#and try to apply for refugee status
sistersorrow · 3 months
I like r/CuratedTumblr, but every other day, something will be posted that will remind me that people will upvote literally anything if it's said with enough conviction and sounds like it even vaguely supports what you believe
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autogyne-redacted · 10 months
Ok, so let's talk about "misandry."
(Heads up that I use terrible US foreign policy as an example of underlying gender ideology, Death to America of course)
1) if we're working within a social justice, privilege-oppression type framework, there is no systemic oppression of men as men, or trans men as trans men (beyond transphobia). Within these privilege oppression frameworks treating misandry or transandrophobia as a real thing is gonna have disastrous consequences.
2) But we need to be abandoning the identity politics social justice orthodoxy as fast as we can. Occupying a position of privilege within the discourse is dehumanizing and hellish, it has a terrible track record with transmisogyny (not a coincidence), and trying to map gendered power just by looking at identity groups means you miss a ton of what's happening within the groups, and in less straight forward ways.
3) a huge part of the gender binary is between camab ppl as (instrumental) subjects and cafab ppl as (responsive, feeling) objects. And this is fucked all around.
To pick one of the more egregious examples, US military directives make heavy use of the category of "military aged males." People outside this category are (theoretically) assumed to be non combatants while "military aged males" in ~warzones~ are basically valid targets by default. https://tinyurl.com/4skt53tx
This category also faces extra exclusion from refugee and asylum status: https://tinyurl.com/4txsmepy
We could explain this as a symptom of misogyny. That women should also be recognized as being capable of enacting violence and treated equally. This is the most straight forward application of orthodox gender theory and likely the worst.
Or we could say that there's something about the intersection of being Arab/Muslim/young/read as male that leads to a unique oppression.
But it's not like it's just this intersection. If we look at prison populations, or who gets hit by police violence, or weaponized accusations of Sexual Assault the logic is actually fairly consistent here, if a little messy to talk about.
Ppl seen as men are seen as capable of wielding power and this leads to benefits if they're seen as basically good. If they're seen as crazy, dangerous, evil, hostile, or at risk of being any of these, being seen as capable of violence makes shit way worse. Lots of intersections push you further towards being viewed as a threat.
(A pretty good bite sized model of transmisogyny is that it misgenders us as men + we get negative respect since we rejected masculinity + it frames us as crazy/dangerous).
Ppl seen as women are going to be seen as less competent, in need of guidance, control and protection by default. But it comes with certain (conditional) protections. Violence against women certainly happens, but the fact that it's a special protected category says a lot. (There's a lot to say about how much these protections are worth, who they really apply to and when they disappear and what happens then, but it's very clear that they exist and that they mean something).
4) so am I arguing for the existence of misandry? Absolutely not*. Gender is just a fucked up system of division and control all around. Privilege frameworks suggest that women are going to experience the same shit as men they share identities with + misogyny + possible extra intersectional oppression. And while this approach is sometimes helpful, I think a better default framework is that gender is just a way to create more social categories for a more complicated system of control with common threads like the subject-object binary that can play to different ways in different contexts.
The whole thing needs to be dismantled and we need to see ppl across gender categories as whole human beings with a meaningful interiority, the capacity for violence, etc. And if we recognize that gender is a complicated system of control, it follows naturally that our gender discourse shouldn't all ask men to sit down / shut up / listen.
5) the issue with transandrophobia BS is that it really wants to exceptionalize the trans masc experience. "It's fucked up that I'm being seen as suspect and capable of violence like terrible cis men, I'm obviously one of the good ones." And as they fight for the best of both worlds ("I should be respected like a man but still seen as incapable of chauvinism") it pushed naturally for trans fems to get the worst of both worlds.
6) returning to feminist "man-hating" there's a lot i oppose for being essentialist or doubling down on subject-object binary. Beyond that, a lot of it is just mean. And like, ppl can be jaded and mean sometimes. But a lot of social justice feminist dogma was ppl developing a bristly defensiveness from constant harassment and trolling. Ppl defending this as an understandable response, and then that shifting into codifying and valorizing it. And I just think it's a miserable way to live and it's miserable to be on the receiving end of it.
I think some grace and understanding for ppl being jaded and bristly is rly helpful but I'm done with valorizing it.
7) all of this said, basic feminist takes about men having lots of pressure and motivations to be chauvinist still apply. And they certainly apply to trans men. But there's a difference between having social expectations that you be a chauvinist and bowing to that pressure. And lots of men are chill and nice! Yes even cishet men!
It's easy to want to draw a hard line where you're "one of the good ones" and are categorically separated from the possibility of being sexist (ontologically incapable of violence, even?) and that goes really poorly.
(most of my beef with transandrophobia is that it's doing this + exceptionalizing trans masc experience in a way that fucks over trans fems).
But I'm not gonna ask ppl to constantly self flagellate or be hyper vigilant to make sure they don't slip up. Sin frameworks are miserable and it's not like being interpersonally shitty in a way that lines up with oppressive systems actually has consequences that much worse than just being an asshole.
So much of the more aggressive side of social justice just feels like ways to treat enemies, not your friends or ppl you want to be in community with.
I'm glad we've been moving on from it.
*editing a footnote since this has already come up a couples times / this post seems to be leaving my immediate circles: by saying misandry isn't real I mean: there isn't a systemic oppression of men as men that parallels misogyny. Gendered oppression isn't a "both sides" situation. When "egalitarian" or mra types brought "misandry" into the discourse this is what they were pushing for.
While I object to the idea that all men evenly oppress all women, patriarchy absolutely has men at the top. It's a complex and multi-directional system of power but there is an overall gendered slant to it. My framework here is still a feminist framework.
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lazyveran · 4 months
legally obligated to ask (jk im just curious) whether you have particular stories/ideas about how/when katara and azula (and any other ATLA characters) got those scars. especially that sicknasty lightning on azula. love that drawing btw.
YES I DOOO!! these r kind of political marriage au, but most do also apply to my canon ideas as well <3
the lightning scars was azula's first attempt at bending lightning. this was when she was really Far Too Young to try such a deadly technique, but ozai insisted so she did. she was about 10 - maybe 11 - when she tried. no one expected her to actually be able to do it, despite her prodigy status. unfortunately the ridiculous amount of raw power she managed to produce couldnt exactly be handled by A PRETEEN and it offshooted, ricocheting back up her own arm. she has an exit scar somewhere near her nape (which she hides)! it was almost fatal, but ozai was giddy. im thinking shes probably the youngest person in fn history to master lightning bending (i also have a whole personal hc that lightning bending is regarded as sacred, which is a whole other thing. i digress.)
azula's shoulder scars were from a battle in which the tank she was riding in got it's engine destroyed. the damn thing blew up and threw her and a LOT of shrapnel across the battlefield. it took a huge chunk out of her arm and she had to bend w her legs for like the entire battle as a result
she has a bunch of little uneven scars from bending training or the odd practice weapon grazing her - i think a lot of the time she doesnt wait for wounds to heal properly, so she has a lot of shallow scars on her
in the vein of canon, she probably has scarring on the inside of her mouth/throat after breathing fire without proper practice/understanding of how. i also think she fucked up her arm during the western air temple raid bc, seriously, how the fuck did she stop herself falling at terminal velocity with a HAIR PIN. it mangled her hand, her foot and dislocated her shoulder. idc.
