#and thinking ab ocs while on the clock
n0phis · 4 months
the art drought sorry . my hair is funny today tho
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twistedtummies2 · 2 months
How would your twst ocs react if your s/o ended up sleeping on their stomach? Like they just fall asleep out of nowhere because it's comfortable, without telling them. Would they be worried or happy XD
Well, unless said S/O has narcolepsy, I'm just gonna presume the scenario is that they were sitting down somewhere, relaxing, and suddenly the OC of choice realizes their S/O has fallen asleep against their belly. Also, I'm not entirely sure how "kinky" you want these answers to be, soooo I'm gonna try my best to play it safe as much as I can. XD Nakoda would honestly feel touched that his beloved trusts him so much to just fall asleep like that. He'd wrap his coils around them (presuming he's in naga form; if not, maybe he changes in that moment) and hold them close, softly singing a lullaby as he lets them rest. He knows he COULD take advantage of this situation in a LOT of ways...but right now, he just wants to hold his "sssweetheart" close. Billy will probably take a bit to realize his S/O has fallen asleep on his belly. Once he does realize, he'll just think it's the cutest thing ever; depending on size difference (whether he's in his true giant form, or his human "just sort of big" form) he'll either lightly stroke them with a finger, as if they're a little pet mouse, or he'll drape an arm over them to hold them close and steady. He'll probably clock out alongside them, at some point; they'll wake up to a drooly, snoring giant. Elias would find it sort of funny, to be honest. He'd probably be pretty casual about it, trying to carry on with whatever he's doing, but unable to keep himself from running his fingers through their hair and wagging his tail. If he falls asleep, he'll probably curl up protectively around them. Reno would be rather flustered; he's not used to intimacy like this. Most likely he'd blush and try to wake his S/O up. If they do, he'll quickly regret ruining the moment; if they don't, then he'll just grumble and let them sleep...and probably enjoy it. Either way, when they DO wake up, he'll be teasing them about how he must have made a good pillow...while also trying to hide his own embarrassment. James and Theodore I think would both have the same reaction: each would be startled and unsure of how to react. They might try to wake up their S/O at first, like Reno (James would be much nicer about it than Theo). If that doesn't work, then they'll just...kind of accept it, huffing and blushing and just...holding their S/O's head close, letting them rest. They will NOT admit how good it feels. I'm not EXACTLY sure how Smitty would react, but I'm pretty sure he'd be rather flustered. Probably giggling a bit and adjusting his glasses as his cheeks grow flushed, wiggling a bit as his beloved snuggles into his little potbelly...he knew they liked to snuggle, but this is a bit different. XD Maelstrom would have similar physical reactions to Billy, depending on the size difference...but instead of going all "D'awwww," his attitude would be more smug and cocky. Sort of smirking and chuffing through his nose - "Heh. Cute little guppy." It does occur to him that INSIDE his belly or his maw would make a nice "bed" too...but he honestly likes this feeling too much to ruin it. As for Grit, he wouldn't really know how to react. He never expected to have a human mate, nor did he expect to feel them nuzzling against his abs as they sleep against his soft-but-resilient skin. He'd probably just...let them rest, maybe placing a hand over them possessively, not totally certain what else to do or say. He'll probably still be a bit flustered when they wake up, but he's going to try hard not to show it.
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aspiringtrashpanda · 4 months
Hi, I have a request!
Could you make a fic with the twins and my MC Allister. Allister uses they/he pronouns. They've had a long week at RAD and are quite overstimulated. The twins think of ways to help Allister relax. Maybe they could go around asking the others what might help?
Other than that have with it!
Tysm :3
OOO! This is a cute prompt. I hope I was able to help Allister relax <3 Thanks so much for the request!
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Characters: Beel, Belphie, Allister (OC), Satan & Asmo make an appearance A sweet lil' comfort fic! Fluffy fluff! No warnings apply
Footsteps scurried through the room. Tap, tap, tap. The sound was partially absorbed by the thick carpet of the sitting room, eaten by the playful whoosh of flames in the hearth, but still audible enough to be perceived. However, the twins paid the noise no mind, instead continuing their chosen activities. Such activities consisted of Beel performing situps, while Belphie dangled dread popcorn in front of him. 
It was a dangerous gamble. If he didn’t drop the snack at the right time, he risked Beel’s teeth nicking his fingers. Absently, Belphie wondered if his blood would even sully the popcorn, or if Beel would just think it was some new sort of sauce for added flavor. Then, he pushed the thought away. His twin would definitely know if he was bleeding. 
The rustle of limbs power-walking from point A to point B tickled Belphie’s ears. Beel’s torso curled forward once more, the crunch of popcorn drowning out the background noise tugging at his mind.
With a shrug, Belphie doubled up the snacks, dropping them into Beel’s open maw with each rep. 
This time, the footsteps were accompanied by the flipping of papers, the crinkle of pages pressed against a chest as someone rushed towards the entrance hall. Belphie frowned as he heard the echo of the front door click shut. 
“Hey,” He withheld the popcorn, prompting Beel to pause in his situps. “Allister’s been running around a lot lately.”
“Yeah.” That little crease appeared in Beel’s brow. The one that popped up when he was concerned about something. “Why?”
“Well, they offered to help Lucifer with some paperwork for the upcoming festival.”
“Ah, and they did promise Diavolo they’d help decorate the courtyard for it, too.” 
The fire crackled in the hearth. For a moment, Belphie considered finding the papers that had Allister so busy. What if he just tossed them into the flames? Then, they would be able to relax. He compromised on sighing, “Rookie mistake.”
It fell silent once more. Beel’s abs crunched three more times before he pulled himself upright, wiped the sweat from his brow. 
Belphie was already formulating a plan in his head. “Do we intervene?”
Beel nodded, “Yeah.”
A few messages were exchanged, D.D.D’s buzzing in uniform pockets all throughout the day. For once, Belphie wasn’t sleepy during his classes. No, he was looking forward to what was to come after dinner. Quality time with Allister was always a shot of adrenaline to his brain. 
However, the clock ticked on, the snacks grew cold, and Beel and Belphie sat by their lonesome in the attic. At least, until frantic footsteps rushed into the room. 
“I know! I’m late!” Allister gasped, chest heaving as they keeled over, hands on their knees as they caught their breath. “Sorry, it’s just… been a week.”
Really, the relief overwhelmed any annoyance Belphie felt. He was just glad they were okay. Ish.
“It’s fine,” Belphie yawned, sinking further into the pillows he had placed around him. “The movie’s on Nightflix. It’s not time sensitive or anything.”
Beel patted the spot on the mattress next to him. “Here, have some popcorn.”
The remote hit play and noisy credits popped up on the television, accompanying a grainy found-footage horror scene. Shrieks of terror rang out through the room, the star of the film muddling through an overgrown forest, away from the masked murderer brandishing a chainsaw. 
It was about thirty minutes into the movie when Beel hit pause. “Are you okay?” 
Allister’s jaw popped, held in a vice grip. “Yeah.” 
Belphie was concerned they would shatter their teeth under the pressure of their bite. He ventured, “It doesn’t seem like it.”
“You’re fidgety.” Beel leaned closer to Allister, indigo eyes flicking up and down their frame. “And pale.”
Allister flexed their fingers, tenting them beneath their chin as they took a deep breath, screwed their eyes shut, exhaled noisily. 
“Um,” Their voice shook, the timbre indicating unshed tears, “I’m okay, I guess. I’m just having a lot of difficulty focusing. I think I’m…”
Beel and Belphie waited.
Allister rubbed their eyes, a grimace pulling at their lips as they got to their feet. “I think I’m a little overwhelmed. Sorry, I’m going to call it a night.”
Beel’s gaze mirrored Belphie’s, in more ways than the pink to purple gradient. As Allister retreated downstairs, it was clear that the twins were going to have to up the ante, increase their efforts.
Step one, Belphie decided, was research.
“Satan, are you busy?” He peered into the library, glad to see the mop of blonde hair tucked into an armchair. 
“Not particularly.” Mischief was quick to cloud Satan’s eyes. “Is this an impromptu meeting? Should we get Allister? How are we ruining Lucifer’s life this time?”
It was tempting. Belphie had to admit that it was difficult to curb the ideas flooding his brain. They could spike Lucifer’s favorite tea with hot sauce… Oh! They could curse his pen to sign his name with a heart over the i! Wait, no, he needed to focus. “It’s probably better if Allister isn’t present.”
“Is something the matter?”
“I was wondering if you know what would cause someone to freak out when they’re supposed to be relaxing.” Belphie leaned over the back of the chair. Satan’s book seemed to be written in ancient infernal. Belphie could only make out every other word.
Never one to miss a detail, Satan understood immediately. He hummed, “Allister’s been awfully busy lately, haven’t they?” 
“Yeah,” Belphie sighed, “We tried to watch a movie with them, but they said they were overwhelmed and left.”
“Ah, sounds like they were overstimulated.” 
“How can I help with that?”
“Let’s see…” Satan actually looked up from the page, peering at Belphie in thought. He spoke slowly, as if weighing the advice on his tongue. “If they want to talk about it, vocalizing their feelings could help. If they don’t, well, perhaps some mindful breathing would be comforting. Shutting your eyes for a while and focusing on your body instead of your thoughts might ground them.”
Belphie grinned. If there was one thing he was good at, it was shutting his eyes.
As one twin made his way to his bedroom, a plan unfurling from the corners of his mind, Beel took a different approach. 
“Asmo,” Beel announced his presence, slipping into his brother’s room without bothering to knock. 
Asmo’s head snapped up, a nail polish brush poised over his fingers. “Oh, Beel! You’re just in time! I was about to try this new nail color, see, and I-”
Beel didn’t bother looking. “It looks great, Asmo.”
“I haven’t even applied it yet…?” 
Plopping himself down on Asmo’s luxurious bedding, the springs creaking under his weight, Beel spoke to the floral canopy above. “When you’re stressed, what do you like to eat?”
“What do I like to eat?” Asmo echoed, strawberry blonde hair falling over his eyes with the tilt of his head. “Comfort foods, I suppose. Something that would get me excited and distract me from whatever else is rattling in my beautiful brain.” 
Well, for the Avatar of Gluttony, that didn’t narrow down much. “And what would you consider a comfort food?”
“Beel,” Asmo scoffed, “Do you not have comfort foods?”
“All foods are comfort foods.”
Asmo exhaled slowly, though there was fond amusement in the sound. He carefully swept the thick polish over his nails, considering, “I like cake, but nothing too sweet. I like to cut the sweetness with a bit of coffee. Oh! And I love that brutal chiffon cake that Barbatos makes! It goes so well with the hell coffee beans from café lament.”
“Perfect.” Beel was already halfway out the door. “Thanks Asmo.”
“Wait, Beel! Your nails are chipped! Let me fix them!”
Despite his best efforts, Asmo - in a rare show of strength - did manage to restrain his younger brother, refusing to allow Beel freedom until his nails were runway ready. Though Belphie didn’t mind the wait, the cuticle care enabling a solid half hour nap, he was reaching impatience by the time Beel returned to their shared room.
They waited in quiet anticipation for Allister’s arrival. 
“Hey, what’s up?” The door creaked open, Allister worrying their bottom lip. “I know I bailed last time but I promise it had nothing to do with you two! I really appreciated the effort but - Is that brutal chiffon cake?”
“It is,” Beel beamed, gesturing to the spread he and Belphie had put together. “And if you need a palate cleanser after, we have some decaf hell coffee.”
“Decaf?” Allister echoed, creeping into the room slowly, carefully, as if he was concerned the twins had set some sort of booby trap. 
Belphie lifted his head from his favorite pillow. “Well, we thought the caffeine wouldn’t be ideal for what we want to do.”
“And that is?” Allister’s eyes were wide, flitting between the beds where Beel and Belphie had arranged countless blankets and pillows, to where food and coffee were laid out on a foldable table.
“We know you’re stressed,” Belphie started.
“And we want to help,” Beel put on his best smile, extending as much soft reassurance as he could. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Allister blinked, ducking their head as they twiddled their fingers. “Ah, um, not really? I mean, I don’t really have much to say. It’s just… so much, you know?”
���Come here,” Belphie encouraged, “I got an extra fluffy pillow for you.”
“Here!” Beel barely waited for Allister to settle themselves in the nest of blankets before he was shoving a fork of dessert into their mouth. “Focus on the flavors of the cake. Do they bring back any memories?”
“But also try to clear your mind.” Belphie reminded, “Take a deep breath in.”
“And don’t forget to sip the coffee too. Barbatos paired the blend himself!”
“Ah!” Allister covered their face with their hands, their breathing shaky. Their voice quietly squeaked through the gaps in their fingers. “This is really nice, but…”
Beel frowned. “Are we being too much?”
“A little, yeah.”
“What do you want to do?” Belphie leaned away, watching every little twitch of muscle in their face. 
“Can we just…” Allister sunk into the pillows, their eyes fluttering closed as they exhaled all their worries. “Lie here? Just for a little bit?”
“Of course!” 
And as Allister drifted to sleep, their head on Beel’s chest and Belphie’s fluffy tail tuft warming their cheek, the twins heaved a sigh of relief. The movie could wait. The cake could wait. All that mattered in that moment was that their dear human got some much deserved rest. Beel’s eyes met Belphie’s, a silent agreement resonating between them. Even if they slept through dinner, Allister would not be woken by anything other than their internal alarm.
…Or the rumble of Beel’s stomach.
My requests are open! Find out more HERE.
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rottingmanifesto · 2 years
‘more than anything’ for donovan !! :] (from the prompts!)
Snippet with John and my OC Canary— inspired by @berniecranes little fic he did a while back!
“Didn’t know you had one of Lincoln’s dog tags.”
“You weren’t supposed to know.”
“Hey, your fault for leaving them on the dresser.”
Donovan glances up from his work long enough to see Canary fiddling with the dog tags and shakes his head. The work was a goddamn paper trail with god-knows-what at the end of it. He’d picked up Canary’s habit of chewing on hangnails between paragraphs and swearing when it started bleeding. Two nails bitten down to the quick and working on a third. Beat his smoking habit, at least.
“Just put them back.”
“There’s a story here, isn’t there?”
“Oh Jesus Christ— can you just do what I ask you to for once?” He tosses down a messy dossier and stares at Canary, who shrugs in response without looking up.
“I’ll trade you.”
“Trade me what?”
“What do you want?”
“An answer to all this bullshit,” he motions to the desk, filled to the brim with files and photos. “Which I don’t think you can do.”
Canary runs a bandaged finger over the dog tags. “Have you checked Remy Duvall yet?”
“What, the shitty radio host?”
“I’m just saying, he’s been spotted with Olivia around the city. Could be worth looking into.” They throw their hands up. “Might be wrong.”
Donovan leans back. He’d need a bandage for his left ring finger after picking at the scab. “And you didn’t tell me that sooner.” It’s meant to be a question but comes out more like a command.
Canary looks away. “Didn’t think you’d listen.”
“Right. Well, I’ll look into him, if you put away the dog tags.”
They relent. “Fine. You still owe me the story though.”
“I’ll tell you if anything turns up. Deal?”
This whole summer had been marked with negotiations between residents and this one damn college kid who kept poking into things they didn’t need to. Hell, he’d faced less stress while in-country than he did in the month of July. The humidity didn’t help much.
“Fine by me.”
“You sure about this?”
“Wouldn’t do it if I weren’t sure.”
John lets a puff escape his lips before handing the cigarette to Lincoln, who had finished clipping his dog tag onto the chain. Lincoln was being too tender for John’s liking. There was something off.
“You really want me to have this.”
“Might be the only way we make it out.”
“Hey—we’ll get out of this.”
Lincoln shrugs. “Maybe.”
They sat on the motel bed while Lincoln took a drag then ashes what was left of the cigarette. John had some song playing but it was muted by the ticking clock that spelled the same doom he’d felt since arriving in New Bordeaux. Lincoln held out his hand, which John took. They sat in silence.
He checked his watch. “Gotta run. You keep my tag safe, okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll shine it for you.”
Lincoln smirks with his little sideways grin. “Be safe.”
He left before John could say “you too”.
It had been another sleepless night when he propped himself up with his good hand and got a good look at the tags. They don’t bleed the same. He has type AB blood, and Lincoln has type O-negative. That bothered him. Some damn stupid little bother, but a bother nonetheless.
He eyes the phone. Maybe he would call.
More than anything, he wanted Lincoln to be safe.
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razzlerdazzler · 2 years
I got another request from @riyaselfships for Abe and their OC :)
Abe X Mermaid OC
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It was another day at BPRD. I'm currently talking with Abe in the library. Since the first mission we have gotten closer and have started to hang out more together. Right now we are talking about the newest mission that we are going to be sent on. This time we are being sent to kill a gorgon who has been killing fishermen in a town near the river it's in.
"How much longer until the mission?" I asked Abe, realizing that we have been talking to each other for quite some time. Abe looked at the clock above some book shelves. "In approximately three hours," he said as he turned back to me. I smiled in relief, realizing that I still had enough time to grab some things that I need for the mission. Alice suddenly walked into the room.
"Hey Abe, do you know where-" She stopped as she realized that I was also in the room. "Hey Riya," she said with a smile and waved towards me. I waved back and Abe said "hello Alice, what are you looking for?" She looked back towards him and said "oh, I was just wondering if you knew where Liz was, I wanted to talk to her about something." "Oh, she said that she was going to the cafeteria," I said as she nodded and smiled. "Okay, thanks," she said as she was about to walk out the door. "Wait," I said as I got up. "Is it okay if I join you? I need to get some stuff from my room." She turned back towards me and smiled. "Of course," I turn back towards Abe. "I'll see you soon," he said. I smile at him and joined Alice as we walk out of the library.
"You and Abe sure are getting along well," she said. "Yeah, I guess we are," I said. This caused her to give me a knowing smile. "So, when are you going to ask him out?" I look at her in surprise and feel my cheeks start to heat up. "Alice yo-you can't just ask someone that out of the blue," I said. "I just did," she said and giggled. I think about how i'm going to answer her and then say "I-I don't know, i'm not even sure if he even likes me that way, and if he doesn't I don't want to ruin what we have."
She looks at me incredulously "are you serious, did you not see the way he acts towards you? Especially after your first mission? He totally likes you." "He was just comforting me," I told her. She sighs and says "look, I can tell that he likes you, whenever you're around his eyes brighten and even when you're gone it seems like you're all he talks about ." I feel myself blush at the thought of Abe talking about me to the gang. "I-I'll do it after the mission," I say not even sure why the words came out of my mouth. Alice looks towards me in surprise and a huge smile comes onto her face. "That's my girl," she says as I start to contemplate on how I would even tell him.
Alice suddenly stops and I look up and realize that we already made it to my room. "I'll see you at the garage," Alice says with a smile, I nod and she starts to walk away. I open the door to my room and sigh. I start to pack the things that I need for the mission, and try to think of ways on how to tell Abe.
Soon enough it's time to leave for the mission. I grab my stuff and walk out, closing the door right behind me. I then start to walk towards the garage. As I walk I am greeted by Abe who comes out of the library. "Hi Abe," I say as I feel my heart start to race by just looking at him. "Hello Riya," he greets back with a smile. We then start to make our way towards the garage. "You got everything you need?" He asks me. I nod at him and tell him "yeah, I was able to get everything in time." He smiled and nodded. "Good." There was soon a comfortable silence as we made our way to the garage.
We soon reach the garage and are greeted by Hellboy, Liz, and Alice who arrived there earlier. "What took you two so long?" Hellboy asked with a grin and Alice giggled while Liz just shook her head with a smile. I feel myself blush a little bit from embarrassment while Abe say "it's not our fault you guys decided to arrive early for once." Hellboy smirked at us and the conversation changed. Soon enough it was time to leave.
We all sat in our normal spots with Liz and Alice sitting beside me while Abe and Hellboy sat across from us. We all made small talk on the way there. I didn't join in as much because I couldn't stop thinking about what to tell Abe after the mission. Apparently Abe noticed my quietness and asked "Riya are you alright, you're not usually this quiet?" I felt a group of eyes on me as the others realized that Abe was right. I feel myself blush and start to fidget from the attention. "I-it's nothing, just thinking about the mission." I stutter out as I avoid eye contact. They all seem like they don't believe me but decide to not question it.
"You'll be fine, we've got your back." Alice says to me as she puts her hand on my shoulder comfortingly. The others agree and I smile at them, feeling thankful that they just went with my excuse. I look towards Abe and noticed that he still had a worried expression on his face. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asks. I feel my heart warm at the way he tries to make sure that i'm okay. I smile and lean over and gently grab his hand. I look up at him with a small smile and say "i'm sure, don't worry." He smiles back at me and I feel my heart rate speed up at the sight.
Soon enough we reach the location of where the gorgon was spotted last. We all lumber our way out of the van and into the grass near the river. I look around and notice that it is surrounded by trees and bushes with no living thing in sight. We all make our way towards the the river. We already planned on how we would kill the creature. Like most other plans on dealing with swimming creature Abe and I will try to attract the gorgon's attention while Hellboy, Liz, and Alice kill it. It should be easier this time considering the river is not that deep. Abe and I get ready and then we walk into the river together. I feel my legs start to change into a tail as I get into the water.
