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Once Upon a Time in Abu Dhabi | Chapter Eleven
The final race of the season was always a spectacle, however, this season the tension was off-track.
Word Count: 8.8k
Warnings: Possible pregnancy
Author’s Notes: Disclaimer, purely fiction, no-one is married in this alt-universe.
Thank you to everyone who has read, commented and shown some love for this fic. It is finally finished! I have plenty more ideas in my head so watch this space!
You’d discovered you were pregnant three days ago and were now back in the UK, packing for Abu Dhabi and in utter turmoil. You hadn’t told Toto as he’d jetted off ahead of you on the Monday so you hadn’t shared the news with a single soul. You’d told Rosie it was a bout of food poisoning mixed with exhaustion and she’d not questioned things further.
Logically you knew you had landed yourself in this situation thanks to your own stupidity but you couldn’t help but feel unlucky. You’d had one slip-up where you’d not been careful and it had been a bullseye. Having gone to your local doctor in Oxfordshire, he had confirmed that you were three months along, meaning that you must have conceived in France. Ever since this revelation you had cursed French wine and Toto’s charm. You were never the type to not be careful and it just went to show that it only takes one time to change your life forever.
As you were a little way along you were already due to have a twelve-week scan but in your heart of hearts, you knew you couldn’t do it without telling Toto. You’d told the concerned doctor that you’d book it in once you were back from Abu Dhabi and discuss options moving forward. Time wasn’t on your side but you’d begun weighing up what to do and knew you had a short window in which you could decide whether or not to move forward with the pregnancy.
Packing was a challenge as although you were nowhere near debuting a baby bump, you’d put on a few pounds around your breasts and hips and nothing fit as it should. Prior to last week, you’d pegged it down to overindulging while travelling but now you weren’t so confident. Shaking your head as you put yet another too-small skirt back into your wardrobe you reached for a loose kaftan-style dress, hoping you wouldn’t stand out too much. You had a sponsor lunch with Toto the following day and you always made an effort to dress to impress.
Sighing, you finished packing for what would be the final time this season and made your way downstairs to wait for the car that would take you to the airport. You were flying commercial with Sophie and knew everything always took longer than when you flew via private jet.
Having landed late on Wednesday evening you’d gone straight to your hotel room and straight to bed. Unusually, Toto was staying in a different hotel as the company travel department had had trouble squeezing the whole team into one hotel, leaving the team split in half. Fortunately, they had split the team by department so your direct reports were all nearby.
This meant, however, that you had to take a ten-minute taxi ride to meet Toto in his hotel lobby ahead of your sponsor lunch. He’d offered to pick you up but it would have meant him doubling back on himself as the restaurant you were going to was nearer to his hotel. As your car drew up to the front of his hotel you were apprehensive. You didn’t want to hide anything from Toto but equally, it was not fair to drop this news on him ahead of a business lunch or what was sure to be a tense and stressful weekend. You just had to sit it out for three days and not alert suspicions. Easy peasy.
Crossing the lobby you spotted your beau waiting for you, leaning jauntily against a marble column. As he met your eyes he broke out into a wide grin, obviously as happy to see you as you were him.
“Hey stranger,” he said, giving you an awkward pat on the shoulder before leaning down and whispering, “I want to kiss you but it’s frowned upon here.”
You giggled, Toto was always proper, “That’s fine, bold of you to assume I wanted to kiss you.”
“You’re so mean to me.” he said, before looking you up and down, surveying your outfit and adding with a smirk “Nice outfit by the way, are you trying to blend in with the locals?”
You narrowed your eyes, knowing that the breezy kaftan was not a typical you-outfit, “Perhaps, I fancied a change.”
Toto smiled, “I like it actually, you look very… elegant.”
Bursting out laughing, you replied, “Smooth save.”
Toto laughed, resting his hand on the small of your back, “Shall we go? Our car is waiting.”
“Sure, but no touching Mr., don’t want to give people the wrong idea,” you said, poking your tongue out.
“I’m helping you walk,” he said, chuckling as you made your way out of the hotel lobby.
– – –
Fortunately for you, lunch passed quickly, with the sponsors agreeing to a new three-year deal, leaving you and Toto beaming. You’d been apprehensive about the meeting following on from the PR disaster that had hit the team last week but fortunately, the majority of suppliers accepted that it was a planted story. The deal was toasted with the same sparkling rosewater that the drivers would be spraying on the podium so luckily you didn’t even need to feign drinking.
As you made your way back to the car that would take you to Toto’s hotel, Toto’s phone rang.
“Do you mind if I take this, it’s my lawyer?” he asked.
“Of course, take it!” you said, “I’ll wait here.”
As you settled down on a cushy chair in the entrance of the restaurant, Toto made his way outside for some privacy. You were curious about what the latest was but knew that these kinds of things took time and it was likely just a courtesy call.
You took the brief reprieve to catch up on your emails and messages, your job busy as ever. You were grateful for your team, often fielding and solving issues before they even came to you, however, last week had been an unprecedented challenge and your inbox was still full of tabloid journalists looking for gossip.
As you typed yet another “No comment” response, Toto made his way back towards you, a wide smile on his face.
“Good news?” you asked, gathering your phone and notebook up.
“Yes and no.” said Toto, “The man in contact with Lara is one of the Red Bull senior management, so not Christian.”
Your eyes widened as you made your way out of the restaurant alongside Toto, “To be honest, I’m not surprised. Christian’s smart, if he did have anything to do with it, he would have gotten someone else to do his dirty work.”
“Exactly,” said Toto, deep in thought.
Having wrapped another relentless media day, thankfully the last one of the season, you were now settled into Toto’s room for the evening, curled up on the balcony watching the glorious sunset, with a book in hand, while Toto took a shower. Thoughts raced through your mind at one hundred miles an hour, overthinking all of the possible scenarios that would follow you telling Toto your news. You’d known each other a while but hadn’t been romantically involved for that long and you had never even discussed whether Toto wanted any more children. You knew you had to tell him asap but finding the right time was going to be tricky.
“Y/N.” came a deep voice from the patio door.
“Hey, feeling better?” you asked, turning around to the easy-on-the-eyes sight of a shirtless Toto with a towel wrapped around his waist.
“Yes, I feel human again.” he said, walking out onto the balcony and ducking down to kiss your forehead, “Sorry I was grumpy earlier.”
You laughed, patting his shoulder, “It’s okay, we all have those days.” Toto had been in a foul mood all afternoon, a culmination of being grilled by journalists about his private life and suffering in a long-sleeved shirt in the extreme Abu Dhabi heat.
“What did I do to deserve you?” he asked with a grin, “Can I get you a drink?”
Suddenly in a panic, you replied hastily. “I’m fine with water, thanks.”
Toto raised his eyebrows, knowing that you normally loved a glass of wine after a long, difficult day. “Are you feeling okay?”
“Yes, I just have a small headache, I think I didn’t drink enough water today,” you said, hoping he’d buy it.
“Do you need paracetamol?” he asked, looking concerned.
“No, no,” you said, “I already took some, don’t worry.”
Still looking a little worried, Toto seemed to believe your cover story, “If you’re sure. I might get a beer if it’s okay?”
“Of course it’s okay,” you said, laughing at his ever-impeccable manners. “Come join me, it’s nice out here with the breeze.”
“If you’re sure,” he replied, disappearing back into the room before promptly returning with a cold beer in one hand and a glass of water in another.
“Come here,” you said, scooching over on your sunlounger to make room.
“I’m not going to fit there!” he said, looking down suspiciously.
“You’ll just have to get cosy with me,” you said, batting your eyelashes.
“If I absolutely have to,” he said with a smirk, setting the drinks down on the side table and ducking down to lie down beside you, pulling you across onto his chest as he lay down on his back.
“This is nice,” you said, resting your head on his bare chest, feeling his heart racing.
“Mmm,” he said, pulling you closer and tracing circles on your hip. “I wish we could do this all day.”
Smiling, you felt his heart slowing down as he relaxed, “After tomorrow we can.”
Toto sighed, “I’ve never needed the break so badly.”
“I know, I don’t like seeing you so stressed,” you replied, feeling guilty that you were keeping a secret that would only add to his woes.
“You de-stress me,” he said, clutching you even closer.
“I try,” you said, feeling even worse.
Having dozed off on the sunlounger, you and Toto had dragged yourselves to bed, falling asleep as soon as your heads hit the pillow. Waking up, you felt rejuvenated, you’d needed a peaceful sleep after the chaos of the last few weeks.
Carefully extracting yourself from a still-asleep Toto’s arms (he loved a cuddle) you tip-toed to the bathroom to get ready for the day. You’d planned to head to the gym with Toto but life had other plans as you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror.
“Fuck.” you said out loud, turning sideways to see that your stomach had suddenly curved ever so slightly outwards overnight. It wasn’t enough to look like a bump but it was noticeable and you knew that your gym kit would leave no room to hide, raising questions.
“Everything okay?” asked a voice from outside the bathroom. Toto had obviously woken up and heard your cursing.
“Yes, just tripped over the bathmat,” you said, wrapping yourself in a robe and trying not to rouse suspicion as you opened the door to let Toto in. “By the way, I think I might skip the gym for a swim this morning.”
“Oh.” he replied, obviously a little disappointed that you wouldn’t be joining him, “Is everything okay?”
“Yep, all good.” you said, “I just don’t want to overdo it.”
“If you’re sure.” he said, “Maybe I could come for a swim with you?”
“No.” you blurted out, far more harshly than you intended.
“Just a suggestion,” he said, his eyebrows raising.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that, I just know that you prefer the gym,” you said, making your way over towards him.
“Are you sure you are feeling okay Y/N? I’ve been worried about you since Brazil.” Toto replied, looking down at you curiously.
“I’m fine,” you said, stretching up for a quick kiss.
“If you’re sure,” said Toto, looking unconvinced.
– – –
Toto had left for the gym, leaving you to deal with your latest problem. You felt guilty about lying to Toto about going for a swim but you needed peace and quiet to gather your thoughts. And more pressingly, figure out how you were going to fit into your normally snug-fitting Mercedes uniform.
You’d tried stretching your trousers to fit but it seemed beyond the realms of physics that you were going to fit into them. Desperate times called for desperate measures and you called Rosie in a panic.
“Hey Y/N, what’s up?” she replied, sounding somewhat sleepy.
“Morning Rosie, I am sorry to call you but I have a small emergency,” you said.
“Shit, what’s happened now,” she said, suddenly sounding much more lucid.
“Oh no no, nothing bad, don’t worry. Basically, I’ve gained a few pounds and my uniform doesn’t fit. Could I possibly borrow your spare set?”
At that, Rosie burst out laughing. You could hear George stirring awake in the background, inquiring as to who was calling so early. “That’s the emergency? Sure I’ll come over. Are you in Toto’s hotel?”
“Yep, room 754.” You said, “Thank you so much, you are a lifesaver.”
“I’ll be right there,” she said, hanging up.
– – –
Not five minutes had passed when there was a gentle knock on the door. Rosie was once again to the rescue.
“Morning,” you said as you opened the door to a bleary-eyed Rosie sporting her pyjamas and a Mercedes-branded tote bag.
“Morning,” she replied sleepily, stepping into the room. “So I have two different sizes of uniform and I brought them both.”
“Oh my God, Rosie you are a lifesaver, thank you thank you.” you squealed as she handed you two pairs of trousers and two shirts, “Can I try both?”
“Sure,” she said kindly, “I’m sure the smaller set will be better since you’re much smaller than me.”
“I’m not so sure about that,” you said furtively, heading into the bathroom.
“Well, you know what they say about people in relationships,” she said, from outside the door.
“Huh?” you replied, sticking your head out as you struggled with the smaller pair of trousers.
“You pile on the pounds when you’re happy,” she said laughing.
Grimacing, you wriggled around, fighting the waistband “I must be super happy then, looks like it will be the bigger pair.”
“Sheesh! You really have piled on the pounds,” said Rosie, before backtracking when she saw your face drop, “I’m just joking, oh my gosh I would kill to look like you!”
Struggling to fight back the tears, you decided it was now or never to spill, “Rosie, don’t freak out.”
Now it was Rosie’s turn to say “Huh?” your best friend and confidant looking curiously at you. “What’s wrong Y/N?”
“I’m pregnant.” you blurted out.
Rosie’s face went through a full circle of emotions as she processed the news, her initial shock turning into a smile that then dropped as she considered the ramifications. “Are you sure?”
“Yep.” you gulped, “Remember in France, when I had the scare and then in Brazil when I wasn’t feeling well and you made me go to the medic?”
“Fuck, I knew something was up!” said Rosie, so shocked that she’d had to take a seat on the ottoman at the foot of the bed.
“Yep,” you said, tears now fully flowing as you sat down beside her in your still unbuttoned too-small trousers.
“Oh love, it’s going to be okay.” she said, putting her arm around you, “What did Toto say?”
“Nothing… I haven’t told him yet,” you said bashfully.
“You haven’t told him?” Rosie asked incredulously, “You need to tell him Y/N!”
“I know, but there hasn’t been the right moment,” you said.
“Aw Y/N, don’t cry, you’ll make me cry!” said Rosie, her eyes starting to well up, “He’ll be happy, the way he looks at you, I just know it.”
“I’m not sure.” you said, stealing yourself slightly as you dabbed away your tears with your sleeve, “He already has two children, he might be done.”
Just as Rosie was about to say something the door opened.
“Oh hi Rosie, is everything okay?” said a worried-looking Toto, looking from you to Rosie and back again, clearly clocking the fact that you were both crying.
“Yes yes,” she said, wiping away her own tears, “I just had some bad news and needed a shoulder to cry on.”
Toto’s face dropped, he was as fond of Rosie as you were, “Is there anything I can do?”
“No, it’s okay, Y/N helped me out. Thank you though, you two are the best,” Rosie said, dutifully lying on your behalf. She was selling her story and if you weren’t so fraught with worry and in tears, you’d be impressed by her acting abilities.
“If you’re sure,” said Toto, still looking at you both suspiciously.
“Yep, I had better get going. I’ll see you later,” she said, getting up and squeezing your shoulder lightly.
“See you, Rosie. Let me know if I can help with anything else” you said quietly, not trusting your ability to hold back more tears. It was a flaw of yours that once you started crying you always found it hard to keep it together.
“Will do,” she said, closing the door behind her.
“Is she okay?” asked Toto, sitting down beside you, before adding “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, all good, we sorted it. Just girl stuff, don’t worry,” you said, smiling weakly, leaning on his shoulder and sighing.
“Did George do something? Do I need to have a word?” he asked.
“No, no nothing like that!” you said, not wanting to raise further suspicion, “Rosie said she’d speak to him.
“Well I hope everything is okay with them,” said Toto stoically.
“Yeah, just young love!” you said, snuggling closer, lost in your thoughts.
– – –
The morning passed without further incident, thankfully Rosie’s larger uniform set fitting perfectly as you once again navigated the paddock during the Free Practice sessions. In an interesting turn of events, Christian Horner’s PA had requested to set up a meeting that afternoon between the two warring Team Principals and you were intrigued why.
“Why would he want to meet with you one-on-one?” you asked Toto as you sat in his office post-Free Practice Two.
“I’m not sure and I don’t like there not being a lawyer,” said Toto, crossing his arms opposite you.
“Are you going to go?” you asked.
“I will see what he has to say,” said Toto, frowning.
“Hmm, if it gets contentious just leave,” you said, half concerned, half curious.
“Of course.” said Toto, leaning across the desk towards you, “I’m so tired of this bullshit Y/N.”
Surprised by Toto’s admission, you retorted, “Are you talking to me as your Director of Communications or as your girlfriend?”
“Both.” said the weary Austrian, “I don’t know how much longer I can do this. I love the racing but the rest, it’s like being in Kindergarten.”
Your eyes sympathetic, you leaned forward, “You’ll feel better after the break.”
“I hope so.” he said, “I’m excited for you to meet my family”
“This is definitely girlfriend territory,” you said with a grin, “And I am too, I hope they like me.”
“They will love you,” said Toto, smiling widely, “Just like I do.”
Melting under his chocolate brown gaze, you smiled back. Although you always promised each other to keep your work and personal lives separate, stolen moments like this were special.
“Well, I suppose I had better go and see what he has to say,” said Toto with a sigh, getting up from his chair.
Following suit, you made your way out of Toto’s office to return to your own, wishing Toto luck as he made his way down the stairs towards his rival’s hospitality area. “Good luck, let me know what he says,” you said.
“Will do, see you later,” Toto replied, clearly a little apprehensive about his meeting.
– – –
Having been on tenterhooks waiting for Toto to return from his meeting you were increasingly anxious as the twenty-minute meeting dragged on for an hour, and then another. You had almost given up waiting and returned to the hotel when your phone buzzed.
Sorry we took a while, could you please come and join us? X
Surprised that Toto was inviting you to join, you hurriedly typed a reply and made your way towards your paddock neighbours.
Entering the Red Bull hospitality area you could feel the unfriendly looks directed towards you, you were in enemy territory and they made sure you knew it. Approaching the coffee station, you hedged your bets that their catering staff might be somewhat friendly.
“Hi,” you said with a smile at the girl behind the counter.
“Oh hi, can I help you?” she said, a funny look on her face.
“Yes, I’m here to meet Christian Horner, where might I find him?” you asked, trying to stay polite.
She frowned, “But you’re from Mercedes, no?”
“Yes, he’s asked to see us, he’s currently in a meeting with my boyf… colleague and asked for me to join.” You couldn’t believe the timing of your slip-up, so much for not mixing business and pleasure.
“Oh, so you’re the one Toto Wolff is sleeping with!” she exclaimed rudely. “He’s just upstairs, first door on the right.”
Ruffled by her words, you decided to not dignify her with a response and made a beeline for the stairs before anybody else could add their witty remarks.
Taking a deep breath, you knocked on the first door on the right, apprehensive about what you were walking into.
“Come in.” said a voice you recognised as Christian Horner.
Opening the door, you were surprised to see the two sworn enemies sitting opposite one another in armchairs, beers on the coffee table in front of them.
“Y/N, thank you for joining us, have a seat!” said Christian, standing up to greet you with a warm smile and a handshake before gesturing at the armchair beside Toto, “Can I get you a beer?”
“That’s okay, thank you,” you said, eyeing up Toto curiously. “Hey boss.”
“Hi,” he said somewhat awkwardly.
“You two lovebirds get a room…” said Christian, chuckling as he settled back down across from you, before noticing your thunderous glare and quickly adding, “Relax, I’m kidding.”
“So what do I owe this pleasure?” you asked.
Christian shifted slightly, “So I have been telling Toto all of this but wanted to talk to you as well. I wanted to apologise for the pain my subordinate has caused you, it’s not okay and I know that I like to rile up Toto every now and then but this season I took it too far, made it too personal and wanted to say sorry to you both.”
Your eyes widened, this is certainly not what you had expected. Christian Horner apologising was like hell freezing over. “Wow, well there’s a lot to unpack there,” you said.
“I know, that’s why we have the beers.” said Christian, “Firstly, I want you to know that I have sacked the member of staff who worked with Toto’s EA on the smear campaign. I am ashamed that someone under my leadership would sink so low and rest assured we will support you in any investigation or impending court case.”
Stunned into silence, you turned to Toto, “Is this true?”
“Yes,” he replied, “We’ve been discussing the finer details but I believe Christian when he says he didn’t know what was going on.”
Shrugging his shoulders, Christian continued, “Look, our car coupled with Max is good. We don’t need to resort to dirty tricks to make you guys look bad. We can do it on track.”
“There’s the Christian we know and love,” you said with a smile, making the two men chuckle.
“I have given Toto the member of staff in question’s laptop and phone plus passwords to aid any investigation.” he replied proudly, “I also want to say sorry for my behaviour at last week's press conference. I had no idea someone from my team was perpetuating rumours and I was just messing around. I know you both know about my relationship with Gina and I lashed out after Toto threatened me.”
“Apology accepted,” interjected Toto.
You were in shock. “Really?” you asked, whipping your head around towards your beau.
“Yes, life’s too short.” said Toto, “We have a plan. And this is why I wanted you here.”
“I’m all ears,” you said.
“We know this will not stay quiet, you of all people know what the paddock is like. So we were thinking the best approach is to make a joint statement.” started Christian.
“Saying what?” you interjected sharply.
“Detailing everything that happened, it’s a juicy story, the press will love it,” he replied.
“And you agreed to this?” you asked Toto.
“I’d rather people know the truth,” he said with a sigh.
“What do you need me for then?” you asked.
“Toto said you’d know how to handle this,” said Christian expectantly.
“Well, this is not how I’d go about this but if it’s what you want to do, let’s go for it,” you said.
“What would you do?” asked Toto.
“Let it blow over, forget it ever happened, this clears Christian’s name more than it does yours,” you said.
“Yes, but I also want to rise above it, and put an end to this silly rivalry,” said Toto.
“Then let’s do it,” you said, with a smile.
– – –
Having spent far more time than intended in the Red Bull motorhome, you emerged in the paddock under the cloak of darkness. Probably for the best as the moment team rivals were seen liaising, the rumour mill always went whirring.
“That was interesting,” you said to Toto, diving next door to collect your bags.
“I was surprised.” mused Toto, holding the door open for you.
“I think he was scared you might retaliate,” you said as you made your way up the stairs to your office.
“I agree,” said Toto, following you into your office.
“Do you not need to get your stuff?” you asked.
“Yes, but first I wanted to do this,” he said, taking a step forward to cup your face with his large hands and catch your lips in a soft yet passionate kiss.
“Toto,” you started before he promptly followed up with a second, equally searing kiss.
“I have something I need to tell you,” Toto said, shifting his weight nervously.
“What’s wrong Toto?” you said, concerned by what he was about to say.
“Nothing is wrong. I just need to get this off my chest. Look, I’m old, and before you say anything, yes I am. I am too old to be running around the world like this.”
“I’m not sure I like where this is going…” you said.
“I’ve been thinking about it for a while. I’ve achieved everything I ever dreamed of… and more… and it’s time for someone else’s turn. One more year and I’d like to retire, stay as an investor, maybe even an advisor, but less hands-on.”
You were stunned, “So one more year, then retirement?”
“I understand if it means you don’t want to tie yourself down to an old man,” Toto said sadly.
“What planet are you on?” you said, looking him dead in the eyes, “Of course I want to be with you, whatever you do.”
Toto’s eyes lit up, “That makes me very happy. I have thought a lot about this and maybe it’s a good thing, if you wanted… actually, never mind.”
“What would I want?” you asked, curious where this was going.
All of a sudden Toto began to blush. “Forget it, we can talk again when we get there.”
“Okay,” you said, rolling your eyes. Sometimes Toto could be infuriating.
You woke up early on Saturday morning, once again before Toto. Stretching, you made your way out to the balcony to get some fresh air. Thankfully the waves of nausea had seemingly stopped and you were feeling much better. You knew you had to tell Toto sooner rather than later but were not sure how to even broach the subject.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a phone ringing from inside the room and you dashed to pick it up before Toto woke up.
Seeing the caller ID, you picked up, keeping your voice low, “Hey Rosie, how’s it going?”
“I’m okay thanks, just wanted to check in on you. Did you manage to speak to Toto?” she asked.
Checking he was still sound asleep, you settled on the sofa in the sitting area of the room, “No, not yet, I think it’s best to wait until Monday, once the season is done and dusted. He doesn’t need any more stress.”
“Yeah you’re right.” said Rosie, “As long as you are okay though. Have you thought any more about what you want to do?”
You sighed, “As amazing as it would be, realistically, travelling around the world in such a demanding job with a baby is totally unrealistic.”
“True.” replied Rosie, “But what would Toto say?”
“Of course he’s a stand-up guy but he’s busy with the races, do you really think he’ll want to be dealing with a newborn baby on race weekends?” you replied, looking up to see a shocked-looking Toto sat up in bed. “Is it okay if I call you back Rosie?”
“Sure, and don’t stress!” she said.
As you gingerly ended the call you could barely look Toto in the eye, “How much of that conversation did you hear?”
“Enough to understand.” he said, a serious look on his face, “What is she going to do?”
“What do you mean she?” you asked.
“Rosie, she’s pregnant, no?” he said, getting up out of bed to join you on the sofa.
“Fuck.” you said, “I didn’t want you to find out this way but it’s not Rosie, it’s me. I’m pregnant Toto.”
The blood drained out of Toto’s face as he computed what you had just told him. “With me?”
“No, with Christian. What do you think?” you said, looking at him exasperatedly, “It was that one time in France, we weren’t careful and work got so busy, I never got the pill. I’m so sorry Toto.”
Toto rubbed his hands through his hair in exasperation as he processed the news, “This is a lot.”
“I know, that's why I was waiting to tell you until after this weekend,” you said, putting your arm around his wide shoulders. “I know it's a lot to take in, If you want we can talk about it on Monday, what we’re going to do.”
“Well, what do you want?” asked Toto, still looking shaken.
“I don’t know honestly. I love you but this is so new. I hope one day to have children but I’m not sure. How would we juggle this with a baby?“ you said with a sigh.
Toto suddenly looked more animated, “You want to have children?”
You sighed, staring into your lap, “Yes Toto, and I know we’ve never talked about it. I’ve been too scared. I know you already have been there, done that and probably don’t want to do it again.”
Toto stared at you intensely before answering, “What would make you think that? I love my children and I always regretted not having more.”
Your mouth gaped open, was he really saying he wanted more children? “But what about us? This is new, is it not too soon?”
“Y/N, we’ve known each other for some time now. Yes we haven’t been romantically involved for a long time but I know you well enough to know how much I admire you as a woman, as a human.” said Toto, suddenly taking your hand in his, “I don’t want to rush you as I know you have your career but one day I would like to have children with you.”
“I feel the same way, Toto,” you said firmly, turning to face him, “Are we seriously doing this?”
Toto’s eyes lit up, “Only if you want to?”
“Of course I want to!” you said, grinning.
“Then let’s do this.” said Toto, looking happier than he had done in months before he turned to you and planted a kiss squarely on your lips before reaching out to rest his palm on your stomach, “I can’t believe it, we’re going to have a baby.”
“The one time we weren’t careful!” you said with a dry smile, placing your hand on Toto’s. Although it wasn’t ideal timing, you did feel lucky.
“Well, I am efficient in all my work,” said Toto with a dry grin.
You playfully slapped his chest, “You are such a nerd.”
“And now you’re carrying my child.” said Toto smugly, “You love nerds.”
“I do love nerds.” you said, “Big, old, Austrian nerds.”
“Not too old!” said Toto, still looking pleased with himself. “You’ve made me the happiest man in all of Abu Dhabi.”
Unable to stop smiling, you looked at him fondly, “You’ve made me happy too. I know we have a lot to talk about and work out but let’s just enjoy this weekend and we can figure things out on Monday?”
“We can talk now, we have some time.” said Toto, a serious air suddenly about him, “Logically, it makes sense for you to move in with me.”
Your eyes widened, “You want me to move in with you?”
“Of course,” said Toto, “If we are doing this, we’re doing it properly.”
You smiled, reaching up to kiss his cheek, “Let’s do it then.”
“I know this is the future but do you remember what I told you last night?” asked Toto.
“That you want to retire after next year?” you asked, unsure of where he was going with this.
“Yes,” he said, “I was going to suggest that if children were in our future, I could be a stay-at-home Dad if you wanted to return to work. I’ve had my time, it’s time for yours.” he looked down before adding shyly, “Only if you want of course.”
Shocked by this admission, you took a moment to find the words, “You’d already thought about kids?”
“Do you remember when Bono brought his children into the garage back in Silverstone?” Toto asked.
“Yes, why?” you said.
“I saw how you were with them and thought you’d make an excellent mother. Then my mind wandered, and I started to think about what if we had children together.” Toto looked slightly embarrassed by his admission.
“That’s what you were going to say? Jesus Toto. I thought you were going to break up with me.” you said, having been confused by his tone the previous night.
“No, quite the opposite actually,” he said, his cheeks reddening. “Maybe this is a sign.”
You looked at him puzzled, “A sign for what?”
“Let’s wait and see,” he said with a wink,
Now at the trackside motorhome, nervously watching the last quali of the season you took a moment to reflect on the conversation you’d had with Toto that morning. You’d been reticent to tell him your news but now that it was out in the open you felt as if a weight had been lifted off of your shoulders. You never could have dreamt how well Toto took the news and the fact that he had been considering the prospect of a future with you filled you with good vibes.
A knock on your office door interrupted your train of thoughts.
“Come in,” you called out before the door opened to reveal Rosie.
“Hey Y/N, is now a good time?” she asked, pausing in the doorframe.
“Of course,” you said, smiling widely. You hadn’t had time to catch up with Rosie since telling Toto and you were once again glad you had a confident.
Closing the door behind her, Rosie took a seat on the small sofa across from your desk. “Was everything okay this morning?”
“Yes,” you said, “But Toto overheard our conversation…”
Rosie went white. “Fuck, and what did he say?”
You chuckled, “Well first of all he thought it was you and George and threatened to come and sort George out.”
Rosie giggled nervously, “Of course he did. Did you tell him it was you?”
“Yes,” you said with a smile, “And he’s happy.”
Rosie’s face finally dropped into a wide grin, “I knew he would be! I’m so happy for you both!”
“Thank you.” you said, “Obviously we’re keeping it quiet for now as it is still early days.”
“Of course.” she said, “Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl yet?”
“No,” you said, “We can find out at the next scan or we can have a surprise.”
“Ooh.” she said, “What are you thinking?”
“Not sure yet, I kind of like the idea of a surprise,” you said with a small grin. “Toto already has one of each so either way we’ll be happy.”
“Aw this baby is going to be beautiful.” said Rosie, “I’m so excited.”
“Well I hope they get Toto’s height.” you said, “Especially if he’s a little boy!”
“I think it’s a girl,” said Rosie, crossing her arms confidently.
“Do you?” you said, “I think it’s a boy.”
“Interesting.” she replied, raising her eyebrow, “I’m normally good at guessing and I just think you look more like you’re having a girl.”
“Scientific.” you said with a laugh, flicking your eyes back to the screen where you were watching quali, “We’d better get down to the garage, Q2 is getting underway.”
– – –
Standing in the garage, headphones on, eyes locked on the small screen with a plethora of graphs and data, you glanced at Toto out of the corner of your eye. He hadn’t stopped smiling all day and quali was adding to his good mood. Lewis and George had both made it through to Q3 and Mercedes was on track for a front-row lockout as long as Max Verstappen didn’t put in a last-minute unbeatable time.
As the clock ticked down, you dared hope that he wouldn’t, but in typical Max style, the Dutch driver managed to find almost a second where no one else could and pipped Lewis to the post for P1. Applauding your team’s efforts, you looked at Toto who was beside you, continuing to grin. Noticing you looking, he stretched an arm out towards you, scooping you towards him for a celebratory half-hug before remembering that cameras were everywhere and then doing the same to a less enthusiastic Bono.
“P2 and P3, we are on for a podium tomorrow,” he said clapping his hands together as he addressed the team, “Well done everyone and thank you. One last push.”
Waking up bright and early, the sun flaring through the curtains you couldn’t believe it was the last race of the season. Toto’s arms were wrapped around you protectively and knowing that he had a vice-like grip while sleeping, you had no choice but to snuggle in further. As your alarm sounded you felt Toto stir, clutching you ever closer.
“Good morning,” he said groggily as he pressed a kiss to your temple before stretching his long arm across you to turn off the alarm.
“Morning,” you said, smiling at his sleep-rumpled hair.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he said, half asleep, one eye still closed.
“No reason,” you said, kissing his neck in the spot you knew he loved.
“I don’t trust you,” he said smirking, before reaching his free arm around to caress your stomach. “I still can’t believe it.”
“Me neither.” you sighed, “Not what I thought would happen when I first met you.”
Toto quirked an eyebrow, “What did you think would happen?”
“When you walked in on me changing…hmm let me think, that you were some old perv?” you replied teasingly.
Blushing slightly, Toto chuckled, “Not my finest hour admittedly. But I still managed to woo you, now look at us.”
You laughed, “Yep, irresistible charm.”
“I knew it.” replied Toto with a smile, “As soon as I saw you I thought to myself, she’s the one.”
“And all it took was a seethrough bra?” you said laughing.
“I actually thought you had lovely eyes,” said Toto, deadpan before bursting into laughter and squeezing your hip.
“Sure sure,” you said, cuddling up. “Toto?”
“Yes,” he said burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“Logically speaking, what are we going to do?”
“What do you mean?” he replied, muffled against your hair.
“Realistically I am going to be out of action for a bit. It’s not ideal timing. I’ll have to stop working halfway through next season.”
“Shhh.” said Toto, rocking his hips gently into you, “We’ll plan on Monday. For now, let me enjoy this moment.”
Slightly worried at Toto’s uncharacteristic laissez-faire attitude, you shrugged, “Sure, but don’t moan at me when I’m giving birth in the paddock.”
Toto laughed, “You’re so dramatic!”
“Says you!” you laughed.
“I didn’t think about the timing.” said Toto, pausing before adding, “We will work it out. Don’t worry, trust me”
“Trusting you is what got me into this mess Mr Wolff,” you said playfully.
“It takes two to tango,” replied Toto, hugging you tighter, his large hand still palming your stomach gently, “Right, we need to get out of bed, but I don’t want to.”
“Me neither,” you said, burying yourself further under the covers.
Kissing you once more on the forehead, Toto eased to sitting up before extracting himself from the tangled mess and making his way over the background. “Team orders, get out of bed.”
Laughing, you resurfaced, “Just one of the many perks of sleeping with the boss.”
Toto peered around the door and quirked an eyebrow, “You weren’t complaining last night.”
Rolling your eyes you sat up, “Toto…”
Looking mischievous he retorted, “You know I was thinking, since it’s the last race of the season, would you like to make a bet?”
Folding your arms, you replied, “Depends what the wager is.”
“If Lewis wins, I get to name the baby.”
“So if George wins, I get to pick huh?” you asked, not sure where this was going.
“Exactly. I have some great ideas already,” said Toto, still hanging around the doorframe.
“And what might those be?” you asked.
“Paul. After Paul Ricard,” he said, hardly able to contain his giggles.