[secret info: i have a Story Idea based on azula gaining a physical disability of some kind. highly confidential tho.]
three clawed scar on her bicep was a wound she picked up during a particularly deadly encounter with a polar beardog. she basically duelled it one on one during a rough winter. while she won (of course) it left its mark on her. she has the pelt in her hut as a trophy for winning against that monster
the scar on her ribs is from a shiv in ba sing se. im thinking during one of her stays in the lower ring her and sokka got pulled into a whole situation with one of the underworld bosses in the area (ala, a corrupt city guard kind of deal, vulturing on the poorest and refugees and of COURSE the siblings wont stand for that). during an encounter they ambush her and manage to knick her pretty deeply. katara sort of sees this one as a badge of honour since the result of that fight saw her save a whole little community in the lower ring
her days as a fighter give katara a bunch of little knicks and scars on her elbows, knees and hands. i think katara uses mobility quite a bit, and her and sokka's war style seems to be more guerrilla based. as such its very rough n environmental, so shes scratching up her limbs a LOT
she also has a pretty hefty chunk bitten out of her thigh during a surprise orca attack on the waves. it was a protracted battle - because orca are like that - and at one point katara gets bit. links into a wider story about her time fighting the fire nation i think! but it was during a period in which she was sinking deeper into using her bending for fighting during the war rather than as a natural extension of herself. to katara, the orca attack was the ocean/spirits' warning to keep the spiritual side of her bending alive, instead of just its utility and violence!
kataras sustained other wounds/scars but her healing usually gets rid of them after a couple sessions. the scars she does keep have a certain meaning to them; like a lesson or reminder to her
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empireofthestates · 3 months
If you are one of the people who will be directly affected by Project 2025 - if you are transgender, a woman, lgbtqia+, an immigrant, or atheist, I strongly encourage you to formulate an escape/survival plan.
Join expat groups on Faceb00k. People will often post housing, job offers, or general advice in these groups that may be beneficial when moving. (Expat groups I'm in: Mexico: 1, 2, 3, 4 / Canada: 1, 2, 3 / Sweden: 1, 2 / Germany: 1, 2)
Apply for a U.S. Passport. As it currently stands, you can't travel to many places internationally without one. If you are trying to move before refugee status is available, this document will become necessary. Passports are still backed up right now, and can take months to arrive. If you are able, start applying now!
Brush up on any marketable skills. Look into the country you want to move to and see if you have any skills they are in need of! Lots of countries will often expedite your immigration status if you have skills they need.
Make sure you can take your pets with you. Lots of countries have breed restrictions (for instance, the U.K. has banned pitbulls and other bully breeds). Make sure that wherever you are going, you can take your pets. Look into travel options for dogs (airline, cruise, etc.) If you can't take your pets, make a plan to leave them with someone stateside who will take care of them. Do your best to minimize the risk of them ending up at a shelter.
Buy a house in your desired country. Many countries, such as Portugal, view buying property in their country as a verifiable means of immigration. Many countries also have lower housing prices than the U.S. so it may be more financially feasible than buying stateside.
Move closer to the border. If you plan to move somewhere that shares a land border with the U.S., consider moving closer to that border. My partner and I are currently looking at moving from South Carolina to Washington state so that if the time comes, we are that much closer to the border.
Figure out how you're going to get there. If you are driving, (Canada, Mexico), look into importing your car. Canada has specific regulations about what kinds of cars are allowed to be imported due to their strict environmental protection laws.
Learn the language. Duolingo and YouTube University are both free!
Create a community. Make friends with people of a similar mindset as you. Collaborate amongst each other to keep each other safe. Create groups in your local area. Meet at the library or a local park. Make connections and allies so when the time comes, you are not alone.
Find out what assets you can liquidate quickly for extra cash. If you have things like gold jewelry, keep those. Gold is often better than cash (especially if inflation keeps going up). However, gaming consoles, collectibles, and antiques may be easily sold/pawned if you need to get cash quickly. Make notes of what valuables you have.
Learn survival skills. Maybe not completely necessary, but rather safe than sorry. Learn how to build a shelter, start a fire, and forage. I did most of my survival training at a YMCA. YouTube and your local library are also great places to look!
Create spaces in your home where you can hide things. Make false bottoms in dresser drawers. Make a false wall in your closet or a hidden crawlspace access.
Stockpile the things you need. If you need certain meds to function, try to find alternative ways to get them. If you have the money to buy extra canned food, put them away in storage. If you smoke, stockpile cigarettes or other tobacco products. Those may also be helpful for trading later.
Protect yourselves. If you have no other choice, find a way to protect yourself if the time comes. Whether that is through allies or weapons, PROTECT YOURSELF. At the end of the day, your life is more important than your politics. Don't be a Batman when N@zis are on the loose.
Do not lose hope! More than anything, people have the "indomitable human spirit." When push comes to shove, humanity fights back. Generations before us have fought to protect themselves before, and we will do it again. Our communities will survive.
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“In Our Shoes”
Zmicer Waynowski
In November 2020, Zmicer Waynowski was detained at one of the many rallies held in Belarus after the presidential elections. Together with millions of other Belarusians, he exercised his right for freedom of expression and peaceful assembly and stood for justice against the electoral fraud and state’s lawlessness. Zmicer was sentenced to 13 days of imprisonment under the infamous article 23.34 (“Participating in unauthorized mass events”). On being released and immediately facing further persecution, Zmicer left the country and applied for political asylum in Lublin.
In the course of two years, more than 50,000 of the photographer’s fellow citizens were forced into immigration and moved to Poland. In February 2022, after Russia’s attack on Ukraine, a wave of immigrants from Belarus was joined by millions of Ukrainians.
Upon arrival to a new, safer place refugees encounter numerous problems related to financial uncertainty, communication difficulties, culture gap, and certainly bureaucracy. One can hardly get through the red tape without the support of local officials who empathize with the newcomers and share their uneasy emotional state.
“In Our Shoes” is an attempt to invite Lubliners to literally experience what it feels like to be in a refugee’s shoes in an alien country—trying to find one’s balance on an uncomfortable shaky stool with one leg missing.
