#and this one is a true southern delicacy
cinewhore · 2 years
*insert mouth foaming gif here*
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vestaignis · 1 month
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Бисса (лат. Eretmochelys imbricata) — один из редких видов морских черепах, которому грозит полное исчезновение. По внешнему виду ее можно перепутать с зеленой черепахой, от которой бисса отличается только меньшими размерами и весом: взрослая особь имеет длину тела от 60 до 90 см при массе около 45-55 кг. Панцирь биссы сверху коричневый с красивым желто-пятнистым рисунком и имеет сердцевидную форму. Ещё одна особенность внешнего вида - заострённый, похожий на клюв кончик морды.
Второе название биссы — настоящая каретта — означает, что именно эта черепаха дает самые ценные, "настоящие" роговые пластинки, из которых изготавливают различные сувениры: гребни, шкатулки и прочие мелочи. Очень жаль, что любовь человечества ко всяким безделушкам привела вид к такому плачевному состоянию. Впрочем, мясо биссы тоже ценится в некоторых странах. Разумеется, нелегально, так как настоящая карета уже давно внесена в Международную Красную Книгу и находится под охраной различных организаций. При этом гурманов вовсе не пугает тот факт, что деликатес может оказаться ядовитым из-за пищи, которую сама черепаха ела накануне.
Встретить ее можно в Атлантическом и Тихом океанах: ареал настоящей каретты простирается от умеренных вод северного полушария до умеренных вод южного. Вот только гнездится бисса исключительно в тропических широтах. Населяет преимущественно скалистое мелководье, коралловые рифы, лагуны и заливы с мангровыми берегами. Мелкие прибрежные воды, заливы и устья рек с илистым или песчаным дном — обычные места обитания биссы. Она держится чаще в тех местах, где подводной растительности мало. Настоящие каретты всеядны, но отдают предпочтение животной пище- их рацион составляют бентосные беспозвоночные, медузы, анемоны и морские губки, причем только определенных видов, а некоторые из них и вовсе ядовиты для других существ.
Еще один интересный факт этот вид черепах способен светиться в темноте.
The hawksbill turtle (Latin Eretmochelys imbricata) is one of the rare species of sea turtles that is threatened with complete extinction. In appearance, it can be confused with the green turtle, from which the hawksbill differs only in its smaller size and weight: an adult has a body length of 60 to 90 cm with a weight of about 45-55 kg. The hawksbill shell is brown on top with a beautiful yellow-spotted pattern and has a heart-shaped shape. Another feature of its appearance is the pointed, beak-like tip of the muzzle.
The second name of the hawksbill turtle is the real caretta, which means that this particular turtle produces the most valuable, "real" horn plates, from which various souvenirs are made: combs, boxes and other little things. It is a pity that humanity's love for all sorts of trinkets has led the species to such a deplorable state. However, hawksbill meat is also valued in some countries. Of course, illegally, since the real carriage turtle has long been included in the International Red Book and is protected by various organizations. At the same time, gourmets are not at all afraid of the fact that the delicacy may be poisonous due to the food that the turtle itself ate the day before.
You can meet it in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans: the range of the real carriage turtle extends from the temperate waters of the northern hemisphere to the temperate waters of the southern. But the hawksbill nests exclusively in tropical latitudes. It inhabits mainly rocky shallow waters, coral reefs, lagoons and bays with mangrove shores. Shallow coastal waters, bays and river mouths with a muddy or sandy bottom are the usual habitats of the hawksbill. It is more often found in places where there is little underwater vegetation. True carettas are omnivorous, but prefer animal food - their diet consists of benthic invertebrates, jellyfish, anemones and sea sponges, but only of certain species, and some of them are completely poisonous to other creatures.
Another interesting fact is that this species of turtles can glow in the dark.
Источник:://more.fandom.com/ru/wiki/Бисса,/ornella.club/15248-morskaja-cherepaha-bissa.html,/zoo-ekzo.ru/node/6163, //www. zoopicture.ru/bissa/,animals.pibig.info/6018-cherepaha-karetta.html, /ru.pinterest.com/pin/68737846851/.
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what do you think the chains favorite breakfast foods are (if they eat breakfast)
Okay I'm good now.
ANYWAYS, I split you ask into two sections: first, their favorite food ever if they can get their hands on it, the second what they like to eat on the road. And then a final unhinged rant at the bottom about the one thing about teenage boys/young men and their food that I'll never understand: Bacon.
Legend--I have a feeling that he likes sweets. Specifically, waffles with whipped cream and berries. They're a little burnt, but Ravio made them for him, so he'll pretend he doesn't notice (and grows to like them better that way). On the road, he'll go for coffee/tea (he's not picky) if one of the others make it, or nothing at all.
Hyrule--does he have a favorite breakfast food? Food isn't very stable where he comes from--Legend and Wild would spoil him so much in regard of expanding his palate. But I imagine that something like a fried mixture of beef/sausage, vegetables, and a starch (perhaps an even poorer version of an already poor person food Shepherd's Pie, perhaps? it could be a breakfast food) would be a sort of filling, tasty, and easy to procure/make/preserve food that he'd like. On that note, I would say something simple, easy to get and preserve, and hardy would be his go to breakfast on the road--maybe meat jerky.
Wild--Also a sweets person. Fruit cake, cinnamon rolls, frosted cupcakes, basically all the little delicacies he could get at a dumb party 100 years ago, he ain't picky, it's for breakfast and it's fueling a day long sugar high. On the road he, unlike the other Links, can be pretty creative with his breakfasts, and he likes his spice as well. So, I think he'd like Meaty rice balls.
Four--direct this question to someone else please. He has four voices in his head fighting to answer right now, and none of them agree. I surely dont know if he doesn't.
Time--Pancakes and farm-fresh scrambled eggs and toast with jam. Malon makes it for him. What can I say. On the road he is a habitual coffee drinker, he wouldn't be functioning in the mornings without it. But he'll also take a poached egg if he has the time (heh).
Warrior--unlike Time who is a habitual coffee drinker, he is a coffee connoisseur. He likes the breakfasts they serve at the castle--a lot of meats and fruits, expensive, and on top of it all, well plated. Not to say that he can't eat simply--he was in a war, mind you--just that he prefers not to. On the road, he strikes me as the kind that would drink those tasteless quick oats (y'know you just add water, shake and go?) and also be very vocal about much time (heh) it's saving him (being none). I don't know what the Hyrule equivalent of those are.
Twilight--our favorite country boy. I think he likes a true southern breakfast. Ham and pan-fried potatoes and eggs over-easy, with a side of cheesy grits and sausage biscuits and gravy like Uli used to make for him (I HC this man has a black hole of a stomach, out of all the Links). On the road he'll inhale a boiled egg or two (salted and peppered if he's feeling fancy) that Wild made for him. I also head canon that Twilight likes tea with an intensity. And not only sweet tea, but like, ALL of the teas. He gets obsessive. I literally have in my detail/subplot tracking documents for BDOR the following entry underneath chapter 8--Tea: "Twilight’s cure to Wild’s voice is tea. His cure to life’s woes is tea."
Wind--whatever his grandma is making, probably with seafood involved. I've had a crab-spinach-egg casserole for breakfast before, it was good, so I'll give him that. On the road, I can see him packing a lot of bread and some meat (dried fish if he can get it).
Sky--This guy honestly has me stumped. Do those on Skyloft eat Loftwing eggs, or are they considered taboo? They have a lot of pumpkins around--do they incorporate them into their meals?@needfantasticstories you know a lot of Skyward Sword lore, bequeath me your wisdom. Anyways on the road he's a meat and bread person like Wind. Practical.
Now, for my rant about young men and their food quirks:
Bacon. Bacon, as I have witnessed, drives the most reasonable of men insane.
I just a few things to say about this. I have younger brothers, and I born witness to many male sleepover parties. I--as the resident nasty fe-male XD--have been (forced) to cook for them in the mornings. Set a pile of bacon in front of them (or really any meat, but I have found that bacon has the strongest affect) and they turn into WOLVES. They start to crowd around and stare as soon as they begin to smell it (which hey, give me space in the kitchen, please!), snatch it up before the grease even cools, and then retreat into their separate corners of the living room/kitchen and scarf it down, all while avoiding eye contact and projecting just how much they don't care about the bacon they're eating (perhaps so one of the others don't take notice and try to steal it). There's an odd little ritual/rules to the thing, too: for example, it's frowned upon to take more than three or four pieces at a time, there has to be enough for everyone, obviously; but if you finish a second and third serving before some poor sod stumbles in and gets himself a piece--why that is acceptable, even encouraged. But at all times, you could feel them watching each other, judging whether each person had taken acceptable amounts. 6 at once, I have determined, is veritably considered too much, as I have watched an entire group of mid-late teenage boys chase another through the house and outside for this crime of greed. Another thing was the presence of literally any other edible food. If there was anything else--eggs, fruit, even something like a few slices of unbuttered toast or coffee or juice sitting out, this reaction was largely tempered--even if none of the boys took the other foods, they would take a meager one or two pieces of bacon and be satisfied, perhaps reassured that other food was present and their hope of a filling breakfast was not in vain. Most, at that point they would restrain themselves from eating anything (other than their bacon tax) and wait so that everyone could eat together. But the mad scramble that occurs when there is bacon and only bacon in the kitchen (even if other things are cooking, nearly done, and visible to them) is otherworldly.
I never saw it with anything else, not eggs, not fruit, not even sausage or any other breakfast food. And it must be noted that I was exempt from their little ritual of judgement--perhaps as the only woman, or perhaps as the cook, I was allowed to take as much bacon as I liked from the pile, once the initial wave had attacked and retreated with their bounty (and the strips of bacon had cooled enough that mortal human hands such as my own could pick them up). And while they behaved like beasts, I was always very politely thanked for making breakfast once it was over and the frenzy had abated.
Anyways, your ask got me thinking about Malon making a pile of bacon for the boys, activating the beforehand undiscovered "PANIC! BACON!" mode in their brains, and just being utterly confused as they turn into animals. Just the boys descend, and then a few shouts of "Thanks, Malon!" drift in on the wind as they scatter like racoons with treasure, leaving an empty plate spinning behind them.
