#and they'll either take it personally or misunderstand or just get annoyed
g0thsoojin · 25 days
the pain of when a mutual you've had for years unfollows you </3
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sylenth-l · 5 months
hello! hunter age anon back once moe with another question!!! (sorry ig yhis gets annoying!!!)
i want to ask about Cayde's dynamic with andal!!! like, how to portray their relationship and maybe cayde's general psyche when it comes to people and forming bonds.
Not at all, I love getting questions about my guys!! (I'm just bad at answering them aksdjhflks OTL)
It's… complicated, I'm never sure how to describe characters' relationships with words. I know it sounds incredibly cheesy, but to me Andal and Cayde are two halves of a whole, one feels incomplete without the other. Even if we're talking about them being just friends, they're the type who always show up everywhere together and if for some reason they aren't, they'll be texting each other non-stop still. "We're two halves of a whole idiot" - that's literally them.
You could say that they knew and understood each other perfectly, but I feel like while it's true in general everyday scenarios, on a grander scale Andal always had an upper hand in that. He knew Cayde like the back of his hand, he trusted him and believed in him far more than Cayde ever thought of himself. Cayde however wasn't exactly that sharp when it came to serious things about which Andal avoided speaking head-on - like, Cayde couldn't understand why Andal takes his Vanguard duty so seriously. It was only after he spent years as the Hunter Vanguard himself that he started to get what Andal must've felt. I don't think it's Cayde's fault or something though - Andal most likely barely ever talked about that, and he himself didn't exactly need people talking about their feelings to understand them.
I think it's safe to say, judging by how everyone speak of him and the leadership positions he seemingly effortlessly always ended up in, that Andal just gets people, he understands them extremely well and can find a common language with just about anyone. He was the one who made "significant progress in faction accords". What kind of person you must be to make faction leaders come to an agreement, at that time especially??? Convincing, sharp and charming sounds like an understatement alksdhfkjaks
So, I think it was that quality that helped Andal almost immediately see right through all of Cayde's clowney facades. And his own kindness and honesty pretty much left Cayde totally disarmed. Andal got to know him - the real him - and loved him, thought of him as his best friend. And made damn sure Cayde was aware of that as well. That's actually so, so incredibly important - because with the way Cayde is, he constantly thinks that deep down people surrounding him either dislike him or are disappointed in him. No matter how much time they spend together, it's not something he himself will just get one day because "well it's OBVIOUS" or something. His relationship with Ikora and Zavala are probably the most striking example of that. Ikora says he was one of her closest friends - Cayde says he's not sure if Ikora even likes him. The City is flooded with Cabal, lightless Guardians scattered all over the system, humanity is in shambles - and Cayde is genuinely surprised Zavala is looking for him and needs him. He leaves messages for both of them in case they kill him, making it sound like he wouldn't be surprised at all if they did. That… really shows the abysmal gap of misunderstanding between them, to put it lightly.
But Andal! Cayde never once doubted Andal and Andal's feelings for him. The good old days he speaks so fondly of is the time when he ran around the Solar system with Andal and their pack. Even if he sometimes laments that Andal is too serious and bad with jokes, that seriousness and honesty is actually just another proof that if Andal says so, then he really does like him and is impressed by whatever Cayde wanted to impress him with this time. 
I think it's probably one of, if not the most important part of what made Andal so incredibly special to Cayde - that freedom of being able to be equally honest with him, be real. Goofing off because he simply wants to goof off - not because he prefers to give people lower standards so that they won't be disappointed in him when he fails. Sharing his muddy concerns and fears that he barely even can put into words, knowing it won't be laughed at or brushed off as unimportant. Absolutely everything got better instantly if they were in it together. The mere presence of one of them in close proximity immediately cheered the other up.
I don't know, I can talk about them for hours and still not say what I wanted to say. I always miss the most important stuff somehow, no matter how many words I pour in. Honestly, I think that to better understand what was happening between them, all you have to do is to (re)read "The Man They Call Cayde" - literally half of it is basically Cayde's love letter to Andal.
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dropoutconfessions · 17 days
this is directed towards the owners of the account, and sure, any "fans" too. you cannot pretend to not realize that ALL you're doing is bringing toxicity into the fandom.
it's been less than a week and your posts are already mimicking 2018/2020 fandom misogyny.
you're giving hate a platform. that's all you're doing. it's not fun, it's not interesting.
that in addition to how clueless you are about slurs and general etiquette and respect on the site, maybe should be a hint that you shouldn't be running this.
You can go ahead believe that I am clueless about slurs, but personally, as someone who's very identity gets called a slur all the fucking time, I get pretty annoyed when someone makes the call that something is a slur when it doesn't apply to them. Whenever something annoys me, I tend not to do it to others, but that's just me.
I may be a minority on a couple different fronts, but unless I was suddenly an expert in Native Canadian or Alaskan culture and general opinions of the term, I'm not making that call, and in my opinion, neither should anyone else who isn't either well informed or affected personally by that specific term. I know how etiquette on this site works. I've also been on this site, for long enough, to have formed my own opinions on how well this site practices etiquette. (That means I've watched enough people get run off this site to know this site kinda doesn't practice etiquette). I have explained, in my pinned post, exactly why I choose to ignore the rules people have decided are the standard, because they do not work for spoiler tagging, and we are discussing a media partially locked behind a pay wall. There are dropout fans, who can't watch every season of dimension 20, because they watch through YouTube and/or Spotify. I am going to continue using the primary tags as well as the anti tags for tagging purposes, because I do not want to be the reason someone learns about a character death, every time someone wants to talk about how they kinda didn't like a character who may or may not be a backup character wink wink to those of you who know which season i am referring to I fully gave everyone a new tag (#negative dropout confession), that I retroactively went back and applied to all the posts I believed it fit, so that you could block posts that were negative. Now I'm not perfect, and am actually pretty shitty at social queues and kinda forgetful, so if you find a post you think is negative in a way that isn't "i kinda would have preferred this, but i loved the season" let me know, i will retag it as such. I'm only human and just like everyone else, not above being checked on my shit. If that's still not enough, it's a 3 click process to block this blog entirely. We here at dropoutconfessions will be sad to see you go, but I'll still understand. A place of anonymity, to freely share how you feel, is going to attract people who have feelings that usual get them hatred. And yes, some people misuse it. Typically, I do one of 2 things when that happens.
If it's a misunderstanding of the media, I'll add corrections to to the response to clarify, anything I miss, 3-5 people will probably take care of within an hour of the post going up, just check the replies
If it's something truly awful to say, I'll block the asker and delete the ask. Something I've had to do about half a dozen times already.
I have, multiple posts, debating those very posts you are referring to I have, multiple people, defending those characters, in the replies and reblogs of those posts you're referring to I have, multiple posts, in queue (as of me writing this reply) because i don't like flooding people's blogs, that are saying the exact same thing, without calling me toxic and clueless I understand you don't like the hatred, I don't like it either. But I do believe everyone deserves a platform if they'll be civil about it, and they give their opponents an opportunity to call their take absolute dogwater, once again, check the replies, some of these asks get flamed almost immediately. And no. I don't think all I do is bring toxicity to the fandom. People use this as an outlet for how they feel about just, the story. There's like, multiple posts about how people are a bit overbearing expecting perfection from the cast and how certain seasons deserve more love and how amazing some of the other shows are and how amazing some of the cast members are. It's easy to see the negativity, but it's not all there is. And trust me I'm not immune to that either, it's exhausting sometimes. I have gotten more asks about how "obsessed everyone is with Brennan Lee Mulligan" than I ever have about Brennan in a context outside of d20, the show that he runs. Tunnel vision is a bitch sometimes. And at the end of the day, if you think I'm doing a bad job at this, you can make your own confessions blog. This blog exists cause I got bored of my statistics homework, and realized there wasn't a confessions blog. You can too, and if everyone prefers yours, they can use yours, I truly do not mind. This blog is just something I feel like needs to exist, and since no one else was actively doing it (as far as I could tell, no one has told me the contrary). It's really just something to do with my hands so I can focus on dnd games and my video calls with my gf. That's it. If you have any specific suggestions on how I can improve, I'm open to listening to them, as I have proved in the past, but beyond sharing how I feel and addressing how you feel, I don't really know what to say or do. Thank you for telling me how you feel about this blog, this fandom, and Dropout, a media company we love. That's all I could ever want from an ask on this blog.
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literaticat · 1 year
Hi Jen, I'm having constant problems with royalty statements from one small publisher- there are errors, sometimes huge ones. I have an agent, who either isn't reading the statements or not noticing? When I ask her about the problems she seems to send my emails straight to the the editor and then send me the editor's reply - she doesn't sort it out herself or say much to me. The editor is rude and dismissive, and I have to keep pushing to get the statements and payment corrected. I feel like my agent doesn't have my back and I'm having to fight battles myself, and it makes me miserable and frustrated. Maybe my agent would rather I annoy the publisher than her- so they'll keep working with her and just not me? Am I being a crazy author here? Am i expecting too much?
I'm really sorry this is happening, that is quite frustrating.
As an outsider here, and only getting part of the story, I don't know if your agent is being ineffectual and treating this as no biggie, or if perhaps they ARE asking questions/doing things that you just aren't seeing, or what. I also haven't seen the correspondence or know what the problem is, really, so I don't know if you are over-reacting, or they are under-reacting, or if the editor is just a mega-bitch, or you are confused, or WHAT -- like, it's just hard for me to say based on this limited info.
I CAN tell you, based on my experience, what you should expect:
First, I'll say that royalty statement mistakes can be quite hard to catch because often, it's not that the math is wrong at all -- the math is usually right based on the numbers that are THERE! Usually mistakes come because there is a number that ISN'T there -- an ISBN that isn't accounted for on the statement at all, or a subrights sale that hasn't been counted, or something like that -- and it's harder to see a mistake when it is INVISIBLE rather than a matter of mis-calculation.
I do take a look at all of the statements, and we have a royalty person who does deep dives on statements (though we have a lot of clients, and she can't possibly do a deep dive on every book from every publisher every statement period - she's more likely to take a given author's books and look at the past few years of statements at once, or if she finds a problem with a given publisher, take an exhaustive look at that publishers books, etc).
But often it IS the author who sees mistakes first -- because we are looking at hundreds of things, and you are looking at one thing, or a handful of things -- and that's fine, too! Often these mistakes are easy to fix/answer -- like they aren't actually mistakes, they are just things the author doesn't understand -- so they ask me, and I can answer. Sometimes, I don't know the answer -- then, of course, I have to ask the publisher -- which often does take the form of me forwarding your question to them, and them (hopefully) answering it.
Also: I pretty much always assume that a mistake is not due to some nefarious goings-on -- about 99% of the time, it's just... a mistake on their part, or a misunderstanding on our part. We point it out, and they fix it, or we ask a question, and they answer it. And we just keep an eye on possible future weirdnesses. When it gets problematic is if it obviously IS a mistake in your favor, and they WON'T fix it, or where there is a pattern of mistakes/underpaying that kind of thing.
All that said:
I don't think you are expecting too much to expect that your publisher give you correct statements and pay appropriately and to be understanding in their response to questions. Nor is it wrong of you to expect your agent to get information and try to answer questions and fix problems when they come up. That's like --a pretty frickin low bar, and it's not crazy for you to expect them to be able to hurdle it.
Personally, in most cases, I prefer to contact publishers myself rather than ask my author to do so, and if a publisher is underpaying or otherwise making major mistakes, I don't really give a god-damn if they LIKE me or not, they have to pay up -- it's MY money, too! Like, I'm going to be polite and profesh about it, but I can't really imagine being like "eh" about actual malfeasance or major issues.
IMO, you need to have a talk with your agent in which you say something like, "Hey, I have to be honest, these issues with royalties from this publisher are unnerving to me and I feel like you don't seem to be too concerned about it. Am I over-reacting and these really aren't problems? (And is it just me, or is the editor being kinda rude in her responses?) I'm not sure if I/we should be addressing issues in a different way, or what, but this feels like a pattern of rather major mistakes that are costing us both money [if that is the case], and it makes me nervous about continuing to work with this publisher. " (or something) -- basically take your agent's temperature about the whole thing. If they are reassuring, great. However, if YOU KNOW there is a really serious problem here, and they are dismissing it -- maybe you need a different agent.
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astral-lucy · 3 years
how do you feel about aries mercury rx and aries venus (9h)
hi babe!
how i feel as a person or astrologically wise?
i'm joking, ik you mean as astrologically wise, so, here's my bullet-point post about it
aries venus (i already did it here but i wanted to make it again)
really playful
they can be players
but i feel like they're loyal lovers :)
they just get bored easily
their energy is not easy to match up
kind of lovers who want to be admired
and will admire you
if they don't admire you, they don't actually love you
they're more romantic than many other placements
flattered when they find out someone else has a crush on them
they'll have an ego boost immediatly
9h venus
but believes in true love
attracted to the philosophy or beliefs of others
and to their humor
thje kind of date who would make you laugh
they're either attracted to other people's laugh
or their laugh is amazingly attractive
aries mercury
not afraid of speaking their mind
easy to pick up fights
and start controversy
they are easily hurt
and many time they actively decide to hurt other people with their words
fast learners
though they get easily distracted
they are the one who do the talking
but they aren't great listeners
annoyed when someone takes too long to process something
not amazing teachers, then
mercury rx
they cause easy misunderstandings
(without actually wanting to)
not set on their opinions
and can have a hard time communicating
like, chosing their words
and could make a poor word choice
feel extremely misunderstood
9h mercury
love to learn
maybe speak more than one language
everything seems so interesting and fascinating
invested in understanding others' cultures and traditions
love to learn through the experience of others
or through travels
this sometimes indicates doing your higher education abroad
hope this was what you wanted!
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Currently in IC, what's Marcus's relationship with the people around him beside Bella and Carlisle atm? Does he care that Jane is frightened of him now after her previous friendly curiosity? Regardless of how he feels what he did was necessary, does he feel any sort of way about that? Does he care about anyone as a person other than his family (inc. Bella) and his irritation with Carlisle? Renata for example is spending a lot of time with him. Any developing bonds there?
Anon is referring to "The Less than Immaculate Conception" by myself and @therealvinelle.
I mean, the short answer is wait for an update. Exploring Marcus' relationships to various characters should a) be self-evident in the story itself b) be explored as various character development happens. If this can't be picked up... then Vinelle and I haven't done our jobs.
But alright, we can do a fic meta as of chapter 27.
Marcus and Aro have a very complicated relationship. However, Marcus views him as a beloved brother and close friend. As of the DIdyme reveal he has shockingly forgiven Aro for all of it and genuinely wishes him the best for the future/Aro's own ridiculous personal relationships. Aro, in turn, has always cared deeply for Marcus though is perhaps a bit overwhelmed now that Marcus has returned to life in not quite the manner expected.