“I came up with the stool concept for my photography project somewhat automatically,” Waynowski recalls, “because this is the first phrase you hear when attending an immigration office: ‘Please, sit down!’ And it is when sitting on a chair that you take part in different formal conversations about your status, documents you need to submit, sign, or wait for. On some days, nervously clenching the stool, you put every effort to decipher the office worker’s emotions and understatements. On other days, you feel helpless and are almost about to lose… balance, equilibrium, hope…
Asking Lubliners to try themselves in our shoes, I spotted various reactions. I saw people getting seated on a two-legged stool almost professionally, as if it does not really matter how hard it could be. I also saw those who, just like me, were struggling to remain balanced.
But whatever stool trick my project participants chose, I am grateful to every empathetic Lubliner for what they have been doing for us. In the end, I am lucky to be where I am and happy to have met people who sincerely care for the less privileged ones—less privileged but still full of determination to move on.”  
“Na naszym miejscu”
Zmicer Waynowski
W listopadzie 2020 roku Zmicer Waynowski został zatrzymany podczas jednej z licznych wówczas akcji protestacyjnych, które odbywały się na Białorusi po wyborach prezydenckich. Razem z milionem swych rodaków wystąpił w obronie prawa do wolności wypowiedzi oraz pokojowych zgromadzeń, walcząc jednocześnie o sprawiedliwość, protestując przeciwko fałszowaniu wyników wyborów i braku poszanowania prawa przez władze państwowe. Za tę działalność Zmicer Waynowski został ukarany 13 dniami aresztu na mocy mającego złą sławę artykułu 23.34 („Udział w nielegalnych zgromadzeniach masowych”). Po wyjściu na wolność, nadal prześladowany, Zmicer opuścił Białoruś i wystąpił o azyl polityczny w Lublinie.
W ciągu dwóch ostatnich lat ponad 50 000 Białorusinów zostało zmuszonych do wyjazdu ze swego kraju. Większość z nich znalazła schronienie w Polsce. W lutym 2022 r. — po rosyjskim ataku na Ukrainę — do fali emigrantów z Białorusi dołączyły miliony Ukraińców.
Po dotarciu do nowego, bezpiecznego miejsca uchodźcy spotykają się z licznymi problemami związanymi z niepewnością finansową, z nieporozumieniami wynikającymi z nieznajomości języka, z szokiem kulturowym, a także z polską biurokracją, z którą trudno sobie poradzić bez wsparcia lokalnych urzędników, niejednokrotnie szczerze współczującym przybyszom.
„Na naszym miejscu” to projekt “dosłownie” zapraszający lublinian, by choć na chwilę wcielili się w skórę uchodźców w obcym kraju i spróbowali odnaleźć równowagę na niewygodnym chwiejnym stołku, przy którym brakuje jednej nogi.
„Pojawienie się stołka bez nogi jako metafory było w tym projekcie fotograficznym sprawą bardzo naturalną, — opowiada Waynowski. — Bo "Proszę usiąść" to pierwsze zdanie, które słyszy się w urzędach do spraw cudzoziemców. Uchodźca niepewnie siada na krzesło i, wsłuchując się z napięciem w słowa urzędników, bierze udział w rozmowach na temat swojego statusu, dokumentów koniecznych do złożenia, uzupełnienia czy podpisania. Nerwowo ściskając stołek, człowiek próbuje zgadnąć, jaki sens, kryje się za słowami pracownika urzędu; co wyrażają jego mina i gesty. Zdarzały się dni, kiedy czułem się tak bezradny, że byłem bliski utraty wszelkiej nadziei; traciłem równowagę i ducha, i ciała.
Prosząc lublinian, by spróbowali poczuć się na naszym miejscu, obserwowałem różne ich reakcje. Widziałem, że niektórzy niemal “zawodowo” siadają na chwiejnym stołku, jakby nie miało znaczenia, że brakuje jednej nogi, nie myśląc o tym, jak to może być trudne. Byli jednak i tacy, którzy podobnie jak ja, walczyli o zachowanie równowagi.
Niezależnie od tego, jak uczestnicy mojego projektu walczyli ze stołkiem, jestem wdzięczny każdemu mieszkańcowi i każdej mieszkance Lublina za to, co dla nas robią. Czuję się szczęśliwy i jestem zadowolony, że jestem tu, gdzie jestem i że spotykam ludzi, którzy szczerze troszczą się o tych mniej uprzywilejowanych, lecz pełnych determinacji, by iść dalej”.
«На нашым месцы»
Зміцер Вайноўскі
У лістападзе 2020 года Змітра Вайноўскага затрымалі на адной са шматлікіх акцый, якія прайшлі ў Беларусі пасля прэзідэнцкіх выбараў. Разам з мільёнамі суайчыннікаў ён рэалізаваў сваё права на свабоду слова і мірных сходаў і выступаў за справядлівасць супраць фальсіфікацыі выбараў і дзяржаўнага беззаконня. Зміцер быў асуджаны на 13 сутак арышту паводле сумнавядомага артыкула 23.34 («Удзел у несанкцыянаваных масавых мерапрыемствах»). Пасля вызвалення і пераследу Зміцер пакінуў краіну і папрасіў палітычнага прытулку ў Любліне.
Цягам двух гадоў больш за 50 000 беларусаў былі вымушаныя эміграваць і пераехалі ў Польшчу. У лютым 2022, пасля нападу Расіі на Украіну, хваля мігрантаў з Беларусі папоўнілася мільёнамі ўкраінцаў.
Прыбываючы ў новую бяспечную краіну, уцекачы сутыкаюцца са шматлікімі праблемамі, звязанымі з фінансавай нявызначанасцю, камунікатыўнымі цяжкасцямі, культурным шокам і, вядома, бюракратыяй, з якой практычна немагчыма справіцца без падтрымкі мясцовых чыноўнікаў, якія спачуваюць новапрыбылым і нярэдка шчыра падзяляюць іх няпросты эмацыйны стан.
«На нашым месцы» — гэта запрашэнне люблінцам літаральна адчуць сябе на месцы бежанца ў чужой краіне, паспрабаваць знайсці раўнавагу на нязручным хісткім зэдліку без адной нагі.
«Метафара зэдліка для фотапраекта прыйшла неяк сама па сабе, — успамінае Вайноўскі. — Таму што менавіта гэтую фразу ты чуеш, калі наведваеш іміграцыйны офіс. “Калі ласка, сядайце!” І менавіта седзячы на зэдліку, ты ўдзельнічаеш у розных фармальных размовах аб сваім статусе, дакументах, якія трэба здаць, падпісаць ці пачакаць. Часам, нервова сціскаючы край сядзення, ты прыкладаеш усе намаганні, каб разгадаць эмоцыі і недаказкі офіснага супрацоўніка. А ў іншыя дні застаецца толькі бездапаможнасць: здаецца, што яшчэ крышачку — і ты амаль страціш усялякую... раўнавагу, баланс, надзею...
Прапануючы люблінцам паспрабаваць сябе на нашым месцы, я заўважаў розныя рэакцыі. Я бачыў, як людзі амаль прафесійна садзіліся на двухногі зэдлік, быццам для іх не мае ніякага значэння, наколькі гэта можа быць цяжка. Таксама я бачыў і тых, хто, як і я, змагаўся за захаванне раўнавагі.