Abe and I then started to swim around in the water, I kept looking for the gorgon but could not spot them. We decided to go out a little bit further into the river to see if we could spot them when I spotted something from the corner of my eye. I turned and saw the gorgon heading straight for Abe . There was no time to think. I immediately swim over to Abe and push him out of the way, While doing it I felt a sudden sharp pain in my side. I looked down to see that the gorgon had clawed me deeply in my side. I look up and see Abe staring at me in shock. The gorgon tries to swing at Abe again but he is ready this time and dodges it. The gorgon keeps attacking and Abe keeps dodging it, leading it towards the gang. I tried to help him but I couldn't move too much because the next thing I heard was gunshots and shrill screaming coming from the monster.
I saw Abe start to swim back to me when my vision started to get hazy. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and felt myself start to get lifted to the surface of the river. We reached the surface and I felt Abe hand me off to Hellboy who put me on the ground. Liz suddenly appeared above me as she started to check my wound. "It's pretty deep," I faintly hear her say. I hear splashing and suddenly saw Abe above me. I felt him move my head into his lap as Liz inspected the wound closer. "Alice, you go get the van started, i'm gonna put pressure on the wound, Abe carry her to the van when it gets here, and Red i'm gonna need you to get rid of the gorgon's body." Liz ordered as the others quickly moved to do what they were told.
I suddenly felt and unbearable pain in my side as Liz put pressure on the wound. I screamed from the sudden pain. "Shh shh it's okay Riya, i've got you, it'll all be over soon." Abe soothes me as I cry from the pain. I feel his hands move to wipe the tears from my eyes. "I need to tell you something." I say. He shakes his head, "not now, you can tell me when we get back to headquarters." He says, his voice trembling. The van arrives and Abe picks me up, causing me to groan in pain. "I'm sorry," he murmurs apologies towards me as he lays me down on some of the seats in the van. Hellboy comes back from disposing of the body and soon we are on the move again.
I groan in pain as Liz puts pressure back on the wound. "Abe," I say in pain. "I'm here," he says as he cups my face. "I need to tell you-" I already told you, you can tell me when we get back home." Home, that sounds nice, I think to myself, about the gang and how they have basically became my family. "Please, let me tell you," I say as tears come to my eyes. "I love you so much," I say as I cup his face with one of my hands. I hear him gasp and I go on. "I was actually planning on telling you after this mission. Alice wouldn't stop trying to get me to tell you," I chuckle at the memory but immediately groan as more pain comes from my movement.
I look into Abe's eyes and notice the tears that are gathered in them. And notice them start to slide down his cheeks. I move my hand to wipe them away. "Riya," Ane says as he leans into my hand and puts one of his hands ontop of it. "I love you too," he says. I feel my heart start to speed up from his words. "I have loved you since Alice first introduced us. After that I couldn't stop thinking about you. I don't know how many times Hellboy has told me to tell you how I feel."
I smile up at him, "I love you," I tell him. "I love you too," Abe says as his voice cracks. I start to feel tired. I start to slowly close my eyes. "Hey, no stay with me, please Riya, stay with me, I love you." Are the last words I hear before I pass out.
I slowly wake up in a dimly lit room. I start to look around and notice that only a lamp is on besides the heart monitor. As I look around I notice Abe holding my hand, while looking down at it. He must think that i'm still asleep, I think to myself. I softly squeeze his hand which causes him to look up at me. "Riya?" Abe asks. His voice sounds strained, like he's been crying. As he looks up at me I notice tears in his eyes. "You're awake," Abe says as he starts to smile. "I need to inform the doctors." He says as he stands up. "Wait," I say as I lean forward to grab him but stop as I feel a dull pain in my side.
Abe notices that I am in pain and quickly moves me back to the position that I was in. I smile at him thankfully as he sits back down. We look at each other for a little bit, just admiring each other until he says "you scared us back there you know," he smiles at me a little. "I'm sorry," I apologize, feeling bad for scaring everybody. "It's okay," he says, holding my hand. I smile at him until I really looked at him. I notice that he has bandages on his body. "Did it get you?" I asked, as my blood ran cold, I started to worry.
He looked at me confused until he looked to where I was looking. "Oh," he says "Don't worry, it mainly missed me, I only have a few scratches." I felt myself start to calm down a little, happy that he wasn't seriously injured, but still upset that he even got injured in the first place. I noticed that there was a bandage on his hand. Without thinking, I brought his hand up to my mouth and kissed it where the bandage was. I looked at him and saw him blush. Realizing what I had done I also started to blush. I looked away and said "Sorry, I should have asked first."
I felt a hand on my chin which turned my head towards him. "It's completely fine," he says with a smile on his face. We both just sat there for a few seconds. I couldn't help myself but to look at his lips. As I do I notice that he is looking at mine too. He slowly moves his head closer to mine and I feel my breath hitch. "Is this okay?" He asks and I look up into his eyes. "It's completely fine," I say, repeating his own words back to him. We both smile at each other as he slowly leans in and our lips finally connect.
Kissing Abe was everything I wanted and more. As soon as our lips connected I felt like I could stay there forever. We kissed for what felt like hours but couldn't have been more than a few minutes. I felt myself get lost in the kiss and as soon as Abe broke apart for air I couldn't help but start to follow his lips. He chuckles and I realize what I was doing. I don't know if it was a burst of confidence, or the pain meds that I was on, or maybe it was just because of Abe, but I leaned forward and kissed him. I moved my hands up behind his neck and I felt his go to my waist, while avoiding the wound. We stayed like that , just kissing each other until we needed air. That was until we heard laughter.
I quickly pull away from him and we look up to see Hellboy, Liz, and Alice smiling at us. "So you two finally confessed to each other," Liz said. "About time," Hellboy replied, which cause Alice to laugh, causing both of us to blush. After a bit teasing the topic got changed. "How are you feeling?" Alice asked. "I'm feeling better, thanks." You smile at the gang. Soon enough they all decided to talk about something else and you looked around the room. You smiled to yourself. You're finally home.
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groundcontrol21 · 3 years
Unspoken (1/probably 2?)
After my cri de coeur yesterday for more historical/period snzfic, I strapped in and wrote something that has been bumbling in my head for a little while. It’s with OC’s (*gasp* I know) that I’ve written some private, non-fetish stuff for. I’ll give you a little background on them in the next paragraph, but if you don’t care and just want the snz, chug right on past it for some caretaking of the kinda mutual sort.
I don’t know how to introduce a character so... We are set in 1750s London. We have Jonathan Lindsay, a nobleman who is a member of Parliament (yay nepotism and the House of Lords for hereditary peerages) and who is gay. He enters into a marriage with Sarah Lindsay, an asexual woman of a wealthy merchant background. They get married because they honestly care for each other as friends and know what each other does and doesn’t want in a relationship, and they are expected to be married anyway. The Richard you see mentioned here is an on-and-off sexual partner Jonathan has secretly outside of marriage. Of course, it being 1750s Britain, this whole arrangement is also secret, with disastrous consequences should it come to light... dun dun DUNNN. 
Anyway, yeah, that’s kinda elaborate for a snz fic, right? But they exist in the vanilla, so-called “normal” story realm as well, so that’s my excuse. Also guess what media inspired them. And yeah, I just want some ace and non-conventional relationship period representation. There will be at least as second part to this, with decidedly more sneezing, maybe more? Onwards, below the cut!
TW: discussion and description of menstrual pain
The ravenous hunger Sarah had felt the night before had been, as usual, her warning of what was to come the next day. So when she woke the next day to find her course had come and with it the usual agony, she resigned herself to the day abed her body dictated she take once a month, wavering in a haze of pain. Perhaps Jonathan had bid her farewell before he had left that morning, perhaps she had still been asleep, but Sarah did not remember and did not care for the effort of trying. She tried, as she always did, to grasp at blissful unconsciousness between bouts of pain and treatment, for the majority of the day. 
“The servants say you never made it out of bed this morning.”
The words caused Sarah to stir from her half-sleep, exhausted and heavy from pain. Jonathan was home; had she already passed the day away? Blinking heavily, she waited until her husband had come around to the side of the bed which she faced before replying.
“Alas, that is true,” she said, curling upon herself more tightly, hands gripping her abdomen. “I couldn’t imagine moving.”
Jonathan clucked his tongue. “That bad, hmm? What have you done for it?” He picked up the cup on the nightstand and inspected it, switching the contents round a few times. “Tea, I see, but half finished and cold.”
Sarah groaned softly, more at the thought of moving to sit up and take more tea than anything else. “Makes me feel ill.”
“Perhaps some more of that salve you liked last month?” At this, Jonathan’s brow furrowed and he cast a look at the bedroom door. “Though I wonder if I shouldn’t send for the doctor…”
“Jonathan, no,” Sarah said forcefully, enough to make her stomach roil again, “he knows no more than we do.” She took a deep breath as she let the sharp pain settle to its usual, nagging ache. “But I’ll have the salve. Send for Sally so she can apply it.”
“If you’d prefer,” Jonathan said, but he was already reaching for the porcelain jar on the bedside table, “but I’m more than happy to do it myself.”
“Nonsense, you’re due to be meeting Richard tonight, aren’t you?” With a bit of effort, Sarah managed to crane her head enough to get a glimpse of the pendulum clock that loomed like a statue in the corner. It was past six in the evening, and she furrowed her brow. “Come to think of it, shouldn’t you be with him now?”
Jonathan shook his head. “I’ve cancelled.”
Sarah felt her blood run cold at the words. “Why? Did something happen?”
“No, nothing of the sort,” Jonathan said quickly, anticipating her distress. He hesitated a moment before adding, “I’m just not feeling altogether well, either.”
His words assuaged her fear at his being found out, but in Fear’s place, Concern for his well-being blossomed in her heart. “What’s wrong?”
“I’ve got a terribly sore throat. Could be from all the arguing but I’m feeling a bit achy as well, so…” He trailed off, but there was no need for him to voice the inevitable conclusion. She noticed now that his wig and coat were off; he had come home with no intention of going back out again.
It was not uncommon for her husband to come home from a full day at Parliament with his voice half-gone from all the shouting, but Sarah could not deny that there was a rougher edge to it today. “Now that you mention it, your voice does sound a bit hoarse.”
“It was worse earlier,” Jonathan admitted, and her heart sank. “Mary brought me some tea with lemon when I arrived home, before I came up to see you.”
“If you’re not feeling well, you don’t have to do this,” Sarah said, even after Jonathan had already uncapped the jar, coated his fingers in the slick rose-scented balm, and began to rub tight circles in the small of Sarah’s back. “You need your rest as much as I do.”
“I don’t mind. After all, you liked the ‘surprising’ strength I put into my massages.”
Sarah smiled at the teasing note in her husband’s voice. “It is surprising.” A tall, gangly man such as he who was hopeless at every sport from riding to fencing somehow managed an even firmer touch than the scullery maid who spent day in and day out doing naught but working with her hands. 
“I can do other things besides give speeches.”
“Like?” Sarah prodded him, this teasing her favorite part of their friendship.
“Rub salve.”
At this, Sarah couldn’t help but giggle like a little girl. She was perhaps a bit giddy from the pain she had endured all day, but the presence of Jonathan and his working of the salve was enough to take off the sharpest edge. Little by little, she felt herself relaxing more fully into the massage. 
“Have you forgotten that I am also the long lost protégé of Michelangelo?” Jonathan said with a little sniffle. “You have seen that–” He paused, both in speech and in his ministrations, his breath hitching. “Th–ah–at hehhh’KSCHEW! Ihhh’SHEEWW!” He sniffled again and again in the aftermath.
“Oh,” Sarah said softly, pity sinking in her stomach. She could tell without even looking at her husband that he was in dire need of a handkerchief. She pointed in the direction of where hers was kept. “There is a handkerchief on the table.”
“Thank you.” Jonathan retrieved it and stood by the door, out of Sarah’s sight, to make use of it. He muffled the sound well, but even so Sarah could tell how congested he was becoming. Once finished, he sat back down beside her on the bed to resume. “I had forgotten how potent that salve is.”
“Maybe,” Sarah hummed, “but you would have sneezed anyway, sooner or later. You’re getting ill.”
“Definitely. Even your sneezes sounded ill.”
Jonathan chuckled slightly. “And how would you know? You have never seen me ill before.”
Sarah intended to rise to his ribbing with a quip of her own, but before she could, a cramp shot like lightning through her and she hunched even further inward with a cry of pain. It was moments like these that made her wish she accepted physician’s orders of laudanum, but having seen the other end of addiction, she knew even this pain was preferable. 
Immediately Jonathan’s hand was on her shoulder, his voice a hair’s breadth from frantic. “Shh, Sarah, should I send for anything else?”
“No,” she breathed out between waves of pain. “A cramp. Just keep rubbing.”
Jonathan resumed his ministrations, applying the salve even more copiously than before. Gradually, time and the massage made the intensity of the pain back down, and so Sarah could become conscious of more than just her own misery. Jonathan was silent as he worked but for the increasing frequency of his sniffles, brought on no doubt by the combination of his blossoming cold and the scent of the balm, which even made Sarah’s healthy nose sting a bit. 
The sniffles crescendoed into sneezes, strong and desperate. “Hhh’RSCHH’uhh! Heh’KSSCHH’uhh! Sarah heard him make use of the handkerchief again, but clearing his nose set off another sneeze, smothered into the cloth. “Hhhh’KMPFF!” He gave a hoarse cough in the aftermath, before clearing his throat and continuing his massage. “Sorry.”
“Jonathan, really.” Despite her pain, Sarah twisted so she could get a glimpse of her husband. His nose was pink and slightly wet. He sniffled again and she nudged him with her foot. “I can get Sally to do this.”
He shook his head. “I’m fine. Besides, this is what a loving husband does for his wife, is it not?”
There was a slight, sardonic edge to his words that set off a queer, heavy feeling in Sarah’s chest. She flipped back on her side, away from him, and said coldly, “If keeping up appearances is what you’re worried about–”
“It’s not,” Jonathan said quickly, before amending himself even quicker. “I mean, I do worry but…” He sighed, the sound long and deep and weary. “I apologize, Sarah. I don’t know what I’m saying.” He cleared his throat. “I’m not feeling well.”
“I know,” Sarah said softly, feeling her anger ebb away as quickly as it had come. She reached her hand blindly back toward Jonathan, who found it and grasped her fingers. “Which is why you don’t have to do this.”
“I know I don’t,” he said, giving her hand a squeeze. “But I will. I care for you, Sarah.”
“I know that,” Sarah said, feeling emotion clog her throat at the deep, sincere way he had said those words. “I care for you too.” She dropped his hand and he returned to rubbing her back. “Which is why I wish you’d rest.”
“I will. This is infinitely more restful than what I originally planned to be doing tonight.”
Sarah blushed and pressed her face against the pillow. “Suppose you have a point,” she muttered, and besides, she was grateful for the attention while she herself was feeling so awful. She just hoped her husband would feel better soon as well, for she knew how much he loved the time he spent with Richard, and to cancel it he must be feeling quite unwell.
“You can keep talking,” Sarah said after a little while. “It’s a helpful distraction.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice.”
Sarah smiled as Jonathan launched into some inane tale about a prank he and his schoolmates at Eton had played on a lecturer. She was only half listening, but even so found herself less focused on her pain. This was what she loved about her husband. He could fill an afternoon speaking of nothing but the boots he wore and somehow make it interesting, and while he would always allow for and engage with any comments Sarah might interject, he was also completely content to carry the entire conversation on his own. It was, truly, a gift at times like these. 
Sarah lost track of how long they remained like this, Jonathan chattering away as he continued to rub her back, but she was brought back to the present when his voice cracked and he began to cough. “Apologies,” he choked out between coughs. His voice was a strained whisper. “If you want me to continue, I will have to send for some more tea to keep me going.”
“That’s alright,” Sarah said. “You’ve already done enough, and I’m feeling a bit better now. Truly.” She shifted slightly in bed, feeling only a firm ache where there had been courses of lightning before. “Though I think you should send for that tea anyhow.”
He did, and he sent for his valet to dress him down for bed as well, saying that an early night would be the best course of action for the both of them. Sarah was more than inclined to agree, feeling her eyelids droop now as the worst of the pain seemed over, leaving bone-deep exhaustion in its wake. Jonathan finished his tea and joined her in bed.
“Will you hold me?” 
His arms encircling her was her answer. He did not kiss her nor press himself against her, and Sarah felt a rush of being loved swirl in her chest. Jonathan Lindsay was dear to her, dearer than was anyone not her own flesh and blood, and she could not imagine for a moment anyone else to whom she would rather be married–nay, anyone else to whom she could stand to be married. My husband, she thought, and though the words always felt strange in her mind or in her mouth, she did not mind that she did not love him as a wife should love a husband, or that he did not love her the way a husband should love a wife. Because she loved him in her way and he loved her in his, and she would not wish to be anywhere else in the world at this moment.
She was almost asleep when she felt his hands pull sharply away. “Ihh’TSCH!” Jonathan sniffled a bit and muttered, “Damn salve.”
Too tired to do anything more, Sarah quirked her lips in a half smile at the foolish man who lay beside her, before slipping off to sleep at last.
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truglori · 4 years
Homebody (Ch.6)
Summary: Amiyah is the younger sister of local drug dealer (Durkio). Shy and reserved she keeps to herself and stays out the way. But lately she began to find interest in his right hand man/ best friend (Erik Stevens). Wanting to get him to notice her she discovers that he already had her wrapped around his finger without even trying! There was only a few problems that kept her away from her fantasies , her brother that controlled almost every single breath she took and would kill anyone who looked at her that way and lastly Eriks girlfriend, Alexis , who they called the queen of the hood according to her lavish lifestyle as well as being with the next newest top boy in the making. While Alexis was his girl to the streets all Amiyah wanted to do was be his Homebody...
Sidenote: I’ve been hooked on this song and feel like it fits the vibe for this chapter but it is optional to listen to...enjoy!
Pairing: Erik Stevens x Thick OC
Warning: Language, smoking, freaky thangs..
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Erik glanced at the digital clock in his car. It was almost four in the morning. The job was done and with the help of Cane they were able to get out of there in one piece. Shaking his head he laughed to himself. He still couldn’t believe it when he saw Alexis with Shawn.
It wasn’t hard to believe but it did fuck him up a bit. In reality Erik didn’t know why he was surprised. After getting to know about Alexis he knew she was always chasing the next bag. Even if it meant coming up off of another nigga.
Out of the nine months they messed around she was always the one pressing him to take their relationship to the next step. She was the one that tried to tie their names together in the streets. It was always her putting forth the effort. Then it was shit like what he saw tonight that had cause Erik to have trust issues.
But was that something he could even judge her for? Of course not. He didn’t put a title on her and vice versa. All this did was make him come to the realization that she was never down for him. Only what he could do for her.
With all of these ideas going through his head the last thing Erik wanted to do was be alone. His mind was filling up with negative thoughts. Mainly about how the situation could’ve went bad if he would have acted on his feelings. Erik’s mood switched and he wanted to see the one person who he knew could change that.
Hoping she picked up,Erik sat nervously as the other end of the phone began to ring. If she didn’t answer he would have no other choice but to drown himself in a few blunts and a fifth of Hennessy.
She answered on the fourth ring.
“Hello.” Her soft voice came through the speaker. It sounded like she was wide awake.
He relaxed in his seat feeling a relief. “What you still doing up?”
“Couldn’t sleep. What about you? Everything okay?”
Erik could hear the worry in her tone. He half smiled. That was something she always did, she cared about him.
“Yeah I’m good.” He paused. “Listen I know this might be a stretch but do you think you could sneak out pass your brother and come meet me. I know it sounds-“ Erik was rambling. Something he never did.
Amiyah cut him off with a light giggle. “Erik I could meet up with you. I’m not at my apartment I’m staying with a friend.”
Erik’s brows drew together with a slight look of confusion. It was four in the morning and she wasn’t home. That was the first Erik ever heard of knowing how his friend is about his sister. But he didn’t ponder over the thought.
“Okay well send me the address and I’ll pull up.” He put her on speaker waiting for her to reply as he pulled up the gps on his phone.
“65 Lafayette Ave.” Amiyah answered with a controlled smile. Not wanting to seem eager to see him.
It was a fifteen minute drive from where Erik was.
“Alright I’ll call you when I’m there.”
“Okay, see you Erik.”
“Aight mamas.”
Amiyah jumped off the couch and crept to her friends bathroom. Turning on the light she saw her appearance and immediately cringed. Her eyes were still red and puffy from her tears. Face covered in faint runny eye liner. Her hair was fuzzy and wild. She was in no condition to go see Erik the way she looked.
Grabbing a face cloth from her friends cabinet she ran it under warm water before sitting it on her face and letting it rest against her skin. Amiyah sighed at the sensation. Wiping her face she made sure she got every inch of coverage before she checked other areas of her body to make sure she smelled fresh.
