#and they dont care
"I don't need you to talk me down. I've already made up my mind. And I am. Sick of it." Is something that Icarus said today during lore, at the end. They were inside their house, glaring at quixis and their insistence to just keep *helping.* Icarus is sick of all of this, the fighting, quixis, *everything.* and they've made up their mind - they're not going to try any more. (but how many times have they said that already? How many times have they said they're not going to try only to try try try again? How many times are they going to try after this, because some part of them doesn't care who tells it, they just want to be *good* and loved so desperately. How many more times are they going to say they're done and they've made up their mind only to change and not stick to their word?) But, it's the first part of that sentence that I think is interesting. "I don't need you to talk me down." They don't phrase it like they're in too deep and quixis is trying to talk them out of it, they don't phrase it like they're hurting and hurting and hurting and quixis is trying to help - no. No Icarus phrases this like they're on the edge of a cliff about to step off and fall and quixis is trying to tell them to step back and see the bigger, whole picture of what would happen if they did. They don't phrase it like they're in too deep, Icarus phrases it like they're about to fall, and fall so so far. And quixis is trying to tell them to step back, tell them to see the bigger picture, to tell or call someone for *help.* Sure, Icarus is in too deep, but at the same time they manage to stand atop something too tall and too high, about to fall the furthest they have in a long long time.
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sleepless-crows · 3 months
i personally carry all the anxiety in my family
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it2017 · 7 months
my thing is that if my siblings like something i will stubbornly refuse to like it. my brother made me watch dungeon meshi and im refusing to reblog anything about it even tho it's like half my dash rn. because . i don't want him to have the satisfaction
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Maybourne's Stunt
a mini fic by mushroom
unintentionally, but this is the fic that tells you Nymph's planet designation!
Jack groaned when he walked into general Hammond's office to see colonel Harry Maybourne standing there.
"always happy to see you, Maybourne." Jack greeted sarcastically, voice dripping with disdain.
Maybourne thrust a piece of paper towards Jack, which he snatched away and glanced over.
"a transfer order? for what?"
Hammond looked furious, which wasn't a good sign. Maybourne stood up straighter, an air of self-importance wafting off of him like a tangible stench.
"I'm to take that alien you found on P3X-483 to the Groom Lake Facility immediately."
Jack blinked. "P3X...?"
Hammond sighed, and shook his head like he didn't want to clarify. "His orders are for Nymph."
That made Jack angry.
"Maybourne, there is no way in hell I'm letting you take away my kid to experiment on her!"
"She's not your kid, colonel!" Maybourne retorted.
at this point, Jack was seconds away from beating him senseless. "I have perfectly forged paperwork saying she is!"
"gentlemen, let's take a second before we do anything we might regret." Hammond gave a look to both of them, trying to get them under control. Jack paced around the room.
"trust me, general, I'm not going to regret anything I'd do to that man."
Maybourne scoffed, but a glare from Jack made him realise that he wasn't joking.
"call the president, tell him it must be a mistake!" Jack slammed his hands on the general's desk, getting more angry the more he thought of what would happen to Nymph if Maybourne were allowed to take her. no, she was definitely better off in Cheyenne mountain with him and his team. they were her family, and he wasn't going to let anything happen to her.
as Hammond picked up the red phone, Jack stormed out to inform Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c about the crap that the disgrace of a colonel was trying to pull.
~ • ~ • ~
"sir, he can't be allowed to take her! it's not right!"
Sam was almost near tears. Daniel wrinkled his nose like he had smelled something foul, and Teal'c looked ready to kill the man.
"I know, Carter, I'm not gonna let him take her. she's our kid, she belongs with us." Jack was scowling, and pacing around Sam's lab.
"if general Hammond can't reach the president - which he hasn't been able to do in a while - how are we going to stop Maybourne?" Daniel asked.
"I don't know, Daniel, but we'll think of something! we always think of something!"
Sam flinched a little at Jack's sudden raise in volume, which made him lower his arms back to his sides and take a breath.
"I don't know how we're going to get her out of this, sir. when Teal’c was infected with those bugs, he ran away; and the Tollan went to the Nox. we need to keep her with us, and the only way to do that is to somehow get those orders rescinded. if the general can't reach the president, or worse can't get him to agree to let her stay, I don't know what else we can do." Sam went to wipe away a tear, and at that moment Nymph walked into the lab, holding her stuffed toy.