Але які б мудрагелісты прыём з зэдлікам ні абралі ўдзельнікі майго фотапраекта, я ўдзячны кожнаму спагадліваму люблінцу і кожнай люблінцы за тое, што яны робяць для нас. У рэшце рэшт, мне пашанцавала быць там, дзе я ёсць, і я шчаслівы, што сустрэў людзей, якія шчыра клапоцяцца пра менш прывілеяваных — менш прывілеяваных, але ўсё яшчэ поўных рашучасці рухацца наперад».
«На нашому місці»
Зміцер Вайновський
У листопаді 2020 року Зміцера Вайновського затримали на одному з численних мітингів, які відбувались в Білорусі після президентських виборів. Разом з мільйонами інших білорусів він скористався своїм правом на свободу вираження поглядів і мирних зібрань і виступив за справедливість проти фальсифікації виборів і державного беззаконня. Зміцера засудили до 13 діб арешту за сумнозвісною статтею 23.34 («Участь у несанкціонованих масових заходах»). Після звільнення та через переслідування Зміцер покинув країну та попросив політичного притулку в Любліні.
Протягом двох років понад 50 000 співгромадян фотографа були змушені емігрувати та переїхали до Польщі. У лютому 2022 року, після нападу Росії на Україну, до хвилі іммігрантів з Білорусі приєдналися мільйони українців.
Після прибуття в безпечне місце, біженці стикаються з численними проблемами, пов’язаними з фінансовою нестабільністю, культурними відмінностями, труднощами в спілкуванні, та, звісно, з бюрократичною тяганиною, яка не мала б кінця, якби не поміч місцевих чиновників, які співпереживають новоприбулим емігрантам та їх непростому становищу.
«На нашому місці — це спроба запропонувати люблінцям буквально відчути, що означає відчути себе на місці біженця в чужій країні — намагатися знайти рівновагу на хиткому табуреті без однієї ніжки.
«Я придумав концепцію табуретки для свого фотопроекту дещо автоматично, – згадує Вайновський. – Тому що перша фраза, яку ви чуєте, коли відвідуєте державну міграційну службу. "Будь ласка, сідайте!" І саме сидячи на стільці, ви берете участь у різноманітних офіційних розмовах про свій статус, документи, які потрібно подати, підписати чи на які потрібно очікувати. Бувають дні, коли, нервово стискаючи стілець, ви намагаєтесь розгадати емоції та паузи офісного службовця. В інші дні ви почуваєтесь безпорадними і майже втрачаєте... рівновагу, баланс, надію…
Пропонуючи люблінцям спробувати себе “на нашому місці”, я бачив різноманітні реакції. Я спостерігав, як люди сідають на двоногий табурет майже професійно, ніби для них не має значення, наскільки це може бути важко. Я також бачив тих, хто, як і я, намагався зберегти рівновагу.
Та який би трюк зі стільцем не виконували учасники мого проекту, я вдячний кожному чуйному люблінцю за те, що вони для нас роблять. Зрештою, мені пощастило опинитися там, де я є, і я щасливий, що зустрів людей, які щиро піклуються про менш привілейованих – менш привілейованих, але все ще сповнених рішучості рухатися далі».
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withinthecode · 4 months
From Incorrect Quotes: What is so weird about Encra's hometown? And whats so weird about where dey are now?
Her hometown is a cult:) dey left at 15 when her mom told dem dey were promised in marriage once she turned 16. She didn't like the person she was promised to. While the cult wasn't bad per say, it was still a cult and Really Fucking Strange. She learned to weave at 7 and how to exorcize a chicken at 4. Dey have 1 older sister and 3 younger brothers, but none of them wanted to leave with her.(her family was totally cool with her leaving, but was unable to provide resources outside of the area, hence why dey ended up applying for refugee status in Kyarr and on the streets)
Whats so weird about where dey are now? well, it's the Suren compound. More than 30 people live in one building and a large chunk are under 18. it's rather similar to her hometown except there are a few more explosions, and somehow more exorcisms. Its more the little things that make it strange, like watching Trace strap knives to her braces and then try to body check people. Or how Gears will drink boiled soda when they need to work on a project. Or how despite being immunocompromised, Liv will try to eat dirt at any opportunity.
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tieflingkisser · 3 months
Why are America’s elite universities so afraid of this scholar’s paper?
The Columbia Law Review website was temporarily shut down after it published a Palestinian human rights lawyer’s article proposing a new way to understand Palestinian life under Israeli rule
When the Palestinian human rights lawyer Rabea Eghbariah arrived at a Manhattan cafe on Thursday afternoon, he had just learned that his article had been reinstated in the Columbia Law Review. After a weeklong censorship controversy, the prestigious journal’s website was back online, too. The law school journal’s faculty and alumni board had shuttered the website for most of the week rather than publicize Eghbariah’s 105-page article, titled Toward the Nakba as a Legal Concept. In it, he proposed a new framework to explain the complex, fragmented legal regimes governing Palestinians. He wanted to bring the word Nakba – which translates from the Arabic as catastrophe, and is better known for describing the displacement and dispossession of Palestinians in 1948 – to the center of a new legal conversation.
He had worked on his contribution for almost half a year, finding a home for it at the Columbia Law Review after a shorter web piece he had written for the Harvard Law Review had been blocked at the last minute. He was proud of his scholarship but found it dangerous that the content of his article had become secondary to what he saw as the manufactured controversy of its censorship. “Now, we have to debate about my right to say what I want to say instead of debating about what I actually said,” he told the Guardian. “I felt convinced by my work if it’s generating this repression,” he said. Ultimately, the story led to headlines in major newspapers, and a PDF of the article was posted widely on social media, getting far more readers than is typical for legal scholarship. “People can see through these authoritarian tactics and reject them. The censorship in this case is actually counterproductive.”
