#and they feel so much like westhallen
shrinkthisviolet · 2 months
Getting back into Downton Abbey has given me yet another OT3 to add to the list: Matthew/Mary/Lavinia
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kitkatt0430 · 6 months
I am already intrigued by Hartley/Barry/Cisco with the same shitty ex (Eobard) mention
So I'll have to take my time to workshop this some, but the event isn't until July 14th so I've got plenty of time to shine this idea up. But.
AU-land here, where Professor Thawne works at CCU. Or did. He's being fired after a grad student - Barry - came forward to admit that he'd been taken advantage of by the Professor and now lots of current and former students are coming out of woodwork because Thawne threatened their grades if they didn't sleep with them or etcetera.
There'd be some establishing flashbacks as they all had very different experiences with Eobard. He wooed Hartley then stole his research and ruined Hartley's relationship with his parents by outing him to them. While he was in the screwing Hartley over stage of things, he took up with Cisco who was able to get out of the relationship before things went sour and was only really aware in retrospect that it was a very toxic and power imbalanced relationship for him and that Eobard probably pitted him against Hartley deliberately so as to prevent them from realizing how he was using them. Barry was not directly one of Eobard's students but quickly realized he was being used for a.) his research and b.) as revenge on his parents for his mom snubbing Eobard when they were much younger... well...
So they all meet on campus, Barry's worried that this could affect the PhD he's about to finish up, Hartley and Cisco are reluctantly apologizing to each other and admitting they've got more in common with each other than they realized... and both vowing to make sure that Barry gets his degree since he was the first one out of so many who was brave enough to speak out about what was going on. And the three of them wind up at the campus coffee house just talking until a ridiculous hour of the morning when one of them jokes about this being what a nice first date really ought to be like. And...
They're like... why not? Why not have this be their first date? Why not go on more dates, to see if they work as a trio.
Fast forward to Eobard catching sight of them a year later and realizing they're on a date. His three most hated exes. And they're just kind of like 'ah, thanks, if you hadn't been a shitty, toxic influence on our lives then we never would have found such a healthy relationship with each other afterwards.'
Eobard - *life ruined, steaming with rage, blaming these three in particular for rallying the rest and Barry especially for being the first domino*
Hartley/Barry/Cisco - *too busy being happy together to give Eobard the time of day*
Admittedly, there's room for a canon AU in there too as an alternative take on the prompt. But I feel like a non-canon AU gives more breathing space for having Eobard date and break up with all three of them separately before they all meet up with the intention of destroying his reputation beyond repair.
I'm eying several other prompts on there going oh this one's a good Westhallen prompt (Love triangle? No!) or thinking how I've never written Len/Mick/Sara before but the criminal 4 criminal 4 criminal one could be fun for them, there are several I'm kinda going 'hmmmm, Barrisco???'... and I haven't done Oliver/Felicity/Dig since Telephone, but the friend group goes through trauma prompt does seem very them...
So I'll see what I write between now and July and maybe I'll hit a few of these. :D
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negative-speedforce · 9 months
Bucky Barnes and Barry Allen for the character thing
1: sexuality headcanon
Bucky is a deeply closeted gay man. He flirts with girls and is seen as a womanizer because he doesn't want people to know he's attracted to men.
Barry is bi, with a preference for women. There's just no way he's not, with the chemistry he has towards every single man ever.
2: otp
Steve/Bucky is one of my OTPs of all time and I will not be changing my mind about that, they are in love your honor. Endgame? What Endgame?
Westhallen my beloved. I don't know what you're talking about, Eddie didn't die, him, Barry, and Iris are all living together as happy partners and raising their kids together.
3: brotp
Sam and Bucky are The Best. They always bring the drama, they argue like an old married couple, and they both absolutely loathe each other. They're besties.
Barry and Cisco are one of the friendships of all time. I love them so much when they nerd out together and fight crime and- man I miss Cisco.
4: notp
Well I hear they might be shipping Bucky and Yelena in the new Thunderbolts movie and that just gives me the ick on so many levels. First, Yelena is aroace, second, they've both been under mind control for most of their lives, let them find themselves before they find a partner, and finally, it just seems so "You're a good guy now! Here's your assigned heterosexual relationship!".
Snowbarry, I'm sorry. I just don't get it. They're nice as friends, but I just don't see them getting into a relationship.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Bucky gets chronic migraines from having his brains zapped constantly.
Barry has ADHD and becoming a speedster just made it worse.
6: favorite line from this character
"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you."
"Rule number one of having a secret identity is to not take pictures of yourself"
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Identity issues, 100%. Bucky's got 'em, I've got 'em, anyone who grew up queer in a conservative religious environment probably has 'em.
The feeling that you can't slow down because your life is moving so fast- except for Barry, it's literal.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Bucky getting sidelined for Peggy AGAIN. AND AGAIN. AND AGAIN.
Barry letting Thawne get away again and again and again. It's absolutely bonkers.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Both, but leaning towards cinnamon roll.
Absolutely a cinnamon roll.
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avatarskywalker78 · 5 months
don't ever forget (you're part of us) for the Director's Cut ask game?
Okay, so this fic - part of flufftober 2021 - was only my second ever Westhallen fic, and much like the first was born out of the belief that they deserved better, especially Eddie, after his experience being held captive by Eobard, and the idea of Iris and Barry leaving their boyfriend love notes because he's been struggling recently just really called to me. This was one of the first to establish the 'No Zoom S2' and Eobard just being dealt with instead of listened to because the latter in particular had always bothered because why?? Would you ever have trusted him?? And knowing I could just pop that in the background without having to put in a lot of lead up was great.
The love notes were definitely my favourites, though, even though only two are actually shown. First we have Iris's:
Dear Eddie, I just wanted to let you know that I love you so much, and you’re one of the kindest, sweetest, and most supportive people I know. Love, Iris
This one did involve little projection on my part because he is one of my faves, but only a little because this is pretty clear in canon and I'm pretty sure everyone in Team Flash and beyond can see this. And then I had Barry's:
Eddie, You’ve always been a good friend, even when I haven’t deserved it. When I tried to save you after your arrest, you ended up being the one comforting me – you saw what the real problem was and no one ever really had before. You’ve no idea how much that meant to me back then. You’re the best friend anyone could have – and the best boyfriend. Love, Barry
While the show did have a few missteps in S1 (Barry's entitlement and the waterfront cheating kiss) for the most part Barry and Eddie had a pretty solid friendship, and that moment was one of the absolute highlights, because we have Barry, the hero of the show, actively prepared to break the law because he can't bear to lose someone else he loves - and Eddie, the would-be rescuee, accused of murder with a lot of evidence against him, stopping him because he has faith that Barry can exonerate him the right way. It's one of the best moments of the episode and the show and I wanted Barry to tell Eddie just how important this moment was.
And for a little while I considered writing out every love note, but I ultimately decided against it because I think these two set the stage well enough that I could just summarise the others - the two of them telling Eddie that they're lucky to have him, that he's an integral part of Team Flash (because that was definitely one of the roots of his insecurities, feeling like an outsider), and that he's one of the best parts of their lives.
In any case, the three of them get to talk it out in the last scenes, Eddie feeling so much love towards them for realising he was starting to spiral and stepping to help how they could, reminding him that he is loved and that he is important - striking back at Eobard's claim of his 'footnote in history' status becuase he will never be a footnote to them, not ever, and Eddie thinks he's very lucky indeed, and I felt that was an excellent place to end it.
Director's Commentary Ask Game
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talk shop tuesday - what made you write Once Upon a Timeline?
To bully Eobard Thawne.
So, Thallen and Westhallen are nice ships, they are sweet, I adore @kitkatt0430's Westhallen fics and that is meant as a fic rec for every single one of them, but there is at least part of liking them that is I think it is funny if Eobard has gone back in time to erase his nemesis Barry from existence and now not only does he have to ensure the Flash exists, instead of finding his great-something-grandma Eddie is going and making out with Eobard's nemesis (who he may or may not be in love with, he would rather die than admit he has feelings) and erasing Eobard from existence instead. This is his Worst Case Scenario, why is this happening to him, what could he have done to deserve this (you know what you did, Eobard)
(Which is why I often headcanon Patty Spivot would have been Eobard's great-something-grandma in the TV show universe, Eobard now has to live with instead of them getting together his grandfather dated Iris West and his grandmother dated Barry Allen and that's not fair, why did he never get to do that)
And Once Upon a Timeline is mostly how do I take that and make this even worse for Eobard Thawne. Who is the person Eobard would hate most of all if Barry went and fell for them instead of him.