Bella Swan
If we're going to slap a label on this relationship it's love. Inexplicable love with no rational rhyme or reason but love nonetheless built upon a very deep friendship that was built on top of ridiculous misunderstandings. But here they are nonetheless.
Caius and Marcus were never close per the fic. Caius probably viewed the young Marcus who advocated mercy and temperance as unsuited for the job (and he was right). However, he does care for Marcus and is thrilled to see him coming back (and giving Carlisle grief no less). These two aren't as close as Aro and Marcus but they are close.
Carlisle Cullen
Now, we're going to get into this, but things here have changed. Initially, they were non-entities to each other. Marcus was just that guy in Volterra to Carlisle that Aro gets weird about. To Marcus, Carlisle was the person Aro's a lovesick fool over. They know of each other, but that's about where it ended.
Then of course, Carlisle came back, and he became Annoying TM. Due to this the pair developed a mutual, mild, animosity towards each other in which they'll choose the path of maximal passive aggression.
Now, however, things have dramatically changed. Marcus murdered Carlisle's beloved son in cold blood, lied to his face, and watches as despite his overpowering grief and losing his entire family, Carlisle throws himself into saving both Bella and his child's life (despite having very deep reservations about the safety of Bella's pregnancy and having advocated strongly for abortion).
To Marcus, that passive aggressive dislike seems so petty in the face of what Carlisle has sacrificed and is doing for his family. (Oh, he'll still argue about animal blood but he won't give Carlisle endless shit for it either).
Basically, Marcus thinks Carlisle is now a great guy (who he has secretly done something terrible to). Carlisle is too swimming in grief to pay this (or anything) much attention at the moment. For now he's kind of forgotten that Marcus told Esme about him and Aro in the worst way possible.
The Rest
The rest aren't quite sure what to make of this. The guard never knew Marcus before Didyme, and seeing him making decisions and having a personality is beyond bizarre. Jane, of course, has extra baggage on top of this as he proved himself terrifying and untrustworthy. Marcus on his end isn't too concerned over his relationships with the guard, he really doesn't care, so long as they aren't disloyal then it's not so different than when he was a non-entity, was it? He will happily take a back seat to Caius and Aro when it comes to the guard.
The wives won't be sure what to make of it either but some Marcus is better than no Marcus, right? They'll roll with it and try to figure out just who the new Marcus even is.
As for Jane specifically, Marcus is perhaps a tad regretful but not too much. It had to be done so there's no use in whining about it. And if Jane views him the way she does then so be it, he explained his reasoning already.
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Californian Dream (Pt. 01 of 11)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.8 K
Summary: Being part of one of the richest families of California doesn't mean you're happy. Your life is boring, and you're surrounded by meaningless people and their meaningless talk. Even during Summer, with the break you have from college, there's nothing good going on. Nothing but the new pool guy, Billy, the most handsome man you ever saw. You were successfully avoiding him, not wanting to act like an idiot in front of the guy until Billy accepts to be your date for a fancy gala you're forced to attend. The night was going well, even better when he sneaked you out to go to the beach. But a gang of criminals breaks into the party, kidnapping the heirs to the wealthiest families, which includes you. So, for your safety, your parents want you to stay with Billy, living in his apartment until the criminals are caught. And that could take weeks, maybe even months.
Warnings: Light violence
Next part (02)->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
Ignoring the meaningless chattering, you drink what's left of your water, then put the glass against your neck, hoping the cold will help with the hot weather. Summers in California are always this hot, and since you're under the sun, it doesn't help. Some of your friends, or better saying, the family friends, the people you grew up with, are here again, using your pool as if it was some kind of club they can attend. Standing on this badly shaped circle, you pretend to listen as Ryan goes on about some mansion he helped his father sell this weekend. He's excited, gesticulating a lot, and the others seem to be quite interested too. But not you. Honestly, you couldn't care less.
Through the corner of your eye, you see someone moving on the other side of the huge pool, behind some trees. Turning your head to see it better, you easily recognize the new pool guy, Billy Hargrove. He's been working here for only a couple of months, coming a few times a week to clean the pool or to fix something. You always pay attention to the staff, because nobody else does. You like to know them since they're working at your house after all, and that made you befriend a lot of them throughout the years. But Billy? You haven't even crossed paths with him yet. On purpose.
Billy is by far the most handsome guy you ever met, and you just don't think you can say anything to his face. He probably thinks you're one of the silly, rich chicks he meets on his job, and for some reason, it bothers you.
“(Y/N).” Ryan snaps his fingers on your face, dragging you out of your thoughts. “Are you in there? Aren't you listening?”
“Yup. Sorry, I tuned out for a minute.” Politely, you apologize. “What were you saying?”
“The gala. Who are you going with?”
“Uhm... Not sure yet.” Playing with the empty glass, you move your weight from one leg to the other. “I don't have any good options.”
“What?” Gisele exclaims, giggling. “Robert wants to go with you. Daniel would easily ditch his date for you. And Michael–”
“Don't wanna go with neither of them.” Cutting her off, you decide to just say it. Robert is the most hateful person you ever met. Daniel has been chasing after you for years, it doesn't matter how hard you try to make him understand you don't like him, and every girl he dates, he does it to try and make you jealous. And Michael is a manipulative jerk. All three members of the most prestigious families of California, and desired bachelors. And yet, you can't stand them.
“Who are you going with then? The pool guy?” Gisele gestures at something across the pool, and you know at who.
“Maybe. I bet he's way better than Michael, Daniel, or Robert.” This makes all the five of them laugh, in a very mocking tone. But you mean it. “I might go by myself. Who cares?”
“Are you crazy? Your parents will care, and people will talk, you know that.” Ryan rolls his eyes, lightly slapping his friend's arm. “C'mon, Antony, let's find (Y/N) a fourth option.” The two guys smirk and walk away, and you don't even bother to ask what they're up to. You don't care.
“For real now, (Y/N),” Alice says, running her fingers through her hair. “Gisele is right. The three guys are so into you, and Robert...” She chuckles, exchanging a glance with Gisele. “He's hot. He's... So damn hot.”
“Why don't you go with him then?” You ask her, taking a deep breath and already thinking of an excuse to get away from this conversation and back into the secrecy of your bedroom.
“Because I'm dating.” She answers as if it was the most obvious thing. As if she didn't have a different boyfriend every month. “James Whayland. The one and only, heir to the Whayland fortune? Do you happen to know him?” A rhetoric question, of course. Everyone knows who the Whayland are. “I'm so gonna marry him.”
“You must,” Gisele adds. “You'd be like, stupidly rich.”
And they go on with that, a conversation you don't even try to follow. A lot of girls do that, getting married to join the fortunes and shove more money into their pockets. Your mother herself did it, and she tries to push you into doing the same, pointing out the richest bachelors of California. But you'd never do that. You rather never get married than getting married without love. It's so obvious, yet, if you bring that up, it always becomes an argument. ‘Love comes with time’, she says. ‘Once you're provided financial stability, you'll learn to love the provider.’ None of that sounds appealing to you. You're hoping to fall in love one day. It hasn't happened yet, but you'll patiently wait.
“Hey, Earth to (Y/N).” Ryan raises his voice, and, a little annoyed, you look up at him.
“You're welcome.” He says with a wicked smile.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you tilt your head to the side. “For what, Ryan?”
“For getting you the best date ever for the gala, sweetie.” He and Antony laugh, and soon enough the others follow. “The pool guy is taking you to a high society party. How amazing is that?”
It takes a while for you to even process what he's saying, but his mean tone makes you angry. He thinks he's superior to anyone who doesn't have a collection of fancy cars in their garage. “First of all, Ryan, the pool guy has a name, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah. You're always close to the staff.” He emphasizes the last word, making a disgusted face.
“Second...” What? Second what? You know you can't go with Billy. That would get people talking. But then, the other options make you sick to even consider them. And honestly, you couldn't care less about what people say. It'll probably get you a hell of a lecture from your parents, a few weeks of gossips and mean comments, but that's it. Soon enough someone else will become the hottest topic. “You know what, forget it.” Putting the empty glass on the table, you walk away, ignoring how they call you, telling you not to be silly.
Maybe the guys are joking. Maybe they're just pulling a prank on you, but there's no problem with finding that out. Walking around the pool and into the garden, you walk around the supply closet, following the low noise of something being put into the metal shelves. The supply closet is open, so you patiently wait on the outside, barefoot on the grass as you move to stand to bellow a tree. Bouncing your leg, you look around, breathing deeply and trying to understand why the hell you decided to face Billy now. He's the only guy who works here you're making sure not to have any contact with.
“Good afternoon.” The voice startles you, and you immediately turn to face him. Billy is closing the closet door shut, eyes focused on you. And yes, he's far more gorgeous from up close. “May I help you, Miss–”
“(Y/N).” You cut him off, cursing yourself for doing so. “You may call me (Y/N).”
He simply nods, walking closer and stopping on a shadow spot too. “Do you need anything from me?”
“Uhm...” For a moment, you gotta think a little to remember what brought you here. “I just wanted to ask if maybe some two jerks came to talk to you... About a party... And... Taking a girl to this party...” Playing with your fingers, you wonder if he already thinks you're a total idiot.
“Yes. They said you needed a date for some gala.” Billy crosses his arms, not looking away from you. “If you need it, I can take you.”
Oh. Would he really do that? “Uhm... Look, Ryan and Antony meant it as a joke.” You gotta be honest, even if it means he'll give up the idea. “I mean, not for me, they're just... They're jerks. And they...” Holy crap. You have to get your shit together. “They thought it would be funny to make you think you could take me to this gala.” Taking a deep breath, you push the words out. “But... I would like it if you could because all my options suck. It's either Michael or Robert or Daniel, and you probably know they're all fighting for the award of the worst person on the face of Earth.”
“It might be really hard to make this decision. Might as well split the award in three.” He speaks up and you giggle. The staff don't usually speak like that about the families they work for. But Billy doesn't seem to care and you like that.
“Yeah. So... I know people will gossip about it but I'd be forever grateful if you could do me this kindness.” You're blushing now, biting your lip. “Because I know it's not your job or anything but I could pay you if you want.”
“There's no need.” Billy shakes his head, shrugging his shoulders. “It's a party, right? It will be fun.”
“Oh... About that...” Calling such events ‘parties’ is a misunderstanding. Almost a crime. “These things... Suck. It's super dull, full of rich people donating, trying to donate more them someone else just so they'll show off how rich they really are... You'll absolutely hate it. I do.” Gesturing at yourself, you give him an apologetic look. “I'd owe you for life if you help me get through it without having to put up with any of those assholes.”
Billy nods, looking down before his eyes meet yours again. “I believe I'll have to wear one of those suits right?”
“Well, I'll be in some uncomfortable dress, so we'll both be unhappy about our clothes.” Your mind goes to the lilac dress your mother made you buy, extremely expensive.
“Alright then. It's on Sunday, right?” You nod. “Should I pick you up?”
“Yes. At seven.” He gives a small nod before gesturing at the garden. “I gotta go now.”
“Sure...” Billy waves before walking away, and you stand there, wondering if you should go back to your so-called friends. You're sure Ryan will have that stupid smile on, eager to know what you and Billy have spoken about. And you won't tell anything, but you also don't want to deal with that shit right now, or else you might tell right to their faces how much of a jerk they are. So you decide to follow Billy through the garden, easily finding him by a particular big tree. He's opening a leaf tarp on a clean space on the grass before taking a fan rake. “This tree is dying.” You say, getting his attention. Billy turns around, furrowing his eyebrows. “That's why there are so many fallen leaves. See how some of them seem healthy, normal green leaves? It only happens when the tree is dying.”
“Then you should have someone cut it down before someone gets hurt.” He says, looking a little confused. “Shouldn't you go back to your friends?”
“Yeah, I probably should.” You're tired of all the things you should do, so for today, you won't do them. As silly as it may be. “Do you need some help?” You ask, stepping forward a little.
“No, I'm alright.” It sounds like a question, and you blush from the way he stares at you, for several seconds, before focusing on his task, raking the leaves to the tarp.
“Ok.” Whispering, you move to sit on a wooden table, one of the many you have scattered around the property. You try not to look at Billy too much, noticing how weird it feels to do this. You barely know the guy, he'll be your date for a gala, and now you're awkwardly seated here, watching as he works. Well, it is better than whatever your friends must be talking about now. “So... What exactly do you work with?” You ask, hoping to get any kind of conversation going. “I thought you just took care of the pool.”
“I work for a company. BJ's Associates.” Billy starts, and you take this chance to look at him. Despite the distance, you can see the sweat glistening on his forehead. “They send me to any place I'm needed. Some of them are scheduled weekly, others are random. And–” He makes a pause suddenly, giving you a look. “Are you bored yet?”
“No.” Shrugging your shoulders, you giggle. “I actually wanna know.”
He turns his head to look at the pool, which is a little distant now. Maybe he thinks this is some kind of move, and you wouldn't blame him, judging by the way the guys probably came to talk to him. “That's it. I clean pools, fix cars, might paint walls or something, clean gardens... The list goes on.”
“You know how to fix a car?” Raising an eyebrow, you move to seat on the table, placing both your feet on the wooden bench. “My car is making this weird noise and I'm sure it's not some normal noise.”
“How does it sounds like?”
“Like a clunking, I think... every time I hit the breaks, even when it's softly.”
“It could be some damage to the brake caliper.” He's quick to answer, and you raise your eyebrows, impressed. “Or it's badly mounted.”
“Damn, you're good.” You exclaim, giggling at his funny face.
“I just–”
“(Y/N)!” Amelia's voice reaches you, and Billy stops talking, resuming his job. “I've been looking for you.” The old lady, with her gray hair tied up on a perfect, sophisticated bun, comes to the table you're at, a tray with a jar and six glasses on her hands.
“I've been here chatting with Billy.” You tell as she lays the tray down. “And no, I won't go back to the pool.”
“They're talking about James Whayland.” She starts, rolling her eyes. Amelia is the only one in this house, well, the only one you know who understands you. “Alice Martin was talking about marrying him...?”
“Yup.” A stronger wind messes with your hair, so you use a hand to keep it away from your face. “Something about joining their fortunes and being the king and queen of California. Some shit like that.”
“Poor Alice.” Amelia breathes out, taking a glass and pouring some lemonade on it before handing it over to you. “That Whayland kid is not the nicest guy on Earth.”
“Poor James!” You giggle, putting your glass down and serving her some lemonade too. She doesn't like when you do that, since she's here to serve you. Amelia, the woman who raised you is here for nothing else than to serve you. So unbelievable it almost makes you laugh. “Alice isn't nice either. She can be very manipulative to get what she wants.”