Different legal systems apply to Palestinians living under Israeli rule or in neighboring Arab states or elsewhere. “It’s kind of a system of domination by fragmentation,” he explained. “We become trained in doing these legal gymnastics, and flipping from one framework to the other, without sometimes even reflecting about the nature of this.” To articulate that fragmentation in his legal research, he realized he needed a new terminology. Just as the genocide convention emerged after the Holocaust, and the word apartheid entered everyday speech amid South Africa’s systemized segregation, Eghbariah was finding that analogies to other seemingly comparable situations were insufficient. In the article, he argues that the term Nakba, in use by Palestinians for decades, encapsulates the layered and overlapping legal entanglements of Palestinian life in the absence of self-determination. The Nakba of 1948, he says, is not a historical artefact. His grandparents survived the Nakba and it informs Eghbariah’s research. Like many Palestinian scholars, he views Israel’s war on Gaza as part of a continuing Nakba to destroy Palestinian life on the land Israel seeks to control. “It’s an organic framework that has been developed in Palestine to reference the ramifications and ongoing nature of the Nakba of 1948,” Eghbariah said. “What the genocide moment and discourse did to that is that it actually made me think about it in legal terms.” The article lays out the concept, and as he develops the idea further in his dissertation, he hopes it could have practical ramifications for outstanding disputes over matters like Palestinian property rights and the status of refugees. This is how laws in the US have often developed: scholars put out a new approach in a law review, practitioners try it out, and it can lead to case law or legislative efforts. “Those ideas get refined in the process,” Diala Shamas, an attorney with the Center for Constitutional Rights, told the Guardian. “It’s provocative, and it’s exactly what scholarship should be doing. It’s exactly what Palestinian scholars need to be doing.”
download the pdf
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scareqrowbranwen · 1 year
Noire Arc
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Name: Noire Arc
Age: 29/30
Birthday: May 10
Species: human
Gender: trans female
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: homoromantic/homosexual
Weapon: Twin Falchion blades (named Valiance + Justice)
Aura color: yellow-gold
Semblance: Diplomacy - when she activates her semblance she can soothe tempers and quell fights, although depending on how heated things are it doesn't always fully work
She grew up in a small town outside the kingdoms, the oldest of the Arc cousins, though Saphron is only a little over a month younger. As such she had a caregiver roll with most of her younger cousins and siblings.
At 17 she went to Beacon Academy, after going to Sanctum in Mistral. It was her transcripts Jaune would steal years later when he applied. 
She joined team LMON, consisting of Luna Carbone, Miranda Blanc, Ophelia Duncan, and of course Noire Arc. They became close friends and still occasionally do missions together. Ophelia and Noire in particular became best friends, and still chat regularly, mission or no.
At age 23 she inherited the Summer maiden powers. Having no idea what was happening, she went to Professor Ozpin for answers, and learned of the maidens. Of her team, only Ophelia knows the power she now wields.
She has spent the last few years in Vacuo, lying low to keep her status as Summer Maiden hidden. With the new refugees in Vacuo, she has been trying to help where she can to get them settled and keep things from getting out of control.
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Mexico and Brazil become the new frontier for desperate Afghan refugees
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Afghan refugees are arriving in Mexico and Brazil in hundreds with a view to entering the US and also Canada for a life away from conflict and persecution.
One-and-a-half years after the fall of Kabul to Taliban fighters in August 2021, the sense of desperation among the poverty-stricken and conflict-ridden Afghans is only increasing. Thousands fled the country to neighbouring countries Iran and Pakistan. Many reached various European countries in the most trying and sub-human conditions where they find that the situation is not conducive for migrants.
CNN reports that in January 2023, nearly 13,000 people registered for asylum in Mexico of which there were 430 Afghans – the seventh-highest nationality and the only one from outside the western hemisphere.
A report by Reuters says that many Afghans are arriving in Brazil on humanitarian visas.
The South American country offers a two-year residency, right to work and study as well as apply for refugee status. Since September 2021, soon after the fall of the democratic government of Ashraf Ghani in Kabul, nearly 4,000 Afghans have come to Brazil on humanitarian visa.
Continue reading.
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sassastatuschecksdr · 2 months
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awritingcaitlin · 1 year
Random Facts
TBW centric, but also just for the world of Tyrysius.
Under the cut 'cause they're a lot.
Airships function with the technomagical innovation known as "lev rods" made from a specific refinement tritalium, which causes objects to be lighter-than-air when applied in a certain way.
The Crater Sea was formed when an extra-planetary object crashed into the continent and changed the actual shape of it. The sea is fresh water and the center is radioactive, hence why studies of what caused the event are limited.
Theramancy is the magic of healing. Theramancers are rare and most are encouraged to become doctors to make the best use of their healing abilities. Some small time theramancers make bank by preserving meat from the butcher!
Oracles are even rarer than theramancers and often do not survive beyond their teens. Those that do often find themselves in the employ of their government. Ostensibly for their safety, but also for the government to gain an upper hand.
Astrals are the descendants of angels (or demons.) A halfsie has a parent who is 100% an angel/demon and was masquerading as a mortal for a time. Astral traits last generations however and can manifest in many different ways.
Berthingtonn has a dearth of theramancers. Not many are born there, for the country has favored pyromancy and astrapimancy (lightning) for centuries. So the theramancers who do show up, are a precious commodity.
Berthingtonn is built around, on top of, and inside a mountain. It features some of the oldest buildings and keeps on the planet. The Wall that surrounds it is the biggest reason why Berthingtonn has not been conquered, ever.
The Tipsy Tom is named in honor of the tavern's original mousing cat. The current mouser is now Tom VIII and he loves fish just as much as he loves mice.
South of Berthingtonn's Wall is still Berthingtonn, but it's just outside the wall. It's aptly called South Town or "out town." It's primarily full of fishing docks and markets. The buildings are brick and wood instead of stone and steel. But many love the charm and atmosphere.
The country to the South of Berthingtonn is Eswaisil and they have been trying to take over Berthingtonn for 60 years. The two countries are now in a cold war. Which is slowly heating up.
I decided that Rinnie should do aerial silks and then promptly decided that I should do aerial silks. So now I have goals to get amazing because if she's been doing it for decades, she would be amazing!
Mama, the Tipsy Tom's proprietor, insists on keeping a mezzanine library in the Tom. She reads the entire political science/history section on a rotating basis.
The Nidtrins tattoo their bodies as a sign of how favored they are in the religion. But they also use tattoos as a means to "brand" the people who defy them.
Major cities have shields over them to protect from everything from the weather to oncoming attacks. Soft shields work for bad weather, but a shield has to be hard to ward off attacks. Berthingtonn's shield is ancient and legendary. Very few people even understand how it works.
Sometimes, gods walk among mortals. They put on mortal-looking bodies and get drinks or go dancing. In these coporeal forms, they can be "decoporealized" or possibly killed by another, similarly powerful (or more powerful) deific being.
Tensions in Berthingtonn are so high that everyone must have identification to enter the Wall. This means South Town is full of paperless refugees trying to get passage somewhere into Schmiedland or Perinathia, both countries who are more lenient towards fresh starts
Perinathia has been fighting Eswaisil more openly longer than Berthingtonn has. The two countries war over the Arselburn mountains. The catfolk peoples who live predominantly in Perinathia despise the Nidtrins because they've seen what they can do.
Back to Nidtrin tattoos! The status tattoos are finer and delicate. They get even more so with higher and higher status. Brands are blocky and obvious, so that everyone knows who defied Nidtrix or tried to run away.
An ancient technology from the Age of Intervention (3000+ years ago) is a portal bag. Anything that can fit in the opening can be stored inside and the bag only weighs a few pounds. You cannot put anything living in the bag though, or it will die.
