades. 
“Dean?” He calls out once, but just as he thought, Dean’s out of his reach. At least, physically. He tries not to imagine all the self-deprecating jokes Dean must have come up with over being impaled by a rebar in a bar. 
He tries and fails. Winchesters. 
“Sam, help me pull him off the rod.” He knows just as well as Sam, that he does not need any help moving Dean’s body. They’re both aware of the pity he takes on Sam, letting him do something before he loses his mind for good. 
“Ok, yeah, gently on the ground.” And before Dean’s body hits the ground, he is healed. He ignores the voice in his head, metaphorically speaking, accusing him of ignoring his own rules. What happened to being a hands off God? Well, this is DEAN! 
“Jack, what are you waiting for? Heal him! Bring him back!” 
“I have healed him, Sam.” 
“Then why isn’t he waking up?”
Yeah, Jack was never a fan of the on brand Winchester’s lack of anger management. He pushes his annoyance aside and reaches for Dean’s soul. 
Huh. Interesting. He’s fairly new to being God, but he’s got a good track record with resurrections and he’s pretty sure no soul has ever resisted being pulled back so hard. 
Typical. Leave it to Dean fucking Winchester. 
“It’s like he’s resisting his body’s pull. Sam, what happened here? What am I missing?” 
“I… shit, Jack, I dunno. We were on a hunt, and we just rescued these kids and, he just wouldn’t let me get help, and he kept saying this is good, and he wants to go, and I … I didn’t know what else to do Jack…” 
“Ok, ok, Sam, look at me. I need you to go and take care of the kids. I am going to try and find out where Dean is.”
He leaves the second part of that sentence unsaid. Why does he not want to live?
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The sky is a beautiful blue/green, as Dean and Cas watch the sun set. Dean pushes his sunglasses up on his head, then holds Cas’ hand in his, and relishes in the sensation of their arms touching. Cas’ hot skin against his, contrasting with the ice cold drink in his other hand, makes him feel dizzy. Or is it the blood loss?
“What?” He asks, not really sure who he’s talking to. 
“I didn’t say anything.” Cas replies. Taking a sip from his martini. The blue shirt brings out the ocean blue in his eyes, breathtakingly infinite. 
“You know, you really do look good in floral patterns…” Dean’s not really sure why his heart aches at the exclamation. This has been the most flawless day, a long overdue vacation for just the two of them. Then why does it feel cold?
“Well, you don’t look too bad yourself, Dean.” Castiel studies him, and Dean immediately feels warmer. “I like your tan. And your sunglasses on your head. It makes it easier for me to see your eyes.” 
The sheer openness with which Cas talks to him is enough to make Dean want to run away. But not here. It’s safe here. Why? 
It’s almost easy for the words to fall out. “Yeah? What about my eyes?”
“They never lie to me… never have, never will…” Dean resists the urge to shy away. 
“And what are they telling you now?” 
“I’m sorry Dean, I will not make it that easy for you… If you want to tell me something, you have to say it yourself.” Cas says in a cheeky tone before looking away again. 
“I know, I know that! I just... Ca–” Dean is interrupted by a sudden shock of pain. He drops to the floor, clutching his chest, crying out in pain. No, this wasn’t supposed to happen here… not here… 
Castiel is staring at a figure behind him.
“What? That’s impossible Cas!” But even as Dean’s fighting to get the words out through his pain, the world around them gets eerily darker, and all of a sudden they’re back at the bunker.
Cas grabs Dean by the shoulders and tries to guide him away. But Dean’s legs are cemented into the floor. He knows exactly where this leads, and he is not about to relive it. 
“My heart... I can feel her.” He hears himself say. No, no no no. Go back to the beach. Please. 
“Come on, Dean. We gotta go. Come on.”
Castiel pulls Dean away, almost carrying him through the bunker as Dean gasps and grunts in pain. Hold on to his arm. 
At the bottom of the stairs now, Billie’s following them slowly. 
“It's you, Dean. It's always been you. Death-defying. Rule-breaking. You are everything I lived to set right. To put down. To tame.”
Dean collapses beside the bookshelves just out of view, gripping his chest. Castiel looks over his shoulder where Billie still approaches.
“You are human disorder incarnate.”
No. I was ok to go this time. Please, I wanted to go… I was… 
In the downstairs hallway now, Castiel's supporting Dean's weight with Dean's arm over his shoulders as he hurries him through the bunker, away from Billie. Dean clutches his heart, groaning in pain. Please, Cas, I don’t want to do this again… I can’t… Please, just let me go with her…
But nothing comes out of Dean’s mouth. 
“I've got you Dean.”
They round another hallway corner, but not far behind them is Billie, still holding her scythe.
“Come on, Dean. You can't escape me.”
Dean wants to say he’s not trying to. He wants to scream and ask her to just take him. Anything to stop them from entering the dungeon. But Cas keeps dragging him, and Dean is not in control here.
Billie drags the blade of her scythe against the tile wall. 
“Don't you think it's finally time? Time for the sweet release of death?”
Yes, I do… 
Around another corner, Castiel guides Dean into basement storage room 7B and closes the door behind them. Dean coughs, still holding his chest as he doubles over. No no no no no.
Castiel finds a pocket knife in Dean's back pants pocket and uses it to cut his own palm. He uses the blood to paint warding onto the door. Dean wants to die. 
Castiel turns towards him.
“It blocked her grip on you.”
Billie pounds her fist against the door. It shudders. The warding crackles, but holds. The slow pounding continues.
“Dean, she said that wound was killing her. Maybe we can wait her out.”
Yes, please, that’s a fantastic idea, let’s just wait her out. 
“Yeah, and if we can't?”
“Then we fight.”
Yes, I will fight till my dying breath for you, just don’t go…  
“We'll lose. I just led us into another trap, all because I couldn't hurt Chuck. Because I was angry and because I just needed something to kill, and because that's all I know how to do…”
“It was Chuck all along. We shouldn't have left Sam and Jack. We should be there with them right now. Everybody's gonna die, Cas. Everybody.” You’re going to die… and “I can't stop it. She's gonna get through that door.”
“I know.”
“And she's gonna kill you, and then she's gonna kill me.”
Dean wishes he was already dead. He wishes he’d never said those words… He wishes… 
They share a look. Castiel agrees, their situation is hopeless, but he can't bring himself to say it.
“I'm sorry.” and Dean’s never said any truer words. 
“Wait, there is... There's one thing she's afraid of. There's one thing strong enough to stop her. When Jack was dying, I made a deal to save him.”
Dean wants to be mad at him, he really does, but he would make any deal, in a heartbeat, just to stop Cas from doing this. Who’s Dean to blame him? 
“You what?”
“The price was my life. When I experienced a moment of true happiness, The Empty would be summoned, and it would take me forever.”
Dean Can’t breathe. 
“Why are you telling me this now?”
“I always wondered, ever since I took that burden, that curse, I wondered what it could be? What my true happiness could even look like. I never found an answer because the one thing I want... It's something I know I can't have. But I think I know... I think I know now. Happiness isn't in the having, it's in just being. It's in just saying it.”
Then just stay and be goddamnit! Dean should have just hit him in the head hard, should have knocked him out cold. He should have stopped Cas, right there and then. 
“What are you talking about, man?”