“Don't I know?” She mutters. “Well, I must go. Serve this to your friends.”
“No, no, no. Take your glass and leave the rest. If someone complains tell them I'll drink the whole jar.” Taking the tray from her hands, you place it down on the table again.
“Alright, Miss–”
“(Y/N). Honey. Bunny. Anything, but not this formal stuff, ok?” You correct her, and Amelia gives you a bright smile.
“Alright, (Y/N).” She repeats before turning around and walking away, cordially greeting Billy.
Taking a sip from your glass, you smile to notice Amelia's lemonade is as good as always. A little too sour for your parents taste, but you like it better this way. Your attention goes back to Billy, still dealing with the fallen leaves, despite being almost done. If you ask, he might say no, so you just pour another glass before jumping to the ground, making your way over him. “Here.” Raising your voice, you get his attention. And once again he has this confused expression on his face when he sees the glass. “Lemonade. It's hella hot out here and this might help.”
“Thanks.” Squinting his eyes a little, he takes the glass from your hand, taking long sips, drinking almost everything.
“Sorry if it's a little too sour. I don't like much sugar on it and Amelia knows so...” When he's done, he gives you back the glass. “Why are you looking at me like that? I swear I'm not a ghost.”
“That's not it. I'm just not used to being treated like that by the owners.” Billy's voice gets a little darker, and he pronounces the last word with certain anger. But you can imagine exactly why. Most of the people you know aren't very fond of their employees. They're just the people they pay off to do what they can't do by themselves.
“I know how some of the families can be mean.” Drumming your fingers on the empty glass, you stand there, staring at Billy, just now noticing the deep, beautiful shade of blue from his eyes. Involuntary, you breathe out, smiling.
“Nothing!” You burst out, clearing your throat and finding your legs again, making the way back at the table. “I–”
“(Y/N)!” A shout startles you, and when you turn at the source of the voice, you see it's Gisele. “Get back here! You won't guess who just got here.”
“If it isn't Michael Jackson ready to perform Beat It, I'll be disappointed.” You mutter, only loud enough for Billy to hear it as you walk back to the pool.
“Call me if it's him,” Billy says and you giggle, giving him one last look.
It's not Michael. Well, it is, but not Jackson, just Michael Rothford. He stands by the pool, where everyone gathers around him. Trying not to look pissed, you move closer, offering a polite, fake smile. “Good afternoon, Mike. How have you been?”
“I'm way better now.” He answers, and you try to ignore how everyone moves a little, giving you more space to move closer to Michael. He takes your hand, giving it a shake, and awkwardly squeezing it softly. “I'm here to ask, once again, for you to let me take you to Sunday's gala.”
The two idiots, Antony and Ryan start giggling, and you know exactly why. “Sorry, Mike, I can't.” Pulling your hand away, you cross your arms. “I already have someone, so...” Thank God you have the perfect excuse, and it's not even a lie. You're so damn relieved you won't be forced to attend to such a boring event with someone like Michael.
“Who?” He snaps, suddenly pissed. “Daniel is going with that Angela chick. Robert, you can't stand. Andrew isn't in the country, Willian–”
“You don't know him, alright?” Cutting him off, you sigh.
“Oh, shit,” Ryan mutters, and you give him a look. He has a hand covering his mouth, trying to control a laugh. “You're really going to the gala with the pool guy.” Antony burst into laughter, and the others try to control themselves not to.
“You rather go with the staff than with me?” Michael sounds offended as if he was punched in the face. “Are you kidding me, (Y/N)?”
Quickly, you try to think of something to say. You can't say the truth, that he's a hateful human being you can't stand being next to. But nothing comes to your mind. “No, I'm not. I... Actually wanna go with Billy.”
“Honestly, (Y/N), screw you.” He barks, and before you can answer, he grabs both your shoulders and pushes you straight into the water.
Everything happens way too fast for you to process, so there was no way you could tell him you absolutely can't swim. So the moment you hit the water, you just sink, your body moving to the bottom, way too far from the surface. You do try moving your legs a bit, uselessly. But you're suddenly pulled, strong arms moving you through the water until you finally reach the surface, gasping for air. Breathing fast, the terror finally starts kicking in, and you push yourself up, stumbling a little, ignoring all the hands that offer help. Once you're out of the water, seated on the edge, you finally see who saved you, Billy, also pushing himself up, only with a lot more grace than you. You exchange a glance, and his hand is the one you take, pulling yourself back to your feet.
“You can't swim?” You hear Michael's voice, a curse caught in your throat. “I never met a Californian who can't swim.”
Not minding the small crowd around, you make you walk to Michael, losing no time before slapping him right on the face, the loud noise of your wet hand colliding to his cheek startling some of your friends. “Asshole!” You yell before storming away, embarrassed, still struggling to catch your breath, feeling cold thanks to your soaked clothes.
“Hey.” Someone calls, but you ignore them, walking fast into the house. “(Y/N).” Your arm being grabbed makes you stop walking and turn around, ready to make hell rain on whoever it is, but your fury melts away when you see Billy. “Are you ok?”
Taking a deep breath, you relax a little, nodding. “Yeah, I just... Got scared.” He lets go of your arm, but you don't step away, looking into his blue, calming eyes. “Thank you, though. You saved my life.”
“Can't believe he threw you at the water like that.”
“See why I need you to take me to that stupid party?” Crossing your arms, you pace around. “I can't even begin to imagine how it'd be to spend the night with that prick.” Looking down, you notice how you and Billy are dripping, soaking the white floor. “I gotta go change, and you should... I don't know. At least you got to enjoy the pool for a while.”
“I'd rather enjoy it when you're not drowning.”
“Yeah, that would be better.” Shyly smiling, you give a step backwards. “I gotta go... But thanks again.” Stopping in your tracks, you decide to be just a little brave. Stepping closer, you tiptoe to place a quick kiss on Billy's cheek, before turning around and rushing upstairs to your bedroom.
@multific @dontxfearxthereaper @nope-thanks @nikkixostan @shinydixon @alwaysadreamingoptimist
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: skyflyinginaction
* Gakuen K (List of Chapters) * Projects & Chapters
"Oh! It's over!"
At the same time the bell rang, Yata stood up vigorously.
However, at that moment, the chalk released by Anna-sensei hit Yata's forehead so badly that it was creepy. Yata turned around and was surprised by the gaudy sound.
"Guh! It hurts!"
"Misaki. Class is not over yet."
"Hey... the doorbell rang, isn't it over?"
"Class doesn't end until the teacher says it's over. Have a seat."
"Don't bother. It's over."
She tried to tell him that it wasn't okay. However, on the way, when Anna-sensei caught him, Yata shook his shoulders and mouth.
"Tsk. Sit down quickly."
"What? Monkey!"
"I understand."
Yata clicked his tongue and sat up savagely.
"Class, so far for today. Don't forget your homework, preparation, and review."
"Wow! This time it's over!"
Yata stood up again and Anna-sensei stopped him again.
Kukuri, who was sitting next to Saya, stood up, touching her arm a bit.
"Come on. The next thing is physical education. First we have to change clothes."
"Oh, it's true."
Oh, so is that why Yata was so tense?
She quickly cleaned her desk and got up with her gym bag.
"Look, Wagahai-chan will go too. Oh, I'll lend you a bag. I'll bring it to you. Saya-chan, your left hand is burned. It hurts, right?"
"It hurts, but it's okay like this."
She shook her head, "Okay then." She replied softly.
"Physical education is often separated by gender, but today it is the same. It is a physical fitness test."
"Oh, is today the fitness test?"
[Physical education for the first and second semesters is decided by a physical fitness test.]
"Yes, it's correct."
"Is Saya-chan good at exercising?"
"Normal. If you say simple tasks like 'run' and 'swim', I'm good at it, but when it gets complicated I tend to think too much and I'm not very good at it. I need a strategy."
"Oh, basketball or volleyball?"
"Yes. I'm not good at team sports. How about you, Kukuri-chan?"
"Me too. I'm neither good nor bad."
"Neko seems to be good at exercising. She moves her limbs well."
Glancing back at Neko as she opened the locker room door, the strange-eyed girl smiled a big smile and shook her head vigorously.
"I like to move my body, but I'm not good with rules!"
It was exciting to her.
"Today we will do a physical fitness test. Everyone, do your best to get a better score than last year!"
Claudia Weismann, a physics teacher with a soft and beautiful beauty, shook the board and screamed.
"You know the first event to measure, right? Each group, after the measurement, go clockwise to the next event. When they have finished the tour, go to the schoolyard!"
"Us first, what was that?"
"Grip strength. No, it's below average, isn't it?"
Kukuri sighed.
Fushimi sighed as well, saying, "That's annoying... Do you want to do things correctly?" She had made a mistake, right? She remembers hearing that the blue club was a super elite group who behaved well.
When she accidentally looks back, he glares at her. "Sorry.". She felt a murderous aura.
"Yes. Next. Yata-kun. Come here."
She suddenly looked back at Claudia's voice.
Yata's face at Claudia's call was surprisingly bright red.
She opened her eyes and rubbed them at the strange answer.
The event was the long seat forward lean. Claudia had just told him to sit in front of the digital measuring instrument... It is true that they will sit close enough to touch, but that's it. That's. However, Yata seemed to be going through a difficult time.
"Yata-kun, even if Claudia-sensei is the other party, he's nervous."
When she coughed, Kukuri turned around and smiled a bitter smile.
"It's like that except for Anna-sensei. He's not good with girls anyway. He hasn't talked much about it either."
"Oh? Is that so?"
"Yes. If you answer 'Oh', do I feel that communication went well today?"
Hey? Was it really like that?
She stared at Yata, who was away from Claudia, because he couldn't concentrate.
It was certainly a digital measuring instrument that a single person can measure. Even if Claudia was out, she could measure it, but she... she already understood. That was Yata, he really was shy.
Little by little, her chest grew warm.
Although he wasn't that good with girls, he looked directly into her eyes and apologized.
And he said that he would "protect" her.
It was Yata who suggested that they take her to the Kusanagi´s bar.
She finally understood how cool he was. That's how it is. All of that was something he had a lot of trouble doing. What should she do? She was happy!
How much of the flame she burns was originally from Yata? What's more, she was a different Strain.
"Hey. It's Saya-chan's turn! What? You're smiling."
"It's nothing. I'm sorry."
She shook her head hastily, pressed her red cheeks together and went to Awashima-sensei.
"Yes. Grip strength meter. Start with the right hand. You should not use the left hand."
Awashima-sensei, a frozen beauty math teacher, presented you with a grip strength meter.
"I think it's okay..."
"But it hurts if you push yourself, right? You can't push yourself too hard. What did the nurse say? Did you go to the hospital?"
"Oh, sure, I was told not to move too much."
"So, let's stop the left hand. We'll only measure the right hand. Now, hold it. Lower your hand parallel to your body. Yes. Hold it as tightly as you can."
As she indicated, she squeezed the grip strength gauge.
At that moment, a destructive sound echoed through the gym.
Awashima's eyes widened. She was confused too, and she looked down at her right hand.
The needle jumped, and that was not enough, the grip piece was broken and had come off. Was it the handle part? Subjection? Anyway, the part she grabbed was broken.
Eh? Maybe she over-squeezed the grip strength gauge?!
"I wonder if it is old."
"Sensei. It's painful."
She didn't think it was easy for an aluminum alloy that wasn't rusted to break because it was old.
She understood that she should take care of herself, but she couldn't.
When she shook her head forcefully, Awashima scowled sheepishly, "That's right."
"Is it because of my ability?"
"Yes, maybe. No, maybe it is."
"Konohana-san. You still don't know your abilities, do you? I have received reports about it."
Reports from whom?
She wondered that, but it was definitely true, so she took it firmly.
"Let's try again for now."
"Eh? Is that okay?"
"Things can be firmly measured this time."
"But I could break it again, right?"
She had gambled a bit, but it was true that her abilities were so unstable that it didn't seem like she was going to continue (or rather, she hadn't had that experience yet), so she was quietly receiving a new strength meter from grip.
Suddenly, the whole class was looking at her. Of course, Yata too.
She couldn't bear the attention and her face turned red.
"That's right. Konohana-san."
"Oh, yeah."
Like before, she lowered her hand vertically, but unlike before, she tried to hold it a little lighter.
However, at that moment, she heard a loud buzzing sound again and closed her eyes tightly.
(Wow, ah! Why is it continuously activated only right now?), she thought.
"Sorry! Sorry!"
Awashima shook her head and asked Kukuri to fetch a new grip strength gauge from the warehouse. Then she turned her eyes back and tilted her head a little.
"The record is over 100 kilos. Is it okay if it can't be measured?"
"I can't measure it, please!"
This was only the result of the skill activation.
Her own grip strength wasn't as good as a gorilla's, it was normal! Because she was normal!
"Hm. It seems the newcomer's skills are excellent. Unlike you."
When she returned the broken grip strength gauge and tilted her head, she heard Fushimi's tongue click from behind.
When she took a breath and turned around, Fushimi had a haunting smile on Yata. Yata also turned his fierce gaze towards Fushimi, saying, "What?"
(Ah, wait!), She thought.
He immediately mistook her for such an atmosphere.
When she looked at Awashima, she said, "Well... oh, you two...", and gave them a lecture.
Then, to stop the fight that was about to start, she started walking towards the two of them, but at that moment, the third "bang" echoed through the gym.
They all looked at her as if that sound was coming from her.
"Kya, kyaa, ah!"
Her wide eyes were stained evenly and astonishingly. With the board broken in half, she quickly bowed her head.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm sick and my hands are getting stronger!"
"It's okay. You two…"
Looking back, Awashima smiled gently and turned her eyes to Fushimi and Yata.
And when she points her thumb at them, she heard a pleasant voice.
"If you don't stop fighting now, you will stay like this too."
(I mean... I broke it that way. I mean, I won't do that!), she thought.
She tried to deny it hastily, but when she saw the two of them choke on the words, she thought reflectively.
(Maybe it is better not to solve the misunderstanding to fit in this place?)
However, she would like to deny that "If they're going to fight here, they'll end up like this.".
When she saw them, they clicked their tongues at the same time and turned away from her.
When she looked at Kamamoto as she was about to cry from the pain of being "the last demon chief", Kamamoto also hid his smiling mouth with a deliberate throat clearing and turned away from her.
When she gave a great sigh, before Awashima who returned in front of what was broken in half, she bowed deeply.
Rang the doorbell.
Once she stepped inside, the wooden floor squeaked.
"Welcome. Oh. Yata-chan, you can escort properly."
Kusanagi, who was cleaning the glasses, gave him a mischievous wink when he saw them.
"You took her bag and opened the door... Yeah, great. Did you keep up with the girl?"