“You are such an idiot,” you said, getting up out of bed gingerly, making your way towards him.
“It makes sense, hear me out. It’s where it all started,” he said, grabbing your hip and pulling you in close.
“Absolutely not. What if she’s a girl?”
“Paula,” he said flatly before bursting out laughing. “Okay, how about this, Niki?”
Shaking your head you kissed Toto on the cheek before breaking his grip to make your way into the bathroom and get ready for the day.
Halfway through the race disaster had struck in your rival’s camp. Red Bull had had issues undoing one of Max Verstappen’s wheels, leaving them with an abnormally long pitstop. It didn’t give Mercedes a huge edge but fortunately, he was released into grid traffic and it was enough to halt his return to the front of the grid. It was now Lap 56 of 58 and Lewis was in the lead, George not far behind.
The Mercedes garage was silent, knowing that the team had a real last-minute chance of snatching back the Constructors Championship, something that had narrowly evaded you all season. You could hardly breathe as the lap count went down. 57, 58, Max Verstappen struggling to make it back up the field.
After what felt like an eternity, the chequered flag was being waved. Lewis was P1 and George P2. The garage erupted into cheers, Toto grabbing you suddenly and kissing you as if his life depended on it, oblivious to the hundreds of cameras trained on him.
Breaking the kiss, you could feel eyes on you. Blushing, you saw the team around you looking half horrified, half amused by the sudden public display of affection.
Leaning in to hug Bono, he had a twinkle in his eye, quipping “He better not try that with me.”
Laughing you hugged him tightly, before retorting “Oh, I’ll be having words with him later, don’t worry.”
Surrounded by your colleagues you lost track of the amount of people you hugged and kissed in celebration, all the while beaming at your increasingly animated beau. Toto was an emotional man and you could read him better than anyone else. You knew the Constructors Trophy meant the world to him and you hoped that he’d let loose later that evening.
Sat at a low table, surrounded by your close colleagues you couldn’t help but laugh at your thought train earlier. Toto had proceeded to let loose and then some, crowd surfing, drenching himself and everyone around him in champagne before belting out increasingly horrendous renditions of songs he barely knew the words to.
Smiling and glancing over to Toto lighting up the dancefloor, you sipped contently on your lemon water. It had been a truly wild ride of a year, with some serious ups and serious downs. One thing for certain was that you had fallen well and truly for the man before you.
Beside you, Rosie was looking less fondly at her other half. “What is wrong with him?” she said, gesturing across at George who was separate from the crowd and spinning around with his arms outstretched, not a care in the world.
“Aw, let him be,” said Bella, “He looks happy.”
“I suppose.” said Rosie, sighing, “I can’t believe even Toto is so far gone.”
“I can believe.” you said, laughing, “It’s been a tough year, he needed this.”
“Well it can’t have been easy for you either, I’m surprised you’re not dancing up there with him,” said Bella.
Rosie shot you a knowing glance, well aware that she was the only person besides Toto who knew the reason why you weren’t celebrating with drinks.
“Ah, no, I can’t do it in this heat,” you said, hoping she’d buy it.
“I know what you mean…” said Bella, fortunately not questioning you any further as a very drunk Lewis Hamilton came sidling up to your table.
“Y/N, come dance!” he said, holding out a hand as an invite.
“I’m not sure I’m very good!” you protested with a sigh.
“C’mon,” he said, “Toto is missing you.”
Shaking your head you eased up from the low sofa, making sure to conceal your very slight bump with a well-placed arm.
Grabbing Lewis’ hand, you followed him through the throng of merry Mercedes team members to the centre of the dancefloor.
As you bumped along to the music, allowing Lewis to spin you around, you caught Toto out of the corner of your eye. He shot you a smile before mouthing “Are you feeling okay?”
You felt a rush of affection for him as even in his inebriated state he wanted to take care of you. Mouthing back “All good,” you continued to dance with Lewis, content to bop along.
“So. Can I be Godfather?” asked Lewis, sidling up to you and whispering in your ear, just loud enough for you to hear over the pumping music.
Your eyes widened, he clearly wasn’t as drunk as you’d surmised, “How did you know?”
“You’re not drinking, Toto kept putting his hand on your stomach earlier and he keeps looking over to check on you every five seconds.” said Lewis, “And that doesn’t answer my question.”
“Please don’t tell anyone,” you said. “And maybe. If you’re nice to me, and to Toto!”
Crinkling his eyes in a smile, Lewis scooped you into a bear hug, “I’m so happy for you both. This is beautiful man.”
And beautiful it was. Having wrapped the eventful season your relationship with Toto had gone from strength to strength as you prepared for the birth of your baby. You’d met Toto’s family, including his children, something you had been incredibly nervous about. Fortunately, they had welcomed you with open arms and were eager to meet their new baby brother or sister.
In turn, Toto had met your family, and although apprehensive at first due to the age gap, it hadn’t taken long for him to win them over. Although life hadn’t exactly gone as you’d planned, everything had quickly fallen into place.
Two years on from that fateful season you were living in Monaco with Toto and your toddler daughter, Sunny. The baby name debate had raged on but eventually, you’d settled on the unusual moniker, chosen as a nod to the city where you’d first met, Miami.
Time had well and truly flown by and some days you could hardly believe it. You continued to work with the team, in your role that you now shared with Rosie, meaning that you only travelled to half the races. Toto had also taken a step back, passing over some of his Team Principal duties to Senior members of the team, allowing him to focus on the business side of things.
As promised to the board on those fateful calls where you had to fight for your job, you’d brought on more ethical sponsors, brought more money and all-in-all improved the team for the better. Robert still continued to grumble but was always quickly silenced by numbers and statistics.
Your latest project was planning a farewell to the man who everyone knew would be going down in history as the greatest of all time. Lewis. Not an easy feat, he had fortunately entrusted you with his intent to retire before anyone else so you’d had plenty of time to plan. Over the years he had become a close friend and you wanted to do him justice. Now a nine-time WDC, Lewis was retiring to start a family of his own, something you knew he would excel at. True to your word, you and Toto had asked him to be Sunny’s Godfather, a task that he relished.
Rosie and George had also taken their relationship to the next level, getting engaged and due to marry the following year, it was heartwarming to know that another couple had found love in the paddock. Controversially, you and Toto had not yet tied the knot, purely down to the fact that you hadn’t had time. Toto had proposed not long before Sunny’s birth, getting down on one knee with one of the most dazzling diamond rings you had ever seen.
Snapping back to the present, you shook yourself out of your thoughts as you saw Toto coming into the room, Sunny under his arm babbling.
“How about at the end of August?” Toto asked.
“For what?” you asked, not sure what he was talking about.
“For the wedding,” he said, plopping down on the sofa beside you, seating Sunny on his lap.
“Mama!” the curly-haired toddler called out, stretching her tiny arms towards you. You knew you were biased but she was one of the cutest children you’d ever seen. Chocolate button eyes and dark brown curls, she was blessed with her Father’s dimples and your olive complexion, a lethal combination.
“Here mi amor,” you said, scooching her across for a snuggle, before nodding “August could work. But there is one issue”
Toto looked concerned, “What’s wrong?”
You broke into a wide smile, “I’m pregnant Toto.”
Toto’s brown eyes widened, “Again? Already?”
You laughed, Sunny giggling along with you, “Yep. Old man strikes again.”
Toto smiled, leaning across and putting his arm around you, “How did I get so lucky?”
“Papa!” said Sunny, this time reaching up for her Dad.
“Ooh, I think she wants her Daddy again.” you said, “It kills me that you’re her favourite.”
Taking the tiny girl in his arms, Toto smiled, “I don’t think so somehow.”
“I know so,” you said, looking at how your daughter gazed adoringly at Toto, their brown eyes identical. Glowing with pride at your beautiful family you patted your stomach tenderly, impatient to meet the new addition.
Sharing your thoughts, Toto beamed at you, “Do you remember the bet we made in Abu Dhabi two years ago?”
“Huh?” you said, not remembering.
“We agreed that if Lewis won the race, I could name the baby Paul or Niki,” he said with a grin, playing with the bouncing toddler on his lap.
“I do not remember this.” you said, “Was I asleep?”
“No, wide awake.” he said laughing, “Lewis won though and I want to know if I can cash my reward in on this one.”
“You are ridiculous,” you said with a fond smile, “I’ll think about it.”
“You know you love it.” he said, kissing you gently, “So maybe a Winter wedding then?”
“Sounds like a plan,” you replied, your heart full of love.
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Once upon a time in Prague...
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Once Upon a Time in Mexico | Chapter Nine
Three months on from the French Grand Prix, life was going more smoothly, until yet another hurdle appeared. With your Dad coming to watch a race, the pressure was on to impress this weekend.
Word Count: 8.5k
Warnings: Some very mild smut
Author’s Notes: Disclaimer, purely fiction, no-one is married in this alt-universe.
Three months had passed since your fateful meeting with the HR department and the Board and as promised, you and Toto had kept your relationship on a strictly need-to-know basis. Bar the interview with Christian, the media had not picked up on your relationship and it seemed as if ultimately no one really cared.
That being said, there were still only a few members of the team who knew the full truth as you had decided it just didn’t need to be addressed within the workplace. Time and time again you wished wholeheartedly that Lara wasn't one of them but thankfully she had dialled down the sassy comments. You still didn't quite trust her and you couldn't put your finger on why.
Since the French Grand Prix there had been several more races as well as the Summer break. You had taken this moment of peace and quiet to get to know Toto even better, away from the office, having travelled to Tuscany together for a short break at the beginning of the Summer. Things were going swimmingly and you were falling more and more in love by the day. Toto was keen for you to meet his two children and had suggested you take advantage of the impending end of the season to come to Austria and spend some time with them. You were apprehensive but hopeful that you would get along with them, although you weren’t holding your breath as they were teenagers at the end of the day.
During the shutdown, Toto had taken them on holiday to Costa Rica on an outdoorsy jungle adventure whilst you went to Portugal on a girl's trip. Those two weeks were the longest that you'd been apart since the beginning of your romance and you were happy to be right back at his side when racing returned.
Across the races that had transpired between France and Mexico, Mercedes had managed to claw back the points difference that had been lost and were now neck and neck with their arch rivals Red Bull. Toto was trying his best not to show it but you could tell that he was extremely stressed on behalf of the entire team and the manic energy flowing out of his veins was palpable by the time you touched down in Mexico City.
Fortunately, you had a distraction, your father was finally coming to a race weekend and you were looking forward to showing him what you did for a living. The only apprehension that you did have was the fact that you hadn't told any of your family about Toto, knowing that they would disapprove of the large age gap not to mention the fact that he was a divorcee with two children that you were still yet to meet. You hoped that you could keep your relationship under wraps in front of your father as successfully as you did with the team.
One positive about Mexico City was that you and Toto were able to share a room without anyone from the team being aware of it. The way that the hotel was laid out, in various buildings around a compound, meant that you could easily get around without being spotted. This meant that you’d spent the last two nights in Toto’s rather impressive suite, cuddled up to your favourite man.
This particular morning you'd woken up to find the bed empty, guessing that your boyfriend had gone off to the gym as he often did in the morning. To kill some time you scrolled through your phone, grimacing at the barrage of emails that had already come in for the day. Just as you were about to scratch the surface of your inbox, the door opened to reveal a very sweaty-looking Toto.
“Y/N,” he said breathily, “You will never guess what I just saw.”
“I'm not sure if I've got the energy to guess right now,” you said, stretching and yawning as you sat up in bed.
“Well I was crossing the bridge from the gym back into our building and I saw Christian Horner walking out from the other section of the hotel,” he said excitedly, his demeanour much like a kid waking up on Christmas.
“Okay, I know you and Christian have a really special relationship but I'm not sure if that's that exciting,” you said, still half asleep and not thrilled with the idea of sharing a hotel with the nasty Red Bull team principal who had publicly outed your romance just a few months earlier, jeopardising your entire professional reputation.
“No no but don't you see?” said Toto, “Red Bull are not staying in this hotel. Why would he be here first thing in the morning?”
Now you understood why Toto was so excited, “Oh gosh,” you said, “I didn't think about that, weird.”
“Exactly,” said Toto with a wild look in his eye, “I'm going to ask at the front desk which other teams are staying here. I know Red Bull are on the other side of town but I think Ferrari are here.”
“Damn, I can't believe you of all people found some juicy gossip,” you said, now fully sat up and awake.
“I know,” said Toto, crossing the room to lean down and kiss you.
“Ew, Toto, you’re kind of sweaty,” you said, recoiling as he dripped on you.
“Well then I have to make you sweaty,” he said playfully.
Batting him away jokingly, you replied, “Should I be worried that you see one glimpse of Christian early in the morning and you're this horny?”
Toto laughed, “Maybe, I am actually going to go down to the reception and ask them now while it’s still quiet.”
“Sure knock yourself out, I'll be waiting for you here.” you said, bemused at his enthusiasm, “I might jump in the shower if you want to join me when you are back?”
“I would very much like that.” he replied, kissing you once more, “Right I will see you in five minutes.”
At that, he swiftly exited the room, on a mission to find out what was going on.
You couldn't help but laugh, Toto and Christian had a very strange and complicated relationship where they went from throwing relatively harmless schoolboy insults at each other to hitting below the belt as Christian had done at the French Grand Prix. Christian was an unpleasant character and wasn’t friendly with many of their counterparts, whereas Toto had a few more friends in the paddock. This meant that Toto typically took the high road and didn't retaliate but the French Grand Prix had shown Christian's true colours and he’d been looking for a way to retaliate for months.
Crossing the soft beige carpet of your suite to the bathroom you picked up the clothes that you'd strewn across the room last night as you'd made frantic love to Toto. You smiled as you picked up his crumpled white Mercedes shirt, thinking about how far you'd come in a relatively short time.
Having tidied, you’d barely made it into the shower when Toto returned, knocking on the bathroom door.
“Y/N, it’s me, can I come in?" he called out.
You laughed at his perpetual politeness, “Of course, it would be rude not to. How was your mission?”
“Successful,” he said with a smug grin as he stripped off his gym kit and joined you under the steamy water.
“Oh yeah?” you asked as you turned around to face him.
“Yes,” he said, so excited by his news he wasn't even distracted by the fact that you were fully naked and lathered up in the shower. “The woman at the front desk said it's only Mercedes and Ferrari staying here.”
“Ooh, that is juicy!” you said, “So he was either seeing someone from our team or someone from Ferrari at seven in the morning in their room?”
“Exactly,” said Toto, the wild look back in his eye, “And the best part is we know everyone who is staying here so we can figure it out.”
“Check you, Sherlock Holmes,” you said laughing, “What shall we do?”
Toto stepped behind you wrapping his arms around you and palming your breasts as if it would help him with his predicament, “I can think of a few things.” he said.
“You have a one-track mind, Mr Wolff,” you said, “I meant about this Christian situation.”
“I have some ideas,” he replied, continuing to caress your breasts absentmindedly, “I think maybe we invite the team out tonight. We conquer and divide, maybe you can ask Rosie as well. She seems to always be on our side?”
“It’s divide and conquer,” you said, creasing up as his attempt at an English idiom, “But if I ask Rosie, then George will know by extension and he's not great at keeping secrets or being discreet.”
“But he kept ours?” wagered Toto, “I guess you’re right, let's keep it to just us.”
“I reckon,” you said, “Besides, my Dad is coming. So I need to keep him entertained too.”
Toto's wandering hands stopped dead, “Oh shit, I had almost forgotten.”
“Really?” you asked.
“Kind of.” he said guiltily, “I hope he likes me.”
“How could he not?” you said, “And anyway as far as he is concerned, you’re just my boss.”
Toto’s hands began moving again, “Your boss who you let shower with you?”
“Oh yeah, do you not shower with our other colleagues?” you said with a smirk, grinding yourself back, pressing your ass against Toto’s growing semi.
“Can’t say I do,” said Toto, growling, his hands now roaming lower, towards your sweet spot. “Turn around,” he added commandingly.
As you turned, you leant up to meet his lips with yours, always a stretch due to your height difference.
“Mmm.” he said, “Let me soap you up. Get you all clean.”
“Always so diligent,” you said.
“It’s the job of a Team Principal,” he said dead seriously, squeezing shower gel into his large hands and starting to meticulously lather your behind.
“Oh, so you do this for everyone on the team?” you said with a smirk.
“Only the hot ones,” he said, working his hands up your back and around to your stomach.
“Oh, so Lewis too?” you said, laughing.
“You're such a nightmare,” he said, “I’ll have to teach you a lesson.” With that he bent down to kiss you once more, pushing his fully hard length into your stomach.
Just as you were starting to lose yourself in your lover’s arms, you were snapped out of the trance by a loud buzz.
“Fuck, what was that?” you said, as you jumped apart.
“I think it’s the door.” Toto said, stepping to one side, “I’ll go and check. God help whoever it is. Stay here.”
As Toto wrapped a towel around his waist and made his way out of the bathroom, you shut the water off and wrapped yourself in a large towel, padding over to where he’d left the door open just a crack.
“Rosie.” you could hear Toto saying, his tone surprised.
“Hi Toto, I am so sorry to bother you this early but I tried texting Y/N and heard nothing. There’s something you both need to see. I tried her room but figured she may be here with you but don’t worry, if not I can just show you.” Rosie rambled, clearly nervous.
“No, no come in, she’s just in the bathroom,” said Toto.
Guessing this was your cue to come out, you opened the door.
“Hey Rosie,” you said sheepishly, well aware of how it looked, with you and Toto wearing nothing but towels.
“I am so so sorry to have interrupted,” said Rosie awkwardly.
“It’s fine, we were just getting ready.” you said, “What’s up?”
Rosie sighed, “The press have got wind of you two, the Daily Mail has a photo of you kissing and they’re going to run it on Saturday.”
“Scheiße!” exclaimed Toto, sitting down on one of the lounge chairs in the living area of his suite.
“How do you know?” you asked Rosie, as you followed him through to the living area.
“We got a request for a comment from the journalist and I'm so sorry I only just picked it up because of the time difference,” said Rosie apologetically, as you paced up and down.
“Fuck, what are we going to do?” you said, stopping your pacing and turning to Toto.
“How should I know?” he replied, “You're the Director of Communications, that's why I hired you.”
“Touché,” you said “Well I think that what we should do is sit tight and see how this pans out. It might be a case that the story will be three-quarters of the way down the sidebar of shame and no one picks it up or thinks anything of it.”
“That's true,” said Rosie empathetically, “Sometimes these things don't take off in the sensational way that the journalists hope.”
“I certainly hope so.” said Toto, his tone serious, “But I know who will care about it.”
“Did they send the photo?” you asked Rosie.
“Yes, they did. Let me show you,” said Rosie, taking out her phone.
Glancing at Toto, you grimaced, wondering where this photo could have been taken. You hoped it hadn’t been in Tuscany as there was no denying it was a romantic holiday and you’d gotten carried away on your romantic picnics more than once.
“Here it is,” said Rosie, bending down to show Toto as he sat in his chair.
“Scheiße!” Toto exclaimed once again, “That was by the factory after we met with HR and the board.”
“Can I see?” you said moving closer.
“Sure,” Rosie replied, moving her phone across so that you could take a look.
Sure enough, it was blurry but it was undoubtedly you and Toto walking along the river bank after you had your meeting, cups of coffee in hand. To make matters worse, it wasn't just one photo, it was a series, one looking like you are deep in discussion, one with your hand on Toto’s chest and then the final one was him leaning down to kiss you.
You made a face at Rosie which she exchanged.
“Look it's obviously not great,” you said, “But honestly I think people don't care that much. Look at what happened after Christian tried to out us to Sky, no one cared. I just worry that the board will see this especially because it's near the workplace.”
“But do they know that it’s near the factory?” said Rosie, “It's not that obvious where that is if you don't know where it is. If that makes sense?”
“Robert will know,” interjected Toto, “I've taken him there for a coffee before.”
“Shit.” you said, “Although to the outside world, we're not wearing our uniforms it could just be any day.”
“That's true,” said Toto, “At least they can't say that we're bringing shame on the brand.”
“I'm so sorry guys,” said Rosie, standing back up and putting her phone away. “If there's anything I can do to help let me know. I’ll leave you alone now and again, I'm so sorry for coming to disturb you so early.”
Standing up from the chair, obviously feeling awkward about the fact he was only wearing a towel, Toto said kindly, “No, thank you, Rosie, I appreciate you coming to us. I'm sorry for not being so presentable this morning, I just got back from the gym.”
“Yes, thank you, Rosie, honestly it's good to have a heads up about things like this. At least we can start to think of a game plan,” you said kindly, “And again sorry that we're not quite ready.”
“Don't be silly,” said Rosie, “I'm just sorry that it was early and that I was the bearer of bad news.”
“It's okay, we'll figure something out,” you said as Rosie made her way back out of your suite. “Thanks again. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“See you later,” said Rosie as she closed the door behind her.
“Are we ever going to get a break?” Toto asked as he sat down on the bed still only wearing a towel.
“Unfortunately, I think not,” you said, “If it gets to the Board again obviously I will go, please don't jeopardise your life for me. You've worked so hard for so long to build this team up, it would be stupid to throw it all away just because of something silly.”
“It's not silly when it's you,” he said very seriously, looking you in the eyes, his dark eyes flashing intensely.
“You know what I mean,” you said, settling down beside him on the bed and putting an arm around his shoulder.
“The thing I don’t understand is how there are so many photos. Why would a paparazzi be at the factory on a random Monday?” Toto said, leaning into you.
“I agree, it is suspicious. I am going to ask around and see if someone will name the source,” you replied, trying to reassure him.
At that, he managed a small smile, “Thank you. Do you want to finish in the shower and I'll come in afterwards? I love you but I'm not really in the mood now.”
“Don't be silly, we can still go together. We don't have to fill every moment with sex. I'm happy to just have a shower with you,” you said.
Toto flopped his head down on your shoulder in agreement, “Sure let's do it.”
Having wrapped a successful Free Practice, you were now back in Toto’s hotel room, frantically deciding a game plan for the evening’s dinner. The news story Rosie had rushed to tell you about was due to come out in the early hours as it was running on Saturday morning UK time, and you just hoped no one would see it while you were all out. On top of that, Toto was still insistent on going through with his madcap scheme to find out what Christian was doing in your hotel that morning.
The team had been surprised by your sudden insistence to go out last minute on a Friday night but seemed enthusiastic about going for tacos and margaritas. You’d managed to convince most of the team to come along and ulterior motives aside, it was always nice to build some team spirit.
Crazy schemes aside, you also had to contend with the fact that your Dad was coming to join you for drinks after dinner, having landed in Mexico City that afternoon.
“So, what do I say to him?” asked Toto as he buttoned up his blue linen shirt beside you in the bathroom.
You sighed, “Nothing, you’re my boss, that’s all he knows. Say boss things.”
“I don’t like it.” said Toto, “But I’ll play along.”
“Good.” you said, kissing him on the cheek, “I just know he’ll be dramatic about his little girl dating a big scary man and we don’t need more drama this weekend.”
“Big and scary?” said Toto, raising an eyebrow, “I’m not sure I am big or scary.”
“Have you seen yourself?” you asked.
“You know what I mean.” he said, “I hope the team doesn't feel weird that I’m coming tonight.”
“I think you have a complex about this.” You said, “They love it when you participate.”
“I doubt this,” said Toto, tightlipped and unconvinced.
The atmosphere in the restaurant was jovial, with the team in high spirits after a successful Free Practice. It was a good turn out and Lewis and George had even joined for the evening, much to the team’s pleasure. Toto had been correct in his assumptions that people would be thrown off that he was joining you but it wasn’t long before the margaritas were flowing and they began to let loose, not worried about what their boss would think.
You’d divided up, working the tables to make sure you spoke to everyone in the team, casually dropping the fact that you were sharing the hotel with Ferrari here and there, hoping that someone might talk. It wasn’t long before you struck gold, with Bella.
“It must be nice being in the same hotel for once, no?” you asked, knowing that her husband, Gio, worked for Ferrari.
“Yeah, it almost never happens!” she said brightly, “Who do I need to speak to for us to always stay together?”
You laughed, before trying to subtly dig some more, “I guess the travel department but Ferrari would have to agree too. I’m not averse to it personally, I’d rather see them around than the Red Bull lot.”
Bella nodded in agreement before dropping her voice, “Yeah but do you not know about Christian Horner?”
“Huh?” you asked, playing dumb, “What do you mean?”
Bella looked around as if scared someone would overhear her in the loud restaurant, “He’s seeing one of the PR girls at Ferrari, Gio saw them a few weeks ago and he must have been in our hotel last night. We saw him creeping out this morning.”
You tried your best to feign shock, “No way! Isn’t he married as well?”
“Yup.” said Bella, pulling a face, “Nice guy right?”
“Indeed.” you said, “His poor wife. Although, actually, scrap that, if I was married to him, I’d be encouraging him to go off and find someone else.”
Bella laughed, sipping her margarita once again, “Same to be honest. They’re all whispering about it at Ferrari. I think they’re worried he’s doing it for information.”
“Oh really?” you asked, trying to catch Toto’s eye to signal that you’d uncovered what he was looking for, “But what does this girl look like? I’m sure he’s just a horny old man.”
“That’s true, she’s much younger than him, pretty and a redhead, so just his type.”
“Oof,” you said, finally managing to catch Toto’s eyes and winking at him.
Never one to miss a trick, Bella whipped her head around to see who you were winking at. “I still swear he has a thing for you, you know.”
Playing coy, you laughed it off, “Nah, he’s just goofy.”
“You like that though,” said Bella cheekily.
“I do like him, but just as a colleague,” you said, “I’m glad he’s our boss and not that slimeball Christian.”
“Me and you both,” replied Bella.
Just as you raised your glass once more you clocked a familiar face coming into the restaurant, “Bella, you’ll have to excuse me, my Dad has just arrived!” you said excitedly, “I’ll just go and say hi and bring him around to say hello to everyone.”
“Ah lovely, I’m looking forward to it,” said Bella, turning to chat with her colleagues who were sitting on the other side of her.
Crossing the restaurant, you were nervous, your Dad had never visited you at work before and you weren’t sure what he’d make of your increasingly rowdy colleagues.
“Mi hija!” he exclaimed loudly as he spotted you making your way towards him.
“Papa!” you said, warmly embracing him. It had been a while since you’d seen your father, having only gone home for Christmas, “How was the flight?”
“Good thank you,” he said, “How are you? How was the free practice?”
“Good thanks, it went well. I’m excited for tomorrow and so excited you’re finally coming to a race.” you said, “Do you want to meet my colleagues?”
You’d spotted Toto immediately clocking your father and straightening his collar. You couldn’t help but smile, clearly meeting the parents was nerve-wracking at any stage in life.
“Sure,” replied your Dad with a wide grin, “I want to meet the famous Rosie.”
Smiling that he remembered your friend’s name, you clocked Rosie, lurking in the corner with George and a few other members of the press team. Making your way over you spied Toto getting up to come over and join you.
“Hey guys, there’s someone I’d like you all to meet, this is my Dad!” You said, “Dad, this is Rosie, George, Olivia and Emily.”
“Nice to meet you, we’ve heard so much about you!” said Rosie, immediately leaping up to say hello. George followed suit, shaking your Dad’s hand and exchanging pleasantries before a scared look in his eye told you that Toto was standing somewhere behind you.
“Hey Toto,” said George nervously, clearly not sure if your Dad knew about your relationship.
“Oh Dad, this is Toto, our boss,” you said, turning around to allow Toto to make his introduction.
“Hello, so lovely to meet you finally,” said Toto, flashing a grin as he shook your Dad’s hand, “Your daughter is a superstar.”
“Likewise,” your Dad said, clearly pleased by Toto’s words, “I know, you’re very lucky to have her.”
“Believe me I know it,” said Toto, looking over at you adoringly. “Can I get you a drink at all?”
“That would be great, I’ll come with you to the bar,” replied your Dad, slapping Toto on the shoulder, despite the fact he was a good foot shorter, “Mi hija, would you like anything?”
“Can I please have another piña colada?” you asked.
“Of course, can I get anyone else anything?” your Dad asked, turning back towards Rosie and crew.
“We’re good for the moment but thank you,” Rosie replied.
At that, you watched nervously as your Dad and Toto disappeared off towards the bar. Settling down beside Rosie and George, you checked that Olivia and Emily were deep in conversation before saying “Eek I’m nervous.”
“Does he know?” asked George.
“Nope, we decided it’s better to go with he’s just my boss for now.”
“Oooh.” said George, “Well you need to tell Toto to stop making googly eyes at you, he’s so obvious about it these days.”
“I think that will be the least of our problems after tomorrow,” you said furtively, glancing at Rosie.
“I’m sure it will be fine.” she replied kindly, “As we said, no one really cares.”
“Hmm,” you said unconvinced.
As the night went on, drinks were now freely flowing and you could see some of your colleagues were too far gone. The younger mechanics always pushed it too hard and you were worried they’d be hungover and grumpy for quali the next day.
Your Dad was deep in conversation with Rosie and George and you spied Toto leaning against the wall, chatting to the senior engineers. Making your way over, you gently tapped him on the arm.
“Hey Y/N, how are you? The guys were just saying how much they like your Dad,” said Toto.
“Aw that’s sweet, I think he’s loving it!” you said, looking over to where he was now dragging Rosie up to start dancing.
“I can see that,” replied Toto. “Do you think we should try and wrap things up?”
“That’s why I came over.” you said, “Shall I do our usual trick?”
“Good idea,” said Toto, winking at you as his companions looked blankly, “You’ll see,” he said, turning to them.
You smiled as you sauntered over to the bartender. Having booked the restaurant out entirely you could easily call it a night.
“Hey, I know this is unorthodox but do you think we could do a last call? I don’t want everyone to be hungover tomorrow,” you said.
“Sure,” said the bartender, “Although I think it might be too late.”
As if on cue, you spotted Mo falling over his chair as he tried to get up. Sighing, you replied, “Maybe.”
Rejoining Toto, who was now standing alone, checking his emails and looking grumpy, you discreetly whispered, “I have the juicy gossip by the way.”
He perked up immediately, “No one was cracking, who is it?”
“Good news, none of our lot.” you said smiling, “He’s knocking off one of the PR girls at Ferrari.”
“How did you find out?” he said, his eyes lit up.
“Bella,” you said with a smirk.
“This is good,” said Toto, “I can use this.”
“Jesus, you’re as bad as he is,” you said. “I’ll tell you everything later, yeah?”
“So you’re coming back to mine?” he said excitedly, just as the last call bell rang.
“Of course.” you said, “But we need to be careful with my Dad. And on that note, what were you talking about with him at the bar?”
“Just chatting,” said Toto, folding his arms smugly.
“Sure,” you said suspiciously.
Having rounded up the troops, the team were now merrily making their way back towards the hotel. Thankfully it was just a short walk and you were happy to see your Dad getting stuck in and chatting away to anyone who would listen.
Toto was walking ahead with Bono and Lewis, deep in conversation about the coming weekend so you rushed to catch up with your Dad.
“Hey stranger,” you said, looping your arm through his.
“How are you my love?” he asked, “Your colleagues are very nice.”
“I’m glad you like them, it’s my favourite part of the job.” you said, “They were all excited to meet you so I’m sure you’ll be spoiled all weekend.”
“Yes, George said I can sit in the garage.” your Dad said smugly, “And Toto, he’s quite something no?”
“Did he now?” you said laughing, “Well it’s actually my decision who sits in the garage as a guest so I’ll be having words with George. But yes Toto is lovely.”
“He is in love with you.” said your Dad, turning to you on a more serious note.
“Huh?” you asked, taken aback by his frank admission.
“He only has eyes for you.” he said, “When we were at the bar he kept glancing over at you. Trust me I know these things. You could do a lot worse mi hija.”
Feeling guilty that your Dad was right on the money you sighed, “Well then, there’s something I need to tell you.”
Your Dad smiled, “I knew it. Just be careful, he is a little old for you.”
Smiling, you replied, “I will be. He was so nervous to meet you.”
“I could tell,” your Dad replied, “He kept telling me how brilliant you were at the bar and that he hoped you would work together forever.”
You laughed, “How romantic.”
“I could tell what he really meant.” said your Dad dryly, “He will have to meet your mother though.”
“I know.” you said shyly, “I hope she likes him too.”
“Of course, she will. You look so happy mi hija, I haven’t seen you glowing like this in a long time.”
‘Thanks, Papa,” you said, kissing him on the cheek. “Just so you know, only a few of our colleagues know so please keep it quiet.
“Of course.” he replied, “It’s wise in the workplace.”
Having reached your hotel, it was time to say goodnight, “I will come and meet you in the morning and we can go to the track together?”
“Sounds good, sleep well and thank you again for inviting me,” he replied, grinning widely.
Waking up on quali day, you were very content with how the following evening had gone. Toto had been thrilled by the fact that you’d confessed your relationship to your Dad and that he semi-had his blessing. Snuggling into Toto’s broad chest, you were so comfortable that you almost forgot the shitshow that was going to greet you when you checked your emails.
Leaning up to kiss Toto’s neck you could sense he was stirring awake.
“Morning,” you said, kissing him once more.
“Morning,” he replied sleepily, clutching you closer into his chest and kissing the top of your head.
Knowing that you had to face reality as quickly as possible like a band-aid being ripped off, you extracted yourself from Toto’s vice-like grip.
“No cuddles?” he said, now wide awake and put out.
“I need to check my emails,” you said, sitting bolt upright and reaching for your phone.
“Oh shit,” said Toto, rubbing his eyes.
“Indeed,” you said.
You didn’t have to look far to find the article, it was the top search result for Mercedes AMG Petronas this morning, the glaring headline reading “LOVE IN THE PADDOCK, MERCEDES TEAM BOSS TOTO WOLFF COSIES UP TO YOUNG COLLEAGUE.”
Groaning you scrolled down the article, they’d gone in heavy on the fact that Toto was two decades your senior and that he was your boss.
“What does it say?” asked Toto, sitting up in bed and putting on his glasses.
“The tone is not great,” you said, continuing to read. “But it’s not very long and mostly just the photos.”
“Okay, so what do we do?” Toto asked.