“I know. I know how you see yourself, Dean. You see yourself the same way our enemies see you. You're destructive, and you're angry, and you're broken. You're daddy's blunt instrument. And you think that hate and anger, that's... That's what drives you, that's who you are. It's not. And everyone who knows you sees it. Everything you have ever done, the good and the bad, you have done for love. You raised your little brother for love. You fought for this whole world for love. That is who you are. You're the most caring man on Earth. You are the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know.” 
Cas is crying and Dean is paralyzed. He’s as paralyzed as he was the first time around. And as paralyzed as every night ever since, lying in bed, reliving this moment over and over and over again. 
“You know, ever since we met, ever since I pulled you out of Hell... Knowing you has changed me. Because you cared, I cared. I cared about you. I cared about Sam, I cared about Jack... I cared about the whole world because of you.”
Yeah, and look where that got you… 
“You changed me, Dean.”
Fuck you for doing this to me Cas… 
“Why does this sound like a goodbye?” Please don’t say goodbye like this…  Don’t say it…  
“Because it is.”
It still lands like a punch to his guts, and Dean inhales, ready to argue, but Castiel confesses before he can.
“I love you.”
“Don't do this, Cas.” I love you too. 
There's a wet noise from behind Dean and he turns to see black goo from The Empty squeezing through the bricks in the bunker's wall as a portal begins to open. They both know what this means. No more matching hawaiian shirts, no more tiny umbrella drinks, no more mix tapes, no more cowboy dressups, no more running away from their profound bond. 
There are tears in Dean's eyes as he turns back to Castiel. Castiel is still smiling tearfully. I wish I could hate you… The warded door busts open. Billie stands behind it with her scythe. There's no more time.
“Cas…” don’t go… please just don’t go… I can’t go on without you… 
Castiel puts his hand, bloodied from when he'd cut it for the warding, on Dean's shoulder. Right where he had laid hands on him for the first time all those years back in hell, and he might as well be throwing Dean back in hell with this. 
“Goodbye, Dean.”
Castiel shoves Dean aside. He hits the floor beneath the portal. A handprint of Castiel's blood remains on the shoulder of his jacket. Billie enters the room. Castiel looks at Dean one last time, smiling, and inhales as the black liquid tendrils of The Empty wrap around him. The Empty crashes against Billie, pulling her in along with them. Dean wants to get up, wants to run over and hold on to Cas’ hand, keep him here, or go with him dammit, but instead he watches in shock as the portal to The Empty closes, and he's left alone, panting, stunned, gutted, heartbroken, empty.
Dean, who is still alone in the basement of the bunker, still sitting against the wall where Cas had pushed him. He’s impaled on the wall. He holds his cellphone in his hand as it vibrates, ringing again, and again, and again, he looks at it. "Incoming Call: Jack" He stares at it, then looks around, tears in his eyes. He drops the phone, leaving it to ring on the stone ground as he buries his face in his hands and begins to cry.
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“DEAN!” Jack tries to break the memory again, reaching for Dean, but his father seems to be lost to his sorrows. He seems to be stuck in this horrible loop, and Jack had no idea what had really happened the night that Cas was taken. None of them did. Dean refused to talk about it, and Jack knows why now. 
But if Dean just opens up to him, if he just picks up the phone and answers, Jack can reach him, and then he can tell Dean about where he’s been. He could tell Dean where he was when Sam called for him. 
He could tell Dean that Castiel was back. That it had taken them weeks to help him get through the worst part of his trauma, but he was back, and he was safe, and he was recharging his batteries as Dean would say, and that he would soon be ready to come back to Dean. 
But Jack needs Dean to make that choice, to take that leap, and to answer his fucking phone. 
He’s not sure how many times he’s watched Dean go through his loop, sunset at the beach, then The Empty, how many times has he cried and felt his heart break for his dads, before he folds and accepts that Dean’s just not going to open up to him. 
It’s not Jack that he wants. 
And it’s not Sam. and it’s not Mary, or John, or Bobby, or anyone else. 
It’s Castiel. 
And when it comes down to it, it has always been Castiel. 
And maybe, just like the first time around, it would take saving Dean from this hell, for Cas to find himself again. 
“Hold on just a little longer Dean…” He says as he leaves for heaven. He has the perfect plan. 
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Dean holds his cellphone in his hand as it vibrates, ringing again, and again, and again, he looks at it. "Incoming Call: Castiel". He stares at it
The hell? Didn’t he just watch Cas be swallowed by The Empty? Doesn’t that mean he’s now in Gay Super Hell? Don’t be weird about the name ok? His brain’s been through a blender.
This has never happened before. Dean’s been through this loop a million times over, his own personal hell, and it’s always either Sam or Jack, calling and calling and … 
But it says Castiel on the phone now. Dean puts the phone down, tries to take a deep breath, and pickles it up again. 
 "Incoming Call: Castiel"
He pinches himself. His tears have dried up, he feels the pinch, stares at the screen, still says Castiel’s name, he takes another deep breath. 
Well, he’s been wanting a chance to change how it happened right? 
Guess this is his brain taking pity on him. God(huh) knows he doesn’t deserve it, but fuck if he cares. 
He’ll be damned before letting this chance go. 
So he slides his finger on the phone, and puts the phone to his ear. 
“C… Cas?” 
Lights explode in his eyes, and he opens them to a familiar scene. 
Well, mostly familiar. 
He’s lying down on the barn floor, close to where the rebar is poking out of the pole, and right in front of him is Casfuckingtiel in his stupid trench coat, with his stupid perfect hair and his fucking blue eyes and he’s staring at Dean with all the worry in the world, as if it wasn’t him that was just swallowed by the fucking empty right in front of Dean’s very own fucking eyes. 
“Dean?” Castiel barely gets the word out, and just like that, Dean’s zapped into movement. He feels wired, live electricity running through him, and he pointedly ignores Sam and, is that Jack, AKA God? 
“Dean? Really? DEAN? That’s all you have to say to me? After putting me through… through that?” He’s only faintly aware of the fact that he’s on his legs, wobbly, he was literally stabbed in the back give him a break, and he steps forward, standing dangerously close to Castiel. 
“No! You’ve said all you had to say! It’s my turn you sadistic bastard!” 
“Uh, Dean…” Sam tries to cut in. 
“Shut up Sammy!” Back to Cas. “How DARE you! You don’t get to pull that shit with a human being Cas! You don’t get to wait ten whole fucking years, put them through the slowest burn of history, drag them along the whole god damned earth, in multiple universes, and declare your love in a selfless act of bravery and fuck off to the empty before said human gets a chance to reply! You hear me?”
“Dean, I understand you’re upset…” 
“Upset? You selfish son of a bitch, you… I …”
“You do NOT get to call me selfish Dean! I sacrificed EVERYTHING for you! For YOU! And what do you do with it? You go around and get yourself killed on a hunt! A fucking vampire hunt Dean? Really? It hasn’t even been a year! Couldn't you have given my memory that little bit of respect and kept your sorry ass alive at least a year?”
“You just fucking left me there Cas! On the ground! With NOTHING! I had nothing! You didn’t even give me a chance to say it back, you asshole! WHat did you expect to happen? The fucker I’m in love with says the big I love you and then immediately is sent to Gay Super Hell and I’m left to pick up the pieces! How was I supposed to live with that? Did you even consider how that affected me Cas? When you made that deal, did you even for a second stop to ask yourself, what about that poor son of a bitch who’s been head over heels in love with me for the past decade?” 