Originally I was going to just giggle away to myself at the idea and keep writing Gone in a Flash, but that I was heading towards writing myself into a corner and I like doing Writer's Month, it's a fun challenge, and because I've already written the Milk and Sugar 'verse I don't want to do any more full series rewrites, so having prompts to tell just the changed parts of the story seemed like a good idea, and with it being prompts for an event there was a deadline so it couldn't grow that wildly, having a few chapters for Writer's Month would get the idea out of my head and then I could go and focus on what I was writing originally after a break and I could figure out where that needed to change to make the plot flow again. So I wrote Once Upon a Timeline. Which is not a silly fic at all given its origins, but it is one I enjoyed writing very much.
And it had to be Westhallen. I get to write Iris and Eddie being in love and also both pining after Barry, Eddie gets a comic inspired storyline (while at first glance it looks like he's taking Malcolm Thawne's, he's actually borrowing an origin story from Iris), and know in the background Eobard Thawne is having the worst day of his life, where's the downside.
(Also, as an extra, Once Upon a Timeline originally had a different ending, but that would have meant a much longer fic that wouldn't have fit with limited prompts so the choice was either leave it on Chapter 9 and write a sequel later or scrap that, and I went with scrapping that in favour of what is now Chapter 10. But it's Multiamory March next month, and I won't fill all of those prompts, but I have a few, and one I have already written is the original alternative ending to Once Upon a Timeline)
Thank you!
[Talk Shop Tuesday]
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purpleyin · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
doesn’t everyone (Free Rein - Pin Hawthorne with PinMarcus pre-ship) - this one is never likely to have many readers given how small a fandom it is, but the reactions I got from my betareaders alone made this one so worthwhile to write + I hope it makes the few people who read it who are similarly LGBTQ+ feel seen. 
Between Hope And Fear (The Flash - Hartmon) - This one was very cathartic to write about COVID fears, but I think it also had a very poignant mix of angst and satisfying hurt/comfort.
Tell Me What Were We Meant To Be (The Flash - Snowbarry) - I just had so much fun writing this Elementary AU. Plenty of angst but also a cute ending!
it's the little things (The Flash - Westhallen) - My first proper Westhallen fic holds a special place in my heart. I’ve yet to write more for the ship (so many plot bunnies though) but I love this OT3 and really enjoyed exploring all the dynamics as part of this, plus it ended up very cute and them all getting a break for a change, not much angst at all.
Mind The Gap (Fringe - unrequited Linc/Liv) - This is more poetry than prose. I loved capturing all the quiet moments and thoughts that Linc’s love might be hiding in.
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icedteaandoldlace · 1 year
pretty sure ive already sent some of these ships as bingo for u before, but i'll fucking do it again: SNOWWEST, E-1 KILLERSNOW, KILLERSNOW OF THE E-1 AND E-2 VARIETY, WESTHALLEN (eddie, not eobard) AND FINALLY...... olivarry :3
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This is pretty much my only Caitlin ship besides Snowstorm, and also one of my only consistent fanon ships (in other words, one that I always like and don't just need the right set of circumstances to get on board with). I love the crumbs of their friendship that we got in canon, and I wish we'd gotten more of them!! 😭
E-1 Killersnow
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I'm mostly neutral on them, and that's probably because I have such mixed feelings about them due to their canon development. Before Frost showed up, the foreshadowing of her emergence indicated that Caitlin had a tendency to repress her emotions, and that she had an edgier side that she didn't always let show. So when Frost did show up, I was prepared for her to be an extension of Caitlin that Caitlin had to learn to come to terms with, and eventually she'd become a balanced version of both sides. Then I saw a gifset someone made with the caption that they were girlfriends, and I thought that was an interesting take, because that would make Frost a whole separate individual who just happens to share Caitlin's body, and the idea of them navigating dating under those circumstances would be very interesting. And then, of course, canon decided to turn them into sisters, which I can also see the appeal of, but the whiplash that retcon gave me makes me reluctant to refer to them as such. Tbh I still see season 3 Killer Frost as Caitlin, and I see later-seasons Frost as a completely different character, and seasons 4-5 Frost goes back and forth, so it makes for very inconsistent feelings about them. And of course, I headcanon Frost as aroace and Very Much Not Into Anyone, so I'm not super invested in any ships involving her.
E-2 Killersnow
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Earth-2 Killer Frost is much more clearly depicted as Caitlin Gone Evil, and season 2 had a fuzzier, less developed concept of doppelgängers than season 3 and onward, so to me it just kind of seems like shipping Caitlin with herself, just with a different life?? Idk if that makes sense. I do enjoy the one-sided aspect of them, though. Killer Frost was definitely feeling some type of way about Caitlin.
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BINGO! These guys are mixed feelings city. I can't really see them working out, but there are aspects of it that have potential. Like, I feel like any couple combination of them could work out (in an alternate timeline) with the other as their bestie third wheel, but given the love triangle in canon, I feel like they'd just be constantly at each other's throats if they tried to all be a thing together. It may be the Dan, Vanessa, and Olivia threesome storyline in Gossip Girl shaping my view of this, since they had a very similar trio dynamic. Also the fact that I've never read any fic for them, so all I have is their canon dynamic to base my feelings on. That said, props to the Westhallen fandom for their use of that "there's three people in this relationship" line. My hat's off to ya. 🎩
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I may be alone in this, but I've just never seen Barry and Oliver as being that close. They have some good moments here and there, but it seems like the majority of their relationship is just clashing over crime-fighting styles. I just don't really get it. Of course, the erasure of Cisco as Barry's best friend among the Olivarry fandom doesn't help my enthusiasm level any. On that note, I actually enjoy Olivibe's interactions more than Olivarry's, and I'm waiting for the day someone decides to do something with that.
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raywritesthings · 1 year
I am blaming you and the few times you’ve reblogged posts and hinted a Iris/Barry/Patty trio for planting seeds in my head about them. Specifically Iris being exasperated by Barry and Patty for their tendency of making (terrible) puns.
Ahaha, yesss!!! Very happy someone is picking up my not-so-subliminal messaging.
I’ll be honest, I stopped watching Flash after s2 (not cause Patty left lol I just got bored), and I heard that they put a lot more work into selling Barry/Iris as a couple which is fantastic and makes me happy for them. But from the two seasons I watched of them… I almost don’t really ship them unless it’s as part of a polycule of some kind. They just work better with a third person in the mix to me, I feel like it helps bridge some of the barriers the writers wrote into the relationship in those earlier seasons.
I love Iris/Eddie/Barry (Westhallen) a ton, like they are god tier. But an AU where they didn’t happen because they didn’t all figure out they each liked each other until it was too late and Eddie dies, so then Barry starts dating Patty while still trying to get over Iris but Iris slowly realizes she’s crushing on Patty while still trying to figure out what she really feels for Barry and Patty is really enjoying dating Barry but also Iris is so sweet and pretty? Yes, I could very much get behind that concept as well.
Or hell, AU where Eddie lives and then they all four somehow end up in some type of arrangement. Why not?
That all said, happy to know someone out there is enjoying my Patty-related (and specifically Barry/Patty/Iris - Wespallen?) reblogs.
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afaimsarrowverse · 4 years
Ten Favorite Ships from the four main Arrowverse Shows:
Rules: For this list Crossover Pairings were excluded if one partner is confined to their own show. However if the character changes show later he or she is on the list. This is my blog, this is my list, it is in no way objective, everyone is entiled to their own opinion, so please don’t reblog or answer just to tell me how much you disagree with me. You can’t quantify love, well except with stupid lists like this, just because a ship is not on this list does not mean I don’t like it - except when it does - so…. yeah, here we go
  10 besten Ships „Arrow“:
 10. Merlance (Tommy Merlyn/Laurel Lance)
 I always liked the unlikely story of Tommy Merlyn actually conquering Laurel Lances heart.
 9. Overarcher (KaraX/Oliver QueenX)
 While I don’t think our Kara would ever really give Oliver a shot, this one was undoubtly True Love, well at least for Oliver X, Kara X did love him, yes, but she was much more in line with duty than he ever was. Which is what actually makes this dynamic this interesting.
 8.      GreenAtom (Oliver Queen/Ray Palmer)
 A very underapprecaited Ship that I love dearly. Ray und Oliver together have so much potential.
 7. SmoakDetective (Donna Smoak/Quentin Lance)
 Quentin needs love, and while Donna is not the first person you would think of when you would think of a potential partner for him, she is the best fit for the role. She challenges him and makes his day brighter. And he treats her well.
 6.      Olivarry (Oliver Queen/Barry Allen)
 As unlucky as Olivers Love Live is, maybe that’s the case because the actual love of his live happens to be a man which he is not willing to admit to himself.
 5.      Raylicity (Ray Palmer/Felicity Smoak)
 Cute and entertraining those two are actually a much better fit than Oliver and Felcitiy, maybe only a little bit too simelar as Oliver has pointed out.
 4.      Nysara (Nyssa al Ghul/Sara Lance)
 We love Sara and we love Nyssa, why shouldn’t we love them together?
