#and this is the line he says when rosa asks him what he actually wanted to do when he met her
tartarduck · 2 years
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on a sunny day, i'll bring a bouquet of your favourite flowers, and wait downstairs at your door.
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cameronspecial · 9 months
Assisting In Deception (Part 1)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: People saying bad stuff about Rafe.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2.4K 
Summary: A wedding and rumours lead Y/N and Rafe in need of a partner.
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The sound of the keyboard as Rafe types is the only thing that can be heard when Y/N enters the room. She places his coffee in front of him and opens the planner she designated for work as she sits on a chair facing his desk. “You have appointments at eleven, two, and five for today. I’ve booked your haircut at three tomorrow and your dad called saying he wants you to call him when you get off of work. Is there anything else you need me to do, right now?” she questions, leaving a checkmark beside each reminder she informed him about. Rafe takes a second to look up from his computer, “No, assuming you put all of that in my digital calendar with more information. That’s all, thank you.” He returns to work and Y/N retreats back to her desk outside of his office. 
Rafe Cameron is a cold and distant boss. He is polite, but he never smiles. Everyone in the office is scared of him, except for Y/N. Her kind and warm personality makes him not as stern with her, but it doesn’t mean she has the privilege of getting past his hard exterior. No one knows anything about him. However, this doesn’t stop her from developing a tiny crush on her boss. She knows it is a cliche, but she recognizes it is probably only because he is handsome and polite. Even if it was based on real emotions, she would never try to develop a romantic relationship with him. She doesn’t believe in love anyway. 
Y/N is taking calls for him when he leaves his office. “I’m going for lunch,” he informs her and she gives him a nod to signal she heard him. He is watching her as he waits for the elevator. “I’m not sure if Mr. Cameron can fit you in today. He already has meetings up until six today. No, he normally doesn’t go to meetings after that time, Mr. Rosa,” Y/N begins, but upon hearing the name, Rafe flashes seven fingers to her. “Actually, I just checked with Mr. Cameron and he is fine with the meeting beginning at seven. Is that okay for you? Great. Have a good day, Mr. Rosa. Thank you.” Y/N goes to get her lunch but is immediately stopped by another call coming through. Rafe observes from the elevator that she takes the call and doesn’t go to lunch. 
When Rafe returns from lunch, Y/N is still on a phone call with the same client as when Rafe left. He takes note of that and reminds himself to have a chat with the client about holding up the phone line around lunchtime. She watches as Rafe approaches the desk and gives her attention to him, waiting for him to tell her what he needs. Instead, he places a paper bag on her desk and takes the phone from her. “Hello, Mrs. Matthews. Ms. Y/L/N has been very polite by letting you take up her lunch hour, but right now, I’m letting her go on lunch, so you can call back tomorrow. Thank you, goodbye,” he hangs up the phone and sets it to voicemail, then turns his attention towards Y/N. “I’ve bought you lunch, please, eat it. Take an hour and don’t call back Mrs. Matthews until tomorrow. I know you feel bad, but she never has anything important for me. And next time, just tell the client that you have lunch. If they have problems, then direct them to me.” 
He enters the office and she opens the bag to see what he got her. Inside, she finds the creamy mushroom gnocchi from her favourite Italian place. She has it at least once a month when she treats herself to lunch that is not leftovers from the night before. Y/N didn’t know that he noticed. She moves a strand of hair behind her ear and heads to the break room to enjoy her lunch. 
Y/N returns from lunch and is just settling down at her desk when Jenna approaches her. “Hey, how was your lunch?” Jenna asks. Y/N knows Jenna wants something so cuts to the chase, “What do you need?” Jenna gives Y/N relieved eyes at not having to keep up the charade. “Could you please tell him some contractors have been saying some pretty bad stuff about him on the news this morning? The media is going crazy about it,” Jenna begs, widening her eyes and pouting like a puppy dog. 
“Why me? Aren’t you the head of PR? Last time I checked, that’s in your job description.”
“It is, but he’s scary. He doesn’t get as mad at you as he does with anyone else. Maybe he has a crush on you?”
“Don’t be ridiculous. It’s because I don’t dance around telling him the truth. He likes my honesty.”
“Yeah, yeah, but can you pleaseeee do it? I’ll buy your coffee for the whole week if you do.”
“Fine, but I want that coffee. What have they been saying about him?”
“That he has a heart of stone, he’s rude and has secret children that he makes the mothers keep a secret.”
“Damn, that’s a lot. Only the first thing is kinda true, but the others are like so far out there. He barely leaves his office. How is he supposed to father children? I guess that’s why his dad wanted him to call him.” 
“Probably, thank you so much. I owe you.”
Jenna runs back to the elevator to head down to the PR offices and Y/N makes her way into Rafe’s office. She doesn’t stick to pleasantries as she knows he has a meeting soon. “Contractors have been on the news all day saying crude things about you. PR wants a meeting to do damage control. You know before random women start popping up saying that you are their baby daddy,” she tells him, hoping the joke will soften the news. Rafe looks up from his computer with a confused look on his face, “They are saying I fathered children? Obviously, they don’t know me well enough to know that I barely leave my office.”
“That’s what I said, but it’s what I’ve been told to tell you. Do you want me to cancel your other meetings this afternoon so you can head to PR?”
“Yes, please. Why are you telling me this and not Ms. Walsh?” 
“Uh, she had to get everything ready for the meeting. She had her assistant relay the message to me.”
“I see. So it wasn’t Ms. Walsh that I heard a few minutes ago.”
“No, sir.”
“Well, then I guess you’ll need someone to get you coffee for the next week.” 
Her eyes widen at being caught in the lie and quickly leaves the office after his teasing. He only ever teases her. 
Y/N leaves work at five o’clock on the dot after being told by Rafe that it is okay to leave. Before she left, he was still in the meeting with the PR team. She wonders what they could possibly be talking about to be in a meeting for so long. She enters her apartment to find Juni at the small kitchen island. Their small New York apartment doesn’t have much, but the view is incredible. It almost makes the absurd rent worth it. “So your hot boss was on the news today, Sweetie. How is he? Does he really have a million baby mamas?” Juni jests, pointing her pen at her roommate. Y/N just shakes her head at her friend, “He’s still in a meeting with the PR team. You know none of that is true, Juni. He literally never leaves his office, so unless he can get his work pregnant, then he is the father of nothing.”
Juniper Cresswell has been Y/N’s best friend since they were ten years old. Juni had just been adopted by the Cresswells and started attending the same school as Y/N. The pair instantly bonded over not having a traditional family. Y/N’s mother, Phoebe, had her at a young age and her biological father was non-existent in her life. Her mom did get remarried though to Nate and they had Nancy two years later. Nate treated her like his own daughter and even changed his last name to Phoebe’s so that they could all have the same last name. Y/N grew up in Queens and when she moved out, she was able to rent an apartment close to home with Juni. 
The knock on the door and the quick opening of it pull the attention of the girls. Standing at the entryway is Alexander. “Sup neighbours. How was our day?” he questions, leaving the doorway to sit at the kitchen island with the girls. “Mine was good. I got to help a mom get custody of her children from her wealthy asshole ex-husband, who only wanted the kids to get back at his ex-wife,” Juni retells, going back to her paperwork. Y/N walks over to him, “It was okay. Mr. Cameron got me lunch and he is being accused of having more children than Nick Canon.” This causes Juni to look up from her work, which goes unnoticed by Y/N because she is going through the mail that Alexander brought up. “How come you didn’t tell me your hot boss got you lunch, Sweetie?” Juni interrogates. Y/N stops at one particular letter, “Because it’s not that big of a deal. He knew I couldn’t eat mine. A client wouldn’t let me get off of the phone.” 
Alexander and Juni give each other a look and then stare at her as she ignores them. She opens the pink envelope to find a wedding invitation from her cousin. Francine has been dating Gwen for eight years now, so it isn’t a surprise that she is getting married. Y/N loves her cousin, but she can’t help groaning. She hates the idea of having to go to another family event alone. She doesn’t mind being single, the issue is that family events come with constant badgering from relatives. Why are you still single? Don’t you want to start your family soon? Aren’t you lonely? You only have a few more years to have a baby. Juni looks over Y/N’s shoulder to see the invitation. “Ooh, another event you have to go to by yourself,” Juni wisecracks, taking the invitation out of Y/N’s hand to show Alexander. She gives him a pleading look that asks if he could go with her. He shakes his head with pity, “Damn, I wish I could go with you, but that’s when I have to get my wisdom teeth removed.” 
Y/N turns to Juni in the hope of finding someone to be a buffer at the wedding. Juni sadly makes her lose that hope. “Sorry, Sweetie. That’s my dad’s birthday. My mom is planning a big party and everything.” The other girl sighs, resting her chin on her hand, “I guess I’ll just fly solo. Again.” Juni shrugs, “You never know. Maybe you’ll meet a handsome stranger, who you fall so head over heels for that you’ll be married before Francine.”
The PR meeting finishes at eight and Rafe is home a half hour later. It was an unproductive meeting of just going around in circles with the same weak idea of him making donations to various organizations and suing the contractors for defamation. Donating probably isn’t going to do much in the eyes of the public; they would say he is doing it just for how it would look during a so-called scandal. Suing won’t do much because the damage is already done. Dax greets Rafe at the door with an excited wag of the tail. “Hey bud, I miss you,” Rafe pets the German shepherd, moving over to the kitchen to get something to eat. 
He gets Dax’s food ready first and watches as the dog devours the food soon after it is placed in his bowl. Rafe then moves over to the stove to make himself grilled salmon, fondant potatoes and steamed broccoli. He makes his way to the living room and turns on the TV. He quickly changes the channel from the news, which has his face plastered on it. He knows his issues aren’t the worst problem in the world. He’s a wealthy, white, male; this society is designed for him, but he can’t help feeling disappointed that people would blindly believe things about him they hear on TV, especially if they aren’t true. Rafe had to deal with enough prejudices when he was growing up and he went through a little bit of a wild phase. He might have been a little rebellious, but not so much that he should have been judged harshly by the media. 
He settles on the couch, remembering he has to call his dad. He takes his phone out, dialling the number he needs. The phone stops ringing after a few seconds, “I know most of what they are saying is not true, but we need to workshop how we are going to fix this.” Rafe shakes his head at his dad’s direct approach. 
“Hello to you too, Dad. And Jenna thinks it would be good if I make some donations and sue the contractors.”
“Okay, that’s all fine, but you need to do something more. It’s too bad that you don’t have a girlfriend. You could show just how dedicated you are to her and that might distract the media.” 
Rafe frowns at his dad’s slight disappointment and quickly wants to rectify the issue, “Actually, I’ve been meaning to tell you. I’m dating someone.”
“Really? Since when? How come you haven’t told me about her?”
“Um, we’ve been dating for about a month. And I haven’t told you because I wanted to see where it is going. But it’s going good so I guess this is as good of a time as ever.”
“This is great, Rafe. How about I come over later this week and we can talk to the PR team about making appearances with your new mystery girl? Talk to your girl about this too. Tell her how important this is going to be for your media image. ”
Rafe nods at his father's suggestion, “Yeah, Dad. That sounds great. I’ll see you later, bye.” Ward utters his own goodbyes and hangs up his phone. Rafe moans, sitting back on the couch. He looks at his now cold dinner in dissatisfaction. “What am I going to do now?” he whispers to himself. 