See, Dean has this bad habit of running his mouth when he’s angry. And it always gets the best of him. And it’s only when the silence falls that he realizes what he’s said. Well, shouted. 
You know what they say, when in Rome… 
“I love you, you stupid son of a bitch!” He clarifies, just in case Castiel missed it in all the shouting. 
“What?” Castiel looks pale. Yeah, take that! Not so nice when you’re on the receiving end, is it?
“I love you! And I don’t want to be alive without you! You’re it for me Cas!” Dean’s not even sure at this point if this is life, or death, purgatory, heaven or hell, or the fucking empty. He just knows for some reason, somehow, Cas is standing in front of him, and it’s not a memory or a wish. 
All of a sudden, Castiel launches towards him and before Dean knows it, his lips are pushed into Cas’ and oh my GOD, this is absolutely heaven. 
He kisses Cas, for all the times he didn’t, all the times he wished he had the guts, and he kisses Cas with a vengeance. It takes a while, drunk in the feel and taste of Cas’ mouth, in between the sorrys, and the I love yous, and the I thought I’d never see you agains, before he decides that he needs to know. 
“Cas… Is this real? Are you… are you real?” 
“Yes, Dean. I don’t think I have ever been more real than I am at this moment…” Of course he has to make this sound romantic. Big doofus. 
“But how?” 
“Jack got me out… I, I wanted to come to you sooner but I wasn’t sure if you… Dean I didn’t know how you’d feel about me after what I said…” 
“Well, I will be yelling at you some more for that later, but for now all I need you to know is I love you… and I need you to always come back to me Cas… Always!” 
“I think I’d really rather stick around for good instead…” 
“Well, that’s fine by me…” 
*the end*
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dani-dabbles · 2 years
Blanket of Comfort (a Shadowhunters fic)
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“Oh my god, Simon. What are we going to do?” Izzy asks standing at a loss in the middle of their apartment near tears. The cries coming from the back bedroom seem to fill the entire space, leaving little room for other conversations or even private thoughts.
“I- I don’t know. We’ve fed him, changed him, rocked him. I even played the guitar and sang for him. And he cried louder! Honestly I’m slightly insulted. I mean, not to toot my own horn hear, but I always draw a crowd at Hunters Moon so I think I can handle a simple lullaby lik-“
“Simon!! Focus. Do you have any other ideas? What could we be forgetting? Did we do something specifically that would’ve upset him? Or does he just hate us? Oh my god, what if he just hates us ?!” Now Izzy does sob, sinking to the couch and crying into her hands.
Simon darts over to her, kneeling down. “Come on Izzy, don’t cry. The baby is doing plenty of that for everyone.” He jokes trying to make her laugh. Izzy just huffs. “Besides I’m a vampire and you are a Shadowhunter, and yes it’s a little unnerving that we’re currently being bested by an infant, but we’ve dealt with worse. I have faith that we can get through this too.”
Izzy looks up at him, eyes bloodshot and sniffling. “I told you I would be bad at this,” she says trying to mask the anguish she’s feeling. “I don’t have much baby experience and I should have known I wasn’t ready for this.”
“Hey,” Simon sighs out cradling her face in his hands, “You are doing fantastic. You had him laughing so hard earlier. I’ve never seen him smile that big. And I took pictures as proof.”
Izzy laughs, just a little bit, before it quickly falls to a frown. “Simon, we need help. I know I said we could handle this on our own. But he’s been crying for over an hour and won’t sleep. That’s can’t be good, right?”
“You now they won’t mind if we ask for help. They said so themselves.”
Izzy slumps in defeat and grabs her phone that’s sitting on the end table. She quickly types a message and tosses her phone down on the couch. “Ugh. I feel like such a failure. I should be able to handle this.”
Simon climbs up to sit next to her wrapping his arms around her and nudges his nose to her cheek before placing a gentle kiss there. “Isabelle, you are the most amazing person I know but asking for help doesn’t make you a failure.” He then places another kiss to her temple. She turns to kiss him fully on the mouth letting Simon’s presence permeate her anxiety and replace it with calm. The sound of a portal opening and conversation coming through it causes her to draw back from Simon and look over her shoulder.
“...I mean honestly Magnus, you conjured half his bedroom into their apartment, and you still managed to forget his blanket?”
“Hey! I was distracted .”
“By what?”
“ You , darling.”
“I was just getting dressed!” Alec says exasperated.
“Exactly!” Magnus teases back with undisguised lust in his eyes.
They are fully standing in Izzy and Simon’s apartment now and the portal closes as Alec rolls his eyes, “You’re impossible.” 
Izzy rises from the couch, walks to her brother and hugs him. “I’m so sorry to interrupt your date. I didn’t want to bother you but Max has been crying for over an hour and I think he hates us!”
Alec laughs a little as his sister’s fear but hugs her back. “He doesn’t hate you. And you didn’t interrupt. We were just taking a stroll down the Seine when you text.”
“And the reason he’s crying is because I forgot his favorite blanket.” Magnus says as he holds up small plush navy, white and gray chevron blanket. “He can’t sleep without it. I’m so sorry we left it behind and caused you this unnecessary stress.”
“Yeah, don’t worry Iz, Max will always love his Aunt Izzy” he flicks his eyes to Izzy’s vampire boyfriend also standing there “...and Uncle Simon.”
Simon beams brighter than the sun.
“You’re sure?” Izzy questions, afraid to believe that the blanket’s absence was at fault and not her.
“Positive.” Alec reassures her with a quick peck on her forehead. 
“Okay, Give me that.” she demands and grabs the blanket from Magnus. “Now shoo! Get back to France and don’t come back until tomorrow afternoon.”
Magnus and Alec chuckle. 
“Okay, Okay.” Alec says hands up defeat. “But we might just steal a quick kiss from him before we leave.”
They follow Izzy back to the bedroom to find the still crying Max in his crib. Izzy walks over, picks up the chubby blue baby and shows him his blanket.
“Look what we have Maxie!”
His pudgy fingers grab for the well loved fabric. He buries his face in it and snuggles into the crook of Izzy’s neck. From the doorway, Alec and Magnus watch with content smiles. 
Max instantly sets in Izzy’s arms. She sways back and forth a minute ensuring he is asleep. Before she places him back into his crib, his dads approach.
“Goodnight Blueberry” Magnus whispers, kissing his dark curls before leaving the room.
“Night my little terror.” Alec says affectionately bending to place his own kiss near the stubby horns among the unruly hair. He then gives Izzy another reassuring kiss on her forehead before exiting the room to join his husband.
Simon steps into the room after Alec and Magnus’ departure. He watches as Isabelle gently lays their nephew back in his bed making sure the blanket stays in his clutches. Then Simon comes up behind her, wraps his arms around her waist and kisses behind her ear.
“See. You got this.”
“We got this.” she says turning in his arms to grin at him.
They stand in silence for a few more minutes basking in the peaceful quiet and watching Max snore slightly. 
“Hey Simon,” Izzy finally whispers.
“I can’t wait for this to be our child one day.” They have never really discussed it, but Izzy thinks that’s where they are headed and she is pretty sure - she hopes- Simon wants the same. So she throws the statement out there, her heart quickening slightly, hoping it’s not a bomb that’s going to explode and ruin everything. 
She doesn’t turn to see Simon’s reaction but waits for his response.