 3.      Throy (Thea Queen/Roy Harper)
 This is the one ship that everyone agreed on was to be endgame.
 2.      Lauriver (Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen)
 This was supposed to be endgame, and the fact that it wasn’t is frankly just an insult to anyone who knows anything about Green Arrow in the comics.
 1.      Cannarow (Sara Lance/Oliver Queen)
 So here it is my Arrow OTP.
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 Die 10 besten Ships „The Flash“:
 10    Elongsue (Ralp Dibnyh/Sue) Dearborn
 This was supposed to be an epic love story with endgame potential.
 9.      Eobarry (Eobard Thawne/Barry Allen)
 Fanboy Eobard might have come to hate Barry, but a part of him never stopped loving the scarlet speedster as we all know.
 8.      Elongflash (Ralph Dibny/Barry Allen)
 I frankly never understood why people did not ship them more and there are so little fanfics about those two, I mean it’s a classic love story really.
 7.      Allenbert (Barry Allen/Julian Albert)
 For a long time I thought that that would be the reveal about Julians problem with Barry. Appearantly so did the actors.
 6.      Jocile (Joe West/Cecile Horton)
 They are cute and sexy together, have a mature realtionship that presents new obstacles the navigate around together, and it’s an eternal shame that their planned Season 5 sub-plot was cut short
 5.      Coldflash (Leoanrd Snart/Barry Allen)
 Leonard flirts with everything that moves, but Barry has a special place in his heart.
 4. Westhawne (Iris West/Eddie Thawne)
 And he was ready to fight destiny itself. For Iris. And she did love him. A lot.
 3.      Thallen (Eddie Thawne/Barry Allen)
 Barry und Eddie were crushing hard on each other, there is no denying that.
 2.      Westallen (Iris West/Barry Allen)
 Westallen ist destiny in every timeline, in every universe, it’s a as simple as that.
 1.      Westhallen (Iris West/Eddie Thawne/Barry Allen)
 This is how you solve a love triangle, that does not need to be one, when all three parties have certain feelings for all the other members of the triangle.
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 Die 10 besten Ships „Supergirl“:
 10.  Lanvers (Alex Danvers/Maxwell Lord)
 Yes, I know Alex is lesbian, but this ship ist just too yummy.
 8.      Killiam (Kara Danvers/William Dey)
 Frozen burn realtionship that deserves to pick up speed. Kara deserves a love life, please!
  9.      Karolsen (Kara Danvers/James Olsen)
 Back in Season 1 of Supergirl I actually shipped this.  I loved Kara and genuinly wanted her to get the guy of her dreams. I mean she got heart eyes, ever time James walked in the room, but she also was adult enough to stettle for „just friends“.
 7.      Dolsen (Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen)
 Kelly is a much better fit for Alex than Maggie ever was, because she is less selfcentered and much more willing to compromise and they are more simelar. And in the end all the obstacles those two faced they were willing to overcome together.
 6.      Overarcher (KaraX/Oliver QueenX)
 While I don’t think our Kara would ever really give Oliver a shot, this one was undoubtly True Love, well at least for Oliver X, Kara X did love him, yes, but she was much more in line with duty than he ever was. Which is what actually makes this dynamic this interesting.
 5.Brainia (Brainiac-5/Nia Nal)
 Brainy and Nia and their relationship were the only genuine good things about the first half of Season 4.
 4.Winniac-5 (Winn Schott/Brainiac-5)
 I am one out of two persons in the world who ships this, but I ship it hard.
 3.      Clois (Clark Kent/Lois Lane)
 Clois has been done very compelling by many other actors before, but the Arrowverse-Version still managed to get their own spin on it and to come across super sweet.
 2.      Sanvers (Maggie Sawyer/Alex Danvers)
 Ah, Sanvers, they took the world in storm and didn’t we love them.
 1.      Karamel (Kara Danvers/Mon-El)
 Their chemistry jumped from the screen right into our hearts.
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Die 10 besten Ships „Legends of Tomorrow“:
 10.  Saramaya (Sara Lance/Amaya Jiwe)
 I really don’t know why everyone is going on about Kendra and Sara, when they could be going on about this ship were there is actual tension and actual chemistry there.
 11.  Coldray (Leo SnartX/Ray Terrill)
 Those two are just two cute and sadly were wiped out of existence by Crisis, but I still love them.
 8.      Atomsteelwavevixen (Ray Palmer/Nate Heywood/Mick Roey/Amaya Jiwe)
 I prefere Steelatom and Vixenwave as bros, but as a foursome those four rock the libido and the Waverider.
 7.      Captains3 (Sara Lance/Rip Hunter/Leonard Snart)
 Given that Sara and Rip, Sara and Leonard und Leonard and Rip would not last together, my solution to this would be to get together as a threesome.
 6.      Constangreen (John Constantine/Gary Green)
 We love Gary, and Gary loves John, and John does actually love Gary.
 5.Avalance (Ava Sharpe/Sara Lance)
 At this point Avalance is cleary planned to be endgame and rightly so.
 4.Hellcanary (John Constantine/Sara Lance)
 Two broken souls, two players who played which each other and found solace in each others arms – two bi-sexual icons together
 3.Vixensteel (Amaya Jiwe/Nate Heywood)
  I loved the star crossed romance between Nate and Amaya, and the fact that they defied history and was heart broken when they gave up after all.
 2.      Timecanary (Rip Hunter/Sara Lance)
 Out of all her many suitors Rip is the one I would want to see her ending up with.
 1.      Atomwave (Ray Palmer/Mick Rory)
 This is my Legends-OTP and I am still not over the fact that Ray is out of the show and so is this ship!
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andialmostdo · 6 years
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recently, i hit 15k, and i decided to make a follow forever because it’s been awhile. i really don’t know what to put here, other than thank you. thank you for putting up with my annoying posts, for talking to me, helping me, and most importantly making me feel welcome and happy. anyways, i’ve always loved my experience on tumblr and i’ve made some pretty great friends that i wouldn’t trade for the world. i follow a decent amount of people yet i don’t even speak to 2% of y’all so please don’t be shy to approach me and message me cause i’d like to hear from you! whether we’re mutuals or not, i love you!
@daisyridlay / @teardropsonmyguitar -- awomanda, i love you so much. after all the sh*t we’ve been through, i really am glad we can be as close as we are. you’re literally me. i am so lucky to call someone like you my friend. i wouldn’t be who i am today without you. you’ve taught me so much and you get me more than anyone could try. you’re truly the sweetest and most honest person i’ve met and i’d do anything for you. you’re truly one of my favorite people ever. i love you and nothing will ever change that. 💗
@thirlwallwrites -- britsy! i don’t even know where to begin. you are one of my best friends. you are always there when i need someone. i know i can trust you with anything. i know you will always have my back. and i hope you know i will always be there for you, always have your back. we may not talk a lot but i wouldn’t change anything about our friendship. i love you. 💕
@jesylnelson -- trae, i'm so glad we're friends. you're literally the biggest sweetheart ever and i adore you so much. i'm always going to be here for you and i hope you know that and you have one of the biggest hearts. i just wanted to say that you're really sweet and i love your name, it's adorable. i know i can be kind of distant and not around much but i love you, and i'm thankful for how long you've stayed by my stupid ass. you've always been there for me, and i'll always be there for you. 💓
@youngdcnna -- sunny, you are the most kind, beautiful person in this entire site. i'm so glad you're in my life to cheer me up. we're so alike in so many ways and i feel like we're always on the same page about things and that's why we get along so well and i'm just truly so thankful that you came into my life. you're such an amazing person and you deserve all the happiness in the world! you're such a funny and cute and good person. i love you so much. 💖
