#and tomorrow we'll have dinner with my whole family!!
fatphobiabusters · 7 months
yall are weird as hell for making weight loss seem impossible to people dying from obesity when thermodynamics says otherwise. energy cannot be created from nowhere. if you are eating less energy than your body needs to move and function, and you are still living, then your body needs to get the energy from somewhere. and guess what the whole purpose for fat is! before you promote laziness and giving up, go back to biology class bae xx
I'm about to fall asleep after a long day of driving. 6+ hours on the road with my German friend who's an international student at my university. We stopped at a fun restaurant in the middle of no where and she got to try gator tail for the first time. We felt the humid sea breeze of the ocean as we laughed and talked over our lunch.
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We drove through Tampa and walked along the water at night.
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I taught her about American road trip games like "I spy." She laughed until she had tears in her eyes at my pretend southern accent. We ate ice cream and saw such cute candies as we explored.
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She celebrated my birthday with me and even made me a reese's peanut butter cake for my birthday! The vanilla pudding she used for the filling and icing was delicious.
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Tomorrow we're going to a nice restaurant with my dad to celebrate my birthday. I'll be showing her my hometown, we'll take pictures at the beach in pretty dresses, and she's excited to visit an Italian market that has the type of bread she loves yet can't get at grocery stores here.
We talked about our childhoods and families, ate pasta for dinner at midnight because we didn't get to where we're staying until 11 PM, and we had an amazing day sharing our cultures with each other.
I happened to look on Tumblr before falling asleep after such a fun day and saw this ask. I looked at your profile too.
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And all I can think as I lay here excited about the fun day I have planned tomorrow with my friend is that I hope you get a better hobby than trying to harass and oppress a marginalized group on a dying website with your sad blog you use to hurt both yourself and the people around you.
I actually have a life outside of social media, and I hope you get one too.
-Mod Worthy
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lucy90712 · 5 months
babysitting- Gavi
"I know it's last minute but would you mind babysitting today your dad and I have to head out of town tonight we'll be back tomorrow morning I'll give you money for dinner and everything" my mum said on the phone 
"Of course I need to ask Pablo but I'm sure he'd be fine with it I'll let you know as soon as I've got a reply" I said 
It's not often that my parents ask me to babysit. My little brother Milo was a surprise to say the least but despite me being old enough to help out once he was born they very rarely ask and any time they do they always pay me like they would any other babysitter. I would love to just say yes to help them out but now that I live with Pablo in his house I don't think it's right for me to just have my brother with us without him knowing. All it took was a quick text and Pablo answered straight away saying that it was more than ok so I let my mum know she can come over whenever. 
It was then that I realised I wasn't at all ready I'd organised all of this while still in bed so I hopped out of bed and got ready at lightening speed and started on child proofing the house as best as I could. Seeing as Pablo and I are still in our teens and definitely not ready to have kids of our own his house isn't exactly child proof every piece of furniture seems to have sharp corners and there are plenty of uncovered plug sockets. Past me had thought that one day I may need to babysit so I did pre buy some things so all I had to do was find them and put them out. It took me quite a while but just as I finished doing as much as I could the doorbell rang and as soon as it was open I was nearly taken out by Milo who for someone so little has a lot of strength. My parents were in a rush but they gave me everything they have at home that I'd need before heading straight off to where they needed to be. 
In the way little kids do he had a ton of energy so I suggested we play with some of his toys that my mum had given me. It's been so long since I let my inner child take over that I think I had more fun playing with the cars and trucks pretending they were building all sorts of things than my brother did. Mostly it was just nice to see him as I've been so busy that I haven't spent as much time with my family as I should it's crazy how fast kids grow and develop new skills I feel like I'm with a whole new human not the kid I saw just a few months ago. As we were playing with some toy aeroplanes the front door opened and Pablo came in, usually I'm Milo's favourite person but as soon as you get Pablo in the mix I'm always long forgotten. Today was no different either as soon as Pablo had stepped into the living room he got the same greeting I did this morning but he saw it coming and picked up the charging child with ease. 
Despite just getting back from training Pablo suggested we go to the local park so I packed up a bag with some snacks while Pablo put Milo's shoes on which is a battle for anyone other than Pablo. We headed out and I was quickly left behind they went running off towards the park while I walked behind admiring their little bond. Pablo was definitely only running to not let Milo get too far away but as soon as they got to the road across from the park Milo stopped and waited for Pablo as he's been taught not to cross the road without holding someone's hand. They both waited for me so I jogged a bit to catch up but after that they were gone again heading towards the field to play football. As much as Pablo has spent his morning training and playing football he was still so excited to play with Milo who has just started going to practices on a weekend so was looking forward to having his new skills tested by a professional player. 
I let them play football together as my football skills leave a lot to be desired I think I may be worse than Milo who's only just started learning. Eventually I suggested that we go play in the play park which Milo seemed happy about and so did Pablo who needed a bit of a break from trying to match a toddlers energy levels. Milo wanted to go on the slides so I followed him and went up and down so many times I was starting to get dizzy. He then wanted to try the monkey bars but he's too small so I had to hold him as he went across which would be fine if I ever kept up with going to the gym but I don't so my arms got tired quite quickly. A point came where I couldn't hold him anymore so Pablo came to my rescue and suggested the swings. We took turns pushing Milo who was having the time of his life with his high we let him go, the sound of him giggling just melted my heart. 
Eventually we'd tired Milo out and he wanted to go home for dinner and then bed. He tried walking but he was just too tired so Pablo picked him up and carried him the whole way home. If the events of the day so far hadn't already melted my heart enough it definitely exploded with cuteness seeing Milo snuggle his face into Pablo's neck. Whenever the time comes Pablo is going to be the best father he's already so good with Milo and any other child he meets. The image of Pablo holding our baby the way he's holding Milo filled my brain and only made the smile on my face bigger. Of course we aren't ready to have our own children yet but days like these make me so excited for when that time comes being able to share all the amazing moments that having a child brings with the person who means the most to me is something I can't wait for. 
Once we made it home Milo just wanted to cuddle with me so Pablo took charge of cooking dinner but I did my best to help where I could. When the food was ready we all ate dinner together before I did Milo's bed time routine with him as I knew what my parents do with him every night. Pablo came back to join us when it was time for a bedtime story we both sat on the edge of the bed as I read Milo's favourite book while Pablo stroked his head until he was fast asleep. We both exited the room as quietly as possible avoiding all of the squeaky floorboards and pieces of furniture which are hard to see when the lights are off. 
We headed downstairs and both flopped back onto the sofa starting to feel the tiredness of keeping so active all day. This is half the reason we aren't ready to have kids of our own as I know we'd both be so tired at the end of the day and we like our sleep but we wouldn't get nearly enough of it. After gathering our thoughts for a second Pablo moved closer to me and got me to rest my head on his chest while he played with my hair that's falling out of the ponytail I put it in this morning. He pressed a kiss on the top of my head so I looked into his eyes which had that look in them the look they have when he's at his happiest.
"I'm exhausted but todays been amazing I can't wait to have kids of our own one day" Pablo said 
"I'm glad you say that as that's all I've been thinking about all day you are going to make the best dad when the time comes" I said 
"And you will be the best mum I just know it" he said 
"Right now though I think we wait a few years for kids I don't think I could do this every day kids are really draining" I said 
"Agreed how many kids would you actually want?" Pablo asked 
"I think at least 2 but not too many I know it's takes a toll on your body and I don't think I could handle having lots of kids" I said
"2 sounds perfect but we will have as many as you want it's your body so if 1 is enough then we will be a happy family of 3" he said 
"Until then I'm more than ok with just sticking to baby sitting" I said yawning 
"And practicing making babies" Pablo said which earned him a slap on the arm but he wasn't wrong practicing is fun 
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cinnamonbear22 · 1 month
oblivious love (c.s x reader)
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chapter one
yall i know they’re sober okay it’s just for the story, i have like seven chapters of this written up n i just wanted to see how one part would do so far :) i might not get everything accurate but it is just a story so don’t come for me ! plz!
fem!reader, fluff, substance use
"did you want to stop anywhere else before we go?" nick turned to me as my bags were clustered together on my arms as he only had a few.
"i think im okay" i looked down at my purchases, not even remembering what i had bought within the last previous hours since i had just fully splurged without a second thought.
"i think so too" nick chuckled and pulled out his phone while we stood on the busy strip of shops and restaurants. "let me get an uber and we'll head back" he didn't look up from his phone as he spoke, his hair gently blew in the wind that had a hint of sea salt lingering behind it.
i felt exhausted. i had a busy day out with nick. we went to the beach, went shopping, ate dinner, basically spending our whole day together. but this wasn't even the most busy day i had within the last two weeks with them.
the sturniolo family and mine had grew up together for as long as i could remember, in fact, me and the triplets were only born a week or two apart. my mom and their mom were childhood best friends since seventh grade, so they had also grew up together as well. they’ve always had plans as little girls to have babies around the same time so they could through motherhood together. it was always a childhood fantasy until it had actually happened, and ever since i could recall me and the triplets have never been separated… up until they had moved out of our hometown and to los angeles. they had often come to visit, but unfortunately they were extremely busy now than ever since the fame had rapidly taken over.
but they had spoiled me and flew me out for three weeks with them after not seeing them for six months. it was an unexpected present they had sent me and watched me open it over facetime. and i'll never forget their and even my own reaction.
i was about a week and a half into my trip, and already i've been extremely spoiled and so nicely treated by them. it was nothing new, when we were younger they had always treated me like a princess and the princess treatment still carried over twenty years later.
after about five minutes our uber pulled up to the curb we were waiting at, and we carefully slid in with all of our items. we talked quietly amongst ourselves, both of us feeling extremely dreary from our long day out. "we should deliver ice cream or something" my eyes lazily scanned the crowded ice cream stand as we drove by it.
"you said you were full after dinner" nick averted his gaze from looking out his window and looked down at me, laughing softly.
"ice cream sound amazing though right?" i cocked a brow, knowing i am going to order the ice cream with or without him.
"you're right" he sighed in defeat, rubbing his mouth in a contemplative way. me and nick were always the closest out of the three. i loved them all with my entire heart, but nick was truly my best friend. we would be able to sit in silence for hours just comfortable with each other's presence, hanging out for hours on end and being able to talk about absolutely everything. "what are you going to wear to that party tomorrow?" he broke me out of my daydream as the roads became more familiar as we got closer to their home.
"i think that little black dress i bought would be nice, no?" i turned to him, sort of thinking about the idea.
"you can never go wrong with that" he agreed. "i'll wear all black with you if you end up wearing that" he offered, making me laugh a bit.
"that would be great" i said wittily, my dreary head shifted its way onto his shoulder. "i'm a little nervous for the party"
"how come?" he pursed his lips, his eyes now shifting down to connect with mine.
"well i wouldn't know anyone besides you guys" the uber stopped in front of the house so we can be let off. we politely thanked him before shuffling out, grabbing all of my bags with me.
"well, you don't need to know anyone else but us" nick reassured with a little smile as he began to punch in the gate code.
"i wouldn't want to be annoying though and just leech off of you guys the entire time" the gate opened and we started to walk through, quickly the front door swung open.
"trust me you aren't annoying anybody here (y/n)," nick continued to reassure me as my eyes watched matt slightly jog down the front porch steps and to us.
"why didn't you help her with her bags?" matt looked at nick and nick quickly defended himself from his brother.
"i tried to, but she wouldn't let me" nick locked the gate back up as matt grabbed some of the bags off my arms without even asking me.
"i could've carried them myself" i looked up at him with a smile.
"you looked like you were struggling on your way up" he didn't even look at me before taking the lead and walking back inside, me and nick following him. nick side eyed me behind matt's back with his lips curled into a scoff, making me slightly giggle.
"did you guys eat yet?" matt asked as i made my way to the guest room that was tucked away within the first floor.
"yes" i heard nicks footsteps go up the stairs and my other bags that matt was holding rustling behind me as i made my way to my room for the time being.
once i was in my room i set my bags down and sat down on the bed, watching matt set down everything else. "thank you" i reached down and began to untie my shoes, ready to get into my pajamas after the long day.
"of course" he smiled gently and looked at me for a few long seconds before speaking again. "chris was looking for you all day today" matt rubbed his eyes with a slight smile.
