Ladies of Hannibal
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a fan account & side blog made to spread the love for our lovely Hannibal ladies! main blog: @cora-writes-things
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hannibelles · 2 years ago
I love that Rutina Wesley asked for the small scar we see on the bridge of her nose.
And she asked for the plums to be included. 
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hannibelles · 2 years ago
I don’t understand why people keep saying Will rescues Molly from Dolarhyde in the book. He doesn’t. Molly saves him. D gets the jump on Will, shoots him, but Will is scrappy enough to kick aside the gun, so it isn’t a kill shot. Then D jumps on him, mangles his face, but Molly whacks him with a fishing pole, getting a hook in his mouth. She and Willy (Walter) run, D is slow chasing because he’s dragging a fishing pole. She gets to the house before he does, gets to the Chekhov’s gun that Will taught her how to use earlier, and when Dolarhyde enters the doorway, she empties explosive rounds into his face. Will’s outside taking a dirt nap the whole time.
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hannibelles · 2 years ago
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Hannibal : Female characters →  miriam lass [4/9]
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hannibelles · 2 years ago
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Hannibal 2.09 Shiizakana
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hannibelles · 2 years ago
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RANDALL TIER’S MAULING SUIT.  It hangs like a skinned animal from a beam.
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hannibelles · 2 years ago
I love the idea of Will, Hannibal and Chiyoh post fall, Will is watching Hannibal like a besotted idiot while he is doing something in the distance and oblivious, and Chiyoh sees him and asks him "So, have you kissed him yet?" And Will is shaken out of his trance and trying not to look embarrased and going like "wh- what are you talking about?" And Chiyoh just rolls her eyes and says "I'll be gone for 2 days in case you plan to do certain things and have the guts for it" and leaves
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hannibelles · 2 years ago
Imagine how cool it would be if Beverly & Chiyoh were like Abigail’s cool aunts since Chiyoh and Hannibal kinda grew up together & Beverly and Will were good friends :(
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hannibelles · 2 years ago
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HANNIBAL + Text Posts 2/∞
Will Graham gets an intervention.
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hannibelles · 2 years ago
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Hannibal 3.04 Aperitivo / Death of Ellenai, Jacek Malczewski (1883)
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hannibelles · 2 years ago
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Hannibal 3x10 - “And the Woman Clothed in Sun”
The fact that Will paid Bedelia hundreds of dollars an hour just so he could be a jealous bitch about Hannibal will never not be funny
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hannibelles · 2 years ago
Alana Bloom is the only sane person in that little murder club of theirs (Hannibal, Will, Jack, Alana)
Will is a wet little man who could break in any minute, Hannibal is just there being the literal definition of Mansplain Manipulate Manslaughter, Jack just wants to catch killers doesn't care who he has to drag in the process. And Alana is just there being the normal one, bless her soul. Lmfao. Loving this group dinamic.
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hannibelles · 2 years ago
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He gave you a chance to take it all back and you just kept lying. No one had to die. It’s hard to grasp what would’ve happened, what could’ve happened, and in some other world did happen.
Hannibal (2013 -2015) ⏤ 3.02, Primavera
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hannibelles · 2 years ago
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hannibelles · 2 years ago
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Do you see now?
The Number of the Beast is 666 (S3E12)
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hannibelles · 2 years ago
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hannibelles · 2 years ago
along with "i pine for butch!Margot but understand why the show did not want to fuck with those implications in a franchise riddled with transphobia," most of my other controversial Margot Verger NBC opinions also summarize to "this is... fine, surprisingly enough, even if there are ways it could've been much better or much worse":
the aggregate popularity of the "lesbian who sleeps with a man For Reasons" trope is appalling, and that's what makes it viciously funny that this show turned around and went "and it really was just for Reasons and neither of them caught feelings about it and neither of them ended up particularly happy about it and it was kind of shitty for everyone involved"
after hearing on the episode commentaries about the kind of romantic-subplot bullshit some of the other voices in the writers room were pushing for, i actually give Fuller and his specifically gay perspective on this 100% credit for the decision to do the trope but pointedly remove almost all of what straight dudes get out of this fantasy. "but he still got to sleep with her" yeah and when he found out about the Reasons it killed the appeal stone dead.
"fuck the way men always seem to get more interiority and emotional development" can be true At The Same Time As "it IS a reversal of stereotypes for the dudes to have a relationship that's emotional and sensual while the girls are just here to Fuck," especially when the yonic-kaleidoscopes sex scene is like. the opposite of titillating. the only gaze that scene is for is the gaze of someone who's on a LOT of fucking drugs.
but yeah the show is quite capable of implying a lot of character work in not a lot of screentime, so it IS a disappointing omission that we never really get Margot or Alana's feelings about either the hookup or the subsequent marriage of convenience, especially when they'd both be bringing a lot of baggage to it
like seriously, ~uwu soft wlw~ headcanons about how healing this relationship is for them are all well and good and consistent with what we're shown, but we're also shown two fucked-up damaged people having trauma at each other without gloves on, and i specifically want Alana's POV on sex where she's secretly being used vs. sex where she's being used overtly with a win-win proposition attached.
what Margot and Alana and Hannibal ultimately did to Mason would be pretty fucking unfunny if it weren't the final twist in an OTT Grand Guignol nightmare, wherein the solution to this guy's long history of sexual and reproductive abuse turns out to be a tiny taste of his own medicine. we're allowed to laugh at the villain getting it with a cattle prod because it IS a fitting twist in an OTT Grand Guignol nightmare. but like, spare me your "X would never" headcanons--all three of them would, and did, as soon as they had Reasons that made it a pleasing punchline with an effective payoff.
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hannibelles · 2 years ago
society if this scene was kept in the show
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