#and thirsty anon asks
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rvengefulobster · 7 months ago
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Anyone else think this line was a bit strange?
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muddyorbsblr · 1 month ago
i had a dream last night and i dont know who else to tell about it...
loki, wanda, and i were on a beach, and loki was just full on nude
girl, it was MASSIVE 😭😭
anon idk who you are but THANK YOU for sending over this thotty dream to me
Loki full on nude sunbathing on the beach is something that needs to be turned into a thirst fic or a smutshot holy fuckque--
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yes yes this needs to be turned into something, i'm calling in the smuttery dealers
@lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @simplyholl @wheredafandomat @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @give-me-a-moose @mochie85 @gigglingtiggerv2 @liminalpebble @smolvenger
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dipperscavern · 5 months ago
Thirsty Jon anon again but like what type of noises does he make in bed..is he a moaner? Whiner? Gasper? Grunter? Me needs to know
all of the above. i’ve said this before and i’ll say it again… jon is sensitive. he’s so… receptive. on the regular? gasper + grunter (occasional groan), but you can turn that man into a whiner SO QUICK IDC. IDC IDC IDC. some well placed touches & his mouth is fallin open n a whine escapes him as he bucks his hips up a lil OHH NEED THAT
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thisismeracing · 1 year ago
Thoughts on who’s a boobs vs thighs vs butt guy?
My speculation would be Charles goes for boobs, Mick goes for butt, Danny goes for thighs
+18!! minors DNI!
mick - boob (defending my case using the NSFW alphabet I wrote for him here hihihih particularly this part: "He loves to slip his hands inside your shirt and play with your nipples or just simply hold your boobs, it’s comforting". However, let's agree that he would be obsessed w your butt too, like you're passing and he's slapping it when you're alone, or squeezes it when kissing you hihi).
lewis - thighs (Lewis lover to give you head, therefore he loves to be between your thighs, he also loves to rest his hand there whenever you're nervous or he's nervous, and there's something so intimate when he rests his head on your thighs while you're watching something or just chilling together, something he used to do even before you started dating. anyways............change my mind!!!! kdsjfksdj)
charles - boob (loves to fidget with your nipples, will do it without even noticing. loves to lie his head there whenever he's sad or want some cuddles).
carlos - butt (walk in front of this man when you're alone and you can bet he will slap your ass. also totally loves doggy, therefore loves the view of your ass. slapping, squeezing, BITING, sdkgjskgjdsbye)
danny - thighs (v similar to sir lewis, danny is really into head, and he also loves to lie on your thighs while you play with his hair. also, he loves cowgirl, and when you sit on his face. your thighs are his temple, he'll knell and treat it as an altar).
lando - boob (I think he would accidentally stare at your boobs when you're wearing a summer dress or something that really grabs his attention, and that's when you finally notice he likes you. it would be funny because I can see him blushing and starting to laugh uncontrollably kjfksdjgs)
send me thots!
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gotstabbedbyapen · 7 months ago
Hello! I was wondering if you have any HCs of Ares being a good dad if you’re a still doing them👀
I'm always open for making HCs! It's not an open request, just you guys suggesting things to me and I give you my thoughts and all.
Ares is trying to break the generational trauma cycle, learning from his great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents. He isn't the most beloved child of either Zeus or Hera, so he makes sure none of his kids, mortal or immortal, has to feel the same.
When Aphrodite was pregnant with any of their children, Ares would talk to them every night. He wasn't very good at baby-talking, basically just talking to his kids like they were his battle comrades. Aphrodite laughed at him the entire time.
When Aphrodite gave birth to Eros and Anteros (their first children), Ares was at her side to support. The mighty god of war then fainted TWICE during the procedure, hitting his head on a desk in the second time, but managed to keep himself conscious enough to see his kids before fully passing out.
Eileithyia later bans Ares from getting into the delivery room because she doesn't want to deal with her brother fainting again. And Ares throws a fit.
The birth of Phobos and Deimos was hell. Because he was banned, Ares was screaming outside of the delivery room, begging to come in to see if his kids were alright. Eileithyia prayed that someone will restrain her before she dash outside and smack her brother's head out of the window.