"really?" my brows furrowed together but i couldn't help that i was a bit excited from hearing that. the name 'chris' even has me in a chokehold. we all grew up together, we grew up the same way, we all seen each other just as frequently as the other, besides nick, who i was inevitably closer with and hungout much more one on one, but even ever since we were little kids, me and chris's bond has always been slightly different, and everyone would be able to tell that no matter who you are. but i would never let myself act on those different feelings. i never wanted the ruin the dynamic between all of us.
"mhm," matt hummed, making his way to the door. "let me know if you need anything" he shut it behind him as i stared down at my feet for a moment.
i pushed myself off my bed and made my way towards the bathroom that was connected to the guest room and began to do my nightly routine, thinking about what matt had said but not taking it too far into consideration. i put my glasses on as the last step of my routine and quickly changed out of my clothes and into my pajamas, plaid fleece bottoms and a little tank top.
i slipped on my beige slippers and grabbed my phone before heading to nicks room, but before i could even open my door three knocks startled me. "can i come in?" chris's voice was muffled on the other side of the door. i opened the door which he seemed surprised, his eyes were extremely droopy, his hair was messy, his pajama bottoms sagged slightly revealing his boxers and he didn't have a shirt on. "oh..." he took a step back. i smiled and moved out of the way, giving him entrance into my temporary bedroom. "where have you been all day?" he asked, launching himself onto my bed and instantly cuddling up in the blankets.
"i was out with nick, i told you that, but i guess it just turned into an all day thing" i turned around and looked at him, and now that he was in the light i could see his eyes were a bit pink as well. "are you only coming to me because you just smoked?" i still stood and watched him as he got comfortable.
"no, no, no" his droopy eyes quickly went wide and he sat up, "i missed you today that's all, and i just happened to smoke. coincidence"
"got it" i couldn't help but smile at him and i made my way towards the edge of the bed, keeping our distance although i felt my skin on fire. i wish that the feelings would go away, but after several years they never had.
"you got a little sunburn on your cheeks" he reached his hand up and gently brushed his thumb across my cheek.
"is it bad?" i pulled myself away from his hand and touched it with my own, feeling the slightly irritated skin. i didn't even notice it in the bathroom.
"no, not at all" his tired eyes locked with mine. "it's cute" he grinned, making me smile too. he knew what he was doing. i felt like he had known i had a crush on him, but sometimes i think he's completely oblivious to it. i am sort of hoping he's more on the oblivious side.
it wasn't unnoticed that i would get a little more nervous whenever he was around, a little more aware. with matt and nick i was fine but with chris, even though i knew i could be myself around him, i still felt a small edge.
"do you really think so" i said sarcastically and put my hand under my chin, posing my face so he could see all sides.
"i really do" he chuckled, putting his hands behind his head now as he laid back down. the soft light in my room prominently brought out his light muscle tone along his strong facial features. "what are you going to wear to the party?" he asked me, referring to tomorrow.
"i bought a little black dress today" i looked behind me at the plethora of bags scattered around my room.
"that's always a classic" he nodded, the corners of his lips upturned.
"i spent so much money..." i sighed, still looking at the bags.
"did you use my card like i told you to?" he asked, now propping himself up on his elbow.
"as guilty as i am, i did" i scratched the back of my head and looked at him, his face washed over with excitement.
"well technically..." he now had deceitful look in his eyes, making my stomach churn. "i bought all these clothes so you have to give me a haul"
"you want a haul?" i couldn't help but to giggle a bit.
"please" his icy blue eyes looked up at me as i began to stand up, sending chills through every part of my body. "especially the victoria secret bag, i want a try on haul"
"cut it out" i turned my head to him as he was smirking at his little remark. "thank you by the way, you seriously did not have to give me any money"
"i wanted to" he watched me carefully now as i picked up all the bags and set them down on the bed. "so what did you get?" he sat himself up now and leaned against the headboard. "show me the dress"
i shuffled and dug around into some bags until i found the dress, his face immediately dropped as soon as i pulled it out. "what? is it ugly?" i was taken aback from his reaction.
"no not at all" he was looking between me and the dress. "it's just that..." he hesitated before speaking making me more nervous.
"just say it! am i too big for this dress? will it not compliment me?" i started to panic now, of course my thoughts quickly spiraling. that was nothing new to me.
"no! absolutely not!" he jumped up in quick defense, still looking at the dress. "it just looks like the size of a t-shirt…" he mumbled so softly, making me laugh that all the anticipation was for nothing. "it's not funny, it's too short" he started to laugh along with me, snatching the luxurious dress away from my hands. "are you sure this says dress on it? are you sure you didn't get it in the shirt section?" he started to look at it closely now, looking at the tags and everything. "it's so silky" he started to rub it against his face like a child with a blanket. "this is silk right?"
"stop it" i took it back from him with a smile, his eyes were still somewhat in a trance on the dress. "yes it is"
"i'll have to keep an eye on you all night if you wear that" he huffed, running his fingers through his hair. "are you going to wear like," his gaze averted up to my eyes, and i held it strongly. "wear a jacket..? like one that goes to the floor and you just button it up all the way and the dress underneath it so technically you're still wearing it out"
"i'm in los angeles, i didn't think i needed a jacket" i scoffed, neatly laying the dress across the desk chair that was in the room. he looked like he was in deep thought now. he licked his lips and wiped his mouth, all of his subconscious habits coming into play. i was now standing at the foot of my bed as he looked contemplated, but i was ready to go into more of the haul.
"nick let you buy that dress? for how short it is?" his pink eyes looked me up and down making me tense.
"christopher" i snapped at him, shooting my eyes up to meet his. "it's not that short"
"what shoes are you wearing?" he asked. he crossed his arms in such a graceful manner, accentuating his chest.
"i was just going to show you" i dug into another bag and pulled out a shoe box. inside the box revealed gorgeous, sleek, simple, shiny black stiletto heels. "what do you think?"
"i think that maybe with those on you'll look a normal height" he snarked, earning glare.
"seriously?" i cocked my head to the side, challenging him to see if he'd go any further.
"sorry" he pressed his lips together to try and mask his smile. "all i know is that you're definitely going to be the center of attention"
"yeah right" i put the heels back in the box and had also set them down by my dress. "im not going to know anyone there besides you guys, ill be following you guys around like a lost puppy" i retorted, moving some of the bags aside on my bed and sitting back down.
"there's no issue with that" he seemed a bit relieved taking in the fact that i would be near him all night. "i would be glad to accompany you to this party" he bowed his head like a prince would and spoke in an extremely formal accent, earning a small laugh. "i'll wear all black too"
"i think nick already is" i remembered him saying something about that in the uber.
"but i want to match with you though" he slightly whined and pouted like a child.
"well that has to be arranged between you guys" i put my hands up in defense and his eyes seemed to drift from mine and fixate my chest area. "what are you doing?" i covered my chest with my hands, watching his eyes carefully.
"i was looking at your necklace" he scoffed, and i quickly set my arms back down.
"oh" i giggled lightly and scooted a bit closer to him. "do you like it?" i asked him as his fingers gently brushed against my chest, and he held the small gold lion pendant.
"i do" he looked up softly at me. "did your boyfriend back at home get it for you?"
"you're such a dick" i slapped his arm away and a smile slowly crept up on his face. "me and that guy dated for a month, he cheated on me anyway, you know this..." i felt humiliated. "why do you still tease me for it?"
"because i told you he was a walking red flag" chris leaned back against the headboard, crossing his arms like how he had them before.
"please forgive me for being young and naive" i said in a snide tone, shaking my head. "what about you?" i asked him with a stern tone.
"what?" he cocked a brow.
"have you been with anyone within the last two years?" i asked him, sort of hoping the answer would only go one way.
"absolutely not" he shook his head, still holding eye contact with me. "(y/n) you would've known"
"well," i placed my hands in my lap. "do you have any interest in anyone? you've had to have met so many people in l.a."
"why are you asking me these questions?" his face began to hue a pink, just like his eyes. it gave me a small ego boost, seeing that i could also make him nervous.
"what? you can bust my balls all you want but i can't?" i teased him and he bit his lip nervously.
"she's going to be at the party tomorrow" he said, making my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach. i always set myself up to self sabotage, but it's better for me to find out from him than anyone else.
"yeah?" i kept a smile on my face, staying strong.
"mhm" he hummed, licking his lips and keeping his gaze in my eyes. a small bit of tension built up in the room and i felt like it was my fault.
"then you better not match with me because she might take it the wrong way" i anxiously began to fidget with the rings on my fingers.
"no, she better like it" he quickly came back making me a little confused but still a bit dejected.
"you're bold christopher" i slightly tilted my head to the side, taking in his dominate tone.
"i really wish i was" he sighed and stared at me with a slight look of regret in his eyes. it was a little off putting since it was hard to read him in this moment, the tension now flooded the room and it felt like i was drowning in it.
"then why aren't you?" i pushed him a little further.
"because i'm scared" he still looked strongly at me.
"scared of what?" my fingers made their way back to fidgeting with my rings. the vibe in this room was so off putting yet i still feel extremely relaxed with chris.
"rejection" his eyes became even more droopier as he spoke. "commitment"
"chris you know you could have any girl that you want" i couldn't help but to laugh a tiny bit, chris, scared of rejection? seriously? i understand commitment, he's always had an issue with that.
"there's only one i want" he held his pointer finger up in my face, indicating the number one.
"well," i softly pushed his large hand away from my face, but he ended up resting it in my lap on top of my hands lazily. "why not make your move at the party tomorrow? you said she'd be there right?" his hand started to feel all the rings on my finger, sending shivers down my spine with how gentle he's being.
"i will" he stared at our hands mingling, looking deep in thought. "you mess with your rings a lot, even the other day in the restaurant when you were ordering when we all went out to eat"
"i guess it's a nervous habit" i tried to pull my hand out of his soft grip, but he harshly grabbed it back.
"i wasn't done looking yet" he didn't even look up at me, just softly held my hands with his one.
"i think you're just trying to hold my hands" i grinned and looked up at him, and his eyes returned back to mine.
"so what?" his head lazily tilted to the side. "is it okay?" i nodded and watched his every move. "just like when we were younger" he chuckled to himself.
"i know" i sighed, laughing at the memories. "you did not let go of my hand when you were a toddler" he reached his other hand over now and started to play with both my hands. "i was dragged along everywhere with you"
"you wear so many rings" he held up my wrist to his face, inevitably pulling me in closer to him. "you don't like being dragged along with me?" his voice became tired now, but it was even more attractive.
"what more could i want in life?" i retorted, earning a small, sleepy evil eye from him. "you look so tired"
"im tired of you" he said scornfully, causing me to withdraw my hands from him and lean back with fake shock.
"you're extremely sassy tonight" i gave him a fake sad look and his face softened.
"i didn't mean it, come on" he quickly reached over and grabbed my arm, yanking me towards him and quickly engulfing me into a big hug. "you know you're my favorite person" he mumbled into my hair as i laughed at the sudden movements, being a bit taken back.
"you're my favorite boy ever" i told him, and i couldn't help but to wrap my arms around him as well. i was so happy to be in l.a. with all of them again. ever since they've been moving around back and forth i always felt a little empty without them in my hometown. i know that they were always one call away, but it would never be the same than me riding my bike to their house like i did when i was young, knowing i could go to them whenever i needed to.
"what about nick?" chris didn't let me go, but i wasn't upset about it. his hugs were always my favorite.
"that's our secret then" i pulled away from him as his arms still lingered around my middle, and we sat there just staring at each other for a moment.
"can we have a sleepover?" he asked, excitement filled his tired eyes.
"i guess" i laughed a little, my hands subconsciously rubbed his arm that was resting on me. ever since we were children chris has always been touchy with me, never in a weird way, so i never really accounted on that for a yes or no confirmation if he had similar feelings for me or not.
"hooray" he geek-ily smiled at me, earning a little laugh. "we haven't had a sleepover since sixth grade"
"i don't know what you're talking about, i was practically at your house every weekend in high school sleeping over" i cocked my brow, taking my hand away from his arm.
"yeah but you were always with nick" he rubbed his eyes with one of his hands, the other still loosely holding me.
"we're you jealous?" i teased him, but he just rolled his eyes.
"really?" he said in a dull tone, his eyes looking like they were trying to fight awake.
"i'm teasing you" i couldn't help but to feel the sleepiness as well.
"tell me about it" he groaned, covering his eyes with both his hands now and he looked up at the ceiling.
i giggled a little and swung my legs over the mattress, and started to move off all the rest of my bags off the bed that i hadn't shown him yet. "aren't you going to show me everything?"