“I think we let it be, I’m sure it won’t go far,” you said, hoping you were correct.
“Fuck,” said Toto, now checking his phone.
“What���s wrong?
“Robert has put in a meeting.” he sighed, bringing his palm to his face.
“Shit, when?”
“After quali.”
It wasn’t often that Toto looked nervous but he was looking thoroughly uncomfortable.
“Look, like I said, if he gives you a hard time, I will go,” you said bluntly.
“I don’t want you to,” said Toto, equally as bluntly.
“He’ll push for it,” you said.
“I’ll push back.”
“I know you will,” you said, reaching across and putting your arm around Toto. “But like I said, don’t jeopardise this for me. It’s a job for me at the end of the day. You built this team, it is what it is thanks to you and I wouldn’t ever forgive myself if anything came in the way of that.”
Toto pondered silently, obviously mulling things over. “Let’s see.”
Unfortunately, as your colleagues had started to wake up, your phone had started to blow up with messages asking what was going on.
Omg, Y/N! I knew it. Hope you are okay, the Daily Mail is brutal.
It was Bella. Then came a message from Tom.
Sheesh Y/N, no wonder you’re always smiling these days. I expect a full juicy debrief asap.
Not having the energy to reply yet you turned your phone off, turning to Toto.
“Everyone is asking me what’s going on,” you said flatly.
Toto sighed, “Well maybe it’s time to come clean. I don’t like lies in the team.”
“I guess,” you said, laying your head on his chest.
“Look, I know that you still feel everybody's going to think that you're trying to sleep your way to the top,” said Toto, “But you've more than proven yourself at this point. No one can possibly think that. Just that you're crazy for going out with me.”
“I hope so,” you replied, “Stop saying that, people will think that you're the crazy one for going out with me.”
“As if,” Toto snorted, “They’ll be jealous of me.”
You rolled your eyes, “I doubt this highly.”
“Let’s wait and see,” said Toto, leaning over for a kiss, pinning you down in between his strong arms.
Quali had gone even better than you had dared hope, with Lewis and George obtaining P1 and P2. Despite the sore heads from last night's shenanigans, drinks were flowing once more in the garage as the team celebrated the first front-row lockout of the season.
Nowhere to be seen, however, was your affable boss. Toto had slunk off to his office to take his meeting with Robert, barely raising a smile at your drivers’ valiant efforts. Now that your relationship was common knowledge, you felt in a way that a weight was off of your shoulders, however, now the pressure was on.
“Where’s Toto?” asked Rosie, as you stood nervously in the garage, not participating in the celebrations as you awaited his return.
“Long story,” you said.
Rosie looked a little shocked at your glum demeanour, “I hope everything is okay.”
“Thanks.” you said, “I’m going to head to my office for a bit, can you please keep an eye on my Dad?”
“Sure, no problem,” she said, looking concerned.
As you wove your way through the garage and down the paddock to your office you were a bundle of nerves. You loved your job almost as much as you loved Toto and it would kill you to give it up after the huge amount of work you’d put in over the last eighteen months. But in your heart, you knew you would never forgive yourself if Toto put his neck on the line for you as this was his team at the end of the day.
You grabbed an espresso before settling down at your desk in your office, desperately trying to distract yourself with your inbox. You could hear Toto murmuring next door but not loudly enough for you to pick out any words. Furiously typing a reply to an email, you heard his chair roll back and the door creak open.
A gentle knock on your door, “Y/N, I can hear you typing. Can I come in?”
“Sure,” you said, feeling awkward that he knew you had been trying to listen in.
Closing the door behind him, a serious-looking Toto crossed the space to sit on the sofa in your small office.
“Sorry, I didn’t realise I was that loud,” you said, embarrassed.
“No, not at all, I like it, I always know you’re close by,” he said, folding his arms. “Look, Robert is not happy with me but I managed to talk him around.”
“Really?” you said, eyes bright.
“Don’t get too excited, there is a but. He asked that you stay out of the spotlight, so no more press conferences, no more TV, no more media appearances, no more attending sponsorship events on behalf of the team.”
“That’s the but?” you asked incredulously, “Honestly, I’m fine with that.”
Toto smiled, “I know. But I pushed back.”
“Why?” you asked, eyebrows raised.
“Because whether you believe it or not, you are a huge asset to the team. I told him that you will continue your day-to-day role, and the fact that you are my girlfriend is incidental. And that one day you’ll be my wife and he’ll have to get used to it.”
Your mouth fell open. Wife? “Well, thank you, and he was okay with that?”
“He has to be,” he said bluntly.
At that you hopped up, making your way around your desk to lean down and give him a lingering kiss, his large hands wrapping around your waist and pulling you down onto his lap.
“Toto!” you squealed, “This is my office!”
“I know, and I also know no one will be up here for at least the next ten minutes,” he said with a smirk, pulling your hips down closer to his, his hands creeping up your now untucked team shirt. Sighing, you gave in, kissing him back voraciously and running your hands through his hair.
With your luck, it was only inevitable that at that very moment, there was a knock on your door.
Leaping up, you straightened your shirt and Toto tried to fix his ruffled hair.
“Hello, Y/N, are you there?” It was Rosie.
“Hey Rosie, yes, sure come in,” you said.
As the door opened to reveal a startled-looking Rosie who had caught onto what she was interrupting, she stuttered, “I can come back later. I’m sorry…”
“No, don’t be silly, I was just leaving,” said Toto, getting up from the sofa and flashing a grin at your flustered colleague.
“Oh okay,” she said.
“See you later Toto,” you said.
“See you,” he replied, closing the door behind him.
“I am SO sorry.” said Rosie, “I need to stop interrupting you guys.”
You laughed, “Don’t worry, he was just updating me on the Daily Mail situation.”
Rosie looked sceptical, “Sure, sure. I just came up to check if everything was okay. You looked super sad in the garage. And before you panic, George is with your Dad.”
“Thanks, Rosie,” you said, “I was worrying, but it seems to have been for nothing.”
Appeased by your cheerful tone, Rosie replied, taking a seat on the sofa, “I’m glad to hear that, I knew Toto would handle it. He’s always been good at smoothing things over.”
“I hope so,” you said, gazing off into nowhere. “I guess I should head back down, and rescue George.”
“He’s fine, he’s loving the attention.” said Rosie, “You know what he’s like, a sixty-year-old man in a twenty-something-year-old body. They’re kindred spirits.”
You laughed, “That’s true.”
“I’m sorry again about this morning, when Toto opened the door in a towel I was mortified,” Rosie said, looking nervous.
“Oh gosh don’t worry, I think he was more embarrassed than you.” you said reassuringly, “And for the record, we genuinely were just getting ready.”
“Still embarrassing.” said Rosie, “Although for the record, damn, he’s in good shape. I always thought he would be but sheesh.”
Laughing, you replied, “He’s alright I guess. And you can talk, George with his washboard abs.”
“Let’s see how long they last into retirement,” said Rosie wistfully.
“Ooh things are that serious?” you asked.
“I hope so, he asked me about maybe getting engaged soon,” Rosie said, looking down at her feet.
“Oh my gosh, Rosie this is big!” you leapt up from your desk, “I knew it.”
Rosie looked pleased, “Let’s see.”
“Shall we head back down?” you asked, “I came up here to answer some urgent emails and managed to smash through them.”
“Sure,” said Rosie, standing up.
A few hours later, the team were wrapping for the evening in an attempt to get an early night ahead of the race. Your Dad had already gone back to his hotel to freshen up for dinner leaving you alone with Toto once again.
Wandering through the paddock you were conscious that rival teams were now aware of your relationship and you hoped they wouldn’t take too much notice. As you walked side by side you were suddenly greeted by a loud wolf whistle.
“Ooooh, look at the happy couple!” It was Christian Horner, looking smug as usual, swaggering up to you from within the Red Bull hospitality area.
“Good evening Christian,” said Toto frostily.
“Toto.” said Christian, nodding slightly, “Y/N. How’s wedded bliss? I heard you were getting frisky in the factory recently.”
Sensing Toto’s body clenching beside you, you tried to diffuse the situation in the only language that Christian would understand, sarcasm, “Yes, all day every day, right in the middle of the boardroom.”
“You’re a lucky bastard, Toto,” said Christian, “How does the phrase go, you’re only as old as the woman you feel?”
Toto looked livid, replying angrily, “Well I heard you’re fond of a little Italian.”
The blood draining from his face, Christian fought to compose himself before replying nonchalantly, “And?”
Toto’s eyes narrowed, “I’m not sure your wife would be thrilled by the news.”
Looking defeated, Christian threw his hands up before backing away, “You’re a sly bastard, I’ll give you that. Enjoy your evening.”
“And you,” you said through gritted teeth, Toto still raging beside you.
Making your way towards the car park you turned to Toto, “He really is a piece of shit.”
“One hundred per cent.” replied Toto, “I hate bowing down to his level but he went too far last time.”
Stroking Toto’s arm lightly you tried to calm him down, “Oh, you got him good this time. He’ll leave us alone now, I’m sure of it.”
Toto’s brow furrowed, he was unconvinced. “I hope so.”
“I know so.” you said confidently, “By the way, I’ve been trying to get to the bottom of who sold the photographs to the Daily Mail and every source is a dead end. I think it has to be someone at the factory.”
Toto’s eyebrows shot up, “At the factory.”
“Well yes,” you paused, explaining, “It’s not always a paparazzi who provide images to tabloids, sometimes they buy them from a private individual.”
“But who would do that?” asked Toto.
“I can think of someone,” you said.
“Lara?” he asked, on your wavelength.
“I think so. She’s been suspiciously nice to me recently,” you replied, having finally reached the car that would take you back to your hotel. Sliding into the back seat beside Toto, you turned to him, “How has she been with you?”
“The same as always,” mused Toto, covering your hand with his.
“I just don’t get her,” you said quietly, aware that the driver could hear every word.
“I know.” said Toto, “I will do some digging tomorrow if I have time.”
“Well it’s race day so don’t get too distracted,” you said. “We can find out next week when we’re back home.”
“True.” said Toto, “On that note, I wondered if you would like to come to mine for dinner on Wednesday next week?”
Surprised by his invitation as you were yet to go to his place in England, you replied, “Ooh yes, I’m curious.”
“It’s nothing special but I’d like to cook for you,” he said sweetly.
“I’d love that,” you said, looking at him lovingly, “And after you said that about your house in Monaco, I’m not sure if I believe you.”
Toto smirked, “No, the Monaco place is nicer. But this place is cosy.”
Already envisioning cuddling up on the sofa, you couldn’t wait.
As usual, race day flew by at an alarming pace, with you feeling as if you’d barely sat down in the garage when the chequered flag was waving. It was a double podium finish with Lewis taking P1 and George P2, a success that meant Mercedes were now even with Red Bull as constructors.
The team were elated and Toto had rallied the team to meet in the garage post-race, your Dad included. He’d had the time of his life this weekend and fortunately for you, with your demanding schedule, the team had doted on him constantly.
Standing in the garage beside Toto, you could tell that there were once again some curious glances being shot towards you. As more of the team gathered, Toto made his way across to you, sidling up beside you and bending down to whisper in your ear, “I’m going to tell them.”
You turned to him surprised, “Are you sure, is it not kind of weird?”
“No, it will be fine trust me,” he said, winking at you and walking towards the bar.
“Gather around everybody, there are a few words I would like to say,” said Toto, immediately commanding the attention of the team, the chatter instantly dying down. “First of all, I want to congratulate each and every one of you for today’s incredible effort and the results. We are now equal with Red Bull in the Constructor’s Championship and have the possibility of overtaking them.” He paused as the team applauded and cheered, “I’d like to say a special thank you to Lewis and George for their drives today, as well as our engineers and technicians who worked so tirelessly to gain us these crucial tenths of a second.”
“Thanks guys!” interjected Lewis, who was standing on the edge of the garage, listening in.
“Yes, thank you, couldn’t have done it without you,” said George cheerfully.
Toto laughed, “And as always thank you to everybody else in the team who makes these weekends possible.” he paused before glancing over at you, “I am also sure that many of you may have seen the story in the press about Y/N and I. As we are a team, I do not want secrets and I wanted you all to know that it is true, we have been seeing each other romantically for quite some time now.”
Murmurs echoed around the garage as heads turned around to look at you. Shrinking back behind the hulking figure of Bono, you had never felt more embarrassed in your life, until Lewis broke the tension with a cheeky wolf whistle.
“Ooohhh, tell us something we don’t know boss,” he said with a glint in his eye. “Just make sure you invite us all to the wedding yeah?”
Toto blushed and continued, “I just wanted you all to know straight from the horse’s mouth… is that the right phrase?” he looked at you pleadingly.
“Yes.” you said laughing, “For once.”
The team broke into laughter as your boss often confused English phrases and you always ended up correcting him.
“Thank you. Anyway, now that is out in the open, I hope you will join us in celebrating this weekend tomorrow evening at the factory.” Toto was beaming, clearly relieved to have got the news off of his chest, “Again, thank you to every one of you, this weekend has been good.”
Applause followed before the team started to mill about, some staying to pack up and others rushing off to the airport to make their flight. Fortunately, you would be taking the jet a little later so had no need to run yet.
Making his way towards you, Toto was smiling widely, his dimples out in full force. “Well that was easy,” he said.
“Worst kept secret in the paddock if you ask me,” said Bono, turning to you both, “Joking aside, I’m happy for you both.”
“Thank you, Bono,” you replied, wrapping your arm around him, “I’m happy too.”
“I’m glad to hear it,” the engineer said, “Toto, this girl is special, you’re a lucky guy.”
“Believe me, I know,” said Toto, beaming down at you.
Through the throng of people your Dad emerged, walking straight up to Toto and slapping his hand on his shoulder, “Well that was interesting, young man.” he said.
Toto looked a little embarrassed, “I hope you didn’t mind.”
“Not at all,” said your Dad, “If Y/N is happy, I’m happy. But you do need to come and meet my wife soon.”
“Dad…” you shot daggers at him, not wanting to make Toto uncomfortable.
“It would be a pleasure,” replied Toto. “Y/N is coming to Austria during the Winter break to meet my family so maybe we can come then too.”
“Perfect,” said your Dad, clapping his hands together and turning to you, “Your mother will be thrilled.”
Shaking your head, you couldn’t help but hope that this meant Toto was serious about your relationship. The casual comments about becoming his wife and the declarations of love pointed that way but you didn’t want to get your hopes up.
“Great,” you replied, “We’ll come in December sometime then.”
“Check with your Mother though!” said your Dad, backtracking slightly.
“Always,” you said with a wink, knowing full well that she ran things in the house.
“Right, well I think we had better head off no?” said Toto, conscious that you had a plane to catch.
“Indeed, you said,” leaning towards your Dad to say goodbye and thank him for coming. It had been a great weekend all around, both professionally and personally. As he bid farewell to Toto you had a newfound respect for your charismatic boyfriend. Your father was not an easy man to win over and he’d done it in a matter of minutes.
In the hubbub of the garage, what you failed to notice was the same pair of eyes that had watched you on and Toto the river bank, this time angry.
#formula one x reader#toto wolff fanfic#f1 x reader#fanf1ction#toto wolff x reader#toto wolff x you#f1 fanfic#onceuponatimein...
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Once Upon a Time in Brazil | Chapter Ten
The press could be a useful tool in your game, but it could also be your worst nightmare. Unfortunately, Brazil was to bring about the latter alongside another bump in the road.
Word Count: 8.6k
Warnings: Spice is back. Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it guys and girls) 🌶 Possible pregnancy
Author’s Notes: Disclaimer, purely fiction, no-one is married in this alt-universe.
In the run-up to the Brazillian Grand Prix, you’d spent a week back in the UK and were now in Miami for a few days, working on a sponsor event whilst Toto was in Los Angeles, meeting with a supplier. As ever, you felt like you were cursed to never be free from drama. Since your relationship had been outed, Lara had been on her best behaviour with you and had stopped with the sassy comments, however, it seemed as if it had all been a front.
Having travelled together on the jet from London, you had been dropped off in Miami on Tuesday afternoon, with Lara accompanying Toto alone on the plane between Miami and Los Angeles. It sounded simple enough but that’s when it all started to go pear-shaped.
Getting ready for the event and putting on your make-up in your luxurious hotel bathroom, your phone pinged, it was Toto.
Hi my love, I hope Miami is treating you well. We just got to LA, do you think it’s weird if I invite Lara to dinner? X
You’d replied, thinking it was harmless.
Hey, it’s gorgeous here, just getting ready for the event so nothing interesting, hope LA is fun.
Glad you got there safe and sound. I don’t think it’s weird, she’s by herself. X
You then didn’t hear from him before you left for the event and having been kept busy all evening, putting on your best charm offensive for the sponsor, you hadn’t had time to check your phone. By the time you were sliding into the backseat of the car that would take you back to your hotel, it was late and when you checked your phone you started to panic. Five missed calls from Toto, all within a few minutes of one another.
Worried, you’d immediately called him back but it had rang through to voicemail. It wasn’t until you’d gotten back to your room that a text pinged through.
Call me when you can, I know you are busy but this is serious.
It wasn’t like Toto to panic and it made you feel uneasy. Picking up your phone and dialling his number, he must have been waiting for your call as he picked up on the first ring.
“Y/N.” he said, his voice strained, “I’m so sorry.”
“Hey Toto, what’s wrong?” you asked, trying to hide the worry in your voice.
“I don’t know where to start,” he said, his voice slightly crackly down the unstable connection, “Lara, she kissed me!”
Floored, you flopped down onto the sofa in your suite, “What?” you exclaimed.
“She kissed me!” he said, clearly freaking out.
“How? What?” you said.
“I invited her out to dinner and she came to meet me, all dressed up in next to nothing, and drank an entire bottle of wine to herself over dinner.” Toto said very quickly, “Then after we finished eating, she moved over to me, put her hand on my thigh and kissed me.”
Short of words, you managed a weak reply, “And did you let her?”
“Of course not!” said Toto, seemingly offended that you would imply that, “I didn’t know what to do. I threw her off, and then she started crying.”
“Fuck,” you said, rubbing your forehead. “What did you do?”
“Well by then half the restaurant was staring at us, so I put my arm around her and we left.”
“Toto!” you groaned, “How do you think that looks?”
“I know, but I didn’t know what to do!” he said exasperated. “I dropped her back to her room and she tried to pull me in.”
“Fuck, that’s wild.” you said, “Although I have to say, I’m not surprised. She’s always been so weird and protective of you.”
“I know,” he replied, sounding as if he was at the end of his tether. “I’m worried, there were photographers outside.”
“Fuck.” you said, “But I’m sure it will be fine, I’ll let Rosie know to keep an eye out.”
“Thank you. I am so sorry. I never thought she would do something like this. I thought she hated me because of the Ed incident.” he said.
“Hmm, I thought so too to be honest.” you said, “What are you going to do, report her to HR?”
“Honestly, I want to let her go asap but since we only have two races to go it seems silly.” Toto sounded defeated. It was a tricky situation, “I will talk to Pamela and see what she advises.”
“How about borrowing Sophie?” you asked, your assistant was well versed in managing your crazy schedule and since it was almost identical to Toto’s, it wouldn’t be a huge amount of extra work for her for the next three weeks.
“Do you think she would be up to the task?” asked Toto, “I want Lara gone asap, her behaviour was totally unacceptable.”
“Talk to Pamela, see what she says, maybe we can bump Sophie’s pay up this month for the extra workload?”
“Good idea.” he said, “I am so sorry.”
“Why are you apologising? It’s not like you slept with her.” you said, “You didn’t right?”
“God no!” said Toto.
“Well that’s that.” you said, “Where is she now?”
“I think back in her room,” said Toto.
“Fuck, I think you should call Pamela, it’s early in the UK but she’ll be up. You don’t want Lara coming on the jet with you to Brazil.”
“I don’t want her in Brazil at all,” said Toto miserably.
“Honestly what she did is sexual harassment, Toto, are you okay?” you asked, concerned.
“I know.” he said, “It’s so unacceptable.”
“When is your supplier meeting?” you asked.
“Tomorrow lunchtime.” he replied gloomily, “I will call Pamela now and sort this before.”
“Ok, let me know if I can help in any way,” you offered, “And I will call Rosie now.”
“I love you Y/N,” said Toto, still crackly on the dodgy line.
“I love you too,” you replied, “I’m so sorry for you, I’ll see you soon though.”
“See you,” he said before ringing off.
You’d never heard Toto sounding so dejected and it worried you massively. Sighing, you double-checked the time difference between Miami and the UK and seeing that it was quarter to eight in the morning, dialled Rosie.
“Morning Y/N, what’s up?” she answered almost immediately, sounding a little sleepy.
“Rosie, I am so sorry if I’m waking you up but we might have a PR disaster on our hands.”
Rosie groaned, “Good morning to you too. It’s okay, I was only snoozing.”
As you filled Rosie in on what had happened she was shocked but equally didn’t seem all that surprised.
“Right, so I will put out an alert on pap images of Toto, at least they weren’t at Craig's or somewhere,” she said, now wide awake.
“Thank you, Rosie, that’s true,” you said sighing, “I’m worried about him though, he’s shaken up.”
“Oof I would be too, Lara’s scary when she’s sober, I can’t imagine her trying to drunk kiss me.” said Rosie, “Don’t panic though we can spin it if anything does come out.”
Just as you were about to reply, your phone started buzzing, “Thanks Rosie, I’ve got Toto trying to call me on the other line, I’ll let you go and keep me posted.”
“No worries will do,” she replied, hanging up to allow you to answer Toto’s call.
“Hey,” you said, trying to sound neutral and not panicked.
“Hi,” he said flatly, “I’ve spoken to Pamela, and she has arranged for Lara to return to the factory today. She’ll be flying commercial back to London and HR will let her know her contract is terminated.”
“Well that’s good news!” you said cheerily, “And what did they say about Sophie?”
“Pamela said we can share her, but you need to speak to her and check if she is comfortable with this.” Toto replied, “And as for Lara, the official line is that she is burnt out and needs to take some time off.”
“Okay,” you said, “That’s very generous of you, I’d be telling everybody.”
Toto sighed, “Until now she’s been an efficient assistant, I don’t want to ruin her career.”
“You’re much nicer than I am,” you said.
“I know,” he said, sounding slightly less glum.
“Ah there’s my cheeky guy,” you said.
“I try,” he replied, “Right, well I need to get some sleep, and you do too. I didn’t even ask you about the event. How was it?”
“All good, same old.” you replied, “You do need some sleep for sure, I will call Sophie now and let you know in the morning?”
“Okay, thank you Y/N.” he said, sounding down again, “I wish you were here.”
“I wish YOU were here!” you said, before adding, “I have a very large marble tub in my room, I think it might fit two.”
“Don’t tempt me,” said Toto, his voice low.
“I might have to, now I know women are throwing themselves at you,” you laughed.
“It’s not funny,” replied Toto, “Now you know how I feel.”
“What?” you said, in a more serious tone.
“Men are always checking you out,” he said.
“As if,” you snorted, surprised that Toto of all people was insecure.
“They do!” said Toto, “In Mexico, at the bar, the barmen were all staring.”
“That’s because they’re barmen,” you said bluntly, “Anyway, I’m not looking anywhere else and that’s what matters.”
“I hope so,” said Toto, “Right, now my eyes are heavy, you need to sleep too. I’ll call you in the morning.”
“Sounds good, love you.”
“I love you too, sweet dreams,” he replied sleepily.
“Night,” you said hanging up.
Getting up from the sofa, you made your way to the bathroom to take your make-up off as you’d rushed in and not moved since Toto had initially called you.
Putting your phone on speaker you called Sophie as you wiped off the evening’s grime, Miami was so humid you always felt a mess after a night out.
“Morning Y/N! How are you?” came Sophie’s voice.
“Morning Sophie, I’m so sorry to call you early but I have a favour to ask,” you said.
“No worries at all, I’m just getting ready for work,” she replied, “What can I do to help?”
“Well, unfortunately, Lara has had to take an unexpected leave of absence.” you started, choosing your words carefully, “This means Toto has no EA for the last two races. Would you be open to supporting him for the next three weeks? I have spoken to HR and if you are agreeable we can double your salary for the month.”
“Oh my goodness,” Sophie replied, “I hope Lara is okay, should I message her? But yes I would be more than happy to help.”
“It’s probably better that you don’t,” you replied, “She’s okay but needs some time away from the business. That’s great news that you’re up to the challenge, I will have HR draft a temporary contract for you.”
“Oh,” Sophie replied, “Sounds good, when do I start?”
“From Thursday if possible, Toto is in LA meeting with a supplier but he will be joining us in Brazil on Thursday. Pamela has access to his diary so will share this with you, but honestly, it’s almost the same as mine,” you explained.
“Great, then I will chat with Pamela today and see you both in Brazil on Thursday,” said Sophie cheerily.
“Thank you, Sophie, Toto will be thrilled.”
“Thanks, Y/N, have a nice evening.”
“Thanks, have a good day!” you said, rubbing your eyes wearily as you hung up. Were you ever going to catch a break?
You were woken up the following morning to yet another phone call. As you sat up in bed and reached for your phone you saw it was Rosie.
“Morning,” you said wearily.
“Hey, I am so sorry if I woke you up,” Rosie said, “Photos have come out and a few articles, sending them now.”
“Fuck,” you said, going into the chat to open the links Rosie sent.
The article painted Toto as a womaniser, preying on younger colleagues, there were photos of him with a scantily clad Lara draped around him exiting the restaurant, followed up by the photos of you kissing him on the riverbank.
You felt sick, this was a PR nightmare. The next one wasn’t much better.
There were the same pictures, Lara falling over drunk, Toto with his arm around her.
“Fuck Rosie, this is really bad,” you said, leaning back onto your headboard.
“I know, I’m so sorry Y/N.” she replied, “What do we do?”
You took a deep breath, “I think we make a statement,” pausing to think, you added, “Although, is it not suspicious that paparazzi would know exactly where to find Toto on an unpublicised trip to LA?”
“I thought that,” said Rosie, “And the photos are super clear, they must have been waiting for him.”
“Do we know who took them?” you asked.
“No but I can find out,” Rosie said, determinedly.
“Yes, let’s find out before we make any statements.” you said before groaning, “Fuck Toto is going to be so upset.”
“I know.” said Rosie, “But honestly I think someone set this up.”
“I agree,” you said. “Right, I’m going to call Toto. Speak later.”
“Bye,” said Rosie.
Stealing yourself you hung up and dialled for Toto. It only rang for a short while before he picked up.
“Morning,” he said, sounding much more awake than you did, despite the fact he was three hours behind you.
“Morning, I hope you got some sleep in the end. I have some good news and some bad news, good news is Sophie has agreed to cover Lara for the next three weeks, the bad news is very bad.”
“Well that’s good.” said Toto flatly, “And what’s the bad news?”
Not sure how to broach the subject, “Now don’t go mad, but we have a slight PR disaster on hand.”
“Disaster?” Toto said, his voice raising a few octaves.
“Huh?” said Toto. “Fuck, the headline, the photos.”
“How would any paparazzi know you were in LA and that you were at that specific restaurant and be able to get photos that are so clear? Someone called them, and I would hazard a guess that it was Lara.”
“Fuck,” was all Toto seemed able to say.
“Indeed,” you replied, “Rosie is on it to find out who took the photos and we’ll get to the bottom of it.”
“Ok great.” said Toto sharply, “Fuck, I have to meet this supplier in an hour. What are they going to think of me? What are my kids going to think of me?”
“I’m sure they won’t have seen it.” you suggested, not entirely convinced yourself, “And if they have, you tell them the truth.”
Toto snorted, “They will never believe me.”
“Honestly Toto, your kids know you’re not like that and after spending two minutes with you the suppliers will know you’re not the type”
“I’m not sure if that is a compliment or not,” he replied dryly.
“It is, trust me.” you said, “Look, don’t panic, we’ll smooth things over and get to the bottom of it. I won’t allow Lara to ruin your reputation.”, there are a few articles about you and Lara and they’re not good. Frankly, they’re shit,” you said matter-of-factly.
“Scheiße.” was all you got from the other end of the phone, “Will you send them to me?”
“Sure,” you said, forwarding Rosie’s links, “But before you freak out, Rosie and I were discussing this and we think you’ve been set up. It’s all a little too con
“It’s not as simple as that.” said Toto cryptically, “I need to get ready, I had better go.”
“Me too,” you replied, “I hope it goes well, text me if you need anything.”
“Okay, bye,” he said, hanging up without giving you to chance to say goodbye back.
You’d barely managed to start getting dressed for the day when your phone rang once again. Shaking your head, you paused applying your make-up and made your way over to where your phone was on charge.
It was Rosie ringing you back, hoping for good news you picked up.
“Hey Rosie, did you find out?” you asked eagerly.
“Kind of.” she said, “I’m sending you another link, there’s another article.”
“Good or bad?” you asked as you went back into the chat.
“Not the best, but I think it answers who was behind this. It’s a smear campaign.” Rosie said.
“What the fuck?” you said, scrolling down through the article and accompanying twenty-something images of a tearful-looking Lara exiting Heathrow airport with her suitcase.
“I know.” said Rosie, “It has to be Lara, not being funny, no one even knows who she is.”
“I am going to kill her,” you said, your blood boiling. You disliked her on the best of days but now that she was trying to ruin Toto’s reputation you were livid.
“I know.” said Rosie, reassuringly, “I want to too.”
“What the hell do we do? This looks terrible,” you said, musing about what the best course of action was.
“I was hoping you would have some ideas,” said Rosie quietly, “In my opinion, we have to release a statement now.”
“I agree,” you said, “Fuck, Toto is going to be mortified.”
“Well the only good thing is, it’s Brazil in two days, this will get buried by the press surrounding the race,” said Rosie, hopefully.
“That’s true,” you pondered, “Although he’s in the Team Principal press conference on Friday. Christian will almost certainly bring this up. He takes any opportunity to embarrass or belittle Toto.”
“Ugh, I hate that man,” said Rosie. “Okay, so the Daily Mail are requesting a comment from Toto, should I entertain them.”
“I think yes,” you said, “Let me talk to Toto first though.”
Having known that Toto was at the supplier lunch and you having had a meeting to attend, the wait to chat with him was agonizing. It didn’t help that people were texting you sympathetic messages as the story broke, thinking that Toto had cheated on you. You hadn’t replied to anyone yet but would do the rounds once you’d spoken to Toto.
When five o’clock came, you dropped him a text.
Hey, can I call you?
Almost instantaneously your phone pinged with a reply.
Yes, I’ve seen the latest article.
Fuck, you thought. Punching in Toto’s contact you waited with bated breath for him to pick up.
“Hello,” he said very sharply, not a hint of his usual charm present.
“Hi,” you said, “So you’ve seen it. It has to be Lara behind this, who the fuck even knows she exists outside of the paddock?”
“I know.” he said, “I’m angry at myself, why did I invite her to dinner?”
“Because it’s a normal thing to do and you’re a nice person. It’s not your fault she’s a psychopath.”
Toto was quiet on the other end of the phone, “What do we do?”
“I’ve spoken to Rosie and we think it is wise to release a statement.”
“Ok, saying what?”
“Saying that it was a mutual decision for her to take some time off after yesterday’s evening’s events as alcohol/drug abuse is strictly against company policy. We can spin it that you were concerned for her mental health and want her to focus on getting better.”
“And you think people will buy that?” asked Toto, not convinced.
“I can’t think of any other way to phrase it.” you said, “Brazil is happening in two days and quite frankly this sweeps it under the rug and shifts focus to the race.”
“That’s true. I just don’t understand why she would do something like this.” Toto said, at a loss for words.
“Me neither, I know she harboured a grudge over the Ed situation but this is an extreme way of getting revenge, unless…”
“Unless what?” Toto interjected.
“Unless someone has paid her off. Someone who was threatened by your threat of telling his wife about his mistress.”
“No, surely not.” said Toto, “He is an idiot but he wouldn’t go that far.”
“Hmm.” you said, “I think he would, I am going to request access to Lara’s phone and emails.”
“Can we do that?” asked Toto.
��Well how is Sophie supposed to do her job without access?” you said. “I’m going to call Pamela.”
“It’s worth a try.” said Toto sadly, “Look I don’t want to stay in LA now, I am going to come to you this evening and then we can fly to Brazil together tomorrow.”
“Of course, obviously I would prefer happier circumstances but I’ve missed you,” you said.
“I’ve missed you too, one day apart and I get myself in this mess.”
“It’s not your doing and realistically it was only a matter of time.”
“I suppose,” he said, “Okay, well I am going to pack and I’ll see you later. I love you.”
“I love you too, text me when you’re on your way,” you said, hanging up.
– – –
A few hours later, Toto had safely landed and was en route to your hotel. As dreadful as the circumstances were, you were looking forward to spending the night together as you hadn’t had time alone together since Mexico.
You busied yourself tidying your hotel room and had almost finished when there was a soft knock on your door. Toto.
Opening the door, you were shocked at Toto’s dishevelled appearance. The normally polished, suave gentleman had rings under his eyes, a crumpled shirt that looked as if an iron had skipped over it briefly and messy hair.
“Hey,” he said, stepping over the threshold, closing the door and embracing you warmly. This was a man who needed a hug and you were more than happy to oblige.
“Hey,” you replied, nuzzling into his chest, “Everything’s going to be okay yeah?”
Stepping back and breaking the hug, Toto shook his head, “I’m not sure, Robert called me and he is furious.”
“Toto, I know you think highly of Robert but please remember he is not your boss, at the end of the day, you own more of the team than he does,” you said, folding your arms.
“I know,” started Toto, “But he is part of the bigger picture. We are fundamentally a marketing tool for him and if we get bad press, it doesn’t reflect well.”
“We will sort it.” you said before gesturing towards the sofa, “Come, sit down, do you want to order room service?”
Plopping down on the sofa, looking exhausted, Toto replied, “Maybe.”
“Oh my gosh, you are so not okay.” you said, settling down beside him and stroking his shoulder, “Lara is lucky she’s not anywhere nearby, if I could get my hands on her…”
“You and your temper,” said Toto, raising a small smile, “She’s not worth it.”
“That’s true,” you said smirking, pressing a kiss to his temple, “Right let's feed you up, then we’re getting in the tub and going to bed.”