“You have no idea how much I anticipate that day Isabelle Lightwood.” he breathes out and holds her a bit tighter.
For now, they are content with being Max’s favorite aunt and uncle - no matter what Jace and Clary claim.
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monstermaster13 · 10 months
Trapped in the House of Aykroyd.
For Nathan, becoming a were-aykroyd was both a blessing and a curse…on one hand he adored the quirky adventures he got up to and his new powers but on the other hand he feared losing himself to the Aykroyd within, he loved Dan his Aykroyd alter-ego but hated how on some occasions he’d lose himself completely to him. Luckily he was never alone when it came to this. One night Nathan had come home from a particularly stressful day at work, he was stressed due to paranoia regarding the transformation, he got home to his apartment only to see Dan waiting for him, the Were-aykroyd had recently been acting weirder than usual, acting like Nathan was his beloved. ‘Hello, dear.’ ‘Dear? What do you mean by that?’ ‘Hello my dear, my beloved. I hope you had a wonderful day today.’
“Ugh…no, I didn’t.”
“What’s wrong, my love?”
“Hold up, what’s with this,my love…stuff? Are you a Yandere now or something?”
‘A yandere? Me? Don’t be silly darling, i’m your were-aykroyd and I love you, and do you love me?’ ‘Sometimes, yes. Look, I had a stressful day due to my transformation problem.’ ‘Don’t be afraid my sweet, let me help you unwind, let me help you.’ Nathan panicked when Dan started to act like a clingy possessive lover.
“What has gotten into you? You’re not supposed to be my lover.”
‘Oh but I am, my love…and as your lover, I just want to show you how much I love you.’ Nathan backed away as Dan looked at him with a rather unsettling smile on his face, he looked around, panicking. ‘Why are you so nervous, my love?’ ‘My love? My love? But I am not yours.’ ‘Oh but you are.’ Dan seemed to be eager to make Nathan his, the Were-Aykroyd’s eyes had an eerie glow. ‘Dan, this isn’t you.’ ‘Oh but it is and soon you shall also be me.’ ‘Not tonight I won’t.’ ‘Oh but you have no choice, my love.’
Nathan backed away and attempted to talk Dan out of it, he was worried about him, Dan of course was thinking this was a cute little game. ‘I thought we could play this cute game where we are a couple, my love. After all, you showed me a wonderful time for the past two nights, I thought you’d love this game.’
“Dan, this game doesn’t make me happy at all.”
“Oh but it will, I need you to play it with me, sweetie.”
“Sweetie? My love? This is morbid.”
“You won’t be like that once I show you the surprise.”
“Can we just have dinner first?”
Dan went into the kitchen, excitedly getting some food ready for his friend as he began to make dinner for Nathan, Nathan sat down and enjoyed his dinner without a single peep from the crazed Were-Aykroyd, but later that night things took a turn when he went into the bedroom to try and relax only to encounter Dan. ‘Dan, get out of my room.’ ‘My sweet, I think it’s time you transformed and showed off your true Aykroydian beauty.’ ‘True Aykroydian beauty?’ ‘Yes, you are very beautiful.’
He thought back to earlier that day when he ran some errands and met up with him. And then…suddenly, he felt it. He felt this…urge to be with Dan, to be with him at home. ‘You feel…l the were-aykroyd feeling in you, the…the transformation.You should come to me, my love.’ He could hear in his mind. His friends said their goodbyes as he left.
When he came back that very evening, he didn’t think Dan was acting out of the ordinary, he was just acting a little odd but now Dan was acting borderline obsessive, and it was creeping him out. ‘Dan, is there any reason you are acting extra freaky today?’ ‘My love, I am just being me, and you will love this.’ ‘No I won’t, Dan…this isn’t normal.’
Dan seemed to react in a way that made him act even more clingy to him…’My love, don’t you like me? Don’t you want to be a Were-aykroyd so you can be your wonderful true self that you are meant to be?’ ‘You going all Single White Female on me isn’t attractive, I may be bisexual but i’m not into stalkers or psychopaths.’
“Oh don’t act like that, my love, you love being a were-aykroyd with me.”
“When I get to be in control of my mind, yes.”
“But what about I control your mind and your body, my love.”
“Ick, no thanks..”
The were-aykroyd seemed eager to force Nathan to play his sadistic little game, calling him cute pet names like ‘my love’ and ‘sweetie pie’, which creeped Nathan out, Nathan shuddered…those oh so sweet names to him sounded like the were-aykroyd wanted him and only him, he wanted to take him as his own, and he wanted to control him. Corey and Oats didn’t like this one bit..’This isn’t how Nathan’s were-aykroyd alter-ego usually acts.’ ‘Yes he is acting borderline obsessive.’ The covid microbe and the crossdressing horse both went to investigate, listening in on the conversation. Dan normally was such a likable were-aykroyd who likely wouldn’t turn on someone he considered his friend but because it was a rather unusual lunar alignment and planetary alignment in general, it had an effect on his behavior.
Nathan was wearing a pair of gloves and a jacket along with some spare clothes..’Oh my dear, why are you wearing those gloves, are your hands cold? Do you need me to warm you up?’ ‘No, go away.’ Corey was creeped out just watching Dan acting like this, he felt like this was going to be a bad horror story just waiting to happen. Oats whinnied as he galloped over to try and stop Dan. ‘Dan, what are you doing? This is wrong, why are you acting like this to our friend?’ ‘Your friend is my beloved, and I want to help him.’ ‘Help him? This is extremely creepy and not like you at all.’
Dan seemed dead-set on bringing the were-aykroyd side out of Nathan and making him his forever, he was very much acting in a non-Aykroydian way, normally to act crazy in an Aykroyd-like way was just being crazy in an awesome way, in this way however it made Dan come across as a bit of a stalker.
Corey floated over to Dan and got in the way, asking him to stop. ‘Why should I stop when I want this magnificent love of mine to be fully Aykroydian just like me?’ ‘You what?’ ‘Oh yes, I want him to be fully Aykroydian like me.’
This sent a chill down Nathan’s spine, he got nervous and immediately started to object to it. ‘I will never be like you if you keep doing this. What part of me not liking this don’t you get? I don’t like you forcing this upon me.’ ‘I am not forcing this upon you, my love.’
“There you go again with this…my love stuff, I am not your love.”
‘Oh but we spend soooooo much time together, I think you have earned the title of being my love, my love.’ ‘This is wrong.’ ‘Don’t you mean this is soooooooo very right?’ He was about to protest but as he did, he felt a rather uneasy feeling creeping over him, as his stomach emitted a series of disconcerting gurgling noises as if he had eaten something bad.
Dan knew exactly what this meant…’Aaaaw, my beloved, you’re going to transform and be my were-aykroyd.’ ‘No, no…I don’t want to be your Aykroyd, at least not in this way.’ His hands began to shake as his gloves tightened, his hands were enlarging and growing from within them, his gloves began to tear open as his hands enlarged.
“Here, let me help you, my love.”
“No, don’t…”
The skin on Nathan’s hands matured as did the skin on the rest of his body as brown hairs slowly sprouted on his hands, the same hairs Dan himself had as he looked over and screamed in horror. ‘No, no…it’s happening, it’s happening again.’ ‘Oh it certainly is my love, you are going to be so adorable.’