@chellyrps -- chelly! you're the cutest sunshine angel to exist. you're such a kind soul and you're really creative. we've both been through so much together and there was always one thing that remained the same for us, and that was always each other. i am so thankful that we started 312 back in '15(?) and we've friends ever since. even when it wasn't running, i was always thinking of you. i'm so glad we're almost to our year anniversary with 312 and i wouldn't want to run it with anyone else! you're an amazing person and you deserve all the best! ❤️
@captainevans -- becka, hello! i'm so damn glad that we've become closer. bless your soul for creating your blog because you have no idea how much it has helped me. i tell you all the time, but your blog was one of the first chris blogs i ever followed when i became a fan. you had and still have the best tags and you are so helpful. i appreciate you for all the advice you give me. you’re funny, nice, smart, and i know if i ever need to confide in someone that i can go to you. thank you for coming into my life when you did and being such a great friend right away. those are hard to find. you’re a beautiful person and i love that we can obsess over chris evans together! you deserve all of the love in the world! i am so glad we met and am forever grateful for you always. 💘
@youareeinlove @lov-eswift @taylorkeepdancing @blankspaces @kingdomlightshined @hugeselenatorswiftie @septembersawamonthoftears @forthefences @hopesoftly @colorsinautumn @youandmeforevermore @noitsydney @thelasttime @drugismybaby @enchanteds @whyshedisappeared @ikywt @sadbeautifultragique @wasafairytale @stumbleonhometomycats @inmysdreams @ofrunningfoxes @nliallofficial @llikestarlight @likestarlightt @wecanfeelsofarbutsoclose @howtodream @1989deluxe @spacenerdevans @sparkisfly @selenamg @skellydun @ownheartbeating @nomadevans @wocs @sofiadaccarett @disneyprincechris @springtaes @killiamkween @dirtyroyalconfessions @jordanconncr @aliciavikander @marvel @tayorswift @babyi @badsliar @sweetener @sweetheartbarnes @beardychris @statefograce @stellaireskies @everythinghaschanged @piecesfall @jakeperalta @likefireworks @likehipsters @lupltanyongo @ludgatelatte @lupitanyongio @babyv @lovestory @touchsogoods @allysonbrookhernandez @steverogers @steverogesr @josephkeerys @theendofendings @brandnewdress @taylorsbrandnewdress @newromaantics @ragstobitches @james-barnes @mjwatson @dacre-montgomery @monica-geller @lovemademecrazys @trinikimberly @allison-lydia @duffhilary @firstmetme @daniellecampbell @heresatoast @tshifty @nowimhaunted @warmhoneylesbian @aunt-may @uservalkyrie @tessathompsson @bigwidecity @ralts @connorscobalt @llovely @mtv @buckaholic @ftmthor @crissmiranda @marleyrose @henryscavills @clarklois @itsasideshow @laracovinskys @donutgate @stuckinreversemode @underlined-in-red @pvterpvrker @taylorthebaelor @tayloralisonswift @thslove @lgbtqswift @thcstoryofus @svifts @invisiblelockets @ofhowyoutasted @harrystyle @harrystyler @kittenstyles @comebackbehere @dan-blair @emilysrata @jeffgcldblums @starswarss @claringtonrps @captdnvers @pinnockvevo @comeinwlththerain @styles-shumjr @magicwemade @dustsoneverypage @girlslovegirlsanddatboi @girlsbackhome @swiftscamila @soitgoeslive @champagneseaa @temporaryfix @danvers-carol @beysmani @she-so-swift @robynsfentys @marieselena @queens-clarke @queensmix @bisamwilsons @moonstruckari @moonstruckrps @confettirps @kingofsmyheart @ialmostdos @kingofmyyheart @byemagnus @magnuscatarinas @maggiessawyer @matthewelektra @lilysevans @carouselofswift @stevebucks @paradisesgf @nessa007 @larajeancoveys @bodyglitter @1989worldtour @tiedstogetherwithasmiles @iknowsplaces @iknowplasces @septembercover @tuxedotaylor @keiynanlonsdales @d-ridleys @colorsinautumnsobright @lipas @spideymybabe @sansastarkr @lena-zorel @yourstrulys @yourstokeeps @john-mulaney @pezzabam @lizzleolsenb@rogersbf @bithor @westwallys @westhallen @campedeeznuts @stillgotscars @stillsthelouvre @hunniemoon @robynfvnty @nervousnotion @sheetmaskgf @haillily @haileestienfelds @nancywheelers @nancysbyer @jessicanelson @jessica-alba @1029 @argotas @fvckinggallaghers @candicekpats @trixiemcttel @scullysmulder @flowersfeast @iwasyourghost @daymetnights @castlescrumbledovernight @fadedpictures @riversingsweetsongs @pettyswift @owehimnothin @wannabemissed @mendes-shawn @messthatuwanted @hesaidshesaids @paintedmesgolden @handstomyself @straightlinedownx @wasred @inscrreamingcolor @intellectandliquor @swiftschuyler @elektrras @slitherswift @arianagrandre @arianagrante @totalariana @iwontapologize @madelainespetsch @minajvtrois @jameslilly @quinngron @howyougetthegirls @lesbiconics @afragileline @jexcajones @lilsreinhart @eizagonzalezs @eizasdarling @thirdwardtrill @leighade @emofrenchfries @thesonofneptune @foundherselfs @lovedinshadesofwrongs @lovegrandes @astraeusx @menzelswift @adalaideskane @capntony @rachellwrites @dangcommaannie @mthletes @callyoubabe @backtodec @backtoodecember @oweshimnothing @ididntwarnyou @taylorsuifts @ruuthlessgame @bleachellas @cetawaygar @taylorifesea @paintedmegolden @iiwishyouwould @reputationmagazine @lightheartedjoke @coffeeslorelai @violaedavisz@stansebstian @youareinlove @ravanreyes @iriswestsallen @iriswsetallen @mcus @jumpthensfall @taylorswiftz @trustsnobodys @jlaws @amandaseyfried @liviejean @chlobenet @spillingwines @briars-glenn @emilyhardon-junk @leighannespinnocks @blackpink @centineon @alisonswifts @anakin-skywalkers @runninthruthegarden @waidewilson @andyoucallmeupagain @andreaswift @beginagain @softpluto @deansfreckles @holdsontoyous @yoncez @julyninths @ohstylesno @harryisart @sweethaerts @shelovecontrols @ohseocute @thegerwig @cherriedwines @perrieledwards @tayswiftnation @cvssian @tays @bethpearson @courtneycrimsen @spidermanv @hawkdone @captainsamerica @andesamberg @watson @lauraharrier @vibrenium @leslieconor @lesbianswift @allsonargent @carterbaizn @seethestarlights @guavcs @dua-lipa @alexturner @juicedelishblr @shakeitoffline @shakeitoutofthewoods @shakeitoffs @breakdownalittles @buyreputationbytaylorswift @shakeitoff @jakegyllinhaal @thiislove @runningscared @whyisntketchupasmoothie @aintforthebest @demetrialuvater @beallright @stevn-rogers @colinshea @stevenrogered @katemckinnons @stylesinthewild @stydixa @stylemp4 @closertotheclouds @cloutrreaga @bisexualgorgeous @bisteverogers @doona-baes @thelonelybrilliance @livelikethats @lindseymcrgcn @jiminwlw @gayandslutty @rizanmed @pumpkingofmyheart @unchxxrted @cassiumm @westeallen @batwan @fellaswiththehellagoodhair @enchantedswift13 @grewbackasthorns @gotalktoyourfriends @zendaya-colesman @bivalkyrie @biebur @bieberhorans @uhlxis @romanqff @blaineandersons @somethingyoumisss @kinggtchalla @goldlexis @stvebvckys @honeysoftt  @elizbetholsen @harrypottzr @butchkiyoko @buthisloveisours @nowyourdaisies @jaceclarysimon @cuddlysteven @sunsetbabe @halren @comebakcbehere @salutetome @stars-bean @skipmycalls @cordeliacarstairs @bisexualshellstrop @iwishyouwouid @jonasbro @iwishyouwoulds @sirensinthebeat @milkshakeitoff @emmajeanstone @emmacharlottewatson @emmaduerrewatson @skinnycarameltay @craziers @fircforaheart @parkerpete @christinebaranskiis @wondertrevcr @wonderleague @nightlock @annehathavay @unttouchable @lastskiss @kngofmyheart @reddemo @robyouofeverything @taylorsmochas @taylor-ariana @itonyas @femmetay @gay4tay @sebandmia @captainmarvels @claireholt @septembertwentyeighths @zensdaya @lovestorys @carolinabyharrystyles @malecs @finnwheelrs @bobbismorses @oliviaholt @laurenjhansen @laurenjuaegui @jamesvalldez @katiemcgrcths @cinemetography @karadavers @chrispxne @mariahwayne @sqmwilscn @barnesstevie @dec13th @joewright @lilysbloom @scottisbae @beautyqueenforbes @miss-thirlwall @evansstackie @worthwilefight @maiamitch @maiaaroberts @maisiecwilliams @judesweetwined @ginalintti @cataystrophies @haterlovins @raconteurstyles @jandynes @thewintersadie @djokovicnovak @bisexualupin @sebbys @sebbies @bluesteelstan @nwetss @tayoralisonswift @nwyearday @klleyoharas @onehellofascene @robynrihanna @cendaya @tomhiddluston @isnt-it @hanso-high @joshssun @stormipilot @intoyouuremix @matthew-daddario
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shrinkthisviolet · 28 days
Oooo I’d love some background info on i hate (what i’ve become) (or anything else you want to say about it) because I am OBSESSED with that fic (the ANGSTTTTTTT)
OOOOOH I will certainly try to give what background I can!