She gave her hair a few pass overs with a brush to make it at least somewhat presentable. Glancing over herself in the mirror she felt satisfied and exited the bathroom. Going back to the couch she was crashing on she put on a white tank top and paired it with a pair of grey sweats. Throwing a jean jacket on she slipped on her UGG slippers and waited silently.
When her phone rung this early in the morning she thought it would be her brother calling to apologize but instead it was Erik. She knew for sure it was her mind playing tricks on her but when she answered and heard his voice butterflies filled her stomach. After the date Amiyah figured she had to wait until she seen him in person again to make contact with him but when he called asking her to hangout this later she couldn’t decline.
It wasn’t too long before her phone lit up with a text notification. Erik was letting her know that he was waiting for her outside. Getting up and checking her face one last time by the mirror Kelley had next to the front door she flipped her hair over her shoulder and snuck out the front door. When she got on the porch she seen his Infinity waiting in the middle of the street unbothered with any traffic coming through.
She watched as he got out but stayed by his vehicle. Doing a quick glance over at his face Amiyah noticed the stress in his eyes. It was as if they were filled with the emotion of hurt. No wonder he called asking to see her this late. He needed comfort. Walking up to him she went straight for a hug. The way he taught her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he did her waist.
Amiyah felt him breathe out an air of ease. His body slouching over on hers and she would let him as long as he wanted just to take away his troubles. She closed her eyes as they quietly embraced each other’s body. It was a comfortable silence. From the way they held on to each other it was obvious that they very much missed one another.
“Why you so good to me ma?” Erik whispered in her ear not letting her out of his hold yet.
Speaking truthfully in their current position of vulnerability she replied. “Because I care about you. I want you to be happy.”
Erik closed his eyes hearing the words escape from her mouth. She was making it hard for him to keep up with his ‘not trusting women’ demeanor. The way she was holding onto his body had him rethinking himself. Her nails grazing lightly on the back of his neck was driving him insane. She knew all the right things to say and do to him without even trying.
Amiyah had him open whenever they were together and she didn’t even know it. Erik finally released her body. Now staring down at her soft round face he couldn’t help himself. Dragging his hands over her love handles he pulled her towards him as bent down giving her two pecks on her lips softly. Her arms still wrapped around his neck. When Erik pulled away he seen that her eyes were still shut. Biting his bottom lip he went back in giving her a full kiss this time with a slight pull on her lower lip every now and then.
Feeling himself in the moment his hands traveled resting above her ass. Not wanting to disrespect her he asked in between indulging in her lips and taking breaks to get air for her permission.
“Can..I..touch..it?” His voice spoke lowly between pecks.
Amiyah nodded while she brought her left hand down to his cheek. She was getting better since their last kiss and her body was becoming more comfortable with his.
Seeing that she didn’t deny him access his hands continued their adventure further south. When his hands finally reached the bottom of her soft flesh he cuffed and squeezed each cheek firmly before caressing it to soothe the slight pain he may have caused.
Amiyah moaned in his mouth from the feeling. It was the first time she was ever been touched like that by a man down there. His hands felt rough but soft at the same time. The way he would grip each ass cheek and pulling on them she felt her second pair of lips separate from the action. But it was the way he rubbed it after he squeezed them that made her drip with anticipation.
Pulling away from each other they were able to get some air. By this time Erik was ready to devour her and make her body shake beneath his but he knew she wasn’t ready for that yet. She wouldn’t know how to act or what to do if he gave her what his body was craving to do to her. Feeling his dick on semi-hard he shifted himself. All of this just from kissing and touching on her. Erik wanted her bad.
“Let’s go get out of here?” His voice broke the sexual tension.
Timid and nervously looking back at her friends house she turned to face him.” To go where?”
Erik shrugged his shoulders.” I don’t know I’ll find something. Just ride with me.” He spoke before he could think finding himself doing something he thought he would never do.” Please.” He begged.
Biting her lip to hold back her smile she nodded as her hands fell from around his neck but not before getting a feel of his sturdy hard abs through his shirt. Erik felt the slick action and smirked.
“Aight let’s go.” He kissed her one last time and then patted her butt and walked her to the passenger side. He opened her door and watched as she got in safely.
Inside the car they rode around with nothing but Erik’s playlist playing lowly in the background. Amiyah’s hand rested in his right hand as his left hand gripped the steering wheel driving. Every other minute Erik would bring the back of her hand up his lips and kiss it while still paying attention to the road. No matter how many times he done it Amiyah would blush every single time. If she was lighter you would definitely see the redness in her face.
It was about twenty minutes later when Erik found a secluded area underneath the highway bridge . Around them was nothing but empty parked construction trucks and signs to let people know that work was getting done. Nearby that was a small basketball court where some of the city kids would play on. Then there was the lights from the bridge above that gave them somewhat of a illumination in the car.
Shutting the car off Erik leaned his seat back with his electric lever before resting against it. His fingers still intertwined with Amiyah’s. He watched as she did everything but look in his direction. Erik could read her body language and see that she was nervous. His thumb stroke the back of her hand to give her some reassurance.
“You okay?” He asked softly.
“Yeah. I’m good.” She gazed down in her lap before making eye contact.
Amiyah was nervous. How could she not be with her being in a closed off area with a man as fine as Erik sitting next to her holding her hand. He was touching her so tenderly. Her body reacted to each stroke of his fingers.
“Miyah if you not comfortable don’t ever hesitate to tell me. I care more about your security in your safety than me wanting to chill with you.” His unselfish nature was revealing itself with every word.
She smiled at his kindness. “I feel safe with you. It’s just some times you make me nervous.” She replied picking at the imaginary cotton lint on her sweats.
His lips curled into a smile. “Why I make you nervous?” He asked as his free hand swiped down his waves repeatedly.
Rolling her eyes Amiyah knew this question was coming next. He knew exactly how he made her nervous. The evidence clear in how her body react to him.
“I don’t know maybe it’s the way you look at me.”
There was something about being alone in this car with him that made Amiyah real honest.
His eyes danced up and down her body. Amiyah caught the gesture.
Smacking her lips. “See it’s you doing stuff like that.” She blurted out with a straight face.
He gripped her hand lightly when she made him laugh. To Erik most of the women he been with in the past was either too serious or boring but with Amiyah she was always able to get a smile out of him. From any tiny thing she did naturally it made him laugh or at least get him to smile.
“I mean I could think of something that might have you relaxed a little bit but I’m not sure you even mess with that type of shit.”
She looked at him confused.” What you mean?”
“You smoke?” He asked bluntly.
She laughed. “I’ve done it a few times when Durk wasn’t around but I’m no pro.”
Erik nodded his head head releasing her hand as he went to his middle compartment pulling out his stash. He needed a blunt after today and the one that he already had rolled up wasn’t going to do him enough justice. Taking out the one that was pre-rolled he handed it to her.
“Hold that.”
She grabbed it bringing it to her nose smell the rolled plant. Amiyah liked the way this weed smell. It wasn’t overpowering like the one Durk usually had. She observed the blunt giggling about how fat it was.
“Why is it so big?” She asked laughing.
“What the blunt or something else?” His lips smirked.
Amiyah figured she walked herself into that one. She rolled her eyes.
“No I’m just messing with you that’s just how I like mine. Can’t be fucking with no skimpy blunts now.” He smiled. Over in his seat he was rolling up two more.
After getting them rolled he grabbed his lighter from his cup holder and sparked it up. Taking a deep pull with his lips he allowed the smoke to invade his lungs for five slow seconds before exhaling. His body leaned back becoming relaxed.
Amiyah watched as he took another. He looked so good right now in his most laidback state. One hand behind his head and the other holding the blunt to his lips. She bit her lip as the smoke filled up the car. She was already feeling a contact high.
He handed over the lit blunt and watch her grasp it with the end of her nails. Erik smiled as he sat quietly watching her switch the blunt between both hands trying to get comfortable with it.
“Don’t burn my weed out.” He joked.
“Shut up Erik.” Amiyah giggled taking her first hit.
Coughing she realized she hit it too hard. Turning towards her window her balled up fist went up to her mouth as she coughed her lungs out before smacking on her chest. She handed the blunt back to Erik who was laughing.
“You good?”
She shook her head and cough one last time. Her eyes watering a bit from all of the straining.
“Damn I should’ve warned you first. My bad baby.” His hand went to her back and rubbed it.
Amiyah was already feeling high. If it wasn’t from the huge hit she took than it definitely had to be from the gas that filled the car. Her baby lungs not used to the intoxicating aroma easily gave in. She expected that to happen but she didn’t expect for her pussy to become wet. The last few times she smoked alone it just gave her a quick high and the munchies. This was different. She could feel her pussy drip and become sticky as she squirmed around in her seat trying to hide it.
The blunt found its way back to Erik’s lips. His eyes began to get lower with every hit that he took from it. He wasn’t his highest but he felt his body getting comfortable. His leg slightly rocking from side to side. He watched her body respond to the weed. She was already gone and he knew it. Erik seen her squirm in the seat and watch her thighs clenched together.
“This shit make you wanna fuck, don’t it?” No longer responsible for the words coming out of his mouth he let the burning ashes fall into the ashtray. He started up the second blunt.
Amiyah surprised from his statement but turned on at the same time giggled as her boldness level went up the more intoxicated she became.
“Something like that.” She stared in his low eyes with hers.
She was becoming brave. Her mouth was definitely trying to write a check she couldn’t cash. Even though she never had sex before Amiyah still knew what it felt like to be horny. Her body was craving for him touch her and hold her the way he did a while ago when they were outside. Amiyah wanted his big hands rubbing on her booty the way they did before.
Erik sucked in his bottom lip. His deep dimples showed from the action. She was testing him. Erik was definitely pressed from the way she was looking at him. He knew that there was no way he could fuck her in his car. But he wanted to badly. He wanted to have her dripping cum right on his leather seats. He wanted to watch her tremble and moan as he stretched her tight pussy out pinning her down by her thick thighs giving her what she thought she could handle. Erik longed to dig deep in the pussy as he hit the spots that’ll make her cry and gave her no choice but to come back to him every time she desired for them to be touched.
Taking a pull from the second blunt he returned the gaze. The smoke leaving his lips going into the direction of her face. He watched her bite her lip.
“You lookin like you wanna do something now.” He had to start applying some pressure to put her back in her place.
Shyly looking out the windshield Amiyah laughed. The weed was making her extra giggly for no reason. But she couldn’t deny that how she was feeling was from her own lust as well. She felt a warm hand grab her by the chin turning her head back in her previous direction. Erik was looking at her waiting for to respond.
“Maybe I do.” She replied with her eyes shifting down to the bulge in his black joggers she noticed a while ago. She was no longer playing it safe.
Erik’s hooded eyes followed hers. He smirked. The hand that was holding her chin swiftly went to her throat. He massaged the flesh delicately. He couldn’t help it, grabbing a woman’s neck became a kink of his not to long ago. The way that they would instantly get wet and go into submissive mode turned him on and Erik could easily tell that she was one of those that got turned on by it as well.
Amiyah felt her pussy throbbing. His hand around her like that made her panties moist. She loved it most when he gripped giving her a light squeeze. Her nipples hardening poking through her shirt as she moaned.
“Get in the backseat then.” He released her.
Her eyes gave a quick glance towards the back before looking at him.
“Now?” She breathed out heavily.
“You scared mama?” He teased her softly.
Sending him a ‘yeah right’ look she climbed to the back. Taking off her jean jacket she sat it in the front before she folded her arms resting her back against the chair.
Erik watched through the rear view mirror. He was actually surprised that she had the courage to go back there. Taking the last blunt and lighter he got out the car and opened the back door slipping inside. Putting the objects in his hand in the pouch behind the driver seat he took off his hoodie revealing a black wifebeater shirt.
Amiyah sitting on the opposite side calmed her nerves. She mentally thank God that she shaved down there two nights before. She did not want the first time she allowed a man to see her down there to be met with a bush. There was nothing wrong with having hair but she would have been insecure about it.
After getting settled Erik turned his body sideways. He reached behind him locking the door as he leaned against it.
Nervous but eager Amiyah shimmied her way to his side. His hands helping her out guiding her to sit down on his lap facing him. He gripped on her thigh throwing it over his legs so she can straddling him and had the other hanging off the seat. Not wanting to put all of her weight on him Amiyah put the pressure on her legs.
Erik sensed this. He opened her legs wider which caused her to sit on him fully. An inward growl went through his lips as he felt the weight from her ass sitting on his heavy member.
“Erik I’m too heavy.” She complained.
“You think I’m worried about that?” His voice dripping with lust as he attacked her neck.
Erik’s hands went to groping her body. He kissed and sucked until he discovered the spot that made her body shudder. It was under her jaw line. He stayed there sucking on the area leaving a mark not giving a damn about her brother being able to see it later.
Amiyah’s wide hips wiggle around on top of him as she threw her head back giving him better access. Hormones going out of control she couldn’t stop her hands from traveling to his print as she gripped it firmly.
Erik’s body jumped as he grabbed her hand taking it off his dick. He pulled his lips from her neck to observe her. The way she tried to put her hand back on him she looked anxious for some way to release the sexual adrenaline taking over her body. Erik chuckled as he held her wrists strongly.
“Damn baby you can’t be gripping my dick like you tryna snatch that shit off my body.” His voice now raspy from the smoke session.
Embarrassed, Amiyah bent her head down hiding it in his neck. Of course she would grip him too hard. She didn’t know what she was doing. Trying to not seem like the amateur she was ended up having her looking stupid. The moment was ruined.
“I’m sorry.” She mumbled.
“Here I got an idea. Turn around.” He rubbed her back waiting on her to move.
Following his command she changed her body to go the other way. She was now sitting between his legs with her back against his chest. Thankfully his seats were big enough to hold the both of them comfortably in that position.
Amiyah felt his fingers tug at the hem of her sweats. Questionably glancing at him she wondered what he was about to do to her next.
“You trust me?” Erik asked with his face next to hers.
“Then lift up and take these off.” He tugged again.
Hesitant Amiyah allowed him to pull the clothing down with her help kicking them off her ankles. Now she was exposed. In nothing but her tank top and black cotton hipster panties she felt the air brush over her thighs. Feeling her high start to come down she requested to start a new rotation.
“Can we light the last one?”
“It’s in there.” Erik pointed to the pouch where he put the lighter and the blunt in.
Reaching inside she felt around before she retrieved it. As she lit the blunt she felt Erik kiss on her neck and rub on her thighs. His full lips making her moan and rest her body on his. Taking a hit from the weed with ease this time she was able to inhale it much smoother. Her lungs filled up as it brought her back to cloud nine.
“Here you go.” She passed it to him but he didn’t take it with his hands. Erik leaned forward and let her place it in his mouth. Holding it for him as he took a few pulls she studied the way he did it and then proceeded to copy him when it was her turn. The rotation went like that before it was finished.
Erik fondled her thick thighs. Starting on the outside and working his way to the inner where her warmth resided. She laid her hands on top of his to have some sort of control but Erik didn’t like that. He knew what he was doing and didn’t need any help.
“Move ya hand.” His voice barked.
Her hands left as quickly as they met his.
“Don’t touch anything unless I tell you to. You hear me?”
“Okay.” Shakiness in her voice as her breathing picked up.
“Okay what?” He gripped underneath her knees pulling her thighs apart roughly.
“Okay Erik.”
“Un uh. It’s daddy when it’s just me and you from now on.” His lips tickled her ears as he spoke giving her future reference.
“Kay, daddy.” She moaned.
Amiyah closed her eyes. Her body kept squirming around. She was waiting and anticipated on getting her body played with. When her legs opened she felt the cool air reach her damp underwear.
Looking down between her legs he bit his lip seeing her phat pussy showing through her panties. The lower lips spilling out on the sides as the damp wet stain sat from her natural essence. His hands gripped and rubbed the inner thigh area that was closest to her treasure as he asked for her permission once again.
“Can daddy play in this pussy?”
Her wet lips parted. Amiyah nodded her head that was leaning back in his shoulder. Yearning his touch and super horny out of her mind she’d allow him to do whatever he wanted to her.
“Yes daddy.” Her voice was as soft as angel.
Hearing her words of confirmation Erik’s hand introduced itself to her pussy for the first time. He cupped the area. Her covered mound was giving off a heat that let him know that she was ready. His fingers grazed up and down the thick slit which caused her body to jerk. He did this repeatedly to make her aroused.
“Phat ass pussy.” We’re the only words that escaped his lips as it left him mesmerized. She was the first female he been with that had one so full and healthy. It felt amazing on his hand even if he wasn’t touching it quite yet.
Pulling the black piece of cloth to the side Erik revealed her vulva that was covered in her natural juices. Taking his fingers he used her lubricant swiping up and down the slit feeling her body tense up.
“Relax mama.” He kissed behind her ear as he held her in place with his left arm.
Bringing his other arm around her he reached down spreading the thick lips as a clear string of liquid appeared when the flesh pulled apart. This was a different type of wetness he was experiencing at the moment. Taking the pad of his middle finger of his free hand he patted on the bud that was now hardened.
Amiyah’s hips jerk from the sensation. Her hand clutched his forearm to stop him, keeping the foreign feeling from over taking her body. Her legs moving around as she scooted into his chest.
“Don’t you play with this pussy when you alone?” He asked as his finger tips teased the areas around her clit.
“Yes.” Eyes still closed with her hands gripping his arms as she felt every stroke of his hand.
“Yes, what?” He corrected her.
Sucking in her bottom lip. “Yes, daddy.”
“Then let me have a turn.” One of his hands grasped her fupa affectionately pulling her body into his to make her relax.
Whe she laid back Erik was able to get a better view. He spread the lips open once more. Massaging her clit lightly in a circular motion with his pointy and middle fingers. He watch her thrust her hips on his hand to feel more. Keeping up with his movements he pressed down firmly stimulating the bud before he let a finger enter her tight wet opening. Giving a low groan he drew in his top lip when he felt her grip him him from the intrusion. The pussy was too tight.
“Damn you ain’t been letting nobody up in this huh?” He cooed in her ear pushing further with a single finger going deeper.
“Unh Uh.” Amiyah whimpered out snapping her thighs closed when she felt him slip inside her.
He took the hand that wasn’t trapped between her legs and opened them. Bringing it up to her chin he made her look him in the eye. “Ima go slow..ight.”
Amiyah nervously agreed. There was plenty of times where she masturbated but she never fingered herself only clitorial stimulation. So when she felt Erik push his finger inside her, her body reacted by closing her legs. It was strange feeling but it made her wetter.
Erik didn’t waste no time as he warmed her up by playing with her clit. He wanted to make sure she was as wet as possible before she experienced any penetration so he continued to rub her there. Bringing his fingers up to her breast he flicked her nipples with his thumb through her tank top to help her climax.
The combination had Amiyah’s chest heaving up and down. She was close and ready to cum. The pressure he applied on her clit felt so good. Her hand reached for the seat clawing the material as she let him make her body come undone. Her mouth opened as her pants and whimpers became audible.
“Daddyy...I’m cumin.” She whimpered softly backing away from the stimulation.
Erik followed not letting up on her. “Lemme see you cum then. Pretty ass.” He kissed her blocking out her moans.
Amiyah’s body shook as she felt his lips. She came right there. Essence dripping down on the seat in front of her. It was like a domino effect. He controlled her body. Her clit was now sensitive but Erik continued to knead the button. Whenever she played with herself she able to get one and that’s it. She never tried to do more than that but Erik was pushing her for another.
“I want another one and then I’m done.”
His eyes were still red and low from the weed. When she came on his fingers Erik was captivated from the sight. The way her lips parted. How she grasped onto the seats searching for something to hold on to. It made his body heat up with excitement knowing that he did that. Every little thing he observed had him becoming fascinated with her.
This time he wanted to make her cum a different way. His middle finger danced around her hole making sure it was coated from her wetness before he pushed inside her tight puss. Erik felt her clench on his finger as he gently massaged her walls. Every time he would pull out she would suck him back in. He watched her face contort no longer able to control herself.
“Mm this shit tight.” He groaned affirmations in her ear as his finger stroked her at a steady pace.
When the words left his mouth Amiyah glanced down to witness his assault on her pussy. Her body was aching for more. The in and out motion with just a single digit wasn’t enough. Her pussy wanted to be stretched.
“More.” She pleaded spreading her legs wider.
“You sure?” Erik asked wanting her to be certain.
“Yess.” Amiyah stuttered.
Drawing his fingers up to lips he opened his mouth tasting her sweet juices. Erik bit his lip feeling a strong urge to bend her over and eat her from behind. But right now it was about her. He had her body feeling good and he wanted to keep it that way.
After getting his fingers soaked he placed them back in front of her pussy. Taking his time he slowly thrusted both his middle and ring finger in stretching her creamy hole.She was so wet a sloshing sound came from her opening. Her jaw dropped as he filled her up. His thick fingers moving in and out. When he felt the spongy area at the top he swiped back and forth against it using the ‘ come here’ motion.
Her hips doing the same as before began to scoot back away from the sensation. Erik holding her by her waist kept her still.
“Stop runnin and put that pussy on me.” Lips sucking on her neck creating another passion mark as his deep voice muttered.