Aphrodite was super worn out after delivering Phobos and Deimos. So Ares let her rest while he held the twins each on one arm and "breastfeed" them with bottles taped on his chest XDDD
When Harmonia was born, Ares held her in his arms all the time, just staring at her tiny face for hours and not realizing he was crying. Nobody knows why he was like that. Ares didn't know why either.
Ares would let Harmonia braid his hair with flowers and bowties. He won't put on his war helmet on for a long time just to show off his daughter's work, even when he's going into battle.
If you laugh at his braided hair, that's one spear in your ass :)
Although Ares wasn't the bio father of the rest of the Erotes gang, he is their sorta-father-figure.
Ares is the type of dad who secretly gives you permission behind your mom's back. Eros is a little shit because daddy spoiled him and always got his back.
Ares helped Eros convinced Aphrodite to cease her scorn and try to accept Psyche into the family. It was hard work and took them centuries, but Aphrodite finally did get over her anger toward Psyche.
The list of Ares' good dad moments will be incomplete if we don't include Alcippe.
After killing Halirrhothius, Ares frantically turned to Alcippe to make sure she is alright. At first, he thought Alcippe would refuse him coming near because of what happened earlier. But to his surprise, Alcippe jumped into his arms right away and cried her fear out. Ares just held his daughter and be her anchor, and they stayed like that in silence.
When Ares was put in trial for murdering his daughter's assaulter, he did not regret a thing and was ready to receive all punishment. He even had his last words if he were to be imprisoned for all eternity: "If his children were ever attacked again, he would crawl out of Tartarus and drag the attackers down with him."
Hippolyta and Penthesileia, his Amazonian daughters, are personally trained by Ares, basically growing up under his eyes. They can be slaying enemies left and right and covered in blood and Ares will be cheering for them the loudest in the background.
But truth be told, there is still a dark side of Ares' blinding devotion to his children. Because Ares spoiled his children so much, some of them turned out to be terrible people, and yet he often turn a blind eye to his children's horrible deeds.
Heracles killed many of Ares' children during his journey because they were tyrants (Cycnus who killed travelers, Diomedes who owned man-eating horses, etc.). It's their karma serving to them, but Ares was having none of that. This is why the war god was hostile towards Heracles during his labor.
After Hippolyta's death, Ares was adamant to keep Penthesileia safe when she joined the war. And yet he still lost her to Achilles' spear.
When Ascalaphus and Penthesileia were killed in the Trojan war, Ares was ready to defied Zeus' order and rushed down to them. But, alas, he couldn't risk his father's anger and could only watch their death them from afar.
The other Olympians might not like Ares much, but most of them stood in solemn as the war god greatly mourn his children.
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katnissdoesnotfollowback · 10 months ago
“PSA: Girls who wear Skechers don’t give BJs”
Have some high school Everlark, Anon. They’re seniors in this, so 18 or about to turn 18 years old. RATED M.
Peeta smirks slightly at the ridiculous graffiti on the bathroom wall. What, he wonders, does a girl’s choice of footwear have to do with her willingness to go down on a guy?
He digs a sharpie from his book bag and uncaps it before scrawling a response.
Or maybe you’re just an asshole no one would blow anyway.
He finishes and washes his hands, adjusting his bag on his shoulder as he makes his way towards his locker.
“What’s so funny?”
He glances up and blinks at Katniss Everdeen. Momentarily speechless at the sight of her, cheeks flushed and braid slightly disheveled.
“What?” he asks and she motions towards his face.
“You were smiling. That cute little smile you get when you’re amused.”
“Cute little smile?” he teases, his mouth stretching wider into a real smile. “You think my smile is cute?”
“Shut up, Peeta. It’s been six months,” Katniss mutters with a roll of her eyes.
“And what? I can’t still be in awe that the Katniss Everdeen not only actually agreed to date me but also thinks my smile is cute?”