Yata blushed a little.
"I can carry my luggage, but..."
"Oh, I am your servant until the burns heal!"
"Why do you say…"
She was embarrassed, she wondered if it was okay, but regret the words.
Saying that while she was thinking about her request, Kusanagi laughed and showed the counter seat.
"Miss, sit down. What do you want to drink? Soda, tea, orange juice..."
"Oh, never mind. I didn't get the price of the parfait yesterday either."
"Okay, don't worry. Part of the cost of the material is deducted exactly from the cost of the apartment. Don't hesitate."
Is that so?
"Well then tea. Um... please use china that can break."
Kusanagi widened his eyes in amazement.
"Break up? Why…?"
"Because she could crush him."
"What?! Crush it?!"
"Konohana-san, it was impossible to measure with a grip force of more than 100 kg."
Kamamoto's words surprised everyone, not just Kusanagi.
As she looked around her, she looked at Kusanagi with a glance and breathed softly.
"It seems the ability has been activated... I smashed two grip strength gauges."
Kusanagi lost his complexion, perhaps even imagining a broken grip strength gauge.
"Well, Saya-chan. Is it possible to use a stainless steel cup? The color of the black tea worsens."
"Of course it's okay. Thank you."
"I would like to thank you. But what is your ability, Saya-chan?"
Kusanagi tilted his head as he set the kettle.
"Here we go…"
"Isn't it the power to manipulate the flame? That pillar of fire…"
"If that's the case, she won't run out of oxygen surrounded by flames. She'll burn."
Suoh, who was lying on the couch, denied the words someone said with a yawn.
"And that's Yata's flame."
"So maybe because the quality of the flame was different? It was Homura's flame, so it burned out."
"It's not impossible, but... hmm."
Totsuka, who was playing with the camera at the end of the counter, looked up.
"That's too conspicuous for Yata's flames to escape, isn't it? So I think Konohana-san's abilities are working somehow... but because she acted on the flames, I manipulate the fire. Is it premature say skill?"
So cut off his words, and Totsuka lowered the camera and looked at her.
"Don't you think you could have multiple abilities? You protected yourself from the knife, (maybe) acted on Yata's flames and broke the grip strength meter, all of which are abilities of different quality."
Everyone except Suoh took a breath and stared at each other at the Totsuka words.
She wasn't familiar with these abilities in the first place, so she didn't understand why everyone was so shocked, she opened her mouth and looked at Totsuka.
"Ah, is that unusual?"
"Yes. At least I haven't heard of that."
When she looked around, everyone shook their heads evenly.
"Is that so."
"I don't know. I don't know if you really have multiple abilities, but it certainly looks different in quality."
"If so, right? Konohana-san's specialty as Strain isn't just that she was born off the island."
Coughing, Totsuka wiped the smile from his lips. Then, he made a thoughtful gesture and called her "Konohana-san.".
"Oh, yeah!"
"That's what happened in PE class, right?"
"Yes, that's true. It was in PE class this afternoon."
When she shook her head vertically, Totsuka and Kusanagi looked at each other.
"Not good."
"That's right... what should I do? I'm sure he noticed it too."
Totsuka covered his mouth with his hand and stared at the amber counter.
That boy? Who was he?
She bow my head, but no one said anything. Did everyone know?
Suddenly, when she saw Yata, he bitterly distorted his face and stared at the bottle on the back of the counter in silence.
The identity of "that boy" was immediately revealed.
To be exact, the next day. When she went to the bathroom alone after lunch.
As she put her handkerchief in her pocket, he approached her as she walked back to the classroom.
She turned around and looked back quickly.
"Ah, Fushimi-kun?"
"Are you really going in there?"
"What?" Before asking, she was surprised to hear him speak to her.
She turned to Fushimi and smiled, "Um...".
"What place is that?"
"The red club. Why are you in such a place?"
"I've never heard of a Strain with multiple abilities."
The words surprised her.
Maybe "this boy" was the one Totsuka was talking about...
"Do you think you can elucidate your abilities and control yourself in such a place? They do not perform any activities. You will just soak in warm water every day."
"Oh, that..."
"Anyway, are you just drinking tea and talking?"
She wondered why? It was as if he knew the red club. That crossed her mind.
By the way, Totsuka had called him "that boy", wasn't it a way of calling a person that you only know his face?
Maybe it was because she didn't answer him that Fushimi clicked his tongue.
She shook her shoulders and lifted her face from him.
"Someday someone may be in danger. It's too late. Do you think so too? Your abilities must urgently be clarified and you must learn to control them."
She thought he was correct.
But for some reason, she couldn't obediently control it, and when she rejected it again, Fushimi clicked his tongue again.
"You are a Strain full of irregularities. It's strange. You can't do it alone. You should still be under the supervision of the blue club, for the good of the school and the students."
Under surveillance...
The words bit her lips involuntarily.
There was nothing wrong with what he said. Rather, that was correct. Very correct.
With pursed lips, she touched the bandage on her left hand with her right hand.
But nobody in the red club said that.
"The captain cares. If something happens outside the school, regardless of whether it is inside the school, we may not be able to respond quickly. The meeting place for the red club is outside the school."
Then Fushimi kept talking.
But after all he was correct. It could be wrong. Because she cannot control it, her abilities can be revealed outside of school. At that time, it would be possible that there was no one from the red club nearby. She would have no way to stop the damage.
She couldn't do it alone, she thought. There was no rumbling sound. She certainly hurt people in the past.
Because Fushimi was right, she couldn't argue, she was just scared.
It was at that moment that...
"Stop it!"
A high-pitched scream echoed down the hall. At the same time, intense footsteps were heard.
When she raised her face to turn around, a reddish-brown haired boy jumped in front of them.
At that moment, her heart made a loud noise and she covered her mouth with both hands.
"Don't say what you want!"
Yata yelled as he stepped between her and Fushimi.
"What's wrong? You shouldn't come to school to act like this!"
He said with a high-pitched cry without hesitation.
Her chest warmed with his back wider than she expected, wrapped in a black school uniform.
He was there to protect her.
Fushimi was very right, but he still held him back.
She knew that she shouldn't be happy. There was no reason to rejoice. She was not a good person to protect. If she really thought of everyone, she should abide by Fushimi's words.
However, she was excited, in a selfish way.
Kamamoto squeezed her shoulders coughing. He gently supported his large, warm hands.
"How dare you intimidate her?! Do you know the word 'rights'?"
Faced with Yata's anger, Fushimi maintained his usual nasty and annoying demeanor. He looked at Yata with a ridiculous laugh on his lips.
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"Hmm...! What?"
"Always talking, and what right do you have? Don't say warm things. It's too late after an irreparable disaster. I don't think the red club can handle it."
"Shut up, bastard!"
Yata yelled at Fushimi's words.
"Don't be silly! Idiot! What do you think that girl is?"
"A Strain, so what? This place is full of them."
Obstructing Yata's words, Fushimi took a breath.
Then, with a provocative mausoleum again, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Yata.
"You will end up being killed, Misaki. You seem like an incomparably idiotic person, right?"
Yata grabbed onto Fushimi's chest as if he couldn't take it anymore.
At the same time, the battle was dry. The lid of the memory that was desperately stored in the depths opened, making a rattling noise.
What revived in her mind was a noise and a scream. It was a schoolyard where tears flew.
A blue sheet put on the floor. The red lights of the ambulance that came all the time.
And a bloody person lifted off the ground.
The faces of the students on the gurney overlapped with Yata's.
At that moment, terrible nausea hit her. She held her mouth with both hands and sat there.
Kamamoto's voice rang out. He quickly knelt beside her and hugged her shoulders like she cared, but she couldn't lift her face. She was trying to hold back the nausea.
Her whole body was trembling terribly.
It was an unmistakable horror.
Yes, it was. Fortunately, there were no deaths at the time, but she was lucky. After all, there were many serious injuries.
(I don't know what it will be like next time! This time I can kill people!), she thought.
Kukuri, Neko, Shiro, her classmates, and the red club members as well. Even Yata!
"Are you okay? Konohana-san!"
"Kamamoto! Get away!"
Dark horror stained her eyes black.
With the sharp shout of Konohana and Yata, Kamamoto's hand detached from her shoulder, and the signal fell far away.
Immediately after, she was strongly drawn and her body floated in the air.
When she opened her eyes as she held her mouth with both hands, Yata's face was at her side.
She realized that Yata was holding her and her heart ignited.
"Are you ok?!
She was happy.
Oh, but no. She wanted Yata to let her go, she was afraid of hurting him.
"Don't talk! Now let's go to the infirmary."
The fiery eyes no longer saw Fushimi, they only stared straight ahead.
Her profile was very sad.
At the same time as her heart beat, it became painful.
(No. It's not good, Yata-kun. Let me go.), she thought.
But she didn't get her voice out of it. Her consciousness was swallowed up by the darkness just as she was.
Suddenly, consciousness arose from her.
When she slowly opened her eyes, she could see the cloudy white ceiling.
She couldn't understand the situation for a moment, and looked mysteriously around her, but she could only see the white partition curtain.
Oh, but she notices that the curtain rail was covered with her uniform jacket and this was the bed in the infirmary room.
When she got up, you probably noticed it from the sound of the bed. She opened the dividing curtain and the infirmary teacher looked at her face.
Instead of being kind, the teacher, who felt like a trustworthy mother with deep nostalgia, smiled and took off her lab coat to get closer to her.
Her smile makes her feel relieved for some reason.
"Yes. You fell. Don't you remember?"
Oh, it's true. That had happened.
"Oh, that's good. Afternoon class is over, so go home today."
Oh, was it over?
"Did I sleep that long?"
"It's a few hours, even if it's long, right?"
No, but...
"They should pick you up, so go home today. Get some rest."
"What? Pick me up?"
When she tilted her head as she combed her hair with her hand, the door to the infirmary opened instantly as if could hear her, and Kamamoto said, "I'm sorry.".
"Oh, you came."
The infirmary teacher looked at the door and beckoned.
Then, Yata and Kamamoto came out from behind the curtain and looked at her anxiously.
"Are you ok?"
"Aren't you shaking anymore?"
Their voices made her feel very relieved.
"Yes, thank you.", she said smiling. Yata's face turned bright red.
And as he was, he retreated into the shadow of the curtain. "Yes?"
"Oh, Yata-kun?"
"Yata-san didn't mind carrying you, take it easy."
"Shut up!"
Just as she was, she heard the rattling sound of the door. So did he come out?
"Huh? Hm?"
"Oh, don't worry. Maybe she's waiting outside. Konohana-san, can you get up?"
Kamamoto shrugged and put a bag on the bed.
"This is a bag. Rest assured that Yukizome cleaned it up. It should have what you need. If you can get you up, let's go home. I'll send it to the bedroom."
"Oh, thank you. Maybe it's okay."
It was time to get out of bed and get up.
She fixed the wrinkles in her skirt and put her shoes back on. She looked good.
"Especially, it feels awkward, they're not there, are they?"
"Yes. There are none. Take it easy."
"But the expression was dark. Really?"
She involuntarily looks at the teacher.
"Is your body really okay?"
"My body is fine..."
The teacher shrugged and said, "Then go home."
Kamamoto removed the sack from the curtain rail and handed it to her. She grabbed it and put it on.
"Then, thank you."
Ready to go, she bowed to the nursing teacher.
When she bowed firmly to her voice that told her "Take care." and she came out of the infirmary with Kamamoto, as Kamamoto said, Yata sat in the hallway and waited.
"Oh, give me the bag."
"Eh? I can carry it."
"I'm going to do it."
Yata extended his hand with slightly red cheeks and looking away.
"Then, please."
"Oh. Then take out your PDA."
Eh? PDA?
"PDA? Why?"
"Because it's okay, get it out."
As she tilted her head, he took out his PDA, and Yata pointed his own PDA.
A bang was heard and Yata's contact information was recorded on her PDA.
"If something happens, give me a call! Okay? Do it!"
Yata's face turned red as soon as he saw her.
Her cheeks warmed when she noticed him. She was very happy.
Because... huh? Didn't he care at all what Fushimi said?
(I can't control my abilities, right? I might hurt Yata-kun. It's not an impossible story, because I've done it in the past.), she thought.
She try to speak correctly.
But it wasn't just about being there. He will try to protect her, it was also very natural.
Why? Why did he worry so much?
It was like a dream. Was that really the case?
"If I call you, will you come?"
"Oh, that's the natural thing to do!"
He wasn't looking at her as usual, but he didn't hesitate or stagnate at her words.
"No matter what happens, hurry up and do it right away!"
Simple words that can be clearly understood without lying.
She was so happy.
(Oh what's up with this? Why am I such a happy monster?), she thought.
She tried to email "Yata-kun" while she hid her face that had turned bright red with the PDA.
Yata, who was alerted by the ringtone and lowered his eyes to his PDA, turned his eyebrows on her saying "Oh?", and finally looked back at her.
"Yes, call me, but not for something silly!"
"Oh? I'll send you an email, if you don't have anything to do..."
"Ok, that's fine."
Kamamoto turned away from Yata, who averted his eyes from his as he endured laughter.
Yata wandered for a while and then quickly turned his back on her to hide his red face from her.
"Hey, I'm not going to answer you if it's something stupid!"
"Yes? You guys. If you get a red dot in the middle and end of the period, you won't be allowed to enter here for a while."
At Kusanagi's sudden declaration, they all yelled at once: "Huh?!" Oh, everyone except her, Suoh, and Totsuka.
Yata, who was sitting on the sofa with her, raised his hand, also stopped and looked at Kusanagi in a stunned way.
"Eh?! I won't, it's stupid. Nobody says I can get good points. Just tell me to avoid the red dots. It's the lowest line."
"But they are all themes, right?"
"It's still normal. Hey, I'm thankful I didn't say that in the skill test in April. The range is fixed at the middle and end of the period. It shouldn't be difficult."
"He can't help but show that he is our idiot, Kusanagi-san."
"I'm not trying to do that, stupid."
Kusanagi sighed and put the polished glass on the counter.
"By the way, Saya-chan, how did your skill test go?"
"Huh? Oh, the average score was only 80 points. Math was a bit difficult."
The inside of the tent was so cold that everyone looked at her with surprised eyes.
Yata's hand also stopped again.
"What? I haven't taken those numbers."
"Oh, no, at my other school, the transfer exam was really difficult."
Eh? Was that so?
(But I haven't taken the transfer exam, have I? I got a letter of recommendation and I just...), she thought.
Thinking of that, Totsuka suddenly looked at her and looked at her left hand.
"By the way, your burns, don't you have to go to the hospital anymore?"
"Oh, yeah. Thanks. All I have to do is be careful not to leave marks."