Elves are "mature" and "adult" around 20 or 25 when compared to any other race on the planet. Elves do not consider each other to be "put together" and "on top of their shit" until they are over 100.
Edansa has been keeping track of the goings on in Eswaisil for roughly 75 years now after they cut political ties. They are concerned about the rumors coming out of Eswaisil. The intelligence community is putting a lot into finding out whatever they can. This includes a LI 👀
Taryn's MOS has always been intelligence. But she's since been made older and higher-ranked. This allowed for a better balance between her and Rinnie. There are more jokes and banter. And Taryn's now a power player of her own, not just a LI.
Rinnie's sexuality mirrors my own. In fact, i knew she was bi before I knew that about myself.
Shields like Berthingtonn's and Himmelmauer's are hard shields. So for air traffic to go in or out, there's designated spots for aircraft to go through. They're monitored heavily for safety all around.
Mama Cass is more than she seems. She's been around the block a few times and she's definitely seen it before. Anything else is spoilers 👀
Rinnie's relationship with her own theramancy is something that's changed a lot between drafts. She went from being blase about it to feeling like she couldn't do it at all after a certain event, to where we are now, which is still a contentious relationship.
Riela's backstory went through several overhauls to make it make sense with her background and where she was coming from. As a result she's gotten to be a lot more confident of a character since development happened before the book's start.
Writing in Mica's head is always really interesting. She has the most different "voice" than anyone else. So once I'm in that voice, I'm good. But sometimes I have to work to get there.
The addition of a couple of morally grey Nidtrins did ~wonders~ for the lore, background, pacing, world building and the like. The enemy became more humanized and leaves other characters with some moral conundrums.
Rinnie is 117. There is no particular rhyme or reason to that age other than I liked the sound of it when I first decided it. As a result, Rinnie is older than the human cast and has more life experience, but is barely considered adult for an elf.
Rinnie and Taryn shenanigans on the airship were so much fun to write. I spent a while thinking about what two women who have done these kinds of pranks before would try to pull on each other.
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damianixmata · 1 year
Damian Ixmata Timeline
1979; Age 0
September 20th- Maria Dunia and Raphael Francisco Ixmatá give birth to  Miguel Damian Ixmatá Villagrán at Hospital General de  Santo Domingo   in  Santo Domingo,Tsáchilas Province, Ecuador four years after his older sister  Francisca Violeta  Ixmatá was born.
October 24th- Damian is officially baptized and given his Christian name.  His parents’ best friends Maria and Juan Gonzalez are named as his God  Parents.  
1981; Age 2
January 2nd- Teresa Matte Torres is born to Dunia and Raphael.  
1983; Age 4
August- Damian starts Escuela Primaria Vespertina
1986; Age 7
June- Damian starts catholic school.
1987; Age 8
June- Damian does his First Confession and First Communion Ceremony.  
1991; Age 12
August- After months of arguing, Damian relents to his father and starts secondary school at Escuela Caracol.
1992; Age 13
June- Damian starts Catholic School again.  
1994; Age 15
June- Damian does his Confirmation Ceremony.
August- Francisca disappears after going to take trash out one night. The local police insist that it’s just a young girl running away while Dunia and Raphael are convinced that she was kidnapped by one of the drug cartels that are allowed to run rampant due to the economic crisis rising in Ecuador.
1997; Age 18
May- Damian graduates from  Escuela Caracol.
August- Damian starts  Central University of Ecuador.
1999; Age 20
May- Damian gets his Associates in Biology.  
2000; Age 21
February- Teresa overdoses, and she is hospitalized for two weeks.  
2001; Age 22
May- Damian gets his Bachelors Biology.
2003; Age 24
May- Damian gets his Masters in Biology.  Later that month, he is hired as a Professor of Biology at. When not at his job, Damian starts working on helping his community by being more environmentally friendly.
December- Damian finishes a large greenhouse that is just big enough to feed his small town. He works with other people in the community to keep the garden tended.
2004; Age 25
November- Someone who calls themselves  El Vidente finds Damian at his home, and informs Damian that the local warlord,  Stefano Alguacil, has noticed his hard work. He informs Damian that the Stefano would like Damian to consider turning the food garden into a coca plants.
2005; Age 26
January- El Vidente returns to ask Damian if he is going to do what Stefano requested. Damian politely informs him that if Stefano provides him with the materials that he can build another greenhouse for that, but that his community needs food.
February- El Vidente returns and informs Damian that Stefano demands that Damian turn the food garden into a coca plant garden. Stefano will not provide more materials. Later that month, Teresa overdoses once again.
April- El Vidente shows up demanding to know why Damian has not turned the garden. After a desperate attempt to convince El Vidente to hear him out, Damian and he get into a verbal argument that ends up turning violent. El Vidente ends up leaving while threatening Damian.
May- While at home, Damian is kidnapped. As soon as he awakens, they begin torturing him.
August-  Damian manages to get out of his cuffs and murders people who have him trapped.  He frees his fellow kidnapped, but in the shock of the horror that he  created Damian runs away. He goes to try to find his family. When he does, he discovers that his sister has taken over the community garden was now a coca plant garden.  Not sure what else to do, Damian starts hitchhiking north.
2006; Age 27
September- Damian arrives in California where he manages to  navigate the process of applying for refugee status. He is allowed to live in San Diego while Immigration Services processes his case.
October-  Instead of giving time to process, Damian gets a scholarship and  starts going to college at the University of San Diego. There he  discovers drinking helps him focus. He starts to be able to really focus  on his learning.
2008; Age 29
February- Finally after several years of fighting, Damian finally is given a permanent work visa.
May- Damian gets his Bachelors in Botany.
2011; Age 32
May- Damian gets his Masters in Botany.  Damian starts working on research on medications from plants.
2013; Age 34
May- Damian is finally able to get his Ph.D in Botany.  He is immediately employed at the University of San Diego.
2016; Age 37
October- Damian’s oldest sister Francisca calls him from Mexico. She  informs him that not only is she alive, but she is happy and safe. She  had ran away from home all those years ago to ‘save’ herself. She tells  him that she is sorry for upsetting him, and that she cares for him.  However, she can’t ever hear from him again. She never calls him back,  and she seems to block his number.    
2017; Age 38
January- Damian gets a warning from his boss about showing up to work drunk after a New Years Eve Party.
July- Damian gets a second warning from his boss about showing to work drunk.
September-  It is suggested by Damian’s advisor to Damian that he takes six  months off of work to get help for his drinking problem. He makes it  clear that he will make noise if he has to, but he doesn’t want to. Damian agrees to get help.
2018; Age 39
March- Damian moves to Laurel, Maine to get away from the city hoping it’ll help him avoid alcohol.Damian meets Phillip Nash when he starts at work. They bond over their mutual annoyance at younger employees.
2019; Age 40
December- Damian and Phillip buy a piece of property where they both build small homes for themselves..
