#and they even offer you movies in plane mode
i forgot to post this BUT TURKISH AIRLINES you have my heart both on your service and food
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
Computer q. For otherwise identical monitors, is a 4000:1 contrast ratio noticeably better from 1000:1? I don't mean for fancy art but like if I'm watching a movie, could I see the difference in a dark scene? I looked into oled's, but those are expensive and I think the way I use my stuff would cause burn in.
I hope you don't mind, but I got carried away and answered pretty much every computer monitor question anyone has ever had. And since this turned into a whole thing, I thought I'd share it for everyone to benefit.
For a computer monitor I would say the most important aspect is actually the viewing angle. This is how far off-axis you can look at the monitor before the image degrades.
We sit very close to our displays and at that distance, even a change in height in your chair can affect the image. Move a little bit left or right and a cheap display could completely wash out and look terrible. And if you get a display that is 27" or above, even if you sit dead center, the edges of the screen will appear dark and washed out with a bad viewing angle.
The two best display technologies to get a good viewing angle are IPS (in-plane switching) and OLED. If you are interested in a display without these technologies, be sure it has a decent viewing angle. You can read more about viewing angles here and here.
IPS has very little concern for burn-in, but it is still a concern with OLED. In recent years OLED has greatly improved and image retention and burn-in can be avoided with regular maintenance. Displays will have pixel shift features and noise modes that work out all the pixels evenly. You can run these features every once in a while to prevent burn-in. You can also play special anti-burn-in videos on YouTube (full screen) to exercise the pixels to uniformity.
So if you don't mind the hassle, you can manage an OLED with low risk.
That said, OLED was almost exclusively for TVs and has only recently been introduced for computer displays. The current options are quite large and fairly expensive, as you alluded to. So if you are trying to stay within a budget, it might be best to seek out an IPS display.
Another consideration is resolution. Everyone is obsessed with everything being 4K now. But I think increasing the resolution brings diminishing returns with regard to increased detail you can actually notice. So if you don't mind going with a 1440p monitor (about 2.5K), you can save some money on resolution and get higher quality in more noticeable areas. Personally, I feel 1440p gives you a nice, noticeable bump in detail over 1080p. Whereas going from 1440p to 4K (2160p) is less noticeable unless you have very good vision.
Another benefit to 1440p is that video games are much easier to run on high quality settings with a reasonable GPU. And you can use technologies like super sampling (Nvidia calls this DLSS) to increase the detail you may lose from not going 4K.
The only concern I'd have with not going 4K is if you edit 4K video. It will be difficult to do a pixel level analysis of your footage otherwise. But other than that, you can still watch 4K content on a 1440p monitor and because it is being downsampled, you will still notice a nice bump in detail.
So if you don't have a reason to get a 4K display, I think 1440p is worth considering.
The next concern would be color. Or color gamut. This is how many colors the display can accurately reproduce. If you don't do any art or video color grading, you'll at least want something that does 95 to 100% of sRGB. That is the color space the entire internet uses. And if you are going to be watching HDR movies, you might want a display with a decent percentage of the P3 color space as well. Doesn't need to be 100%, but the higher the better. And for those who do art, a good percentage of Adobe RGB is recommended.
Also, many manufacturers offer displays that come pre-calibrated from the factory. If color accuracy is important, I would seek out one of these displays with a Delta E rating of 3 or less (lower is better).
A newer factor in displays is peak brightness. This is measured in "nits." In standard dynamic range (SDR), video only needed to reach 100 nits. Most HDR content is mastered to reach 1000 nits. In the future, that number will be 4000. And if micro LED technology ever becomes affordable, we may go up to 10,000 nits. But almost everything is around 1000 at the moment, so that is a good number to shoot for.
HOWEVER, because HDR is tone mapped (the brightness of your display is factored in and the content is adjusted accordingly), you can still get some benefits of HDR, even if you cannot do the full 1000 nits.
All monitors can do 100 nits for SDR content. But with more things being displayed in HDR, having more nits will give you a better experience. This does not mean your display will blind you. Usually bright stuff only takes up a small portion of the screen. But having more nits allows highlights to really pop and feel immersive. A lightsaber might actually feel hot and dangerous on a bright enough screen.
Computer displays are often rated as HDR400 or HDR600 or HDR1000 based on their nits. The HDR400 isn't great for HDR content. If you can do 600 or above within your budget, you'll get a better experience. If you are going to watch movies, this may be a feature you prioritize.
I know you mentioned contrast ratio, but I'm afraid that is a little complicated to answer. It can depend on other aspects of the monitor and the viewing environment. So I'll try to give you the info you need to figure out if the display you select will suit your needs.
Manufacturers can use tricks to fudge their contrast ratio in product descriptions, so it is best to go to an independent review website like RTINGS to see what they measured. (They do good TV and monitor reviews too.) You'll see that OLED displays are said to have "infinite" contrast ratio, due to being able to turn off pixels completely. Which means it is probably time to move to a new metric because that gives very little info on the dynamic range of the display (the difference between the darkest and brightest thing it can show).
You definitely want a decent contrast ratio for your display, but this can be subjective. If you have a nice bright screen, your brain may feel the contrast is fantastic, even if the actual darkest black point of the monitor isn't great. If something is really bright, then dark things will *seem* darker by comparison. And if you are viewing in a dark environment, the contrast will look even better. So this is where seeking out a professional reviewer's experience of the monitor can be helpful. One monitor's 4000:1 ratio might be a different experience than another with the same measurement.
Because TVs are generally larger and can have more backlighting zones, they can get decent black levels without OLED. But smaller computer displays have more difficulty in reasonable price ranges. So manage your black level expectations if you go with an affordable IPS display. They can get bright, but they aren't great at blacks like OLED. I'm afraid that is just a limitation of the tech. In fact, getting a brighter display might be preferable to a better contrast ratio. And it will be easier to see if you are in a bright environment.
Most IPS displays are going to be between 1000:1 and 5000:1 and while it does make a difference, if you sit it next to an old plasma or an OLED, you're going to be disappointed. So I would not make contrast ratio a super high priority with IPS, because non-OLED computer displays just aren't going to give you inky blacks. I would say 2000:1 or better is going to give you a decent experience. But, again, I would seek out reviews rather than trust the official product specs when it comes to the quality of the blacks.
And one final consideration you may want to factor in is the refresh rate. This is mostly for gaming. Most displays will give you at least 60 Hz or 60 "refreshes" per second. Gamers tend to like 120 Hz or higher. This won't affect movie watching very much as nearly everything except Gemini Man is 24 fps.
TLDR overview...
Get an IPS or OLED display for a good viewing angle. I personally feel this is the most important feature.
Choose a resolution. 1440p can allow you to increase quality in other areas to maximize your budget. Only get 4K if you have a legit reason or you have fighter pilot vision.
Color gamut or number of colors. Try to get 100% of sRGB for web content, 90% or above of Adobe RGB for art/photography, and 90% or above of P3 for HDR movies and video editing.
If color accuracy is important, look for pre-calibrated displays that have a Delta E of 3 or less. (Lower is better)
HDR brightness. If you want to experience good HDR, you'll want the brightest screen possible (measured in nits). HDR600 or HDR1000 are great. If you don't care about HDR, then don't worry about the rating.
Contrast ratio and black levels. It's going to be meh on pretty much anything but OLED. 2000:1 or better is a good goal to shoot for, but be sure to check independent reviews for the subjective experience of the black levels. Dark viewing environments help too.
Refresh rate. 60 Hz is fine for most things. Gamers prefer 120 Hz or faster. And if you are a competitive gamer, you may want to seek out more info on "variable refresh rate" and "pixel response time."
Pick the variables above that seem most important to you and then seek out a display that does those things decently within your budget.
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formulauno98 · 1 year
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Once Upon a Time in France | Chapter Eight
You finally had some time alone with your beau but things were almost too perfect, it was inevitable that they were going to unravel.
Word Count: 11.1k
Warnings: This chapter is spicy spice. Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it guys and girls) 🌶
Author’s Notes: Disclaimer, purely fiction, no-one is married in this alt-universe. Sorry for the incredibly long hiatus, Chapter 9 will be up asap.
Flying Easyjet from London Luton to Nice reminded you exactly how lucky you were to have the luxury of frequently flying privately. Although a short flight, you found yourself squeezed between two businessmen, each off-putting for their own reasons and you found yourself counting down the minutes until landing. The man to the left of you, who had the honour of having the window seat, was watching a movie on his iPad. No big deal you would think, except for the fact that he was watching it on speaker mode and it had some dubious bedroom scenes. To your right, on the aisle seat, was another suited and booted older man. On spotting you were his seat neighbour he’d proceeded to try and chat you up, not taking the hint that you weren’t in the slightest bit interested.
Glancing at your watch you saw there were only twenty minutes left, the crew would be preparing for landing any minute now. Toto had offered to collect you from the airport and you were looking forward to spending some real time with him, away from the race track and more importantly, away from prying eyes.
– – –
The plane having landed on time, you made it through security in record timing and had even had the luxury of your luggage coming out of the carousel first. As you made your way into Arrivals you were suddenly nervous, you were going to spend a week alone with Toto. Although you worked together and were constantly stealing moments, you hadn’t spent an extended amount of time with just the two of you and you hoped that things would not be awkward.
Making your way through the throng of people standing waiting outside customs you spotted Toto in a flash, his imposing height always a dead giveaway. He flashed a charming grin as you approached him, bending down to plant a chaste kiss on your cheek.
“How was the flight?” he asked, as he took your large suitcase and large Longchamp tote off of your hands, “Jessas Maria, what do you have in this, bricks?”
Laughing you replied, “Make-up, shampoo, the essentials. And it was okay thanks, I hope you weren’t waiting long.”
Toto shook his head, “You and your essentials. Not at all, I’ve only been here a few minutes, it was perfect timing. I parked just outside, do you want to go?”
Following Toto as he started to make a move you couldn’t stop smiling. It was kind of him to come and collect you from the airport as it was always a hassle, no matter where you were in the world.
“Excuse me, Toto?” a voice called out from your right-hand side. It was the sleazy man from the plane.
Toto whipped his head around, “Hi, can I help you?”
“Well, I just wanted to say I’m a big fan. Could I please take a photo?” the man got closer, “I was sitting next to your wife on the plane.” He grinned at you hopefully.
“My wife?” said Toto, raising an eyebrow, “Y/N is my colleague.”
The man’s face reddened, “Oh, I see. I’m sorry, I saw you kiss her so thought you were married…” he proceeded to turn to you “You didn’t seem interested on the plane so I put two and two together.”
“It’s an easy mistake to make.” you smiled politely, not wanting to embarrass Toto, always mindful that one bad fan encounter could end up flashed across the news.
“I’m so sorry to interrupt your day,” he replied, taking out his phone and standing next to Toto, still hopeful for a selfie. Laden down with your baggage Toto stood there awkwardly as the man struggled to fit him in frame.
“Could you possibly take the photo for me?” he asked you.
“Of course,” you said, again with a neutral smile.
You took a few, trying to make sure your tote bag was out of frame just in case anyone from the team were to see and handed the phone back.
“Amazing, thank you so much,” the man said.
“You’re welcome, nice to meet you,” said Toto with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes, sending the man off on his merry way.
As you crossed the street to the car park you turned to Toto. “He was such a creep on the plane, he kept asking for my number.”
Toto grimaced, “I could tell, he was staring at you. His eyes lit up when I said you weren’t my wife.”
“Odd,” you said as you followed Toto towards his car, a surprisingly nondescript GLC, Toto looked troubled. “Y/N.”
“Yes,” you replied, curious about what he was about to ask.
“Does that always happen to you?”
“Men hitting on you?”
“Just curious,” he said, setting your bag down on top of your suitcase as he unlocked the car.
You couldn’t help but smile as you clocked that it wasn’t any old GLC, but a top-of-the-range AMG line one. Of course, Toto would choose that.
“This is nice, where have you been hiding this?” You said as you settled into the luxurious quilted leather passenger seat.
“It’s actually not mine, they are letting me try it for the weekend,” Toto said looking shifty as he slid into the driver's seat beside you.
“Trying to impress me with a rental Mr Wolff?” You laughed, grabbing his hand playfully.
“Is it working?” He replied with a smirk, reaching across to caress your face lightly, “I’ve missed you Y/N.”
“I’ve missed you too.” You said fondly, turning towards him for a sneaky kiss, aware that although you were not at work, you were very much out in the open in the airport car park.
A classic man, Toto was not on the same wavelength about discretion and passionately cupped your face, drawing you in for a deeper kiss before breaking apart and adding breathily, “I’ve missed this.”
Blushing, you replied, “Me too. It was a long week without you.”
“Tell me about it,” said Toto, squeezing your knee gently before turning back towards the steering wheel “Shall we make a move?”
“Sounds good to me,” you said with a smile. You were finally alone with Toto, mostly away from prying eyes and able to gauge what to make of this budding relationship.
– – –
As you sped along the coastal road towards Monaco you glanced out of the window at the sparkling blue sea below. You flew through the sleepy fishing port of Villefranche-sur-Mer, the hillside retreat of Eze and the luxurious town of Cap d’Ail in record timing, listening to the dulcet tones of French radio and Toto’s local tour guide titbits along the way.
The reason why you had this time in Monaco was to oversee another Drive to Survive shoot with Toto. The production crew wanted to spend time with him in his hometown, away from the hustle and bustle of a race weekend. You’d told Sophie to tell the company travel agent that you were staying with a friend in Monaco, which wasn’t too far from the truth.
As you started the ascent into Monaco, through the winding network of underground tunnels you couldn’t help but let your mind wander back to the first time you’d come here. It was your third race with the team and your first sponsor dinner and had been the beginning of the end when it came to your feelings for Toto. As soon as you set eyes on him, waiting in your hotel lobby, dressed up for the evening, you were instantly smitten.
It wasn’t long before you reached an imposing apartment building overlooking the wide expanse of beach. Toto slowed down, indicating to turn down what looked like a dead end.
“Is this going to be some kind of supervillain lair?” you said with a laugh.
Smirking, Toto reached for his key fob and pushed a button, “Perhaps…” 
Your eyes lit up as what looked like a wall opened up to reveal a neat underground parking garage. “Okay, you were not playing.”
“Of course not,” Toto said with a smile, driving into the gap that had just appeared as if by magic. 
“So this is where you live huh?” you said curiously, eyeing up the impressive row of cars parked in the garage.
“Yes, I live in this car park,” said Toto with a deadpan face.
“Very funny,” you said.
Toto smiled before frowning slightly, his brow furrowing, “However, I would like to forewarn you, I have not done much with the place. It came furnished so I didn’t see the point of spending more money on furniture I barely use.”
Surprised by Toto’s admission you smiled, “I’m sure it’s beautiful, and I’m here to see you, not judge you on your interior design skills. That will be my next visit.”
Toto laughed as he parked the car effortlessly, pulling up in between two cars that were hidden under fabric covers yet suspiciously sports car shaped. “Okay, well I hope you will visit again after this one.”
‘Let’s see.” you said, waggling your eyebrow at Toto before hopping out of the now stationary car.
“You are awful sometimes,” he said, rushing around to open the boot and retrieve your luggage.
“Thank you, Toto,” you said, smiling up at your tall beau as he set your suitcase gently down on the concrete floor.
Just as you made to grab the handle, he batted your hand away, “Let me take it, it’s heavy.”
“Are you sure?” you asked, knowing full well he would not allow you to carry your own luggage.
Your response was met with a raised eyebrow as Toto closed the boot, scooped up your tote and rolled your suitcase towards a small door to the left of where you were parked.
Crossing into a compact but luxe lift lobby Toto pressed his key fob to a panel and the lift pinged. 
“Let me guess, this is your own private lift?” you said, following him into the small space.
“Well it’s convenient,” he said sheepishly.
“Okay Mr Bigshot,” you said with a smile. It was easy to forget just how wealthy Toto was at times. 
Now his turn to blush, Toto added, “I hope you don’t find it ostentatious. I bought it for the view.”
Just as you were about to ask what the view was, your question was answered. The lift door opened to reveal a spacious living area, furnished very tastefully in cream and blue, a nod to the nautical location. The back wall of the room was entirely glass, opening out onto a sweeping balcony with a panoramic view of the sea.
“Well, I can see why!” You exclaimed, taking a step into the living area, “It’s beautiful Toto.”
Looking relieved, Toto followed you out of the lift, placing his hand on the small of your back, “It’s not bad. Let me show you around. I want you to feel at home here.”
You smiled, “I’m sure that will be a struggle.”
– – –
Toto proceeded to show you around his surprisingly spacious bachelor pad. There was another sitting area to the side of the one the lift had brought you into, cosier with a large TV and an L-shaped sofa decked out with blankets and pillows, perfect for a movie night. He had a small but well-stocked kitchen diner with a large marble island in the middle that looked out onto the sea, and more glass walls that opened out onto an outdoor barbecue area. 
There was also a formal dining room, a very impressive corner office with yet more glass and two ensuite guest bedrooms for his children. Just as you were starting to wonder where Toto’s bedroom was, your question was answered as he took you up a small set of stairs to a second floor. This wasn’t just any apartment, this was a duplex.