The hairs slowly crept up his arms which were also broadening, Dan began to massage and rub his arms…’Do you like this, my love? I know you like Diamonds and that scene of Dan getting a massage.’ ‘Stop it.’ ‘Now why would I stop when I love you, and I love you oh so very much.’
Corey was horrified when he saw what Dan was doing to Nathan, Nathan groaned as his stomach gurgled and grew, pushing against his jacket…’Let me help you with that jacket, my love.’ ‘No, please don’t.’ Before Nathan could even protest what his were-aykroyd was doing, Dan removed Nathan’s jacket and began to examine his shirt.
Nathan groaned as he saw his shirt slowly straining due to his growing stomach which was pushing against the buttons and making the buttons pucker and pop off..’Oh no, no…please.’ ‘That shirt looks pretty tight on you, my love..here, allow me to help you.’ He attempted to push Dan away but Dan began to reach for his shirt, Nathan swatted him away but the crazed were-aykroyd wanted nothing more than to try and help his ‘beloved’. Oats trotted into the lab to try and find a way to prevent Nathan from fully turning Were-Aykroyd.
The uncomfortable sensations just kept getting worse for Nathan as his shirt felt too small on his growing body as his chest and torso broadened, a couple of seconds later his shirt ripped to reveal his much larger upperbody which was growing hair on the stomach, torso and chest. As if somehow supernaturally compelled to do so, he began to rub his stomach, he couldn’t help but due this every time he was entranced into transforming, it wasn’t something specific that crept over him, but this always seemed to happen.
“Oh, that’s it, my love…do you love your body?”
“Well I…sort of do, yes, but you’re making me do this.”
“Do what, my love?”
“Massage my big belly.”
“Of course, you love your thicc aykroydian stomach and your large upper-body.”
He groaned and attempted to get away, trying to plead with Dan as he made a run for it, he was determined to get out of there as quickly as possible. Aiyido the beholder was in the media room watching the D&D cartoon and getting ready for a session complete with mood music when he sensed something was wrong. ‘Oh no, my beloved friends are in danger. They need me.’
The beholder floated up in the air before going into the other room to investigate, he saw that Were-Aykroyd and knew there were terrible things going on. He roared his best roar as he attempted to scare Dan off. ‘What a sweet little beholder, I am sure he’ll make a good friend for us, my love.’ ‘You leave Aiyido alone, you freak.’
Nathan was freaking out, the fact the were-aykroyd who was his best friend was acting like this as opposed to the lovable self he usually was enough to give him nightmares for weeks. His shoes began to get a bit tight as he could feel his feet growing from within them. ‘Let me help you with my shoes, my beloved.’ ‘Stay away from me.’ ‘Now why would I do that when you are my beloved and I love you?’ ‘This is creepy, you’re creepy.’
Dan began to get closer and closer to Nathan before trying to pull his shoes off, Nathan attempted to push him away but to no avail as the were-aykroyd removed Nathan’s shoes to expose his growing feet. ‘Oh look at your feet, my lovely, they look so very nice and big..’ He felt a tingling sensation in his toes as they enlarged, and also two of the toes started sticking together on both feet, joining at the knuckle and giving him webbed toes.
His legs altered with a loud cracking sound…’Dan, I told you I don’t like this.’ ‘Don’t lie, I know you do, my love, and it will be better for you and you will be much happier if you don’t resist.’ ‘But what if I do want to resist?’ ‘Now now, don’t act like that, my love, we know you love it, your friends will love you even more when you’re like me.’
“But my friends love me as I am? What is so wrong about my normal form?”
“The were-aykroyd form is so much better, my love. I love it, you love it, and they’ll love it too.”
Nathan felt his jeans starting to strain and get tighter at the back as his rear slowly started to plump up and grow, as if suddenly once again under a spell that somehow entranced him, he began to look at his own body..’Why yes, this new body of mine is very thicc and sexy and..no it’s not.’ ‘Don’t deny it, my love, you know you like this.’ ‘I told you I am not into yaoi and I am not into you.’
He made it perfectly clear he was bisexual and liked being paired up with same sex characters when it made sense but to him it just felt weird that who was essentially his own alter-ego was crushing over him or ‘simping’ over him. ‘Okay this seriously is freaking me out, you’re essentially simping over me and acting like Annie Wilkes.’ ‘Oh my love, I wouldn’t do that and this is about more than simping, silly.’
“No, this is about you wanting me to be yours.”
“Oh yes, it indeed is, my love.”
His jeans felt even tighter as his rear plumped up and developed a level of thiccness to it as he slowly gained 249lbs of weight, Dan grabbed his jeans and pulled them, revealing his shorter pants underneath…he looked at his rear and he felt his rear. ‘Ooh look at how much weight you have on you, my love, you look so soft and cuddly. I could squeeze you and massage your lovely stomach.’ He protested this as his rear was patted by Dan and he shot up in height to 6’1. More pain surged through his body as his back and shoulders broadened…’I hope you don’t mind if I massage your shoulders and back, my dear.’ ‘Stop with that my love stuff, I will NEVER love you.’ ‘Oh but you, don't you?”
“Oh no I don’t.”
“My love, you are so funny..I know this isn’t nice for you, but it will be better if you don’t resist.”
Corey and Oats raced off into where Dan was to try and confront him, Oats called for an emergency shutdown of the technology rooms and he alerted his unicorn family of the utter horrors that were been inflicted upon his friend. Corey began to make his move, trying to distract the were-aykroyd.
Dan chuckled, he found this was to be quite cute and he thought it was adorable seeing his ‘beloved’ struggle. ‘Aaaaaw, don’t cry my love, you are going to be such a lovable were-aykroyd, I am going to love all of you.’ ‘Keep away from me.’ ‘Don’t you want me to be with you, my love?’, all this ‘my love’ talk from Dan was making Nathan sick and creeped out all in one, he couldn’t stand seeing his adorable were-aykroyd acting like this.
“This isn’t like you at all.”
“Oh but it is very like me, my love.”
Corey reacted to this and attempted to get Dan to stop but he couldn’t do it without Oats, Oats was busy trying to protect his family but the covid microbe knew what to do as he circled around the crazed Were-Aykroyd. ‘You…why are you doing this to my friend?’ ‘Because your friend belongs to me, he is my were-aykroyd, I want to make him just like me.’ ‘Well we won’t let you.’ ‘Oh really now? I don’t think your friend has any choice in the matter.’
“Why won’t you leave Nathan alone?”
“Because he is my beloved and I want him.”
Nathan kicked Dan and tried to push him down, which worked and he attempted to make a run for it as his neckline lengthened and his hair darkened, his own hairstyle shifting to look like Dan’s own hairstyle…’Oh no, no…I don’t want to be Aykroydian forever.’ ‘Oh but you choose to be a were-aykroyd, my dear.’ ‘No, I was given the power to do so.’ ‘And I shall help you use that power in the best way you can, my love.’ ‘Quit calling me that, I don’t belong to you.’ ‘Oh but you do, and nobody else.’
‘Actually…I had a master, Christopher Walken, and he looked after me and I love him too but you really shouldn’t question him.’ ‘Oh really now? Because let’s face it, my love, you are mine and as much as you loved him, you cannot tell me you love him more than me.’ Nathan shoved Dan away as his forehead began to pulsate and grow…’Owwww, my head.’ ‘Your powers are coming in, my love, aren’t they wonderful?’ ‘No, they’re not, please…don’t do this to me.’ ‘But I need to be with you, forever.’