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allbark-no-bite · 2 years
Sit Still || Elvis Presley x reader
summary: you wonder how Priscilla was ever able to give up Elvis, because he’s got you falling apart on his fingers. literally
warnings: 18+ smut, it’s pretty filthy
word count: 3k
author’s note: thank you all so much for 300 followers. all of the love i’ve received is incredible and i love each and every one of you. please, send requests!
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I lose Elvis in a whirl storm of guests and reporters, the Colonel parading him this way and that to shake hands and smile for photos. He had kept a close eye on me for a while, holding me to his side with an arm around my waist, pressing proud kisses to my hairline whenever anyone asked after me. But as the night wore on, I'd begun to linger behind more and more until the Colonel had finally urged him away from my side, dragging him to the next throng of cameras to be shoved in his face. Though reluctant to let go of me, I'd pressed him on, saying I would be just fine on my own for a while. Which was true, I was more than happy to watch him, all bright and brilliant smiles as he greeted those that he needed to and graced others with his presence.
I smile quietly to myself when Elvis lets out a hearty laugh from across the conference room, his eyes sparkling as he firmly grasps another man's hand. It was obvious to anyone that he was made for this life and all of it's glamour. It was likely that he hardly even noticed the lack of my presence after a few moments, too immersed in the bustle of what the Colonel like to call 'snow business'.
Now alone, I am finally able to breathe. Though I enjoyed the privileges that came along with being the girl on Elvis' arm, at the end of the day, I was not made for mingling with wealthy men, smiling, and carrying on small talk and nonsensical conversations for hours on end. It was truthfully exhausting and overwhelming.
"It gets easier, you know. You do get used to it."
I turn in surprise, looking to my side, not having expected to be spoken to. Of course, I knew that I wasn't alone in a room that was already full, but typically without Elvis by my side, I could usually get a moment or two of peace.
Priscilla smiles faintly at me in amusement, speaking again in her usual gentle manner. I'd never heard her speak louder than a soft murmur, and the delicacy fit every bit of her timid personality. "You're doing well though. Not many ladies can have such class."
Adorned in a elegant baby blue pant suit, the young woman is standing just a few feet away, as though undecided on whether or not she was going to approach me. I relax my shoulders, emitting a relieved chuckle at her compliment.
"I have big shoes to fill," I admit.
At my openness, Priscilla takes the unspoken invitation to join me, and we stand together, surveying the room. "I think you're doing just fine."
Now that we're shoulder to shoulder, I look over at her. I had only ever met Priscilla a handful of times. Most of them were because of Lisa, for holidays, but she'd been pleasant company each time. Her once jet black hair is now a fair brown, and her makeup light and natural looking—my own hair is long and dark, much longer than it's ever been, and my eyes are accentuated by thick strokes of eyeliner and dramatically applied smokey eyeshadow. She's possibly the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life, but just from the few moments in passing that I had spoken to her, it was obvious that it was her wonderful personality that Elvis had once fallen in love with.
We stand together quietly for a while, watching Elvis and his entourage from across the room. There's a cluster of young girls about him, all abiding for a second of his attention, and he gladly entertains their antics, tugging them close for photos and charming them with his smooth southern drawl. That was something I was still getting used to. There would always be girls. I just had to trust I was the only one.
Priscilla follows my gaze. There's a sort of sad smile on her face. "If you can take the heartache, he's worth it... But you know that," she relents.
I nod and bite the inside of my lip, willing away the surge of hurt and bitter feeling of betrayal that threatens to resurface. Because I know he is worth it despite all of his flaws and the hell he's put me through.
"He was the most fun I ever had," she says fondly.
Although her comment is nothing shocking—I was aware that there would always be unresolved feeling between them—it still sparks another inkling within me, one that I have shoved away many times. It was beyond me how Priscilla had seemingly managed to give him up so entirely. Elvis had consumed every part of my life, so much to the point that I knew it would be impossible to ever rid myself of him completely. And so a part of me still wondered if she was fooling all of us. Priscilla knew how to play a part, that I was certain of.
"He's doing okay now," I blurt out, having felt the need to say it, but instantly regret the words when they come out my mouth. "I–I mean just that he's gettin' better, you know... He's off the pills—for the most part... He's happy," I manage to conclude.
Priscilla just smiles warmly at me, that sad, distant look in her eyes. "I know... Good for you," she says softly, and it sounds genuine. Regretful, but genuine.
We lapse into heavy silence again. We're quite the pair, the two of us. The only women who had ever successfully captured Elvis Presley's heart.
The night goes on around us, but the animated and lively ambience of the room never dies down. At some point, well past midnight, Elvis manages to finagle his way out of any more politicking and makes his way over to me and Priscilla. There's a cheerful smile on his face, which only brightens when he spots Priscilla standing beside me.
"Cilla!" he exclaims while wrapping an arm around my waist, effectively pulling me to his side, and leans over to greet her. Priscilla graciously offers him her cheek to kiss, and he does so in stride. "The two of you girls aren't causing any trouble now?"
Priscilla smiles tightly after he's pulled away, her hands clasped together neatly in front of her. "No, just chatting. [Y/n] is wonderful company."
Looking down at me and then back to Priscilla, Elvis squeezes my hip affectionately. "The boys and I are about to sit down for a drink. Why don't ya join us, Cilla?"
I'm sure that at some point in her life, if Elvis had smiled at her like that, Priscilla wouldn't have been able to tell him no. But those days were in the past.
"Oh, I really can't stay. I left Lisa with the sitter, and I need to get home," she explains. "It was good seeing you, Elvis." Priscilla places a delicately manicured hand on my arm. "You too, [Y/n]." And then she's gone, leaving Elvis and I to ourselves.
The moment Priscilla is out of sight, Elvis is all over me, hands on my hips, cupping my cheeks and kissing me sweetly over and over again. "Been missin' ya all night, sweetness. The Colonel had me rubbin' shoulders with all the big names from the press, and all I could think about was you and this little skirt," he says.
I laugh, happily accepting his sudden onslaught of attention. Elvis had always been like this since we started dating, extremely touchy and affectionate, even in public. It didn't matter who was watching, he wasn't going to hesitate to slide his hand down to cup my ass in front of anyone, especially not at his own party.
"Well now I'm all yours," I promise, kissing his full lips once more.
He hums, chasing after my lips even after I pull away. This time I'm not quick enough, and he catches my bottom lip gently between his teeth, pulling me back in for another long kiss. I swallow back a groan. I'm sure people are staring at this point. That kiss seems to satisfy him enough, and so before it gets out of hand, he draws away, leaving my cheeks flushed.
I whine. "Elvis—"
"EP! C'mon, we've been waitin' on you for ages," Jerry calls from his spot at a large round table, one specifically reserved for Elvis and his entourage. Sonny and Red are kicked back around the table as well, which is situated in one of the further corners of the room, allowing for as much privacy as possible in the crowded space. It was often customary for Elvis to take to his inner circle at the end of the night, settle down and enjoy a cigar since he didn't drink himself. However, tonight, I was growing impatient having to share my boyfriend.
I whine when Elvis' large hand presses on my back to guide me towards the table. He stops in his tracks, laughing when he looks back at me. "What's gotten into you?" he grins. After taking in my flushed cheeks and pouted lip, his grin only grows. "Lord. Baby, don't you go lookin' at me like that. It'll do things to a man."
I crinkle my nose, jutting out my lip even more. I don't even have to say anything, he knows exactly what that look means. And the effect it's having on him is obvious. Elvis groans softly in his throat, readjusting the fit of his trousers. He eyes me and then the table. "Baby, please. Can't ya wait jus a lil' while longer?"
With the eyes of the Mafia still on us, I decide it best not to make a scene. Begrudgingly, I sigh and allow Elvis to lead me over to the table. As we approach, Red stands up, excusing himself to free up a second chair. I take the seat beside Elvis, smiling politely at Jerry and Sonny. I had come to love the men of the Mafia, they were like family to Elvis. And because I was Elvis' girl, they cared for me just as much. They learned to read me and my moods just as they did with Elvis, and  tonight they could tell that I was, in fact, not in the mood. Therefore, tonight, they keep most of their conversations directed towards Elvis.
The men's amiable chatter drags on for close to an hour, occasionally rising to an unreasonably loud volume when they roar with laughter. Chin rested against my palm, I listen with mild disinterest. Another ten minutes passes by until I decide that I have been patient long enough. Discreetly under the table, I nudge Elvis' calf with my foot, trying to get his attention. When he moves it way, unaware of my intentions, I huff to myself. Similarly, he's too caught up in his conversation with Sonny to notice when I kicked my shoe off. While keeping a bored face, I slide my toes up the inside of one of his spread thighs, stopping when I reach his crotch. That gets his attention.
Grunting at the contact, Elvis has to maintain his conversation in order to play it off. His hand grabs my foot under the table, squeezing it as if to say, 'behave'. Slightly vexed, I tug my foot back and he releases it. I wait for their conversation to mull on a while longer before I try again.
This time, Elvis doesn't release my foot. Instead, he scoots out his chair and turns to me. "On my lap, baby doll," he instructs. "And sit still."
Immediately subdued by his outright admonishment, I remain sat in my chair, my cheeks flushed an embarrassed pink. "I didn't—"
Elvis raises a brow at me. Jerry and Sonny exchange amused looks. When I realize that he's not giving in, I quietly get up and smooth out my velvet skirt, situating myself on his lap. With me now straddling his thigh, Elvis returns to the conversation.
"Now, as I was sayin', boys..."
Their conversation drags on for another half hour; however, my previous boredom has evaporated into heart-racing arousal. Elvis' free hand had disappeared under the table and my skirt a while ago and is currently toying with the fabric of my panties. Every so often his thumb will rub along the thin cotton, the contact just enough to send arousal pooling to my panties. The game he's playing is torturous.
My body tenses when he grazes the edge of my panties. Immediately, Elvis pulls away.
Instead his arms stretch out to either side of my body, and he clasps his hands around the edges of the table, caging me in like a feeble rabbit, it's tiny heart racing in the face of an unknown and impending doom. My body is a paradox within itself, both frozen with mortification and yet so hot to the touch with arousal that I'm sure I appear feverish.
His drawling voice is just beside my head. "Thought, I asked ya to sit still?"