“Why do I feel like a child?” groaned Toto.
“I’ve never seen you looking so down,” you replied, pulling him closer to you, “I don’t like it.”
“I have my moments,” he said wistfully. “You choose the food, I’m easy.”
“If you’re sure,” you said, raising an eyebrow, normally Toto was picky about almost everything.
“One hundred per cent,” he said, laying his head on your shoulder.
As you scrolled through the room service menu, your phone buzzed with a text. It was Rosie.
You were right, the paps were called to the restaurant by an anonymous tip that evening. What time did Toto and Lara arrive?
Pleased that you were getting to the bottom of the situation you broke the comfortable silence that had fallen between you and Toto, “What time did you decide which restaurant you were going to?”
“What?” said Toto, lifting his head from your shoulder, confused.
“Rosie has just said the paps were called by an anonymous tip. When did you decide to go to that specific restaurant?”
Toto’s eyes widened, “We didn’t, we tried to go to the place next door but couldn’t get in without a reservation. But as soon as we got a table Lara went to the bathroom. Do you think she called them?”
“Bingo, one hundred per cent,” you said. “Once I get her phone we can prove it once and for all.”
Toto smiled for the first time, before kissing you lightly on the side of your jaw, “You are brilliant.”
“Nah, this was all Rosie,” you said, proud of your colleague slash closest confident. You didn’t know what you’d do without her.
“Well she’s part of your team,” said Toto, “I still can’t believe Lara would do such a thing.”
“I can,” you said.
Waking up in the cushy bed in your Miami hotel room, you were blissfully happy. You’d had a simple room service dinner with Toto, followed by a soak in the large tub before falling into bed together, sleeping contently in each other's arms. It was the first night you’d spent together where you’d not had sex and in a strange way, it had felt more intimate than ever before.
Rolling over, Toto still sound asleep, you took the opportunity to go through your text messages.
There was one from Bella.
Is everything okay? I’ve seen the news. Xx
You replied.
Yes, thank you for asking, poor Toto is distraught, Lara was drunk out of her mind and he was helping her into their car. Nothing untoward but now he doesn’t have an assistant. She’s on a leave of absence and Toto is back with me in Miami. Hope all is well at the track, we’re coming later today x
Next, there were a few messages from Sophie.
I’m sorry to ask this but the story about Lara and Toto. Is it true?
You carefully typed out a similar response to the one you’d just sent to Bella.
No worries, Lara had drunk too much so he helped her into their car. Nothing untoward happened but we have agreed it is best for her to take a break for now. Unfortunately, the press has spun this very strangely. We’ll chat properly later but in the meantime let me know if anything is unclear.
You went through the motions, replying to worried texts, a few more times before you felt the man splayed out beside you starting to stir.
“Morning,” he said, his voice gravelly as he woke up.
“Morning,” you said, leaning over to kiss his neck before a strong arm reached around your middle and pulled you towards him, flush against his chest.
“What new shit show do we have today?” he asked, gently kissing you behind the ear.
“Nothing,” you said, “The good news is, I don’t think it can get any worse.”
“Don’t tempt fate,” he replied, “When do you get Lara’s phone?”
“Sophie is bringing it to Sao Paolo,” you said, “We’ll figure it out, hopefully before your press conference tomorrow.”
Toto groaned, releasing you and rolling over onto his back, bringing a hand to his temple, “I forgot about that.”
“It will be okay, the suppliers were none the wiser, it’s a certain type who read the trashy gossip columns.” you tried to reassure him, stroking his arm.
“Yes, the certain type is Christian,” he said miserably.
“Well if he says anything, you have the ultimate dirt on him,” you said, a dark look in your eyes.
“I have no proof though,” he said.
“That’s true, I’m sure we can figure something out,” you said, your mind going into overdrive.
Touching down in Sao Paolo you were apprehensive. News of Toto’s alleged antics had spread like wildfire and despite the official line you had put out, you still had to field multiple comment requests. Trying to keep Toto out of the drama and allow him to concentrate solely on the impending race, you and your team were putting out fires everywhere.
The one saving grace was that once you had filled your team in on the truth of the matter (at least the official line), they were understanding and had rallied around Toto, loyal to a tee. He was grateful for the support and by the time you were on the way to your hotel, he seemed much more himself.
Most importantly, as you sped towards your destination, you were finally about to get your hands on Lara’s phone.
– – –
Although your assistant Sophie sometimes annoyed you with her boundless pep and enthusiasm, you were over the moon to see her standing in the hotel lobby awaiting your arrival. You had asked for Lara’s phone on the pretence that Toto needed to check some emails that he’d been dropped out of the loop on.
“Hey Y/N, hey Toto.” she said, greeting you both warmly, “How was the flight?”
“Good thank you, Sophie,” said Toto wearily, “How was yours?”
“Good thanks, we arrived earlier this afternoon. The hotel is amazing!” she said, ever-bubbly.
“Ah I’m glad to hear that,” you said, “I forgot it’s your first time in Brazil, make sure you get to the beach.”
“We’re hoping to on Saturday.” she said, “Oh and before I forget, I have Lara’s phone and laptop for you.”
As she handed you the Mercedes-branded tote bag, you struggled to contain your excitement, “Oh wow, her laptop too?”
“Yes, Pamela said I should bring both, I hope that’s the right thing to do?” she said, looking worried she’d misstepped.
“Absolutely not, this is perfect,” Toto said beaming, “Thank you, Sophie, I’m looking forward to working with you.”
“Me too,” she replied, “I have your schedule for tomorrow printed out and will leave it on your desk first thing in the morning. If anything changes, I will update it and send it straight to you.”
“Perfect, thank you, Sophie,” said Toto, pleased with her attention to detail.
“I had better let you both get checked in,” she said, shuffling to make a move, “I’ll see you on track tomorrow.”
“See you Sophie, and thank you again!” you said.
“See you,” she said, waving goodbye.
– – –
Having checked into your respective rooms, you immediately joined Toto in his suite and settled down on the sofa to go through Lara’s emails and phone log.
It didn’t take you long to scroll back to the night before last. “Oh my God!” you exclaimed having found what you were looking for almost immediately.
“What?” he said, looking up from where he was perched at the desk, furiously typing on his iPad.
“She called a US number at eight o’clock on Tuesday night.”
“The photographer?” Toto asked.
“I assume, wait, hang on, there are multiple calls to and from another UK number in the run-up. She hasn’t got it saved as a contact.”
“Are there any messages or just calls?” Toto said, putting his iPad down and crossing the room to sit beside you.
“Fuck, yes!” you said, hitting the jackpot. “Oh my God.”
“What?” asked Toto, craning his neck to read the phone.
There it was, in blue bubbles, the plot to take down Toto’s reputation.
(10:02) I’m just on the plane to Miami, once we get rid of bitchface, it’s on.
(10:15) Amazing. And the cameras are set?
(10:21) Yes, the guys put them in my room.
“Fuck, she had cameras in her room?” Toto asked, his eyes widening.
“Sounds like it,” you said.
Scrolling through the messages it transpired that whoever was plotting with Lara had been planning for a long time, biding their time until you were out of the way to honeytrap Toto. As well as ensuring the paparazzi were at the restaurant, they’d rigged Lara’s room with cameras and the plan was to get him drunk and into her room, seduce him and videotape the whole thing.
Seemingly they hadn’t considered that Toto wouldn’t want to and the messages after he had rejected her were even more interesting.
(01:34) He wouldn’t come in!
(1:41) What the fuck is wrong with that man?
(1:42) I don’t know, what do we do?
(1:43) Leave it to me babe.
“Babe?” you said, “They’re definitely British.”
“How do we find out who it is without them knowing?” asked Toto.
“Hmm,” you said, thinking on your feet, “I know! I’ll check WhatsApp, they’ll have a photo!”
Exiting iMessage and moving to WhatsApp your jaw dropped when you found the contact. It was a photo of the Red Bull car.
“I knew it!” you exclaimed, “Those fuckers!”
Toto looked livid, “Who is it?”
“Look,” you said, handing him the phone, “Red Bull. I don’t know who but it’s someone from their team.”
Toto looked thoroughly shaken up, “I’m going to call my lawyer. Keep the phone for now.”
“You’re going to call your lawyer?” you raised your eyebrows, “That’s serious.”
“This is serious, this is slander.” said Toto bluntly, “Put yourself in my shoes.”
“I know, I know.” you said, “Fuck, this is insane.”
Yesterday had been a whirlwind and as you arrived at the track, you felt off. Emotions were running high and Toto had been preoccupied with legal matters all evening so had barely given you the time of day. You knew this was important but couldn’t help but feel slightly hurt by the cold shoulder he’d given you. You’d ended up returning to your room to sleep as he took calls into the early hours and you hadn’t slept a wink. It didn’t help that you felt nauseous and dizzy, perhaps a result of the fact you’d hardly eaten since landing in Brazil.
Lying awake had allowed you to delve deeper through Lara’s phone. Reading the long message exchange, it emerged that she had met this mysterious Red Bull employee at a party last year and had been chatting for some time before the conversation had turned to how much she hated her boss. Together they’d formulated a plan to ruin his reputation and in the process the team. It was incredibly devious and you couldn’t quite believe what you were reading.
Making sure to screenshot everything for Toto’s legal team, you suddenly felt extra nauseous and had to hotfoot it to the bathroom, only just making it in time. Shaking you shot a text to Sophie.
Good morning Sophie, thank you again for yesterday. I’ve woken up not feeling very well, could you please check in on Toto when you arrive at the track? I will come along later.
Covering all bases, you sent a few more texts to your team, ensuring they all knew what they needed to do in your absence. Knowing that he was stressed as it was, you refrained from telling Toto, texting him a simple good morning.
– – –
A few hours later, you found yourself lying on the long sofa in the hospitality area, one eye on your emails and one eye on Free Practice. Sophie had been a superstar, rallying around the team and diligently checking up on them on your behalf.
Steeling yourself to get up, you sipped a ginger ale (the only thing that seemed to help) and propped yourself up. Toto’s press conference was due to start after Free Practice and it was the one task you had to be present for, sick or not.
Toto’s legal team had advised against discussing the press matters within the conference, something which would undoubtedly be difficult with Christian Horner present. He always loved to stir the pot and this scandal was likely the stuff of his dreams.
Making your way down to the garage to collect Toto, you were nervous on his behalf. As smooth as he was with media appointments, this was a tough situation for even the most seasoned professional. He was sat in his usual spot in the garage, flanked by several senior engineers, deep in discussion.
Spotting you approaching he made his excuses, putting his headset down and crossed the garage to greet you.
“Is it already time?” he asked, looking unsure of himself.
“I’m afraid so,” you said grimacing, leading the way towards the press area. “I’m hoping we’ll be the last ones in, doesn’t give them a chance to say anything stupid.”
Toto’s nervous energy was palpable and as you got nearer you turned to him, “It’s going to be fine, like we said, we’re not going to mention anything that the legal team are working on. You just focus on the race and ignore anyone who tried to bring anything else up, okay?”
“Easier said than done,” he said wistfully.
Luckily you were the last ones to arrive with Toto only receiving some curious looks from his counterparts as the hostess dived straight into the press conference, asking each Team Principal one by one their approach for the weekend. Professional as ever Toto answered flawlessly, expressing his hopes for another strong turnout from the Mercedes team.
Unfortunately, everything began to fall apart as the floor was opened for questions.
“This one’s for Christian,” called out an English-accented voice from the depths of the crowd.
“Yes,” Christian replied, grinning smarmily.
“We all know that your rivalry with Toto is unmatched, do you think his colourful personal life has been his downfall this season?
Toto looked enraged as Christian smirked. “Now, I don’t want to speak ill of my counterpart. I think a smart man knows to keep his personal life separate from his professional one. What’s the saying, you don’t shit where you eat?”
Laughter rumbled through the crowd, Toto looking furious stayed silent.
“Right.” said the hostess awkwardly, any other questions?
Another hand shot up, “Yes, for Toto.”
Taking a deep breath, you steeled yourself for whatever shitshow this would be.
“What difference do you think the upgrade package will make this weekend?”
You sighed with relief as Toto answered with perfect composure. It was only when the crowd shifted slightly that you saw it was Tom, your ever-loyal Partnerships Manager, who had asked the question, wearing a non-branded shirt to blend in with the journalists.
A few more questions went back and forth with the other Team Principals before Toto was once again in the firing line.
“Toto, it seems like you’ve been having a lot of fun away from the track, will you be hitting the town tonight?”
Toto looked angry once again, replying curtly, “Our focus as a team is on the race ahead.”
With Christian still smirking away, he interjected, “C’mon Toto, that’s a politician’s answer, answer the man!”
Whipping his head around Toto replied, “I don’t think it’s anyone’s business.”
“Ooh, I touched a nerve there I think,” said Christian, throwing his hands up dramatically. “Watch out ladies of Brazil, Toto’s on the prowl.”
The hostess looked deeply uncomfortable and tried to diffuse the tension with a flustered, “Well thank you, everyone, that’s all we have time for.”
Never one to let an opportunity slide, Christian replied smugly, “Such a shame, I was enjoying that.”
Toto stared daggers at his Red Bull rival as the hostess signalled the end of the press conference. Rushing across to Toto, your priority was to get him away from Christian before he said anything he might regret.
“Oh, I’m surprised to see you here Y/N.” said Christian, “I heard there’s trouble in paradise.”
“You’re a fine one to talk Christian,” you said, Toto looking positively enraged beside you but knowing better than to say anything.
Christian chuckled, “Well I’m not stupid enough to get caught.”
“Let’s go Y/N,” said Toto, grabbing the crook of your arm, “Don’t engage.”
Christian smirked as you made your exit.
“I hate that man,” you said as you rushed back through the paddock to the garage.
“You say this far too often,” said Toto, smiling for the first time in a while.
“I know, I need to let it go blah blah.” you said, squeezing his arm discreetly as you walked alongside him, “To be honest that wasn’t so bad.”
Toto looked unconvinced, “Maybe for you, I look like a dirty old man.”
“But you’re my dirty old man.” you said with a smirk, earning a withering glance from Toto, “I’m joking, it was fine. It will be old news by tomorrow trust me.”
“I hope so.” he said, “Can I see you tonight?”
Surprised he was being so formal, you replied, “Yes, you see me pretty much every night.”
“I didn’t last night and the night before was different.”
“The last few days have been weird.” you said, “I’ll make up for it tonight.”
Toto’s eyes flashed, understanding what you were letting on, “Is that a promise?”
“If you’re nice to me,” you said teasingly.
“I’m always nice!” he said, coming to a stop as you reached the garage entrance.
“Keep telling yourself that, dirty old man. I’m going to head to my office so I’ll see you later,” you said with a wink.
“You’re terrible.” said Toto, shaking his head, “I’ll see you later.”
The last few days' pent-up frustrations had indeed made for an exciting night with Toto. Gone was the dejected shell of a man who had turned up at your door in Miami. Perhaps his discussions with the legal team had bolstered his confidence, or it was the fact that the upgrade packages seemed to have worked wonders, but whatever the reason, Toto was more confident than ever.
You’d barely gotten through his hotel room door when he’d pinned you up against the wall, bringing your arms up above your head and holding them there as he kissed you more passionately than ever before. Pressing his body up against yours he ground his increasing hardness into you, bumping rhythmically as his hands explored your stomach and breasts. It wasn’t long before he scooped you up in his arms, one leg either side of his thick torso, effortlessly carrying you over to the bed.
Throwing you down onto the mattress forcefully, you would have bounced back up if he hasn’t dived straight on top, making quick work of slipping off the floaty sundress you’d put on for the evening, revealing your new lingerie set. It wasn’t dissimilar to the one you’d been wearing on the day he’d walked in on you changing, equally transparent and delicate, except that it was yellow.
“I haven’t seen this before,” he said, his voice low with lust. “I like it, maybe we leave it on?”
You smirked, knowing he’d like the racy set, “Tonight we do whatever you want, you’ve had a rough couple of days.”
“I’m a lucky guy,” he said, diving down to plant kisses along your jawline and neck, working his way up to behind your ear.
“I’m a lucky girl,” you said, unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his muscular torso. “But this has to go.”
“Sorry,” he said blushing, leaning up on his arms as he divested his shirt and shorts, leaving only his boxers.
“And the boxers too,” you smirked, pulling at the waistband. “I want all of you.”
Your words sparked some kind of frenzy as Toto tore them off, leaning down to kiss you deeper than ever before, his hands making their way lower to discover you were already turned on and ready to go. Once again coming back up to rest on his forearms, glancing down at you with his chocolate brown eyes, he pulled your underwear to one side and thrust in with no warning.
“Fuck!” you exclaimed, not quite expecting that, taking a moment to adjust to the full feeling.
Suddenly his lust had turned to concern, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you!”
Smiling, you caressed his face, “It’s okay, it feels good. Just took me by surprise.” you adjusted yourself before leaning up to kiss him once more, melting into his embrace as he started pushing in and out gently.
He grinned, picking up the pace, reaching down in between you to play with your clit, knowing it would drive you wild.
“Fuck, yes Toto,” you said as he continued plunging into you.
Withdrawing wordlessly, he picked up your hips and flipped you over onto your hands and knees, removing your underwear before standing behind you as he thrust back in ruthlessly. Hitting you from this angle you could feel your orgasm quickly building and it wasn’t long before you were on the brink of falling apart.
Continuing to push in and out, he pushed you down further onto the bed, collapsing your arms, removing your bra and deftly cupping your breast with one hand whilst the other grabbed one of your hands in his. He slowly guided your hand down to your lower stomach, covering your hand with his and pushing down just enough for you to feel him as he moved in and out of you.
“Do you feel?” he asked breathily.
You could barely get words out as you were getting closer and closer to completion but managed to utter, “Yes, I love it when you’re inside me.”
Your words seemed to affect Toto on a visceral level as he growled, speeding up as he lost himself in the moment. It wasn’t long before you felt yourself fall off the edge, clenching down on Toto as he continued to work you through your orgasm.
“Fuck, Toto,” you said, as he grabbed your hips tightly, driving into you deeply a few more times before expertly pulling out, moaning as he came on your lower back.
– – –
It had been a frenzied exchange and as you woke up next to a peaceful-looking Toto, you made a mental note to let him fuck out his frustrations more often. He’d been through the wringer this last week and he’d let it show.
Letting Toto snooze a little longer, you crept out of bed to make yourself a ginger tea, hoping to once again quell the nausea that just wouldn’t shake. Trying to be as quiet as possible, standing up hadn’t helped the situation and once again you had to dash to the bathroom, only just making it in time.
Unfortunately, your wretching had woken up Toto who had knocked gently on the door, “Are you okay?”
Easing up you managed to reply, “Yes, just not feeling so great.”
“Can I come in?” he asked.
Quickly flushing the toilet, you replied, “Sure,” Still feeling ill, you continued to kneel in front of the toilet.
Rushing in, Toto bent down to your side, putting an arm around you in concern. “Oh, you poor girl. Do you think it was the food from last night?”
You managed a weak reply, “Maybe, how are you feeling?”
“I’m okay for now,” he replied as you wretched once again. Ever the gentleman, he held your hair out of harm’s way and rubbed your back. “It’s okay, just let it out.”
The nausea finally dissipating, you flushed the toilet once again as Toto handed you a tissue.
“I’m sorry you had to see that,” you said, hoping he wasn’t completely disgusted by the morning’s turn of events.
“Don’t be silly, it happens to us all,” he said, squeezing your shoulders and pressing a kiss to your forehead, “I don’t think you should come to quali like this.”
You frowned, “It’s fine, I feel better, like you said, it’s better out than in.”
Toto’s brow furrowed in concern, “But I will worry about you.”
“If I feel sick again, I’ll come back to the hotel, but the team needs me there,” you said bluntly, thinking back to yesterday’s sofa set-up.
“If you’re sure,” he said, not convinced. Grabbing your hand and getting you back on your feet he pulled you towards the bedroom area, “Come on, I’ll make you a tea.”
“Thank you,” you said, surprised by how unphased he was. “Sorry again.”
“Stop apologising!” he said as he busied himself re-boiling the kettle.
Post-qualifying the garage was once again in a celebratory mood, Lewis having qualified P1 and George P2. As happy as you were for the team, you were also secretly pleased that as Rosie had predicted, the good results would bury the Toto and Lara stories in the press.
As the team milled around you, you suddenly felt another wave of nausea and bolted for the fresh air of the paddock. Knowing you were not going to make it back to the hospitality area in time, you ducked into a bathroom next to one of the bars where once again you found yourself hunched over a toilet bowl. To make matters worse you felt dizzy, and as you stood up you felt your vision blurring.
You must not have been out for more than a few seconds when you woke up on the toilet cubicle floor, someone knocking on the door.
“Y/N?” called out a familiar voice. It was Rosie.
Carefully getting up, you replied, “Hey,” opening the door to reveal a worried-looking Rosie outside.
“Are you okay? You didn’t look very well again and you’ve been in there a while.”
You groaned, “I passed out.”
Rosie’s eyebrows shot up, “Fuck, we should take you to the medical building!”
“I’m fine Rosie, honestly, I think I just ate something bad,” you said, trying your best to composite yourself in the mirror. You looked rough, a sheen forming across your face.
“I think you should go anyway,” Rosie said folding her arms.
Knowing she wouldn’t give in you sighed, “Sure, I guess it doesn’t hurt.”
“I’m walking you there though, just in case. I don’t want you passing out in the paddock,” said Rosie firmly, making you roll your eyes.
– – –
Sitting nervously in the medical examination room you waited for the nurse to come and check you over. After much protest, Rosie had left you alone, on the condition that you would call her to come and collect you.
“Good afternoon Y/N, how are you?” said the nurse as she entered the room.
“Hi, I’ve been better not going to lie,” you said.
“Indeed, your colleague told me that you passed out? Have you experienced any other symptoms?” the nurse asked, sitting in the chair opposite you.
“I’ve been feeling dizzy for a while now and have been throwing up quite often,” you admitted.
“Is there a chance you could be pregnant? When was your last menstruation?” said the nurse, raising her eyebrow.
You went white. Of course, like every woman the possibility had been at the back of your mind, but you and Toto had been careful since your slip-up in France, and besides, you’d had a period recently.
“A small chance but probably not.” you said, “I had my last period three weeks ago, it was a little lighter than normal but otherwise all good.”
“Hmm.” said the nurse, “I think we should get you a test anyway, just for peace of mind.”
As she busied herself rummaging through the drawers at the back of the room, you reflected on the possibility. You wanted children at some point but you’d never discussed this with Toto and since he already had two you weren’t even sure if he’d want more.
“Here you go, if you take this cup to the bathroom and fill with urine to this line, we can get a definitive answer.” the nurse said kindly, handing you a small plastic cup.
“Thanks,” you said bluntly.
– – –
Having done what the nurse you’d made your way back, cup full and were now waiting for a small strip of paper to determine your fate.
“Well, we have our answer,” said the nurse, “Y/N, you’re pregnant.”
Fuck. What on earth were you going to do?
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Once Upon a Time in France | Chapter Eight
You finally had some time alone with your beau but things were almost too perfect, it was inevitable that they were going to unravel.
Word Count: 11.1k
Warnings: This chapter is spicy spice. Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it guys and girls) 🌶
Author’s Notes: Disclaimer, purely fiction, no-one is married in this alt-universe. Sorry for the incredibly long hiatus, Chapter 9 will be up asap.
Flying Easyjet from London Luton to Nice reminded you exactly how lucky you were to have the luxury of frequently flying privately. Although a short flight, you found yourself squeezed between two businessmen, each off-putting for their own reasons and you found yourself counting down the minutes until landing. The man to the left of you, who had the honour of having the window seat, was watching a movie on his iPad. No big deal you would think, except for the fact that he was watching it on speaker mode and it had some dubious bedroom scenes. To your right, on the aisle seat, was another suited and booted older man. On spotting you were his seat neighbour he’d proceeded to try and chat you up, not taking the hint that you weren’t in the slightest bit interested.
Glancing at your watch you saw there were only twenty minutes left, the crew would be preparing for landing any minute now. Toto had offered to collect you from the airport and you were looking forward to spending some real time with him, away from the race track and more importantly, away from prying eyes.
– – –
The plane having landed on time, you made it through security in record timing and had even had the luxury of your luggage coming out of the carousel first. As you made your way into Arrivals you were suddenly nervous, you were going to spend a week alone with Toto. Although you worked together and were constantly stealing moments, you hadn’t spent an extended amount of time with just the two of you and you hoped that things would not be awkward.
Making your way through the throng of people standing waiting outside customs you spotted Toto in a flash, his imposing height always a dead giveaway. He flashed a charming grin as you approached him, bending down to plant a chaste kiss on your cheek.
“How was the flight?” he asked, as he took your large suitcase and large Longchamp tote off of your hands, “Jessas Maria, what do you have in this, bricks?”
Laughing you replied, “Make-up, shampoo, the essentials. And it was okay thanks, I hope you weren’t waiting long.”
Toto shook his head, “You and your essentials. Not at all, I’ve only been here a few minutes, it was perfect timing. I parked just outside, do you want to go?”
Following Toto as he started to make a move you couldn’t stop smiling. It was kind of him to come and collect you from the airport as it was always a hassle, no matter where you were in the world.
“Excuse me, Toto?” a voice called out from your right-hand side. It was the sleazy man from the plane.
Toto whipped his head around, “Hi, can I help you?”
“Well, I just wanted to say I’m a big fan. Could I please take a photo?” the man got closer, “I was sitting next to your wife on the plane.” He grinned at you hopefully.
“My wife?” said Toto, raising an eyebrow, “Y/N is my colleague.”
The man’s face reddened, “Oh, I see. I’m sorry, I saw you kiss her so thought you were married…” he proceeded to turn to you “You didn’t seem interested on the plane so I put two and two together.”
“It’s an easy mistake to make.” you smiled politely, not wanting to embarrass Toto, always mindful that one bad fan encounter could end up flashed across the news.
“I’m so sorry to interrupt your day,” he replied, taking out his phone and standing next to Toto, still hopeful for a selfie. Laden down with your baggage Toto stood there awkwardly as the man struggled to fit him in frame.
“Could you possibly take the photo for me?” he asked you.
“Of course,” you said, again with a neutral smile.
You took a few, trying to make sure your tote bag was out of frame just in case anyone from the team were to see and handed the phone back.
“Amazing, thank you so much,” the man said.
“You’re welcome, nice to meet you,” said Toto with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes, sending the man off on his merry way.
As you crossed the street to the car park you turned to Toto. “He was such a creep on the plane, he kept asking for my number.”
Toto grimaced, “I could tell, he was staring at you. His eyes lit up when I said you weren’t my wife.”
“Odd,” you said as you followed Toto towards his car, a surprisingly nondescript GLC, Toto looked troubled. “Y/N.”
“Yes,” you replied, curious about what he was about to ask.
“Does that always happen to you?”
“Men hitting on you?”
“Just curious,” he said, setting your bag down on top of your suitcase as he unlocked the car.
You couldn’t help but smile as you clocked that it wasn’t any old GLC, but a top-of-the-range AMG line one. Of course, Toto would choose that.
“This is nice, where have you been hiding this?” You said as you settled into the luxurious quilted leather passenger seat.
“It’s actually not mine, they are letting me try it for the weekend,” Toto said looking shifty as he slid into the driver's seat beside you.
“Trying to impress me with a rental Mr Wolff?” You laughed, grabbing his hand playfully.
“Is it working?” He replied with a smirk, reaching across to caress your face lightly, “I’ve missed you Y/N.”
“I’ve missed you too.” You said fondly, turning towards him for a sneaky kiss, aware that although you were not at work, you were very much out in the open in the airport car park.
A classic man, Toto was not on the same wavelength about discretion and passionately cupped your face, drawing you in for a deeper kiss before breaking apart and adding breathily, “I’ve missed this.”
Blushing, you replied, “Me too. It was a long week without you.”
“Tell me about it,” said Toto, squeezing your knee gently before turning back towards the steering wheel “Shall we make a move?”
“Sounds good to me,” you said with a smile. You were finally alone with Toto, mostly away from prying eyes and able to gauge what to make of this budding relationship.
– – –
As you sped along the coastal road towards Monaco you glanced out of the window at the sparkling blue sea below. You flew through the sleepy fishing port of Villefranche-sur-Mer, the hillside retreat of Eze and the luxurious town of Cap d’Ail in record timing, listening to the dulcet tones of French radio and Toto’s local tour guide titbits along the way.
The reason why you had this time in Monaco was to oversee another Drive to Survive shoot with Toto. The production crew wanted to spend time with him in his hometown, away from the hustle and bustle of a race weekend. You’d told Sophie to tell the company travel agent that you were staying with a friend in Monaco, which wasn’t too far from the truth.
As you started the ascent into Monaco, through the winding network of underground tunnels you couldn’t help but let your mind wander back to the first time you’d come here. It was your third race with the team and your first sponsor dinner and had been the beginning of the end when it came to your feelings for Toto. As soon as you set eyes on him, waiting in your hotel lobby, dressed up for the evening, you were instantly smitten.
It wasn’t long before you reached an imposing apartment building overlooking the wide expanse of beach. Toto slowed down, indicating to turn down what looked like a dead end.
“Is this going to be some kind of supervillain lair?” you said with a laugh.
Smirking, Toto reached for his key fob and pushed a button, “Perhaps…”
Your eyes lit up as what looked like a wall opened up to reveal a neat underground parking garage. “Okay, you were not playing.”
“Of course not,” Toto said with a smile, driving into the gap that had just appeared as if by magic.
“So this is where you live huh?” you said curiously, eyeing up the impressive row of cars parked in the garage.
“Yes, I live in this car park,” said Toto with a deadpan face.
“Very funny,” you said.
Toto smiled before frowning slightly, his brow furrowing, “However, I would like to forewarn you, I have not done much with the place. It came furnished so I didn’t see the point of spending more money on furniture I barely use.”
Surprised by Toto’s admission you smiled, “I’m sure it’s beautiful, and I’m here to see you, not judge you on your interior design skills. That will be my next visit.”
Toto laughed as he parked the car effortlessly, pulling up in between two cars that were hidden under fabric covers yet suspiciously sports car shaped. “Okay, well I hope you will visit again after this one.”
‘Let’s see.” you said, waggling your eyebrow at Toto before hopping out of the now stationary car.
“You are awful sometimes,” he said, rushing around to open the boot and retrieve your luggage.
“Thank you, Toto,” you said, smiling up at your tall beau as he set your suitcase gently down on the concrete floor.
Just as you made to grab the handle, he batted your hand away, “Let me take it, it’s heavy.”
“Are you sure?” you asked, knowing full well he would not allow you to carry your own luggage.
Your response was met with a raised eyebrow as Toto closed the boot, scooped up your tote and rolled your suitcase towards a small door to the left of where you were parked.
Crossing into a compact but luxe lift lobby Toto pressed his key fob to a panel and the lift pinged.
“Let me guess, this is your own private lift?” you said, following him into the small space.
“Well it’s convenient,” he said sheepishly.
“Okay Mr Bigshot,” you said with a smile. It was easy to forget just how wealthy Toto was at times.
Now his turn to blush, Toto added, “I hope you don’t find it ostentatious. I bought it for the view.”
Just as you were about to ask what the view was, your question was answered. The lift door opened to reveal a spacious living area, furnished very tastefully in cream and blue, a nod to the nautical location. The back wall of the room was entirely glass, opening out onto a sweeping balcony with a panoramic view of the sea.
“Well, I can see why!” You exclaimed, taking a step into the living area, “It’s beautiful Toto.”
Looking relieved, Toto followed you out of the lift, placing his hand on the small of your back, “It’s not bad. Let me show you around. I want you to feel at home here.”
You smiled, “I’m sure that will be a struggle.”
– – –
Toto proceeded to show you around his surprisingly spacious bachelor pad. There was another sitting area to the side of the one the lift had brought you into, cosier with a large TV and an L-shaped sofa decked out with blankets and pillows, perfect for a movie night. He had a small but well-stocked kitchen diner with a large marble island in the middle that looked out onto the sea, and more glass walls that opened out onto an outdoor barbecue area.
There was also a formal dining room, a very impressive corner office with yet more glass and two ensuite guest bedrooms for his children. Just as you were starting to wonder where Toto’s bedroom was, your question was answered as he took you up a small set of stairs to a second floor. This wasn’t just any apartment, this was a duplex.
Toto’s bedroom had the best view of all, perched higher than the other rooms, you could see the entire expanse of the bay, from Monte Carlo to Roquebrune Cap Martin. His bed was simple but cloud-like, with white-striped hotel-esque sheets and fluffy pillows. And best of all, he had a large bathtub at one end, ideally placed to soak and enjoy the view.
“Toto, your place is insane.” You said as he opened up a set of doors to reveal another small terrace, this time furnished with two daybeds and a telescope.
“Thank you… I think.” He said, “As I said, it needs a woman’s touch, it came with all of this furniture and I didn’t change much.”
You laughed, “Honestly, I wouldn’t have changed anything, whoever designed it had excellent taste.”
“Well I’m glad you like it, I’d like to spend more time here with you.” He said, wrapping his arm around your waist, “Do you want to grab a bite to eat? Or we can have something simple and eat in?”
Tired from your flight you were glad he was open to staying in, “Maybe tonight we stay in and then I’ll be fresh for tomorrow?”
“Sounds good to me,” said Toto, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “I have everything we���d need for a charcuterie board, or I can cook a steak frites?”
“Ooh, you’re so fancy with your charcuterie boards…” you laughed, cuddling up to the tall Austrian, “I’m happy with either, I’m intrigued actually by the charcuterie board.”
“Intrigued? It’s ham and cheese with some grapes.” He replied with a laugh, “I have baguette too.”
“Are you propositioning me?” You laugh.
“Maybe, would you like that?” He said, with a growl, grabbing your ass cheek as you made your way down the stairs towards the kitchen.
“I wouldn’t mind.” You said, turning to face him.
“Well, it would be rude not to then.” He said and in one deft movement, picked you up, carried you all the way to the kitchen, placing your legs akimbo on the kitchen island.
For once the height difference worked, with Toto barely having to bend down to meet your lips with his, feverishly running his hands up and down your thighs and beyond.