“Cut that out, I don’t want to be like this.”
“Oh but I think you do, remember my love, you asked for this.”
‘What? No, you are ruining me.’ ‘Ruining you? But my love I am improving you, making you better, you wanted to be like me and now you are getting what you wished for, isn’t that the best thing a loving lover can do for their lover, my beloved? Remember, you brought this onto yourself by being cursed.’ ‘Don’t remind me of that. Look if I had known I was going to be cursed to be you, I would have stopped dreaming about turning into Dan Aykroyd ages ago.’ ‘Aaaaaw, don’t be like that, dear.’ This really freaked him out to no end, as much he as he adored his new status as a were-aykroyd and his new powers, sometimes his were-aykroyd side could be a pain in the butt.
He looked like he didn’t want this yet the were-aykroyd side always had a different opinion on the matter, Corey and Oats charged towards him…’There he is Oatsie, let’s get him!’ ‘Yeah, raaaaaaming speed!’, Oats galloped towards Dan and charged at him, whinnying in an attempt to save his friend. ‘Aaaw how cute, these two will make great Aykroyds, don’t you think so, my love?’ ‘Leave them alone, and leave ME alone while you are at it.’ Dan chuckled as he watched Nathan’s eyebrows thicken and arch, Nathan’s eyes widened as his nose broadened, a cleft developing in the middle of it as his nose shapeshifted, looking Aykroydian as his lips became kissable..’Oh you look so handsome and kissable, perfect for being my love.’ ‘Am I your love? No i’m not, I never will be.’ ‘Oh but you will, forever and ever.’
This to him seemed like an unending nightmare only it was real, a real nightmare in which he was stalked by a crazed were-aykroyd who wanted him to be his forever..and he didn’t want it. ‘Oh how I wish this was a dream, how I wish I was back to being myself.’ ‘Oh but you are you, you are Dan, my love, my were-aykroyd.’ ‘No i’m not, stop it. I will never be like you.’ ‘You already are, sweetheart.’
Nathan wanted desperately for this to end…’Oh my god I feel like I am in a bizarre Aykroydian Twilight Zone episode and like Rod Serling is going to turn up at any minute.’ ‘Oh, but my love you ARE in your own Aykroydian episode, with me in it of course. And now you are going to be like me forever, no turning back, my love.’ ‘No turning back? But I want to be me, not this Aykroydian monster.’
“Oh but you are no monster, at least not to me..dear.”
“Stop doing this to me, I will never be like you.”
His own facial features warped and distorted, becoming like Dan’s own, making him into the spitting image of Dan Aykroyd as he struggled to break free of the crazed Were-Aykroyd’s grasp, luckily he managed to break free and try to secure the rest of the rooms in the house. ‘Now now, don’t struggle, my love, your transformation is nearly finished, it will be complete and you will feel a lot better once you have become like me, don’t resist any more, give in.’ ‘Please help me, help me, please…please, please.’
Corey couldn’t stand his friend being transformed as he and Oats did their best to stop him, Nathan groaned..’Please please end this, please don’t do this to me, please.’ He pleaded as his voice deepened and contorted, warping into the voice of Dan Aykroyd himself, he gulped, looking at his transformed appearance in the mirror..he didn’t recognize himself, he saw Dan Aykroyd staring back at him. The covid microbe felt sorry for Nathan and comforted him. ‘Okay, you’ve had your fun, you can turn me back to normal now.’ ‘Oh but i’m not done yet, my love.’ ‘What do you mean by that?’
Nathan felt a stinging headache coming on as he held his head in agony…’No, no please..don’t take my mind.’ ‘Oh but I will, your mind is going to be mine and you will love it.’ The headache got worse and worse as Dan Aykroyd’s own memories started to surface into his mind…’Yes, I am Dan Aykroyd. No wait, no i’m not. I am not Dan, i’m Nathan.’ ‘Nathan? There’s no Nathan, silly. You’re Dan, you’re my beloved were-aykroyd and I love you.’ ‘But i’m not Dan Aykroyd, i’m Nathan, i’m American.’ ‘American? Oh no, you’re Canadian and you are a Were-Aykroyd like me, my love.’
“Stop that, I am not Dan Aykroyd.”
“Silly Dan, I know it’s you, my love.”
“I am not Dan Aykroyd, I am Nathan, I was not born on July 1st, 1952 and I am not Canadian.”
“Oh but you know those things and you were born in 1952, my love.”
Oats broke down in tears as he didn’t like mind changes, Nathan losing his mind to the Aykroyd within was too much for him to handle and so he whinnied and galloped in the direction of Dan to stop him. ‘Don’t take Nathan’s mind, he is our friend and we love him.’ ‘Well he is my beloved and my were-aykroyd, he will always be mine forever.’ Nathan whimpered in fear, he was having an internal struggle between himself and the Aykroyd within and was losing. ‘No i’m not..look at my ID, you will see that it says Nathan on it.’
Nathan held out his ID and then watched in horror as the details on it along with it shifted into Dan Aykroyd’s own ones, he tried desperately to hold on and he called his friends for help. In a desperate attempt to try to get one of his friends to help, specifically Damon, he accidentally scratched them…causing him to become a Were-Aykroyd too. He scrambled as he looked through his family photos, only for the photos in all of the album to change into ones of Dan Aykroyd, he looked through his phone and looked at his profile…he was horrified to see his profile turning into Dan Aykroyd’s profile along with his profile pictures turning into those of Dan Aykroyd as well.
He attempted to recover old versions of his profile and attempted to edit and restore it, but the changes kept spreading, he tried to do it on his computer only for all of his profiles to be Aykroydized. Corey and Oats panicked as they hurried downstairs to help the others, Nathan tried flicking through the tv channels…there was nothing but Aykroyd movies showing on all of them, he tried Netflix and Disney Plus and all other streaming surfaces, there was nothing but Aykroyd on all of those, he tried Youtube…all of his video watch-lists and recommendations were Aykroyd related, he tried to send a message to his friends, begging for help but the messages were deleted. ‘Isn’t this wonderful, my love? Everything you could ever ask for is right here?’
Oats looked on in horror as this was happening, Nathan ran over into the bedroom…he saw Dan Aykroyd merchandise popping up everywhere, Aykroyd posters, signed photos of him, Blues Brothers records…almost everything was Aykroydizing. Nathan loved Dan Aykroyd but he would never ask to have a room dedicated to the man especially when he had his own mini-shrine to him next to the horror museum. The equine was also in horror as he saw some of the items in his princess room shifting, becoming all Dan Aykroyd related things and he was even more horrified when he saw his dresses, now slowly being corrupted by the Aykroydian influence.
Nathan ran downstairs to go and get some food from the fridge and some fruit tea to calm down, only to be met with more horrors as his Crystal Head skull bottles were seemingly popping up in said drinks cooler along with Dan Aykroyd’s own personal favorite foods, there were shelves upon shelves containing nothing but Crystal Head bottles. His own collection of movies on the shelves were shifting, becoming Dan Aykroyd movies, including ones he didn’t remember owning yet alone buying.
“This is all my gift to you, my love.”
