#and tumblr chooses to just... not include it.
nattikay · 2 days
Hello, my name is NattiKay, and welcome to my blog! Before you follow, there’s a thing you should know about how I do fandom.
Basically, it can take one of two forms. The first is casual fandoms—this includes various media I enjoy and will like/reblog posts about, maybe even doodle for on rare occasions. I can have several of these simultaneously.
But the second—and much more visible—is a “main” fandom, which you can also call hyperfixation or special interest if you wish. I only have one of these at a time, it lasts for years, and it pretty much takes over my life and blog during that time. Once every few years or so my brain will latch on to a new “main” fandom—I don’t know what triggers it to switch, and I have zero control over when it happens or to what.
My current special-interest fandom is Avatar (James Cameron/blue people), with a bonus mini-fixation on the Na'vi language. My favorite characters are the Sully family and much of my art focuses on them right now.
Previous special-interest fandoms that I’ve had during my time on tumblr are, in descending order of recency:
Trollhunters/Tales of Arcadia Miraculous Ladybug Inuyasha
I make this distinction to say that if you recently found this blog through fanart of one of these previous fixations and followed hoping for more, I’m sorry to say you’re going to be disappointed.
When my fixation switches, I loose interest in actively creating content for the previous fandom because all my energy gets dedicated to the new one. This does not at all mean that I no longer like the previous ones—I may still reblog posts about them here and there—just that I no longer have the inspiration to be producing a bunch of art/comics/etc for them the way I used to. They’ve essentially moved from main fandom to casual fandoms. Yes, this will happen one day for my current fixation too, though I have no way of predicting when.
I will not be offended if you follow me during one fixation and then unfollow when it switches. I will also not be offended if you recently found this blog through my old content from previous fandoms and then choose not to follow because of this post: like I said, if you follow hoping for new art from those, you’re gonna be let down 😅
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petite-ursus · 6 months
Last night all four of my animals were in bed with me. It used to be more common for all four of them to come in, and every night I sleep with some of my animals., but there was a period of time where they weren't allowed to sleep with me, and they're still adjusting back to normal. The further we get from the Age of Horror the more often it is that it's all four of them again, crammed in with me. Those are my favorites.
For the year my ex lived with me she switched her schedule so she was up all night. She would shut the bedroom door whenever she was done trying to keep me awake, and before she'd do that she'd take all of the animals out. She said it was because they would paw at the door to come in and out and it annoyed her.
I explained many times that I get Really Gnarly Nightmares and I hate sleeping alone. It was also something she knew before she moved in and being there for me during those times was a point she sold herself on...
I said we could just leave the door open, (I can sleep through video game noises like you wouldn't believe.) She refused to do that.
It was just one of those awful things that I never "won" on, and it was just... lonely... Shut in my room, in the dark, alone. Like, setting aside that my partner didn't sleep with me, and that was lonely, before she was a factor I hadn't been that alone in my bed in almost a decade. So... even when she wasn't actively trying to keep me awake, my sleep wasn't restful.
I'm always grateful she's gone, and that's one of those things that I'm especially grateful for now, every time all five of us are snuggled in bed together. Like I think about how achingly lonely I was. Waking up sweating from nightmares. All the creatures in my house that I loved just on the other side of the door but unable to be with me because it would mildly inconvenience the woman who said she loved me, and it makes me really really sad.
I can't get that time back, and maybe it's silly, but I hope my animals know how much I appreciate them. I hope I can show it to them better all the time, because I don't think I realized how much they helped before she kept them from me.
Also. My dad replaced the stupid fan she installed that wouldn't stop making screaming noises. So I have a light and a fan in my room again. Which is a whole other victory.
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trickerycleric · 25 days
i'm curious, so trans people/people who have changed your name
+ in the tags specify if you purposefully chose a name shorter/longer than your birthname
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suzteel · 3 months
✨ Challenge: Make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters, and then tag five people to do the same, and see which character is everyone's favourite! ✨
Thanks @cheresha for the tag!
