#and this morning my bf texted me and said that guy told him to tell me thanks for saying they were good lol
iiigris · 2 months
you guys omg I forgot to mention this earlier bc I’ve been busy as hell but last night I went to my boyfriend’s band concert and after they played all their band stuff, two of his friends and one of the friends’ little brother did an encore performance together and they played in bloom by nirvana and sugar we’re going down by fob and they actually did SO WELL and I’m kind of obsessed with them for that tbh it was kind of iconic. I might make ocs of them
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eddiernunson · 1 year
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Really Drives Me Mad | Bfs Dad!Eddie Munson x Reader | 18+
Master List | Next Part
My best friend tells me that he's a keeper
I really like Dylan a lot But Dylan's dad He really drives me mad With his faded tats Sings in a cover band Yeah he's super hot with his ripped dad bod Oh my, oh my god I like Dylan a lot But oh god I love Dylan's dad
I know y'all weren't expecting this... Well neither was I. It like invaded my mind and begged me to write it. (this is the dirtiest thing ive ever written.)
Word Count: 7.5k
Summary: You've been dating Dylan Munson for a little bit, and it's going well, or at least you feel like it is. Despite everything right with Dylan you can't help but feel uneasy...then you meet Eddie Munson, his dad... and find yourself wet at the sight of him. (reader is in her 20s, Eddie probably in his 40s or so)
Warnings: masturbation (both), voyeurism (both), lot of perv!Eddie, reader ends up cheating, just some dirty stuff. MINORS DNI.
As you sit cross legged on your best friend’s garage couch mindlessly watching some Netflix while she took another hit, your phone dings, a text message you’ve been waiting on.
“Ooh, speak of the devil.” She teases you, putting the bong aside to peek at what Dylan texted you. You roll your eyes at her, answering him to pick you up in the morning. “What did he say?”
Her eyebrows were wagging over-exaggeratingly, and you narrow your eyes. “Just asked when I wanted to get picked up for our trip to the beach tomorrow.”
“Are you excited?” She asks, her voice suggestive and you can hear more excitement in her voice alone than you felt about the trip.
“Yes.” You lie to her, because if you told the truth, you knew you’d hear about it.
Dylan was a good guy. You met him through a singles mixer you went to for shits and giggles and ended up meeting him. He had no business being there, his league was not the type of girl to go to a Fajita style mixer even for laughs. He was so overwhelmingly better looking than every other guy in that mixer that scooping him up before anyone dug their claws in was the logical thing to do.
It wasn’t that you didn’t find him hot.
Dylan ended up being almost everything you said you were looking for. Stable. Ready for commitment. Willing to go the extra mile.
He was stable in every way it takes most men into their 30s to figure out.
You knew he was a rare find as someone dating in your 20s. Yet, there was just something missing.
It wasn’t anything you could describe, and each time you had expressed the feeling people seem to dismiss it, claiming it stemmed from every failed relationship you’ve had. Logically, you should be head over heels over this man who is so sweet and willing to do the most.
But the feeling just nagged at your skull.
For the sake of not feeling guilty and seeing that same bug-eyed expression on your best friend you lie. It felt weird to have to lie to her just to seem grateful for what life has provided to you on a silver platter. So, until an actual reason for this hesitancy presents itself, the dates and the heavy make out sessions and whatnot will continue.
The ego boost he provides when he sends you drooling emojis when you send a bikini selfie for what you’re wearing the next day certainly doesn’t help your case.
“I’m so glad you found him, he’s so sweet.” She mentions off-hand.
You nod, gritting your teeth.
Dylan is on time, as always, prompt and proper to pick you up from your apartment. He texts to let you know he was outside, and you grab your beach bag of snacks and your towel and do a final assessment in the mirror.
Cute pink bikini that hung by a string sitting high on your hips, barely hidden by the long cut out dress you wore. Your bag matched the bikini, and you wore some tiny sunnies to put the whole look together. If you’re gonna date someone as good looking might as well look the part.
As you approached his chevy truck he was animatedly bug eyed while looking at you, his brown eyes popping out of their socket while he drummed his steering wheel. His zest and energy for life was always so contagious. You smiled at him, your cheeks burning as you climbed into the passenger seat.
“Hi baby.” He greets you, kissing you softly. You find yourself grinning into it.
He pulls out onto the main road for the forty-five-minute trip to the lake most people go for a weekend getaway. About five minutes down the road, Dylan pats his cargo shorts down real quick and grunts in disappointment.
“Forgot the parking pass for the beach lot. I literally got that for fifteen dollars so I wouldn’t have to pay twenty at the till.” He explains, making a sudden left turn.
You’ve been to his house before, and he usually takes you there when his dad is either at work or just not home. You weren’t sure why, his dad seemed like a decent dude.
(From what you’ve heard anyway)
Maybe, like you, he wasn’t ready for meeting the parents yet.
“Oh, I think my dad will be home around now. Hope that’s okay.” He says, as if you had just spoken aloud. “I think it was time for you to meet him, anyways.”
Shit. Nope. He was ready. You were no where ready for him to meet your mom, who already loved him just from your best friend’s descriptions.
“Oh. Sure.” You glance down to your outfit, something worn not knowing you were about to meet parents. “Are you sure I’m dressed for that though?”
“My dad has met girlfriends in worse positions.” Dylan laughs. “Trust me. This is a better meeting.”
This helps you very little.
Five minutes down the road he pulls into the starter home he and his dad have been living in his whole life, a sweet little bungalow with three rooms and two bathrooms. It was by no means anything to cough at, certainly impressive for a mechanic, but Dylan seemed to behave incredibly sheepishly every time.
Dylan pulls in, and your heart races as you see his dad’s truck in the driveway. As Dylan gets out to open your door, he can feel your nervousness. “Can I just stay here?” You ask him, unsure why he needed you to go in for a pass in the first place.
“Oh I promise he doesn’t bite.” He jokes.
You give him a weak smile, holding his hand as you walked to the front door. The door doesn’t need a key, swinging open and the bright sunlight giving you both a shadow against the hardwood flooring. Dylan walks in, calling for his dad’s name. You squeeze his hand tighter out of nervousness. Eventually the sounds of his creaky steps are heard from the kitchen where Dylan is scanning for his pass, signalling his father coming down the steps.
You were facing towards the stove across the island counter, watching Dylan go through the drawers for it.
“Woah, thought you’d be halfway to the beach by now, you were so damn excited.” You hear his dad’s voice, and there’s something about it, his tone leaning towards a tease that enticed you to turn your head towards him.
Your jaw dropped. Or it didn’t. Certainly felt like a moment for your mouth to open in amazement. In a split second you knew where Dylan got his good looks, and it was only a fraction of how mouth watering his dad was.
He wonders in with sweatpants low on his hips wearing a band t-shirt and his long curly hair was wet from a shower. As he shuffled by to the fridge, the scent of aftershave invaded your nose and somehow it just went straight to your core. He was certainly fit even for a dad, slight dad bod but nothing to poke at, you could tell he worked with his hands.
“Forgot my pass.” He mutters, looking through another drawer.
“I saw it this morning, so I put it in your bag as you were heading out.” His dad mentions off hand, getting the ingredients for a bowl of cereal out. As he lifted his hands over his head revealing a tattoo on his tummy and the treasure trail saliva entered your mouth like water bursting through a man-made dam.
“Seriously?” Dylan dead pans. He turns to you, and you switch your glance to seem innocent like you haven’t been eye-fucking his dad. “I’m gonna go double check it’s in there. Just stay here be right back.” He kisses you on the forehead and leaves without giving you a chance to protest.
“Nice, to meet you, by the way.” He says in a gruff voice as he pours the sugary cereal into the bowl.
“Nice to meet you, too, Mr. Munson.” Your voice sounded strained; you were hoping you were just imagining it.
He lets out a noise in disgust, his face scrunching up comically. “Oh god. Don’t call me that. Call me Eddie. Never Mr. Munson. Gross.”
You smile closed mouthed at his genuine disgust for it, and Eddie presents a smile as if your laughter was the long-term goal. “Nice to meet you, Eddie.”
“Much better.” He praises you, and it might be the closest thing you’ll ever get to the kind of praise you wanted from him, the kind where you find yourself on your knees in the kitchen, but you happily accepted it. Any crumbs you would happily take.
He could spit on you, and you would thank him.
Oh. That’s…new.
That wasn’t something you felt with Dylan at all. If Dylan had decided to spit on your face during sex, you would call the police. It would turn you off so fast you would kick him off you.
“Going to Lake Maureen?” He asks you, supposedly making small talk.
“Nope.” You tell him. “Museum.”
Eddie tilted his head, and from his shoulder’s shaking and the slow smile you could tell he was laughing.
“Yes.” You affirm.
“Where did you meet again?” Eddie asks as he puts away the milk, his voice seeming to extend from a thought he doesn’t share.
“Oh, a mixer.”
“Not the church mixer.” Eddie tilts his head, seeming genuinely fearful it was the truth.
You confirm that yes, it was the church mixer.
Eddie grabs a mug to pour the coffee you hadn’t noticed had he put on. As his hands cup a graphic mug you couldn’t see the comic for, you see the silver rings on his fingers and if your core wasn’t heated up before, it certainly was now.  He leans forward, taking a sip of straight black coffee for a minute. “Sweetheart. You’re far too pretty to be going to a goddamn mixer. No wonder he was so fucking enthralled when he got home that day.”
You feel your face heat up at the nickname followed by him calling you pretty. Your thighs squeeze together as you attempt to force your heart back into your chest where it belonged. Somehow your extremities were freezing, and all the heat was centered in your pussy, just soaked from his presence alone.
He could tell you weren’t taking the compliment seriously. “Seriously. If he fucks it up and you end up single again no more fucking mixers for you.”
“Not like I had any more choices.” You defend yourself, not knowing why his insistence turned you on so much.
Eddie rolls his eyes as if he didn’t believe you. His mouth opens to tell you something, and the sound of Dylan bursting through the front door seems to cut him off. “Oh, you should’ve told me, we could’ve been almost there by now. Come on, baby! See you dad!”
The door slams, and you guessed you were supposed to follow him. “Um, you were gonna say something?” and the mystery is just too much for you.
“Oh. Was I? Totally forgot.” Eddie shrugs, putting his coffee mug down, having chugged that entire cup within the conversation. “Have fun.”
He scoops another spoonful of sugary cereal in his mouth, the dimples on his face prominent but the smile devious.
That smile would haunt you for the next twelve hours.
The trip with Dylan was alright, he swore up and down it was the best trip and it just brought you both closer as a couple. You probably would’ve agreed. A trip to the beach with Dylan Munson sounded enticing and sexy and adventurous for the most part until you met his dad.
Now thoughts of his flexed forearms has he gripped the counter while talking to you, wet hair smelling beautifully of the musk shampoo he used invaded your mind. Dylan fingering you on the beach under your skirt was yes, smoking hot, but as you imagined a certain someone else doing the same it brought you to your orgasm much quicker and much harder. Dylan figured he must be doing something right.
Guilt evaded you as you knew what the hell you were doing was wrong. You now had an excuse to get rid of him, you were far more into his dad than you ever were into him, and it should’ve been a sign.
But if you broke up with him now, you wouldn’t be able to see his dad. Yet as you took a walk down the shoreline into a cave and your eyes close picturing certain ringed fingers gripping your hips as Dylan did it made the sneaking off and the public sex that much hotter.
Seems you were sluttier than your initial sex life led you to believe. Turns out, you just haven’t met a man you wanted to be slutty for. Public sex seemed fun in theory, always so nerve wrecking in practice.
Public sex with Eddie felt like you wanted to get caught with him, fully enjoying his cock and letting people see. Voyeurism mixed with public embarrassment was suddenly hot and you got so into it that Dylan expressed how excited he was to fuck you on the next hike you took together, something he has expressed much interest in, but you denied bashfully every time.  
Because with Dylan sex wasn’t all encaptivating. Sure he could make you cum, but you were never ready to rip off his clothes in a heartbeat. The moment you saw Eddie your fingers started to itch for that damn low sitting sweatpants for them to droop just a little…bit…more.
Dylan drops you off with a romantic wet kiss, and you walk into the door of your apartment in a daze. Before you can even think about it, you find yourself on your bed, your skirt around your ankles and two of your fingers down your bikini bottoms.
You start to take them off but there’s a voice you picture saying, “No, no. Keep them on like the whore you are.” It was not Dylan’s.
You listened to it, pretending to rub your clit in front of him watching. You could see a wild eye on his face, picturing him not being able to touch you driving him mad. The heat that expands into your pussy from that thought alone drives your hips for more friction. “Oh so fucking needy, yeah?” You imagine him saying to you, and fuck, you couldn’t not think of him being good at dirty talk. “Need this cock, don’t ya?”
The image of him slowly working the elastic waist-band of his sweatpants made you moan aloud, needily grinding on your own fingers.
“Too damn bad. You’re just gonna have to make yourself cum, like the slut you are.”
The slight foreplay you were accidentally given all day through your own imagination mixed with how fucking wet you were brought you to a quick orgasm, fluttering in your extremities as you continued imagining the wild eyes on Eddie’s face or the firm voice as he didn’t give you a choice on your dating pool.
This was the first truly earth-shattering orgasm you’ve ever felt in your life. One that you truly had to recover from…and it was from just picturing this man.
Something in you wanted the real thing, and you were terrified of how willing you were to go through with it, and equally as terrified of going through life wondering what it could’ve been like
If sex with Eddie Munson was as good as the orgasm you gave yourself, you might have to be Dylan’s stepmom, because you just found what was missing.
“Hey baby.” Dylan says, welcoming you as he opens the door.