He saw his display of puppets and masks from Trick or Treat Studios all becoming Dan Aykroyd related variants and then he saw his haunted portraits turning into portraits of Dan Aykroyd. He hurried over to the lab to try and find some spells to undo the curse that was afflicting everything, only to find his spellbooks having pages and pages of Aykroyd related spells, he tried to cure himself and turn back to normal but Aykroyd’s thoughts and memories kept creeping in there, he knew he had to go back to the bedroom to see if anything else had changed.
Oats looked over at his unicorn family and tried to get them out of the way of the curse but he was horrified as he saw them all turning into Dan Aykroyds only with some of their unicorn traits left, the Aykroydized half-unicorns charged towards Oats and tried to turn him. He ran into Corey as this happened. ‘Corey, my family are all Dan Aykroyds now, help me!’ ‘I can help you, follow me, let’s warn all the other microbes about this.’
The duo hurried into the research area and into the bedroom as they warned all the other microbes about it before getting them to safety….Nathan ran into the bathroom and was horrified when he saw the bathroom was converting into one that was very Aykroydian in design…he knew there was only one thing for him to do, he pulled on a lever which took him to a secret hiding spot where he came across a strange VHS tape called ‘Aykroydian Possession Survival Guide’, which he put into the VCR. The video tape showed what to do in the case of an Aykroydian attack.
He found it strange that such a VHS tape existed…but he watched it anyway, he however shut it off after Dan Aykroyd appeared in the video telling him to ‘give in’, he then worried about his horror museum as he used a teleportation machine to go into that room, thankfully his horror museum and his library of books were left unchanged, but then the glowing Aykrodian aura began to surround the place…turning his museum into an Aykroydian one and making books about ghosts and UFOs pop up in his library as he collection of R.L Stine, Stephen King, monster lore books, and his David Walliams mini-collection were slowly being overtaken by Aykroydian centric books and magazines.
“You didn’t need all of those, my love.”
“Dan, I want my apartment book, I want my life back, I want my normal form back.”
“But isn’t this so much better?”
His horror and sci fi magazines were also now becoming Aykroyd centric as well, Aiyido the beholder looked at his D&D books and his miniatures and they thankfully didn’t change. However Aykroyd’s face plastered itself on the walls in the form of wallpaper, soon all of his apartment was decked out in Aykroyd. And the only way out of this was through the vampire chamber, he pressed a button on one of the walls which took him through a tunnel which took him into the chamber.
The chamber was basically his special vampire den where vampires lived and it had all you could ever need to survive in situations like that, he panicked as he hid inside the chamber and sealed himself inside it. But Dan was still after him, wanting him to give in, as he continued to stalk him and sniff him out until he discovered him hiding in the vampire chamber. Nathan hid inside one of the coffin areas and waited for the time to pass, he turned on his phone and turned on the radio, hoping to play some soothing music to keep himself from losing his mind, only to find all radio stations played nothing but Dan Aykroyd.
After a while he went back into the technology lab and turned on the security cameras, to his horror..there were Aykroyds everywhere in house, Aykroyds in the bathroom, Aykroyds in all the bedrooms, Aykroyds in the living room, Aykroyds in the kitchen, Aykroyds in the library and museum, Aykroyds were everywhere. Oats was also dealing with this as he saw his unicorn family had all become Dan Aykroyds (still retaining their unicorn traits though), Corey was worried that the same fate would happen to his microbial friends too.
The covid microbe floated into the foyer and saw his fellow microbes, safe and sound…he breathed a sigh of relief as he saw Sam Sars and all the others unchanged, but then Dan’s weird Aykroydian aura spread to that half of the room as well as they too shapeshifted, most if not all of the microbes slowly turning into Dan Aykroyds too but retaining the traits of their normal microbe/micro-creature forms. ‘No, not your guys too.’
“What’s wrong Corey?”
“All my microbial friends are Aykroyds now…this is horrible.”
Corey broke down in tears as Alcina the love covid kissed him and hugged him to help him feel better, it really upset him seeing all of these crazy Dan Aykroyds that used to be his microbial friends. He had been traumatized by what he had seen and broke down crying, the covid microbe wasn’t expecting it to be this horrifying but he saw what Nathan had gone through and it had frightened him. ‘There, there. It’s okay.’ ‘But look what happened to my microbial friends, they’re all Aykroyds now.’ ‘Well i’m not an Aykroyd.’ ‘That’s true.’
“But she will be, join us…Corey.”
“Never, I will never be an Aykroyd like you lot.”
Nathan very much was surrounded with and in Aykroyd, lots and lots of Dan Aykroyds everywhere, while also dealing with his mind shifting, he decided to make a run for it and headed towards the graveyard. Of course the Aykroyds eventually followed him there, but Corey and Oats along with Aiyido and Alcina fought them all off, and when there was only one Aykroyd left, i.e Dan himself…Nathan confronted him and managed to defeat the demented were-aykroyd by pretending to be under his spell.
An hour later he and the others rushed up to the bedroom, tired after their nightmarish encounter…Nathan’s wardrobe now had clothes Dan Aykroyd himself wore and even costumes from Dan’s movies in place of his normal clothes, he collapsed and fell on the bed before pulling up the blankets and going to sleep. The terror died down as he drifted off, and the nightmare he had just gone through washed away.
“Good night Oats, good night Corey.”
“Good night.”
The next morning…he awoke, everything was back to normal. ‘Guys guys, wake up.’ ‘Where are we? What happened?’ ‘I can explain…’ Dan responded, blushing. ‘Well..offer me your best explanation then.’ ‘The lunar eclipse and certain lunar phases affect me in a lot of weird ways including making me act all crazy and well…what happened last night was the result of that.’ ‘So you turning everything Aykroydian was because of the moon phase affecting your psyche and your personality?’ ‘Yes, I didn’t mean to. I don’t mean to act crazy like that. I wish I wouldn’t have to go through such things, I wish I could make it so my personality doesn’t become like that.’
“Oh we can help with that.”
“You can?”
‘Come on Dan, let’s get ready..it’s time for breakfast.’ The duo and Aiyido got out of bed along with Nathan and Dan, Dan looked around, everything was normal. Oats looked at his unicorn family, they were ALL back to being lovable unicorns again, and all of Corey’s microbe friends were back to normal too, and all of Nathan’s house was back to normal too, it all felt very surreal and neither of them was sure if it was a dream or if it was real.
“Looks like everything’s back to normal.”
“Yes, indeed it does.”
‘Dan, next time there’s a lunar eclipse, we’re going to keep you locked up in the experiment room just in case you do this again.’ ‘I promise I won’t do it again, and if I ever do lose myself to the idea of making Nathan mine so to speak, I will try to remember what you guys told me.’ ‘That’s what I like to hear.’ Corey hugged Dan and Dan smiled, they had breakfast in the kitchen and had a lovely time.
That day was filled with much happier things now that the terror that was the ‘house of Aykroyd’ was over and Dan promised to remember Corey and Oats’s advice. Of course it became much easier for Nathan to come to terms with being a Were-Aykroyd afterwards, but he still kept a watchful eye on Dan to make sure his were-aykroyd wouldn’t cause any more trouble.
Corey and Oats reported to Mel about their latest horrific adventure before telling her how they saved the night with Nathan’s help. ‘You all did so well. ‘Thank you.’ ‘No problem, you were so courageous and brave dealing with the deranged Aykroydian invasion and the scary Aykroyds, you are heroes, not just that but you guys earned the title of being heroes too.’ ‘Indeed we did.’