Taglist: @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @aprilrudgate @loving-and-dreaming @victory-in-the-llama
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lavellenchanted · 2 months
apologies for the 500 messages i just have so many very delayed thoughts about rebirth 🫠 Was watching someone react to the gold saucer dates/loveless and was struck by the ending dialogue, in particular Varvados' final lines- "What awaits you at journey's end, I wonder. Will the Goddess grant you Her blessing? Or will the flames of vengeance consume you?" and "All shall be revealed, O Puppet of Fate, so dance while you still have time..." Journey's end not only being a reference to the end of the next game but also quite literally the final text on screen of rebirth. Will cloud (and in fact, everyone in the party actually) lose themselves due to their desire for vengeance (a tie in to the theme of holding on to your anger and hatred to fuel you that Aerith asks them to discard at the temple after the trials). Will the goddess (the planet/aerith?/lifestream?) be able to get through to them? and then of course... puppet of fate, very on theme. Cloud being directly referred to as a puppet by sephiroth and of course going full on puppet mode at the temple and then as we will later see at the crater. And then of fate being a tie in to the overall theme of defying fate/destiny that these games are going for. This line also made me think of Sephiroth showing up to tell cloud to have fun (at the saucer) while he can or something to that affect as well as the idea of treating every moment as precious and making the most of the time we have left per Aerith And then of course the "You needn't promise that you'll wait. For I know that I will find you here" which struck me in particular this time that he says this before Aerith sings nptk which I find very interesting Loveless is such a fun moment in general but I love how connected it is to the actual narrative of the game and hints at things to come
First, don't apologise, I am delighted to get your thoughts!
Second, there is so much going on in Loveless. It is one of my favourite parts of Rebirth; the devs have put so much effort into the story and there are so many bits of the narration and dialogue that parallel the game and I think are meant to give us some hints and foreshadowing for Part 3 and the overall arc of the Retrilogy as well as Rebirth's story.
Right from the start they're signposting to us that Loveless is connected to the game's narrative: "Behold! A mechanical metropolis built of blood, sweat, and gears - the city of Guardia. An insatiable machine devoid of pity." Sounds a lot like Midgar to me, and the iconic sweeping opening shot of the city.
And pretty much everything about Alphreid and Rosa - him having set out to become a hero only to "be unfairly stripped of his wings" and end up a prisoner, and her being this nebulous figure that is both princess and Goddess - screams Cloud and Aerith.
"O Puppet of Fate" and "What awaits you at journey's end" definitely jumped out at me, and to add to your point about vengeance, Alphreid's first line is to shout for his freedome because "My blade thirsts for vengeance!". We know Cloud wants vengeance for Nibelheim, and that will also be made worse if he's convinced of Aerith's death (which we know because he's had many appearance in the wider compliation where he's hunting Sephiroth to get vengeance for his taking Aerith away).
Other bits that struck me in than sense were Varvados's first line: "Would the cur defy his captor?", which has the same tone as Sephiroth mocking Cloud, and his last "Dance till your frayed strings break", which sounds like foreshadowing of Cloud's breakdown in the Northern Crater.
The structure of Loveless obviously echoes Rebirth's ending: Alphreid (Cloud) intially fights alone but gains ultimate victory when Rosa (Aerith) joins him in the final act; Varvados targets Rosa, prompting Alphreid to jump between them and protect her, a nod to Cloud trying to save Aerith from Sephiroth at the Forgotten Capital; the dialogue of "Those dear to me are waiting" and "You needn't promise to wait for I know I'll find you here" being echoed in Cloud and Aerith's dialogue at the end.
But I also think the structure is hinting at the overall story of the Retrilogy, especially with some of the narrator's lines. Although he predicts a "tearful farewell", i.e. Aerith's death, he also tells us "We may yet restore hope to this heartbroken world" and there's this really interesting line right before his prediction: "What is the future if not the product of choices past? Each a fork in the road."
That seems to be hinting at the multiple timelines they've introduced, and indicates that different outcomes are possible. (It's also a really interesting line to consider alongside the theory that Retrilogy will actually be revealed to be a sequel to AC, with Sephiroth, Cloud and Aerith all attempting to change to timeline in some way, but that's a bit of a tangent). The play also end with the destruction of Guardia, the pitiless machine, which points to Midgar's destruction in Part 3.
And of course there's the line at the end that you only get with Aerith's Rosa: "Proof that love indeed conquers all, is it not?". Hinting that a happy ending is still possible? That Cloud's love for Aerith will conquer all, even time and space itself to save her from death? That their love together will conquer Sephiroth and Jenova?
So I think Loveless is both foreshadowing the immediate ending in Rebirth, but is also a roadmap to help understand the overall structure of the Retrilogy and where the narrative will ultimately end up: Aerith alive, and reunited with Cloud.
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kzmi-j · 5 months
Okay, so Wish SUCKED ASS, I think we can all agree on that. The concepts were a ton better than the actual movie, there was so much missed opportunities and ruined potential, and I'll said it many time and I'll say it again :
MAGNIFICO WAS A GREAT CHARACTER, and he had SO MUCH potential, and I'm SO angry, but I love him SO much.
The part about his family? Ruined potential, it could've been an insane backstory for him. And I feel like it created a huge plot hole in his character.
His wife turning against him? Ruined potential, the concept of the evil couple was amazing! Why didn't they stick with it, I don't know, but it sucks.
Him being the villain in the first place doesn't make any sense. He's not a villain, antagonist to Asha sure, but he isn't a bad guy at all. The point in all Disney movies is that every character says what they think when they sing. Even Hans in Frozen when he sang with Anna did throw some hints about his true intentions, but not Magnifico. I listen to At All Cost so many times, and there is not one hint that he was evil from the start.
In his mind there was a war coming to Rosas, he felt threatened, and he wanted to do his best to protect his people and they were still ungrateful. It's the whole point of This is the Thanks I Get?, he felt betrayed. The part that he's a narcissist? It's so irrelevant. It hasn't been mentioned once before (beside the "you're right, I am a handsome king." Can you blame him? He is handsome.), and they put it here to excuse their decision of making him a villain. 'Bou-hou Magnifico loves himself more than anyone else, that's why he's bad'. No? All he did during YEARS was to protect Rosas, and I couldn't agree more with him when he says that some wishes cannot be granted because they may be dangerous in the future. He thinks of his people over everything else, because he knows their wishes, and they don't. He protects them from themselves. But he doesn't destroy their dreams, he keeps the wishes safe and keeps their hopes up that one day their wish might be granted.
So, why didn't he grant Sabo's innocent wish, then? Because he felt pressured. Asha barely stepped into his office and asked him to grant her grandpa's wish. When he explained why he wouldn't grant it, she insisted. He cracked, and this one line made him the villain. "I decide what everyone deserves." Well, yeah? He's the King? And he has been a GOOD king until now.
Not to mention that he wasn't evil until he opened the book. Really, like I said, This is the Thanks I Get? is a bullshit song that justifies his 'evilness' and makes a giant plot hole, but in the end, it was just him panicking. His people are ungrateful and unhelpful, Rosas is still in danger and he's frustrated. He decides to take the book because it seems like the only choice left. You can clearly see the switch. He becomes happier, crazier, his emotions are out of control, because he's controlled by the book. From then on, Magnifico isn't himself, and THEN he is the villain. Not before. Only from here.
The people of Rosas are good. Magnifico included.
I'm a huge Magnifico defender as you can see, change my mind. He's my baby and I love him.
I didn't mean for it to be that long buuuut
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1v31182m5 · 10 months
Ooh, you have a Wish rewrite/alternate story in mind? You open to sharing anything about it?
Ohh boy jcudbfjd yes! These were my ideas before the movie came out. I don't know if anyone will read it it's long but oh well writing them down makes me think more clear
So the concept of him experiencing with colonizers is still there expect it happened BEFORE he was born. İn an old kingdom. Only the aristocrats could survive it and they came to where Rosas is in right now for safe place. Expect in their time the survivers were much silent? Like there was nothing to celebrate for nothing to smile about, they just ran away from a genocide caused by horrible magic.
And because all the survivors were aristocrats they didn't had any peasents to boss around, their status meant nothing right now since the left alone people are now equal. They didn't even had a proper leader, which is where Magnifico comes along. He pulls them together, becomes king, brings laws, builds houses, Medical care camps, schools, draws the lines of the kingdom, literally makes it a whole country born by it's ashes.
As much I don't like to bring up the film we can see that kid Magnifico is floating on the picture. He had magic back them but we never got explained how? So I came up with the idea that Magnifico's parents were one of the top duke and duchesses who made a wish upon a star for the best kid they could ever have. Which lead to the child getting the best ever genes it could possibly grab from generations behind. The healthiest, handsomest, most magical coming from the ancestor's stardust's.
He was the best thing that ever happened to the people of survivers, he could bring them stuff, stuff they wished to have.
Magnifico was like the Messiah. They adored him, he was their everything. He was spoiled by the whole aristocrats of course, he's a wonder kid.
He and his parents also look different in my headcanon, this is how I imagined them to look like before what the film gave us with 3 😐😐😐 heads. İgnore the art quality I just wanted to point out how I just imagine them to look like, it's a doodle I scribbled on phone
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A tip to tell the difference between my version and Disney's is,Magnifico is a natural white hair in mine along with his parents. Also is actually tan like in the concept arts. Amaya also has actual brown skin, like in the concept arts.
And before you ask no no other aristocrat could wish upon a star, only they could, this is why Magnifico is so important to them. He does what the stars couldn't automatically.
His parents died of an old age, at the same time, expect they tried their best with every single kind of potion and chemicals to keep them alive because they were scared of if Magnifico is their wish, would he be gone if they be gone? They stayed alive for about 120 years which is almost the limit of the human body, gladly enough he didn't died when they did. They wished for their kid to be the best for everyone, not just for them.
They looked like zombies when they died, it really hurted everyone to see them that way.
And for the million dollar headcanon
Drum drum drum
✨Amaya is a Wish✨
Magnifico wished upon a star the day his parents died just like Asha on the tree at the end of the cliff. His parents died and got buried at 6AM he made the wish at the end of the day, 11PM. Magnifico had to deal with so many things for the whole day now thay they were offically gone, they didn't even let him rest even if they wanted :(( he was exhausted at the end of the day when he was finally alone, and even though he knew that this was a forgotten miracle that only happened one time in the history, he wished upon a star,
Saying that he wanted someone here for him, to bring the best of him, whatever he could imagine and could not, ..and it came true!!!
He was in ultimate shock to see Amaya. Now unlike in other cartoons when they have a "perfect" partner it usually goes so smoothly like ohh they're obsessed with them and so clingly. Okay no that didn't happened, yes Amaya is the perfect woman for Magnifico and Magnifico is the perfect match for Amaya but she is still a human?? not just some customized girlfriend. Like why would she still stay there if he treated her like garbage?
Amaya was a human who could be the perfect wished person for Magnifico if he played his cards right and actually worked on their realationship, so it's not instant love. I hate the instantly in love without a thought tropes. They have a slow burn.
She did got accepted as the King's apprentice.
And for the Queen's. They make her do works like Cindirella and they mutually annoy eachother time to time. The queen is slightly mean too for the funsies. They 3 got a we may be sometimes mean to eachother but Asha would ask for realationship advice to us type of realationship.
Charo is still there, their cat. Which Asha had enough of. (They make her clean after him a lot, spoiled cat 😼)
The Star boy is a boy, like in the concepts and exists. Expect I thought he would be more of a 15 year old than looking like a 20 year old to get more of his childish personality.
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He's not useless like in the movie where the only helpful thing he did was opening the elevator's door and nothing else other than being Asha's new pet.
He can do magic, so does Asha. This is what gets on Magnficio's nerves. He doesn't knows about the Star boy's existence but later he finds out. He'll need to accept them both
🔥Valentione nevers speaks🔥
He was so cute as a goat who could only talk in goat language, you don't need his "low voice"
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Can you write “don't give up, it's a little complicated” with Bishop? 💖
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"It's a little complicated." You tell Bishop that night as the two of you sit at the kitchen table. He sighs as he taps the ash off his cigarette into the ashtray that one of the kids made for him during summer school. Its sky blue and wonky with yellow stars painted on but he treasures the fucking thing.
"It's not that complicated." He informs you. "You go out in the middle of the night and help people coming over the wall."
Your head snaps up towards him and he gives you a look.
"Come on sweetheart." He says stubbing out his cigerette. "You think Riz can keep his mouth shut about something like that?"
"How long have you known?" You ask him, your fingertips tapping out a rhythm on the surface of the table.
"A while." He admits. "After what happened with Mari, I wanted to know more about you. How you had the connections to help her."
He leans forward on his elbows.
"The point is you don't have to lie to me anymore about what you do when you go out on those nights."
"You aren't going to try and stop me?" You query.