Yata applied to her a vitamin C ointment and lotion to the back of her hand and bandaged it.
He put a gauze on and taped it up. He had repeated it many times since April and he was used to it.
Yata who usually had a hard time talking to her, much less touching her, had a calm face when he did that treatment, probably because it was a treatment. He would ask things like "Are you okay?" or "Are you no longer in pain?"
When everyone made fun of him, he turned bright red and got angry, but he didn't stop doing it after all.
"Will the scars disappear?"
"There is no problem with the right knee. It seems that the left hand thing will disappear cleanly if care is not neglected. It will take some time, but it will still be clean in the summer."
"Yeah I'm glad."
Totsuka smiled as if he was relieved.
"Hmm. Left hand, finished. Is the bandage not tight?"
Yata propped up the scissors and looked at her.
She slowly opened and closed her hand, shaking her head.
"It's okay."
"So next is the foot. Put your foot up."
Yata hit the couch, pointing at it.
When she lifted her leg up as he told her to, Yata took off her shoe and put it on her lap. Then he released the bandage on her right knee.
"No matter how many times I watch it, it's erotic, right?"
"Aha. But Yata doesn't see it with evil eyes like you do, Chitose."
"No, Saya-chan doesn't either. She lets a man's hand apply ointment or lotion."
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"That's why Konohana-san doesn't have an evil idea like Chitose."
She could hear them.
No, she wasn't embarrassing now, but she was really embarrassing at first.
She had gotten used to it a bit lately, but not that she wasn't embarrassed at all.
But more than that, Yata was desperate... It wasn't Yata's fault, but he was desperate to make it up to her and do what he could.
So she was very happy.
"How about the pain?"
"Most of it is gone, it's just turning red. Maybe I can use a lotion."
"Hmm. But don't overdo it, should I apply a little more salve?"
"Isn't that conversation too erotic to listen to?"
"Shut up, Chitose."
"Saya. I'm off topic. The guy who got a red dot in the middle and end of the period is banned from coming for a while. That's absolutely unreasonable."
Kusanagi stopped the talk by hitting a bread. Yes, that was the story.
Yata's hand stopped again. Maybe for Yata it was quite dangerous?
"If you don't study properly, you won't be a professional."
"You don't want to study because you want to be like Mikoto?"
"No! Go study! Even now!"
Yata sighed as he opened the cap on the lotion.
That was it. It was so dangerous that he sighed.
When she laughed, she softly made a noise to Yata, who was in a gloomy state.
"Let's do our best."
"Are you studying correctly?"
While she was doing her homework in her room, it suddenly occurred to her to email Yata.
She went into the kitchen, boiled water, made instant coffee, and returned to the study table with hot mug in hand, and had already received an answer.
She sat in the chair and enthusiastically opened the message.
"I was in Homura a while ago."
Only those words, but she was very happy. Yata answered the message correctly even though he said that he would not reply nonsense.
It was blunt and a short sentence, but he answered correctly the right way every time.
She was happy to send an email even though she had no problem.
Today was certainly a study session at HOMRA.
Some people were playing games, but Yata was studying hard.
When she casually showed Yata, who scratched his head, he turned red and didn't speak properly, but when the problem was solved, he said quietly, "Thank you.".
When he asked her over and over again, "Tell me...", "Tell me this..." and "Tell me that...", Kusanagi, who was watching them, said, "These idiots. Couldn't they study elsewhere?", but he was happy.
At HOMRA, the red club was very warm.
It was so much fun mingling with everyone and being happy.
"I have to do it in the bedroom. Aim! Avoid the red dots!"
She sent a reply to Yata and wrapped both hands around the mug.
The sweet, warm coffee made her heart feel warm.
She never dreamed that she could spend her days with that feeling even though her abilities had been revealed to everyone. She believed that it was all thanks to Yata and everyone in the red club.
Was she really good? She was having a quiet day like that.
The PDA shook to notify her of an incoming call.
When she opened the email she received, she saw the words "I'm upset."
"Hm, you don't have to be upset, Yata-kun. Maybe you're just blocked, aren't you? Let's do our best together. Ok?"
She texted while she smiled.
He immediately responded with an "Ok."
That made her feel like it was the end of the conversation, so she thought about it for a moment and asked, "Let's study in the library instead of going to HOMRA tomorrow."
She thought that he would probably hate studying in the library, but the answer was, surprisingly, "I can do that.", and she was shocked.
Eh?! Was it okay to go study in the library? Wouldn't he go to HOMRA?!
Oh, she didn't think he would return that answer. Yata really wanted to avoid the red dot.
She was happy in another way and said, "Let's do our best! If you have any questions, ask more and more. If I can understand it, I will show you."
Yata's response was: "I don't know, there are a lot of things I don't understand."
Yata's worried face seemed to appear before her eyes, and it erupted irresistibly.
"Hahaha. Yes. Yes... I see... Hehehe."
She laughed and wrapped both hands around the PDA.
But still, she told him to study together in the library without giving up.
"Well. If that happens, I'll ask you to avoid the red dot. Homura without Yata-kun is alone."
She put down the PDA and picked up the mechanical pencil again in a new mood.
"If that is."
Awashima-sensei announced with the ringing of the doorbell.
They all responded at once. A great chorus of "Yes!" echoed through the classroom.
"Turn over the answer sheet."
She placed her answer sheet on the stack of paper that came from behind and turned it forward.
Awashima received it, counted the number, and confirmed it. And when she finished, she looked around and smiled.
"Yes. Good work."
"Good luck! The test is over!"
The screams increased. She too took a breath and sank down on the desk.
After all, the math was difficult. She was not good at it. The last problem, she could not write it, although the final score would be high.
When she was narrowing her eyes, Kamamoto's voice, "How did it go, Yata-san?", jumped into her ears.
(Oh yeah! Yata-kun!), she thought.
She snapped her eyes open and woke up.
And when she got up on the same impulse, she went with Yata and the others.
"How was it? Do you think you can pass?"
"Oh, maybe it's okay."
Kamamoto smiled. Looking at Yata, he was a bit confident.
"What about, Yata-kun?"
"No! No, that..."
When she looked into Yata's eyes, he blushed a little and walked away.
But soon, he coughed, "Well, I was able to write more than usual... I have hope."
"Really?! So..."
"Well, I hope it goes well. But, I think it can be avoided."
"Hooray! That's good! You did the best you could!"
They didn't have the result yet, but she was relieved. She didn't want Yata to be banned from the bar.
When she clapped her hands, Yata flashed a goofy smile, "Oh!"
That was irresistible and she warmed her chest.
"Oh that's right. Hey, Yata-kun. This morning's email…"
She was worried about it since morning, but she finally asked a question that she couldn't ask because she thought it shouldn't disturb his concentration on the exam.
At that moment, Yata patted her on the back and his overreaction made her narrow her eyes. That? That reaction.
In fact, when she woke up this morning, she was surprised to receive an email from Yata.
Because he, until today, he almost always responded to her emails, but Yata never spoke first. That day for the first time, Yata sent her an email. She had been impressed since the morning.
But that was a slightly confusing email.
There was no topic or text. It was just an email with a photo of the crepe shop attached. She at first she thought it was a wrong email.
Because she knew him well, Yata wasn't very good at sweets.
It was strange to think of Yata sending her a photo of a crepe shop. She felt something was wrong.
So, she thought about asking what happened after the test was completed, so she put it on hold... Hmm? Wasn't that a mistake?
Kamamoto tilted his head and looked at her.
When he spoke to him because he didn't want to say something, Kamamoto turned his gaze to Yata, "Did you send it?"
"Well, well!"
Yata stepped out of Kamamoto's line of sight and said that.
(Oh, after all, he sent it to me. Not a mistake.), she thought.
What did that mean?
Suddenly, she put her finger on her lips and thought.
(That email. What if he couldn't write the topic or the text?)
What if attaching a photo was the best thing the shy Yata could do in front of a girl?
Oh, maybe that was it?
Her heart made a loud noise.
Ah, she wished it were so.
But what if it was different? If it was a coincidence? She was thinking too much.
(But what if…? In this case…), she thought, and her face turned red.
Was it okay to say that? If it was different, it would be a shame, but... but!
She clenched her hands tightly and looked at Yata.
"Oh, that... if you want, can you take me? No, I want to go!"
Yata turned his back on her at her words and looked away.
When she laughed again, his cheeks turned bright red as she looked at him. She then she thought that she was not wrong, (Ah! It can't be! Yes, that was it!).
She ducked involuntarily, hugging her knees.
"What?! Konohana-san?"
She couldn't raise her face at Kamamoto's voice of surprise. Because her ears were bright red and she could understand him.
(Oh, I get it! Yata-kun is great and I like him!), she thought.
Even though he wasn't good at talking to girls, he emailed her and everything.
Of course, inviting a girl must have been a huge hurdle for Yata.
Yata, who wasn't good at sweets, went to the trouble of looking it up and bravely emailed her, right? She always wanted to see it, and she could have Kamamoto translate it!
"Eh? What's wrong? Yata-san. What happened to Konohana-san?"
"I don't know. I don't know anything."
"Huh? What's wrong? Am I the only one in the group?"
"Shut up. You have to keep up with yourself."
Eh? There, Kamamoto always goes where Yata went, but...
"But no. If so, okay?"
"Huh? Hey, Konohana-san."
Face down, she shook her head and refused to explain.
It wasn't that hard to tell, was it? "I invited you to a crepe shop.", "I invite you.", is a story that can be done, right? Also, if she went to the crepe shop later, she could make a rough guess, right? Still, she didn't want to say why.
Yata invited her, she wanted to keep that impression.
It could be for a short time, but she wanted to keep it.
She knew Yata was embarrassed, but when she saw him refuse to talk to Kamamoto in the same way, she even felt the same way. She also tickled her and she was happy.
That "happy" accumulated and he made her happier. Yata was amazing. She felt sorry for Kamamoto, who kept it a secret.
Oh, but after all, she wanted Yata, who had the courage to send that photo, to be with her.
"Hey, how about the crepe shop?"
"It was delicious!"
With a big smile on his forehead, Kusanagi said, "I'm glad."
"That's why the three of us are late. I see, it's too early to be relieved."
"Of course. You know that, right?"
"I don't know. I don't think so when I see him frolicking behind me."
Yata, Kamamoto and everyone else were talking about the athletic festival around the couch where Suoh was sleeping.
It's basically a class competition, but after all, there seems to be a competition that uses skills to compete between special clubs, and they were all on fire.
Above all, the extreme tag game that takes place at the end of all competitions, it is a competition that can be said to be the flower form of the school athletic festival, and it seems to be very exciting.
Everyone was motivated to beat the blue club this year.
"Saya-chan, will you participate?"
Suddenly, Kusanagi said that to her and looked back.
"Sports day. If you go to the competition as a member of the red club, yes."
At Kusanagi's words, everyone stopped talking and looked at her.
"Eh, what?"
She notices that everyone's eyes were shining as if they were saying, "Let's do it!", and she shook her head hastily, also with both hands.
"Yes, yes, refrain!"
"Eh? Why? Do it!"
"Chitose-san. No, I refrain from doing it! I'm afraid of competitions that use my abilities. I can't control them."
In the first place, she had never tried to develop her abilities on her own. She didn't want to use them at all, but just hung out.
Did they want her to use her abilities voluntarily when she didn't even know what her abilities are? What a terrifying thing. Just thinking about it made her shiver.
"I don't know what will come out in the first place, so there's a good chance it won't work."
"Oh, never mind. I'll keep helping you..."
Yata's little cough made her eyes widen.
"It did not matter?"
Even having seen that pillar of fire, the stone pavement that was sandwiched between them, the broken grip strength meter, and the broken recording board, she was surprised that Yata could say that normally.
She really couldn't tell him anything.
Wasn't Yata afraid of him? Doesn't he think she will ever hurt him?
She didn't want him to be afraid of her. Of course, she didn't want him to avoid her.
She was very happy that he treated her like a "normal girl".
She was so happy that she trembled, but still she responded.
"But I don't know what will happen..."
Still, she was afraid to "use" her abilities voluntarily. It could affect the competition and the athletic festival itself. Especially if she hurt someone.
When she shook her head and looked at Yata, Yata coughed, "Oh, I get it.", and turned his back on her.
"No, if you don't like it, no. I'm not trying to force you. But if you're enjoying school life, join us."
"Oh, I'll help you. I'll follow you as much as I can."
A word spoken without hesitation.
Maybe he wasn't very smart, but he was warm and kind and cool.
Although he looked closely at what she had done, he was able to say it without a small bet.
The masculine side of him was great.
(Oh, I see. I'm so happy!), she thought.
"Yes, thank you. Ordinary competitions are aggressive. Oh, that's right. Let's take first place in class grades, Yata-kun. I'll do my best too. I'll enjoy it!"
Rubbing away the burning dependency, she regained her composure and clenched her fist.
"Let's get the trophy! Yata-kun, you can win right?"
With expectations, she looks directly at him.
Looking back over his shoulder, Yata shook his head with his usual awkward smile.
"Leave it to me."
Sports festival. Joyful cheers filled the playground.
It was an ideal sunny day for a sports festival. The blue sky was tinged with cloudless blue. She was cheerful enough to sweat even if she didn't move.
Without disappointing the expectations of the class, Yata participated in quite a few competitions and was producing good results.
She never tired of looking at Yata, who was running like the wind.
Speaking of not getting tired of looking, Suoh was also looking. He had a completely different attitude than Yata.
What's the point of walking calmly, he wasn't even running? Burning obstacles in an obstacle course? Very surreal.
Kusanagi took a break from the store and came with a large package. She was surprised not to know that. Oh, but the rice balls and omelette were delicious! Why was everyone's lunch box so delicious?
The appearance of installing a video camera on a tripod was like someone's parents, and she laughed with Totsuka.
But it seems like he was filming with a lot of energy, and he really wanted to see it with everyone at HOMRA.
"Next is the final competition. It is an extreme tag team game against special club activities."
That was the announcement that echoed down the hall. She closed the cap on the mineral water she was drinking and hurried back to the cheering seat for the special club activities.
"Oh, come here, Konohana-san."
Totsuka, who noticed her, motioned for her to come with him.
She sat next to him and looked at the executive committee that was cleaning up.
"Speaking of which, I was wondering, but what is extreme etiquette?"
"Hmm? Oh, the one in last place wins the competition."
Eh? What was that? Kill each other or something?
In response to the answer that was diagonally above her expectations, she instinctively looked at Totsuka in confusion.
What did that mean?
"Specifically, it's a competition where five players from the special club are sent to compete. One of the five is wearing a special club color ribbon. If it is stolen, or if it is undone, if it is burned, if it is cut... Anyway, if they take it out of your head, you will lose."