"tomorrow, i'm tired" i set down all my bags on the floor and tossed him the television remote. "turn something on" he caught it with ease and i made my way to the light switch.
the only light that filled the room now was the t.v. and the moon spilling in from outside. it was such a calming scene, especially with chris in the room. as nervous as he made me he will always, always put me at ease.
i crawled into my bed, keeping as much distance as i could from chris. i didn't want to seem like i was pushing it at all, or annoying him in anyway. i pulled the blanket up to my chin, tucking myself in next time him, grabbing hold of the teddy bear that was gifted to me several years ago from the triplets and hugging it to my chest. "you still have that?" chris's groggy voice was close to me now.
"of course" my eyes focused on the t.v., seeing he had put on some movie. i wasn't sure what it was though. i was too tired to care right now.
"you took it with you on your trip?" he still sat up against the headboard, slouching a little as he looked down at me.
"it's like my security blanket" i looked up at him, his face being dimly lit by the television.
"awe that's adorable" he cooed at me, a slight pout formed on my lips. "why don't you hold me like that?" at this point he had to be taunting me.
"i don't think you're a teddy bear" my fingers laced in the teddy bears slightly matted fur.
"let me me be your teddy bear" he sang to me in his sleepy voice, referring to the elvis song.
"oh my goodness" my face was flush, but im sure the sunburn covered it up.
"please" he begged, pouting his lip out and widening his eyes like a puppy. i knew he was just high, and he probably wouldn't mention any of this in the morning, but it was also just how our dynamic worked.
"c'mere" i set my teddy aside freeing the space and opened up my arms to welcome him.
"yes" he said joyful to himself, quickly shifting himself on top of me. i grunted a little at the weight, since he plopped himself on me without any hesitation.
i wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him slightly as he got comfortable with his head on my chest. his fluffy hair tickled my face and i gently pushed it away with my fingers. "you're such a baby" my fingertips softly traced along his back, my eyes shifted to the screen.
"remember in middle school at that one little party we went to" he murmured into my skin, his hot breath against me made my hair standup.
"not really" one of my hands began to play with his soft hair. "that was so long ago, how do you even remember middle school"
"i don't know" he mumbled.
"why?" i was talking softly now.
"i remember it was the first girl-boy party we ever went to and how exciting it was" he rambled with slurred words here and there. "and we played spin the bottle remember?"
"sort of..?" i tried to dig deep into the memory but it wasn't really anywhere to be found.
"it was your turn and you were so nervous" he chuckled lowly, but i was still confused to the point he was trying to make. "but it landed on me"
the embarrassing memory instantly came back.
"oh god" i sighed, rolling my eyes a little at the story. "why are bringing this up?"
"i don't know i just remembered it" i could tell he was lying. i didn't want to push the conversation further. "was i a bad kisser? is that why you don't remember?"
"christopher..!" i whisper yelled at him, taking my hands out of his hair and off him and tried to push his shoulders off me but he didn't budge. he probably had felt the heat radiating off my body from how embarrassed i was.
"what?" he chuckled slightly at my reaction, resisting to move off of me. "put your hand back in my hair please" he mumbled but i didn't listen to him. "please, it feels so good" he whined wearily, my heart began to pick up at the choice of words he used. "remember when you used to do my hair as a kid"
"why do you remember so much?" i put my hands back in his hair, softly pressing my nails into his scalp and lacing my fingers through his locks.
"god, i don't know but i just love this feeling" he groaned, nestling more in my chest. "i missed you" he blurted out, his eyes shut all the way now. he talks so much, i wouldn't doubt that he sleep-talks as well. but i never ever minded it. the way he could change the subject and talk to people and never make it awkward was just such a strong quality of his. "i miss being at home and you're so close to me-" he cut himself off quickly. "well i meant us"
"i missed you too chris" i let my eyes fall since they were fighting to stay awake at this point. "a lot"
he continued to talk, but it was hard for me to process what he was saying. he was slurring and mumbling, and i was drifting in and out of consciousness, responding to him with only 'mhm's and 'yeah's. but his voice was lulling me to sleep, so i didn't mind. i would never mind moments like this.
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pablitogavii · 9 months
Best friend's little sister Pt. 2
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Pablo was arriving to training a little later than usual noticing Hector with a prominent bruise on his left eye. He was starting to train with the first team occasionally and there was clear tension between him and Pedri since the party.
Pablo couldn't deny he was happy someone knocked the dude for grabbing your ass, but it also made him worried what his best friend might do to him if he finds out the whole truth. Ayy que haces conmigo pequeñita!
"We still have to play with him hermano" Pablo said sitting besides Pedri who was giving the boy death glares.
"I heard you pulled her away from him that night" Pedri said and Pablo's blood froze wondering how much did Hector see really hoping he was too wasted to care what happened against the wall.
"Yeah..I saw her and took her home" Pablo said seeing his friend nod which told him that he didn't know anything more..fuck that was close!
"Gracias hermano! She's defiantly being grounded for this stunt" Pedri said and Pablo nodded knowing he already gave his 'punishment' that same night before Pedri returned.
"P..please papi make me cum..i'll be good..i..p..promise you" my cries filled the room as Pablo was edging me for the past hour always brining me right to the edge before denying me to finish..this was torture and he knew it.
"Mi nena mala doesn't get to cum..not until she fixes her attitude" Pablo whispered into my ear denying me once more before dressing me up in his black shirt and kissing me goodnight.
"Think twice before letting someone else touch what's mine pequeñita.." were the last words he spoke to me before sneaking out that night.
End of flashback
"I have one rule, my sister is off limits! Fucking respect it!" Pedri groaned while fixing his coasters and Pablo gulped feeling very dirty for thinking dirty thoughts with my brother sitting right besides him. Pedri will never get over his rule..
A week passed and Pedri was still giving me a cold shoulder for sneaking out that night but my "punishment" ends today and I were happy for finally being able to leave the house again after school.
Tonight his friends (Pablo included;) were coming over and since Masa was out of town to visit her family, I came down the stairs wanting to hang out with them.
Pedri came back from the kitchen seeing me there asking to play FIFA with them. He placed snacks on the table asking me to let them chill alone but I looked at Pablo with puppy dog eyes..I really wanted to stay!
"She'll play with me, vale ? More chances for you to win hermano" Pablo said and Pedri shrugged nodding his head..it was only when it came to Pablo did he trust with his sister.
Balde, Ansu, Ferran and even Rapha noticed how close the two of us were always somehow touching or laughing together. We even won one time celebrating by hugging but to Pedri that was nothing special..Pablo was his best friend and he trusted him.
"Last round, I'm posting the winners on my story! Ready to loose Pablito??" Rapha said challenging Pablo. He pulled me back taking the full control and basically massacring them one by one as you cheered at the end.
"We won! Huh take that!!!" you said sticking your tongue out at the boys who rolled their eyes laughing while Pablo took a moment to look down at you with a smirk. He liked how my small hand was holding his flexed bicep..fuck he was getting horny again!!
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whatever they won 🙄 @pablogavi @y.n.gonzalez
barcafanss: are they together!!?😍
gaviragirls: her hand placement!!😳
pedrimirey: that's pedris sister relaxx!
pedrigavifans: yeah no way will pedri let him be with his little sis!!
pedrii: stop the rumors cause you'll ruin their friendship
pablogavi: good job pequeñita!
y.n.gonzalez: 💪🏼
pedri: "if she plays with me we'll lose hermano!!!" -pg
pablogavi: 😂😂😂
pedrigonzz: see they're just friends relaxXX!!!!
"Damn I forgot about my physical exam tomorrow morning..I can't take you to school hermanita" Pedri said mid dinner looking at me and then at Pablo who immediately offered to take his car and pick me up.
"House keys are upstairs..I can grab.." Pedri couldn't finish the sentence since I already said I was tired and can give it to Pablo as he followed me upstairs.
"You sure there's nothing going on between them Pedri?" Rafa asked and Pablo gulped but heard Pedri say he was absolutely sure about it. That was good but ultimately made Pablo even more screwed up!
The moment you were upstairs, you grabbed Pablo's hand and he pulled you closer kissing your lips feverishly. You were both screwed but couldn't care less in that moment!!!
"I wanted to do that all night!" you say and he smirks when you pulled away from each other.
"You really need to be more subtle about your affection pequeñita or he will start to notice too.." Pablo said as I pulled him into my room jumping into his arms and he grabbed my butt holding me up and kissing my lips again..we were both hungry for each other.
"I didn't do anything..you were holding my hand underneath the table the whole dinner!" I remind him while he kept kissing me from my lips to my neck while sitting down on the bed with me straddling his lap.
"And you were caressing my bicep as I played the game..it was driving me loco pequeñita!!!" he said and I giggled smiling and leaning into his neck to leave a few kisses myself. He closed his eyes enjoying the sweet ministration I gave to his neck wondering how badly he wanted to have you right now on this bed!
"I can't stay long.." he reminded me but still enjoyed my kisses. It was like his head and heart couldn't agree in that moment..I knew the feeling!!!
"Hm..we can say I just couldn't find the keys so quickly??" you smirk and he nods pulling you with him onto the bed cuddling up comfortably for a few minutes.
"I need to come down soon or he will start looking for me.." Pablos said while spooning me and playing with my hair as I tried to fall asleep in his arms. I was so tired of sleeping alone..I just wanted to stay like this for at least one night more.
"But..I want to sleep in your arms like this tonight!!!" I whined and he kissed the top of my head slowly getting up as I grabbed his bicep not letting him go.
"No!" I sass getting his stern look again..fuck it was my kryptonite!
"Be good now pequeñita..one more goodnight kiss and I'll see you tomorrow morning vale?" he said and I smiled as he kissed my lips one more time tucking me in and grabbing the car keys on the nightstand.
"Goodnight mi cielo.." he said and I blushed at that new nickname..it made butterflies in my stomach erupt..me and Pablo really started being more than just attracted to each other and it was getting more dangerous.
"Goodnight.." I managed to say before he closed my bedroom door and left downstairs with the keys saying bye to his friends.
The next morning, I was woken up by soft warm body on top of mine instead of a loud and obnoxious alarm blaring besides my head. Pablo was kissing my neck massaging my hips as I smiled opening my eyes slowly to look at him and touch his hair.
"Hmm I can get used to this.." I say and he moved to lay besides me as I quickly cuddled up to him enjoying his warmth. Pedri was surely already gone to his physical and I could enjoy this moment with Pablo in peace.
"Will you come to the game tonight pequeñita??" he asked while playing with my hair gently and I smiled looking up and nodding my head. I wouldn't miss El Classico for anything in the world..now having two people to support instead of one.
"I know you'll wear Pedri's jersey..but..I can't help wishing to see you in mine one day" Pablo said and I knew he rarely opened up like this so I savored the moment..and I got an idea for a surprise in that moment.
I begged Pablo to pick Masa up with me and he groaned saying "just for you pequeñita" before my best friend joined us. When we arrived to school, Pablo hesitated but it was obvious what he wanted in that moment..what we both wanted.
"Go ahead..I won't say a word..promise! Just as long as my girl is happy!" she said and he kissed me being hidden from the rest of the world by black car windows.
"Be good! See you tonight pequeñita" he said as we both left and he surely checked out my school uniform again..he had a thing for it for sure!!! I told Masa about the surprise and she was excited for me promising to be my date for the game and make sure I can sneak out behind bleachers on time!!!
Spotify, Camp Nou
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Go Barçaaaa!! ❤️💙 @fcbarcelona
liked by pablogavi and others
y.n.the.pretiest: whose jersey is she wearing!!??
pedrirey: her brother's obviously!🙄
gavigavi: nahh she wearing gaviss cause they're dating clearly!
gavi.pedri.bros.for.life: stop with rumors!
gavigavi: he liked her picture!!!
masa.babyy: my girl!!💗💗💗
y.n.gonzalez: 💗💗
pedri: ❤️
y.n.gonzalez: hermanooo
fcbarcelona: ❤️
y.n.gonzalez: ❤️❤️
raphina: our craziest fan😂😂
y.n.gonzalez: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
The game was intense, typical for El Classico, with lots of faul and occasional fighting. Pablo was the one catching arguments while my brother tried calming him down..all I could think about is seeing Pablo all sweaty and perfect after the game..fuck I hope he likes my surprise!!!
Luckily Barça ended up winning which pissed of the madritistas but most of all Vinicius Jr who pushed Pablo to the ground and the fight broke. You saw Pablo walking off the pitch looking at Masa who told you to go now and she will meet your brother.