You hold your pillow and a duffle bag sits on your shoulder for a sleepover, and the shorter shorts with a tank top you wear signalling you were ready for a night in. As you pass by him, Dylan gives out a low whistle to how well your ass is shown off in the pair of shorts you wore. They were so well fitting he could see you were either wearing a thong or nothing, but you could tell it turned him on. While this gave you a confidence boost, he wasn’t the target audience.
When you requested the sleepover Dylan warned you his dad would be there. Good. You assured him that would be fine. That was the goal.
“Hi, sweetheart!” Eddie calls down to you, and the smile invades your face before you could stop it.
“Hi, Mr. Munson!” You call out, and the sound of gagging is heard. “I meant Eddie!”
“Oh, I forgot he gets everyone to call him by his first name, like a lame youth pastor.” Dylan rolls his eyes, tugging on your hand to bring you to the couch in the living room. “Movie?”
You nod jerkily. Dylan works around you, getting a blanket, popcorn, and the movie all set up. He turns down the lights, winking at you suggestively as he does so.
Less than five minutes into the movie, the beginning credits still lingering on to the actors he leans in with an open mouth, his hand making its way to your hip. With the smell of him still fresh, being able to smell him on the couch you were on, it was easy to get eagerly into the kissing. This encouraged Dylan, of course confusing your eagerness for him. He reaches down, placing two of his fingers over your clothed pussy.
You moan lightly, and he shushes you softly. Mentally you roll your eyes, because he was telling you to be quiet because his dad was home.
You were hooking up with him on his couch because his dad was home. You listen to him anyway, and he starts to rub in small circles, you moan even higher, imagining he could hear you and getting off to it. “Shh, baby.” Dylan whispers. “Oh, you’re wet. Fuck.”
He slips his hands into your shorts, leaning you down to rub your pussy and attack your neck at the same time. “Pussy feels…mazing.” Dylan mutters between the slobbery neck kisses he gives you. It was enough for you to picture him, but suddenly Eddie coming downstairs right now without knowing what you were doing got you off even more.
“Eat me out?” You ask him, and ever the gentleman he smiles devilishly at you as he crawls down. He goes to place the blanket over his head, and you stop him. “Wanna see your face.”
Okay, you wanted to see Eddie see your pussy as his son went down on you, but it made Dylan eager enough to dig in in a way you haven’t seen from him yet.
You whine from the hot pleasure it gave you, you grind on his face, the heat focused on your pussy in a way that has never happened before. The idea of Eddie accidentally walking in on you but watching instead of saying anything gets you off so easily Dylan is feeling your juices wet his chin and your ass like it never has before.
“Greedy baby.” He mumbles, placing two fingers into you and giving kisses to your thighs as he pumps them.
“Gonna cum soon, Dyl.” You warn him.
Luckily, Dylan knows it means to keep doing what he’s doing. You were close, but the sound of footsteps upstairs followed by a door closing pushed you over the edge, knowing he could very well be going to his room from elsewhere, but hoping he was at the top of the stairs.
Just the possibility of him being at the top pushed you over. “Holy shit.” Dylan mutters, crawling up to you. “Must’ve been riled up, huh.”
“Yeah.” You tell him, suddenly feeling Dylan’s boner poking the inside of your knee. “Mere, I wanna help you.”
“No, I wanna fuck you, let’s go to my room.”
His room…down the hall…where there’s a better chance he could hear you. “Sure!”
Eddie Munson was sure there was something out to get him. The moment your pretty fucking face greeted him in his kitchen when he wondered down fresh from a shower he was sure there was something laughing at this pure misery.
The smile on your face, the smell of your sweet perfume, the way your skirt hugged your hips all melted him into one pot. When you told him you met Dylan at a fucking mixer, he wanted to shoot the person who made you feel like you were worthy of being ogled at by a bunch of singles at an awkward church mixer.
A church mixer.
He hated that Dylan liked them, always said only weirdos go there and was sure Dylan as exaggerating when he expressed how gorgeous and out of his league you were.
His heart freezing at the sight of you sit perched on one of his stools, shyly watching your boyfriend, even only from the back made him wonder if angels were real. Fuck, he didn’t ask for any proof of your beauty when offered to show your Instagram, but he wouldn’t have believed it.
He spent that entire first conversation doing everything he could to be a fucking father figure and remind himself you were dating his son. He was not hitting on you at a bar, he was your boyfriend’s dad.
Somehow that just made the forbidden part about it that much hotter.
He felt like a pervert as the scent of your shampoo jumped out at him when he passed by you for the milk, and he had wanted to stop in place and take a big inhale. Felt like an even bigger pervert as he saw the string of your bikini bottom sitting high on your hip peaking out of your skirt and he just wanted to get a shot of that underskirt.
Every thought he had about you as your wit came through the conversation, he wondered what the hell you were doing with Dylan. He loved his kid, but you deserved better than what he knew his kid would provide.
He knew about Dylan that he’d be a great husband one day. Someone reliable and trustworthy enough to build a life with.
He didn’t want that for you. He wanted you to have something mind-blowing and earth shattering, something intoxicating. Something that made you feel the way he felt just by smelling your goddamn shampoo. Your teeny tiny bikini with your hair up in a messy bun with cute little sunglasses all somehow went to his cock, and he was glad you were called over before he said something even more stupid.
Eddie rolled his eyes at your claim there wasn’t a bigger dating pool, opening his mouth to retort--“Oh, you should’ve told me, we could’ve been almost there by now. Come on, baby! See you dad!”
The door slams, and that concluded the end of that conversation. “Um, you were gonna say something?” you ask him, and he wondered if the intrigue on your face was something he just imagined.
“Oh. Was I? Totally forgot.” Eddie lies. I was gonna say I am proof there is a bigger dating pool than you would believe, sweetheart… but he knew it would’ve said something he couldn’t unsay.
Dylan told him you were coming over for a sleepover, and he and Dylan’s room were only separated by the bathroom. Eddie might use the basement for the night because he didn’t trust his perverted mind not to seek you out and look at what little pjs you have chosen to wear. He gave you space out of respect when you arrived, wondering if it was flirting when you called him Mr. Munson.
Suddenly a noise that Eddie could only describe as the doorbell to heaven (or hell with what his mind was thinking) reached the door he had kept open for this very reason.
He kept his tv playing and sneaked off to the top of the stairs, hoping to catch his kid getting you off while you moaned under the covers. The treat he was given was far better, the hand over your tight ass shorts feeling you up as you leaned back and whined all high pitched. Eddie’s cock was so hard at the moment not touching it would be like self-neglect.
He backed up against the wall by the stairs, listening to your moans as he got you off, desperately wishing it was his fingers in your wet heat. He imagined your scrunched up face as you made those stunning noises, starting to stroke himself. A pause occurs, your blissed out voice asking him to eat you out. He bites back a moan at wanting to taste you, wanting to get all up in those juices and to show him how much you turned him on. He leans over the wall into the stair entry, expecting the blanket to be covering you but instead being met with your pussy on full display.
A low guttural moan escapes his throat, fucking into his fist and pretending it was you bent over for him instead, whining the same exact way. He knew you would have a pretty pussy, but this was just un-fucking fair.
You warn Dylan you were about to cum, and that pushes him over his own edge, and he suddenly has a mess he needs to clean up all over his fist. God he wanted you to clean it, to suck it all up. He was making himself hard again and he had to flee to his fucking bedroom to wash up.
Suddenly the creak of the stairs erupts as he is cleaning himself up, and Dylan’s door closes. Oh. They’re…continuing.
Your moans are suddenly loud, and Eddie finds himself hard again as he realizes he’s hearing you being fucked. Oh, he knew you were a fucking dirty slut.
Just fucking knew it. Something that hasn’t happened since he was in his 20s, but he’s ready to jerk himself off within minutes of just cumming. “Yeah, my whore being fucked open, letting everyone hear how good she feels, oh shit.” Eddie mutters to himself, right next to his door.
He ends up finishing at the same time you did, which didn’t take either one of you very long.
The next morning you wake next to Dylan sleeping with a big smile on his face. To him, that was the best sex you’ve ever had together. Mixed with your adventure at the beach last week, you guys were doing better than ever.
 To you, it was only amazing because you kept thinking of Eddie fucking you and it did everything for your core. You get up in the tiny pair of pajamas you had packed, something that barely covered your ass and headed downstairs for some breakfast.
As you were leant down to assess the cereals, you heard the stride of someone come in behind you.
Eddie walks in behind you, holding back a swear as he sees your pussy peaking out of your pajama bottoms. A gentleman, and not knowing you fully reciprocated every horny thought, he ignores it and hopes you sit up.
You don’t, leaning even more forward and making a show of wondering what to eat. Eddie inhales, allowing himself to watch you. You turn around to him jerking his head away, and you felt some pride in getting his attention. “Morning.” You greet him, offering a bowl for him.
He rejects it. “Not hungry.”
“Oh.” You pour cereal, and Eddie focuses on not staring at your beaded nipples peaking through the tiny silk top you wore.
“Fuck.” He whispered, the boner growing.
“Something wrong?” You ask him innocently, and knowing this was working to your benefit made you nervous but eager.
“Lots to do today.” Like jerk off another three times.
“Like what?” You asked, taking a spoonful of cereal even though you had no appetite from the butterflies in your stomach.
“Oh not much.” Eddie wonders to you, and by reaching over you to grab the cereal he wonder if he could sneak a smell from your shampoo.
You sit up as he leans away, and you are so close you can see just how gorgeous he is. God, those brown eyes. “Do you have any…one to do?” You ask, glancing back and forth between his pretty lips and his even prettier eyes. You didn’t even know which ones to focus on.
Eddie leans in a bit to you, just ghosting over your lips. “Are you sure…that you want this?”
You nod, your eyes glazing over in want as the arousal in your gut suddenly exploded into a need.
“Cause…cause if we do this there is no going back. If your pussy…” he inhales sharply, taking a breath of your hair. “is as good as I imagine, there’s no way I’m giving you back.”
This sentence turns you into gelatin, and you lean forward to finally kiss him, his lips rough as he seemingly forgets how to act for a moment.
His brain finally catches up and he grabs onto you, inhaling and messy kisses, and grabby hands all at once as he tries to do everything he’s wanted to. Your hands make their way into his hair, and it was as soft as you pictured it. His lips messily kiss down your jaw onto your neck and you let out a whine. He smiles widely at that. “Good. One I made. Needed that.”
“You heard me…yesterday?” You asked, wetter from the idea of it.
“Heard you? Fucking came to it.” He swears, as he continues an assault on your neck. You moan in response, your hips involuntarily grinding up. “Come on, upstairs.”
You almost wanted to get caught by Dylan, but to keep it going longer you follow Eddie giddily upstairs as he trips over himself and you felt like a goddamn teenager. You follow him into his room, and the curtains were blackout curtains, the lights turned off giving the illusion of everything being dark. “Can we turn on the lights?” You ask, delicately. “I wanna see you.”
Eddie turns on his dimmer switch light so it was low, and the look in his eye as he approaches you sat on his bed had a level of lust in them that drove you wild. He leans in to give you a kiss after sitting right by you, and it wasn’t enough touching for you. You crawl forward as you eagerly kissed him back, straddling his lap. “Fuck, sweetheart, you are fucking gorgeous.” He mutters, the silk pajamas you wore bunching up in his hands as he grabbed at it. “The little strap that peaked out of your skirt tied together was just tempting me to unwrap you like a present.” He huffs, still kissing your neck. You find yourself impatient, wanting his lips back on yours.
“Fuck, been thinkin’ about you on my cock ever…” he inhales your perfume with a deep grunting sigh of content. “ever since.”
You mewl to his confessions, and he’s a much better talker than you could’ve imagined. Your hips start to grind on their own accord and with the little fabric they have between your silk shorts and his thin pajama pants you felt his hard cock fairly easily. You let out a high moan of contentment, and Eddie watches as you grind on his cock and get yourself off so easily. “Oh shit, she’s a dirty slut, hey.” Eddie comments leaning back and watching you grind yourself. “Doesn’t even need a cock inside her, will just take anything I give her with a smile on her face.”
“I would—” you gasp, the material scratching your clit in the best way, “I would take any crumbs, fuck.”
You start to moan higher and grind faster, and Eddie wanted to make you cum by his hands or his mouth the first time but you making yourself cum against his pants meant he was now using this as a fucking cum rag to smell you when you weren’t near. “Take off those shorts, doll. Wanna see your pussy.”
“Ok.” They are yanked off without a second thought.
“Oh, good listener. What a good girl.” He comments petting your hair gently as you continued to grind again with your heat now directly against his pj pants, he could feel it against his cock. “Oh, fuck, you are soaked. My fucking horny slut.”
“Horny for you.” You whimper the edge just right there.
“Whoring herself out for the Munsons.” He comments, sort of bitter he had to hear you fuck his son before he could claim you.
“Pictured it was you.” You admit, your voice in a whisper as you confessed but the high you wanted almost there.
“Fuck, did you?” He asks, the idea you only enjoying it so much because you pictured him.
“Mmhmm. Pictured you watching me, too.”
“Fucking little voyeur.” He whispers, and you nodded. He rewarded you by grabbing your hips and rutting against you and hitting your clit even harder and your orgasm snuck up on you, and the extra attention Eddie pays you as he watches it wash through you only helps the high take longer to recover from.
“Oh my god.” You whisper, a last of the intense orgasm still running through you.
“Not done.” Eddie whispers, a big smirk on his face. He lightly pushes you down and grabs your legs and puts them over his shoulder. You watch him carefully, his face looking at your pussy at a way that would usually resolve in embarrassment. Instead, it only turned you on more because it meant he wanted you just as much.
He dives into your pussy with a level of expertise that only came from years of pleasuring women. You don’t know why but you knew he got off to pleasuring others from the moment you saw him and every moan you let out he absorbed it, getting better and better as your verbal ques direct him. The heat in your pussy intensifies as he continues, fucking two of his fingers into you.
