#and they want you to send them money on paypal directly which is a thing that people do but it's not as common so i'm Hm
alullinchaos · 1 year
stay safe y'all I'm at least 75% certain I just got an ask from a scam artist
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callmearcturus · 2 years
The Verge got ahold of Elon's meeting with his new pals and if you got time, you should scroll past the highlights and read the entire thing because its absolutely balls to the wall batshit. I just liveblogged it to my discord server.
I think I very rapidly want to improve every aspect of Twitter. Search I know we can improve immediately and in a number of ways. I mean, just this morning, I actually was just looking for Jack [Dorsey] actually. And I typed Jack into the search engine, and “@jack” was not the number one thing. But that should be the number one thing. So then I just had to type “@jack” in directly. If you type j-a-c-k, your number one thing should be Jack Dorsey. I mean, that’s probably what you’re looking for, you know? So I think anything we do to improve any aspect of the system, let’s do it right away.
Elon legitimately thinks we give a shit about how the search functions and that's a huge thing that'll bring people in. bitch, people read their TIMELINES?????
also the WILD assumption that if I type a very common 4 letter name i OBVIOUSLY want to see jack dorsey. what the fuck.
I’d love to see ads for gizmos. If I saw ads for gizmos, I love gizmos, of course, I’d buy them all in a click. Even if they’re not that great, I’ll still buy gizmos. I love technology. I’ll see content for gizmos but not an ad or an ability to actually buy the gizmo. So then I have to send it to my assistant like, “Please buy this gizmo.” That’s how it goes generally. But I’d be happy to just click on it and buy it.
Twitter, which is having an advertiser crisis of Elon's own making which may lead to lawsuits from the likes of Eli fucking Lilly, wants more fun ads.
oh and he wants to make twitter into A BANK. he wants to give verified users like 10$ (reminder: you pay 8$ to be verified) so people will start sending each other money. what happens when they wanna send to someone who doesn't want to hook up their fucking bank info to twitter? oh we'll send out debit cards with the amount. (for real) and elon says they'll take all the money ppl put on twitter and place it into a high yield account to collect the interest
elon, you don't HAVE cash to place into an account right now, and its a FUCKING RECESSION and you just TANKED twitter's credit advisory score, so who is gonna give you this high yield account, pal
I’ve been through the recession of 2000 and 2001 and 2008-9, and I’m somewhat paranoid about dying in recessions. I have recession PTSD from keeping X and PayPal alive through the 2000 recession, keeping Tesla alive in the 2009 recession.
i cordially invite elon to sit on a rusted steel dildo
oh also he's forcing everyone back to "the office" even if they live in remote locations in an attempt to get more people off the payroll. that's why he's doing it.
twitter genuinely might not last a month.
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bitchesgetriches · 2 months
Hi! I’m still bank shopping (unfortunately) and it seems every bank sends a credit card. And I would get in a lot of trouble if it was found out that I’m getting a bank account. And the chances of me being able to sneak the card are pretty much nonexistent.
And the internet isn’t being helpful…I’ve been emailing banks to see if there’s an option to opt out, but no luck.
Maybe I should get a PayPal account for now…
Hi honey. It sounds like you might be in an abusive home situation, which has us really worried. Trying to gain some financial independence in such a situation is absolutely the right move, but we want to make sure you're pursuing everything safely.
So the first thing we advise is to get some help and resources from experts in the area of financial and domestic abuse. We
When Money is the Weapon: Understanding Intimate Partner Financial Abuse 
Now, a few options to help right away:
Get a post office box (PO Box) where mail can be sent instead of your home. Or, ask a friend if you can temporarily use their address for mail.
You might be confusing a credit card with a debit card. They're slightly different, and a debit card is just a way to access your money, not establish credit. If you can visit a bank in person, you might be able to have them issue your debt card and account details to you directly, rather than sending anything through the mail.
PayPal and Venmo are both good options for getting and storing money without a huge paper trail. But you'll still need to be careful if your concern is hiding your moves from the people you live with.
Good luck, honey. Please be safe and reach out for help from seasoned professionals, not just us nosey internet aunties (National Domestic Violence Hotline: https://www.thehotline.org/). Here's more information on opening a bank account:
How the Hell Does One Open a Bank Account? Asking for a Friend.