“I’m dating you strictly for the cheese buns and the guaranteed prom date,” she retorts as she places a hand on his shoulder for balance. She works off one of her character shoes.
“I’ll take it.” He holds still for her and nods towards her feet. “Show choir practice ran late?”
“Trinket’s got a bur up her butt about the performance this weekend. You know how she gets.”
“Girls. You cannot hold back. Each movement must maximize the fabulousness of the routine!” He mimics and Katniss snorts slightly.
“I just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible,” she explains why she didn’t change her shoes before leaving the choir room.
“I’ll rub your feet later,” Peeta promises quietly. Katniss’s expression softens and her eyes dart around the hall before she leans in and presses a quick peck to his lips.
“And there’s another reason why I’m dating you.”
“Don’t get too excited,” he says. “I may ask you to reciprocate tonight. My calves are still burning.”
“Coach still pushing you guys hard over that bullshit second place last week?” He nods and glances down as she tugs on her sneakers. Sketchers.
His lips quirk and she freezes with her left shoe only partially on her foot.
“There it is again. That smile.”
“It’s nothing. Dumb graffiti on the bathroom wall.”
“Oh?” Her eyebrow lifts and Peeta sighs, knowing he won’t get away with distracting her again. He leans in close to whisper in her ear, even though it’s over an hour since school let out and they’re probably the only ones left in the halls.
“It says ‘PSA: Girls who wear Sketchers don’t give BJ’s.’” Katniss makes an indignant noise and Peeta chuckles lightly as he returns to his locker, finishing swapping out what he needs to finish his homework tonight. “Told you it was dumb.”
“And clearly wrong,” she says, sounding almost offended.
He shuts his locker and turns to her, amused now by how pissed off she looks. “Come on, Katniss. It’s probably just some butt hurt Nice Guy whining because no one would blow him anyway, Sketchers or not.”
“Then why were you smiling?” Katniss demands and realization of what she must be thinking about smacks him in the face. He steers her towards the doors, out into the parking lot where his beat up hand me down car is parked.
“Because I wrote something to that effect in response,” he tells her.
“Oh.” She says, but she still can’t quite meet his eyes. “So the other day, when I couldn’t… you know…”
They’ve reached his car and Peeta maneuvers them so that she’s backed up against it. He leans in close, nuzzling beneath her ear and lacing their fingers together at their sides.
“I don’t care, Katniss. How I feel about you isn’t dependent on whether or not you do something like that.”
“But… you want it,” she says softly.
“Of course I want it,” he whispers. “If it happens, I’m gonna love every second of it. But if it never happens, that won’t change the way I feel about you. Okay?”
She’s still biting her lip, but she nods and lets Peeta open the car door for her.
“Come on. Let’s get you home so we can take care of your feet.”
She climbs in and he makes his way around the car to do the same. They’re mostly quiet on the drive to her place, but when he parks in her driveway, he can’t resist leaning over to kiss her once. Just a quick little one because he knows how she feels about people seeing them. Mainly her neighbors, in this case.
“Besides,” he murmurs when they separate, “how am I gonna complain about it when you changed your mind because… what was it you said?”
He knows he’s got a shit eating grin on his face now, and Katniss is blushing and scowling at him.
“You know exactly what I said. And that smile is not cute,” she huffs, motioning towards him. But he still can’t wipe it off his face as she clambers from the car and he follows her.
He doesn’t think he’ll ever forget what happened when they’d gotten a little hot and heavy, tucked away in a dark corner of her backyard while her parents were working late and Prim was sleeping over at a friend’s. The sudden drop of his stomach when she tugged his shorts down and his cock bobbed up only for a dark scowl to take over her face. And Peeta started to panic that there was something off putting about his dick. Maybe he hadn’t washed well enough after practice and smelled a bit funky? He was about to suggest they try something else, about to call it off himself when she’d blurted out one of the biggest ego strokes she’s ever given him.
“How am I supposed to fit all of this in my mouth? Unhinge my jaw?”
Not that she’d never seen him before, but he supposed she’d never given much thought to sucking his dick until that moment. Her perturbation had put a rather abrupt halt to their making out, but Peeta sure as shit wasn’t gonna complain about it.