"The remaining four people protect the people who are hovering anyway. So, surprisingly, it's a competition where strategy is more important than skill."
"I see. Well, maybe."
"That's right. I'm a bit weak at that. It seems that the blue club has won many championships even in the past. That's because it is controlled like an army."
Sensing what she meant, Totsuka smiled.
That's right, uh...?
"Oh, that? I think the silver club had three members in the first place. But is it a competition where five representatives are selected?"
"Oh, the silver club will not participate. Last year there were fewer people. The silver club just marks the beginning of each year."
Eh? Was that so?
"Oh, hey, does it start?"
Shiro came out with a smile and turned the starter pistol towards the sky.
After a moment, he rang out a loud electronic sound signaling the start of the competition.
The players all began to move at the same time. A great ovation enveloped them.
"No matter how many times I see it, that rabbit is surreal."
"That's right. But Yata will go."
Yata, the commander of the red club unit, rushed straight into the enemy camp.
There was no strategy. Really, it was attacking directly from the front.
Kamamoto and Chitose followed.
Suoh didn't move.
He stood silently and stared at Munakata, the leader of the blue club.
"Ah. okay!"
Everyone around him raised their fists and shouted loudly.
When she turned his gaze towards Yata, Yata also struck a gutsy pose with the best smile. Apparently, he managed to burn the rabbit-faced headband.
He had a cheerful expression. Immediately, he brought his lips together, harbored a fierce flame in his eyes, and plunged into a new enemy.
She was fascinated with him.
He do not doubt it and challenge from the front, facing the enemy directly.
There was no alteration of the plan, nor any calculation. He didn't even think about winning.
He just believed in himself and his friends, and ran.
His appearance was very stringy.
To her, who had run away from various things, he looked very bright.
She intensely yearned for him.
(Oh, he's amazing. Amazing! Yata-kun is amazing!), she thought.
"The green club, left! The rest are from the red and blue club! This year was also a unique match!"
The announcement heated the place even more.
Then, turning his back on the comment, Yata started running towards the blue club, who was solidifying his defense.
The opponent was the blue club, which is good at tactics and strategy. Involuntarily she breathes, then clasp her hands and pray that Yata won't get hurt and will win.
Yata's hand was engulfed in flames and the members of the blue club held his swords.
Five beautiful leaves that roared in the sunlight.
She was surprised at how sharp they were, she got up and yelled.
At that moment, Yata's flame swelled tens and hundreds of times. It grew big enough to burn the skies, swelled up like a living being, and attacked the blue club.
The blue club took a breath and faced a sudden attack that was completely different from what they expected.
That momentary delay was fatal. The flame burned the headband.
"Ah! Wah?!"
The scorch broke and fell to the ground without a sound.
"The winner is the red club."
Big applause in the hall at the exciting announcement.
Everyone in the red club stood up and raised a voice of joy.
"I did it! Saya-chan! I did it!"
"Yes! You won!"
Everyone clapped and rejoiced.
"Yata-kun! Great!"
"You did it! Yata!"
Kamamoto and Chitose ran towards Yata, who was somewhat confused.
Yata, who was hugged, looked at Suoh for some reason.
For some reason, Suoh and Fushimi were looking at her.
Beside her, who noticed the line of sight and tilted his head, Totsuka put his finger on his chin and narrowed his eyes.
"I see."
18 notes · View notes
flightfoot · 4 years
“maribt is an innocent ship and yet people sent hate comments to the authors of the fic” is something that I found on twitter yesterday and I have this like dislike feeling with this statement because a) it's a ship created out of spite b) the story centered around that ship is mostly about bashing other character and demonize them c) the OOCness of all the character is cringe at best d) I feel sorry for the author but at the same time I feel they should've know what they'll risked in the end to create such fic. Kinda remind me of the my immortal fic back in early 2000 in hp fandom
I don’t think sending hate comments to the author of a fic, even if you personally find it atrocious and appalling, is appropriate. I do not think that the author should have to worry about people sending hate comments to them personally on their fic. There is such a thing as internet etiquette here, and I think one of those is not to barge onto someone’s fic, no matter how horrible you think it is, and berate the author. 
That being said, I AM gonna laugh at Mari//bat being called an “innocent” ship. Hell, while a lot of people including myself certainly have criticisms about the ship itself (well, the main ship everyone knows anyway. Mari//bat is an umbrella term, but generally people are referring to Damien//ette specifically), it’s not what I despise about that whole fandom; if it was JUST the ship, even with as butchered as the characters are, I’d merely find it annoying, but ignorable easily enough.
It’s the bashing that I CANNOT stand. 
I strongly suspect that a lot of Mari//bat fans don’t actually engage with the source material much beyond maybe watching Chameleon. There seems to be a widespread lack of awareness of how baked in bashing is for even a lot of the “salt-free” fics for it I’ve been recced, and how while the main point of a decent amount of them may not be the bashing nowadays, it’s still engraved into the background of it a LOT of the time.
Might be why Mari//bat fics are ALSO plagued by another issue; not tagging their bashing. It’s why even though I was interested in the crossover itself, I gave up looking for fics for it in disgust.
Anyways, any sort of premise for those fics that involve:
A. Marinette being bullied by her classmates (aside from canonical bullies like Chloe and Lila; if they recruit anyone else for the bullying, then it’s some pretty heavy classmates bashing)
B. Marinette believing that her friends or family have wronged her in some way.
C. Someone ELSE (who the audience is supposed to think is correct in their assessment) believing that Marinette has been wronged in some way by her friends or family, often then wanting to either “rescue” Marinette from the situation by getting her out of there, or to take revenge on her “oppressors”.
These premises rest on a foundation of character bashing, of making characters who canonically are kind and sympathetic, who love Marinette and who Marinette loves back, into different characters entirely for the sake of demonizing them.
Doesn’t help that it also tends to fall afoul of some particularly foul stereotypes along the way, like making Alya - who is Black - cruel, abusive, and dangerous, saying that everything good in her life and everything she’s accomplished is because of Marinette’s efforts, and using that to punish her cruelly - when canonically she’s very supportive and kind towards Marinette and people more generally, and while she can have a one-track mind, she is NOT malicious or violent, plus she worked hard to make her blog what it is and writing that off as all being due to someone else’s efforts is just wrong.
I suspect that the root of this has more to do with this vendetta people seem to have against best friends who in any way “fail” the protagonist than anything else, but it’s still not a good look.
I just feel like there’s this fundamental misunderstanding of the ways that common tropes in Mari//bat fics butcher the source material in ways that are bound to make people upset. The people participating in it still don’t deserve to have hate sent directly to them, but there IS good reason why it’s hated. As it is, I’ve got about twenty tags blocked for the ML AO3 page, mostly to try and block out bashing (not just for Mari//bat, though it’s a major offender), and some STILL gets through.
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andiwanderer · 5 years
New Kid
Tony Stark x daughter!Reader
Overview: Frustrated by how Tony was treating the new kid, you felt like an outcast. After the outburst of your father, you finally told him your decision. Because no matter how hard you try to gain his attention, his sole focus was directed to this new kid, named Peter. Maybe parting ways from your father can finally make him notice you. a/n: i'm sorry for the poor written summary! please bear with me! XD
Warnings: Angst, Language, Fluff
a/n: my first fanfic post, please, pleeeassseee! bear with me✨
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"Hey Parker, look at this."
"That kid is doing his job. I commend that. And also he's my intern, so get yours."
"He said his name was quote on quote "Spiderman". You got that, Rhodey?"
"D'you think? You know you have a potential Pete,"
"That spiderling?"
"Peter, just contact Happy on that one, I'm on my way."
"Mr. Parker, the Avengers just wanted your safety. Courtesy of me, of course."
"Mr. Parker, Mr. Stark ask your presence in his office."
Y/N had enough. It was like 4 in the morning and she hasn't got her proper sleep. She reached for her pillow and pushed it to cover her entire face along with her ear. Now, silently hoping she can finally sleep.
She really had enough not just because of exhaustion. But because of the 'New Kid' from Queens, Peter Parker.
She can't have a full day without hearing that kid's name uttered by her father, Tony.
Not that she was jealous of him but she's getting there. She used to be her father's apple of the eye. She used to have that same praises and care from Stark, then this Sokovia Accords began to ruin it.
Y/N knew what's right from wrong, Tony taught her that. And being controlled by the government, it was as though not having the freedom to have your own insights expressed. You can't do that because you're their personal puppet, the only thing that is right for them is their own judgment.
So she joined the Captain's team and learned the knowledge that Barnes wasn't a killer and he was controlled by HYDRA, the organization that they've been chasing, and it was not him who killed the T'challa's father, T'chaka. He was framed.
The encounter in Germany happened, there entered the new mighty intern of Stark, Peter Benjamin Parker also known as Spiderman.
They seemed pretty close for her liking and from that moment on she knew something is about to change.
They went back to the compound after what happened, finally having a truce. Understanding each side, well a majority of them, but there are two certain people who are still not on speaking terms.
Here's the thing, Y/N, and Tony fought regarding the accords before parting ways. And both of them seemed to heightened their pride and refuse to apologize to each other. They still think that their own opinion is better than the other.
Living in one compound doesn't help, it's difficult to not cross paths when wandering around. The only advantage of this was finally they're having small talks.
"Mr. Stark, I just went to grab my bag."
"You go ahead on the lab, I'll just..." Tony's voice trailed off as they walk towards their destination.
Y/N's eyes peeled open. Why can I still hear their voices in my sleep?
She knows drowsiness already left her and this will take a toll on her later on.
Now that she's awake, might as well start her day. With that, she sat up and stretched her arms out with a yawn. Grabbed her phone and hoodie before making her way into the kitchen.
When she got there the lights turned on, it was motion-sensored. "Good morning, Ms. Stark."
"What's good in the morning," she murmured as she open the cupboard and reaches what she needed. "The sun hasn't even peaked yet."
"Woke up on the wrong side of the bed, miss?"
"More like woke by an annoying voice."
"I apologize for that, it seemed that I was the one who is guilty-"
"Geez FRIDAY, I was only kidding. Can't take a joke?"
"Your voice was monotone, it was hard to tell."
"Not a morning person..." she sat on one of the stools and continued stirring her cup of milk as she entertained herself by scrolling onto her phone.
"You're up too early." Bucky's voice filled the room slightly startling the lone girl in the kitchen. He removed himself from leaning against the frame of the doorway. Making his way to Y/N, he sat beside her.
Glancing up from her phone she met his gaze, "I could ask you the same question."
"Don't smart ass me, doll." he gave her a stern look. "I got back from the bathroom and you weren't on the bed."
That made Y/N's voice back down and instantly felt guilty. It's dawn and she's giving her man an early headache to nurse for the entire day.
So she wrapped her arm around his waist, hugging him, nuzzling her face on his chest. She felt him responding to the embrace, hugging her fragile body against him tighter.
"I'm sorry..." she mumbled through his chest.
He kissed the crown of her head while caressing the back of her head, "I'm sorry too. I was just worried... I thought you were gone."
"That won't happen. I'm a pain in your ass remember, it's not easy to get rid of me." she chuckled, taking in his warmth.
"Is there a problem? Did you have a nightmare, Hmm? You can tell me everything, I'll listen."
Bucky knew about her struggle seeing the two, namely the man of iron and the kid with the sticky web, having a bond like father and son. Every day he sees the look in her eyes, that hostile look that she gives the kid. If staring is deadly, Peter would've been cold meat. So this topic isn't new to him. And every day it reaches a different level.
"Not really..." she pulled herself from the hug, grab his hand into hers, and intertwined them. "Is it I or Peter and my father are so close right now, even mom can't break the two apart. If I didn't know them I might've assumed they're connected by blood."
"In my perspective, I don't really pay much attention to anyone except you."
His statement brought a smile to her face. "You're crazy."
Bucky leaned in until his lips are ghosting into hers, "Only crazy for you." leaving a peck on Y/N's slightly parted lips that made her cheeks burn. She lightly shook her head on his lame comebacks and partly to somehow ease her flustered face.
"But seriously, Buck. I-" she inhaled and exhaled a deep breath. Her next words came out as a whisper, "I'm jealous...I'll admit. I am now..." she finished her drink and went to the sink washing the things she used, Bucky still eyeing her waiting for her next words. "There's not much to tell, Peter was the son he never had. He was always enthusiastic about it when he talks to mom," pertaining to Pepper "I can't blame him..." when she was done, she turned, her hips leaning against the sink. "I don't want to think about it but I don't know, Buck. Sometimes I just want to d-"
"Disappear, disperse, die?" her head whipped to where the voice came from. Tony walked into the room, screwdriver in hand.
He was headed to his workspace when he heard her daughter talking, her voice was serious so he got curious and got sidetracked.
Tony's eyes shift from Y/N to Bucky, confusion was etched on his face. He can't read either of their expression so he made his own conclusion. "You're thinking about killing yourself?"
Y/N's eyes widened in shock at his statement. I was going to say disappear. Which also has the same meaning by the way. She was about to interject when Tony immediately cut her off, not wanting her to say anything. "Is that it?" He arched a brow at her, he was starting to get pissed. "Aren't you even grateful you're alive? Many people die every single day. It wasn't their choice, hell they'll do anything they can to be alive. And here you are having the opportunity to live thinking how to end your life? Why did that thing even cross your mind."
Bucky sensed Y/N's tense composure as her hand began to fidget her shirt in habit when she's nervous or scared, Bucky noticed it but Tony didn't, so he got between the two. "Tony..."
"Shut your mouth, metal man. We're in a conversation as you can see. Can you please-" the guy waved his hand dismissively, gesturing him to vanish, then turned to Y/N.
He pointed the screwdriver at her, "What happened to your smart mouth, young lady, did that also died?" firmness laced his voice, she can't even decipher if that man was still the father she grew up to. It was like this moment, he became a cold jerk father to her.
Not wanting to deal with his shit, she grabbed her phone at the counter, and without saying anything she walked out.
How did he even think I want to die? I had only said 'D-'! How that does make any sense. I can say dance or whatever d-verb I can apply to my sentence!
Almost stumble to the new arrival, Peter Parker. She scoffed and rolled her eyes at him before making a beeline to her room.
As to Bucky, he just stared at Stark who shook his head as he brought his free hand up to massage his temple.
Peter shot a question, "Mr. Stark, Mr. Barnes, what just happened?"
It was Barnes' turn to shake his head with amusement because of the two. Before Tony could utter a word, Bucky left and followed Y/N to her room.
"What the hell was that?" he angrily spat at Y/N as he left his suit.
"Rogers this is between us so get lost."