Tagging @adanima @haloud @maeglinthebold @thatblackdress @becamitchell
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underthebluerain · 2 years
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ars-ceratinus · 11 months
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Some thoughts about Friede while I try to get back on my feet. The younger, politically intelligent, favoured sister. Her and Belladonna never... truly reconcile. Not until it's too late at least.
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musical-chick-13 · 1 month
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jumpyrope · 2 months
🇵🇸 🛑pleas don't scroll ‼️Hi, I hope you are well. My name is Mohammed Atallah, I live with my parents, six sisters, a little girl named Malak and a little boy named Ameer in North Gaza. I created this link to fund a bone graft in my left hand which was shot by an explosive bullet, to rebuild our destroyed home and to evacuate my family from Gaza to a safe place.And donate any amount to safe life .. I will appreciate your help❤️ Can you please help as much as you can . Press all buttons on my wall , I beg you to visit my page, view it, and donate via the link in the bio💔Donate and share widely 🆘🆘 Every euros will make a difference 🙏I urge you to donate. Even the smallest amount can make the biggest difference. Not only he needs to evacuate with his family, but he is in dire need for surgery! The IDF has shot his arm with an explosive bullet. Not a regular one. AN EXPLOSIVE ONE. So he needs to get it treated right away! Otherwise, he will get an infection and it may lead to amputation. WE DO NOT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN, DO WE DO?So contribute! Make sure to reblog and share his story if you are unable to do so.Help my family. War is devastating. There is nothing left to live. No schools, no universities, no home, and no dreams. All dreams have been shattered. I hope for help before it is too late Please share on Twitter and tumbler and Instagram The campaign has been documented @90-ghost 🍉
Looks legit to me, and I'd much rather support a scammer than shun a genuine person in need of help anyway. It hurts seeing how many posts like these there are, knowing that i can't help everyone.
But it's like the crabs on the beach story about the man tossing hundreds of crabs back into the water so they wouldn't die on land. There's too many crabs to save all of them, and someone asks him why he bothers when it doesn't make a difference. He tosses a crab into the water and replies, "it made a difference to that one."
I think we could all be a little more like that man in the story. Even a small difference is a difference.
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interstellarflowers · 4 months
FREE PALESTINE from a small fanfic writer and uni. activist returning to tumblr.
i just wanted to hop on to say that as someone who writes for things such as stranger things (or rather has written) that i encourage you to consume other peoples work ethically and to boycott the show or at least do what you can to not allow profit, block accounts, do not stream it via netflix or otherwise. i call out specifically stranger things just because i have written for it in the past, and some of their cast members have displayed some of the most heinous acts of racism, colorism, and colonialist support that i have seen. i will never accept this as something i can look past, and neither should you. genocide is never excusable, and apathy and support of it should never be tolerated. i am strongly anti-zionist, and if you're someone who believes in humanitarianism, or someone who identifies as a leftist, or someone who is also BIPOC or LGBTQ*, then i implore you to educate yourself further on the liberation and history of Palestine, and to get involved in whatever way you can whether this be through donating, supporting Palestinian creators, sharing content and information, protesting, or otherwise. also before someone even TRIES it with me, my family is jewish, i went to hebrew school growing up, i was adopted from the system into a judaism practicing household, and what israel is doing right now, is not jewish, even insinuating that this killing spree, hatred, genocide, and racism is jewish absolutely twists my stomach into knots. genocide is not a jewish value, the israeli government is incredibly incorrect, they have no right to do what they're doing now, they had no right to displace people, they are not indigenous to Palestine. despite common american and eurocentric historical events, no, you can't just show up somewhere decide its yours, give it a new name, and get offended when people say that its colonization and stealing. it is. you have colonized, you have stolen land, you have become the oppressor, you are the oppressor, and now youre committing a mass genocide. never again means never again. they must be held accountable, this is evil. i consistently come back and leave writing fanfic i battle a number of health issues which end up impacting my mental state and i was working on graduating university (graduated this semester btw, heading to johns hopkins now for grad school) but another reason why ive found myself less active is because of the ignorance i see on this platform sometimes. its extra difficult to want to return to a platform and community when i come back from witnessing and experiencing police brutality and force on my campus in response to our encampment, witnessing my friends, peers, and professors be arrested and physically harmed, be verbally assaulted, assaulted, abused by admin, etc. and then come on here and see people refusing to partake in even the bare minimum. its is crucial to the survival of the remaining Palestinian people that we give this cause our all, and fight for their lives, they have been failed and abandoned time and time again, do not turn your backs to them, do not ignore this.