Through the cloudy haze of my desperation, I can hardly answer. I make eye contact with the two men sitting across from us. Jerry slides back in his seat, cigar dangling from his fingertips as he watches us. His legs are spread wide, becoming comfortable as he settles in to enjoy the show. "Aw c'mon now, EP. Don' tease her."
Sonny has taken on a similar position, lounging back lazily as he plumes smoke from his mouth. He just chuckles and waves his hand as to ward Jerry off, well aware of Elvis' antics. "Eh," he mumbles from behind his cigar. "Leave 'em be."
Elvis nuzzles his nose into the space just behind my ear. His slightly parted mouth breathes out, washing over the tender skin at the crook of my neck. "Look at you now, sittin' all pretty fo' me," he croons sweetly. I imagine that his hooded eyes are partially closed with what can only be described as a look of nothing but pure, lust filled intoxication. "You don't mind, do you, darlin'? Sittin' here while we talk?"
I can barely swallow, my tongue heavy in my dry mouth. My mind is foggy, any coherent thought I'd ever had lost within a thick cloud of fog. There's nothing but my body, hot with arousal, and Elvis all over me. Everything else, the buzz of people surrounding us, a distant murmur. Somehow, while my head is swimming farther and farther away, my blown pupils lock with Priscilla's.
She's standing at a distance across the room, hidden amongst the chatter of people, watching the whole debacle unfold in Elvis' hands. Her hand is frozen around the door handle, obviously on her way out. Her gorgeous blue eyes hold mine as I struggle to keep hold of myself. Something in me panics, worried about what she might think, but I find nothing sinister nor judgmental in her stare as I first would have expected. All I gather is that of sadness and pity.
And that is when I finally see it all at her level. I finally get it. Because she got it. She understood what it was like to love Elvis Presley.
Even as Elvis' ex wife, Priscilla had expressed nothing but respect and well wishes for both Elvis and myself. At first, I had expected some resentment from her on my behalf. Because even though she had been the one to end things between them, it must have been undoubtedly hard to give him up. But she did. And that was the one thing that I had never understood. Until now. Even after all the hell he had put her through, she would always love him. Because Elvis was like a drug, all consuming and addicting. And Priscilla had decided to give him up before it killed her.
Now, this was her looking into a mirror and finding me in her same position. Priscilla could never bring herself to hate me because she was me—had been me. She was once the shy eighteen year old sitting on his lap, suffocating in his love. Her unwavering stare holds me captive until finally I have to looked away.
"Huh, darlin'?" Elvis hums against my ear, and bounces his knee, as though prompting me to speak. A whimper escapes my throat as the fabric of his trousers rubs just the right way between my legs. I must have missed the question because the two men across from us are looking at me expectantly with amused smirks on their faces. Although they many not know exactly what is going on under the table, they know Elvis is being a tease.
I nod and hope that it's an appropriate enough response. Sonny chuckles behind his cigar, but it must be the right answer because the mens' attention returns to talking. I sink back in relief.
"El," I whine.
Finally taking pity on me, Elvis lovingly kisses the shell of my ear. "Wanna come on my fingers?" he asks with a soft chuckle. Flushed, I nod. Under his breath, he groans something along the lines of, “God, you little minx...”
With Jerry and Sonny lost in their own conversation across the table, Elvis slips his hand back underneath my skirt and pulls aside my panties. I bite my lip to prevent a strangled moan from escaping me as his two fingers slide through my wetness, and he pushes them inside me without hesitation. While I attempt to pull myself together, Elvis is content to puff at his cigar, half listening to Jerry across the table. After a while, his patience becomes comically unbearable. I clench around him. Without warning, his fingers curl to stroke my velvet walls, and my legs tremble around his thick thigh.
When I lean back against his chest, unable to hold myself up any longer, the position gives Elvis just the right angle, and his fingers slide deeper than before. Although my body is too weary to even bother with a reaction, he knows he's found just the right spot, and continues the ministration of his fingers.
I can feel my arousal dripping down my leg, and I know it's making a mess on his black pants; though I doubt Elvis could care less about that. While I'm struggling to remain coherent with each stroke of his large fingers, Elvis is leisurely enjoying his cigar. Only his soft and mumbled praises reveal his mind is elsewhere. “So good… Fuck, baby.”
Another slow drag of his fingers, and the contrasting coolness of his rings sends me tumbling through an orgasm. He pulls me through it, still rubbing my walls through the aftershocks. Now overly sensitive, I almost cry at the stimulation.
Jerry eyes us from across the table, an eyebrow raised in amusement. “Ya okay there, [Y/n]?”
Thankfully, Elvis pulls his fingers away.
“Oh! Yes, I’m fine, Jerry. Just a little tired is all,” I answer with a soft smile, thinking I’ve reassured him. Behind me, Elvis is sliding his fingers out of his mouth with a pop.
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prapasara · 29 days
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Best places to live in Cyprus
Limassol District
Limassol villages
Peyia and Tala
Ayia Napa and Protaras
Divided in two by the Green Line, Nicosia is a vibrant and quite sophisticated city that offers a perfect blend of urban life and relaxation.
Nicosia lies inland; therefore, it can get hotter than the seaside in summer. However, the bliss of it is that as a consequence tourists don’t think much of the place, instead preferring the seaside resorts and towns. This not only keeps the place from becoming overcrowded but helps to preserve a true Cypriot feel and character of the place.
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Nicosia is the business and financial centre of the Republic of Cyprus, as well as the administrative heart. The city offers great entertainment, vibrant nightlife, excellent shopping and a choice of leisure activities.
Although the main language is Greek, you will find that around 90 percent of the population speak some English, and fluency is common amongst the younger generations.
Cyprus might be the third biggest Mediterranean island, but it’s not really huge. And when you live in Nicosia, everything is no more than an hour away by car, be it wonderful beaches, gorgeous mountains, hiking trails or historic sights.
As in any city, there are enough districts and types of property to choose from in Nicosia. The choice depends on whether you want to live in an apartment or a modern villa, in the quiet outskirts or in a luxurious part of the city near all the major embassies where the properties are superb, both in style and price.
Living in the south-east, for example, gives you easy access to Athalassa National Forest Park, which is 840 hectares of greenery. Its network of trails – covering 20 kilometres – makes it a popular place for cycling, walking, dog walking and picnics.
As to what you can consider drawbacks, the summers are very hot in Nicosia, hotter than in the seaside locations. There’s also the issue of a very unreliable public transportation system; as a result almost everyone over 21 owns a car.
In short, Nicosia is one of the best places to live in the Republic of Cyprus: diverse cuisines, cultures, rich history, great nightlife, almost the best weather possible, great nature and sightseeings and all the amenities you need for normal day-to-day living. What you won’t find in Nicosia is the seaside.
Limassol District
Limassol, a city on the southern coast of Cyprus, has a very modern, cosmopolitan feel to it. It is a loved destination by expats from all over the world.
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The Neapolis area of Limassol is considered the centre of the town, yet is also residential and has all the necessary amenities close to hand. It is close to Anexartisias – the main shopping district of Limassol, and within walking distance of the beach too.
Right in the centre of the city, near the Castle and Limassol Marina, there is a beautiful promenade called Molos, which offers great walks along the beachfront. If you like a seaside stroll, Molos will be your favourite place.
Molos is flanked by busy streets packed with restaurants, cafes, English style pubs, vibrant nightclubs, and a wide range of shops selling almost everything, including souvenirs and traditional sweets and delicacies.
Not a big fan of city beaches and prefer something more intimate? There are beautiful beaches 15 minutes drive away from the city, such as Kourion Beach.
This particular beach is located under the ancient city of Kourion where you can visit the ancient site and also attend evening performances at the ancient theatre.
Limassol is also the city with the highest mountain peak on the island, Troodos (Olympus). During the winter between January and April, you can go skiing. The Cyprus Ski Club, based on Mount Olympus, has four ski lifts and eight alpine ski runs of various levels.
The city is perfect for supporting an active healthy lifestyle. It offers limitless possibilities for all kinds of sports and activities including golf, go-karting, skiing, cycling and horse riding. There are beautiful walking trails and an abundance of nature trails. Bicycles are available on rent all over the place and are an ideal way of exploring the city and its interior.
Limassol villages
Just 12 minutes drive from Limassol there is the lovely village of Erimi. It takes you just far enough from the hustle and bustle of Limassol to give you a nice relaxing atmosphere but is still close enough to the city for you to still use its facilities.
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The same feeling of tranquillity can be found in the village of Kolossi on the outskirts of the city of Limassol. The village is close to the imposing Kolossi Castle, which dates back to the 13th century. The vineyards of Kolossi are famous for the sweet dessert wine of Commandaria, which is one of the oldest wines in the world.
Some 8 miles from Limassol on the Limassol-Troodos road is the pretty village of Alassa. The village is built next to the Kouris Dam. A few minutes drive away is Episcopi – a village lying partly in the Limassol district of Cyprus and partly in the British Overseas Territory of Akrotiri and Dhekelia.
There is a good supermarket, doctor, police station etc. It has quite a few expats but is not very touristy.
Larnaca is compact, easily accessible and offers easy access to other regions on the island.
Larnaca is where Cyprus adventures start for most new arrivals, as it is where the most popular Cyprus airport is located.
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Phinikoudes is a very pretty town and is particularly pleasant for a stroll in the evening. There is a long beach alongside the Phinikoudes promenade, the waters there are always calm and quite shallow, so you have to wade for quite a distance before it is swimmable.
The Makenzie stretch is more remote, easily accessible by car and has many fish restaurants lining the strip. It’s full of bars and cafés, where locals and expat freelancers come together to co-work. However, it’s very close to the airport, and although spending a day out there is fine, living there constantly means putting up with noise and pollution.
The prevalent communities in Larnaca are Greek, British, Russians and Germans and they mostly use English as means of international communication. However, move away from the expat communities towards outlying villages, and a bit of Greek will come really handy if you want to integrate and build local friendships.
The town offers all the amenities and facilities necessary for a comfortable life, but as with any tourist place, it gets very quiet in winter and really crowded in summer.