Toto’s bedroom had the best view of all, perched higher than the other rooms, you could see the entire expanse of the bay, from Monte Carlo to Roquebrune Cap Martin. His bed was simple but cloud-like, with white-striped hotel-esque sheets and fluffy pillows. And best of all, he had a large bathtub at one end, ideally placed to soak and enjoy the view.
“Toto, your place is insane.” You said as he opened up a set of doors to reveal another small terrace, this time furnished with two daybeds and a telescope.
“Thank you… I think.” He said, “As I said, it needs a woman’s touch, it came with all of this furniture and I didn’t change much.”
You laughed, “Honestly, I wouldn’t have changed anything, whoever designed it had excellent taste.”
“Well I’m glad you like it, I’d like to spend more time here with you.” He said, wrapping his arm around your waist, “Do you want to grab a bite to eat? Or we can have something simple and eat in?”
Tired from your flight you were glad he was open to staying in, “Maybe tonight we stay in and then I’ll be fresh for tomorrow?”
“Sounds good to me,” said Toto, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “I have everything we’d need for a charcuterie board, or I can cook a steak frites?”
“Ooh, you’re so fancy with your charcuterie boards…” you laughed, cuddling up to the tall Austrian, “I’m happy with either, I’m intrigued actually by the charcuterie board.”
“Intrigued? It’s ham and cheese with some grapes.” He replied with a laugh, “I have baguette too.”
“Are you propositioning me?” You laugh.
“Maybe, would you like that?” He said, with a growl, grabbing your ass cheek as you made your way down the stairs towards the kitchen.
“I wouldn’t mind.” You said, turning to face him.
“Well, it would be rude not to then.” He said and in one deft movement, picked you up, carried you all the way to the kitchen, placing your legs akimbo on the kitchen island.
For once the height difference worked, with Toto barely having to bend down to meet your lips with his, feverishly running his hands up and down your thighs and beyond.
Deepening the kiss, you ran your hands up and down Toto’s back, bringing him closer to you, wrapping your legs around his waist and feeling him growing increasingly harder.
Breaking the kiss and coming up for air, you caressed Toto’s cheek lightly, “Will you fuck me right here?”
Toto’s eyes narrowed with lust, wordlessly answering you as he unbuckled his chinos, pushed your panties to one side and pushed his cock into you mercilessly.
“Fuck!” You exclaimed, still not fully used to his impressive size.
Toto’s demeanour switched instantly, his eyes transforming from lust to concern as he stilled inside you, “Fuck, I’m sorry, I got carried away.”
“Oh my gosh, don’t be silly, you’re just big!” You said, meeting him once more for a kiss.
“Well please tell me if it hurts and I’ll stop,” he said, his brown eyes crinkled with kindness.
“Deal.” You said, kissing him once more before adding, “But please for God’s sake move.”
“If you’re sure?” He said, raising an eyebrow as he gently pulled out and pushed back in, “Is this okay?”
“Now that is perfect.” You said, “Keep doing that.”
Toto continued to thrust into you, first of all with slow, shallow strokes, before switching up to a more rapid pace of deep and forceful fucking.
“Fuck, Toto, keep doing that and I’m almost there.” You exclaimed after one particularly head-spinning thrust. 
“Mmm.” He said as he grabbed your breast in one hand and reached down with the other to draw circles on your clit, continuing to pump in and out.
“Fuck, Toto.” was all you managed to get out as he took you almost to the brink. It wasn’t long before you were seeing stars, and experiencing one of the most intense orgasms of your life. As you came around his cock, Toto slowed down, mindful that once again you were being reckless and fucking without protection.
“Come on, I want you to cum too.” You said, mindful that he was near.
“But we need to be careful Y/N. I’m not as young as I was and I worry I can’t pull out in time.” Toto said, stilling inside you, coming to his senses.
“Well then, maybe you can cum somewhere else.” You said with a mischievous glint in your eye.
“Oh really?” Toto said, still containing to lazily thrust in and out.
Shifting back, you pulled away from Toto, letting his cock fall out of you. Hopping down from the counter, you turned him around so that his back was now facing the counter, bending to take him in your mouth.
“Mmm,” you said as you struggled to fit it all in, gripping the base with one hand as you ran your tongue up and down.
“Hang on, do you want to move? This can’t be comfortable for you.” Said Toto, ever the worrier.
“Maybe to the couch?” You suggested as you came up for air and eyed up the white linen sofa in the corner of the kitchen.
“Perfect.” Said Toto, once again scooping you up in his arms and carrying you across the room. This time, however, he took a seat on the sofa, allowing you to perch on your knees in front of him.
“Mmm,” you said as you took his cock once again in your mouth, “This is much better.”
Toto groaned as you continued sucking and swirling and caressing his balls with one hand as you bobbed up and down.
“Fuck, Y/N, I’m so close.” Exclaimed Toto, “Fuck, I’m going to cum!”
He was clearly trying to be a gentleman and pull out but you were determined to swallow so you doubled down with your tongue, hoping he would let loose. Sure enough, he pumped into your mouth, leaving you gagging slightly.
“Fuck, I’m sorry, that was a lot,” he said, rubbing his forehead as if he was back on planet Earth.
Wiping your mouth, you made your way back up onto the sofa, draping yourself across his chest as he tucked his cock back into his chinos.
“Don’t be silly, I wanted to do it.” you said, “Although we are both way too clothed for my liking.”
“But isn’t that half of the fun?” said Toto with a smirk. “Now when I look at my island I’ll think of you.”
You laughed, “Damn, why did we not do that at mine so I can do the same?”
“Well you can think of me when you use your closet.” replied Toto, getting up to move, “Now, I know you’ve just eaten but let’s get some food.”
“Jesus, what a line boss.” you said, rolling your eyes at him, following suit and getting up from the sofa “As long as I can have the other baguette you promised?”
Following on from your racy kitchen island encounter, you’d had your charcuterie board (which didn’t disappoint), unpacked your suitcase into Toto’s half-empty closet, watched a movie (Fast and Furious of course,) and then spent the night cuddled up to Toto in his supremely comfortable bed. 
Waking up to the spectacular view you couldn’t believe that he so frequently chose to spend time in Oxfordshire over here.
“Toto, can I ask you something?” you said as you felt him stir beside you.
“Hmmm five minutes,” he said sleepily, turning the pillow back over his head.
You shook your head, still surprised by how much of a sleepyhead the seemingly regimented Team Principal secretly was. Trying your best not to wake him, you snuck out of bed, grabbing your trusty waffle bathrobe and padded down to the kitchen to make a cup of tea.
You’d barely been in there five minutes when a boxer-clad Toto emerged down the stairs, his hair rumpled with sleep and eyes screwed up as if he was barely awake.
“Morning, sleepyhead.” you said, “Do you want a tea or coffee?”
“Morning beautiful,” he said, making his way over to you to kiss you, “I’ll make a coffee don’t worry. I have some breakfast things too if you want.”
“Ah no worries, I’m happy with tea for now,” you said, cosying up to him before breaking free to pour your tea.
“Are you sure?” he said, as he busied himself making a coffee.
“Yeah, I’m not a big breakfast eater.”
“Hold on, I make you eat breakfast all the time, even in Austria,” he said, looking slightly horrified. “Are you just being polite?”
“No, I like it, I just never have time so have got used to not eating it. It’s a treat when we have our breakfast meetings,” you said, hoping to appease him.
“I’m not sure if I would call Austria a breakfast meeting,” he said with a smirk.
“Well, I can’t say I do those kinds of meetings with anybody else,” you replied, settling onto the stool at the kitchen island.
“Me neither,” Toto replied, as he poured his coffee.
“You know the team are onto you though,” you said, deciding now was the time to broach what Olivia had brought up in the motorhome in Austria.
“What do you mean?” said Toto, his head whipping around, now fully awake.
“Olivia overheard you telling Lewis about a new lady friend.”
Toto looked blindsided, “What did she overhear?”
Smiling, you decided to tell half the truth, “Just that you were seeing someone. I’m hoping you were talking about me, otherwise, this is hella awkward.”
Realisation dawned on Toto, “Oh, Lewis was asking me the other day. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have told him anything but he noticed I seemed happier and asked me outright if I had a new girlfriend.”
“Well I do feel guilty that George knows and he doesn’t.” you said, “I still wish Lara didn’t but I guess these things happen.”
Toto looked deep in thought, “Lewis doesn’t know it’s you. I just told him I’d met someone. I wouldn’t jeopardise your position in the team like that.”
“No no, don’t worry about it, Toto. I think it wasn’t ideal that Olivia overheard but again, these things can’t be helped,” you said, reaching over to squeeze Toto’s hand as he sat down beside you at the kitchen island.
“Indeed, but the rest of the team have noticed?” Toto said, looking deep in thought as he sipped his coffee.
“Oh don’t worry, they were all tipsy after Austria and speculating.” you paused, deciding whether or not it was a good idea for you to tell Toto about what Lara had said but decided ultimately it was not worth it, “It was nothing serious.”
“Ok, I trust your judgement on this. Just let me know if anything does get tricky,” he said reassuringly.
– – –
Having spent the morning working from one of Toto’s spare rooms and trying your best to avoid any video calls with anyone who would clock where you were, lunchtime had crept up. Toto had promised to take you to one of his favourite casual eateries if you both had time and thankfully it was looking likely that you would.
You were composing one last email when Toto came looking for you, having been working himself in his office.
“I hope you’re not working too hard,” he said as he stood behind you, rubbing your shoulders.
“You say that, but if I sacked off work, you’d notice,” you said, typing your sign-off and pressing send.
“That’s true, and that’s why you're my favourite Director of Communications,” he replied with a smirk.
“I’m the only Director of Communications,” you said, rolling your eyes and standing up to face Toto, “Do you want to go and grab some lunch?”
“For sure, we can go to the pizza place I know if you’d like?” said Toto, placing his hands on your waist, swaying your hips slightly.
“Sounds good to me, although you’re being very distracting,” you said, leaning into his broad chest.
“Good, that’s what I wanted to do, distract you from work,” he said, leaning down to kiss you.
“You are a terrible boss.” you said, kissing him back with enthusiasm, “And if you don’t stop distracting me, we’re never going to leave this room, let alone your house.”
“That’s true.” he said with a smirk, “Come on then, let’s go.”
– – –
Sitting down at the small table set for two in Toto’s chosen restaurant, you were acutely aware that this was the first time you’d gone out together as a couple, and not for something work-related. Sensing your awkwardness, Toto smiled at you from across the table, taking your hand in his reassuringly.
“Don’t look so nervous Y/N, I’m the same guy you were just kissing all but ten minutes ago,” he said.
“I’m not nervous, it’s just weird to be out like this,” you said, glancing around you as if you were half expecting the team or some journalist to jump out.
“Look, we’re doing this, and if someone sees us, so be it and we can say it’s a meeting if you feel more comfortable?” Toto said, his face etched with concern. 
“No, it’s not like that. I’m happy to be out.” you said, squeezing Toto’s hand, “I’ve wanted this for a long time.”
“Me too,” said Toto, looking at you with the piercing glare you’d grown so fond of. “I think we should probably take a look at these menus, no?”
“Ooh yes, it all looks good though, what do you recommend?” you said, sneaking a look around at your fellow diners’ tables.
“Do you trust me to order for us?” asked Toto, raising an eyebrow.
“Of course,” you said, without batting an eyelid.
The last two days with Toto had been bliss. Since your casual lunch date, you’d been out twice more, once for dinner, followed by a beach walk and once for brunch. It was official, you were dating for real. You were well aware of the stares that followed Toto wherever he went but thankfully, people in Monaco seemed relatively unbothered and there had only been one incident where a woman had rushed up and asked for a photo on the beach.
So far, the majority of the team remained unaware of your blossoming relationship and as much as you adored Toto, you felt it was wiser to keep it lowkey for now.
Toto was spending the morning filming with the Drive to Survive crew, this time, driving them around Monaco in his prized 300SL. Thankfully this meant that space was limited and you hadn’t had to ride along. You had, however, popped around to Lewis’ to go through press commitments.
When you had first accepted this role, you never in a million years would have dreamt that you would end up casually popping over to Lewis Hamilton’s house but life sometimes works in mysterious ways. At least that’s what you told yourself as you rang the buzzer at the bottom of his building, humorously labelled as “Roscoe,” after his beloved pet bulldog.
“Hey Y/N, it’s open come up!” came a voice through the loudspeaker. Lewis was an interesting character, who for all his fame and fortune, remained incredibly down to earth.
“Coming!” you said as you dashed through the unlocked door to the lift lobby. Like Toto, Lewis also had his own private lift, something that you were starting to learn was not uncommon in this funny little country full of far too rich people.
Making your way up, you glanced down to check your phone, half expecting to have heard from Pete, your Netflix nemesis, that Toto was being difficult. Thankfully there was radio silence, which you took to mean good news.
Soon enough you reached Lewis’ floor and the doors pinged open to reveal the enigmatic racing driver waiting for you.
“Hey! Long time no see!” he said warmly, stretching out his arms for a hug.
“Hey Lewis, I know it’s been a while. How’s everything?” you asked.
“I’m good thanks, just got back from a run.” he replied, “How are you? Enjoying Monaco?”
“Nice,” you said, glancing around at your surroundings. Lewis’ home was much more understated than Toto’s and you could tell that he was much younger from his decor choices. There was a life-sized Star Wars figurine in one corner and huge canvases and movie posters adorning the walls as far as the eye could see. “I’m good thanks, it’s been quite hectic but it’s good to get out here early. Toto is filming with Netflix again.”
“Glad to hear it, I hope Toto has been showing you around town?” Lewis said, before adding, “Can I get you a drink or anything?”
Smiling as you thought to yourself of the places Toto had shown you, you replied tactfully, “Yes, he’s shown me a few places. Maybe a cup of tea would be nice if you have one?”
“I’ve always got a cuppa!” said Lewis with a wink, “Come with me, let’s chat in the kitchen.”
Following Lewis down a short corridor, he brought you through into a small kitchen area, dark grey with black marble countertops, most definitely a bachelor pad.
“Ooh this is nice,” you said, “How long have you lived here?”
“Ah thank you, oh gosh like ten years?” replied Lewis, busying himself filling the kettle.
“Oh wow, ages then,” you replied, getting your laptop and notebook out to go through your agenda. “So where is good to run around here?”
“Ah there are so many coastal paths, I like the one just North of the harbour. It’s less hilly if you want to push.” he said, “Do you take milk and sugar?”
“That sounds cool, Toto hasn’t shown me those yet, I’ll have to get him on that!” you said, slightly forgetting that Lewis wasn’t fully aware of the extent of your relationship, “And just milk, please. Thanks so much.”
“Y/N. Can I ask you something?” said Lewis, suddenly turning to face you, his chocolate-brown eyes full of curiosity.
“Sure, what’s up?” you said, knowing what was coming next.
“Are you Toto’s new girlfriend?”
“Well…” you began, not sure what the best course of action was, not having discussed this with Toto.
“Knew it!” said Lewis, a broad grin breaking out across his face.
“Hey! I didn’t say anything.”
“You didn’t have to, your eyes betrayed you. I knew it, the way he looks at you.” Lewis said, somewhat smugly.
“Okay, well, girlfriend is a stretch, we are just at the very beginning of something. So I would appreciate it if you keep it to yourself,” you said, hoping that he would get the memo.
“Of course, I’m just happy for you.” Lewis said, “And for Toto, he’s been such a work robot these last few years, I’m always telling him to put himself out there.”
“Thank you, Lewis, I appreciate that,” you said smiling as he set a cup of tea down in front of you.
“What I wanna know is, how did it start? Who rizzed up who?” Lewis said, settling beside you with a cheeky glint in his eye, cup of tea at the ready.
“Oh my God, go ask Toto!” you said, laughing at Lewis’ gossipy tendencies.
“Ok, I will.” he said “I bet it was you. He’s weirdly shy.”
“Lewis!” you exclaimed, before sighing. “It was kind of me.”
“What do you mean, kind of?” he asked.
Sighing once again, you decided to tell the truth, “Right, please do not tell Toto I told you this. After the boat race in Canada, I went to his room to return his shirt I borrowed and one thing led to another.”
Lewis’s face was a picture, eyes wide and mouth open, “Oh my God, that’s why you didn’t come for dinner!?”
Giggling slightly you nodded, “Yup.”
“This is juicy.” he said, “Does anyone else know?”
“A few people have accidentally found out.”
“Oh my God, who?” 
“You are such a gossip hound Lewis!” you said, taking a sip of tea, “George, Rosie and Lara.”
“George knows! Fuck I’m going to have words with him. How long has he known?” Lewis said, clearly put out that his younger teammate had gossip that he hadn’t.
“A few weeks, and don’t, I think he’s scarred for life.”
“Oh my God, did he walk in on you?”
“Not exactly...” you said, still cringing as you thought about what George and Rosie had overheard.
“I wanna know so bad!” said Lewis.
“He phoned Toto while we were together and Toto didn’t hang up properly so George and Rosie overheard everything that was going on.”
At this Lewis almost fell off of his stool, “No way! That’s hilarious. I bet they were so embarrassed, oh to be a fly on that wall.”
“Poor kids are scarred for life,” you said.
“So what about Lara, how does she know? I’m surprised she’s kept quiet, she loves gossip that girl.”
