#and they will always conveniently forget to arrest a bunch of nazis for stockpiling weapons and threatening to commit mass shootings
bluesofasalamence · 1 year
It feels kinda annoying seeing posts about the NRA when they haven’t been politically relevant for the past 10 years, and even more annoying when liberals blame the NRA for not being able to pass gun control
like. the NRA has only 5 million members. Over 100 million people in the US have guns. They literally represent less than 5% of all gun owners, if they vanished or went bankrupt tomorrow liberals still wouldn’t be able to pass gun control because gun owners are one of the most politically active groups out there and they’re not interested on becoming felons overnight because of liberals passing ineffective laws that ban certain guns based on aesthetics and doubling the police budget instead of trying to help the average citizen so they don’t have to go to crime to make ends meet
This whole story of “Those things are hard to do, passing gun contrrol is much easier” sounds completely untrue every day that passes
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