Deepening the kiss, you ran your hands up and down Toto’s back, bringing him closer to you, wrapping your legs around his waist and feeling him growing increasingly harder.
Breaking the kiss and coming up for air, you caressed Toto’s cheek lightly, “Will you fuck me right here?”
Toto’s eyes narrowed with lust, wordlessly answering you as he unbuckled his chinos, pushed your panties to one side and pushed his cock into you mercilessly.
“Fuck!” You exclaimed, still not fully used to his impressive size.
Toto’s demeanour switched instantly, his eyes transforming from lust to concern as he stilled inside you, “Fuck, I’m sorry, I got carried away.”
“Oh my gosh, don’t be silly, you’re just big!” You said, meeting him once more for a kiss.
“Well please tell me if it hurts and I’ll stop,” he said, his brown eyes crinkled with kindness.
“Deal.” You said, kissing him once more before adding, “But please for God’s sake move.”
“If you’re sure?” He said, raising an eyebrow as he gently pulled out and pushed back in, “Is this okay?”
“Now that is perfect.” You said, “Keep doing that.”
Toto continued to thrust into you, first of all with slow, shallow strokes, before switching up to a more rapid pace of deep and forceful fucking.
“Fuck, Toto, keep doing that and I’m almost there.” You exclaimed after one particularly head-spinning thrust.
“Mmm.” He said as he grabbed your breast in one hand and reached down with the other to draw circles on your clit, continuing to pump in and out.
“Fuck, Toto.” was all you managed to get out as he took you almost to the brink. It wasn’t long before you were seeing stars, and experiencing one of the most intense orgasms of your life. As you came around his cock, Toto slowed down, mindful that once again you were being reckless and fucking without protection.
“Come on, I want you to cum too.” You said, mindful that he was near.
“But we need to be careful Y/N. I’m not as young as I was and I worry I can’t pull out in time.” Toto said, stilling inside you, coming to his senses.
“Well then, maybe you can cum somewhere else.” You said with a mischievous glint in your eye.
“Oh really?” Toto said, still containing to lazily thrust in and out.
Shifting back, you pulled away from Toto, letting his cock fall out of you. Hopping down from the counter, you turned him around so that his back was now facing the counter, bending to take him in your mouth.
“Mmm,” you said as you struggled to fit it all in, gripping the base with one hand as you ran your tongue up and down.
“Hang on, do you want to move? This can’t be comfortable for you.” Said Toto, ever the worrier.
“Maybe to the couch?” You suggested as you came up for air and eyed up the white linen sofa in the corner of the kitchen.
“Perfect.” Said Toto, once again scooping you up in his arms and carrying you across the room. This time, however, he took a seat on the sofa, allowing you to perch on your knees in front of him.
“Mmm,” you said as you took his cock once again in your mouth, “This is much better.”
Toto groaned as you continued sucking and swirling and caressing his balls with one hand as you bobbed up and down.
“Fuck, Y/N, I’m so close.” Exclaimed Toto, “Fuck, I’m going to cum!”
He was clearly trying to be a gentleman and pull out but you were determined to swallow so you doubled down with your tongue, hoping he would let loose. Sure enough, he pumped into your mouth, leaving you gagging slightly.
“Fuck, I’m sorry, that was a lot,” he said, rubbing his forehead as if he was back on planet Earth.
Wiping your mouth, you made your way back up onto the sofa, draping yourself across his chest as he tucked his cock back into his chinos.
“Don’t be silly, I wanted to do it.” you said, “Although we are both way too clothed for my liking.”
“But isn’t that half of the fun?” said Toto with a smirk. “Now when I look at my island I’ll think of you.”
You laughed, “Damn, why did we not do that at mine so I can do the same?”
“Well you can think of me when you use your closet.” replied Toto, getting up to move, “Now, I know you’ve just eaten but let’s get some food.”
“Jesus, what a line boss.” you said, rolling your eyes at him, following suit and getting up from the sofa “As long as I can have the other baguette you promised?”
Following on from your racy kitchen island encounter, you’d had your charcuterie board (which didn’t disappoint), unpacked your suitcase into Toto’s half-empty closet, watched a movie (Fast and Furious of course,) and then spent the night cuddled up to Toto in his supremely comfortable bed.
Waking up to the spectacular view you couldn’t believe that he so frequently chose to spend time in Oxfordshire over here.
“Toto, can I ask you something?” you said as you felt him stir beside you.
“Hmmm five minutes,” he said sleepily, turning the pillow back over his head.
You shook your head, still surprised by how much of a sleepyhead the seemingly regimented Team Principal secretly was. Trying your best not to wake him, you snuck out of bed, grabbing your trusty waffle bathrobe and padded down to the kitchen to make a cup of tea.
You’d barely been in there five minutes when a boxer-clad Toto emerged down the stairs, his hair rumpled with sleep and eyes screwed up as if he was barely awake.
“Morning, sleepyhead.” you said, “Do you want a tea or coffee?”
“Morning beautiful,” he said, making his way over to you to kiss you, “I’ll make a coffee don’t worry. I have some breakfast things too if you want.”
“Ah no worries, I’m happy with tea for now,” you said, cosying up to him before breaking free to pour your tea.
“Are you sure?” he said, as he busied himself making a coffee.
“Yeah, I’m not a big breakfast eater.”
“Hold on, I make you eat breakfast all the time, even in Austria,” he said, looking slightly horrified. “Are you just being polite?”
“No, I like it, I just never have time so have got used to not eating it. It’s a treat when we have our breakfast meetings,” you said, hoping to appease him.
“I’m not sure if I would call Austria a breakfast meeting,” he said with a smirk.
“Well, I can’t say I do those kinds of meetings with anybody else,” you replied, settling onto the stool at the kitchen island.
“Me neither,” Toto replied, as he poured his coffee.
“You know the team are onto you though,” you said, deciding now was the time to broach what Olivia had brought up in the motorhome in Austria.
“What do you mean?” said Toto, his head whipping around, now fully awake.
“Olivia overheard you telling Lewis about a new lady friend.”
Toto looked blindsided, “What did she overhear?”
Smiling, you decided to tell half the truth, “Just that you were seeing someone. I’m hoping you were talking about me, otherwise, this is hella awkward.”
Realisation dawned on Toto, “Oh, Lewis was asking me the other day. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have told him anything but he noticed I seemed happier and asked me outright if I had a new girlfriend.”
“Well I do feel guilty that George knows and he doesn’t.” you said, “I still wish Lara didn’t but I guess these things happen.”
Toto looked deep in thought, “Lewis doesn’t know it’s you. I just told him I’d met someone. I wouldn’t jeopardise your position in the team like that.”
“No no, don’t worry about it, Toto. I think it wasn’t ideal that Olivia overheard but again, these things can’t be helped,” you said, reaching over to squeeze Toto’s hand as he sat down beside you at the kitchen island.
“Indeed, but the rest of the team have noticed?” Toto said, looking deep in thought as he sipped his coffee.
“Oh don’t worry, they were all tipsy after Austria and speculating.” you paused, deciding whether or not it was a good idea for you to tell Toto about what Lara had said but decided ultimately it was not worth it, “It was nothing serious.”
“Ok, I trust your judgement on this. Just let me know if anything does get tricky,” he said reassuringly.
– – –
Having spent the morning working from one of Toto’s spare rooms and trying your best to avoid any video calls with anyone who would clock where you were, lunchtime had crept up. Toto had promised to take you to one of his favourite casual eateries if you both had time and thankfully it was looking likely that you would.
You were composing one last email when Toto came looking for you, having been working himself in his office.
“I hope you’re not working too hard,” he said as he stood behind you, rubbing your shoulders.
“You say that, but if I sacked off work, you’d notice,” you said, typing your sign-off and pressing send.
“That’s true, and that’s why you're my favourite Director of Communications,” he replied with a smirk.
“I’m the only Director of Communications,” you said, rolling your eyes and standing up to face Toto, “Do you want to go and grab some lunch?”
“For sure, we can go to the pizza place I know if you’d like?” said Toto, placing his hands on your waist, swaying your hips slightly.
“Sounds good to me, although you’re being very distracting,” you said, leaning into his broad chest.
“Good, that’s what I wanted to do, distract you from work,” he said, leaning down to kiss you.
“You are a terrible boss.” you said, kissing him back with enthusiasm, “And if you don’t stop distracting me, we’re never going to leave this room, let alone your house.”
“That’s true.” he said with a smirk, “Come on then, let’s go.”
– – –
Sitting down at the small table set for two in Toto’s chosen restaurant, you were acutely aware that this was the first time you’d gone out together as a couple, and not for something work-related. Sensing your awkwardness, Toto smiled at you from across the table, taking your hand in his reassuringly.
“Don’t look so nervous Y/N, I’m the same guy you were just kissing all but ten minutes ago,” he said.
“I’m not nervous, it’s just weird to be out like this,” you said, glancing around you as if you were half expecting the team or some journalist to jump out.
“Look, we’re doing this, and if someone sees us, so be it and we can say it’s a meeting if you feel more comfortable?” Toto said, his face etched with concern.
“No, it’s not like that. I’m happy to be out.” you said, squeezing Toto’s hand, “I’ve wanted this for a long time.”
“Me too,” said Toto, looking at you with the piercing glare you’d grown so fond of. “I think we should probably take a look at these menus, no?”
“Ooh yes, it all looks good though, what do you recommend?” you said, sneaking a look around at your fellow diners’ tables.
“Do you trust me to order for us?” asked Toto, raising an eyebrow.
“Of course,” you said, without batting an eyelid.
The last two days with Toto had been bliss. Since your casual lunch date, you’d been out twice more, once for dinner, followed by a beach walk and once for brunch. It was official, you were dating for real. You were well aware of the stares that followed Toto wherever he went but thankfully, people in Monaco seemed relatively unbothered and there had only been one incident where a woman had rushed up and asked for a photo on the beach.
So far, the majority of the team remained unaware of your blossoming relationship and as much as you adored Toto, you felt it was wiser to keep it lowkey for now.
Toto was spending the morning filming with the Drive to Survive crew, this time, driving them around Monaco in his prized 300SL. Thankfully this meant that space was limited and you hadn’t had to ride along. You had, however, popped around to Lewis’ to go through press commitments.
When you had first accepted this role, you never in a million years would have dreamt that you would end up casually popping over to Lewis Hamilton’s house but life sometimes works in mysterious ways. At least that’s what you told yourself as you rang the buzzer at the bottom of his building, humorously labelled as “Roscoe,” after his beloved pet bulldog.
“Hey Y/N, it’s open come up!” came a voice through the loudspeaker. Lewis was an interesting character, who for all his fame and fortune, remained incredibly down to earth.
“Coming!” you said as you dashed through the unlocked door to the lift lobby. Like Toto, Lewis also had his own private lift, something that you were starting to learn was not uncommon in this funny little country full of far too rich people.
Making your way up, you glanced down to check your phone, half expecting to have heard from Pete, your Netflix nemesis, that Toto was being difficult. Thankfully there was radio silence, which you took to mean good news.
Soon enough you reached Lewis’ floor and the doors pinged open to reveal the enigmatic racing driver waiting for you.
“Hey! Long time no see!” he said warmly, stretching out his arms for a hug.
“Hey Lewis, I know it’s been a while. How’s everything?” you asked.
“I’m good thanks, just got back from a run.” he replied, “How are you? Enjoying Monaco?”
“Nice,” you said, glancing around at your surroundings. Lewis’ home was much more understated than Toto’s and you could tell that he was much younger from his decor choices. There was a life-sized Star Wars figurine in one corner and huge canvases and movie posters adorning the walls as far as the eye could see. “I’m good thanks, it’s been quite hectic but it’s good to get out here early. Toto is filming with Netflix again.”
“Glad to hear it, I hope Toto has been showing you around town?” Lewis said, before adding, “Can I get you a drink or anything?”
Smiling as you thought to yourself of the places Toto had shown you, you replied tactfully, “Yes, he’s shown me a few places. Maybe a cup of tea would be nice if you have one?”
“I’ve always got a cuppa!” said Lewis with a wink, “Come with me, let’s chat in the kitchen.”
Following Lewis down a short corridor, he brought you through into a small kitchen area, dark grey with black marble countertops, most definitely a bachelor pad.
“Ooh this is nice,” you said, “How long have you lived here?”
“Ah thank you, oh gosh like ten years?” replied Lewis, busying himself filling the kettle.
“Oh wow, ages then,” you replied, getting your laptop and notebook out to go through your agenda. “So where is good to run around here?”
“Ah there are so many coastal paths, I like the one just North of the harbour. It’s less hilly if you want to push.” he said, “Do you take milk and sugar?”
“That sounds cool, Toto hasn’t shown me those yet, I’ll have to get him on that!” you said, slightly forgetting that Lewis wasn’t fully aware of the extent of your relationship, “And just milk, please. Thanks so much.”
“Y/N. Can I ask you something?” said Lewis, suddenly turning to face you, his chocolate-brown eyes full of curiosity.
“Sure, what’s up?” you said, knowing what was coming next.
“Are you Toto’s new girlfriend?”
“Well…” you began, not sure what the best course of action was, not having discussed this with Toto.
“Knew it!” said Lewis, a broad grin breaking out across his face.
“Hey! I didn’t say anything.”
“You didn’t have to, your eyes betrayed you. I knew it, the way he looks at you.” Lewis said, somewhat smugly.
“Okay, well, girlfriend is a stretch, we are just at the very beginning of something. So I would appreciate it if you keep it to yourself,” you said, hoping that he would get the memo.
“Of course, I’m just happy for you.” Lewis said, “And for Toto, he’s been such a work robot these last few years, I’m always telling him to put himself out there.”
“Thank you, Lewis, I appreciate that,” you said smiling as he set a cup of tea down in front of you.
“What I wanna know is, how did it start? Who rizzed up who?” Lewis said, settling beside you with a cheeky glint in his eye, cup of tea at the ready.
“Oh my God, go ask Toto!” you said, laughing at Lewis’ gossipy tendencies.
“Ok, I will.” he said “I bet it was you. He’s weirdly shy.”
“Lewis!” you exclaimed, before sighing. “It was kind of me.”
“What do you mean, kind of?” he asked.
Sighing once again, you decided to tell the truth, “Right, please do not tell Toto I told you this. After the boat race in Canada, I went to his room to return his shirt I borrowed and one thing led to another.”
Lewis’s face was a picture, eyes wide and mouth open, “Oh my God, that’s why you didn’t come for dinner!?”
Giggling slightly you nodded, “Yup.”
“This is juicy.” he said, “Does anyone else know?”
“A few people have accidentally found out.”
“Oh my God, who?”
“You are such a gossip hound Lewis!” you said, taking a sip of tea, “George, Rosie and Lara.”
“George knows! Fuck I’m going to have words with him. How long has he known?” Lewis said, clearly put out that his younger teammate had gossip that he hadn’t.
“A few weeks, and don’t, I think he’s scarred for life.”
“Oh my God, did he walk in on you?”
“Not exactly...” you said, still cringing as you thought about what George and Rosie had overheard.
“I wanna know so bad!” said Lewis.
“He phoned Toto while we were together and Toto didn’t hang up properly so George and Rosie overheard everything that was going on.”
At this Lewis almost fell off of his stool, “No way! That’s hilarious. I bet they were so embarrassed, oh to be a fly on that wall.”
“Poor kids are scarred for life,” you said.
“So what about Lara, how does she know? I’m surprised she’s kept quiet, she loves gossip that girl.”
“Oh she’s trickier, she walked in on us in Toto’s office… and before you say anything I was just kissing him, nothing crazy. She went mental though and ever since keeps dropping hints to people. I thought Toto was going to fire her on the spot, he was livid at what she said.”
“Really?” asked Lewis, “Livid Toto is not someone I’d want to cross.”
“Yep, me neither,” you said, thinking back to the tense conversation in Toto’s office.
“So this is very exciting.” said Lewis, sipping his tea once again, “As I said, I’m happy for you both.”
“Thanks, Lewis, I appreciate it,” you said with a smile, “Right, shall we go through these notes?”
– – –
You’d just finished reviewing Lewis’ upcoming schedule when your phone buzzed.
Y/N, we’re done, are you still at Lewis’?
It was Toto. Hurriedly you typed a reply.
Yes but just finished, shall I meet you at yours?
“I know who’s got you smiling like that…” said Lewis, wagging his tongue suggestively.
“You’re terrible Lewis. I’d love for you to tease Toto in the same way.”
“I’m definitely not going to tease him, dude’s punching. You’re the one I worry for.”
“Somehow I don’t think so,” you said.
“Honestly, you’re a catch. He’s a lucky guy,” he said, his tone more serious.
“Well let’s see,” you said, just as your phone buzzed once more.
I’ll come and meet you, I’m nearby and I want to see Lewis.
Gulping slightly as this meant that Toto would immediately find out you’d blabbed to Lewis, you typed out your reply.
Sure, I’ll wait here.
“Is it okay if I hang out here for a bit? Toto said he wants to see you and will come and collect me.”
“Course, how romantic, he’s coming to pick you up!” said Lewis.
“Oh my god, one more word and I will arrange endless foreign language interviews for you at the next race.”
“Cool, I’ll download Duolingo,” said Lewis, nonchalantly shrugging.
“I mean it Mr Hamilton.” you said, “This is the danger zone.”
Fortunately, Lewis was saved by the bell as his intercom rang out.
“Hello Lewis, it’s Toto, can I come up?” came a deep voice through the speaker.
“Sure, I’ll buzz you through, boss,” said Lewis, winking at you.
“One word.” you mouthed silently.
“I’m just kidding Y/N. I’m scared of Toto man,” he said, hopping down from the stool and making his way back towards the lift door where Toto would be emerging any minute.
Deciding to follow Lewis, you arrived in the corridor just as the doors opened to reveal your handsome boyfriend.
“Lewis!” he said, scooping the diminutive racing driver into a bear hug. “How are you?”
“Good man, and you?” Lewis replied.
“I’m okay thanks, I just finished filming and thought I’d come and check-in. Y/N, how are you?”
Toto made his way towards you and bent down for a very chaste kiss on the cheek. Sensing your face betraying you and blushing, you couldn’t look Lewis in the eye as you replied, “Good thanks, how was it?”
“As good as it could be,” said the Austrian wryly. “So, Lewis, the reason I came over was there is something I need to tell you. I always like to be transparent with you and wanted you to be the first to know.”
“Hold up big man.” said Lewis, “I think I can guess.”
Toto raised his eyebrow, looking across at you quizzically. “Oh really?”
“Yes. It’s pretty obvious.”
“What is?”
“That your new girlfriend is someone who works with us.”
Toto looked floored by Lewis’ admission. “Well, I wasn’t expecting that. Is it that obvious?”
“The way she looks at you man, like you’re a piece of meat,” said Lewis.
“Huh?” said Toto, clearly confused.
“Lara, she’s down bad.”
“Lara? No not Lara,” said Toto, getting flustered. “Why would you think I’m dating Lara?”
Lewis burst out laughing, unable to keep stringing Toto along, “I’m just messing. I know it’s Y/N.”
Relief poured over Toto’s face, “How did you know?”
“Toto…” you started.
“I just found out, I asked Y/N straight up and she’s a really bad liar,” said Lewis. “Look, I’m not going to tell anyone and I’m happy for you both.”
“Oh…” said Toto, taken aback that you’d beaten him to it, “Well thank you, Lewis.”
Shimmying over towards Toto, you put an arm around his waist protectively, “Sorry Toto, he called me out almost immediately.”
“I know what he’s like, believe me!” said Toto, throwing a glance over at Lewis.
“Sorry, I can’t help it,” said Lewis, shrugging his shoulders. “So what do you two lovebirds have planned now?”
“We’re going to collect our luggage and drive down to France,” said Toto, clutching you close by his side.
“Are we?” you said, not aware that this is what Toto had planned.
“Ooh a surprise, how romantic!” exclaimed Lewis, clapping his hands together, “Right, well then you two gotta go!”
Toto laughed, “We should. Thank you Lewis and I appreciate your discretion.”
“Of course boss!” said Lewis, saluting Toto as you both made your way into the lift, back down to the street level.
“See you on Friday Lewis!” you said, blowing a kiss at the affable racing driver.
“See you!” he said, waving as the lift doors closed softly. “And use protection!”
Rolling your eyes, you turned to Toto, “Sorry he really pressed me.”
“It’s okay Y/N, I knew he would.” Toto said, stroking your hair absentmindedly, “Sorry I didn’t discuss telling him with you first, but I felt guilty knowing George knows and he doesn’t.”
“Don’t be silly, it’s fine. And you’re right, it’s not fair for one to know and one to be in the dark.”
“That was my reasoning. How was Lewis? Apart from the gossiping?”
“He’s good, I think he’s knackered from all the travelling though. How was the filming?”
“I can understand that. It went well, I think. I wish you could have been there but they didn’t ask anything too difficult.”
“Good, I haven’t heard anything from Pete so I thought as much. I’ll let you know when the rushes come over for approval.”
Toto smiled, “Thank you. I forgot how much you love Pete.”
You rolled your eyes, “Yes, my bestie. So not to stop talking shop but where are you taking me?”
“Now that’s for me to know and you to find out,” said Toto, a mischievous glint in his eye.
– – –
Having gathered some of your luggage, with Toto insisting on you leaving some clothes behind at his, you were now barrelling along the Autoroute towards the Circuit Paul Ricard. As careful as he was in daily life, Toto was a speed demon on the roads, especially in the GLC that wasn’t his.
“So where are we staying?” You asked, still surprised that Toto had decided to go astray from his normally strict race week schedule.
“Wait and see.” He said with a grin, turning up the volume on the radio.
“You’re so annoying,” you moaned, making Toto grin even wider.
“I promise it’s worth the wait,” he said.
“That’s a big promise, Toto,” you said, side-eyeing him from the passenger seat.
“Do you know what else is big?”
“Oh for fuck’s sake. You are such a child.” you groaned, “Although don’t get cocky but I’m a little sore from last night.”
“Oh really?” Toto’s head whipped around.
“Hey, eyes on the road Mr!” you said, “But yes, a little.”
“Well I don’t want to hurt you,” said Toto.
“It doesn’t hurt, I just feel stretched,” you said, “I was having trouble hiding it in front of Lewis.”
Toto smirked, obviously pleased with himself, “Did he notice?”
“No, he was too busy trying to grill me on everything.”
“What did you tell him?”
“Not much, as much as we told George and Rosie.”
“Good, I won’t live it down if he knows anything juicy.”
“I figured that,” you said, fidgeting in your seat, hoping that Toto wouldn’t be annoyed that you had told Lewis a few titbits. “I don’t want to be a backseat driver but isn’t that the turning?” you said, noticing that Toto had just sped past the exit for the circuit.
“It is, but we’re going somewhere else first.” He said, his face blank, not betraying a single thing.
“This is all very mysterious.” You said, glancing around, trying to guess where you might be off to.
“Don’t panic, we won’t be far,” Toto said, roughly grabbing your thigh before taking the next exit. The road was narrow and twisting and it wasn’t long before it turned into a steep hill.
“Sheesh, this is not what I was expecting.” You said, scared to look as Toto navigated the road at quite some speed.
“It’s not long now, don’t worry.” He said, taking another sudden turn.
“I’m not worried, I’m just wondering where you’re taking me.” You said as the road brought you towards a small cluster of traditional stone buildings. It was all very pretty and you hoped that wherever you were staying looked like this.
You weren’t to be in luck however as Toto sped through the village, taking you back onto a hedge-lined country road, although it wasn’t long before he suddenly started slowing down, as if he was looking for somewhere.
“Ah yes, this is the one,” he said, indicating down a dubious-looking dirt track.
“If I didn’t know you better, this really feels like a K and R.” You said laughing.
“Damn, you got me,” Toto said laughing as he slowed right down, the car jumping up and down on the bumpy earth track.
“Ooh, are you going to tie me up?” You said, grabbing Toto’s thigh gently.
“You’re into that?” Said Toto, an eyebrow raised, eyes still scouring the road.
“Not really. I’m Miss Vanilla.” You said laughing, “But if you are, maybe you can convert me.”
“No no that’s not for me either,” Toto said, shaking his head before taking another turn off to the right, revealing a large country house that seemingly appeared from nowhere.
“Ooh, this is beautiful!” You said, eyeing up the building before you, blue shutters twinkling in the sun.
“Don’t get too excited, we’re staying in another building.” Said Toto, pulling up the car in the expansive driveway and unbuckling his seatbelt, “Stay here a second, I just need to go and meet the owner.”
“Sure.” You said, curiosity peaked as Toto made his way into the impressive building.
Twiddling your thumbs in the car, you decided to take out your phone and check for messages, a force of habit. Of course, you had zero signal. Hoping that your team would survive until you had wifi you put it away, patiently waiting for Toto to return.
Ten minutes later, he emerged grinning, followed closely by a jovial-looking older gentleman and a small fluffy white dog. Deciding now was the time to get out of the car, you emerged awkwardly, waiting for an introduction.
“Y/N, this is Monsieur de la Tour, he owns the vineyard.” said Toto with a grin, “Monsieur de la Tour, je vous presente Y/N.”
“Enchanté, Monsieur de la Tour,” you spluttered out, desperately trying to remember your French.
“Lovely to meet you too Y/N,” replied the man in perfect English, “Let me show you both around.”
Grateful that he at least spoke English, you moved to Toto’s side to follow Monsieur de la Tour through a small archway that led you through to a garden. Plants and flowers spilt everywhere you look, twisting around a pergola overhead and bursting out of terracotta pots.
“This is gorgeous.” You said quietly to Toto, his arm draped across your shoulders.
“I’m glad you like it.” He said, his expression unreadable.
You followed Monsieur de la Tour through the garden along a small walkway towards another building. Although smaller than the main house, it was very pretty, with matching blue shutters and vibrant pink bougainvillaeas creeping up the stone walls.
“Et voilà, here is the guesthouse.” Said Monsieur de la Tour, waving his hands emphatically before handing a set of keys to Toto. “Here are the keys, as I said, if you need anything we are just over in the main house.”
“Thank you, it’s perfect.” Said Toto, “And dinner will be served at eight?”
“Yes, that’s right. We look forward to welcoming you.” The older man replied.
You raised an eyebrow, this was not what you were expecting at all.
“Lovely to meet you both and we will see you later.” He said, patting his leg for his dog to follow as he made his way back down the pathway.
“Merci beaucoup, à toute!” Said Toto before turning to you and switching to English. “Shall we take a look?”
“I thought you’d never ask.” You said, following Toto into the pretty building.
A quick tour around revealed a charming yet rustic home, decked out in terracotta tiles and vintage French botanical artwork. It wasn’t fancy but it had its charm and you knew you’d have a wonderful time.
“What do you think?” Asked Toto as you made your way back towards the car to collect your luggage.
“It’s gorgeous!” You replied, “Although I’m surprised you chose it.”
“Surprised?” Toto said, “Why?”
Choosing your words carefully you replied, “Well you’re such a city slicker, it’s very country. I would have pegged you as a Cap-Eden-Roc type.”
“I have stayed there, but I wanted to find somewhere more romantic, more you.” Said Toto, his chocolate eyes melting you instantly.
“You big old softie,” you said, reaching up for a kiss before adding, “Who knew?”
“I’m glad you like it.” He said sweetly, opening the boot to take out your luggage. “So something I didn’t tell you is this is a Domaine where they make wine so dinner tonight is on the vineyard.”
“No way!” You said, “I’ve always wanted to do that.”
“I know.” He said with a grin, “I remember you told me this last year, so I thought now I can make it happen.”
“Wow, I don’t even remember saying that.” You said, touched by Toto’s sentimentality, “Thank you.”
“You can thank me later,” he said, squeezing your side as he rolled the suitcase along.
“Perv.” You said, squeezing his butt back.
– – –
Dinner at the vineyard had been out of this world, with all the wine and cheese you could ever dream of. By the time you’d fallen into bed with Toto, you were both exceedingly merry and when you’d woken up this morning, you were bemused to discover that you were both still fully clothed. Toto had righted that in record timing, pulling you into the shower alongside him and peppering your entire body with soapy kisses.
It had been a battle to pack up and leave but unfortunately your busy schedules meant you were expected trackside later that morning and you had to peel snap back to reality.
As you made your way back towards the car, you turned to Toto, “Thank you so much for last night, it was amazing. I still can’t believe you remembered.”
Laden with luggage, Toto looked very pleased with himself, “I remember everything Y/N.”
Blushing you replied, “I hope not everything, God knows what I’ve told you when I’m tipsy.”
“God knows and I know.” said Toto, beaming away as you reached the car, unlocking it with a deft flick of the keyfob.
“Wow, that's cheesy.” you said, “Can I help with the cases? I feel bad you’re always carrying everything for me.”
“Don’t be silly.” he said, making light work of putting them in the boot, “You’re much smaller than me, besides, I have been neglecting the gym recently, I need the workout.”
“Well I think you’ve gotten your cardio up lately, no?” you said, casting your memory back to the last sex-filled few days.
“That’s true,” he replied, “Let me just take these keys to Monsieur de la Tour and we’ll get going.”
– – –
True to Toto’s word, it was a very short drive to the circuit, where you’d both be staying trackside in your trusty motorhomes. As you rolled up towards security a thought suddenly hit you.
“Toto, I just realised, are people not going to think it’s weird that you drove me here?”
“Why? They all know you were in Monaco for the filming?”
“That’s true, but so was Lewis and he’s not in the car.”
“You worry too much,” said Toto reassuringly.
“I guess,” you said, not convinced, knowing Lara would definitely have something to say. You’d both remained cagey on your whereabouts for the last two days and she was most definitely onto you.
As Toto pulled up to his designated parking space you clocked a few of your team already milling about in preparation for the upcoming Free Practice. Lewis and George were on their way, via helicopter and the rest of the Senior team were due to arrive any moment, having flown out from the UK that morning.
Opening your door, you were immediately greeted with a voice calling out “Y/N!”
Whipping your head around you saw it was Tom. “Hey Tom, how are you?”
“Good thanks,” replied the young man, eyeing up Toto curiously, “How did you get here so quickly, I thought you’d just left Monaco?”
Feeling foolish at being caught out already, as you’d dropped a text to your team WhatsApp group to say you were on the way, you tripped over your words trying to cover your tracks. “Oh, yes I think the signal was bad so my message sent when we were almost here.”
Seemingly appeased, Tom nodded, “Ugh, signal here is so ropey!” Spotting your pile of luggage that Toto had just taken out of the boot, he wandered around, adding, “Can I help you guys with your bags at all?”
“Oh yeah sure, that would be lovely, thank you, Tom.” You said, shooting a warning glance at Toto to not act weird.
“Thank you, Tom,” said Toto stiffly, acting as if this was a slight on his manhood. “Y/N, I have to take a call, I will see you back in the team motorhome later?”
“Sure.” You said, smirking slightly at Toto’s sudden formality. As if he hadn’t been kissing you here there and everywhere not two hours before. “We’ll put your bags in your motorhome.”
“Thanks, guys,” said Toto, locking the car and heading down towards the paddock.
Scooping up your luggage you fell into step alongside Tom as you made your way towards the motorhomes where you would be staying.
“So you drove down with the boss huh?” He asked.
“Yeah, he offered yesterday as we both had to be here at the same time.”
“That’s nice of him, he’s never offered to drive anyone else.”
You raised your eyebrow, “Well George and Lewis are coming via helicopter and everybody else was in the UK. Would’ve been a hell of a drive.”
“Makes sense.” Said Tom, before adding, “Right well, I feel like I should warn you, the motorhomes here are super tightly packed in. Yours is almost touching the PAs one.”
Coming to a stop and seeing what he meant you grimaced, “Oof yep, it’s okay though, they’ll just have to suffer my shower singing.”
Tom laughed, “Rather them than me. Although ours is just the other side so we might hear it too.”
“It’s cosy.” You said, “Where is Toto’s? We should put his bags in there for him.”
“Our great leader has his own pitch, no neighbours, jammy fucker.” Tom said, “It’s just over here.”
Following Tom, expertly weaving a path through the haphazardly placed motorhomes you reached a larger trio of motorhomes, “Are these George and Lewis’ too?” You asked.
“Yup. It’s alright for some.” He replied, making his way towards the largest of the three, “Here it is.”
“Great, I’ll grab his bags,” you said, reaching out for the smart duffle and holdall that Toto had hurriedly packed a few days before.
“Ooh, making yourself at home I see.” Called out a voice. Rolling your eyes you turned around to see none other than Lara making a beeline for Toto’s motorhome. “Are you staying here too?”
“Yes, Lara, next door to you.” You said, glaring at her, “We’re just putting Toto’s bags in here for him. Is that okay with you?”
“Well of course, why do you have Toto’s bags?” She said, an evil look in her eye, knowing that Tom was unaware of your situation.
“They just got here, drove down from Monaco.” Chimed in Tom innocently.
“Oh that’s interesting, he didn’t tell me that he was with you,” Lara said, nose in the air.
“Okay, yes it was a secret. You got me. We were doing all kinds of shady shit in Monaco and secretly drove here.”
Tom stared at you, mouth agape as he wasn’t au-fait with your delicate relationship with Lara.
“Well, next time please put it in the diary.” Said Lara, stony-faced. “How are you, Tom?”
Rolling your eyes once again, you dumped Toto’s bags in the living area of his motorhome, you couldn’t believe Lara.
Emerging to find Sophie had joined Lara and Tom in their chitchat you greeted your assistant.
“Hey Sophie, how are you getting on?” You asked, joining their circle.
“Good thanks, how was Monaco?” She asked as if you hadn’t been in constant communication via WhatsApp.
“Busy!” You said, “I’m going to go and drop my bags off and I’ll see you all in the paddock, okay?”
“Cool, see you,” said Sophie and Tom in unison, Lara glowering away.
Walking into the paddock to check in on Free Practice, you hadn’t expected to encounter any difficulties but these days it seemed like everyone was on your case.
“Y/N!” a voice called out from behind you.
Turning around you were disappointed to see it was Toto’s arch-rival, Red Bull Team Principal, Christian Horner. Great.
“Hello Christian, how are you?” You said, with a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes.