In general, Larnaca is more relaxed, easy-going and comfortable, and a bit cheaper compared to Limassol or Nicosia. You get the beach and the places for cycling, and it is only a 30 minutes drive from both Limassol and Nicosia. The intercity bus will take you to the capital if you don’t like driving, however public transport is not very reliable in Cyprus, so you might want to consider a car.
There are a few lovely villages on the outskirts of Larnaca. Oroklini is just outside the town and very popular with Brits. The village stretches from Larnaca Bay up to Oroklini hill and has a nice sandy beach.
It takes 10 minutes to get from Oroklini to central Larnaca. The Larnaca-Ayia Napa motorway runs through the outskirts of Oroklini and leads onto the Larnaca-Nicosia motorway.
Paphos is a lovely coastal city in the southwest of Cyprus and, as legends say, the birthplace of Aphrodite.
The town has good infrastructure and amenities – from shopping malls and shops to modern hospitals and decent road connections. Paphos International Airport is just 15 minutes drive from the town centre and a modern highway links the Paphos district to the whole of Cyprus.
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The great thing about Paphos District is that you’ve got the sea and great beaches with hills, forests and mountains inland. The Akamas is a delight if you like the unspoilt countryside.
Paphos city is a popular tourist resort. It is also famous for its charming fishing harbour. The main residential district in Paphos is Ktima.
Kato Paphos, built by the sea around the medieval port, is where most of the luxury hotels and the entertainment infrastructure of the city is located.
There’s a lot going on in Paphos itself to sustain life there. It’s also only 45 minutes along the motorway to Limassol.
Peyia and Tala
Paphos district has quite a few lovely towns and villages dotted around. Lots of Brits live there, especially in places like Peyia and Tala. That means no language problems. If you venture further into the hills, a few words of Greek will be very helpful to get by.
Peyia and Tala are very popular for full time living among expats. There are plenty of restaurants and tavernas in both places, and they are close to Coral Bay.
Peyia is a bit overbuilt. The nice areas of Peyia can mostly be found on the outskirts. It’s also quite a drive to Paphos. Tala is closer to Paphos but has fewer facilities.
If you want to be fairly close to town and live somewhere within walking distance to a decent supermarket, pharmacy, doctor, butcher etc., Chloraka is possibly a good place to consider as it is just 3 km north of Paphos.
Ayia Napa and Protaras
In the eastern part of Cyprus, just south of Famagusta, lies the lively and vibrant town of Ayia Napa. It is a favourite international seaside resort with all the paraphernalia and amenities that come with that. It is crowded, dynamic, loud, full of entertainment and typical tourist activities such as water-skiing, windsurfing, canoeing, scuba diving and speed boating.
Ayia Napa has 14 beaches, and all of them have been awarded the Blue Flag status.
Nissi, a beach on Nissi Avenue, gets really crowded in summer; it has a fantastic beach bar, which plays music throughout the day and offers events such as foam parties and games if that’s what you’re looking for!
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If you want to be close enough to Ayia Napa to enjoy the life it offers, but still be far away enough to be able to have relaxing moments, you might want to look at Protaras.
About 5 miles away from Ayia Napa, Protaras, although being rapidly developed, still manages to remain low-key, and is preferred by locals and expats for its more family-friendly feel. It is still touristy and gets very busy in summer, while the winters are usually quiet and the place looks a bit deserted.
If the seasonal hustle and bustle of both Ayia Napa and Protaras are too much for you, but you still want to be close enough to both places, then probably the best solution will be to look at Paralimni.
Paralimni is close enough to both Ayia Napa and Protaras but is not attractive to tourists. It is a nice residential town with modern houses being built on the outskirts. There is a shopping centre, a number of cafes and bars and supermarkets there – all the amenities you need to live comfortably without paying over the top, as one commonly does in tourist towns.
Best places to live in Cyprus
CR    ::     https://expatra.com/guides/cyprus/best-places-to-live-republic-of-cyprus/
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wendigonamecaller · 7 months
Deadly Kiss.
Desc: Asher wasn't a bad person. She was quiet, well behaved, and had a gentle beauty about her that naturally made people flock to her. Asher was a good person, until she was given a reason not to be. 2002, she's only 22, never willingly been intimate with anyone, when police stumble upon her body in the Tennessee senator's home, a single gunshot wound to her head and a gun in her corpses grasp. She wakes up in hell, with a new appearance and powers, which present her with new opportunities, until she meets Angel Dust and becomes mixed up in Charlie Morningstar's hotel, unevitably becoming mixed up with Alastor.
Taglist: @sparrowrye
TW: Violence, cannibalism.
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Pt. 16: Docile.
Alastor had wandered deeper into the emporium at Rosie's request, leaving the taller overlord and the doe to themselves as they settled at Rosie's little table and Rosie made Asher a cup of tea. Asher didn't quite like hot tea, preferring cold southern sweet tea or any kind of coffee except black coffee, but she wouldn't be rude and decline Rosie's offer.
"So tell me dear, how does someone as docile and friendly as you end up in a place like Hell?" Rosie asked, her blackened gaze was relaxed and her left leg rested over her right knee.
"Erm- being a serial killer, I guess." Asher said, left hand rubbing the back of her neck as an awkward chuckle left her throat.
"Oh?" Rosie hummed, interest piqued.
"Yeah, though now I tend to avoid killing unless it's absolutely necessary." Asher said, sipping the tea.
Alastor pranced back over, placing a tray of cannibalistic delicacies on the small table before plucking one for himself. "Ah, thank you Alastor." Rosie said, picking at a finger before plopping it into her mouth with a satisfied hum.
Alastor leaned down as Rosie beckoned to him, his grin more relaxed than it usually was. Asher doesn't pay attention to what Rosie says, focusing more on Alastor. Her cheeks felt warm, her pulse felt erratic, her fingertips felt sweaty and she fought to tear her gaze away from him before the Radio Demon noticed her staring.
He backed away again, choosing to instead converse with other demons he knew. Asher's thoughts are interrupted by Rosie's light chuckle. Asher tilts her head, one ear furrowing almost like a puppy at Rosie's laughter. "Tell me youngling, you like Alastor don't you?" Rosie asked, sipping her tea.
Asher's ears furrow against her head and she feels her tail fluff up in alarm. "A-as a friend, yes. He's quite nice to me." Asher says humbly.
Rosie chuckles, her pinkish white teeth glinting in the artificial light of the Emporium. "My dear, I'm not daft." Rosie begins.
"I know the difference between platonic affection and romantic pining." She says, making Asher question if she'd be better off working for Valentino alongside Angel Dust if Alastor found out about her growing affections.
Rosie leaned slightly closer to Asher over the small table. "You're falling for him, and that scares you. What I want to know, is why." She says.
Asher chuckles quietly, back straightening out of nervousness as her right hand fidgets with her skirt. A simple tattoo peaked out from under the skirt on her left thigh. "I-I'm not sure what you mean." She says, suddenly very interested in the cannibalistic snacks placed on the table.
"You're scared of having feelings for him, why?" Rosie asked, her black eyes gentle and smile soft.
Asher shrugs. "From the stories, Alastor is heartless, yet through small actions I have the feeling that isn't true. However, Alastor is an overlord, which would give anyone a fear of falling for him." Asher says, snacking lightly on a finger.
"That's not the only reason you're scared, but not to worry I won't press you too hard. We barely know each other, for now." Rosie said, her smile growing.
Asher chuckles but slightly relaxes. "Well, I'm open to answering other questions." She says, her ears loosening from their position tensly pressed against her head.
After a while of casual talking, a male demon walked up to Rosie and Asher, the glint in his eyes wasn't friendly but not malicious either. "You're a cute little thing." He purred, reptilian tail swaying slowly.
He was tall, and blue. Around 7 feet tall maybe a little shorter, with a gecko-like head and red eyes. His hands were humongous and clawed. He wore a black T-shirt and blue jeans with a black leather jacket. Asher's ears furrowed. "Thanks..?" She hummed, eyes shifting to Rosie as the taller woman's foot nudged her boot-clad hoof from under the table.
She turned her head back to face the reptile, her heart nearly dropping to her ass as she sees Alastor out of the corner of her eye, his eyes were dark and almost unreadable, his smile nearing feral. A black aura surrounded Alastor as he watched the interaction as Asher held her finger up to gesture for him to hold off. For several minutes, Asher and Rosie both attempt to get the strange demon to leave them alone, Rosie recognizing he wasn't even a cannibal.
Until, he grabbed Asher by her wrist and yanked her out of her seat. The scene is too familiar, reminding her of her human life and making her uncomfortable. Her eyes widen in fear momentarily, before Rosie rises out of her seat angrily and within milliseconds Alastor is there, clawed hand ripping her out of the demon's hands before wrapping him in a shadowy tentacle.
Alastor turns to Asher, ears furrowed and eyes squinted in concern as his feral grin softens very slightly as he checks her over. "I'm fine-." She chokes out, but it lands on deaf ears as Alastor's skillful red gaze lands on the quickly bruising marks on Asher's wrist. Rosie's hands land gently on Asher's shoulders and suddenly the most feral growl Asher has ever heard is released from Alastor's throat as he whirls around and stalks closer to the demon. "Absolutely filthy." Alastor snarls, ripping into the demon.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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International Hummus Day
Seeing as May 13 is International Hummus Day we have no choice but to celebrate the intoxicatingly delicious concoction of garbanzo beans, tahini, lemon juice, and garlic – otherwise known as hummus. From whipping up a batch of your own custom-flavored red pepper hummus to spreading some store-bought dessert hummus on a cookie, there are endless ways to celebrate. We hear that there’s even some magical thing called a hummus festival – we’re not missing that! Hummus has been around for centuries and remains one of the most versatile and healthy staples in many diets. Today, we celebrate hummus for all that provides our diet and culture, as well as how we can all agree – it’s nature’s perfect food.
History of International Hummus Day
The origin of hummus is cloudy and hotly contested. Though we know it originated in the Middle East, many regions around the Eastern crescent of the Mediterranean claim to be the one true originator of the delectable spread. The first real mention of hummus in a cookbook was found in 13th century Cairo, where it appears as merely a cold chickpea puree, and notably lacks lemon juice and garlic – including instead pickled lemons with oil, herbs, and spices. It still sounds pretty good to us.