Steve looked in Y/N's direction whose eyes were glued on the floor. He wants to get between them because there has been a misunderstanding and Tony had been declining to listen to the captain ever since the time they finished the mission. Turning off his earpiece and blasting off defeating them on getting to the compound first. He didn't want to be rude, Tony was right and he didn't want to meddle with them, afraid that he might get the topic even worse. But if anything goes wrong he'll step in no matter what. So he ushered the team to leave and go to the med bay to have their wounds treated.
"That doesn't mean it excludes you, Barnes."
That made Y/N lift her gaze, meeting his steel-blue eyes that were full of concern and love. She gently nodded at him, giving him the idea that she can handle it and Bucky did what she silently asked.
Tony paced around the room. "You are well aware of what you just did, correct? And you know that it was gonna put you in danger!"
I was just trying to save you. She wanted to say those words to him but witnessing how riled up he is right now, made her heart race. Yes, she's afraid of him whenever he's angry that's why she never gave him a reason to be angry at her. The first was with the accords, and the list might continue because of this.
"What were you even thinking! It doesn't mean that now you're a shield agent, you should put yourself on death's door! Or just because you're fulfilling your task of getting yourself killed. You're taking every mission as an opportunity!"
It's not like that... Tears are now falling freely on her face.
"I will talk to Fury about this. And Y/N," his eyes were cold when she gained the courage to look at him, "you're out of the team. Sooner or later SHEILD will kick you out too. Believe it or not, this is for your own good."
She stared at him in disbelief. This was her entire life, he can't take that away from her, for the first time she had the urge to argue but her father cut her before she can speak.
"If only you're as obedient as Parker this wouldn't happen."
That made her heartbreak into many pieces. It was like hearing her own father saying that if only Peter was his son.
Y/N eyes were now red and puffy. Cheeks and nose flustered because of her crying. The tears are making their way down her cheeks uncontrollably and seemed that it's not stopping any time soon. Biting her lips to stop the whimper from being heard. She averted her gaze to the ceiling to somehow stop the flow of her tears.
That's why she didn't see the reaction of her father upon seeing her in her state at the moment. Guilt was already eating him.
Assuming that their conversation was over, she turned her heel and took her to leave with low shoulders. Even though she wanted to be angry at him because of his statement, she can't. Tony Stark raised her well and disrespecting isn't one of those.
"I--" suddenly his voice died. Was really apologizing for that hard?--
"I'm leaving..." She said with a tiny voice.
Y/N swallowed the lump on her throat before saying, "I'm going to fix my things, maybe I should give you some space. I don't like s-seeing you angry. I will join Bucky on their trip to Wakanda. This might give you some peace of mind. And don't worry, I won't kill myself, I'll let a natural death fall on me."
She waited for him to respond or anything but when he didn't she ran towards her room with only one thing in mind, He didn't even try to stop me.
Bruce who was headed to the med bay heard a little of their conversation--he didn't mean to eavesdrop--he approached Tony. "Was that really necessary?"
Tony who felt guilty answered, "She was having suicidal thoughts, what was I supposed to do!"
"Understand her! What the hell, Stark! You only made it worse!"
"What the--what are you doing here?" Y/N eyes widen when he saw her father who has the same expression as hers, and a red floating cape behind him.
"I'm the one who should ask you that, missy." he frowns at her. "It's dangerous here! How did you ev--you should've stayed at your house. You could have get yourself in danger!--you know what screw this--" Tony snarls at her clearly he cared for her well-being, however, Y/N didn't acknowledge it instead took it negatively.
"I can handle myself just fine, Stark." she rolled her eyes at him.
"Oh, so it's Stark now. I didn't teach you how to disrespect, young-"
That's when Peter came swinging in and landed beside Tony. Y/N's eyes narrowed at their suit, how can she not recognize it. It's nanotech just like hers, and it was originally her idea by the way. Formulated when she was 12 years old, being fascinated by technology and all that stuff.
She felt insecure because of Peter... She was the daughter she didn't even know if creating a suit like that for her crossed her father's mind. She made her own damn suit, okay.
"I thought you were a spiderman, so why do you always follow him like a good little soldier? What are you a cat who's having fun and chasing his tail?"
"Y/N, mouth."
Peter became tense but quickly composed himself, ignoring Y/N's sarcastic statement, "Miss Y/N, I want to apologize-"
"Apologize? For what?"
Tony is sure, she can be stubborn as him. She's his daughter after all.
When the kid didn't reply she huffs, "See you don't even know what you're apologizing for. So if I were you just step back, I'm had to get Dr. Strange from that two-foot Squidward."
Squidward, huh. He can't help but remember what he had called the alien-like antagonist that they had been chasing. Turns out they gave him the same nickname. That's my daughter.
"Wait, you know his name?" Tony questioned, pertaining to the magician.
"Long story, years passed, things changed, many things happen but--whatever."
"We have a plan actually..." peter said meekly, completely intimidated by Y/N. He thought that Stark's definition of her was all too good to be true, cause he can prove it's all the opposite but maybe he just met her at the wrong place at the wrong time.
"Oh yeah?" she arched a brow at them as she cocked her head at the side. "What is it?"
"I want to protect the stone."
"And I want you to thank me, now. Go ahead I'm listening."
"For what? Nearly blasting me to space?"
"Who just saved your magical ass?--Me."
"I seriously don't know how you fit your head into that helmet." Y/N bit her lower lip to prevent her chuckle from erupting. Cause Strange said was so true.
"-flying donut, billions and miles from Earth with no backup."
"I'm back up." Peter raised his hand.
"No, you're still away. The adults are talking"
"I'm sorry, I-I'm confused about the relationship here. What is he your ward?"
"Stark's son," Y/N interject. She's bitter alright.
Strange lift his gaze from where she was sitting on the ceiling. Looking confused, "Your looks don't resemble."
"Exactly! cause I don't have a brother and I am nobody's daughter." her feet swaying back and forth as she answers and it echoes all around the ship.
"Please don't mind her that's not true. I'm Peter by the way."
"Dr. Strange."
"Oh you're using made-up names, I'm Spiderman then."
"Y/N can you please go down, you might get yourself hurt up there." Tony pleads.
"You said you two can handle it. I'll just stay here thank you for the concern, but no thank you."
She watches them on her spot, not really paying attention to what they're saying but she senses Strange and Stark's topic was serious.
Y/N was acting like a slightly drunk lady, that's what the others' observations were, but she wasn't. She's just sleepy and she acts cranky when she does. And she's missing her guy who at the moment might be pissed at her because of her sudden disappearance. Oh, Bucky... I could use a hug...
After their conversation, Tony approached Peter, and like what the highest person does to proclaim a knight, he does it with Peter along with the lines of 'You're an Avenger now.'
Letting the guy recover from his shock she calls him, the kid met her gaze. "I hold no grudge, really."
Parker was having second thoughts on her statement either it was a half-hearted claim or not, regardless he answered. "Thanks." giving her a shy smile and Y/N returning a tight-lipped smile.
"Mr. Stark, I don't want to go.. I don't want to."
Y/N stared at them as she sit on the ground, tired and weary. She doesn't need to ask them what it felt to disappear, she herself can feel it inside of her. That weird feeling seemed hard to explain.
Witnessing this moment in front of her shattered the little part of her heart left. That should be her in his father's arms, that should be her having that last moment with him before she disappear-but no. It's always Peter.
At that moment she felt numb, as a lone tear made its way down her cheek. She never thought that she'll welcome death open arms. Y/N is done, she knew that.
"Sorry..." was the last word Peter uttered before he turned into dust.
Good riddance.
The older Stark can't still register what happened so when he turned his head, his eyes looking for a certain someone. He was filled with dread when he didn't found her.
"He did it." Nebula stated pertaining to Thanos that his plan on wiping half of the planet has begun.
Now that it was all sinking into him, he can't help but blame himself for not doing his job in stopping that grape titan, and maybe if he wasn't an asshole enough to his daughter, maybe he still has her in his arms like when she was still a baby. He was a complete dick towards her. It was all coming back to him, all the times they had been together.
It broke his heart when he watched her ran to her room that day. He can't speak because his pride was fighting off his conscience. He didn't want to see her cry, and the idea that it was his fault for making her leave dreaded him. He tried to follow her to Wakanda but he was afraid she might ignore her, afraid of the instances that might happen if he does one wrong move. Bucky, Steve, Sam, and Natasha were his only contact on asking how Y/N has been and their answers were always the same.
Peter and Y/N were almost alike, maybe that's the reason why in doing so his relationship with her drifted.
If only he'd stopped Y/N from leaving maybe this wouldn't have happened. If only he didn't sign the accords maybe things didn't change the way they were...
If only...
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a/n: i'm really sorry for the crappy plot..
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Didn't say you had a girlfriend Rio: but you can tell her she's hitting me up with the back off too late and under fucked up misunderstanding, like 😂 Buster: Didn't say it 'cause I don't Buster: If some girl wishes that's her problem Buster: And yours now like 😂 Rio: It ain't funny, blowing up my phone making me look suspect, like Rio: anyway, Nance gave me the lowdown already so I know she's a cunt so I don't have to hold back Buster: Who's laughing? Buster: Send her my way if she's that desperate Buster: The lads are boring like Rio: Seriously? Rio: No I will Rio: if you're gonna do your own like that you can sort it yourself, not her pimp Rio: not* Buster: Whatever Rio: It so isn't but that's on you Rio: Are you lot out tonight then? Buster: Course Buster: You think I'm waiting at home for you, babe? Rio: Har dee har Rio: sounds like you had a cosy night in in mind tbf Rio: where you going then, wanna meet up? Buster: Not got the light or kettle on like Buster: Sick of the lad already? Rio: Yeah, what you had in mind Rio: Nah, but 2 ain't a party Rio: and I'm going home tomorrow so Buster: Wanna see if he can hang Buster: Fair Buster: I'll bring the party to you then, babe Rio: Pretty much Rio: You're feeling chipper today Buster: I'll insult you when I get there if you really want Rio: Not my kink Rio: would get us back to the status quo though Buster: Just buzzing 'cause you're off home and outta my way like Buster: Can't blame me Rio: I bet Buster: Not looking forward to kicking it in your own ends any more or what? Buster: I know you'll miss me but come on Rio: Nah but it ain't gonna be all fun and games when I get back is it Rio: Shit to sort Rio: but gotta be done Rio: and you wish Rio: I got reason to come back and annoy you some more now Buster: You're not gonna get grounded Buster: Don't worry about it Buster: And I know, kid Buster: Always making it obvious, Cavante Rio: Don't be daft Rio: I've gotta look out for Nance Rio: avoid another ex Rio: all that drama Rio: You're OBVIOUSLY deranged, McKenna Buster: You're used to all that shit many times over Buster: You got this, ma Rio: Shut up! 😂 Rio: Doesn't mean I don't get tired of it Buster: It ain't my fault you've had more exes than I've had fam dinners Buster: Not even starting on family bullshit of yours Buster: Well I'll sort you a decent line when I get there, put a pep back in your step, yeah? Rio: Yeah it is Rio: No show, you are Rio: and bet you've had more, just 'cos you ain't claiming 'em Rio: Go for it Buster: Fuck off I'm being nice here Buster: Trying to give you a proper going away and you're trying to fight me Rio: 🤷 Rio: Soz Rio: Only way I know how, clearly, all those exes, like Buster: What's wrong, babe? I know you ain't gonna miss me that bad so what is it? Rio: You shouldn't fuck Chloe Rio: Idk, you shouldn't have put that in my head Buster: I haven't Buster: She's not my type. I know what you reckon but I do have some standards Rio: Alright, good Rio: Too many lines already, I'm paranoid Rio: she's bad news Buster: Come get some fresh air with me then Buster: Plenty of people say that about me, like. Not that I'm trying to make a connection to her. Fuck that Rio: Might help Rio: Thought you were with your boys though Rio: Yeah but, at least you're upfront about what you are, good or bad Rio: 🐍 Buster: They'll be fine if I don't hold their hands through every song, babe Buster: She's really got to you, yeah? Rio: I'm just being dramatic, too many strangers here Rio: but she did a number on Nancy, that I know for facts, stand by the bad vibes even if I could relax on it rn Buster: Where are you, specifics. I'm come and get you if you ain't coming out Buster: Find those cunts later Rio: Idk, ages away from yours Rio: we're meant to be but the pre-party still going strong Rio: I'll meet you somewhere? Buster: Keep your phone on, I'll be that stalker and work out where you are Buster: Meet you near Rio: Not just a pretty face, ladies and gents Rio: It's alright, just pick a club, no need to ruin the night Buster: At least you're finally admitting how hot I am Rio: 🙄 Really needing the ego boost, yeah? Sure 👌😂 Buster: Find you in The Grand, yeah? Rio: Got it Buster: Half an hour max Rio: Cool, I'm nearer than you so I'll see you in there Rio: *He'd obviously been offended she wanted to leave the party and get a headstart on him on the town, but it was way too soon to show it (thank fuck) and still save face, so she got out without much pouting and whining. Only needed to take one bus, turns out she was about five minutes down the road from Clapham, tops; good to know. Maybe that was why she was feeling so out of it? Not knowing where she was, and who with? Been in that scenario before though and she'd not got this rattled so- blatant bullshit. Rio didn't plan on admitting it to him, but it had way more to do with Buster McKenna than was healthy. Head fuck.  This is why they avoided each other, and had for a while now. It weren't no good trying to just be nice to each other, always went too far. And arguing and being cunts didn't exactly cool the energy between 'em either. No, ignoring each other's existence was key. And yet here she was, going out to party with him. Well fucking done, girl. She rolled her eyes at herself, jogging up and down on the spot impatiently, near enough to the front of the club's queue now she needed to remember to look her hottest so they'd let her in faster. And result. She was in, no coat to put up, so she was away. Barstool, 'round of vodka shots, sorted. Toes tapping, faster than the beat of this shit tune. It was pretty early still, the club only now filling up. Shouldn't have an issue finding her. Not that it was a good idea but finish what they'd started now, like.* Buster: *The lads had been chilling at his since the afternoon doing fuck all of much but getting on his nerves, and when Barnaby suggested getting the drinks in and making something of the night he wasn't even the most relieved of the lot of them, like, so face saved there. Nice one, lad. It was the first decent favor any of them had done him in Christ knows how long, not that he was letting it show. Not a fucking amateur at that either, cheers. There was a girl he'd swiped that was why he was keen to be off. No other reason that they'd had to be privy to. James had been chatting about his cousin since he got with her and Buster wasn't trying to add to that conversation. They didn't know what they were fucking saying anyway. Silly pricks. Let them wonder and speculate over his antics tonight with the Tinder blonde, or any other, they loved it. He had his own mind full of bullshit that he personally didn't love. Worry was a new emotion regarding Rio, one that he didn't feel confident over dealing with, and a lack of confidence was even newer territory than giving a shit about Cavante's emotions. Or so he told himself before he racked up the lines to turn all that off for a while. Worked out proper well for him that had, here he was off and running to cheer her up or what the fuck ever. What was his fucking goal meant to be? Soft cunt. Gonna send her goodnight texts later or what, like? Stupid. Get real all he was gonna do was buy her some watered down drinks for as long as she let him. Big fucking deal and no great help. Still, as soon as he was in he took the stool next to her and did exactly that, ordering more of what she already had.