That's been your main fear, that Bishop will try and stop you from doing what matters to you.
Bishop laughs as he reaches out and takes your hand.
"I think I would have better luck trying to stop the sun from shining in the sky than preventing you from helping people in need." He tells you, his thumb ghosting over the line of your knuckles. "I actually have someone, someone that I think may be a good for the work you're doing. Her name is Rosa, she used to 'freelance'." He says the word pointedly so you catch his drift. "The M.C have used her alot in the past but her and Nestor are settling, she's putting down roots in Santo Padre, retiring from the life. I think the work you do would be good for her and I think she'll be good for you in terms of protection." He pauses for a minute, giving you a little time to process his words. "I know the Reed Coalition have been baring their teeth lately and I just want you to be safe and I think Rosa can help with that."
It's endearing in a way, your grizzled soldier looking out for you. Bishop is trying everything he can to not be overbearing, to provide a solution to a very realistic fear he has because he's right, the Reed Coalition have been becoming more aggressive and it is getting a lot more dangerous out by the wall. Having a mercenary on your side, someone whose seen action and can combat that would be invaluable.
"I'll need to meet her." You tell him.
He squeezes your hand tightly and you can see how much this means to him, that you're willing to make this concession.
"I'll set it up."
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fantasygerard2000 · 6 months
Magnifico Almighty
There's this discourse in Wish that gets some viewers riled up, in which is that Magnifico has a point and that he's the real hero of the story. I am generally against this, largely because I'm just indifferent about the "villains doing bad thing for good reasons" shtick that has gotten old after overstaying its welcome since Thanos stank up the villain writing department, and in some cases some of the people who state that are totally not racially motivated.
With the case of Magnifico having a point that not all wishes should be granted, it would've prove he has a point, if the movie actually showed us an example.
That's the thing, the movie never presents an example of a bad wish and all people got is Magnifico's word for it.
In context, Magnifico doesn't want to grant Asha's grandfather's wish because and in his words "it's too vague". It's this vagueness that people run with and easily conclude with assumptions that he is correct in some way that generally doesn't prove he had a point. He sites that Sabino wants to inspire the next generation, which he concludes would lead to a rebellion that will destroy Rosas. However, with further context that Magnifico selfish tyrant, in his view, Sabino would inspire his own subjects to rebel against him, and therefore destroy not his kingdom, his rule as its king.
This discourse also ties in with how Asha is vilified and labeled selfish for wanting to grant all the wishes. The thing here is, she doesn't. She never said she wants all the wishes to be granted, she wants them returned. Asha was in agreement with Magnifico until he refuses to grant her grandfather's seemingly harmless wish on his 100th birthday, which she kindly asked him if he could consider and apologizes for. She is even in agreement with him that dangerous wishes can be stopped. Her point is that if Magnifico doesn't want to grant most if not all of the wishes, he could just return them and encourage the people to put in the effort to achieve their dreams themselves. If Magnifico was just as benevolent as people say he is, there wouldn't be a system of him hoarding there wishes in the first place.
Another contender is the comparison to the movie Bruce Almighty, to which is just a surface level comparison. In the film, Bruce is given God's powers but must also do God's job, which includes granting prayers. Taking the lazy route, Bruce nonchalantly says yes to the wishes which leads to the town going in chaos. However, this is the part where things get muddy. A lot of people use this moment in the film to compare Wish's nonexistent bad wish cautionary warning, but they either forget, missed or straight up omitting the other reasons why this happened. The town's biggest game winning which leads to fans rioting, everyone winning the lottery and because they all won, they have to split the money which gives them less than what they wanted, also causing a riot, and the asteroids Bruce recklessly cause causing people to believe the rapture is upon them.
In Wish, the wishes are returned to the people because they have the power to achieve them. The wishes are not just magical stuff that gives people wealth and power, they're goals and aspirations. With Magnifico taking away one's wish, including the memories of said wish, they're aimless and lose their ability to achieve a dream they cannot recall, and only need to rely on Magnifico to achieve said dream.
Comparing Bruce to Asha is just silly to me when Bruce is more comparable to Magnifico; both are given strong godlike powers with Magnifico wanting the masses to praised him as one; both are lazy and use said powers for their benefit. And the kicker is that Bruce learned to care for others and uses his powers to help them instead.
The consequences of the granted prayers is not on the citizens, it's Bruce's. And the consequences of Rosas not needing a system that selects few wishes to be granted is not Asha's, it's Magnifico's.
There's this line in Bruce Almighty said by God to Bruce which is perfectly applicable to Wish and how if you were to rewrite Wish that's not just yourself projecting into Asha to ship yourself with golden Jack Frost, make one about Magnifico becoming the benevolent king he wants to be.
"People want me to do everything for them, and what they don't realize is they have the power. You want to see a miracle, son? Be the miracle."
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shelbgrey · 2 years
Next to me(Emmett Cullen)
Chapter 13: the greenhouse
Table of contents
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When we got there it was nothing extravagant. Just a cold ass greenhouse with muggy walls and soaked flowers. Mr. Molina led the group of us in two lines. Stefan and Edward walked behind Rosalie in silent pain while Alice happily looked at all the flowers with Jasper. He didn’t particularly want to be there and the only smile he had was when he was looking at Alice.
“So how long do you have to wear the brace?” Rosa asked.
“I'm still acting because after you phase you heal fast, so technically it's fine but people will want to know why it healed so fast” I explained.
Stefan turned around and started walking backwards as he talked to us. “People come out of car crashes all the time without even a scratch, I think your over estimating how many people will actually notice.”
The way he put it particularly bothered me. I tried not to show it given the fact he had no idea and it wasn't really far to him. “That's not always the case Stefan”
Before Stefan could respond Edward hit him in the back of the head and walked away without a word.
“What was that for?” I asked.
Rosalie shrugged. “He’s just in one of his moods”
I stayed silent after that, not everyone survives car crashes, my parents didn’t so why did I? Rosalie looked at me and tilted her head giving me a concerned look. I flashed her a smile and silently listened to Mr. Molina as he led us through the greenhouse.
I looked up and saw Bella and Edward a couple of feet ahead of us. He looked slightly annoyed with her, in fact they just looked annoyed with each other. “He doesn't look happy” I mumbled to Rosalie.
She shrugged. “Told you, it's just one of his moods”
I rolled my eyes and ended it with that as Tyler came up to me with a huge grin and a cup of brown liquid. “What is that?” I asked.
“Compost tea, dare me to drink it?” I laughed but quickly shook my head no.
Rosalie held a small smile but shook her head too as Mr. Molia shouted at us. “Don't drink it! Its for the plants”
The three of us laughed as Tyler gave it to a rose bush like he was instructed. As he left Damon finally returned from God knows where.
“Here you go beautiful” Damon smiled as he handed Rosalie a white rose. I'm pretty sure she’d be bushing if she could. I smiled at the cute gesture as he walked in between us with his arm around rosalie.
“So are you actually not going to prom?” Damon asked and I just shrugged. I was waiting for Emmett but then again, it's months away and the other humans are acting like they're gonna be beheaded if they don't get a date asap.
“I don’t know…i don't care about school activities” i said trying not to look disappointed that Emmett hasn't even given it a thought about us going together. And loud music and a bunch of teenagers in a crowded room has never been my thing.
“Says the one in marching band,” Damon chuckled. Technically marching season ended before I even joined. Rosalie rolled her eyes at Damon but her expression turned soft as she looked at me. “She’s waiting for my idiot brother to ask”
I blushed and looked down at the ground. I almost fell to said ground as Bella slipped and about took me down with her. Damon quickly wrapped his arm around my front and kept me from falling. Rose gave Bella a nasty look as Damon stabled me.
“Sorry” she mumbled over and over.
“It's fine, what do you want?” I asked . She then looked at me with a panicked look. “Milke Newton asked me to prom”
I smiled and crossed my arms. “I know, your welcome” as Bella's eyes widened Damon and Rosalie tried to fight their laughter.
“Why?!” she asked, panicking like usual.
“What did you say?” Damon asked,
“I told him I was going to Jacksonville”
“What’s in Jacksonville?” Edward said, suddenly appearing next to us. Bella scoffed and walked towards the bus. Edward followed with an annoyed expression.
“He sucks at talking to girls, doesn't he?” I asked. Damon laughed then turned to me. “Your the only one he doesn't suck at talking to” his laughter got worse as his brother and few humans gave him weird looks.
“Calm down Damon,” Stefan sighed. He was ignored as Daomon rested his forehead on Rosalie’s shoulder trying to talk during his fit of lighter. Damon is definitely the definition of the black sheep of the family. His humor and his ‘I dont give a fuck additued’ made him diffrent from the other Cullens.
“He's chasing this girl around like she's something amazing and, and she has the personality of a corn chip” Damon said trying to breathe after his happy attack. “He's so freaking whipped”
Even if Rosalie agreed she still hit his shoulder so he would stop. I laughed knowing it was true about my loving cousin, after that ordeal the three of us walked out of the greenhouse since the trip was over. I said my goodbyes to Damon and Rosalie and headed towards Edward.
“Hey, Buddy” I said playfully, nudging him with my shoulder. He smiled at me but then looked up and frowned as Bella quietly walked around. “Do you like my cousin?”
He raised an eyebrow then smiled. “Do you like my brother?” I looked down and blushed as the real answer ran through my head.
Yes I do, what's your point?”
He chuckled as we walked towards the bus. “You didn’t answer my question” I said to my friend as we stopped at the entrance to the bus. Bella was next to walk up and she looked extremely pissed at the sight she saw. Edward laughing and being ‘normal’ with me really made her blood boil. I didn’t care, she couldn’t tell me who I could and couldn’t be friends with.
“Hey” Alice said softly as she walked up to us with her kind smile. “Are you gonna ride with us?”
Before Bella could answer Edward knocked on the bus door. “No, ours is full” he said bluntly and marched on the bus. I mouthed ‘sorry’ to Bella and got on with Alice.
“Really dude?” I asked with a dry chuckle. Edward sighed as I sat next to him. Alice and Jasper set in the set across from us then Damon and Rosalie sat behind us. After a while Stefan returned as well and sat with me and Edward.
“I just don't know what to say to her,” Edward admitted. I sighed knowing how she felt. Even if I was comfortable with Emmett there were just some things I didn't know how to say.
“Im not good with words either Ed” we both then looked at Stefan. He stayed quiet and shrugged. “My track record sucks, don't come to me for relationship advice”
Our conversation came to a halt as everyone started piling in and the engine started. The bus rumbling made me sick to my stomach. I didn’t know why, I was fine this morning with Emmett but now I feel like I'm about to burst.
Don't crash
Don't crash
Don't crash
I mumbled this in my head over and over as I tapped my foot. Edward places a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Are you okay?” he asked as Stefan looked at me worried too. I shook my head trying to reassure the boys.
“Im fine” I smiled as the bus started to move. Neither one of the boys knew what to do so they looked over to their right where Jasper and Alice were. Jasper looked at me with a kind look and as he did i started to calm down a bit.
The rest of the ride wasn't all that bad Damon continued to make Bella and Edward jokes which did make all of us laugh…all of us except for Edward of course. I felt so weird benign this comfortable with the so called enemy, but I wouldn’t change it for the world now i think about it.
<Next chapter>
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8bitsupervillain · 1 month
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Ch. 7 Minagoroshi pt. 12
I was going to ask the hypothetical of do you think there are any sci-fi mystery stories. But then I remembered that there's plenty of them out there, but for a second I just completely spaced and forgot they existed.
Shortly after the fistbump of manliness the TIPs that follows are the Child Consultation Center calling Oryou Sonozaki to see if the Sonozaki family is behind the visit of Keiichi and friends at the center, and whether the village has anything to do with them either. Oryou categorically denies this, because to paraphrase slightly: "Fuck Satoko Houjou."
Following this is another Teppei TIP where he's tearing apart the Houjou household trying to find the bankbook that Satoko's parents had left behind after they died. Having exhausted all of his options he assumes that the book is probably located in Satoshi's room. This being the one room Satoko actively fights Teppei when he tries to enter it.