You place your hands in his hair, grinding up when the feeling of wanting to be fucked takes over you. “No, patience baby. I need to see what you look like when you squirt.”
“I-I can’t—”
“Every woman can, sweetheart. Just means you’ve had no one show you yet. Feel that?” He asks you, the heat in your pussy expanding as he continued to attack your clit and finger fuck you.
You nod, the feeling in your gut like a tidal wave of pleasure.
“Focus on it.” You do, and as you do you look up at his eyes, already staring into yours as he assesses your reactions. The heat intensifies by a thousand, and the feeling of wanting to…pee…takes over.
“Fuck—” you start to protest.
“Let it happen. Let go. It’ll feel so fucking good…baby let go. Gonna feel so fucking good.” You trust him so you let go and a gush invades your ear as a red-hot pleasure makes home in your pussy. “One more?” Eddie asks you, his thumb now messaging your clit.
You twitch under him, your bud being so sensitive. “Oh fuck, Ed. Too much.”
“No, I think you can cum again. Wanna see that beautiful face all scrunched up. Wanna take a photo.” He holds out his phone casually, and your face heats up. “Not feeling all the sudden shy, are ya? You whored your little pussy for me how is this different?”
“Its…” you manage out, already close again. “Its hot.”
“She gonna cum again, all over my fingers?”
“All over your fingers.”
“You gonna lick em clean?”
“Can we share?”
Eddie groans audibly, titling his head back. “Of course, doll. Of fucking course, now cum all over them, please.”
The third orgasm takes over your body, and it’s so goddamn good you stop responding for a minute which causes Eddie to panic. “Oh shit, you okay?”
Giggles burst out of you, the kind of post orgasm giggles you’ve only read about in spicy novels. You thought they were fake. “Can I suck you off now?”
Eddie’s eyes bulge, and he realizes his hand is still on your pussy. He taps it lightly, causing you to whine. He lifts the finger first, inserting it into your mouth. “Suck this first.” You wrap your tongue around it, keeping eye contact as you taste yourself, and this is the only time it’s ever been truly hot to be able to taste yourself. Other times it was just perplexing.
Eddie takes the other finger when you let go and starts sucking on it, he closes his eye, enjoying the taste of your pussy on his tongue. Eddie crawls onto his bed and you basically pounce him, yanking his pj pants down as fast as they go, wanting to see his cock. His eyes watch you, blown and enwrapped in lust as he watches your eagerness.
As his cock pops out of his pants, an involuntary smile spreads across your face. The head to his cock was so pink, he must’ve been horny. “Oh, pretty cock.” You mutter, and he wasn’t even sure if you were saying to him or just saying it out loud. “Oh my god, look how pink your head is. Mmm..sure seem like you need some attention.”
You take the head of his cock into your mouth, sucking on it alone but getting used to his girth. Holy he was gonna hurt even with how wet you were. You start sucking on it, taking bit by bit more into your mouth each time, eagerly making sloppy spit sounds as you did so. It wasn’t hard to generate the spit you needed, the sight of his dick made your mouth water.
Your head bobbed up and down on it, illicit sounds being drawn out of him, only encouraging you more as the feeling of his rings harsh against your scalp making you wet. You pop off him, spit connected from your mouth to his dick. You lean forward to his treasure trail, licking the hair and biting at it, something you’ve wanted to do since you saw him. You find your way back down and passed his cock and he’s about to ask when take one of his balls into your mouth, sucking loudly.
“Oh fuck, do you know how to use that pretty little mouth. Holy shit.” You roam over it with your tongue, sucking it in and out repeatedly. Then you move on to the next one, giving it its own show as well. Your mouth moves back to suck on his cock but he tugs on your hair to bring him up to you.
“Want you to face fuck me.” You say to him, still not done sucking on his cock.
“Nother time. Lemme fuck you.” He mutters, tugging on the shirt you still wore. You crawl back up to straddle him, nothing between his cock and your pussy now, but he places his cock on it so the shaft slides in-between your folds, teasing you, and causing you to whine. “Oh shit.” He works on the buttons holding your silky pink shirt, the skilled hands working fast through each one. As each one reveals another inch of skin, he feels more intoxicated by you, especially how you’re begging him to put his cock in. Your tits fall out of the shirt, and he rips the back off you, and you let it fall to the floor. You grab onto his band shirt, attempting to move it off him. You barely do it, the feeling of his cock so close inside you causing your focus to fall apart in seconds. He laughs, nearly cruel, yanking the shirt off, revealing more tattoos you’ve never seen. Your hands flutter to his chest, moving to each tattoo and touching every inch you can.
Your mission to focus and analyze each tattoo is interrupted by him maneuvering you onto your back. You lay there, open and ready for him. “Holy shit, fucking smoking hot.” He mutters, like he couldn’t believe you were here with him.
It was you who was the lucky one, he was crazy.
“You’re hotter.” You mutter, as he starts to align his cock with your entrance. “Thought of you last night, made myself cum so hard.”
“Oh fuck. What was I doing?” He asks, still teasing you with it.
“Just watching me finger myself. Talking me through it. Calling me a whore.” He groans, tapping his cock on it. “Please, Ed need your cock.”
“Beg for it, you fucking slut.” He whispers, something taking over him.
“Please, daddy. Want your cock. Want you to fuck me like a ragdoll. Please, pretty please fuck me until I’m a puddle. I just want your cock in me, so fucking bad.”
“Gonna be a good slut for me?”
“Yes..I will I promise.”
He chuckles darkly and finally…finally moves into you. Your eyes cross and a moan so erotic leaves your body and you had barely a single ounce of control over that left your mouth at that point.
Eddie puts his head into your neck, feeling your head tighten around him in pleasure as you got used to his girth and length.
“Thought you were gonna take the crumbs I gave you, slut.” He mutters.
“Fuck. Sorry.”
He smiles and your fingers fidgeting at your sides were a dead giveaway you were just needy for him to move. It made him feel fucking powerful just his cock could make you feel like this. He starts rocking, slowly and you whine from this resolve alone. “Oh what a fucking whore, just needed a good fucking.” He mutters into your ear, his hand finding its way to your neck. “Putting her pussy on display for me, showing she just needed someone to know how to fuck her.”
You say nothing in response, and his hips are starting to rock against yours harder. Your eyes reach the back of your head as you lose air, but you revel in the feeling of nearly passing out as he takes his hand off. “Holy shit, you really are just a whore.”
You nod, eyes half lidded as you looked up at his pussy drunk eyes. “Little…cockdrunk…slut…” he inhales sharply and a wad of spit hits your face and you find yourself opening your mouth for more. “Fuck—” his hips stutter at the sight of your smile when his saliva hits your mouth. He spits right into it as you open for more and you act like it’s the best thing you’ve ever tasted, cause it was.
Your tongue pokes out, gasping in more need. His hips are against yours so harshly you would’ve been afraid of bruising if it didn’t fucking turn you on so bad.
“Fucking slut, you want me to cum in you? Wanna be filled with my fucking cum?” You nod, too cocked out to speak, you’ve never felt this good from penetration alone before. “Cum with me, doll.” He mutters using his two fingers against your clit as he leans in to kiss you. Within moments you flutter around him, moaning into his mouth and he lets go of your kiss, stuttering his hips and letting out a loud moan as you feel him fill you up.
His body weight collapses ontop of you, and his hands are suddenly gentle as they sweep at your bangs sticking to your sweaty forehead. “Fuck.” He mutters, giving you a dazed-out look of pure adoration. “That was much better than anything I came up with.”
You nod in agreement, words still not coming to your mouth.
“You were such a good girl, yeah?” You smile, a heat coming up to your cheeks. “You listened to me so well. C’mere.” He wraps your lips in a kiss, his cock still in you, still hard and keeping all his cum in you.
“C-can we stay like this?” You ask timidly, not wanting his cock to leave yet.
“Ooh, baby wants to cock-warm? Sure. Wanna turn on a movie until 9, when Dylan usually wakes?” Eddie asks, already leaning towards the channel changer on his beside table.
Having to tell Dylan it was pretty much over the moment Eddie kissed you hadn’t even crossed your mind, and it would eventually twenty minutes into the movie when you got back to earth. Eddie knew the realization would kick in eventually so he let you watch a movie of your choice, sitting up on his bed with you straddled on his lap after a bit of maneuvering so you could both see the movie on his screen adjacent to his bed.
Eventually, Dylan was gonna wake.
Eventually, a storm would hit.
But for now, Eddie stayed inside you to pretend like it wasn’t over yet.
As always i Love reading comments, replies, reblogs <3 remember reblogging is the best way to support on Tumblr
Taglist: @pinkcowracing @yourthebrokengirl @skrzydlak @thirddeadlysin @sammararaven @bebe07011 @prettylovley @josephquinncore @forget-you-morelike-fuck-you
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thoughtsforsoob · 3 months
delinquent bf!jake x f!reader
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you two met when you were on the train, commuting to your morning lecture!
he was just standing there and minding his own business when he saw you trying to push away a much larger guy than you who kept trying to talk to you and touch you
he knew you couldn't get him away yourself so he took it upon himself to punch the guy and tell him to get lost and quit bothering you
the whole situation sent you into a panic attack and once jake was sure the guy was gone, he went over to you and assist you
he was so kind to you and even let you hug him tightly to ground youself
why was this handsome stranger being so kind to you?
your stop was nearing and you have finally calmed all the way down. you ask him how you could repay him and he only asks for you to go on a date with him
of coruse you accept and the rest is pretty much history
On that first date he took you out for dinner and for a walk around the river in your town. 
He surprises you with flowers and he pays for everything! You insist on paying for something but he simply did not allow it. He would never let you pay for anything in your relationship
Jake was very much the “i want to provide for you” type of guy but he never put up a fight when you insisted that you were going to work too to support yourself because he loved your strength and independence 
The delinquent side of his life is not something you know much about because he likes to keep it away from you
He doesn't want you to think differently of him if you were to find out how he beats the shit out of people for money and how he also sells drugs
If it weren't for this insistence that follows…you would've never found out about his ‘job’
You were leaving your job at the bookstore one evening and it was already dark
You didn't usually walk alone in the dark, jake always accompanies you or a friend but today, you had neither of those options as you were closing alone and jake was working
He offered to have a friend walk you home but you didn't know his friend much so you insisted that it would be okay
Jake did not take that for an answer at face value so he sent off one of his friends, niki, to keep and eye on you and follow you home from a distance to make sure you got there safe
Niki was following you from said distance when he noticed 3 men started to trail behind you and when he recognized who they are, he sent jake a text about coming immediately and ran up
One of the guys pulled you back by your hoodie and you gasped for breath. You were sure you’d die and that the last words you'd hear would be “your boyfriend beat the crap out of our boss. Left him in the hospital. Now you need to answer for his crime.” 
Surely your boyfriend did not do that…he was the sweetest man you'd ever known. Hell, in the first month of your relationship, he would ask for permission to hug and kiss you! Now why would he ever put his hands on anyone else, especially in that way?
Niki socks one guy in the face, effectively knocking him to the ground which resulted in him letting go of you
Now the only things you could ask yourself were 1, why did this man say that about my boyfriend and 2, why are men always coming to save me?
You recognized niki’s face from the 2 times you'd seen him in the past. You’d told Jake to bring his friends to your apartment and you cooked them dinner. They were all friendly and sweet but you still didnt know them well or too personally.
Anyways, niki starts to beat this shit out of these guys and you’re scratching your head at how tf he's doing this all by himself.
Jake swoops in and when they see him, they scoff as if they weren't beaten to a pulp and ran off
You go to hug Jake just like that first time you both met and looked up at him with your big, watery eyes, “They said you hurt their boss? What is that supposed to mean bub?” 
Jake let out a long sigh and looked down at you with his pretty eyes, “we can talk about this a bit okay?” you just nod and kiss him
You thank niki profusely and he was left red in the face, “it’s no big deal. You're Jake's girl so always expect to have us defend you as well. We care about you.” Best believe you’re red in the face too because this sweet guy just said that
You assure him that he's welcome at your apartment anytime and to call you if he ever needs anything. He agreed, letting you and jake leave to your apartment
You sit Jake down on the couch and notice, finally, his ripped t-shirt, scratched face and bloodied knuckles. 
He explains everything to you and your heart breaks when you think of him getting hurt the way he does 
Why would he hide this from you? This is a big deal and he didn't feel comfortable enough to tell you this?
Of course you question him and his choice to not tell and you and he gets a little upset at you for questioning him
He storms off from your apartment and you’re left there, crying and wishing he would come back
You don;t hear from him until 2 days later when he shows up at your doorstep, bloodied and bruised all over. He no longer had on shoes nor a shirt and his face was cut and bruised, his chest and arms covered in bruises and wounds as well. 
Wordlessly, you usher him inside and start attending to his wounds
He starts to cry and you notice when you’re patching up his knee and feel a droplet of water on your hand
He lets out a hiss from the sting of the salty tear touching the wound on his knee. 
You stop what you're doing and cup his handsome face, kissing his lip even if it was a tiny bit bloody
“I'm not mad at you, jake. Please don't think I am. I just feel sad that you couldn’t trust me enough to tell me about this. I just worry about you. What's going to happen when you’re not around hmm?” You give him a soft expression
He looks at you with his red, teary eyes. He looked so lost and upset. You felt your heart rip into a million pieces. You've never seen him so low. 
“I didn't want you to think differently of me if I told you what I did for a living. I know it's not right and i didnt want to involve you and get you into trouble. Too late for that. For fucks sake, that guy was going to kill you just because youre my girlfriend!” Jake only cries more and you hold him close. 
After patching him up and having him wash up, you bring him to your bed and hold him close to you. 
Sure, he was bigger than you but he loved being held flush to your chest. 