You quickly took off Pedri's jersey smiling at your Gavi one underneath before running to meet him behind the bleachers like you agreed. He was there and your stomach flipped the moment your eyes landed on his..fuck he was pissed iff and never hotter!!!
"Have you seen that hijo de fucking puta!!? Pushing me because he can't lose and because we are a better club and.." but you shut him up with a kiss and his strong sweaty arms wrapped around your tightly..that's when he noticed HIS name shining on your back.
"Pequeñita..turn around for me???" he said and you smirked pulling away and turning to make him see bright GAVI shinning on your back before returning his gaze. He was in utter shock as his hand touched his part and before you knew it you were kissing again.
"Estas loca!? What if Pedri sees??" you say and again you shut him up with a kiss explaining that you wore his underneath your brothers..Pablo relaxed and continued making your with you with his hands now comfortably resting on your butt while his lips devoured yours.
You two were too "busy" to notice Vini standing there with his phone and snapping a picture with a smirk on his face..
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copperbadge · 5 months
Still badgering away at The Chicken Salad War and I did not realize how delighted I was going to be by introducing semi-masc nonbinary Jes Deimos to gallant butch Ylias Lazaar. I don't quite know where their subplot is going to go if anywhere but I feel like it may be somewhere awesome.
"Mr. Lazaar," said a familiar voice, and she turned to see LeFevre at her elbow, looking pleased. "A great success for you, I think." 
"Seems to have gone all right, yeah," she agreed. "I heard you were going to crash."
"Alas, I could not -- I ended up invited," he said, grinning. 
"And you brought guests?"
"Ah, I didn't mean to bring the royal family down on your head so soon," he said, leaning in. "They are terrible gossips; I should have remembered when I told King Theophile that he would likely share the information. Still, His Grace Gerald is pleased you use his oil and His Grace Michaelis enjoyed the matbucha greatly."
"And you? No constructive criticism?" she asked. 
"Not tonight. I have never opened a restaurant myself, but I can understand this is your triumph! And in any case they are small quibbles. I will need to dine here more times before I speak," he replied. Someone tapped him on the arm, and he turned, then nodded at the person standing just behind him -- the one who'd been speaking with the old king a moment before. "Mr. Lazaar, may I present Ser Deimos, who came with His Grace. This is Mr. Lazaar, the chef of the hour. She/her," he added with a smile. 
Ser Deimos looked amused. "They/them," they said, holding out a hand. "We're honored to be able to attend -- I don't think we realized when Gerald told us he was going that it was your soft open." 
"It's my pleasure. Not everyone gets to feed the royal family on their first night," she replied, bowing over their hand. "And you're an ornament to any dining room." 
Deimos looked delighted. "Thank you, that's kind of you to say. If I'd known the food was going to be this good I'd have scared up a party. I have a lot of friends in from out of country at the moment."
"Well, we open reservations tomorrow morning -- but for the royal family, I can set aside a table," Ylias replied. 
"Don't, just yet," Deimos said, looking around. "I'm thinking more of a party. Could we rent the restaurant?"
"The whole restaurant?" Ylias asked, blinking. Simon looked smug. 
"If not, that's fine -- we'll take the offer of a table -- but my son's graduating next week, and we were thinking of a group dinner the night before. Simon here is catering the night of," they added. "It'll be twenty or thirty people, and some of them have been doubtful that Fons-Askaz could live up to New York, foodwise. Yes, I felt the same," they added, catching Ylias's expression. "The only thing Fons-Askaz can't offer that New York can is the pizza, and only because our Eddie hasn't got the time to open a pizza restaurant." 
"I hadn't..." Ylias fumbled slightly. "I'm sorry, we have a catering menu but I hadn't arranged any kind of contract for renting the space. It'd need to be a handshake deal and I couldn't quote a fee off the top of my head."
"Of course, I threw this at you with no warning. Here," they said, reaching into their pocket for a wallet and pulling out a card. "Email or phone is fine. If you can send me a proposal by Sunday, I can make a deposit on Monday. I'm comfortable with an informal deal as long as we have terms written out over email. If you don't feel ready, just let me know -- we'll definitely be back regardless." 
"I'll be in touch," Ylias managed. Deimos gave her a bow and a smile, and retreated to their table.
[Then, later]
As they left Plate & Press, full of good food and possibly slightly tipsy, Jes leaned against Michaelis's arm and said, "Holy shit."
He gave them an amused look. "Yes, the food was very good. Nice space, too. I can't remember the last time I had such a pleasant evening out."
"Well, yeah, but I meant the chef," they said. He glanced at them, frowning.
"The Lazaar fellow?"
"Lady, I think. Uncertain, actually. Butch, possibly. She/her but Simon called her Mr. Lazaar." 
"I noticed her, but I didn't see anything particularly unusual. Why?" 
"I love you to bits but you're hopeless," they said. "You really didn't think she was hot?"
"I don't form opinions about sex appeal, generally," he reminded them. "Present company excepted." 
"Well, she is hot in a very specific way -- like you, actually, sort of masculine and chivalrous -- and she called me an ornament to her dining room. I may have had a little moment." 
He laughed. "Oh dear, am I going to have to fight a chef for your favors?" 
"No, it's just nice to know I still got it." 
He kissed the side of their head, affectionate. "You're an ornament wherever you go, but I'll make a note to remind you of it more often. Seems she's making a stir -- Simon likes her also, I think. Sometime soon we're going to have to kick Gregory and Eddie out of the residence for an evening, and I think I'll recommend that place for dinner. Gregory loves Tunisian food and I think Eddie would find a lot to interest him."
"You just want to spend a whole evening cuddling babies," Jes said. 
"Joan and the twins all require the benefit of my wisdom on a regular basis," he said. There was a wolf-whistle directed at them from somewhere over their heads; some young wag, out on the second-floor balcony of a small hotel, clearly getting an early start on Pride. She waved a pink-and-blue flag in their direction. 
"You can't have him!" Jes called. 
"I was whistling at you!" the girl called back. 
"I'll take him," her friend offered from the chair next to her. 
Michaelis chuckled. "Drink some water, young ladies, or you'll be in no condition for the parade this weekend," he called. 
"Vodka's sixty percent water!" someone on another balcony shouted, and someone else yelled for everyone to keep it down, and the discussion went on without them. 
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athanza · 5 months
Starlett - Final part
Cooper Howard/fem!OC (not self-insert)
Tags: Hurt/comfort (sort of?), non-allowed romantic connection, lots of tention, pre and post war drama, romance, some fluff
Warnings: Mentions of domestic abuse (no graphic scenes or descriptions of that nature), angst, canon wasteland violence
This branches out from canon but I thought it was a cute story idea so I had to write it. Enjoy! ♡
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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That night, after dinner, Irene found Cooper on the sofa with Janey asleep on his lap, watching an old noire film with the volume down low.
"Thank you very much for dinner Mr. H- Cooper." She corrected herself, speaking low so as not to wake Janey. "It was lovely."
He looked up as she walked over. "It was no trouble at all. Janey loved having you here."
She smiled at his daughters sleeping face as she sat down on the edge of the sofa. "You've got a good kid there."
He looked down at her proudly. "Yeah, I sure do."
"She reminds me of my baby sister, she lives with my folks in Sacramento. I don't get to see her much anymore with my work and everything with Frank and Lee. It'll be good to see her again."
"How long has it been?"
"Almost 2 years. I know my sister resents me for how much I'm away, but hopefully that'll change now that I'll be away from Frank, at least until the divorce proceedings." She sighed with uneasiness.
"You'll be fine." Said Cooper encouragingly. "You're stronger than you think."
"Ditto." She smiled warmly. "And don't worry about Janey, you both love her so much. She'll understand when she's older, I promise."
He smiled, touched by her words. "Thank you."
She looked into his eyes and saw something she never had, a good man, a man who loves unconditionally and stands up for his family.
She, just for a moment, imagined what it would be like if he was her husband instead of Frank, if Janey were their daughter, if this was her life and not the daily abuse she had been going home to every night.
She could feel emotions begin to well behind her eyes and she snapped out of it before she embarrassed herself.
"Well, I should get some sleep, I'll be leaving early tomorrow. Thank you again."
The warmness that emanated from her was a welcome comfort in the midst of everything that had happened in the last few months. He almost didn't want her to leave, but he couldn't let himself fall, not now, not for her. They were meant for another time, another world, not this one.
"Irene?" Said Cooper, stopping her before she left. "This whole thing with Vault Tec...something's happening, something I'm not sure we'll ever come back from.
You're free from it now. Whatever's coming...it won't be worth giving up your happiness."
What he said about Vault Tec concerned her, not that it was surprising, but he was right about her happiness, he was right about everything. She wasn't going to be held back any longer.
"Thank you." She said, smiling softly.
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The sky was still dark when he left the cave. He'd covered Irene with whatever he could find to try to conceal her from raiders, hoping nothing else would find her while he was gone.
He knew there was a clinic in this area somewhere but whether it had anything left in it was a gamble.
As he made his way hastily through the area, he couldn't stop thinking about her and it just made him angry, 219 years of trying to become the monster that he had to be in order to survive, only for her to show up and remind him of that warmth that he'd long since forgotten. It made him weak, but he couldn't let her die, not now.
He heard movement up ahead, two men laughing drunkenly as they stumbled to find somewhere to relieve themselves.
The cages and skewered bodies around the building were a dead give-away and their little base just happened to be the clinic he was looking for.
Jackpot. They definitely had a stash in there somewhere.
The two men separated to find somewhere to piss but just as one got comfortable, Cooper blast his head off and took the other one out just a split second later.
"Oh HELL no!" Came a voice from the doorway of the clinic.
Without hesitation, Cooper shot him too, a bloody mess left on the door frame behind where he had been standing.
He stormed inside, his pump-action shotgun in hand, willing to use up all of his ammo to get what he needed.
Bullets and wood chips were flying every which way, and he took a bullet or two, but it took him no time at all to obliterate every person in that building.
He searched hastily for supplies, and when he found a first aid box full of stimpaks and cotton thread, he grabbed it and left, picking up several blood packs on his way out.
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The next morning, Irene was up early, her bag already in her car when Cooper came out to meet her.
"You weren't kiddin' about leavin' early." He said, the clock in the hallway reading 7:12am.
"I thought it'd be best if I left earlier rather than later."
He knew why. He didn't argue.
"Give this to Janey for me, would you? I noticed she liked it and I know it'll be in good hands."
She handed Cooper a silver locket with a daisy engraved delicately on the front.
He looked at it a bit surprised. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I don't much care for it anymore. It'll be more appreciated with her." She smiled.
She did one last check of her purse to make sure she had everything and the tention in the air was starting to thicken. When she knew she had everything, she looked back up at him.
"Cooper?" She asked. "Do me a favour and don't let the world harden that heart of yours, ok? That part of people is important, even if it makes us feel weak, always remember that, ok?"
She leant forward and kissed his cheek. "See you 'round cowboy."
She smiled at him one last time before getting in her car, and as he watched her drive away he felt his heart ache a little. He would miss her, her warm smiles, and how she made Janey laugh, but it wasn't meant to be, and he knew that.
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He pulled off the foliage covering her now pale body and opened the case.
Her breathing was shallow and laboured, a puddle of blood underneath her that had started to coagulate.
He used one of the stimpaks, then another, then another until he had used all six, then pulled out the thread and started sewing up the deep gashes on her side that were sticky with blood.
He remembered the last time he saw her, her smile, the kiss. He remembered watching her drive away and wishing she hadn't. He remembered the last things she said to him.
"...don't let the world harden that heart of yours, ok? That part of people is important, even if it makes us feel weak..."
When he finished sewing, he hung up one of the blood bags and attached the long tube to her arm.
He was still and focused, hoping he wasn't too late, his hands now covered in her blood.
When she woke up after only a few minutes, she saw him sitting by the fire beside her and smiled sleepily.
"Hey there cowboy."
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The End
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to---the---ark · 5 months
chapter I - The Pride
Jeff was the first one to enter their new house.
He was excited to start a new Life, despite how difficult it was going to be to leave his very small friends group behind.
He wasn't going to miss the bullies, that was for sure, and he truly hoped that his new school had a decent policy about bullies and other kind of discriminations.
He was 14, and he was stupidly hopeful, after all.
Him and his brother Liu, who was 15, both ran upstairs, excited to finally have separate bedrooms.
They had a very deep bond, and everyone knew in their hometown that where there was one of them, there was going to be the other too. Despite that, they were happy to finally have more privacy and more room for their things and hobbies, especially Liu, who loved doing big Lego constructions that used to occupy both his and Jeff's desks, pissing the younger off more than once.