Hummus remained a huge staple in the diet of many living in the Middle East, where chickpeas flourish. In fact, the word “hummus” is rooted in the Arabic word for “chickpea”! Though there is some debate over whether or not the Greeks also invented hummus, most believe that it spread between Greek and Middle Eastern traders, along with popular delicacies like baklava and stuffed grape leaves. It’s known for this reason as one of the greatest crossover foods.
It’s also the national dish for many countries in the Middle East. It’s a cultural phenomenon as much as a culinary one, and nations stick up for their claim to hummus. For example, in 2008 Lebanon tried to sue Israel for “stealing” hummus! After that, the two strove to set the record for the largest plate of hummus. For all its long-lasting popularity in the Middle East and Southern Europe, it may surprise you to learn that the first British grocery store to stock hummus only did so in 1980. Unsurprisingly, however, it quickly became a great hit in the UK, largely for its health benefits.
Hummus definitely had a fashionably late arrival to the U.S. While 20 years ago, most Americans probably couldn’t even pronounce the name of the dish, and annual sales barely topped $5 million, today it is found in most grocery stores and considered a staple in many American households. While in the Middle East, hummus is increasingly considered a somewhat routine and middle-class meal, Americans are falling for the brownish spread – hard. It’s estimated that more than a quarter of U.S. households have hummus in the fridge right this second.
The first International Hummus Day was in 2012 and our taste buds have been celebrating ever since.
International Hummus Day timeline
13th Century Early Hummus
In Cairo, the earliest known hummus-like dish is recorded in cookbooks — it is a cold puree of chickpeas but doesn't include any lemon or garlic yet.
2008 Hummus Smackdown
Lebanon and Israel begin to battle for the recognition of being hummus’ country of origin.
May 2010 World’s Largest Hummus
Hummus breaks world records when a single dish of hummus weighs in at 23,000 pounds!
2012 Hummus is Recognized
International Hummus Day begins with entrepreneur Ben Lang’s goal to unite the world, and particularly the Middle East, through beloved food.
2016 Spreading the Wealth
According to the USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council (we didn’t know this existed, either), the hummus industry brought in $725 million in 2016 - and that number is expected to increase.
International Hummus Day FAQs
When is International Hummus Day celebrated?
International Hummus Day is celebrated on May 13th.
Are there any deals for International Hummus Day?
Absolutely! In addition to deals from restaurants like Naf Naf Grill and Cava, there are hummus events and celebrations, including Hummus Week in Washington, DC.
Where is International Hummus Day observed?
International Hummus Day is observed globally.
International Hummus Day Activities
Make your own hummus!
Try out a new hummus flavor
Attend a hummus festival
The key to being a forever favorite seems to be simplicity - hummus is based on just chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, and garlic. There are many fabulous hummus recipes online, but as long as you have a food processor and the key four ingredients, you’ll be successful in making the staple! Once you’ve got that down, try adding some flavors for your own custom hummus.
What do roasted red peppers, jalapeno, avocado, black olives, and chocolate have in common? They’re all fantastic hummus flavors! If your store doesn’t carry the flavor that you’re craving, pick up some plain hummus anyway and spice it up to your heart’s desire - the possibilities are endless!
You heard us right - hummus festivals are real! Check out the hashtag #hummusday or the account @hummusday on Instagram to see what events are happening near you. You can also find Hummus Day on Facebook or check out the various events on their website. Spoiler - they’re on every continent, so there’s a good chance you’ll find something you can attend!
5 Surprising Facts About Hummus
Happy heart, healthy heart
The same in every country
It’s an aphrodisiac
One lean cuppa
The first food
Hummus, which contains Omega-3 fatty acids, is known to maintain both heart health and a good mood!
Though the spread has gone global and the recipe has been tweaked slightly, the four key ingredients always persist: chickpeas, sesame paste, lemon juice, and garlic.
Made from protein- and vitamin-rich chickpeas (the “Queen of Aphrodisiacs,” as they are sometimes called), hummus has been known to aid in sexual functions and boost physical energy.
In just one cup of chickpeas, the basic ingredient of hummus, there are 200 calories and only one gram of fat.
In some folklore, hummus is touted as one of the oldest-ever prepared foods.
Why We Love International Hummus Day
Hummus unites people
It’s chock-full of vitamins
The possibilities are endless
Though many different regions around the world lay claim to the development of hummus, at least we can all agree that this versatile and healthy spread is nature’s perfect food. It’s been adopted across the globe with shockingly minimal changes to either the recipe or the name - we clearly all love it for exactly what it is.
Hummus is basically… a multivitamin. It’s bursting with fiber, protein, potassium, B6, folate, and Vitamin C. Not to mention, it can lower your cholesterol, nip hunger, and excess snacking in the bud, and potentially even contribute to a lower risk of some cancers!
What doesn’t hummus go on? Besides being a great chip and vegetable dip alternative to fattier dips like ranch, hummus can be used on sandwiches, salads, and so much more. These days, it can be endlessly favored as well, from spicy to savory to even dessert. The jury is out on that one for us but at least it’s healthier than ice cream.
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archive-of-artprompts · 5 months
🌹👹 Beauty & Beast : Blindly send in two numbers, and I'll draw that beastly beauty or beautiful beast! 👹🌹
Send one from each list and I'll combine them into one character. Numbers are 1 - 40. (Tropes from tv tropes pt1🌹- pt2🌹 - pt3🌹 - pt4👹)
🌹Beauty Traits 🌹
Aloof and Dark-Haired : A tall, dark-haired beautiful person with an aloof demeanor.
Amazonian Beauty: A muscular woman who is attractive.
Angelic Beauty: Their beauty is literally heavenly.
Agent Peacock: They're not going to let this job get in the way of being stylish.
Beautiful Tears: Somehow, tears make this character cuter or more beautiful.
Big and Beautiful: They’re fat and fabulous
The Dandy: This character values looks and fashion.
English Rose: The English archetypical beauty; usually a fair-haired, fair-skinned character with a regal nature, delicate nature, and posh sophistication.
Everyone Loves Blondes: When blondes are seen as more beautiful than other hair colors.
Everything's Better with Sparkles: Sparkles make everything pretty.
Femme Fatale: Her looks could get away with murder (if not already).
Fluffy Fashion Feathers: Plumes and down on stylish clothes just look appealing.
Gold Makes Everything Shiny: Gold adds visual flair.
Hospital Hottie: Attractive medical personnel.
Hot God: Makes you get on your knees for several reasons.
Hot Librarian: Because good literacy is beautifying.
Hot Men at Work: people on the street should be catcalling them.
Hot Witch: A witch who is a bombshell rather than an ugly, old hag.
Hunk: A tall muscular man who is very handsome
Lascivious Beauty Mark: A facial beauty mark is used to characterize someone as flirtatious or seductive
Lovely Lesbian: This hot girl has the hots for other girls.
Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Long hair just makes this Pretty Boy look better.
Innocent Flower : A delicate character is associated with the beautiful and equally-delicate flower.
Love God/dess: Most mythic pantheons have at least one.
Mystical White Hair: White hair indicates magical powers, mysteriousness, and/or otherworldly origins.
Pretty in Mink: A luxury fur garment is meant to look good.
Pretty Prince/ss Powerhouse: Being pretty and of royalty doesn't mean they can't kick ass.
Princess Classic: The beautiful princess as the epitome of grace, poise, delicacy and beauty.
Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: Dark hair makes this pale person pretty/handsome.
Redheads Are Ravishing: Red hair is associated with attractiveness.
Rose-Haired Sweetie: A bright, optimistic, pink-haired character.
Shy Blue-Haired Girl: A Shrinking Violet with blue hair.
Silver Fox: An attractive older person with grey hair.
Southern Belle: The American South archetypical beauty; usually motherly, delicate, kind, and fiercely devoted to family and tradition.
Statuesque Stunner: A character is pretty and tall.
Sultry Bangs: The use of eye-covering bangs to denote sensuality or seductiveness.
Tall, Dark, and Handsome: The quintessential description of a character who is supposed to be attractive—tall, dark-haired and dark-eyed, and good-looking.
True Beauty Is on the Inside: What you find attractive about this person isn't their looks.
Unkempt Beauty: You don't need to have a beauty regimen to look nice.
What Beautiful Eyes!: They never need to say "My eyes are up here."
👹Beast Traits👹
Amphibian at Large: Giant (bigger than average) frogs and other amphibians
Angelic Abomination: Angels which look extremely bizarre
Bat People: Humanoids with bat traits.
Big Creepy-Crawlies: Giant arthropods.
Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: Various big, hairy ape-like creatures who live in seclusion.
Big Red Devil: The classic stereotypical demon that resembles a humanoid with red skin, horns, bat-like wings, goat-like legs, and a pointed tail.
Bird People: Avian humanoids.
Blob Monster: A living creature made of amorphous slime.
Body of Bodies: A monster compiled of a mass of bodies.
Botanical Abomination: An eldritch organism which appears to be an extremely bizarre and unnatural plant.
Cactus Person: An anthropomorphic cactus creature.
Cat Folk: Feline humanoids.
Chupacabra: A strange beast that is said to prey on goats and other livestock.
Classical Chimera: A monster made up of a lion, goat and snake.
Cthulhumanoid: A humanoid creature with squid-like features, reminiscent of Cthulhu.
Cyclops: A creature with only one eye.
Dem Bones: Living skeletons.
Digital Abomination: A virtual eldritch being originating from cyberspace.
Draconic Abomination: A dragon-like creature which looks very bizarre and otherworldly. 
Fauns and Satyrs: Humanoid creatures with goat-like legs.
Fish People: Aquatic humanoids with fishlike traits.
Flesh-Eating Zombie: Zombies usually crave the flesh of living humans (especially their brains).
Fox Folk: Humanoids with foxlike anatomy.
Frankenstein's Monster: A being made up of dead body parts sewn together, who has been brought to life through mad science.
Headless Horseman: A ghostly man without a head who rides a horse.
Humanoid Abomination: An eldritch being which superficially resembles or behaves like a human, or is at least vaguely human-shaped.
Living Lava: A creature made out of molten rock.
Lizard Folk: Humanoid reptiles.
Man-Eating Plant: A plant that eats people.
Martians: Space aliens from the planet Mars.
Medusa: Snake-haired women with a petrifying gaze.