You whisper to him as he drifts off to sleep, “I love you no matter what. Even if you’re a little delinquent. You’re my little delinquent.”
Over time, you continue to go to school and you finally graduate! You best believe jake went all out and got you the best gift ever…an apartment overlooking the city…just like you always wanted
When you start working, he slowly starts to detach himself from the business he was into and started to look for a new job, which was not easy given his past
He found a cafe that was willing to hire him and give him a second chance and he was happy to work there! 
You start working at a high school so you have early mornings
Jake helps you by making your lunches everyday and packing you little snacks also
He packs in little notes too with i love yous and words of encouragement thrown in there are well
He never thought he'd settle down like this but he finds himself loving this life style
Once he's able to sever all ties to his past life (except for his ties with the boys because those are his best friends) he asks you to marry him
The both of you plan a small wedding with just close family and friends
He buys you a pretty dress and lets you pick a theme and decorations and everything
He wants this day to be memorable for you because he thinks you deserve the whole world
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blue-jisungs · 5 months
author's note. idk guys ive seen a vid like that this morning n it made me really sad so :( ++ if u r interested, i wrote something kinda similiar w bts' yoongi (guys i see a pattern here but i just really love cats :( )
summary. your bf runs to u in the middle of the night whenn u need comfort after seeing a sad video of a kitty
warnings. like one curse, mention of the said cat being treated badly :(
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sungchan was fast asleep when suddenly, he woke up – with no knowledge of why did that happen whatsoever. his heart raced, a gut feeling telling him that something was wrong. very wrong.
he grabbed his phone and squinted his eyes when the brightness of the screen hit him. it was nearly 2:30am, the time told him. sungchan’s gaze lingered on the wallpaper set on the discreet picture of you and him. then, he swiped to turn off the dnd and noticed that mere moments ago you shared a link with him.
he frowned and opened it, eyes landing upon a cute cat. your boyfriend smiled softly at the fluffy feline but then he noticed the text: “charizard’s small heart has just got broken after people returned him after adopting. reason? he peed in their bed – probably due to stress but ignorant…".
the pics of charizard – an orange stray cat – shuffled on the screen and it hit him.
in no time sungchan got off his bed, not bothering to change. only putting on his slippers and a hoodie, he quietly left the dorm and dialed your number. you picked up in an instant.
"hi" you sniffled through the phone and he smiled softly. he was right.
"i’ve seen the video" sungchan started, his legs leading him towards your place almost subconsciously. good thing it was just a fifteen minute walk.
"that’s just so mean" you whined, your voice at the verge of braking. he knew he shouldn’t be amused at this but he found it quite cute… you cared so much for a random stray cat that it made you cry "poor charizard… i… i wanna hug him so bad"
"i know baby, me too. the owners were just shitheads but i promise you, there will be someone who will give him a good, caring home"
"and what if his poor little cat heart gets broken again?" you sobbed. sungchan shook his head, the realization of how could it is and how underdressed he is for this weather just settling in.
"it won’t. the tiktok had a lot of views, im sure someone is willing to pamper him with love" he smiled softly. you huffed quietly, only your occasional sniffles on the other side of the line "im on my way, baby"
"cuddles?" you asked hopefully, voice still small.
"cuddles" sungchan replied, grinning.
when he was younger, he didn’t really understand the things people did for love. now, walking through seoul at night because you cried over a cat, shivering only in slippers and pjs, with you on the other side of the phone because– he knew it’s the bare minimum that he’d do for you.
masterlist <3
taglist. @slytherinshua ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @eternalgyu ,, @haecien
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bcolfanfic · 2 months
hi! argue for the agents prompts for ev and helen because i love helen and i’m so curious to what their dynamic looks like in the yv au
this is kinda slice of life from larger plot line @swifty-fox and i have been developing. abusive bf never got a name lmfao we have been calling him "fuckface" exclusively but. just so no one is confused it's *not* nash. this takes place post-afghanistan war being over and him being dead. ev stayed in the military and does flight instruction at a base in west va around where helen lives (where nash was from, and in this au her too) which is how they got connected and became friends post-war to begin with. curt is kickin around here because he went on a field trip to whop fuckface's ass. (and sees a lot of his own mom in helen which is a whole curt lore Thing but that's more rachel's zone).
They had settled into a routine of sorts. Blakely went to work in the morning while Helen stayed at his house with Wyatt. She pattered around, did laundry- did anything really to make his base housing one story feel less cagey.
When he got back, they'd eat together and spend a couple of hours doing what Jean had tenderly dubbed "playing house" during her last phone call to Helen. After putting the three-year-old to bed, they'd settle down on opposite sides of Blakely's bed and it was nothing more or less than that. Save for Wyatt waking up a little past 2am and wanting B'akey every other night.
For a woman who had been roughed up by her piece of shit boyfriend two weeks ago, Helen seemed to be doing marginally okay. The scratches on her face were healing and didn't seem like they'd scar. She told Blakely his flight uniform looked nice on days he had to leave for work in it, laughed over dinner and smiled at him when she crawled into bed- seemingly inching closer to his side each night.
But the routine wasn't supposed to include him giving Curt permission to go beat on the guy only to get a text that he'd shown up to Wyatt on the front porch with Helen inside telling him to leave because they were just talking.
“And what if he is sorry, why’s it such a big deal to you if I forgive him?” Helen said, scrubbing a cup as bitterly as it was possible to do such a thing.
It was the third day since Tuesday that they'd had this fight, and he wasn't even sure who was picking it first anymore.
“Cause I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him and I don’t understand why you do. Look at your arm- all he has to do is says Oops! and you'd go back to him?" He said, voice going up an octave. "You'd bring Wyatt back around that piece of shit after he scared him so bad?”
Helen put down the cup she was washing, furling and unfurling her fingers. She spoke at the kitchen counter more than she was him, her back still turned.
“He never touched Wyatt, I already told you that. People can change.” Helen said, her voice softening slightly. “And I still don’t see why it's any of your business,” she continued.
“Because it's my preference that you don't go back to someone that put his hands on you? Kinda feels like common sense to me Hel, what type of friend would I be if I just sent you on your way to him."
Blakely was exasperated, and felt his face tightening.
Curt had tried to get across to him, in other words- that growing up in a stable home made him sheltered.
"You're doin' a good thing Blakely, but it's not always so cut and dry. If you don't think you got the patience to stick it out when she wants to hit reverse y' gotta look after yourself too."
But that was silly, he thought then. Helen could never be too much for him.
He saw Curt's point now.
Helen still wasn't facing him, but he could see the tension in her shoulders, the way she inhaled and gulped, like she was trying to choke something down.
If she had been trying to bite her tongue, it didn't work.
“You’re not my boyfriend Ev, it’s none of your business who is.”
“Yeah, cause you really know how to pick ‘em.”
The second those words left his mouth he wanted to shove them back in. But he couldn't now- not when all the air had been sucked out of the room in a millisecond.
The folded flag sitting on the windowsill that they'd taken from her house for safekeeping seemed to have grown eyes, which glared at him accusatorily.
A little noise escaped Helen, like a hurt animal, and Ev pressed his face into his hand, dragging it down.
“That’s not- shit Hel, I wasn't talking about Nash,” He said, inhaling when he sensed her turn around, taking a couple steps closer to him.
“No- you were talkin’ about him. Cause you’re jealous, been jealous of him since you started coming around. Everyone wants something and- you aren’t any different.”
Her voice was tight, and she was so close to him now that he could feel her breath on his face- her eyes searching for something in his.
There were things he wanted, a lot of them. But it was a prioritized list. It always had been.
"I want you to be safe, Helen," he said quietly. "For Wyatt to be safe. You want me to apologize for that?
Helen wrapped her arms around herself, thumb rubbing at a tender mottled yellow-green mark on her bicep.
"I want you to be honest with me," she whispered, looking at Blakely with a faint sniffle. "Because right now, you're not being that and you know it."
"Are you?" he asked back, his voice barely above a whisper.
Helen started at him, inhaling, crossing her arms over her body a little tighter.
"I don't know what that's supposed to mean Ev."
"You know what it means." He replied, locking eyes with her- trying to soften his gaze. "I want to be honest, but you have to work with me here hon, cause I- I don't wanna overstep. Kinda means you gotta go first."
For a second it looked like she was going to respond- lips parting to speak. But there seemed to be some sort of override and a flash of panic flashed over her face.
Helen took a step back, breath catching in her throat.
"I- I need to go get Wyatt ready for dinner, I'm sorry," She stammered, brushing past him and away without waiting for a response.
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purplefixations · 2 years
The Best Thing We Never Planned
In honor of the most recent David audio, here is my mind started thinking after I finished listening to it. This is what I think would happen the next morning.
(in the mates gc)
Angel: *picture of David cuddled up to them, sleeping peacefully*
Angel: my fiance is the cutest😍😍😍
Baabe: aww, im saving this for future black mail
Baabe: WAIT!!!
Sweetheart: We're not gonna breeze past that like you didn't say what you just said!
Baabe: i swear to god if you're messing with us!
Baabe: angel answer your phone
Sweetheart: If this is a joke I'm gonna kill you, very slowly
Angel: what do yall want?
Angel: oh...
Baabe: "ya'll" lmao
Baabe: you're around sam too much
Sweetheart: What you mean oh?
Angel: u guys didnt know?
Baabe: NOO?!
Baabe: ash didn't either
Sweetheart: Same with milo
Angel: hold up, how do I know they that didnt know and just kept it a secret?
Baabe: look at my bf and tell me he can keep a secret :/
Baabe: also, I screeched when I saw the word "FIANCE" and he wanted to know why...
Angel: u screeched?
Sweetheart: And I thought milo was jumpy 😂
Baabe: don't pick on me sweetheart, you still havent answered the question.
Sweetheart: Oh, I asked Milo if he knew as soon as I saw the text
Angel: why...
Sweetheart: I assumed he knew and just forgot to tell me
Angel: and he didnt?!
Sweetheart: nope
Sweetheart: It seems David decided not to tell anyone, not surprising tho
Sam: Why is my phone blowing up all at once?
Baabe: scroll up
Sam: Congratulations Angel
Angel: DID U KNOW?!?
Sam: No, no one told me exactly. But Tank mentioned something a few days ago about David and serious commitments, so I'm not exactly supried
Baabe: TANKER KNEW?!????
Sam: Maybe, I can ask.
Sweetheart: I mean, David has been trying to actually include Tank in pack/friend stuff, so maybe this was one of the things.
Baabe: makes sense, tho ash and milo might feel a bit betrayed lol
Sam: They said that David asked them for help with what to say to not sound too cheesey. They also said that it was still extremely sappy in the end.
Angel: it was but it was a nice kind of sappy
Baabe: awwwww
Baabe: what'd he say?
Angel: i dont really remember the words
Angel: it was very long and i think i started crying near the beginning of it all...
Sweetheart: Haha, crybaby
Baabe: HEY! the only one aloud to call them baby is David, back off
Angel: YEAH
Sweetheart: Is this you saying that David calls you a crybaby, and you like it?
Angel: WAiT
Baabe: hahaha
Baabe: masochist
Angel: do you want me to put you on blast? cuz i have receipts
Sam: Okay, I'm going to stop this before it gets out of hand. Again, congrats Angel.
Angel: thanks sam
Sweetheart: Congratulations from me and milo
Baabe: and milo?
Sweetheart: He's been asking for live updates on this situation
Sweetheart: He has also demanded that he gets to help David pick out a suit
Angel: he has to take that up with davey, but honestly that might be a good idea
Baabe: why?
Angel: i love him very much, but he lives in clothes just nice enough to look presentable.
Angel: and dirty work clothes
Baabe: haha
Baabe: ash says congrats too
Baabe: he's been reading this over my shoulder for the last few minutes
Angel: that tracks
Angel: thx tho
Sweetheart: On a serious note, if either of you need any help with filing marriage paper work for an empowered and non-empowered through dump, let me know
Baabe: is it hard?
Sweetheart: I wouldn't say hard, but it's a bit complicated and a lot
Angel: ill keep it in mind Sweets thx
Baabe: getting off that serious note
Baabe: ash made a meme and wants me to send it to you all
Angel: GIMME!!!
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Angel: HahAhHAha
Sweetheart: Is that Aggro?
Baabe: he says yes
Angel: is he actually upset?
Baabe: nah, he's just dramatic
Sweetheart: pls tell me he sent that to David
Baabe: he did
Angel: hes still asleep so don't expect a response yet
Baabe: he's still asleep? I thought he was an early riser and shit?
Angel: normally, but i think the solstice tired him out
Sweetheart: It's probably an emotional vulnerability hangover
Angel: lmao
Baabe: haha
Sam: So it's not just Tanker who gets those.
Angel: LMFAO!!!
Angel: theyre too fucking similar
Baabe: hehehe
Baabe: oh shit, if i die pls have a picture of me at your wedding
Angel: ofc, but why r u dying?
Baabe: I didn't notice that ash left, and I smell smoke
Sweetheart: I'll make sure it's a cute picture
Baabe: bless you
Angel: oof, go make sure your mans didnt commit arson
Baabe: 👍
"Angel, why did Asher and Milo send me vaguely threatening memes?"
"Ooohh. Yeah, that's on you."
"You're the one that didn't tell your best friends that you were proposing."
"I didn't tell them because they cant keep a secret. If I told them, they'd tell their mates, which would be fine but then everyone would start dropping hints and you'd get suspicious."
"Tanker tells Sam everything and you told them."
"How do you know I told Tanker?"
"As I said, they tell Sam everything."
"What- Did you add him to your weird group chat?"
"It's not weird Davey, and besides, he enjoys it."
"I don't know why I bother at this point."
"Because you love me!"
"Yeah. I do, you snot."