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I just had a terrible thought. Which parental figure is the worst: Teppei Houjou or Rosa Ushiromiya?
Anyway Satoko goes to school the next day and the rest of the gaming club see the state she's in and offers her the chance to stay with them for a day or two.
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I find it kind of odd that no one bats an eye at Rika's comment about Satoko being her pet. And maybe I'm reading too much into this, but her earlier behavior and now this does make me question what exactly Rika's deal with Satoko is. She says she wants to be happy with all of her friends, but she seemed to fall into a deeper and deeper despair when she thought she lost Satoko. More so than the idea that Shion, for example, was about to commit murder.
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Despite still being in the depths of her depression Rika seems slightly more recharged because of this showing that Rena remembers more of the alternate timelines. Also I hope you like the line about how one has to reach out to help shape a better future for everyone else, you'll get to hear it approximately ten thousand more times before the end of the arc.
Of course this all goes pear-shaped, during their temporary celebration the principal comes to see if Satoko indeed returned to school. This causes Satoko to undergo a massive panic attack, because she believes Teppei has come to drag her back home.
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See, this is what I was referring to when I said the story acts like it didn't bring up the matter of how much of her medicine Satoko actually has. They're now acting like she hasn't had the shots within the past two days anyway. It's just an odd little plot point that was brought up and then summarily forgotten after the screen it was on passed. I guess maybe you could handwave it away that she hasn't had the shots because Teppei wouldn't let her leave her house so what she has is probably still in hers and Rika's house.
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Since it's been established Satoko has this disease, theoretically across all of the timelines how come she was able to reel herself back in so quickly when she had this similar freakout in Tatarigoroshi? I just suddenly had like five separate questions about the way events pan out in Tatarigoroshi just pile up with some of the answers that we're told later on in this chapter. For an episode set in the Answer Arcs it sure doesn't do a very good job of explaining it all away. Well I guess that's what the eighth chapter is for I guess.
Don't read past this sentence if you don't want spoilers from near the end of this arc.
The questions are: why was Satoko able to recover herself so quickly after her panic attack. Why didn't she react violently towards Keiichi since she's presumably back around L5 of her Hinamizawa Syndrome? What was the spiritual entity she's encountered in the past that she thinks is possessing Keiichi (Hanyuu?)? Who either moved Teppei's corpse or how was he alive? Did Satoko survive the events of Operation Doomsday after she shoved Keiichi off the bridge? Was her seeing Teppei after Keiichi's murder of him actually Teppei or was this a hallucination brought on by her Hinamizawa Syndrome getting worse? Did Keiichi even kill Teppei for real, or since he theoretically snapped into action to kill Teppei did he actually kill some unfortunate unrelated individual? What exactly was going on with Rena and Mion when they wanted to take Keiichi "treasure hunting" when everything started going crazy on Keiichi?
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sunlightmurdock · 1 year
I know you've talked a bit about what your roosters look like, but can we get a ☼ for each of your roosters plss??
Oh absolutely!! I shall include pictures for your convenience (:
Blow by Blow
So he’s not in the navy, which means he doesn’t have to abide by Navy standards. I imagine he does still look a lot like our traditional Bradley, like he has the stache and the tan and the auburn kind of brown hair.
He works out almost all day every day, so he’s pretty strong. But, he also drinks a fair amount and eats whatever he wants, so I wouldn’t say that he’s always like ripped with like hard asf abs. That being said, when he goes into focus mode when a fight’s coming up, he does get pretty ripped.
He’s definitely got a couple of tattoos here and there, including a couple of shitty ones that he isn’t a big fan of any more. He keeps his hair pretty short but it might be a lil longer on top sometimes, especially because bambi loves his curls so much <3
Lives in gym clothes a lot of the time, does still have a collection of patterned shirts and some formal clothes to wear to events etc.
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Sub Rosa
The most boyfriend to ever boyfriend. I would also say probably the most movie accurate Rooster, he looks like he does in the movie. For the most part — I think he wears a lot more flannel than movie Rooster does. Don’t ask me why bc I don’t have an answer other than it’s bc he’s boyfriend
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Trouble in Paradise 
Actual Adonis. Like this man is fr gorgeous. Not that all Bradley’s aren’t, but this one is another level. All that sun does wonders for him, he’s always sunkissed and he stops burning as much because he gets into the routine of actually wearing sunscreen. He’s beyond handsome and almost in a way that makes him hard to look at.
Like flushed cheeks and sad eyes, and big hands. There’s just a magnetism to him that’s undeniable. His hair is probably a little lighter than the others’ from the sun, and he’s also a lil older.
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He breaches the line between frat boy and adult. He doesn’t have much to occupy him in his life before he meets Hyde, so he spends a lot of time partying and working out.
I think his dress sense before he meets Hyde is definitely very masculine casual, and I think it’s after her that he really starts to think about the clothes he buys and how they fit him. We all know that he’s big and broad and rlly hot, still pretty youthful and a lil bit younger than the rooster we saw in the movie.
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Parent Trap
We’ve discussed dilf Rooster before and I am happy to do it again all the time. He’s a little softer around the edges than my other Rooster’s, he doesn’t have as much time to work out with his twin terrors. But, he’s like a dad kind of strong and can easily pick up both of his kids at once without any kind of a struggle.
He’s also my oldest Rooster and he’s aging like a fine wine, with those smile lines. He’s a Captain now, so he works a little more too. Can often be found sleeping on the couch with his flightsuit tied around his waist. When he’s dressing for himself, it’s very much classic Rooster with the Hawaiian shirts.
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MFIY Bradley is obviously my youngest Rooster, and his look reflects that. He’s an arrogant frat boy and he isn’t in the Navy yet for most of the fic. So, his hair is a little longer (and a little lighter than in the picture). He has the stache and he’s in pretty good shape, but not as broad or strong as some of my other Rooster’s. He’ll get there. Can often be found wearing baseball caps and football jerseys.
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melodyalanaroster · 6 months
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The Golden Heart’s Regret and His New White Light
Alana sat beneath a tree in the Sweet Amouris High Courtyard while reading Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett when Rosalaya appeared before her. “Alana?” She asked. “Yes?”  Alana inquired as she closed her book and looked up at Rosa. Rosalaya looked at her very seriously. “Someone wants to talk to you.” Alana’s heart instantly began to pound with anticipation. “Please be Nathaniel... Please be Nathaniel...” She thought. Rosa stepped aside and revealed a very remorseful and nervous looking blonde boy. “I’ll leave you two alone. Try not to rip each other apart this time!” Rosa winked as she walked away.
“Rosa is quite confident... Its hard to say “no” to her.” Nathaniel laughed. Alana looked at him very seriously, stood up, and dusted herself off. “Let me guess... She forced you to come see me, didn’t she?” She sternly asked. “Let’s just say that she encouraged me quite a bit.” He replied. “If you’re coming to me simply out of obligation, then I’d rather you not.” She sharply stated. “I would have come on my own, eventually. I think that I owe you an... Apology.” He blushed. “Damn, I didn’t see that coming.” The voice in Alana’s head piped up. “What you did must not have been easy. You must have needed lots of courage and lots of... Support from the ones you love. And, I refused to admit it. I’m sorry... Are you still mad?” He apologized. Alana looked down and thought for a couple of minutes. “I understand if you don’t want to forgive me, right away, for what I said to you... But please, promise me you will think about it...” He pleaded. After thinking for a couple of minutes, Alana looked back up at him and stared deep into his golden eyes. “I have been thinking about it... For several days now... I have actually been hoping that you might come and apologize to me... But, before I give you my answer as to whether or not I will forgive you, I’d like to make a few things clear. You were horrible. You didn’t just patronize me and belittle me. You knew why I was doing what I did and you were still a monster to me for it. I don’t like being called an idiot Nathaniel... Let alone being treated like an insect... And you did both....” She began. “Alana...” He sadly sighed. “Honestly? I shouldn’t forgive you for what you did! I really shouldn’t! However, I am going to forgive you. Nathaniel Jacott, in your darkest moment, you lashed out and treated those who care about you like they were less than the feces in the sewers. But, I understand where I might have been out of line. You begged me to not go to Social Services... And I did anyway. That does not absolve you... At all. But, I care enough about you to look past that and hope that those actions were simply out of pain and despair. I forgive you.” She explained as she took his hand. “Are you sure?” He asked. “Yes! You beautiful idiot! I just explained that I care enough about you to not only do all of that, but forgive you in spite of how you acted!” She blurted out as tears came to her eyes. Nathaniel looked at her for a minute as wave after wave of relief crashed into him, consuming his body language. “I’m so relieved... I was terrified that you wouldn’t wanna talk to me after... After all of this...” He sighed. “Well...  Are things getting better for you now? Is your dad facing consequences?” She asked. “I don’t live with my parents anymore. Castiel suggested that I become legally independent. I hate having to say it, but... His idea was a great one.” Nathaniel explained. “So you got emancipated? That’s amazing! I’m just glad he didn’t have you do something illegal!” Alana cheered. “At the same time, its logical that this solution came from him. Even if... I still don’t understand why he helped me.” He added. “Maybe because, even though he is a huge jackass, there is at least a little bit of good in him? Or, maybe there’s the chance that even he doesn’t know why he helped you?” She shrugged. “It’s possible, yes.” He chuckled. “In any case... He did the right thing. So, what were the parameters of your emancipation?” She asked. “My parents had to give their accord to a judge.” He began. “And they just caved? Just like that?” She interrupted. “I didn’t really leave them a choice. If they didn’t give their accord, I had decided to tell Social Services everything. In the end, everyone got out unharmed...” He explained. “I suppose that is a good compromise...” Alana shrugged. “That’s the deal, yeah. They pay my apartment and costs. I also told my dad that he had better not express his anger on Amber. I couldn’t tolerate that and would have to intervene for good.” He continued. “I get that. No one deserves that abuse.” She nodded. “Well.... I never thought I would get to this point, but I threatened my parents. And now, I live alone.” He sighed. “Did you find a place in town?” She asked. “Yes. It’s modest, but pretty nice.” Nathaniel smiled. “Well... Can I come over one day?” She smirked. “Oh, uh... Yeah, why not... One day...” He stuttered.
It didn’t take long for things to get back to normal around Sweet Amoris High School since Nathaniel’s return. However, Alana instantly began noticing the man making a few changes about himself. He began acting more relaxed and open towards people. He changed his clothes to a pair of white button pants, and long sleeved, blue, v neck shirt. He even got his hair cut a bit shorter. The new shirt he had begun wearing also revealed that, in his spare time, Nathaniel had begun to work out, as his muscles were starting to become more prominent. “Damn it girl! You need to stop staring at his tits!” the voice in Alana’s head ordered when she watched him passing out papers in History Class one day. “I’m not!” She thought back.
News of his emancipation and the events surrounding it spread through the school like wildfire, however, Nathaniel took it with his head held high. It took all of Alana’s strength to keep herself from running up to Melody and gloating about it. But, that didn’t stop Sam from popping off to the girl when she had heard her making snarky comments at Alana’s expense. “Hey, at least my sister DID something! You would have just let it continue!” Sam shot. “Sam... Don’t bother, she’s not worth it.” Alana sighed as she shot Melody a look that said “I told you so.”. 
To say that Amber was not okay with the events that had transpired was a severe understatement. Her little gaggle of flying monkeys continued to support her, but even Sam could tell that it wasn’t enough. Each time Alana would look at Amber and see her continued distress towards the situation, a tsunami of regret and pity crashed into her. “Don’t feel sorry for that wretch! She needs to work through this just like everyone else does!” Sam scoffed when Alana expressed her guilt towards Amber’s pain. At one point, Alana even tried to talk to Amber, but Amber refused to listen to her. “Leave me alone Alana! Haven’t you done enough?!” Amber yelled. “But Amber... I’m sorry... I...” Alana blubbered. “No, you’re not sorry! You ruined my family!” Amber cut her off. “Amber...” Alana gasped. “You’d better watch your back from here on out. Because, the second I get a chance to “return the favor”, I’m taking it!” Amber snarled as she walked off.