“All the better having seen you.” He said sleazily, sidling up alongside you “Where’s loverboy?”
“Loverboy?” You said, knowing full well he was referring to Toto but not wanting to let him wind you up.
“Yeah, the tall guy, sounds like the Terminator? I heard you fuck him now and then?”
Internally screaming at the crude language you tried your best to keep level-headed. “Keep your fantasies to yourself, Christian, it’s unbecoming.”
“I’d rather you than me. What’s he really like?” He asked, walking alongside you as you tried to keep moving and shake him off, “I bet he’s tiny where it counts. Tall guys always are lacking.”
Having reached your limit, you could no longer stay polite, “Christian, what is actually wrong with you?”
He smirked, “Aw standing up for loverboy. How sweet. Don’t get burnt by him though. I could tell you some stories.”
Looking at him with disdain, “Look, I do not know what you are talking about. I’m the Director of Communications, nothing more, nothing less. Do you talk to all of your colleagues like this?”
“Just the pretty ones.”
“Lovely.” You said, in a tone that suggested it was anything but. “What do you really want Christian?”
“Just to talk to a pretty lady, that’s all.” He said, “And like I said, look after yourself, Toto is not the gentleman he appears to be.”
“Not like you I suppose?” You said sarcastically.
“I never said I was perfect, but I don’t pretend to be.” He said.
Getting fed up with his annoying chitchat you were grateful to have almost reached the Mercedes garage.
“I bet Loverboy is in there, waiting for you.” He said eyeing up the entrance.
“Sure thing.” You said, “Have a wonderful day Christian, always a pleasure chatting with you.”
“Oh the pleasure is all mine,” he said, winking at you as you turned into the garage.
Internally shuddering at the creep you’d just encountered you tried your best to greet the team with a smile and not take Christian’s words to heart. You were of course curious about what he meant by stories of Toto, but equally, you knew how much shit he liked to talk so you were sure he was just trying to get under your skin, or even Toto’s.
– – –
Free Practice had flown by and the team were in good stead for tomorrow’s qualifying. Lewis had put in a staggering lap and spirits were high in the Mercedes camp. Your team had asked if you’d like to join them for cassoulet and wine in the campground but Toto had other plans so you’d politely declined and told a few white lies about US-based sponsor meetings with a time difference.
Instead, you were now wandering along a nearby beach, the Plage de Lioquet, hand in hand with Toto, not another soul in sight.
“This is nice.” You said, snuggling up.
“I know, I needed a break,” Toto said, wrapping his arm around you, hugging you tighter to his firm chest.
“Toto, there’s something that happened earlier that I didn’t tell you about.” You said, hoping now was the right moment to tell him about Christian’s harsh words.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, his brow furrowed with worry.
“When I was walking to the garage earlier, Christian decided to come and walk with me and chat all sorts of shit. He accused me of fucking you and then told me to watch out because apparently, he has stories of you being less than a gentleman.” You blurted out.
Toto’s concern turned to anger, “That piece of shit. Did he say this in front of anyone?”
“No, but he wouldn’t leave me alone. It was very creepy.” You said.
“I’m going to talk to him tomorrow. This is not okay.” He said, “He should know better. He likes to wind me up but it’s not fair to do it via you.”
“Leave it, he just wants to get a rise.” You said, not wanting to drag Toto into it.
“Hmm,” Toto said, his chest vibrating with anger.
Placing your hand on his heart, you tried to calm him down, “I only told you because I think you should know, but he’s not worth the time or the energy.”
“You’re right,” Toto said. “He is such a windbag.”
You giggled at Toto’s strange turn of phrase, “That he is. Do you want to sit for a bit? We can watch the sunset?”
“Sure,” Toto said, “That part is flat.”
Making your way across the pebbled beach, Toto stopped in the spot he’d gestured at, took off his jacket and laid it out for you both.
“Here,” he said, settling you down in between his long legs, your back flush against his chest.
“Mmm.” You said, leaning back into Toto’s warm embrace, watching as the sun sank lower and lower on the horizon. “This is cool, I feel like we have our own private beach.”
“Oh yeah?” said Toto, his mind clearly wandering along the same route yours was.
“Hmm yeah. And it’s about to get dark.” You said wriggling your bottom nearer to Toto’s crotch.
“That’s true,” he said, his hands starting to explore your torso towards your breasts, giving them a light squeeze through your many layers.
“You’re hot.” He said, grunting slightly as he continued to run his hands around you.
“I’m actually pretty cold.” You said, bursting into a fit of laughter before turning around to kiss him.
As you deepened the kiss, Toto lifted you, moved your leg to one side and swooped you around so that you were now straddling him. Feeling him growing harder underneath you, you were emboldened by the fact that the sun had now really dipped and darkness was starting to fall. Confident you were still very much alone on the beach, you ground down, eliciting a moan from Toto.
“Fuck, Y/N, are we doing this?” His deep voice rumbled, low with lust.
“There’s nobody around.” You said, too horny to turn back.
“Hang on, I have an idea.” Said Toto, leaning back and tearing off his cashmere sweater, flicking it around and draping it around you.
“Is that so the birds don’t see?” You laughed, gesturing at your only company, a few seagulls.
“Well, you never know.” Said Toto, laughing as he started to lift your skirt, his hands creeping up your thighs.
“Fuck, I’m glad I wore a skirt.” You said breathily.
“Me too.” He said, reaching his goal, his long fingers pulling your underwear to one side and starting to explore where you were growing increasingly wet. “Oh, you are horny tonight.”
“Well duh.” You said, your hands skimming his abs to find his belt buckle.
“Impatient too.” He said smirking, kissing you once again before plunging his finger into your core.
Hitching your breath, you were indeed impatient and scrambled to undo his belt buckle and chino button and let his cock free.
“Fuck,” Toto said, as you found what you were after, gliding your hand up and down it as he pumped his finger into you.
“Indeed.” You said, shifting forward slightly so the heel of his hand bumped up against where you needed it most.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Toto asked, his free hand eagerly sneaking up your shirt and under your bra to cup your bare breast, tweaking your nipple playfully.
“I’ve never been more certain,” you said, leaning forward once again to kiss him as he pulled out his hand to replace it with his now achingly hard cock. He gently lifted you, lining himself up and then pushed down, filling you slowly and agonisingly.
“You okay?” He asked, always considerate.
“Yuh-huh.” Was all you managed, taking a breath as you adjusted. “All good.”
“Mmm,” he said as he started to slowly pump in and out, going for the slow grind today. Your hips buckled as you started to grind back, swirling slowly and tantalisingly.
“Fuck.” He said, “Stop for a minute.”
“What’s wrong?” You said, concerned.
“If you keep doing that I’m going to cum.”
“Ow.” You said, stilling. “Fuck, that feels so good. I love it when you’re inside me.”
At that, you could feel Toto throbbing, a warning sign that you were in the danger zone.
“Fuck, don’t say things like that.” He said, clearly on the edge of his self-control.
“Sorry, but it’s the truth.” You said, accidentally shifting as you shrugged your shoulders, “You okay? We can take a break if you need?”
“No, no, all good,” said Toto, recomposing himself and leaning forward to kiss you once more. “We just need to be careful.”
Smiling at your very considerate lover, you stayed put for a little while, content with sitting on Toto’s cock, letting it stretch you in places you’d never been stretched before as you continued passionately kissing.
Toto then started to gently thrust back up into you, and taking it as a signal that he was okay to start up again, you ground back down to meet his hips once more.
“Fuck Y/N, I’m so sor…” was all Toto managed to get out before he moaned, his cock throbbing, spilling everything into you.
“Fuck.” You said as Toto panted into your shoulder, still riding the high of his orgasm.
“Scheiße! I am so sorry.” Said Toto, pulling out of you with a squelch.
“It’s okay, these things happen.” You said, secretly panicking beyond belief. You always tracked your period and knew that this week was dangerous. You’d been careful so far but hadn’t come prepared for this and had allowed yourself to get carried away. Toto looked devastated and you weren’t about to scare him further so tried to calm him down, grabbing his chin and tilting his face towards yours, “Don’t worry, I can try and get a morning-after pill tomorrow, just to be safe.”
“Fuck,” was all he could continue to blurt out, “I don’t want you having to do that, you’re busy enough tomorrow. Shall we go now?”
“Toto, this is rural France. Do you really think somewhere will sell it to us at ten o’clock at night?”
“Maybe?” Toto said hopefully. “Although I’m old, maybe we are panicking for nothing.”
“Oh shut up with the old thing again!” You said, “It’s better to be safe than sorry, I’ll go early tomorrow.”
“Well okay, I’ll drive you.”
“And that won’t look suspicious?”
“How will you get there? They’ll hardly have it at the Circuit.” Toto said, his steely Team Principal mask back on as you climbed off of his lap, feeling everything dripping down your thigh.
“Can I borrow the car?”
“I’d rather drive you.” Toto paused, “Or I will drive and get it for you? No one will question me.”
“Maybe that’s the wisest choice. Fuck Toto, I’m so sorry.” You said, rearranging your skirt and settling beside him.
“Don’t say that, it’s my fault.” He said. “You drive me crazy Y/N.”
Smiling sympathetically you replied, “Likewise.”
Almost pitch black, you could just about make out Toto gazing at you in the darkness beside you. He took your hand in his suddenly before blurting out, “I love you.”
Floored by his words, you replied with the truth, “I love you too.”
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Once Upon a Time in France | Chapter Eight // Part Two
Life is funny, the way it can turn on its head in a matter of seconds. Sometimes it happens naturally, sometimes it's helped along by friends or foes, and in your case, it would be the latter.
Word Count: 8.2k
Warnings: Angsty angst (Sorry guys!)
Author’s Notes: Disclaimer, purely fiction, no-one is married in this alt-universe.
Following your x-rated beach romp, you and Toto had decided it was wise to spend the night apart as your motorhomes were so far away from each other and yours was in sight of prying eyes, aka Lara. You tossed and turned all night, having gotten used to falling asleep in the comfort of Toto’s arms, so when you woke early on Saturday morning you felt anything but refreshed.
Rubbing your eyes, you leant across your bed to reach for your phone where it was charging. Three new messages.
(08:03) Morning my love. The FIA has called a meeting so I can’t go yet. I promise I will go afterwards. I hope you are okay and got some sleep. X
(08:10) Actually I will go now. X
(08:21) Ignore that, Stefano caught me. I am so sorry I know you are worried. X
You knew it was going to be tricky this morning and sighed as you considered the possible consequences of last night's actions. Surely a one-time slip-up was not going to get you pregnant, and as he said, Toto was a slightly older man, but then again stranger things had happened.
You typed out a reply.
Morning, hope you slept okay too. No worries, I will ask around in the medical centre just in case. Don’t panic xx
Groaning as you got out of bed, you quickly got ready for the day, trying your best to cover up the dark circles that had appeared under your eyes. So much for a romantic getaway and relieving stress.
As you strode through the paddock towards the medical centre, you prayed you wouldn’t run into anyone you knew. For once luck was on your side and you made it unscathed and uninterrupted to the small motorhome normally reserved for injured drivers or mechanics who had had an accident.
Knocking awkwardly on the door, you hoped someone would be there already.
“Come in.” called out a voice from inside.
Opening the door, you took a deep breath. “Hi, how are you?” you said to the woman sitting inside the trailer.
“Very well thank you, how can I help?”
Suddenly feeling incredibly vulnerable, you shifted nervously, “Well… the thing is, I was wondering if you happen to have the morning-after pill?”
The woman’s eyes widened in surprise, it was obviously not a common request during race weekend.
“Oh.” she said, taken aback, “Let me see. I’m not sure if we do to be totally honest.”
She busied herself at the shelving unit behind where she had been sat, rifling through boxes and boxes of pills and potions.
“Ooh you’re in luck,” she said, pulling out a dusty-looking box.
“For real?” you thanked whatever Gods were currently watching over you.
“Hang on, hang on, I think it’s out of date.” she said, scanning the box, “I’m so sorry, you can’t take it if it’s expired, it won’t work.”
“Shit.” you said under your breath, “Do you think anywhere nearby will have them?”
The woman grimaced, “To be honest no, but I could ask the paramedics to bring some when they come up later?”
Your eyes lit up, “Oh my gosh if you could that would be amazing! Can I leave you my phone number?”
“I can’t promise but I will try.” the woman said kindly, “Sure, let me grab a pen and paper and I’ll call you if they bring them.”
You quickly scrawled your number on the post-it note, thanking the woman profusely for her help before making your way back towards the Mercedes hospitality area. Hopefully, it meant that you would be okay. Not sure if Toto was still in the FIA meeting you decided to drop him a text.
Good news, I went to the medical centre and they’re going to get it for me. Panic over xx
As you walked along you felt your phone buzz. He was obviously out of the meeting.
From the length of his text, perhaps he was still in the meeting. A weight off your mind, you felt much better about the day before you as you made your way up to your office.
“Morning Y/N.” It was a joy to see the friendly face of Rosie as you walked through the hospitality area.
“Hey Rosie, how are you?” you said, stopping to chat for a minute.
“Good thanks, George is being a weirdo though,” she said, her pretty face screwed up.
“What, how come?” you said, concerned as she’d never complained to you about her normally doting boyfriend.
“I don’t know. He didn’t want me to stay in his motorhome last night,” she said, her eyes looking like they were on the brink of tears.
“Aw no Rosie,” you said, slipping an arm around her shoulders, “I’m sure he was just getting into the racing mindset.”
“But we always stay together now,” she said sadly.
A sudden thought hit you, “I wonder, his motorhome is more or less attached to Toto’s. Maybe he was uncomfortable with it?”
Rosie’s eyes lit up, “Oh, maybe! But Toto wouldn’t say anything,” she lowered her voice, “Especially not when you’re there.”
“I wasn’t actually,” you said absentmindedly.
“Really?” asked Rosie.
“I promise. We both needed a rest,” you said tactfully.
“Oh, ok, this makes me feel better,” she said, looking much happier than she had done a moment ago.
“Happy to help. Honestly, I’m sure that’s it,” you said reassuringly.
“Thanks, Y/N. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” she said, smiling.
“Probably more of your job,” you said laughing. “Right, I have to go and actually work, I’ll see you
around okay?”
“See you,” Rosie said as you made your way towards the stairs up to your office.
The morning flew by, full of endless calls and emails. But you still hadn’t heard a peep from Toto. Starting to get concerned, you were about to drop him a text when he came bursting into your office.
“Well hello stranger,” you said smiling, your face immediately dropping as you saw his thunderous expression.
“Did you not see?” he asked exasperatedly.
“See what?” you asked, wondering what could have him in such a panic. Was it a car emergency? Was
one of the drivers sick?
Toto sat down on your small sofa, his head in his hands. “Sky.”
“Sky?” you repeated. “They’re normally okay, what happened?”
“Christian,” he said.
At this point you were concerned, Toto had a temper but this wordless fury was something you’d never seen before.
“Toto, I know Christian’s a dick. What’s new?” you said.
As he’d been scrolling through his phone, Toto had found the clip he was looking for and silently passed it across the table. It was footage from after the FIA meeting. Sky had collared Toto and Christian and they were side by side looking deeply uncomfortable.
“So, any upgrades for this weekend Toto?” asked Johnny, the Sky reporter.
Just as Toto had opened his mouth to answer, Christian butted in, “Toto’s got himself a whole new ride, didn’t you hear Johnny?”
Although Johnny was off camera, you could tell that he was uncomfortable from his response, “What do you mean Christian?”
“He’s got a hot, young girlfriend following him around the paddock,” said Christian smugly.
Beside him, Toto looked beyond furious, as if he was trying his hardest not to punch Christian then and
Ever the professional, Johnny replied, “That’s interesting Christian, but I think our viewers are more interested in Mercedes’ performance for the weekend as opposed to Toto’s. No offence Toto, I’m sure your new girlfriend is a lovely woman. Lucky lady!”
Pausing the video, you interjected, “This is not so bad Toto! Johnny handled it well.”
“No, there’s more,” said Toto glumly.
Playing the video once more, Christian quipped back “But Johnny you know her!”
“Do I?” asked the confused reporter.
“Yes, she’s their Director of Communications, Y/N, the one who’s always on Toto’s arm.”
You could see Toto sitting across from you, balling his fists in silent rage, while on the video he looked livid once again.
To give him his due, Johnny tried to save the situation, “Well that’s lovely. Congratulations Toto, so I’ll try one more time. What upgrades have you brought?”
Stopping the video you sat back in your chair, feeling sick to your stomach.
“Fuck.” you said, looking at Toto.
“Fuck indeed,” he said. “I want to kill Christian.”
“Me too,” you said. “What is actually wrong with that man?”
Toto just shook his head, too angry to speak. As if on cue, your phone suddenly buzzed multiple times. It was the Comms Team Whatsapp group, blowing up as they had all seen the interview.
What’s this about you and Toto?
OMG! Is this true?
Wtf is he on about?
“Fuck.” you exclaimed, once again, looking at Toto pleadingly. “It’s my team, all asking if it’s true.”
Toto sighed, rubbing his forehead, a nervous tic that always emerged when he was feeling the pressure. “Let me think for a moment.”
Sitting there awkwardly, you began to scroll through your email when a new one pinged through. It was from Pamela from HR, asking you to meet her on Monday. She’d obviously seen the video too and was not happy.
“HR wants to see me on Monday,” you said fearfully.
“For real?” he replied, “Don’t talk to them I will.”
‘Toto…” you started.
“Don’t. It’s not fair for them to take it out on you,” he said, his eyes now full of concern. “I don’t say this often but I own a third of the team. What are they going to say to me?”
“That’s true.” you said, “Although now I have to handle this with our team and the media.”
Toto stood up, crossing over to where you sat, bending down to meet you at eye level, and taking your hands in his. “Look Y/N, it will be okay. We can downplay it with the team and I will take care of HR so you don’t need to worry?”
“Sure.” You said, “I hate that man.”
“Me too.” said Toto, leaning forward to nuzzle your neck, “I don’t want him to ruin things before they even have a chance to begin.”
“Me neither,” you said, kissing him softly square on the lips.
“Don’t worry, I will fix this.” he said, breaking the kiss, “I had better go. Let’s reconvene in the garage later.”
“Thank you,” you said.
Unlike your usual confident self, this situation had reduced you to hiding in your office for the rest of the morning, dreading the moment you had to walk into the garage later on. You knew eyes would be on you and Toto as Sky interviews tended to gain the most traction amongst the paddock.
Your phone had continued to blow up all morning, the only saving grace being that thankfully the news seemed to be very much contained within the Formula One microcosm so you had yet to face any scrutiny from your family and friends.
When the time came to make your way down, you stood up, straightening your team shirt and took some deep breaths. Nothing had really changed and you had to remember your trusty mantra, as the saying goes, today's news is tomorrow's chip paper. Hoping that qualifying would gloss over this bump, you got moving.
Entering the garage you were absolutely correct in your fears that eyes would be on you. Engineers who never normally blinked all did a double take, curious to see what all the fuss was about. Fortunately, Lewis came to your rescue.
“Hey Y/N, how's it going?” he said, hooking an arm over your shoulder in some kind of side hug.
“Good thanks, well… I’ve had better days. How are you?” you asked, managing a smile for the charming driver.
“Ah, don’t worry, people don’t care that much,” he said, aware of exactly what was bothering you.
“Tell that to HR,” you said quietly.
“HR?” Lewis’ eyebrows shot up, “Can’t Toto like overrule them?”
You smiled weakly, “That’s what he said.”
“Yeah he will, don’t worry.” said Lewis, “I need to go and see the big man, want to go together so it’s less weird?”
Really appreciative of Lewis’ ability to navigate any social situation you nodded, following him through the maze of engineering equipment strewn around.
“Hey boss!” said Lewis, clapping his hands on the back of Toto’s shoulders where he sat hunched over a monitor, glowering.
Turning around Toto looked surprised to see you alongside Lewis. “Hello.” was all he managed.
“You okay?” asked Lewis, clearly concerned for his normally confident boss.
“Yes, sorry,” said Toto, turning back around to face the monitor.
Exchanging a puzzled look with you Lewis added, “I came over to ask you about this upgrade package.”
Tuning out their technical discussion your eyes swept the garage. Maybe Lewis was right and people really didn’t care. No one was giving you a second look, maybe all was well.
“Y/N.” you snapped out of your thoughts as Tom approached you, “Can I have a word?”
“Hi Tom,” you said somewhat robotically, “Sure, but I do have a lot to go through with this lot. Is it urgent?”
Looking bashful Tom replied, “No no it can wait. Talk later.” As he walked off you could see his eyes going back and forth between you and Toto.
You weren't surprised, you knew that the team would be curious about your newly revealed relationship and Tom was always the first to find out gossip. As much as you felt guilty for keeping them in the dark, another part of you thought about the fact that the relationship was still very new and it would be extremely awkward at this point if it weren't to work out. Deciding to bite the bullet, you settled down on the stool beside Toto.
“Hey,” you said.
Toto flicked his head around quickly, barely acknowledging you with a quick “Hi” before going back to studying his monitor. On any other occasion his innate awkwardness would have made you laugh but today it felt as if it was apt.
As qualifying got underway Toto barely took a second glance at you, something that as much as you wouldn't want to admit it put you out. He was always normally sneaking glances in the garage and the fact that now he was actively avoiding you was almost insulting. To make matters worse Lara had decided to come and sit down in the garage and you could feel her mean eyes boring into your back. You still couldn't understand her problem and you were absolutely sure that it ran deeper than just the fact that Toto had seen with the engineer. But that was another issue for another day.
Unfortunately, the day was going from bad to worse as you could see that Lewis and George were both struggling during qualifying. You knew it was especially bad when Bono, normally the world's calmest man, looked like he was about to panic. He was looking thoroughly perturbed by the results that he was seeing on his monitor and was struggling to keep cool on the radio as he spoke to Lewis.
Ultimately neither of the drivers made it out of Q2, a disappointing result for the team and one that definitely was not going to help Toto's bad mood. As the two drivers came in, hanging their heads in shame, you tried to get a little nearer to Toto to see to gauge what he wanted to do next. However, in the place of your normally warm boss turned boyfriend, you were met with a cold shoulder. He dismissed you every time you tried to get his attention, at one point spinning around so that his back was to you.
Pissed off by the way he was acting, you silently slid off of your stool and made your way over to Tom.
“Hey Tom, what was it that you wanted to speak about earlier?” you asked, still glancing over at Toto who looked positively raging.
Looking nervous Tom stuttered, “Well, that interview this morning… what was that? Is it true?”
You sighed, lowering your voice, “Look, Toto and I are close. You know that. But what Christian said is not true. He was just trying to wind up Toto once again.”
Tom looked slightly relieved at the news, “Thank fuck for that!”
Surprised by his reaction, you asked, “Why?”
Tom also lowered his voice, sneaking glances across the garage, “Well, he’s… Toto. He’s old and grumpy as fuck. I like him a lot but I couldn’t imagine you two…”
You laughed, “Naw, he’s a big old softie really.”
Tom’s eyes lit up, “Oh my God, it is true!”
Crossing your arms, you protested, “Not at all! I just think he gets a bad wrap.”
“Sure sure,” said Tom unconvinced, his eyes still playing tennis between you and Toto, who was now snapping at a poor engineer who seemed to have done something to displease him, “Such a catch.”
“Tom..” you said warningly. “Don’t you have some sponsors to be looking after anyway?”
“They all left for the day.” he said smugly, “I came down here to make sure Ben and Louis got some content with Lewis drinking Monster Energy.”
“Well then, maybe you should be doing that,” you said coldly, not thrilled with the way Tom was speaking to you, his manager.
He looked surprised by your cool tone but nodded in agreement, “Right boss. See you later.”
Your eyes still on Toto, you barely acknowledged Tom leaving your side. Thankfully, Sophie appeared as if from nowhere, always eager to help.
“Hi Y/N.” she said cheerily, her enthusiasm never going down, “How’s everything?”
“Great thank you,” you said, trying to buoy your mood.
“Is there anything I can help with?” Sophie asked eagerly.
“Yes actually, I have a few potential sponsors coming down tomorrow and I’d love to gift them some team merchandise, could you please organise this with Mo? I’ll forward you the email.”
“Sure,” said Sophie brightly, “Y/N, can I ask you something?”
Sighing, you braced yourself for a repeat of the conversation that you’d just had with Tom.
“Of course,” you said, trying to remain level-headed.
“Do you think I could invite a friend to a race soon?”
This was not what you were expecting at all, “Oh my gosh, of course, let me know which race and you can have some of my paddock pass allowance.”
Sophie looked thrilled, “Really? Thank you so much, you’re the best boss!”
Smiling, you replied, “Just let me know when.”
“Thank you, thank you!” she exclaimed, “Also, I hope this is not out of line but…”
“You saw the Sky interview?” you interjected.
“Yes,” she said meekly.
“Christian Horner is always looking for ways to wind up Toto. If you pardon my French, he was talking shit. As usual.”
Sophie looked a little shocked, “Oh. Okay, that makes sense, but isn’t that slander?”
“I suppose,” you said nonchalantly, knowing full well you couldn’t accuse him of that.
“That’s so weird of him.” She said, “Toto looks so angry, I’ve never seen him like this.”
You shrugged, “He gets like this sometimes.”
Sophie grimaced, “Well, good luck for your meeting with him. I will go back and sort the gifting for you.”
“Thanks, Sophie,” you said, grateful for your assistant. As annoying as she could be sometimes, her
heart was in the right place and you were growing fonder of her by the day.
As you waited in Toto’s office for your usual post-qualifying debrief, you were nervous. He hadn’t ever been this cold towards you and you hoped beyond hope that Christian hadn’t ruined everything. The clock ticked on, and by the time he stormed in, he was twenty minutes late, again something very unlike him.
“Hi,” he said, taking his seat across from you and whipping out his iPad.
“Well hello to you too,” you said, put out by his abrupt tone.
“Sorry. I am just not in the mood,” he said, his shoulders tense as he furiously typed something on his iPad.
‘Okay.” you said, sensing that maybe it was time to go, “I can leave you in peace?”
Toto sighed, “No I don’t want that. Sorry”
“It’s okay, to be honest, what is there to say?” you said.
“Lots.” he said, slamming his iPad shut, “I’ve had the Board on the phone, they’re pissed.”
Your mouth dropped open, “The Board?”
“Yes.” he said wearily, “They’re not happy with me.”
“Fuck, Toto,” you said, not sure what to say.
“Indeed.” he said sharply, “After I spoke to HR, they told me that the Board requested they meet with you. Y/N they want you gone.”
Tears welling in your eyes, you thought about everything that had transpired, “Well. Then I guess we have no choice.”
Toto looked at you pleadingly, “No, we do. Pushing my feelings for you completely to one side, you are the best Director of Communications our team has ever had.”
“Well there have only been three...” you said, wiping away a tear.
“Oh shut up.” said Toto, “You’ve raised a hell of a lot of sponsorship money, appeased people who were going to jump ship and managed the press brilliantly. Not to mention onboarded new sponsors that no one else ever would have considered.”
Giving Toto a small smile, you replied, “Well all in a day's work.”
“Exactly, so I don’t see how they can let you go,” Toto said, reaching across his desk to take your hand in his. “You need to argue your case.”
“Okay,” you said weakly.
“Did anyone ask you about the interview?” Toto asked, his demeanour now shifted back to concerned boyfriend.
“A few people, how about you?” you gulped, trying to stop crying.
“Same.” Toto said, “Don’t cry please, I don’t like it when you cry.”
“You’ve never seen me cry, what are you on about?” you said, wiping another stray tear.
“Yes I have,” he said indignantly. “Remember in Baku?”
Casting your mind back, you remembered. You’d cried when you thought about all the things people would say if they found out about you and Toto. “Oh yes,” you said quietly. “I wasn’t wrong was I?”
“Shh.” said Toto, wiping away your tears with his thumb, “No one is saying anything like that. Bono said he didn’t believe it because you’re too good for the likes of me.”
Shaking your head, you replied shakily, “Bullshit.”
“He’s not wrong.” said Toto, “If you saw us in the street together, you’d think wow, lucky guy punching above his weight. He must be loaded or have a really big dick.”
Snorting with laughter, you replied, “Well then they wouldn’t be wrong.”
Toto rolled his eyes, “You know what I mean.”
“No, I don’t actually,” you said, your tears having dried up. “Toto, I love you for you, not for your money or your clout or your just slightly larger than average dick.”
“Just slightly larger than average?” Toto said, raising his eyebrow, “Shit, that hurts.”
“That’s what she said,” you said with a smirk. “Joking aside, you’re so kind, you’re so patient, you make everyone around you feel valued. These aren’t common traits, especially not in some bigshot
Toto looked pleased with himself, “I try.”
“You succeed,” you said, leaning across and kissing him on the corner of his mouth.
“Okay, so we have a plan,” said Toto. “And if anyone asks about us in the meantime, denial is not just a
river in Egypt?”
You burst out laughing, “Jesus, 1982 called, it wants its joke back. Yes, that’s what I’ve been doing all morning.”
Toto shook his head, “You’re so mean to me.”
As disastrous as qualifying had been, it was nothing compared to the race itself. George had suffered damage to his front wing early on after a small collision and was stuck in P14 behind a DRS train. Lewis wasn’t faring much better and was trundling on at P5, a considerable gap to make up if he wanted a podium.
Morale in the garage was at an all-time low and despite your chat the previous afternoon, Toto had reverted back to his bad mood. You'd once again spent the night apart due to the inconspicuous sleeping arrangements so you'd hardly seen him until you'd arrived in the garage.
He had snapped at Sophie, something that you would be having a word with him about and grumbled at the catering team about his coffee being too hot. All in all, not the man you knew and loved.
By the time the race was coming to a close, George was still floundering at P9, having fought for a few measly points and Lewis continued to run his own race in no-man's land at P5. It was the worst performance of the season and a rare slip-up for your well-oiled team. Frustratingly Red Bull were P1 and P2, meaning they would gain a significant amount of points, letting them pull ahead further in the Constructors Championship.
As the two Mercedes crossed the chequered flag, the garage weakly applauded, more out of politeness than enthusiasm. You clocked that Toto wasn’t joining in, looking utterly dejected.
Knowing that Sky wanted to talk to him, you apprehensively made your way over.
“Hey boss,” you said weakly, careful not to give anything away once again as you knew that your colleagues were still deeply suspicious.
“Hello.” he said, “Sky wants me?”
“Yes.” you said, “Shall we go?”
“If I have to,” said Toto.
Behind him Bono caught your eye, winking at you before teasing. “Damn, Christian Horner is right, the sexual tension. It’s palpable.”
Smirking at the goofy race engineer you replied sarcastically, “I know right.”
Toto however, was not amused. “Bono now is not the time.”
“You’re right, sorry boss,” said Bono, catching your eye once again and making a face.
Toto strode off, leaving you struggling to catch up, almost having to pick up a light jog.
“Hey, slow down big man,” you said, as you finally caught him up.
“Sorry.” he said, “I just want this over and done with.”
Concerned as you’d never seen Toto so down in the dumps you tried to reassure him, “It’s fine, we had a shit weekend, it happens. At least we’re not Haas.”
Offering you a small smile, Toto seemed to rally around a little. “That’s true.”
You soon reached the Sky podium where Johnny, Jenson and Naomi, the three presenters, were eagerly waiting for Toto.
As the production team miked him up, you could feel their curious eyes on you, all having been present for yesterday’s interview. You looked nervously towards Toto who was studying the floor with great interest, clearly also apprehensive.
Fortunately, you needn’t have worried, Sky were always professional and without the addition of Toto’s arch nemesis, they stuck strictly to work-related questions. It seemed as if you had both panicked for nothing and ultimately people didn’t really care who a Team Principal shared his bed with.
They did, however, ask Toto for answers on why performance was so poor this weekend, something that he struggled to answer as the technical team were still trying to figure it out themselves. It wasn’t the worst interview but for sure not the best.
Just as Toto stepped down from the platform to give his mic equipment back, your phone buzzed.
Hello Y/N, it’s Sylvie from the Medical Centre. I am sorry but I did not manage to get your pill. I recommend you go to the doctor asap.
Trying not to betray your emotions, you hurriedly typed a reply and put your phone away as Toto said his goodbyes to the Sky team.
Wandering back towards the Mercedes hospitality area your head was spinning. In the chaos of the weekend, you had totally forgotten about your morning-after pill debacle. You couldn’t remember off the top of your head but it had now been over twenty-four hours and you weren’t sure how long you had before it wouldn’t work.
“Everything okay?” asked Toto, sensing your mind was elsewhere.
“Yes thanks, that was good. Well done,” you said shortly.
“Are you sure?” he pressed.
“Yep. All good,” you said, forcing a smile.
Toto looked confused but ultimately gave up pushing and you made your way back through the throng of teams in comfortable silence.
You were nervous about the team debrief that was to follow the race but in a way grateful that the team’s poor performance would be the main topic of discussion.
“Y/N,” Toto suddenly turned to you as you made your way up the stairs towards your respective offices, “Don’t get upset but I have to go back to Monaco later.”
“Huh?” you said, surprised at this news. You had been due to take the jet back to the UK together with several colleagues. “How come?”
“Just some business,” he said mysteriously, not giving anything away.
“Okay, sure,” you said, not sure what to make of this. In the events of the race weekend, you’d almost forgotten about your impending meeting with HR and were suddenly nervous that you would be doing it without Toto in the office, let alone the country.
“I’m sorry I can’t be there for your meeting,” he said, starchily. “I will check in though.”
“Okay,” you said, surprised by his suddenly frosty attitude.
The flight back to the UK had been uneventful and you’d sat in silence as the team furiously picked apart the race data, trying to get to the bottom of why Lewis didn’t have the pace. You felt rough once again, not having slept a wink. Toto had left shortly after the debrief and you hadn’t heard a peep since. It was unlike him both on a personal and professional level and as much as you hated to admit it, it had deeply upset you.
The landing was smooth and as you made your way down the stairs and onto the tarmac, the doom of having to face HR really set in.
“Everything okay?” asked Rosie as she made her way towards you. You would be sharing a car with her and George as you were all going straight to the factory.
“Yeah,” you said quietly, tears once again pooling in your eyes.