Idk how it got this long, I was not planning for that. I wrote this over the span of two ten minute breaks and my lunch at work, so that's why it's kinda chaotic. Anyways, love y'all <3
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We Never Go Out Of Style
Could end in burning flames or paradise
Summary: When Gwyn breaks up with her boyfriend on the eve of Nesta's destination wedding, Nesta Archeron has only one objective: set Gwyn up with her high school crush.
Note: Based on this tweet from @heathermcwrites: "One of my bridesmaids just broke up with her bf who was supposed to come to my wedding & I was sad for her for about 3 seconds until I remembered that her crush will also be at the wedding (single) and I'm now more committed to this 2nd chance romance than to my own marriage."
"I should also note that this is a destination wedding so there are EVEN MORE opportunities for uh…shenanigans"
Read More: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | AO3
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The shrill ringing of Gwyn’s phone dragged her from sleep. She twisted, peeling her cheek from Azriel’s naked chest, to fumble for the phone on her nightstand.
“I swear to God,” Azriel muttered, eyes still closed as she brought the bright screen towards her blinking face, “If it’s Jonathon, I’m going to commit a felony.”
It was Jonathon. Illuminated in the otherwise pitch black room, both her and Azriel stared for a moment. 
“I won’t—”
“Might as well,” he grumbled. “Tell him you’ve moved on.”
She scoffed. Moved on with who? Him? Still, Gwyn hit the green answer button, if only to beg him to stop calling her.
“What do you want?” she said by way of greeting as Azriel wrapped muscular arms tight against her. He burrowed his face into her hair, huffing out a breath of irritation. 
“What do I want? I want to talk to you–”
“It’s two in the fucking morning,” Azriel snarled, loud enough for Jonathon to stop what he was saying. Gwyn poked him hard in the stomach, forced out of bed to keep Azriel from saying anything else. Azriel watched, propped up on his elbows with an expression hidden in the darkness while she threw on her tank top and shorts from the night before. She didn’t need to see him to feel his disapproval. 
“Who was that?”
“Cassian,” Gwyn replied easily, apparently a practiced liar now. There was no way she was telling him she’d immediately jumped into bed with someone new. She knew exactly what Jonathon would say about that. How he’d twist things to make her the bad guy, telling all their friends she’d cheated on him or worse. “It is two in the morning. Can we talk about this later? Like when I’m home?” she added, pushing open the balcony door. The air was cool and breezy and perfect. She swallowed a breath of it, dropping into one of the wicker patio chairs and propping her feet up on the railing. 
“I want to talk now. It’s ten my time and all I can think about is how we left things.”
“Of course you want to talk,” she snapped, immediately irritated. “I had a nine hour flight and am exhausted, but since you’re awake, I should be too?”
“You’re putting words in my mouth, Gwyneth,” he snapped. “It’s ten your time, too, technically. I don’t know how you’re even still sleeping.”
“I just told you I was tired,” she retorted. What was she doing? The worlds hottest man was currently half asleep in her bed and she was sitting on a balcony arguing with her ex.
“Have you been working out? Did you go for—”
“Are you seriously asking me if I’ve gone to the gym?” Gwyn demanded as the glass door pushed open behind her. Az padded out in a clean pair of shorts, his handsome face twisting in a scowl. 
Hang up on him, Azriel mouthed, leaning against the balcony casually. 
“Sorry for worrying about you. I want to take care of you, Gwyn. I was thinking that you should tell Nesta you can’t do her wedding and come home so we can fix this—”
“I’m not coming home and there’s nothing to fix,” Gwyn interrupted snappishly. “I don’t want to do this anymore. I’m asking you to stop calling and texting me.”
“Because there’s someone else?” he demanded, picking a fight at the last possible second to keep her on the phone. It was his little trick and this time Gwyn wasn’t falling for it.
“Even if there was, it’s none of your business anymore. Stop calling me. I mean it. This is my best friends wedding. It has nothing to do with you.” And then she hung up before he could argue, silencing her phone just for good measure. He wouldn’t stop calling until he was given an answer that satisfied him. It was clear he meant to make this vacation all about him and if Gwyn wasn’t so worried he’d call Nesta and start more problems, she would have blocked him entirely.
Azriel offered her his full attention. “Did he really ask if you went to the gym?” His tone was dark and angry, like he was personally offended on her behalf. Men, she grumbled privately, rising from her chair.
“Like you wouldn’t worry the same,” she said, taking her irritation out on him. Azriel followed her back into the bedroom, closing the door behind them quietly.
“If you want to work out, I know just the thing,” he said, catching her from behind and pulling her into his body. One hand slid up her stomach to cup her breast, tugging at the nipple.
“Aren’t you wrung out?” she asked, thinking once again of Jonathon. Once was always enough, and good enough to wait several days in between. He thought constant fucking was pedestrian which had always bothered Gwyn, given her sex drive was pretty high. 
Azriel’s laugh was dark. “Hardly. It’s been four hours and I find I’m ravenous again.”
Jesus Christ he was so hot. Gwyn twisted in his hold, facing him in the dark.
“And if I did want to work out…how would you help?”
“I’d bounce you on my cock until you were breathless and coated in sweat,” he replied easily, nipping her earlobe with his teeth. “And then I’d flip you over and start again. Ass in the air, face in the pillow.”
Her legs were practically shaking while he pulled that tank top back over her head. Hands replaced the fabric, sliding up her skin to cup her breasts. 
“Is that all?” she asked breathlessly, arching into his touch. Azriel ground his cock against her ass, already erect. Tweaking at her nipple, he chuckled darkly.
“Not impressed? Tell me if I embarrass you.”
He gave her no time to offer a quippy response. Azriel’s hand wrapped around her throat as he turned her around, kissing her roughly while his fingers pressed against her windpipe. Gwyn didn’t think she’d ever been so wet in her life, and Azriel had barely touched her.
Settling between her legs, he rolled his hips, letting his erection rub between the fabric. It was what she needed, the friction lighting up her brain. She raked her fingers through his dark, thick hair, tugging at the strands until he groaned. Hardly unaffected, she thought smugly. There was something thrilling about whatever was happening between them. It was devoid of the usual awkwardness that came with dating—Azriel didn’t like her beyond her body, which meant Gwyn didn’t have to worry if he thought she was weird or too freaky or whatever other things got in her way. 
She could yank at his pants, demanding he reveal his gorgeous cock and he didn’t make her feel bad about it. He merely repaid the favor, all but ripping off her shorts before flipping them over so she could sink against the heavy, thick length of him. Gwyn exhaled a slow breath of relief, letting him fill her to the point of splitting. 
“Fuck,” he panted beneath her, hands holding her hips. “You’re so fucking tight.”
She didn’t care—men always said that. What Gwyn cared about was that first wet slide of his cock as he lifted her up only to yank her back down. He treated her carelessly, like she was something durable, something that didn’t break so easily. He fucked her the way she’d so often tried to get Jonathon to with little success. 
It made her like Azriel, in a weird way. Like he saw beyond whatever existed externally and just understood instinctively they wanted the same things. Or maybe Gwyn was merely projecting that long held crush and Azriel didn’t give a fuck whether she enjoyed herself or not, so long as she was.
“I’m going to fill you up and fuck you again,” he whispered, pulling her out of her thoughts. “Everyone’s going to think you’re jetlagged, but you’ll know, won’t you?” She whimpered, her tits bouncing in time with his vicious thrusts. She had her nails pressed so tight against his chest she might have drawn blood. 
He didn’t seem to care, if his bruising touch was any indication. Not when his thumb met the apex of her thighs, rubbing over her slick clit like he’d done in the bathroom. It was all so second nature to him, getting her off like it was his only pleasure in life. Gwyn had been half prepared to fake it, had already begun to before he started rubbing. Their eyes met and she realized he knew what she was up to.
“Not with me,” he growled. “If I’m doing something you don’t like, you need to tell me.”
“Okay,” she breathed, heart pounding in her throat. Had anyone ever been hotter before that moment? She didn’t think so. Not when she came around him with a soft cry and certainly not when he pulled her off him just as he’d promised to put her on her hands and knees.
The change in position made her toes curl, her body lock. Azriels cock was massive, thick enough it made her ache and long enough he was all but banging up against the natural barrier of her body. He wielded it not like a weapon despite each punching thrust, but like a tool meant to drag every inch of pleasure from her. 
And god it was working. Azriel wrapped her hair around his fist, arching her neck so he could squeeze again. Teeth scraped over her skin as he whispered, “Are you going to be my good girl and come for me again?”
She clenched hard around him, whining her assent. Gwyn, who had never once come from penetration alone, was writhing as the head of his cock slid over and over and over against some soft part of her pussy, touching as if it were his tongue against his clit.
She came with a strange, jerking violence, overwrought and too-sensitive.
“You’ll take what I give you,” he replied, too breathless to be truly believable. Gwyn buried her face in the bed, coming a third time as Azriel did for the first, groaning loudly as he pushed deep inside her. 
“Fuck me,” he whispered, sounding as if he’d just run a marathon. She looked at the clock on the nightstand, a holdover from a time where people didn’t carry phones in their pocket.
She swallowed. It felt like five minutes. 
He pushed her into the bed, pulling out and unwrapping the condom she hadn’t even realized he’d been wearing. Hardly a positive sign, given she hadn’t even really known him for longer than a day.
“Want breakfast?” he whispered into the rapidly lightning dark, pulling her against his body when he collapsed to the bed. “I’m starving.”
“I have something you can eat,” she said without thinking about it. Azriel turned his head, grinning.
“Don’t mind if I do.”
By the time Gwyn and Azriel made their way out of the their shared suit, it was nearly eight in the morning. Azriel had gone down on her, taking his sweet ass time given she’d just come three times on his cock—and then again when she tried to shower, he’d fucked her up against the glass, massive hand wrapped around her slim throat. 
It seemed like they weren’t the only ones who’d been up all night having sex. Lucien Vanserra was staring absently at a wall, fork in hand. His broad chest was littered with teeth marks and his hair was suspiciously tangled, as if he’d just managed to get to the buffet–and it had been rough. Elain seemed fine, bright eyed and cheerful, talking to Arina Vanserra animatedly. 
Nesta, too, had that same lust fogged look Gwyn prayed she didn’t. 
Azriel peeled off to eat with Rhys, casual and unbothered. Like there was nothing strange between them. Like she hadn’t eaten her out until she all but saw God. It left Gwyn to drop beside Nesta and put her head on Nesta’s shoulder. 
“Sleep well?”
“Enough,” Gwyn agreed, wishing she could tell Nesta this. It was Nesta’s wedding and Gwyn would be damned if she fucked it up with her personal drama. She very much doubted Azriel, sitting with his back to her four tables away, wanted her to blab all about their very casual arrangement, besides.
“I got none. It’s like Cassian doesn’t need sleep,” Nesta grumbled, watching her fiance join Rhys and Azriel at their table. All three of them were shirtless and tattooed and had captured the attention of half the women in the room without ever meaning to. Both Gwyn and Nesta fell silent for a moment, drinking in the muscular forms of the men eating, totally oblivious that they were the object of a lot of different fantasies.
Gwyn hadn’t thought it was possible to feel any more arousal. Her pussy was all but bruised from Azriel’s attention and yet she still found herself imagining herself laid out before him, his own personal feast.
“I need to go into town,” Nesta told Gwyn, a frown on her face. “They are short some of the liquor we ordered. I don’t want to ask Eris for it, so–”
“I’ll go,” Gwyn said quickly. “Don’t worry about it. Just give me a list, I’ve got this covered.”
Nesta’s face collapsed with relief. “Really?”
“What good is your maid of honor if I let you run yourself ragged. Give me your list and then join Cassian out on the beach.”
Nesta nodded. “I’ll text it to you, Split it with Azriel, while you’re at it. I know Cassian won’t make him do anything but shots while we’re down here.”
Gwyn glanced back to Az, who turned his head, having caught them talking about him. “What’s his deal, anyway?” she asked when he turned back around.
Nesta was smiling, likely at Cassian though Gwyn was still staring at the bunching muscles in Azriel’s tattooed back. 
Nesta shrugged. “He’s just…Az. I don’t know how else to describe him. Why?”
God, Gwyn could never admit that her crush on Azriel was back in full force. Nesta would try and play matchmaker, and where would that leave Gwyn? Embarrassed. She bet Az had a line of women down the block, all waiting on him.
“He’s just quiet.”
“God, did he go in and immediately lock himself in his room?”
“Yeah,” she replied, unsure what else she could say. Certainly not that he’d been in bed with her all night. It didn’t matter. Gwyn’s phone rang shrilly, drawing Azriel’s attention back to her and Nesta’s attention away from Az. They both peered down at the screen.
“Jonathon?” Nesta asked. “What’s he want?”
Her heart pounded anxiously in her chest. There was no escaping him, not after this morning. She needed to just face the music.
“Send me your list,” Gwyn said, rising from her chair. She could feel Azriel’s eyes burning against her skin. “I’ll be back.”
Gwyn answered the phone just outside the hall. Warm, morning air slid over her skin as she said, “Hello?”
“Are you awake now, Gwyneth?” 
God, she thought she hated him in that moment. “Or should I try again in five hours?”
“You should stop calling,” she hissed, walking towards the massive courtyard where the fountain stood. “Like I’ve asked you repeatedly.”
“I need to talk to you. Is now a good time?”
“No!” she exclaimed angrily. “I’m trying to help Nesta with her wedding and yet somehow, I’m still worrying about you! You have managed to make this vacation all about you! What could you possibly—”
Her phone was pulled from her hand before she could finish. Azriel, shirtless, beautiful Azriel, put her phone to his ear.
“You don’t understand the word no?” he asked in that deep, dark voice of his. He didn’t wait for Jonathon to respond. “Let me explain. It means no. Don’t call her again.”