"Nathaniel! You’ve changed your look! I’m happy to see you’re doing better!” Lynne cheered as she opened the door and found him standing before her. “Ah, yes... Thank you Ms. Roster.” Nathaniel nervously smiled. “Mels is home... Would you like to come in?” Lynne offered. “May I?” He asked. “Sure! Melody! Nathaniel is here!” Lynne called as she let him into the apartment. “Coming!” Alana called. Minutes later, she entered the living room wearing a pair of black Sailor Moon shorts, a black sports bra, and a black Sailor Moon tank top. “Hey!” She smiled. “H-Hey Alana...” Nathaniel blushed. “What’s up? Did you wanna hang out with Sylvester? Study? Or did Armin get you into anime and videogames?” She mused. “Well... We do have a history test this Friday.” He smiled. “But you don’t have your books. Good thing I have mine!” She cheered as she began walking towards her bedroom. “Come on!” She cooed when she looked back him. “Keep the door open!” Lynne called. “Alright mom!” Alana called back.
“He’s in your room... Hot as fuck... Here to study... But has no books.... If your mom wasn’t here...” The voice in her head began to huff. “Stop it!” She thought back. “So... Hey... At school, you mentioned that you wanted to talk to me about something... What’s up with that?” She blushed as she sat on her bed and turned on some music. Nathaniel sat down in Alana’s desk chair and faced her. “Now that I live on my own, I’m allowed to do things that I wasn’t able to do when I lived with my parents...” He started. “You mean... Like having a girl over to your place and making her scream out in pleasure so much that the neighbors call in a noise complaint?” The voice in her head instantly popped off. “Stop it! He doesn’t think of me like that!” Alana angrily thought back. “Oh? And what are you wanting to do that you couldn’t do before?” She nervously asked. “I’d like to adopt a cat.” He smiled. “Fantastic! But, I guess that means you won’t wanna come visit Sylvester anymore... Right?” Alana chuckled. “Of course not! I always wanna come see this little guy...” Nathaniel cooed as the tuxedo cat entered the room and hopped up in his lap. “I know... I was just joking! I think you should get yourself a furry friend! You already know you’re great with them!” Alana mused. “I’m glad you think that... Because I was wondering... Would you like to go to the Pet Shop with me? I heard they’re having an adoption event soon.” He blushed. “Sure! I’d love to!” She cheered. “Great! We’ll go this weekend!” He beamed.
A couple of hours later, Lynne knocked on the cracked door. “Mels? Nathaniel?” She politely asked. The pair looked up from Alana’s computer. “Yes, mom?” Alana inquired. “What are you two looking at?” Lynne pondered out loud. “Cat trees! Nath is getting a kitty soon!” Alana beamed. “Good for you Nathaniel! I’m happy that you’re able to be your true self now!” Lynne cheered. “Thanks Ms. Roster.” Nathaniel grinned. “Well, dinner is ready. Come on kids. There’s a place at the table for you Nathaniel.” Lynne smiled. “Are you sure? I can go home if I need to.” Nathaniel nervously asked. “Nonsense! You’re not leaving this home without a full belly!” Lynne insisted as she headed towards the kitchen. “Come on. Best not to argue with her... That’s Sam’s and my job.” Alana shrugged. “Alright.” Nathaniel chuckled. 
As the week passed, Alana couldn’t help but get more and more excited for the Pet Shop’s adoption event. “It’s like a date!” The voice in her head cheered. “Its NOT a date!” She thought back. “But its like one!” The voice in her head snapped back. Nathaniel had begun to come over to the apartment almost every day with the excuse of “wanting to continue researching what he needed for a cat”. It got to the point to where Lynne had started to call Nathaniel Alana’s boyfriend whenever he wasn’t around... Much to Alana’s embarrassment.
“Come on Mels! If he won’t ask you out, then you need to ask him out!” Sam insisted. “Sam! Nath and I still aren’t over what happened with his father. If anything, it’s going to take time for our friendship to heal from that!” Alana spat. “The way he’s always over here, it seems like the friendship is more than healing.” Lynne cooed as she sat the food down on the table. “See! Mom sees it! As it is, Mels, you have a harem! Viktor wants you back. Castiel is always sniffing around you. Armin looks for excuses to hang out and play Pokémon And now Nathaniel spends an awful lot of time in your room with you “researching”. At some point, you’re gonna need to pick one of them.” Sam explained. “Viktor KNOWS we can’t be together. Castiel, Armin and I are all JUST FRIENDS... As for Nathaniel, if we WERE to get together, it wouldn’t be appropriate for it to happen while he’s first starting out away from his father!” Alana shot back. “Viktor will most likely end up in an arranged marriage with Severina because of their fathers....” Lynne muttered. “And that is complete crap! They should be allowed to find love!” Sam boomed. “Its part of the aristocracy, girls. If our family were to ever take the titles that the Astier clan offers us each year, we’d be forced to live by at least a few of their rules...” Lynne explained. “Anywho... Mels, you can’t always wait for the guy to ask you out! Ask Nathaniel out! We all now you’ve been undressing him with your eyes ever since he changed his clothes and started bulking up.” Sam cheered. “Give your sister time, Sam! Not everyone can pick the guy and tell him to “get in there”, like you did!” Lynne chuckled.
When the day of the Adoption Event finally arrived, Alana woke up and got ready for the day very early. Sylvester was not happy being woken up by Alana getting out of bed. The tuxedo cat stretched his body out as long as he could, let out a long yawn and looked at her with a face that said “There had better be a good reason why you have disturbed my slumber.”. “Oh, calm down Sylvester... Today is the day that I help Nathaniel go pick out his own little furry friend!” Alana beamed. “Is Nathaniel going to be joining us for breakfast?” Lynne asked as she passed by Alana’s bedroom door and saw her texting on her bed. “He won’t be. He and I are going to the café for lunch, then to the event.” Alana replied.
Right as she finished doing her homework for the weekend, there was a knock on the door. “Always timely, that boy.” Lynne chuckled as Alana dashed from her room. “Isn’t it great?” Alana quickly cooed. She straightened herself and rapidly looked in a small mirror before opening the door. “Hey Alana! You ready?” Nathaniel asked. “Yeah!” Alana beamed. She turned to her mom. “I’ll be back later! Don’t wait up!” She cheered. “Just keep your phone on you and be safe! Let me know if you need anything!” Lynne called. “I will!” Alana called back as the door closed behind her. “Thank you for coming with me for this. I really appreciate it.” Nathaniel smiled as they began their walk to the Café. “Of course! I’m happy that you invited me!” She cheered. “This is feeling very much like a date!” The voice in her head piped up. “Its not!” She thought back. “But what if it was? It’d be so romantic!” The voice in her head mused. “Even if he did like me, its too early for us to date. He JUST got away from his father!” She sharply thought back. “So... I know its been a few days since we had that talk... But, are you sure you’ve forgiven me?” Nathaniel asked. Alana was instantly caught off guard. “Why are you bringing that up now?” She nervously blurted out. “I’ve been thinking about it ever since then... And this is the first time we’ve been fully alone without anyone listening in to our conversation.” He sighed. “Ah...” Alana replied. “So, have you thought about it?” He inquired, a little pain in his voice. “I’d be lying if I said that I hadn’t... Yes, I’ve thought about it... And I stand by what I said then. You messed up big time, but you did it out of a place of agony and were lashing out. And, ever since then, we’ve made an effort to make it up to each other. So, yes, I’m sure that I’ve forgiven you.” She smiled. Nathaniel became relaxed and grinned. “I appreciate that.” He blushed as they continued walking.
The Pet Store was a relatively large shop in the small shopping district. Each set of animals had their own section. When they walked towards the cats, they passed a very large spider in a container. “Keep your eyes on me, Alana. I’ve got you.” Nathaniel ordered when he felt her cling to him out of fear. “T-thank y-you.” She stuttered as she followed his orders. Despite her best efforts, her body continued to tense up as fear of the arachnid overcame her instincts. Suddenly, she felt him take her hands off of his arm and slide his hand to her back. “You cover your back when your phobia gets triggered, right?” He soothingly inquired. “Y-yes.” She nervously nodded. “Its okay, we’re almost to the cats.” He cooed. The Cat Section of the store was at the very back and had a room with a large plastic window to the kennels for each kitty that they had up for adoption. Alana’s body began to relax at the sight of the little felines. “Cats are better.” She sighed. “Yeah, they are.” Nathaniel smiled. “I don’t understand why people even keep spiders as pets... They may have their uses in nature, but they are horrifying...” Alana muttered. “I’m sure there are people out there who say the same thing about cats. Some people like spiders enough to keep them as pets.” Nathaniel quietly shrugged.
A little white kitten in one of the cages looked right at Nathaniel, perked it’s ears up and walked right to the front where it could see him more. “Ah, hello little one.” Nathaniel cooed as he walked over to the cage and petted the kitten through one of the holes in the plastic. “Is this her? The kitten you’ve been visiting lately?” Alana asked. “Yes it is. Alana, this is Blanche. She’s the one we’re here to see. Blanche, this is dear friend Alana. She’s the girl I told you about.” He motioned between the kitten and Alana as he made the introductions. “Ah! Young man! You’re back! Are you here to visit, or are you here to finally take little Blanche home?” The store manager asked. She was a middle aged woman with tan skin, dark hair and dark eyes. “I’m finally here to take her home! I’ve got everything ready at my apartment and its time for me to bring her to her forever home.” Nathaniel beamed. “Do you have a carrier?” The manager asked. A wave of realization crashed into him. I knew I was forgetting something! No, I don’t. Do you have any for purchase?” Nathaniel facepalmed. “We do! If you two will come with me. We have a wide variety of carriers.” The manager explained as she motioned for the two of them to follow her. Nathaniel began looking at each and every pet carrier very closely, a little bit of panic started to slowly make it’s way into his eyes. Suddenly, Alana could hear her mother’s voice in her head. “I added a bit of extra money to your card, sweetie. Get something nice for Nathaniel and his new furry friend as a gift from the family!” Lynne’s voice cooed. She took out her phone and looked up her bank account. Lynne had added a lot of extra gold to her account. “A bit excessive, isn’t it mom?” She thought. Alana looked at the pet carriers, noticed one that looked familiar and walked over to it. “This looks like the newest version of the one we have for Sylvester.” She commented. “Its out of my price range.” Nathaniel sighed when he looked at the tag. “Don’t worry about it. Its on me.” Alana grinned. She turned back to Nathaniel, then to the manager. “Do you have a machine to make pet tags for collars?” She asked. “Yes, we do. It’s over by the registers.” The manager replied. “Fantastic! Get little Blanche ready for Nathaniel to take her home. I will be right back.” Alana commanded.
As she walked towards the register, a sparkly blue collar caught her eye from a shelf near the tag machine. “Obviously I’m getting that.” She thought to herself. The tags could be personalized on the front and back and were on display at the registers. A little blue heart caught her eye, so she instinctively put it on register belt with the rest of her purchases. “Adopting a new friend today?” The cashier asked. “My friend is, its his first.” She mused. “That cute blonde guy that walked in earlier?” The cashier asked. “Yeah.” Alana nodded. “Honestly thought you two were a couple, the way you guys hung onto each other when you walked in.” The cashier commented. “Ah, well... We’re just friends...” Alana blushed. “I know its not my place to say this, but you guys would make a cute couple. Go for it.” The cashier grinned as he scanned the last item. “Yeah... People say that a lot...” Alana rushed as she looked at the screen. “Oh dear... That’s under budget... My mom sent me a specific amount to spend on him this time... Are there any cushions for pet carriers around here?” She nervously observed. “Yeah, let me get one for you real quick.” The cashier smiled as he ran off. Seconds later, they had returned, scanned the cushion and put it in the carrier. “There we go.” Alana smiled. “Your mom gave you money to spend on this guy? Sounds like your family really likes him.” The cashier commented. “Look, I’m not sure if he likes me like that... And I’m not gonna pressure him, okay?” Alana nervously huffed. “I here ya. Don’t worry. Just know, I’m rooting for ya!” He cheered. “Okay, so how do I use the machine?” She asked. “Your friend just has to take the tag and the receipt to the machine, scan the receipt and it’ll walk ya right through the next steps.” He explained. “Okay, thank you.” Alana smiled as she quickly ran back to Nathaniel’s side.