the Palestinian struggle intersects with issues of race, colonialism, state violence, and human rights, in supporting Palestine it means that we are advocating for human rights overall and challenging the overarching system of oppression. recognizing the ongoing systemic oppression, genocide, and attack on Palestinian people and working towards resolution means working towards a movement of ending colonialism and other systems of oppression. as someone who is in both communities, BIPOC and Queer people are familiar with systemic racism and colonialism, the fight for Palestinian liberation against the Israeli government is also a fight against settler colonialism and racialized violence. by supporting Palestine, Queer and BIPOC individuals affirm their opposition to all forms of systemic racism and colonialism.
justice is not a zero-sum game. justice is a shared goal where freedom for one group contributes to freedom for all. in supporting Palestine we foster global solidarity, demonstrating that collective liberation is intertwined and it has been proven to be in multiple BIPOC and Queer liberation movements throughout history. find resources below, and if youre in the nyc area, feel free to reach out to me if you want to coordinate or need someone to attend protests with:
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dravidious · 5 months
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I rest my case.
Fuckin BULLSHIT the one on the right is way better you only need 1 stroke to draw it!
Speaking of some things being objectively better than others for very important reasons, I booted up my brother’s old copy of Hyrule Warriors yesterday and tried to get A-ranks in the adventure mode, only to gradually realize just how important the level-up system is, meaning that no matter how good you are, the only way to have a chance of getting A-ranks on the later stages is to grind until the enemies don’t take 5 whole minutes each to kill.
Then I ranted to myself in my room about how Ultrakill’s P-ranks are way better
#asks#what kind of legend of zelda game has a fucking level up system?#the game already has 3 other progression systems to make you more powerful#why include a level up system? in a zelda game?#have i ranted about my hatred of number inflation/number-go-up progression on tumblr before?#because i REALLY hate when a perfectly good game has a level up system slapped onto it for no reason#especially this one!#why am i being punished for using a character that i don't play very often?!#absolute nonsense#and when i was playing and trying to a-rank a level i kept getting closer and closer to doing it#and i was like 'yes i'm doing it i'm learning the level and mastering my character!'#'now that i know my character better i'm killing the enemies so much faster! :D'#no. it was just because my numbers were going up :(#'We added a progression system.'#ruined a perfectly good game is what you did. look at it it's got a treadmill attached#some games actually USE their level up systems#pokemon uses it for evolution and to teach new moves#i still don't like the number inflation aspect but at least it's SOMETHING#and Tunic has you finding offerings in hidden treasure chests and choosing how you spend your currency#but hyrule warriors? nothing. it just boosts your health and damage#which i repeat: THERE ARE OTHER PROGRESSION SYSTEMS IN THE GAME THAT ALREADY DO THAT#except you actually have some control over those ones#you get heart containers by finding treasure and getting a-ranks#and you get better weapons by getting loot from enemies and getting a-ranks#and there's ALSO the badge system which does a whole bunch of Stuff#i swear the only reason to have the level up system is to artificially extend the playtime#i guess there might be a skill barrier because the other progression methods require a-ranks#but forcing less-skilled players to spend hours grinding to get up to the level of better players is NOT the solution
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snor-re · 5 months
Pink choices and sweet pastries
Out of spite I have denied myself the loveliest mistresses of life.