He hung up before Gwyn could warn him. Instead, she smacked him in his rock hard stomach. “Why would you do that?”
“Because I hate him,” Azriel replied smoothly. “And you’re too nice.”
“I don’t think either of them are good reasons,” she snapped. “He’s going to keep calling–”
“Might as well give him my number, then. He can beg me for a date.”
She looked up at him, drinking in his unwavering confidence with a mixture of awe and irritation. “I didn’t think he was your type.”
Azriel smirked. “You don’t know everything about me.”
“I don’t know anything about you,” she said with exasperation, yanking her phone back out of his hand. Already, she had a text from Jonathon.
I know that wasn’t Cassian. Are you seeing someone? 
She ignored it. “Are you asking to get to know me? You only have to ask.”
“Don’t do that again,” she warned. “You just cause problems.”
Azriel’s easy going smile slid off his face. “Fuck—I’m sorry.”
Gwyn stood there, blinded by the early morning sun, staring up at him. She was waiting for him to qualify that apology, to offer some excuse. Instead, Azriel waited to see if she’d forgive him. 
Gwyn blinked. “It’s fine. You were trying to help.”
“Don’t be so easy on me,” he murmured, his eyes so uncomfortably soft. Like he liked her. Gwyn was projecting and she knew it would only get hurt if she couldn’t find something wrong with him. 
“You want to help? Nesta has a list of things she needs done. You could help me with that.”
Azriel grinned.
“Hand it over.”
Azriel had told Gwyn to meet him in front of the resort but he hadn’t told her why. She found out that evening, stepping out of the sliding glass doors with wide, teal eyes. She was so fucking pretty it made his chest ache. It had been a day running around and checking on their venue, harassing Eris Vanserra while he tried to feel up his wife, and a bunch of other little tasks he didn’t care about.
What he cared about was the red haired woman doing it with him. Gwyn was filled with information about Nesta—and occasionally Cassian—and if he was careful, would tell him about her, too. Nothing deep—she taught history at Velaris University, which Azriel had thought was a pretty nice university, though he didn’t dare ask. She’d told him about her syllabus, as if Azriel knew jack shit about antiquity.
He bet she would have told him if he’d asked, though. Gwyn was very clearly passionate about history. He liked that more than he was willing to admit. Every girl he spent significant time with wanted to talk about was her socials and what she did to maintain them. He knew Gwyn had an instagram because he’d started following her that afternoon, but it was hardly curated and he knew she wasn’t making money off it.
She halted, letting him check her out in her short shorts and her white top that revealed fair skin every time she took a breath. Her hair spilled over her shoulders, catching copper in the bright sunlight.
“What is that?” she asked. Azriel looked down at the motorcycle he’d managed to dig out, spending far too much money hoping to impress her. He couldn’t tell if it was working.
“It’s a bike,” he replied, working hard to make himself sound casual and cool when in truth he felt nervous as fuck. “You coming still?”
“On that?”
He looked back and the sleek black and red bike sitting silent just behind before offering her up a helmet. “Do you want to walk?”
“No, but…” she bit her bottom lip. “Is it safe?”
“It is if I’m driving it. I can drive anything,” he added, bragging just a little. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
She hesitated, fingers twitching before she took that helmet. Azriel caught her hand.  
“Trust me,” he added softly. 
Magic words. Gwyn nodded, jamming that helmet onto her head with a smile. “If we die, I’m going to haunt you.”
“I’ll be dead, too,” he reminded her. “So we’ll just be hanging out in the after-life.”
She wrapped her arms around his torso, poking him in the side. “I’ll make you miserable for all eternity, then.”
“You could try,” he replied, revving the engine to life. It was so loud, the smoke from the back nearly choking them both and yet she was on that seat, pressed tight against him and that was all he’d wanted. An excuse to touch her without being obvious. 
They left the resort behind and Azriel showed off just a little, weaving in and out of traffic like it was nothing, if only to feel her hold him tighter. He knew he was down bad, that he needed to get himself together before he did something utterly foolish.
But fuck, when was the last time anyone had made him feel like this? Giddy and happy, like he had literal butterflies living in his gut? It was his endless problem—he always fell too hard, too fast. She was still dealing with her ex and he was trying to figure out how to convince her he was worth her time.
The island was bigger than he’d thought and built on a steep, long-dominant volcanic slope. As they rode into the dusky evening, they passed a winery Azriel very much intended to bring her back to just as soon as he had a good enough reason to do so. They passed farmers herding sheep before they were back in the main city, if it could even be called that. No time seemed to have passed, except for the people on the cobblestone streets that moved about in jeans and cotton blends. Azriel nearly crashed, craning his neck to look up at the spire tower of massive black church set in the middle of the city square, momentarily awed by the construction.
He wasn’t the only one. He could feel Gwyn twisting this way and that, looking at the terracotta houses and the vibrant awnings hanging in front of restaurants that were likely centuries old. He was pleased to have brought her, even if they were trying to use Vanserra’s money to place a very expensive order of champagne. 
He cut the engine in front of the vendor, pulling his helmet off with what he hoped was elegant grace Gwyn hopped off, too, flipping her hair out of the helmet carelessly. His cock immediately stirred to life, the image branded in his brain. Her bright, happy smile soothed that wildness and dragged him back to reality.
“That was fun,” she breathed, pressing a hand to his chest. He caught her wrist, pulling her in for a soft kiss. 
“You should see me in the states, if you liked that,” he breathed, too stupid for his own good. Gwyn didn’t flinch away, didn’t do anything but look up at him with those ocean blue eyes.
“Yeah? I think I might like that.”
He could have floated away. He kissed her again, slowly–like he had the right to. “I’ll hold you to that,” he murmured, releasing her despite every instinct begging him not to. 
She smiled and when he put his hand on her shoulder, guiding her into the old building, Gwyn didn’t pull away. They looked like lovers, like they’d come not because their two best friends had accidentally fallen in love, but because they’d fallen in love.
He wanted that reality so badly it made his teeth ache. 
The owner spoke decent English which was lucky given neither he nor Gwyn spoke a word of Italian. Negotiations seemed to move smoother when Azriel pulled out the car Eris had given them and slid it over an mahogany counter. Gwyn had written out the number of cases of champagne Nesta wanted and google translate helped them with the rest. They’d offered up the address, but Azriel suspected he and Rhys might have to come back, maybe with the younger Vanserra, to carry cases of liquor into a rental van. 
“Want to get dinner?” he asked her impulsively when they finished, high on both his success and spending an evening in Italy with the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Gwyn looked around, pointing just down the street to a patio illuminated by hanging string lights.
It was romantic as shit. That was Azriel’s real problem. He had no idea how to wine and dine a woman outside of the bedroom. His good looks did most of the work for him, maybe a shallow thing to admit given Gwyn had such an interesting personality. She’d worked for it and Az…well, he had his six pack, didn’t he? 
They settled in an outdoor patio, sitting across from one another and surveying the menu. It was helpfully in English and Italian. She ordered pasta.
Azriel ordered a pizza. He couldn’t help himself. When in Rome, right? 
“So,” Gwyn began, lips pressed to a glass of wine. “What happened after school?”
He held his own glass in his hand. “What do you mean?”
“Rhys and Cassian went to college,” she began, unaware of his stomach immediately began to sink. Here it was. All the reasons he wasn’t right for her, starting with that diploma. He’d heard it all before. “And you were on the soccer team with Lucien, weren’t you?”
He scoffed. “I was good but Vanserra was…” 
He could begrudgingly admit Vanserra was great. Gwyn took a drink, waiting for him to respond. Azriel took a breath, swallowing the urge to snap at her. 
“My mom got sick,” he admitted. “And I’m good with cars. I meant to go, but after a year at the shop I figured what was the point? I was already doing what I liked and a degree wasn’t going to change that.”
“How many shops do you have?” she asked, catching him by surprise. Interest shone in those teal eyes and Azriel, so used to women trying to cajole him into feeling bad about skipping out on a mountain of debt for a business degree, didn’t respond immediately.
“Four. Five, if we keep up our metrics through the year.”
“That’s incredible,” she breathed. “You must be so proud.”
He was. Azriel nodded, certain he must look like a cartoon character with its heart beating outside its chest. Could she see it? Azriel was so fucked, saved only by a waiter dropping off their food. 
Gwyn took a bite of her food, noodles wrapped around a fork. Her eyes fluttered shut and Azriel had to cross his legs to keep his cock from stirring to life. 
“Taste good?” he asked, leaning forward on his elbows breathlessly. He didn’t even realize he’d put himself in his pizza, staining the sleeve of his shirt, until her eyes snagged on the mistake.
He wasn’t embarrassed.
“How do you do that?” she asked him curiously.
“Do what?” he replied, thinking she meant his careless actions.
“Make everything so unspeakably hot?”
“You think my elbow in sauce is unspeakably hot?” he teased. 
“No, that was dorky as fuck. Thank you for reminding me you’re still a mere mortal. I meant the way you talk.” 
He waited expectantly for her to follow that up.
Gwyn sighed. “Taste good?” She mimicked his voice, trying to sound sultry while making him sound like a serial killer. Azriel laughed, head thrown back.
Gwyn crossed her arms over her chest. “Well, it’s not exactly like that.”
Azriel couldn’t smother his smile as he leaned forward again, this time avoiding his food which he very much intended to eat just as soon as she stopped being so unbearably cute. 
“For the record,” he said softly, catching the way she shivered despite the warmth. “You taste incredible.”
“Jesus Christ,” she whispered. “We’re in public, Az.”
“Eat your dinner, Gwyn, so I can eat mine.”
She narrowed her eyes but Azriel was satisfied. He’d eat his food.
And then he’d eat her. 
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ventismacchiato · 9 months
okay so i’m lowk fw this guy and ima call him D (or Dinuel) and yes u can post it just in case someone wants to say something in the comments too because i don’t know how to feel right now
anyway D and me were on the phone last night (till basically today) and he was bored as fuck so he decided to bother his ex (with my permission bc im nosy too)
mind u we were matching statuses and profile pictures too soooo his ex wanted to know who i was and what my relationship with D is.
He said I’m just a friend (which I called him one too but we both know better. Let’s be fr we flirted all the time.) and like he told her a fake name too (which was Emmi) because she knew that she can ask my bsf for my name since they’re friends too.
and ngl that bitch brought up my profile into a server she moderates and said “chat is this the other half” like nigga since u wanna know if i’m the other half so bad i might as well be it right?
Ok well after that she was still hesitant because idk for what but she was and she also had a man lowk as well but D pressured her into making a decision of staying with her man or getting back with him, and she said give her a day to decide yes or no.
Boom ok its been a day and I was chillin with Dinuel otp and TELL ME WHY SHE TEXTED HIM YES.
NOT TO MENTION MY FRIEND WANNA BE LAUGHING ABOUT THAT SHIT TOO TB “thats crazy how Dinuel wants his ex back lmao” girl shut ur dumbass up u cried bc ur bf changed his tone over text.
Not to mention he said he got tired of telling the truth to u over and over again since ur insecure ass can’t handle having a bf that looks like he was sculpted by god himself because u were born looking like that one big white sailor monster from ghost busters.
OH MY GOD MY JAW ELONGATED. 😭 THIS D DUDE SUCKS ASS BRO. always a red flag when they wanna continue talking to their ex…then a little weird he called you a friend in front of his ex when u guys were clearly talking that’s so shitty of him
EVEN SHITTIER THAT HE ASKED IF HIS EX WANTED HIM BACK??? they both suck they deserve each other u can do better dw babe ☹️ sorry that u literally told him sm heartfelt shit and he STILL crawled back to his ex that sucks
also ur friend sucks :( so mean to laugh at ur friend goin thru smth drop her ass !!
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grinsekaatzee · 1 year
so my girl best friend send me a memo last night, she asked literally: „theoretically.. is it okay for you if i would invite your boyfriend to got to a clubparty with me?“
is said „no, it makes me uncomfortable..“
she said many pointless things to the question „why are you guys so close together“ (their are texting a lot and stuff) and then she said smth like.. „sorry, i dont have this barrier in my head like you“ and fronted me about my decision not to live in a open realtionship which she prefers.
anyways i ghosted her for the night after that and texted her this morning:“ it‘s not about that,
i wouldn’t do that to you. I would never ask your boyfriend if he wants to go out with with me?
I've told you so much about what was going on between me and my bf and how bad I feel..
idk and now it feels like you basically don’t care about that and all that was meaningless.
I think that thing has smth to do with respect. that's all and not with any 'barrier'
the front wasn’t that necessary, Just because you prefer a different relationship model it doesn't put you one step above me automatically. you just made a different decision. and if you feel like you are better than me for that, or smarter or smth, i wouldn’t know what to say bc thats the dumbest shit i’ve ever heard.“
so then, a few hours later my boyfriend told me that my best friend texted him and wanted to go out with him.
and that means at the end:
she asked him anyways to go out with her 😳👍🏼
she tried to explain herself after i called her like „why tf you do nor respect my boundaries??“ but it doesn’t make that sense at all. i think she was trying to make the situation better without telling me the truth. she texted my boyfriend smth like „sry we can’t go out bc your girlfriend don’t like that“
and now i am the toxic insecure one???
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khodorkovskaya · 1 year
sooo a lot of confusing things happened.
i went to see puss in boots yesterday and the hype is so worth it! im obsessed! it was so good!!!
and guess who i invited to the cinema with me...............
yeah, i know, i don't understand either. i texted him when i was on the train from luzern and he said yes. and so we went together.