Admittedly that's one I wrote on a whim without a ton of context behind it, and it's not situated at a specific point in s3 because...for obvious reasons, it's very canon-divergent in many ways, and even I don't know the full details of how 😅 but what I can do is expand on the Saveddie/Thallen dynamic in this fic (and it turns out I have a lot to say about them lol so see below the cut for my rambling thoughts):
Eddie is revived from the dead! This isn't really a secret in the fic ofc—Eddie refers readily to his death as an event that did happen (“Is that why you didn't bother to remember me?” Eddie’s eyes flashed. “Why you were so fixated on Iris the moment I died—why you held back on moving on because she’s not Iris, I guess?”), and Savitar also references it as his own doing (“Didn’t you wonder who brought Eddie back, Barry? Surely you must’ve had your theories.” Savitar smirked. “Did you suspect for even one second that it was actually a version of you? A better version, who isn’t such a spineless coward?”)
Also, you may wonder, what's Savitar's deal? Does he really love Eddie? Is he just using him? The answer is...both! The framing for this fic is that if Eddie hadn't died, Barry might've been brave enough to confess to him, and Westhallen perhaps would've happened...but alas, he did die, and Barry's feelings remained unresolved and screaming in his heart. And ofc...when Savitar is born, he's Barry, so those feelings are screaming in his heart too. He has two goals: a) pretend to kill Iris and preserve his existence, but secretly steal her away/revive her for himself*...and b) revive Eddie so he can finally act on those feelings he never even confessed (oh Savitar...someone must've slept through reading Great Gatsby in English class, or you'd know better!). And since he hops back and forth in time, between the past and the future...he knows that Eddie has the potential for great power as Cobalt Blue, could've taken up the mantle if he hadn't died.
So he revives Eddie and begins seducing him, telling him all about Westallen and painting Barry in the worst possible light (he still has a soft spot for Iris, so he doesn't say as much bad about her—remember, he wants to force Westhallen into existence, wants both Eddie and Iris by his side, so he won't badmouth the love of his life. He will badmouth Barry plenty though—you know how in s9, Eddie's furious at Barry for "stealing" his fiancée? Here, that's something Savitar plants in his head.
Unlike s9 though, Eddie isn't corrupted by an external cosmic force, and he loves Barry and Iris, so he pushes back on this. But Savitar knows exactly how to play on his heartstrings...and pouring in some sympathy for himself gets Eddie on his side (a version of Barry who's thrown away/disregarded by the entire Team after Iris dies? Who's mistreated even by Barry himself? Eddie's furious at the thought). Savitar, also, is not nearly as shy as Barry was, confessing his feelings readily...and acting on them, much to Eddie's giddy delight (his own description) and Savitar's smugness.
Things sour after a while, though. Savitar's possessiveness is far removed from Barry's selfless love, and Eddie notices. He also, however, notices how ruthless Savitar is in defense of what he wants...and figures out very quickly that if he pushes too much, he pisses Savitar off—and Eddie's not so keen to piss off another evil speedster. Though Savitar also complicates this because when he picks up on Eddie's fear, he tones down the aggression and acts more like the sweet, gentle Barry Eddie loved. So on the one hand, Eddie wants to leave, find his way to Team Flash and beg for their help...but on the other, he doesn't want to piss off Savitar, he still has love and sympathy for Savitar due to his similarities to Barry...and he still remembers what Savitar told him about Team Flash mistreating him in the future (when Eddie's particularly doubtful, Savitar reminds him about this, playing up his sympathetic backstory...and ofc it works, keeping those doubts at bay)
Seeing Barry again, though? That opens a floodgate that Eddie is hard-pressed to close again. Seeing the real Barry, desperate and pleading and hopeful—Eddie wants to take his hand and ride into the sunset with him...and with Iris too, when Barry brings her up. But Savitar's ironclad grip on him (literal as well as figurative) presents an obstacle. Even if Eddie wanted to leave (which he does, he realizes as he looks into Barry's eyes, he really, really does), he fears what Savitar might do if Eddie shows too much willingness to leave—maybe not to him, but to Barry. Eddie's seen an evil speedster try to kill Barry before...and although Savitar can't kill Barry, he could still do plenty else. He's a man out of time, older than Barry by 7 years and centuries too...that's terrifying. Eddie doesn't even have a gun, let alone powers (after all, as Savitar told him, what would Eddie need a gun for, when his significant other is the most powerful being in the multiverse?)
But ofc Eddie can't let on. So he keeps the mask up, he's cold to Barry...he convinces Barry he's a lost cause, even as his heart is screaming at him to go after Barry, screw the consequences. But he can't say "screw the consequences", he can't risk harm to Barry, so he keeps up the act and tries not to shed tears about it.
Savitar is delighted about this, of course...but Eddie still has doubts. Minor doubts, of course—Savitar can airbrush over those with more manipulation, and he does (“All Bivolo does,” Savitar said with a sigh, “is amplify feelings that already exist. Barry did love you—otherwise I wouldn’t—but more than that, he hated you all along. He only needed a little push to show you exactly how he felt.” He smiled. “Not unlike you and me...though I’d say that turned out much better for us.”)
And then...Savitar gives Eddie something as a reward (or rather, he promises to): a way to defend himself. The implication, ofc, being that he's going to turn Eddie into Cobalt Blue.
*this never comes up in the oneshot, but it's implicit in almost everything Savitar-related I write, and it's my headcanon for him
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kitkatt0430 · 6 months
role reversal AU with Barry and Iris? :)
So I've written a couple of these before - and I no doubt will again. [I Know (Do You?) and Hurry Up (To Slow Down)] I do enjoy a good role reversal for these two. :D
So in a role reversal specifically from Iris' point of view, I think she'd initially promise not to tell Barry when Joe asks, but quickly realize from Barry's interest in metahumans and the Flash that keeping him in the dark is pretty cruel. Instead of trying to gaslight him about it or talk him out of investigating, Iris would come clean. Forewarned is forearmed and Iris wants him to be safe about things.
Depending on how long it takes for Iris to tell him, Barry may or may not be upset about it. But if he's upset? He gets over it pretty fast. Iris has always been amazing and his hero and so he's so proud of her for being everyone's hero now.
Eobard is not thrilled. In retrospect he realizes that it isn't that surprising that Iris West had the right genes to become a speedster considering Wally West is destined to become a speedster. Or was destined. What does Eobard know. Maybe Linda Park will become a speedster. *he's waving hands wildly while Gideon wonders if she can get smoke to come out of his ears if she says yes*
since Iris was still in college getting her Masters degree at the time, there would be focus on her trying to maintain her GPA while juggling Flash duties and frustration with EoWells perhaps not respecting her class time, maybe her pointing out that she's not exactly getting paid for her Flash work inspires him to create an internship for her so that she does get paid and can't complain about that anymore.
Because, honestly, Iris doesn't have the Jitters job anymore. it's not her fault she couldn't work while in a coma but what are the odds a part time barista job would get held open for her that long?
There's so many ways things could play out relationship wise. I've done both the Westallen and Westhallen routes, but why not some Barriscowest? Or Snowestallen? Snowest & barrisco? Thallen and Newsvibe (is that what Iris/Cisco is called? that's what I'm going with) There are a lot of possibilities and I do enjoy so many different ships.
Iris and the pipeline... I don't know where she'd stand on that. I'd like to think she'd be against it and so that's the track I'd take writing another one of these AUs, because Iris is the voice of reason. But canon probably would have put her on the pro pipeline train if she hadn't been sidelined like she was. :/
I think Iris would probably try harder to talk things out with the metas. Not always a good idea, but she's much more likely to try to de-escalate a situation than Barry is. So she'd probably be able to talk Shawna down, but trying to empathize with Hartley would likely end with him taking advantage of her sympathy. Though she'd also be less sympathetic towards Snart since, unlike Barry, she doesn't really have the experiences Barry has that made him empathize with Len.
Iris would be tempted to go back in time to save Nora because she loves Barry and she wants him to have his mother. Whether or not she actually does it depends on how her conversation with Henry goes. He was not in favor of changing the timeline to save Nora even though he no doubt wanted her to have a chance to live, so he might be able to talk Iris out of it if he can articulate his feelings on the subject well enough.
a lot of this has focused on Iris, but I think Barry would settle well into back up. He'd probably still get a chance to be a battle couple with her similar to the incident with Tony in canon. Maybe the return of Becky Cooper turns out to be a bad thing when she turns out to be a powered stalker with a crush on Barry?
Barry's also got a pretty close friendship with Cisco and Caitlin already by the time Iris wakes up, which I think would factor into Iris ultimately deciding to tell him pretty quickly. Keeping the secret would not only be potentially putting Barry in danger but damaging his new friendships and Iris wouldn't want to do that to him.
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kickassfu · 7 years
Welcome, Dear Customer
Happy bday @westhallen this was probably not quite what u had in mind, but i hope you like it!!! I wish I could make u a gifset, as you’d like but i don’t know hoooow so you get this xD Love you <3
On FF.