“Alana! What took you so long? Are you okay?” Nathaniel worriedly asked. “Sorry! I might have gotten a little carried away!” Alana beamed as she handed the carrier, collar and tag to him. “I’m keeping the receipt until you need to personalize the tag.” She smiled. “Alana! This is so sweet! You didn’t have to!” Tears began to come to Nathaniel’s eyes as he took the purchases. “Nonsense! Oh, and its not just from me... Mom wanted me to make sure to get you something from the family.” She explained. “Thank you, you and your family! This means the world to me!” He cheered. “Well, I think its time to take little Blanche home, don’t you think?” The manager delightedly cooed. “Yes, I think so!” Nathaniel nodded. “Now, the adoption package comes with a few of the essentials. A small litter box, small bags of litter and food, and a handful of toys” The manager explained as she pulled out a large cardboard box with a handle.
Nathaniel finished the adoption process in utter bliss. Alana couldn’t help but feel a TWANG in her heart as she watched him. “Yeahhh.... You’ve forgiven him.” The voice in her head piped up. “Yeah, I have.” She thought back. “I should be disappointed in you... But, you’re a teenage girl and he’s a hot guy...” The voice replied. “A hot guy who is really smart and sweet and who just adopted a cute little kitten.” She thought back. “Welp... So much for Nathaniel continuing to see Metal Melody.... Then again, I should have realized that the second you let him into your room without kicking his ass...” The voice sighed. “I can’t spend the rest of high school being pissed at him.” She thought back. “Yeah you can... But I know you’re not gonna...” The voice sighed. “Alana, I can’t thank you enough for this!” Nathaniel cheered as he rejoined her side. “There is no thanking me! Its what friends are for!” She cooed.
When Alana finally happily stumbled through the front door of the apartment later that evening, both Lynne and Sam were waiting for her in the living room. “Someone had a great time!” Lynne snickered. “Awe, did our little Mels get more than time with her golden boy?!” Sam smirked. “You guys aren’t funny! And, by the way, he was very appreciative of the stuff we got him!” Alana shot as she did her best to hide the blush that had begun taking over her face. “How appreciative? Did he finally kiss you? Did he take you back to his apartment and give you more than a kiss?!” Sam sneered. “Okay Sam, I think you’ve gone too far... They haven’t even gone on their first actual date yet.” Lynne rolled her eyes as she turned back to Alana. “I am happy that you two have made up, and that he appreciated everything. Its good to see that boy is doing better.” She cooed. “I am too...” Alana sighed. “Now, both of you, go to bed. You’ve got school in the morning.” Lynne ordered.
“Mels! Your prince charming is here! He wants to walk to school with you!” Sam called as she stood at the open door. “Sam!” Nathaniel nervously hissed. “Oh calm down! We all know that you and my sister are “just friends”.” Sam laughed. “And on that note... Hey Nathaniel! Let’s go before my mom jumps in on the teasing!” Alana smiled as she rushed towards the door with her bags in hand. “I won’t be teasing any of you until later today! I’ve got a book signing to take care of!” Lynne beamed. “Wait, what? A “Lynne Roster Book Signing” without her two biggest trophies?!” Sam cackled. “You two go to school, I can do this by myself.” Lynne assured. “Are you sure Mom?” Alana asked. “Yes! Now go! You don’t wanna be late!” Lynne barked. “Alright, love you! Let us know how things go!” Alana mused as she left the apartment.
When they got to school, everyone noticed the four of them arriving together. “Almost as if Nathaniel and Alana are dating!” one of the students mused. “Nonsense! She just helped him get away from his father, they’re probably just walking together as friends!” another student commented. “As if Nathaniel would date Alana! Spreading those lies about him and his family the way she did!” Melody scoffed. “You actually think Alana is spreading lies about Nathaniel’s family?” Sharon asked. “Of course! I think she did it to get closer to him!” Melody huffed. “Then you’re more of an idiot than he is.” Castiel shot as he walked past her. “And you’re in on the lie, Castiel!” Melody called after him. “Come on Melody, we know you have a thing for Nathaniel. But slandering Alana is beneath you.” Iris lightly scolded. “I mean... He did get emancipated from his family with Castiel’s help. I don’t think Nathaniel would have done that for no reason...” Kim pointed out. “Oh, come on! If Nathaniel was actually being abused by his father, surely he would have told someone!” Melody argued. “Awe, is the little brat just pissed off that she’s not the one who helped Nathaniel?” Sam sneered as she walked up to the group. “Its none of your business, Samantha!” Melody spat. “Really? You’re the one talking shit about my sister.... All because the boy you like is paying attention to her and not you! Oh, and its “Sam” to you, not “Samantha”. Keep that in mind!” Sam taunted. “Sam...” Iris started. “Of course you would protect your sister! I’d almost say it’s honorable, but your family is anything but!” Melody scoffed. Sam took a couple of steps towards the girl, a devilish grin spreading across her face. “First of all, the only person in this school who is allowed to give my sister shit is ME. Not you. Not Amber. Not Amber’s gaggle of bumbling idiots. ME. Secondly, I don’t remember reading anything in our nation’s history books about your family. But I know for a fact that there is an entire chapter on The Roster Clan. Not only is there an entire chapter in the history books dedicated to us, but Weathering hosts a festival thanking our family for founding the city each year and has done so for centuries. The Astier Clan has been BEGGING us to accept the titles and nobility that they’ve been wanting to present us since Astaria’s inception. In fact, over the years, it became a tradition for a member of our clan to go to the capital each year on Founding Day to formally decline the titles. Not only that, but almost every generation of the Astier Clan has tried to get us to marry into their family and have us join our nation’s royalty. In closing, if you wanna talk shit about me, that’s fine. If you wanna talk shit about my family, you will learn your place! If you wish to talk shit about my sister, you will keep her name out of your mouth. If you refuse to abide by this warning... I promise you that I will escalate things. And no amount of “good PR” will save you from that embarrassment! Am I clear?” Sam warned. “Is that a threat?!” Melody asked, a hint of fear making itself clear in her voice. “Its a warning and a promise. Now, AM I CLEAR?!” Sam snarled. “Crystal.” Melody spat. “Good. Later ladies!” Sam smiled as she walked off. “Sam is such a bitch!” Melody spat when she noticed that Sam was out of earshot. “You were spreading lies about her sister and then you insulted their family! You’re lucky that she didn’t beat you up!” Sharon snapped. “Yeah... Melody, that was out of line... You should really be thankful that all Sam did was give you a warning and a history lesson.” Iris sighed. “Come on Kim, you’re not on Sam’s side here... Are you?” Melody sputtered. “I think you were both out of line. But, you really shouldn’t have done that. All Alana wanted to do was help Nathaniel and you let your jealousy get the better of you. As it is, he turned you down and this isn’t how a friend would want to be treated.” Kim reprimanded.
“Everyone thinks we’re dating now.” Alana muttered as she and Nathaniel sat down to lunch. “Would that really be a bad thing?” He quietly responded. “What?!” Alana gasped, her face quickly turning a deep shade of red. “N-Nothing! I m-mean... We’re not. W-We’re just f-friends.” Nathaniel blushed as he nervously stuttered. “I mean, its not like you two act like more than friends or anything.” Sam laughed as she and Ken took their seats at the table. “I wouldn’t mind it. Although, I kinda think Alana would be good with Armin.” Alexy chuckled. “You just want Alana as your sister-in-law!” Rosalaya rolled her eyes. “Yeah! Alana and I are just friends!” Armin nervously scoffed. “Isn’t Castiel in love with her?” Ken asked. “You noticed it too? I think he is, he just doesn’t wanna admit it.” Rosa commented. “As it is, I think Viktor is still holding out hope that he can, one day, override his family’s orders and get back with my sister rather than potentially be stuck in an arranged marriage with Severina.” Sam stated. “What?!” Nathaniel gasped. “Yeah, we’ve told you guys that our mom is best friends with Aunt Verity and Aunt Cosima. Well, while Aunt Cosima was alive, Viktor and Severina were more free to do what they wanted. Which meant that Viktor and my sister were in a cute little relationship for several years when we were all kids. Viktor promised that he would, one day, “break the spell” and return to Mels’ side. Even though his mom tried to tell him that it wasn’t gonna happen. We’re not, formally, aristocracy, and we have no intention of becoming part of that system. But, it was cute while it lasted. Viktor was even responsible for Mels’ first kiss. You should have seen their faces when mom took a picture of them reenacting the famous “Spider-Man Kiss” at one point.” Sam explained. “Oh my god! That’s soo cute!” Rosa and Alexy mused in unison. “Viktor was even dressed as Spider-Man!” Sam gushed. “Alana, I didn’t know you were someone’s Mary Jane at some point! Why have you never mentioned this?” Armin inquired. “It was years ago! Aunt Cosima died not long after the photo was taken. Viktor and Rini were shipped off to boarding school and now their dads have that agreement to breed them like they’re prize winning horses. I am free to be with anyone else... And I would appreciate it if my friends and sister didn’t take part in a shipping war over who I’m gonna end up with!” Alana blurted out. “Well, my money is on Armin!” Alexy piped up. “Honestly, I see Alana with Nathaniel or Castiel. But, I wouldn’t mind seeing her end up with Lysander! I NEED a good sister-in-law!” Rosa cheered. “Its gonna come down to Nathaniel or Castiel.” Sam nodded. “You people do realize that whoever I want to be with also has to want to be with me, right? Now, quit making bets on my love life!” Alana huffed as she got up from the table, grabbed her stuff, tossed the remainder of her food in the trash, and ran to the restroom.
Several days later, Nathaniel, Armin, Alexy, and Kentin were gathered in the hall. “Are we interrupting a special “boys club” meeting?” Sam asked as she and Alana walked up to them. “Hey girls! We’re talking about our little trip to the Pet Shop last night!” Alexy mused. “That’s what you guys did last night?! I thought ya’ll were just hanging out!” Sam exclaimed. “We were at first... But then Ken adopted a little German Sheppard puppy and my brother got a ferret!” Alexy cheered. “Alexy! I was gonna surprise her with Cookie tonight!” Ken hissed. “Oh, my bad!” Alexy gasped. “You named your puppy Cookie? I thought your dad didn’t want a dog?” Sam asked. “He’s got strict requirements for me to keep her. As long as I keep up with them, she’s mine.” Ken clarified. “You got a ferret?” Alana asked Armin. “Yeah, I named him Rocket.” Armin smiled. “Let me guess, Guardians of the Galaxy?” Alana raised an eyebrow. “Yep! Mainly because I can’t, legally, have a raccoon as a pet!” Armin looked so proud as he spoke. “Raccoons are gross anyway!” Alexy spat. “No they’re not! They’re cute little trash pandas!” Alana chimed in. “See! Alana likes them!” Armin stuck his tongue out. “Did you go with them?” Alana asked as she turned to Nathaniel. “Yeah. I wanted to get more supplies for Blanche. It was really fun!” Nathaniel mused. 
As the day went on, the school became filled with more and more chatter. “Something is changing.” Alana commented. “Peggy, do you know?” Rosa asked as Peggy rushed past them in the hallway. “Know what?” Peggy inquired. “Why everyone is talking more about something new.” Alana clarified. “No. You might ask Sharon. I’ve been forced to cover more of what the sports clubs are doing and the Tennis Club is currently on their practice field.” Peggy replied as she rushed off. “You’d think that that little “future paparazzo” would know if something was up.” Alana commented. “I know, it’s weird.” Rosalaya shrugged.