(i was being weird on the phone with my parents about it so now they think that i have a secret lover lol. like idk i just can't lie to my parents so when they asked me who i went to the cinema with i was like "nobody!!!!" and it sounded very sspicious. so yeah, they believe that im seeing someone new now. but no lol. im just back on my bs.)
after the film we decided to go get a drink (i had green tea) and we had a very strange conversation. i told him about the books ive been reading and how im slowly making my way through kundera's "immortality" but i don't understand any of it. and then we talked about immortality (bc it was also a theme in puss in boots!) in relation to fame and who gets to be famous and who will always be left in the shadows. and then we said something along the lines of "extraordinary people get to be famous and normal people don't". and then i started telling him about how i think that it didn't work out between us bc we're not normal and we need normality to balance things out.
he said that his first relationship was with a normal person and, even though she was amazing, the relationship was boring. and he said that when he realised that i was crazy he found it charming. and it made me blush.
but anyway i started telling him about my zurich friend and my normal boyfriend fantasy and how i just want to fall in love with a normal person and be normal and hold hands. and he said that my zurich friend is very far from normal and how what we had was actually a normal relationship and i was too spoiled to realise it. he predicts that im gonna realise it in the future bc im gonna meet a lot of shitty guys and regret leaving him. but it will be a good learning experience for me.
and yeah he said that im not making sense and im speaking nonsense. and i think he's right bc ever since i isolated myself from society ive just been a bit insane. like im slowly descending into madness which i think is good for me bc i really need to think and analyse things. but at the same time ive become detached from reality. and now i have all these theories about wanting a normal boyfriend and hating the balkans.
then okay girlies bear with me... i missed my last tram and..... slept over at his place... yikes, i know i know.... but he promised we were gonna sleep in different beds (spoiler: we didn't) and we were just gonna drink tea and chat (spoiler: we didn't just drink tea and chat). and uhh im not gonna go into the details but i didn't feel really good. i just felt like... annoyed i guess is the best word to describe it.
i asked him if we could be friends bc i really want to be friends with him. i want to see his future spouse and kids and i want him to see mine. and i want us to be best friends until we die. but he said that if it's definitely over between us as a couple, we're not gonna see each other again. and it made me sad. why so harsh? why can't we just admit that it doesn't work and stay friends? he wouldn't give me an answer.
this morning we talked a bit more about our relationship and normality and stuff. and he said that in order to be a better and more mature person and actually learn from the past, i need to face my fears and confront him. and we can try to be bf/gf again but make an effort this time. and if it doesn't work, at least we would've tried.
so i was thinking about that for the whole day today. weighing the pros and cons and trying to understand what is "délire" and what is actually reasonable. i feel like im missing something in my brain, i swear. why do i never know what's right and wrong? what do i want and what do i not want? i feel like im disabled or something idk.
and then all of a sudden my dad (who i haven't heard from in a while) messages me like "call me now". he's in india now and i thought it was something urgent. so i called him. and the call lasted only 10 minutes (usually he goes on and on about conspiracy theories for like an hour). and this is what he said:
"you need to get back together with B!!! he's a good man. and it's rare in our day and age. there's a slavic genocide going on. and you guys have a problem with homosexuals in europe. and B represents gender values and he's a real man, which is so rare! sure, nobody's perfect i mean look at me. but B has more pros than cons. sure he's lazy, maybe he even goes to see other hoes from time to time. but nobody is perfect and your clock is ticking. you're 23 and healthy, it's the best time to have a child! if you're still unmarried at 30, people are gonna look at you weird. marriage is a status symbol, you know, it doesn't mean anything. you can get divorced. but being divorced at 30 is so much better than never having been married. it shows that you're a serious woman. and you should try to get back with him. organise a theatrical performance or something, i don't know. and tell him that the wedding's in may so he will be keeping busy organising everything. it's better to do things you regret, than regretting not doing things. okay bye!"
what the fuck.
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a-sentient-horax · 5 months
February 5, 2024
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Life is getting busy. SO busy. But it's actually good, I am working hard and trying to stay on top of everything, which feels good actually. One of my friends invited me to a Hackathon at the end of March. I went to a Hackathon during Covid and had a bad experience with it, but I'm hoping going to one that is in-person with a friend will really help. I also need to like, brush up on some stuff. Like React and Node.
So I am planning on a DnD one-shot. I have been seeking a DnD group for YEARS, but as many well-acquianted with the struggle know, it is damn near impossible to get five to 6 people to clear their schedule indefinitely for 5 hours at a time every other week ish. Plus we are all young adults in college/graduating college, so it isn't like our schedules are very stable anyway. Anyway, I have finally thwarted the hateful gods that arrest my attempts to start a campaign. I met a guy who really, really wants to do a campaign. So I said if I give you a date and find some people will you help me make this happen and he said yes. So, I picked a date that he, my bf and I were free, and I set off. I am not kidding you, 4 of my friends have something else to do that day. It was a terrible day to pick lol. But, I have my boyfriend going, and the girl I'm doing the hackathon with is coming too. The other guy is bring two of his friends as well, and then I will DM (which I have never done before and I am excited to try). And honestly, the hardest part of building the campaign is over now (trying to convince everyone to sacrifice a single Saturday afternoon). Now I can do the fun stuff like build a campaign. Hella Excited.
The Return of the Creep. That's right ya'll, guess who sent me a hella long text this morning. Let me back up a bit and say last week was not good for me. I got very stressed and very tired and I was so upset. I didn't even realize how wound tight I was about like, everything happening. I didn't realize how scared I was that I would see Creep again on campus. So when I got home and my boyfriend had made me a tea and was like "what's wrong are you okay?" I totally buckled. I told him everything about the Creep. I think I just omitted the fact that before the Creep was Creepy I had given him a few hugs, which seemed irrelevant at the time. But this morning the Creep sent me a long text, I'll include some highlights here: "I understand why you did what you did to some extent, though I wish you didn't just ghost me - i made it clear i would fuck off if told to, and i stand by that" "Disregarding any romantic feelings I had for you, (which I very much did, but don't anymore so don't worry)" "I was robbed at gunpoint 6 days ago and I'm not the most stoic individual" So. I don't know what to make of all that other than it was a good idea I stopped talking to this guy. The same guy who was constantly telling me about what guns he wanted to buy and what criminal connections he was trying to make wants ME to tell him to fuck off. No way sir, that is like, for my safety I have to ghost you. I just. Whew. So I let my boyfriend know that I got this text (I am trying to be open and honest in my communication), but I think maybe he is in a work meeting or something because he hasn't read my message yet so. If he wants to look at it I will show him. Ugh. So sick of this Creep.
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nrhd08 · 1 year
A lot of things are running through my head right now. I don’t even know if I can say everything in this post. Honestly I feel like this story is one sided. It’s heavily on me. I don’t think I mean as much to you as how much you mean to me. When I said that I love you, I really meant it. I can’t speak the same for you. To me, you don’t love someone and keep hurting their feelings. That’s why I said that it’s one sided. If u really love me, why would you keep doing things that hurt my feelings? Why?? You know that I don’t like it when u meet fiman/el but u still do meet them. I’m more concerned about el as i already met fiman. The fact that you didn’t even ask me if you can meet them. You just told me “I’m meeting el” wtf? Am I not important? Actually i don’t even know who am I suppose to be in your life. Sometimes I feel like I’m your bf, sometimes I feel like you don’t even need me in your life. Who am I amirah? Can you just tell me? Can you stop lying???? Just tell me the truth. I’ve always said that. Just tell me the truth even if the truth is going to hurt my feelings. I rather you tell me the truth than lie. I’ve told you that im tired and yet same shit keep happening. I fucking love you, which part of that sentence don’t you understand??? I know for a FACT that if I did the same things you did to me, you would have walked away right from the beginning. I don’t even think anyone would stay but I did. That’s how much u mean to me even though we just started talking recently. Am I not enough? For you to still meet your ex and all? Firstly when I asked you to block him, all you did was block him on 1 platform??? Then when fiman sound you, you blocked him from “every” platform. Now I know that you didn’t actually block him on every platform as he still can WhatsApp you. But if you really care about my feelings and you love me, even if someway, somehow he managed to contact you, you can just ignore but you chose to entertain. That’s when I know I don’t mean a lot to you. Maybe I fall too hard for you that’s why I’m like this. I told you this morning when you went over to fimans friend place to lepak that I was overthinking. The last time you lepak at someone house with fiman, shit happened. You slept on his lap, you slept with him and hugged him. That’s why I was overthinking when you stopped texting me. You told me nothing happened and all but I’m obviously still overthinking. You spent yesterday night until 5/6pm with him. How can I not overthink? As much as I trust you I still overthink a lot. But you can’t blame me for that as you make me become like this. And now you are out with your ex. Idk what is going to happen between the both of you. You obviously know I’m not okay with it but like I said I think you don’t even care. Idk what else can I do amirah. Ive tried everything. What I could do, I did, what I couldn’t do, I tried. I guess this is part of being together with you and I can’t stop it. Being with you includes you hanging out with your ex as if it’s normal. But if I want to be with you then I think I have to just deal with it. If you haven’t moved on from him, let me know. I don’t want to be an option for you to come if you have nobody. I want me to be the only guy in your life but that’s going to be fucking difficult for you. So, if you are still unsure about what you want, don’t lead me on and tell me honestly and truthfully what you actually see in me and what do you want from me.
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pw00kkat · 2 years
OMG BRO so i kinda like um maybe have a chance with my crush of a year JFJFDJFJ ok ok so like my friends were talking about something and it was like about their bfs and football and like the football players gfs get to go with them to like diner after the last game and so i was like i wanna go but like i don’t got a bf lol and so my friend was all like i can hook u up yknow for like just one day right and i was like oop ok sure whatever and then she was listing off the guys she knew and then she said my crushes name and i was like ur ex cuz her ex has the same name and she’s like no the other one tall one yknow and i was like 😳 secretly blushing and then i was like hmm idk yknow acting and then we went to our next period which we don’t have together but then in third me and her share class and she was all like i got his number do you want it? i was like gurl howd u get it so fast wtf 😯 and i was like but wouldn’t that be weird and then we didn’t talk much about it and then lunch came around and my other friend that was with us in the morning told me she also got his number cuz friend a gave it to her and then i was like oml jdjdjfjf and then she said do you want it and i literally saw him and made eye contact with him and i was like oh ima show him to her cuz she doesn’t know him and then i was like trying to show her but she don’t know which one until i literally turned her head all the way just so she could look at him lolll anyways and so then she was like he’s kinda alright yknow and i was like yeah loll and like she doesn’t know i like him right and so then we were walking around we went downstairs cuz we always on the second floor and then we were walking and playing around and friend b aka the one that also got his number left cuz we were like teasing her ig? i apologized lol i felt bad but like it wasn’t bad it was like playing around but ig she got a little mad and left us alone and then we met back up on the second floor and she was with friend a from third right and they were literally walking her her bf (friend a’s bf) and he was with them dhdhdhrh and i was so awkward cuz like i was just standing there and then like friend b was like hella looking at him and like nodding her head towards him while me and her were talking and i sent her a text cuz like she was being so obvious bro 😭😭 and like friend c aka my other friend was there and she like knew i liked him but i lied and told her i got over him which never happened lolll anyways and so then i told friend b i had a crush on him before yknow and she was surprised to say the least this was literally her face 😲 jdjdjd anyways so then after that the bell ringed and we were walking around cuz ain’t no one want to go to class lol and so then me and friend c and friend d were walking together and then we see friend a and literally she screamed “DO YOU WANT HIS NUMBER” BRO I RAN SO FAST CUZ LIKE FIDKD anyways so also friend b told friend a to like hook me up with him or something idk and then yeah and so now it’s the end of the day i get home and friend b and c come to my house for a bit and friend b tells friend c about the plan lol and i was like blushing or whatever and friend c was all like omg him yeah she used to have a crush on him lolll and also after friend a screamed asking if i wanted her number friend c was like who’s and i was like telling her and she was like omg yes that would be so good bro and i was like fjdjdjfj lord i wrote alot i’m sorry lollll anyways i don’t have anyone else to tell this lolll so yeah have a beomgyu picture
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I dont even know what to title this one. More like a simple rant from the past few days. First off, I have been ill. I seemed to have gotten this yeast infection that has started in my gut and such. So, I slept for a day and a half. Still tired as shit.
I get this message from this chick I went to high school with. Her boyfriend is one of the guys that picks up DL for work in the mornings. They have been fighting and her bf has been staying at DLs. She started with basic conversation, like how are you, etc. Then proceed with the base of her contacting me. She said that she heard I met her dude the other day. I told her yes and then she asks if I was still with my DH. I said yes and she was like, so he knows about DL, and I wish I had that. I proceeded with No he doesn’t know about him. Then I said, “Look, I don’t know what is going on between you and your guy. I don’t get in the middle of things that aren’t my place. And I don’t talk to anyone that goes over there. Except DL.” She thought I was pissed off with that comment. I was not and told her it did not come out the way it sounded. She understood. Then we got on other topics which included my life right now. She never responded back since then. 
Well, while all this is going on, I get a text from DL stating, “I will not be home in the morning.” I said, “I don’t work tonight anyways and why?” Then I ask, “Is “girls dude” over there?” He answered with a smart-ass mouth about how I need to not ask questions just bc I am in some certain conversation with an old friend. I tell him that she never even asked, and I was just wondering bc she was all of a sudden messaging me. He starts going off on me about being a snake in the grass and I can sneak around but he refuses to. I go off about how I didn’t say anything to her or do anything wrong. This is all after 2 days before him telling me he has feelings for me and shit. But understands my situation, just wishes he could help me somehow. Now you pull this! Again! And after I save you from your major alcohol withdraw. So, he tells me to chill dude chill. I didn’t respond. 
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4dtk · 3 years
jaehyun as a bf
anon: “your writing brings me butterflies i love it you are so underrated!!!!! would love to request a jaehyun bf headcanons (like the one you did of mark <3)” thank you for the kind words anon <333 hope you enjoy this one!