If you found this helpful, consider joining our Patreon
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 months
Ms M blows off steam
(And the annual plea for help)
Why, in the 21st Century, do people insist on cultural appropriation? And eco-unfriendly activities?
I have been reading a series of books (each written by a different author) about pagan-based spirituality, aimed at a Western audience (European, USA, Canadian, Australian), and just finished one which recommended working with various non-European deities. People seem to think, “Wow, what a cool practice - I want to do that, too.”
Speaking for just myself: this here 73% German-derived woman, living in the US of A, has no fucking business “borrowing” from other cultures’ pantheons. And if it isn’t your roots, then neither do you.
(I’ve done enough ancestry research to know I’m mostly from southern Germany - around the Black Forest - so when I find deities from that area, that’s where I direct myself. When there’s no equivalent, I use the rest of my Scots-Irish heritage.)
Another recommended the use of glitter for anything/everything - regular glitter qualifies as a microplastic and helps poison Mother Gaia further. No nature-based practitioner should condone such a thing.
(There are eco-friendly brands of glitter, but the author didn’t specifically refer to them - they’re too expensive for yours truly, but if that’s what floats your boat and you can afford it, go for those brands.)
In many pagan-specific books and articles, the astrology is (way) off, but that’s so prevalent I just blip over those parts.
(Example: the “zenith” is when the Sun is directly overhead - “high noon” - every single day, not just on this or that Sabbat.)
It really brings home to me how much our own experiences and our locale have to do with our practice.
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My “day job” is being a paraeducator in the public schools. It’s an hourly, not a salaried, position - which means when I’m not working (like now, in the summer), I don’t get paid. Sometimes I manage to save enough money, over the course of the academic year, to get me through the summer. Other times, I’m not so successful - inflation making food more expensive, unexpected medical bills, etc.
This summer is one of those “other times” - I could use some financial help, please! All this blog’s content is provided free of charge, because I know what it’s like to be unable to afford anything beyond basic survival (and to have to struggle just for that much), and I want to reach as many willing people as possible.
(Yes, I have adult children who could help out, and they’re both traveling pretty extensively/expensively in August - one to Amsterdam, the other to California. Plans are finalized and they’re fiscally unavailable to me in August.)
Two ways to send help:
Venmo @Mary_Brack
Paypal @MaryVBrack
I am really grateful for all of your support and encouragement! If you’re broke, too, don’t worry - just send me good thoughts. “Ms M has more money than she knows what to do with” has a nice vibe to it….
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sothasil · 13 days
Sorry if this is super obvious, but are you still doing portrait commissions for charity? If so, can you link your PayPal?
Hello! I am currently busy with a bunch of em' actually :)
I am currently working on five, and have gotten more requests in the meantime. I will try to do as much as I can, and am slowly messaging the latest requests to warn them about the potential wait times. If it becomes at some point undoable for me, I will make a post to signal a hiatus or end of the commissions.
I am not comfortable publicly linking my paypal, but will send invoices in private chats with my clients. My usual commission process is as follows:
I chat with the client until they give me enough details I need for the illustration. This is where I give the price gauge for the commission.
I send a first sketch for approval, covering things like composition, pose, sometimes colors depending on the process.
Once approved by the client, I start working. I notify them when I am done and ask for the money. I do not accept money until I am finished with the piece, but I do not show the piece until I have been paid.
Once paid, I show the final piece, tweak things if need be (if the tweaks are significant and require me redoing some parts entirely, I can ask for more upfront) and send the client the full resolution files via their preferred method, usually email.
The charity commissions make this a bit difficult for cases like yours, as I encourage people to directly donate to the campaigns I am helping to avoid losing money to transfer fees. I usually do not accept upfront payment, but in this case I am not sure how to proceed - saying "donate upfront please!" goes against the personal guidelines I use for private commissions, which I set up based on how I work and client/artist trust, but would be much better for the families, as they need the money as fast as possible to survive. I encourage giving them money if you can, regardless. These are innocent people trying to escape a deadly situation.
It's a bit of a tricky situation - I want people to donate immediatly, but currently cannot guarantee being able to draw for you in return due to the amount of work I am already on, especially not as fast as usual.