Jeff choose the bedroom with a big glass wall. Enormous red curtains were on both side of the glass wall, and the sun was settling down, gifting the bedroom with the last bit of light it could give.
There was an big bed, with a naked mattress his dad had put up before the party, some shelves, and a dark wooden floor that perfectly balanced the white walls of the bedroom.
Jeff laid down on the bed after putting on it all the blankets and pillows it needed, and closed his eyes.
He was tired, moving wasn't an easy thing to do, even if him and Liu had stayed to their paternal grandparents while their parents moved their things in the new home. Everything was still in their boxes, and the kids were more than eager to take everything out.
"A job for tomorrow me, tho" the boy thought.
Suddenly, a weight fell upon him.
«Wha- Liu! Get off of me, you jerk!» Jeffrey grumbled, but he couldn't stop himself from starting a tickling fight with his brother, like they used to do when they were little kids.
«No- that's unfair- Jeff, I'm warning you, stop or else-» Liu shouted between a laughing fit and another.
«Or what?» Jeff laughed, now on top of his brother, tickling him mercilessly.
«Jeff, Liu, come down here, boys!» Margaret called.
The two kept poking at each other's sides while going downstairs. Jeff's long black hair was a mess, Liu's brow hair was short and messy too.
Jeff shouted a laugh when Liu blocked him against the wall to be able to tickle him properly before running off, reaching Margaret.
She looked at her sons, blue eyes stern: «Oh, babies, aren't you two too old to play like this?»
Her gaze softened when she returned to look at the woman at the front door.
She was always like that.
Always scolding them for acting like the kids they were, always looking like a saint in front of the public eye.
The title of "perfect family" had been earned like that, after all.
«This is Barbara» Margaret said, introducing her sons to the woman. «She's out neighbor. Barbara, those are Liu and Jeff. My husband isn't here right now, but you'll meet him when we'll drop the kids off at the birthday party, don't worry!»
«What birthday party?» Jeff asked.
«See this little one?» Barbara said, pointing at a child hiding behind her chubby body, hands gripping her floreal dress. «He's my son Billy, and in a week I'll throw him a birthday party. You two are invited, it'll be the perfect occasion to meet the other kids of the neighborhood!»
«That's such a lovely idea, Barbara, thank you so much!» Margaret smiled, adjusting her brown hair in a high chignon.
Jeff's blue eyes met Liu's green ones.
"Oh, please, no" the both of them thought.
Peter Woods came home just a few minutes after Barbara and Billy had returned to their own home, and after a while the whole family sat at the dinner table, praying before eating the take-away Chinese food Peter bought home, since their fridge was pretty empty.
When Margaret informed Peter about the birthday party, Liu spoke up in the behalf of both himself and Jeff: «Can we not go to that party, please?»
«Yeah, we're not- what, 7? We're too old to play with toys and stuff like that.»
«You acted like toddlers right before meeting Barbara» Margaret said. «You're going.»
«Dad? Please? Can we not go?» Jeff asked.
Peter, with his green eyes fixated on his food, scratched his black hair with a hand before answering: «You're going, and you need to make a good first impression.»
The two boys huffed, knowing full well that they weren't going to win this over.
Good first impression were too important for their parents, and they never had a say on that. They could only act as the perfect kids of a perfect family, and hope that the party wasn't going to be too boring.
A few days later, Jeff stretched his arms, still hiding in the comfort of his blankets.
The house was quiet, the birds were chirping outside of his window... and Liu opened the door, looking as tired as him, and took the blankets away.
«Why. Liu, tell me why» Jeff muttered. He wasn't a morning person and he was often in a bad mood before eating breakfast.
Liu gave him the finger and silently went downstairs.
Jeff rolled his eyes, and got up.
He wore his favorite outfit: an old white hoodie, black converse and black jeans. He was going to go to his and Liu's first day at their new school, and he wanted the comfort of some beloved clothes, since his shyness could lead to social anxiety, if he felt over stimulated.
But of course, his parents couldn't let him have that.
«Jeff, go take that hoodie off, wear the white flannel instead» Margaret said.
«But- but mom! It's just school!»
«Good impressions matter, son. Don't you agree, Peter?» Dad muttered an agreement, eyes on the TV. He never really talked with his wife, important things aside, after all. «See? Dad agrees too. Go change, honey.»
He did so, his mood worsening my the moment.
He sat at the table beside his brother, and they started eating breakfast... until mom commented on how much weight he was going to gain for eating that much.
He rolled his eyes, and he sighed.
The perfect kid eats just what he needs to survive, and in the Woods's house eating was just something you did to keep living.
Perfect, right?
Always right.
The Woods brothers finally got out of the house, and they went to the bus stop at least 30 minutes in advance.
«I think Jane would like you, especially dressed like a church baby boy» Liu joked, trying to lighten up Jeff's mood while they sat down on the sidewalk.
«Who the fuck is Jane?»
«She's one of our neighbors. She should be your age, or maybe mine, I don't know» Liu answered. «Oh, here she is!» he said, pointing at a girl looking at them from her bedroom's window. Liu and the girls exchanged a wave of their hands.
The brothers' conversation was interrupted by a skateboard almost hitting Liu on the head, and the laughters of three other boys.
«Oh, hey, guys, sorry for that!» the skater said.
Liu recognized the boy, and also the two sidekicks he had by his sides, and all three of them were wearing clothes with a mimetic fantasy and were on a skateboard.
The boy who spoke was Randy, he had dark brown hair, strong features, a slightly crooked nose, and his eyes hid behind sunglasses. On his left there was Keith, the shorter of them, with blue eyes and red hair. The last one was Troy, brown hair and eyes, a little bit on the plus size.
The last two were the kids of Randy's dad's closest coworkers, and Randy's dad was the richest motherfucker in town, so the boys always felt superior to anyone, and it didn't matter how bad the troubles those three 16 years old got into were, their dads were always going to save their ass.
Pride was thick in Randy's voice: «You must be Jeff and Liu, nice to meet you» Randy said, without even caring about introducing his sidekicks. «Since you're new here, I just wanted to introduce myself.»
[chapter II - The Cruelty]
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acourtofthought · 1 year
I love how SJM looked right at Lucien and said, get ready boy, you're going to be happy but I'm going to make you suffer for it first 😂
"But does he honestly expect me to spend the rest of my life in that manor, overseeing servants"
“Mrs. Laurent, draw up some tea and bring it to the drawing room.”
Her chin lifted slightly. “We’ll send the servants away tomorrow.”
and wearing pretty clothes?”
Eight years of poverty hadn’t stripped from her the desire to look lovely.
“and hurried down the hall before I could explain that no one cared if she showed up to dinner covered in flour and that she should just sit.
She does not dream beyond her garden and pretty clothes.
Lucien watched the ever-young forest. “Isn’t that what all human women wish for? A handsome faerie lord to wed and shower them with riches for the rest of their lives?”
He almost had it right..........until he got:
“I don’t want a mate. I don’t want a male.” She wanted a human man.
I love Elain and Lucien as a pairing because both have / had these pre-conceived notions about the others race that created this drama in their setup (it's all so very Pride and Prejudice!). Not to mention they both started their journey accepting of their stations in life rather than pushing for more (he as Tamlin’s second and she as a lady of a household).
Lucien was under the impression that humans had no interests “Don’t you have any … interests?” “No.” Not entirely true, but I wasn’t about to explain the painting to him. So typically human" and that they matched the picture that Feyre painted in her head about life with Tamlin, their only concern, finding a Fae suitor who would provide for them. Maintaining that belief only to be given a human turned Fae mate and to find out that he was wrong about it all, that she wanted no part of a "handsome faerie lord to wed". 😂 Elain might have fit certain criteria of his stereotype but they weren't the things that mattered considering he ate his words on the rest of it.
Elain was fixed on the notion that the Fae were cruel and were out to hurt them, “We are raised this way. We hear stories of your kind crossing the wall to hurt us. Our own neighbor, Clare Beddor, was taken, her family murdered …”
And while Lucien never hurt her and is actually the least "fae-like" or violent of the fae we've met so far, her initial impression of him was this crazy bond snapping into place, creating this animalistic draw between them. And feeling that pull whenever they're together and hearing any snarls from him would probably be intimidating when she was taught to fear the Fae her whole life.
SJMs endgames couples mostly revolve around the females growth but what I love about Elucien are there are major things they've both already had to change in their thinking since being made mates. They're both having these individual journeys and working their way towards changes in their thought process which I think she'll go over once we get to their book and we'll see a continuation of that in their own POVs.
It seems she wasn't kidding when she mentioned the tension, growth, and healing (together) that they'd have.
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mawofmeraxes · 2 years
Sneaking Out
request: No no okay but gender neutral!reader and eddie having a kid and them trying to sneak out to go to a party, and eddie catching them and being a big goof! Just some dad!eddie fluff 🥰
summary: On a normal weekday night, you and Eddie get ready to relax and unwind while you think your kids are in their rooms sleeping. But Eddie has an odd feeling about what the kids are up to, one that he knows is entirely right.
characters: dad!eddie munson x GN!reader
word count: 2.3k
warnings: parenting, children attempting to sneak out, dad!Eddie, parent!reader, mention of underage drinking, mention of drugs drug use, allusion to sex, eddie being a little shit
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It was a simple Thursday night, not unlike many others. Dinner had been prepared and eaten, and the kids were fully fed and ready for a good night’s rest. All that had to be done now was the dishes. After that, you and Eddie could head to bed to relax and spend some time together before the whole cycle repeated itself.
Your twins, Ronnie and Joan, sat in the living room, talking to each and watching TV before they would soon head to bed. They both had school early the next morning, and after that they would be free to relax and do whatever they pleased with their friends over the weekend. Maybe they would even choose to spend it with you and Eddie.
Doubtful, teenagers will be teenagers.
You liked to think that you and Eddie were pretty lax parents, since the two of you were pretty rambunctious yourselves during your high school years. You understood exactly what it meant to be 17 and ready to take on the world, and you wanted your kids to have the best experience they could with their loving parents supporting them and ready to help them at any turn. Both of you trusted them, more than a lot of other parents that you have come to know. You knew they would want to experiment with things like drugs and sex at their age, and the best you could do was let them know what drugs to avoid the most and how to be safe when they did, at some point, choose to have sex.
Overall, you and Eddie loved being parents and thought you were doing a pretty good job at it. And the most important thing was that you loved Ronnie and Joan and the perfect family that you had created more than anything in the world. 
Eddie stood in front of the sink, washing dishes and placing them into your open hands so you could try and put them away. Everytime he would hand you a dish his eyes would connect with yours and he’d send you a smile that would send you back to 1985, him with his warm boyish smile, his hellfire shirt and hair that rivaled Metallica. 
You dried the current plate in your hand. “I love you,” you said the next time he caught your eyes, and you watched as that smile grew larger and his warm doe eyes shined with love and adoration.
His hip bumped against yours. “I love you too, sweetheart.” And your heart warmed as your smile widened too.
“We’re gonna go to bed!” Came the voice of Ronnie, an almost exact replica of Eddie. You both turned to see Ronnie and Joan by the staircase waving goodnight to you with simple smiles and tired eyes.
You beamed at them. "Goodnight, my loves. We'll see you in the morning." They smiled back as their dad repeated almost the same words as you did.
You watched as they both walked up the stairs before turning back to the dishes that were finally almost done. Nothing sounded more relaxing right now then laying in your bed with Eddie, cuddled up to him while your favorite show played and he played with your hair.
Luckily, neither of you had work in the morning, so you could either stay up as late as you wanted tonight, or go to bed early and therefore wake up early and do something fun with your day tomorrow. Something that was rare and cherished between you two nowadays.
You turned your head to face Eddie as he watched the kids walk the rest of the way up the stairs before he made a face and turned back to face you.
He seemed to be contemplating something, as he had a weird look on his face once he turned away from the kids.
"What is it?" You decided to ask. He brought his wrist up to his face to look at the watch that rest upon it.
Once he clearly saw what time it was he brought his wrist back down then smiled at you before saying that it was nothing.
The both of you continued to finish up the remaining dishes and tidy up the kitchen so it would be ready for breakfast in the morning. It didn't take too long, and before long both you and Eddie were retiring upstairs where you would prepare to relax for the rest of the night.
Once you were in the upstairs hallway, Eddie tapped your arm for a second before whispering into your ear. "I'm gonna go check on the kids for a second, I think they're up to something." You looked at him with a questioning glance before slowly nodding your head.