She was running. From the minute Amiyah felt him tapping on that spot that she didn’t know was there she wanted to escape his hold. His strong hand kept her spread eagle by her knee making her take the pleasure he was giving to her. Feeling her legs shake from his repeated tender abuse she grabbed his hand. Her belly began to tighten and cramp. Soon the vibrations she felt on her lower half traveled throughout her whole body. She was convulsing on his fingers.
“Fuckk.” The profanity spewed out her mouth for the first time as she squirted on the seat.
Erik continued attacking her g-spot before she aggressively pushed his hand away. Laughing he saw her shaking her head while her hands went to her thighs to try and stop them from trembling. Her breast moving up and down from her rough breathing as she finally spoke.
“No more.” Her voice quivered.
Erik’s low chuckled filled the vehicle . “You done mama?”
Quickly nodded her head she cover her pussy with her panties and moved to the other side of the car. She was sensitive and overstimulated. Her body couldn’t endure anymore.
“I can’t Erik. It’s too much.” Sitting on her knees she slapped her hand on her thighs that were still shaking.
“Ight fine I’m done. But come give me a kiss.” His lips smirk satisfied with how the night was ending.
Amiyah complied with his orders. Straddling him again this time not feeling insecure she leaned and gave him a kiss. His mouth dominating hers lips. Erik slapped her left ass cheek leaving a sting. She moaned into his mouth.
“Ouch daddy.” She whined softly as she sucked on his bottom lip lightly before releasing it.
Erik’s dick jumped. “I’ma give you something for that mouth if you keep using it like that.” His eyes studying her lips.
Blushing she laid on top of him. Her head in the crook of his neck. Amiyah closed her eyes when she felt his fingers making traces on her back. They both held each other enjoying the peaceful silence. Wiping the condensation off the window Amiyah peered out noticed that it was dawn. The sky began to turn blue as the sun slowly crept up. She sighed when she realized that she had to work later on that day. Thankfully Kelley agreed to switch shifts with her but she wanted to be with Erik all day.
“I don’t wanna go to work today.” She stressed blowing out air of frustration.
“So don’t. Call out.” Erik rubbing circles on the small of her back.
“I can’t. I switched with Kelley already so I don’t think she would want to do both of our shifts. This is so annoying.” Her nails outlining shapes on his neck.
“Oh. I’m sorry.” He bent down kissing her forehead.
She smiled lifting her head to kiss his lips.
The question she had been meaning to ask him since they first saw each other tonight came to her mind.
“Why’d you call me so late? Is everything okay.”
Erik completely forgot about the previous events that happened hours before. The moment she was in his arms nothing else mattered anymore.
“Yeah, I just found out about some shit and I wanted to take my mind off of it and you helped with that.” He sent her a half smile pinching her chin gently.
Amiyah gleamed knowing she could be his peace whenever he wanted to get away.
“Well I’m here for you always.” Her eyes giving a sparkle as she spoke.
Meditating for a moment before he replied Erik thought carefully. He wanted to make sure that he wasn’t doing this to make her some type of rebound but because genuinely cared about her. He didn’t want to take a second longer as the words blurted out of his lips.
“Amiyah I want you to be mines...”
Please excuse any mistakes.
SN: It’s been years since I wrote a smut scene and all of this was written in an hour and a half so please don’t judge lol.
@supersizemeplz @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @hearteyes-for-killmonger @curls-and-crosses @killmonger-dolan @killmongerkink @migosis @raysunshine78 @alookintohersoul @popcorn803 @just-juicee @mllover260 @kimmyblckswan2 @koriiii @tchallasbabymama @toniilaney @marvelmaree @mia-faith @adreamsublime @queen-b1 @mcdesij @vintage-pvssy @viewsfromrose @ceeverse @smuttywriter @harleycativy @callmemckenzieee @theblulife @bvssmob @everything-is-awesomesauce @xoxomyaah @19jammmy @tchallas-ikumkani-wam @suburbanblackhoe @allhailqueennel @admirehermind @themeirajay @asaani @bellanay @skylahb @toni9
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
Losty Aone” / “Losty Mountain Man🏔” Series:
Outtake Collection #9 (NSFW)
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A/N: I want everyone to meet my OC Katana drawn by @gothicbitkh 🖤HERE. Next two outtakes are not NSFW, but the drama begins omfff. Explicit smut below!
From Steamy Hot Tub to The Bedroom With Your Boyfriend 🛁 🔥
“Oh my God it’s soooo hottt,” Kusa groaned as she slipped into the tub, you and Katana following.
Koganegawa and other boys were already sitting in and upon hearing Kusa he leaned in to quietly say to Kenji,
“Yes.... yes you are....” to which Kenji agreed.
Futakuchi couldn’t help but smirk because being the true player that he was he definitely loved seeing smoking hot cheerleaders in bikinis enter his tub.
The music’s volume had lowered and the songs changed to chiller songs like The Weeknd, the tiki lamps turned on. The 30 or so people left were spread out, some chilling on the outdoor couches, some in the pool for night swimming, some by the outdoor fire place, which left you, Kusa and Katana and some other cheerleaders in the giant steaming-hot hot tub.
You had been drinking, not too much as Aone would have stopped you being the perfect boyfriend he is, but just enough to get you happy drunk.
You looked over at your boyfriend who was sitting alone on the far end of the hot tub. He looked angry like he always did, but you knew he was probably just tired from this long day. (Nah he was just horny as shit lol).
You watched him as you slipped your body in the hot water, both of you burning holes into each others figures. While he had finally removed his shirt before coming into the hot tub half an hour ago, you could never get used to seeing your man shirtless. You along with every girl in this party had their tongues wagging when he finally removed his top. But only you could properly admire him.
This chiseled mountain man had the body of Aqua Man: broad shoulders, deized biceps, a chest so hard and muscular it made you dizzy with lust to look at, and of course his legendary 8-pack that any girl was lucky to see once among three years at Date Tech. God, he was so fucking hot. How had you not noticed before?!
a reminder of what zaddy aone looks like shirtless:
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As you checked him out, Aone checked you out: his eyes zoning in on where your nipples are supposed to be, seeing the water caress just under your tits. Then when you submerged yourself under and came up with your hair wet, Aone sucked in a small breath.
As the other good looking people began a game of drunk truth or dare that you knew your bf wouldn’t take part in, you played for a bit getting more drunk. Having had a few drinks himself because you wanted him to have a bit, Aone didn’t know the drinks would make him one of those silent-drunks. But he was glad to be so calm. He just chilled and had both arms spread out on either ledge, staring at you openly with lust filled eyes. You wanted him to fuck you so bad, and he wanted to—too. He was enjoying how good the warm water felt on his sore muscles and he was enjoying even more how dead sexy you looked in your bikini. Life was good. Even in the slight darkness you could see the outline of his muscular arms as they were spread, which made you think very very dirty thoughts.
Aone’s arms were spread like:
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“Koganegawa, truth or dare.” Katana asked.
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Kanji’s eyes lit up. “Ummmm dare.”
“I dare you to tell us why you donated to our fundraiser 3 times after Kusa asked?” Katana laughed.
Everyone looked over at Kusa, who was shyly covering her face and smiling nervously. Koganegawa looked mortified, but up for the challenge. “The reason? Duh. She’s smoking hot, and I kind of have a crush on her.” He answered.
“Oh my god!!!” The girls screamed, and from afar, Aone noticed Futakuchi glaring at his setter. Hm, Aone thought Kenji would be proud.
“My turn. Futakuchi-senpai, truth or dare?”
“Dare. Always.” He snapped, seeming to be a little pissed about something.
“I dare you to give Katana two hickies on her neck.”
Kenji smirked. “No problem,”
“I miss Aone,” you pouted to Kusa during the game.
“Aw, baby,” she giggled, tipsy. “He’s over there. He looks like he misses you too.”
“Aone misses you allllll the time, Y/N.” Futakuchi answered, bringing Katana closer to him to kiss her neck for the dare.
“But I can’t leave the game!” You whined, making Aone smirk from afar. Everyone knew how competitive you were and it was just another thing that attracted Mountain Man to you. When you were drunk, your competitiveness and lostiness spiked, which Aone thought was adorable. He had you all to himself once he left this party, so he didn’t mind.
Katana giggled as Kenji left pleasurable kisses on her neck. She knew you were a horny-drunk and she wanted to help. “Why don’t you be a good friend and truth or dare her to do something to him, then?” She offered.
Kenji nuzzled his nose into the cheer captain’s neck, speaking. “Dare or Dare, Y/N?”
You beamed, drunk. “Dare.”
“I dare you to go over to your boyfriend and show him how much you miss him when he’s all the way on the other side of the tub.”
You excitedly swam over to Mountain Man in your drunken state. He didn’t move from his original position, looking like a total bad boy that you shouldn’t approach.
God, he’s so hot, you thought. You just wanted to be near him.
God, shes so hot, Aone thought at the same time, as he watched you come over. While it has gotten easier to not drop everything and stare at you like Aone did when he was crushing big time, he still enjoyed it to be honest. Sitting back and relaxing, he watched his girlfriend speak vibrantly to her friends, your gorgeous lips moving then settling in a pout... looking so kissable....damn. When he heard Kenji’s dare he’d been sightly alarmed but it didn’t show. You were supposed to show him how much you missed him......? Hell yes.
Aone flicked his eyes down to the way the bikini material clung to your body so well that he could tell exactly where your nipples were. Mountain man bit his bottom lip watching them move when you jump-pouted, missing him and excited about the dare. He literally felt like he was in one of his wet dreams.
When you climbed into his lap, feeling the water woosh toward him, his dick reminded him he wasn’t in a dream because your skin felt too real on his. You sat down on his lap normally, facing the same direction as him and Aone felt the pressure of your practically bare ass on his dick. Keeping his hands away from you in fear of what he might do, he leaned his head down to kiss your hair from behind.
“Y/N. You know I’ll need you to get off me soon.” He said huskily, sending shivers down your spine.
“No. I was dared to show you how much I miss you.”
Before Aone could react you turned around and began nibbling on his ear and Aone just sat there, wondering how long it would take for this party to end so he could ravish you—whether that be in real life or in his dreams tonight. You trailed both of your soft hands over his strong arms and then stood on your knees so that Aone’s face was level with your boobs.
He just about fainted. “Uh-ummm...”
“You’re all I can think about when you’re not with me, Aone-san....” you whispered arousingly, stroking his muscular arms.
He wanted to tell you that you haven’t left his mind since he’d first laid eyes on you 2+ years ago, but he was having trouble since your boobs were in his face.
“You are so sexy,” you whispered, sitting back down then running both hands along his hard abs. Aone’s abdominal muscles clenched under your touch.
“.....” he bit his lip as this touch-starved bb leaned into your touch. He’s been waiting for you all day.
“Did you see me staring at you when I was on the bull? The only thing going through my mind was riding your hard cock.” You admitted drunkenly.
Underwater, said cock sprung up, pushing against his swim shorts.
“Me-me t-t-too....” Aone was proud of himself for being able to say something, but the combined heat of the water and your body on his, he knew that would be the last thing for a while.
“Did you like the feeling of my mouth on your birthday?”
Did he ever. Takanobu nodded like his life depended on it.
You chuckled. “And did you like when my pussy lips were around you?”
Aone closed his eyes as he felt a shudder run through him when he thought about the one and only time you two had sex, the shudder giving you your answer. The clock was ticking, his control was going to snap soon. He kept his hands far away from you on the ledges.
You knew your boyfriend was on the edge. You also knew how good it felt when he let lose after you’d teased him past his ranks. You went in for the kill.
“Baby, do you still want me to sit on your........?”
Your words triggered Aone to move then, his eyes opening, his arms splashing as they submerged under water and made you sit down on his hard dick. He could speak now, he had to. He looked into your eyes deeply when you hissed out of pleasure.
“—On my face?” He finished in a low tone that made you squirm. “I want you to sit on my face more than ANYTHING. Right Now? Can you? Please?” He asked lowly but eagerly, as if he was a starving man and you were a dinner made by Gordon Ramsey himself.
You smiled in your horny stupor.
“Maybe I’ll let you.....when we go to your house.” you teased, causing Aone‘s bright eyes to turn midnight black from lust.
“We’re going to my house, then,” he commanded back, getting out the water gracefully and then lifting you out with him.
.....And that’s how you ended up back on Aone’s bed after the party, on round three, your own shin by your ear, doing the splits on your back as your boyfriend’s hard length pounded deep inside you. (It was like 2am at this point, and there had been a nap in between rounds one and two).
“Fuck, Y/N. Oh my God,”
Mountain Man moaned as he felt your insides grip his length, making him want to cum again even though round two just ended. Aone only wanted you to sit on his face, but you had other plans. He knew you were a cheerleader but when you told him to try this position by lifting your leg over his shoulder, he wasn’t prepared for how fucking deep he’d get inside your slushing pussy. He was in heaven.
You, on the other hand, couldn’t stop crying tears of joy? Pleasure? As he rammed into you, this position making him hit your g-spot directly over and over.
“Y/N, you are SO fucking sexy...”
“Aone, shhhhhhhh.....” you whispered, using one hand to stroke the back of his head. He was getting so loud and although he lived in a big house you couldn’t risk his mom waking up.
Takanobu leaned in to kiss your tears away as he opted to growl instead as he slowed his pace to slow down his incoming orgasm. How would he ever get used to this level of pleasure? You were made for him. Takanobu reached over to pull some more pillows under your body so that you were more comfortable as he continued thrusting into you.
“Ugh, I can’t believe this is real.”
He moaned on your cheek, brushing his lips there.
Both of your bodies were coated in a layer of sweat, which Aone thought made you look so fucking attractive he couldn’t fucking believe it.
Turning on his dom!side because you’d teased him out, Aone made you keep the monokini on the entire time, only moving it to the side by your crotch so that he could ram into you after preparation. The feel of cloth stroking one side of his dick added to the stimulus.
You still hadn’t sat on his face like you promised which ticked Mountain Man off a bit since that is one of his biggest fantasies: but that just meant he went harder during sex—and fuck if it wasn’t exactly what you wanted from him!
“Oh, baby,” You moaned as he gave you a deep lingering kiss. Aone sucked on your tongue and it neared your orgasm like a mf.
“I’m going to cum again, Aone—“
Aone’s dick twitched inside you just from hearing those words and you cried out because his twitch stroked your g-spot and it felt so good.
Takanobu lifted a bit to hover over you so that you were facing him directly. As he continued to thrust, his eyes scanned your face. When all he could see was an expression of ecstasy set there, your eyes half lidded, tears on your face from pleasure, mouth open........ His dick twitched again. You moaned. He needed to stop doing that!
“Sorry. I can’t help it. You are stunning, Y/N.. and you feel amazing. I love you so so much.” Aone just couldn’t believe this was real. His praise kink was on 1,000 every time you two had sex. The feeling of you taking his dick so well and liking it, did something to him.
While what you two were doing was very raunchy and hot, Aone’s thoughts have never wavered completely from pure fluff. He kept thinking about how much he wanted you to be his wife one day so he could spend more time learning how to pleasure you even better. Being inside you and connecting ones bodies and juices literally made his heart explode with the same fireworks he felt when you first noticed him. Even if it seemed like he was just giving you a good fucking, in his heart he was always making love to you. You could see it in his eyes......in his rough slam but then tender stroke to make sure you were okay........You could see it in the way he kissed your tears away....and asked you if any and all positions worked for you.........You could see it in the way he’d much rather give you oral than receive it......You always came first to him, it was clear even during sex that Mountain Man was devastatingly in love with you. Sex only multiplied those emotions.
Aone removed your leg from his shoulder softly moving it to wrap around his waist. He leaned down to suck on your nipple that was on display because you’d pulled down your bikini for him to go gaga over see your boobs. He sexily bit your hard bud which made you arch your back, massaging it with his tongue right after.
Holy shit you didn’t deserve such a man!
One who made you feel so good but also so cared for during sex? He literally treated you like a fucking Queen, you could feel it when he held doors for you and when he fucked you. You tightened the grip your legs had around his waist. You wanted to keep him there. You loved him so much.
Peeking down at his ripped muscles contracting, you moaned his name: Aone’s weakness.
He looked at you, pondering how he has never seen a prettier person. How the fuck were you his?! Would he wake up soon from a dream? He couldn’t actually be the cause of this flushed erotic expression you’re making? The moans of his name? Fuck, realizing and admitting that he in fact—was, made Aone want to cum, like now. His dick twitched again because seeing your beautiful face and your expressions were a sure-fire way to get him to paint your pussy walls white, even before you’ve had a chance to finish. Ugh, but as bad as he wanted to, he refused to cum first. Mountain Man pulled out of you swiftly.
You whimpered from the loss.
“Y/N, I apologize. Please turn around. I cum way too fast when I see your face, love.”
You did as you were told because you don’t think there exists a better way for a guy to ask you to switch positions. You were happy you affected your man so. You spun onto your knees as Aone stroked his cock with his hand and licked his lips when you presented your ass to him. The ass he’d been watching all day in this bikini and dreaming about, fuck. Those guys talking about you were right, He really is so lucky.
Your soft-heart, hard-dick boyfriend didn’t need to shout at you what position to get in because you were just as good as sex and knew what he’d want as well. Like the flexible cheerleader you are, you leaned your top half down, forming the perfect doggystyle back-arch for your mountain man.
“Oh my God......, Y/N.”
he growled 😩. Seeing you fold the body he worships in half, bringing your entire chest to the bed but your ass sticking up - he almost came just by watching you get into position, you were that good. You decided to tease your hopelessly horny boyfriend a little and shake your ass cheeks a bit. Whereas Aone groaned again and immediately removed his hand from his length to stall his release.
You both were so close to your orgasms the anticipation was palpable!
“Aone, please put it in,” you said softly, missing the way he filled you up so perfectly.
Your boyfriend didn’t need any more instruction. He lined his tip up with your sex and ran it up and down your slick folds before slowly pushing in, placing his hands on your waist as your vagina slowly tried making room for his size again. It always took a while to re-enter because of his girth and length. You both groaned as he pushed in inch by inch, until finally, he was balls deep, making your eyes roll back into your head.
“Yesss, fuck me,” You whined.
Aone pulled a pillow under your stomach so your back wouldn’t hurt you and he was just about to bring you both to your third mind blowing orgasms—when
He was stopped by his phone ringing loudly on his bedside table.
Your boyfriend stopped moving when he saw his phone and you growled for the first time tonight.
Did Y/N just growl?? Aone thought. So hot! 🥵
“Aone. Don’t you fucking dare.” You ordered.
Aone rubbed your sides comfortingly before using his impressive wing span to lean forward and reach his phone on the nightstand. His best friend would only call him at this late hour if it was emergency. The two of them knew that, which is why Kenji always answered at this time for Aone. It was Aone’s duty as a best friend to return the favour for once.
When Aone leaned forward to grab the phone his dick entered you completely, rubbing against your g spot before he pulled back. You moaned into the pillow in front of you in erotic agony!
“I’m sorry. Just 5-seconds Y/N, he’s my best friend and I need to be there for him. He would do it for me, then we can continue.” Answering his phone while remaining in the same position, Aone heard Futakuchi speak right away.
“You answered,” he panted gratefully.
“What’s wrong?” Aone asked, concern evident in his voice. “It’s not like you to call me at this hour at all, Futakuchi.”
“I know.” He panted. “But I don’t know if I am going fucking crazy over the past few weeks and I need you to tell me if I am or not.”
“I’m here. I’m listening.” Aone reassured.
Meanwhile .....
Down on the bed in a perfect arch cockwarming your boyfriend, you pouted. Was he really answering the phone right now?! Granted, you would have done the same thing if Katana called at this hour, but....... AONE WAS YOURS AND YOU ARE SO CLOSE TO YOUR RELEASE !!!! 😣
“Would you say.... that when you were crushing on Y/N...... you felt.... weird..?” Kenji asked his best friend.
Aone’s was confused. “Weird? Weird like how?”
Frustrated from this cockwarming, you tried your best not to disrupt your boyfriend by rocking ever so gently so that his steady dick that wasn’t moving was still stimulating you. You moaned into the pillow again. Soooo good.
Aone sucked in a deep breath, pinching your side to stop you from rocking like that.
“You okay?” Kenji asked, hearing Aone suck in a short breath.
“Y-yes. Weird like how?”
On his end of the line, Futakuchi let out a long sigh. He sounded like someone who was really going through it. “Weird like......fuck, how do I even phrase this stupid shit: .......When you heard her name, your heart drops? When she, uh, smiles at you, it’s like everything is fine in your life for that split second?.......Um, her scent is like simultaneously something that can make me want to jack-off and write poetry about? It’s hard to explain.”
The silence was deafening for you since you couldn’t hear Futakuchi freaking out. Like the minx you are you started rocking your hips again desperately wanting release, rocking harder this time so that you were sliding your boyfriend in and out of you slightly yourself.
Fucking tight, Aone thought. Your movements feeling remarkable, Aone didn’t have the power to stop you this time. He only bit his lip and tried not to let any of his moans come out.