“Hey, Sharon, what’s going on? I heard the principal make an announcement, but I couldn’t hear it clearly.” Alana asked when she came upon Sharon in one of the classrooms. “Oh, we’re getting a new Science Teacher.” Sharon replied. “So, Mrs. Cooper isn’t coming back? I know she had the baby not long after I got here.” Alana questioned. “Nope! Turns out her husband recently got a promotion at his job and now he can afford to take care of them on only one income. She’s gonna stay with the baby until the kid is old enough to go to school and then she might come back to teaching.” Sharon explained. “Good for her. I’m happy that she has the ability to spend that time with her kid.” Alana mused. “Its a shame really. Such a bright and brilliant woman falling to the institution of motherhood.” Sharon commented. “Not gonna lie, you sound like Cruella de Vil.” Alana chuckled. “She had a point in that movie.” Sharon smiled. “Do you think that the new teacher will be a good one? The substitutes have been kind of sub par lately.” Alana asked. “I hope so. I hope that, whoever we get, will be someone smart enough to not fall in line with the path that society set before them. Someone brilliant, and hopefully a little snarky.” Sharon articulated.
The day went on as normally as it could. The halls of Sweet Amouris filled with the chatter concerning the new science teacher. Amber continued to avoid Alana like the plague. However, since the conversation about everyone wanting to see Alana with various boys took place, she couldn’t help but keep her mind on what everyone said. “Rosa and Sam already know that I like Nathaniel! Why is my love life up for debate!” She thought. “Because its something mundane that takes their minds off of the daily bullshit.” The voice in her head piped up. “Nathaniel asked if us being together would really be a bad thing...” She thought. “If he does like you back, then you should just wait for him to make his move. He knows you’re there if you need him.” The voice in her head responded. “I really wanna kiss him...” She thought. “No, you wanna do a lot more than kiss him...” The voice in her head replied. “Okay... But we are NOWHERE NEAR that point.” She thought. “But one day you might be!” The voice in her head clapped back.
Later that night, her usual dreams of being a Sailor Scout were interrupted by a vision of Nathaniel managing to climb through her window, kissing her passionately and whispering very spicy sentiments into her ear with his low, gruff voice. She could feel his hot breath on her throat as he spoke. “I want you My Melody.” He growled. “I want you too, Nathaniel” She sighed. “If this is a dream, please let me enjoy it for a good while!” She thought.
This was going to be a combination of Episodes 24 & 25.... But it turned into just Episode 24....
Mrs. Cooper is a reference to The Big Bang Theory.
The movie referenced by Sharon and Alana in the last section is the live action 101 Dalmatians that stars Glenn Close as Cruella de Vil.
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paperstorm · 15 days
Ask yourself-
Is my name Jake Peralta-
They bungled the should we have a baby storyline on B99 SO BADLY- and this is a show that historically didn’t do that.
First- you cannot tell me that Jake had no idea that Amy very badly wanted children. There was a trajectory (not sure if this is the right word we shall see) hanging above their bed of where Amy wanted her career to go. Jake knew exactly when she wanted to become a sergeant by, when she expected to make lieutenant by- you can’t honestly say he knows all this and has ranked her levels of emotional breakdown but is like what! She WANTS KIDS?! I thought she just wanted my opinion on water parks!
(Because side note- like - Tarlos can’t get pregnant on accident. They just can’t. And Carlos is the avoidant king so it is conceivable that whenever he thought that conversation might turn up he would take such a hard turn like oh- how about instead of talking about that why don’t I just bathe you like a cat- that would be fun- not talking- talking bad)
But Amy and Jake have the stuff to make babies and that could happen by accident- you expect me to believe they would’ve never talked about it?
As God said when Wuntch tried to sneak past him into heaven, “it ain’t happening, honey”.
Also- I know the MooMoo episode had bigger stuff going on- BUT any time we saw Jake and Amy it had a very clear “we’re taking care of kids- we messed up a little but they’re alive- could we do this?” Kind of vibe.
Lastly, Amy never made me so mad as she did in th casecation episode (TV tropes called it one of the most divisive episodes of the whole series and THEY WERE RIGHT). Because Rosa, who is close friends with Jake, sides with Amy for no real reason and Amy all but says either want kids despite your very valid and actually not selfish reasons for not wanting to be a parent or I will just divorce you?? Amy would really be this callous and hurtful to Jake?
As Wuntch says when she sees deodorant, “I’m not buying it”
(Also I respect you completely if you don’t want tk post this cause it would be continuing the discussion of this topic- let me know if you want I could reveal my secret identity and send you a picture of my cat)
I am posting because this made me laugh so much 😂😂😂 thank you for bringing the Wunch burns back into my life. Possibly “WUNCH IS DEAD! BAGEL!” is my favorite line reading in television history (possibly second only to “WHO WAnts a snack”) Andre you were a king and I miss you so much.
But also yeah agreed it was badly bungled. The fact that they wrote them having a comedic debate to decide whether or not they should have kids when it had already been made very clear that if Jake stuck with not wanting them any was going to divorce him. The fact that they’d never talked about it before like you said. The episode where they have so much fun taking care of terry’s kids. The fact that she didn’t even really think about it she just went right to that she would leave him… how can you claim to love someone and then react like that?? Idk it was bad and you’re right usually it’s a show that doesn’t bungle things. The heteronormativity won in the writers room in that storyline and I like to just pretend it didn’t happen 😂
And um yes kitty pics pls!!!
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peonierose · 9 months
Thank you @aallotarenunelma for tagging me in WIP Friday. I have so many WIPs I could probably fill out 365 days well 366 days this year 🥰 So I’ll share some of my current WIPs with you.
Peppermint Kisses
Book: Crimes of Passion
Pairing: Rose De Luca x Trystan Thorne
“Cheer up Rosa. We’re trying to have fun. You do remember what fun is, right?“ Trystan grins and I give him an evil glare. Mafalda, Luke, Ruby and uncle Tommy snicker from the side.
“She actually doesn’t know what that word means. It’s not in her vocabulary.“ Luke teases. I take a marshmallow out of my mug and throw it at him. It hits him square in the face.
“Ugh. Gross.“ He rubs his cheek and we all laugh.
“There’s more where that came from.“ I taunt him and his dark brown eyes widen behind his black rimmed glasses.
Dear John - Part 1
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Keiki Lahela x Koa Haulani
“What are these? They must be really old. And look, they're dated back from the 1940s. That’s during Pearl Harbor.“ She shudders. I pull her closer until she almost sits in my lap. She instantly relaxes.
“Where did you say you found these letters?“ I ask her and she picks another letter out of the pile.
“I found the letters down at Waikiki beach. They were hidden in the sand.“
“Damn Keiki, that's really cool. These letters date back a long time ago. Does it say anywhere who wrote the letters?“ I ask her and she opens up a letter and turns it over.
“Someone named Joy. No last name. She wrote it to the guy she loved. His name is John.“ She turns the letter over again.
We read the letter together, though it almost feels wrong to read lines in a love letter that wasn’t really meant for our eyes.
You make me see in colors
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Luna Auclair x Bryce Lahela
”With the power vested in me I now pronounce you as husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride. But please don’t turn it into a make out session. That would make for a very awkward scene. Just saying.“
Lunes and I grin.
I take Lunes' face into my hands and kiss her. It feels as if we’re kissing for the first time. Her lips faintly taste like grapefruit.
I smile against her lips. Not wanting the kiss to end.
Sky turns towards everyone.
”I represent to you Mr. and Mrs. Lahela.“
Las hijas de Luna
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Luna Auclair x Bryce Lahela
”Okay that’s good Lu. That’s good. Just keep pushing.“ Meilani says in a soothing voice.
I get to Luna’s side.
Luna shoots me an angry look.
”Where the fuck were you B?“
I wince and then I smile at her for using a curse word.
”Let’s leave story time for after you’ve given birth. What’s important is that I’m here.“
”I’m going to kick your ass for this later.“
I grin and kiss her forehead.
”I wouldn’t have it any other way.“
Meilani grins and her head nurse Valerie standing next to Meilani, keeping track of the heart monitor.
Meilanis voice gets me out of my trance.
”Dad? Wanna do the honors?“
I squeeze Luna‘s hand and stand in the front to catch the first baby.
As I do, a loud cry fills the room and I suddenly hold one of my girls in my arms.
Valerie smiles next to me.
I look at my little girl, and a whole new love enters my heart. I wasn’t prepared for this feeling.
It’s as if my heart is going to burst from all this love. Making space for new people entering my life. I still can’t believe Luna and I created these beautiful babies.
I take my daughter's little hand in mine and kiss it.
”Hi there, beautiful. Look at you being all pretty huh?“
Valerie keeps sniffing.
”A new member in your Ohana.“
I nod and keep rocking the baby and when she opens her eyes she looks at me and stops crying.
”It’s your awesome dad. So cool right? Look at your mom. Super strong and going at it.“
I’d love to see what you are working on if you’d like to share (no pressure):
And anyone else is welcome to join and share 🩷🩷🩷🩷
@inlocusmads @jerzwriter @the-pale-goddess @trappedinfanfiction @storyofmychoices @noesapphic @cariantha @cadybear420 @rosepetals1 @lilyoffandoms @aria-ashryver @zealouscanonindeer @kristinamae093 @amortentiaopenheart @jamespotterthefirst @liaromancewriter @potionsprefect @surrrenderronniebabe1 @a-cloud-for-dreams
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glenncoco4 · 1 year
Chasing Pavements
A/N: Had a little thought about the hopeful time jump.
“Should I give up? Or should I just keep chasing pavements? Even if it leads nowwwwhere.”
Rosa turns around as she and Tay try to bite back their smiles. “Is he okay?”
A smile curls at Kensi’s lips as her husband’s movements jostle her a little and a tone that reminds her of his sad drunk persona belts out the lyrics to one of his favorite songs. “Adele makes him weepy.”
“Adele does make me weepy.” He nods in confirmation leaning his head against hers before belting out another line.
As they make their way down the hallway of the Colosseum the girls’ excitement, buzzing. They’re still in their own little world when they all reach the elevator. The four adults exchange smiles, silence filling the void for a few seconds before Tay’s mom, Kelly, turns to the agent and investigator with a smile. “So Kensi, Marty, are you two excited about Hawaii?”
Mirrored looks of confusion cross their faces at the random question before the shaggy blonde speaks up. “Hawaii? We’re always excited about Hawaii.”
“Yeah, so much so he’s been trying to convince me that we should get a timeshare in Diamond Head since we’ve been together. Actually, even before then now that I think about it.” The brunette laughs, still, a bit confused by the odd question.
Tay’s dad, Jason lights up at the mention of one of his favorite places on the island. “Oh, that’d be great. What’s that like a 13-minute drive to campus?”
Kensi’s brow furrows sharing a look with her husband before turning back to Jason. “Campus?”
“Yeah, UH.” Kelly nods, brow furrowed.
Deeks tries his best to put the pieces together but nothing’s clicking. “Okay, I’m confused now.”
“As am I.” Kensi reiterates her partner's sentiments.
Normally someone would realize that these things haven’t been discussed yet, but Jason is not that person. “Did Rosa not tell you?”
“Tell us what?” Deeks asks as both he and Kensi turn their attention towards their 17-year-old and her best friend who have stopped talking all together and are now looking at them. The heat rising to Rosa’s cheeks not going unnoticed.
“Rosa, what’s going on?” Kensi asks, trying to hide the hurt in her voice.
Tay nudges her best friend. “I thought you were gonna tell them.”
“I was.” The raven-haired teen whispers, looking guiltily back and forth between her adoptive parents.
“Rosa?” Deeks calls her name once more trying to get some answers.
Releasing a calming breath, she relents. “A coach from the University of Hawai’i came to our scrimmage Friday.”
“Okay…” Kensi nods, urging her to continue.
“He wants me to come to the soccer camp they’re hosting this summer and…”
Her pause continues to lengthen and it’s a little agonizing so much so that the blonde feels his wife’s grip tighten around his hand more and more by the second. “And what?”
“He wants me to come to camp because he offered me a scholarship and wants me to get familiar with the facility.”
Deeks’s jaw drops as he releases his partner's hand, and closes the distance between him and their girl, wrapping her in a hug. “Oh my god, Rosa, that’s amazing! Why didn’t you tell us?”
The guilt in her eyes can’t be hidden as she’s released from Deeks’ embrace and immediately wrapped in Kensi’s. “I was going to when we got here but I fell asleep, and then I was gonna say something on our way to the concert but you guys were so happy, and I didn’t want to ruin your mood.”