“No it’s not,” Rosie said kindly before turning around to her boyfriend who was also heading over
“George, will you go with the guys? We have some work things to chat about.”
Looking put out at being dismissed by his girlfriend, George shrugged and replied, “Sure, see you
“Thanks,” you said, sliding into the back seat of the car, Rosie following suit.
“So what’s up?” Rosie asked kindly.
You sighed, “I don’t even know where to start.”
“At the beginning maybe?”
“Very funny,” you said, rolling up the privacy partition so that your driver wouldn’t overhear.
“Oh that kind of story?” said Rosie, knowing that whenever the partition went up, something was afoot.
“Ugh, so did you see the Sky interview with Toto and Christian on Saturday?”
“Yes, wait is that what you’re worried about? C’mon, it was Christian Horner. Nobody takes a word he says seriously.”
You smiled weakly, “Really?”
“Yeah!” Rosie huffed, “Everybody thought he was being an idiot. And for the record, everybody said Toto would in no way be able to pull you.”
“That’s what Bono said to Toto!” you said.
“See!” said Rosie, “The whole thing was ridiculous.”
“Well, the Board doesn't think so. They’ve called me into a meeting with HR later.”
‘What the fuck?” said Rosie, “Because of a stupid Sky puff piece?”
“Yup.” you said, “We originally thought it was just HR and Toto asked them to cancel it but turns out it was the Board.”
“Fuck.” said Rosie, “But really what are they going to say?”
“I don’t know.” you sighed, “I re-read my contract last night and it says no relationships with colleagues.”
“Does it?” said Rosie, “Well that’s me and George fucked then.”
“No offence but the Board doesn’t care about you or George. Toto is the figurehead of the team, I guess they don’t like the image of him sleeping with his employees.”
“Oh…” said Rosie, “Well, surely you can just say it’s not true?”
“The thing is, I would but then what if this goes somewhere and then they find out we lied?” you said.
Rosie looked ecstatic, “You think it’s going to go somewhere?”
“I hope so.” you said, “Toto told me he loved me the other day.”
“Oh my God!” Rosie squealed, “Tell me, when, where?”
You grimaced thinking back to what had transpired on the beach, “Um, so we went to the beach on Friday night.”
“That’s why you didn’t come out!” Rosie exclaimed, “I knew it!”
You smirked, “Well anyway we watched the sunset on the beach and then had a little cuddle and he told me he loved me.”
“A little cuddle?” Rosie quirked an eyebrow, “Did you have sex on the beach?”
You blushed, thinking back to that evening, “No…”
“Oh my God, you’re blushing, you totally did!” Rosie said, “I’m not surprised by you but Toto! Didn’t think he was the type.”
“Rosie..” you started, “Breathe a word of this to anyone and I will kill you.”
“How was it?” she asked, “I want juicy details. Ugh, you’re so lucky, I wish George would do all this stuff.”
You laughed, “Well, it was a really bad idea.”
“How come?” she asked.
“Well… I don’t want to scar you.”
“Y/N, I overheard you getting eaten out by our boss. I think we’re past that.”
“Touché.” you replied, “We got a little carried away and he finished in me.”
Rosie looked as if she was going to combust, “And?”
“I’m not on any birth control.” you paused, “I tried to get the morning-after pill at the medical centre but it was expired and they couldn’t get it. And then everything kicked off with the interview and the bad quali so I ran out of time.”
“Fuck.” said Rosie, “You should have come to me.”
“It’s okay, there was nothing anyone could do. Toto was going to drive to a pharmacy but he ran out of time.”
“What are you going to do?” Rosie asked with concern.
“Well firstly if I survive this meeting, I will hotfoot it to the doctors,” you said. “Toto’s fucked off to
Monaco so I’m not even sure what is going on there.”
“Weird.” said Rosie, “I’m surprised he’s letting you do this meeting alone.”
“Me too,” you said, looking at the fields as you rolled closer and closer to the factory.
Sitting in your office, you steeled yourself in preparation for your upcoming meeting. Glancing at the clock you had three minutes to get to the HR office so you decided to bite the bullet and make your way down, for what was likely to be your last meeting in this role. To add insult to injury, Toto had not contacted you all day, not even to ask if you’d landed safe or to wish you luck. It was totally unlike him and you couldn’t help but be disappointed in him.
Knocking gently on the door, Pamela’s voice rang out, “Come in.”
“Hi,” you said, surprised to find that it was only Pamela present.
“Hi Y/N, how are you?” the older woman said politely.
“I’m okay thank you, how are you?” you said, battling to make small talk.
“Very well thank you. Now I’m sure you know why you’re here today. The Board were not happy to discover your personal relationship with Toto, especially in the manner that it was revealed. It does not reflect well on both the team or Toto so they have asked me to step in and call this meeting.”
“Wow you got straight to the point Pamela,” you said, not thrilled with her tone.
Ignoring your grumbles, she continued, “They want to conference call to discuss the matter further. Before I dial, is there anything you want me to know or say that will help?”
Softening your expression as after all, it was not Pamela’s fault, you replied, “That’s okay, I will explain everything to them directly.”
“If you’re sure,” said Pamela apprehensively, reaching for the conference phone at her desk.
As the Teams ring rang out you felt sick with nerves. You weren’t expecting to be fighting your case directly with the Board. Steeling yourself, you thought about the achievements that you could reel off, not to mention the additional revenue that you had raised.
“Good afternoon.” came a voice through the speakerphone.
You recognised it as Robert, the chairman. Surprised he would be on this call, you politely replied, “Good afternoon Robert.”
“Hello.” called another voice. It was David, another one of the principal investors. They’d sent in the heavy hitters.
“Hello everyone.” Finally a friendly voice, it was James from the Technical team. He occasionally joined Board meetings.
As more of the upper management joined the call, you were increasingly surprised that Toto wasn’t going to be a part of it. Surely he would want to fight his corner?
“So are we all here?” said Anne, the Company Secretary.
“No, we’re waiting for Toto.” replied Pamela, “He should be here any minute.”
Shocked by this revelation you immediately felt more confident.
“Of course he’s late,” said Robert in a clipped tone.
Right on cue, there was a knock on Pamela’s door. It was none other than Toto, looking red-faced and out of breath as if he’d been running the whole way.
“He’s here,” said Pamela, sensing they were impatient to start.
“Hello everyone,” said Toto, trying to hide the fact he was out of breath. Greetings were murmured through the speaker, merged together as multiple people spoke at once.
“Good afternoon Toto,” said Robert curtly.
“Good afternoon Robert,” replied Toto, equally as shortly.
“So I just want to preface this call with the fact that everything said on here will remain strictly confidential,” said Pamela, taking to the floor. “I’d first like to state that Y/N signed our standard contract, in that employee/employee relationships are strictly forbidden. Toto’s contract is different and does not have this stated anywhere. This does not, however, excuse his transgression and as part of our ethos, we would strongly discourage any abuse of power between an employee and their superior.”
Toto looked livid, having caught his breath he sat bolt upright, shooting daggers at Pamela.
Pamela continued, “Following Saturday’s interview with Sky Sports and Toto, it was revealed that Toto and Y/N have been pursuing a romantic relationship and several members of the Board have raised concerns that this is entirely inappropriate, not to mention a breach of Y/N’s contract. I would like to begin by giving the floor to Robert, who I believe feels especially strongly about this matter.”
“Yes,” came the voice from the speaker, “I was very surprised to learn of this news. For many years Mercedes has worked tirelessly to create a clean-cut professional brand image. Toto has always been exemplary of this and I was shocked, to say the least when our direct competitor brought his recent behaviour up. Y/N is still relatively new to the team and I voiced my concerns during the hiring process that she was too young to be taking on such a Senior role. I believe what has happened is due to this.”
“I…” Toto started before Pamela shushed him.
Robert continued, “In my opinion, the only way forward is for Y/N to discreetly leave her post. I do not want the press catching wind of this and spinning a narrative that is not in line with our brand values.”
“Robert.” started Toto again, before being cut off by David.
“Toto, we will hear from you shortly, but I would like to add that I am surprised you did this, knowing the repercussions. We always laugh at your counterparts at Red Bull and Ferrari but they have never brought a scandal like this upon their team.”
This time James interjected, “Look, guys, I know you’re not thrilled about this but I travel with the team and this is the first time I’ve heard anything about this. Everyone in the garage doesn’t believe it’s true and do we even know for a fact that it is? You all know what Christian Horner is like and this feels like somewhat of an overreaction to a situation we do not fully understand. I think we should let Toto speak.”
You could always count on James to stay level-headed in a tricky situation, there were a few grumbles and Robert piped up, “Sure, I would love to know what he has to say for himself.”
Toto cleared his throat, “Well, I am very disappointed with the way you have approached this. As James said, we all know what Christian Horner is like and he will say anything to make us, especially me, look bad. Normally it is something professional but this time he hit below the belt and made it personal.” He continued, “So to explain exactly what has been happening, I have been pursuing a relationship with Y/N outside of work, however, we have been keeping it very discreet and under wraps and entirely separate from our duties in the workplace.”
“So you are together?” butted in David.
“Yes. We are.” confirmed Toto, looking weary, “I was not aware that Y/N had a line in her contract that expressly forbade a personal relationship as I do not have that within my contract, however, I do not believe that her career should suffer because of her affiliation to me.”
“Well, I’d like to hear Y/N’s side of things.” piped up Robert, “Surely you were aware of this clause in your contract?”
“Hello everyone.” you said shyly, “I have to say, my contract is over thirty pages long and having re-read it over the weekend, the relationship part is a very small line towards the end. When I signed it, I paid it no mind as I did not expect to find love in the workplace.”
“Love?” guffawed Robert, “I know Toto, this is just another fling.”
This time Pamela interjected, “Robert, may I ask that you remain professional and listen to what Y/N has to say.”
Smiling at the older woman, you continued, “Yes love, Robert. When we began our relationship, we agreed that we keep personal and professional entirely separate so as not to disrupt our work and I have to say I think we have managed to do so successfully.”
“So I have one question,” interrupted James, “How long has this been going on?”
“A little over a year,” said Toto.
Your eyebrows shot up, yes Baku had been over a year ago but strictly Montreal was only six weeks ago.
Murmurs followed once again before James spoke, “Wow. Okay, so I would like to say that I do believe they kept things separate as I sit immediately next to them for hours at a time every weekend, spend countless hours in debriefings and meetings and travel on the jet and had no idea. I knew that they were firm friends but had no inkling of a romantic relationship”
“But this does not answer how Christian Horner came to discover the relationship?” asked David indignantly.
“I have my suspicions on that,” said Toto cryptically. “He is always digging for dirt and I suppose this time he couldn’t wait to spill.”
“Well, I for one, still believe that the right thing to do is to excuse Y/N from her post, no questions asked and we find a new Director of Communications,” said Robert, unmoved by anything he’d heard.
Annoyed that this man was so stubborn, you could no longer contain yourself. “Look, Robert, I understand I have breached my contract but I would urge you to think about what I have brought to the team. I have increased sponsorship revenue by 40% in one year and entertained new sponsors who have brought priceless good press to our team, as opposed to the dinosaurs we had before. I have convinced partners to stay who were all but ready to jump ship for a rival team when times were tough and I’ve grown our Comms team considerably, giving us additional media opportunities that we never would have explored previously.”
Toto turned to face you, glowing with pride. Even Pamela looked suitably impressed with your spiel.
Silence followed for a few seconds before Robert replied, “I understand this, but it doesn’t change that you fundamentally broke your contract and there has to be consequences. It’s all very well throwing out these numbers but you’ve undone years of hard work in one swoop.”
‘Robert.” stated Toto very succinctly, “Frankly, if you want Y/N to go, I will go with her.”
You were floored, Toto would leave his role for you?
His admission was met with deathly silence before David spoke. “Now Toto, don’t be so dramatic. I know you wouldn’t do that.”
“I will,” said Toto stubbornly. “I run this team and I know that Y/N is the best Director of Communications we’ve ever had. It would be stupidity to let her go. And I say this from a purely professional standpoint”
More silence followed before Robert replied. “Look, let us discuss this further. For now, I would recommend that Y/N takes a temporary leave of absence and waits for this to blow over.”
“Fine,” clapped back Toto, “Then I will take a leave of absence. Good luck.”
Pamela’s face beside you was one of pure shock.
“I’d rather you didn’t,” replied Robert.
“Then we both stay,” replied Toto bluntly. “We will continue to be discreet and laugh off any comments from rivals.”
“Fine.” said Robert, “But if I catch wind of anything affecting the team performance she goes.”
You gulped, not liking the way he was referring to you.
Pamela piped up, “From a Human Resources point of view, we cannot decide things like that in this manner. In my opinion, what we do is we draft another contract for Y/N that she can sign and we can put some stipulations in if need be.”
Thankful for the older woman’s expertise, you nodded in agreement.
“Fine.” said Robert, “Well let’s wrap this up, we’ve wasted enough time this afternoon. Speak soon.”
Goodbyes were murmured in response before Pamela rang off the call.
“Well, that was interesting.” she said, “So you two? I wouldn’t have guessed either.”
You smiled, “Thank you, Pamela, sorry about all of that.”
Toto stood up from beside you, “Yes thank you, Pamela, they are a nightmare.”
“You’re more than welcome,” replied Pamela, offering you both a warm smile, “But I don’t want to hear of any office hanky panky yes?”
You giggled, “Believe me after all of this, that is the last place I want to be doing anything.”
“And it might be tricky with our glass walls.” joked Toto.
“Indeed,” said Pamela waving you out of her office.
“Well, do you want to get a tea?” asked Toto, putting his hands awkwardly in his pockets as he strolled down the corridor beside you.
“Sure,” you said, aware you still had much to discuss.
As you both had a relatively free afternoon, you decided to pop out of the factory for your tea. It was a nice day and you had more privacy wandering along the river bank than you did in Toto’s goldfish bowl of an office.
“Toto, there's one thing I don't understand. Why did you say we were together for a year?” you asked.
“Well, six weeks sounded silly and we technically did begin our romance then,” Toto said bashfully. "I liked you from the get-go but when we kissed in Baku, everything changed."
“That’s very schoolboy of you. You know I think I fell for you in Monaco. I know nothing happened but you looked so handsome at that yacht dinner party, I would have had you right there if I could have,” you laughed, turning towards Toto, “Thank you for coming all the way back, I didn’t expect it.”
“Monaco, really? You looked beautiful that night too, " Toto beamed, "And why would I not come back? I had to go to Monaco for a meeting with a supplier and got on the first flight out of Nice this morning.
“Oh.” you said, surprised he took a commercial flight, “I see.”
“Is everything okay with us Y/N?” Toto suddenly asked, concerned.
“Yeah.” you said, “Sorry, I just feel kind of stupid, I felt like a kid being told off at school.”
“Me too,” said Toto.
“You did?” you asked.
“Of course, it’s worse for me in a way. Everyone thinks I’m some old perv.”
“You know when I call you an old perv it’s a joke right?” you replied.
Toto smiled, his kind brown eyes crinkling, “You know what I mean. You could hear the shock even in James’ voice.”
“I don’t think he thinks you’re an old perv. I think he probably feels stupid that he didn’t notice.”
“Maybe.” said Toto, stopping in his tracks, “Hey, I guess we all have our stupid moments.”
“Indeed we do.” you said, looking up at the tall man before you, “I’m glad we were stupid though.”
“Me too,” said Toto, quickly checking you were alone before bending down to kiss you.
Unfortunately, however, you weren't quite alone as a pair of all too familiar eyes were watching you from behind a bush a little way along the river. Nor did you hear the click of the camera shutter, capturing your intimate moment in a freeze frame image.
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Once Upon a Time in Austria | Chapter Seven
Sneaking around can be fun. Until your arch rival threatens to spill the beans, live on air.
Word Count: 10.8k
Warnings: Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it guys and girls) 🌶
Author’s Notes: Disclaimer, purely fiction, no-one is married in this alt-universe.
Having flown into Vienna that morning for sponsorship meetings and now barrelling along the autobahn towards Spielberg at 300kph, you couldn’t help but feel excited for the impending Austrian Grand Prix. You’d sat it out last year as you’d had media commitments in London and had had a strong case of FOMO when the team returned home with tales of their weekends. From what you’d heard it had been a weekend of debauched celebrations, something that seemed to bond the team like nothing else.
A week had passed since Silverstone and again you’d hardly seen Toto. He’d left almost immediately after Silverstone for his place in Vienna, in a bid to spend some rare time with his children in their hometown. Although you were disappointed that you hadn’t yet made it to your official second date you were pleased that he finally had some downtime. He was stressed and as far as you knew, hadn’t taken a down day since the beginning of the season.
He’d continued texting you every day, sweet morning and goodnight messages that surprised you every time. He was good at separating business from pleasure and had continued to channel everything business related through Lara and Sophie, something that you were thankful for. You were looking forward to seeing him on the Friday and hoping you might get to spend some time together at some point over the weekend.
Glancing out of the window, you could appreciate the beauty of the Austrian countryside. Vast expanses of rolling green hills, almost mountainous, with swathes of dark forest and pretty houses dotted around, it was picture perfect. You smiled knowing that this was Toto’s home Grand Prix, one that he always looked forward to.
It wasn’t long before your driver pulled into the track-adjacent campground that you’d be calling home for the next three days. You’d only stayed in a motorhome once before, in Zandvoort last year, as you’d joined later in the season and the travel team hadn’t been able to secure you a hotel room. As you were new to the team they’d eased you in and tried to keep the motorhomes to a minimum but this season Toto had made it clear that he wanted you nearby, cutting down commuting time. Trackside motorhomes were normally reserved for the drivers and anyone likely to work late. The only saving grace was that you at least had your own private space. The social team and the press team had to share their respective motorhomes and you didn’t envy them and their tight bunks in the slightest.
As your car rolled through the entrance you spied plenty of familiar faces wandering around. Sometimes Formula One felt like a travelling circus and when half the paddock were camping together the feeling was amplified. Soon enough you spotted Lara and Sophie, chatting away with cups of coffee in their hands.
“Can you please stop here?” you asked Frank, your driver.
“Of course ma’am,” he said, coming to a gentle stop and jumping out to open the door for you.
“Good afternoon ladies,” you said brightly, “How are you both?”
“Good, thank you, how was Vienna?” asked Sophie with a smile, Lara nodding with a strange look on her face.
“Everything went as well as it could have,” you said, raising your eyebrow at Lara.
“Glad to hear it. Do you know where your motorhome is?” asked Sophie, seemingly oblivious to her colleague’s standoffish behaviour.
“No actually, that’s why I asked Frank to stop when I saw you both,” you explained.
“Ah no worries, I can show you.” Sophie said kindly, “It’s just a bit further down, maybe I can ask Frank to drive with your luggage?”
“Sure, that would be great thanks.” you said, continuing to look at Lara with a puzzled look as Sophie went to direct your driver, “Everything okay Lara?”
“Yes, I’m just surprised you have your own motorhome.” she said, her face like thunder, “I have to share with Sophie, Emily and Olivia. I thought you’d share with Toto.”
You shook your head, looking around to make sure no one could overhear. Thankfully Sophie was busy directing Frank, “Lara, I thought we had been over this. We are being discreet and not bringing our potential relationship into the workplace.”
“Only potential?” Lara smirked, “I thought Toto was ready to get down on one knee the way he was talking.”
You rolled your eyes, “Of course he’s not. And need I remind you that Sophie does not know so I would appreciate your discretion.”
“Of course,” she smiled, a smile that didn’t reach her eyes, “I thought you would arrive with him though, I thought you were in Vienna together.”
“You know full well he went to see his children, I had meetings. Not that it’s any of your business but I haven’t seen him for a week,” you said, annoyed that Lara still hadn’t let things go.
“Interesting. Maybe it’s not that serious then,” she said, still smiling coldly.
“Give over Lara,” you said exasperated as Sophie made her way back over. “All good Sophie?”
“Yes, he said he’ll drive us down.” Sophie replied with a smile, “Shall we go now?”
“Sure, I was just saying goodbye to Lara,” you said, shooting her a death stare as you made your way back towards the car with Sophie in tow.
“See you later,” said Lara, in a tone that suggested she hoped she didn’t.
“Indeed,” you said, dipping into the car.
As Sophie slid in beside you, she closed the door behind you and turned your way, “What’s up with you and Lara?”
Not surprised that Sophie had clocked your hostility, you sighed as you thought about what to say, “It’s a long story but she’s not happy with Toto and me because we scheduled some meetings without her knowing.”
“Oh, I see,” said Sophie, “I know this is going to sound weird but I think she’s jealous of you.”
Your head whipped around, “What do you mean?”
Sophie looked down and fiddled with her hands, “Look, please don’t say anything to her but she keeps making remarks about how much time you spend with Toto. She said you were in Vienna together.”
Trying not to betray your anger, you replied, “Thank you, Sophie, that’s interesting. I wonder why she thought that?”
Sophie looked very awkward, “I think she thinks something is going on with you two.”
Laughing it off, you replied, “Me and Toto. Sheesh no.”
Sophie smiled, “That’s what I said. He’s literally old enough to be your Dad and grumpy all the time. Honestly, though, I think Lara fancies him or something, she’s way too involved in his life.”
You laughed, relieved that Sophie found the idea of you and Toto too absurd to comprehend, “Perhaps, Stockholm syndrome?”
Sophie giggled before leaning forward to talk to the driver, “Frank, it’s just here.”
You’d reached your motorhome, a silver monstrosity penned in by a larger white one. Getting out of the car you took it in, turning to Sophie, “It’s not exactly the W is it?” You gestured at the neighbouring white motorhome, “Is this where you’re staying?”
“They’re okay inside!” she said chirpily. “Ours is in the next street down, next to the mechanics. You’re neighbours with Toto.”
You shook your head, “For fucks sake, of course I am.”
Sophie laughed, “I knew it, I told Lara you’d be pissed. C’mon, let me show you around.”
As you followed Sophie up the stairs into your motorhome you were pleasantly surprised. This was much nicer than the one you’d stayed in at Zandvoort, it had a small kitchenette area, a large ivory l-shaped sofa and a decent amount of floor space.
“See, it’s nice!” said Sophie.
“I will admit, it’s actually okay.” you said, glancing around, “Where’s the bathroom?”
“So, that’s the only thing, your bathroom is pretty small.” Sophie led you to a narrow door and opened it to reveal an incredibly tiny shower, toilet and sink situation. “We have a tub, so if you do want a bath, please don’t hesitate to come over to ours.”
“That’s very kind, let’s see how the weekend goes.” you said, “It’s not that bad to be fair.”
“I figured you’d say that,” said Sophie, closing the door and leading you through into what was a sizable bedroom. “And here’s your bedroom.”
“Ok, this is actually nice,” you admitted begrudgingly, taking in the large bed, full of plump scatter cushions and large TV mounted on the wall opposite.
“For sure!” said Sophie, “We have bunk beds!”
“Oof, okay you win.” you said laughing, “I’m sure it will be fine, Emily and Olivia are nice girls.”
Sophie laughed as she made her way back into the living area where Frank had kindly dropped your luggage, “But not Lara?”
Following her out you raised your eyebrows at your assistant, “She’s fine. Like I said before, just be careful.”
“Don’t worry, since you told me that, I always am,” said Sophie, “I’m going to get going as I need to sort out some things with Tom in the hospitality area. Is there anything else you need before I go?”
“No that’s fine, thank you, Sophie,” you smiled, closing the door after her.
Having had an early night you woke up early on Friday morning to your phone ringing. Wiping the sleep from your eyes you glanced down to see who was ringing you at such an unsociable hour. Squinting to read the screen in the darkness, you saw that it was none other than Toto.
Sitting up in bed you picked up, “Good morning, you do realise it’s six-fifteen right?”
“I know, but I wanted to see you.” came the familiar deep voice from the other end of the phone, “Look outside.”
Not sure what to expect, you got up, stretching widely as you put on your robe and padded out towards the living area. Glancing through the window you were met with the view of a smiling Toto, standing outside with a brown paper bag and a tray of hot drinks.
“Damn, this weird guy is standing outside,” you said down the phone, smirking at him through the glass.
“But what if I told you the weird guy had Kaiserschmarrn?” said Toto, smirking right back at you.
“Is that some kind of condition? Maybe he should get that checked out,” you said, opening the door and hanging up your phone.
“You are so mean all the time,” he said, laughing away.
“Only because I like you,” you said, bounding down the steps towards him, a wide smile on your face.
You made it as far as the bottom step before Toto stepped forward and planted a gentle kiss on your lips. The step made you nose to nose with him and for once you didn’t feel the height difference.
“Would you like to come in?” you asked, gesturing towards your motorhome, “I didn’t think you were going to be here until later.”
Toto followed you up the steps, “I thought you’d never ask. I woke up early and thought to myself, I know what? I’ll bring Y/N breakfast. So I drove and picked it up on the way in.”
You beamed at him, “But it’s a two-hour drive! You woke up at four just to bring me breakfast?” You were bowled over, no one had ever thought to do anything like that for you.
“Well I know it’s your first time here and I wanted to make it good,” he said, putting the bag and drinks down on the table in front of your sofa.
“You are ridiculous. Thank you so much, so far Austria is a joy, ” you said, throwing your arms around his neck and pulling him down into another kiss before adding, “Since it’s early, do you want to have breakfast in bed?”
His hands finding your lower back, his eyes lit up at your suggestion, “You read my mind, originally I wanted to bring it to you in bed but didn’t want to scare you.”
You laughed, “That’s very considerate, I probably would have had a heart attack.”
“Well we can’t have that, can we?” he said, starting to unpack the bag, “Go back to bed, I’ll bring it to you.”
“Are you sure?” you said, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind and playing with the hem of his hoodie, “Surely it should be the other way around.”
“I insist,” he said, spinning around to face you before adding with a smirk, “Nice robe by the way.”
Looking down you realised that in your haste to greet Toto, your robe had come loose, offering Toto a full view of your naked breasts. You smirked, pulling on the tie suggestively before tightening it back up, “Maybe after the Kaisershawarma I can say good morning properly.”
Toto’s eyes lit up, “Well if you insist. Although we need to work on your German.”
“What’s wrong with my German?” you asked.
“It’s Kaiserschmarrn, not shawarma,” he said with a grin.
“Kaiserschmarrn?” you repeated back to him with an eyebrow raised.
“Yes Kaiserschmarrn.”
“What is it?” you asked, never having heard of it in your life.
“You’ll see.” he said, “Go back to bed, it’s going to get cold.”
— — —
It emerged that Kaiserschmarrn was in fact a kind of Austrian scrambled pancake breakfast delicacy, nothing like anything you’d ever tried but very tasty nonetheless. In his quest to bring you breakfast, Toto had gone to the hospitality area and called first dibs on whatever they were cooking. You couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of him turning up at the crack of dawn and hassling the likely bemused catering staff. Toto already had a reputation for being fussy amongst the Mercedes kitchen and you knew they would have been cursing about his request.
After finishing your surprise breakfast, spent chatting away about Toto’s family time in Vienna, you’d dropped back off to sleep in Toto’s arms, the two of you snoozing contently on top of the bed covers until your alarm went off at seven-thirty. As you scrambled to find your phone and shut the alarm off you woke Toto, who looked at you sleepily before reaching his arm out to pull you back into his chest.
“Morning,” he said sleepily, kissing you on the top of your head as you snuggled into his hoodie-clad chest.
“Good morning,” you said, stretching up to kiss him softly. “Sleep well?”
“Yes, until that beeping woke me up.” he chuckled, “I should probably head off before people start waking up and seeing me come out of your motorhome.”
You sighed, “Yes, you know Lara is still grilling me. She’s even started dropping hints to Sophie.”
Toto’s smile dropped, “Seriously? I will talk to her again. She is way out of line.”
You nodded in agreement, glad that Toto had finally seen Lara’s true colours, “To be honest, yes. Although Sophie doesn’t suspect a thing, so we’re good on that front.”
Toto smiled, “That’s because you are far too beautiful for a guy like me. No one would ever believe it.”
You laughed, “Wow, and I haven’t even thanked you for breakfast, you’re too smooth.” You planted a kiss on his neck, your hands exploring his gym-honed torso underneath his hoodie. “I think it might be the other way around somehow.”
“Bullshit,” said Toto, now wide awake, his hand stroking up and down your bare thigh as you wrapped a leg around him and carried on kissing the crook of his neck.
“You know you’re hot, don’t give me that false modesty,” you said, your hands making their way lower towards the waistband of his shorts.
“Hmm, how about you tell me?” he smirked, his hands reaching further up your bare thighs, stopping where your underwear would normally be, “You’re not wearing anything underneath this? Fuck me.”
You laughed, “Of course not, it was hot so I slept naked and just grabbed this when you appeared outside.”
At that Toto growled, pulling you up to straddle him completely, his growing bulge bumping up against you on the way. You ground back down onto his lap as your lips met, this time in a deep kiss, hands wandering up and down. Breaking the kiss, you sat back up, bouncing up and down as you untied your robe. You smirked as Toto’s eyes lit up at the view that he now had.
“Now you have way too many clothes on,” you said, grabbing the hem of Toto’s hoodie and t-shirt, divesting him of both in one swoop. Scooching down, you kissed along his neck, his collarbone, all the way down to the waistband of his shorts. Raising your head and smirking back up at him, you pulled down his shorts, letting his hard cock spring free. You paused for a moment to admire it, as the first time you’d been together you had been impatient and hadn’t seen it in its full glory. In the light of day, you could now confirm that he was well and truly in proportion with his six-foot-five height.
Cupping his balls with one hand and gripping his shaft with the other, you kissed the tip gently before licking all the way down to the base, eliciting a low groan from Toto.
“Fuck Y/N that feels good,” he said, closing his eyes in pleasure as you took him in your mouth, struggling to fit him in, swirling your tongue around before starting to bob up and down, arching your back so that he had a good view of your ass as you did so, soon finding a rhythm that seemed to be what he needed.
“Fuck, if you do that for much longer I’m not going to last long,” he said, his hands gripping the sheets for dear life.
Taking a break from sucking you looked up at him with a wink, “That’s the point.”
“But I want you to enjoy yourself too,” he said, pulling you back up to chest level, his hands making their way down to your now dripping-wet pussy. “You’re so wet, it seems a waste.”
Trying to stay rational you cast your mind back to what happened last time with the condom debacle. You’d not been prepared and had been reckless enough to suggest going without. Although you cared for Toto this was new and you silently cursed yourself for not thinking ahead and bringing condoms.
Seemingly reading your mind Toto looked up at you concerned, “Fuck, I didn’t bring condoms either. But there is no one else if that’s what you’re thinking. I’m hoping it’s the same for you?”
Surprised his mind had gone there so quickly you looked down at him, “Of course there’s no one else. How did you know that’s what I was thinking?”
“I can read you like a book Y/N,” said Toto, his hands absentmindedly caressing the tops of your thighs, “I know this is not the best time to discuss this but are you on any birth control?”
Slightly embarrassed, you replied, “No, not at the moment. This all happened really fast, I haven’t had a chance to go to the doctor.” It was the truth, since you’d broken things off with your fiancé at the beginning of the previous year you hadn’t bothered so the fact that you were having this conversation whilst on top of Toto naked was a fact that amused you greatly.
“I can be careful,” he said with a grin.
“Are you sure?” you asked gingerly. “If we’re going to be doing this more often I’ll get back on the pill.”
“No, we can figure something out. Maybe there’s something I can do instead.” Toto said kindly, stroking your hip, “For now, what do you say?”
Your brain saying no but your heart saying yes you decided to follow the latter, “Why not?”
Toto smiled as he pulled you down into another kiss before rolling you both over so that he was now on top. Gazing down into your eyes his dimpled grin made you melt before he once again caught your lips with his. Propping himself up on one arm, his other hand made its way back down to your clit, drawing slow circles that you knew would finish you off in no time at all.
“I’m glad you said that, I’ve been wanting to fuck you again for weeks.” He breathed heavily as he slipped a finger into you, pumping in and out gently.
You broke into a wide smile, reaching up to caress his face, “Me too.”
In contrast to the tangled frenzy that you had found yourselves in in Montreal, this time Toto took his time, his ministrations almost taking you to the edge with his fingers alone. By the time he settled in between your legs, lining up his cock and pushing into you gently, you were dripping wet. Your breath hitched in unison as he pressed his hips against yours, easing in and making sure you had time to adjust to his size.
“Mmm.” you said, “That feels amazing,” You felt stretched but in a good way and wanted nothing more than for him to plunge deeper.
“Fuck yes. You are so tight,” he said, looking down at you tenderly, “Let me know if it hurts, I don’t want to hurt you.”
You smiled at him, widening your legs slightly before wrapping them around his back, your heels touching, “I’m sure I’ll survive.”
“Well if you’re sure,” he said, a glint in his eye as he pushed in, filling you entirely.
“Fuck,” you exclaimed, clutching his shoulders for dear life, “Fuck yes that’s good.”
Leaning down to kiss you, he pulled out and just as you were starting to feel empty, pushed back in, making you moan once more. Not breaking the kiss, he began thrusting in and out gently, your hips lifting to meet his. Just as you had found a rhythm and were starting to lose yourself in the moment, you were rudely interrupted by a knock on your motorhome door.
“Shit.” you said, reaching out your hand to Toto’s chest to slow him down.
“If we ignore it, they'll go away,” said Toto, stilling.
“Hmm, be quiet, I’ll just say I was in the shower or something. I’m sure it’s just Sophie,” you said, very much aware that Toto’s cock was throbbing inside you.
“Good idea,” he said, dipping his head to kiss your neck before starting to move again, drawing out and pushing back into you at a tantalisingly slow pace.
Unfortunately whoever was knocking was persistent and they knocked once more. Toto smirked, continuing his shallow thrusts, one arm bringing your leg up to his shoulder, deepening every sensation.
“Fuck, do that again,” you breathed heavily as you knew you were almost there. Full to the brim and starting to flutter around Toto’s cock, you heard the door opening, footsteps and a voice.
“Y/N,” it called out. As you had suspected it was Sophie, but what had compelled her to enter your motorhome uninvited you had no clue.
Toto’s eyes widened in horror and he slipped out of you rolling over, leaving you feeling empty.