I was so busy banging against my cookie cutter tin jail,
I missed so much joy, I thought it was the way.
Pink was my enemy, for the longest years.
Pretty shoes and handbags,
Anger out of fear.
Screaming in my bounds I threw my head up and down.
The metal cuts with ragged edges.
Never took a breath and looked around.
flailing, I ensnare myself in cutting ropes.
Fearful fire set to dwindling hope.
But I can build my own freedoms out of skincare and roses. Frilly dresses and pink blouses. I can colour my choices magenta and still be way stronger.
00:16 20.04.2024
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kjzx · 7 months
An important thing to remember as an artist that started out drawing characters crudely and then started learning the fundamentals, at first your art will not look nice.
At first, drawing faces and bodies in different positions will make your characters look weird, then poor perspective will make your characters look weird, and finally when all the kinda things I mentioned above will be dealt with, just the hype of finally knowing how to draw anatomy will bite you in the ass because you can do all these things, you can draw them correctly or close to that, but whether that's figure drawing knowledge gaps, or awkwards poses/composition, or just not a very harmonious combination of realism and stylization in facial features or in general, but your before and after pictures might get this look of "clear objective technical improvement but many would consider it a downgrade"
That's a very common thing. I used to be in this before/after art community, and it was so toxic it was a meme within the community that no matter how much you've improved there will be people that will say that the before is better. There's a seed of truth to these words though, what they fundamentally get wrong is this implication that you "ruined your art"
That's a big example of why you shouldn't listen to non-art people for art advice. Keep going. You're closer to your art dreams than you ever were, you just need to look into all these things like the remaining knowledge gaps or personality to your art you might've lost as you were on your anatomy grind.
Keep creating, keep looking at art that inspires you and try to think of how to make yourself like your art better. Don't get stuck on it, if it begins being unfun, please do take a breather. Also, none of that is objective, people will still prefer things different to what you find beautiful. It's alright, create what you like, that's what this post is about. If you don't wanna, don't focus on aesthetics, just the process of creating art is fun and will eventually get you in the right place, that's what I do, I just occasionally throw in things I like and sometimes they work. Take care.
These are my current thoughts on the topic. I wouldn't take them too close to heart, this is just a blogging site and I'm blogin 👍
#Art#Art tips#Art community#Art advice#Technicality wise I have a very very long way to go#But as someone who finally started seeing and incorporating what I genuinely Like in my art it's a bit like opening my art#folder or sketchbook and kind of getting a feeling like I'm on a page of an artist I like and would actually follow#(Not bc of how I currently handle posting my art and how I choose pieces to post but I'm talking about my art archives so regardless)#An insane feeling#Also!!!!!#I chose not to include it in the post because it stood out against the main point of the post#but what the so-called Tumblr art style is all about is kind of related to this#Most of the people you'll see if you google Tumblr artstyle would have 'passable' or even 'decent' art#if they sticked to drawing thin anime girls with Eurocentric features#Current art idea floating around or almost like an unspoken rule:#If you wanna draw fat people/non Eurocentric features/disabilities or any minorities you gotta be a level above the people drawing today's#conventional beauty standards to be considered an equal to them among *gestures vaguely*#I hate that but that's something you have to keep in mind as you deal with art criticism#And as opposed to that#By harmonious in this post I mean very vague ideas and the many many ways you can stylize a real person#These are two ideas you can't detach from each other entirely but I do believe that we can discuss them separately#Just because a good drawing of an ethnic minority is going to be judged harsher than an opposite of that doesn't make it the worse drawing#Again that's why you gotta dismiss opinions of people who don't draw well and by that I'm obv talking artists better than me#Just getting that out of the way#//rambles#My thoughts on this whole topic inspired by this tweet that called the Tumblr art style too ambitious for the artists' skills and that#if anything that's something that should be praised in people#I thought that's a very interesting topic in a wider sense#I strayed away from it but as you might've noticed I wrote a post on the topic in the tags anyways#Sigh
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ragsy · 2 years
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MOTW NPC Rach Lombardi, Mark's toxic ex who got ripped to shreds by dogman and then whose revenant ghost latched onto someone else who was on their own dogman revenge quest (player character Tatara)
she's fun.