2021; Age 42
April-  Out of nowhere, Teresa shows up on Damian’s doorstep high as  a kite  and scantily dressed. The next day she admits that her romantic  partner  is bad to her, and that she wants to escape from him. Damian  agrees to  let her stay with him.
July- Teresa’s ex shows up at  Damian’s  house with a gun. The confrontation ends with Damian calling  the police  on her ex and pinning him.
August- Teresa refuses  to press  charges, and she begs Damian to let it go. She says that he  promised to  leave her alone. Damian refuses which makes Teresa angry,  and she  leaves the house.
2022; Age 43
November- Once again Teresa shows up to his house high, but this  time   she has bruises all over her body. She starts having trouble  breathing   while talking to Damian, and he calls the police. Teresa ends  up  dying  from asphyxiation before the paramedics can save her despite both his and Phillip’s efforts. Damian  immediately starts drinking once again, but now much harder.      
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skysailimmigration · 1 year
Things to do after refusal of Canada Student Visa
Did you know there are 800,000 international students who have permission to study in Canada? In 2022, only 550,000 students received permission to fly with their dreams and pursue their studies in canada.
There is no denying that there were about 107,145 permit issues in 2021. In 1 of 3 students visa applications were rejected by Immigration Refugees and Citizenship canada.
Though hard you try, sometimes there are chances of refusal. Receiving refusal can be disorienting and discouraging. Don't get demotivated, get help from Best Canada Student Visa Consultant in Ahmedabad.
Why is Canada Student Visa Rejected?
There is no particular reason for rejection. There are multiple reasons and it varies from person to person. Majority of students experience rejection as they fail to show the funds to pursue higher education.
Licensed consultants provide immigration related services that adhere to requirements and timelines. They help students in providing proper guidance and completing student visa applications. They assess profiles, evaluate forms and amend any mistakes. These small fallacies and inaccuracies could lead to rejection of application that could be diminished by Best Visa Consultant in Ahmedabad.
What to do after refusal?
After refusal try to understand the reasons for student visa rejections which could include:
Your reason was justified to visit Canada.
Limited employment prospectus in your home country
Current employment situation in unstable
You don't have enough holdings and assets in your home country
You lack strong family ties
You have temporary immigration status in your current country.
No strong travel history
Failed to provide enough educational documents
You don't have enough funds to pursue for higher education
Your application shows that you intent to work and settle in canada post your studies
A poorly structured cover letter is included in your application.
Improve your Language Skills
Reasons for rejection could be due to low score on language proficiency. If your visa is rejected due to the score it's time to work and improve language skills. Put your efforts in language classes, work with private tutor, take online courses and ensure that you meet the standards.
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Write a stronger SOP
Students who are applying for Canada should add a statement of purpose with their student visa applications. SOP should include the reasons you choose to study in Canada and what you would do after completing their program.
Ensure that SOP is strong enough in the second attempt. It should be well written and clearly demonstrated. If you are not sure, get help from Best Visa Consultants in Ahmedabad.
Proof of Financial Support
Proof of financial support defines the evidence that supports that applicant has sufficient funds to cover the cost of education and living expenses.
Its mandatory for students to provide proper documentation and provide concrete proof of statements through bank statements and other documents.
Hire Licensed Experts of Canada Student Visa Refusal
Consider hiring Best Visa Consultants in Ahmedabad that would help you to go through the visa process and improve odds of rejection. They would be able to identify weaknesses and provide support to improve them.
Need Help?
If you are interested in a Canada visa or want to pursue your career, please contact Sky Sail Immigrations. Our consultants understand the process and help you optimise your applications before you reapply. Start studying and build up your plans with Sky Sail Immigrations, Best Visa Consultants in Ahmedabad.
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dmitrylaw · 1 year
Why You Should Speak to a Russian Immigration Attorney Right Away?
Are you a Russian citizen who has been detained or is seeking asylum for Russian Immigration Attorney speakers? If you’re currently in the U.S. and in California, you’ll need to speak to a Russian immigration lawyer immediately. This is indeed a tough time for Russians, given the escalation of the Ukrainian conflict and the pressure they’re experiencing in their country. If you are dealing with this situation currently, you need to retain the services of a legal advocate. Therefore, you need to set aside time to speak to a Russian-speaking immigration attorney – someone who can help you legally who speaks your language, and who understands what you may be going through. Doing so will help you find a place where you can exert your rights for free expression and autonomy. Trying to seek asylum from your homeland is indeed difficult. That’s because you have to get used to a new culture and follow some complicated steps for entry. Therefore, you cannot afford to take these steps without the help of a bilingual lawyer. By speaking to someone who speaks Russian and English, and who understands your immigration concerns, you can breathe easier after being detained, or when making the transition to your new home. What is Asylum and How Is It Different from Being a Refugee? You can make an asylum claim in one of three ways. However, before you do so, it helps to define the word, “asylum” first. Asylum grants protection to Russians who are already in the U.S. or who have already landed at a U.S. border and are considered refugees. According to the United Nations, a “refugee” is someone who has left their homeland and can’t obtain protection in their country because of the fear of persecution or because they were persecuted in the past because of their race, nationality, religion, or membership in a specific political or social group. This definition was extended by the U.S. Congress through the passage of the 1980 Refugee Act. Technically, asylum, in this case, is considered discretionary. That means you may still be denied asylum even if you meet the qualifications of a refugee. An asylee is someone who has received protection from having to return to their home country. In addition, they can work in the U.S. or may apply for a social security number. They may also request permission to travel outside the country or petition family members to live with them in the U.S. Some asylees are eligible for governmental programs, such as Refugee Medical Assistance or Medicaid. As an asylee from Russia, you may apply for legal permanent residence in the U.S. This involves submitting an application or a green card. After you obtain this status, you have to wait four years to submit an application for citizenship. The primary difference between a refugee and an asylee is where they’re submitting an application. While a refugee applies for protection in their homeland before entering the U.S. as a refugee, an asylee asks for protection and is given asylum inside the U.S. Again, he or she has either entered the U.S. or is at a U.S. port of entry. The 3 Asylum Processes As an asylum seeker, your Russian immigration attorney will point you to one of three different types of processes, as follows: 1. Affirmative Asylum Anyone who is not involved in removal proceedings, or who is categorized as an “unaccompanied child” who is in removal proceedings. may apply for affirmative asylum. They can do this through the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) department. If the application is not granted, the applicant is referred to the immigration court to go through removal proceedings. At this point, they may renew their asylum request through a defensive asylum process. During the defensive process, they’ll appear before an immigration judge. 2. Defensive Asylum If you’re going through removal proceedings as an immigrant, you may apply for Russian asylum defensively. Your Russian-speaking immigration lawyer will do this by submitting an application through the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR), which is part of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). In simple terms, defensive asylum is applicable when the applicant is facing removal from the U.S. Unlike the criminal court system in the U.S., the EOIR will not provide the applicant with legal counsel. That is why you need to retain the services of a Russian immigration attorney if you’re seeking Russian asylum in the U.S. 2. Expedited Asylum A Russian native who wishes to immigrate to the U.S., who is taken into custody within 14 days of entry, is placed into expedited removal proceedings. This process allows a USCIS officer to review an asylum claim before the applicant is placed into a formal removal process. Anyone who goes through expedited asylum, whose claim is denied, must go through removal proceedings and hearings in the U.S. immigration court. Your Russian immigration lawyer has the burden of proving that you meet the legal definition of a refugee. This includes providing evidence that you have suffered persecution or feel threatened or fearful about returning to Russia. Your testimony will be used to help determine your case for asylum status. When Applications Are Denied Certain factors may prevent you from becoming an asylee. If you do not apply for asylum within a year of U.S. entry, you will not be granted asylum. Also, if the U.S. feels you pose a real threat to the government, you’ve committed a violent crime, or persecuted others yourself, your application for asylum will be denied. Speeding Up the Process To apply for U.S. protection, you need to make sure you follow all the steps and stay committed to the process. You’ll slow everything down if you do the following: Reschedule an interview Request a change of venue Neglect to show up for a biometric screening Add a large amount of additional documentation to your application Provide insufficient supporting documents Avoid appearing at a hearing Contact the Paniotto Law Firm in Los Angeles Today To ensure you receive asylum through these difficult times, contact a Russian immigration lawyer for assistance with your application. If you feel you’ll put yourself in danger by returning to Russia, you need to speak to an attorney right away. To ensure you get the needed assistance, contact the Paniotto Law Firm. Call 213-534-1824 immediately.