If you would like a portrait and to pay via paypal, you will have to wait a little for me to complete my current commissions until I can take yours, with a slim chance I will unfortunately not be able to work with you.
I understand if this is a setback, as it boils down to not being able to fullfill the paid service I'm advertising. I will work so I do not leave behind anyone who's commission I have already accepted, and will not take money until I know I can complete the associated commission as to not pay anyone pay for nothing.
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tragicbeauty1991 · 2 years
I’m going to do something I’ve never done before on Tumblr and ask for some financial assistance because my baby boy needs help, and it’s not going to be cheap.
A bit of background… Seven years ago, I started working at a local rescue called Concerned Citizens for Animals. About a year after I started working there, we got in a litter of feral puppies. They were only about eight weeks old, but they had had practically no human contact up to that point and were absolutely terrified. They’d hide under things and growl or try to bite at you when you went to pick them up. The worst was a little red pup with a glassy looking eye (thought he might be blind in it—it later improved as he got healthier, but his vision in it still likely isn’t great).
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I think because he couldn’t see well, he was even more afraid of the world than his siblings. The first time I picked him up, he SCREAMED bloody murder, bit me on the arm, and pooped himself because he was so scared. It took a long time of sitting quietly with him, tossing treats in his direction, and showing him my touch wasn’t going to hurt, but once we became friends, there was no turning back. He chose me, and I chose him. I named him Rufio after the leader of the Lost Boys in one of my favorite films, Hook, because like the character, he was a feisty little Lost Boy who put up a tough guy front but really just wanted a family of his own.
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This boy became his mama’s absolute best friend in the whole world. He saw me through my first (emotionally abusive) marriage and subsequent divorce and even made an appearance as “Best Dog” in my second wedding.
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Now, he’s six years old, and we’ve run into some health issues I never expected to see in him at such a young age.
Over the last month and a half, Rufio has been struggling with GI issues and gone from a healthy slim but muscular 42 lbs to under 35 lbs despite eating well. After trying just about everything imaginable (probiotics, Propectalin, metronidazole, panacur, special diets, etc.) without much success, the vet I now work for decided we needed to see a specialist, and they are starting to suspect GI lymphoma. They are likely going to need to do an endoscope biopsy and possibly also a CT scan. They have given us an estimate with the high end around $7000, and that’s not including any treatment if it does turn out to be cancer. If anyone is able to help, I would really appreciate it. I understand how easily people can make up scams, so rather than asking for money myself, donations can be made directly to Fetch Vet in Greenville, SC, under the pet name “Rufio Frantz.” Vet phone number is 864-900-5888.
Please help me figure out what’s going on and save my baby boy.
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Final bill ended up being around $4500. I have already had to put it on the credit card, so you cannot send anything directly to the vet, unfortunately. My PayPal is [email protected]. Here is a copy of the bill for proof.
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So far, I have about $525 in donations out of the $4500. The good news is that we now have results back and THANK GOD, it’s NOT cancer!! Unfortunately, that means it’s probably IBD, which means a little more trial and error with getting the exact treatment right, but it’s something he can live with and we shouldn’t need to do any more major tests anytime soon.
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androdragynous · 11 months
what are invoices when it comes to commissions? also, how do receipts for commissions work? im a minor so idk anything about either
An invoice is a type of payment method that, simplified, involves sending someone a form that tells them how much they owe you and they pay you through that form. PayPal has invoicing built in, which is how most artists I know use them, but you might have also seen a similar system in situations like... shipping import charges, where you can pay online using the information on a printed form included with your package.
Basically, using an invoice means you as the artist have full control over the amounts you're sent, and you can also attach files, include your terms, show or hide your personal information (if you don't want to show random people your legal name on PayPal, you can hide it when sending an invoice but you can't when having someone transfer you money directly), set payment plans / partial payment amounts, and so on. An invoice on PayPal also automatically generated a receipt when used - so you've basically got proof of exactly what was paid for and when. (And there's no risk of your PayPal account being flagged if someone sends you money they shouldn't through Friends and Family transfers, or puts keywords in the note that automatically trigger the moderation of the platform, both of which can freeze your account and make any money in it completely inaccessible.