“Futakuchi, I know this is not what you want to hear but it s-sounds like you might be in love,”
Kenji made a choking sound on his side. “Disgusting. That’s what I was afraid of, I just needed a second opinion, so that I can crawl in a fucking hole and die. I mean.....LOVE?! How could this happen to me!” He practically sobbed as if he’d just been given a life-without-parole jail sentence.
Still meanwhile....
Feeling your orgasm approaching you again, you picked up the pace, beginning to grind on your boyfriends cock long and slow, biting your tongue in order to keep quiet.
Aone threw his head back and squeezed his eyes shut. You were very skilled in sex—and It was so hot—He was going to fucking cum.
“L-love is a g-good thing, Futakuchi.” A really fucking amazing thing, especially during sex—Aone thought to himself as he felt you slide his cock deep within your heavenly walls again. His balls tightened.
“No it’s not. It turns big guys like us into simps. I don’t even recognize myself ever since I started liking her, it’s gross. I catch myself thinking about when I’ll see her next, and I went to that pool party just to spend time with her and—“
“Oh, right....” Aone bit his lip to keep himself from moaning, recalling the fact that Kenji said there’s a girl he wanted to see at the pool party. But Aone doesn’t recall seeing his friend spending time with anyone particularly new or special the whole day......
“You will come to love love once you two are together, Kenji, I p-promise. but I S-still don’t understand.....why call me now about this? At this hour?”
You had picked up the pace again, your stomach coiling because your orgasm was near. You used the mattress as leverage as you threw your ass back with your boyfriend’s cock deep inside you, driving you both toward the edge.
Kenji let out an exasperated sigh on the other line. “Because I just had a wet dream about her!!!! It’s a third night in a row. I thought they’d go away but they didnt! So now I’m calling you, and I’m freaking out. Fuck I’m as pathetic as Koganegawa!.”
Aone could hear the panic in his friends voice: making him feel awful. It was finally Mountain Man’s turn to give advice because usually Kenji knew everything—just not when it came to love. “
“That’s okay....... I went through everything you are feeling, but the good thing is that you are much more confident than I am, Kenji-san. You will get your girl so much easier...”
Not being able to stand your slow and torturous pace anymore, Aone licked his thumb then used it to stroke your clit. If he was about to cum you were going to come with him. Since you didn’t expect it, you cried out at the pleasurable touch, grinding on him faster to trigger your release.
“What was that?” Futakuchi asked quickly, hearing a distant cry.
“Erm.... nothing. It’s a cat outside. Um—so when are you going to ask her out?”
Good save.
Kenji whined in anguish at the new question. “That’s just the thing, Aone.....”
You rolled your hips at the same time as Kenji tried explaining, causing Aone to have enough.
“—S-sorry. Can you hold for a second, Futakuchi-san? I need to deal with this cat and then I’ll be back. 2 minutes.” He bit back a groan when he felt you clench around him at his cat innuendo. “Actually, 1 minute.” Aone corrected himself, muting his phone and tossing it to the side.
“Oh you are going to be the death of me, Y/N......you feel so g-good.....”
Mountain Man growled deep in his chest before he roughly grabbed your hips in his large hands and thrusted inside you: deep, hard, and fast. The way you love it.
You moaned uncontrollably, tears staining your cheeks as you were thrown over the edge into ecstasy, orgasming harder than the other two times tonight. Your moans of his name took your boyfriend with you, as he emptied out his balls deep into the condom, filling it 3 quarters of the way. Fu-uck. 😩
You both tried catching your breath as the giant collapsed beside you on the bed, you still cockwarming him.
You slipped him out of you and passed him back his phone, getting up to go get cleaned. Aone wiped the sweat off his brow before returning to his phone call.
“You deal with the cat?” Futakuchi asked.
Aone blushed. “Yes. For now..... sorry about that. So what were you saying?”
“You asked me when I’m going to ask my ew.....crush🤢....bleh...... out.”
“Oh yes! When?!”
Kenji paused for a long time.
Now that Aone’s dick wasn’t inside you anymore, he was able to think much more clearly as his blood distribution went back to his brain. Aone realized that whoever Kenji liked was really troubling his best friend. His best friend that NEVER had any issues with girls, EVER. It was strange.
“What’s wrong, Futakuchi-san? I’m here for you, you know that right?”’
Kenji groaned.
“I know I know you are. It’s just that.......when it comes to this girl.........”
“Yes....?” Mountain man pressed.
Kenji sounded defeated when he said what he needed to say next:
“Well you see the thing is......... Koganegawa has a crush on the same girl, and—“
Immediately, Aone sat up on his bed in alarm. There was no way.!
“KUSA?!” Mountain Man shouted into the phone, making Y/N drop her toothbrush out of the her mouth with alarmed eyes too.
Kenji groaned again, obviously distraught.
“Kusa.” He confirmed.
Taglist: @crushzone @galagcica @chaichai-the-weeb @nairobiisqueen @bisasterrr @juminly
Outtake #10: CLICK HERE
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miekasa · 3 years
and i found them! the actual ac unit snippet was hiding with the last one, so i thought i’d just drop them both here 😅 your appreciation means the world to me 🌼
💉the broken ac unit snippet [not the previous choppy summary, but the actual snippet that was hiding with erwintholomew’s]
it’s summer—dry heat, humidity, and warm winds all around. oc has been working in the outdoor makeshift hospital for her month’s rotation shift. tents of covid cases have been overflowing. it’s patient after patient, and she’s in PPE—full-on hazmat suit for 8 hours (sometimes more). food and water breaks between shifts aren’t feasible because they’re saving suits, bathroom breaks are timed before or after she suits up. it was literally hell.
levi’s been noticing his roomie coming home even more exhausted than usual. sometimes, she just goes to the kitchen and drinks down two glasses of water before heading for a nap. he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t worried. she looked like she’s lost a bit of weight. she was always a little paler and seemed to be wilted these days. he’s been trying to quietly shoulder a bit more of her chores, but he’s also pretty amazed at how she manages to keep up.
it was on a saturday afternoon when he found out. he had work and errands to run and some packages to send to his mom. he knocks on his roomie’s door to ask if she wanted him to do anything for her. he’s willing to do her groceries or make her dinner if it meant seeing her eat something other than instant ramen or a peanut butter sandwich. her muffled voice bids him to come in.
oc: oh heya
she gives him a tired wave. she’s sitting on her bed, reading something on her tablet. the first thing levi notices is that it’s way too fucking hot. her room is neat with a bit of a mess, a few notebooks strewn around her bed and a shirt hanging on the study chair, but obviously clean. the fan she has turned on was doing nothing to alleviate the heat though.
levi: you know you can turn your ac up in this heat right?
oc gives a tired chuckle at that.
oc: it’s been broken for a few weeks, but don’t worry! i already got a new one
levi is pretty speechless, considering that the heat wave has only been getting worse for the past month. she points to the unopened giant box crowding the space by her work desk.
oc: work’s just been exhausti—busy lately, but i’ll get around to it. i just need to switch them out and take the old one to recycling downstairs.
levi honestly doesn’t have anything to say to that because what the hell—
oc: did you need something?
he snaps out of it.
levi: i’m—i’m going out for errands. want me to get you anything?
oc: oh, are you passing by the pharmacy?
he wasn’t planning on it, but levi nods.
oc: yeah hang on, lemme just write the prescription for my pills. thank you!
levi shuts her door and speedwalks to his room. he knows he’s being irrational, and he knows that it isn’t his fault but fuck, she’s been living like that for weeks on top of all her work. he turns up his ac unit, rolls down his blinds, and fluffs the pillows on his bed before pulling the covers down. he knows that he could offer the suggestion of sleeping on the couch in their living room (they had an ac unit there after all), but no. she deserves better than that.
when levi walks back to her room, oc’s head peeps out of the door.
oc: here, i just need three boxes and i can cashapp you the payment.
levi grunts, taking the prescription and folding it into his pocket.
levi: come with me.
oc is pretty taken aback at his gruff tone, and she wonders what’s gotten him in a twist. she’s on the verge of passing out because work has been brutal and she has a golden weekend, so she was planning to catch up on a lot of rest. she follows quietly, wanting to quickly resolve whatever this was. her roomie’s always been a little...weird. it gets weirder when she realizes that he’s leading her to his room. cold air hits her when he opens the door and ushers her in, and she feels reborn.
levi: you can rest here for now
oc’s eyes widen at that. they’ve been roomies for over a year now, and respecting personal spaces has always been a huge factor contributing to their civil harmony as roommates.
oc: levi, it’s fine! i can’t, really! i don’t want to intrude, and besides, it’s fine, i—i’ve been alright anywa—
she’s cut off when he starts nudging (pushing) her towards the bed.
levi: seriously, i’ll be out the whole afternoon.
her but’s and what-if’s and i’m-fine’s fall on deaf ears. her roomie maneuvers her expertly and practically trips her to make her fall onto the bed. when her back hits the soft mattress, she feels a wave of fatigue hit. then he’s guiding her head towards the pillows while she mumbles about feeling like she’s overstepping, but levi’s room was cold and comfortable. the bed was a cloud, cool and soft and dragging her further into sleep. she feels the covers pulled up around her shoulders, and darkness claims her.
levi leaves quietly after shutting down the fan in her room. his afternoon is spent running some on-the-ground tasks for projects for work and personal errands. he does take an impromptu trip to the old deli near their place to buy some cuts of beef and a cheap bottle of red wine for a stew. he wonders if he’s breaching boundaries, but he makes an impulsive decision for once. he’ll drag her to dinner if he has to, she looks like she hasn’t had a decent meal in days. when he gets home, it’s late afternoon, but the sun was still up in all its scorching heat. he disinfects the goods thoroughly before heading for a shower himself. oc is still sleeping soundly when he checks in on her [levi thoughts: good, she really fucking needs it]. he goes into her room and replaces her broken ac unit, easily installing the new one and padding up the sides tightly. he brings the old one down before sweeping up the dust in her room that has settled from his handiwork. he turns it on to test it, and her room cools in minutes. satisfied, he leaves the ac unit on and starts dinner.
oc comes to slowly, mind still clouded and heavy from sleep. everything around her is blurry and she’s engulfed in softness smelling of black tea and spearmint. the realization of where she is hits like a freight train and this wakes her right up. the time on the clock by the bed says it’s almost half-past seven, and oc panics. she’s overstepped, her roomie’s gonna be pissed, and oh god, she didn’t mean to take that long of a nap. she practically runs out of his room. levi is setting two places at their table when she dashes in. a pot of stew was simmering on the stove. he looks up and just points to her meds.
levi: it’s already been disinfected.
oc opens her mouth for what was going to be a long apology when levi interrupts her before she even begins.
levi: i also installed your new ac unit. the broken one’s already at recycling.
oc’s eyes widen and she can feel tears welling up because it’s been weeks of exhaustion and uncomfortable hot nights and she’s been trying to find enough strength to do that and—
levi goes tomato-red when his roomie launches herself at him and wraps her arms around his shoulders tightly. he can hear her voice quivering, tone hovering on about-to-blubber-and-cry, repeatedly thanking him and apologizing for overstepping and he kind of just stands there for a moment. he pats her back awkwardly, wondering how to respond to her and decides to keep quiet and let her break the hug first. she might actually cry if he pushes her away.
oc lets him go gently, a little embarrassed at her outburst but she gives him a small smile and mutters a soft “sorry.”
levi: cut the apologies, brat. i offered. it’d be inhumane to let you sleep in that heat.
oc is about to argue when he fixes her with a glare that makes her sigh. she presses her palms into her cheeks in resignation.
levi: come on, i made dinner. you really need to eat something other than synthetic garbage and peanut butter.
oc sniffles and giggles. levi sets the food down and takes a seat beside her. he freezes when she grasps his hand.
oc: really, levi, thank you
levi shrugs (absolutely melting at her smile). he doles out servings of stew and rice, and they have a quiet dinner.
💉erwin’s own private gym in his penthouse snippet [in which erwin’s not even in this snippet, but he and his gym are catalysts of sorts]
it’s a rare occurrence that oc wakes before noon on her days off. so when she bumbles into the kitchen at 7am, craving for some tea and the little tiramisu her patient from work gave her, she bumps into levi. levi—also fresh out bed and only clad in boxer shorts. plaid dark pink ones that did wonders for his ass.
oc, completely forgetting that she’s in an oversized shirt that goes past her shorts and that her hair is a mess, stops mid-stride. her jaw drops. levi is built. not to any extreme body-builder kind to any extent. but he was fit and holy fuck his back alone was oh wow. yeah, she’s awake. levi turns at the sound of footsteps and has to suppress his smirk because oc’s appraisal was very very distracting, affirming, and ego-boosting. he thinks his roomie doesn’t even realize she is gawking [levi thoughts: she looks way too fucking cute and soft for someone half dead from a toxic shift yesterday and he wants to run his hands through her hair and knead the knots out of her shoulders and feel those legs—].
he truly has to hold in his laughter when oc literally goes “what the fuck” while waving around her hands gesturing to his abs and pecs. oc squints in the midst of her appraisal.
oc: how do you maintain all that in a pandemic??
levi sets down another mug and pours out more tea while explaining that erwin, who lives in the penthouse suite of the complex, has his own home gym. levi, hange, and moblit have exclusive access to it because they’re friends, they live in the same complex, they all work from home plus they clean up and help him maintain it.
levi: it’s a lot safer than public gyms.
oc is still chewing on this information while now blatantly staring at his thighs.
levi: i’m pretty sure erwin will let you use it too if you’re looking for someplace to work out. i can ask him if you want.
he adds some milk to her tea before walking over to oc and handing her a steaming mug of chai. he does this on purpose just to get a reaction out of her because he is absolutely basking in this. she is usually very composed and almost nothing fazes her, and he thinks he’s never seen her flush this deep. oc snaps out of it as she thanks him for the tea. she just nods, her eyes a little glazed over and unfocused.
oc: oh, th—that’s nice. i’ll think about it.
she primly grabs her tiramisu and walks back to her room, leaving levi smirking in their kitchen. she has thoughts that need processing.
oc thoughts: erwin happens to be filthy rich and roomie-free and can afford a penthouse. he dedicated a room in his penthouse to a fully-equipped gym. this is some really good chai. she pretty much stared at her roomie, with his knowledge, very disrespectfully at seven in the morning. her roommate is hot. pretty. cute. sexy. his voice—how has she never noticed? arms? abs? those thighs?? all of the above??? anyway, that v down his hips, his chest—yeah, her vibrator’s batteries die that night, and she’ll have to remember to get new ones after work. this is very for her, very bad indeed.
this was the h-word snippet 🥵 LMAO i had to give oc a little something because this isn’t one-sided after all 😌
when levi walks back to her room, oc’s head peeps out of the door.
oc: here, i just need three boxes and i can cashapp you the payment.
levi grunts, taking the prescription and folding it into his pocket.
levi: come with me.
THIS PART!! IS SO LEVI!! I’M OBSESSED!! I’m obsessed with the whole concept of him just... affectionately forcing her to nap in his room because it’s the least he can do to help ease her pain, and show that he cares; but this right here!! The way he had no intentions of going to the pharmacy, but is going to help her out anyway!! Begrudgingly taking the perscription, and immediately changing the subject away from the topic of her paying him back!! So good!! (And why do I get the feeling that he never accepted her cashapp lmaooo). 
oc is about to argue when he fixes her with a glare that makes her sigh. she presses her palms into her cheeks in resignation.
levi: come on, i made dinner. you really need to eat something other than synthetic garbage and peanut butter.
oc sniffles and giggles. levi sets the food down and takes a seat beside her. he freezes when she grasps his hand.
oc: really, levi, thank you
levi shrugs (absolutely melting at her smile).
ALSO HERE!! I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know but the casual insulting her dinners lmaoo only to help her out; it’s the showing affection without outright saying it’s affection that’s so GOOD!! I’M OBSESSED!!
AND THE WHOLE GYM SEQUENCE!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! LOVE LEVI BEING JUST A LITTLE COCKY!! GOOD FOR HIM!! HE’S ATTRACTIVE!! HE SHOULD KNOW IT!! PLS but oc being just a little shameless and telling him how good he looks and just staring without feeling guilty LMFAOO GOOD FOR HER TOO!! GOOD FOR THEM!!
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genogenocrazycatman · 3 years
Terrible - Eustass Kid x OC
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Terrible [Archive of Our Own, FanFiction.Net]
Progress: 1/1
Characters: Eustass Kid, Original Character
So this a repost of a fic from a couple of years ago that is loosely based off of a headcannon that firefistlaw got from an anon..
“Modern!Headcanon that Eustass kid’s s/o goes to college like for some very impressive field, but Kid didn’t really want to go to college so he a mechanic and just, they live together and Eustass always picks up his s/o from their classes. Intimidating people because he’s just intensely gazing at the door to see if his s/o is on their ways/o"
“Well, I say that went well,” Jay said cheerily, grinning as we headed towards the elevators in the university’s main offices.
 Jay and his half sister, Rei, were biomedical engineers. The two WizKids and his sister, Rei, were biomedical engineers. The two whiz kids had been working with the world renowned, Dr. Vegapunk. They along with the rest of Vegapunk’s lab researched and produced highly advanced cybernetic limbs, that were integrated with the nervous system, and thus reacted to the body’s natural impulses.
 I didn’t fully understand the ins and outs of it, but I knew that the research was expensive as shit, and without funding any potential it had wouldn’t be realized. That’s where I came in. I worked in the University’s development office. I worked specifically with the science department as their development liaison.  
 Now I had worked with a lot of scientists and doctors who were wonderful people and great with donors. Vegapunk’s team? Not at all. Vegapunk himself rarely left the lab. He sent me the information I needed to shop out, but aside from that I never heard from the guy. From what I understood, he only ever met with the higher ups and that was only when he was met with the threat of termination. Admittedly, those threats rang hollow. Vegapunk was the university’s crown jewel.
 The others were all exceptionally bright. Without fail they were the smartest people in every room they stepped into… And they knew it… And without trying they let everyone else know it... No one likes a know it all.
 Vegapunk, Rei and Jay were geniuses, but there are some things that they couldn’t even manage to do and fundraise was among those. We’d just had a meeting with a couple of potential donors in one of the university’s board rooms, which thankfully with my serving as a buffer, had gone extremely well.
 I had another meeting with the father and daughter pair coming up in the next couple of weeks, where I would make a proper ask. I had high hopes.
 “That’s because I was there. You two are hopeless. If it takes more than three minutes to explain it, and it isn’t even something that they ask about, then don’t bring it up.”
“Materials are important,” Jay stressed.
 “Yeah. With this new compound that Dr. Vegapunk has created, everything we produce will be lighter and more durable.”
 I just blinked at them. “You mean you spent ten minutes explaining this to them in a way that went so far over their head, I’m pretty sure it went into orbit, and you just explained it to me in two sentences?”
 They looked at each other, finally getting my point. “Oh.”
 “Unbelievable,” I groaned.
 I shook my head, stepping off of the elevator behind them.
 “At least it’s over now, and you don’t have to deal with our genius level stupidity until Monday,” Rei said.
 “Or any donors,” Jay added.
 “Nope,” I agreed. “Just my man and his band of grease monkeys.”
 “Yes, the mysterious mechanic,” Rei said.
 I snorted. “Mysterious. Kid’s one of the most straight forward people that you will ever meet.”
 “But we haven’t met him,” Jay said.
 “Hence why he’s mysterious.”
 I rolled my eyes. “I hate, when you two do that.”
 I was pretty close with the twins. I interacted with them more than anyone else on campus, and we had formed a friendship, a weird friendship, but a friendship none the less.
 “I mean. All we know is that he owns his own repair shop,” Rei continued ignoring me. “Which makes the think of some middle-aged man named with Ron with an overly bushy mustache and a beer gut, and that doesn’t really fit with our amazingly professional and well put together fundraiser.”
 I scoffed. Professional and put together. That did not extend past the university. If only they could see me at the shop, in shredded jeans and faded band shirts, my electric blue hair free of the wig I hid it under at work, desperately looking for clients’ keys, receipts and invoices, while yelling at Kid and Heat to turn down the damn music. Meanwhile Killer practically danced around me, putting everything I was looking for together, before handing it over.
 “I see you with like an investment banker.”
 “Yeah or some really high profile real estate agent, named Chaz or Andrew.”
 I scrunched up my nose. ‘A Chaz?’ “Not even close.” I chuckled. “His name is Kid, and he doesn’t have a beer gut. In fact, he’s got abs you could grate cheese on, and I’m nowhere as put together as you seem to think I am. I’m just a dumb punk kid with a day job.“
 The two of them looked at me for a moment, assessing me. “Can’t see it,” they chorused.
 Jay was a step ahead of us and pushed the door to the outside world open, but stopped short, causing both Rei and I to crash into him.
 “That scary guy’s in the parking lot,” Jay said.
 “What scary guy?” I asked.
 “Seriously?” Rei whined, peering out the door over Jay’s shoulder.
 Jay back at me. “The terrifying dude that hangs out in the staff parking lot,” Jay tried to jog my memory. “Always here at like a quarter to five.”