“Oh she’s trickier, she walked in on us in Toto’s office… and before you say anything I was just kissing him, nothing crazy. She went mental though and ever since keeps dropping hints to people. I thought Toto was going to fire her on the spot, he was livid at what she said.”
“Really?” asked Lewis, “Livid Toto is not someone I’d want to cross.”
“Yep, me neither,” you said, thinking back to the tense conversation in Toto’s office. 
“So this is very exciting.” said Lewis, sipping his tea once again, “As I said, I’m happy for you both.”
“Thanks, Lewis, I appreciate it,” you said with a smile, “Right, shall we go through these notes?”
– – –
You’d just finished reviewing Lewis’ upcoming schedule when your phone buzzed.
Y/N, we’re done, are you still at Lewis’? 
It was Toto. Hurriedly you typed a reply.
Yes but just finished, shall I meet you at yours?
“I know who’s got you smiling like that…” said Lewis, wagging his tongue suggestively.
“You’re terrible Lewis. I’d love for you to tease Toto in the same way.”
“I’m definitely not going to tease him, dude’s punching. You’re the one I worry for.”
“Somehow I don’t think so,” you said.
“Honestly, you’re a catch. He’s a lucky guy,” he said, his tone more serious.
“Well let’s see,” you said, just as your phone buzzed once more.
I’ll come and meet you, I’m nearby and I want to see Lewis.
Gulping slightly as this meant that Toto would immediately find out you’d blabbed to Lewis, you typed out your reply.
Sure, I’ll wait here.
“Is it okay if I hang out here for a bit? Toto said he wants to see you and will come and collect me.” 
“Course, how romantic, he’s coming to pick you up!” said Lewis.
“Oh my god, one more word and I will arrange endless foreign language interviews for you at the next race.”
“Cool, I’ll download Duolingo,” said Lewis, nonchalantly shrugging.
“I mean it Mr Hamilton.” you said, “This is the danger zone.”
Fortunately, Lewis was saved by the bell as his intercom rang out.
“Hello Lewis, it’s Toto, can I come up?” came a deep voice through the speaker.
“Sure, I’ll buzz you through, boss,” said Lewis, winking at you.
“One word.” you mouthed silently.
“I’m just kidding Y/N. I’m scared of Toto man,” he said, hopping down from the stool and making his way back towards the lift door where Toto would be emerging any minute.
Deciding to follow Lewis, you arrived in the corridor just as the doors opened to reveal your handsome boyfriend.
“Lewis!” he said, scooping the diminutive racing driver into a bear hug. “How are you?”
“Good man, and you?” Lewis replied.
“I’m okay thanks, I just finished filming and thought I’d come and check-in. Y/N, how are you?” 
Toto made his way towards you and bent down for a very chaste kiss on the cheek. Sensing your face betraying you and blushing, you couldn’t look Lewis in the eye as you replied, “Good thanks, how was it?”
“As good as it could be,” said the Austrian wryly. “So, Lewis, the reason I came over was there is something I need to tell you. I always like to be transparent with you and wanted you to be the first to know.”
“Hold up big man.” said Lewis, “I think I can guess.”
Toto raised his eyebrow, looking across at you quizzically. “Oh really?”
“Yes. It’s pretty obvious.”
“What is?”
“That your new girlfriend is someone who works with us.”
Toto looked floored by Lewis’ admission. “Well, I wasn’t expecting that. Is it that obvious?”
“The way she looks at you man, like you’re a piece of meat,” said Lewis.
“Huh?” said Toto, clearly confused.
“Lara, she’s down bad.”
“Lara? No not Lara,” said Toto, getting flustered. “Why would you think I’m dating Lara?”
Lewis burst out laughing, unable to keep stringing Toto along, “I’m just messing. I know it’s Y/N.”
Relief poured over Toto’s face, “How did you know?”
“Toto…” you started.
“I just found out, I asked Y/N straight up and she’s a really bad liar,” said Lewis. “Look, I’m not going to tell anyone and I’m happy for you both.”
“Oh…” said Toto, taken aback that you’d beaten him to it, “Well thank you, Lewis.”
Shimmying over towards Toto, you put an arm around his waist protectively, “Sorry Toto, he called me out almost immediately.”
“I know what he’s like, believe me!” said Toto, throwing a glance over at Lewis.
“Sorry, I can’t help it,” said Lewis, shrugging his shoulders. “So what do you two lovebirds have planned now?”
“We’re going to collect our luggage and drive down to France,” said Toto, clutching you close by his side.
“Are we?” you said, not aware that this is what Toto had planned.
“Ooh a surprise, how romantic!” exclaimed Lewis, clapping his hands together, “Right, well then you two gotta go!”
Toto laughed, “We should. Thank you Lewis and I appreciate your discretion.”
“Of course boss!” said Lewis, saluting Toto as you both made your way into the lift, back down to the street level.
“See you on Friday Lewis!” you said, blowing a kiss at the affable racing driver.
“See you!” he said, waving as the lift doors closed softly. “And use protection!”
Rolling your eyes, you turned to Toto, “Sorry he really pressed me.”
“It’s okay Y/N, I knew he would.” Toto said, stroking your hair absentmindedly, “Sorry I didn’t discuss telling him with you first, but I felt guilty knowing George knows and he doesn’t.”
“Don’t be silly, it’s fine. And you’re right, it’s not fair for one to know and one to be in the dark.”
“That was my reasoning. How was Lewis? Apart from the gossiping?”
“He’s good, I think he’s knackered from all the travelling though. How was the filming?”
“I can understand that. It went well, I think. I wish you could have been there but they didn’t ask anything too difficult.”
“Good, I haven’t heard anything from Pete so I thought as much. I’ll let you know when the rushes come over for approval.”
Toto smiled, “Thank you. I forgot how much you love Pete.”
You rolled your eyes, “Yes, my bestie. So not to stop talking shop but where are you taking me?”
“Now that’s for me to know and you to find out,” said Toto, a mischievous glint in his eye.
– – –
Having gathered some of your luggage, with Toto insisting on you leaving some clothes behind at his, you were now barrelling along the Autoroute towards the Circuit Paul Ricard. As careful as he was in daily life, Toto was a speed demon on the roads, especially in the GLC that wasn’t his.
“So where are we staying?” You asked, still surprised that Toto had decided to go astray from his normally strict race week schedule.
“Wait and see.” He said with a grin, turning up the volume on the radio.
“You’re so annoying,” you moaned, making Toto grin even wider.
“I promise it’s worth the wait,” he said.
“That’s a big promise, Toto,” you said, side-eyeing him from the passenger seat.
“Do you know what else is big?” 
“Oh for fuck’s sake. You are such a child.” you groaned, “Although don’t get cocky but I’m a little sore from last night.”
“Oh really?” Toto’s head whipped around.
“Hey, eyes on the road Mr!” you said, “But yes, a little.”
“Well I don’t want to hurt you,” said Toto.
“It doesn’t hurt, I just feel stretched,” you said, “I was having trouble hiding it in front of Lewis.”
Toto smirked, obviously pleased with himself, “Did he notice?”
“No, he was too busy trying to grill me on everything.”
“What did you tell him?”
“Not much, as much as we told George and Rosie.”
“Good, I won’t live it down if he knows anything juicy.” 
“I figured that,” you said, fidgeting in your seat, hoping that Toto wouldn’t be annoyed that you had told Lewis a few titbits. “I don’t want to be a backseat driver but isn’t that the turning?” you said, noticing that Toto had just sped past the exit for the circuit.
“It is, but we’re going somewhere else first.” He said, his face blank, not betraying a single thing.
“This is all very mysterious.” You said, glancing around, trying to guess where you might be off to.
“Don’t panic, we won’t be far,” Toto said, roughly grabbing your thigh before taking the next exit. The road was narrow and twisting and it wasn’t long before it turned into a steep hill.
“Sheesh, this is not what I was expecting.” You said, scared to look as Toto navigated the road at quite some speed.
“It’s not long now, don’t worry.” He said, taking another sudden turn.
“I’m not worried, I’m just wondering where you’re taking me.” You said as the road brought you towards a small cluster of traditional stone buildings. It was all very pretty and you hoped that wherever you were staying looked like this.
You weren’t to be in luck however as Toto sped through the village, taking you back onto a hedge-lined country road, although it wasn’t long before he suddenly started slowing down, as if he was looking for somewhere. 
“Ah yes, this is the one,” he said, indicating down a dubious-looking dirt track.
“If I didn’t know you better, this really feels like a K and R.” You said laughing.
“Damn, you got me,” Toto said laughing as he slowed right down, the car jumping up and down on the bumpy earth track.
“Ooh, are you going to tie me up?” You said, grabbing Toto’s thigh gently.
“You’re into that?” Said Toto, an eyebrow raised, eyes still scouring the road.
“Not really. I’m Miss Vanilla.” You said laughing, “But if you are, maybe you can convert me.”
“No no that’s not for me either,” Toto said, shaking his head before taking another turn off to the right, revealing a large country house that seemingly appeared from nowhere.
“Ooh, this is beautiful!” You said, eyeing up the building before you, blue shutters twinkling in the sun.
“Don’t get too excited, we’re staying in another building.” Said Toto, pulling up the car in the expansive driveway and unbuckling his seatbelt, “Stay here a second, I just need to go and meet the owner.”
“Sure.” You said, curiosity peaked as Toto made his way into the impressive building.
Twiddling your thumbs in the car, you decided to take out your phone and check for messages, a force of habit. Of course, you had zero signal. Hoping that your team would survive until you had wifi you put it away, patiently waiting for Toto to return.
Ten minutes later, he emerged grinning, followed closely by a jovial-looking older gentleman and a small fluffy white dog. Deciding now was the time to get out of the car, you emerged awkwardly, waiting for an introduction.
“Y/N, this is Monsieur de la Tour, he owns the vineyard.” said Toto with a grin, “Monsieur de la Tour, je vous presente Y/N.”
“Enchanté, Monsieur de la Tour,” you spluttered out, desperately trying to remember your French. 
“Lovely to meet you too Y/N,” replied the man in perfect English, “Let me show you both around.”
Grateful that he at least spoke English, you moved to Toto’s side to follow Monsieur de la Tour through a small archway that led you through to a garden. Plants and flowers spilt everywhere you look, twisting around a pergola overhead and bursting out of terracotta pots.
“This is gorgeous.” You said quietly to Toto, his arm draped across your shoulders.
“I’m glad you like it.” He said, his expression unreadable.
You followed Monsieur de la Tour through the garden along a small walkway towards another building. Although smaller than the main house, it was very pretty, with matching blue shutters and vibrant pink bougainvillaeas creeping up the stone walls.
“Et voilà, here is the guesthouse.” Said Monsieur de la Tour, waving his hands emphatically before handing a set of keys to Toto. “Here are the keys, as I said, if you need anything we are just over in the main house.”
“Thank you, it’s perfect.” Said Toto, “And dinner will be served at eight?”
“Yes, that’s right. We look forward to welcoming you.” The older man replied. 
You raised an eyebrow, this was not what you were expecting at all. 
“Lovely to meet you both and we will see you later.” He said, patting his leg for his dog to follow as he made his way back down the pathway.
“Merci beaucoup, à toute!” Said Toto before turning to you and switching to English. “Shall we take a look?”
“I thought you’d never ask.” You said, following Toto into the pretty building. 
A quick tour around revealed a charming yet rustic home, decked out in terracotta tiles and vintage French botanical artwork. It wasn’t fancy but it had its charm and you knew you’d have a wonderful time.
“What do you think?” Asked Toto as you made your way back towards the car to collect your luggage.
“It’s gorgeous!” You replied, “Although I’m surprised you chose it.”
“Surprised?” Toto said, “Why?”
Choosing your words carefully you replied, “Well you’re such a city slicker, it’s very country. I would have pegged you as a Cap-Eden-Roc type.”
“I have stayed there, but I wanted to find somewhere more romantic, more you.” Said Toto, his chocolate eyes melting you instantly.
“You big old softie,” you said, reaching up for a kiss before adding, “Who knew?”
“I’m glad you like it.” He said sweetly, opening the boot to take out your luggage. “So something I didn’t tell you is this is a Domaine where they make wine so dinner tonight is on the vineyard.”
“No way!” You said, “I’ve always wanted to do that.”
“I know.” He said with a grin, “I remember you told me this last year, so I thought now I can make it happen.”
“Wow, I don’t even remember saying that.” You said, touched by Toto’s sentimentality, “Thank you.”
“You can thank me later,” he said, squeezing your side as he rolled the suitcase along.
“Perv.” You said, squeezing his butt back.
– – –
Dinner at the vineyard had been out of this world, with all the wine and cheese you could ever dream of. By the time you’d fallen into bed with Toto, you were both exceedingly merry and when you’d woken up this morning, you were bemused to discover that you were both still fully clothed. Toto had righted that in record timing, pulling you into the shower alongside him and peppering your entire body with soapy kisses.
It had been a battle to pack up and leave but unfortunately your busy schedules meant you were expected trackside later that morning and you had to peel snap back to reality.
As you made your way back towards the car, you turned to Toto, “Thank you so much for last night, it was amazing. I still can’t believe you remembered.”
Laden with luggage, Toto looked very pleased with himself, “I remember everything Y/N.”
Blushing you replied, “I hope not everything, God knows what I’ve told you when I’m tipsy.”
“God knows and I know.” said Toto, beaming away as you reached the car, unlocking it with a deft flick of the keyfob.
“Wow, that's cheesy.” you said, “Can I help with the cases? I feel bad you’re always carrying everything for me.”
“Don’t be silly.” he said, making light work of putting them in the boot, “You’re much smaller than me, besides, I have been neglecting the gym recently, I need the workout.”
“Well I think you’ve gotten your cardio up lately, no?” you said, casting your memory back to the last sex-filled few days.
“That’s true,” he replied, “Let me just take these keys to Monsieur de la Tour and we’ll get going.”
– – –
True to Toto’s word, it was a very short drive to the circuit, where you’d both be staying trackside in your trusty motorhomes. As you rolled up towards security a thought suddenly hit you.
“Toto, I just realised, are people not going to think it’s weird that you drove me here?”
“Why? They all know you were in Monaco for the filming?”
“That’s true, but so was Lewis and he’s not in the car.”
“You worry too much,” said Toto reassuringly.
“I guess,” you said, not convinced, knowing Lara would definitely have something to say. You’d both remained cagey on your whereabouts for the last two days and she was most definitely onto you.
As Toto pulled up to his designated parking space you clocked a few of your team already milling about in preparation for the upcoming Free Practice. Lewis and George were on their way, via helicopter and the rest of the Senior team were due to arrive any moment, having flown out from the UK that morning.
Opening your door, you were immediately greeted with a voice calling out “Y/N!”
Whipping your head around you saw it was Tom. “Hey Tom, how are you?”
“Good thanks,” replied the young man, eyeing up Toto curiously, “How did you get here so quickly, I thought you’d just left Monaco?”
Feeling foolish at being caught out already, as you’d dropped a text to your team WhatsApp group to say you were on the way, you tripped over your words trying to cover your tracks. “Oh, yes I think the signal was bad so my message sent when we were almost here.”
Seemingly appeased, Tom nodded, “Ugh, signal here is so ropey!” Spotting your pile of luggage that Toto had just taken out of the boot, he wandered around, adding, “Can I help you guys with your bags at all?”
“Oh yeah sure, that would be lovely, thank you, Tom.” You said, shooting a warning glance at Toto to not act weird.
“Thank you, Tom,” said Toto stiffly, acting as if this was a slight on his manhood. “Y/N, I have to take a call, I will see you back in the team motorhome later?”
“Sure.” You said, smirking slightly at Toto’s sudden formality. As if he hadn’t been kissing you here there and everywhere not two hours before. “We’ll put your bags in your motorhome.”
“Thanks, guys,” said Toto, locking the car and heading down towards the paddock.
Scooping up your luggage you fell into step alongside Tom as you made your way towards the motorhomes where you would be staying.
“So you drove down with the boss huh?” He asked.
“Yeah, he offered yesterday as we both had to be here at the same time.”
“That’s nice of him, he’s never offered to drive anyone else.”
You raised your eyebrow, “Well George and Lewis are coming via helicopter and everybody else was in the UK. Would’ve been a hell of a drive.” 
“Makes sense.” Said Tom, before adding, “Right well, I feel like I should warn you, the motorhomes here are super tightly packed in. Yours is almost touching the PAs one.”
Coming to a stop and seeing what he meant you grimaced, “Oof yep, it’s okay though, they’ll just have to suffer my shower singing.”
Tom laughed, “Rather them than me. Although ours is just the other side so we might hear it too.”
“It’s cosy.” You said, “Where is Toto’s? We should put his bags in there for him.”
“Our great leader has his own pitch, no neighbours, jammy fucker.” Tom said, “It’s just over here.”
Following Tom, expertly weaving a path through the haphazardly placed motorhomes you reached a larger trio of motorhomes, “Are these George and Lewis’ too?” You asked.
“Yup. It’s alright for some.” He replied, making his way towards the largest of the three, “Here it is.”
“Great, I’ll grab his bags,” you said, reaching out for the smart duffle and holdall that Toto had hurriedly packed a few days before.