(Side note: Do not use PayPal as its own bank account. Do not store money there. Set a relatively low amount to keep in there and always transfer anything more than that into an actual bank account as soon as you can.)
Receipts are important for taxes (everyone's favorite). If you're making money, you have to prove where that money comes from, and it's way easier to be able to pull up your invoice history rather than to go through Every PayPal Transaction for the year and try to remember which ones were business and which ones weren't. I have done this! It sucked. In short, it's just good to have a paper trail of who has paid you, what they paid for, and confirmation that you did the work that was paid for. If you're ever called on to provide that evidence and don't have it, it's just really goddamn annoying.
I'm no banking expert so my word isn't law or anything, and I've glossed over a lot of the details, but essentially invoices + receipts are pretty key tools for Just Making Shit Easier on yourself, and they're relatively straightforward to use once you understand what they are.
(Even if you're under 18, depending on your area, if you sell art you should look up the guidelines for when you have to start filing taxes about it - looking at you, closed species adopt artists - because money is money, even if you're using a parent's PayPal (do not get a PayPal under 18. It is a Real Legal Reasons thing and if you are found out your account will be frozen. Don't do it.))
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somnolent-scout · 2 years
So uhh.. My Dad was laid off from his job this morning. I wasn't informed of this until I came home from my work, and I wish my parents waited longer to tell me. I'm currently sitting at less than $200 in my bank account. I've been locked out of my savings. I only have my job, which has been paying me less and less every paycheck. They keep underscheduling me to the point where I worry I may not even make more than $100 this paycheck. My Etsy account is connected directly to my Mum's bank account because my PayPal was banned earlier this year. So.. I don't make any direct income there either. All I have left is my always decreasing paychecks from my unstable job at McDonald's.
I'm currently still living with my parents. My Mum is still employed, but she makes the federal minimum wage so.. that's basically nothing. But we do get benefits from her job, thankfully. My Dad is unemployed, but has job offers coming soon.
The enamel pin project will be extended to February, just to insure I have enough money to make the pins and mail them out. Each package is almost $4.50 to send out in America, and nearly $20 to send out internationally. Australia shipping fees are far too expensive for me to afford shipping there either. But I should be able to manage European orders somewhat well.
My parents adamantly refuse to accept donations or crowdfunding, even in the darkest moments. They will never accept donations, and I'm sorry for those who had already offered to do that for me. It's a wonderful gesture, but I can't. Thank you for the offers, though.
I'm sorry to all of the people I said I would buy Christmas gifts for. I cannot afford the shipping costs or the product cost itself. I'm sorry I have to cancel like this, but I have no other choice. I may be able to do something digital for you guys! But it depends on how I'm feeling these next couple of weeks.
Basically, the holiday season this year is going to be fucking miserable. I'm just straight up not going to celebrate Christmas this year. I don't have the time, money, or energy for it. I don't have the ability to do anything nice for anyone, and I don't have any friends to visit either. So.. no Christmas for me this year.
I'm sorry for the long post. I just wanted to clear things up with everyone on here after my rants from earlier.
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hi guys i know i don't have many followers on here but i could really use help so i would really appreciate if you guys could share this post when you see it. i've been struggling with homelessness for nearly three years and am finally getting housing soon. i'm set to move on monday the 21st and i have some of the things i need but still have serveral essentials i need. most importantly i need a microwave since my pkace doesn't have one, i need kitchen and cleaning supplies for the house, and bed bug to repellent to make sure i don't bring them with me. the shelter i'm at has bed bugs and i've spent my own money on sprays since they won't do anything, but i'm still finding bites on myself and i'm absolutely terrified of bringing them with me. to be safe i want to get some detection traps, some more repellents, and things like furniture stands.
additionally i could also use a lot of personal items like hygiene products, melatonin for my insomnia, and clothes. i only have a few pairs of pants and some shirts that barely fit me. i could also use socks, undies, and things to help me keep organized like hampers, bins, and a calender. i also really want to get back on adderall and start going to the gym to help myself cope with my depression and adhd, so i would need money for those. and of course there's food and transportation i need to pay for. anything would help.
i've linked my gofundme and amazon wishlists. if you want to send me money directly through pay apps (which would help me more quickly) here they are:
cashapp- $rebekahengland
paypal- @ RebekahEngland
venmo- @ Rebekah-England
zelle email- [email protected]
any amount would really help me and i wound really appreciate if y'all share!!