“Sophie?” you called back in reply, panicking as much as Toto was, scrambling with the covers to hide the man in your bed.
“I’m just dropping off your dry-cleaning. Lara sent me, sorry if I woke you.” she replied from the depths of the living area, “Shall I leave it here or bring it through.”
Now tucked up to his neck in duvet, you could see the horror on Toto’s face change to pure amusement out of the corner of your eye. Glaring at him, you replied, “Oh no that’s fine. Thank you, Sophie, you can leave it there. I’ll see you at the track.”
“No problem, see you later,” she said. Holding your breath until you heard the door close you turned to Toto, “Shit.”
“What’s wrong?” he asked, reaching an arm out to bring you back towards him.
“Your shoes,” you said, nervously.
“What do you mean, my shoes?” asked Toto with an eyebrow raise.
“Your shoes are next to the door.”
“Oh.” Toto’s face dropped.
“Oh indeed,” you said, “She’s not stupid that girl, she will have noticed. The fact that they’re about ten sizes bigger than mine is not a hard clue to miss. Why on earth did she think it acceptable to come in here? She would never do that with a hotel room, it’s inappropriate.”
Toto shrugged, “She said Lara sent her.”
“Bizarre.” you said, “I’m going to talk to her. It’s not cool.”
“Don’t panic,” said Toto, much more calmly than you felt.
“Easy for you to say,” you said, “She has well and truly killed the mood.”
“It’s okay, I was being reckless,” said Toto, kissing you on the forehead before tilting your face up towards his. “You have no idea how hard it is to not lose control around you.”
You quirked an eyebrow, “Oh really?”
Toto smiled, leaning down to kiss you once more then bringing you closer to his chest. “Let’s try and see each other properly this weekend.”
“I’d like that.” you smiled.
“Me too.” he said, “I don’t want to but I need to go and shower and change, it’s already eight.”
“Oh, where did the time go?” you said, sitting up in bed, shivering slightly at the chill in the air as Toto had been keeping you warm.
“You distracted me,” he replied with a smile, rolling up to sit on the edge of the bed. “Here,” he said, passing you his hoodie, “You look freezing.”
You grinned at him, “No, don’t be silly, you need it!”
“Nonsense,” he said, having slipped on his shorts, he walked around to your side of the bed, “Arms up.”
“You are so not doing this.” you shook your head before sighing and lifting your arms up for Toto to unceremoniously dump his hoodie over your head.
“The perfect fit,” he said, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead.
“You know that now you are never getting this back right?” you said with a grin.
“Well, I’m hedging my bets. Last time I lent you clothes it turned out quite well, no?” he said as he put on his t-shirt, offering you one last glimpse of his rippling body.
“True,” you said, getting up and letting the large hoodie fall over your body, making Toto chuckle.
“I take it back, it looks a little small,” he said with a laugh, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
It was true, once again Toto’s clothes were comically large on you, accentuating the height difference. You shrugged, “Maybe I’ll grow into it.”
“Maybe,” Toto replied with a smirk as he scooped you up into his arms, carrying your bridal style out of the bedroom.
“Hey!!” you said, wriggling playfully in his arms, “That is not fair.”
“You’re so small. I had to,” he said, placing you down daintily on the carpet.
“Maybe you’re just a giant,” you said, crossing your arms and looking up at him.
“Perhaps,” he said with a wink, slipping on his shoes and bending down to kiss you goodbye.
“Thank you again for breakfast, that was really sweet of you,” you said warmly.
“It was the least I could do, I’m sorry I didn’t see you last week.” he said, “I really wanted to.”
“It’s fine, your children come first Toto. We have all the time in the world,” you said.
“Thank you, I hope so,” he said, gingerly opening the door to make the dash across to his motorhome, glancing around to check that the coast was clear.
“All good?” you said.
“Yep, see you later,” he said, hot-footing it across the small lawn to his door, making you laugh as he scrambled with his keys to open the door.
Closing the door behind you, you sighed. Trust Sophie to ruin what was unfolding to be a wonderful morning. You resolved that you would have to talk to her about boundaries as it was hardly professional to be bursting into colleagues’ rooms at the crack of dawn. Especially when you were sure that Lara had put her up to it purely to mess with you. Every time you thought you had turned a corner with Toto’s EA, you seemed to go three steps backwards.
— — —
As you wandered into the team hospitality area a little over an hour later you spotted several familiar faces grabbing breakfast. Joining the queue for coffee, Rosie caught your eye and waved for you to join her at the small table she was sitting alone at. After a short wait, you grabbed your coffee and made your way over to her.
“Morning,” you said, settling down opposite her.
“Good morning,” she said, far too chirpily in your opinion, “Sleep well?”
“Yes thanks, how about you?” you asked.
Rosie laughed, “So don’t get mad but I snuck out of the hotel last night and came back here and stayed in George’s motorhome.”
“Rosie!” you exclaimed, “You’re going to distract him!”
Rosie shifted guiltily in her seat, “Well, we decided it was better to spend some time together last night instead of tonight or Saturday.”
You softened your gaze, “I suppose that makes sense. I’d rather you than me though, I’d choose the hotel over the motorhome any day.”
“Really? She asked, before adding in a teasing tone, “Even when your motorhome is immediately next to your lover’s?”
“Rosie!” you hissed under your breath, “I haven’t even told you what happened at Silverstone.”
The young woman’s eyes lit up, “Oooh what happened?”
“Calm down, it’s nothing salacious,” you said, keeping your voice low, not wanting to be overheard. “Basically you know how bad quali was? Toto was in a foul mood afterwards so I was chatting to him in his office and trying to cheer him up and Lara walked in on us.”
Rosie’s eyes widened, “How exactly were you trying to cheer him up?”
“Nothing that bad, but she walked in just as I had kissed him.”
“For real?” she said, leaning forward, “What did she say?”
“She accused me of sleeping my way to the top. I thought Toto was going to fire her on the spot.”
“She didn’t!? That bitch!” Rosie exclaimed, raising her voice.
“Shhh it’s fine.” you leant in closer, “ She ended up apologising and brought me a hot chocolate as a peace offering but the thing is yesterday she made more comments and then this morning sent Sophie to my motorhome at eight o’clock to drop off dry cleaning.”
Rosie raised an eyebrow, “She is so weird! Why is she trying to manage Sophie? I guess it’s helpful to have your dry cleaning though.”
“Well yes…” you started.
“Oh my god, was Toto in your motorhome?” Rosie was quick to ascertain what had happened.
“Kinda,” you said shiftily.
“Oh my god, what happened?”
“Nothing bad but he came over to bring me breakfast and then we went back to bed for a lie-in. So we were in bed when she came in.”
“In bed sleeping?” said Rosie, not one to miss a trick.
“We were awake.” you said shortly, “And no I am not giving you the gory details.”
“Shit, do you think she realised? Did she see boss?”
“No she didn’t see him, but he’d left his shoes by the door.”
“Shit.” said Rosie, “Maybe she didn’t realise, we all have matching shoes after all.”
“Rosie, I am a size 36, he is a 47. If she doesn’t figure it out I might actually be insulted.”
Rosie laughed, “Well she might not realise that it was Toto. She might think they’re someone else's.”
“Jesus.” you said, “I am going to have a word with her.”
“What are you going to say though? I am a size 36 but sometimes I like to wear my shoes oversized?”
“So funny.” you replied dryly, “No, I need to figure out an alibi as to why Toto would have left his shoes in my motorhome but maybe I’ll say he went for a run or something.”
“Hmm not convincing,.” Rosie said, “You could say that Lara left them there for him?”
“Lara sent her though, she’ll know she didn’t.”
“Hmm, you could say you brought them to him as he’d left them somewhere at Silverstone?”
“In what context would he have taken his shoes off at Silverstone?”
“I don’t know when he changed out of his uniform after the race?”
You made a face, “Maybe I will just not acknowledge it? It’s more suspicious if I make an elaborate story?”
Rosie studied your face carefully, “I’ve never seen you like this, it’s kind of unnerving. You always know what to do.”
“Not always,” you said, grimacing as you saw Lara and Sophie entering the hospitality area, Lara immediately locking eyes with you, a strange expression on her face.
“We’ll be busy today anyway, I’m sure it will be the last thing on her mind,” said Rosie reassuringly, turning around to stare back.
— — —
Luckily for you, Rosie was correct in her estimations and the rest of Friday kept you all on your toes. Between press junkets, a sponsor event and a few content shoots you had barely sat down all day. By the time Free Practice came around you were practically ready to go to bed but fortunately espressos were on hand to keep you going.
Settling down in the hospitality area you kept one eye on the big screen showing Free Practice whilst sifting through the rushes of the content videos your team had filmed. You’d convinced Lewis and George to film several Tiktok videos and you had to smile at the goofy things Louis and Ben had them doing. Louis had also asked Toto to participate but he hadn’t been able to due to a rush of media requests from local outlets. You were ashamed to admit but you had totally underestimated his popularity in his home nation, with requests for time with Toto double what they normally were.
“Hey Y/N.” said a voice, grabbing your attention. You looked up to see none other than Sophie making her way towards you with her laptop and a cup of coffee in hand.
“Hi,” you said smiling. You hadn’t had any one-on-one time with Sophie yet and wanted to discuss the morning’s events with her.
“How is everything? I hope you didn’t mind me coming to your motorhome this morning?” said Sophie, settling down opposite you, her tone suggesting that she knew you were off.
“I’m good, just busy. Not at all, I was surprised though, I was in bed!” you said.
“I know, I felt so bad. I wouldn’t have come in but Lara said you and Toto needed your dry cleaning for today so she gave me the spare keys and I came down. It was really weird, Toto’s car was in his space but he wasn’t in his motorhome. I left his uniform in there and then came to yours.”
Sophie was rambling, you narrowed your eyes, knowing that Lara had set you up. “Well in future, please don’t let Lara send you on her errands. She is Toto’s EA, so she should be the one dropping off his dry cleaning. And please know that I would never expect you to drop off my dry cleaning like that, I’m happy to collect it. I will have a word with her about this.”
“Oh no, please don’t.” Sophie looked panicked, “I didn’t see anything, don't worry!”
“What do you mean, you didn’t see anything?”
Looking like she was about to cry, Sophie said with a tremble, “I saw Toto’s shoes and iPad. He was there.”
Feeling incredibly awkward you chose your words carefully, choosing to lie once again, “Oh!” you exclaimed with a laugh, “He brought me some breakfast and dumped his stuff while he went for a run.”
Sophie looked confused, “Oh.”
“Sorry, I should have said when you said he wasn’t in his motorhome.” you smiled, hoping the young woman bought your alibi.
“I did think it was strange. When I came back Lara asked where he was and I said I thought he might be with you…”
“You told Lara that?” you asked, suddenly worried about what Sophie was going to say next.
“Well, she asked me if I saw Toto and I said no, that I saw his shoes and iPad in your motorhome.”
“And what did she say?”
Sophie trembled once again, “Um. Well, she said he was probably in your bed.”
“Lara seriously needs to stop with this. Sure, it was funny for a little bit but it could get Toto into trouble if people believe her. He’s not the type to do that, surely you know this by now? And me too, do you think I would really sleep with my boss?”
“No, not at all,” said Sophie, developing a sudden interest in the carpet, not bringing her gaze up to meet yours, “I did say that to her.”
Still fuming, you tried not to take out your rage on Sophie, “Thank you, Sophie, I appreciate that.”
Sophie looked up, shyly, “I still think she fancies him.”
You nodded in agreement, “It would appear so. Right, well now that you are here, could you please download the next set of rushes from Louis’ session with George?”
“Of course,” said Sophie, opening her laptop, keen as ever to assist you.
After a tense Friday night in the garage spent tweaking the cars, qualifying had been a huge success, with George taking P1 and Lewis just behind in P2. The atmosphere in the garage was palpable and with the cars already prepped for Sunday’s race, celebrations were well underway. Beers were flowing and music was pumping and you smiled as you took in the scene before your eyes. Most of the team had decamped for their hotel but anyone staying in a trackside motorhome was still there. George was already drunk, trying to convince Rosie to dance with him in the middle of the garage to no avail. Lewis was thanking everyone profusely and was now sitting down on the floor with one of the junior mechanics, playing with Roscoe, his ever-present pet bulldog, Louis and Ben trying to capture content for the team’s social media channels.
You smiled as Toto made his way across the garage towards you, having wrapped up his final debrief for the day. You hadn’t seen him much since Friday morning and he’d worked late on Friday night so you told him to get some rest instead of spending the night with you.
“That was good, well done,” you said, lightly tapping him on the arm, hoping it looked natural.
“Well, I did nothing. It’s a team effort,” he said diplomatically gesturing around the garage, “Have you finished for the day?”
“Shh, you know you are the glue that holds us together.” you joked, “Yes, pretty much. Louis and Ben are still here but everyone else has gone back to the hotel for drinks.”
“Do you want to go back?” Toto asked quietly, “I think we can go now?”
Glancing around to see Louis and Ben now enthusiastically dangling treats in front of Roscoe, you replied, “Sure, these guys don’t need me.”
Toto smiled at you, “Let’s go, I’ll get my bag from my office and we can walk back.”
As you made your way out of the garage and back towards the Mercedes hospitality motorhome you glanced up at Toto.
“I spoke to Sophie by the way.”
“Oh really?” he asked.
“Yep, she clocked your shoes and iPad. Which by the way we didn’t even realise you left on the table,” you said.
“And?” asked Toto expectantly.
“I told her we’d had a breakfast meeting and you’d left them there to go for a run.”
Toto grimaced, “She bought that?”
“I’m not sure.” you admitted, “But she said Lara sent her to yours as well.”
“Ah.” Toto said, a look of realisation dawning on his face, “All my laundry was hanging in my motorhome when I went in. I assumed she put it there before. Do I need to talk to Lara again?”
“Maybe.” you said, “She told Sophie you were probably in bed with me.”
“Scheiße,” Toto exclaimed. You cringed as you knew that whenever he swapped to his native language he was pissed. “She is so out of order.”
“I know,” you said as you reached the hospitality motorhome. “I’ll wait down here.”
“Sure.” Toto said, looking pissed off at the latest Lara revelation, “if she is upstairs I am telling her to pack her bags tonight.”
“Don’t do anything rash, she is your EA. Without her, you’d last about a day.”
Toto turned to you, livid, “Are you suggesting I am a child who needs help?”
Surprised that he was taking out his anger on you, you replied coolly, “No, not at all. Just that you have a ridiculous schedule that needs someone keeping an eye.”
“Fine.” said Toto flatly, obviously not happy with your insinuations, “I’ll be a minute.”
“Great,” you said, annoyed that he had taken your comments to heart. It was well known in the paddock that Toto had a temper but you very rarely were on the receiving end of it. There had been one incident last year when you’d forgotten to inform him that Netflix was going to follow him for the morning but even then he’d grumbled for half a day and then let it go.
You scrolled on your phone as you waited, pleased to see that Louis and Ben were asking for your thoughts on some lovely content of Lewis and George celebrating that they had managed to capture. Happy to approve it for posting, you gave them the green light and told them to have fun, knowing that the social team were always the last to be able to let loose.
It wasn’t long before you heard footsteps coming back down the stairs. Toto had returned with his bag.
“All good?” you asked, trying to forget the way he had just snapped at you.
“Yes thank you.” he replied starchily, “Shall we go?”
Putting your phone away you made your way back out into the now empty paddock, as usual struggling to keep up with Toto’s strides.
“I’m sorry Y/N,” he said, slowing and turning to you.
“Huh?” you asked.
“For getting angry about what you just said.”
“I hate it when people think I’m some rich guy who can’t function as a normal human being.”
Taken aback by his statement, you looked at him softly, “No one thinks that.”
“Trust me, they do,” he said, rather forlornly.
“Well, I don’t.”
“I know you don’t”
“Then why did you snap?”
Toto sighed, “I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?”
“You’ve known me long enough to know that sometimes I just lose it. I try not to.”
You smiled at him, checking no one was around before slipping your small hand around his and squeezing gently, “It’s good to vent. It’s healthy.”
“You’re sweet.” he said, squeezing your hand back, “Why you put up with me I don’t know.”
Laughing you shook your hand free and slid it behind him, cheekily grabbing his ass, “I have my reasons.”
“My ass?” Toto asked.
“Amongst other things,” you replied, theatrically looking him up and down.
“You’re crazy,” said Toto.
“Maybe.” you laughed, patting him once more on the ass.
“Come here,” said Toto fondly, stopping in his tracks, reaching out and lifting your face to his, kissing you passionately. “I’ve been wanting to do that all day.”
Running your hand through his thick, dark hair, you returned the kiss, this time deeper and more fervent.
“Well fuck me!” exclaimed a voice out of the darkness, followed by a wolf whistle “Woo Woo!”. A voice that sounded both familiar yet not one you immediately recognised.
Jumping apart you turned to see who had caught you, Toto’s sworn enemy, Red Bull Team Principal, Christian Horner.
“Hello Christian,” said Toto, his voice dripping with venom.
“Hello Toto, dipping your pen into company ink I see?” Christian strolled nearer to where you both stood. Leering at you he added, “I’m sorry I’ve seen you around but I don’t know your name.”
“Christian.” said Toto as he shifted in front of you protectively, “I don’t see what business this is of yours.”
“It’s none of my business.” said the shorter man confidently, “Just an observation.”
“Well, you can keep your observations to yourself.”
“Right.” said Christian, folding his arms and turning to address you once more, “I see how this is. If you want my advice, lovely lady, run.”
“What, away from you?” you piped up, making Toto chuckle.
“Ah I take it back, you’re well suited. I thought Toto was punching but your personalities seem matched.” Christian replied with a smirk.
“Christian,” said Toto, getting riled up once more.
“Well, I will leave you two lovebirds to it. I’ll keep an eye out for a bouncing motorhome, I’m sure you’ll be celebrating your team’s positions with some… positions of your own,” he replied, making an obscene gesture with his hands.
“Fuck off,” said Toto, his anger flaring.
“Good evening, nice to meet you too, lovely lady,” said Christian, hurrying past you both, shaking his head.
Turning to Toto you shook your head, “What is his problem?”
“Short man syndrome,” said Toto, “I’ll talk to him tomorrow. I don’t want him to make any remarks.”
“Thank you,” you said, making sure you were now walking a respectable distance apart from Toto.
It wasn’t long before you made it back to your motorhomes, now freezing thanks to the stiff wind that had picked up.
“Do you want to come to mine?” asked Toto, “You can have a bath to warm up.”
Your eyes lit up, “Oh my gosh, yes. But only if you join me.”
Toto laughed, “If we both fit.”
You woke up early the next morning having slept wonderfully. Your romantic bubble bath idea had turned out to be a complete disaster with Toto being too broad-shouldered to fit comfortably in the small tub. He’d sat behind you but managed to get you both wedged in the tub, much laughter ensuing as you tried to slip and slide your way out. Thankfully the bath did at least fit its original purpose of warming you up and by the time you’d escaped the sudsy prison, you were no longer shivering.
Having procured a box of condoms from one of the race engineers (Lord knows what he said to justify it), Toto had then taken his time to make up for Friday morning’s coitus interruptus and had gone to town several times, making you cum over and over again before you’d slipped into a deep sleep tucked up in his bed, nestled cosily up against his muscular chest as he spooned you from behind.
As the light of day crept in through the curtains you woke up feeling more relaxed than ever. “Mmm,” you sighed as you felt his hard cock pressing up against your back. Not sure when you would next get this opportunity as Toto was leaving for Monaco for the next two weeks you decided to make the most of it and pushed your ass up against his hips, hoping he’d get the memo.
“Good morning to you too,” said Toto, kissing you on the shoulder from behind.
“Last night was fun,” you said, continuing to grind into Toto.
“Indeed.” said Toto, “You drive me crazy you know.”
“Ditto,” you said, “I wish we could stay in bed all day.”
“Me too,” sighed Toto, “Next week we can.”
“Next week?”
“Well, since you are coming to Monaco next week for the Drive to Survive filming, would you like to stay with me?”
You stopped grinding your hips and whipped around to face Toto, “Stay with you? At your place?”
“Yes,” said Toto, suddenly looking nervous, “If you’d rather stay in the hotel it’s fine. It was just an idea I had. Sorry if it’s too forward.”
“Toto, you spent most of last night inside me. That’s definitely not too forward at this point,” you said laughing.
Blushing furiously, Toto asked, “So is that a yes?”
“Yes!” you said, leaning up to kiss his neck, “I’m intrigued to see your place. You’ve seen mine.”
Toto looked a little embarrassed, “I don’t spend so much time there, it’s pretty boring. Maybe you can help me make it nicer?”
“I doubt it, but I can return the favour and build you some shelves if that’s what you’re getting at? You can live out the sexy builder fantasy.”
“If you wear your denim shorts yes,” said Toto, kissing you just behind the ear.
“What denim shorts?” you asked, having no clue what he was on about.
“The denim shorts you wore in Brazil last year when we went out for team drinks.”
“Damn, you were down bad even then?” you laughed. “They’re just old Levis, nothing special.”
“Everyone was staring, your ass looked unreal. All I wanted to do was take you home with me.”
“Sometimes I think I know everything about you and then sometimes you surprise me. I didn’t know you were a fan of Daisy Dukes.”
“Y/N, every red-blooded man is a fan of Daisy Dukes. Especially when they’re on you,” he said in a low voice, grinding his cock up against your ass.
“Noted.” you said, “What else would you want me to wear?”
“Honestly, I love you most in jeans and a white vest. It’s hot.”
Silence filled the air, did Toto just say he loved you? You were floored. Maybe it was a Freudian slip.
“Well then, I know what I’ll be wearing next week,” you said, not sure what else to say to that. “Make sure you wear your navy button-down.”
“You like my navy shirt?”
“Duh.” you said with a smile, “Last year when you wore it in Mexico. I wanted to tear it off you all weekend.”
“You were checking me out in Mexico?”
“You were checking me out in Brazil.”
“I guess we’re even then. Why did we waste so much time?”
You sighed, “Because if anyone finds out about us, I will lose my job, likely never work in this industry again and everyone will think you’re a perv who sleeps with his employees.”
“I don’t know. I’m not going to do this job forever you know.”
Once more you wiggled around to face Toto, “What do you mean? You’re thinking of giving it up?”
Toto smiled wryly, “In some ways yes. I love it but there is more to life. I would like to do something else before I’m too old.”
“Is this where you’re going to tell me you want to move off the grid and live on an island as a coconut farmer?”
“How did you know?” he said, feigning surprise, “No, just something different. This circus gets repetitive year in, year out. I want a new challenge.”
“Interesting.” you said, “Well please give me some kind of warning when this happens, I’d miss having you around.”
“I’m glad to hear that.” Toto smiled, “But whatever I do, I’d quite like you to come with me.”
“Hm, you’ll have to speak to my agent,” you said with a wink, batting him on the chest.
“Always talking business, you’re ridiculous,” said Toto, drawing your leg up to wrap around his waist.
“I’ve learnt from the best,” you grinned, running your hand along his jawline.
It seemed as if Mercedes were well and truly back into the championship race as George crossed the chequered flag at P1 with Lewis close behind him at P2. It was an emotional day for the young British driver as it was only his second Grand Prix win and you couldn’t help but get misty-eyed as you saw him celebrating alongside Lewis on the podium. You stood in the pitlane alongside Rosie and Tom, clapping enthusiastically as the British national anthem rang out.
Smiling at Rosie, who was staring up at her boyfriend in admiration, you scoured the crowd for Toto. Always standing head and shoulders above the rest (for some reason everyone in Formula One was tiny), you spotted him up at the front alongside some of the race team, looking on like a proud Dad. Media requests had come flooding in thick and fast and your phone was already buzzing with various production crews asking when they might be able to grab a word with Toto, Lewis and George.
As the confetti fell, you made your way to the front to grab Toto for his Sky interview.
“Hey.” you said with a smile, grabbing his elbow, “Sky are calling.”
“No problem,” he said kindly.
Bidding farewell to the engineers, Toto happily followed you through the throng, through the garage and back into the paddock where the Sky team were waiting.
“That was a good one,” you said, smiling up at the tall Austrian.
“Maybe James Hunt was right,” he replied with a smirk.
“What do you mean?” you asked, looking at him quizzically.
“He had his slogan, Sex, breakfast of champions.” he chuckled, “Today was good on many counts.”
“Dear Lord.” you groaned, smacking him on the arm lightly,, “It’s not 1972 Toto.”
Opening his mouth to reply, Toto’s smile dropped as you approached the plinth where Sky would be hosting. Christian Horner was there, sat on a stool, chatting animatedly to the pundits.
“Great,” Toto muttered.
“It’s fine, you won today.” you said, “He won’t say anything with cameras around.”
“Toto.” exclaimed Christian, “And your lovely lady whose name I still don’t know.”
You raised an eyebrow at Christian’s choice of phrasing as the Sky producer miked Toto up whilst you took to your position just out of frame to record sound bites.
“Hello Christian.” said Toto impassively, stepping onto the plinth and towering above the diminutive Englishman, “Lovely to see you as always.”
“Well done for today, a brilliant drive from George,” said Christian, in a tone that suggested he was anything but pleased.
“Thank you.” said Toto flatly, “We’re getting closer with every race.”
Christian grinned, clearly ready to stir, a speciality of his, “Ah yes, it’s lovely to see that closeness within a team. You are very cosy with yours. Last night…”
“Yes, last night we celebrated in the garage,” Toto looked livid, turning towards the Sky pundits, “We had a good feeling for today and we turned out to be right.”
Johnny, one of the Sky presenters, looked slightly taken aback by Toto and Christian’s behaviour, having not allowed him to get a word in edgewise. “We love to hear that, and undoubtedly more celebrations tonight?”
Christian once again butted in, “Well I think Toto will be getting lucky,” gesturing towards where you stood off-camera.
Exchanging a look with his co-host, Johnny’s eyebrows shot up, clearly not wanting to upset Toto further. “Right, well we’ll have to see if Mercedes get lucky again in two weekends' time in France. Are you worried Christian?”
“No.” replied Christian, “Max is level-headed, he’ll keep at it. One mistake and we’ll widen the gap once again.”
“Lewis and George won’t make mistakes,” said Toto flatly, still looking furious.
“Those are fighting words Toto!” said Jenson, the other pundit, “I suppose we will have to wait and see. Now Christian’s team are furiously gesturing that he needs to go so we will say goodbye to him for now.”
“Thank you both, and a pleasure as always Toto. Have fun tonight,” said Christian, taking his microphone off and stepping off the stage. As the pundits picked back up quizzing Toto on the race, the Red Bull Team Principal made his way towards you.
“What was that?” you asked in a hushed tone, not wanting to capture your words on your sound recording.
“I’m just having fun, isn’t that what you two are doing?” he waggled his eyebrows, looking you up and down, his eyes lingering on your tight, white shirt, “Toto always has been a lucky bastard.”
You shook your head, turning off your recording, “Play nice, Christian.”
“See, now that’s not fair, you know my name and I don’t know yours.” he said, “I always see you around, bossing Toto around.”
“It’s Y/N,” you said through gritted teeth, trying your best to stay civil and remember that this was a professional working environment.
“Y/N, very exotic. Lovely to meet you.” he said, “Right well I had better head off. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Although I think you already have.” he said, glancing across at Toto, who despite being engrossed in conversation with the pundits was staring daggers at his rival. “I think I ruffled his feathers.”
“Goodbye Christian,” you said, hoping he’d leave you alone.
“Goodnight Y/N,” he said, winking at Toto as he finally made a move to leave.
Sighing, you stepped back towards the plinth where Toto was now wrapping his interview. Annoyed that Christian had not only upset Toto but also prevented you from doing your job, which was to record Toto’s interview for soundbites, you were not happy.
As Toto stepped down off of the plinth, handing his microphone back to Sky, he made his way back towards you.
“What was that?” he asked, his dark eyebrows knitted together in concern, “What did he say to you?”
“Nothing bad, don’t worry, just insinuating things,” you said, shrugging as you both started walking back along the paddock. The next port of call was Sky Italia, then Sky Germany and last but not least, Formula One TV.
“I can’t believe he said what he said on TV.” said Toto, “I could see Johnny and Jenson looking at each other.”
“Ignore him, he’s an idiot. I’m sorry but I didn’t get to record like I normally do. He kept talking so I stepped away and turned off the recording as I didn’t want to get him talking shit.”
“Don’t worry, you didn’t miss much,” said Toto, looking weary, “But the last thing we need is for him to start spreading rumours.”
“Indeed,” you said, annoyed that you had let Christian rile you up so much. The irony was that you always lectured Toto about letting him get under his skin and in around two minutes he’d done the same to you. You had to give it to him, the man had a real talent for being infuriating.
Approaching where Sky Italia were hosting interviews you tried to calm down. Trying to think rationally, you knew no one cared that much about Toto’s love life. As the saying went, today’s gossip is tomorrow’s chip paper, a saying that often brought you solace as someone who oversaw the team’s press.
Toto’s remaining interviews went quickly and fortunately more smoothly than the Sky UK one. It always astounded you when you heard him switch languages so effortlessly, going from English to Italian to his native tongue of German in a matter of minutes. You weren’t fluent in Italian or German but could understand enough to know that he spoke well.
Having handed his microphone back to the Formula One TV crew, Toto made his way back towards you.
“I’m glad those are done.” he said, “But I wish you were coming with me tonight.”
You glanced at him as you both started to make your way back towards the Mercedes hospitality area, mindful of keeping a respectable distance between you.
“It’s only a week,” you said, surprised that Toto was being so sentimental.
“I know, but I want to take you on a real date. Out for dinner, no more sneaking around,” he said.
“I’d love that,” you said, trying to keep your cool whilst internally exploding with happiness at the prospect.
— — —
Toto had left not long after he’d wrapped his media appearances, rushing to drive back to the local airport to take his jet back to Monaco. He’d taken George and Lewis along with him, leaving you and Rosie to entertain yourselves for the evening ahead of your morning flight back to Brackley.
Over a glass of wine in your motorhome, you’d filled Rosie in on Christian’s comments and she grimaced as you recalled his words from the Sky interview.
“He’s so out of line. Imagine if Toto started making comments about his private life.”
“I know!” you said. A knock on the door interrupting your gossip session, “Ooh I think it’s Bella!” you said excitedly. As you had your own motorhome you’d invited a few of your colleagues over for a lowkey celebration. Sure enough, the dark-haired engineer was at your door, clutching two bottles of prosecco.
“Well hello.” she said, stepping inside, “This is fancy Y/N!”
“It’s okay I guess.” you shrugged, “I’m sure the hotel is much nicer.”
“It’s okay but this is cool,” she said, glancing around. “I brought a few bottles of bubbles by the way.” She handed you the bottles she was holding.
“Amazing, you shouldn’t have, that’s lovely!” you said as you popped them in the fridge to chill. “I’ll leave those to chill for a while, in the meantime can I get you a wine?”
“I would love some wine,” she said, settling down on the sofa beside Rosie, chatting away.
It wasn’t long before the rest of your guests arrived, Tom, your Partnerships Manager, Olivia and Emily, George and Lewis’ Press Assistants, Sophie and as much as you disliked her, Lara. You didn’t want to invite her over but guilt prevailed as you knew you couldn’t ask Sophie and not her.
As usual, Tom was the life and soul of the group, an outspoken and flamboyant member of your team, he was always full of colourful stories of trying to navigate the paddock as one of the few gay men working in Formula One. He perpetually had a crush on some rival team’s mechanic or another and it was always unrequited. You laughed along at his latest tale of his romantic woes.
“So Y/N, any men in your life?” he asked, having grilled most of the group on their love lives.
Stealing yourself not to look at Rosie who was giggling away and Lara who had an evil look on her face, you answered somewhat unconvincingly, “No, not at the moment.”
“Hmm, I think there is someone.” said Tom, “You’re blushing!”
“Alright, yes there is someone. But it’s new and I don’t want to jinx things.”
“Ooh, does he work for one of the rival teams?” asked Tom, always relentless in the pursuit of gossip.
“Not exactly.”
“Oh my God, an FIA guy!” said Tom, “Toto will lose his shit.”
You laughed, “No, but I’m not saying.”
At that Lara decided to pipe in, “You’re not far off Tom. Think a little closer to home.”
Shooting daggers at Lara, you retorted, “Lara…”
“Ooh, do you know who it is?” Tom asked Lara expectantly.
“No.” said Lara, knowing it wasn’t worth her job to spread gossip about her boss, “I’m just messing.”
“You had me there!” said Tom.
“You know I think Toto has a new girlfriend,” chimed in Olivia. “I heard him talking to Lewis earlier.”
“Interesting,” said Tom, “Do we know who she is? Lara, you must know?”
Lara looked at you pointedly, “No, but I’m sure she’s some floozy, nothing serious.”
Annoyed on your behalf, Rosie jumped in, “That’s funny, he told me this one might be the one.”
Everyone snapped their necks around to look at Rosie curiously, Lara leading the questioning, “And why would Toto tell you that?”
‘We have our talks.” she said coyly, “He’s not so scary you know.”
“Well it helps when you’re fucking his protegée!” exclaimed Tom, taking a gulp of his prosecco.
“Tom!” you said warningly.
“We were all thinking it,” he said quietly.
Rosie smiled, “I don’t care, Tom’s right. Before I dated George I don’t know if he even knew my name. But honestly, he’s actually quite lovely when you get to know him.”
“Oooh,” said Tom, “Are you going two for two in the garage? Who’s next Lewis?”
The group laughed as they knew Rosie was not like that. Even the fact that she was dating George had come as a surprise to most.
“Joking aside, I’m glad the old man is finally getting some. Hopefully, he’ll be less grumpy in debriefs.” Tom said before speculating, “Oh my God I bet he got some this morning, he was in a good mood, I saw him whistling whilst making coffee.”
“Tom, do you not think he might have been in a good mood because we finally got good results?” you suggested.
“True.” said Tom, now turning his attention to Bella, “So how’s married life?”
Breathing a sigh of relief as the heat was off you and Toto, you exchanged a glance with Rosie. Hiding a few nights of passion was one thing but hiding a full-blown relationship was going to be another.
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