Muck Monster: A living, moving mass of filth, poison and refuse.
Mushroom Man: Intelligent, humanoid fungi.
Nuclear Mutant: A monster created from exposure to radiation.
Our Minotaurs Are Different: A half-man half-bull creature.
Poltergeist: Ghosts that haunt inanimate objects and cause them to move on their own.
Rat Men: Humanoid rodents.
Spider People: Chimeric beings with the physical characteristics of both humanoids and spiders.
Swamp Monster: A monstrous creature that resides in a swamp.
Wolf Man: A wolf-like humanoid.
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jakesuit0 · 9 months
Apple Thief Review
“Apple Thief” reestablishes Tree Trunks into the series after the mess that was “Crystals Have Power”. Unlike the season two episode, “Apple Thief” harkens back to “Tree Trunks” with the second of two Finn, Jake, and TT trio adventures and its a dynamic that proves just as enjoyable. 
Jake cooks some deliciously drawn Korean food, inspired by Bert Youn’s (who co-boarded the episode) love for Korean cuisine. Bert is Korean and it’s always nice when staff members’ cultures are put into the series. I love seeing Lady Rainicorn’s traditions influence Jake. Finn is too young to appreciate the delicacy so he suggests Tree Trunks’ apple pie. I like Finn and Jake’s relationship with their grandmother-figure, feeling they can stop by anytime they want. Tree Trunks’ apple pies have been stolen so the three of them have to solve the case. Raggedy Princess is the first possible suspect, and it’s nice seeing her play a supporting role. The episode later hints that the ne’er-do-wells are the candy criminals. Raggedy Princess’s nervousness raises red flags, but she always acts nervous. 
Jake’s past as a thief is confirmed, building on his actions in “City of Thieves”. He says he stopped doing it a while ago after learning it was wrong. My assumption is Lady Rainicorn showed him the error of his ways. Finn, Jake, and Tree Trunks visit the seedy Candy Tavern. Finn has to keep Tree Trunks out of trouble like he did in her debut episode. He even has to stop her from eating toilet paper, showing her sharp mental decline. Apples end up being a euphemism for drugs, and they get wrapped up in underground Candy Kingdom drug trade disputes. Princess Bubblegum definitely started cracking down hard on organized crime sometime after this episode, at least by the time she grows a massive surveillance apparatus in seasons four to six. Tree Trunks tells Finn that he can go home if he wants due to the danger, but that she must go through with finding her apples. While age has made her less capable, she still retains her spirit from her pirate days.
Jake uses his experience in criminal enterprise to track down the apple dealers. They are let in by Wormo, who is a hilarious character. He’s a giant worm that’s very stupid and speaks in a southern accent. Everything he says and does is funny, especially his nonsensical drug slang. Mr Pig is introduced here, voiced by Ron Lynch. He’s at his funniest in this episode, although he has his moments in later appearances. They snatch Mr Pig and leave, probably because the writers wanted to keep his character around as Pen has said. And we have no idea how long he’s been held captive or how many people he’s been forced to eat.
Mr Pig has a heightened sense of hearing for some reason, sensing scared apples in Tree Trunks’ pantry. Tree Trunks' senility shows and she turns herself in, thinking she stole her own apples. Two Banana Guards are called to the scene in their first speaking role. They are hysterical characters. Their voice comes from John DiMaggio doing an impression of Pendleton Ward’s performance as Lumpy Space Princess, and Tom Kenny mimicking it back. 
Finn puts his detective skills to use and concludes the magpies are the true apple thief. It’s not a fantastic twist, but ties the episode together well enough. Tree Trunks breaks off her handcuffs, another hint to her wild past. It wouldn’t be a Tree Trunks episode without some sexual aggression, and she slaps one of the banana guards on the butt. She celebrates by making everyone some apple pie. Finn and Jake must be starving. 
“Apple Thief” is unremarkable but a perfectly enjoyable episode.
Grade: B+
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Discovering Rayalaseema’s Rich Culinary Heritage
Rayalaseema, located in the southern part of Andhra Pradesh, is known for its robust, spicy cuisine. The region’s food reflects its climate and culture, with an emphasis on hearty ingredients like millets, pulses, and spices. At Rayala Seema Raagi Ruchulu, these traditional elements are celebrated and elevated, providing diners with an authentic taste of Rayalaseema’s rich culinary history.
The Art of Spice: What Makes Rayalaseema Cuisine Unique
One of the defining features of Rayalaseema cuisine is its use of spices. Known for their fiery heat and complex flavors, Rayalaseema dishes are a treat for those who love bold, spicy food. The chefs at Rayala Seema Raagi Ruchulu expertly balance these spices to create dishes that are flavorful without being overwhelming. Whether it’s the tangy notes of tamarind or the intense heat of red chili, each dish is a masterclass in the art of spice.
Signature Dishes That Highlight Rayalaseema’s Bold Flavors
Natu Kodi Vepudu: This traditional chicken fry is a must-try for anyone visiting Rayala Seema Raagi Ruchulu. Natu Kodi Vepudu is made with country chicken, which is marinated in a blend of spices and then fried to perfection. The result is a dish that is crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside, and bursting with flavor. Served with a side of jonna roti or raagi sangati, it’s a meal that perfectly captures the bold flavors of Rayalaseema.
Ulavacharu: A signature dish of the region, ulavacharu is a thick, hearty soup made from horse gram. This slow-cooked dish is rich in flavor and has a unique, earthy taste that sets it apart from other soups. It’s often enjoyed with rice or roti, providing a comforting, satisfying meal that’s full of nutrients.
Ragi Sangati with Pappu Charu: A traditional favorite, raagi sangati is made from raagi flour and rice, cooked together to form a soft, dough-like consistency. It’s typically served with pappu charu, a tangy lentil stew that balances the mild flavor of the raagi sangati. This combination is a staple in Rayalaseema households and is a great choice for those looking to experience the region’s authentic cuisine.
Paya Soup: A delicacy in Rayalaseema cuisine, paya soup is made from the slow-cooked trotters of a goat, simmered with spices to create a rich, flavorful broth. This dish is known for its warming, comforting properties and is often enjoyed as a starter or a main course during the cooler months.
A Commitment to Authenticity
What makes Rayala Seema Raagi Ruchulu truly special is its commitment to authenticity. The restaurant stays true to the traditional cooking methods and ingredients that define Rayalaseema cuisine. From the use of fresh, locally sourced produce to the careful preparation of each dish, Rayala Seema Raagi Ruchulu ensures that every meal is a genuine reflection of Rayalaseema’s culinary traditions.
Beyond the Plate: An Immersive Dining Experience
Dining at Rayala Seema Raagi Ruchulu is more than just about the food—it’s an immersive experience that transports you to the heart of Rayalaseema. The restaurant’s decor reflects the rustic charm of the region, with traditional elements that create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Whether you’re enjoying a quiet meal with family or celebrating a special occasion, Rayala Seema Raagi Ruchulu provides the perfect setting for a memorable dining experience.
Why Rayala Seema Raagi Ruchulu is a Must-Visit
In a world where modernity often overshadows tradition, Rayala Seema Raagi Ruchulu stands out as a beacon of authenticity. The restaurant offers a rare opportunity to explore the rich flavors and culinary traditions of Rayalaseema, all while enjoying a dining experience that is both comfortable and refined. Whether you’re a seasoned fan of South Indian cuisine or a curious newcomer, Rayala Seema Raagi Ruchulu promises a meal that will leave you both satisfied and inspired.
In Conclusion
For those who appreciate the depth and complexity of traditional Indian cuisine, Rayala Seema Raagi Ruchulu is a must-visit destination. The restaurant’s dedication to preserving and celebrating Rayalaseema’s culinary heritage is evident in every dish, from the fiery Natu Kodi Vepudu to the comforting Ulavacharu. At Rayala Seema Raagi Ruchulu, you’re not just enjoying a meal—you’re experiencing a piece of history, lovingly crafted and served with pride. Make your next dining experience one to remember by exploring the bold, authentic flavors of Rayalaseema at Rayala Seema Raagi Ruchulu.
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utsavsharma5577 · 4 months
Family-Friendly Activities in Ruston, Louisiana United States.
Ruston, Louisiana, nestled in the heart of the Pelican State, offers a treasure trove of family-friendly activities that cater to all ages. From outdoor adventures to cultural explorations, Ruston, Louisiana promises an unforgettable experience for the whole family. Here are some delightful options to consider during your visit:
Explore the Ruston Farmers Market: Start your day by immersing yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of the Ruston Farmers Market. Open every Saturday, this market showcases local produce, artisanal crafts, and live music. Let your children discover the joy of picking out fresh fruits and vegetables while you sample homemade treats from various vendors.
Louisiana Military Museum: Dive into the rich history of Louisiana at the Louisiana Military Museum. With exhibits spanning from the Civil War to the present day, this museum offers an educational experience for visitors of all ages. Marvel at military artifacts, interactive displays, and engaging presentations that bring history to life.
Railway Park: All aboard for a day of fun at Railway Park! This charming park features a vintage train car, playground equipment, and picnic areas perfect for family gatherings. Take a leisurely stroll along the walking paths or enjoy a scenic train ride around the park—a memorable experience for train enthusiasts young and old.
Lincoln Parish Park: Nature lovers will delight in the beauty of Lincoln Parish Park. With over 260 acres of lush greenery, this park offers endless opportunities for outdoor recreation. Hike along scenic trails, fish in the tranquil lake, or simply relax and enjoy a picnic surrounded by nature's splendor.
Cooking Classes at Louisiana Tech University: Unleash your inner chef with cooking classes offered at Louisiana Tech University. Designed for families, these hands-on classes provide a fun and interactive way to learn new culinary skills while bonding with loved ones. From traditional Cajun cuisine to international delicacies, there's something for every palate to enjoy.
Explore Downtown Ruston: Take a leisurely stroll through downtown Ruston and discover its unique shops, art galleries, and restaurants. Let your children's creativity soar with a visit to the Ruston Artisans Studio, where they can participate in pottery classes and other artistic activities. Don't forget to treat yourselves to some delicious homemade ice cream at one of the local creameries.