Welcome, Dear Customer
It truly was a magical coffee shop; it was welcoming and warm, open to anyone who needed it. It smelled of baked chocolate cookies and fresh brewed coffee, it felt like home away from home - like, for that moment, you belonged there. Humans always managed to find it someway or another, walking in dazed, and leaving with a lighter heart and a smile. Caroline built Mystic Falls, as a safe haven for whoever needed one, whether they were a werewolf, a witch or a vampire, enemy or friend, all were welcome. Although if anyone started trouble, she would deal with them swiftly and promptly.
She was open and friendly to anyone, but there had been a new patron that managed to get on her nerves; Caroline still wasn’t sure what he was yet, he managed to hide it quite well, but she was sure he was special. Something different, maybe a hybrid of sorts? He was infinitely intriguing and could get under her skin fairly easily.
The bell on the door rung, and she sighed, his smell always made her hunger rise and her composure to fall. Smiling brightly, - although faked, no one but him had ever noticed - Caroline said warmly, “Good morning.”
He smiled back at her, knowing full well she couldn’t treat him like she did the other customers, no matter how much she tried and sat down at the counter right in front of where she stood. “Good morning love. Did you miss me?”
“You were here yesterday.” she muttered, rolling her eyes.
“What was that?”
“Nothing, dear customer. Thank you for always coming by, have you decided what you’d like yet?”
“One of your special coffees please. And I’ve said it again and again, call me Klaus.”
There were many special coffees, for any and all species, things that called to their inner beings, but the one Klaus asked for was made especially for him. She didn’t like doing it, not sure what made her buckle to do it the first time or what made her keep doing until now. She felt exposed, and vulnerable, feelings Caroline didn’t appreciate feeling - but she did anyway.
Carefully she brewed the coffee; it was mesmerizing, he could never look away from her dainty, lithe fingers, as she used her own special brand of magic to make coffee or cookies, or killing someone.
It was by chance that he came across this place, he liked the feeling of it but felt it was off, as if something was trying to invade his very being, and then he had seen her. Glorious in all her being; all smiles and kindness at the surface, but deep inside there was something powerful and sometimes dark that drew him closer. He had tried to stay away, but it didn’t last long until he broke and came to see her again, and the next day, and the next one, until he craved every part of her.
As he saw the drop of blood fall from the tip of her finger into his coffee, his eyes turned yellow in anticipation of her taste. Licking his lips, Klaus lost himself in her smell and restrained himself from taking a bite of her tender flesh.
“Here it is, hope you enjoy.” Caroline said, her skin feverish from the way his eyes always devoured her, but doing her best to not show how he truly affected her. One way or another, he always got on her nerves, but not because he was annoying, - no - it was the way he looked at her. The way he acted around her, the way he talked, the way he looked, it was his very self that rattled her.
Klaus took his time, sipping the hot coffee slowly; the magic and her blood intertwining, and sinking into his body, that feeling lasted a while and he could still feel her inside him - it was ecstatic, but never quite enough. He wondered how long it would take for her to finally let her guard down around him; it didn’t really matter, he had time - plenty of it - and he’d wait however long it took.
“Perfect as ever, Caroline. My tongue is still tingling from your taste.”
“Please refrain from saying misleading things on my place of business.” Caroline almost called him a pervert, but he was still her customer - maybe after hours she would.
The bell rung once again, and she looked up to see two humans walk in, hand in hand, and in love - it was nice. Although most humans that came, did so when sad or upset, it wasn’t rare for a loving couple to find her coffee shop. Maybe it was the shop’s atmosphere, but the man’s eyes suddenly lit up, as if he couldn’t wait any longer and he kneeled on the ground.
“Elena, will you marry me?”
The beautiful, long haired girl in turn seemed surprised, and started crying, falling to the ground in front of her boyfriend - fiancé? - and hugging him tight. “Of course I will Stefan. It took you long enough, I almost asked you to marry me instead.”
They sat down in a far away table, kissing and hugging, as if it was their last day on earth - it was adorable, and maybe slightly annoying. Caroline took their orders, and said they needn’t pay, it was her little gift to their future happiness.
Klaus looked bored through it all, and she couldn’t help but ask, “Not a fan of displays of affection?”
“With you, I would be.” he said, and she wasn’t sure if it was another one of his jokes.
“I’m too smart to be seduced by you, Klaus.” she flirted subconsciously. When she realized what she said, Caroline wanted to hit her past self for slipping out of her work personality. Although Klaus seemed delighted by her slip up, which made her even more embarrassed.
“That’s why I like you.”
Oh no.
Now he was flirting back.
This was not good.
She was enjoying it.
“Sorry, I need to go clean some tables. It’s almost time for closing up, my apologies dear customer.”
One step forward, two steps back, in the same place as before but not quite. She already had him in the palm of her hands, and it was only a matter of time until he had her in his.
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scottstiles · 7 years
i was tagged by @clarz - thank you for this! rules: answer questions given by the person who tagged you, write 11 new questions of your own, tag 11 people. 
i’m gonna tag some people today cuz i worked hard on this and it took a long time...whoops. no pressure XD @wellsjahasghost @tylerstitties @runicscribbles @xproskeith @anomalagous @ginevraslovegood @quicklikelight​  @westhallen @lozenger8 @prudence-halliwell @malecbellarke
omg i’m sorry i just realized it’s really long. this is what happens when you take 2 days to answer a tag game. feel free to skip my answers and head to the new Qs if you want! or neither! love you <3
1. Do you find it frustrating that although you know how certain things “work” (for instance, how a love interest not calling you back automatically increases your interest), you can’t help but being drawn in? Can you give me an example? (For the record, this principle describes the entirety of my complicated one-sided relationship with one Harry Edward Styles.)
Yeeeeah i feel like most things in my life approach that level of frustration tbh. I have very little self control sometimes. I’m covered in a haze of addiction, and my impulse control/temper lives on a volatile little rickety branch in my brain where there’s always a lightning storm in the distance. Okay so what I mean is (and I’m not sure i really understand the question but I’m trying), I find it extremely frustrating that I am always aware of what the outcome will be and yet I constantly put myself in the position to be frustrated and/or disappointed by it. Did I get it? Like, if we’re talkin about celebrity obsessions, or having a crush on someone (which, yeah, I guess I kinda remember what that’s like irl), I suppose I’ve come to terms with that kind of distant admiration thing being divorced from reality- I mean, it’s been a life long struggle, so it doesn’t really get to me as much anymore. Usually. The “fangirl” in me is very, very young, and I don’t really know her anymore. If I’m talking about fighting my impulses or my mental health, or like, leaving earlier so I’m not late and then angry in traffic.... that’s a bit more frustrating. I will never leave early. Why? I don’t fucking know. And it’s the Worst. Idk if that fits with your question but yeah, I know how my behavior affects my mood and I could change it, but I don’t, and I can’t help it.
2. What is the longest book or series of books you’ve ever read? Were you at a loss when you finished? Do you generally like series or prefer stand-alone books?
The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind! I love it so much. Haven’t read it in a long time, but that shit is like over 20 books and he’s still writing.. a legend. I was at a loss several times at the end of certain books that I thought were really gonna be the End, but then he made some like, spin off series a bit. So we’re good. Generally I love a good series, but there are so many stand alone books that I adore so.. I don’t know. Why am I writing so formally? This is tiresome, I’m gonna stop now. Stupid capital letters.
other series i love include everything in the tolkien universe, and of course harry potter, and also the percy jackson books. tolkien is pretty epic, to say the least, and rick riordan is fucking prolific, so hp is like, on the small side in terms of series (tho i did reread the last 2 at least a dozen times, and the audiobooks on many a long drive). also those motherfukcing maze runner books were like... there’s not that many of them, but that one i can definitely say left me at a loss. i’m still not ready to watch the last 2 movies but i hope to one day. for dylan.
3. Ever seen a therapist or gone to a support group? Did it help?
yup. i’ve seen quite a few therapists. i don’t think it’s helped in the long term, and i’m not sure it helped in the short, though there was a time i liked it because i was indulging my self analysis, but that for sure wasn’t helpful. i tried a couple cbt therapists thinking that could be a good way to go, but nothing ever really changed, so it’s hard to tell what’s going wrong- is it the therapy or is it me? idk i just think on the whole it’s got a negative color for me. i still see someone once every few weeks, but it’s a chore. this is really completely against everything i believe about therapy, btw, and i def considered becoming one when i was in university. i do think it’s beneficial, i guess just maybe not to me.