Her words had spawned an entirely new string of fantasies that had driven his frantic shower time masturbations for almost a week since it happened. Katniss getting him off with her mouth, without putting his cock in her mouth at all. Other than maybe just the tip.
Inside her house, Katniss calls out to make sure Prim’s already made it safely home on the bus, bringing him out of his memories and back to the present.
“I’m here!” Prim shouts back and Katniss double checks the notes in the kitchen so she knows when to get dinner started for her parents.
Peeta stands beside her and helps where he can. When they reach a point where Katniss can take a break, she takes his hand and leads him to her bedroom. Technically, her parents have a rule against Katniss having any boys in her room, especially when they’re not here. His palms sweat a little with nerves, that they might get caught, but this isn’t the first time they’ve broken the rules. And Prim’s already shown she won’t tattle on them.
He’s expecting her to sit on the bed and take her shoes off, but instead she locks the door and shoves Peeta back on the bed. A second time to get him to lay on his back.
“Foot massage?” he asks dumbly as she climbs on top of him, hovering over him on all fours. But then her mouth is on his and he gives up on talking. Resting his hands lightly on her hips, he follows her lead with the kisses. She’s being aggressive today and he shudders when she bites down on his bottom lip. Whimpers into her mouth when her hand slides down his body and starts palming him through his sweatpants.
“Katniss,” he whispers when she lifts her head and slides her hand back out of his pants. “Come here. I wanna taste you.”
He moves to push her hips up his body so she’s sitting on his face, but Katniss shakes her head. And then his throat constricts and dries out completely as she turns herself around, still on all fours, so her knees are on either side of his chest.
“Katniss what are you—?” He tries to ask as she shoves his sweat pants down his thighs. He obediently lifts his hips to help, hissing and gripping her thighs as she wraps one hand around his cock to pull him out of his shorts.
“I’m proving that asshole graffiti wrong,” she murmurs and Peeta’s eyes roll back in his head as her lips slide warm and wet over his tip. When he turns his head to moan into her pillow, his eyes land on her shoes, still on her feet. Her Sketchers. He’s staring at them a few minutes later when he warns her that he’s about to come. And he’s still staring at them when he resurfaces from the haze of his release, a slow smile spreading over his mouth.
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anonymousmink · 4 months ago
Trick or Treat from a fellow Adarling (a very thirsty one… like srsly dehydrated… 🥵)
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Adar made a batch of toffee apples for Halloween but it seems like his kids have eaten them all - you don’t mind sharing do you?
Reblogs are loved but please don’t repost! ❤️
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borathae · 5 months ago
sibi I would be HONORED if you choose my enemies to lovers lost in a cabin sharing one bed naked trope!
I imagined this: they have to get rid of their clothes because they are wet and lit the fireplace, yn could tell him to close his eyes while she's undressing and getting under the covers.
At first they'd be on opposite sides of the bed, but they need human heat and they get closer and closer untill they are practically spooning. JK grabes her by the waist and touches her tits by accident and she moans but no one says nothing about it (but his dick starts to get hard). When she feels it, she starts squirming around, and by all the movement the tip of his dick ends up on her entrance. She keeps moving and the tip gets in the tiiiiniest bit, but both are still quiet about it. By now his hands are dangerously close to her nipples. This push an pull game keeps going on untill his dick is fully in but they don't move, maybe a few shy thrust here and there. Untill yn says something like fuck me like you mean it or something and he rearranges her guts.
bye again I'll be hiding in my cave of shame
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I see the vision anonie I fucking SEE IT AFDJSFJAJ YOUR MIND NFNFDFN 🥴🥴🥴🥴
there is no cave of shame only a cave of horny and we are all in it JFAJDJF
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dykedvonte · 11 months ago
Ok so we know you love Benny (rightfully so, I mean look at the man) but do you have any thoughts on the other Chairmen? Swank and Tommy specifically?
I have so many thoughts on the Vegas families but even more on the Chairmen just because of how unique their position is.