“Ooh, making yourself at home I see.” Called out a voice. Rolling your eyes you turned around to see none other than Lara making a beeline for Toto’s motorhome. “Are you staying here too?”
“Yes, Lara, next door to you.” You said, glaring at her, “We’re just putting Toto’s bags in here for him. Is that okay with you?”
“Well of course, why do you have Toto’s bags?” She said, an evil look in her eye, knowing that Tom was unaware of your situation.
“They just got here, drove down from Monaco.” Chimed in Tom innocently.
“Oh that’s interesting, he didn’t tell me that he was with you,” Lara said, nose in the air.
“Okay, yes it was a secret. You got me. We were doing all kinds of shady shit in Monaco and secretly drove here.”
Tom stared at you, mouth agape as he wasn’t au-fait with your delicate relationship with Lara.
“Well, next time please put it in the diary.” Said Lara, stony-faced. “How are you, Tom?”
Rolling your eyes once again, you dumped Toto’s bags in the living area of his motorhome, you couldn’t believe Lara.
Emerging to find Sophie had joined Lara and Tom in their chitchat you greeted your assistant.
“Hey Sophie, how are you getting on?” You asked, joining their circle.
“Good thanks, how was Monaco?” She asked as if you hadn’t been in constant communication via WhatsApp.
“Busy!” You said, “I’m going to go and drop my bags off and I’ll see you all in the paddock, okay?”
“Cool, see you,” said Sophie and Tom in unison, Lara glowering away.
Walking into the paddock to check in on Free Practice, you hadn’t expected to encounter any difficulties but these days it seemed like everyone was on your case.
“Y/N!” a voice called out from behind you. 
Turning around you were disappointed to see it was Toto’s arch-rival, Red Bull Team Principal, Christian Horner. Great.
“Hello Christian, how are you?” You said, with a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes.
“All the better having seen you.” He said sleazily, sidling up alongside you “Where’s loverboy?”
“Loverboy?” You said, knowing full well he was referring to Toto but not wanting to let him wind you up.
“Yeah, the tall guy, sounds like the Terminator? I heard you fuck him now and then?”
Internally screaming at the crude language you tried your best to keep level-headed. “Keep your fantasies to yourself, Christian, it’s unbecoming.”
“I’d rather you than me. What’s he really like?” He asked, walking alongside you as you tried to keep moving and shake him off, “I bet he’s tiny where it counts. Tall guys always are lacking.”
Having reached your limit, you could no longer stay polite, “Christian, what is actually wrong with you?”
He smirked, “Aw standing up for loverboy. How sweet. Don’t get burnt by him though. I could tell you some stories.”
Looking at him with disdain, “Look, I do not know what you are talking about. I’m the Director of Communications, nothing more, nothing less. Do you talk to all of your colleagues like this?”
“Just the pretty ones.”
“Lovely.” You said, in a tone that suggested it was anything but. “What do you really want Christian?”
“Just to talk to a pretty lady, that’s all.” He said, “And like I said, look after yourself, Toto is not the gentleman he appears to be.”
“Not like you I suppose?” You said sarcastically.
“I never said I was perfect, but I don’t pretend to be.” He said.
Getting fed up with his annoying chitchat you were grateful to have almost reached the Mercedes garage.
“I bet Loverboy is in there, waiting for you.” He said eyeing up the entrance.
“Sure thing.” You said, “Have a wonderful day Christian, always a pleasure chatting with you.”
“Oh the pleasure is all mine,” he said, winking at you as you turned into the garage.
Internally shuddering at the creep you’d just encountered you tried your best to greet the team with a smile and not take Christian’s words to heart. You were of course curious about what he meant by stories of Toto, but equally, you knew how much shit he liked to talk so you were sure he was just trying to get under your skin, or even Toto’s.
– – –
Free Practice had flown by and the team were in good stead for tomorrow’s qualifying. Lewis had put in a staggering lap and spirits were high in the Mercedes camp. Your team had asked if you’d like to join them for cassoulet and wine in the campground but Toto had other plans so you’d politely declined and told a few white lies about US-based sponsor meetings with a time difference.
Instead, you were now wandering along a nearby beach, the Plage de Lioquet, hand in hand with Toto, not another soul in sight.
“This is nice.” You said, snuggling up.
“I know, I needed a break,” Toto said, wrapping his arm around you, hugging you tighter to his firm chest.
“Toto, there’s something that happened earlier that I didn’t tell you about.” You said, hoping now was the right moment to tell him about Christian’s harsh words.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, his brow furrowed with worry.
“When I was walking to the garage earlier, Christian decided to come and walk with me and chat all sorts of shit. He accused me of fucking you and then told me to watch out because apparently, he has stories of you being less than a gentleman.” You blurted out.
Toto’s concern turned to anger, “That piece of shit. Did he say this in front of anyone?”
“No, but he wouldn’t leave me alone. It was very creepy.” You said.
“I’m going to talk to him tomorrow. This is not okay.” He said, “He should know better. He likes to wind me up but it’s not fair to do it via you.”
“Leave it, he just wants to get a rise.” You said, not wanting to drag Toto into it.
“Hmm,” Toto said, his chest vibrating with anger. 
Placing your hand on his heart, you tried to calm him down, “I only told you because I think you should know, but he’s not worth the time or the energy.”
“You’re right,” Toto said. “He is such a windbag.”
You giggled at Toto’s strange turn of phrase, “That he is. Do you want to sit for a bit? We can watch the sunset?”
“Sure,” Toto said, “That part is flat.”
Making your way across the pebbled beach, Toto stopped in the spot he’d gestured at, took off his jacket and laid it out for you both.
“Here,” he said, settling you down in between his long legs, your back flush against his chest.
“Mmm.” You said, leaning back into Toto’s warm embrace, watching as the sun sank lower and lower on the horizon. “This is cool, I feel like we have our own private beach.”
“Oh yeah?” said Toto, his mind clearly wandering along the same route yours was.
“Hmm yeah. And it’s about to get dark.” You said wriggling your bottom nearer to Toto’s crotch.
“That’s true,” he said, his hands starting to explore your torso towards your breasts, giving them a light squeeze through your many layers.
“You’re hot.” He said, grunting slightly as he continued to run his hands around you.
“I’m actually pretty cold.” You said, bursting into a fit of laughter before turning around to kiss him.
As you deepened the kiss, Toto lifted you, moved your leg to one side and swooped you around so that you were now straddling him. Feeling him growing harder underneath you, you were emboldened by the fact that the sun had now really dipped and darkness was starting to fall. Confident you were still very much alone on the beach, you ground down, eliciting a moan from Toto.
“Fuck, Y/N, are we doing this?” His deep voice rumbled, low with lust.
“There’s nobody around.” You said, too horny to turn back.
��Hang on, I have an idea.” Said Toto, leaning back and tearing off his cashmere sweater, flicking it around and draping it around you.
“Is that so the birds don’t see?” You laughed, gesturing at your only company, a few seagulls.
“Well, you never know.” Said Toto, laughing as he started to lift your skirt, his hands creeping up your thighs.
“Fuck, I’m glad I wore a skirt.” You said breathily.
“Me too.” He said, reaching his goal, his long fingers pulling your underwear to one side and starting to explore where you were growing increasingly wet. “Oh, you are horny tonight.”
“Well duh.” You said, your hands skimming his abs to find his belt buckle. 
“Impatient too.” He said smirking, kissing you once again before plunging his finger into your core.
Hitching your breath, you were indeed impatient and scrambled to undo his belt buckle and chino button and let his cock free.
“Fuck,” Toto said, as you found what you were after, gliding your hand up and down it as he pumped his finger into you.
“Indeed.” You said, shifting forward slightly so the heel of his hand bumped up against where you needed it most.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Toto asked, his free hand eagerly sneaking up your shirt and under your bra to cup your bare breast, tweaking your nipple playfully.
“I’ve never been more certain,” you said, leaning forward once again to kiss him as he pulled out his hand to replace it with his now achingly hard cock. He gently lifted you, lining himself up and then pushed down, filling you slowly and agonisingly.
“You okay?” He asked, always considerate.
“Yuh-huh.” Was all you managed, taking a breath as you adjusted. “All good.”
“Mmm,” he said as he started to slowly pump in and out, going for the slow grind today. Your hips buckled as you started to grind back, swirling slowly and tantalisingly.
“Fuck.” He said, “Stop for a minute.”
“What’s wrong?” You said, concerned.
“If you keep doing that I’m going to cum.”
“Ow.” You said, stilling. “Fuck, that feels so good. I love it when you’re inside me.”
At that, you could feel Toto throbbing, a warning sign that you were in the danger zone.
“Fuck, don’t say things like that.” He said, clearly on the edge of his self-control.
“Sorry, but it’s the truth.” You said, accidentally shifting as you shrugged your shoulders, “You okay? We can take a break if you need?”
“No, no, all good,” said Toto, recomposing himself and leaning forward to kiss you once more. “We just need to be careful.”
Smiling at your very considerate lover, you stayed put for a little while, content with sitting on Toto’s cock, letting it stretch you in places you’d never been stretched before as you continued passionately kissing.
Toto then started to gently thrust back up into you, and taking it as a signal that he was okay to start up again, you ground back down to meet his hips once more.
“Fuck Y/N, I’m so sor…” was all Toto managed to get out before he moaned, his cock throbbing, spilling everything into you.
“Fuck.” You said as Toto panted into your shoulder, still riding the high of his orgasm.
“Scheiße! I am so sorry.” Said Toto, pulling out of you with a squelch.
“It’s okay, these things happen.” You said, secretly panicking beyond belief. You always tracked your period and knew that this week was dangerous. You’d been careful so far but hadn’t come prepared for this and had allowed yourself to get carried away. Toto looked devastated and you weren’t about to scare him further so tried to calm him down, grabbing his chin and tilting his face towards yours, “Don’t worry, I can try and get a morning-after pill tomorrow, just to be safe.”
“Fuck,” was all he could continue to blurt out, “I don’t want you having to do that, you’re busy enough tomorrow. Shall we go now?”
“Toto, this is rural France. Do you really think somewhere will sell it to us at ten o’clock at night?”
“Maybe?” Toto said hopefully. “Although I’m old, maybe we are panicking for nothing.”
“Oh shut up with the old thing again!” You said, “It’s better to be safe than sorry, I’ll go early tomorrow.”
“Well okay, I’ll drive you.”
“And that won’t look suspicious?”
“How will you get there? They’ll hardly have it at the Circuit.” Toto said, his steely Team Principal mask back on as you climbed off of his lap, feeling everything dripping down your thigh.
“Can I borrow the car?”
“I’d rather drive you.” Toto paused, “Or I will drive and get it for you? No one will question me.”
“Maybe that’s the wisest choice. Fuck Toto, I’m so sorry.” You said, rearranging your skirt and settling beside him.
“Don’t say that, it’s my fault.” He said. “You drive me crazy Y/N.”
Smiling sympathetically you replied, “Likewise.”
Almost pitch black, you could just about make out Toto gazing at you in the darkness beside you. He took your hand in his suddenly before blurting out, “I love you.”
Floored by his words, you replied with the truth, “I love you too.”
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Is It Really That Bad?
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The 90s were alternately an amazing time for comedies and an absolute wasteland of garbage best forgotten. Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler both rose to prominence during this era, and both thrived in their niches, delivering some of the most well-liked movies of their careers. But it was still the 90s, and the ugly side of comedy of the time was always ready to rear its ugly head. For instance, in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, we have the infamously transphobic finale, the joke the entire film has been building up to and is so shockingly bigoted you’d think it was written by J.K. Rowling. But bad comedies were just like that back then, and even good comedies could fall victim to it.
We’re not talking about a good comedy gone bad, though. We’re here to talk about a film with a solid  1 on Metacritic and that obliterated the careers of its two leads: Bio-Dome.
At one point, it was supposed to be a much more serious film about slackers being trapped and forced to survive in the titular structure, but you know how studio executives can be, and so the film was transformed into a totally radical 90s slacker grossout comedy filled with sex jokes, farts, and other tasteless humor. There are also rumors going around that this was originally supposed to be the third Bill and Ted adventure, but those are just rumors, albeit ones that you can see how one would believe considering how this film rips off that dynamic duo while cranking their idiocy and homoeroticism up to 11.
Whatever the case, what we got was absolutely torn apart by critics, and ensured Pauly Shore would never rise above doing anything more than direct-to-video garbage for the rest of his career, and turned Stephen Baldwin into the black sheep of the nepo baby dynasty that is the Baldwins, ruining his career which then led to him becoming a born again evangelical Christian whose daughter married Justin Bieber (which is still a massive W compared to inspiring GamerGate or actually murdering someone). It’s also the film that Weird Al decided to use to describe the miserable plane trip in his song “Albuquerque,” and the way he refers to it makes it clear the film is worse than the plane exploding in the second worse aviation accident to happen over New Mexico in fiction.
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(This one being the worst, obviously).
But hey, maybe the critics were just being too harsh to this dumb comedy that was clearly meant to be enjoyed by stoners. With my tray table up and my seat back in the full upright position, I strapped on in and took a look at Bio-Dome to see if this comedy has a few laughs in it, or if it really is that bad after all.
Well… The soundtrack is pretty good. They’ve got a lot of solid tracks on it, and Tenacious D actually briefly shows up for a cameo. It lasts maybe three seconds, but it might be the best three seconds in the movie.
There’s also a montage set to “The Safety Dance” near the end of the movie, and it might be the single genuinely funny sequence the film has to offer. I thought a few of the gags in it were pretty good, and it’s the only time the protagonist's goofy idiocy felt charming instead of revolting. And then it leads into the climax of the films, which is actually decent because there are actual stakes instead of random vignettes of these idiots dicking around. Sure, it’s decent by the standards of the rest of the movie, but credit where credit is due.
Finally, William “Walter Peck” Atherton plays a character named Dr. Faulkner, a guy who absolutely fucking hates Bud and Doyle, and thus he becomes the most sympathetic character in the entire film. You will be begging him to kill these two morons by the end. It helps that Atherton is the only person in the entire movie who is actually trying to act.
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Yeah, that’s it. Time to shift into Hater Mode.
The fact the entire movie hinges on these two idiots is a joke, and not a particularly funny one a that.
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The 90s was littered with all manner of idiot duos, most famously with Dumb & Dumber, but Bud and Doyle are easily the nadir of such characters. The big issue is they are not merely lethally stupid to the point they fuck up a massive science experiment—no, they are horribly unpleasant people. They bumble their way through the titular bio-dome, ruining the work of the scientists at every turn, but that’s not even the real problem. No, the problem is that despite having two girlfriends they supposedly adore, they not only constantly flirt with the women scientists in the dome, and even worse they crawl into their beds while they’re sleeping and start feeling them up. Ah, the 90s, where you could have your protagonists sexually assault a woman and still expect people to sympathize them while playing the violation off for laughs! Ah, but it’s okay, because they feel really bad about it, guys.
Aside from that vileness, the jokes are just as juvenile and pathetic as you can imagine they’d be. You have fart jokes, pee jokes, sex jokes, Baldwin eating Shore’s toenails… Stuff like this has its place and can be funny, but this is really the only humor the movie has. There isn’t more clever than some lame fart a stoner can laugh at while high off their ass.
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And maybe this could be forgivable if anyone was actually fucking trying. There are two types of bad acting in this movie: hammy, camera-mugging idiocy (our two leads) and bland, wooden delivery (the female scientists). No one in this film seems like they cared at all, and honestly, it’s not hard to see why. What is there to even give a shit about? Out of the two leads I do think Shore is probably the “better” of the two, but this is better in the sense that being kicked in the balls is better than being shot in the back of the head execution style
Look, I went into this with an open mind. You all know I’m not above enjoying some nasty, trashy comedies; two of my all-time favorite films are Freddy Got Fingered and Little Nicky, the former film especially being one I hold in high regard. But… No, this one legitimately is as bad as it’s made out to be. Weird Al must be thanking his lucky stars that plane exploded over Albuquerque so he didn’t have to sit through the rest of the movie.
Like, in the movies I mentioned, there’s at least something to latch onto. Freddy Got Fingered is essentially the greatest troll in history, with Tom Green blowing a studio’s money to make the most bogus gross-out comedy ever, and in some bizarre ways it has some artistic merit. And with Little Nicky, there’s some entertaining villains, decent jokes here and there, and just a slew of memetic lines. Bio-Dome has absolutely nothing like that; it’s just two obnoxious, unpleasant characters being played by actors who definitely can’t salvage the material delivering the stupidest gags and jokes imaginable for an hour and a half. This really is the most bottom of the barrel lowest common denominator garbage you could scrape up.
Even still, I can’t particularly say it’s the absolute worst comedy I’ve ever seen, mainly because there wasn’t much expectations it would be good. It stars Pauly fucking Shore, the only guy from Encino Man who will probably never win an Oscar as long as he lives, it being dogshit was expected compared to something like The Love Guru or even The Master of Disguise. Those films starred genuinely talented comedians, while this movie just didn’t. Don’t get me wrong, this is still one of the worst comedies ever made, but it really was something I expected would suck even if I really hoped it wouldn’t.