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college-girl199328 · 2 years
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says it is his role to see the Safe Third Country Agreement to make sure Canadians can continue to have confidence in Canada's immigration system now we have people crossing into Canada between border crossings. And our responsibility as a country that is a signatory to types is, if someone asks for asylum in our country, we process their claims. Now, the challenge is the increase in irregular migration has massively spiked over the past years, which is not just a challenge to individuals sometimes crossing at personal risk… but it's also a challenge to Canadians' confidence that we have an immigration system that is rules-based, robust and applies evenly to everyone," Trudeau said in an English media exclusive interview on CTV's Your Morning Thursday, ahead of U.S. President Joe Biden's visit to Ottawa.
"That's why we've been working with the Americans over the past many months… to that, we're protecting those individuals and abiding by our international obligations of being a welcoming country."
Trudeau has been under pressure to make renegotiating the border pact a priority during Biden's visit sides have acknowledged the issue will come up, and it remains to be seen how much progress will be accomplished during Biden's visit agreement was signed in 2002, and came into effect in 2004. Despite some recent tweaks, talks about modernizing it have been ongoing since 2018. Under the pact, people seeking refugee status in either Canada or the U.S. must make their claim in the first country they enter.
That agreement applies only to official land border crossings meaning asylum-seekers who manage to enter a country via an unofficial — such as at Roxham Road — are not returned. Federal figures show more than 39,000 people claimed asylum after crossing into Canada by land in 2022, with most coming through Quebec the Safe Third Country Agreement with the United States is part of giving Canadians reassurance so that we can continue to bring in the people who need to come in, the people we need to in," Trudeau said.
In the interview, Trudeau also addressed "challenges around interference in our elections in 2019 and 2021 held. They were the right outcomes that Canadians chose," Trudeau said.
Asked why he hasn't been more forthcoming about what he knew and when, and what was acted on in terms of the allegations of election interference attempts by China, Trudeau said those are "the kinds of questions that involve issues of national security is where a public inquiry doesn't necessarily get into that. Whereas the panel of parliamentarians looks into it… David Johnston be able to look at that, and reassure and give Canadians confidence," Trudeau said.
"Canadians can and should be reassured, not just by me, but by independent experts, that everything is being done to keep our democracy safe."
The prime minister also spoke about how Russia's war in Ukraine was a "wake-up call" about not taking peace and stability for granted and that it's becoming more than ever that allied countries pull together what authoritarian states like China and Russia and others are trying to do to destabilize not just our countries, but places around the world, we need to remain extra vigilant and capacity to work together across alliances around the world, particularly with the Americans, is to Canadians and key to the world's success," Trudeau said.
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
The one who didn't get away: Dal-trained med grad says residency rules have to change
A day after hearing from a Dalhousie-trained physician who says she was forced to look to Boston for her residency, a classmate who was successful in staying says the rules have to change.
Dr. Abhinaya Yeddala, or Abhi to her friends, is originally from India, and started her med school training in the International Medical University (IMU) in Malaysia.
She graduated with classmate Dr. Taha Khan in 2019.
While Khan wound-up heading south, Yeddala stuck it out in Nova Scotia - an option that only opened up to her after she obtained permanent residency status.
Without a job, getting it was a struggle - even if you're a trained doctor in a province that's desperate for them.
"I was ready to go anywhere at that point. I really wanted to be a doctor," said Yeddala Wednesday.
"I wanted to be a doctor in Nova Scotia and wanted to stay back here, so my first choice was always Nova Scotia and then New Brunswick."
In the end, Yeddala took on some research work for a couple of years before getting her permanent residency status and her first medical residency in Inverness, N.S.
"I should say that I was very close to leaving because I was applying for the States and I was applying to the U.K., if this didn't work out this year for me," she said.
Now, she's in New Glasgow, N.S., but she and her husband consider Halifax home - especially with a baby on the way.
If all of this seems complicated, it is.
After CTV News flagged the issue Tuesday, Nova Scotia's Office of Healthcare Recruitment responded with an emailed statement, saying Ottawa "currently requires international students training to become a doctor to have their permanent resident status to be matched with a residency opportunity in Nova Scotia. We know there is high demand for residency opportunities in this province, including Nova Scotian students studying at Dalhousie University. But the province is reaching out to find out more about this situation."
"We should do more to make it easier for people like her to stay," said Sean Fraser, Canada's minister of Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship, on Tuesday.
"This particular rule isn't the result of a particular federal piece of legislation but a practice baked into the national matching residency program, I understand."
"If they really wanted to, they could drop the rule wanting the PR [permanent residency]," said Yeddala. "So, CaRMS [the Canadian Residency Matching Service] has the authority to say, 'It's OK, as long as you have a work permit and a valid immigration status, you can work here.'"
Whether there's enough residency seats is another matter entirely, but Yeddala says the current rules are shutting too many out.
"I know multiple international graduates who left Nova Scotia after trying for multiple years because they don't have their entire life to dedicate just to get into residency," she said.
"There's so many international medical graduates who are not in the same boat as me. They go through extensive training, they're very well trained doctors in other countries, but when they come here, they have to go through a whole new process, and there's no guarantee they'll actually get matched. It's not an easy process in Canada. We make it so hard for international doctors who actually want to work here."
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/qXjDYkT
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