"what's going on?" Nymph asked, looking worried. she glanced back and forth at all their faces, growing more concerned as she looked.
"come here, baby," Sam sniffled, holding her arms out in a beckoning manner. Nymph floated over and crawled into Sam's lap, looking up at her tear-stained eyes.
Sam took a deep breath. "a man is trying to take you away, because his team wants to study you. we see you as the wonderful little girl you are, but he and his team will only see you as something that came through the stargate."
"but uncle Teal'c came through the stargate, too!" Nymph exclaimed, pointing at Teal'c.
"yeah, and this man tried to take uncle Teal'c away, too, but we stopped him. and we're going to try our best and stop him from taking you away."
"I will not allow harm to come to you, Nymph," Teal'c said reassuringly. Nymph just held on tighter to Sam. Hammond's voice over the intercom summoned SG-1 to the command room, and Sam simply stood up and carried Nymph with her.
Maybourne was waiting impatiently in stargate command, next to Hammond and in full witness of several SGC personnel when the team walked in.
"finally. I have my orders, colonel. I have to take her with me." Maybourne looked almost proud of himself, which made Jack feel sick.
Nymph read Maybourne, and his motives and morality made her heart sink. as she hid behind Sam, she burst into tears. her wails echoed in the cramped space, and everyone promptly turned to look at Maybourne with the fury of a thousand suns. five separate SFs rolled up their sleeves and stepped forward threateningly. Teal'c simply took one step to close the space between him and Maybourne, his towering physique and freezing glare being all the threat he needed. Jack looked ready to charge. Sam and Daniel were trying their best to calm the cries, but very little information of what could happen, their reassurances fell short.
Hammond was heavily considering letting this wall of protective, angry military men descend on Maybourne, but at the very last minute barked out an order to stand down.
"now listen closely, colonel Maybourne, because I wouldn't lose any sleep over letting them tear you to pieces." Hammond growled, his voice low and furious. "I simply have no desire to file all that paperwork. now take your transfer order, shove it in the garbage, and get the hell out of my base! if you try a stunt like this again, I'll have you thrown out."
Jack turned to walk away, but before anyone could stop him he promptly decked Maybourne in the face.
"no regrets," he said, shaking the hand that punched Maybourne, who ran out of the room with a glare and a really bad bruise.
"you know I'm going to have to court martial you for this, right?" Hammond sighed, a secret gleam of pride in his eye. an SF raised his hand and spoke up.
"court martial him for what, sir? I didn't see anything."
"I didn't see anything, either," a technician added.
"I don't think you'll find anything of note on the security feed, either, sir," Walter Harriman piped up. "unfortunately, the footage of the last two minutes seems to be corrupted beyond repair."
Jack shrugged, and Hammond shook his head with a smile.
"you're a little too lucky, colonel."
"I'm sure I have no idea what you mean, sir." Jack smiled.
"so I don't have to go away?" Nymph asked, worried.
Sam grinned, and picked her up. "nope, you're stuck here with us!"
Nymph smiled wide enough to show her pointed teeth, and her heterochromatic eyes sparkled with glee as she hugged Sam tighter.
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undercoverangell · 2 years
dinner w the parents went horribly and i got told i ruined it bc i had the audacity to cry when yelled at. lawl.
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alivingtypo · 4 months
you can pry starting sentences with 'and' or 'but' out of my cold, dead hands
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amygdalae · 1 year
we're having sex and you pull out at the end to discover your cock is entirely gone, dissolved (ive digested it like a pitcher plant). bye!
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kochei0 · 7 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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starridge · 1 month
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also deciding to make stuff that 12 year old me would have wanted to draw
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a-drama-addict · 24 days
not caring too much about a fandom’s favourite guy is the worst. you’ll think “oh i’ll look into the tag see if anything new and cool’s there” and it’s just that fucking guy again
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orpheusilver · 2 months
god. shinzo abe got his shit wrecked by a goddamn doohickey but the lethal gunshot wound capital of the world cant aim for shit. what the fuck is the second amendment even for
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lavendorii · 10 months
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fairycosmos · 9 months
i ❤️ doing nothing i ❤️ staring into the middle distance i ❤️ sitting and laying around i ❤️ not talking
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ruporas · 6 months
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dragon meat, you, and me
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thepixelatedcactus · 10 months
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flying the original character artist flag with pride
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naomistares · 8 months
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another tlt comic, ianthe's new arm.
(guys this took me 60 plus hours... please say something nice to me..)
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