 “Uh huh…” I said, not having any idea of, who he was talking about.
 “You seriously have never seen him?”
 I shook my head. “Apparently not.”
 “He must leave, before you get out of the office,” Rei deduced.  “Well, you’re gonna see him now. You can’t miss him.”
 “Whatever. Can we go now? Weird dude or not, I want to go home.”
 “Not weird,” Jay corrected.
 “Weird,” Rei agreed.
 “Okay, weird, but mostly scary. He just glares at the door, as if he’s trying to make it explode.”
 Cue the light bulb going off over my head.
 “Yeah. I know you said you were going to wait for your boyfriend or whatever, but why don’t you come back to the lab with us? I don’t really want to leave you here with that weirdo lingering.”
 I snorted at Rei. “I’m sure, I’ll be fine,” I said, wiggling past Jay and out the door.
 Once I was outside, I was finally able to see the guy that they were talking about.
 I could see how he could be intimidating. For one, leaning against the side of a perfectly refurbished 1970 Chevy Chevelle it was obvious that he was closer to seven feet tall than six. The garish fabrics that his clothes were pulled taut over his frame. The patterns almost distracted from the obvious muscle underneath. Almost.
 With a build like that, no one dared to comment on his outlandish clothing, the goggles on his head, the grease splattered over him, the black polish on his nails or the dark lipstick he wore. Despite all this, his eyes were still his most striking feature.
 With one glance, Eustass Kid could put the fear of the God into in to anyone stupid enough to cross him, no matter how big or bad they thought they were.
 Those piercing eyes met mine, which brought a wicked grin to his lips.
 Involuntarily, the muscles in my face pulled, returning that gesture. I adjusted my bag on my shoulder and walked over to him, leaving the twins at the door.
 “Hey,” I greeted, wrapping my arms around his neck.
 “Hey babe,” he greeted.
 He brought his hands to my hips, running them up my sides, before pulling me flush against him and dropping his lips down to meet mine for a kiss that was by no means appropriate, especially considering that I was technically still at work, even if I was not technically on the clock.
 He rested his forehead on mine. “What’s with the audience?” he asked, eyes flickering over to the twins.
 “Probably trying to make sure that you don’t murder me. They think you’re rather frightening. Though after that display, now they probably think that you like to get off in public.”
 His smirk grew. “Considering how into it you were, I’m starting to think that you do. You know we could always-”
 “Not a chance,” I said, trying and failing not to smile at him. “You’re such a sleaze ball.”
 “That I am,” Kid said, hand traveling down to my ass. “But at least I’m honest about it,” he said, giving it a squeeze.
 I tried to level him with a firm glare, but it did nothing. “Kid, I’m still technically at work,” I scolded, stepping back, before he could get any more handsy.
 “I’m not,” he said, unfazed. “They can’t fire me.”
 “No, but they can me.”
 “Then, I guess we better get out of here, before I get you canned.” He pushed himself up off the car.
 I tossed my bag in the open window, heading around to the passenger’s side. I finally looked at the twins, who looked absolutely dumfounded. “I’ll see you guys Monday!” I hollered at them, waving.
 Kid gave them one of his more sinister grins, raising his hand in a mocking wave.
 I leaned over the center console, pushing his door open. “Quit trying to scare them and let’s go home.”
 “Whatever you say, babe,” he said, humoring me. He slipped into the driver’s seat and turned the key in the ignition, the car roaring to life. He revved the engine a few times, before peeling out of the parking lot and speeding towards home.
 “You’re terrible,” I said, laughing.
 “You love it,” he shot back, removing his hand from the gear shift and flipping his hand, so that his palm was facing up.
 I slipped my hand into his. “Yeah. I do.”
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ladyfiresfanfiction · 4 years
Baby, Let’s Get Naked - Supernatural Fan Fic - Dean Winchester X OC
She paced around the living room, nearly burning a hole in the floor. Her usual calm, easy going manner had vanished and was replaced with anxiety and frantic obscene murmurings to herself. She was worried that she had gotten dressed up for nothing. But she also worried about other things; what if he had forgotten, what if he couldn't find the place, or worse, what if he was hurt? It didn't help that the smart ass never answered his phone when she called, either. But still, she waited, rather impatiently. If she knew him like she thought she did, he would waltz through the door, smirk at her, and say something stupid like "you're wearing that?" or "let's skip dinner and go straight to bed, sweetheart." Either one would have been comforting right now. What was it about him that drove her so mad? Was it those remarkable eyes? Golden hazel, like a wolf's? Or maybe those plump, warm lips that sent shivers up her spine anytime he leaned in and kissed her. It could have been that rough, gravelly voice as well. Or that body, it was so perfect. The strong, smooth chest, those perfect abs, or those arms that made her want to shove him on the ground and have her way with him. It wasn't just his physique that drove her so crazy. It was also how he could be so childish, but serious at the same time. He could make her laugh like no one she had never known. He was kind, and loving, and he was really protective. He was the guy you could always go to with your deepest secrets, your darkest fears, and he would never push you away. He would be there the second you called. They had met when she had turned eighteen, he saved her life. She was always a firm believer in things she could see and touch. Not what she could sense, or feel. But he proved to her that things are not always black and white, and she thanked him for that. It was the reason she was still breathing, and was able to blow out twenty one candles. When she saw the ghost of her ex boyfriend materialize in front of her, and slowly trudge toward her in a menacing fashion, her life was changed forever. But Dean came along, and he was able to keep her out of harms way. The way he completely took control over the situation, how he risked his own life to keep her alive, it was something she could never erase from her memory. And to this day, three years later, she still thought of him constantly. She wondered if things could ever be more than a quick hang out and hook up before he hit the road. In her heart of hearts, she knew he was the one for her. There had never been another guy since he entered her life. She couldn't find herself remotely attracted to anyone in her town, and she never one thought of going with another guy. Plus, he ruined sex for her. He was like a machine, he could go for hours and never get tired. And the way he held her afterwards, it made everything seem like a fairy tale. Last week he called and let her know that he was coming back to Omaha on business. He said as soon as it was over he would have an extra day or two to spend with her. He was tracking some kind of trickster that was killing the elderly and needed to put a stop to it. She worried about him, but, it was Dean, he would be okay. Dean Winchester could never die. Three hours after he was suppose to arrive, she decided to call his brother, Sam. Her mind had one too many bad scenarios running rampant right now, and it needed to be stopped. The phone seemed to ring continually, which only added to her annoyance. She twirled a lock of her raven black hair around her fingers and growled at the phone. Finally, he answered. "Quinn, hey! What's up?" Sam asked. "Where's Dean? Is he alive? Are you guys okay? Oh, God, please tell me y'all aren't in the hospital!" "Quinn, what are you talking about? Everything's fine. The job is done and Dean and I just had dinner." Sam said, sounding utterly confused. "Oh you did, did you? Ask him if he forgot something tonight." she hissed. Quinn's usual cheery voice has turned to stone. Her crystal blue eyes were probably a dark, scary blue. She was shaking and balled her fist, ready to slug him as soon as he walked through the door. He made her panic, think that something happened with his newest hunt. He knew how much she worried, he knew that she had an over active imagination. And that selfish, stupid, boyish asshole decided to grab a fucking bite before even calling her? Oh, it would not end well. "He's on his way, Quinn.." Sam said, sounding scared. She changed out of her body hugging black velvet mini dress and heels, into a pair of black paid pajama bottoms and an over sized Marilyn Manson shirt. Her hair was devoid of the curls she spent an hour doing, and placed in a half assed pony tail, and her face was now makeup free. She sat on the couch in complete darkness, seething with anger. The second he walked through that door he was going to get it. He walked in fifteen minutes later and tried to feel around for the light switch. When he couldn't find one, he called out to her. Quinn had the nastiest temper he had ever seen on a chick, and he had been with plenty of women to witness unspeakable tempers. He had completely forgotten and felt awful, especially since he remembered she was getting all dressed up. He finally found the switch and saw her in her PJ's, sitting on the couch, looking like she wanted to jump him and rip his eyes out. He nervously chuckled, and moved cautiously. Once he reached the side of the couch, she got up and stormed passed him, slamming the door shut. "You're lucky that car belonged to your dad, because if it didn't, Dean Winchester, it would be DESTROYED right about now!" she screeched. "Hey now, the Impala did nothing wrong so just relax, woman." he said, regretting those words nearly immediately. She punched him hard in his stomach and he groaned. She went into the kitchen and started chugging a wine cooler. He took in a few deep breaths before following close behind. He looked at her, so angry, but so sexy at the same time. Now was the worst time to start imagining the things he'd do her, against the back door, on the kitchen floor, having her bent over the kitchen counter while he pounded her from behind. It was all so tempting, and it would be so easy to get her to cave. He would let her get her rage out, and then at the first opportunity, he would make his move. She glared at him. Why was he still here? She wanted nothing to do with him, and her hand hurt from clocking him in his rock hard stomach. It was like punching a brick wall. She rolled her eyes at him. That smug bastard just stood there, smirking and looking at her from head to toe. He tried to move close to her, but she pushed him away and went to the living room. She plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. If he wouldn't leave, she would pretend he wasn't there. But, he didn't seem to get the hint. "Come on, baby, how long are you gonna be mad at me? I mean, at least I'm okay, right?" he grinned while whispering in her ear. "Fuck off, Winchester." she snarled. He was growing irritated now. Usually after a few minutes of her incessant glares and obscenities she would break and do whatever he wanted. Then again, he had never forgotten to call her after a job before. It was like this unspoken rule between them. He sighed and went to put his arm around her shoulders, in which she flipped him over the couch. She was now lying down, smiling and proud of herself. But Dean wasn't having that. He was now pissed off, hungry, and horny. For Dean Winchester, that was a volital mix. He jumped up, snatched the remote and turned it off. The next thing Quinn knew was she was hoisted over his shoulder, kicking and screaming while he went upstairs. He went inside her room and slammed her down on the bed. He kicked the door shut and they glared at each other. His eyes took on this melted golden lava hue, and in that moment, Quinn realized how fucked she was. Or, actually, was about to be. He walked over and with one swift movement, yanked her up with her wrist enclosed in his hand. She looked up at him, trying hard not to give in. But the way he was biting his bottom lip, to the lustful look in his eyes, and how his body stood in front of her, unmoving and completely solid, she was melting and quick. He forced his lips hard on hers, and she moaned into the kiss. His hands moved down to her hips, and he squeezed them hard enough that she would have bruises the next day. She sucked on his bottom lip and let her hands wander through his hair, yanking on it every so often. He fell on top of her on the bed and their tongues became engaged in a win or die war. His tongue slid over every inch of hers, soaking up her saliva and texture, it was so far down her throat he was nearly gagging her. She pulled away and attacked his neck, kissing and biting like she was some blood hungry animal. He returned rough, dry kisses to her neck, down to her collarbone, where he proceeded to nibble on. His hand slid slowly down every curve, every crevice of her body. He began to grind against her, letting her feel his slowly forming boner. She began to whimper when he yanked her hair away from her neck and bit down, hard enough to leave black marks. She was sliding her hands down his perfect, chizzeled chest, down to those abs that she wanted to lick. He tore her shirt in half, promising to buy her a new one later. All she could do was pant, and mimic a laugh. He was too much for her to handle. She slowly inched his shirt up, and along the way kissed his body. With every sweet kiss came an animalistic grunt deep in his throat. She knew just the thing to do to get him so crazy, so sex driven, that she would not walk for a week. She finally got his shirt off and worked on his shoulders. She rubbed them while adding butterfly kisses, making him shake and pant profane words into her ear. His hands went up to her breasts, each one fitting perfectly in the palms of his hands. He would squeeze and smirk as she cried out in frustration. He then would proceed to wet his finger while twirling it around her nipple, making them a little wet before he bent down to suck on them. Then his tongue would slide around, and he would nibble, making her arch and scream. He wouldn't let her take control this easily. Her legs were wrapped around his waist and she grabbed his face with her hands, then pressed her lips to his, inhaling his warmth. Their hip bones were crushing up against each others, knocking back and forth, ensuring pain but pleasure all at once. He finally ripped her sweats off of her in one smooth motion, and then proceeded to kiss down her body. He got down on his knees, and forced her legs apart, far and wide, wide enough to make it hurt. She knew what was coming, and began to grip the sheets, feeling her knuckles hurt and turn white. He smirked and winked at her. He began to nibble on her inner thighs, the stubble on his chin was sending every feeling throughout her entire body. She could already feel herself getting wet and sticky. He made his way up to her opening, in which he stuck one solitary finger in. He curled that finger, and another and began to pump them inside of her, making sure she was good and lubed up before he began to taste her. She was already whining and begging him to fuck her, but all he could do was mutter the word "patience". Quinn was not a patient woman. After several minutes of his fingers hitting her g-spot, he released his fingers from inside her and let his large, skilled tongue enter her. He played with her clit while his tongue curled inside of her, making her arch and gasp. He had learned a few tricks since his last visit. The deeper his tongue entered her cunt, the more her body moved. She was nearly sliding off of the silk sheets when he hit her spot. Air was becoming hard to come by, and she was begging him to let her go now. He began to lap up her juices that flowed freely from her body. Her eyes were beginning to roll back in her head and her muscles were contracting. She was so close to losing complete control. And that's when he stopped. He stood above her, jeans still on and the biggest bulge she had ever seen on him exposed. He smirked and leaned down to kiss her lips. His tongue locked with hers, giving her a taste of herself. Her nails raked down his back, giving him some of the pain she was feeling. He pulled away, tugging on her bottom lip as he let go. "Are you sure you want me, Quinn? I could easily leave." he said in that deep, hungry voice. "Fuck me now, Dean. God, fuck me now." she begged. "As you wish, slut." he smirked. He unbuttoned his jeans and she watched as they fell to his ankles. What a perfect day to go commando, she thought. He hovered above her body, the tip of his cock pressed against her opening. Before she could try anything, he pinned her wrists down at her sides, and shook his head no. She was nearly in tears from the pressure and the pounding in her pussy. He could have fucked her sideways and upside down, she wouldn't have cared. This building up bullshit was killing her. And he finally entered her. Every single, solid inch all at once. She groaned as she felt his full girth inside of her, and she bucked her hips against his. He was sliding in furiously, hard enough to send her upward on to the bed, the sheets had become so slippery from a mix of her sweat and the fact that they were silk it was hard to keep her in one place. There were loud slapping noises from their skin being slicked with sweat, and everytime he entered her, he banged his hip bones against hers, causing a shock to go through every fiber of her being. She arched in to him, hungrily kissing him. His bottom lip was caught between her lips, enjoying every second of their kiss. He threw her against the headboard, and he gained momentum as he began to pound her aching cunt. It felt so good it hurt, and she was nearly screaming his name. He grunted in her ear, making her squirm under his delicious form. He finally looked down into her eyes, his lips inches from hers, and he smiled. "You always have been my number one girl, and my number one fuck." he said hoarsely. The more he went in, the wetter she got. Anytime he penetrated her now, it made a loud squelching noise from the huge amount of cum dripping from her. He was nearing the end of his rope as she sucked on his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist, giving him more of a chance to deeply pound her. It was all too much and she lost all control of her body. She screamed, louder and louder, with each thrust he sent her flying into the headboard, and he tightened up his muscles, and shut his eyes tight. He let out a massive load of white hot cum, shocking her body to bits. Her muscles contracted around his cock, and she screamed as she released. He kissed her lips to silence her, and she moaned uncontrollably into the kiss. Once they finished, he collapsed on top of her. He was shaking and panting, and all the while she slid her fingertips through his damp hair, and kissed the top of his head. This was the best sex of her life, and she knew no one could ever top it. He laid there, cradled in her arms, and they were both silent for the longest time. He always liked to go out with a bang, and he sure as hell did this time.
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softly-and-tendrly · 4 years
A growing flame
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A/N A short little blurb I wrote for my OC Cat Menken! Maki may be a bit occ, its been some time since I’ve written a fanfic of any sorts!
“Maki’s gonna make fun of me again,” I whined as I held a hand underwater soothing the newly acquired burn from the umpteenth coffee attempt. “How am I gonna open a coffee shop if I can’t even make it without incident,” my lamentations continued. Padding my way to my bathroom limply holding my hand before me to bandage it my eyes traveled to a clock with a smile on my face. “It’s almost time for our date,” I remarked to no one with a giggle.
Maki Oze had been my best friend since our academy days, our lives taking very different paths, her the military and fire force, and mine being teaching. We stayed close never missing a “date” with each other. She always knew the places with the best sweets that she guessed I would love, she usually is right.  After the bandage was wrapped I quickly made my way from my apartment in an attempt to beat her to the coffee shop our date would be. 
Huffing and puffing the shop in sight I could feel my adrenaline spike, but dear lord what was that, it couldn’t be Maki! It was, she too was sprinting, head down and focused. I knew I had no hope of beating her so my feet slowed and lungs glad to punish me with a burning. I put my head down in defeat as I shuffled forward. Apon laughter that sounded like bells to me, my eyes danced to my victor as she bounced with happiness. Her smile has always been the same I noted briefly and I picked up my pace again.
“And then his hat said,” “Maki stop I’m gonna choke!” we both sat and with our giggles filling the air with music. “How could someone be so oblivious!” she mused looking down at me, “Actually you may relate.” she teased eyes drifting to my hand. “Maki, you’re good at being strong and kind, me I’m good at burning my hand. We all have lots in life.” I mused with a shrug of my shoulders. “At least you’re pretty.” she suddenly breathed out. “Hey, I think you’re very…” my sentence never to find its end as an explosion shocked us and our fellow patrons. Her body moving on seemingly on autopilot springing up to run. “I’m sorry Cat, we’ll try again later!” “Please, Maki, be safe!” I shouted after her while wishing a silent prayer after her. 
I found myself in bed later in the night, thoughts drifting to Maki as they often did. Worry and anxiety often plagued my nightly thoughts about her or old childhood memories worn with nostalgia. Her remarks of doubt over her looks often troubled me, she had always been beautiful to me with me telling her so I mean some women would give everything to look like her. Yet she didn’t see it, thinking herself “too muscular”, my opinion of course different. Her abs absolutely exquisite and her arms, oh how they looked in tank tops….hands suddenly flew up to cover my face and the increasing blush that grew with no stop. I couldn’t think of Maki as much more than my best friend, unfortunately, I’d always had a flame for her.
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theangriestpea · 5 years
Cherry Popper
Summary: After Toni leaves Lavender and Sweet Pea high and dry, they call upon their best friend to finish what she started. Takes place during 3x16
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Lavender x Fangs
A/N: Thank you for 100+ followers! This is my gift to all of you! A threesome fic between Sweet Pea, Fangs, and my OC Lavender! This can be read as a one-shot, however it is a part of Mercy Killing canon! It just doesn’t take place anytime soon in the fic.
Word Count: 2.2k+
Warnings: Smut, Double Penetration, Anal, Virginity losing?, Threesome, Some dirty talk
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Sweet Pea and Lavender stood in their underwear, Toni having just walked out of the auditorium after pulling them in for a random (but very promising) threesome. They stared at one another, wondering what the hell had just happened.
“That was a bit of a letdown.” Lavender finally breathed out, crossing her arms over her chest. “She got me all revved up and then just left.”
Sweet Pea smirked at her, “I’m sure I can help you with that.”
“Pretty sure you only have two hands Sweets.” Lavender pointed out dryly. No, she was much more interested in exploring the inner workings of a ménage à trois in this particular moment. “Unless…” She mumbled, “We call Fangs.”
“You want to fuck our best friend?” Sweet Pea asked, looking a little offended.
Lavender scoffed, “you’d be fucking me too, dummy.” She said, hoping that he wouldn’t punch Fangs for her just suggesting it.
Sweet Pea was obviously thinking it over, a varied range of emotion crossing his face. “Alright, I’ll call Fangs. But only on one condition.”
She gave him a skeptical look, “What?”
“I get to pop your anal cherry.” Sweet Pea said with a triumphant smirk.
Lavender’s face turned bright red, “Sweets! We can’t just…do that here!” She said, talking more with her hands than with her mouth.
“All or nothing, sweetheart.” Sweet Pea said, still smirking at her. “Come on, Fangs always has lube in his locker just in case. I’ll make sure it doesn’t hurt.”
She chewed her on her lower lip, staring him down in his tank top and boxers. The way he had torn his belt off earlier had just done things to her. She needed his hands on her now or at least as soon as possible.
Lav let out a sigh of defeat, “Fine, call Fangs. Bring lube and condoms because I know you didn’t bring any.”
Sweet Pea shot her an annoyed look, feeling very called out because he was always forgetting condoms in crucial moments like these. So many times had their quickies come to an abrupt halt because he didn’t have a rubber and Lavender refused to risk him just pulling out. She tried to convince him to keep one in his wallet but he’d always forget to replace it after using it.
Pea made quick work of the phone call. Fangs had pretty much the same reaction he and Lav did when Toni beckoned them into the auditorium to begin with. He was definitely confused but also excited. He ran into the auditorium, door slamming behind him, and armed with condoms and lubricant.