Louisiana Peach Festival: Plan your visit during the annual Louisiana Peach Festival, a celebration of all things peachy! Held every June, this festival features live music, arts and crafts vendors, delicious peach-themed treats, and fun activities for the whole family. Join in the festivities and experience the true essence of Louisiana hospitality.
Outdoor Movie Nights: End your day with a magical outdoor movie night under the stars. Check local listings for upcoming outdoor screenings held in parks or community spaces. Bring along blankets, lawn chairs, and snacks, and settle in for a memorable evening of cinematic entertainment with your loved ones.
In Ruston, Louisiana, family fun knows no bounds. Whether you're exploring the great outdoors or delving into the region's rich cultural heritage, you're sure to create lasting memories that will be cherished for years to come. So pack your bags, gather your loved ones, and embark on an unforgettable adventure in this charming Southern gem.
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chsthrive · 5 months
Beyond the Beach: Unique Things to Do in Charleston, SC Shop Local Charleston, SC Businesses [ad_1] Charleston, South Carolina is often known for its beautiful beaches, but there is so much more to this historic city than just sand and surf. From its charming cobblestone streets to its rich history and vibrant culture, Charleston offers a plethora of unique experiences for travelers looking to explore beyond the beach. Whether you're a history buff, foodie, or nature lover, there is something for everyone to enjoy in this charming Southern city. Charleston's Historic District One of the best ways to experience the charm and history of Charleston is by exploring its historic district. Take a leisurely stroll down the cobblestone streets and admire the picturesque colonial-era architecture. Stop by the historic homes and gardens, such as the Aiken-Rhett House Museum and the Nathaniel Russell House, to get a glimpse into Charleston's past. Don't miss the historic Charleston City Market, where you can shop for locally-made crafts and enjoy a taste of traditional Southern cuisine. And be sure to take a tour of the Old Slave Mart Museum, which offers a sobering look at Charleston's role in the slave trade. Culinary Delights Charleston is also a haven for foodies, with an abundance of culinary delights to tantalize your taste buds. Indulge in traditional Lowcountry cuisine, such as shrimp and grits, she-crab soup, and fried green tomatoes. Sample the local delicacy known as "Charleston Benne Wafers" or visit one of the many acclaimed restaurants in the city for a fine dining experience. For a true taste of Charleston, be sure to check out the city's bustling food scene. From food trucks to five-star restaurants, there is something for every palate in this foodie paradise. Nature and Outdoor Activities If you're a nature lover, Charleston has plenty to offer in terms of outdoor activities. Explore the city's beautiful parks and gardens, such as Waterfront Park and the Magnolia Plantation and Gardens. Take a boat tour of the Charleston Harbor or go kayaking in the nearby marshes and creeks. For a truly unique experience, head to the Angel Oak Tree, a massive Southern live oak that is estimated to be over 400 years old. The tree's sprawling branches and ancient beauty make it a must-see attraction for nature enthusiasts. Arts and Culture Charleston is also a hub for arts and culture, with a thriving arts scene that includes galleries, theaters, and music venues. Check out the Gibbes Museum of Art for a glimpse of the city's artistic heritage, or catch a performance at the historic Dock Street Theatre. Don't miss the Spoleto Festival USA, an annual event that brings together artists from around the world for a celebration of music, dance, and theater. Whether you're a fan of classical music or contemporary art, there is something for everyone at this renowned cultural festival. Conclusion Charleston, South Carolina offers a diverse array of unique experiences for travelers seeking to explore beyond the beach. From its historic district and culinary delights to its natural beauty and vibrant arts scene, there is something for everyone to enjoy in this charming Southern city. So whether you're a history buff, foodie, nature lover, or art enthusiast, be sure to add Charleston to your travel bucket list. With its rich history, cultural diversity, and Southern charm, Charleston is a destination that is sure to captivate and inspire visitors of all ages. Come and discover the many unique things to do in Charleston, SC, and create memories that will last a lifetime. [ad_2] EXPLORE MORE: Things to do in Charleston SC CHARLESTON BUSINESS OWNERS: Get a Free Business Profile FIND BUSINESSES: Charleston Business Directory BE SEEN: Advertise Your Business Here #THINGS_TO_DO
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Beyond the Beach: Unique Things to Do in Charleston, SC Shop Local Charleston, SC Businesses [ad_1] Charleston, South Carolina is often known for its beautiful beaches, but there is so much more to this historic city than just sand and surf. From its charming cobblestone streets to its rich history and vibrant culture, Charleston offers a plethora of unique experiences for travelers looking to explore beyond the beach. Whether you're a history buff, foodie, or nature lover, there is something for everyone to enjoy in this charming Southern city. Charleston's Historic District One of the best ways to experience the charm and history of Charleston is by exploring its historic district. Take a leisurely stroll down the cobblestone streets and admire the picturesque colonial-era architecture. Stop by the historic homes and gardens, such as the Aiken-Rhett House Museum and the Nathaniel Russell House, to get a glimpse into Charleston's past. Don't miss the historic Charleston City Market, where you can shop for locally-made crafts and enjoy a taste of traditional Southern cuisine. And be sure to take a tour of the Old Slave Mart Museum, which offers a sobering look at Charleston's role in the slave trade. Culinary Delights Charleston is also a haven for foodies, with an abundance of culinary delights to tantalize your taste buds. Indulge in traditional Lowcountry cuisine, such as shrimp and grits, she-crab soup, and fried green tomatoes. Sample the local delicacy known as "Charleston Benne Wafers" or visit one of the many acclaimed restaurants in the city for a fine dining experience. For a true taste of Charleston, be sure to check out the city's bustling food scene. From food trucks to five-star restaurants, there is something for every palate in this foodie paradise. Nature and Outdoor Activities If you're a nature lover, Charleston has plenty to offer in terms of outdoor activities. Explore the city's beautiful parks and gardens, such as Waterfront Park and the Magnolia Plantation and Gardens. Take a boat tour of the Charleston Harbor or go kayaking in the nearby marshes and creeks. For a truly unique experience, head to the Angel Oak Tree, a massive Southern live oak that is estimated to be over 400 years old. The tree's sprawling branches and ancient beauty make it a must-see attraction for nature enthusiasts. Arts and Culture Charleston is also a hub for arts and culture, with a thriving arts scene that includes galleries, theaters, and music venues. Check out the Gibbes Museum of Art for a glimpse of the city's artistic heritage, or catch a performance at the historic Dock Street Theatre. Don't miss the Spoleto Festival USA, an annual event that brings together artists from around the world for a celebration of music, dance, and theater. Whether you're a fan of classical music or contemporary art, there is something for everyone at this renowned cultural festival. Conclusion Charleston, South Carolina offers a diverse array of unique experiences for travelers seeking to explore beyond the beach. From its historic district and culinary delights to its natural beauty and vibrant arts scene, there is something for everyone to enjoy in this charming Southern city. So whether you're a history buff, foodie, nature lover, or art enthusiast, be sure to add Charleston to your travel bucket list. With its rich history, cultural diversity, and Southern charm, Charleston is a destination that is sure to captivate and inspire visitors of all ages. Come and discover the many unique things to do in Charleston, SC, and create memories that will last a lifetime. [ad_2] EXPLORE MORE: Things to do in Charleston SC CHARLESTON BUSINESS OWNERS: Get a Free Business Profile FIND BUSINESSES: Charleston Business Directory BE SEEN: Advertise Your Business Here #THINGS_TO_DO
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avnnetwork · 5 months
Langley: A Hidden Gem of Scenic Beauty and Thriving Community
Nestled in the heart of Virginia lies a true hidden gem: Langley. Tucked away from the bustling metropolises, Langley offers a serene escape into scenic beauty and a thriving community spirit. With its picturesque landscapes, rich history, and vibrant local culture, Langley is a destination that captivates both residents and visitors alike.
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One of Langley's most enchanting features is its natural beauty. Surrounded by lush forests, rolling hills, and meandering rivers, Langley paints a breathtaking portrait of tranquility. Whether you're strolling along the banks of the Potomac River or hiking through the sprawling woodlands of Great Falls Park, you'll find yourself immersed in the wonders of nature at every turn. The vibrant colors of autumn foliage, the delicate blooms of springtime flowers, and the serene snow-covered landscapes of winter create a ever-changing canvas that delights the senses throughout the year.
But Langley's appeal extends far beyond its scenic landscapes. This charming community boasts a rich tapestry of history and culture that adds depth and character to its streets. From historic landmarks like the Sully Historic Site to the quaint charm of Old Town Fairfax, Langley invites exploration and discovery at every corner. Visitors can wander through centuries-old buildings, explore local museums, and immerse themselves in the stories of generations past.
Yet, what truly sets Langley apart is its sense of community. Despite its close proximity to major urban centers, Langley maintains a small-town charm and a strong sense of belonging. Residents take pride in their community, coming together for festivals, farmers markets, and community events throughout the year. Whether it's a neighborhood block party or a volunteer clean-up initiative, the spirit of camaraderie and goodwill permeates every aspect of life in Langley.
The local dining scene further reflects the vibrant community spirit of Langley. From cozy cafes to family-owned eateries, there's no shortage of culinary delights to tantalize your taste buds. Whether you're craving hearty comfort food or gourmet delicacies, you'll find a diverse array of options to satisfy your appetite. And with a focus on locally sourced ingredients and farm-to-table cuisine, dining in Langley is not just a meal, but a celebration of the region's bounty.
Of course, no visit to Langley would be complete without experiencing its vibrant arts and entertainment scene. From live music performances to art galleries showcasing the works of local talent, there's always something happening in Langley to ignite your creativity and inspire your soul. Whether you're attending a theater production at the Workhouse Arts Center or exploring the vibrant street art scene in downtown Fairfax, you'll find yourself immersed in a world of artistic expression and cultural enrichment.
But perhaps the greatest treasure of all lies in the warmth and hospitality of Langley's residents. Here, strangers are welcomed with open arms, and neighbors become friends. Whether you're chatting with locals at a coffee shop or striking up a conversation with fellow hikers on a nature trail, you'll find that the people of Langley embody the true spirit of Southern hospitality.