I honestly don’t know how this managed a 4.4 on IMDB; I get there are some lunatics who actually love this movie, but there can’t be enough to pull this out of the bottom 100 gutter, can there be? It shouldn’t have higher than a 2.5, and that’s just being generous because there is nothing about this film that is so good enough that it deserves higher. 
But that’s also the thing: As bad as it is, it is utterly unremarkable. It’s just the epitome of bad 90s comedy, and while it is the worst among that crowd, it doesn’t really stand out in any notable way other than sucking really hard. This is a film bad in the most generic ways possible, and I think that’s part of why it has fallen to the wayside in terms of “worst movies of all time” lists these days. Like does it deserve to be there? Sure, but there’s just a lot more vile and offensive comedies than this to pick from. This is just a generic bad comedy at the end of the day.
If you want to see the concept done right, and shorter to boot, just watch the episode of Johnny Bravo entitled “Biosphere Johnny,” which is a parody of this film and does every single thing this movie tried to do and better, proving once and for all Johnny is a true Chad.
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watching-pictures-move · 11 months
Movie Review | House of the Dead (Boll, 2003)
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Of the three Uwe Boll movies I’ve seen so far, I feel confident calling this his most enjoyable, and more importantly, the only one that consistently offers the bozo nu metal energy I want from crap from this era. The psychedelic opening credits, followed by the rave in the woods, are promising signs. Why the characters insist on going to a secluded island for their raving needs instead of a location near civilization, I do not know. I am not a raver. I have never raved. 
Anyway, the movie enters the realm of quality by the half hour mark when we get Jurgen Prochnow, who like in Das Boot plays a man of the sea, chomping on a Cuban cigar while blasting away at zombies trying to crawl onto his boat. While I have not played the original game, I understand it’s a light gun shooter, and this sequence captures that essence perfectly. And the movie pretty much stays at this level for the remainder of its runtime, following this up almost immediately with an even more extravagant scene where all the characters walk alongside each other blasting zombies left and right. Listen, you might wonder why they never move in different directions or why the zombies seem to always leap out in similar patterns. You might wonder why we arbitrarily cut to Hero Mode 360 degree pans of the characters doing their special moves which somehow have no impact on the rest of the scene. You might wonder why the movie keeps cutting to footage from the actual game. And you’d be asking a lot of questions. Ever heard of the Kuleshov effect, dumbass?
It’s not enough that the scene is already assembled like a montage, it throws in an even more aggressively edited montage at the end, like some sort of puzzle box, all while some combination of techno and nu metal blares on the soundtrack. And Boll’s blocking is no better here than in his other movies, as the heroes are too often in the foreground and move along only a narrow plane of action, but if anything, it adds to the thrill ride nature of the movie. The only real knock I have against this is that aside from Prochnow, Clint Howard (acting as if in a completely different movie than Prochnow but no less enjoyable) and Ellie Cornell, the protagonists are all anonymous dipshits with few distinguishing qualities. The only one I could tell apart was the girl in the stars and stripes, by virtue of her unique outfit. 
None of this is what you’d call conventionally exciting, tense or maybe even competent, but the constant incident and motion, of zombies popping up and getting blown away, meant that my synapses were firing pretty actively during this. I had a good enough time.
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railnewzealand · 9 months
Why Coastal Railway Is The Best Option Of Exploring New Zealand?
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New Zealand, mainly known for its stunning landscapes and breathtaking sights, is a haven for nature lovers and adventure seekers. While there are different means of transportation to explore the beauty of this country, the coastal railway journeys offer a unique and unforgettable experience. The notable feature of travelling by train is that it is not only a cost-effective mode of transportation, trains in New Zealand are no less than luxury on wheels. Whether it is seating arrangement, cafeteria, watching views of beautiful venues that fall on your way or running commentary on board, railways in New Zealand is miles ahead of other railway network across the world. In this blog, we will discuss reasons why coastal railway journeys are the best way to discover the beauty of New Zealand.
Beautiful Views All Around: Undoubtedly every country is blessed with iconic views, but when it comes to New Zealand, it is like a paradise. Huge mountains, lots of green, and crystal-clear lakes are major attractions of your journey. When you're on a coastal train in New Zealand, you get to see all this beauty right outside your window. The train tracks follow the coastline, giving you an ever-changing view of the ocean or sea. It's like watching a movie.
Relaxing and Calm: Trains in New Zealand are like the luxurious suit of some renowned hotel moving on wheels. You can just sit back, enjoy the scenery, and feel the calm vibes.
Finding Hidden Spots: During the journey you move across the places you can't reach by car or plane. You get to discover secret beaches and villages that most tourists miss. It's like unlocking the secrets that can't be shared with everyone without his presence.
Helping the Planet: In the current scenario when every country is struggling with the problem of pollution from industries, vehicles and electric appliances used at different places, trains in New Zealand play a major role in protecting the environment. They don't pollute the environment, so you can enjoy your trip knowing you're being a friend to the planet. 
Understanding the Kiwi Culture: As you travel through different areas, you get an opportunity to understand New Zealand's diverse cultures. The train often has people talking about the history and stories of the places you're passing. It's like having your tour guide on wheels.
Comfortable and Fancy: Coastal trains in New Zealand are a perfect combination of comfort and fancy merged in a unit. Big windows, roomy seats, and cool dining cars make the journey feel like a luxury adventure. Some trains even have decks where you can feel the breeze and take in the amazing views.
Final Word: Travelling on a coastal train in New Zealand is like stepping into a real-life fairy tale. You get to see jaw-dropping landscapes, experience different cultures, and do it all in a way that's easy on the planet. If you're up for a trip that's both relaxing and exciting, hopping on a coastal train in New Zealand is the best option.
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pamelalovenyc · 1 year
Rediscovering the Joy of Slow Travel
In our fast-paced world, where vacation often means a whirlwind tour of sights and sounds, there's a growing tribe of travelers embracing a more languid pace. Slow travel isn't just a mode; it's a mindset, a conscious choice to immerse oneself deeply in a destination. Let’s embark on the leisurely journey of slow travel and explore the joys of experiencing the world at a gentler pace.
1. The Essence of Slow Travel: Savoring Over Sprinting
Unlike conventional travel, slow travel isn't about checking off tourist hotspots. Instead, it's about connecting deeply with a place, its people, and its culture. It’s the difference between watching a movie in fast forward and enjoying every scene in real-time.
2. Benefits of Slow Travel: Quality Over Quantity
Deepened Understanding: By spending more time in one place, travelers can delve deeper into local customs, traditions, and everyday life.
Reduced Travel Stress: Without the rush to 'see everything', there's less pressure, leading to a more relaxed, enjoyable trip.
Cost-effective: Longer stays often mean better deals on accommodations and reduced transportation costs.
3. Immersive Accommodations: Homestays and Local Rentals
Choosing local accommodations like homestays, or renting a cottage or apartment, allows travelers to live like locals. This often fosters authentic experiences and insights that hotels might not offer.
4. Local Cuisine: A Gastronomic Adventure
Slow travel gives the luxury of time to explore local markets, savor regional delicacies, and even take local cooking classes. It's about relishing the taste, texture, and tales behind every dish.
5. Sustainable Impact: Treading Lightly
Slow travelers often leave a smaller carbon footprint. They tend to opt for eco-friendly accommodations, local produce, and overland transport, thereby promoting sustainable tourism.
6. Embracing Overland Travel: Trains, Buses, and Bikes
Foregoing planes for trains or buses can offer scenic views and unique experiences. Bike tours or walking excursions provide intimate connections with the landscape.
7. Engaging Activities: Workshops, Courses, and Retreats
Taking local workshops or courses���be it pottery in Japan, yoga in India, or language classes in Spain—can deepen the travel experience and provide valuable skills.
8. Digital Detox: Disconnect to Reconnect
Many slow travelers choose to limit their digital engagement, focusing on real-world experiences over virtual interactions. This often leads to heightened awareness and presence.
9. Celebrating Festivals: Live the Local Spirit
Participating in local festivals or ceremonies can be a transformative experience. It provides insights into the cultural fabric and collective ethos of a place.
10. Building Bonds: Form Lasting Connections
Spending extended time in a locale allows travelers to form bonds with locals and fellow travelers. These relationships often enrich the travel narrative and create memories that last a lifetime.
In a world where 'faster' often equates to 'better', slow travel challenges the norm, asserting that perhaps there's merit in slowing down, in breathing in the air of a new place, and letting it change you from the inside out.
Mark Twain once wrote, "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness." Slow travel amplifies this impact, allowing travelers to not just see a place, but to feel it, understand it, and carry a piece of it with them long after they've left.
If you've felt the rush of hurried travel or the fatigue of ticking boxes on a checklist, perhaps it's time to recalibrate. Consider the unhurried path, and rediscover the joy of savoring experiences. Let the world unfold before you, not as a series of destinations, but as a tapestry of stories, awaiting your patient and eager exploration. Happy slow travels!
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linuxgamenews · 1 year
Warside to assemble forces and battle this fall
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Warside fast-paced turn-based tactics game is coming to Linux and Windows PC. Discover the work and boundless creative efforts by the talented developer, LAVABIRD. Working to make its way onto Steam later this year. Warside brings back the best parts of classic turn-based strategy games. It's all about planning your moves while taking time to outsmart your opponents. In Warside, you get the chance to take on an amazing story campaign. It's an adventure where you follow a riveting story line and have to finish various missions. You'll also meet other Commanders, each with their own unique abilities and play styles. These Commanders have powers called Battle Powers that you can use to turn the tide of battle. Linux players will have to be smart about how to use them for the best results. There are more than 25 types of units you can use in Warside. You have tanks, artillery, submarines, warships, fighter planes, bomber planes, and even special infantry. Such as snipers, medics, and saboteurs. Each unit has its own strengths and weaknesses, so you'll have to learn how to use them to be effective.
Warside - Trailer
The game offers 12 different Commanders for players to choose from. Each Commander with their own abilities and skills that make them special. You have to think carefully about which Commander you want to lead your forces. Since their abilities can have a big impact on the battles you fight. The story campaign is where you'll spend a lot of your time. Since gameplay is like playing through an engaging movie or book. There are over 30 missions for you to complete, and they're not just about fighting. You'll have missions where you need to protect someone or sneak into enemy territory. Warside takes you to different settings like forests, deserts, and snowy areas, and even inside buildings. So you will have to fight in tight spaces. There's even a secret lab level where you can control special hero units.
Warside is easy to play on Linux and is due to feels like the classic games you already know.
You can choose from 12 leaders in the game, and each leader has special powers and abilities.
You can control more than 25 different types of units. Such as soldiers, planes, and ships. You use these units to fight on land, in the air, and on the sea.
Each group in Warside has its own unique units and special abilities.
The game has a story mode with more than 30 missions for you to complete. You'll go on different adventures and complete tasks.
There are various settings to play in, like forests, deserts, and snowy places. You can even play inside buildings.
You can play against your friends or other people online. You can test them to battles and see who is better.
If you like being creative, the game lets you make your own maps to play on Linux. You can design your own levels and share them with others.
If you want to play with your friends, Warside has a multiplayer mode. You can battle against your friends online, even if they're playing on a different platform than you. The fast-paced turn-based tactics will make its way onto Linux and Windows PC. So be sure to Wishlist the game on Steam. Coming in Q4 2023 (November).
0 notes
myerseng · 2 years
Find the most popular antenna preamplifier
The market is overrun with antennas nowadays. Picking the finest one can be difficult, but we're here to point you in the right path. In this article, you will learn about the many antenna kinds and get tips on how to pick the ideal one for your needs. So, whether you're browsing for an antenna to watch a movie or to improve your cell phone coverage, you now have the information you require. So, let’s start our journey!
Antennas are created for particular band ranges, thus picking the appropriate sort is essential if you desire your antenna to function properly. This tutorial will narrate the fundamentals of the functions of iridium external antenna as a wifi signal booster to help you in picking the one that is greatest fit for you.
A broadband, high frequency antenna, the SL-520A-501 provides comprehensive communications covering from 4.4 GHz to 6.0 GHz and even beyond.
Its main function is to improve Wi-Fi network signals in the Americas in 802.11a and 802.11n modes as well as in the US U-NII bands (5.150-5.350, 5.470-5.725 and 5.725-5.825 GHz). The SL-520A-501 will concurrently support HiperLAN/1 (5.150-5.350 GHz) and HiperLAN/2 (5.470-5.725 GHz) 802.11h ETSI software in Europe. The exact same antenna will ensure 5.150–5.250 GHz High Speed Wifi Access apps within Asia.
Possible development will include self-driving vehicle to infrastructure and vehicle to vehicle connectivity, as well as the 5.9 GHz band, C-V2X communication services intended for the Intelligent Highway (ITS = Intelligent Transportation Network).
Along with acting as a Radial Antenna in C-Band Scada and Video applications, this Dynamic Antenna's broadband solutions enable parallel operation across all of the aforementioned services. It can be used as a compact, high voltage gain (+9 dBil), search C-Band antenna to enhance the downlink video feeds of remote control (RC) planes and UAVs (drones), boats, automobiles, and robotic, for examples, or to connect wireless surveillance systems, such as cameras. It can also be used as a node 5 GHz antenna, permitting short link distances.
VHF and UHF antennas for satellite, mobile, and tactical applications have been the main focus of antennas.us up until this point. Although we want to continue concentrating on these areas, we are also adding other solutions including LNAs, Filters, and Diplexers. In the upcoming years, we intend to keep increasing the range of our product offering.
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tildew · 2 years
Looks like we have ourselves a Mexican Standoff. Why no new content? I play these games every time I sit at my computer, but if I write about these games perhaps I can outbrain myself. So this is my “no particular order” list of games I play for a little bit of good times. Gonna try to say something I wish each game had, some may be uninspired
Maximum Action is a first person Max Payne with modding support. It hits the proper Jon Woo notes with copious particle effects and the ability to dual wield everything. The endless mode is great fun and my favorite map is Arctic. If you have played you may know that I am about to say… please Mr. Moose, add an endless map for arctic.
Ravenfield is singleplayer Battlefield 2 with modding support. The amount of community content for this game is dizzying, and the conquest mode is rather bare bones but offers an objective based spin on the base-games bread and butter of instant action. There are planes, helicopters, tanks, hummers, and ATV’s with some extremely well designed maps, plenty of gamemodes, and oodles of guns even without mods. My one wish would be for a classic Battlefront 2 style campaign selection, same as instant action but you would be able to queue up multiple maps running different gamemodes
Dead Cells may be the most well known game on this list but I have been avidly wasting time with it since it first entered early access. It was the first “souls-like roguelite” and has since blossomed into my personal favorite rogue-y buzzword generator, dethroning Isaac. The only thing this game could benefit from would be a rigorous pass of balancing, which would take an eternity, but as of now there are only a couple of builds that can see you to the true conclusion, most of which are survival based and none of which include bows or crossbows. **unless you’re insane**
Kingdom and its successors are hypersimplistic pixel-art city builders wherein you have a left side and a right, and you must strike a balance between defense and expansion as you work on gathering enough coin to build a ship and progress to the next island. This action is rewarded by islands growing larger and harboring increasingly more interesting things such as new mounts, hermits, and mini portals. There is a surprising amount of depth for such a simple concept, and if anything were to be added I would like the option to select a starting mount from the list of ones I have unlocked.
Gunpoint is a goofy short and sweet puzzler, in about an hour and a half to two hours you will complete your journey of evidence collection as a gravity-boot wielding private eye. With such a tight experience I cant think of a worthy addition.
Broforce is a Metal Sluggian action-movie simulator where you play as one of many, many, many action movie protagonists each with their own moveset. It can be played through cooperatively online or locally and offers immense replayability through its extensive campaign where you are unlikely to play the same hero twice on any given level across all playthroughs. Add more bros.
Domina, the gladiator management simulator, while I dont think I like the dev I DO like the game. There is a campaign and an endless mode, in both you hone your gladiators from slaves through training and combat, all in an effort to make enough money to keep yourself fighting until the day of the grand tournament. You may hire three employees at a time from a long list, but most of them are shitheads so use your better judgement. This game too could benefit from modding support with only a handful of arenas, armor sets, and gladiator types. Not to mention the Ludus, which never changes.
Paint the Town Red has come a looooong way, I remember way back when I still shit my pants downloading the gamejam demo from some obscure forum because I saw Tobuscus or someone playing it. It has since added many maps, modding support, a roguelite gamemode, a challenge mode in a roman arena, and multiplayer. In the game you beat the shit out of voxelized nerds with all the items in the environment. It is extremely satisfying and great fun to lose yourself in. If they added a survival mode, or perhaps something to unlock through the numerous challenges, that would be appreciated, though their focus has clearly shifted to the roguelike Beneath.
Mordhau is fucking hard, and I hate getting dicked down by sweats, but the PvE is a lot of fun to cronch heads in and the modded servers are cool as hell. The community is hit or miss but when it hits it really hits, I met some really cool people on the star wars server and im still friends with the Maul Man of pugs to this day. Gory good fun to be had here, and if you’re looking to get competitive this hole goes deeeeep. Chariots might be cool and they’d definitely be funny.