“Is this really happening?!” He practically shouted, eyes wide at seeing his two best friends in nothing but their underwear.
“That was like…record breaking fast.” Lavender said, pointedly looking at the clock on the wall with a teasing look on her face.
Fangs hopped up on stage, “so do I like, need to get naked too?” He asked, obviously too excited to even think straight about what to do in this kind of situation. This was like…a wild dream come true.
Lavender turned her back to both boys and sauntered over to the bed that was hidden in the wing of the stage. It was a prop for Veronica’s bedroom during JD’s Meant to be Yours scene. She could hear Fang’s belt clang against the hard floor of the stage, making her chuckle lightly.
“Yes, Fangs, and we were thinking of going the…DP route.” Lavender said as she sat down on the bed to look up at him.
Fangs glanced at Sweet Pea, “so which hole do I get?” He asked crudely, earning a punch to the arm from his friend.
Lavender laughed at him. “Come here.” She grabbed him by the waist and brought him closer to her. “Let’s just start with a kiss. Pea can watch, he kisses me all the time.”
She looked at her boyfriend, asking him if he was okay with this with a simple look. Pea gave her a slight nod before peeling off his tank top. Fangs was somehow already in his boxers. Lavender was definitely impressed by his speed.
Fangs leaned down at Lav’s urging. His lips meeting hers softly at first, but Lav made it deeper. She ran her tongue across his lips to get him to open his mouth. Of course he did, having had plenty of wet dreams about making out with his best friend. As wrong as he always felt about it, this felt right.
She pulled him down on top of her, laying back so that he was on top. Her eyes darted to Sweet Pea who was rubbing himself through his boxers with an intense look on his face. He seemed to be enjoying this at least.
Lavender and Fangs continued to kiss one another passionately, Fang’s hands wandering along her sides playfully. She let out a light moan, touching the defined muscles of his abs as he nipped at her lips.
“Rhodes, get on top.” Sweet Pea ordered. Fangs rolled over onto his back, pulling Lavender on top of him. Their lips didn’t even part, tongues entwined together. Fangs hands slipped behind her back and he expertly unhooked her bra. Lavender ripped it off of her to free her breasts.
Fangs’ hands cupped both of them, squeezing playfully. She noticed that his hands weren’t quite as big as Sweet Pea’s but they felt great nonetheless. Meanwhile Sweet Pea was slipping down her underwear. He grabbed the small bottle of lube that Fangs had brought and popped it open.
Lavender took her underwear off completely so that she was fully naked on top of Fangs. Sweet Pea squeezed the bottle, lube oozing out and dropping between her bottom cheeks. She jumped at the feeling of cold liquid against her suddenly.
Fangs chuckled at her reaction, her lips suddenly breaking away from his. “Pea!” Lavender whined at him for not warning her first.
“Don’t pay attention to him, I’m the one you’re kissing.” Fangs said a little possessively, catching her lips with his again. Lav kissed him back, feeling Sweet Pea’s hands on her ass. He smacked her once, making her let out another whine. His finger went to her hole and he rubbed the lube in, making sure it was all over his finger before slowly starting to insert it.
A small gasp came from her lips, annoying Fangs that she was breaking away from him yet again. It felt so foreign and she wasn’t sure how she felt about something suddenly being in her ass. This was an alley she’d never been down before despite Sweet Pea trying to convince her on numerous occasions.
His index finger was all the way in, “How does that feel, baby?” He asked, wanting to know if it was okay for him to go further.
Fangs was watching them, growing hard at the erotic scene in front of him. He pinched Lav’s nipples to help ease her obvious anxiety. He understood his role in this more now, to help keep her distracted while Sweet Pea prepped her ass for himself. He knew she’d never done it before, because Sweet Pea told him practically everything that went on in the bedroom (mostly because Fangs was curious and asked all the time).
“It feels weird, but it doesn’t hurt.” Lavender said, encouraging him to start moving his finger in and out. Despite the somewhat discomfort, it slowly started to feeling good. Fangs was still playing with her breasts, the feeling of two different sets of hands on her practically setting her on fire.
One of Fangs hands wandered down to lightly rub her clit. “You’ll love it, just relax.” He cooed softly into her ear. Lavender moaned lightly at his touch, her hips rocking a little to meet both of their touches.
Sweet Pea added a second finger, the stretching causing a little bit of pain. Lavender stiffened as Fangs kissed down her neck to try and distract her more. It didn’t take too long for her to get used to Sweet Pea’s fingers. Soon enough she was moaning, not only from that but also from Fangs rubbing her clit.
Sweets leaned over and started kissing her shoulder blade lovingly. Four hands and two mouths on her, god she was already going crazy. “God damn, you’re so hot.” Fangs muttered against the flesh of her neck. His hand that was on her breast moved to her core, inserting two fingers. She sucked in a sharp breath. “And you’re so wet.”
“Are you going to cum on our fingers, baby girl?” Sweet Pea asked, nipping at the back of her ear. He inserted a third, stretching her more. The pain didn’t last long as the ecstasy she was feeling from Fangs’ hands was overpowering it. “You’re taking my fingers so well. You’re almost ready.”
“You’re too big, Sweets.” Lavender moaned, her eyes shut as her forehead was resting against Fangs’ shoulder. “This is too much, I’m already going crazy.”
Sweet Pea laughed, “You’re the one that wanted this.” He pointed out. “Inviting Fangs was your idea.”
She just whimpered in response. Fangs pulled his fingers out. Lav lifted her head to look at him with hooded eyes, “Fangs? Why’d you stop?”
“Because I want my dick in you, not my fingers.” He said as a matter-of-fact. Sweet Pea pulled his fingers out as well and suddenly Lav felt very annoyed at having no neither of their hands on her.
Sweet Pea handed Fangs a condom. Both boys took their boxers off and readied up. Sweet Pea squirted more lube onto his penis to get it ready, rubbing it up and down his length. “You go first, bro.” He said, knowing it’d be easier for Fangs to slip in first. It would also help take her mind off of any pain she might feel from him.
Fangs lined himself up with her entrance before thrusting up into her. Both parties moaned in unison, the sound making Sweet Pea’s needs grow.
“Sweet Pea was right, you are tight.” Fangs said, making Lav blush slightly. She grinded her hips down against him to feel more friction. “Someone’s eager.” He added as she bit her lip to hold back another moan.
Sweet pea grabbed one of her hips. Fangs stopped moving so that Sweet Pea could enter her. He pushed in and Lav let out a small cry of pain. He stayed still, waiting for her to get used to him. “You move first, it’ll help.” He told Fangs.
Fangs started to move again, thrusting in and out of her. He put his hands on her waist to hold her in place. Lavender moaned, the pleasure from Fangs was definitely overpowering the unpleasantness of Sweet Pea in her ass.
As soon as sounds of pleasure started to spill from her mouth, Sweet Pea started to move slowly. He could even feel Fang’s member which wasn’t something that he was expecting. Them moving in and out at the same time, keeping pace with one another. Pea’s hands were on her hips to help further keep her steady.
Lavender didn’t know how to feel, the completely exotic feeling of having both boys inside of her, both of them moving simultaneously. Whatever pain she had felt was gone now. She was overwhelmed by the dual sensations. Their harmonious moans only making more heat pool in the pit of her stomach.
They pumped faster, Sweet Pea going a little softer than he normally did since she was still getting used to his size. “Fuck baby, you feel so good.” He said, “Do you like both of us fucking you at the same time?”
“Yes,” Lavender mewled. “God, it feels so amazing!” Fangs used one hand to play with her clit again, knowing it would drive her even crazier.
She moaned out loudly, the sound echoing in the auditorium. None of them cared about how much noise they were making. The sound of skin against skin loud in the open room.
All three had the feeling of orgasms rising inside of them. Lavender’s was definitely the strongest and she knew she’d probably hit her peak first.
Sweet Pea grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled, forcing her to arch her back. His pace increased again and Fangs followed suit quickly to match him.
“Gonna come, baby?” Sweet Pea asked, knowing very well how to read the pitches of her moans.
Lavender only whimpered, feeling close to the edge. Sweet Pea reached around with his other hand and groped her breast. Between their members moving in and out of her, Fangs’ hand on her clit, and Sweet Pea’s hand on her breast, Lavender was forced to her peak. She came hard, biting her tongue to keep from screaming loudly. She didn’t want to alert anyone else outside of the auditorium.
The boys had their orgasms almost simultaneously moments later, all three panting heavily. Lavender was collapsed on top of Fangs and Sweet Pea pulled out so he could lay down beside them on the small twin bed. They didn’t really fit but there was a soft comfort in being so close together, basking in the afterglow of their escapades.
“Now I can say I’ve had sex with both of you.” Fangs said happily, an arm wrapped around Lavender’s waist affectionately.
Sweet Pea elbowed him playfully while Lav laughed. “You’re such a dork.”
Suddenly they heard the door squeak open and though they were all hidden on the side of the stage, all three jumped up. They comically scrambled to the other side of the bed to hide, hearts racing.
“Hello?” Kevin’s voice rang out. He had thought he had heard people talking but wasn’t sure. After a moment he left and the three broke out into laughter.
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harveywritings92 · 5 years
Bad Wolf: Werewolf! Jason Todd x Reader
The following is a non profit fan based story Batman, Red hood, Nightwing etc. belongs to DC Comics please support the official release.
I gain no profit from this nor do I own anything other then OCs  and whatever sprouts from my imagination. Thanks for reading!
Y/n woke up that morning her e/c stared blankly up at the ceiling trying to work through the deafening haze, she felt sore and her limbs felt like they were made of jelly. she turned to look at her alarm clock wincing as her hips protested from the sudden action, it was 8 am...the closed her eyes, she bolt upwards realizing she was late for wor....oh, right she didn't have a job anymore, she frowned wanting to feel angry and disgruntled, but couldn't find it in her.
She actually felt happy! that she didn't have bend over backwards for her lazy ass co-workers anymore. no more stolen credit, no work being pushed on to her, No creepy Chris from resources flirting with her and sending her creepy messages.
 No Yvette her snotty supervisor belittling her in front of everyone...She was brought out of her thoughts when a large muscular arm wrapping around her naked waist and pulling her back down on to the bed.
"Go back to sleep Pip-squeak..." a tired voice rumbled the h/c blinked and turned to the second person in her bed a man with green eyes messy black hair with white streak, and a body that looked like it was chiseled from marble glared up at her lazily, Y/n blinked at the man mind still fogged up as she tried to remember the last 24hrs and how the hell did she end in bed with someone like him.
"You're firing me?!" Y/n shrieked staring at her boss gobsmacked at Yvette who tried to look sympathetic, but as he was clearly more interested in her stupid manicured nails and make-up to care. "We just can't keep someone, who just wants sit around being lazy and do nothing while her co-workers do everything for her." Y/n couldn't believe what she was hearing...Lazy?...Nothing?! she stood right up and slammed her hands on the desk causing Yvette to jumped.
"I've worked my ass off for this company for six years...I watched it go from a 40 person operation to 120! I missed my uncle's funeral because I was busy doing my fellow workers jobs and your fucking work while you were on vacation in Hawaii...and you accuse me of being lazy?!" The blond had heard enough and called security to escort Y/n off the premises, the h/c yanked her her arm out of the guard's hand. "Don't bother I'm going..."
She hissed before shouldering one of the large men she packed her things and walked out of building all while her ex co-workers whispered and snickered at the [y/h] who flipped them all off as she got in the elevator. Why the fuck did they choose to fire her tonight of all nights, It's cold and raining the bottom of cardboard box she had her stuff in gave out from all the water it absorbed,
scattering and breaking all the glass crap inside, She didn't even bother to picking it up she just stared at the broken remains of the last six years of her life slowly being washed away by the rain. She watched aluminum pencil cup roll down into a gutter and into the foot of some drunk passed out in the gutter.
The e/c stared blankly at the man debating if she should call someone to pick him up, she sighed and went over to the guy not caring if he was dangerous; with how shitty her night was going? Death would be a fucking godsend.
"Hey buddy, you okay?" She saw the guy more clearly now he was in some tactical looking gear, some kind of helmet "Sir are you okay?" She felt her heart speed up the man still hadn't moved she started speed walking towards him, Y/n Was going to call out to him again...
only for her voice to die when she realized just who the man was, it's was the red-hood Y/n felt fear curdle into her stomach she'd heard about the gun trotting vigilante, how he kills people well bad people but still people none the less.
the h/c took a step back, but then noticed the subtle stream of red pooling around his body being mixed with the water and washed away from the rain and the hole in his shoulder. 
after some heavy thoughts the e/c girls managed to pull Red-hood up and somehow managed to dragged him back to her apartment. "Fuck you're heavy.." she grunted depositing the large guy on to her couch, then went searching around her apartment cabinets for that old bottle of whiskey her uncle had gifted for her 19th birthday...
The [Y/h] hummed finding it now she just needed to find the old med-kit. she looked into the upper crawl space and found her Uncle's kit and brought it down and went back to her living room Red was still out...And with a sigh the e/c girl tied her hair back and prepped for surgery, the benefit of being raised by a black market surgeon? was knowing that he didn't give two shits if she used his stuff.
She'd removed the bullet from Red-hood's shoulder being mindful of his privacy she didn't take his helmet off, but she did have to cut his shirt and unzipped his body armor off, if she wasn't in doctor mode right now the H/c would be drooling over his abs. 
Y/n hummed as she pulled out bits of Kevlar and body armor from his wound and stitched him up, then went to examine the bullet curiously it had a dull sheen to it almost like...
There was knock at her door Y/n frowned she wasn't expecting any visitors? She got up from her coffee table and went to check the peephole and her nose scrunched up like she'd smelled something sour when she saw who it was. Chris...wait she never told where she lived. the h/c felt a lump form in her throat. 
As she cautiously unlocked her door and opened it a crack. "What are you doing here?" Y/n hissed glaring at her ex co-worker suspiciously the greasy haired man pulled a "Charming" smile which failed miserably reminding Y/n of the joker.
"Well I heard Yvette fired you so I figured you could used a friend?" 
"No, thanks I got enough friends and you sure as hell ain't one of them.." She went to close the door and Chris wedged his foot between it, as he struggled to keep the door open.
"Well, At least let me take you out for a couple drinks." 
"No thanks, I've already got plans."
"With who?" Chris huffed still trying to pry his way in, The h/c tried to think of an answer when a tired and annoyed called from her living room. "Whose at the door babe?" Y/n glanced over her shoulder while Chris jumped away from the door as it opened wider to reveal a large man with raven hair with a white streak and green eyes coming up behind Y/n pulling a t-shirt on.
The e/c girl was borderline panicking and cheering to every god there was imaginable in her head, as her stalker gawked at the tall, handsome and muscular man who looked like he could easily snap his skinny ass over his knee like a twig.
"Oh this is Chris, he invited me for drinks." The greasy hair man swallowed as the large man's green eyes narrowed at him, like he knew all of Chris's dirty little secrets. "That was nice of him, Too bad you and I already got plans..." The raven haired man said curtly as Chris sweated bullets as he tried to come up with a response. But the message mystery man was sending him was loud and clear.
*Get the fuck out of here before I throw you off the roof.* Chris readjusted his tie and coughed awkwardly. "Yes, Well then I'll just be on my way." the greasy man said as the "couple" waved him off and closed the door, Y/n check the peephole and watched Chis stare bewildered at the door before walking out of her view, 
She relaxed for a few moments that was until a large hand wrapped around her neck. and tall muscular figure loomed over her threateningly. "Where the fuck am, and who the hell are you?" the man demanded eyes filled with suspicion.
"Good to see you up red." The h/c wheezed as the man squeezed her neck harder, his face contorted into a snarl. "Answer me or I'll snap your neck." He hissed as Y/n winced trying to keep her eyes focused "Y/n...You're at my apartment....I found you bleeding out on the street..." His brows furrowed and he let go of the h/c's neck, She took breaths and coughed trying to breathe. 
"Were you the one who fixed my shoulder?" Red asked examining her the y/h nodded clearing her throat. "Why?" The h/c shrugged rubbing her neck. "I don't know, would you have rather I call the cops?" Red's jaw set she had him there it was then he noticed a photo hanging on the side of her door, It was of an old man in army gear. 
"I know that guy, he was some quack who set up shop in the narrows."  
"Yeah that was my uncle...He taught me how fix people."
"Hmn, what was the deal with the neck-beard?"
"creepy Ex Co-worker, I just got fired tonight..."
Y/n muttered as Red's eyes went from the picture to her, she wasn't much to look at kind of plain really,her e/c eyes were swollen, hair a mess and her clothes were kind of sticking to her from the being caught in the rain. But other then that she smelled...safe, He hummed to himself then sighed "Go take a shower and put on some night clothes or whatever you girls wear." 
Y/n looked at him confused as Red huffed in annoyance. "I said we had plans didn't I? The h/c seemed unsure but, complied fifteen minutes later Y/n came out of he room in a f/c hoodie, gray t-shirt jean-skirt. When she went out into her living room she found Jason on his cell phone texting he noticed her and put it way and got up from her couch. "So, where are we going?" the H/c asked.
And that's how they ended up at a bar.
Y/n was complaining about Chris and Yvette, Chris was a creepy guy who still lived with his mom, he smelled like he bathed rotten eggs and would constantly lurk around her desk or send Y/n messages and...with photos, though she never opened any of his messages with image attachments mainly out fear of what she'll see. And Yvette Martine she's 40 acts and dresses like she's 16 and looks like leather face under all that make up she wears.
"and she has this chihuahua named Pretzel that she drags around in a little pink bag." She takes another sip of her beer. "the poor thing looks at me, like it's saying put me out of my misery." Red listened to her intently he seemed pretty annoyed just from hearing about these people. "That place wasn't an office, it was a high-school." He snarked causing Y/n to snarf and him to burst out laughing as she tried to clean up.
Fifteen minutes later the two were arguing about how Violet should've won Wonka's contest she's the only one who was willing to stick her neck out for the Oompa-Loompas, Red was insistent that Charlie deserved it after all the crap he went through to get the damn ticket aside from that stunt in the soda room he was pretty chilled and polite about the whole thing.
Then that turned it whether or not the Smurf's were mammals or not."Oh my god! Smurf's don't lay eggs! They're mammals!? Papa has effing beard!" Y/n jeered Red rolled his eyes at her scoffing "It's a single female in large group of males, she'd in heat every 24/7 if she didn't lay eggs!" He snarled and pointed at the little graph he made on a napkin. 
Neither had noticed they were getting closer to each other, Next thing they knew they making out on the bar, It wasn't till Bartender noticed Red pulling Y/n's skirt up and the h/c fiddling with his belt, "Yeah, alright Charlie get them out of here!" they snapped at the bouncer who kicked the two drunks out. 
The two burst out laughing and held each other up as walked down the street when Y/n stopped and glared at the large building. "Ish dis where yous used to works?~" Red slurred Y/n nodded bad mood returning. "Hey wanna trash yer bosses offishce?"
The e/c looked confused then smirked "Dey don't lock the back itsh brokin." she slurred back the green eyed man smiled like a kid on Christmas. "Aces! let's go." He grabbed her hand and led her around back, but paused at a junction box Red opened it and pulled a knife from his boot a and snipped a gold and black wire that controlled the security system and light blue one for the cameras.
Before continuing on to the back door. they found Yvette's office the and trashed the hell out of the shelves, awards smashed, make up and nail-polish smeared everywhere. and the cherry on top was when Y/n and Red had sex on Yvette's desk causing it to break.
 "Oh, fuck...Yvette gonna blow."Y/n giggled into Red shoulder as he gave her piggy back ride back to her place, they had just missed getting caught by a security guard.
Red chuckled obviously still hyped up the benefits of being inhuman; beastly vitality and recovery time. "What I would do to see the look on her face." he snickered picturing a 40 year old Haris Pilton throwing a toddler temper tantrum over her office. 
Needless to say their fun didn't end there, once they got back inside of Y/n's apartment, they had few more rounds of sex giving her neighbors an earful of just how loud the usually quiet h/c could be. it was around four am when they finally settled down. Y/n was pretty much knocked out and Red lazily threw his arm around her before dozing off...
Y/n's face heated up as it all came back to her, holy crap she trashed Yvette's office...holy crap she drunkenly gave her virginity up to a stranger...A hot stranger and it was mind blowing, but still a stranger!
But then again she trashed Yvette's office! Fucking over Yvette definitely weighed out the sex with a stranger...who was she kidding? the great sex and fucking over Yvette weighed out the stranger thing! Y/n had laid back down with Red who hummed tiredly pulled her closer to to him and dozed off...
only to be awaken abruptly a 11 by loud knocking she heard Red growl in annoyance next and mutter "leave it..." But the knocking persisted the h/n wiggled out of his arm and threw on a t-shirt and shorts wincing as she did so before making her way to her front door and opened it to reveal a enraged Yvette frothing at the mouth and crying causing her make-up to melt down her face. "Sorry, I'm all out ruby slippers, check with Dorthy down the hall." she went to close the door only for her ex-boss to hold the door open.