In conclusion, Langley is much more than just a destination – it's a sanctuary for the soul, a haven of natural beauty, and a beacon of community spirit. Whether you're seeking adventure in the great outdoors, delving into the pages of history, or simply enjoying the company of kindred spirits, Langley offers an experience like no other. So, come discover the magic of Langley for yourself and unlock the secrets of this hidden gem waiting to be explored.
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javedakhtar65 · 6 months
Exploring God's Own Country: Unraveling the Magic of Kerala Tour Packages
Kerala, a treasure trove of stunning natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and tranquil backwaters, is tucked away in the lush landscapes of southern India. Kerala, often known as "God's Own Country," enthralls visitors with its stunning scenery, serene backwaters, and lively culture. Many people have always wanted to visit this beautiful place, and it has never been easier to see that dream come true with the plethora of Kerala tour packages that are easily available.
Why Choose Kerala Tour Packages?
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Kerala holiday packages offer a hassle-free and affordable way to take in all the tourist attractions of this stunning state. Kerala has a lot to offer everyone, whether they are lovers of the outdoors, interested in culture, or just looking for a relaxing vacation. Kerala tour packages include activities for all interests and preferences, from peaceful houseboat tours along the backwaters to adrenaline-pumping treks in the Western Ghats.
Immersing in Natural Splendor
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One of the highlights of Kerala tour packages is undoubtedly the opportunity to immerse oneself in the state's breathtaking natural beauty. At every turn, visitors are welcomed with picture-perfect landscapes that include swaying palm trees, cascading waterfalls, and verdant tea plantations. Famous hill stations Munnar and Wayanad attract tourists with their cool climates and panoramic views, offering a welcome respite from the overcrowding of the city.
Exploring the Backwaters
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Without visiting Kerala's legendary backwaters, your visit there is not complete. Kerala tour packages may include fascinating houseboat cruises in the serene backwaters, allowing tourists to relax in a peaceful environment. Travelers can see life along the waterways by meandering around the complex network of canals and lagoons, where they can see colorful towns, verdant paddy fields, and traditional wooden boats gliding past. It's an experience that promises peaceful moments that last long after the trip is over.
Cultural Extravaganza
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Kerala holiday packages highlight the state's rich cultural heritage. Kerala has an array of unique and interesting traditions, which include old temple festivals and rituals to vibrant dance forms like Kathakali and Mohiniyattam. Visits to cultural landmarks like the Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Thiruvananthapuram, the Jewish Synagogue in Kochi, and the Bekal Fort in Kasaragod are often included in Kerala tour packages. These landmarks offer insights into the state's storied past and vibrant present.
Culinary Delights
Food lovers will find much to delight in Kerala's culinary offerings. Kerala cuisine has gained renown for its delicious seafood dishes, aromatic spices, and tastes enhanced by coconut. It is truly a culinary joy. Kerala holiday packages often include culinary experiences like traditional Sadhya meals served on banana leaves, cooking classes where guests can learn how to make local delicacies, and visits to vibrant spice markets where the smell of cardamom, cinnamon, and cloves fills the air.
Adventure Awaits
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Kerala offers a range of thrilling activities to get the heartbeat fast for adventure seekers. Trekking lovers are able to climb the Western Ghats, offering pathways that range in difficulty from easy strolls to difficult trips that reward brave explorers with breathtaking views and cascading waterfalls. wildlife fans can go on safari in the state's national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, which are home to an array of flora and fauna, including the majestic Indian elephant and the elusive Bengal tiger.
The Wellness Retreat
In recent years, Kerala has emerged as a sought-after destination for wellness tourism, thanks to its traditional Ayurvedic practices and serene surroundings. Kerala tour packages often include opportunities for relaxation and rejuvenation, like yoga retreats, meditation sessions, and Ayurvedic spa treatments. Kerala's wellness retreats offer the ideal haven for holistic healing and rejuvenation, Whether you're looking to detoxify body and mind or simply unwind amidst nature's embrace.
In Conclusion
Kerala tour packages offer a gateway to a world of natural wonders, cultural treasures, and unforgettable experiences. A journey through "God's Own Country" is sure to leave an unforgettable impact on your heart and soul, whether you're exploring the backwaters, enjoying the delicious cuisine of Kerala, or learning about the state's rich cultural legacy. So why wait? These tour packages offer an opportunity to experience a once-in-a-lifetime journey and uncover the mystique of this beautiful location in India.
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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International Hummus Day
Seeing as May 13 is International Hummus Day we have no choice but to celebrate the intoxicatingly delicious concoction of garbanzo beans, tahini, lemon juice, and garlic – otherwise known as hummus. From whipping up a batch of your own custom-flavored red pepper hummus to spreading some store-bought dessert hummus on a cookie, there are endless ways to celebrate. We hear that there’s even some magical thing called a hummus festival – we’re not missing that! Hummus has been around for centuries and remains one of the most versatile and healthy staples in many diets. Today, we celebrate hummus for all that provides our diet and culture, as well as how we can all agree – it’s nature’s perfect food.
History of International Hummus Day
The origin of hummus is cloudy and hotly contested. Though we know it originated in the Middle East, many regions around the Eastern crescent of the Mediterranean claim to be the one true originator of the delectable spread. The first real mention of hummus in a cookbook was found in 13th century Cairo, where it appears as merely a cold chickpea puree, and notably lacks lemon juice and garlic – including instead pickled lemons with oil, herbs, and spices. It still sounds pretty good to us.
Hummus remained a huge staple in the diet of many living in the Middle East, where chickpeas flourish. In fact, the word “hummus” is rooted in the Arabic word for “chickpea”! Though there is some debate over whether or not the Greeks also invented hummus, most believe that it spread between Greek and Middle Eastern traders, along with popular delicacies like baklava and stuffed grape leaves. It’s known for this reason as one of the greatest crossover foods.
It’s also the national dish for many countries in the Middle East. It’s a cultural phenomenon as much as a culinary one, and nations stick up for their claim to hummus. For example, in 2008 Lebanon tried to sue Israel for “stealing” hummus! After that, the two strove to set the record for the largest plate of hummus. For all its long-lasting popularity in the Middle East and Southern Europe, it may surprise you to learn that the first British grocery store to stock hummus only did so in 1980. Unsurprisingly, however, it quickly became a great hit in the UK, largely for its health benefits.
Hummus definitely had a fashionably late arrival to the U.S. While 20 years ago, most Americans probably couldn’t even pronounce the name of the dish, and annual sales barely topped $5 million, today it is found in most grocery stores and considered a staple in many American households. While in the Middle East, hummus is increasingly considered a somewhat routine and middle-class meal, Americans are falling for the brownish spread – hard. It’s estimated that more than a quarter of U.S. households have hummus in the fridge right this second.
The first International Hummus Day was in 2012 and our taste buds have been celebrating ever since.
International Hummus Day timeline
13th Century Early Hummus
In Cairo, the earliest known hummus-like dish is recorded in cookbooks — it is a cold puree of chickpeas but doesn't include any lemon or garlic yet.
2008 Hummus Smackdown
Lebanon and Israel begin to battle for the recognition of being hummus’ country of origin.
May 2010 World’s Largest Hummus
Hummus breaks world records when a single dish of hummus weighs in at 23,000 pounds!
2012 Hummus is Recognized
International Hummus Day begins with entrepreneur Ben Lang’s goal to unite the world, and particularly the Middle East, through beloved food.
2016 Spreading the Wealth
According to the USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council (we didn’t know this existed, either), the hummus industry brought in $725 million in 2016 - and that number is expected to increase.
International Hummus Day FAQs
When is International Hummus Day celebrated?
International Hummus Day is celebrated on May 13th.
Are there any deals for International Hummus Day?
Absolutely! In addition to deals from restaurants like Naf Naf Grill and Cava, there are hummus events and celebrations, including Hummus Week in Washington, DC.
Where is International Hummus Day observed?
International Hummus Day is observed globally.
International Hummus Day Activities
Make your own hummus!
Try out a new hummus flavor
Attend a hummus festival
The key to being a forever favorite seems to be simplicity - hummus is based on just chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, and garlic. There are many fabulous hummus recipes online, but as long as you have a food processor and the key four ingredients, you’ll be successful in making the staple! Once you’ve got that down, try adding some flavors for your own custom hummus.
What do roasted red peppers, jalapeno, avocado, black olives, and chocolate have in common? They’re all fantastic hummus flavors! If your store doesn’t carry the flavor that you’re craving, pick up some plain hummus anyway and spice it up to your heart’s desire - the possibilities are endless!
You heard us right - hummus festivals are real! Check out the hashtag #hummusday or the account @hummusday on Instagram to see what events are happening near you. You can also find Hummus Day on Facebook or check out the various events on their website. Spoiler - they’re on every continent, so there’s a good chance you’ll find something you can attend!
5 Surprising Facts About Hummus
Happy heart, healthy heart
The same in every country
It’s an aphrodisiac
One lean cuppa
The first food
Hummus, which contains Omega-3 fatty acids, is known to maintain both heart health and a good mood!
Though the spread has gone global and the recipe has been tweaked slightly, the four key ingredients always persist: chickpeas, sesame paste, lemon juice, and garlic.
Made from protein- and vitamin-rich chickpeas (the “Queen of Aphrodisiacs,” as they are sometimes called), hummus has been known to aid in sexual functions and boost physical energy.
In just one cup of chickpeas, the basic ingredient of hummus, there are 200 calories and only one gram of fat.
In some folklore, hummus is touted as one of the oldest-ever prepared foods.
Why We Love International Hummus Day
Hummus unites people
It’s chock-full of vitamins
The possibilities are endless
Though many different regions around the world lay claim to the development of hummus, at least we can all agree that this versatile and healthy spread is nature’s perfect food. It’s been adopted across the globe with shockingly minimal changes to either the recipe or the name - we clearly all love it for exactly what it is.
Hummus is basically… a multivitamin. It’s bursting with fiber, protein, potassium, B6, folate, and Vitamin C. Not to mention, it can lower your cholesterol, nip hunger, and excess snacking in the bud, and potentially even contribute to a lower risk of some cancers!
What doesn’t hummus go on? Besides being a great chip and vegetable dip alternative to fattier dips like ranch, hummus can be used on sandwiches, salads, and so much more. These days, it can be endlessly favored as well, from spicy to savory to even dessert. The jury is out on that one for us but at least it’s healthier than ice cream.
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