Overgrowth is, in terms of gameplay, Jedi Academy with a healthy dose of Euphoria Ragdolls. Combat is context sensitive and your goal is, at all times, to kill the other guy first. The campaign features some fairly simple platforming segments but the real joy is had in the arena or on modded maps utilizing the combat sandbox. Good time, tons of mods, alright story, i want dismemberment.
FTL is likely to be the second most well known game on this list. Always a blast to load in for a run, form a deep bond to your crew, and watch as they slowly die of asphyxiation, immolation, or decapitation. Explore systems to gather resources and crewmates in a race against the clock in this twist of storytelling where you are an envoy of a crumbling empire attempting to outrun a well-funded rebel fleet. Gameplay is hard to describe so just give it a whirl and try to unlock all the ships. Wish there was a new campaign or maybe just more systems.
People Playground is just what it says on the tin. 2D Garry’s mod replete with mod support, engineering projects, and a multitude of murder implements. Wouldnt be terrible to see some form of AI introduced, the npc’s dont fight or do much of anything other than wait to die.
Roboquest is yet another rogue, this game fucks. Tons of guns, all viable, well designed areas and bosses, all a pain in the ass, satisfying progression. Race through areas where completion time and total kills are merited with wrenches used for permanent upgrades, along the way gather guns of varying levels and affinities as you construct your build through per-run leveling and swappable skill modules in an effort to be prepared for area bosses culminating in a marathon zone of key hunting through destruction of minibosses, turrets, and boatloads of combatants. wouldnt mind seeing a new class or area introduced, though there are under construction signs around so I imagine we will be getting the latter any time now.
Exanima is way too confusing for me to play the campaign, and updates are SPARSE, but the Arena is a lot of fun to crush skulls in from time to time in this physics based brawler. Win fights to raise your level and earn coin, spend the coin on tools to win more fights, level up for harder fights and more coin, a simple and addictive formula. If the devs wont keep the game alive then I would love to see modding support introduced.
That does it for the list! None of these games are excluded from having full length reviews on them at some point down the road, but for now I just had to get these recommendations off my chest.
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gentrychild · 3 years
Edna Mode did nothing but skintight spandex catsuits. The only thing that changed was the colors and patterns. The only thing she had going for her is that the suits were at least protective, but she was not creative.
How dare you batmouth Edna Mode on my Tumblr?
I am going to make something clear from the get go: Edna isn’t interested in giving the most fashionable costumes to her customers. Instead, she want the Supers to have the best costumes for the job.
In the first movie, Edna is clearly bored out of her mind with the fashion industries. She basically said ‘I used to dress gods” and for her, the challenge is to give the best product to her client.
Just look at Elastigirl’s costume? It seems straightforward, right? Except that Elastigirl doesn’t just change size but shapes and there have been several times where she twisted herself, and the costume not only withstand all of it and went back to shape.
What about Violette’s? Because Edna made a costume that can turn invisible with Violette without even meeting the girl. That shows an impressive understanding of superpowers.
And that’s not even all she does for the costumes. Remember how, since she didn’t know Jack-Jack’s powers, she just put the basics? Do you want to know what the basics are?
Being roomy and flexible for easy movement,
completely bulletproof,
comfortable for sensitive skin,
machine washable (the proof that this woman is a genius)
being able to withstand temperatures of over 1,000 degrees.
Remember that scene when a missile hit the plane in which Helen and the kids were? Elastigirl isn’t missile proof. But apparently, her costume is.
Edna’s first priority is the safety of the Supers that are wearing her costumes.
As for the tightness, well, we were in 1962. Every super hero costume were tight at the time. But you will notice than both men and women are covered head to toe. Now, compare that to what Wonder Woman was wearing in the same year: a bustier and shorts.
Not even BNHA, which is more recent, managed to make costumes that offers so much protection and that didn’t sexualize women.
So don’t disrespect Edna Mode where I can see it, Galbaki.
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babydaddyleorio · 3 years
How they would act on a plane
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These are very much crack headcanons because I needed something to help me escape my writing plateau lmao
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                                    How they would act on a plane
-If he’s sitting next to a girl? Oh he’s flirting the whole plane ride.
-Literally won’t shut up and tells her this very extravagant story trying to woo her, the whole time eyeing the necklace that’s placed on her neck.
-Also did I mention that he’s in first class? Yeah he definitely tied up some guy in the bathroom and “borrowed” his ticket.
-He’ll order drinks for him and the girl and will secretly pay for them with her money.
-A true finesser.
-Even the flight attendants love him. He has so many numbers now.
-If he does happen to sit by himself, he’ll probably read a book while listening to classical music.
-He refuses to sleep because he feels like he has enemies everywhere watching him.
-like please you are not the main character Chrollo take the damn nap. 
-He's on his phone the whole time but he’s so obnoxious with it. He purposefully has his volume all the way up just to annoy everyone around him.
-He’ll play games like candy crush and laughs super loudly If he makes a match and groans sadly If he runs out lives.
-The old man next to him wants to bang his head against the chair in front of him because he literally won’t shut up.
-Doesn’t put his phone on airplane mode.
-Probably hacks into the plane. Literally will make the bathroom have the occupied sign on the whole plane ride so no one could use It.
-Has a needle in the pilot’s neck just for fun.
-Also has the plane doing loopity loops in the sky and everyone is screaming for their lives while he’s just laughing evilly.
-Claps when the plane lands.
-He just reads the whole ride.
-If you accidentally brush his arm he gives you a death glare.
-He has to jump to reach the overhead because it’s too high.
-He woke up way too early so he’s in a “I hate everyone” type of mood.
-Hisses when the person beside him tries to open up the window.
-He accidentally sits next to an escape exit and when the flight attendant asks him If he’s ready to save others just in case something happens he’s like “....No.”
-Refuses to change his answer too
-Listens to music on his playlist and silently pretends to be in a music video.
-Takes up all of the space and squishes you.
-You wonder how the hell his earlobes got that long and he would say something smart to you like “It’s rude to stare.”
-Well excuse me...
-Someone in front him will lean back in their seat and their hair covers the movie he’s watching. 
-Is scared to move it so he just sits there like “😐”.
-All the drinks are too small to fit in his hand so he awkwardly sips from the straw that’s poked in his apple juice box.
-Someone ends up leaning their head on his shoulder while they are sleeping.
-Doesn’t know what to do now and is frantically looking around for help.
-Knitting or sewing the whole time.
-Do not try to talk to her. She won’t respond.
-Has a window seat because she likes to peacefully look at the clouds and city lights as she’s sewing.
-Also to imagine Hisoka falling from the sky without a parachute.
-Ah, so tranquil.
-Doesn’t like riding on planes because they’re kind of scary. She would never tell anyone that though. 
-Wanted to sit next to Pakunoda but instead got stuck sitting next to a chihuahua who won’t stop yapping at her the entire ride. 
-Has to stop herself from yeeting it out the window.
-The dog will see he’s not getting through to her, so he’ll slowly raise his leg up and Machi will literally start screaming at what he’s trying to do. 
-Yeah she hates her life.
-You can hear pierce the veil blasting from her headphones.
-Binky has its own seat for some reason.
-She goes to the bathroom and once she sees that It’s occupied (kudos to Shalnark) she will turn to go back to her seat but already forgot where she sits.
-The type to bring a book that she never reads.
-If the person next to her is watching a movie, she’ll change It simply because she doesn't like It.
-There’s one flight attendant constantly flirting with her and she gets a lot of free drinks because of them.
-Of course she never catches on and forgets who they are every time they try to talk to her.
-Will argue with the flight attendant about how expensive the peanuts are.
-After like five minutes, he finally buys the peanuts and once he’s about to eat them the turbulence becomes so strong that It makes them fly everywhere.
-He has to resist the urge to punch the air.
-Phinks has to have an aisle seat because he gets paranoid easily.
-Phinks will try to go to sleep but there will be a kid constantly kicking the back of his chair.
-He will turn around and would be about to throat punch the kid when suddenly he sees how hot his mom is.
-Simp mode activated.
-He’ll try to flirt with the mom but the kid will notice and he ends up “accidentally” squirting his drink in Phinks face.
-Yeah It’s on sight when he gets off the plane.
-Watches a movie, probably one dealing with samurai. 
-Somehow got past security with his Katana?
-Most likely because of Shalnark
-Ate really bad airport food which messed up his stomach.
-Feels sick and tries to hold It in, but you can tell by his face that he’s struggling. The old lady beside him stares with wide eyes once she hears his stomach literally start beat boxing.
-He runs down the aisle clenching his cheeks and knocks harshly on the bathroom door, but he sees that sign says occupied.
-Nobunaga is shouting at the non-existent person in there to hurry up holding his stomach.
-Shalnark Is eating popcorn and laughing at Nobunaga as he watches him through the security camera.
-Goes to ask the flight attendant for hemorrhoid cream
-Is really nice and will talk to you If you start a conversation with her
-Has earbuds packed for the altitudes and offers you some as well
-Turns her brightness down as she reads smut on her phone. Literally turned her whole body and everything so no one could see the words.
-Her face is so red as she stares at her phone and the flight attendant is so concerned that they ask if she’s okay. Pakunoda jumps so high and almost chucks her phone once she sees them standing over her, scared that they’ll see that she commented “😩💦” under the fanfic.
-Brings homemade snacks and sandwiches that no one wants 
-Has a window seat because she wanted to look out the window and see how small the land is below her
-Unlike Machi, Pakunoda has a cat sitting next to her and the cat absolutely loves her.
-Will probably steal it 
-sleeps the whole ride with a mask over his eyes and a neck pillow that he swiped from someone earlier.
-He snores sooo loudly and everyone around him is irritated because they can’t go to sleep because of It
-He would eat all the food on the plane
-Is the type to laugh very loudly at the movie playing or give commentary about each scene that’s happening
-Didn’t bring any luggage with him and… yeah...
-His head touches the ceiling of the plane and Its really uncomfortable 
-Has no Idea where he’s going but got on the plane anyway
Hisoka (honorable mention)
-Somehow sits in first class with Chrollo and once Chrollo sees him he almost loses his shit
- “This seat is taken.” Chrollo would say while staring straight ahead but Hisoka ignores him and sits down anyway.
- “Do you not enjoy my company?” He’d tease while licking his lips.
-Chrollo immediately gets him kicked out.
-So now he’s stuck in economy with the rest of the troupe. None of them let him sit with them either.
-Finds an empty seat and sits down In it and starts laughing to himself because he’s plotting on how to get back to first class.
-The person sitting next to Hisoka is legit terrified and they side eye him the whole ride while clutching their bag to their chest.
-Will trip people walking down the aisle with his bungee gum.
-He would purposefully take his time to get his bag out, creating a long line for no reason.
-Whole time doesn’t even have a bag.
-Is banned from ever riding a plane again.
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babyjakes · 2 years
forever and a day | 34. willa's.
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summary | a story in which america’s favorite captain gives a new life and family to a five-year-old girl who has suffered well beyond her years at the hands of hydra.
characters | dad!steve rogers, girl/willa rogers (original character)
warnings | AU similar enough to OU to include spoilers to many Marvel movies (Age of Ultron and beyond). action and fight scenes with violence and killing. injuries/mild gore. mature themes related to and semi-graphic depictions of child abuse/neglect, past CSA and CSM, and their aftermath (emaciation, wounds, scarring, etc). medical abuse and experimentation. ptsd/trauma symptoms in a child (developmental discrepancies, de-humanized behavior, detachment, extreme fears). medical treatment of CSM and other aftermath of abuse.trauma-informed therapeutic treatment of ECT. minor mentions of disordered eating. evil!Tony Stark.
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After about an hour or so of addressing her wounds, Willa fell right asleep on the make-shift cot. I’ve wrapped her up in a blanket and placed another under her head, folded up as a pillow. The poor girl cried the entire time. She didn’t say much, just cried. With the amount of pain she seemed to be in, it didn’t surprise me that she was struggling to form words. Fortunately, I guess, Tony’s blasters didn’t do much more than surface damage. While the kid’s got some pretty nasty burns, I didn’t detect any critical injuries. That doesn’t mean, though, that she’s in any way alright. This was a big hit for her to take, especially from Tony. I get that he was trying to shoot at me, but at the end of the day, he shouldn’t have been shooting at all.
After packing the last of the medical supplies back into the storage compartments, I make my way to the front of the ship to find Bucky. He’s sitting in the pilot’s seat, staring straight ahead as the world flies by through the window. I come up beside him and take the seat to his right, not saying anything at first. He’s silent as well; he doesn’t even turn to look at me, but I can tell he’s aware of my presence.
“How is she?” he asks after several more minutes of silence.
“Asleep,” I reply simply, shifting slightly in the uncomfortable seat.
“What kind of damage did Tony do?”
“Burns,” I tell him. “Nothing more, at least from what I could tell.”
“I can take a look at her too, when we land,” Buck offers. I nod.
“Did you put the plane in stealth mode?” I check.
“Yep. No way in hell they’ll find us,” my friend assures me. I sigh, thinking silently to myself, he better be right. Reaching into my pocket, I pull out my phone. Ten missed calls from Tony Stark. Unlocking the screen, I pull up his contact. With shaking fingers, I silence his notifications. Whatever he might have to say, I don’t want to hear it. Unless it’s an apology, but I know it’s not.
Shoving the device back in my pocket, I sigh again, gazing aimlessly out of the window in front of me. “She took that hit for me, Buck,” I say quietly, my voice barely above a whisper. The man’s expression softens slightly as he looks over at me, his grey-blue eyes meeting mine.
“I know,” he nods roughly. “I thought it was gonna kill her.”
“I did too,” I admit, heartbreak building up in my chest. “It very well could have. If it had been a blast from Wanda, or Vision-”
“They wouldn’t shoot at you like that,” Bucky argues. “Tony’s reached a new level of dangerous. His side’s entire objective was to stop us, just stop us. When he pointed his fist at you like that, the look in his eyes gave him away. He was firing to kill.” I look down at my lap, unsure of what to say. In the end, I’ll never truly know what Tony’s intent was. He had orders to bring us in, sure. But could Bucky be right? In that last moment, at his last chance to get me, was he coming for blood? “Maybe I’m not worth all this, Steve.” my friend’s voice trails off.
“Hey- no, okay? None of that. Of course you’re worth it, Buck; you know I’d do anything for you.”
“I know,” he says, swallowing hard. “Maybe that isn’t the best idea.”
“They’re trying to take you down for something you didn’t do. They want you locked up for the rest of your life; I can’t let them do that to you,” I try to reason with him.
“Maybe I belong locked up,” Buck mumbles. My heart drops in my chest as I look over to him. He keeps his gaze from meeting mine, staring straight ahead out of the window.
“Bucky- hey, listen to me. What you did- that wasn’t you,” I tell him sincerely . “They had control of your mind. You were a victim.”
“I know,” Bucky chokes out. “But I did it.”
Opening my mouth, I’m about to say more, but my phone ringing in my pocket stops me. I pull it out, the screen flashing a notification in front of me. Incoming call: Peter Parker.
“I’ve gotta take this,” I shake my head, standing up and stepping away from Bucky.
Venturing back into the jet, I find a chair in one of the rows of seats lining the walls. I take a long, deep breath before sliding across my phone screen to answer. “Peter?” I say warily, confused as to why the teen is calling me.
“Mr.- Ste- Cap- Captain?” the kid’s shaky voice responds, and I can instantly tell he’s in tears.
“Hey Peter,” I murmur, softening my voice. “What’s going on?”
“I-I’m sorry for c-calling you… the others don’t know; p-please don’t tell them,” he begs, his voice quivering. Pity builds in my chest for the young boy and I nod, even though he can’t see me.
“Okay, Pete. I won’t tell them. I promise, buddy. I won’t.” He sniffles, his breaths coming through loudly over the phone as he struggles to form his next words.
“I j-just- I need… is Willa okay? D-did she make it?” he asks, his voice cracking at the little girl’s name. A heartbroken smile faintly crosses my face at his question.
“Yeah, bud. She’s alright. She’s a little burnt up, but she’s gonna be just fine,” I assure him.
“I h-had no idea Mr. Stark w-would just shoot at you like that,” he admits coldly, the guilt evident in his voice. “H-he told me we were meeting you all there to bring you back, to bring you home. Then I found out that Tony wanted you in trouble.” I sigh, nodding. I had a pretty good feeling that Peter wasn’t in on all the details of our encounter. He showed little to no awareness of what he was actually doing, and given how much he clearly cares about us, I think he would’ve acted much differently if Tony had been straight with him. “I-I’m so sorry, sir. I never would’ve f-fought if-”
“Hey Peter, it’s okay. Alright? I know that Tony didn’t tell you the truth. I know how much you care about us, about Willa.”
“P-please don’t hate me, Ste- I-I mean, C-Cap, sir,” Peter pleads, his voice shaking in desperation.
“Never, buddy. I could never hate you. You’re alright, Peter. Things are just fine between you and me, and between you and Bucky and you and Willa, too.”
“O-okay,” the kid breathes, his voice coming down a little bit, allowing me to relax slightly, glad to have been able to ease his anxieties. “I-I have to go, I don’t want anyone catching me on the phone with you. B-but if you guys need anything, if there’s anything I can do…”
“Thank you, Peter. Stay safe, alright?”