He shot you a quick smile before walking down the hallway where he proceeded to stop in front of Joan's door and knock lightly, probably so he wouldn't wake her if she had already managed to fall asleep in the short span of time. You watched him open the door to her room and say hi to her before you turned and walked into your shared bedroom so you could begin your nightly routine.
As you were washing your face minutes later Eddie walked in to your bathroom and proceeded to lean against the counter so he could look directly into your face.
"So, today is Thursday, right?"
You shot a puzzled look his way, "Yeah, it is..."
He nodded his head enthusiastically before continuing on. "Isn't there a TV show that the kids are always watching on Thursday nights?" You started to piece together exactly what he's trying to say to you.
"Yeah," You nod and grab a towel to pat your wet face dry. "It starts at nine, so we let them stay up to watch it because it's their favorite." You look him in the eyes before grabbing his watch covered wrist and bringing it up to your face so you can view the current time.
You quickly look back up to his face where he has his eyebrows raised in a 'you seein' what I'm seein'' look.
You furrow your eyebrows before walking out of the ensuite and into the bedroom as Eddie trails behind you. You grab the TV remote that lies on your side table and turn the TV on, flicking through the channels to find the exact one you're looking for.
Once you find it, there on the screen lies the newest episode of your children's favorite show, obviously playing at its normal time, with your kids definitely not watching it as they don't have TV's in their bedrooms.
You turn to look at Eddie, "This is very... uncharacteristic of them, Eds."
He throws his hands up in agreement, "That's what I'm saying!" He steps closer to you, grabbing ahold of your shoulders and pulling you close to him so he can put his face directly in front of yours. "I think our lovely little shits of children are trying to sneak out tonight. Joan had a robe on when I walked in, and her makeup bag was sitting near her windowsill instead of the bathroom where she usually keeps it."
You give him a little glare for calling your children little shits before softening it and pursing your lips. "Since when has Joan ever worn a robe? I didn't even know that she owned one." Your eyes flicker around the room as you think for a second. "Do you think that she's wearing some sort of party outfit under it or something?" He nods one too many times and then backs away from you as he goes to walk our of your room.
"I'm gonna go wait by their car," the one that you both had gifted them to share once they passed their driving test, "if they're trying to sneak out we'll catch them in the act, right darling?" He walked back towards you to grab your waist and lay a sweet kiss on your lips before backing up and turning around so he could walk out of the room. "You should wait by the front door so you can see."
You nod your head and go to grab one of your robes so that you can cover up your sleeping clothes. Of course, this is when you notice that one of your robes that usually sits with the other one is missing, and now it makes sense where she got the robe from. You're honestly not surprised that Eddie didn't notice that the robe was yours though, you barely wear it as much as this one.
When you slowly and quietly head down the stairs you see Eddie finishing putting his shoes on as quiet as possible before he slides out the front door and goes to lean back on the hood of the kid's car, looking menacing with his tattooed arms and scowl on his face.
You lean against the open front door as you both wait for a few minutes before you see Eddie's shoulders slump. Only after a few moments do you notice the two kid's walking to the car, somehow not noticing the figure of their dad resting on it. It's only when Ronnie looks up and lets out a high pitched shriek do they both see their dad there, waiting for them.
Ronnie is wearing ripped jeans with a chain hanging from them, clearly inspired by pictures he had seen of his dad in the 80's, with a band shirt and leather jacket. Joan is wearing a pretty green dress that you remember helping her pick out a few weeks ago, and you honestly feel a little proud of her for the beautiful choice in her outfit for tonight.
You watch as the twins share a panicked look before attempting to stand as casually as possible, something that you fondly remember Eddie doing often when you were younger.
"H-hey dad!" Joan manages to stutter out with a wide, scared smile on her face. Eddie lightens up on the scowl that he wore before and instead makes a "really" face at the two of them.
"Alright!" He smacks his hands against the hood of the car before abruptly standing up and walking over to the kids where he then wraps his arms around the two of them. "Where we all heading to?"
The kids start stuttering over each other, trying to mutter apologizes and excuses to their dad as he just looks at them with his eyebrows raised and shit eating grin on his face.
Once the two kids stop stumbling over each other, Ronnie looks at Eddie before mustering up the courage to tell him the truth of the twos attempt at sneaking out. "We just wanted to head to this party that Tori was hosting for her birthday today." By the time he's finished speaking he's looking down at his feet with an embarrassed expression on his face while Joan kicks her feet while holding her jacket that matches the one that Ronnie is wearing.
Eddie stares at the two of them for a little longer before sighing, looking at them both with a soft smile on his face. "I remember when me and your mother were your age." Both of them perk up and glance at Eddie as he continues talking, "Me and her absolutely loved crashing all of Harrington's parties. I'd bring the weed and he'd have the booze all ready to go the second we got there." He now walks animatedly between the twins as they look at him with little smiles on their faces.
You fondly smile as the memories start to flood your mind. Ones of you and Eddie smoking while dancing in Steve's living room as music raged on in the background, taking shots with all of your friends and party nights with Eddie leading to drunken make outs and more.
It's been years since you've done anything like that, but honestly, those years spent having a good time with the ones that meant the most to you is something that you would never forget. And god, do you want your kids to be able to have those same experiences that you and Eddie got to have. You want them to make lasting memories while having fun and experiencing these things before they were too busy to.
Only important thing was that they remained safe while doing it.
"Those were some of the most fun years of my life, let me tell ya." At this point Eddie has a wide grin on his face as he talks to them. He turns to face you before looking back at the kids. They both follow his gaze and finally notice you for the first time.
You smile at them when they look at you with shocked faces. "Let me go talk to your mother for a second." He mutters before striding towards you and meeting you at the front door.
You share a smile with him and put your hands on his arms, "We had some good times back in the day," You say, eyes meeting his while you smirk up at him. He laughs, his eyes crinkling while he looks at you with loving eyes. "I want them to have some good memories too Eds." He nods at your words.
"Let's let them go to this party then sweetheart. Tell them to be home by midnight, and..." He gives you a placating look when you go to interrupt and you quickly close your mouth, "We'll let them know how to stay safe and what to avoid. And I'll be sure they know not to drive if they're not sober."
You smile wide and press your lips against his. When you pull away, you smile up at him again, "Just make sure they know that they are going to school tomorrow, no matter what."
He nods his head and smiles at you before turning to go walk back to the kids to let them know.
You quickly shout to them, "Have fun and stay safe my loves!" And watch as their faces light up with excitement before heading back inside and upstairs to your room, where'd you would relax and wait until they got safely home.
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Room for More | Soap x Nina
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I was randomly inspired so have a really sweet/sorta sad fic
CW: pregnancy, talk about miscarriages
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"Can I bum one?" Johnny asked, walking up to Gaz. They'd gotten back to base a couple hours prior. He'd drive back home tomorrow morning.
"Thought you quit?" Gaz still handed him a cigarette and his lighter.
"I did. Don't tell Nina?" Johnny asked, ashamed. Gaz drew an x over his heart. "She wants to keep trying for a baby. I do too but she's had two miscarriages now."
"Nothing you can do to prevent them?" Kyle was the only person he felt like he could talk to about this.
"No," he shook his head. "Decade and a half of malnutrition and no medical care will do that. I don't want to tell her no because she really wants it. I really want it. Maybe I talked it up too much. Wanting a big family."
"There are other options."
"I know. I'm not against it. She said after the first one that she wanted to give me something. I told her that I don't want anything from her. I don't need it. She's insistent."
"She is," Gaz nodded. "She's always been tough. You only have a couple months left before you're out."
"I think we'll hold off trying again till then. If she has another miscarriage I want to be there for her. I wasn't there for the first one and the second one was awful for us." He took a long drag to distract him from the memory. "Felt like it was my fault."
Gaz clapped his back and pulled him into a side hug.
"I don't think it's anyone's fault," He said. "Not either of yours at least."
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Nina had decided to keep it a secret, even from herself. She forced herself to forget what the test had said. She told herself it was easier. She would be less upset when it didn't work out and if she didn't lose it would be a pleasant surprise.
She'd done a good job of forgetting.
Johnny was due back later tonight. His missions were taking longer. He'd been gone for over two months. She'd started her usual rituals of cleaning the house and making him shortbread biscuits. He'd pick up dinner on the way. They'd spend the next couple of days decompressing. The weather was getting warmer. She wanted to have a picnic outside.
She'd gotten everything done and took a shower to freshen up. She caught herself in the floor length mirror as she shrugged on her cardigan. Her stomach had a small bump to it. Almost unnoticeable to anyone except her. She stopped and cupped her hands around the bump.
"Hi, there." She spoke softly to her stomach. She'd never gotten this far. She walked up to the mirror and sat cross legged on the floor in front of it. "I'm...I'm sorry I've been ignoring you these past couple weeks. Truth is I'm afraid of you."
"Not really of you but I'm afraid you'll leave. I won't be upset with you if you do. I know it's not the best place to be. I'd like it if you stayed. I won't ignore you anymore. You can keep me company while your dad is away." She felt a little foolish talking to them. And..and if you make it all the way I promise to take care of you. You won't be cold or hungry. Your dad will love you. I'll keep you safe. He'll keep you safe."
"I don't know if you can hear me. You're probably not bigger than an apple or something. I always thought it was weird comparing you to fruit. It just seems so small. You're so small yet you're bigger than your siblings. They couldn't stay very long. I wanted them to. Like I said, I won't be mad at you if you can't. I know it's not your fault. If you can though, it'd be nice."
"Your dad doesn't know yet. He'll be home soon though. You can meet him. He's quite handsome even with his dumb haircut." She laughed. "He's also kind and he's an artist. If you wanted he'd probably paint a mural in your room. Another reason for you to stay. I hope you like the names we've talked about. Elsie Poppy for a girl. Poppy was my mum's name and I'd like to grow a row of them in the box outside your window. You'll have a whole garden to run around in and I'll plant whatever you want."
"I feel like I should stop talking to you. I think if you leave I won't try again. Your dad drew me a flower for the last two times. They're hanging up in the hallway and I think that more than three would look weird..." She wiped her cheek. "This time it'll be a poppy. Would you like that? I didn't get to ask last time. I don't want to guilt you into staying. I know it's not up to you. I love you. I hope you know that. I'll always love you. Your dad loves you even if he doesn't know about you yet. If you can't stay for me, try to stay for him. He's been through a lot. He'd really like to meet you. He has a nephew and I just know he'd be the best dad to you. He wouldn't yell at you or make you feel unwanted or small. He'd teach you how to play football and draw. He would.."
The floor creaked behind her. Nina spun around. Johnny was standing in the doorway. They had matching tears. She reached out her hand and beconed him closer.
"How long have you been here?" She asked, as they wiped each other's tears.
"I like the name Poppy," He smiled, pressing his forehead against hers. She took his hand and laid it across her stomach. He looked down and grinned. "I'm sorry I don't smell better. I'm your dad. I'd also like you stay. You're strong like your mum."
He pulled Nina into his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist, rubbing a hand over her stomach. His chin sat on her shoulder.
"She makes great biscuits and soups. She'll love taking you to the beach. She might not share her plushes but she'll make sure you have so many of your own." Nina laughed. "She might be English but no one's perfect. Except maybe you but that's because you'll be Scottish."
"She'll read to ya every night. And she'll write the most gorgeous poems about ya even if she won't let anyone read em. You'll have a cousin, a grandma, an aunt on my side. On yer mum's side you'll have Grandpa Price."
"He'll hate you for saying that."
"It's true though. Now let me finish." He kissed her cheek. "Uncle Kyle and Uncle Simon. Then there will be your Teehos."
"You're saying that wrong."
"How do you say it then?"
"There's no H. Tío."
"Since when did you speak Spanish?"
"I've been practicing. Rudy and I facetime every other week so I can practice. He says I'm very good."
"Your tío's Alejandro and Rudy. There will be so many people who love you." He rubbed one of Nina's arms. "Can't say it'll be more than us though. So if you can stay we'd love to have ya."
He moved his hand off her stomach to cup her face to turn her towards him.
"Whatever happens, I love you. If you don't want to try again that's okay with me. We can try other things but even if none of that works. I'll be happy just living my life with just you."
"I love you. I'd be happy too." She turned to hug him, wrapping her legs around his waist.
"You been to the doctor yet?" He asked, rubbing his hands up and down her back.
"I've been afraid," she admitted.
"We'll make an appointment tomorrow, yeah?" He kissed her forehead. "How far along do you think you are?"