The brunette pulls back, hurt shining in her eyes as she pushes the rogue hair out of the teen's face. “Ruin it? Sweetie, we’re so proud of you. You know how major it is to get an athletic scholarship your junior year?”
“That’s what I told her!”
“Tay, not helping.”
“I am definitely helping.” The corkscrew-haired teen rebuts.  
A barely there smile pulls at Kensi’s lips as she locks hands with her partner once again. Not really sure how to identify her feelings right now. “I just don’t understand why you told them before you told us.”
Tay looks between Rosa and her parents feeling somewhat at fault for this whole thing. “Oh, no, that was all me. I got offered, too, Mr. and Mrs. Deeks. I didn’t tell them not to say anything cuz I thougt they could read social cues. Anyways, for what it’s worth I’m really hoping you’ll let her go cuz I need my girl there with me in O’ahu.”
Rosa can only imagine what they’re thinking. I mean can she really asked them for honesty when she hasn’t been honest herself no matter how unintentional it was? “I know we talked about UCLA-“
Deeks shakes his head, stopping her before she can say anymore. “That doesn’t matter. If you want to go to Hawai’i then we’re gonna support you every step of the way.”
“Yeah, this is about what you want.” The brunette agrees, her eyes shining with understanding.
“Is this what you want?”
Taking another calming breath Rosa looks at Tay and then back to the two people who have shown her more love than she ever thought possible again. “Yes, I really do. I didn’t know it until it was right in front of me.”
“Well then, looks like our girl’s a D1 athlete!” Kensi beams, shouting loud enough that Adele could probably hear it from the penthouse of Caesar’s Palace.
“You know what this calls for?” The blonde asks to no-one inparticular.
The special agent looks at her husband with a knowing smile. “Rocky Road?”
“Rock Road!” Deeks throws his arm around Kensi’s shoulders once again exchanging a dad smile with Jason before the elevator dings and they step inside the box.
A few minutes later as they’re walking into the parking lot, a knowing grin forms at the corner of the form detective’s lips. Leaning in, his lips but a breath away from his partner’s ear his smile grows wider. “I knew my late-night Zillow searches for O’ahu weren’t for nothing.”
All Kensi can do is smile because as unexpected as it is, this is their new chapter. This is the life she never thought they’d get.
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gutwrenchflowerbomb · 4 months
Here are my Double or Nothing predictions and/or fantasy bookings that no one asked for! These things will absolutely not happen but in my mind, this is what should happen.
Thunder Rosa vs. Deonna Purrazzo
Rosa. I like them both but like Rosa a little more than Deonna.
The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass vs. Brian Cage & Gates of Agony
Daddy Ass and the Acclaimed
The Bang Bang Gang (Jay White, Austin & Colten Gunn) (c) vs. Death Triangle (PAC, Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero M) for the Unified Trios titles
This is a tough one because I low key love the train wreck - one brain cell ass combo of the Bang Bang Gang BUT I’m a Lucha Bros Babe from before AEW so I’m giving the edge to Death Triangle
Orange Cassidy vs. Trent Beretta
Listen. Here’s all I’m gonna say. I’m Team Chuck Taylor above all others. And Chuck chose Orange. So if that’s what Chuck thought, that’s what I think
Jon Moxley vs. Konosuke Takeshita in an IWGP World Heavyweight championship Eliminator
That arm in the chair spot handicaps Mox a bit which I think leaves this open for Takeshita to take this win (only to lose when the actual title is on the line)
Chris Jericho (c) vs. HOOK vs. Katsuyori Shibata for the FTW title
Anyone but Jericho. Fuck outta here.
(low key rooting for Shibata tho)
Adam Copeland (c) vs. Malakai Black in a Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match for the TNT championship
If I had my way, Adam is gonna come out to the whole old school Brood entrance, I’m talking with the original music, the ring of fire and Gangrel carrying the blood filled chalice.
Anyway I’m thinking Adam has the edge (get it lol) and this is clearly leading, as I said when Adam first got inked by Malakai, to Adam turning evil and taking over HOB (so that Malakai and maybe Buddy can fuck off back to WWE to be with their SOs, which I don’t fault them for wanting)
Roderick Strong (c) vs. Will Ospreay for the International championship
I want Ospreay to come out and immediately decapitate Matt Taven with a round house kick and for Matt Taven’s head to fly into Mike Bennett’s gut and go clean through it leaving a comical hole like in the movie Death Becomes Her.
And then he beats Roderick.
Timeless Toni Storm (c) vs. Serena Deeb for the AEW Women World title
Toni Storm cross body blocks Serena and then just starts mocking a seizure and her acting is so good that Serena immediately submits.
Willow Nightingale (c) vs. Mercedes Moné for the TBS title
Willow picks up Mercedes and tosses her into the rafters like she was a paper plane. When Mercedes floats back down to the ring after 15 mins of gliding, Willow powerbombs her so hard that Earth’s magnetic poles shift
Swerve Strickland (c) vs. Christian Cage for the AEW World championship
Swerve should roll Nick Wayne up in one of Mother Wayne’s dusters and use him like a lance to take out Luchasaurus/Killswitch, since he has a masters degree in Medieval history, I believe Luchaswitch would appreciate it.
Then Swerve would have to defeat Mother Wayne as Christian would be hanging on to her leg like a scared kitten.
Once Mother Wayne was disposed of, Swerve will have Nana dance so hard that Christian will pass out resulting in a win via TKO
The Elite (The Young Bucks, Kazuchika Okada & Jack Perry) vs. Team AEW (FTR, Bryan Danielson & Darby Allin) in Anarchy in the Arena
This is too ripe for wild shit. Nothing I could imagine would come close to whatever inevitable insane shit Darby does.
I’ll just say I’m Team Elite. Because I can’t stand FTR.
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years
Tumblr media
thanks to @rnmbingo for throwing together such a fun event every year <3 I had wanted to fill out the entire board but alas life happens, but I did however find a lot of wonderful fic to enjoy for the last month
F/F ship: Rivalry Series by @haloud (General Audiences, 1.6k, Isobel Evans/Anatsa Mufaro)
A Hockey AU, where Isobel and Anatsa are on rival teams. It captures the characters competitive nature’s perfectly while showing Isobel’s more awkward side.
Include a gif/image/emoji: in a little while by @jule1122 (Teen, 1.2k, Michael Guerin/Alex Manes)
An AU in which Michael and Alex are happily together, and Michael gets to reflect on what their relationship means to him (there’s a bit of angst but also a dog!!!)
A work you’ve commented on before: With These Hands by @impalachick (Explicit, 1.6k, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho/Kyle Valenti)
Au, post 3x05, what’s more to say then the three way handprint connection is still intact and Max starts a train of orgasms??? It’s a really amazing concept that’s executed perfectly, all three characters allowing themselves to indulge in fantasies of each other
PODFIC: [podfic] Stay With Me by shmaylor (Teen, 0-10 minutes, Maria DeLuca/Liz Ortecho)
an AU where Maria chases after Liz when she leaves for her road trip post graduation (post Rosa), and she asks her not to leave (warnings: slight Max slander but like- *whispers* he deserves it)
Mature or Explicit work: a gentleman’s guide to getting pegged by your girl by georgiehensley (Explicit, 1.1k, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
really well structured smut, where Max agrees to try pegging (WARNING: a real trigger this time, so there’s a line in here that assumes a point of view on the act of pegging that’s derogatory towards the concept of penetration, and has undercurrents of misandry)
A WIP: Surreal Estate by @beautifulcheat (Teen, 13.3k, Rosa Ortecho/Isobel Evans/Anatsa Mufaro)
AU, haunted houses (sorry stigmatized properties)! The vibes are spectacular, and the characters are beautifully conveyed in this setting. Not to mention there’s mystery and intrigue.
AU (Alternate Universe) Work: Love The Very Blood of You by soldierwitch (Teen, 13.3k, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
an AU where Max was adopted separate of his siblings, and instead of becoming a Deputy to help him sleep at night he becomes a priest, in walks Liz Ortecho an agnostic scientist who changes his world (warning: it’s a wee bit blasphemous, but as a person who subscribes to the religion in discussion it’s not actually upsetting, like I’m very personally picky about religious themes, idk if that makes sense)
“This Work Made Me___”: Charity Case With Benefits by @maeglinthebold (Mature, 1.5k, Maria DeLuca/Michael Guerin/Alex Manes)
delightfully fun, there’s only one bed and they’re all just so perfect, every single beat is timed to perfection creating a fun and heart warming scene
Author’s First RNM Work: The Powers of Flowers by incandescentchampagneproblems (Teen, 2.3k, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
a cute little au with a flower shop, and Liz being dead certain the last thing she’ll be doing is getting caught in a rom com (but the jokes on her cause she’s in a rom com)
A Poly Work (3+ People): The Consequences of Being a Tease by tv_obsessions (Explicit, 1.7k, Maria DeLuca/Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
pure smut, in which Max and Maria enter a friendly competition to see who can make their girl feel good (in other words Liz Ortecho deserves all the orgasms) and like Max calls Maria ma’am
“I Loved ‘Quote from Work’”: I Z Z Y by @ajna-eye-cogitations (General Audiences, 0.3k, no pairings)
this fic was amazing as always (this is an author rec too guys <3) literally every single word was beautifully constructed, and like the fire and snake symbolism, truly captured Iz’s spirit in this fic
Free Space (Any Time of Comment): [fanvid] The Way - Max/Liz by @impalachick (roughly a minute each, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
Beautiful! Their 3x09 road trip to the music Max canonically selected for their highschool trip
Rare Pair of New To You Ship: I like my girls just like I like my honey by milzilla (Teen, 1k, Jenna Cameron/Maria DeLuca)
Fake dating! One bed! Must I go on? They’re also going to a fancy event, and the emotions are captured so wonderfully
Fanart: Every Night I Save You by @viaomens (Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
A stunning Echo edit, that makes me wanna cry, it’s beautiful in the way visuals are but also conceptually and emotionally
“I Loved the Scene Where__”: Vision of Love by anonymous (General Audiences, 2.8k, Maria DeLuca/Liz Ortecho)
AU, Maria and Liz have a chance meeting after Liz gets an amazing job offer, their connection is flawless and the imagery is gorgeous
>50K FIC: The Truth is Right Here by @ladynox @beautifulcheat (Mature, 377.8k, Maria DeLuca/Michael Guerin/Alex Manes)
flawless, perfection, the reason I ship malexa, the world is so great, the characters so well translated (and fleshed out in beautiful ways canon could only have dreamed of). A must read IMO, joining a short list of fic I’d rec to someone unaware of the source material
Be The First to Comment on a Work: This Smile is a Loaded Gun by Limestone_and_Hemlock (Teen, 0.6k, Liz Ortecho/Isobel Evans)
AU, they’re assassins in a Charlie’s Angels esque scenario, and the tension is gorgeous (there’s also an edit)
Gen or Teen Work: what an imbecile! what an ultramoron! by @maeglinthebold (Teen, 0.3k, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho/Kyle Valenti)
hilarious! Also, just so many good little pieces of who the three of them are and how they naturally come together
Comment on a Work with <10 kudos: it’s the best thing that I’ll ever do by @thesquidkid (General Audiences, 1.1k, Isobel Evans/Anatsa Mufaro)
the seamlessness of it! It’s an anatsobel wedding full of so many feelings and history, completely incapsulating why I adore them as a ship
<1000 Word FIC: Kiss of Hope by creatureofhobbit (General Audiences, 0.4K, no pairings)
a simultaneously heartbreaking as heartwarming look at Max and Bonnie’s views of their abilities
A Comment That is 1000+ Characters: State of Love and Trust by @wunderlass (Mature, 18.1k, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
Canon Divergent 2x05, in which Max’s Darkness is a little more difficult to shake, it’s sexy and heartbreaking, and there’s Jones parallels galore
3+ Chapters of a Multichapter Work: Heart of Lightning: A Roswellian Tale by @suzteel (Teen, 20k, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
Knight Liz! King Max! Sorcerers and Seers, it’s all perfection, and the way it weaves canon flawlessly into the setting is stunning
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