Like to start off, I have mentioned and still fully believe the Chairmen are the most paranoid and distrusting of all of the Vegas families. You can get sucked into many personal dramas and plights when it comes to the other Vegas Families; Quest-lines that get you super involved with their inner workings and pasts, ergo, quest-lines like Beyond the Beef and How Little We Know. Other than the very little side quest we get from Tommy, where you don’t even out in a good word for the Aces Theater for the talent recruits, your very boxed out with the Chairmen.
While the other families are more curious and intrigued by the NCR and Legion tensions rising, House being killed and other things, the Chairmen are always paranoid, concerned and negative. They mention wanting to leave like in the old days but can’t drop the act. They don’t mention anything that isn’t in a way that relates back to them and it tells how little they wish to or do interact with those outside the family. Swank mentions how he doesn’t trust the other families and the sentiments are shared with Tommy who discourages you from seeing the other sights. They are probably not purposely isolating themselves but they keep to their own. I only think this is extrapolated by House favoring Benny as a successor and possibly more restrictions on them. They were the first family and likely the prototype of whatever is detailed in their contracts. House was not as lenient as he is now, taking Swank referring to House’s rules into account.
Specifically about Tommy and Swank is interesting. Tommy feels like he’s older to me, not like more mature but he’s been around to see how far the Boot-Riders changed into the Chairmen. He’s not like an old guy either but older than Swank and Benny. I like to think he’s a middle ground to Swank and Benny, where Benny is the idealist, Swank is the nihilist and he’s there realist. You gotta real with people when you work in entertainment. He has a keen eye and can tell when things aren’t right but doesn’t jump out of his lane, not without provocation that is. In relation to Benny, I think Tommy’s like a snide older brother type guy. He rips on Benny cause the guy is so obsessed with not being seen as a tribal anymore but Tommy of all people can see when someone is playing too much into a bit. Benny keeps him close cause he keeps him real.
Swank is described in universe by House as being dependable but unimaginative. I don’t think that’s fully the case but he isn’t the person to push things in my eyes either. He has complaints but he does what he’s asked of and is loyal. More of a “Are you sure” Man than a “Yes” Man. I don’t think he sees the best in the people around him but prefers to see them as static. I take this with how hard it is to convince him that Benny is a traitor and how he seems shocked you are so ready to kill him. Things run a certain why and it’s why he likes that. It’s why he’s so good a managing The Tops. He wants things to run smooth and easy and everyone to be having a time. He’s the type to struggle with a shift in change at first but then forget why when the new song and dance start to come naturally. He plays the part just like Benny but also reminds him of what they came from. He’s his most trusted advisor and friend keeps him in focus.
This is all personal opinion and just a quick run down of it. But I hope I answered at least some of what you asked:p
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hellfirenacht · 1 year ago
Horny Eddie hcs???
Fuck it, my personal horny HCs
-It takes him a while to warm up to being more dominant, he'll follow directions easily but starting to take initiative himself takes a while for him to do because he wants to make sure he does it right.
-the first few times he is determined to get you off first, and he asks you a LOT about what he's doing and what you want him to do.
-He loves going down on you almost as much as he loves you doing down on him. He wasn't sure if he would like it but he was willing to do it. Once he does though he enjoys it a lot. It allows him to just focus on one thing
-His fingering game is on point and is really good at finding the right pace and pressure you need, which comes from many years of playing guitar.
-He likes it when you call him by his name more than any pet name in bed. It's the intimate act of being seen and wanted for him that really turns him on. He'll ask you to keep saying his name whenever he makes you feel good.
-When he's more used to having sex with you he's more spontaneous and adds more bravado. When he's completely comfortable he wants to have FUN during sex.
-He'd totally be into seeing you dressed up in Renaissance fair garb, and would ham it up playing a rogue or something.
-wails on it like... Once a day maybe.aybe every other day. Sometimes he's not even horny, he just does it.