"YOU TRASHED MY OFFICE YOU BITCH!?" the blond shrieked causing a few neighbors to poke their head out of their apartments, just as an out of breath cop came running up to "Ma'm let us handle this." the pink pantsuit clad woman glared at the cop offended that he had the gall to tell her to stand down.
"Whats there to handle? I know it was her!" she pointed a finger a Y/n who stayed stone faced then turned to the officer "Look I don't know what she's on about, c'os I was here all night." the e/c girl said let she just described what color shirt she was wearing.
"And do you have anyone who can confirm that?" The cop said trying to restrain Yvette, as Red's voice cut in. "Yeah...Me and half her neighbors, pretty sure I had her screaming my name loud enough for the whole block to hear.~" He purred leaning against Y/n's bedroom door frame in his cargo pants, eyeing the h/c like a piece of meat. "Nice stamina on this one, kept me going till 4 am." he bragged the cop looked the nerdy looking girl in front of him was almost impressed then snapped out of it. 
"Where were you before then." 
"A bar, I think we got kicked out at about twelve?"
"Kicked out for what exactly?"
"Well, I did say until 4 am didn't I?"
Cop the coughed awkwardly "Right, sorry for the trouble. We'll just be... ma'am?" Both Jason and Y/n both looked a the wicked witch of the west side who was making goo-goo eyes at Jason who frowned obviously not liking the way she way looking at him, 
The raven haired grunted and went back to Y/n's room as the cop finally snapped the blonde out of it "ma-huh...who was that?" Y/n not wanting Red being one Yvette's victims said the words that would screw her. "My fiancee." she heard Red trip in her room he was listening...
The blond woman sneered in disgust "what a waste of a good man..." She humphed and walked down the hall leaving the cop and Y/n alone "FYI she made pay cuts last week pissed off a lot people..try one of them." the h/c informed the officer who was still gawking at her.
 "I'll be sure to do that...say if it doesn't work out betwee-" Y/n slammed the door in his face.
She then when to check on Red who had his head in his hands "Fiancee, seriously?" he asked looking up at her, Y/n shrugged "If you want to get jumped and diddled by the reason old people put plastic on their furniture, be my guest." 
The raven haired man snorted then sighed when his stomach growled "Wanna get brunch?"the two were silent for a few seconds the e/c muttered "Hell, yes." they went to a crappy diner down the block laughing about what just happened. "By the way..."
Y/n coughed trying not make this awkward "Last night was the first time I had sex." Red spat his coffee out at a waitress who glared at him, he muttered a quick apology then at gawked Y/n for a solid minute..."Fuck!.. Shit why didn't you say anything," He wiped off the counter with some napkins the waitress slammed in front of him. "I didn't hurt you did I?" he asked freaking out the h/c shook her head.
"No, I'm fine Red just sore." the green eyed man looked at her guiltily then sighed "Jason." Y/n looked up at curiously as money on the counter. "My name is Jason." and with that he left the diner, when Y/n got back to her apartment Red-hood's gear was gone. Y/n frowned suddenly for the first time in six years her apartment seemed dull and empty...  
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oh-ranpo · 6 years
more than a pretty face. (7)
Pairing: Ben Hardy x OC
AN: This story is nearing its end, but I appreciate all the love that you guys have given it! My first attempt at an OC, and while I loved the originality, I’m not sure that I’ll be doing another one anytime soon. I hope you guys like this chapter. Let me know what you think!
The next morning, Charlie woke with a start. There were a few seconds after she first opened her eyes that she forgot where she was. There was a sliver of light shining through the bedroom curtains, providing enough illumination for her to make out the room and put the pieces of last night together.
She had come to Joe’s place after flying back in from California. Sophia had been here. Ben was upset. They slept together. Again. Then, she remembered that she had gone out and snuck her bottle of wine back into the room, so her and Ben could get drunk together. She couldn’t remember much after that, but judging by the feel of the sheets on her bare skin, she knew that their night hadn’t ended there.
Once she got her bearings, Charlie became increasingly aware of a weight draped across her abdomen, and she was a bit startled to find Ben’s arm holding her to his chest. She knew that was something that happened unconsciously, but an alarm started going off in her head. This is too close, she thought to herself. I can’t allow him to be this close. Sure, they had slept together, but cuddling was a new level of intimacy that she did not want to face.
Slowly, and doing her best not to wake the sleeping boy beside her, Charlie lifted Ben’s arm and crawled out from under it. She gently placed it back down on the bed, and froze when a low groan fell from his lips. She paused next to the bed as she waited to see if he was going to wake up or not, but when he didn’t make any other sounds, she quickly grabbed her clothes and made her way to the bathroom.
Her head was pounding as she slipped her hoody back on, and when she glanced in the mirror, she cringed. Her make up from the day before was completely gone, and her hair was a mess. She did her best to comb through her hair with her fingers, but it did little to diminish its ratty appearance. After a few more minutes of trying to make herself presentable, Charlie exited the bathroom and started towards the living room. She wasn’t sure if anyone else was still there, besides Joe, but she took the initiative and started brewing a pot of coffee.
“I’m a little offended that the two of you couldn’t take a break to come and sing with us last night.”
The sound of Joe’s voice made Charlie jump as she hit the power button of the coffee maker. She hadn’t heard him enter the room, but she spun around and glared at him.
“How is it possible that you move without making any noise?” She huffed, taking in the smug appearance of her best friend. He looked way better off than she did, but she was sure that he hadn’t had a night quite as eventful as hers.
“I wish I could say the same about you,” he retorted, giving her a sly wink that made her blush. She knew what he was insinuating and she felt a little nauseous. The alarm that had started in her head when she woke up with Ben’s arm around her only got louder.
“Oh, shut up, Joe.”
Joe laughed at her embarrassment, and moved to grab a couple coffee mugs out of the cabinet above the sink.  
“You know, I think it’s cute. You and Ben pining after one another, but only being willing to sleep together instead of admitting your true feelings. It’s literally the best soap opera I’ve seen in a while.”
Charlie rolled her eyes, but continued keeping her focus on the brewing liquid in front of her.  
“For someone older than me, you sure are naïve. I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that there are no feelings there with Ben and I.”
Memories from the night before flashed through her head, and she remembered how pleasant it had been to sit on the bed next to Ben, drinking wine and complaining about past failed relationships. It had been the first full conversation the two of them had had without fighting, and Charlie couldn’t deny that it had been nice. She had learned a lot about Ben, and some of her previous assumptions about him had been diminished. That didn’t change the fact that she could never actually see a relationship with him. Things were too complicated.
“Whatever you say, Charlie. But someday, when I give a toast at your wedding, I’m going to remember this conversation.”
Before Charlie could retort, the coffee machine dinged, indicating that it was finished, and she reached forward to pour herself a cup. Joe held him cup out for her to fill up as well and then they headed into the living room. Charlie was surprised to see Rami spread out on the couch and Gwilym set up on an air mattress, and she felt a twinge of guilt. Her apartment was only a few blocks away, and she could have stayed there allowing one of these two to share a bed with Ben.  
“G’morning,” Gwilym greeted, leaning up on his arm to look up at Joe and Charlie. Charlie gave him a small smile, and Rami sat up on the couch to make room for the two of them to join him.
“Were you successful in helping cure Ben’s woes last night?” Rami asked Charlie teasingly, causing her to roll her eyes. Of course, she was going to get teased about this again. The fact that she had never returned to the party was a dead giveaway on what had happened.
“Fuck off, Rami,” a new voice replied, and Charlie’s gaze turned towards the doorway. Ben was making his way into the room, putting his shirt on as he walked. Charlie caught a quick glimpse of his abs before he pulled it all the way down, and she felt her mouth go dry. Ben took a seat on the corner of Gwilym’s air mattress, his eyes never once meeting hers.
“What time does your flight leave?” Joe asked, turning the attention away from Charlie and Ben. Charlie was extremely grateful for the change in subject.
“3:00pm. So we should probably get to the airport around 1-ish,” Gwilym replied, and Charlie glanced over at the clock hanging on the wall. It was already almost 11:00am.  
“Great. We can all grab some lunch before you head out then. Charlie, did you want to join us?” Joe’s brown eyes turned to her and she shook her head. She had so much that she needed to get done before she was forced into returning to work the next day. She had been lucky enough to have some vacation time up until this point, but Ben and Gwilym leaving signified that it was coming to an end.
“Sorry, I have to get home. But I hope you guys have a safe trip back.” She gave Gwilym a bright smile, and when her head turned to Ben, he was looking down at his phone. Her stomach dropped slightly at his lack of acknowledgement, but it didn’t come as much of a surprise.
“Well, it was nice seeing you Charlie. I suspect it won’t be long before we see each other again. What with the Critics’ Choice coming up soon,” Gwilym replied, standing from where he was laying. Charlie stood up too, and allowed Gwilym to pull her into a tight hug. Ben still made no movements, so she downed a little bit more of her coffee and then went to place the mug in the sink in the kitchen. She made sure that her phone was in her pocket before re-entering the living room and starting towards the door.
“I’ll see you guys later,” she called as she pulled the door open and stepped into the hall. She heard a chorus of voices saying goodbye, but one voice was prominently missing. Charlie tried to convince herself that she didn’t care.
On her walk home, Charlie progressively started feeling angrier and angrier over the way Ben had treated her. Sure, they were nowhere near friends, but she had been there for him when Sophia had left. She had listened to him complain about her for over an hour, and didn’t complain once. She had even slept with him to help him forget, and yet he still acted like he could care less. Even though she knew the situation, it still bothered her.
It doesn’t matter, she assured herself as she got closer to her apartment. He’s going back to London, and when he comes back, it will be like nothing ever happened between you. She promised herself that it was never going to happen again.
For the rest of the day, Charlie kept herself busy by doing things around her apartment. She unpacked her suitcase, did a load of laundry, and straightened up all the rooms. After a couple of hours, she sat down on her couch and pulled her laptop into her lap. When she checked the time in the corner of the screen, she saw that it was already half past two. Gwilym and Ben would be on their way back to England by now. She shook the thought from her head. Ben Hardy wasn’t going to occupy one more second of her thoughts.
Ben had been looking forward to getting back to England ever since Sophia had broken his heart. There was something about the city of New York that was now forever tainted because of his experience. He only had a couple of days before he would be heading back to the States, but he could enjoy his time back home as much as possible while he was there.
“I really am surprised that Charlie didn’t come,” Joe mused as they walked through the airport as a group towards Gwilym and Ben’s terminal. “She always comes to say goodbye when Rami or I leave.”
Ben felt a tug in his chest at the sound of Charlie’s name, but pushed it away. He hadn’t been that upset when Charlie said that she couldn’t come. He hadn’t really expected her to. He knew where they stood, and considering they weren’t friends, it didn’t make a difference whether she was there or not.  
“You know, Ben, you were kind of cold to her this morning. I don’t think I even saw you look at her once,” Gwilym commented. This caused Ben’s eyes to jerk upwards as he glared at the taller man.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Come on, man. I don’t pretend to understand what the hell is going on between the two of you, but at the very least, you are sleeping together. That warrants some kind of acknowledgement, right?” Joe added. Ben rolled his eyes.
“You guys, it’s nothing. It’s not like Charlie likes me or anything. It was just something that happened a couple of times. No big deal.”
Ben saw Joe and Gwilym exchange a look, but neither of them said anything more. Ben felt a little defensive, but he tried to not let it show. They didn’t understand.  
When they finally approached their gate, Joe gave them each a hug goodbye, before turning and heading back in the direction they had just came. Gwilym gave Ben a quick pat on the shoulder as they started boarding.
Ben wasn’t sure why, but right before he made his way through the tunnel towards the plane, he turned to look behind him. He knew that there was no one there, but this was one of the first times in a while that there wasn’t anyone there to send him off. His stomach dropped when he thought about how Charlie might have looked, giving him a small wave as he disappeared. He quickly pulled himself out of his trance and continued following Gwilym to their seats.
Ben’s phone vibrated once he was seated, and he quickly pulled it out, a glimmer of hope igniting in his chest. He wasn’t sure where it came from, but it was quickly extinguished when he saw that it was just a message in the group chat he had with the other boys. Gwilym laughed as he read it, but Ben just locked his phone and set it down in his lap.
The last time he had been on a plane, Charlie’s elbow had been pressed against his arm the entire flight. At the time he found it annoying, but now he was a little disappointed when he knew that he couldn’t look over and see the concentrated look on her face as she read through one of her magazines. Gwilym was quiet, which Ben was thankful for, but it also allowed him too much time with his thoughts.  
There is nothing there, he scolded himself repeatedly. Absolutely no feelings at all.  
So, why did he suddenly feel so frustrated?
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kaycha1989 · 6 years
The Right Partner
My Hero Academia Fanfic
Characters: Katsuki Bakugou, OC
Rating: Mature
Chapter 5
The next morning Bakugou headed to the agency early to get in a quick workout. Making his way to the gym he could hear someone else using the punching bags. Tch, there goes my morning again, Bakugou thought as he walked through the doors. Moving past the weight equipment he was surprised to see a familiar purple braid and long sleeved workout shirt.
“Good morning,” Kia said, lowering her fists.
Bakugou nodded before heading over to the treadmills. Picking one closer to where Kia was training Bakugou started a slow jog. Putting in one of his ear buds he turned his music on. He watched as his new partner struck the punching bag noticing her movements were fluid and precise. She’d had a lot of training in hand-to-hand combat.  
Kia kept punching a series of hits her mentor had taught her in high school focusing on just working her muscles. “Do you always stare at others like that?” she asked Bakugou, giving the bag a last hit.
“Only when I’m studying their combat skills,” Bakugou replied.
“You want to know what I’m capable of.” Kia turned towards him. “Don’t suppose you would care to find out first hand?”
Bakugou stopped his treadmill. Smiling, he turned off his music, “I thought you would never ask.” Stepping off the machine, he started stretching out his arms. “You sure you are up for this?” he asked walking over to an open mat.
Kia shook out her arms and moved over to face him. “You just worry about yourself, B,” she replied, taking her stance.  
Bakugou examined her stance and found it was solid, with her hands and arms positioned well to protect her face and sides as need be. She was in a defensive position and waited for him to make the first move.
Bakugou dropped into his fighting stance, “Gym rules, no quirks for hand-to-hand.”
“Don’t want to be paying to fix this place again now, do we?” Kia teased.
Bakugou moved forward bringing his right arm around in a big right hook. Kia ducked, dodging his swing as she moved to kick his feet out from underneath him. Bakugou jumped back, avoiding her attempt to knock him down. She then lunged at him, throwing in a punch of her own. Bakugou sidestepped to avoid her punch but, Kia whirled to meet him and threw in a combination that had Bakugou stepping back. Deflecting her blows, Bakugou continued to advance while throwing in punches of his own.
Kia avoided them all and moved back out of his reach. She aimed a kick for Bakugou’s shoulder. He caught her foot in one hand. Quickly, Kia twisted her body pulling her foot from his grasp, landing on her feet and hands. Bakugou kicked, missing his partner as she tucked and rolled away from him, landing back on her feet.
“Not too bad Sunshine. You’re fast,” Bakugou said, crouching back down into a fighting stance.
“Your reflexes are amazing,” Kia told him, darting in towards her partner.
They exchanged blows with ease, each deflecting the other as they danced around on the mat. Suddenly, Bakugou grabbed Kia’s wrist as she aimed a punch at his face. Twisting her arm around behind her back, he aimed a punch for her side, which she caught with her other hand.
“What are you going to do now?” he asked with a smirk.
“Play dirty,” Kia replied, as she stepped into him. Letting go of his arm, she brought her hand to his chest and softly tranced down the hard muscles all the way down to his abs. Startled, Bakugou’s hold on her other arm loosed and Kia used the opportunity to break his hold, spinning out of his reach.
“I guess you are a normal man under that big ego,” Kia laughed.
Gritting his teeth, Bakugou took after her without holding back as he tried to gain the advantage. Kia ducked and twisted, making sure to stay out of Bakugou’s grasp. Finally, after what Bakugou thought was too damn long, he got a hold of one of her wrists. Twisting her into him he grabbed her other hand.
“Don’t think I will be falling for that again,” Bakugou gloated.
“No, this time I think I will just have you fall for me,” Kia replied.
“What?” Bakugou said as he felt her hook one of his legs. Kia shoved him backwards, causing them both to fall with her landing on top of him. Kia pulled herself up to straddle his stomach and hold him down. Bakugou still had a hold of her wrists and Kia locked her hands around his in turn.
“Looks like we are at an impasse?” Kia said smiling down at him.
“I don’t think so, Sunshine,” He replied, bucking into her and rolling over. However, he underestimated the strength of her grip on his wrists and found himself falling face first into her chest, their hands pinned beneath their combined body weight.
“Uhm, are we interrupting something?” a voice interjected.
Kia and Bakugou let go of each other, scrambling to untangle themselves from their current position. Two other heroes from the agency stood there staring wide-eyed at the two.
“IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!” Bakugou yelled at them. The two heroes turned and hurried off to the far side of the room to escape Bakugou’s rage.
“Oh my, I think the great Ground Zero is blushing!” Kia said, trying to step in front of Bakugou to look.
“Shut up!” Bakugou hollered, storming towards the door.
“Aw, are you embarrassed that you stuck your face in my--” Kia started to tease, but found herself cut off by his rage once again.
“SHUT UP!” Bakugou roared, leaving the gym. He could hear Kia laughing the whole way to the locker room, the blush he felt across his cheeks making him slam the door on his way out.
Kia left the gym and headed to the women’s locker room. Grabbing an extra set of clothes, she headed to the showers. She stepped into a stall, turning the water on cold. Her heart was racing and she could feel the heat in her cheeks. What is wrong with me? she thought, I’ve ended up in awkward positions before and never felt like this. She had teased Bakugou because there was no way she was letting the chance to mess with him get away. After washing her hair and body she stepped out, toweling off before pulling on a pair of jeans and a long sleeved shirt.
Making her way to the office, she opened the door to see Bakugou already working on entering written reports into the computer. He was in full costume except for his gauntlets, which sat beside his desk.
“Are we patrolling again today?” Kia asked, sitting down at her desk.
“Yeah, where is your costume?” Bakugou growled, not looking up from his computer.
“Getting fixed, they said it should be done by nine,” Kia told him, looking at the clock. It was almost 8am. Looking back at him, Kia sighed. “I’m sorry I teased you. I know it was an accident, just don’t let it happen again or I will have to kick your butt.”
“I’d like to see you try,” Bakugou said, glaring up at her with a smirk.
Kia rolled her eyes before turning to the stack of papers on her own desk. At a quarter to nine, she left to go get her costume from support. While walking there, Nina, Best Jeanist’s assistant, called out from behind her. “Wildside, how are you doing?” she asked.
“Good, how are you? It’s Nina, right?” Kia stopped and waited for the woman to catch up.
“That’s right! How are things going with you and your partner?” Nina asked.
“Eh… off and on,” Kia replied.
“I’m impressed you are getting along with him even a little bit. He can be difficult to handle most of the time,” Nina said.
“I’m determined to gain a footing here, so I’m not going to let his yelling scare me off,” Kia replied.
“So, how is looking for an apartment going? Jeanist said you were staying at a local hotel,” Nina inquired.
“Finding something else isn’t going very well, actually. I haven’t had a lot of time to search, and the hotel is getting expensive,” Kia frowned.
“Well, I will keep an ear out and let you know if I hear of anything! We should exchange contact information,” Nina told her.
“Thanks, I really appreciate it,” Kia said pulling out her phone and putting in Nina’s contact number. “Sorry to cut our chat short, but I have to go and get my costume so I can meet Ground Zero for patrol,” Kia told her.  
“No worries! I will see you later, ok?” Nina said, putting away her own phone and walking off down the hall while Kia turned and headed off to get her costume.
Nina headed down to the hero offices were she had to drop off some paperwork to a few of the heroes. As she passed by Ground Zero and Wildside’s office, she paused and decided to knock on the door.
“Come in,” Bakugou called from inside.
“Sorry to bother you, Ground Zero, but I have a quick question for you,” Nina said, opening the door.
“What?” Bakugou growled, still scowling at his computer.
“You live in a nice apartment complex not too far from the agency, don’t you?” Nina asked curiously.
“Yes, what of it?” Bakugou asked, looking up at the assistant.
“Do you know if there are any apartments available?” Nina asked innocently.
“I know the one next to me is open. Why do want to know?” Bakugou questioned.
“I’m just helping out a friend. Could I get the manager’s number from you?” Nina replied.
“They better not be annoying. I don’t need another shitty neighbor,” Bakugou said, pulling out a slip of paper and jotting down the number.
“They aren’t, I promise,” Nina said, taking the paper from him with a slight bow.
Bakugou turned back towards his computer as Nina exited the room. Walking off down the hall, she pulled out her phone and sent the apartment manager’s number to a hero she knew was looking for a place. Giggling to herself, Nina walked to the next office. 
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch 7 | Ch 8 | Ch 9 | Ch 10 | Ch 11 | Ch 12 | Ch 13 | Ch 14 | Ch 15 | Ch 16 | Ch 17 | Ch 18 | Ch 19 | Ch 20 
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