“Yes sir,” he agrees, and the line goes dead. I take a deep breath, returning the phone to my pocket. The more time passes, and the more things progress, I just become more and more upset with Tony. Our little disagreements have really escalated into situations I find unacceptable. There was the whole incident with Willa in the lab back at the tower. And now there’s been this confrontation, a literal split down the middle of the team, and Tony’s not even giving his side the truth? It’s only led to chaos and people getting hurt. Willa being blasted. Bucky questioning his worth. Peter becoming scared that I would abandon him.
I’m snapped out of my thoughts by movement appearing in front of me as I gaze off distractedly. Glancing up, I see that Willa’s appeared in front of me, her big green eyes wide and full of tears. Her body shakes as she stands, looking as if she’s struggling to keep herself upright.
“Hi sweetheart,” I greet the girl carefully, startled that she’s up by herself. I open my arms up for her and she warily enters them, standing between my legs as I sit on the edge of my seat, wrapping her up as gently as I can in my embrace while being sure to not touch her injuries. “What are you doing up all by yourself?” I ask.
“W-woke up and couldn’t find you,” Willa whimpers. I nod, stroking her hair gently. “I-I’m sorry,” she adds as she wraps her own arms around my midsection, trembling through her apology. “Please forgive me.”
“What’re you sorry for, Willa?” I ask, confused as to what she could possibly feel the need to apologize for.
“Y-you, I…” the child begins, her voice trailing off as she tilts her head to look up into my eyes. “You weren’t s'pposed t-to bring me with. Th-thought you’d leave me with the others,” she reveals. My eyebrows raise in alarm as I shake my head at her.
“You- what? You’re sorry that we brought you?” Willa nods. “Why, doll? It was always the plan to bring you; we weren’t just gonna leave leave you there- I wasn’t just gonna leave you.”
“T-Tony was- h-he tried to kill you,” the little girl sniffles, her words sinking deep into my stomach. “Th-that’s why I- you should’ve gotten out, sh-should’ve gotten away,” she mumbles, pressing herself into my shirt. My heart pounds heavily in my chest as I hold the child in my arms.
“You- that’s why you ran in front of me? To take the hit so that… so that we could leave without you?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.
Willa nods into my embrace, and an overwhelming sense of sadness and guilt settles in my gut. I guess what I can say is that if I had any doubt in my mind before about Willa’s love for me, it’s now surely vanished. She was clearly willing to risk everything for Bucky and I to get away. And to that, I don’t know what to say. The amount of love and care and selflessness wrapped up in this little five year old girl is truly unbelievable.
As gently as I can, I cup Willa’s uninjured cheek with my hand, tilting her head to lock her gaze with mine. “I love you, sweetheart. I want you to know that,” I tell her, and she nods. “You never needed to take that hit for me. The last thing I want you doing is putting yourself at risk for me, okay? It’s dangerous.”
“I-I’m sorry,” Willa stutters, tears building back up in her eyes. “P-please, I’m sorry.”
“Hey- no, don’t cry, honey. Shhh, don’t cry,” I croon, stroking my thumb against her cheek warmly. “I’m not angry with you. What you did back there meant the world to me, doll. I just want you to know that it’s my job to protect you. And if anything, it should be me jumping in to save you, okay?” The girl nods, sniffling down her sobs.
“St-Steve?” she asks.
“Like- like a mommy?” her little voice wavers, her eyes peering up into mine. The familiar words ring through my ears, and as I gaze into her eyes, through the watery pools of green, I see so much fear, so much hesitancy. But stronger than that, more than anything, I just see longing. Longing that’s been there for a while now.
“Like a mommy, that’s right,” I tell her warmly. “Protecting you and caring for you, loving you. Just like a mommy, sweetheart.”
Willa’s tiny hand raises up to point a single finger at me, then turning it around to point at herself, her eyebrows raise in question. And even though I can almost certainly tell what she’s asking, I decide to push her a little bit further, hoping that she’ll confirm it for me, just to be safe. “What do you mean, Willa?” I ask, nodding at her hand.
The wide-eyed child takes a deep breath, her bottom lip beginning to tremble. And as it does, it almost feels like the whole thing might be falling apart completely. She drops my gaze as tears flood her eyes, her breathing escalating rapidly. As she jerks back slightly in my arms, I instantly rush in to reassure her, “Hey, hey. Easy, sweetheart. Breathe for me,” I murmur, rubbing up and down her back soothingly. “Can you ask me, Willa? It’s safe for you to ask me,” I promise her. “I just want to hear it coming from you.”
Willa squeezes her eyes shut tightly, tears running down both of her cheeks. But just when I think I’ve lost my chance with her once more, she opens her mouth again, her words seeming to stumble out before she can stop them. “Y-you- be my- b-be mine? Th-that? Be- like a m-mommy, t-to me? M-my mommy- Willa’s m-mommy?”
A flood of grace and tenderness washes over me as I run my thumb over the precious girl’s cheek, almost trying to will her eyes to open with my mind. Somehow, it works, and my gaze locks with hers, relief and love shining through the green as she sees the smile forming on my face. “Okay, Willa. I’ll be that for you. Like your mommy. Willa’s.”
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aisla229 · 3 years
May i ask how you learned blender and specifically 2d animation on blender? I know there’s a lot of sources and it’s an annoying question but theres limited videos on the 2d part of it on youtube, and the interface is so confusing to me i love your work so much and in need of a direction of where to look sorry :(
Hey no worries! It's a very good question (^v^)b
Learning the 2D side of Blender is still on my to-do list, so unfortunately I don't know much about it, but I'll gladly offer any help I can.
Blender is foremost a 3D program, so if you're learning the interface and the controls, I feel it may be better to start off with that side of it to at least get familiar. While dealing with complex software like Blender or Unity, the learning curve with always be on the steeper side, especially in the beginning. For me, getting the hang of its internal logic (like where everything is and how its organized) as well as getting to know the terminology is a good first step. Even after years of getting to know the program, I'm still learning something new and discovering curve balls I never knew even existed, so knowing what questions to ask to solve a problem becomes imperative (if you have a friend who knows Blender, you can also go pester them. Sometimes solving problems can be more fun together, though beware of headaches.)
Start with an easy project, something simple that focuses on one thing. Get a hang of each thing individually and once you start feeling comfortable with them, you can start combining them. Experimenting with each functions can also be pretty fun. While it's easy to jump into big projects, they tend to get overwhelming pretty fast, especially once you start encountering things you don't know.
Take for example my animation (big project):
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Each individual part required a different set-up, and you'll notice there's actually very little 2D in this, haha. Here's a Youtube turorial playlist for all kinds of cool 2D-like effects which are secretly 3D. I've referred to a lot of these to make this.
End results are really satisfying.
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For the Pterosaur itself, I've actually done the 2D animation in Clip Studio Paint, saved it as a .avi and imported it in Blender as a flat plane. Here's the node set-up:
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There's the .avi as an Image Texture node, where instead of having it as a "single image," it's put in as a "movie" (Blender will usually recognize so on it's own), and I made sure Cyclic and Auto Refresh were checked. The rest of the nodes are just there so that it appears as transparent (also don't forget to go into you Material Properties > Settings and put Blend Mode and Shadow Mode to Alpha Clip, or transparency won't work. Note: this is for the Eevee Render Engine)
To get started with blender, here's a really good beginner tutorial that goes over all the basics.
If you wish to only do 2D without any 3D, Blender may not be the best program. Something more specialized and focused on 2D will be far easier to learn, but Blender does have its own benefits (plus it's free :D hooray!)
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Baby, It’s Cold...
Warnings: this fic includes dubious/nonconsent, fingering, lying, manipulation, and general Ransom naughtiness
This is explicit. 18+ only.
Summary: You go to meet your online admirer but not all is as it seems.
Note: Our Chris-mas fic is here! I tried to keep the holiday details as vague as possible and hope you all enjoy what I came up with. As a reminder, y’all chose Ransom Drysdale + Sugar Daddy + Silverfox (= yes please)
I hope y’all enjoy!
Let me know what you think! (Like, reblog, reply, leave some words, a gif, nonsensical emojis)
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Your nerves wouldn't stop. It was the tap of your fingers, the urge to chew your thumb, and the way you shifted in your seat just when you got settled. The flight was long enough to calm down and definitely not long enough to prepare yourself. 
You scrolled through your phone, offline for the journey. You swiped through the photos saved in your gallery. Hugh had paid for the ticket. A gift for the holidays he said; his gift, he added, was you. It was cheesy but it made you smile. He always had a way of surprising you. One moment, he was stern and demanding, the next he was flirty and fun, and sometimes, he could be sappy. He was different than any man you’d met; well you hadn’t exactly met yet.
It had started on your Insta. You liked to post pictures of pretty things; flowers, birds, critters, and the odd monument. Sometimes, even, yourself. He messaged you about some photo of a vintage book. It was random and awkward. You weren’t quite sure how you managed to bring the quality to text but you did always find a way.
But it continued and you got to know him. He knew a lot about books; he said he worked in publishing. As a photography student, you weren’t as impressive. You assumed he was older; a few years, he said. Well, that wasn’t so bad. He also suggested you keep some prints; it could make for a good coffee table book. You liked hat he humoured you but you were like any other arts major; you were waiting for your green apron.
As they announced the landing over the speaker, you buckled in. You played with the locked buckle. You had lied to your mother. You told her you were staying on campus for the winter break. What would do if she knew if you were meeting a stranger? Huh, you were meeting a stranger and you had kept it all a secret. Your romcom had just become a horror in your mind.
Well, you had the app on the phone. The one that would send your location if you didn’t log in within the next eight hours. But it could be too late by then. Shit, this was stupid. So stupid. You could hide and tell him you missed your flight. Well, fuck, you’d texted him just before boarding.
As the plane descended you went through every worst case scenario; catfish, liar, murderer… Hugh was hot as fuck and you had to admit, a rich guy with eyes like his, was way out of your league. You bit your lip as you looked at the pic of him at the beach; was it the abs that made you so dumb or the smirk?
The large wheels rolled over the tarmac as the pilot steered past the other planes and into position. You waited as disembarkment began and the attendants reminded passengers to remain seated until told otherwise. You felt the wine in your stomach swish. Hugh had paid for first class; you had enjoyed the complimentary drinks a little too much. The first had been for courage, the second for foolishness.
Finally, it was time to get up. Time to face your naivety. Why did these things seem like a good idea until the last minute? Rather, why did you think they were? This was like that blind date in your freshman year that turned out to be a prank by your roommates. Sophomore year saw you relocated.
What if the same was going through Hugh’s head? What if he was disappointed? It was easy to seem cooler than you were behind a screen. It wasn’t exactly like you broadcasted the fact that you spent all your time in the library or the fact that your study group was the majority of your socialization. Well, maybe you’d both be let down and you could laugh about it together.
You grabbed your carry-on and followed the rest of the passengers down the ramp and into the tunnel. You felt like you were in a movie or a dream. It was surreal. Had you really flown all this way to meet this online pal? 
As you reached the escalators, you turned your phone off of airplane mode. There was a message waiting for you. ‘At the gate.’ It was all too real as you sent back an emoji and neared the belt to grab your bag. You extended the arm and rolled it behind you as you headed for the last barrier. You were waved through customs and met another set of escalators. You bounced your leg as you descended.
You got to the bottom and walked around as you searched those waiting around the gate. Blonde hair, you couldn’t miss it. Blue eyes, tall, broad shoulders… he was the type to stand out in the crowd. 
“Hey,” you felt a large hand on your back and another on the handle of your bag. “Right here.”
The deep voice was the same from your phone calls. You smiled and looked over as he took your bag entirely and wrapped his arm around you.
“I can’t believe you’re finally here.” You turned to him and his hand rested on your hip as he faced you.
The air went out of you and your lips parted. You blinked and sputtered. “H- Hi.” 
“You okay? How was the flight?” He asked.
You were in shock. Your entire body jittered and your breath was trapped in your chest. It was Hugh but he was about twenty years older than his photos. Most of his hair was silver, with only a few strands of blonde, and though he hadn’t aged poorly, the difference was stark. Handsome as he still was, he had lied.
“It was… fine.” You forced out. “I…” You shook your head and pouted as your thoughts raced, “Hugh, you’re… older than I expected.”
“Call me Ransom. Everybody does.” He leaned it, “Why don’t we talk about this in the car?”
You looked around. You couldn’t really just turn around and go home, could you? You lowered your chin and sucked in your lip as you thought. What else had he lied about?
“Sure,” you said thinly. “I…”
“Babe, it’s me,” he coaxed, “I’m exactly who I said I was. And you, you’re even more gorgeous in person.”
You glanced at him and nodded. You hooked your shoulder bag over your arm and he grabbed your hand as he pulled you with him. The wheels of your suitcase rolled loudly behind him as the buzz of the crowd drowned out your panicked mind. You let him guide you, in disbelief. You didn’t know what else to do.
You were outside as the haze cleared. You approached a car, sleek and sporty, though you were never good with types. Hugh, or Ransom, opened the trunk and dropped your bag inside. He went to the driver’s side and opened the door as you stared across at him. You mirrored him and lowered yourself into the passenger’s seat. The doors closed almost in unison and you stared through the windshield at the unfamiliar parking lot.
He cleared his throat and turned the engine. You snapped your belt into place as he shifted into gear. You flinched and crossed your arms. You peeked at him in the rearview and his hand crawled onto your thigh. His eyes met yours in the mirror and he smirked. You were paralysed as he steered with one hand and his fingers tapped against your jeans.
“Merry Christmas, babe,” he said, “Or… happy holidays. Whatever’s politically correct.”
He laughed and you only managed to choke on your spit. You felt like you should be mad but did you have any right to be? He hadn’t exactly catfished you. Not completely. And he had paid for your ticket and from what you could tell, he was just as rich as he claimed. Yet, that wasn’t exactly why you’d come. Sure, it was all just in good fun, you didn’t expect a whirlwind romance, but it was still jarring.
“Why don’t you just relax?” he purred, “I know it wasn’t too long a flight but flying always takes it outta me. And you’ll need your energy. I have lots of surprises in store for you.”
You nodded and leaned against the door. You hugged yourself and lifted your leg over the other and Ransom’s hand slipped away. He seemed unbothered as he sat back in his seat and turned his attention to the road.
The radio flicked on and filled the tense silence. You clung to the unknown lyrics to keep from drowning in fear.
Despite your doubts, you couldn’t help but be astounded by Ransom’s house. Almost four years in a dormitory and the Holiday Inn was like a palace to you, but his place was even more than that. A modern façade with a blanket of store across the sprawling yards which seemed to have been perfectly laid to match the straight lines of the structure. 
You stayed in the car as Ransom climbed out and took your bag from the trunk. You jumped in your seat as he tapped on the window with his knuckle. You looked over at him and undid your belt. You got out, your bag dangling from your wrist, and he touched the small of your back again as he led you forward.
“We’ll have dinner and then you can open your gifts,” he said, “That’s when the fun will start.”
“Mmhmm,” you hummed as he unlocked the door with a code and ushered you in.
You watched him hang his jacket and reluctantly unzipped your own. You put your bag down but kept a hold of your phone.
“You’re nervous,” he intoned.
“Why did you send me those pics and not something more recent? You lied.” You said.
His mouth slanted and he raised his brows. “They were me. Not much of a lie.”
“Enough of one, don’t you think?”
He chuckled. “I think you at least owe me a little leeway. Considering.”
“Considering what? You offered to pay. Don’t hold that over me.”
“I’m not but… you’re young, you’re impulsive. I mean, you came all the way here and now what? You’re going to tuck tail and run home? Spend the last of that bursary money so you can hide?”
“Don’t patronize me,” you huffed as you stepped out of your boots.
“I’m not.” He said firmly. “I’m giving you advice and it’s hard to see when you’re young but we both know you’re smarter than your age. We both know what this is and me being older isn’t going to affect that.” His eyes roved over you, “Is it?”
You lowered your lashes and thought. You wetted your lips and looked down at your phone. You unlocked it and opened the app. You keyed in your password and turned off the alert. You’d come this far and you were fairly certain he wouldn’t murder you. Besides, your mother would kill you once she found out you’d come all this way.
“It’s just gonna take me a bit to get used to it,” you tucked your phone away, “But promise me, that’s it. The only lie.”
“Promise,” he said gently, “Now, dinner should be here soon so why don’t you get changed.”
“Changed?” You snorted, “What--”
“Up the stairs, the room at the end of the hall, there’s a red box on the bed. It should fit. If it doesn’t, I’m sure it’ll still look great on you.”
You smiled as your cheeks burned. He was older but he still had charm and had aged into his looks and not out of them. 
“Alright,” you said, “I… what’s for dinner?”
“Another surprise,” he replied as he neared and leaned in, “I’m more excited about dessert.” His breath tickled your cheek, his lips too, and you shivered. “Now go, we’ve both waited long enough for this.”
You drew away and turned to head up the stairs. He tapped your ass and you squeaked. You looked back over his shoulder and he winked. “Can’t help myself,” he raised his hands, “But I’ll try.”
You continued up the stairs and tried not to gape at what had to be expensive art. The furniture was no less extravagant and as you entered the room at the end of the hall, you closed the door and pulled out your phone. You typed in Ransom instead of Hugh Drysdale and pages of results popped up. Editor, Publisher, and Owner of Blood Like Wine Publishing. Jesus Christ, were you really that daft?