"Maybe three months," she shrugged. "I wasn't keeping track like I should have."
They had to wait a week but they got the appointment. Everything looked well. Nina was starting on pre natal vitamins among other supplements. They made another appointment in another two weeks for the first ultrasound.
"What if something's wrong?" Nina squeezed his hand as they waited for the tech.
"We'll figure it out. I'm right here. It'll be okay," he kissed the back of her hand, his leg was bouncing up and down despite his attempts to hide his own fears. He held her hand tightly as the tech performed the exam.
"Everything looks good. Fetal development looks well. That's the heartbeat and oh.." He thought Nina might break his hand until the tech turned grinning. She turned the screen around for them to look at. "Listen to that."
"There's two heartbeats. Why would there be two?"Nina looked at Johnny.
"Congratulations." She pointed towards the screen. "That's baby one and here's baby two. Fraternal twins."
Nina laughed as tears ran down her face.
"Twins? Really? Johnny... we're going to have twins?" He leaned down and kissed her.
"You made a compelling case. They must have been listening."
"Would you like me to print out photos.''
"Yes please!" The last time he saw her so happy was their wedding day just a year prior. She couldn't stop looking at the photos on the drive back.
"Can't believe I got ya pregnant twice," He laughed.
"Oh you owe me for this. Twins are much harder."
"I'm the one who has build two nurseries now. Do you think we get two baby boxes now?"
"I would hope so. We can't fit them in one." She laughed.
"We'll have to tell my mum soon."
"Price too." She looked at the photos again and laughed.
"What is it?"
"I'm really happy. Like really fucking happy."
Johnny reached across the console and squeezed her knee. All the memories from the past couple years with her played over in his head. All the hard times, the hospital stays, the sleepless nights, the panic attacks, the depressive episodes. All he ever wanted was for her to be happy.
"I love you, Nina. I'm happy too."
AN: Forgive any errors in regards to the ultrasound, I've never been pregnant lol.
tag list: @macravishedbymactavish
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lorellaishc · 7 months
A New Journey
(( DWC February 2024 Day 7, Rumour/Discovery, CW: none, @daily-writing-challenge ))
In the weeks and months that followed the blooming of Amirdrassil, much of the dragonscale expedition found itself winding down. The Dragon Isles was secure and mostly safe now, and while there would doubtless be archaeological efforts for years to come, the expedition had accomplished most of its goals, and that meant it was time for many to return home.
Or, in some cases, seek other new experiences.
Lorellai was up like a flash when the captain's call echoed down into the ship where she and her team had been cooped up for weeks. Knowing they were close washed all that travel fatigue away though, as she and the others gathered their things and climbed up on deck. Ghorren was already up there, holding the rigging and wearing the biggest smile she'd ever seen on his face. He turned as they all came topside.
"Well friends, this is it! Welcome, to Zandalar!" Ghorren exclaimed, dramatically motioning to the great city that rose above them to the north.
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"Now remember, stay with the group, and do not wander away from the port quarter. War might be over but the laws are still clear about where non-horde citizens are and aren't allowed to be here in Dazar'alor."
"We're still going to get to visit your family restaurant though, right? You said that was in the zocalo?" Lorellai asked, adjusting her pack and all but vibrating with excitement.
"No such luck, but you're getting the next best thing, my sister will be bringing us a whole meal to share tonight." Ghorren replied, eagerly stepping off the ship onto the docks. "Ah, it is good to be home!"
"And yet you are always in such a hurry to leave!" a woman's voice called out, eliciting a bark of laughter from the troll. Pushing through the crowd were three troll women, each distinctively dressed. The eldest of them still had her apron on over a simple dress, and hugged Ghorren even as she scolded him. "Never willing to just stay and work for a living like the rest of us."
"Ah, you know me sister, I like the good things in life, and foreign gold spends well!" he laughed, hugging her back before turning his gaze to the others. "Anwé! Qirra! My beautiful daughters!" he exclaimed, excitedly running over to hug the others.
The younger laughed as her father embraced her, her rainbow colored mohawk standing out next to her very somberly dressed and tattooed older sister. "Welcome home, Papa!"
"Yes, welcome home, Father," the older of the two echoed. She held herself aloof and proper, her robes and skeletal face paint serving to hide her mood. Lorellai couldn't help but note how she smiled as Ghorren pulled her into a hug, nudging Pinapple with a smile of her own.
Ghorren couldn't seem to stop chuckling in joy. "My daughters, please, meet my friends from the dragon isles!
Hours later, after the introductions, the tour of the docks, and the incredible dinner, the team and Ghorren's family lounged in their rented space. Lorellai looked over at the closed lavatory door. "Think Edmund's gonna be alright?"
Anwé smirked at the dwarf. "I think he has discovered his limit for Zandalari spices. Auntie -did- warn him about it."
"Yeah, but then your dad dared him, so that was a wasted warning."
"Oh come now, he's a big strong man, should be able to handle his spice!" Ghorren laughed, earning a smack from Ulabi.
"Honestly, bringing outsiders here and feeding them the food I make special for you, you'd think you wanted to start a war. And now he's wasting all my hard work."
"Forgive me sister, it was just a joke between friends!" Ghorren smiled. "So friends, I know you're going to be exploring the city tomorrow, but what's next when you leave here?"
"Oh, we got that all planned out, Ghorren." Lorellai replied, beaming. "When we leave here, we'll be on a ship bound for Pandaria. Rumor has it the lorekeepers there have found an untouched vault and need experienced delvers to help them investigate it!"
"Tch, no rest for you youngin's, hm?"
"There's always room for another, Ghorren!" Lorellai replied, all smiles.
Ghorren shook his head, and took a long sip from his drink. "Some other time, I think I've earned some well deserved rest and family time."
"Papa, you know Auntie's not going to let you rest" Qirra said, giggling. "She's going to have you in the kitchen by the end of the week!"
"Tch, we'll see. But that's then, this is now. And for now, I'm going to get some sleep, because I know none of you are going to permit me a moment's rest during tomorrow's trip around the city."
"Until tomorrow!" Lorellai said, and returned to her maps. There was a whole world to explore, and she suspected she'd never be satisfied staying home for long ever again.
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firerose18991 · 2 years
He’s The Boy Next Door
Minors DNI
Info: Boy next door! Eren X Innocent! Reader. Eren returning from college for break, Implied smut at the end, possessive, grooming, dark relationship themes, pet name
A/N: I saw someone mention this. He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. God i love it when I write spontaneously (not proofread). Made with black readers in mind but all are welcome😚
Wrd cnt:753
Eren had been your next door neighbor for your whole life. He was a couple years older than you and used to pick on you all throughout your elementary and middle school years. Oddly though, the two of you were attached at the hip. Even if he was a brute you were his plaything alone. So come time of your graduation obviously he was expecting you to attend the same college as him so he could keep watch over you (Your parents even suggested such). To everyone else Eren was the sweetest, most responsible kid on the block.
Your father called him “ a real hard worker” and he was the pride of his own father as well. So when you decided to take a gap year to get used to life outside of high school and explore your own interests no one was quite happy. Most of all Eren.
He had made numerous pleas to you the summer leading to his Junior year but you never budged and soon enough it was time for him to head back up to Uni.
You had fun by yourself as almost all your friends had gone off to college as well. You never knew the fall season was so beautiful until you saw it without the numbing guise of cramming for midterms. You explored your small town, chatted with people and often found yourself frequenting a small cafe with a cute barista. When the days were slow you and them would chat until the sun was low and then you’d bid them farewell. More often than not the place was empty as everyone was at work. The season changed rapidly and in no time it was time for thanksgiving. Eren was returning home to be with his family for a week's time.
Once your parents heard he was coming down they invited the whole family over for some dinner and games. You found yourself sitting across from Eren at the dinner table. It wasn’t like you weren’t used to Eren being away for the semester and reconnecting when he came back, but this time the air was tense. He kept a striking gaze on you the whole night, despite keeping up conversation with the folks. When the dinner was over you excuse yourself before the games were brought out, not being able to take any more of him boring into your soul.
Of course he followed you upstairs, of course your parents allowed it. Not only was Eren a “good boy”, but you were an adult now. He pushed the door open right as you were about to shut it behind you.
“Um hey Eren…You need something?”
He just strolled into your room casually, not even replying.
“Listen, I’m a little tired. So can you head back down?” You asked, watching him survey your room.
“How’s the fall treating you (Y/N)” He asked randomly after a while of checking out your room.
“It’s fine. Can you go back down, we'll talk tomorrow.” You were growing more impatient by the second.
“What, all of a sudden you can’t sleep when I’m in the room? We used to share the bed when we were kids.” He plopped down onto your bed and got comfortable spreading himself across most of the surface.
“Besides you’ve been whoring around all season, It can’t be that bad to have me here.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” You snapped in shock.
“My girl ‘s been talking to all the guys in the town, they all got a thing for you, I just assumed you were screwing them.” Eren laughed as you flinched at the crude remark.
“Whatever those losers have to say about me is a lie. I was just being nice.” You felt tears sting at your eyes from the accusations
“Then come be nice to me too.” Eren patted the small area of bed left behind.
You obliged approaching your bed and sitting between him and your nightstand
“You’re such an asshole sometimes.” You felt two tears stream down your cheeks.
“M’sorry baby. I just wanted to make sure you’re still my flower.” Eren pulled your face to his to press a kiss onto your cheek.
“Don’t be too mad with me. It would be alot easier for me to believe you if you were up on campus with me next semester.” He pulled you further onto the bed.
“Eren I don’t like being held down by school, I barely made it out of high school, I’d just waste my parents money.”
Eren hummed in agreement. “How about just staying up there with me in my apartment? My parents think I don’t know they're getting me one to stay in till I graduate. But when they do, you should come with me.”
“Um okay.” You said hesitantly
“That’s my flower.” He pulled you in for a kiss on the lips this time and worked you down onto the bed.
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missvelvetsstuff · 2 years
Guarded Heart
Bucky x Reader
Chapter 15
Warnings: swearing, angst
When Y/N's mother arrived at the townhouse, she was asleep. Her mother thanked Winnie for her kindness and got comfortable in a reading chair in Bucky's room.
Winnie spoke softly "We've made up the guest room for you, it would be more comfortable."
Her mother shook her head "Thank you for that but I need to be here with her in case she needs me. I'll be fine here."
Winnie nodded, understanding. She would do the same for hers. She only hoped they would all survive this mess.
By the time Bucky arrived back at the warehouse the dust had settled and it wasn't pretty. Most of the police were gone except the forensics people and the medical examiners office, clearing out the dead. Seemed no point in gathering evidence since they already knew the whole story but protocols must be followed. Of course the official story would be mob related violence and written off because no one who saw any of it would dare speak out.
He was relieved to find his dad was alright while Steve and Sam only had minor scrapes and bruises. A number of their people had serious injuries and had already been taken for medical care. A few of them were killed. Bucky took note of the injuries and losses to ensure those employees and their families were well taken care of.
The Asgardians hadn't lost anyone here but Thor's death, especially followed so closely after Syf was taking a toll.
Steve told Bucky that Loki had been particularly vicious and noted that the blood on Loki wasn't his own.
Pierce and Dreykov were bound in metal chairs while the Barnes and the Asgardians decided what to do with them. Bucky and Loki were in agreement that whatever was done needed to be slow and painful. They were to be held at one of the Barnes offices and guarded by their most trusted men.
Loki looked to Bucky "Is she alright? I know Thor's death must be extraordinarily painful for her. They were quite close" he coughed.
Bucky shook his head "I don't know. Physically she's alright but she's blaming herself. She's been through so much recently."
Loki looked at him intently "Then you had better be sure you take good care of her. I'm not as close to her as Thor but she is quite dear to me.  You don't wish to make an enemy of me, Barnes. I hope that we will be able to work together once the smoke clears."
Bucky nodded "I'll do my best, I'm not exactly her favorite person right now but I'll do anything I can to protect her. I'm sure we'll be able to work something out."
Loki nodded "Right. I must leave and get started with the" he choked up a little "arrangements." He took a deep breath "I could use a bit of sleep as well. I'd like to meet tomorrow, or later today, to discuss what will be done with those two" he gestured towards the men who were bound.
Bucky nodded "We can meet at my parents for dinner tonight, if you want to see Y/N she is there for the foreseeable future."
Loki nodded and left with Heimdal.
Bucky looked around again "Where is Pietro?" He asked apprehensively.