#ragsycon exclusive#ragsymakes#artists on tumblr#oc art#monster of the week#oc rach#she's conniving and self-serving and manipulative#which means she's very fun to play in game. love to rp an absolute garbage person#she and mark dated for awhile in their early to mid twenties#it was all around a really terrible relationship but he didn't really know it until well afterwards.#the entire time what he thought was positive attention was really just her using him to get what she wanted#up to and including using him as leverage to get to his brother stuart who she was seeing behind mark's back for a while#and he found out by complete chance. walked in on them after getting home from work early#and to mark's shock and disgust at this betrayal she just said 'eh that's fine. i was done with you anyway' and kicked him out right there#mark had a fairly significant breakdown over it and just. left town. ghosted everybody and got a job at a watchtower deep in the woods#didnt talk to anyone for years. became an unwitting forest cryptid (different can of worms). let all of his baggage fester for way too long#until stuart managed to get a hold of him and invited him on a Brotherly Reconciliation Camping Trip And Rach Is There Too#and rach did what she's good at which was needling mark's insecurities and insisting he's overreacting when he got upset#but at this point mark was possessed by an evil spirit that turned him into a feral dogman when angry (again. different can of worms)#and the dogman came out and attacked and killed her. total carnage. stuart was away getting firewood when it happened.#mark at this point had no memory of any of this dogman transformations so he woke up covered in blood next to rach's corpse and freaked out#as did stuart#so this Brotherly Reconciliation Camping Trip was kinda the last time they've seen each other since#and later on rach's earthbound ghost finds someone who is on a revenge quest for several other deaths at the hands (paws?) of the dogman#and this other person is already being guided by the spirits of her deceased loved ones#and rach. ever the opportunist. latches onto the other person to maybe get vengeance for her own death#sapping away the strength from the other spirits to make herself strong enough to DO anything#to say 'how fucking dare you' when the other person chooses to offer mark mercy instead of outright killing him#to decide she can finally take matters into her own hands and take over the other person's body and do the dirty work herself
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levil0vesyou · 1 year
Having a post get popular enough to be independently reblogged by someone you follow but aren't mutuals with is. Wild
#yes it was the sex poll obvs#given the person is a minor i'm very glad they picked answer one lmao#like i do think minors in general are allowed to want and even have sex (with each other obvs) but when it's a minor i personally follow it#would just make me feel pretty weird lmao. like on a personal level ya feel? i mean when u reach an even closer level it becomes not weird#again like my dear friend ness (17yo) who afaik doesn't actually HAVE any sex but occasionally wants to and i support her hot girl summer.#but as stated this person barely knows i exist i just follow his blog (i used they earlier but this was incorrect but tumblr won't let me e#edit the tag 😔) and he's 16yo so seeing him talk about wanting and/or having sex would have been. uncomfortable. like obvs he'd be allowed#to because my personal discomfort is no indication of morality but you get it. like if my big little cousin (she's 15 now by god the years#don't stop coming) were to talk about sex and stuff to me or within earshot i would ummm. throw myself out the window? but like i'd still t#try to be supportive and if push comes to shove then yes i would give her condoms 😔 cuz like if a minor wants sex i will not be able to sto#stop them lmao but i can at least try and make it somewhat safe y'know#actually i remembered i have literally given a 15yo a condom before lmao she's prolly over 20 now but like as the adult dormmate it was alm#almost like a responsibility y'know like what do you want me to DO?? let her get pregnant?? anyway enough tangent lmao#btw all this is also why in the poll i included 'too young' but didn't specify an age cuz that's individual y'know. some people are p late#bloomers (i was one) while others choose to have consensual sex by 14 y'know. not something i like to think about but that doesn't mean it#won't happen ya feel. i mean what am i the american education system? lmao. so some ppl have interpreted being 17 as too young but there's#also folks like this who clearly consider 16 old enough and that's defo ppl's good right. and again i usually don't mind just the fact that#he in particular is someone i already knew made it uncomfy. but anyway yea back on topic it's very interesting in general when your post#gets big enough to independently make it to ur dash thru a non mutual lmao. love the hellsite honestly where else amirite#personal#mine#ok to rb ig#like the actual body of the post anyway. i'd be pretty uncomfy if said person saw my tags on this cuz y'know it's kind vagueing even if it'#not negative but anyway. anyway#*kinda
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geny4shinazugawa · 1 year
Hi i’m sel★
☆ 28 • ♓︎ • infp • she/they • en/es ok!