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I have been made aware that an individual who has been implicated in *multiple* incidents of abuse against vulnerable LGBTQIA+ people, many of them trans, including r&pe, SA, and emotional & financial abuse, and who has lied repeatedly about things that are "going on" for them is trying to get back to prominence on YouTube through this site. This person is UNSAFE. I am married to their sister, a trans woman who was forced to leave the family home because of this person's physical abuse, manipulation, and exploitation - this included holding a kn*fe to their sister's throat, calling her "mentally ill" and "a creep" for shaving her arm hair, routinely engaging in pseudo-s*xual dominance "play", WITHOUT her consent, against her. My wife has spent the better part of 10yrs recovering from the impacts of the trauma and abuse she experience - as an ACTUALLY autistic trans woman, something their sibling started claiming to be only AFTER manipulating my wife into resuming contact with them in 2019 - at the hand of this person. This individual has active, self-chosen dr*g addictions. They have s*xually, physically, emotionally and financially abused MULTIPLE people, all of which came out on Reddit less than a year ago. When my father-in-law passed away, as the result of a serious brain tumour, this person "joked" about "My Dad d*ing from rapid onset gender dysphoria, which I inherited from him" (btw, ROGD is a KNOWN TERF dog-whistle, and has been PROVEN to be untrue.) I'm not naming this person publicly, but will do so privately for those who are concerned they may be in their circle. (For record: they live in London, UK, and were previously active on YouTube with gaming-focused streams). If you actually want to support a diagnosed autistic trans woman, who is also living with cerebral palsy and visual impairment, then email [email protected] to book a tarot or rune reading - £12 for a three card or three runes reading, or £25 for a full reading combining tarot cards and runes. My wife is unable to work because of the impact of: . Autism . ADHD . Cerebral Palsy . Visual impairment I am registered blind myself, and am currently trying to build up a business that can support both myself and my wife. The key distinction? My wife and I offer ACTUAL SERVICES, that people will benefit from if they CHOOSE to commission us. The ONE time either of us has asked for money from strangers on the internet, we set up a GoFundMe to get my wife £500 so she could attend an Autism conference where she'd been invited to give a presentation...Because we don't have a lot of social or financial capital, that never gained traction. It raised just... £5. My wife wasn't able to attend that conference. (For clarity; we are both medically banned from driving, so the £500 would have covered public transport which was comfortable for my wife to manage, and accommodation for the 3 days of the conference, which was in Edinburgh, Scotland - neither my wife or I have a passport or other photo ID, which means that finding cheap internal flights is not an option for us.) Right now, we're struggling with unaffordable maintenance needs on our house (owned outright, purchased in 2014 with the 50% share of my late father's life insurance which was left to me), and my wife is in need of private assessments and physical therapy to help her manage her cerebral palsy. My wife's Paypal if you want to donate directly to her is https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/sorcerix (this is also how to send her payment if you want to book tarot/rune readings - just leave a note which makes it clear what you're sending money for.)
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dearicpayne · 4 months
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The Bible commands the world to "tithe", which is to donate to the Lord and his works:
Proverbs 11:24 One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.
2 Corinthians 9:6-7 The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”
Yet people often put their love of money ahead of God's word and works, holding back what should be freely given:
1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.
Hebrews 13:5 Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
You may ask "Why would God want money?"
Haggai 2:8 "The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, declares the LORD of hosts."
Mal 3:8-10 Will a man rob God? Yet ye rob Me. But ye say: 'Wherein have we robbed Thee?' In tithes and heave-offerings. Ye are cursed with the curse, yet ye rob Me, even this whole nation. Bring ye the whole tithe into the store-house, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall be more than sufficiency.
It is his world, and he has provided for you. Would you deny the Lord a portion of the blessings he has given to you?
Lord RayEl's Knights and Clergy have a mission to spread his message, and prepare His people for what is coming. This is costly (as is the nature of today's world). Your tithing and donations help ensure that the mission goes well. All donations received will be honored with an amount of GODcoin issued in the New Kingdom.