Well, he was famous enough to reassure you he wasn’t going to kill you. You tossed your phone on the bed beside the box and carefully untied the black ribbon around it. You shimmied the lid off and revealed the red velvet. You lifted it up, a short little piece trimmed with white fur. It was the most ridiculous thing you’d ever seen but scandalous nevertheless.
You stripped as your nerves only got worse. You slipped into the dress, it was tight around your chest and the short skirt had a slit along the thigh. You wanted to laugh at yourself. There was a pair of heels at the foot of the bed and you sat to slip on the stilettos. You stood and wobbled. You felt so dumb but a glance in the mirrored door of the closet gave you pause. Not bad.
You slowly made your way down the stairs. You held tight to the railing and as you came to the bottom, you looked around at the airy halls. You wandered into the next room and back to the kitchen. You stopped in the doorway as Ransom looked up from the counter. He carefully plated the food from the containers surrounded by paper bags. Expensive, boujie take out.
“The other way,” he smiled, “Past the stairs. I’ll be in shortly.”
“Oh, okay,” you spun and caught yourself on the wall. 
You found your way to the room across the hall. There was an artificial fireplace in the wall burning and a low table with two cushions planted deliberately on the floor. There was a bucket with ice and champagne in it and two glasses waiting. You crossed to it and touched the petals of the stemmed roses in the tall crystal vase.
You turned as you heard footsteps. Ransom entered with two plates. He passed you and set them down on the low table. He spun back to you and took in every inch of you. “Wow, you look… great.”
“Thank you,” you shied away and he caught your hands. He pulled you close as the candlelight gleamed along his silver hair.
“Come here,” his hand grazed your arm and he caught your chin, “Amazing.”
He brushed his lips against yours and pressed them more firmly. You let him as you heart hammered and he pulled away as he nibbled your bottom lip.
“Let’s eat,” he breathed. “Before it gets cold.”
You followed him to the table and sat on the cushion. It was difficult as your skirt rode up and you bent your legs beside you awkwardly as Ransom popped the cork. He poured the wine and you sipped at the foam. You could still feel the glow of the grigio you’d downed on the plane.
“So, did you bring your camera? Tomorrow we might go out and you can get some photos. It’s beautiful in the winter. Cold but makes warming up all the better.”
“Yeah…” You took a bite of the salad. “So, why didn’t you tell me who you were? If your age doesn’t matter, then--”
“You didn’t ask me for money. Not even when I mentioned it. Most women, I tell them who I am, they google me, and they do a poor job of tiptoeing around my checkbook.” He shrugged. “And I like you. I wanted to get to know you without everything else.”
“Get to know me?” You scoffed. “That’s what you call it?”
“My intentions were innocent. At first. I thought your pictures might make a good book and then I found one of you. Business isn’t everything.”
“Oh,” you fluttered your lashes, “It’s not?”
His hand snaked over to your thigh and he squeezed. He played with the fur along your skirt.
“I have enough money.” He said, “What I want isn’t so simple.”
You finished dinner and washed it down with the champagne as Ransom cleared the plates. As came back, you sat on your knees and watched him cross the room. There was a table stacked with presents in the corner. You only just noticed it as he looked it over and picked out one wrapped in gold paper.
He neared and held it out to you. You took it and ran your finger over the edge. “Your gift is in my bag,” you tried to stand and he waved you off.
“Later,” he said, “Open it.”
You slid your finger under a fold and tore. You slowly unwrapped the box; black and shiny. You crumpled the paper and dropped it on the table. You wiggled the lid off a revealed a pair of black furry cuffs. You giggled.
“Thanks,” you looked up at him.
“Stand up,” he said.
“W-Why?” You tilted your head.
“You gotta try them on,” he grinned, “Come on. Just a little bit of fun.”
“I don’t know, I never--”
“I know you didn’t come here just for steak so come on, get up.” He demanded, “And turn around.”
You bit down as you stared up at him. You wanted to laugh but the lines in his forehead warned you he was serious. He bent and took the cuffs from you and set the box aside. You stood, numb and shaky. You didn’t believe it. He wasn’t going to--
He spun you around and swept your arms behind you. You tried to pull away as he caught your left wrist in a cuff and quickly hooked the other. They closed tight around your wrists and he tugged on the link as if to test them.
You stared at the artificial flames licking at the glass. He cupped your ass and dragged his hands around to grip your hips.
“They look nice,” he purred, “Oh, baby.”
He bent and nuzzled your neck as he brought his arms around you and kneaded your tits. He pushed them up as he nibbled at your skin.
“These… are perfect,” he kissed you and teased your flesh with his teeth. “Fuck.”
He pulled down the top of your dress and bared your chest. You wriggled and he hugged your waist he kept you close.
“What are you doing, baby? Where are you going to go?” He tweaked your nipple, “Dressed like a little slut.”
“Hey,” you gasped and he retracted his hand to smack your ass.
He hushed you as his fingers crept down your thigh and he rolled up your skirt an inch at a time. “What are these?” He snapped your panties, “You don’t need those.” He pulled them below your ass and they fell to your ankles. “Let me show you what an old man does better than any kid.”
He reached around you and tickled your pelvis. He raised his head and inhaled the scent of your scalp as his hot breath glossed over your head.
“Don’t be shy now… or would you feel better with a camera?” He taunted. “Hmmm?”
“Hu--Ransom,” you uttered.
“Come on,” he forced his hand between your legs and flicked between your folds. “What did you think this was? How long did you think I’d wait?”
“No, but--” You gasped as he toyed with your clit, “Ransom.”
“Say it again,” he swirled his fingers. 
You gulped and moaned as he rubbed harder. Your legs quaked around his hand as he slid his fingers further back. You felt your arousal slicken as he spread it over your cunt and poked around your entrance. He slid a finger inside of you as he wiggled his crotch against your hands.
“Is this what you came for? Or did you want all of me?” He pushed another finger in. “You want me inside you, baby? Stretching you?”
You groaned as he curled his fingers and pressed the hell of his hand to your clit. He rocked his hand and cried out. Your legs cramped as your feet curled in the high stilettos.
“It doesn’t really matter what you came for,” he pushed on your shoulder until you bent forward. He caught the middle of the cuffs and held you like that. “I’m gonna get what I want.”
You closed your eyes and whined as he pulled his fingers out of you. You quivered and he spanked you before he withdrew his hand entirely. You felt him fumbling behind you as you shook your head. As you had been since you met him, you were off-balance. You couldn’t decide if what he wanted was what you wanted too.
You felt a prod along your ass. He brushed his tip down your cheek and poked between your legs. He wetted himself on your folds and pushed along your entrance. Slowly, he slid into you, grunting as he sank past his tip. Deeper and deeper until you threw your head up and moaned. He filled you completely; painfully and delightfully.
“Yeah, you want me.” He hissed as he thrust and jerked your body. “You want to be mine, don’t you?”
You hummed as he moved against you, your shoulders straining as he tugged on the cuffs.
“Say it. Say you want to be mine.”
“Ah,” you moaned, “I want-- to-- I-- I’m yours.”
“You’re mine, baby,” he snarled, “All mine. Aren’t you?”
“Y-y-yes,” your eyes rolled back as he sped up.
He rammed into you so hard your legs buckled. He growled and followed you down. He bent you over the table as swept the bucket and vase out of the way. He got to his knees as he pinned you over the top and crushed your hips against the edge. Your cheek was hot against the cool table as he jolted you.
“Mine,” he grunted, “Baby, all mine…”
He rutted into you as his voice mingled with yours. You whimpered as your legs tingled and your core bloomed. You let out a feral whine as you came, convulsing beneath him as he gripped the table above your shoulder. 
“You want me.” He rasped, “You want me to cum in you.”
“I-I-I…” You twisted your hands as you struggled to think; struggled to do more than murmur wildly.
“Fuck.” He swore and you felt him burst. 
He slowed as he slapped the table and when he stilled, he held himself over you and his breath sent a shudder through you. He sat back on his knees and slid out of you. His cum spilled down your thigh and you slumped down against him. He pinched the velvet bunched around our waist.
“You got more gifts to open, baby,” he slapped your ass as he stood, “You think you can keep up with an old man like me?”
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awesomerextyphoon · 3 years
Madripoor Musings
Summary: You’re undercover as Zemo’s Sugar Baby while you’re with the team in Madripoor. You seem to like the position a little too much and Sam gets jealous.
Parings: Sam Wilson x Black Female Reader, slight Zemo x Black Female Reader
Word Count: 1,685
Rating: 18+ / Explicit
Warnings: FATWS Spoilers, Smut, Oral (f receiving), Light Choking, Angst, Semi-Public Smut,  Daddy Kink, and Slight Emotional Manipulation
A/N: Ran into another writer’s block so I’m using prompts from this list to get myself out of it. Enjoy!
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“So, are we good to go, everyone?”
The four of you were jet-setting in Zemo’s private plane to Madripoor to get info on this new version of super solider serums. Zemo came up with the idea of having Sam go undercover as the West African weapons dealer/smuggler, Smiling Tiger. Bucky returned to his ‘Winter Soldier’ mode and you were to become ‘Miss Erina’, Zemo’s new arm candy/Sugar Baby.
Your backstory was simple: you’ve been with Zemo since before he went to prison living in his many estates and luxurious apartments.
It took some time for everyone to get into character. Sam tried and failed to pull off a Nigerian accent while Bucky kept up his hard glare and glower routine. You and Zemo put on the perfect couple facade with the both of you placing semi-sensual touches on each other’s bodies and showering each other with (sometimes lewd) compliments.
“Oh, thank you for the necklace, Daddy!” you gushed loving the way Sam was fuming. Bucky almost broke his character trying not to snicker.
“Nothing’s too much for you, котёнок/kotyonok (kitten).” Zemo mused as he offered you a coy smirk and leaned in for a kiss.
You giggled as he placed kisses along your jawline, neck, and collarbone.
“We’ll continue this later, киса,” Zemo whispered while winking at Sam.
 Madripoor was amazing, to say the least. It was a cyberpunk wet dream with bright lights at various angles and two distinct levels giving off a Black Lagoon/Blade Runner/Ghost in Shell vibe.
It felt like your kind of town.
It’s been like this since the Snap. Your older sister died in a car crash right after Thanos’ victory. Your father and uncle were blipped into the ocean dying instantly. Nowadays, your mother could barely talk to you without crying.
Natasha was dead and Steve fucked off to the 1940s to crush English pussy. Sharon got branded an enemy of the US Government and was forced to run. Some dumbass cracker (you will NEVER acknowledge his name) was given Sam’s rightful shield and mantle of Captain America by the craven, racist US government and had the NERVE to tell you to stay out of his way.
To top it all off, you found out that the US military tortured a man for 30 YEARS in order to ‘make the perfect soldier’.
You were finally in a place that matched how you felt.
“We’re heading into Low Town. Be on your guard, everyone.” Zemo warned as he lifted your chin and kissed you again. He insisted on walking towards your escort.
“Why do I have to wear this again? I look like a pimp!” Sam whined while looking sexy AF in his Ankara (I’m saying it’s Ankara) suit.
“Don’t mind him, Daddy. Sam has no sense of style.” You joked snuggling closer to Zemo.
“We’re not at the club yet.” Sam pointed out, vexed at the way you were clinging onto Zemo.
“We cannot let our guard down, Wilson. Selby has eyes everywhere.”
Sam relented and tried not to look your way. It was tempting due to you wearing an amazing Burgundy Fashion Nova Sugar Free Mini Dress with Black Bow Whoa Pumps. Your curves were out, but not in a shameless manner.
You had class, yet you were a tease.
 The ride to Selby’s was nothing short of thrilling.
You were right about the overall aesthetic. Madripoor definitely has the ‘dystopian punk’ feel on lock.
“You look radiant, котёнок.” Zemo cooed as you kissed his neck liking how smiled at Sam and inwardly cackled at Sam’s glower.
 Several men and some women moved to make a pass at you on the way to the club. A few audacious men learned that you were Zemo’s the hard way, Bucky made sure of it.
You had to mask your displeasure at how many people were shooting appreciative glances at Sam.
You just hoped this escapade would end soon.
 Zemo advised everyone to aim straight for the bar wrapping his arm around your waist as he strode into the club. Sam and Bucky followed suit slipping into their Apex and Winter modes respectively.
The bartender licked his lips as he looked you over, “Thought Selby told ya you ain’t welcomed here, Zemo.”
Zemo raised an eyebrow, “I know, but this is important,” he eyed several bouncers making their way towards your group. Their moves did not faze the baron. He simply turned to Bucky and whispered in his ear.
It didn’t take long for Bucky to let loose. You could’ve sworn a couple of people were ready to shit themselves.
 Selby was...interesting. She/They gave off a pretentious ‘I’m always ten steps ahead’ aura with a bit of fake whimsy. She/They wanted to give you to one of her best clients and keep Bucky for herself/themselves (probably for sexual reasons, didn’t want to pry).
The conversation was going well...until Sam’s phone went off.
Insert facepalm.
You’ve told him time and time again to put his phone on silent and get rid of vibrate. Now he was gonna get y’all killed, but you said,” Fuck it!” and shot her/them and the #2.
The group had to book it and you cursed yourself for wearing non-running heels.
 Your asses were saved by a guardian sniper, Sharon. You were glad to see her again missing your bi-weekly movie nights and sporadic weekend brunches.
“It’s good to see you, Sharon.” You greeted as you hugged Sharon at the entrance of her High Town pad.
“It’s great to see you, too, even after you’ve destroyed my work.” Sharon lowered her voice while pressing her lips together in frustration and then lust at the sight of Sam’s deliciously thicc upper body.
You couldn’t blame her as you wanted to run your hands and tongue along his planes of muscle.
You listened in on the group’s conversation as you changed clothes seeing Sam’s distress at Sharon and Zemo’s words. They did have a point about how being a hero does ring hollow, but it still hurt to see Sam’s sadness and hurt.
 You found Zemo, bless his heart, dancing like a lost dad on the dance floor and started grinding against him while shooting Sam a sexy pout accentuating your sensually full lips.
Sam, for his part, was trying to look interested talking to a waitress with killer legs. He almost lost it when he put his arms around your waist.
“Let’s see if we can get a reaction out of him,” you whispered wrapping your arms around his neck. He knew that Sam hasn’t been giving it lately.
 Your little stunt lasted for about ten minutes before Sam stomped over grabbing your arm and dragging you into one of Sharon’s ‘private rooms’ after another man got too close to what was his.
“Why did you drag me away like that?!” you shouted secretly turned on by the raging fire in his eyes.
“So you like calling your men ‘Daddy’?” Sam demanded as he backed you into the wall.
“I’m your ‘daddy’ now, vixen.” Sam breathed while lightly dragging his finger up your thighs only to find no panties.
“No panties, huh?” he smirked as he twirled his forefinger around your clit causing you to moan.
“Fuck, I love hearing you moan. Say my name, vixen. Don’t care if Sharon finds out.” Sam murmured against your lips. He effortlessly lifted you in such a way to make you wonder if he got some SS serum. It didn’t hurt that you got to see his muscles bulge underneath his turtleneck as he landed your blessed backside onto one of the tables.
“Eyes on me, kitten,” Sam ordered as he forced open your legs and made his way your slit leaving open-mouthed kisses and love bites in his wake. “You're already soaking for me, baby.” he mused as he gave your slit a long lick.
You could barely keep yourself from moaning.
“Who's your daddy, baby?”
“You are!”
“I’m your ONLY daddy!” Sam shouted and dove in.
You were drowning in ecstasy.
Sam was hitting all the right notes with your pussy. He was always a G at eating you out. Sam swatted your hand away from your mouth, “I want everyone to know who your real daddy is,!”
He kept you on edge for nine excruciating minutes before he finally let you orgasm.
“No time for rest, vixen.” Sam chided as he flipped you on the table ass up with your dress bunched up around your chest,” Are you a good little vixen?” Sam breathed in your ear as he placed kisses along your ear, neck, and collarbone.
“Yes, daddy.”
“You’re damn right I am!” He sheaved himself into you in one swift motion. You moaned in delight at the sensation. He didn’t move no matter how much you begged him, “Tell the world who your daddy is,” he instructed as he slapped your plump ass.
You screamed out his name and Sam started thrusting. He gently wrapped his hand around your neck while demanding you to shout his name. Sam pounded into you at a relentless pace constantly hitting your ‘Cum Dizzy Sector’ turning you into a delightfully orgasmic mess.
Sam was reaching his limit so he played with your clit to make you finish first. You came with what felt like an earth-shattering orgasm with Sam coming with a primal roar not too long afterward.
Both of you were so wrapped up in orgasmic bliss that you didn’t notice Sharon, Zemo, Bucky, and a few other partygoers at the door.
“So, how did go?” Sharon teased as you tried to cover yourself up.
“How much did you see?”
“Hmm,” Sharon hummed while tapping her chin, “Enough for me to close a $19.8M art deal.”
“We’re getting a 10% cut.” Sam barked annoyed with the rest of the group reigning in on his smash time.
“Fine. Get dressed, I got a lead.” Sharon announced while smirking all the way to her quarters.
You smirked at Zemo as you made your way to the exit.
Worth it.
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