☆ BYF: ia most of the time
☆ DNFI: zionist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, tcest shipper/proshipper, solo/akgae, anti-boycott/pirate
boycott and pirate the big 4 in kpop
☆ likes: BTS, SVT, pink, even numbers, animanga, figures, magical girls, vocaloid, c/j/kpop, tmnt, sonic, spiderverse, etc.
☆ dislikes: vomit, odd numbers, subfandom names in kpop(i do find the names to be very cute, but a gateway for solos/akgaes to feel a lil too comfy), proshippers
★ i’ve always liked tmnt since i was young but i don’t think i realized how much i actually enjoyed the turtles, or even missed them, ‘til mutant mayhem came out! and since then i’ve just been so happy, discovering them all over again, getting to watch all this content i’ve missed out on over the years, even making this tumblr acc to find and follow more like myself<3
★ i haven’t watched all the iterations and i don’t remember much about the ’03 tmnt but it’s the iteration i grew up with. i’ve watched the ‘07 tmnt movie, mmtmnt, rottmnt, not the movie tho (i’m ngl to you i’m so scared to watch it TT) and am currently watching the ‘12 tmnt :3
★ i love all 4 of the turtles, but my favorite since I was little is Raphie! and i love him through out all iterations that i’ve seen him in so far<3 buuut my fav Raphs would have to be mmtmnt and rottmnt!
★ my fav duos
MM: Raph and Mikey
Rottmnt: Raph and Donnie
‘12 tmnt: Donnie and Mikey
★ just in case, i am not new to tumblr and while i started and made this blog for my turtles, i may also reblog/repost about my other likes/hyperfixations, specifically: bts, seventeen, sonic, spiderverse, and w/e animanga im into att
★ i’ve followed bts since their debut in ‘13 and got into seventeen late ‘22 ^ ^/ my biases are joon, yoongi, jun, wonwoo, dokyeom, mingyu, and minghao <3
★ btsvt are my ults, but other groups i like:
txt, enha, &team, lesserafim, illit, red velvet, twice, ive, stayc, purple kiss, kiss of life, me:i, xg, etc.
★ my fav sonic charas:
cream, knuckles, shadow, and rouge
★ my fav spiderverse charas:
miles morales and miguel o’hara
★ 5 animes to get to know me:
bleach, flcl, paranoia agent, samurai champloo, and sailor moon
★ 5 mangas to get to know me:
chainsaw man, firepunch, kimi ni todoke, my broken mariko, and yotsuba&!
★ my fav 5 animanga charas:
ichigo kurosaki, denji hayakawa, shinobu kochou, genya shinazugawa, and nanami kento
★ 5 video games to get to know me:
kingdom hearts, final fantasy, animal crossing, detroit become human, and little nightmares
my discord: virtu4langel
let’s be friends!
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huntedvideo · 2 years
popping on to say i love y’all, i hope you have a good day, and i hope you remember you’re worth outside of this website.
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