The time remaining is very short, and soon your money will be worthless. While it still has value, put your resources to the greatest of all causes, and contribute via the PayPal "Donate" link.
Everything we receive goes directly to supporting "The Great Commission".
Mat 28:19-20 Going therefore, teach ye all nations: baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. And behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.
The blessings mentioned in the Bible are not just financial, after all, there’s more to life than money. Each time you tithe carefully observe how God blesses you in every area of your life.
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR PAYPAL PAYMENTS: Please send donations by manually clicking on the send button inside your PayPal account. In the process, you will be asked if you are sending it for goods or to someone you trust. You need to select the option for friends and family. If you do not send it in this way, the payment may have to be returned. Thank you all for your generosity and blessings!
The email for PayPal is [email protected]
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paypant · 11 months
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finsterhund · 1 year
Extended period of hell
No internet! Roommate comes to me and says it's "so weird" how our Internet just mysteriously cut off today. He stresses that he did in fact pay it but I think you should be able to guess by now that in not buying it. This has made me excessively more stressed than before. If you are somehow reading this it means I either went to a wifi hotspot or the Internet came back.
Went to a pawn shop and found out that they will accept my PS4 and my PSVR as collateral for a loan. Roommate tries to be the bigger person and say that it's not fair and I shouldn't have to resort to this even though he's the reason I have to in the first place. But I know now that I can do this if I really need to
Our pet store has a program where every 12th bag of Scott's food is free. It's been going on since Cazza. So I got Scott a free bag of food that will last a while. Everything is fine for Scott.
Went to my bank and had them freeze it so PayPal won't keep racking up NSF fees every time it tries to brute force my account. The guy I talked to told me that the reason my tax return was so abysmal was because of a poorly implemented grocery relief program that I knew literally nothing about. I did not benefit from it and they still took it out of my fucking money. If they're going to take it automatically from my account can't they just fucking give it to me automatically too? Just say you fucking hate disabled people. Fucking christ. Apparently this thing screwed A LOT of other people over as well. I'm so mad because I had literally no idea this was happening. I am infuriated. I literally go to a fucking social worker to help me with this shit because I can't do it on my own. So fucking furious.
So yeah I'm anxious that automatic payments through PayPal for my web hosting are going to be delayed now which is fucking hell. But I do know there is some level of grace period.
Gotta love the way my roommate tries to be supportive here. Did not accompany me into my bank when I would benefit from the emotional support but oh boy did he fucking say "I don't know why I didn't stop you from sending me so much through PayPal" bitch but you fucking did didn't you? Because you fucking wanted it. That's why.
Any and all donations I get will now be going directly to repaying my PayPal debt which is thanks to locking my bank unable to touch my bank and accumulate more fees.
My tummy hurts so bad
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4k-experience · 2 years
How To Select The Best Fundraising Platform
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Choosing the right fundraising platform is essential. In fact, it could be the difference between an effective fundraiser or one that fails. There are numerous alternatives.
Soapbox Engage
Soapbox Engage's range of tools and features will help you reach your fundraising goals, regardless of how experienced or new you are. Soapbox Engage offers a variety of tools and apps to help you achieve your fundraising goals.
Soapbox Engagement is easy to utilize and is secure. For the advantages of the premium subscription, you can start a free account, or shell out $500 for activation of the service.
Mightycause gives you all the tools necessary to raise funds for any cause, whether it's for a personal or charity use. You'll be able to raise more funds with features such as an easy-to-use donation widget and a complete donor CRM system.
Mightycause provides a variety of campaigns, from business crowdfunding to personal-need campaigns. They offer fundraising support for sports teams, charities and other events.
Mightycause It is a straightforward platform for fundraising can be a fantastic way to raise funds. You can set up fundraising pages for your preferred charity or cause, then modify the site so that supporters have a clear picture of what your company is about.
Donorbox is a fantastic tool for small businesses looking to improve their customer service, as well as for a non-profit organisation looking to boost donations. Donorbox is an easy but powerful software for fundraising with all the features you'll need.
Donorbox provides all the basic tools you need to take donations which includes donation forms, recurring donations text-to-give, and a simple checkout process. It also offers advanced tools that help charities organize their donations.