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year ago
LMAO hell yeah
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dipperscavern · 5 months ago
same thirsty jon anon. But I keep thinking of his scene when he fought Ramsay AND THAT ONE SCENE WHERES STANDING WITH HIS SWORD all dirty and bloody…I just wanna he looked so delicious I am a whore
id literallg after all his effort to retake winterfell i’m marching that man to his chambers tenderly holding him and kissing his temples as he bathes and then riding it like i’m going 120 on the interstate and the cops are behind me
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cillianmurphysdimples · 4 days ago
Hey thirsty girl, why aren't you thirsty anymore? Be thirsty. BE THIRSTY!!!
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See, I drink! I thirsty!
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reedraws · 9 months ago
does Mrs scroll mom have a Mr scroll mom
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She is in fact unmarried
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pip-n-chips · 2 years ago
The Harper pregnancy asks got my brain juices flowing so please indulge me for a hot minute.
What if PC got married down the road and it turns out that her spouse is infertile. Spouse seems blissfully unaware and PC thinks it's on her end it out so she approaches Harper for help. Who initially sees this as an opportunity to just make some more cash via pictures or videos (the way he does during his Friday visits in game) and test some new fertility drugs he's cooked up. While she's happily taking them, Harper is looking through his list of regulars to find matches who look closer to PC's spouse. Can't have the kid looking TOO different, right? And he prides himself on providing excellent service.
He starts inviting her over twice a week under the guise of treating her infertility while in reality, he's hypnotizing her and letting her get fucked by his regulars. Really, just a way to make some quick cash. He's not TOO emotionally involved in this.
But our good doctor pretty much starts salivating when PC does end up pregnant and shows up for regular check ups. He cannot stop touching her belly, maybe shows her how to knead her breasts to help with lactation later on, takes so many measurements and asks invasive questions, is just a general creep who is quickly becoming obsessed with having PC carry his kid. He's so mad at his past self, he should have been the one to knock her up, everything else be damned. He can hypnotize her still, sure, and he does so (rubbing his dick all over the curve of her belly. Making her use her growing breasts. Having her bounce on his dick later on and Harper rubs his hands all over her, he cannot get enough) but it's just not the same.
So when PC shows up again a year or two after having the first kid, looking down and miserable because her and her spouse have been trying again but it seems the treatment needs to be reapplied, Harper jumps on the opportunity. He becomes obsessed the second PC says 'We'd like to have another baby'. He acts all sympathetic and soothing and reassures her that he will look into it again, to please come back in a week. Because he wants to prepare for this properly. Meanwhile, his mind switched to the fast lane and his thoughts are racing. No way he's contacting his regulars again. This time, it'll be his child. He can potentially explain away the looks by going 'PC is an orphan, maybe the kid got their looks from PC's parents' and he is curious to see how his child's pregnancy data/stats would compare to the other one but that's when it hits him. He can give PC stronger meds. Give her additional shots. She could have twins. Maybe triplets.
Harper's hand is down his pants before he can stop himself.
He'll fuck her so well. Fill up her aching, empty womb, again and again and again. Maybe hypnotize her and make her stay after hours so he can truly indulge. Take a video of her sitting on an examination table, legs spread and gaze glassy. Harper instructing her to say things like 'I'm going to be impregnated by Doctor Harper today. I couldn't be happier' or 'Doctor, please, come inside of me.' She'd look so pretty and big and she'd have to visit him so often to make sure the pregnancy is progressing as intended. He might get to indulge himself every day. Take so many pictures. Let his hands roam, chart every inch of skin and jot down the results. Get his mouth on her breasts. He really could induce early lactation this time around, drink her creamy milk, get samples for his research.
Harper cannot fucking wait.
The next appointment PC shows up for, Harper's waiting for her with a smile and some very good news. (And maybe, just maybe, he is already planning her third pregnancy.)
holy shit, anon
Harper isn't the only one salivating anymore cuz hot damn
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moonspirit · 11 months ago
No worries, whay matters is that the boy definitely has a BIG ....
heart. 😏
Yes!!! Big heart, look at the big heart!!!
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Whoops no, wrong image I mean, big heart! Look at the big heart!
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Whoops sorry, wrong image, I mean-
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