4. What is the longest road trip you’ve ever taken? Did you drive or were you just a passenger? What is your favorite road trip ritual, if you have any (the particular gas station snacks, the car games, the fights over music choices, the rest stops, etc.)?
oh my, well i’ve been on a few road trips in my life, but probably not as many as you americans do. the longest one was probably as a child, when i was about 3 or 4 my parents took us across the states, to the grand canyon (i don’t think we actually got there) in our mustard yellow vw bus. i had to be too small to remember but i definitely do (my dad’s a photographer so the boxes upon boxes of film helps): - sleeping on the ceiling in the bus like on a fucking shelf that stuck out above the driver seats. it was way too cool. - staying in a trailer park and walking over to this little building where there was some scary movie playing that had spinning wheels on fire (i think it was like some 80s horror version of rumpelstiltskin or something). i can literally picture a scene from it, just can’t really describe it. traumatizing. - playing on a beach somewhere (cape cod?) and having something nip at my little toes.
on other trips with friends we’ve shared the driving, but the most recent one from LA to vegas my friend wouldn’t let me touch the rental wheel. he thinks i’m a terrible driver. it was ok tho i got to take pictures instead.
i don’t really have a fave ritual since i don’t do much road “tripping” per se, but since i’ve lived in both toronto and new york i have done a shit ton of driving long distance, and i absolutely love it. my fave thing to do is make sure i have enough show tunes and stand up comedy on the playlist, and even some cds on back up, so i can lose my voice on the drive. usually i have some good ol’ tim horton’s french vanilla and a croissant on the side to keep me going, and if it’s long enough i usually stop somewhere for some french fries and/or a coke to wake up. god i love driving.
5. Which do you find increases more rapidly, your age or your idea of what age is old?
ugh. my age. i don’t feel old but that stupid time nonsense says otherwise. it needs to stop.
6. Do you talk to your animals when no one else is in the room? What do you say to them? Do you talk to animals you see on the street, at zoos, in your yard? How much of a face does an animal have to have to be talk-to-able? (For example, do rodents count? Birds? Fish? Cockroaches? WHERE’S THE LINE)
absolutely. i talk to pretty much fucking everything, animals or otherwise, i don’t care who’s in the room. there is no line. the line does not exist.
7. If they cooked, which dish of your mom’s/dad’s/parental figure is or was your favorite? Which was your least favorite? Do you often cook dishes your parents used to make for you for yourself now, as an adult?
welllllll my parents do cook, but over the years i came to really dislike a lot of my mom’s cooking.. habits, lets say. my dad is great on the bbq, and with all meats, but my mom is usually the organizer and most often the chef. her staples are chicken and brisket, sometimes salmon, in various ways. the problem is i’ve always been a picky eater, and tho my own tastes have branched out, my mom still thinks she needs to cook everything super plain and sometimes it’s kinda gross. like, she’ll make some fancy chicken for everyone else and throw a boneless breast covered in teriyaki sauce in a casserole in the oven for me. it does NOT taste good. but she can make a really great schnitzel, and brisket is hard to do wrong. i don’t make anything for myself the way she does it really, but my eating/cooking habits are all wonky anyway.
8. Do you ever check your voicemail? Do you answer calls from numbers you don’t have programmed into your phone?
i check it if someone left a message, why wouldn’t you? what if it’s an emergency? in fact, my best friend does not. so i guess.. that’s a thing. i for sure do not answer any call that doesn’t show a name that i recognize- even then it’s a stretch. i have to really want/need to talk to you, otherwise it’s gonna be on my terms. my phone and i have a hate-hate relationship.
9. How often do you go to the grocery store? Are you good at it? Do you have any kind of strategy or list prepared beforehand?
i go when i run out of something i wanna eat; my store is right on the corner. i basically just do the curve around the breads/fruits/veggies if i need it, then head to the aisles which i skim from the back where the frozen/refrigerated stuff is, poking in to the aisles i need to grab the shit i’ve run out of. i eat pretty much the same way most of the time so my list is in my head (which is not always a good place, but i try hard. if i forget something i go back for it next time).
10. Do movies frequently make you cry? Do you find you’re more likely to cry in the theater or at home? When people are around or by yourself?
oh hell yes. if they’re good or i’m in a mood. i don’t think it matters much where i am if it’s public or private, the cry will come if the moment is right, and i could give no shits XD
11. Have you ever seen the sun rise? Did you kind of like the weird, slightly chilly liminal space of it, or did you just wish you were still in bed?
yes i have, in so many different contexts. mostly i watch it rise because i stay up That Late most of the time (except this time of year, i haven’t seen it in a good while), wishing my ass was finally in bed going “fuck. there’s the sun again. way to go me.” but i’ve also experienced that first bit. out in the desert after a 16k hike, sweat pouring off my skin and fire burning on the surface, hissing it away. standing on top of an ancient mountain facing the dead sea, limbs aching from climbing it with the sun racing at our backs, trying to get to the top before we missed it rise. ya. sunsets are pretty, too.
so how am i supposed to think of 11 questions?? i hope none of these are from some post i saw one time, i’m gonna try to be original without rambling too much:
1- if you could go back to one major decision you made that impacted the path of your life and change it, would you? what was it? how do you think your life would be different? or don’t answer those second two questions, if you don’t want to.
2- in what direction does your belief lean (like, you don’t have to agree with my description of it, but what fits your image best):
a single/multiple divine power that controls every facet of our existence (or like, any traditional religious worldview), with or without free will?
a harmonious interconnected universal complex that directs matter and energy but is affected by our existence in said universe?
everything is just a series of random events passing through time and everything that happens, everything we do, makes the next thing happen, but it could have happened any other way as well.
do these things make sense? idk try and figure it out.
3- on that topic, what do you think happens when we die? do we go to heaven/hell or some other religious construct? do we have a soul that sticks around? reincarnation? do we just... end, and decompose, and that’s it? what do you really think? are you afraid to find out you were wrong?
4- tell me about a moment in a movie or a show that made you go all tingly inside, like, that really special tingle, and every time you see it you get those feelings again.
5- what’s your go-to method for letting out stress?
6- what are 3 of your favorite words (english or otherwise)? why do you love them? the way they sound? the way they look? what they mean? (i usually would answer this based on sound, kinda like fave color, just a feeling).
7- this isn’t so original but i wanna know- if you could live in any other period of time, in any part of the world, what would it be and why? or would you even? would you if you could choose your station/place in society?
8- is there anything you’ve ever done or ever happened to you that you absolutely never ever could ever tell anyone about? not even your soulmate or someone who would never judge you? if so, does it bother you, or do you have it tucked away in your mind and never think about it?
9- which teen wolf cast member would you get along with best? not who would you like to be in a relationship with, but who do you think you’d have the best relationship with (romantic/platonic/otherwise)? if you don’t think you know any of them well enough... which one would you bone? boooooooooone all night long?
10- do you have a talent/skill that you feel is really underrated or underused by you or others? is there something you’re really proud of but have nobody to brag to about it because nobody you know really cares at all? brag to me.
11- do you think it’s truly possible to be happy if you never have a significant other(s) for the rest of your life? could you ever be?
THAT’S ALL FOLKS. wow i can’t believe i wrote all of that shit and you read it. way to go us. thanks again, clara!
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fezwearingjellybananas · 10 months
17 & 30 for the ao3 wrapped ask game!
- folk melody
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
I think Eobard Thawne actually has to be up there? He's a massive wanker and I want to punch him in the face so much but it's kind of fun to write him all "oh look at what you made me do Barry all my evil things are your fault because you betrayed me so badly and everything is all your fault always" meanwhile Barry just gave Wally a hug in front of him one time because he loves his nephew so much and Eobard is a petty jealous bastard who wouldn't let that go. He's a manipulative liar but there's a reason we keep going back to him as a villain, right?
Also I wrote a couple of fics this year (comics verse) with a child Wally with Barry and Iris, I enjoyed them too.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
Unrequited and Nightmares. They were completely unplanned fics but @ftl-faster-than-life was posting about Eobard and Eobarry and fics appeared.
Actually my other surprise of the year Once Upon a Timeline also features one-sided Eobard has feelings for Barry (there's something about the whole what if someone was in love with you and you could never feel that way back that appeals to the aromantic in me. Or maybe I just like having the villain is motivated by love/obsession rather than another the villain is evil because they can't love. Or I just really liked Joshua Williamson's Flash run. That one's definitely right, I did enjoy Joshua Williamson's Flash run). Once Upon a Timeline is a Westhallen fic, canon divergent of series 1 of the Flash, which filled some of the Writer's Month prompts. I had planned on skipping Writer's Month this year to just write Gone in a Flash but I have a little soft spot for as part of Thallen/Westhallen how much Barry dating Eddie would ruin Eobard's day, and the idea was born of how do I make this even worse for Eobard. So that was fun
Thank you!
[AO3 wrapped asks]
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purpleyin · 3 years
2020 Fic Writer’s Year In Review
So 2020 in review because I like doing stats, there’s something comforting about working them out for me. Even if 2020 was not all that good a writing year.
I actually started writing this post in February but I stalled at the whole favourite lines part because I like to link to the fics and so it sat in my drafts for aaaaagggges and I’m finally getting to it again in May!