* Rio: *And just like that, he was there by her side. As if this was all standard and they did it all the time. This week maybe but neither of them should get too fucking cosy with the idea, like. She took her share of the drinks without protest, even though she had nothing but empties to offer by the time he arrived. * Next round, like. *She shrugged, spinning the nearest shot glass aimlessly, avoiding eye contact She then spun herself to face the dance floor, like she was surveying the talent from her perch on high. This was fucking ridiculous. He'd be saying as much if she didn't act fast. Jumping up, the tunes still not there but she'd have to make do. As she weaved her way through the crowds, she took a second to break the rules and make eye contact, looking back at him and motioning with a question of 'are you coming?' hanging in the air.* Buster: *He wasn't listening to her 'cause that's how focused he had to be on not staring at her. She looked so fucking good. He'd said as much the other day, believing it when he did, but this was different. He felt it bones deep and more crucially, didn't know how not to show he was being affected. Fuck's sake. No more coke for him until he got his shit together like. Sort your head out, you twat. He shook it, playing as if he was shrugging off her offer to pay 'cause it was better she reckoned he was trying to buy her off again than- What? For the second time tonight he was already asking himself what the fuck he was trying to achieve. Shit. At least before he could chat any more nonsense to himself, or her, Rio was up and away. Not far enough given how easy dancing made it to be close, like, but a reprieve he could count in seconds. Breaths to take. Buster should've known in the next minute she'd steal it all off him with a look. Course. It was an old game. And he'd never once played by the rules, had he? It was too late to start now. He wasn't no choir boy and she was leaving in the morning she'd said. Fuck it. Not a fucking amateur, remember? He'd call her bluff and cheer her up before this shit tune was done. It was just dancing, who the hell was he if he couldn't handle that, yeah? Rio: *Again, screaming internally, asking what the fuck she thought she was doing and why the hell she was doint it; All the while making no effort to slow down, never mind stop. So glad he couldn't read her as well as he claimed, the fucking laugh he'd have about how much she was silently protesting (much too much for it to be anything but mortifying; and very bloody telling). Still, she knew the feeling of eyes lingering on her body well enough by now to know that's what was happening, what he was doing, despite himself. Despite herself, and what a good, sensible girl should do, she smirked, smug satisfaction at taking the lead in both senses. Fuck it, she could say it was the coke making her act up. If he was feeling brave enough in his own good behaviour to question it after. Not likely. So why not? She wanted this right now, so she was going for it. Whatever 'it' was. Stop thinking. Let your body takeover completely. With that in mind, or out of it, she began to move, getting closer to him than was necessary, routine full of 'almost' contact, designed to tease.* Buster: *The song was still shit but he wasn't listening to it either now. Couldn't hear anything but the sound of two heartbeats, his thumping enough to be shaming if he gave a fuck about anything other than getting closer than she already was to him, and hers once he was, echoing such a similar beat. There was smugness in having her rhythm there alongside the intrusion of his, literally hammering away at her pretense of utter control too. Loud and clear for him, drowning out everything that had been said before. Bullshit. Necessary but still ridiculous to look back on from where they were now. Nice try, Cavante, 'cause guess what, I know you are, babe. He wore a smirk to match hers, letting his 'routine' in turn spell out that the teasing shit had gone on long enough, while the hand which had settled on her waist as he moved pulled her body into his. He'd snorted his fair share of lines if he needed something to blame it on other than just being fucking over it and wanting to play a new game and it was unlikely she was gonna challenge him at this point. Hardly blameless herself, yeah? Whatever.* Rio: *She looks down at where his hand has ended up, eyes traveling back up to meet his, slowly, appreciating his body as she did so, letting him know she knew it was anything but a happy accident, but that she wasn't going to say anything either way. Hardly could now, could she? A silent deal being made on the floor tonight. 'This stays between us.' It didn't mean anything, like. Just sexual attraction, however fucked. She wouldn't hold it against his character if he didn't against hers. What happened in the club, like. Such a fucking cliche, Christ; but she felt like being one just this once if it felt this good. She had her back towards him now, winding up and down, hips clashing, making her ache. Before Rio could stop herself (a reoccurring theme of her time with him, it seemed), she had placed her hands over his, still on her waist, and was moving them down, to where she wanted them right now. Fuck. He was definitely going to pull away now, probably have some choice words for how sick and creepy and wrong she was and she didn't have a leg to stand on, no case to fight. Before he could, thinking fast (hopefully faster than he could), she pulls gently on his neck, so she can reach his ear to shout into it, shit tunes always being played too loud.* You promised me a line. Buster: *He shouldn't be this turned on by a few dance moves and unwavering eye contact but he is and there was no way she couldn't know, bodies pressed against each other as tightly as they were. Fucking hell. Yeah, he could lie to himself that it was the fault of the rich, white girls he usually approached not knowing how to dance without doing shit imitations of their current favorite pop icon or being too eager to check him out (sizing him up the same as he did them) to hold his gaze, but that's all it'd be, more bullshit when he'd already said no more.  It was too fucking obvious what this was about and what he wanted. And every movement of hers was as telling. None more so than when she stopped herself, 'cause it was forced in a way that none of their other actions had been, thought out instead of fluid. Of course, immediately after came a brief moment when he reckoned she was gonna nibble on his earlobe or something. No going back then, like, but he should've realised the headfuck was gonna come from a more familiar (as far as Rio Cavante was concerned) direction. Christ. When was the last time another girl had left him wanting more, this much and this soon? Buster couldn't remember. Couldn't think.  State of him.  At least her pulling away to speak let him breathe. He smirked again, faking regaining more composure than he had around her as standard, never mind on a night like this. Nodding his head in the direction of the toilets briefly, he leaned in to reply. * Come on, let's get you sorted. Rio: *She took him by the hand, pulling him through the crowd with an impatience they could both pretend was about coke. Yeah, right. Neither of 'em was fooled or in the mood for fooling now. Her mind had been fully made up for her when his reaction of outrage, disgust, and horror hadn't come; but the opposite had, the hardness she felt tight against her mirroring the ache she felt, less obvious outwardly but, was it though? He knew. She knew he knew so time to do something about it, boy! Now or never, like. Door swinging behind 'em, pulling him into the first free cubicle, reaching behind his frame to lock up, purposely trailing her hand against his exposed forearm, outstretched fingers softly trailing along the veins there, taut between ample muscle and goosebumped skin. Fucking hell. It wasn't her fault he was so god damn attractive. Regret it in the morning. She'd be long gone by then. Breaking eye contact away from where it had fallen below the belt (oops), she grinned, green meeting blue, breathing as laboured as heart.* Go on then... Buster: *The last thing he should have done was followed her into a space where every time his body shifted (however fucking subtly. Or not) it brushed somehow against hers, bringing them back to teasing each other, 'cause unless he pushed her fully against the cubicle wall there was no way to create the blatant friction they both craved, and he wasn't about to do that. Not yet. If she wanted coke, she was gonna have it. Simple as. Just as well that act was though, distracted as he'd become, like. If Buster let himself look back on any of tonight (not wise but nevertheless still likely) he'd pat himself on the back for once again not being a fucking amateur, fine chopping the lines on his coffee table before he came out so all that was left was to unwrap that shit, lay hers out and roll up a note. He'd been on autopilot getting the drugs from his pocket, breathing ragged as hers, the feeling of her stare (and where it was purposefully aimed) leaving him incapable of coherent thought about anything else. Fuck. He wanted her so bad. His own eyes fixed on the locked door, checking and rechecking, focused solely on trying to do that until the memory of her touching his arm resurfaced and then all he could think of was the idea that formed. He smirked for...what a third time? ... Christ knows, before laying her coke out on another, higher patch of exposed skin, eyebrow raised, wordlessly asking Rio how badly she wanted her share now.* Rio: *And there it was. Another silent challenge, a dare. No need for fucking words creating any unwanted space between them, made her wonder why they'd ever bothered when this was so, SO much better. No comparison. Of course, the answer was they bothered so they didn't end up here but she wasn't listening to sense tonight, fuck off. Right now, she WANTED to be here, nowhere else she'd rather, frankly. Fret over it later, like. Or not. It felt TOO damn right to call it wrong. So she wouldn't. And he wouldn't. And no one else need ever know. She wants to hesitate, knows she should. Eyebrows raising to make some display of being all 'really?', like she's so scandalized or not into it, only doing it 'cos she couldn't refuse a dare, could she? But Rio Cavante didn't even flinch, crashing into him full force, pushing him against the door, arms wrapped around his neck to steady herself, steady them both. This close, the heat of him unbearably sexy, his body was so toned and fucking perfect, Christ! She felt dizzy with it, sweat was slicking the white powder to his naked skin, collar bone a natural shelf to hold it. The temptation to lick it off him like salt for a tequila shot was almost too much but she didn't want to be accused of wasting the coke, so she pressed her nose into him, snorting it with ease, shuddering more from the sensation of being this close than anything else, tipping her head back in pleasure, hoping he didn't hear the small moan than found its way out.* Fuck! *Snapping her head back, rubbing her nose with a sniff, damn. Okay. She obviously had to one-up him. What else was a girl to do, yeah? She moved away, to the bag still laid out on the top of the loo, grabbing it 'fore he had a chance to stop her or do anything else to drive her crazy. Shit, she had to take back some control, like! She smirked back at him, the solution to her problem of how to best Buster McKenna becoming obvious as she looked down. Racking it up on her ample cleavage, as if to say, triple dog dare you, McKenna* Buster: *There was half a second as his shoulder blades hit the door, rattling the hinges with the force of their bodies colliding again, closer than they'd been yet somehow but still, at the same time - impossibly- not enough, that he wanted to tell her 'fuck the coke' or something like it. Swore he could almost feel the words tumbling out, begging practically for her to just fucking kiss him instead. But he didn't. Or make a move to himself either. As soon as he heard her moan he knew why, even though they'd waited years and his entire body was insisting that he couldn't any more, refusing in the form of his own shudders as he stood there, knees weak from barely any contact. Fuck's sake. There was so much promise in that sound that Buster grinned, holding her gaze with baited breath until she gave his eyes no choice but to travel with her, settling exactly where she planned for them to. * Oh fuck. *If she said anything about him stealing the words out of her mouth later (not that they could chat about any of this casually) he'd deny it, not realising an echo had escaped from him as he launched himself towards her, lifting her slightly so she rose to meet his bowed head easily. Finally Rio's back landed hard (thankfully against wood same as his had rather than cold, dirty porcelain) with force enough that she'd feel it tomorrow. He wanted that more than anything, even as his line disappeared, snorted all too soon. Fuck her trying to pretend she didn't remember, if her mind pulled that shit her body would call her a liar. He'd made sure of that, like. There was always more he could do though, and he didn't hesitate to put his mouth on the skin she'd already offered him, kisses desperately hard and bruising as his hands trailed lightly down her body, skimming each curve more brazenly than he'd ever looked her up and down before. Christ that seemed like a lifetime ago, her beckoning him onto the dance floor. Not that it mattered. Too much had happened to go back now and there was well more than he needed to happen still.* Rio: *Her cries, a mixture of pleasure and pain as she was unceremoniously slammed into the wall, caught in her throat. Like she couldn't express how much she wanted this, NEEDED this. And she couldn't. No moaning or dirty talk was going to cut it but she could but try. Knowing he knew regardless, and that he felt it too, only amped it up further.* You want me so bad, huh?* Stating the obvious for her own satisfaction, no question mark needed. Muffled curses at him; warning him if he dared stop, to do more, worse, faster, harder, NOW; acting as their version of pillow talk. Pulling his hair, novelty of being above him in the literal. Rio found purchase, sitting atop the toilet, kicking the seat down so he could kneel as she spread her legs for him, pushing his head down, showing him where she needed him.* Please, Buster, please... *She didn't care that this was a club bathroom, that people could definitely hear them, that they'd be hearing a lot more soon if she had anything to do with it. That he was her fucking cousin. Fuck. She just did not care about anything but having him touch her, fuck her. But before he could, there was a monstrous bang on the door that rattled the hinges harder than they had only a few minutes previous.* Shit! Legs clamping shut, jumping down from the seat, pocketing the drugs in her bra without hesitation, she clambered over him, pushing him back, so he was sat down.* I got this, yeah? Worry about yourself. Catch you later... *Rio murmured, squeezing his hand in the hope he'd fucking listen to her, not trusting a coked out McKenna to deal with what was clearly a bouncer and not just a punter desperate for a piss, like. She squeezed out of the smallest possible gap in the door, shutting it behind her, so Buster wasn't spotted.* Buster: *Fuck me. *Holy shit, every word out of her mouth was fucking him up but it was the begging that REALLY sent him over and made him use a phrase that was ridiculously literal. He couldn't help it, knowing that she wanted him bad enough to say that shit out loud what he hadn't when the coke first came out, made more than his knees go weak. He was about to insist that she told him what she wanted again, just to hear it, biting his lip to prevent a moan from coming out before the sentence did when something makes everything stop. It turned his wants back to fantasy, yet again becoming a scenario that wouldn't happen. 'Cause he isn't stupid. As much as many other parts of him were desperate to ignore the pounding on the door, his head, coked out as it is, still knows that they can't. The hired muscle out there wouldn't let them. Shit. It was somehow the unrealest part of this, fucked up as that sounded even to no other ears but his own, that this was how the night was going to end, not how he'd finally let himself want it to. They'd both given in, fully, and there was no pretending at this point (whatever he might convince himself of later, dismissing the night as a weird headfuck etc etc) the drugs were why he wanted her so badly. And worse, all they were now were the reason why he couldn't have her. Fuck's sake. Buster hadn't felt a surge of anger overwhelm him this utterly -suddenly too- since his sister left. Wherever he looked was flooded red, and for Rio's frantic movement, the only thing he managed to do was bite his tongue and clench his fists. Until she'd gone and then he stood up, immediately pacing (an agitated cokehead cliche) the cubicle transformed into a cage he didn't dare leave in this state. Just as well 'cause the next second had him striking out, kicking out hard at the space where their bodies had been, with as much power as he felt had been robbed from him. The wood protested one last time, drowning every sound in his head out with the crash, thank fuck. The cubicle didn't fall to pieces, of fucking course, 'cause it was another thing he needed to happen and he sank back onto the toilet seat, taking shallow breaths.*
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