(a bit of a plug lol but check out NCT 127's ideal r/s headcanons in this post!! i appreciate you checking it out! <3)
brief mentions of sex, but nothing explicitly nsfw!
likes to talk about music with you
especially jazz. there’s a plethora of songs out there with different renditions and sometimes he likes to ramble about who’s rendition he likes best
would play the piano for you if you asked, just maybe not after schedules or something. but usually when you’re free or alone together in the room, he likes you to sit beside him to listen to him play
you guys like to play a little game where he’ll play the chords and you play like a random note to create blobs of music
even if you don’t know how, the way the session always dissolves into giggles is his favourite thing in the world
if you know how to play the piano that’s great too!! jaehyun just likes the unexpected notes that come out since there’s no set melody in his mind
jaehyun needs to have some part of his body on yours at all times. like he has to hold your hand all the time, or a finger hooked around your backpack, or an arm around your waist.
at least when you’re together he does it very often and he’s just. obsessed with you lmfao
it’s also the reason he buys a promise ring when he’s sure of you as a significant other so you always have a part of him with you (his love)
would buy you those lockets for you to put pictures inside. he doesn’t care where you wear it though, around your neck, wrist, ankle, as long as the locket is on your person
he clings onto you like crazy in the mornings. jaehyun’s a heavy sleeper and likes to hug you on his side, so you’re always having trouble trying to pry him off of you in the morning
a bit nsfw: he likes morning lazy sex lol, ngl. jaehyun adores the rawness of your relationship in the morning and the sleepiness in your eyes when you’re gently pushing him away. he knows you don’t mean it but he makes sure you really want it first
loves the sunlight kissing your skin and the slow, gentle movements
so so intimate, he prefers it to the rougher forms of sex, but sometimes he doesn’t have that luxury since they leave for schedules quite often in the wee hours of dawn
for cuddling sense, jaehyun likes it when you’re under his arm and cuddled into his side. classic position but he dies every time inside when you look up at him and there’s this clueless look you have. has the biggest smile on his face after and you have to repeat the stuff you said bc he’s too distracted by how your eyes shine
second hot favourite (more of when you’re making out) is when you’re straddling him. nothing sexual, just like you on top of him when you’re kissing and stuff. he digs it when you’re pulling away for oxygen and he has to lift his body to reach for your lips again
gets flustered from kissing, but doesn’t show it. if he’s found a way to suppress the crazy crimson on his ears (which i doubt) then he will but his words will always contradict his expression
jaehyun can say “are you nervous, y/n?” with a smirk but his ears keep giving him away!!!!
mfer’s hands are shaking too when he trails it over your body. in disbelief you’re his.
sometimes shamelessly moans into the kiss LOL, not too loud but he whines when you pull away, and has to kiss you breathless again
when you kiss him, expect like a long-lasting kiss. doesn’t mind small pecks and stuff but he’ll want to savour your lips a little longer than a mere peck
jaehyun likes your neck too. when you’re hugging his face is always in your neck, placing small little butterfly kisses
you need to look out for him, always. mans always tripping over something at some point. it’s become more frequent now that he has you and my god he’s so unable to keep his eyes off of you that he trips over simple things. he once tripped over nothing
on the daily when he’s not tripping over you, he’s clumsy in a sense where he drops food on the table. he once struggled to tie up his growing hair into a mini ponytail bc it was just too little hair. the hair tie slipped from his fingers and shot itself into your face - those kinds of small small mishaps
it’s endearing but sometimes you can’t help but laugh at him
likes to take you out on impromptu dates. dates that are close by and easy to plan (?) i guess.
not saying jaehyun is a lazy boyfriend but he likes the more candid dates where you decide what to do as you go along. of course if it’s a big day like your anniversary or birthdays then he’d want to plan something out.
other than that, he just either lets you choose the places to go there or you two decide along the way. he doesn’t want to impose options for you and pressure you. if he’s being honest, he wouldn’t know where to go either lol so he just follows wherever you bring him
laughs so much when he’s with you. giggles, deep laugh, whatever you name it. your relationship is very light-hearted and he finds that he’s the one laughing more when you deliver jokes even tho he wants to make you laugh too
i can’t lie… his jokes can be dry sometimes i’m sorry jaehyun 😭 so he backs it up with laughter and has to catch his breath sometimes bc he finds it really funny
you’re not laughing at the joke, rather at his laugh so you might have to tell him that some way or another bc he’ll just keep making bad jokes i’m sorry y’all
he can’t handle the suuuuuper cheesy physically affectionate films or series (with shitty plot) but i feel like if the story’s interesting enough he’ll pay attention. likes bittersweet films too, i feel, gets him thinking
doesn’t mind cliched plots (fake dating / idealist girl meets realist boy / idk any others lol) but would propose something at the end that he thinks will make the movie/series more interesting
jaehyun likes to share his theories with you
unironically wants to learn the la la land tap dance scene with you. he ALWAYS hums city of stars too, no matter what. idk why but it sticks to him, in bed, in breakfast, when he’s doing something random
he did it once on the radio and he received a text from you in break that told him he was humming along to the song
with that said, jaehyun wants to try out the stuff in the rain quite a bit. making out, dancing, lying down, running, he likes that fascination that society has with doing things in the rain
doesn’t like it too much that he’ll get soaked, but as long as you’re with him and willing to do it, he’s all for it
jaehyun would def want kids in the future. wants to dote on them and buy them stuff and whatnot. wants to see them running around the house with laughter while you both struggle to contain the bursts of excitement they have
doesn’t care for the dynamic much. if he’s the one to stay at home to take care of them while you work, he can work with it. if it’s the other way round, he’s okay too
he just worries that if he’s still involved with the entertainment industry, you might have to take a back seat since he’ll be the one earning the money, and he doesn’t want babysitters either.
heart is so so full when he comes back home and you’re just playing with the kids, or singing them to sleep. any sight of you with him is enough to make him melt into a puddle
HAS to hold them even if they’re asleep. wants to always have them close to him while he nudges you to shower or get the food ready.
like jaehyun, he would wanna meet someone in a vinyl shop or bookstore. he knows it’s cliched but the thought of meeting someone when you’re buying something is exciting. anything unexpected for him, he welcomes it
the next few are just random, miscellaneous headcanons: he likes to see you in his clothes, preferably with nothing underneath. just his shirt lol. cheeky man
jaehyun likes it when you shower together (again, nothing sexual, just likes the domesticity)
likes it when you fall asleep on him
will never stop gushing about you to his parents, first time you met them they’re like “he’s told us so much about you!” and he really did
feels comfortable in your presence, no makeup, messy hair, no need for a perfect bod. he’s just jaehyun. jung yuno if you will
adores it when you call him “lover” i mean boyfriend is good, significant other is good, but lover is just chef’s kiss
it is a bit cheesy if you think about it, so it’s not often that you say it. when you do say it in songs when you’re singing it to him, he can’t stop smiling
plays lover, you should’ve come over when he’s on tour bc it’s the closest thing he can get to a replica of how he feels for you
and when jaehyun falls asleep to the song, all he can remember is your honey voice singing it to him. he’ll just have to hold onto it before he can see you again
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aleksa-sims · 2 years
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 My RL gameplay (18+)
!CW! drugs, addiction, (its a bit sad too 😢)
My parents are still gone and Ana and I are alone. This morning I forgot my  phone at home and when I finally got it, I saw that Philip called me. YES! After more than 4 weeks! I was totally angry when I saw this! Now suddenly he calls? 😠 Anyway, I texted him, and after a short while, he called me back.
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He apologized to me for ignoring me for weeks. He said, because of me, he was totally sad & pissed He needed a break. After I told him he acted like a fucking jerk, he gave me another reason for his ignorance, Nico! 🙁
Me: Stop it, Philip! Stop telling me why you’re acting like an ass. I don’t wanna hear it! 😞 And you hurt me TOO!! But I kept calling you like.... a crazy stalker! I felt like-....as if I had never meant anything to you.
Philip: A.! LISTEN! Please!....Nico was here! He was with me for almost a week! Only two days after we had that fight, he called me. 🙁
Me: What? 😠 Why-...why didn’t you tell me?
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Philip told me everything! That Nico saw me in front of my apartment with D. and that Philip was totally pissed at me too, because of that. He also told me that Nico doesn’t want or can’t see me, he’s afraid. Afraid of what Philip told him. Besides, Nico just started dating someone new, after all these months.💔 He finally got the feeling, that it might get better for him. He wanted to give this new woman a chance, before he gets back into all this.... MESS! And he saw that Philip loved me and somehow he didn’t want to get in the way. 😩 😔He thought I loved Philip more. 😭 🤦‍♀️ I know, I said I chose P., but it hurt to hear how Nico felt. SO MUCH! He also said to Philip that someday, he will contact me to talk to me. After all, he promised me this when he left and he asked Philip not to be mad at him, if he meets me. 😭 Philip said that even if Nico wants me back, he would somehow get along with it, but he would not go away or leave me because of that. 
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Philip sent me some pics he took with Nico and I started to cry so terribly when I saw them. Nico has changed so much. 😞 💗.... I  felt so, so BAD! I just couldn’t talk to Philip anymore! He hurt me a lot and now all this news.... it was (again) too much for me. Everything came back up! I just wanted to die, so I threw my phone on the floor and started crying.....Atm my sister came into my room. She was so scared! She thought something bad had happened.
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I told Ana that I don’t want to live anymore and that this pain just won’t let me go. Ana took me in her arms and held me tight. She couldn’t calm me down at first. I felt like I was losing my mind or was trapped in my own body.  I just wanted to escape and leave everything behind. I didn’t want to hear from Nico and Philip anymore!! This was the point, where the two only meant pain to me.
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Ana was also of the opinion that Philip and Nico are pure poison for me and I should forget them both. If only I could do this! 😩 But.... ugh, I’ll do so much bullshit! 🤦‍♀️... With... Daniel.
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The next day I felt better. Ana wanted to spend a nice day with me to cheer me up & she told me to have fun with Daniel (Z.). But I didn’t want to take advantage of Daniel, to forget N. & P.! He didn’t deserve this! I started to like him. 😕 You know? 🤷‍♀️ But I didn’t want to get involved with him at first, because of Philip, but I was so MAD & hurt! And honestly, at some point, I didn’t care about ANYTHING!.... That morning, Sandra came to us as always and she wanted to talk to Ana and me, she was a little worried about us.
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Sandra: The last days were really nice with you guys and I want this to stay that way.... forever! But I’m worried! Especially with you Ana something is wrong! First you were constantly with Daniel and now suddenly you have a new bf? Jacob here!...Yeah, hey J.! Is Ana taking drugs?
Jacob: Aren’t we all doing this? Seriously now? Daniel and Aleksa are constantly high!
Me: Fuck you, Jacob!
Ana: Ugh! Yeah, we’re just having some fun! It’s nothing bad or serious, just a few pills from time to time, that make us pretty....fine!
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Me: WHAT?...ANA!!!! What kind of fucking pills?
Sandra: Yeah!
Ana: Um...you know? It’s that one particular pill, with a smile 🙂 on it and which is gladly taken at parties. 😬
Me: HA??? What are you talking about a fucking smile??? Idk such a pill!
Ana: Oh come on, YOU!? 🤨
Me: I’m not into those fucking party drugs!! You two taking Ecstasy?
Ana: Um... yea. I think it’s some kind of E!
Me: Stopp this! PLEASE! 😨
Ana: Yeah, is good! It’s not a big deal! We only took it a few times and yeah, that’s it! No Drama! Ok?
Sandra: And you A.? Dominick told me, what Daniel’s into! I mean you and him, you two withdraw quite often. What are you doing with him? I know you’re sad about Philip, but this is no solution sis. Okay, if you like Daniel, no one will mind, but....you know what I mean.😟
Me: I need Daniel! Trust me, I know what I’m doing, We understand each other and we just....smoke a bit. 🤥 And because you’re pregnant, we don’t wanna do it in front of you, so we prefer to be alone.
Sandra: Okay, I’ll turst you, A.! I know the conversation with Philip yesterday really hit you. But you should be careful with what you do! I just want you to be okay!
Me: I’m ok, S.! Don’t worry about me! Think about your Baby! That’s all I want from you. And I’m happy for you and Dominick, if this should be something serious with you two. I just hope, he doesn’t use you to comfort himself. Because of his grief. 😟
Sandra: He’s not well at all! 😞 But.. if I can give him some joy, then....I will continue to do this and I expect nothing from him in return. 🙁
Me: That’s why he likes you! I think he feels good with you. But don’t forget yourself! 
Sandra: No! I’m a big girl, sweetie! I enjoy the time with him too, but whether this is really enough for more? I honestly don’t want to think about this........Are we all going out later?
Ana: Sure! Just call, D.! And you, A.! As I told you, you call Daniel.
Me: He comes to me after work and I’m sure, he wants to go out.
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Later Daniel came and the first thing I wanted from him was for us to take drugs. He still had something from last night. But somehow, I exaggerated again and almost passed out in his arms.  And omg, I imagined he was Nico for a short moment. So embarrassing!! 🤦‍♀️
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Me: Wow! That was really.... intense! I’m a bit dizzy.
Daniel: I warned you to slow down! But come here, A.. Now you can use me as a pillow. 😉
Me: Yeah! You smell so good......I missed you so much Nico! 😵
Daniel: Nico?........You can barely stand! That’s it for you today.
Me: I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to say Nico to you! 😞 Yesterday, I saw his pics and I talked with Philip....Now I feel so bad.
Daniel: It’s ok! I know what you’re going through, but maybe you should lie down for a minute before we all go out. I have to go home first anyway, to change.
Me: No, pls don’t leave me alone. 
Daniel: You wanna come with me? It won’t take long.
Me: Ok.
This is going to be a really crazy night. But he & I were STILL JUST friends! But....  this will change. 🤦‍♀️
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