For example, Donorbox offers a Peer-to-Peer feature, which allows users to make donations directly from a campaign page. You can also create custom pages for campaigns using the Peer-to-Peer feature.
Another fantastic feature is Donorbox's auto-fraud detection. Donorbox handles payments through Stripe, PayPal and Google Pay. Additionally, Donorbox uses automatic year-end reports to send to donors. It comes with a search feature and filter feature.
Salsa is a tool that can be utilized by any organization of any size regardless of whether it's a small or large non-profit. The range of web-based products allows you to grow the number of donors you have, establish long-term relationships, and track your progress.
Salsa Engage is the flagship product of Salsa. It's a cloud-based fundraising tool that is used by all sizes of nonprofits. It includes customizable fundraising forms, email marketing, payment processing, and many more. It can also help non-profit organizations plan and implement fundraising campaigns. It lets you build custom dashboards that track important metrics. It also allows you to automate communications with your donors by making triggered emails.
The choice of an online fundraising site is an important decision for nonprofit organizations. They will be able to accept and process online donations. It will help them manage their donor relations, and establish more effective relationships with their donors. Numerous organizations have discovered that online fundraising platforms can assist them in raising more money. But, choosing the right best fundraising platforms for individuals can be difficult. Here are some suggestions to help you select the most appropriate platform to help your non-profit.
The first thing to do is consider the needs of your non-profit. You'll want to look for a one-stop-shop that offers every feature you need. The features you'll want to consider are donation tracking along with email management and regular gift management. A platform that allows the creation of membership levels is another thing to think about.
It can be difficult to pick the ideal free fundraising platforms for individuals. There are some key things to think about when choosing the right solution for your business.
The best fundraising platforms offer an easy-to-use, single-stop-shop for all of your organization's online fundraising requirements. If you choose a one-stop shop, you will be capable of streamlining your process and improve the management of your relationships with donors. These platforms often offer features like managing donors, recurring donations options, peer-to peer funding that is customizable and donor management.
Certain platforms also offer automated donor workflows. Certain donation platforms send email reminders to donors about their next gift. A virtual donor recognition wall is another feature you should look out for. This allows donors to recognize the people who have supported your charity.
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soniadennis45 · 2 years
Big Sellerpoint
How do you get a verified PayPal account?
If you have a bank account in the US, PayPal will send you a letter with a MasterCard debit card in it. The letter will have your name, address, and account number. If you have one of these cards and if you have an online presence, I would think that you could get a verified account fairly quickly. If you have any other questions, please let me know.
Can you buy with unverified PayPal?
You can use unverified PayPal to make a purchase on sites like eBay. However, you may get suspended by PayPal later on if you try to make a purchase with your unverified account. It is a good idea to verify PayPal  account as soon as you purchase something on eBay. It is easy to verify PayPal account and you can do it with a mobile phone.
Can a personal PayPal account be verified?
PayPal has been in business for over a decade now, a PayPal account is widely accepted as a safe and secure way to make transactions online. Furthermore, PayPal is widely accepted by merchants in the United States, which means that you are more likely to be able to purchase goods and services with your PayPal account than with any other credit card. For example, if you go to a website and see whether you can use your PayPal account there, it will most likely be accepted.
How much can an unverified PayPal account receive?
The maximum amount you can receive using your unverified PayPal account is $500. But there are an additional way to increase the limit. You can receive $500 from two different sources, which means two independent parties. If you send money to any PayPal account or receive money, then this account becomes verified. If you receive two payments, you can withdraw an additional $500.
How does PayPal verify 2022?
PayPal has verified 2022 business accounts, which is a biometric measure of the presence of the actual business owner. This means that the business has a unique identifier attached to their account, and this unique identifier is verified through a phone call. Once a business is verified, the owner of the account can use it for the lifetime. There are some restrictions associated with the account though, for instance, one cannot use it for receiving payments from other PayPal accounts.
How do I cash out PayPal?
the PayPal users are either Indian or Chinese. This is because PayPal is not accepted by the central bank in both India and China. The best way to cash out PayPal is to talk to your family, friends or colleague and ask them to transfer money to your bank account. But this is not an easy thing and you may have to wait for weeks before the amount reaches your bank account. So try to use Amazon gift card, Xoom or payoneer, these are the services which allows you to withdraw your PayPal balance.