Steve sighed "Taken to the hospital but stable, last I heard. I'm not sure what his injuries are but he may have been shot."
Bucky let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. He didn't want Y/N to lose anyone else she cared for.
At the Barnes home, Y/N was starting to wake and could see the start of the sunrise through the bedroom window. When she realized where she was everything came rushing back painfully. She remembered Thor's still body next to the SUV she was in and Val refusing to let her go to him. It felt like she was punched in the chest and the air was knocked out of her.
Her mother heard her gasping and started to stir "Y/N, honey? Are you ok?"
Y/N just stared at her mother, unable to breathe.
Her mother moved to sit on the bed next to her and started gently rubbing her back until the panic attack passed. Once Y/N was breathing steady again her mother pulled her into a tight hug and Y/N was able to relax. The feel and scent of her mother soothed her.
Y/N pulled back "When did you get here, Mama?'
Her mother smiled " Winnie called me after James brought you here and I can right away."
"Did you sleep in that chair? You must be sore, you should have asked Winnie for the guest room."
Her mom smiled softly "Winnie offered but I needed to be here. I get the impression we are expected to stay here for a couple of days, until everything settles."
Y/N nodded "Even if we stay here there's plenty of work to be done. I'm sure we lost people last night and we need to make sure their families are taken care of. Same with the injured.
Has anyone heard from them?"
Her mother shook her head "I don't know dear but you should get more rest before you worry about business."
"I know you're just worried about me Mama but I can't just lay around when so much needs to be figured out." She squeezed her mother's hand "I'm going to take a shower. You didn't happen to bring me any clean clothes did you?"
Her mother nodded "Of course dear, only comfortable clothes. If any of your business associates have a problem with you dressing casually you can just remind them.you are the boss" she winked at her daughter which pulled the tiniest smile from her.
Y/N went to take her shower and when she stepped out of the bathroom she could smell bacon and coffee so headed downstairs.
In the kitchen she found her mother and Winnie cooking enough to feed a small army.
Winnie heard her first and looked up with a smile "Good morning, Y/N. You look much better than when you got here last night. Hungry?"
Y/N nodded "I honestly don't really remember much from yesterday. Just flashes. It's probably for the best, I don't think it's a day I want to remember." She accepted a cup of coffee her mother offered, already how she likes it. "Besides, there's too much to be done. Without knowing details I'm sure that yesterday shifted the balance of power and we will need to step in before some crazy tries to come in and take over" she set the coffee on the table, grabbed a plate, filled it and sat down to eat.
Winnie and her mother looked on concerned until her mother spoke up. "Sweetheart, you don't need to deal with all that yet, you need to take some time to heal. I'm sure George, James and Pietro can manage for a couple of days without you."
Y/N took a deep breath, knowing her mother was only concerned for her, and tempered her response "Mama, I know you're worried about me but I'm the boss now and have to do my job. I don't even know if Pietro is still alive or able to work. Even if he is I can't just foist my business off on them because I'm grieving. You both know how things work and if I show weakness, someone will try to push me off of my mountain and I'm not having that."
After a moment a look of concern crossed her face "Where's Wanda?" When her mother and Winnie indicated they didn't know she shook her head and quickly resumed eating.
She finished her breakfast, rinsed the plate and put it in the dishwasher. "I need to make some calls" Refilled her coffee and went to get her phone.
Her first call was Pietro but it went to voicemail. She pushed back the bad feelings and called Wanda, also voicemail. Then she tried to call George who also didn't answer. Winnie confirmed she had heard from him earlier and he was fine.
Y/N took another breath to calm herself before she tried to call Steve who finally answered "Y/N? Is everything ok?"
"I was calling to ask you that. What's it look like there?"
Steve mumbled something she couldn't understand.
"What? Steve stop mumbling"
"I said you should talk to Bucky."
She growled softly "I don't want to talk to him right now. I need to know the status of my people. George, Pietro and Wanda didn't answer so here we are.
Is Pietro alright? Loki?"
Steve sighed and updated her on her peoples status. " You know, Bucky is fine in case you're interested."
"Yes, Winnie already told me but he's not my concern.
When you have a minute can you talk to George about meeting later today."
Steve nodded even though she couldn't see him "There will be a crowd at dinner tonite, Loki has already agreed to come."
Y/N was distracted by banging on the front door and saw Val pull out her gun and go to open it. When she opened the door and aimed at the person in front of her before actually looking to see who it was the shouting almost made Y/N laugh.
"Hey, Hey! Easy. I come in peace to check on my goddaughter."
Y/N contained her giggles "Val! It's ok, Tony is family"
Val lowered her gun and stepped aside so Tony, Pepper and Happy could come in. Tony straightened his suit, harumphing about it being too early to have a gun in his face.
He looked around and stopped when he saw Y/N then rushed to hug her "Jesus kid, you gotta stop scaring me like this. I'm too old for this shit."
"I'm alright Tony, just trying to get my bearings and figure out what's next."
Tony pulled back and looked at her. "Well you look like Hell" and smirked at her.
Pepper protested "Tony!"
"Very funny, Tones."
Steve who was sitting on the other end of the line "Y/N? Do you need anything else from me? I think we're done here, should be home in an hour or so."
"No, I'm good. We'll see you in a bit."
Tony looked at her seriously "Are you sure you're alright? We heard about Thor and-"
Y/N shook her head "I don't want to talk about him" and shut down emotionally, causing concern for her family.
"We need to focus on getting our family and her allies organized so we know who is what. There will be plenty of time to grieve but business first."
Winnie and her mother looked at each other, then Tony with concern. He shrugged and hoped Y/N would allow herself to work through it all. Without a word the three agreed to keep a close eye on her.
Winnie started making sandwiches for lunch, knowing that they would be hungry and tired when they made it home. She also put in an order with George's favorite Italian restaurant to deliver dinner. She didn't want to have to worry about cooking when her husband would need her.
When George, Steve and Bucky arrived they were all tired and messy from the fight. They sat down to eat and gave Y/N all the details then went to take showers and rest for awhile before the remaining families descended on the Barnes residence to work out what comes next.
Chapter 16
@bigphattygyal @cjand10 @lokiandbuckysdolldoll
@kimomoraba @avery199 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @esposadomd
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doodling-doodle · 10 months
Fluffcember 2023!
Day 4: Road Trip
"What do you have planned?" Phil asked when John asked for him to cover his eyes as he led him outside.
"Okay. Now you open your eyes." John said, standing in front of him as he did.
His jaw dropped.
It was a brand-new RV. And a pretty big one at that. 
"Oh. My. God." He said, "John, you did not."
"You said you wished you could travel more." John said, walking up to their new car. So I figured I'd find one and help with that since we're off for a while anyway."
"John!" He said excitedly, chuckling as he went inside of it. It was surprisingly spacious. Larger than the one his family had as a child. A fridge, a mini cook stove, a fold-out couch, space for a TV, a fake fireplace…
"Figured we could head out tomorrow." John said, "In the morning after breakfast. We pack up today, and we get all our food ready to go. And we'll head out."
Phil nodded, still looking around and going up to hug John.
He couldn't wait.
He had spent the whole day packing up, and now, they were about to get on the road. He was so excited, and so was John.
"I have a few places we can go planned out." John said as he got in the driver's seat, "The first one is in Mississippi."
Phil nodded, smiling brightly as they drove through Texas…
"How long do we plan to do this?" He asked
"At least a month." John replied, "Depends on what you want to do."
"I'm happy to drive around America for a month."
It took a long time to get to the place in Mississippi, but it was worth it.
"Where are we?" Phil asked.
"You once mentioned wanting to find an apple orchard, so I did." John replied, smiling as he found a place to park.
Phil lit up, so excited and hugging John.
"You are amazing!!" Phil said, and John chuckled.
"Just wanted you to have a good Season. But we will be back to have Christmas with the kids."
"That sounds perfect, John…"
They took a minute to get bundled up, and they went out to see what to do.
An older woman was there, smiling as she handed them a basket and told them to load up.
Phil happily went around, pulling a few branches down to get the best ones.
"You look like you're an expert." John said, chuckling
"Yeah… raided a few orchards as a kid when we were struggling. Quickly found out what was good and what wasn't."
John nodded softly, kissing Phil's head. He knew his history, and it was heartbreaking, but, Phil was never ashamed of it.
But now wasn't the time.
"Can you pile it any higher?" John asked.
"Probably not, honestly." Phil said, looking at the basket, then at John, "Let's go and get these."
John agreed, chuckling as Phil happily went back to the entrance.
They got to talking with the woman who ran the place, and she told them about a few places around the area that they might want to visit.
"There's also a really good cafe around half a mile from here." She said, "You might want to check it out before you go."
"We'll keep that in mind." John said, smiling, "Thank you."
"No problem. You boys enjoy the rest of your day."
They went back off to the RV, and drove until they found a place to hook up their utilities, and they cooked some dinner for themselves while talking about what to do next. They were going to try the cafe, but after that, they were probably going to change states again.
Either way, they were excited.
They did end up going to the cafe, and John picked up a pamphlet of things going on in the area while they ate.
"There's a resting stop a few miles from here." John said, "firepits and all."
Phil nodded, "we can go there tonight. Sounds really nice."
John smiled, "Good. Let's drive around some more, get lunch, and then find the place."
And that's what they did. They just enjoyed their little day of driving before going to where they could park, got firewood, and sat together at a firepit.
They held each other tight, and John just saw the pure joy on Phil's face.
"Thank you for this, bear…" Phil whispered as he leaned on John more.
"Oh, love… It's no problem. I'm just glad you're happy."
And they sat there in pure joy while it snowed around them.
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Aah bedtime now. It was my brother's birthday today so I got him a cake from the supermarket by my workplace which was more delicious than I expected lol. Since it's Monday we'll celebrate it properly going out with the whole family on Saturday (it's also my cousin's partner's birthday so it's two birds with one restaurant dinner) but a lil cake with the number-shaped (30) candles was in order.
(Yes my brother is 30???? He was a baby yesterday???? What)
Anyway. See you guys tomorrow, take care, stay hydrated and have a good night/day ^-^
All the hugs <3 <3
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a-lwni · 6 months
today i spent 4 hours in the waiting room at urgent care for them to tell me it's not strep, it's not covid, it's not the flu, but here's 5 prescriptions [that i won't fill], we swabbed for another test and they sent it out to the lab and "we'll call you tomorrow with the results and if we need to prescribe antibiotics we'll do that then"
in the wide gulfs between contact i felt like i was losing my shit, pacing up and down the room thinking it does not have to be like this, why is it like this
and then i went to my dad's, gave my nephew a blanket that liz got for him - it's blue, soft, and has a pillowed hood with a cute face. the second i saw him i wrapped him in a hug and he hasn't taken it off since.
their mom got kicked out last weekend and the week since has been brutal, i just want to hold them and hold them. i sat the two kids down and asked them about the altercation, how they felt, tried to give them space to share. sad, powerless. their mom got into a room yesterday. they saw it, love it there, the owner of that house has the sweetest dog named doggy. then we went to ride bikes and run around the backyard for a couple hours. made them lunch, just hot dogs.
later A and i went to pick up dinner and we talked and talked and talked
about our recent breakups, today's the first day i've felt like a person since
about the time i called him from work because i'd accidentally eaten a whole bar of liz's shroom chocolate. that trip was all anxiety except for that call. it was euphoria to hear his voice thru the line. the clarity i had at the end of the trip was about how much i wanted to be with E. how genuinely i wanted to try. now look at us. 'but the experience was real,' he said 'you really loved each other. it hurts but you'll remember that'
about 'the markets.' he's always trying to grow his money, be prudent with it. our dad made a lot, but was selfish with it. my brother wants to make money and make it accessible to everybody he cares about - housing, employment, security. i love him for this. i love him for many reasons. and i like hearing him talk about something he cares about. but i do not care about the markets. i tell him the most valuable investment is probably your time. if you like thinking about stocks, options, yields, whateverwhatever go off, make your money work for you or whatever, that's a valuable investment. i make a few extra hundred a month getting to spend time with kaleb, this beautiful kid i tutor who is obsessed with puns. we do math, we read, we play chess, we talk about life, hold space for each other. this is a valuable investment
before i left i let my brother [the kids' dad] emotion dump on me for an hour and a half. i confirmed how fucked it is to live without any tenant rights. at the whims of our family weather, how dad exploited the tumult in your marriage to eject your wife and because all the papers are... dubious... you have no recourse, no leverage
when i got into my car to drive home i screamed, cried, felt renewed. like a person who can face the week
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