And with that they carried on with their day, happy that their ordeal from the night before was over and also glad that Dan had made up for his actions and promised that from then on he’d be a nicer more in control of his own mind Were-Aykroyd, and he became their friend.
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vole-mon-amour · 2 years
TW death, description of death & its 'symptoms'. This is very personal, so be nice or simply avoid. I'm writing this for me, not for you.
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He literally investigates suspicious deaths. You really think he's that dumb? Ugh.
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The way I started nervously laughing. She died seven weeks ago & they only called them now. Same, my dudes, same.
The movie gives me more fear as I watch it. It's only the second victim and Amy tries to resurrect the patient, but no luck (obviously). And when Charlie was washing the body of a patient he killed, it triggered me quite bad. Made me think of my mum dying in the ICU & how they must have washed her when she was alive and her body when she died. It's been more than a year & I'm still coming to terms with my parents' death and death, as something that happens and how it looks in general.
And I feel so bad for Amy as well. Not only because of all the stress and her working with a killer without knowing about it, but also because of her medical condition. My dad's heart just stopped at one point & the emergency doctors couldn't get it beating again. And he was slowly losing breath, too, before dying, so it's a general heart condition & I'm... How Amy loses the ability to heart, to breath, to function, to stay conscious. Yeah, I feel this movie on a very personal level.
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Every day I try to move forward with my life & I'm succeeding most of the time. But there are days, little moments like this, even, that trigger me & make me think about all that's happened. How it all was. Of all the brief and nervous conversations we had about death and him dying, and then how it came true in the same manner. I should probably start watching this movie, but I can't. It's way too important for me to process all that's happened.
I decided to watch this movie instead of another episode of CM & look where that got me. What can I say, it's a trauma that reminds of itself and hurts you really bad from time to time.
On a less personal note: the moments with the police (in the movie) digging more information on Charlie reminds me of Mindhunter on Netflix. Bill and Holden doing all the work, digging some new information as well.
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Eight weeks on "investigation". Honestly, who the hell is Charlie?
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This is very hard to watch and absolutely heartbreaking.
Most of the times that I watch Jessica in different projects, I understand more and more her interview where says that her secret is working hard. She does work hard. I used to think that acting is maybe not a real job, something silly, something not worth being paid that amount a money, but people like her make me think that maybe it is (aside from maybe the amount of money. I still think it's a LOT. I dislike celebrity culture in general.) Still, it's often hard, and she is really, really good at it. She gives all her characters their own life.
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This scene, too. This movie is just one huge trauma. Makes me think a lot.
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I'm so mad at her. She understand everything and tries to get rid of him for a silly reason. She doesn't want to arrest him. Doesn't want to cooperate with the police. Doesn't want to stop a killer from killing more innocent people. She just wants her ass covered and the hospital's record clean. And yes, it's her (?) fault for not checking with previous hospitals Charlie worked at to know more about the person she's (?) hiring. Of course it's her fault and doesn't want to be blamed, but man, people like that? One of the worst.
"They didn't stop me."
This @ that blonde above. I mean, yeah, it is no one's fault, really, that the killer killers, but he could've been stopped. And it's a common reason, really. Many irl killers said that they should/could have been stopped earlier. That the police could've prevented this. But they didn't, and it got to the killers' minds that they can just do it and walk away free. I wish the "I didn't forget your goodness" part of the confession was more believable, but overall, yeah. Reminds me of real cases (hi to Kemper and Dahmer, for example). The motivation is still a bit unclear to me, though. He wanted to kill because of what? Usually it has some kind of motivation. Rage. Getting at your ex/relative. Mental disorder. Many reasons, tbh. I still would like to know. I guess it'll be left unknown.
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Holy shit. Made me think of Bundy and Manson immediately. I mean, what they did was in no way better. Their murders were brutal. The number of victims, however...
Wow. Just wow.
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I am so mad.
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As a side note: nice headboard. Maybe I need one.
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melissa6788 · 2 years
I don’t feel I’m spoiled. I’ve always been told I am. One time my step dad said it in perfect words, I thought. “Your just loved.” I really do feel like I am. I just have a standard of life that I expect to always live up to, even when I’m at the bottom. I hate that there’s all these boxes that I’m supposed to just fit into perfectly due to societies rules; laws. Why can’t my mind be ok with just ok? I always want more. I literally meditate because of this problem that I am very self aware of. I’m amazed by how still my mind can be at times. It’s so crazy how sometimes the thought’s are nonstop nostalgic, beautiful and yet hurtful. Then there are times when literally I can simply stare at the wall or at the scenery and literally just enjoy; be in the moment. It’s legit always extremes in this vida loca of mine. Quietness and stillness is not the only reason i meditate though. I also meditate to manifest and visualize abundance and wealth in my life. So it makes me wonder if I’m counteracting the objective of meditating. Although when you begin to awaken to your spirituality and the whole cosmic world, your told that you can manifest anything you want and more. Anyway I should just be thankful. I was literally at the bottom of what social standards are just at the beginning of the month. I was in jail for crying out loud. You use a microwave to heat up all your food, make tamales out of hot chips/ Doritos. You wash your dishes in the same sink you use to wash your hands after you just got done shitting in the toilet literally 2 feet away. That’s jail though. In the outside world, I have so many rules and expectations in my life, which is how I’ve ended up there in the first place. I’m not ok with nothing. And I’m not ok with just taking. I feel like my debt meter is running just a little too high for my liking. But yet I know I can’t function without basic “wants” because I just don’t like the way I look or feel. I feel that is so important for you to succeed in this world. I already always feel uncomfortable or am sometimes in so much pain. It’s literally debilitating. I argue with myself all the time, whether I use my chronic illness as an excuse. I actually voiced this earlier with B because I can literally feel my nerves; and thoughts go into overdrive into how I have to do something, anything to not think about the pain that my chrons puts me through. I just want to take it out on the world and go ham on anything and prove that I too can be just as hurtful and bad. and I know this is self sabotage. So why do i even entertain these demented ass thoughts that have kept me at this level of life the past how many years. I’m free (sort of.) lol I’m actually on house arrest at the moment, but yea. I’m not in jail. I’m sober. But there’s like a level or trauma and self imprisonment I keep myself in and I’m tired. I feel like I can only sit still for so long though. Because my thoughts are so ying yang and disorganized at the moment, I know it’s still not time to act upon them, but I  still can’t help how ugly this feels. I have to stay humbled and remember that things, can easily go back to where they were just a little earlier this month. I notice I only get all anxiety ridden when the ankle monitor feels heaviest and I’m limited to certain foods and wants because I’ve always been such a self reliant person, and was such a very good damn provider for myself that well my limited access to normal every day activities is what kills me. Spiritually. I forgot how mentally hard house arrest could be. You could go. But your gonna go to jail. OR you stay, and deal with it. But guess what, you still just might go to jail. Ugh theres just so much going on in my mind it’s stressful. But at least were going to eat pizza tonight and B’s cousin bought me my Doritos that I just adore. So i guess it’l be a better night than I anticipated. See what I mean 😭 
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you-are-constance · 2 years
things i did today:
practiced bass for 45 minutes and sax for about 15
cleaned my bathroom
actually ate 3 meals
read about 15 pages of count of monte cristo for school
went on a walk
listened to 5 (?) new musicals
things i should have done today/still need to do:
read about 100 pages of count of monte cristo
work on my animatic
what i'm doing instead:
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