For anyone who got tagged in this post and is wondering why, that’d be because there’s a section way way down in the post for ‘Writers You Should Read’ where I am reccing you. :)
Word count written: 90,283/104,000
Word count for posted stories: 63,662/156,000     
Number of fics: 34  - I included fics/fic chapters and ficlets I do with moodboards if they were about more than 100 words
(I also made 5 fanmixes + 1 fanvid)
Fandoms written for (for posted works): The Flash, BBC Sherlock, Legends of Tomorrow, Stargate Atlantis, HP Series, Uncharted
(for the vid - Mass Effect: Andromeda + Game of Thrones for 1 fanmix)
Shortest Story: If I only count fics that have dialogue that’d be the snippet of Killergold Jurassic Park AU I did for Femslash February, at about 300 words.    
Longest Story: “A Matter of Time” my angsty/whump Hartmon timeloop fic I did for the Hartmonfest exchange, that’s about 8.5k words.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted? 
So I did decently by my writing goal, 90k out of 104k, even though that wasn’t much compared to the previous year. I thought I’d done less, because I didn’t feel very productive, but I guess half my problem was writing things that didn’t get finished. I was hoping to finish more WIPs in general from prior years too and so get more posted than I written but I didn’t really manage that, oh well. I have 35 new WIPs awaiting finished from 2020. No clue if that’s better or worse than last year, may need to start keeping track of them somehow.  
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write most? The Flash was my most written for fandom to no surprise. Most written pairing was Savisnow but Hartmon almost beat it out in 2020, very close with both at around 17k words each. Genrewise it was largely angst and whump as usual.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
For pairings - I would have to say either McKay/Sheppard/Weir or Coldvibe.
McKay/Sheppard/Weir I didn’t expect because it’s such an old fandom and I was only into it in passing. Somehow I had a resurgence of squee for the fandom and a moodboard plot bunny that demanded to be more so ended up a ficlet. It was more not!fic than proper fic but I unexpectedly enjoyed making it.
Coldvibe was another I didn’t expect to write anything for. Moodboards, yes, and I did a fair few but actually writing a snippet with dialogue in it to go with my Elseworlds AU I wouldn’t have predicted at the start of the year I don’t think.
Genre - I definitely had a higher than usual fluff % though, it’s becoming easier to write with practice I suppose. I never expect fluff! I certainly also didn’t expect to write 2 quarantine/lockdown fics...
Fandom - unexpected was Game of Thrones. Because what I made was for Braime, which I love but I’ve otherwise only lurked in that fandom.  I did a fanmix and a moodboard with short blurb and that was more than I thought I’d ever do.
Did you take any writing risks this year?
I branched out into several pairings I’d not written full fics for before (Snowest, Westhallen) and I started posting my Savisnow multichapter even though it’s WIP slow posting and hardly going to be popular because it’s niche.
But probably the riskiest fics felt like ones that I wrote where I was worried what if I got wrong somehow (like my Iris with mirror powers oneshot or Hartmon ASL day fic) or that were very heavy emotionally like my Hartmon quarantine fic.
Do you have any fanfic or general writing goals for the new year?
Finish more already started fics! Literally that is the main goal this year. Start less stuff, finish more old stuff. I need to be more disciplined. I may not always feel like writing a certain thing but with so many WIPs there should be something I want to make progress on surely no matter my mood.
I also still have 4 bingocards to do - Bad Things Happen, DCTVGen, Hartmon (overdue but eh, if I post stuff it’s still good to do) and WIPbingo now.
From the past year of writing, what was your...
Best story of this year: I think my Westhallen ‘it’s the little things’.
Most popular story of this year (by kudos): This is hard to say when the top fic is “Why Should I Trust You” that is multichaptered and cross year so I can’t tell how many kudos it got last year specifically...it has 166 total. Otherwise, for new fics in 2020 it was ‘with one’s own hand’ a Hartmon fic with 44 kudos.
Personal favorite: It’s so niche but my Savisnow Valentine’s fic is my fave.
My favourite fic to write: The 2nd chapter of One Way Or Another. It was also tough to write but the not quite Frost!Caitlin back and forth with Savitar was strangely satisfying to write out. Also I cackle at the end of chapter angst.
Most fun to write: Definitely my Coldwestallen fluff/teasing heatwave ficlet.
Story with the single sexiest moment: Alas I wrote none this year on my main account and only 1 on my secondary PWP account so there’s no true competition there.
Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story: Honestly can’t think of one, wasn’t really a darkfic kinda year. The few Savibarry things I created (a fanmix and 2 moodboards including a short ficlet) are probably the most likely to fall under that category for the pairing alone.
Most challenging to write: The Hartmon timeloop fic, because the plot needed to be good enough and getting pacing right was hard too.
Funniest fic: I don’t do funny much but I’d say the heatwave ficlet again.
Fluffiest fic: My Westallen coffee shop AU probably? Or the Westhallen fic.
Saddest fic: This one is hard to judge. I suspect One Way Or Another is overall saddest, because Savitar, but the Iris has powers one is fairly sad too given her inevitable trauma from being in the Mirrorverse. My Uncharted fic ‘Slip of the tongue’ is also post-breakup so quite morose/regretful.
Fic I’m proudest of writing: Probably the Hartmon quarantine fic, ‘Between Hope And Fear’ because it was a hard subject to deal with for me emotionally at the time. It was cathartic to write but then it looks like from the response that it resonated with several people so I was glad to have been able to write it.
Least popular fic: Going by kudos or hits, my Uncharted fic with only 4/35 but it is a tiny/kinda dead fandom. My Iris fic also was next least popular with only 9 kudos & 52 hits - I’ve only written for her a handful of times as I get a little nervous about if I can write her well enough and I never know if some Iris fans might avoid me due to ship wars.
Biggest disappointment: I wasn’t disappointed in anything I posted but I was least confident about my Snowest fic, ‘Love isn’t a science’.
General writing reflections: I should try and do more variety. Experiment more. Let myself write more shortform stuff again. I get a lot of grand ideas but I need to accept not everything can be long fic. It’d be nice to have some stuff somewhere between longfic and moodboard blurbs as those seems my current two extremes 90% of the time. I should probably worry less about fact checking canon stuff and handwave things more.
Writers You Should Read: My answer wasn’t initially gonna be much different than last year and I’d generally say check out my bookmarks on AO3.
But then I thought more and realised there’s definitely some other writers I found in 2020 and a few others I want to mention.
@voldiebuns has lots of great short fics I enjoyed a lot when I hadn’t many spoons to read fic.
@violetteatime writes great Hartmon.
@astrid-goes-for-a-spin I really enjoyed their Iris and Westallen fics.
@dance-is-life27 has some lovely Snowestallen.
@finalfantasyx writes very thoughtful Snowbarry that is also Iris-friendly.
Check out @tygermine if you want humourous/fluffy Dramione and she also has a lot of Merlin fics.
@jessequicksters is a great writer and got me reading some Flash pairings I’d not considered before.
@secondratevillain has a lot of fab Rogues fics.
@joanthangroff for great DCTV gen in particular. 
@letmetellyouaboutmyfeels who has such great Timeless fics, especially for Garcyatt, but also has started writing great Witcher fics too.
Favorite character to write: I think this year that’d be Hartley, but Savitar is still up there for the same odd reasons as before.
Favorite opening lines:
I don’t think I have any favourites for this.
Favorite closing lines:
A break that created something else, each shard a possibility, a new path to see herself another way.
- from After Image (Iris, The Flash)
Because words are her thing and all Rodney really needs to understand is he doesn’t have to be perfect, he can just be, the same as John is with her. That’s all they really need.
- from my McKay/Shep/Weir College professors AU ficlet (SGA)
It’s her turn to blush then, and that brings out a smile from Barry that makes all his previous smiles seem dull in comparison.
- from my Westallen Coffeshop AU (Barry/Iris, The Flash)
Other favorite lines:
'I can do that' and 'We ought to be able to manage it' and so many variations of those have been uttered by him over the years. All permutations on the theme of him not exactly promising to borrow/beg/steal an object for the client themselves per se. 'I could do that for you', with the words 'I won't' left off.
{...]he blames Elena for her moralizing him – changing his perception from shades of grey to a stronger contrast.
- from Slip of the Tongue (Nate, Uncharted)
there's nowhere to go. Except there's that tug inside her, like a whisper of gravity, that says, there's here.
- from After Image (Iris, The Flash)
Hunter, who turned out to be less bring-home-to-your-mom material and more of a wants-to-take-you-home-in-the-trunk-of-his-car kinda guy.
- from my Snowbarry Little Shop of Horrors AU (Barry/Caitlin, The Flash)
But it makes Cisco swallow hard because that isn’t the Piper outfit he’s most recently seen Hartley in. This is the outfit he made for Hartley, erased from existence like every other part of their friendship.
- from my Hartmon Alice in Wonderland Fusion (Cisco/Hartley, The Flash)
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