How do I withdraw money from PayPal 2022?
PayPal is a popular online payment system. PayPal allows you to get paid or pay others. It's free to sign up and use PayPal to send money. You can use PayPal's Services to:
Can I buy BTC with PayPal?
Yes you can. If you want to buy BTC with PayPal, then you can use VirWox, CoinMamma or LocalBitcoins. VirWox is the only one which accept US dollar. You can convert your PayPal balance into that, then transfer money to BTC. Coinmama is the easiest way to get started buying bitcoin. If you don’t have bitcoin, you won’t be able to buy it directly with PayPal. You will first have to buy another cryptocurrency, like Ethereum, and then exchange it for bitcoin on a site like Bittrex or Changelly.
How can I tell if my PayPal account is verified?
When logging into PayPal account, you'll see that they show a "Verified" symbol next to the account name. This means that the PayPal account is verified and there's no chance that it's being used for fraud. If you have an unverified PayPal account and you're trying to buy a product or service online, you might get an error message saying that your account is not verified. Try using the PayPal Credit Card. The credit card option is available if you have a verified PayPal account.
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billnorris45 · 2 years
Big Sellerpoint
How do you get a verified PayPal account?
If you have a bank account in the US, PayPal will send you a letter with a MasterCard debit card in it. The letter will have your name, address, and account number. If you have one of these cards and if you have an online presence, I would think that you could get a verified account fairly quickly. If you have any other questions, please let me know.
Can you buy with unverified PayPal?
You can use unverified PayPal to make a purchase on sites like eBay. However, you may get suspended by PayPal later on if you try to make a purchase with your unverified account. It is a good idea to verify PayPal  account as soon as you purchase something on eBay. It is easy to verify PayPal account and you can do it with a mobile phone.
Can a personal PayPal account be verified?
PayPal has been in business for over a decade now, a PayPal account is widely accepted as a safe and secure way to make transactions online. Furthermore, PayPal is widely accepted by merchants in the United States, which means that you are more likely to be able to purchase goods and services with your PayPal account than with any other credit card. For example, if you go to a website and see whether you can use your PayPal account there, it will most likely be accepted.
How much can an unverified PayPal account receive?
The maximum amount you can receive using your unverified PayPal account is $500. But there are an additional way to increase the limit. You can receive $500 from two different sources, which means two independent parties. If you send money to any PayPal account or receive money, then this account becomes verified. If you receive two payments, you can withdraw an additional $500.
How does PayPal verify 2022?
PayPal has verified 2022 business accounts, which is a biometric measure of the presence of the actual business owner. This means that the business has a unique identifier attached to their account, and this unique identifier is verified through a phone call. Once a business is verified, the owner of the account can use it for the lifetime. There are some restrictions associated with the account though, for instance, one cannot use it for receiving payments from other PayPal accounts.
How do I cash out PayPal?
the PayPal users are either Indian or Chinese. This is because PayPal is not accepted by the central bank in both India and China. The best way to cash out PayPal is to talk to your family, friends or colleague and ask them to transfer money to your bank account. But this is not an easy thing and you may have to wait for weeks before the amount reaches your bank account. So try to use Amazon gift card, Xoom or payoneer, these are the services which allows you to withdraw your PayPal balance.
How do I withdraw money from PayPal 2022?
PayPal is a popular online payment system. PayPal allows you to get paid or pay others. It's free to sign up and use PayPal to send money. You can use PayPal's Services to:
Can I buy BTC with PayPal?
Yes you can. If you want to buy BTC with PayPal, then you can use VirWox, CoinMamma or LocalBitcoins. VirWox is the only one which accept US dollar. You can convert your PayPal balance into that, then transfer money to BTC. Coinmama is the easiest way to get started buying bitcoin. If you don’t have bitcoin, you won’t be able to buy it directly with PayPal. You will first have to buy another cryptocurrency, like Ethereum, and then exchange it for bitcoin on a site like Bittrex or Changelly.
How can I tell if my PayPal account is verified?
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